Antton Peña Portfolio 2014 Spring

Portfolio - Antton Peña

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Page 1: Portfolio - Antton Peña

Antton Peña

Portfolio 2014 Spring

Page 2: Portfolio - Antton Peña

HI! I am Antton Peña, a young Innovation Designer coming from the north of Spain. In the I am part of the new Global Innovation Design MA/MsC programme offered in conjunction by the Royal College of Art and Imperial College of London. Creative and perfectionist, but a big fan of the big picture.

Even if my background was directing me to the product design industry, and had professional experience in the car design industry, I decided to quit trying to create meaningful innovation that will connect to people.

Mountaineer at free time, I enjoy breathing fresh air outdoors, prac-ticing action sports to explore the nature. Canyoning, climbing, caving and trekking are the ones I usually practice. I love bringing this active spirit to work.

I believe that having a dynamic attitude in the office, helps to have a better environment to create new ideas, to have different points of view, and in consequence develop a better work, specially in the design industry.

DescriptionI believe that nowadays, everything is interconnected. Different fields work together, different cultures heavily influence others, and there is no innovation that has impact in an specific area. I believe that design needs to evolve in that way.

The creative process has to integrate different insights and experts, while taking into account a broad number of factors in order to answer in the most integral way to the problems. Every product needs the support of a good service, have a well designed user interaction and be able to answer to the sustainability factors.

My career started as a designer focuses merely on the product, but as mycontact with other fields increased, I realised of the importanceof the connection between different knowledges.

Answering to this believe, I continuously train myself to be as multidisciplinary as possible in order to guide processes where different professionals are part of. In this way we will be able to deliver solutions in more complex environ-ments, where the understanding of the whole situation is needed.


Who am I?

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What did I do?


Industrial Design & Product Development Engineering Degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea International Semester in L’Ecole de Design de Nantes Atlantique [Product Design Specialization]

GraduateGlobal Innovation Design [GID] coDelivered by Royal College of Art and Imperial College of London,Pratt Institute of New York and Keio Media Design of Tokyo, with significant stays in each of them.

Basque: [Mother Tongue] EGA Certificate (2006)Spanish: [Mother Tongue]English: Advanced Level - TOEFL 99Italian: Advanced LevelFrench: Intermediate Level

Language Skills

Technical SkillsSolidWorks: AutoCad: [2D] UniGraphics:Arduino: Photoshop: 3DSmax:

Illustrator: HTML: CSS: Final Cut: Flash: BunkSpeed Shoot: Autodes Alias:

Audi AG - Esiste G.m.b.HPosition: Junior Designer and Team LeaderLocation: Munich - Germany

Esiste S.R.LPosition: Internship as Automotive Autodesk Alias ModelerLocation: Torino - Italy

Seat Design CenterPosition: Internship at Exterior Components departmentLocation: Barcelona - Spain

Mondragon UnibertsitateaPosition: Trainee responsible of the designof the degrees catalog and the corporative web pageLocation: Mondragon - Spain

As FreelanceSome Clients: PeñaRural, Ingou, Publidenak, Arizmendi Ikastola...Products: Video mounts, Logos, PrintWorks, WebDesign.

Work Experience

@more information at:http://www.anttonp.net

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What is where?

Spain New York London

mTouch Between Igex xRider Nocturne Glimpse magFoamThe intelligent tactile mixer

The new pet brush range

The New Way To Cross The Oceans

The new way to feel the roads

De-light ofthe Night

Giving independance to visually impaired skiers

EXPermenting theunknown

*Proyect data and authory at the end of the portfolio




Measuring From:




Training Configuration22%4:21 PMBELL

PresetManualFrom Trainer







PetFood Market


Main Business Groups

15300 M € 76700 M € 116600 M € 30000 M € 1800 M €

Annual Turnover

PetFood Brands


Their Phylosofy

love and pride of our pets We promise quality

Your Pet, Our Passion


We love living and celebrating everything

related to dogs

Investigation, atention, aprobation,

socialization and diseases

Situation and Market


The Spanish Market In Numbers*


of houses have unless a dog


of the market volume is generated by dog food


of pet owners gives dry food their dog

3 -5%

is the increase that will have the pet food market

on the following years*Source: "El PetFood En Espana" - Escuela de Negocios Caixanova

