Museums and the Web 2014 Baltimore On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

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Dr Ross PARRY (Senior Lecturer, School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, UK) Dr Ruth PAGE (Reader, School of English, University of Leicester, UK) Alex MOSELEY (Educational Designer, Course Design & Development Team, University of Leicester, UK) Dr Erik KRISTIANSEN (Assistant Professor in Performance Design & DREAM, Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies, Roskilde University, Denmark) Even as museums continue to push content out to the network and support experiences at a distance, the threshold to the physical museum endures as a highly visible and symbolic space, where trust and expectations are built, protocols established and affordances noticed. But, today, are these threshold spaces still fit for purpose? Is the use of media within these spaces appropriate for modern modes of visiting? Are the informational metaphors (such as the architectural plan) sensitive to today’s media literacies? Does visitor connectivity suggest new types of encounter? And does visitors’ experience of playing, buying, discovering and learning in other parts of their lives point to alternative means of scaffolding the museum threshold event? Drawing upon the work of two connected research projects (in the UK and Denmark) this paper shows how museum threshold media might be influenced usefully by other sectors that (arguably) have more evolved concepts and practices around ‘threshold’, ‘orientation’ and ‘initiation’ – specifically retail, gaming and performance. The paper will also explain how three experimental media interventions (using these new conceptual lenses) were tested within three real museum contexts – the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (London), New Walk Museum and Art Gallery (Leicester) and Chatsworth House (Bakewell, Derbyshire). Finally, the paper concludes by rethinking the idea of museum ‘threshold’ (defined, instead, by intention and action rather than physical parameters, perhaps more by time rather than space), and ends by reflecting upon the influence that the web is having on the conceptualisation, strategic use and design of our physical museum entrances.

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Page 1: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Museums and the Web 2014 Baltimore

On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Page 2: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Museums and the Web 2014 Baltimore

On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Dr Ross PARRY (School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, UK) Dr Ruth PAGE (School of English, University of Leicester, UK) Alex MOSELEY(Course Design & Development Team, University of Leicester, UK) Dr Erik KRISTIANSEN (Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies, Roskilde University, Denmark)

Page 3: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

there are alternative (mature) frameworks for designing thresholds that deserve our attention;

museum thresholds might better be understood as intention/action, rather than as a physical boundary (as time, rather than space);

digital media can encourage reconceptualization of other (non-digital) aspects of museum provision.

Our work on ‘Transforming Thresholds’ suggests:

Page 4: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Multiplying thresholds

Page 5: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Multiplying thresholds

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Multiplying thresholds

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Multiplying thresholds

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Enduring iconicity

Page 10: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Enduring iconicity

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Enduring iconicity

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Enduring iconicityhistorically resonant sociologically complex interpretatively meaningfulpivotal to the visit event

Page 13: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

digital being naturalised within the museum’s vision and articulation of itself

a preparedness for a post-digitalorganisational structure

actively recruiting blended roles

the presence of ‘digital thinking’

digital being part of the generativeand ideation moment

blended production

strategising for a multiplatform future

no need for digital to be strategised separately

The postdigital museum

Ross Parry, 'The End of the Beginning: Normativity in the Postdigital Museum', Museum Worlds, vol. 1 (2013), 24-39.

Page 14: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances
Page 15: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Alternative scaffolding

Page 16: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Alternative scaffoldingRetail Studies

Page 17: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Alternative scaffoldingRetail StudiesGame Studies

Page 18: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Alternative scaffoldingRetail StudiesGame StudiesPerformance Studies

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Page 20: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the charette

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the charette

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Page 23: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances
Page 24: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the retail threshold

Page 25: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the retail threshold

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (London)

‘Salient Signs’

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Page 27: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the retail threshold

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology (London)

‘Salient Signs’

Page 28: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the game threshold

Page 29: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the game threshold

Chatsworth House (Bakewell, Derbyshire)

‘Augmented Signs’

Page 30: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances
Page 31: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the game threshold

‘Augmented Signs’

Chatsworth House (Bakewell, Derbyshire)

