PolyU Design I MAKE Initiative Dr. Clifford Choy School of Design The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 31 Oct 2015 Contact: [email protected]

PolyU Design I MAKE Initiative (2015-10-31)

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I MAKE Initiative

PolyU DesignI MAKE InitiativeDr. Clifford ChoySchool of DesignThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University31 Oct 2015Contact: [email protected]

I MAKE InitiativeAn initiative by PolyU Design for promoting the importance of making and the maker culture to general public

PlanCompetition, workshops and seminarsMaker Faire Hong Kong 2015Schools engagement activities on make and design, leading to Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015 and 2016

Who are makers?Those who make thingsNot just production or fabrication, but also apply critical thinking and problem solving skillsExplore materials, tools, processesLearn, create, shareDo-it-yourself (DIY) with othersNot just local communities in old days, but through Internet to collaborate with people around the world

We are all makers

Examples on available tools and learning environment. E.g. 123D, Arduino, discussion forum, instructablesWhy making related to design?3

Who are makers?Some create enabling technologiesSome use technologies creativelySome do both

They are KidsHobbyistsEntrepreneursInventorsEducatorsArtists.

Make = DIY with TechnologyOnline platforms for learning and acquiring material resources

Make = DIY with TechnologyPersonal and digital fabrication

Make = DIY with TechnologyMaterials, components, modules, systems


Why Making?Re-connect us to the material world

Skilled manual labor entails a systematic encounter with the material world, precisely the kind of encounter that gives rise to natural science.This history provides a nice illustration of a point made by Aristotle: Lack of experience diminishes our power of taking a comprehensive view of the admitted facts. Hence those who dwell in intimate association with nature and its phenomena are more able to lay down principles such as to admit of a wide and coherent development; while those whom devotion to abstract discussions has rendered unobservant of facts are too ready to dogmatize on the basis of a few observations.Crawford, M. (2006). Shop Class as Soulcraft. The New Atlantis. Retrieved from http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/shop-class-as-soulcraft

Why Making?SustainabilityConsume less, produce moreLocally produce, locally consumeSelf-sustainable community and cityMaintain local and global viewsEmpowermentWhat can be imagined, can be madeDare to think bigDare to explore unknownCan we do space exploration in HK? Can we build planes in HK?

Attributes developed through MakingTinkering, hackingLearningExploringExperimentingHands-on approach in learning by doingCross-disciplinarityLearn through peer and communityCollaborationSkills, craftsmanship, patienceSharing to community

Why PolyU Design?Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.

design makes ideas tangible, it [design] takes abstract thoughts and inspirations and makes something concrete.

Designers think through making

Making is not just about production or fabrication, but also involve creativity, critical thinking, self-learning, exploration and experimentation and more, which helps to develop life-long learning skills(Herbert Simon, 1981, as cited by John Hesket, 2009)(Mat Hunter, 2014)

Heskett, J. (2009). Creating Economic Value by Design. International Journal of Design, v3, n1. Retrieved from: http://www.ijdesign.org/ojs/index.php/IJDesign/article/view/477/243Hunter, M (2014) What is Design and Why it matters? Retrieved on 5 May 2015 from http://www.thecreativeindustries.co.uk/uk-creative-overview/news-and-views/view-what-is-design-and-why-it-matters


makingThe Experiential Learning Cycle [Kolb and Kolb, 2005]Kolb, A., Kolb, D. (2005, May 15) The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 2005 Technical Specifications. Retrieved from http://learningfromexperience.com/media/2010/08/tech_spec_lsi.pdf

Kolb, A., Kolb, D. (2005, May 15) The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 2005 Technical Specifications. Retrieved from http://learningfromexperience.com/media/2010/08/tech_spec_lsi.pdf


Infrastructure to Support MakingTools and machines:Tinkerspace, Makerspace, Hackerspace, Fab LabDigital Fabrication lab, techshopSoftware (e.g. Blender, GIMP, )Access to materialsE.g. Material resource centre (JCIT 5-th floor) (http://www.sd.polyu.edu.hk/en/j.c.-innovation-tower/material-resource-centre)Learning resourcesBlogs, tutorials, discussion forums, youtube, .E.g. Instructables, adafruits, stackoverflow, Sharing and collaborative platformsGit, wordpress, youtube, vimeo

STEM/STEAMKnowledge from Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) to support makingScience e.g. understanding of properties of materialsTechnology e.g. availability of tools (hardware, software, ) and processesEngineering e.g. programming, electronicsArt e.g. aestheticsMathematics e.g. simulations, algorithms

Making provides an engaging way for individual to learn and apply STEAM knowledge


SD maker portfolio??16

I MAKE InitiativeURL: i-make.worldI make with the world.