The PetFood Market is a market that has been growing conti�nuously at least the last 10 years. Big companies are pre�sent, having a large catalogue of products trying to serve to the biggest range of di�erent users. This diagram tries to show the actual state of the business, representing the most

important numbers at the beginning, and displaying after how those big brands above mentioned position in the market. Each column refers to an enterprise group. The lines represent di�erent attributes that have been taken into account during the analysis of the companies.

Interface DesignA selection of UI Designs

Laso&KorriMarket LandingStrategyc Plan


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mTouch is a mixer that is thought to simplify the usage and to improve the security. That is why doesn’t have any

button, and it is enough to push the body to switch it on.

To avoid any unwanted switch-ing on, has a security system

that has to be deactivated before using it, it is integrated in the head of the mixer. This

head, is also turnable. This gives the user a bigger free-

dom because the cable is independent to the move-

ments we make with the prod-uct.

mTouchThe inteligent tactile mixer

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Montar Enchufar Introducir Presionar

Batir Desmontar Desenchufar Retirar Limpiar




Robot 300analisis

Usage Stages Discussing the best options

ergonomy test

mTouchThe inteligent tactile mixer

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Render to show how is constructed

Usage Explanation

During this project we put special attention on the usage of it, as well as in the produc-tion processes of

the product. That is why in one hand we developed

some renders to properly explain how the behaves of the user should be and some very

technical cad render to explain the building in the


mTouchThe inteligent tactile mixer

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During this project, we had a a nice opportunity to explore the engineer-ing of the product. We could decide te kind of motor that the mixer should have. The materials were choosen depending to their behavior against corrosion, and the electrical circuits were also designer by us. This gave us a bigger understanding of the product.

But the nices part of the project, was to design all the interior of it, decide how different parts should match between them and how a part could have more than a fuction. One of the parts that is multifuntional is the one that you can see in the left. The design of it allow not to have a simetrical part, and creating all the body with only one.

Multifunctional Part

mTouchThe inteligent tactile mixer

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Project Developed for the Brand:Biogance is a brand that develops cosmetic products for pets. They wanted to enlarge they range of products and they asked us to develop 4 beauty brushes to include it in their catalog. After a research and evaluation of many ideas, we decided that they needed more objects that those they asked to us, so we developed the whole range.

BetweenThe new pet brush range

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Natural Wood

No Coatings



The Between Pro-ject was the kind of project were the client gives the designer total free-dom, but we needed to work fast. That is why we went straight to the solution. The followed direction was chosen in the very beginning, and we could focus in the development phase.

The aesthetic trend we

decided to follow

from the beginning

BetweenThe new pet brush range

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Full Range

The idea was to keep the assem-bling simple. We were aware that a so small prod-uct needed to be cheap to produce. That is why we tried to design a form that could be easy to assem-ble.

ECO - nomi- logy

To create a more environment friendly product, and in the same way, a cheaper one, we based the design on a common

geometry. With an aluminum extrusion, is possible to build the structure that will be used in a big part of the variants.

Tooth Brush

Death Hair Comb

Short Hair


Daily Usage


Styling Peigne

BetweenThe new pet brush range

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Business Idea Awarded At:

Inspired by the increasing success of the actions sports and by the lack of them in the coast, Igex is a revolutionary water transport. It is designed to be driven without commands, directed by the position of the body of the user.

IgexThe new way of exploring the ocean

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Birtuala PasiboaSedentarioa

Jendea ezagutu nahi

turismoari ihesi

Estereotipooso ugaria

Jendea ezagutzekoaitzakia beharra

Elkartzeko guneen beharra

Sare Sozialak

Diru falta

Aparatu guztiek dute konektatzeko gaita-suna. Mugikor, kont-

sola, erloju...