Page 32: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the performance threshold

Page 33: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the performance threshold

‘Human Signs’

New Walk Museum and Art Gallery (Leicester)

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Page 35: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances
Page 36: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

the performance threshold

‘Human Signs’

New Walk Museum and Art Gallery (Leicester)

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Page 38: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Game Threshold


Page 39: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Game Threshold


Performance Threshold

Page 40: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Game Threshold


Performance Threshold


(Bakewell, Derbyshire)

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology


New Walk Museumand Art Gallery


Page 41: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Game Threshold


Performance Threshold


(Bakewell, Derbyshire)

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology


New Walk Museumand Art Gallery


‘magic circle’‘explorative play’

(Kristiansen, 2014)

‘saliency’‘servicescape’(Harwood, 2013)

‘Invisible theatre’‘real life rehearsal’

(Human, 2013)

Page 42: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Game Threshold


Performance Threshold


(Bakewell, Derbyshire)

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology


New Walk Museumand Art Gallery


‘magic circle’‘explorative play’

(Kristiansen, 2014)

‘saliency’‘servicescape’(Harwood, 2013)

‘Invisible theatre’‘real life rehearsal’

(Human, 2013)

‘Salient Signs’ ‘Human signs’‘Augmented Signs’

Page 43: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Game Threshold


Performance Threshold


(Bakewell, Derbyshire)

Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology


New Walk Museumand Art Gallery


‘magic circle’‘explorative play’

(Kristiansen, 2014)

‘saliency’‘servicescape’(Harwood, 2013)

‘Invisible theatre’‘real life rehearsal’

(Human, 2013)

‘Salient Signs’ ‘Human signs’‘Augmented Signs’


Visitor tracking / performer researcher


Page 44: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

there are alternative (mature) frameworks for designing thresholds that deserve our attention;

museum thresholds might better be understood as intention/action, rather than as a physical boundary (as time, rather than space);

digital media can encourage reconceptualization of other (non-digital) aspects of museum provision.

Our work on ‘Transforming Thresholds’ suggests:

Page 45: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

there are alternative (mature) frameworks for designing thresholds that deserve our attention;

museum thresholds might better be understood as intention/action, rather than as a physical boundary (as time, rather than space);

digital media can encourage reconceptualization of other (non-digital) aspects of museum provision.

Our work on ‘Transforming Thresholds’ suggests:

Page 46: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

there are alternative (mature) frameworks for designing thresholds that deserve our attention;

museum thresholds might better be understood as intention/action, rather than as a physical boundary (as time, rather than space);

digital media can encourage reconceptualization of other (non-digital) aspects of museum provision.

Our work on ‘Transforming Thresholds’ suggests:

Page 47: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

there are alternative (mature) frameworks for designing thresholds that deserve our attention;

museum thresholds might better be understood as intention/action, rather than as a physical boundary (as time, rather than space);

digital media can encourage reconceptualization of other (non-digital) aspects of museum provision.

Our work on ‘Transforming Thresholds’ suggests:

Page 48: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

there are alternative (mature) frameworks for designing thresholds that deserve our attention;

museum thresholds might better be understood as intention/action, rather than as a physical boundary (as time, rather than space);

digital media can encourage reconceptualization of other (non-digital) aspects of museum provision.

Our work on ‘Transforming Thresholds’ suggests:

Page 49: On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

there are alternative (mature) frameworks for designing thresholds that deserve our attention;

museum thresholds might better be understood as intention/action, rather than as a physical boundary (as time, rather than space);

digital media can encourage reconceptualization of other (non-digital) aspects of museum provision.

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Museums and the Web 2014 Baltimore

On A New Threshold: Experiments In Gaming, Retail And Performance Design To Shape Museum Entrances

Dr Ross PARRY (School of Museum Studies, University of Leicester, UK) Dr Ruth PAGE (School of English, University of Leicester, UK) Alex MOSELEY(Course Design & Development Team, University of Leicester, UK) Dr Erik KRISTIANSEN (Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies, Roskilde University, Denmark)