Lorestan Province, I.R. Iran, Asia, Earth, Universe Z, Panversa. [--Photo And / Or Other Visual Material-derived Exact (Data Collection / Evidence Gathering) Location ID: XXX / NO --] Often, Displayed Extraction Status May Be Obtained / Reached / Applied Via Extreme / Extensive Visual eReverse Engineering – Blending Techniques / Skills / Traits—Unless Otherwise Indicated / Noted Zero (Vs. Maximum) Interaction / Comparison With Possible Reference Image(s) Undertaken Here: Nada (Vs. Complete) Interspersed / Copied.) / Credit: VISTA-acquired Various Individual(s) + eFighterJet eImagery (Secondary / Deduced Image(s) May Also Occasionally Appear Throughout.). Current Image(s) Extraction Source(s) / Related Link(s)—Currently Shown Data Contents May Have Been Changed And / Or Deleted: http://www.rastannews.ir/%D8%A8%D8%AE%D8%B4-%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%87-5/20941-%D8%AA %D8%B5%D8%A7%D9%88%DB%8C%D8%B1-%D8%B9%D8%AC%DB%8C%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B4-%D8%B2%D9%85%DB%8C%D9%86-%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%B2%D8%B4-%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%87-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86+ Internet - WWW, 00 – 01 Side(s) HP Scan(s), 00 Canon Digital (Local Time Stamp Accuracy: XXX / NO) Travel No / Local No Photo(s), And / Or Similar 00 eEvents: (Mostly For Photos: Some Others May Not Appear Here, Used For On-The-Spot / Elsewhere Motif(s) Composition Or Similarly Available Minor Prep Work.) – Nothing Here Is Provided / Intended / Offered / Proposed For Sale, Rental, Licensing, Reproduction / Dissemination - Transmission, Testing, Exhibition, Manufacture, Fiduciary Profit And / Or Any Other Form Of Accountable Personal Gain(s) / Tax(es) Break(s) - Exempting Value(s) By Any Live Person(s), Firm(s), Company(ies) – Corporation(s) Now And / Or At Any Other Otherwise Assignable - Adjudicable Time In The Foreseeable Human-dimension(s)-scale(s) Future. Likewise, No Individual And / Or Group Creative Authorship / Talent(s) Of Any Kind Is Hereby Argued / Contested / Claimed / Assigned On Behalf Of Any / All Of The Possible Artwork(s) / Photo(s) / Sketch(es) Shown / Appearing In This Completely Extemporaneous, Outlandish, Most Extraordinary Visual Effects / Biocomputing, Possibly Original Series—Not, Superseded. (VIEWER(S) ALWAYS PLEASE KEENLY BEWARE: Complete And / Or Partial Psychological Aberration (Euskera / Basque Language Word Origin: Abere = Animal) Status Possibly Depicted Here 001 Time(s): YES / XX + Corrected Here 001 Time(s): XXX / NO)!!!) Presented By : LMIV / EGTOJ (Or: Via eMail-Requested / Submitted Series “Do Not Imagine The Greater (The Greatest Still To Come!) World; Rather Euphorically, See It Here Outright w/More Complete, Perhaps Missing Steps In This MS PowerPoint Presentation Inside Reference-containing eDocument: ElecEntitySeminarSeries#0004-PartIofXII-Feb#003-2017 (DISCRETIONARYVISUALWARNINGSACTIVATED-AUTO OPT-IN SELF OPT-OUT ANYTIME)” Very Small-Fine Print / Minutiae Here: 2016-Onward General / Personal Graphic Data Warning / Disclaimer Main Protocol(s) / Formalities Follow(s): Please Keep Handling Daily Our Downright Ultra Lowly, Day-to-Day, Dumbass Bullshit [Sic] Well While I Keep Handling Daily Our Downright Ultra Lowly, Eon-to-Eon, Dumbass Bullshit [Sic] Just As Well. Also, Please Remember Idiocy (Closely Following Tiny Cousin Illiteracy Runs Similar Gamut. Of Course, Others Might Still Argue Lunacy Belongs To The Same Deviant Group; Please Notice, There Is Plenty Of Healthy Fun To Go Around Here!) Never Goes Away; Really, It Can’t Be Entirely Eliminated / Beaten Unless, Of Course, You Happen To Be The Downright Idiot To Think Otherwise! Along This Way, Some Promising Battle Lines / Parameters / Paradigms Are Possibly Being Shifted / Shattered / Updated / Redrawn (Like Repurposing / Blurring The Boundaries Between What Anyone Can See / Comprehend / Experience And What Cannot / Should Not Be Done / Attempted.), Since Complete Human Stability / Divine Reunification Is Admittedly Quite Challenging / Hard To Achieve And Enjoy. But Anyone Should Always Be Welcome To Try No Matter How Foolhardy, Temerary, And / Or Inexcusable. Ha Ha Ha! Thank You Very Much – Muchas Gracias – Merci Bien – Dankeschön - Eskerrik Asko!!!

