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This IRN BRU advert will be aimed at a late teens- 30’s audience. The advert uses language and references to things which a younger audience may not understand. The reason I believe that this advert will not be aimed at a slightly older audience is that they might not find this type of joke humorous and may see it as being tacky and something they are not interested in. The design including the image, font and choice of colours I also think doesn’t appeal to a younger audience. The orange may be bright but the writing will not attract a child audience as it doesn’t stand out. The font is thin and looks untidy and hand written. I think if this advert was to appeal to a younger audience the font would have to be bigger, bolder and use a brighter colour in order to attract their eye. The image of the chick is in black and white. Children will be more attracted to images that a bigger and brighter and show things that they can relate to. The black and white images shows me that this advert isn’t really about they way it looks but the point it is trying to get across. The design of this advert is very different to adverts that I have looked at in the past. There is not much technical and aesthetic qualities and generally looks like an image stuck next to the text. However, I think this design works well when trying to sell IRN BRU. The advert uses a joke (like a most of IRN BRU’s adverts do) and once this is read, your attention is taken way from the bad design of the advert. The bright orange stands out and I think the orange also makes the plain, black and white image stand out also.

The advert overall is very basic. It uses a simple image, simple colours, a simple font and it’s all put together in a simple way. The advert doesn’t use a big, dramatic logo but uses a small image of a can of IRN-BRU. This would tell the audience that they are not in your face and have a very laidback approach to their advertising. The advert tells me that they don’t need any fancy advert to sell their product as IRN BRU and their audience already know that it’s good.

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This advert is simple, just like the chick one. It uses just a few simple images and the same colour schemes. Rather than use a joke on this advert they have used IRN BRU’s slogan ‘feel phenomenal’. The use of the slogan and the images make the audience think that drinking IRN BRU and the taste of IRN BRU is so good you will be instantly happier. Instead of using a joke, the joke is in the image and IRN BRU have chosen stereotypical looking goths to advertise the drink. As the goths look happy (something which isn’t stereotypical) this makes the audience think that it can perform miracles and make even the unhappiest of people feel good. This and the use of a blue sky make the audience feel as though everyday is a nice day when they have a bottle of IRN BRU. The use of the blue sky in the image and the orange border help keep the advert in the normal IRN BRU colours scheme. This makes the advert recognisable. This advert will be aimed at teenagers and adults rather than children. Teenagers and their parents will be able to relate to this and may have come across goths before. They will be able to relate to the joke much better than what children will as they may not recognise the typical stereotypes of a goth. The advert also makes the audience think they will have more fun when drinking IRN BRU, this is also something children may not be able to relate to as they will not need a stimulant.

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This advert has taken a well known cartoon and adapted it to fit what you would normally see in an IRN-BRU advert. They have kept the Scottish elements of previous adverts by changing the boy characters hair colour to ginger- something normally related to Scotland. They have also changed the drawings slightly and made both characters look more modern by changing the boys dressing gown to a hooded jumper and the snowman’s floppy hat to a beanie hat. This tells me that this advert is aimed at a younger audience, but also a slightly older audience who will recognize the cartoon from when they were young. The advert also sticks with the Scottish elements by making the characters pass by recognisable Scottish landmarks and the Loch Ness Monster. The advert does keep the original graphics and tone of the song. This will make the advert recognisable to any generation and makes the advert seem like a ‘what really happened’ video. This also makes the advert seem very low key and like the other two adverts, like they don’t need a fancy advert to sell you IRN-BRU, it’s that good. This style of advert also makes the company seem very confident within it’s customers. The advert also sticks with the typical humorous attitude that most of IRN-BRU’s other adverts have. They have changed the lyrics to the song which has been taken from the original and also changed the ending where it shows the snowman drop the little boy into the snow. This will be to make IRN-BRU seem irresistible, worth fighting over and like something you don’t want to share.

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The IRN-BRU 32 advert is also very low cost and simple. However, in this advert, rather than have a simple design of a picture next to some text, it shows a man dressed up in a bird costume. Not only is this different but also simple, it sticks with the humorous adverts that each IRN-BRU advert has. The television advert that was also created shows a teenager in the library, probably doing some school or college work. This and the sarcastic and aggressive attitude of the man in the bird costume tells me that this advert is aimed at a teenage-young adult audience. The tone of the advert is something that adults and children may not be able to relate to, they possibly won’t understand joke either. The advert here shows ‘wakey wakey’ written in a large, italic font and looks as though it has some urgency about it. This shows what the energy in IRN-BRU 32 does and makes everything seem more alert. The bird is shown pushing the can in your face as if to say ‘you need this’, this and the stern look on the mans face makes it seem as though he isn’t lying about what the product can do and that he seriously wants you to buy this drink. The man is dressed up as a bird to represent a cuckoo clock- something that alerts you and wakes you up. The bird is used to show that this is what happens when you drink IRN-BRU 32.

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The can takes a more simple design compared to the original IRN-BRU can. There is no real design, such as a silver man (known as the iron man) and it only uses one colour. This will tell the audience that this isn’t ordinary IRN-BRU. On this can the IRN-BRU logo is a lot smaller and is in a different colour. On this can it is silver with a black stroke whereas on the original can it is white. This will tell the customers that not only is this not an ordinary can of Irn-Bru but it’s also new and special. The smaller logo makes the 32 stand out a lot more making the 32 seem like the most important piece of information and in your face. The 32 is there to make sure the audience know that this is something different and that you have to try it. The new font on the 32 makes the drink seem more exciting than if they had just put it in the original font. The new font makes the drink stand out and makes it look as though it can do powerful things. ‘New bigger can’ is on a slant and this tells the audience that it is still a Barr product as slanted words is something that you will see regularly on a can of Barr product.This product I think will be more aimed at younger audience. Someone who often drinks IRN-BRU and and energy drinks. The colours are bright and recognisable which will catch the eye of the audience and energy drinks is something that not many adults or children are not likely to buy.

