1972 - IBEW

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"" 'I1H ' !lUll. N W WA'"'''(lTON . D .C ~0005

Charles H. Pillard .. ,.-. .,.. .. -_ .. , Joseph O. Keenan

Harry Van Arsdale, Jr. "'''-, ........ , ... .......,.


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~R'N"'D ON UNION .... D .. ~"PE"

• JOURNAL. 1-'72




Volume 71, No. 1 January, 1972


IBEW Well Represented at the AFl ·CIO Convention 3

How Leadmg National Newspapers Reported the AFL·CIO Convention 8

Nat iona l Electrical Week 10

IBEW Wins Organizing Campaign At Western Electric Plant

IBEW Exhibit Big Attraction at CanadIan Union Industry Show

Attention, All Rail road Electrical Workers


EdItorial Comment

Canadian labor News

les Nouvelles Ouvr ieres du Canada

Handyman 's Corner

With the ladies

local Lines

Research and EducatIon

In Memoriam

Death Cla ims

On Our CO\ler-







23 24





Gay holiday bells rlOg in the New Year on th is month's Journal f ront cover. You probably also noticed that we have redesigned our nameplate on the front cover and some of the departmental regu lar headlines mside to give the Journal a modern and more functional appearance. The entire Journal Depart · ment staff wishes you a most happy New Year.

POSIM"'SHIlS •• rJ I: HIT I a, 1 ,/ E ,. w~ I ,1,00 F,'re SI tl.W. W~,"i'9Io" D.C •• 0005. P"lIh~.d ",onlfiv ud 'Non~ ok PO.lO'q8 p~'~ al ¥In ~;c~fQ~. D. C. S,b«';IlI;on P';' • Un I I S',I .,! Ce",d, S2 per ~O" ;" .d, ".~ p, "d ;~ U.S, .... H', JOU~tl ... l .. ;11 , ,. h'd te tie 10· .- "" ,. :1 b~ co"e.po,je·". i" t· , 01. f"o.,k "" ,,~. A' , "b. ib 0 , ~.nd, 0' o,bol II-,!: P ''1"' ,~.

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editorial COlnlnellt


• Because of the generally un· fair and incomplete reporting job done by the major ity of the news media reporting the events sur· rounding President Nixon 's ad­dress to the recent AFL-CIO Con­vention , we are reprinting on pages 8 and 9 of this issue of the Journal two articles from leading national newspapers.

I urge all our members to read these articles, for both newspaper writers had the journalistic report· ing knowhow and intestinal forti · tude to objectively tell the full and truthful story, despite the fact their publications are not exactly known as being pro- labor. The articles are fair, informative, and not misleading. We have devoted space to these newspaper ac· counts of the Convention so that our members can know the real story and what actually happened.

It becomes readily apparent from reading these two articles , and for anyone who attended the Convention in person, that the present Administration is most certain ly directly at odds with the AFL·CIO. This no doubt has re­sulted because the organized labor movement of this nation has not wholeheartedly accepted the eco· nomic policies of the Administra· tion for obvious reason s. Th is stand, however, does not give the Administration the right to con­trive a political situation under wh ich the President could claim his office was treated disrespect· fully.

The delegates to the Ninth AFL·CIO Convention were most serious in their deliberations. The

resolutions passed on the floor of the convention made it clea r that organized labor is deeply con· cerned with all facets of American l ife and intends to give particular attention to the job of righting the politica l and economical wrongs under which the country is suffer­ing today. They voted to back the AFL·CIO programs that will help bring a futl employment economy back to this country. They voted for a program to prevent the e)(· porting of more American jobs and to bring U.S. foreign trade policies back to the real meaning of "free trade." Tax reform, civil rights, a program for national hea lth insurance. and consumer legislation to protect the interests of workers and their families were among the 78 resolutions passed to assure the workers of this country that the " peoples lobby" was act ing in thei r behalf to keep peace and freedom and the Ameri­can way of life for all the citizens of our great nation.

The convent ion proved that the representatives of labor are in fu l l unity and geared to do what is best for the interests of the coun­try. despite politics.

All of organized labor has a tremendous job to do this coming year to br ing about futl protection of the workers' lifeline-the collec­t ive bargaining system. Labor is on the firing fine. From the grass roots of the rank and fi le to the top leadership, ranks must be closed and cont inued cooperat ion. understanding. and hard work must be emphasized if the goals of labor are to be realized.


IBE well repre5en~ed a~~he AFL-GIO conven~ion ~ Vuwing 10 TCIlWill un Inc P:I),

Hoard only [1\ long ;I~ Ihac IS a fe,l­

M>I1,l ble hOI}\! \If securing jU~ljcc for \\or\"ing pcopt.,:. ncarl} 1.000 delc­gall!l> mel for thc l'omlh A r L-CIO COIl\CnllOn in NO\cmlx:r ,It n .11 II ,IT­hour. Flumla.

AF L-C IO Prc~ iJ ... nl George M C;lI1\.

in hi, key note 'IJdn:ss. charged Ihal the Nlxun Admml'.trall(ln h .... ··Slac\..~'ti

Ihe deck" :Igainsl organilcd llihor in II .. progr'lIll 10 control Inc lWliun'l> economy and called on thc 1rude union mo\'cmcnt 10 ",wnd unJlcJ :h

never hefoTe, for ne'er ha~ 'o() much JcpcmJcJ upon Ihc ' I rcnglh :lnd unllY of Ihc rami!) of lalXlr:'

The heated att;lck on the AJnllni­"T<lllon\ economic poIICIC' .... ," high­lighted by the contrO\crsl;I1 appearance

of Pr~ldcnt Nixon. Delegates gen­emIl) agreed the President .... :IS at­tempting to di-.crctllt laOOr gain the s~ mpath} of the general public for his pollcie~ in Ihe lI!>Cormng 1972 nallon:.1 el..:!cIIOll'o. and 11O\"hl~ :ll1el1lpl [ 0

namc lahor a~ a \..:!apcgoat ~hollJd hi, CCl)rll)mic progr .. m\ lilil.

In length) dcllho.!r;ltions. tlu: Con­\entioo aCled III 1I nllll1ho.!r of Me,I' afh."CllIlg. not lu,t Illl.'mbcr1i of or­gam/..:!d 1;lhor. hut Ihe economic and socilll .... etf;lre III Ihe entire n;l lion. T he ddeg;lle~ c;llled for enact men I of a complele muJ Ihurough nallon:l] hC:Jl lh "":CUTII\ prl\8r;lIll. The con\en­tion look oOle of Ihe s:lgging Mall! of the econom} ,10 .. ] high unemplo) lIlen[ It e,, ]icd on Congrc\, and the Ad­mini,tralion III re\lore full <.'l11pIO)­men! :11 decent wagc\.

1 he Cllnvenlilln .11,"1 apprU\ed reso­Iution\ strengthening consumcr protec. lion and making the OCCup:lliona] Health :md Safel} Act more effecli\c. A legislative aCllon program 10 urge Congre\s to rabc Ihe minimum wa!!c [0 S2 an hour :md hroaden Ih.: co".:r­age of Ihe :let v.as propos.:o.

Milch empha\j\ \\;I~ gi\cn hy the Generttl Convention and Dcpartnte!lhll Convention.. \0 endorsing propo'>cd rc\'i~ion HI the nalion'~ trade 110licies [0 protect th.: American peopk- :tnd ~a\e American jllh\, r;lthcr Ih"n the inlerc,t, 0/ hug.: lIlultl-nullOn;l] firms and foreign manufucturers.

Pictured are IBEW members attendlns one of the sessions of the recent AFL·CIO ConventIon. Seated at the fron l of the table are, left, International Presidenl Charles H. PI!lard and , rishl. Interna tional Secretary Joseph O. Keenan. Visible de le· sates, clockWise beginning behind President Pillard. are IEC Chairman E. J. "Rex" Fransway; International Repre· sentatlve Irene Allen; Lola Kuntzman. Local 1985; Inter·

national RepresentatIve Kim Parker; Pat Damiani. Local 363; International Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale, Jr.; PIlil Brady, Local 81; Joe LaPlant e. Local 58; Ike Waldrop. Local 1547:


Horace Dove. Local 1329: Fi fth District Vice President J. B. Pate; Morga n Bowen, Loca] 1316: and Glatys Harsin, Local 824.



Right photo: International PreSident Charles H. Pillard served as Secretary o f the

Important Constitution Committee. He IS shown speaking with AFL·CIQ President

George Meany dunng the Convent ion.

International Treasurer Harry Van Arsdale,Jr., seated behmd International Secretary Joseph

D. Keellan, , i~ht. "ltd Intt!rlldlio'lal President Charles H. Pillard, left, appear to

be enloylng one of the Corwenhon speakers.

hnernallonal PreSident Pillard makes a repor t to the meeting of the AFL·CIO Executive CounCil on the procedures 01 Ihe Wage Stabilization COml11lttee for the Const ruction Industry. of whietl he is a member,

Interna tional President Pillard is shown reporting to the BUilding and

Construction Trades Department Convention, as Chairman 01 the State

and local Organizations Committee.

The AFl·CIO BUilding and Construction Trades Department Convention was

well attended by IBEW members representing state and local counCils. as well as appointed IBEW delegates_

The group. headed by International PreSident Pillard and International Secretary Keenan, IS shown at the

IBEW table.

Inte rnational President Pillard speaks to the Building Trades Department

Convention on one of the many resolutions acted on.

A cross sect ion o f the country is represented by IBEW members 111 th iS photograph. Pictured. counter clock­Wise, are William Stack. Kansas City. Mo.: M E. Graham, Houston. Texas:

Roy Sachse, St. lOUIS. Mo.; W Taylor, trxhanapolls, Indiana : Dan Bricker.

Columbus, OhiO; Ken Gasser. Steubenville. Ohio; guest A. Damiani.

New York, N.Y.; Donald Funk. Schenectady. N.Y.; and left front. Tom

Schranck, Wilmington, Del.: and rear left, Joe BertUCCi. New Orleans. lao

At the BUlldmg Trades Convention. PreSident Pillard was Chairman of t he

Committee on State and Local Organiza tions. Pictured at one o f the

meetings are. teft to right, Sheet Metal Workers' General PreSident E. J

Carlough, Carpenters' General Secretary R. E. livingston. Laborers'

Vice PreSident R. E. Powell. and R. Alberto. Massachusetts Building

Trades Council, Operatmg Engineers.

International President Pillard is interviewed by a reporter Irom a Miami

teleVISion station regarding the Wage StabilizatIon Board for the Construction

Industry. He IS a labor member of the tripartite committee.





International Pres.dent Pillard served as Chairman of the Resolutions Committee of the Metal Trades Department ConventIon. ISEW Government Operations Director George Knaly was ASSistant Secretary.


InternatIOnal President Pillard addresses the Maritime Trades Convention. ISEW delegates, pictured below, left 10 fiSh!, are PreSident Pillard. P. K. Sizemore, Local 349; T. P. Enmon. Local 390; S. R. Mc· Cann. Local 302; IR George Knaly, and Ray G. Schlemmer, Local 4l.

Pictured at the Metal Trades Department Convention are. left to right, Interna tional President Pillard; West Coast MTD Representative Allen B. Coats; G. Williams, Local 2123. Fort Bennings MTD; Chris Plunkett. local 3, New York City Labor Council; Harry Weaver, Local 713; DenniS Thuis. Local 1823: Wilham J . Courtney. local 2123; Joseph ZiH. Local 6; and George Knaly. tSEW Govern· ment Operations Director.



International Secretary Joseph D. Keenan served on the important ResolutIons Committee at the AFl·CtO and is shown making his report to the AFL·CIO Conl/ention. Right photo. International Secretary Keenan, who 3gam was elected Vice President of the Union Label and Service Trades Department. is shown during the Department Convention with Edward S. Miller, President of the Hotel and Restallrant Employees, who was elected Seventh Vice President.


tSEW International Represen· tatIVe Paul Menger, Director 01 Manufacturing Operations, and Edward legan, ASSIstant to Ihe PreSident, are mtent as they represent the ISEW at the AFl·CtO SClenhfic, Profes· sional, and Cultural Employees Department Convention.

Below left: At the AFL·CIO National Au:w.llianes Convention are International Representative Irene Allen, right, and Shirley Olson, Grand Forks, N,D., left. Below rigllt: Tile Offi· cers of the AFL·CIO National Au~illaries Convention are sworn In by International Secretary Keenan. Left to nght, are Secretary Treasurer Novella Porter, ISEW; Vice Presi­dent Magsle Reimann, Postal Workers; Vice PreSident Viola

Moss, Bookbinders: Vice Plesldent ROSine McLemore, Sleep­Ing Car Porters; Vice PreSident Lela Cornett, Steelworkers, Vice President Mary Lusk, Glass Bottle Blowers; Vice Presi· dent Marlene Donahue, IBEW; and Vice PreSident Shirley Olson, ISEW. Mrs. Marcella Beatty serves as E:w.ecutive Director of the Au:w.illarles.



How leadin National Negw R spapers

eported the AFL-C/O ConVention

. ________ T'-H~£_'_N'_E~W.....:Y~O~RK 'T'IMES , THUNSDA Y, NOVEMBER 25, 1971

Nixon the Campaigner, at His Best With a Controversial Target,

Is Focusing on George Meany for 1972 :By JAMES M. NAUGHTON

&;>oCa. I. T~. 1< .. \'0'_ TIm ..

WASHINGTON, Nov. 24-Richard Nixon hilS a1w~ys been at his best as a campaigner when he had a contro\'trsial target to attack-whether it was offici.a.\s "soft on Com­munism" in 1946 or opponents lax on law and onter in 1968.

The President has now found another target in

New. George Meany, the . crusty. 77.year-old

An,fYI" president of the American Federa­

tion of ubor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, who applitd a rreeze to the Presi­dent's appearance before the rederation convention last Fri· day in Florida. Alld most polit­iu.1 observers here would not be surprised if he remained a urget welt into the 1972 politi· cal campaign.

Despite White House ISser­tions that Mr. Nixon was unruf­fled by the chilly reception Mr. Meany a rranged for him at the A.F.L.-CJ .O. convention, White. House officials ha\'e been at­tempting ever since to ISsure that the public would charac­terize Mr. Meany IS • villain.

With in an hour aft ~r the Pr~ident spoke to the conven­tion. Devan L. Shumway and Ah'in Snyder, assistants to Hf'r­bert G. Klein, head of Mr. Nixon's communications appa­ratus, had been " briefed"-they will not say by whom-here in Washington on what the White House regarded as discourtesies to the President. And they quickly telephoned news service and television network bureau chids in Washington to make sure their correspondent! in Florida had not missed these aspects of Mr. Nixon's appear­ance.

Mr, Shumway and Mr. Sny­der pointed out that Mr. Meany had declined to provide an ort.hestra to play "Hail to the Chief" when Mr. Nixon entered the convention hall in Bal Har· bour. bd reportedly instructed the convention delegates to sit on their hands during the speech, had countenanced deri­sive laughter during the address and had gaNeled the audience to order while the President was still mingling among the delegates.

The public denunciation of Mr. Meany on the grounds of "arrogance" and "boorishp.ess"

made Monday by John B. Con· nally, SKretAry of the Treas· ury, appeared to represent merely another step in an ef· tort to establish Me. Meany. organized labor and its Demo­cratic supporters in Congress as potential blame· takers if the economy should fail to revive by Election Day, 1972.

Mr. Nixon withheld a de­cision on whether to address the labor convention unt il the day that Mr, Meany sharply criticized the Phase Two sys­tem of controls on the economy and brought about a conven­tion mandate for the three A.F.L.-C.I.O. mtmbers on Mr. Nixon's Pay Board to adopt a policy of noncooperation. The President pointedly reminded the convention that he knew it represented a hostile audience whose members "may be against me politically."

Find Incident Euggerated Mr. Meany's explanation that

the federation had short notice of the President's decision to address the convention and his defense or the delegates' con­duct-nobody, after &II, booed or jeered, he noted-failed to mask the discourtesy inherent in his refusal to accord Mr.

Cop ·

Nixon the musical honors and personal obeisance customary when a President is the guest

But a number of obseT\'ers here thought the incident had been blown out of proportion, and they found worthy of con­siderat ion Mr. Meany's ch3rge that the President hoped all along to provoke an encounter that might win for him the sympathy of the public and the support of some in labor's rank and file.

This theory was enhanced by Mr. Nixon's abrupt and unusual decision to return to the White House on Friday ra ther than spend the weekend in FI()rida. Hardly anyone accepted as a likely rationale his reported eagerness to attend the per­formance of a Cambodian bal­let troupe in Washington.

What the change in sch!dule did dearly accomplish W I S to f heighten the impression that Mr. Nixon was disturbed by the treatment afforded him b, the labor leaders.

At the same time, the insist­ence of his spokesmen thaI Mr_ Nixon was "not upset" enabled the President to assume the altitude of a statesman, a>ove brawling with Mr. Meany.

b Yrlght 1971 Y perrnrssro n. by The New y

------"~-,-------------' Labor-convention rift • retrospect In

Ill' Eo! T ..... ~ ...

Ltbot ..... ~-"'" _f T~.C~"If"" s ......... "''''''0'

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'P",I"'~nl Nl%on ml r prov. to ~ \lit> I"onanl IIn.le unily'nl lort .. lor "'mer~ln llbo. In run Th .. unIOn mOYfmtnl IlInnl on UIIIU-Ir>d. th .. P""I~nrl Ippntar>a It t.Iw ",unl .... "UIO to,WtnUon " .. ~ytlop.td Inl -0..1.,1111 ... tu;> .utndtd tht ~vtn , ........ FIor,da .'" C«I¥,nct'd by w1\u bappmed !hUt WI the Pr~1 Inc! IIU .dmlJlD'.u ..... now Irt 'GIIlmmf1l to ""it ..... on ,"bor

When tilt ..... ".,nllon _Md Noy II. m ... y "rulo .lI'Ihll.1 qr. 1>01 100 unhappy wllh Phue 1 t'on,,,,LI-thty hld .. O(I, lublllnhlllr ... hat the), .... ntN n t tpl for W ,1M ...... I'v' payment ot ""U !hit .. ue <Nt bI.>\ ,,"hhtld <NT' onc !he ....... II-Sow. 14 !feu ..

By !he .. nd of the eony .. nll"n, lhe ., Illude had Chlnled )Iort Ihln .nythl", elK lIul"u I .toW: '" U1Ucr.,K 'f porta ollhe "FUIO dtltl'~" ".nolk .tI<I ...... ltlnC'· !fUlmenl 01 lilt Prt.,­d.nl ~ Whl't ~ .1'Id ''''' .dmlru.­tnllon IIdes IPPllt"tly had tnn>u",f'd 5UdI ~"". In labor', vi" ~b,lI~ w,:1 co on I ..... IOn, u",~ ..

to JUlt ... h,1 hlpPfll~d at thf (Onytn· 1'01'1. 8001 .nd jffff "·f'f rtPOntd. bu, IG Ih'l rtPO'ltr. wh.o WII prflfnl_ tbtrt ...-tr~ IIOnt The p'fl,dent "'U .e«lvtd pOI'tely. thoulh IlOl- enlhus.uunny

Whfn lito enluH lhe nIO\Vtnuon h.n. _I <kltcatel 1140<1 .nd Ipplaudtd .-OUIt •• SIt ,Ilenlly Ht .as lIlhliy apo plao.HlH at lull e"hl I .. ,," He 4ft. tnunll,,,"'lf' on Iwo 0«('''-' w1:,." d.eloi lles dua.,HIt W"lth h.. .. ...... menl 01 C.'M M,nl m.de 'CI,nll p .. « ,ncrU.~1

H~vf', II.,dly hoU an hour IItU

1M rpettll ended. "dlllu,btd" NUU>fI .dm,n",rallon IpoIInmen .·t~ .dvlI· ,nc nt""papO'< .... 're ... '0'>« •• nd net", Ind Itlt'Vlllon Mlwork ntw. dotpa". m,nU thai Prt.ld,nl SlJIon hId betn ··,nllllltd·· by L.bo •• t tbt convtnl,on

AeeordInc 10 c:.o.Ce Muny. AFl.· 00 p,eoulenl. p ... ldenl ~"' ... >n, ",. 0'11.01 on StpI Zl 10 Idd,e" lilt CflnVfft-1I0Il A lew d.y. LIII!1' Ar J...CIO wU told Ih., thf Prtlod,nl would looi< ern. hl5 .cl\tdule. Ind Itt In 10uch ..... \11 ldr "tiny Lllff

Thtre was no wo.d dlrt<:ILy 10 Art.­CIO from th~ .... ·)>>!f HouI' lor If'en w~h Labor ~e,el"y Jlmeo D Herd, IOn wu rtporled .. JaY'''' In CNtlI' th.t thf Prtlldfn' ""OII:d 1>01 .11tnd but wouLd nnd hll "HI,nl 1lI ...... lh s"tr ... t.a ..,. Hod,son

Pho n t call ~th'flI On the evtrullc bdore \boo C'On~,."uon.

M, Mnny 'tet'''H • 1I\tphont nil .d ........ Ihll the P'flld",1 would lIkt 10 .,u.tll lhe f'DnvtnlJOt> 11 noon tbt nUl doy The AFUIO Eltcull .. t Coan ..,L hid .n "nporlOnl Lunc"-' mttl"" Idle-dulfd It llI.t I"ne

M r Muny .. ,d thl' the noon!!mt hoY, ..... not p,"cuul, bul thu tlw Prelllitnt """'}d bo .. elcome to I peak Thursdl Y .~moon 0' Ulyll"'. roda) All oJ' ...... un II",., ..... tMn Itt lot ]0 30 Ftod. y mom"', Ih ..... (end d.y 0' tho- (en~tflllon

Stcft'\ s.",tt .nd otMt I'«IId,."".1 aid." look ........ and l.uI out dtlldK

pLans '00 u... 'ppu,ance ArUIO_ opua'"'<l ucept on 1'"'0 '""IIIt'II' til. _"hit., HOUlt wlnled 1M Ipt"tfh 1.,1.,· nHd \,u. bul 10 comply W"lth the ~. q ..... 1 reqll"~ "''''''''I tOUt tlblel on Iht con .. enllon Il00, .nd dllplHlll, 100 dele'llti. Arl..-CIO uid Ihey tould nol do thOl

Aloo tho- "'hilt Hou .... UltH II. II ... t tilt convenUon orel""I". pllY "Rum.,. and r loufl.h .. " IS lilt P"liCkn! en· Itttd tilt hall. &II Mr . ..... ny ... ! then woWd bo "only wtlat ,.-otI 11\.,111 nU • rhambe r Iroup." .nd ''yOu cl n'l plly ' Rulllfl Ind Floufllht" on vIOl""

Comme nll fthoed Subsequenl pub4sJ1ot<1 repotU th.t

hive bun tchOt!I 01 «Immenll by Re· pubhun ludtr, IIY AFL..cIO "tusH live t .... ·tr.1t of the I~ch Ind ..... t ,10 orthulra ""I of 1M ha1\ lO IlIIt ,I tould 1101 pL.y a prtlld.,n"aL , rttlt",

Rtpot"ll 1110 Ily IlIn Mr Meany ft·

h .. ed to II'Ilrocf",te Prnodtflt N, ..... ArUIO ..... u. thaI». M"nY·I"'1N>-dllctlon .... tlw '-tad,,,,,,,,,,] _ too III)'

presod .... 1 Lad"a.nd .tnllt"' ..... tilt Prel.dtnl of lhe UnuH Stlltt

Mltr W adelre .. dllOnl wllltll 1M P<taodtn, " ... I\OIJcub]y ne ......... N , :.tun)" .·enl to 1M mlc.ophone ,ou t",ely to upre .. Ipprec.ltlon AC«I,d"" tG ",<"IInty a"ln,tmen, •. he "'11 to dG 'hI' and llIen Ifi't tilt pllllorm .... ,th the P.tlldtnl Hcornpln'H by "' tlrort COmmllltt ~ p" .. dtn, l.,h llIe pLlllot'" llont •

"hIle )!] ' MeanY"'-lIlltII .. ""c.opbcoM A. he dod If<"llmy Gtlkt .. re",""'l'd 1M .-ope barntr thll had betn trtetH II \he" "",.: ....... 10 1If'tp dtleilltl boell Ind tht' Prtlodt-n ... ",I ll'lto tilt dtle ,11t1' IT"

!..lbo, I"".ttl lIy thlt . ..... Ntt HOUle pho!ol'"plltr and .n 11I'IIOn, W"lth I\OCId hlhll .pPU'H 10 like p,.tu." 01 tilt p.tlldenl !haiti'" h.nd, ",·,th deleil itl

Surp. i ... obviou~ Mr. Mea ny "-II ob~lOUll)' IUrpnHd

o.le,lIel bo,.n b.uk"" lrom dele' ,It 10M In lithe. PIfU of tht crowded hall He tapped hi, ,Inl and .. ,,' - ..... Ill W deltlate. and ,'''"U kuld]y I.b lilt., "'''\1 Ah."~ Pre .. denl loll 111'1' halJ. Wr !oC Ull1 .. Id. W.,Ll. Itt·. ,t1 on .,th tilt ... conct.n n.et, 1wo re",arkl .. "tft t'" b,,," of Iller .~por\l thai !oC r lIIunr ,nllbbt-d Inc! ","uItH lilt p,tlu\.tnl

Mr Muny Ind deLellln ... ho no .. ' hive lone hom., 10 their un'"" (en. 1"luellC'tI wue f'Dn'-1n«d tha! lilt P""d.,nt·, ap~ ... nc ..... poll"cal '" ""'post. Ihll II ...... part of the ,"Ittlr limed I, Ipilll,", Labot·, ........ nd_lIlt I,om '11 ltatlot.lolup

Tbt mc>OtnU at HaL HI.bou •. F!a , ... "bl """t faded I .... y qlllellly u.cept fot lilt nl1lO ... 1 , ... ~ TtulUry Secrelary J ...... B C .... n.Lly Jt Hou ... tUder- GtraLd It ronl .• nd othtrl Iu, h '" the Rfpubhnn Party 100II O(el"on 10 Ittack Mr Muny and l.bo, for .''", lulu", , .... Pre"dtn'

Mlnl,tm.nl 'l"n'>I"o", Illch n ,h. N.uoniL As,OC,otlOn of Ma nllll c· tu,tTl dtplored the art~Ianu Of G.· ,Inued t.bor

Th ...... ",It H ..... ot tndlU\td ",ilL and W"lrt SIlPPO" to"''''' '" f",", If'OU lilt ""'"try 10' llIe P'uld .... ,

The ]ar, .. que'llon no'" Cln Ptlue 2. that dfptr'dt .. I",e]y upon ~ ... t_ .• ....,.eed Ln an atmOlphHt of In· Il&:ht",,'








National Electrical Week February 6-12, 1972




~ National Elect rical Week. in 1972. will be observed during the week of February 6-12, with em­phasis on the industry's service to people. as expressed in the theme. "Electricity Is For People."

Complete kits for planning local and regional observances have been dist ributed to all I BEW local un­ions. Although every industry and Ulstit u tion is involved in this ob­servance. the electrical industry bear ... a particular responsibility in its observance and in continuing Ihe healthy evolut ion and necessary ex­pansion of power supply and serv-ices.

International President Charles H. Pillard urges <Ill IBEW locals to part icipate actively in this year's observance to make National Elec­trical Week a truly successful achic\cmcnt throughout thc coun~


The 1972 National Electrical Week Planning Guide, which has been mailed out to all local unions.

-- I

1.1 ~ -----


IBEW Wins Organizing Campaign At Western Electric Plant

.. On Oclob~r 191h, afler sc\'· cr;l] months of campaigning which involved the !BEW, the lAM, anti the CW A, the mEw \\on reprc:s..'n­lalion riehls for the new WestenJ Electric l~lanUraclurirlg complex now being built in the San Ramon Valky of California, loc<l\ci.I outside the town of Sun Ramon.

The !irsl NL RB election was held on Octoocr 7th. v .. hich resulted in the lAM's being eliminated from Ih...: ballot and the ruEW and the CWA's being required [Q p;,nidpatc in a ru n-off .. :Icelion. \\hich \\as held on Or.:tobcr 19th.

Although only 110 \\orkcrs were eligible to vOle in Ihi~ deelion. the plant will c\cnlually emplo) morc than 3.000 worl.cn. m,lIIufacturing Ide phone cOlllmunicalion~ ('quip­men! which \\ ill Ix "old 10 the Bell SY\ICIll. The San Ramon Vallev plant \dll manufacture the same type of communicati(JF1~ equipment that is presently being lmxluced in the company's Merrimack V:JlIcy, Mas­sachusetts, pl;utt. \\ hich is repre· s.! nted by the CWA.

Thl,\ S,II1 RUlllon \ ictnry bring~

thc total numocr of IBEW·r ... pre­scntcd Westl'rn Electric manufactur· ing locatiOIlS to 17. \\hich emplo) more than 80.000 \\orkers in pro­duction and mainten:mcc units. The 1 BEW presently represents morc Wcstern Electric manufactur­ing workers th:1I1 :llIy other tlilion


Standing before the IBEW Western Electnc organiZing headquarters In San Ramon. CallI .. are. left to fight. fletd Representatille James Mcintyre. Director of Organiz­Ing Michael D. lucas, Field Representatilles MelVin Horton and Jack Thrane, Inter­national Representatllle Charles R. Davis, field Representative Keith Wright. and International Representatives G. W. "Duke" Schultz, Jr., Joseph Maziasz, and Roy Stafford.

Pictured are many 01 the San Ramon Valley Western ElectriC employees who worked long and hard 10 bring IBEW representation to the new manufactunnl! complex being bUIlt In Calilornia.

on th.: company"" property. und.:r contracts containing the high..:st wagc,," and the bo,:,t fringe bendit~

in the systo.'m- bar non". During 1970. the IBl:.W won rep·

H',cntation righh at thr~'e nc\\ We\l­ern Electric manufacluring location,. On January 271h. th" crnployo.'e~ at Ih~ [)':Il\er. Colorado. plan! \oted {lVcl"\\helmingly fUl' IBEW reprcsen­t:nion. On Jul~ 16th. ItI" IB EW won rl'prcs..:ntalion right, at the nc\\ I i,le. Illinois. plant. and on Deccm­ba 1 Hlh. the empluyee, of the m'w Columbia Rivcr plant. located in Vam:ou\er. \\a,hington. voted for II3 EW repr..:senwtinll. The CWA cOlllpct..:d for repn:~cnl:lIion righh

:11 all three location,. The Siln Ramon \ alky camp'lign

W;I' conducted ul1lkr the direction of the m EW' .. Ilc\.\I~-formed De­partment of Org.mi/illg Operalioll~. Miclwcl D. LUCilS, Director. A,·

..ign..:d to th..: ci1l11pait;n, were Inter­national Reprc,,,ntati\c,, Ch'lrl..:., R. D:I\i ... Jos..:ph Ma/ia'i. Roy Star· ford, and G. \\ . "Dukc" Schult/., J r. AI,o a~~isting in Ihe c:unpaign, \\":1'1.:

Field Repre,enl:Jli\es James Me­lilly rc. Melvin Horton. Jack Thrilnc, and Keith Wright A,sisting from the Ninth Di,trict. "crc International Rcpr~'sentati ... es A. L. "J ad." Tue· ker. John Zambrano, and Larry Tafoya.


IBEW Exhibit Big Attraction at

Canadian Union Industries how

~ O\~r 89.000 persons allcmlcd the Second Annual Union- Indu!o­Iril's Show, !>pollsorcd by the Union Label Departlllent of the C:lIladian Lallour Co ngress. October 2n d to Octoher 61h, in London, Onlario. almost doubting the figu rl.! for Ihe inaugural ex hibition last yc .. r. The crowd:, marvelled at the wide range of goods produced in Canada by Canadian union members.

The First DlwicI of the I li E\\' occupied a central position in the c'I( hibition. and taki ng part in the prcscllt;ltion wcre the following:

Ph ilips Electron ics IndU!olrics . .. howing their n..:\\ Modular Four colour Idc\-i.,ioll SCI. engineered in Canada ;md nJ:luc b) mcmocrs of Local 1590. Toronto, Omario. and a variety of Phi lips domestic lamps. nl<l ll ufactured by rnCl1lbcr~ of Local 120. London. Ont:lrio.

Etcctroholllc ULI.. di~pJa)jng a v;lril!ty of stcrl!ophonie equipment and its new etectro\t:ltie air purifier. manufactured by members of Locnl SO·k Kilchcncr, Ont:lrio.

The public address systcm was


VIsitors to the Union Industries Show sl8n up for the drawmg for valuable prizes at the IBEW Exhibit.

Winner o f the new Philips color t ele· viSion set at the ,BEW exhibi t was the John deRoos family. of London, Ontario,

Canada's Minister of Labour, the Honor, able Bryce Mackasey, opened the Umon Industries Show, left IS lithog­raphers and Photoengravers Vice Presi­dent Richard Clarke. Right is Jean Beaudry, of t he Executive l abou r Con­gress,


providcd by another I BEW com­pany. Gordon Ruth. Ltd . of Lon­don.

Rctired I BEW members of Local 120 provided a round-the-clock security forcc. Internation:11 Reprc­~..:ntativc Bernard Barnes co-ordi­nated the IIlEW exhibits. wit h the ;lssistance of International Repre­sent:ltive Jack Shirk;e.

Over 15.000 of the ~how'~ visj­tors took part in the IB EW d raw­ings for valuahle prizes. lh\! chid of

which was a new Philips colour television sel.

The wi nner was Mrs. John de­Roos of London. whose old, black­and-white sct had broken down the week before. Aguin. the long arlll of coincidence wa, at work. fur the worldwide Phi lips o rganization ori­ginates from Eindho\en. Holland, and only last )car. the dc-Roos family revisitcd thcir nativc HoI­land and tourcd the Philip .. plant there.

Other lB EW winners w..:re W. Guy of London (EJcctrohomc air purifio.:: r ) and Ronald PlaskclI of Stratford. Ontario, ( DeHcraft fl oor lamp ).

Si nce the loca le of the next ex­hibi tion was undecided, tcntative noor-plan booki ngs were made for both Calgary and Edmon ton, A l­berta.

The M ini~ter of Labour (a (ormer m EW local union oniccr) stopped by to ad mire the IB EW exhibi ts. lJ u"ine~s Manager B . E. DuMaresq and Financia l Secretary Bob Scal. Local 120. and other officers and members of the local were much in e\'idcnce :It the

booths. A local JIl FW electrical canlrac­

tor. Grc-c",ide Elcctric, Ltd .. was Ihe onlcial electrical contractor for the show.


WItHam Roberts, Lid.. demonstrated its induction·bearing hea ter in an at tractive gold·plated display.

ThiS IS the new Electrostatic air pUrifier made by members of local 804 (Elee· trohome) .

--. ThiS is the gold·plated Wilham Robefts. ltd .. inductlon·bearing heater.

Philips displayed an '"e)lposed" color televiSion set shOWing the four mod, ules.

Electrohome's stereo combination In a novel cabinet was on display.

ThiS is an over·alt view of IBEW e)lhlblt area at the show.


The new Philips colour teleVISion was a feature of the IBEW e)lhlblt.

This is Elect rohome's stylish stereo. made in Kitchener. Ontario.



.. International Vice President F . T. Gladney. together with three other shop craft chiefs, reached a National Agreement on October 7. 1971, and it was collccthely ratified by the four organizations on November 13. 1971.

This agreement was rcached without the necessity of a Presidential Emergency Board. a strike. or the intervent ion of Congress. Consequently. we now have an agreement that goes into effect in the same year in which it was negotiated. This is an all-time record for railroad negotiations.

The result of this agrecmcnt wi ll increasc the hou rly ratc fo r journeyman elcctriei:trls from $4.28 per hour to S5.50 per hour. for an increase of $1.22 per hour over a period lxginning January I. 1971. through April l. 1973.

In addition to the largest wage increase negoti:lIcd on the railroads. thc agreement also provides addi­tional paid holidays: up to fi\"c weeks' \acalion: and. liability insurance up to $ 100.000 per individual for off-li ne of road accidents.

Also. thc four organizations negotiated the first national sick-leave rule in the railroad industry.

The following is a reprint of the entire agreement. which was ratified by an overwhelming majority of 10th District local unions.


134 650 856 1142 1779 152 652 859 1146 1809 205 656 862 1152 1814 21' 674 863 1153 1826 293 685 864 1155 1829 3 11 689 865 1179 1831 312 693 866 1199 1832 318 708 870 1231 1836 331 726 881 1243 1851 335 732 885 1305 1856 360 736 886 1346 1863 362 744 887 1353 1901 366 747 889 1358 1910 418 748 893 1392 1911 427 757 900 1425 1920 450 770 912 1475 1923 454 774 918 1498 1934 491 778 919 1580 1939 513 782 939 1584 1946 519 783 940 1594 1970 528 784 942 1596 1971 536 787 946 1630 1982

" •

539 792 959 1631 1984 544 794 1023 1682 2016 546 796 1024 1684 2026 547 800 1025 1714 2093 582 807 1036 1721 2149 604 813 1047 1736 2172 615 817 1086 1745 2269 618 829 1091 1750 2271 628 844 1108 1767 2272 632 848 1122 1775 2273 633 854 1135 1778



186 506 " 587 799 1756 452 533 597 922 1769 475 549 791 1022 1782

"2270 TOTAL l.U.'S AGAINST 14


ReVised 12/7/71


S-.;lion I. Effectiye January 1. 1911. eU hourly. dally. weekly. monthly and p,ec:e.work rlltes of pay for employees c:overed by 11". agreement will ~ Increased In the amount 01 10 c:enls pe. \>ou' epphed SO 8$ 10 iii"'" elfKI of Ih.s I(lc .. ue in pay irrHpee· I .... e 01 the meillod of payment. The (nc:rene prOVIded for in th" Sectoon 1 sh,1I be apphed as loUowl:

("') Hourly R.tes Add 10 c:enls to Ihe e~i$t,n, hourly rain 01 pay.

(b) Da lly Ratn Dele,mine the equ,"alent hourly r,Ie by <liyid.n. the u,s l,ng

d,ily rale by Ih e number of hou", comprehended by the d.ily .ale. Ten c:enlS per hour multiplied by Ihe numbe. 01 hou", comp.ehended by the dally <ale sh,1I be added 1o Ihe hlSt,ng d"',ly ,ale.

IC) Weekly Rai n Dete.mlne Ihe equ,valent hourly 'a le by dividing the ex,Slln,

weally . a le by Ihe num~. of houu comprehended by Ihe weekly "Ie. Ten c:enls pe. hou. multiplied by the numbe, 01 \>ours c:ompl"f!hen<led by Ihe weekly rele shan be ",dded 10 Ihe e~;,tin. wHkly .ate.

Id) MGI'Ithly R,tes Determine the equ.yalent hourly rile by d,yid.ng the e~,sli(l.

monlhly .",Ie by Ihe numbe, 01 hou,. c:omp.ehended by the monthly rale . Ten cents per I'tour multiplied by the num~. of ...... " c:omp,ehended by the monlhly .ale sh",11 ~ adeled to the e.,"ing monthly rate

;eJ Piece Wor1l AdJuSlment of piece-work rales 01 pay sh,1I be based on the

.mount of inc:re;ose apphc:. ble 10 th4 be,lc: hOurly •• Ie 1o. the class 01 wo,k performed Whete p.ec:e.work •• Ies of pay e,e in elf.c l on c:a,riet$ ha."lng ,pee,,1 rules &1 to Ihe applic:alion of .ny Incr.ase. or dec,ea". In suc:h .ales. suc:h fules shall apply.

(f) Deduc:tlons Insofa' .5 COnc:em, deductions, ",hlet. m.y be mada from


Ihe .ates re.ult'". from the roc.ease h,rel" g'lnled. unde r SKtion l(m) 01 the F.lr Labor S"nd .. ds ",CI o f 1938, they may con lin ue 10 btl mllde to U,. '~I.n l thaI such deductions were being , ••• ny made u o f AUlusl 31. 1941.

(I) Appl katlon 01 Wage Inc.n •• The Inc •• , .. In "I .... provided 10' In Ihls Seetion 1 Shall be

applied in accordlnce w, llI Ihe w ••• D. workln' conditio". ••••• m.n! In ,Neel bet .... e" •• ch c.,,'-, and •• ch I,bo. 0'.1-ntzeuDo pa,ly he.eto. Special .Uo ... lnc •• nOI oncluded In find dally. w.ekly D. monthly ,ates 01 !NO)' 10' III "IV,ees rendered will not ba Inc ..... d,

(h) Cove.a.1 All emptor"' WilD had an employ"""n! r,la,ionshlp aile.

December 3 • 1970. shill .eel,,,' It •• amounts to which they ,.a IntilllJd unda. thl' Slcl,on 1 ,e'l.dless of whetne, they •• e now In th •• mploy of the e ..... ' •• upt pe.son. who P"o, to Ihe dele of thl ........ menl h.v. vohml.",y 'elt the urvle. of the c.rrle. Olh •• ,h.n to •• ti.e 0. who have felled h •• .pond to a cell·back 10 .. rvice to whiCh th.y we.e obligated to •• spond under 'h. Aul" ..... eem.n'. Overtlm. hou •• WIll be computed in ;t<;r;Ord.ne. with Ih, Individual ,ched ... I,,, for aU overlim. hourI paid for

S.cUon 2-Specl.' Adjus lmenl. (.) EHective "'p.11 I . 1971. the hourly. d.lty. we.~ly. monthly

and pl.e.-work r. t •• of pe, of POSltlonl whleh .ecelved the five e.nlS per hour speclel .dlustm.nt IHec"V. July I. 1969 und •• Public L.w 9 1-226 0' under Artlcte I. S,c,lon 4 01 Ihe Ap.iI 2 •. 1910 C.rmen·s A8 ••• ment wltl be Inc .... ed In ,he amount o r 15 c.nll p"r hou, .fPlled so •• 10 .Iv. effecl 10 Ihls Inc ..... In ply Irrespeellv. 0 thl m.thod of p.ym.nl.

(b) EffectIVe "'prll I. 1971. Ih. hourly. d.,ry. weekly, mon'hly .nd piece-work ra'" of p.y 01 positions tov ... d by t hl, ....... m.nl. oth.r th.n Ihose .pecliled In p.'., ... ph (.) o f thos Seetlon 2. will be Inc .. as.ad In lhe .mounl of 8 c.n's per hour apr'ied 10 .. to ,iVfl .ffect to Ihll Inc.e.s. In PJlY i"e.peCtlVe 0 Ihe

·m.thod 0 paym.n' (c) The ine .... es prOVided for In Ihls Seellon 2 shaU be .p­

pll.d •• wt forth In p ...... ph. I.) \0 (h). Inclu,ive. 01 Sect,on I hereof

Seelion 3-C.ne.a' W ••• Inc ...... EffecUVfI Oc'obe. I. 1911. • U hou.ly. d."y. -k'l' monlhly .nd plec .. wo.k r.'es of P.Y in .ffec' on Sept.mbe. O. 1971 fo, ,mploy ... cov •• ed by Itll' ......... nt 0' ..... th.n fr.I,hl cerm.n w,1I be incre.sed In 1"­emoun' of 5 pere.n' eppl,ed so •• to .,v. effec' to 'hos inc ..... In pey i,,'spec"v, of ,h. m.U>OcI of peymen' Aetes of pey 01 Ir.I,ht C •• m.n woll be Inc •• ned by the money .moun, of In· cr ... es In Ih ••• ,., of P.Y of ""ssen •• r c .. men. SO , .... ''>I mon.y dlff"'n'i,l ..... tin. I. 01 S.p'.mbe, )0, 1971 be,w"n the ""'es of ""sHn,.' CI.men Ind ,h ••• t •• 01 're'ghl ce.men w,1I be preserv.d. E.c.p, •• p.ovld.d In I .... p.eced.ne wnl.nee. ,he Increas. provld.d lor In Ihls 5ICloon 3 .hlll be eppU.d II I.t Po"" belo ..... 1'1 fHt,,!.aplls f.) 10 (.). Inclu,h,. •• and In pa •• ,.aph. ee) to (h). Inch'" v •. 01 Sect,on I he,eol

(e) Hou.ly Ra le' "'dd 5 pe.cent to th. '.i,lln. hou.'y .. Ie, 01 pay.

fb) Dally Rete. Add 5 perc.nl to Ihe e.I.Iona dlily r.tes of p.y.

(c) W,.kl~ Aa t •• Add 5 perc.nl 10 Ihe , ..... na wI.kly "'n of pey.

(d) Monthly Aatn Add 5 pe,c.nt to the eol. t in. monthly .a'e. 01 pay.

(.) DI.posltion 01 F,aetlon. Rain of per. '.'1,11111'1' lrom the Ippllelltion 0' pe'lg.aph.

(e) to (d). Inc u,lve .• bove whle" end In , .. ctions 01 e c.nl • haU be round&d to the nu •• " whol. cen l ' Iraclion. I ... Ihln on.-hall cen t Ih.1I be dropped •• nd f.aetlon. 01 one-half e.nl Or more sheli be Inc .... ed in Ihe 1'1 ..... , lull e.n'

Seellon 4--G ...... 1 Wa •• Inc ...... EfI.cltl.e "'p.it I. 1972 •• 11 hou . ly, dany. we.kl~. monlhly and plec. wo.k ,,,t .. 01 ply in .ffee' on MI.ch 31, 1912 lor .mploYH' covered by Ih ... " .. m.nl oth.r Ih.n ' .. Ieht c •• m.n w.1I be InC'.I,ed In Ihe amounl of 5 perc.nl IppU.d SO I, 10 e.v. ,ffee' to 'hI' increase ,1'1 pay Irrespecll .... 01 Ih. method 01 plym.n' Aare. 01 PlY 01 ".'ahl carm.n w.1I be InC"I"d In th. 11m. mlnn.r as p'ovided In Sec"on 3 h • .-of. Th. Inc .... e p.ov.ded lor In this Section 4 .hlll be .pplied In the 11m. menn. , as p,ovlded 10' in Seetoon 3 he.eof

Section 5--Gen ••• 1 WI.e Incr ..... EtI.Cllve October I. 1972. III hou.ly. dlily. wHkly. monlhly Ind plee • . work rate. 01 pey In eflecl on S.ptembe. 30. 1972 10 •• mploy.es tove.ed by ,h •• • " .. men. other Ihln I •• I,"t c .. men w,1I be incr.ailed In \he • mount 01 5 pe.e.nl .ppll.d .0 a. ' 0 alv. IfI.CI 10 Ihls Incr.I" In pay i"espectlve of Ih. m.lhod 01 P.ym.n'_ R,'.' 0' pay of I •• llIh, c •• m.n w.1I be Inc.elsed In the lime manner as p.ovld.d in S.c,.on 3 he,eof Th. Inc.e ... provld.d for in Ihi. Seellon 5 Ihlll be applied In the lime mlnn" .. proltlded for in Section 3 he •• ol.

Section 6--Q.n .... , Wa •• Incr ..... Effecll". Ap.il I. 1973, all hourly. d.ily. w •• kly. monlhly and pi.ce·wo.k .atn of plly fo, employe .. covered by this a.reem.nl will b. Inc.eued In t he amoun , o f 25 c.nll per hour IPplied 10 I' to lilte efl.c, to t hi, Incren. In PRY Irr •• peCllv. o f Ihe method 01 paym.nl. The 11'1-cre .. e p,ovided 10' In Ihl. S.Clion 6 .hall be appli.d In th e ume manner II' p,ovlded lor In Secllon 1 hereof.

ARTICLE Ii- HOLIDAYS Section I . Elfec tlve J~nulry 1. 1912. Art !cle II of the "'8ree·

men' of AU8u ,1 21. 1954. as Irmlnded. 11'1.01 •• as applicable to


the employe.. cove .. d by th ll .... r.emenl. Is h.reby , ... rth.r IImended .n 'he lo llowln. 'npecl1'

(.) The p .. lmble p.rler.ph 01 Article II . Sec l lon I o f Ih. ', • ..,m.n, 01 AUlust 21. 195'. I. Im.nded by \h ' A.reem.nt o AUlu11 19. 1960 .nd th. Aa ••• ment 01 S.ptember 2. 1969. I, .m.nd.d '0 r.ad as ' olloWS

Secl lon 1. Sub,lel ' 0 ,h. quallfyln. reQulr.m.nts r;On· "'ned .1'1 S.c,.on 3 he.eol. Ind to 'h. cond. , lons here.nall •• p,ovkl&d. each hourly lind d.lly ,...ted employee shaU •• c.iv. .'ehl hours' p.y st 'h. p.o •• " hourly •• t. for •• ch of Ih. lOllow"" .num ••• ted hOlld'YI:

N.w y, .... Oily Fourth of July W .. hl"alon'S B.rthdlY L.bo. DIY Good Fndly Thlnh.,wn. Day Memo"al DIY Ch"Slmas

p,cnr.d.d thel on ,,1I,o.d. on which SOme hohd'l other t hIn Good Friday h .. bflon lubs'.lut.d. b~ ag'Hm.n'. or th. b.rth · da, holodlY. Unl .. 1 . he .mploy ••• now desire to h.". Good Fnd.y Included III I hoUda~ In pillce 01 such holiday which hu been ,ubstltulld ' 0' the birthday hol.dey .uch subs"Iulion w,1I conttnu. .ffKtiV.. and Good Fridly wlll be .hmin,"d I.om Ih. holidlYs ,nume'.',d lbolt •• nd I.om Ihe provision. of IhlS ""Ilci. II whiCh follOW

Ib) "'rtlel. It, Secl ion , 01 \h. A.rMmen\ 01 A ... ,us' 21. 19504 s am.ndld 10 .. Id .. follows.

Secl lon 4 . Provi.lon. In uisI.nl,g ••• m,nt. w.th respecl 10 holidays In I.c.n 01 the .'1 , holod.,.. .e'. rr td to .1'1 Sec'lon 1 h ••• of shIll contlnu. 10 be appll.d w.,houl chana •.

(c) A.tiel, II. Secl lon 5 of Ihe Ag.eemenl 01 AUlus , 21 19504, .. IIm.nd.d by Ih. Aa,"m.nl o f S.ptember 2, 1969. Is amended 10 rUd I. lolrows,

Section 5. (e) Edllina .ul., Ind p'le,.ces th.' .... nd.' lov, .,nin, wh.ther en .mployee wo,ks on I hOUdlY Ind t .... payment fo. wo,k pe. lo.mld on e holid.y are •• tend.d '0 apply to Good F.;d.y In t .... Im' mlnne ••• 10 olhe. holl.

days IIsI.d Or referred to Ih.,,'n Cb) All rules. ,e.ull'lon. 0. pr.c"c •• whic" provide Ihll'

when •••• ul •• ly ''''en.d .mployee has .1'1 assianed ,eli.f d.y olher thin S ... nday .nd on. of the hohd.,... specified th ••• 1n fill. on .uch •• Uel d.y. 'h. lollowon, asSlaned dlly w,1I be conSIdered hll holldly ••• e he.eby .Uminllled

(c) Under no ci.cum".nces .... '11 .1'1 .mploye. be .1I0wed • In I>CId.hon to "I. holid.y pey, mo .. th.n 0 ... I,me lind On~ hllf p.y .... n, fo, •• rvlc. perform.d by him on I holidly wh.ch OS "10 • wo.k d.y, • 'IS' dey. 'nd/o' e vlClllion day.

NOI. Thi. p.cnrllion (Ioe. not .upersed. p.cnrl.lons of t .... 'nd,v,du.' eollectlV. la.eemen,. Ih.t ,equi.e Ply' ment 01 doubl. tim. 10' hohd.,.. under specified Condilion.

(d) E_c.pt .. provided In this Section 5 • •• ist,ne rules .nd IM'Khce. th,.eund.. aOVfl.nin. whet he. ,1'1 employee wo.k. on e holldey .nd lhe fHtym.nl 10' WO ... performed on • holod.y .re no, chen.ed h ••• by.

(d) Artlcl. II. Section 6 01 th. AI • ..,men' of Au.,,11 21. 19504_ whfeh wll .dd.d by ,he ..... eem.n' 01 Novembe. 21. 1964 Ind th ..... 'Mm.n' 01 F.b,ulry 4. 1965. is ehminl'ld However. the Idju.tm.n. In monthly 'lies 01 monlhly raled .mployees which .... as mad. effect ;", Jllnu.ry I. 1965, PUrs"lnt 10 ..... 'cle II of Ihe Aa.eement 01 Nov.mbe. 21. 196-' .nd Ih ..... ' •• m.nt 01 F.b'uary 4. 1965. by IIddlnfl ,h. eQulv.'en ' 01 8 pro ,.'a hours to ,h.l, Innu.' compensation f,h. monthly ,st. mulliplied by 12) .nd dlv'dlne Ihl. Ium b~ 12 In o.der '0 es'ablish II new mOnthly ral •. continues in Iffecl EHecl,v, J,nUII'y I . 1972. w •• kl~ •• tlll .hlU b. edjust.d by eddlnl t ..... qulvll.nt 01 8 pro r.te hou" to 'h. 11'11'1"111 eompensallon and I new weekly 'Ite .lIl1bl,.hed in the SImI! manner I. und.r Artlcl' II See· lion 2 01 th. August 21. 19504 .... reem.nt Th. hou.ly I"CIO, WIll be eorre'POndln.'y Inc .... ed end OVfl'I,m •• lIes will be comOUI.d .ccordin.ly Thi. adjullment w!ll 1'101 Ipplv '0 Iny _.~I~ •• tel of OIy whIch m"v hall' b.en .a.Uer Idju§lad '0 Include pe)' 10' the blrthd.y holld.y . (e) Artlel. lI. Section 7 01 Ih. "' •• eem.nl of AUlull 21. 1954. which was edded by 'he ....... m.nl of S.p,embe. 2. 1969. is amlnd.d '0 .e.d .s 'ollow.:

Seel lon 7. When .nr 01 the .I.hl reeoenlzed holidlYS enume •• ,.d In Section of thl. "'rticl. II. O. any dlv which by e.reemlnl. or by Ilw or p,ocl,mltion 01 tN S'lte 0' Nlltlon. h •• be.n sub""ul.d o. i. obs.",ed In otllC. of any of 'Such hOlidays. filII. du.ln" .1'1 hou.ly or dIlly "ted em ploy .. •• v.e.hon pe.lod. h •• h.lI. in IIddition '0 h •• vacalion comoenullon •• ee.lv, Ih. holld.y ply prcnr,ded 10. Ih.reln p.ovlded h. m .. ts thl QUllolfest,on requirem.n'. soeeifif'd Th. • .... o'~d.ys" .nd "d.ys" Immed .. lety p.ecedin/j: .nd 10Uo .... ln. Ihe "Icellon pe.lod .h.U be con.Id •• ed .he .'wo ..... daY"" .nd "days" prac.dln. Ind IoUowin. the holidlY lor .uch Qu.lllie.tion pu'PO.es_

Section 2. Effectiv. J.n".ry I. 1913. Article If of the Air ... ment of "'uaull 21. 1954, e. '"' .m,nded by Section I o f t"is A.liele U, Insol ... 1 eopllcllbl. 10 t .... employees cove,.,d by Ihis ""'.'ment. I. her.by lurther Im.nded In Ih. lollowln. respects,

(I) Veter.n. Oily Is Idded to the holidl\l1l enumerlted in the prumble parle"ph 01 S.Clion I (b) Section 5(.) I. Im.nded 10 r .. d II loll OW"

/a) [.I.tm, rulll Ind practlees th , .. unde. aoverning wheth •• lin ,mploye. wo,k. on I hoUdav .nd Ihe pilyment lor wo,k pflrfo.m.d on II hOlidlY .. , nlend~d to apply 10 GOOd F.ldlly and to V. te"nl Oly In th l um. mlnner ilS to o lhe r holld.y. li sted or "Ierred to Ihe.eln.

(C) Thl .. ferencn In Secti on ~ Ind In Sec 1101'1 7 10 "elaht holiday," are ehanaed to "nln. holiday •• " (d ) Effec tive J lnu.ry l. 1973. th. mon thl y retn o f monthly . ated employe., . hall be I d lu,"d by addlna Ihe .qulv.'.nl o f 8 p'o rata hour. to th. lr annual eompflnn,lon (the monlhly

>S .

rate multipHed by 12) .nd .,,,,, sum shall M di~ld"d by J 2. In o .de. to H'lbli,t> I nl'" monthly ,1'1. WHkly ra te. shan be 11I,,".' ld by Iddlna ttl, equI"alent 01 8 pro rata hou rs to the ann ual ~Qmpen •• llon end I new w.,kly rail es tablish&<! in I he sarna mlnne. as I, ... dlr Article II . Sect ion 2 o f Ihe AuguS! 2 1. 1954 A •• ume .. 1 Till hour1y 'acto. WIll ba corr"spond"'gly Increased Ind OVI'I,ml 'Ites w.1I be comP\llld Iccord,ngly.

ARTICLE III_VACATIONS Sect ion 1. Insol .. as applicable 10 the employees COV1!red by

IhlS AarHm,,,' who ." 1110 p"rt'H 10 In. VKI"on "".,,,ma,,' 01 December 11. 1941 . I' .",."Md ..... ''';1. I 01 that 1Ia,"ml"l. IS lUI amended by Ihe "'g __ mlnt 01 S'fl.mbe. 2. 19:>9, is hl.eby ".rthl. amended IttaCltvl Ja",,"ry . 1973, 10 read IS loliows


I. (a) Effecl,'" wl\h \h' calendar r-" 1973. lin ennual v.c.­lion 01 liv. \SI conseculiv. _.k d •. y. wllh pay w,l! be ,'lInted to eKh emp oy .. cov •• ed by thll ........ menl who rende •• co..,penl.ted ...... Ic:. on not leu thin on. hundred twenty (1201 dlYI du.ln. th. p.ltC.chn. ul.ndl. yea'_

(b) E"ltChv. W,lh Ih. c.l.nd •• y.I' 1971. In IInnu.1 Vlca· tion 01 t .. n (l0) consecultv .. work ct.,. w,lh pay w,lI be ••• nled 10 e.ch • ..,ploy .. c_ •• d by Ih'~ 11 ......... "1 who .,""de~ compeMllled ...... IC. On nol len th." "'" hund.ed "n (IIO) dllYS dU'i", th. p.ecedm. nlend .. yu. lind who hili two (2) o. mo.e ye ••• 01 conll"..ous lervoc •• "d who. du."" luch pe"od 01 coniinuoul .. rv,,,,, ref)d.~ roo"'p'n.lltftl wrv,c. 0" nol I .. n Ih,n Ofl. hu"dred "" (110) d.Y' (Ill dey. in Ih. y ...... 19~·1959 Inclullv •• 151 d.u In 1949 lind 160 d.ys In e.ch 01 luC:h y ..... P"O' to 19491 I" .. ch 01 Iwo (2) 01 such ye.~. nol nK.na"ly conle<:utlv.

(c) Ellecl,v. w,lh I"" C.I."d .. r-"' 1971 •• n .nnual vlClllof) 01 fill"" (IS) CO","cut,v. wo.k ct.ys wilh p.y w,lI be ,"flied 10 •• ch e..,ploy.. cov.red by th" A ..... m.nt who •• nde~ cornpen .. led ...... In on not less Ih.n on. hundred (100) d,ys du,,'" Ih. p.ecedln, c.l.nd .. Y'" .nd who hili len nO) o. more yell~ 01 conhnuou •• e .... 1ce lind who. dUfln, such pe.1od 01 conllnuous .. rvi,.. '."d'~ c;Ompenut.d ........ c. on "01 les. Ihan 0"'" hund.ed (100) dlYS (113 d.ys In the y ..... 1950. 1959 InclUSIve. 151 d.y. ,n 1949 end 160 d.y. In ,""ch 01 luch Y"'''' p.lo. 10 19'(9) In &lch of Ifn (10) 01 luch y&lrs, nol nec"$Ia,ily eon.t<:ullvl.

(d) Effect,ve w,lh the c.lendll. ye •• 11113. an IInnual v.ca lion 01 Iwenty (20) consecu tlv. wo.k dly. ,,,"th pay will b . ".nled to •• cll employ •• cov •• 1d bl. Ihls ..... rlemenl who •• "ders comp'nsll.d I.rv,c. on nOI ... th." One hund.ed (100) d.y. du.ln. Ih. pre<:edm. ul.nd .. yeat and who ... as Iw.nty (20) o. mo •• Yol<s 01 continuous ...... lc:o and who. du.· ,n. such pet.1OcI 01 conl,nuoUl I.rvlc. ..nd .... compensalod se .... lc:. on nOI Ie .. Ih,n one hund'ld (l00) d.ys (133 d.y. In Ih. yUtS 1950-1959 Inclul'v" 151 dlY' In 1949 and 160 da» In uch 01 .uch y ••• 1 prlo. 10 1949) In uch 01 twenly (20) 01 such Y88". nol nlcu ... lly con •• cutlv •.

flO) ElIl!tCtiv. with the Clilenda. yea. 1913. In annual v.caUon 01 tw enly· llve (25) conncutiv. work d.y. wltll pay w,t! be iI.anled 10 •• ch "mploy88 covl"d br. th ll A,.eemenl wh o rende .. compenUled .. ",Ic. on not "s Ihan One hundr.d (100) d.ys du.lnil thl p •• c.d,n, cel.ndar yu. and who hu twenty·I,v. (25) or more y ..... 01 conllnuoUI "' .... ice and who. durin •• uch period 01 conllnl,lOUI IfIrvic. r."d ••• compensalld "''''1(:0 0" nOI I ... Ih.n 0 ... hundred (100) d.,. (133 dlyl In I"" yu ... 1950·1959 Inclullv •• 151 d.ys in 19<19 .nd 160 d.ys ,n •• c ... 01 luch y .... p,lo. 10 19'(9) in .ach 01 Iwenly.'-ov, (25) 01 such y ...... nol nltC •• u.lly co",,",ullv.

m P ...... p ... Ca). (bl. (c). Cdl .nd (.) he'l'Ol .hllil be COn· st'ued to ••• nl 10 w .. ~ty .nd monthly t.tld emplo!,,",Jel. whosl .. I .. conl.mpl.l. mO'. IlI,n I,Ye dlYI o f ","'.ce each week. v.C.llons 01 Onl . two. Ih"e. 1o". O. I,v. wo.k wuks.

