THE CITY RECORD. Vol.. XXXVII. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909. NUMBER 109W. THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the BOARD OF CITY RECORD. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYoa. FR:\NCIS K. PENDLETON, CoaPORATton COUNSEL. HERMAN A. METZ , COMPTROLLIta. PATRICK J. TRACY , SUPERYtlOa, Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. SUI'I'LF.MENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Department supplements, 10 cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section. Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. TABLE OF CONTENTS. \ {iii .III :ll it ( )tc,l'1-1I i; ugh 1'al~l ... .. ..... \1111„ Plo(.,, , al. ........................ S,,UI, (Ill icial I)ircch , yy .................... ~OI)3 ."e,"lr;, 9„ar,l ..1-- lltlicial Paper. ....................... funk., I lr pasHnglt of— 1)1)14 I'uhlic N. ,er .. ................... $1107 II I .,c ..al ........................ 81) I nclIcluo and .\Ilic,l Ilmpita.ls-- ........... lt11c17 Police lsmariotent I.) MII .ale. .................... r..r.I \t c,•t I alt• . $UIII, (1„ ncI, \V antc,I fur Lost Property., 14)1)3 jkm, t , R , rnugh I,t-- I'rncccllingc „f till" 1. I')119 ........ 7''$i I'n,I,, ,,al, ....... . . . . . ..... . ... . . . ;till 4 '~. l'r„po.als .... , . r,,,k1n. M--tigit of--- 140111) I'ublil: .\dmini,tratur. Ness York l'r,lp,,, al; .......... t h11l.hKY If I rank I )aIna vc (l,nlnli.`l',ll soo') j ('„cull)- Statcmcut and Return .,f \I,,m,es l'ublic N„licc haug, n in l )cllartnlcut., etc........... tt11113 ! Reccivc.l for the \moth , If r (m'iliIni'>i.11rr if turn... Kings CunntY— 8)1)17 i June. 191)') Publ .... . Charjt, 'e llc•parltnc•nt of - I'nblic \mice .................... ),„I.11_ ..... lIck.. :ul , l Ferries, Ilcpartnletn „f- - ............. . ... ... .. . . . Public "emit, I '111Ini<ninn fr irst Sil ls I)i.tricl - ............... ..... :.r I:,lueatin. llc1,artn1cnt .,f ' 1:11cu,Lu' of lleanrng. .............. 775 Mollit., If Stunt Meeting 1•f I .n. Iut•cn;, Il,nuttKh of-- „f ~:,Iucaimol. Mac !n. Ivntl... 7'1.13 I r~q ,,,sals ... ..................... .... scot' 8110' . PI-p— 1. ........................ nts Richmond. tSQt'IgB nf- I inaurt. Ilci,artnlcrt If BupPs:il. ........................ 8(1117 aii„n S:Ile. of KrfflJinit •. Its. `nlo ti,iret t'1caning. Uemartnnert I,f X ntcr .,f t'olmtinralir11 of \killi.nhtcrn l'r• ,t ,,,.ala ........................ 8015 I ax Sale .. ............... `InlI Sui rrnl, ('nurt. First ItelmJrtnlent - N Iice, 1-- I tc ()Whet KMI1) \cgII IlIit ' I', tIe III I.aod'- itc...... 41)15 urcti,. Re-wi tI ,In \':I, l -:nos,. Suprcme I „art. Seen) I1cp:It msot 1411l„ i t nut- act, ................. 1)1113 "Tote \cIlm,in,lg h, L.an'1.. etc...... ,Ie I )d1.rtrcc1t 1)007 Sri prtn, ( -„ nrt. Third 1nlieffal District-_. \ryuiriui Title to Lau~i~. etc....., S1U11, f I'r„p.,.nl. ..... ..... ..... . \t:ltd I \III1l'1\, 11, n:Innh of --- Ilr':Attl. Ill•: arltII,'I1l \linnlc. M1vlff'tc , 'f lloctr1t of ,If \l innIt.. •'i \I,ebng• of May 1'), 20, Il,all \I: _ I t'•1.......... 71'II 21 1 , 11 2 . I'm9............... 7')9') %001, Tull!he \„tic( .................... 4(1)111 I'l 'l'l” uI' .... ..... .l \11,'1 ' ,II 1s. in-., I 11,i tric,t c. llc- 11 nll'l Is,! ,1 t nl ., I•„I,l ,- N t„- .. . ~~iit .:n - 10111 1 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT, N. l34 N . \t tirurlr. \r%c \I,kl. Irv. ('.\LI:NI).\R OF Ill•::\RINUS. The following hearings will Ile held daring the remainder of the week cotti- utencinR \Iunetay. July 5, 1909: Fritlac, July 1 1 '31) p. nl. l fftaffcin,n \4'illrl)x', Rln,tn.—(.:uc No. Ill. IxTtat- itoRoUI;It R\t'lu "1 hegecc t l). •'Rlu,k Signal Sy.tem--Subway local t tck,.''—Chairtn;ut WPillcox. Rt')ht1.ir lIk•Ctiltss• • , f tilt' ('"Iin!Ili>'illn are fftept every "Tuesday and Friday, at 11 :30 1. ti.. in l 11111 3111. POLICE DEPARTMENT. July 1, 19) ). 'I'ltc fr1Iluw-,cps mmete&hitgs N''•rc thi, (hay dleuisll In ['Mir).' Cinnnis$luer 'Filel,- (lire A. NmIsh,cl - Urllcrtd. - ,'hat th,• f II,1•~•irg rnsiguad , It: , he :unit are iltrelmv accepted of the follow- ing rained I'Ilicial. of this Police I)cpartin ut of The City if New York, to take effect ,t. irHiiaIels Irelicrici' I I- EIu~hcI, ~scorn Deputy Wilier ( ,ittttnie , inncr, at 12.30 p. nl.. Jill) 1. 1909, .\rthnr 1\ u,l(l., I ttrth Ucpttt l' , liirc l - 5m1nti,51•nlcr.:It 12.31) !,. nl., July 1, 19119. I. S. \\ cll iro, Seeretar% to Seein:id I )cputy I',mIins ('l , rntrissiuncr. at 12.311 p. In. lull 1. l(9l) I I;Iniel 1., Siaiterl. Secretary II 1) , lice l"unitnI...illlier. at 12.3(1 I1. nt.. July 1, 191K1. \\ herc:t=, i he III '..r,. 'I . J. O:Iklt•.\y and Philip Rhinelander have presentetF t., thi' I )&'partmeot gold credal t'n he awarded ":"-It year, to lie known as the Rhinelander \Ictlal f , r Detective 1•:xetheitet. ( lrlIe•rt'd. 'f flat tilt Sni(l tcIcllal he and is llrrchv accepted mmit behalf of this Depart meitt, under the f i tiwup rl,nlliti(u':..f the [iced ' , f gift: 'rile sail) KIii: 1s1:uukr "1Ict:I for I)etecti%e ICxeelIenwe is to he awarded annually 1„ ;t lten11)st- of the Dete•ctclt Fffrrce of the New fork Police. to he ..elected by till po li ce (IrI!ri• iljvr r ait , l a hI1artI ilmcltpl)srtl of the Chief Clerk of the Police Depart mettl. th, • (ii i1 f Iti..pet'tor and such I )clluty police Commissioner as may be assignct In• the I'm lice C'mttni jolter : case; of cli,aiit to in referred !o his ii t utor the Mayor fill (It'd sit The foil wit rues to go% ern the aw;trd 1. Thi, Inellal i< to he awarded annuatly to that tnetnhcr of the Detective branch of the New York Ci!v Police [2 'irce who has rendered during the year the most dis trovuishetl servi,e to the City; the first award to be made in the year 1910 for an ac performed during the calendar year 19(19. Should no member of the Force distinguisl himself by the performance of trust stistmtsui-he(ff detective work of sufficiently higc yradt• in the opinion of the Police Commissioner, no award is to be made for that yeat 2. It is the desire of the donors that the award of this medal shall be for th, display of detective yualitie: of the highest order, which would involve among othe considerations, (a) Itttelligenee of a high order; (b) Clear reasoning facu;ties; (c) I'iiti rut g patience and industry; (d) Ingenuity of thought :trtd resourceful analysis of facts: I e) Crnnnreheinive collection l,f evidence; I f I The exhibititm of personal braver•. 3. 'Chi.. ntc<Ltl is to become the personal property o' the recipient and may ut• worn by hint c)!1 all Inccasions Ilf cere•nit,lt1• :.11 p.:rade. .\ cerentnnc Ilf p mad rt lit hut shall he held :u:nually upon a Il:,te de>ignate(1 by the Police Cm nl 'ii i,,i , n'cr a It parade of the I orce, I r of a part thercllr. :uld with illy expectation th;tr his Illmtlr the \Iatl,r '.Hall persrmally make Ih-- prt•scnt:tti(m. In the absence or in:ahility of tIi' ).lao:,r t') he pre<rtlt, the Police Cun1111144II tier I,r Mich suitable pers,m as mat• lie designated hy him shall nt;lkc the ltrescnt;llitii It is the carnet desire of the thmnrt, that this medal shall b. awarded in the spilt, ht t'hich it i' prise hell tit tht l)epartotcn:. Ordered. That the saiary of Steieswe;t/her \'Viofteht \V. Ruhin.ko be and is herehy increased tt) fifteen ht direct• tlu,ll:lr, ($I,5INXI I per annunl, tit take effect July I. 11)1 )9. Orilercd, That the Chief Cttrk lit' and is hcrc!, v dirset:'H tit imIverti'2 f ,r pr 1ptt , al , for fttrni;ping an(l (Ielivcring forage for the ti'' „f the Police I)cpartnlcnt ill the sect of Hnrough. during the ia't six ni tints If tilt- year 191)'). .\eeel'tell. R,:-ixnatiuv of Kl,y 1•. 'ocrt-lsnu;ckcr. S:mlgr;phir I•I the P. , lice C•nitltnits'Ir,nt, 11, hake effect at 1 p. tit.. ittl, 1. 1)i9. Reis nation of "I hnnla< Gryntc•. OIlcr .team t(s.cl "I'atrIII.” inI take sheet I tit., Jill} 1. 191$) . peei:ll f )Ater N. 183, i,.nc<I till- dace is merely nla(le part of the mrrct'clltng, 1,: the I'lllic' 1' 1111111 .i1 mere ( t'cs;ib I)rcicr N. 39, retied thi- I;, i, herdic nlIlc part of the prmmeedlirgs of tltc I',Ilicc (''mt'Aisau n ter. General ( )Ater N... 39. I. It.' Ireec;i' n 'If the .'tla• I,r. I'ir.t I )I Iltty i',lite t•',:rmni..I , nt'r Baker i, herein' nlaiell in t tl.lrgr .If ills hih,l-Itmghs IIf l'.rinkl..it .toll Ouet: , with ;Ili Ili. firmer anthurit nit l rial Crncmi—i-offer, ;I, well as Itht rwisr ' III llire('lil,n of the \l:lcnr, l-irst 1)t•pnl_ G,ntnti'sioi , er h;tker and liuspecu,r 11r( tticrt) will hercaftcr rntcrtair all appllra;in'ts to t tkc phl,tn) raph , :Init mca.urc nlcnt. fern the I' gi l ' Galli•r% and rule thcresm. ,i, 11_l liirecti' n if th,• \I:n•ur, tile' ph'It,,gratph if (i.orgc 11. I)Il ftv, tit .i' ..i/ \\ . tek,'if strict. Iirl, , ,l;lyn. 11i1I ht reino ed fr iii i the R Itt'. I;aiicry forthwith, anti all ph t ,Lr:t!lh.. m•glIIces ;toll lcrtilplt nlea'ztrctncnt, of the ;ante kill he rettirned to Ili, father. (;emnr,:e i{. I )nrit', avid receipt tak'•tt therefl , r. 4. 111• ilirestilllI It the \la „r. lEIoItigil Io;mertl'r Riff "'II is hereby reduced ill the rank If (:tl)lain :toll :I'.ilmcml to cnntnl-,llltl the Slxty-'ixth I'recicrt. in 'rile Irtitix. 5 (':11t.iii I)clli• J. lirerm;m. if tits Sixty-sixth Prc•iioct, i, herrhy transferred to e'Iritranul the ( Inc 11ImMffI! aril Stxt, 's.t'lI -rcehtct. f, 11t 1!irccti•-n if :ht- \Li.\•r. Iti.i ctkr 'FI: nt;i- J. I'cllr i; a..igned and tf_stg- nated ;.< Ir.IlUrtIr at I-:trite, ttith he:t-ItIu:irtt'ra in the 1l l\rn . ulfilee at City hall. 7. Rs- il:ec,•ii, it of tits 1:;c r. litre-titer Al A1mp:gists received it Police I lead- Iluart;r. will he 111rc(hatch etlihsi ,u11I a dope -cnt forthw'th ill tilt, Mayor (lere- aftcr, when th,,e rt•nlplatin!: hstvt hicu eX;lllhmcmi by the F.1liss a11cil1,ritit•., c"l/irc of the rrpl)rta therein will also he sent for)Itn tl to the \L•tvs. Itv t!irecti"n if Ills \la - r. t'atr,olcn 1):ttic! Kuhn. \I:'rtiii J. Keiis. Utt,l \1. Reich :Intl .\ILrn Mc\hlIkstt. 'f -he I'\%vIfth ms)eetulr l)i.'e;rt, mlwy assigned tit tilt• Macl,r', office with hna1i'rilIr Kc;iv. arc tit he e 'ttlllttttnI at the Mayor', office until further ' rdcrs. 9. 1'v hirce!iltn if the \lmitr. Itlspcct or Ge it n R. Holahan is transferred from !ht- r'nntn:n•l! '',f ;11e l.igMh 1moecti"r I)i tr'ct and ,*lal!c knrtnIlgil irspnNnnr antler I'ir,t U:I.ntc (•;nn'tissi„ncr lhtTar In Io ct of Inspector Russell. Ill i: ). A. 11IXt;H.\M, IT)lice C'Irmolssiooer. tips ial Order 'm, II, 1S3 'I lie fl.11l„tting Licuur;int hewing b:vn irmluwd to the rank Ili Captain, i, as- sigur(I as indicated : 'I'ii take effect June 311. 1th)9: Frank J. lorri; Fifteenth Yrccinct. The fulltaving having been employed un Itroltati, , n as I'atrulmmA, are a';i.gnctl tit the 5dhIa1l I Recruits, tit take effect Ittne 311, 19(19: t)enni~ McKeI.gh. I)avill A. Karr%, John P. \iarnm, :\nthotic ltcaIhles•,)rih. Charles lllJie'r, (e.1rge N. \'Oil !lint, Frederick Steiner, John II. "I"honilai. l (1\%ar l 1l. l)rl,:;.key, Willianm J. I) i, Icy. Nie•h11L•i: C. R"vcr:, \\'illi Itcl F. Gallagher. Ill-ckcle J. Rthigers. Janie , \. .\l:l.lunev, ( harks (;rahani, JI'hn \. \leCarren, l lr;2' I'. Schmidt, William 1. Re'iIxI1sl, Daniel F. Cashman. J—clip S. I)i'ligan, lterrain l Buser. William \\'iliiany, J, Ihn J. McGrath. . Frail II. Sehrrine\Gr, Warren Leather- ill-an, Jay J. \hDonaldd. Joi nt W. (u11-chaIk, l-lwnlrtl 1). h"rirt 1 Russell 1heNc•c, \\'illiant 1'. Sirhith, Otto II. RiI1p. (Bernard Rehnl, Bernard I. \Ir\linen, ll-aImrll F. l-arkimt. Michael L. Olinlleli. William 1. \\"alsh. I ratici , F. Nle('rcev' Charles F,ixcle. :\nitres• J. Sari„l. Jame, II. lfcmev, Wili ini :\. llrnsig. "I hl , nc- .cs l.. 1,iea> , 1'. \\ ill iant J. \Ie.\ttdlews. Edwin O. Fehr, Peter A. Raail-). \Vil!i;mt 1:. \Liner. Vuroeilhi I. 'mu eii, Frank L. 1 1conimKt,in. t[dw•artl 1. StatitIer. "I h, 'tint s J. Hrcmt. FrAItrick l;ret.•s, George II. \'cith. . 1 1111 1 . Kind, Michael Hagler, Ott„ J" hit. it, Paul Decker. William C. ()(.'utltmur. "l'hjmlas \I. Farrell, Robert I). \\"r..t, \\';Iarr I. Relciv;h1 Patrick F. lhtnftiret, .\nthnnc Sclimitt, Thn Hcn!cc, I);tnic' O'Neill, l"ki:,rlr; A. ('arlstrutn, Sinlun I'. 11revii, John Rei , . .- Iphonse \I. G;entrtr, Edward 1. \lack, Charles It. Vaughn. William 11. \\ - eicr. \\'illiant 1- Carroll. Rcuhrn 1. \\"rltsch. John J. 11rown, Hdw•ard \\"imiter. FIltc:trll J. IeuraAI, Richard I'itzpaurice. IIu,gh \lcKiernav, Williamm Ru ,ehin. h:dward 11. Gcr<tenf,•lll, 11,hn T. Kearns, Ge, rite J. Brost, Jr., J oseph Rurns, Arthur 1). 1)nit-n:. Jacob 1 Ltrticit, t )ttl, \I. \\"hilmy, Janus F. \lurrisset, Andrew .\ntlerson. John "I'. 1•:alzan, Patrick St a t i t it, I.1 Ott - Paulus, jr Jl,hn G. 1Rurns, Lawrence P. O'Brien, J hn 1. Rvan, \l'i'!t:ccr Wci:cheit•r. Jn njlli I) Kiley, Charles I. Prestinari, Leslie B. Sutd.r. "1"homa. 12 l)I'nrvad. Richard R1- - nt,lds, Joseph G. Fielllltnro, I ogan \ let. iirdv. Jamey S. Fh nt', T);In'cl J. \I Iran, t'rhan W. Kine. Louis Ilernlan, Albert T. Fick-:ii. JI , Ln 1. Brennan, ( el,rge N1'11, Isidor Piser, I?tlwarll J. Ilrfferon, l.I ,uis F. Owells, Ilcnry 1) Lewis. Leonard Ile—in- Rer, Ludwig J. Naekcl, Ssumu'l \Weiss, F'dward \huLtdIhrr. tisl ,a.tiall \\ threr, Frill Neidlitgcr, E(Iward Bender, Charlc. \Weiss, Jr., Jaines 1'. Brady, Stephetl lien nessey. James Pellegrino, Anthony J. Padrucco, \\'illiam 11. Hance(". Arthur Wagner. George R. Maher, Louis F. Kifer• ITarry G. Bartels, Robert 1), Putter, \lich•tel 1. (olden, Frederick R. Fitzgerald, Frederick W. Young. Antonio Fascale, Euzere S. Franklin. James J. Lernan. Edward A. Nietzcl, George E. Oststriloskv, Patrick C. Hearns, John R. \Walsh, Alfred Frauenberger, Ioseph J. ,)ors' v. George H. Walker, Charles S. Robinson, Frederick S. Radford. Matthew J. McCann. Charles F. Five, I ltomas J. Gibney, James W. V1'ard. I1enry G. Single. Jr.. John J. Delaney. 'I"he following transfers and asciamncats are hereby- ordered: 'I'o take effect 8 p. m., July 1, 19119: Lieutenants Daniel E. Costigan, from Brooklyn Ror sigh Headquarters Squad to Sixty-sixth Precinct ; William F. Maher. from Brooklyn Borough Headquarters Syua(1 to Fortieth Prl•cinct. Sergeants Gardiner C. Ututhant, from Eightiet*Precinct to Harbor Precinct; Frank Brady, from Eighth Precinct to Seventh Precinct; Edward J. Quinn, from Eighteenth Precinct to Seventh Precinct; James Fitzgibbon, front Brooklyn Borough Headquarters Squad to One Hundred and Fifty-third Precinct; William Garner, from Nineteent'i Precinct to Seventy-seventh Precinct; Peter Dutivan, from Seventy--seventh Precinct to Nineteenth Precinct. Patrolmen John Carroll, Central Office Snu;'d. transferred to Boiler Squad, and assigned as driver ; James Cosgrove, from Boiler Squad to Sixty-third Precinct; Charles H. Ray, from Health Squad, Brooklyn, to One Hundred and Forty-ninth

1909-07-09 - THE CITY RECORD

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Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the





Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays.

Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy.

SUI'I'LF.MENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Department supplements, 10 cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation

of Real Estate, 25 cents each section. Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City.

Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City.


\ {iii .III :ll it ( )tc,l'1-1I i; ugh 1'al~l ... .. ..... \1111„

Plo(.,,,al. ........................ S,,UI, (Ill icial I)ircch,yy .................... ~OI)3

."e,"lr;, 9„ar,l ..1-- lltlicial Paper. ....................... funk., I lr pasHnglt of—


I'uhlic N. ,er .. ................... $1107 II I .,c ..al ........................ 81) I

nclIcluo and .\Ilic,l Ilmpita.ls-- ........... lt11c17 Police lsmariotent

I.) MII .ale. .................... r..r.I \t c,•t I alt• . $UIII, (1„ ncI, \V antc,I fur Lost Property., 14)1)3 jkm,t , R,rnugh I,t-- I'rncccllingc „f till" 1. I')119 ........ 7''$i

I'n,I,, ,,al, ....... . . . . . ..... . ... . . . ;till 4 '~. l'r„po.als .... , .

r,,,k1n. M--tigit of--- 140111) I'ublil: .\dmini,tratur. Ness York

l'r,lp,,,al; ..........

t h11l.hKY If I rank I )aIna vc (l,nlnli.`l',ll soo') j

('„cull)- Statcmcut and Return .,f \I,,m,es

l'ublic N„licc haug, n in l )cllartnlcut., etc........... tt11113 ! Reccivc.l for the \moth , If r

(m'iliIni'>i.11rr if turn... Kings CunntY— 8)1)17 i June. 191)')

Publ .... .

Charjt, 'e llc•parltnc•nt of - I'nblic \mice .................... ),„I.11_ .....

lIck.. :ul,l Ferries, Ilcpartnletn „f- - .................... .... . Public "emit, I '111Ini<ninn fr irst

Sil ls I)i.tricl - ............... .....:.r I:,lueatin. llc1,artn1cnt .,f


1:11cu,Lu' of lleanrng. .............. 775 Mollit., If Stunt Meeting 1•f I .n. Iut•cn;, Il,nuttKh of--

„f ~:,Iucaimol. Mac !n. Ivntl... 7'1.13 I r~q,,,sals ... ..................... .... scot' 8110'. PI-p— 1. ........................ nts

Richmond. tSQt'IgB nf- I inaurt. Ilci,artnlcrt If BupPs:il. ........................ 8(1117

aii„n S:Ile. of KrfflJinit •. Its. `nlo ti,iret t'1caning. Uemartnnert I,f

X ntcr .,f t'olmtinralir11 of \killi.nhtcrn l'r•,t ,,,.ala ........................ 8015

I ax Sale .. ............... `InlI Sui rrnl, ('nurt. First ItelmJrtnlent - N Iice, 1-- I tc ()Whet KMI1) \cgII IlIit ' I', tIe III I.aod'- itc...... 41)15

urcti,. Re-wi tI ,In \':I, l -:nos,. Suprcme I „art. Seen) I1cp:It msot 1411l„

i t nut- act, ................. 1)1113 "Tote \cIlm,in,lg h, L.an'1.. etc......

,Ie I )d1.rtrcc1t 1)007

Sri prtn, ( -„nrt. Third 1nlieffal District-_. \ryuiriui Title to Lau~i~. etc....., S1U11,

f I'r„p.,.nl. ..... ..... .....

. \t:ltd I \III1l'1\, 11,n:Innh of---

Ilr':Attl. Ill•: arltII,'I1l

\linnlc. M1vlff'tc ,'f lloctr1t of ,If \l innIt.. •'i \I,ebng• of May 1'), 20,

Il,all \I: _ I t'•1.......... 71'II 21 1,11 2 . I'm9............... 7')9') %001,

Tull!he \„tic( .................... 4(1)111

I'l 'l'l” uI' .... ..... .l

\11,'1 ' ,II 1s. in-., I 11,i tric,t c. llc- 11 nll'l Is,! ,1 t nl .,

I•„I,l ,- N t„- .. . ~~iit .:n - 10111 1


N. l34 N . \t tirurlr. \r%c \I,kl. Irv.

('.\LI:NI).\R OF Ill•::\RINUS.

The following hearings will Ile held daring the remainder of the week cotti- utencinR \Iunetay. July 5, 1909: Fritlac, July 11 '31) p. nl. l fftaffcin,n \4'illrl)x', Rln,tn.—(.:uc No. Ill. IxTtat-

itoRoUI;It R\t'lu "1 hegecc t l). •'Rlu,k Signal Sy.tem--Subway local t tck,.''—Chairtn;ut WPillcox.

Rt')ht1.ir lIk•Ctiltss• • , f tilt' ('"Iin!Ili>'illn are fftept every "Tuesday and Friday, at 11 :30

1. ti.. in l 11111 3111.


July 1, 19) ).

'I'ltc fr1Iluw-,cps mmete&hitgs N''•rc thi, (hay dleuisll In ['Mir).' Cinnnis$luer 'Filel,-

(lire A. NmIsh,cl - Urllcrtd. - ,'hat th,• f II,1•~•irg rnsiguad, It: , he :unit are iltrelmv accepted of the follow-

ing rained I'Ilicial. of this Police I)cpartin ut of The City if New York, to take effect

,t. irHiiaIels Irelicrici' I I- EIu~hcI, ~scorn Deputy Wilier ( ,ittttnie,inncr, at 12.30 p. nl.. Jill)

1. 1909, .\rthnr 1\ u,l(l., I „ttrth Ucpttt l', liirc l -5m1nti,51•nlcr.:It 12.31) !,. nl., July 1, 19119.

I. S. \\ cll „ iro, Seeretar% to Seein:id I )cputy I',mIins ('l ,rntrissiuncr. at 12.311 p. In.

lull 1. l(9l) I I;Iniel 1., Siaiterl. Secretary II 1), lice l"unitnI...illlier. at 12.3(1 I1. nt.. July 1, 191K1. \\ herc:t=, i he III '..r,. 'I . J. O:Iklt•.\y and Philip Rhinelander have presentetF t., thi'

I )&'partmeot gold credal t'n he awarded ":"-It year, to lie known as the Rhinelander

\Ictlal f , r Detective 1•:xetheitet. ( lrlIe•rt'd. 'f flat tilt Sni(l tcIcllal he and is llrrchv accepted mmit behalf of this Depart

meitt, under the f itiwup rl,nlliti(u':..f the [iced ',f gift: 'rile sail) KIii: 1s1:uukr "1Ict:I for I)etecti%e ICxeelIenwe is to he awarded annually

1„ ;t lten11)st- of the Dete•ctclt Fffrrce of the New fork Police. to he ..elected by till police (IrI!ri• iljvr r ait, l a hI1artI ilmcltpl)srtl of the Chief Clerk of the Police Depart

mettl. th,• (ii i1 f Iti..pet'tor and such I )clluty police Commissioner as may be assignct In• the I'm lice C'mttni jolter : case; of cli,aiit to in referred !o his ii tutor the Mayor fill

(It'd sit The foil wit rues to go% ern the aw;trd 1. Thi, Inellal i< to he awarded annuatly to that tnetnhcr of the Detective branch

of the New York Ci!v Police [2'irce who has rendered during the year the most dis trovuishetl servi,e to the City; the first award to be made in the year 1910 for an ac performed during the calendar year 19(19. Should no member of the Force distinguisl himself by the performance of trust stistmtsui-he(ff detective work of sufficiently higc yradt• in the opinion of the Police Commissioner, no award is to be made for that yeat

2. It is the desire of the donors that the award of this medal shall be for th, display of detective yualitie: of the highest order, which would involve among othe considerations,

(a) Itttelligenee of a high order; (b) Clear reasoning facu;ties; (c) I'iiti rut g patience and industry; (d) Ingenuity of thought :trtd resourceful analysis of facts: I e) Crnnnreheinive collection l,f evidence; I f I The exhibititm of personal braver•. 3. 'Chi.. ntc<Ltl is to become the personal property o' the recipient and may ut•

worn by hint c)!1 all Inccasions Ilf cere•nit,lt1• :.11 p.:rade. .\ cerentnnc Ilf p mad rt lit hut shall he held :u:nually upon a Il:,te de>ignate(1 by the

Police Cm nl 'ii i,,i , n'cr a It parade of the I orce, I r of a part thercllr. :uld with illy expectation th;tr his Illmtlr the \Iatl,r '.Hall persrmally make Ih-- prt•scnt:tti(m. In the absence or in:ahility of tIi' ).lao:,r t') he pre<rtlt, the Police Cun1111144II tier I,r Mich suitable pers,m as mat• lie designated hy him shall nt;lkc the ltrescnt;llitii

It is the carnet desire of the thmnrt, that this medal shall b. awarded in the spilt, ht t'hich it i' prise hell tit tht l)epartotcn:.

Ordered. That the saiary of Steieswe;t/her \'Viofteht \V. Ruhin.ko be and is herehy increased tt) fifteen ht direct• tlu,ll:lr, ($I,5INXI I per annunl, tit take effect July I. 11)1 )9.

Orilercd, That the Chief Cttrk lit' and is hcrc!,v dirset:'H tit imIverti'2 f ,r pr 1ptt,al,

for fttrni;ping an(l (Ielivcring forage for the ti'' „f the Police I)cpartnlcnt ill the sect of Hnrough. during the ia't six ni tints If tilt- year 191)').


R,:-ixnatiuv of Kl,y 1•. 'ocrt-lsnu;ckcr. S:mlgr;phir I•I the P. ,lice C•nitltnits'Ir,nt, 11, hake effect at 1 p. tit.. ittl, 1. 1)i9.

Reis nation of "I hnnla< Gryntc•. OIlcr .team t(s.cl "I'atrIII.” inI take sheet I tit., Jill} 1. 191$)

. peei:ll f )Ater N. 183, i,.nc<I till- dace is merely nla(le part of the mrrct'clltng, 1,: the I'lllic' 1' 1111111 .i1 mere

( t'cs;ib I)rcicr N. 39, retied thi- I;, i, herdic nlIlc part of the prmmeedlirgs of tltc I',Ilicc (''mt'Aisau n ter.

General ( )Ater N... 39. I. It.' Ireec;i' n 'If the .'tla• I,r. I'ir.t I )I Iltty i',lite t•',:rmni..I ,nt'r Baker i, herein'

nlaiell in t tl.lrgr .If ills hih,l-Itmghs IIf l'.rinkl..it .toll Ouet: , with ;Ili Ili. firmer anthurit nit l rial Crncmi—i-offer, ;I, well as Itht rwisr

' III llire('lil,n of the \l:lcnr, l-irst 1)t•pnl_ G,ntnti'sioi,er h;tker and liuspecu,r 11r( tticrt) will hercaftcr rntcrtair all appllra;in'ts to t tkc phl,tn) raph, :Init mca.urc nlcnt. fern the I' gil ' Galli•r% and rule thcresm.

,i, 11_l liirecti' n if th,• \I:n•ur, tile' ph'It,,gratph if (i.orgc 11. I)Il ftv, tit .i' ..i/ \\ . tek,'if strict. Iirl,,,l;lyn. 11i1I ht reino ed fr iii i the R Itt'. I;aiicry forthwith, anti all ph„t ,Lr:t!lh.. m•glIIces ;toll lcrtilplt nlea'ztrctncnt, of the ;ante kill he rettirned to Ili, father. (;emnr,:e i{. I )nrit', avid receipt tak'•tt therefl ,r.

4. 111• ilirestilllI It the \la „r. lEIoItigil Io;mertl'r Riff "'II is hereby reduced ill the rank If (:tl)lain :toll :I'.ilmcml to cnntnl-,llltl the Slxty-'ixth I'recicrt. in 'rile Irtitix.

5 (':11t.iii I)clli• J. lirerm;m. if tits Sixty-sixth Prc•iioct, i, herrhy transferred to e'Iritranul the ( Inc 11ImMffI! aril Stxt, 's.t'lI -rcehtct.

f, 11t 1!irccti•-n if :ht- \Li.\•„r. Iti.i ctkr 'FI: nt;i- J. I'cllr i; a..igned and tf_stg- nated ;.< Ir.IlUrtIr at I-:trite, ttith he:t-ItIu:irtt'ra in the 1l l\rn. ulfilee at City hall.

7. Rs- il:ec,•ii, it of tits 1:;c r. litre-titer Al A1mp:gists received it Police I lead- Iluart;r. will he 111rc(hatch etlihsi ,u11I a dope -cnt forthw'th ill tilt, Mayor (lere- aftcr, when th,,e rt•nlplatin!: hstvt hicu eX;lllhmcmi by the F.1liss a11cil1,ritit•., c"l/irc of the rrpl)rta therein will also he sent for)Itn tl to the \L•tvs.

Itv t!irecti"n if Ills \la - r. t'atr,olcn 1):ttic! Kuhn. \I:'rtiii J. Keiis. Utt,l \1. Reich :Intl .\ILrn Mc\hlIkstt. 'f -he I'\%vIfth ms)eetulr l)i.'e;rt, mlwy assigned tit tilt• Macl,r', office with hna1i'rilIr Kc;iv. arc tit he e'ttlllttttnI at the Mayor', office until further ' rdcrs.

9. 1'v hirce!iltn if the \lmitr. Itlspcct or Ge it n R. Holahan is transferred from !ht- r'nntn:n•l! '',f ;11e l.igMh 1moecti"r I)i tr'ct and ,*lal!c knrtnIlgil irspnNnnr antler I'ir,t U:I.ntc (•;nn'tissi„ncr lhtTar In Io ct of Inspector Russell.

Ill i: ). A. 11IXt;H.\M, IT)lice C'Irmolssiooer.

tips ial Order 'm, II, 1S3 'I lie fl.11l„tting Licuur;int hewing b:vn irmluwd to the rank Ili Captain, i, as-

sigur(I as indicated : 'I'ii take effect June 311. 1th)9: Frank J. lorri; Fifteenth Yrccinct. The fulltaving having been employed un Itroltati, , n as I'atrulmmA, are a';i.gnctl

tit the 5dhIa1l I Recruits, tit take effect Ittne 311, 19(19: t)enni~ McKeI.gh. I)avill A. Karr%, John P. \iarnm, :\nthotic ltcaIhles•,)rih.

Charles lllJie'r, (e.1rge N. \'Oil !lint, Frederick Steiner, John II. "I"honilai. l (1\%ar l 1l. l)rl,:;.key, Willianm J. I) i,Icy. Nie•h11L•i: C. R"vcr:, \\'illi Itcl F. Gallagher. Ill-ckcle J. Rthigers. Janie, \. .\l:l.lunev, ( •harks (;rahani, JI'hn \. \leCarren, l lr;2' I'. Schmidt, William 1. Re'iIxI1sl, Daniel F. Cashman. J—clip S. I)i'ligan, lterrain l Buser. William \\'iliiany, J, Ihn J. McGrath.. Frail II. Sehrrine\Gr, Warren Leather-ill-an, Jay J. \hDonaldd. Joint W. (u11-chaIk, l-lwnlrtl 1). h"rirt 1 Russell 1heNc•c, \\'illiant 1'. Sirhith, Otto II. RiI1p. (Bernard Rehnl, Bernard I. \Ir\linen, ll-aImrll F. l-arkimt. Michael L. Olinlleli. William 1. \\"alsh. I ratici, F. Nle('rcev' Charles F,ixcle. :\nitres• J. Sari„l. Jame, II. lfcmev, Wili ini :\. llrnsig. "I hl,nc-.cs l.. 1,iea> ,1'. \\ ill iant J. \Ie.\ttdlews. Edwin O. Fehr, Peter A. Raail-). \Vil!i;mt 1:. \Liner. Vuroeilhi I. 'mu eii, Frank L. 11conimKt,in. t[dw•artl 1. StatitIer. "I h, 'tint s J. Hrcmt. FrAItrick l;ret.•s, George II. \'cith. .1 1111 1 . Kind, Michael Hagler, Ott„ J" hit. „it, Paul Decker. William C. ()(.'utltmur. "l'hjmlas \I. Farrell, Robert I). \\"r..t, \\';Iarr I. Relciv;h1 Patrick F. lhtnftiret, .\nthnnc Sclimitt, Thn Hcn!cc, I);tnic' O'Neill, l"ki:,rlr; A. ('arlstrutn, Sinlun I'. 11revii, John Rei,. .- Iphonse \I. G;entrtr, Edward 1. \lack, Charles It. Vaughn. William 11. \\ -eicr. \\'illiant 1- Carroll. Rcuhrn 1. \\"rltsch. John J. 11rown, Hdw•ard \\"imiter. FIltc:trll J. IeuraAI, Richard I'itzpaurice. IIu,gh \lcKiernav, Williamm Ru,ehin. h:dward 11. Gcr<tenf,•lll, 11,hn T. Kearns, Ge, rite J. Brost, Jr., Joseph Rurns, Arthur 1). 1)nit-n:. Jacob 1 Ltrticit, t )ttl, \I. \\"hilmy, Janus F. \lurrisset, Andrew .\ntlerson. John "I'. 1•:alzan, Patrick St a t i t it, I.1 Ott - Paulus, jr Jl,hn G. 1Rurns, Lawrence P. O'Brien, J„hn 1. Rvan, \l'i'!t:ccr Wci:cheit•r. Jn njlli I) Kiley, Charles I. Prestinari, Leslie B. Sutd.r. "1"homa. 12 l)I'nrvad. Richard R1- -nt,lds, Joseph G. Fielllltnro, I ogan \ let. iirdv. Jamey S. Fh nt', T);In'cl J. \I Iran, t'rhan W. Kine. Louis Ilernlan, Albert T. Fick-:ii. JI ,Ln 1. Brennan, ( el,rge N1'11, Isidor Piser, I?tlwarll J. Ilrfferon, l.I ,uis F. Owells, Ilcnry 1) Lewis. Leonard Ile—in-Rer, Ludwig J. Naekcl, Ssumu'l \Weiss, F'dward \huLtdIhrr. tisl,a.tiall \\ threr, Frill Neidlitgcr, E(Iward Bender, Charlc. \Weiss, Jr., Jaines 1'. Brady, Stephetl lien nessey. James Pellegrino, Anthony J. Padrucco, \\'illiam 11. Hance(". Arthur Wagner. George R. Maher, Louis F. Kifer• ITarry G. Bartels, Robert 1), Putter, \lich•tel 1. (olden, Frederick R. Fitzgerald, Frederick W. Young. Antonio Fascale, Euzere S. Franklin. James J. Lernan. Edward A. Nietzcl, George E. Oststriloskv, Patrick C. Hearns, John R. \Walsh, Alfred Frauenberger, Ioseph J. ,)ors' v. George H. Walker, Charles S. Robinson, Frederick S. Radford. Matthew J. McCann. Charles F. Five, I ltomas J. Gibney, James W. V1'ard. I1enry G. Single. Jr.. John J. Delaney.

'I"he following transfers and asciamncats are hereby- ordered: 'I'o take effect 8 p. m., July 1, 19119: Lieutenants Daniel E. Costigan, from Brooklyn Ror sigh Headquarters Squad to

Sixty-sixth Precinct ; William F. Maher. from Brooklyn Borough Headquarters Syua(1 to Fortieth Prl•cinct.

Sergeants Gardiner C. Ututhant, from Eightiet*Precinct to Harbor Precinct; Frank Brady, from Eighth Precinct to Seventh Precinct; Edward J. Quinn, from Eighteenth Precinct to Seventh Precinct; James Fitzgibbon, front Brooklyn Borough Headquarters Squad to One Hundred and Fifty-third Precinct; William Garner, from Nineteent'i Precinct to Seventy-seventh Precinct; Peter Dutivan, from Seventy--seventh Precinct to Nineteenth Precinct.

Patrolmen John Carroll, Central Office Snu;'d. transferred to Boiler Squad, and assigned as driver ; James Cosgrove, from Boiler Squad to Sixty-third Precinct; Charles H. Ray, from Health Squad, Brooklyn, to One Hundred and Forty-ninth


Precinct; John Kennel, from Public Office Squad to Health Squad, Brooklyn; John J. Tyman, from Detective Bureau. Manhattan, to Sixty-first Precinct; George A. Young, from Detective Bureau. Manhattan, to Sixty-first Precinct; Charles Lomberg, from Traffic Precinct B to Tenth Precinct; Earl D. Proper, from Tenth Precinct to Two Hundred and Eighty-first Precinct: James 7'. Stapleton, from Twenty-fifth Pre-cinct to Detective Bureau, \lanhattan; George E. Decker. from One I-Iundred and Sixty-seventh Precinct to Detective Bureau, Manhattan; Jeremiah J. English, from One Hundred and Sixty-fifth Precinct to Detective Bureau, duty in Record Room: John J. McGowan, One Hundred and forty-ninth Precinct, transferred to One Ilun-dred and Sixty-seventh Precinct, 311(1 assigned to ntotmted (kitty; Thomas A. Donohue, from Ninth Precinct to Nineteenth Preciui':: Thomas A. Mead, from Ninety-ninth Precinct to I;ighti'yn:ki Precic_t: James \l. Doyle, from I•hirtceitttt Precinct to De-tective Bureau, duty in Bronx Branch: Frank C. I;ockel, from Twenty-eighth Pre-cinct to Seventh I)1strict Curt Sguam1, Manhattan.

Fn,m precinct.; imlicated to One Ilundred and Fifty-uhtth Precinct: Palrolmera Lcr,rarel Crozier, Two hundred anal 1':il hty"-third Precinct: John J.

Cosgrove. One lluudrccl and Sixty-fourth t Precinct; (-hrist,ophcr Ryan, One IlnnrIrcd ant[ Sixty-fourth Precinct; Michael .1. Fannrm. (The Hundred au(] Fifty-second Pre-c"nct : John J. 11„rnhnc, ( Inc I Imidi-cd and Forty-ninth Precinct ; James II. Pranson, ()ne IItmlrcrl and Pi,rtc-Iiftli Precinct.

Reminded frtmt rltttu in plain cluthcs, and transferral front Brooklyn Borough „ -'-----•__.. c ........ ... .........,..,. :.,,t;,•„r.t

Reduction of fine: In consideration of this man's excellent subsequent behavior to date, the fine of

ten days' pay imposed upon the following Patrolman on June 30. 1907, Special Order 191, is hereby reduced to one day: Edward J. Patterson, Central Office Squad, then in Brooklyn Borough Headquarters Squad.

Owing to the subsequent good behavior of the following Patrolmen, their lines are reduced as indicated:

Patrolmen William Leitch, Central Office Squad (then in Old Thirtieth Precinct), complaint dated May 21, 1906, fined three days' pay, reduced to one clay, and complaint dated April 14, 1906, fined five days' pay, reduced to one clay; John R. Presley, •Traffic Precinct C (then in O]:I Third Sub-Precinct), complaint dated June 7, 1907, Special Order 151, fined three days' pay', rcclttced to one day; Alfred Bernard. Traffic Precinct C (then in 01(1 Third Sub-Precinct), Special Order 151, 1907, lined five days' pay, re dtiCCd to one day, and Special Order 133, 1907, fitted two clays paY, reduced to one day.

'the following amendment is hereby ordered So much of Special Order 174, current series, paragraph 10, appointing Mortimer

M. Herrick a Special Patrolman for New York Central and Hudson River Railruarl Company. Manhattan, is hereby rescinded.

The following Special Patrolmen are hereby appointer(: Arthur Ludwig, for Joseph Cowan, Classon Point, The Bronx Isidore Miller, for

Holmes Electric Protective Company. No. 34 East Fourteenth street, Manhattan. THEO, .\. BTNlT;'\GV1, Police Comsnissioller.

Patrolmen Gan,ige A. \yCa31dyn, One IiuuQ!cl ;nt,I Hxly-murtn grectitct; .~

11'illiani I. Rgnalds, Tpirtv-si\tti T'reciuct: "I'hm,mas J. Curren. 1- itirty-secon(I Pre- PO1,IGp. 1)1~PART.I I'.. 'I'tccnty tort : I h,mtas II. Farley, 'l•hirt)-sixth Precinct : Jm,hn I. flood, -atxtn Precinct ;

Iohn I. l[, on:ut. fitirtr-sc;nn;l Precinct : I•:clwar,l I.anke:n:ut, I',murt('cttth Tryeiuet : -- July 1. 191x).

"Tenth I)anicl I. Reilly, Precinct. i~nnun herd)” ur,lcrerl:

I I"he following proceedings were this •l ay directed Ii) Police (Qmnhs,ioner Will-

he f„llottin) temp rare :t; :; arm I.ictucn:mt Patrick I. Randle,. Ninth fryi'iae!, a-, igevd to c''ntm:ntd l,recinct. iant F. Baker:

,luring ,(h - 1c( of Captain \1'illi:utt I.. I)av m vacat',mn. for ( ii.,ltcert days, front 131)1 Citv of New York, Office mu f the Nlay„r. Ittnrm all nice l,y the.c lVcse'nt1, that 1, George B. \1cClellan, Mayor „f The City

:t. m.. Jule 9, 19(19.

P,JillIv 9, (.hark'. S, I~Ii' vn. "ftcctity- "ixth I'rtcieut. :isld;aed I1, ])elect;vc ,f New York, under and by virtue of the authority of the statute. in such case made

IiureN1a3llatt: iii for t'iree days, frntrt ' a. iii ., Jnit 3, 19119; Robert \l::\. \\ 1;oil :ut. • :furl provided, do hercht appoint William I Baker Polic•c Commissioner of The Cit)

Traffic Irucinci I. a;<i;ncd to (litty in .\phcllate 1)iri,i ,n, Suprt•nic ('ourt, First l) •Ihendore of Ncty fork, to .ncc(crl :1. Bit ghant, removed.

p;almmt. ,lurin.v ahteace , , f Patr mutt aiii i)umi; Ryan with k it fr„rn 9 :t. in J uly In tvitne.; tvlei&iif I have liercmu„ set my- hand and affixed my seal t• office this

1. 19O9; (ti tavo. (;eldke iii an. Il(rim r l'rc;imei. I igll,tl :t, .\ .tins; lh,uiiit(it rltn-rot, I;1 rlar of Jnlc, rmt• th„nsancl nine hundred and nine.

absenceof I Iii ,,rmiii Eineys S. Ilarr rill tacati1)n, from i' a. rat,, Jul, 1, 19;)9; I) iii icl J 'Me( (Signed) ('1 OR( 13. LI I I.AN, \Ii ,,r.

Sullivan. Twenty-'itth Precinct. assigned t„ lctcctive Miire:ut. \(smith:Ittmt. ,hiring ah- Knou all tutu b_v these presents, that 1, William I. Baker, Police• Commissioner ,ence : , f Patr olmcu in Rcc, r,l Rm„ m „n i;c;inrm. front t I,. iii., Imly 2, lm)ti; J,,:eph if IIii' City of Nett \'„rk. pursuant to lilt authority vested in tnc I,v law. ,l„ hereho- l),mghcrtv. Sixth l'rccinct. :m -i.t nc<1 I„ dvit.,live Iturc:ut, \l:mhrntan, f„r Ictt !lay., app<)ita Jt sialt A. Stover, a citircn of the United States :mil :t resittt'nt if "fh,• ('it.• if front 1? n,mun. June 3(1, 1911:1: \Villirau 1'. II-mllancl, "I"raffic Precinct I), :t.>i)nwl I' \ctv 1'orlc, 'Third Deputy Police Coiiimi- ioiicr if said ('it, to hold office at the clerical (lilt) itn precinct. rlttring ah.cilcr of Patrolman Francis J. I'ttlz oil tac:ninn, pleasure of the Police Gnunmissioucr (if said ('ity. from 12.111 :t. rat.. Inl_, 7. 1Q)): J-„eplt L. N1c(,umt,s,. Secon,l Precinct, and Michael W. In witness thereof I have hercunt„ still,crihed my n:tutc, thi, 1,t 'lac if Jill \..\. I). \Inrphv. Fourto•ei:th I'rtcincl. a 'igncd 1r, t.,,,trth lt1 Int'tion District, dii): in plain „nc thousand nine• tennrlrc,l and hint. clot1tes, for „nc rl:tm. front Jmti• 31), 1<)119; Michael (':tran:tgh, "I"tvyn)-cipkih Precinct, ISigned I \\' \l. I'- It.\Ki:R. I'liir• I ,lnmi ,i„nrr. assigned is \cling D„nytnan in pr('cinct. during a!,,, itce of U,,,,rntan I Ltrrt• Strauss.

ti r l for tell dal,,. from 13.1)1 a. m.. Jul)” 1. 19(1(): \filiiaiii Yenuocr, fortieth Precinct, ;

BOA RI) OF EDU(.ATION. -iKncd a~ in); f)!-o„ratan in precinct. due ay.e3cV .,f D m Joy 't I )i:tnt„n,l nn Vacation. frrmt 12 nnnn. July 1, 1909: John I. Ihaer, - I- ttent\-ninth Precinct. a; w -ignc,l t„ Bureau if l•Nmariral Service, duty a. Oix.r:itnr. in NIatihattau. for thirty .,,--• I I-:I) \f It I\l. 11I':I)NI:sl)\1', \l:\\ .t,. day=, fr in ft p. Ili-, Jill. _', IQis). ---

'fhc fIilLuBng rxIyi1'inn, ..f tcniporart a-;i);Mtnty31; :u- c herd„ ardercd: \ - t.,l ;nethug Iml i;t, I;-;arrl „f f~il'tt::ti,m w;is hr1,I oil \Verne:-tat, .\I t ',. Patro,'tnen Frederick A. I-„n•r-. Ninth Precinct. Iii I)ctec:iye liurcan, \lnnhattatt, '4 1')IN), at odds I,. tr'.. at the hall , .f tlrc Ibonrd. I':rrk atcnue and fifty-ninth -tic,

for thirty rlays. from 8 a. rat., filly. 1. 191)'1; \\'alter Ler„ckcr, "Thirty-ninth Precinct, lmmrnmu:i of'tLulp:ott:m. Iii Detective ISnrcait. \lnraFattait. fur thirty rl:ry;, fr,-nt t? :t. m., July 1, 19(19; Jctme; I'rrwnt—h:l(rt„n I.. \\ ilttltr„p, Ir., 1'11•,.iel tit . :[Till the folmmtviiitt \ihIer.: McCnm- il1&. (toe lI3nmlryl :iii(] Sizticll Precinct, tgy, Dctcetitc hc3.;t-f, Brt000kun, for \lr. :Mrcraftt, \lr. Itarrett, I)r. hrute, \Ir. C'„wlcrt, \Ir. I. utmi,.n, \Ir. I)c- thirty l:it, fr,sm 8:t. rat.. July I. 1909; J:tntcs Unfh, I', mrt)-thirrI Prea3 i. t„ DyD.ctiviy Laney, \Ir. Dret.c-, \Ir. Nraui'„d,i. \Ir. I reifchl. \Ir. fiem.enc. \Ir. Idaaov, \Ir. Il:tr- liur,•au. \1aiih- tii:ut. fir thirty oI:m s, front i I. rat.. Jul) 3. lfh)Q; Nclonn M. Dart, iii, Dr. I!atpt. \Ir, I1iomth't \Ir. II.rIL•utri, \Ir. lI „l!ick, \Ir. l';ittzlrr, \Ir. kaIz,•3 'ixtccntlt 1-i"net. tm, I)etcc vc !Inreatt, Jl:m1iall:u1. for thirty !lay, from t ir. rat., l,crg, 1 Ir. l;,'zan~kv. \Ir. \I-ut, I)r. \Icl) :na I. \Ir. \!A\-e, 11r. Meyer, 11 r. 1I I),m, il•ur. Jrtlt 4, II) \\ iltiam J. 1l,fti:. I':n,,kiIycnth Ir&einet, and \atkianicl \"'hum iii , \iith \Ir. tihyrmt:t3. \It-. ", nt,•rgy, \Ir. .\. tiicln• \Ir. ).1. S. ',tt-rtt, \Ir. C. J. tim1itau~ [recite(t t,- l)aeetit•c luireai. \lti3l;ut:rat. fill- Ihirtt elms, fr ni 8 :t. rat., Jol\, 5, 191)9; !. 1':. Suthvaii. \Ir. Ii iii:. \Ir. Tit mini n, \Ir. V;nult•iii it 11r. 1\il;.f, \lr. 11 (eromc \Iur;mhV, l- iwu'v-syri,ud Precinct. to Third Inspection Distract. ,1tltv in (,lain gttt c-3(,. c lothes, fir ten ,tat,, from `l p. tn.. Jill\- 3, 19119: \lylrs \bdm-filh :ttul \Pilliaiii Limit- \1>„ ('tic Lal,_rinttnt,nl \Iaavr'1. nell. M sver,ty-fifth Int it I to I hit ti In`1&.u33 I)islria, ,lt,tt iii plain clothe<. for ten Absyat- * \Ir. (-miYI,•t,t \Ir, ('mitrtti1t,hi, I . \Ir I ,'rri•. \Ir. I tilt t i;•. \It'. \larch, ,tat.. from 8 IT rat.. July 3. l)t)<): t;e„rg,• Iturnell and (. • h:trlc; F. I':nl, m. 'ixty-fifth 11r. \Iav- \Ir. \Ic('ntT.rt.\, \Ir. 11. J. Stillii iii. \!r. Stal;i3t- r) Precinct, to Third hisprc!inn I)i,trict, fluty in plain clothe, fir ten ,lay's, tr ot S P. rat.. I (Unc vac:utrt•.1 Jolt 2. 19(19; I r:utl< Tlurl„•r, Si\tt-eit;hl't I tinct, t„ I iftlt District Court Squad, (lilt ('.mtract; se re;manlc,l a, f II ,c : iilg ahscnce if I'atrv,lntan Ji ,.r•I-I, l. Dell ,: ,rtt varcation, front 12(11 a. m.. Jttly 2. I_) l$). \tare, pri"uint; tit(, 't',n if i;ftc-t.... ;Its nand direr Ii3or1rcr ;!if(] fifty-,t-%cu ml ,ll ir•

To Detective l!tiry.ntt, \I,,nit:tit:rt,, fir shirt 'lays, fr„m K :t. rat., July 4. 19: I,.,,,_.357) (runt tit,- f,ill,,,c- ing n:tm, --1 fnnrl': said 'tint t.m Iii ablmlied in It;tc- tncnl if t',c I Pt r„Imcn I ,c IC:thn, 'I hirtm -nin:lt Prec, tilt .I Jultn M. I),mrlrr, ,, 'Ii, hit y-<i\th ,- „ntracts to be c lilt rr,I int„ hi Ilti ('„minutia . ,rn Iii!il, linyt;. t and ,rat lit ltalf rot tiII,

Precinct: Ilarrc Ilertini. Fifth Iiechi nt: ("hamlet I . 1I tIlM• "I"hirty -sistlt Prt•rin;t; lb,:trrl „f I ducati ii trit!i the f„li,,,tin iiimc,l contractors, fin flit purpose, iii( nti m ,l William _W. O'Brien. "ftvcnty-ninth Prct- inct. and in Iltc .pmt, .prcilicd

'I"he following tyiiiPt , rar)- as;ignh1tcnlo are li,rilmy elisc„nlintir'd: Ifni! i...u' aratnnrizc,1 I,> llearel if I --timate :mm) .\pperrtia3h1t3t Maithi 19:tnt (. lieutenants Premlcrick \1', lilnhm• Thirtt--cict:l Precinct, and Max Nttummim, r. t)nc l iO9. sclt• 'mm 1 Ittiiuing Duel, Interior (.oustrncti, rn an(I l.gtu l,ntcnt:

Fhinlred:utd Sixty-tifth I'recinml, to Central I)fficc Squad, front l p. rat., July 2, 19(19; ;Soriar,n nF I il+r ,,, '--1, Si,t-f[rp.- .?H (-I)I':53-l.. John J. Collin,,' I- raffic Irccinit I), tr, Bureau of Ilectrical Service, front 8 p. in., July !„ Inaa?lint P.lcrtrir I?quipnt:rat in ~ctc !'ul;lic School ]h}. 2. 1909.

Bir}cic I':t~r~,lntan "I h,mta; ICcrrilr:u,, "I'raffii 1'rccinct C. t.. 'ftvclfth In,p(rti„n (~~nv, l,•n ~ Ur•1- r ,unyt. Inc .................................. ............ . :t 1I) 239 1 t. I

I)istrict, front 11 a. it fill\- 1, 19;19. SI,ccial School I und. 190), \1auncn iii :c, I pir; :,ru: Rt-iliac:•nt(nts

PaIeoolntai Jn(l)it I'. (:unccn. I ir,! I'rcriitct, to l)cicclivc I;ure:nt, \I:uthatt:ut, I } C nlr,:ct ur Open l)rricr, General Ilct,:fir.

from 8 :,. tn., July 4. 1909: l;curgc I. (i;mldI„crg, I'nnrtccntlt Precinct, In l)m•ttctive lioait•r,u uF NfANIf.trTAN, Ni. I'tI3. Bureau, \la3l;t:ii, from 14 :t. tn., July 1, 19t)9.

The following mcnib(rs of the Force arc cxcu"•rl t eighteen hours, a, indicated: „r Improving S: not ary ('-m,liti,m anil .\ItcrIll ,rn..

Captains Ialward Barnett. l)t•tecticc Bureau• \l:ntli ttan, froin 9 a. tn.. Jolt 1, ttylIt ticltool 5--:\. I) I:v.rtstit ('„tut,: nit ........ $?l4” If

1909, with permi;siiii t„ Ieave cit>: J t,hn W. O'(:, iii ls, 'I"ttt, Hividrcd full I.ighty- Public SCIu,,,I III— -\. !) I•: tin ken ("romp:: lit ....... t'11 1N1

fifth Precinct, front lot a. in Jolt 2, 190). Public Solto 1 3r)—.1. I). I?v rt„•n ( ntip,tns....... 375 (III

The following Icarc, of ab,cnc, arc hereby );ranter) tcith full pay : Public Schnnl 57—\Villinm C. (lrntutd............ 647 INI

Captain John II. Rn-<cll. Sixty-si>:th Precinct, for eighteen ,lay; 1 vacation 1, front 1'u!,lic Scuu1 1113---.1. l ,. T,vertscn (;nguai.S. ...... 7fN) It)

12.01 a. m., July 2 , 1909, with permission to lt•ave city. ----- $.1,477 IN) l Lieutenant Richard O'C,mn„r. in comntai(l of Traffic Precinct It, for fifteen days For :1lteratiiin Rcltair:, eIC.

I vacation I. front t a. rat., July 7, 191)9, with permi.,i. mn :,, leave city. l3h1iy Behmmnl 11—'fh ,rata; I )ilI„ii & Sims ........ $t)(,7 IN) Patrolman Owen McCaffrey, First Court Squad, ltrm ,okl_v3, fur three rla,'. front Public School 28--Julio C. \aldlme .............. 473 (N)

12.111 a. rat.. Juuc 29, 19i19. Public School ,32—I )avid Stern .................. 1,1119 (NI The following leave of ale'ence is heretic granted with half pay: I'ulolic School 45—J. M. Kn„pp ................... 1,389 OI) Patrolman Hugh \icGradc, 'l'wo Maudme,l and 1{ighty-first Precinct, for mitt-half Public School 48—:A. W. Kiig ................... 94(, (N)

day, 12 noon, June 3)). 19(19. Public School 51—J. M. Kilopp ................... 659 (N) The following leave, of :mh.etc,• ar: herch, granted without p:tc: Public School Si-1)uttcan Stcvart ...... ....... 1,782 (X) Lieutenant Oscar Gei,ler, Central Office' St)ttad, for ten clan,, from ti a. In., :\tlgust I'aiolie School tiK—I)uncan Stewart .............. 7(N) (II)

3. 1909. with pernnisoinn to leave City, in :ul,litiml to vacation. Public School (,7—'fhr,mas I)ilnn & Srm ......... (,73 IN) Patrolmen V1'illiani .',1cCnllcn, Sixth Precinct, for two (lays, from 12 noon, July Public School (t9—'fhnmas Dillon & Sons......... 745 (N)

4, 1909. with permission to (cave city; Ida 1). Freer, Central Office Squad, for ten Public School 81)—A. M. Lasser .................. 505 00 days, from 1210 a. in., July 16, 1909, with peruti,,iun t„ Icavc city. in addition to Public School )t4—Hugh \Icl.eau ................ 1,3ftd (XI vacation. I I'tthlic Schor-1 K7— Lttndin & Zacharius............ 1,781 (X1

Permission granted to leave city : Public School 94—Abraham Silberberg ........... $91 (Ni Lieutenant Dennis R. Hnttrig:tn, Sixty- eighth Precinct, for twenty clays, while „n High School of Conrmcrce—Conccvvrse Con,truc-

sick leave. tion Company ...............................1.9)7 (N) Patrolman James Duffy. Forty-third Precinct, for sixty-days, while on sick leave. I)eWitt Clinton High School—Neptune B. Smyth.. 1,84O IXl Full pay granted : 17.725 (N1 Martin Davis (formerly :t Patrolman in Sixteenth Precinct), from 4,33 p. rat., For Furnishing an(} Delivering Direct to Office or Depository

June 8, 1909, to 4.45 p. m., June 31). 1909, while under suspension. Materials for Use of Mechanics (Electrical Divisino), John Sexton ( formerly a Patrolman in Sixteenth Precinct), from 5 p. tit., June Ituilcling Bureau.

18, 1909, to 4 p. m., June 30, 1909, while under suspension. Frederick Pearce Company (part) ................ $1,5(X,) IX) The following members of the Force having been tried on charges before a Deputy The Western Electric Company (part) ...........1.200 00

Commissioner, they hereby dismissed from Police Force are the of The City of New The Manhattan Electric Company (part).......... 600 00 York: -- — 3,300 00

To take effect 3.45 p. m., June 30, 1909: 24,502 (XI Patrolman William G. Frank,dwo Hundred and Seventy-fifth Precinct. Charges: HoRou(;H OF 'l iii BRONX , No. 884.

Neglect of duty; conduct unbecoming an Officer and conduct injurious to the public peace and welfare.

For Furnishing and Delivering Direct to Office or Depository Materials for Use of Mechanics (Electrical Division),

To take effect 4 p. m., June 30, 1909: Building Bureau. Patrolman John Sexton, Sixteenth Precinct. Charge: Neglect of duty, Frederick Pearce Company (part) .......................... $450 00 To take effect 4.45 m., June 30, 1909: The Western Electric Company (part) ...................... 125 00 Pgtrohnan Mt: tin Davis, Sixteenth Precinct. Charge: Conduct unbecoming an The Manhattan Electric Company (part) .................... 275 00

Officer. — 85000


Botwl-•cx of BROOKLYN. No. 885. in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel, and with such security for the faith- For Furnishing and Delivering Direct to Office or Depository ful performance of the same as shall be satisfactory to the Comptroller; the rules of

Materials for Use. of Mechanics (Electrical Division 1, this Board in regard thereto, and as to the payments to be made on account thereof, to Pltiiding Pttreau. be complied with.

Frederick Pearce Company (part) .. ........ ...... ..... . . . $1,10O (M) Requesting the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, subject to financial ability, to The Western Electric Conll,any (part) ...................... 1,000 (X) approve of and consent to the execution by the Poard of Education of a renewal of "I -he ManIt iii ao Flectric Company ( part? .. ................ . 500 dJ the lease to the City of the premises at the southwest corner of Pitkin avenue and

- ---__— 2G(M) 00, Watkins street, Borough of lirookly-n, occupied as all annex to Public School 84, for

l3uNOt - t:H nr QL'Ig:NS, No, 3801. a period of one year from July 1, 1909, at an annual rental of $1,200, and on the same terms and con.litiony as contained in the existing lease. Owners, Hebrew Educational

For :111cratiuns, Rep lire, etc. Society of Brooklyn, Inc.; President, Nathaniel 11. Levy, No. 297 Decatur street, Brook- Pnhli: Scho,,i 14—A. l)oncourt .................. $1.635 ( lyn; Secretary, Otto Kenipner, No. 53 Linden street, Brooklyn; Treasurer, N. B. Public School 1b—Gustav I larnis & Sou.......... 94) (M) Schmidt. Pol, ie School 17—Gu.tav I larnls & oil.......... 9l 9 (Nt Approving and ratifying the action (.f the Committee on Supplies in awarding the Public Scli.n l 18—:\Ogn.t \1'ilk. Jr ............... 493 INl contracts for furnishing and delivering school supplies for the vacation schools, play- I'uhlic School 19—Gustav Ilarnls & Son.......... 555 (10 grounds and evening recreation centre. of The City of New York, Boroughs of fan- I 'iii lic Sclwi ,l ('7—R oil ddl1h R herg ........... 1.?t(() (N) hat tan, The Bronx, Br' )oklvn, (oven, a 1(1 Richm(nid, fur the year ending December 31, I 'iii ,lit .1 ht (,I(1) - C iii c, 11r5' C ,nstrnction 1901. a, per list attachcCI; but no paynlents to lie Ina(le on account of said contracts

t .. tni,aii ....... ............................ 69.i (it) t)tltil the Committee un Supplics shall have tiled the contracts to be entered into by it. !'til lic ticho-.1 51—(;u.av I!arnis & Son.......... 2.355 tilt for and on behalf of the B ar(l i,f l:lucetion, with the contractors mentioned in said Public Sch„„1 72—Charles C. Colli on............ 927 (M1 list; said contract, to be (Ira\tn and approved in the usual manner, in compliance with Public Scho' I 73---Charles C (-'o!lison............ 742 (N) late and the roles of the IH, rlyd of I duration applicah!e thereto. Public School 7:3—di11-tav Irarm' & Son.......... 927 (MI Approving and ratifying tin action of the Committee on Supplies in awarding con- !'uhlir Slid tl—Jaruh I'aulci ................. 9i, (1(I tracts for the :LLute lnCltii1e(l tt„rk, item by itC111, as follows:

---- 12,491 (M) .................. Item l.-Srhicaliug, Daly & Gale,..................... $249 00 I ur luriiaiiig ❑ n(1. I)el eriug Direct to Rice or lh'pository Itch 2—Schot-criinl;, I)aly & Gale; ....................................... 207 00

Material; for 1',r „f Mechanic: 1 M.1ectrical Division). Rent 3—Schmerling, Daly & ("ales............ .................. 170 00 1:liil(iing loran. hRn1 5-Nar1•agan;ctt \Lachine,Company .................................. 150 00

rt•dL•ric!e 1', :trot• l •i;tnpany ! p:trt) ................ $Z00 (kl ............................... Iteni 7-(ieorge Mort°................... . 15 75 -1 - lte \\estt•rr: Electric ('•,manr I!)ar )............ UI$1 ($1 hem 8—George \lorlc\ .................. . 80 00 '1'h,• \iahiMttan lit•oeic CW1111,m\• (part).......... 425 (1(1 1tcn1 9-George Jlorley ..................................................17 50

1.525 (N) Item 10-Schoccrling. Intl) K Gales .......................................74 00 --- 14,016 01) Itein 11-Narragansett Machine Company .................................. 62 00

ItnK,r (u 'IF kn iiatuxu, \u. i87. Iteni ] 2-(ieorge \lorlcl ................................................... 157 Ii)

Moot• I rlmihint; an,l ]):•li.eri,y Ilir(•ct t„ Office or I)cltnsitor\• Item 13—I.. !...\thertun ................................................... 318 ( 1

,r ('<t• „f \lecleantc, ( I.l(TIrical I Ict.i, i I. Irvin 14—Schoverling, Daly & (;;ties............ ...... 108 00 !liiildinat Hluc:I1', Item 15—I.. E. Atherton .................................................. 57 00

I rederick l'(ctrcc (nlI 11\ ... ............................. $.io IN) lout 16-Georrge \I Flt ................................................... 125 00 'I'h(• \\'I-at•m I:Ivctri& [)lnl,aut .................. .......... 75 Ott Item 17-L, E. Atherto,n.................................................. 149 01) 'I'ht \Ftmiat:ai 1•Jt•etli: (. n1p:rm• ...... .................... 25 ou Cttm IK-L. I:. Atherton.................................................. 58 (A)

----- 1511 It) .................... ; Henn 20-L. F.. .\th(rton ..................... ......... 118 00

------- ! I m Zl-L. 1•:..\thcrtn .................................................. 273 IX) 'Total gcncral repairs .......................... ............. $42.118 0) itcnt 22-I.. I•:..\th,•rtoll.................................................. 223 (Ml

----- -- I -hut pay'nx•nts t„ he iii I(le on account (,f said c,,ntract: until the Committee on (;rand tut:tl ..................... ............... .......... ~?.3 i 0 I tinl,pli(: ,hall l~avt tiled the c, 1tr; cts to he entcrc, l into by it, for and on behalf of the

-requisition for tn(• .nnl of t, it thv.an(I hun'lr'tl ;tad thirty -nine dollars ( 1il.2,31) t Hoardl „f llncati~ n, with the cotltra(•tors nalue(1 : said c' ntraei to he drawn and ap- he•int! hun•hy In;t(1e alum the ( .omil,:v , Her. 11roV •(1 in the n'tt:(1 11INIMr, in compliance \cith last' and the rule. of the Board of Edu-

Rnt n !,:trt i,f >a • (I :tppn , pri;Iti~ i anih,riwol !Iv this resolnti~m t' , ii' ie i(I Omit th • rati n :Epp.i(;th!e iherct. I •"iiinlillrr nn 1{nil(I•., .ii:111 hat ,• l ed the cc,utrarts to t. cltert-d into h\ it, for ana \pl,rlinl; ;mini mtiI in the ac'i, m ~cf the C-9uikii°t ion Supplies in rejecting the ,m huhalf (,f the !:.rc! of I1(!iuu ii, with the . iil a hirs na:neil : ai~l cttr; ct. t I . l,i 1, rccti~ l .,n Ili( ah ce 1i 11 i.me(1 \nark in the 1{urungh of Manhattan, for the he in 111 • f•,rnt at!!r„M•OI he the t', ,rpor-tli, -ti l' nln l.:-no! with '-tich yO•ctO-it_y f~,r the ream that tilt•y Wert• 1 II-i,1eFvO1 exeesSiq•e. faithful lnrf ,rmallre of tilt -anu• ;i' .hall Iw satisfsicl,u'v to time ( nhptr„Ucr: the rule. .\!,pnning and r: tif\ing the action of the Committee oil Supplies in att•arding the ,-f thi hoar,1 in regard finrcyo, and as to the :11a\ ,Im•1ll. !„ he iilaU1u ,n a:c,:tut t!i rt.:f. collilact f rime al v. timciitiiied tt ,,rk in the Borough of 1{ri,oklyn, as follows: t„ l,t- FeO'!tiu-ml wi'h. I item 1--1•hark; (o,char ................................................. $1970 (M)

Appropriating the sum „f lift\-three thousand nine litium1r°(1 and eighty-three d,~l- ; licut 2—Chalk. C„Jhar ................................................. 490 01! lars 1$53.VM.31 from the Special Schnnl Fund "f the I)ep;trtnx•nt „f l•.,loehi9I for the --1111 n„ Jet)hints :,, be maOie (,u acco mt „f sail contract until the Con1titttc ,m Sup- tnrrt•nt vicar, :In(1 from the item ccmtaini•d therein entitled \LiiOtclmanct•. Repairs and plic..hall 1ma e I~1gl tht u1r:lct t he e•I 1Fc(I int., 1). it, for alul on i,tilLlf -If the Boar.l I.eplle(•nlL•nt by Contract r Opcii Order, (;(•ncral R:pair.; sai(I .inn to Lt• appiie.l in c.f llueatimi, tt•ith die contractor named: said c'ntrict t„ he drdki and 1ppr,ce,l in 1.avOvut of tale t iltraet. t,- in CmVr0(i into ht• the Glim1itt(•c . I Itiiil tiny :, for and on the n.ual nFBmer, ill c1lI,iltilce With is %and the rule; if the Boardl of Fa,lticatioim ap- ! elialf ,,f tlic 1{ i;tnl of I•Nhkati„i:. oiti1 the fu'haeinti n;rtnemi contrart'r,. f(,r the plir- l,1iea-b1e thereto. t,o'k•, kicOliNt-(I sio(i in thk sums :pO•cIiem : l'r~mltinr; the uiin\tine name l l Ii Fns t, indicated. sul,jeet t„ the rules and

rtutt1ati,nis ..f tht Municipal Civil titr\irc l Bmtnlissinn the grades spccitic,l being No. '*43, I{9KI)t-1,11 „I• \1axi1,trr.t:,. rhgse obi~•i ;t1ml,(;lr in the su•O1Hb• if .tilaries and grades att„pted by the Board „f

IFor alterations, repairs, etc.: IsihOaO• and .\p!„ rtrlutt-tlt „n Ueer•iimimer 13, 1)171 :

Public School 1-J,,scl'li RruOno ............... $1,(lt)i (KI J--hn J. l;a rr%. fn-ni (;rail° 1 1.31N) toy (;rt,lr lit t*421)), t„ take effect June 1. 11 Im,biic School \1• hrn, , , )(t,3 IN)

3--J . 11 ... ........ ... .. _ 1 ll ),

I'nhlir Schrn,l 21- J. M. hrny,!1 ................... 1.255 It) '1 ,h I'. Lc(•, fr~~ln (ir;lslc i 1;l31Nli to f:rail(• ]l. ( $4?III.

' - N-11NL J. .\rnstn-nL. fn in (ira(lt - I1{ ($4211) t„ ?5•t(l, Public ScIii uu1 23—(ir hit •\ & I t•<,cr .............. (X),3 (N) \\ il!iam 1. C:lnl , I ii (;1•a le I i s31l(I ) in (raddc 1I' (c421) ). Public School O—Chat1(, Schultz ............... )'t (N) I1crnet,1 .Strap fcl(l. fr-nn (;ra'lc 1 t 3I$)) to (.rauk 1N t$421) 1. Iwblir School ;iM—I{cni. ti9tueOI°r .............. 4.311 (Nl ) A1 illiam Ste•iu, il,n t Grade• 2 (r(><M)J to , Grade 2:A ($75O1. i'iklic SeIi r ,l 44--11atill hrei,her O72 (Nl

1 t I'ul,lic tichn,ul 1()(—J \l M. hnnl,l .................... 1.17) INI I'r,mtotinm th(• f''ll~minl; mm 0111(1 Clerks in the Bureau „f Audit an(I .\ccounts. as

I'tlhlic'ch„ni 1117--:\. M. l.asser 421! (Pt ............... indicated, stthjert to , the rules amid regulations ,f the Municipal ( -itil Service Con,

I'uhlir Schu„1 l(IM-( I,liR) K Lesser t.)3 Ito .............. ntis,i„n I the .;Fa(1e, sptciii l l:t•in) th,,st which apt ear in the srtt•,1ute of salaries

i'uhlic Sch 1 113--\lotta General Contracting anal grades aiipleii Ly the Its and u,f l.stimate an,l Apportionment .m I)ecenlher 13, I

()nn ,an\ ....................................... %t)(N)

I'uhlir ti.ii of 125—Utnican Stewa rt 924 (NI ..............


Andrew 1:((•k,oil. thir,t• front (r:t(le ?l• 1$10511) to GFade 3 (¢1,2001.

--- $11.51.1 IM1 front (;rate 21t (;9t1(I) t„ Grade 2(• 1$1,()5111. \rthttt ti. !I~(h. fn,nl st ii) t., (ira(lc 21{ (*'NM)-

orr repairs t,► heating .tIOl lrntilating apparatus: 1{cnjainin 1. I ,trt r. frm nl (;rate 2 ((dN)) l( $Mlll.

Public School 6-1larry L. Philp ................. $9,•3.3•} INl Frank L. \ „ck, frnt $54O t. Grade 2 L,-nis L'tr.et•n. front $11NC 55-31!. t, ,

I'uttiF School 53--Daniel J. Iticr .................. 1,45? IMI I:cniantin fn,m (;rate 1 1$31N)1 to $4(M). .1(I(lis,

Public Scho(,l (A—\\'in. J. OII1•;My ................. 995 (XI 1Ltt7(1 1111 .\l,i , intiI . nc ,IlIJitikOat firstgrade Clerk in the L'nrcau if Audit and Accounts

-------- $2.3lX) „i9 .:It a salary ,f $3txl !fcr annum.

No, i'OKO, PIIKUI'Gll OF QUEENs. and ratilyilig the action of the Committee (oil Supplies 111 appointing

the f,oll it,g llante(l persons as first grade Clerks in the Bureau of Sup1Ilics. Ncith I or alterations, repairs, etc.: eOsa1peOsati19 m at th,• rate „f $3(X) per annum each, the appointm,•nts taking effect ~m

I'ul,lic School 39--.C'o tcourse• Construction Company......... $715 INI the dates indicated let : ! nl,lic School 43—.\ugust \Ville, Jr ......................... 563 00 Donald (irahaIll, „f N. t2tt Fast One Ilundrt•d and Fiftieth street. The Bronx, Public Srhul 45--Alex;inmer )1ue1her ...................... 1.34(1 (NI \la • 24, 19(M). I'ulllic Sch „1 4b—C,mc,-nra• Construction Cuulpany......... 1,711,(N) j,,st-ph A. :1lurrac, of No. 312 West Fort+-ninth street. Manhattan, May 25, 191X. rtiblia tichnol 541—Collcuur;c l'un'tettetioO Llmpany......... it) (N) Miss \tart Agnes McDonald, ..f Nn. 207 1{ast Dort.\-thin, street, Manhattan, \lac I uhlic SchcI,l 51—Jac(1m haul .. ............................. 870 (N) 25. 19X9. I'uli is ScLnol 52—A. l)oiic mirt ............................. 2,430 (x) Rcyuesting the Municipal (iv ii Service (. itmissiun t,, arrange for non-conlpeti- 1'uhlic School 55—A. I)uncourt ............................ 011) 0O tivt• t•xaOmiiations f,ir the l)crsolis named in tilt ltrecediOg resolution. in accordance i ttl)lir.• Sch„n! 5t+—('uncolu-:c (oll'.ttuc[ier1 Compatny......... 1.5.32 (N) Mitt soiitdkisioii 3 • , f knl: \II. ;if said OrrtllmiysroO, I'Iihi k Sellout 59—Jr,., Naughton ........................... 935 (XI I)oraal(t (rahrmim, in pace of Randolph J, J,ihnson, echo was reeentic transferred I 'ii i,lic Schr,ul 62—Cr,nc 'II rse Construction Company......... 1,830 IN) t,, the I.:nt I)t rtn,cnt. I'nhlic Schr„ it 64—.\. I)iI( curt ............................. 590 (M) Jost•hh :1. \lurra , in I,lace .)f l'h(,nlas J. F r1Iikce, resigned. I'nhlir School t42—Jacob Ilattpt ............................. 1,238 (N) Hiss \iar\ .\)sues \lcl)nnalcl, to fill a vacailc,.

------ 15,224 00 \iroir njmig •In(1 rat ifNjug the action of the Committee on Supplies in appointing 1!rs. Alice (;. iepssu, of Nu. 624 Ca rlton avenue. ltr9t,:icO, as an additional Clerk

No. Rt{7. Pnaorr.lt OF RIctjatoNU. to the Local School Boards of Districts Nos. 39 and 40 an(l to District Superintendent For alterations, repairs, etc.: McCabe, to serve for a period of one ntnnth, with compensation at the rate of $50

Curtis high School—Neptune Ii. Smyth ...................... $2,133 (N) per month, the appointment to take effect May 27, 1909, or tttnn the receipt from the Public School 14—Julius Siegel ............................. 761 (M) Municipal ('icil Service Poiliijssion of a certificate of reinstatement. and to be Public School 15-Charles Cochar .......................... 1.260 O0 sn!)ject to the roles and regulations of the \ltimiicipal Civil Service Conlulission. Public School 17—Julius Siegel ............................. 78t) 00 Considering the absence of William 13. Br,mlell. Inspector of Fuel, as a resig- 1'nhlic School 18-Neptune P. Smyth ........................ 1,430IY) natirm, in accordance with sni'(li\isjrl 2 of Rule NIII. of the Municipal Civil Service Public School 19-Jalner F. Mulligan ........................ 1.385 (M) Commission, tthirh provides that absence without leave for a period of five days i'uhlic School 2O-(regg Brothers, Inc ...................... 2,11)8 0(1 shall i c c,mstrtled as a resignation. Public School 23-- regg Brothers. Inc ...................... 1,058 01) Requesting the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to recommend to time Public School 24-James V. ldulliqaj ....................... 980 (N) l rard (tf Aldermen the establishment of the position of Chemist in the Board of l'uhtir School 26_IT. W. Oshorn & Son ..................... 1,Gfi5 00 Education, at a salary of $1,500 per annual. Public School 29-Julius Sie*el ............................. 1,074 00 Appointing Bernard A. Knoring, of No. 1644 Madison avenue. Borough of 'Man- Puhlic School 34-Julius Siegel ............................. 730 00 hattan, Chemist in the Bureau of Supplies, with salary at the rate of $1,500 per annual.

15,364 00 the appointment to take effect upon action being taken by the Board of Estimate and - Apportionment and the Board of Aldermen in establishing the position of Chemist

Total ....................................................... $53,983 00 in the Department of Education, and by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment making the necessary modification in salary schedule No. 861, Office of the Super-

But nono part of said appropriation authorized he this re~olutiml to be paid until the inten'tent of 'School Supplies. Committee on Buildings shall have filed the contracts to he entered into by it, for and l'oOd°nOmi; Set'ate Pill No. 1210. entitled "An Act to amend the Greater New on behalf of the Board of Education, with the contractors named; said contracts to be York Charter in relation to the tixing and regulating of the salaries of members of


the supervising and teaching staff of the public schools in The City of New York, and to the General School Fund," and respectfully requesting his Honor the Mayor not to accept said bill on behalf of The City of New York; and further instructing the Committee on By-Laws and Legislation to appear before the Mayor at the hearing to be given by him upon the before mentioned bill and present an argument on behalf of the Board of Education against the acceptance of the same.

On May 11, 1909, a hearing was had before his Honor the Mayor, and, in accord-ance with the instructions contained above, Mr. Harrison and 1\Ir. A. Stern, repre-senting the Committee on By-Laws and Legislation, attended said hearing and pre-sented arguments in opposition to the bill. The Mayor subsequently decided not to accept the bill on behalf of the City, and your Committee deems it advisable, for purposes of record, to attach to this report the memorandum of the Mayor (dated May 14, 1909) setting forth his reasons for declining to accept the bill. As will be (observed, the Mayor states in his ntemorandunt that he has decided to appoint a local commission to investigate the subject of Teachers' salaries in this City.

Amending section 72 of the Bv -I.att•s of the Board of Education by striking out the word "three" in the last line of clause (h) thereof, and substituting therefor the word "four."

Selecting and determining as a site for school ptirposes the lands and premises I n East One Hundred and Forty-first street, Cypress and Powers avenues, in Local School Board District No. 23, Borough of The Bronx, the assessed valuation of which, with other property, as shown by the books of record nn file in the I)epartnietit of Taxes and Assessments. is 3122,300.

Requesting the Board o,f Estimate anti _\pportiunmeut to take such action as stay he necessary and proper fur the acquisition of the lands and premises above named.

Using old Public SchoOl 5. It nigh of Brooklyn, as out annex to the Manual Training High School, as it is no longer required for elementary school purposes.

Granting the request of the board of Superiittcndcuts that 1'ahlie School 1111, Borough of Brooklyn, be used for high school student; from and after September 1, 1909.

Authorizing the Board ( f Superintendents to assign a Teacher fur the instruc-tion of children of school age, and others who may 'i.h to he instructed, in the day camp for tuberculosis patient; comoIucted on the roof of the Vanderbilt ('lime. said class to be made an ammex to Public School 141. Borough Of NI aim latt:~l ; anoI regtte;ting the Committer Oil Supplies to furttis.h the necessary hooks and supplies, ;t: above stated.

Retiring the f(o1lotviimg tm;tmncd person; sublilittcd by the Board of Rctir:meat under date of \lay 21, 1909. pursuant to the pr vii 115 of seeticn 1092 of the rcvist•l Charter, as amended, ctt retirement 1n take effect ticptcmbrt• 1. 19.$), the annttitc ill each case to he lme-half of the atrc :it dale of rc•tiremc(ots uttica utherwi;e pry -%ided for by late•: and tlireeting the Auditor if th,. Board (of I•clucatiun to c~mlpnte the amount O Of annuity t which each 'If such persons is entitled, respectively


.l;irt• 1. l)'C:unn,,r• Public ticho,ul 27; alilmintcd \larch 4, 1873; c'perience in New \'ark City 1'tiblic Schools. 36 )ears 6 uu-nth;.

Ellen Barry. Public Srh)„)l 23; appointc(I Nuve iii cr 1?, 1575; experience in Nev York City Public SeIi I,. 33 rears 10 ntnmh;.

Margaret I.. It) ml, I'nl~li; Sch 3; al)ltinted September 1. l S6ii; experience in New York City I'ul''ic Sehn,-l~, 41 vL-ar~.

Grace I)eI ))rest, I'ublic ScIm 1 3S), I .: appointed )et chr 7, 1867 ; experience in Nett fork Cite Public SrI1))))'., 41 \cstr, I1! un , nlh;.

Li Iv IIas let t. Public ScImn1 94 app .1m1ed Dvecmber 1, 1884: experience in New York City ImilJie Sekiocls. 24 c&'ars 9 m ,nlhs.

1Ii,aIeth Held rd. I'u61i(' Sehl'-ol 6': a))p''iIltc(l Seplcmhc-r 13. 18775: expericnr- in New \'r-rk (it Public tirh ,1;..33 ve;trr 11' i ,n, inth~.

Emma Kitchclt. Public SeIm 4)1 It;: appointed I )ccmtber 1. 1`sal ; experience in New York City Public Sehu„ls, 27 years 9 month',.

It) )RUU(;tt o' •rtui 1:10INx. Eloise archer, Public School 25 ; appointed April 1, 1871 ; experience in New

York City Public Schw( ,Is, 38 _ears 5 mouths. Louise M. livrn •s, i'u l lie Sele it 17; app(ointeQ J:otuary 17. 18i9; experience in

New York City Public Schools. 4)) Years 7 months. L_vnlan II. IIp\sradt. l'it1,lic School 42; appointed October 1, 1889; experience in

New York City Public Schools, 19 rears 11 month,; utttsulc experience, 16 years 2 months.

BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Mrs. Mary S. Bates, Public Scb.l,l 15; appointed January, 1870; resigned De-

ceniber, 1871); reappointed September. 1879; experience in New York City Public Schools, 31 years.

Mare L. Conklin. Public School 8: app intcd September 1, 1808: resigned Ue-cember 1, 1994; reappointed I)eeember 9, 1895; experience in New York City i'ub-lie school;, 39 years 11 months.

I1'csley \V. Smith l Principal I, Public Schrsul 102: aphminted Fchruar}• 1, 1893; experience in New York City l'B6lic Sch ols, 10 \cars 7 month,; (outside experience, 13 years 6 months.

Mrs. -Minnie L. 1Vil,im, Public School 145; appoints-I April 1, 1892; experience in New York City Public Schools, 27 c:u', 5 nt mth~.

Jte)1f0U(;II OF RI(HMOND. Isaac S. Preston, Special Teacher of Pcnman>hip, ;thl(o,inted September, 1891);

resigned September, 1893; reappointed September, 1895; resigned January 1, 191X); reappointed January 1, 19111: experience in New \'( , rk City Public School.;, 16 years; outside experience, 25 years.

Approving the action of the Board if Superintcndcnts ill transferring the follow-ing named Teachers as indicated below, to take effect June 1. 1909.


— -- —From— r- To

Name. District. School. District. School

Catherine C. Clear\ ....................20 1(3 20 78


Seh--dulc III.

To- Name District. School. District. School.

Jane E. Phillips ....................... 39 125 39 66

Approving the action of the Bard of Superintendent, in transferring the follow-ing name(1 Principal as indicated below, to take curet r.n assignment by the City Superietendent :

Schedule I (a).

To--, Name. District. School. District. School.

Laura Chariton ...................... 18 54 P. 21 100

Promoting Ruth Beekman, a Teacher in Public School 13, Girls, Borough of Manhattan, from Schedule III. to Schedule IV„ to take effect on commencement of service subsequent to the occurrence of a vacancy.

Consolidating Public School 54, Girls, and Public School 54. Primary, Borough of Manhattan, under the designation of Public School 54, Borough of Manhattan, to take effect upon the transfer of the Principal of Public School 54, Primary, to Public School 101), Borough of Manhattan. as provided for in another report sub-mitted at this meeting, and that the consolidated school be placed in charge of the Principal of Public School 54, Girls.

R E C O R D. FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909.

Dismissing the charges of insubordination preferred by District Superintendent Davis against Jacob Rich, a Teacher in Public School 25, Borough of The Bronx, that the suspension of Mr. Rich be revoked, and that he be reinstated with full pay

Appointing Frances M. Quinlan a Model Teacher in the Brooklyn Training School for Teachers, subject to her obtaining the requisite license. to take effect September 10, 1909.

Promoting the following named persons from the rank of Junior Teacher to that of Assistant Teacher in the High Schools designated, to take effect June 1, 19(19:

Abraham B. Cohen, Boys' High Sclicol : subject, German. William W. Rogers, Boys' lli,..h School; subject. history. Dora R. Nevins. Manual Training High School: qubiect. mathematics. Appointing Vernic S. Howell a Clerical Assistant in the Jamaica Training School

for Teachers, to take effect June 1, 1909. Setting aside the site on Ilamilton place. West One Hundred and Fortieth and

One Hundred and Forty•-first streets. llor:nlgh of Manhattan, title to which vested in (lie City on July 1, 1907. f:..)r a new building for the New York 'Training School for "Teachers, and that a building speciallv de,iit;ned for the unrpnses of the training school be erected thereon as soon as funds therefor are availahl •.

Discharging the Committee un Iligh Schools anal Training Schools from the fur Cher consideration of the natter of changing the name of the Janiaica High School.

Appointing May E. Ila:•tigan as a Teacher of English in file evening recreation centre; for th., season of 19118-191)9, or for such portion thereof a: may be deemed nec-esStry, h r appointment to take effect upon aIsigtunct11 I duty by thc City Superin-tendent (if Sclw(ils, and her ser%icc'; to gllitinne fir such time Is the same ncn he required.

Appointi n ~tg the fllotc m in~ naed persn o,; to the II 'iltions for which they have been respectis- ely nominated, their aplto ill tIll ll15 to take effect upon assignment to ditty he the City Sttperint iii elcnt of SehIii hs, tend their services ti i continue fur Sncll thug a; the sane may he required :

Vacation Schools. Sttpers-isnr of Basketry—"1'rvfhcna C. Stone. Supervisor of Cooking—'slary \V. \Vil;nn. Supervisor i)f Kimlergarten;--\L-try A. \yells. Supervisor of Sewing—Virginia Babb.

Principals. IlcrnlatI ItcrgoITcn, Sara 'M. Hatch. Rebecca YalIItla(od. Joseph Al. Tilden. Amanda

l.angdnn, firs. Katharine W. Perrv, Francis C. Cassnlc, Ada 1.. Lohman, Kate 1', Reinter, \\'illiant K. Ilor,t, Margaret I'. s!irrieli';, \faftcl Simdhcim, Ruhcrt L. \Ia;-scuctt, Jr., Lily \1. Rix.:\nnie S. \'n cl \Potter. William F. 11'aters, Alice II. Store, Evel~- n F. \lagee, Elie Crd.oz, ). R 1',' A. T;taffe. 'share A. \Ia;om, Elizabeth 1'. l;. Connor, Sara A. \\•right, ,\nn: G. Mauer. 1:17th A. (;ookr, l-hizabcth A. heath• \Vini-fred T. Callen, 1ll:, I I. 1)(onrn-l'., I•:llcrt \I. Nugent.:\lice F. it. Ritter.

"Teacher:; of liaskctrv. Louise C. Ball, Mary A. \loran, Laura I". 1Vilson. I'hcbe Beswick, Frances :\

1Vard, Elizaheth A. Birch. Carrie V. Bishop, _J oifllinc \\ills, Christine D. 1)aneke, ('ornelia 1). Blake, Vilola I lnieliev, Eliz:,h'th V. I) arnett s 1'aizahcth M. Geiger, Martha Jubnsum, Jennie T. Ilradly, I"lorence Iv. (;ri;tyuld. :\gnrs J. Junes, Lillie J. Goldberg. Margaret Grogan, raise G. Mover. l<at ,• \1. .\(oTerson, \Ias- A. Latham, Julia M. O11. Violet R. llacer, Abbic K. Lent, Rebecca Scrber Grace O'Brien. Mary II. McCarthy. Harriet J. Shiptuco. laizabafll A. Smith, M;th(I Miller, Christine Lotz.

'lyncher; of Bench s i irk. Charles S. :\u=tin. Jr.. .\Irral::mt Ilirsch. I-idler Neuwirth, Philip Becker, frank

IIurwitz. Maurice F. R i,:elin. ilenry L. Colon. lmd\%ig IKaphan. Emanuel Rosenthal. George E. Fergu.nit, Max Richter. Barnet Shamus. tLurris Gol(hcrg, lien my J. Silver-man, Lcon L. \\ insl iw, L(ntis \larkimitz. l rsivuary h II. \1- apace, l larry Cohen, Charles 11. Perry, Santusi Tane(o6aunt, S:uru'-I I I. G-jbtst gin, I sub ure Rehm, William H. Fric~l-ntan, Artbmr Grenwaid, i':~lwar l J. Ryan, :\rthur t;cirinitcr, I{zra Tuinoi, Jacob Shapiro, \Villiam 1Iirschcr. Max Li-lcrmii:i'i, Frank A. Snierling. harry Jaenhson. Nathan Selig-man, Clarence II. Sprague, Gcnrge \1. Lctin•~m, I.awrcn~e G. (i eiz, Ernest J. Strcu-bcl, J oshna Wagner, Ilarrc A. l.int'nm• I~rederick N. \I'estphal, Jahn \V. Ifantp,hire, John A. I'anaroni. George W. \\'ilsun, Irving N. hick, V1illiani Rosengarten, Reuben Wilson, A. Bruce Cutler, l'reutk 1). Rnmscts Louis -\belson, Andrew S. 1Iegeman, William W. \Vroslnsv..\nton lluchhmilcr. Meyer M. Jacobs, George L. Ilvnzel, Lionel '\1 Levine. Victor II. Mard!in, Edith ( . I1ins~lal:, John Conen. Jr.

Teacher of Bookbinding. William II. Cullen.

Teachers of Chair-caning. Said Ackerman, Sarah A. Ilarrigan, Mar" Siegel, Daniel Feder, I. Olivia Baldwin.

Mary F. O'Connor, Philip Kaunas, Grace M. Amider ion, :\ttgnsta Sophian, Samuel J. Blumenthal, R(osaliad L. lunch, ('utherinc (;. K.-llcy, C. 1lla hunt, Marian R. Otis, Cecelia G. l.cnnno, Emihi \I. -11ih'ich, Edith A. \yell;, Eugenie Doyle.

1'cachcrs of Cooking. Enna AL Avery. Sara J. Shields, Coueu1iue N. I)anf„rtii, \I. Bertha Cliri,ntan.

Helen NI Story, Harriette Girton, I henrietta Al. de Gore, Grace C. Telford, Elinor 1. I Iastint ,, Mary E. Duff, Marion M. \Vidmer, Florence M. Toll, Edith Hibbard, Dor-othy S. Lilic, Elizabeth Breitenfeltl. Lnni;e Landru, Anne M. I)ashill, Marjorie B. Callen, J!•..,ic 11. Munro, Carrie I. Runyon, Katherine R. Coleman, Alice Al. Richards, Glades Huntington, Nona Frantz, Henricttc Schwartz, Ernnla G. Bossong, Edna I. I Lil'!, Katherine Shield, Esther Brockman.

"Teachers of Dressmaking. Jane E. Allen, Miriam C. Jacobs, A-Iary S. Kerrigan, Miriam Freed, Agnes L.

Mullin. Rose R. Greenwald, Mary I. McIntyre, Gertrude V. Rice, Louise Kingsbury, Mary J. McKeon, Charl,,ttc Balling, Emily Vandewater, Jesse Mack, Georgina Web-stcr.

't'eachers of Embroidery. Alice K. C ii' rbnli':r., Marina I.. Purdah, IsahoI U. Exiner, Pattlins Curtis, \I tiny A.

Riordan, Mary Harper, Martha F. I I ,,ffman, IICI tha A. L. Gnchrke, Cornelia %I. Allen. Adele S. Yufiagel, Edith G. Bang. Ksthi:•iue ('Taffy, Ilattie J. Kloetzer, l:ffic A. Archer, 1•:flith J. Swan, Clara Ebel, I))ro thy \V. Ilang, Iattra F. Wickham, Mabel J. Iluntphrycs, Marie C. Schulz.

K indergart ners. Kathrrinc L. Billings, Mary V. Anglim, Sarah \V. Hastings, Mary E. Bloomfield.

Beatrice J. Gaffney, Eleanor F. Phillips, Rosc F. Brady. Ilarrict F. Speer. Lillian L. 7'ibhall, Eleanor R. Cashcn. Edina I.. Aubrey, Enuna A. Tremper, Rose Dinerstein, Ala., 1). Clifton, Katherine E. Fried, Katherine L. Farrell, l'.lsic 1'. Iyietz.,sSt'fma R. Chaskel. Susan V. Farrell, Ida I1, Eric;. 1?ti!ahcth Sherman, Manic' C. Fanlstich, Mari i(echert, :11abel I.. Anderson, Beatrice \V. Griswold, Caroline E. Ronalds, Julia Bateman. Viola M. Ilaff, Ada M. Ilays, Agnes C. Carey, Lt,fiih 1. Ifassler, Katherine L. Killerlaue. Alice Carroll, Ethel F. llcadley, Martha L. Curry. Rosalie Gaffney, Florence Hill, Selina M. Brennan, Mathihle E. Ifausrath, Vera 'D. Keating, Mary E. Chadeayne, Charlotte L. Horton, Ruth Knowlton. Laura H. Littlefield. Genevieve C. McArdlc, Mrs. Julia McA, Laughlin, Laura F. Squires, Margaret McCleary. Julia P. Troy. Kath-urine MacDonald, Fannie G. Lord, Florence L. Warner, Aimee Washburn, Luella B. Nicholson, Florence E. Fraser. Mrs. Edw. A. Carroll, Alice A. Pugh, Ethel E. Cooke, Sara W. Bostwick. Lue K. Wagstaff, Nellie R. Coveny, Dasie G. Benjamin, Mary E. Campion, Katherine B. Eltinge.