Kostako herrien udako masifikazioa ez dute gogoko. Urte osoan beraiena denean, protagonis-ta bihurtzen diren turistak iristen dira.

Juergan ateratzen da, jendez inguratu, baina anonimotasuna man-tentzen jarraitzen du.

Zerbitzu bat eskai-ni behar zaio. Momentu labu-rrean ordaindu-takoaren etekina aterako duelarik. Udaletxea izan daiteke bezero, herriari baliabidea eskaintzen diona.

Lokalak, tabernak, etab. erabiltzen dituzte elkartzeko. Sare txikiak sortzen dira, gune komunen beharra


Gazteak euren artean ezagutzeko ingurune aproposak behar dira, tokiak berak horretara bideratuko

dituen lekuak alegia.

Bizitza konpar-titzeko erramin-ta nagusia. Telefonia eta SMSak bazter-

tuko ditu.

Etxean denbora gehiago igarotzen du. Beste pertsonekin interakzio birtuala

mantentzen du.

Kostako herrietan ez da estereotipo naba-ria igartzen. Ugariak dira gazteek erabilt-zen dituzten janzkera

eta itxurak.

Bizitza konpar-titzeko erramin-ta nagusia. Telefonia eta SMSak bazter-

tuko ditu.

Gaztearen Irudikapena

Gaur egungo gazteria, etengabe interne-terta konektaturiko gazteria da. Biziztza konpartitzeko sare sozial birtualak dara-biltza eta honegaitik hitz egin daiteke

gazteria sedentario batetaz.

Kostako gazteriaren kezka handi bat udako turismoaren masifikazioa da.

Sedentarismoa izan arren, gazteriak jendea ezagutu nahi du, honetarako aitzakia eta toki apropos bat behar duela-


Diru falta, kontuan hartzeko gauza da, honetarako alokairu sistema bat irtenbi-

dea izan daitekelarik.





The average time we spend

connected in Spain




facebookDecember 2008

December 2009

3h 4min

5h 35min

%80 %60

They connect every day

That are part of a network

Our base information


al N



Water Consum


Average consumption from lakes

and forecasts of consumption

The time spent in a month

connected to the network



2020252,56 l/s

257,05 l/s

283,6 l/s306,5 l/s

WWF says that the price of the water

will be multiplied by

for the year 2050.x3

AlGore says that %40 of water comes

from glaciers

The levelof theraises


each year

All this water changes from sweet water to salty

The users of internet connect knowing

Data from the basque water agency

For this project, we had the chance to make a deep research. We man-aged to find data about the water consumption and the bigger young trends, the social networks.

As it was a project were the client, a local institution was very involved, we had to show him different stages to convince them following the direction we wanted. For this, many scenarios were created, example vehicles shown, data displayed, ect.

Mood Board

IgexThe new way of exploring the ocean

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Ergonomy Testing Rough ModelsFormal Research Sketches Creation of the Final Model

During the development of the product, we had to deal with the fact that the object was going to be in contact with the body. That is why we created many rought volumes/models to test that the Igex was going to be confortamble for the user. In the same way, we didn’t want to sacrifry the aesthetical charac-ter of the concept, so we had to work simultaneously in the ergonomical and aesthetical development.

IgexThe new way of exploring the ocean

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2 Turbines




Solar Panel



Opening System

Charging Port

IgexThe new way of exploring the ocean

The big effort of the Igex project was to define the interior in a viable way. We had many constrains that made us change the design, but is this c o m p r o m i s e between design and techniche that allowed us creating something nice and technically build-able.

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The Igex project evolved from a simple I.D. project to an entrepreneurial pro-ject. The idea was awarded by two insti-tutions (BCD and ISEA) and an investor* show the interest in the idea. This made us go deeper with the devel-opment of the project. First we had to check the flotability of the product. At the beginning it wasn’t flotable, so we had to change the volume to make the product float.