C.) Servlc ••• ndered "ndo' a.rum.nll belween a c".ler lind on. Ot mo,. o f tho Non.Ope .. "nr O,!"nlzalions pa,ties 10 Ihe Gen •• ,1 A •••• m.nl 01 .... u.usl 2 . 19 '. or to Ih . Ge,,-0",1 ........ men! of AusuS! 19, 1960 •• hall be roounted In com­pulin. d.ys 01 comp'ns".d ...... ,C. and Y'"" of co"I,n"ou. ""'ie. lor v.cel,on Qual,fyln. pUrpo_ unda. Ihll ...... eem.nl

(h) C.I.nd .. dlY' In .Ich cu ... nl quanly,n. yea. on which an employ .... nd." no ...... Ic:. beeau .. Of his own s,ckn .. s O. be<:.uw 01 hOs OW" InJu", .hlll be lneludld .n compuh ... d.ys of compenl"ed ...... ic.& a"d ye ••• of conUnuous .. ",Ici for VK.I.Ofl qUllity,n' pU.poses On Ih. bull o f I m'Kim"m 01 Itln (10) luch dlya 10 •• " employ .. w,th lUI Ihan three (3) yea" o f ae",lcI; I .., •• Imum 01 Iw.nly (20) luch days 10. an • mploy •• with Ih ••• (3) bul In. I .... n 1111ee" (15) yurs 01 se"'ic.: .nd • ml.lmum of Ih'rty (30) auch d'y~ 10' .n em· plo,..,. w,th "'I .. n (IS) o. mo', ,. ... 01 "' .... 'ce with I"" omploy'n. c ... I ••

(IJ fn Inllinc .. wher. tlmploy_ who hlv. bIc.oma mem­be ... 01 ,'" A.mad fo.c .. of I"" Unltld S'.I ... elurn to lhe "''''ic. 01 Ih •• mployin. c."' •• In ~'d,ne. w,lh the MiII_ "'" Sele<:liv. SfI""'ce Act 01 1961, ... ""'nded. lhe Itm. spant by .uch tlmPIOree- .n Ihe A.med "oreel lublequ.nt 10 Ihelr .mploymenl by Ih •• mploy",. c.rria. will be c.edlled .1 qua"­fy,n, s ..... Ie. in d.le.mlnln. Ih. I.nath of v'Clllons for which th.y m.y qUllify upon thllr .elu.n to Ih ....... i'. of Ihe em· ployln. cartll'_

(j) In In,,"nCes whtl.. an .mploy" who has become • m.mbe. o f Ih. A,mld Fo.c.1 01 I'" Unlt.d SI.les ,.Iurns 10 the 1MI .... 1c.. of Ih. Imployln, C""1r In .cco.danee wil'" the M,III.~ S.lecl,V. Sflrvic. Acl 01 1967, .1 .mended •• nd in the c.l .. ndar ye.. p ... Cldlng his relu.n 10 .. ilro.d servlC. h.d r .. nde.1d no compen .. ted ......... c. Ot h,d •• nde •• d compen· sated •• ",Ic. on fewer d.y. I .... n •••• ttqul"d 10 Qualify for • v.Clltion In Ih. c,l.nd •• Y." 01 his .. Iu.n 10 .. ;I.o.d .e .... · 'c. but could qu.llly 10' • v.catlon In Ih' yu. o f hIs .... Iu.n to ' •• II.o.d •• rvle. If he had comb,ned 10. qu.llly;n, pu,poles days on whiCh '" w •• In ... ifto.d 1.",lce In .uch p.".din. calenda' ye.r wah d.y' In luch y •• r on which he wll$ In thl A.med ro.ces. h, will be Stanled. I" the c . ... ndll year 01 tois .. turn to '1lirOld •• rvlce. II vac.tlon o f aucto lenillh .~ hi COuld so qualify for und ... pa ..... ph. (II, (tI), (cJ. (dl Or (a) lind (I) hetl'Ol .

(k) In 1."I.nc.a wh .... n employ" who h .. bleom. , mlm· b •• 01 th. Arm.d Fo.c .. 01 Ih. Unll.d StalU re l u.n. 10 tIM s .. rvice 01 the .mploylnil ca''' .. In .cco.d.nc. with th. Mill· tll~ Sel.ctlv. S.",lc ..... c l Of 1967 •• Im.ndld. Ind In I'" cale"da' YlDr 01 hla .eturn to ,"lirold .e",.c •• enders co..,· pen .. ted s.rvlc. on I.w •• d.yl Ihln •••• eQultld to qu.hfy fo r a nUIIon In the lollowln, ulend .. ~ .... but could Qu.llfy 10' • v.catlon In .u<;h 101low,n. cal.nd •• y ... If "" h.d Corn· b",ed 10. Qu." ,y.n, pu.pos.al d.ys on whlc'" he w.I In •• 11. road "''''Oe' ,n I'" ya.' 01 h'l •• Iu.n W.lh d.ys In such r-If on whlc:h ~ W.I .n Ih. Armed Fo.c .. , "" w.1I be , .. nled. In Iuc:h 101l0wlnl nl.nd .. y .... • vac.llOn o. $uCh lenllih •• '" COUld s.o qua ,Iy for unda. p."","phl (.). (b), Ic), (d ) o. (.) .nd (I) h" I'O I

(I) .... n .mploy .. whO II 1.1d 011 .nd has no IMIniotlt~ d.le .nd "0 'ilhl' 10 .ccumul." l,nIOtlty. who rende.., compen­.. ted se .... c. 0" nOI I ... Ih." On. hund,. d IWltnly (120) dayl in • c.lend •• ye ••• nd who ,etu'ns 10 •• rvlc. In Ihe 101l0wlnS ~ .. 10. Ih. lam. c."'tI. WIll be , .. nled Ihe vacalion In the yla. of his relu,n In the tlVent luch .n .mployfll does nol ... tum to Hrvl(:fl .n Ih. 101lowln, yair lot Ih ....... c ... I.' '" w,lI be c.ompe"ulld 1" heu 0 Ih. v.uloo<> he ..... Qu.IIf,ed for prov.d-ed .... hl.S .tlllen .eq .... 11 t"".elo, 10 h .. employin. oft"oc.e., II copy 01 Iuc:h request to b. lu.nlfhed to h" loc.1 0' .e ...... 1 ch"rm.n

SflCtiOfl 2. Ins.o'.' •• IP9!,C.b/. 10 Ih •• mploye •• cov.red by th,. Agff'e .... nl who .. e .1.0 plI.li .. 10 the VKllion AiI.eem .. nt 01 o..c. .. mbe. 17. 19"1 .... mended. Artlcl. IS 01 suCh Ail' •• menl Is h .. eby lunh., .mendld to r.ad •• lollo~'

ucopt •• oth"w'l. provIded h.'lln Ihls liI.eem.nl Ih'lI be ~lIeclive as 01 J,nu .. y I . 1973 .• nd sh,,11 bl Incorpo.ated '" tI~lslin •• ,.eement •••• suppl.menl Ih.,.IO .nd sh.n be In lull lo.e.. . nd effe<:1 ' 0 •• pe.1od 01 on. (1) y ... I.om J.n".", I. 1973. Ind cont,,,u. in .ffect Ihl.II" ••• 'ubjeci to ,,01 IHI Ih.n .eViln (7) monthl' "Ollc •• n wtlUn, (whICh nollce m.y be lerved In 191] o. In .ny .ubsequ.nl yl,,) by .ny c .... e. o. o.,.nl..!"ion p.ny hlreto. 01 dflll •• 10 ch,n •• thIs ,,'Iem.nl .s 01 t'" ."d 01 Ih. y •• t In which t"" nollc. 'I served Such nolic ...... 11 'PIC"~ 1ft. ch.n.n d •• lr.d .nd I'" 'eclp,ent 01 luch noUce sh.1l I"'en h.v •• pe,lod 01 thirty (30) d.ys from the dlle o f th e .ec.lpt 01 '''ch notic. w,lhln whIch 10 serve nOllce specllyln, chllnilfll whIch It o . Ihey deslr .. to m.k •. Thlt,eupon l uch proponl. 01 the rfllpecllvl partIes shall Ihere· .Ite. be nellotlaled Ind pro,.ess.d concu,,,ntly 10 a concl,,· slon .

Se<:lion 3. Insol •• II .ppllubl. to th ... mployle' cove ... d by Ihi' Ag.eem.nt who Ir. also p.rtiea 10 Ih. Vacation Ag.eemenl 01 December 17. 1941 .... m.ndld. SKIIOn 3 of Article I of th. Agreement of AUBU" 21. 195. I. h ••• by .mended .• ffe<:!lVil Jan"ary I. 1972. to .ud a. 101i0ws:

An employ •• '1 v.ullon patio<! will nOI btl a.lended by rea­son 01 IIny 01 tile eighl ,acognlzed holldllyl (New Yur's Day. Washlngton'I 8 irthdlly. Good F.lday. Memo.i.1 O,y. fo".lh 01 July. Labor Day. ThHnksglvlng Day and Ch. l.tmu) o •• ny dey which by IIg.umem has bun Substll uted O. Is obnrv .. d In place 01 . ny 01 Ih •• lj:hl hoI IdR~' Inuml. a t.d lbov •. Ot any holiday which by loc.1 .grument hll b .. n lub$li1 u ted th ••• fo •• falling w,lhln hi. vacalion pe,1od

Such Secl,on 3 1. lurthe •• mended, ."e<:tlv. J.nUII.y 1, 1973. 10 ching. th . "f.rene .. 10 ".iBhl "C08nllld hoiIdIYS" 10 "nlntl 'ea>gnizltd holld.ys" .nd .dd V",ranl O.y 10 The holld.,. n.mltd


Wh ••• employ .... u."ln pa"on.1 InJ"rI •• or de.tll under th. condition. "I forth In pllragraph (I) below. Ih, cII"le' w,lI p.o­vide ~nd par. auch employeel. o. Ihel. person.1 .epresenlatlv •• Ihe .ppilclb •• mounll '101 forth In i»I'l8reph (b) below. subj.CI 10 the prov'llo"l of olh •• p.ra, •• phl In Ihl. Article

f.) Co .... ed CondilloM Thll ArtlCl. b Int.nded 10 cov.. accld.nll I"volvin, .....

plo,. ... cov.tld by Ihis ."' ...... nl whllo luch emplo)"H'S ... .id,n, In. bo,nlln .. o •• 1.,.11"8 lrom oll' l rack v.hlc:les 'u' lho,ized by Ih. c ... II' .nd ."

(1) d .. -dll .. dln. und •• orde .. o. (2) beins I,"nlported II urrll ••• p'ns •.

fbJ Plymanl. 10 b. M.d • I" Ihe ev.nt Ihlll .. ny OM 01 Ih. 101 •• 1 .numerated In

s"bpa •••• lph. (I). (21 .nd (3) below ,.sultl lrom .n l"j,,1")' IU''''ne(j dl.-.c:lly frGm .n accld.nl co ... , ... In pa .. ,raph (.) lind ind.pend,ntly of IIU oth •• uus ... nd such loll occu ... o. comm.nces wllhin Ih. I,,,,,, limlll NI 10l1h In lubpa"'lI",phl (I). (2) and (3) below. I"" urrie. will provld., subject to th. lerm~ .nd condition. htlreln CO",.lfIfId. ond I .... ny .mounll paYlbe. und .. Group Polley Conlraci GA·2lOOO of The T •• v., .... Inlu.llnc. Company o ... ny oIh •• medlc.1 o. I",u .. ne.. polley o . pl." p.1d 10' In III enli.ety by Ihl n .. le •• Ih. 101l0wln8 benefi l.:

(I) .... ccld."I.1 On th o. Ol.mlmbe.mlnl The c ... I •• Will prov,de for loss of III. o. dlsmembe.m.nl

occurring w.thln 120 d.y •• fI •• d.t. 01 .n Iccldent cove •• d In patagraph (a):

lois of llf. lOIS 01 80lh HI<ldl LOI. 01 80lh f .. , lOIS 01 SlShi 01 80lh Ey" LOIS 01 0 ... H.nd .nd On. FOOl lOll 01 On. H.nd and Sighl of On. Ey. lOU 01 On. FOOl .nd 518hl of 0", Ey. LOI' of On. Hind Ot On. fOOl O.

SI8hl 01 One Eye

Jl OO.OOO 100.000 100,000 100.000 100.000 100.000 100,000

".000 .. Lo.... .h.1I melln. with '.g"d to hands and fee t. dl$.

memberm.nl by .. ve •• n"" Ihrough Or lbov. w.is l o. ankle


jOin ts; with ",gllrd 10 I YII'. InUr' lind irrKovlI."blll IOSI of • Iatu

NOI morl than ~IOO.OOO will be paid under tillS pe'lIgr3p!l to IIny on. IImplo),M o. his person.' 'llpfils.entll,lIIe •• II .uult of lin)' onlO lOc:cld.nl.

(2) Mtd k:II' lind Hospita ' en. n.. ca"i •• will prOVld, payment 10' 1"1 1I<:lual .~pen" of

me<:H".1 lind hospl'II' Uri commencing .... llhin 120 dillY' an,. lin .-:;Ck!lnt tOOV<I.t'd und., pa"'S'lp/I (II) of InJuriel incurred •• II , .. ull 01 such 1I""ldllnl. l .. b,IICI 10 limitalion of 13.000 lo r lin)' .mploye. lor Iny one lIc:cldllnl. IH5 an)' .mounts pay.blll und., Group Potic:y Conlr.~ G ... ·23000 of The T,.".I .... Insurance Compan)' Dr under lin)' otl->e, mlO,hell' or Inlu,.~ polICy Or pit,., paid 'or In 11$ InUrety bJ Ihe CII" ... ,. (3) T im. Lost

Thl cartier w,lI provide an employ" who is injured a. II ",su" 0 1 an 3ccodll'" co .... red und., p.llagraph (II) he.eof and whO .. uniJblll 10 wor k II a .Hull Ihe.eol commencing .... lIhln 30 days aile •• uch Iccidenl SO 01 Ihe employe,,-. bulc l ull lime .... eekly I;()mpenSi lion 'Om Ihe Carrie. 10 ' lime IIG"lually 1051. lub)eci 10 a mllxlmum payment 01 l I OO.OO per week 10. lime lOll du,lns a pe"od 01 156 conlinuous welh lollo .... ,ng Iuch aCCIden t p,o"ldlld. ho .... """'. thai .uch .... eekly paymlnt Ihall bl reduced by luch amount. a. Ih" .mployel .. "ntlTlad to ,ec.lvt! •• Ilc.n.u ben"l,ts under p,owllkln. 01 tha Rall .... d Unemploym.nt Insu.anc. Ac! .

(<I) A"""lall LImit Th, '88'asal. amount of paymenll to be made h • •• und.,

.. I1mll.d 10 ll.ooo.OOO lor any On. aCCident and th" Cat· riar Ihll1 nOl be lIabl. lor .ny amount In axcess 01 ~I.OOO.· 000 1o •• ny on. accld.nt l.re5peel'''. o f the numbe, of In· jun". 0' d.ath. which occur In 0' a. • .. suit 01 auch accld.nt If Ih. a88"al" amounl of paym.nlS oth ...... ls. pay.bla h.r.unde. uCH-da Ihe a88 •• g". IImil h",a;n p_ ",aed Ih. c.rri., shall not ba ,equi,1Id 10 P.Y as respecl. e.ch .epa.ale employ" • fI.e.le, proportion of luCh pay· menll thin the '88"Rlt. Iomil sat 10,lh he,,,ln beano to the a86,.sete .mount of III such pllymenl$.

(cl Paym.nt In Cue 01 Accld.nll l De.th: Paym.nl of the applicable .mount 10' aecld.nlal dnth Ihall

be mild" to Ihe employ"·, personal rep'.Hnlal,,,. 10' the ben.'il 01 Ihe pa'''''nl d._IBnated In. and according to Ihe .pportlOnmenl .equi.-..;l by Ih. Fede.al Employers Lieblhly Act (<IS U.S.C. ~I et seq . a. am.nded). Or It no luch person su" v"'" Ih. employee. fo' Ih. benefit of hKe "'Iale.

(a) E.clutlom.:

8anel.1t p<Olllded unde, PII'.g,aph fbI Ihall not be PIIyabl. for 0' und., any of th. lollo .... ,ng I;()ndhlo".:

(I) Int.nt lon.lly 1.If.lnlllct.d inju""" ,ulCld. 0' .ny altempt th", ... ..... h,l. san. Or Inun.; (2) De,,1 • .-..;1 0' undach"ed .... e. 0' any act theraof; (3) IlIn .... dlseaH. o • • ny b .. c te,le' Inlul ion olher than bac te.l, In faclion occu,,'ng In conUQuenc" o f In _cci· dent.1 CUI or wound; (<I) A"cldanl occurring .... hlle Ihe emPlo' .... d.;ve , is unde, Iha inlluen"" 01 I'co·"ol 0. d . ugs. 0' I en employ" pn· senga ..... ho .. under Iha Inlluenca o f _Icoho' 0' drugs In eny wily "on!rlb .. tes to tile CluH 01 th. acddanl ; (!i) Whll •• n employee II I d.iy., Or In occupant 01 IIny convey.n". angaged In .ny .ac. o • • pe.d test; (6) While In .mploy .... comm ut ing to end/o. I'om his resld.nca 0' pIece of bUIIIIH • .

(a) Off .. t :

It I. Intended thl' Ihl' Art''''e IV II to p.ovlde a gu.ran teed raco~ ' ry by In emp'oy •• 0' hit personal .epresent.Uy. under Ihe cI.cumllln"e" a.lc rib.d. ..nd Ihll ,eceipi o f paym.nl the .eund ... hall nOI bll' 'he employee 0. his personal "p". s.ntaU~a from pu .... lng any ramady under the Fedaral Em· p loye", 1I1bility Act 0' any olh". law: proYlded. however. that any amount receiYed by .u"h Imploy.a 0' his pe.sonal repre·


.. nlally. und .. Ihls Artlc'e may be applied as an offset by th. ,.11.oid Igllnll Iny "co"ery "" oblalned .

(f) S ubrosalion: The c.rrl", Ih.1I be .ub'OC"lad to .ny 'iBhl o f recov.ry

In employ" 0' hi. Pltson,,1 .. p .... nlll lye mlY hlye ag,in.t Iny PIIrty 10' 1015 to the e ... "nl ,hal Ihe can;e. hIS m .. de pay· ments pursuant 10 th l, Artlcll_ Tha IMym,n .. p.ovlded for abova .... ,11 be mad". II abovi p ....

vlded, for cov .. ad aecklanl. on 0. ai le. Jen ..... y I. 1972. It .. unde"'tOOd thll no benal'" 0' ~ym.nts .. ill be due 0.

IM,abl. 10 any .mployae 0' hOI peraon.I "preHnlal,va unlaH .uch .mployee. o. hit persone' "p'""nlll1v,,. a. tha <;ale may be. IUpU'.ln II 'ollows:

" In "onsld.,."on of Ih. IMyrnanl of .. ny of Ihe benelrtl p,oylded In ArtlCla IV 01 Ihe "&, .. m,,nl 01 O<:lober 7. 1911.

(.mploy .. 0. personel rep ... "nl .. '",e) .gre •• 10 be SOVI.ned by all 01 Ihe "ond,llonl .. nd p,oYisionl said and Ht fo,lh by Articl. IV."

S.~lnp Cia .... this Article III ... pe",edes as o f January I. 1912. any asree·

men ' , p.ovid,nl( bene"ts of • type .pedlied in p.,ag.aph (b) he.ao l under the condlt,on' .peclfl.d In parag.aph (.) heraol; pro"ld.d. ho .... ev .... ny Indi"ldull ,11I,0ad party he"lo. Or any Ind,vldu.1 committee '.p ... en'tnR .mploy.es party he.eto. "'ey by Idw .. lnS Iha othe, plrty In ..... Itlng by December l. 1971 . efe-c:t to p .... ervl in It •• nllrlly In a.,lIlln,ll ,sr""ment p,oyldl"ll ""cI· dem ben.I,1S 01 Ih. Iype p<Olllded .n thiS Artk'. IV In kou 01 \hI. A.tkl •• V.

ARTICLE V-COURT APPROVAL This Ag .. em.nl It .ubjecl to Ipproval of Ih. courts with ...

1pa<;1 to "a"ie,s In tha hand, 01 r.c.iwers 0' t,ustees

ARTICLE Vt-EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT (a) Tile PU'POH 01 till. As, ... mlnt Is ' 0 fi ... Ihe general level of

I;()npenlll,on du . lng the pe"od 01 Ihe Agre"ment. and 10 se tlle the dllp .. les g .O .... inll out of 'lie notlca. served upOn Ih. carri"rs 1;lted In Exhibit, A. 8 and C by tha organizallons ,Ignato.y "e ... to dlted on 0' aboul M.y 29. 1969 (Vaeel;ons). and Novembe, 23. 1970 (Walle' and other matters) .nd p ... posals se"'ed On or about Dac.mbe, 7. 1970 by the carrie", '0. con"u .. "nl h.ndltng Ih ••• • w,tll Thll Ag.eemen, shill be "onat,ued a. a separate agreement by and on baha" 01 each of .aid ""'''."' and Ihel. employees .. p ..... nled by the o'Slnizatlontt .lenetoty ha .. ,o .• nd ihalt .e­main In effact unl it June 30. 1973 .nd lhe .. afte. unlrt Changed 0, mod.l,ed In acc:ordance ..... th Ih. prowlslons of Ihe Ra.l .. ay L..abo, Act ... am.nded,

(b) No party 10 th ll Ag .... men' .,.,a" Hrve_ p.lor to January I. 1973 (not to become .ffect,v. befo,e Juty I. 1973). any ncMlce 0' propos.t '0' ChlnS,nS the proyoslon. 01 this A,RtHmenl 0' wtoid1 p.OPOH. malllrs I;()""ad by the proposal. of Ihe partias cited In pa.ag •• ph (a) 01 Ihll Artlcl •• and any pending nollces which proPOH luch maITe .. a.a h •• eby .... ilhdrll .... n .

(cl Pend,ns 0' ne .... proposall •• ",.d 0, 10 be .. rved on indi"id· ual rlil.oedl d.allng .... It" union Ihop. union dues check Off. 0' heellll .nd welfer •• re e~c.p'.d I.om Ihe prov,.ion, o f this Artl,,11 Vt .

(d) O ... lng thl I .. m o f Ih" As"am.nl . pending p'oposals COV· "ring .ubjecl maill .. nOt 5pa<;lllcal1y dealt .... ith In pa,as"p/! (b) 0' (cl 0' this Artlcl. need nOl be withdrawn and n ..... p ropon'S covering ... ch .ubl.ct ml" ers m.y be sa"'ed ... nd sueh pend,ng Of new proposal. may be P"'ll ..... d wi' hin, bUI nol beyona. th e lpa<;ltte proc.dures for pee""lull), ,.""Iwing diSpUtes .... hich ere p ... wlded 10' In the R.il .... sy Lebor ACI. II amended.

{.l Til" Artlcl, .... ill not bar m.nagement .nd committees on Indlwldual rail.oad. I,om .greeln8 upon . ny subj.ct o f mulual In' ... "

ARTICLE Vil-RATIFICATtON This "g.eem.nl I. s ubjecl to ,llIlIcal lon and will nol become

ope.",ve 0' blndln!! upOn th e partie. unless and "nt ll notifica. lion 01 rellllcation by I"e empto~ees "" been communicaled 10 Ihe Chalrmln 01 the Nalional !'tlllw.y Llbor Conleran"e by Ihe p ••• ldent of the !'t .II ..... y Employ.,' Deplrtmenl .·

• Not.: NOlie. 01 ratlllcation BhI.n Nov. Il. 1911.


Canadian .. .. Economically '>pc:tking. the

greatest problem facin!,! the free \\orld tOday is the quc~ti()n of in· nation. In Canada. the govcrt1nlcnl of Prime Minb.tcr rrudcau has, over the past mo years. :Idoptcd the str:lIlgC51 approach to Ihis problem yet to be seen. He CSl:lblishcd a totally ineffective Prices :lI1d In· comes COllllllis~i()n thaI lws madc ccr(;lin qllc~tiOJl;lblc recommenda­tions for a stabilization of the econ­omy. The government annoullced a tight mOIiCY polic)' which. Ihe Prime Minister agreed, could cause some unemployment. even as "igh as six percent, but \\hich would ~I(," down inOation. lie accomplished Olll.' of his objccthcs : Ill,.' crc:lled unemploy­ment of 7.5 per cenL but he did lillie to Slap innalion. v. hich j, now worse than \\hl!n thl! progr:ulI began.

To compound thl' prohlem. the surcharge impo'led on United St:lles· import, to our friends in the United States C:1I1 onl) create more unem­ployml!nt and prublelll' til our mem­bers ernp[o)'e<.l in the nwnufacUlring industry in the First Dbtrict.

-I he C:lIladian L:,bour Congress has prcst.'lltt.'d the following to the C:lnad ian govcrnmcnt. regarding the surcharge.

·'The New Economic I'olicy, an­nounced b) Pre!>ident 'Jixun on August [5th. ha~ sweeping econumic implications for Canada and the rest of the world. Whill! it is ,till too early to rn .. ke any detailed a!>scss­ment of the IXhsibk effects of this new American policy. one f:,ct has emerged vcr} clearly . With the termination (If the cOll\ertibilit y of U.S. dollars illlo gold. the free world·s monetary 'ystem. b:hed on the Bretton Woods Agrt.'t.'lllent of 1944, has been thrown into an acute crisis. The Arnt.'ric:1II dolhlr. which throughout the post-W:;ll" period se rved as the ~e} currency for all il11enlalional tinanci.il trans­actions. ha!> been dethruned a!> the worl d's dominant currency.

"Th e gra ve ullcerlUintics created by Ihis prl!cipilate ami dr."tie ;le-


labor tion on the part of the U.S. go\crn­l1lelH prompt us. as other, around the world, to demand that no time be lost in devising a new intern a­tion<ll monetary systelll. It has for ye.lrs been knov. II that the U.S. dollar was an in:,ppropriatc curr..:nc), to underpin thi!> !>ystcm. Action in moving forward to a new monct<lry sy!>tem has been long overdue.

"We therdore urge the Canadian government to aCI, ,IS quickly th possible, in co-opemtion \dlh other member nations lIf Ihe International Monetary Fund. t(1 restore inlt.'rna­tional currency siability hy cre:,ting a new monetary s}'~tem which i .. in ~ecping with the current time. Any undue dclay in doing this \\ ill silll· ply result in fears and anxieties among all nations. \\hieh could plunge the world into a ch:,otie state reminiscent of the 19305. ·1 he inter· nation:,1 trade situation ha'> alrl'ady ocen thrl':IIened 10 a de!lrce which cannot but Ix: regarded as alarming. :IS trade transactions among nation,> arc highly dependent on :t \table in­ternation:l l monetary sy!>tcm. For a country li~c C:lI1ad:,. whose eco­nomic well-being i ~ highly depen­dent on trade. thc urgency of ta~ing swift action tow:,rd Ihe adoption of a new monetary syste m is only too clearly indicated.

"The 10 per cent surtax on U.S. imports. which unquestionably \ io­"ltes. not only the 'pirit. but the ICller of the gl'neral Agrl't.'ml'nt on T ariffs and Trade. is bound to harm the secondary manufacturing !>ector of the C:uwdian economy jf it con­tinues much longer. Thi<; arbilr;lry action by [he United St:lll's. without prior consultation with mcmlx'rs of GATL has und.:rmincd and j)o<;si­hly sct b;lck for yell,"" [he Kennedy Round. which th~ United States it'ictf hnd for )ears prolllott.'d. This action ha, establi shed a dangerou~ precedent in Iha[ it invite, an) other llr1tion at :l11y time in the future [0 im plement a si milar mca,ure [0 reillcdy what i[ regards as a bui:lI1cc of payments proble m.

··But we arc 1I;lIurally concerned with the adver!>c efTect this surlax may have on our secondary manu­f;lCturing industries. upon which W~ lIlu,t rely to a large degree. for ex­panding employment opportunities in Canllda. We can not take the caMJ:l1 attitude reflecled by some commentators that only 25 per cent of our exports to the United States will be affected by this surtax. The simple fact is that our secondary manufacturing industry is greatl) de­pcndelll on exports and that a large proportion of tho!.C exports go to the AmeriC;11l markel. While we do nOI pretend to know at this earl) dale whm unemployment effects Illay re­,u lt from the American sunax. we can be reasonably cert:,in th:lI. if thi!> import lax is continued for ,m~ length of lime. exporls of Canadian­lIIanuf:,ctured goods arc bound to oc hurt. It goes wilhout saying that. if thi, happens. unemployment­already [he Number One problem in Canada-v. ill be seriously 111-

cre:lsed . ··We believe that Canada has a

,trong ca .. e to preselll to the United Slate" for exemption under the IOt;'f f>urcharge. The Canadian dollar was permitted to float 15 month~ ago :l1Id. in the process. has appreciated by ahout six per cent in relation to the Aml!ric;m dollar. We do not h:l\c an undN-valued currency. as in the ca~ with certain other cur­rl'llcies. We ha\'c no non-tariff bar· fiers against American imports. Furthermore. and perh:,ps e\en more import'III[ly. we have a unique rdmioll!>hip wilh [he United Swtes ix:calhC of thc \ery elose economic lieS \d[h that country. In thi~ con­IIcclion. we fee l the Canad:l-U.S. Auto Trade Pact shou ld be con­tinued without change in the c;·dst­ing an;mge1llcllts. It c;m !>carcc1y be calkd economic chauvinism to r..:­mind the Unitcd States that i[ is highly dependent on Canada ror primary and other resources. wi[h-0111 which its ecunom y would ral[er badly. It follows, therefore, [hal the


Canad i:1Il government h a~ consid­e rable bargaining p(m er. and we strongly urge the latte r to e.'(c rci~e

th is po wer in seeking to brin g about an exemption under th i~ \u rcharge.

"We rcmind the Canad ian gov­e rnmcnt that. bt.'Cam.c of crrom'()U~ domestic economic policies too long pu rsued . high unemploymcnt con­tinues to be a nalion:1 1 c rh is. It is all the more Url!Cllt nlll\ that morc vigorou ~ exp.lIls ionary policies be implemented. In add ition. special measures m:.y be re(lui ... :d to pre­vent uncmploy ment frolll ari<;ing in ce rta in cx po n ind u~trie,. Should this prove to be the ea'>e. we st rongly advocate that top priority be givcn to dcvising measurcs which will prevent layoff .. in these indus­tries."'

" We suggest the ti me i~ fast :IP­proaching when thl' go\crllment .. of bOl h our great eoun tric, cea .. e thei r 'economie chess £:I me,' usi ng the \\orl ers as pawns. :1IIe1 h.:gin to in­sti tute programs which \\ ill di .. tri­bute the wealth of industry' more equ itably to the workers who pro­duce such :Ihund:mce. and less into the profit nHl.kin!;! opcnninn of multi­n:ltional corpuration\. We ~ugge .. t the: philosophy of Sam Gompcrs is more appropriate tod .. ) th .. n eve r before. bl.'Ca u .. c. in ob'a in m~nt of full e 01ploYIll ~n t and \~cu ri t y for ind ividual ... \\e mu~t han! 'more ~choolh (Ju~es anti fewer jails: more books and fc\\cr ar,ellu l,: more Icaming :lIId l es~ vice: morc COll­stant \\ork lind l es~ crime: more leisure .1IIt! less greed: Illore just ice and less rcve nge.' .,

I.llbour Collc~c

The L:.bour College of C:mad:1 is in urge nt need of hel p from the la bour TII0\elllcnt. accord ing 10 Bert Hepwurth, Dircctor of the Canadian La bour Congress EduC.lIion Dcp:lrt­men!.

Mr. Hep\\o rth . who i .. :l lso regis­tra r and ~ecre t .. ry-trca~u rc r of the colleg.:. expla ined that. while the costs of maint a ining the college l ecp going up. the initi al c nthu~i"s lll shown by the union s supporlin g the eol le!!e has. in some case,. been de­c reasi ng, leaving the co ll ege inc re:ls­ingly dependell t a ll suppo rters o ut­side the Inbour movement.

" If the presenl t rend continues,


the prepondcmncc of su ppo rt by way of donat ions wilt b..: from out­side the labour move ment," he wa rn ed . "The responsibility o f the labour move11lCni is real and 'Se ri­ous .. ,

He said th:1I all lInioni~h ha\e a stake in the colkge and a .. l ed that union~. loe:l ls. federat ion'). and labou r councils come [{J the :lid of Ihe college by ~cnding generous donations: maling ,ure thai .. II un ion membe rs know :Ioout the col­Icge: encouraging member .. to apply for the [972 residenli:l l progr:ull (deadl ine for appl icat i()n ~ i'S Janu ary 3 [. 1972) and the cnrre'pondence course: and generally by being II

boos!er of the labour inst itu tion. Further in fo rmation on Ihe col­

lege and on how to hclp or how to :luend can be obt .. ined from Mr. Bert Hepworth, c ' 0 thc Canadian L:l bour Congress, 100 A rgy le Ave­nue. O U"\\":1. or d ircctl) from Ihe college oflicc. 762 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal 110.

Although the nu mber or 'iCholar­ships and burs .. ries pro\ ided hy unions. federations. labour cou ncil~.

and governments has increa"cd dur­ing the past few year;. the coli 'I!C

lIlust slill pro\ ide a guod de:l l of fi ­nancia l supporl for tho,e MJcces"rul applica nts who can not othCf\\;'e fu nd thcmselves. as we ll a'S continue i t~ day-to-d:l), operations. Mr. lI ep­worth ex pla ined.

Hc also annouTlced the crca tion of 11 small ta!.k force composed of members of the Board of Gove rnors and of Ihe college :l lumn i. to evalu­a te past progress .. nd to make n .. 'c­ommt:ndat ions for the futu re. '" How­ever. fu ture orientation :l11d succe~ .. of the college depends to .. grc .. t ex­tent upon the union ~u pport we re­ceivc," hc s:l id. '" In the meant ime. Ihe labour movemeTlt ca n take solid satisfaction from the fact that the college progrll m has enabled its gradu .. tes to bccome more cap .. hle and :1cti \ e in Ihe labour. community. and poli tical lifc of the country."

The c ight-wee k rl'sidential term runs from April 30th to June 23 rd and deals wi th econmnic.", history. soc iology. political scie nce. and trade un ionism and indU'.t rial rela­tions . The correspondence course i .. made up of 12 lesson s: three in economics, three in polilica l sc ience,

three in soc iology, and one each on how to study: how to re:ld graph s; :md b:lsic clements of accounting.

T he college will soon be celebr:lt­ing its 10th ann iversary. It is 01'­er:ltcd jointly in Montreal by the Canadi:111 L:lbor Congress (CLC ), Un i\t;r<;itc de Montr'::I !. and McG ill L' niversity as an in." tit ution of higher education fo r trade unionist ... and has grad uated a tot .. 1 of 773 trade un ion ists sincc it') inception.

UncllIJllo) ment Tnsur:lnce

In recent weeks the CLC has had seve ral inq uiries anti compl ai nts di­rected 10 it rcg:ud ing the applica­tion .. nd implications of the new Unemployment Insurance Act (Bill C-229) \\ hich W:lS p .. ,sed by Ihe I lou .. c of Common\ on June 14, 197 1.

I he conce rn ex hibited by those .. mlimes who have alrcndy becn in touch with us h:ls fallen into sev­eral sp.:cific areas as fo llows:

(I) Sec. ~~. \\ hich tle .. ls wit h claimanh out of work as a re,ult of labour disputes and :lIIendant fe .. ture~:

( 2 ) S..'c. 26-Sec. 29. $cc. 30. .. nd S.:c. 3 1. \\hich deal \\ilh "earning'" d uring Ihe wait­ing period. deduction of ··earnings·· when.: separa tion occu r, Ihrough illness or pregnancy. and benefi ls .. vai l­able 10 pe n~ioners on r~­lircrnenl. T hi 'S a rea is cau~­

in g pa rti c ul .. r c Oll cern becau,e of ih bea ring on week ly indcmn ity hClll th and welfa re plan s.

(3) Rcgula tions 157 (ded uction of ea rn ings in waiting peri­od) and Regula tion.. 172 and 173, wh ich deal with the ..lIoc:l tiol1 of earnings from \e .... e rance pay. vacation pay. bonuscs. elc. These now provide tha t lump ,," um p .. )­menh m .. de on separation, which arc not a llocated to specific weeks whi le the claimant was employed. will be allocated to weds fol­lowi ng sc paf:ltion during which time benefits will be reduced or eli mi nated as the amoun t of ea rn ings so a llo­ca ted d ict:l tes.

In olle cllse th ai ha~ come to our


attention. !oC\crance pay, which \Ioas negotiated for long· ... cn icc Clll·

ployees not eligible for pcn~ion~ at the lime of la)-off. ha, Ocen allo.­cated 10 \\cel.s follo\loing employces' ltCparation from Cmplll)l1lenl.

S';!c. 64 introdur.:cs an experience­raling ~)J,tl.:"m fur clllplo~en. \Iohereby relKlle .. on cuntribution ... 10

bolh emph)}cr .. and l·mpltl}Cc ... ilia)

en ... ue if the l·mplo) er· ... )carly lln"­

age la}-off record I~ gmx.l b) ~t and­ard~. to be ~ct later b) rcgulation .... Thil> ... eetion also em i .... lge .. r •. 'd uc­tion, in prl'lIlium, \Iohere \Ioage-Ith'" pia"" arc in effect.

Sec. 3 (2) and Scc, 4 (I) tk-'al with c1(cepll.:"d el11plu) nll'nt. The po~ition of provincial gmernment I.:"mplo)l·c~ under thl· ... e pro\i ... ion ... lUIS ahn gi\en ri ... e III ... ome ... eriou, concern.

The Cnngre ... ~ ha' ;llre:ItJy takcn ... ome prl'limmary action Iln the ... c malll'r,. An ad hoc l'ulllrniUl'e ha .. been e ... tabli ... hed to tk'al primaril) with Sec. 44 regarding labour di ... • pu te ... ituation .... and rl·pre ... cntation ... ha\e been made b) (lur repn: ... enta· ti\e~ wilhin the Unemplll)ment 111-,urance Ad\ i"or~ Committee on the e1(pcrience-rating and "'l'\l'r:mce-pay queM ion.... I his latter elmr ... .: of ac· ti01 \\:1 ... taJ..cn bel·'Hi,e. h) SI..'C. 109 of the Act. Ihe po\\ er, uf Ihe Ad· \isor)' Committee h,ne been "id­ened to permit it to fl'\ ic\\ nlrno:-.t all matte" ari ... ing under Ihe Act ami Reg ulallon ... alul to IIHlke pertinent recollll1lcndatiom 10 th~ \ l lI1islt'r.

The ('ongfl' ...... eXpl'ch Ihal. in the ncar future. it will be nece ...... a!) fOf it to make a major ... uhlll,,~ion to th..:: Ad\i,or~ ('onunitlec. Ihe Un­employment IINlrance CIllllrni:-.:-.ion. and the I\lini ~ler on the Act and Regulatiolh ;" :1 \Ihok. hUI before doing ... U. \\C \\\luld lill' t(1 hear ~our commenh and cumplainh. if an). regarding the arl'a~ (If concern \\c havc Jj ... ted abo",-'. (Ir an~ others \\hieh you ma) eomider in need of our atlt.:ntlol1.

Killd/I' It'll/I yow ("(III/II/eIlH (Ii­rect/y to 11If('flwtimw/l ·ice-Pft'!.it/el/f L{/lIY1l/(tI/·\ · Of/ICi.' • tllr prj' WIIl(/f iOIl

If) the Cmt}:f/'II. Pre ... idel1l \1m:Donald of the ('a­

nadian Labour C\)ngr..:". in di~cu ... • ... ing the economic pmbkm ... facing Canada, madc Ihe fo lltl\\ing COIll­menl, with l'egar<1 10 nalionali ... Il1, at


u recent confe rence of United Te1(­tile Worker~ of A mcriclI.

He said. "Th is is no lime for narrow nationalism-in the ccnn· omy or in the labour 11100cl11cnl." he said. ··You. as l11ember, Ilf an internati()nal union an.: . I am ... ure. thorough I} familiar with the old theme song (If tho~e \\ 110 \\tluld liJ..c t() ... ec m ~\er our linl. .... "ho "ould like 10 ~e an cnd to inter­n:l1ional uni('IO~.

" International union ... hale mad.: a trcml·ndou ... contribution Itl the "drare and the irnpmll'd [i\ing Mandard~ (If Cmadian \\orker.... In :111 experience which h:h ne\er bl·.:n duplicated in any other p:lrt of the world. \\c have dcnl(ln~tratnl. through int..:rnational union.... Ihat \\orl-e" in IWO cOllntric ... -de"'pile great di~paritiel> in population and \\ealth-can live sidl·-b).,id.: and \\ork together to their mutual :Id ­\'antage."

Mr. \1 acDonald <;lIgg':,ll·d that critics of internation:11 union ... "I)uld do well to ... lUd) the ... tnlelllre of Ihl' United Te'l;ti le \Vorl-a .... \\ hich h;I .... ,ince 1952. had a Calt:ldian mn­fl:rcnce ami which ha, a Canildian Council \\ Ith rank-and·file rl·prc ... cn· tation. electing ill> own "Oker ... and e~t:lbli~hing Canadian polic).

J . J. Duffy Dies

It was With deepest regrets that the International officers learned of the death. on November 4th, of John J Duffy, former International Vice Presl dent. 10th District.

Brother Duffy. who was born on November 15, 1892, was Initiated Into Local 886, Minneapolis, Minnesota. on February 19, 1921. From 1925 until 1930. he served as general chairman of System CounCil No. 8. He was ap­pomted as an International Representa tlVe m July, 1930. and was appomted 1nternatlonal Vice PreSident III May, 1940. a post to which he was unan Imously elected at every convention from that lime until hiS retirement on January 15. 1962.

The entire Brotherhood mourns hiS death and extends deepest condol ences to his loved ones. May he rest III peace.

Outstanding Safety Performance

1". ~l ,.; ..•. _ .... , .. '

Local 3. New York City, was awarded the Harry Read Award of Commendation for outstandmg safety performance dutlng 1970 by the labor Conference of the National Safety CounCil . The plaque was presented at a formal ceremony on the opening day of the 59th Annual Convention. the National Safety Congress and Exposi t ion, in Chicago. Lefl 10 fight. Henry Shemm, Director, Electrical Employers Sel f Insurance Plan; Irving Dobbins. Sa fety Director, local 3; and Tom Ditton, outgoll18 Chairman, Labor Con ference. National Sa fety Cou ncil.


les lIou"elles ou",ie,es

.... Economiqucmcnt parlant, Ie problcrnc Ie plus sericu;( des pays Iibrcs aujourd·hui. cst cclui de !"in­f1alion. Au Canada. Ie GOtlvcrnc­ment <lu Prem ier Ministrc Trudeau a ;lbord~ Co.! problcmc de f;l(;ol1 Ires clrangc. II a mis sur pied tine Com­mis~ion des Prix c t Rcvcll us qui a fail certaines recolllmendations doutclisCS pour 1:1 Slabilisution de I''':conomic. Lc GOllvc rnClI1cnt d6-cida par 1:1 'iui te d':,doptcr une poliliqlh.! Illonclairc Ires restrain tc, dans Ie but de frcincr rinllmion, melllc si Ie Premier Min islrc lui­mCllle cla il d'accord que celie me­sure pourrait clre la cause d'unc auglllcnwlion du chomage allan! jusqu'£a 6% . Lc seul objcclif aucint fut cclui d'augmcllIcr Ie ch6magc olU !:IlIX de 7.5%, CI I" inflation con­tinua son ascension atleingnanl aujourd' hui un nouvca.u sommct.

Pour nggr.3vcr rJavantagc Ie pro­blcme, 1:1 surtaxc des EI:tls-Unis sur leurs importiUions ne peut que con­Iribucr rJav:lntage :) I'aulllllcntation du cho mage panni nos membrcs de rinduSlrie manufactu ricrc dans Ie district C:madicn .

Lc Congrcs du T ravait du Canada iI prescnte Ie memoire !>u ivanl au Gouvernemcnt Can:u.lien concernant cellc surtaxe:

'" La nou\clle mesu re cconomi<l ue annonCec par Ie President Nixon Ie 15 aoin, a eu de Vilstcs repercus­sions au C:lIlada Cl dans Ie reste des pays du monrJe commercia l. M;l lgr": qu 'i l eSI trop lot pour r analy!>C rJe celie nouvel le polil ique mon":la ire am":ricllinc, il en res!'tOrt un fa it tres clair. Avec la lin de la conversion du dollar am":ricain en eellc de r or, Ie systemc Illonetaire des pays Iibres, bas": sur 101 conven­tion de Brellon Woods de 1944, cst mailllcnant d:ms une situ ation c riti­que. Le dollar anu: rica in , qui. lors de la periode d 'apri:s-gucrre. ctait reconnu comme I .. vnleur de basc pour \()utes transactions Iinal1cic res au nivc:tll international, est mainte-


du Canada

nanl delronc, cl i1 a perdu sa domi­nance dc monnaie llIondialc,

" Lcs incertitudes Sl.! ri cu~s resullant de CCtlC ;Ict ion drastiquc dcs Elats· Unis, nous obligent comlllc tOllS les :lut res pays du monde a demander sans plus tardcr, I'etablisslllcnt <I 'u n nouveau systclllc moneta ire inter­nationiLl. II cst fait connu de tous que Ie dollar am~ricain cia it ina pte :'1 fonifit!r cc systc rIle dcpui .. plu­sieurs, annces. II cst mllintenant grand le mps d'ctablir un nouveau systcme monclairc.

" PM con~quent nous prions Ie Gou\crnemcnl Can:ldicn d'agir im­m":diatemclll el conjointcll1cnt avec Ics autres pays membres du Fonds Moncwirc International, et de met­tre sur pied un nouveau !t)slcmc monl:taire d:lIls Ie but de relablir la stabi lit': au nj\'cau internalion:11. TOllt delai dans ce domaine con­tribue dav3m3ge :1 la crainte et r an· xiete parmi touS Ics pays CI pour­rait nOliS plonger dans une situation chaotiquc semblable ;) celie des :mnees 1930. La situa tion cammer· cialc internationale est dej:) bea u­coup trop mcnacce. et on doil real iscr san!> larde r que ccs transac­tions financieres sonl toujours dl:· pcndantcs d 'un systemc mon":tai re international a caracterc stable. I)ou r un P:lYS tcl que Ic Can"dn ou Ie COm merce a tcllcl1lcnt d'impor­tanee pour Ie m;tintien de son niveai de "ie. l'adoption d 'ull 1l0U\C:1tI

systcmmc moneta ire c.;t de rigueur. " La surlaxe de 10% su r toutes Ics importat ions :lUX Et:lts·Unis cst tine infrac tion :'1 I'Accord Douan icr ct il cst slir que l'industric manufac­turiere cn subi ra Ics dIets nerastes au sc in de I'economie canadicnne si !'impos ition de celie stlrta ."<C eM Ie mo ind rc mcll! prolongee. Celie ac­tion arbitrain: des Etats·Unis su ns consultation ;Ill prbba ble avec Its alltres pays membres de l'Accord Douanh.: r et Commercial. a contri­bu~ a la diminution de COli fiance enve rs les Etats-Unis, et cree un

dangcreux precedcnt qui pourrait avoir COI11Il1C resu lt a! que toul pays :) un mument donne puissc impose r une mcstlrc ... crnblable sous pretexte de dinicultc!t linancieres." "Natllrellclllent IlOUS SOlllllles in­quiets des erIets secondaires q ue celte surta xe va causer :1 la petite industric manufacturiere sur laquellc depende en grande mesure I:t en;­:Hion de nOllvcau."< c lllplois. Nous SOIllIllCS pas d'accord avec certain cOllllllenlaircs a savoir que sculc­ment 25(} de nos exportations aux Etals-Unis en scront affectes. II restc un r"it que not re i ndu~tric m;lIll1faCluril:rc secondairc ex iSle en grande mesure en raison de nos ex­portmions aux Etals-Unis, II cst sur CI ccrtain que si cette surtaxe est prolongce Ie nmindrel1lent. nos cx­portation, de produils Canadiens en scront afT(.'Ctecs larg":menl. II s'cn· suit que si nous devons dirninuer nos cxportations nous augmentcrons notre taux de chornage - Ie prob­poblcllle numero un au Canad:t. "Nou~ sorn rnes d'avis que Ie Canada est Ie mieux plac": pour ocncficicr d'une exemption de celie surt axc de 10('0, Lc dollar Canadien du rant les dcrnicrs 15 Inois a atlgmcntc sa valeur relative vis a vis Ie doll:tr am~ricain de pres de 6 %, La va leur reelle de noIre doll;lr ca n:Jdicn n'est pas sou~-estimec tellc que celie de certa ins :mtres pays, Nous n'avons pas de II1CSUrc rl:glcmenl:li rc contrc Ics importations de produits am":ri­cain ... Dc plus. !lOUS avons un rap-­pon Ires part iculier avec les Etats­Unis Cll raison de not re affiliation commcrciale avcc ce pays. A cc prupos, nous croyons que I'accord Canada·EWts Unis concernant Ic commerce de l'industrie de I'auto­mobile devrait etre prolongoS sans changcmenl. 11 faut se rappelc r que 1cs Et:Hs·Unis dependent en la rge l1lesure ~ t1r nos ressollrces naturellcs sa n~ Ics([uelles Icur economic cn scrait large rnctlt :!!Teetee, II ressort de lOut ceci ([ue Ie Canada posscdc lin pOll voir de negociations en rai-


son de ses rcs~urcc .. naturdlcs ct il dcvrail s'en ~n ir pour tenter d'oblcnir line exemption 11 c.:nc sur· taxe. "NOllS lcnons a rappcler au GOll·

verncmcnt que Ie chomage ae-[ud cst tlii en large mcsure i"\ des etTeur" dans sa polilique ~conomiqu<..' int':r· ieurc, Nous prl:tcndon:- que Ie Gou· verncment doit aduplcf des t11esures spcccialcs quail! aux l'xpor[alion~ afin de pr':\'enir Ie !;lux de chomage toujuurs crois!><lnt. II <..'''1 (rimpor. [ancc capit;,le de trOll\cr une solu­tion immediate afin d'eIHlIyer Co.!S mi scs ;1 pied d;l!lS nos indu:-Irlcs, "NUllS disOllS (nut :-illlp1cmellt qu' il cst grand temps qlle les Gouvernc­mcn!:. de nos deux pays cessen t de sc scrvir de nos Irav:,il1eurs comme des pions CI:II1S un jeu (\'cchec, et de mCllrc su r pied dcs programmes qui pcrmcttw it la di .. tributioll do.!), ri­c hcsscs de nos industries dc fa!;'on plus cquitable aux Ir,l\ ailleu rs, et de Co.;~~o.;l J'o.;filichil ces corporations multi-nati01l:llcs au de[rimen[ de nos travaillCllrs. La phili~ophi<..' de Sum Gompers cst beullcoup plus uppro­price aujolll'd'hui qu'dle ne I'a jal1lais etc: ai nsi ell obtcnant Ie plein cmploi nOli!; devons b:ltir plus d'cco­ks ('I lI10ins de prlson~: plus de livres e\ moills d'arsen,lUx: plus d'instruction ct moins de c rillle,,; plus de justice ct mains d'ende."

tc Collegc Ca nadien 1)11 Tru \'uil

Lc College Ca nadi cn dll T ravail ;t un besoin urgent du monde syn­dicaL scion Ie dircclellf d<..' cetle inSl itution, M . Oer! Hepwonh .

M. Hepworth , qui cst ':gillement rcgislraire el ~ecr':lairc-I r~sorier dll College. nous cxplique que Ie cout ll'op.:ration du College contin ue J'augrnen tcr, er 1111(" I'cnthousia),1llC till d~bllt parmi Ie monde disp;trait graducl lclllClll, ayant comille resu l­t<ll q\I'on doil dcpendre de plus en plus sur Ie public pour son 1l1ainlien.

A rnoins de changelllcll! rad ical J'attiLudc C1\vers Ie C(lll~ge p;mn i nos ~yndie:lts. Ie Cnllcgl! de"ient de plus en plus ;1 la charge dll public qui lui permel d'exbto.:r. "'La res· pOllsabi l il~ lIu nmu\emo.:l11 s)ndical i"\ cc sujel CSI n:elle ct serieusc."

II ajoulc (Iue lOllS Ie, .. yndiqllcs 0111 un ill\crc!c (bns I'cxisl:1Ilce Illcme du College el (IU'ib devraielll fairc en sorte que leurs syndicats


rC)'pcclifs. lCIII'), f~dcralions ou cen­traks vienncnL en :lidc ~I ce dernier sans p lus Iilrder £I..: fat;on financiere, do.! promouvoir Ie College parmi kurs confrercs sYlldicalix. CI lk Ie ... enco ur;lgcr ell fai .. a11l applic!ltiull en grand nombre pour I'inscription ,Ill prlJ~ramllle de J 972. On doit ~oIlJi­gner jue la date finale pour 1.:, in­scriptiuns est Ie 31 janvier 197~ .

On pellt ubt..:nlr de plll~ ample ... infurnwtiuns concernant Ie Collc!!e ..:n s·adr..:s.,anl :1 M. Hcp\\onh. a ~s Congr\!s dll T rav:til du C;lI1aJa, 100 ru..: Argyk. OIl,IW:l: ou en s·a(1r..:-,,­"ant direc[elllent au burenu (ill

ClJ II l:~e, 762 rliC Sherbrouh' utlc ... L, Montreal I 10.

Malgr': Ie l10lllbre de bour,e" d'ctudc fOllrnics par les di\er~es eentra lcs s)ndicale .. et f':dcration~ durant les dernieres ;1I1nc('s. k elll­lege doil contin uer son sUPlxm financier vis ~l vis les nou\"eau'\": ,1]>­plicflms en plus de par<..'r :lUX t1p..;ra­lions jOllrnali\!rcs uu College.

11 nOllS f;,it p:lrt ..!galement qu'un comit..5 spccia l rornt..5 des l11e!llbre~ tlu hmCilu (le directio n CSt prese11le­ment en tr:lin d'cvalucr Ie progres (Iu passe et de SO UIllCllrc de~ reCl)m-111CIlChll ioll,) pOllr k f1l11lr. "(\:)1cn­d'l11l. iI ajoute que notre SIlCC': .. du futur dcpend de la collaboration du mouvcmcnl s~ ndiC:I !.

Lc terme scol:\irc de 8 SClllaino.!~

d':bute Ie 30 :Ivril ct sc termine Ie 23 juin: on y trnitera des sujCtS "ui­vanl s: I'ccollomil!, I'hi stoirc, la so­ciolog ic, les sciences pOliliqllcs, Ie sYllllicalislllc et Ics J"clation~ indu~­

trielles. Lc cOllrs Pill' corre«pon­dance csi r.:parti en 12 Je<;ons: 3 dans I'cconomie, 3 des )'ciences IX)­litiques, 3 dan~ la ~ociologie. cl une Ic!;'on sur 1:1 f:I<;OI1 d'ctudier. de lire ties diagr:ullll1cs CI des clcll1ents de base de cOlllptabi litc.

Lc Coll':gc ccl':hrcra bicnlot kur IOii!l11e annive rs:\ ire. Son operation d~pcnd sunout du COTlgr~'s uu T ra­vail till Canada ct cum1'l<..' surtout sur les fac ilit":s tlcs Univer ... itcs McG ill et Monlreal pour scs eours. Un total de 773 mcmbres syndiqul's ont graduc i'I date,

L' Assurancc Chumagc Lc Conl!res du TrilVilil uu Canada

a rc<;u rcce1l1ment plul>icurs plaintc ... concernant !":Ipplication des nou­ve;t ux rcglelllellts de hi loi de I'As­su r:lIlce C homage (Bill C-229) sanc-

tionn~e pilr la Ch;l1nbre des Com­Illunes Ie 14 juin, J 97 I.

L'inquictudc en gcn':ral se situc [, 3 prillcipaux nh ea u .~ et se c1a,silie ('('I11IllC l>lIiL:

I. La scction 44 qui Iraitl' des rl:c1amat iOI" resultant de con­nib ~YTldicalix

2. Sec. 2fi - ~9, $cc. 30-31 qui Irailent de:- '"gains" dUflllll la ,X'riocJc d'alle1J(e, dcduction des "'gains" lorsqllc la misc ;'i picd est dli :1 une gro .. se ... ,e, les benciiec" disponiblcs ;HIl;

pemitlnnaire~ [I leur retraite. Ccne quc~tiull revet lin car­acter..: partlculler en J"ai~tlll dL:s lx:nt5fic<..'s d'il1{klllnit~s

hcbdonwdair<..''' proven ant til" assuranco.;~ privccs.

3. Reglc111ent 157 (deductions des ~:tin!> durant 1;1 ]":riodo.! d';\UClHe) Ct les RcgJements 172 ct 173 qui traltent des gains cn pronances des p:tics de ~cp;lr;tliUII, paie de \~Ieall­

ces, ou dc honi etc. Cel> regle­Illcnts ~tipuk1ll {Iue dorcna­vam des montants forfaitaires accordcs aux cmploy':s lors de leur mise :1 pied serum accurdc~ (lU cr",dit"'s pour dl's ~L:1l1i1incs ii venir duram k,,­que lies Ie r':c1amant peut re­cevoir JL:S benefices r':duih correspl.)lIdant ;w 1110nlaUt de )'cs gilins.

Dans un c .. ~ p;trLiculicr iI ;1 ~'[~

dC1l11)mrc que lks 1I1<l1ltams forfai­[air<..'s n":gocies pur Ie syndicat fill :lccordes aux cmployes. N':l Y,lI1t pas droit ;1 leurs I>\!ncficcs de r<..'traitc lors de leurs miscs ;) pied pour des semaines par 1:1 suite des mJ'Ics i"\ pied.

Scclion 64 qui traite d'un s)~t':11le (i'cvaluation b:l!>C sur I'cxpCricllc,,: par I'cntrem isc uuqucl d<..'s rel1l­hUlIrscments de eUlttribulions peu­\ent s'ensu ivrc aussi bien de hi part de I'em ploycur que lll.! rcmplll)'': lors(luc l:! moy<..'nne t.l'el11ploycs mis :1 pied par ce mcm<..' Cl11plOYClll" du­n1l1t Ie cours d'lIlle ann':e e),t rda­Livel1lcnt bass..: par rapport :IUX

l1loyellnes qui serom ": tablies par r':glcmems il \lenir.

Les SCClion" 3(2) et 4(1) traitent d·<..'mploi specialise:. La position des fonclionnaires provinciaux cn \crtu tic ces reglcmc nls pose un problcmc tr\!s particul ier.


Lc Congrcs a deja pris les mc­sures conce rnant ecs problemes . Un comitc ~pCe ia l a etc mis sur pied pour trailer surtout des problernes causes P;H les conflits syndicnux leI que lIlelitionncs a In section 44 de ccs rCglelllcnls, ct des representa­tions onl deja e tC fait es a la Com­mission d'A~suranee-ch6rnagc con­cemant ccs quest ions.

Lc Congr':, cst confianl que d'ici peu il <;era en mcsu((.' de pn!sclller 1111 memoirl! :1 I:. COlllllli,sion "insi qu'au Min iSlrc Ir"italll fl fond dtl dornainc du ch6mage et qui com­prendra un resum": de <;eS recom­rncndal;on~ en meme temps.

Avi<; aux intdc-sscs qui desirent pr":parer Otl wumettrc leur eommcn-

wires a cc sujcl, vous etes invites ii les f .. ire parvenir directemcnt au Vice- President International Wil­Ihun Ladynwn .