'l-eachers of Knitting and Crocheting. Jennie M. Brennen, Margaret E. McCormick, Matilda L. Clark, Catherine B. Gent,

Roc McC. Plumikitt, Frances A. Ward, Marcia Lampert, Mrs. Alicfte I. Robbins. Anna Hallock, Sophia Lampert, Jennie M. Shannon, Sarah L. Craven. Maria (. Pascale, Anna Bergmann, Josephine Dunn, Annie B. Hannan, Alice M. Buvhong.

Teachers of Millinery. L. Anna Aston, Mottie Gorden, Marion 'Taylor, Minnie A. Averell, Leila F. Ifall,

Lillian Nathan, Mrs. Effie 1). Harcourt, Sadie L. Jacobson, Elizabeth Weber, Edith E. Porter, Mrs. Pauline B. Leman, Minnie Coetting, Frances A. Shepherd, Gertrude


A. Meader, Addie M. Doty, Lillian T. Taylor, Catherine Thimig, M. Helen Lewis, Minnie C. Venable, Edna L. Wright, Isabel M. Smock. Ada Barr Vernon, Eiso C. Biele, Veronica L. Wolfe, Mary A. Comtolly, (eorgina M. Farrell, Mary 1i. Carntan, l'lizaheth A. flay, Olive Estes.

Teachers of hnrsin_.'. Lillian M. Burlingame, Mary Daly, Louise 1)imoja, Louise M. I)ithridgc, Martha

llarvrwhatt, Frances Rieger, Florence Booyi. Julia B. Sylvester, Dinah Styker. Eliza-beth ('. O'Toole, Mary E. lhoa(lnac, Gertrude Van de Mark. Rose J. Crassow.

Teachers of Advanced Sewing. Julia A. Brown, Pearl Friedman, Grace I )eW. Hancock, Sylvia M. 1)c Giorgio.

Grace; Charles. Lena Klarmann, Gertrude Jennings, Regina .\Ic\inrray. Esther M. Siegel, Margaret G. Latimer, FFlicaheth A. \(ahoney, I)ehor;ih F. Sokohl, Lucy A. McDerniott. Frieda J. Bayern, Lillian (:rabkmcit,, ii arictta F. \Ire cr; I?ditlt Ctnn-ntings• Mary Kilo, Bella S. .\lo,kowitz, Pauline' Berkowitz, Sara \I. Liggan, Mad,•line F. Schultz, \Lary J. Keenan, R. \Ttbel Morrinan• Mary F. Wallace, Carlotta V. I)i1Lm. I:I;e \I. \\'ilde, Genevieve Withcr;ponn, Mare P. Reilly.

i'eaclier; of Elementary Sewing.

'Alan C. McGill, \l art F. O'Brien, \Irs, Maria C. I'. Jansen. \I:nnie '\Ic\eli;, Flnrcuce G. Parkinson, Marie I. 1 Bich, I atmic Ray In mil, Josephine D. Rowlands, \Iorgarcl F. \Itn•plty, l"rances II. Shanghnes<y. Mary J. Ran. I•'Icanrn• l'. Clemente, Anna J. Smith, 1.-u1,hentia Shearer, Lucie V. I)io;;y, Sallie C'. Watt, Katherine Strong, :Moen M. t);tcrrcn, lichen Baxter, Lyd i a I-. ltrigg,, I{lizal,eth ('. William;, ltc;sie lln-die• lledwig Klein, :\ilelai e floor;, Catherine I,. 1\lc(•onn, \liIlred II. h'untin • IRo,v Jainc, ),Ir<. \largat•et M. \Tc\l. ('ox, Jc:ctncttc Ilartnvrv.

Teachers of Venetian Iron \York. Carl Becker, Abraham J. Bellcr, Gc,urge Kornfehl, Nathan Peyscr, John P. Foote,

Janos kndcn, Ru,sell S. Ray, Louis \layers, hervjtunliiu J. Shiverts, R„hi•rt G. Redlef->on, Jacob Pusncr. Isiulore L. ('ohcn, ;)avid A. Swick. \lax l,irnkranl, Julius I:i,eii vein, Alvin \Vic;clthier, iiarry Kornfclil, Ephr:un Ilerlincr. \l:ntrice I.. \1"it 'el lhicr, Frederick W. C. I.icder, I Iirra L. Cutting. I -ad ore .\tn;tcr, Panl R. Iat'Ier, 1{ctlt•n I•:. Grilli, fill and I':irrier, Janie; ITal<ani, I?lizabcth Swiu-k, Ilarold It. Ch;ir,,,. a <h:t II l; reidnian.

Kindergarten i lelper;. I?nnn:t I.. ('utter. Mare II. 1.indsley, :\lice :11. L. I Lu!clrn, Alma 1'. l leery, Eleaunr;u

\I. \Iunddhcnk, Laura I. Hell. .\ngela C. Tracy, Anna \I. Ilagan, Iknrietta B. Neil. ivnnh 1:. Jit Igc.

\T \C\TII)N Pr. \Ykuul•Nius.

I'riuiu•ip•uls of Kinilergart'n. tirv-dry V. I:wrrefl, J!•<;ir I•:. "fall .r, Ucicii 1•.. .\Iib„f. Trances i.ogiie, .lr. . (Iar:1

\1. \\"illi!nns, I l;mnxh V. Levin, \nt:n I.. l'tatubu :\inch \I. Linville.:\ore• 1). Itu;;vI1-Mr-, \fart It. S. khoal, Itird :'then. .\Minnie C. \'auil).vcuiter.

Principal; ,of l'hy,ical 'Training.

Cl;,ir J. :\llut, Irving (ten±; ,n, l.:ui;e L';nli-, Ihurr_y C. .\lihiiugt'r. Robert J. IIuL Carl, \Iargarct C. Cttntnting,, Jahn Itruuusui, Jr., .\lcx II. K:tiuiiti;kn, I iith A. I1;irtuir. 1iaflreri \\'. ("happcl, Len I. Kcarncr. )lr;. Rav 1'. tirhw:utr, .\rIhnr I. brktncrv,, I. I{utm ;I ( )'I)uuiurtcll. (:plieriuie I.. Til('r, James 1?. I it:c ;m. .\lhrrt I). I'mkliaiui- 1 hc„t;t Wiffi:cuurvrv, \\'iifruuI I. 1uutter, M. 1)., I"rank tiehwartz, Zaizaht'th I Iaas, I•:npcuic I. fibbney, II ttrs :\. Starer, Ph rerace A. Jac-1,. i,u;clrh I. 1Idrvt, Alexander S. \Iu ell, sm-afi J. Juuhiit.fuuiu. \Iithccl .\. Jones, Rallih Cohen. Mary A. Kearns, Ir,.serik F. Firehnrr, Ralt,h I. t";iirchi!el. \Iarg.,iret \I. ulcHee, Gorge It.'uh;nrkhaiit. (i. fI:nu,turI hall, Grace B. "l'urocr, Conrad V. Nornt:uit, Clarence S. IIervcr, C:vcr ,btte

I. \\c;t , m, I: ltc:trtl I'. O'( „nn„r, J~uhn I1'. I liggin;, Jr., .\nna M. I ligbee, Leonard L. l'aliner. Rupert .\. liog;an, J. Loni~e \Iu.'ltuidlt'. llitukiui R. fierce, .\:iruun \Lmrcmu<. \Tart' I. I)'(uunuu,r, IIu•nry J. Silverman. Ilcrbrrt \lcKriuuiis, \I. I.ntisr I'atturtuon, Iraiik D. Snub, I )mil \I. ( )b, ter, I )u inure; 1'rtttrrinaclicr, John 1'. I ,.rte, 1 )at i,l R b;nn. :\rlclr l uluim utit \\'illiam I I. I'it-nlrviai.

'f,,achcr< if Ihisk •try. \Ian• :1. latlianri, 1•.Ifie Kinni"nit, I:u s;ir ('lieu. Mal F. \lalcultn, I'attline l'i

Mandl, i' ithcrine l.. 1Lumrv. I•:Ihcl I. I•:Ili, n.

Tcan ht r; o f (hine;.

L, rata I). Bracken, Minnie V. kilupcn,• Afar}- 1. \Tagill, Loretta C. 1•:arly, \l;tn I•:. J. I )ally, I Iattie I:. ))avid.

'I carhers if Kmr':ern~;trterv,

Ilaidl S. Illuuutit, A. Iiu''a S. 11'hi:chrarl, Katherine C. Siilliv:iui, 1•:tnil\ I1. Ruuriiu, \'ilia I.. :\iilir, Cathy rive I). \\ ri_lit, \\'illicumitua I,rtyer, \I:ufiIciie t. Brady, Nellie \1. Van (+aallWek, Lena \I. ('orrlc,, Ilrl.t1 I.. (;rarlc, l.,tcy C. M. Gunnell. Ru,e Uat'il-un, Prance, I. Ilalcv. .\nna I)nr,t, Laura C. Ilenip,cy, Nettie C. llulvwell, Gertrude

I. Ferro, \Iar.' R. Jc—up, Estella N. Kohn, Marie 1. Hammel. I•:lizabetfi Leggett, (.race II. \Iacnaniara. Itcrtba L Illcr, \lary:trtt I. .11ct lean, I'thcl 1.1. 'sle('lain,;lice \fa.- C',mnell, I.nln \Murphy, \Iarg:tret .\IcKilI p, \\'illcita W. 'MacTntyre, \Tabul I. :oils ii. hazel \licicllet , mn, uI:trgiucritr L. O'krill)-, Kathcrinc W. t)'(:uuuor, Katherine V. Sheridan, Elora Sutrvuq:, 1.nni>c I'icltt. I•:lizabcth S1heriuian. hate Schaefer, \'i let .\. I. ku;heri'. \anuctte I'. \I illi:uu nn. \I:n•g:iret A. Smith, l•:rvtiii:v E. S.hntirl, Lena 11. Br,nen, 1-on', t' 1?. Ben", n, .\nita \I. Lei', \Vinifred L. Greclish, Annie I. Washburn, Fvel)•n 1L Siegel, 1:1k1 S. IItnnl.hr.ec;, I'lla t. Steele, Marion C. Smith. Mare V. \lc•\lackin, tiyItia uIaycr. Winifred \Vcfdin• I'lcao, ira M. \fun Ihcnk, Caroline B. Ra itch fit 55, Dr:nvres I.. \VelIwolud.

Librarians. David Batt, Emanuel Grabson, Catherine '1'. Carlin, Jesse D. Schwartz, Pincus

Behrens, Esther M. '\aronson, Julius S. Fetterlicht, Isidore IIalpern, Mabel A. Crnnly. Leopold Rein, Susie F. Daniels, Gertrude F. Gilmartin, Frederick N. Westphal. M. Millen Edwards, Stella Kisch, Sigmund 7.inucr, Carrie J. Hnfeley, S. 'V and Evans, Joseph Boudianoff, Margaret C. Horgan, Margaret Crecdon, Maxwell Robson. Alice Lotherington, Marion A. Keese, Daniel C. Rosenthal, Mary F. McDernwtt, Nettie A. Podell, David Wischer, Daisy G. Fitzgerald, Rote Bromberg, Henry M. G-iId- stein, Ida M. Winternitz. -

Teachers of Physical Training. Nathaniel Fleischer, Henry W. Larkin, Katherine 1. Boyle, Maxwell F. I"ittwia.

Philip. E. Rotherhm a, Dora B. Cole, Frank M. Martell, Paul A. Schmitt, "label C. 1)e Zeller, John T. Morgan, Harry F. Stewart. Theresa B. Gollhofer, John M. J. Quinn, Harley H. Thomas, Ray Krellensteir, Samuel Schindler, George B. Vile.May II. Leech, Ernest if Seibert. Louis Berkwitz. M. Agnes Malone, Atul;u;tns F. Wctzler, Ralph If. Ilowen, Jennie C. Payne. George Wilton, Samuel Guenfield, Catherine R. Ross, Gustavo A. de Agucro, Henry Hausen, Jane Sheridan, Ilyman t-'ohen. Charles A. Kibler, Marie A. Bechet, Wesley C. Cox, Isidor Krauss, Margaret Martin, Elisha M. Friedman, Waterbury Lawrence, Lizzie W. Roberts, Theodore F. Larson, Harry May, Edith I. Smith, Charles Rodel. Samuel Olchin, Genevieve L. Underhill, Robert J. Barrett, Louis V. S. Seigas, Mercedes Ward, David C. Mc-Allister, Reuben Weinstein, Jane B. Winters. Arthur Brandt, Cyrus J. Wilson, ('limit-tine V. Randall, Isidore Bloom, Emil M. Haas, lichen M. Ryan, Herman Brown, Lawrence Weisman, Sarah Cohn, Frank Fruchtman, Eugene A. Donohue, Mary L. Hunt, Arthur Goodman, Samuel Greenberg, Elsie Sticbritz, William H. Hayes.

Pianists. Joseph C. Ginsburg, Rose Rogers, -Catherine C. Lawler, I. Olivia Baldwin, Mary

Yorke, Anna R. Lynch, Edith J. Batt, Corinne Fales. Mary E. O'Connor, Rose G. Brown, Mary B. Healy, Pauline Schwartze, Alice K. Cherbuliez, Harriet M. A. Clay, Mary M. Tweedy, Mary A, Foran, Helene T. Hough, Berenice Wolgamot, Alice L. Harrington, Anna M. Kane, Charlotte F. Muckenhoupt, Rose Harris, Clara Krell-berg, Florence I.. Thompson, Elizabeth G. Holmes, Anna McNamara, Gertrude C. Glaeser, Lillian V. Keyes. Lucille Rein, Helen G. Alexander, Lavinia E. Kipp, Esther Rifkin, Harry A. Bracken, Pauline M. Kirschherg, Mary Springmeyer, Mollie Brody, Sophia C. Lane, Augusta Berkowitz, Ida E. Carson, Emma J. Latimer, Mary A.

Casey, Sarah R. Chamanski, Sabina Murphy, Isabelle Clarke, Georgiana Dorrington, Millicent L. Nagent, Marie R. Datum, Ida M. Jacobson, Ella L. Pilbeam, Clara G. Fay, Josephine Levine, Isabella M. Roche, :\nna L. Foote, Margaret McCabe, Mary Ii, Ryan. Beatrtce \I Gardner, Hazel E. \lorrisnt, Pauline Leipziger, Mary 1. Kenny, Marie J. Recille, May Seviarth, Florence \larkntcitz, Susanna Nagel, Margaret L. \Vnod. llriule Me El ale. Florence ('urrty, \Iargaret 1I. Young, Adelaide C. Mt•Kicrr,an, 11e•lcn :V Savage. P,;teIla 11. Aarons, Clara E. Stnckcrt, Mildred R. Y•rrtmant, Catherine \I. Ce.nwny, Mary A. Watson, Susan Block. .Anna M. Ilolly, .\Im:t Ki'cli. Guile Crrvten l•:, lith Z. Nlathew;, Cecelia Aronwitz, Frances M. I.ocbfe. Marie M. Nierkert. Lillian \I. (dlFi•nf, Lena ('lie;;, Mary A. I•:. \hrri;, Isabel Gold berg, Loretto Gorman.

Teacher, of Sty intming. Franci' F. (hilt in, I):,vi,l L. Nl:icK;,v, Ilarry May, James J. 'fully. Ilarry A.

Merton, Joseph C. Seal, Arthur Brand, 'I'hu,rrt:c+ M. Smith, Elizabeth M. Rake, Joseph S. Corbett. Max Block, Olive :\tkins, (aric, Daly, J.,hn F. Caslien, Jr.. Alice \1 Frecstun, Samuel 1):tci-, J:.ucc; I. Farrell. I.aura A. Rake, John 1'. I)unovan, Henry W. Larkin. Fiance, C. Maloney, Jahn 11. Ilitrgins, Jr., ylax Lipshitz. Florence .\. "('St.

t:i;Lint 'I'eacla r if I:askrtry.

Mary A. Bacon. Loretta T. Green.

.\ssistant 'i'ca: her; of (;wines. Kathryn G. ( •;tllahan, Flizab:tlt 1:!':m, Su-ic :\Ic\veer.

gs;i,laet 'I'r;tnluer; nl Kindcrgartcn. Vit'turt B. Bro.crt, 1!lizabeth \I. \Inir, F,tell • Rind.kupf, Catherine L. Perri;.

lurcnce R. Clark, Freda C. Sherman, II relict' I. ()dell, Clarita F. Crrtsby. Curti M. 5huu,, Ibclee J:nfutrt-r,u, lallian C. llart. H,uirutna L. Sncqcr, S. IIitelc•garde "l'avlar, Esther I' ,pkin, lflennor \'. 'Taggart. \l;tr!!vt \\kickers, \tae. C'. Regan, Edith II. .\ndrett,, Martha \l. :\.11tr. 1-il!i;tn knbinskv, Nlollic Bresel, Carolyn .\;:a, (ilady> A. R'cnnl1., Eileen V. 'lu-ris;ev, ('arric B. Bagley, hula F. Chester, Lucy A. Reidy, \Marie F. lit zfualrick, Irene V. IIatu!lwc\, I;:ulicIla lung'', Flnrc P. Friedlander,

'.\Iaida \tcI)owild. Mary 11. ('ltrran, \I all I I(o<tctter, .\nna V. Cille,pic, Evelyn Hart-titan, \L"tntic F. Tanner. ltirclic Ka'li,ki, Irma I1. l.a1' ,etc, Katharine Weis;. Carrie I.. Ketcham, Dora \!:,r ha;i, Jnscphinc C'. \\ intrich, Anna I1. l.enzer, Mary A. \Ittlli-gan, Bertha Wright. l'nnny 1). Unger<, Lillian ferry.

.'\s;i'.tant Tcachcrs of Physical Training. Jacob (;uultftiitui, 1,iutnit Nl~olla,h. Jenrtntttc E. (rccii,!eii. Samuel Koplik, David

IT. Z''ringvrv, I•l5i,• I-.. :\~Ilcr, _\hoer I1. Ike,, I( se'hl I.. Ka_v, Henrietta \ituud,us•rvick. Saul seFlcgm:u:, \\'illiain 1•:. Ilmi,hcrrc, Jr., Prance; If. \lo;kovvitz• J, •cpit Schrotl, Irs'iu.t N. Ilecl.. .\h at' I. 1nittii. 'tfwxttu'Z1 A. Crooke, \\'illiam lIuchhan;cr, hate 1'. O'('rwcn, vr, I;: Jor f;rrnst' in, \Iey',r \I. Jac l. Louise F. Siebert, I, tai; Rrtnd, IIarry I,andc,moan. 1•a tic 'I'Iu~utna;. I ,idl re \l. Itrconcr, Samuel A. \Ioss. Anna L'rvgeriomer, I,idb,rc I.. G,hun. Jonath:ut Fcrloiutlu r. (';utht'riuie F. Pw!!lrrtt. Abram (iin,'uiirg. Iternar~l J. Scrmec•tccist. (;race• K. Ii ii ;, IIcrmary (;otlden. Davi!1 1•:. Schimmel. Grt•Ichtn Schuh, \I ax l.az;trti , I•:\'clyn liillin :, Jessie L. Wilcox, Pahl II: ft!irhtrit. Jo°-•pFinc lficsvl, Sat tilt Nlnrii', Lntti; B. Spivak. Margaret L. Iwano-wins, IIilula I)tinb:ir, Charle, ('onn. I'uph~•nti•t Shc:tror, Alicia M. Knrvngly, Bcnelict Fox, .\rliii' II. 7crrin,t , n. Z•:',izaFc1h 1'. Nlurray, Clifton N ,trnrut, IlcIcry I. Vcith. .\nna Nc%vinan. Nnt!t:m Salttcn. \lari.-ric \\eirich. Nlargaret Roganrmwn, Samuel Schiff, \L•tric !letup•. \Iturion 1. \\e ks. .\Latham Brill, Irene A. Mallon. Mary )Inn pity. Samnel A. Erich. I?lla 1•:. Kuil ,ck. \Inn- F. Cassidy. -Vov;iut , tiillick. Helen Lindgren, Alice \l. F. Tacker, Ju;el,h Klin . Rcicrvc S. ulcf.aughlin, May C. I"av, A braham Iiarb,md;, lily ehindufuc, \Ii!rvtiV I kcstt. l:rvutmttl (tIler. I harriett 1t. 'Yve;dc1I, 'Mai)' \. (;ilh;rva. :\hrah:itrt f•:hrm!olul. l.aur:t F. \h ckhant, .\ldla \1. (;ul, l-;tein, Charles I.. IFr:ink, uIwi'J \'. \Vlitn,y, 5''phie R. King;. Philip \l. Friedniaru. Dorothca Zwt•itacli, :\nnic \I:t\tr. I'hilip Korn, \Margaret .\ckanazy, '.flay E. Town-stud, Santttcl l.itl•:in. Rcu'.alt `I. Cu t-rt.

:\pprncing the acli n •,f th,. I•:\uruti\c C,~rtttttittee nn the Natttic:,l School in accepting the re:ignati , n „f Kcran t 'Itricn. M. I ).. Surgeon and instructor in the New York Nautical School. takit•L etTeet \[;t)" 1S, 1`),1').

Approving anuI ratifying ilic act :11 ,.f tit Executive Cimntittee on the Nautical School in app,,inting ['as-el .\ ,;ist:tnt. Sarre „n ('h:urles F. Rv-dcr. 1'. S. N.. :t surgeon and in-truct„r in the Nett \ -„rk Nautical Selt„nl, at a sal trc „f $l1)4) per amnuno, the appointment taking effec! \I;n '2 IW9

A;;ignhug Alexander (;. Smith n; -tipvrvi;nr, under the direction of the Director otf Phvsical Training, of the gant ; :void athletic exercises of school children in the at hletir lid cl Located at B'al'e• ti net and Saratoga vii on. Ilornttgh of Brooklyn, in accordance with th,' resulilthni ad,,pl ,l he the Hard of Hlnc;iti in m September 2a. 19(17 (see Journal, page 2(12, t, an,1 lit the rat' of c, mpeii.ation provided therein; the duration if service of such tiI,ervi-or tut he de ermined 1 the Director of Physical Training, but lit to enntinue lrvooul June 31), 10111).

Organizing. in ace r l:mrrr tcith a rrcn;nrn nikttiZm .iiimuittt-d by the Board of Scperintedmt;. evening trade sehso;s for the ;ca; un lgZ19-11)1(1 a; follows:

Ill )RO 'GlI OF M.1Nt1.\'I'-r.\V.

for tutu and boys—Stutycc;ant. in the Stuyrc:ant I light School.

Ill >lO)t t,I1 UN (tlt'it)Kt.\ N.

For ntcn and bt,ys, wolllcn ;nt,1 girl;- I',r )klyn, in the \latutal Training high School.

RURt>ll 1 Uf QUEENS.

Long Island City, in the Bryant Iligh School. Appropriating the scut „1 cur hundred and two dollars and linty cents ($102.50)

front the ,rucceds of Corporate Stock, to be issued by the Comptroller pursuant to se'ctiun; 47 and 169 of the Revised Charter (Code No. C—I)l —9), said stunt to he applied in payment of the bill of henry G. Opdycke, City Snrvcyor, dated slay 12, 19(19, for surveys, etc., of the pro poscel school Site on Pierce, Fourth urth and Fifth avenue;. bong Island City, Borough of Ouecns ; said bill having been incurred by authority of the Committee it Sites and bring ineitfcvutuil an l necessary” in the proceeding to acquire the before-lute itilmcd property for school pnrpusc=.

Appropriating the ,hilt of uuc hiui nlr!I dollars ($IIX)) fr rot the proceeds of Corporate Stuck, to be issued hr the C,mtptroller pursuant to sections 47 and 169 of the Revised Charter (Cutle No. (—I)I.-9), and applied in payment of the bill., of George J. Ryan for apprai-als of the fullutving-ranted school sites in the Borough of Queens : Pierce and Rapeije arouutes and Briell street Long Island City............ $50 0O (111 lfou<c Landing rtuatl, Lafayette place and Cutter avenue, Westmoreland 50 (10

$100 0() —said I:ills Itwving been incurred by the Comptroller of The City of New York in connection with the acquisition of (lie hefore-mentioicd property for the use of this [)epartnterit.

Requesting the Board of 1•'stintate and .\ppu urti Apportionment to transfer the following Front the Special School (Fund for the year 1909 and from the items contained

therein entitle l "Maintenance, Fuel," as folio%\;: Borough of The Bronx, No. 941R ........................................... $1,000 t1 Borough of Brooklyn, No. 9l)9 ........................................... 4.000 (AI Borough of Richmond, No. 911 .......................... ................ 500 f10 --which items are in excess of their requirements, to the item also contained within the Special School Ftmd for the year 19(19 entitled "\Maintenance, Fuel, No. 910." Borough of Queens, which item is insufficient for its purposes.

Approving and ratifying the action of the Committee on Buildings, taken May 17. 1909, In fixing the compensation of Charles F. Lawlor, Martin Schauer, Thomas D. Naughton and William F. Cusack. wiremen in the Bureau of School Buildings, at $27 per week, instead of $4.50 per day, as heretofore paid.

Concurring in the action of the Committee on Buildings, taken May 17, 1909, in deciding that the work under the contract of John Fury for new fireproof main stairs at Public School 41, Borough of Manhattan, is unnecessarily and unreasonably delayed, that said contractor is wilfully violating the conditions and covenants of said contract, and that the work is not being done according to the terms thereof; declaring the contract of John Fury for fireproof main stairs at Public School 41, Borough of Manhattan, The United Surety Co., surety, voided and forfeited for non-compliance


with the terms thereof ; authorizing the Chairman of the Committee on Buildings to serve formal notice to the foregoing effect upon the said John Fury and his surety; and further authorizing the Stiperintendiiit of School Buildings to take the necessary measures for the completion of the work tinder the said shove-mentioned contract.

Approving and ratifying the action of the Committee on Buildings, taken May 17, 1909, in continuing the assignment of TrimbleFoster to the position of acting chief of the furniture division, Bureau of School littildings, for a period from \lay 20 to November 20, 1909, and in deciding that his compensation he at the rate of $45 per week during said period, and that lie receive his regular salary of $33 per week thereafter

Concurring in the action of the Committee on Bu ildings taken \l ay 24. 1909, in deciding that the work under tltc contract of L. F. icnn for electric equipment of Public School 10, Borough of Queens, is unnecessarily and unreasonably delayed, that .,aicl contractor is wilfully violating tip. conditions and covenants of said contract, and that the work is not l,eing clone according to the terms thereof ; declaring the contract of L. F. Reran for electric equipment of Public School 16. Burougl) of Queens, The Banker,' Surety Co., Onrctics, voided ;ttnl forfeited for non-compliance with the terms thereof: authorizing the Chairman „f the Cmtmittec• „n linil,ling;. 1„ serve formal notice to the foreging effect upon the .aid l.. I limn and his 'viretics: and further author;zing the Superintendent of School Buildings to take possession of the said above-mentioned work anal to proceed with the completion of the same.

.\ppro ing and ratifring the action of the (rmmiittcc on ISuildings in granting the loan Iif unu>cd fnrhiturc, as hereinafter stated

Temple Imtantuc1. Fort\-ninth street and Fourteenth avenue, Brooklyn. 11M1 is ix deck, and 1(NI pedestal chairs.

Church - , f (fur I.adv of Good Counsel, No. 915 Putnam avenue, firookivuo 75 box desks and 75 pedestal chairs.

S. Catherine'.. School. No. 421) East Sixty-ninth street, Nl:uiliatt:ud. 5)) box dc'k* and 50 pedestal chairs.

Local School it aid. District No. 46, a I ernian horse, a teeter ladder and a pair , if horizontal hars.

C n,idering Ncrdin:utd Rice. first grade clerk, and John J Butler, Inspector of \la"nn and Carpentry. in the Burcan if School Buildings, who have :tb,ented tltcm-selvc> from duty without leave for more than five dac., as liaving resign(-,I, in ac-cordance with tihtlki.mn 2 of Rile XIII. if the riles of the Municipal Civil Service GmuuiIsiun, which provide: that absence ivilhutu leave for a period of live clays ;R;ill he cotist rued ;u ;t r, sigraatlon.

Suspending wild iisions 2 and 5 of <eclion 31 of the B -Laws for the pmpiinc of paying, the fillnrcing bills, incurred under circam,tavces of an eucergency nature American 1\'arming and Ventilating Cmpany. I'nhlic School 16, Qifcen:o

heating r_l,air. ...................................................... $21 (N)

American \\'arming and Ventilating Company., Public School 42, Qneeii , heating repair; ...................................................... 3 (II)

American \Yachting and Ventilating Company, Public School 43, Queens.. healing repair; .................................. ................. 18 0(1

\mcrican \farming ;utd Ventilating Company, Public School (r'(, Ou,•c-n". heating repairs ...................................................... 211(Nl

\nierican \1 arming a nd Ventilating CantpIofy, Ihululic School 65, Queens, heating repairs ..................................................... 1 511

sNhierieaut \arming and Ventilating Company, Public School 71, Queens, heating repair, ......................................................5)) (M)

:\nx-rican \\ xrmin. :tml Ventilating C mpany, Public School 44, Queens. heating repair; ...................................................... 108 00

.\mcrican \\ ;irntin} ;tilt[ Ventilating Company. Public School s, Queens. hu'atjug repairs ......................................................438 (X)

.\nierican \\•amting an,l Ventilating Company. Public ticItoo 1 62, Queens, heating repair- ...................................................... 153 (N)

\ppn,ving pl:m, or lireptimiIIg tvnrk, as Icrein:ifter "tateul 1

Itt)RrktT;tt uIF 11RIituKIVN.

l'uhlic School 7—Nctc fireproof iron stain stair.. Public Sch~,c.l 34— Xew fireproof iron mahi stair; and alluring adjoining office;

and u' irrid it in street front. Public School 37—.\chlitional exits to .trcet and openings in walls if ground floor. l'uhlic rh„„l 46—\etc 11reproof iron main ,lair:. Public SIt 1 11 1—Nett fireproof inn main stairs find new corridor adjoining. Public School 57—Newt Iireprnnf iron main stairs. \punning and ratifying the ac; ion of the L,iuumuttec on Buildlings, taken May

26, 191$), in rejecting all ))ills, received ylav 24. 19119, for :hteratiuu., repair, vie., at Public School 16, Borough „f Manhattan, for the ru:,"m that the lowest bfu,Eor made a serious mistake in hi: estimate.

Approving the action of the Committee on Snpplie, in accepting the resignation if Thorns'. J. Ronike%. first grade Clerk in the Iturcau of Supplies, taking effect May

14, 19119. hcqne;1iu)r the Board if I[stfnati. and r\pputiunurmt I" m rrfifv Salary Schedule

No. 851, Office of the Supt ruoncdeht if School Sdhupdiui (in addition to modifications heretofore male ). In striking out the line' :

Fuel In;pect„rs, 3 rat $1,5141 .............................................. $4,514) IX) Clerk-'., 2 at $7511 .....................................................151$) 01U Clerk ......................................... .... (,IM) ( M) .................... Clerk ........................................................ ....... 540 IX) Clerks. 9 at $4211 ...................................................... 3,78I) (A) Clerk,. 15 at $3(X) ................... ... 4,51$) 01) ................................. Temporary help .......................................................515 (1) —ancl ioscrtm} in lieu thereof Purl Inspectors, 2 at $1,511) ............................................. 3.f1IN) 0O Chemist ............................................................... 1.51)1) IX) Clerks, 3 at $7541 ................... ........ 2,25(1 Of) ............................ Clerks, 2 at $540 ....................................................... 1.13(1(x) Clerks. 10 at $4211 ...................................................... 4.2(11) (X) Clerks, 13 at $300 ...................................................... 3.9l1I) IX) Temporary help ....................................................... 5 00

Excusing the absrnm of the Principal and ten Teachers of the S,tp•vesant Sligh School for two and one-half hours oil April 27, 19119, caused by their attentiaue•e at the funeral of Frederick J. Bryan, lately a Teacher in .aid school, with pay, and sus-pending all provisions of the By-Law-s inconsistent herewith. for the purpose of this resohttiun.

\ppruving and ratifying the action of file C„mmittcc on High Schuul.s and "I rain-ing Schools in granting pernrissinn to the High School of Conmterce, Borough of Manhattan, io present the play entitled " I'he Private Secretar," at Carnegie Lyceum, Borough of Manhau;ut, on the evening of \lay. 21, 19(k), ;ut admission fee to lot- charged and the proceeds to be used for the benefit „f the Dramatic Acsnciatiun.

Approving and ratifying the action of the Committee on IIigh School and Train-ing Schools in granting permission to the I)eWitt Clinton Iligh School, Borough of Manhattan. to give a concert in Carnegie Lyceum. Borough of Manhattan, on the evening of May 22. 19119, all admission fee to be charged and the proceeds to be used for the benefit of the orchestra of the school.

Granting permission to the pupils of the DeWitt Clinton high School, Borough of Manhattan, to present either the play "A Night Off" or the play "What happened to Jones" on the evening of Jung 4. 1909, in Carnegie Lyceum, Borough of Manhattan, an admission fee to be charged and the proceeds to be used for hiring an athletic field.

Approving and ratifying the action of the Committee on Special Schools in ap-pointing the following named persons as indicated below, to serve during the pleasure of the Hoard of Education :

George F. Gloucester, Caretaker. Brooklyn Truant School ; monthly compensation, with maintenance, $25 ; taking effect May 15, 1909.

Helen Gloucester, Assis'at:t Cook, Brooklyn Truant School; monthly compensa-tion, with maintenance, $25; taking effect May 15, 1909.

John A. Risseeuw, Caretaker. New York Parental School; monthly compensation, with maintenance, $35: taking effect May 19, 1909.

Emily Risseenw, Caretaker, New York Parental School: monthly compensation, with maintenance, $35; taking effect May 19, 1909.

Justus Sander, Caretaker, New York Parental School ; monthly compensation, with maintenance, $35 ; taking effect May 19, 1909.

Nanny Sander, Caretaker, New York Parental School; monthly compensation, with maintenance, $35 ; taking effect May 19, 19(ic).

Approving the action of the Cnnntittec you Special Schools in .liscontiuuing the services of the fol owing named persons in the Brooklyn 'I rnant Scho, 1, as indicated:

Louisa Sluher, \1'aitress, taking effect September 24, 19)8. Mrs. Mary Basler, Laundress, taking effect ('.ctober 4, 19iB, John Byrne, Cleaner, taking effect October 3, 1908, :\ppruving the action of the Committee on Special Schools in accepting the resigna-

tions of John J. Itart, Caretaker, and iIrs. John J. hart, Cuok, Brooklyn Truant School, taking effect \lay 14, 1909.

Approving and ratifying the action of tilt- Commitice on Special Schools in grant-ing a leave of absence without p;ty to \Lae IIaistc•cl Beattys. Inspector of Playgrounds and Recreation Centre., from \lay 12 to Jane 31), 1)$), inclusive, for restoration of health.

II I,diog, in accordance with the recommendation sulmtitted by the lioard of Su-Irerintcn,lcnt', tilt• cl,!sing sssiiin5 of the evening recreation ccnu-cs for the season of 191)8-1919 out \lay 29, 1909.

.\ppr„cing and citifying the action of the Committee Ili Care of ISniklings in in-creasing the duhpct:.;shinl allowed for the care if the (intiina :\ilildic Iiedil from $5(1 to $111) per nnonUi, taking effect flay 16. 19i$), in ruin to pu•unit the employment of two assistants.

(siring, in sn•e ,inineu' with a retlnc•,t receivc•iI front the I'resiJi•uut of the Borough of 'hue llrns, amscut to the transfer of \l:,ry Arnold. (.'le;eiier in the Morris Iligh School, Borough of -I he Menus, to a similar po>itiim in the' Office „f thte President of the Bon ,ugh c f The Bronx.

.\pjiro ieg and ratifying the ;union if the Committee , n ('ar,' if Uuil,fings in ,li<-pensing with the services of the foi10tvihg named Stoker, („ take effect Jnnc 1. 191)9, he l,cing no burger required :

Public Scltiii 17, Richmond.

Uatthcty Muldoon, No. 163 Broad strict, Staplct,n S. I.; ,late of appointment, Oct, ,l,cr 28, 19(14.

:\pprot ing tLc action of the Cimahu:tee ,vet (are of Buildings in accepting the resig-n:uin „f \\'ilIhnh Ii. :\msdoson, Janitor of Public School 2)1. dignntgh of \Iallhattara, taking effect \l ay 24, 1940.1

Requesting the Commissioner of the I)cp:triniend of Water Supple, (;:t; and l'lec-tricity to Cnnsu•nt to the transfer of I{cl -iyse,I J. Ilahle, now cnt;,l~,~t,1 as a Stationary Engineer in his llepnrtmc•nti to tilt• po;itiom if Janitor-I•:nKinrcr in the I1eitartuiuu.'nt of il:d lieu t ion s

Approving :utcl r,ttifiing the anti„rn of the ('ituultuittuc „n (';u•r oaf ItnidcIiiuks jut transfcrring the fullntcing utatiuch persiiits is iuulicrttc-,l below :

Jahn I'.!•uien, Janitor', front Boy's, Ilit;h Sch, i, l t„ I'nl,lir tich, i. , l 27. Itrooklctt: annual compensation, $2'5(,: taking effect June 1, 1909.

(Francis N. ]'ulster, Janitor-1•.nkinccr, front Puhlic Sebwol 44, Nk whaiian, ti Buys' Iligh 'cilia]: annual (,impcn,ati, ji, $3.2-It); t;,ki'tg cffcct dune 1, l%IN).

Join t I I. Fagan, Jr., Janit,,r I with kit 1,• Igc .,f >t,•ain lWatin.y I, front I'tt:,li:-School 5)1, \lanhattan, to Public `chi col 73, (luc cn,: annual noutd!uus;ftjDti, BSI(,: taking rticct May 24, 19(N).

1 )liccr \I. Peacock, Jarufi,n--l•mgi;uccr, from 1'ul.lic Sc hi,uul ')4, Nlanh;tttaii, i , ) 1'u',lic S'lui l 51), iEurfi;tttu: ;unival r,mtlrrusati„n, $1.7411; taking effect Jtn~, 1,


1”. `ihuicfih}. Janitor t.tcitlt kui-ucfi•ilgc if Stc•;utt hcatin.(, from Public Sdr„n1 ())4\ , 1ialthatd;ui, t„ I'ui,lir Srh"nl (,'), iii, ,l ~t ; annual i n;f„ ;t,;ui ,n, : 1,7(1 taking cfl•crt Jane 1, 11,419.

J()hn \\ hit si,lc, Janitor, fr,nt I'nl,lii tich. , (~'), Lru ,kluj, Iu l'iiLhiu- School t-)8.\, \I:nth:tttall annual rimipensatiuin i S)(MI: taking eItu•ct Itinc 1, 1 )iN).

1- farry kogcr. J:uiitor-I•:nt;iuei•r, from I'u' liu SCluI"1I 12c,, daub;titan, to Ptihudic School 2)1, \lanll:ut:u: annual co nil,rns:tliun, Y 2,I(5i ttkiuig elluct lobe 1, 11 )119,

.du ll)iluus I lcicl, Stoker, fruit )'nLlic tic k „ l 1, 0ncc•us, io Puldie Sch' i,l 4(1. (Queens; annual compensation, *828 ; taking effect Junc• 1, lOIN),

:\ppnucitcg and ratifcing tile action of tilt t'fnfndtni ,m ('arc i.f lilliyditigs in assigning the folltmiug nauiecl Janitors t„ the t,•ntl ii aru crtn ,of huhfie s -Iu . I Intil,t- ings as illdic:ttccl Lcl„tr

J,ghn F. Iwocmnce, assigijcil to h'ohlic Schoo„I ,,L Outi-,•n.: outdo: it sti n, .4(( per month; taking effect \Ia 10. 11)0').

Jaunts I;aNtghcr, ;,ssighcud I.. Public 'chi, 1 '11, ISu k)cn : runil,rii.:ttiun, 15(1 p'•r month; for tilt' period from I cl chair 4 t„ 22 (inrlu;it, 1, 1')I(i).

Philip 1. \\ in,l,rkcr, :,ssign„I too i'lli lic Sebum '17.\, .\!;o(t;u:ut: cunfpeusatii,u, $40 per uiiouuf ; takin,, cttcct Inn, 1, Tc)II).

rank Dunn, asriyiite•,l I , - V11111it• Sih„-,1 ')711, Nl;nIl:itt;fll: eirn(ieuwti„n, $-W per ninth; tqlcit!g effuct Jtu:,• 1, 11rIP9.

\l~pn viug an,l ratifying the I,efi ,n if the (':utuiuuitieu ill ('rice .,f lttlihidifr;s in clis- c„nliuuin>; the rimtl,('nsatii ,n Iifiyclit•,I I-, tltc pnsili~m „f J;uiil~.r of l't:' li,- School (t4 I ill 4. ltgrumgh of 11ri ok13it, iii., .f3.2(14 tier :ucoun, faint and after \grid 1, 1$)o), :fond iii Bring tilt, temporary ci,tnl:cti,atiim „f tilt, J:,nit- ,r ti in the r;irc ., f tit.- x,I,1 I uilding and the new :Iilcliti :n at the rate of FI4t( per rat, -nth• ta!,initeffect April 1, 1c)(i'), arch to continue tmtil sitih time as more if the IiluiUiilg is i,eeiipiecf.

.\ipun•tug :uicl ratifdtg tilt- actig,t of tilt ('gnnfiitr • „n l ari f htutihuhitugs in increasing tin ii ip )r~uy eonflu ns:tiuu i~f 'I'll out'; I, I )uniuIuiic, Janitor i,f I'u1ulii Schio] 4)(1, h.iroogl if Quinn front X225 to siill(l p,•r month, iIikih}r c1f.•c-t NL•ny• 1, 19fM), on yeedhmt .If additional rooms Icing s,ccupied.

:\ppruving ;incl ratifying tilt- action r,f th Committee un (':it-,• „f illildings ill increasing the comp(n.;atiiun ytfarilccl to the position of Jsuiitu,r of th.• fi.Iil ,»ing named rdgsods as iudieafc'cl ba•lotn, tile iiereasus brim; ,fns ill file fact that certain machinery, which sits cult of list- is now being cared fur:

Public School 2`). \lallhattan; present salan- \, $1,(,72; uuuu syI•u'c, yI)(8: taking effect 1,1 i rt[ar1. 1, 19)1),

FhIific School III. Brooklyn; present salary. $2,532: new salae}, $2,772: takint effect J:wtnary 1. 1911).

.Ntuhuriziny; the Sttperin,cndcut iii the New fork N:irtical Seilioo,l to Iuluu[it to sand school A. II. Ilavilcn, who is under sixteen \cars of age, ;tn,l suspending all pri,visicnts of the Py-Laws inconsistent herewith for tilt- purpose of this res„huion.

\,I „lrtink file fnlluwint; urihtiie as an inaefcrinate expression of the feelings of the uuieiuiburs if hut' Board if I:,Incatiun, and that a ciulry of tilt, ::sure he lraumujflu'uV to the familc „f \i r. I\iexanuhc.e:

'I he I: , ,aril of lidusli„Ii pauses for a tu„tn,•nt in tit(- l,,•rfiirnt:u: ,.f it, , Inti,•s t:, make record of its Benfursud sor - tie at the ,death of a lutist isueuuwoI rtn,l valrvahle rnemler. 'I-hc• I Ion. Waiter .Uexyndcr passed :ncay, after a v,r brief illu:ss, ,m •. Friday evening, 21ay 21, 19(19. :11th„ugh lie had Lien a iuueun11eu' if this Itn;u'cl lint a fet♦ months. Ire had cxhiIiited :t rcacln grasp of tilt' iarfe,I lousiness ii the I)ehi;trtutluuut of 1- .education, and gave etet•y promise, with enlarged expuricnce, it proving a most useful rat •ml,c•r of this Ludy.

\Ir. .\itxander was apl ,uiule,l a member of the li„arcl of 1,Itti:itiim it Xiuviuuih•r' last for a full terns of live years, and entered upiun his ,Intic•s „n the irst of January. lie was first assigned t , , (he (umnfittee on Tleuun•utary Schc,,sl; and the ('oninlitice° nn L.•ctures and Libraries. lint after the reorganization in l chruarx It, tea; transferred from the latter ('ununittee to the Committee on IIiglu Sch,i„Is turd T• rsitiin¢ Schools. lie attended ct•cry stated mcc•tivg of the hoard if I•:dttcatiun during, his I'ricf teen of service, and was also regular in his attendance it t Olin uuct ntcutings.

Upon all the uftf(stumr presented to him he bruug,ht ti, I ,-ar an inip:uaial mind and a trained judgment, and his death cannot Lot Lc rug;rrdt,l ati a tc ry srtcrc loss t , this Uep:urtitui'iut. its well as to his chosen prufcssi,m, in nlich lit' hail attained a deservedly high l,osition.

The Board of 1)ducatkill desires to express its silucre sympathy with the family of Mr. Alcxrutder in their great affliction.

Approving the suspension of Mary T. O'Meara, a Teacher in I'''l,lic School R2, Borough of Manhattan, by District Superintendent hunt oil :lpril 12, 1911),

:\pproving and ratifying the action of the Committee on Fienurnt:try Schnnls in finding the Said :Mary T. O'Meara guilty „f the charges of neglect ,if duty preferred against her by District tinperinteudeut lfunt.

Dismissing the said Mary T. O'Meara from tilt- pub,iic schunl system of The City of New York.


The following preambles and resolutions were adopted: Whereas, 1lie Contntittee on Buildings is in receipt of estimates from contractors

for ldditional %Nark under their contracts, as follows (said additional work involving nn cxtcnsions of tint( ) : I.slin:He of ( larktt• & St( wt. contractors, for fire protection work at Yublic

School 71, ilro,Olyn, for providing and installing 18 kalantcin doors. latches. vtr . .......................................................`t. $SO 00

Estimate r!f (;c )r>;l• Ililcl1 1:raltd, contractor for fireproof main stairs at l'ttllic Sch''nl 113, \Ianhatt;ut, for prodding and setting 3 cast iron s:Ld llt'. .............................................................. 31) (Nl

Estimate of (;c, rr l Ilildct ,rlml, contractor for general (instruction nt I'ulilic "lit 12. \Lnillattan, for frinning it pocket for tcetIlrc-scrcm in tht• Il-:rrr of the anrlit , ,riunt stage ..................................28 INl

.\till hcttas, 'fhr Slll,crintcnll Ill of Schnul lluildings reports that Ihi•se Cstiivatcs are reas,mallc •In,l that the v i , rk is necessary : therefore l c it

l'ts,t1rl, 'I hat the =tint r,f Little hundred :tool 1ltirty-right dollars (*13tH he and the sane• is hurc1rr al,l,r ,llriatrrl fr,mt the following nantcll folds: said slim to lie apl,licd in full l,a,tntnt fr r e(tr.l nisi to tltr c,lntractrs horeinatter nientioneel for a, iditlinal cork in (,oT(bnn \;ith their contracts:

('all) r;Ltc titck, Ilr~nd Issue authorized to Board r of lstUrlat( and .\ppnrtion-ntcnt .\llril 3. uNIt_, Tint April 111, 19tt't. School linihlings. Providing lire Protection:

It rough of Itrr,uklyn, ('—I)F—bll. (larks & Stuttc .......................................................... yRf)(Nl

Borough of \lanhattan. (—I )I1-78. f:((ir1c IIildelianrl ......................................................30 (111

I'rtiuiriuni' d.•riv.,d (run the sale it l orporate Stek, issued pursuant t„ sechrnis 47 and It') of the reused (harter:

Itirrnu>;h rif \Iaiuhi:utaui, (-I)1{—').

1;cnr,qr• I lilrl l,r:uttl ...................................................... 28 (N)

$lit N --rcrini,i;i n fill sail ;17111 icing hcrchc toad( tq,nn the ('niifrnll(r.

\\ hcrtas, It is oost-'mart to, Ilan T'(achcr-,' salaries .,n the last school clay prior to clisiuig i,-r tile usual snutinc,F va(crliin: and

\\ hereas, This )car, tinter the Terms r+f the lit-Laws. there will l;;• llot lei ht soul iFin-half Wrrtki!It clays l-o twee n the receipt of t rCis and the- last Flat if s~ ha:,l, a

tiiic insiutticirnt too ;t,e.iritplish the task of :autitiiig 1ltc s:lotc; thcrcfnrc krr lc(l. 'lhat the I'rijwil,:llc of all sehls hr an~I they lurch; ar i:lsir,t:•tT•rl Ili

1,resent fo,r :rrctit line t:ayr„iis ui their r(steni\e sell(., ns for the meths of .1tmc and Itic• ;l1 or attl r the he e I,f scIto~I hors nn I,ruiav, Jtnlc I1, instead of I'rirlat, June

1'5N). is presi rilu•rl I y the ISN -lots. ;toil tilt! :Ill ;u,siiiccs ,,ccitrriog titer I riha- .

tun, I1, Ill 11uri:1, lilt- renoimitr , If the school term, it rlcrlttrted front the .\a,Tost

n r- ll,• this :rram:imcnl to al,!,Iv ills„ to sl:cci:l Teachers. omd that all Itt-lases or

arts , .I I..-I.:Its; it rr,n iStr•nt hcre\\ith it so;bended for the Intrposts ,r1 this res„Iu-

tu•n. \\ hr lva" \ crnokl:asir( 11:1, I'ccrt I,ceivt ,1l fr. tit tlr• I'rmcloai of I'UiiIL School lt.

Suitor :.0 our-. lair ii :nil tirait-~n ,I:,, I.. It-:n nt;h of I;ro, l:lvn, (lisp with ever rIiil-

, Iimn tin -icictv:llk rm Ih. b:,rr1u >trc:t -iric • , f ,ell !,uildin lr,r iiic , ii sled. rcn<1°,r-

ing the. tt<c . , f the r x17 the rr:lt impraenc:chic 11• !1,•rc:l•. "I'hc i)cl ,oty Sul(rinitr,rlclit • f Salt.! Ituj'luiin(s filr the Ii ,n ugh r1,.n.

~I!:tt this e n lit1 nl Will cc lttiuf ter es'-t t ntil the trctI i- yr:ulcu; the rcfrrrc lie it 1\., "Jer ,l. 'I Iii' tit 1'rc-irll 01 r ,f +hc It ,rnu2h ' If Itr..11htm I,c and Ile s hmtry r'. -

rnifi111: recto. Ilrl f,1 ;, t',ih , Irir the gr;loli•tg 1 1tarrbl 'tree, in tlnr vic:t ity „f I'nii1ic

Sch.5„I 1;',, Lhr u h of Ilrn, kit p, ❑ t Ih, .;riio,st I''silhe date. WhnoosL. Ile lill? I:tk(n Iry Iii, Ii•r,lrcl of b.it:l..lti, nl ..n Ito;.O!m 'i, lehl.i I:

limit-n i, lu"• 4S.SJ. (I s;ilar f II roar! Itre-till. (Mork +n the Ilunau -f Ssh oil

Uuil,lin ,, I r ti .;i I ci lien, t. a. teiIocemi inFsn $1,200 t 1 6( Hi per :Inunnt s and 1\hcr,•l• It •sins(:lr. tlt::t flit- rcdnrtinn (Cl- movie r,n ac.rmnt if hi, Ilh;,ilea! ,1

Resolved, That the matter of amending subdivi-ion 3a of section 44 of the By-Laws by striking out the words "fs'oni duty" in the first line and by adding to said subdivision the following sentence : "Absence in pursuance of permission granted under the pro-visions of this subdivision shall not Ile considered absence from duty," be referred to the Conuuittce on By-Laws and Legislation for cons'd'.ratinn.

Whereas, The Board of Superintendents has recommended that so much of the absences of Jane E. Alarsh, a Teacht r in Public School 42, and of Anna T. .lcCluer. a Teacher in Pubic School 132. II mr• ugh I,f Manhattan. nu account of quarantine by the Department of Ilcallh, as is non-exctichle under the By-Laws, be excused with (MY ! therefore he it

Resolved, 'I hat the nhsencc, r,f ;tirl I. acVcrs f, ,r the time ino► Xa(ed below, which i, in excess ut thr tel days allmn(eu ttnrIvr satin 44 of the 1St•-Laws, be and they hcrcbc are cxcuscri with p;. :tool ha[ any pros i i ms of the ISy-Laws inrun-i,tcnt herewith be ;•ti(l they hereby are stislwnrl:d for tl!c purpose .,f this rc•s-duti im

110ho )t'G11 Ol 11,\N11.%'('TAN.

Jane 1.1. .\I:,r'it. I'ul!ic Scilool 42, absctit from March x) to .\boil 1(,, 1'X19; to , b.- excused !ell rla}•s.

,\ntta I. \IcClucr, I'tthiic School 132. wielit April I :tnd 2, 191$.); to Lc Fxcuscd two day,.

\\ hcrca-. :\ c, its i r;lhl( number of j o - it, ti. scv(i,ntM and eighth %•c;lr grades of certain •cho, ,i. in t;rc hi„rngh r,f l)uctn, hat ,' vIIIIInt,•r•rccl to Illarch ill the pararlr :!t the ntsvni!mg I f the ())yvsll-horn, TlriulKc nn Joe:. 12. 19(19. it, charge „f Tcaihcr; tuL have .d, , eul to:,crcll. and

1\•hereas, It is olc,irai!e th:lt :hey shnnicl participate in a combined practice (trill ttnrl marl. in prcl,ar:mtiini f- ,r site par; rl.: Ihcref ,tt Lc it

hr•>r.lverl, 1'!t:lt the Imitt. :Intl Teachers abate referred ter he excused at 2.15 p. iii. Cull \\•erinr•.rlsly. June 9, 1` 11t), f r ill(' :thle :nentt maul lirsletXs (trill and nt:lrch, it i,nirk itmlcr.t ml that prop(( arrange ntct±t , will he nt:u4• for the care I,f such pupil, iu tilt- r1a5se. of s;:iIl T'caell( r, as Tu'c lint try p:,rtieipalc in tilt- par.te.

\\ he a- lilt It rani it I huaativo nn \I tv 2t, 1')i') I ,ev T,mmal. page, 639 and (sit) I, ap~lr~.verl Ia. Hoil(tidl:i~rn< submittal Ir\• thl IGr,mrrh .if Suiierintenrlcnu, in regard to the estahli,hnnnt of c:lc:tluw' -tumuli. \mean, n I,la~l r .nncl ...ti.. imld(linl; a tacat1, n eE! in l'iihEa Sc•h-rut 126, h,,rmi li of lriokL, n; and

1\ here;-. •lime Ih-Flrr! r , f Stlrcrilltrnrlent• It us rcc, •nhl,tcnrle l that the v:lcati•m sch oh -chcibll(ui Ii • ('ul~!ic Scho, d 120 Lc tra114erreri to fiinmi:c School It(I, Borough of Ltrruikiyn ; tllcr.•f , ,re b;• it

Ile l • 'I hat 1'tthhc Schnul I1'). IS ,rough .if Br klvn, Ire snL,tituted for Politic School 120, it-noutgh if Ito a klcn. in flit v:ltl irtic of i:tc fi n itch Is tgy., he established in the ltsmraus;h of L'ro: kit-ti for the svasnn of 19l'9.

\Vh•rem-, . sr , ntttf'lnir:oinn has Luca no iEcel L, Ill ( Iv ..su•rsriiileiv'c it of Sehgn1, rsrlucst:ti_• '!tat ,t l,n,tcr ii lit t ttin iufuin,;ltir ,ry roe:uuiiumt the i-)cati.,n oIf the !,it1,lic miniimnit. .,f Nets \'„rk ( iv. the I:• imr. tiuri!sg wl ich tl1. arc F.p a, eta., he Vlac,-m( in ,uric .,f ihl• unl•lir ,cirri i,. noire c,peciall' di.''ti¢h scllu-As: anfl


Said p•fcr i- it rrci taste aurm attrtclke in apps;tr,mee .uul cunlain- I,sefnl iii f-,rrtl;ltiuii: thcref.,n it it

Ili ;atoll, 'l hat Tn-omi'—iroil lie :tnr1 iI i, herehv grantt•rl fr the placing if frantccl r pihs rf tin- chit r il(ih-n.eml luster in ,~Ich situ o of boiildinggs a< nl:ly he sekeItd iv in amlhoritios I f ti.. Itulle mtl' tons of the (tt~.


'lime Lath S-1g ,e ,t Ilard of I)i-trial N. 45 ha, :lpl,r tell tit( kiln if ntilicing Ill,- silt resod( :olnireol flr- 'ciiJII In rt1.se. r , ml L - mfayettc avenue, I,cttecart I hcmloFv' mm :it cnnc i:t! I r nut >trect. Nut I1,- iglth-n. IS~rrungh if Richnum.d, by con -rlt'atinl; :l Pl:tvKrinr,rl Theron during the („muting .1ummimeF tgiih-Lut asst to the Citg:sutl)


!terra'. S- ui sitc b is 11,,, i -. n ttn'ncrl ,,.ver top iii. 1!-,aril --f 1•.nuicat.ern and re main' in :hc cue send enarirIc it tilc ( - ~mtt ,trr ,ller: thter,furc ln• it

k nl:cl!. 't - h:ll the 0o!t,tr d!er I,c :itrl It i, hcrc,Ly l-i.iectfttlii r(b(stcoh to Pr- nut the osc it Ilse alive 1ncntinncrl site for playgapunui t,nri„-scvs during the sunlnter r: lath i"n of hil(Nl.

( In nir,tt n.:111 :11•cnt mor-tnh(r- ttl rr , ri l cl f•r t -ii it, nrlan •. :lt ill;- lu. lt,l14 ( It rim-ti u Ite ISrr,inl :uli- , urn, I sil 5.5_ .ii rk n:

alri iii u : anll A. I:)I I N,"( I \: I' 1i.\II.1:. rr :c r, 1\ hrrisl ,. I'. i, 11 w 'lc crnc,l arlci'sII,!t• t.. r••-tire \Ir. Preslin I•, Iii. t„rtnc•r s:tl:n•N : -

then-film in it 1 ; 1 I I;rc,lin. I:, I.. :gal„ i; I dolt, Ii~r „i Ill rte:t, r I BOARD OF HEALTH. 1~1 II the hnis;Mt , :t SFhl' i4l;"~llig,. It ,notch ..f Ilr.rrrlacn. hr 6\cll :It 1._'(IIIInnom.

In t:tki •IRet 1, irHP), 1 . h: vile c•\rrlncol .1 re-hit.• Hof ::It claitll. ao'tt-t the lil rtl .1mic 'f I:Ihn•:It.ilm f runre in, ref =ftlar% . and Ili, it farther I \I ,t 1 irk. 11: , 'r lest

Result ti. (hilt the (,m nit+., ,.• ern I-io t,cl. 1,.• aim! it is lyre I,y ruyuestcd t (oosisbr I II, 1lssmrd tor! 1urnl:llt :. iii.-muruir(mtt. the ut:Ntvr „f scaoving; fumy. f. I- tit,- 1noh.„i. ref aoeilie „tit the• Int ,•nt it Iht• t, rcm"llig I'rc,ml—('wmmtisNit'ncrs 'I it m:a. I)ariingi'u. M. I).. I'rl•-icicnt: .\lt:th II. I), , I%. rt, Ju i m !,y it traIl;iu cif fnurl, tic i;•lle of tiplrin) Ilru nor troll, r , Ihcrtci,c. 111. I).. Il:;tlth OITieu-r .,f life fort; \\'tit. 1 . linker, First llc•puty lstiei, (-looH.innt -r,

\\ l -ue l<. .1 C''Ili n: cimi. , rn hits mu.? recta-it from rr l,n!s aumi u:ot,a} •r. in the fill- tilt l'nlicc ( rmuuii..ir,nc•r. cirinit if TTlblie tichn' I l,i(,, I moth : ti—nn.. I rr li th :ulrl I nIt int ,ucet It ,rough 'him.- minutes ,rf the last meeting were rvarl and al,priveuh, of 1Srn •tat i,, >t iiin>t ill: t the It- tmllcd imy Ihr ('it, m the rear it <li~l ,(Loot Liildi:1 ; 'I he I ivancc ('mnrittet pre;mtud the folhiwing Lill,, which were stpprmvd anll arc, in their Ihu(vt c oldifi, M. 1 cli-Vi;racc Ili the (its ;m l :l uumm:sac t i life :utml nrvhrecu forwarded to the Guuiptr ollcr for pa%nent : Boil,; :c'ri '„•tt

York Sieimcut Worrks...... $14 !; ' J. M. I lortatt Ice Cream (,ml-

\\'hcrca-, In a c inuonoil' ltill mo!ru..es1 to (. I. i ian•~ul, If N. 311 l'„rtv-lir,t ',,,t 1'„rk sold New Jcr,cy ft-la- ,tot ...................... 1 : ... 1'5 511 -tr••et, Ilro kIcn, hitch \lac IX. 1)ii) the (:n1Itn ,11r r ngW;l(,l that the hither of ph tic ('n Im rm il oy .............. {_5 K_ r ' I)ermi. n Miucufaatunimtg Cunt Krnrlin) then• Its I,: -rt!-uitit(eIl I,y the Board if I rlrtcat•i 11, ill,- L'-I;n-11 tit TattutlartF muig- ('runt l-binvh„ur ( , nn I halo .. ......I....... 7 :It ;.nil :\l,l,~ ~rticmn;cut ; thcr, fore he it l,:ln, ........... u) 45 _ \nty;h:,n> Sccrl Suite ........... 13 I

Ru.'l(,d. 'I It t Ih, Barth of I•:,tint:llr• :nt,l .\l~lr'rti~mtncnt he allot it is Nerdy \ctv York :utll \.,c Jersey Tel(- It. . Itman & t n....... 12 .it, re-peal fully recto(•<trrl t.i authrrrvc the t;r:nfins; ( Iii Its rccc•ntlt :rcllun~c<I for ,chu,,1 l,h,~nc l'iolopan9 ............... i'i 5-# I. F. & W. A. J an,•............ awl -14 pnrposc; nn h' rtirill :n tl Nu,rtt- -Sirst strict,. it 'rnmgh tit Itro iii lu, to the rear I,f Elmore .\utnthil,• ('unipanv.... 141 21t Ronald. & Ji~hn:on l mpany.... 52 Ili Inlilii Sabm ,i 131., "r that lilt' (1r1g(tuns r.mrlitin, ❑ h.,vc rcf.rrsd too nett Ile elinti- J;laic; \Icl . hiller. Chief Clerk. (,1 1)5 l,:ntTcit. W. tiehci)eo. S(errt:trc.. 1511 IN) gated. ('nitcrl State, Frame and Picture S;lmuel I)(:dd .................. 2 Ilit

\\ , hoes<. 'I-h, I. it 5nImcrintvnih-t l of Still' ha, nc~nntncnllcrl that the old ('onip:iuuw -------------------- t) 511 McClave I-umhcr (',I mduiv...... IX)S IHi I'u1Mong.,Ii \lioita,h -in •,t. it. it I i,umru It I. I ii ii ,f fti lain, tnrmormy c,ccttpictl f.rhn & I ink.. ................. 5 2(1 James \lurtaugh C mop tut 221t I2 as I'nidit Si hi S. 1,. t mum ncct ntrr tit the ('1,tunti-jir•ncr, „f the Siokinl; I uurl, a, the hn I1,•II Cmcirtlicuy ............. ,j 5 5; ('ha:. \I. \lal,c•........... ..... 3u It) upp(•r Irtrt ut the build n:, ;s in ln,(rr (audition, :ual the linrcatr rf Iiuilcl•inl;s, Borough I S. Rsm n \I:nttttactorinu I:. O'Brien & Brother............ 175 191

I , f lirnmkl(m, Itct- aq;tuc,! the LoiIdiog wI>:sic; atilt (nm{,anc 5 IN) 1?ng,i , Winship ................ 151) loll \\beret Ilan, ltImosicc I•:. I)rc,,cr, t!u• ottillwr .•t the Ihtar,I assigned to I)i,tri t \. 11cincr ..................... 2 0 I? tin. r & Amend................ 5t14l)

fin. 27. to tthirh >ai, l hnilllin) is luratccl, has allpo, ovtit this rrc1ltrttttcndation; there- 1'. \\-. ell.h .................. x) INS Benin in \f r. S (' r.......... Ill It fare be it lamas \Ic(. cli!ler, Chief Clerk. 12 all .\ar, ,n ItbchLaum ( urtpanc.... 75e) 18

lXeSuI•uc, I hat Old I'uhli; School 8, 1iil!Nt.o I'll tilt' northcrIc ,isle it \Iirldagh I - he Roessler & IIc' I,t(her Pittsburgh PITttc (iI tss ( mt- strte.t. w!,st of I I. street. It rrlt igh of Brooklyn, he an,l the ,;tine is hereby turoc,l Chemical l'OIIIp:1ty ...... .... i all .. 7 Many ........... o tit)

.'nrIIIli: IoIILrs of the Sinkitl I -unrt f„r .uch dis,uauiIII a: thct mar dccnl ,over to the K I \. E. \cwlnn & C .............. . . i t 4 (NI 11'illiam ( ............ lt,~ x) - :advisable. 'I he I I u'ral Stoat) C ,ntpany.... 7 21 lueoiii l ,r:tl ( ompany........... 2.831 7(1

\Vhtrc;l:, ( hr1stut,ic r D. Collins. ;l Peacti(r in I'lut,hut ' t im I ic), Mo , u.h of WM:tn- I•-. it. I ::ICS t Sorts ........ . ..... 4 75 W. L. Stepiini.................. 21)1 51 h:tttan, tt'hur glob ccurr.cl . ,n (lets h, r ill, 1')uii, tuts :th-(tit front Seuimih(n 14 to 'Iii, I rank Miller ('umpara...... t Xl) Rieharui Webber ............... 3h4 ii I )cinkrr 3(1. 19(18; and Jirdmi & ('u .................... 24 1)5 \It rck & (-n......... .......... 1(13 52

11'beFta-, 'hr:. \lar. I'. ('mhiio., tut1iw of 'aiil (hrn9luhmlvr I). (vullin;, faiifd, New York will ltrnnkl.\n Bridge. 31 K) j fiao;ch & Launh ()ptica; Cnmj)ilny. 1?9 54 Ihrnngh I;tck of kni , tvltrlt.tr of the tic- I.;ta requiring applications for exens for absence New York ;Intl ltrtt, ,kbui Bridge. .i1 01 I, muffs R. I.:tngr... ............. 1(14 (N) to lie tttarle within thirty tlai., tr, .nhntit an applicutinn for exdisc with p:ly of the above Elmore .\tttnnt, bile ('u111lxmy.... 1.351) (H)

149 90 ; Straus, Brothers. • ..... ..1,151 44

42 mentioned ah,unce within the thirst• d:lcs rerluired: therefore he it 'tiller. James \lc('. Chief Clerk. . New Bottling \hmrk Company... (X) Resolvedl. M'h:tt thl• priuisi'o of '-a-ction 44 of the l! -Laws, reAniriag that atplica- Consolidated ,1radding (-nmpanv.. 3 01 I.etis I)c• Groff & Son........ t 4th

ticm for excise flit- abse;icc ,hall he m:ulr ucithin thirty ill)':. Ili- and the ;:tine is hereby Jamaica (;as Light Contpanc.... 1 3(1 Lewis De Groff & Soft.......... (7 1)8 , tu!„•orlr•ri a- resTm,•eis Iii y• ah„wc mentioned T1oknrc of Fln•i-t „phcr 1). Collins. John Rcilntann .................. 2 94 Irian, Ritchey & (n............ 2(att 57

\\'hercas, In hnrsisliu(F' of the- provisions of sobolii.iuim 3a iii ,vctiun 44 of the hr:tnz Iicnthin .................. 55 ~2 Lewis 1)c Groff & Son.......... .O 111

li}. I.aws of -the ll, Ianl .,f lhl iie;noun, the President granted pt-oul1ssiom to the following M. T. Kenny ................... 25 75 Nets • York Bottling Company.... ,i3 fill nanuvl members..f the ,npc*t i.ioK and tea hinK stiff to attend the hearing Ir fore his J; n 's \ia('. ),Iil t r. (hid f Clerk. 131 ?>{ •I'hos. I. \1'hite .................. 032 21) I lnn(rr iii.' \laynr rin \l:ly 11. 19 N. ill o,1crence In Senate Rill 1211), known as the Charlton •faylor ................ 3 (N) Thu.. J. White ............... - . 119 26 (shclIiill - holey bill : ( race C. Strachan, District Suipermotendnt; N. Curtis Lettihen, W. 1I. Johnson & Snn.......... 25 (HI Richard Webber ............. ... 8, h2 Public School 39, c1anliattan: I.ina E. Gan,(, \1'adlcigh 1fugh School, \laphattan; James \IcC. 1liller, Chief Clerk. 131 73 :1Isen's American Port 'and Ce- Annic• IS. '.1I riarty, Piddle Sch rnl rtO. Imokhutt :11:1ry A. Curtis, Public School 21). A. P. Bromhacher & Co........ 750 ncnt (ImtpanV .............. 1('((t fill The Bronx ; Ann:, F. It' .tutilie, Public Sal ol 14. 'Jo. ens ; Rebecca \1. I.ttdlunt, lobo Simmons Contpanv - - - - - ... 12 56 ( 'hi arl's \l each s Co tic i .... - - - - 1.563 1(1 Public Slhnnl 211, Ri1'hiitnoel; Isabel A. lirtnis, Plil)'ic Sehr•nl 27, pruuklvii; Ida Ike!- \1•. & T. Slr,anc ................ 1 7 -tit I•:. I . O'Brien & lir.,the,r........4,475 (Ml heimer, Public Schol-I (ml). Manhattans \I:triauna I)nwe. Public Scho,rl 42, The Bronx; Prates' Oxv en 1~'nrks.......... . K 111 00 I \1', ,fore, It & :wain............ 789 37 Mary ('hahners, I'tihlic Schlott 110, :1lanhatlan: Ellen I'. H)'Rricn, Public Schr,ld 3(i, (•uphcr, luI(uiu'ltimr (•nrnpany.... 4 25 :— Maoh,ttuu; therefonrt' he it

Resolved. That ill ahti,nrc, if Ilie al, , cr Im•Ini,rrc, l i'ritmi'ipuii. and Teachers n•t Sanitary Bureau

\1av 11, 1911), for the him 'p~'•c l mu- .o tilt . I in flit- fir go tug preamble, he and tht•c are• hhr: tic! owillg conmt Oil icaliIlls were received from the Sanitar,, Superintendent: hereby excused with full ply, and that any provisions of life By-Laws inconsistent Wer•kly reports of the Sanitary Superintendent. Ordered on file. herewith be and '!ley are herchy suspenrk,l for the purpi ses of this resnhttiun; and \'Yeekly reports from the Willard Parker, Reception, Riverside and Kingston he it frtrther Avenue hospitals. Ordered on 61e.


Report on Changes in the Hospital Service. Sophie Seistrom, Domestic, $264, appointed, May 4, 1909. on motion it was Lizzie Lofstrotn, Domestic. $216, appointed, May 5, 1909. Resolved, That the following changes in the hospital service be and are hereby Mary Kilbride, Domestic, $216, appointed, May 5, 1909.

:tpprovcd: Willard Parker Hospital.

May Rothm;ut, Domestic, $216, appo ntcd April 16, 1909. Jennie Schiepien, Nur~c, $60'), transferred to Kingston Avenue

30, 1909. 1\1arth:t Fowler. Nurse, ti6()l, translerrcd to Kingston Avenue

30, 19119. Margaret O'Connor, Nurse, $(()0, resigned. .April 3(l, 1x7($. :Anna Ctillatnn, Nurse, RICO, resigned April 30. 1909. Jessie Fleci<steiu, 'Nurse, :t000. r.sipncd April 3O. 1909. Mary :1ntt Beaver. Nitre, $4`II, rc,igued April 3(1. 190'). Roland B. Aloorc, Interne, wl 2(I, resigned April 30, 19(Y). Rose :Mahon, Domestic, $240. resigned April 30, 19(19. 1-ta11oah Shccit;cn, Doines:ic, $240, reigned .April 30, 1')(N). Mary Rrtilnn. I)i iue. ic, $'Ili, rgiine('t April 3(1, 101)9. Annie \Voolcv. Domestic, $216, resigned :April 30, 1909. \largaret Kenny. Do picstic, Q216. rcsiu11cd April 31?, l9(K). Mary Jainoson, Domestic, $216, resigitcd April 30. 1909. .Annie A1e.tihane, 1)ontcsti:-, ; 216. re,igncd April 3(l, 10119. .Alberta Weaver, Nur'e, $541l, etlary fixedl \Iav 1. 19(ii). "I•liour.t- Wood . I ircn an. $3 )o'r drty, salary fixed \l:tv 1, 19)4) \\'tit. Ibean, Fireman. $3 per day, salary fixed \lay 1, 19119. (icnr e \htcht-1, l"ircntan, $3 per day. salary fixed M tv 1, 19(Y) lluph Woods. Fineman. $3 per day, salary fixer! May 1, 10 0'). T ltn Cnilcty, Fireman. $3 per day, salary Iixed \Iav 1, 191,4). Joint NIcCaffny, T~irentan, $3 per day', salary fixed May 1, 19)19. 'fhen. T. (Itnttv:ticl, Fireman. $3 per day. sa'ar~• fixed \I;tc 1. 1911) Peter \hnrplty, Laborer, $780. ealary fixed \lav 1. 10(19. T•dhn 1;. lltt he , Lahorer. $750 salary fixc,l Nfriy 1, 1009. Maggie `hcehan. Domestic. $240, salary fixed May 1, 1999. I)clia Key~lon. 1omectic, $240, salary fixed May 1 1'1I~. T.izzk Reilly, Domestic. $2411. :glary fixed \lav 1. 1009. Mary lledme-, T)oines'ic, `;31)t), salary fined \Inv 1. 1918) Sterling R. Rag-dale, lnterncs $120, appointed May 1, 19(19. Jessie G. Patterson. Nurs.•. $540. anpointed \lay 1, 19)1. I•;ntily \\Tlkiusoio. Nur~c, "4011, :appointed May 1 1'X19. \Iary S. Dreher, ) 'r'e, $48(t. atauoinfec May 1. 10)81. ('atlierine Rauut.tn. 1)oinc-tic. $'16. at,lnrinl.,l Alin• 1. 1')I). lnnic Af'hitcs T)omeItie. $216. appointedMax' 3. 19119. T.izz'e Lacey, 1!clp.'r. $216. nupi+ttcd May 3. 191)'). Man'ie Norris, 1),)meNtic. $216. afnrr-inlcrl May 3, 1'1I$) bionic Ruwlctt, Dottie<tic. $216, al>lurinted \I;tv .3, 19:1'1. \Iar ai'et Delchartty, Nttr<c, $6)))), nl.u'i•lud Mat 4. 1'XN. I.izzie T,acev. Helper, $216. re igaed \l:nv 5. 1911) J2i'1tarel Fallon. Or'cicrIy. $600. ;tpl,nitttcrl \lay 0. 19 )19. Kite \\hit ._•, foTie-tie. x'16, n'.initer! \l tv 9. 1'N)'). f ilia Koend•a). Doina,t:c, ?21(,, :tpf•nimcd May Ill. 1'fl14. ~!i.• 1)'!c, ik't1tcr, $216, alti,',intcrl M lfl. lrMM). ~I ugle J. 1' ti' Nor'. 5)))'I, rr':igo,•t1 flat- 4. 191 1x 1. \lari If , iner. \m e, '4811, rc~i;rrcrl \l:tv 4. 1911'). (;rat'.• \\'nnrl<. \ur:r, 04)") ai tt irttcrl \fav 10. 191)'), J-dhn J. K, mik-llv, Orbrk. $(t1s dr, -hI.cd Mat' 12. 1')~)'), Lstc•ilc Garland. Nurse. $48.11. app e+;ttcd May 14, 19$) I eiidrih van R nhcn Stai t, lioentc. $12)), agi)o;w,d Ma) 14. 191$) Bridget Bell. 1) stn tic, $21!i, re-i_'nrd Ma 18, 19,11 ). IKafc \laxlcy. I) ntc ,t c, $2l( ,. r(signed \Inv Is, 19:1). Margaret Kenny, T) n e t;e. $210, aj.point'd May 18. 1Vn'). \u1x'se Crilrnt:tn. l)nntcelic. $216, ;tt,l ,nintcrl tl;ry 18, 19(19. I illic 1)„plc. Helper s $216. 1—! pried May 1;`. 19(19.

1-lcicn Gallagher. Nurse. $48)), appointed May 19, 1909. I ), .nal~! 1). (';rntt IeII. I lu ltttal I'hcariut 1.2))'). tranrfviii Iii i t n .\t nhIe

I I~H ital• May 1, 19119. J.~ n, .\. St'x) n. Iln"lrit:tl I'ltc.ictan. $1.2)111, t :ui•trrnrl (o In l'iu'tslnn .\vcnuc

I ,')rfixl. \L't~ 1. 1918).

l' ivc•r~idc l lospit;tl. I:ilr n he III'. 1) ,iicmcs $211, ;rlrl:.,ituvd, \la\' 1. 1'),N), R ,>r- Reilly, UouicSiic, ;24)).:tlrt~, 6itted. flat 3 1',t)) Jeanie Gmlxfinitr ii, I)utnes'tic'. $216, resu 11(.1, \lac .1. 1`)[N) More Mit'tlatec. 1).,mc;tic, $21x., r,-,i;;ucd. May 3, 1') )'). Nellie Stewart. 1)ntncntir. $216, s,.ifinc 1. \I:tc .3. 19)) t Irene Ander";i, Duin&,il., $216,, ;t;~ln ,intc~l. \l;tv 4. 19)1 ). Kate l.ee, llnute•Stic. $216, rc"if;oeel, M;iv a. 19;19, May \\'rigl o. DDomestie, $216, nlip- , intec't, Mae (r, 19:i'). Mary Joining;, I)emiestie. $216, a1T.uil led. \Lice 7. 1111 )

Laura Cnle. T)onle-tie, $216, :itrt,nuntt'cl. Ai;iv 7, 10)0) Sadie Met;nixe s I) ,ntc tic, $31)11, rcsiuloM, \I;n 7. It)) Jennie \1,•\lieliael. D, mtcstie, $3110, ;tltl~:-intcrl. \!:i'; 8, lit' . ,\nn:t M. t 1•irieii, I) mc,tic, $216, rc-i; ncrl. \Inc '1, 14n't, William A. Murphy, T11tcrne, $1211, ;ti,l,niutcd. \lap 1)). 1')11). Mary 0 • Igirp, b1umwc•Vit', $216, il,l,~,intcrl. \lac 111. 1910. Mary ('nnningluant. I)mustie, $216, apjhintcd, Mt 13. 1')111, Felix T. Rii;ti11u, interne, $121), n;,);(in1, rl, \lac 'i). 1'))1)) \\'alter StepliuM,. \Ltrinc l'=ui);ioccr. $1.2)K), salary Ii's 1. \l;t) 1, 1'111') .\rthttr \bnC'i r ittti ratan Firencut. $3 tier ri c. -:~I;nc fixed, Mat 1. 1("). \1 i;litnt O'R n l: Stalionary l ircmxn. $3 per 1Iac, ;il;rre hxurl, M tt' 1, 1'X$0. John !leaK'. Stationary Pirentan, $3 per day, salary fixed. May 1, 191)9. "I - hurnas \Vilei n, Stationary Fireman, $3 per day, salary fixed, May 1, 19(19.

Kingston Avcnuc hospital.

1.s ,ni; A. Sexton, IfsgpitaI 1'hv iciars, $1,200, transferral to Willard l'arker his pital. April 3(l, 1909,

Mary Curtin, I)nmt'aic, $3(N), resigned. April 30, 191)9, Nellie Gore'tt. I)xiukstie, $2411, rr'eignccl.:\liril 3(1, 191$). Catherine 11rllm;Mfi. Urmtcstic, $24)). re,hued.:\pril 31), 1'119. Barbera f'ricst'uudorfcr, Domestic. $216, resigned, April 311, 111;1). 1•:mma Micieirh:wvn, Uugrrstie. $216. re.igm.d, :April 31), 19)19. 1si,zic 1)cyliru, Unmestic. $216. resigucul, .April 311, 1cYK) .Annie 1) tu;hrrtc•. 1) nnc,tic. $210, resi;meil. ,\j',il 31). 1118). .Agnes Farrell, I) ntr tie, $216. rr'SigneI, April 3f), 19(8). Alice Llanrahan, I1ruucaic, $216. re igi ed..\pril 30, 191)9, I•:chth SwcuQsuu. 1Xantc:tic, $216, appointed. \lac 1, 19)!'). .titer f1'Cunttr,rs Domestic, $2411, salary fixed. May 1, 1'AY). Rose 's4fcf)erunit. Domestic. $216, appnintc.l, May 1, 19(19. Marie Coruelins ni, I)rnnestic, $216, appointed. \l;lv 1, 19)09 I'lla ( incrIe, Domestic, $216, appointed, \la)• 1, 19:8). Mary E. Lyons. Nurse. $4011, appointed, May 1. 1(X19. Joseph Murray, Laborer, $61X), appointed, May 1, 10X19. Ida Crooke, Nurse, $540, salary fixed. May 1, 1509, Martha Fowler, Nurse, $600, transferred from Willard Parker

1909. Jennie Seiic-fcns Nurse, $600, transferred from Willard Parker

1909. Donald D. Campbell, hospital Physician, $1,200, transferred fron

Hospital, May 1, 1909. John Blute, Laborer, $6(10. transferred from Kingston Avenue

c,ugh of The Bronx. May 2, 1909 Grace Gabel, Domestic, $240, appointed, ;11ay 3, 1909. Elizabeth Schields, Domestic, $240, appointed, May 3, 1909. Lillie Andres, Domestic, $216, appointed, May 3, 1909. Katie Dornhue, Domestic, $216, appointed, May 4, 1909.

Mary Lane, Domestic, $21o, appointed, AIay 6, 1909. May Mills, Domestic, $216, resigned, May 6, 1909. Ethel Loyd, Domestic, $216, resigned, May 6, 1909. May Bart, Domestic, $216, appointed, May 7, 1909. Mary Ofe:'t1aniis, Nurse. $600, resigned, May 8, 1909. Annie \IcShehan, Dnmcstic, $216, appointe,I, May 8, 1909. Jrrlttt IIickcy, Laborer, $61X). dropped, May 9, 1909. Betty Swenson, I)nntcstic, $216, appointed, \Iav 10, 19(19 :\nnic Kearns, U.mtcstic, $216, resigned, May 11, 1909. :\nnic Sulam, Nurse, $4811, appointed, May 11, 1909. l,izzic I )rvlin, I )nntestic, $216, appointed, 1I ay 12, 19)19. Josephine• ('Donnell, Domestic, $2411, appuintcd. t1 ay 12. 19119. Jn.rphinc I)'I)uune1I, Drnncstic. $2411, resignca, May 13. 1909 I•,Ilen I:irm. Domestic, $3110. appointed, May 14, 191)9, Bessie Lyons, Domestic, $216• resigned, May 14, 19O9, Sarah Kearns, Dninestie, $4811, appointed, Max' 14, 19119. Joseph Murray, Lahnrer, $64111, dropped, May 14, 19119. Nellie Kelly, I)nutcslic, $2411, appointed, May 15, 19(19. Mary Afe("artiv, T)rnnestic, $240, appointed. May 15, 111)19, :Annie Kill,ri,1c. 11mut'stic. $21(,, :t1,piiinled. N1aY 19, 19(y). ('eeclix Kilknde, 1)niiicstic. $210, appxrinted, May 19, 1909. Bertha ( )Ism. l )rirncsIic. $216.:ippoititedl, Ally:20, 19)'). (;nstacc Smith, T,ahnrer. $64)'), app•rintecl, May 21, 19)N. Inez Trrlsuuta. Nuro'. $6411, re,i seiic•xL May 24. 190'). ('nra Nao.eficl. 1)oincsih. $216, resigned, T1av 3, 191). Nell' M. Saunders, Norse. $4511, appointed. \1av 22, 1909. \lac 'Mauger. l) rnesti,, $216, resiguel, May 24. 191)'). {liz;u1ur't1t SC1uic'txls, I)mtcstic•. $2411, resigned. May 24. 19)N).

.\ltn:t jolmsnu, I )nntUstic. $2(:4, appointed, Mav 25, 19119.

.\uuinsm .\ndcr'ao, Domestic. $2411. apiwiut('(. ''Ma' 25. 191)'). I);tcc uerutuil. l'ireman. $3 per lay, salary fixed. Mu' 1, 1919. (;c•nrge ('ullinan. Fircn,;tn. $3 ver dav, salary lixerl, \lav 1, 1001). I hn Itttrke, l"ircnt:nt, $3 per rl:ic, salary fixed, lac 1. 1909. !:tune. I fcrnan. l"in'ivau, $3 per clay. salary tixrrl. May 1, 19)81s J: ,fin I.chc)'. I"iru•uuiiiui, $.3 Irer day, salary fixed, May 1, 19(8).

l'te,'txitxl for ('rmtagious 1')s t' Disease,.

Margaret f l;dt:ificr, lyruie.tic, $3('(l, ;xpp('iiuteAs 'May 1, 1909.

I)ivi,irm if (•rntt;tgintts Diseases, Burrmgh if The 1uonzs

S;unncl Sargt'ant, Engineer. $4.50 per day. alpui'tcil May 26, 1909.

Riverside IIos;)ital.

C:LIfieriIIC ('arrigan, I)unw,tic, $240, resigned May 28. 1909, Ilcssic R):ut. I) uuucak, $24(1, resigned May 28, IPA)'). 1-'Nie R'r' ut, 1 lruiue"lit'. $2411, r(sh;ucd Ma)' 28. 1')110. Marg uri•t Mel sirs, I )apestic, $241). rc':itoie I \I:r 28, 1911).

Ias Iie"gcu. I) iii c-tic. $2411, resigned May 28, 191)9.

Otityille Sanatorium.

Rid;uri ('lute, Ilelbcr, $18)). resiJ;ucil \la)• 1. 19)1). Drink 1:norm:rn, I.;il,rer, $7211. u•csiy;ocrl \I:n- 1, 1911'). I)rtvitt 'J arkett. I,~dmrircr. $(rl)11, rc,imc•d \lax 1, 101$). Thu \\aIsI. I.ah"rcr. $48)), rc,igncd Mu)' 1, 191)0. l"rccl G:dbpbel1, Ild)ter. $18)), re,ignel \lay 11), 19))'). .Agnes Ryan, Nitrite, $42)), rr'i ncil \lay 11. 10119. George Turner, f.alrnrcr, $48)). rc;igncrl \lay 17, 1911)). Gi ',tav Sc Pt•;ml:a. I lip er. S 241), uc:iguech \I;ty 16. 19))'). I•:Ilcn l)innnlerv, Domestic. $2411, resipncil \lac 10. 10i)). \usel I' in„ bah urtr, $36O, r'1igned \l;rt 211. I')$1,

:Arthur Oonus, helper. $18)). resi;.;ncrl \Ia\ 21. 191)'). rank i'. Orvis, l.aborr'r. $72)), resigoexl May 31. 1')IN),

Luni: 11y'ck, I.ahorr'r, $48)), resigrnal Alas' 31, 1')IM), Abram Diener. llc1fcr, $18Os rcsi,nccl Alas' 31. It)))') Jacoh FcrSiaw, IIelm'r, $1110, n'Sigut'in \L•it 31, 1911'1 .Amtic l!inrkiuus I)onw,iin, $31)'), m:igue•rl lit)' 31, 1911)_ Nora \T:tlunct', I)rnusti,, $2411, resit nr'rl Alan ,31, 1'm')_ T:mtcs l:arrctl. Orticrly, $480, resigner) Ma'' 31, 1909. Fred (';ttnpbcll• Ilcllrcr, $18)), ;appoint('d Alas' 1. 101$), Jacob Xcrsluasc. Ilclper. $1811, appoini'rl Ms' 1, 100). \\ illiaitt I I. AV'iitc, I ldper, $31)11, appointed May 1. 19119. J.r>ttis Sloth'), 11cIucr, $3))'), 'L1tpninIccl 'tItiv 1, 1911)1.

i firvev York. T.ab- ,rcr, $4)(11, app rinttd May 3. 1911'). sNciui'tlrr ('italic, l.it1Ktrcr, $48)), aM't)riutel't \l:tv 3. 191)'). I'rank !'tormau, I.:tinrc'r, $78)), alrin ,intctl la)' 1, 11)11). Ieteht "I'arkett. Lahnrcr, $7211, appointed \tat 1, 10Ikl. 1';u'uren Uda,ie('. 1) mx 'tics $2411. ;il,li oiled Miry 10, 19))'). l L;trl •. I.icltnekvr. I Ic)1rr'r, $12)), :rIipiuut , rI 'tEtc 11, 19(1',). J."(.pit M~adl,Iun, 0o't1,eu'. $12)), appq ,intrcl \I;t)' 11. 19110, l•dwnal Clark. I le1ficr, $1811, ;plqinittt,• l Mats' 1. 1')))<). .\t;uucs lty;tn. Nur~c, $48)), n1.1niiuutcd May 15. 19)1). (;rtstavi St' Drank;, (';trpcnter, $721). aI'lu,intc•r1 May 17, 191)'). (':tu•nuinc 1iiaonini. l.alrrxrcr. $484), ;rpl,rrintcrl \I;n• 1X, 19)l<). Ottu I1cuu,clikel, Ilelj er, $241). ;tltp~nintcrl \l:ty 19, 191V, Kate O I)ca, Domestic. $311)), ;ippoint('d \l:r)' I'). 101$). \i'eo Il;rn1rnu, Duuteaie, $216. ai.pmuifeii May 20, 10I0.

WWilliaum Johsgon. I.ahhrer, $4811, ;igpgiutt'ul May 22, 101$). Aiu.1t'n \lai;hire, Ihelper, $184), appointed Ma y 22, 1911'). \lr,nz', Opden. I.ahorcr. $61)'). ;igguinlcxl May 24, 1909. An:rinirr Pictrr,nisti, I,ah~rrer. $481), a'tipulatcrl May 24, 191)9. \Ifrrn,, ! Cinfani, Laborer. $4811, appointed M;ry 24, 1909.

Walter I. \•'crut:uiss Carpenter, $936. transferred to Re.. carcli Laboratory May 1. 19X19.

Hull huger. I':nrIrenler, $936, transferreul to Research Laboratory May 1. 1909. 1lhcrt Ortill, (';trpcnlc r. $936, transferred to Research Iafin rat ors' \May 1, 1909. Will iii u Statfiehd. ('trpcn)er. $936, transferred to Research Laboratory May 1,

1909. George C. ltroicn, ('ar'ttcntcr, $936. transferred to Research Laboratory May 1,

1909. George 11liller. ('arpeulter, $720, Iransfcrred to Research Laboratory May 1. 1909.

Report nn Complitua With Certain Orders to Vacate Prcn)ises, etc. (lit inol oh , is ww" Resolved, That the folly wing orders he and are ficreby rescinded for the reason

that the causes for the vaine have been removed: n1)Rt1UGIt OF MAN II.\'1"PAN.

Nn. 8541. No. 307 E..:ut Twenty-fourth street (fr tit ).

BOROUGH OF 'f'tIli BRONX. 5170. Northeast corner Webster avenue and Otic Hundred and Seventy-eighth street.

BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. 1406. No. 78 Navy street. 5848. Nos. 395 and 397 Van Buren strict (rear). 6802. No, 234 I' n inn avenue. 9791. No. 5719 Fourth avenue.

Certificates declaring premises at N. 367 East Eighth street and No. 128 East I)nc hundred and Twentieth street, Borough of Manhattan; No. 782 Fulton street, No. 156 Roehlitig sires') and No. 23 Skilhuan avenue, Borough ref Brooklyn, public nuisances.

On motion, the following orders were entered Whereas, The premises No. 367 Fast Eighth street, Borough of Manhattan,

in The City of New York, and the business pursuit specified in this case, being

Hospital, April

Hospital. April

Hospital, May 1.

Hospital, May 1,

t Willard Parker

Ilospital to Ror-


in the opinion of the Board in a condition :uld ill effect dangerous to life and health and a public nuisance, and the Board having taketi and filed among its records the reports of the Sanitary Superintendent and the Inspectors relating thereto, and what it regards as sufficient proof to autlutrize its declarn!h,o that the premises and business pursuit in this case are in condition and effect dangerous to life and health and a public nuisance. the Board hereby enters in its records the said prem-ises as a nuisance, and declares the same to he a public nuisance dangerous to life and health, and in respect thereto orders, viz.:

That the use of the barber shop, in its present condition, lie di;continncd. Whereas. The premises N. 128 East One I [undred and Twentieth street, Borough

of 1 lanhattan. in The City of New York, and the 1 Isinc>s pursuit specified in tIiis case tieing in the opinion of the Board in a condition and in effect rlan<:cr its to life and health and a public nuisance, and the Board hat in„ taken auul filed among its records the reports of the Sanitary Stiperintem1eit and the Tncpcctors relating thereto, and what it regards as sufficient proof to authorize its declaration that the prrnlises and business pursuit in this case are in condition and effect cMangcrons to life and health and a public nuisance, the Board hereby enters in its records the said prem-ises as a nuisance. and declares the same to 1te a pnl,lic T1nisanc-c dangerous to life and health, and in respect thereto orders, vii.:

That the Ilse of the harher slinp, in its ug d n rent conitio, he discontinued. Whereas, The prc•ntises No. 7R2 Tarlton street, Borrntth of Brooklyn.

in The City of New York. and the hn inccs pursuit soeciticd in this case, being in the opinion of the Board in a condition and in effect dangerous to life and health and a public nuisance, and the Board having t,tkr•n and M11rrf among its records the reports of the Sanitary Snlcrin!e• iii rot and Iii, Tn<pectorc relating t11ereto. and what it regards as sufficient proof to ant IIorize its d,rl:l rat iii lh:i1 the rircmise and lousiness pursuit in this case are in condition and effect rl;lngcrr,ns to life and health and a public nuisance, the Board herebv enters in its records the said arcs' ices as a nuisance, and declares the saute in be it public ntti-noes• dungcv'rI; to lift. and health, and in respect thereto orders. viz.

That the use of the barber shop, in its present condition. he rliscn111intied. Whereas. The premises No. 156 Rochinr, street, 11rnugh of Tirn•,klvn,

in The C'ity of New \ ark. and the httsinc-s lmrsnit sired eii in this case he ine in the opinion of the Board in a condition and in , fleet rlane, cons to life and health and a public nuisance, and the Burl has iniz i:lk~•n and tiled ritrroo', its records the reports r,f the Sanitary Superintendmi aril Lhr' Tn-pett~,r< ml:irrurz t}lezetn. and what it regards as sufficient proof to authorize its d ehrati- n that the nr^lni;cc and business Pursuit in this case are in cnnrliti, in and i-ITr-rf rl:ut~*cr.iisc to life rMirl health and a public Ouisuilfcr, the Bmird hierel v mires in its records the said ore'' iscc as a nui.:mcc, and rlcclares the same to he a fotLlic unisanrc dangerous to life and health, and in respect thereto rulers, viz.:

That the use of the burlier shop. in it oreccm t„mhition. Ise rli~mntinue.l, Whereas, The premises No. 23 Slihni,ir avrnito, llaci ,utII of Br,oakiyo.

in The City of New York, an l the hu in,; Purr-nit cnrrili d in this case leuae in ills opinion of the Board in n condi, i-m :nlrl +-n (-flirt d•too,nns Io, life ;Intl health and a lrtthiMic nnisancc, and the P ,aril huts inc 1 it:cn and fi!,'rl ;ioln- it, records the report ,, of the• Snoilrry Snperiut~ nrlcnt and 1hr• in -loci' 15 '•qntiurur t'hcr^Ie. and what it rc'gruirrMs as snficicnt orn, ,f to :colle1rize its rl l rr.i i n that the nr hr`s' and business Itnr-nit in this ri:r• :it in ' nr liti„n :tutu l t•ffr•rt r'an rr , 's I' life :mil health and a public ooisan'v. iii Pn;rrrl lca'Mst• r'intent in its wr„atc the suit! ore"'-isec :tc a iirri.arlcc' i and declares the gauAe t~, he ;t public rnirisamv dangerous to life and health, and in respect thereto orders, %iz.:

That the rust of the h;trLcr shop, in its ;,resent cnnclitI m. 1 uli.c"irtintri l.

llcports in .\pplication., for I'crntit<. On motion, it was ticsnh•cd. 'That permit. Lc and are hereby granted ct; 611--%%•:

BOROUGH OF \l:\Nl1.1'1't's\N.

