Shopisfy.com Top Decorating Tips

Top Decorating Tips

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Top Decorating Tips


If you feel that a room on your property is in need of a makeover, then you’ve got an opportunity to flex your creative muscles and really transform it for the better – and you needn’t spend an enormous amount in order to do it, either.

That said, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to deciding exactly how you’re going to decorate, and planning what the finished article might look like. As with any other creative project, there are a multitude of potential pitfalls that you might encounter along the way. Fortunately, there are also many lessons others have learned the hard way – so that you don’t have to. Let’s consider some of them.

Decide on a focal point

A truly effective room is one that immediately draws the eye to a given place, with all of the other items around the room providing an aesthetic backing role. You should decide on this focal point relatively early on in the process – as it’ll profoundly influence the other decisions you come to make along the way. Usually, this item is a fireplace, a painting, a mirror, a television, or a cooker hood – but it could be any number of other things, too.

Less is more

When you first start coming up with ideas, you might want to include all of them. But this temptation should be resisted – you’ll want a living space where you can move around, and where you don’t feel claustrophobic. If you’re constantly being bombarded with visual stimulus, then you’re likely to feel more stressed out while you’re in the room – which is the opposite of your objective, here. You don’t, after all, want your living room to look like it’s a flea market.

More is More

On the other hand, you’ll want your room to have some character. If you have barely any furniture and decorative items in a room, then you might be tempted to add more later – and if you take this approach, then you might struggle to get those extra items to fit with the look of the room.

Choose colours last

If you’re going through a thorough redecoration, then you might be tempted to head down to your local DIY store immediately and begin agonising over the various shades of grey-blue on offer. But this may be premature – the colour of the walls should be the last thing you consider, as there are so many different shades on offer. The same cannot be said of the items you’re going to put into the room – and so the best approach is to choose furniture and decorations you like and then pick out a paint that’ll match with them.

Take lighting into account

Since we need to use light in order to see things, lighting plays a crucial role in the overall look of a room. Be sure then to consider the role that lighting might play in your decisions – you might even elect for a change of lighting in order to match your choice of décor.


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