Lc President MacDon<lld du Con­gres du T rava il du C.tnada, Jors du dernier congri:s des Travailleurs Uni ... dtl Tcxtile d'Amcrique s'adres­~ait en ccs terrncs sur la quc\tion du nation:tlisllle:

" II n'c\1 pil' :tpproprie en ccs h:mps-ci de part..:r de n;tlilln;llismc au sein du 1ll0U\Clllent ouwicr," dit-il. "Vuu, etes tous farniliers, fc n suis sur fl titre de Illcmbres d'un syndic"t inlernatiorw l. ;lvec la \ici lle chan\On que nous de\'­rions nou~ \cparer." "L ... ~ Union, internatiunall!S ont

eonlribuc largcmcllt au biclII: tre cl i't I'amelioration des conditions de travai l des travailleurs Cana· diens. Noll', ,I\om dcmontr~ s:tnS eq ui voq ue que par I'cntrcmisc de n{)~ syndicats intcrnalionaux, les lra\ ai lleurs de deux pays-cn depit des difT":rences de <;'lla irc<;­p.;uvc nt vivn.: e n~e l1l blc ct tra­vailh:r :1 leur malll<tgc mutucl." M. r-,'Iac[)on;lld ,um;i:rcnt que les

critiques des ') ndic:lts inlernalio­nau .t ferai ... nt bien d'(:\tIdicr la struc­ture des Travailleurs Un i:. d'Arn~ri­que. qui depui ... [951 On! mis ,tIT

pied leur propre C'on~d l Canadien qui cst respon~'lblc de I'dection de scs propre<; oflicicr\ et de determiner la politiquc Cuwdicnne.

handYlnan's cOlnel

How To Conquer Inner Space .. Therc'~ 'oOlllcthi ng satisf)in£.

about corl\ertible furniture other than its obvious function I his type of furniture, appearing to be onc thing ;rnd th ... n doin£. double duty a<; another. h;r, a n,ltural app ... al to nil hOllll'ntakers, \\ omen li"c il be­eau" ... it fullill<; :t need to change the appearancc of a room.

You \\ ill h;!\'c ;t hard limc finding a project Ihal helps a small home morc than the handsom... coffee table shown here wilh actre<;~ Mari­anna I I ill. lle re is:t unit that docs many jobs \\dl. In it a teen-ager can ~tore hupes for a bright futurc, Morn or gmndmother will find il a place fo r "eep~a"e~ fro m the p:tst. II :tnd~. too, for ... toring such th ings as bed­ding for that pull-out sofa . Casters make it "';l'y 10 move, The rack across thc from "eeps magazines visible and on.lerly,

Yuu may 1I"o.! thi... unit a.; a con­'''' Iilional coffee table. Theil. too, it IlW"t:, .r glxld-looking \\;ndO\.,. scat. M:H1} hurnclI1""cr, " ... ep the chest ;lI the fOOl llf their bed. Ju,t lift the hinged top :m<.! )OU h:!\e "P"Cl! for <;turing counties, items.

rhe chc~t ~hown was lIIade of birch plywo<ld, hut you may u~e any line uf the do/cns of f:mc) pl)\\{xxls now ;lY:lilable. Building the chest is no trick ;11 all when you u,e the easy-to-follow pattern. IncxpellSivc tou, \\hen yuu do your ()\\n build­ing.

ru obtain the easy-to-fullo" cof­fee t;lble-chc~t pattern number 175. send sl,nu h) currency, check or mOllC} ortier to:

Steven Ellingson The Etectncal Workers' Journal Pattern Dept. P. 0 Bo~ 2383 Van Nuys, Cali f 91409

Oth ... r paltern:. you will enjoy: No, 36-t Sen lng cart . . .. SI.OO: No. 30H Monterey Pine wall llIural .. . $1 .00: No. 43-t Maga/ine cnd lable. . S I.(}(J; -':0. 464 Grand­f:lIher's doc" . S I.eX); Booklet picturing ~50 project.. .75c.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers- Pension Death Benefit




TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST MONTH 1 2,222,131.91 1 763,372.38

TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS LAST 12 MONTHS $25,504,117.24 18, 760,205.36 ----

DEATH BENEfITS PAID LAST MONTH 1 91,11<200 1 204,110.12

DEATH BENEfITS PAID LAST 12 MONTHS 1 2,2 11 ,801.62 14,908,427,98

,.itll the ladies

Th at's Wh at It's All About ... Ladic,>. I' m sure \\-c're ,lit

familiar with that f;UllOU!) ~aying about a \\Ol11an \ bei ng behind ("\I.' r) !>ucccssful man. and. no <.Ioubl. \\ilh

that, \H,:'rc all in agreelllcnl-at leas!. in the majori!) of emiCS. The \\-(ll1l,1I1 uf the hOIl<,c is. quite often. the inspir'ltion. the guiding light. the steady hand. tilL' nc(" ... ,~ary force. the sharer.

In a union hnmc----("'I'k'ciall) one in \\hich Ihe man uf lhl.' huu~ j, a union mcmJx'r but the \\ ifc i\ nOI­

il i., of parlicul;lr importanc ... that the inspiration. guiding light. sll.'ady hand, no.:ccs\;Jr) forec, ;1I1d <.hnring ~ pn.;<,cnt 10 1Il;lle a suce ... ,s of the man, hi~ uniOll. their houwhoJd. their COIllIlHlllity. their ~lalc, the country.

The \\ h c!> of some union men hdp o u t by juining the I mlic~ au;\,­iliary. if such an org:lIli7alion I."\i<;(\

for fricnt.! hu~b;lIld\ local union: some \\ivc\ an: the "~t:ly-at-homc" or "silent" mcmber~ of their hu\­bands' unions. All wives of union mClllbcr~ should do their uunusl for thcir hu~b;IIHh· uniom allli fnr or­ganized labor. in general. I hc ocnl.'­fits 10 be accru..:d arc primaril~ for thcir 0\\ n gootl and for thl.' gout.! of their families.

Tho':>!: \\i\c ... \\ho cannot ~ ac­tive in an au;(ili:lr) or in a local union of thcir 0\\ n \hould. n~'\cr­

Ihclc~s, lx' in there helping. IOu. by shopping for union-madc goods o nl y, by demanding lInion services lIn!y, by reading Iheir hu~banJs' union publications. by l ilerall~ sho\­ing their hm.ba nd ... out of the d oor o n unio n mceting night. by allend­ing local un ion social aClhilie\. by supporling union communil y proj­ects, by regis tcring and \ ol ing for candidates \\ho arc f:lvor:tblc to

working people. by supponing Icgi\­lalion thm bcndits thl.' \\or~ing

man. by p;lticmly slic~ i ng by Ih~'ir htl\band~ in case of ~Iri~..: or un­..:mplo~ men!. by urging their hu\­bands to cnroll in tmining cia ..... ..: .... by ~ceping Ihe hou~..: qui":l \\ hcn h..: is '>t udying. de. You g~t th..: ilkn, I'm sure.

Thc wife of olle I BEW member has wrillcn iI Jell..:r. cnlitkd. "G"'I 111\01\"..:d."' to Ihc } UltrlW[, telling u, hO\\ ~hc fr.'ds and \\ hal ... h..: I'> t.!oing to help ha hu,hand She I'> Wanda Scars. and hcr hmhand. D;I\ id. is a member of Locill 619. Hot Springs, Ar~an"'l<'. Ikr kll..:r follows.

··Tho orlic;al meaning uf I- B-E-\\I i~. of cour~c. Int":nlmi()rlal Brothl.'r­hood of Ekctrkal \V(lr~cr'. hut to mc. il also lTl..:an\:

1~ l nlercsl in each other B~Big brotherhood for all

E~Encouragemenl \\hen the chips a r..: down

W~Work. if al all pos .. ibJc. ··Sine..: Illy hu~band !x'camc a

lll":llloc r of Loc:ll 619. Hot Spring~, Af~ansas. in 1965. wo;: have ~h:lf ... d a fcC/ing of lotal il1\ohl.~lll('nt Ih:lt we had nc\·er expericnced before. We :Ire unit..:d with millions of ot h..:rs in somelhing that is uni­\·cr~al. We f .. :d Ihat we arc part of MllllClhlllg worth" hill' and l·olH:rl.'te ~;t rC:l1 hrotherhootl!

·· Bu t the onl~ \\ay to "c ... ·r it a "Irang brolh..:rhood i~ to remain loyal to it and oth ... r union craf!'>. I mkcd. 'What can I t.!o'? I don·t belong to thc local: Ill} hu .. b,lI1d dol.'~. After sOllie careful lhill~ing. I l"I.:ali7l.'d Ihat hu,banu" and \\i\C~ arc joined in th..: ·marriag..: union' and that il must be a 'IotaI' thin!! \\ ilhout dnbion of an) ~ind or it \\ ill \\ca~cn and fall.

"So it is with trade unions ... behind a union man must Siand a UntOH woman. At fipH. il \\:IS hard to undcrSland why I should shop in union ~ I ores. call un ion plulllbl.'l"'. b;l rber~. paintcrs. I.'lc. Fina ll\. through pmien! ..:xplanalions ;u;d pulling Ill": bac" from the t.loor~ of nOIl-ul1iol1 ~hops . m} husbant.l ha~ .. hu\\n me Ih..: imporlance. Wh~ ... up-port OJ non-union man. when h ... • i.':o against what my hu .. band lIwl YOl/rs have work..:d so hard to achie\..:?

··\\ e proudly d i~p l ay our IBEW ... y mhols on o ur cars, pay a lillic l1lor~ ror a union plumbcr. ('IC .. bUI \\~ g..:t a bo;:[(cf job and can say \\jlh prid~. 'We arc totally jmohl.'d." C:lI1 you?··

f\nd . that\ I\hat ifs all aboul. ladic.':o.

Happy New Ycar 10 you and )ours.



St. Louis Work Below Normal; Local Newspaper Introduced

I..L'. I, ST . LOllS. \10. Gre ... tings from L()I;al I

\\ inter j, with U~. amI thc \\>or).. 'lIlia­tion i~ belolO. nornJ;l1.

In l\u\crnhcr. our local Introduced l. new 101:;11 n ....... 'paper. ~·tllIed "W;Ul~ Hap­peninG:' IJu,inc\, Manager Roy W. Sach'>C commented thaI. for -omt IUlle no\\, III ... hn>e recogni/ ... d rhe need for clo.er comm\ln i~aJi(\n \\i1h our member, through 'lI ... h .. medium lUlU that no"'. Ihal '" hidl h;ld Oe-en In Ihe pl"nnin!; \ll1ge" j, II I'cali[~·. 'Ihe new'paper "ill he puhli$hcd monlhly and "ill conl;,io topics Ic1c"anl 10 our cnlil'l: mcmhcr· ~hip. Roy ~;llh'>C:. LCI) lIennc''oC). amI John Weller l i fe lhe cuilOn..

We :Ire nO" in Ihc ,c~'ontl pha'iC of the " re,idem', fight on inlhuion, lind ii', greal. i,n'\ iI" AI lh ... lime of 1hi, l\Til­in~, i.'mlllu}tnenl i, :It n l'rilical ]'lOinl. ":I~e, :lIe ,uh;C~1 10 the ~.~ poer cent guideline, :1110.1 big bu~inc,~ i, maling mor.: money lhan ncr,

T he I' re,ill.:nl\ puppc:t. John Con· mill). :1 Dcmoc.:r:l1 :000.1 ronner (!ovcrnor of Texa~, 1010.1 Ihe prc,~ in Wn~hin~lon fe,cnlly Ihal Ihi- i, Ihe only "a~ lhrOIl~h which \lC C:IO n~hl inflalion. \Ve il, my yuodne", 1 realil.e Ihal eler)­Ihing in I c~'\\ i, hlg, hut 1\ 11'. Connnll} hth gol 10 h:IIC Ill". v.orld\ IHI',{te,1 inm~· inalion ' n rul her, nlhl Si".:r" Ihe o nly \lay in \lhlch lIe ,In: gomg lu t:el thi, mCh ~Iraillhlencd Olll h h) elcdlllS n friend of l:tN}!' 10 lhe White lI \lu-c the ne\tlime. ,111\1 he i\n'l \I r '1i\un

We r;lnl·anJ·fik meml>cr, tlf or!!a­ni:u-J I .. hor mU,1 lei our pre...:n"'" be felt on e1e"ion J;I~ Worl 1\1 !,leI \lIIr frietUJ, e1e,tcJ: Il'l c:tnlht.!,Ue' lnO\l IO.h'll 'ole e\­I'It'n of Ihem .• md lhe ml"" lI11porlanl Illins of all. I'ole! A, lO.e ,Ian ;I nelO. )c;lr. le\\ m'lle .. rl''oOlution IU he more militanl to el«Iing our ftiemh 10 :'111 ollkl". "helher Ihl'l N: 10.: .. 1, ~li\le. or nalional.

The offi,er, :mt.! mCI11hc~ of I lX"':l1 IO.hh all of Iheir BrOlher .. :md !mlers it

h"ppy anJ prn'perou~ 'lew) car, J \ \ILS (j \\1 lOll , ,'.s.

International Officers, Local Members Get Acquainted

L.U. J, NEW "OIU'::, N. )' , - A~ pan of Ihl;: new progr:ull , " lntcrnHllunul Oflice r ~ Mcet Ihe Ibnl and hIe." \CI up to aI."-

JOU~NAl FO~ JANUA~Y , 1972

Get-Acquainted Meeting

II1IPllll101iAc OffnRl MEn lK[ RIII~ AID flU


"14. I""less, d"dicaled , I. ade "nion ''''d"r'' is Iha wa~ So .. ness Manala. Thomas Van A.s· dala, Local 3, Naw Yo.k CII~, duc"bfId Inla.na"on,,1 VIC" P'Uld~nl John E, flynn al a g,,1 .cqualnled ",eel In! balw"an ",,,rnbe •• o f local ]'S Const,,,ehon DIVIsion and Vice Presidant Flynn. Seen al 110" ""al,n8. are 'aft 10 righi, Martin W ... , " jou.neyman who ha.'s from Massachos,,"s and WhO knew B.olh"r Flyn" prevloully; BUSln"ss Manag,,' Van l4.,sdale; VIC" P,esldenl FI~nn: Inl",nallonal Repru" .. Iallv" Walt" Mona"a .. ; Local 3 PreSlde .. I Edwa,d

ClealY, and Local 3 As.l~tan l 8u",""ss "'anll'" J os"ph C"aloupka

qU:linl Ihe mnl-aml· file mtntner, of our local " ilh our Inlernnliunal unicef', In­lernalionnl Vice I' re~idenl John E, l' l},nn, Second Di 'll'kl. ~PCIl\ o..'lohi:r 141h and 15th vi,i ling \Iilh our local union oHicers anJ ntcmner"

Vicc I' re~idcnt 1-1 )110', di,lri" ,epiC, I ~O local union, in , i\ i'ew I nglnnd 'InIC~. Mn,~ac hu..o:lh. Connc~lkIU. Rhode hland, ' laine, VCnlU)n!. ami New Il:Jmp)hifc.

Il ro:her I I)nn lIa, initiatell mto I IK';ll ~11. UrocllUn. M :I~ .. achu~<'Il'. in 19~1 ilnJ II,,, ele.;;leu l-u,irK''' mon .. ~er in 19~I\, .. po,1 in IO.hi<,;h he "Cr\ed IIl11il 1':I6l. \lhen he Iii" ,IProinlell ii' an In­lernatlonal Reprc<ocnlalile on former 'icc I'rc,idcnt John Rel!;ln', 'Ial' t ~lt1 IlrUlhcr Reg:m ... rctlf<:menl In 1961\, BrOlher FJ}nn "a, IIppoinlcd 10 fill the unupired lenn, ant.! al Ihc IY71l i nlcma­lional CoO\enliun 10 &:.IlIle. \\ ,.,hini­Ion. he II .. , un'lnimousl) elected ror a four-lear lernl Il rother Hynn 10.," al'oO pre,idenl of Ihe Hrodlon IIUlldin~ I r .. de, (ouncil

Dilling hIS ~hort ,lay in '\;ew ' orl Cily, 'icc Pre'ldenl I J)nn ;1t.!drc\..o:U Ihe re,{tular, mont hl ) meeting of Ihe mem­l;Ier~ of Ihe Comtrll<'lion I)i li"on 'lilt.! lOured [he 1- lel:IChe~lcr Co-op iloll,ing ant.! the Eleclric Indu,tr} (enter, IO.here I. .xal 3 hC;ldllU;ll1Cf\ MC lucaled, Hc IO. n~ hlghl) impr.:,el) "11h Ihe I)l'nlal 'tIld Med ical Deparlmenl lila il uhl.: 10 mcmber) and Ih..:ir falllili.:,. lI e atl cndet.! u ~I:tjf meNing of ,he uflicers and I'cprc-

'oCn\'IIIH' of l .ocal , and t.!n)~e lOll mile wllh inlernaltonal I rt:l~urcr lI arry Van Ar .... l;th.' 10 vi,il Ihe rnnl -anJ-file meml>cr.. in al1cndan~'c al Ba) ne rr ) I and. our rc~idenl ct.!uc:t1 iOn;11 .cnter :lnJ conHII..:')Ccnl home.

In lliJdrc ... ,i l1 )! our lcguhlr mecling. 'i~ ... " rc)idenl I' lynn 'Ire,..ed Ihe uis...1\­trou, circe" IhM the tOliltin:t1ion:,1 !111m' ufnetllrini cornpllOie' [II'C hnling on Ihe mernrn:r, or Ihe manuf:,e\Uring divi,i"n, or Ihe IIll· W, Vice I're,illenl FI}nn'~ di,­Iricl, hl~lorical1y a hit:hl}- in t.!u-triali/cd Mea, i, one of thc ..edion, of the t.:oun­Ir) h,mle'l hil b)' Ihe che;lll CicCi ric and elcdronic imporl<.

A~wmp,lIlying Vice I' n:~idenl I llnn on hi, "hirllO.itUJ lour of our juri..dic­lilln. ... a, )mernal illnal Repre'>C."nlal ill' W;liter \l onahan, a member of hi .. 'laO

TItO\l~" ",' AR'!HI!. B.M.

Important Meeting Held; Gains Set in New Pact

I •. l . II . l OS ,\ .... GEU:.'i. CALlF.- The qUllrtet!) tuinl meeling of Ihe "iremcn\ unil\ ...... , heltJ on pu:mbcr 281h, It \la, n lO.el1-allendciJ mecling, and -.e\er.1I im]'lOn'tnl ilem~ "cre open for full di~-1.'11,"011

I he Ullprolcrnenl of frint:e bcl"\C/ih W,,\ of 1',Iramourn important'e 10 Ihe Illemher .. in :tllend:mce. Modi fica!ion~ of Ihe Wiremen' , Reli rcmCIII Fund :1Ilt.! Ihe al1 oc;ll ion~ of fUlll rc monic), cnrmarlcd


On th e Job Newly. a p poin t ed BusinH$ Representa. tive jim Clinton. 11, los Angel es. ,nspecls the fajrfield MedIca l Research BUIlding pro,ecl at Lonl{

Beach. Calif.

for fring\! bendh~ were explored in deplh. II was reported Ihal Ihc co-.ts of :.11 health and medical pl:InS are rhing ~lIb~lanlially.

Ilu~inc,>, r.1:mager Charle~ O. McCord gave a ,hort lall. un Ihe rurpo~c~ :H1d the ~copc of the Electrical Worker,' Po­li tical Education Flind and Ihe impor­lance of an ""arenc,s by the w()r l. ing man 10 the con,cqucnces of nOt heing involved.

Sign Unil Representative Bob Uishop h:t~ reported Ihal a new :,grccmcnl for the Sign Unit. Ilhieh \\a~ negotiated prior 10 the frcc~c. has he .. n forwarded to lhe 1.0. for apprOla1. The new ,>calc reprc'-Cm~ a considen,bk gain over the C\i~l ing agreement ,md ,-ill achiel'e a 101 .. 1 package \ atue of $9.00 per hour, including fri nge~.

I wa' pri'ileged to attend Ihe 16th Annual Banquet of the \k'lican-Ameri­can Electric:11 Society (~ I AES). held al the Pomona Nlltional Country Club in Walmn. California. The ;\IAES i~ a la­bor-oriented. social organization in "hich our loca l i , "I'll represi.'nt i.'d.

Ilu_ine~s Manager McCord has an-nounced Clinton firO! her

the appointment of James P. as bu .. ines~ repre"l'nt,uil'e .

Clinton sen'ed our local for many year~ a~ un it ofli cer. comminee­m;,n. E~amining Board member for ..even rear!>. ;In(\ a~ a member of the Exccwi ve Boanl.

The Electr i,'a l Worker, ' Cred it Union ha~ anno\lnL' ~ cI ;1 nell ly- imHlgurat ed An­nual Saving:, Pl an . "hieh ~holiid in lt' re ';! man y il l"Olhers.

By the cnd of October. the employ­ment ~illiation in L lh Angek' had wors­ened. l\ilh an excc"~ of 500 Il ircmen on the books.


W ork Picture Very Good; Party Honors Old~Time rs

L U_ 17, DETROIT. ;\ II CII .-~lc l1o,

once again. from lhe MUlor Cit}-. II has been quite "amI' lime "im:;: we hal e "rinen a n article for Ihe Jm/rlwl. A 'in­cere dfort "ill be OJ,tde to be a little more productiw in Ihe future.

T hl.' lIork picllIre in our area has been I'ery good th is rear. Transmis,ion "or~ is beginning 10 ,low do\\ n -.orne from "hat it hil ' been. lIil h scyeral big JObs nearing an end. D blribUlion work is going prell ), ' lrongly ;md appears to be hold ing steady. We arc in need of journe)'man linemen at Ihis llriting. If anyone de, ires to come in and work,


Party In Detroit

Gues ts at a recent party lor Ihe bu,lding dedicallan and for the 50·year members of Local 17. Detroi t . Fran l ' ab le. left 10 righ l. Ray Glowsk,. BuildIng Trades representative; Joe LaPlan te. Business Manager. local 58. Oetroi\; Jim Finn. allorney: and Richard Manning. Wayne County Road CommiS' sioner. Bac~ lable, Bi ll RIc h ard. retiree; H. E. Crowder. retiree; L R. "'Mac" McCord . Vice Pres,dent. Harlan Elec t ric; T. E. Ma lone. In ternalional Vice P resoden l ; George Hands. NECA: George Herschel. L E. Myers; Local 17 Bus'ness Manager "Pele" Me· Manus; and Jerry Cavanaugh. the 10lmer

mayo r 01 Detro,t.

• ---Fronl table. le U to righ l. J ac~ Harned. l ocat 17 Business Rep resentative; l a,ry Epska mp. Local 17 P residenl ; Verne Wiebke. Salety Oirector. De t roit Ed 'son; and Dan Diamond.

Fina ncial Secretary, Local 58.

Two otd friends reminosce abou t Ihe good old days. Left 10 "sht. Roy [).ernbe rser. " B" erlOW teadn a t Delroit Edison. and Int erna l ,onal

Vice Presiden t Matone.

gil'e us a call beforehand to make sure that the jobs are ~till a .. "i lable_ Onr oftice is al 18500 G rand River. T he phone number is 3 t3-272·H5HO.

Things h,II'c been rat her nectic around here recently. S ince our la't "riting. Wi.' h:tI'c bought a nd remodeled a ne ll union hall and offi ces. T hen. we had a combi­nation bui lding dedication and part y fo r o ur 50-yea r members at lhe new union

hall , and it turned out 10 be a huge Stu;:­cess. In addition to the 50-year mem­bers, our local WIIS honored by the pre~­('nee of International Vice I're,idem T . E. Malone of the Sixth Dist rict. Also prc<;enl. "ere numerou, lahar leaders ;md political gi.ml5 in the D(,lrnit 1lre<l.

Our loc<ll hl .. come a tong "<l} in Ihe la~t }ear ;1Od h,t~ nt'"goliated ~ome lerr good conlr;,~t'. The {kdil'ati"n "nu dri", of our ollicer_ h,l\e I-rought ollr memo beT'> clo-.cr \ogC!hl'r. and ;1 101 (If reU} bickering th:1I had I-een going un for }ean ha\ .. lopped.

It' ... re:lll} <I !,!ood fcc ling to come to union meeting_ and not be 'II-Ie 10 lind :1 -.(';11. When )llil hale 'liprort lik~ that. IOU feel ,,_ if }Oll l'll11 whip lhc \\ol"ld.

I'or 100 man) year,. miT 101.',,1 hau heen doing: nOlhing-re~li J1.!! "n ils pa\! a~compli_hmems . A, a fe_ult of !hnt typt'" of Ihinhing. a I O~'al gro", '>t:lgnanl and lachad,lisi"al: ih then ready for plucking.

I h:lle been appointeJ ,'hairman of a Sleering Commutee for the M ic'higan Utilit) Conference. Thl' idca of thi., commilte;:. prim:u-il) i, 10 a\\ :o len the public to Ihe facl Ihal public utility "or~cf'> do not h,I\'e I-argaining po\\er e<lll<ll 10 thaI of their utilit), empIO}'cr". I ha l'(' al_o rl.'c;:i,eu. through the Imerna­tional. an appointmem to lhe lATe. :mJ I feel that lhh i~ a real ~Iap on the bad for our local.

It i5 "ilh the deepc~1 rcgret that lie report h\o fatalilic~ in t"o *p:Hate ac­cident' r,'cC"nll}. Andre I'roulx of Lac:11 214~. \l onlre:.1. Quebec. ;lnd StanlC"y I-I :t ll of ollr local were electrocuh~d "hile re(;onductoring 4.8· KV line~ to 13.:!-KV. O ur he;lrlfelt S}lllpathic< arc c.\tendeu to the families ;lOli fricnd~ of bOlh of 1I1e,e Brother,.

I'rrt .\l c M 'r-I,;~. 1l .~ I .

Graduation Ce remony Held ; Employment Remains Stable

I..U. 26. W,\ SI-IIN GTON, D.C.-The Local 26 Joint A pprentice ' hip and T ra in · ing Committee recently he ld its An­nual Gradu;l1ion ,\ " ant- Ceremony and Dinner- Dance.

Local union officer, lind gUCWi from labor. bu,ine,'. ,Incl gonrnmenl \lcre in attendance 10 "i~h lhe young graduate~ well in their fUlure endeavor~ and to eneOUT;lge lhem to Ottome and continue 10 be credih to thcm'oCh·es. their union. [!Od lheir indu~tr).

Charle, E. W i<iC. I' rc,idcnt. D.e. Chap­ter. NECA. anu Local 16 I're~ident Larry ~Io~an ddilered brieL but in~piring addrcsse'. both imparting the idea that ""hat is good for lhe electrical industT) h good for the union and I'ice I'crsa:'

Blhinc~s ""anager Tom Noone ho~ted the e\'ent on behalf of the l AT C ;lIld complimented the inqructor,. in par­ticular. almoSl lt ll of IIhom :lTe member.. o f Local 26.

Clas, yaled ictorians Thomas L. Brad­ley and Robert E. Le" is addrcssed thc ir fe llow graduates. leavin g them wi lh the



The 1971 g.edUlillne: 3pprenllcIS o f Local 26, Washrnglon, D.C.

Old-Tim er

Edward P John.lIn. Sr .. Chal",'en of the Doard. E. C. Ernst. Inc .. proudly ecceph hi. SO. yea, se.llice pin and aw~'d ce"If,ca'e$ as • member 01 the ISEW from Local 26 Pres,dunl

La,,~ HOllen Ind BUllness Manage' Tom Noone.

thought thai 11"1' arc cn!l"!led in an cver· gfOlling indu\lfY. in II hich eduG. tion should not cnr.! uron CQmrlclion of IInc', i'rrrcntice\hir. :lnd ~tre,"ing Ih;' 1 it i, im rcfati\'c IhiLt lLIl he(;tJ,m:' involved in Ihe maimtreitnl of (lur in.lu'lf}. indmlin!l union ac tivit ie" rolitil". cilic Juti('\. ct.:.

Emr1uymc'1l in Ihe Wa_hingaon. D.C .. afca rcm;lill~ ~1;lhlc in all unil\, I\ilh many I"fge proj.ccl' rC;ldy 10 hr('a~ I;rounll. lIopcfu lly, I hi~ ,ilu;llion \\oil! die· latc Ihe need for more m,tnpU,",cr in 197~. We feel forlunale. indeed, III h;rlinll hecn able 10 ""lain full emplo}­mellt for om rncmo.:r_ Jllring Ihe...: p:I't few }car_ and can unly hupe Ihal pro_· perily II ill return 10 ,Jllf nrUl h('r~ in olher parh of Ihe cllIliltry ,",ho hale felt Ihe , ting Ilf Ill1e(1lpIO)o lllenl. llccdic'"y hl"<)ught :rholll hy Ihc hunlllin!l economic po l kic~ of olle of <Jur locnl rc,idcnts ( tenr ponlrily, we hope 1.

The oll ieers and m('mlxr~ of Loca l 26


I;,~e Ihi~ opportunity 10 expre~~ he,1 '"' bhc' 10 :tll of our Brother, Ihroughout Ihe Uniled SI;rtes and Canada for n happy and pro_perou, New Ye:lr.

Be union. Buy union. " anidp;tle in your loc:II uniun.

T lD \I()~llt Y, V.i'.

Four 60-Year Members Honored by Local 41 L I t . .. . , lit FI',\ 1.0 . '-'.Y. On Septcm· ber 241h. Ih,' nmcer~ of ,lIIr 1()I.·al helll a pMty 3t I el~urc I.and 10 honor Ihe,r \,!uc,h, Brother, Clarenec ArllOg,j,t. Wi l­limn I i_her. Jaeoh \l uhr. :md Gcurl:C W:lldorf. fur Ihcir 6U yell"s of mcmher, , hip in Ihe local.

Rcgrctfu " y, Brother~ II rbogn,l. Mohr, and Waldorf ","crc Ulrahle 10 allend . A,· s i ~la nl ll u~il1e~~ ,\I;mager Bill Il o!fnra n

60~ Year Member

Bu.,nen M.n.ger Ray Schelmmer. Local 41 Buffalo, NY •• p,esents II 60·ye.r service pin 10 a,1I F"he' .t II pa,ly held recenlly ,n

Brother F,she"'s honot.

He'e, President Joe Cannlzza,o prtsent5 B.othe. F'sher w,th • 8,11 f,om lI,e local

ceremoniou,ly prescnlcd Brother, Mohr and Waldorf,", ilh Iheir 6j).}C;lr :.en icc pin\ :Ind Ihe rocal"~ ~ifl. an cngralcd ,il H'r IT:lY. at Iheir home~. c"pl'c"ing our rcgr('[, th'lI lhC) "ere un: ,hlc to "lIend lhe pari}" in Iheir hOllor. Brothcr I lutl. man eongriltul;rlcd the lllli'limn, ,m,1 than~ed Ihem for helping 111 ma~~ lhe eontlilion, ,",c enjo~' totl,L\

BrOlher Arhoga~l. nOli re\iding in San\:( An,l. CHlifomia. l"IlLrid 11(11 attcnd fo r obviol l' l"e;I'O'I'. Ilo"c,cr. ! ocal 44 I ill SntttlL IIna. wl""c mCcll!l!!' BrOlhel" ArhoS:I'1 hn~ al1cndctl regularly. had Iho: honor of )lre,em ing thc ('lI,\car ,c("lIkc pill to 1I ,'\Jlher IIthug;,,!. I he ccrcmon\ W;t~ IIcll ~'IJ\cred in th<.' JIlly i"lIc l)f Ihe 10111"11111. IIrulher Ad'OIl",1 had <.e\"veti many )e.ll"' :I' :In "niccr on the Exeell ' Ihe 1I0:.ord ami I'n Ih(' Nq>:Olialing (om· minee :Llld th~ , ';l",inil\~ Hoard of our local. ;ond ,",I' eongr:rIUI;r!e him and ap­preci,l1c h" lo);ohy ole' the )c;rr, 'he NUl('mbcr i"ue of Ihe I,II/rlw/ (over"11 Ihe prc\Cnlillion nf our local union gifl to Itrolher Arroga,!.

NOli". ,",I' <':'Im~ to [hc !lIlCS[ I\ho ,",,1\

prco,cnl Bill I i,her. I "onJ('r hOll mltn~ meml">cr, of Ollr 10.:,,1 rcmemher Ihal n:rme. I ~now that many of the ol<.tcr member~ remember him and re· member him ,",ell. Bill '""" Ih.' hll,inc,~ nlannger of our local frurn 1916 I1lllil 1940 :10,1 "gain from 1~44 IIlllil 1946 ' I h"t h a lutal of 26 }enr,. ;lOd from whal I wa_ told. Hill 1\';05 a tot:tlly·dcdi­e"lcd hu,ine,~ managcr. I ncvcr had IIIl' plea,urc of wor~ ing unJcr hi~ wing il\ all :Ipprcnlicc or journcyrn:'Il, bUI a ft er mecl ing Ihi, 'Ofhpo~cn !le mlcmil n, I IWlle the feeling thilt I mi,~cd q ll ilc :,


lot. It·, no Ilonder Ilml the local has laken sueh ~ Irides forlO.·ard!

B u~ine~s Manager R1l y Schlemmer and I're~ ident Joe Cannizzaro presented lI ill " ith hi> 60·}'e:ar ~Tlkc: pin and wilh Ihe local'~ gifl. They e:xlende:d congrolula· 1;005 on behalf of lhe ('nli re m('mhcr~hip and lO.i~he:d him lIell and eontinueoJ good h('allh in hi~ retirement.

BrOlher lI,her thanl.e:d the: local for Ihe ~ifl .. noJ the 'Iledal honor he~tolled upon him. All of the oflicc:~ IIhhed him good he:!.lth :,nd their eonpralUl;llion~ ,md re.:alled lIilly 'torie:, and fond mc:morie, of Ihe "~()(xI old d:ly~."

On beh"lf of our oOke", ;lnoJ mem­he",. I "g'Iin l'Onl:!nllu!:lle Clarence Ar­bog;!'I. Bill I hher. J aeoh Mohr, and Georgl' W;.I.lorf fOl' II job lIell June:. I .tm -,orry Ih .. 1 Ihe olhe:r Ihre:e BrOlhe~ mi-'>Cd a lei) good lime.

(VI, I,,* "GI"IOII" IJ ICIIO\\S"I. I' ,S.

Journeyman Linemen Needed; T ree Trimmers Begin Talks I..' t . ,n, II \I-tJ FORI). (,O"· ' .-Our local 'Iilllleed~ ioum(')man linenlen.

IJuline" \l IIn,Il:!cr I ruman F . Sl;hlehu­fc:r informw Ihe mcmhep., IUlendinl:! lhe lasl ml!i:'linJ,! thaI IIllrl. in Ihe Me'l il ICT) J!ood ('onll,I.:IO"I are looking 10

put mo,e di,."nllliull nell' on :l\ -.oon a~ II'" .:an ,uppl) the men.

I mn'mi"iun 11m].. i, 'Iill holdin~ ih ulO.n at Ihi, IIlitin!!. hili a (CII jol:>, are .... heduleJ to nre .. 1. in lhe ncar fulU~.

Conl:!r.llul;ltiom 10 J Clolle\ and W . \.'Inb fllr wml'lctin!: Ihe ' orcheallern Joint '1'l'rentkc I' rogmm and (or join­ing Ihe ranI., of lhe journc)men. A ;on lieU done. lIlen'

(unlr.,el negOli;lIion, Ililh Ihe ' ew I-ngland lice COlli pan) arc uudl'r II:I}'. Thi, II ill he the "":l'ond .:ontr.t<.:1 for ollr !rec-trimminG !trothc,",. 10:1\ hOJ11: it IliIl be .' prufiwhle I1IlC.

Brolhe,",. Ilml'~ all \Ie h"le for thi~ monlh. Kcmcmhcr. h~'~ r(lr th;'1 union label.

11:,1'1') Nell ' car I" all of ollr ,i-rer local, :lIld 11,1 the IntO:I'II:uion.,1 Ollice ,t;.lr frolll "II of m at 101.'::1142.

J IMI 1 I), FM \~ I M, I'.s.

Seattle Local 46 Hosts Banquet for Graduates 1..( . ~6. SE ,'n L .. ·, \\ ASII . On 0<:1(1-hc:r ~hh, ollr local h:1<1 it~ 141h Annu:11 \ pprel1li~e'hlp nOln'lllCt. and. Ihi\ }I.'ar.

111 "ddilion to Ihe complction ccrtifiealc~ I'rell<,·ntl.'d to the 111.'11 journc)men. Ihe Io..al II:" proud 10 rr ... ..enl 11IIard eertifi­':.UCI 10 Ihe \\;.c~.

I hc lI ;' e,' :I"tll',I, read, " lla~ com· pkto.:d the rr('...:rihcd ~OUr'rC Ihlll h:IS helped )Ollr 11II,t>:md {'Omplele Ihe re· laled CUIIN:\ in the electrical arprcntice­'hil' Il'llinin!;, 1 1)1' Ic;ulin!; Ihe ~omctirm;~ ob,linnle ra~cul mlo Ihe path~ of righl ' eUl" l1e\~ t>y )011,. c:>.!lrl1pio.: :lml '>Ofl pc,.,u!l,iun, in ~ l e:1I 1 uf bll>ling a luml' over hi ~ head , For ~miling and eonwling


Apprenticeship Banquet

of Loc.1 46. S .. ttI., WUl> .• w,tl> lI>e .. WIVes Annu.1 Appr.nl,,; •• tllP Oanquel

At Ine I>ud Uble. teft 10 "&hI .• r. Prnl d.n t leoo.rd Thom.s :and M .. Thom •• , John HewIII, SupervIsor, O,VISlon of OUlld,n. .nd Construct.on S:a'.ly Inspect,on ServlCn. o.:.partmenl 0' labor .nd Indust".". .nd M •• , Dorothy Olson and Cliff Olson. JATC


\I hen il hurb. For understanding, loler­anec. ~~'mr>alh). lIi..dom. mind·r('adinj;. and w.:ond-,ighl. For all the..e thing~ and 01 her,. 100. lour counlr). m,mage­men!. and hh union remain WIlh gralc­fu l hearl\ 10 )Oil. for nOli ;lnd lhe fu· lure.

Know )our t>u,ioc:" rl.'pre\C:nlah~e . John I~. "hel." Kain. IIho ~tarled :IS :111

;1[1I'(cnliec r:IJio seniccm;1Il in 11)./6, under Ihe aUIl' icc~ of Local 77. Se'IU!c. .Ind IIiI' initktted in ,,"01 em"""". 11)./7. I he mdio grOllp \Ia~ l:lIcr lra n,ferrcd 10

our jllri,,[iuion, and Jacl. IIor~ed !"I~ :1 joume)nwn radio-TV Icchnki .. n IInli! 19~(). "hen he became a tollrnc~·m.," 'tOtln.J lind communicalion~ Icehnki.m. lIorl.ing in Ihal field until he \1;1' ap' pointed bu>ine~~ rel'rescnl:llile in 1 ~67.

Jad hOI, SCT\, ... d a~ :1 IInit chairman for one tcrm. an r, \amining llo.ud lIIemher for 1110 lernh. ;t ,,"egolialm~ Conllnillce member for the TV :md A~ pli"n.:c linil for six temh. a i'\('~oli,lIInlt COlllmille<: m('mbi:r for Ihe Sollnd and ("ommunicaliulI, Unit for three tcrm'. and on the Credit Union Bo;ml for tllO lemh.

rh bu,in~'~~ reprcsenlati,e. he ha, re­~pon,it>ilit) for th ... HaoJio--T\ and Appji-11n~e. Sound and Communicalions. -, V II road~a'l. Hadio BrOII.J(a,t. CA I V. Sc;lr~ Mainl en.lncc. and Ile<.:tronk, i\1:1n"f'lclllring Vnils. Since 19()7. he h:I' -.c:rvcd a, II d~ l ellale ami I':>.eculhe Ih);tnl IIIcmher of the Ninlh Dj'll id Man"fa(turing Conference. Jad i~ 111'0 un four cili!.en,· advio;ory commiUl't" for ~nriou~ local school di ~ lric t ~ :lI1d col­leges.

lftfl 10 "&hl. lite Revet.nd .nd MrS. Del [I 11011; ChrIS .nd Gordon Puekell. Bu"nns M.n ••• r. and I.-.n •• nd "Red" Cokele~. In­

l.tnat,on.1 Rep<uen':a'", •. N,nth O,s'"c'

Business Repnsenta" ... J.e~ Kaln.

lie h1l\ b«n a Sealllc re,;o.:l1l binee: 1946, i~ married. :md hal file .:hlldren. lie rc\ide, ill the Rainier V .. lley :I(ea. lihue he h :lell\'e in (olllmun ily :,tfa in. and in 51. Edwa rd's pari\h :Iclilities. II I.' '>CHed Ihree :1Il.J one-h:ll f )Clln. in Ihe U,S. Arm) Siltnal Cor~.

John B"der. E. D Boi .... n, f)on,l l.J S. Oller. Rom,ld W. lk'a~~. Clifford II . (,rill/!. \l ch m I'iolmqui\l. I dlllln! Lut­gen, I hOllla, F \l anin. Erid Nordlin­,kr. \\ iJllam E. Ham'll.'ad. ;Jnd John I ol:ln h;ne applied for retirement.

We reJlrel lhe p""ing of Edllurd SII:ln'tOn. Oli\'er RO'oCnqubl. Ru~)C1 (,rani. (linlon II . Fordnc). Kohen 1" _ Glo\cr, I'h ilo M. Par~s, "':crntil T rai..er. John I "Johnn)'" Schll art/. Da.i,1 I hollla~. and Thom/ll C. T hompson.

CURl"CI:. J ..... 111'/'1. I' ,S.

Election Participation Urged; Tad Ehrenhardt Retires L. l l, S f. SI' IU NG I' IEU), II.I_.-I're~ i­

lien! Ni~on. with hh II,ISI:. frecze, has made It perfec lly dear" hal his feel ings are, as far Wi Ihe lIorl.crs o f Ihis COLin­Iry lIre concerned.

This philosorhy or la king rrom Ihe


poor and gh ing 10 Ihe rich ( Kobin 11000 10 re \'e~) i~ typicnl o f Ihe ene· mie~ of labor union\, v.ho v.ould go to :lOy length 10 mule union, inelfeCli\'e, I he ironic part o f all Ihis i, Ihal 1;loor could conlrol an) election ami 1.'11.'(:\ II~

friend" if union memt'ocr-. ",ouM \011,' for their o .. n imere,I •. r:Hher Ihan \\l1h Iheir prejudice" or ,impl)' nol lOle al all.

I he aumini-Imlion qUUlh poll~ Ihal ..eemin~l) .bo\Oo \\1111.('r"'o in Ll\or of Ihe a.;uon~ I'>oi\on ha. IIiLen. -I he}' .urely don't in..:lude tho'>(' \\hu h,l\e been de· ni('d \\"I;e iner(,:I"':', m;lm <If "hi~h are pari of e\illiing. ,up(lO'>('dl)·binding cun· lra~h. T ime \\ilI 1('11 \\h.11 ;III ,",ill de· \elop. hUI il i\ huj1C'] Ih,u I;,hor "ill be :lrou'>Cd enou11h 10 taLe an inlere~t III

the 1')72 elcc.ioth :Hld '>Ce Ihal it) fnen d. are elected

lIere. in ('"cntful lJ linoi,. \\e urc mon: fmtull:lle limn tho-.c tn muny parh of the n;ltion. Ilo"(lcr. nm\tru~lion i. nOI lI~ l100d ,I~ it ~uuld he.

' I cll\bcr~ of our lu~,t1 arc 1;oruinu:IUy re:l1;hing rClirement :Ige and de..cr~c

..orne Iypo,: of reL-ognillOn, lIo\\eler .• ueh h:" nOt "I"a~, heen ll'O"ihle, One 1111:111'

her. I cd Fhrenh,udt. IIf Ihe Gale,bur): Unit. retired on Odoher hI. Brother I' hrenh:, rdl h,ld \Ooorl.eu for Ihe '.ll11e ulili ly for 47~l )e:lr\. In th". IUlIe. he .utfercd no lo\l·llmc .l1;ddenl,. 1·1e \\,1'

al"" ~ery helpful in oTimni/ing Ihe Cllnl ' p:lny fur \\bidl he \\orl.eoJ in Ihe I,He 19)11.. We wi\h him ll1:tny )car, of en· joyable re li rement.

I ha\( ~"i\1 il heforc. hilI I re{H.'al if YUli ha~c ally infurmJllion 1;on~ernUl],: union affairs 111:11 )011 \\ollid lil.e 10 o,ce ;11 Ihe JOl/rlll/l, \C1lI1 it It) me or IU Ihe !.oc:11 SI ofliee. froUl \\bcre it will be forw:lrded 10 llIe.

Sce )011 :It union meeling. 0, II t'IKRI, r ,S,

Hospital Receives Equipment In Memory of Me mbe r's Son 1..1 1, 52. ,.:W \IU': . 'J. We ;Ire proud 10 ,lnntlUnL'e Ihnl onc of ollr member,. lIernl'tn I onIan ... and bi~ \\ ile pre..cnled a dlf1;l for S6.nOIl 10 Dr. 0eorge W. Irmj""h of rrenlOn. Chief of Staff. liamilton IIo-pll"l, f he dIed \\ill be uo,eoJ 10 I'ro\jue a Lidney dial)_i~ 111<1 ' ehine for lhe ne,", hO'opll.ll. in memon of lhe Fonlana~' -.on, D.l\id, IIoho oJle..! on Jul) I, 1968. 1>c:":;III..c of lhe 1,,(,1. of \ueh equipment

Young Da~i..!, v.ho bll..! llcen a paticm of Dr, Irmi..ch "n.;e he \\.I~ 1\\0. v.a. graoJu31eoJ in 1966 from Or:llory St.-hoo] in Summi!. I'>oev. Jer-.t). and h"oJ jU.1 eompif:ted hi~ fre_hrn,lIl )ear ;I~ a hi,· lory major al (je~ral Juhn J, I'chhing College in Ik-:l lriee. l'>oebr'I'l.a. \\ ben he fi n:. lly ~uccul11heoJ to Lhe l.ioJnc) oJi\.C;!'o(: which h:uJ phlgllC..! hil11 all I)f bi, life_

" I fel t a~ if be \\cre Illy o\\n son," I) r, t rUl beh '!IIU '" I I. now thai 1)''''1.1. u dleerful yo ung_ler. oJe'pite hi , almelion. would have hcen 1110 •• plea~ed at Ihe memorial hi ~ parc nl ~ ~el eclcd :' Dr, Ir·


To Aid Kidney Patients

Brother ~nd M.s. He.miln fontanlO, local 5<'. Newark. N.1 "rnenl a check for $6.000 to D., G~'le W I.mls.ch 10 p.ovide fo. lO k,dney d,aly5~ maehl ... e .1 Ham,tlon H". p. ,.1. The money wll .a,ud as _ fund In memory o f B.olhe. and M'5. fontan_'$ lOn, Oav.d, who d'ed be-~euse of the tick of

sueh _ ml~h'ne .

mi.ch fir.l mel thc 1\lnl:m.l\ \\ hen he ":IS pracli..::in],: :11 Ihc \I a\o Clinic in Koche-Ier. ,\t inne~Ol". and he COlllinllcd tre:u ing Dal ioJ from hi, T renlon ollice during ~1ItJ...cqllent )ear"'o,

A funu for Ihe I.l\lney dial)'i' m;l' ~hine \\;0. _tnrteoJ Ilhen Ibe 1 0nl:II1'" :1.l.eoJ frie nd. :lnll rel"lhe\ .0 contribute monel in liell of n'l\\~r. at Ihe lil11e of Da\'ioJ\ de.llh.

'"We diun'l I.now. :11 Ih~ liflle. \\hul "I.' \\OIlIU bll) \Iilh Ihe mOllC),'" Brolher hllll:tn" "lioJ, "hilI. a~ the flln,1 ],:1'1.'\\. \\e t,oIl.eu \\;Ih Dr. ]rflli.dl. \\ho wilt 11\ of the nc\\ U:mlltltln Il I).pil~1 1 "bldl \\'" heing '-'uilt jU_1 ollt,ide of T renton :tn.1 of Ihe gr":::11 nceoJ for .. I.idne~ oJi:.I),i. l11a(hine. It . IInforlll11ille thai \11.' didn't hu\e ,tleh a mlldlinc ,OI:lil"hlc for t),,~jd. but \\e're h:lpp\ th,lt "I.' "an hel l} Olher. in DalioJ', IHlmc."

I he ma~hinc \\:1_ oJe,li~:1IeJ "If'I)' in 1'>o,)lemhcr.

'11 n t 1''1), I' 's.

Word Remains Good; Various Activities Related 1..1 .56. EIUE. t'\ .- \\IlTL in our ,Irea i, anoJ h:l\ heen real gOOlJ, anJ Ih(' I)UI' luol. lor fulLlre \\orl. l00,)L, j!llQo.l al...o

Wilbin lhe I'a'i fe\\ month •. \\1.' h,I\C haJ our clc'::lion of "Ilker,. our ~unHner picni1;. Ihe j!r<loJllali\ln of our appren· Ike •. "no.! a parad('.

I d Sinnoll ":I. re·elcded a. I,u_ine"s manager: (baric. I'ri~e. elcueJ :I~ pre.i· oJenl and iI""lanL ,-"I\,"C" nl;\nager: John AIbt:r\ladl. "icc pre.idenl: Bob Itinu('ric, Irea'Ufer; :lnJ Boh ~ I H1;hel1. Jr .. rc~oroJing 'iCCrCI,.r)_

Our AnnulIl l' i~ni1; \I a. a ],:fC,1\ ~1I1;'

CC". I h;m ~ \ to Ihe h:lrd :lI1d long hours of prepa ra tion b) lien Gradler and lhe I11 C11l1)Cr. of bi, Picnk Corn milleI.'. We th an l. Ihcm for a job \Id l uone,

New Faces

Then are Ihe neW off,ce.s of local 56. ("e. Pa.

The lo~ar. new jou.neymen.

loc.1 56·$ new _pp.entoees, who we.e ,ecenll~ obl'p;eled


BuSiness Mona,e. Ed S,nno!! stands be tween the membe-rs 0 ' the- fa the .·and·IOn tum I.om lOC81 56, Bob Mae he-II, S., Bnd Bob, J,., who won the doubles townameot

. t the tBEW Bowlinl Tou,"amenl.


We of Local 56 iLr~ al,o proud of ollr bowling leanl. which wenl 10 \1i:tmi for Ihe IBEW " o\l]jng Tourna­lIlent. The r .. lher-and-son learn or Bob \l t1chell_ ~r :md I\ob. Jr. "on the lIou­hle~ tournament. We are proud 10 ha\e hod Ihem ot Ihe I(Jllrnnmenl.

Ollr local :11'11 gr.u.lllalcd ,i~ ne" jour· neymcn anJ too).. II ne", apprentices into ill> r:tII~"

We Ihan~ 1'/"1(' Rkh f()r Ihr fine jllh he Jill rUi ,,, o\cr Ihe PiN )ear. a~

prc~iJenl of our local. He \la~ :1 J;leal hell' 10 BU'lIIc" \I:maj,!er ~mnnoll. I hanl.,. I'clc

Our local cntcred a Hool in Ihe Fire­l1lan~ Cunlcntion P:lrnde and \Ion thinl prile. '1 he theme of Ihe floal "a, --j'ire PrcI'enlioll ~!alh With I' ropel' Electrica' Wiring:' rhe pal':.de .'a~ under my direclion. lmd r "al> helped hy three or UUT ;trrrenlice\, Ben \looney. 1101'0 Mile), :ond 1 im lIirl.mine.

Ihlm R, 11I1t1l~rMIi r, j'.S.

Three Scholarships Awarded; Retirees' Party Successful

I..U. 58. I)ETnO IT, \lI{' II ,-The S.:hola ..... hip Cummillee of our local has a"aro.lC"d Ihree more ",hol"'I'hip !!rnnt'l to two 0.I31111hter, IInu a 'oOn of membc~ tlf nul' local

\fargarel fl unter, uaughler o f Brother D"niel Hunler, \\;" :1I1:II\ku :t SSOO 'cholar,hip fur une )ear, ' Iargarel is ntajoring in j<lllrn;tli,m at Wu)ne Stale l 'oi'er';I)

Barbara R ... -ed. d:lUghter o( BrOlhcr ('harlC'~ Rl:Cd, re ...... fled a SJ15 ~eholar· ~hip for four }e;tr.; ,h... i, .. \lending Aquina, Uni'cr,it) in Gr:lnu Ibpid"

'I ichael 1""'4U .. l, '0011 o f il rolher Allin J'1\,qu;tl. ;tl,O !'ceehed a (our-)'ear .,holar,hip ur 5500 He i, a\lcnding Centml \ Ii ... hillao L'nher,il) in ML I'Ic:tl<ml,

t ",I }""'\ .... llobTlhiJl \linner~. h.arcn luJ"ig :1111.1 Arnold \\'a.\eT, \lere <,e11\

(.:hecl.~ 10 cOllIinuc thcir grnnh, They .. arrtc<l a".-r.tge, of heuer-than-J5. An rtrllendmenl to Ihl;l b)la\\~, pro,idin{l for lhe Cililcn,lup l und, III lUi'll, prO\ide~

the monic, for Ihe ,chol al'!.hip~, I he- A"ol.illlion of Re-liree\, \\ hc~,

lInci Wid()w, held it, SecOOlJ Fealher 1'1Irt) \lilh hUlle ,."'.;e,,. It \\a\ \lell al­tended. anu hm "a) hau 11) all. Many prile' \lere "on ;11 l1[(1go g,tnte\, and there •• ere m:tn) door priT.e" Retired Iltulher "I urr:.y Birnie dunateu :1 beal. li· ful. gigantic ... rihbage board, .,hich he hau made. :.nd a ,pecial dr:tlllng I\a~

held on il. "ilh Ihe nroceed, going to I'mmn Harri" Seuetar} of Ihe a~\.OC,a­

tion. for her de\otion and for the hard "or).. Ihal ,he hlt' performeu on behalf of Ihe 1I>~oci ul ion, Emm:t is lhe wife of rC llree Mel Hard, ,md the mOlher of I' rc~idenl Fred Harris, Charlolle Long \I:t ~ Ihe hl",l.y \.inner of Ihe cribbage board.

TI .. : L ... ld "i".h of winTer Tcnlind u, that one )'e;tr ha~ come 10 an enu and thM another one h3) jmt begun, A ll of


Detroit Winners

Pre.ldenl Fred Herris. le><;el 58, De t rOil, pre .... nl. e schola.ship 10 Merae.et Hunter, .. Olhe. Locel oflle ......... lIteh. MII'all •• t stlnds .... ilh h.r mot""', Roblnl. in I"" lor.s.ound SllIndlna In the lir.t row, lelt '0 "&hl, I.e UKu!lW. OOllrd membt:. Tom Lenda: P.e,"'.nt IIIINI,; Mllr.ere l', fethe' , 011"''11: Du"ness Manlier Joseph Lel'llnte: end ri"anc.el Sec.o tllry Ollme! J. O.amont! Second .ow E"ecuhYe Board membt:rs Jacil Jones. Oa.1 Mun.o. Leo lon&- end Rly Owen; E"lmlnlna BolI,d membt:n JIm McG," end Don Pridmore; and

V,e. P,n.denl Jim Oa.hnl

Henry 0, Pe,ry, President of Ih. Anocia t lon of Ret;rees, WiYes, Ind WIdow. 01 le><;al sa, e><p'nUt the .uoeiution', gratitude to Mrs, Mel (Emm.) H."i. for her devotion a. 5e<:' r~l.ry of t"e .noel.lion, Mu".y B"n'e

look, On .pp.QYlna1y

Rei,,.. AI p,n"'1f p"eHnls a prIze 10 little John Hench,n, as Ela;ne H .... ' follow. her ClirdS, hoplna to be th e ne.' winne • • 1 Ihe

~'~nd~tlnn'~ recent Fea,her Party,

our OniceN, the office Slaff. and ull of the membeh "i,h )'ou and )our famil)' 11 ,'ery hArp) htall hf" " ami pr()';pc:rous New Year,

JACIi: W IUI '1SON. 1',5,

Annual Di nner, Election, Graduation. Party Held

L U, 68. f)P,,' , "' R. {'OLO.-"~"'

from Ihe Mile· Hilih Cit\ of D.:n\er I~ ,hurt thi> month.

We hltd a flill c •• lendcr of e,enll 111

Decemher. T he Brolh~r~ of Loo;,11 /ill anu their familie\ hcld the \\ ircm:m', BrOlherhootl Fuod', Annual Dinner. '1 he ele ... tion of oflker. ("r ne1l:1 )ear "a~

helll, :1111.1 th,,1 \lll\ flllltl"cu by Ihe ~mu· m.tion rrngram (or our local'~ :tppren­li ... e\hip pHl~ram. I it,!. hili nOI lea,!. <)lIr local uniun Chri~tnm' party for Ihe l.i.l, \\a~ held, ;tn e\enl "hi .. h "a, ;t Ion\: time III cUllllIIg. :1\ Ihe hili one \la, helu "J)' bad in 1960 or 1961. 1"11 report more about the!>C elen" in :. 1:ller leuer.

WUII. i, 'hu\ling thc u,u:!1 ,Io"do\ln fl.1l tI1;\ tillle of )~,II, M ... ,I ... r Il,e melll­

beT'> ure I\orkin~. anu "e arc 'Iill ,.hle 10 employ a few tra\ding Brothcr-. III

the ~ame 1U1ie. T hc I~ocl.y rlllt, Protce!. "hi~h I~

now j!oing into Ih fOllrth )1,'<11', tUt,

Outstanding Worker

Cha.ln Bogll, l e><;al 68, Oenver, Colo., '51ands by ~ termlnallon panel in Ihe Se<;u "'~ Alarm Building 0 1 t he AlomlC [ne ' ay CommlUion', Ro<:ky FI.l s Pro~I, H,I Ollt ' tandln. work caulhl Ihe altention of his co·wo.kers, supaNlson, .nd AEC pe.sonn'l. Brott ... 001,1 is known tn Ihe a .ell 10' hi.

ne.1 .nd workmln·hk l lerm;nlll;na


provided many of our members '" ith good worl.., includins the pipe "'orl.. for lighting. as .... ell a~ po .... er. and continuo ing .... ith the :Ilarm ~y~te01, with many hour. of termin;uion .... orl...

I'll have O1or(' nl'IH month. Sec yOll at the union meeting. rhat\ .... here it's hap­pening.

J OIl" \1. H{;RI<L JR., 1'.5.

Local 70 Presents 68 Service Pins I .. U. 70, WASII I"'iGTO"'i, n.C.- The l"o\embt:r ml:cling of our local "as de· \OIed almO'tt e:\(hl,i\ely to the: pre)!:nta· tion of 68 sen'ice pin~.

Fore:mO~1 amons thos.c recognile:d, .... a~ Brother \\illiam "Hill" Knoppel , who h,1> completed SO )ean of \oCnice in the IBEW. having been inilialed into [ocal 2!L B:11Iil11ore. on Ju[y 28. 1921. Upon the re\octuion of l ocal 2lrs charter. BrOlher "noppel's member-.hip \Ooa~ tran,feTred to l oc:l[ 2056, Gla~gow, Montana.

In 1969. Brother Knoppe[ obtained a tr:l'c1ing card. ;md on Jul y 22. [')69, our loca[ acrepted him into ib member· ,hip. It wa, wllh eXtreme p[eawre that we were ahlc 10 .... ilne,~ Ihis rMe event. We wi~h Brother " noppel many more aCII\e yeah in the Brotherhood.

Olher !lenice: pim presented \Ooere 45 I!i-)ear pin,. four ;m')ear pins, 13 25· )ear pins. and fi\e 30·)ear pin,.

With the new year upon us, I thinl.. n gre:lI rewlUlion f..,r all of u, "' oulu be to pledge an accident·fre:e year. both on and olT the job.


Unit C onference Held; Rules Change Opposed L.U. 77, stArn .E, WASII.- Our lilst Unit Conference of the ye ilr I\a~ held recently in the auditorium of our Seattle oOke. ·I .... enly·~\en of 38 unilS lIere repres.c:nted. That i, a prell) good tiler' age. a~ !;ompare:d II ilh allendanre at lhe regular unit meet inS"

Se\eral delesate~ reponed good al· tendance. but rIl0~t of them had to reo port that the rnembe:r~ don't t,,~e the intaest they ~hould and that ;llIendancc al their unit meeting\ is lIery poor. That b a b:ld ~i tualion. You can't conduct union busincs~ while 'i lling at home. One: night a month i~ a prelly ea\y Ilay 10 prowCI your li\elihood.

We hope that Intern"tional Vice I' re~i· dent W. L. Vin-on II ill be at Ihe next Unit Conference. beCllIl'>C ..... e sure could u<;/! wme expert advice on how to im· pro\·e attendan!;c.

1'\\0 chairmen told of their unils' tT}ing the- JO·hour da). four-day lied,. '1 he) arc both l:ta.:L on the file-day \OoeeL.

rhc ne.... Federal Safety Standards canle in for di'>Cu\,ion. Thc Wa~hinglon State Electrical WorLers SafelY I{\lt c~ arc good, but the) larl.. the teeth Ihal

Service Pin Recipients

Inte.nat,onal RepresenTat,yes Charhe Qu,nn, left. and T. B. W,Uay, "ttht. n3nk W,tham "B,iI"' Knoppe!. 50)"1" "",mber 01 loca' 70, W~5hlngton. 0 C. who recenuy rece,yed h,s

5O-yea' sen"ee pin.