'Teresa 1. irli, tr, Lmvrd oirue child it No,. lt5 iii . hut' <trcr t. \Iarg:trct ,\IcCiM,.ne. to board „ii' child at N. 731 'tenth ;(venue. firs. Botts, in lr,ar l nnc child :it N. 424 East Tenth street. \Irs. l'. Brooks, to board ins cfdldf :iI No. 3(N, 1{:rat '''warty-fifth street. \Irs. \Iat t is \Inv,rc. to hart one child it \". 354 \\•c;t Dort) third street. Kate Nicholson, to IN-arl roil(- child nil N. 521 \\•c,t Forty-eighth street. \Irs. C. Farrell, to hoard rnlc child ;;t N. 5U's \\•t.:1 lift' hfiln street. \Mrs. Galin, to hoard one child at No,. 4115 1y:n-t'ixIufl street. Katie Kellv, to board nnc child at Nu. ,325 list 't'stuticth treet. Mollie 7.inn, In hnntrd ollc child at \n. 4411 I•:;t•t Sev art\ fifth street. Mrs. Bertha I)riscoll. to board one chill at Ni. 313 Haet Sevennv-eighth street. Brunette \lathhirk, to beard rinn' child at Nn. 3'i East Eighty-sixth street. Rohiaa :\stirs, to hoard one child at Ni. 162 I{:ra On:• Ilundred and Fourth

street. Rosa llifsliriu, to hn:rnl one child ;it Nn, 334 F.a>t One hundred and Thir-

teenth street. Mary fanlicko, to board one child ❑ I Nos. 336 and 338 Fast One Hundred and

Puwt('cntIi street. Sera Iina Piet rut fc,a, to board one child at \•,. 421) East One IIttndred and

Seventeenth street. Kate (avannrgln. to honirrl two children ;if N. 1491 first avenue. ,\nn;t Oplicuhcinlcr, io burnt tits, children it Ni. 1(121) first avcnuc. Mary Itowntan. to b„:rrd !scut children at N. 'tat i West •thirty--seventh street. Marc I.t•nns, to hoard two children nit Ni. 420 \Vca Fifty-fourth street. Mars' King, to board Iwo children ;it Ni. lS,ti [•:a,t Eightieth street. Mrs. Sophia Nan, to ha,srwl two ehihvb,•o at Nn. 233 Fast Hight)--fifth street. Bertha Selke, to bo rr ! two children at No. 2i \Vest Onc Ilnudred and Twelfth

street. Jennie Acconcia, to board two children at No. 3(>(1 East One Hundred and

Sixteenth street. Lena Scip. to hoard two children at Nn. 124 Fast One I hundred and Seven-

teenth street. Mrs. Kate Gocdwin, to board two chilrlr:•n at No. 433 F.:tst One Hundred and

'twenty-first street. Louise Gordon, to board two children at Nn, 117 West One Ihundred and

Thirty-fourth street. Katherine Iieed)v, to rh three children :it No. 320 Fast One I Lund red and

Twcnty-sixth street. Jrevin 1I. Niakis, to n7annf:trIurc carlinrtlrrl waters at No. (,89 Ninth :rvenue. Ilermann Steffers, to m:mo fret tire eIrhenatrrl writers at N,,. 857 Ninth ;avenue. l)orIglas Robinson & Chas. S. Prawn ('Crncpw, to stable fifteen horses in a

cellar at Ni,. 296 Elizabeth street. Mierhot Frankel, to keep and sfmghlit pnuIti)• ;it N. 41)9 Fast 'Third street. Morris Epstein, to keep and slaughter p„ul: ry at V,,. 618 West Thirty-ninth

street. James O'Beirne, to stable sixteen horses in cellar at Nils. 240 and 242 East

Twentieth street.

BOROUGtt nr 'rll1: BRONX.

Marie Romer,' to board one child at No. 2428 Arthur avenue. Angela Virtii11in. to board one child at Nn. 2524 1`trk avenue. Annunciata 1)i Vain Iii, to hoard one child at No. 2524 Park avenue. Anna 1)i Cosine, to board one child at No. 2524 Park avenue. Mary Killeen, to hoard one child at No. 295 East One 1 hundred and Thirty-

fourth street. Marie Longa, to board one child at No. 746 East Two Hundred and Fifteenth

street. Teresa Tirello, to board one child at No. 7401 East Two Hundred and Fifteenth

street. Rosa Maura, to board two children at No. 3531 Barnes avenue. Annie •Lawlor, to board two children at No. 143 Brook avenue. Mrs. Mary Engel, to board two children at No. 3023 Third avenue, Gussie Folls, to board two children at No. 383 East One Hundred and Thirty-

fourth street.

37383. Rosic Maire, to board two children at No. 303 East One Ilundred and Thirty-fifth street.

37384. Ottilia Mattes, to board two children at No. 406'East One Hundred and Fifty - second street.

37385. Lena Hachtel, to board three children at No. 3054 Third avenue. 37386. Alice 1)e Brauwcre, to board three children at No. 414 East One hundred and

Sixty-third street. 37387. Wnt. J. Kelly, to dump ashes, garbage and household refuse at foot Valentine

lane and Westchester 'Meadows, Westchester. 37388. James Nuzzolo, to keep twenty chickens at Nos. 2386 and 2388 Belmont avenue. 37389. Edward B. Teichman, to keep thirty chickens at No. 147 Morton place. 37390. John J. Tobin, to keep fifteen chicken; at N. 4446 ''ark avenue. 37391. Louis J. Edel, to keep thirty chickens at N. 326 East Two Hundred and First

street. 37392. Michael Romeo, to keep fifty chickens at No. 752 East Two Hundred and

Twenty-sixth street.

BORnt'Gtt OF BRnr)Kr.A'N.

37393. Maria Grazia Ferraiola, to l,narrl one child at \n. h 15 Bergen street. 37394. Laura R. Bacon, to hoard one rhi'd at No. 1697 Bergen street. 3739a. Mary De TnIlis. to board one child at N. IRS Classon avenue. 37396. Lillian l.vnch, to board nor child at N. 12 Charles street. 37397. Clementine 11anicn, to hoard uric child it Nn. 2069 Dean street. 37398. Caterina Fiore. to board one chilri at N. 18 Denton place (rear). 37399. Josephine Parsons, to l onrd nor chili! at No. 2113 Fr;tnklin street. 374(X). ' Maria G. Gargailo Gabriella, in brawl ore child at No. 265 Front street. 37401. .\ntonia Sanzinava, to hoard onr• child at Na 924 Liberty avenue. 37402. Rosina Scrpicn, to hoard one child nil N. 474 Park place (rear). 3741)3. Jennie :\rgento, to hoard one child at Ni 1(6 \Valwurth street. 37404. TTannah Ilnssey, to board two children :it ' ,. 419 rhtching avenue. 3740a. Margaret Pl)•nn, to board two c}lihIre'i at Nos 758 \Tdropnlitan avenue. 37406, Aortic Kasseabannt, to board 1%%,, ) children it N 129; \Tvr'lc avenue. 37407. Mrs. \fan(] Wright, to hoard twr, children at Nr). 1555 Park place. 3741'9. 'Mrs.:\nna Tell, to h ar.l in , , 'hildrin ;it Ni. 31 Rn<;ell place. 374(19. \nnic T)aniell. to hocird three children nt N". 114 hurl street. 37410. \Maria Guiliano, to hoard three chtildren at No. 1425 Sixty-sixth street. 37411. penny Stviner. In keep twenty chicken: :rt No. 1718 .AIham accnuc. 37412. Carrie \Wilson. to kent six rhirk,'hc at N. ('34 C'hamtce' street. .37413 :\nnic• Ilakmaien. to keep foe chicken, at No 923 (;1i-rm ire avclrue. 37414. Christian Kramer. to, kceli 1sturlit- chick n- n' Ni. 21.3 \L•tnnicr street. 37415. \Tr,. Ida Aievoli, to keep six chicken' it No. (411) Ness' Utrecht avenue. .3741(1. \Iarvaret Hrnrrnii-. I , , keep tIvrirIy-tit rli , ka n; al N . 9Y)`1 1?ac! Thirty--seventh

street. 37417. Tnhn C. 11nkeltr. to keep ten ritirkcn a' N . 1356 Fifti, fifth street. 374(6. Mlltt»lbcrys & (bubntein. ti keen rind sinili titer ycunlIr}v at mirth side of i)nimt

avmu('. 101) fret cast of Si nt, Mvennnc. 37407. T)incrmnn & Sookolr,if. to keep :mil 1ntrnkliter lr nitry at Nr-. Oh Flushing ave'une. 3740 Simon T.ev~•, to keep and cionChIor jniiil'rs at No, 242 I1tnrM;i,ii rveninle. 374o0. (•nhcn & Lax, tr, kicr, slid shninnt.nliltr Ir rritn ;it tcr•c; side if Jtmins street. 10(1

feet north of Pitkin avenue. 374711. East Nev York T',,nitry C'utupnIors to kec;, unrl s!;m,mhtcr pnultrt• at \ns. 1941

and 1943 Pitkin rncnnc. 37471. Goldstein K1icohm & Saeir, to k,•cn and -lniurniter haulm• at south side of

Pitkin avenue. 51) fret tt•r<t of Snediker awennIes 37472. S:,I'ir & Aaron. to keep :md •lut,eMitec M'i hiry at east side of Powell street, I(X1

feet south of cy,Ncuct corner Pon- A1 sirccl ;rn(I S iii it' r asennue. 37473. Simon Shnapir Pnrvltry G,nMlft:Inc - to kee;, and clatigliten poultry at No. 454

R)ckatit-xn 'as cone. 37474. Cohen & Lax, to korp and sl -lughtcr p,,nitrc pit ;ontlw.'st corner of Sutter and

That forth avenues. .1747a. 1 yobs Fleck. to keep and d;tnshIer netuf!rr• at No. 2110 Third avcnnc. 37463. T);tvid I einhcrg, to keep and .linl,;hter nmltn at Na. 56 Ninetccnth Street.

148. ICeow1woos, to keel, lodging hon,c (114 Lcdst, an Nos. .114 :tnd 316 Bedford avenue.

2t,r). Lnuff. Irish. to keep sixls.seVcri gist: ',It I.inw•i 1 .trcrt, near \Vnnrrun avenue. 2270. Ca'harine :1. Ryan. to kern , nc row, nil N ,. 461 Smi'li street.

37477. Nellie T innes;v. to keep eight chick'. is n! N",. 504 lb'Kallh ;lvenuc. 37475. hriutret O'Coonnor, to keep ion chickens at N. .124 `I'c•inriv'th street.

8uRnt'I;u or 0i'I?1:N

37418. \Arlie Burros, to board one child at N. Gtr Ili ntu acnitfie, \\ - intield . 37411). \lan Strafford, to hoard tw- n children a; • I hurntr- ,n ;1tcnnr. apposite Schroed-

er place. \\', ud'ide. .1742tt Mars- .. Kcarncv, to Msarvl thre' tii(hvm :tt N ,. 295 South •irect. Jamaica. 37421. ''sonic Krcppein, to keep tent I) rum; at Ni. 7 C"lninihi;i avenue, AV'infield. 3742' John Cupilltt• to kccp fifteen chickens at N. 3 I place. 1\.rrrlhavn. ,17423. Princess Clmnnii¶11, to keel, ttvn l urn 1riiM l,nc' m at nor?h tide of Garfield

:n•emcs 21111 feet West of Sec nd -IrLet. Shr ,rc \'icsv Park. 1;mfaicn. 17424. 'lMnnlas :\. Finn, to keep twenty pigeons at Ni,. (,1 IIalsev ctrcet, :\stnria. 37425. •fhiimnc Glenn, to keep iw('nI)-live chickens at N~, 74 Hiully Street, Flushing. 37426. Chas. Fitzpatrick, to keel, twrnty-frttr chicken; : it N o. 285 Jamaica avenue,

Lang I.land City. 37427. \V, n..\. Kai;cr, to keep .r teat Chickens at No. 2,113 1:nnarca avenue, Richmond

Ilill. 37428. Martin \1. Glynn, to keep twelve chickens at Ni. 1(11) Napier avenue. Chester

Park. 37429. James Lennon, to keep twenlc-five chickens at Nn, 511 Prnrnetcha avenue.

Ci orona. 37431). Mrs. Anna Franzone, to keep tell chickem at No. 212 Radde street. Long Island

City. 37431. Hugh A. Smyth, to keep fifteen chicken; at Ni. 117 Renlsen street, Long Is-

land City. 37432. Frederick Smith, to keep rive chicken: at No. 21)3 St:•inway avenue. Long

Island City. 37433, Felix Zielecke, to keep seventy-live chickens a N t i,. 211) Nineteenth street,

Flushing. 37434. James Shorten, to keep thirty-five chickens at No. 214 Nineteenth street, Flush-

37435. 'Mrs. 'Tars• Mozer, to keep twenty five chickens at N. 223 'Twenty-third street. ] hushing.

37436. Sarah Wells. to tnaintain emnip I title tart) syc t side of Sttsattan street, 120 feet north of Fulton street, JaofaiccI.

2271. tiersch Goldberg, to keep forty cues it north side of Walling street 25 feet cast of Boulevard place, (,lenrlaf.• !'ark.

2272. Jacob Meyer, to keep one cow at east side of South first street. 2(X) feet south of Tioffman avenue, Jantaica.


37437. M. A. Lantnrte, to keep one goat at No. 272 York avenue, New Brighton. Staten Island.

37438. John Carral, to keep one pig at cast side of IIuguenot road, 1,(XM) feet north of railroad, Huguenot.

37439. Frank C. Mebane, to keep fifteen n chickes at No. 196 I'ranklin avenue, New Brighton.

37440, Emenico Dscero, to keep twenty chickens at N. 138 Osgood avenue. 37441. :'Michael Nuno, to keep twelve chickens at No. 896 Post avenue. Port Rich-

mond, 37442. Margaret Andrews, to keep five chickens at N',. 361 Quinn street. Stapleton... 37443. Charles Scully, to keep ten pigeons at No. 41 Washington avenue, Cranite-

ville. 37444. William Brown, to keep eighteen chickens at No. 43 York avenue. 37445. William Brown, to keep twenty-eight pigeons at No. 43 York avenue. 37446. Ivor May. to maintain a camp (nineteen tents) at Seaside boulevard, 1.201 feet

east of Burgher avenue, and extending to tide water, South Beach.


37447. C. F. Fletcher, M. 1)., to maintain a camp (three tents) at cast side of Ross-ville avenue, 1.200 feet south of Wood Row road, Princes Bay.

37448. Peter J. Crane, to maintain a camp (eleven tents) at south side of Sc aside boulevard, 900 feet east of Burgher avenue, South Beach.

37449. }leery Rngehatisen, to maintain a camp (four tents), south side of Sea~'rlc boulevard. 1,100 feet west of Sand lane, South (teach.

37450. Godfrey 11. Carstens, to maintain a camp (twenty tents) at cast side of Woodvail avenue, 9(1) feet south of Pinlay avenue, Pleasant Plains.

37479. 11. W. Putnam, to maintain camp (one hundred and seventy tents) at sutah west corner of Lincoln avenue and Seaside boulevard. New I)nrp.

37480. A. Raynaud, Jr., to maintain camp (one hundred and eight tents) It Pop;e. Joe Island Beach. New I)orp, Staten Island.

37481. John Erickson. to maintain camp (forty-five tents) at foot of Sea View a'e hue and New Creek, South Beach.

On motion, it was Resolved. That the following permits to practice midwifery in 'I he City of New

York, be and the same are hereby granted

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. 37451. Antonia Gentile Butera, Nos. 211 and 213 Avenue A. 37452. Maria Siniscalchi. No. 130 Mulberry street.


37453. Henrietta Haffen. No. 460 Concord avenue. 37454. Gerarda Pepe, No. 217 St. Antis avenue.


37455. Esther J. Bash, No. 74 Lee avenue. 37456. Mrs. Anna Caska, No. 61 Buffalo avenue. 37457 Mrs. Anna Cole, No. Itl5 11'alt}orth street. 3745`t. Ilinda Ilclshein. No. 1722 T'itkin avenue. 37459. Jane Phillips, No. 20N Fulton street. 37460. Ettel Prince, No. 51 Cook street. 37461. Lillian Roth, No. 76 Freeman street.


37462. Emma Schubert. No. 214 Fifth avenue, Astoria. L. 1.

Report of Application for Store and Wagon Permits for the Sale an l Drlieery (,f \l ilk in 'I-he City of New fork.

On motion, it was Resolved, 'That the following permits for the sale and cic•'iver. it milk i:t 'I':rr

City of New York he and the same are hereby granted.


319. W. 1). I1. Jaeger. No. 773 Lexington avenue. 3662. Daniel Reeves, No. 985 Columbus avenue 5835 Nentickc & Nckodcn, Nn. 425 East Seventh- crnnd tnet.

1(16125. Nathan Da heff. Nn. 315 \\'1st One Uutnclrecl and Sisi:rush street. 121136. James Rogers. No. 7)7 Ninth avenue. 1235X. Samuel I riedntan. No. 311 Vast Otte l Iii nttre4 and Scomdl street.

625. Salvatore 1)c\lartino & Br titer. No. 374 I•.ighth avenue. 647. Morris Milling, No. 266 Cherry street. 971. Samuel Oliver, No. 234 Henn- street.

1109. Fisher Talmud. No. 11_' 1iast One I Inndred and Secooxl Pt reel. 1294. Silberman & Gulcken, No ..45 Lenox avenue. 1565. )Inrris Hattpt. No. 437 Fast hifth street. 1~t64. Ilarry Mark, No. 1444 Madison acenu,-. 2158. Nathan Scheib, No. 26 Lewis street. 2214. Fred Epstein, No. 51 T•:ast Onc I lnasntrcd and Second street. 2547. Jooseph Katz, No. 7 WestOnc II nod roil and Thirteenth trot. 268)(. William \Valwvn. No. 225 \\'c.t Sixty third street. 31155. Alter O Bcrasyskh. No. 407 ('berry street. 3411. Joseph :\litscri, No. 506 Fast 'Thirteenth street. 354)3. Pasquale Cavcclln, No. 326 \Vest 'I wcnty-sixth street. 33901. Natalite Cnhiolo, No. 230 Chrvstie street. 4352. Isaac Seidenberg. 342 East Eighth street. 4-413. Thomas Lennon, No. 2798 Eighth avenue. 4664. Luce AIoscn, No. 346 East One Iluntired and Fifteenth streel. 51711. A. F. Beckman & Co., No. 473 Lenox avenue. 5705. Israel Benaringer. No. 234 Fast One Ilundred and Second slrcel. 5953. Bernard 1;U]din. No. 56 Fast One Ikkindred and First street. 6066. John J. Brown, No. 2488 Seventh avenue. 6096. William J. WVoodhouse, No. 1762 Third avenue. 6126. Louisa Krunt, No. 2364 First avenue. 6395. 11elen Shitz. No. 328 Fast One Ihuuidred and First street. 6465. Pasquale Balhi & (o.. No. 315 East One hundred and I'iftcemlt street. 731)3. John Frasco, No. 409 We-.t Twenty-sixth street. 77911. Joseph Rubenstein, No. 52 Ridge street. 8413. Mendel Margulies, Nn. 76 Fast One Ilnnclred and Fifth stnct.

10221. Morris Janipel, No. 231 Fifth street. 10742. (;dalc Klenetsky, No. 355 Madison street. 11214. Joseph Polanskv, No. 27)) Eighth avenue. 1131)3. Isidor Rnsensweig, No. 176 Avenue C. 11843. Louis Goldstein, No. 349 Cherry street. 11853. Joseph Schwartz, No. 120 Braqtutxst avenue. 12059. David Schoenberg, No. 82 First street. 12270. Louis Os'ereen, No. 123 \lulhcrry street. 12279. William Liechtman, No. 1221 Lexington avenue. 12291. Abraham Katzen, No. 190 Madison street. 5218. Locust Farms Company, northwest corner of Seventy-fifth trvet anti \I:: I

avenue. 5599. Louis Lust, Nn. 1518 Madison avenue. 5607. Berman Gerber, No. 1544 Park avenue. 6449. Sarah Katz, Ni). 243 Stanton street. 6480. Nellie Murphy, No. 356 East Seventy-eighth street. 7027. James Cardino. No. 199 Mott street. 7291. Joel Euteen, No. 492 Lenox avenue. 7465. Charles Johner, No. 1470 St. Nichn,as avenue. 7792. Salvatore Lebutte, No. 227 West Nineteenth street. 7950. McDonough & Sheehan. No. 1028 Amsterdam avenue. 9874. Lena Stoltze, No. 989 Park avenue. 9890. Morris Feldman, No. 23 I'itt street. 9964. Sam Gronowitch, Nos. 127 and 129 Orchard street,

10423. Fannie Horowitz, No. 252 Monroe street. 10539. Robert Shulman, No. 1394 St. Nicholas avenue. 11469. Joseph Simon, No. 548 West Forty-fifth street. 11933. Peter Molero, No. 27 Spring street. 12066. Herman Tyroff, No. 2296 Eighth avenue. 12237. Robert W. Willis, No. 104 \'Vest One Hundred and Thirty-fourth street. 12198. Reiner & Schier, No. 32 St. Marks place. 12199. Vincenzo Scalamdo, No. 344 East One Hundred and Sixth street. 12247. Louis Rosenblum, No. 100 Second avenue. 12325. Mary Malloy, No. 557 West Thirty-seventh street.

Wagons. 4788. Joseph Israel, No. 34 Norfolk street. 4790. Isidor Kenstenbaum, No. 117 Ridge street. 4798. Frank Travers, No. 207 Bleecker street. 4799. Sarah Weinstein, No. 99 Willett street. 4785-4787. Floyd W. Hyatt, No. 131 Beach street, Yonkers N. Y, 4794. Alfred Runge, No. 117 Flover avenue, Yonkers, N. vi'. 4782. Sam Golieb, No. 419 Blake avenue, Brooklyn. 4784. Jacob Fish, Essex street and Wortman avenue, Brooklyn.

4789. Meyer Isrelovitz, Linwood street and Wortman avenue, Brooklyn. 479.3. John 1\lnller, No. 249 Sumpter street, Brooklyn. 4795-4797. Orlando R. Stevens, No. 184 Flushing at'iastc. Or klyii. 47t.3. Samuel Grossman, No. 1110 South street, Jautaica, I.. I. 4791. Dominick Luutassager, Calamus road, near Je•ffe•rsoh avennr, Winfield, L. I. 4792. Gen. 1), Matthais, No. 65 Washington street, 1~lushing. L. I.



151k`s. i':util Reichenberg, No. 3254 Third avenue. 1538. Aaron DMiarcus, No. 210 Willis avenue. l3)t(t. Adolph "l'bole, No. (i93 Fast One Vuiuidred and Sixty-first street. 1345. Abraham IsIct-, No. 530 Fast One Hundred and l ifty-sixth street. 1201. Christian Gncfert, No. 424 East One hundred and forty-ninth street. 1243. Solomon Weinstock, No. 198 Brook avenue. 1239. Mrs. Margaret O'Brien, No. 480 East One Ilwtclrcd and Eightieth street. 1235. (;nttlieb 1\'alter, No. 120 Cypress avenue. 12119. I lenry Elder, No. 3$3 !1st One hundred and Thirty-eighth street. 1031. Cornelius Inrruzen, No, 159 Lincoln avenue. 981. Adolf l.iepmann. No, 1858 Anthony avenue, 863. John ITaacke, No. 1238 (-iaventcycr avenue. 8O1. Louis Rohkohl, No. SIX) East One Hundred anti Eightieth street.

1259. Aaron Lichtenstein. No. 4006 Third avenue. 662. Albert Jtutge, No. 513 Rant One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street. 585. 1lcnre Iierm, No. 407 Fast One lInn.lrcd and Thirty-f tn-th street. 434. Ihenry Chore. No. 404 Fast One IIundred and 'I hirty-tifth street. 371. :\hrah:tni Newman. No. 547 East One Ilundred anti i"orty-sixth street. ,i4.1. Gcrno(. \\'acbter. No. 676 Fh•a (Inc Ilundred :uirl Thirty-fi tirthc street.

52 ....oust l)r:tmt, No. 47(1 East One IIeasnred and 'I'hirty-ninth street. 15x)3. Ruin \\':t~=crniaiu. No. 743 last One Hundred and Fifty-secon,l street. 1648. Louis \V. Itarnrt, No. 546 East One Hundred and Forth-second street. 171ii. Michael :\line, Nn, 578 \Vestchester avenue. ball, (;c c, 1 I. \\'cthnsicclier, No. 2057 Westchester avenue. 1851). \Tarlin L' nch, Nos. 2112 to 2120 Watson avenue. 1s7(). Raphael Ruhho, Xi, 275 T':ast One H hindred and Fifty-tint street. 2(N)2. Max Muller, No. 21128 Webster avenue. 2112. I Icnry AV'c'il, No. 1313 Brook avenue. '188. ,\hraham Stein, N o. 521 fact One Hundred and forty-liftlt street. 2461. Lnui. Naplan, No. 784 Jennings street.

24c). ltarthniti Rcvscas. No. 2157 Arthur avenue. 227t. T.eviter & Iheld, No, 165 Prank avenue. 24(7. Leopold Rosenstock, Nn. 1404 Prospect avenue. 26(11. 1'rn.t 11. lturntcister, No. 1356 \Vilkins place. 2(611. Max krcic•lsbciuutcr, No, 664 T?rtct One llivasured and 1"nrtc-ninth street. 27O'. (;rust & "Mc'sd, No, 630 fast (lute Ilnridred and 'Thirty-eighth street. :.'7711. :liargaretha 1 lonifeld, No. 613 \N'cstcb(',tcr avenue.


21)466. Ilcnre 1)n.chcr, No. 5401 Third avenue. _:h .11,5. Victor - Schorlihg, No. 4414 Fifth avenue.

11464. I 'it er Schrncdcr. N t c . 7117 I lcnry street. 211477. Jo el)h Mass, No. 381 (;corgia avenue. :1402. Lewis I lancnn, No. 2(t Brooklyn avenue. 11167. lied. Lane, No. 684 Al_yrtic avenuc.

'.1711. .\ulna Collin. No. 139 I lart street. _I!-4(x9. James Dcl'mi a. No. 54 Montrose avenue. 1't_75. C. U. Fischer. N. 51124 Fifth avenue. .?III71. Jacob lla:ts, No. 104 St. Nicholas avenue.

:liltiII. IIcnry Ruclick, No. 43 Seigel street. It4Sl. .\ tic 'ltti hours, No. 1962 Bergen street.

IT 1480. ,A troll Rosner, No. 19411 Bergen street. _.1!34". Louis :1littica, No. 98 Spencer Strect.

'1I,;-)4. 11arliu Ruin's, No. 411 1 IasntLnldt street,

21134. John I.nrscntuayr, r, Ni. ?5(1 Vinyl street.

2n,35.3. \Iicltcic Moast;niasii, N). 643 Torinier street. .0 l91. 1I man Goldfarb. N. 58 '.1lontrosc avenue. .(1507. 1lcrm:ut ki ,ter, No. 1)(5 Rngcrs avenue. 1I I; 21. 'I hnntac Peterson, No. 561 (.]inton street, IIsI(+. ("brksina I)sst'nfort.'N N. 63 1't(lcrhil avenue.

2u5(13. John I'ehersnn, No. 1314 lifly-sev('ilth street. 2i 522, William Young, No. 2O 1)nfTalo avenue'. 21152.3. Rudolph (locker, No. 469 Rogers avenue.

t(r555 I harry B)rody. No. 5420 Thirrl avenue. 211562. Joseph Tara, No. 248 Fourth avenue. 21 5(di. .\nnic Roth. \n. 244 \Vallahnut street. 21156.;. Patrick Tracy. No, 197 Johnson street. 21 St t Jacob Kunio, Nn. 172 Varet street. !Il.;53. i\hrtivun flruiunstt'ias, Nn. 289 Sarah x ga :tvennc. `();4`t. IIcrnan Gerken, No. 746 Coney I,lancl avenue. :n,;oil. Julius )"rank, Nn. 9-i4 Stutter avenue. ?( t54,. John :1lackeuirntlt, No. 95(1 l~narth avenue. _11543. '.\tax Copperntnn, No. 361 Satter avenue. _) 532. Joseph R ekinver, No. 170 Bocruiuui street. 2115.T1. I8chantiu Bergen, No. I99 Seigel street. '11520. '',Michael Kacrsock, No. 118 Seigel street. 211518. Morris BritchskI., No. 149 South hourth street. t)514. Jacob Stasher, No. 189 Stanhope street.

211512. Louis Nnrlick, No. 140 Harrison avenue. )11511. Samuel Schoenhach, No, 203 I1iInias aventie. 21136.3. :1lnses Katz, No. 519 Schenck avennc. 21)1777, Santuel Zillrntitz, No. 046 Third avenue, ?113(11. Isaac- Arker, No. 135 Anthoy street. 2i 384. Samuel I rierintau. Nn. 285 `\'cthc avenue. 211489. George Bccklcv, No. 5732 Fifth avenue. 2)149:). I lerman \lattfeld, No, 5503 'I bird avenue. vh4()7. Snfmmttn Ecffclhttlz, Nn. 303 SEittttt 'l'hird street. 211468. 1Cntma McKeon, No. 417 Prospect avenue. 211483. ('iristroc llalil, No. 1964 Atlantic avenue. ?0495. Iieuasan Mall fell, No. 569 Eleventh street. .?))487. John C)f(ermaii, No. 389 Nn trantl avenue. 211355. Annie Arnold, No, 224 Franklin street. 113511. Solomon Gatlin, No. 2801 Wythe avenue. 211357. Israel Shiaofsky, No. 191 Moore street. 21137' Max Glasner, No. 531% Myrtle avenue. 211358. David Jaffi, No. 363 Bushwick avenue. 21)389. Ilenrietta Kratt, No. 112 Logan street. 2031+8. Sanntel Feinstein, No. 57 Bremen street. 7142(1. Catherine Davies. No. 186 Eighth street. 21)395. Benjamin (':old, No. 804 Nostrand avenue. 20385. George Mchrtens, No. 2440 Pitkin avenue. 21)377. fladde Sternberg. No. 29,91 Fulton street. 21)383. Dora Levey, No. 40 Sumner avenue. 21)368. Silberman & lierligman, No. 477 Marcy avenue. 21)347. Caspar Ifoth, No. 7817 Washington avenue. 2(1424. Alfred Naviel, No. 88 San,lfnrd street. 24)429. Abraham Goldstein. No. 1(X)1 Myrtle avenue. 20434. Louis Heller, No. 258 Muastnnt avenue. 20411. Ilyman HTausman, No. 262 I laniult ii avenue. 20435. Joseph Goldstein, No. 323 Wallabnut street. 20456. Louis Snitkoff, No. 1109 Blake avenue. 20431. Curtis Kocher, No, 14 Bedford avenue. 2Q432. May Rosenchild, No. 63 Beaver street. 20441. Gustaf Nystrom, No. 131 Kingston avenue.

I Icnry Sttger, to sell milk at No. 255 \Vest Out' I lun,lr •tl tmrl Forty-futirtli street.

I'osiu• ]"cit. to sell milk it N. . 51 Lewis ~trc,t. John A. Sliarhel, to sell milk at N. 95 \\' v,pioI;,ai gytrc.t. I':utl 1' ormiskc, to sell milk at No. 1762 \la,li<„n ;moue. Joseph C:tss:uttas"o, to sell milk at .' u. 24 Clicrry trot. Mary 1•.. Iiatzenhuch, !n :ell milk at N. 2Ik', Ninth avelnne. 16,sie 1'1)piel, to sell mills :it No. 99 I:a t Fourth strret. I,r:u•I Cnhcn, to sell milk at N. 183 C'inton ;ir'et. Jacuh Frick. to sell milk at No. 57 lac!c;u n trc'1. Srhrufimt (;craci, to sell milk :,t No. 177 Chr sti, street. \Itrct' Ilarris to sell milk at \n. 138 Flilri~lgc 'tr tt. \I::r :urct Flu-, I, to L„anl one child it N,••. 433 \1', <t Sixte rtth >trcct. >I raltant I.,,lhrtt:ut, to render fah at \. .347 \l uli-ant street. Suit u Re du, t,, keep nnc utuurt at Ni. 319 feast (Inc I IunIrcil and Fourteenth

street. S;uttu kc,l:,, to keep Inc chickens at N. 319 East One IIuuudred and jour-

teen tlt street. U,ui, Ihru-kin. In use well v:al ,•r (f, :r oilier than r1i,mestic purpose,) at Nos.

79 ;mil 81 Forsyth : Ire ct. R;cl!:+ill 11', hcloc[o to render lard and fat a+ \o. 214 Fast (inc l lttndre<l attd

'I'wen'ictIi street.


1938. 1) )39. 189411. 1.941. 18942. 18913. 18944. 18945. 1894(,. 18947. 894;`

Is')49, 18)5().

1 ")51

I 895



20392, Nathan Nathanson, No. 108 Mc.=.erole strert. 19)33. Santo 'icilianr, to keep ten chickens at N o. 320 Bergen street. 20449. Frank Sala(lino, No. 212 Johnson avenue. )'.)(134. :\non Rudd, to kccp twenty pigeon.; at No. 53 Evergreen avenue. 211438. Rose Finkelstein, No. 104 Rochester avcnut•. i ?(j35. ( harles i ieman, to keep five chickens :.t No. 818 Ilancock street. 21)443. Samuel Citron, No. 1099 11 dfont avenue. 19:)3h. Le•:a Sherman. to keep thtcc chickens at No. 137 Livonia avenue. 1)4411. May Tromntler, No. 717 Fifth avenue. Ia1,3,. \1: ntagn(' J. Rawliin;nn, to kc p four chickens at No. 227 Mulford street. 20445. Louis Nuton, No. 174 \Ihlrllcton street. 1')I13 . \!arie I':isler, to keep chicken, at No. 325 Park place, Coney Island. 21)448. Ileckey (;reenherg. No. 902 Myrtle avet~nu•. 1')1139. Iwarvl Miller, to krep t;iiec chickens at No. 140 Powell street. 211452. Bessie Sperock, No. 451) \Vatkins street. 19it4O. 1.,lw;trd Ilern,!,in. t„ keep te;t chickens at No. 5720 Seventeenth avenue. 211153. Max Feingoltl, No. a6 I1<,itkins strrct. 19.!41. .\lichacl Murphy, to keel, Icn chickens at No. 180 South Portland avettur. 21145• llcnry 1liller, N. 727 Bed fi,rd avenue. 191142. j Thu linuljco, to keep live ehjcI-n., at No. 137 Sumpter street.

19;1-13. .\nnie Valinetz, to keep rght chicken; at No. 421 Eighteenth street. On motion. it was 191)-14. .\t:nie l'erares, to keep ten chickens at No. 423 Eighteenth street. lt:sulvecl, That permits be aid are hereby denied as follows: ;9[145. .\ ;t:; I.ltrlich, to keep lice chickens at No. 2927 \Ve;t Twenty-third street.

BOROUGtt OF \i.\NIIATT\N. 1911(,. N. \I,m'ianino. to keel, tell ch`ckens at No. 345 Forte-third street. No. 191147. It:,rlo!om:o Moschera, to keep ten chickens at No. 1129 Forty-fourth street.

11~t)4%. I':llen G. I.Iu I, to Ice ep ten chickens at No. 1460 Fifty-sixth street. 1 1':U4%'. ('h:u•lcs ( I. \Vest & S m;, to use smoke house at Nibs. 4913 and 4915 Third

:n coin. tll Rot a.II OF QUEENS.

19,)511. \nihnmr I'atika, to kcc!, ,-nt• cuts' it ca,: side Fresh \Icad ,w road, 21)1) feet -isntli ,f North Il it1„fe-1i1 turnpike, 1hi,hiug.

19,151. Sva la I'etn,v,ki, t:, krcp one cote it cast side Fresh \leadow roa(I, 301) feet =,nt;h of N:,rth I hmi ste:d turnpike, Flushing.

1'%115?. I"rutk Sadii-k•, tug it cl, ,,:tc coon' at wc;? .isle Presh Meadow road, 4511 feet „with ,,f North II,tnp~tct,l ttirnl,ikc, Flushing.

19153. Mantic Krcppcin. to, kc,p f atr (lick, •t! No. 7 Gohnu1ia avenue, bYinfzeld.

1';1.54. \latnie 1r.-uic.i(f, to keel, ion „c,•;e ;It N,,. 7 (whulcia avenue. 1\'infield.

19)55. \I(ratc lK(cplr, iil, t I keep nvrlr,• chic!a n; at N. 7 ('„piithit ayciai', \\'infield. I'):r5(t. J.tr 1, Magi c, to !:cclt lifts, n drekeii, at Ni. 138 Conma avenue, Corona. 191t57. (;con;gi' II. Seevnclzu(. to kritu twenty-live chickens it N,,. 35 Dennington aye-

11111.. I'„r, et Park South. ]'O: t. \lich:tcl 7. iii iaauln, to keep IWi11ty five pigeons at No. 76 Dennington avenue,

\\u oulh:ivcn. 1') l3 ). 11i;•h:,cl Z:tclun tt:n, to keep t\. my chickens at No. 76 I)enningtou avenue,

\V',uolh;vt n. 1911611. \!r>. Vinrcnt \I::tcdcru. t., kelp thirty chickens at No. 75 holly street, I lush-


19;1(:1. t1rs. K. \\ itk,ofski• to kcrp ttve\ - c ch-ckens at s,ntth side I lnutholdt boulevard, ;I) fcc: wv'st - f 1•:I•n street. I:tntaica.

19,))2, (':trl I I. 'I h:c<Ie, to keep tech,' elli.•kms it No. 321)2 Jamaica aveltnc, Richmond I hill.

19;)1.3. Jut''' Itl:. t., l u ep rich; t u r>' t:uu so c u n le' Laf:uycutc avenue, about 10)) feet 1111' Ii „f I.dsall pile., (GIcnh,tle

19:t',-l. I Icrm:m W. Kett,, r, to kec•t Uhickt•rr; :it No. 37 Lawrence street, Flushing.

1)11',5. \Ir,. .\nni, V; l.n;'n , I:, keep Cite etuiekeil: it No,. 39 Leavitt street, Flushing. 11).trih. J;,has Sci lerelh. ! , keip tiftc (hick,•n. at .nonthr:st corner Ocean and Atlantic

usO 5 \\'I'„il:atcn.

19,167. i~ , htt Schl rctlt. t, hce!, tune dock. it southe(tst corner Ocean and Atlantic ttenn.a, o(Ihu\8i.

I911`.8. \ril'ir Nic) 'tall. t.i lip f"ri t ift; it N. 244 Seventh avenue, Long -land Pitt.

)tylc. here' 1. \\ Iutlrn a I. t-, kc,•p Ii1;)v , hi

D( rken; at No. 331) Vine s•rcct, Richmond fill.

1911711. Mrs. \I:u-y (';rmull.:cu l.u'eLi I,'_p, m, at N,,. 11)3 Washington street, Jamaica.

1lOR()t'(ttL OP "Fitt: itto)NX. I

Morin I'e tlli, t„ hoard lint' child :t No. 754 Elton ; %-city. (;tiwcl:t \Iucrrn,,. t,, luuar'l une child at Nu, 237 I'.:,st ()tic Ikivmlred :ut,l i

I,ilty-first street. J,~r,•I,h 'I. I)u run, to k echo ttv,•It'c ehitke'n, at No. 1,172 I"r:tnklin avenue. \Ihcrt L. Lutttnstein, to keep cico,•cn chickens at No,. 12 \Vest 1"„r,lhani road.

4 tt. tit::nl,c, to, maintain cutup Ithrce to t,) ;it northeast corner of White fhi, av, nuc and Pelham parkway. I

BOROt'(tI[ nF iiItt)Ut.11,'i'N.

\luritz I~ric,lntan, to sell utilk at N o. 47.4 Kuou'k;av:y :ncnur. .AIinrris 1"ricv1nuan, to s,•11 milk at N. 181) 1•alwry strcct. Joissdolt \tiller, to sell milk at Ni. 645 hfka:o :n'emt.'. tiuiuuuel Stern, to sell utilk at No. 082 I lien aie t. Siiur(vel Kwsctthierg, to, sell milk at N,,. 4117 \aiu Si.•Ici :,venue. 1u:uutk Ifofinc to sell milk at No. 256 ,\as-.:ut street. .\nun Rttssu, to sell milk at No 196 1latuilto,n avenue. Israel Ch„Ifon, to sell milk at N. 78 :\trieS street. Il Ila licriin, to :ell milk at No. 131 llchrvoisc street. \ incept Cu-one, to sell milk It No. 73 Spencer street. Jncub Abrtiuiiosvitz, to sell talk at No,. '21 1'cun,\Ic:utia atcnur. I'ctria Zell, to sell milk it N,,. 941) "Ffvinih :nenoe. \'etla II,tlar, to sell milk at No. 198 let, itt(nvte. S-1i8tel Selikuff, to sell rarlk It Ni 3118 ;\L•thtuma avenue. Jaci I, Brouk, to sell milk at No. 2c3 Stockton street. Adolph Spielberg, to sell milk it No. 128 'I o,mpkins tvuuuuir. P50 I Inn-st•itz, to sell rtulk at N ,. 5`21) I)hituuit aornnc. 'I hi.,!d„rc I Ijes, to sell milk :tt Ni.. 48113 1 tfth avenue. Ilec,l lit.,.,., to sell milk at No. (,'h)q Nett' I-'irrchl :„•ante. Irail I )uun1ucek, to sell milk :u Ni. 78o 'C1,if•tl avci tie. .\nnie Gordon, to sell milk at No. 354 l.ivenia avenue. Suulnvn„uu Ivrick.stein, to sell milk at No. 3(i1) Stutter avenue. 1,aac R:1hinow•iu, to sell milk at Surf avenue, lwttvicen \Vcst ,, euui l

au(l "I treaty-third struts. (;cor);c 'l-1uug;isk, to sell mi!k at No,. '.171 I'i gers acc•ntis. JI,wlob II„dMisin, to sell Milk at No. 272 Sntithi street. (Iscar J, lm,on, to s,•II milk it N,,. 4(,13 Third ;neuine. I".rbi. Ilnrncnt:utn, to sill milk at N. ti2') Gran,l a%cnuc. Jell hv'ecv"',tret, t„ Sill nuih:lt Ni. Stilt \\u;Iiiuugtun •isuiuui'. Utiis IIir.swivz. to sell uui!I( at N. 1.195 1{a=t Nutt' \'urk avenue. l oui; \adtrnau;,,il, to sell milk at Ni. 1398 E:t;t New \'„k -1veutiti'. \Inrri, Io Jlii(', to sell milk at Ni'. 214 Srtttcr :n flue. .\ru,-tuuc Terra„ r, to sell milk at \o ,. 11') It ,cl'11114 „beet. J",cl,h I~,:rnfcicl, to sell milk it No 205 feast New' \'urk atcnuc. Satnuc! Rabinowihee to sell milk at N,,. 31') Osh)rne street. (;osh:uiu tihconinsk), t„ sill milk at No. 411; Make avenue. Jacob hi-1f•'nisus, to still milk at N,,. 797 slut l. avenue. J1„cl,h l'i>Itutan, to cell milk at `,,. 72-1 lie lfortl avenue. Ilcnrc I'rcwc?, to sill „till. at N. 503 .\1 i'tle accnuc. \lit-Imel Ue.\Iii,, iu sell milk at N.,. 289 Hudson :nrmtr. Jar„', A oli sun, t„ ;ell ntillc at N. 31; 1 ;)ruuma(e ;tonic. J_ ati; Smith, to sell milk at Ni. IIIR, Illakv avenue. ('h:,rie, 'I t inert, to sell tu:lk it \,,. 149 I ompkin; avenue. I)cn:; ('runlet•, to sell milk at N. (i)5 tii'tli :nvcnnc. I'nvl k:uthjiiu;, 1„ sell milk at No,, 2111 'I rot ac nuc. \lill,r & Kaminsky, to sell mill' at Ni. 12 I'ntnklin street. J , has Ca;:vz;t, to ;ell milk at N. 242 \ur It I"ifuji „trio t. Kuhtit & 1'mink, to sell milk at Ni. •332 1 i;tklant1 s'reet. Joseph Kalclisti'ii, to sell milk at N. 343 \I\rihc ;,cruise. S:mtue1 Brotrt:, to, sell milk ,tt N. 3(,5 O,h ,rn >trect. '!:I I )xl c(an, to sell uuik :,I Ni. 211411 I'i!kin :n eon[.

I3(njuintn Ilorowitz, to yell milk it N,-. 1,31 .\inLu\ street. Aiht„niui (;[title, to sell milk it N. 17t lI•giiltnn zuveuuie'. :\lex. I lecht, to sell milk at N. 495 Court street. Ilarrr "/.clincr, to sell milk at Ni. 6(i(, I Inatiti arcnuc. Julius ItotLuyitz, 1„ sell milk at Nu. .97 1eu.uttoi -,l ,u•erl. \licIi:uel Zelhmr, lu sell milk it Nu, 4:G) \\;iII;i uu,ut „trot. Julia mednian, to sell milk at N u. 2(1.12 Ilatlt accrue. Ilarris Virshisp. to sell milk :;t Ni. 211411 Il tlt :u'cnur. Isaac Garland, to sell milk at No. 41111 \\'alkins street, Abraham K:ttif nan, to cell milk at No. 351 Alahauna avenue. L na Stein, to sell mill,' at Nit. 23(1 llc1nt„nt avenue. Jac "h Frank, to sell milk at No. 984 Sutter avenue. Isaac Cooper, to .ell milk at N,,..339 li rnivonI street. Goldberg, Ilirsh & Winer. 1{uuruil,inn Fur Skin Dressing Goiilianyc to prepare

skins of animals at No. 12(1 13dgal- street. Max Kaplan. to prepare skin.; „f animals •,t Nos. 172 to 132 Bogart street. F.liraheth Fridner, to ht•avl „nc chi)tl :_t No. 779 (ran,l street. :\mini„ Ruin,, to htiau•1 iii' thiitl tit No. 247 12ock:ns,ty avcnne. Emily Colilcco, to hoard one child at Nisety-secon~l >Ircct and Battery place. Lena Sherman, to keep one goat at No. 137 Livuni'r avenue. 11r . I,I.i ,•\ievoli, to keep „nc goat at No. (s41(1 New I.'trecht avenue. 'I I t'u.as J Darrell, to keep one goat at No. 244 \V iii lsor place. David Leihotvitz, to manufacture carbonated water; at No. 158 Alabama aye-

ii ne. John J. Carey, to keep six chickens at No, 180 Baltic street. Charles Brown, to keep four pigeons at No. 125 Bergen street.

I8 )33. 1,"1,54.



18958, I `.95). 189o11. 1'161. 11')(_'. 18963.

18965. 18966. 1;,967. 18908. 1891' 9. 18)71). 18971. 18)72. 181)73.

18974. 1.,)75. 1;976. 18977. 18)78. I $u)7)

I Nsl1.

18981. 18982. 18)83. 1 ")..(4. 11'185. ,9,4(t.

189`7. 8988

8)911. 18991. 18992. 1 kc)'),i. 18994, I 8995. 1899,. 18997. 18'X98. 18999. 191))0. 1 9tH 'il 1'), )11 2. PU1I ,.i. 1911(14. 1911)5. IN )1 i7. 1V, IIQi. 19H1'). 1t1i)1fl. I')0l 1. 1,I2. 19013. 19)114. 191)15. 19016. 19017. 191118. 19t)19. 191130. 19.121. 1'x)22.

l9O .3. 191) 24. 191)25. 1(A 126. 191)27. 191129. 19029. 1')1)30.

19031. 19032.

iii tout•f.l1 tut 141('11\1u)N1).

19)71. I':ntl Ineu,!el, 1" ke•,1, Ili i.'xi ;, \~I. 11 \1rnittg<t:tr nail.

1'617_' ('hark , tiiu)Ic, loo I...,•I, ' , t r!ti':,t: at No ,. 41 \Vi'.huiiugtun avenue, (iranttr- ville.

(1tt mn!iun, it wts Resu icc,l. 'I'h:c tilt, f lt swing ;)cmtito Ii, practice ivi,lwvifcry in The City of New

\'„rk, lie and the saute are hcrel v denied :

Pu ito ill 11 M: THE BRONX. N,,.

1)1)731. V nc,it/;t I r, ;:t, N. 243) I1ocffn:un tit.

It: ittuill 111 t)1 1,1(1n)KLYN.

1).174. St•., To I,ia-, No ,. 411 Snntncr :tc, nn,'. (ht iis, iii m, it was 11.s lr,•<1, Iltat the 1„llnwing hermits It(- and the same arc hereby revoked:

1,'tiRut•CI[ (it" MANHATTAN.

25. Louis \hehlxtrctter, tu, sell milk ;It Ni. 374 Eighth avenue. t ,47. S. Israel, t„ sell milk at Ni. 266 ('hear street.

'%71. Ii,•~j. .\Irants. too sell inillt at N,r. 234 I k nrr .strr:•t.

118 1. \!:is SItcc( ins r, t„ sell milk at Ni,. 112 l':ast l hue I lun,lred and Second street. 1_)')4. Friwst hu;;cr, to sell milk at Nn. 545 Lenox avenue.

tat S. \l,.rris Ilatilit. to „II milk- at N. (,)19 Past Toelftli street.

l;'iu4. I burn \lurk, t ,, so ll milk at No. 1179 Si'euiuuil avenue.

?158. 11,'rris 'I'icl<. to , sill milk at No ,. 26 I.t••sis street.

r14, \t r:uF:ni I;nrsko,. to st'll tttilk at Ni. 51 I{:LSt l)nr Ilnndred and Second street.

2 547. I ,,"1'h K:ttz, to sell milk ut \\est (Inc Ilnn,!reil anti Thirtc-fifth street.

2i:8. Iriuteis \loner, t, , sell milk at Ni, 225 \\ ('St Sixt\-third street.

3411. Viiee I?„ l.:uciiu.iiui, to sell milk at N,,. 5111, East "Thirteenth street.

.15113. I hnrt itfrlf •os l mtlrtnc, t ,, sell milk at N . 32', \Vest Twenty-sixth street. 381 !0. (;ustu. l.;t 1t-1rkiurao to , sill milk at N. 23)1 ('hrestie street. 1352, Gilman Or tltcrs, t~, sell twills at \,. 342 East 1':ighth street.

1411.1 John I. ( 1'l), nncll• to sell trill; at \n. 711S laghth avenue. 517(1. .\. 1'. lteekmao & (u., to sell milk at N ,. 477 Cervix avenue.

5218. Ilarrt Nimhcuser, to sell milk at Ni,. 24)1 E;1st 1"„urth street. 559). Joint R:ttr, to sell milk at Nu. 541) IIro one' street. 5ot17. \\ tut. \lichaels, to sell milk at No. 3118 East 1{ughtli street. 57)15. 1-racl lLniariilser, to sell milk at No. 225 Fast One Ilttndred and Second

Stnet , =');3. i:crwir l (hIl tin, to sell milk at N,,. 54 Fast I Inc Ilundred and First street. (,n(do. lieiihgliii Ic„uesky, t , sell milk at Nn. 248.8 Seventh avenue. I118i,. haphacl Drenthe, II t sell milk at No. 171,2 Third avenue.

tl2ti, I:nti1 I1„hl. to sell milk at No. 2314 First tvcune. (,395. Max loin, h, sell milk at Ni. 328 East ( lt,c Ilundred and First street. (a(,5. Pasquale Itall,i & c.. to sell milk at N,,. 321) East One Hundred and Fifteenth

St net, (44'). Jacob I;lickman, to sell milk at Ni. 333 East Eighth street.

I 4 thI. start Schulman. t„ sell milk at N,,. 11)3 Past Eighth street. 71t37. Joe S, l:in, to sell milk at No. 322 Fast Eighth street. 72)1. \lever .\rum„ncitzc to sell milk at No. 362 East Eighth street. 73133. \'it() Salvatore, to sell milk at No. 4(19 \I'est Twenty-sixth street. 7405. Luis Ilausnialt, to sell milk at N. 168 East Fourth street. 771)1). Joseph huhcnstcin, to sell milk at No. 55 Ridge street. 7792. Jacoh Schwartz., to sell milk at No. 647 Fast Ninth street. 79511, \Villiaut Sachs, to sell milk at No. 1(14 East Fourth street. 8413. Mendel Margulies, to sell milk at No. 71 Cannon street. 8.874. Ledner Brothers, to sell milk at No. 51 East Ninth street. 889)1. l'b,f•ert Hcinel, to sell milk at No. 230 last Fourth street. 15:64. Max I)ustenfeld, to sell milk at No. 172 East Fourth street.

111221. \Vut. Prigge. to sell milk at No. 231 Fifth street. 11423. Ike Friedman, to sell milk at No. 715 East Ninth street. 111539. Frank Mchr, to sell milk at No. 109 East Eighth street. 111742. l.,wis Cohen. to sell milk at No. 355 Madison street. 11 214. Schuster & Bach, to sell milk at No. 270 Eighth avenue. I131)3. Ilarris Greenwald, to sell milk at No. 176 Avenue C. 11469, Gorson Kamen, to sell milk at No. 315 East Ninth street. 11843. Louis Goldstein, to sell milk at No. 346 Cherry street. 11853. Stegnian & Schleyer, to sell milk at No. 120 Bradhurst avenue. 11933. Tillie \Virt, to sell milk at No. 6119 Fast Ninth street. 12066. Ida Krumm, to sell milk at No. 442 East Ninth street.


12198. Simon Rosenblatt, to sell milk at No. 328 East Eighth street. 12199. Hyman Blumebfcld, to sell milk at No. 625 East Ninth street. 12237. Abraham Gruber, to sell milk at No. 417 East Ninth street. 12247. Samuel Strauss, to sell milk at No. 53 East Eighth street. 12270. Ranofsky Brothers, to sell milk at No. 123 Mulberry street. 12279. Joseph Licchumao, to sell milk at No. 1221 Lexington avenue. 12291. Ike Golding, to sell milk at No. 190 Madison street. 12325. 1lerntau Smith, to sell milk at No. 128 East Eighth street. 8876. Moses Shen, to sell milk at No. 47 Lewis street. 9400. Jacob Solowekhick, to sell milk at No. 18 Bayard street 1853. Sate Zuoruajian, to sell milk at No. 562 Tenth avenue. 871. \\ in. Cervenka, to sell milk at No. 517 Tenth avenue.

5163. .Abe Stadtnwre, to sell milk at No. 88 Hester street. 5310. Abe Ucutsch, to sell milk at No. 104 Forsyth street.

10098. Max \\ idler, to sell milk at No. 1719 Madison avenue. 10479. Il:ws Ilausen, to sell milk at No. 342 Second avenue. 122b4. .\be Fetter, to sell milk at No. 39 Attorney street. 1892. Samuel Reich, to sell milk at No. 206 East Sixth street. 2379. \\*nt. Mahler, to sell milk at No. 269 Elizabeth street.

15853. \1 nt. V. Russ, to sell birds and small animals at No. 28 Vesey street 30700. Mabel McGrath, to board children at No. 103 Amsterdam avenue. 35694. Margaret Dunn, to board children at No. 427 East Sixty-ninth street. 28584. Annie Smith, to board children at No. 304 East Seventy-first street. 30254. Airs. Garvey, to board children at No. 331 East Seventy-first street. 29060. Marie Slavik, to board children at No. 339 East Seventy-seventh street. 33599. Katie Capra, to board children at No. 311 1,ast One Hundred and Eleventh

street 34630. Mrs. \\'tn I leuschele, to board children at No. 2798 Eighth avenue. 31%61. Adele Rauser, to board children at No. 137 First avenue. 31762. \fat;garct Mastraugelo, to board children at No. 149 First avenue. 35087. I'atsstina Vann, to board chihlren at No. 1118 First avenue. 2845(1. Kate Reynolds. to board children at No. 922 Ninth avenue. 31788. Gertrude Bauke, to board children at No. 1630 Second avenue. 28577. \Irs. 1). Ilassett, to board children at No. 403 Tenth avenue. 25230. Mrs. Reilly, to hoard children at No. 406 West Fifteenth street. 31298. Katie Rricliling, to board children at No. 455 \Vest Sixteenth street. 26775. Marc Ihv rues. to board children at No. 433 \\ -est Thirty-third street. 30950. liri,l ct Ward, to board children at No. 318 West Forty-ninth street. 29259. Adelaide Boyd, to hi art[ children at No. 372 West Forty-ninth street. 3119.3. .Annie t';tinter, to board children at No. 445 West forty-ninth street. 28438. Christina Rupl,. to board children at No. 445 West Forty-ninth street. .30577. Katie 12cri:tlt, t board children at No. 445 West Forty-ninth street. 313(1_. \Iaigaret C otter, to board children at No. 503 West Fifty-ninth street. 3130.3. Alary A':tu 1,Alivid, to board children at No. 145 West Sixtieth street. 31194. AIary I t t v, to hoard chil:lren at No. 177 \ est Sixty'-fourth street. .31987. l liltla Scott, to I oard children at No. 303 West One IIun,lrcd and I`urty-sixth

street. 325t,7. Mrs. ]Frederick T. L.'hiig, tai lard children at No. 287 \ est One hundred and

Forty- 'eventIi ,ircut. 31999. I:tta Strauss. to 1 card rhildrrn at No. 31)1 West One Hundred and Fifty-sec-

ond street. 33993. Nellie Lynch, to board children at No. 263 West One 11'undred and Fifty-third

street. 28.543. 1'nited Incul,ator C'impany. to keep fancy' poultry and small animals for sale

at Nos. 26 and 28 \-cs,v street. 191811 ( has. \\'ei<I ticker• to stable horses in cellar at No. 303 West One I kindred

and Nineteenth street.

lit ItOL'llt iit---- - II t 111t(.)NX.

15O). Jinni ltottjer• to sell milk at Nu. 3254 Third avenue. 1538. Ci. 11, 'rst, to sell milk at No. 126.3 Al esteliwter avenue. 138(1. :Adolph 'Thole, to sell milk at No. 875 East One Ilundreoi and Sixty-first

street. 1261. Christian Goctfcrt, to sell milk at No. 675 East One hundred and forty-ninth

street. 1243. 1-rc,lcrick J. Prase]), to sell milk at No. 851 East One Hundred and Sixty-third

street. 1239. liC111 to .'1. C:tmpscn, to sell milk at No. 145 Alexander avenue. 1235. I;uttlielp \\ alter, to sell milk at No. 120 Trinityavenue'. 1031. 11. Y. Nirloo].o8, to sell niiik at No. 159 Lincoln avenue. 981. llcnr_v N,r,lcn, to sell milk at No. 1858 .- nthony avenue. 8o3. John 1Iaackc, to sell milk at :\ yen tie L', between Thirtecnth and 1 ourteenth

St reels, I,,'niunpurt, 801. Linos R ohkuh)l, to ell milk at No. 1054 East One hundred and Eightieth

street. 1239. A. Lichtenstein, to sell milk at No. 4004 Third avenue. 662. :Albert Junge, to .,ell milk at No. 793 l':ast One Hundred and Thirty-eighth

street. 585. l':rn,est Jung, to sell milk at No. 663 1{:tst (inc Hundred and Thirty-fourth

stre t. 434. henry ( ion, to sell milk at No. 664 East One Hundred and 'Thirty-fifth

street. 371. Meyer t lapper, to sell milk at No. 827 East One Ifundred and Forty-sixth

street. 344. George \Vac;tter, to sell milk at No. 956 East One hundred and Thirty-fourth

street. 52. August Braun, to sell milk at No. 728 East One hundred and Thirty-ninth

street. 1593. 1 ie:ntan 1 lcrtzberg, to sell milk at No. 743 East One hundred and Fifty-second

street. 1648. Louis W. Barnett, to sell milk at No. 810 East One hundred and Forty-second

street. 1718. \liclaid .\1Lns, to sell milk at No. 805 Westchester avenue. 1840. (iii . I1. \t Qhiisiec0w, to sell ti)ilk at Westchester avenue, between Avenues

I) and I,. l'tiiunport. 1859. Mr. Carri,• Prior, to sell milk at Ni. 545 Brook avenue. 1879. Robert Kolli(,. I,. sell milk it Ni,, 2382 Jerome avenue. 2002. l'lmtl C;enleh, to sill milk at No. 2028 Webster avenue. 2112. Mary \\'ehner, to sell milk at Nr, 1.113 Brook avenue, 2188. A1,rahant Stein, to ell milk at No. 807 East One hundred and Forty fifth

street. 2461. Jacob Tinkr'lbraol, to sell milk at No. 784 Jennings street. 2249. Lazarus Kamen, to sell milk at No. 2157 Arthur avenue. 2276. Louis Csermak, to sell milk at No. 3322 Third avenue. 2467. Joseph Abrahams, to sell milk at No. 1404 Prospect avenue. 2601. Jos. F. Engelke, to sell milk at No. 926 East One Hundred and Sixty-seventh

street. 2660. Karl Krumm, to sell milk at No. 664 East One Hundred and Forty-ninth

street. 2708. James 1 Horowitz, to sell milk at No. 630 East One Hundred and Thirty-eighth

street. 2770. Raffello Diagone, to sell milk at No. 259 East One Hundred and Fifty-first

str(et. 691. Louis Becker, to sell milk at No. 893 Morris avenue. 795. George A. llcpp, to sell milk at No. 147 Willis avenue.

1179. Adolph Knoedel, to sell milk at No, 131 St. Anus avenue. 1276. Fred Ernst, to sell milk at No. 610 Robbins avenue. 1795. Amelia Backe. to sell milk at No. 553 Morris avenue. 2066. Charles Stiegler, to sell milk at No. 925 Union avenue. 2126. John 1)zekas, to sell milk at No. 695 Morris avenue. 2372. Amodio 1)iToro, to sell milk at No. 633 Morris avenue. 2565. Richard Meyer, to sell milk at No. 145 St. Anus avenue. 2627. Karl Gutscher, to sell milk at No. 630 Morris avenue. 2769. Mahler Bros., to sell milk at No. 652 Morris avenue.


2814. John Fusco, to sell milk at No. 691 Morris avenue. 2823. Robert C. Schlegel, to sell milk at No. 384 East One Hundred and Sixty-first

street. 2506. Solomon Oppenheimer, to sell milk at No. 911 Prospect avenue. 2734. Michael Bohnet, to sell milk at N,,. 131) Robbins avenue.

36620. Arkin Sinning, to keep fifteen chickens at No. 3412 Park aventte.

liURuCt:It OF 1tltuoKI.YN. 16055. Schnackcuberg & Bruttler, to sell milk at No. 707 Henry street. 19353. Jacob Specter, to soil milk at No. 381 Georgia avenue. 13262. 11erntan freers, to sell tuilk :tt \u. 104 St. Nicholas avenue. 7681. Sophie llruggncr, to sell milk :u No. (xliy Myrtle avenue.

17905. lsidor Oudelmau, to sell milk at No. 112 Sutter avenue. 16707. henry Ruck, to sell milk at No. 1692 Bergen street. 34191. Win. A. Gran, to kelp chickens at No. 92 Ilemmlock street. 32908. Adolf Fischer, to keep ten pigeons at No. 81 Mcscrole street. 13900. Mrs. A. Keller, to keel) six chickens at Nn. 231 Adclphi street

I:OtOtJGt). Oi. OUEFNS. 13573. Clark F. Smith. to keel) pigs at No. 275 (Fourth avenue, Long Island City. 21616. ;tlrs. Anuic Evans, to keep pigs at No. 11 Laurel Ilill avenue, Long Island

City. 21618. Mrs. Lucy Lacher, to keep pigs at Nu. 12 Laurel llill avenue, Long Island

City. 21617. Mrs. Fred Kull), to keel, pigs at Nu. 253 Locust street, Long Island City. 21615. Mrs. Winifred 1"oy, to keep pigs ::t No, 258 Locust street, Lung Island City. 14346. \1'm. Lowieki, to keep pigs at \l triun street• near 1'ayntar avenue, Long Island

City. 14985. Frank Ardino, to keel) f,igs at' No. 48 Sherman street, Long Island City. I1911. Jusel,h Troidl, to keep pigs at No. 438 Van 1.3twen street, Long Island City. 14208. Kate Marion, to keep l,tg, at Van .\l:t avenue, between 1'ayntar and Marion

streets, Long Island City. 11813. Autuni \lajewski, to keel, pigs at Marion street, near Pontine street, Long

Island City. 27221. Michacl Zachtu:unt, to keep pigcuns at No. 76 llcnniugtun avenue, Wood-

haven. 30919. Geo. N. Brecht, Jr., to kctp pigeons at Nu. 47 Bowery flay road. Astoria. 21908. henry Ost, to keel) pigeon,, at Ni,. (,15 I1ro:ilw;)y, lung Island City. 26425. Veionica Gaughran, to keep pigeons at No. 911 :Albert street, Long Island

City. 30678. Edward Powers, to kc(p pi;;c, us at No. 141 Crescent street, Long Island

City. 26513. I'.ruest ldrn, to keep pigeon.; at No. 518 L'lrecker street, Ridgewood Heights. 12601. Antonio Ilellettc, to keep fowl at No. (p35 lir,iadtsay, Long Island City. 10723. Mrs. Cooney, to keep fowl at Archer place, Jamaica. 20531. \\ . 1-. I )avi pl, to kci 1, f u\cl at north side ;".t ktntic avcnitc, Union place. 11016. Nelson Dow, to keep fowl it Atlantic atrnui, between Cedar and Grove streets,

Richmond I fill. 1103.3. Ji,cph J. lux, to keep f nt'1 at :Archer l,laec, near 1 ultuu street, Jamaica. 15O69. \Irs. Jos. Gutting,, to keep fowl at N. 622 1lroatlttay, Lung Island City. 112211. Bridget Ilartnon, to keep fowl :tt Nu. 17 .\rchcr pl;tcc, Jamaica. 12232. Joseph Ilenniker, to keel) fo',vl at No. 681 Blackwell street, Long Island

City. 15656. l"red. Nausel, to keep fowl at Nu. 620 Broadway, Long Island City. 12771. Theodore II tas, to keep foal at No. 344 ('more street, Evergreen. 12773. Rudolph Iloltinger, to keep fowl at No. 679 Blackwell street, Long Island

City. 12759. \\'m. Knul,lich, to keep fowl at Nu. .330 Centre street, Evergreen. 21859. Sar:,h I.e\y, to keep fowl at Atlantic avenue and Chestnut street, Richmond

Bill. 12005. henry Ost. to keep fowl at No. 590 Br ,adwav, Long Island City. 13592. Rudolph 1:. \Waldo, to keep ion l at No. 574 Blackwell street, Long Island

City. 20001. Maria \Verner, to (:cep ii,wl at No. .149 ISleccker street, Ridgewood. 27036. Michael Zachmnms, to keep cgickt8; :tt No. 76 llcuningtou avenue, Wood-

haven. 36366. 1-lyntan Silverman, to keep chicken, a: south side Atlantic avenue, third house

east of Ocean avenue, \Vttodhaven. 34770. Mrs. Frik W. Johnson, to keel, chickens at No. 70 Welling street, Long

Island City. 29165. Il,cnry Zeigler, to keel) c15icuut,s at Ni. 10 Archer place, Jamaica. 26950. Erich 1.ohmeyer, to keep chickens at No. 42 .Amber street, Brooklyn Hills. 32498. Rebecca Archer, to keel, chirkcu, at No. 112 Broadway, Long Island City. 32665. Alexander G. ]faker, to ]deep chickens at No. 114 Broadway, Long Island

City. 23857. George \Vehcnkel, to keep chicken., at No. 538 Broadway, Long Island

'City. 12246. John Sachs, to keti, chick&•):; at Ni. 663 Blackwell street, Long Island City. 26514. Jlrs. Jlary ('ulent:ut, to keel, chickens :tt Nu. 11(, L'roaclway, Long Island

City. 14563. Peter \Iinno, to keep drick(n' nt No. 023 Boulevard, Long Island City. 26361. 1\/tn. J. \las.scy, t;o keel, chickens at No. 49 Old Bowery Bay road, Long

Island City. 12595. F. C. Stiefel, to keep chickens at No. 641 Bartow street, Long Island City. 13584. Anton Schwermaun, to keep cl:ickens at No. bit IJartow street, Long Island

City. 15563. Edward Zuher, to keep chickens at Albert trcet, Long Island City. 29373. Eugene F. ('ouney, to h clnckens at north side Atlantic avenue, between

El lin and Chestnut streets, Ricliiwml Hill. 12575. Charles Ross. to keep rhickcns at Nledrkdr street, between Woodward and

Fairview avenues, Ridgewood IIeights. 12603. Carl \V. Rausch, to keep chickens at Bleccker street, between Woodward and

Fairview avenues, Ridgewood Ileig])1s. 12755. Stephen \lu(era. to keel) chickens :it Nu. 331 Centre street, near Wyckoff

avenue, Evergreen. 23388. Rose 1)cutpscy, to ke,p chickens at No. 13 Academy street, Long Island City. 29(108. Hugh Cogan, to keep chickens ;tt Nu. 154 Crescent street, Long Island City. 30234. Mrs. Alex. Milk r, to kcvp chickens at No. 138 Crescent street, Long Island

City. 29541. Jos. K. Reed, to keep chicken; at No 275 Academy street, Long Island City 21906. E. S. McClure, to keep fowl at Atlantic and Lefferts avenues, Morris Park.

Reports on Applications for Relief from Orders. On motion, it was Resolved, That the following orders be extended, modified or rescinded, as


11927. No. 26 East Twenty-eighth street; extended until May 29, 1909. Ito ROU(II ttF RICHMOND.

352. No. 294 St. Paull avenue; extended until June 27, 1909. 470. No. 14 Henry street, Stapleton, Staten Island; extended until July 5, 1909. 471. No. 16 Henry street, Stapleton, Staten Island; extended until July 5, 1909. 472. No. 18 Henry street, Stapleton, Staten Island; extended until July 5, 1909.

On motion, it was Resolved, That the following applications for relief from orders be and are

hereby denied ItOROUGlt OF MANHATTAN.

13384. No. 47 Hubert street and No. 242 West street. 13444. Nos 80 and 82 William street.

BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. 7713. Nos. 1822 and 1824 Nostrand avenue. 8465. No. 1836 Pacific street.

11449. Nos. 238 to 242 gkillman street.


BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. First—Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work

performed in the Borough of Manhattan. Ordered on file.

Division of General Sanitary Inspections. Second—Weekly reports of the Chief Inspector. (a) Weekly report of work performed by Sanitary Police. Ordered on file. (b) Report of viola inns of section 63 of the Sanitary Code. The Secretary was directed to no 'Ii fy the persons mated in saitl report that a

repetition of the offense will be sufficient cause for the revocation of their permits.

Division of Food Inspection. Third—Weekly report of the Supervising Inspector of Food. Ordered in file

Division of Contagious Diseases.

Fourth—\Veckly reports of the Chief Inspector. (a) Monthly reports of charitable institutions. (b) Reports of inspections of discharged patients from \V Willard I 'ark er. Re

ception and Riverside hospitals. Ordered on file.

Division of Child Iiygicne. Fifth—Weekly report of time Chief Inspector. Ordered on file.

Division of Comiiutiicabie Diseases. Sixth—Weekly report of Chief Inspector. Ordered on file.

Division of Laboratories. Seventh—\Verk1•, report of the Patholo-;i<t and Directors of the (alt, mic tl. Re-

search and Vaccine laboratories. Ordered oil file.


lit' BRI)OKI.\ - N.

Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent ut the tcirk formed in the Borough of Brooklyn. Ordered on file.

Cut lt'r;ll OF rit'Kt:\S.

Weekly reports from the Assi.uiit Sanitary tiuperiitendent of the work per-formed in the Borough of Queens. Ordu'c+l on file.

1,'URU('r It t,t Itil u,\il'Nlz.

Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work per-formed in the Borough of Richmond. Ordered on file.

Bureau of Records. The following communications were received from the Registrar ui Records: Weekly report. Ordered on file.

Reports oil ApplicalS u, to ken ii' d Corrected Ccrtiue.ates, On motion, it was Resolved, That perm(>,iurt Ise and is herchy given to record corrected certificates

relating to : Pietro Tantbini, born August 27, 1894. Frank I3leecker, born l~cbruary 17, 1895. Angelo Buialdi, born December 10, 1897. l_cs%ic Gabriluvitz, born May 7, 1903. Adolph J. Paul, born ( met ii:r 21, 1903. (;iustu Luiso, born July 27, 1904. (;uiseppi Amato, born September 12. 1904. (;iusto Francesca, born January 6, 1906. Nathan ItnksbauIn, burn Oct Obcr 25, 1906. Elsa Neitmai, born January 1, 1908. 1{(lward Larkin, married November 25.

1909. kallacle \lucciOli, died I)ctuher 2(r, 1892. Bernard Smith, died July 7, 1902. Moslia Kravitz, died September 19, 1906. Elizabeth Smith, died April 25, 1907. Gertrude E. Smith, died April 24, 1907.

Reports oil :\pplicati„its to File Dclaye, l and iieperfed Certificates. On motion, it was Rcsutteel. That the It gi tr:nr if Records I,.• ❑ n,l i., hertt,v directed to file itt tltc

Volume of "I)clayed an,l ImIe rfcci '.'ertiIicatc,'' IIir Iellosvim; ccetiiYeatcs' Elsie 1tieller, born March 15, 1901. , lichen \iorris, burn August 1, 191)3. Marie Hichler, horn \lay 17, 1903. Annie f', Lviir, linen I)eccntbcr ltl, 1593. 1\'illiam 1'aarcn, burn Julie 13, 19(1,3. \I ,rri; Il:r,kin, i rn Jcuustry .3(1. 10111,. Accur.iu Itellonio . born October 15, 1901. \Erotic R,Jl u. barn I let burr 28, 1'1,13. Sulic Itergama. b„ra l'ch,imi:n'c 7, I')03. \\ :soda C. )ZntIcu.,t,irs• Io'ru \tat• .31, 191)1. Samuel Betthcit, horn Novemhcr 17, 1904. I.1ihu Selulc ., I, , rim \Larch (,, t9(13. Morris Brodkin, burn April 25, 1903. 1'iii' tipit_li'r, Iwrn Jimmie 9, 19(13. Mary A. Clifford, born November 6, 1903. Lillie \\ riner, hs rim \I:ry 8, 1)113. Fred Cotten, born April 15, 1903. t•ac anut I I. I.c5'l'ae•, I,: , iii .\uguit 17, 19113. Solomon I)iatnond, born May 24. 1903. \I.ihk 1 I:. I I arieu1g,, I rn I )rt, h, r 5, 19135. Boris Feldman, burn May 8, 191)3. I)aci,l Ru,. Ift, Ii rim .\h iv I5, 19113. Ahraham Finkel, born November 15, 1902. \\ i(lhint If. 1 I:r, kit. , barn August 1, Arthur 1” ried, burn May 2t1, 1903. 191)7. Agmsc Ghirardella, burn May 17, 1904. .\n lrc,v \V. ( )1> ii, I, rim Jannary 2, 1903. Yvonne (ueefttn lilt , born May 31, 19115. Lillian V. (t!s,,n, l, sra June 17, 191)11. Cornelius 1). 1larra, born May 13, 1903. Alma U. I(. ( )lu ii. br i m Ocg,lcr 2, 1898. Margaret A. Ilosking, born December 17, Sa rah Schot.', Igsrn Jomtarti- 4, 1')04.

1902. tsmcfs' (1csimces 1, .rim ,N,ocnrbcr 21. 1903. Katie Jacobs, born March 8, 1903. 1 din I I. \ , , b.,rn \L•t, 23, 1')i).3. Philip L. Jacobson, born May 16. 1903. Julia (;r!ata;ntt'ska, 1wrn Jtily 4. 1!11)4 Ester Krasney, born November 9. 1903. \Inr a Vinci, !,,,rim April 25, 191ki. \1argaret Loures, born Septenther 24, 19O3. Ru Iu:u rml \\ . I 'nlrher. Lure July 23, 191$), \M1'illi:un \lcl;cth, born November 1, 1904 Edward ('. hatcher, b ,rn )1:1) 24, 19()2. (tarry AcCe1agh, born May 2, 1902. Alutrnso 0('Iue:t, b.,aa April 11), 1906. Josephine \iagee, born January 23. 1904. 1 1enent ferimt;lit :i, h rim I)ctohier 1(1, Antonie•tta Aiaodracc)uia, born February 1903.

15, 1900. licnj. lie uteitz, Born November 16, 1903. Leonic Mangan. born November 1, 1902. Itosihic SchatTc r. hero \tav 13, 1903, Irving Mendelson, born March 19, 1903. Francisco Ruffino, burn February 28, 1905

Reports on Applieatiutts for Leave of Absence.

On motion, it was Resolved, That leave of absence he and is hereby granted as fullu,ws Borough of 1lanhatIan—John II,'nip, \l ay 1(1 to 11:ry 12. 199!)9; Albert \IcNeil.

May 11 to May 14. 19(9; (Mary Campbell, May 3 to May 11. 191)'); Sarah I Iunt. May 5 to May 16. 19(19; 'Minnie Pickett. May 14 to May 23, 19(1!): Margaret C,mnell. April 5 to April 8, 19119; Idizalrcth M. Me(,rath. M:mv 21. 191)'); Max L. Stein, May 22 to May 25, 1909; S. 1V. McAnenv. \lay 2(1, 1909; Mary W. It„ylc. \l:ty 25. 19,'): Katherine V. Dyer, May 19 to May 25, 1909; Louis Cohen, May 24. 1919; W. II. \'nn Gcisdurff, May 20, 1909; Frances L. Reilly. 1\I:ty 21) 19)9: Lnniee May. May 21), 1909; Elizabeth M. Gaffney, May 18 to May 22, 1909: Madeline F. M:rn,Ilcr, May 21 to May 22, 11309: Charles G. Kirchhof, N. 1)., February 15 to May 23, 1909: Willi'rm J. Keegan. '.\fay 17. 1909; Blanche E. Schofield. May 18 to May 23, 19109: Wilfred P. Byrne, M. 11., May 8 to May 17, 1909; Belle Thont:ts, Al. I)., May 1(1 io May 17, 19119; Mary C. Malloy, May 10 to May 12. 1909; William A. Phelan, May 15 to May 20, 1909.

Borough of The Bronx—Thomas F. Fagan, June 2 to June 5, 1909; Henry John-son. May 11 to May 18, 1909: Jacob Axelrad. May 18, 1909.

Borough of Brooklyn—Phoehe Angevine, May 20 to May 22. 1909; Charles B. Curran, M. D., March 29 to May 17, 1909 Elizabeth F. Catterson, May 17, 1909; John

J. Kearney, is1ay 17, 1909; Rosalie Bell, M. D., May 20, 1909; Minnie C. Kendstrom, May 22, 1909; Minnie C. Kendstrom, May 19 to May 20, 1909; John J. O'Regan, May 5 to May 11. 1909.

Borough of (,)ncens--l)r. Leo Tobias, May 18, 1909; M. Vidaver, May 1, 1909. Borough of hifhm,iHcf—l"rank Parello, May 4 to May 14, 1909; John McNamara.

May 14 to .\lay 15, 19(19. \\'itlwttt I"ty--C. 1). Kevin, 11. I)., May 1 to 31. 1909, inclusive; Samuel Gellert.

M. D., May 10, 1909. Cepics of resnlutiuns :nlupted by the Board of E.,tiwate and Apportionment

May 14, 1909, as fellows: 1. .\pprvring of the request of the Board of Ilealth for authority to employ

per,uus for the purpose of coastr'meting. impruvirtg and permanently bettering the grounds of the Tuberculosis Sanat,-riunt at Ot.isville, Orange County, N. Y., during the year 19(19, at it cost not to exceed $45,0(X).

2. Apprut ing Of the request of the Board of l lealth for authority to purchase in the ul,en market rveccs'.ary mater(:ml or services required to construct, improve and permanently hater tile. building, up on the site of the Tuberculosis Sanatorium at ()ti'Milk. Orange C+,ttnty, N. Y., and to iniprovc an.l permanently better the grounds, dorms:g the year 191$), at a is t eat t„ exceed $15.1)II1).

3. :Approvin} of the re tuc,' of the Board of Ilealth for authority to employ Is' for the lnn-pr,se of (ospertiing work ,tune in eeone•etiDn with the construction, iuipilneimic•al and ncrnn:ui:cnt bet:ermcimt :,f the buildings and the improvement and Prmmitacnt Iscttc•rment of hospital and -ether sites under the jurisdiction of the Depart-ntct:t of I Ic:tlth within the year 1) )9. at a c„st not to c::cccd $6,0I10.

4. Authorizing an issue of :59,9,)) Special Revenue ifnni, to be applied to defray-dig the accessary expenses rain(: c•,I In he incurred by the ltuard of I lcalth for the pr~'grcat'on of thin ppldie health in the payntcnl of salaries of Medical Inspectors for three ntunths brpi iii n); \Iay 25, 191)9,

The ophIieatic,n .,f ':. J. O'I'rien & L'ru. for an extension of time of sixty-seven drys in which t„ co,tap1ew, the euntniet awarded said lirrn for furnishing all the neces-sary lahe,r and material ri tuirei to install two boilers at the Kingston Avenue 11c' -pital, Iiisuau. ii of Itriukly i, was received, and. on recommendation of Westervelt & .\ttstin, architects, it was

lfi i. ]v~rl, 'I hat ill extension of time of sixty-seven days be and is hereby granted to F. J. O'I,rien & lira. f+:•r the cnntpIe•tinn of the contract awarded to them by the Board of I Ic:t))h for furni-hint; all the accessary lab , r :um} material required to install ttv+, !n+fl•:r., at tl;c Kin);,:+rrt .\.VCnlie llospital, Iloruoph of Brooklyn.

1,st ta'r'es for (neaishmu; ifv : platform express and baggage wagons and two pairs of jli.lLil sprin;'S for u?u: at 'he "muherctlwis Sanatorium at Otisvifte, N. Y., as e'hle I f , ,r in hequi:,itiun No. 1410, were received as follows: Stncicbitkcr I'ruthers Crnnp:ray ............... ............................ 617 26 I. S. Junta,+ rt s\tnntff rcturing Company ....................................6b 00 I„hn Carwithin .........................................................690 (U

OIt ltlutioll, it s'as kes, •lccd, l lint time tiff or estimate of Stunlebokcr Brothers Company, of Broadway

arnl SeveimIh avcnn u, liaeeurih .,f u1 tnhatt aim , t.. furnish tw'o platform express and Ire t Iv;c tvag„ns anti two pairs „f poli.hed ,prim(( fr use at the 'l ilerdtiosis Sana-trriutn :it Ofi.,ville, N. V., meet, as prriside,l in Requisition No. 1410, for the stmt of $l 17.?(,, Lc oast the >antc i, l,crcl,y arccpicil an l th President of this Board is re- limit Still to e:ut,e the inter for the articles contained in such estimate to be given.

'I lie Pin:mcc ('+ , nnnittce presented vv ,uchcrs for the cxpnditure of one hundred :.n:! fifty dollars ($15)>), received front the office of the Comptroller on March 4, l) $) Eerie. No. 1, i9($), check Ni. 10972), purtiaw, to the resolution of the Board Of ,Ah(iroixc ad,.pte, l July 1, 1902, au,l :ippruve<1 !o the Mayer July 15, 1902. 'I'hc same were approved and the Secretary was directed to forward then: to the Comp-troller.

( itt iltutii ,tl, it N' :ti Re'1~lc~•,I, "that the Secretary be and is hereby directed to make Requisition No. 2,

1'- 9, upon tl, (aitiur,-lier fur the suet if „ne hu:glrcul at:d fifty dollars ($150), ac- r„ont „1 1511)!), 455, .1,lutin strati"n, Kirhmuncl, l•+,ntinLCnrics, inclttdiug [tnxp(fai S, rt ice, far the pure' of cicirat in;; ally miner or incidental expenses contingent

the I)cl,artnt•nt if Iyolu!t, Brwnni to the res„luti, ,n adopted by the Board of .\i;lirm'n huh. 1, 1)11', :,n,l :rppr,c,(1 b_t tilt' iJ:l)or July 15, 1902.

.\ coa(aunk:rt(ka (ruin .\ruulcl J. It. \\ crhm(rycr relative to compensation to the :ga„nin „f t 14 t„r sl;rnt:Lg.i. ge(Isvi!tg omit of the eiutruction of all alleged rabid dog in the l: n,n) h (,f I.iclrttu,ntl Marc!t 17, ItVN), was receiscii and referred to the Secretary inn• rc!,lN.

U:t rcrunlrncnclatinn of the ,:unitary Superintendent, it was Ke. Ii &I, ')'hat scctiou 2(1 of the Sanitary Code be and the same is hereby amended

-,, a, to real as follows: Sued ,n 21). i•:.erg ,miter, lessee, keeper or manager of any tenement house, board-

ing h„use, 1, tlging huuse, Jtwi'i(ia; house or manufactory shall provide, or cause to be I,r u v idcd, f the accunttuuclatiun thereof and for the use of the tenants, boarders, I cigtr>, ,lt+cllcrs Or WIrrkers thereat, adequate privies or water closets, and the saute .hall 1 c tieOperlu' vcmmtItatcit, au shall :u all times be kept in such cleanly and svhole--I me r„nu1iti,,u its m,t to l,'' eticnxkc 'Jr dngcruw or detrimental to life or health. .\rirl ii "ticnmi. smell ur gases, front ur chon2h :toy Outlet or sewer, or through any Inch pric\ „r tt:rter el s,';, shall be allowed by ally person aforesaid to pass into such hctt.r l,r :irnt part tlmere„f. „r into any other house or building.

kc,,-INciI. 'I hat scvti„n I4)1 of the Sanitary Code be and the same is hereby ateiuded ;,, as to real as follusys:

Section 1411. In every public hospital amid .lispensary in 'lime City of New York ;Iien' shall be pr„videii and maintained a suitable room or rooms for the temporary isnlatiuin of pr"ms sttftcring from any one of Site ix,]lutvinR infectious diseases: \te:rxli's, diphtheria (er,ep). scarlet fever, snallpex, chickenpox, epidemic cholera, (yphui, fever, iot,dla 1U'oiileiim), plague and whooping cough, and such persons shall im-r»rcli:rtcIc be.• sep:era ti( fns other persons at such dispensary or hospital. It shall be itrc• duty of tlre physician or physicians, and of the officers and managers of every L„spital per tli.Ucasary, to cause a report to be immediately made to the Department of I ealth of The City of New York of every person afflicted with any one of the in-tcc;i,ti5 ili,rmcs herein specified t+ho conies to their knowledge, and to have such persons prnperly is elated frntu other persons; and shall also intnmediatcly report or cause to lie reported to the said Department the name, age (so far as can be ascer-tainc,l) :n l n"idcnre of ever, person received ur treated thereat who is afflicted with pucrperal cpticacmia or suppurative conjunctivitis, and the name of the particular disease with which the person is SO afflicted; and shall also report the name and ad-Incss „f the physician nr midwife in attendance at the tittle of the onset of the disease, which infunimtatitun it is hereby Made the duty of such hospital or dispensary to obtain arnd record among its records.

'I he applir:,tiun of Richard Webber for permit to render lard and fat at No. 214 I•::tst One I Iunclred and 'Twentieth street, Borough of Manhattan, was received, and, on recnnnncntlation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved, ')'hat the application of Richard Webber for permit to render lard and fat at No. 214 1{ast One Ilundred and Twentieth street, Borough of Manhattan, be and the same is hereby denied.

'lime application of Herbert Frankel for permit to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 408 East Third street, Borough of Manhattan, was received, and, on recommenda-tion of the Sanitan- Superintendent, it was

Resolved, ')'hat the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue a permit to Herbert Frankel to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 408 East Third street, Borough of Man-hattan.

The application of Morris Epstein for permit to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 618 West 'flirty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan, was received, and, on recommen-dation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved. 'I hat the Secretary he and is hereby directed to issue a permit to Morris Epstein to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 618 West Thirty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan.

'I-he application of I?astern Poultry Company for the approval of the site Nos. 47 to 51 Seigel street. Borough of Brooklyn, for the location of a poultry slaughter house was received, and, on recommendation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved, That the site Nos. 47 to 51 Seigel street, Borough of Brooklyn, upon which the Eastern Poultry Company propose to locate a poultry slaughter howe, be and the same is hereby approved.

tiartu1u Tribtu, died \lot- 14, 1908. George A. Juerg, uhf Jttly .31, 1911$. Jatues Reco:ra, died O cs:hscr 9, 1908. tl:ir ld .\!t lcrs n, dial \larch 19. 1909. \I:u-cel I:ctl ut, dud .\ptil 1, 19i19. I`rieda .\Ii sko%%iiz, died! April 2 191)9. 11cmuni I1eyaaorm, (Best April ,3, 1909 Jahn \ich l., died April (,, 1909. (ic+,rge 1'. C;r:ut,lin, died \I:ty It). 1919 .\hair:, I. lie ,tcri, (Lied \1a 11, 11)119. I'.li,c Schuci+l1 r, rlic• 1 ',l:tv I1. 1:9119. Isaac l i'hcr, uhitI .\L•ry 12, 1()I$), .\i:trt' :(call. ,lic"l \l ac 14, 11), K), Luis II u..,, died .\lav ](1, 1911'). I lc rbert R m...c ll, sliest NI:rt' It,, 191><) 11aty \Ic(;; nn, died \I:n 1)4, 190). Isla Ilcrschkotcitz, died April 6, 191)9.


The application of Herman Heller for the approval of the site No. 377 Van Sin-deren avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, for the location of a poultry slaughter house was taken from the table, and, on recommendation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved, That the site No. 377 Van Sinderen avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, upon which Herman Heller proposes to locate a poultry slaughter house, be and the same is hereby approved.

"1 he application of Louis Fish for permit to keep sixty-seven cows oh the premises at Linwood street, near Wortviau avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, was received, and, on recommendation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved, That the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue a permit to Louis Fish to keep sixty-seven cows on the premises at Linwood street, near Wortut:ut ave-nue, Borough of Brooklyn.

The application of Simon Slutapir Poultry Company for a permit to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 454 Rockaway avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, was received, and, on reconintendation of the Sanitary Superiutendcnt, it was

Resolved, '1 hat the Secretary- be ana .s hereby directed-to issue a permit to Simon Shnapir Poultry Company to keep and Slaughter poultry at Nu. 454 Rockaway avenue, Borough of Brooklyn.

The application of Cohen & Lax for permit to keep and slaughter poultry on the west side of Junius street, 1UU feet north of 1'itkiu avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, was received, and, on recommendation of the Slnitary Sup rintendeut, it was

Resolved, •1 hat the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue a permit to Cohen & Lax to keep and slaughter poultry oil the west side of Junius street, 1UU feet north of Pitkin avenue, Borough of Brookiyu.

'l lie application of David 1,ciubcrg for permit to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 8b Nineteenth street, Borough of 1;ruuklyn, was received, and, on recommendation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resuived, That the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue it pertuit to David Feinberg to keep and slaughter poultry at No. No .iucteenth street, Borough of Brooklyn.

The application of Cohen & Lax for permit to keep and slaughter poultry at the southwest corner of Sutter and 7 hat ford aticnucs, L'uruuglt of Brooklyn, was received, and, on recommendation of the Sanitary StIperinteudent, it was

Resolved, That the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue a permit to Cohen & Lax to keep and slaughter poultry at the southwest corner of Sutter and lhatford avenues, Borough of Brooklyn.

1 he application of the Last New 'lurk Poultry Cuutp:uty for permit to keep and slaughter poultry at Nos. 1541 and 1943 I'itkin avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, was re-ceived, and, on recommendation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved. 7 hat the Secretary be and i hereby directed to i'sue a permit to East New York Poultry Cutupany, to keep and slaughter poultry at Nos. 1941 and 1943 l'itkin avenue, Borough of Brooklyn.

'I he application of Sapir and Aaron for a permit to keep and slaughter poultry at the premises on the cast side of Powell street, 11 tJ feet south of suutbcast corner of Powell street and Suttcr avenue, Borough of Bruokl)n, was received, and oil recumntendation of the Sanitary Superiutcndemit, it was

Resolved, I hat the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue a permit to Sapir & Aaron to keep and slaughter poultry at the prcnli>e. on tilt cast side ut I'uwcll street, IOU feet south of southeast corner of 1'uwcll strcet and Stitter a%ettue, Borough of Brooklyn.

The application of Simon Levy for it permit to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 242 Hudson avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, was received, amid on rccouunemidatioim of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved, That the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue it permit to Simon Levy to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 2.12 1ludsuu avenue, Borough of Brooklyn.

The a))plieation of 1)imicrmaii & Sokoloff for it permit to keep autl ,laughter puula-y at No. 91 Flushing avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, was received, and on rccumutenda-tiun of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved, •1 hat the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue a p, rntit to 1.)inerman & Sokoloff, to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 915 Flushing avenue, Bur-uugh of Brooklyn.

The application of Blumberg & Guldstciu for a permit to keep :mid slaughter poultry at the premises on the north side of Dumont avenue, lUll feet cast of Stone avenue. Borough of Brooklyn, was received, and on recommendation of the S:utitary Super-intendent, it was

Resolved, That the Secreta be and is hereby directed to issue a permit to I;lutu- berg and Goldstein, to keep arm slaughter poultry at the premises on the north sidle of Dtiuiovt avenue, 1(X) feet cast of Stone aVicelie, U14-ougI of Itng„kl) n.

The application of Louis Fleck for a permit to keep and slaughter poultry at Nu. 2(19 Third avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, was received, and oil rcconuueudation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved, 'I That the Secretary be and is In rti,y directed to issue it permit to Louis Fleck, to keep and slaughter poultry at No. 2U9 'Third :vkuue, Borough of Brookl}n.

The application of Goldstein, Klietnau & Sapir for a permit to keep and slaughter poultry at the premises on the south side of Pitkin avcnuc. 51) feet wc,t of Snc,likcr avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, was taken from the table, and on recumumiendation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved, "1 hat the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue it permit to Goldstein, KIiemaii & Sapir, to keep and slaughter poultry at the premises on the south side of Pitkin avenue, 5O feet West of Sindiker avLlitle, Bor atglt of L'eoukl)iI. !,

The application of Louis I)eitsch for the approval of pans and 'peciMTations f a an addition to cow stable for twenty 1 2111 cows, I n the site au the soul least corner of James place and Woodward avenue, East Willi:mubttrg, Borough of Queens, was received, and on reconimendatiun of the Sanitary Suprrinti ndett, it was

Resolved, That the plans and specifications for addition to cow ,table for twenty (20) cows, on the site on the southeast corner of James place and Woodward ave-nue, East Williamsburg, Borough of Queens, sabiuittrd by Louis l)cit,ch, be amid the same are hereby approved.

The application of liersch Goldberg for a permit to keep forty (4(1) cows at the north side of Walling street. 25 feet east of Boulevard pace, Glendale Park, Bor-ough of Queens, was received, and on recommendation of the Sanitary Superintendent. it was

Resolved, That the Secretary be and is hereby directed to issue a permit to I lersch Goldberg to keep forty (4(J) cows at the north side of Walling street, 25 feet cast of Boulevard place, Glendale Park, Borough of Queens.

Reports of the preventive hydrophobia treatment sent to Dr. G. P. Norton, Pitch-burg, Mass.; Dr. L. Frothingham, Boston, Mass.; Albany hospital, Albany, N. Y. Dr. C. K. Winne, Albany, N. Y. (two cases) ; Dr. N. K. Frutnm, Albany, N. Y. ; Dr. N. J. Chandler, South Orange, N. J. ; Dr. L. B. Grier, Jilizaheth, N. J.; I)r. Foster, No. 70 Church street, .1luntclair, N. J.; Dr. F. S. Hallett, No. 241 Park street, Hackensack, N. J. ; Dr. J. C. Reinhardt, Toledo, Ohio; 1)r. William Litterer, Nashville, Tenn.; Cleveland Board of health, Cleveland, Ohio (two cases) : 1)r. Helen Knabe, Indianapolis, Ind. (two cases) ; I)r. C. E. Bigelow, Leominster, Mass. (two cases) ; Dr. 1I. Woolery, Bloomington, Ind. (two cases) ; I)r. William Litterer, Nashville, Tenn. (three cases), at a charge of $25 for each case, were received and approved and ordered on file.

On motion, it was Resolved, That owing to the pecuniary circumstances of the patient, the charge

for the preventive hydrophobia treatment given to Maxwell Hayes, at the Research Laboratory, be and the same is hereby fixed at $25.

Reports of the preventive hydrophobia treatment sent to Dr. O'Dea, Stapleton, S. I., and Dr. J. A. Devlin, New Dorp. S. I., at a charge of $3 for postage, were re-ceived and approved and ordered on file.

Reports of the commencement of the preventive hydrophobia treatment in the cases of William O'Neill, One Hundred and "1•wenty-seventh street and Eighth ave-nue, Manhattan; Clara Dunn, No. 575 Southern Boulevard, The Bronx: Dr. A. Wilson, No. 651 West One Hundred and Seventy-ninth street. The Bronx: Mrs. Wingeback, No. 1762 Eighty-fourth street, Brooklyn; M. Kavananah, Colley Island, Borough of Brooklyn; G. R. Rogan, Coney Island, Borough of Brooklyn; J. C. Rogan. Coney Island, Borough of Brooklyn; Thomas Donohue, Dongan Hills, Borough of Richmond; Mrs. L. Neuamann, Concord, S. I., were received and approved and ordered on file.

Certain applications for certificates of employment were received, and the evidence submitted as to the age of the applicants being in accordance with the requirements of

the law relating to the employment of women and children in mercantile and other es-tablishments, as amended, it was

Resolved, That the Sanitary Superintendent be and is hereby directed to cause cer-tificates of employment to be issued to the following named applicants, the applications oof whom are recorded as being in compliance with the requirements of the law relating to the employment of women and children in mercantile and other establishments:

Manhattan--\lorris Wahrsiuger, Benjamin Bergman, Abraham Czylensky, Lucile Wilson, Abraham Nathanson, Joseph Lttpatkin, Eli Lishuu(I, Isaac Zehkowltz, Joseph L. Rosenthal, Abraham Rainbow, Louis Somovitz, Pauline Graff, Sarah Altschoher, Solomon 11aranU, Jacob Kleinuut, itloische Junes, Isador Kaplin.

