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) (shrivasttava, 1980)(


(Alavifar, 2013).




(krieg, 2005,15).

(Mandelbaum, 2006)




(King, 2000,21).





(Shublaq, 2005,64 )

Shen and Fong (2000) Fong (2004) Spualding

Frondizi, 1971,32

1 Function Analysis 2 FAST 3 Quality Based System (QBS)

(Likert, 1932)

(Burns, 2008,86)

1 Rensis Likert

0.8 0.7=<R <0.8 0.6=<R <0.7 0.5=<R <0.6

R <0.5

(Alavifar, 2012,23)

RPN1= S1×P1×D1

RPN2= S2×P2×D2


1- Operability Score 2- Cost implementation 3- Technology reliability 4- Time implementation 5- Client View 6- Enhance training for implementation 7- Service continuity through implementation 8 Probability 9 Severity 10 Detectability


. .








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