Integrating Web Analytics, CRM, and VoC 19 th September 2014 13:30 – 16:30 Sean Burton

MeasureCamp V London training: Data integration - Web Analytics, CRM, and Voice of Customer

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It’s all just data, but by combining and integrating different data sources we can transform them and make them greater than their sum.

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Integrating Web Analytics, CRM, and VoC

19th September 2014 13:30 – 16:30

Sean Burton

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• A bit about me…

• Who’s in the room…

• Some background…

• Getting started…

• Exercise!

• Bringing it all together…

• Next steps…

• The wrap up.

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

Page 3: MeasureCamp V London training: Data integration - Web Analytics, CRM, and Voice of Customer


Sean Burton – [email protected] | @sean_d_burton | analyt.co.uk

I'm passionate about improving customer experience and business value by using a blend of data,

technology and psychology. 

About me:

• Formerly the Director of Measurement at Seren Design Ltd.

• A 15 year career covering: eLearning, Content Management Systems, Interaction Design, Product

Management, Web Analytics, and Data Visualisation.

• Extensive experience with FTSE 100 companies across financial, telecommunication, gaming, and

retail sectors.0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Who’s in the room…

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

Page 5: MeasureCamp V London training: Data integration - Web Analytics, CRM, and Voice of Customer

Some of the upfront questions

• How do you get VoC data into Google Analytics?

• How to you join data from different sources? What happens if the data sources aren’t linked?

• What happens when your customer journeys cover & cross multiple domains?

• How do you can you improve marketing performance/customer journeys using data?

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Some background…

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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…the web is littered with abandoned baskets

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‘Headline’ Conversion Rate – offline benchmarks

Source: RCT Analytics Ltd


0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Interesting finding…

“By improving user experience, a typical business can improve sales by 64%.”

Hewson Group, 2003

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

Page 10: MeasureCamp V London training: Data integration - Web Analytics, CRM, and Voice of Customer

The Key Business Processes

VisitAware Browse Engage Transact RepeatConsider

Acquisition Marketing

Site and Content Development

Retention Marketing

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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The challenge…



Survey Data

Email data

Ad-serving data


Customer data

Web analytics

PPC data

Panel data

ISP data

Analyst data

GRP data

Offline sales data

Promotion data

Performance data

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Everything should be made as simple as possible but

not simpler. “

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Good KPIs are “Übermetrics”…

Good KPI

Strategic measures of


ActionableEasy to


Based onvalid data

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

Page 15: MeasureCamp V London training: Data integration - Web Analytics, CRM, and Voice of Customer

Key questions

customer journey profile

What do they buy?

Who visits and buys from the


How are they using the site?

Why do they visit the site?

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

Page 16: MeasureCamp V London training: Data integration - Web Analytics, CRM, and Voice of Customer

Core data relating to CX

• Web Analytics – the what• Detailed traffic measurement tool showing volume of traffic across your digital


• Customer Relationship Management (CRM) – the who• A database with details of who your customers are, what they have bought,

and their communication preferences.

• Voice of Customer (VoC) / Surveys – the why• Responses to online or market research questionnaires. Typically run by

external agencies and hosted via an external tool.

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Survey approach

site experience

visit intention

outcome versus intention

entry survey exit survey

expectations delivery against expectation

visit profile

visitor profile

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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What people say vs what they actually do...

Over a third of people say that they intend to buy something

Conversion rates are in the normal range

People say that they are going to visit 2.5 categories on average

On average they visit 1

Say Do

Nearly half of people say that they are likely or very likely to use the search function

Less than 20% of visits have a search in them

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Customer Experience

• Do you know who your customers are?

• Do you listen to them?

• Do you know what they think of you?

• Are changes to your web site driven by people within the business rather than by the people that actually pay them – the customer?

Ultimately, it’s best to try and avoid…

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Most people don’t like bad experiences

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Acquisition & Conversion


0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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“I got there in the end but it was a struggle. Probably best try


…not what I expected

I’ll try another site

This is a nightmare!

Grrr, where’s the phone?

What a load of b*ll**ks!!

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Optimising Processes – survey first

• Ask about reasons for visiting, i.e. task intent.

• Trigger survey at the end of key processes, e.g. purchase or registration.

• Capture trigger URLs and web analytics visitor cookie values.