The L'runx-llerntan Kerbcl, Murray Berlin. Brooklyn-Isidore Kulbcr, Harry Laugsatn, Albert Shinkle, Henry Shulman, Harry

Goldman, Robert S. Allan,'lorris Ostrinsky. Queens-Edward Ihmurlicrg, James Edward Randall. Riclunond-Albert Duval. On recommendation of time Corporation Counsel, it was Resolved, That the Registrar of Records be and is hereby directed to record the

birth of the fuhluwivti named persons in it special book kept for such purpose in the Bureau ii Records of the Department of Ilealth, pursuant to the provisions of section 1241, chapter 406 of the Laws of 1901 :

Elizal,cth Lyons, Iccanmmhcr 17, 1893; Rose \Iooshovitz, Septentkcr 26, 1894; prank Davis, _\ugust _'6, l t')7; Rachel (when, April 12, 18'95; ((asie Seidcn, August 24, 1893; Saverio Nicastr,,, Jul) 5, 1594: llcnry Adam, '.(arch 5, 1895; Giuyeppiva (inastafcrri, March 1a, 1895; David Sinnuih-erg, April 27, 1895; Moses Hirsch, February 14, 1893.

A report of the dcstructiun of horse No. 11, "Mona," used by Dr. Tallinadge, oil accuut,t of fracture of leg, was received and approved and ordered on tile.

A report ill respect to the transfer of Patrolman John Madigan, of the Sanitary Police 51111101, to the Sixtieth Trccimuct, was received and ordered on file.

Reports of the fu]luvitIg transfers: \\ iliiant J. Hickey, Clerk, Division of Contagious Diseases, Manhattan, to the

)nlsicu of Child ll9gicne, 1lauhatttui, to take ettect May 21, 1909. Louis Levy, Clerk, Division of Child Ilygiene, Manhattan, to the Division of

(;rucral Sammmt a•y Inspcctiun, Br oklyn, to take effect .\lay. 24, 19(P). -were received and approved and ordered on file.

A coumimtuimicatiuu (runt the 1lvnicipal Civil Service Commission approving of the transfer of Edwin 11.:\ssenhcitncr, it Clerk of the first grade, to the Board of Water Supply, was received and, oil motion, it was

Resolved, That the trausfcr of Edwin It. Asseuttcinler, a Clerk of the first grade in the employ of the Department of Health, to the Board of Water Supply, be and is hereby approved, to take effect May 24, 19(19.

111e ecetiiicate of the lhatieipal Civil Service Cunlutission for the promotion of Samuel \\ . \ic:\tleuy, a fourth grade Clerk, was received and, aim motion, it was

Resulted, That the resohitmuu adopted by this Board January 13, 19(19, promoting Samuel \\ . \le.\ncny, it Clerk of the third grade in the employ of this Department, t.) the fourth grade, to take effect March 1, 1909, be amended so as to read as follows :

l(SO1ec(l, That Samuel W. \lc.'iueny, a Clerk of the third grade ill the employ of thi, t).partnic•nt, assigned to duty ill the olliec of the .Assistant Registrar of Ree-ur(ls, Itoruigh of .\laehatiaim, he and is hereby promoted to the fourth grade, in accord-:n:cc B%ith time rules and classilicatiun at the Moiclpa1 Civil Service COmu]ission, with salary at the rate of $1,8t)U per ahiittut, to take effect May 24, 19(19, vice Peter J. Smith, retired nu der the prosisiuus of section 133a of the Greater New York Charter.

The ccrtitication of the Altwicipal Civil Service Commission for the promotion of Jeunic I. \\ illis, it 'hi•1cphinu yitchbo:trd Operatur, to the position of Clerk (fcnstic) ui the scrum] grade. as rccciye•tl amid, 'ii motion, it was

Resolved, That Jcnliic 1. \\ illis, it Telephone tio•ilehbu:trd Operator in the second grade, in the employ of the Department of Health, assigned to duty in the Division of Cmimnmimmmicalle Diseases, It rough of Manhattan, lie and is hereby promoted to the position of Clerk (fevt;idc) of the secun,l grade, with salary at the rate of $900 per aunutu, in accordance with the rules and classidieatiuv of the Municipal Civil Service Conmtission, to take ctiect May 18, 19(N.

OIt IllotiUn, it wits kcsolved, That (.;corge A. Cotton, it Clerk of the second grade in the employ of

the 11epnrtIuctit of I health, assigned to duty in the Division of Child hygiene, Bor-uugh of \lanhattan, lie and is Hereby pru,auted to the third grade, with salary at the rate of 1,21() per :u,unnl, in acc„rvliii(c with the rules sulil chlssi1icaliuu of the 9lttnic-ipal Civil Service C'otuntissi,,n, to take effect June 1, 1999, vice Levy, transferred.

Rcsulved, That \\ illi:uu A. KusenLlum, a Clerk of the second grade in the employ of the Department (if health, assigned to Fluty in the Division of Child I-hygiene, ilurough of \Iat;RlutlLv, I e and is hereby promoted in said grade, with salary at the late of 1L900 per annunn, in accordance with the rules and classification of the Munic-Il~al Civil Service C iiiiiiisSiOii, to take effect mime 1, 19(19, vice Cotton, promoted.

l'icsok•ed, That W. I.. Ialhl,umit, \l. 1)., a hospital Physician in the third grade in Lhe emplu a the Ihp;irIme]tt of Il cat th, assigned to ditty at the Sanatorium for the care and treatment ut persons living in The City of New York suffering with tuberculosis, ]uettcd at Otisville, Town of \lm,uut I ,pe, Orange County, N. Y., be and is hereby prunwtruI to the I„urth grade, in accordance with the rules and classi-licatiuu of the \luuicipal Civil Service Carmluission, with salary at the rate of $1,8(1(1 per anutttit, to take effect Jape 1, 19(19.

'l lie consent of the Nlunicillal Licit Service (.onlmfllssvoii to the emergency appoint-tucnt of Joseph 1•:. Brady in the position of first grade Clerk in the Department of I ealth, was received an,l, Oil motion, it was

Itesolvcd, That Joseph 1:. Itrady, of No. 139 East Fiftieth street, Borough of \Ianhatt:uit, he tutll is hercbt appointed a first grade Clerk in this h)epartrmiemmt, and assigned to duty in the I)ivisiuu of (;encral Sanitary inspection, Borough of Man-hatt:ui, with salar\ at the rate of $3()4) per amiami, pursuant to clause 4 of Civil Service i:imle NII., to (late from and after u1 ay 17, 19(19.

(1u motion, it was Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and apportionment, having appropriated

'-'ii the 14th day of \lay, l90), to the I)epartntent of I health, a sum sufficient for the purpose of cmplt,ying additional Me,lical inspectors in said Department for a speci-fictl period, Samuel \1'inick, M. 1)., of No. 25 East One Iltindred and Twelfth street, Iluruugh of M aim h.ttaim, be and is hereby appointees in the position of such Medical Inspector, in accordance with the roles and classification of the ]Municipal Civil Service Guutimiissiomm, with salary at the rate of $100 per month, to take effect May 25, 1909.

Resolved, That John Leo Cole, of No. 156 West One Ilundredth street, Borough of \1anhattan, be and is hereby appointed it I)isinfector in the Department of Health, and assigned to duty in the Division of Contagious Diseases, Borough of Manhattan, iii accordance with the rules and classification of the Municipal Civil Service Corn-mission, with salary at the rate of $750 per annuuu, to take effect May 26, 1909.

"l,he appsic,tliun of \\'iddi:tmt S. Gardner, M. I)., a Medical Inspector, assigned to duty in the l)ivismu of Contagious Diseases, I rough of The Bronx, for leave of absence, front June 8 to Jane 12, 19($), inclusive, was received and, on motion, it was

Resolved, That tile applicatiun of William S. Gardner, s1. 1)., a Medical Inspector, assigned to duty in the I)ivisiun of Contagious Diseases, Borough of The Bronx, for leave of absence, 'front June 8 to June 12, 1909, inclusive, be and the same is hereby denied.

The application of I. W. Loughran, M. I)., a Medical Inspector, assigned to duty in the Division of Contagious Diseases, borough of The Bronx, for leave of absence, from June 7 to 10, 19(19, inclusive, was received and, on motion, it was

Resolved, That the application of F. W. Loughran, M. D., a Medical Inspector, assigned to duty in the Division of Contagious Diseases, Borough of The Bronx, for leave of absence from June 7 to 10, 1909• inclusive, he and the same is hereby denied.

Report in relation to the absence from duty without leave of Christopher D. Kevin, a 'Medical Inspector, assigned to duty in the Division of Contagious Diseases, Borough of Brooklyn, was received, and on recommendation of the Sanitary Superintendent, it was

Resolved, That leave of absence without pay be and is hereby granted to C. D. Kevin, M. D., a Medical Inspector, assigned to duty in the Division of Contagious Diseases, Borough of Brooklyn, from May 1 to 31, 1909, inclusive.

The application of Charles G. Purdy, M. D., a Sanitary Inspector in the employ of the Department of Health, assigned to duty in the Division of General Sanitary In-


spection, Borough of Brooklyn, to be placed upon the Health Department Pension Roll as provided by section 1323-a of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, was ieccived an l on motion, it was

Resolved, That Charles G. Purdy, M. D., a Sanitary Inspector, in the employ of the Department of 1lcalth, assigned to duty in the Division of General Sanitary Inspection, Borough of Brooklyn, who has served as such Sanitary Inspector for a period of upwards of twenty years, is upon his own application, in writing, hereby retired from active service, and the Trustees of the health Department Pension Fund are requcste(l to place said Purdy's name upon the Health Department Pension Roll and award Itint the annual Stint of $750 during his lifetime. the pension allowed Phy-sicians or employees who have performed duty as such Physicians or employees in the Department of health of The City of New York, for a period of twenty years or upwards, as rovided liv section 1323-a of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chapter 373 of the Laws of 1907. the saute to take effect July 1, 1909.

The resignation of T. \l. R. Cross, \I. 1)., a Medical Inspector in the employ of the Department of Health, assigned to duty in the Division of Contagious Diseases, Borough of \lanhattan, was received and accepted to take effect May 19, 1909.

John J. Ilanrat,at,, a Sanitary Inspector in the cntplcy of the Department, assigned to duty in the Borough of lirooklyn, charged with carelessness, negligence and im-proper performance of his duty as such Inspector, appeared pursuant to notice and was heard, and after consideration of the explanation offered and the appeal made by the wife of I Ianralian, dccisi,,n was reserved.

A notice that she intends to take advantage of the provisions of chapter 373 of the Laws of 1907. entitled "An Act to amend the Greater New York Charter in re-lation to the health llepartmerit Pension Fund," and consenting that a sum of money equal to one per cent urn of her pay, salary r , r compensation may be deducted monthly by the Comptroller of The City of New York, was received from Helena Gallagher, a Nurse in this Department. Sssit;iicel to rint%, at the Willard Parker Hospital, the said deduction to take effect from and after June 1, 191)9.

A notice that lie intends tr, take arlvanta1;c of tie provisions of chapter 373 of the Laws of 1007, entitled ".\n Act to amend the Greater New Yolk Charter in relation to the health I)ep;trt own t Pension I und,'' and cim sent ing that a sent of money equal to one per centont of his pay. salary or crntpc•n5:lticn may lie deducted nionthly by the Comptroller of The Cite of New York. was received Irhm Donald I). Campbell, M. I).. a Ilnspital Phvsiei;m in this I)epartmcnt, assigned to, duty at the Kingston Avenue hospital, Itnrnttgh of hrrn-klyn, the said deduction to take effect from and after Jtmc 1, 1909.

On motion. it was Resolved, That the pavmlls if this Department for the month of Maw, 1909, lies

and are hereby app rr,veil and the President and See rctire directed t„ sign certi (lent e; and forward the same to the Comptroller for paycaent.

F['( ;ENE W. SCHEI"FIE:Ii, Secretary.


Statement .nn! Return of \Toney, Received I,v William M. floes, Public Ariministrator of tile C(ntnty of New York. for the Month of Tune, 191)0, Rendered to the ('nmpunller, in I'In"n;tnce if the L'ruvisiun, of Sections .5(, an-1 216 of New York City C ,ns, ,lirl:ltion Act of 1i42.

Teal,' Int.•.t:uc ('„m• Total of ]),c;, ,. I'.a:,t,• of I..rrtc,. tni'4,its. Anwunt

rho;-t,:,n I:I:r;r ........................... ...... $11 01 $11 01

May 27, 1 ,0'1 I:unc; \I ,-,,ie n .......................... ...... 17 76 17 76

............. l oicc \'lin ............................ ...... 26 21,

............. tarnncl i•sltirK,g .......................... ...... 19 19

............. I`ro'l, ride K„nini .......................... ...... 2 93 2 93

............. .\rcIiiIm1,1 \Ic1.ac1,lao,, f„r the t,cnctlt of Ioral t lIt'I.at'hNfn ................... $135 60 ...... ......

Jnnc 3, 1'wo .Vf... \•cri ............................. ...... 38 42 38 42

............. •:liz,h,'uti Si. ncrnaol..................... ...... 35 92 35 92

............. Stnrc Farrell ............................ ...... 10 96 10 '5'

lure 3, 19n', John Si .,lciz ............................. ...... 17 H5 17 9:;

tune 3, I',no G.nfIrio,l Schmidt ........................ ...... 1(8 85 lr~s sS

time 17, 1909 ('art r•1e,o1.1 ............................. ...... 65 40 65 4(1

Jimmie 13, 190') Marie Br .rinn:m . .......................... ...... 144 84 144 94

Juice 17, '9C'' 1:,ugaun'i 1lanri„Kt.-n ..................... I.w5 r.0 102 80 1,74, 40

. ........... Ett.n ('SIlSE:,n ........................... ...... 18 62 19 62

\Boole Fell .............................. ...... 15 59 15 59

............. E'i:rtc< n•ccivn 1 front ('„mmi;'ioner i,f ('liari-

ti,•; March 5, 19n", as or list attached. 30 45 1 60 32 03

IC;ta!rs rccci,cAl hr .ill 1t,•Il, vuc ii ,spilal

March 'I, 1909• as I.cr li-t anached...... 109 61 5 77 Its 33

T„tat ......................... $1,921 26 $658 77 $2,380 n3

lash lte,'cikcd front l5etlevtte and Allied Ilost,itals. March r), 11)1st

('aric (rap,(-V . ................I .... $ 2 95 Joe ChaUna .................... 9.1

tonic (, :u-Ilcntcr .................. 3[) I•alcn ( •rlham .... ................ I 2:I

Aug. ILL I to ................... • . 15 (';phis-inc hero, .................. I5

John Ilrlrkcn .................... 1 31) 1 Jan,,, I )ingcr ..................... 75

I"rank Stichncy ................... 4 23 \\ in. l,ir,nas'rskv ................ 35 .\nt}tnny J.+ncs, etc ................ 1 65 Harry Sino by .................... 1 1)9

Peter I"agan ...................... 311 ('hristnhcr ('mile .................. 2 (11) \lulrt w .\rst .................. • .. 73 ('has. I-'hnsnn .................... 1 95

I ;cra!rl Gallert . .................... 2 25 Jim ('nrlur. ....................... I (If) Peter Beckarks .................. 50; •Thos. plc[:ntcc ................... 111 1';h1 IIerrntan .,,,....,.....,,,,,, 0t' I.uigi \lcntcnnel .................. 21

Ovr•n Dugaii .................... 05 I•:rlt,,irrl (l;ts•alnl ................... 23 ('aroline Mather .................. 3 05 11enry (,rahamt ................... 75

\Lary Connolly ................... 2 00 1',rlwarrl Sacage ... , ............. ,. I (N)

John T.awkcv . ..................... 15 William II ire, ................... fl; \lacy Rmwn ..................... 1 17 Chas. Eberhardt.................. 2 61)

Ilcnj. F.ngelhcrg .................. 1 09 Jaill('S Smith. or Barber............ 75

Lie' 'h ('he;>m;ln 21) 1 SI)

1” red. Fitch .. . .................... Patrick Vi aryl ... , ....... ...,...

Ill 441 Nantes Lundfrnnt . ..

Louis Newhcr•v ................ . 01 I \laria Cimik, less expenses 50 cents 2 40 Catherine Warl'tcr ................ 4 50 Vi iii. Vi ells ....................... 15 Frank llcildebrandt ............... 1 (1(1 John Jackson ..................... 10

Tohn Watson .................... 13 21'1 l'nkuic wit 111:111 .................... 20

Pat. McKencrev .................. 36 ,Tames O'Connor , ................. (13 Sebastian Carrvale ................ 07 I.illiatr Kletchling ................. f15 Elizabeth Lyons .................. 15 'Mare Mertz ...................... 75

Pat. Daly ......................... 1 74 \latolnha Kirshop .................. 120

John Keeler ............. . ........ 65 Martin O'Pr:cat ................... 3 ()6

August Anderson ................. 29 mum Th,ckev. less expenses 50 cents 13 73 Dan Lc c ......................... 2 50'J—eph 1lnrnfeld ..................

Morcan 151('harlc; .................. 40 15 Jeremiah O'Shea ..................

Margaret Cassidy ................. RIII Ifaruv Rothstein .................. 15 1,ucv Cerlev ...................... 10 T.'nknrnvn man .................... 2 R9 William Cody ............. . .. . ... 05 Charles McNcrrrcv I ....... , ...... 16 Andrew Martin ................. . 85 Samuel Astroff ................... 10

'Thomas Davis 38W ihliam Brown ................... 4 57 Tames Mitchel .................... 30

82! Daniel Rathfnrd .................. 15

John Neese ....................... August Geyser .................... 65 Valentine Z,•iglcr ........ . . . ...... OR j George Morgan .......... , , ...... 39 William Mrnncy, less expenses 20 I Louis Anthnn • ................... 02

cents .................... . .... Mocneso

4 R0 21

Tunes Kerwin .................... Buck Handlin .....................

le 24 John ....................

James Reilly ...................... 05 Jerry Colan ...................... 15

RECORD. 7999

James 'Murphy .................... 1 16 Richard Meyer ................... 17 John Ilusch ...................... 01 Joscult Callahan ..................21)

1sidorc Eskin .................... 01 Michael ('ancer 2•- Patrick Ilalpin .... ............. 50 John Duffy ................ ..... 25

Otto Kaltler ................ . . . . .. 05 I lclen .\lberns .................... 1 10 Joseph Ashworth .................1 73 Salvatore Salamin ...... . ........ 31 Fugenc Oterson .................. 2 20 M 'ebacl Petrone ........,......... 2 15 John Leffert ..................... 1)5 11clenc Geyson ...,..,.........•.. 211 Joseph Rotissc .................... 02 - EIizal,eth Darcey ....... . . .. . .. . .. 1 00 Total ................$115 38 Cornelius Gallagher .......... . ..... 05 1

Cash Received from Cnmriissium.er of Charities \larch 5, 1919. Lizzie Weeks ..................... $0 16 Sophie Moritz ................... $0 59 Joltn Kane ....................... 8 00 John Curninings .................. 1 2(1 Francis Rnhnasky ................ 1 21 David Cohen ..................... 60

Je sr'ph licrshkowitz .............. (u2 t'hristian Senft ................... 7 82 Puler Patterson .................. 05 i.izzie \\'deli ..................... 1 63

ttir l)ssnike .................... 01 them ri Schmielowitz ................ I IX) Total . .......... ....$32 05 Lncv ltr nnett ..................... 9 17 1 =_


11TNLUTI:S OF 'l'hlvi \II:I:'fIN(; OF Till{ Il.Cl \Rl) OF \V. 'rt?R SUPTt,Y OF 'I'Ill: CITY OF NEW YORK, IIET•U MAY 19, 19O9.

Prc;cnl—C mtmi siiui ems Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw.

Contract " Ou ntntirrl• the fr ,tlntcin, ccso1ation was adopted: kc,culn'ec1, •h'ln,it a ,tract, "F" tinr printfnf;l, is hereby awarded to J. W. Pratt

('rnrll :tnv, lily I;irl of sin' (I company, received Slav 177, 19(19, being the lowest received amid tieing tit, 'Ite the a('cn'l'tarec• of whichu will, in the judgment of this Boar'!, best 'cure the rff ei, et purdnrirsn'-e of the cr,ntr.tct: :Inrl the Srcrctary is hereby directed to nnti:y the ('rmt!,tr'Jitr of this action of the Rrcarrl and to refilicst the Comptroller to r, turn I , . tine tut-ttc•ee ' ul bid'lcr; their rlcln,::ts respectively.

THOS. IIASSETT• Secretary.

PO \RI) OF \\- \T'F•:R SUPPLY.

t(INl'TD'S 01:'I'HI•: \11:STING Ol T1IF RI) \RI) OF WATER SUPPLY OF -1'111{ CITY OF N I•:\\" YORK, II Eb,D MAY 211, 1909.

i'resr nt—Cr,mmi inner; John A. Bensel, President: Charles N. Chadwick and ('itaries A. Shaw.

('I\'IT. SERVICE \I:\TTERS. _p2niotnt('uts.

(iii n r' mm,•ti , lati n c-i Commi<,ioner Shaw, and pursuant to Chief Engineer's rnmlr.unicatinn 339. \Ian- 17, 1909 (5552), Frederick L. Brouwer'

, No. 471

h" arty-fir<t street, Brookl..r. was :Ipl,ninterl to the prcsition of Inspector, for an emcrt crew t,erirui! of fifteen day:, t,rmsot1rt to Civil Service Rule NIL., paragraph 4. ci:h cnrnl,crncttinn a! the rate of $4.40 pr rFs- to take effect upon assignment to -!]it\- I~} the ('!ti,'f 1?mincer.

TIIOS. IIASSE'rT, Secretary,

Itt)\ItT) OF \V-A"fl?It SUPPLY.

\IlNt'TF.S OF 'rhII•: )Il:l:i'lx(; OI. Till': rt)\RD Or \\"\TER SUPPLY OI Ill t II v I. yI:vv 'i( I:I:, Ill •.T.T) 'clvY 21. 1909.

1'rc,,c•n'—Cunciis:inners Ic,l- n \. Yens!. 1ic;ictert: Charles N, Cila(Iwck and Charles •1. Shaw.

Contract 2. Opinion 5S( Imriit the C' ecpnnt', zn Ccur:cl. dated May 10, 1909 (5242). was filed.

t In dotic cn. the In hmvfo * ;onlntion was adopted: Re's ,]v ed, That, in sc&'ordrncc with the rccIue=t of the receivers of the Thoma;

McNally Cc'ntt,anv. the lime 'r the completion r , f that portion of Contract 2, lying l etwecn stations 1(1(1 aryl 305. is hereby extended :n as to he co-terininons with that now fixed for the completion of the entire contract.

Contract `K." On motion. the fr ,llowittt resolution was nnatuiniously adopted: Resolved. That ('nntract •'K" I for furnishing and delivering oils), is hereby

awarded to Alrlcn S. Swan & (,,o., a corporation, the lowest formal bidder on this contract, ill( bid of said cr,mp.tnc, rcccitr,l \I:tv 14, 19u9, !wing the one the acceptance of which will, in the judgment r,f this hiciard. lw-t secure the efficient permrmtaoSce of Ili,' contract; aid the tiecrcta:-v is hereby rhirc'ctec t„ notify the Cnntntroller of this action of the hoard and to inquest the I. ocnptroHcr to return to the unsncesessfn! bidders their deposit, respectively.

THOS. HASSETT, Secretary,

I1O:\RI) 01- \\ \'I'l•:I: Sl'I'PI.Y.

\IINI"'I ES ()l' 'h'HI? MEETING OF "1'11E Ii).ARI) 01 WATER S1'I'l'I.1' OF TIIF CI'T'Y 01 NEW YORK. 11I?I.1) MAY 25, 199.

I'rescnt-1,'nnnnissinncr; John A. Ilensel, Presidcat ; Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Sh;,w.

MIX I'TES. The nlinntes of May 17, 18, 19, 21) ;uul 21, 1909. were read and approved.

I'I\.\\, IAL ~I.~TTERS.

'I'hc h ,flowing bills were approved and nrrlcre(i fntwsuu6eet to the Comptroller for pa9 nlcnt

Voucher No. In Iavor of. Amourt.


3.5. The 'I'. A. Gillespie Comp;:ny, t'ertificate No. 10, Contract No. 12. $117,831 441 36. Stewart - Kerhaugh-Shanlcy Company, Certificate No. 8, Contract

No. 11 .................................................... 2(1,849 92

OPEN M ARKET ORUERS. 857. (;co, W. ("d,1,, Jr..,....,,,,,.......,....,.,,...,., 11O 541 $58. Cross- Austin & Ireland Lumber Company ....................... 76 58 859. F. C. Dominick ............................................... 10 (Ill 8(•I). Gerry & Murray ..... .. ...... .... 1 54) 861. Goodyear's India Rubber Selling Cotttpany ...................... 36 011 $62. I Tammacher, Schlemmer & Co .................................. 7 20 R63. Kingston Gas and Electric Company ............................ 1 90 8(,4, •I'he Legislative Index Publishing Company.,..... . ............. 75 00 865. Macey Company .................................. . ........... i 00 $66. Rdw. Miller & Co .............................................. 13 07 867. Munson Supply Company ..................................... 18 90 8 .8. McCoy & Best .................................................... 16 42


Voucher graph 7, with compensation at the rate of $4.50 per day, to take effect upon assign- No. In Favor of. Amount. !neat to ditty by the Chief Engineer (5553).

-_-----__ -------------.._ __- .- --- -- Contmi,sinner Rinse!. ott May 24, 1909, appointed John Reilly, Cornwall-on- 869. The Rapid Black Print Company ...................... • ...... 459 91 Hudson, N. Y., to the position of Mining compressor Man, pursuant to Civil Service 870. Eugene 11. Tower. Inc ......................................... 16 81) Rule XII., paragraph 7. with compensation at the rate of $4.50 per day, to take 871. Tower Manufacturing and Novelty Company .................... 32 50 effect upon assignment to do t;• by the Chief Engineer (5584). 872. John Vanfilecck .............................................. .2 0(1 On recommendation of Commissioner Shaw, the following men were appointed to 873. John \Vanamaker. New York .................................. 56 30 the position of Automobile Eiieinetnan, with compensation at the rate of $1,200 per 874. R. Young Bros. l.utnhrr Company ............................. 24 S7 anntull, to lake effect May 25, 1909: 875. Martin 11. Brown Company .................................... 631 51) Hadley W. Tecling, No. 545 West One hundred and Twenty-fifth street.

Harry J. ].use, No. 281 Eighth avenue; file number, 5619.

MISCELLANEOUS. On recommendation of Comiubssingcr Shaw, the following appointments were . ta)uisition of Property Purchased 'Under Contract. :made, to take effect upon assignment to ditty by the Chief Engineer:

Northern Aqueduct Department, Seetiem No. 3. 905. Parcel No. 113—Mary F. Ennist and harry Ennist .............. 245 (N) 906. Parcel No. 114—l.aura J. Iasbrouck ............................ 1,995 00

Ashok:m Reservoir, Section No. 9. 907. Parcel No. 399-l,—The Rip Van !Winkle Creamery Company, Wil-

liam 1). Brinnier and Junes Jenkins ....................... 4,495 0P

Expenses Incurred in Acquisition of Property. 908. John J. Linson ................................................ 1.576 75

909. Everett Fowler ............................................... S3ttl 72 910. Everett Fowler ................................................ 8,1,5') (Vi 911. Joseph E. Merriam ............................................ 1.51 ( 1 47 912. Frank E. Russell .............................................. 1,492 $7 913. Geo. Van Skit! ................................................ 1.471) 23

914. Burton C. \leighan ............................................ 1.O110 00 915, Willis B. Dowd ................................................. 1x)5O Ut) 916. Renj. Hnn-c ................................................... 1.950 (XI 917. \\'nl. B. Greeley ............................................... 1,50O 01)

918. Henry G. Gray ................................................ 1.5u() 00 919. II. Hobart Keeler ............................................. 1,;1N) 0(1 920. Phoenix Ingraham ............................................. 1.8(19 5)) 921. Robert 11. Van Cortlandt ...................................... 18115 fill 922. Michael J. Walsh ............................................. 1.823 44)

923. Gco. Bernard ................................................. 52 05

924. ............... Martin B. Brown Company ...................... .............. 84)) 95 925. Gen. B. Burbank ................................................ 422 24 926. R•. R. Cox ................................................... 5)) 41)

927. Edwin J. Goodhart ............................................ 420 (II)

928. Julien F. Ingle, Jr. ........... .................................. 405 (u)

929. Chas. Ketcham ................................................ 2(0 (II)

930. John T. Maher ............................................ ....


931. p. I t. Ir ................. ............ \Tunici tl Rc ortin g Cons , my .... 1(17 10 932. State Law Reporters ( Inc.) ................................... h9 20 933. E. A. Woolf .................................................. 59 Ott


934. Iludson River Telephone Company ............................ 118 31) 935. Hudson River Telephone Comp;uty ............................. 111) 1(I 937. Alfred I).'Ilinn ............................................... 5)) 22 938. George G. holiness ............................... 52 939. Ern't F. Jrntson .............................................. 59 36 940. A. A. Sproul .................................................. 76 8))

941. \1'm. E. Swift ................................................. 1'14 27 942. W. O. Crosby ................................................ 95 37 943. The Engineering News Publishing Company . .................... 1$ (1) 944. The "Engineering Record" ..................................... in (t(1 945. The New York ] lerald Company .............................. 2' (i 4!1 O•Nis 'I'hc "New York Times- ...................................... 2)114(t) 947. The Tribune Association ...................................... lu(, 4)1 948. W. O. Crosby ................................................. 1.1)14 (HP

949. John J. Sly ................................ .................. 1.3117 n5


936. J. S. Mundy, Certificate No. 2, Agreement No. 72.............. .. 956 95( ()Il

PAYRO1.t.S. 941. Miners, week ending May 12. 19(19 .............................. ' v ' 2 2 91. Laborers, week ending May 12, 19(19 ............................ _', 247 ((5 92. Commissioners, Slav, 1919 .................. ................. .. .1,) to (N ) 93. Adntioistrnion liurcau. May, 19(19 .............................. (.154 t.' 94. Police Bureau, May. 19O9 ....................................... 5,60! 1.1 95. Engineering Bureau, May, 1909 ................................ 71.7 ii; $II 96. Miners, week ending May 19, 1909 .............................. 2,51 ((-I


Financial Statement. The following weekly financial statement ( 5016) was read and filet!

Amount of Corporate Stock antlf,rised to be issued, pur- suant to chapter 724, Laws of 1905, in accordance with resolutions adopted liv the Board of 1-.,titn: to and Apportionment, between June 16, 1(X15, and February 26, 1909 .................................$101,402.) NMI 011

May 24. Premium on sale of $7,499.500 water bonds.... 179.(,42 (t')

Miscellaneous revenue ...................... 2,499 76

May 24. Vouchers registered from June $1(Ili7t4.14 ) 45

9, 1905, to May 24, 1919. ] nc.- I to 9403, General........... $6,787687 21

1 to 36, Contracts ............ 1,457,9!''0 91

1 to 875, Open Market Orders (.9,540 09

1 to 949, Miscellaneous ..... 623,182 24

1 to 96, Payrolls ............. 674,557 11 ----- $9,612,947 5t,

Registered contract lial,ilities.... $35,245,668 117 Estimated liabilities under special

agreements ................ 451,461 45 Liability acquisition of property

by condemnation proceedings and other expenses inciden- tal thereto ................. 1,3))7 t12 91

Estimated liabilities on open market orders ............ 65,669 51

All other liabilities, miscellane- ous, etc .................... 4,090 35

37,1174,552 29 46,687,499 85

May 25.

Amount available ................................. $546,(42 611


Appointments. Commissioner Bensel, on May 20, 1909, appointed Peter Hickey, Newburg, N.

Y., to the position of Mining Blacksmith's Helper, pursuant to Civil Service Rule XII., paragraph 7, with compensation at the rate of $3 per day, to take effect upon assignment to duty by the Chief Engineer (5470).

Commissioner Bensel, on May 22, 1909, appointed P. J. Cornyn, Garrison, N. Y., to the position of Mining Hoist Runner, pursuant to Civil Service Rule XII., para-


C, Russell Woods, Peekskill, N. Y., $4S0 per annum; Chief Engineer's number, 3400: file number, 5636. (Civil Service Rule XII., paragraph 7).

Roger Williams, \\'alder, N. Y.. $360 per annum; Chief Engineer's number. 3412: file nugmber, 5637. (Civil Service Rule XII.. paragraph 7).

Fred S!n•cicr, \Walden, N. Y., $360 per annnnl; Chief Engineer's number, 3412; file number, 5637. (Civil Service Rnte XII., paragraph 7).

Paul Stewart. \\'alder, N. Y., $36I) ncr annum: Chief Engineer's number, 3412; file nutmbcr. 5637 (Civil Service Rule SIT.. paragraph 7).

Walter I-I'll. \Valdrn. N. Y., $301) tier annum; Chief Engineer's number, 3412; I! nunilicr. 5637. 1 (Civil Service kil), N I I.. prtragraph 7).

Hugh \V. Farrell. Tlich F:lls, N. Y.. $300 per anntun; Chief Engineer's number, 3412; file nunul er, 5627. (Civil Service Rub' XII.. paragraph 7).

Stunner titnitl!. Cold Spring, N. Y., $480 per annum: Chief Engineer's number, 3412: file n; nu1,cr, 5637. (Civil Service Rttle XII., paragraph 7).

J„hut 7'nhl,s.. \cctt Paltr, N. Y., $I81) per annum; Chief Engineer's number, 3403; file norm-er. 563`. (('it it Service Rule \ II., paragraph 7).

Rodman. Catli' A. 'II n': C.irb.,nta!e, Pa.. $840 per annum: Chief Engineer's nutnber,

3379: file number, 5o59. Jerome C'. hitzpatricl<, Maple Terrace, C. Spring, N. Y., $840 per annum;

Clr.ef Engineer's tntnnher, 3379: file number. 5039. ]fenry A. Tlamilton. No. 332 Convent avenue, $840 per annual; Chief Engineer's

till Ti 3379; file nu nil 5639. Charles G. Koerner, Jr., No. 314 Suydam street. Brooklyn, N. Y., $840 per

annum; Chief Fnvincer's number, 3370; filr nnmher, 5639. Edwin C. Cloutier. No. 764 home street, The Bronx, $840 per annum; Chief

Engineer's number, 3379; file nt!mhcr. 5639.

Laborer. David S. Roth, Ni. I I 1 Chamber street, Newburg, N. Y., $2 per day; Chief

,'.tginccr's ounihicEri 34117: file uutimber, 5640. John Maguire, C„rnn';tll-on-Ifndson, N. Y., $2 per day; Chief Engineer's num-

ber, 3407; file number, 564O.

Acsistnnt I•:ngincer in Charge of Section. Charles F. i'T„rse, 'No. 11 It ,vi1st ,,n terrace, \lcclf„r(1, Mass., $2,400 per annum;

('hR-f Ialcinc,•r's !,ontl,cr. 3411(,: lilt' number, 5(41. William R. Ncrly, No. 2 l)el- bvare ave in”, Albany, N. Y.. $2,400 per annum;

Chief I tigi;wvi', mtnther, .340(,: file nnntLer, 5(41. On rccnnn~teticl:,ti ,n (,f (O,rrtlttisiouter Slt;tw•. an(l. 0arsiHtt to Chief Engineer's

('onun1anication 3397, \l ;I 18, 1cl(IO (56i12l, James F. Sanborn, care of Board of Water StuItl •, l'ccksIei11. N. 1'., was allurintt•t1 to tlty l)i'sititn of l)ivi.iemu ]';gginser, at $4,000 per annum, to take effect Jtul,• I 1')f)9

Al letter ,'a' sell) to tilt, \lt!'tieip;tl Civil S'- rvicc ( "nitni<.ion tinder date of May 2t), 19(19 (5512 1• giving the di=nn<iti, ii of the eligible list of "Topographical Draughts-net, at ?1.2(1)1 per annnnt, et';tifi(cl to this Board \l;tv 5. 191)9.

A hitter tv:~- smut to the \Innicipal ('ivil St rvicc (;mm!ilission tinder (late of May 20, 19119 (5313), g:vin,q the ,I lt, ifi„n of the cligihlc list front which to appoint one Stcnigrapher mtcl 7'v(,cwriter• ;o $7511 ''ter annnnt, certified to this Board May 13, 191)9, and et((gi'dilu said Cumni,.ion to rcrtify an addi)ittiu list of names from which to nlak.' sail aqtimitiutt'iit. 'l'liis ac!iliiinIlal Ii” was certified under date of \l.ty 24. 19119 I5,''93). .\ later was sent to iii(- Mg11;wipal Civil Service Commission tinder date r,f \lav 21. 19(19 (5605), stating tltat Louis %ikuldlatd had declined this posi-tion b('CaU8C of ms1if1Cl(11t salary.

On recnmmeiid;itintt of (,nm1ssioittr Shaw, on \fay 25. 1909, the Municipal Civil Seni'c C, ontml«i.n 15U13t, etas ri'lnut' ted to certify an Eligible list from which 'n a;,;,ti:nt ten I'atrolmen on A(Ineduct, at $75 tier mnn'n

On n•contnlertdation of C'nn!tltissinn(r Sh;tw, ;t t I p!trsuant to Chief Engineer's cnnnnunirittinn 3408, 11a' 21, 19(19 (5611(11, the Hmuchfal Civil Service Commission nn \lay 25, 19(10, w;t5 rcctne•-(ec1 to certify an eligible 1st front which to appoint one L.ahorcr, at $2 pt•r dc,v, for assii;nntcnt in \\rt. tcitc<t,•r County.

( In r,•r„!ant , nclati. ,u „f t , nnnti,si„nc•r tihatc. nil t ttm'stt:(nt to Chief Engineer's cnnlmtmicatic,n 331)6, Ala,' 1R, 19(19 (5(d)(,) !lie )tItmicittnl Civil Service Commission, under (kitc „f \I:,v 25, 191)0, was rccln, stc,l t„ certify an eligible list front which to appoint one (':aaln,ne•r (female). at $9~H) l,c•r annum.

on rvet ,mtn(•n ,lntinn of Cnntmis,inncr Shaw, and pursuant to Chief Engineer's ,.onlrnnnication 3319• \!;n• 1$, 1009 (55.19), tll(, \lnllicip•il Civil Service Commission, mtder date' of .T ;t', IS. 1909. was rett ostt•sl to certify th(• name of Warren G. Hubert flout the elipihle list cif Rnclntan, for appointment at $84O per annum. A reply was received. dated tlav 22, 191)9, stating that ITtthert w•nttld not be eligible for certifica-tion until June 15, 11)1)9.

Under date if il:ty 20, 1919. a lett(r was <rnt to the '(Tnnicipal Civil Service Cnnlllti~sion (5536), tat1ng that Calt'h \I. Saville hail declined the position of Assis-tant F.nginc•cr in Charge of Sc•ctirnt lhecausc of temporary inability.

4 letter was recciv'tl from the Vnnicipal Civil Service Commission, dated May 22, 19(19 (5539), t,•rtiyinfi (hue unities of Timberlake and Eckmann for appointment to the position of Rodntan. at $'10 per anmtnl.

A letter was rccriv,•d from the '.\lrmicipal Civil Service Commission, dated May 21, 19(19 (5279), de'nvinu. f ,r Lathes, our re((nest that the name of Joseph O. Brown l-e restored to the cligih',' list of ftn(tma'l, he having declined appointment October 24. 1908.

Al c„rstn»mication wa; received frntn the '.ZTtnticip;tl Civil Service Commission, date(] '.1Tac 20. 19(0 (5544), appntving, th(' following appointments:

((st,•rh--tilt. ('lc•rk: Tsang. \tinvr: '.11eCra±h, Iincr; Bestrowitz, Miner; Coles, Miner: Orlando. \liner: Paefico, Miner: McGuire, Milling Compressor Man: Boyle, Mining C'nnlpre<sor \lag: (irn;s, Mining Hoistit'g Engineer; Dale, Mining Shift Bo : Spillane. :1linitle SLift Rnss; ('Donnell, Nlining Fireman; Moynihan, Mining Fireman: McCamcn, tIfor;,J Firetiuo; 'Murphy, Mining Fireman; McCarthy, Mining Fireman.

A communication was received from the Municipal Civil Service Commission, dated May 19, 1909 (5526), "rating that Len M. Burger, Eugene A. Clinton and Andrew J. Hell-ig, Patrolmen on Aqueduct, had been off the payroll for more than thirty days, and rc(Incsting information in regard to same. A letter was sent to the Municipal Civil Service Cotutmlision tinder (late of May 21, 19(19 (5526), stating that Burge-r and Tlclb6c had resigned, and that Clinton had declined appointment.

On May 20, 1909, file propttsed agrecmrnt with Dr. Ernst J. Lederle. Sanitary Expert, for the year rnmmenrior; March 4, 1909, was sent to the Corporation Coun-sel for approval as to form (5499). the same having been approved by Dr. Lederle.

On motion, it was Resolved. That the salary of Auditor, Board of Water Supply, is hereby fixed at

$5,000 per annum, and owing to the temporary absence of Mr. Henry C. Buncke, the position will be held vacant until further action of the Board.

Leaves of Absence. On recommendation of Commissioner Shaw. the following leaves of absence, with-

out pay, were granted Ralph N. Wheeler, Division Engineer, May 23 to 31, inclusive; file number, 3643. Saul S. Bernstein, Rodman, May 13 to 17, inclusive; file number, 56444,


Thomas H. MIc'Mahon, Patrolman. June 1 to 2, inclusive; file number, 5645. Thomas P. Sheeran, Patrolman. ).lay 22: file number. 5646. On recommendation of Commissioner Shaw, the following leaves of absence, with

pay, were granted : James A. \Vi ilia msoii, I 'at rolirail. \ho' 23: tile number, 5647. Walter W. Crane, Clerk, \l :,v 3 to 15, inclnsivc; file number, 5648. James A. I)artic y. Clerk, \lac (, to 15• inclusive; file number, 5649. James J. Riley, clerk \Ian 19: ilL ms•Hlcr. 54,51). Louis 13. Vantiian, :\ ,aslant I•:neincrr. \Iav 14 to 24), inclusive; the number, 5651. Ralph Lewis. R, 'ilm.nii, May 11 t„ 19 iiirlueivc : file nunmLrr, 5652. William F. (at If, vie. ('ii rk, \lav 10 to 13 inclusive: tile number, 5653. On rccuntntcn,l:rtiom it (:cinnnis-i, mer Shaw, and pur,tt:+nt to Chief Engineer's

commun'catiun 3414. \fat 24, Holt l 5o541, the following leave; of absence, with pay. were granted

Edward C. \h',tt.'„pc: raphieal 1ran0ht'inan. \l;,y 12. Iharry J. I"url , rug. 'Iviicwrt[ing Copyist, \lay 13. Ida (fray, "I'clephnne Operator. Alad• 13. G.tlen Richmond. Clerk, \Ian• 14. John V. N. Co[vmbnvtu.:\xctn:,n. 1L•,y 14 hrcdc rici< C. Ziegler, ,,, ter.tphir; ! I )raught,nian, May 14 and 15. W. (I. \1'armuk. Top„graphical I)r;!ivfii'tn:tn. \Iav 14 and 15. Francis S. I'ecki', \ c t:!nt I'lmi:iver. \late I;. Kash. rinc A. I ht t-cr. (at:ilgeurr, \lav 15. \Cili61n J. f)'er). 'I'':tn,iitttan. Mac 17. I.c„ (i. (;tr,:cn l:arltit:ut. \lay 17. Edward J. Clair, 'fr;tu<:ltn;cn and C In)Juner, Mlle 211, 21 and 22.

ticl,arat it Ovid Juror: it. \linii.g Shift 1{,,•:. to take ,ffect inmtr,laatelt': dismissed absence

without ]-as-c• f r ❑,, ,rr• tlr'n live cla_t;: l"n;ainccr'. nr;liner. 3411 ; tile number, 5599. Amiih;tI:• NI:trinaecin, Muir, I” Elbe• ctTrct itnniecltalely; di-u[issed, absence without

leave for more than live• rl;r.', : E m'rin , r•r'. number. .3411 ; ti', uitmll,t'r. 5599. :\nt , .tro \I;n_iaca :lit. \liter, it take elf,h irtt•neuli•ttr-ly; rlwis1eeI, ah<.ence with-

out leave for flirt,' that !it. rl;t.:;; I•1iigim'c'r', nnmi,er. 3411 ; Ills' uuntber. 5599. Drminicl: Niat•n \lilies t„ take rffc•c-; inuncclitu'•hv; ,liantis;cal, absence without

leave for mire than Ilea da\ ,: P.lilttim•cr's nunlher 3111; ti'e number, 5a99. }Joltry ('. Muncie, :\uclit, • '„ :aka ,'[fret .\I;c% 14, 1918); resigned; file number,

5541. ITi,ni„tions.

On recoilimnrn,lati"n ..f I. tilt ci.-i,mer 5l[tt[c. the iolLiicing increases of salaries were made, to take• effect June 1, V09-

Florence \I. \liifcr, stm-rnAsral,her anti "I•ypewritcr: $1,I5)) to $1.190 per annum; file number, 5(555.

Frank 11. 1)en-lcr. 'l'eau-i[,n;n; 4n,l'C ufli(,nlr•r; $911) to', $1 21)1) per annual. Ott recomntc-u'lati„n of Coninii..i„ncr Shat, and pitr;cant t, ) Chief Engineers

commun'cation 3l"3, Ala',' 14, 1900 I5(,=t,). l']ictrt F. I)nrfcc. R„chnan. was promoted to the pu.,itiutt of "fe;n;i'n::w. at l.2I111 pe ; animm. to t:ikc vf••ct June 1. 19419.

O"I'lilR \I:\T"f•IF:RS.

tract, and the Board sees no advantage to the City at the present time in a change of contractor, but if they renew their application later the same will receive due consider-ation.

Contract 24. A communication was received from the Title Guaranty and SRrety Company.

dated May 12. 19'19 [5423), tran,mitting copy of pauper b'tnrl sent to the Town of Yorktown April 29, 1909, and. on motion. was ordered filed with the Auditor,

Contract 30. opinion 604, May 20. 1 109 1 5482,. .'a' ( Ihtr tltc letter of this Board of May 13.

1909, in reference to the Rum. Va,ll }. Scttrr had been forwarded to Mr. 1. J. Beau-drlas, special cottn~vl.

Chief Engineer's colrnnnnication 3410. May 24, 1909 (5613). tran;ntitted first page proof of this contract, and, oil motion, said page proof was ordered forwarded to the Corporation Counsel for approval as to form.

Ca"; ract 38. Chief Engineer's communication .'41)1 May 20. 1909 15487 ), advised that there is no

'tipulaiiun it, this c, ,utract that the ('ity' i, to furiii<it water t'. the tugboat "William Coleman." On mnti„n. the Srcr;tary tv:i, clirecle l to write to the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas, and I•:lectricity to this effect.

Contract 39, Chict Enginccr' comntu,1ieatirn 3421). \l at' 24. 19119 (51)11)), rrc„nrvncnded that a

clause be inserted in the w-cilications of this .-urttrnc•t ncrmittin!, the contractor, tinder proper restriction, as to au 'i•. to sohsrit+le. at his option, for the f u- pu ups called for by the specilicatinns, two others hiving the saute total capacity. On motion, this rec-ommendation was approved.

Cant ract 50. Conimissioner Shaw reported that in Max, 14 19119 informal estimates for the

printing of this contract warm' ri c.•ivo'cl f r•,tn the fMIlawing J. W. Pratt Company, N. 52 f)n,n, Ircct. New York Cit -. 11'ynkaut,-lIallcnleck Cratti„rd G'onumallr. Xi. 497 Pearl cetroet. New V rk City. \la'l and Cxprres Till. Pr1 nt. N. 9 \Inrr:ty s'e'at, New \'„r oc City. Evening Pest Jib Prirtiig I) fie,, No. 150 glutton .trc,•t• New York City. Commis'ione•r Sh:ev further r, -p •t-'•1 !hat. lit' hi; direction, notice was sent to en•h

of these bidders on Mac 25 191)9 (5275). n 'ti fviny them that It') action ,"oold h.• taken Upon said estimates. ii' the printing of rhi, contract would be done under Con .tact E, recently atvardc,l to J. \V. Pratt C, mtnanc.

Contract E. On May 20, 191)9. the (h hit;its of the unsuccessful bidders were released (5477 to

5481, inclusive). Contract 1,

On May 211, 19(f), the' duplicate original „f Iii s• e itraci fear Cass 1. was sent to the contractor ( 54741, together ',vjill relea--e of its rl, t „sit (5471 1. On the 'ame ('.ate the triplicate original ttas s,-nt t , hit Conii,tr„ll,'r (,5473), and the c„na-;tc' ,_, r a-a; n. ti6ed to commence [cork (547?). ;c^rl the- Chief En inrcr was dilly nr,ti:', d :5475). T!ic notice to cnnunt•t1rc work 'a.i- :it'! 1 ' a0' c_ •cl un,lcr elate .,f May 21. 19~):).


1)n utoti, n, th,• I'll' ,.t ing it's „lnti, m teas adt , l ph el Resolved. 'I lot; Ihn \l. C:,rn ll • I'll (- lc r. in ad ldinn it his (hut es as Book-

keeper. is hercbv au:h"rirc , i to (en an i rertifv, temporarily. a, .\ding AIIditor, all (ioeunteut. rccluiritg tit' tor` a+ul r. rtilicati,,;i of the :\uqi[jr, and all his acts as such :\cting .\t• lit„r :nit bred,• r:ttili rl toil ctmllrttn•dI.

\ c, mnntn c;'tin \\;i , rcc,-iv-rt fr„m the It ,:trig of l•:.tima:c• :nut .\pportionntent. dated May I`, 19 O (5528), trap-witting e,''stluti,n arh,1u-rl he stud Board May 14, 1909, (Iirertitg all Iklc;immstlt- t,. snl ,ntit their o-wim:qtr-, f „r 10I)1,

A c„mrmu:i'at on n-a; r-rcim-ccl fern the Cuup'wller, dated MM;v 18. 1909 (5564). enclosing cury of Circular 3.:n:cl rrdilr-.liuc tire in-truc(iun; be given as therein ca'led for in reference t , „r, l, r-. irr, i.'-- ;md Actin,, amL nn nu tin. was referred to Cont.. missioner Slcnc.

\rlc cr1i,iue.

A letter ilia, reeciwsg ir• ,nt iii' "\,•'churl; I)ailt' New-,'' d;snc(l May 22, 1909 (2236), inquiring ;thntn th -ir 'ill i. ,r $75.4)), for :ultr•rtisinu nnticc• of hearing hrf„re the State Water Supply' C'eiiiulission in contic,ti,,n ti-'Ili the nioditir;tion of the general plan , of October 9, 19t)3. "I'h.' S.-c'eta;e r;•1rgir"I under elate „f Max 24. 1909, stating that the note-payment of their' bill by the' C'„ lilt' .n,Ilr•r tv„ulc( be investigatted.

:\gr-emrnt 74. Chief I•inginevr', ,„ntinnnir;ni,at .33o')4, \lay- 17. 19)19 t54x)I. stated that on i4lay 11,

1909, the cgntractor, 'acre ur , tigirrf it bt,vin ti- irk at the east shaft within live days, and transmitted registered letter roe c i;,t-

\greemcnt 75. C ntnli,situiier iilic,tv albntiited inforneth ,'stituates, recciced May 21. 1909, front the

foilou,Mg par.n,t; ;uul rullcrru, Shelby Itrc ;her;• Valhalla X. Y. Arthtn- 1-. \V:['.lkurnr-, I'l::t'.:utville, N. Y. John J. \\a''it. \. 08 iir,,,,l; l"ieltl ;erect. White Plains, N. X. 1•\ illiant N. %.Cak,e. White Pkainc, N. V. ()n nlrtirsn, the r i'.t;ue t 'I .\rlbur I,. \Va+hhuroe, aggregating $6.285, being the

lnwcct rca-ivcdd, ',vat nCc(pl(', l, and tit ; gar, mint n:t, awarded to him (4988).

Contract _2. N„lire „f lien of J: iii,: l icil ;:gain't the Tlv ,ma' \It'\al!x ( di npamiv was received

for $77.(i7, for ervicc- a, g0iinf rnnn, r and f,•rcn:an of I:,hrr r; 15 34). Notice of lien of Cic•,_'rgr (1)-11 a; tint the 'I ;usma, \.Ic\ally Company for $191.28.

wa- received for :crci:c; ;; i;enZV;['s foreut:nt (553=1. i li";c tl ettnents nere sent to the Auditor May 21, 19X)9.

Contract 3. A report tea, received front the I,'hirl I?neun'cr as to the accident on May 15. 1909,

to Totu4t ,su (Ctbriele, Iabtmr. cng.L.eel lee the n;n tract ,,rs (5434), and on May 21). 19(19, was co,nt to the State Department of Labor.

A report %%as receive-ti In an the• C liicf I•;nginecr :,s to the accident on May 15, 1909, to Olippin Ili 11 c, Ia hire' r, amp'„reel I,v the e ,ntraetors 15453 ), at oat May 20, 1909, was sent to till State I), p4rtunent of I.al cr

The follmving reports v, , rc rc:,•iced front the ('lief Engineer as to the following :trcidents to ctnplucers of the comtr:,c!or:

Date of report. May 18. 195 ); d:ue of occident. May 18. 1909; Peter Scott, laborer; Iii.- number, 5538.

Date of report. '.tl: t 25. 1909; elate of accident, \lay 21. 191.19; Tony Caretti, mason foreman ; file number, 561)7.

Date of report, Mat' 25, 1'M); (late of accident, Mat' 20. 1909; Antonio Perdenio, laborer ; tile m'iihcr. 5608.

On motion, these reports were lull.

Contract 11.

A rep, ,rt was rec-ivell frost[ :h,• Chief Engineer, dated May 21. 1909 (5537), as to the accident on \I:iv 17. 19i9, to IIciuricl, Stein. laborer, employed by the contractor. Said report was filed.

Contract 12. A report wits received front the Chit f Engineer as to the accident on May 10, 1909

to George Sallsmart, iiinhmaml. m.'r,ved by the en[tractor (5403), and on May 18, 1909, this was sent to the State Departoictt t,f Labor.

G,tifract "K.'' On May 22, 1901), the ,Ic I , 'II- „t tIc un>ucrc sfttl hiclrler; tvc re released (5554

to 5563, inclusive). I-inctsou River Crru: -ii ng.

Chief Frginrer's eonnt[nkmtion 34(19, \I:ic 21, 191)9 t 55881, transmitted bill of Dr. Coryell Clark, for $31, for treattuettt of ml lines to I3ad,cr .Penny. Stephen Doper. Tony Giorge and James (;. Cannon, 4wlt , veil at the IInl-on River test shafts, and, on motion, was referred to Couinli.siailer Chadwick.

A commrmic:[iuu [vas dccirr•rl from tin' I'in:n e,• Delart.teut, da'ed \l:ty 19, 1909 (5527), asking infnrm4ti, n in regard to', clan[ 57(,18, tiled by the N- w York Central and lindscn River Railr:id t'"mpany, for $826.36, for service; of a flagman near Storm King, anal. c,n mut, m. it a'. rc•f,'rrerl t„ Cranini'.inner Chadwick,

1-ca>r•s. The lease with Fillmore \\ „c d „f Ili, pu,pert) near Stone Ridze, having h;rut

duly executed, the d0plu:t'e original was ant to \I r, \\'o, ul )i1a' 21. 19O (5531). and the triplicate original was 'eat to the Comptroller oil the same date (5530).

Legislation. Opinion 597, May 1`l, 1909 15.445), stated that the Mayor has vetoed Senate Bill.

Introductory No, 944, Printed N. 119.3. prrni;tiiitr the City ,.f lfotint Vernon to take water front the prcsr•ttt supply of 'Ili- ('its „f Nets' \'ork.

Police. A communication was received front J. Bennett Southard, dated 'May '22, 1909

(2453), asking what the Town of Philipst„wn ntav expect payment of its claim for $270.55, for expenses incurred in the prcrtertion of the inllabi''ltnts of said town and the enforcement of the criminal lass- . ('nntntissiiiccr Shaw reported that, by his cl'rcc-tion, a letter was sent to Mr. Smttthh;and May 24. 191)9, advising hint that this claim had been mulilihitie'll to the Cori i'ati,,II ( „ousel, :nul tha' n„ „pinion had 1t',-It re-ceived, and that the Corporation (out'.el had been requested to give the matter his early consideration t 2321).

Commissicrver Sbaw submittal with his approval communication from the Chief of Patrolmen, elated May 24, I919 t 562,'11, recommending the adoption of new rcgu-lations a, to uniform and equipment.

l-l1;tl l.st:cur, .\Ic;tracts of Title. Opinion 596, May 18, 19119 154441. stated that nn \fav 14. 19(49, ahc:racts of title

of Parcel; Nt , 978, (At. 14.11, 1)82 u.4. 94i, 0:.t{ 911), i)91), 9)1, 993, 9)J. (4)5. ')'I: 10(8). isou[lrru .\muriloct, Section 14, acre' sent to this llc,,tr,t I ,,- r>:l,rr,:. The Secn•tart' rc-ported that the-c Lied no, been receive-rl, :ttcl, ,,n n: ti,n, he a:t; sliwctrrg to write the Corl>„ration ('rntn,,I It that rtfcct.

R(':t1 Estate', Northern :A,lueduct, Set' th,ii 3. I )l,ininn 598. May la, 101)9 ( 544(5 I. gave the contents of the res„luti„ns of the Board

of Estimate and Apportionment adopted April 30, 19. 9, approving the purchase! of Parcels Nos. 113 and 114.

Opinion 595, May 18, 1909 t54 (1), forwarded contents of a communication from }ion. John J. I nson, special cnttn:cl. dated May 14, NO), advising that the voucher for the payment of the purchase price of Parcel No. 113 should he drawn to the r rder of \lar\ I”. I ?rtnist stud I tarry 1?lutist anlI retittested that the Law l )eparuuent be advised when the title is r::tdr t ,l la • clr<crl. On tnoti, n, a v„uchcr wits ordered to be prepared in accordance with paid opinion and forwarded to the Comptroller.

Opinion 593, May 18. 1909 ( 54241, forw;irded content, of a cnmmttnicnticn fmm Hon. John J. Lipson. special counsel, dated May 14. 1909, advishng that the voucher for the payment of the purchase price of Parcel No. 114 should be drawn to the order of Laura J. Hasbrouck and requested that the Law Department be advised when the title is ready to be closed.

Real Estate, Sou'hern Aqueduct. Section 13. Chief Engineer's communication 3404, May 21, 1909 (5586), recommended tht

the pending proceed-rigs be cliscoi tinned as to Parcel No. 02-1x. On motion this I recommendation was anprovcd, and the Secretary wa l recto l to write the Cor-

pora'ion Counsel accordu-gly. Opinhcn 611 \lav 25, 19119 ( 5('18). 'ram,.'itt,ed ''''o'e"ts of a c ,;1 -u• icatio,t c ,m

Mr. 1. J. Beaudrias, special counsel, dated yi•tv 21, 19)9 it ref-'rence •n tI c pr—c-'vre to he follow-ed in ohtaininv the 'egal nprsrr'tul -f the ^ -r , • • •+t w 'h rli }- n °. Cronkh'te dated Febrtiary 900 tary 24. 1 it Parcel •o Pcel N . 958, tin m n;Ot i, lb

Contract 16, matter was referred to Commissioner Clad ick. A conimunicatii it was recd',rcl front King, Rice & Ganev, dated Mac' 12. 1909

(5161 1, g'vicg ad'i•in; al facts for et ii id r: tion in com,tection with their application for Real Estate, Southern Aqueduct. Sect ton 15.

the approval of an assignment of this contract to the King, Rice & Ganey Company. Chief Engineer's communication 3417, May 24, 1909 (5587), stated that a build- On motion, the Secretary was directed to reply that no work has been done on the con- ing was being erected on Parcel No, 10336. On motion, the Secretary was directed to


write the owner of said parcel, Ratlaele Doti, notifying him of the City's intention to take this land.

A communication was received from Mrs. Marie O'Shaughnwssy, dated May 15, 1909 (54(171. rcpud acing the authority of anyone to appear for her in regard to Lot No. 6, Block 7, See avenue. On motion, the Secretary was directed to write Mrs. O'Shaughnessy to send a more definite description of her property.

Opinion 603, May it). 1909 (54(11), transmitted contents of a similar comnntnica-iinn sent to the Corporation Counsel.

A cn iri nnicatinn received from the Board of Estimate and Apportirmntent, plated May 21, 1909 (5565). transmittingcertified copy of the following resolution of '.airl Board adopted )Lay 21, 1909:

Wh reas, ] he Board of FStintate and Apportionment of 1'he City of New York, in pur.uance of the provisi n., of chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, as amended, dill , in the 27th clay of October, 1905, approve and adopt a report, and the neap, plan :tnd profile ace,snp,ltyitit tlic same. hearing date of October 9. 1905, and presented by the I. ar,l if \1 ater Supply of The City of New York, for obtaining all additional 111ppl) of jwrc : i l ihnlc~uiii' water for I- Itc City of New York. rin(1 (lcr'.arc(1 the ,ante tole the final ntap, plan or plans appro\cd and aclnp,cd 10' the Board of 1•.slini:tte and Apportionment a., provided for in said act : and

\Whereas, The Board of Water Supply of The City of New York has submitted to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for it approval as directed in section 5, chapter 724. L:nvs of 19(t'. six similar maps or plans, entitled:

S"ction 15. Iiartl of Water Supply of the City of New fork. .flap ut real e.tioc .ituatcd

in the T, wn> r,f Mount I"casant anti Greenburg. Cuuntc of Westchester and State of New York, to he argnircd by 'I'hc City of New York under the provisions of chapter 724 of the Laws of 19155. rt: rtrncndVd, for the construction of Catskill Anne-luct and anpurtcnarlcc , from Kcnsic Reservoir 'faking Line near Lakehnr,t Villa Park to Flrc ford. " ('I'hi. sc,•tion efln(pfl O( 92 parcels, numbered I(X)6 to 11)87. both inclnand Cnuiaiflc a Iota) area of 1l9AS7 acres. of which 116.130 acres are to be acquired in fee. and in the balance of which. 2.757 acres, a perpetual casement is to bk- acquire(l.)

R,=nlccd. •I-hat tilt. It aril „f 1{<'im :u alr td .\u)>nrtinnntcnt of The (itv of \tw Vr,rk hereby appru\c: anil arl.,1,1' the said six ;imilar flaps or plans. and directs the Secretary O Of tin Ito ird to, tr;tn,m't there to the Corp ration Counsel.

On \lay 2.4. 191)9. i1:e Sccretar- tr.O(sn1ittelf to the Corporation Cotjlscl (5602) two conics of dt-criuti- 11 of !hc 0 a otaie in this section. to he 1lwll in the adver-ticemcnt ,f !hc :(1)plicIlio11 for the :tp;)nintmcnt of Commissioners of .\ppraisal.

Real 1: *fate, ti, uthcrn :\lltce(luet, Section 16. Opinion 6O). May 21, 19K) t 5532). Ir:ut-ntitted cope of co m unication from Mr.

14. T. Pvkman. spcci,rl coun;cl. (fatal \lav 15, 19O9. stating that a very conservative ectihintc of the amc,nnt if tjnncv accrl 1., the Cite by a\'nitbng the property of St. Joseph's Seminary is $400.000.

A cmmnlunicn'irm W(5 rcceicc(l fronn t ~a he II of 1{,tiutatr and .\pportionment. dated \fav 21. 1)1O x55661. trancmittini eertihet1 e pt of the following resolution of ,air! Roaril adonte( ) lay 21. 191)9:

\hereas, Th B T11( oarrl (If T•:<timatc soil :Anu'Irti f 'anncnt 1, W The (its if New York. in ptlrsnancc of 111(' privisinn- of chapter 724 „i the l.aw, of 1965, as amended, did on the 27th rinv „f Ovlhr. 19(15. inui(O'r :end :-,lent :t reprt. ;fill the vnap, plan and nrnfile occn:-•1,a11minu the antc. Lt.:lriiI ,l•iie of October 9. 1905. ;tn(l presented by the Board ')f \\'nt,r tiu'>nit- of The ('itv --t \((r1:. for titnininv an addi'ion•il suppI.% of pure and \shn1wurc water for The City of New York, and declared the sari',• t-, TIC the fiTMI ni:tp, p'n or 1>l1n. approved and adopted by the Board of E ii-irate niid Apportiylioleoc a: i o'il'ed f r in said act: and

\\'hereac, `fhc R, :Ord of \\':t!cr tinnl>lt of -Iii,. (it v of New York has submitted to the Tlnarrl of Ti,timatc :ln(1 .\pp'g'ioorenc for it, approval as directed in set.tiOn 5, c•bapfcr 724. I.:ttc: , if 1905. -; x imilar traps or plans. entitled:

Section 16.

"Board of \\',tier 'it'll of .lie (itv of New fork. Map ,>f real estate situated ill the Trnvn - f (;recul ,nrg and (ii' of \ onkcrs. County of Westchester and State of New York. t„ l , i• ac tnircrl ht- 'fh> ( - its- „f N1•>c York under the nrnvieinns of chapter 724 of the l - tV of l))5. as amm(fcll for tale crmstruetinn of Catskill Anne-duct and apnurtcn:utccc form 1E.'.nt,f ,, rd to Ilill View Reservoir taking line." (This section corsia, (f a title sheet. a11(1 .ht. Clc 56 to 65, l>ntlt incln~ive, and c annrises 78 parcels iiitmbe•rci1 1O't8 to 1161. le tlt inclnsivv. containing a total area of 194.042 acre. of h;clt 151 (139 act rt; ,try to , he ncnuir(I in fee :11(11 in the l glance of which, 13.1)03 acres. a perpetual cascu>ent is to be acquire(l.)

ReSO1Vtrf, that the Board of f.,timatc and .\t I riionrncnt of 'I he Cit% of Nev York hereby apprnrcc and ad!,lii' the sa;d ix Similar moans or flans, and directs the Secretary of the Bg:trrl to transmit them to the C u'nnration Counsel.

On \Tav 24, 1909, the Sectetary tranmfiiheel to the Corporation Corms-I (5602) two c,lpicc of rlcscrintinn of tli real c,ta*c in this wctintt, to bc• tt' tl in the adver- tisement t the application for the aunni lit inhilt of (• 11101I-.inners of .\pprai sal .

Real Lst;(t(, :\sh,,kan Ru• rv, >ir, Section 9. Opin; a 591), \lay 1Q. 190) (5447 t cave rc-nliti n adopted be the lt ar,l of E:ti-

mate and :\nw,rti,eo1cft :\nril 3(1 1919. af;ur'rciov the u1lrcl1a ( ,,f Parce'' No. 390h. Opinion (>05, ' lay 20, 1909 (5483) transmitted contents of a commttnication from

Howard C}tipp. special counsel, (1:1tt•1I \lav 15. 1900 arlvising, that the voucher for the payment of the pttrchace price of u:>rcc l No. 3991) he trade paval>le to the Rip Van Winkle Creaniery Crnnnauv, William 1). Iirinn;ur and jamcs J(•nkins. and cc- quested that file Law Department Lc n(,titied a; Io the elat( hcn tlrl• title will he rcatly to he clncc(l. The original ..f thi; nt)inion was sent to the Mtrfitor \Tay 20, 19119. On nmtinn. a voucher nrder((l to be prepared in ,tccOrdl:mm(c with ;aid opinion and forwarded to the Comptroller.

Real Estate, Ashokan Reservoir, Section 12. Opinion (A, May 18, 1909 ( 5448), gave resolution of the Board of Estimate and

Apportionment ad 'pted April 30, 1909, approving the purchase of Parcel No. 544.

Real Estate. Ash kaii Reservoir, Section 15. The l,etition for the appointment Of Co mtis.siuners of Appraisal to this pro -

ceeding was verified by Crntmi'ssioner Shaw May 21, 1909.

Real E,tate, Ashnk,tn Re,crvnir, Section 16. T age proof of petition for the appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal in this

proceeding was returned to Mr. If. 'I. I)vkinan..pccial counsel. May 19, 1909 (5401). Said petition was verified h. ('ntmni < noel Shaw May 21, 1909.

Real L tats, :\ hok,in Re-~crvoir, Section 17. The petition for the appoititmunt of Commissioners of Appraisal in this proceed-

ing was verified by Comntissi, mcr Shaw May 21, 1909.

Real Estate, Ashokan Reservoir, Section IS. Page proof of the petition for the appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal

in this proceeding was returned to Mr. 1-I. T. Dykinau, special counsel, May 19, 1909 (5426) Said petition was verified by Commissioner Shaw May 21, 1909.

Real Estate, Buildings. Chief Engineer's communication 3419, May 24, 1909 ( 5612), recommended that

the contractors under Contract 3 be allowed to use and occupy Parcel 545, Ashokan Reservoir, with the buildings thereon. On motion, this recommendation was approved, and the fixing of the terms for such tic and )ccupatinn was referred to Cnmmis-sioner Chadwick with power.

Real E,tatc, Claiut;. A commuuicatiott ttas received from William D. Cuuuiugliaut, District Attorney

of Ulster County, dated May 21, 1909 (5542), requesting that immediate attention be given to the public road from Napanoch to Lackawack, near the farm of Deyo Turner, and stating that the same is being undermined and washed out by water from a shaft or boring made under the direction of this Board. The Chief Engineer re-ported verbally that steps had been taken immediately to prevent the caving in of the


highway and that there is no existing menace to travel by reason of the matters com- plamcd of. On motion, the Secretary was directed to write the District Attorney of Ulster County to this effect.

Real Estate, Easements. Opinion 594, May 18, 1909 (5425), transmitted contents of a communication front

Mr. 11. T. I)ykman, special counsel, dated May 13, 1909, in which he states that all stipulations affecting the property acquired for the purposes of this Board have been entered into after approval I,y the Board of Water Supply.

Real Estate, Expense of Acquisition. Opinion 601, May 10, 1909 (5449), transmitted certified copy of order of the

Supreme Court, dated May 7, 191)9, taxing the fees of the Commissioners of Appraisal in. Kensico, Sectir>n 3, in cunne,•tiun with their third report, as •follows:

Burton C.:Iciglian, $1,9)l); \\ illis 11. I)uwd, $1,950; Benjamin Ilowc, $1,950. Said opinion as) tr:nmiutc&l copy of letter to the Comptroller, dated May 19,

1909, advising the Pmnn"ot of said fees. 'I'lte original opinion and enclosures were sent to the Ai,litor May 19, 19(19. On utotion. vouchers for the payment of said fees is Sri taxed were ordered to he prepared and forwarded to the Comptroller.

Opinion 6(_', \Ia - 19, 19(19 (545t)). transinitted certified copy of order of the Supreme Court, dated \lay S. 19119, taxing the fees and di:hursements of the Com- mtcstoner; of :lppraisal in 1:~•iisic, ~. Sccli~m 11, in crnhi(cti,ii with their first report, as follottws: Phoenix Ingraham--

Fces .............................................................. $l,t+(NIit) I)i;Lursenient, ..................................................... o 5I

Robert B. Van Cortlandt- Fees .............................................................. LAHI It) I)i.sbur.cinctit. ..................................................... . 5 60

Michael J. \Walsh-- Fees............................................................... lA N) 00 I)isliurseiitt'tit ..................................................... 23 40

Said opinion al<n tr:iii iii tic~l com if letter t„ Ilse (.liiytl.Iler, dated May 11 ), 19(19, advising the pacntcnt of .nicl ice. M1 l di•hur>cnIeiIt<. Iltc original opinion :tno) en- closures were silt to the Auditor \Ia 1V, 1i i9. On to to 11, mocha, for the paytncttt of "kill fc ; :mrl di.hur corenc: ; • _1 , txe(I teat. ,r-lere'I t~,'>c prepared an'l t"rwarffcd to the Comptro ller.

The filf „tvin); hilt, %tv-lc rcicitcrl, gpl'e„ \cl h% the l0rril4ti'o t'„oosel sincl taxed by the Supt-rnc ('milt, :uul comelier, thercf - , r 5%- erc ordered t- , he t>reparcrl and for- warded to the ('u111107r> her : .\sho>knn Re.crt,,ir, Scctinn 1

Joseph S. Ilill. expert ................................................ $1l) (At James Mc\l dint. expert ..............................................III OI) Morton & liurrit_ expert. ............................................. (23 5(1 Peter Elbert \ „traii'l, expert ......................................... 553 4(, Jameti I':. O'Neill, expert .............................................. 5)) (Nt

;chokan Rc~(•rinir, Section l-- Kr:ift & I.i , <trrn>gr:rphcr. ........................................ ..

:\shokrm R~•,crt„fir, Sectinit 5-- 14 it)

The I-eider (umpaIi -. printing ..................................... .. 41) 4u Ashokan Reservoir, Section 6—-

The Leader Cotni sty, priniini_ ...... ................................. 21) }nil 1 he Leader C'ontpan.:, 1>rioting ........................................ 52 ttl „Democracy,” a lvcrtising ............................................ ti 411

A,hnkrtn Reservoir, Section 7 ......................... Kraft & C(,.. priutiu,;... .............. ....... 1_> I in

11sh ,>k;rn Reservoir, Section 8 -- hr Leader Coiup:tnv, brio:iii ........................................ 179 60

\1:tthc:r; fiurglicr. experi .............................................. (ii) (N) Ashok:tn Re,ervoir, Sec(inn: ti. 12--

\\'illrtrd Marsh, expert ................................................ 251) its Asliokan Rescry„ir, Suction 0--

7-he Leader ( n:np:ts\, printing ........................................ 27 95 :Ashnk;m Rcservoir. Sect it 1t)--

The Leader ('nrrlpanr, : it•crti,ing ...................................... 223 30 S;atc Lays Reporter;, s:cn)raltcr_ ................................... 81 41)

Ashokan Reservoir, Sections 11), 11, 12 William S. I)mlc. expert ............................................. 2o1.) Ott

:Ashr,knn Reservoir, Siccuioc 1(I, 11. 12. 13 E. I). Orosi r, t.xpert ................................................ 2ti0 (10

•\chok:ut Rc-crt , iir. S~•cit , m, lti, 12, 13-- Joseplt S. Ilill, expert ................................................ 230 (XI Jame, 'mlcMilla1. t•.1>erl .............................................. 23)) (x)

Atiitokan Rcsertt,ir Sect in 11-- The I.e:uler (onijmtiv, 1,riu'ing ........................................ 243 50 E. T. \William;, export ............................................... 100 (N)

Asilnkan Rc~crvr,ir, Section 12-- Mortnn & Iturritt, experts ............................................ 112 75 'lb I.ea,lcr ('nmlrtn~•, Brii(cim ......................................... 77 70 William I I. R lt•y, expert .............................................. 24t1 00

Ashokan Rescr.oir, Sections 12, 13 Then. :\. \T()-, expert ................................................ 170 00

A-shokan Re,ert•nir, St'ctinii; 12, 15, 1(> Christian W. \Titre, expert ........................................... 41) 00

Aslo k:ut R • ,•rtir, Sections 12, 13, 14---- Ara 1t;oIoi1. expert ................................................... 21)).) (1U Lrtl,vrcn,-e Kcfncv, expert ............................................. 250 00 J:Imc; H. 0 Neill, expert .............................................. 200 00

Asliok,in Reservoir, Section 13 S. K. Il:tsbrnuck, expert .............................................. 26O (X) John C. McGreevy, expert ............................................. 260 0)

Ashokan Re,ervoir, Section 14 -- William J. l Tillery, expert ............................................ SO 110 Jacob V. Merrihctt, expert ............................................ 300 0O Elting L. S mpkins, rxpert ............................................ 310 00

Ashokan Re;cry jr., Sections 1 to 14; Northern :Aqueduct, Sections 3, 4, 5- I'rc•ticrick S. ISenedict. Deputy Clerk .................................. 125 00 Ellis Ti. Long, CJerk .................................................. 399 93

Ashokan Re,ervoir. I lighway., John l Ilallinan, expert........... ........................ 11U flu Arthur J. Mahon, expert .............................................. 220 00 Frank Roosa, expert .................................................. 170 0))

Northern Aqueduct, Section 5— State Law Reporters, stenographers ................................... 95 70

Northern Aqueduct, Section 6- G. F. Ketcham, expert ............................................... 260 00

Northern Aqueduct, Sections 6, 7, 8- Everett Fowler, special counsel ....................................... 8,659 66

Northern Aqueduct, Section 7- V. J. Kohl, expert .................................................... 210 00

Jacob A. Ncwstead, expert ....................................'

Thomas H. See, expert .................................. ...... 280 00

363 63 Northern Aqueduct, Section 8—

"Democracy,” advertising ............................................. 1,156 40 Southern Aqueduct, Section 12—

Martin B. Brown Company, printing ........................... • ...... 122 15 Southern Aqueduct, Section 13—

Manhattan Life Insurance Company, rent ............................. 416 66 George Bernard, stenographer......................................... 87 21

Southern Aqueduct. Section 14— William G. Barrett, automobile hire...... ...... 23 00 State Law Reporters, stenographers ................................ 6 50 John P. Taafe, expert ...........................................I.... 80 00

John F. Brady, expert ........ ....................................... 315 00


I )1{1'.ARTJI !N 'l OF )BRIDGES. July 6-L'ern:u-d Ilaslin, No, 857 Tenth

iveilult'. New York City, is appointed as a Carpenter at $5 per day.

The foil wing named persons are ap-puinted as Itricklavers and their compen-

inn fixed at $5.(d) each per day: Edward J. Kehoc, No. 511 East One

lItuilrciI tutu l Sixty-second street, The hr ui x.

Thomas 1'. Mooney, N. 200 Brown Iliac c, The B run x.

Jule 7-Tlie compensation of Lewis 1'. Br ten, No,. 177 Decatur street, Brooklyn, .\~>is:ant I':ngineer, is fixed at $2,700 per :mnnnl, to date from July 1, 1909.

'rho corn pen sit till of J. A. Dwyer, Nn. 339 I -:a<t Sct-entt-ninth street, Manhattan, Ilntan, is liectl at $1,2(11) per annum, to Oat,' frnut JillN. 1, 1909.

M'illi: ull \k ilune, of No. 7O Hallett ,tree), I.,mg Ishii City, is appo'iitcd as ('arp nit in :inrl his compensation fixed at $; per day.

I)ll'ARTall•:N-r ((I' l) )CKS .\\D l IE:RKI l''.

fill% 2-J lie Gomm .,i,rnrr has tixed thz t ,:n of I" rc,1t'ririo Rln- , I nick Laborer, at the rate of 31' I cent'. per hour while ('iii-ph' el. t , tak,- effect July 6, 1909,

TRI l l0'N]' (1!' Till: lN)ROI'Gl l OF lLI lI\IO\U.

Jolt 7--( iven 1pr, ,hati mare apl,gintmcnt r' ,pnirr,iphical I)rieght:m;tu at a Sal-

;iry of $1 204) per annum to Drink G G. )tuf, N 27 Fast S,•criith street, New \-"irk, I-~ Iak, utftct holy 12. 114(y).

l'RESI O1•:N I' OI 'I'l i'l: B( )R01:'('I I OF 'riii: BRONX.

.tilt 7 1 )ca) It of I )aniel R,e rev. of No. 5Il4 1•:- .•' Onc Iluii lr,•rl ant Scvcnty-fir't street, ka,ruu,o in the Bureau 1, f 1141111

ni the 23d ult.



which the Public Offices in the City are open for business and at which the Courts regularly open and adjoin n as well a. the places where such offices are kept and such Courts are held, together with the heads of Departments and Courts.



Nu. g City Hall, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m,; Saturday, q a. m. to 12 m.

'Telephone, 8020 Cortlandt. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor. Frank M. O'Brien,-Secretary. William A. Willis, Executive Secretary. ,James A. Rierdon, Chief Clerk and Bond and V. arrant Clerk.

BUREAU OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Room 7. City Hall, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays,

9 a. M. to 12 M. 'Telephone, 8o20 Cortlandt, Patrick L)erry, Chief of Bureau.

BUREAU OF LICENSES. q a. nt. to 4 p m.- Saturdays, 9 a. m. to a m.' Telephone, ifozo Zortlandt. Francis V. S, Oliver, Jr., Chief of Bureau. Principal Ofce, Room I, City Hall. Branch Office, Room ts. Borough Hall, Brooklyn. Branch Office Richmond Borough Hall, Room 23,

New Brighton, §. 1. Branch Office Hackett Building, Long Island

City, Borough of Queens.


Room 207, No. a8o Broadway, 5th floor, 9 a. m. to 4'Telephone 1942 Worth The Mayor the Comptroller. ex-officio, Commis.

sioners John Ft Cowan (President) William H Ten Eyck John J. Ryan andohn P. indolph; Harry W. %balker, Secretary; Walter H . Sears, Chief En- gineer,

ARMORY BOARD. Mayor George B. McClellan, the Comptroller

Herman A. Metz, the President of the Board oI Aldermen. Patrick F McGowan, Brigadier-Gen. eral George Moore Smith, Brigadier-l:eneral John G. Eddy, Captain J. W. Miller, the President of the Department of Taxes and Assessments, Iasn

;fRr• I.Davis, SecretaryRcord,Chambers ancehours, 9 a.m.to4 p.m.

Te)eplww, 3goe Worth.


Martin B. Brown Company, printing........ 98 25 Stillman-Appellate Printing Company ............................... 61

Hill View, Section 1- State Law Reporter-, MeHHgraPllOr, . .... ...... ... ............. . 51 70

Hill View, Section 2- "Democracy," advertising ....... ............. ........................ 72 01) "Police Chronicle," advertising ........................................ 81 64)

Kensico, Section 3- George Bernard, stenographer ........................................ 45 9h

Stillman-Appellate Printing Company, printing ........................ 71 50 Kensico, Sections 3, 4, 5, 6-

Martin B. Brown Compan\, printing .................................. 31 8(1 Kensico, Sections 3, 5, 6. 7, 11-

William S. Banks, t xpert ............................................ 375 00 Kensico, Section 4-

Stillman-Appellate Printing Company, printing ........................ 148 51) Kensico. Section 5-

Stillman-Appellate Printing Company, printing ........................ 81 0h "Democracy," advertising ............................................ 75 2(4

Kcnsico, Section 6- "Tammany Times," advertising ...................................... 98 0) State Law Reporters, stenographers .................................. 97 9(1

Kensico, Section 7- Stillman-Appellate Printing Company, printing ........................ 151 5)) A. hrancis Lenz, stenographer ........................................ 32 1/

A. Francis Lenz, stenographer ....................................... 57 (H) A. Francis Lenz, stenographer ........................................ 142 50

Kensico, Section 9-- John P. Taafe. expert ................ .......... ..... ............ 40 (A)

New York Telephone Company, telephone service. \larch, l9(<)........ 91 34 Stillmat)-.\ppellate Printing l'rnnpan). printin}t ........................ )h fill Mrs. (i.. F. 1\'hitten. steiwgrapher .................................... 144 4(,

Kensico, Section 9-- William 0. Lewin, photographer ...................................... 42 (M) Stillman-Appellate Printing Company, printing ........................ 195 (H) Mrs. G. E. \Whitten, stem ngrapher .................................... 195 u3 John P. Taafe. expert ................................................ 30 (9)

Kensico, Section 10- George Bernard. Stull „grayher ........................................ 116 28

Stillman-Appellate 1'rirting Company, printing ........................ 117 (9) Kensico, Section 11

Charles H. Munch, expert ............................................ 74(f (N)

John. P. I l,)ftic, ( xpert ............................................... 05)) (W)

State Law lo•pnritrs. stenographers .................................. 175 52 Kenslco, Sectiot 12-

Iicnry If. Iterr'. expert .............................................. .,411 (II)

A. Francis I enz, stenographer ....................................... 15 17

A. Fraiiei Len -r. stenographer ........................................ 52 87

Kcal (':state, IIighwacs Chief 1:igmcer's communication 3415, \lay 24, 104I9 54$)). transmitted ilia)

accession t!r'mhcrs JL-317• F-318, I-319. 1---3211, E.-321, L-322, F-323, showing chailvcs of highways in (lravgc ( uttnty ro'irlcrrd n •ce.stn• he the coi1tructlw of the ('atskill Aqueduct. On motion, the Secretary was directed to, transmit said reaps to the Cnr-poration Counsel, requesting hint t , , take the neressar) steps to, secure the legal ap- proval of said changes.

Chief Engineer's c-,utn tlii c;tti„ii 3413, NIa\ 24• PH)) 4 5t i 1 1 • transmitted maps accession numbers E-315 and E-31(,, slit wiig changes „1 highways in Ptttnant County rendered ncccssar• by the construction „f the Catskill .Voledlict. Ott motion, thy Secretary teas directed t" tr2ilsmll sail mays t-, III C, rI,i , rslfi ,Ii l„uel cl, rcgn sting him to take the necessary steps to- secure the legal approval of said changes.

Opinion 610, May 25. 1909 (5617 f. transmitted maps accession numbers E-242 F:243, F.-241, F-239, E-24u, showing changes of highways in Pt)tnxnt County rendered necessary by the construction ,f the Catskill .\rlucdluct. (iii motion, the Secretary was directed to return these maps to the Corporation I.'ounsel and to request that the necessary steps lie taken to obtain the legal al,pn.val „f the change.; shown thereon, if such steps have not already been taken.

Real Estate, I (ill Vic%%, Section 2. Opinion 607, May 2)), 19(49 (5495), forw;irdct) ccrtilicd c 1, of ,rdcr „f the

Supreme Court, entered in the office of the Clerk if Westchester County May 11, 1909, confirming the fourth report of file Gonntissioiiers of Appraisal in this pro-ceeding; also copy of letter to the Comptroller, dated \Ian 2(1, 191K), advising the pay-ment of the awards, rlisbursentents and counsel fees iii said report. The original opinion and enclosures were sent to the 'Auditor )lay 2)1, 1919. The Secretary wn,te the Comptroller under (late of May 21, 19(19 (5529), requesting that a date he fixed for the computation of interest on said awards. On inotion, vouchers were ordered to be prepared by the .\editor in accordance weit)t the amounts certified l v the Court, upon receipt of proper advice front the Comptroller, and the .\editor was ordered to report to the Board the parcel nuntl,ers •u)fl amounts when such vouchers have been prepared. The parcel ntunherc mcntinnccl in said order are 58, 59, ftl, 77, 81, 1111.

Real Estate, pension, Section 3. Opinion 608, May 20, 1909 (5486), forwarded certified copy of order of the

Supreme Court, entered in the office of the Clerk of Westchester County May 17, 1909, confirming the third report of the Commissioners of Appraisal in this proceed-ing; also copy of letter to the Comptroller, dated May 20, 1909, advising the payment of the awards, disbursements and counsel fees in said report. The original opinion and enclosures were sent to the Auditor May 20, 1909. The Secretary wrote the Comptroller under date of May 21, 1909 (5529), requesting that a date be fixed for the computation of interest on said awards. On motion, vouchers were ordered to be prepared by the Auditor in accordance with the amounts certified by the Court, upon receipt of proper advice from the Comptroller, and the Auditor was ordered to report to the Board the parcel numbers and ainounts when such vouchers have been prepared. The parcel numbers mentioned in said order are 122, 123, 129, 135, 137, 142, 143, 144, 146, 153, 154, 155, 157, 162, 169, 170, 172, 173, 176, 189.

Real Estate, Kensico, Section 5. Opinion 606, May 20, 1909 (5484), transmitted certified copy of order of the

Supreme Court, entered in the office of the Clerk of Westchester County May 10, 1909, confirming the second report of the Commissioners of Appraisal in this pro-ceeding; also copy of letter to the Comptroller, dated May 20, 1909, advising the pa'ment of the awards, disbursements and counsel fees in said report. The original opinion and enclosures were sent to the Auditor May 20, 1909. The Secretary wrote the Comptroller tinder date of May 20, 1909 (5514), requesting that a date be fixed for the computation of interest oft said awards. A letter was received from the Finance Department, dated May 21, 1909, stating that it is expected that the said awards will be paid out of the proceeds of the next bond issue. On motion, vouchers were ordered to be prepared by the Auditor in accordance with the amounts certified by the Court, upon receipt of proper advice from the Comptroller, and the Auditor was ordered to report to the Board the parcel numbers and amounts when such vouchers have been prepared. The parcel numbers mentioned in said order are 326, 330, 336, 338, 357, 361.

Real Estate, Kensico, Section 9. Opinion 599, May 18, 1909 (5447), gave resolution of the Board of Estimate and

Apportionment adopted April 30, 1909, approving the purchase of parcel 630. Three copies of neap accession E-245, showing the modified boundary line of parcel

596, and three copies of map accession E-244, showing the modified boundary line of parcel 597, were, on May 24, 1909, sent to Mr. I. J. Beaudrias, special counsel (5568), pursuant to the request contained in his letter of May 22, 1909.

Reports. Weekly report of the Chief Engineer 193, May 17, 1909 (5585), was filed.

THOS. HASSETT, Secretary.

ART CDNsIs8IOB. City Hall, Room at. Telephone call, I Iy7 Cortlandt. Robert W. de Forest, Trustee Metropolitan

Museum of Art, President; Frank U. %fillet. I ainter, Vice-President; John B. Pine. Secretary; A. Augustus Healy, President of the Broo 1 yyn Institute of Art. and Sciences; Geo, e B McClellan, Mayor of the City or New York; John Bigelow. Preside, t of New l ork Public Library; Arnold W. Brunner, Architect; Charles Howland Russell, Frederic B. Pratt, Herbert Adams, Sculptor.

John Quincy Adams, Assistant Secretary.


Office, Bellevue Hospital, Twenty-sixth street and First avenue.

Telephone, µoo Madison Square. Board of Trustees-Ur. John W. Brannan Presi-

dent: James K Paulding, Secretary; James A. Parley, Samuel Sachs, Leopold Stern, John G. U'Keeffe. Arden M. Robbins, Robert W. Hebberd, ex-efticio.


No. ii City Hall, to a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays to a. m. to 12 m.

Telephone, 7560 Cortlandt. Patrick F. McGowan, President, P J. Scully, City Clerk.


Office, No. 320 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m ; Satur days, 12 m.

Antonio Zucca. Paul Veirnann. J ames H. Kennedy. William H. Jasper, Secretary. Telephone, 29, 30 and 31 Worth.


Headquarters General Office, No. 107 West Forty-first Street.

Cumoussiuners-1ohn T. Dooling (President). Charles B. Page (Secretary), James Kane, John E. Snuth.

Michael T Daly Chief Clerk. Telephone, 2946 i3ryant.


No. tea West Forty-second street. William C. Baxter, Chief Clerk.

The Bronx.

One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street and Mott avenue (Solingen Uuilding).

Cornelius A. Banner, Chief Clerk.

Brooklyn. No. 42 Court sire_t (Temple Bar Building). George Russell, Chef Clerk.

Queens, No. 46 Jackson avenue. Lung Island City. Carl Voegel, Chief Clerk.

Richmond. Borough Hall, New Bri$htun. S. I. Charles M. nchwalbe, Chief Clerk. All offices open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. In.; Saturdays.

9 a. M. to 14rn


The Mayor, Chairman; the Comptroller. President of the Board it Aldermen. President of the Borough of Manhattan, President of the Borough of Bruuk-

'n, President of the Borough of The Bronx, Presi-dent of the Borough of Queens, President of the Borough of Richmond,

OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY. No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, ssSo

Worth Joseuh Haag, Secretary ; William M. Lawrence,

Assie;ant Secretary. Charles V. Adee, Clerk to Board.

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER, Nelson P. Lewis, Chief EngineerNo. 277 Broad

way, Room 1408. 'telephone, 2261 %Vurth. Arthur S. Tuttle. Engineer in charge Division of

Public Improvements, No. 277 Broadway, Room 1408. Telephone, 2281 Worth.

Harry P. Nichols, Engineer in charge Division of Franchises, No. 277 Broadway, Room Sot. Tel phone, 2282 Worth.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Rooms 6027 and 6028 Metropolitan Building, No.

I Madison avenue. Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. in to} p m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 1211).

Telephone. 1840 (,ramercy. Warren A. Conover. Charles thick. Lewis Hard-

ing Charles G. Smith, Edward F. Croker, William A. boring and George A Just, Chairman.

Edward V. Barton, Clerk Board meeting every Tuesday at 2 p. m.


Office, No. 148 East Twentieth street. John J. Barry, Commissioner of Correction,

President. Wm. E. Wyatt, Judge, Special Sessions, First

Division Robert J. Wilkin, Judge, Special Sessions, Second

Division. Frederick B. (louse, City Magistrate, First

Division. Edward J. Dooley, City Magistrate, Second Divi.

sion Samuel B. Hamburger John C. Heintz, Dominick

Di Dario, James F. Boyle Thomas K. Minnick, Secretary.


Herman A. Metz, Comptroller. Francis K. Pendleton, Corporation Counsel. Lawson Purdy. President of the Department of

Taxes and Assessments. Henry J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Finance Depart'

ment No. stir Broadway. Telephone, 1200 Worth.

BOARD OF WATf1R SUPPLY. Office, No. spq Broadway. John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick, Charles A

Shaw. Commissioners. Thomas Hassett, Secretary. J. Waldo Smith, Chief Engineer.

OOIIMI$IIONBR$ OF ACVOONTL Rooms 114 and 115 Stewart Building, No, ago

Broadway, 9 a. m. tot p. m. Telephone. 4r~q Worth, John Parroy Rttchel, Henry C. Baacks, CosB-

8004 THE CITY RECORD. FRllAY, JULY 9, 1909.


TWENTY-THIRD AND TWENTY-FOURTH WARPS. Office of the Commission Room 138 Nn. 280

Broadway (i.tew•art Buildingj, Borough 01 Manhat-tan. New fork City.

Coninussioners—William E. Stillings George C Norton• Lvwis .s Abrams.

Lamont McLoughlin. Clerk. Regular advertised meetings on Monday. Wednes-

day and Friday of each week at 2 o'clock p. m.


City flail. Rnnms 11, 12; 10 a. m. to 4 p. m-; Sat-urdays. to a. in to Ia m.

Telephone, ; 5ho Curtlandt P. J ' u11y, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of

A ldernieii )nseph I Prendergast. First Deputy. luh•t T Oakley, Chief Clerk of the Board of

A Ideri lee. Sculley, Clerk. Borough of Brooklyn

J'hunlal J McCabe. Deputy City Clerk, Borough of 7 he lilon,

Vs lllau, R. Zimmerman, Deputy City Clerk, Bor-ough ut lZ wrens.

J se{,It I O'Orady. Deputy City Clerk, Borough of Iii ftuwnd.

4 1'11 RIC(1►Hn r►F'Ft/•1r


Fly'ervi„ern (Iflice. Park Row Building. Nn. 21 Park Ro%% Entrance. Room bo7. o a in to 4 p m.: Satutdas,. , a In. to 12 nl.

7rlepfac,-• I;o; and ISu6 Cortiandt. Supply Ruulll, N,,. 2.litc hall.

1'atrilI, I. I Intl t'u'rrvisur: Henry McMillen,

Deputy t-uta.rc:,,,r l I,- Kerrie. be:retar)

('Dl1lll4N11)VE1t OF IICB9f✓3:f1.

(Jffice. Nu. 2-7 Brlladway. hn N. Bogart. Commissioner

James P. AiLlubald. 1)eputy Commissioner. John J Caldwell. Secret .0 Office huts, q a. in to 4 1,. m.; Saturdays. q a. m.

to 12 ft. Trlepl i i.- _r \C,nth.

I ESTlt,tl. e1FFH E.

Ni. 148 East 'I wellrviII -trret. office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.. Satendays, q a. m. to I2 m.

Telephone, 1047 Gramrr - y. Joh rr J Barry, C',upiuisiI11cr. George 11. Nieyer. I ieput) Cununissiuner. John B. Fit zgertld. Nu -e retary.

DICYA14111 l;\'1 41F UO1.'KN AND 1•' F: It H IF%.

Pier "A.` N. I<.. I1.;[',-I) Flare Tel” l,h„ur, arc 1(, t , r Allen N 'p,rr, C ,un: „i leis 1),n is A. Judge. Ih•I i Iv I u mnsissloner J useph \\ . Savage, S,-, rrtary. Office hours, 92 In. to 4 p. nt.; Saturdays, 12 M.


Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of iHanhattao. 9 a. nu. te, 5 p ill. (in the month ut August, uj a. m. to 4 p. ni); Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 M.

