How to solve the most common tech support problems yourself SAFEBYTES SOFTWARE

How to solve the most common tech support

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How to solve the most common tech support problems yourself


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For as long as there have been computers, people have experienced problems with them of some sort. For example:

“My computer is always slow”

“My connection seems to be fine some days and really slow on others”

“My PC restarts or shuts down out of nowhere”

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These and many more have been (and will be) uttered by computer users at one point or another as they spend time interacting with them.

Note: These problems are common because PCs are put together by different parts, (both physical and virtual), that collaborate in order to communicate with the user. When there are too many parts working in tandem, errors are bound to pop up.

So what do we do in these cases? Now I know you are probably thinking this solution seems unattainable, but believe it or not, most of the times it’s easier than you think.

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1-Computer is always slow:

Computers tend to slow down a bit as they grow older, but at times this also happens with the newer ones. For both cases, here are a few things to look out for:• Bigger requirements of updates• Lots of software installed on the computer (this will actually slow down even the

boot up time)• Improper or incomplete uninstallation of programs• Hard drive fragmentation (less common nowadays, but still a problem)• Hardware problems • Malware infections

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Now, most of these problems have simple ways to either alleviate or fix them. Except for the hardware malfunctions (which involve purchasing and replacing the damaged hardware) and the steeper requirements for OS updates (which unfortunately also require upgrading your machine).

The first step is going over the programs that are installed and deciding which ones you still use and which ones are just clutter. Once you identify which applications you no longer need, simply uninstall the excess and enjoy a smoother experience.

If you wish to avoid the improper uninstallation of certain programs, you can always turn to a dedicated app for uninstalling programs (which you can then uninstall as well).

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Several programs can also help you with defragmenting your drive and will usually do a very good job of it. It’s just important to know that defragging every day is not going to do you much good. In this case, less is more, so do it sporadically. As disk technology has advanced, fragmentation is less of a problem, unless the disk is full or nearly full.

Malware infections are also common and easy enough to deal with, depending on the infection. Just one program is needed for scanning your computer for possible infections, and it will generally get the job done rather well. There are many, many options so look around and find the program you find the most appealing.

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2-Slow Internet Connection:

It can be supremely aggravating to have your internet connection suddenly stop working as fast as you’ve been used to. There are several things that can cause this to happen:• You are connected via Wi-Fi and the signal is degrading• Your connection is much faster than the server’s• Faulty or dying router• Multiple people connected to your network• A problem with your ISP’s service.

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The first thing to know about Wi-Fi is that, although incredibly convenient, it always carries the drawback of weakening your internet speed. Even more if the device you are using is far away from it or poorly located.

There will be some cases when the server that you are connecting to will not be able to match your internet speed, although this does happen less with websites that anticipate massive amounts of traffic.

If several users are browsing on the same website as you, it could be an indication as to why the loading time is longer.

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The routers performance, just like computers, starts getting worse and worse as they age, and this will also negatively affect your connection’s speed. Sometimes it’s best to think about replacing the old router if the failure and slowdown is more noticeable as time goes by.

It is always good to remember that an unsecure Wi-Fi is an invitation for people to take advantage of your signal. There are multiple ways of finding out how many people are connected to your router at any given time, although these vary with every router manufacturer.

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A quick internet search should give you the directions you need:

Always secure your Wi-Fi with a password.

Although there are people who can crack these passwords, you will save yourself a lot of grief with a nice Wi-Fi password.

In the end, if you have exhausted all options mentioned above and the issue still persists, you can always call your ISP (Internet Service Provider). There are many ways that your connection can be affected, from an internal problem at your ISP to wear and tear on the line that provides the internet service to your work or home. A quick call and check-up of the state of your connection with your ISP could solve your problem.

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3- PC restarts or shuts down:

There is one more problem that is incredibly jarring when it happens. You are using your computer as usual when suddenly it shuts down completely on you. No warning, no symptoms, no blue screen, nothing. Just a sudden shut down.

Unfortunately, an unexpected shutdown is generally a very bad sign.

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Many things could cause your computer to just up and turn off, none of them good, the two most common of them are:

Hardware problems OS problems

In the case of hardware issues, it could be everything from the motherboard to the UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply). Diagnosing this may need the help of a technician. If, however, you are sure you have identified the problem with proper instructions and confidence you can solve it yourself.

In the case of OS problems (i.e. a corrupted installation of the OS) the only option is reinstallation of the OS from scratch. If this were to happen, you need to make sure you have backed up your files. If not you will lose all of your information and files. Our personal suggestion is to back up your data at least a few times a month.