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Lorestan Province, I.R. Iran, Asia, Earth, Universe Z, Panversa. [--Photo And / Or Other Visual Material-derived Exact (Data Collection / Evidence Gathering) Location ID: XXX / NO --] Often, Displayed Extraction Status May Be Obtained / Reached / Applied Via Extreme / Extensive Visual eReverse Engineering – Blending Techniques / Skills / Traits—Unless Otherwise Indicated / Noted Zero (Vs. Maximum) Interaction / Comparison With Possible Reference Image(s) Undertaken Here: Nada (Vs. Complete) Interspersed /

Copied.) / Credit: VISTA-acquired Various Individual(s) + eFighterJet eImagery (Secondary / Deduced Image(s) May Also Occasionally Appear Throughout.).Current Image(s) Extraction Source(s) / Related Link(s)—Currently Shown Data Contents May Have Been Changed And / Or Deleted: http://www.rastannews.ir/%D8%A8%D8%AE%D8%B4-%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%87-5/20941-%D8%AA

%D8%B5%D8%A7%D9%88%DB%8C%D8%B1-%D8%B9%D8%AC%DB%8C%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D8%B2-%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%B4-%D8%B2%D9%85%DB%8C%D9%86-%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%B2%D8%B4-%DA%A9%D9%88%D9%87-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D9%84%D8%B1%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%A7%D9%86+ Internet - WWW, 00 – 01 Side(s) HP Scan(s), 00 Canon Digital (Local Time Stamp Accuracy: XXX / NO) Travel No / Local No Photo(s), And / Or Similar 00 eEvents: (Mostly For

Photos: Some Others May Not Appear Here, Used For On-The-Spot / Elsewhere Motif(s) Composition Or Similarly Available Minor Prep Work.) – Nothing Here Is Provided / Intended / Offered / Proposed For Sale, Rental, Licensing, Reproduction / Dissemination -Transmission, Testing, Exhibition, Manufacture, Fiduciary Profit And / Or Any Other Form Of Accountable Personal Gain(s) / Tax(es) Break(s) - Exempting Value(s) By Any Live Person(s), Firm(s), Company(ies) – Corporation(s) Now And / Or At Any Other Otherwise Assignable - Adjudicable Time In The Foreseeable Human-dimension(s)-scale(s) Future. Likewise, No Individual And / Or Group Creative Authorship / Talent(s) Of Any Kind Is Hereby Argued / Contested / Claimed / Assigned On Behalf

Of Any / All Of The Possible Artwork(s) / Photo(s) / Sketch(es) Shown / Appearing In This Completely Extemporaneous, Outlandish, Most Extraordinary Visual Effects / Biocomputing, Possibly Original Series—Not, Superseded.(VIEWER(S) ALWAYS PLEASE KEENLY BEWARE: Complete And / Or Partial Psychological Aberration (Euskera / Basque Language Word Origin: Abere = Animal) Status Possibly Depicted Here 001 Time(s): YES / XX + Corrected Here 001 Time(s): XXX /

NO)!!!)Presented By : LMIV / EGTOJ (Or: Via eMail-Requested / Submitted Series “Do Not Imagine The Greater (The Greatest Still To Come!) World; Rather Euphorically, See It Here Outright w/More Complete, Perhaps Missing Steps In This MS PowerPoint

Presentation Inside Reference-containing eDocument: ElecEntitySeminarSeries#0004-PartIofXII-Feb#003-2017 (DISCRETIONARYVISUALWARNINGSACTIVATED-AUTO OPT-IN SELF OPT-OUT ANYTIME)”

Very Small-Fine Print / Minutiae Here: 2016-Onward General / Personal Graphic Data Warning / Disclaimer Main Protocol(s) / Formalities Follow(s): Please Keep Handling Daily Our Downright Ultra Lowly, Day-to-Day, Dumbass Bullshit [Sic] Well While I Keep Handling Daily Our Downright Ultra Lowly, Eon-to-Eon, Dumbass Bullshit [Sic] Just As Well. Also, Please Remember Idiocy (Closely Following Tiny Cousin Illiteracy Runs Similar Gamut. Of Course, Others Might Still Argue Lunacy Belongs To The Same Deviant Group; Please Notice, There Is Plenty Of Healthy Fun To Go Around Here!) Never Goes Away; Really, It Can’t Be Entirely Eliminated / Beaten Unless, Of Course, You Happen To Be The Downright Idiot To Think Otherwise! Along This Way, Some Promising Battle Lines / Parameters / Paradigms Are Possibly Being Shifted / Shattered / Updated / Redrawn (Like Repurposing / Blurring The Boundaries Between What Anyone

Can See / Comprehend / Experience And What Cannot / Should Not Be Done / Attempted.), Since Complete Human Stability / Divine Reunification Is Admittedly Quite Challenging / Hard To Achieve And Enjoy. But Anyone Should Always Be Welcome To Try No Matter How Foolhardy, Temerary, And / Or Inexcusable. Ha Ha Ha!

Thank You Very Much – Muchas Gracias – Merci Bien – Dankeschön - Eskerrik Asko!!!