Pitch My magazine will be called TRM aka Totally Rock Music and will be aimed mainly at people aged 16-24 with an almost equal spread of gender and the majority will be students. Readers are likely to be in the ABC1 social grade as they have disposable income which can be spent on luxury items such as magazines. This magazine will cover a few forms of rock such as alternative rock, indie rock, and normal rock. It may sometimes stray from rock and have aspects of dance music or popular artists from other genres of music in some issues of the magazine. It will have in depth interviews with artists that the readers want to hear about and there will be a section for new and old album reviews and cover news from the world of rock and pop culture. It will have a lot of pictures of artists in studios and also in the real world to give a sense of realism to the reader. It will have a simple layout and I think that simplistic layouts are effective. The double page spread will be with a new, up and coming artist discussing how he started and how he has made it to where he is today. It will be talking about his new album and also talking

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PitchMy magazine will be called TRM aka Totally Rock Music and will be aimed mainly at people aged 16-24 with an almost equal spread of gender and the majority will be students. Readers are likely to be in the ABC1 social grade as they have disposable income which can be spent on luxury items such as magazines.

This magazine will cover a few forms of rock such as alternative rock, indie rock, and normal rock. It may sometimes stray from rock and have aspects of dance music or popular artists from other genres of music in some issues of the magazine. It will have in depth interviews with artists that the readers want to hear about and there will be a section for new and old album reviews and cover news from the world of rock and pop culture.

It will have a lot of pictures of artists in studios and also in the real world to give a sense of realism to the reader. It will have a simple layout and I think that simplistic layouts are effective.

The double page spread will be with a new, up and coming artist discussing how he started and how he has made it to where he is today. It will be talking about his new album and also talking about how he likes to spend his time so that the reader can get a feel for the artist’s personality and what he is really like.

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Reader Profile

Jack is a 17 year old male in the ABC1 social grade who likes rock music, he is a full time student with a part time job at weekends. In Jack’s spare time he likes to listen to music, go on the internet and use social media sites on a regular basis, he also likes to socialise with his friends at music gigs when he has the time and money to do so. He also likes to play sports when he can. Jack reads a lot of magazines such as NME, Q and Kerrang and stated that he likes the way that they look.Jack uses ITunes quite a lot to download music but states that there is always so much more music that he wants but doesn’t have enough money to justify buying it all, so some music he just doesn’t end up getting.When jack has the money he likes to go to festivals such as Leeds fest with his friends. He stated that a good competition for the magazine would be tickets to festivals as it would encourage him to buy and subscribe to the magazine.Jack is also at the age where he wants to start learning how to drive, but the cost of insurance is a major put off and the general cost of driving. Jack stated that he is into fashion and quite likes clothes and try's to dress well.