'I'rl'-uhurle. 5580 Plaza. Slat.•d nue,-tloI;s,f the Board are held at 4 {,. m

on the first \l unday •n February, the srce,nd l\ed-nesday in July - and the sece,od aid tuurth Wednes-days In ei,ery month. except Jul) acid August

Richard B. Aldcn ,ttt. Jr.; Nicholas J Barrett, Charles E. Bruce. lI. I1.; Joseph K. Cusgrive, Frederic K. Cuudert, Francis W. Croscninalirld, Fram.is I'. Ctwniun, "I h,ima, \1 Ile Laney, Ilurace E. Ilre>;er, Alexander Ferris, Ji,eph Nicola Francolini. George I'reifeld, George I. Gille"pie. John Greene, Lewis Haase. Ru[x•rt I.. I ;uri,ou, Louis Haupt, M. Il.; 'I h..mas J 1Iig},'ius, James 1', Hollanu-d. Arthur I Ill ,k, Ilui;u K;wzlet, has Katzeiulacrg. I'.dward l.azan,k5, Alrick H. Man, C lrmeul ;lI,mreh,li its hl II tI,l.h'Kert F..JI, Cafferty, Demo, J lilt I)uuaid, M. Ii.; Ralph \I Kee I- rankW. hley'er,'l'Iu mas J. O'lllonuhue, Beni y Ii. Sh,-r-man, Arthur S. 7umer,, i\ Ii, abant 51eru. D1. -'an lie I Stern C,,meli[us J. Sullivan, J:uue, L. Sullivan. Michael J. 511111 van. Bernard Snydam Rucrt I;. Thomas, Jahn R.'Ihumpsun,G u u ergeA.~'a~enhnff, Frank I f \5'ilsey. George W. Wingate Egerton I.. No'inthrn~,, Jr., nten1hen of the Snarls (One vacaucv

Egert„n L- Winthrop, Jr- ('resident I, 'tin Iiree•ne•. \'ice f're,ldrnt A Enuersou I'alnn•i. err r•-tary. Fred H Johnson, Assistant Secretary. C. B. J. Snyder, Superintendent of School Build-

ings Patrick Jines, Su perintendent of School Supplies. Henry B. hi. Cook. Audrtur. Thomas A. Dillon. Chief Clerk. llenry M. I.ei~uziger, Snpervis„r of Lectures. Claude Ii. Ise and. Sllperirtcodh•llt .,f Libraries. A. J. Maguire, Supervisor of Janitors,

BOARD OF SUPERINTENHKNTS. William II Maxwell, City nuperintendent of

Schools. and Andrew W. Edson, Juhn H flaaren Clarence E Melene). Thomas S. O'Brien, Edward B. zwalluw, Edwarr, L. Stevens, Gustave traubeu muller, John H. Nalsh, Associate City Superin-tendents,


Darwin L. ftardwell, William A. Campbell, John I. Chickerin{u,, John IV Davis, Jllhn Iwyer. James M. Edsall, Matthew J Elgas, 1:dward I). I•arrell, Cornelius U M'ranklnl John ( riffin, M. 1).. John L. N. Hunt Henry IA ame,l n,ales lee. Charles W Lv"n. James J McCabe. William J O'Shea. Julia Richman Alfred T. Schauf ler, Albert Shieh, Edgar Duos ?bimet, Seth T. Stewart. Edward W. Stitt Grace C. Strachan Joseph S Taylor, Joseph H. Wade, Evangeline E Whitney.

BOARD OP EXAMINERS. William H. Maxwell City Superintendent of

Schools, and James C. Byrnes, Walter L. Hervey, Jerome A. O'Connell, George J. Smith, Examiners.


Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, it a. in to 5 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m.

Telephone. 1200 \Worth. Herman A Metz, Comptroller. John H. McCooey and N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy

Cuntl [rollers, 11 bert L. Smith, Assistant Deputy Comptroller. Paul Loeser, Secretary to Comptroller.


H J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Room if.


Frank W Smith, Chief Accountant and Book-keeper, Room 8.


James J. Sullivan, Chief Stock and Bond Clerk, Room Sc.


PH. Quinn, Chief Auditor of Accounts. Room 27.


Jeremiah T. Mahoney, Auditor of Accounts, Room 185.


Charles S. Ilervey, Supervising Statistician and Examiner. Room i80.


Daniel C. Potter. Chief Examiner of Accounts of Institutions. Room 38.

OFFICE. OF THE CITY PAYMASTER. No. 83 Chamber, street and No. 65 Reade street. John H 7'imnlerman. City Paymaster.

P.NCLNEEKING DIVISION. Stewart Building. Chambers street and Broadway.

Chandler N ithington. Chief Engineer, Room 55.


William M. Hoge, Auditor of Accounts in Charge, Room 39.


Mortimer J. (frown, Appraiser of Real Estate, Roans 101, 103 and io5.

Borough of Richmond, Nos. 54 and 56 Water street Stapleton, Staten Island.

John T. Sprague, M. U., Assistant Sanitary Super-intendent; Charles E. lloyer Assistant Chief Clerk

Walter Wood, M. U., Assistant Registrar of ecords.

DIPP%RTMWNT OF PARKS. Henry Smith. Commissioner of Parks for the Bor-

oughs of Manhattan and Richmond, and President Park Board.

William J. Fransioli, Secretary. Offices, Arsenal Central Park. Telephone, 201 I'laca. Michael J . Kennedy Commissioner of Parks for

the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Offices, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Brook

lyn. Telephone, rtoo South. Joseph 1. Berry, Commissioner of Parks for the

Borough of The Bronx. Office, Zbrowskl Mansion, Claremont Park. Office hour,, a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 M. Telephone, 2640 Tremont.



Foot of East Twenty-sixth street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m Saturdays, 12 fit.

7'elephune,3 ,o Madison Square. Robert W. If;ehberdI Commissioner, Richard C [faker. First Ilel,uty Commissioner. '1'homas W. Hynes, Second Ueputy Cunimis-

siuner for Brooklyn and Queens. Nos. 327 to 331 Schermerhorn street, Brooklyn. Telephone, 2977 lilt in

McKee Borden, Secretary. flans and Specification,, Contracts. Proposals and

Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, Repairs and Supplies. Bills and Accounts, 9 a. nl _o

p. m. ; . aturday%, 12 M. 1Sureau of Dependent Adults, foot of Fist Twenty-

sixth street. Utlice hours. 8.3o a. m. to 4 p. m. The Children's Bureau, 7 o. 66 Third avenue.

Office hours, 8.30 a. in to 4 p nl Jeremiah Connell }•, Superintendent for Richmond

Borough, Borough hall, St. (eorge, Staten Island, lelephune, loon Tompkinsville.

DEPARTMENTOF STREET CLEANING. Nos 13 to 21 Park row, 9 a. M. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 386^ Cortlandt William II. Edwards, Commissioner. Jantes J Mogan. Deputy Commissioner, Borough

ut Manhattan Owen J Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Brooklyn Julian Scott, Deputy Commissioner, horaugi

ul the Broils John J. O'Brien, Chief Clerk.


ANNF,"M F.NT9. Hall of Records, cooler of Chambers and Centre

streets. Office hours, 9 a m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9a. iii. to12in

Cuiuimissiuuners-'-1 .aws,,n Purdy, I'resident; Frank Raymund, Janie, II. fully, Charles I'utzel, Hugh IIastIfigs, Charles I. McCormack, John J. IIalleran.

Telephone, 3900 Worth.


Nos t3 to 21 Park Row. 9 a. m. to 4 ). m Telephones. Manhattan, 8520 C art land[; Brooklyn,

g lio Main, Qiiuceuis, 439 Greenpuiut; Richmond, q4 Tumpkin,vl e: Bronx, (12 I'renu,nt

,hn II (I'hritu, Cummi,'iuuuer. 1. I' Loughman, I)etnrty Commissioner.

1. M. tie .aruua, Chiet Engineer George W. Birdsall, Consulting IIydraulic En-

ginecr. tie„rg' F. Sever, Consulting Electrical Engineer. Char les F. Lacombe. Chief Engineer of Light and

l'owe'r Ilulx•rt S. \VynLuul. ISlectlical Engineer. Hi ii,IeI C. f'edtleu, Mauer HegI,tel, ,Manhattan William A. IIawley, Sectetary to Comnu„ioner. William C. Cozier. l)eputy Commiss.iuIncr ltur-

uugh .d Brooklyn. Mnnicl ,al Building, Brunktyn. Walter E Spear, Chief Eugme t r. John W. 11cKmy, Assisrant Engineer in Charge,

Ihuruughi of 14irfuuund \Niihau] It Mcbalre. Water Register, Brooklyn. Michael lie' tit, I)eputy Canon„inner, Borough

of Fite Bronx. Crotona Park Braiding. (Sue hundred and Sevent y}-,even II street and -['lord ;[venue

7'huma, 41 I.. flu It. Water Register. l'he Bronx. Charles C. Wi,sel, Deputy Cunlnli~sinuur Ifur-

ough ui Queens, Hackett Building, Lung Island City.

John E. Bowe, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of H Idlmond, Municipal Building. St. George.


Bartholomew F Ilonuhr,e President; John J Moore. Secretary; John J . (Moll, Treasurer; ex ofhctu, Horace Looms- and Matthew E Mealy.

Room, Nos 14, -5 and lb Aldrich Building, Nos, Not and 151 Church •treet.

Offs a often during bu,iues, hours every day in the year (except legal holiday,). Examination, are held tin Munday, \4ednesday and Friday after 1 p. m.


Office hours for all except where Otherwise noted from 9 a. m. to 4 P. m.; Saturdays, 12111.

H EA IN,t UA K TH KS. Nils 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Man-

hattao Telephone, 640 Plaza, Manhattan; 2653 Main,

Brooklyn Nicholas J. Haves. Commissioner. I' A Ls.hHnc}s Repot} Commissioner, CharlesC Wise, I)eputyCommissioner, Boroughs

of liruuklvn and Queens William A. Carney, Secretary; Mark Levy, Secre-

tary to the Commissioner; George F. Dobson, Jr. Secretary to the Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs f B kl n ' rid ueens


OFFICE OF CORPORATION COUNSEL. Hall of Records. Chambers and Centre streets,

6th, 7th and 8th Nonrs, q a m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. to to 12 ill

Telephone. 3900 \North. Frain is K. Pendleton, Corporation Counsel. Assistants- Theodore Lunn..', George L. Ster-

ling,Charles I).(Slendurf, William P Burr, R Percy Chittenden, 1)avid Itunlsey. \Gilliam Beers Crowell, john L. O'L'rten, 'Terence Farle S•, Edward J. McGoldrick, Cornelius F Collins, Juhil F. O'Brien, Edward S. Malone, Edwin J. Freedman, Curtis A. l'cters. Louis II. liahlo, Stephen O'Brien, Frank B. fierce, Charles A. O'Neil, Richard II. Mitchell,

'i hn \\'iddeconibe. Joel J. Squier, Arthur Sweeny, \'illi:un 11 King, George P. N,ch,dsun George

Ilaruld Falwell. Ilanurd P Vu'alker. Alfred W-Bu„raem. J. Gabriel hint, Francis J. Byrne, Francis \I.Irtin, Charles McIntyre, Clarence L. Barber, Solon Ilerrick, James I'. O'Cunnur, William H. rark,un. Idward 1laxscn, Eihutt S. Benedict, Isaac Phillips, Edw:u'd A. SIcSI- toe, Eugene Fay, Ricardc n1. I lotCi sta, Francis X. McQuade, Raymund D. Fosdick, John M. Barrett, I. 'Townsend Iturden, Jr.

Secretary to the Corporation Counsel—Edmund Kirby.

Chief Clerk—Andrew T. Campbell.

BROOKLYN OFFICE. Borough H all, 2d floor, 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. Satur

days, q a nt. to 12 I. 'lelephune, 2948 Stain. )allies I). Bell, Assistant in charge.

BUREAU U1” STREET OPENINGS. No qo \\ e,t l(roadway, 9 a. M. to 4 p. m. Satur-

days, 9 a. m. to 12 m. 1'elephune, I,190 Cort;and. John 1' Uuun, Assistant in charge.


No. IF) Nassau street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Satur- day's q m. a, to 12 Ill

Telephone, 4520 Cortland. IIcrinan St del, Assistant in charge.


Ni, 240 Broadway, 5th door, Office hours for pub Ii/ . 9 a. m. to 4 p m ; Satinrday's, 9 a. M. to 12 M.

7 elephuue, 45['•5 1\'urth (jet). lY Reilly, A.;eistant in charge.


No. 44 East Twenty tlnru street, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, Saturdays, 9 a. Ill. t.1 12 r11.

'fclel,h„n-' Ig61 (;ranl,•n y John I' (.u'nru, .\„I,t•ent in r-harge.

41FYC 1t ll 1'O 1, 1 TA ♦ •I;N'F;RAt8IS CUE-MISNIIIN.

Office. Nu. I, Battery place. George A. Soper, flu 1).. l'ur-,idemlt; James II Fuertes secretary' II. he If. I'.trsons, Char le, Souyslii th, I.insly Ii, kVil- li,tut,, hi 1).

'I u' le. I flu) I Rector.

MI- \1111'41, 54%t'I,IlSIS 165 (GMII(MREM.

Ni'. 157 and I;q E,1 •t tiirly seventh street, Flead-yuarters Dire I)elrut it'll l.

I'atII F :\ Whitney I)rputy Fire Commissioner and Ch.tir III :ua \\'illiam Montgomery, John Sherry, C.:\udr,uly. jr,, .\brain A. Ihru-nt;mAn.

'Iebu-hhuite. 640 PkIza. Prauz S. ., all, Secretary, Nos, 3(5 397 Jay

shred, Brooklyn. Stated ru"•tiol;, Fridny of (tail week, at 3 p. m, 7u-iepboae s 3520 \Ltin.



Nu. 300 1 u11, -crI' ,tre•e t y at. of to 4 p. m. '!'elt'I,h„n,•. t ,00 ".boll[;. \'i'iIii;iuii F ltkrr. Cu„ma..i,rer. lrc•dorick II. ([ilY;hc2t, 1 ir,t IlrIIuI[ht;omli,sioner. J u,ctu

A. SiiuVt'i I hill) I)el,uty c•uu)lunatuner.

t\ limit 11. Kipp, Chlet Clerk.

1'1 111.11' NIL'Itt V 11'E C(IMMINMIO1t1.

'l'he Public Service Culmliilssiuuri for the First 1)is-triut 'Tribune Building, Nu, 154 Nassau street, M allhdc.oI.

( )ftirr hours. 8 a m. to I I p. m„ every day in the year in, Itiufiuk holiday, and'unday;

1t:ded ,ublic meet log, of the C-,m IlI'.Shfl, Tues-d:t%, and l"liclays at 11.30 a. n, in the Public Hear-ing (to „III ut the G,unIino,iuli, third flour of the Truiuuuu- Building, umillu'„ 'cluesrsIs., ordered.

Coma l„inw rs--Hilb.all It \\'ilIcax, Chairman; \'i dli (11 1IcCirro1I F.dw,ud \1 Itas,ett, Milt) R hlalthie, John I”, ElI'ti,. Counsel, George S. Cole' man SIu.rctary, Travis II 11 hitney.

f1.ieyhis1rll•. 4I 5n I t''''I. ina'u

I'F%1)51.11'1' Hut Nil. DEPARTMENT. Manhattan (Rile,, Nu. 44 East Twenty-third street. Telephone 5331 (;ramercy Edmond J. Itutlrr, C,uuliuu'isu,unu'r. Will H. AI,h,dt. Jr.. Foist I lei uty Conniiissi'ner. Ilroal,lyli I Mile Shoro ulghs of ltrooklyn, Queens

and It ii imund), rentide Bar building, No. 44 Court street.

Ye1ehbuoe. 3Itz5 Main uhn M, Keuwn, Sewnd Deputy Commissioner. iruiiz Office, Nos 2804, 2806 and 28o8 Third Ave-

nue. Telephone, 967 Melrose. William B. Calvert, Superintendent.


Boh(lI(s1l (IN' THE BRONX.

Office of the President, corner 'Third avenue and One I l undred and Sevt•ut y-seventh street; 9 a. m. to 4 p m.: Saturdays. it a. m. to 12 M.

Louis F Haften Prerineii HenrtA (iumbieton. Secretary rhn F Murray. Camllssculler of Public Works,

John A Hawkins, Assistant Commissioner of Publir Works

l'u,lan A. Brigut,~s. Chief ftngineer. redellck Grelflenberg, Principal Assistant Topo-

graphical Engineer Charles II. Graham, Engineer of Sewers. Thomas IL O'Neil, Superintendent of Sewers. Samuel C. 'Thompson, Engineer of Highways.


(t' urge I. liuCIellan. Playnt, Chairman: llcnoan RIiR EAIT FOR TILE COLLECTION OF TAXES.

A. 11etz, Cut)IF,tn'lier; 3.Imt•, J. ll art lii. Chamber- Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, Room 0. lain; Patrick 1- Mic(,u v%au. I'resident I,1 the Bard David E. Austen, Receiver. of Taxes, 'I of Aldermen. and un,.thy 1'. aulli'an. Flrarrnntll j'ulm f.M,bnaa[;h and William H. Loughran, Fluauce C,utilluttu-e. flit! „I A1lelluti. tie null N. Tailor Pfiilli-. hut'. (,vllptr„)1,-I. '. rr: try 1EIIIsv'i h, l Flu,, Ike nxx-Monidpal Building, Third

Office' Ii: Wit- I'it lr } }<„ Ili t2. IeN ,l rt l;Vil'ilnt;. ' - i d 171 11.... M(ie!: .t t,i. 1'elet boor, 12on 1\', rth. II u Il t ndt rl,tll and Stephen A. Nugent, I)ep-

--- Its keerivu-r,uf 7'axe,. GL('ARYfd:N'I' OM BR II)*,iES. 1 Ili,rnogl ul Brooklyn—Municipal Building, Rooms

NIS. 13-2r yarn Ros s 1\ Strtrntiun, Cu ill isxinnrr. fhumas J. I )rrnnan And William Gallagher,

1ales .

uhn II I.ItI)v. I)eputy Commissioner. Ile•e0 uu Icecu-ivu-r, of I' uses.

Edgar E. ti• hiff, Srcretarq. BdiCity.i Jackson ut ~ust et' Hong (,nuv

~t( ta i

1' is

Long Island Office hours, 92. m. To 4 p. in. Saturday,. 9 a nt. te, 12 m•

-'rand is dtreet. e (u ,'is' a 11. Coed and Mason 0 Smedley, Deputy

Teleph',ne, 6i (-.ortlandt, K,Ii ur 'rr, ul Taxes.

lh,%Tif;h ut Richmond—Buruugh Hall, St. George, New Bng lion.

DFsFAHTMe(mT OF 1.OItRh',CTIIIm, Join Ile Morgan and F. Wilsey Owen, Deputy Receivers of "faxes.


Borough of Manhattan, Stewart Building, Room I.

Daniel Muynallan, Collector of Assessments and Arrears.

Ru hard E. Weldon, Deputy Collector of Assess -n,rnt, and Arrears.

lfuu rugli of The Bronx -- Municipal Building, haul,1-

Jxlne, IDonovan, Jr., Deputy Collector of As-,c„lentsand Arrears.

Iioruugh ul Iirul,klyn —Mechanics' Bank Building, corner I..r,urt and M„otague streets.

John M. (;ra), Deputy Collector of Assessments and Arrears.

h„riueb It Vueens—flackett Building, Jackson synoe and Fifth street, Long Island City.

'Thomas \. heal}, Deputy Collector of Assess-ment, and Arrears.

Borough ,I RlcfIIuiInQ St. George, New Brighton. John J. \1c(;ann, 1)eputy Collector of Assessments

and Arrears. I


Stewart Building. I.h.ut,ber, street and Broadway, ItuUrn 141

Peter Aitken, Collector of City Revenue and Superintendent ut Markets.

David O'Brien. IleplutyC'hector if City Revenue.


Frank J. Prtal, Chief Examiner. Room i8l.

HI: HF.AC OF THE LIfY CHAMBERLAIN. Strwurt IluiIding s Chambers street and Broadway

li„'m, (i; t„ 6. I ones J. hl,trtil, City Chamberlain. llenry J. Walsh, I)eputy Chamberlain. 1'elephoiie, 42~o Nu.irtli.


Suuthwe,t currier of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth avenue, Borough of Manhattan) 9 a. m, to 4 p. I.

L' hr al i'einBt and Contagious Disease offices ;ml w a), open.

'I'rl,•yh,,r, 4400 Columbus. Tlr l,t, Uarlrrl ,t„u. M. I)., Commissioner of

lealth .tnd I'rrsu'liut. Alvah H. Duty, M. U.; William F. Baker,

C nn nu s i„hers Walter Iten,el. M D., sanitary Superintendent. P'uame W. scheat'r secretary. Herman M. iiig s, A1 I)., General Medical Officer.ale, MuC Muller, Chief Clerk.

W illiam H. tup(ii}s M. I).. Registrar of Records.

Burt u hot M h tt K an a an Traverse R. Maxfield, M. U., Assistant Sanitary

Superintendent; George A. Roberts, Assistant Chief

u r H y a Edward F. Cro er, Chief of Department

T Thomas Lally. I)eputy Chief of Department in Cleric I charge. Bororuths of Brooklyn and Queen..

Charles J Burke, M. U., Assistant Registrar of JO eph L. Burke, Inspectorof Combustibles, Nos I Manhattan Records, 157 and i5q East Sixty-seventh street, I Telephone, 640 Plaza.

Burongh of The Bronx, No. 3731 Third avenue. Peter J Quigley, Secretary of Relief Fund, Nos. Alonzo Blauvelt, M. D., Acting Assistant Sani- Ic7 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan.

tart' e dent I Ambro Lee, Ir., Assistant Chief Clerk Arthur J. O'Leary, Mb., Assistant

elephone 64o Plaza. Peter Seery, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Manhat-

Registrar of ktecords. I tan. t'he Bronx and Richmond. William L Beers, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of

Boron h of Brooklyn, Nos. 8 y 38 and 40 Clinton street. Brooklvn and Queen ,

Andrew P. vtartin Chief Inspector, Fire Alarm Alonzo Blauvelt, M. U., Assistant Sanitary Telegraph Bureau, boroughs of Manhattan. The

,fpu-rmcendent, Alfred T. Metcalfe, Assistant Chief Bronx and Richmond. Clerk; S. J. Byrne, M. U., Assistant Registrar of TulluthyS. htahnney,incharge Telegraph Bureau Records. Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens

William T. Beggin, Chief of Battalion in charge Borough of ;y 374 Fulton street, g Queens. Nos and i 2 Bureau of \•'iolatlons and Auxiliary Fire Aupliances

ama ca. John H. Barry, M. „ Assistant Sanitary Super-

B .roughs of Manhattan, I' he Bronx and Richmond, Nos 157 and i o East Sixty-seventh street, Manhat-

mfendent; George R. Crawly Assistant Chlet Clerk ; Robert Campbell, M. D., Asistant Registrar

tan. Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 36 and 361 )ay , street,

of Records, Brooklyn.

( Central office open at all hours.

Mtl%lI h 'Al. ('1V11. SERVICE ('UMMISSI1►N.

Ni,. 29y liruadwal, q a. ill. to 4 P. m. Frank L. Hulk, K. Ras, Appleton, Arthur J

O'Kci'lle. Frank A. Spencer, Secretary, John F. Skelly, Assistant Secretary.

Labor Itnreau. Nos. 54-(o I.afayette- ,trvet. 'l'elephrune, 2140 \Cnrth


Patrick J. Revtlle, Superintendent of Buildings. John A Mason, Assistant Superintendent of

Buildin s, Peter j. Stem f. Su rintendentot Highways. p i Albert H. Liebenau, Superintendent of Public

Buildings and Offices. Telephone, 268o Tremont.


Hall of Records Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p- m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m to urn 0uriogthemunfhs

J y and August the hours are from 9 a. nt. to 2 of July p• M.

Frank Gass, Register. William H Sinnott Deputy Register.

t► trrlelt T ATTudNBY. Ureenbaum, Edward E McCall, Edward B. Amend, Office, Queens County Court-house, Long Island Vernon M. Davis, Victor f. Dowling Joseph E.

City. a. m. to ) m. Newberger, John W. Goff Samuel SteJose M. Y• b I Warley Ylatzea, Peter A. Hendrick, John ord, Frederick G )e eenp, District Attorney.

Telephone, 39 Greenpoint. Charles W. Dayton, John J. Brady, itchell L. Erlanger, Charles L. Guy, James W. Gerard. Irving Lehman.

Peter Dooling Clerk Supreme Court.


President's Office, Nos. 15 and r6 Borough Hall, 9 a. m. to J p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 M.

Bird S. Coler. President. Charles Frederick Adams, Secretary. John A. Heffernan Private Secretary. Thomas R. Farrell, Commissioner of Public

Works. James M. Power, Secretary to Commissioner. David F. Moore Superintendent of Buildings. James Dunne, Auperintendent of the Bureau of

Sewers. Joseph M. Lawrence, Superintendent of the

Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices. Patrick F. Lynch, Superintendent of Highways.

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Office of the President. Nos. r4, 15 and r6 City

Hall 9 a_ m. to 4 p. nt.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. ottn F. Ahearn, President.

Bernard Downing, Secretary. John Cloughen, Commissioner of Public Works. James J. f I agan, Assistant Commissioner of Pub-

lic Works. George F. Scannell, Superintendent of Highways. Edward S. Murphy, Superintendent of Buildings. Frank I Goodwin, Superintendent of Sewers. John K. Voorhis, Superintendent of Buildings

and Offices. Telephone, 0725 Cortlandt,

BOROUGH OF Q.UEEBS. ('resident's Office, Borough Hall. Jackson avenue

and Filth street, Long Island City; 9 a. m, to 4 P. m. Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 12 nt.

Lawrence Dresser, President. John M. Cragen Secretary. Alfred Denton, commissioner of Public Works. Harry Sutphin, Assistant Commissioner of Pub-


Works. Patrick E. Leahy, Superintendent of Highways. Carl Berger, Superintendent of Buildings. Cornelius Iturke, Superintendent of Sewers. Arruw C. I lankins, Superintendent of Street Clean-

ing Edward F Kelly, Superintendent of Public Build-

ings and Offices. 1'eleplwne, 11)00 Greenpoint.

BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. President's Office, New Brighton, Staten Island. George Cronmell. I'iesideit. AlapSuly I -Ictning, Secretarv. Louis 1.111 CI 'Iribus. Consulting Engineer and

Acting Coms0iSfe0er ul Public Works. William l . lliilver, Assistant Commissioner of

Public \\'„rk,, Itur, u sit Hngineering-'hopography. 'Theodore S. t txholm, l-:ngineer or charge, Bureau

of fa0l;inosring--C urotru ct ion. John Seaton, Superintendent of Buildings. 11. I-:. (fuel tio9criiutsndelrtof Highways.

hut I. astherstun, Assistant Engineer and Acting Superintendent of Street Cleaning.

ltrne,t I I. Sechttsen, Superintendent of Sewers. John 'I ituliu, Jr., Superintendent of Public Build

lugs and Offices. Utbces-finiiue9;fi hall, New Brighton, N. Y., 9

a. m. to 5 p. n,. Saturdays, q a. m. to I2 Iii. 'Telephone, 1000 Toroukirvville.


Borough of The Bronx-Corner of Third avenue and Tremont avenue-Telephone, 1250 Tremont and 1402 Tremont.

Robert F. McDunaIdf A. F. Schwannecke. William T. Austin Chief Clerk. Borough f IIr uduIyn-Office, Rooms t and

Municipal Building, Telephone, 4004 Main and 400- Main.

l?enry J. Brewer, bt P., Juftn F. Kennedy. Joseph McGuinness, Chief Clerk. open all hours of the day and night. Borough sit Manhattan-Office, Criminal Courts

Building, Centre and White streets. Open at all times of the day and night.

Coroners: Julius IIarburger, Peter F. Acritelli, Geurle F. Shrady, Jr.. Peter Uouley

Julius Harburger. President Beard of Coroners. Jacob E. Bausch. Chief Clerk.

elephuue,, 101)4, 5057, 5055 Franklin. Borough sit Queens Office, Borough Hall, Fulton

street, J amalca, L. I. Samuel 1). Nutt, Alfred S. Ambler. Marten Mager, Jr., Chief Clerk. Office hours front of a. tn. to to p. m. Buruugh of Richmond-No. 44 Second street,

New Brighton. Open for the transaction of busi- ness all hours of the day and night.

Matthew J. Cahill. Telephone, 7 'Tompkinsville.


COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Room 127 Stewart Building, Chambers street and

Broadway, 9 a. in to 4 p. m. Thomas Allison, Commissioner, Frederick 1'. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner. Frederick O'llyrne, Secretary. Telephone, 241 \t orth


Office, ]fall of Records. William S. Andrews, Commissioner James O. Farrell, Superintendent. James J. Fleming Secretary. Telephone, 3900



Nos. 5, 8, 9. to and ti New County Court-house Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4p m.

Peter]. Dooling' County Clerks John F. Curry, Deputy. Joseph J.(.lennen, Secretary. Telephone, Syo Cortlandt.


Building for Criminal Courts, Franklin and Centre streets.

Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., Saturdays, 9a.m. to 12 M.

Wm. Travers Jerome, District Attorney. John A. Henneberry. Chief Clerk. Telephone, 2304 Franklin

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. No. u9 Nassau street y a. m. to 4 y M. William M. hoes Pub?,l Administrator. Telephone, 6376 Ctortlandt.

Telephone, 39oo Worth. I SHERIFF.

No. 299 Broadway, 9 a. m. to 4 P. m.; Saturdays. of a. m. to 12 m. Except during July and August, 9 a.m. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to r2 m

Thomas F. Foley, Sheriff.

TJ ohn F. Gilchrist Under Sheriff. elephone, 4984 Worth.


Hall of Records. Court open from 9 a. m to 4 p m., except Saturday when it closes at 12 m. During the months of July and August the hours are from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.

Abner C. Thomas and John P. Cohan, Surro-gates; William V. Leary, Chief Clerk.



County Court-house. Jacob Brenner, Conunissioner. Jacob A. Livingston, Deputy Commissioner. Albert B. Waldron, Secretary. Office hours from 9 a. m to 4 p. m.; Saturdays,

from ga.n.tor2m. Office hours during July and August, 9 a. M. to 2

p. m.; Saturdays, q a. m. to 12 m. Telephone, 1454 Main


flail of Records. Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p.m., excepting month,

of July and August, then 9 a. m. to a p. m„ Satul-days q a. M. to 12 flu.

I.ewis M. Swasep Commissioner. 1). H. Ralston, Ileputy Commissioner. Telephone, 1114 Main. Thomas I). Hnrssciop, Superintendent. William J. Beattie, Assistant Superintendent. Telephone, tote Main.

COUNTY CLERK. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Office hours, 1) a. m.

to 4 p. m.; during months of July and August, q a.m. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays. q a. m. to 12 M.

Frank Ehlers, bounty' Clerk. Hubert A. Sharkey. Deputy County Clerk. )uhn Cooper, Assistant Deputy County Clerk, Telephone call, 4930 Main.


County Court-house, Brooklyn, Rooms, 1o, 17, IF, 22 and 2J. Court opens at to a. m. daily aoin sit, until business is completed. Part I., Ruunt No. 2-i; Part II., Room No. ro, Court-house. Clerk's Office, Rooms 17. IS and 22, (open daily from y a. rn. to 4 p. m. ; Saturdays, 12 nt.

Norman S. Dike and Lewis L. Fawcett, County ridges. Charles S. Devoy, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 4154 and 4155 Main,


Office, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn. Hours, q a. in. to 5 p. m.

John F. Clarke, District Attorney. telephone number, 2955-6-7-plain.


No. 44 Court street (Temple Bar), Brooklyn, 9 a. m. to j p m.

Charles E. reale, Public Administrator. Telephone, 284o Main,


Hall of Records, Brooklyn, N. Y. Herbert T. Ketcham Surrugate. Edward J. Bergen, Zhiel Clerk and Clerk of the

Surrogate's Court Court opens at to a. m. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4

p. nn.; Saturdays, ,4 a. m. to is m. Telephone, 3954 Main.



Office hours, 9 a. nt. to 4 p. nt.; July and Au ust, 9 a. m. to z p m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 12 nt. Queens County Court-house. Long Island City.

John P. Balbert, Commissioner of Jurors. Rodman Richardson, Assistant Commissioner. Telephone, 455 Greenpoint.


No. 364 Fulton street, Jamaica, Fourth Ward Borough of Queens, City of New York

Office open, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. In. to 12 M.

J ohn Niederstein, County Clerk. Frank C. Klingenbeck, Secretary. Henry Walter, Jr., Deputy County Clerk. Telephone, 151 Jamaica.

COUNTY COURT. Temporary County Court-house, Long Island City County Court opens at Ilia. nt. Trial Terms begin

first Monday of each month, exceptuly. August and September. Special Terms each Saturday, ex-ceut during August and first Saturday of September.

County judge's office always open at No. 336 Ful-ton street,- Jamaica, N. Y.

Burt). Humphrey, County Judge. Telephone, s66 Jamaica.

PUBLIC' CDNINISTRATOL No. 17 Cook avenue Elmhurst John T. Robinson, Public Administrator, County

of(~ueens. 'telephone, 335 Newtown.

SHERIFF. County Court-house, Long Island City. 9 a. m. to

4 p. m.; Saturdays. 9 a. no to 12 m. llerbert S. Ilarvey jheriff ~uhn M. I 'hi llips, Under Sheriff. Telephone, 4 Greenp oint (office). henry 0 Sclileth, Warden, Queens County Jail. Telephone, 372 Greeup,nnt.

SURROl3AT'. Daniel Noble Surrogate. Win F. Hendrickson, Clerk. (lffice, No. 31n4 Fulton street, Jamaica. Except un Sundays, holiday% and half holidays,

the office is open from q a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, Irum I) a. n,. inn 12 ut

The calendar is called on Tuesda}"of each week at to a. m., except during the month of August.

Tttlephone, 397 Jamaica.


COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Village I I,tll, Stapleton. Charles J Kullman. Commissioner. John t J 11C rughy e, Assistant Commissioner. (trice open from 9 a. In. until 4 p. m.; Saturdays.

Irutn 9 a inn to 12 m. Telephone, Si Tompkinsville.

(fl t NTI CLERK,

County Office But:ding. Richmond, S.I.,9a.m.to 4 I'; 1'1

C. L. lio,twirk, County Clerk. County Court-house, Richmond, S. 1., 9 a. m. to 4

p. m. 'telephone, 2S New Dorp.

COUNTY Jt DI.R A%D SURROGATE. Term, of Court, Richmond County, rgoq. County Courts -',tephen 1). Stephens, County

Judge. First Slonda y- nut June, Grand and Trial Jury. 4,•„nnl Sluuday of November, Grand and Trial

Jury Fn.urth \Y'•dne,day,'f January,withrnrt a Jury. Fourth \\,•,lue-d.rp t ebruary, with,n,t a Jury Fourth 1\edne,d.ry of Search, wit hntn a Jury. Fourth V'edue,aay or April, without a Jury. Fourth WeJnesday of July, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of September, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of October, without a Jury. Fourth R'e-lne-;day of December, without a Jury. Surrnp,.tt"•', C' nit-Stephen I). Stephens, Surro-

date. Mondays, at the borough Hall, St. George, at 10.3o

,'rl,,ck a. nt. Tuesdays, at the Borough Hall, St. George, at 10.30

„'cluck a m. Wednesdays, at the burr,gate's Office, Richmond

at to.,lo o'clock a. m.

Telephone, 45[io lbortlaridt.


N. Kings County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn, Y. Court open daily from to o'clock a. m. to 5 o'clock

Q m. Seven jury trial parts. Special Term for Trials. Special Term for Motions.

fames F McGee General Clerk. Telephone, 546o Main


Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Elm, White and Franklin streets.

Court opens at 10.30 a. m. Peter J. Uuuling, Clerk; Edward K. Carrsall,

Special Deputy to the 11-mrx. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 6064 Franklin.

COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Held in the Building for Criminal Courts, Centre

Elm, N bite and Franklin streets. Court opens at to.3o a. m. Thomas C T. Crain, Otto A. Rosalsky Warren

W. Foster, Thomas C. O'Sullivan Edward Swann Joseph F. Muiqueen, James T. Malone, edges of the Court of General Sessions Edward K. Carroll, Clerk. Teleyhone, i2o1 Franklin.

Clerk', Office open Irom of a. m. to 4 p. m. During July and August Clerk's Office will close

at 2 p. in , and on Saturdays at 12 M.


No. 32 Chambers street, Brownstone Building, City Hall Park, from to a. m. to 4 p m.

Part I. Part II Part III. Part W. Part V. Part VI, Part VII. Part VIII. Special Term Chambers will be held from to a. m

'u 4p m Clerk's Office ooen from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Edward F O'Dwyer, Chief justice; Lewis J.

Conlan, Francis B. I:)elehanty, Joseph I. Green, Alexander Finelite, Thismas F. Donnelly, John V McAvuy, Peter Schmuck. Richard T. Lynch. Ed-ward B. La Fetra, Justices. Thomas F. Smith, Clerk.

Telep',one, 6142 Cortlandt.


Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street be-tween Franklin and White streets, Borough of Man-hattan.

Court opens at io a. M. Justices-First Division--William E. Wyatt Wil-

iard H Oimsted, Joseph M. Deuel, Lorene Zeller, John B. Mayo, Franklin Chase Hoyt. William M. Fuller, Acting Clerk

City Magistrates to sit in the Court of Special Sessions until November 30, 1909-Charles W. Har-ris, Joseph F. Moss.

Clerks Office upon trom 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. Telephune, 2092 Franklin, Clerk's office. Telephone, Got Franklin, Justices' chambers. Second Divlsiun-Treat (Jays-No. 171 Atlantic

avenue, Brooklyn, Mondays, Thursdays and Fri-tays at to o'clock; Town Hall, Jamaica Borough of

(Jueens, Tuesday at to o'clock; Borough Hall, St. ('eurge, borough of Richmond, Neanesdays at to .'ci,'ck

Justices-Howard J Forker John Fleming, Mor-an M. L. Ryan Robert J. Wilkin George J. )'Keete, J amen J McInerney. Joseph L. Kerrigan

Clerk, J ohn J. Dorman, Deputy Clerk, Clerk's Office, No l71 Atlantic avenue, Borough of

Brooklyn, open from 9 a m to 4 9. m,


First Division-No. 66 Third avenue, Manhattan. Ernest K Coulter Clerk.

Telephone. 53tz Stuyvesant. Second D,vtsion-Nu. 102 Court street, Brooklyn

William F. Delanoy, Clerk. Telephone, 627 Main.


First DlvI.Ion. Court open from v a m. to 4p . m. City Magistrates-Robert C. Cornell, Leroy B.

Crane. Peter T Harlow, Matthew P Breen. Joseph F Moss. Henry Stetnert. Daniel F. Finn. Frederick B House, Charles N Harris Frederic Kernochan, Arthur C. Butts, Joseph E Crorrtgan. Mace' Herr-man. Paul Krotel, Keyran J. O'Connor, Henry W. Herbert.

Philip . Bloch, Secretary, One Hundred and Cwenty--first street and Sylvan place.

First District-Criminal Court Building Second District Jefferson Market. Thir.i District-Nu, 6q Essex street. Fourth District -No t 9 r East Fztty-sevenLhstrwi. Fifth District -One Hundred and Twenty-first

,treet, southeastern corner of Sylvan place. Sixth District --One Hundred and Sixty-first street

Ind Brook avenue. Seventh [listrict-No.314 West Fifty fourth street. Eighth District-Main street, WwtcbaeNt.

Iewad D!vINlwss,

Borough of Brooklyn.

City Magistrates-Edward Dooley, James G. Tighe John Naumer E. G. Hlgginhotham. Frank E. O'âeill Henry. FurlonQ, A. V. B. V.hem. Tv AI^xann er H. G

~ eismar, John F. Hylan, Howard

1'. Nash. President of the Board, Edward J. Dooley, No.

232 Clermont avenue. Secretary to the Board, Charles J. Flanigan

vlyrtle and Vanderbilt avenues, and No. 648 Halsey tireet.

Courts First District-No. 31b Adams street. 'second District-Court and Butler strew. Third District-M yrtle and Vanderbilt assess. Fourth District-No. 186 Redford avenue. Fifth District-No. 249 Manhattan aventr. Sixth District-No. 495 Gates avenue. Seventh District-No. It Snider avenue F~ kttbutht Eighth District-West Eighth attest (Coney Int-

1 tndl. Ninth District-Fifth avenue and Tw~ty4kird

street. Tooth District-No. to New Jaal awes.

D1%'I'R5i"1' *T'TURuR7. Borough I I all, St George, S. I. Samuel H. Evtns. Telephone, io Tompkinsville.


Count y• Cu.ut-huu;e, Richmond, S. 1. Office l lours, 9 a. al to A p. W. Joseph I Barth.

TIfE I:OUf2Ti.



Hall of Records Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.. Cnuurt-huu-,e, Madison .(venue.' •,rr,e, Twenty-tittt, excepting months of July arid August; then from t tn,et C''urt .,pens at t hr. m. (Friday. Motion day a. nt. to 2 p. nt., provided fur by statute. .{t I.d .1- in .1 Yre>Idiu~ J~stice; George L 1VilI an A. Prendergast, Register.

Frederick H. E. Epstein, Deputy Register. + hgran.ruut. Chester it M'.l.aialkn, Fran k C Telephone, 2830 Main. [.aughlin, John Proctor Clarke, James W. Ifou hton

Frazn.ts M Scott, justices, Alfred Wagstaff, Clerk: William Lamb, Deputy Clerk.

Clerk's Office opens at 9 a. m SHERIFF. 't'elephone, 3340 Madison Square.

County Court-house, Brooklyn, N. Y. 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 12 M. Alfred T. lfoble9, Sheriff. )awes P. Connell Under Sheriff. Telephone, 62f45, 6846, 6h47, Main.


County Cc art-house. Chambers street. Court open rom 1o.15 a in to 4 p. nt. Special Term, Part I. (motions,, Room No. r6. Special Term. Part 11 (ex-parte business), Room

Vo. 13 Special Term, Part hi!., Room No. 19. Special Term, Part IV Room No. si. Special Term, Part V., koom No. 6. Special Term. Part V[, (Elevated Railroad cases)

Runty, No ;1. Trual Term, Part II., Room No. 34 Trial Term, Part Ill., Room No. as Trial Term, ('art IN'

, Room No. at.

Trial Term, fart V Ku„ni No. 24. TrialTerrn, Part VI. Room No IS. Trial 'Perm. Part Vii., Room No. -. Trial 'term, Part CIIl., Room No. s7. Trial Term, Part IX., Room No. 35. Trial 't erm. fart X., Room No. s6 Tri.rl Term, Part Xl.. Ruum Nu. 27. Trial Tcrm, Part X I I., Room No.-. Trial term Part XIII., and Special Term, Part

l'IJ., Room [4o. 6. Trial Term, ('art XIV., Room No. a8 Trial Term. Part X\'., Room No. 37. Trial Term. Part X V I., Room No.-. Trial 'ferret, Part X V I I ., Room No to Trial Term, tart XVIII., Room No p. Appellate Term Room No. sq. Naturalization Moreau, Room No. 38, third floor. Assignment Bureau, room on mezzanine floor,

northeast. Cler - s in attendance from to a. m. to 4 p- m. Clef .'s Office, Special Term, Part 1. (motions),

Rontr No. 15. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte

ousiness), ground floor, southeast corner. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Calendar, ground

door, south. Clerk's Office, Trial Term, Calendar, room north

east corner second floor, east. Clerk's (ffce, Appellate Term, room southwest

corner, third floor. Trial term, Part 1. (criminal business). Crnulnal Court-house, Centre street. Justices-Charles H. Truax, Charles F. MacLean,

Henry Bischoff, Leonard A. Giegerich P. Henry Dugro Henry A. Gildersleeve, James Fitagerald lames A. O'(,urman, lames A. Blanchard, Samuel

street to Fifth street Second avenue, Lnrystie street, Division street and Catharine street. Borough of The Bronx. Wauhope Lynn, William F. Moore, John Hoyer. Justices First District—All that part of the Twenty -fourth

Thomas O'Connell, Clerk; Francis Mangm. I Ward which was lately annexed to the City and Deputy Clerk. I County of New York by chapter 9340f the Laws of

Location of Court—Merchants' Association Build- Ittfq9 comprising all ut the late Town ut Westchester ink. Nos. 54 60 Lafayette street. Clerk's Office open I and part or the Towns of F.astche,ter and !'elham, daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from including the Villages of Wakefield and Willianls- y a. in to 4 p. rn I bridge. Court-room,'Iuwn Ilail, No. 1400 \Vllliauts-

Additional Parts are held at southwest comer ofbridge road, Westchester Village. Court open daily Sixth avenue and Tenth street and at No. 128 Prince I (Sundays and legal holidays excepted), front q a. m. street. I to 4 P. nt. Trial of causes, Tuesday and Friday of

Telephone, 6030 Franklin. I each week. I Third District—Fourth and Fifth Wards, com- Peter A. Sheil, Justice prising the territory of the former Towns and Vil-

Second District—The Second District embrace, Stephen Collins, Clerk. lages of Jamaica, Far Rockaway and Rockaway the territory bounded on the south by the centre line Office hours from 9 a. M. to 4 p. m ; Saturdays Beach. of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second avenue I closing at 12 m. lames F. McLaughlin, Justice. George W. Damon, and on the south and east by the southerly and I Telephone, 457 Westchester. I Clerk. easterly boundaries of the said borough, on the I Court-house, Town Hall, Jamaica. north by the centre line of East Fourteenth street, I Second District—Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth I Telephone r8q Jamaica. on the west by the centre lines of Fourth avenue Ward,, except the territory described in chapter 934 Clerks Office open from a. m. to 4 p. in.

of the Laws of t w)5. Court room, southeast corner from Fourteenth street to Division ntrest, Second of Washington avenue and One Hundred and Sixty-

Court held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

Catharine Chrystie street, Division street and second street. Office hours, from 9 a. m. to 4 P. m. at q a. m.

Catharine street. George F. Roesch Benjamin Hoffman, Leon Court opens at q a. m.

Sanders, Thomas P. l5innean, )ustices. I ohn M. Tierney, Justice Thomas A. Maher, James 1. Devlin, Clerk; Michael H. Looney, I Clerk.

Deputy Clerk ITelephone, 3043 Melrose. Location of Court—Nos. 264 and 266 Madison

street. Clerk's office open daily Sundays and legal : Borough of Brooklyn. holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m, First District—Coin_prising First, Second Third

Telephone, 2596 Orchard, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, lenthand Twelfth Wards and that portion of the Eleventh Ward beginning at the

Third District—The Third District embraces the intersection of the centre lines of Hudson and territory bounded on the south by the centre line Myrtle avenues, thence along the centre line of of Fourteenth street, on the east by the centre line Myrtle avenue to North Portland avenue, thence of Seventh avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifty alon g the centre line of North Portland avenue to ninth street and ny the centre line of Central Park Flushing avenue, thence along the centre lirw of West from Fifty-ninth Street to Sixty-tifih street Flushing avenue to Navy street, thence along the on the north by the centre line ot tiixty-hfth street centre line of Navy street to Johnson street thence and the centre line of Fifty-ninth street from Seventh along the centre line of Johnson street to it udson to Eighth avenue, on the west by the westerly bound avenue. ,net thence slung the centre line of Hudson ary of the said borough. I avenue to the point of begiuniug, of the Borough of

Thon as E Murray, James W. McLaughlin, I Brooklyn. Court house, northwest corner State and Justices. I Court streets. Parts I. and II.

Michael Skelly, Clerk; Henry Merebach, Deputy John J Walsh, Justice. Edward Moran, Clerk. Clerk Clerks Office open from q a. m. to 4 p. m.

Location of Court—No. 31 West Fifty-fourth street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal I Second District—Seventh Ward and that portion —.. _ __- ____ _ holidays excepted) from q a. M. to 4 p. M. ' of the 'twenty-first and Twenty-third Wards west of I

Telephone number, 5450 Columbus. the centre line of Stuyvesant avenue and the centre I 1;I 1kOl'I .I I III' 111 E 11121 1N S. line of Schenectady avenue. also that portion of the I ' iii, Itnn.x 5111... "N.'u lu Si-lr N '-.,," "I'. 'us

Fourth District The Fourth District embraces Twentieth Ward be 'inning at the iktersection of the I Iu,I.-p. Il.i,•nI the territory bounded on the south by the centre lI centre lines oh North Portland and Myrtle avenues, I I'tlltilt't;ll RI(ll\IItXIt. l)I line of East Fourteenth street, on the west by the I thence along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to centre line of Lexington avenue and by the centre I Waverly avenue, thence along the centre line of I "Strict, h-!an,l \V,,rld,'' °The Staten J•Ianilcr." line of Irvin' place, including its projection through \\aver)y avenue to Park avenue, thence along the I Gramercy 1~'ark, on the north by the centre line of centre of avenue to avenue, l,t)It(ll t{II 211: t)l'f?f?\~. line Park Washington Fitty-ninth street. on the east by the easterly line of thence along the centre line of Washington avenue I

- "L nw fIoiinI Sir" l I ir,l and S:•a,nd \\Cards),

said oorough; excluding, however, any portion of to Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of I "I'lu,hing 1•:v. ni; g I,-urnal" (-Third Ward), Blackwell's Island. i Flushing avenue to North Portland avenue, and ''I."nK I l 1 ,u m, r' ( Puurtlt 1Vard ), "R"ck:t

Michael F. Blake, William J. Boyhan, Justices Abram Bernard Clerk • James Fole t

thence along the centre line of North Portland avenue to the point of beginning

tmrlc N. us ! 1iflh \\'ardl.

Second District—Second and Third Wards, which include the territory of the late Towns of Newtown and Flushing. Court-room in Court-house of the late Town of Newtown corner of Broadway and Court street, Elmhurst, New York. P. O. Address, Elmhurst, Queens County, New York,

William Rasqurn, Jr., Justice. Luke J. Connor- ton, Clerk. William Repper, Assistant Clerk, James B. Snediker, Stenographer,

Trial days Tuesdays and Thursdays. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 49. m. Telephone, 87 Newtown.

Borough of RichsuouA.

First District—First and Third Wards (Towns or Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Vil-lage I tall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New Br, I tun.

Thomas C. Brown, Justice. Anning S. Prall, Clerk.

Clerk's Office open from 8.4g a. m. to 4p. m. Telephone. 503 Tompkinsville.

Second District—Second, Fourth and Fifth Wards Towns of Middletown Southfield and Westfield,.

Court-room, former Edgewater Village Hall, Staple- ton.

Geor5e W. Stake, Justice. Peter Tiernan, Clerk. Clerks Office open from 9 a. nl. to 4 p. in Court opens at 9 a. m. Calendar called at to a. in

Court continued until close of business. Trial days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Telephone, 313 Tompkinsville



Borough of Queens.

City Magistrates—Matthew j. Smith Joseph Fitch, llaurfa E. Connolly, Eugene C. Glfroy,

Courts. First District—St. Mary's Lyceum, Long Island

City. Second District—Town Hall, Flushing, L. I. Third District--Central avenue, Far Rockaway,

L. 1. Borough of Richmond,

City Magistrates—Joseph B. Handy, Nathaniel Marsh.


First District—Lafayette place, New Brighton, Staten Island.

Second District—Village Hall, Stapleton, Staten Island.


Borough of Manhattan. First District—The First District embraces the

territory bounded on the south and west by the southerly and westerly boundaries of the said borough, on the north by the centre line of Four-teenth street and the r entre line of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second avenue, on the east by the centre lines of Fourth avenue from Fourteenth

Fifth District—The Fifth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Sixty- fifth street, on the east by the centre line of Central Park West, on the north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the west by the westerly boundary of said borough.

Alfred t'. W. Seaman, William Young, Frederick Spiegelberg, Justices.

James V. (silloon, Clerk; John H. Servis, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court—Broadway and Ninety-sixth street. Clerk's Office open daily(Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. nit. to 4 p. m.

Telephone, 4006 Riverside.

Sixth District—The Sixth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fifty-ninth street and by the centre litre of Ninety-sixth street from Lexington avenue to Fifth avenue, on the west by the centre line of Lexington avenue from Fifty-ninth street to Ninety-sixth street and the centre line of Fifth avenue from iiinety-sixth street to One Hundred and Tenth street, on the north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street. on the east by the easterly boundary of said borough, including, however, all of Blackwell's Island and excluding any portion of Ward's Island.

Herman Joseph, Jacob Marks, justices. Edward A. McQuade, Clerk; Thomas M. Cam

bell, Deputy Clerk; John J. Diets, Frederick J. Stroh, Assistant Clerks.

Location of Court—Northwest corner of Third avenue and Eighty-third street Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from q a. m.to4p.m.

Telephone, 4343 79-St.

Seventh District—The Seventh District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street on the east by the centre line of Fifth avenue to the northerly terminus thereof, and north of the northerly ter-minus of Fifth avenuefollowing in a northerly direction the course of t'he Harlem river, on a line conterminous with the easterly boundary of said bor-ough, on the north and west by the northerly and westerly oundaries of said borough.

Phillip J. Sinnott, David L. Weil, John R. Davies, Justices,

Heman B. Wilson, Clark; Robert Andrews, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court—No. 7o Manhattan street Clark's Office qpsn daily (Sundays and legal boll-days saapted) from q a. m. to 4 p. m.

Sfgh th District—The Eighth District embraces the (trekory bounded on the south by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the west by the centre line of PJth avenue, on the north and Seat by the northerly and easterly boundaries of said

p ~h

le of Wards Island R aodsU'a Island and the

oseph P. Fallon, Leopo.d Prince, Justices. William J. Kennedy, Clerk; Patrick J. Ryan,

Deputy Clerk. Location of Court—Sylvan place and One Hun-

dred and Twenty-first street, near Third avenue. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holi-day s excepted) from 9 a. m. to 49. m.

Telephone, 3g5o Harlem.

Ninth District—The Ninth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fourteenth street and by the centre line of Fifty-ninth street from the centre line of Seventh avenue to the centre line of Central Park West, on the east by the centre line of Lexington avenue and by the :entre line of Irving place, including its projection through Gramercy Park, and by the centre line of Fifth avenue from the centre line of Ninety-sixth street to the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the north by the centre line of Ninety-sixth street trom the centre line of Lexington avenue to the centre line of Filth avenue and by One Hun-dred and Tenth street from Fifth avenue to Central Park West, on the west by the centre line of Seventh avenue and Central Park West

Edgar J. Lauer, Frederick De Witt Wells, Frank D. Sturges, William C. Wilson, Justices.

William J. Chamberlain, Clerk; Charles Healy, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court—Southwest corner of Madison avenue and Fifty-ninth street. Clerk's Office open gaily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9a. us. to4l m. Telephone, 3873 Plaza.

Third District—Embraces the Thirteenth, Four- teenth, Fifteenth, Sixteeutit. Seventeenth, Eigh- teel:th and Nineteenth 1\ ards, and that portion of the Twenty-seventh Ward lying northwest of the centre line of Starr street between the boundary line of Queens County and the centre fine of Central avenue, and northwest of the centre line of Suydam street between the centre lines of Central and Bush-wick avenues, and northwest of the centre line of W ullougnhy avenue between the centre lines of Bush. wick avenue and Broadway Court-house, Nos. 6 and 8 Lee avenue, Brooklyn.

Philip 1). Meng her and William J. Bogen2hut2, Justices. John W. Carpenter, Clerk.

Clerk s Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. C„urt ovens at to a.m. 'Telephone qq5 WVilliantsburg,

Fourth Distract—Embraces the Twenty fourth and Twenty-ti:th Wards that portion of the Twenty-first and Twenty-third \'arils lying east of the centre line of Stuyvesant :avenue and east ut the centre line of Schenectady avenue, and that portion of the '1 wenty-seventh Ward lying southeast of the centre line of Starr street between the boundary line of Queens and the centre line of Central avenue, and southeast of the centre line of Suydam street between the centre lines of Central and Bostwick avenues, and soitheast of the centre line of Willoughby avenue between the centre iines of Bushwlck avenue and Broadway.

Court-room, No. 14 Howard avenue. Thomas H Williams, Justice. G. J. Wiederhold

Clerk Milton 1. Williams, Assistant Clerk. Clerk's Office open from a a. m. to 4 p.m Fifth Distract, -Contains the Eighth Thirtieth

and Thirty-first Wards, and so much of the Twenty second Ward as lies south of Prospect avenue. Court-house, northwest corner of Fifty-third street and Third avenue.

ClerCornelius Furgueson, Justice. Jeremiah J. O'Leary,

k. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in Telephone, 401 Bay Ridge.

Sixth District—The Sixth District embraces the Ninth and Twenty-ninth Wards and that portion of the Twenty-second Ward north of the centre line of Prospect avenue ; also that portion of the Eleventh and the 'twentieth Wards beginning at the intersec. tion of the centre lines of Bridge and Fulton streets; thence along the centre line of Fulton street to Flat-bush avenue; thence along the centre line of Flat-bush avenue to Atlantic avenue; thence along the entre line of Atlantic avenue to Washington avenue;

thence along the centre line of Washington avenue to Park avenue; tnence along the centre lineal Park avenue to Waverly avenue; thence along the Centro line of Waverly avenue to Myrtle avenu•• thence along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to Hudson avenue: thence along the centre line of Hudson ave-nue to Johnson street; thence along the contra line of lohnson street to Bridge street, and thence along

the centre line of Bridge street to the point of begin- ning.

Lucien S. Bayliss and George Fielder, Justices, Charles P. Bible Clark.

Court-house, l' o. 6,t Fulton street

Seventh District—The Seventh District embraces the Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth and Thirty-second Wards

Alexander S. Rosenthal and Edward A. Richards Justices Samuel F. Brothers, Clerk.

Court-house, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Ful-ton street (No. 31 Pennsylvania avenue).

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Satur-days, 9 a. m. to is m. Trial days, Tuesdays, Wed-nesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Jury day. Tuesdays and Fridays. Clerk's Telephone, q04 East New York.

Court Telephone, goy East New York.

Borough of Quaseo. First District—First Ward (all of Long Island Ci:y

t. rmerly composing five wards). Court-room, St. Mary's Lyceum, Nos. its and 117 Fifth street, Long Island City.

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. M. to 4 p. m. each day, excepting Saturdays closing at is m. Trial days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All other business transacted on Tuesdays and Thurs days

Thomas C. Kadien, Justice. Thomas F. Kennedy Clerk.

Telephone, 2376 Greenpoint,

IOR )U(;II (t1r BBROOKL1'N. "Ii rim, kko l-.aiglc.” "lhroolden 'Pines," "P,rook-

Iv'n Citizen,''''ITmuuklrnStum!ard-Union,""I[mnk' 1, u, r Fl tic I'rc+..c.''

B()lfO1i;Il Ol- N1.lNIIA1 IAN. "Real F:,tate Record and Guide" (llarlvin l)1'. :,t I. "\EinL:titan and Ikmx Adv,,cate'' (Wash-

nk!,,n ll,ight., tforning,idc Hu'ights and llarlent i-1,lets). Ihsigualed by lioard of City Record June 19,

I'll(,,, ,\mended Junc 20, 1906; September 30, foul; poll u:lry 24. 19115; March 5 and 16, 1908, and \larch II,, flog.


The hoard if Estimateand Apportionment Meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room t6), City Iiall, every Friday, at ro..to o'clock a. m.

JOS1llCit I IAAG, Secretary.

The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet in the Old Council Chamber (Room t6), City Hall, at call of the Mayor.

N. 'TAYLOR PHILLIPS, Deputy Comptroller. Secretary.

The B.,ard of Revision of Assessments meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room Ih), lute Ilall, every Thursday at rt a. m., upon notice of file Chief Clerk,

HENRY J. STORKS, Chief Clerk.

The Board of City Record meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), City Hall, at call of the Mayor.

PATRICK J. TRACY, Supervisor. Secretary.



received at the office of the Mayor, Chair-man of the Armory Board, in The City of New York, until 2 p. m. on

FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1900. ITEM No. 1.


Security required, One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000).

Ucposit to be made with the bid, Five Thou. sand Dollars ($5,000).

Time allowed for doing the work, three bun-dred and fifty (350) working days.

itiJders are requested to make their bids er c-stilnates upon the blank form prepared by the Armory Board, a copy of which, with the proper cnvetupe in which to inclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract, including the specifi-cations, in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtail ell upon application at the office of the Armory Board, Suite 6, new Hall if Records (basement), Ilurough of Manhattan.

1I:,,,, tnay SIC examined at the office of the Archit,-ct:, Messrs. Walker & Morris. No, 35 Es<I Twcn!v-tbird street, Manhattan.


Mayor; IIER\tar A. METZ,

Comptroller; PATRICK F. McGowan,

I'residcut of the Board of Aldermen; (;cORr;E MOORE SMITH.

Iiriga,lier-General, Commanding First Brigade; Jolts G. EDDY,

Brigadier-General, Commanding Second Brigade; J. W. NIII.LER,

Commanding officer of the Naval Militia; LAwsON PURn9,

President of the Department of Taxes and As-SC sSlllellt5.

The ('itv of New York, June 30, 1909. j30,jy16

g7' See (a•nernl Inetrnctlonw to Hid-us-re on the- lost page, last column, of the '•('Ify Record."


I tr.r:\Rran s I 111. l'rm.1C l'nt.sRIIIEs, Foot ot, I 1 I ' I'\\ I.\ 11 :.I\III S] Rr:4:T, NEW YORK.

Tt) C'UN'I'R.\(' l'ORs.

I'i<111'! tc \I.', I'i)II 111155 OR l-:'i'r1\l.\'1'1{5.

S I' t.I:I I lulls OR ES'rI NIATEs Wlf.f. BI' n,'.'lc,d by iii,, I).-parim, tit of 1'ttblic Chari-

ti, .51u,' :,h ,1 „ti•i, i• until :.'.3U o'clock p. iii.

MONDAY, JULY 11), 11)(51,

I-u k I'C'I<\1 111.\t \I.I. THE 1..\IR)It .\N I) \t \'I'h:Kl.\l.S RV(I!'lltl It hilt '1111; (ON- 511) l•u ' I IoN \\U SFYI INI; ('1' OIF 'I'W(t -'1l-_u 1.\I. 1tl{I'Itlt;h:lt.\I'IIH- Fnit 'I'llE Nl•:\\' 1'llltl< ('1 I') III)\t I•: ftllt 'l III' : A('.I•:U ,\&Il IN1112\t, Ill..\( 1k\VFI.I.r 11L.\Nlr.

'fhv huh- silos S-,- fur iii, c omptrbon of the tl,•rk and full p,-cf,n laud if the contract Is si\1V 1 U) calcn,l:rr da ts.

'I iii- srcnritr rcquiro'I mu hi be Fifiten llundreml U.,ILu, ($15110).

fill• f, ilh-r will ctat,- nn,' aRgregalr price for Ii,,. ah,,lc w'rk dc,cribnl anti 'pecificrl, as till. ,..,obact i-. entire f ,r a c„mph-le j,,b.

Illank 1,. , rm, an II further inf,Ininafiroi may br i,htaiu.•d at lhc- office of the Snl,crvising En. Riuc('r of th, I)ciattmrtit. fuut of East •I'wenty-sixlll stn-t-i, The I.'it5 of New Y.,rk, where plan, :I ii,! 51r1i Beal i.,ns iliac be sects.

KlMMlh-:It'[ \1. IIF:ItRF:kO• ('..nnlli.siun,-r. I ,....I 1 •I .. I ,n


g Sire General Inetruetlon■ to Bid-ders nu ttu- lad Pusg-e, lust column, of ttrc "(City Its-cord."

I1; P,L J V : \ J '-1 1'r lu. 1, L.IIAlllriES, FOOT of I. I', •. i•, .-'.II *itui.i I, NF.w' YiRK.

TO 5'h IN'l'ht.\(''1t )It-'.

'It lri,\I.; h1112 BIOS tlh ICS'l'I\[A'l'ES.

Sl•:.\I.F:11 Itflr. Olt ESTIM:\'rES WILL BE rSnIiuc.1 ht the I)l-partmrtut if Public Chari-

ti,,- :n t6, :Ilua,cc "Ilia, until -'.70 ,'ch,ck p, nt. .,n

MONDAY, JULY 1t), 1111011,

FI,If P('IC\1"111\sl, 11.1. Till-: LABOR .\NII \i.\rl•:I:1.\I.-' Li u11"112!1 , POIt TILE CON '.'Pit('('fill\ .\.\I, Sl-1I 11M; II' uF 1'WO s1'i-:( I.\I. \I(1kII'.\ItV ItFFRIl;ERATORS. ISNI•: I-(lR ill Rh('l: AT 11501 OF EAST' f)N1C III'X11121(I).\\'l) -l- V1 - NI'ii.Ciil STREET, 11.\Nli.\Cr'l'nN, \NLJ ONE I'ult -FIFE NEW lI)RI (II"1" P-AItVl (()LUN1", BORUI.'Gll OF RI( 11 NitIND.

'l tic tins, allntt,,l f„r the completion of tilt' work and full I,sfumrmaiuec of the contract is iwcnty-uuc (21) calendar days.

•I'he sMcnritv rcNiiieaml will he Seven Ilundreri Dollar. ($%nu).

'Flue hi'ldrr will state nil„- aggregate price for the whole w-,rk described and specified, as the c,nlbaci i, en!ire fir a enutpicte job.

Black furuu amt further i,lummtion may be mllmqmn. mi :,I the oliice of the Supervising Fn-ginrcr of thl• Uc'pai Intrlit. fuot of Last Twenty-sistl, curet, The I'ily of New York, where plan. anll ,Iwci icalilm, nosy be seen.

I((tl;l•:RI' W. HH Ill MlaltiI, Commi"ci, mer.

)m, 'l J ul t l;. hit'.. jyg.lP

lc;' See General Instructions to Bid-ders on the lest page, Inrt comma, of the "City Record"


SEALED 111175 OR PROPOSALS WILL BE rcccived by the hoard of Water Supply in

the suffice of the Board, No, 299 Broadway. New York, Itor,nl 910. ninth floor, until 11 a, m. on


ANI) INSTALLING TWO 12,500,000-GALLON Sl'E:\M 1'('RltOTUltltlNF. PUMPS. TWO 225 11ok.,F:-1'O\\ I•It \VA'1'1;R=TUBE BOILERS, AND At.1 .AC CEKsl)RIFB. AT JEROME AVE-


Alt approximate statement of the quantities of the various classes of work and further informs' tion are given in the Information for Bidders, forming part of the contract. At the above place and time bids will be publicly opened and read. -I lie award of the contract if awarded. will be made by the Board of Water Supply as soon thereafter as practicable. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

,1 bond in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dol' tars ($20,000) will be required for the faithful performance of the contract.

No bid will be received and deposited unless accompanied by a certified check upon a National o; State bank, drawn to the order of the Comte

Clerk. I y ~epu y Court-ruuttl, Nu. a9- Gates avenue.

Location of Court—Part I. and Part II., No. r9t Gerard B. Van Wart and Charles J. Dodd, East Fifty-seventh street. Clerk's Office open daily Justices. Franklin B. Van Wart, Clerk.

(Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M. too D. m.

FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909. ' " H E CITY H El ; 0 H > : 8007

troller of The City of New York, to the amount of nine hundred dollars ($900).

Time allowed for the completion of the work is nine months from the service of notice by the Board to begin work.

Pamphlets containing information for bidders. forms of proposal and contract, specifications and contract drawings. can be obtained at Room 1515, at the above adrlre=s. upon application in person or by mail by depositing the sum of five dollars ($5) in currency or check drawn to the order of the Board of Water Sutinly for each pamphlet. '['his dr.Pnsit will he refunded up ,n the return of the Pamphlet in acceptable condition within thirty days front the date on which bids are to be opened.

Tf)IIN A llENSEl.. President; CHARLES N. CI1.\T)WICK, ('TI.\RT.ES A. SIIAW,

Cummi,.ioucrs of the It„ar.l of Water Supply. T. 1VALDO SsrtTH, Chief Engineer. THustns TIASSEIT, Secretary.


Note—Sec General Instructions to flidd •rs on last page. last column. of the Crry Ri r:rRD, s'1 far as applicable hereto and not otherwise pro-vided for



NOTICE IS Il1Cl2FI:\ GIVEN THAT LISTS of trial jw'urs for 19(19-19 1') arc complete

and opal for eximNiiatirin :utd cornction. All persons residing in Dings County and claiming exemption from this duty an( who have not heretofore had their names erased from the active list of jurors, are rcqucst,d to appear at this office within ten days from date hereof. betw,•cn the hours of 9 a. in. and 2 p. m., and present evidr'nce of such exemption as n,lnicer! by law.

IA('OB RRENNI•:k, (',mtuiissioncr of _furors for the

County of Kings. iV3,15


Ill:.\w r.tRrt.u: .,r Inr. l" II:I. l)rr:v:rtlrNr I,r Tlru l rev in Nun' Y'IRK. Ns. 17 AND I''+ I(avr S,x71'-1 isv P.Nl It Sian I, I,jroY;tt nl' rI r, l.\ - I IAN, Tub: ('try ul: New YORK.

Sh:.\l,l:l) Itll>; (1k f:i'rl>t.\'fl:; \\'ll,l, I: f•: rtrciv,' I by flu• Ii,,' I,nnln i..nn, r :d the

rti nco „ITicl' omit In.ti, „'tI'cic :I. Iii. .,n TL I.i I)AY, JULY Yu, 1909.

Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. N,,. 1. Plitt 1'I'ItNI,-111' I, \II) 111'.1.1\'.

1•vliI\l; (;I•:NFR\I, $l'1T'I.Ii l' llt IIl1•. LtultuI .t;II otr Itktl()h1.1'\.

' I'llr tints' for tltc Retirees' Ili Ill,- :I: Iii ll-, trial,' ,',al, and supplies and the per t&irnlauuct• . I the contract is by ur before Ileccnlbcr U. Pill').

The amount of IcuritY i'ryruii ,l i. lilt ' it'' c,'nt. 150', I -f It,,- aul'"nl I If t6, hi,l ,.r r-ti malt'.

flu of Qu een N. Nu. _ 11th I-t'It\1-IIINI; \\I, Itl'.I.I\'-

1•:It1Nt; 1;1-:NI•:It.\I, ~l'I'I'I.IP., 1,e)1, '1111( lilllt(-)l'r;ll UI. (h'1'E.•S•

The tittle It,,' tit,- iIelfic,'y „f tl,t- intjA,-, lilt vials and supplii'. :,till the p. rfllrmanrl• „f the contract is by I,r before December 31, 'Jilt.

The ammirt of *t•curity rr,luircrl i. fifty per rent. 1 dl.'; I ,'f ti'.,. :un"nnt ,.1 the bid ,.r c"ti- mate.

The liid.hvr tr ill 'Lrt,• the l''' ' I.i ra. h it, w ur article contained iu till' yn-cilicati„us ur Bch, l Ides herein e.ilttahiicd of licl, In ann('sed, 104-1 pound, tun, dtt;, ii. gallon, vanl or other ,,,,it „I uteasure, h)' which the ]rid, will he tested. 7'In extcnninn; ntn.t be rind,' and floote,l up, is th, bids will be 'rail front the total ft, each cla--and award, malls to the Infect bidder un varh ci r'. Thu bid, will b,- compared a nd the run- tract awarded at a Jump or aygrr•gat,• .nnt for each contract.

I)cli,cry will be required to be matte at the lint, :old in tho manner and in such ytlanliti,'. as vial• be Ilirected.

Blank forms and further iiifnrmation may be obtained at the office of the Fire 11c1:u"unt'nt, dins. 157 and 1511 East Sixty-seventh St 'lit, .\lan-Italiaii.

NI('ll(tl..\S 1, I1.\1"I.t, 1" Inwi--i ell I)atcd )ul." `, PInUl-


ia)' See General Ina) rue) Ion a to Dld-dera on the taut pnµe, last column, of the "City ltecorol.

BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. IIFF'tr R nF 'iii,: I'xl>I111 01 ''I 'tilt: I;oaol [lit u!

kititMUNO, ItiRO,',n Ii sir, Sr. (;rt,RCr, NIw Iiitu ,allws. Nlew YuRK City, S 1•:.\I,EI1 l;ll S ult 1•:5'1"1 \I.\'I'I•.. \\1L1. BE

received by the I'rr,id,-ut of the Borough of kirhniond at tie :Il.11c .,fti~c until I:' o'clock 110011 nu

TUESDAY, JULY !A), 1909, Borough of Richmond.

N,,. 1. FUR Ft'1INISt11\; .\\U w."LI\'. I•;RING SIX'I'1' 'I'llnl':;\N!) T,n,oliin Lt)NS (II' [.itWill Rr).\Il (ill., \V11'll AS l iI.\I,'1' AS :\ l;.\SI•:.

The time fur the' c,,mpl,'ti Si of tilt tl,nk and the fall pelf^riitalice of the i'.ntract i- nn day,,

Tfte amount of >r'ciu'ity r ,,jUired i.s t)1le Thuu-sand Ilullar; 1$1,11110),

No, FOR P('l)\I Ill\); :1N11 I)EI.I\'- ER! N(; (IN I•: iii 'NUItI-:I 'Flit ll'SANII 11011,O00) r;.\I.l.t)NS Ill" ItI7'l'\IINOI'S ROAD tifRF.\CINt; .\I.\'fl':Itl \1 , \1'1'1'11 'I'.11t AS A lt.\SE.

"1hc little 1.,r th,' c„utph';i-,n „i tit, ,, irk and the full perfoemanri' If the t' ll!ract i, It dip',,.

The amount if ,,-curilv rett iii r,d is "Three Thousand I ollar, I $.t,900).

The contracts must be bid for separately. and the bids will he compared and the cnutract awarded at a lump nr aggregate sum for each contract.

Bidders are n qua',tc.l t” make their bids r estimates upon the blank film prepared by the President, a copy of whirl,, with the proper en-velope in which I,) cnrluse the hid, together with n copy of thin coulract, iuchtding the specifica-lions, in the form appt'oved by the ('Orpuratiun Counsel, can he ublaiu,d upon application there-for at the office of the said ['resident. The plans and drawings pray be sit' It and outer in. formation obtained at the puler of the Cunuui, sinner of Publh' Work. :if the liorungh of Rich mend, Borough [fail, New Brighton, Borough .,f Richmond.

GEORGE ( ROMWELL, President 'ii, I it •,I Nett 1'.,rk, Tuly I, 1909.


X•rf Sir general InalrueIlona to Bid-dera on the last pwere, Inwl column, of the "(Y)jr Record,'


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the President of the Borough of

Richmond at the above office until 12 u clock m. on

TUESDAY, JULY' 20, 1009.

Borough of Richmond.

N.,, L FOR FURNISIII\(; ALL 'IlIE 1..\itUk AND DIA'iT(RI.\1. RE•r1UIRE:I) FOR t'UNSTRUCl'IN(', .\ SYS'I'1•:\( I)F Tf•:\I-I'OR:\R'Y 5i'si, Fk's AND AI'l'LR'II•:\:\\(h:-, AS FOLI-OWS: A <h:l'.1R.\'i'E S. Ni'i.\kl' 51•:\\'I•:k AN I> A S'l'ult\I 1\':\TICi O\'Elt- Ii II'IY trP:\Yl'Et 1Y (:.\\:\I, SfltI•:I•`I', FRO\t I:.\1' Sfkl':ICI' 'f).) A I'OI\T 1 imu'r 150 F1:I':1' \11if UI' ItlO(IK STREET', AND uTtn':1r a'rREFTS. 'rul;l'rni'k \VPrlt Ai_r-\VI11tK INCIDENTAL T'Ill':ki IO.

'I- h,' I.nGi lieu' 's estimate of file quantity and Iln:u;ty of file nt:rtcrial and the nature and ex-lent, as near as possible, of the work required, IS a', fulin+rs:

555 linear feet of reinforced concrete sewer, Class C, including transformer to s,'wer, Class 1), all eumpkte, as per section on plan of the tcork.

l4- liiicar feet of rcinfurccd concrete sewer, Class 1), including I aosfumtcr to sewer, Class E. all complete, as per section oil plan of the work.

209 lin,ar feet of reinfl.rewi concrete sewer, Class E, including transformer to sewwer, Class l', all conuilete, as per section on plats of the work.

582 liurar fcot of cuttcictc solver, Class F, including transformer to junction sl•wcr, all cuDtplet,, as per section on plan of the work.

29 linear feet of junction sewer at the june-til,it of Canal and Itroad streets, with Sturm water overflow into old sewer, all complete, as per sections on plan of the work.

11 linear feet of the old sewer on Can,il street, cast of Cedar street, recon-structed as a concrete sewer, all cum-pletc, as per section on plan of the work.

93 linear feet of concrete sewer. Class l;, including transformer to sewer, (.:lass I, all complete, as per section on plan of the work.

43.', linear feet of concrete sewer, Class I. all complete, as per section on plan of the hulk.

51 linear feet of reinforced concrete sewer of 3feet 6 inches by 5 feet 3 inches interior diameter, all complete, as per Srctfieon on plan of the work.

4.' linear fret of reinforced concrete sewer of 2 feet 2 inclic, by 3 f,'rt 3 inches interior diameter, all cumplctc. as per section On Plan of file work.

J3 lilir:Ir feet of reIifore ti el i.e rcfc sewer of I foot 8 inches by 2 feet Is inches interior diametrr, all co iii plrtc, as per section on Plan of the work,

24 linear feet of salt glaz, rl vitrified pipe sewer of ciglucell Ilk) inches interior diamctcr, all complete, as per scctiun on plan of the work.

9UU liur'ar feet of salt-glazed vitrili, d pipe inter of lifter n (15) inches interior di antctI.r, all cuntplrtc, as per section on plan of the work.

_7.-, linear ft of salt-):lazed vitrified pipe sewer of twelve (1-1) inches interior diameter, all complete, as per section 'Iii plan of the work.

706 linear feet of salt-glazed vitrified pipe sewer of tun ( I U) incites interior diameter, all contplt'te, as per section on plan of the Work.

3;U linear fr'e1 of ealbglaz,'d vitrified i,ipc aew-er of eight I11) inches interior diameter, all complete, as per section Ott plait of the work,

.'a ii iii ar feet of cast iroil pipe. of sixtreu (16) inches interior diameter, not less than 135 pounds per foot, furnished, lair) and calk,-d.

13 rlinfu'ced concrete receiving basins with one and out-quarter (I;,j) inch gal- canized w'ruughl iron bars and iron traps, all eungdcte, as sitow'n on plans on tile in the office of the Contnti,-sionrr of Public \Yorks, and coonectcd stilt the sc%%Cr.

19 brick manholes, cuutplctc, as per sections nn plan of the work.

manholes on flat top sewers, including 1-beanis, complete, as per section on that of the work.

2 llush tanks, with six (6) inch Miller siphons, set complete, as per section on plan of the work.

1.1,000 linear feet of piles, furnished, driven and cut.

20,000 feet (11. \l.) of yellow pine foundation timber and planking, its place and se-cured.

55,000 feet Ill. M. if spruce Planking, in place aurl secured,

40,000 feet (It, AI.) of sheeting, retained. _'S cubic yards of cnncretc, in place. 3 cubic yards of brick ntas.,nry.

50 cubic yards of additional excavation. 50 cubic yards of additional filling.

1,000 square feet of addilional reiuforcing metal, equal and similar to Nos. 4 and 10 expanded metal, furnished and placed.

1,000 puwuli of additional reinforcing metal, equal and similar to corrugated or de- forntrd steel rods, furnished arid placed.

2110 Not ar feet tf new 5-inch by 16-inch curb, furnished and set in cuucrete.

100 linear feet of house sewers (not inter-erpted), extended and connected.

I I_'-inch cast iron inverted siphon, Incated at Front and Water streets, including three gat, clatutbcrg, with manholes and I Ii,-inch C. 1, by-pass, gates, valves, etc., all mom silly as shown oil the than of the work.

I gate chamber, located in (-anal streel, West of Brook street, including man- hole head and cover and 30-inch gate, all complete. as shown on the plan of the work.

I fettling chamber, located at Canal street and Itronk street, including manhole and manhole head and cover, all coin- tilde, as shown uu the plan of the work.

I gauging chamber, located in Broad street, west of I'cdar street, including man-hole heart and cover, guard railing, wooden platform. etc., all compete, as shown nn the plan of the work.

6 linear feet of additional 2)t-inch vitrified pipe, furnished and laid.

40 linear feet of additional 12-loch vitrified nine, furnished and laid.

1,01,1 lirIe4r feet of 8-inch vitrified pipe for underdrain, furnished and laid.

10 linear feet of additi~,nal 6-inch vitrified nine. fnrniahed and laid.

The time for the completion of the wink and like full performance of the contract is two knit- deed and fifty (250) days.

The amount of security required is Forty Thousand Dollars ($40.000).


LABOR AND it1ATLRtAI kiOUi1I:1) FOR ( ()Nsl*RL'crlNi; A SYs'I'EVl OF TEAIl'O-K:\ItY SF:\vl-:RS ANI) .\PPtt'rl•.N:\NCES. AS FOLI.O\tS. A COitItINED SEWER IN IBItO.\D S'I"Itt•:ET. FROM l"AT"I'1•:X STREET' 'I'D RICIhiI(JNI) ItOAI), .Nl) O'fIIl-I( S'fREEI'S, ro(;h`fltl•:R 1VIT11 ALL \'uRRK INCIDENTAL. "r11F.RETO.

The Engineer's estiutate of the quantity and quality of the material, and the nature and ex-trill, its near as possible. of the work required. is as follows:

281 linear feet of concrete sewer, Class I. including transformer to eight (8) foot circldar sewer and junction with 3-font 6.inch circular sewer to section E-F, all complete, as per section on plan of the work.

')93 linear feet of circular concrete sewer of 8-foot interior diameter, including transfurnler to 7-foot 9-inch circular scour, all c ,mpl,-te', as per section on plan of the work.

61,4 Ifiadar feet of circular concrete sewer of 7-fat 9-inch interior diameter, all complete, as per section on plan of the work,

331 linear feet of circular reinforced con-crete sewer of 3-foot 6-inch interior diameter, all complete. as per section or, plan of the work.

419 linear feet of circular reinforced con. Crete sewer of 3-foot 4-inch interior diameter, all complete, as per section on plan of the work.

245 linear feet of reinforced concrete sewer of 2-foot 2-inch by 3-f,t,,t 3-inch in- terior diameter. all euoIpIetc- as per secti„n on plan of the work.

287 linear feet of rcinf'Irced concrete sewer of1-foot 8-inch by 2-foot 6-inch in- terior diameter, all comulete, as per section nn Plan of the work.

1.272 linear feet of wooden stave pipe sewer of 3-foot it,tcri',r diameter, including all limber and iron fastenings and slyhtlrts, all crimplete. as per section on plan of the wl'rk.

784 linear feet of salt-glazed vitrified pipe sewer of twenty (20) inch inlcri ,r diameter, all complete, as per sect: ,:I Ill plan of the work.

.., ; ]incur feet of salt-glazer! vitrified ripc rrwer of eighteen (18) inch interior diameter. all complete. as per section nn plan of the work.

1,200 linr'ar feet of salt-glazed vitrified oitte -:':cr of fifteen (15) inch interior

,liameter, all emnUlete. as per secti, ll; on plan of the work.

1,1)47 linear feet of salt-glazed vitrified pipe sewer of twelve (12) inch interior diameter, all cotnplete. as Per section on plan of the work.

1,457 linear feet of salt-glazed vitrified pipe sewer of eight (8) inch interior diameter, all complete. as per section on plan of the work.

41 reinf arced concrete receiving Itarins, with one and one-quarter I S.i) inch gal-vs Ill zcd wrought iron hors, and iron teal',, all complete, as shown an plans n lie in the nfiice of tire Commis-

ncr of Public \Yorks, and connected tvOh the sewer.

• anholcs, complete, as per section on plan of the work.

4 dngt manholes. complete, as per section Ott Plan of the work,

6 Out tanks. ith six ((.) i u w nch Miller standard siphon, set complete, as per sect inn usn plan of the work.

2,000 feet (It. \I.) of yellow pine foundation timber and planking, in place and securc,l.

2,0(10 feel (11. \I.) of yellow nine timber for limber curtain under the dock at the it of Canal street, in Place and se-ll veil, as shown an the plan of the work.

5,0011 feet (I:. M.) of spruce planking, in place acid secured.

45.000 fret (1:. \1.) of sheeting, retained. 30 cubic yards „f c,-perch'. In plz'e, 12 cubic var'I- .,f Krick mis-Inry. -n cubic )u'1- of a, l'Ift' -,pal excavation, 50 cubic yards of additional filling.

1,000 square feet of a,ldi i mal r'inforeing ]fetal, 1.11101 and -imilar to \'S, 4 awl ID expatidi-dl metal, furnished all I t aced.

1,11111 Ji',tllldS of additional reinforcing met:lt, eutual and similar to coritigated or tic ('i inert steel rods, funtisherl and pip cell.

2n0 square feet of sidewvalk, relaid. 511 square yards of Pith, r, relaid.

100 linear feet of curb, rc<, t. I,111 linear feet of new' five inch by sixteen-

inch (5" x I(.") curb, furnlsited and

101) linear fort of new five inch by sixteen-inch (5" x 16") curb, furnished and set in sand.

'110 linear fret of Ease sewers (not inter- crptc'i), c\trndrd and connected.

20 linear feet of additional twenty-f„ur (24) inclt siIIOicd culvert pipe, furnishel and I:u.l,

80 linear feet of a'!,liti'na) twelve (12) inch vitrified culvert pipe, furnished and laid.

6 additional cast-iron hoods for basin traps, as shown ore the plans of receiving basin u s, frnished and set,

r, ,.1diti,mal cast-iron basin covers, as ,!Iowa on the pla•rs of receiving basins, furnished and placed.

ISO -quart feet of three (3) inch bluestone flagstone for additi:,nal basin beads, furnished and set. and provided with I,penings for ba-in covers.

200 -quare feet of three ( 3 1 inch bluestone Ilagstone for sidewalks, furnished and ptarc.l nn a foundation of steam ashes, f'ntr (4) incurs deep.

30 square yard+ of rubble gutter pavement oil a sand foundation.

1 20 square yams of new six (6) inch macadam pavellient.

15 square yard: of new granite block pave-ntcnt.

31 linear feet of rubble masonry culvert to connect sewer nn Laurel avenue to the existing culvert, including connection to culvert. all It ni-detc, as shown on the plan of tilt' work.

The time for the completion of the work and th,• full Performance of the contract is 300 days.

The antuuut of security required is Thirty-six Thousand hollars.

The contracts must lie hid for separately, and 111; bids will he compared and the contract :Iteardcd at a lump or aggregate stun f ,r carh cImtract.

Bidders are requested to make their t,ids or emimates upon the blank form prepared by the Pne,itletft, a copy of w!lich, with the pC per en-s-elope in which to incl.me file hid, togelher with a copy of the rnnrract, including the anecifiea• bus, i.l the (•rm 'tnor.lvrd by tile c.'m,irution

Counsel, can be 011101 lit'! upon application there-for at the office of the said President. The plans and drawings may be seen and other infor-

mation obtained at the office of the Commissioner If Public %%%,rks of the Borough of Richmond, Borough Hall, New Brighton. Borough of RIch-n:ond.

GEORGE CRO\)WL'LL, President. The City of New York, July 2, 1909.

jy3.20 ft^)' See General Instruction■ to Hid-

tiers on the Insist Image, last column, of use "City Record."

('n Flee.. OF Trie Pus:StneNT OF THE BOROUGY OF RIciuriONn! R I , 11 'tI(1ND BOROUGH IIALL, Si'. Gi:uat:F, New BRIu;nTO', NEw YORK CITY.

S LALED 11IDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the l'resid' nt of the Borough of

Richmond, at the above office, until I2 o clock noon on

TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1009, Gorousch of Blchniond.

volt l'('RSlSi!lYf; AND DELIVERING n\'1•: ILUNLMED AND TWENTY (120) TONS 01: riU.11-.

The tittle for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract is until I)e'eeiiib, r I, 1909.

The amount of security required is Five Hun. dred Ilollars ($500).

The contracts must he bid for separately, and the bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for each contract.

Kidders are rtquestcd to make their bids or estlmat,es upon the blank form prepared by the I'resruht iii, a copy of which, with the Proper en-vel.'pe in which to enclose the bid, together wi'h a copy of tike cr,n tram t, including the specifica-tions. in the form approved by the Corporation ('ounsel, can he obtained upon application there-for at file office of the said President. The plans and drawing; may be seen and other ill. in- f,.rmatU,n obtained at the office of the Coin-ntissiuner of 1'' i lIc Works of the Borough of Iti.•hennnd, 1"" Umh hall, N,w Ilrighton, Bor-nugil of Richmond.

GEOR(;E CROIT\VELTL, ['resident. 'l'6, 1"i;'" ,.I Nr'',v 'a 'Is, Iauc 23, 19)1.

j26.jyt.j IT-- Kee General Inatrnclione to Bid-

tiers on tii tart initte, lust column, of 1 ite "4 'ht' Record."



Sh: \T.I{U 101)5 OIt EsTI\f.\'FEs \\'ILL BE r '' .' I I III,' President 'f t'I,' 13..,ard of

71:1-t . - .t :I., aboc, ufficc until 1 t'. nt. on

FRID,11-. Jul I1" 16, 1909,

lull \1.11 R I P)N< .\NI) REI'.\IRS TO \V'.AI:I - . ' `.II :; Iti I1ELI,EVL'E 11051'I-

The tune al L.wcll f n' doing and completing the nett' %, .ik. repairs and aLcraii'n; will be not mere than ninety (90) consecutive calendar days fl.nIt the date of executing the c,IItract,

l' he surety required will be Cite Thousantl I)..11.lr; ($5.00))).

'file bids will be compared and the contract awanlad at a lump or aggregate sum to the I',wrat bidder as soon thereafter as practicable, ace-,r,line to law.

IBlanit f'rtn: may be obtained at the office of Ilse ( ootract Clerk, No. 419 bast Twenty-sixth •trt'et, 11 n--hugh of 'Mmihattan, where bids and depu,its are al,,, d~luverrd.

Jolly W. Bk.\NNAN, President of the I3,lard of Trn=ter- . 11 I!e% , ie and Allied 1 ,cpitai_,

v.1., If 5oc 11 11critl Inalruactloiia to Bid-

de-r. on the lost Pnne, lust column, of the 11' fl) Iteeord—


P1 Ill II \etIII I. I, 111'.111 I:)' Oil\ I(\ TII

In,;. .'!''r nn n:,itl t'teI laud, ,tllc.tt',l lh,relu . 't.:.. Ill_. I '11,ncit-,F pr,,p l.ed assessment-. leave beell - -:.1, :, .1 .n,.l "Ir,' 1. .Ig, ,l in the "tTirc of the 1 ..I \__ ..r. f '. ., ... b; all per

llu rut ugh ii B rook ly'n-

Li-I ' N '. I. k; vnl.l:iuS'. F: a. l::,K, .:tali in;t :u-I IC I 1 -''I Jk- Port il't r .Ini'. h, t.t,,n 'icl'u :ui.l N, t l"tr ';in a,el,ues.

I.i-t 'it'll, , N , _ kc•g ulati:lg, gra ling, pavi•ig tt ith a';,balt, curbing noel lira ing cement sidewalk, 'n fia•h avcnur, bct%vcrti F'trte.nth avenue and Bay Eighteenth strct't, and between [lay Nine-leculll -r"I'.t and Twcilt5v-tirst avruue.

I,i;t 4(7, N,,. 3. Lacing cement sidewalks on 1.-titsilt's If Fiftieth street b:twr•rn F girth and

•rt ll:unlit.lo acrnuc,: I, 'lit sid.; of •fifty-first ,Irect, brtwc,'n First and Sr:ond avenues: north silly 'If Fift)'-seventh '.beet, between Fifth and Si.11t lnruu:=, :Intl s.n:t:t -i'le ,Af Fiftictll street. ii, l,v, l n Fifth :Ind Sixtlr act mfrs.

l,i,t 471. N... 4. Pacing with asphalt Four. II'. u'h ,a, l .re. Lr:.arras

Fill-fifth and Sixttetn

cl t'eel". I I-t 4 0 ,. N , ,. ['acing wi'h asphalt Ses'entv-

-isthi "I 'vet, brt,r,rn 'I'hir,l and F.ntrth avenues. 1.1,1 41,1. No. I, Laving Cc111111 sidewalks on

file we") yids Iof Third avenue, hetw'een Sixtietil ;old sIixty-folnth street-.: hetp. 'n Sixtc-fifth and "ii xty-'i\tll streels: betwe'•u sisty seventh and S,'tv-eighth streets, an.! un [lie cast Side, be-tw.•, it 4ixte-thin) and Sixty-fifth streets, and be':t,nn ffglrtl'si$1lf and Hight)'-eighth sIlests.

list a1_', No, ; Laying cru,swalkc nn the St '-t side of Fast Fourth street, at the intersec'ti011 of Avenue C and .\venue 1) and Beverley I oad-

is' SI,5• Nu. 8. &'t'wvr in F.Irey-secontl street. 1,twet'li Seventh an,I Eighth avenues.

List (011, No, 9, t'irtvrr in East Fortieth street 1), tween Avenue (' Cads ('tat, ntl ,n roadI ant' Ditmas avcuut I f,trtnerIv Avenue E, now Foster avenue).

List 1.11), No 10. Sewer in Eighty seventh street, between Narrows and Second avenues.

The limits vrithiii which it is prop,,,O,l to lay flee ,'lid a-u '.hii,•nt't include all the several houses atnl 1.'t+ „t Rv.,uu,l, vacant lot'., hilt' an,l par ' rL+ of lan.l ,'tualed un -

No. 1, Both sides o1 F,'rlirlh sired, li ii,, Sixth avenue to New Utrecht avenue, and to the extent of hall the black at the intersecting ave titles.

No. 2, Bath sides of Bath avenue, from Foul teenth avenue to Bay Eighteenth street. and from Bar Nineteenth street to Twenty-first ave-nue. and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.


No. 3. li.,th sides of Fiftieth street. b,twcen Eighth an! P„rt Hamilton avenues: both sides of Fiftv-tlrst street, between First and rec Ind avenues; northwest corner of Fifty-seventh street and Sixth avenue; south side of Fiftiet'1 slicel. between Fifth and Sixth avenues.

No. 4. Both sides of Fourteenth avenue. fro!n Porte-fifth street to Sixtieth street, and to the extent of half the b1,;ck at the itltersecting si teets.

N„_ i. Both sides of cve•nty -sixth street, u,,.,. 'I Fin] to Furlh avenue. and t , the extent of half the black at the intersec ing siracts.

No. 1,. West side of 'Third av,line, between `ixt jet h and - ixt'- fourth streets: between ti xty fifth and sixty-,ixtli streets; hetwren Sixty.s. v-rnth and sixty-cigbat streets, all cast side. he-twcrn Sixty' third and ,ixtc-fifth streets, and he tween Eighty-sixth and Eighty eighth street..

No. 7. \Tent -ids of I•':i t P.,urtli street, ft in fleserlev r"all t ,, i''1rte1y0u road.

N-'. t-. It. ,:h side- of Forty-srrond stied. be-tul_en Seventh and Eighth l smuts ,: ca-1 'ids „f Seventh and west si:le of Eighth avenue, bet v -en F,rteStco id and I .Irty-third strset..

Na. 1. Path side.' I,f East F,orticlb streIt. from ('larcnd.m r.+ad to F'-tr-r ❑emus.

N,. 1). B,, th side. ,lf Eighty'-sovcnth sree, from Nam'- as-c•nuc t., S:cund avenue.

.\I] persists. wh,,<&' itnrrt'I. are affect ,d be tie above-named pn.gw ed a.Sc«turn s a ul who are oppn<ed t 1 tilt, same. or citll.-r of them. are r-ijticstt'il t.' pre-emit their „hjrr:inn., in writing, t the Sic rctary 'If tilt- It aid if .Asae' ors, V^, 12O l'roadwac, New York, till n" hef,n• \ngu-t 11, 11,1)1). at 1 I a. In , Si which tint, cull p ac - tit -said lhjs'ch„ilc will he i -- I. an l tlatin1„ny' re elIeed in reference tht•rct, ~.

\XI'(iNIi) '/.t'lt.A. I. I.I. \\I':I\I \\N,

\ \I I:S ii K! .N N 1-:11V, It -Sri It .\sc ,nt's.

WILLIAM 11. I tsPl lie ",crct:try. Nn. 3'11 Ilr.,ad• w';1\'.

Pity III Ns a 1-.irk. it Ii it th ,f \lanhatlan, line ', 1'>11'1 .

P I'RLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO all persons claiming to have h1 en injured

by a change of grade in the regulating and grad. ing of the following named streets to present their claims. in writing. to the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, No. 320 Itr altway, on ^r before July 13. 1909. at 11 o'clock a. m., at which place and time the said Iloard Of As. sessors will receive evidence and testimony of the nature and extent of such injury. Claimants are rerluesu-d to make their claims fnr damages upon the blank form prepared by the Board of Assessors, copies of which play be obtained upon application at the above office:

BorouMb of Nnnllnttan. No. 703. West One Hundred and Forty-scv-

unth strict. front •I pl,int,

'.9? fret west of Broadway' to tasted' lilte of Ri%vi,irh• drive ex-tension.

Borough of The Broni.

No. 595. Nereid avenue (Two Hundred and Thirty-eighth street). from First street (Bullard avr nor ) to White Plains road.

No. 591 East One Ilundred and Forty-seventh street (Dater street). from the Southern boule yard to St. Marys I'nrk.

No. 600. Popham avenue. from West floe Hundred and Seventy-sixth street to Montgomery avenue.

No. 696. Classon Point road, from Westchester avenue to the East River,

No. 698. Railroad avenue (Starling avenue). from Cnionport road to Glebe aventl,'.

No. 708. (Ill-re avenue, from Fast One Hun-dred and Si.ct,'-u-Stilt5 Street to l'_a,t One Ilm- deed and -ceois -,trimd itrr•, t.

BormlRrh of Brooklyn. No. 586. I;rand street, a, extended from

Ilooper Strctt I„ hriduc plaza. No. 587. R c}Iliu¢ street. between South

Fourth street and i'null avenue, No. 5118. Riverdale avenue, between Rockaway

avenue and Osbnnl ,tent. No, 686. Ilaven place, between .\t antic ave-

nue and Herkimer street. No. 688. New York ult-nut-, fr.sin President

street to Malbone street.

Borough of QIIPe•n R.

No. 578. Hal sty sire,-I, fn an I" tilt on acenuc to Franklin stre,t, First \Vott(.

No. 579. Hooter avenue front Jane street to Harris ac.'nu, . First \yard.