Goal:Promote maker culture in Hong KongRaise awareness from students, parents, teachers and general public on making as a mean to develop life-long learning skills and creativity

HowMakerFaireCompetitions/ContestsEncourage creative use of technologies and use of range of materialsNOT just Arduino, NOT just 3D printingMakerspace, Hackerspace, Fab Lab Seminars, workshopsConnect to local community by servicing local needsBottom-up approach

Maker Faire

Maker FaireA family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulnessFor makers to gather, show what they have made and share what they have learnedTo demonstrate what is possibleTo exchange knowledge and ideasTo inspirePart of science fair, part of fun fairYou can perform/demonstrate crazy things

NOT Book Fair, Computer Fair, Animation-Comic and Game Fair in Hong KongNOT a trade fair dominated by traditional sales and marketingNOT an invention show, NOT a technology expoNOT a competition

Tomorrowland (2015) (http://www.kissmywonderwoman.com/2015/06/think-of-children-tuesday-tomorrowland.html)

Maker FaireFirst launch in Bay Area, USA, in 2006In 2014, 119 independently-produced Mini and 14 Featured Maker Faires around the world, including Tokyo, Rome, Detroit, Oslo and Shenzhen215,000 people attended the two flagship Maker Faires in the Bay Area and New York in 2014

Promote STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) education

What do you expect in Maker Faire?Makers show-and-tell their works/projectsPresentationDemonstration/PerformanceHands-on activitiesWorkshops





Supports Three Broad Stages of MakersZero to MakerArouse interest of those with no experience in making to become a makerIn Maker Faire: Through hands-on activities, through workshops, through inspiring talks, through inspiring works from other makersMaker to MakerSharing of knowledge between makersCollaborate and access to others expertiseWork together on shared platformsIn Maker Faire: Through show-and-tell their projects, through offering hands-on activities and organizing workshops, through interact with visitors and other makersMaker to MarketSome creations of makers have commercial appeal and get into the marketIn Maker Faire: Through presenting their journey to other makers, through collecting feedbacks from visitors on their creations

Some Categories of MakersElectronicsPlantingRobotics (e.g. hexapod, biped, )FarmingUAV (e.g. quadcropter)Personalized Motorized Mobility DeviceRC model (e.g. racing car, plane, helicopter)SportsConstruction toys/systemsModelingToys and playRecycling/upcycling3D printing/additive manufacturingCraft (metal, glass, ceramics, clothes)Digital fabrication (CNC, Miller, laser cut)Printing


What do makers make?



https://rubbishrevamped.wordpress.com/page/5/Sock Monster (Socks, Fabrics)

Craftsmanship, creativity, simple material, low-tech29

Temari (Fabrics)Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

Higher craftsmanship30

Loom (fabric)

FabFest Boston (8-9 Aug 2015)

Knitting (Mechanical design)

Makerfaire Taipei 2015 (30-31 May 2015)


Wearable (fabric + electronics)

FabFest Boston (8-9 Aug 2015)

Fab Textiles (fabric + electronics + digital fabrication)

FabFest Boston (8-9 Aug 2015)

http://www.mechanical-toys.com/cat.htmhttp://www.custompapertoys.com/Paper Engineering (Paper)

Low-tech, simple material (paper)Combine with mechanical design


Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

3D form of 2D game artsFotomo (http://www.imagejoy.com/article.php?id=188)36

Construction Kit (Paper Card)Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)



Origami (Paper)


http://matthewgardiner.net/art/Oribotics_futurelabOrigami + Electro-mechanical System

