Vibe Definition: n. Slang A distinctive emotional quality or atmosphere that is sensed or experienced by someone. Vibes have positive connotations linked towards the word which makes it perfect for a pop magazine that is also linked with being positive and uplifting. It is s very regular word so is easy to remember and can be easily recognised however because it is a popular word there are already so many links this word has it other products so this magazine may not stand out. It is also very short and can not really be manipulated to make a good masthead as all the letters are regular and it contains no other components e.g numbers.

Masthead name

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VibeDefinition:n. SlangA distinctive emotional quality or atmosphere that is sensed or experienced by someone.Vibes have positive connotations linked towards the word which makes it perfect for a pop magazine that is also linked with being positive and uplifting.It is s very regular word so is easy to remember and can be easily recognised however because it is a popular word there are already so many links this word has it other products so this magazine may not stand out. It is also very short and can not really be manipulated to make a good masthead as all the letters are regular and it contains no other components e.g numbers.

BounceDefinition:To move or walk in a lively, exuberant, or energetic mannerThis name represents a stimulating perception of this magazine to make it appeal to all readers and as it is only one syllable it is catchy and memorable.However this name is quite simple and can be perceived as basic and boring.

Cloud NineDefinition:n. InformalA state of elation or great happiness

This name creates a positive image for the reader since my intended magazine is pop and pop music is upbeat and jubilant.This title is quite long so may not fit in the frame of the magazine front cover meaning it will be hard to fit pictures around it.However this title can be manipulated a lot since it involves numbers and words so you can create a unique title that has not been used before.

Out of all the names i think i prefer this one the most as it is more unique so i am going to use this for my pop magazine masthead.

CL UD NINE9CL UD NINE9cl ud nine9 9C L U D



Layout Ideas


From all the different layouts of the title, i have decided to have this layout using the phosphate font. This is because it looks more fun and has a more dominant ideology of being in a pop magazine whereas some of the others looked more sophisticated like they would be in a fashion style magazine. I am

later going to choose the colours i use to match the rest of the front cover; coverless, mies-en-scene and outfit of person in photograph.

Final Idea