@martin_loetzsch Dr. Martin Loetzsch Data Natives 2017 Reducing pain in data engineering

DN 2017 | Reducing pain in data engineering | Martin Loetzsch | Project A

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Dr. Martin Loetzsch Data Natives 2017

Reducing pain in data engineering


Data Engineering





Which technology?


Avoid click-tools

hard to debug

hard to change

hard to scale with team size/ data complexity / data volume

Data pipelines as code

SQL files, python & shell scripts

Structure & content of data warehouse are result of running code

Easy to debug & inspect

Develop locally, test on staging system, then deploy to production

Start with scripts unzip -p data.csv \ | python mapper_script.py \ | PGOPTIONS=--client-min-messages=warning psql --no-psqlrc \ --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on etl_db \ --command="COPY s.target_table FROM STDIN”

cat query.sql \ | PGOPTIONS=--client-min-messages=warning psql --no-psqlrc \ --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on etl_db


Make changing and testing things easy


Apply standard software engineering best practices

Target of computation CREATE TABLE m_dim_next.region ( region_id SMALLINT PRIMARY KEY, region_name TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, country_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, country_name TEXT NOT NULL, _region_name TEXT NOT NULL);

Do computation and store result in table WITH raw_region AS (SELECT DISTINCT country, region FROM m_data.ga_session ORDER BY country, region)INSERT INTO m_dim_next.region SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY country, region ) AS region_id,

CASE WHEN (SELECT count(DISTINCT country) FROM raw_region r2 WHERE r2.region = r1.region) > 1 THEN region || ' / ' || country ELSE region END AS region_name, dense_rank() OVER (ORDER BY country) AS country_id, country AS country_name, region AS _region_name FROM raw_region r1;

INSERT INTO m_dim_next.region VALUES (-1, 'Unknown', -1, 'Unknown', 'Unknown');

Speedup subsequent transformations SELECT util.add_index( 'm_dim_next', 'region', column_names := ARRAY ['_region_name', ‘country_name', 'region_id']);SELECT util.add_index( 'm_dim_next', 'region', column_names := ARRAY ['country_id', 'region_id']);ANALYZE m_dim_next.region;


SQL as data processing language


Tables as (intermediate) results of processing steps

Recommended: your own, Apache Airflow, Mara (Project A)

Transformations are transparent to stakeholders


Task orchestration


Invest in transparency, parallel execution


Consistency & correctness


It’s easy to make mistakes during ETL DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS s CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA s;

CREATE TABLE s.city ( city_id SMALLINT, city_name TEXT, country_name TEXT );

INSERT INTO s.city VALUES (1, 'Berlin', 'Germany'), (2, 'Budapest', 'Hungary');

CREATE TABLE s.customer ( customer_id BIGINT, city_fk SMALLINT );

INSERT INTO s.customer VALUES (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3);

Customers per country? SELECT country_name, count(*) AS number_of_customers FROM s.customer JOIN s.city ON customer.city_fk = s.city.city_id GROUP BY country_name;

Back up all assumptions about data by constraints ALTER TABLE s.city ADD PRIMARY KEY (city_id); ALTER TABLE s.city ADD UNIQUE (city_name); ALTER TABLE s.city ADD UNIQUE (city_name, country_name); ALTER TABLE s.customer ADD PRIMARY KEY (customer_id);

[23505] ERROR: could not create unique index "customer_pkey" Detail: Key (customer_id)=(1) is duplicated.

ALTER TABLE s.customer ADD FOREIGN KEY (city_fk) REFERENCES s.city (city_id); [23503] ERROR: insert or update on table "customer" violates foreign key constraint "customer_city_fk_fkey" Detail: Key (city_fk)=(3) is not present in table "city"


Referential consistency


Only very little overhead, will save your ass

10/18/2017 2017-10-18-dwh-schema-pav.svg

file:///Users/mloetzsch/Downloads/2017-10-18-dwh-schema-pav.svg 1/1




Never repeat “business logic” SELECT sum(total_price) AS revenue FROM os_data.order WHERE status IN ('pending', 'accepted', 'completed', 'proposal_for_change'); SELECT CASE WHEN (status <> 'started' AND payment_status = 'authorised' AND order_type <> 'backend') THEN o.order_id END AS processed_order_fk FROM os_data.order;