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This advert uses an image of large mountain to sell it’s drink, Red Bull. The mountain will be used to show the audience just what they can achieve if they drink redbull as well as tell them they can achieve anything, even climbing a mountain or flying. ‘Redbull gives you wings’ is the product’s slogan. This tells the audience that anything can happen when drinking redbull- mainly good things. The light colours of the mountain, the sky, the logo, the wings make the drink seem cool and refreshing. The birds in the sky show the freedom that you get to do anything if you have a can of redbull. This advert will be aimed at people who will need a refreshing boost. Teenagers and adults will be more likely to drink this product as the advert, although not completely formal and has a relaxed tone, is still a lot more sophisticated than the Irn-Bru adverts. There is a lot more too it compared to the Irn-Bru’s simple and humorous attitude and has more design work and not just a picture and some text. ‘Redbull gives you wings’ is written in a serif font which adds more formality than the handwritten font that Irn-Bru uses.

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This energy quite informal compared to the redbull advert. It uses a mix of fonts, both serif and sans serif (even the serif font is quite informal and includes a lot of design in it) and the logo uses quite a decorative font. All these mixed together create quite an informal look and there isn’t a lot of structure. The writing are all on slants and uses light colours on a dark background. This creates the image of a dark place and torches as if the audience have been looking for the product. The dark background also adds a bit of mystery to the product which fits well as the product’s name is monster. ‘Unleash the beast!’ is written on a slant and the font looks like it’s been scratched into the background. This also creates the image of the monster. The dark, mysterious design of the advert also tells the audience that this product will make you big, strong and wild- just like a monster. ‘Unleash the beast’ helps to do this by telling the audience that there is something big in them and that you can do anything if you drink this drink. This product will be aimed at teenagers mainly. The design is something that wouldn’t appeal to children as the colours would not catch their eye. Due to the advert being informal I don’t think that the product would appeal to adults. I also think that this advert is going to appeal to a mainly male audience. The colours and fonts are more likely to typically appeal to boys rather than girls.

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Just like the Monster advert, this advert is informal, however it has more structure like the redbull advert. This advert uses just one type of font and the text takes up a lot of the area. This stands out against the busy background and will catch the audience’s eye. The font is sans serif and this makes the advert seem more informal due the the clean flow of lines compared to what a serif font wouldn’t give you. Compared to the monster advert the text looks a lot neater and is dead straight in the middle of the page. This adds a more sophisticated attitude to the advert- something the monster advert did not. The image in the advert makes the product look as though this is the product that makes everything better and a lot more fun. The previous products that I have researched all seemed to tell the audience that they will give them a boost to help the to achieve things they wouldn’t normally achieve. This advert tells the audience that everything comes together and is alright in the end if you drink lucozade. Everyone in the image is smiling which makes the advert easy to look at and makes the audience think they will be like this if they drink lucozde. This advert will be aimed at teenagers and young adults, both male and female. The text uses yellow and red, colours which are more neutral to gender compared to blue and pink. The image shows both males and females together which tells the audience that this for everyone. The people in the image also look to be at a party- this is something that wouldn’t appeal to children and older adults as children will have not yet experienced this and adults may have too many responsibilities now. The text itself is quite emotive and adults and children may not be able to relate to the feelings that the people in the picture are supposed to be feeling.

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This advert is also quite informal and not very sophisticated.The advert includes lots of bright colours against a dark background and also uses sans serif fonts. The bright colours and ‘get plugged in’ tell the audience that everything switches on after drinking Mountain Dew. The bright neon colours make the drink seem more vibrant and appealing. ‘Shockingly drinkable energy’ makes the product seem more appealing than other energy drinks and ‘shockingly’ makes the drink seem as though it’s full of electricity that is going to wake you up. The font of this is text is very informal as some of the letters are bigger than others, it’s on a slant and has no real structure. This will show the audience that they won’t feel tired and will be bouncing about, just like the words are.There is a lot more design work to this compared to the Irn-Bru adverts and the monster adverts. This advert has a theme that the drink is full of energy and electricity and they have shown this by making the neon light look like it’s plugged into the drink. This advert will mainly appeal to teenagers and young adults. The colours will not really appeal to an older or younger audience. The light also looks like something you would find in a night club- something late teens and young adults will be able to relate to.

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This can like the Irn-Bru advert has a very simple. The name of the product and the logo are easy too see on the can due to the sans serif font, light colours against the dark background, and the straight, structured placement of the text. This not only gives the can a simple, readable look but also a sophisticated look compared to the Irn-Bru 32 can. The sans serif fonts adds am element of informality but the structure makes it seem a lot more formal. The star logo makes the product seem as though this drink is good enough for actual rockstars and looks as though it’s been taken from the Hollywood walk of fame, this makes the drink seem just as important and famous as the people featured there. I think this energy drink is aimed at a more older audience like 18-30 years old. There are little bright colours and this makes the whole can seem very sophisticated. I also think the lack of shiny colours makes the can look a lot like a can of alcoholic drink- something that would be aimed at adults.