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White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

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Days ago I have written about black hat SEO, why they are unethical, a few examples of black hat techniques and how not to do them. Today, I am going to write about white hat. Probably you have already heard what white hat is. If you are still in training to become an SEO Sydney specialist, it is the ethical or the good stuff specialists do in contrast to black hat. If you want your sites to rank high the right way in Google, white hat is the right thing to do.

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Page 1: White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

Web Design Sydney | SEO Marketing Sydney Software Development Sydney


Days ago I have written about black hat SEO, why they are unethical, a few examples of black hat techniques and how not to do them. Today, I am going to write about white hat. Probably you have already heard what white hat is. If you are still in training to become an SEO Sydney specialist, it is the ethical or the good stuff specialists do in contrast to black hat. If you want your sites to rank high the right way in Google, white hat is the right thing to do.

White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

Page 2: White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

Web Design Sydney | SEO Marketing Sydney Software Development Sydney


The techniques branded as black hat today were the thing of the past, during the time white SEO specialists thought repeating keywords were alright and that stuffing your content with lots of keywords and their variations was the easiest way to get traffic and to rank top two spots, first page. But black hatters saw the end of their happy ranking-obsessed ways. Google grew tired of all the poor quality content that showed up at the results, and moreover people do not get what they search for.

Page 3: White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

Web Design Sydney | SEO Marketing Sydney Software Development Sydney


Despite warning black hatters to halt the practice and blacklisting a few websites, black hat persisted and showed no signs of dying. Best Google can do is to keep warning user to abandon unethical search engine optimisation practices and apply white hat methods instead, and yes, to release updated algorithms to clean the search results. Remember Panda and Penguin?

Page 4: White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

Web Design Sydney | SEO Marketing Sydney Software Development Sydney


As an SEO specialist-in-training, you should know that good ethics have a place in the World Wide Web, and this also goes along with SEO. There is always room for a few virtues: Patience, commitment, hard work and truth (or integrity).

Page 5: White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

Web Design Sydney | SEO Marketing Sydney Software Development Sydney


If you are a committed SEO Sydney professional, you would:

- Work in the way of truth – no unethical tactics in exchange for higher traffic and higher ranking

- Pull out a hard work to rank your sites the right way

- Be patient – Black hatters are never patient. You should wait to see your sites’ rankings grow.

- Be truly concerned for your clients – Your clients’ jobs depend on the websites you are optimising for them, so never try to bring their livelihood down due to your lack of concern.

Page 6: White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

Web Design Sydney | SEO Marketing Sydney Software Development Sydney


White hat is sure a slow or long path to the top 2 spots of the Google search results, but it sure is a sustainable and steady climb to online success. This is a sure way to ensure your websites rank properly and a good practice to let Google know you have good quality content. This is the best way to let Google know you are optimising and ranking to provide users good information (based on what users key in the search engines) and not for the sake of search engine rankings.

Page 7: White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

Web Design Sydney | SEO Marketing Sydney Software Development Sydney


Here are white hat SEO Sydney practices to keep in mind and heart:

- Providing quality content - Offer unique and original, not poor and duplicate, content to optimise your websites.

- Using semantic (structural) mark-up and separating content from presentation – Structure your mark-up semantically to help Google understand your page’s content. Make things easier for Google’s spider bots to find what they are looking for.

- Providing appropriate titles and meta data in the web pages – Do not mislead users into reading what they did not search for. Your page titles should be true to the content of your page.

Page 8: White Hat SEO Sydney: An Effective SEO Practice

Web Design Sydney | SEO Marketing Sydney Software Development Sydney


- Doing keyword research and applying keywords effectively – Without keywords, your optimisation campaign will be for nothing. Make sure you have the right keywords for your project and that you place them in the right places.

- Putting quality inbound links to your website – your links should be relevant to the content of your web page.

White hat SEO Sydney is the right path for your online success. This is a desirable practice that ensures only good quality content appear in search engine results as relevant information for the users. There is no substitute for this.