Skateboard (wood + glass fiber)

FabFest Boston (8-9 Aug 2015)


http://photoblog.hk/wordpress/61032/%E8%A1%97%E6%8B%8D%E5%88%86%E4%BA%AB-%E4%BA%8C%E6%8E%A2%E4%BD%95%E5%AE%97%E8%A8%98%E7%99%BD%E9%90%B5%E5%B7%A5%E7%A8%8BMetal Work (Galvanized Iron)

UpCycling (Aluminum Can)Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

Clean Cooking StoveHong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

Model TrainHong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)Model Bus

Weapons (3D printed materials)Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)Hand Prosthetics (3D printed materials)

Art (3D printed materials)


3D PrintersHong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

LEDs (Electronics)

Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

Personalized Motorized Mobility Devices (Electro-Mechanical System)Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2012, PolyU (11 Aug 2012)

Construction Kit (Aluminum) Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

Bluetooth Low Energy (Electronics + IT)Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

Urban Farming (Plant)Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2014, JCIT, PolyU (18-19 Oct 2014)

Hong Kong Mini MakerFaire 2013, PolyU (17 Aug 2013)

Architectural Structure (plastics, strings, MDF)

Makerfaire Taipei 2015 (30-31 May 2015)

Underwater Robot (Robotics)

Makerfaire Taipei 2015 (30-31 Jun 2015)


Makerfaire Taipei 2015 (30-31 May 2015)


Maker Faire Hong Kong 201528, 29 Nov 2015 in PolyU Campus + JCITExpect to attract 10000 visitorsWorkshops on 28-29 Nov, 5-6 DecFirst ever Maker Faire in Hong Kong

We would like to get as many students and teachers to participate as possible, especially those with interesting works to show-and-tellTeachers and students fromVisual ArtsDesign and TechnologyInformation TechnologyScienceMathematics


How can students participate? (1)Show-and-tell interesting inventions or art/craft, or demonstrate interesting works/experimentsGain confidence through show-and-tell and interacting with visitors of a wide range of backgroundsPractice their presentation and communication skillsPrepare to communicate to visitors who speak in Cantonese, Putonghua and EnglishSuitable for students in primary and secondary levels

How can students participate? (2)Lead or support workshops to teach others how to make something:Gain confidence through interacting with others, especially helping others to learnLearn more when teaching othersPractice communication skillsSuitable for students in secondary levels

How can teachers participate? (1)Deliver workshopsEngage parents and possibly other kids in making, thereby helping to promote maker culture (zero to maker)Share new techniques of making to others, and get feedback from others and find collaborators

Share experience in promoting STEAM educationShare experience and good practiceConnect with other teachers/educators/makers and share resources

Schools Engagement ActivitiesCompetitions due on Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015I MAKE Typographic Design CompetitionHebocon 2015

Competition (for one year, with partner schools)Layers Competition: Creative use of 3D printing technologies

Co-creation (needs students to participate, for creating works to show-case in Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015)Lets Build Something (Really) Big Together

I MAKE Typographic Design Competition

I MAKE Typographic design competition

What is your interpretation of I MAKE?How does your design concept communicate your interpretation?

Must have real objects in it found, made, natural, We are looking for creative design which surprises usIt can be static as well as animated




TeamsThose in primary or secondary schools, or International schoolsAt most 3 students and one teacher (as advisor)

In the following categoriesS1 to S3 or Grade 7 to 9S4 to S6 or Grade 10 to 12

JudgingSelection criteriaInterpretationConceptAestheticsUse of materialsProcessRecognitions:Trophy for Gold, Silver, Bronze, MeritDisplay in Exhibition during Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015Display on i-make.world web site

TimelineAnnouncement:1 Aug 2015Team registration deadline:29 Sep 2015Submission deadline:30 Oct 2015Announcement of winners:28 Nov 2015

Briefing and Tutorial Sessions:26 Sep 2015 10am 12pm26 Sep 2015 2pm 4pm

Hebocon 2015(Special Edition)