Brolhe. W,lIey con8'.lul,,16 Brother Quinn and local 10 PreSidenT W,lIiam H Grover

on Their 30 ye",s 01 se",ice.

Brothe. Quinn presents " 2D·year pin 10 Paul Shellon.

Recipients 01 2S·ylllr pins. l eI! to ritth l . N. C. Gue'ieri. V. D. Bladen. Joe N Beard, B.

T. Corke" and O. M. Heck.

the federal sland:lrd~ halle. A combina· tion of both may be beneficial.

An eITort i~ lJ.cinll made to change rart of the Wa,hinglon State Electrical \\orl..eh 5.,fet) Ruth 10 pennit the ulili· tie~ 10 pUt on "I:t:lre·hand" technique demon~lralion~. \\e are completel) op­ro--ed to an) ~u~h ~hanj:e amI "ill c..,n· linue 10 do e:\cr)thing fMh,ible to pre· n:nt ~uch Jenlon~tration~.

Jcrry Compton. (rom Spal..ane Unit 113. reponed that the unit's picnic and gotf tournament .... ere huge ~tlcce~~~.

The golf 10urnall"K'nt i~ a slag alTair. bm Ihe: picnic i~ for Ihe: e:nlire family. '1 hesc: actil'ities do a lot to promote union !'lar· ticipation. and lilthuugh it has been ,aid before, il is Ilorth repeating-"here el...e Clm you lind ~uch nice people to a~'>O­ciate II ith'!

Sr~" Ik)\'1~. 1'.5.

Secretary Urges COPE Participation, Registration 1..1 I. 8~. \ I LA "' f \ , G \.-B) now, ,Iep 'umber '1'".) of the damnahlc eCQ-­nomic potic). th. -.o-calleJ .... aee·and· price freezc of RI~haru \lilhou, - 'qxon (the: o"~ yo~e on the lIorl..er). "ill be firmly fixeu around our ned~.

We ha\e ,I 101 of mcmher-. in the Brotherhood .... ho arc not regi~lercd 10

\'ote. ,'Iea..e. nUll I ,ugge~t Ih:ll. IIhile you arc heginning the new year Ilith your re..o[ullon,. you reMlhe to re!!i .. ler and that )OU Ihen go 10 Ihe poll, 10 ~ote your cOllllrtions in electing the ne\l Pre~ident o( Ihe United Stalc~.

AI the same time, plea'>C re~ohc to m~~e )'Ollr S 100 \'o!uOlary rontrih1l1ion to the only polit icll! forcl"" for the Ilorl... ins man. the C..,mmittee on Political I· u· IIc:uion ICOI'I·).

Durin!! thh year. lIe will. ",ithout a doubt. ha\e the 1110..1 rrudal eleuion confronting the worLing man ~incc the unl""rnplo)cd .... orldng people: of Ihis na· tion uniled to elect Franl..lin Delano Roo-.c\eh.

Ple::lsc regi,ter to I'ote. PlealiC 101e. I'lca'>C ma~e your 51.00 contrihution 10 COPE. The job YOIl ,:I\'C wilh your vote may be }our Olin.

By lhe time this i~ printed lind in the hand~ of Ihe member,. I\e "ill he in the new year. On behalf of Ihe meml:teh of Local 8~. [ lI'i,h you a happy, prO~JX'r·

OUS, anu safe New Year!

J. W. Gll E:S, !'.S.

Testimonial Dinner-Dance Honors 'Bud' Sommers LU. 86. ROC II ESTI: R, N.".-On '\10-\ember 6th. our local honored "Bud'" Sommers al a 1 e:~limonial dinner·dance :11 Ihe Flas,hip Roche\ter.

With a ho,t of friends in thc labor movement here ,lOd acro~s the ~l:lle,

Bud joined our local in 1928 :lnd be· c:lme a journeyman in 1933. Since thai lime. he has ~f\'ed in many oOicial ca· pacitie~ lIith the union. including tl 12· )i.'ar stint a~ bu,i!",,,) managl""r prior to hi, relirement I;)~I }"e~r.

As a former I k-e rrc,idenl and rre~i. dent of the local. he .... a<, a prime mover in the man)" orguni/ing campaigm and cOntraCI negotiation, .... hich. o\"(""r the )l""ar.. made: our 100.:;11 one of the lar~e~t ami l11o<;t effecthe lHl· W affiliate:, in the emin: 'tate:.

Bom in Uata\ia in I~. Bud at· tenued Aquina, I n~tit\ltc and \Ooa, gradu­ateu from I di,on 1«11. "hf're he: he· carnl' the 'Wre,tling champion of \\e~tcrn New "orl.. and later of the slate.


He was a delegate from ollr 10c~11 10 Ihe old APL Central Trades and Labor Council and Ihe merged Roche'leT AFL-C IO Council for over 20 years, lie held lop ellecut ive oflice~ wilh both. in­cluding Ihose of I' ice pre~ident and Iru, tce. He chaired Illltny major commit­Ices of the two bodie~ and hclped in thc ncgotiations which f"(!~lIlted in Ihe merger of \ 11'0 bodie~ ill 1958 .

His rncmbe r<;hip in IIllion alld com­munil}' organizatio ns and the CilY o f RocheMer Fleclric,,1 I:.ll(\lIlIlIing lJoafus ,Irc too nlllllerOU~ to mcntion. l~ lI(l also \\a~ a founding father of the 1("(:/"'511"

l ..f,b", ,vI'II'.1 in 1945: hc '>Cncu 011 the pllhli eation'~ Board of Control until his retIrement. II I' :11 \0 ,>/, I"\'ed :I~ a repre­sentative frum our local to Ihe Allied Buildin!,! -I mdc~ Conncil for 12 ycar:..

011 beh:llf of the ent irc membe"hip, I c.\tcnd. to Bud ,tn,1 Dorothy. "i~he) for the be,! of hC~lhh :tnd mallY huppy }'car, of rClirem~·m.


New Location Sought; Negotiations Under Way L.U. SII. SEAn·I.E, WASI I.- The (~\lild ing Cumllllll;:e i~ ~til1 on Ihe pro .... l. lcolin!,! for :1 new loe'llion for ollr bu~i· nl.")S oflice.

The bu~ine~ repre!ICntlltil'c<' are lI'e li into ncgotililion~ with the General Tele­phone Company of the Northlle~t . Ino:. al Ihe time of this writing. It apptars Ihat they lIon't hi: gelling much re~I,

~inee Ihe telephone Ulility conlmelS ex­pired in Decembe r.

George Buel .... a~ appointed to fill the laeaney on Ihe I'xecmhe Bo:m!. Nonh­ern Arca Gener:,1 Telel'lhone. \\ hith ""a~ lacated b} Jm:l r hornlOn Il ro.her Jacl rc~igncd from the (ienenll Telephone Compan)' in Mount Vernon and .... ent aero~~ the ,treel 10 the W;, ~hinglOn Tele­phone Company. I'rc~idcnt Gerald Nagel a~~cd him 10 ~t:, y on :t~ ehairm,ln of Ihc Building Commillee.

Brother Geor!,!e hll5 bt-cn aelile in .,.;:\cral dilfcrenl el,pa<.:; lic, in our local and i ~ lery ":Ifel} con_dOllS. He .... a~ also appointed re gi~lr:lr of Ihe loea l. :Ind Ihllt appointment wa~ an excellent choice.

Wilh unelllplO)lIIent in Ollf ~Hue :11 an all-time high. it i, fOrtunale Ihal the tel­ephone imhl\lry ha~n'l fell Ihe e lfecl~ of Ihe rece~~ioll a~ Ol her indu~lTics ha\'c : however, I 'kly Ihal with my fingers ero~~d .

Dllr oOicers and bu,incss ~taff \\ i,h all of the members thc very be~t in Ihe new year.

AI DI N'1"ON. P.S.

New Officers Elected; New J ourneymen Initiated L.U. ?O. NEW 11.\ "": N, CONN.- Our election of oOicers was held ". the Labor Temple. The oOicers arc I'resident


'Bud' Sommers Honored

A lew 01 lI>e local and national d,gnlte.'" who helped 10 make a .ecent IUllmonlal d,nne. 10' "Bud"' Son,me.s 01 Local 86. Rocheste •. N V. a 5UCCeSS. Lell 10 "Sh!. Intc.nallonal Represenlatlve John J. Ba.ry. l ocal B6 Business Man8gor Gordon Rusche •• M.,.. Sommers and Ihe Guest 01 hono •. In te.natlonal Rep.esentatlve W.lham MeBdde. Inlernallona' £xecu· lIve Counc" membe. Ralph Ha!lo.an, and l ocal 86 £n l.rla,nment CommIttee Chattman Tettence

Kavanagh. Che 1000stma$le.

At Clambake

f .... nk V Saulenn. Business Manage •. Local 96. Worceste.. Mass., left. welcomes his auUt. £d l epkoW'!!ki. Business Manage •. l ocal 256, fitchbu'G- Mass" to local 96'5

'''51 famIly clambake .

J ane Sweeney. Business Manage. of the Ie'· ephone ope,ato.s· newly.fo.med Local 231S. Worcesler, Mass .. and Gene Sweeney, II 26-year member of local 96. make a line lather-

daughte r pictu,e.

W. Lee Bai ley. Vice Prc~ident Bill Na­tale. Kecordin£ Secretary Bill l\l oore. Fi­naneial S~cretary F nl1l\; Rawdcn. Trea,­tlrer Slel'~ Woytowich. and Uli s ino::~s

Manager Dam Panagrossi. T he members of the Execulil'i: Board

are Chic\; Bohan, Jim Connelly. Torn

Tossing Ihe .hoes. a.e OeCullve 60a.d member Bll! Kelly end 6111 lopflo.e; awaot Ing the" lu.n. e.e MIke Aqu,no and Wahe.


Trusure. £",Ie Hdll . a Clambake Committee member.

L}\;e, Dan M~Gowan. Hugh l\l cGuirc, :lnd Dic\; P:m:lgro-.si.

'1 he Ellanlining Board members <Ire l\1)'les Brcnn:m. Sr,. l\1 i~c O·Shea. Santo I' ier~<tnli. and Clmrlc, Keed.

AI a reeen l rCJ;ul<tr meeting. Ollr local inili:' ICd 10 new journeymen. Frank Api­cella. Tom D<!mbek, Fred Corona. Bill McN:tll y. Ke n Smil h, Bob Shunlbo, Bob


l , I I

Parce lls, Bob Santagata, I'asquale l) 'Andrea, and Ted I'ickarski,

Consratlll:lti on~ to the ncw officers :Inu new journeymen!

!Jon GAL I \cue, I' ,S,

Worcester Local Holds First Family C lambake L U, 116, \\ OltCf:STEI{, ~I.\SS.-On Seplcmhcr '25Ih. 11 cool :lnd be:luliful :LU'

HLnH. day. our local held ih fiN family cl:lrLlhalc,

II will hnvc 10 Ix! said Ihat, fo,' our liN c,cn( of this lind, the el:lmh:l~e ",a~ a I;reat ,u<.:cc~~, as there ",eTe do,e· lo·300 mcmbers. wive~, children, ami 1I:IIe'l\ pre\enl. The p:l renl~ enjU)'ed Ihe dlly" hnp~ninGs a~ emhu\iH,lically as their children {lid, for gamc\ hnd been plmliled fur nil.

The CI:llllba~c COllllnillce, appointed by l'rc\i<lel1l A, Winn San\OIlC), con· ,i'led of III'olher, I' rnie Hii!!, ' I rriNlrer: 10111. 1I \1(l\on; HUll Bruce 1)0\lcelle, Il rolher, Jue Horgan, J im Mahlln, '10m Malone. lind Bob I lorgan, t.c rvinl1 a, Ihe hllCr1ailllnCnl Commince, did an e)(cel· lenl Job In p1:mninl:: Ihe game" and IJoh O'Rour~e \erved a~ a commll\ee-of·one in ch:lrl1e of hu)ing the priLe"

Our I nlenainnwnt Commiuee i, now hu,y .... uh phln~ for a danee·hulret, .... ·hich 1,,11 Ix! held in the ~prinJ,t, hope­fuily .

As cI...e .... here. the .... or~ pictnre doc~n't loo~ very promi,ing for our local thh winler, Of COlll·..e. a liTem d~al hinge~ on Ihe .... cmhcr: II mild winler could prove very b~neliei:'1 for Ihe Illelllber~, 1·10 .... • ever, the \H)r~ ulilloo~ fur ,pring l'P' pear, promi,ing, lind employmem ,houki he on Ihe ph" ,ide during tlli, )·e:tr,

Springlime :,1,0 ll1ean~ Ihe ncgulialinll of our uillily wor),ing "greemenl fur lhe member, et11lll(lycd by the New I'ngl:II1,1 Po ..... er Service ('ur11pany. '1 heir conlruCI exrire, un t-Inr..:h 3('t. Our in, ide COil· tract with NI CA expire, on June 10th

Wurk ,nrely. !Lnd /11"1/1/' cunlrihule to CO I'F 10 muke ~ure Ihllt !\ixul1 h 'I hrough in '72.

I M"'''K V. SWLI "AS, B , ~1.

Fifth Annual Golf Tourney Of Local 98 Is Success L.U, 98, I'IIII.A I>I<:I . I'IIIA , I'A ,_ OUT luc;II'~ li(th Annuul Golf Tourney .... a~ h.'rmcd :1 \IIcee" lIy all thO'>C in IIllel.<.I· :,nce

The I.:tnghnrne Country Club III l ang· horne, l'enn,ylvani:1. was the 'o<::lle fur thi, )ellr\ golf ouling. l,nd September lI!th "'a, one of Iho ..... fine, Illte Sllllllll~r days .... hen the Hir lemperature, holly lernpemtllre~, ltlld gross score ~ unexpect­edly ,oarell ,ky .... anl.

O,lr fir'l gulf tuul'ney in 1967 .. aw <If)

golfc r~ Icc off: thi~ ye:,r, wc .... ere ahle tu occonmu.lI.late 122 a,to lfer" which indi­e:lles ever·;ncrelhing jntcrc~1. rhe low gro,s prile wcnt to Bill Ward , lIml Ihe ~cond low gro,~ pri7C was .... on by


At the 19th Hole

Relaxing al th e 19th hole during th e Fifth Annual Golf Tourney of local 98, Phlillde!· phl~, lire. lell 10 rishl, Frank McCooley, E~· eculive Board member Frank Godshllll, end

Businus Representalive Ray MCCool.

Henry Gei~. Th ird low g l·o,~ Wi'~ won hy rOIll Spar~;;. "I he nwnrd for Ihe long· e,t Jrivc was ta~en by 1.ynn McQllade, and Ihe Senior Golfer AI'':lrd 11:1, again prc,cnted 10 Art Becker, Sr,

George Ruof. Jr. wa., hard to heal for the prifc for the one clo..e,t to the 11tI1c, lie had a hole·in·one. He join' lIill An­lle r~on, ..... ho ul,o \Ion Ihe clo..e\t·lu· the· hole prize ",ilh an :Ice in 1961), lhe " h>'ol Hone'l Golfer A .... ard .... enl 10 a particip:mt \lho ~hall remain numelc,., ; hb \Core \I:I~ 1112.

After the pri~e, \lere awarded. e\ery­one adjOllrned 10 Ihe 19th hole, \lhere Ihe tale~ were selling luller :lIld Iht '>Core, lower.

Thanl )'011 10 Chairm:ln Frnn~ Mligee and hi, eomminee member" George Quinn, Henry Gl'i~, Skippy Supplee, I' d Wl'inhanh, and Bill W:1f(1, :lnd to lill of the mar,halls, who worked hltn,1 to mnle Ihe tourney a ~IICCC",

Fill u J . COMI'TON, p.S,

Scribe Stresses Safety; Discusses Safety Rules L,U, 10), BOSTON, i\It\SS.- I· I)lIulling. i .. :t parlial li,1 of -':Ifcty I'ule' lind res", lalion, Ilra .... n III' by the Deparlment of I ahor\ Bureau of I abor StHndard~,

Conlaincd herein, arc .. ilUalion, Ihllt \\c eneuunter ellery day on lie" con~lnletiun nnd in fem(){kling "or~.

,'roteclion of tmplu}ec,_ 1. No em­ployer ,h:llI permit an emplo~ec to work in ~uch proximily to uny I'atl of an ciCCI ric po .... er circuit Ihal he may con' tact the ,ame in Ihe eOllr...; of hi, .... ur~. IInle" Ihe l'mplo~ee i, prole~led a\;:,in,1 electric ,hod by de.cnergiLing the eir· clli t and groundinJ,t it or by J,tU:lrdins II by effeclive imulation or Olher 111eUI1 .. , In ",orl area ...... here Ihe emCl 10":lIIiun of underground electric puwer l inc~ j, IIn~no""I1, .... orlrnen ,"ing j"d h,ullmer" b:ll"', or other hanJ tool, wbkh IlIlly cunillct ;1 llIle ,hull be pro,kled ",jlh ill­,II III led pl"Olc~ti\lc glove,.

2. I-od"ullt :tnd tagging of cirCllit .. , Fquipmenl or cirCllih Ihal afe dc-ener­gil.cd , hl,lI be rendered inupcl'lIlivc :lIld have t:,gs :Illuched at all I'0int\ where

Substation Workers

Members of Local 103, BOSlon, who work on the I( SI,eel Substation. 'Jl Soulh Bos Ian. lett 10 riSht. John COllins. Sr,; Bill Sel· te,lund; Paul Scally 01 lOCl 1 104. Bo~ton;

Paul Sweene~; F,an~ Davey: C~'men MeO: hmu D'Orien; and IO'8m,,,, Jllck McClelleJl,



, Pilul Sweeney and Bill Sette,lund.

JOhJl Collins, Sr. and F'ank Davey.

lefl 10 'iShl, Carmen Meo, foreman John McClllllen. Jamie O'Brien, end John Collins.


Graduation Banquet

Tile new journeymen o f loc,,1 l07. G,;>nd RlIpids, Moeh •. pose "1,111 10<:.1 unio" officials .. I the a"dual,on banquet 8,ven ,n their I>onor. Fl'(lnl row, left to "Sht. Danny Juon. Ron Alkinson. 8u.,neu Man­aBe. P .. ul Harvey. ,nstructo. Paul Spooner, Oll.ell Re,el>ow. and Pres,,;!!!n! Ray SImmons Saclt 'OW, AnthOny 8udres. leo Shale',

A,lo Bray. JerOme Mue;nsltl, .nd Ha«y G,lL The R •• dualu. BUSiness ManlRe. Ha"'ey. Presiden. Simmons. "nd

Ille .. WIves

,uth equIplllent or drcuih can he ener· gill'd.

J. Comroh lh:u :Ire 10 be uc;'CIiV;JICU during the CQur-.e or ~orl. on em::rgilw or dc-('ncr!ti/Cu cqlupn'ltnt or circuib ,hall be lagged.

4. Tag .. ~hall be placed [0 iuentify I'lainl~ the equipment ur .;in;uih !wing worl.cd on.

Grounding. porl:1111e . :mll /or cord ;In!.l plug<onnected C'quiprncnt-I r he non­currcnt-carr}ing mel,,1 p:"I' or portable and or plug·..:onne .... leu "quipnK:nl ,hall be groundeu.

2. EXlen .. ion cord~ u~u II ith pOrlable electric looh and allphance, .. hall I'I\! of Ihe Ihl'l'C'" ire lyllC.

Com.truclion .. ilO::: Flcry prccalliion ~ha!l be la~en 10 mll~c :lny n..:ce"ary upen "iring in:l ccc,~ihie to unauthorized per'iOnntl. I ighting on b:lrric: .. Ic~. fencc~. or ~idc"a1J" cOlcring .. ~1t:l1l be ~Ilcascd in a metal rneell:I) .

Trmpor:lry lighb ,h:111 be C'luillped lIith healy·duly cle~tric ~ord .. \Iilh ~onne .... tiol1s :UlU in\III:II;on mail1wined in ,afc condilion. Temporar)' light-. ,hall 001 be ~u .. pended t"t) their clectric cord,. Itnle~, coru .. and l iyhl~ ;Ire ue,igm.· ... for Ihi~ mean, of \u<.pen~i(ln, Spliee\ ,hall hale in-ulation equal 10 th;ll of Ihe ..:able.

Cord, ~hall he I.cp\ clear of "orl.ing ,pace~ and Ilall.lla}, or lJlher local;on~ in IIhieh they are renuily expo'-Cd 10


E",U'n,ion cord, ,hall nOI 1:'0: fa\teneu IIlIh 'itaple,. hung from nail,. or sth' IlCndcd by II ire.

An) \iolalioo~ of Ihe-.e ':Ifet) rulcs and rcgulalion~ ,houh.! be reported to

Ihe job ,tell,ITd, Ihe bu,ine" man:lger, or Ihc I);:p(lf!im:nl of l:lhOl"~ ,afcty iO,pcCIOT" at Ilwir resiooal oRice io 11o" 100.

S:lfct} b nmn\ be~1 friend.

IJIlI Holtll'>. 1>.5.

New Officers Named; Three Members Mourned

L.U. 106. JA:\ IESTO\\". I'.Y.- The ~II of1ker~ of ollr local ;ore Pre,idenl Richard Erid,!.On. Viee ]'re,idenl I)a\ id AnderlOn. Recording Secrelary Roberl Start. '1 rca,urcr Timolhy II. JlIei. , anu Hu\ine ,>,> Maoal!er Charlc~ Neub .. uer.

The member> of our loc:1 1 e\lcnd deepe\1 'ymp:llhic) to the ramilie, of three members IIho recenlly pa~'>Cd ,jll:')', I ucill' Seymour. a f .. rmer (e,i· dent of Jarnc<aolln 1100 had Ihcd al Ni· a!,':ara I'all$ for I~ P:I'I 'oI'\l'ml }I':I ..... p:l\SCd a\\:I) rec ... nll}.

Au~tin STafford. a fairly·new mcml1.:r of our local. \\ ho ro:::,idcd io Warren. l'..:nn~}l\'"n i:l . aou who \\:1' :1 f,)rmer bll,i"",s manager of Ihe \Van'cn local, p:'v..ed 1110.''')' al hi, hom.: 00 N(l\emher 26th.

Arlhur Eriel.'O()n. " 10ng'lime membcr ,)f our local. died in October. For man)' )cal"o. he \la\ :,n ;mnature 'Iinuer for the We,tburgh Electric Company: more recenll}. he hall <I ~hop of hi-. 0\\0 on Ea _1 Second Strect.

Brill her Allton Kie Neubauer. a for· mer member and electrical ooolraClor of Jame\lO"n. IIho nolO. re,jdc~ in Ihe HalO.aiian Islan"'s. lIa~ in tOlln rcccllll) 10 allend the funeral of hi~ mOl her,

Huhcrl Tay'lor. a 10ng'lime member of Ihh local. has mOI'cd to Arizon,l. "here hc h:.\ built :1 oew hou<.C. We \li,h Hrother Ta)lor much ~lIcte\.~ in hi\ J1CII home.

The follOlling IIrothe"" re..:ch'cd alO.ard~ in a ehampiom,hip golf game played at the Jael.'O()n Valley Counlry Cluh a\ \\ arren. Pennwhania-Jernld "Corl.)·· 1·1:111. 1011' gros:.: Tom .... iller. low nel: Ch:lrks Neubauer, poiol cham­pion; :md Arlhur Ander..un. do-.c I,) pin. "u~lin Sta1ford lias chairmao of the cwnl and lIid a ~plendid job.

We lIi,h a lery happy New Ye:tr to all of the rcalle ..... of the Jm<rlllli.

l\lntR"Y F. 1·loRN, 1' .5.

Graduation Banquet Held; Area Work Is Very Slow

1 .. 1 .107. CIt\ .... !) itA 1'1 I)S. \ 1101.­I)iploma~ :tnd journeyman eanh lIere !!i\en 10 10 )oun.s men al an a pprentice gr:lduation banquel held :'It Fin.se .... Re~-

11Iur.lRI tn Graml Rapids on No\ember .~th.

lIu"ine,~ II laml.ser I'aul llancy made lhe pfe'<Cn t:.lion~. aod Gordon L" H lIi~ commented on .. rhe Re~ponsjhilities of Journc:)'man Elcclrid:lns and Brother· hood ..

T he 8r;ldnal~'S are Ronald Atl.in'o()n. Arlo IJTfI). Aruhony Hl1drl". Harr) Cool.. Rooald Dc ZIO.3:1fl. !larry Gill. D"nny ja'O()n. Jerome [l.1:Idn,l.i. Dardl Reichow. :tIlll Leo Seh"fer. Their io· ,Inlctor wa~ Paul Spooner. ~ehool chairmao. I\ho is alw trnclOr~' repre!>Cnt;llhe. b II'ench.

and Ihc Ihc coo·


AI...., :Iuending the <ltTll;r. "ere \hl' grallu:. t.:" "ile~ and friend): Bu~inc~

r.l amlger lind l\lr,. II:lrvcy: Pr.',iden! and Mr.. Ray Simmons: Mr. and Mrs. 1';1\l1 Spooner: ,\Ir. :md 1\1 .. ,. lIarold !-rl'neh; il rot her. Richard Dc Will. Gor­don I <I Hui,. Ron V:m Noord. I loyd Young. <lnd lheir II ill";; ;,tn", Mh. Mar) l ou Ri.;e. ufliee '>CCl"C'tar). IIho lIa\ re· 'JI'On,it>le for lhe 10"ely lahll' decor:.· Ilon~.

Worl. i~ "er) , low in our area. \lith o~er 12(1 men on the heneh :md or 1I'0rl.illg out of town. Temion~ hal'e been runoing high beilleen Hrothep; al recent mCO:::lin~~. lind much di'i.alj,fac· lion o\cr condlt iom and po1ide~ e\i'I~. We cerlainl) can u<;e '>Orne of Ihat hrotherhood mentioned :It Ihe gradual ion ba nquet.

Brothe.... G"ry T horne and Llnyd YOImg slirvil'cd Wyoming's frea l. fall bliUlIrd. rhe) ,pent 12 d:,y, camping :lJld deer hunting on hor...:bad. in ~ub­lero l emperature~, ncar Cod) and lhe Sho,hoflC National ' :ofest area.

LLmo G. YotJI'>G. " .5.


Dinner Recognizes Volunteer Workers

L. U. 110, ST. "A UI.. MINN.-Our 'fX::11 and the Minnc'>I)m 1St. Paul) Chapter, NEeA. acting Lhrough the SI. I'aul Joim Electrica' Indmtry Board. re· cem1y ~mgcd a dinner 10 extend recogni· tion 10 Local I 10 mcrnlx:r~ \lho per· formed a communilY :.crvice.

rhe .,.,.rvice con,i,led of lhe complete rell irinll of a prc·I90U building uscd as a leenab'.:: reercalion eenler in an eeo­nomk:llly-depre~...::d ,lrC;1 of 51. Paul.

"no\ln as The Loft, Ihe lcen center ha~ ~n in exi~lence for l>Qmc time. being ~upporteu by Ihe L"nileu ' · und. a numller of area chllr~hc ... ;lnd Ihe teen­uge,"" Ihem~1ve~. With the acqubition of the presenl bui lding. much renovation bc)ond the capahililie~ of Ihe tcen;.ger:. was required to render II u"'"lble and ~:.fc.

lI u~ine~s ,\hl1lageT Jllmes Curran af­r;lOged for volul11~'er Iwln from our member .... IIhile NEC',\ Chanter Man-a!;er We ... ley Ohman arranged for the donal ion of malt'ri:ll, and equipmem by NEeA member contractor, .

. , he cicctricil \\or~ \lot, accompli,h~d over ,ix wcc kemk ItIlder Ihe ,,,pcrvi~ion of Brother Chark' Rudiger. a superin­lendent for Ihe Kchne I 1c~1ric Company of Sl. Paul. '1 he tllill"kel va lue of Ihe wid!!!: i, ;lpproximalely ~s.()()n.

Jow' /111,,111 111., 1'.5.

Denver Work Is Steady; Education Classes Begun 1..1 1. III . IlENVEH. COLO.- Work in our area i~ ~t eadv. We hn,e nal had :IOY h,rse jnh soing. hut \lC ha'c h:,\1 good. ,!eady di,tribulion !Ill )e:lf. with a few high·line job~ Ihro\ll1 in to ~een c'ery­onL' bu~y.

We ,mrted sc,cml I.'duCluion cJa_.,.;:s in No,ember. the 1:lrS;:,1 hcing aHended by ~:! ne\l member ;lppli~:lnl". I h<.:'oC clas>c~ arc held e;leh momh. rhe main purpose of the cia,.,.,.,. of COUT\(" o j, to educ"le 0<.'\1 nwmbers in union ;lctilitie,. the dj,­ITit-uLian of their lhle~ nmnf,'}. In!" W hhIOT). and. for th<.: mO,1 p;trt. a gen· croll edUl.:miun in uniom,m. rhe da ..... e~ ha~e heen V<':Ty ~ucce\ .. ful ':10 far.

With the e:>.ception tlf lhe I're,ident's free I.e. cathing :I number of complica­tioo;, lIith ler)' few an'\lI.' ...... e,erything h;t\ been nOl1n"l. Ih normal. of cOUToe. I mean :I ~Iead> iloll of ~rie,ances. ne­gotiation,. and nroblcnh \lhieh the husi· ness. manager 1m, to t:l~e (arc of. The fr(e/l.' did nOI :.ffel"l II> quile a ... hard a_ it did otheT,- yet- bul. to m. :" repre­.,.::nt:u j'es of 'abor, it \la, and i ~ m,lra­seutl~. Most of !he meUlber, feel that '1.)111<': action had 10 he l,, ~en by the I' re,idem to ,top the intlru ionary ,piral. hilI Ihey \I,mucr \Ill} 1110,t of it h:ld \0

be directed al OT!;;lOil.ed Illhor. We h"ve ,ever,,1 cantm~h which ",ill

be negotiated M)()II, '0 il j, ~til\ a lIail­llnd-~ee game for u\. We ,ITe thankful


Volunteer Workers

Ihat \Ie ha"e good Irade,""hip in W;bh­inglon. D.C'.. 10 look out for our inter­(,ts. I-or any memher \1110 doc\ not kno\\ \I h) \Ie have an Inlern;Hional Olliee or IIhy \Ie anili:.te \,il h the A I· I ·(lO. all thaI h;!, h:lp[}ened uuring .he 1:.\t 'tClef;!1 monlh~ \liII give Ihem Ihe rca,,(ln ~.

I \I ill clo'>C by reminding )on 10 gel OUI to )our union "leClm!!. AI ;! time "hcn I'e need }OLlr 'L1ppor! and guiu­ance. )0\1 haH~ been la\.

JOII"': C . Mum R<; . A)\T. B.M.

Senator Charles Percy Guest At An niversary Celebration 1..11. 111, EI.G I ..... ILI..- On July )ht. Ihe COn,trtlclian Unit or I.octll 11"7 eele­hr;tlo:li ih 10th l\nni ... er~ary . J he "ffair wa .. a huge ~ucee,~. attrihttlcd to the ar­r;lngetllent< and Ihe turnOUI of members am' friend, \I ho took the time to hel p Ii'> ceichr:.tc.

We were both hOllored ;lml prowJ to It!lve in :l1tend:H1ee ill Ihe coc~ l"iI hOIlT ;,nd as Ihe ~p(',l ker at dinner a nIHn who

Membe~ of Locat 110. SI. P~u t. Minn., who VOlunteered their time and servlcn to r~w ir­ing a bultdlng IJsed as 3 teenage recreation


At Anniversary Dinner

Helping to ob""''''e t he 70th Ann,,,.ruy of Local 117, E'gin. Ill., recenny were. le f\ \0 right. BenJam,n Benson. a rel,,~d. 5l ·yu, member: Joseph o . Keenan. Intetnatlonal Secretary: Senator Charles H. Petey (Rep., Ill.): Fred J . Smi lh. Local 117 BualneS$ Manager; and T. E. Malone . Inll",a lional

Vice President. Sixth DlstriCI.


is pro, ing him'iClf !O I>e a good frie nd o f Ihe \lo rLing el a~s, the senior !o(nntor of Il linois, C harles 11 . I'erey.

'T o have II union liLe th i~ is a tre· mendo us thing," the :.c nalor ~aid in h i, remarks. " Y OIi a I'/' 11 r/'1II lannr le:,drr.. \lho hal e 'iC t an e:O:i,mple, amJ I com· mend ~ou for it." Senator Percy \I:'~ in· troduced hy lJu~ine" Manager I red J Smith. \lho noted the ~nalor', l'~ '"l'IIl'nt CO PE mtins.

The guc~t Ihl \I:n more th;m impre,· ,he. II wa;. fantll\lk' II i, j.!real to Lno\l that a ... rn,.11 1Uf..<, I union 'u~ h :,~ our' ha, ~u~h good friemh. It Lind of ghe, )011 [hat \la rm feeling in ) " lIr ,tom:lch and lhm nri' ll y feeling un Ihc I'ad of }our nl'r l. . DI,f!

rhl' li' l of fliend, \lho IIerc o ur glle,[\ :lIld Ilho \ler~' Lind enough to hel p lh cclchr:,te our ).:ood fortune of I..ecpin): the or j.!nni7Ju ion toge ther since July :!.O. 190 1. ,"duded. in m.llI ition 10 Senator I'erey. Intern:Uion.J 1 ~CfeH.r)' Jo-.("ph 0 Keen:m :II1d the lovel), \1 1"li. h:ccnan: [he be,t Inll"rn;.tional Vice Pre' ident in Ihe 1111 W. I I Malone, uf the Si~th DNrirt. Ihc lIonor:.blc John I I ried land . lliinni, ~I n'e '<el"t'­.... malll e. :11101 Mr,. I-r iedland : o ll r good friend. Ihe 1I 0nOI":.hle J udge IAlIla ld T. ·\ nderwn and "' ..... Ander..on: Ihe bu,j·

OC1>\ mam.!;c .... amJ other gue,h and their \lil(>S from I oe"l, 9 and 13-1. ('hi · ,--ago: 15(1. \\ :tU)"eg;ln. II lin(>i,: 176. Jo­Ikt. lII1Ooi,: -161. Aurora. lII1Ooi,: and ~Ol. Whealon. II lino"_ 1',linte,..., 1000al 15-1: Lahorer~ I OI:a l ~g:!.: 'l e,ml\lers Local ~lO: ;md Ihc IIlinoh (hapler of NFCA.

A010ng Iho-.o: honored fur lung -.erl· ke. \l ere retired mcmt-.cr, Iknn)' Uen· ,on. S:!. }ear.,: f'(> r~)' Goull1. 43: und Fmml'u I :o);lc. JO. A I~in Cupley. \Iilh (i:!. }e'If~. could nm attend.

The l ine C lc:or:mce L'nil i~ mOl In!,: :llung ami h,,, cnJII}c<.l '>OI11C lle ll ·lle· ..en·cd b-cnefih from nel,:oti!llion~. "'rOIl£h1 ahuut. in pan . h)' rhe demon· 'Iralion (Jf cooper;.tinn :md concern for unc :lnot her.

T he uillma[e elled (If Ihe frl'c/I' on uur n<');oliation, Ihi, )e;lr relllllin, to flo\! 'ol"en. but il Mire h,I\ put H crim jl in uur po~i lion in nCI,:Uli:l /iu n, Ilit h the I i~h l o,

lier Com p:ln). Ihe ,,"cgoli:O/ing Commit· le(> i, 1Il:.de up o f L'nit Pre,idem Ilcu)' 51001. Darie, 5I.innc:-T. Donald Ibuman. h:enrl(>lh '<o'-Cnqui,t, 1I0ll" rd 5lece. _\le'\ I'erl). and Uu,ine" M:m:l{!er 'imith.

Our member. in ,he rteclrk;\1 1\1;lnu· faclI.ring L-nit enlplo)ed h) the f... inne) \ lunufaeIUrinl: (amp:,")' underllen t a Iir~1 in Ihe ~()· phl' lear, of their lon· trad~a 'trile. \lhk h 1;1\led a few .-eel,. \\ e thU ll 1.. Hit of our frie nd, throupho ut lhe ~oun l r) II ho helped u, in our lime of nced.

I KI I) J. 'i\lllll, IU. 1.

Utility Workers Achieve Outstanding Record L U. 125. t'O tH I,AND, OI~K-'1 he "' umtx- r On(> ne\\s item from (Jur loe:.\

Record-Holders , "


The Slstefs and B.o th e" o f loca l 125. Po.tland. Ore. who Ire empto~ed b~ 'he T<llamook Coun ty PUO Bnd who h, Iped .clllcv. 1.000.000 man hOurs wIthou t II !OSI , ime inj u ry.

i ~ Ihe (.lel Ihat Ihe Tillamook ('olln l ~ I 'eople'~ Utili ty Di,uicl gah :md gil)'

hale nxne III' \I il h a million O1:.n·hl)\I"'" \lithout a lo,t·time acddent.

Other uli1il), companie\ n::cche I hi~ illlard. t>UI \lith man} more emplo)«, Ihe)' :l"ilin it in a u:talilell · ,horl perlOl.l IIf lime. '1 he rceor,1 -.ccfll' 10 ~. morc ollhtllmting ror 11'. bcC:Ul'>C it tool. al· 11I0,t 10 ~ear, 10 rCl.t h . . , h(> period eo, · ereu i, frum Apri l 27. 1\1(,2. w No~el11 ' her II. 197 1. AJlrii of !lth \e:lr II ill m;,r~ :. p.::riod of HI >e:lr, llilh(llil :0 lo,t time injllr).

WiIIi;ull Call:!han. (h:tirm"n of Ihe Oregun \\ url..men\ COl11pen~'l l io" Uo",-d. prc-.c lllc.1 :m :illllrd for Ihe m:hielement at :0 dinner ,pon\l,Ir.·d h) the 11-0;' 1"<.1 uf Director, at the \ idOr) Ill,Iu'-C ill l ill:unool.. III! r.. 1II~ lII ber Ill h.

I hc ·' Illamuol.. I' li D ernplo>~ liJlPrt)'l.i. malel) ~U o f our ... hter, :Iml Brother,. ll ho mai main lhc clccnic di,tr ihll tion ~y'tcm in Ihi, no rthllc'lern OII'!!On 1': •• tifle COO\t l'Ollnl) 1\ll hIlU~h Ihi, :lrt·;, h;l\ a heal) ;.nnu:l1 r.linfn ll . II i, I>le,-.o:,j \\ilh a rr;,p rn',h 01"("10 hrITI/' fmm !he I',u:ifo(' \lhkh infech lhe: people ,lIld m,mife'I\ it-.elf in a trhp. frc,h attitllde and a pleao,;)l!\ IIorLing :I\moo.phcre

' cguc ialiul! (ummillw, I,;"" 1'I.·cn ",. lelled for Ihe Clarl. COUnl) I'l D. I'orl · land <..encral Eledrk. :Ind Ihe 1'.lcilt.: I'o\ler a nd !.ight ( 0111 11.111) I' rop\~:l" arc I>clll!: CUIl(>lIC,I. wrccne<.l. ami :111;1'

l)led fur ,,, I'01i,,ion at ul1l'ominy ne~o· tl:' t;on,.

I hc L ,lifornia· I':II,:I!ic Ulilitic~ ~'on' 1nKl_ \lhkh 1"1(''''-'' ;In O~t(I\'Cr I, l 'n t . '!lIrting Itale. "a\ n(>!!uti.lted durin!! Ihe frc<:~c nnJ \1;0\ implemented o n 1'0lcm· ber 151h . .... ilh an eit' ht per \tnl innr'J\'l(' under C:Ucgor} III.

MAli II >': J . D IIll , I' .S.

Work in New Orleans Picls Up Slightly

I .l , 130. ' tm OIH .:A'S. I..A.-. \1 lhe regular meelm!! of No'ember ]~Ih. Ilu,me" \lan;li/Cr \1 I' Joseph reported Ih;.1 "'orl. h;" pidcd "I' ,lightly :ond 110,,, . he IInemplO) II1ent ,illialion. IIhkh ha, hecn .. ith I" ror "Ier:1 )ear. i~ Ix· ); inninlt Il) "~l"r~l' -.o: I hope Ihe trend eont ll1l1e\.

I hele ;lfe ,,-='cnol hi)!h·ri'i-(> hlli l din!!~

in dn" '"\11\ n ,,"1'"' Orlean~ that arc [ul'pell 0111 ~'r \(>r) neM it. but the blill.. uf [he ek,lri~"al \lml.. nn them i, jll'l he· It l1m i n~. One of the....: h the One Shell ')quare lI u ildin~. l~ho'-C jl noop.> 'tand· IIIg lin ~IJU III · inch o.Ii"meter eoncrele pilo.'1 11\;1),,(' it the t:tlle, t buihJing in Ihe deep "'ulIlh indudin~ 1I 0",lon and At· lant;o .

I hi, hllildin!! II ill hOIl'-C 1.000.000 IqU.II·C lect (II (liher: 'pacc a nd \I ill be ",'r\ed h)' :!-I p;l,'>Cn~c r (>ICla10 ..... The I "),, r le,'11 i~ ("01111':10), i\ lho: clectrkal ..:omr •• dor on the joll.

'1 he 11(:\1 L10med \taLlium is beginning 10 I:.)"e ,hape. hut il \lill be: a fe .. monlh, t-e(ore it IIill lal..e an~ amount uf men

I hanl., HI 'te\lard I ester 1J0udrc:lU~

un thl' O ne Shell Square joh for Ihc in· fOII1l"tiun :.holl l [he job .

A~I IIU"" YOUi'ov, I' .s.

Kalamazoo Work Slow; Operation Under Way

1 .. 1 . 131. t.:AI.A\1AZOO. \IICII .-Nol rnur h !le \l ' from our 10cIII thi~ time.

Ollr \\orl.. problem still sta)"S abo ut the ')lIme. Nobod y h ofT too long, b UI


Crew on High-Rise

Tht e.tw 01 the One Shell Squa.e Bulld'"s, 8 IIlsII·"$e In down town New O. I18n., l"., can· ".'.01 loc.1 130 memben M Sker'C,cll, An'~I.nl Bus""en M.n .... L Wolf. lo.eman A. Kempl1. B"s,n •• s Mana,e. M. E, Josepll, 0 Mock. J lomb •• do. W Kempl!. J Bowers, JI .• .tew.'d l. BOudreaux, B Ward. G, May.onne, R. M u"a~. L. Sp"n,e., and J. We.ver, J •. ,

~en lIe.e on tIM levet Of tile 5151 1100'.

the hoc:rn.:h _ta), ahoU! the ~ame, from 1 .... 0 10 ei~ht men nlO';t of the time.

Opcrawm Brealthrouj:h i. ~et\iog :tloog qUlle \\ell. The larj:e_t _inglc com· pic, i, beiog httilt hy F,e 1' , Dillon from Aln,m, Ohio. The huihJiog " a fOll r-'IOTY high-rhe. all cement, \lith 5~ Hpartmenh I he e!cctrir.: ;11 contract \1 •• $

:I\lal'lled to (hrhtin...cn L1 ... ~trk of Kala­m:t11JO,

Om loc'll recently ,pon-ore,1 a ho<-pi­tulit) ruom for the ekr;lri"al in.pcr;IOI'll of Soulh"'e~tern Michi£(IO. \ 1;000 time .... <1, ha,1 h)' all.

W[<' CII.I\I(II., 1'.5.

Work O utlook Ve ry G ood ; Three Members Mourned

1..( , 136. nm\ lI '\(; II ,\ \I • • \L \ .- Thc .... orl _iltta tinn here conllnw,', 'cr~ ~ood. \lith m:lI1) ne'" COnlrart, ((lIlling lip 10 rcpli,ce th()',C In the lini,hing ,t<L!!"".

1"'0, ne\l, l(J.,mry htu]ding, arc near­in~ completion, along "'ith the lir" "age ur the 0<'''' 'i7S·milliun Cil k (COler. The ( ,orl!.h Steam I'lant i, .... ell under .... a) ('OIl. pcrh;lp" 611 JlCr cem 1.'001-pktcd A rn.:11 ;uJdition to the Wil\lOn­_illc: ~tt"m I'L,nt ~huuld ~et under lIay ~ hortl)' In the hillep!"int ,tase. are the $3~·millIO Ii 'Southern Building and ;1 S40·rnilliun Socia l SecurilY ll uildinJ:(, \ Inny new huildin!!, :ll'e ,pringing up in the ho,piml compleJ[. \lith other, in the plnnning , t ~J;c,

All III ;Ill. Ihe emplO}lllent ,inmliun loo~' \'cry good rur the near fliLU re,

We rej!ret \cr) mu,'h Ihe death., of threc IIlemhcr. recentl}. tl rothen I . I con W:. II. Clo\h c:. 11 000. ;Ind A. J. I)unn;,\·,*,,, puv,ed all"y frum he,lr! at­tltd,. \\ ... fell!"et \ery mm'h the p,I ~,inj! IIf the...... filiI.' Brother,. Our heartfelt '}'Illp:lthy i, ... 'tendcd 10 Iheir f;Ulli lics.

'1 he Ilc;l lth :.mll We lfarc Commi tce has :t ~ ~ed for bids for a new ho'pi t!,1 in-


AI Gel-T oge lher

WhO·d w.nt to I.,ue w,th Ih,s 'Ins~ Seen a, a .eeent lei tOl<llhe. 01 elacltrc.1 inspec· to.. 01 $oulhwUI .. n Mrct"Sln .nd mem­bers 01 loe"t Ill, Kal.muoo. M,ch., .re, lell to "Shl. M~.on RIC •• Klilamllloo ,nspec· to.; Bob o..ko.II, PorT8'1 ,n,peeto.; Gaylord Og ... d K.I.muoo Bulld""I' Depa'lmenL CI"yton McCoy. lanl'n, Administ."t,ve

Bo •• d

F.om 11'11 1 .. 11, Ray Slrand, BaWe Cr .... k ,nspecto •• Mr MCCO~; Mr Oowd; a"d J.me5

Stewarl, NCCA.

'lirance, hut ut thi~ II ritio!!. the commit­ICC report' thm it hll' no nl.'\I' a~ 10 the e\J'C~tcd ~o'er.l j!e. I hi, \\ill I'C reported in Ihe IIC" ["lte or Ihe "fllm"l. We arc hupefu l of a new :11,;1 \;"tly·impfO\ed contract.

J. F. WII ~()'<, P.S.

Sworn In

Tllne m .. " _ ... ecently swo.n Inlo loclt 131. lelt 10 "Shl. Bob B.own. F.ed Meyers. M,ke Slator, Oav'd M~mln, Jay Applebee.

Clluck Add'n~t"n, and J"m.,s Gay

Work for W inter Ve ry Good ; Retirees' Club Successfu l

L I , I·U , II \lUU "UI HG. I' ,\ ,-\\ilh \linler here. thing, lo ... ~ ler~ !;ooJ for thi\ Io..:al. \11 of the lIlemi'leh '1rI! \lorl· in!!, and .... ilh Ihe "'orl. lh:1\ i. ~I;oning. the\ II ill not hall:" a .... urn .1100111 \\orl until 'pnng

Heim I'le,,;tri~ "".1\ 10'" hiduer on the Up~r D;ouphin II lgh \lhonl. \ \ ith a S360-Thou,"nd job lIn,1 quil ... a fe", other job" Ilcim h renllv hein!; he]pc,1 alung.

Spon:lII!!k .\ 'M)n i. prOj!re"inf! \\1.'11 al Ihe CUIII\'Ierl;IO,1 VilliI.') Ihgh "'~hool. Ilhkh i\ on ...:hl'dulc no"", r('j!ardlc~, of Ihe l>lrile "'hkh held the toh up for "",me lime. \f"Onaulllc aho hOI, the addi· tion to the .... onene Department SlUTe

The hi~h·rj\C, 10 .... ·r('0I. :lp;lrtment building prO;Cd, an H P FlIlel joh, i, coming alonll ni~eh I hI:" """ \ IIITI on Route ::!~ \houlll •• I~} hoc: ready ,000 The Beller I ite C!'lmpan~ h .. , Ih'lt j,)b, .... ith Bmther Bah \ee.h a\ foremlln.

T he l'lIt,hurj!h Plate {il'l" joh i~ re­J'IlIrtcu ", heing on ,~hcdule, ;lnd from ",hat I (110 ...... 1.'. it i,; the opcrnllnf; cngi· nca, ha\e hecn pulling in quite ,I hit of olcrtime. lIoJIC' .ITe high that fhi, rlant lIiII ,t;trt oJ'('r.ltioo during ne\! ,ummer.

-I he I Ilcal I J 1 Wetired \ Ieo\ Cluh j, holding. ii' ""'II In atll.'ndiln~e. 'I' 'In :1\­

emgt' or 15 memhoc:r~ atlenJ the meet­ing'. heM <)n til ... fiN ltnd third \\ cdnc\­da}, at the 10.:31 h~lI. Inch meet ill!> usuall~ fe;olll.e, II 1II0lie or :. ,pc;ol ... r. and rcfr ... ,hmellt, (no h;trd liquid,) arc o,cned A 'J'Calcr frum the Soci;l] Secu­rity Admini.tnlliull ",:1<, on hand :II Ihe Del·emI'Cr ht "'cetillj!, .,od a 'J'C~~er from the Im ... rnlll Relentle Scr ... i~e \I ill ~ddre" the nt ... eltnj! early Ihi.. monlh.

The ide;! of h,l\'iof! ,pe,l l ers at the~ mee"n!!, i, HI le ... p the lIIemhc!r, in· formed ", to ",hal the} OlTe entitled to. They then GUI P"" the information on 10 the )/)II"ller memOcrl

In Ihi" my 1~l h ycar a, }our Il rc~, ...ccrclnT), I ",i,h )O\l ;111 a lery happy New Ycar,

C tl lRI LS D . N I X(!~ , I' .S.


Scenes from Social ARair

lo<::al 148, Pi!lsbu.gh, .ft~.ntly held II ,ncial afla i., al which it hono.ed IWO of ilS membe.s, U fe·Sav,ng Award winne. Tom Robes and ret i • .,d t • .,,,su • .,r Charlu Schleife. Seen during the awa.d p.esen"i ,on. are. lefl 10 "Iht. Brolher Schlei fe •. Brother Robes. Business Mln­ager of System COUnc,1 U ]0 J,m flaig. lo<::al 148 P,es,d.,nl B.II Merrow. and 1",,,,n,,l,on,,1

Rep.esenlal,ve Ken Raynes.

l.,ft to "ght, Llfe-Sa .. ing A ... ard winne, RobM. M.s. Robes. and Pruidenl Me.row

l.,ft 10 "ght. E.ecul,v., Board Ch. "m. n Bu~k Conboy. Mrs. Cha.les Schle,fe. and

rel"ee S~hle,fe r

Pittsburgh Social Affair Honors Two Local Members

L t!. 14S. "n' Snnt GIi . I' '\.-Do No­\eml'Cr I3lh. our loc,,1 held 01 .. od,,1 in honor of our relired Ire:""rer of I' \ears. Char1e~ &h1cirer. ;.od III EW Life-S;!'!n!; A""rd "inner T(llll I{ooc ... The sod,1I wa, well aucndcd. :",d all pre..cnt cnjoy~d Ihe ro" .. 1 b~ef dinner ami liquid rdre .. hlllenh. I"he alT"ir W<l\

held at lurncr'~ (i}rnn""ic Ii all in \lcKeesport. Penn .. yhania.

I'rc)idcnl Bil l Merrow imroduc:ed Ihe !;uests. Inlernational l{epre'ICnl;lli"e :tnd '\ Irs. Ken I{:lyne .. , rep re\COIinJ; ln lerml-


Ste ..... rds and offocers who auended Ihe so­c,al Ineluded. fronl 'OW. left 10 "shl. V,ce Pres,dent J,m Doyle: stewards Rege Hillnsk,. Yic Du~~slein. and Y,lo Ma~h,: E~e~ul've ao~.d Chairman Conboy: S&fety Commillee Chaorm~n Jim Dushaw: sleward D,ck Z"nrer: and Presideni Merrow. Back row, Executive Board member Bob Ramm,ng: stewa.d Ge<>rge Hudacko; ronanc •• 1 Secretary Jaek (llloU: &«ut,ve Boa.d member Bob B"&8s: T,easure. B.II Waldschm,dt; and 51eward

Mart'" Schneoder.

lional Vice Presidenl A. I{. John..on: lIu,inc,~ \ Iana!;er of S\'le'" C"oundl U·IU and \11'1. Jim Hai!;: Brolher :lnd \ Ir,. So.:hleifer: :lI1d l!ruther and \Ir ... I{OOC\.

nill pre't""lI1ed Urolher So..h1cifer ""h a 550 bond. along "ilh hi, old IYI"Cwri1er, "hieh Chud l'an II .... during hi .. relire­ment.

Pre,klenl ' Ierrow r':;ld Iwo 1elle~

from the Imcrnallonal Olli ... :. One. ad· dr ... \" ...... d 10 IlrOlh ... r Robe,. r ... eo\:niled him a .. a member of Ihe l il t W 1 ife­"',l\el~ Club: Ihe .... eom!. addre ...... d. 10 Ihe 1000·al. menlioned -' oln\ !;TC:l1 life­~:I'inl: ... fTorl~ on Augu~1 2nd. I nl~'rn"­

lional I{cpn.·, ... nlati'e Ra}n ... s Ih ... n pr ... -;'l.l·nt ... d lhe Life-S"'ing ,\ward 10 1()1Il, :llon!; wilh a lapel pin.

Tom hltd jU~1 It few memon.blc words. which I fccl cvcryone in ;llIend· ;lI1ce "ill nev ... r fDrgeL He wi,hed Ihal

he were 1101 Ihere reeei\ ing the award btll Ihlll Hf()lhn Andrew " ' !;gy" Ihm' l "ere sill in!; righ t oul front lhere. As }ou may ~no". BrOlhl""r Ihnal died on August 71h from complic,nions. I lim ,ure thai -Iom\ word~ touched C\'cr)one deeply. lie rcee;\ed a \landing O"alion for hi .. i!re,1I elfor!.

Brolher I{,I\ I~ Ihen prc.,.;:nled Ihe 10-c.;l.l\ I ifc,"'.I,ing A",mj 10 I're~idenl

\lenow 3nd Ihe memhcr.. of lhe Fwcu­Ihe 110:lr.1. Bud, Conno,. Hot> IIrig!;~. JIlII OIl,h'lw. and 1J.0h I{.lmming.

Pre,idem Merro" Ih~1l illuoouced Ihe lemporary oflkers and Ihe Iru,lee, of lhe re~cnll}·forml""d Ladk~ Au).iliar} of Local l-tll. ,\11 of the ladies pre..cm rrum Ihe :ul\ili"ry .. "id Ihey h"d a good time. AI Iho.' lime of Ihb alTair. lhe au;\:­ili"r}" ~'haHer from lhe A l I.·CiO h:ld not beell recl""i,ed.

WUll\\1 11. 1\1111110\\, 1'111.5.

Dinner-Dance Held ; Ed Cowgill Honored l .. l l. I SO, \\ ,\l "':EG"~. ILL_Our Ioc:al held ih Annual Dinner-D"nee on Oetohcr 30th al the R;lmada Inn in liigh"ood. 1 oc coel.l;lil hour t-eg:ln ;1\

6:30 I' \1. and wa~ follow eli b} dinner. Dancing conlinued unlil 2:00 A.M . Ap­pro.imalcl)· 300 guc~b :Iuended.

An "w"rd for.'lO }ears of .... "lce \\a, pre<;cnteu 10 f"d Co"gill. \\e \Iere happy 10 h"I'" hi, ..on :lIId !;rand..oll pre\Cn! II Ilh U'.

Hfl)-ptu'-}ear membcf', " cle ScnJ\i aod ... parl.y SI." hrocder abo :lHended. Ih-o..c .. h.;, mi,-..:d the pan) mi'..ed a fine time. A~ of Ihh Ilrilin\:. "or~ III the area

"':III:l.In~ good. arn.l Ihe immediale out-1001. i~ thc );lllle.

TOM QIT[RSOl'o, 1'.5.

South Bend Work Moving; Many Jobs Go Non-Union I..U. 153. SOtfl"1I nE~U. 1 .... ' 1).­

\\otlld )Ou I>clie\(' Ihal Ihc enlire mem­ocr-hip wurl.,"g. plu~ joh~ for 200 10 lOll 1r:I\clcr-.. could "dd up to a prclly -orr) ,illl;lllon'.'

Bu~in.·", \l arw,!;er l.Iu)d I{obimon ad­,i ...... ~ u~ Ihat we currenll} h,,'e 12 rather ..inhle juh .. in our juri-.diction going "ithout u~. ]· ighl of the 12 are union joh" e.\c:epl for Ihe ;:I{'ctrician,. l-eIlOl". une big job doc) not a ro .. } picture pamt. We need Iheo;e smaller jobs..

Chri,ltan labor h mo\ins in from Ihe north; job~ Ihal a fel\ moolh~ "go could alntQ<.1 hOl\e been coumed on as being uoion are j!oing ~ab. The~ things do nOI bode "ell f()r Ihe future. Thi~ Ir.·nd tlltl)!, nOI only be ,tupped. bUI be re­'·er.cd. or \Ie arc in big lrouble.

A ,il.able 'hoppin!; cenler in Goshen. anOlher in H kh:ITI. a mall ~Iarl;ng up in Soulh Ill-nd. and the Cool. Nuclear Plam al Bridgman are I.ceping our local moving. T here i~ no scheduled o\enime, but Ihe»e 40-hollr pay checls sure 100" good. compared 10 Ihe lIe.t bcsltb;ng.


Dinn er-Dance Scenes

(d CowSIlI, member 01 Local 150, W8uke S8n, III., was hono,ed ,ecenlly at tho local's Annual Oi"ner·O."ce woth the prese"tatro" 0 1 II SO·yellr servrce pi". See" with him, IIrll

his SO", Do", and 8" ... dso". Oon. Jr.

Oa"cl"8 to the Vistas.

We h:lve had a liu le relrenchins out :t t Coo~-a 70·man layoff. a long with 11,1'0 genera l fO I'emen ami :1 l1umhcr of foremen \I ho were knocked b(tck, There arc prohllbly a number of rea,on~ for thc cUlh;td, but \urely one rea\on mu~t be lbe governmenl's indccisi\cnc~, con­cerning nuclear power plant~,

T here " no ques tion Ihat aduitional elel;lri~' po\ler i~ nceded; it becomes sim­ply. " 1-/0\1 will it be produced?" If any· one is lH).ing II poll. I'll vote for la).,c ,Iater's being w:umed two to fhe de­gree .. :lI1d no morc coal smoke in lhc air. Whil;h l,oHM you W~lnl in your bild y~Lrtl-a "lllll'" or (I 1;0:1 1 burncr?

Incidentally, there h a nother member of the IB FW. other than those 'cen in the i L crornp~lI1ying ~naP5hot. \\ho i~ a mcmber of the Volullleer firc I)cparl­men! al Coo).,. but on goo..! authorilY. you can het Ihat. if thc ere" el'cr ;., c:tlled inlo IIction. he \I ill be l:lling pie­lure,. preferably \lilh :L zoom Ie",. Inci­llentnlly. Brolhcr Gib,on h, nOl only an elected politician in hi~ town,hip, hut [11'0 thc a"i'larH fi rc chief at home.

Spt!:l)"ing uf ,tcl\ilr,k wc ;Ire no .... 011 ollr Ihird one at Coo~: ho"'~ \lhollt ClllI­ing a huh 10 the p'lrade'.' Then! ju~t i"n't an~one I' hu i, guing to piea .. c all of II'

all of Ihe time. WhOCler the ~1C"ard i\, he h ju .. t :1 man. anJ ju~1 li~e you and me. he .... ill male mbt:lles. Come 10 Ihm~ of il. olher than ~uperintendenl~. general [ortmtn, and foremen, [ lnllw


ObviouSly e"loyintl the party. tell to " tlht. lire Bus",ess Ma"atler Don S;)'8e •. Pete Se· ruvl. lind Sp8r~y Schroede,. The t'Her two h,ve mOre tha" 50 yea,s 01 se",ice e.ch

WIth the 18EW.

The COC U ;)il hou •.

very few pcople 'Who have madc morc Jl1i .. ta~es than [ h:lve!

T ime ha, a Illay o f gelling away, so have a good yea r, cvcryone: the be~t of cverYlbing 10 all of you.

A. G . "GRI G" B LI: \I ~S, P.S.

Annual Outing Successful; Banquet Honors Young , Old I..U. 164. JERSEY C ITY. N.J,-Our 10-car~ ,\ nnual Outing " as held on Sep­tember [9Ih. and mure than JOO pehons attended. includ ing 75 relired memher~. I'ho. a~ u,ual. were gue\lS of the loc:l l.

Food wa, .-.c rved from 10:00 A.r-.·1. ulltil 6:00 P.M. The Brother .. and Iheir glle,h gave an excellent accounting of them~h'e" p;lrta~ing of clam .. , ~hrimp. chm\der. ham. tur~ey, foa'it tlceL etc.

