Script 0:00 – 2:41 The start of eerie music is played in the background and all the way throughout the opening. 0:12 – 0:24 Voice of man: Charles Manson 36 chose a house at random (background noise of peoples commotion throughout his dialogue) tied up the family at gunpoint then ordered his followers to go inside and commit ritual slaughter 0:37 - Noise of people’s commotion again 0:40 – 0:47 Women’s singing overlaps the sound of people’s commotions 0:42 The sound of camera shutter, a photo is being taken 0:51 – 1:00 The voice of Charles Manson is heard: When I stand on the mountain and I say DO IT it gets done and if it don’t get done then I’ll move on it and that’s the last thing in the world you want me to do 1:02 – 1:11 Maybe I should of killed 4 - 500 people then I would of felt better then I would of felt like I really offered society something 1:15- 1:20 more commotion is heard but is overlapped by another person’s dialogue 1:17 - 1:24 a man’s dialogue (which is hard to understand what he is saying) A man’s voice: If I started murdering people they’d be none of it left. 1:25 – 1:30 The man said to of been the inspiration or the leader of the cult Charles Manson 1:31 – 1:40 Now you do what I say you know if I wanted to kill somebody id take this stick and beat you to death and I wouldn’t feel a thing

Storyboard for film and script

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0:00 – 2:41 The start of eerie music is played in the background and all the way throughout the opening.

0:12 – 0:24 Voice of man: Charles Manson 36 chose a house at random (background noise of peoples commotion throughout his dialogue)tied up the family at gunpoint then ordered his followers to go inside and commit ritual slaughter

0:37 - Noise of people’s commotion again

0:40 – 0:47 Women’s singing overlaps the sound of people’s commotions

0:42 The sound of camera shutter, a photo is being taken

0:51 – 1:00 The voice of Charles Manson is heard: When I stand on the mountain and I say DO IT it gets done and if it don’t get done then I’ll move on it and that’s the last thing in the world you want me to do

1:02 – 1:11 Maybe I should of killed 4 - 500 people then I would of felt better then I would of felt like I really offered society something

1:15- 1:20 more commotion is heard but is overlapped by another person’s dialogue

1:17 - 1:24 a man’s dialogue (which is hard to understand what he is saying) A man’s voice: If I started murdering people they’d be none of it left.

1:25 – 1:30 The man said to of been the inspiration or the leader of the cult Charles Manson

1:31 – 1:40 Now you do what I say you know if I wanted to kill somebody id take this stick and beat you to death and I wouldn’t feel a thing

As the music becomes more dramatic so does the commotion in the background

1:41 - 2:00 The commotion

2:01 – 2:04 They call themselves the family

The main dialogue throughout our opening is not our own. We researched news reports and interviews about and with Charles Manson, then watched them all to decide which clips of sound we thought would be most suitable and give the bigger impact. The source we used to research this was youtube, It was our source because there were a variety of clips to be watched and was it also an easy access to view and download. We had to decide very carfully on what clips would represent our storyline and what would not sound out of

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context. We deceided to include all the dialogue from other sources because it was more suitable, if we had of used our own/another voice I felt that it would of sounded out of place and not realistic enough. On the other hand, it may have been a good idea to include the main characters voice, possibly telling her story or giving us an insight on where this narrative was going. The backgournd music we used was hard to find. We wanted to find a track that wasn’t cheesy, typical scary music, so I typed in on youtube ‘dramatic thirlling music’ and this came up. When I listened, I felt it was perfect for our film! So I dsownloaded it and we edited the track into our film and we loved it. Overall, I am very happy with our sound and it is really suited with our film.

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Shot number: 1

Location: Harlington Train Station

Content: Our main character is shown walking towards the stairs in order to catch a particular train. She is alone and secluded, creates an uneasy environment.

Type of shot: Very wide shot (to show her loneliness)

Shot number: 2

Location: America

Content: Shot of Charles Manson being escorted, possibly in custody. The bright light on his face is juxtaposition the fact that he is evil but the white connotes pureness.