Hebocon 2015


Why Hebocon?Encourage to challenge yourself to try something you are not good atWillingness to try new ideas, and demonstrate them in workable formFun, motion, mechanical design, control, unpredictable situationsTalk about underlying concepts, and reflect on how you executed the concepts and what you learned

Top 10 matches in Hebocon in Osaka 2015http://portal.nifty.com/kiji/150612193797_2.htm

https://youtu.be/GjNfC59TamwThis robot is controlled by gloves, the concept is using the contact of the finger to replace the button.

https://youtu.be/GjNfC59Tamw?t=12m28sThe volcano and the hands are created by the owner, the robot will release the stream from the volcanic crater. The interesting thing for this robot, the hand can push down the enemy. Unfortunately, this robot cannot did it in the competition.

ScheduleCompetition on 28 or 29 Nov 2015Two types:Hebocon - Sumo battle (28 Nov 1pm to 4pm)Hebocon water - Coin carrying (29 Nov 1pm to 4pm)

Sign up at https://www.facebook.com/Hebocon.HK

Special guest:


LAYERS Competition: Creative Use of 3D Printing Technologies

Creative use of 3D printingTheme:Fashion accessoriesToysLocal culture and IdentityCreate for ______

Technical requirementsMust have 3D printed partsPossible to combine with other materials and technologies



ScheduleAnnouncement:Mid/late Aug 2015Enrolment in competition20 Sep 2015 to 29 Feb 2016** Pitching+feedback if enrolled before 22 Nov 2015 SeminarsOpen seminars from mid Oct to mid NovSubmission deadline:Jun 2016Exhibition and competition:July 2016Good quality work to be exhibited in Maker Faire Hong Kong 2016

Lets Build Something (Really) Big Together

Lets Build Something (Really) Big TogetherFrom Sep 2015 till Nov 2015, for Maker Faire Hong Kong 2015http://www.i-make.world/sthbigPossible ideas:Make a Makey with at least 5m tall (or more) and with moving handsMake a fire dragon or lion head or with local culture, and interactive

E.g. with StrawBees + Arduino (optional)






ScheduleEnrolment in competition20 Sep to 4 Oct 2015Short workshops26 to 28 Sep 2015Consultation sessionsOct 2015 to Nov 2015

Show-and-tell and Performance during MakerFaire Hong Kong 2015

Timber Frame Structure System Workshop

Timber Frame Structure System WorkshopIntroduce the process of Design through making to HK younger generations of 16-18 years oldThey willInteract with architects, designers and design students, this would give them a chance to find out more about the path of design career.Learn about basic wood working skill like sawing, chiseling and joinery.Play with 1:1 size structure of up to 3-5 meters diameters and 2.5 meters height. So that they can get to explore the relationship of space, body and proportions.

ScheduleDay 1: 21 Nov, 10am 1pmDay 2: 22 Nov, 10am 1pm

30 50 studentsLead by Kuo Jze Yi, Visiting Lecturer

Welcome teachers to recommend students to participateEnroll at http://www.i-make.world/

Nerdy Derby

Makerspace, Hackerspace, FabLab

FabLab@PolyUOne of the research initiative in PolyU Design, name to be finalizedPromote maker cultureEngage makers, those with needs, university students, teachers and students in primary and secondary schools (may be even kindergarten), other makerspaces in HKProvide resources to support establishment of other makerspace, hackerspace, fablab in HK, especially in schoolsNOT just a workspace with machines, but a Community of Practice, where tools, knowledge and experts concentrate

Any Questions, Suggestions, Ideas?


ReferencesHeskett, J. (2009). Creating Economic Value by Design. International Journal of Design, v3, n1. Retrieved from: http://www.ijdesign.org/ojs/index.php/IJDesign/article/view/477/243Hunter, M (2014) What is Design and Why it matters? Retrieved on 5 May 2015 from http://www.thecreativeindustries.co.uk/uk-creative-overview/news-and-views/view-what-is-design-and-why-it-mattersKolb, A., Kolb, D. (2005, May 15) The Kolb Learning Style Inventory Version 3.1 2005 Technical Specifications. Retrieved from http://learningfromexperience.com/media/2010/08/tech_spec_lsi.pdf