No. 581). F ornate a avenue, from Thirteenth ave. hue to (lid llouvcry road. First Ward.

No. 581. (inrlerdonk avenue, from Elm street (Hart street) to Stanhope street, Second Ward.

No. 584. Wyckoff avenue, from Bei0k1ymi Mir-on It line to Moffatt street, Stcond Ward.

No. 636. Webster avenue, from William street to Vernon avenue, First \Yard.

No. 691. Grand View avenue, from Stanhope street to Linden stet et, Second \yard.

No. 723. Beebe avenue, from lackson avenue to Van Alst avemw.

No. 725. Frurir-,•nth aeisnuc, from (;rand ave. nue to Vandeventer avenue.

Borough of ftietimihimid.

No. 678. Woolcy avenue, from Indiana avenue to Watchogue road; New York avenue. fruits Manor road to a point about 816 feet westerly; Lickic avenue, from Waters av, nue to Columbus place; Livermore avenue, from Indiana avenue to Lathrop avenue; Maine avenue. from Willard avenue to Wooley avenue; Springfield avenue, from Willard avenue to Bidwell avenill; Garrison avenue, from Neal i)ow avenue to Wooley ave-nue; 1)ickic avenue, from Indiana avenue to Lathrop avenue; Kidwell avenue, from Indiana avenue to \\ -atchngnc road; I)emarest avenue, from Lathrop avenue to Watchogue road; New York place, from Maine avenue to New York avenue; Leonard avenue, from Bidwell avenue to Livermore avenue; Lathrop avenue, from Bid-well avenue to Livermore avenue; 1-ivernlore ave. nue, from Lathrop avenue to Watchogue road; Ihckie avenue, from Lathrop avenue to Waters avenue; College avenue, from Manor road to second proposed street.


Board of Assessors. WILLIAM H. JASPER, Secretary,

No. 320 Broadway. City of New York, Borough of Manhattan.

July 2, 1909. jy2,14

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the owner of owners of all houses and lots,

improved or unimproved lands, affected thereby, that the following proposed assessments have been completed and are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for examination by all per-sons interested, viz.:

Boreuxle of The Bronx. List 348, No. 1. Paving with asphalt Timpson

place, from One Hundred and Forty-seventh street to One Hundred and Forty-ninth street, and curbing where necessary.

List 592. No. 2. Paving with asphalt and curb• ing where necessary Cypress avenue, from East


The bids will be compared and the contract The Engineer's estimate of the quantities; is as awarded for all the work, articl,,, materials and ful.ows: supplies contained in the specifications or sched. 840 lintar fret of 12-inch pipe ule attached t lie rctu. sewer. laid cuntp:etc, includ-

Itidders are requested to make their bids or ing all incidentals and ap• estiroans upon the blank form prepared by the ptnteuauuccsI per linear foot, Urpartment, a copy of which, with the proper $I.41) ...... ......... $1,176 00 cmclol'e ill which to inclose the bid or estimate. 51511 linear felt of 1,-inch house con. logutller with a Copy of the contract, including nett:on drain, laid c'mpletc, the •PiIIfii-atiluN, ill the form approved by the including all incidental, 11111 torlrl,ramn Counsel, and any further infurma- appurltuance,; per lintar tiun may lie obtained upon application therefor , foot, 7r1 ce Ill. ..............95 00 at the ,lice of the Chtrl Engineer, where {flans 10 tlam,imhes, c'mplca, with iron and drawings, which are made a part o the heads and c,.vr r,, includnlg - specificatiuns, may Its seen. :1.I inci,Iimtts and :qlptlrtr'.

JOHN II. O'BRIEN, Commissioner. Ilallr'1',; per man.nJ,•. 3;i.. 4511 (II Office of the Department of Water Supply, Gas

"t' basin-, cr,ntpll te, „f tither

and Electricity, Nos. 13 fo 21 lark Row, Borough u1, I:uJ mili li. with iruu

IIf \lanhattan, 'Ile City of New York. Pate or Brat ooLl hilt basin

Il;ucd shine 21, 1909. vert;. iuchnlin0 all inci- hued, anti r nlnccling cul-

j22Jyl4 d,ntal, and apt-illien:Inc,; ,t”' $Ise• (.ent•rnl instructions to Hid- Tier iu;l'dn. $13n........... 21,a ou

derM son file InsI Iuame, Iaat colum n, of 2,11)-(1 fret 1II. \I.I ,ht'rtirmy amt till• ••lily ltec•ord.” bran rl5, , I scii in place, mlllplctt, imis'lkdinK all irtci-

BOROUGH OF rentals and appurtl-nivices;

QUEENS. ,I.'em w.m,ou,,l feet 11:. Ill.), .......... 36 1I0

lit FICs Ft IIF. l.'RFSIDF.NT nF T116 BOROUGH OF --- ------ 1 ll'F:I.NS, l'li1Rn FLOOR OF Tilt. lliRmlt!(N1 IIAI.L, '1'nt:11 ............... $2,517 On 'mu-ill STRI r:r AND JACKSON .\Yf.N'r F. 1.ON1; 151.-Ou , ` '-- __•- . I'1"., l;Ms(Im n PF 1111 F (lt'NS. ('(TV IIF NF:w 1'mIRF, I. Ilmt' ;ulOWV'I fill' r'.,Illl,ll'till}; Ill,' wnrk and

hull p,rfurm:ulv,' of tilt erilrart will Ile furty )':\1.1•:11 rill, urt I•:STI.\l.\TES WI1.1. I:E (4)) s,n"kiu;;'lxv s. luau icc'I by III, l'rt-:idcnt of till' through if '1'b,- "umollo! of ,truri't' rrrluirc,l will hl 1)utt'us at Ihe .Ib„cc (office until II o'clock a. 11. 'fw-else ltmi,tnI IPnnt:n', 1$1,4111), 'ii No. Ii I l - RNlohII\t; .\1.1, 1.5 Ill WF.DNI SDAY, JI'LY 21, 1U(HI. .\Nit ~I.\'l I.Ifh II. RIUII'1ltl•:II I lilt (((N

FIItl'l'ilX; SI•;Vs h-:lf IN II \.A1I1.'fI)\ 511 'S I. I Iilt II I:\IViIII\l S I. '1'111•: I..\ \I'ii• I IC'P\Vl•sl1:X I1II II "11(1•:I•:f \VI' I k .1X11 11 \"Pf;BI hi \1CI I•;soSZt1 Plllt Itl'tiuI '- I I I I . .\\II \\ Ill"fl.l('f '-'I{1\ I:It I:F1'.\Ilfl\li Puk \\I) IIIIl1I\); .\ ('ll\ IN Broil 0 1I11'sIs"l • I:IC"I\\I-.I.N 11\\III."I'1)\ IKI-Il- L'I'I.Flfl[\I1, \XII Ill{\111\'1\1; I'.5It1 .\\'1(X('1•: .SNIP ll.11- It"1' 5lltl•.I':'I'.

S'IR.\I I l I\ \\ I• .N II:, \I.I':\.\NUI•:If AVE, follow,:

111 1II.II II'l.1,IIIi.IIP .\I' 'I'I11% 1111)'I' I)I: lhr I':usin,-.1', I.uIlli of I!I, lua:r.itir.

NIT:, ,I. \ \ll-.\\ \\ I• .N I'll, STlllt\I \\'I<- 2111 li'll:n f.,t If I -inn-I, pip( Nl 1': .\NII IIItll>II: .\\'INI'I•., .\It\'I•IfNI(, „lv,r, lain cnmplcl,, iuclud. Iltll K \1\'.\1' Ill•: \t'II, PIP I'll \\'.\1(1). ittt all incidental- and al, The I.uFiulr r'-. t' .timaly „f the 'lu;nititir., is n+ lot,rii-mlms-m--: tAr Iimi,al. film, I„Il, n,,: $2.'1; .., hi ill inn cubic c:u,6 of mimc,vte bulkhead, in- 00 iint•:u: ft',-t of I. incb...l,ip,- clmliug :Ill nret,•;u-s forts, t-xcacul- sewer, lai,l c'ms!t,'Iu, ittrlr,d- tiun, lami,nsing old h,u1kheu,l, etc. ing n:1 iitddint:I, an,l ap-

_'li linear fret of '-inch iron pip, railing;, plulr-nallc,',: per limit ii foot, l'nlliplLle, ltichllllllg 224 .ii-dlp,'lt b^11,. $Lill .... ... .1411 (i1) 5,, plats,. 5 nranitm., ,,mull , kith iron

I-mumsukng Iii, • rand 11 , leuItirc, l depth. I Intl I-. stud c"vcl>. iuetu'limiK I'ilkn,ne : 'I rcnlol- ing ,III pill'. anll II-moving all incirltnlrtl, :Intl apl~ln"1,

„111 bnikhc:ld beyond the face of cost,- nano.; tier rrlanhl,l,. $90.. tin ou

Tile r'ICrruan„1 s^ml and vitrified brick becomes ,Irlrv,Irurml d,''ipu. with ir.m

crud will(. I ,vw,•r ba -ill , cumnl, I'.'If tither

the• pn,pcl lc ,If tilt ('ity, :Ind is to Ire ramuccd pan or Rrn'i:IK, inn h'Lin bt Iht• ('its ulrlllrumil,u—,_ Ilnr,d and r'muccling tul-

'I II:• rim,' all nt„I f"r liming atilt l'nl ip h ling vct'I, int'l:mina all inci- Ihc abncr' ie-litu,'mol is„Ik will hi' sixty' I,,ol Mental, :ula :Inlnu'tcnanc.1; working , Ias'. p, r ba-in. 11 ;I!... , ....... 1 5p 0')

11'l' ;pl1„.tlt 1If ,eriilItv rerIllIYr'11 ,sill Ile 1•if 181) fr,'I I It. 'Il.) of Iwtip , l:li 1.~11 lcr-n 1ium,in ,l I/miar. P$b5)Iipl, planking. I:lid in p'.nrt'. cone

I he bi,ldcr will ,talc th,- (.rice of each item In1alr, iuclnding :III „r itliiii' ,"IulinrIl ill till spcci6eatir,n, Ile .,'he,l. d,n:an. :In,l al'I"Irtr,laliv..'; ile', let I,I I',,Ittalllt'II rn' III.1't•:Ifll'r allllr' xt'uI, Joel Ile I" IIIn1-;mild fuse: II: XI.).

..q'::ur 5-al-uI. lint-:n' f,.r,I „r ,:111,1 unit of tm•a'lnr gl ti .i 'a bs .• Ilic'. II, hi'I. kill lots lr-tcrl. 4 cubi, S-an 1, of csmr:'st,. i, alll,',

'I'h.. xI, I 'r, n, nlu i hr• Ina'I,' and f . 'I,-,l a '. in :darn, c'mplt'tc, ini'iidimt :I. Iht- bid, t, ill Ir,• rca'I (ruin a 1,11:11. 1 xtra u-s,t sali,.n :old rill in

i:nl, will L,- etmpniTi :In,l the cm,trart aw'ar,l- 'I'll will, an,l :hipmirt mihmi.n: o,i at :I 1111111. ur :gpmgrte ,unt. pt r v'Ibic i- ant. $? ......... 41 fill

:la , "I.- f III— male h,- r,hI.nrnu'i and Illl- 1 'lan. 1;.11;10 fI' t 1 II. NI.I „f 'hovtine and ;'Ilrl 1 1l':It1' ins:, ilia\' hl• i't•i1 at Ille offier' of tilt' Its- Ni'it1F!, 'lri\t'll III I-It, -, I' ,- -', I,-it 'of 1111' It—e„nnrIh „t IPrI1't'lli, l'r1111l,ll' tl', ,u,l'llullllli.! :ill 1111"I'

I);ut,l L'III ldn:'lI (its, fiIV x. I'/no. o,ntals t:n,l ar,purlenaiwi,s: I. \1\'11':`:1 1C 4;i2ESSl•:It, IIpl, n1, 1„ r Ib„u>mld ft•i-I I It. \I.1,

1 ".' I ; I .i ...................... ': II .In ;f s..1• I:rul'ral Ilist rurl(niw Yn laid- -- -

1l1.1'N ,,11 flit.• :list 1,11,:,'/•. MINI 1'111'111111, of ' I.11 th l ............... $1 •l,T_ 74 Ile, ••I' i I - Iufloril.'' -- - -

_ --_ - -- ' Ih,- tits, ;tll. , u„I f„r c'.umF'iimg Ih, work auwl

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. •+I 1 tt,rkink dtiys. hill Igoe f..r..l ame( f,I the• c„n:ract will I„- thirty'

.-.------__----- ------- The aut„lnu IIf ,'rrrity ri,lnil."I ti ill b,• Eight

I/I m'riiI\II\1' 'i1 IIn.sti ii, l~,axis I,1' 1'IF'11'- 1', : $mill, llllll,lrr',I 11,111:1 I_

bill 1,"IRI I.I .\\1 I1xlll \\'1.\'1'h:, iIlu"l , .11 „F rill' oolr'e„In. F ostit Imt•l'', Irl'I -I-Ilary r'•Slrllatr+

\lsv ten't s'. (rlv nr Nmss Yr,RK. of the t„tai 'na (or Ilic c„nI lu lsJ t,..rk :n,- in each ea— to rhr' taken a< Ill•.' I I 1 p, r evils. bail,

A 'f .\ 1,11.” CI'IN(; IOf, 'I'IIF: Itll.\ILU (/P :still to<t f'mr blrl-liue. Inl,-:II , -h:lll ,-:,ch ,tat Iltaltll "1 the I lepartn)cnt „f Ilc:llth ,If The a ,Initlr :,I re a:a'v ' f ,urh 1111) err e -mit l ,ue'I

I its' „f Nt•w 1rk hell Inly 7, 11179, the following '1s 9i per ,rill., lull I:lr ',Of. „r lug per cmi'miL1 I ,1'l'anIlir' alibi Il lr•1, t1'l'I"I - all~Il te,I : I for w'Iuicit ;,II Islaa,, I late .til-I N ,.I k e:1' I ,'of I1- 111 til'•

\\ hero:., 'I'lte Ii, ar,l of IIralth of the Mrpart- lullti l.,I H,I I.ist . ;Ind the not ir,, t„ hi, III rs :ur mvnl I,1 Ilea1.11 of 'I he lity I,f New Y„rk haying to be furni,hr-,l I , I 1st• bile. 'urh 11, re, stag''. :1, I;ikon anti tilr, I ;ur, Ing it, records what it I(-goId, hi,l fur ,-:11-11 L,:utract. ,hail :mplc 1” all unit a- ,nf1l1 rut pr,,,lf t„ aMhoriu' it, drelara:ion th:u item, ,pecilitd ill Ih,' I•:nki u,. r, pl vlimi:uu'c tin ,nnit t.. th, ,stmt herd, spedIis,1 is a nui- 111111, to au aInluunt mire•, --:II r : i.sminpletc. tilt• 'Inrc IlanKcn,u, t,. life anti Ih-:rmmccoal I., leall1, w,nk rh•scrnie 1 in ill,- c"nncui -t. miller ,h, gr•n, ral :cull„city „f said li,rarnl I„ IIre, i Ill;ink fnrme null iuwt:,'r inf limuLhtr may be ,rIIv the I1n6lic hc:,tth atl, l ab:ltc nuiolic11' rin. nbttt,mt'A :Ind lilt- elan, ;'rvl ,lr:,srmit'-. n,ov Im hrrc I,v -1.1.11 at ih,- nlTic,- nf Ih- Iinn.n of Sow'vr,., till'

l[r,ler. 'Mint the being „I nnlning l 's' :nld at liurrmch of lt,nnkhn, No. 15 eSU1taIi,' 'tr-v:. I:Iege ,If d„l;, in tit,. ,trot, aiv('hlUc,. highway, Itr,,uktymi.

,rtbrr public plaec. in 'l'hc t'ily of Nets \'ruk Ill RU S. ('I)L1_Ii. I'Ir,;-I,ul. i. a public nui.ancr• rl:uug,'r„u, to life an,l 'Ittli. 11;nc, l lint q, 1'lu'I lnrntal 1„ health by rca;n of malty person., being jv'1._'I

I,ilvl ,• I , "'1'•, 1 1 1 1 1.1 s o n hr• I -c t~n 'r• , 1 ut the I I t I t 11 r f .1

I( 1: • r. :omit. o BI11-

I g% Krl tn/•rnl In Trutt -oi:l It..:,rrl Ime,'1iv enter, in ii, rcv-led. the ':mint• Bor51 on the 1evut Pnor, Inst eulaa/o, of :I, a uui,ancr •unl hrrrLy I,rJcrs this nbatemchl Ibc. ••('tt?' H,-'t.rd.•• I,, ; and all Tims,mi' are hereby f,robi.l,I,'il t„ a;l-lw slugs mi nsol, hasb,,red, Ilua,t„rd ur cut- — ------ --- - --- - - ii '11,d by them, I.1 be Ile run I„I,>r nod at large in the ,tei•r1b, asi us':, high Kai', ,r other to11tliie (IFF Iru nP l'uc 1'lu'slliP]r nr 'mill: fir,R nth ii nF'

l,tai: us 111 I ~It - l ltv ,If Ni,w' 1 olk; a,iii not door 1tNhmi Kl.l'\ Room Rs-Rmii'6811 HALL. NnR11U(. OF

-! a'I hr all., %c,l to run Io„c and at large as ItRIIn Kt.YY, 'I iii ( ITV nF NCw YORK.

uf. , ms',uid iu auv of the places af,-re,aict tilde,, F:.\LEI' 11111ti (II? I:s'I I \I \'Pisa \\11.1. Ill•: I zrled in sncIl manna r as to protect per„Ins 7 received by Ihr I'r, .i,l. nt I,f tl , It„r„ugh „i

j _',1s'i-t Irnm ht•nlg bil;cn, „r unless h,-111 by a lca,h or Itnu,,kIyul a; Ihr- ob•,cr• ,dike until I I „'chick

de rw un the Insist 1111Me, lust eul lno u, ut I i, further bercby try' See Gs'nshI lnhitrhinkinw IIo (tad- rt,ain n,,l m„rt• lean four feet in Icugth; au,1 it :I un

t11e ••('Ity Hse8nnle^ (hM rcl1. -I'Ilat any a'td all ,I,.g, I,,,I,t ;Ind at WN DNF ItDAY, Jt 1.Y 11, 10111), _ -_ -__ _—_- 1:,I g,- in any of the public sere t,, li I ncu,, high-

IIFPARTMF:NT nF IVA'IFR titl)-I':.V, /;A5 ANn I'.LF.C- ~tsly, ~.f ~~ ill( I' IIll,lic plai't's Ili ' I hr' I ity' „f New' I'l lit I'I '(IN "III\li \I.I, '1111.1 I II Ilk

TRI(ITY, R,YOst 1536, Ni. 13 TO 21 ]'ARK It11W, \"rk Hill'„ Illuzzled or Ilcl,l a, afl1'y_aild vImall .15111 BI SI1.1(151.° 1(1'.1)1 Ilfi.l) Fisk 1(1-,)'l>N

liVRr/Uc1t OF' SMANHATTAN, CITY of Nr:w YORK. ( Ile 'Ic`1l'r,y't'lI br Inslit'l'1tirs I,, olly-1' 111115 ail me"tiG ('I I".Ii M'.\1rEIt I1tI11ei':I IN IXV1-1V'I'I' tl„Irixrd agvot, :old officer, of th, 1lehrt'norn' "E((1\11 .1\'I':Nl'l•:, FH11\I 1111.1 IC.V1) Ill

S EALFil rt[1)5 OR ESTI\te\TES 1VII.L III' dr•'.ituatcd and a+ directed by the 'vamIIiii IIlF; I':XIS"1'1X1; 'a l\I'll I'II'I "I 551 It Ilr received by the ('ommissioner of \N;ncr pup- Sepl•ritmtrnrlrnl; further he it :\ IT)1N"I' cSIllM"I 791 1 111.1 I\lII I.R 51 I'S-

ply, Gas and Electricity at the above olTicr until Ilr,tr'red. That This , , rdc, ;u^I ml(ulatiun he I•-NII If.\1'. IN 71111 I:f)Rlll'1;11 (IF IlROOK- 2 o'clock p. m. on :lain tilt saint' ,hall mi'mmmi in f,rrce curd effect 1.1 N.

'Ell E9UAY. JULY 13. iL(Rle ,naII the' I,t day I,f SePlcmber, 1909, and that I The l'siiginior's P'liomio1e „f till• Ilntmivll , I, a' public' Ilnl ll'r' of the reqtllmu- lllcuNs hlt'i':'1sf anndd of , follr,w's:

Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. Ilti, order be printed in flit- ('ICY KEcuRO and 751 linear f,-, t '.f I'I-inch flexible j"int cast

I.,,ted surd kept p„steel iu each r f the buem,ugh iron 1eut•. FOR FURNISHING A1J_ L BOR \NU MA- ,

Oicc, Id the Ileparlmcnt of Ilcnith for five 11 cubic vard” rin-rap.

ANIIALS REQUIRED, AND CONSI'RUCTI\G clays ill ,Rceessinp, beginning July '), 1909. I'he time allowed f•,r flit- enupIetinu of the

AND 1l) ElL(IVG TWO (2) DIRE(V-('ON- \ inic r"pv. work ssnd fell perfrvrmanc, r.I Ut,' ruttracl will CFCTIU, I'lxt; PR1('ALLY-UIi1'h Is:N, VEaltTl- 1.1 t;l"N F. W. s( lIEEfFR. Secretary. be sixty 1611) welkinu day-. CAL I'I I I It I I UNi t\ (I t Et•:fl,: 1 VITA jy) 1a 'I'Itc ern mil ,f ,I•curity I Ill! d i, Twn 'rIuu- ALL APPU14i- P:N:\\GI1:S, INCLl1)N. I IMI.I•:C• sand Ilhllar, f$:t,0110). TRIO LVAVII\(; INstr LATIU1, IN I HI - - I'I ' hiddrr will slate the uric, of cacti item or l'UMl'ING STAT)lel TO BE ERECT' F PUI; BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. article e:nntainrll in tilt- ,o)r,cifirapiomis or schedules 'tIfF: SEWAGE DISPOSAL I'LA1'f :\'f 'rl1h: h resin mntuineld ur bore: , anetacd, per linear \'IlslAi;E I' \\FW 's KItiCU, WFa'rC1iF:5- foot, cubic varll or other unit I f mt'a'ntre, by TER C ime' a 1', NEW YORK. tmFrh,F of Tl,r. PRFSIDVNT nF T ,L. BoRiu'n li e1F ' 1iell the iheis will Ill' Ir l:tcsb. The hill. will be

The time• allowed for doing and completing the PROOKI.YN, ROOM ,'., III' t H HALL. BOROUGH of cnmpired and the contract aw'aided at a )unit) or work will be two hundred (200) calendar 'lay i. IIaor1KLYN. 'rtt6 CITY of NEw YORK. aggrtgale niiiii.

The security required will be Three Thousand I•:.\I I1:I) 1111)5 OR ES'I'IM.\ -I'1S W11.1. RE. Blank forms and further inf^rnta,i'rIt may he Dollars ($3,re p S received by ti:c President of Ibe Borough of obtained and the p'ana and drawinov may he Riddcrs are particularly cautioned that ■ pro- seen at the r fiicc ~f tl'.• Itorcau of tiewera. the

vision in the c^ntract requir s the maintenance mil Itl'r^klcn at the abuvc uHicc until 1 , o'clock It Iroavh of Itrooklyn, No. 215 Montague street,

the plant, fnrni-bed and instaIIeel under this con- a. m• on Brooklyn. tract, in good condition far the period ^f one dun- WEDNESDAY, JULY B1. 1909. III Rl) S. ('OI.ER. I'resid nt. deed and twenty-five (125) calendar days from the final cons Ueiion and acc'entance „f the work. \o. 1. I OR I l'R~IIti11IVG ALr, 'l'H1s iloied July 8, 1909.

i The bidder will state the price, lute unit, of L\L'I)R \NU IIe\'fI-aRl\I. RF(1l'lREl1 FOR Iyl)21

each item of work or supplies contained in the ll)\'ti'1'RI'C'I- INI; SEWERS IN APPLE, See General IR.tT,cttoaa to f31d- spetfictions or schedule, by which the bids will j t1E.iCIf .\NU 1'F.\R S'TR'EETS, WALLA deer on the Iant pace. laat column, of be PlII"I' 51.\RKI?T I\NUS. the "('ItY Record,"


One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street to East One Hundred and Furty'-tl:ird street.

List 593, No. 3. Paving with a,phalt and curb-ing where necessary Honeywell avenue, from Tremont avenue to East One Hundred and Eighty-second street.

List 598, No. 4. Paving with asphalt and curb- ing where necessary East hue Hundred and Seventy-sixth street. from lark avenue to Tlord avenue.

Borough of Qus's'isa, List 68, No. 5. Regulating, grading, curbing

and flagging '1 bird .t-iv toe U-aulrup street), Crum Bruauw'ay to Grauain avenue, Iii t N ard.

List Iu2, No. 6. Regulaluig, graJulg, curo,ng and paving wrth brick basement l;recnc avenue, f runt (;rand \ is w' avc uuc to hlnp; Wunly line, Second Ward.

List lbi, No. 7. Regulating. grading, curbing, flagging and laying crosswalks tin liul;t street, from Thomson avenue to luster avenue. First Ward.

list 200, No. 8. Paving with asphalt I irst avenue, from Broadway to Washington aveeln,c. First \\'ard.

The limits within which it is proposed to lay tit#! said as,'ssden:s include all the several hut's, and lots of giourld, vacant lots, pieces and par- cel., of land situated oo-

No, 1. Bothh shies of Timpson place, from one 11undred and forty-seventh street to Uuc hundred and Forty'-ninth sit'e:, and I.. the extent of I:alf the block at the imtraeting streets.

`o. 2. 1Iu:h sides of Sy'I,less a'cntle, from One hundred and Thirty-ei9hlh "trcct to (.)ue Hundreel and Forty-third street, and to the extent ut half the block at the intersecting streets.

Nu. 3. liotll sides of 11 one I aid l avenue, from Tremont avenue to (Inc I:liiiircd and Eighty' sell unit 8:rct-t, and to the cxtcti1 of half the block at the intersecting streets.

No. 4. Both sides of (Inc rlundred and ; cvent5-sixth street, from Park avenue to Third accuue. and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting avenues.

No. 5. Moth sides of Third avenue, frmn Bruadwav to Graham avenue, anll to the extent of half the bli,ck at the intersecting streets.

No. 6. Both sides of Greene avenue, from Grand \ -icw avenue to the Kings l:uumity line, and Ii, the extent of half the block at the inter- setting streets.

No. 7. Itoth sides of lutist street, from Thom' Sill' avenue to Foster avenue, amt to the extent If half the block at the intersecting streets.

No. R. Mid, sides of First avenue, from ITradwav to \\'ashlington avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the into rsecI it streets,

.\ll perc:,ns %'hose interests are altccled by the ahnve named h r^^'•ed a„c,=mvnts, and wLn are 01-posed to the 5:1 Iii, nr eitllcr I I f them, :u'e re-gccsted to present their objections in wri - iig, to the Secretary of lit, Itoard of .\csessors, N. 320 It„•.adway, New Yolk, ,mil or hef,re .\uRU>t .i. 109, at II a. In., at illicit tittle and 1'larc the said ,hjectiuns will lie 1:card and tcstim:my re- ctiicd in reference thereto.

ANTONIf) ZI'('.(':\, I'.- \\'1':I\1.\NN, J.hMES 11. KENNEDY,

R ,:Ir,1 of .\s.cssors. \Y:I I. LbM 11. 1551PR, Sc I'~- 1:110. N-. ?'n Fr a, l, :I V. I :' ,.i Arw 'Irk, It,r-

nekL ,f \Iuil:plan, 111'. _. 1'n.'. iv-'.1I


i)EPe1RTMENt IF \\ATI'R 11'I'I'I.Y, (;AS son I'iI-C. TR11 ITV, R,msi 1536, Nos. 13 TO 21 PARK ROW. 1:l ,RuI'I:lt OF MANHHATTAN. CITY OF Ness YORK.

SE:\LEI) RIllS OR ESTIMATES WILL Ill.. rlcrivr',l by tilt- (iii,,::--' o„ r ..f VV ti -u tiup-

ldy, (;a- an , l Klr'1ricit) at :1 rI ce "fiicc until ., I, cl„ck p. mil. t,,I

W I)imi%EMDAV. J1- LY 1 1, 11NHt.

Bi.rouKli of Ilructk fyn,

FOI( I i'RNISHINI;, IPI•lS'E:RI\l; .\NI) I.:\1'INC; \\' \'II-Ai \I.\INS .\Nli .\I'I'CItTIC- N.\NCI'a I\' I•I..\"1'Ii( 5111, l:.\RI.TON, \':\N I)ICltllll.'I' \NI) 1l'L.\N'1- IC :\\ I:NI.;l-_S ANI1 IN I'.\IIPI( STREET'.

The lime allowed for doing and comilleling tit-cntirc work will be sixty (60) working das's

'I he security required will be Ten Thousand F„I l a -s ($ I II.I11)111 'I ht' holder will state tit,• price, per unit, of

t-ach item of work or supplies contained in the Shed ifeatiols or schedule, by which the bids will 6t tested.

The bids will be compared and each contract awarded for all the work, articlt-s. materials and supplies contained ill the specifications or seII'd-tilt attached the-ecto.

Itiddcrs are requested to make their hurls or estimates upon the blank form prrpanrl by the Ilcpartrtlr•nt, a copy of which, with the proper euvolope in which to incl,=e the bin, Ilgcthcr with a city of the contract. inchldnlg the 'lo in Ii- rations, in the form appr„ved by the l nrputa[utn I „una-1, can lie uhlalm-d noon apiilica:iou there for at the office of the l'umnti„iunt-l. and any fnitht-r information call be n6,:Tmd at the -Mi:vc of the Un-pallinent for thl Itdr.tgh „f itniiklvn. Ro,urn 25, Municipal Ituilding, where the plan, may lie seen.

JOAN 11. O'C Iii EN, Coulutissiuncr. hated June 1.1, 1909.




S+!::\1.1?U Bill Olt IS"F1~1A'I'1:S \\'ILL HE received by the Ire,ikiit of the Borough

..I Ift• oklyn at the above office unlit 11 o'clock a. III. oil

WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 11109.

N. 1. FOR it[',(;UL.\'PING :\Nil 1'.\\'1\l.; \V hill .\51'11.\6'1' 1'.\\'I M1 '.'1 UN A ('UN.

ltr.fl: Ll1L\1).\"I IN 'I HE RO.\I)\V.\1' OF IIIulll sikha.1, Iltt)\I ItEL1100Nt AVE.

\( P. 'ill :L1"I1•:li \VI•.Nl:l.. 'ILtU1•:K \\ I I II .\L1. WORK IN('hI)E' 1' \I, 't'111IR1 'I (1,

Ills 1•:ngincl ts estimalc of the quantities is as follows:

1.1?9 square yards of asphalt pavement (five )_c•urs Iluaiutcziallcc I.

158 Cubic yar•1; Of concrete for pavement founrlatuu.

The lime for the cumpletiun of the work and the lull perior101ance of the contract is twenty ('U/ A%,.I, ing days.

Floe amount of security rcgtlire(1 is Seven Ilundr. I Dollars ($700).

No. J. Ion RI:(;I;L.\'1'1\U AND 1'.\VIN(; \\'fill .\til'll.\I: I' 1'.\\l: \Ii.N1 ON \ CON- t Rl"ll; I-l)L..\IL\llO.\ Tiii: ko .\U\ \'.\Y (iI. I)I I'\I.\S .\t 1.\l'1•:, I IB)\I 1..\81 Fh1•

I - l..t•NI'll S'PRl'l.I '1'O (t)\t1 I8[..AU \\ I..Nt I•;, TUI:I.'rlll•at \V1TIl .\L1, \\'l)RK [Nt IL0r._' I'. \I. 'I III_!tt' t O.

l'h'• I•-uginc.r's CA ;rlatc of the qu::ntitira is a•

;,_U., square vnrds of asphalt pavement (tics yc:u, Iail no11rtuee)-

.x cubic yard; of concrete for pavement fuundatiun.

The time for the completion of the work and the fu11 performance of tire contract is thirty-hCe 1.45) working days.

hit- amount ut srcurity n auircd is Thirty-four Itundicd I) liTs 1,3,401)).

No. 3. F(llt RH(;l'1,.\'l'1\t;, (ilt.\1)INl;, ('I - Ifl:l\1; .\\I) I..\\ - IN(; -11)2?\\'.\lliti ON i \Si' 1'11•'8( STI:!:1•:'f, FRl)\I \\'b:\l - I•: 1) III 111I.1t.\i .\\'I:\l 1., '8211;l."88((:12 1\1T11 .\l.l. \\URIC IN( Pl :\'t.\1, 7111•.kt-:l().

"tilt P.,IRin, vt r' r-tin•'.rt_ of tn .Inanl,11.S i.; as t„Iloa';:

1,700 linear fret of new curt-.t sr set in cun- crcte.

10 line' fret of el 1 curbstone, rcwt in cnncrctc.

I01) III yard; of earth excavation, 30 cubic yards of cat-tit filling Ito he fur-

nishcd). 91) cubic yams of concrete (not to be toot

furl. 4,77(1 square feet of cement sidewalk. The little for the c 111)) •tiou of lire t.urk nml

(Iii. but peru ❑lance Ii the c,~ntrarl i; thirty I .3(1) wu; king clays.

The •nnunmt of -ccuriIy TCgrtim!1 i; hie:,t lIont ,!o..1 :,,nI I iffy h,,tt:ois (;x))).

t. I rllt Ill{llL.\I'[\t; :\All 1'.\\'lNl; 1\ Ill( \SI'II.\I.I' 1'.\\'li.All N'f ON \ ('ON I t1.1: 1111'\I;\llt)N '1'111•. I001.\II\\'.\\' (11' I\I' I 1I III '!p1:tFr I lRII\I \\'i:N11; U

I) Ill( \I 1\ I.Nl • l., 'flI1C'I'lll'.lt \\"I'I- Il \1.1. \1I(2'I. 1SII111:\I'.\1. !lh•:Iol'fll.

'1hv t..tZu•,r, r': (liola". „f tlt gncoo2lit,.s I. :1-

L ,II n•. ',7 J4 vluai tcti3, of a=pllalt pavement (live

S0 ar± mertomance). ::4 rnhic vard, of c,m retc fur pavement

f'-mitt;. ion. .t to (role '.,r the c nm,lcliun of the w„rk and

t fie fail toot f"rmauo-u „f like contract id twenty-IVrc t_!) w„rkivg I:l's.

'I-hc cnuivit of •.i-,i,iiv requir(d i; tirventccn brttI2, l ll,I(;ni )81.7001.

N, '. Ill) R1(t;I'I..\I'1\l; .\X11 VAV1\(; U flit .\~1'll \1.'I' 1'.\\'!{\II•:\ I' Iix \ (t)N- t tI.l- I: hrll'\'Ir.\I It t\ !111•. t)tl\II\1'\1- IIF I•..\Sl -tALXtIt ',ttI.lt', 1'KII\I .\\'I•:Nt (. t 1 1 .1\'t N1'1•, V. 't- tt;t:'I lll.lt \1'I fH :\I.I. \t<1,; ltltot:N't\t. tltt:t1:1lI.

hc 1.iogiilt, t', ,: ,:iwa.c „t the i1uatutolics is a..

5,4!,U .quarc \art. „f asphalt pavement (five F, it a' llOaiI01c 1001000 ).

71,3 o iih,m rani. of c„nrrctr for Uaveutuent lull onIatlout.

The lime f,.r the c..,jupletio>u of the w.,rk and the full (lCl1vrnlulcr of tire Contract is thirty-avr 1351 nuuk.ny; d:ty-

The iamis1M if ,rear(: rc,mirod i. T'h;it-six lilnuh,l hLh1.to- (53,03)01).

N. o. FuIt ICED;CI..\'I INI;, o;R.MoIN(;, (RUIN, \XII 1..\1'INI; UII)I•:\\'.\I.Ks ON

I \:,'I' \I\'1'11 -lltl•:I:"i'• I•K11.\l I:i:\ LRl.l•.1' 'I(1 1.:1 .11"rt:Lc -I'll .\\'l-N('1•:, 'II)

;1•:'TIlIClt 11 8811 .\I.I. \\'I lRK-. IN( ll)I•:N 1:\I. Ill I.- it I•:'I'r 1.

'f'hc (Cugiuscl'n sstinro, „f iii, quantities is as ;',(foot.:

5)) linen feet of out curb.tuuc reset on cut-Cretc.

1,.1,51) cnhic yards of earth excavation. 1,(I_'U cubic yard, of earth tilling, loot to he bit

fur. t,,0J1) linear feet of ccmcut Curb.

35,1,1,5 sq out ro feet of content sidcltalk. The time for the c.,nui.trt;On of tits work and

the full Od intnnuce of the contract is sixty (60) ,.urking day,.

The and 'n:u If ,ccurity rot ui rot is 'Thirty-four liuioctrc,t Ijolla,, ($.1,41111).

Nu. 7. 0OR RI:OVt..A'!ING ANTI 1'.\VINI; With ( ui'll.I;i' 1'.\\'1•:\Il:\T ION .\ ('l)N. 1'Ri-."I'I: flri'SI .\'III)\ '1'111•: t(li\1111'.\Y Or I:.\.7• 1•.I.I:\ I:NIII y'1-Itl•:I:l' (.l't.\iulIlf; t)i \U). till Of t'uk"I'h:1.1'1l!' Itf \ll'i-11 I),11t t kI':s"IIok ItOHl. '!tiM.:'1'11FIt \\'itII .Lt. \\'IIRK iNI'I I11%N'I'A1. TII I•:itLL'(.

The I•Ingiut•od'. ,•;timaIr to the quantitic, is a, follows:

2.51,1, square carols of asphalt pavement (five t, 'ad,' maintenance).

359 Cubic yards of concrete for pavement foundation.

The lime for the cmn,letiun of the work and the fall Performance of the cuutract is thirty (30)) v.urking days.

The aut1tum of scrurity required is Sixteen Ilundred Il,d:are ($1.(,00).

No. 8. FOR RE(tl.AT'IN( .\NI) 1'.\VING \VITif .\S1.11A1.l' PAVF\ME.W0' ON A CON-I'REl E FOUNDATION THE RIO.1I111'AV 111' I•:,"t i' I1.EVF.NTII ti1'RI•N•:1' IS'I'RA1*1;Uttll hrt:\Df. I It0\I ('.\'1'(IN AVI:NVE 'fO t'l1lJR(l1 .\VENI'E, '1NOGETIIKR W1TIt ALL WORK I N(11)FNT.1I. THERETO,

The dug(utn's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

2,289 square yards of asphalt pavement, out. side of railroad area (five years' main- tenance).

21 square yards of asphalt pavement. within railroad area (no maintenance).

319 cubic yards of concrete for pavement foundation, outside of railroad area.

3 cubic yards of concrete for pavement foundation, within railroad area.

The time fur the completion of the work and the frill performance of the contract is hvrntY'fivt' (25) working days.

The amount of security require,] is Fourteen hundred Dollars ($1,400).


\Vl•1'll ASI'II:V.'l' PAVEMENT' ON A CON- t t'R-"ri.-. 1'OUNI)ATU)N 'h'III: ROADWV.AY OF hal;pI\•-sECONI) S'fREI•:'I', FRl)11 FIRST \\l NFl TO THIRD 1\'EXf'I Tl(il ill•:lt \1•I'1'1l .\I .L WORK IN( ll)l•:N'I \L '1IIIRI [0.

the Engineer's estimate of the quantities Is as follows:

4,862 square }'ards of asphalt paveuuucult (five yearn maintenance).

G77 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

The time fur the completion of the work :old the full performance of the contract is tt,irty (30) trorking clays.

The aou0000t,t of s,curity ieotuired is Three 'I'hou,auJ 1) oL'si, (53,1)00),

I. 19. 1`01( l:1•n;111.-\'PING, Ct't(tt1N( u \Nt h.\\'tN); shl)l-:\',\I.K5 ON t)ttft''-h:ho;ll'rt1 '.'l Itl(I.I', tR)CoI of\'I'll :\1'I:\ ( I•: 'I'/) S(-\'- I:\ "I It \\'h:\l 'I:, 'f(30;l•:TIIl-:It \VI.1-11 \1.L \\11100 K hN(lt)t',Nl':\I, '1'1li:Rt:lO.

'I _loot I.Iginccr's e,tinlatc: of the quantities is as

45)) linear feet of new curbstone, set in con-cretc.

10 linear feet of old curbstone, reset in code( etc.

20 cuhic yards of concrete, not to be bid for.

I,S'0 square feet of cement sidewalk. The tittle for the completion of the work

and the full performance of the contract is ttvrnty ( 20 1 working days.

The anl,mst of security required is Two Ilun-0I rt. d I), 'Ilar. ,$2200 ).

No. II. ]-OIt Ith:(;l'L.A'f(\G ANI) 1'A\ IN(; 11'11 II .\'.I'tl.\LI' I:1.rll l: l'.\Vi':\1(•IN"T' IN \ I lINt i (11•: l'2RXIo.\'I ION 't'llt'. 1)1' Ill..( \' I':I(,11'lll 11t1.1•:'I', I-RIM SIX"Iti \\'1•:Nl f. 'fn SI•:\ 11N 111 \\"I:N1'I•:, 'tO- I;i:flu ;t lf('l(I AI,1, \1'1)ltli lNCIIPF'N'l'.1L 1lII-:la1'0.

'l'hc ICnginecr's cstim:uc of the quantities is as follows:

2,403 square yards of asphalt block pavement (5 )cars' maintenance).

3(,8 cubic yrrc,ls of concrete for pavement

ful", (toil. 7h,- time for the completion of the work and

tloC full loel (noon able of the contract is thirty (30) ln,rkitng days.

'I he ;Inrmtut of 'occttrity rcquirtot is Twenty-two 1Iltcllrc,l 1Illns 152,2)03,,

No ,. 12. FOR RI?l;00'1,.\'I'INI; :\NI) l'.\\'IN \11"I'll .\til'll.\!'I' 6:1101 t' I'.\\'I;\1IoW1' IIN A\ (h)NlIl:'tl,: '(WNlL'IIt)N 'ill;-: kl).\Il\\':\Y uP 111'l'1PIRti'l' q,TBbmT, FROM SIXTH \\'I•:\t t Ill "I:\ 1:N'I It .\\'I. Ni - 1•:, TO- 1:'['I!I:R \\'1'1'11 ALI. WORK lNC[1)HN1AL

1'111:1{I•:T(I, 'I ltd Engirtrer's estiu:at, of it;c quanlitics is as

follows: 1,')_'! square yards of asphalt block pavement

15 years Maintenance). 294 cubic yards of concrete for pavement

foundation. 'I' toe time fur the curopictiun of the work and

the full p,r(urmalice of the contract is twenty-five (!5) working days.

,t- tut: armtuu1t of sorority mloliocd is fcgMecuu I1itdit it I )ottar- 0'I,•`(on I.

No. 13. 1 (IR to Fail'L.\'l'lN) , ('CItRI\G .\NI) L\1'1Nl; SII)t:\\.\I.K 1,5 2'h1"E-tin•B:- (INII ,I It I';l-:l'. 1.12)15[ SI•:\'I'.V"ill .\\ I'.NL"I•: (I) P(lnt(' II \.\111.f(IN .\\'I•:\t;i:,'l'Ot;1:'8111•:It 1l'l fll .\Lt. WORK INI h1,1';N'Y.\I. 'I'l(h;t(E 't).

'I !;o Klfi1;ut, is tciuka1r of ti .v qul:ti0110_s Is as foll,,ws:

150 linear felt of new curbstone set in curt-crcto.

-4,800 liucar feet of old curbstone reset in con- crcte.

270 cubic yards of concrete, not to be bid for. 11.500 square fret of amc•nt sidewalk. 'I'Iie lime for the ollmplotion of the work arrel

the (till prrformancc it the contract is thirty (30)) ,t orkig tlae..

'1'! :I n:,0n,! ,i .'ouIoy II iluirI I1 is Thirtcr_n IItntlh„1 11„1!:n. t5l..30)00I.

N„_ la. tut( REkI'1..1'I' IN( ; AND l':AVIN(; \\'I'fll .\ti111l.\I.'I' 1'.\\'I-:\II•:\"f ON .\ LION. 11('1•:1 I' tTIi'Nt).\'flu's 'fill: Ru.\1111'.\Y lOF I'll•7'1-tin•:( U\II S'I'1?1:1:f, litl).11 51•:\'1•:N'1'II \V'I:XI'I{ 'I'(1 POItI' 11:U1II,T(IN VV'I-:Al;I.., I ( )I;I 'Il l lilt 1\ 1'1.11 ALL WORK INCIDENTAL I 1•: It I•:'f O.

'I lu (ol:iut'os cytirratr of the quantities is as

x,'00 ,3 sotuorc card; of asphalt pavement (5 {'Cars' 111alnt'Ilat1CC/.

1,253 cubic yards of concrete for pavement futonlation.

'Ihv tin(,• for the cntnpIaiun of the work aul th, (toll perf-lrmancc of the contract is thirty-fiv,: (.ii_) uurt.Ing 4:000.

'ltloo :uno•unrt if ocnrily rcquirrd i, h-;fly nine 1Rutntuot l loll rtO I$5,'100).

N,,. I5. FOR h(I);t'l.. VI' IN); \NI) 1'\\'TNI; \h'l itf I;It.\NI t t: l'\\ I:\11•:X'1' ION \ ('UN- (ltt:'I'I•: I(l1•SN\'l'lo)N 'ill l' RIO \II\\'.\\' III' 1:1FT\ I'()IItIII sTT)I.'F'r. I Ito\I PIItoil' \ I ('t: I L VI .AV'I•:A1'E. 1 1 ;I.IIIh:R 1'VIAI \1.1, \\'ulth I'sOTt)t•:5'I'.\1.'lT1l•:1tETt1,

't toe b.veiucl l'; c;timatc of the Ituantities is as f ,]Lows:

2,3'!7 s,Ina re 3ards , f granite block pavement, with tar and gravel Joints (one year's amyl tcnance).

401 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement fuuuuithti,on.

72 .quare feet of new granite bridgestones. The time for the completion of the teork and

Ill fill( I'et2',tm:ukc of the contract is thirty (.111) w,,rking d:tvs.

1"he anloout(t of s ct(1ity n•gniced is Twettty- v,n (itulOtOtot I),dtonw ($2.71(0)). Nu. 111, I-tilt ItEGI'1.:1'I IN .\NI) l''t'o'ING

\\'1'1'11 .\Sett l.'I' I'.\\'I•:\I EN I' ON .\ ('0)N- t'kh:'I'1: PI)l~Nt).\'flll\ '1'lll: t(t)\11\V\\' II!' t H•'!\' II t t l t p YKl•n;f, I RI L\I SIX'Pll AVE- NI'I•: 'ft) -I(\'1•:\'1'11 :\\'INI'I loll I:i'11EC \V11'11 :AL1. \\'I)Iti. Itr('dUI•:N ,f.\6 '1 ifii-iBET'n.

Tin' Enuiuccr's c,Nmmate of the quantities is as follows:

2,4)02 square yards „f asphalt pavement (five years' maintenance).

3.14 cubic yards of concrete, for pavement foundation.

1'lle tittle for the completion of the work and the full prrfurmnuce of the contract is twenty-' Iiv, 0251 working days.

The amorunt of security required is Sixteen lllwltril II„Ilars ($.6001.

Nu, 17. FOR RI{(;Vl.ATIN(;, tI'RRlNG \NU I..\1'lNo; SIIlI•:\\'ALKS ON FIhTY-F[F1'il S'8f11t•A '. I•ROOM EIGIITlI :1\'tCNt1h•: 'It) FORT 11:\31IL'ft)N ,VENUE. TOC.ET11ER \YI'1'11 .\IJ. WORK IN('II)ENT.\1. TIl1•;RETO.

'flit' t':ugimtes'r's estimate of the quantities is as follows: 3,200 linear feet of new curbstone. set in con-

crete. 175 cubic )arils of concrete, not to be bid

for. 15.650 square feet of cement sidewalk. The time fur the completion of the work and

Ihl full performance of the contract is thirty (.1(0) ve,,rkirsg ttcos.

The ai000it uE Stcl,itd required is Eighteen Ilundred Dollars ($1.800)).


T1•:ENTII STREET '1'O E,• ST SE\'INTEL• NTII 5'Ptl`:El', EXC'VI'TING "I ill: PORTION OC- ll1'11:11 It's' 'lilt' BitIU ,li l)VER 'sitE !:121(;II (OIN I:I:.\(I1 R.\lt,ifl).\1). '(,)(;1'.'TIIPIt \\ rrll .\Ll. \\'URK INFal,r:x'f.\1. 'tIIERKE'(),

'l'I2e En:gineer', c-tiluctc 0o the quantities is as f„(lows:

3,838 square yards of asphalt pavement (five year' maintenance).

536 cubic yards of concrete', for pavement foundation.

The time fur the CunplCtll,ui of the work and th.• full perfurinauce ,If the contract is thirty (.;0) w,Irkiug days.

-I-tic anunnit of so olrity rcquircd is Twenty-f,mr lllWrett h)oilnrs ($22.400).

N.., I'' I Ilk ttl4;t'l..\I INl; .\NU I'.\\1N(; \\III1 .\;1'!l.\I'r 1'.\\'l:\II(X'f IIN \ CON I Rl•:"1-1( 1111'\ll.\'i'I(lN 'I lit: R11.\U\\'AY 01' \1.41' }I)1:h \\ENI'l., I hll\I \l.\ItI'I•:N'l: 1\ 1•:X1'1; 1AI.Mt'I'I,\".t -'I Itl.l•:T) 'f0 (LARIC- "-I!\ \\ I!Nt'I., 't0Ii I'III If lVftil :\1,1, 'o's)lRh' I'C( IIUI•:\'I.\J. 'I'lN•:It(•:1'(1.

'I Lc l:ngi,t, .1, c,tOu:nv of the 'I'0:00ltitics is as f.11lvc:

I•,30 x square Nardi of asphalt pavement (five years' nlaiI to Olaucc ).

loss echoic yards of concrete for pavement f . o tnt t la.t ,. ou.

7'I:.. time boy tilt e m drtion of the work and t000 full t•'-rI':m:lncc of ttte contract is thirty (30) ,l'OdI.;aIt ,lai-.

"I h0 ;nil 0003 if Ic u, it) nglr Ito I i, 'fllirty. nine I':•c-Ir..8 I1pou- 153.9nol).

N , .~~~ I FOR HI•:I;l - l..\'I I\(;, 0;R.1Irl's(; \N11 ;'hilt'•.(. N, Il8: ll 11(.1121 Self(?I•:I PhuSl

O:ht.u1';(I\'P .\\'I:\ ('I: '1(1 t;14I•:I(NI•: ~'I!tin:l,'forti1:T'II1:R (1'i111 .\I.L \\'))IfK IN ( 1111 \1 \I. '1111 Itl.'f(I.

'Iii, 0000000 00(0 (<.o .rt..t.: ..f 1Lw 'ppac11 0ts is 1'

I .;'I linrnr fret "f new Curbstone set in sou Crrtc.

14,300 ci?ic )'Irds of earth filing (to be fur-uished).

I110 cubic yards of concrete, riot to be hit for.

.1'1•c little for the c' mplcli0rl of lire work and th,- full perf~rul:l c if the c ,wract is sixty (60) o rki Ig d:lvs,

'1'h:• -ImwI,,t of s,I:I nil : r,quiI d is TwenIy` Gtr tool rt,l 1) .Il,0. I52,5))))).

N . it 1''!R It1:,GI'I.\IIN(; :1NII P.\\'T\(; \\ I I II .\<I'tI ,,l.'1 I'.\\I(\II(\ I ON \ ('ON l till: I'lll<U-\!III\ 1111: kn\U1111' riP l!0I•:\?: .1\I•:\I .1., 0 2d1I .\ IY)1\'I' 1`<• , IlslSl'. 1l)I,!. 8112 I.I(-'., .\IIR'811 111 .\\ • I(\'1'I•: I 'fll \\l('~t l: II, \\II I R 0 151 .\1l:N1'1: I 'it)

I<INO;A 1114;11\C.\1 \C11i•:R!•' Nut' \IRh:\II1' 1't\t:lt In1 ;F:tI!fat 1\'II'I! .\1.1, \\'1)KK I`: (Il(•:X'I' \I. 'fI[I.KI:"fO.

(to' I•:ugin„ I •. , -•,I,t It . ,f the quan tities is as f. ll. u=: 31._4! square yards of asphalt pavement (five

vcar,' nlainto nancc). 5,l',I)) cubic Yards of concrete for pavcntrnt

f OtCo,lcbon. 'I"be time for the c•m:idcli too of the work and

to, full p, i t' rm:rnc .,f the c ontt:,ct i; sixty ('.1) e..,rking X1;11,.

'Ito• a:u0 out ..f =:.cur: r: n ilui , .! i. f,c-•itv- fu o r,,r l Piro. IIun hrc 1 to 1a:: 25'2 ;Ou).

\ (ltlt Itba;l'L\II\I;. ) t \U!\1;, t 1 IItI\1; .\\I I'.\\ IN(; \\ I I II .\'1'tl.\L'1' l'\\'1C.\II{\'I ON .\ ('IlN(R!('ii•: 2l)t'Nlo\- IIrl\ 'I II I•: t) ).\11\Y \1' (11: 1'1.10.\S \\ l'

I .t 'ol I', FRI)'.f \'1'00..\\'fl(' \\'ttx('1( "I'll .\ POIN1' 4' 11:1•:'1' \))tt'1111:It1.1'. 'toll! I IIVR \1'lllI \L1. 11'(1(%2; IN: hilt .\ 1'.\I. 'IIII.ItH-

-111 1'!I, 1;.t),'th',,'r' s c-:sm.,t:. -,. •~hc 'I;2anti'ic; is a-

f,ll-w 175 square varrls of trpha'.t pavement (five

years' maintenance). .5( colic pants of concrete for pavement

I'ounlati,Il. 11, 2 1011, ar f,-It of n, iv curbstone set in c.u-

crctc. 3n cubit vanls of earth rxcavati,ro. ! i) rul,iy c:t'Js of c.trtfl filling, not to he hi!

for. Tlw time f•': the emuph•H.,i of the work any!

t!n. fu'.1 I<. (,rm:u.rr if the contract is tot cu': I:III tA oohing ,la A*.

'f L,• :u'1001,10I If ,,:nrit•: required is 'favor Ili' oil•.,! t,'oilar, IS'Ol'(.

No. $. I')lk It[',C('L.Vt'IN(; \N17 Gf.\It.I\l; I'K(1iI'I-:("1' TI..\I:I:, PROM t.'tll':\ :\\'1•:-\1'I•: 'I'1) Klx 11!:' t tIf .\\1•:X1- I•:, 'fret 1Il1l!t \\ 1I'I1 ALL WORK IN( 1l11•:x"I:\L 'l'111:I1:'o).

"Ihr I':ugroocr*s c,timate of the quantities is as

_n,>n euhfc v:lorl. o rauth excavation. 40,'0 c115ie cant, of earth filling, not to be

bid for. 'I i tint,' for the COilIphotitOn of the work and

h,- 1rtN 000101 0000000, 00t the cnnlract is eighty (8U) tco rho ng days.

The anlnlu:t of "levity cyooiro 1 is Fiflyttorcc Iiouti,tucit hrttIar, (50.3)000).

Nu. 24. FOR 12(0,('1..ATIN(; AND P:AV'I!9(; 's1'Il'll .\tiI'Il \I.'1' t'.\\I•:\11-N'r (IN A ('ON- tRI."I1•: IA h1'XIL'lR1N '1.111•: ROAl)WAY Of-'.IX'f\ i'hIut' SI1ft-;t:I'. I'Ittl\l h:bt -Pt1 \I t: I(r -its III \\i-Nl')', Iul;l:'fl[h:R \1T'!Il \1.1. \\OR'K IN(Ih(ENP.\1. TW:h1-:fti.

'I t10' I(o0inclr'; c-tinl:ttc of hoc quantities is as !',hots:

_, ) '7 square yards of asphalt pavement (5 years' main: chance).

33S cubic yards of concrete for pavement foundation.

The Iintc for the completion of the work and th,• full p,-ti„rmance of the contract is thirty (30) Ito rking day;.

'f he amount nF se.-urity required is Sixteen Ilnndreol Uol!atu 1cI.10oI1ll,

N. )s. Putt Itla;1 7 1. VII\(;, (;It \1)IN(, (T'1tt(lNt; ON 5IX'1l' Sl•I\'t'N'(li 11ltI E'I', I-Itu\I '1(\'F:\flI A\ '1•:\('I•: 'III l'I)RT 11.\J1-11:f(iN \1'I{\t'N, '1'Ut;l•:TIIICI( 1V1'fll ALL \\ O N IC 1.N (' I I Ii-' N "f.\ 1. 'I'll i-af I•l i t ).

'file 1dogiucu's estiatatlr of the quantities is as follows: 3,240 linear feet of new curbstone, set in con-

crete. 38,300 cubic yards of earth excavation. 1,720 cubic yards of earth filling, not to be

hid for. 175 cubic yards of concrete, not to be bid for.

The time for the completion of the work and lie full performance of the contract is one hun- dred and twenty (120) a irking days.

'file amount of security required is Sixty-two Hundred Dollars ($(.,200).

Nn. 'I,. i'2)R Rl'(;I'I:\TINl; AND PA\'-1Nt; \\'Th'tI .\SI'lt\t.T PAVEMENT ON A t'IIN(•Itl•:'I'I•: Fun'Nt).\T'!(lN "I'IiE RO\ll\VAY (II SF\'1•:5'I'Y."rih11f1) S'fkl•:ET, FROM FII'-'1'1•:1•:N'fIl :\\'ENt'E TO SlX"rI ENTtl A\'E-NUi%. TUoil•:'FIIEH W17'[1 All. WORK INC! DENT'.\1- 'Mlh•:RET(I.

The 1':nginsrr's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

2,582 square \ard, of asphalt pavement (five year.' lut:tinteuanc,')-

360 cubic yards of concrete for pavement founda(ion.

The lime for the tron2+letiOn of the work and the fullnrrfmnc orae of the contract is thirty (30) working ,lays.

'I' he amount of ssnh cy required is Seventeen 11ointitwi b)oltars ($1,700),



I:.1 11)1 Ss'l'.\ L I'll Eltl•. 1'U. t'hc Engiuce is rt inlate of tile quantities is as

fulluu.:: 2,211 square yards of asphalt pavement (five

)-cars main t,naucc). 308 cubic yard; of concrete for pavement

foundation. 340 square yards of brick gutter, to be re-

laid on concrete. 1'he time fl.r the corn lleti•,,n of the work and

the full perinrnlauc( of the contract is thirty I.;OI) working itacy.

The amount 04 ,teurity tCqtlirll i, Ttiriccu Ilundl',,I and I iIto I)ollars ($1..350).

\u tx, I-OR Iti•:l;l'L\"I1\'1; AND I'.\\'- 1\0; WI"1'll .\St'ht \L1 1'.\\'I:.\Ih•:NT' ON \ t l I\'('Itl•fl•: PUl. ':(1\t IO.\ 'fill•: i(O \U\\'.\1' I)1' 'l I I It :\\'KNIT-;l I-It).\t 'I :\ I.N1'1' \IS'I'II St 111•:1:) 'II) (':I(;11'!'1 1.\'fll Ilti:(.l', 'IOI;ICTIII(If \\1ill :\LI. \\l)RK I I 01 . \ T.\ I, 'I l l if I•:'I). I'hc ln0Mu1rT', c-tim:,te of Cue gnantitics is as

folrn•. : x,xOS square yar ,l; of asphalt pavement (five

years inamt otance). 1,210 cubic yard, of cuucrete for pavement

foundation. -1' he tittle ho • the completion of the work told

the full perforIvnrtct' of the contract is thirty- I.'.,: 1 35 1 ltnl'k Ill j: lkl1hi.

'111:' amount of S,rtlrity roquind is Fifty-nine 11oro,!re2 l(ostta.s (g:,'lnnl.

::°, 2". I'III t:t-:I;CL.\'1'I\'I' .\\1) I'.\\'- IN); \\'1'111 .\SIT1 \I.'1' 1'A\ t'lSIl•:N'I' ON \ IIN(b<t-I I; l l lf'\1).\"PI(ON '1'111-: ttn'sh)\'o'\\'

(I1. \("1.o1''I\I:\I'1-'1'lllltll SIlfhP. PIfI)\I \lI..111 I \111 \Vh.\t'i. 'III NV1 fl'N1.1 \\ '1 \'t'I.. '!(HtiICIItI-:It 1'- h'tIl .\L1, \nut8K IN) I l)h.NT.\1. '111 I•: it 1•:'1'(I.

"f he h•:u),nett', e-tlntate of the quantitic, it as f',l,:w:

b3 'quaic carol, of asphalt pavement (fire years' nlainle nano).

,)0., cut:ic yards of concrete for pavement fouIldatiun.

The time for the com dclion of the work and the full Crfurfl an c of the contract is thirty 13(0 ) work

c working days.

'I loc conntnit of security ro olnirc,l is Eighteen Ilumlrc,l I(nllar,c 1$1.00`1).

No, 30. 10R RKP.IIRIN(; \Vl'f!l A\S-I'll.\L1' I:LI)I 1.:5 O.N' \ ('(IN( OF-I1•: PtII'N-It\'1'!'(\ '1111•: Ito.\h1\'.\1" tll, \1'.\\'I•:ItLY 's\(' N' I:. I itr!\I I t.LIII\1; .\\E\1'I•: TO 111ItII I; 11'1:`;('1:, N'IIItl< \I:\NI0INI; 11 1:1' 'I'll(•: IN I I'RST.\TI•: 1'.\11\(; ('I)\ll'.\\\'.

'I ill. t'lutgits&rs Cdiuiate of the q:diIiths i, a, follow s:

,(I.J square yn rll' of asphalt birrck pavenlr_nt, hclultilg '!-inch mortar Led!.

20 cubic (0101; of concrete for pavement fnundati

The time (..r the curoplction of the work end the full perf000ilance of the contract is twtnt•- -tice 123) working days. -

1101 amortnt of scctnity requir:rl is Thitty-fis' Ifun'hed Unites I$),5tj1)

The hioldr'r aill 'tale the price of each item or article emt:jutd in the specifications or scheol-u'.ec hor,'ili c',uotiini'ol or hcroto) antoo'xl-d, per fin,-ar foot. Cnhic yard. syvare y:tr°l or Chet mlil of mcacttrc by which the bills will he ', 001,1. The hills will he compared aui,t the cr,n- "at awarded at a lump or aggregate '10102 fur 04101, i„ntract,

Ifnook forths and 100rl1trr info,rinati'ra may be ,ohttioocd art,( the thins an,l drawing': may ho' c'n at (ho' office of the iturclu of Ifichwav: Itum I4, ttotoi;ciioat Ittuillling, the ii,.T, ough or I:1.0,,k1~'to.

T TRI1 ti 100(00), I'• -;lent. I1.•, .I r,• i.,10.. .

. 11 :( - Nee l:,-orrnl tualrot•l i.,nr to Hsd-

dt•rw uo Iltr lntrt 1,11w.', last h•ulnuiss. ur 1111°(ity_..._lteeord," --------

1 )I !- 1, F' rOF TILE PRr5000r,YT nF TI000 1t,,R 00 r'G)[ OF I:r."0n;rlv Itnnst 3. BnItnrr,tt IIsi,, P.utt(ou(ai OF I:I:.` , I:1.1s1, 'I'iiE CITY or New YORK.

SE 1.1.1) RIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE It o IVcrl by the I':e'idcnt of the Hurough of

it,,,.k:•.n at tic ah.-,c otloce until 11 o'clock

VVE NESf:tY, JULY 14, 194)V,

N.,. t. I'i)R I:1'ItNISIl!\o: A].T. TIlt-I L..\Ilt)K .\N I) pL\'Pl•:It1A1. it2?tI['IIth:Il Pr)if KU >I)\IININ(; \XI) I'.\IN VINI;. 1•:T('., \'.\RM ,)'S OFFl(t S (IN FIIi'if FLIn)RS (it' It AI I. ((I' RI•a DYES, RI)Rlll'(;II 111 tIROOK-LYN.

The time allowed for completing the work and full perforrt2aueC of the contract will be until September 1, 1909,

'flu e annnit f scerity required will he T!ltce 'fllnuosanli Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500).

Nu. 2. FOR FURNISHING \NI) INST.\L1.- ING T.AN1'Z ON Ru01' OF ILVLL OF RF:C-uRI)S, BOlmrG11 01' BROOKLI'N. '1- IIE 1'FY OF NI-:\V YORK. The time z,iI,00s ooh f.,r the completion of the

work and full uerfnrmance of the contract will Le Iwcnty-tile 0 25 ) working days.

I'll,, ant„unt of security required will he Five 11..... d Dollars ($300).

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contaiurd in the specific ati,ms or schedules hlrcin Contained or hereto annexed, by which the bi.(s will he tested. The bids will he compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate stun for each contract.

Blank forms and further information may he Ohmine.l and the plans and drawings may be 0 0 000 at the off;ee of the Bureau of Public IlIlo1oi00gc and Offices. the Borough of Brooklyn, N,,. !9 1l000ieiloa1 ttolildmg, Brooklyn.

BIRD S. COLER, Pre>i,lent. I)alcd June 29, 1909.


t r See General Instruction■ to Hid- •j(55 on time Inert vwge, last column, of the "('ity Record."



P ('B8D'sN' hi' l) 't'lllI PROVISIONS (IP chapter 537 of the Laws of 1893 and the

act'. am.ndatory thereof and supplemental ther,- t.,, 110 '0 is herlhv given that moo tffngs of the l'ommi«ituut rs appointed umh r said acts will be I,, Id at the nfTiu'e of the Commisinn, Room 138. No. 20+0 llroadwav (Stewart Building). It trough of Manhattan. NewYork (sty, on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays of each week, at 2 O'clock p. in., until furth, r notice.

Dated New York City, Oct, tier I2, 1907. WILI.lAM E. STIT.f,1NCS. GEORGE C. NORTON. LEWIS A. ABRAMS.

Commiaionen, LAYONT h!1cLOUGHLlK, Clerk.



IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to al persons, owners of property-, afTccted by the following arsessment for LOC:\L 1 t1- I'ROV'E\IEXTS in the 1t()ROUGII OF 1'IIE BRONX:


IXI:, SE'FTING (CRI1S1'ONES t I,:\litiIN ( ,11)li\\';\i.KS, I,:\ '1 I \ (: GIRD, \\':\1KS Itl'If-LING :\I'I'ROACIIES .\NI) 1'1..\l'1\ti I I::N1'l'::, from heath avenue to Piston avenue. Area „f assessment: Both sides of Summit place, (runt Beath avenue to Boston avenue, and to th,• extent of one-half the block of the intersecting avenues. --that the same was confirmed by the Board of Assessors July 6, 1')09, and entered on July 6, 1909, in the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the ltureau for the Cullecti ,n of Aus,-iuieuits and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of \\'ater Rents, and unless the amount ae-sessed for heneftt on any person or property shall be• paid tcithin sixty days after the date of said entry of the asse>sment jute rest will be collected thereon, as pro%idcd in section 1019 of said Greater New York (hailer.

Said uection provides, in part, that "If any such assessment shall contain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of "- mcnts, it shall be the duty of the olticer autln,r-ixed to collect and receive the amount of such assessment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven Per centunt per annum, to he calculated to the date of payment from the date tvben such asses.,ntent became a lien, as provided by section 159 of this act."

Section 159 of this act provides ' ' • ":\n assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby ten days after its efltry in the said record."

The above assessment is Iayalule to the Cnt-lector of .\ssessments and Arrears at the lhncau for the Collection of Ass ,!l1i'flts and .\rrv:u', of Taxes and .\,sessrnents and of Water Rent-, in the Municipal Building, corner of One unit Bred still Sevenly-seventh street and -Third aec-nue. Borough of The limits. between the buur- of 9 a. flt, and 2 p. fit.. and on SaturLly. fr„nl 9 a. m. to 12 m., and all payments made thereon on or before September 4. 1 1 0 1. till be coemiit from interest, as above provide, and after that date will be subject to a chant of interest et the rate of set"t'n per centunl I,er annm from the date when the above assea,ucm bnc;rnc a lien to the late of pa)'mellt.

IIRR\l.\N A. \ll:"fZ, tum1nrn1Irr. City of New York, Department of Finance,

l-omp«rullcm's Oiic', fifty r,, 1909, j 58,21


I N T't'IfSC'.\Nt'H (1F SEC' FION 1005 OF -rlu: Itreater N, w York (hatter, the ( 'ootpto ' ii r•I

of The City of New Yt,rk hereby Civcs pnbl:c notice of the cnnfilmatinn tv the tivprcmc (''tint and the entering in the Ihirca:t fir the ('ullrt•-halt of :\'"r,<ill, lit.. and .\mars .f tic. r•--nt, nt for O1'ENIYG .\N!) :\("l)U1R1x(. 'fITI.E; I. the fnli tclne rtamt-d street in till- I!(1ROI-'l.iI OF IBR( OKLYN: T\VENTY-Ffit'RT!l .\N i) '1'\VFNTY-NI N1.1I

C.\RROE.L STREET- Ml'i•:NIN(:. from AI-batty averile to 1-:a-t Net, A',irk avinttc. (nn-firined March 1, 1959. I':nt(rlrl Irly (, 1')09. Area of arse-snicrnt ineludl. all - those lamb, ten,ments amt here'litaiiti'tits and pn iii :i's situate, lying and hi log in the Ttnruuch of luookIeut, in The City of New fork, which, ilkcntogether,

u n are bout ti and desc nut ,1 as fr,1'ott ,. t'iz.: Beginning at a point fol-rnc•r1 by Iho intersection

of the easterly side of Albany at'e•nae and the centre line of the blocks between Crownn strrl-1 and Carroll street. and running thence northerly along said easterly side of :\liiany av,nuc to its intersection with the centre line of the blocks Itr-tw'een Carroll street and l'r'iile'll t ltrcct; theme easterly along said cent re line of the block, I,c-twrcn Carroll stret:t kill] I'r, siidm[ street lu it, intersection with the northeasterly side of lia51 New fork avenue; thence southwesterly ,Il ,nw said northeasterly uldr of East N.,v York asrnuc Its its intcrerctiin ttith the cl-ntre line of Cl-blocks between Crown street and Carroll strccd; thence west, rly along said contre line of the blocks between Crown strict and Carroll street to the point or uilace of htgituning.

The above assessment was entered on lit'- ratu hereinbeforc given in the R'i'-cord of ']'III,', of Assessments, kept in the hurt-au for lit- CuLcc-tion of Assessments and Arrears of 'faxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the• amount assessed for benefit nn any perwn or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of till' as,ts. ml- nt, interrsl will be collected thereon, as oruvi,h'd by suction 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

Said section providts, in nary, "If any such assessment sl•all remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the .late of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Asse"m,'nts, it shall Lr the duty of the otlicrr authurizelh to collect all, ) receive the amount of such acsessmeut to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at tot- raft' of seven per centum per annum, to ale calculated to the date of navmcnt, front the date when such assessment became a lien, as provided by sec-tion 159 of this act.”

Section 1 59 of IItis act provides • • • ''An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby ten day's after its entry in the said record." • «

« The above assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears al the' Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, in the Mechanics Bank Building, Court and Mon-tague stretis, Borough of Itrookly'n, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and tun Saturdays front 9 a. m. to 12 tit., and all payments made thereon on or before September 4, 1909. will be exempt from interest as above provided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rote of seven per centum tier annum from the date when such assessment be-came a lien to the date of payment.

HERMAN A. MET%, Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptrollers Office, July 6, 1909. lyg,21


IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF the Greater New York Charter, the Comp-

troller of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessment for i.00AI. IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN:


AND GRADING, between Cropsey avenue and Eighty-sixth street. Area of assessment: Both sides of Say Eleventh street, from Cropsey ave-

flue to Eighty-sixth street, and to the extent of half the black at the intersecting streets and avenues. —that the above assessment was confirmed by life Itoard of Assessors on July 6, 1909, and entered July 6, 1909, in the Record of Titles of :\ssessments, kept in the lttn'cau for the Collec-tion of Assessments and Arrears of 'faxes and A ,,sesstnents and of Water Rents, and wiles the antomlt asessed for benefit till au a' person or I't""per-ty shall be paid within sixty days after the (late iSf said entry of the a''essinews, i,nerest will be ctllectod thereon, a; prrn-idct by soetion 1019 of the Greater New Turk ('bat'ter,

Said secti,n provi.11- , in part, that '' If any snit asses=nlent sltttil rcntam uul,aiul f•,r the period if sixty day's after the rate of entry Ihcrcnf ill the said Record of Titics of As,sess-tncuts it shall lie the duty of the officer author- ice-1 In collect and receive the atm,unt of such a-'.csquent to cIarlr•, collect and receive ii:lcn-I thereon at (he rate of tev'u per ccntlltn per annum, to be calculatcrl to the (late of paymcnl front the date when such assessment became a lien as pro%i,he,l lit' secti.:n ]±9 of thi- act."

fforli m 159 if this act iiiVides ' • • ".'\n a'.'-es-ntcnt shall lrccumr a lien upon the real estate ahiccled thereby tin ,lays after its entry Ill the said record." • • `

'I'he •Ih.,ve acSe'lln nt is ha'xoiiii to the (ill-lector of :\scr-smeot'i and .\crest. It the Tlureatt fur the ('oilectiun of .\;,c-.;tttenl, and _('cars of TaNc. and .sses,uu:l'iltt 111,1 of ',\ item Rid-, ill the lIrelsllir,' ltaflk T1tutt,hinX. (Lett :,fill ti-oItagtie t'trcc1s, lturottch if Iuo,l;Iyl1. h,. tvicen the hour; of 9 a. nt. awl ,( p. nt., and on ;:nntdays fr„nt 9 a. ill, to 1 i lit .. tilt, I at pay-n:rnt, nv:dc there,! nu or bcf.,rr'ctifu'nl6cr 4,

09i will be exempt fr•nn istew-t as alruvc I I—widetl, and after that date mill he subject to a charge of i,ticrest at tilt, rate of scccn per ccutuni pt•r ::nnnm front the ,late when such asscssmruI became a lien I., life (late of tuas'-n:cut,

111:R\h \x .\ ',ll'°l-z. („ntptml7er. Ci:v r:f Nec 1' A. Itr',arIofonl of Finance

1 tr.,11 r . Dwt1 t . : 6, 1911". jt8,'I

(OI,!I"ll \Iltr\ n\ll ill II'fl.11l\'t;ti \Vii \l'I'l R'Fh•:N.\NCI•.s ' 11FRI('t1 (1\' CITY

RI•:.\1. t'.S'1'.\'fE ]IN' S1':.V,1C1) 111Uti.

A'1' 'fill: Rfg1l'1-: 'I' OF TI11{ CO\I~.fI- - ci,tn, r of th,- Ucp:lrim, nt if \\'atrr Sli.td_, ,

I ,u- nu,l 1•:lsteici(s-, piih.ic t,•lte-- i' bmtf,v pier if hit tLi' ( ,minh,n_r; of IIi,' ttiukiuc uuml, by


If the pmecr= vu-ti d in deem by ln-,v, until hilt t' for sa'.l' by scaled bill all 1,i b'tilhttg'.

I parts of b'til,line-, t-it' , =t.InJlu¢ t'.-:t !,n, rtv 'it nc,l be 'Ilw l'ixy of N, l, l , rh, :o- p - II -rl b.; it f. r ssnt• r '-ii9O'•_ Iybj i•-r - it;

Post tit - of 1\e's*eli.-MI t•r,

lido', a!I tla,.l• bail lile,. I:Ire .,f b•lilllu„;, ,ti'., o(thc .I,ttI li nO II 1° laml "a nait rl in lltc Vtihag,' of \I,nnu Iii.(',, 'I''•.rn' u( \coca-lle ott,l Ii , dfurd, atlrl kotifto is Parcels Nos. 5, I ' 211,

27, 3/,, 37, 38, 411, 4!. -15. d+, 'Ii., -ia, ill. 51, 5_' and 5.i, npun to t5itiiin wall III SI, in Ill- edict- of ill- t','nsetvr of (itv Rrcruu,. Rr-partnu nt of hivam c, ltmsot 141. .Nu, 2Sti ltrurd-1%iv, lturaugh of ,tlanha!lan.

Pltr.,uautt to a res,,iuti„n of it Cn 'n

t c nuni,sl flee. of the ninkiuG Icuml, ad.rplcd at a meeting held June 30. Pitt', the Salt' by' dla1,•lI Lid; of t!te

;u h. ,cc d. .rob. ,l h.:tl ll'i>;, an,I a•,;nlrt,-n:1ulcs IL, n t - , trill ht Ii ' I hp , !irl-et:. n ni I!,,' l".nnp- tI , 1,rnIl

WI•:DSI-,yDA1', JC1.T 21, chili,

at II a, rrt., ill 1-,.. ::a I I rucrl- and ill muuncr all furuI :,- fFll- .u;

fare, I \,,. .s. (ti;: .I n ~" It a:nc L,.,I L, :I.,c, unc opt a 'Ii, d :old unv uu:u;,II •.

Parc.I N„- 12. "1tvu story frame barn, one tit„ty cxl1lu,ioll and flue flame Itulhp 111,115,.

Parcel Nu. 20. Pour one and one-half story Irattle house-, with b;ormcuts, three uitbuhdiwri, and fcnr trtboluc+.

Parcel Ii, it. 25. 'fwu story franc buuse, tcit!t one story cxt:nsiun, uov chickul Louse and our outhuu,r.

Parcel No, 27. 'two chicken hatlses. Parcel No. 30. 'full and one-half story ftaulc

h• ,use, tcilh Lacotnt. barn and mst6t,u.e. 1";inec) Nu. ,37. Three-rt fly and bascmunt frame

h „ltse, with cxtrn>iun, our barn, one outbuilding and two oath„uses.

Parcel Nu. 38. Three tory and basement frame hotuc, two sheds and Elite uxthuttse,

I'aeeel \o. -f u. 'three•-s:llry (tame buu,e, unc sheet and ,ue t utltuusc.

Parcel \'o. 41. (Ine and nuc-half story fr nic h,nl-c, unr shed anti one outhouse.

Parcel '... 42. Two-story frame Iho,use, tine shed and llac outb.titsc,

Parcel No. 43, Tw'u-story feattc ffouse, out-building and outhouse.

t'srccl su. 45, T'hresstory and basymc•nt frame house, with extension, flue shed, one eIi1c.kcn house and one outhouse.

J'aIcc] Nu, V, One-story barn, Parcel No. 49. Two-story frame house, one.

st„ry extension, one-story barn and outhouse. Parcel No, 50. Two-story and basement house

and uuthuusc. Parcel No, 51. 'Iwo-story and basement brick

house, with two-story frame extension and one outhouse,

Parcel Ni. 52. One-story frame house, will) tiutbtH1duog and oinhtituse.

Parcel No. 53. One-story frame house, with extension and outhouse.

t',I'aieul bids (blank forms of which may lie obtained upon application) will he receiver) by the (.tlnllitu-.,1ler at the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Roum 141, N,. 250 itnIa,tway, tturtittgh of \Ianhattan, until II a. nl. uu the 21st day of July, 1909, and then publicly upelrcd for the sale for removal of the above described buildings and appurtenanccs thereto, and the atcard will be made to the highest bidder within tw'cnty-four hours, or as soon as passible there• after.

Each parcel must be bill for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in the above advertisement.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a suns equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will he required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid or any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will he re- turned within twenty-four hours after successful bidders have paid purchase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may he declared forfeited to The ('ity of New York by the Comptroller upon the failtire of the successful bidder to further comply with the requirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required it) pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within twenty-four hours of the rreri!It of notification of the acceptance of their bid'..

The Conmtroller reserves the right to reject aliy and all bids and to waive any defects or informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for; (2) the amount of the bid; (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids mast be enclosed in properly scaled envc!upcs marked "Proposals to he opened July .'1, 1909,” and must be delivered or mailed in lime for their delivery prior to 11 a. fit. of that (late to the "Collector of City Revenue, ROOM 141, No. 280 L'roatlwav, New fork City,” front wlnm any further particulars regarding the Lvihliflcs to

any disposed of nlav lie ubfsiited.

'I'hc=c l:tikhflc; must be tot.111y ck•m,.lislit-d by lit,- purc',a.cr hcf„rc renlnval, or if uefl1rwd1 fruln their present Inrati„n without prcviuus dcln:diti if must unt he relncatcd rata^'t upon Light t:ruluflll :nr.l It hia-t 1.001) yards froth anc

'\,.:ihtc -''tree of n:t ,•r soptidy of 'fbt• (. iiv if ,.,v 1',,:I: up, i n !u nnitv' ,'f Il:e l'tefcittu'e to 'lit,'

1 . Ii 5' cf .\'i-.v 1''n9< of I'll' b:filditig :utrl the Si' , urily Jrl „silr ,l I,I dlilflrt ciimirliatui'c t%ilh tic mots reiI . n:u!iti„iui' of it,'' sale.

The 1u:tililit'ita will br sold for removal only' -11l'jlrt to the fll.ttlug

Teat'ls situ CoxflatoxS.

The bl•il l'ng: curl abf:tttefl:Ine,s thrrctas wiL' lit- '.

',I to II: hid:i,- i bi,1J.•r till,, nt't ,t pa_.' inun.” 'ti;,1tly ca-!I or a ct-n ifid chuck itea,m to till,

.- ,l , r of I::I,- ('tututiui',l!i'r of The C'itu' if Ne t- 1 rk, a•ul flutist a!s I at till- tiufe of .alt' git,• a ,rt ill cd clitrk or e'iih in I;a!f tilt- am 'tint of the

l"ttte:!ss,' helve as =l curity fill' 111' fait;:fttl per-:' mam• „f I:!r I:rnL an-1 caodluiols of file '- Iii'', \\ It , rr the oxunv.H „f the lilt: 'ils • p• is e d , r: ttr•t tr!tu:l nr t'xrcc•d ill • '.11th of hits' It I'a',- ~. ti e :tun ,•f Ill,' d il!oI s •gall Lr the amount o f 'bo =rrnilr t , be , i,1rusl1el. 'This slcurity tn'I•: t an; 1imr aft-.•r !It' evriea!iun of t-ti' c ,nra:!

t •„•:i ul h: autu'i-'l h}' Ih•. ('ifs to tilt cull of cnu:- •I• sing any of Ili,- n• rk rc:luire'l tl'nh:r the c .n- ;trlrt, lot unli:,:.: :, ,1 at file expir:ui• ,n 'f der

, nt:il;; or-ri',1. 'fbc n ,:'ch3'rr s!taa n•ri I--use, occuuo', c—Ilts'i'5t'

„ emit th,• beildhiui or buildings, etc.. hid lr,,c ,I II Itim t t br us:''l „r "ccupic;l f.,r any hullp ,+: ,.:hi-t' Ilan Ibal of th•t'it' Sind v rc no.vai, r..r b;,ll he c,il' et alit' eem.•11 ' ,r who( rrvcnlle fit h n<,• of t i:hcr ti':- Lurl or the hvihlinl•c, etc

rn:e"l t"t n tun. 'I'i,- hu ;i li of ti:hcr or and I!'''sc c• n ,l tiun, shaa fnt:mti!il v.. id L . sa:

a'to-c lnreii lIit,' f, nit iftire of the llnc!s-1 II- ,1-5 a:lrl ill, s l,l'-,ts ii, n.,-itd f-ir ih^ failhf:tl r, rt,•rinartrc of the r• 111ili„•,s of 1h: s'tl:. '1 I ! i0 the r, in nl hcroti•Bngt file , 'ccnp•In^v of ''' I , - hui!.ii•r.: be !:ti' Il•naOit text, f„r rrn:

, 'h..... ,• r SCwi :Illt: the •1,•c, scare it alel rnco C;,- •,, skn,..fl l x'1:a;:rfi its I I ,• actual ,I :m ,ht' ,

Cut r.- ,t, sit :C of it-elf be a Lrcac!t of tie a'rov.-t„'i:i u' ,,( Sol.. 'I'h' la:•• tai'-! lie a= of lhr i'ni:.litinn of till, .rcrty ,•n da:e of At'iiuri' thl-rc,,f t I the pnr-

y;S.., . The ('its' r-f New \'- rl: tell nit I:• rr. :,n:iblr fat- as' ehungc „•. I''., n'hich m:n' r,xrur'

in 111:• r ,11,liti m ., f till' 1,:-il 'i Ig or till-ir n;.p,lr I , cancc. 1, , •.c, rn the tints. if tilt' sill' flier, ni ::n 1 ill , fiver .,f .I<Iit, tui g P.,c;r..iIll t” th•. plIrc-l1s- r. :Ifs r b, inp :,rn,•rl•: t•a•atl•I of all t•naut-. 'Ph,- , iii , :r,rl .I, litrrp it t'um-lfcei-r trill be ma 1t' a.. nt Silly I •I! ti,, r 't- tit(. eie,'tllll'daetci' of v liati::g

1 arts- !,ov, ,.f th' it to: r t 1 ti-ill I„ rn,i I. .11! 1'u• 'ta', ii;, of tlrr b':il'li't.i, shc,l<,

•'I ,I-;nr.•: ;utd C-liars ml ah'rt-nct•c_r nature, t,it, I , it r,.:, - t r an ,l lltxr'rl .0 fi\tor,'. a;,pul t'•r - anP

:n,-1 I'tmliai.'ls of a'1 ]:in,!, cv.•rit' tht 'il,•tcal: a:•,l cv'h Ill ftol t of r. l I rid li Ile rst it r_ ,, tI Itit the ,ir•-rt i ,c 1 ire I •t., I d nt n I t!te I t I tt 'l:e c•, ]:;,r 1,•.I! -ill. •hAll lit- I r 1 n n Id r. •” nt,tr,l ft„m the pr,'mtsr-. XI II, of lit Ali I. ,!obri, .,r t VII” 1.• et-, thi"t1t II' lilt d m •!iii „n ;I b a'! .w„1 to remain I'll tit,- nre it li -:-s. 1 5,', ~I t Ill ,! l:n r r. plaster r ills, tr IHcl, 1tai,, h - ! I 1. ti_,' higher a. any pint f'ia't tw.t fort It 1 i cvr1, uoi t,.in. tllat Ii 'iii ; a's., tlto f nn.!:,i ,. v all.. „f all ,'1:1<=c; ,has I,. t.-ken ,I 'on wilt- t , :t LI .its wh .;:• , lctati ,a 'loll lr; floe Ices! 1.1 ta, :tag; in fr'nt of iltc lmil.ling.

'I fir t ,vo-bs.ee at till- >:al.• 'hall alt tri:h ,!i,. ' IIn nt 5-;' al' au.- 'ti t rl wall r lap: a'I I ,' ( •, :.'st mti,tt, an, l ill tla,• th,•rrlf r•la,.. I, I, 1''-' -1':l•'I a bra_- 1 ,:0 l.I 1!I-- lit :li II e5 xtll - r tilt - i

,t r'rf.l. in r Oil' t;ilu1rr '•..Ill ti-- rI,'s a•nl r e lilt i .u; „( rltr 1)r• :I r, till ti It \Vator Situ 1 , t; I ,•.I 1Q•.r , ..iri.... 11:nl ft:rni>h till It ltincul of

I:i: a•rr,. a!•'; n r,'rtifti'tllu- Irmo this 1).11artmrn! \\'mlt••t- `until•-. (;a, a'Id Hkttxi..itc thin th;,

I :1. bt-ctl w'r (-:rmc d. 'I l he illrrc Fla<cr ill the sale stirttl «l,•, nom„tc :111

bu'.t-c stttcr rltocdh,os to the tiwiu s(''s,'r ill Ile_ steal, 1111,1 tL. ,keoiig of th,- Main ,oft,, Iii ,IIccI (:all h,: !.r„pole clnso•,I in ('uwPhxiflic \,i111 the• dit-retiittis of hit' llulrisnu of 5,t,t r.. \ i1L•tµc ,a .\l,-unt Is.tscu, and fntni,ki the U, l;rrtmellt if l'iitntid- 11lilt a c•, IIuh,Md• fr,nn Ili.. I;ilio'lu of "liters that the work has bc,:n I, 119'-

pc n rl:,a,-d. ~I its 1., I:rit f-'r all opening in Ihl slrr,- I I„ h,

okI;,lo„i by and at the expeuioc of the purr:. r: Ii Iii tLc building.

I - to ey'tmrl- said buildings, appmo Ic- lout r- ur any part thereof tvifIfiiu tbirlv 11:115 It-',m the clay of hti st-'-it,tu tt- ill tviirIc furl, ituI'' „f ntcvcr,hip of "'tilt htui1,IiuKc, a:lt,ltnu—rnntut—u-5 „r hr tutu as shall 1Lcn be left stantliug, 1„-t•lther with -dl nt.,,:, s pail 1,y s:,i,l Pmurrh:i,t-r „n accnout th'le,f at the time of till' s:IL, and fLl Liul ,L•N'; :I--1 trt I, ills aLuvc c"m, Bli"m'. l,iniol; lindul tool to b,- iflryli'd by till- act if Ld'iing. suit The I ity of 15-v: York will, tsithuut nuticc t., file Lurcbaser, cause tilt -alit, to be i'l-uuiuve,h sl,,l thi' c„SIS :tIuI x' Id' OvIe"f dtn1lgI1 against the security above mcutii'Ited.

The calk of reotosat tItlIst be ca,lic-tl nn in I'n•rr a .poet in it tltIr(tlIghl and owtirk1tctiIlikr Inauturcr, zIIlit ntttst be crmiti!ete,h within thirty ,lac'. fruit the (lay of pm.resinn. :md the snrrv•. fnl bidder trill pruvirle and furttt,h all matcri:il; of labr,r and nlachinu y nccl"ary thrrelu, and ..111 plac,• prr,pr•r anll slifi,icnl guar,l, awl (,•nccs and warniu)t sitc»s by day and oiUha for thl- prevention of accident., anti will iud, lnnifv ;m'1 save harntlt -; The (it)' of New York, its ohirrr., a.euts and stnhinls. and each of them, :,text-nst any and all suits :Ind arnun'., chino, u:,l drman,ls of (eery unute and do,ctipti„n 6I,tne,'lut ncainst it. therm or any of lheln, allot uv:rid:•a and from nil damaee and ends to tgtieht it, they or any of tbrm be pitt by rea,on of lnitry t„ the person or pruperty of another, re. -,t1hIlt fu ''ill tali ('nee rr cru-olc„nc=n in tilt- p,•r(ormaucr of the work, or in gnarrliug the slot,., it front any improver or defective luat,-- Iials or machinery, iii1pirlIicult rim nipitliatu i-es used in 1hr rcntuval of said btlilrlings.

i'arly walls and fence., when exi=ting agsfflrit idiacent uiopl'rts' nut - ,tut br tskcit rhino. .\ll furcmi<, gla;ltr,chh..t,tvs, pmI - ,t ins brivk, etc., nn the fares of such party w':III., we I., it Etkrit diisi and o-niovct1. 'I In- wJt; ,hall be matte p,•rntan,'ntly self-supnnrlink. hl-Inn nil,''., etc., bricked up, and the wadl noinfed and marl, to exclti(6' wind and rain :nyd ple'rnf a clean exterior, The roofs of adiavent bnildines shall he properly flasher) and painted and marl -walertight where they have been disturbed by Ibr operations of the contractor.

The Comptroller of The City of New York n-•rl- Ves the right r,It the day of sale to n-th u. (li-ma' from sale anv of the buildings, parts of buildings and machinery included therein, or to leit•ct ally anti all bi,i'.: and it is further

ResooIvedd, 'Twat. while the said sale i. h, Id under thy sunervisiun of the Commissioners r ,f floe Sinking Fund, the- ('omptroller is a'tthuriCell to cause the pale to he a'veriise,l and t•, direct the sale thereof as financial officer of the City.

H. A. MET?., Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Comptroller's Office, July 6, 1909,

Jy7,21 i


TIHE REQUEST OF '1'ilE I'RESII)ENI' A I of the Burn ugh of Oucens, public nut ice is h, rcbv given than the t';iu,ttitissioncrs of for Sink-in): Fund, by virtvr of the i)nSS'ci s v: s:cd in thts•ttu h- last', will utter G,r sale by scaled his; all ill,-L;ril,lint;., harts of building-, etc., standing ttpna ::.Lett y mcnl •1 by The City of New York, ac- ;r:red Ii',' it f:-r '11e.-i opening pui'piisuS in the

Ilorutig'la of QueCtrM.

lb ine u,ll Ih,• hnilJillt.s, l,rtrt. ••f I,,lildi,tg', ctr., -r;flt,tlfly tvithii:t lilt- line- of "l';',h(t'1 avenue, f: ,:n I:r.ksuu avenue to l lu.:h unh •tvrnur•, :ill of t'. l.irl, a:c it !,arlicularly cb'<,_ribc,l nn a car hut, into, tun till- ill the office (if ill,- G,llrct,r of tits R.-,..•nuo. Dcpaenleuut of Pituiter, Rbum 141, N., _',-u Ilr.,a,llts). ftnnntgb of \I:illatl:nl.

1'i: -l:.n t to it ii's ilth.m „f thu C„nvni'sioncr, -f tot Sinking in!, ad,,plc,l al a mr'tfin0 hell 1l ,,. tu, 19I1'/ lilt' Sill, by scaled b5l, of the al, t, -i!,-'eribct1 buildings an,l aflpnrkoanbrs ;h, r to trill Ile hell by direction of the ('u:np-trullr'r nn

TUI'2SD.1Y, JI'LY 20, 1900, it I I :1. Ill,, ill I.,ts an,l parcel, arnl in ttlauncr .Ind

fill to vs Ill ,it's:

Rare_-1 No,. I. fart if one-;lnry flame building ,u 1iI1 trc,l si,lc •,f 'l\v,-lflh avrnnc, about 10;1 f„' -:nnh of Tdo:lien nut,,t -.

I".trc,•I N ,. 2. l':nt of „nr cl„ry frame build” inl: „t tit :• rrr.t "i,!,• ..f 'I..s'hf 11 avenue, ab tit Ilia frr! n :I'IL n( \rcl,,tca roa'l.

1':uc•el :Nu, 3. Plitt "f one--t 'us' fr:un.' built l- _ ' till u-t,.t 'i,lc „f 'I\lllfth :wru:tr, abu:a

fl•cl nritlh If \'avuhrt,'ob,i svr-flux, 'arrl Nil, (hl:ctk L , rm: .,f tvbica m:u• be ob-

•Ii It,lunnl 51 be rr•rr-ivc,l by the 1'k11lfl llcr at the office of tite Collector of City Rlc,uvr. R.tint 1 11, \',,. 2l-0 lit,,',idtcav, B ,r- •nµh i if \l anhnt tat1, until 11 a m, nu the 20111 lac r•f Lots, 191111, anal Illen ptrbli,-ly uncnc,l, felt

:Ile I'm 1muit';l1 if the tilt ,tc ,Ir=rribcd built! i_i?, and areput ten:utco: ti :,- ii. a:ul th,• aw:tnl 11l It,' mnitln: to the highs t 1 i 1 L r v. ifllln twcu- f ,:rl• hr ur', „r ;Is sn,n a, i' ,+ - IbL, tLcrr aftor. 1(:Irh nil ct't'r' hid mu't b, a('L''lti'lnl;i ii its :I •,.':il ,-I 'a-'1 ur et-hd1i-ut cb ck ill a sum gpual

„ itet" its-lit 1. per tl•nt I.( the vo,lmt nt (ll( hi,l, "c Iii ilia. a mldi mill m ,I,!, .,il -,f $Sit ss'ill II -ti'

tcir,-'! uith :111 h:•I., :nl,I that o drp,,si' of $51111 ,,ill 1' •:Il:rirat 1-, tl1tivt liJck1,, t, iri,l lilt any I.- nll if Ihc i1liLhittgs.

I)l l' ''-11; ,,f un.ucc, - f:tl bi,ldero will be re .urniI tcithin II cnt'-(nor hour. after str:ecssEu1 hid4cr has tp.ii,l !•u:rbmc uric, ill full atrl giv, it -•cln- i''1, '11111 Ih, ;, '.f cur-(,.,fill bi,bll•r, nt:ry lr. ! rlu-, 'I f,llfeite, t„ 'I lit' l" it% of ' -vv YlI;ic b: I, ( n;nu„llor nn n lhr foi!urc of the str:-

-• (iii i,i , ltl, r t , furtht-r e-'uut,1r x'ith the tort, ^,! r• Ildili.uts „C the sal.., a; Si-t fin l:; It hill

tftcr. r,ccr '..fnl hil lr•r a will be to1IluiIcrt t , p ti' lb.'

::r! rr-e 111011'S' ru,'1 II, II •-i! the I cyuiru 11 • -chit liin Ittruts—fu:l,r hair; iiI Ill,- extent If II'lili

., i.n „( ;hv wf- "11sore of tit-ii bid. 'the l ,imPtr,,ll. r r. s, , ee. Ill,- right I , n'jc -t

an,l all hid, a,ul t,I tvaicr ally rlrfcrt, ,n' t'lwalih s in ttl5t bidI --it'till it If d -culr,l ill

! itltl ry t f "1 h (u: •( No ,v fork t , du \11 hi 1. ❑rust a'.rtt i'l. nit- it : ( I ) ('It' ms'flb,

.. •!r-cf;16,t1 of tit,' b.cl li,.g „r till ihli I/;: hi •1 I 21 Ih,• :tun ,out i f till. Ili I, I,i) Ihr• fit :t 1111111,'

- a,hln a of the bi.l I:I. \'i bi,ls mn-1 lie It'll '•,,1 in iuu u...lv seal- d

,pr-. mxirknl "1'a ,ro:st,, t„ L: apc:n•,I Ind: 1"r1J," still 11111-.t I. il(liy-rc,h 'Ii- mrih•, h it

Dui , f- r th, it ,Ir lit, l t pri r lit 11 a, m. of 111:1: I. 1., Ile,- ('''ill-it -r :,f ('I' I' ltr; rune, It 1 'in 141.

