Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

How did you attract/address your audience

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Page 1: How did you attract/address your audience

Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Page 2: How did you attract/address your audience

Focus group• To enable myself as the director to attract and address my target audience I

carried out a survey and a focus group targeted at my target audience.

• The questions provided such as “what are the most important conventions of rom coms“, “how rom coms make you feel after watching them” were asked so that I could understand what my target markets likes and dislikes were.

For instance on here is a question asked as part of the focus group, in which the answers tell me that my target audience think the most important convention of a rom com is to have both a male and female protagonist, who have to be attractive with a good personality and definitely tragedies to keep the films interesting and the viewers in suspense. I think from this research, in the opening scene I made sure that the main protagonist was clear, attractive and a typical conventional character of a chick flick.

Page 3: How did you attract/address your audience

Other factors which help to attract my target audience


Due to the age of my target audience, I made my protagonist the same age so that my audience could relate to her, as usually when you watch something that you can relate to as a viewer, you can understand what they are doing, which makes the sequence more intriguing. In addition, like a typical chick flick, I have portrayed typical stereotypes that attracts a teenage target audience. For instance, the protagonist having a group of friends and being in a relationship with the popular head boy of the football team. I felt it was important that my protagonist was a teenage girl otherwise the whole narrative wouldn’t link, due to the teenage girl ‘breaking the rules’.

Page 4: How did you attract/address your audience


To attract my target audience I was to use a variety of different type of shots and angles to keep my teenage audience interested and engaged. As my film was short clips of the protagonists life, doing all types of activities which represent the character as being a typical popular, fashion party girl, so therefore it was essential I included different shots and camera movements to keep the pace of the film opening quick to represent the fast pace of her life at the moment.

Long shot and camera trucking Close up Mid shot

Page 5: How did you attract/address your audience

Voice over/soundtrack:The voiceover was used to attract my audience because it gave the viewers an idea of what was happening, who the protagonist was and what she was like. Including a voice over in a film enables the viewers to build a connection with the protagonist which helps them as being teenagers themselves relate to the storyline. In addition, the soundtrack I chose for my film opening will help to attract a younger audience, due to it being produced from a popular hit singer and being popular/recent in the charts, therefore it will be well known around the younger generation who will stereotypically and conventionally keep up to date with recent hit music, as a result this recognisable music may attract and interest them.