" orlunalely. thc rain helll off all day. \() Ihe U\II:l1 g,\me, I,ere pht)cd, "hi, chungc in Ihe "cal her. which had \Iarted out a\ gray and lIl).,t) , enable,l Ihe Outillf!, Comrni1tee to contim:1 Ihe I':lriou, race, :lnd cuntc __ !" ., he willners of Ihc,e Ilcre :lwarded mol, a, pl'ize~,

I atc in the day. 11 vi~il .... a' rai,l 10 the Olltin!! by our very good frienJ. Scn­<LtllT H;orri'>(ln A. \\iIIiam, (Dem" N.J ).

l'ume:rouo; li,itor~ came 10 cnio~ lhe d.lY', (c<'liI;tic, .... ilh 11' •• Ihe..c included re:rrc.;cnlat;\e:\ from \ariou, Io..:al.. thr\1ughoul the ,talc.

On October 2 hI. the -lO mcmh.::r~ of

At Cook Nuclear Plant

St a"d,ng in Iront 01 a boom. wlth H'e Num· b~ r O"e conta Inment building lor t he Coo~ N\lClear Pia,, ' at Brldgm.". IndlDna, In the b.Cktlround, is one o f the Generat 10lemen Irom local 153. South Bend. with h,s lo'e· men. From Ihe left. Jim K8rU. MOrry Stew· art, Ed Sch,ller, lIe"eral loreml" BIll Haase, Marly Mart,,,. Ed Pedde, lI"d Fra"k Nemeth.

The tempo';)ry crew which helps to make the lob go consiMS 0 1. lefl 10 rl8h t, Joh" Holma". Local 131, Killamaloo. Mich .• Geortle fossey and Cha.tu ll",des, Locat 697. Gary arId Hammond. I"d ; Jac k GI!)sO". lorema" ( d Pedde. end 1\.1 LIedt ke. Loc;)1 153; Ton y Allie.i, Loc81 107. G.lIIl d Rapids. Mic h .; Fred Murray, loca l 697; Ed PhltUps. local 153; Fred Cote, Locat 183, l,xlnllto". Ky.; lind the shadow WI t h the Cllmera, Greg

Bte~ins. local 153.

The Votunteer Fire Oep;)rtme"t at Cook is welt rep,esented by tB(W memlM!.. Start· 1"8 wIth the lourth man from the "Shl, ,re B'others JOh" Hotma", Locat 131; To,,~ Atfi· eri, Locat 107; Jack Gibson. Bob Creg8 .• "d steward Zan Ballard. Locat 153; .lId Cte""

Thurmond. Local 876, Grand Rapids.

the gnldu:ning cla~ .. uf Ihe apprentice ,chool "ere feted :It ;. dinner. tl\ht~d in honor of the £raduat~, ;tnd lhe 111Clnher, .... ho hlld reached the mile,lune of 50 or more )e;lrs in the: Brotherhood.

I "ehe Brothel"> I'ere III the jO·year group: four. in the 60·year group; and one, \lilh 6j ~ear..

rOllliwll'd fW 1'(/(;(' 42



departlnent of Research and Edllcation

Billion-Dollar DISC: Billion-Dollar Disaster

The t oollholc

.... Our nation is ill the mi(j.,( of a spira ling inflation--complctc with a rnultiuulc of problem". inju~liccs. and economic and emotion ,1I :.Ircsscs. MilHom of Amcricam have wife red lh0 painfu l reality of a rigidl}-cnforccd wage frcele \~hilc the price of their nccc:.si tics has COIl­

tinued to rise. Yel at :l lime when every thinking AmcriC[1Il is dcspcr­alCly trying to achieve economic ba lance :md stability, Ihe prolJlcms and inequ ities Illay be incn:ascd by the resurrection of ;1 billion-dollar tax loophole.

Last )car, Ihe Senalc Finance COIIl/nilte!! killed DISC. then part of the Trade Bill. But DISC. th o.! aCrOIl}1II given to the proposed Domc:.lic Inlcl'I1uliona l Sates Cor­poration, is again threatening us­this timc as nn imponant thou!;h little publ ici red and ks~ understood part of the J> re!)ident"~ New eco­nomic Policy. An :HJm ini·.tr:lllon lax gimmick designed 10 ~'ncourllge

American business curporalion~ tn !>to.:p up their ex port aCli\il}, DISCs would be allowed 10 dder federal income laxe., 011 prufih from ex ­porh if those prolit~ wcre "pplied to new cXporl or "exp0l'l -rdalcd" activi til's. The purpose of thl'~e DISCs. aceonJing to Pro.:siuent Nixon, i\ to !>tilllu1ate export trade and thereby help the U.S. balance of pa}lllents. Ho\\c\'cr. no proof ha~ bco.:n offered to sub"t;tntia'e tho.:\C claims, and mo~t ccOnOl1li~IS bclio.:\e that any chango.: occurring in rdation to our export / import r;lIio will be ~light ;lIld out of :111 proport ion to the revenue loss invol\'ed.

No Cont rols

Anolher objection, one that should nOI be d ismissed lightly, is that D ISC docs no t contain a sys-

tem of checks and balances. The Treasury. a major backer of DISC. ha" no way of checking or con­trolling how thi, windfall in ta\: hreaks would actually be u\ed. If all corporations \\ere scrupulou\ ly honest. profits from their c'<port sak s would be c.\:empt frOIll income taxes ol/Iy if their profits were uscd in export activities or loaned to thc parent-manufacturer corporation for "export-related" activities. Under ;lIlY other circulllst:t llee~. tho.: DISC would be subjoct to full laxation.

Givo.:l1 human nature. herc's \\hat might happen. First. the propo\ed "ddcrra l" would become an CXCIIII}­

lion. For any profilable cOlllpany, the pn..'scnt ,""llue of a IS-yc:lr de-

rerra1 is approximat ely equal 10 Ihe amount of the lax itsclf. And. ~inec the I' reas ury did not place any lime limit on the deferral. there is no reason to doubt Ihal mOSI com­panic!) would go.!! 11101'1.': than their moncy bilck. T hey wou ld, in effect. bc receivi ng an interest-frce loan for that period . Second. it \\ouldn', take companies long to rea lize Ihal the arrango.:lIlent which gi\'o.:~ tho.: promise of tho.: l a rge~ t winMall under this tax propo',,1 is the combination of DISCs \\ ith Foreign Intl.'nl:ltional S:llcs Corporations (FISCs ). The propos:l1 would :Jctually encourage Ihe form:llion of FISCs in such lax haven countries as Bermuda. Pall-


Source : U. S. Department of labor, 8ureau of labor Statistics

REVISED INDEX SERIES-I Reference Sase, U.S. Average, 1967 == 100

." ." Inde- Dare 11""" l1e"'l Appar,,1 H"allh

Co",· CO"" • Tron,por . & 1",-Monrh_ Yeor bjn"d' blned' Food HaUling Upkeep rOlion .earjon

October 1971 142.6 122.6 118 .9 125,9 121 .6 120.6 123 .5 Sept. 197 1 142.3 122 ,4 119. 1 125.5 120.6 119.S 123.6 August 1971 142.1 122.2 120.0 125.1 119.0 120.1 123. 1 July 1971 141.6 121 .8 119.8 124.5 119.5 122.6 129.3 June 1971 141.3 121 .5 119.2 124 ,0 120.1 119.6 122.1 May 1971 140.5 120.8 118. 2 123 .2 120.2 118.8 12 1.6

O ctober 1970 137.4 118 .2 115.4 121.2 118.2 115.2 118.2 October 1969 129.8 October 1968 122.9 October 1967 117.5 October 1966 114.5

, 1967 Refe.ence Bol.

, 19S7·59 Reference Bale

NOTE, Can.ume, Pric" lnde. lor all ite"', ;nc,eOled 0.2 Inde_ Pajnr du,ing the 1><'.1 manrh. or O.2% . Th j, equalled on annual .are 01 lncreo." 01 2.4% 112 X 0.21. The jncrea" in CPI during the po.t yeo. wOo 4.4 Pa in" a. 3.7% . Percentag" increa.e betwe.ft rwa dare. j. colculat.d br .ubrro<ljng rho Inde. Numbe. lor rhe earlier date f.o", thor fa. rh. la'e. dar ... and by diyiding the ,e.ull br rho index nu",be. to. Ih. ea.lier dol •• rho" mulliplyj"g by tOO.

EXAMPlE, For the "..,jo<l Odober, 1970 '0 Octobe,. 1971 , 122.6 _ 11'.2 = 4.~ Inde. Pain"l ~,~ + 118.2 = .037 X 100 = 3.7% .


ama. the Cayman Islands, or Swit­zerland. thus se nding ever-increasi ng amounts of American money and jobs abroad . Oncc set up. multi­national corporations could export semi-fi nished goods and components to foreign plants which. in turn. would compete with U.S. go()d~. Third . it is 110t on ly possible but highly probable that DISC~ cou ld be u!.ed fo r purely domestic activi­ties and thereby compete with our less-fa\ored home-based corpor:t­tions. In short. DISCs would further reduc~ not only our export trade but the number of employed a<; \\ ell.

I-Iou .. e [)ISC Also Faull~'

The I-louse Wa) s ;md Means Committee. perhaps rccognlllng these pitfall ... has offered its own "ersion of DISC as a counterpro­posal. Instead of offering corpora­tions a 100 per ce n! tax exempt ion on all profits from exports or "cx­[>ort-rd:ued" activities. the Hou!>C suggests Ihm DISC (aX benefils be based on the amount by wh ich n corporation exceeds 75 per cent of its nporl sales of the threc prcvi­ous years.

E,cn this modified \'ersion has its faulls. First. \\hy use only 75 per cent as a base? This sti ll leaves a 25 pcr cen t windfall exemption for I..'xports. Second. the base period shou ld not remain static but should constantly move forward; otherw i~e, windf:11I exemption is granted for the growth in exports tha t normally occurs :1<; our economy and those of ot her nations expand. Third. then,: is every possibili ty that normal trade channels will be disruptcd as taxpa)ers sed.. to di\'crt their ex­ports into Tk'W organizations so as to creatc the arti fi cial cxistence of a low or 7.4ro base period. And fourth, there is a \'en' serious flaw in the idea that subsidizi ng an industry will somehow make it more competitive. Experience in other ind ustries has alre:ldy shown the opposite to be true. Subsidies make an industry morc dependent , nol more competi­tive.

Corpor:ltiollS Gnill; Workers Lose

The establishment of DISCs. in any form , will creale tax loopholes larg,;: enough to knoc k our entire tax structure out of kilter. It has been estimated that by exempting


the export industry from taxation, the federal gm'ernm cnt will lose be­tween S600-m illion and S955-mil­lion. or roughly S I-bill ion. much­necded tax doll ars.

Who makes up the loss? G:orge Mean). in testimony given hefore th.: Committee 011 Way~ and Means. ha~ sta t...:d: "Every dollar of Taxes gi\'en away to bmines!> and industry i .. a dollar morc that l1Iu~t he pniJ by sorn...:one else. or a dollar\ worth of public racilitie~ illld 'l'n ice~ that :Ire fo regone. In the main. that 'wmcone ebc' i~ the American 1\:lge .lIld .. alary earn ... ·r-th:u broad spl'ctrum of American... that Iho: Pre!>ideTll likes to ca ll middle Ameri­cans:' President Nixon ha~ made the<;e four proposals. (I ) Delay lon~ mcnlue welfare reform ... (2) Dcl.}' sched uled w:tg...: incr ... 'a<;e" for federal employees until Jul ) I , 1972. (3) Slash federal cmplo) mcnl h~ fil'e per cent. diminating 100.-000 jobs. (4) Wit hhold the federal rc\'cnul'-sharing :t'sistance thaI has rqX':Ltcdly been promised to the financi;llly-sirappcd cit ies .tnd states. If carried out. the!.e fo ur propos,lls I,ould replace the mon ... 'y lost through DISC.

Wh atelcr lIapl)Cncd To The Ta:\: Il:eform

It I\ould be ironic if DISC be­comes the firM technical income tax Icgi~lation to pa\s Congress after the 1969 Tax Reform Act. There

is no reason to :\eccpt it in either the Treasury's "fu ll exem ption" or Ihe House's " incremental approach" form at this time, but the reasons for rejection arc many. The U.S. has al ready set in motion forces which will gre:1I1y a lt er the present currency relationships :md the future international monetary system. The competition of DISC!. added to .he ID per cent ,urchargc recently le\ il'd on impurh would fUrlhcr !>1r.lin already-tense trade relat ions.

Furthermorc. the) prOl idc no adlkd inc ... ·nt i\ e to increase U.S. C,­ports. Till' henefits of tax deferral would be a\;lilahk to alllirms \'hich c'-porl goods- regardl ess of whet her their export s:l k s increase. decline. or remai n stable. DISCs would re­ward many of the corporalion" that haw been export lllg Am erican jobs. technology. and indu~trial capaciT~

II ith a ta>: bonanza that would en­able Ih..- 111 to do more of the same. And tIll') would do nothing to elim­inate the basic fac tors \1 hich have led to the deteriora tion of the U.S. tmdc position- factor .. Stich as: the spread of man aged national econo­mics. the international ization of technology. the !>kyrockC' ting ris...' of invcstments b) U.S. companies in foreign sub!>idiarie:o.. and the spread of U.S.-based multinational cor­porations. In Slim. thc DISC pro­posal is inequi table and would com­pound existing internationa l trade problems.

Legan Elected Conference Chairman...,.,,,.,...,.

. . was etected chairman of the labor Conference of the National Safety Counci l lo r 1970·7 1 and was etected to a th ree·year term on the Board of Directors 01 the National Safety Counci l at the National Safety Council's 59th Annual Convent ion, held recenlly in Chicago. Here, Brother lega n, left, accepts t he gavel from the outgoing chairman, Tom oHton. r ight. as Howard Pyte. President, National Safety Council, looks on. ..

Jerse y City Gatherings ....,.

Seen ;\I II .eecn! banquet 1I0oorinil 8,adu8les and old I;me" o f lO~8 1 164. Je,uy CIty, N.J-. ft ••• I •• ted, leI' to riahl , Oustous Manage. Howard E. Schier, J ... Internallonal Representll' tove '" Te"),. R. J. OttM.".lf, Ralph Ne ... Ph,1 O'NeIll, Jr., ","nk Perrone. Claude PonzIo, Jotl KimptOn, and J,m Mllr'''en. Standing. W,lhem Ca"y. A' Kef,le., Henry Rttn" •• , W,I· Ilam St.,on, John Woller, W,lham eehuke, f,ed HeUe"ck. etl .. , O. fIlU.r, i!nd And.tw O,Pietro.

e/llllilllll'd /rQIII fIIlJ:t' J9 Ihi\ "a~ a momenlOlh occasion. and

l ut\',";,',u,",,1 Itcprc'>Cru:"i\e AI Terry con~c)ccJ the mc~~age of Inh::rnalional I' rc~idc11l Charlc~ II . I' illunl, conllra l Ll-1:lIing tho...:: "ho had ntlnlJlcu ,0 man)' ),el' l'> \If ct,Jminuou, IIlcrnbcr,hip in the llrolhcrhOOtl.

May Iho>l: \Ooho are entering the I';InJ..s ~r\e d~ f3ithful1y ;.~ thU\C "ho h3'C preccdeu them anu \lho han" e~l3hlishcd the ~oOllition~ that Me nO\l cnjo)ed lind. unfortunately. somellme~ talen for granteu.

"I he ..... orl. picture h ~till bir in this arell bllt i~ follo"ing II ml>'>t-unu~ual [mllern of up~ and down,.

WAtTiR II I'1cltll"s"t. I).S.

Correspondent Criticizes Article, Company Attitude 1,.1 _ 165. CIlI C,\CO. II.I •• - In Ihe Oc­tober i-.sue of the I llinoi~ Hell maS:l7jne. the article entilled. "Worl IIselr.- "as certall1ly aimed al getting more produc­lion wilhoUl ~pendll1g nlUre moncy. To oppo<;c Ihi, would -,cern 10 he ~pc:lJ..ing !lgni n ~1 mUlherhood. I·loweller. M:l Heirs moth·e ... 11 ' revealed by Ihi~ arlicle. arc ~uspce1.

T he :micle. of cOllr-;(. b ",ell wrillen. It comain~ piClures of ,'cry a.tlrm;:li-e )oung ladies. of cour'>C.'. and stirring quolations. ~uch a~ ... , ou're rJrdy idle ... I M,e that: I h:lIe j",t ,iuing :tround doinS nothing." " I lnow \lhat I mu~1

do, and I \ike it. I \iJ..e hu\ing cxtm n::­spOl1\ihilily;' and .. Befor .... Ihings were prelly boring . , • now, you can do more types of things:' -I hc..e young la­die\ "ere in ~upport of Ihe contention that people arc: re"ardcd h) bcll1t; shen more re .. ponsibililie\ :md addilional "orl.. operalions to fulfill their need 10 be tee­ognllcd :t~ pef"iO", of importance.

I he arlicle a.I\O quote) ,orne \CT) illl­pre"ille IIn"cr~itic .. iUU.I ,1c~IC"') I" '111'­port thi, conlemion. I lowt!\cr, unlil thi~ company lICCCpl~ ;h polky "hal it J..m)"~ in fact-Ihal. in OIiT pre<;cnt ~()­

del). Ihe ~Ironsest moll\alm~ 1,Ictor lor I;rafl\l1len. \upeni\Or,. mllnageh. and ~OlllrJny omcer~ i\ monctar) re"ar,j-it \lill Ile\cr re,e.-..c It!.! do"n .... ar,j trend in thc tompan).

1 he cJ(celJcnt craftSman mu~t be 0[-

rercd rromolion 10 a hi~her-paying craft and. iluer. 10 nmnagcment.

While there i, \llliJily 10 the Idea Ihal addilional rc\pon\ibility and title, "ill fe'Utl in gre,u ... r drort~ 011 Ihe p;lrl~ of people engaged in \lOfJ.. that docs not in\olve 1110nclary re""rd, it is nOI hll,k· ally Irue in the field of indlhlf). \lhere the doll'lr I~ Ihe l11ea\Ufe of importancc.

The ankle i, a true mea,ure of Ihe compi.ny\ iOle~ril)·. In iI, Ihe comp,ln), ha~. hy half·truth,. by no Iruth, and by \ome quole, of 'OIlU: very allTilCli,c )otmg latlies. pUI 101,,<,ther a beautiful "~no\l joh" dC~lsncd 10 maJ..e our peoplc thinJ.. thaI money is not important.

E.\RL E. ~h./'ILr, Eo. COmllll//liel/lor

Contr~ct Made Effective After Stri ke , Talks L U. IS ... . G ,\U:SII URG. 11.I_-lIrOlh­"'I~. t'll" UI! }our p"pcr and pcn~ and .... rile a leiter of t h anJ..~ 10 100crnlitionlii Vice I'rc:~iden l T. E. M;llone and Inter· nalionnl i{crrc,entatillC Howllrd More· land 01 Ihe Sixth Di~lrict Omce ~tllfT.

II h indeed a ple:hure in these day~" ..... hen mo~t lIl"n in hi!;her offil;c, looJ.. do"n at Ihe ~m'llier Iahoring man, 10 know Ihat the: abovc-menlionW men came 10 Ihe fronl <;() admirat.>ly 10 "orl "ith and to pull "ilh Bu~inh~ Manager I)wlght Goodin anJ B u~ine~, Rel)fe .... nl· mille Me"in Chancy. With Iheir com­bined J..nowlcdge. they he lped m rcap the hllrve~t. Our wonl, Clln Il ... \cr Ihr. nJ.. them enough for Ihcir con~lderallon. ~1I1' dehl!mding. guidance. dctcrmin'lIion. and \aluable limc. 'J han~~. Tom and IIO"3rd. and God hlc\~ )OU al"a}~.

Our conlrd~t had e."<ipired on Jul) 5th. and negotiations had gOllcn no"he:rC', as Ihe inucpendent eonlr:IC'lor:. and our '-Ie­sothotins Committee couldn't com ... do~e to ternh. Augu,t 19th WlI\ Ihc d:lle ,et for our :lppcilf:lnl'C before the (oul1\:i1 on Indu,trial Rdaliom. \lhich gmntcd u\ a 7S-cent·pcr-hour nth ... , lel/"uii~ti'~ 10 Jul) Slh.

Sin.:e our "a~e :tSTcenlenl ..... ;'1\ \uhor­dinalc 10 the Wiige Slilhili/~'lion Hoard machinery before /\ugU\1 I ~th. :.c~ord·

ing to Secrel,lr)' of lahor J. D. llOo.lg-

son. our \lage' "ere nOI afTccled by Ihe President's "age frceze .

After Ihc der i'ion by the e JR, asrecd 10 by the contmclor~ and Ihe union, :l nd upon returning home. the contraclor< re· ru\Cd to ~isn the I;ulltr:.ct. T he Intcrna· tional ";1\ IImincd. and a ~lriJ..e \la, ~anclionC'd. Afler 1"0 and one·half dil)' of picLcling. Ihc contradO,.... .. igne,j. '0 ...... our 10000al h,h lerm, that ,Ippru:.lh thO\C of our oeighhoring hxaT\. \\c IhanJ.. the umlm~tor~ for the had. p.l)

I pr:l) nu" thai the contr;tCl0r~ and the llnion mcmbcr~ "ill forsei lhe 1'01,1 :md that all Ilill \lorJ.. together fur thc good of Ihe public. A heany Ihan\., 111..0 10 the member<, ..... ho "al\.rd pieLcl dill)

"'Ih regrel. I announce the p3"lng of lloyd Gehtenhcr~er \ Iany old tramp\ "ill remember him and hi~ blhlOe" In Galesburg under Art-a-I.ite. He "'I' ,t J..ind :md ullder.lulluillS m:1O. lie ";1\ a NI-.CA conlf:lClor who ,,;1\ a!"a)~ r ... ady to ,isn a r:lI .... al nC!;oti:Olion\.

O. W. "lIud" "";Lohy" Rcynolu~,

Leonard --JacJ.. .. Cooper, and Hill We:lth­crf()rd arc rctirin!;.

Our appf('nti~c \thool gr;'lduatcd Gilry lice\., John (.II11eron. Rodger Thor. h~\. Wells, and MiJ..e I eahy. Good luel. fel-10\ls.

Ihllil "1'1 II:;" COSSt;M, P .5.

Press Secretary Discusses Controls. Stable Economy L U. 193. SI'R"GI'U: U). ILt.- 1t "a~ 12:01 A.\I.. No\Cmber I·t 1911. Any· town. U.S.A. Mo--.t people \lere .. k-eplns and were nOI nIl arc that the inili:11 IIm­

chinery had been ~I:lrt(",j Ihal COIll­

mi.'nced a new em in which thc 111("'1 draSlic steps in modern \lmcs .... ere Pili inlO elTect with I' rc,ident '1ixon'~ I'h:l-.rl II .

We can only hope the end rcsulh :Ire a halt. or at 1cll~t a .. Io" down. 10 inna· l ioll. I anl SlIre thllt :111 of our union of­licers fronl Ihe loc:lI Icvel on up will conlinue their uni ted efTort, to guiuc u~ \li:.ely Ihrough Ihe forthcoming ye,IT~ of compllcatcd rrice and "agc controls.

II is our promi~d. and agr«d·upon. obliGalion 10 further Ihe purposes for "hieh Ihe IIl t'W wa" inMituted and, liJ..ewisc. ol1r entire f:IOlilie\' obligation to monitor price', [I, our 1cadcr~ have recommended . We nHl,t in,ht that Ihe CO,1 of living ~. heM dOll n, or Ihe co' lire pl:ln i, hc:.ded for trouble. FfTecti'e "atchdo!;sing. e~pcciilily by our \lhe,. "ill certainl) h""'e a ~isnificant imr:td on IIceomplhhlng this challense. Slrirl tlljorn-ml'lI/ bv lllf' !'rief' Commij\WII IIIIHI lor r":l(lh imrt.-m('lr/('d.

On the other h,md. the Wage !Joanl mU\1 he prer:lrcd tl) I.>t: {lc .. ,hlc cmJIIgh 10 allow a percelltllQe of \I:oge in....-"';I .. e, Ih,lt "ill he ,utlkicnl 10 (I"ure no 1o" in purcha,ing ptJ\lcr 10 Ihe hreau-ilnu­buncr people of \meflca. In "omc Cil'>C". Ih ... SI,r.. guideline "ill havc to I>c: Cll­~ec,jed. lloth lah<.lr :onu mana~cmenl

mml .. in~erel) and hone,lly Iry thclr 'cry he,I 10 get ouf I;OUIiITY ball on a ~ ... hlc "'l·onomy.


:< Ian), of our ..... niccmen lind \lumen. \lho. in ..orne ca>,C\. are our wn~. daughter>, hllsband~, or other rcl;Hi\c'. are returning 10 civilian life \I Ilh no JObs :\\'ailable. Foreign import~ are one faclor cau,ing Ihi\ prohlem. ~o plell.)!: tr), 10 buy American-made Ilroducb. We 111\0 hOIlC thai the go\·e rnrn .. nl \\ ill limit imporb.

We ;Ire \Iill :Iltempling to fi n;tlilC our imide contraci. \lith Ihe pcmion dall \/,:. al lhh l\Tiling. hein): Ihe onl} Ilcrn in ui\pulc. \\e are in ncgolialion\ \lith the Cil) \\ aler. light. and I'o\lcr Cornl"'.an), and are hopeflll that thc p:lrlic, 10 Ihc ;Igrecmenl halc Dc:tll:r Iud, al rcwhing :111 i~\uc\ Ililhin a rcawna!>le length of lime.

I hat ;lbu\lI II rap' il lip for nO\l Our meml'Cr. :InU officer .. l-i\h :1 11 of )011 :\

happ) hoi ida} ..e:I)on.

M . V. 51111'11111.11. 1' ,5,

Local 208 Work Is Fair; New High School Rises

t.u. 20K. :"OH:WAU\:, ( 'O",,\'.-\\orl.. In our jllri ..,jiclion i~ fair :11 Ihe pre \4"n l. Oll r el c-ctridan~ arc completing Ihe new .... Of\lal\.. High School. Ilhich j .. :1 1ll;1\'

.. 1I·e concrete ,ITUClilre con .. i, tin l1 of \.evcn bllilding.; :Ind Iwo cOllrl };lHk

I he LC;LI"Iling Cumplex j .. made liP uf 1110, fOllr-\ I\)I). \'el'li1;::Li hUII'c,. Ililh Ihe ';:Ifelerill Orl Ihe ground lluol' uf Ihe 111'0

hUII'c~, Bellleen Ihe Le:lrnin!; ('ol1lple~, there arc 1110. Ihree-,Ior) hOIl .. e, Ihc AdmlnhlrOlhon lIuikling and the lil,rar)'. Off of the Adrllillhtration 1~lIilding. :m' Ihe left :tnd ri~hl "ing~ "hieh hou-..: Ihe ;nrdilOri llrtl .rnd the Mmic Cenler (lefl) .and Ihe nrtlna,ium <lnu p-ool (rigll1)

Thi~ new \chool \lil1 :"Kcommod:lle ~,500 pupih. II ha\ ;t 3.000·:lInp. three­pha-.c ..cr, icc, II ilh tnlmfurmero. .Lnd di,­Iribillion panel .. in all .... ' ·en I,uilllinl;\. It aho ha \ 11 170-KW. Ihree-pha-.c. emer· J;:e nc}, g" ner:l tnr lighting '}MCm throughout. There i\ al-.o a l·lo..cd cir· wit lelcli,ion ')~Iem. "ith a pnxhrdion 'luJio. and Ihe \Choul ha, :In ai r-con,ji­lioning ~)'Iem for coolin~.

The elcctrical conlr.u.1or i~ lhe 1.lIna licelric Company. Larry I .e\cl( i~ the general foreman: Rtr ~~ Gcill. foreman; Rud \ .... OlOna. foreman: OInd I·r.anl. Ouda\. ,hop ~te\l ani.

1'111111' J, UO"'I', 1' 1, 1'.5.

Utility Worke rs Organized; Negotiations Under Way

I .. U. 210. /\TL \ :-;TlC CII'\' . N.J .­ilminc" Manager Fd Ritchie orgllni/cd the ph) .. ical \lorl.cTi of Ihe Vinel~lnd I:J ecITJc Ulihl) Cerlification from Ihc InlernationOiI Office \la~ recci-e,1 in Ma}. and the lIor\..er'> now OIre member.. of our local

At our regul"r monthl ), meeling on Nov~mbcr l'Jth, held in Bu1.'rw, New lcr<:ey, "e e'('l ll li,hed 01 unit in the jllri ~· diction of our loeal for Ihe Vineland member). They lli ll be tinder Ihe ~upcr·


Work on High School

The" m"mbe.s 01 L«,,1 208. Norwlllk, Conn., .r" wo.k.", lit o::ompt"t,,,. the new Norwllik Hiat"l Sct"lool. Selled. lelt 10 "aM, B.. Bill Sh"rry. lo .emln R"u G".U. to . ,,· man R"dy Ko rooa. Phil Bone"lpnl, lind Dive Thomlll. S tllnd.na. ROller Ko klS, Ray Kin!ock. a"n" •• 1 lo.,m." L •• ry Le~elt, fred

Vos~t, Don (Ieck •• nd Jim £v~ns.

This reBr ~'''w st"loWI In" two, lou.·story L."n,na Ho"se.

Ao "a.ly phoiO. showm, Ine crew sla.hoa 10 p.pe ,n one of H.e decks of l he Learn",.

Cornpl ..

\i\ion of our loe;ll . '1 he nell unit h nolV in the procc~\ of nCIlOli:JIinll II ,om!'ac\.

\\e congrahll:llc Ii" .. ine" \hll1:1gcr Rilchle for hi, ' lIcee", in UTI1"niling Ihb territor)" :Iftcr one )c:lr of IlTcliminar)' I..I\.., :lnd ,,~ monl h, o f pr~cdure,.

Allfl'clllenl Nurnbr.:r IK he l"Cen the Al lantl' Cil) I Ic.;tri.; ("omp;ln) :.nd our 1000·ul e\pired (JII i)c.;cml'er 12th , :Ind \Ie are no" negoliilling ;\ n<:\\ ~onlr:tcl. Our 1'.cgotililing ('onUllittcc m1.'mner, are l're,iJenl ("harle, R Arnold, Business Manaitcr KIIChl1.' . Uan\.. lIIo-.c, J ohn G:I~\..O. Jr., (,cne ('uion, '10m .... in..cll. Stu rhompwn, and ., cd Woodw.ud.

AI Dudley, al the II , I . Fngland I' lant. became the I1nlndfl, lhcr of a boy, and Bill Scllel'lnan, I'l c11'II11 I1' ilie 0 1lC1'a­lions, Ihc grandfalhc r' of It gir l reccntly.

Extends Wishes

Santa CII US. belter knOwn as Gene Gu,on, Recordina Sec.eta ,y 01 Local 210, Atlanl,e City. N.J ., UI~nds Ihe locat's s,no::",e, 800<1 WiShes lor the new yel' to aU 01 !he wo.ld

Al and 11111 arc :1\ proud :" c:ln he. :tnd I\C ofrer them our tonl1ratul:ttion~.

A Thi rd lli 'lrkl ~ I ccling Ila, heh.! in Allami.: Cit~ on OdoN:r 1~lh and 16th. [);: Ie!;atc\ g;,lhere,1 ;11 the Allamic C il) SI:lle M:lrinu fOf inlere,ting and inform· alil e Illeeling\. l're'ldelll Arnuld :uld HIP, inc", M:on"ger Ritchie :,Ue nded.

We mOIlI'n Ihe ,Ie:llh uf I lIdllig Kell ~,

!l I"nll-tim.;, al'live IInion mCll lbcr. 0111' , ,)Illrib il liun 10 "I Ileal I inc," had

been '\..ipped recenlly, l'ec;llIw I \\11' un :1 10llr of "Irk;,

WIIII I\I r 11\111 1\ ,I'.S.

Cline Deavult Mourned ; Dan Hart in Honored

L U, 23 1. SlOt X e rn , 1 \ . "e ;,re al",I}' ";lIldened tv report the de" lh uf one of nllr nlcmhe(".

II wl her (line I)ealllll, 6J. p;."ed ;1\\") un O,'II\I",r 1 1 .. \. ('line "'" inili· ated inl<l th~ 111 1 \\ ill 1')47. We e\l1.'II,' Ollr , in,ere't ,)mp;'lhic\ 10 hi~ \\if<!. Mar). :lnd ")n, Ruhert.

QUI' ,.pprenll,·e or Ihe }ear. 11.'n 1I ,lr­lin, \1;,\ honored al a gr"duation dinner held al Ihe Joe (';Intl Sical.. Hou..;! on No\cml>c.-r 1:!lh. Our .;ongra t ut'lion~ ;Igain. Dan'

Our IhinJ·}ear apprenlice, ha\c heen bu~) don;llin!.: Iheir I:tNr 10 Ihc Junior A(hic\cmenl l'rol1r.ml. r hc Siou:c Cil )" 1' le~ lrit':J1 ContraClor, donated Ihe 1I\,lIe­rial. alld thc loc1l1 elceukal II holc\ilk

Mou rned

Cion" Dea~ull Loc .. 1 23 1. Sio". C"y. I .... p .. n"d ," wily On 00::' lober 31st a nd ;s



Sioux City Activities

-~ Jim Levy presents the Apprentlce,of.the·Year

Plaque .0 Din Ha.hn. fight.

Seen" the recent graduatIon dInner. are. left to "ghl, g"slness Manage, TIm M"rray; Bill Hossack. NECA, State Cha"mafl. AI" p,eflt,cesh,p CommlUee, Tom Co"'gafl. com­mIttee member: Jim Levy. Cha .. m.n. Loc;al ApprentICeshIp Commll!_, outstandIng ap­pnnhce Harl",: and Go.don HaMln and JIm

lewis. NECA commlUee members.

houses donaled Ihc light fixtures. We thank them and Ihird-year apprentices Jerry Hagle)'. lerry Bernhardt, Jerry Cr~le). Jim !o\.a\1lnaUllh, John Scnttn­toaugh. and Mi~e Thill ,Ind In\trm:tor John ttillgin~ for lheir lime.

Pre,ident Rohen Beacom appointed Did !o\.e .. ~ler a\ chairman of the Anntt:ll Hell-Ringing ('<lmp;l!gn for the s,,'lh:ltion Army Chri .. tmas I-lind, whieh \\;" held on December 18th. Aho on the tommil­lee. l'oeil:' BrOlher, Jim Cunmllnll~. Bob Meyer, and Dit~ R)~ta .

Brother Roger Thomp'-On .... as ap­pointed thairnUln of our Annual Chri~t· 1m" I'arl). Scn'i ng .... ith him, "ere Bill Bliven. re!;i .. tr:l1ion; Clair HOT,ley. emer­tainment: Gary Cain and \1 1~e l'lan"cn, sift~: and J e~~ J ohn~on. Jr .. rerre~h­menb.

I'll have picture~ of Ihe~e cvenh in ne.ll month's JOllrll(l/. T ill then. nllly you and }'ours ha'e a 'ery happy and )afe New "c.'ar.

L-\RR\ 'I lI'>t", 1'.5.

Barbecue-Picnic Held; C ommitteemen Appointed L U_ 23 ... S \LI' \ S. C \U F,_ lhe tois e\c.'nt of the }c.'ar. the tollrhe~ue-rknic, .... hieh .... as held at Holado I>a r~, hap' penc.'tl .... hilc: I .... a\ on \;Il;ttion I'hotog-nlphc.'r, DeWin A_tin and \Ir" "aul Johmon "eTe thcre thouJ!h. :Ind thr.lugh Iheir len,.:,. \\c '<Ce .... hut peuplc du al the'>C occa_ion,.

'1 he picture, ;Ire of mel1l\lc" ;",tl their .... in·'. but I elln ,I"ure )011 thaI Ihe (hildren 'H'Te there and .... ere enjoying il. JII'( try 10 tut,'h '>Omc of the...: elce­trician,' ~itl, for piclllrc) ,umelime. !Jet­ter forget il!

Prc,iJem William Smith ha, I1W" .. the folluwing eOllllllillee appoimment .. : Ap­prentict:~hip--Per I rondhjCIIl. D;l\e Ruben~. and Ralph Gilme .. : Health and Welfare-I)an Pauer""n. \li~e "un~1e, and Ralph Gamc.''' : Pen,ion - Da\e Rub­en', Lee "ni,Ie). and R;llph Garne~: and Joint Conference- Bill Smith, Br.!.d Conger. Lee Knhley. Jim \Ioore, and Ralph Game~.

All of \l ontere} Cuunt} /in'ide .... ire­men) nov. ha, the aitc.'rnating 32· hour .. O-hour .... or~ v.ed That\ 26 three-day "ee~end,. and .... ith the new ,\Ionda.,. holiday bill: .... ell. you IU~ t count Ihem.

The Kili ...... r aJ!reement .... a\ ,ell]cd re· cently ..... ith appreciable g;lin\ for our Inaintenance membe ......

Gl.ES"' A. Due", oc", P.S.

Savings Plan Adopted ; Christmas Party Held L V, 252, AN'I AR I.IOR l\ II CII.- Thc VAK '>Ian. a comhincd ~;l";ng\ and SUB arrangement ..... ;1\ adopted 1"1.,. the member..hip al the (k(oher I3lh mem­bership meeting.

After the Joini Arbitratiun Commillce has had ils fir,1 meeling on the ,ubject, full delail- of the plan will be an· nounced in the labor pre~~.

Our loca1"s Annual Chrhtma\ Parly v.as held on $aturday. December 41h. from 9:30 P. \1. UOlil Ihe .... cc houl"". al the Huilding Tmde) liall in Yp_ilanti. The parly featured a union band. a mid­night huffet \upper. beer, :,et·up', ~hips. cle.

Da\e 1J0Ihou<;c, Chairman. lIU-W JaC~c.'t Commillee. rc.'porb that Ihc.' j;I(~­ets arrhetl but thaI Ihc) .... ere the .... rong tolor and had the .... ronll ICIlc.'ring. The member. \01«1 10 -.end them bac~ 10 Ncw 1-II1\'en. Connctticut. for torree-tion. which mean, approximalely fi"e .... eds of ..teluy.

Joe Va1cncich i. OUI of the ho\pita l and i~ home recuperating. Clrl Goyer. J r. had a fOOl operation for a dbl"a~


AII,act,ve WI~es 01 Local ",.,;;;;;;;:-0;;;;:: member, serviflg attractIve salads cal's recenl ba.becue,p,cflIC. Lell 10 M.s, DIck M"rllndale. Mrs Ralph

and Mrs.. L"I.ry Metllck .

Brothe. and ""I'S. ClIff Knler. Cliff. ,ellred. 1$ staYIn&: o"t 01 Ihe smoke.

moo<. ~'~'''';~ -.O"'~~~';::O;,,;;;;;~;;;:;;: dent Bill

Asllfl . M,s.

Brothe, and Mrs. Cliff McOan~l, Chff. are· 1,,_ also. lale, traveled to Hot Sprongs.

Ark.. his home town. 10. a vacallon.

Personalities in Ann Arbor

In,er"lIlonll Represen,.It"" F •• "k K"dlu 11. dumped Into • vo l of Ic. wa'l< by ball. ball.,hrowlng members 0/ Locil 252. Ann

Arbor. Mlch,. al Ihe loe:ll's (lCln' pltnlc,

-local 252 Pre"denl Rlchlrd Kelt coni.,. chl"man.hlp 01 the Rel"II' and WIdOw.

Club on rellred member Reuben Rose,

H~' •. P,,,~.ok"l K .. U <.",,1 •••• " tou,.o ••• , ~mbe.sh.p On Mlchl,ln Sup.ema Co ... t

Judge JOhn 8. S .... ~"nson

The Gln.r.' Efec,,,c Shop aowtong Tum. champion 01 ' he Elec t tlClI Wo.~e,s 252 New Union Home league. Sea ted. left 10 righI, IIIIm 1.ponsor J'm W"ght end JOhn Johnll-On. Stlndlng. R,· chard Sha ..... Jerry Gutekunsi. Ind J'm Ruegel1..

LelT 10 'ilhl. Cen'r.1 Llbo, Council P.nl dent F.ed Veiacl. locil 252'. Prell Sec'I' lary ..... 'th Nat Gold/maer, ' he AFl·CtQ Icon· omiSI. al III. rec.nt M,clligan AFl·C'O SI", ..


eOOlaCled "hilc hc "a .. IIilh Ihe par;l­Iroope,..., io \ ietnam

Rill Pin, "ife injured hcr I>ad. :lnll h re.:uperating. :I~ j, Jame, fcrri ... ..on of IIrother AI. "ho h.,lI many "ilchc~

lul.en on hi, face \it,e j() a ,dlllul a~d­dent.

Brinn :",d add ilion 10 Renee.

lIarharii ( i {), .. h:.~~ :, ncw Ihe l:fI"il~. a lIaugltler,

r" .. di,,~ 1I '0lher rchl'~ "ife is in Unilc~ily HO'>pil;,1 for :.n operation.

r ill 1) VI I(.I I . I' 's.

St.nd,na In honl 01 the new homl 01 locil 262. P1"nl.eld, N.J n.mad ,n 1I0ng. 0' III. loc"I', I ... bU."'I" mlnlae,. "re_ left 10 tlEhI. P.,,~,d .. nt AI P~ftO!'ttO!'. Jr thO!' R~O!', end J.mes While; Mt$. W,II,.m f ShiN",; he. son. I ... ,nl; 8Uilnell Manal" 80b C.rt, .... "11'11; A1I'S'"nl 8us.n.n M.nlle. J,m

a.no: Ind M,1. I.\"nll: Sh.Ner,

Rood Damage Exte nsive; New Union Home Dedicated Ll . 26l . 1'1. \I " ' IFLU. 'oJ. In Ihe OCloi1cr i,~ue. I menhonell hOIl 'low Ilori. II;" in our "fea. I hrel.' 11:0)' :oflcr I 1I, ,, ikd tlt:ol kltel. l to",i .. "",; 1)",j"

"Inlcl. (ell1m! ]\.ell Jel'>C). >::Ul\inll mi!­!iun, "f Itllll"r, Ilorth of «MIl:'lle 10 home 011 nef_ anll illu"'lri", :<lil.e.

Among 'he jnd,"'rlt,·~. Amer!;:nn Cy· anan,id\ Hounu Ilroo~ l'Iunl .. ufferell the healie,1 hr.,..e,. H ood II,,'er, poutcll

Flood Damage

American C.,.nam'd"S Bound Brook PI.n! "11. idll I"d qu •• t under ,eeedmi flood wa ,.... thl IlIe,math 01 Huft;cane Dor;a. which c.uaed un!old dnmage and wh,cll lu .. d the ",,,npow,,. 'UOU'CCS 0/ local :262.

,elcn feci of 11"lI:r IhwlIllh(lUI !he I~O building~ "hkh mai.l' lip the complc~: '1lIlcd Ihe "0'1. of '_0011 emplo)ee,; ~nu thrc;lIenell Ihe million, of lIollar, "hi.:11 'hc plilnl "du~ 10 Ihe "re,,', econom) cach ~ear

I he Ircmclldou\ tJ~!. nf returnin:,: the plan! to norm:ll o/X·,:.ling ~·.mdili\ln,

hes:m Ih l'ce d;I\' I"II~T. 1I",inc" ,\I:m­nller Bolt C:1I11Highl anU A"i,tam Bu_i· oe,~ 1\I"n.I!:CI· J im (,,1110 ,.upplietl eleClri­cian) 10 \'OO1r" .. 'lOr, "ho'l.' dent"nd for manpo\ICr '>Ccme.! unlimllell, \, Ihe "orl.. fOlee n-a.1K-J il\ PC"!.' ~~o cle':lri­cia", \\crc \\urlin¥ "I o .. crh3ulin~ .12 po"cr Ir.m,former ".:Ilioll~: lIr~i"g oul ;Ind \\ipin¥ lIo"" HKIC.I e1curi .. ,,1 ~1:"·le ..... anll hrc;ol.cr\: ;md lIi,,\'ooncujn~ 2.!1Ot1 e1ceu".: molor,. \\hi~h hau to I>c ,hiPP<'11 0111 for !>Cnicc :1111.1 then rccul1lh.'cled. r..lt lc, uf \lirc \\cn.' nUl for iemporan ..en i~c'. ,lOll nr" \1 ire rcpl;t(ell R H "ire. \\hkh hall hcel! ""m"le.! hI Ihe flood \\;1'e.",

In [\ .. hurler lime than 'lIl~one thou~ht po'~ihh' (")lI0111nlll n.·(l1\~h,.1 from tht' 11<JOd ... hilh h"d ~'(ltnpJelel} imlllul,i1i"ell it. :tnt! :t~hiclC,1 flill elllployrncul. alol1~ "ilh 7,~ fl'C! cent uf prull,,,:!i"11 IIllhil1 :, munlh.

A lI"iel lIcdi,aliulI ceremony "ii' I>clu for nllr nc" home :,1 li~ Route :!06. South ~om,'rvilll- r he \\ illi"m I Shl,f­fer Builllin» i, !\llmell in memory of OUI

1;l\e hll .. inc" 111:'n'I{...:r. Iii, "illo" anll '>On. I n In!!. IH're pre ..... lllcd "ilh :, mcm· ori,,1 (11"qllc tol Pre,ident Al I'crrette. Jr.

lort~ ·)e"r rnernl'cr Jad (jeor~e. Sr. rdlc,'ed (In Ihe Oc1!inninJ,! :IOlIgm"lh of (Jur 101.':11 ;llId ih rule il! Ccnlru! Jer"C) I"NlI. ISu,in,'" 'l;m~l>cr Can" righl 'pul.e III our local\ pre-.clll 'I"IU~. IIhile '"i,';,n' BtI,inc" \ I ana~er (",00 ~JlOl.e

011 Ihc fUlun: of Ihc local. \\e hUh' plnn, for II .;omninnlion

m~elin~ h,,11 ami ch."ruom audilion for apprenl'>:e ,lOti JOllrl!e\I11 •• n tmilllng pro-1lr:lIll', I he Ililurc of ollr loc:,1 i, in Ihe IHII"I, .,f Ihe I1ICI1lI:'<.:I',. """'Il lmu uld :.lil.e. Ollr fUIIIIC "ill be :,' brighl ." "I.' ""r ..... lIc, ma~e it. !'erllilp,. Il1Iou~h Ihe Iruc nlt:lIlillj! of hrolhcrhooJ-helpin~

tt,,,h olher. \\orl.ing IUgelhcr. anll Ir~!II­inK ollr Brul her, :" equal_lit can :Ichielc H bright \lnd ~eure futllrc.


Whhinj;; :1 11 of you a happy New Year. Pcacc.

KI..""uli J 1)1 Crcoo. /'.S.

News Updated ; Pension Settlement Totals Millions l.. lI. 2(j6. I'IIOF."X . \JUZ._We ha"e heen abloenl from the )","'1111 fUI ..0

long rh:1I "0;: "ill attempl 10 hit a fcw highl ighh and bring you up [0 d.l le.

Our "a1;e il!lIlcmcnr 1.1\1 )car "a' for 81 /1 t"(. for ;111 ela~ifi .. Uliun\ ami an :Idul' tional 'oC.'\en cent. pt'f hour for [hc lo"er eight shop and field lahor graue_. Our clerk;l! mhe \Ioll\ III 1 f;. "ith 1 O· cent \tep' ellef} ,ix lIlunth~. in'tetld of five ccnr~, Our fringe t-cm~fi t s tOI:I\c,1 ;1 5 I r;, inerc'l~ of Ihe payroll and in· clud"d :m additi,IO,I] 11llIida). impru\cd v;lcUlion ,.ho;:dulc\. imprtlvo;:,l mcuic;.l ~·ovcrllgc. pen,ion henefit,. lllllN'd ,id leave reimbursement. ' hift premiunh. ;1I1IJ utller l'lcmiulII I"'Y hendlt\.

I he highlight of Ihe negmilltion~ ";I~

our pen,ion plan \CUlcmenl, All emplo)· ees recei..::d :111 of their (ontrihUlion_. plu .. e'lrning,. trom plu, ifllcption in 1946. hac~ o\'er :I thrce·)o;:ur perioo. I hi, :lmounl~ to a rdmbur'oC!lIent of ap­prO\imalcly 51·million to appro~imalel) 1.500 emplo)C1:~.

We rahed our p<'",ion retiremenl ben­cfit~ 1~ per cent anu got ;1 co,I-of-!ivinc udju\lment for ull relirl'll I·mplo)ee~. ba..cd on the difference in Ihe illde.\ from Ihe lime of reliremenl 10 }anuar) l. 1'J71

W.: M.: 'cry proml of Ihi~ -.cuicmelll on our pen~ion pro~r.lm, an,1 our peoph.­lire \lell dC'oCnin~ of Ihe outcume.

Our ne\lo ol1icer, arc l>re~id~1lI

Thom:l~ White. Vice l' re\ldent Kot>crr Wll1ilum, T rea,urer I ,tun Cope. and Recording Sl!crelary 1I .ln)' \ k \l ul1en.

Th.> "11"~UIlV~ 1I0Md mcmber\ are George Nc L.n. Jamie Huwar.1. Cia} lin Ie,. :Ind I)"n Anno;:r. I'onner pI'c~i­dent Willi:1I11 I·. Cumming' ha~ heen :lP­poimcu a~,i.,t!l111 hu.,in~_' m:IO'11Ier. illld I am the bu,inc" m,.n;ll!er ilml fiIl3n\'i .. 1 ..cerel.lr).

Our mcmbenhip h .. , io.'rca..cd 10 mure than 1.1UU :,"Ihe O1I·rnhen. and \Ie ha\e "ppro\imately II~ per ceot of all hourly emplo)ce~ ;1' mcmt-cr, 111 thl~

ri):hHo.\IoorL I;IW ,laiC, We arc prep:mog for neguII.lliulIs 011

medicul in,ur;lIlce. \lllge, ... nd the new l.'O;!nenlllllg planl heing huilt io I'J~e. Ari­lona, \Iohich will be called Ihe '1a\ajo Gern:r"'lin~ Plun!. It i, t-cinc built on the N;l\·ajo Indian re'oCn.uiun .

We "i,h all of )ou a h.IJlp) holiday sea-.on. tr Ihe ,now gel, IIlU .leer' "h~rc )'OU arc. come out an,l enju} our truly Ilr~al \leat her.

Do~.\1 n W. II \1 L, H.M.

Non-Union Firms Threaten Corpus Christi Jurisdiction I_U. 278, COH: I' l tS CIlIUSTI. T .. : X.­A !;Crious problem h de,'elopinll ill our ..

j u ri~ict ion. \li lh sevenll ~ ilable jobs I I~e l y 10 be ICI 10 non-union eontrncIOrl!. Thi~ 'oCCm~ to be a nal ional Irend-a

pari of the o~er-a ll l'-i\on ll"mc plan 10 wred orlliloi~.ed lahor. ]1 ha .. t-cen 11:­

ro'led Ihill. ,1.,I;un\lide. Ihrec of e~e ry

the lar~'<.' jo"",, arc Soing non·uni!)n. Building I(ilde, union~ arc a Jlrimary

tilrgel of Ihi, game plan We mU~1 do .,11 "c c .. n 10 unify the hluldinl! Ir".k~ t>cfu(e il i., 100 late. If \Ie dun'l, lhe en­tire I .. hor mo\cmefl1 "ill '1II1er. ollr \lilY of lifl." nlllM rellirn til Iht' di!)~ or [he \\\(:.11 ~hOJl :lOd Ihe ~ello\lo-dug (Onlr.lct, .md Iho;: emplo)er could h;l~c ;In e\en­gre;l[er econQmi.; ,lranglchulJ on hi\ ~mployec,.

I{ o;:ccnt "Pp(lintment, to th~ Nntional l abor RdutioM BO:1f<1 cr.. IIHI) hll\e "Ireluly PUI that hOH,1 in thc control of the emplo)er.

Wc !lI1I.,1 nOI tow the !:uin\ Ihat wor~­ing men have mmle 10 thc P,l',t co;: nlll f}. We lnow it\ goin!! [0 he II rough lir hl ; 'lill. \Ioe mmt ma~e the tlllht for lhe _.l~e uf uur famiJjt~,

1\ 11 of Ih ,houM ;H!end Ollf union mcclln~\. 1001. <Iller (Jur mterc"I~. aod in,j'l in this impOrl anl Ii!!hl.

Be \Ufe thai all eli!;ihlc members of our famil), arc regi_[errd III ,,\Ie,

Hill H ()u;a\ 1>.5.

Holiday Safety Stressed; Members Work on New Inn

1..1 . 299. C "IBH:IDG.:. OIl IO-Wilh the hulidJ)' ~a,on "lih 11\, \.I(cI)' C:lO­

nOI t:-c ,l\cfempha_iled

I ,1111 wrc tha[ man} of )'ou \\i1I be duing <luile a hit of lra\eling-Iho-.c of \OU \lho \\or~ a\\ilY fwm home and Iho't! of \nu "ho "ill I.lC drhinll grent dl~I :lncc~ 10 ,i)i[ rel"t;'e, lind rriclld~. Whalclle! )u'" ~:he m:ly ke. pku-.c leilve carl)'. tH~e )'0111" time, ro;:,1 frc­quently. and. mO_1 of llll, "ri~e ~are­full)

I hope Ih.lt you have ~ho't!n fireproof dccora t ion~. Fire (an di_figure Ihe humun bod) in a mUlier of ..ccond,. Ml heel" n~ Llr a\\:I} from it ii' ru\\ih](' I er", m:ll.e thi, the ""fe\1 holiday ..c:I'>On e\er. U .I\C a h,lpP) and -afc holiday '>C3..on,

T ho;: a,;(omp;lII) ing ,n.II"h"l~ ,hoI' lhe new Shen;lIIdoah Inn. hcing ,0"~tru,"led jll,t ea,t of CambriJge ,III 1·77, \Iohich \\ ill mcludc a ll-l-unit mOlel. " Ifud \IOp. lIod .1 re,lauran!. I hclie\e th" •. at Ihi~ time. Ihe onh union .l1Ifh till Ihi\ pro;':" ;Irt' the electrki"n, "nd Jllumh­el', '>0 ma) he our local h:" l'ainl"11 "lnte ground oy i t~ part being ~hmen Illliun.

A!!;lin. my gOild friend. Bilt Calluh,m, i~ ha~~ in the hO"Opilal Bill h,I' had quile a lime with ~ldne) Infe .. liulI" 1 he he.,t of Itlc~ to )ou. Brolher (;1I1"h;lII. Get \Ioell ,0011.

Here', wi_h ing a ll IIH' W mrmhers a hupp) Ne" Year.

A l\ llS~ E. ,\Ie HI 'M .... 1'.5.

Work on Cambridge Motel

Th, ",,' 1100< 01 the Iwo-slory, 13.·",,11 motet. Shlneno"a" Inn. in Ih., J","sd,ehOn

"I Lo~.1 299. C8mb .. dgc. Ot,,(,-

B,oIh .. < C".,I<ls McC;o1l on Ihe lob .. I Sh,,,.,,do,,h Inn.


James Sh, .. ", E.eculive BORrd member 01 LocIII 301, T'.'f~''''. leo,. recently s.~eo the hie of " CI,penter who w .. s wad""11

n.e' him.

James Sherrer Saves Life Of Head Attack Victim 1..1 . 301. I ,,·X\H:K\'''. -n : X-On Ocwhcr Ilth. J.lmc' \herrer. an 1'\Cdt­the lIo,lr.1 memhcr of our local. ';i\ed Ihe litc uf I red Jone_. a 'ilrJlCnter \\ho \loa., "Of~ing ncar him

\ Ir. Jt)oc, ~1It1crcd ;1 hear! all;leL :lIId coll .. p-et.l IJrother ~hcrrcr admlni_tered fir-[-;liJ 10 him, .Irlilicial rc~pir.lliun. ;tnd ehe~! m:l",I!;e, Afler .-c ~e ral minute,. \I r. Jono;:, re\i\cd. Now. ;lfter a ,hon _tilY in Ihe hU~l'iL.I and Mlmc re~1. he h hac~ on [he poh.

T hi, carpenler i .. a li~ing )mbol or Ihe , Iatemenl IhJI fi.."t-aid and ..afclY plly off. We :It l ()(:lll 301 are iodeed proud uf lI rnttwr Sherrer, il:. \\ ell \\c ~ houlJ b<.

W. A. SUt I IV,\'l, 1'.5 .


Local 302 Personalities

Two "big" men of I.OCll' 302. MlIflonez. Calif .• at. PreSIdent W. 8. "Bud" Dyer, left. /lnd HarlnOn I,MeIMU, both 0' whom .e· "mU), receiwed 30.yea. aw,,",ds at the loe .. "s

Annulil OId·Tim.~ Din"er.

A very friendly couple. Local 302 C~dil Union "',,".S', Jim Cornelous and his wile.


Dinner Honors Old-Timers; Members Further Education

Lll, 302, "MUTI" E1... CA I.IF.-Ou, 1000al re(cnll) honored ih old·lim!:,.., "jlh it" Annual Old:1 imet'> Dinn(.>r.

A\\anh were prc.;,cnle<.! w BrOlh~rs

II ho have 20. 25. 30. 1,~. :lI1d 4~ ~t:I!'~ of rncmbcr.,hip ill the III EW. ' I he .1";11"(1, 10 the Brother, rcprc,entcd l11orl' Ih:ln 1.2()O-nmn-}c:u·, of clc.trkal Ilud •.

Ollr -.eniol" uhJ'lirncr j, AI \OI,!I. \'ho rccci,'ed hi, 45-) .... :1, pm. ...ill \\ url"<ll. l'lo},t Uorl-man. :mll lI arold ~lona~er

reeched 3~-> ... ar rin~. Hnd ~rtJur' of IS to more lh;,n 20 men re.:ei,.:d scni.:e pin~ for :!(l. :!5, :Jnd JU ye;Ir~ 01 --.er, in",

It i, gr:llif}inJ!, to ,e ... lhal m:ln) of uur Brolher~ :ue pUf'>uing more educa .. tion .. \\ e h,"e BrOlher, enroJlcd "I Ihe 1"0 counl) junior colleJ;c, in <.;our>l..'" Ihal inelude "c-Idinl!-.. el«lroni,~, motor ,"onITOI. and refri1!eralion .. (a1>k-'plicing h being 13ughl 10 ;1 limiled ida" h) one of our Southern Californi .. r Hrotherl> .. Larry (;i1>-.on, Olher Brother. :rre la~ing

chemi,lr>, alj;ebr:l, caieulu" :,nd Olher "dlancL"d ,ubject~,

Our local h:o ) a I ... ry <ll:lh," lIy1:."5 Commillee .. under the l'huirm:H1,hip of Sam Boucher. Our Apprentice,hip ('om .. mittel". undcr the leadcr~hip of Brolher ,""en Coni) .. "or~s hard to m:l~e sure Ih:1I the new journey men being turned Olll a rc o f the hibhe~t caliber po~~ible ..


Jac~ Walerson b the chairman of our Safe ty Committcc .. and he is presenlly studying lhe lalest changes and addit ions to Ihe sta te safely orders in order to ma~c recommendations 10 thc members of the local.

Ed l\ lcCarrol. our paSI pres;. 'l«rc­lary .. is no" the chaionan of Ihe Politi .. cal Commillee .. Ooe of Ihe m3in efforts of this eommillet;: is to ma~e ~ure th:11 cvery m,rn in Ihe local i, regi,tered 10 I'ote .. e,>petially in ,kw of the nucia! upcoming ft"deral and M;lte elel·lil,)n~. W ... arc hoping Ihat men and women in or!!;!­nized labor realize and "ill remember "hal the present admini~lratilOn ha~ done anu h planning to do for the "or~ing man----c~pecially "hen the) j::o to the JlOII~ 10 lole.

Bltsine~s Manaser- l inaneial Sc,-rclar) Jac~ MeClnn ha) been ap[luillled 10 the Nalional Joint Apprentiee~hip and Training Committee.

Warren Jac~man and John Hlinler :lre Ollr t"o a~si~lant bU<'ine'5 m:magef'>, ;lOd they are kept bu,»' ,lith dhpal'hing .. contract negol1allon~ in the \ariolts unilS .. jUri)(/ictional problem~, and cen· trallabor ,ouncil bU5ines~.

!'.-\l!L O. S Il.l Hl'D. I' .S.

Seven Journeymen Welcomed; Members Assist Brother

L..lT. 305. FORT " AYSE. I~D .. -Our local union "ckomed .'>Clen 1lC'\\ jour­oc}men at the Apprenli.:e~hip Banquet held on No"emher Jrd al The L:mlern in Fori Wayne,

T he Rel'en::l1l! Philbroo~ of the Fiht llapli~1 Church was Ihe sue~t ~peaker .. and the ma~ter of ceremonics was Non· <;cnior ~ l ano'~i.. E\'eT)oOl" ("njored a \ery inlere,ting elt'ning :Ind a l eT)' deli­ciou~ meal ..