• Segment survey data based on visitors failing to complete their task and then review their comments

• Use web analytics data to confirm traffic volumes for trigger URLs – this will allow you to scale the issue

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

Page 24: MeasureCamp V London training: Data integration - Web Analytics, CRM, and Voice of Customer

Optimising Processes – analytics first

• Use web analytic data to find process steps with significant drop-out

• Segment out visitors that start process, but fail to complete.

• Cross-reference visitor IDs with survey data to see if any visitors had left feedback

• Use feedback to help isolate the problem

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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The Peak End Rule

• Proposed by Barbara Fredrickson and Daniel Kahneman

• Theory states that people remember the most intensely felt moments of an experience and the feelings at end

• Understanding how your customers are feeling at the end of a process is very powerful

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Peak End Rule





0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Getting started…

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Getting started

• Basic• Simply show VoC alongside web analytic reports and

basic demographics from CRM

• The mid-point (correlate)• Overlay key VoC metrics, e.g. recommendation, with

key web analytics data, e.g. orders

• The goal (associate)• Fully integrated customer feedback covering a range

of data sources0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Integrating CRM & Analytics

• Many Analytics providers can now do this ‘out of the box’, e.g. Adobe’s (Omniture) Genesis platform

• Common approaches are to:• Capture a user ID when a user logs into the site based on their CRM record,

which can then be used to link their clickstream data with their CRM record

• Selectively write out details of the user’s CRM record to the web site, allowing these data to be captured in the web analytics tool as custom fields, e.g. Gender, Age, job role, etc.

• Make sure you’re completely transparent with your users as to how you store and use their personal data – do not breach their trust!

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Integrating VoC & Analytics

• Many VoC providers now offer Google Analytics integration ‘out of the box’ and some support other vendors as well

• I’ve personally worked with eDigitalResearch, OpinionLabs, SurveyMonkey, SurveyGizmo, and Cvent

• Many of the above, simply require you to give them your tracking details and they can then pass back survey response data into your web analytics.

• Alternatively, you can pass a user ID over to the survey, and so long as the survey provider allows you to export raw response level data you can then integrate with your web analytics at a later point.

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Example Survey capture

Web site feedbackWe’d love to here your thoughts on how we can

improve our site

Yes | No

Site Survey

1. Which of the following best describes your reasons for visiting the site today:

• [Drop-down of key tasks]

2. Where you able to complete this?• [Drop-down: Yes, Partially, No]

3. How easy did you find it?• [Single select on scale 0-10]

4. Would you recommend this site to your family and friends?

• [Single select on scale 0-10]

5. Any other comments?• [Text box]

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Example data capture – Google Analytics<script>

var _gaq = _gaq || [];

  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X']);

_gaq.push(['_setDomainName', 'analyt.co.uk']);

_gaq.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]);

_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar',1, ’Task Intent', ’Buy fireplace', 2]);

_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar',2, 'Task Completion', ’yes', 2]);

_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar',3, 'Recommendation', 9, 2]);

_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar',4, 'Easy Score', 7, 2]);

_gaq.push(['_setCustomVar',5, ’Comments', ’great site', 1]);


  (function() {

    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;

    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js';

    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);



Initial Google Analytics variables

• setAccount = defined the profile to send the data to• setDomainName = sets the scope of the cookie• setAllowLinker = allows GA to work across multiple


Sets Google Analytics custom variables

• Using all 5 ‘free’ custom variables (Premium has 50)• Task Intent, Completion, Recommendation, and

Easy Score all set to whole visit

• Other possible items of interest: Gender, page ratings, etc.

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

Page 34: MeasureCamp V London training: Data integration - Web Analytics, CRM, and Voice of Customer

Exercise (30 mins)

• In groups of 4… (10 mins)

• Choose a site you all know• What does ‘good’ look like for them?• What might they want to measure?• What would an ideal blend of CRM + VoC + Analytics?• How would you present it back to the business? To an executive audience/

You’ll then present back to the group for discussion (20 mins)

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Bring it all together…

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Bring it all together

• Use your web analytics tool as a hub for much of your analysis

• You CRM tool can act as the hub for acting on the data, for example pushing updated email lists to your email provider

• Create a measurement framework about what ‘good’ looks like for your site. Capture these events as success goals and associate these successes with the users CRM record. Equally, make sure that you capture pain points so you can proactively resolve them.

• Publish key demographic details from your CRM or VoC responses back to your site so that these can be tracked in your analytics. Ideally, do this via a non-PII ID stored in a cookie, to allow multi-visit analysis.