But the product needs a plan to be mar-keted, so we had to develop a market-ing plan. As the product was quite expensive for the final user, we choosed a renting system to make the Igex afordable for every one.

So we defined the distribution, the transportation, the target, the incomes, ect. *Unafortunately, the project was not continue by the investor.

Testing the floatability(Hidromax virtual model)

Floatability Theorems

Marketing Plan

IgexThe new way of exploring the ocean

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An example of the developed appeal images Presenting the project in BarcelonaTo see the video of the presentation: vimeo.com/asdfasfeas

The final result of the built real size model

IgexThe new way of exploring the ocean

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Laso&KorriA new high quality dog food

LasoAndKorri is one of the projects that made me realize of the importance of having a wide point of view of the brands. The task was to design a landing of a milk company (Kaiku) in the pet food


The main task was to detect the opportunities that the market was o�ering in the moment, but at the end we �nished proposing many

ideas to the client.

Page 19: Portfolio - Antton Peña

LasoAndKorri is one of the projects that made me realize of the importance of having a wide point of view of the brands. The task was to design a landing of a milk company (Kaiku) in the pet food


The main task was to detect the opportunities that the market was o�ering in the moment, but at the end we �nished proposing many

ideas to the client.

Evaluating Market Possibilities

Making Decisions on the packaging Deciding the

brand identity

Our company

245 M €

Annual Turnover

Situation and Market

Kaiku�s Brand

Kaiku�s Phylosofy

Quality + Environment + Innovation + Expansion

Kaiku�s Accionists

Farmers Cooperatives

Kaiku´s Alliances

America, Africa and Europe

Distribution Type



Products and some promotions

Price and Reputation

Very Generic Product Range Very Speci�c Product Range - Healthy products

Reputation: based on the contact with clients Price: Comparation made with the same product range

PoPBL 6b Team Nº 10 Juan Urretabizkaia, Maialen Larrañaga, Estela Lapeyra, Rakel Otsagabia & Antton Peña

Kaiku Food Corporation is the most important company doing dairy products in the Basque Country. Its aim is to o�er consu�mers healthy products of guaranteed quality and origin. In this

diagram you can �nd the actual situation of this company. Di�erent lines of the diagram represent some characteristics of the company.

PetFood Market


Main Business Groups

15300 M € 76700 M € 116600 M € 30000 M € 1800 M €

Annual Turnover

PetFood Brands


Their Phylosofy

love and pride of our pets We promise quality

Your Pet, Our Passion


We love living and celebrating everything

related to dogs

Investigation, atention, aprobation,

socialization and diseases

Situation and Market

North and South America and Europe

All over the world except oceania

All over the world EuropeAll over the world

Distribution Type

Veterinarians and specialised shop

Veterinarians and specialised shop


specialised shops and supermarkets

Price and Reputation

Reputation: based on the contact with clients Price: Comparation made with the same product range

Veterinarians and specialised shop


Product Range




Very Generic Product Range Very Speci�c Product Range - Dietetic

The Spanish Market In Numbers*


of houses have unless a dog


of the market volume is generated by dog food


of pet owners gives dry food their dog

3 -5%

is the increase that will have the pet food market

on the following years*Source: "El PetFood En Espana" - Escuela de Negocios Caixanova

The PetFood Market is a market that has been growing conti�nuously at least the last 10 years. Big companies are pre�sent, having a large catalogue of products trying to serve to the biggest range of di�erent users. This diagram tries to show the actual state of the business, representing the most

important numbers at the beginning, and displaying after how those big brands above mentioned position in the market. Each column refers to an enterprise group. The lines represent di�erent attributes that have been taken into account during the analysis of the companies.