We "ekome Ed Middaugh, RlIs~Jl McC,nn, Michael Clos,on, Lowell I{;wgh .. C !;II'\.: D('" rb)'~ h ir('", M i ~ c Barrelt .. ami Terry Arney to the lIn ion.

fl l an), of ollr l11('"n went to Clit fire· "000.1 and 10 trim man)' tree, a t Ihe home of ooc or I heir Brol hers.. Stcle o;.:hui'>en. The men \lere lery happ)' 10 help Slele .. :Im.l I :110 ,ur ... Ihal ht" :rppre· dau .. ~ Iheir help leT) mu.:h, Mr--., Sehu· ben red the men a I\Ond~rflil me;r!. and the)' certainly ,,;:Icnmcd it. Wur~ in Ihe local area i .. jll~1 holJing

il~ olin righl nOI\ .. I hope that it ~ecps ~Iead) throughout the "inler ..

One of Ihe main proj.xts in the Fort Wa)oc area i~ the nc" Alcoa Bui ld in, ""'ing built on Hadle) Road The job ,hould be completed 'oOOn, The accam­pan)ing piclUrcs \lerc la ~en in the ~prinl1 .. "hen the men \lere jU\t gelling :I

good Mart. G \LI..:--I E .. 01.1"1 Ml_R, I'.S,

Wireman Contract Settled; 50· Year Members Honored

L.. U .. 309 .. EAST ST. LO UIS.. ILL.­Hello. ag"in, f l'om Loc:.1 J09~ Sorry 10

Fort Wayne Scenes

Seiln 111 Ihe recent Apprenltcesh.p Banquet of loc1lt 305, ro.t Wayne. tnd" a.e, §ealed lefl 10 "ahl. Lowell RauBh_ Clark Be.by-5h"e, MI_e B&ffell. 10u.I!>·yea •• nslructor Paul Nacola, and Terry Arney, Sland,ng. Ed Middaugh, R"ssell McCann, Michael Closson, Eucut.~e Board membe. Kermit! Jones, NECA A,u Representative FOSler McCtUl"_ Durnu of Apprentlcesh,p and Training rep .nentallve Kennelh GIbson, and Executive

Board member Ron Sm,lh

LOCal 305 members dona t ing Ih"" S"<'IIC"S al the home o f Brolh"r and Mrs. SIeve


locil 305 members On Ih" job at the n"w Alcoa BUltding.

Old-Timers Honored

The SO-yeo. members and oHice,s of Loe.' 309. East 51. louis III., loUowIIlIi: t he dlnne, and awards ceremony held far 1111 loca l SO-

year members.

V. L Cann"dy is congratula te<:! by h~ SOn as he re<:elves hIS SO-year pIn end certificate.

Businen Mana!!,,' Roberl J. Faust cong.alu­'"'.S R.ymond Wenge, on his SO ye.rs 01


have heen amen! from my pr ... ~s dulies \0 Ions. I "as cnjo}'in~ il .... o"<1crfu l Ifip 10 our 491h slale. AI;I~~ll. r he hillh1ight~ of Ihe trip Ilcrc Ihe opportullille~ \l) l>C':e Mt. McKinley, -':urth Amcril::,', hiShc~1 peal.. and 10 obsene (lOll phutogr:lph mlul~ of ,\Ia,"a', "onucrful. big, game tlnimah.

Sc'eral important thin\;\ hale hnp­I'cned in otlr loca l ~incc my lu,! writing. 'l he "jl"cmen\ contrilel ha~ finally been M:1I!cd. No decision was rca~heJ by Ihe Negoliating Commillcc, here. anJ the elise W;I\ ~ubmilted to the Council on Indu,triill Rcl:ltiom in AU!;lh!. A favor­abl..: contr:le! was a\larded us and has

fin ally been approved by the W:\gc Sta­bili 'ml ion Bo:m.!.

Our th;In~\ 10 our Negotiating Com­millcl! and 10 the busine" m:uUlller) for the many houh spent in Ilaininl,: :1 fa­vorable ,l!lIlel11enl. Hov.-cH:r. \Ie :Ire sorry 10 have 10 report Ih:11 \lor~ i, v\'ry poor in bOlh the inside :mu OIIl,ide bnlnehe~ of Ihe Irade. The ecunomic policies of the Nixon AdllliI1i,Il';l lion ami :In .. nti-Iabor Slate adminhtralion arc ,ure 11lIrtinl;.

IJrOIIu:r, Jim Hei'iC nnd GellTge ~and­eN reponed lhal, al Ihe rec..:nl AI-L Stale Convl!n1ion, our gO\eHl()T eouldn'l even bOlher to aduress Ihe group I hope OIiT Brolher, lIiIl remcmhl!r tu 'lIp[)orl CO I'F anJ e .. ndidate> favor'lblc to l;loor in the 1972 election,.

On the hrighter side. onc of ollr finc~l annu:tI eH'nh \1;1) held on OClOhcf Iillh -the a\lanling of 50-)e .. r lIlemhcrship pin, :LIlII :1 dinner for our 50-)ear ml!rn­ben, Ii) Ihe wa~. \Ie arc proml of now having. 14 fifty-year rnCl1Ih..:r,. Nineiecn w..:rc pre,cnt ai the dinncr. 10llr new men "ere IIclcomcd to the fine grOllp of senior mcmhcrs-Eo.lmond Viner, V. L. CannOlo.ly. 1 homa) O·!.aullhlm, ,IOJ R;L}­mond Wen~er.

Gr\':ltly nli,»('d at Ihe dinner. \la, (lllr olde<'\ mcmt->cr, Frank l orec. Iholher Force i, 9-1 r.n(1 fecently hrol e hi, hlp. l~ ep\lrt~ ;Irl! lhm he is reC\)H!ring \"('T)' nicely and h n~ full of life n, cler.

We 11(,h ;111 of Ollr fellow (llembers ;t

h:1PP), holitby lIC:l\on. J I{"I< V\--':I R. P.S.

Binghamton Work Good Enough To Share

L. ll. ] 25, BINGII,\ ,\I"fON. N.Y.­Wor~ in thi~ area i, good enull!:!!1 now 10 ,hare '-Ome with lelephone men Ilho .. re Olll on ~Iri~e for bcl1er I\agc,.

}-Icn Ihough Ihe :l,greement bel\le .. n c:lrpe11ler~ :lOd eleetric .. 1 wor~eh on Ihe iO',t:lIl:\lion of JllminOIl~ cciling~ \Ia~ agrecd upon in Wa~hington. we. in Ihh area at ica,1. have 10 be on ollr gllHrd to get the wor~. A very big joh in h)w­lcr's I:>t:pntlmenl Slore \loilid hale been 10\1. had il nO! been for 11 lIord 10 Ihe hall in lime :tnd ~ome forceflll conl"ero;a­tion Ocl\leen Bu~ine,~ Man:lger Ro!lcrt BrO\ln and Ihe Slore man<tgcr. along


wilh the ceiling cont ractor. 'lh i~ landed the local :1 sizable job.

In the future. th is might mean work for )Orne men during ' 1 Ilc ~ limes. Le"~ gel Ihis area u'>Cd 10 our doinS Ihh \\ior~. I'erhap, ~ome of the Brother, IIho hal"e done this \\or~ lIiIl leRch more of U~ I<.ho arc nOl acqllainll.'"<1 \lilh it. We certldnly sholilu know how 10 do it. if lIe \\antlO claim il.

The eollap;,c of a Iremendous \l':lffold a( the Marine Midland Ban~ lillilo.ling :.ent thrce pcr'>on~ to Ihe ho~pita l . one in erili~al condilion. Thi~ accident mRy l11a~e the \lor~men more c:lreful of (he danger~ of 'c:.lTolding. Gr.Lnted. our "or~ cnt:lil ~ danger al all time~. hut kl\ always he IJil guard to nlinimizc d:ln!;er, and re(u<;.e IU \lor~ around poor \afety pr<lclie~~ A call to Ihe hall ,houlll hac~ Up:l Ic!;ilimatc grie\ance.

T he l:uc~1 ne\l~ i~ thaI "e arc limileu to a 5.5 per cenl \'-,Ige increa-.t.:. [f Ihe adll1ini~tralion C,1Il ma~e us ~\lallow Ihi, no", lOU elm bet wc lIill be under con­Irol fon::ver. I' ortunatcly, we havc Georgc \I ~an), who "on't let them have their way. If anyone can gel U~ OUt of Ihi, trap. il mmt he he.

Our IOCHI h now conULlCling a \leld­ing. cia". \lhieh ~hould add 10 OUf con­)Irue\ton ahilitic,. All ll1elll~r, \I ho don'l ~now thi, <'~iI1 may filld il u,cful

ScI.'" }'O\I al l11c nexl meeting. Brolher,. i f yOIl h:.nc IIny nell, of inlCfC,1 (01' Ihi, column. plc:he do not he,il:ltc to call lIIe at 722-21101.

11RRY RI(; .I~. l' .S.

San J ose Work Slow; Pe nsion Pl an Considered

L.U. ]3 2. S,\ " JOSE. CALW.-Wor~ in Ihi" :Irea i.. quite ~Io\l at the prewnl lime. although \Ie hal'C indil'alion~ of a pid-up in the \lor~ lo:od. \lhich \I ill JII,t ~eep us going.

Our 10c:.1 commenced wn,idcmtion of a local pen\ion plun in Decemher. We arc eagerly loo~ing forward 10 the plan.

Thc accolllp;onying pholOs \lere laken on a \cry inlcre,ting project: namely. al San Jo-.c SI:lIe College. The contr:lct call. for Ihc proli~ion ba,icr.lh of a ne\l )cfljte and i:oub-feeds for the eol­kge. -I he primary feed is IIO- KV: Ihe ~ub-fccd,. II -KV. BrOlhl.'"[ Bill I[ inlon. who ":I, Ihe gcncr:tI foreman on Ihe job, j, reeo,erillg frolll a hearl allac~,

Ilith lhe joh no\\ under the supeTli'ion of Brolher George Bo"worlh.

Ollr lahof hi\lOry Cill'S for the :Ip­prentice .. ha, jU~1 ~tarted. T he l"Ia\s h l:1ughl by our tlU,ine\~ ma nagcr. Thi, cour~e wn~ ~tnrted 10 years ago, :tnd il /la, provcd vcry wt)rlhwhi1c.

All of \I, in Local 33:! exlcnu our whhe); 10 :lll or ~Oll for II vcry pro,pcr­OilS New Ye,lr.



On College Job

The.... members of Local 332. San Jose. Calif .. h.ve be.,n work' ... g at prOVIding new servIce at San Jose State College. Kneeling. lefl to "lilli, _"" Bruce Jones, Ted Day. S A. Jackson, HarOld Mosher. lind GeorB" Bas· wOrlh. Stand,ng. Nick Day. f.ank Gam ... f. hI( JanowskI. La"y e ... nnlln. Webb Ralston, Clarence Fag,tdl!. and Business Motnager

Chatles OlShOp

Gen",.' lo,,, .... an Geor •• Bosworth.

Splice, Ted Day. left, and ""518nl larry Brennan ,nspect sOme 01 thai, SphCH on

II KV sub f .. eds.

Stewards Attend School; Contract Proposals Accepted 1..(. JJJ. "ORrI.A'f). " ••. - This n,.· poorlef "a, one of 14 ,hop ,Ic",onh from our loc(l] ;tllcnlling 'chool :,\ the Unin'r,il) of Maine\ Gorh<llll LUllpu,. This educational program \\:" ,pon-.orcd by the 1.0. fur \h!y,:l.rJ, from utility an ... Ielephone locah in the are,c

Clas.<,e~ \\cre con"'lH;lcd b) I'rofe~.,or Ro~er Sno\\., Jr. ,md hi\ a~~i'l:lnt Hill Bear. The ~iX lh an'" la't M:,~iun on 1'00-vember 41h "a~ conduCled by In lerna­tional Rcprc-.enlnli~e J ohn Cnrr. Jr .• "ho is on the ,Iaff of lnlernruional Vice Pre~ident J . E. Flynn's unice. Brother Ca rr laught IljFW hhtory and expl:lined the organizalional Slnlcture and objl..'t':­tiYes of the BrOtherhood.


We hud lhe pit!,I>lm; uf IIClling :tC­quainled wilh m.my of Ihe ,hop ~Ie"· ards from l ocah 2)07, UO,ton; 2317, Augusta. Maine: and 2327. AU~U'la-all employees of the 'e\\. I n81nnd Tele_ phone ComP:lny and all of \\. hom re­cenll) chose the IBE\\ a, lheir bargain­ing agent. We. of cour..e, learned frUIII each olher and fOllo..l th ,11 man)' of the trade union prohler", are ~orllmon 10 all of u<;.

The NOlember member~hip meeting Ila, \\.ell allen ... e .... in ~pile of hunlin!! --.ea-.on. Propo-..1h lIere aex.:pl.:J for lhe nI'l'. eOIllr:lct 10 he ne80lialeJ hefore Ma) ht. Reeommendalion, :tre un h.mJ tu illlpruH our ho,pilal and mediea[ in­'lira nee ami lhe p.:miUll plan. I' re,idenl Bill Dearden ha~ rcminueu .. II mcmhcr, lhat lhe J anuary mt.'eling lIa, the UC:lJ­line for aen'pling prUf'U",h fwm Ihe lIIemher~.

We ,-,ooper:tted II ilh Ihe Cenlr..1 i\I:line POll er Com pan) in Ihe ~ucc('"ful Uniled Fund (a"lpaign. I'rc .. idenl Ikar­den -..:rved on Ihe COnlrlliUt·c. and ,ome of the ,hop ~ICI\aru, Ilerc helpful in ~ .... ing ;1\ colletlor,.

We are sulrerin~ the .... wle t)pe of J;riclance, a, Local 83'J. AU8u~ta. l'> len in progre"ion are nUl 1!elling lheir pro­gre"ion increase, in POi). a, prollJe'" for in the contract. \\ e hope th:ll con­tracl enforcemcnl IliIl be po"ible Juring I' h,l~ II.

G. Roml\\. 1'.5.

Surplus Corn Is Problem; Members Urged To Vote

LU. J·n, n.::s \10 1"1-.:5. I \ .-we 1u· \\:In, "i~h Ihat all of )OU lIuul,[ cal more corn. [o,,:r i, pi;,gllc(l Idlh Ihe large)t corn crop in hi.,lol). At Ihe lime of Ihi\ writing. \\ilh half of Ihe crop \(ill ~landinJ; in the lieltl,. ewr) ~Iora!!c

fadlit\' i, filleJ 10 o\'e rOo"ing, :\0.1 l'om i~ being dumped an'" 'Iored on the p31CU ,treet, of nJral '111alllllllo',

I! i~ al-.o beinS piled in lIianl rnoll!lJ~ on Ihe ground armtnJ f,trtn\teau~. NOI only Ih"l. 11m 10lla Il'"d, the n:thon m Ihe numher of h.'cf l'au1o:-. lI o\\eler. there i, far more com Ih:1O Ihe caule ,-,an con,ume.

The lIage frel'1e (On~(k:I"J b} the :.Id­mini'lmliun ,n uin.-ct nmOil."! \\uh eolkcti,c t->arS-ilining proli,iom in la­t->or-rn'ln:weml'nl agreemcnt, h.1' c:ur..cd COn,lernalion among uniun memher,. It i, Ihe hope: of '11] union mcmt->cr, Ihal ~u~h nl,lItCh lIill be ..... lIle ... h) Ihe time Ihi, mc,-.age appe:IT'> in prinl

It i, unbelielah1e thaI an) aumini,t(;l­lion \\ould I:lLc unilaleral :lI;lion~ to pre· \"Cnt lIurl..eh. ,uh)e(t 10 '-uthmmlard "age\. from rctei,ing benclil~ lICguti:tted lIith employers. II hen. "I Ihe ,arne Irme. ernplu)cr organin,liorh ,Ire frec lu reo (elve lhe profils from the lIage frcele in the furm of Jividends and capilnl inl­proltnlenl~. Neeulcs~ 10 ,a), Ihe :In ... ~er

10 such imposilions i~ for each umon member 10 reJ,;isler ,md 10 votl'. Support

bbor-endunoed eilnuid:ue~ for public oflke~.

or equal importance to union melll­be .... and the gener.al public. is the loss of jobs uue to Ihe suppon of foreign rnerchanur-.c: and olher imponed proo­uCli. The an,"er to ~uch competition i, le'ted III I;]hot', b:I,;c philo-.ophy thaI limon rnembcr~ ~hou[d t->u)' onl) union­m,llil: prodl"" manufaClUreu under -.otInJ lIage~ anJ uther condiliun, of cmplu}mcm.

lIere. in lu\\a. it i, nl'~t 10 impo"ihlc 10 ohtain banI.. checl.., bearing the AllieJ [' rinlinll Tr.II.\e, l'nion I:.rel; no Juuht. union member~, elcn memher' uf the printing Ir;,Ue~. pa} Iheir uniun uuc~ 1\;lh l:hccl.. ... primed in ,,'ah ,hop,.

lIe r~ in J) .. " ,\loine,. il b belieled Ih:ll a nel' innO"lIion in lrniuni~m ha, been founued "Y Ilrlue of the e,labli.h­menl of a 'Oci .. 1 elening inluhing all l'Ieetcd union utlleia]., an<l repre'>Cnlatile~ of the ,ever;!.1 huilding lradc\ uniun~. I he fir,t of ,u,'h meeling~ \\a~ held in Ol:luber, .. nU more than 100 allenueJ a gC!- .. cqu:tinteU 'ol:ia[ :tnd free ~morga~­hurJ, All "ho parlicipateJ greeted Ihe gntherjn~ a~ a hll~e ,uccc" anJ :.re [oo~ing for"'ar'" to Ihe ne'lt ,w;h affair.

II h helieleu that. b} illloh ing all rle.:teJ office" of the scycral lraJcs. per­linent promolional infurmalion m:.y be fill.'rt·d dOlln 10 the ran~-:tnd·filc mem­t->cr.

I- KI IJ POll IRS. 1'.5.

Retiring Members Honored; Two United in Marriage I..l, J .. UI. CA LC \ In ', AI.TA.~\lore

than 150 [;ue'15 atlenued a banquel in F,lmnnlon. Albert:l. on O,lOher 22nu, honmlring n al;d "5(011)," Charnbef~ and Jim l\1:.rr on Iheir retirement.

ScUll) j, retiring "rler I'J year, \\jlh Alhert:l GOlernmenl I eit!phone" and Jrmmy r~ rClirin£ ufler nearl} .n }c;]r' of -erl icc.

StOHY ha, been a rtIcnrt->cr of Ollr 1",-,,11 'ince Septemher. I<)S~. :tnJ Jimmy h'I' heen a mcmber ,int'e !I [ay. 19--10.

1111 \\ "' .... ice :llIarJ, IIcre pre\t'nled 10 the retirinJ; member_ h) Hu~im'-!>li

\lanaj;er II R "]Juh" \lei~[e. l'ni-on \\cdding bell, rang OUI fur

IIrother I red SI,muin£ anJ Si,ler June II romlc). Olemhch of our local. on I\ U­

gu,1 2!«lh. in Medi,-,ine I lotI. ~\I herla.

Fred and June are hoth lery :rcli.,.e memheh uf our hxal. In facl. Iheir rn~ling oc,-,urreU dl a Joint BoarJ meeline. anu thel bcc.1mc engaged dur­inl-! negotialiun, 'N:-I\\eCn the local and A[bert,l (,olernorcnt Telephones.

fhe lIedJing ceremony lIa~ ublim:li,e in that lhe 'l1tend:tnt~ lIerc all union memher\. Frcd\ :Hlcndants wore blue union blazers lIith the IBEW crc~t.

In :tJdilion 10 the wcuding party, there lIeTe very culorful Scolli_h Pipers, II ho pru,ided the nlu~ic.

BOD ilh.lKl£, 8 .M .


Calgary Social Event,

BU'."IK' Man,lge. Bob M"kle. lOCI' 348. Calaa.y, AU •. , ptesenlS • 15-y ......... "0 10 .eUti"a member "Scotty" Chambers a' .. bllnquet Mid ,ecenlly ,n honor of B,olhe.

Chamber. and J,m Marr.

He'I, auslness ManlBer MeIkle p"sent~ It 30·y<ea ...... 'd 10 B,Olh,. Mllrr,

Se." . , • wedd ing I ' whl"h .11 01 Ihl par !'ClpllfUl we." ur"On memlNl'5 .• '., lett 10 ,IShl, Prelldent Rod T. Flack , Don SIlndlng. BUSlnen MenlSe. MeIkle , Fred lind June S' andlng, Pall/I)' Kinner. Assl"a"l 8u.I"'55 "'.""'8" Ag"e' H.,st ..... , and Carol WIUcoch.

Three Brothers Mourned; Attendance Picks Up

L ll. 35M, " EItTIl 1\'1II0\' . .... . J.- The loca l \\;I ~ ..:ulllenc::d by the 10-.' of Broth­cr\ /l.rl .... cnnell). John 1')[.:11. amI lIob Redmond Our member\ ClI.l'rc', their dec,"",,' \)mpalhie<, 10 Ihe fallillic' of the"," depar1ed Hrothe". Bot. I(ctlmond .... ,1' a Ita_cling tlrolher .... ho had \lor~ed oUI of our local for olier 20 }e.lr,_

Allentlane.:' III our local uOIun OIeel­inl1' ha, pi..:~etl lip lo",ideml>l) in Ihe la'i fe\\ month,. It\ 1100<.1 10 ...ee M)

n1;ln) IInllher, IIIrnin!! out for thc meel­in!!, .. , here are ,lilI pleOl) of 'C,I" left. ho .... e\er. A, II reminJer, th~ I11cding~ arc held lin the 1i"1 ;\nd ,hl r.t Wetlnc .. -day, of 1·;I~h monlh.

Ihe 1>1" Irip 10 the IH)<:~e)' illll11C HI the Src~lrum ill Philadelphia un Nmcm­ber 2-1lh \1,1' :1 ilfcal 'LI~~C". /\11 lide" were ,old, and in ,pi te uf the CIl I\I. ram)' \lcalher , eler)<lI1C hall it !!u<)\1 InllC.


Many Ihanb 10 l arry x;lla (md hi ~

eommiuce for a .... onderflll ('\cning. Hope 10 ...ee more trip, like Ihal in Ihe future. The ",ore .... a .. Bo-.\()n, 2: Phil:l· delphia. I.

Thc membe" of the 11)01.-;\1", Relirell ("Iuh hdd a tlmncr (In De,ember t ~Ih al the Ye (tlll"~C Inn in h.C\pon. I'm ,ure Ihe\ haJ ;0 {l\1<.JJ limc , It", {luoJ 10 'lee Ihe uIJ·limc" t .• ~ing :In intere"l in rl:mnin{l dub ,11I1\uie',

Ihothcr \\ illl:lOl \\ (lilhl I\;h ...eriou"l\ injureJ in a r"l1 from a to .... et :1I lhe I ,,,,,:.: Genenum{l <"1.llilln in Nc .... ,Ir~ Ik ....a' I\or~ing al>oul .til (eel from the gtounJ. \\~n he Ilkl hi, (oolmg, IJ rolher \\ righl i, rCI'uper:lting in Ri\er­\ ie.... Memorial lIo,pillll In Red Il,m~ We all lool fUr\\Md to wemg him had on Ihe joh ,oon.

BrOlher \Iile 11.lrrigan·, c:lhle·'plk­ing ,~hool i, oU 10 :1 IInoll ,t;orl. Brother I·f:i rrigan ~aw lhe need for qualified , pli­C<!h ill the loc'll ,inee the reliremenl of our re~illenl 'fllicer. I tlJic (,oollm:ln. Ou r thanl, to BrOlher lI arrig:11I for hi, init iatiw in ~elling Ihi' J1rogl~1111 ofr the IlrounJ.

The Annual 1110(1<.1 lI ,m).. DriH \\,., a great ,u,ce",. \\ e ,ufr""ed our 110<11. due 10 Ihe lirc1c ... dforl, of il rolher; Jo hn BI"cl and Joe h.orcloL Well dOlle.

1',, 1 Sc: "'"'' L, I' .S.

New Officers Installed ; New Contractor Signed

L. U. 379, C II AlU ,OTI f: . .... . C_- We re­centl) in,talled ne .... otlker" They :Ire " resident ·1 hom:h T . Cok. Vice Prc,i­denl r red Wil ..oll. Jr ., I re:,"urer A. Wil­'!tOn Davenporl. I(ecordlng Sc(tclary Wayne V. Kill1licl , :tttd Il lh,ne,s M:\n­ager S. EUllen~ Ruff.

The j' xeeulil e Board mcmhcr.. a rc LOLJi~ F. Crump, Chairmnll: Georgc R. HorJ . J r.: J :ll ~ H. II Ulller: R. I.. \\,il ­loc~s: and !'red \\'11"on. Sr.

T he 1':o.:lmining IJoanl memhcro. a re Gene S. Buc~\\of\h. J:tcJ. W. Met'''een. and Harold I . NOf\\ood. Jr.

The.)C officer.. \liIl ..cr\e :1 thrt:e·ycar lerm.

We are pleawd 10 annOlln.:e Ihat \\e h:1\e ~igncd 11M:- Sigmon I k~lfk Com­pany of Slale\iIle, l'ot'h Carolina. a\ a ne\\ contraClOr.

Our Chri,lma, p..1r1) \lA' IM:-Id on Dc­cemtler 161h al Ihe lI olida~ Inn 1\.umher .t in Charlotte, t\ (Odlail hour .... Ih fol-10 .... 00 h)' Jinner. Ihtn enlerlainmcnt allJ Jancing.

rhe Joint Apprenlice,hip anti Trainin!: Commiltl.'"C \\or~"h"Jl \\;1' held in Ch:lr­lotle on l'o\embcr "Ih lind .5lh. Our local \Ia~ repre'enled hy II lhine" \bn­ager Ruff. l're,i,len! Cule. and J Ull

(ianl. Bucl B •• ~t'r. DI"e~tor of the Na­tional J A I C. \\;1' the in,tru~\ilr.

The \lor~"\Or \I:O~ \ a) inf.)rlll;tli'e and in'tr\h:dullal. \Ve Hflprecialc Brulher Il alc r '~ lulill ~ lime uut of hi" hu .. y \chcdulc III .n!vi,c (I' re~"r.ting Ihe new 'I:mdard, and hiriull rlo<:cd(lre~.

Outstanding Award

Buslnu. M .. n •• ~r P~I E. Oamlanl. Loo::al 363. N_ C,ly. New YO'k. cenle •. IKa,VtIS Ihe Roo::~land CounTy OuISland,n. C'VIC La.da', Awa.d '.om Ih~ ROO::~land County VFW B.olh .. Oamlanl was l>Ono.ed 301 • dlnn •• ,dlne.. "eld on Novembe. Illh, In Ih. Piau, 8.auhaus, Pomona, NY. with

app.o."nalaly 300 pe.,.on5 altend"'.

Charloue Officers

Tha naw ottlee ... of Loo::al 379, Char tone, N c .. arl. aea ted 11011 10 "It.!. Bu"nau Mana.a. S [uBene Rull . PresIdent Thomas Col •. and Recordln. See.etary Wayna K,m· lick Second row. LOUIe r Crump. Jack W Me£lvea ... Fred Wilson, J ••• and Roba'i L W,lloo::k •. Third row. George R Boyd. Jr" A W,I,on OI .. enpor1, Jilek Hunte.. H.<old l .

Norwood. J< .• ~nd fred Wil s-on. S •.

A~ ,ome of )OU lIlay re;tlize. CiCCI ion lime h gTO\\i ng ncar. We ,hould ;111 fCg­i,ler Iu \Ole. InHil'e )our'<C lf in precinci \\Or~: gel )our..elf electcd 10 a po,i lion of aUlhori t> \li thin lour rl"C\:ind. and COUJICnile .... lIh )our cc:nlr,, 1 l •• hor coun­Cil to (icl·Ollt-the-Volt" Campai~n' .

\\ e ,hould 'IroU'..e our memner,hip, 10 Ihe dange" of compllicellC) in Ihi, IIIIN

imporl:ml elec tion year. P:l rti<;lpalc mon­c:t:Jril~ m (Ol' ! . aml IITt:C )ollr fcllo .... wurle" to Jo lhe ..ame: la ~t. hut by no mean, lea,l. don't let an)lhing leep )011

(runl la~ing IhlN: fe\li minul.', lu ea,1 lour \Ole on I lecliun Da).

\\e e..:ternt our be" ... i,he, 10 all union lIIeml>c" ;Inll Iheir ralllilil:' in the ne\l )e,Jr

\\"" h.1\l lIOt. I' ')

Local Awaiting Rai se; Other Unit Offers Reiected

J..t • J99. ~ 1 ' IU:'\ GI'"It::I.I). " 1..-1\1 Ihe lillie uf ItH~ \\riling. \lC arc , tilt \"illing lu 't(c if \\e ,\ ill ge l Ilur rai ..c lh:1L ha, heell fro/en fur Ihree month,. t\, ~·cL.


lIe ha~en 'l seen any of our monc~ fmlll our nel< (omract.

I am lalling aboul our lIIinoi~ Bell member<.. T he !BEW can be proud o f our local and ih membc~. It lal..es dedi­..:aled oOieers. me.mbcn. ;lnd lime 10 mal.e II good one.

We wcr.: ta ll..ing 10 Bu<ines~ Repre· -.e nlati\"c f' . Cameron. and he ~:J id Ihat Ihe member) of i\lallOQn Unil 13. T:.ylor­_me Unit 101. <lnd Litchfield Unit 1:'1. all on Ihe propcn~ of lhe lIIinoi, Conwli­daled Telephone Company, han' IOlcd 10 rejecl the nell lIage prOJl'O"'Ol1 orrered h~' lhe (ompan). It Ila~ lurned dOlln h) :1 lIIalOnl) lOll'.

Further negotialing meeting, lIiII h<lle 10 be ~chedulcd. The Negmialing COIII ­miUee (on .. i,t\ of D. L. Broil n. Bu,inc~,

\1 .l n'lger: Jame, While. Vice Pre~ident:

F. Cameron. Bll~ines~ Repre-.cnIUli\"e: Oebbie H;u: l..ell. Uni t IJ Seerelar): ~ 1. \Iaguire, chief ~Iell<lrd. Unit 13: D . JII­Jiu ... l'hief SlcII.lrd. Unit 14. and W. \\ i<oC. chief )tcllard. Unit IS.

\Ve Ili,h you all IOh of hid :Ind .... :Inl ~ou 10 ~noll Ihal lie :,re .. II !-e­hind }ou.

I hale becn Icr) bu,} rccenll}. I h;I\': mI." l ..ome of our member,. I 1I;l~ in ;I

telephone .,.;hool in Springfield. and a f,'11 of Ihe olher I.oeal 309 mCIllOer. Ihere lIere An Muehlenfeld. Unit 7. Quincy: "-en t' uer. Unil 01. I)ccawr: and 1):111 I ripp. Unit 6. Peori:l. t Ilonder if Ihe~' renll."lIIbcr tbe ' I "0 Hrot her,'!

I lIa, :.hu lucl..y enough lu li,1I a 'ipringfidd Unil <) rnel."ling. I here .... :" :1 'cq f,lood IUrnOIl!. and chief ~Iell"r"

Kennelh Kramp madl." eH."f}'onc feel :tl home. ':Ien afler Ihe meeting. 1(0\ lee \hller made :tn e\ccllenl reporl on Communi!) Che~1 I\orl.. and Ihe Blood 1I:lIll.. I'ro~r.tm. lie :tl~o did a ~ood job uf <oCllinJ? (OI'F hoo~~. [ gul Iu <oCC quile :1 fe .... old fricnd~.

If :In) of }OU BrOlher. ,huul'" h:tppcn 10 I'o! in anolher cil} in our 10<:,11. I reI.'" ommend Ihal )OU go 10 a unit me"ling. if you gel Ihe chance. <;omc uf Ihe he,t people arc Ihl."r.·.

Bu,ine~ .. "'(Lnnger Bro" n :tnd :Ill of Ihe ofliccr, :In\1 memocrs of 10C<II 3'19 .... i,h )Oll:l lery happy :-;CII ~ ear.

J ()~I I'II P. ROltIlRII"l. I'.S.

14 Loca ls To Merge; Negotiations Under Way LL', .no. WATI-: IW UR\,. CO"":--; ,- We were informed on O~!Ober 151h. by rep· !'1."~l."nla l hl."' of Ihe Sl."cond Dislrict. lhal It h the in lention of Intern:.tional \ il-e ['re,idem John l'l~nn 10 merge the 14 locah \\ith ulility juri-odiction in Con­neclktll b) February I. 19n.

We undent;lnd that Ihe merger .... ill r,')I111 in one o r pos~ibly 1 .... 0 loo.:ah lIith utility jllri-.diction. II i~ nOI I.nOI\ n. :It Ihi~ lime, by our loe<ll uOiceno whethl."r or not OUT local \\ill he affected. if Ihc 14 loeab arc merged imo 1\\0. Ob­" iously. if the formalion is in to one local UnJon, \\e .... ilI definitely be "f· fee ted.


The local. in\olved. \li th a 101:11

membership of approximatel) 2.HO, are Locab 383. Torringlon. the lIanford Flectdc Light Comp:.n); 420. Waler. bUI)'. the Connecticut I i!!ht and I'oller Company: 468. Stamford. and 469. Ne\\ Londo n. the I-Iarlford ElectriC" Ughl Company: 7.n. Nor" HI I.. . Ihc Connecti­CII I Light and I'oll,'r Company: 1020. Wallingford. the To\\ n of W:lllingforli: 1045, D:mie].,on. 117_~. h-..:\. 1:!:!6, Wil­limanlic.. and 1J73,lhornp'>OO\ill("". lhe Connecticut I. ight ;lnd I'U"t'r Compan}: 1419, MidJletolln. the /I"rlfon! l'IeClric I ighl Compan)': 1817. I),mhury, Ihe Connecticul l .ight and 1'011 ,'r (" om pan) : :!OSI!, I'\omil."h. the Ci t ~ of Norllieh; ,md 2239. Haudam I'\ed, th("" Connect i­l'UI Yan~ee Alomic 1'0"e1" Com pan}.

Our loc,,1 is al,o in\ohed in pcn~jon n~gOli;.tion~. For Ihe fir .. t lim .... :til of the loeab on the properti ... , of Connecti­CUI Lighl and 1'011 cr. 1I 01)0~e Wal~'r 1'011 cr. Hanford I' lel."lr;c Lighl , and We)lern \l a-.sachu<oCU' I leClrie lIiIl combin," their effort , and negoliate 10-gel hcr lIith the holding wllI!,;!n), North­ea,1 Ulilil;e'i.

S),IC111 Council U·:!01 filed a n unfair labor praclice again,t Cunnccticul Lighl and I'o\ler during our la,t contract lall..~. beea\l~ the Comp;m) refu-.cd to h;lrgain for beller benefih for Ollr rel ir· ec\. Hopefully. North~;I '1 Utilitie) \lilI gi , e ,ome Ihoughl to (he relir(""es on bOlh ~ide\ of the fl."ncc Ilho hclpcJ m:.~1." it (Inc of Ihe 1;lrge" pOI\\'r J;rids in th~ Uni ted ,Iille'_

T he olliceh anJ lIIeml'Cr. of our Io.:al ,·\tend our 1\;lfIne,1 and friendlie)1 -.ea­wn\ \\i)he~. Il ap!') I'\e" "'car'

Tlln" " ("kll(;. I'.S.

Local Aids Community; Awards Dinner Planned

L,U. HI. CO ..... COIU). ".11.- \\1.'1 1, Brother". it') a reallt}! \\ ... arc in the hl/lrllllf.

In Ihc 1';1,1. ollr loc .. 1 union Illembe~ hale donc lolunlecr Ilorl.. al Ihe I'\ew H:tmp~hire Ho'pilal in ConcorJ. A!!ain. our nlcmbcr, \Olunicercli and did the ("hri'lma~ "lrel."l lighting in 1 ilion. The-.c ,m: good \I")~ of )holling unioni,m 10 the gen("ral pul;>lic.

Our So.."'Cond Annual I);mquet and I\ "an!, Dinner i, in Ihe rlanning ~Iagc~. Wc'lI h'lle morc :Ihoul il laler,

t hanb to all of lUll" l1l:ighhorin!,'. 10' c :tl ~ for a"i'ling t" dllrin!l !lUI' ~ Iacl.. work period.

All of the ne\\ I)-el<-':Ied oflker. ha\c ,holln a ~inl."ere eummilmcnt 10 lheir reo ,pcelilc job~. :IOU Ihe} hal(' N'en ler), bu)y.

Service Pins and Scrolls Awarded at Fall Picnic L.LI. ·us. KAKI-:W;I·U :U), CAUF._ Our local prcsented serlice pin~ and serolls 10 260 actil'c and rClired mem-

ber~ \lho ha\c from 20 10 4S yeah of 'S-C rvicc M a picnic held on October 30th. Approximalely 6..'iO membc~ and !!uc"l~ allcnded the gala affair.

The prC'oCnt;ltion program \la~ under m} direction. and the picnic •• rr:mgc­men!' and olher acthit;e\ were under the 'lipen i,ion of Picnic Commillee Co-chairmen lIo\\:lrd ··1-. l on~" Br),.m :md W. H. "Wille}" Ihle'lb. T he prcpa­ralion, :,nd \101'1.. ncces ... 'Uy for ~u~h a )lIcce"rlll celcbration \\.~rc pt""rrormed b) m:my lolunt~·l."r. or recruited. local union :lI"Id 3.I\i!iarl membcn>.

I ~re IICfC :!~ lm~) \linners on the drallins~ for pri/c,. donated by the elc..:· Irical conlr.lllUr, and the e!cctril."a l II hole,;,lc hOIl'>e\. 1 hc dc l iciou~ barhecuc dinner. r"roi,hed by the lo(:al union. was e\perlly prepared by Brother Robert " l o~le} :md his cunlrnitlec.

rhe irony of a ~ucces,ful picnic i~

Ihal c,cryonc present in\i .. l~ Ihal Ihe ...1me olerllor~ed committee do it a ll OWl" again nexl year!

Tho ..... IIho received the ir senke pjn~ and scroll \ :11 the picnic <lfe <;('"en in the :.c ... omp;mying /,troup photo. T he) lIre. fir..1 TO\\. lefl 10 righl . Bud 5iha. l. Halll.ins, De lbert Ol'\l:n. I'hi! Bingham. Blld Leedham. Dail li l.'lm,. "I. f>eni­chord. Ralph Roland. Billy Roland. Francis (,itrord. Roy 1-.kY~·f\. I":m Hca­I·an. A. II . lloeflider. Ben llillinSlOn. W. Lee Smilh. W. n. Hue)li,. Ro'" 'I a}­lor .. and hed Clifrord. Second ro\~. W. Ed Br)an. Wa~nc Shalii. Fr:m~ Penn'. Eu!!cne Si~ol:i. Fount<lin Reed. E. Rod­man. P Walla~e. R. Fa,tm:m. P<lul \I"nch. B:the Starcher, Ronald \lnce). A. O. (jir.tr,j. Cecil Roben,. \ irgil Lin,j<;(,"}. R. I .mlt-oen, R. CIeH'ngcr. Joe Ak~ander. W;l}nc (;I<oC .• mu \\ illiarn Ste .... :trt .

-I hird fO\\. Juhn lI all. F . Br:tdrid. A. Thulo\\eil. Joe Baca. L ) nn Hall. W . \\ hit ford, Wal!:ll."e I.)·on,. Bobb) Moore. Bill Pryor. W .. lter 1-llInt<,r. H:.rold Fd­"ard,. (;]}de I ra) nor. 1'.. N. SnmllC)·. Jad, ~\\obo<.l:t. Clarence Blad. D,tlid Beauchamp. nnd \l ilo Abhott Fourth rOil. A. Fngi. R. "Ie "- in Ie). H. Dud­uridgc, On ille Phillips. Juh n SandeN. Mac GMdner, Sr .. I.eoll:lrd Iiolm, Joe \I :I'oOn. W. A. li arri). J. D . Ad<llll" , D L}n~h. Marion Rapple}c. G, J Haden. Jacl. John-.on. I.e" I elC). T . PernMcI. LCt.' Ro) Smith. L. Walen, R_ J. Holme'. Calcil Miller, 1". A. Thump­-.on. and I lo)d lJ op~in,.

Fiflh roll, Frnie r.I ;-HlI'U. H. " Tit-ch. Rohbic Dos,. l.ee Warner. C. C. ("omb\. R. Bragg. Robert H lIesh). Jame" Schneider, Don I' orter. Ch:lrle~ Hau'>Cr, Lo\\ell lIans ... n, L J. Spear,. I.oui, D ullh. I-I"n) Ghrislopher.en. Ro)' Alls­lin. and Ben Gm}. Si~lh roll. I.)on !,hil· lip~. W. J. I-lorn, Do)le Sapp, !'aul Keener. Ben Sleele. Jerr} Bryan. Jim Del cr.. I.cROy Adamwn. Sig Wedel..ins. Louie Epp, I-Ioward lir}·<l n. 1-.1. I·. Lec. W. Hl."dbcrll, S. P. ]):Ihrn~. R. Robison, Cahill M<lhan. O. M. Guinn. l'rneSI Raxter.. M. llanl..SlOn, C. Kniilcy_ Paul Brizc, and Lo}'u li unncll.

h'A~ BUVA N", n .M.


leU to "ahl, Picnic Commiltea Co-chairmen Howard Bryan and W B. Hue,'" I.t .. alter

• hl.d. but enjoOy;oble, dlY's wo ....

Union Me mbers Protest Non-Union Labo r Pool

1..1 '. 429. ' ASII\'II. LE. Tt·: " ..... _ Once allain, orJ;!Mlil.cd I:thor ,ho\\cd it~ IIll ily by prulcclinJ;! the union 1:lhor mOlcmCTlt with ,I prolc,' dcmon,,,;uion ;11 !l lcmo­rial Square in N<I,hl ilte.

II \\;" Ihe intent of the non-union ,omra~tor .. hI creale ;, non-union !:Ihor pool fur :.11 nafh. "I hey promhcd men \\ ho jUlncJ their uq:uni,:uion lhal Ihey "Quid t:ct l"lill "I S5.00 10 S6.no pcr hour ;lnd rc(,he olher !>endih lhal union mcmh.:r, lin;! eligible (.)r. A S.I.OO memhcr'hill due, 'IQulll mil~C i' 111"11 an aUlOm;,lk IW:fllher.

' I he (crllra l I llhor C()Uncil t"dlcd n pmle't me,'lin!!. \\hiL'h \In, :ut~ndcd by L.'IO() uniun memhe~ of all crah~, "hey deilrll ,huv.eu Ihe nun-union cunlr..ClUr, in thi~ lov.n Ih,1I orl;:mizeu 'aror pro­Icd~ I" ov.n.

Upr)l.mu l SI\,. :1 nev. tnlenainmtnl complt\. I, hoeing built in '-I ... ,h\ille, Ihe 1I0me (If Ameri<:,," \ I U"~, ;!nu ""hcd­ulcd tu u~n in Allril. 1972. I he new Grund Ole Opry lIou'>(' i, ,urrt.l'>l:u IU open in Ihe 'rrinl; uf 19B, All uf Ihe d~'1I'i':1 1 "orl i~ hcinl; done hy mem· lle l'; uf IHI!" IU<:H I. ., hi, v.iII keep ..ome of 1I'i hu,y lur a "hile.

In ne" cOII,lruelion in our do"nlu"n arca. the I ir,1 Amrrkan "".llional I) ltnl h hLlildmg a 28-'lOry oRk.:: lov.cr. '1 his buildin~ j, :11'0() under our care for elcc­tricul "Oi l.

1 he ba-cball <.ea,on i, v. cll u\cr. hUI v.c "anted 10 report Ihal our 101:111 had II r ftHy gOOtJ Icalll this )Cilr. Un<.h:r Ihe


At Bakersfield Picnic

President John Beauchamp. lelt. and V,ce P",sodent Ronald "'acey work on Ihe

leNtOS ',ne.

Nashville Team

Tllis ba~eb .. U tum. epon.a,ed by l ocal 429, N ashville. Tenn ended Ihe 'euon Wllh II record o f )0 w,ns and 'ou' lOSses The c08ches are Je"y Hudson and DIck O1=non.

leade r~hir of co;"he\ Jerry Hudwn ;'"u Did l)ea'>OII, Iht te~1ll eume unl of the '>Ca..on \lith a n:<:ord of 10 \lin, and funr los'C~. A~ the olu <.a)ing gOo!', " ] 1 dCle"on't mailer "00 ",in, or 10,>(,' hut v.hat good it doc::\ for <,()(iet).~ What's the mailer; diun', )OU eler hear of p0-

etic licell..c? I :lnd, I'm ~urc, all of Ihc mcmbers of our ]Ot'a] ft'C] graleful Ihm II': 1;oulu help ' he 1;ommuni!) in \Unle _mall "ay by ~pon'>Orin1: tbis b;l~bafl

team. Four of our mcml'Cr<, leeenl]y p:l ... ~eu

av.ay. They ure John W, Kedd. Jr .• James B. Chadv.cll, Thom;" T. Pri!;e. ami AnuTew \I . Baler. On hoeh;il( of :111 of the memOer~ of 1 o.:al 4~9. I e~lenu .:onuolenee~ to Ihe familie~ and fricnd~ of thc'if" Brother,.

May the New Year bring only good things for .. II of )OU,

Cu ... ll.\u IIL;I.Tt l ll, I' .S.

A ,roup o f Ilappy pic.,'ch,s

Local Enters Parade; Smorgas bord- Dance Held Ll. 435. \\ I" II'EG. \I ,\ ' .-Qur IlXal tool part in Ihc Annual Labour Day P:lrade again Ihis }ear. We entercd ;t RO,11. <:mlne~y of \1 rs. and <I red l'on· lenihle Ilit h al1propri<ltc ~igm :111 .. ched.

IlC~:1U'<: of the Ilid of participating lolunleeh, the only peuple rid ing in t he cur v.ere I'rc'ldenl Wa)"ne Wil-on. A\­~i'l:ml IJu,ine,~ \l anagcr Olhcr }{i!;h;lf(l. und )oun~ (3"ie Ri.:h"rd,

'1 he rarade v.;" \lell or~anil.cd. anu more union' lool pari in i, this ~car. Ne\l }ear, 1<'1' hore to participate a, :I

I()(:.I on ;1 largl'r 'C:lIe. Io:eel1 Ihi~ in mind. II' "e will be a~ling for murc lulumeer\ ne\! time

Ollr ,()\;iat ('vent of Ihe }ear occurrcd on October 22nd. a, Ihe combined Win· nipeg tclcr1wnc uni t, helu a 11:lllov.ccn dan.:e amI 'murgllsbord. " ore th:1Il 50n pcr'o()n, "ere in al1endance. incll1ulll~

'>Cleml from \ 1"1 5 mana{;ement, \lbll v.ere there a, the ~ial Committec's ~ue~". /'I.ee ... le" 10 'oa}. "ilh IV.O 11001'> for ..... ndng and t"'o t>and,. :1 llOOll lune ",I' h,ld b) all. We can harul) \1:.11 until nC\' )car; it should be bigger i1nd f'Cl1er Ihen.

Our ~rocdill r\cclllile Board meCling \la\ held in Scptcmhcr al the Ranwda Inn. "i,h Ihe e\cclitive omcer~. the unit <.Ifti~er, from \\ innircg and the pro\'in­d;ll :Hen" and the bu<'ine~~ man:lgcr and a~\j":1111 hu,ine~~ manilger in :1I1end .. nce, -I he meetin~ i, held :lIlnually tu o~,<:.".

Ihe uni(ln\ llO'itiun. hoth polic~wl~ an<.l fin.lIldillly. and to gile direction for tht' cumini: le:1r. Doc of the highlighl' of the meclinl,': v.a~ Ihe \igning o f the busj· ne" mounger', contrac!.

We ure I1tlllninl; a bus lOur to :>1inne-


Winnipeg Activities

The noat ente.ed by Locat 435, Winnipeg. Man" In the Labor Day Parade.

Cassie Richa.d ;s $een in the local's convertible after the pa.ade.

Signing the business manager's new con· t,act with Lncal 435, Seated. tell 10 right, BusIness Manage. H. H. Warne and Presi· dent W. W. Witson. Standing, T.easu.er Gayle Venlon, V,ce PreSIdent lar,), Clark,

and Re<:ordlng Secrel3ry Bob Gtass.

President Wilson and hiS WI fe, DIane, with gue5t5 al Ihe tocal'5 Hallow""" Oa"ce.


apolis fur :1 uottble·header hod-.cy game o n the weekend of Febru3ry 18th , If you afC inleresteu , contact U ~.

Best Ilishes for a happy holiday 5Ca·

J, 0 , KrCIIIRD. I' .S,

Graduation Program Held ; Area Work Remains Slow

L.U. 445, nArn. E CnF:EK. ,,1le ll-­Our toe'll helu its ;Ipl'rentic<'~hip training graduation program. in Coopeflllion ",ith the Department of Vocatiunal Educatiun and the Bureau of Apprenlice~hip anu Training. U.s. Department of Lal:>or. on October 23ru 'l! the Countr~~ide Inn in Baule Creek,

HonOTed :1I the dinner-dancc. lIeTC Dan Clemence. Ray Lundqlli~t. Ray Maurer, Ralph !'"radine. Jim 111':11'1'''. Ku,s Beutler. Dick Hook. Mi\...e Livings­ton, Gordon Mc Kinney. Jcrr} Thunder. Will iam Miller. Jim McGovern, Robert Croll. Bill Dll\i~. Bill Clar\... and Bob DeVore.

We congratul;l[C" all of the ne'" jour­ne}'Inen of our local. '1 he dinner-dnnce \\'a~ ver} ~uccc~~ru i. Diploma, \lcr~ pr~­st:ntcd by II l1~inc~s Manager Louis fl l iller.

Work in the area i\ stil l \"cry slow. \lith sc\'cral mcmbers \\or~ing for Ihe Rowen and H];lir Fle.lric Company al the D .C. Coo~ Nuclear Fnergy Plant. located in Bridgeman, Michi,g:ln.

We than~ all of the locah "'hich hale offered employmclll to our members, lIith special th.m~~ 10 Local 13]. SOllth Bend. Indiana.

Roben DeVore ha~ galle tu Seattle. Wa~hington. to I\or~ on the I.e\ill Building project being con~tnlcted in that area.

Because of the st.Jte·~ Culling nack funds for our apprentice,hip training progr..!m. OIiT local ha~ been forcell 10

hire ih O\ln instruclOr. We lIiII share the coS! o f the in,tnrClor. John Lemon. wilh Ihe Kalamazoo loc;l!. .. hi t-h will also usc hb \cf\iccs,

With a national election coming up this }'ear, III' hope to ::oce an I1p~\li ng in I\or~ in our stale.

Annual Dinner-Dance Honors Local Brothers

L.U. 456, NEW 1I1{l INSWICK, N.J.­We held our Annual Dinner-Dance at the Ramada Inn in Fa~t BrunSII ic\'" on October 161h. wi th 300 people atlend ing the alTair, "hich ... as highlightell b) [oc entertainment of Lonuon Lee and Sonny Gale.

We honored [110 Brother<; at the af­fair. Brolher Allen I'ear:.on wa~ honored for serving for 14 years as our recording secretary. Brother l'e;lf!;OIl joined our local in Ma)' . 1922. lllld a'>~llmell the office in Jllne. 1957. He ","cd \\ilh dis­tinc tion until July. 1971.

Bro[her I-lerben Ehrich lias awarded the !BEW Life-Saling A"'ard for savi ng the life o r Brother Dcnn b Cronin. On

At Graduation Dinner

New jo".n~)lme" of local 445, Battl~ C.eek, MIchigan. cet~b""'lIng tile comptello" of their app.enli(:est>ip training ill a banquet. a'e p,cl"r~d witt> their inst,uctor, John


Checking the altendance at the apprentic .... ship Irai"ing g'3duillion dinne,. 3re, tefl to ';ght, Mrs. Louis Mllter, Bus;ness Manage, LOUIS Mirter, and P'e~ident Jack Viln

Bla ncum.

Honored ..... ~..., Atlen Pea,son, l oc3t 456, New BrunswiCk, N.J. , waS honored (e<:emly by his tocal for Ilis 14 )lears as .eco.d,ng secrela.y.

Herbert Eh.ich. teft, and Jerome Oe<:ker. ,ight, we.e ho"o.ed 10. their roles in savIng

tile life of Denni5 Cronin. cenler.


April 24, 197 1. while hi-potting a tr.IOS· former a t the Fdhon Genera ting Station. Brother C ronin made cOlllact with a live. high·voltage conductor and was un­able to free himself. Itrother Ehrich. his ",orking pal'lner. wuh disregard for his o\ln .afcty. frecu Urolher Cronin_

Both men \lere then caught on lhe line. and 8rottler Jerome Deder threw him~lf again\1 them a nd freeu them_

Brother Fhrich ,pem fi.c months re­cuper-Hing from hurns and hcart uamat;e he receheu.

Our local" prolld of men like Herb Fhrkh anu Jerome Dcdcr ;tnd is hon· ored to have them (I, memben,.

1 10'11'. Bme!:. A~ST. B.\I.

Pension Agreement Signed; Past Year Reviewed L P. -1 65, SAi" DIEGO, CAI.W ,-On September 20th, ..... e ,igned our pen,ion agreement ..... ith the San Diego G." :I11U Electric Comp;my rSDG&F). After fOIiT meeting, throughout the COunty. thc members \oted to accept the agreement by a thr~-to-one·margin.

We ..... ere able 10 negotiate a change in the reduction factor>, on earl)' relire· menl; an increa~ in the ba'ic pen~ion formula: an merea.looC in the amount of monthly ui,ahililY in~'ome; a provi~ion for a preretirement \\ido\\ or ..... ido"er·s benefit; an impflnemcnt in Ihe \e~ l i ng pro\ i~ion~: an improvement in the eligi­bility pro ... i,ion~: and anolher ~ ignificant change. "n impro.emenl in ttle Stod Sa.ing. Phln.

Previou,!). the laller pl <l n permined each emplo}ee a m<l,intllm r.;ontribution of three per cent through the "!Ie of l'J. four per cenl from lhe :Ige of .11)

Ihrollj!h -19. and five per ..:enl "I the age of 50 or over. I he ne ..... pl:m provilles for the addition of one per (;enl in (;;tch calegory. SD(, &I:: \lill (;ontinue 10 con­tribule 511 per ":ellt of Ihe elllplo}'cc~'

contribution. We are currentl} in Joint negotilllio",

wilh Amalg:(maled 1 ran,it Union i"o. 13001. M'eling 10 impro\e the pen~ion

plan at the \an Die!;" ., r;m,it Corpora­tion. '1 he hlh dri.ers· union repre'>Cnt~

-113 dri\en, lind our Il)("al repre-.cnt' 72 mechanic, an.1 <oCr\ icemen. A~ ..... e review the progre" of the pa,t

year. \Ie lool b"..:l at .. h:!t ha~ been ;' .ery bu~y. unique }e;lT. All three of our major conlr'lI;t~ ..... ith thc ulilit) COrnpM} expirc-d Ihi, year- health. conlr"r.;! and "age,. and pen,ion- :llIthree ..... ith -.epa· nile negollating commltt«,. Our loc,,1 umon eler.;lion fell right in Ihe midule of the'>C negoliation,. and the election re­,ulh g:l\C u. major chanj!e, m our union leader~hip .

A happy 'lew Ye:lT 10 0111.

Rt)lllkl F. . CARII, . I'.S.

60th Anniversary Observed; Union Drive Under Way L.t ' . -I7tJ. IIA\'t: I~ III LL, :'\ IASS.- We hau a ~ery gooo.l }CHr 1:1'1 yeM and hope


l<><:al 465, San Die80. Calif .. 'ecenUy signed a pension ag,~em~n t w,lh Ihe San D'~IO Gas and £Ieel"c Company (SOC&!) . The n. gOlialors included, froni .ow. lel! to rilnt. Waller LaPo,nte. un,on comm'lIeeman; R. C Robbin ... Business Manaser; and R. E. Car. ley, Ass.Slant Bus,ness Manaaer. Back raw. W. J. Bo.s. P,es,denl: W J. Kames. Treas· ",er. SOG&E: J. J. Halley. V,ee Prnident, Personnel: B. J. JOhnson. "n.on comm,l1e.· mOln; and C. R. Gree". SOG&E commilleeman.

At Anniversary Dinner

Helpmg local 410. Havf!rl"lI . Mass 10 eele b,"e ,Is 60Ih Ann,v",...a.-y r"cenlly . W" •. lell 10 "8hl, Bus ,ness Manase , Edward Duf· ,esne; 5O-yea, member Erw,n Moo,e. who ~ rel"ed: Inle,nOlI,onai Vice "ru,denl Jonn E Flynn. Se<:ond O;~I"cI : a nd V,c. P,es,denl

Ka . 1 Cantey.

Ihat this new one \\ill be a~ ~lIccc"flll.

The 60th Anniver,ary of our 10CHI Ila, held llith a p:, rty on November 2()th. It ..... :1, altende\1 hy International Vice Pre~lClenl John F. 1·I}nn. "ho ~tatet.l Ihal our loc:tI h;t~ been here for 60 }(""ar. anu is here 10 ~t;r~ .

Among the guc,". \\ere Bu,inc\\ \bnager~ Anhur Proctor of Local 522. Lawrence. ,\I;"..:lehl' .... th. ,lOd R"lph W"rc of L{){"""I 25'1. Salem . M.I",I..:hu­~elh. and a jO·}ear member "ho i .. rc­lired. Ir\lin ,\ Ioorc. Brother, ClifFord Emcr...on and Raymond Healh l'ouldn'l male il hUI "ere lhere in '-pirit .

Bu~ine,\ \'anager Eu Dufre,11C" h trying to unioniu the ~on'trudion of a ~hopping center being built in Ha\erhill by the DeMoula\ Inleres". lie ha~ the cooperation of all the Irllde,. aoo the piclct lines are up. I :Im ..... ilh him II)() per cent bill feel th;l! "c \\;rited 100 Ions \0 act.

In Ihe field of diploma!,:} ...... e arc in shon ~IJPply. and ollr public relmion~ are :It a low ebb. Whether .... c \\in or 10'>4: an argumem. "e "I ..... a}' enu up on Ihe ~hon end. Strile~ :lre :t nttes-.ary "capon. and "e neeu the 'he of thelll to \\ in our poim. but the ..... orler doe, not h"ve the use of a lax lo-.s to recuperate

hi) lo~~~. I Mlmetimes think thaI a sl rilc can be very com'cniem for man· ag{""mcnl IInu wonder if, ~omelime~. they aren't planned thai way.

I'm a fraid that \\e have some tired old men tryins to carry the ball. ",ilh Ihe .arne. old-lil1C" attad~. When ttle AFL·CIO Comention .. nubbed the Presi­dent of the l:niteoJ ~alK it ,ho ..... coJ " lack of re'JlCct. not for I'resiuent 'i;{on. bUI for Ihe ollke of the COUnlr} Ihal \Ie are <III a pMI t)f and _hould lo\"e.

A~ I'h' "'aled m:11lI time •. I'e are Ihe mlht important minority group in the ~ounlr} . We arc the one~ who can c"rry the lorch of equal it). in polilical. '>(Ki:l!. anJ economic ri~hh. In this ne ..... ~car, let\ tale thc initi:tlhe anu tT)' 10 he onc jump "he:rd of m.1nagemem or Ihe gO\­

ernmcm. We mu,t .... orl for :til of the lahor movement. We mll)t realile thai the problem .. of unioni'm belong to all loe:.1 bodic~, re!!arJles~ of their ~i~e.

If I didll't belie.e in Ih{"" union Gill ,e. I coulu nol have thc cOIlTOlge to .. peal.. 0111. So. Brot her~ and 5i,ter, let\ j!CI with it. Therc\ \lorl to be (\on{"" Starl tailing. Ihinling. 'II1J acting. Our 1e<lUc~ are out th~re doing b<llll~. hili the) need your ~uppon. Oon'l let eompla(ency tale o\er. I.et U~ ,ho .... our fello ..... man thai ttle union shop i~ the belln \\ay.

Let u, m"i..e the union proouct a het­ler produci. not jU'1 beeau!K: it ha~ a label. but heeau'>C il hOI, qU:llity :11111 pride in :lCcompli,hment. You lno ..... in lOlir hearh "hat I'm referring 10. '0 gCI "ith it.

JOII' A. "" 0\. 1'5.

Issues Resolved; Contracts Signed; Two Locals Merge Lt ' . -1 7-1 . \1E\II'I IIS, TEV'._ Ollr locnl recently negotiatcd n eonlr:1ct with the ''' cmphi~ Ch;lpter. ;..I I-CA. ~nd the cunlt";lCt "a'l retllrne.1 from the Interna­tion;tI Oflkc on October 12th. approved a~ {""orrc~lcd.

I he NI (' A contractor~ rejecled Ihc appro~ed contract. and by their action. they con~ince<.l :lppro~imalel} 600 of our member, Ih"l Ihe~ \lere cmplo}eu by non-union cmplo)er-.; eon<ocquentl}. the.e member, all refuscd 10 ..... orl .

I h~ fem;linin!! Brother, "c"e <lhle 10 be emplo}cJ by the 22 indcpendent con­Inlcto\", "ho an'~rled the appro\ ('.1 con­Ir.I~1.

I ;un nolO hapf') 10 repon Ihat. after fOllr J,,)~. all of the i"~ue~ "ere re'o()I'ed and thaI :III of our membc ..... are no ..... "orling. Fwr}lhing j, normal.

