Props Apartment Setting Props, and Andrew’s Props

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Apartment Setting Props, and Andrew’s Props

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Apartment Props

Cardboard boxes will be a useful prop to show that the character, Andrew, has only just moved in. There should not be too many of these, but it should still look like he is organising his life.

Responsibility: Jack

Some good luck cards dotted around the set of the apartment could show Andrew’s desire for a fresh start, along with support from other people.

Other props that might be able to help establish Andrew’s anxiety would be very good also, since his anxiety needs to be quickly developed in the opening sequence to make it more successful.

Page 3: Planning - Props

Character Props

A mobile phone could be used to build a quick conversation in the opening sequence, possibly relating to his anxiety. However, even without being used as a device to develop the narrative in the opening sequence, it would still be a good prop to have for the character, simply for more realism for the setting. It could also relate to the target audience, since technology is associated with younger people and with our younger target audience, it could help the audience relate to the character more.

Responsibility: Jack/Connor, both have access to phones.

A smarter bag of some sort could also be useful for the character in the opening montage, where we shall quickly establish and describe the character. This could be used in the job situation, since he takes some pride in his appearance at this point, but it should not be too smart, or this could make him seem too confident. It could also contrast from the costume and take away realism.