PoPBL 6b Team Nº 10 Juan Urretabizkaia, Maialen Larrañaga, Estela Lapeyra, Rakel Otsagabia & Antton Peña

Laso &Korri&





During the process we developed

many diagram and infographics to make the client understand the

reasons of our decisions. Market Research

Shown as infographic

The keys of the new company

Laso&KorriA new high quality dog food

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Laso Korri&



e Pr




ck P








e 41

8 PC



ad 1




e B





ad 1




e 40

5 Pc



ad 5











e 40

3 Pc



ad 2

5% typographyDays Regular





Advertise example developed for the releasing of the brand Video showing the process followed and the result obtained

For the end of the project, we developed many things for the client. Starting from the brand design, going throw the advertising boards, and �nishing with the packaging.

All the elements were linked to the brand, and to the strategy for the landing it´s landing in the market. We even decided the price it should have.

The product ended being a high quality product for pets that are specially trained for speci�c sports.


Laso&KorriA new high quality dog food

Page 21: Portfolio - Antton Peña

The x-Rider 4 is a new concept of vehicle. It is a mix between a car and a motorbike. The four wheels give the

needed stability to the vehicle, while the users position and the way of driving allows the driver feel very extreme


The low height creates the feeling of being nearly touch-ing road, something that is increased by placing the head

in front of the vehicle.

xRiderFeeling the roads

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xRiderFeeling the roads

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xRiderFeeling the roads

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NocturneDe-light of the Night

Nocturne is an interactive light fixture, programmed to react to the lack of sunlight, brightening and opening gradually with the setting sun. The form of the piece and the organic movement of the arms were inspired by bat wings and movements of jellyfish, in order to give a shy personality to the lamp. He is afraid of the sun.

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NocturneDe-light of the Night

CAD optimization First cardboard prototypes Structural Tests Phisical Computing Cover selection Instalation1 2 3 4 5 6

Many components were used during the process

Initial trials Getting ready for the show!

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NocturneDe-light of the Night

The project, even if based in a simple concept, underwent through many small steps in order to work properly. Even if the aesthetics were an important compo-nent during the whole journey, the engineering took a driving role. Finally, we were able to have a complex move-ment driven by a single motor, a rigid but flexible surface as the cover of the struc-ture, and a working Arduino system that would offer a seamless final experience.

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GlimpseGiving independence to visually impaired skiers

GLIMPSE was born motivated by the Rio Tinto Sport Challenge. The

brief was asking to design any-thing that would offer a benefit to the winter Paralympic games.

GLIMPSE offers a bigger inde-pendence to the visually impaired


The project shown in the follow-ing pages was ideated and devel-oped in 6 weeks, going from the

first ideas to the fabrication of the prototype shown here.

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GlimpseGiving independence to visually impaired skiers

Yes! He is feeling

the people around him!

Visually impaired skiers race with a sighted guide who travels a few meters ahead of them. They rely on verbal communication, and have no means of independently gauging where objects are around them.

GLIMPSE aims at giving independence to Paralympic skiers and snowboarders by providing relative position awareness via multi-sensorial feedback: mixing biomim-icry and the latest technology allowed us to redesign the safety helmet to make this possible.

The helmet detects were the other competitors around are, as well as the position and direction to the next control point.

GLIMPLE uses sound to guide the athlete through the path they have to follow. Meanwhile they are able to feel and understand where the rest of the athletes are situated relatively to them, thanks to the haptic feedback the helmet is able to provide. All the measurements are calculated with technologies integrated in the helmet. This technologies aren’t satellite dependent, ensuring its correct functioning in areas with compromised connectivity.

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Ultrasonic Sensors

General ComputationArduinoSound Generation



Vibration Band

Infrared Sensors

IR based angle calculation

GlimpseGiving independence to visually impaired skiers

Rest of the competitors: Haptic Feedback 1

Next doors position: Sound Feedback2

What does the athlete receive? To be able to translate the inputs into understandable feedback for the athletes, we combined different technologies into one system. Based on

2 Arduino computation units, we were able to detect position, angle and distance, and deliver it in form of sound and haptic feedback.

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GlimpseGiving independence to visually impaired skiers

Peter Childs, Director of GID and

IDE, enjoying the demonstration!Time to show the work!

