Portfolio Christine Winward COMM130 SECTION 17

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PortfolioChristine Winward



Christine [email protected]


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PhotoMontageCoding Project

WebPage MockupMagazine CoverBusiness Identity


Prezi Presentation

montageDescription Design a spiritual poster montage using a blend of images and type.

Date October 19, 2016

Course/Instructor Visual Communications 130

Instructor Doug Holladay

Programs/Tools Photoshop//InDesign

Objectives I wanted to communicate hope. Mountains come in all shapes and sizes. Hope and help is available for all kinds of trials through faith.

Process Once I chose my laundry photo, I searched for a high quality photo of a mountain that stood alone (which was hard to find) so I decided to search for another photo of sunrays/sky that I could use to isolate the mountain and get the effect I wanted. Next, I worked on my laundry photo. I applied the four basic edits (levels, vibrance, color selection and sharpness). I decreased the saturation of color to make it blend into the mountain better. I opened all of the photos I found in Photoshop and created a new doc the correct size. Then I used the lasso tool (set with a 100 pix feather) to select the portions of each photo that I wanted to use. I then dragged those edited photos onto my new doc and arranged the layers to work. Once I was satisfied with the arrangement, I worked on blending

the photos together mostly using the Brush tool on a mask. The colors were not blending as well as I liked,

so I applied a Color Balance filter to unify my color scheme better. I saved my file with layers intact then

flattened my image and dragged it into a new document before I saved it again as something else. With my flattened

image locked, I began playing with text. I worked hard to use kerning to align all of my text. I wanted to have “Mountains”

crossed out, so I created a line in Illustrator, then copied and pasted it into Photoshop. I matched the color by copying the # into

my Photoshop color palette.

codingDescription Code a custom webpage with HTML and CSS to illustrate my process for creating an original logo.

Date November 9, 2016

Course/Instructor Visual Communications 130

Instructor Doug Holladay

Programs/Tools HTML//CSS//Notepad

Objectives To explain my design process in creating a logo.

Process Previously, I had created a logo with Illustrator, so I created a new document and resized my artboard to be no wider than 400px to fit more closely around my logo and give me maximum control over spacing and placement of my logo on my webpage. I then downloaded the HTML and CSS files provided by the class and began structuring them to be more readable by indenting (keeping the box analogy in mind). I created a folder to contain everything I would need on my webpage: HTML and CSS files, logo.png, backgrounds, fonts, etc. Next, I opened my HTML file using Notepad, added my CSS link and dragged it into a browser to see what I was working with. Once I saw my page in the browser, I was able to determine what changes I wanted make. I

centered my logo, customized my fonts to match my logo and changed the body background to match

my logo. I also changed the font colors to coordinate with my logo. Then I included a background-image

(found on subtlepatterns.com) for the html. Once I liked the basic look, I began adding more detailed content to

my page. I unified the color scheme by using green for all of my headings, then again for my blog link at the bottom of

the page to create repetition and balance. After the instructor critique, I decided to remove the border around my body copy.

Finally, I made sure to validate my HTML and CSS.

webPage mockuPDescription Design a website homepage using a grid.

Date November 16, 2016

Course/Instructor Visual Communications 130

Instructor Doug Holladay

Programs/Tools Photoshop

Objectives To create a webpage mockup using Photoshop and pay special attention to alignment for a gourmet foods business.

Process First I googled catering or personal chef business websites. I found three that I really liked the look of, so I captured screen shots of them and placed them in my project folder. Examining the websites, I drew several layout sketches, then picked my favorite to create a shape map with photoshop. I really focused on finding images that were high quality. Instead of using a picture of cuisine, I found a picture of colorful spices that went well with my color scheme. I felt this picture would convey high-end food without limiting the imagination as to what type of food was the specialty since the menu includes everything from baked goods to gourmet dinners. The photos I found for the bottom menu describing the process are unified since each of them contains hands. I felt this drew in the viewer and helped them to imagine

themselves participating in the process. I wanted to include social media icons, so I found some online,

then used the pen tool in Photoshop to create my own renditions that I could then use with whatever color

scheme I decided. Finally, I considered all of the valuable critiques I had received from my husband, classmates and

instructor and applied the necessary changes. My design always improves so much when I have lots of critiques. I’m so

grateful for those who take the time to give me their opinions.

magazine coverDescription The assignment was to design a magazine cover with my face on it. I also had to include 3-5 article titles about myself.