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Customer data integration

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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The Benefits

Increase Revenues

More transactions

Greater transaction values

Higher advertising revenues

Stronger brand equity

Decrease Costs

Less support costs

Higher customer retention

Greater channel efficiency

Lower development costs

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Scenario 1 Scenario 2

% increase




% increase











Visits 25m

Conversion Rate 2.5%

Order Value £54.00

Revenue £33.75m


0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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A few examples…

• Telco client• Improved customer service channel by integrating VoC & Web Analytics into


• Gaming client• Used VoC & Web Analytics to highlight key pain during launch of a new betting


• Banking client• Used VoC tracker to highlight key drivers of satisfaction across wide range of

product categories

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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Case Study…

For every hour Apple spent calling their Detractors they generated $1,000 in additional revenue


0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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The next step…RFML Analysis

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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RFML Analysis

RecencyThe elapsed time since the last purchase made by a customer

Metric: Days since last visit

FrequencyThe average time between purchases for a customer

Metric: Average no. of days between purchase

MonetaryThe total value of purchases made by a customerMetric: Total order value or Average order value

LatencyThe time between two events, such as first visit and purchase

Metric: Days between first visit and purchase

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

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RFML – Visitor Scoring Recency Score:

0: Visitor that have not visited the site within six months 1: Visitors that have visited the site within the last six months 2: Visitors that have visited within the last month

3: Visitors that have visited within the last week Frequency Score:

0: Visitors that visit the site less than once every six months 1: Visitors that visit the site more than once every six months 2: Visitors that visit the site more than once a month 3: Visitors that visit the site more than once a week

Monetary Score: 0: Visitors that have never purchased 1: Visitors that have purchased at least £100 2: Visitors that have purchased at least £500 3: Visitors that have purchased at least £1000

Latency Score: 0: Visitors that have never purchased 1: Visitors that purchased within six months of their first visit 2: Visitors that purchased within one month of their first visit 3: Visitors that purchased within one week of their first visit

0191 704 2045 | analyt.co.uk | [email protected] | @analytdata

Visitor Bandings (sum of scores):

0-1: Time wasters 1-5: Casual glances 5-9: Engaged Users 9-12: Stars

Time wasters59%

Casual Glancers23%

Engaged Users10%


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Case Study…

Group ARecency: Visited within last week

Frequency: Visits 6 or more times a monthMonetary: Average order value of £15

Latency: Less than a week

Group BRecency: Within the last 6 months

Frequency: Less than once a monthMonetary: Average order value of £350

Latency: More than 6 months

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Experiences spread quickly nowadays

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Customer Experience Ripple Effect

5 Advocacy

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Integrated customer feedback

Automated technical issues email sent to operational teams

Customers with low CSAT scores contacted by

Customer Services

Customer invited to community

Measure Act Advocate

Customer encouraged to use

Social Media

Web Analytics and/or channel data

Operational Monitoring

Customer Experience Tracker

Measure CSAT + Operational PerformanceAnalyse data to establish scale of impact and scope of recommended actions

Contact Customer to explain and/or resolve issue

Encourage customers to join community

Monthly CX Dashboard

Quarterly Workshop

Free Text Mining/ Verbatim Analysis

Daily/Weekly Rapid Reporting

UX Review / lab research / EEG

Operational teams fix issues based on


Statistical analysis & modelling

Segmentation & Process


Training & customised reports to improve use of


Operational teams investigate technical


Data sources Techniques Outputs / Deliverables Operational activities Advocacy

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The wrap up.

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The wrap up

Accept your baby may be ugly!

Be prepared to ‘watch’ and ‘listen’

Ensure ongoing measurement

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The wrap up (cont)

Create remarkable moments

Act quickly and respond to change

Act quickly and respond to change



Fix & Act


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A few helpful links…

• Passing Web Analytics Data to CRM (Adam Greco)

• Blog: http://adam.webanalyticsdemystified.com/2010/05/10/crm-integration-passing-web-analytics-data-to-crm/

• YouTube: http://online-behavior.com/emetrics/integrating-web-analytics-and-crm-739

• Great blog detailing how to tie Google Analytics and SalesForce together• http://www.e-nor.com/blog/google-analytics/integrate-salesforce-and-google-analytics

• A great blog by the wonderful Avinash with tips on choosing a survey providers• http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/eight-tips-for-choosing-a-online-survey-provider/

• And of course vendor support pages, for example Google Analytics:• https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/gaTrackingSite

• Data Import(Dimension widening) in Google Analytics• https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3191589

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