A2 Media Studies SHOT LIST - MUSIC VIDEO SHOT NO. SHOT TYPE ACTION MISE EN SCENE 1 Medium close up Maddie with her hair over her face (slightly windy) in slow motion to introduce her as the main focus of the video. This is also one of Goodwin’s theory as it includes the lead singer within the video. Pale, vintage clothes with a pale background so that full attention is on Maddie. 2 Medium Long shot An abandoned shed with a field surrounding it, this will be to symbolise the idea of her state of mind. Abandoned with pale colours so that direct attention is on the building. 3 Close ups Slight movement showing a white wall that is flakey and chipped, this is to create a relationship between the lyrics and video. Walls of the abandoned shed (decay). 4 Medium long shot (POV) Showing the open hatch of the shed looking out to the field. This also creates a relationship between the lyrics and video; this will also symbolise the open world around her but how trapped she feels in her mind set and oppression of her gender. Shed door with no door. 5 Long shot/Low angle Looking up to the sky showing the clouds and birds. This also creates Showing the sky with birds and

Shot list

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1 Medium close up

Maddie with her hair over her face (slightly windy) in slow motion to introduce her as the main focus of the video. This is also one of Goodwin’s theory as it includes the lead singer within the video.

Pale, vintage clothes with a pale background so that full attention is on Maddie.

2 Medium Long shot An abandoned shed with a field surrounding it, this will be to symbolise the idea of her state of mind.

Abandoned with pale colours so that direct attention is on the building.

3 Close ups Slight movement showing a white wall that is flakey and chipped, this is to create a relationship between the lyrics and video.

Walls of the abandoned shed (decay).

4 Medium long shot (POV)

Showing the open hatch of the shed looking out to the field. This also creates a relationship between the lyrics and video; this will also symbolise the open world around her but how trapped she feels in her mind set and oppression of her gender.

Shed door with no door.

5 Long shot/Low angle

Looking up to the sky showing the clouds and birds. This also creates imagery, which is stated in the lyrics – it’s to symbolise the idea of how free the birds are compared to her.

Showing the sky with birds and clouds (depending on the weather.)

6 Long shot/High angle

Looking down at the sea and waves to create a dreamy effect and to how vast the sea is.

7 Medium Shot Of the sea on the same level this is foreshadowing the many shots you will see throughout the video of her in the bath.

8 Close up Ground shot of the waves approaching the camera, the idea of the sea embracing the camera and covering it symbolises how Maddie feels due to society and

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her emotions – it’s very overwhelming.

9 Long shot Shot looking down at the sea.10 Extreme long

shot/PanLooking down from a hill/ bank, this is juxtaposition on how she has no control of what’s beneath her.

Imagery of the landscape around her showing fields and houses and trees.

11 Medium Long shot

Maddie wrapped in a pale sheet in the bath – this symbolise how she is trapped and her state of mind, I will create unsettling imagery which may give off vibes of depression, suicide and schizophrenia.

Maddie will be dressed in a gown/ dress, which is floral or pale to show the era this is also a convention of the music videos I analysed to begin with.

12 Medium close up Shots of Maddie with the sheet over her.

The sheet will be white so that it goes slightly transparent so you can see Maddie underneath it in the water.

13 Long shots Of woods and trees to show the different settings – a lot of the music videos I analysed in this genre co-operated a lot of landscapes and nature in it.

This adds to the atmosphere of the video.

14 Extreme long shot Of the woodland.15 Medium shot Looking down at the flowers and

mud with various close ups of flowers and leaves this is so symbolise femininity.

16 Close up Various close ups of overlapping face images this is to show that her facial expressions are distressed so you are aware of her mental illness.

17 Long shot Girl looking out at the landscape. She will be dressed in a dress and looking out longingly to highlight her desire to escape.

18 Medium shot/ Shot with the hair in the breeze Her hair will be

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over the shoulder looking out to a landscape (countryside). By her having her face over her face it shows that she wants to hide within herself.

messy and slightly wet – she will be wearing pale clothes.

19 Medium Shot Various medium shots of Maddie in the corner of the shed doing weird actions/ body language. These shots and actions will be influenced by Francesca Woodman’s photography; this is because her photos can be interpreted all about self-hatred and depression.

It’ll have low key lighting to show the state of mind that she’s in.

20 Close ups Various close ups of Maddie’s body and clothing to show that she is distressed – this is following on the actions of the above but showing the details of her face and clothes.

21 Close up / POV This will be overlapped with POV shots of hands and feet in the mud moving and touching it as if she’s crawling in it.

22 Medium close up/ Head shots

Heads overlapped in different positions.

This is to created different strange imagery.

23 Medium Shot (slight movement of the camera.)

In the shed with a mirror by the wall with Maddie crawling around looking at it, these strange actions highlight her mental illnesses.

24 Extreme close up/ Graphic match

Of a facial feature.

