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3 Web Design Basics You Want To Know If You Are a Start-Up

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3 Web Design Basics You Want To Know

If You Are a Start-Up

As a start-up, you probably have lots on your to-do lists already and we

wouldn't want you to be distracted with anything that is absolutely necessary. A

good website design isn't unnecessary, in fact you want it to establish your

presence among your competitors and let your potential buyers know that you

have arrived. Website designing, if managed properly shouldn't ideally take

long, unfortunately when a start-up hires a Web Design Company in Dubai it

makes a classic first timer's error of stepping into something they don't know

much about.

Despite the oversimplification of the web design process, thanks to literature

you see online, there are things that even a pro with several years of

experience under his belt may find challenging. You, as a start-up should invest

time in understanding basics, which in turn will help you find a professional

web design company in Dubai. What we have here are 3 simple web design

basics that work across any website, but are best suited for a start-up's


Focus On Simplicity but Don't Leave Anything


A start up doesn't usually have too many things to show. A full treatment akin

to what a decade old enterprise needs isn't what you need. Focus only the bare

essential that isn't superfluous or that doesn't need to be filled with a writer's

or designer's ‘creativity'! Play to your strengths and keep your story limited to

what's true about your short existence and the potential future you have in


Think Mobile First

Page 2: 3 Web Design Basics You Want To Know If You Are a Start-Up

Everything and we mean every aspect of your online assets should be fined

tuned for the mobile experience. The site should load super-fast on small

screens. From navigation to assets used in your website everything must be

optimized for the mobile ecosystem. Many start-ups are completely skipping

the website designing part in favour of native mobile apps. If you are cash

strapped and more of a fast moving mobile based company you can definitely

consider an ‘app-only' online presence.

Get Your Branding Right

One thing that transcends across time is your branding. The right logo will

connect your customers when you grow bigger than you currently are. Your

logo is one identifying factor that will keep you apart from the rest. It is one

thing that will keep you connected to your roots and keeps you motivated in

moving ahead.

And the best of it all is that you can get it all in under one roof. A Web Design

Company in Dubai can help you with it all.