Types of Horror film

Types of horror film

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Types of Horror film

Page 2: Types of horror film

This is a film that is based around a true story. The majority of real life horror films are not reflective of the whole story, they are tampered with to meet the needs of the viewer more, or to make the film more appealing to the audiences. Examples of Real life horror are;The conjuringThe Texas chainsaw massacre

Real life horror

Page 3: Types of horror film

Comedy-Horror films combine traditional horror films with the genre of comedy. The aim of a Comedy-Horror film is to scare the audience but also provide comedy.

An example of a comedy-horror film is Shaun of the Dead.

Comedy Horror

Page 4: Types of horror film

Slasher films are sub-genre of horror film that are usually based around a psychopathic killer. The killer usually stalks and murders his victims in a variety of ways, sometimes violently sometimes slowly. This type of horror film targets more on focusing murders and torture rather than a traditional horror film.

An example of a slasher horror film is My Bloody Valentine.


Page 5: Types of horror film

a monster film is a genre of horror that is based around a struggle between human beings and a monster species of some sort. This monster could be an alien trying to invade earth like in the film 2012. Or maybe it could be sort of an experiment gone wrong. The monster usually is labelled as the villain in the film, and monster-horror films usually play a hero vs villain story line, where the hero saves the world etc. However, these monster-horror films may also sometimes fall into the genres of science-fiction and fantasy film aswell.

An example of monster-horror is Godzilla.

Monster horror

Page 6: Types of horror film

Supernatural-horror films are a sub genre of horror films that include things that are supernatural such as ghosts, demons or even supernatural occurrences. These vary regularly include religion and peoples beliefs mixed with spirits. A common theme in supernatural-horror films include the afterlife aand demonic possesion. Although, they may mix with slasher films because they can contain gruesome and violent scenes.

An example of a supernatural-horror film is The Ring.

Supernatural horror

Page 7: Types of horror film

Zombie-Horror is a sub-genre of horror that involves zombies which are basiclly human beings raised from the dead. They usually include an invasion by the zombies, they try to take over human kind. It shows the struggle between humans and the zombies. This genre also can be mixed or fall into many other genres such as Sci-Fi, Thriller and Comedy aswell (Shaun of the Dead)

An example of a Zombie-Horror film is 28 Days later.

Zombie horror

Page 8: Types of horror film

Teen-Horror is a sub-genre of horror that is mainly about a group of teenagers, or one teenager. Usually these films have a clear hero. They usually involve issues that are faced by many teenagers such as a prom, and use this to turn it into where the film changes and begins to create suspense.

Teen horror