Lohjinawi Designworks

Brand u new

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Lohjinawi Designworks

The world is CONNECTED

Thank’s to the internet

Information spreading fast

Information spreads in real time without limitation

That causes overload information situation

And Makes a Lot Of Confused Consumers

Let’s understand consumersConsumers need to see you to choose you

Unfortunately your not the one that consumer see

If the yellow dots is you

Let’s make some simple analogies to understand what happens in consumers’ eyes ( mind)

So you just seem like this in the consumers’ eyes

And all of them competing to be the chosen one by the consumer

If you are the RED dots

But there are also the RED dots

You will be seen like this in Consumers’ Eyes

Then you have bigger chance to be seen and chosen by consumers

And of course you will be more memorable

because you are


The RED dots Example

The RED dots Example

The RED dots Example

Pack yourself into something unique and different to WIN

the Competition

You have to make your self visible and memorable to the consumers

IS Called


Brand-U is

How others (including your consumers) see, think, or assume about you

If you don’t do it, others will

And You have to make sure that they see you like you want it to

And When others do it for yourselfit can be good or bad

So let’s build a brand For yourself specially as designer of course

Brand is a story about your selfSo it’s important to

understand that you

can’t build your brand

in a short time.

It needs continuity &


• What’s your passion?

• Are you Specializing or

Multitasking ?

• What make you different

from others ?

• What is your Unique Value ?

Communicating your brand

Live, Visualize,


Act Or live the brandDon’t pretend, just be u

Visualizing your brandWe, designer, live and talk in visual words, so visualizing our

BRAND is a must.

Visualizing identity creative process

SHARE your brandWe, designer, live and talk in visual words, so visualizing our

BRAND is a must.

Visualizing identity sharing process

Brand sharing process

Live, Visualize,
