Customer Insights Workshop No, you can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want And if you try sometime you find You get what you need Seth Redmore, VP Marketing and Product Management @sredmore, @lexalytics, http://www.lexalytics.com/blog

Customer Insights Workshop - Consumer Text Analytics Conference

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Lexalytics VP Seth Redmore talks about the nuts and bolts of text and sentiment analysis to spot and react to consumer feedback online. From the 2014 Terrapin Consumer Text Analytics Conference. Read more here: http://www.lexalytics.com/blog/2014/consumer-text-analytics-conference

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Customer Insights Workshop

No, you can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want

And if you try sometime you find You get what you need

Seth Redmore, VP Marketing and Product Management@sredmore, @lexalytics, http://www.lexalytics.com/blog

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• Common Extractions

• “Accuracy” is imprecise

• One low-level view of an NLP engine

• Starbucks example w/real data

• OK great – let’s get everyone on board

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Text Mining Key Extractions/Enhancements

• Core Engine processes text to tell you “who”, “where”, “when”, “what” and

“how” so that you can figure out “why” (and what you want to do about it).

• Key Features are: Entity Extraction, Facets, Themes, Text Categorization, and

Sentiment Analysis

• Core NLP is used for 2 different purposes:

Discovery (“tell me what’s in here!”) and

Tracking (“ok, now I want to follow the trends”)

Key Text Enhancements



Entity Extraction

Facets/Themes Text Categorization

Sentiment Analysis

Discovery Tracking

Who / Where / When

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“Accuracy” is imprecise.

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• Because sentiment is personal (e.g. over what dataset is sentiment “accurate”?)

• Because you may care more about precision, or you may care more about recall

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Sentiment Accuracy is Personal!

• “Wells Fargo lost $200M last month”

• “Kölnisch wasser smells like my grandmother.”

• “We’re switching to Direct TV.”

• “Microsoft is dropping their prices.”

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Precision, Recall, F1

• Precision:

“of the items you coded, what % are correct?”

• Recall is

“of all the possible items that match the code, what % did you retrieve?”

• F1 is the harmonic mean of precision and recall


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Different apps require different balance

• High precision -> Social media trending

Want to know that what you’re graphing has absolutely no crap

• High recall -> Customer support requests

Really don’t want to miss even a single pissed off customer, even at the cost of having to filter through lots of not-upset customers

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Sentiment F1 scores (and “accuracy”) bounded by IRA

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• MPQA Corpus

Wiebe, et al., 2005 “Annotating expressions of opinions and emotions in language. Language Resources and Evaluation, 39:165-210

Grad students, 40 hours of training, 16k sentences, ~80% IRA

• To ponder: If people max out at 80%, how can a machine be scored any better?

• Answer: it can’t.

A machine will do a “poor” job of scoring content that people can’t agree on.

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So, you want to maximize your own accuracy?

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• Get a clear goal on what you’re optimizing for


What is “sentiment” – does an opinion have to be expressed, or?

Bounds of neutral

• Score a set of content yourself

• Crowdsource

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Key Enhancements

• The NLP Engine recognizes the important subjects of the text while understanding the sentiment used with each subject.

• “How” is the conversation occurring? Is it positive or negative?

1. Entity Type Sentiment

Yahoo Company .534

Twitter Company .48

Facebook Company .534

U.S. Place .534

2. Theme Score Sentiment

Cloud computing technology

4.110 .6

E-mail service 2.672 .81

Top users requests 2.669 .62

3. Category Score Sentiment

Software and Internet .56 0.0

Social Media .60 .48

Technology .49 .49

Business .72 .49

Entities: “Who”, “Where”, “When”

Themes: “What” (Discovery)

Categories: “What” (Tracking)

Unstructured Data Sample

Yahoo wants to make its Web e-mail service a place you never want to— or more importantly—have to leave to get your social fix. The company on Wednesday is releasing an overhauled version of its Yahoo Mail Beta client that it says is twice as fast as the previous version, while managing to tack on new features like an integrated Twitter client, rich media previews and a more full-featured instant messaging client.

Yahoo says this speed boost should be especially noticeable to users outside the U.S. with latency issues, due mostly to the new version making use of the company's cloud computing technology. This means that if you're on a spotty connection, the app can adjust its behavior to keep pages from timing out, or becoming unresponsive.

Besides the speed and performance increase, which Yahoo says were the top users requests, the company has added a very robust Twitter client, which joins the existing social-sharing tools for Facebook and Yahoo.

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Salience ProcessingOverview


TextThe waiter was rude! Our food was cold.



Prepare Text

Parsed Text

The waiter _NNP was _VP rude _JP . Our food _NP was _VP cold _JP.






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Iterative Process

• Start with one set of rules

• Run Data

• Inspect Results

• Adjust parameters

• Lather, Rinse, Repeat

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Starbucks Content Example

• 160k Tweets

• 2 locations reviews from Yelp

• All completely public information, all available right now

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