281) I;ruadwac-, New Y''rk tit', front tchum nt , ftIt- tillu' Pa!lil rl:uI 1,,1::u'riiny: the bv.,1ifig. I., I,,• tl,Sin of Inns br uttai!wd.

I 'h, Ltttltiu.tlt; with Ire• s,l-1 (iii- edoutal idly, -,V,leet to the f-,!lusting

'I'; lists A\n ('1,3111 "I lf,NS, 'I hr building. rind •Ipl, tirlcnanr'cs Ihtnin teill

he ,ubl to iii,- bilthlsl !ti,yh.-r, who mn4 I ,a)' 1ii,ll • a r, rti(i,,l c:1(••'k ,I rate n I-, Ih,• onto of tilt. ( •,gympU ,ill r of Th,- t'ity of Now 1'„i-k. : In, I Ino,: :r!,, ;tier a —Ilt I' II Check or ca-ii in hall Iii, ua,nnit of the i,t;,1,nr nrir: as ari-urily („r tilt' .,nh(rl I,crL,rtn: 'c ,if the Leven and c'udi li„n. of th.- .:: Ii'. \VIlers- till am .!I'll ,-t ill r !tun rLa•u' pcirr rl,,,s unt r'luat uf-sr:c,l tLr• sum of fitly tl„Il;nc, the sum of fifty dollar, sTnit be ti,' alidou;lt of the recut ily to b,• d.- 1,,,-itlrl. 'I tie 'tcm;IS' tnay at anv lime aft,-r the • I,irati„Ii of tilt- c,mlract p,-rill be t,pplird he

Ill,' ('ity Io Iill• t-n-t of conlpl,-tint; ally of the-„rk nAluil,-d nn,,r the cvuoart, hilt tiitli;iluh

(ii 16,r ('Stlirathno of the clitiact period.

Tbi' pindrssc'r shall not huSh', ltt'ctlli)', eattsc ,r I'll slit the building III' building,, ('hi'., Pur-

nun t-„I by him to N- 115111 or lteciihlii'il for any pin p, nc vlher (ban that of thr-ir speedy retmt-a1, I or shall he col! -,'t auv rental ur uthl r Il-st-tIue for Ill,' usc of rithrr yhr land of the 6•.liLlin{;-, Its'., sAu:uDih Iitd~i,tt. Th,. breach „f eilhcr of any of thc>c c"tniilinns Shall B,rbticith shill thr-,•tle and (alt,, imml-lliatc forfcilure of the till' 'louse money and the srrurity dcp,aited for the f;Btbf,lt p'rfurm:n:c, of tilt- cuuditiuus of Cl, .,:Its,, 'I'hc plsciuu1e then if, Ill' permitting hill; (IC - I'll pancv of any such building by uly trnaut file, fill- rent ur (other,%[. excepting the nccr'- ,ary watchown or ill,. tsirkmeu ('ngaq,d in the 'tclnal iii nlulitinu lbcycuf, shall of itself be a Iii :lch of the above eorvliliuns of sale.

'1'h,- .ale will br a', of file condition of Ill,' Itmt ,erhY liit late of clvlivrry Ito r,-of to hit-lull-in. The ('ily of New York will nut be re-spnn.ilde for ally chatlgc or Ina which may nrcur in the efltduivo of the building; or ha-it' at ptntrnancos bciftrrli Ihr tints of the sal,' Ihar, „f and Ito' tittle of delis- tying p1155os,iun to th,-1,urrh:r,lr. after being Jells r!y vacated of all trnimt>. 'l'hc• sale and delivery to Pvlciiw'.t'r will he made as nearly 1.,gt-dn'r ;is the cire:unistancr• of sacating the slrurltuls of their tenants will pet mit.

.\ll till' wntcrial of the building,, short,, tcalks, 'IHctoles ;ui,l cu-liars of sshi:lt;uevet nattli -, tvitll their rstl- riur and ui:eriu,i- fixtures, a!lIltI rt, nano'' rued foutti1ationv of all kill,],, i's crut the ..i4ct%alk and curb in front of sai,t bttildlugs, extending within tilt- described area ;full down to tb,• level of the cellar bnitera, shall Ire tutu down and r I'll t.,vt(I front the prcmi,c•'.. Nuns of the dirt. debris (ii' wa,ty itsolting from demolition shall ho allowed In n•maill rm the prctniscs, extent bill mortar ur Ida;lt•r only, which may hr left, hot tint Itiuhcr at any point thatt two fret below tbv .- fill, opposite that PoiiI also the fu,rm,ifltluu walls of all cla st•s shall he taken down uttly to It lhl,ioe whose elevation shall he the level of the cult) in front of the• building,

The purchasl•r at III,: sale shall also withdraw and r('mote all abartdunc,l watir taps and old '.en W,' inllills, ;nl,1 in place thereof cause to he inseitrrl ;1 bras plug in the main water pipe in the street, in cutnnIIa11l'v with fife rides and r,'pulnfron, of tilt I)u-il:i,'lnl,til of \Nader Supply, I;as and 1•:Icrtlicity, rued furnish the llcpanoteiit of Finaucv with a certificate front the Depart mcnt of Water Supttly, Gas and Electricity that this has been performed.

The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all house sewer Zonnections to the main sewer in the street, and the opening of the main sewer in street shall be properly closed, in compliance with

FRIDAY, JULY 9, 19(Y). THE, CITY f.-3. E (.: O R. D ; 8011

the directions of the Bureau of Sewers, Borough terrace to Innis street; both sides of John street, NORTH PRINCE STREET—REGULATING, of Second avenue, from Ninety-second street to of Queens, and furnish the Department of from Richmond terrace to Innis street; both sides GRADING, CURI3IN(; AND FLAGGING, on Shore road, and extending back 100 feet from Finance with a certificate from the Bureau of of Irving avenue, from Innis street to 1(iIlImund the west side, between Broadway and State Second avenue. Sewers that the work has been properly per- terrace_ both sides of Sand street, extending lrert. ,\rca of asses;.ment: \Vest side of North tilX-flG'IIi STREET—GRADING, PAVING formed. ahom 700 felt south of Innis street; both sides Prince street, from Ttroadway to State street, "f"ClzRING, \NI ) GU from Fourth avenue to

Jhe permit for all opening in the street to be of Grant street, extending about 425 feet south and t1) the cxtcnt of half tie block at the in- TtVeWtY•soeond avenue. Area of assessment: 1!ainwi by anJ at the expense of the purchaser of Inni; stre(t; both 'ides of Johnson avenue tcr;rrIf1:g streets. Both sides of Sixtieth street, from Fourth avenue

ut the building. • I and Noholae a%cn , m v, from Richnwrrd terrace to UN I )N 5Tl F: El' - RFGCL:\'{'I?a;, GR.\I). "flecrlty- to second avenue, and extending back I.alhlre to r in \L said huildings, appurtenances luui; ,erect; l,ntll ri,lc., of I souk avenue, trail J\( ( - t'RItl\(i AND I I,:\l;(;l\(;, oil the east 100 fret from Sixtieth stre(t,

nl' any part t!Iercaf within thirty days from the I1adieiel pl::ce to Cloirl arcoue; boll sides of side, fr„m Itarrlay rtrcet to Madison avenue. •tY- SIX SE'\'1•:b'i'll 51'RFF:T—PA\'1\G AND day of ,scion will work forfeiture of owner. Ia(ayeltC ncmuC, from Itlackferd avenue to \I'.':r if assessmoIat East sije n( lanion street, I;L•11ERINI;, from Ionrth avenue to Fifth ave- .Inl, of such hull dingo, appmeancoo or portion t i If Id in d terrace; but sides of Sharpe av,nuc, 1Iarclay Irene strut Io \[adlson avenue, and Io title. Area of asessm`•nt: Both sides of Sixty- ai shrill then be Ie(t standing, together with all (rule (Ii at]— avenue to Richmond terrace. and [lie extent of half the black at the intoesectiug seventh street, from fourth avenue to Fifth awe- lIh Ilr)'s paid by said purchu-cr an account thereof bull) sides of 1•:Im street, from Charles avenue to streets. title, air] extending back 100 feet from Sixty. at the tints of the :,ale, and the bidder's assent to If irli iiond Icrrace. --that the same were 00:1flrmer by the Board of .tevtnth street. the above c,sudi1ieus hi-in understood to be im- - that the saute tctre C Veined by the II ar, l of .\~.o<s, rs June 29, 1!:09, -Ind entered June 29, "I_\'I'\•-Sl-.VEN Fir SrRI•rET—PAVING AND plied by the act of bidding, and The City of •\ -ors Juno 2'), 19'9, and entered on June 19(10, in tllr Record of Titles of Assessments, (;t 1T!•. lN'i, from New Utrecht avenue to New York will, without notice to the purchaser, 29, IJU9, in the Record of 'filler of :\s'Csirrorrs, L, pt in the Itorcau for the Collection of Assess- i' Cl tecmh avenue. Area of assessment: Both cause the same to be remmvedt, and the costs kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assess- n.e'a, and Arrears of Taxes and :tshessmIWtr .ides „f Si).ty-seventh street, from New Utrecht and expense thereof charged against the security d1errer a„d Arrears of Taxes and .tshessmoiit; and of \Vater Rents, and unless the amotini avi mic to F:iefieeenth avenue, and extending back above mentioned. an.I of \\•ater l ts. and unless the 011101 It er1 for benclit on any person or property IuI fret from sixty-seventh street.

The stork of removal must be carried on in :'-,':used fur 6cnclit .:n Oil y persnn or prupert. <I~all he l,a;d within sixty days after the deer' tit'.\'I':N'I'IF:'flf STI2F:G1'—I':\VI?TG AND cecry respect in a tiurougIl and workmanlike >!rtll be Ilai l Wit hi I sir:ty (lays after the date of "f ,:sill eItry of the asrssnlcots, interest will l;t I'I- FRINL;, from Fort IIar1lllton avenue to manner, and must be, completed within thirty :Iii entry of the t. I. s+nrut, interest shall be be t :llrtcd thercun, as pn,•; ided in section Iii' Tetnil avulua Area of assessment: Roth sides da}'s fr„Ill the day of possession, and the success- c";Iected therom, as provided ill section 1019 f s:lI (;rra!er New York Charter. "f S,vgniirt1 street, from Port Hamilton avenue fn, bid-I'r Sill bas\Ids and furnish) all materials „f rtlid Greater NI US \ url< (1:atter. Said icction provides, in part. that "If any to 'frutl avenid•, and extending back 100 feet of all l anti mac iiinery nece•;ary thereto, and Said ill-tion provides that ''If any such assess- "Ich ac=.ossnlrnt shall remain unpaid for the from Seventieth street. will pace proper and suIlicient guards and fences rnt'llt shall remain unpaid for I period of sixty Tori(III of sixty ,IavR after the (late of entry I':\ F N V.NINT11 STREET — GRADING, and xarning signs by day and night fir the lays after the lla'e of entry thereof ill the said lIerrld • in the Said Record of Titles of Assess- l',\VlN(; \\I) (;UTTERING, from Eighteenth prevention of aLcideuts, and will iidc,o1N and It (Ill of 'Titles l)f :\- c,stl,•t•Ilt9, it shall Ile tLc +Rene.• it I loll he the duty of the officer author- avenue to Port Hamilton avenue. Area of assess- 00e harmless 'Pile City of New York, its officers, rime of the offieer a Ill ill rizrd to enllrct and rr- izcd to cull'-ct and rcc,ive the amount of such Mont: It th sides of Seventy-ninth street, from

agents and scrt ant s, and each of then(, against t''i , r the amount of s:uh as=e.sment to charge. :111ont to rha•re, c"l!ect and receive interest 1_iChlbrrth avenue to h•,rt Ilamilton avenue, and any and all snits anll acli Oil 1, claim, and do- and recIke mter1•s1 thereon at the rate Chore,) at the rat ,• n( seven per Centum per e\ttnding back 100 feet from Seventy-ninth elands of every name and description brought

f seven per cIotQl for annum, to be calculatrll

'd 511111 :tVIflInn to he calculated to the date of payment street. aCain,t it, them or any of them, and against I it, tIlt` ,late of paymu.t front the dal- 55hlrr Inch "Mn tllc date aben such SSImrmrnt became a -.i \ - ENTV NIN'f1I STREET—PAVING AND and front all da linge 011.1 costs to which it, they rr1A5mlerrt became a ii It, as provided I iecti -In lien. as 11r,Ivylyd by s, -ctinn 151) of this act." 1;1•'IIT'RINI; from Fort I!amilton avenue to ,•r au v n( them lie wit by reason of in1IIrt' to I59 of this Oct.'' • 5erti11n 1 =9 n( tl•Is act t•rrrvi,lls ' ":1n STI,;re mead. .lt a of assessment: Both sides of the plrs.m or pmilCrte of another, resultiug ti,cdorr 159 of this act Provides • "An r' a°=r't- rr±e11l ~1, al1l1 become a lien noon the real Sleenty-Wiflell ~trrrt, from Fort Ilantilton avenue Cron nl1;II1;cuCe uS carelessness in the 1l( form- arse=anent shall bel•lme a lien 111100 tile I a, r,t11t- 1l < ( fed t err v ten days after its entry in I„ SbIre road, and extending back 100 feet from ;ulc,: of the work, or ill guar,liug the same, or Estate atTrrt, d (In lily ten days after its enter+ the sTirl record.” • • • econty ninth strt It. from any improper or defective materials or ill the -aid rrc„rd.” • • • 'ri-e :have n- v'ments are payable to the Cnl. •I'F.NT[1 .\VENUE--PAVING AND GUT- netch nrry, iml III. uleuts or atPlianees uce,l in The al)I \e iI l-sltdenth are payable to the Cq,I - I. r,, , „( Acct•-c 1101119 and \rrears at the B,trean 1'f:121\(', front ]toy se avenue Sid e Ulr umo%A "f said buildings. ket, ,r of .\I l lUlerrt:+ aurl Arrears at the 1lWreot f^r the CrIllerti„n of \<s c=smrnt: and rlrrrar<

ss o f li(Ih ~Lr,~eL Arra of assessment: Both sides of


I'arly wall; and fences, when existing against for ti:. ('11Ul,tIIll of A;elSeekIs aril Arroar~. r'f 7II':”' and Ac: ,lientc 'fl 11 of \Yster 12enr . - fe;uh avenue, front hay Ridge avenue to Seven- td iac1IIt 1r.,zoItv not SI Id. shall not be taken '.f 'I-asos an.1 _\-,-smrnts and r,f \4ater itrnt•• I'~•• Itlli(nt EIII Ill 1¢, No. F1 Tack=on avenue. tv -little street, and extending back 100 feet from d.,wll. .\ll furring,. n!aster, rlimnevs, Prnjcet- at 1b,rmreh hall, 't. GrnrCC• Barnnvh ..f Iti, !: f II I ' •- I I:nd C'ity, D'r,rW•,glt of (1110eus. hetsVrm 'feotll avenue. in(t brick, etc., oil the faces of such party walls, ,1sm,1. hrtv:rcn the flours of 9 a. m. and 2 p, nl., t!••• 1111's of 9 a. in. and 2 P. ni.. and on Sat or- 'fWFATV-I-IRST AVENUE — GRADING, ill ,- t„ L;- take ❑ Ii.tvn and removal. 'fhe walls nnjl nn tia2ildIps floin 9 a. m. to 12 ill., null Ii! .ii' ,• (''1 9 II. rn. nniil 12 m., a' Id all moment, ;'•11'iNf: N]I G:Til:Rlx(;, from Eightieth 'ha'! be m;I,Ie L. rmanrntly self-suPnnrti;l e, bcanr n IvIllcnls rnalle thrrrnn nn nr bef ,re A•+enat 28, •:' I,- Ihl-troll nn nr la f , -re Anenst 2R. loOO. tvi!! trvet to Crok.ev avinue. Area of assessment: 11:111;, etc , 6rickl-,I ul,. and the mall weiitwi and Irmo ttil1 b • zr,-mnt (ruin infrr•,t, is ahnve prrl_ 1„' "`:l"lent front rote-rat, ac ebnOI plirvI l 1. and 1e ,th ride' of Twenty-first avenue, from Eightieth made II exrh:dr 51111 and rain and t ent a III 1 it a(II r that da'•r I Iii hr 'Iii et to a oft , r 1!1:1t Ill tei'.1 h„ svhil'rt to a char'e of avert t„ Crorsry avenue, and extending back 100 c lean l oxtcri,•r. 't'hr roofs of all.iIIrrt Il;ildinRs rbnzeez of Irrlen•st nt ell(, rite of seven nor crnht•n 111,1 .'1 at thl• rare if Iron nor crntnnt per f,,t urn 'fetrnt!•-'irct acruoc. rh:Jl hr lr, l(r s lla'iied and nninted a•td t1laru• Pr annum fr,•n Co. rl .te v:!Irn :,hnvr assess. '':I'ii from the d:rte ,•.'hen above a(srssments '! \l ENTV SECOND) AVENUE — GRADING, ' r1! ,.•zH;:ht tcher,, thcv have he•rn distilzhdl by mt•nt; b(cainr lil'n; to the rI:ltr of pi,ment, b•.rame sun t It Ihtc of nav'nrnt. 1'1\'IN(; :\NI) GCTTERI\G, front Eightieth Ihr ottra:ieta rf the c"otractor. TI Ill \I\N :\. \IP:TY., C till rilor, 111It\1\\ 'I \TF.T%. rn01l.trl'l(r. .,net II Gngl-.cy :-wznuc Area of assessment:

The ('nm rII her of 'I 'ii Citt• of New 1'nrk re U1 n( X .v 1',,;- k. ll, ;,srrrnrnt of I I l iii ,•. (-i'v , f \..• 1' art:, It •.arrm••fit of 1'innncr. Ih,llt s~.cc of Twenty-u Coon A avenue, from i I serves the riellt on the day of Fale t., withdraw ('omnt;•,ii r':: n:ii:-- J nr• ?0, 1',nv r„mltT,.11er'; I)(fi,,s T1lr:r 29, 1709. M.iLllitieth Ftrert m ( r,,nsey avenue, and extending (r, -•:n :-a!r 11115 of the llllil•liWpc, i , Ilrts of build- i '.1l ' 1r'' 16 1i it I(Ft fort frrm 'fwenty-cecnnd avenue, ill, a+1•1 nt•tz•Ilirrr-rc i , 7, lmlcd t1wrl•in, or to -ei(Ct ---

amt all bi 1-: and it i, fuethre \O1' I it tiI'RTY '\1:I

\1•.\Ul-I1UI'F AVENUE—GR.\DING, PA'CIll \(t1'I("1? '!'r~ l'ROT`IR'fl' O\.\ERS. !Xrm \XU II -TI-I:RI\G from Franklin avenue

Its ; hood. •I'!Ii. t0iile file Sairl 'ale i; hll Snth avenue. :\rea of assessment: Both

tn:,l,r ILc :u!Irrvi,„n of the rnm1111 I II r,„f the

is I.. I I`f R~1\\( (11' tiF.CTOV IO1R I S 1'['R~['.\\('P (\ S 1018 OP (l i to, .u!el „f \Varrhouse a•:e•'lIe from Franklin avenue ntil;i15. Pnn,l, the I. 111troller ufIIill r '\rw Ynrk lbarter, the ('m:.- ll. ~ (;r •I'rr \r w Yr.rk Charter, the Comp• I~' tict~, r:th avenue, anJ extending back 100 feet r:nI I the sale to l,e ;Wbw1i"ezl will to ,liuz1 tLa ,.,~., . „E •I'!:r C'i:y of Vets 'i :rk tirrnby gicrc :~.'4-r n( The ('ite , f "Irw York hereby nicer fI 11 \Carehr•uce avenue. s:I I. tbcerWf is financial nIt f the 1 11,,.

•,::Ll:, n.,t ire t.. all nrl ti"rrs, nta Weer f prnns•eh•. !.al llr 1irrlIe•r to all Ili- ....... Owners of pm-i't-ty, I hr Rnr,r•I of :\«essnr, h,s levied and assessed 11. :1.%. ('om Pt rq,llrr.

II i`• i ! by the f!l-,vr1110 a<sr<.,mrnt f, ,r 1.O(' \1. . t. I by Ihr f lit 151110 :ICCrcSmrntc for T.00AT. the 6"rcli.iaq a~sesstncnts in fifty equal annual City of \r,v York. I)rnarIllient of FirrIrre, I\~I'1,I)\"I•;\ll•;N -fti I tile. I It! IIL'IIII 01 1`I 1'I4Il'\ *i \11•:\'I' in the CORf)DIII Dl ri talInl it

('nulltr4lcr, l)ffiro, July 3, 1909. t N, TA 1:y~1( KT,V\: The "Sixth Installment" in each case is now i .20 —

•1'11'1•:I.I'fll R'.\1111, SlDG -llU\ R. I'"r'"lrt to t!IC nrnvi,ions of cllapttr 5R?. F.-- . - „f 11(0.3, for iIlBrnocznenty in the former

U'.nt• and payable and hereafter for forty-four years an arnulmt equal to one of the aforesaid

CITY of NFav 1-ORK, l)erAR-z\llez OF ~rINANcs 1\\l, ld1X1)g1:1) .\XU 'IIIIIZI1',1':\1'II - I - ,,,n ,.f New• t'terIl-t s to wit: rililial incta!lllieo1s with interest shall he assessed I IC.tll I THE I-TrIt-crIo ', or Ascit.Ie,TS iI I I'-'I'--ItC:I;l 1..\T1\c; t IUIt\l; ll it it - Ill fl the 1, II I nircett of land benefited by said AN11 :\1tMz,sllS, Rnn\t II, No. 280 1BR(lAlDN1IY, lr,t; .\N I) l'l.:\I;l;IN(;. ad 1,11 111;1I. tINI; 1'llfltl11.III t\'.\RD. in.lr .vrmenl ~. •Ihe`e aScssments were confirmed Ju-lo) -1:II nr 2ITAN1tA':rIv. :gyt-.(_ %n—;\1(\ Ill-- I.\WING \\.\l.l- AN 1) 1.\1 ifliu f* ,\\ 1'-NLl'--lilt.\1)IN(;. 1.1\. I t. the Itoarl „f Rvvi.ion of A-ses=ments on Tune

t .'.IM II 11 II Ill I I ..IIty t', 'I lit ❑ e•reuQt•, 1\l; \\L (1RIANt,, fruit 'Child as iluc to in, 1~Ot, an ti "Sixth lit talhnent" entered ml 'SSV"t'lCE Llh r(1\•I'INt TIOV 01 \I 's :\rla ,-E Iy"1,IlItlt: It ii sides tit 'I w,) Iluudred :\ mow \,nk I,'::y. -\Ica at a.,sIs Ill vatu Ifulh side Itme 29, 1909, in the Record of Title of Assess-

II.\•1'1'AN T.\X SA LE. and Yhirlernth "reel, trill Itn,adway to 'Tenth , t hay Ridge (IS (11111, from Third avcuue to lilt tits kept in the 1)nrrall for the Collection of nloz1le, ancf to the extent of half the block at N. v l ark U:Ip, au,l extending back 100 feet .\,,..1e11!•nts ant .\rreirs of Taxes and Assess-

r~ l!Ft S.\[.F Or T~F, LIENS FOR l,N1'.\il) the Inrgr;CctliO avenues. lr ,.,nI L':,y Ritlgr :evunc. "zrllc ar,d of 1\'at,'r Rr•nth. ac'cs"nleWts amt water rents fxlr tilt, --that tile rumI was c„niirmc;l by the lL ,ard of 1; 1.N:UN .\\ I:1\L I. —(;r:\1)I\G, I':\\'I\1; [ - nb~=s the artr,nnt of the sixth installment in

l: ~:' I of \I rmhnteirrs is to liens wn1ei1rW¢ uu- :\,.,ea-1 r.; on J'Inc 29, 1909, and entc red June 29, .\NIT I I II: ltl SU s II II l-.iLlr t 1111 ac,nuc to ,. h re •e sI I,I he laid within sixty d vs after I rat the I 11111 alien „( the B:lies nI little 7, It10g, iu ii I d of "Boles „f :\sre,smcnI 'f.ccl:tic[ki aItr!uI, \l .1 tit a,sc» Ill rnt: 1SutIL ,,~:,! dlit- of rorrv, interest shall be charged, cot-

In, li I 11 1, 1909, has hzeI ennIii,urd to I. t' Ill the I; menu for the Cuht•etI:,n of .\ssess- -Isiah I,I l SInuc from tirIqrrtcemIl as tlt 't-reed a•Id rr•rrltcrl II.•zcon. ac provided in section 'It C1l-1tNDAY, JCI.Y I 1%, 19(19, q incIIts :cl l ;users of Iaxes and AhscWlr Ill s Ln - I'ebtIetII atCulie, and extcnding back 1U0 III( .•f ill, Greater New York Charter.

In oanl 102:4 of the at a. nl., I' m to secom1 a"'I of \1-e:rr lteuls, and oWkls the auI.1unt loft I: slit I:, n- ,u n%u1u1. ..ie Tertmn reot-irles, in part. that "If any

f;lCatrr X,',e 1 l'h;utrr, be cmfintted :L 111h01

'"" 1 fm- bcuctit on any 1 rs"n or pn)perty IUII:\\ (.Alit)\ 1`.\ 1...\11—GR.`llI\t.; .\\li , y ;t<=r.~sI' Il shall remain unpaid for the pe-

1,e ,c, • the Aldt•rmauic %ill That time in the at '!'sit lie palI within 'ixty days altl-r the date of I'.\i l\I I. train I „tn'th accuve to Fifth US lit Ii,ni of }- i tv rt-s•s after tlic date of entry thereof

lily Ilan, :is L..,: f •r,-. Cully of the a ""Metts interest will be \1," It a- „meet: It„th tides of 6uutvcnlluecII

I•uurlh 11 111 ~ai,l rc•orl of Title- of r\-sec-mrntrs it

r It.\SI1•:I, 11n1'' AITAN,

c„Iltcic, I 1111(1. II as t ruvi,lcd in section 1019 of lane, tl I I averlue to Fifth accuuc, al'd • .11 br tie (Jump of the offieel hrtlrrr17Cd to eol-

('nllcc;ur l~( and Arrears, r\=re;shulI (;rcatlr New Ynrk (barter. OttIVLI:V hari: till) foot from Kuuttttlll-lvul lauc. - it and the a er st assessment lit reed it

"If bail ,scti..,n ur,,tid,s, in ,art, that any I Y I IIljnI.l' .\\!':\UI':—t;lt.\I ,INI;, 1':\\•I\U interest thereon it +n eh lit July 1, 1'!U9. jY2,15 it a..,ca,lncnt vhall mntaIli uulIaid for (llc .\XU IL i (I•:RL't I,, (rnnl uaekkti avenue to c seve and t,-

,ll,, lt.- n( seem rer centtlm per annum, to he centue

- --- __ -.— I I I of sixty days after the hate tit entry I;I:I. I til a%CIII .\rl•a tit a,sc•,mtnt: Both sid'.s .,!,.,,I l e I to the date of ravment from the date

--U\V O'er,,f in the said Icc„rd of 'Tin's of Assess- .-( t"ngscy a~ ,o I III Igal;klIll avcllue to vI, r;l .Leh r •-smr-t brcam" a lien, as provided

;\(11101: T(/ I'ItOI'lat'I'1-\FRS. 1110015, it shall he tle du'Y of tilt ,Iflicer author- I ,:Re1WtI1 051111 II-, a;:d extending back ILO feet II - fiction 159 of this act.''

1Q I'l Rr~U.1\(:I? nP SI:CTTCI\ 101ti Uh 1'fIF: I n, iect! t I OI11.ct and reecivt the awuuut Of such

rs,nitnt to t1L.ul;c, & I It anll receive interest ir•:u ll„pscy :neuuc,

(latl'sI(Y .1\ i \Uri—GIt.\UI\G, ]'.\VI\G,

yertin❑ t5 t Of ti-in act 1'r tvides • • • "An ~rce'-4ment h;,II leenote a lien tenon the real es-

l;rrat,r N, w Yntk Charter, the Contptrr th”""Al at the laic of s. Ill per centino per 'IL 111•.Itl\(; .\\li (l'1tltl\(;, from l-iftcenth "IhI „I ('itv of Now Yio-k hen'hv gives Public atuiums to be CIy!cn!eted to the date of pevuum As,,:ue ;u 'Rcl-tzIy-third avcuoc. :\rea of assess- I I,e ~.t,rrtrrl rbm~h~ ern days afer its entry in

'hr ire Owners of mI i l (s alTectr,l ir„m the date when such IS Cr,mstit became a m,nl: IF,th >i d. of LI- „c avenue, (rmt: Pit- s I Y to i 've zt l.•,

I,c till- f„li„tvfn • a-,r•stncnt; G,r LL II \I. I\f- t- II II as prutid f by sccti•rn 159 of this act." atenuc, and es- It (i, II : b.Id( t,. '1I tr y ll Cr a are ea r to the Col- 1' r-

if A `.-month and

at the Bureau

~,.<tor „i uieti s in

-l;ll PR(tVE'NIENTS in th, 11U12ULUI R[('Il- Sccliun lie of this act provides ' ' ' An I,cd!crr Lech Pun feet final CzolprvY avenue, ,1«r .lrrears ,

I„r the rndlecbon of A%sessnlvll and Arrears of )IUV II: aI< essutc•ut shall become a lien unutl the real I- II II t I I(\"III .\\'I:XUI: I,It.\I)IVI;, P.\V- (rxl•< and ;\s,eccrlt•nt. and of \Vatrr Rent., in

III2`'1' \1•.\1t U. t;lte allcetc(I thereby ten dIays after its crltr Y I\(; .\\U (il TPI•;ItI\t;, from I. t .15 1111 1 y \irdlcnic.' (tank lid ing, Court and \1un- :I'.r;l'11'I I`;1;, I It.\ill\I t'1'itlt[\r;. I'.1\'- in the :.;II I rI:corI I„ I,ra,-.-s:III 1 .\r ca .If a I lit: It Ill tic ,tre,ts. Iormnh of Ilrneklcn, between the

\I; \.'tIt I.-\1 I\1; I: ItI(t IX"I'I•:It.-i I"IfItt\-' '1 ';IC alp t a uicn nlru: is payable to the Cul• tide:- ~,t 1•;iela,,;rti is II from ll~,;,=ty -is ;wllr, e(9 a. nls and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays Ill :II ill \t 1'('1,\'ICRI'S .\\I) II \-i\ t f, r the I,c;,,I of .\„c+,:nchts and :\ere:u; at the ILII U Ie.rrT,Ih e•xten,liu:; back IUO In (;tr en


irons J a. In. to 12 m., and all payments made •unl;,l,tinII of lit tn~rk ill l.. \'IIII:Iii ,\\'I\IJi , lu: the C. II I-ti,>n of :\;sexsmenty antl .\rI or i;,.t

I- i l%c lii~!ur1•ii atenuc. l tr,~ln ) •f, rh.rton en ar before August 2R, 1909, will be

hoot I liutl i I I'i -k aal•nuc iu 1Vu„Icy it tilt ; of 'faxes :Ind .ISIllrI and of Water Rent., ll I'll. l II I'ItiI I I R.\! I\ , 1'A\-- \ LI tilt from iWtoze•e as above prncided, and after iI tI{ (IN .1R1) :\\'1•:\I - 1•:. (r,an Y~rrlt :neuur to If Ill 11 \,,. 2 I Ii:,,adwav, ll rntty;h of \tan- I..L: t I I I'I:!tIVG ;1N1) CUltlt1\G, fr,,,n

Ih:a date will l;e subject to a charge of interest \Y„~ ,I,y :r: error: in \\'.I'I'I:Itt: :\\'I{\I'1•:, (run, hattan, h(t t lilt- h„uI, „C 9 a. Ill. and 2 P. m„ I E;mhteeI 'f d t 11 avcnnc to ter nty.;rcun as evuc.

al the It ui :even per eVntum !,rr annum from I.ic,:m to \\'n„1,y ac,nu,; in idt'iUi.r :\\'li- and tin Satlll il\r tr.,m Y a, to to l.: it and a!I' .\ Ica •,f t : Ruth ,idce of Eichlieth 'Ire date when the tibrne ameses+ments became liens Nt'I•:, fnsm U':Iter-. :rrl 1 to I.etbrvn IS P:TImL:nt , lu1 r 1herc„It uu ur bef-Pre :\tigust It -.teed, tI I I I tti n%errIc Iu Twenty-second

I'- the date of payment. in It\'I•:it.'.itii I: r\ 1, \l '1•r, ho 11 1\•:,;rhngne I'n19, uiil be cN utpt fr I I interest, a; Ill St. pro• Is tl I , and c;:;,mius Lack 100 feet fr„m Eight- 11ER\IAN A. mETZ, Comptroller. n,ad to I.a:hr,.;, 0e,111•; in \V.\Ri)WE•EI.1, .\V i- vide, l, and after that tlalc will be subject to a irth S•'t•l.

('itv New York. nerartmt•nt of Finance. of NW-:, su:th Of \' I-ilinctl , n !dace, in \Vv~lcr- charge tit Ildllzs[ at the rate of seven per anbon Il date

- l• 'Bd'rFT-- t-1I,?`;I\ I'll (;R.\t)ING, I'.\\'- I\I; (;("I"Mi-.RI N(;, from Fifth

.\\'!I avenue to l'• l,tttlrlllltr'S Office, June 29, 1909, I.-igh; ill NI-:W YORK .\VENUE.. from Manor rIai to a: n, inl (Ill Ill R2i ft-et sr ,torly: ill l:O!.- I

t'c. tItItlI Olt the when abuse assessment became a lieu t. ILv ,late of I.aen:mt, ti „n r :IJ. .\rr:l nE asses-olvot: Itutll sill-s of ,y1,15

IT(;I•: .\\'I-NTl- fern NBi:t ,r road to the fecund , 111.11\l.\\ A. \II':I L, l' nnpirul!er. I(i hey •ixtil atrlrt, fr Inl Fifth avenue to Shore _—___-- - t'rnpn?Cd Itl , t t l ast If It- uI It :IVrtltIC. :'\Tea of

I ( ily of .((I York, Department of Finance, rued, :u:,i eXtrmh•,1 back 100 feet tr ou Eighty CORI'r)It.1T1OX S \LIB OF INGS AND

aa,c•-,thrill: C,, II s ~•; nI I.nthn,p avrnn,, from CQmptroItti s OOGice, June 21), 1JU9, sixth strut. I I FT

(Tilton I:. Fisk av,uur to 1Vo„Icv avenue; 10111 1Y2,16 "i l-tlt i't it :\\Nl.I.-- ,R.\ll ,(;, P.\\'IXG,

1'Ie'\X('1':- T 1FRE) ON CITY --- Itli.\I, lC.TATF Ill SL F ) RI11S.

• lt's II I,l'nll ald •IV C'll Ill', fl- in 1~ lt't'(( at'e 11 Ll l' to "tl• t;['1':ItrN(; .\NI) CUItltIN( ;, 1111111 Sixtieth Nil WW I. 'f() fRIm'ERTY f)5VM:RS,

_ \MIiIV tIvcQut•: b„Ih :,n!,. u( N-att'Is aesdil

\VllIl..y -; bath from I,ic,rinurc atouuc to avcnul strict I., Shore 1(151, Area of ovsz,,ettnt: Milli sides Vf Fonifli avenue, from Si\tit-tit street to

--.- C 'fell'. RF!)l'Ii.sT Ol TILE PRESIDENT

1\'lIIrzs Sh„rc road, and extending back IUU feet from „f the• _r0i;eh of Pile Bronx public notice ,ills of Vickie at (ow, from avenue (o I.a hnl1l of IEivvrot iii 1znp IS till sill'•, rr ace-

-. t't l ~.':1\('I: O1: ...I- .tI' ItIIl( OF II_ I l'"llrth avenue. is lIcrel,v given that the 4. 101111 iotiers of the

from 1VI t.cr rto I t it of av~ our; noes :I „ad

I,,..,I.r \v,v Y,,,k (barter, Ih.• CnmItn,I1er tiller ih 'I'Le

l'r tit \- w Yurk Icot r Iteblfie 1-IIFful \M•N[7H. —(:R:\[)1!C(;, 1'.\\'IN(; sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in

I th \Vr:rd'.I, ll rgin lI of \\l it sides of necWrrc, g L :\\I) L;l"II'I•:1eINGs from Fight}•-.ixth street to tl;au by law, will offer fir sale by sealed bids

Iu1ttun in t\'„Is'e1yi::11, lie -.t \\ Id tenth I,lacg, u, r t , :Ill 1 ,: r., us, l.wners ,.f prnpeny. a:L et- I olnth a-e111 :\rca of usws,W1rnt: It Iii sides all flit- h1llmer. parts of buildings. etc., stand-

rlcs of Nr iv 1 .,1!: :I r, ituc. irr ,rr Manor t„ad , tt I Irr Ihc (nli.ofilll{ ❑ ;-. ,~m:nI our 1.1)('.\I. „f Rffflh II lie Emro F.i ht sixth street In

g Y- in within the lines of prrr1scrlv owned by the

to a about 7+_'i f,rr wIsl(-!y: 1, sides of point "I'Vi \11'118\' 1(\I ICtiu the I:i lR(l['(;II l)I Ismryh avenue• and cx1cndIng back 100 feet from ('iie ( New fork acquired by it fur street

tnlh go neeoue, fenm l\1annr ruad to tite rIooud r)t'F.I.\S: - 1' I Itti'I' t1'.\Itf).

Fifth -:• ,-no(. 1110 11111K purposes in the

crupo -c•d strcct vast of I tt avenue, and t,, tiF:\1'F:I in l'I..\121: ti'I'RI?F:1', fl:nry \fain 1 ItA\I:I IX \\'I V['1:—GR.\llNG, P:\VING

\\l) [a'"I'"1'1•:1:1X(;, from C'ropsey avenue to Borough of The Bronx. the tsIrut of , II if the block at the iurern,ctin

lnaliu}; Ill t • ll- r,trctts attd ay.lto s. III It to \'au :\I,t atrIll11, and in Y:\` wU1.ti"1', \1':Irrl•~„1-.' aroriuc. .\na of as-It•ssmcWL: Moth Bcinft all the hoIdirrgr. Parts of bui'.djngs. etc.. \\ . i-INI 1?, fr„m Newtown atrin+e to ('nar.11 air ; .I i(,.f PrnlIl•n vvcnm•, from ('rol,rev avenue <lamlin¢ vPon lem1 acyuired for the opening of

'1T1IRl) WARI). nm. -\rca of a,-.-smr111: 5„ulh side of t'1alk I,, 15ht;rh„".r .T ,.'noc and extending back 100 \Vhitr Plains read fr,nn 'tall Nest avenue to

ill-.I.\VIA;(; \NII EN'I I- NIIINC TiIE street, fnlilt II„Lkira, avinlIe. to \'an Alst avennr: felt front 1niokIin avenue. \Vest Farms road. and being more particularly . Stl(' lit II.\ti -\\'I::V['1•: tiIC\1'1?R, as a toItt Illy b,tll si,!,s „f \':ul .\l ,t IS Ill font I'I:tk \I \' II- iIGIiii AVENUE— Cl' rADINl:. described as a one-story frame shed and founda-

two-story brick house adioining, ti II 5% iii and a „ut!rt fh,,ul a n„int about r, It I erred, n( RI I I `Irt'lt t„ Cr:Ind a 1111e•; north side of ('I;IIk I':\\'IN(; .\X!) CI RBING, from o city line Unionport

n ...!4 trriacr to tl:c I i.-rhrad line. ,\rl•a of as- Teed, (runt Main street to \Lrt Alst atr:, ur, to Sisty -rr,°tell rarer. Area of assessment: ,Related on the southwest corner of

„ ill rnt: IL ,th "id's of RI Itmond trrraa, from r I "I Loth 61,s of \'an :\I,t avenue, from Clark I !h hi d,•; of \ew Utrecht avenue, from n1 road and Jackson avenue, it u4ll be sold in

\luru ill g,tar rnml t,l :t n, ill about 1U5 feet cast 'tr;rt In Hain strop city line t,+ Sixtv-se\enth street, and extending tone parcel and which are more particularly de-

f 11. Ills vitc av our; bo:)I riles of lame, ,trcet, 11 \Ill' 1'L.\('I':-- !fl ?(;[?I,:\TI\G, ( R.\Dl\(;, back I10 feet fr„m New I Ircelt avenue. ,c,ibcd tin a certain ma p on file in the office of

(eWtsl 'Si Ir avenue to a I''iot :I hi,ul 11)11 f t l'ItRI\(; :\N11 f'.\VINE, front brand avenue NINI'I'I- -SI•:CC)\1) STRFFT—GRADTNR Department the Collector of City Revenue. of Room 1.11, No, 280 Broadway, Borough

cast I I I t street; Inch i , lr, of I;rove :IVynnc, 1. b,•,uowll ac,nuc. :\era of -t smt•nt: Ii iii T'.\\'l\(; :\\1) (I, T-TERING, from Seventh Finance,

f-Iul I.afantne aM-Itoc Ixt. sling about IIt? feet si-6's ., f }INre plc, fr.un GOiiiII avenue it, New- USI l lW to Ste, re roTId. Area of assessmentI If Manhattan.

of Eli i rte It • tenth iII of tilaighi St et-I east I°t`''1 115`11"L, Ott 'I to tl,c extent of half II - 1111-ck Rolh side,, n( Ninctc SIC lilt! street. from Seventh Pursuant to a resolution of the Commissioners

(r Nitbrrla. av alt to I-afawIte ibete- I ot11 nu :, t t' o irrtersrrline :lV re;, arcmrr in 'Ill 0 erred, and extending back 100 the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meeting held I f h-. of llarlis I' frnnl Rigltn1(,W,l avenue It\Iilll? ti'I'ItF.!-.l—RI?(;TrT.:1'I'TNC, GR.\D- feet flit \meet•-rrertlI st',eet. line 30. 1909. the sale of the above described

I o Nichol i -s Ile: I,nlh side, of 1I ill lr1Il ave. INl;, ('I!RI1lNl;. I` C,A4ti\I; AND I'.\\'I\G. NT' I•: 1\'-l'11'TII 'TRIN:T—CRAIIT\C. PA\'- buildings and appurtenances thereto will be held

1110 , from lti(hmand avc•uul to its tcnninaliun fr""' lane trort to Iiom••r nwr•lllte•s Arta of Built

INI; AND I) GU I'TERINr,, from Second avenue pit THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1O O,

writ of I a Ill VII ie eVl,t III : bola sides of Grove ,'I. rl: hid, , of Ra,hle sI roll , frnin to Fmlrtii al-enve. .\rrn of assessment: Both southerl I:Ir•• -tn•,-t 1„ Il1tntcr av(nne, amt t„ tilt extent .isles r•f \inccty-G fi ll sheet, front Second avenue at Il a. m. in manner and form as follows: place, zx;c2elirrn Y from llntfirl~l avr-

nee about IN fret; both sides of (- lt-1,1•s eve- „f h;.If Ih,• block at the int••rsretin~, ,,rvct,, k \u1 S'I'Iti t-:1'—Si-.\Vt-R. from Janr street , -

In In menus, :Ind extending hack 100 feet from Ninety fift11 t1oct.

coaled bids (blank forms of which may be be by noes from lnhn street to Sharn~: avcuue; both

to rtl'Cet. t of a=re~ament: sides oLtaine(l upon application) will reedy

•ides of lYneeILld pl:,rr. from Nicholas awczpie to Ilrnry \r('❑ Rath SFCo\n :\VENUE—GRADING, 1'\VING t he Comptroller at the office of the Collector of Richmond atenue: ii It sides of C 11010 aventn•, "f Rad 1 tr t from Jane street to Henry \\I) I U I1'FRl\l~, from Sixty-fifth street to City Revenue. Room 141, No. 280 Broadway,

from Kirhmond a,cnnr to a point about 40n fret trcel. Ninety-second street. Area of assessment: Both BnrnuQh of Manhattan. until 11 a. m. on the

,rest of Lafacec•• a' -- tIlr: tenth sides of Itlack- TTITRD \V.\Rn. sides of Second avemu, from Sixty-fifth street 15th day of July, 1909. and then publicly opened ford avante, front I1icInTlond aeennt' to Grant 1..\\\'IfI~ \CI? STl21•:I•.T-- SEWER. 360 feet to In Nt11ClY-srrnLId street, and extending back 100 for the sale for removal of the above described `IrlII: 111111 sides 1,1 Innis street. from Nicholas

the crown snnlh of 501111,111 avenue. Area of as• ! Botll Lawrence

feet film Second avenue. SECOND \VENUE GRADING, PAVINt1

buildings and appurtenances thereto and the bider award will be made to the highest within avenue Ill Tnhn sirtet; both sides Of Douglas

front 11,1111 street to Newark avenue: IVenur. sessmcnt: sides of street, from Maple avenue to a point 75 feet, more or less,

— I AND (lUTTERING, from Ninety-second street twenty-four hours. or as soon as possible tbore•

bush sides of Newark avenue. from Richmond north of Sanford avenue. i to Shore road. Area of assessment: Both sides after.

8012 1 HE CITY REGORD, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909,

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a dep"sit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-!tnned within twenty-four hours after successful bidders have paid purchase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders i av be declared forfeited to the City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the requiremcnt5 of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

The successful bidder will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of notification of the acceptance of his bid.

-I-he Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or informalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of the City to do so.

.\ll bids must state clearly: (1) The amount of the bid, (2) the full iiante and address of the bidder.

All bids must be end sell in properly sealed envelopes marked °Proposal to be opened July 15. 1909." and must be delivered or mailed in time for their delivery prior to 11 a. m. of that late t , the ' (Jlector of City Revenue. Rouen

141. No. 280 13r:sadway, New York•City," from whom any further particulars regarding the build-ings to be disposed of may be obtained.

7- he buildings will be sold for removal only, subject to the following


The buildings and appurtenances thereto will be sold t.. the highest bidder, into must pay cash or a certified check dr:,tn to the order of the lamptr +lire of '1' lie City of Nety York, and must j also gist' o certified check or cash in half the amount of the purciia.e price as security for the i;,ithful ulrmauuse of the terms and cunditious of the sale. \hhcre the amount of the purchase I.rice dues nut o-gool or exceed the suns of fifty rrollars, the suns of fifty tl„llars shall be the amount Lot the security to be deposited. 'Thi; security may at any time after the expiration of the consr.iei licriud be applied by the City to tilt cost of completing any of the work required ❑ndcr the contract, but unfinished at the expii a- ; lion of the contract period. The I,ticha-er shall not lease, occupy, cause or

permit the building or buildings, etc., purchased by bite, to I.e u.ed or oecuh it'd for any purpose oilier tha t that of t heirsitirtly reitioval, nor situ!! Lr~ :nlitct any rental or other revenue fur the use , .f either the l:,nd or the buildings, etc., situate.! thereon. The breach of either or any of these renditions shall f._trtlt wjth toid the sale and cause ttnmediat, forfeiture of the purchase money and the seen lily tic! te.ited for the frti iii ful t erfnnu-anc+• of the conditions of the sale. The placing herein or perntiltiug the occupancy of ally such

I.ttildinq by any tel free, for rent or other- It use. excepting the neces'ary watchmen or the workmen utc: cad in the aches demolition thereof, -hall of it If he a breach of the above condi- tions cf sale. '

The sale will he as of the condition of the prop-crty on date r,f del^:try tieicnf to the pit rchter. 'f'lee ('itv of New York will not lie responsihle for any cte:tnge or lit s nhich may occur in the condi iii of the buitiiittgs, or their ap1nirtcnanc•c,, he-

tween the time of the sale thereof and the tine of thcli':eriVq Pticswnion to the l,urclit sir , after being pr.ItcrI,y vacated of all tenants. The sale and delivery to purchaser will be tnade as nearly tegctiter as the ci rcom stances of vacating the strictures of their tenants trill permit.

All the material of the buildings, icds, walks, st Filet 1eas and cellars cf trhtsoevcr nature, with (heir extcri,or and interior fixtures, appurtenance., and f„uvd•ations of all kinds, except the side-w-alk and curb in front of said buildings, exth net. ing within the dcscrihcd area and down to the let el of the cellar bottom, shall be torn down ar.,l removed from the ttremifes. Nome of the dirt, debris or wa-tc resulting front dc-mulition ,hall he allowel to retrain on the premises, ex-cept tilt! mortar or plaster only, which nutty be Icft, but not higher at any point than two f , et helms the cnrb pnsile

that point: also the fuser-

riation walls of all classes shall he taken down only to a i lane whose elevation shall be the level of the curb in front of the hull ding.

'the piiieb'iscr at the sale shall also withdraw and remove all ahnnduued water taps and old service waits, and in tdace thereof cause to be ,nseried a brass plug in the main water pipe in the street, in compliance with the rules and regu- latinn< of the Deparhteit of 11 'at«•r Supply, Gas •met Paecti icity, anrl furnisit the Department of I'tattle hush a certificate frrnn the Ilcpartmcnt of 11'ater iupl,ly, I;as and Elicirieity that this has Feen performed.

The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all house sewer connections to the main sewer in the street, and the opening of the main sewer in street shall be properly closed, in compliance with the directions of the Bureau - Sewers, Borough of The Bronx, and furnsh the Dc- partment of Finance with a certificate from the Burt-au of Sewers that the work has been properly perfortued.

'fhe permit for all opening in the street to be obtained by and at the expense of the purchaser of the building,

Failure to remove said buildings, appurtenances or any part thereof within thirty days from the day of possession will work forfeiture of owner-ship of such buildings, appurtenances or portion as shalI then be left standing, together with all tnutte•vs paid by said purchaser on account thereof at the time of the sale, and the bidder's assent to the above conditions being tutderstund to be implied by the act of b:ddiug, art(] The City of New York will, without notice to the pnr-chaser, cause the same to be removed and the costs and expense thereof charged against the security above mentioned.

The work of removal must be carried on in every respect in a thorough and workmanlike manner, and must be completed within thirty days from the day of pussesstun, and the success- ful bidder will provide and furnish all materials of labor and machinery necessary thereto, and will place proper and sufficient guards and fences and warning signs by day and night for the prevention of accidents, and will indemnify and save harmless The City of New York, its officers, agents and servants, and each of then) against any and all suits and acti:,its, claims and demands of every name and descripti,m brought against it, them or any of therm, and against and from all damage and costs to which it, they or any of them he put by reason of injury to the person or property of another, resulting from negligence or carelessness in the performance of the work, or in guarding the same, or from any improper or defective materials or machinery, implements or appliances used in the removal of said buildings.

Party walls and fences, when existing against adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken down. All furrings, plaster, chimneys, projecting brick, etc., on the faces of such party walls, are to be taken down still removed. The walls shall be made permanently self-supporting, beam-holes, etc., bricked up and the wall pointed and made to exclude winl and rain and present a clean exterior. The roofs of adjacent buildings shall be properly Bashed and painted and made water-

tight where they have been disturbed by the operations of the contractor,

The Comptroller of The City of New York re-serces the right on the day of sale to withdraw from sale any of the buildings; parts of build- ings and machinery included therein, or to reject any and all bids; and it is further

Resolved, That, while the said sale is held under the supervision of the Commissioners of the Sinking 1-turd, the Comptroller is authorized to cause the sale to be advertised and to direct the sale thereof as 'financial officer of the City.

II. A. METZ. Comptroller. City of New York, Department of Finance,

Canrptroller's Office, June 30, 1909. )y1,15


Al' TIE R6(lT'EST OF Tlll: COMMIS sinner of the IY,'part Inert of Water Sit Pplq,

(;a:; awl Electricity, public notice is hereby guys n that tb•c' Cnuni;'ioners of Its ~inking Fitly!, by cn'tuc of the p,wcrs vc•- tied in them by law, will ,t)er far sale by scaled bids all the buihilings. tarts of huitdingc, cur., stan+ling up -•n pn-perry „,- it,.l hr '1'::c ('ilv of N,-u• York, acquired by it i.'I Lihc line pilrp., .,•a in the

('onntles or kuieamr and Nassau,

ll,-inc a" i tt- buildings, parts of buildings, etc., <tc:rt,!ing within live lint's of ihr !a'n „•rut ac,ptir: cl f"r the corpuses of the 72 ins- li I' n:• line from C:, ar Stream to ,btlrtvs'se, T.nng Islind, all of t•.Iacb are more t,artir:ilarlc dcscrilrcd en a ear. rain reap on file in the ,IT'ce of the C-•llertor „f (its R',-,rune, i)cpathmuem of Finance, Rnum 141, N, 2x0 llr,,qoltrav, I:mmrui,gh „f \Ia ,hattut.

I'urscant to a re's- hitunn of the Commissioners ( the Sinking Fund, act,,ptcd at a ntretiug held

bate 23, 1'101, the sale by rs.alv,l bi:l; of the !, ,•, .fr.c:.uLe,1 h,•il,iinc• a:t,! anpnricnnnra,

,ill Ic I I b, ti.,tr-u tf tho n

MO\DAY, JI'l.Y 12, 19111t,

. nt in ' ---.1 t.:ses-I- and in

t -e, c1;• 5 ( Mrs. 1 '~ rr i Former nw•ncr, .ir 1 ~,r 7 i~tr I .-04. I' m•r

= hdscli S~ sit hw,<t corn r of 'Merrick avenue nrnl I nnc I-lath R:tih oath: hvntury itaine build iul'. trick f.,nm-!wiumii, with acre<t,,r~• frame ex- „.i .n. unr -st , ry fram" sh,•d, cu' rstnry franc cu-lose. t' ,al !,in;. nor•-<t„ry frarne nosh-,n-e.

1'l:rte 517 m, Parc-h 343. l -trtner :tvn- r, Joseph C::-m,•n Estate, lifts fort e nth of I•-vtg 1-land Raihu -let, 240 fort w,--I of isle elrli avenue-; one -I. iv fraisme stmcrunt. two c!,ickco ]t-,us:-:.

C'ret'/'nrt. I'lgitc 5176, farm-! 335. 1•.1r'mier vesen•r, \L,s<•s

Iarris, art, nt• ft-ti .iolh of thy- f.-ung tclsu,r1 ,mili- laJ. '15 R• ,-t wr,nt of :-\gIlwam Pumping S'a-ti•m la,,,]: Iten dery frame h-,n=r, three frame

1= ,n:• and one-half st-try frame burn and o::e f:r:m, „nthon=e.

I'lot,• 517u, Parcel 331. Pnrmor owner, geter II-,':,mm. N, rt'i -i l•• of N, wt-'n b .nh•var-, 11_' f,,t w,-t of T.ih,•rtv acrrtuc, No. 147 Newlin h ••Irvarl; s,ttth I,n-t of two an-1 out half store (-::n,• hnucc, II' fr•+'. I -.nt, 20 feet out east sid:',

fret un ac.t Gi.te. 1'Hto 51;r., Yak- cI 33n. F:rnnr owner. G_nrge

11', bh !-. \' ,: t!! Sid6 of Nr tt t -n hnu1eyant, 140 f,,, r:-:r of linen avenue t nn:: :,f tw-, and one-L::'f .•.-ry franc house, IS.2 (cut facing b-n'e :aril- lv fi et nn ca:• Iii. II feet on w, st side•: •,I,rt •,f tl:,, and one Half 'arme frame' h-- uses 18.7 f,- t h.• 1i' f--, 1. fn:-inc Newton 1) Tn'ev:ird- 175 feet

• „f I1,•l, n at,-note.

fiat,• 51 7(., Parcel 135. Former ,-u',^.- ", G,•nrgr• (...,•-, r. N„r:hr-ast corner of Newton h ulevard r: I'(adintil ,v avenue-, south end of tw., and ..n,•.

! If stun' frame lvm,e. 20.2 fast nn s ntth silc, 'U fret n cast si,h•, 20 feet on west side,

!'lei' 517x,. l'iti cr l 320. F,,rm, r ntvnr•r, I. T. I'"tt,•r_ F. I!V-tllr,e fret r:nrth of Neatr,n b.,ule. r !rJ r,S feet tee's of bit Its n h,cc, sottttterly - rncr if turn Cure Fran:• h-:use•, 10 feet southeast -i le, 13 f r.t srntthn,,.,l 'id,.

I'!aic 517i. Parcel 317. F,rntrr uwnu•r, G. B. smith. Northeast i-i crr of llcnry street and i tyss„n hum ulrt•ard, strum-s:ory franc It-also a:td : y!, sittt, nm•-sl„ry frame sh, -1, one franc out -h a-e; ti-ill silt • of No wt,n I, ,tulc'cant, 140 feet ra-t of 11e-u;v sir,ct, tint and Inc-half -tory frarne

, i-c :u, 1 cs!rn<i"Ii, tw,, franc shed,, tilt -story :: ,-, nuc a:td asue half sl 'Iy frutuc It, :ns: •snot

: t,-i ,n. uuc frame outh',u-c. - ,ue and one hail t frame hnu=c. uuc story fiautc shred, ouc-

: r,- frame :. ithit sr, ]'bite• 517u . yarre1 3 1 (j A. Former owner, J.

1' -u F-k-t suds- of llenry -u!rr•a•t, 'l)i fat north f NI-uour 1,nulctarin, s-nnitwrst cxrmr of 1sn

, ....I ,..n-hail st.try frnmr h,ntse' 2-1.2 feet facing I!_ n:v -' -----t. 54 freer , r, s„rtt it side; part of suttllL-

r rrt r of 15th. G-6 feet lung and 5 feet

!'late 5176, Parcel 315. West side of Ilenry sir, ct, 200 feet uurth of Newton boulevard, two and Inc-half story frame house and extension, part of northeast corner of two and one-half st„ry frame pause, 17 feet north side, lb feet oil ca.-it side, facing Ileury street,

1'l ate 51;6, Parcel 314. Former owner, J. foss. East side of \lain street, 6S feet south of live strcct, unttlieact c:.rt:cr of building in c:,arse of construction, 145 fret north side, 65 feet oil east side, 1.1 feet south side, mute-St try frar»c barn, uue'slury frame laundry, une-stury -nthuttsc, two•stury frame workshop, two-story lea me house•, with twit-Story frame cxter siren.

!'late 51;6, fared 312. Former owner, J. C. \vilies. East side of \lain street, IU feet south of I'irte steed, part of tx- :rstury fr the building With one-story frame extension, 100.2 feet on uurth side, 32 feet facing Main street, 8.1 feet s- nth side, 45.1 feet ca :.t side, Inc-story frame' ,uthnvse.

!'late 5176, l'arccl 3I1, Former Owners, Mrs. tunic Grey and Ilenrietta Ilcndersun. No. 31 \lain street, three-st,,ry frame building; No. 33 Main street, three-story frame building; No. 35 Main street, three-story frame building and one-stury frame extension.

Plate 517(, Parcel 310. Former owner, H. G,bctttz. No, 29 Main street, east side, part eif I,co and Inc-half story frame building, 20.1 feet on Main street, 20.5 feet north side, 48 feet ,uuth side.

!'late 5176, Parcel 309. Former owner, Mrs. P. Kilpatrick. No, 27 Main street, east side, t,art

s two slury frame builditlg, 17 feet on Main treet, 21 feet on south side.

Plate 5176, Parcel 306. Northwest corner of fine and Main streets, one-story frame laundry.

Plate 5176, Parcel 305. Former owner, I1. Libby. East side of Church street, running ti,ruugh to ,fain street, part of two-story frame building, office of Board of Health, 33.8 feet in Church street, 32.45 feet north side, 84.8 feet south side, 3 feet on side facing Main street; two-story frame house; No. 28a Main street, one-story frame house; No. 30 Main street, two and one-half story frame house, one• story frame extension; part of one and one-half story frame extension, 33 feet south side, 9 feet on side facing Church street.

Plate 5176, Parcel 304. Former owner, C. P. Stuitlt. East side of C'huiclt street, 14)) feet north of little street. one-story frame outhouse.

l;e.tc .5Ii7, l'arcel JUL euItner owner, Jas. M. hleuslctt. \Vest side of Church street, 155 feet south of Railroad avenue, part of two and one-half story frame house 27.8 feet south side, 13 fee-t west side, 5 feet cast side and about 275 fret of board fence.

Plate 5177, Parcel 300. Former owner, W. G. Snisli. IOU ucct south of Railroad avenue, 1.10 feet west of Church street, opposite Sunset thrice; uuc•- story fraute harm and extension, one ft me shed, one frame outhouse.

Plate 5177, Parcel 299. Former owner, Mrs. l:. I ut1nus•an. South side of Sunset drive, 260 felt cast of Crow steed; two and one-half story Lo:toly and dwelling, part of extension of dwell- ins, 4 (cat w c,t -side, 14 feet cast side,

Plate 5177, Parcel 295. l'uruur owner. Mrs. C. Ii,illuwan. South side of Sunset drive, 220 f,•rt cast of Grove street; part of two and one. half story ir:unc huu>c, 20.2 feet north side, I.i fact cast side, 9 feet west side.

'flue S!77, 1': reel 297. Former owner, Mrs. lL IIsuhIunsjit. South side of Sunset drive, 180 feet east of (Grove street; part of northeast core I er of two and one-holf story frame house, 4 fact north side, 2 feet cast side.

'b•ue : I77, 1 'seed 293. Former owner, C. L. ICallarr. North side of Sunset drive, 272 feet ea-t of (n „vc . trect; one•-,tury frame shed.

j'l:Ii, 517:, Parcel 21:. N„etlt side of Sun-s-it drive, G_'S fact cast of Grove street; one' stnry fr: me shed.

1h:- 51 7. Parcel 29I. Forster owner, Ortell Smith, N,,,th 'isle of Sunset drive, 212 feet

cut •t of Ihtove =lrcct; one-story frame shed, part of two-.t,:rc frame extension I. tw•u-story brick .,Mice bvthlsi , 2O feet south side, 7 feet west •i, •, 2 legs ca.t <id,•.

Plan• 5177. Parcel 290. F,:rrncr owner, II. 1'. l.ibl,y. North 5151 t- of Sunset drive. 192 feet cast of Grove street; unc-ninny frame store-,mnt=c.

I' but r 5177, Parcel 275a. Fortner Owner, 11. \ It, -" U. Sonth side, No. 179 Centre street, I-I,i f.-it nest of bun Reach avenue; two and ••nr-! a!( story cement block frame buuse and ex- Irn>inn.

11 it- 5177. Parc,9 274. Former owner, Peter Ilan-I n. South side, No. 183 ('entre street, 200 its t ice-t of Long lunch avenue; two and one-1•r;f it,:ry frame hot:~e and extension, cement hl, , 1; ft tolulation.

i., ( ~1 R o ~t ,• , 7 I'ar 26 ~ o nc t n ne ctl 1 n r s cr 1 1 „rl 14.. silt' of Celtic ayc I {ct ',mot If Day View avemie; ouleehrn• frame barn, it -tl ,-nc.•tnry fi rune cxtemos0m, hart of two and

:,!f story fr:nne linos, 17 feet north 5.,l(', (••, t eat side and 19 feet west side'.

Baldwin. Plato 5l7, Parcel 265. F:ttnirr owner, (-. F,

l h-, Id1, Nottheam.t cnruer of Bay View as,-mite oil Centre as cnue; I ,art of two-story fraute h:u-,-, 45.4 feet mulls side, 14 feet west side, 8 G-ct va-t -isle: part of one tltor.v frame barn, 15 ft' , t >nth side. ?.5 feet west stet,'.

flame SI77, I'aracl 253, ltonner mvner, J. IV. 11rltcr 1•arate. 35 feet east of a \1illburti avc-nve, I(:i)l feu t south of L~ug h1ao.h Kailn,ad; tutu-a , -rv 6atls.- house and Urm,-'h'u' extr'rfsioi1, '-it, at.d „me half sboy frame barn, one pig pen vJ mull hnu.c, mte-story frame shed, one-story f!wnc r,iii h,t I,e.

I'l:•le 5177. Parcel 249. Former owner, G. \1'.-rtn:an. 1\-r--t sirlo of (t-mutrumi :temuc, 20 feet fn-,n Railroa,l avenue; 2 two and nn:--half story a'an". ims.ts, brick foundations; Onc-etory frame -hop a•ul wart, r tcn,k.

I'I:ire 5177. I'ateel 2.16. Farmer owner, F. . at ill .,,nth side of Railroad acrnne, I50 feet

i.f (hrand at•enue; one-story frame office ,,Iii lint'.

lb ot• t I77 Parcel 2a5. P„rm,r owner, R. ter,, l4i, stout side of Railroad arvnue 1,15

,,, t of (;rand avetne; tusn.,I-sy frame - I•-r„-Ivy frame harm, one-star. (attic

Plate 5177, Parcel 2-13a. Former owner, E. F. S -,nierville. Northwest corner of Grand and I hr. ,tc Lake avenues; two shny frame hoeise and eStcnsi,n, twu.stury fraine barn, one-rdury frame ,11111, , n:,c.'inry extension and shred.

l'lalc 5177, Parcel 213. F„rnier owner, J. R. Sown an. Wait side of (;rand avin,mt', 130 feet s-m1h of I."mg Island Railroad; building one-thir,l 6mish,-:l, 40 by 109, fuuirtl,ltitimii walls; one and nnc-half St y frame stable, one-dory frame ice L„n=c_ water whr , r I and apttttlyeiiauices.

Plate S177, Parcel 2.30, Fortner owner, J, R. r :,151St (u50 fret west of Grind avenue, 30

fro' s.-•.:th of I--suit Iannd R::ilrnad: one -fury fr;,:nr c, m,-ut hI-wic I,iant, ultt-;iimry frame e'., :rken I;' 'i

forte '177, Parcel 236, 1'„r our owner, fail, Bnt:ttnl Ti Iamb. 20 feet west of Rockwood ave. live, 12(1 fee-t south of Long Island Railroad; two tw•o amt one-half story frame houses and cxlensiunii, one-s.tttry outhouse.

Ruck.ille Centre. Have 433 A, Parcel I. Former owner, J. En-

I it lRn chest tn, Northwest corner lakeside drive tend Lakeview avenue; tw•u and one-half story fm;urne hmi,e with one and one-half story frame r-s:east-,n, nnc and once-half story fraute house shill r n, -t„ry fr ine extension, frame barn, one-st ry frame outhouse.

l'::uc 5177, faecal 225. Former owner, Mrs. L. I.-,umis. 20 feet cast of ('bri.ti;ut IL,nk road, 75 feet south of Long Island laiInutsl; two-story frame bnt se, nor--srury frame outituuse, part of tutu It end one and one-half story frame barn Iii by 9 feet, uuo-stnry frame outhouse, open shed,

l'!rite 5177, Parcel 217. Former owner, If. McNulty- 5 nmthi.'Jst corner Ii>ug Island RaiI- nba,I and F„rest avenue; uuc-story franir office building and scale house, scale p1nsfurtns coal bin,, two-story frame stable, abut 335 feet picket fence, one-stary frame outhouse.

!'late 5177, Parcel 214. Former owner, (:'r;Irk. East side Morris avcnue, • uppusite Ob- c rvcr sheet; three two-story frame houses, three f,an,e outhouses, one-story frame shed, one-story frame chicken house.

]'late 5177, Parcel 212. Former owner, W. W. Weeks. Southwest corner Observer street and Morris avenue (No. 174 Observer street); two and one half story frame house.

Plate 5177, Parcel 211. Former owner, L. Kirchbaum, South side of Observer street, 175 feet west of Morris avenue (No. 170 Observer street); part of north end two and one-half story frame house, 26,3 feet front, 31 feet deep.

Plate 5177, Parcel 210. Former owner, A. Mintz. South side of Observer street, 236 feet west of Morris avenue (No. 164 Observer street);

~ art of north end two and one-half story frame n,use, 22.2 feet front, 31 feet deep-

I'late 5177, Parcel 209. Former owner, E. F. Lopez. South side of Observer street. 288 feet west of Morris avenue (No. 160 Observer street); part of north end two and one-half story (tame house, 22.2 feet front, 31 feet deep.

Plate 5177, Parcel 208. Former owner, A. Von Stautt. South side of Observer street, 340 feet west of Morris avenue (No. 156 Observer street); part of north end two and one-half story frame house, 22.2 feet front, 31 feet deep.

Plate 5177, Parcel 205, Former owner, J. Kaunff. South side of Observer street, 500 feet

i west of Morris avenue (No, 144 Observer street); Ito t of north end two amt one-half story frame h„u•c, 25 fart front. '5 feet deep,

Plate 5177, Parcels 190191. Former owner, I. P. I1esisthl. South side of Observer street, la:l feet :a-t of Park avenue; one-story frame phut, studio.

Plate IIii, Parcel 181'. Parmer owner, A. I)avi.,,n. Soutbwtsl (01iee of Observer street and Park avenue; one-story franc storehouse.

Plate 5177, Parcel 184. Furmxr owner, Tele-sl:.,ne CntMtatt)•. \ ,-1111 side of Observer street, 1511 feet west of Park avenue; two-story frame building.

Plate 5177. Parcel 133, Former owner, TI. R„bins. 5nulh stile of Observer street, 225 feet Itt'.st of !'ark avenue; part of north end two--t -ry frame house, 26.2 feet (ront, 3l feet deep.

1'lalr 5177, Parcel 182. Fortner owner, A. chuitlsam. South tile of Observer street, 275 fret west of Park ay.nuc (No. 62 Observer street); ;,art of north end ttvo-story frame Ii. muse, 21,2 feel It 'lit, 31 ft-rt rl,-cp.

Plait. 5177, thin -I 181. Fnrmcr o'.cncr, Ed- ward Wright. South side of Observer street, 350 feet ca-t If Village avenue (No. 56 Observer -IriM)• part n•sth end two and one-half story ran:• house•. 2-12 Is-et front, 31 feet deep.

Platt' 5177, Parcel 179. Fnrmcr owner, F. S,-nlh site of Ohs:-rvcr street, 218 feet

-amt of Visage avonue, tw„ and one-half story Ii tunic- h„usc, unc_1-,ry ,-xt,n.iOli cast and west.

Hale 5177, I'areci 178. IF,mtar owner. N. L. Seaman. S situ side of Okscrvt.r street, I`<0 feet cast of Village asmoe; two-aury frame. shop, I-art north end one s!ury frame barn, 25 by 2 fret.

!'late 5177, Parc:•1 176. Former owner, Giider- -1, use ..,utlutist c•,rncr of pillage asenttc and I II -s rcrr itrti, tss0-si„1) fr-ntc business snit ,lw,lll:, ,:, t•:it'1 oste:,=i'n; nnc--t ry frame shod.


and nnc-holf su.rp frautc barn, one-story frame slied.

flare 5175, 1':recd 174. Foruu r owner, N. ('„h,•n. West side of Village avtnut, l0 feet -snlh of Observer street, two st,-ry franie story a::, l olwc1ling, two slur)' frame Shecb0usgi, one. ~t Is i:-.mmmc „uth''llSe, Inc-atury frame shed.

L'lat; 5175, l'::reel 173. Farmer uwmor, G. I.. rkclt. \Vr <t side of P]]]age awIiuce. opposite I11:scIICF s(rcct, Iwo-story brick store and dwell-ing,

I'l;dc , 175, Parcel 172. Former otvncr, Eva t'lil(,om. West side of Village avenue. o1, Lrosin

n ell 1 I.~ att rt Uvu-str'r hantc stare a d dW uttr c Y Ii i.

I'Iate 5175, Parc, l 171. F,, rmer ow-----r, Pear :Il. (live hunihv l f: cl east -,f Ce,ttie svetmue.

3111 fort s,ttth of Long Island Itni!r,,ail, tut 0-story frame barn. o1--s huh v fratne shed, one and onc- half 5i try franc shop.

I'la'c 5175, l'arevI 170. Fmmcr owner, 11. W. 1\'a rukrn. Fifty fact ca:t r if Feline avenue, 400 tilttun, ,:i I.-,ug Is!aml Railn,a,I, otte limy

itc,uoc• hral,tc and m-xtcnsiun. flare 5195, Parcel 168. Former owner, W.

I,.hn•-.m. I{a't side of Centre avenue, 3a II feet ,_puth of Long Island 1t:;ilruatl; one-stury ibaoe It ti-u,-

and extcusiun, onc-st,-+ry frame situp, barn

tutu i .1, 1-, mitt ea:-t line, nuc-stuury frame black- -.t iih sln.p faring Ccuttir: avenue, nnc story frame , -idhuusc.

flat, SI7ii, Parcel 166. Fortner ow-ner, W. II. I•turiit;t:.lu. 12 trot we-t of (cute,- avenue, 385 I,-: t " wh of long Island Railroad; two-story :r:nne house, two-st„ry fraute barn, north end of !tr„

and unobalf story frame house, 28.4 feet

!r, ?; feet west end, 8 feet cast col from north ,-tut of cxten.ir,n.

i'I-1 - ;:175, l'arccl 165. Former owner, F. 31, , ke-r. \\'c-t side of Centre avenue, 350 feet :.n'h r f Long I'.Ivtd Raib'uad; its and one-half -It r)' frame h„ttsc.

!'la',, 5175, 1'a reel 164. Nunnrr coiner, It. Pill. 4(1 f, et north of \lerrick r„ad, 1110 feet ;t-I „f Banks c,tcnuc; tsou-at„ry and htXmemtt

II tutu, b„n-r, one-'I„ry frame stmrchuuse. 1'lalc 5175, Pa rceel 163. Former owner, W. II.

l n,~.iur,n. Knrthrast corner of Nlvrrick ruaa and Bank', avcnuc; ttvo-sissy frame hotel, willt ,u,-.t„ry fr:nu:• estcriuu Oil west side and one ,t„ry femme o>;Ir-n- - it nn unrth si,le; also one. 'I.,,y frautc c•x+,n.ion on cast side.

flat,_ 5175, 1':.rc,-1 160. Former owner, J. Iaon l,hell. Nurthtr r•*t corner of Muirick road and :iuk -u avenue; part of two-story frame house,

IIt 1 f' et, facing Merrick road, 39 feet on (tanks mtnmc side, '(, feet west side, one-story frarne uXtru'.itmit

on stoihtctist emener.

fiat,- 5175, Parcel 159. Former owner, 0. ti, ntu'11tint', 9 (cal tn,rth of \l,-rriek road, 711 i„ I trI-I ml Bates accuue; fart of south end t1,- tm toil r,:tc-I,alf rt„ry frame 1:-mc•, 40,3 fret + i 4• . I s f, ,•t w: st side, 28 feet east side.

I'I: tr 5195. faicel 158. Former (lwner, li. !l::nnt'• n. ti fart north of Iticrri,-k road, 110 It , I to•• st ,f 1lanks arm -nu, ; 1alt of south end ,n:,• -1ry frame hhtwksmilli shhop part of south ren.l tt, : -t.,ry frame building adjoining shop,

Lynbrook. Mme 5175, Parcel 150. Former owner. Ruth

I'al,ltsin. 30 feet west of Smithh road, 220 feet •ith of Long Island Railroad; one and one half

'-!+-ry frame house and one-story frame exten-sion, mtv'-fury frame chicken house, one-story franc outhouse.

flat- 5175, Parcel 146. Former owner, Ste- Il,en 1.. Wright. 180 feet west of Rncklyn ave-nuc 1Iiroadway), 120 feet south of long Isitmd I(ailr mum' l: slut--I and chicken h„use, our-story ft tutu- barn. o,n -story franc outh„nmc,

I 'it I, 5175, Parcel 138. Former owner, 11f. \!<e'r, 43 ft,-t cast of Minton sx,nue•s 190 feed -:milt of lent; Island Raih-marl; part ninth end of Itch an,l unt•-half story frame house 43.7 feet L.n" In f,-,-t wtdc, part m-ith end of two-story ,, - n„ I-nrn 34.2 f, .et by 15 feet, enntcrih and „rc'-Inry onhouse.

i'IT!t 5175. Parcel 126. Former owner, R. F. Rru,tet11. 3.i fee•t south of hates street. S feet -I-I Randall s'rect; one-story frame office build-

imI'I'late 11 r 5175, l'an t 1t nrt

c•I123 Ft:rmer owner, W. C. A. ltrower. 40 feet cast of Washington place, 50 feet s„uth of hates street; two-story frame hnnse, one-story frame shop, one-story frame mtthouse.

Plate 5175, Parcel 122. Fortner owner, E. llate%. South side of Bates street, 30 feet east of Washington place; two-story frame livery stable,tart north end one m -story frame shed 15.3 by 20 feet.

Plate 5175, Parcel 116. Former owner, T. Smith. East side of Atlantic avenue, 220 feet south of Long Island Railroad; part north end omit--story frame house, 13.3 by 22.3 by 7 feet; f'art northwest corner two-story frame house 10 by 3 feet. two-story frame barn, sheds.

Plate 5175, Parcel 115. Former owner, T. F. O'Connor. 30 feet east of Atlantic avenue, 155 feet south of Long Island Railroad; two-story frame house, brick foundation, one-story frame shed and adjoining outhouse, one-story frame shed and one outhouse.

Plate 5175, Parcel 114. Former owner L. Curiale, 110 feet south of Long Island kail- road, 80 feet west of Long (leach Division; part south side one-story frame house 13.1 by 7 feet, part south side two-story frame house 15.4 by 14 feet, one-story frame shop and 1 frame outhouse.

Plate 5175, Parcel 111. Former owner, D. Pearsall. West side of Atlantic avenue, 145 feet

I"ILICE Vri'so-uENT or THE CITY OF New YIIRK, No. 3u1) MULBERRY Starer, 11uRncctt on i1.ss IIATTAN.

P UIBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the one hundred and eighth public

auction sale, consisting of condemned Police De- partment dogs, will be held at the Department

If the Board of !'.4ueaH-Ill, !'ark avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of -Manhattan.

C. B. J. l;NYI)ER, Superintendent of School Buildings.

Dated July 7, 1909. ),7,19

t-i) See General InsItructlouB to Bid-dt•rs on the last puce, last c Iwmo, of this "•t'Ity Record.”


south of Long Island Railroad; two and one- Comptroller of The City of New York, and must half story frame house, part north end two and also give a certified check or cash in half the one-half story frame house 22.3 by 21 feet. amount of the purchase price as security for the

Plate 5174, Parcel 105. Former owner, A. D. faobful performance of the terns and conditions Jacques. 35 feet west of Broadway, 140 feet o` the sale. \\ 'here the amount of the purchase ,moth of Long Island Railroad; two and one-half Price does not equal or exceed the sum of $50, Iory frame house. the suns of $50 shall be the anlotult of the

!'late 5174, Parcel 104. Former owner, C. A. security to be deposited. This security may Maas. 15; feet nest of lircadway, 105 feet south it any time after the expiration of the cun- of Long Islan-I Railroad; one-story frame i,arll, I,,acI period be applied by the ( ity to the cost one and one-half story frame bars, one-story f ctin iiIing any of the work required under chicken house, one-story frame outhouse, part the contract, but unfinished at the expiration of northwest corner two and one-half story frame the contract period. house 12 by 20 feet. 7 he purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause

!'late 517.4, Parcel 103, Former owner, G. W. of permit the building or buildings, etc., PUT- Wright. 155 feet west of Broadway. IOU feet cila.ed by him to be used or occupied for any south of Long Island Railroad; sotnh Part one purpose other than that of their speedy rculoval, and one-half story frame barn 25.8 by 11 feet, nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue south t part are-st,ry frame shed 13.2 by 11 feet. for sac use of either the laml or the buildings,

!'late 5174, Parcel 102. Former owner, IL etc., situated thereon. The breach of either or Jacques. 300 feet west of Bnia,Iway, 200 feet any of these conditions shall futiwith void the south of Long Island Railroad; Part north end sale and cause immediate forfeiture of the pur- water tank 9 fret wide 5 feet Iung, and windmill cha~c m,nnry and the security dcpusited f,lr the 8.2 by S.2 fcct. f::itllful performance of the conditions of the sale.

The placing therein or permitting the occupancy Valley Stream. .,f any such building by any tenant free, fur

rent or otherwise, excepting the necessary watch- Plate 5174, Parcel 79. Pormer owner, R. min or the wurkmen engaged in the actual

I)oxey Estate. 54U feet east of Horton avenue, demolition thereof, shall of itself be a breach of ..6 feet south of Long Island Railroad; 2 our• the above c'-riiitirans of sale. story frame uiilpou,es. The sale will be as of the condition of the

1'Pile 5171, Lured l 78. Former owner, Robert property on date of delivery thereof to the pur- Studley. 530 fret cast of Murton avenue, 128 c':a-cr. The City of New York will n'.,t be re• feet south of Long Island Railroad, two-story s!,u,lsible fir any change or loss which may occur frame house, t%%u-,tory franie barn about 50 feet in the condition of the buildirigs, or their appur- north of house. tcnances, between the time of the sale thereof

['late 5174, Parcel 77. Former owner, J. J. and the time of delivering p ,saession to the pur- I isley. 'Thirty- five feet east of IInrlon avenue, chaser, after being properly vacated of all tenant.;. 75 feet south of Lung Island Railroad, tw.--story I'Iie sale and delivery to purchaser will be lna+lc Ironic house and ooe-story extension; 1.15 feet a; nearly t„gvtllcr as the cilcunlstarlce of vacating cast of Ilurton avenue, 90 feet south of Lung the structures of their tenants will permit. Island Railn,ad, two-story frame hair and one- All the material of the Luildings, sheds, walk=, -tire ex l!' l l-i it; 1 2() feet eat elf II set ii avenue, titsl;L to re5 all +! cellars of sv hat Sever nature, 55'1;!1 u5 sect s'.nith ut Luug Island Railroad, well house tLoir exterior and interior fixtures, atyurtelaoces and %iindmill, three sheds, thre-c chicken houses, and foundations of all kinds, except the side ,l- aiis one earn crib, a1+•! curb in front of said buildings, extending

!'late 517.1, Parcel (i5. Former owner, Queens a):L•iii the described area and down to the level

(:~.uuty 1Vatcr Conlilany. It ii avenue and "T the cellar LntGnu, shall be torn down and cc-

t)cvan avenue. opposlie Stc.xrt place, two-story moved lion the prrnil-cs. Notic „f the dirt, 'ti-hr l; ,r wa'lc resulting fr,in demolition shall he Ironic lmux, our- ;.lily frame still abshis 50 feet

ii ,:eth of It use, iiic-story frante outE,,usr. al!o.rc(i ;u remain roil the prerms("s, except old

I'late 5174. I'areel 54. Fernier uten+wr. R. M. nluru,r "r Pa=ter only, which may be left, but

I)ihlle. iu;nhwvst comer Long Island Rzitlroal It higher at any point than two feet below the

and ii.Vri:tii .trert, one-story frame cement stoic- c'Irb olpo,ite that point; also the foundation walls

hucsc aull 0th CC. of a classes shall he taken down only to a pane

!'late 5174. Parcel 48. Former owner, Mrs. whose elevation shall be the level of the curb in

:\l III 'v I.. Smith. Southwest corner of L:,ng lslan i fl ,nt of the building.

la 101 I and Sixth st let, unc story fante office The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw Lu ill ine, eual trills, nuc- st,Iry franc• sled. and I ellill SCI elli' all abandoned water taps and old

flat„ 517-i, l'ar eI 45. fj till (l o%%uCI, Qumpeg >:crlire nla: is, and in place thereof cause to be FcH!leln ( Iolpauv. S,,uth cite of 1.':'ng Island ill cI ILd a brass plug in the main water pipe Railroal. . feet cast of Fifth street, one-story ill the street, fit euollI1ia:11r with the rules and iranc shah Il'gliteiinnS of the Ueparintmt of \\'atcr supply,

!'late 5174. I:leel 43. Former owner. William I;1, a•ol I•.lectricity, and furnish the Idartment 1lrb1o. Sevemc-lice 1 e east of Fourth street, 'II Nolocc with a eeitifiiate frome the Depart- 75 feet n •rt!t of licit 1, IIi avenue, (111e-story ITame I' iii I; ,If Water Supply, tias and Electricity that barn. t!1_ has liven performed.

I'lat,• '174. I:Ircel 42. Former owner, John the IIIrciascr at file sale shall al,., remove all

'stiller. 1•::t•t Bide of l iutl Strq't, 155 fe+-t -i wth ' 'r c,, ucctii,n, to the 111.,01 stover in

It Lung l-iitnl Railn,ad, Two and 0,'-half St try st,+•ot, and file opening of the Alain sever In

frame I,.,u>c, lnnaiug uu Lung Island Railroa'I " ''' t _hall be ; I-opctly dosed in c ,In I !iaue with

to f.•et Oct of l itch street, one story Fraur: tin- -lm"ell In; ..f the Itur -au of 5i,wcrs, 16,rougil

sturrh:mse and cement bl"ck plant; one-story franc "f Ou+'cns a1,1 County of Na. au, and furnish

chil-kcn bI_OutC :Ind (nI frtunc iuthullsc. Il a 14-palt III t of flnaucc with a c:vrtificatc fr'Inl

Plate 5171, I';beet 3. 1%oriner owner, Christina Iln• Itur'.au .,f Srwcr: that the work has been

Cilt-i.uuan. ttnc huniri_,l fcct uolth of Brooklyn 11; Ill ly p+'rf , rmcd. :wrnIll, Is f:•ct cast If R"ck ass ay avenue, one- 'tile permit for all opening in the street to b~

,till-), frame shed all ,l oil(. story leant- extension, "bsameII by and at the expense of the pure is-er ni-t lry fraIuc uuthocse, roc-story frame barn 4 the hili1dir(g.

I'a,t of shC4. I-;rL:rl to rnt ,vc sai-I huillings. apliurtenanccs, _ Plate ~1i4, Parcel 33. 5uuth side of Brooklyn Iii frul ''.lc °r cllly Part ti:crc+f within linty days n t

avenue, 110 fort welt of Rockaway avenue, one- - ; ;I.% "f pu+ c-,i"n kill w,lrk forfeiture of owner-

5101v t1aole cHIcksit house. J1i1 of -oc!t 6ulldh:)s, aIrourtcu;InCcs. or 7uedi,o

l'irue 517 4, la IC' 32. fornitr owner. Chris ', •!l 1111 11 be t('ft standing, together with all

Se1lricbrr. Two ft nsrti of ltrgi klyn avenue, lin, o% pail 11y said purchaser on accinilt tilerris

I,0 I,rI v, e-' of R,,cka%% ay avenue, one aii, l one- a: the time of hit' sale, -old the bit1llen's a•scn:

hnlf 511•. , fi ante ii:la, one-•tury frame carriage t' t h,. ab,I%-,. cun:lai.,ils hring undel ,t,ud to II

shed, on, story franc corn crib, t,%o frame out- 11 II II. by the act ,+f 'idling, and The Ci:y of

Eons,,, side porch iTCiiticbvi's llutel, 8 feet wide, \c,c P Ilk will. witblitrt make to The pu:cl asr'r.

53 fret flog. C::use the Fault' to be ronio% -II, and the c'Ists an 'I

!'late .5174, Parcel 18. Elev+-n feet cast of I x!.cn<C tllereof charged against the security above

Tit--t sileet, 6 feet north of IlrouLlyn avenue, one- In,:,t1 Ill It.

story frame outhouse. I II- tvurlc of removal mu,t be carried on in

I'late 51,7 4. Parcel 17. Former owner, M. O. i, VI ry 11'11':-ct in a thm;IH au,I workmanlike

T.,,ughlin. (a) Nurthca;t corner of lir -ii hi) n au,l 0151111o, ail must be cllnpl( teit within thirty dry,

Pr;Mklin avI-Ilues, IV. II and one-half story frame f':+'111 the d:ly of p Isscs,i'.rn. and the 1oceesfid

howl•, onost iry frame extension; (h) east rid • 1 'l-tier wi:l tins Ic an'I furnish all m:lterials of

It I-rauklin avcnr,e, 41) feet uurtb of house; (a) 1:1h„r an+l m;i.hdk1y o'-cesxcny thereto, ad will

two and one-half story frame huusr, onc-s:op• n,:Irr !, n r ar.11 suilicirllt >;, lards and fences and

frame outhouse in nurthcast c,Irlier of parcel. ,1+Irniig signs by day and night for the Pleven-

Plate 5174. Parcel 13. Former owner, Cochran I .n If a_rl•Iru!<, and vnll indemnify and save

Estate. \\ est side of Central avcnuv, 155 feet luu"Inlec1( 'I hr ( ity of Nev Y„rk, its olTiccr,.

x,nth of I.:,ng Island kei1lc oil ; one and one- Piciits and servants, and each of them. again .1

half story frame boos., ulle-slury f 001 she oily awl all suits and actions, claims and d'•nlands

75 feet a"rth of house, rill'-,t~rry fan hill uthouse. "f every name anal (i-scriiont brought against it.

one-st,rry frame shIll. thong ill ally If them. and again,t and fnlnl all

holed bids (blank forms of which tray he oil- 'Iaintalsc and CIsl, to which it. t!Il'v ill any of them

tamest upon application) will be received by the I'+' Put by ci l in of injury to the pers+ln or prop-

l:uluptrullcr at the utlice of the Collector of Cl IV of another, resulting from negligence or

('ity Revenue, Room 141, No. 280 Broadway, calr'lr.-fuss in the performance of the work, or

lturuuhh of \lanhattan, until 11 a. m. on the in guarding till- same, or from any improper or

I_'th day of July, 1909, and then publicly opened +I('trtive nlateriil, or machinery, implements or

for the sale for removal of the above•desceiiiet I

+'iixnces used in the removal if said buildings. building; and allllrtemnccs thcretu, and the 1\ 'here party walls are fund ti exist bo-tween (10 ant twill be made to the highest bidder within bobbling; purclla-rd by dltfwert bidders, the ma- twruty-four Lulu's, or as soon as possible there- I(rolls of said party a"ails shall be und-•rst,-~nl b, after. II; equally divided between the separate pur-

l•:ach parcel must be bid for separately and chains.

will be sold iiiits entirety, as described in above clr)' walls and fences. when existing against

allet1[isetlt. 0111atut nrohioty Out sold, shall not be taken

Each atldl every lid must be accompanied by a 'I„'.,'l I. .\II fluorin gs. PNlstee, chBtmntys, prat!- ct lllg

deposit of cash or ccrtifrctI check in a sum equal hrirk, etc., Ill the faces of such party walls are to 2i Per cent, of the amount of the bid, except to be taken dawn and removed. The walls stiill Ihat a milli tum rlrpu.it of $50 will be required ho itlade permanently 5,If-.uppurtiult, beam-hole-.,

Isith all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will he tv., bri_kcd up, and the wall puinte,l and Made

Tuitfitililt to entitle bidders to bid on any or all t I exelil Ie wind and rain and piescut a clean

if the buildings. I xtcriur. The roofs of adjacent builllilllg, shall 1)rpurIi, of unsuccessful bidders will be re- b,.• pruperlv Ilashed and laiutrd and male wa Cr-

,,,, I,.l within tOeuty-four hours after success' tight where they (lave been disturbed by the fill bidders have paid purchase price in (till and uperations ., f the c tNlraet+lr. liven security, and those of successful bidders The (''. ,niptroller of The City of New York re- wav be drelart•d forfeited to The ('ity of New rives the right un the day of sale to withdraw \'ua k by the l'omptruller upon the failure of the from sale any of the buildings, parts of Is Ill I- successfuI balder to further comply with the re- ing,. and machinery included therein, or to reject quies:tiicms of the tervls and conditions of the acv and all bids; and it is further Tale as set forth hereinafter. l(es lived. That, while the said sale is hell under

Successful bidders will be required to Pay the the supervision if the Commissioners of the Sink purchase money and deposit the required security Illg Fluuul, the Comptroller is authorized to cause within twenty-four hours of the receipt of nuts- the sale to be advrrli-ed and to direct the sale Kcatior of the acceptance of their bills. theecuf as financial officer of the City.

'I'hc Curl7,troller reserves the right to re ject any and all bids and to waive any defects or

I1, A. METZ, Comptroller.

in(rrrmalities in any bid should it be deemed in City of New York, Department of Finance, the interest of The City of New York to do so. Comptroller's Office, June 2o. 1909.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number I'r description of the building or buildings bid Ptt•e LINE II IC)! WAY.

fur, f2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full 'flue Village of Freeport, by formal resolution name and add of the bidder, lah.d July 3, 1908, has resolved to accept and

All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed Na1din. as a Public Iiighway—to grade, improve, envelope., marked Proposals to be opened July r.c• 11ir, light, Mice atilt in all respects treat as 'G, 1919,” and must be delivered, or mailed in I of the streets of the village—that portion time for their delivery, prior to I1 a, m. of that „f till' striLp of land, about 100 feet wide, run' date to the 'Collector of City Revenue, Room Ilitig from llay stew avenue on the west to l.ilr lal, No. 280 New York City," from ,.lty avenue• on the cast, acquired by The City

fu rther particulars wham any further particulars regarding the ,If , New York for the purposes of water supply. buildings to be disposed of may be obtained.

The buildings be sold for immediate re- will Tile Village of Rockville Centre has, by for•

Inal resolution dated October 6, 1908, Ifkewise moval only. subject to the following resolved to maintain in the same manner and for

tie :saute purpose that portion of the said strip, TERMS AND CONDITIOIIa ahntit 100 feet wide, running from Merrick road

The buildings and appurtenances thereto will be sold to the highest bidder, who must pay cash

on the west to a point about 369 feet east of Morris avenue on the east.

or a certified check drawn to the order of the I28,jyl2 '

8013 RECORD.

FURTHER NOTICE SURETY CO\f- kennels, Riverside drive and Depot lane, Man- U \TIL (lot tau, on pani+:s will be accept -d as sufficient upon

the fotic'gilug contracts to the amounts named: 1-TtiD:tY, JULY 1l, 1009,

311/7tIe1 of Any Description, Including Gas and at 11 a. in. EIcc€ricilv. Lot \, 1--rig " f.assic,” No. 12.

One company on a blind up to $50,000. Lot :\u. 2-1)+1' " Nallnn." Nu. 13.

\!'hen such conlpauy is authorized to write that " Lot \o. 3-1):,g luittyt" Nu. 19,

amount as per I,tto to the " Lot \o, 4—Uug sue,' No. 20. Colic/ 161c: urcty C'anpanics, dated llcccmbc~ If, 1907.

D •l• r.rois of sale, st rich iy cash ; no checks accepted. 11-Ui)Ot< A. Ill N1;11.\\l, Commissioner.

Construction. Julie 21, 1909. -

(tie company on a bond lip to $25,000. j25,jy9 lnclu ding regulating, grading, paving, sewers,

in,1iuteomssc, dredging, construction of parks, Pr:LtcF. 1)P.PAR rMENT—CITY or New Yoga. parkways, docks, Inildings, bridges, tunnels,

I 1\'`!'125 \' \\ I1'I) BY TILE PROPERTY

wloelliCu, repair's, hcatiug, ventilating, plumb• . Lleek of the Police Department of The '.. l il y. etc., etc. City of New York, Nn, 300 Mulberry street,

\1'hcu such company is authorized to write It„oin No. 9, for the folhlwing property, now in that amount as per letter of Cmnpblllier to the 1'i., cu-t„dy, Wit lt claimants: Beals, rope. iron, (II rety companies, dated December 16, 1907. lead, male and female el.IthOle. 1,1ots, shoes,

wine, blankets. diamonds, cauioed goods, liquors, Asphalt, Asphalt Block and Wood Block Pave. .ti-. ; alto -mall amount if m,,ney taken from

merits. pri uneiI and found by Patrolmen of this De- Two companies will be required on any and partment.

every bond up to amount autburized by letter 11'II.LI:\\i F. 11.1KER. of Cumpl roller to the surety companies, dated I' ' (.u,nnllsslnner I1:'renlhcr I4, 17117. ----

11at,-~I little 19, lI''119. 11S11.IrE OF NEW YORK,

IL A. \ll(IZ, C„mptracr. fAiR.)l•l;H OF BR,,I.KLYN.

(11'NPR`; W \N'f I.f) BY TILE PROPERTY --- - - -- Clerk if the Police hr•Partment of The

POLICE DEPART ME NT. ity of ~r-.v V —O orkifice, tin. 209 State street,

J.u1vn i.i of Ill .-klyu—for the following property, ---- -------------------- V,W in his custody, without claimants: Boats,

' II". II Ii 511.51 It Tilt. Cl, ot• NCw r"!'e, iron, lead, male and female clothing, brwts, 1.,1:;, \,,. 3UU \lIt.IILiaty Sure-rr. -1„c . wine, blankets. diamonds, canned goods.

11,Iiniee. sIC.; also mall ern„unt of rnarry taken SI-. \f.l,17 BIDS OR lY',1 J I:V11-.S WI1.t, IIIT fr ••,: 'll .mers and 511111 by l'atrnlnlrn of this

Inc.;%,,I I,y the Puttee Cwumis-,ioucr of the I',' ,It ,ell. Ili: I ,,Iml-lu,:lit of The City of New \'I,rk at \CIL.1.I.\\1 I. L'.\KFR, III k11 II' ,CI s r)tllce, (c- I l;li I l';,:11'tlllLll:, Ull- .....) Si ,n!r. ti Ill „r l'. 1 < :1. 111. 1111



, ~'I,-e R... n

1 r•luuAY, JULY 1a, 3) No, I. FOR 1 AH,IBIV\G :!NI) UhLI1lilt


'l INI, 11()x.11,!'- IN ill', I:()Icl)(i(.Il 111' 2t1.-\.,. I .I I I1 . • ('


If:\T"1':\ti. •, I; It rIF PARK

\u. ?K. fir.- ~.I P:IIV- r•<~I I:I:.c 1;+,II I_Ci[ II FUK P N It1l 11 ItU1 ACt) Uof., ( 1\t; PUk.1Lr: Iti '1'l1C L'UItr~C;t;ll VF "1'l1l

T ,1t•:urll•>, Ill ern Nltt \'-arc. Illst)XX, I:.\LI':U I Ili' O)R IiSTi'll.\'Cl%S W\'ILL. BE

n, s. I Oil PUR.NI SIIING .\NI) IIF.T.1l'I':K- 5':r, ':Icltcnd+nt If School \l. hUR.\11F: IN 'I III': DORM llS UI- li:tiA "c- - '!;I If the Department

iiRllOILl N :\NI) (JE l l-.NS. of 1.'1 ". .,, .. ':I'".. ,. 1, '. Ill. 0I1 N1. -I. I-uk fl:UXbisl\(i AND DELIVER- 1tu\1)11- . J(1,1' 14, 1t►uf).

