Oh, that’s awesome dear! I’m making a helicopter train. When you were 5… The world was limitless!

When innovators grow up

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Page 1: When innovators grow up

Oh,  that’s  awesome  dear!  

I’m  making  a  helicopter  train.  

When  you  were  5…  

The  world  was  limitless!  

Page 2: When innovators grow up

Hey  boss!  Had  a  few  ideas!  Social  media…    

Well,  we’ve  discussed  it  before  and  we  think  it’s  too  risky…    

But  when  you  were  25…  

You  couldn’t  find  anyone  to  listen  to  your  ideas.  

Page 3: When innovators grow up

…and  then  I’m  gonna  build  a  robot  that  makes  cookies  in  its  mouth  AND  cleans  your  room…  and  wouldn’t  it  be  cool  if  the  cookies  glowed  in  the  dark  and  then  when  you  want  a  snack  at  night  you  don’t  

have  to  turn  on  the  lights..      

Those  are  great  ideas,  honey!  

When  you  were  7…  

You  saw  so  many  possible  soluLons.    

Page 4: When innovators grow up

I  saw  this  really  cool  project  management  soNware  that  seems  easier…  

Oh  no,  they  aren’t  going  to  go  for  that  idea.  We  have  a  relaLonship  with  the  other  vendor.    

Oh.  Ok.  

But  when  you  were  27…  

You  ran  into  endless  obstacles.  

Page 5: When innovators grow up

Kids,  how  would  YOU  solve  world  hunger?  

Have  everybody  mail  seeds  to  poor  


We  could  make  a  food  


Solar  powered  tractors!  

When  you  were  10…  

Ideas  just  popped  into  your  head  with  ease.  

Page 6: When innovators grow up

What  if  we  did  this  instead….?  

We  can’t  do  that!  

It’s  too  difficult,  and  we’re  busy  

enough   I  don’t  really  get  it…  

But  when  you  were  30…  

You  started  being  afraid  of  sharing.    

Page 7: When innovators grow up

I  have  an  idea  for  our  

project,  let’s  build  a  

website  for  students  to  connect  with  each  other…    

Cool  idea,  we  could  post  events  and  

how  we  feel…  

When  you  were  20…  

You  dared  to  dream  dreams.  

Page 8: When innovators grow up

Yes,  do  you  have  any  ideas  that  would  make  a  lot  of  


We  would  like  to  put  more  of  an  emphasis  on  innovaLon  

now…    I’m  just  not  creaLve.  And,  anyway,  I  don’t  

have  Lme  to  think  about  this.    

But  when  you  were  40…  

You  forgot  how  to  dream  things  up.  

Page 9: When innovators grow up

What  happened  to  all  the  possibili/es,  and  how  do  

we  get  them  back?