"ve e~pe~iall} thanl our )hlcr Ioxah for Iheir cooperation in offering emplo)­menl 10 our member, "ho neeued it during Ihi~ period. r hi, strong .en ..... of brolherhood bet"een 1I11· \v loe:lls is a "onderflll Ihin!! to e~perience. and il 111:1I..e, me proud 10 be a member.

SlimminJ; up. all of our members <Ire b .. d 10 I'orl... "ilh :lpproximalely -100 Ir:l\elcr ... "hom "e arc proud 10 han! in our jurhdielion.

Recently. Loeal 1275 merJ;eu with our loe:11. We "'ckome thc~ Brothers anu


hope Ihal Ihey will come 10 kno\\! a nd appreciale the fee li ng of brolherhood that is so predominant in our loca l. We hope these Brothers IlilI participate in Ihe busines~ alTairs and social el'enb of our local. Welcome, ,nembers of former Local 1275.

D OUG 1- 1>'111.11, 1' .5,

Secretary Urges Aid. Recognition for COPE L t'. ~77, SAN BEI{:-; \1{0I .... 0. C \1. . IF.- What has happended \0 our COPE pro~r:lm? For wme rear"~ the CO PE Honor Koll page, pubJbhed in the }ollr­

"'If, has been gelling ,horter and ,horter, Thi\ year. Ihe li'it contains fewer than 50 loe:!1 union'),

I recently tall.ed 10 an Onicef of a loenl I\ho had fiel'e r heMd of CO PE! In less Ihan a rear. we are hoping 10 hale a new adminhlnuion. and Ihe onl} way Ihis can be achieved i~ for elu)one 10 give a bud \0 COI'I'. II i, ler~ ,ad Iha! only one local union ill Ihe Ninlh D i,­lrie! ha~ a 100<:;, contribluion, COPE is the be,t inveslment you Clm m:ll.e, Your doll:n, together "ith other dollar~ from union members. "ill he-Ip clcct liheral candidath 10 Congre~~. The} \Iill enaci good lalls for rou ;lnd rOUT famil}'.

We <lre p lea~d with Inlern;ltional I)re~ident Charle~ H, PiU>!rd's stand on the fO IIT·day lIeeL He recently ad· dres~d the NECA Convention in Las Vega~. Ne\'ada, .,nd ~t.,ted thaI he Ilouid not permit the electrical indu~tr} to 1:,l.e a ~tcp bacllO/ard in order I(> h.,,·e II

four-day. 40-hour worl:: wed, Brother P illard con~ide", Ihe ,hort II orl:: wee" neceS<,llry, but he says Ihat an} hours in e,\ce,s of eight would he o vertime, He also <ldded tha t oliler l:f<lft5 a rc losing "ork opportun ities bet'au~ of rapidly· changing technology and Ihal they 11re ~cJ.ing jobs now being done by /BEW rnembcrs. Thu~, we should be extra alert in watching ollr juri'>diclion.

Edison'S prof'X"Cd S371 -million Fry Mountain I'oller Planl. 10 be huill 32 mile~ ca~! of Victorville, with" total en· pacity of 1, 500 megawath, j,. at lhb lime. not a re:,l ily. The company i~

meeting much rc,i~tance from er1l'iron· mcntalbl~ of the deo;efl area, It al'>O ha, not been det{"rmined if Ihe \l oj;L\e Waler A~cncy \\il1 !>ell Edi-on p;lrl of its Norlhern Ca(iforni;, " .. Ier a!101menl. [ hope Ihat. by thc time }OU read Ihis, Ihese prohlen" lIill have het'n 'olved and thaI the plant will soon be ,t,lfl ing,

The job \\ jth the mo,t >!ctil'ity at this time is the dOlO/ntoll n redevelopmenl. Traffic signaJ~ and street lighting \\orl. arc being done by Brolhers Gary Welb. forem .. n: Jacl. Wood, ~tc\\"rd ;md E.\ec­ulive Board member: Jac l. A}'ars, J>r ... ~i· dent; Shorty De Roche: Jerry Waitman; and Nel,ol1 Rut ledge. This joh ~ho\l ld

take more men soon, Je'se Ross. one o f the olue,t member,. \\ ho i~ direclOr of the E lec trical Dep.1.rtment for Ihe ci t}. i> the i05~tor on Ih is job,

A scrie~ of tesb for the T\'eOI'cr}' of salt cake. borates, '<Od:, a~h, pota5h. ;\IId


Personalities at fair

Billy W,eva,d, a staunch member ot Lo~at

482, Eureka, CalLf .• for the past 30 years. preparatory to manning the tocal"s booth at Redwood Acres lor the Tr .. d e Fa" 01 Career


Billy l ong, cen ter, who served his appren , ticeship In l ocal 482 over 24 years ago. passes out in forma"on regardIng the tocat's

apprenticeship program,

l e ft 10 rlghl. Billy Wievard. Business Man­ager At Cushdge. and B,lly long IDrmed a leam to convey to tomorrow's leaders an<! lul"re IBEW members the story of the

tBEW apprenhceship program,

common snit have ncen m:lue ncar the ')Quth cnd of Sellrle, Lal.c~. ,LlLU ;\ S20· million chemiC;11 plant is to be con· ,Iructed early thi~ }'c:1r,

D rilling of a Ic~1 1\1'11 f OT geothermal \Ieam al Mono Lal.e has hl'en ~ I:l.rletl.

and if wflicient ~Iemn is found. C RI and Southern California Edi~on plan to develop the steam for prodllo..:h of elec· tricity, If exploration i, succe"ful. elu~­ters of lIell~ will hi' drilled: e"ch clu,ter lIould be inlended for a separate pollcr plant,

Jo ' U'<I)[IIWOOt). P ,5,

Members Do Instrumentation Work at Nuclear Plant

L.U. SO L WIIITI~ 1'1.,\1 :-;5. :.'\'.".- In the past tllO lear~. Ihe in\trumentalion worl. at Con Edi..cm', i'-uclear Generat· inll Station Nu, 2 \~'h (k'rformed ny jO~lrneymen of our local. I hi, i, "nique in the <'on,u'netion tielJ, necall,e thi\ \lork ha~ aliI a)" heen p..'rformed I'll' tr:lined technkian~. lIith cleo..:trkian, being ;'h,igned only for 'Iand-b},

' I he \\orl. con~bted of Ihe 'etling up and c;.librating of tr;IIl'mitte.... ;!Ou

equipment that i\ require.[ 10 't'pc'n i,e. conlrol, anti fecord Ihe op.:ration of both the nuclear 'LIld the cOlLlcnti,)l1al ,Ieam par" of ttl<" generating phtn1. In addition, Ihi, lIor~ inclUlJcd tIll' verify­ing of Ihe fUlll"tion:.1 oper:lli(ln l\f lhe control room cOmputer. 1 he o..:omputer monilor, ;11\ incoming 'ignal' to ;\"ure ..afe and efficient pl;tnl opcr,uion. II :11,0 e(m .. lantly record, Ihi, information :lOli "ill raisc an :,Iarm ,hould ahnorm:,l o..:ondiliL)n~ arise,

I nform~lti(ln \ueh :I' wtliati(lT1 level" control rod J>O,ition~, an,t power OUlput Icvels come in from lhe re:telOr are;1. In addition. prc~,ur,·~. lemper:l1ur,'\, lelel,. and flo" indicalion~ :Ift: reccin-d From throughout the plant.

The ekclronie ,ign:ol, ~:.rr}in); Ihi\ important data ;Ire in the 1() .. lo-5U·rnil· liamp.:l'e rltnge and arc tl'a n ,mi!t~d to the control 1'00111,

Although no Formal ,dlOOI II;" ever ~et up, IIhen il lIa, decid<'d 10 hu\'c «'g­ular journl'} men pedornl lhis "orl., it lias \Veslim:hou...: IIhith tr:. ined all of the elecl ric~tn, \\ho hcc:llll<' ;1 part of thi, crew. I t lIaS eXlremdy imJ>Orlant that the lIorl. N: performed to Ihe hi~h

~ t:mdard th~1 ;, required of the job , T he us.:: of laboratory equipmenl. \1I,'h

as o~i11o"'opc,, preci~ion ,'C,i~tor bo\C~,

current calibrating {"quipment. :lnu pu"e generatoT'>. had 10 be Iflughl. T olcr:mcc, of aecuf:le} For Ihe If:ln~lllillef', hau 10

be mainwined, A digit;!! \oltmeter that display" in neon·t}pc lighh the loltagc 10 Ihe ncare~t hundl'edlh of a milli\'o lt, h:., been onc (If the 1l10~t lhed picee- of Ic~t equipmenl.

In addition, trouhlc-,hOOling amI field repair were done h}' Ihe...: men to insure the opcration:lll~'·depend:ohlc ~} 'tem

needed. T he engineering ..afe!;uard, that are

b\l ilt into thb plant. not 01\1} a"ure the ,afcty of pe r,onnel \l'ho Ilor~ or lile in the llrea, bul aho tahe ;1110 accouni the prolection of all of Ihe equipmenl needed to run Ihe plant, Ihe large't nnck;,r gen· ("rating pl;'"t in lhe \lorld.

W{"slinghousc has been ple:I'>Cd \I ilh the sucC'c')') of thb pi lot projeo..:t uf lrain· ing journeymen to do the \lorl. Ihat h normally done by teehnici:ul'> and feels il i, corr.;:ct in having Ihis confidence in Ihe journeymen of lhe IBEW. II also ;u:' I.now!cdges Ihe cooperation our JoC'al

Our I I-\ TC, I.no"ing Ihal the future hold, a need for men \I ho hale ;1


knowlcugc of in~lrul11cnl:llion. is in Ihc prace,s of slarling a journeyman's course on Ihe ~ubjcc1.

GMM ~ 11. OAIJILI., I'.S.

Run·offs Determine W in ners; Work Situation Very Bad

LU. 505. 1\101\1 .... :. AI.A.-Since our la~1 COfTc'p<.mdence, lIe hale, of ~ourse, had oll r eleclion uf offi!;crs, "hich, I must ';IY, I\a, ralhcr unu~ual.

In Ihe r;lce for tJu,i n e,~ manager and finam:inl se~rc ' ;lry, "e hOld h.J hold 11'0

run-ofr ele(tion, 10 determine Ihc win­ner. George I'. Dhon was Ih .... viclor by nine ~Ole, Oler Ruh<:n "I . Dalbon. who "as running for hi) founh conseculil'c lerm.

Leo 1. Cain lI:h re-elc!;tcd president oler 11'0 opponenh in a run-off. anu Ihm:ild " ;lugel1 II:" elected recoruing secreI:H}. Our IrC:Nlrer of "-0 many )ear,. William II. !loud. wa, rc-ele!;led_ and W. r. Bedgood "a, chosen vice pre,idenL

We hal"e a new I'Xe!;hlhe Board, with the cxceplion of J. J. Ro". Sr .. "ho has been a rnernher fur four Icrm~. The new membeN> nrc A . I) R)der. Chairman: Jacob God"in: \\ illi;lIn I . /IIorri ): .. . D. Boumh: II. A. \\alson: and J . B. Lohh.

T he nl(.'rnner, of Ibe F~:lmining Board are A. R. Torre" Ch:lirman: Gerald LOl'en: Will ie Phill ip): C. A. Bo~: and W. I . Ro'her II .

The "01'1. ,ilmulon in our juri;,diction ha\ neen vcr)' bad for Ihe pa~1 few month,. We pre....,nll~ halC many of our mcn unemplo)"ed. hut we can .. .ay thanls 10 SOme ~urroumJ ing locab for Iheir sup­port in Ilor~ing ou r membch.

Work gOlllg on at Ihb lime indudes Ihe I\Iin IUnncl~ under the Mobile River. the Harry Sicam Plant. Courtaulds Chemical, and ~{'a l1ered minor \\orl.. at

IBEW In strumentation

P~I COlhren, forema'" le U. and Ted Egll"g· Ion. Instrumentatlo" Sup~.lnl~nd~nl lo r W~. t inilhOuU, look Ove r the Inlrlc~le con· lrol room . rea . t Con Edlson'S Nuclear Genera t ing Stallon No.2. The in$trumenta' lion wo,k was performed by iourneymen 01

I.oce l 50 1, Wh ite Plains. N.V.


Tunn el Project

~~J- --~:5it~ _ -v---__ _ .


Wa rdel Sealy .nd Cecil Chrrslman, LOI:al 50S, Mobile. Ala ... re seen at Ihe "nd 01 the e.sl·bound t ub<! 01 Ihe Iw,n lunnel$

b<!lng built unde, the Mobile RIver.

The East Side enl,anc" .nd e~11 01 Ihe tunnels.

o,her planl~. We are roo~ing forward to job, brc;ll.inj: til Ihe Jnlcrna"onal J'apcr Comp:IIl}'. Union (';Irbide. and Acr.:o. Our ho[lC\ :Ire thtu Ihe ...... joh~. along lIilh quite :I Jnt of commercial 1I0rk. will clear our bench :md ha~e all u f ollr fclIOI\'> \\or~ing lit home '00011 .

We !lrc ill Ihe proce~, of ncgOli;uions w ilh our comra~lor .. for :. ,mall COIll­

mercial and rc,illenlial Iliring agrcl'mcnt. amI lie , hOIlIIi be in full agrecmelll ~oon.

Qur local. along wilh many o,hers, lIas caught b)' Ihe w .. ge frcelc. I.nd ... e are p.aliemiy lIailmg tn finu ou t what olher nni l-Iabor re .. lr~inh Ihe NiAon i\d­lIIinhlralion ha' in ,lore for us .

. , he accompn nying photo) were ,a~cn :\ , ' he ,\ lohi1c Iwin !lIOnel projcct. Our men ~lre proll ll '0 he 011 Ihe jon at Ihe na!ion\ fine" :md mo~t -modcrn lunnel, "hidl i~ going in umler Ihe t-. l obllc River in connection "ilh 'he Irnerstllte 10 Hi!;h"ay I)cpanlllcnt.

It ha~ hcen quile ,omc time ~incc we have heen in lou~h "ilh our Brothcrs through the hWT/llIl . hut wc hope 10

ma~c the '>C repol'1\ cvcry 1110111h in lhe fl!lU re.

W",Wl L A. 51.,11. \', 1'.5.

Christmas Banquet

These m"mb",s 01 Loc.1 530. S"nla, Onl ,ecelved the;, service pins a' Ihe 'OI:al'l ,~.

cent Ch';Slmas BanQuel Se8led. lett \0 "ghl. J. Sambell. R C.mden. N . Bewsky. N Anger. and J . Bell Sland'''K. F. Crnhovich. R Rose. T. Mondouo. W. Wilybranl. R. Morri­son. W, lham Lusk. Wolham Man.eom, J. Roy.

O. Sm,lh and L. Har"s.

En[O)'lnK Ihe PII.I)', lell to 'lghl. I,e .-.t Sui IIvan. Jim McClflery, Mrs. Sullivan. M.s McCal1ery. Tom and M'1'. Sl;hle.h.u f, and

Bob Ferns.

Other parly·lI! .... rs, le ll \0 ,llIhl. a.e ROil and Mrs. Ca""U, MIl . O. Os trom, MB. W,lliam A.undell. MIS. O~ve Bull . Lo. n" HardS. Mrs.

and Oemcl< Petl;t.

... 'I,.,·" ~ 21&·.1 -... ~ . -. ,if ,. " " ", .-.

Seen al anothe r l ab l ~ .•• e Mr •. H. Granl. Paul a nd M,s. Va il . M,s. a nd Jim HOdgi ns,

and J Ohn Fraser.


C hristmas Banquet Held; Employment Picks Up

I •. U. 530. S'\ R ~ I '\. O"T.-our Annual Chri~lm!I' lIanquel ~a, held un ~U'cm­ber 20th al Ken~i!;k -I errllcc and ~a, a ho~ ling ~ucl:e,s.

We h:l\e h:ld a 11.11 Qr goo..l pOirlie~ in !he pa_'I, OUI I Ihink Ihal Ihh une IQPped Ihcm nil . It ~cel11' Ih:'1 Ihe ulder yuu gel lhe more lOU enlO} )'uur uld friemh.

Therc ~crc a 101 "r t;ood. IlIlIy Inul/hs amI lipping of lhe mug !u-do )OU re· memt>cr ~hcn. I lll..o ~anl 11.1 p<linl out Ihnl a boul II nc·third Ilf Ihc part) ~a' rn;n!e up uf )'UlHl!,: pel)pk \l hu "cre e~­erei,ing Iheir righl to ,Idllk alcoholic heveragc, ,I( Ihe :lj,:e of IX_a rlt:h l whil:h \\-:h n:ccmly gr:mtcd III them. T hey all cllnducled Ihel11'oChc, \el) 1'l!II. and \Ie ;ore proud IIf Ihcm.

Ollr l);lOCl' Commillee mernhe,-... J ohn Fra-.er. l:l~e DeJllng. I',uti \ :Iil. ami Rcg I :lmOllreU\. nU1,1 t'C ~lIn!,:r;tllllateJ for duing ,uch Ii lIomlerf," )011.

In the h"1 cllllple of lIIumh" el11lllu)'· mcnl ha .. pich~d up. AI (1r .... IoCn!, lie 'Ire enjuj'ing full empltl)lUent. nn,1 lIe :lrc Qplimi,'ic al'(uJ1 Ihe fUlUrc

1101\ IIU) IJ loIH'H, P.S.

Seven Brothers Mourned; La Porte Work Very Slow

L.LI. 53 1. 1. \ PORII'. 1'1). OurlO\:JI muurn~ lhe Ile:uh, IIf WH'n IInllhc,,",.

Mieh;tel Olin Ikmphill. ~I!. \In, fn· 1:1l1} m,"r~d "hilI.' \lor~mg on hi, joh ~i! ... un AII!;II'! IlIh and p.I, ..... d ;\11.1) on AIIgm! J'lh

Rohen Alcxllmkr ,1\111 h!.. " Illlhcr. Ri­chard. iIIl a(1pr~·nli~c. \len' ~llIc\1 tn,wnlly III nn allloUlutJllc 'Ic~"knl \lhik CllI'lllliC 10 'W(lr~ on <.,cplclllt>cr 2IJth I he ,IhuIC three yOllng mcn \lerc ;111 innoccntl\ in· lut-ed in Ihe a~~idenl' ~au,ing thcir

Ilmrhcr I ,ctlcri~k "I mL"" Itud.. ~uf­fcrcd 01 he.lrt :,lIack 'While \lorklnG ,.iI his jllb ,ile ami (1,I\'ell UI\<Iy fOllr hours I;l r"'r in the Ilthpital un \lny 22nd.

Relire,1 ~r01hcr' I'orl (h,r),. II tnl)' Timm. and V. O. Hrellil 1I1\(, r .... l'cnlly pa_wd all;1)'. IJrolh .... r (InTI 1111' 1.1111 tir'l rrc,ident.

All 1.11 Ihe\C line mCn \lill 1I1~:I)' he r ... memhered h) ;111 uf u ... M<l} rheir ..ouh re~r in pe;l~e


Mlehnl Otto Hemp. hIli. L.,.. .. I 531. t .. Porte. Ind .. Will 'd l ~lIy Injured on Ihe lob II1I and is mourned by hi.



AI Ihis l ime, \lurk is Icry slow in uur lerritury.

Onr apprenlices \l.ere Ihe aeling hO\1) for our picnic. held Oil haOle W rll roo lllLe. The mernhcrr. o f Ihe !'icni.: Com­l11ill« \\cre Froln!; S p)ch:lt-I,i, Ch:I;r­nmn: apprcnlice~ William AlIi..on and l arr), l } nn. Crrchairm:m; nnd appren. l ice~ Juhn Kegcbein. Jr. _ SIcphcn ('wi",. I);rnn) Ohime. Jr .. Nurman \\eILic. R:md) Slcd. 1 Qm Ca~hh:luilh. I err)' Wicn!;ck. Robert Gral·e~. D;'I id I ggcr., :md I);!nn i~ T} lin~ki.

A good lime \la~ had b) 311. and Ihe .... ommillcc dc .... ·ne~ a big \'ole uf IhanL~ for:l job 11 ... 11 done.

Dun:lld Deardorff. Richartl Frcd'lln. l ed Jun),o\l,ki. nnd John Fldrillge. golf·

er, reprcwnli ng uur local. lIun Ih~ ,tate t:olf (harHpion~hip . Cungralliialiun\. rei. IOI\~!

J \\u.s J. ML C"" H, I' .S.

Monthly Newsletter Begins; Work Picture Darkens L. I I. 569. SAN D IEGO. CAUF.-Our lo .... t! ha, emhar~ed on a ne" \enturc. I (If -.cleral )CllTl>. "c h:llc !>cen III thc holt-il. lhe ..amc a~ man) 10.:11". uf ",,,il. ing OUI 10 Ihc member-; a mQmhll hulle. lin. IIhieh \la~ aillay, mimcogr<lpbed :lIld nuher ha~til} pUI IUgelber,

t\ member of our 'Iarr. Jerry II"rl' IWII h:llinr had preliOIl\ journali"ll e~. JX'rien~c. ~Ol :I nCII (l\,ignmenl. li e ";l~ uemiled 11.1 pnxlucc Imd cdil. un,ler Ihc dire(liun of !he hu~inc,\ rHanapcr. a ne", monthly nc",lcner .... ilh a mou in­lerc'ling fQrmal lie ha .. done Ihi,. and \lC nO\l -.('nd Olll 10 Ihe ",emhcr,hip :. f,)nr·page. union-primed ne\l'P:lflCr, (I)mpletc \luh local j,t'm, 11011 rklllrt'"

We fl'll Ihal. in thi> 10"11. "Iwi lIilh ,. 1llllor-haling I're~~. III bur 11111 ahlay\ he pn.'~enled !tI thc \lor~1 Jlt)~,ihlc man· ncr. if al all. rhi~ paper of our. i, onc 11:1) of !:tclling the Inuh ;JboUI mal1er~ of lilal inlere'l 10 our Ol,·rnOr:r_.

J ,lIlC h: irkl;tnd. Scereliin-Trc:l,urer. AI L-CIO. ha~ ~Ialed Ihal Iht' Ja~r prc'" i, the only hope or~;llli/CU lahor h:h o f getting thc Irlllh lu Ihe member· "hip. We certainly "ill do our P,lrl

I" Ihc 11eon sign indll~Ir). IIC :tre e~­pcrieneing a ,lrong. dir,'1:1 Ihreat \() Ihe life of lhe indu\Ir)". The 1()I:ill pOI ern· Illt:nt ha .. inh:nlion~ of implementinf 11 highl~-rc'lrkli\'e 'ign code "hil:h \lill nOI he cQnduci'e 10 improl ing lIurk in Ihi, area. A .. of Ihi~ IIriling. :111 of Ihe neon Inemhcr\ arc elllplu} cd. hill 1:;111 .. fur l'c(err<lJ arc fcll' and fllr hel\leen.

In,ide C011 .. lruelion \lorl h,l\ ,lOlled do~n. and once again. \Ie \lould 1i~e 10 !ell lra,cling IJrUlhcr\ nOl 11.1 cume 11.1 ).10 Dlcgo '>Cc~ing \lork.

-I hi~ nCII lear i .. going 11.1 be n (;rili .. al une frum Ihe ,Iandp<lim of Nllh politic .. nml nq;uli:llium \lilh l:onlraLl\Jr ... \\e 1\ ill he negoli:"in.\: Ollr ~on_lrll~liun "gr\·enwnl. uur ncon ,ign agreement. \Jur ,hip):lI'd, cunlraCI~, and .... ·I·em! (1Ihl·r agreernenl~ in airer-,fl plant'. \\ ilh Ihe pre-.cnt \talU~ o f Pha-.e II . uncertainl)' on the p:m of labor and mam.gemcnl,

:tnd the probahililY of gO\erntnenl COll­Iro[<, ' 1(lying \lilh lh. il loob li~c a lung. tou~h )car ;.he:td (or Ihe 1I0rLing Ill:!n al11.l "oman.

\\'ilh Ihe \.IOIrt of Ihis ne\l lear, IIC II i,h lOU anll >uur famihe~ lhe be_I uf he;llth :Inll prlhper;I).

110\\ \110 \'01 Z. B.M.

Work Pick.Up Expected; Power of Vote Stressed LU. 5114. ·ll' l.S \ . OKI.A __ WurL arotlnd here i, a lillte ~hort nO\l. but \Ie h.lle " IIreM m:lny jol;!, read) 11.1 brC:IL.

\\ 1.' :111.' looking fur a pid·up in \lor~. ami i! ~ellh ;" if the e.JOI r;lCtOr~ I,,~rc \la111nll UII Sunlit C l i'lI~ 10 gill' Ihem :1 li,it. I ,till ';(), thul. if lie eOlild :111 learn III IInd"r'lrmd Ihnt lie arc in Ihi~ thing logelh~r. contr.I~·Jur. and union melllt'Ch. ~e ~o\lld huild :t beller rda­tinn'hip.

\\1.' finJ IIMI man) ],Irgcr l'Orpur3liun\ fin,l il ["IrOfil;l bl~ 10 hall.' ,"~h a relillion­,hill · We ,ccm III he hehind in lhi, pol­iq. anJ IInlc,., hOlh ,ide\ ~':\Il learn 10 do '>0. nun·un;nn JX'''ple \lill hun II'

h".!I}, I :Im (If lhe opinion Ihal Ihi, nalion

of our.. " Ihe ,re.'le,1 01 1111 n:lllun~. l ei 11\ hale Ihe b.I~)'hone to h~.11 10 ~e ... p il ~re;Jl. Aj:'ltn. I "I) \llIr frcl'dom 10 \011.' " our IInl) \lcapon \ Ien in f".llili~·:tl ptJller IIndcr,t:mll Ihe po\lcr of ~Ole,. I I.'I .1\ 1I1:lr~'h 10 Ihc poll, and ea,t our IUle~ for the ~'.11I"'" of Ihe 'oi~'c uf I"hor.

'Cler on rc~'orll ha, it n;oliun or a i!rtlilP of people derarted frOOl Ih .... re­'JlCd .,nd Ih.lnl., .!ue III Go,1 on hil/h Ilml .!iu 11111 ~1) inlO n form of diLl.1II" •• ,IIII"' tlr ,ollle I ule that depril·c, miHl of hi, righr,. I er I". ('\ \lurking !'Cuple. IhIHl~ (,,>II fUI Ollr freedom' and re­m~mhcr 111m elldl ,md ewr)" ,lay 01 Ihe ) t' .'L

\\ I.' here in Ullr 11.1,:,11 hale mll~h 10 ~iH' Ih'lnl., Ut>..)lIt \\ c ha\e our frecllmm- -Ihe grcatC'1 of IIhil'h h Ihe liill!! III \ole. And rememhi:r. rhe IIC.lplIll th"l thc lIurkin!; man h;I'I h 1\1 lute hi, mind I ahllr i, in d"nger of gr ... al lrollhlc. IInle" all of u .. pull .I~ a Nil" ,,[ Ihe p<lll' 10 IiI/hi rur our flghl'.

\\e neln m;" lhe ~uler in Ihe IIcll. until Ihe \\ell ~"", dl~ \\-" "illllui ",i" our lre,'\ltlm ... unlll Ih ... IO\:~, arc pllt on our union door. I hc alliHldc of O1;1nl of Ollr )Ollnger peopic i, e:l\) ~um~. e,,,) ~(), I he) neler cume 10 unlun 111ec1in1(' Imd nClCr PUI uUI :my elrurl 10 help \\ith \I()r~ to our errurl 11.1 prOled (Jur I'illh". If IIC. a, a horJ~. lIo nOI '1:In,1 I" fiJ;hl for olJr ri!!hl" lie arc de:ld dud,. I he "allte i\ 10 t>c \Ion ,II Illc pull,.

C. D. \1 CCIll, P.S.

Ceremony Honors Graduates; Annual Picnic Hold l .. tJ. 5~5. OAK I,,\"J). C .\I.IF.- \l orc Ihlln 150 IIlIe\l, nnd mcmbch :lIIended


Inside Wireman Graduates

PiI'ae tt, r Brown, K. O. Cerroll, R. M Prot., 0

the annunl ceremony for I ( gnlduate~ of the In, ide \\ irern:1Il I\ pprcnl ice~h ip T rain ing 1'l"ognll1l , helll thi' )c:lr in the Coronado Koom of Ihe Sunol V;llIey Golf Cluo.

T hc cv~n ' , which \la, ~polhoro:d b)­the Alameda {'(lLlnly Joinl ApprenJiee­, hip and r nlining COnllnlllcc. induJeJ cod.,I,li". dinner . and d;uh.:inl,! 10 the lIlu,k of J imOl)' 1I0\l;Irt.l ,10.1 lI i\ Or· ctt;:.,Im

r ho: l'ornnn::nh on mOIl\JlIon h) Bud. lIaler. Diredor. "" ,l lional J\ I C. "ere \eT} imprC",h e Sterhen l. ind hcim, I'res­ident. Sch"'Jrll. amI I indheim. Inc., "pole on ho .... Ihe clc,'r;.:,,1 IOdu~tr) ha~

gro\l n in Ihe LJ" SO }ear, Oil Ihe b",i" of mutual undef'> landinl,! an,1 , In:,)C,1 Ihnt nunn!!.:ment and 1;lhor mU\1 \lorl lo!;et her 10 \uh c Ihei r prohlelll"

A \peci;. 1 :i"Hfll \llh prc-.cnl..:d to Stel e A. Mart in, \l ho. n\ Ihe IllO"t mll­' landing l. pprcntice in hi .. da". h;l.I J emo n,Iralcd ollt'tl. ntiin!; perf'lnll;IIlCe Ihm u!,: holl l hi, Iwining,

Congratu lu[ion, 10 Mlluriee Co \\IHg­ncr. oml. ing hi ~ nf' t uflk ial HppeHran.'c :" J A' IC Iwi ni ng di re!,;[ur. fur hi , per­, i'lC~ nl effo rt in p[adng oll r I ebru:lt·y d;,,~ uf nc\\ a[ll1Te nt ice~ .


( .. , ,

•• [


Sclcral hundred merntocT\' fami lie\, inc1udin!! hordc" of lid~, atlcn,Ic,1 uur [ 'HI Ann ual I' i~n i ~. held at I ltt[e lil ll~ Kandl. Pre, jden t 1 c\ It ridge prll' idcd Ihc \parL of \uece,~ to Ihe fc, tlvilie'. \I hi le M r,. I rill 1 il/,!eh ami lIuh 1 ie­man. ;I[ Ihe h'Jldlllt , I"nd. ulon/1 \l i[h I ril: \toe and Olher I' icni~ (lI111nulleo: memOo:T\. pr(l\ iJed Ihe n-cee"ar) 1111N:le to lecp the fOlKI ilml !,:ame, m"linl;. I~ ~,ra- happ)' pi, nideh. \\er~ R"" \\ }kr and Ron Ihd" \linncr, IIf '1IllIr ' I V ~ts.

J. L. Bi ll MI ". I' .S.

Utility Contract Signed; Wages, Benefits Increased I. .l '. fi OS. J \ C KSO"". \IISS. '1e!,:oli;)­lioth Oo:I\leen our [ocal and I 1.)I:al '}I<~,

n Clcland. MI\\ i"ippi, l. nd the \Ii"i~· ,irpi I'uwcr ,IIIJ I i!,:ht Cllmr;LIIY h,l\<; heen (om:lml.:J .

[he term n f Ihe coni fad j, one year, en,tilll; Odoh .. 'r t~, 1 'In.

r he procedllre fM deHlinl1 .. il h !,:ri':I'­nncC'- ha~ 0.:':11 mud ificd In (,.[1 in a ll In­Icrnn[imwl l~epre,en IHl i ~c earlier nml 1\1

eliminate the mll l! lall )'-agrceah[c agcl1l;Y frulH the pr<>l.'cdll re and ilO di rect l)' III

the America n Arbitrlnion Associal ion for !I li ~I o f SCI en name~ from \I hich 10 cha&.:>e a cha irman fo r Ihe panel 10 "Ia n a ea..e heari ng.

The da ily ,sub,i., lc nec fo r men elect· in l; hi re lurn home \l h.:n \lorl ing a\la) fronl he .. J q unrlCr. ha~ been rai-.cd 10

1\1 rer J,.), Shifl di fferential, h .. \(, been rJi..cd from ~i~ and eight ("el1h to eIght .. nli I U cenh per hour.

\\ .ll;e incrc'l...c, \I ill be up to 7.5 per cent. contingent on \lagc freeze meehan, k"

r he relirmcn[ plan \liIl be imprOled ; . ~ of thl' Ii "I of Ihi\ year. \ubjed 10

IR S appro\;11. " e,Iing ri!,:hl\ \lilI tie 10\1-ered from 20 10 [S )ear,. and Ihe amount of redudiun for early relirement \li l1 tie redu~ed from four per l'ent per )ear 10 th ree per cent per }<!ar.

I herc nrc [ .. nj1.uage eh;1nl!e~ rel .. the 10 pa)' for \lor l. 111cn. upgraded \0 provide for a minimum of 1\10 hOUT\ or :u:tua[ thlle \lorLcd and relathe 10 ~llIa ll efC\I a"ignmenl~ 10 permil them to in_tall o r chan~e OUI tJndo!r~round or pad mounl tr.. lhformcr, to Ihe \afe limit.. of the e~u ipnlent \lith Ihree men. '>0 long a~

Ihl' equIpment (an It;, p["ceJ dO">C enough 10 the jot-. 10 h,lOdle tht' lran,­roroler \li[h Ihe hoom. \ \ hi1c ...-han!,:ing IIUt ,ubmchih1c tran~f<>nner,. Iho! ere" \liII ...-on,,'" of fllur men,

1 he I"n~ua!!e on proper emplo)ee\ 10 be (",.lIed out on trouhl.: and on proper relicf foremen for ...-rell, \lorlin!,: ;\\la) from rTj:ulM ~'rT\I hcad~u .. neT\ h", been darilio:d_

Agreemenl \la, re,ll'~">{) on a beller ...:hedule fur uouhlemen in the: JaeL-.on ').cT\iec Departmenl The compan) \lill :II..., limit routine IHlr~ in high-ri,L are;l\

The l"Ompan) ;1~reed 10 open lob, for an "pprenti...-c c,,"1o: ,piker. :t 'pe."ia[ meter re;llle r. and a ,)_tcm melerm,m. all in JUl'I.",". :onJ to clu..c the joh of an eleetrk 111CICTlllan. ll1-.0 in Jad .. on.

'1 he ~'1)111 Jl"ny agreo:d to aJd a ne\l d"'-'Ifi.;,uiun of p[anl operalor in the 1l : ' ~ler \\ iI -.on Steam p ra m. Viehhurg. I hi.. chl"iliralion h t'quila[ent to that of luntrol lenl;:r operator. 'I he , te,,111 pl.1I11 oren""r da,_in~;l1ion \lill l'hange 1o liloll IIf ...-hid pl:!nl operator.

Unton rIC!,:olia luT\ in..-luding Inlerna­tilll1"[ Repn:..cnl;\ti\l~ Il r)ce \Vagt'r :md Bon \turri-.on. C 1' . Shafrer. hl r! I-Io:n­dri~-.on. \\ illi,l111 II MI. I d,1 Duna\la). D~\le) lIu[[er. anJ I' ':, Il uuo. \li[h \1111011 \ k{HII :I, the alternate for I 0.: .. 1 "n~ and Charlie Thoma~. George \I ullen, Dudley 1')1e" ('unis Algee. and R,\)1110nd Jl)nc,. \li[h Joe BrO\ln a\ th.: allernate for 1.ocal 9t!5.

J. W. RI.SSU L, I' .S.

Albuquerque Work Good; Freeze Affects Contracts 1 .. 0. fill. ,\l.ItUQIlI-:I{QPI-: , N .\I.­Wor~ in thi~ area i, good. c,pel'ia ll ) .. hen lie c()n, idcr the lime of the }ear. Some are!I' of \lo rL . hOI\ cver. have been ll fl'ce lcd hy the Ncw b :onomi, Polic}' .


T he po"er pl.mb in Farm in,glOn arc em­plo}'in,!; ~Ollle of our men, and the Sil\er City area h c:ontribluing 10 OUT employ­men! po~i!ion _

T he .... age freeze' has hampered all of ollr contraCh. It appears a~ though all negOtialiol1' may he affected. even on into the flllUre. It is rcgreu able Ih:l\ the .... orling Ill,"~~ h,lve been ~i n,gled oul for \\ h<ll h Icrmed Ihe New Fconomic I' o licy of Oll r na tional government.

NeIlOli:ll ion, a rc cUrT!:'ntl} under \\a}' \\ilh Ihe Zia Com pany. Ihe Public Serv­ice Compan) of Ne .... Me\ico. and the \l orn·San \l ig\ll:1 Co-op. Our .... ireman·~ nego!ialion~ .... iII -.oon ~tarl. and more report~ will be forthcominG.

A mong OIher ,>uhjeels "roughl up at the SI.lle A I' L-C IO COlI\ enlion. held from O Cloi'oer ISl h Ih rough Ihe 111h, the une Ih <l l a tfecI~ orgnni led l'lbor very milch i, Ihe del- lion o f f riends nal ion­a lly, :ol.ltc \\ ide. and loc<l ll }. \l lIch 1.'.11\ be accomp l i~heu by Ofl:;an i7.l.'u labor through friend s in the government. COI' t:: is in,lnllllen!al in helping ekel friends. le(~ help COPE 10 help 11 \ .

A I 111"0 G\Rcn. 1'.5.

Dance Honors Membe rs; Work Picture Is Dim

L. U. lil S. HALIFAX. N.5.- Recenlly, Oll r local h~'ld a d.1I\ce 10 honor bolh ib junior and -..c n ior member,.

The graduatc\ a nd tho'>C members .... ilh 20 or more }ears of 'oCrvice .... ere Ihe glle\l~ of Ihe loc:ll. a nd .llt hollllh Ihe a llenu:lne.: .... a~ ~ollle l h i ng le ~s Ih'lf\ h:ld been :llIIid p:ued. Ihose .... ho did allcnd h'I<.I:t m<r-t enjo) able ev·eninll.

Inlcrnation:1 1 Repn:)enlal l\ e$ J im lI ughe, anu George Gray \\c r.: pre')Cnl, and .... e IhOln l lhem for lheir ~ind a !>S i,!­;mcc.

Lenglh·of-<;Cl"\'lee a\\ an ls \\cre pre­~enled 10 Alex William,o n. WHlle r I-I:l n­nan, I-I ;lrry 1-10 .... .:. and Doug Glo~l e r, -10 )'ear~; Willhull 1-Ii I,h,lrd and J ohn I-Ia rd y. 30 }~:lr,; Ced i Jo llol:l. 2~ }ears; a",-I Homer Garriwn. Sr. and Doug Flin n. 20 )O:::l r,.

T he I!radUale~ oonared arc John Gi nn, Don McLeod_ J im Bro .... n. Grtg \Icl nnb. O av'id Lohne~. and R:mlon Smilh. Brot her Melnni, ..... ho .... as high mom, "a~ pre'>C"nicd \\ith a le.,ler by Ihe locil l in recognition of his Heeomplb h­lllc n\. T he pl"C , enl,lt ion \' a~ mauc by BrOlhc r GhNeT. a reliree.

S ince Ihi ~ cvenl I!:IS been hopefull) 1:1-hc lc ~1 ":lnnu:I I:' it is hoped thai fmu re ga thering .. \\-iII bring greHter parlicipa­tion and more good times for morc peo­ple.

Our .... o rl picture. at tbe prc'>C nt , is not vcry brighl, bUI .... e ha,e hope .. for Ihe ne;\t yea r or ~O. p..1 r ticul:lrh i f Ihe o il hunlers , hould ~tri l c il rich ofT of our eo.I'1.

Mean .... h ilc, Ihanl~ 10 Lo.x::l l 302. 51. 10hn. Ne .... iJ ru n' .... ie l . a nd Local III IS, New Gla~sow, No,a Scotia, for Ihe help Ihey h:tvc giv en in ell1ploying our mern­bers .


Honored at Dance

Tl\ese old'li~~ 01 Loul 625. Hlloflx. N.S., we.e I\onored recently al I dln~e _ Sealed, left 10 rilll\!. I re Alex W,lliam,..,n. ~O yea~; William Husl\/lrd, 30: OouS GIOSler and Harry Howe. ~ O: and JOhn Hardy. 30. Sland· Ing. Inle rn l l ion31 Rep .. eSe nl a l i~e Georse Gray. 1 sueSI: C"ell Jollola, 25: Hon'er Ga.· roSOn and Doug Flinn, 20: WilIer Hannan, ~O; I nd Inle rnal;onal Represen lali~e JIm

Husl\es. also a suesl.

New iourneymen of Loc.1 62S, who were also honored al lhe dan~.. are, le ll 10 "lIhI. John Ginn. Don McLeod, J im Brown. Gre" Mcinnis. David Lohnes. and Ramon


K"n Roche. chee.ed on b, ch ... ·.,lled VIce Presldenl JIm Bruce. assls led by Bobbie Cu."e. p.--ovide-s $Ome "n' erlalnmenl. 10 Ih"

deliaht of lhe youne I.dy.

\Ve expecl \0 mOIl.' inlO our ncw qU:lrlers -,oon. a" umi ng. o f cou~. Ih:l l ' he huilding h re'ld). I hc Creuil U nion League j., h:ll in.{! a new onke building buil! ; ho pefu lly it .... iII hou!IC nlo-,I of the buiMing Irndc~ locals in thh a rea. plu .. a lot of olher laoor g rou"".

LLN D t.l'oN, n.M.

Roanoke Had Slow Year; E. G. Schaber Mourned L U . 6J7. UOA"Ot.: E. VA_-Thb pas! }ear .... a' a 'er) ' 10 .... )car in Ihb area . \\'1' h"d more mcmbeh out of "orl and on Ihe roau in 1971 Ihan III a n)' lim.: ~inee 19M) .

It sc.:m' Ihat Ihe o nl} time \\C lITe

concerne\1 Ht--Olll roli l1.:, b \\h.:n il afT,:c Is our poI.· ~elbuol. Our Ilorl is CUI OUI for Ih no". ('1.'1 \\ ilh it :md gel }our CO PE do llar in. If you don·l. there i, nohod) ebe 10 blame for anolher Nixon depres­~ion.

The local mourn~ the oJealh of Brolher E. G. Sl'habcr in Lale \ \ orlh. Florida. Our \) mpalhic~ are extended to h i~ fami ly.

B. T. 1'1.t-;01! TON. 1'.5 .

Work Situation Good; Social Activities Held

L U. 6J 9. SA " I.UIS ORISI'O. CA UF. - It ha~ been quite '>Onle lime ~ince our local has had an)l hing in lhe "Local Lincs:' I .... iII bring you up 10 u.l le on our \\or~ ,ilUalion :md Ihe :.OCia l e,enlS o f Ihe year.

The \\orl ,ilualion i, good al Ihis lime. All member; :,r.: "orl ing: \\e h;l\e qu ile a fe .... member-. from our ,hlcr 1o­ea"- 100. '1 he m:,jorit) of lhe men :Ire .... orl ing at Ihc D iablo C:ln)on AlOmic Sleam Planl. Uni t O ne i, about 30 per cenl eom pleleu. Unil T .... o i, ju·q comins OUI of Ihe grounu. A ~'ompletion dale of 1974 i, plann~d.

Ol hcr eOn,lfUelion in the area in· clude~ a 6-ntiltion ho-,pital expan~ion

progrdm. One unil is in lhe fini' h ing Slage~: lhe ot her b jll~t gelling ~Iancu and .... ill employ '>C\ernl men.

T he }oun.{!er general ion of our local pUI on a uance carl) in Ihe ye:l r. and Ih.: member, ami their gue~h ,1ann:d 10 we,!ern :tn t! mode rn nt ll~ic. Our congral­II I:Uio n, 10 Ih.: )oungcr rn c rn ber~ ..... ho .... or~er.l hard to Illa~o:: Ih is dance a we· ee,s.

In laic ~llmmcr. lhe Barbe-clK" Com­mittee pUI on lhe Annual SIe':!" U.1rlx­cue for our member. and their gue"s. T hh all rncled one I)f the largc~! ero .... ds cler ..... ilh 240 pound .. of meal eon­~umed. A I-.o 0 11 Ihe menu ..... efe corn­on_lhe_cob. chili bea ns. ~ alnr.l. ~fl d rjn~ ,. :,nll cofree. S" il11ll1ing and b:,~­

ball "cre :11,o a,ailablc for Ihe d:ly'~ ae­Ihilic,. A ll pre!>l.'n l agreed Ihnt Ihe da~ \\ a~ n hllJ,::c 'Ul·e(',~.

Our Annual Chri~l ma~ Dance ..... h ich is :l1 .... al~ a .... ell-anended and popul:lr parI), ..... -a~ held in D.:ecmber.

1 ha"~ all for no ..... 1 hop< thaI e\el)'­one hn~ a hnpp)' holir.lay .,e'l",n.

1.1.0 E. WooD\\ \ 110, P.S.

Senior Housing Dedicated; LU Aids Pol itical Friends L.U. 675, .: I. IZA IlETIl , NJ.-We a fe again inlohed in an effo rt 10 be reeog·


Dedication Ceremony

PrinCIpals Involved in the dedIcation and be ... ed,ct,on o f a new senior cltizen's apartment

complex. in Union. N.J.

Among the guests at the dedicat ion , were. lefl to "I!;ht. Russell Fiedler. President. Acme Electric. Roselle, N. J.: Sta te Senator MaUhew Rinaldo; John J. O'Connor. SUSI' ness Manager. Locat 675. Elizabeth. N.J.; and LouIs Giacona, D"ector. Housing Department.

Union. N.J .

A portion of Ihe crowd of senior cl!izens at the ceremony.

niled. nOl only lI~ II ~ u c!':essful labor or­gani7.lItion. but liS an active p:micipant in community alfairs.

Recent ly. Business 1\'ianager John J . O'COlmor parlicipated in the dedication of a new senior dtizem' apartment com· plex. loc:ued in Union, New Jersey. Among the honored guc~ts. were U.S. Scnator Harrison Wil1i:lm~ and New Jer­sey Stale Sen'ltor " I aU hew Rinaldo. bolh of ,,·hom. along wilh Broth(,"T O·Connor. ~po,.c on the need for mor('" of such housing all ov('"r the nalion. Senator Wil­liams and Senator Rinaldo ha\'e been ~tauneh advocates of senior dli£ens' hou~ing.

These new apartments are totally elt,>i;­tric. which ~em~ 10 be thc trend in such housing. The entire project wa, con­structed with all·union labor. A fe" of our retired members :rod their "ives ha\'e been accepted by the Hou~ing Au­thority ;tnd "ill move into their ne" :.partments soon.

To a~surc more legisla tion for all types of community needs. our members "ere once again pleased to participate in Ihe campaign of Mr. Rinaldo. who was seeking re-election as state ~nator from Union Counly.


New Journ eymen

Our members and their wives and families offered thcir unending assi~tance to the senator. Wives manned a battery of lelephones for dars, ma~ing many calls. Those who "'ere not in\olved in the telephone campaign offered their a~­'i~tance as bab~'-silleT<;. Our apprentices provided tran~portation to voters \\ho had no way of making their way to the polling place~. New~paper COVenl!;e "a~ not over­

looJ..ed ei ther. At various times during the campaign. our Political Education Committee. headed by Regbtrar Kay Wagner. ran .trticlcs and adverti,ement~ endor~ing Senator Rinaldo and other candidates. In the end. our efforts \lere re"arded wilh the senator'~ re-election.

With the current wavc of ~nliment again~t unionbm. it has become our duty to become more intere~ted in :md involved in politics in order to prOtecl our li\elihoods. We must be sure thaI friend" of labor are elected to office at all le\cls of government. The only "ay we can do this is to participale aCli"ely in thc campaigns of candidate~ "ho pledge to wor~ for labor.

We h:lve participated in the campaigns of Senator William" and Senator Rin· aida. ;t Democrolt and a Republican re­spectively. anu to our sat isfaction. both friend, were overv.heltningly re-elected. It is evident to all ollr members that ollr future is in our hands; "e are m:lking every effort possihle to insure this future through an active political life.


Completion Banquet Held; Thomas J ohns O utstanding L.U. 697. G ARY I\ N I) HA~ Ii\ION I) . I-"I).-On NOH'mber 51h. 38 new jour­neymen "ere presenled their completion certificates M our 23rd Ekclrical Ap· prentice~hip Completion Banquet. held ,II '1 eibt:r~ Restaurant in Schererville, In­diana.

After Mon~ignor ,' I ichael A. C:1m­pagna. Director of the Hoosier Boys Town. ,guve the invocation. cocl.tail~ and dinner were "erved to the ISO per~on~ in aHendancl'. Thc'>1; inclUded the honored apprentices, the local union officer". the electrical contractor~. repre~ntatives from NECA. thl' rcpre~enmtive~ from the United States Department of L'lbor, polilician~. and "ive~.

The grJ.dua ting apprentices "ho were honored are Ed" in D. Ailes. David Beanblo:."um. Drummond Hell. Theodore Hor~gren. Dcnni. Chuncellor. Carl Cho"ning. John R. Cole. Milton Cole. Fran)., Coo).,. Kim S. D:\Vi~. James Dixol1. Gary Fro)'. Gary A. Grah. hme~ W. Guth. Jr .. Ronald 1·lampsten. RiI~ C. Hindson. Thomas W. J ohn~. Ri­chard Kennedy. GeorgI' Le~nick,

Thoma~ Ma)"or. John David Mitchell. Donald New­

comb. Wa~ne OosterhofT. James I' lesl.. Curti, Reuter. Jame~ Rouhselang. Ri· chard S. Rudnick. Dougla~ Ru~ak. Roy D. Samuels. 1·larry Shawver. Rich:tru Smith. i...;l"rence M. Sohl. Brad Taylor, D uane Van Ocr Veen. Nick Warona.


Unique New School

Members 01 loc~1 712. B'iI~er. p" have been WOrkIng on • unIque, new high 5choo' complex Th,. VIew shows Ih' high intenslly cove Ioght,n& end shows how 11>" Class-

rooms a.e dlYlded Irom each Olhe •.

~-. D j

• " tyP'C". n .. ",,, C<l!nler. shO"'OO8 " s.;hool sntern clock. "el>I , .. ,ICl>o!s " Ihe'n>Os'et. '" pub"" add'Hs spe.hr, " rad,O and TV ,,,c"plaer., an fM btoildcaSi lack. .nd "

telephone for Ihe ;nterpho..e 5~slem_

The library,

CII-' W. W:llroba, ,\II..:-n Ydkh. and Larry Ziol.,,1 ich.

Follol'. ing dinnt:r. Ra~ licnill{:cr. Slale $upeniwr. 8un:,IU of Arrrenlicc~hip and Training. U.S Dcpanmenl of Lallor. 3ml 1 .,1\13ro Ka)l. I i"ld Kern­-emali,.:. l\ 1-C\. prc'>Cn1('(1 Ihe certifi· cates amI gifl\ 10 Ihe gr:llJU:O.C\, ' -ranI. G. Werde-n. \11<.1\1<:\1 Region .. , Director. "ECA. "as ai,,, on hand 10 a"i~1 in the progr:!!11 "ith ,Onle wr)t fine CUnI­ment~.

The higltlighl or the evening "." lite pre..enl:liion uf tlte ;\rpren!i~e of-the­Year A":. rd. "hillt "elll 10 Brother Thoma~ W. John,. " ho h!!ll a '}X.2 iI\er­age during hh apprentice'hip Ir:,ining. H i~ in~lrm;tun; ha\'e reponed Ihal he re­~eived a perfect ,core on beuer-tltan-50


per cent of all of Itis le,ts . .... icc going. Tom. I t'~ going 10 "" hard 10 heal Ihal record . Joe Ferro, JATe Se~·re\(Lr}. :lnd Frederid . J uergen,. J A rc C hairrn:Ln. Itad lhe honor of pre.)Cnling Ihe :mard to IkOlher Johns.

T he other members of the JATC arc Jes,,", Sherer. Hill Rlair. Donald Olt~, amI Ronald DUl.leL.

Our director of apprentice,hip lraining h Andre" "o\a,·h. and our 1"0 in,lfllI:' 10" are \\arrl"n l'nS~lrom and fl o"ard John,on.

Cl1lRLlS O. \\ IlXl~. 1'.$.

Local 712 Members Complete Work on Unique School Complex. I..U. 712.IIEA\ I~ J{ . I · ,\ .-Our meml-cr\ arc in lhe proce\, of fini,hing up lhe Rochester High School c!)mplex for Ka \lding Fleelric of Be,n cr Falb.

This new ... eltool. of a rather-unique de'ign and one of only 15-211 in Ihe counlry. "as "uih :It a C(l';t of S6.5-mil­lion.

The outside of the brid huilding h de)igncd in a '>t"rie, of h('~agon, 1,"001-

monl} called pod ... "hkh are hro~en dOlln into da,'room~. \\itlt :I, m;lO) a, 12 cla~~rooms to a pod. pili' ;1 te:H;her)' pl:lOning area. :Ind ho}, and ~irl,' re,1 room~. The idea of separaling thl"­rOO'II\ Ilith lIla_onfY or other 1) pc~ of 'olid \\al" ha~ been di~carded; hue. the da-.\TUUm, aTe lI)uali}' o.Ii. ided "y \\ooden e<lbinets ano.l hooL,heh('~. '1 he II~ of rUJ!-'. pad,. and acoLl~lical pla\ler and the o\er-all de,ign of the po.b Ihem~"es cau-,e enough '>Qund to be ;Ib'orbed to male Ihe nO-\\:Ll1 concept ro'-,iblc.

The ,chool ha) healing :lnd ;Iir-condi­tion ing for year-round l"e. Ne.\ t }ear. lhe 5(;hoo] d hlric i will prueet'd into ,I lrime,lrr schedule ... ith ,wlient, attend­ing 1\10 of Ihe Ih ree <;cs,ion, fOr :I }e:lr\ ~·redi1.

A coded fire alarm ,),tem, a ph:l .... failure dCleClor ~}~tem, and a ,ophi,ti­(aled inlcTphone ~~~tem hale al", !'>cen in_Ialled.

E\Cry c1a~~room ha~ a l"o-fOOI-h)­(OUT-fOUl panel called a nefle center. in \\hich are light ~"itchc". a IhermO)t:lI. n ...... hool "ystem dueL. a puhlk "ddre .. ~ ,pealer. a radio and T\ recepI;lde. an "\1 "roodca,1 jaeL. and a telephone for Ihe inlerpholle' ))"Iem.

The latter ~rmih all da, .. room in­.. lrUdOh lite fle'tihilit) of bdng 'Ible to tommunicate "ilh any of Ihe otlke'. Ihe Jibrar~. or the other in"lru(\or~ "ithoul Il"a\ ing Ihe da"room. In,lruet.,r. lila) :LI,o reach an out,ide line h) fir'l llinlinj! fnr the l11:oin ,chool office.

rite puhlic addre" 'pt·lI~er. :11-.0 lo­cated in the nene center. i, l':Lp""1e of r.·,:ei.ing or bn>:ld~a)ling, II rna} !'Ie pouched imo an A \I or I \1 radio pro­gr.101 or an imerxhooltape ~}'Iem.

One other unique fe:llure of the nene cenler i, Ihe ,",fit bfoaliC:\)ling jacl, "hi .. h h connectcl.l 10 a pair of )ing!t:-

l'ondu,:lOr " ire) laid Ihree inche~ aparl and pa rallel 10 each mher under Ihe p:ldding and the fIIg of each clas)room. r!)rnlinJ!: an anlenna loop arou nd the da),room. The in~tTue t or can tape Jes­-.on, in ad\ance. plug the laping and hrO;ldc:o .. ting apparalU~ into the E\I an­I"nna loop r.:c('pI3c1e, anu !hu) ('nable the da" 10 hear hi), or hu. 1«lUre through indi.iuual earphont'). elen if Ih(' in'trudor i) nul there.

ROlli Rr DL "("\". 1>.$, J Olt" S"IIlII!. A~~l. I' .S.

Contract Tal ks Continue; Organizing Drive Under Way I..U. 71J. CI II CI\ GO, ILL.--Contraci lalh arc ,till going on at Ihr .. e o f ollr ~hop,. and thai alone lcep~ Bu\ine" '-1:tmlger H"rry Wea.-er and Ih~ olliec ~I., tr bu~).

Recently. I\e have concentrulcd our l'fforh nn organizing. and \\e h;!"e une plam Ihat "e Ita"e high hupe, for. We "ill continue 10 ,pend l"\enin!!~ com'LCI­inp people frum Ihis plant.

\ Io..t of our "hop~ are holding their o"n. Ihe Alltomatic Eleclric Conlpany ha, had ..ome la}ofT~. and that. of tour,('. i~ al"a}~ a \ef)' ..crious mauer "ith ",. lJu,ine,~ \l anager \\ ea.er and A"i\lant Itu,ine" \I'lOager J err~ S:lUriol lire de\Oling a I,1rcat deal of Iheir lime to Ihi, pre"ing matter. We ;,re hoping IIt,Lt. in Ihe near ruture. the "orl ,ilUa· liun \\ ill impro\C and Ihal the people on la}olT "ill be nll('d bllcL IU "orL.

After our regular meeting of Octoocr IVlh. food llOd rcfre_hmenh "ere 'oCf'\ed 10 Iho ..... .ol1cnding h} the offiCC'T\ of the loe'll. I ler~onc cnjo}ed the affair. [t gale !)ur older melllber~ a ~'hallce 10 gel a~"u:Linled II ilh ~ume of our ne"er m\'mher,.

J OlIl'l CIRRt!;! 10. P.S.

Special Ceremony Honors 59 Apprentice Graduates

L U. 716. 1I0L'STO:\', TEX.-In a ~pe_ ~ial I"'remun) held al Ihc \l arriOll lI utel. 59 nel> c1l"\:trici,lO~ "ere gradu· :Ited, They recei ... d Iheir cenifkales in the mid,1 of hnppinl""S' chnmp .. gne, and ,pcech," .

\I ,ln} of Ihe.,.. men "ere -.u lledie:lled th:ll Iht"} re\.'ciled plaque~ and medal,. I hi .. Mll:ial recognition did nul laq as lung ,1\ the 11('" journeymen ~Oud Ita\e liLI:d. ho"c\er. i>c~all,>(, under lahorjoll~ ton'tf",,;lion "or~, ther(' is It'r) lillIe tim ... Il) 'hnr ... Ihe ~i:11 life of Ihe con· lr;KlOr..

Our gr;uJU;lle\ ;Ire Samlll) Borden, hme, I . Clnnun. Jerry C. Craig. George ('ro,h}. ClifT Cmhm:ln. ~lichad ( •. II il1. "ennelh B. Hodge" Oti, 0 lI une}nl11, Paul t..:i rll:lOd. Koi>cn F. Mendl'!. I l.lff) J . " :lulll'_. William I . l'eiLert. Eugene J. PfeilTer. Juhn Rhera. Joe Scon)er.. Larry Smith. Charlie l urner. J r., Richard G. Weelll', Joe E. \\ illiam~. \\';I)ne Belhune, Will is


New Journeymen

New jou.neymen of local 716. Houston. TeL

l eft to . ight. Local 716 Presiden t R. E. Pat· te'son. larry Stephenson. and NECA Presi· dent Bi ll Faust. Brother Stephenson is being honored in ,ecognition of h;$ ellorts and ab,lity in obtaining second place in the

App,entice of the Yea' con test in Te~as.

Brid,ges. Rog G. Brown. Danny Collins, Da\'id W. Cook. Jr.. Gordon R. Cypert, Carl O. Goerlitz.. Garry A. Grable. Wil· Iiam J . Har,ey, Robert A. Jones, George R. King. J r. Harr~ Langc. Richard B. Lee. D. Lee

Maddox. C lifford "' lallhews. Vincent Or· lando. Charles Reddic~, Eddie G. Sa" · ~er. Richard E. Spade. Larry Slephen~n. WiJliam K. Be'ln. G, L. Blan~en~hip. Franl Cl <l rk, B. J . Cole, Alford A. Cook, David J . Farrell. Thomas W. Hancock. Denni~ Hart. Eugene E. Johnson, Bobby H . Kersh. Waymon King. Jumes Lynch· ard, John D. Muhl. Doyle Robbins. Lloyd W. Rothe. D. C. Simmons. Ronnie 1.. Slacey. Sidney A . Tarter. Al vin R. Turner. and ~'I i chae l Y:.ites.

Once, I. 100. au endeu school: now, from a d ifferent angle, 1 unde rstand that


New Method

Left to right. G. A. Morgan and R. L Wolk. ins demonstrate a new met hOd of holding

pipes In dikes by uSIng cement blocks.

the happy dars of -.chool are o\'e r ror theo.C newcomers. that the burden of reo spon~ibility and leadership is in Iheir h<lnds, and thaI all job~ lIlust be done "ell.

E\'erylhing is quill" diffe rent now, and a bnl\'e new "orld has to be raced in the middle or turbulence. when the members and the eonlractors seem 10 ~ jammed through a lack o r communica· tion.