Date September 28, 2016

Course/Instructor Visual Communications 130

Instructor Doug Holladay

Programs/Tools InDesign

Objectives To use InDesign to create a Magazine cover that introduced me to the class creatively.

Process Once I had a high quality photo, I sketched out four different design ideas based on my favorite poses. I also sketched out some ideas for a magazine title. Next, I took my sketch over to my computer and created a shape map of my favorite layout. I designed my own magazine title, found a magazine barcode to insert, created a date and issue number as well as a price for my magazine. Using the eyedropper tool, I grabbed the pink color from my shirt and the navy from my jeans to use in my color palette. I used our FOCUS textbook to find that a triadic color relationship would allow me to use the pink and blue if I added a green as well. I created a new 8.5 x 11 inch page in InDesign and started by trying out different photos at that size to make sure that the one I selected had sharp focus and high quality. I used the photo to fill the page.

Next, I added the magazine title. I realized that I liked it better without the text box behind, so I removed

it. Then I filled in my text boxes with my cover lines. I spent a long time playing with different fonts to decide

which look I liked best. My final tweeks were to add color to my text, and work on the arrangement of my article

titles to make the cover more asymmetrical and have better whitespace.

Outside THEBOX

Top 10MustReads

15 YearsHappily Ever After


RecipesFrom a ReluctantCook


September 2016

Mother of 7



Issue 1: $2,000,000.99

business identityDescription Create a logo for a company/service/organization and establish a visual identity across documents.

Date November 9, 2016

Course/Instructor Visual Communications 130

Instructor Doug Holladay

Programs/Tools Illustrator

Objectives To create the front and back of a business card and a letterhead.

Process I began brainstorming some ideas for a logo. With my sketches in hand, I started digitizing some of my favorite sketches in Illustrator. Next, I gathered opinions from friends and classmates on which logo they like best and if they had any critiques. I paid a lot of attention to color to make sure that there was good value contrast so that if my logo was printed black and white, it would still show up. When I chose to use a watermark, I realized that all my layers showed up when I reduced the opacity. To overcome this problem, I removed some of the layers and only left the center sun circle and the outside petals. It was still recognizable as my logo, but didn’t have the distracting overlapping layers. Designing my letterhead and business cards was fun, but tricky. I looked at a lot of examples of good design to

inspire me and guide my decisions. I used repetition, especially in color to unify my business image. Using

my logo repeatedly also added to creating my image. Alignment was also very important and I made sure to

align everything. Moving my body copy to the bottom of the letterhead as well as the business card created more

open white space.

[email protected] My Street, Suite 101 . Anywhere, USA 12345 000.123.4567 www.sunshinedaisy.com

Sunshine DaisyFINE FOODS

Sunshine DaisyFINE FOODS

123 My Street, Suite 101

[email protected] Anywhere, USA 12345


CLASSESSunshine Daisy


brochureDescription Design a brochure for a company.

Date November 30, 2016

Course/Instructor Visual Communications 130

Instructor Doug Holladay

Programs/Tools Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign

Objectives To provide additional information for clients who have attended an event.

