PRODUCT DESIGN Vishal Kumar, B.Sc. Interior Design 2 Year Commercial Design

Vishal Kumar,B.Sc.-Interior Design +2 years Diploma ID(Commercial Design)

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PRODUCT DESIGNVishal Kumar, B.Sc. Interior Design 2 Year Commercial Design

Project Report OnResidential Space Planning

AtDezyne E’cole College, Ajmer

Submitted ToDezyne E’cole College, Towards

The Partial Fulfillment Of The Bachelor Of Science In

Interior Design

ByVishal Kumar

Dezyne E’Cole College106/10 Civil lines

Ajmer 305001, RajasthanTel-0145-2624679

I Have Immense Pleasure In Successful Completion Of This Work Titled: Cafeteria.

I Acknowledge The Support, The Encouragement, Extended For This Study By Our Mentorsand HOD Of Interior Design Department Miss. Divya Sharma.

I Greatly Appreciate The Motivation And Understanding Extended For The Project Work ByPrinciple Mrs. Vinita Mathur, Who Responded Promptly And Enthusiastically To My Request For FrankComments ; Despite Their Congested Schedules , We Are In deleted To All Of Them; Who Did TheirBest To Bring Improvement Through Their Suggestion.

I Also Thank Full To My College , Library Staff & Administration Staff, Who Directly OrIndirectly Have Been Helpful In Some Or The Other Way.

I Thankful My Dearest Parents, Who Encourage Me To Extend My Reach, With Their HopeAnd Support. I Have Been Able To Complete This Work.


Introduction On Interior Design

To be creative is part of the human psyche. Even when our prime need was to find food andshelter, we felt a desire to leave our mark on the environments that we inhabited whether this was to satisfysome deep spiritual calling or a method of passing on vital knowledge to fellow group members, or whether itwas simply a way for an individual to satisfy an urge to leave his mark for future generation, we will neverknow. People have turned inquisitive mind to ways of solving problems and dealing with the issues that havefaced them in the struggle to survive: problem such as how to work more efficiently, how to live morecomfortably and how to be safe from danger.

Today, these primitive and fundamental indicators of human nature may be expressed in moresophisticated and developed ways, but the primal simplicity of our human desire to make a ‘better’ and morecomfortable world for ourselves is evidenced through, amongst other things, how we organize the spaces thatwe inhabit, and the aesthetic that we make for them. Style is a very personal nation, so why should anyonelook to employ someone else, an interior designer presume to impose your ideas upon a space that isn’t yourown?

The answer is this:interior design is aboutso much more than ‘whatlooks right’. It is aboutfinding and creating acohesive answer to a setof problems and dressingthe solution so as tounity and strengthen ourexperience of the space.Many people understandthis and that they do nothave do not have thenecessary skills to tacklethe job themselves

Commercial Design

The profession of commercial interior design goes far beyond merely decorating the insides of commercial

spaces. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, interior designers create room layouts for all types of

buildings, including airport passenger terminals, hotels, shopping centre, restaurants, and theatre . The field of

commercial interior design is very competitive. Because of the competition for employment, designers with the

following skills and abilities may have an advantage in securing a job.

Creative and Technical Abilities

Commercial interior designers must have the skills to plan and lay out spaces, make visual presentations, and

communicate their intentions to their customers. They must also have an appreciation for the different types of

materials, furniture, and other products for finishing the space. Interior designers should have a good understanding

of texture, colour, lighting, and how to blend these and other factors to create the desired space. They also need to

be familiar with local building codes, health and safety challenges, and other technical issues.

Communication SkillsCommercial interior designers need

effective communication with all kinds of

professionals, including clients, architects,

contractors, tradesmen, and marketing staff.

Interior designers must be comfortable meeting and

dealing with many kinds of people.

Management Skills

Interior designers must have excellent

time and project management abilities because

they frequently work on more than one project at a

time under demanding deadlines. Interior designers

must understand business planning. They need to

know how to create informative and persuasive

proposals and presentations, sell their ideas to

clients, and maintain good client relationships.

Education and Training

Commercial interior designers must complete

appropriate education. They may choose an interior

design program at a two-year community college, an

accredited art and design school, or a four-year

university. However, the BLS notes that most interior

designers earn a bachelor's degree; in fact, a

bachelor's degree is often necessary for licensure in

applicable states.