Type of shot: Mid shot (showing body language towards the man

Shot number: 3

Location: America

Content: Footage of a woman, suspected one of Charles followers.

Type of shot: Mid shot (to show her body language as well as facial expressions)

Shot number: 4

Location: Harlington Train Station

Content: Our main character walking up the train station stairs in order to catch her train. Again this shot shows her isolation from others.

Type of shot: Long shot (showing her walking up the stairs from the waist down, brings the fast paced energy to the audience).

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Shot number: 5

Location: America

Content: Two young women are shown, looking sinister.

Type of shot: Two Shot (to show their closeness and contrast the two women.

Shot number: 6

Location: America

Content: Footage of three girls being escorted to somewhere. The fact they are singing is juxtaposed, again, because they have obviously involved in a crime but are shown happy and careless.

Type of shot: Long shot (to show the clothing they are wearing. It is unusual and sinister that they are wearing this in an environment in which they are shown in.

Shot number: 7

Location: Harlington Train Station

Content: Shot showing our main character walking towards something.

Type of shot: Long shot (to create a mysterious feeling, audience may ask where she is going?, why is she? Etc… And also to show her posture and costume)

Shot number: 9

Location: Harlington Train Station

Content: Our main character waling down stairs she was walking toward in previous shots.

Type of shot: Long shot (to show her long walk down the stairs on her own, in the dark.)

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Shot number: 10

Location: Harlington Train Station

Content: Our main character walking towards something, by herself.

Type of shot: Very Wide shot (Again, highlights our main characters loneliness and shows how dark and secluded the location is. No one around

Shot number: 11

Location: America

Content: Charles Manson being escorted but is distracted by socialising with news reporters

Type of shot: Mid shot (Showing his friendliness towards another person, contrasting his strange, sinister personality. He is shown with a cop, which clearly shows he is a criminal.

Shot number: 12

Location: Harlington Train Station

Content: Shows our main character sitting on a bench, by herself, in the dark. With a moving train going past.

Type of shot: Wide shot (This shows her loneliness and herself secluded from everyone, the moving train in front of her contrasts against her because she isn’t moving)

Shot number: 13

Location: Harlington Train Station

Content: Our character walking onto a train.

Type of shot: Mid shot (show her pace of movement and it is an effective shot, showing her moving from one setting to another)

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Shot number: 14

Location: Harlington Train Station

Content: Showing CCTV like footage of her getting a seat.

Type of shot: CCTV shot, High angle, Wide Shot. (this it to show that the environment she has entered, is just as secluded as the past.

Shot number: 15

Location: America

Content: shot of Charles Manson, himself. From a news report.

Type of shot: Close up (Shows the facial expression of the criminal, and the fact that his face is shown like this adds to the tension atmosphere.

Shot number: 16

Location: America

Content: What is believed to be one of Mansons follwers, shot from a news report.

Type of shot: Close up (Again, to show the facial expressions, the fact her facial expression is like this connotes the sinister feeling we gain)

Shot number: 17

Location: America


Type of shot: Mid shot (showing her posture, which suggests that she is bored or not interested in what is happening nor what is being said. Also to show her costume and the amount of people around her, in contrast to the shots of our characters there is a clear contrast.

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Shot number: 18

Location: Harlington Train Station


Type of shot: Wide shot, high angle (to show the characters posture. Also she is trying to distract herself by being on her phone all the time.

Shot number: 20

Location: Harlington Train Station


Type of shot: Mid/Close shot (to show her facial expressions, as well as the characters costume and posture.

Shot number: 21

Location: America


Type of shot: Close up (to show his facial expressions and disinterest in any other person but himself.

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Shot number: 19

Location: Harlington Train Station


Type of shot: Wide shot (to show the characters posture, again. Also how secluded she is from any persons. Connotes her loneliness)

Shot number: 23

Location: America


Type of shot: Wide shot (to show the title of the film and the transition it makes.)

Shot number: 22

Location: America


Type of shot: Wide shot (to show a secluded, scary looking location, so that the viewer’s gain uneasy feelings)

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