25 Extreme close up/ Graphic match

A tree with the same shape. This is to highlight the comparison/ similarity she has with nature and how close she is to being free.

26 Medium long shot Maddie sat in the corner with her face and body movements blurred. (Reverse techniques used).

Inspired by Francesca Woodman’s photography.

27 Close up Showing her body language (hands, feet, arms) – muddy to show that she has been in the wilderness and crawling around.

Her dress will be worn and have stains on it.

28 Extreme close up Of bark of a tree.29 Medium shot Looking up at a tree

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30 Medium long shot Maddie sat in the corner to show similar imagery of before.

31 Long shot Two boys with a pale/ floral backdrop holding dolls this is to highlight the idea of how society would have taken this as a mental illness at the time – if I can I will film it in an abandoned asylum or a backdrop which looks similar.

The two boys will be wearing feminine clothing – pink dresses or skirts holding Barbie dolls.

32 Close up Barbie floating in the bath – this is a sinister twist as he highlights the mental illness through a child’s toy.

A Barbie with long hair dressed floating in the bath upside down.

33 Medium shot Showing Maddie holding up a mirror in front of her face with Rema’s reflection in it. This is to symbolise the idea of her wanting to change her identity and the idea of schizophrenia.

I will try these shots at a beach – Maddie will be holding up a mirror over her face but you will be able to see Rema with her black hair over her face.

34 Medium close ups Boy in female clothes these will be flashes to remind you of the character.

Dressed in feminine clothes with a floral / pale backdrop.

35 Extreme long shots

Landscape shots from above a hill/ bank to relate with the lyrics of the “I am the mountain.”

36 Close ups Images of the violin doing tremolo with overlapping images of Maddie’s face to lip sing to the music. There will only be some lip singing in the video as of the genre of music (a lot of the videos I analysed didn’t include any lip singing.)

Just showing Maddie’s face and her playing the viola/ violin to include some of Goodwins theory of the lead singer/ musician.

37 Extreme close ups Overlapped over Maddie of flowers, mud, birds and plants. This is to highlight Maddie’s femininity and show the similarities of these.

38 Long shot POV Shot in some woods looking down at all the trees – this to show Maddie in the woods running and looking around to create the sense of isolation.

Maddie will be alone and dressed in similar clothing as before.

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39 Extreme long shot Long shot of girl in the woods standing/ looking – this is to show how small she is compared to the surrounding area.

40 Long shot – close ups

Different shots of a hand in the air doing different movements. I would like to focus on imagery and body language during the long pace shots.

The different shots will use different lights to create different shadows. I am going to overlap them too to create authentic imagery.

41 Medium shot Looking down on a girl with hands in the air in the bath (her face under the water.) This will be to include the other shots with these repetitive shots of Maddie in the bath looking distressed.

This adds performance to the video it will be in slow motion to add to the effect of the long paced shots.

42 Close ups Bath water and clothes in the bath (maybe with a sheet over hair showing close ups of Maddie breathing in under the sheet.)

These eerie shots are to show how she’s feeling suicidal.

43 Close ups In different lights and using shadows with sheets I will shoot different movements of hands.

44 Medium shots Underwater shots in the sea or a stream if the camera lets me – this is because of the atmosphere the song creates – it feels like you are floating in water.

45 Close up Overlap Maddie lip singing over the water scenes

I will overlap Maddie lip singing and the water towards the end as of the pace of edit.

46 Medium shots Hands in the water to create the sense of drowning.

47 Medium shots Hands in the air with the sky as the backdrop.

48 Medium close up Face in the bath/ above and under the water to show the idea of her having mental breakdown and feelings of suicide.

49 Medium shot Hands and arms in the bath to show her body language under the water.

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50 Long shot Waterfall flowing to show the water ripples to create imagery and to involve the water imagery from before as of the experimental sounds in the song.

51 Extreme long shot Maddie sat on a rock poll crouched over with slight wet hair.

She will be in a dress and this will create a sense of isolation by the sea (escapism.)

52 Medium shots Boy with a doll to remind you of the idea of someone who is transgender.

53 Long shot Of the sea.54 Medium close up Bath scene with distorted face to

create imagery inspired by Francesca Woodman and to create the dark atmosphere of her emotions.

May have different things in the bath like leaves or flowers.

55 Medium shot Glitter over lenses with a person wrapped up in front of the lenses to highlight femininity and to experiment with shots with things in front of the camera lenses.

Glitter to create a lighting effect.

56 Close ups Face under the water breathing in to highlight her last breathes.

Maddie will be still dressed in a worn, vintage dress.

57 Medium shot Shot from behind with Maddie with her head over a barn door showing her emotion of not being able to go out and entrapment.

Her hair over the door and her face.

58 Medium shot Front shot of Maddie with her face over the door with her hair over her to conclude her actions.

Shot of her hair over the door.

Fade out