Product DesignProduct design is to create a new product to be sold by a business to its customers. A very broad concept, it isessentially the efficient and effective generation and development of ideas through a process that leads to newproducts.

Due to the absence of a consensually accepted definition that reflects the breadth of the topic sufficiently, twodiscrete, yet interdependent, definitions are needed: one that explicitly defines product design in reference tothe artefact, the other that defines the product design process in relation to this artefact.

Product design, the set of properties of an artefact, consisting of the discrete properties of the form (i.e., theaesthetics of the tangible good and/or service) and the function (i.e., its capabilities) together with the holisticproperties of the integrated form and function.

The design process follows a guideline involving three main sections.




The latter two sections are often revisited, depending on how often the design needs touch-ups, to improve or

to better fit the criteria. This is a continuous loop, where feedback is the main component. To break it down

even more, the seven stages specify how the process works. Analysis consists of two stages, concept is only one

stage, and synthesis encompasses the other four.


Accept Situation: Here, the designers decide

on committing to the project and finding a

solution to the problem. They pool their

resources into figuring out how to solve the

task most efficiently.

Analyse: In this stage, everyone in the team

begins research. They gather general and

specific materials which will help to figure out

how their problem might be solved.

Define: This is where the key issue of the

matter is defined. The conditions of the

problem become objectives, and restraints on

the situation become the parameters within

which the new design must be constructed.


Ideate: The designers here brainstorm different

ideas, solutions for their design problem. The

ideal brainstorming session does not involve any

bias or judgment.

Select: By now, the designers have narrowed

down their ideas to a select few, which can be

guaranteed successes and from there they can

outline their plan to make the product.

Implement: This is where the prototypes are

built, the plan outlined in the previous step is

realized and the product starts to become an

actual object.

Evaluate: In the last stage, the product is tested,

and from there, improvements are made.

Although this is the last stage. The finished

prototype may not work as well as hoped so new

ideas need to be brainstormed.

Furniture Design

At the dawn of human civilization, when the concept of furniture was not yet know, man, driven only bythe need to make life easier, in a natural way used various object made spontaneously by nature. A trunk of atree felled by the wind or rock served as a place to sit. A flat stone block served as a base for performing a varietyof common work, and soft moss or woolen skins served as bed. Over the year, as a result of the preference ofsocieties that lied in a given age, their forms changed. New type of furniture were created that fulfilled specificfunction: to sit, lie down, for dining, storage and others.

Furniture Design

New type of furniture were createdthat fulfilled specific functions: to sit,lie down, for work, for dining, storageand others

Generally, the remaining furnitureconstructions from the first dynasty ofancient Egypt are accepted as thebeginning of the history of furniture .

Historical, the most commonly usedmaterial for manufacturing furniturewas wood

School furniture

To make things easy for our clients and customers, our official website displays allnew and existing products so that you can have an insight into what we deal with. Believing in makingstudies more interactive and fun, we have come up with different school furniture designs. The types ofclassroom furniture we create includes single and double desk series, library furniture, laboratoryfurniture, cafeteria furniture, gymnasium, furniture for math and computer labs, teacher’s desk , artroom furniture and many others.Developing a serene and viable teaching and studying environment is a sole focus of any good school. Ifyou are a school owner and looking for school furniture, make sure you end up dealing with the bestschool furniture manufacturers. The preschool furniture today should be up to trend and comfy alongwith being of high quality and durability. The furniture should be such that it is the part of youresteemed institution lifelong.


This project is inspired by the geometrical shapes ands forms like: Square ( Cube ),Rectangular ( Cuboid ) . This shapes are easy to use and functional in nature. This type of furniture usedin cafeteria ( canteen ). This furniture are according to the human body dimensions (Anthropometric),human body dimension with furniture ( Ergonomics).


The theme of this project are Roman Numbers like: I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII Etc. Thistheme is very attractive and very functional as they can be used in may places like Hotels, MallRestaurant Etc. Roman name furniture can be used with any other furniture easily it’s look very decentand very attractive .

Research board

I had done research ofthis type of furniture tobe used which are veryfunctional in nature andgive comfort to thehuman beings. The areall skeletal type offurniture which aremainly used in theschool purpose, theupholstery type offurniture can’t be usedin the school furniture.


Thank you