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Have you ever...

Wanted to try a new restaurant, but all your friends were busy?

Have you ever...

Needed some more people for AYCE sushi, but nobody else was available?

Have you ever...

Traveled out of town, and needed a local to show you around?

Meet Mingo

● Serendipitous encounters● Quick and easy hangout organization● Casual hangouts based on singular event● Convenient tools for finding and keeping

track of your events

The Time is Right

● Social media is now daily routine

● Society is accustomed to connecting with strangers:

○ AirBNB○ Tinder○ Uber

What Makes Mingo Better

Are users limited in their interests?


○ Sports-oriented

Meet My Dog

○ Hangouts for dogs

What Makes Mingo Better

Can users interact without being bound to a group?


○ Users join groups based on a common interest○ Events arranged within groups


○ Users create events that other users join out of common interest

○ Connections are event-based, so users do not have to feel

committed to a group

What Makes Mingo Better—In Summary

We focus on micro-group interactions centered around an event.

○ More spontaneity○ Faster organization○ More freedom

Let’s Mingo


Why Users Love Mingo

● Makes exploration easy; browsing is simple○ User testing helped us understand what features users wanted at the forefront

● Focus on what they want○ User testing allowed us to single out non-critical features and remove them

● Feature rich○ Smooth experience encompassing all steps of event planning

User Acquisition

Source: Google Trends

Revenue Stream: Local Business

Sources: BIA Kelsey, U.S. Census Bureau

Why is this a good market?

● It’s the point of the platform!● Strong ROI for local

advertisers (as shown)● Yelp’s dataset shows a clear

trend of growing market● Mingo offers higher ROI due

to magnitude of sale per ad (group nature)

Sources: BIA Kelsey, U.S. Census Bureau

Funding Would...

● Create ads campaigns to boost conversions onto platform○ Scaling beyond regions with many events will be difficult

● Building marketing team○ Brand management, Community moderators, Regional Ambassadors

● Drive sales○ Profit hinges on getting businesses to advertise on the platform

● Engineering team to scale app, mobile optimization○ Original team is mostly designers, need development focus for product


Thanks!Any questions?