SELECT (last_status = 'pending') :: INTEGER AS is_unprocessed FROM os_data.order;

Refactor pipeline

Create separate task that computes everything we know about an order

Usually difficult in real life

Load → preprocess → transform → flatten-fact


Computational consistency


Requires discipline

load-product load-order load-customer

preprocess-product preprocess-order preprocess-customer

transform-product transform-order transform-customer

flatten-product-fact flatten-order-fact flatten-customer-fact

Check for “lost” rows SELECT util.assert_equal( 'The order items fact table should contain all order items', 'SELECT count(*) FROM os_dim.order_item', 'SELECT count(*) FROM os_dim.order_items_fact');

Check consistency across cubes / domains SELECT util.assert_almost_equal( 'The number of first orders should be the same in ' || 'orders and marketing touchpoints cube', 'SELECT count(net_order_id) FROM os_dim.order WHERE _net_order_rank = 1;',

'SELECT (SELECT sum(number_of_first_net_orders) FROM m_dim.acquisition_performance) / (SELECT count(*) FROM m_dim.performance_attribution_model)', 1.0 );

Check completeness of source data SELECT util.assert_not_found( 'Each adwords campaign must have the attribute "Channel"', 'SELECT DISTINCT campaign_name, account_name FROM aw_tmp.ad JOIN aw_dim.ad_performance ON ad_fk = ad_id WHERE attributes->>''Channel'' IS NULL AND impressions > 0 AND _date > now() - INTERVAL ''30 days''');

Check correctness of redistribution transformations SELECT util.assert_almost_equal_relative( 'The cost of non-converting touchpoints must match the' || 'redistributed customer acquisition and reactivation cost', 'SELECT sum(cost) FROM m_tmp.cost_of_non_converting_touchpoints;', 'SELECT (SELECT sum(cost_per_touchpoint * number_of_touchpoints) FROM m_tmp.redistributed_customer_acquisition_cost) + (SELECT sum(cost_per_touchpoint * number_of_touchpoints) FROM m_tmp.redistributed_customer_reactivation_cost);', 0.00001);


Data consistency


Makes changing things easy

Contribution margin 3a

SELECT order_item_id, ((((((COALESCE(item_net_price, 0)::REAL + COALESCE(net_shipping_revenue, 0)::REAL) - ((COALESCE(item_net_purchase_price, 0)::REAL + COALESCE(alcohol_tax, 0)::REAL) + COALESCE(import_tax, 0)::REAL)) - (COALESCE(net_fulfillment_costs, 0)::REAL + COALESCE(net_payment_costs, 0)::REAL)) - COALESCE(net_return_costs, 0)::REAL) - ((COALESCE(item_net_price, 0)::REAL + COALESCE(net_shipping_revenue, 0)::REAL) - ((((COALESCE(item_net_price, 0)::REAL + COALESCE(item_tax_amount, 0)::REAL) + COALESCE(gross_shipping_revenue, 0)::REAL) - COALESCE(voucher_gross_amount, 0)::REAL) * (1 - ((COALESCE(item_tax_amount, 0)::REAL + (COALESCE(gross_shipping_revenue, 0)::REAL - COALESCE(net_shipping_revenue, 0)::REAL)) / NULLIF(((COALESCE(item_net_price, 0)::REAL + COALESCE(item_tax_amount, 0)::REAL) + COALESCE(gross_shipping_revenue, 0)::REAL), 0)))))) - COALESCE(goodie_cost_per_item, 0)::REAL) :: DOUBLE PRECISION AS "Contribution margin 3a" FROM dim.sales_fact;

Use schemas between reporting and database



your own

Or: Pre-compute metrics in database


Semantic consistency


Changing the meaning of metrics across all dashboards needs to be easy

Focus on the complexity of data rather than the complexity of technology




We are open sourcing our BI infrastructure


ETL part released end of 2017



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Also analysts, BI managers

Thank you