Testing first feedback prototypesConcept Image

User Centered Research

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MagFoamEXPerimenting the unknown

MagFoam is the result of 3 day workshop working with the EXP process. The EXP process makes reference to a non linear way of working. A process based

on questions more than answers, a process that EXPlores, EXPeriments, EXPloits...

The initial idea was to work around the Augmented Materials. Materials that have new functions, new properties or behaviours. The result, a magnetic

foam, and many unexpected discoveries.

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When the brief was delivered, the concept I gener-ated was about creating bodies that would behave in unexpected ways. The first prototype was built from this,

I succeeded in on that, but found an opportunity on developing a sponge that would be magnetic when under pressure. The last iterations didn’t drive me to the solution of this last question,

the idea was to use correct to make the ball move continuously. It didn’t work. I thought the solution was to have a magnetic but very light material. That how the idea of building a magnetic sponge was generated.

but gave me some deep insights. The attracted ferroliquids have a direct impact in the surface finishing on foams. The question is posed, now is about EXPing more.

MagFoamEXPerimenting the unknown

From Concept to Findings

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ready for the exhibition

Eureka! The moment I found the process that would generate the final question!

During the process, don’t worry if the lab is messi! But present everything in a neat way!

MagFoamEXPerimenting the unknown

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HerriUrratsThe identity for a philanthropic event


lapurdiGipuzkoaBihotz-Berritu Bihotz-Berritu Bihotz-Berritu Bihotz-Berritu Bihotz-Berritu

Haurren xokoaBihotz-Berritu

Mascots for each station

the graphic universe

Herri Urrats is a festival that collects money for the creation of schools that teach Basque in the norther Basque Country. They asked to as to create the whole identity to make the event known.

The philosophy of the iden-tity is that we need to transfer the language from the oldest to the youngest. That is why we can see the whole family while the smallest is the “loved”. In the same time, “Urrats” means “step”, giving the reason to the foot form

that the logo has.

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Web Design ExamplesA recopilation of projects for the web



Measuring From:




Training Configuration22%4:21 PMBELL

PresetManualFrom Trainer







Some Selected Sites

iPhone app

proposalPersonal Site

Everything needs presence on internet nowadays. That is way I think that is necessary to be aware of the technologies and opportunities that this media offers. Here are some of the works I did in web design. All of them were designed and pro-grammed by me. All of them are sites that work with CMS programs so the client can make changes on his own. The languages used were mainly HTML, CSS and PHP.

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What Did I Do?

Team Project:

Erlaiz VidalTxaber TraspaderneBeñat SalaberriaJon LatxagaAntton Peña

February 2009

Team Project:

Michael JuradoAntton Peña

February 2012

Team Project:

Beñat SalaberriaAitor SanchezJon ApodakaErlaiz Vidal Antton Peña


Personal Project

June 2012

Team Project

Setareh ShamdaniAntton Peña

Decembre 2013

Team Project

Giulio AmmendolaSunghoon LeeNaomi Bailey-CooperAntton Peña

January 2014

Personal Projects

February 2014

I think that the secret of the innovation is the plurality.The real power of the designers appears when are mixed with others. That is why I proudly want to show who I worked with. I believe that without them, the projects had not been the same. Thank You All!

All the sketches, drawings and hand renders have been done by myself. In the case of the models, even if I love being involved in the process, more people has taken part on the creation of the ones shown. *

Spain New York London

mTouch Between Igex xRider - 4 Nocturne Glimpse magFoamThe intelligent tactile mixer

The new pet brush range

The New Way To Cross The Oceans

The new way to feel the roads

De-light ofthe Night

Giving independance tovisually impaired skiers

EXPermenting theunknown


Page 37: Portfolio - Antton Peña

I Hope You Enjoyed!And thank you

for having a look!

If you want to know more about be

linkedin.com/in/anttonp user: maimuru twitter.com/anttonp anttonp.net

Antton Peña ArreguiMaimuru Etxea Gureia Auzoa

Aramaio 01169 - Spain+34 616 70 15 20 [email protected]

Static Contact Information: