Magazine Evaluation

As media magazine evaluation

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In What ways does your media product

use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real

media products?

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Masthead title-can be seen when on a

magazine shelf.

Other artists


Head covering title- makes

artists stand out and effective.

Imperative language- making it


Writing around the artist.

Main artist in the center of

the page.


Name of artists covering them/ them covering it- makes I

clear who it is. Range of colours

What’s included



Plain background-easy to write on.

Page 5: As media magazine evaluation

 Critic’s  C


oice  award  w

inne r,  

Caitlin  H


nt  is  not  used  to  all  

this  attention  


“It’s  strange  how  people   want  to  

spend    their  time    listening  




Catchy title/ quote

Small detail about them in a circle-

fills up space, effective

Box of writing fills empty space,

makes it separated from the

background, writing doesn't’t

clash, clear to


One side concentrated on the model, ,makes them

more seem independent, can be

seen clearly

Range of fonts, makes

it more interesting

Photo used for the background of the

whole double page, effective method, makes it effective,

makes the opposite age of photo not plain and more

Models pose and mise en scene suit the

aesthetics the genre they focus on have

Page numbers-makes magazines structure clearer.

A range of colours that blend well

together and look natural, makes it

exciting for audiences.

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How does my media product

represent a social group?

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I made my magazine aim to engage an audience of aged 12- 18 of any gender but mainly females, the way I tried to engage them was by;

Using imperative language, making it more chatty and similar to the way the age group talk making them feel more involved and is a lot more informal like

many magazines are.

The model I used to represent my whole magazine is in the age group

of my target audience so the mise en scene is very similar to what my

target audience would wear.

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The range of fonts I have used makes it more exciting especially the title of the magazine as it

has a sort of a graffiti effect to it making it suitable and look really good against the brick wall background. It also looks handwritten or

painted making it unique yet effective and more personal and it stands out well.

 Critic’s  C


oice  award  w

inne r,  

Caitlin  H


nt  is  not  used  to  all  

this  attention  


“It’s  strange  how  people   want  to  

spend    their  time    listening  




I think the colours I have used also suit my target audience well as they are suitable for the age group. I have avoided using colours such as pinks and purples

as although my target audience will most likely be female it is not suitable for teenagers and would

probably suit a pop genre better.

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What Kind of media institution might distribute

your media product?

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Bauer is a large European based media company. It manages a portfolio of more than 600 magazines. It began as a small printing house in Germany. They

began success in the UK when the Bella magazine was launched in 1987. It has now become Britain's third

largest publisher. It publishes magazines such as MOJO and Kerrang!

The mojo magazine has been published by Bauer since January 2008 taking over the publishing company

emap. A MOJO magazine is published every month in the UK. It has a frequent coverage of classic rock acts

such as the Beatles and Bob Dylan as well as newer and upcoming acts. It regularly includes a covermount CD

which relates to the contents of the magazine.

He edited the first issue of the Kerrang magazine and it was successful so know there is a Kerrang! magazine

published every fortnight.

The Kerrang! are a UK based magazine which focuses on rock music. The first Kerrang! magazine was

published in June1981 as a one off but in 2000 it became he best- selling British music newspapaer. The magazine was founded by journalist Geoff Barton. He

specialised in covering rock music and helped to popularise a new wave of British heavy metal. He

edited the first issue of the Kerrang! magazine and it was very successful, so now there is a Kerrang!

magazine published every fortnight.

Bauer is also the distributor for the Q magazine which I believe is a similar

magazine to my magazine pages.

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Q is a popular magazine published every month in the UK.

The founders were Mark Ellen and David Hepworth they were dismayed by the music press of the time, which they felt was ignoring a generation of older music buyers who were buying

CDs — then still a new technology.

Q was first published by the EMAP media group in October 1986, it became independent from much of the other music

press with monthly production and higher standards of photography and printing.

In the early years, the magazine was sub-titled "The modern guide to music and more". Originally it was to be

called Cue (as in the sense of cueing a record, ready to play), but the name was changed to just ‘Q’ a single-letter

title would be more prominent on newsstands.

In 2006, Q published a readers' survey; the 100 greatest songs . Q has a history of associating with charitable

organisations, and in 2006 the British anti-poverty charity War or Want was named its official charity.

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Who would be the audience for your media product?

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Before creating my media product I had an idea that I wanted to do it for folk music or a genre that is very acoustic as I like the rural aesthetic folk music usually has, so when I created my audience survey I included it in the favourite music genre

category to see who the types of people were that liked it the most to focus on what they would like to see on a magazine, I firstly found out that it is mostly females who enjoy reading music magazines so this made me decide to mainly focus on the

female genre when planning and creating my magazine, I guessed that the age range would most likely be teenagers and the results on my survey proved this.

Keeping in mind that the majority of people who read music magazines are

female and that the age range who enjoy folk music more is teenagers I evaluated all

the features I added based upon this including what colours they liked, what

fonts they would like etc. So the audience of my magazine would be for ages 12- 18

of both ages but the majority females.

I also looked at other artists that sing folk music such as

Hozier, Passenger, Ed Sheeran etc. And looked at who their

fan base is, and I found out the main types of people who like

these artists are teenagers.

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I asked a couple of people who were in my target audience age range on their opinions on my media product. They didn’t know the age range I was trying to engage when creating my magazine so it was

interesting to see if it appealed to them.

“I really like the colours you have used they stand out well against the background”

“I like the title both the font and the colour, the font almost looks like it has been painted on the wall which gives it a really cool effect”

“I like the way you have made it quite busy by putting a lot of writing around it which many magazine front covers tend to look like”

“I like the background as it can still be seen but is not distracting and the page is sort of lit up by the coloured writing, the picture you have used is very good and she looks like a real musician”

“I like the way you have covered part of the title with her head, as many magazines do this so it makes your magazine front cover look more professional”

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“The photo you have used is really different but in a good way, and the colour of it is very effective and I think that the photo makes the whole page look like a folk magazine”

“I really like the font you have used for the title as it separates it from the writing in the table of contents”

“I like how you have added all the small features like the publish date ,the page number “

“I like the style of the table of contents, it looks very professional however towards the bottom it becomes unclear to read”

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 Critic’s  C


oice  award  w

inne r,  

Caitlin  H


nt  is  not  used  to  all  

this  attention  


“It’s  strange  how  people   want  to  

spend    their  time    listening  




“The photo you have used looks very professional and the colours that are in it are really nice”

“The quote/ the title could be bigger to maybe fill up more space”

“I like the way the title a covers part of the other side as well as it feel up more room and makes it look more like a magazine”

“The writing could be a bit smaller so you could fit more questions in as there isn’t as many as you would see on a professional magazine”

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I edited some of the photos to make them look more appealing to use for the magazine, to suit my target audience more by changing the tone and cropping out certain un- needed features.

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

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The main software I used to produce my final media product

was InDesign. The first time I ever used this programme was for my preliminary project so I

was unfamiliar with how it works and what everything does this made my preliminary work not as good as it could have been.

During the process of constructing my magazine pages

I have become a lot more familiar with it, I am still not

completely confident with it but I found out about all the

features I would need to create a good enough magazine.

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to the full production?

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The title is wider which takes up more space like

may magazines do

I have used a wider range of colours that blend well together

for my final product

I have just generally taken more time creating my final product and have taken more time choosing the fonts,

colours and positioning if the features

I have taken more time choosing the locations of where the photos should be taken to allow

it to suit the genre of music my magazine focuses on and to get a good enough photo

with some space to write around it

I have added more writing around the edge to make it look more busy making it

look more professional

When creating my

actual media product I took into account

what my target

audience would like it to make it

more suitable and engaging for my target


I have learnt about the

importance of the

positioning of the

model, this time I have made it so

we can actually see

the expression on her face

and positioning to suit her


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When doing the preliminary contents page I wasn’t entirely sure of what had to be on a contents page which is why it is very plain.

After doing research I learnt what and to go onto a contents page so now my final product contains a publish date and

information about the magazine in the bottom corner

Overall I have learnt how to use certain software better and just generally learnt about the features that should be included in a magazine and the construction of one

I have used the main photo as the background to make take up more space making it look more busy and therefore more professional