Content Page Analysis

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TITLE The word ‘Contents’ is written prominently to catch the reader’s

attention. The text is in black colour so it stands against the plain white background. The web-address is also given beside it so

the readers can browse on it. The magazine’s name in the address is in bold

to keep reminding the reader what magazine they’re reading.

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The features column acts as a guidance or navigation for the reader. The content page is

present in the form of a list.The article title is written in dark black colour

whereas the description of the article is written in a lighter black colour. The dark black colour attracts and helps the reader know what the article’s name is. The description provides a gist of the article and lets the reader get a

glimpse of it without actually reading it. In this way, the readers can quickly chose what

articles they want to read and which they don’t.The page numbers are written in bold beside or

above each article as to help the readers so they can skim through the magazine and come

at the page they desire to read.There are also anchoring pictures present

beside some articles which furthermore helps the reader know what the magazine contains. Pictures are quick and easy way to allow the

readers to find what they’re looking for. It also arises curiosity among the readers.

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The date is also given at the bottom of the page to let the readers know that it is the October 2016 issue. The web-address is again given so

the readers can go online and browse on it.

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The word ‘Contents…’ is written in BLACK

which makes it more prominent and eye-

catching. Beneath it, the month and year of the issue is written to show what month the magazine was made to

be launched for.

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In this content page, the layout of the page is in the grid form. The content page is really

colourful and instantly grabs the readers attention.

The sections, article’s title and the description are all written in white colour which makes it stand out against the colourful background

and further adds to the appeal factor.There are different types of sections in the magazine which makes more people read it

since it covers a lot of topics. The sections also help readers find what category they’re

looking for without going through the whole magazine.

Along with the sections, beautiful pictures are also present which engages the readers and

increases their curiosity. The number of the pages are also present at the bottom of the pictures which guides the

reader and helps them know where the specific article is.

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At the side of the content page, a whole column is dedicated to the

team of the magazine which includes the editor, deputy

editor, publisher, photographers and the contributors to

acknowledge their work. Along each person, their email or

website is also given if any of the readers want to gain access and

talk to them. At the end, the official website as well as the twitter account of the

magazine is also given so the readers can use it and follow

their account for latest updates.

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The title of the content page does not say the word ‘Contents’ which is very odd. They may have used the title to increase the curiosity of the readers and trick them into reading more. Moreover, the black colour text makes the

title even more visible and instantly grabs the reader’s eye.

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This is the main article of the magazine as it takes up most of the space of the content page and is

bigger than the other images. The big image highlights what’s inside the

magazine. The celebrities must be popular and have many fans since they’re the main article and the readers would be excited to read about them.

The picture used is very dramatic and loud. It contains five girls with different facial expressions and colourful accessories which might tempt the

readers into reading what the article is about.The pull quote also helps enthrall the target

audience and makes them more interested into reading the article. The personal comment given by the writers at the bottom also helps connect

with the reader on a personal level.The page number is given in bold at the side as

well so the reader can easily find the article.

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FEATURING ARTICLESThe titles of the articles are written in blue colour. Some articles have pull quotes instead which makes the reader

curious to read more. Instead of the description of the articles, they’ve placed

their own comments to connect with the readers on a personal level and to make them feel as if they’re directly

talking to them. Alongside, they’ve also included images. The images relate

to what the target audience would be interested in. This makes the magazine more appealing for the audience and

makes them more likely to buy it if they know there is something interesting inside for them to read.

For example, in this content page they’ve included the picture of the famous singer/songwriter Justin Bieber.

They’ve used a pull quote for the article’s title which will make the target audience more curious and wanting to

read more.On the pictures, the page numbers of the articles are also given so the readers can easily skip through and come at

the page they’re interested in.

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In this strap line, multiple pictures of famous celebrities are used to draw in the target audience which are mostly teenagers. This is a great

way to engage the reader into buying the magazine so they can read more about their interests. Alongside, a puff is placed at the side which says ‘HOT POSTERS’ which helps allure more readers and tricks them into buying the magazine so they can get the posters included in the


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The name ‘INSIDE THIS MONTH…’ is used instead of the common convention

‘Features’. This helps draw in more readers, and it is written in bold black font which

futher highlights it. The article titles and pull quotes are in

black and pink colour and are alternatively used to make the magazine look more edgy and different. The page numbers are also written in bold with it so the reader can

easily get to the article they wish to read.

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At the bottom, the web-address is also given in a subtle but bold typeface so the readers can use it and stay up to date with the magazine.