Concept Art


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Concept Art

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Media Format Concept art Based around anime MMORPGs have influenced this Shall follow Fantasy/Sci-fi genres

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Synopsis of Idea The main idea for this project that I want to

do is character concept art. Will have different genders- Example: not

everyone will be one gender Anthropomorphic animals will be some characters

Between 4 and 9 characters- depends on difficulty.

Different mythical creatures and races

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Target Audience Target is for both genders

Mainly fans of Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres of games

Anime fans will hopefully be drawn to this due to the style.

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Audience Needs Caters to fans of anime, sci-fi and

fantasy games. Would be interesting to my target

audience of teenagers

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Production Techniques Create the concept art

through drawings Use scanner to scan art

into computer files Clean it up in Photoshop or