1N 'I111•; EuI:UoGII Ul of IUlllI \I)\I1 Buenos Ii Ilrnuklpn.

'I'..+' tile hr the drlivcry of the articles m~ \ ,. I 1111< 11.11, It.\ I I' 5., It!':I' \I12* t,r le and suppliev and tie ;,.-rturmance of tilt 11: _ 1I' 1'I - !;I,II. .lil' vii. I -- llll 11\111.\Il

Ni:.U: I:Ilnil:ll+„Ilr col is during the year l9U. hc a^IUUnt of srccrity rlll sir eI will be fifty

"I!ih:!<1'. .\11:\I'L:, .\'l) I'I'IIII 0('!IT)O1. 11'\'1,\- A''iRl•:FI

pr-r cent, (SU';c) of tite amount of bid or esti• 'LAIRI-\\! C. U .11\ -\\'1:...t'L, GR(OL(st1 (It' mate. 11! n t( )f: 1.1 N.

The billdr-r trill state the price of each item or hc tint , ' al!nu(d to complete the whole work article contained in the .tp:cifieatioll.( or :cllC,mll, "1 I 1ach scull will be fifty-tivc (55) working In-rc;n cunt:lim'd or hcr,l„ annexed, per pl,oud, hie, as pn(M,lcl1 in tllo contract. t,II, , I:,rcn, gallon, yard or other unit of measure, •! Lc amuuut of security lcituirill is as follows: by sti,ich the bid, trill be tc,tcd. lie extcn-ions Public SclilIl r,i ..................$110d Oil I:III•t he itl;lh: 0111 f„utell 1UP, a., file 1)Id., will Ill l'L11,111" SClluul 76 .................. 1.000 00 II. 1 frovl the t„tnl for each item. 'lie hill, Will I ~' r.,'u;~;,re+l and the contract awarded at a lump .\ c •Irate ru I m1os be sullmitt.d for each 5 1•• 1' P"-,' „r o_rcri'g;Itc sum for car!! contract. -cly.,,l all,l alIrru elll he Illsds IIlIkOn.

Ii t i' wi!I be rcyuired to be made at t!1^ ' .! Fl)It P( - It\I"I'('RI I I!('sF:Vs PC'Il- tit(c and in the planner and in such yuantitics a 1.11' i-. i1 'III. ii 1)\ ST. N1Yt1(lL.\-, A\'I.- nlnr he dire-ctC-d. \1h:, !ii.i\\"I-IN 11I1.U)[l;lI!:1 :\\'h:\l '1:

Itlank forms and further information may he '\\I) °i'1l \\I STRFI;T. UUIO1'GH OF -1-taiued at the Central Office of the Police 1)c- itfiIluKi-1-N. I_:u': Ill , lit, loo. 300 Moibcl- ry street, Borough of I' Ii tinl all,owcd to complete t!le tcholr wank \Iiulhatla ll . '•t'.11 he rixty (60) working days, as provided in

11'11.1.1 \\1 F. 1'. \IUfR, 1'-dice G.Mlioil-pion;r. 'Ii contract. ! I.' 1 III f .i l Tile amount of security required is as follnn's'.

Item I ...........................$11100 (In :i err• t:,•er•rtn lnrtruatluu.r to lild-

It,'ul 2 ........................... 00 Ilu Itgill 3 ........................... 700 UU It. IN .,)I the Irt\1 I-IIge, 11INt 1-nll1 11111, 1,f

the ''I t(.}- Itr.•u rd.'• I A se!,aratc I,ropn-al nmst 6e -'.;Emitted for each _._ — __ ..- --- . ,,n oil .It .II 1 will tlr 111(111! III, - rvnll.

I:LIl \ltfit .. 111 isl.III' (;Ivl-N NI. 3 t-I)li 111'R\1Tl !tl I -)It NIA \V PCI: Ixi:it (lle 1111 11111 Ii I 'II I Ill:l t'l tlut.I at1=- I.It .`'( !11 )I I!, I l)\ I!)I' I I' I•: I•:\'lit -\\'1:-

:n,istira of I II i1F:\;\I'.l) i"II ii 'IC I :. 1:1':'f11'1:1:\ I1)1-II\"-;I t'IINII .\N11 I %I l .. I. f 11 I: \ I 1'Itul'1:1; i 1'. : ! I , I i I a: (, . i i ' 1, I 1--'III 1121) 5'f P.lil:'1' L'OI(OL-l3ki UI 5,. .ill) .\leIll-:r1' >u,,t. \I:u,!.r1 -Ii .:. L I I:K1,IID1•''N,

I+`1t1D.tY, JL1.1' 1t;, J 901 , !h, tor,, o:l"ved to complete the whole work- ': III be siety (1J) working days, as provided in - IU a. m.: I ,' IC contract.

1.11 \~,, Lit , -f .1.1 IL:,' 1111 ,'. ,. The ❑ mount of security rcquircd is as follows: I.,t ::... !. t _I::.ln7" el l :cntu:al Su, :i. , a- .d Item I ............................ $900 011

l.,+k, a:. f,'ll lie;: Isms 2 ............................ 300 0 Battery bi,:,ling p.rsts, gravity. t !n 3 ............................ )'00 0n (about 2,931). hens 4 ............................700 OU

1: arts for signal b lxes (about =_ _ 5)- A separate proposal must be submitted for each

TAL:.hone signal box cords 111111 and award will be nlad,• thereon. (abuttt 176). On `Nos. 1, 2 and 3 the bidders must stab, the

Signal box locks (about 61). Melee of each iterll, by which the bills wip be 1. t \.,. 3. P. .ii is and rc;ay, (about I7 of tit 1,

each). Itf:u.0 fGlrnl:, plans and specifications may he 1.-It No. 4. light edcctrie fans, I hack site il,' III TIyt , r .. it at the Office of the Smicrintcnd-

blade, 1 4.1ll, 1 auger bit, I drill tilt at c=flohtilg moot, ninth floor, Tlafl of the hit, I.I'ard of 1•:r!•.:cation. !'ark avrn,Ie and Pifty-ninth

Lut Nu. 5. Quantity of battery coppers, gravity -Lrc;t, lior.atCh of Manhattan; also at branch (about 4501. I' Beer No, 131 Livingston street, Borough of

I.I,r N.,. 6. Box containing old switches, Itrookl}'n. IIle,mtats, plugs, bells, tape wind- C. I:. T. SNYDER yr;, stroke bills, glass cases, s'rap c.'. , ...;.•• , .,•'1,nt „t School Ilu!:, lu'e.. keys, spring jacks, key plates, T)atrd Jul, ,-, 1 -1'',. 11induw case, Ili,1ieato1s, jack 7,19 }Slugs, plug straps, box card-. g Sec' general hints roi'tistsiM to llfd- :crc-ters, glas_ fuse:, aut,.,rnati: dery .,u tor• last Put[e, lust ('olutout, ur t Ian ;mittcr stands, gal vauomcte:s, the• '•t'Ity' It rou rll,•• knife snitch. push buttU:l platt'c ---_____._....—__

L„t. N 7. (l:lantlt of U:,l 'Ll_Ies (about 2,00:) !)l.l'AB1 II N'I' „ I I:.'I', IT l. , C„RNFR OF PARK 1:111(`). !Quantity of ,ld c.'ll;tar

(about 100 Quantity cf pounds). \t-F.Nt'P: Aso I'll 11x1\111 trISEET, BoltouGlt OP

(;urdon battery Interl,s1 (aberut 481, SJuewlty of G.rd.,n c ,n

\t:t•,'tt:tTTAN, C1Tv I,1- I\t.w Y CIRK. s!.: \LI•:I) Itli)s ilk I{-TT\r:1Tl?". WILT. BE

nectot a (about 111), Ouraity o] r+. t, I IS ~n , n n , t ;.II ...1 sei% s (about I12). Quantity of , I i !L 1 u- nn<•It c.,v.'ls, tin (abut 147). 1'ivr I. l!

I 1111(1\llAl cans copper c!cmr lit. 1 -, Jl1. ' 11►, 11041-1. Lot No. 8. Quantity of g ahity jars (about 1IuinIIM;E of ltltiiI1as to u.

643), 3 Since jars. 1. t N.,. 9, Rttt, rs zinc; glathy (about 146).

_1 11IK I lTs\I1I RV. P'lit S'"ll( (~~. :

Lot 1'o. 10. Quantity of battery b.uestone gray Ii l hill '!.h:l) llll.l)Kh:\, fly (about 1,`1,2 1) un,ls). "1'R1:E'I', .1\ I 1 '+ 111:\I:Y Pl1KU( l;11 OF

L„t Ni. 11. Signal buses and Iit1eiers (about M NIIXI I',\\, 1'hc tin,/ ail'ncc+l to colnplcte the whole work 317), Signal boxes, empty (about will he sixty (I,t)) days, as provided in the cou- 22). IInrt. Lot Nu. 12. Lot of bedsteads (old), 3 stoves, I the amount f security is Five Hun. required t'ity Uirectury, ])otter:

I.'t N 13. (lne copper boiler. I I. t Nu, l4, Or.e dynauu, and engine (Forbes).

7!(-inch bore, 7-inch stroke, 1- T1!1•: 11R~T Sl,OK)' OP THE. t! II (11 'fill' volts, 150 amperes. lit) \RI) 1)I' FIl(":\TI()N, PARK \\ F:\I 'I•:

LitNo, 15. Six old ant+,m„bile tires, feet \~l) III 1'1'-XIX'I11 S1'KEk:1', ISUKOt t It OF t. rubber hose, 1 rubber mat.

' :\\II.\7I'-1N,

1. ,t N. (' lunlbia bicycle, - The. tiler aP„resod to complete the whole work

17 Ore

Lilt No, 17. One Colombia bicycle, Nu, 19375, ” II be thirty (30 working days, as provided in I Nu. 18, One Columbia bicycle, No, 4345. the contract.

1,111 No. 19. One Densmore tspe sriter, No. 4, IlIC am-,lint If security required is Eight Serial No. 26789,

of sale, strictly cash. 1I lint lttsDoll

($500). and the bids will be compared pared

all) the contract %till be awarded in a lump sum Dated June 28, 1909. to the lowest bidder on each contract.

JIIEOiGR1: \, IIINGIIAM. Blank forms, plans and tpecitications may be Ibiice Commissioner. ltaiitrd or seen at the office of the Siuperin'

jy'2,16 tendent, at Estimating R,nm, ninth floor, Tiall




SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES VILI- BE receive(I by the ['resident of the Ituruugh of

The Bronx at the above office until 11 o'clock a. m. on



200 gross tons of white ash anthracite coal, egg size, where needed and as direct- ed, in the Borough of The Bruux dur-ing the year 1909.

One hundred torts of the above to be delivered to the yard of the Bureau of highways, Oue hundred and I•:igi,ty-first street and Park ave- nue, and the balance, IUD tons, to be delivered to Ibc. yard of the Bureau of highways, White 1•aiu, avenue, near Rosewood street.

'I he amount of security required will be Seven llundred Dollars L700).

A. 2. FOR FUhN1s1l1\(, AND DEI.PVER-INI.; FORAGE TO Tl16 itUKb;:]D OF 1IG11-1\ .\ ]• s.

2,000 bushels No. 2 white clipped oats. 7u,000 pounds best 1itoothy hay. 9,000 pounds rye straw. I,buU pounds bran.

200 pounds oil meal. 2UO pounds rock salt. 200 pounds table salt.

To be delivered to the stables belonging to file Bureau of Iligli says as directed and required during the six lb) months ending December 31, 1909.

'1'be amount of security required will be One •11hou-and Dollars ($1,000).


1,00 feet of 2ri-inch four-ply rubber fire hose, it 50-loot lengths, with couplings and

bands; New York Belting and Packing Company, Double Diamond, or equal thereto.

100 feet ?y-inch rubber carriage hose, with couplings to fit 4-inch nozzle, in 25- foot lengths; New York Melting and Packing Company, best quality, or equal thereto.

To be delivered within sixty (60) days after the date of the contract at the Bureau of Sewers yard, One Hundred and Eighty-second street and %Vet:. :cr avenue.

The amount of security required will be Two I inlrrd and Fifty II liars ($250).


500 stone montnnents, to be of sound, durable marble. 7 inches by 7 inches by 42 inches long, dressed on four sides and ends, and to be equal to sample.

To be delivered to the yard, One Hundred and 1'rty-fourth street and College avenue, as direct-cd and required, within sixty (60) days from date of execution of the contract.

The amount of security required will be Five Ilundred Dollars (g500).

N. 5. I uR 1'AVINC, WITH ASPIH.AI."r L'I.00KS ON \ (Y)A(RIi"I I: I OIiAU:A'l ]ON nil-; Rr).\l) \Y OF I'.\RI{ :\\'I•-Ni;i 1\'1;5!', Fl )5l l:\Sl ONE hl'.NURED .\NI) 31:\ I:N-'1Y-I IFTII STRI:I:I' TO 1?.\',T ONI•: IIl,N-UKICI) ANI) SEVENTY-I•:1(;II'I'll ''rIH;1-:I', ANI; ci:'h-IT\(-, CCRIl \'Hl:RE NECESSARY.

The Engincer's estit:;ate of the work is as fol. lows:

4,815 square yards of completed asphalt block pavement, and keeping the sattic in repair for live )ears from date of acceptatnce.

755 cubic yards of concrete, including mor-tar bed.

250 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished and set in concrete.

2,280 linear feet of old curbstone, rejointed, recut on top and reset in concrete.

The time allowed for the completion of the •s,lrk will be fifty (50) ein:rrohve working days.

The amount of security required will be Five T'houusand I)II?ars ($50110).

No. ,. I OR REl'.\\'IN(7 \VITTI ASI'IT.\T.T F'I.00KS ON \ CONCRETE FOU.VU.\'I ION '1'1IE R():\U\\'.\Y OF 1.IURTLAXU'I' A\'I•:-NI'1:. FROM E.\SI' ONI: IIUN1)Itl-:I) ANI) FORTY-ll(ilt'"lr 5•l'R[•:]•:'1 T(I l;.\S'T r1XE Ht'NI)R1.l) AND In11•1ll•.111 SlREE"C: 11t11)1 .\ti'!' ONE lit NIllll:U .\\U 111'1'1'"flllltll

~iRl:K:I' 'fe) 1•..\Sf UNIT 111'\111:1•:I1 ;\NI) PTIr]'-l'Ol'IIf1I 5*RE1:'r, :\NU I RU\f I:.\,I' I)NK IIUNIIRED ANI) SIX'I'IE'I'lI s'1'REI•;t I'U 1•::\5I' ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIRST STREET.

The Logincer's estimate of the work is as fol-lows

3,350 square yards of completed asphalt block pavement, and keeping the same in repair for five years from date of acceptance.

140 cubic yards of mortar bed. The time allowed for the completion of the

work will be thirty (30) consecutive days. The amount of security required will be Two

Thousand Dollars ($2,000). No. 7. FOR REPAVING WITH ASPIIAL•I



The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol-lows: 28,x,00 square yards of completed asphalt block

pavement, and keeping the same in repair for five years from date of acceptance.

3,610 cubic yards of concrete, including mor- tar bed.

300 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished and set in concrete.

400 linear feet of old curbstone. rejointed, recut on top and reset in concrete.

28,590 square yards of old paving blocks, to be purchased and removed by contractor. The amount bid for this item will be deducted from the payment on accept. once.

The time allowed for the completion of the work will be seventy-five (75) consecutive work-ing days.

The amount of security required will be Twen-ty-five Thousand Dollar. ($25.nnn].


The Engineer'a estimate of work is as follows: 4,710 square yards of completed asphalt block

pavement, and keeping the same in re-pair for five years from date of ac- ceptance.

760 cubic yards of concrete, including mor-tar bed.

700 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished and set in concrete,

2,100 linear feet of old curbstone. rejointed, recut oil top and reset in concrete.

The time allowed for the completion of thr- woik will be thirty I 30 consecutive working clays.

The amour't of security required will be Five Thousand Dollars ($5,050).


The Engievcr's estimate of the work is as fol-lows:

5.5 square yards of complete([ asphalt block pavement, and keeping the same in rc-pair for use years from date of ac-ceptance.

91 cubic yards of concrete, including mor- tar bed.

310 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished and set in concrete.

90 linear feet of old curbstone, rejointed• react on top and reset in concrete.

The time allowed fur the completion of tit,, work will be thirty (30) consecutive working days.

file amount of security required will be Six Hundred Dollars ($00))).


The Engineer's estimate of the work is as ful - lo+t s:

i3,725 square yards of compIct1,i asphalt block pavement, and keeping the same in repair for five years from date of ac-ceptancc.

2.165 cubic yards of concrete, including mor- tar bed.

1,700 linear Let of new curbstone, furnished and set in concrete.

5,430 linear feet of old curbstone, rciointi d. recut on top and reset in concrete.

The time allowed for the completion of Ili. -work will be seventy-five (75) consecutive work-ittg days.

The amount of security rcluirc'l will Ile I 1 teen 'Thousand Dollars ($15,011:1).

No. 11. FOR 1'.AV'IN(; AV1.111 \SPIT.AI.r Ill.) )(l's ON :A CONCRETE FI)VNI):A'fION I'lll. la).\Iri\'.\C OF I:I.S 11;lG; I'I.ACR, FRO\l \L\R\ZION :\VENUE TO SOUTHERN PO1 - I.E\':\K11, .\NU tih:f7'1\G CURB 1V111• :RE N l:t'K~SARV.

7'IT, ]•algincer's e:•limatc of the work is as fc,l-lotvs:

1,330 square yards of completed asphalt block p:netnent, and keeping the same in cc-lair for five years from date of accept-ance.

226 cubic yards of concrete, including mortar bed.

200 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished and set in concrete.

735 linear feet of old curbstone, rejointed, re- cut on top and reset in concrete.

The time allowed for the complutiun of the v.nrk will he thirty (30) consecutive working days,

The amount of security require -d will he Fif -l.cn Hundred Dollars ($1,500).

No. 12. FOR REI':\\ ING W'T'FIl 4SI'll.\LT IllI)CKS UN A CI)NCRL•TE FUUNl).\r1UN 111 RU.\I)W.\Y UI 1•::\i7' ONE HUNDRED .\X17 -1,11lR'rY-P1I.'I'lI Sl I1I-Kl, FRt).11 THIRD :\\'1•:X1'1•: "r(1 \l.IiX.\\l)l K \V1:\I."1(• ANl) SEITl\6 CURB \\'I1 ERE NI:Li-55ARY.

The Engineer's r.,tmratr of the work is as fol-ILws:

2,500 square yards of completed asphalt block pavement, and keeping the saute in re- lair for live years from date of accept- ance.

400 cubic yards of concrete, including mortar bed.

1,510 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished and set in concrete.

2,495 square yards of old paving blocks, to be purchased and removed by contractor.

The amount bid for this item will be deducted from the payinctit on accept-ance.

The time allowed for the completion of the work will I e thirty (30) cunscculi,e working days.

the amount of sr, ul iiv rcyuired will he Two Thou-and live lluu-lrl-d ]lupins )$2,I( I.

Ni_ 13. 1 OIL Rl-.i l'L:\7'ING, (;k:\DING, I.l FIN(; CURBSTONES. FLAGGI\t: 'lI1h:


The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol-lows:

9,1)00 cubic yards of earth excavation. 13,701) cubic yawls of rock excavation. 8,300 cubic yards of filling. 4,100 linear feet of new curbstone furnished

and set. 16,100 square feet of new flagging furnished and

laid. 450 square feet of new bridgestone for cross-

walks furnished and laid. 100 cubic yards of dry rubble masonry in re-

taining walls, culverts and gutters. 100 linear feet of vitrified stoneware pipe, 12

inches in diameter, 750 linear sect of guarel rail in place.

The lime all, lwcrl for the completion of the work will be three hundred (3(10) working days.

The amount of -rcurity required will be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).


The Engineer's estimate of the work is as follows: 5,600 cubic yards of earth excavation. 7,550 cubic yards of rock excavation. 3,0(,0 cubic yards of filling. 2,480 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished

and set. 10,550 square feet of new flagging furnished

and laid. 45 cubic yards of dry rubble masonry in

retaining walls, culverts and gutters. 125 linear feet of guard rail in place.

The time allowed for the completion of the work will be one hundred and seventy-five (175) working days.

The amount of security required will be Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000).



The Engineer's estimate of the work is as follows: 4,91:0 cubic yards of earth excavation, 150 cubic yards of rock excavation. 250 cubic yards of filling. SS cubic yards of dry rubble masonry, in

retaining walls, culverts and gutters. The time allowed four the completion of the

tvu:k will be thirty (30) Irn - king day;. 'fits amonnt of security reiiiiil d will be One

'I h..0-and Dollars (; 1,000). No. 16.' FOR RNI;ULA1ING :\N1) (K:AI)-

INt;• I;UII.UING STEPS AND A\I'l'l'It'l'I•:-N.sN('I•:S AA'1'1'11 lilt.A1NS, SETTING CURL'-S'fcl:\I:S, Pu.:\r(;IN(i TILE SH)EWAI_KS, 1..11'1\t: (ltu-E-\V.\LK IIUII.I,I\1; A1'-IRr).\C- IIIi5 ANI) I•:RI•.0"PING I EN( ES IN 1:\S l' t1?.1•: 11liNlr;H-:I) AN SI•:\'1• .Ni -IkST STTEE'r ltl:'f11'I:I:N WEUSI- ER A\'E- NI'1: ANI) CLAP :\VIEUI:.

Tllc lingincer's e-lima:e if the work is as full„ws:

I25 cuhic yards of earth excavation. 10 cubic yards of rock excavation.

400 cubic yards of filling. 1-10 linear feet of new curbstone, furnished

ar,d set. 50 cubic yards of rubble masonry in mortar. 25 cubic yards of broken range ashlar

ntasochry. 315 cubic feet of new granite steps. 241) cubic feet of new granite r•,oioK ad

newels. 25 linear feet of vitrified stoneware pit,c

8 inches in diameter. 1,700 square feet of cement flagging.

150 linear feet of new iron railing in place. 2 masonry inlets with grating cover, fur-

ni.;hed and set. 330 share yards of sodding. PO cubic yards top soiling.

The time allowed for the completion of the w„rk is sixty (hU) working days.

-I ii atm,iunit I:,f sccmmrity required will be Two Thousand I) Ilars ($2,01)0) •

Ni. I;. I I)R CONSTRUCTING \ SE\VICIt .\N I; .\l'I'UK"I'I•.N:\N('l;s I.uv' 'l'\\'t) I11'\'- IJR1:1) AND 'IllIRTY-51•:\'1•.X"11 STI(I:E'r. I I•:'I'\\ EEN \ • Ill{O :'s\I ull l•: :\V I) 'sLlt tIL] .A\ -I .N I:I•:.

•1'hc I:hginerr's cstimat, of the work is as fl-bus:

317 linear feet of pipe sewer, 12-inch. -12 spurs for house cnriieetlmse, o,er anal

above the cost per linear f-sit I•f Si wer.

4 manholes. complete. 392 cubic yards of rock, fo be excavated and

removed. 5 cubic yard; of Class It concrete, in place,

additional to that shown nn the nl:ut. 1,000 felt III. AI.) of timber for futntdatillu=.

ftuni'hed and laid• anal sheeting ful - nished and left in lilac,-.

10 linear feet of 1 2-inch drain pipe, fur - nislicd and laid.

The time allowed for the completion of Co work will lie fifty (50) workim; days.

'I'hc amount of security required will be 'rhir-tcr'n filloclrcd Dollars 1$1,300).

Ni. l:c. FOR (N)N5"Rh Fl NC. \ 5k\VlFN \X11 \ITItk']I?X:\`l l', IN "IIIJ•:It A.I?- 'I'I•:, Ill •:'I'11'I?I(\ 1•::\"•I' Il\I•: III''. III u:I1 \\It SIX'1']'-tit:\'h\'f II S'II ICI•:•1' \\U 'Ills: St'\I\II'f NOR"1'll UP 1•:.\S1 ()NI•. ]I1'\-1)RI(1) AND SIXTY-I-l(llllIt. 1RI•:l:I.

The Etigine'l's estimate of the work is as (ul-low•s:

75,) linear feet of i ppe sew, r, I5-inch. '5)) linear feet of pipe sewrr, 1?-i uch. 130 spurs for house rohmtrtiotn, yr r an.l

above the co,t per linear hut of sr trr r. R manholes, contpl rte. I receiving basin, c,iiml!eli.

1,300 cubic yards of roc l;, to be txcavotcd ail relliovcd.

5 cubic yards of Class IT concrr-1 c, in plac<, additional to that shown rm the t1l:m.

1,0(10 feet 11:. \1.) of timber for (nandation-. fttrui>hcd and laid, and sheeting fill- nishrd and left in P:t•r.

25 linear felt of 12-inch Brain pipe. ft:t nished and laid.

The time allowed for the complctiun of (It• work will be one hundred and fifty (150) work- ing days.

The amount of vccmi'v rcgnired will be four lhi0iand Five llundnd Ooll:irs ($1,500).

No. 11). FOR CI)NST'lt'("PING :\ DRAIN IN PARKER :\\'l.NUI:, l t)\I\II:\'(IN(, \'I' 7111•: 1:X ISI'INI I)R.\IN I\ S.\_IIr l'.uit1ff1•;R \V JV1 - I{• NOR'I'll (II I.A'l):' .A\ I Vl;l•:, .AAII

R1;:ANIN); 'fu -fill: 1(X1:,11.'(. 1)E,'.I 51)1 1II e)1 1.\O\ A1.1•:NI'I:....Ii IN I,]tt< .\\ - I.NUl:. I-IO\I I'ARlit•:It :\\'I•:XI'I: -: \:i l'- I:RI.]' 'I I) (TNNt:(:•I' \VI"l lI I-:\l,lI\U DRAIN CROS.ING LYON :\\'1?XC:•:.

The 1•:igiuect's estimate of lite v.oik is as fui. lows:

1,140 cubic yards of excavnli:m e.f all triads. 245 cubic yards of dry rnDillc tn:ts"arr. 25 cubic yards of dry shine pavan;.

15,000 feet (Il. Al.) of timber, Lnai,hld am laid.

The time allowed for tile c•un p tli tine of fill. work will be fort y (-IU1 ++,.nci l); clays.

The amount of security rcwined will lie One Thousand Dollar, ($1,LIUU).

N. 2n. Fl IN CONS'l'R( UCTING A RKLII•:F Ill.\IN IN MORRIS PARK A\'I•:NUE, FROM I•;X1rIlN( DRAIN AT A 1'111X•1' \lli)UT 50 1 E1•:'1' EAST OF VICTOR 5'1'Rl;E'1' •rO TilE I;xIs'rING (U•rl.l•:T AT A P()IN"r ABOUT 1511 1'1•:I•:1 N'I•S1 OF TAYLOR S'IREKT.

'I- he Kng hit r's cstimote of the work is as

5 manboles, complete. 1,5.10 cubic yards of rock, to be excavated and

rccno+ed. 825 cubic yards of Class " A " concrete, in

place. 10 cubic yards of broken stone for founda-

tinus, is place. 23,250 pounds of 3-inch to 4-inch steel bars,

in place. 2,020 pounds of steel e' I " beams, in place. 160 square feet of galvanized wire netting,

in place. 60,000 feet (11. Vii.) of timber for foundations,

furnished and laid, and sheeting fur- nished and left in place.

13.250 pound' of 6-inch cast iron nine. in mace. The time allowed for the completion of the

work will be two hundred (200) working days, 1'hc amount of security required will be Nine

Thousand Dollars ($9,000). No. 21. FOR eONs'VRuCTIN(l A SEWER


The Engineer's estimate of the work is as follows:

440 linear feet of pipe sewer, 30-inch. 221 linear feet of pipe sewer, 18-inch. 380 linear feet of pipe sewer, 15-inch. 415 linear feet of pipe sewer, 12-inch, 85 spurs for house connections, over and

above the cost per linear foot of sewer. 14 manholes, complete.

1,840 cubic yards of rock, to be excavated and removed.

5 cubic yards of Class " B " concrete, in place, additional to that shown on the plan.

i cubic yards of biul:cn stone for founds. tiu,!s, in place.

I 2. - ii it ( If. \l.) of timber for foundations, furuishrd and laid, and sheeting fur-ui.;l:cd and left in place.

35 1,;'car feet of 1 2-inch drain pipe, fur-nLcL,d and laid.

'I 'Ii- tiwe allowed f.n• the roniioleli0o of the wort: will be ttvo hundred (2(101 +vnrking days.

'1 he iimnum of secnri:y required will be Six •I'!.. il.: .I I)'Ilan.- (:,. ,U)U).

,, _ ].OR (I\N',T' Ill :TI\'I; :\ SI•:\VLR \\l) 'si'1'I:ull:x.\N(h:S IN \\'I •:.:T TWO lll. llRi:U .\'Il 'IlllltIllfll lit.' I'\1I.l•:\ I:R i.\I)\\.\]' :\NI) CURIA•:.\R AVE.

II;c Engine,-r's el imale of III w -ii rl. is as fill-ws:

7i42 linear fret of concrete sewer, 31-inch by 4o-inch.

3;'I tiara: fee: if concrete sewer, 32-inch be 4)-riclt.

i tin,-:u- feet of pipe tenser, 2-1-iuclz, linear fort of pipe scorer, 20-inch.

5 linear feet iif pipe sewer, 1?-inch. 1.15 spur, for house eon meet in n s, over an 1

above tltc cost per lirar font of sewer. 11 mnh,4cs, t-otiffptet c.

431) vuhie );,nil', of rack, to be c•srovatcd amid ennra. t-ri.

IIO cubic yards of ('lass e' It" concrete. in 10.1ve.

100 colic cools of broken stone, for founda• tam;s, in place.

7,500 pool I, of Ir<-in elf steel hats, in place. 15,050 feet (It. AI.) of thither fir fiiundatinns,

fm-11i.hc,l null laid, and sheeting fur-nislte'l a:Id left in [, lace.

50 linear felt If I:!-inch drain pipe, fur-nishcd and Ill.

The time alIu+ecil fir the rntnplr•1t.'o iif the ,vi-ll. ,till be torn tiimnllril (201)) nicking rlav:.

The amount of scrl:rily required will be Seven 7-t•i.tusan,l Il, lllars ($7,00)).

Rank rornts can br Cdr::ninod nl-ri application :!:rrrfor, a, -1 thi l:'i, ::':'l vp,cifcati„ns may lie

rn an,l , ;!ICr iuf,rm'~t~~,n obtained at said nti', r.

I.Ill'IS P. IL\PFEN, l'rcviiheot. iv1.13


(.\]lI.'NISI I) \'tt"I 1,'I:.) ulINmr-ii•ie. CIVIL Sru•:u -. C'„aspsshns, Ni, 2i))

Itci•Alncnv, NI<+v YORK, June 21, 1909. 17YI.1 1(C NIl'I*ICE IS Bua I,,IW GI\ • EN

thin apl,lirttu.,us will be rcc, lccd fr.,;n 1i(1\11. It S1: .I, 1\'I'll, .1 I', N.

it I:Nt).1I, ,11 I, iII, 191:1),

fill file p lsitions of


(Ni alq,lir:ri n rev, iced by tike Commission, by two: ,,:- , I O l-c. ,t h r 4 11. ,u. un lull) _'l) w111 be accm leul.i

flit siihijecms and weights of the examination are as follows: I'itysical .................................. 50 Menial ...................................50

Special .. ............................... 6 Experience ................................I 'sr iii ................................1

'file percentage ri tiri•d i> 70 •.n :'hy,ical oil ;)l -,u mental.

Ayi limits, 25 to 3" \l inilnum ciglrt, 5 feet 8 inches. The pMs,1

heal ,-'uamiiiuuaciuii will be similar to that

set Iccr Pal u',imlan. Salary, I'nlice I),, , room mm, SI.000 per annum;

['risen Keeper, $5111) per annum. \'scaurie•, none at present. 1.rti,r of the dates vi physical and mental

e•xanl i on t iott S t., he Xi rem I letreafter. ,M,;lira:i,.,n blanks may be oLIztiued at No. 299

III "adwuy. Room I I I'). F. A. SI'I•:LACER, Secretary.

i I')•iyl6

1rNt, OPAL Ctvit. St.RV1cC C.,+tatsstus, Nu. 299 ItRIr%o%VAY, ('1'1'Y OF \EW YORK.

pUltl.l(' Nli'TICE \\'II.I. lilt GI\'I:N OI all siini.;.ichtve: r.f.eli1lllat it'll: two weeks ill

;tdr:enre• 'if the date upio, witch the rev'-ipt of al•I.hcaliun> Inr any ,rLrdrticd cxdmrhatmun will clo-c. Application~ will be cccri+cd for only cuch examruuti„us as are scheduled. No applica-ttun ii- ill be a:s•ptcd •r.t the cull lie of the Corn mis,ilm, by ,snit or rdhcrraise, after the closing

t:,m f-r the rcc, ilit ,,f s:oue, set forth iii time nl„ r ti,rmcut.

\Y1,rii an cxoium:.lion is advertised, a person Ii:,irimg ti ru:uf ,•tc in the ealne may obtain an application bhn,k uponi rurtoast made in writing or by pers.u,al application at the office of the Cunuui.•iun, (mu I119.

The Cnranci,vion cannot guarantee that applica-tilin, wailed in rr•sp,in',c to written ree nests will he receiver) in tittle to permit of their l)cing Pre- ,- and (lr4 i rir,r t„ closing hour.

1{I nuliccs I,f examimutili'ms will be posted Inc III( rdlice of the f00tratt-inn, and advertised in Il;e ( tin Rv( otitD f,ir t,+u weeks in advance of the .liar ul,l,n whi'lt the trr'cipt of applications will

fir tidy stated position. 1'ul:Iic notice will also be given by advcrli=c-

ill-nit in rust of tl-c Pity Papers. \Viii re%cr an examination is of a technical

ctlarorti•r, due• notice is given by advertisement in the kcboical journals t1iItcrtoicminK to the par-ti, ular forufessiun for which the examination is called.

Srn-h notices will be sent to the daily papers as nuu'crs of ne+vs. The scope of the examiva- tiim will he stated.

,No iufnrm:,tiun will be given by telephone. and the ('ohbmc.sin, will not be responsible for such if given by rn1t•loyecs, either as to date of filing applications ii upon other subjects.

ti1ieei1ncn qur',li,ios of Inevinus examinations may be obtained at Room 1108.

[!,tles5 otherwise specifically stated, the mini-rmmci age rerlairement for all positions is 21.

FR.-'s N K L. I'm 11K, President; R. 11(155 l'I'I.I'Tt)N ARTHUR J. O'KI•:EIcl E,



Morning-"The Sun,"" Fhe New York Times."

Evening-"The Globe," "The Evening Mail."

Weekly- "Democracy," "Tammany Times."

German-`e Staats-Zeitu ng." Designated by the Roatd of City Record, Jan-

aary 72, 1906. Amended March 1. 1906; Novem-ber 20, 1906; February 20, 1907, and March 5, 1908.


DEPARTMENT OF DOCKS AND detriment or hurt to said vessels, for which the insurers are liable against the perils of the liar-

FERRIES. br, bay or rivers as above named, lightning and — Ihres that shall occur to the hurt, detriment and

1-)rPARr?t EN 1 OF ltnc KS AND Fi),U rs. 1'i RR ":\." damage of said vessels or either of them, or any Puur uF It.\TTFRY I 'l-%CE, NoRla Rlvt:R, UoROU.I1 fart thereof, and for all damage which may be .r1. fAN, •IIIi. ('tr'y OF Ni:w FORK, , luuc by the vessels insured to any other vessel

Si,.\T.EI) l:Il)S oR ES 11 \T;\'1'I1a \VJ J. BE, car property,

A!, the vessels to he insured are common car- I :\,'d 11y the l'.nnmi.>ioncr of Docks at rims, the policy shall not contain any limitation

III,• a!: ,s • „ 17ice until 1. O'clock cat. oil a, to the uaturc or kind of cargo or other ma-

'l'l F SUAV. JULY 211, 1f1UD. it'rial whit h shall he carried ou the boats. _ .\O clads shall be made Ily the Department

ONi1l.\lI' Nu. I193. ( any rl:usage to the vessels iusltrcd unless it

fl ,lt 11'I:Vf 111\1; .\l I,'I'lll( I_Va)It .\\I) I''`°r'ids $5(lll. I I•r'~,,'.~ shall be payable in thirty days after

\' -t)It \ - I . 1'.HI.\I.~ I:ICi_It II:l:l) I • I)id I)tdN(; Pn,of of Sus. or and of the amount 'I'III•. AIs)fI' '..ocau ; I .1Slt - 1'.\I?IIS IN

I:' ) 1•: 1 )l't;ll -, 1 tl >1.\ \ I I.\"I'"t'.\::. 1 IOOk L\ N,

,,f t,oe, tl:,•rcn I! :unl l rr,nf I f tnc itrtcrc. t of the insured

'~•:1•:\';, '1'lfL I:KII\\ .1X I) 1~ll'll\IUXI1. I ^hall bare burn and presented at the o!Cice

in>urrr it, iu 'rue City t!rc r at,

rcprckutalivc car 'Ihr• tilt L'r tla• r„siplt- ! ,I I~f the work an,

eat is o folic.

slit full ,erl. r;uol,• of cat ,: c m n n or •_, o I,

htf,rc \Iav 31, i91U. • i ivc Thu

No hid will he Rrefved for iduurance by or . .in !1c-!ia If of any c0ui!tsny not duly authorized

The amololt ,If security rc:hire,! I. - by Cie In:+ntan,c D(partn nt to tesu,aet bt,iness

I)„Il;u's l .- •

I:lc•sill •t~rtc cubic for ia UO).

:s a Price Pt'r yard iu the State of \,.w York.

Iluiug all of the Ilrc lng dc,eniliu1 arld specified, Bach bi;l most be accompanied by a copy of

I) which price the bid-. -iii hr tented, and ac• III. , iic a ton v:liich the bill is baser!. S Y

cording to which price any award of the Contract 1'I,c pci or ptheosa making a bd espc n

shall furnish the same in a scaled envelope iii

trill b~• made. i ii'lo l s:

De.',1ging will be mrI tt iretl to he done at the inl .1,

fl,r ferryboats employed nn the I ,r witri

tinto and in the wanner and in such qunntitits oniill \Itnncll al


a, may' be 1ir eel ell.

li!ank ( ,rn; :Inl (tu'ther inf•Irenatirm slay be The estintatcs received will be publicly opened notes re

by the c'ulmsssiIlncr of Docks, an,l read, and the bta;ne,l at the nlTirc• „f the said l)clTrttnlcuL award of the olntract snail,- according to the law

.\I 1.1 N N. sI'UO\ I:I:, t .:n,;;, --i ,ucr. :t- ht crafter a,i praeticablc. I1at'-,1 111~ _, I^u'J. N o bid or estimate will be considered unless,

' :1 c .nel1im,n precedent to Ilse reception or

;tom' St•e 1:,•nrr;+l InNlroetiutt•M to Rid- c I,rrld.ralin of any proposal, it lie accompnnic I

dt-rM on the In,t leaso(•, 1uv1 t'+Il a to ii, of by :1 cer hank check upon one of the State or \shuns! banks of the City of New fork, drawn

Ii s. '•t'Ity U.- ..r41." _ _ _ I ,, the carder of the Cun,nlis'•ioner of I)„cks, or

IIi.I' tl' II -.\1 II .c' ', I i i. 11 I , 1'I cc ".\.IT l,1d eV to (h.• alnowt,t of one thousand ibdl irs.

'The re,iiIr,l y not he cllclk or ,,,,, shall i Si , I l:. iii l,,, I I..\ ,- I, •gilt Itivi p. E,iRoiCli inclo se•l it, the ellt'r'l, i!,l: c iitail" i ill; the 1)ir1 nt-

..I.\•;n:,tt.\s, ItIc I \ car 'l.W M'Is:. cstfmNe , but sl,,ull be either i,cic,,cA in a S I•: \1 I:I I ltl l) r Ili I S 1111.11 1:~ 1V 1 1 1 I:L: -rparal, , ov:I ail opc, ,lre,srd to tl Commissioner !e Comissioer


:, I I,•. II:, I' -.i. n . f I 'I:, at '`~ Is :Ili. n'r „., ' •. I ,it i 'rl~ rk n~, .n ~.:

If cis car sohmilscrl Personally upon the pcc- cutaliur. of the hill or ectimatc.

'lllc bin lcic rs s!all stale a rate per cent, at '1'L'1•.S 1) .11", J1'L V 2ll, 1!Ilt), •.v l r tit fit will ins,, c or contract for insurance•

1 Ii" I - I;.\1 "I' 5.,, 11.` !:. ts,r the 1,rcl oats, as stiscnis t above, in accur,l- ;Illcc with the torn:; of this a,lvcrthemsnt, and

I ill? 11"RXlS111\I; \i.l. 'I H. I..\I:rl!L -\?:I) I ;;;,., in :IC:,1rdarlcc rsill, thv fir,,, of policy snb- .N!.\'11'.It1. \I.j Itl-all - II:I.I) I't)I' Ilk I.Ul;l\(. aidle,!, which shall hr• c ,a.id, n'Q in col,ctI), liS11)it' lSl1,n111l I rlill Vs\I:l ,5 ION 'Ill F: ,,ith ;Inn Ir,t,lt pall of tfr hid. f'. \ST .\NI) 11.\It!LIi'.1 I.1\1`1<5, E'IUd,l'(;IiS Ftiddir-. \%iil \:rite n'it the rate per cent, of IF .\l \N If.l"I I \\, 1:1(1 I()I<1.\:., 1)1 1'. I'-N1 ti-I,' r'•.; I!,l:lit `, ill :ltlrlll l"'I to inserting the sonic .\\I) I ill'. I:llI\X. \.\I) IN 'I ill'. lli)I'- ill 1i4,11'te.

1 I' I'., (H. k It'll .\Ill\11. 'Hi- Cuntmie-inner reserves the right to rep IIn situ!' t r the cnn;dol ,u i rite v. ,k an,l all 661, car eaimat,'s if he decln it for the iutrl-

Ih,- full S , rfrmaucc if ,hu c.-niraet is nn or f it of the l'ity r ' to II'., lief--re the cc;. 501m.11 .'f I!ccctnhcr 31, 1910. I \!,t,t•-:: ~: l'bgt•:r. (-„;nmi.tbis-r,

'Ii,.' an,t-lIn „f sc-.il,ei!v reqniiv',! is -five-1.•s' I IlalIT Iii' (il; : f 'I-ti' 1'eel:. J'fly ', 1„ I;Kf l$R,J!IIii). )5'3,15

llidd,li yill ti:'ge a price' per collie \Yal'd f ,: Y-,- Sl•I• t tesi!'rnl lnNIr1ll•fl()rIM t() Ilid- ili Ir, dgiun, :,1..l Icnl.,tIm; if material call' I ,le-r on Ibr lust pair, Ills) Poluuln, .+l I' . •r in the cpceifications, ha tli,s'II price the Li!- file !'fly Itreortl." %lilt lit' I,' i,.I anal acc',roling to \cllich Price at .Imes-,! .1 the cnu!ract 'till he male.

\',nk Inn-t hr d„nr at ti,- lis:c a,,! in t!''• mann,r alit in Snell qu:u,lit,', a; 1.0y' he ii, - cetc.l.

111ank f'o-n , and fit, Iii,'' irl(.,rnrlti ,n tnay he „hcli u-.l ;:t II: -• . ill.' .f tat' ., ,l llr ,t:tmc it,

I'I , I )III•. .. I"' 'I, IcS.'II

se•e- I:ell,'rill IusIruetiunr l.+ ltld- Il,'rs on ill.- Last Futile, I:l.t( t•oluutn, of I lie ••I' it y It...•urd,"

•''.1 ,.I hit ii 11 Ii cc, \rat', II ittc5F'. C„t, ', n n} \I :, '5 n.\TI.\iS, 'I Ile ('1IV r,1 N,.\\ Vet.

E \1 I'll I I I I I lit I s- I l\I \I'I•:s \\'IL ', T. Ia v, II-s t. - I)'cks at

'I', I' %I).\ \ , .J1'1,Y 2+), 19(11).

IIs1frI!Ii cal' Net nhlit!rut.

I III\ I IcNI - •1U-\t; \I.!.'II ll L.\I!III? \NII \I \I 1 11i \Lti I,I.III'll<P:II I-I)I, l-t'l<NISIIINI; \\It Illa.l\ I <I NI, ~.\\U .\N II bI\lII-iI•:N II IN I:. 'I Iii- I11.,- i''I 1li, r:,m ;i-iiott of tb,• lv,lrk and

It,,, foil prri„Imnucc ,I Ilie c•,ntract is 'It or hrf,lc ti, e5Sn.ut.,n it It Ii,tudred and eighty I I $0I call-, .Ia r days.

'1h,' anu,uut If scruritv rcquircd i, as fol'uws: to ('lo,: _, 1ur :,h„ut S,000 cubit yards of

•::1,1 PifII,'u Ilnuai':d Dollar'., ($1,5011). In I'Ia-s 3. f n' ab„nt 1.:,,UO cubic -a,'dc of

br'.kt'n -'I. .iii_', I'icc Thoncan I I",ilt,n, ( 55,UI)U). I Ix• hi-ldcr a ill sta tc a pticc per cnhic yard

for frvsislijug au,l Itlicc'i og the m;nrrial caile.l f•,r in (-sell etas., of the e'Ittract. I<ach class if the c.,utract, if aoardcd, will be accardcd as a rl,nruc c,,ntract to the lnwr.t bid,ltr in that

hart+r,lar 5'1a.5 tclluse bid is It iiIlu' in all rc- .tier I s.

Deli\rry will be require '-1 te, lie made at the i Iii,,,' an,l in tl:r ol:nll:.y arId iu such quantitic; '.. .,- may be rlircctriI.

Itlauk f•,nns :tu,l Iii ltill' infionatio,f may be uhtaioc'd at II i- .;1ic, of Ili,• sai-1 lkpsrtuont.

I.I.I(N N. sl'1JIIN1•:R, (''uuniissi'ncr, l talc,! ling ', I'a ,1.

jy"s, h)

g-; See I:r•uorul IsstrueIItuiN to Bld-derM on the lit NI 11nu4a•, It1Mt viols lit n, of the "1'lI r Record.”

IIIA'Aarstt:str OF Ito,- KS AND hr:RRtrS, PIER '• \ „ I'„rrl' OF BATTERY PLACE, NORTH RIVER- 11,R01:, .1, i.e NI:\N l l.a rl'A,N, 'IIIi: ( ll'Y t1F Ni:w Y, IR K.

l':,\Ii-:I) S r

(SIDS uR ESit\1s'tI-S 1\'ILL HE ,i'i'i- is-el

Ii)' II,.- ('I.nin;r-i„nor if Dunks at

Pier ” \,” foot Of Ihittery plac'.'. in The City' of New York, until 1_' o'clock ,ii,, can

'THURSDAY, JULY 15, 11)1111.

FOR INSt'RTN1;'1'lll•: l IiR1tYli()i\'I'S "IL1Y' Itl!)Et':,” •'N:\ti.,:\l 7' •\NI) "I;u\\'ANUti," TO 1:1•: 1•:~tPLt)1'I•:I) (1\ 'i'Itt-I \1( V1l'lr:\I, rl•:R-It1l•a I11hi•1- \\T-II-IN 'flit: IinRl)I'(;11 OF \L\N-11.\!''FAN ASH l'111•: IiOEltutt flh ISKIt0K• l.YN AND '!'III-: L9)ROU(;11 OF RiCilMf)Nt). FOR A I'1-:ltlOb OV 'I'1V1•:I.VI: (12) (-:\LEN' I)AR DION'llIS 1'R1)M AU(dis'I Is, 1909.

1'1e said vessels, title, apirarel, stores, sutiiihies, fit, intone, cn i))es.boilers, machinery and appur-I'.nanccs at,;, It be insurers at the following valua- li,m:

For the ferryboats "flay Ridge," "Cowanus." and 'Nassau, $200,000 for cacti boat, or a total of $6011,000 for the three boats; and in no case shall the I)cpartmeut be licensed as a co-insurer.

T'he hr,als to be confiner! to the rise anti navi-galion within the bay and harbor of New York and the Itidsuc and 1•:a,t Rivers, with the privi-lege to lay up and cal. to ad:iisiiisc. allcratiuns and rcpail's while running or w'hil,' hail up, or to go into dry dock. Any deviation beyond the limits named shall not c'id the policy, but uu liability shall exist during such deviation; and neon the return of void vessels within the limits named above, no disaster having occurred, the policy shall be and remain in full force and effect unless a disaster occurs while deviating.

The policy shall provide for the full iudemnifi-cation of all salvage expenses and loss, damage,

I)LI:.:<t M• .. •I: I l,. I_.s ANo i :l<r , , ;, Pico '•.\,' I -, ,tot OF It_,can,sc YI.itlF, Null! ti 10151,, I:IIR000tt Iii-_ XIA-, ii.\t IAN, '1 tin (.try uF Ntiw \'URK.

SI-:.\I.la) Hilts OR l'SFl\1.1'14:S \\•11.1, tai r.-clI,•'I icy the l"n ,mlI''.I n, r „ Rucks ucks at

I'I, r ".%." 1-.'1 .,1 Ita'l.l5' Parr, to 'file City it .Sr,c \':,rk, until IJ O'clock noun „n

'I'IIt ItS1)AY, JU1.Y 15, 19119. hlllt INSt'ItINI; I' Ili •: I.I:ICi:\ I:n.\'l'ti '\L\. 'alt .\'f l'.\\." " I;itlI Ilil.l'\," " I::<I)\X,"

-.I Ic I:NS" .\N I) •• 1<11 11. lilt tNlI' 'fu I.1: 1(\I• I'Lu\1:II u:\ 'fill. \I(".\Ill!'.\1. n•.ltltIJ..S :,.il\I'L\ 'Ill '1 III tElI( - I;it IF \I.1\It,\I- I.\N .\\I) '1111-. III III tIP RI( II1l0\I) .\\II 'rII1: II' 1bU)l'I;I1 III' 11Kti!)!fI.f.\, I-IlIt \ I'1'.Ittl)SI 11' UN I•. YEAR I. 1(11.11 JL'1-1' I.,, 1909.

I'l..'t_.- id rcssci:, tit lc. aol,arcl, stoics, su;,pli, furni;',Irr. cnµlnes, b:tikes, machinery and aP-purtcuaticeS silall be insilicd at the following Ca'uati.iIt:

P„r th, tiers h.,ats •' \lanllattan." "br,oklyn," S. bn,sz.' `•t lucen." anll •' HuIlshud." $300,000 i r each boat. car a total of *1,500,000 for the its h,,OuS: and in no case shall the Department It, deemed a> a cu-iu,urcr.

1'hc b.at, to be cuntincd to the ucc and navi-Ch it ,u will,, the bay and harbor of New \.I!: and the Ihok.iu an,t Haat Rums, a-,tit the uriti-Iige to lay u11 tint! Intake adtluious, altcratiuns and rel•airs while running or u'bilc laid tin, or to g,I into dry slick. Any deviation hcyuutl the limits nanlc,l shall not void the policy, but ❑i' llabilily shall txist during. such deviation; and up~,n the renlru of sail vessels w'itiliu the limits n:•mc•d abu\r, ttu disaster hating uccurrcd, tile p,,licy .hall be and remain in it force and I. tulles a disaster Occurs while deviating...

'I'lle policy shall Provide for tltc full in,lctuulh-c:.ti, ,n of all salvage expcusl•s and loss, damage, di-hliseiili 'Si' hurt Io sail ccs>elc for which the iniur,r.'1 ale liable against the perils of the liar-b„r, bay „t' rivers as above trailed, lightning and III es that shall occur to the Kurt, detriment and danull;c of Said vessels or either of them, Cr any fart thereof, and for all damage which it ay be dens by the vessels insured to any other vessel „r ur',pc rl y.

AS the vessels to be insured are common car-ri,rs, the pulicv shall not contain any limitation as to the nature nr kind of cargo or other Ina-icl ial which shall Ile carried on the boat.;.

Vo claim shall be nla,le by the Department for any damage to the vessels insured unless it v ends $boo•

I.,,,cs shall be payable in thirty days after proof of I,'-s or damage, and of the amount iliciu.f. and uruof of the interest of the insured shall has been wails and Presented at the „ITicc if tl:c insurer aT it, retresentalive in The ( ilv of N e w fork.

Ni, bill will be received for )nOurauce by or in behalf of ally c„mpauy out dull authorized It) the Issuance Department to transact bushiest in the State of New York.

Each bid tuust he accompanied by a copy of the pshill un'n which the bid is based.

'fhc person car Persons snaking a hid or esti-male shall furnish the same in a scaled envelope ilolnr+e I as follows:

•' Bid for insuring ferryboats employed on the Municipal Ferries."

Rids will be received l)v the Commissioner of Docks at l'ier " A," foot of Battery Place, until 12 o'clock noon on Thursday. July 15, 1909, al \t'Iach tittle and place the estimates received will be publicly opened by the Cnnnrii.silrue-r of Docks and read, and the award of the contract made according to the law as soon thereafter as practicable.

Nu bid Or estimate will be considered unless as a condition precedent to the reception or Consideration of any proposal it he accompanied by it certified chuck upon one of the State or National banks of The City of New York, drawn to the order of the Commissioner of Docks, or money tt, the amount of One Thousand Dollars, The certified cheek or tttoucv should not be iuclusc•d in the envelope c„ntaining the bid or s'.nmate, but should he either inclosed in a separate euvelnpe, addressed to the Commissioner of Docks, or submitted personally upon the pres-rotation of the bid or estimate.

The bidders shall state a rate per cent, at which they will insure or contract for insurance for the ferryboats, as specified above, in accord-

ance with the terms of this advertisement, and also in accordance with theform of policy sub-mitted, which shall be considered in connection with and form part of the hid.

Bidders will write out the rate per cent, of their estimates in addition to inserting the same in figures,

The Commissionerreserves the right to reject all bids or estimates if he deem it for the interest „f the City so to do.

ALLEN N. SPOONER, Conlmi.sioncr. Dated The City of New York, July 2, 1909.


1T See General mnfructlones to h id-d(-r's on the Inxt isome, lust column, of the ii(1t) Record."



rcc,isuii by the Park Board at the above office if tilt IlcpartmCm of Park; until 3 o'cl,'ck I,' U, „n

THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1909, Borou{th of The Bronx.

Ilk I l"l(NlS.1U`iI; .\1.L'I- iIl•: 1..\Ct)R AND \l .\'I I(liI.\I.s PI Ili t'INsTlOt: Cl' iSt: I\ ItLul h \~f'II:\I.'I' !'.\\'l-hilxl (1N TIII? I:n.11)1V.w tlr 'rin•: lS0! ill ;IS f)\- li,K 'I'll f, I'It VI Is- (Il -fIlI'. NI (\V V'lll(K t Nl-'\V 1S.AV'I-.N .\NI) II\kIPrll<I) It\1litca,\I) ON liItf1N\ .\NI) 1.1•:Lll.\\I I'.\Rh\V.\1'. IN '1'III•: (:I'I;II ill" 'rill': l'lti.N\, IN T111? t ilY (11 NI':1V )'(IItK.

The tills, 511,5%', 'I for the delivery of the arti-cicti, materials and supplies and the performance „t sir• c -nlrrct is thirty (31)) consecutive work. t a ;Illi's.

'f .I,- are ',unt of srcnrity required is One Thou- II Trs ($1011).

'I L,• hit ; lcdi he c,ml:re.l and the contract :nl tie. I-- I at a Bill, r aggrega'5' aunt.

I:laitk Loan; may be „htainv.l at the office of Iv' 14•partment of I'ruk,, Zbruoski Mansial,

l';ar,'nl.,lit [''a: ii. The lhn'mx. III'.NrtY tlitrrl1. Presirlent; It ISEI'll I. ISI•:RRY, Ih(h.\r11. 1. KENNE0Y,

11m,:vi--i ,ucr.; of Parks. 11 1!, ,I I 115),

J 1.7.22

;i hti' Grnr rnl Instruetfi,ns to Bid-drrM can floe' 1,1+t phi;;(', Last coluntu, of I he• '') ity'. _ Itet'ord.' -- -- --- _--

(. i-tit E OF THE I)FpnRTci ENT OF I',cRKs, ARSEa AL 1:1:11.111 \1;, PIF'rIt :\YF.\t'E A-IU 1t xT\-FOOURTHI S Rl:rr. 11ORulevui OF MANiIATTAN, ')'itE CITY OF NI.w YORK.

Sl.\LEI) TUBS OR ESTIMATE, WILL BE rrrr','r II by the Park Board at the above

,trice Ili th, Uotadntcni of Parks until 3 o'clock I., in „n

TIICRSDAY, JULY 15, 11)119, Borough of ltrookly'n.

hnK P('RNISIIING ANll UELI\'ERIN lINI-. 'I IIIWSANI1, (I,00))) I:-\RIt`ELi (II h-:\III,---11'1I\(; Roll) sf'RlNKIAN(: 011, I t)R I'ku..l'NC'1' 1'.V(K, lil)I(()C(',II OF IS ItnOKI.VN,

The Ume IUls,lr'-1 f,r ti,, • il -li„'ry 1,11 be as n. ,l turgid by fore N -r ember 15, 1909,

The au,ount of scull lity required is Twelve II,'!Illred I),llal, ($1.20))).

The bid, will be c lutttarcd and the contract a lcardc.l ;tt a Ilium fir aggregate sum.

1 t6 1. ,:lIt' rla\' lie obtained at the office of „ I!'. I:.I,can It - i 1'a ,i5 H. c.Hugh of Brooklyn,

I.:. Ell, IJ \I. :,I , I, I'ru t Pnrk. I-:NK\' <\IfTII. President;

It i5 E1'11 I. BERRY. till'11:\ICI. 1. KENNEDY,

I. 'mnn. ,ucr, ,It P:uks. llat„I tun' 28, Ilu9.

j29.j}15 Se! See General Inslruetions to Bid-

iii' rut on 111r Ii Mt paa-c, lent column, of 1hl•--''I'fl ' --- ---d-- -----J---


MAIN ()ti 1, P. car Tnr Ih.rARr suENT OF STREET 1'l.}:ANIN,;, It ,,tt ton.;, N',. 13 T., 21 PARK Row, livauccn it' NIANIIAIrAN, CuY OF NEW PORK,

5!•:.\11•:1) Ill IS OR ESTIMATES WILL IlE r.-c:•ivcd hi s- the (,'ontlnis,ion. r of Street

(isdliug at the ah,n'c office until 11 o'clock nl. ,m

'1't'} Sl).1Y. JULY 20, 199)0, Borough of Brooklyn.

FOR Pl'RNISIHNI; N_1 l'lhE T..\Itf1Tt .\NI) \I.\'tlRI:\1.S 101(L)l!IRltl) FOR RE1':\Ills '1'O '1111( i'I'.\I:I.E OF T'IIE 1)ICI`AIrr\II(N'1' OF -l'Rt•:I:T ( I. I' \\i\( :\'r 1 I U'IIi",( AND t tIN'1' .\\'1•:VC'I•:tA.

'i'he tine• f.'r the completion of the work and the full pt'rfurntance of the contract is tilt)' (5U) \vurkiug dace.

he .l of seu crity requi T soil 'ii red is one-this'd of the amnnut of the hid or estimate.

'file bi,ld:- r will state the Price' for the entire work contained in the spccificati-,its. the bids will be Compared and the contract aw'ardcd at a l,nnt rr aagn•gate stun to the lowest hidrler.

I11ank fr,rms ands further information Play be obtained and the plans and drawings may be se'l-n at the office if the :\rchitccls, Warren & \C,-tmorc, Nu. 3 1•:ast Thirty-third street, Bur-uugh of \lanhattan.

\V\1. I1. EI)\1'ARDS, Commissioner. Ilat,d July 3, 1911x).

jy(,-'0 Dli' See General Instruction■ to B1d-

derr on the last page, loot column, of the "('Ily Record."


SEALED (SIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Street

('leaning at the above office until 12 o'clock in. ou

TUESDAY. JULY 20, 1000. Borough of Brooklyn.


The time for tire- delivery of the articlta. ma-tcrials still supplies and the performance of the cuutract is 30 days.

The amount of security required is fifty per cent. (50'li) of the amount of the bid or estl Plate.

The bidder will state the price per horse, by which the bids will be tested. The bid will be read from the total and the award Lna a to the lowest bidder,

Delivery will be required to be made at the time and in the manner and in such quantities as may be directed.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Department of Street Cleaning. the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to 21 Park row.

W.M. II. EDWARDS, Commissioner. Datrrl July 2, 1909.

jy3,20 t ' See General Instructions to Bfd-

drra on use last page, loot column, of the '•t'ity Rea•nrd."


l I I<5 I I )I.1'.\ ItT ltd ENT.

In the batter of ti„' illpIic;mun of The (lily of ,'ew l'nk, r. - Irt'Ii- t, acquiring title, wherever ti-c .tune It:,, it t bcrn bs's-l-d.m acquircil I,,,' the amc porn •.vs in its, I-, the lands, tene-rn..,tts ants lo-r~litamen:s rrquircd for the itiue',i,g of I" It 11: EM ,\N ti IIKFEl' (although u;rt yet tl,m,•Il I,\• Pn,per authority), front Stcbbinc accnuc I', Tntcrc:,lc accnur, in the •t•wmty-tl,rd N•ard, 1Sur Iugi 'f T'hc Itr nx, ( ity of New 1"„rk-

lv tI'I'[I'h: It III:Ill;ltl' .1\"1'-N '1'11.\'r 'fill: sttpp eMfontaI and a'lI i;i mat bill of costs,

;.I V, , and ixlIDs'.hi icaeuuub by rsa; to of thc r •,,-.,S :,R. in the abncrcnti;lc,1 Matter will b'

In, 5.-,rt , •i f.,r taxation t l on.. of the Ju,tic •s Of ill, ;ulrc no , !hurt of for Tla' 'ii E rw Vurk, I,,tt lJepartulcnt. at a 5pccial 'Perm sberc,f t Part I., to he h,•Id at the (nulls C., ttrt Iluus,' I:I till,li ,r, u ,gh nha . ,f \lattat,, in The ('It )' of .Ce,v Volk, on the i2d clay of July, 191i9, a: I'.3 Il clock in f-sdsosn of that rlaty, or as Io. ,n tla'rcaft•.'r a, a,iii,.cl can br heard thereon;

:unl that the said hill „f o,.h, charges all ex-pcnsc, has hcl-n deposited in the „('ficc of the ('leek If the County of New York. there I•I r nsi] f,)r and during slit. -pa:c of tell dacs, a; euuorctI by lam.

Ilatrrl I:.;ruigh of Stsnhia'tau. Nrl\ 1-"rk, July 9, 1909.

'I lil)\L\S It. I..\XI':, FRANK A. iI'ENt lilt. IR.,

I ,, I,n:..i„n1•r.

If Ilstimate. rnl)\l.\ i It. 1..1N1'I

l 'n,mi<i 'lice „f .:.cssmcut, J''II\ I'. hiss l I, nk.


I i1(S'r IIli'.\1:T)Ili\'1'.

In the- matter of the applicati in of The City of Ni,v Y,.Ik, relative to acquiring title, uhcrcvcr the .-tun,' ha; nrt bees Iic,h.,t re acquired, I , \\ l-.t'1' 'I'll n II('NI IRE II .1N II EI.Eli'-I:N'I'll _;TItF .I (aiths,ugi, v"t ,,t name!! by III 'r :ntthrtt I, front King.h:- iIgc r,a, l to Ia,9rn1 River, In Ills Twelfth 1\'ard, Buroagh

' I \I;mhattao, l'i',y of Nctc \'i0-k,

N'Irll'1•: I.; 11EQE11V GIVEN 'rll.\•r 'ell!•. - Ip;Jcmen:al all arhlitinnal hill of costs.

'1 _ 5 all,[ exl,ru-,:: incurre•,1 h_v rva,.,u of the line5 in the ah:)vocntitlyd natter will be

: I, - ::tc,l f , n' t.txati,m 1, one of the Justice: cat ,lie SoTo-cmc (wort of the State of New fork. fir -t Ilcpartruent, at a ',pcciai T.-rul th,'rcof, 1, rt l., t.. be hcid at th. C sissy (, car[ Iluusc i,. the ]!,tough If .Manhattan, In 'I he ('ity of N, iv l , rk, on the _11rt day of ,lull-, 1909, at Il.,lll ..',I.,ck in f.•rcnnnn of that day. or as 'l th,•rcaftsr a, s''un;cl call he h,•arll thereon;

and ilia[ 1h,' .rid hill If c ,stet chlarge, all ex- I-i r,. , ha: ht, it ii,pi.sitr-Ii in the „lt,ce of the l'Icrk of tare County of New York. there I, r. m:lin f.,r and dltring the .pace „f tell day-, a+ t ,-llul ,'. 1 by th.- nc cI',i ins of s^c:i ,n 999 of the

1 ,;I,e N, .1 t Ili l'h;lrt. r. :w aIuIv-''lc'I by chat,- . 4',.. . 1 IS, I -n,_ if !'mi. I late,! 1; -r uyh „( \lauh:,tr,, ,, Ni is York, Jul). I'll l!1,

I.I 111S I-', 111111.!.. \YII.I.I.\\I L. i'INDLEY, JOIIN \C. J .\('I l lit' 5,

Cununis-iu let'. Lau.. I'. I)ct_a, lacrk.

J yll, l!)

I'1Rti1' I)EI.\Rl'\lEN'1'.

I': tnr m:u:cr ,-f the all;dicati',n „f -f III l-Its' ., f \ctv 'm rk, re iati\-I- to acquiring I ill', cell,' is,,.. Iii- -imle ha= ,,It ])tell husryt',i„re a inir,l. I-, lh, lands, t.nrmcnls anll Lcr,,li:anwnt+ I,. III huh fur ti ,he peviug anll extending if H \>'I' ttNI'I IIUUNIIRl'Hl .' \II 'I'lIIR-tV-SIS'fV

I It FE. I' l allhough l It yet Iran),-,l by tin It •1. aoth,,tyl, fn,nt Laru<t ;I%,iin, t,, ill, 1•.Ia River, in the 'l's -uty-thin! \Caro, 11 1rougl, of 'Ills Bn.,nx, tity ,'E Ncty Y,nk,

N (trHCE IS In•:KKRY 6;1\'F:'; '1 ii.:"r '111K supph'inental and a l'li'i •sal hill ill '•'1st'.

charges and 1•spcn:r: incurred by rcacan of the prucecding, in tilt. aboc-t's'iit1tled natter will he tin'>ented f'r taxation to one of the lu-tic's f tho Su;,remc Court of the State of !Vent Yul'll. First 1 Department, at a especial Term there 'I fart I., to he held at the C,,unty !hurt Hou511 in the IS m,ulih of Ha,llialtu,n, in The City of New York, is the 20th day of ]lily, 1909, at 1n.31) 11,1. ck in fur:n,,00 of that ,fay ,or a; so, thrrcaftrr a c„uuscl can be )Icard thereon; and that the said bill ,f costs, charges and expenses hat been dvi-I—itcd in tti, ntli_c of the Clerk of the County of New York, there t) remain for a',d during the space of tell Bays, as required by the lo-mision. „f section 990 of the Greater New \',•,k Charter, as amended by chapter 460 of the 1 ass of 1901.

Dated lk,ruuglt of Manhattan, New York. July 7, 1909,

IIENRY J. S\ill'II, l;l?ORt;F: iATaRt'i.

l',muni..,i--suers. Jnus 1', Uuss, Clerk,


Ica the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to the lands, tenements and hcreditarnents re-(mired for the opening and extending of CLASONS POINT ROAD (althoug h~ not yet mines! by proper authority), f rom Westchester avenue to the Fast River (or Long Isl:u,d Sound), in the 1',ceuty-fi,urth \\'and, B ,nntgh of The Itronx. (ity of Ncw Yolk.

N OTICF: IS IIEREIIY (;l\ EN THAT THE supplemental and additional bill of costs.

charges and expenses incurred by reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, from May 29, 1907, up to and including June 29, 1909, will be presented for taxation to one of


TO TIIE STATUTES IN SUCH PURSUANT hundredths (200.16) feet; thence easterly and

case made and provided, notice is hereby parallel with fierce avenue two hundred and

given that it is the intention of the Corporation twenty 0th -hundredths (200.20) feet, to the west- C'otutscl of The City of New York to make appli- erly line of Bricll street; thence southerly along cation to the Supreme Court at a Special Tern the westerly line of llriell street, two hundren for the hearing of motions, ht be held at the and sixteen nit ,-inisdredtIns (200.16) feet. to the County (: our t !loose itt the Itorough of Brook- northerly line of Pierce avenue; thence westerly lyn in The City of New York, on the 14th day along the ulbrthcrly line of fierce avenue two of July, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon, at hlmdred and twenty one-hundredths (200.22) feet the Opening of Court oil tilat day or as soon to the rosteriv line of Rapeljc avenue, the point (Lcee:ufter as counsel can be heard thereon, for or Place of beginning, be tike said several dimca- the appointment of three discreet and disinllr- lions more or less. ' c_tcd persons as Consul=inners of Estimate and Dated New York, June 24, 1909. Appraisal in the above entitled procceuiag. ' FRANCIS K. PLNh)7.rroN,

The nature and extent of the improvement Corporation Counsel. hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The hall of Records. Centre and Chambers streets, City of New York to c_itain lands and prcutises Purough of Manhattan, New York City, with the buildings thcrcln and the aP1'urtcuances j28Jy9 thereto hu-tntu!;isg situated on the soullni•estccly .-- .... _____ —._... side ,4f Clmlrrdonk avcuac, the ulnrthw—Icrlp silk_ of Willoughby avenue and the sluunilleasterly si te SUPREME COURT—THIRD JUDI- of Stair street, in the Second \Ward of the I;or- nngh of Quctns, in The City of Nosy York. in CIAL DISTRICT. fee simple absolute, the same to he converted, - -- --------- appropriatctl and used for school purpo=es, ac- 11111.1) JUUICI.\T, DISTRICT, UISTER cording to law. COUNTY.

Said lands and premises so to he acquired are houuldred and drrcrlbclf as follows: :\a1I x.%N ResrsvoiP., SECTION No. 10.

1tc,- ill Ul lug at in poi ii Inc In ed by the in tr`rst'e- -_ ti n of the southwesterly line of Onderdonk as-c- i Town of Olive, (.'/suer County. line ltith the ni '.lrulwesterly line of 1s'ilhougflly ~- I at cnuc, and running thlsee sorthowcstdiY a1.rue In the :natter of the aopticatinn and petition if the =outIlwcstcrlv line of Undcrrl.,nk avutuc lw-I John A. BcIIsel, Charles N. Chadwick and lilululred (21.10) feet to the snutlicas4rly hue If I'harlrs A. Shaw, constituting the Itulard of Stair sIrc'rt; thcncc sntttliw05ilsrly along III• \'Corr Supply of The City of Ncw York. to solnthraste-r1: line of Starr street one htosdw,t arquiuc rcai c'trtty fur and 110 br'half of Thu and ttin,t)--r:vcn (197) fe-ct one (1) inch; tltemr City of New Y„rk, under chaplcr I24 of the suuthca<torly two ttundrvd 12'00) feet Ill tl,c Laws of 19(15 and file acts a1o"I'Nturq thcreut, 1l rtlntc,terly line of \Sit1oMglitlq avt•nae; tltcnrc ill the Town of Olice, l'l'-lcr County, N. Y., nr1L•ta+;crlp alone; the nurt6wt•c(clly line of \\i!- f..: the Ii nrtlbIse of providing an 101ditional luughhc ay.nne m:c htmurl•d and ninety-,1~_! .I il l : ly of pure and whok-s,mc water for the 1198) feel lice (5) ittclies to the sntttlnve-ilr'l.5 j n-..• 1;f 'file City of Now Yuck, line of Onderdonk avcuue, the Point ur ,lace •I - h,ginniug, be the said scvcral dimensions o rI, I p ('I:I.IC NO'I- I('l' IS I11:RI:llY (;I\'I•X or Icss. i teat the orrk'r of confirmation of the ti,'t

I ated New York. Jttne 24, 1709. ...l '—:uc rill„rt ..f I•:Idornus Ila%t„n, Patrick 1. FR.\\CIS K. I'I'.VItl.I £L)N, rota cln,1 1. bull A. Onion, who were anpu null rI

Curl,uratinn (',IUt1-0. I',,:nrtlI- i-mers of \lgirnisal in the above cotitlt-d Hall If R••cnrds, Centre ao.l ChRn;bcrs Steeds, iwot(•r by am luTher of this C -ort made at a

Curough of \Manhattan, New York City. Special 'term thereof, held at the City Ifill ill j-'8,jy9 the lily of :\lbany, N. Y., Pcbroary 13. Illrl,

was tiled in the uftice of the Clerk of till — (,busty of 1'1-lrr at Kingston. N. Y., on ttl,•

SECOND JU)[C1.\L UEP:\ttT\IFNT. '4th ,lay of _IlIne, 11)01), and alttcls llatiel- __ n:ltltl/t•1ti fun - 1111111Irelt altrl flnty-I -igllt 14 -1111,

f Ill bnndrcd au'I fifty-,true (451), f•lur Intuueul [n the matter of a.yuiring title hi The (pity of

Xcie Park to rennin landi and pn-itlt,ts fill. 11111 eighty-f„';Ir 141141, four dnnllecd six t y- _au,l f,,;1l' (4(.4 ), f -l:r Multblrcll anal r l'ft'1Iur•-five (4751,

natctl it: the hl„rk l_Uucolcd by Main street. f„ur hInottoIl 11114 f,lct)-niu; 1 49), fuse huw!itd living ple, C l,i,::o avenue a1111 Gerry ace• and tittc-i,ntr (43.11, four huml'rd aulll fftts- u , tc, and ;tdjoiuing Public ti:ltuol, 13 tut( 14. ti-r,• C (-!;i('I. Lnrr huuulrl•d ;Ind sixty-eight 1•:hulrtu>t, in ti: t c'-,nd \\'ant of the llor• 171,x). 11ale httl:dred and scccrtyttto (472). four ,such of Iluccl'a, pity if few 1'nrk, doh' !„u.Jlld :tnrl .i,ty A (4t,0.A), four hundred ;unl ohsctcr.l as a site for sel:oul purpu.es acc,rtl- .iar.tnr 14(51, f„tn• I;umlrcd anJ lifts t tin irl; to late. I I, lour lulu,lrcA and eighty six (481,), four

--- hnnlr, II and eighty ~rvcn 14x7). four Mttl'll, d


the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part I., to be held at the County Court House in the Borough of ' Manhattan. in The City of New York, ott the 15th day of July, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in forenoon of that day. or as s,,on thereafter as co insel can be heard thereon; and that the said bill of cats, charges and expenses has been depsite,l in the office of the Clerk of the County of Ncty York, there to remain for and during the space of ten days, as required by the Prnvililns of section 999 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by chapter 466 of the Laws of 1901.

Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, July 2. 1909.

I:mY.\Rl) D. W)\Vl.INC,, AMES A. l)VNNELLY,

'1'I\l()'t'l1Y E. C(iIl.\1:\V, Coinmissi oilers.

JoliN 1'. I)i'NN, Clerk. j214


In the matter of the application of The City of New York, acting by and tlouttghthe Cmn-

- missioncr of Docks, relative to acquiring right and ti!Ie I and pocseepion of the tv liar fagc rights, terms, ca semen Lo, emoluments and privi-leges appurtenant to the dock or wharf prop-erty known as (;Ol'WI:RNF,l'lt SLIP I'IER \I'Es-l', formerly known as filer (old) No. 5), East River, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, not now owned by the City lit New York, ar,d all right, title and interest it, and to said pier, or any porti.u1 thereof, not pow owned Ly The City of New York, for the improvement of the water- front of 'flue City of New York. oil the bast Ricer, Pltrsuant to the I ,lau heretofore adopted by the Board of Uncks, and approved by the Conmtissiottcrs of the Sink. ing Fund. --

w li, TILE UNDERSIGNED CONfMISSIO~'- ers of lstim:ote and Assessment in the

above emitted matter, hereby give notice to all persons interested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, Occupant or occupants, of all hots=es and lilts and it11procc•(1 and unimproved ]ands, pier or wharf property, and all persons interested therein, or in any rights, privilt-ges or interests pertaining thereto, all ivied thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to %t it:

First—That we have cnnipletid our estimate and assessment and that all persons interested in this proceeding or in any of the upland, , lands, lands under ivahor, premicS, l,iiIuiogo, tenellicnt5, Itcruditanlcuts, pier and wharf properly ai ecfcd thereby. and having oljccti I'll s thereto, do prrscut their said objections, in writing. duly v•.'ri6cd, to us, at our otTict, Hoorn :Nn. 401, \o. 2511 Itroa't-wa_y, in the Itoroogh of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 15th la' of Jul:. 1909. and that wr, the said C''mmi-simers, will l::ear parties so objecting. and for that purp -r will be in aIn•udancc at our =aid utTice on the 16th (Iiy of July, 1909. at 2 o'clock in the after-noon of that day.

Second—That the abstract of our said estimnkc and assessment, together with our damage mans, and a1=o all the affidavits, e.tiniatr~, 1'roofs and other documents used by its in making our re-port, have been dcp—itcd in the lhvcau of 'street OIrenings, in the Law Department of The City of New Yolk, at the office of said llur, an. Nn.. 90 and 92 West Itroadway, in the liornugh of Manhattan, in said Cite. there to remain until the 24th clay of July, 1909.

Third--I'bat nor rt•port herein will lie pre-sented to the Supreme Court of th, State of New York, First I)cpartrncnt. at a Special Tern, thereof, Part 1., to be held in the Cntulty Corns I ouse. in the Borough of Manhattan, in The Pity of New York, on the 26th day of July, 1907, at the opening of the court out that r.LI%., and that then and there. or as soon thereafter as C,uu"-I can be heard thereon, a motion will he made that the said report be confirmed.

I'ovrth—In case, however, objections are filca to any of said abstracts of estimate and a-sl's-ment, the notice of motion to confirm our final report lie rein will st:uld adionrite 1 to Ilse date to Ile hereafter specifcd, and of which notice wilt he given to all those who have ther1'tofuu a;,-peared in this prncceding, as well as by Publica. lion in the CITY 11051, till, pnrsnant to Stctiun:. 98t and J114 of the l:reatcr Ness York Chartsr, as ant, ndcd by chapter (98 of the l.;ncs if 19(14•

Ilan,.) Ito rough of Manhattan. New York, June 24, 1)09.

GEOIIGI•: 1L I:\ (;I{L, ('ltairntan; N:\ 'flI:\N PEI1NIt\CIIER, S.\\FUEL SANUI:R-,,

('oumtissioners. Jrrsecfi M. Si. III.`:, t:. Clerk.

j-' v13


SL(ONI) 1)E1'.\R'rM EXT

In the matter of the application of The City of New York, reltrtive to closing and discontin-uiug 1)I•: BRCI- NS 1..\NE, from Iic•nsun ave-nue to Cropscy avenue, in the Thirtieth Ward. in the Il,rruugh of liruuklyn, in The City of New York, as the saute has been heretofore laid out.

N UTIC1: IS IIERI:IIY (iI\'1':N THAT TIIE, hill of costs, charges and expenses incurred'

by reason of the proceedings in the above-enti-' tied matter, will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of tie Supreme ('sort of the State of New York, at a Special 'rerun thereof to be held for the hearing of motions, at the Kings County ('blurt I louse in the Borough of Itrnr,klyn, in 'I lie I its of New York, Oh the 1.1111 day of July, 19117, at 111311 .'cluck in the forenoon of that Ilan, ur as soon) thrrrafter as counsel can be Leant thereon, and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of Kings, there to remain for and dur-ing the space of ten clays, as rrgnired by law.

Laurel Ilurung 1 of Itr".uklyn, New York, June 29, 190').


Commissioners, JAxes F. QUIGLEY, Clerk.



In the matter of acquiring title by The City of New York to certain land; :iubI puen,rv-- r•n the snuthwvTerly side of (1NDE RI) I)N ii AVENUE. file northwesterly side of WI!. LnetMBY AVENUE and the snuth,ca'tcrly side of STARR STRP.ET, in the Second Ward in the Borough of Queens in The City of New York. duly selected as a site for school purposes, Ncording to law.

h ( ht l'.\N'r 'I'O 'riii: S'I\TUTI•:S IN SUCII 5. I-e made and l r-.cided, notice is herel y

I . that it is the inlcntiun of the Cur p,oatib ll I 1110-51 of The City of New York IS make

:Irali, n 01 the tupr': lilt' t ntnt, at a Special I , . it f 'r the hcarinl; of mourns, to be Lehi i ti- Cn•nIle Pullet llnuac in the luurouRh of

Ii;,, ,!:1 , in `fhe City of New Yolk, on the 1411; .:;j ref 'lily, 191.1`), at 10.311 u'('luck in the furs• n-,,,n, at the ol-VIlitlg of Court on that dale, or a, s, nsu thenaftcr as cuun.cl caul be heard thcra.n, for the appoinhnclrt of three discreet and disinterested persons as Commissioner, of 1•:imute and Appraisal ill the above entidcd proceeding.

The nature •ind extent of the improvement Ilerclty iutcndtd is till. acquisition of title by I'l,c City „f Ness' 1rk to cottain lands and pr•miscs, with the bui; ings thcrl'u'n, situated on ho- sssiLeny still- ,If Main ttrcet, the easterly -Mlle of (Ilicago avonue amt the westerly sine of I,, ing Pl:,, c, arljnining I'nblic Sclunls 13 and 1.1, in the S, con,( \\;rll of the L'or„ugh of t In, en,. in '11w City of Ni w York, in fee Sint• bit ah,,,lute, the same to lie c•utn•trterl, apprn- I I icucd and u,ed fur seluoul pnrl't'5cs acb.lrlliug l,I la\v,

TI,c swill laud” aril l llIi5rs so to be acquired suit, M,uu1I'd and U•,s-„eitbI1 as followw':

ltt•qi1nnug at :I point for nl•d by the intercec-tirm of the ractelly liar of Chicago avenue with tLe s -utherly litre of Main street. and running the lice southerly alunO the easterly line oI til I, ag., avenue one hurl,fled and li Itv (1501 (r,t: thence to<terly and parallel wills Main ,Irel't me bnsspred (I11t0) feet ; th11111 u,lrtti- t-r;y 011:1 oa1ayiel tcith ('hicagu ;smite lilt' (Flit fret; Illcnre attain rail rly ar.d parallel t+ 'i'11 Main sl lcct one lusbm'd (11111) f,et to the wl,t - IIly line of Irving place; thence northerly al-,IIi the wr-.rely line of Irving place our hunrlred I 11(1(1 feet to the Snnthetly line- of \lain stror t;

'i.'nce westerly alntlg the slmltclly tins- of Mai I n'rt lull, Mtloired (200) feet to the caster IV '• - of t Itirw.,) avenue, the point nu- t.lace of

~ginniny;, be Ills said several dimensions more

I)atcl Now )'nrk, Jnne 24, 1909,

FR.\NCIS K. I'ENI)IE''IUN, Corporation (',lnnst•I.

TTall of Records, Centre and (lb ambc rs Streets, through of \Manhattan, City of New York.



In the rnaltl-r of acquiring title by 7'h,- City of \ew York to certain lands and lnr mi,.r, on the silirth,rly side of l'hEht'h•: .\\'ENL'f:, the easterly site of R.\I'llLIE A\'I(\1!IC and the wr-trrly siIle of IlRtl1l_l. t"1-Ill?1•:h, in till' hie ,t \Ward of the Ilorough of I1unel-us, in Th, City of New York, duly seletcil as a site for school purposes, according to law.

PURSUANT TO TIIE S'f:\TU'rl?S IN SUCH ea'e made and provided, notice is terrrby

Riven that it is the intention of file (urpora-Ii, -n ('„nn=c1 of 'Ihe City of New York to tnal;e .Implication to the Supreme Court at a Sprciat , r•rm for the hearing of motions• to be held at '” Cuunty Court f[uutie, in the Itorougll of

I1 rook l7•n, in Tie City of New York, on the I4th day of lily, 1909, at 10.30 o'clock in the fure-nnon, at the opening of Court on that day, or as 5onn thereafter as counsel can be heard thrrcon, fur the appointment of three rti~rrr l t •Ind dis-intr•restcd ucrsons as Commissioners lit Estimate and Apuraisal in the above entitled matter.

The nature and extent of the improvement hrrchy intender) is the acquisition of title by The ('ity of New York to certain lands and premises with the hvildinis thereon and the aptnrrtenane;s th, ru'to belonging, situated on the norther ly side of Pierce avenue•• the rastvrly side of Rapcljr al'rnnr and the wr'terly side of Itriell street, in the Pie-t \\'ant of the Itnrough of Onevus, in The laity of N, w Y,.rk, in fee simple ab'tnlnt.,. the Faint In Ill- r ,nveltetl. al,prupriated and usell Ill' '-li n„I t,llrpib"r•C, aCfr1rlIlll^ In law.

Said 1:11111; and pr(rmiscl cn to be acquired are 6llind II ::nq ,Iosciihrrt as fo1'lIws:

htl-gmulirg at a Flint furmt•d by (lie intereee-tiun of the northerly line of Pierce avenue with the cast,-rly line of Rapcljc avenue, and running thence northerly along the easterly line of Rapelje avenue two hundred and sixteen one-

:n:,I 5wlutg-.;I ecn 1477 ), four Ill l and f„rty- livc 14-151, f-nlr Lunn 1,'d and furl v-rnly (4411 ills four hunblrrrl runt thirty-nine (-139), shown -n Ibe niai and sul ,lllrtucntal vaills in this pro.

hated New 1'l;r1<. Tune 21, 1')119. I R.\Nt lS K[:\' u'e\f)T.I:"rOX,

hIPnrauiln Counsel. Hall of Records, New York City.


I - hIRI) JI.'I)[t'l \T. b114'PIlICT, ULSTER 1 ( )1 N'1'

.\su ,K.5N Reslevora, SECTION No. 5.

7, ::n of Ofi:•c, Ulster Comity.

It. hill' molter of the aPmbcati ,it alld pctilinn Of 1. EuI.Stud Smtut,ns. CIlarlca N. Chadwickaiid I b: Ill. _ .\. Shale, C:nsti:utint the Ii,lard „f \satyr Sop-h' of 'l'hc City of Now Y.,rk, to 1ibbIorb' II I e-ta,- for and ,I behalf of Th, l ill • ,of N. w Y Irk. tinder chapter 724 of thl I n:•:. Of 1'+nS, al l ti,- alts anttlnlat ur(' ulcer f, in rit,• T1-5511 i,f Olive, Ulster (ouutc, N. Y. L I the t tltu bib f orlltjBIlbg an addiliotlal sttp-;,lv „f pllr- :loll tvholecumc lead:l I r the it,,' of 'I-h,• City of Now York.

P CIlLIC N(1TICR IS 111:!21•:11\' GI\'EN that the nr.lr I if c mtirm:ulm of the sccnu'1

•,;auatr report of \\• il;inm I). Il:inni:r, John P. II:II i, In ;unl l-:llgl-uc h_ Panes, will, were all I , int:•ll ('ennui-si l•lrl. ill th'. ahovaeMtul-2 nt:n. Irl by 't •t Dn,lcr if chi= (lull, inalr at a tiptrlM 'I , rIll Ihl-rc t, hill,! at tot ( ,tnl ll:t+r in 'I'll.• (ti of Rivg.t .n, Cl t. r (• "linty, N. Y., \I:Iv Ii, I"n8, was II 'II I in III,• ntTicl of the Clerk ICI ti ,- l „unty II of (ll,ll r. ❑ t kltl 't ,n, N. Y.. .,n the 2:-l1 dnv .,f 1une. 1'm'), and atT,t:ts 1a Ill Num Ills one lutmir-rl and cigltt)'stvrit 187), one Iunlirrd anll uiIII ly-clue :\ 1195-:\), on • hundrc t :In,i ni:uU'-fn'r It 1195-It), nnl• huuJl,'I aad ninctc-lico (- (1')5 ( ), one hundred uol uinrty- fico It (I'IS III, uuc III red and eighty nine' .\

IR9-.A). 11111 honrlfSll 1101 cightr-niu,' R rl9-Il). Ill bIonttvlt an-1 eighty. nine C 118 ,-C'1, Ill II null:l i1 au l fuss- (2n,), two hundred au'1 rti'tc \ (5(11) :A 1, two lutnllrcd and disc It (2Q9IS).

tsill lull ld and seventVen 1217). tw,, hundrr'1 a':,l rigbtr'n (218), two hundred and ninrtrrn .\ ('19-.U, two fill udred anll niuct,en It (219-RI. tutu, lulnllsr•ll and twt-nIt) -nor It (221.11), toll htnld—i and twcnty (!ill, and two hundred a'ttl twct'ty-two (222) ,huwn un the rnap i❑ this pro - I' I-I ding.

Haled Nr•w Yurk, Tnne 29, 1909, I-IY:\NCIS KEY PI•:NUL8:TON,

Corporation Counsel. Hall of Records, New York City.




Tou its of Olive, Minrblelown and Hurley.

In (ht' matter of the application and petition of J. 1{dward Simmons, Cbarlt-s N, Chadwick and l'!taetu`s A. Shaw. cousiitutiog the hoard of Water Supuly of The City of New York to acquire real estate for and on behalf of 'The ( _it y of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, and the sets amendatory there f, in the Towns of Olive. 3larbletown and

hurley, Ulster County, N. Y.. for the purpose of providing an additional sopplp of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

PUBLIC Nu'I'ICE IS IIEREUYGIVENTITAT the order of confirmation of the second seQ-

arate report of Genre Holmes Smith. James H. Sloane and Josiah J. Ilasbruuck, who were ap-poi iii ed ('nm nussiuners of Appraisal in the above' rulitllll Matt,-r by two nrdc-ril of this Court, made at Si,ccial T.rin, bearing dale, respective)p. April 20, 1907. and Urcentber 21. 1907. was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Comity of Ulster, at Kingston, N. Y„ on the 15th day of June, 1909, and affects Parcels Numbers eighty-two (82). ei hty-four (84). eighty-six (86) eighty-seven (87). ninety-one (91). ninety-eight 298), one You'

FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909.

(]red (100), one hundred and one (101), one hundred and two ( 102), one hundred and three 1103), one hundred and four (104), one hundred and nine (109), one hundred and ten (110), one 6urtdred and eleven (111), one hundred and ttecive (112), one hundred and thirteen (113), ne hundred and fourteen (114), one hundred

:utd eighteen (I18), one hundred and twenty 1121)). one hundred and twenty-1htter-A (123-A). ,no hundred and twenty-three-It (12.3-11), one IrlIIldrod and twenty-eight (128), one hundred :nn1 thirty-one (1311, one hundred and thirty-two (1.12), one luindred and thirty-three (133), one Linn—h ,l and thirty-five (135), one Ituudred and lhirly six (l,io), one hundred and thirty-seven (137), buile 1nilndru'i and thirty-eight (138), one Loudest and thirty-nine (139), one hundred and lire 1105), on,• hIct1t1rcr1 and eight (108 one lillib l1evd and ills-cti (I15) and one hondrel and six tent (116). shown on the map in this proceed-iuR.

I(etcrl New York Tune 24, 1909.

Flt.1NCIS K. I'ENULETON, Corporation Counsel.

[fall of Records, New York City.




Tots'n of Olit•e, Ulster Coanty.

In the matter of the application and petition of J. I:dlvard Sintnnus, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, oolo(UtjIlg the Board of \\alcr 5ulydy of The City of New York, to acquire rtal estate tub r and on behalf of The I ily of Kow fork, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, and the acts amendatory thereof, in the linen of Olive, Ulster County, New York, for the purpose of providing an addi-tiuu:tl supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

~sUIt1.IC NOTICE IS IIEIIE13Y GIVEN that the order of confirmation of the second

separate report of George Al. Palmer, Frederick J. It. Clarke and 1lacdunough Craven, who were appointed Cnlioms iuoers of Appraisal in the above entitled matter by two orders of this Court, made at Special Term, hearing date, re-spcetivcly, April 20, 1907, and September 21, 1907, was filer,! in the ollice of the Clerk of the County of Ulster, at Kingston, N. Y., on tike 11th day of Inns, 19(19, and affects parcels nuulbcrs one-:'5 (l-A), one-11 (1-it), one-B-28 I1-1; 28), ten (10), eleven (11), eighteen-A ( Ill-:\), twenty-live (25), twenty-seven (27), thirty (30), thirty-blue-:A (31-A), thirty-eight (38) and ttvo hundrk0I and six (206), shown oil the map in this proccoling.

Dated Jutle 19, 1909.

FRANCIS KEY I'ENULE'1'ON, Corporation Counsel,

Mill of Rccurds, New York City.


l'Ittlt(1N %l,N I" lit UIDS AND L5'l'1J1.t'IV:F FOR 'I'llr) (I'i' OF NEW loltl:.

NO'1.I(•1•) '1'4) VO\'l'ILtCTORB.

1;1:NI -Ill .\1, IN5'!'RUC7'1UN5 TO BIDDERS

The pcl,un or persons staking a bid or estimate I' 'r any slrticcs, work, nsncrials ur supplies for 'Mlle City lit New fork, or for only of its dcpart-n,l'nts, buicaus or ulticcs, shall furttislt the saute in a scaled curclope, iuelul sed wills the title of lllc supp)its, slats-Ials, trork or sees ices for wbicil tilt hid or estimate is made, stint his on their u:mlc or names and the date of prescutatiuu (, the I'IeshIs-nt or hoard or to the head of the I lcl,:n tnleut at his or its utficu, ou ur before tIne oat , and hour named in the adverti,cmcut fur lit, scnnc, at xhich lime and Place the cntimateN neccivcd will be publicly upcuod by the 1'resident or hoard or head of said lhi,arlotcut and re-all. and the award of the contract made according Ii Law as s•,un thereafter as Ptaetic:lhle,

)-:ash bid or estimate shall contain the name :Ind place of residence of the person inakilg the s::nll•, and sautes of all persons iutere•,tcd tt•ith Lint thvrcin, and, if m, other persuu be su inter-I.trd, it shall di.tinclly stilt,: that fact; also, that it is made without any cunncrtiln with any other II r,nn making an cvtinlatc for the same purpose', and Is III all rctPrcts fair and w'itbuul collusion „r from, aull dell all ml nlb c of the Ilnartl of \idcru:l u. brad of :I r1cliati lent, chief of a

hureall, deputy thus- rt•nf. br cIcrk therein, or other ,!Tiller of The City of Nets \'nrk i,, shall be or hkc IIIe iullwsled, directly ur indirectly, as cou-tracliug party-, 1,artner, slockhuldrr, surely nt-uthcrtvi~c in or in the performaucc of the con-tract, rI' in file lututlues, w„rk nt buvirtess to which it relate., ur in any uurtion of the profits thereof. The burl or estimate most be verified by the oath, in writing, of the hasty or parties tnak-ing the estimate that the kveral matters stated herein are in all respects true.

'-tell bid or estimate shall Inc accompanied by the rnnsent, in writing, of two householders or frcph.4ders in The City of New York, or of a guara4ly or surety company duly authorized by law to act as surety, and shall contain the tnat- ters set forth in the blank forms mentioned below.

No bid or estimate will he considered unless, as a condition precedent to the reception or corn vidcration of any proposal, it be aceumPanierl by a certified cheek noun one of the- State or Na-tional hanks of The City of New York, drawn to the order of the Crnnptrolltr, or money to the amount of five per centtun of the amount of the bond renuired, as provided in section 420 of the Greater New York Charter.

The certified check or money should not be in closed in (11c envelope containing the Lid or esti- hit lit r, lint should be tither inclosed in a separate ('nvelone addressed to the head of the Depart' nient, President or Board, or submitted personally ullnn the presentation of the bid or estimate.

For particulars as to the quantity and quality of the sinplics, or the nature and extent of the work, reference must be made to the specifica-lions. schedules, plans, etc.. on file in the said office of the President, Board or 1)epartntent.

No hid shall he accented from or contract awarded In any Person who is in arrears to The City of New York upon debt or contract. or who is a defaulter. as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the City.

The contract must he bid for senarately. rile right is reserved in each case to reject

all hills or estimates if it is deemed to be for the int-re-t of the City so to do.

Riddl•ry will write out the amount of their bids nr estimates in addition to inserting the same in fignres-

Rlddera are requested to make their bids or eatinmtea :,nun the blank forms Prepared and fnrnilheri by the City. a copy of which. with the Ironer envelope in which to inclose the hid. to- gether with a copy of the contract. including the irncifvsflone, in the form approved by the Cor• Poration Counsel. can he obtained upon applica- tion therefor at the office of the Department for which the work I. to be done. Plans and draw-ings of construction work may also be seep there.