Digital Graphic Narrative Planning Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents. Considerations: There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that context rather than just as a college project. Costs: The production costs that I will take under consideration is that it would be in the price bracket of around £3-£5 is I feel that this is a very suitable for a book, also this is the type of price what most books sell for in retail stores. Available resources: The resources which are available to me are computers, Internet, Photoshop along with a camera if I wanted to take some pictures which may help the story have a realistic aesthetic and so that it looks like my own personal work, this will reduce the risk of infringement.

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Digital Graphic Narrative Planning

Use this booklet to help structure your planning and collate your planning documents.


There are lots of things to consider in this project. Fill out each section in detail to show you have thought about each one. You should imagine that this is a live project, so considerations like cost, quantity and codes of practice must be thought about in that context rather than just as a college project.


The production costs that I will take under consideration is that it would be in the price bracket of around £3-£5 is I feel that this is a very suitable for a book, also this is the type of price what most books sell for in retail stores.

Available resources:

The resources which are available to me are computers, Internet, Photoshop along with a camera if I wanted to take some pictures which may help the story have a realistic aesthetic and so that it looks like my own per-sonal work, this will reduce the risk of infringement.


The amount of books which I will be creating will be in the price range of around 50-100, this is because I feel that it’s best if you start off with a reasonable number as your books aren’t guaranteed to sell out, also it’s a sensible number to start on as you don’t know straight away what the retail stores will sell your book.

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Audience and Target Market:

The audience that I will be aiming at is the age between 6-11, as I feel that this is the appropriate age for the books content and the writing style. With regards to other demographics that I have aimed at, I think that my book will be appropriate for all social grades and I also think that the book will appeal to parents or Guardians, as the book is based on an old Fable story, which they’re familiar with.

Quality Factors:

The quality factors of the book are that it will be made and each page quality through out the book will be the same, this will allow the book to have consistency and will make the product sell.

Codes of Practice:

The codes of practice, which I will need to follow, are that my work has to be my own and can’t infringe any cartoon characters, which are already still in existence or use the exact same characters in a different setting. One other aspect that I have take under consideration is if I create my own setting and not use pre existing this will allow me to not go under any copyright infringement.


The regulation that I will be following is what is shown on the code of practice, it is important to follow this so that your work doesn’t go under any infringement. I don’t have anything that will be a problem towards the Toy Act as it doesn’t have any Toys in it.

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With regards to copyright, I’ll make sure that my work is my own work and it doesn’t copy any other character or any of the setting of another book or the content of any huge media based corporation.

Ethical Issues:

In my book their won’t be any ethical issues or any offensive content which may offend my target audience, for example it doesn’t have any harmful content in the book that will cause any offence to the reader and it also won’t influence any negative behaviour towards the reader.

Resources:A successful project relies on good planning. Considering all the resources you will need for a project and then assessing which you already have and which you need will help ensure you are ready to start your project.

If there is a resource you don’t currently have, then consider how you are going to get it before you go in to production.

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Resource:Do you have it? What do you need to do to get it?

 Computer  Yes  College have the facilities in order to complete the work

 Photoshop  Yes  College MAC’s which also have Photoshop on them

 Internet  Yes  College has WIFI





Production Schedule:Delivering your project on time is vital. In order to do this, you need a solid plan of action. This will help you divide up your work in to manageable chunks to be tackled one at a time. It will also allow you to plan which tasks need to be done in which order. It will also allow you to track your progress each day. If you are falling behind, you will need to modify the way you work. If you work faster than expected, you can clearly see what the next steps you need to take are.

Each session is a half day of college.

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Session 1:

 The first aspect that I will achieve is to find the Images that will help make my children's book, in order to complete the rotoscoping task on my images.

 I will then start Rotoscoping the Background first and add custom shapes to add more dimensions to the setting.

 Add Rotoscoped characters to the Image and adjust the text of the page so that it fits.

 Add minor details to the Background

Session 2:

 Finish the first Pages of the Book.

 Make start to the second scene by adding the characters into the scene first.

 Rotoscope and start the second page, make sure to add realistic elements.

 Make sure to add the text in the right place.

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Session 3:

Start finishing off the second Page, add any minor adjustments that need to be made.

 Start rotoscoping more characters into the setting.

Start creating the 3rd page, create the setting and any other background editions to the Page.

 Add the main characters into the scene, edit the movements

Session 4:

 Make sure the 3rd Page is finalised add, text to the final Image

 Add any adjustments that need to be made.

Start the 4th Page, add any Images

 Add text to the Images.

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Session 5:

Finalise all the 4th Page.

 Add any adjustments that need to be made.

 Start rotoscoping more characters into the setting.

Add the main characters into the scene, edit the movements

Session 6:

 Finalise the 5th Page

 Add text to it

Start on the 6th Page

 I will then start Rotoscoping the Background first and add custom shapes to add more dimensions to the setting.

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Session 7:

 Add the characters and position them into the shots

 Add text to the Images

 Start Page 8

 I will then start Rotoscoping the Background first and add custom shapes to add more dimensions to the setting.

Session 8:

 Add the characters and position them into the shots

 Add text to the Images

 Make sure everything is finalised


Session 9:

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 Add any adjustments to the Images.

 Finish all the work

 Finish all the work

 Finish all the work

Session 10:

Finish all the work

Finish all the work

Finish all the work

Finish all the work

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Health and safety:Your health and safety and that of those around you is very important. Just like in industry, an accident could prevent you from working. Whilst we don’t work in a highly dangerous environment, there are still risks. Some are short term, such as trips and spillages whilst others, such as long term damage to eyesight or back problems, may affect you much later in life.

Consider the risks based on the activities you will be undertaking during the project. Explain how you could prevent them from hap-pening.

Ensure you reference appropriate pieces of legislation, design to protect people at work.

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Health and Safety Issue How can you prevent it?

 Eye strain  Try and position yourself not to close to the computer

 mindgrains/headaches  Don’t stare at your computer for too long take breaks.

 Chair hazard  try not to swing around on your chair as it will cause a risk to you and others

 Trip hazard  Don’t leave bags lying around as it will cause trip hazards

 Computer flashes  make sure you look away and step away from the Com-puter

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