Process I had several ideas for the logo, but ultimately decided on a typography logo. I added some interest by using a clipping mask in Photoshop on the word JOY of a field of flowers bathed in sunlight. I then inserted my psd file into Illustrator to complete the design of my logo. Next, I drew out several different possible layouts for my brochure. I decided on a traditional tri fold, because I felt like it could communicate the most information and be the most economical to print. I used the information she had given me to create the body copy and grouped the information and images for the best flow. As I was figuring out layout, I realized that knowing how the brochure would open was key to knowing where to put what information, so I was very intentional about the order of the information presented. After creating a new document in InDesign, I used the ruler guides to mark off the three sections on the outside of my brochure and the inside. I then created a banner using the pen tool and inserted a photo that spanned the top

of the inside of the brochure. I searched for appropriate images and used PhotoShop to cut them out and then

insert them into my InDesign document. I created text boxes with filler text to hold the place, then used InDesign

to do a text wrap around my images to make it look more professional. In a separate document, I compiled and edited

my body copy - then I inserted it into the appropriate text boxes. I printed with a short-edge flip to get the right double-sided

orientation. I trimmed the brochure for a full bleed, then I used a ruler to score the brochure to get crisp folds that did not break.



physical pain?





struggles? Makeroom

formeet Anna

I have been passionate about natural healing ever since receiving my own miraculous healing of chronic pain that had plagued

me my entire childhood at the hands of an energy worker. Several years ago, I was introduced to the Emotion Code and started “experimenting” on my family. I love seeing people’s physical, emotional and fi nancial lives improve because of the Emotion Code and I am thrilled to be able to o� er this service to others.

and bring more light into your life

For more information:www.Facebook.com/[email protected]


the emotion codeTestimonials


I met with Anna several times throughout my last pregnancy ... I always walked away

from our sessions in better spirits and with less pain until they ceased to be an issue.” (Janet F.)

Our dog has been su� ering from some type of allergy that has made him itchy for

months. ... After Anna cleared away some layers of emotional trauma, he calmed down considerably and was able to rest.” (Linda H.)

I ... tweeked my back pretty bad. I could still move but was in pain all the time. ... I went

to Anna’s and asked if we could try the Emotion Code. With each release I could literally feel the muscles in my back relax!” (Georgia L.)

$65 for a 45-minute phone session $150 for 3 phone sessions (45 min. each)$35 *animal email session

*This is for a single issue; not a length of time. Usually animal sessions are very short, so I will do as many sessions needed until the issue is resolved.

“The mind and body are inextricably connected, with our thoughts and emotions exerting a powerful infl uence on our health.”

“Getting rid of your old emotional baggage may just bring you a balance, a new inner calm, and profound healing where nothing else has before.”

Dr. Bradley Nelson(author/creator of The Emotion Code)

safe for pets and kids too

infograPhicDescription Create an infographic that organizes data in a visually pleasing way.

Date November 2, 2016

Course/Instructor Visual Communications 130

Instructor Doug Holladay

Programs/Tools Illustrator

Objectives To show the huge impact owning books can have on a child’s life.

Process It’s always more fun for me to work on a project that would be useful for someone instead of creating something imaginary, so I asked my sister who is an Usborne Books Consultant if she would have a need of an infographic. She was very excited and shared with me why she is so passionate about children’s books. With her thoughts in mind, I began researching statistics that I could use to create a graph of some kind. Usborne Books has stringent branding rules about color and typography, so I made sure to abide by those rules so she could use this graphic professionally.After gathering some data, I quickly sketched some layout ideas. Using my layout sketch, I started designing my infographic using Illustrator. I chose to create icons that were very simple. Originally I just made a pie chart, but after viewing more examples of good infographic design, I updated my

graph to be a more pictorial representation that I felt communicated the message more clearly.

Sources: “Family scholarly culture and educational success: B ooks and schooling in 27 nations,” was published in the journal, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (Science Direct)http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1829/Children-s-Literature.html

Books LivesChange

“Having books in the home is twice as important as the father’s education level, and more important than whether a child was reared in China or the U.S.A.”

self-discovery empathy


“When children ... read,

they learn something

about the nature of

behavior and the

consequences of

personal interaction.”

“... [Books] can figuratively

transport readers across

time and space ... [and],

children come to better

understand the world in

which they live and their

own relationship to it.”

“Through literature ...

children can move

beyond the outer edges

of reality and place

themselves in worlds of

make-believe ...”

“When children read, ... [they

develop] insight into [their]

own character and values.”


rs o

f co



important factors