For the sale of suecc~s. let ll~ pull 10' gether. Contractors and members alike, let's pull out o f thi~ hole. before the "rals" end up having a ll of Houston's electrical work.

A NDR ES G UE I{ I{,\, P.S.

Local 728 Work Good; Tribute Paid to Sam Higgins

L.U. 728, FT. LA U DEIWAI.E. F I.A. -\Vorl In our juri"uiclion cominues to be good. wilh the "inter not looking as bleak as "as first thought. Some big jobs arc \\ inding up. but some are JUSt coming out of the ground. 100.

Man} of rou may he "ondering \\hal became of BrOlher S.1rn H iggin~. the man "ho authored thi~ I;olumn for 10 rear~. Well. he's Mill athe and Ud.ing but says hc and his wife. Iva " lac. are looking fOf"ard 10 retirement.

T here's quite a ~lory behind Sam, one of the mosl ",ell·Hled and colorrul char· ac ters t h ~t this industry lla~ ever known. Hardly anyone "ho ~nlJw, S;llll cun' t lei I you a funny slOry involving him,

He was born in FI ~ mo!lt. A labama, on J une 17. 19 12. and ~tartcd hb ap­prenticeship in 19211 for 27'1:1 ce11lS ,III hour. He wa, inilialed into Locnl 1002. Tuha, Oklahumil. Sam i~ qualified as oolh a journl'yman lineman amI a jour· neyman "ireman .• H'ld he ha~ ",orled as both in 39 'Iate~ that he can remember, including acting as hull ~Ie"ard man}' year, ago in Ihc San Diego area. A~ide from Ihat, he "orked in the Caribbean on the Jal;l·Tar Hotel chain: in Padu· cah. Kenlucly. and Madison. Inuian3, on po"erhou<'c~ for the Alomic Encrgy Commission: and on \'arious missile sites.

Sam i~ lI')C'ntioncd in a pDCm hy "Sport" in his book. /Joaml'f. ~I c .>Cneu in World War II in the Second and Fifth Dhbions of the Marine,. wa~ a regi,terC'd Boy SCOllt ror 25 ~C;lr; (;H one lime holding the office of di,lriel commi~~ioner. with 6.000 boy, under hb jurisdiction). and is a member of the Newspaper Institllte of Arnerka.

Sam lIas initiated into ollr loe:!1 on D.::rcmber 31. 1956. Since then. he ha) served our local wi th ~reat dedication. a~ t ing as pr~~idcn t from 1962 unti l 1964. ~r\'ing on the Cr~d i t Union for four years. being active on an unlOld ntlmber of commillce~. and in addition. holding the press secretary's job for 10 )'ear~.

To thi, man, Ill" owe a great debt

Taking It Easy

-, Sam HiggIns. forme. p re .... secretary of Loca l 728. Fo rt Lauderda le. F1 3.. and h is wile. Iva Mae. ar .. Jus t t a king it easy no wa·

d ays.


Innl no amounl of money could e'"er repa y. It i~ on beha lf o f all of the mem­bers of Local 728 that I ,ay, "'Th:.nk you:' to one of Ihe most \\ell-m,cd and dedicated men that unionbm h~ ever)' knO\ln.

IJ rother Ben Lahiff h fceling ..ome. \\hal better but i, ~till unahle to \\orL. ~I i) left leg is ~tjJI in a cn\t. and he h \I-.... :.ring a p:.tch o~er one (')1.'. B .... r! can -e(' 0111 of both eyes but lw~ double \i. , io ll when he Iric, 10 U\C the e)'c, to­gelhcr. If you gel a ch:mce, !;ivc him a call.

A political actiOl1 comminee was set up n.:cenll). An)ooe inlercsted in join­ing. conlaCI Prc~illent C'hicL Perez_

I \Rl COI'I'OU. r.s.

Organizing Under Way; Family Picnic Held in Fall I..U. 730. N.: W,uU';' NJ.-Our local ha\ been \cry bLhY lalely. and 8u~in.c\s " ana~r Alfred l'erchaluL had a lenJ;.thy and informall\e report to ghe at our la~1 local union meeting" The high. lij!hl~ of hi~ report de,11! \I ith orgamling :'CII\ilie\. Pro!;r('" in Ihl.''"< cnde:woh , Ioe, not come e:" ily.

Invited ,pc;l ~ er, :1\ Ihi~ mccting in­cluded bi-parli~an lallor c:mdidales R:llph A. f)eVino. II frcehohkr candi­date. and Charle~ \ Ierrigan. a~\Cnlbl) (.";Indillate" 8mh men lire \lell ler.cd in Ihc need, of ~pre<;cnlalion for Ihe labor IIlOH'menl. IJrOlher 'lerri!;:ln \I"~ lhe ael ill!; 11II,ine,s nmnnger 01 I o~al 1127, ' ella!' ]." . New Jer\e). :mJ i~ :1 former ':l)llndl rncmher.

Afler the meeting :Idjourned. Ihe boJy partkiJhltcd in a ~urpri .... hecr':loo . ..anll­\lieh parly. II !>Cen" :I' if Ihere is a l­\I:I)~ a grealer feeling of tlrolherhOOll o\er a can of bc;.:r. ~ne food. and a good. old-fa~hioned hull '<I.'"ion. On "il h ioOCi ,, 1 life!

We held our Annual I Hlllil) Picnic on Seplcmocr 261h. :Ind dc,pi le threalening "eHlher :lOJ a f.:w drop, o f r:l;n, there "ii, H j!ood turnout II \I:I ~ II \lell-orga­nized, caler~'d affair. \\ith plent) of !;ooU fOOll and drinb for all

1 he children had II t>all tr)"lrlg to Lecp up \I ilh all of Ihe atlivilic-. ..cl up for lhem. T he men\ tug-of-\lur te:lm 10,1 10 ,ill; ];Idie'>-and a tree.

It \\(1\ gre." 10 '>Ce \01I1t: of our reo lired memhcr\: nanle1y. Adolph Krieg, Jbrry J.)nch. anJ Vcrnel SIC\en,. We mi,..cd Charley l afOn.:, our rei ired finan· cial secrelary. \lho i, in Ihe ho-.pilal rc­.:o\ering from a heart ailment. Gel \11.'11 -.oon, Charle)!

Hals off 10 'lid Plegaro and hh com· 1l1illee member,. \lho HI\la~, do ~uch a greal job!

Our apprenlice~ :Irc had in \~'hool for :Irlolher ..eme,lcr \lilh Ihe hooL\, l)c,pile their ohlig:llion of 1"0 nighl' :1 "l'l'L in '>Choo!. a good IllHlll>cr o)f lhem Hll.:nd our regular m«llng'. I he} ;1TC~

quieLJ) becoming dedicaled union melll­t-I.'r. :lnd. eertuinly. future oflkcr, of the locll!.


Fall Picnic

Brothe r Bnd Mrs. RIChard Retlan, Local 130. New~,k, N . J" wo,o winne .. In Ihe lh.ee­lellsed '~ce a' !he local'. A,,"ua ' Family

Picnic, he'd 11011 fall.

John Cov,ello IOnd hIS aDn we'e also win­ne.. In lhe th," 'ogod ~ce. They we.e Ch .. ,ed on by Ihe olhe, children In Ihe

Coylelio Family.

P,cn,e CommIttee ChlO"m.n N.Ck Ple,luo p,esenl. lifts 10 Ihe winne. of Ihe QUlen·

oUhe D;oy Conlell.

Two Retirees Honored; Pension T alb Under Way

1.,1 , 753. "ON\\ "U':, CO ..... ' .- AI OUf T\'~ul:l r lTIeell!1t:- of 'o\emhcr 16,h. "e hono~J 1\10 feurec\. Roher! InUlg :m.1 I ran~ I-rc\inger.

\\e ;.1\0 honored R:ly Cullen. our fin·

nncia l secretary who was promoted to SCfvke-rnainlenance foreman, Gas Dc· p:trl menl. Brol her Cullen has bee n ae· lil"e in Ihe loeal for over 20 )'eal"'i. Ue \I ill be sorely mi-...ed, as he has run oor panies and picnic and has a l "'a)~ done a Ircmendon. joh.

Hu\in!:", ~I:lnager William K lemi~h h:l ~ reponed Ihal Ihe negmialion, on pcn)ion~ haH' \Iarled.

Our loe:. l induCled nine memhc .... for the mont h, of Seplember, Ot'lober, nnd NOlemhl.'r.

We arc gJ:.d 10 ..ee our recording sec­relar) hac~ to \\orL Bill FI)' ~pent ,ix da)'~ in Lenox 11 111 1I000piiaL in 'ew ,"orL. undergoing a bone graft in his lefl amI. Bill \la~ injured in a fall a )ear ago. Hi\ !lrm i\ ~liII in a ea,' nnd lIill rcnHtin '0 for ,ix mont hs. All of u, hope Ihal. :11 lhe end of Ihal lime, lie will be ju,1 fine.

The I he Wire, howling team is in '>Ccond place in Ibt Wcstpon Bu\ine\\­men\ teague.

Unlil next month. thinL ..arCI} and \lorL ~lfel~_

Joe At'oDi 11:.0". 1'.5.

Crew Members Rescue Boy from Drowning Incident

I..U. 759. FORT '." u m :RI)" U:. FL\ , -CongralUlalion, afe in order 10 the .:rc\l of 7OSS. lhe FloriJa PO"ler and l ight COlllpan)"\ I'omrano $erlke Cen­ler. Pompano. I 10ri,la. for the fine job Ihe member, perfurmed in re~uill!; ;1

til'e-)cur-old huy fllllll ;. drll"ning inci­dent. n le cre\l memher, :ITe foreman Sle'e \ l eI ain, lineman MiLe F lroJ. (IP· prelllice lineman lJuddy \\ right. anll IrmL drhef Jerf) ... int:-_

I he ere\l h~d a joh 10 lran,fer a pole III Ihe rear of the hou'iIC \lhere Ihe ind­dent occur~d I he hoy \la~ Ji-eO\ered in Ihe pool h) hi, 1110t her. \I ho pulled him frOI11 the pool, \;tW th~ ! he \la, 1101

brealhing, and ,crellmed for help. " he ne\l rno\ed 10 the ,cene. and Ihe fore­l11an :lnd hnenmn intmcdialel) began mOlllh'lo-moll1h re,usdlation and clo..ed he;l(l ll1a',age. \lhile Ihe trud, dri\er m· Jiocd for hell' ,lOd ~Iood h) 10 ,ghe fur· Iher in~lnJetion'. if needed, lind Ihe ap­prenlice Iin('llllln cOlllforteJ the Illolher.

"I he sherifr, ~'ar \\a~ the fir'l to :Ir­.. he un Ihc 'cene, "nd Ihe forern:.n ;U1d Ih~ linem:ln ~Ol illiu Ihe hacL ...::al \I ilh rhe hoy. COnlinuinj: re\ll\Citalion elToT" j{) the hO'>ritat. \\here lhe ho-.pilal ,t<lff looL o\er .

It i\ "ilh much regrel and 'OTTO\\" Ihal I ml"t (Idd ,lrl unhapp) ending to Ihi, 'lor). A~ \la, ,IClCrnunc,1 Inler, Ihc 1"11.') had been out IIf the ,ighl of hi, mother for : I rpru~im:l\ely ei!;hl minlllC" "hil h f:lel \la, nO! Ln;J"n b} Ihe ~rew member~ \lhen lhe)" !;Ol 10 the hoy, fnund him nnt hre,'lhing, and hroullhl life had IntO h" hod)

I he child 'iJCnt approximalel) three and one-half "eeL\ in a coma in !hI: ho,piml: he came 10 onl )' one lime. It ":" delermined Ihal he h:rd ma"hc

brain damage and that. had be Ihed. he wou ld have been ler)' bad ofT. When the boy died. it saddened the heans of the I()().plus men of tbe Pompano Service Center. \lho were pulling for him to come through Ihe ordeal.

In closing. I !kI)' thi~we are not God. and \Ie cannot fore;,ec the future: we w.ould not hal'C I.nown \lhnt the out­come of the boy's me would hJ\ e b«n.

To the men \lho \lere per,onall) In­I'ohed. the ere". "c offer eongrJlUla­tion .. for their action and rerforman~e_ I thin!. all of the crew. member, dc;,enc :I

"\lell done" for their '1uic!. action and capabilil)' in handling thi~ emergenc)'.

R. A I)(MK . R.S.

Ronnie Hilburn Wins IBEW Life-Saving Award

I..U. 76U. KNOXVILtE. TENN.-The fH~t amI efficient action of Ronnie 11il­burn. third-year apprenlice \lirelnlln. !>.1ved the lif ... of journeyman Je,..e Red­mond. when he \la~ Ol'l:rcome h)' elec­tric ~hod. Ronnie "ill r~ellt the 1/.lI W Lift-Saling A\lard for hb h ... roic action.

On Septl'mhcr 2nd. Ronnie and JC"\'\t Ilere "or!.ing in thl' We,tern Ilcights IiOIl'ing Project. relamf'ling th ... old apartment building'. tearin!,: OUI all of tm: old wiring. and jn~I:llIing a com­pletely-new. wiring s),tem. Je,~ had to go underneath one of the huilding, 10

drill hoh:, for the ne" condilib an'" la­hie"

There "a, onl) one opening under the building in whkh 10 eiller and only enough height for crdwling room. Jes..e connected .....,I· ... ra l lengths of Cl(ten~ion cord to!,:elher to hal'e p<J"cr to run the lIri!] mOtor. I k cra\lled approximatel)' 125 fcel under Ihe building. lal.ing the curll drill :l long. When he rca~hed the arc;! in which he \\:I~ going to work . he la)' on hi~ bad. and .r:,rted to drill.

Ronnie ,",:1, ,",or!.ing directl)' llbovc Je~",= on the first noor. When he heard the drill motor ,tarl. Ihen sliddenl), Map. a groan. <tnd loud thumping '>OlInds from beneath. he lnc,", th:lt Je\o,( wa, in trouble. Ronnie ran 0111 of the I'ouilding. "ellt ;!round to Ihe OJlCning. di\Con­~cted the po\lcr a, he "ent. and cra" led to the \pot "h\'re Jc''tC "a~ I)ing. Ronnie found th31 Je,'" hall stopped breathillg and hllli lillie or no heart beal . Afler adminht ... ring ~\erJ I blow, 10 Je\\C', (hc~!. Ronnie foun'" a 'Monger heart heat. I'oUI there \la, ,till no breathing. ~I e ~tarled mOlith-lo-motUh re~"'>I;italion and called for help_

ri mer AI1I'>On. an electrician "ho "a, \lor!.ing in :0 I'ollilding dIN: by. he:onl the (:;111 for help and "ent to Konnie'~

aid. roget her. they dragged Je,o;c out. conlinlling re,>u)citation effort.,. After ,eveml rninules. Jcs'>C sHlrted llrcnthing ;Igain.


Return to 'he Scene

Ronn.e Hilburn. len, and JesH Redmond. local 760. Kno~v,lle , 'enn . look ,nlO Ihe openlnS throuSh ... hlch B,other Rodmond Crilwled 10 wo'k. 'eeeived I shock. ilnd hild

hi. I,f ... ~.d.

After Brother Redmond wlI. ,'teased .. om the hOip,liI" he and 8,0Ih., H. lburn pO~d

be.ide Ihe" .erV'Ce truck.

Nebraskans Honoree!

The fi rst live jou,neymen h om Ihe appren· hcuhip p'osrim 01 locil 763. Omlha. Neb ... honored recently. a .. Hen h"e w, lh the IpprentlCeshlp chairman Fronl row. lell 10 "Sht. D;';k lueuel. Pete Killer, and larf)' SWinSOn Blck '0.... Merl Cartens. Tom Btune •• and Chal,man Ol'w", Gammell.

l ocal 763 presented urvlce pons 10. lell to tlllht. Charlet MeGrllIlOr. 25 yur.; Jame. Rllay. 35: Jouph C, B.'ke~ec, 25: and E.

O. Sh,"ell. 10

An ambulance arrhed and tool. Jesse to the hospital. \lhere he spem three days in the illlensh'e care unit. DoctOr! found sc\'ere burns on his chest and an irregular hearl he:u. Afler this "'a~ cor­recled. he was found 10 be in ucellenl ph)',ical condition lind wa~ relell-.ed. Hc returned to wor~ in aboutt"o "eds.

DoctOh reporte'" that the fa~t aClion and Ihe efficielll a ... minhtralion of r",us­citation ... '1 ...... Brolher Redmond') life.

After do-.e u:lminalion. il ",a~ div colered th;1\ the ground benealh Ihe bUIII.ling wa~ lery d:lIllp. The cord Ihat Jes5C wa, 1I~IIlG had a loo'oC conncrlion on the equipment ground \lire and the hoi "in:. '1 hey gOI together. C;\lISCU a short in the drill mOlOr. and callscd the ~hock to Je~ ... c.

Ronnie Hilhllrn Imd heen a corp~lI1an in th ... Nav)' for Ihree years. He I.ccp~ him~elf ubrea,t of new mc\holls of fir"l­aid and ':Iret)' b)' particip:lting in the fil'llt-:.ill e l !l'SC~ StVCn in the l(loI;al union apprcntice~hip prOgranl.

J . A. Sun. JR .. I' .S.

New Journeymen Honored; Service Pins Awarded

t.V. 763. 0'1.\11'\. "1-: IIR __ At our regulur meeting on November 4th. lhe fir.1! Ihe j.ournc}lIlen from ollr appren­ticeship proGralll recehcd their grlldlla­tion c:crtificllte\.

Thc new journeymen !Ire Tom Brum."r. Merl Carlens. Pete Kai 'ICr. Did Lueth:l. and Larry Swan,on.

Pre'l(;nting the c:ertilicates. \la~ Art­prentice,hip Chairman Darv.in Gammell. We congraluhll t Ihc'oC )oung men an'" wish Ihem e'er), "Ieee" in the future.

AI the meeting. "e al", had th ... honor of prewnting -\tnke pins to fOllr of ollr tncmhcr~-J a!1les Ralay. 35 years; Jo~eph C. Il llll.evec an\1 Cbarle~

McGregor. 2~; and E. D. Shinctt . JO. Our congr;ltlilations!

At this ",riting. our local i~ very bu,y ;It npGrading cI!I~~ification~. We ha\e been doinG a 101 of ,une),).

We Ihllnk all o f the local~ that hal'e helped us.

ROll i liT S. I'oucr, I' .S.

Scribe Stresses Safety; Local Holds C lambake

I_V. 806. t:1. LE"\·II. I. I-:. ~.Y_-A very happ)' New Yel\T to you! Ma)' the new )ellf pre'iCnt nnd pro'ide health 10 }OU and ~our r:ullil}. lIe"lth i~ the primary 'oOIITee of happinh\.

lI eallh ,,1\0 me:lIl\ "Iret}. Rcmcmhcr to tape the end, or the "ire; do not hend pipe on a '>C3tTold. A~ to ~ub\tation \lorl.. Ihen: i, ne,er enough caution. S:lfet)' fiN-joh ~(ond,

III1 ,ine" Mannger Al Minel.ler in\i le.1 BI"inc,\ Manll~er John Varricchio of Locnl 21 S. I'oughl.eef!~i e. Nell Yorl. : lI u~ine" Mnnag ... r nllt! " t r~. Ed Sager and As,i,t:lIl1 BII,ille" ,\l:onaI,lCT I-larry


Local 806 Clambake

Sile of SaIl Planl

The lower a nd c:omplu of b"'''~!~~ • • up the Morton S,I I Plant Member. o. Loc.I 8(0.

wOrked on Ihls ,-'"-"""

MiIl!:r, l orn] 631, Nc"bur,h, (Ow

Yor],.: Roben Prall of the New York State Apprent ice Trllining Program: and Milton Combs :IOU Will iam Will o r Ihe Undcrv.ritcrs 10 our recent clambalc, and they can be !.Cell in the acComplln)­ing phows. Alw cnjo}ing the :.flcrnoon, "ere \isil;n; !'rothc,", of Olhcr local un-ions.

lJ u~incss Manager Mmd.leT abo \ld­corned some: of our local contractors. hd. Coleman and his ~upcrintcndcn l ,

' -Ierman Sande; Richie Fogllicha: I co "iller; Harold I'anlc l: C harlc, Rabe l: ami EverclI ReXhll-:t bunch of nice 8t1)'s to \\or],. for, nil of " horn support our local union,

I'resident S .. tI AccanJi ha~ dc~ ignatef.l

the ollieers, the members of Ihe Fxe~u-


live Board, and the member~ of the Ex­amining Board as melllber~ o f the Nc­trology ConlOuUee.

We \0\ hh speedy re~o\erie~ to George Freedberg. Fred Hnlen. "lile l ara. :lnd AI Prentio;s. Glad 10 ..ce JI,(l IJ rcton bac" after some .. urt:cry: \o\e're abo happ)' Ih:'1 }OUf Dorothea i .. coming along nice!} :,fter that nad loCi/ure.

Are Jerry O,er.. J uc " l>Ilollla. a lld I(u,~ Roobill~ ~ompcling for :, prize "ilh Eheir ,ho" of "cll-rroomcd !>curd .. ?

We 1I11ht. at all lime ... remember Ihat "e arc meml>eh .' nl.l II rutheN of the IJrolherhood alld Ihat "e urc Iceeil ing the riyhls and bcnefit~ of the /l rother­hood. I';leh of u ~ musl ne\er furGel the obje\': l ~ of the !II FW. ,orne of which :Ire 10 cu lt ivale feeli ns, o f fl'iend\lllp 1'llIung tho5C of ou r ind u .. lr). IU a .... j'l el,eh other in .. ie-lnes\ or dblre-~~. nnd 10 '>Ce" '>Cenril), for Ihe indh'idu(,l

The "un IV:II " f e:II,' h 1111:111 union de­pcod$ on Ihe member,' lIeli\c pa!licipa­lion ;II 1111 loelll union meeli ng ... union ~a le~rt1an'hip 011 Ihe Job, and Ihe tli ,­pll,)'ioS of ~afe IUld proper "orl..lI':m,hip rc~pon\ihilil)'.

I he Ill0111entlllll of a union i, ~, bun­dle of S1ie-I..\. "hkh repre'>Cnt lhe \!rcnglh of a IInion: uniled. they cannot be brolen. A "n~le 'Iicl.. rerr..·5Cnl\ Ihe rOlcl Ihlll. scp:,rOllt"l), cadi uf Ihem mit) be ea\ily Uc)tfo},ed.

l ei U\ be wary or thow IlltO ~el 10 plOlnt di'>Cord in Ihe union ramil}

1.01' Dt 111M II. I'.S.

Augusta Local Favors Utility Locals' Merge r

I..u. lIJ9. AUCUST/\ . I' IE. -On No­vemher 91 h. our dclegll lc, Hllendctl :I

~pcciHI council meeting al lI uw:mJ John­~on '~ in SoUI It Porth.nd . '1 he meeling "as 31'0 :l\lcm.lcd by Inlern(l1 ional Rep­re'SCnlntile Maurice Murph)' ;mll IIm!­ncs) MlmaGer Richard Pra}'. l ocal 1837, I'ort~moulh. Ne" fl:,mp,hire_

The ~pcei OlI me.::tins "a~ CHile" 10 lIi,­CU)S :1 proposed merser of IUFW IIlilit y lcelil s of Maine and Ne" Il urtl l" hire. " uem:.lion:.1 Vice Pre,iuellt John 1 1}lln of the Sc~ond Districl bellc'e' Iltat II

merger would "orl. and .loCne the rnem­be,., of Ihe 1"0 'tale) bellrt_ lie ha .. a~· ~il!neu lhe l a~l 10 Inlernalional Rerre· ...... ntathe Murphy. "ho i\ "ell qualified to o\~r.ee the prognun.

iJrolher Murphy lle\eluped ::3 topic\ ror complete di~us,ioll of fair :mu equIl1 rcpresentation for all inloheu 10-eOlI~. IIc i, planning for a full· lime h",i­ncS) mana~er and a full-time bU'UlC,\ repre<oenlalh-e. One "ill !>c a"igned to eaeh Slale for full-time Co\efage. It i, planned thli l. at contrllct meet ing_ of the Ccntnt l Maine I>ower Complm} and Ihe N.::w Hlll11pshire Pu hlic Service Com­pliny. holh men and Brolher "Iurphy "ill be present for impro\'ed communi­cal ions.

Our Loe .. 1 1139 dcleGa l e~ arc in fl,vor or the merger. Uu~inhs MunaGer Jo..cph Nhun. Robert Burn" :lnu I feel Ihllt

Vice I' resident /-I ) nn ;Ind Urolher " IUf­phy are doing thi, for the good o f the tllllon. It ;) mosl difficult for union OIliC'Ch to "JlCrIIle efficienlly on a part­lION! ba,i ... It is mOSt difficult for lhe cort1ran)' to ac~ept a \·alid argument from a lincman Il ho, thc nc~t da). is on ih pa}rull. T he education thai a bu)!­IIC,," m:lnager e;ln rceeive is limiled, as hc i .. forced 10 gel it in hi, sparc limc.

Organi/ing ,ul1cl"\o, lhereby maling the I;,bor rtlo\(~menl ~uffer. but Ihe "0"'1 p:"n i~ fclt h) Ihe unorganized. It i, time Ihal \Iaine union mcmber:. be enli­lieu 10 I' ,Ifong labor mo\cmenl. Thb I11U\Cl11ent can happen II ith unily. for in unilY, there i, )Ire ngt h. T o all ulility /lrmhcrs ill r. laine :l nu New H;l1llp~hire

-}OU ,hould realize lhe opportunity thai can eltbt for 1111 of U~. If Ihe l;iartl utili ­tic, UTe thinling a nd planninl; I11l'rgcrs bel"ecn companic_. then is nOi ~our local unlOIl cnli tled to an equall)-~trong leg~

f) \\1Il E. AO\M\. V.P.

Large Projects Completed; Morton Job Is Unique L. l '. lI -IO, (; P~·E \·A, i''. \ '..-Once again. we ure al the end of one }car anu Ihl' beginning of ;. new one. I am SUfe thai e;.ch of u, cOI n recall \ar)"in~ c\pcncn~·e5 of the Il:,~t }ear. "lime good. s.ome bad. fr\JI1l which "e c:m mal..c 1972 a lillIe hellcr fur our fcllo" 10:111 and for our­seh~-<;.

In the GellC\a :ITea. 1971 brought st"­eral of Ollr largcr prO;eCh to completion -Ihe hO'\pital 11\ Clift on Spring). the une III Can:muigua. wnlC building, :II

I' i~nho"er Cullege at Seneca Fall,. and the Morlon 5:1 1t Pla nt and Mine al I limrod.

I belicve the Morton jolt b "orth a liule note III Ihi ~ poinl. because it b unique in ~\era l re_pee". The ~hafl ex­t end ~ 2,200 fcel below ground. moslly Ihrough .. olid rock. There i~ a 210-foot high lo"er of reinforced concrete ui­rc~lly ol'cr thh ~hl1ft: il "as poureu wilh 'lip rorm~ in 2~ uays of a round-the­cluel operation. In the 101'1 of Ihe tower. i, a 3.S00·horscpo"er, 4,OOO-amperc. 700·\011. direci currcnt mOlOr. buih b~

We,linghoUloC. which bring .. up sah at the mlc of 20 l on~ e\er~ t"O mjnUle~.

-I he ult i of a commercial Graue and b u-.cd in indu\lry and on the higb"a)5 in Ihe "OrlhCaSI in " inlcr months. -I here i, al'>O :, ~omple){ of bui luing~

;,ho\e gfounu 10 handle Ihe S:lh for bag­ging anu for filhn~ railroau C1trs for ~hipmen t The buildings are of a -.al t-re­~i,\Ing malerilil. All of the conduil i~ I've. All of the control c;lbles are of eorro~l.e·r~ ... isting nalure.

The eleClrical mstullatlon in Ihe build­ings WII~ h:tnuled b)' W. W. Clarl.. o f Ck\'dllnd. Ohio. Lc~ Frullcisco "a~ Ihe general foreman. and Hans I lansen. ChMles Sm,-'c l cnburg. and Nelson Han-5en "ere Ihe fOfemen. The hoisling eq uipmen t in thc towcr wa~ installcd by Sullh:.n H ectric of I'helps. Ncw York , " ilh King Br.::nnan as forenlan.


Th is m~t:\JI:lIion will be ill proouclion !oOmctimc earl) in the ) car, '" ilh somc add .. ion~ to be ~Iarted 10 the ~prinG,

I le<lfncd from nusine,~ Man:Il,'l:r Fd­ward IJolger thai UrOlher Frne,t Tha)er ha, been under the .... eather bul is on thc r"ad to rcco\er). Brolher 1 ha)er is a chancr member of our local.

" or )OU frmtr:lted forellIen .... h" Ihinl. )'ou ha\c Ihe "'orid', ,1"",e\1 miln in j.our gllng. , thinl I ha\c a ,andidate who will lOp him (:m,\ler nc~t month).

Ilc~t wishc, :101.1 rc!;:ml, to all for a !;ood 1972.

WlIIIA-'1 H. CiIIDlK, P.S.

Work Situation Critical; Nuclear Plant Is Planned I..U. 1161. LAK E C It.\KLES, I.,\ .-At our regular lIIeedng of No,ember h I, nu,ine ... , M:mager Jimmie I OJ( reported Ih:11 the \l,IIrl. siwllliun \Iill remain~ cdl­icll l and Ih:lt II I le:hl 50 men arc on Ihc bench.

During ,",o\ember. the Gulf Stliles UlilillC\ Company announced Ihat it is planmng to bUild ih fi~t nuclear po\ler plant. <,O\uh of SI. !-ran,i" ille: al il~ Ki\er Bend Sllllion. Plan, are for a 900.000- '" W gcner;llin!; ,1M Ion 10 c~t

S300·mil lion. (iulf <'I:lte, Ulilll ie, re,ently com­

plete,1 :1 1:lrge ~te:lI11 unit at it~ Nehon Se:ll ion I'I:mt here and is ill Ihe con­\\TIlc tion phase of it- Bridge (ity, Tcns. ,Ieam unit.

Acctlnlmg 10 ;111 \Ie hellr. eH:n wilh Ihe lIdditlOi. of all Ihe..e new generaling unih. the demand h \Iill grelilcr Ihan Ihe output. <;Q \Ie clIn 1001. for e\Cn morc ;\nd bij:;j:;er po\l,er pl:lllh 10 be built in Ihe (UlUn:.

We ure happy to reporl thai BrOlher I'ob Ca,tleberr) is bad I.\n the job afler II ,pell in Ihe hO)pillll Brolher Dutch Goo.Jman recenl ly returned hOille ;1(ler a ,hort \tay in Ihe hu~pitlll Oecau<;c of respira lory lrouble. BrOlher Alton Schcx· naider wn, :Ibo hospillllil.ed reeently: he w:b ,uffenn!; \\'ilh bad Irouble. Brolher Harlnn Duhon has heen ,utTering ",ilh I.nec truuhle and m:IY ha,e to ha\'e ~urger) . I1 rol her Joe C:lmalu's Iq; i~ ~Iill keeping him off: i( has 1101 come ulong as .... ell :I~ \I:IS expected. We wi,h all of Ihe~e II rolhch )peedy recuverie~.

Al.;[)M\ A. I'\I~N \I . P.S.

Three Brothers Mourned ; Area Work Very Poor Ll '. K7J. KOKO\lO. I'U.-Wdl. iI's been o~cr II year \ince "'C havc pUI any­thmg in Ihe JOIlrtlflf. '>0 I thoughl it \l,ould he II good ide-a 11.1 let )'011 I.now \I, hal ha, happened lind what i\ happen­ing now.

Ille tr:lllic .)( .... $ concern, the de-ath~ of thrce I.\f our Urolher\. -Iony Bell, Jesse H veoo:ue, und Carl 8 ro\l,lnll.

Work in our juri~ie]ion has been \ery poor. Our apprenli c('~ hale w ffered the mo~1 from Ihis 51:1 ':1. periud, and so h,we :, few of our journeymen. '1 hings are juS] a lillie better now limn Ihey hllve been, due to the fa ct thut some of


our ~i~ter 101:'.1 1, ~lIrrounding 11\ "re 1;11.­ing II fe", men. I I.no\l Ihal e\eryon<.' in our local Ihan ..... Ihem for helping us OUI

in our lime of need. Due to the facl Ihat th ing\ ha\e been

~Iow. our l(Xal hh had 10 do u lillie economizing. lind \Ie Ihanl. uur oflicer\ fur a 1m of lime ,pen! on Ihi, prOle'"

We ;Ife no\l in the proce\\ of negolia­tiun\. It\ too early tQ tell ho\l, Ihing\ arc goinj:;. cxcept Ihal \Ie :111 I.no\l, too cle;lrl) thai Ihe go\crnment i, illllnj:; tu

Well. I had hel1er ,top he!'e, he· cau'>C ;1, I "1Il1. 11\ too carl} III tell.

Our contraci i, up on MHrch ht. A!\o, Ihi, coming June. Ollr Ill\::11 \\-111

hold il) ele'lion of olfker~. /1\ )uur dUly to \ule.

I sure hupe Ih~t \\ork pich up durin!; Ih is new )e:lr.

Uy Ihe \la), if }Oll come tu to\l,n \0 visit II~. lhe loe-.I1 ha \ a ne\l, addre,\ . _ . the IBN Saud Grollo 8uilding ;iI 150 South Reed Road. To )OU ami me, th" f s on the 31 bypa55 north.

D~'\I CUULIl IIN. 1'.$.

ISEW Anniversary Party

Members of local SS9. lo5 "'n"al". . 1 a "ala .tlal., held recently 10 cel"b •• '" tha

8O'h "'nnlv~!rS8ry 01 Ihe tBEW

Me mbers Celebrate IBEW's 80th Anniversary

L.U. KIIY. LOS ANGELES. CALlF.­The 80th Anni~el"!>ary of the Interna­liun:11 Brotherhood of EleClrical Worl.eN \l,a, cclcbmled by our lucal III a ilill'l af­f:lir held UI Nob Hill. V:IO Nu};\, Cali fornia. on September 261h

'f he mcmbch o f the I/Xill and Iheir whcs \lere enterlainw 1:I\i~h!y. I lors ~rocuvre~. drinls. dinner, and d:mdng .... cre enjo)ed by al l. II "as a nighl to remember!

Congratulalions, IBEW, on )Qur 80th Anni\eoar)!

L NA<;\!, JlMls.

Banquet in Coos Bay Honors Long-Time Local Members

I..U. 9J 2, coos KA V, OKE,- Ke«nlly. Ollr local union honored il\ membcN who hale 2.'i j.eari or more of member· ~hip in the mEW al a banquet.

D. H. C ro" Icy, Oliver Moody, ~ nd Frn nk Una;er re!;eived .'iO-yeur cerlHl­cates. and John R. Corkran received a 40·yeur certificate.

Old-Timers Honored local 932. COO$ Bay. 0,,,.. recenlly hen· ored its o ld " m"" WIth approptlat" ea.· ",ieatn and serv,ce pIns. Here. D. H C.owley dlspla~ his

5O-year certlilcale. Eleven Brol ..... ' re celv"d 35-year pIns; 21 receIved 3O-yea' pIns; 18 ,eceived 25 ye". pms. Th,,,e 01 ou' m"mbers who received SO-ye'" ee.· tifieates in Ihe pUI are Ab.aham eueh otl. WIth 53 yea,s. and Reuben Charnel and Will iam F. Coo· pe', WIth 52 y",s.

Moody. who wu Ihe old I;mer~" banquet bec.ause received hI. SO'Y'" ce,IIIoeale at his !>orne

Irom Bu,lness Manaa'" R. L Co ••


More From Local 932

Thirty-five,ye"r members in attendance, le lt to .igln, 'lff! Roy Gildner. Tony R"::hler. W.

H. Booth, and Dale Hanse".

Thirty_yea, member •. Left to righl. Ca" Sol­berg. CHtfo.d Mason, Andy Muir, and Se"


International Vinson. 'The

Vice President W. L Greal While Father:'

made Ihe rre-.enlation~. He \\(1\ as~i\lcd hy KcconJinj! &crctar~ Harold H ilL \\ ho at~o acted a~ rna~lcr uf ceremonies. eh,lrler member Dak Hansen gave ~omc interesting fact, l"om:crning Ihc oc­ginn ing of OliT local. and Intcl"n:llionnl Reprc).Cnlarive I-!erman K. T eeple ltn(l other honored gue\l~ contributed com­mCn!\ .;-oncernin)! our local.

w. H. Boo,h held Ihc dblance r ... cord of oler IAOO mik<;--from Tuc<;on. Ari~ zona. 10 Coos ilay_lo otllcnd Ihl' ban­quet. Th:;!t only goes to l>how "hat being " mcmhcr of the IBEW me .. ns to some memhers.

Everyone ,eemed to enjo}' the (\CCll­,ion 10 nla~e new aC'luaint,lIlces and to relll'W old ones. Even though ~omc of our members arc only" fe\\ mile, 'lpart. Ihey don', .'>Ce each OIher for years. \ I uq be a lacl;. of communicalions. the ~cner:ll ion gap. or l>Onlcthing.

Our local ha~ '>Omelimcs been referred 10 ,b lhe [a,1 outroo~t. OT a Ir::ne[er's locaL We ha~'e memlx-r~ :;c .. ttered all over the counlry. Worl;. i, anything bUI plenliflJ! in our area. and ,Ie :lre grale­ful (or rho'-C l(\Cab IIhkh employ our lrave[ers on Ihe road.

ROllI RT L Cox. P.S.

Flint Members Work On Hospital Addition L U. 948, FLI NT , l\IIC H.- Worl; ",ill


Hospital Renovations

A south end v,ew of Build,ng A and the sun porchu ;11( the Mcla.en HospItal. whe .... members of locat 948. Flint. Mich .• are em· plOYI'd On renova\lons and addItions. Seen here, are MIke Berry. leo Ross, B,n Sweet.

Sr __ Bill Sweet. Jr .. and JIm Plllenaer.

leo Ross inspects a motor control panel ,n Building £..

be comrleled in a fe\\ months on the Sl~-mi[[jon McLaren I-Io.pit<ll addition.

The added space and new !>}stems II ill prOlide beller "'nice for the entir~' area. The addition bring!> thr ~quarc footage up lu mer 200.000. ApproxiOl:l1etr 250.000 ieet of Ilire ,lnd callie were Il>cd for 'y,lclm such 'h c[o-cd circuit tc[evi,ion. dOClOr~' regi,ler. nur-c< regis­ler. 1I~\lal nurse c:IIl. mu.;c and p:lging. TV d;~tribUlion, SCI'en intercom S)SleOls. X·ray inlercom. fire 'l[arm. ah-.o[utel)­aUlomatic temperature "nd hUmidil), con­trol. pneumatic tubes. p'llient moniloring. :lIld emergency power.

The nell' p"tienl lling lias hull! IIIlh a minimum of patient movemenr ill mind. Inlen'iive care 11001" have ,pecial. emer­gency operating room~ on the ~ame

level. ,lIld all are;ls lhrougholH h"ve re· ceptacle, for porta hie X-ray machine~.

rver} room i~ e'luipped "ilh Cent ron examination units Ilhich eonl"in gener3[ lighting. nighl ligh'~. high-inten~it) e\­

"Illin,)tion lighl,. piped-in ox}gen. " 1,le­uum. remote TV contro[,. and inter­com~.

Uuilding C in Ihe comp[,:," ha~ Ix:en remodeled with the [ale" :Hllom.l1ed I;.ilchen equipment. and Ih,:, dilling area has been expilndcd.

Bui[ding I) h ;1 new. 75-foot-di'lnleter. round auditorium de,;gncd for perfeel acou~lks b} the U'-C of brick. plaqer, and "ood. The air now is silenced. and the lighting is hidden in~ide the ~truelural i>eams.

Building E is also nell and contains

mechani<;a[ equipment and m:limenanee facilitie~.

Leo Ross is Ihe genera) forcnwn for Fr:m[..tin E[ectric on the projecl. and a few of the many mcn who haw Ilorl;.ed on it include John Schonfie[d. Bill SlIce\. Jr .. J,m /'illenger. Dale King. Boh Vought. J im Allen. Mil;.e Berrr, and Bill S\leel. Sr .. ,\('II;lrd.

Hu,1l E. RUl.sSI IL. P.S.

G eorge Ramharter Saluted As Fisherman-of-Week

I..U. 953. EAl CLAmE. WJSC.-Thi~ j, a Irihllte In one of the memhcr~ of our [ocal. George R<lmharter. Ihe Fi'h­{'rnwn·of-the-Weel;. ht:re in "Ilonderful Wheoll,in.··

Brother R:unhafler caughl the ~~I,:!_

!nch-Iong rainhO\l trout he i, lIi,p["},ing In Ihe <lc..:ornpanying pholo in La~e /lal­lie. lIlidl\"y Ilet\\et:n rail ('[ail'c and Chirpe";) Fa[k

You realize. of course. Iha! I have gil'en }OU one of George's f"hing ..ecrCl, ju,t b} n;ulling Iht: 1,,1;.t:. You'l[ hale \0

coni ace him. or hire him 'b ;1 troUI guide. to learn hb hot ~poh.

A leT} ~pceial nOle of congralUlation~ to George from Ihe olliccrs 3ml memo bt:r" of I oe:.[ 953. All lie can mlJ b­do it again. George!

Gt I ~N V. 1' 1"11 IISO:'<, B.M.

Proud Fisherman

George RJmharter. local 953. [au CIJire. WIse .. with Ih" 22'/, ·inch·lo~g rainbow t'<lul

he caught ."centl y.

Softball Dinner He ld; Various Awards Presented LU. IOH . 1.0,"G ISLA ;-.- n . ...... '.y_- It ha~ heen a bu,} time al our loat!' The 1049 Softball Dinner \I as a I'err nice af­f"ir. and all \lho atlended h;l~ :t good tillli.'.

We had the lIrall ing for thc Chil­dren'~ Chri,tma~ Part}' :tl our gencr;tl IIlti.'ling. Commil1ce Chairmen W . Kern and R. Cellan are doing a fine job.

It Ii .. , al'>O heen ;t lime for a"'ard~.

one of ",hich lias presenled to Assislant Business Manager Philip Robin""n in recognition of his efforts on behalf of Ihe Na~~'lu Heart Associalion.

Vice I'resident R. T hompson received


Local 1049 Even',

At the Soltball Dinner .ecenlly held by Local 1049, Lons Island, N.V. M'5. Chllek and her husband. "Stoney:' who Is chai.­man of Ihe 1049 Softball lUllue end the craft representatIve on Ihe Eneul,ve Board, entoy a '"endty convernl,on al H."" tabl"

wllh Brothe. and M,s. Ralph Ran8lleUi.

Apprenticeship aw,.ds we,. 'ecenUy pre sente<! to. Seated. lefl 10 "lIhl. R Nolan, l. Woodward, R Shuill', and R Box Stand,nll. : .. " P,esldent G F,she., Bus'nfls Manale. H. J. T"Ulrl, and Bus",,,.s RepresentatIve

A. CIU'lno.

AssiSU,nt Bus,ness Manl,'" P Rob,nson p,<>udly d,spl.ys Ih" award he receIved from the Nau .... He.r1 .... noc;latlon In .Keg"."on

of hrs ,ffO!1S on ',15 beh.".

V.ce P""sidenl R. Tl>omp50n, lell. ,K'hves .. cerhrocale of IPP'KI"lOn from the Un,ted fund of LonK IsI","d. P,es.de"t F.she.

",,,,I<es the p'o!'1oent<1lto"


a cerlificale of appreci:uion from the Unih:d Fund of Lon~ bl:md.

T he Craft Dhbion \la!> also repre­sented. as apprenticeship a\lard~ \lere prc!ioCnlOO to Drothc.... R. ....olan. L. Wood\lard. R. 80\. and R. Shultis. Congr:llUlatiom. fella,. on .. fine job~

Th:u\ it for Ihh month. I hON e\er)­one ha't a ,.:tfe and happ}' I'\C\\ Year. Rememher to stan il \lith a !>mik.

CII\RL! s J . LOl I tlI.R. JII .• I'.S.

Work Situation Dismal; Local President Profiled L. U. 11 05. "EW\IU':. OIIIO-At our la,1 meeting. B\I~inc~, I\lanal!er I 111ler CrOlhers reported thai the \lor~ ,illla­tion b looling tli'lIlal for thi, \linler.

Accordin!! to the I()(;al ne\l,paper. Geneml Electric had plan~ for a new touilding in NC\larl..\ Indlhlrial Parl. HO\lewr, bcC:I U~ of the hlcl.. of agf"('('· menl het\lC"Cn Gen('ral Electric and the o"ner of Industrial I'ar~. pl;ln, ha\c to b(' re,i".d. II I!> hoped Ihat ..oon bid ... y,ill be opened on Olher pro-.pecti\(' con­tracts in the area. providing '>Ome f"('licf in the ~pring.

I la~e this opponunilY 10 recognize and provide -.ome information concern· ing our local union p re~ident. Robert Woolard. Boh. an \BEW memhcr for 2!l )ear~. b eurrentl) serving hi~ second term a~ president. He ha\ neen on halh the E,ecuti"e Boord and the F>;anlining Board. Bob i, a highl}-respccted union lIlan and union pre~ident.

A, a reminder 10 thl)'o(' me1l1ner, \lho are somey,hat la~ in pa)ing their union duc~. our local union byl\l .. h ,tat(' in Artick X. Section 7: "DLle~ arc I"ayahle quarterly in ad .. ance:·

I-loliday grccling~ arc e~lended 10 all from our local. Lel\ nw~c Ihi, -.ea...on a happy and joyous one b~ talin,!; all of Ihe neces~ry "''Ikt}' precaution,.

FRi Ilt RIC!.: A. Hltll'. P.S.

New Company Organized; Others Lay Off Workers I..U. 11 511 ..... EWi\ nK, ~-' __ IJlJsinc~~

,\ l:,nager Michael C,lahro announced at !lllr regu lar meeling of November l(,th that :1 new company htl\ been organi/ed. A three-year contract ha, toc.:n ~igncd y,ith the Ughtcon \lanufaclllrinl; Com­pany of Ne\larl.

One of our companie\ had a 1;I}olf of from 35 to 40 people: anOlher tompany had a rrouclion in "orl for~e .,f from 65 emplo)cc!> to 15. On the other hand. a couple of Olher coml"anie\ ha .. e had ~Iight increa-.e<;.

At the ~me meeting. Ih"im!-., Man­aeer Calabro and Prc\iJcnl JC\C>(' Ridle) led an open di'iCu ... \ion regarding lhe controwf'.). problem,. and confu-.ion re­garding the dfeets ami adrnini,tration .,f Phase 11 of the Wa1,'C-Prkc !-reCie. Oh-­viou,I). dm\tic eITec!) will be c,ident re­g;mling contracts already agreed 10 prior 10 Ihe freele. as wcll a) the negOliatin!; of contracts that \Ii\] ex pire within the

Anniversary Observance

AI Ihe SOlh Anntv'Hn,y BanQ"el 01 Local 1141. W.seonsm R,p.ds. W.se., Inle,nalion .. 1 Repreuntal,ve James Conway. Sixth D.s llicl. presen" II SO·yea. serv,ce p'" 10 Anion Shymanski. one 01 the 1000al"S charte. membe.s. Loo kl"B on. Jr. the fo.eBround •• s

P'es,denl Cad Laylon

Arthu. Gazeley. another one of the ch",rte' membe.s. ,~e.ved '" spec.al B,1t I.om Ihe local. whICh wu p.ese"led by I"le,,,al,ona1 Rep.esenlat.ve Conway at Ihe b",nQuet. held

al the tabo' Temple in W.sconsin Rapids

ne'l ~i\ month_. Our local ha~ a~~isned ih allOrOC) to alleml"t to ohtain a\ much clarific:ltion ;1, t, JIO)sihle from the IKS.

Recording Secretary Fran~ \lana h ho,pitali1.cd a, the result of an injury. and I rca",rer Domini~l Ilardi i ... re­cOH'rinll from injuric~ \u"tained recentl) We \\-i,h halh of theo;e dedk-atcd mem­ht-r;, ,peed) reco'eric, and hope 10 have them bac~ "ilh us soon.

J OS[PIl ASIl. P .S.

J ohn George Retires; Two Deaths Mourned

1..1 1. 119 1. " ":''IT " AL\1 BE\CH. Fl \ . John <.ieOTlle i~ retired h~ nOW. "ilh good fortune. He,ide, ,aying \le'l1 mi" you. John. \11"11 jll,t ~}. " Ii ll'e :1

happ)!" Heartrelt ~~mp;lth) i, u!eflded 10

\I r.. W;.Ilter !-Ideh and Brother Edward Mill,. IIclen. \\alt "ill be mi'iSetl nOI on!} at )our hoo-.e: man} doors y,ill oc.er again he hrightcned hy hi~ hrighl "Iue e\e, and \lhim~ic;ll grin. Brother \lill,. Ihe ncy" of your tr:lgedy ~pread f:\\t. and man) were vcr) concerne<.l and felt 'Iri~len by' )our los~. i\l a} time m;l~c the burden lighlJ.'r.

The :lCcompan)"ing photos , .. ere snapped ILt the picnic by B. N. Strnad of Dclra). t\lany pholos \lerc talen and

Picnic Time In Florida

SeenH f,om a picnic held ,ecently by LocII 1191 West P;olm Seach, Fl.

al'e "',,ilable h) !:onl;ll'l ing him Of me. In Ihe b'~l!ldcl nld". i~ ~ hoo~lc l . en·

iii lcd, " \\hal It 'I a~es Tu Cummand." primed h) Ihe Naliul1<ll Keo,Cilrch So­!:iet) I iruJ it and !Ufn 10 pa}!e 14: 1:ltef. ~lUd) Ihe cnliTe IC'\1. 1kcau'oC' of Ihe lim· iled ~p:lee. I alii onl) ~Irc:"ing lhe lenglh of h"ir, Que'tion: Who in Ihl: C(lm p,ln) ~hoo,<~ Ihi- malerial for our rcading?

\\ hilc "-{,me m<l) Ihin~ Ihe lenglh of h'lir uf "Mgaining IInil per.onnel i, <,(, imporl:'nt th"t it ,holiid he induded 11\

pocr-";lI1nel ,ummar) reporl'. /-Olm ~()l ~ I . proper ,/re" for ,III per,011llel pcrformmg harg;lining umt \,or~ in one re'pel'!. i, uH·rlool.ed----or i, il1 We'lI IN il gu here :t~ Ihe ··Iung (md ,horl·· of it. lIere i~ a II hole field for eunlrol-cr,y, Ilhieh i, good. bccau'ie il ~liIllUlulc~ ad·

dllional inlerc~1 and. pocrhllp'. IIlIprolC' menlo

I-Io lida)' lime i ~ hcre. Mlly Ihe h:lppi· ne,~ of Ihi~ lime of )eilr relleh deeply inlO )our hearh :md home~.

J-itli NJL'IICI.K.$.

Work Picture Improves; Negotiating Team Named L.U. 1205, C \!,,·:S\ 11.1. 1':. FI.A. It h time for ;lnOlher Mliele in the l<IItrllIIl. Scelll~ a, if lhey ..:ome <lfound :Ihtlllt a~ ohen (IS c:lr p:l)menh_ Selioll,l) Ihough. I enjoy doing Ihcm. A~ long a, I tan perform :I YoorlhYohile ~hore for 01)

101;,.1 union. I ,Iantl reatly. UrOlher\. f\\ of thi, Yoriling. the Ilorl

picllIre lools prell) {,'ood. hul il hu, nOI pru{,'fes..cd : . ~ fupidly a, II;" C1I"Ctle,1.

r he time for lIe{,'olialinj; ;1 nell ..:on· tnlCI i, hefe a~,jin Our pre,idcrll. I crr) Mnrlin. h;l$ :lppOin led I b ru ld r uwlef, Oun~ld "illllil" I crr') \l ullin. \\ ik) Colc}. 10hn Ku;~ehun. and [}Yo ,I) nc Knlll"-{JI\ Iv the <:vmmillcc We don·. lnow hoYo Ihe n,lljon;11 Yo,I}!e .. ntl price guide line i, going lu lItrect II~. 1>111 )"u elln heliele Ih,11 Yoe ccrull"l) Yoill he in there prlching for II f.lir Yonse ,I' com· pared 10 Ihe re,1 nf the CIlllnlr)'

~ince our In'l :.rlic1c. ilrother W:'''on hn, aplWinlcti GC(lrIlC Whallq :" .. "i,l' lint hi "inc" mlln"ller. 1I1';llhcl' lie,)rlle h a lincman :lnd h duinll an Ullhlnnding ioh for our Ineal Cnn)!I"<l11I1:ltion\. George, ami n)(ll'e ..... IYoer It. ).111'

The n"me of tlllr nCYoI)-('le~t"d ,i.:e pre)idenl II,,, uoinlention~lI~ omilletl from the li...t in IIUf 1,1" "rtide \1) a.,. ologie\, Br~lthef (htle K"her"

r hale tl) him!! it III" n,.Yo hLiI 1 I"romi'>C )011 more in the nnl printinl:,

[}uro. II H \, (,(". 1'5.

Dinner-Dance Successful; Pension Negotiations Set LU. 1255. "";ST "H·t.: . '.Y._ Smce thi, i, the fir-.t i"LII: Ilf Ihe neYo )'e<lr. Yoe Yoj~h )01.1 <III a h<lpP), I'lcalthl. anti prO\pcro,,~ "eYo 'car, I et', hope Yoe don't gel pha,e,1 0111 in Ph,,-.e 11 We :11 '-0 [rtl" Ihnl )011 1111 h;1(1 a lelY Illerry (hr;\1111<1\ and Ilwt Sant'l tre'Iled )OU :111 lI~a)·.

Our dinncr·dan..:e lien! Iller mueh I>i!!ger than ('~pc~ted. We h.ld n tllfnout of mure Iha n 2~O pcr\()n, '1 he commil· tl'C memher. Yoho Yo"I~e,1 '>0 diligenlly lu male Ihh alTair -..;1 ,un:e"ful IIere J. I)illon. A 11,,"mo) P (j<lrri.on. W. lIe:llh. N. Jamc~. J. "kGr:uh, lind I're.i· .. 1.:01 liernun wnnenhlum_ A hI): :1"i,1 .. "me from J (mll1 <lnd I( ".lIIfm<ln. repre....:nting the Hinl~tlle C.,rnp:IIl~.

lIuoorcu glleq, indllded 1';lt 1).lmi;1Oi. ilu,ine" \lan;l!!Cr. 1 1)00.:;.1 \6 \. NcYo (il). Ne" Y,)rl. . Don Iknne,,<) "fe,ilknl 10(;11 1~67 . \\l'\t N);tll, NcYo 'or~ :

Dian" " amen. II I1,ine~, \l an<lger. 1 ueal 1\.168. Newhurj:h. NeYo YUf~ . nlld Moe Smilh, IOC;ll 3, NeYo Yorl. Cil)'. Aho honoring II~ Yo'illl their Ilre'>(:ncc, Ilere

Consre~m<ln Peter Pe)scr. ASSCrnbl}man Gene lI:V). Dhtrict Attorney Bob \Ice· han. lind leon I'e~ner. Chairman of lhe DemOl;ratic Pari) of Rocl.land Counly . • he bigge'l hantl Yo:" givcn to Ed Grif· lilh,. \Innal:,'(,f of lhe Orangebuq; Em· plo)ce, l ederal Credit Union-I\here the monc) i,~

BrOlher Danlln<li had ho::en aYo,jfded the OUhl;LI1ding Chi.: Lcallen. AII--ard by thl' , 'etcr;1I\, or l ureign W"r~ of Roel­lund (uun!) "I lhe 1>lal':! Brauhau~ car· lier in the cll'ning hut thought enough uf IIlIr Iltl<l/ to hrea~ aYoay :Ind I'i,il Yoitll II' A grC:!1 tribute from a greal lahor ic:u.ler,

AnOlher highlight IIf Ihe e:l;eiting e'e­nms "a. lhe prco,Cntation of our 30lh Anniler.ar) Journal. Pre'iden! Sonnen. "hllli did an e~!;ellenl joh on hh lint at· tempI :tt Ihi, t)PC of puhlication for ollr luc;tl, Anolher ",~~e,~!

In the cour\.:: of lhe elening\ fe~lhi. tie~, Mr. ami Mr,. \1.tr,lwll I' ral\ Yoere notilie,/ th<lt Ihe} had hc.:ome pruud !;r.tndparcnh of a j:randwn. I\I} II ife and 1 h:l\e aho ju" hceome millhty proud {,'r;IIIJp.trenl, of :1 grand-.on. 1 he neYo "ITiI.ll j, lodd Rutlger\. IIhO\C proud p;lren" are our hcaUliful dau!;hter. " 'lIhfeen. ,md h(r hnnd",me hu~",.nd. J immy Rod!!er, of 10..':11 .63. ·1 he god· f,Llher·lo·he i, Jimmy Hllr~e or Local J. SO. il luo~, 1" if liule I"tXld i, .k,tincd Il) he (111,)lher 1I0· W electl'ki:m.

If I ha,e ,~ipp .. 'd ,01)1C of lhe ncw\ eVl"nh. plea-.c flll"gl\e me_

I're,ident Sunnen"lum ren·nll) nUlificd Ihe 1 1inlltlle Cml1roan~ Ihal Yoe inlend to rcnej:Ollale our pocn,ion plan ,,~ ..oon a, f'O',i"lc. Sin..:e Ihi, i, the mlhl impor· lanl a"ilj l) ,II Ihi, lillie. plea .... l«p )our-..che' Yoell informed h) ;l1Iending the mlrOlI"nl meelin~' IIhich IIili he n.mUl~ up,

If lIe ~:Ul le(lIpcr<llC from ;111 th.:: ex· dtl"nlrnt, lie \\ ill try 10 hrin!; YOII lip to date 011 ullr aLli"ilie, in ne'\l munlh's I<)//rll(I/.

PILI I·. ("RRbO', 1',5.

Secretary Cites Progress; New Officers Elected L.U. 121111, \l E \l I'IIiS. T,,: ,;,\'.-We h:lIe mmle tl'emendOIl ~ rorogre,- in the one nn,1 one·half )e<ll', ,in!;e lie receivcd recognition lind ncgoti<lted a eontr.lcl Yo ilh Ihe \Iemphi, Light. Ga~. and Water Dili,ion , \11 G&WI.

I he dili,ion lIa, approxim;llely 3.000 emplo}e.:,. and of Iho .... eli!;;ble. lhe large matOlil} afC olemher~ or our 1()(:tL We ;11'': ,lilI J,(rO\\ing and IIorl.in!,! for nl"Yo memhc .....

Our Ne{,'olialing Commillee did a fine io" negotialing our l·onlmel. IIhich. \\e f1.'e!. j, e'(client (or Ihe fihl one. The eUJllllllllee ..:"n",led of InlCrnalional Repre""nl"til~ 1,,)II,r I . Bl air. Jr .. Ira II I urner. Jr.. Koland O. i'O'iler. Tomm y HagYoe ll . Rohcrt J. Spraggins. and lI:trold K. Gille'pie. J r.

Our loe:.1 oYoe~ Ihe'>C men a debl of gr:ultude ror their untiring efrorts and Iheir hard \Iork. II hieh laid IIle: ground·


"'orl. for our fUiure ~uccc~'>C'!. At our ete,lioll of ollker.;. \Ie had a

lie for the offi~e of pre~ident. re~tdting in a special ele"ion. We el.::.:teu a full · lime bu,ine~, nwnal,:er. which "e uiu not halle before. anu III LG&W ap· pointed a lahar relatIons \uperinlenucnt 10 work uireclly \lilh our local.

Our new officeh arc Pre~iJent Ira B. Turner. Jr .. Vice Pre,ident Roberl J. Sprala;in~. Ke'on.JlIl~ ~cretary Sue Tucl.cr. Fin;Jncial Sccrel<lr), Cary D. Ward. Trea\urer Jimmie L .""g. and Bu~ine)$ 1I1;lIlaj!cr Il.lrolu K. Gille~pic. k

The F~ccuti\e Board members arc I\'!;lrllin I'. Uar.:h. H.:nry W. Berry. Ru­dolph D. Boldret;hini. Wiltiam C. Crea­mer, Emer~on ('rcn,lw\<'. Tomrn} Bilg­well. Rolanu O. J-Oo~ler. ~nd Alliin L Whilt.'. Jr.

We ~re proud of our new officcrs and know th,lt "e h;i\e electe" \cn "onhy people to lead u,. We feci Ihal Iht:re \lill be ronlinui ly in the high ~aliber of le~dcl"ihip "C ha\(: had In the p:ll>l. T he ta~l., tht"y ha\'e unuertalen ~t thi, time of }ear arc guing 10 in\ohc extra time and \\-orl . :" "e are in the proec,s of ne" nmlr~CI negotiation\.

Our loe:11 ha~ "orled for many )can 10 achie\'e il~ pre'>Cnl po,ilion. We are ellthu,ia~tic :lbout our Ile" contr.lCI. but \Ie anticipate hard-fought ne!;;otialion\. We do feel thaI \Ie are beller pfCp;lrro this lime. as v.1: ha\e le:lrned much through our \ucce_,<, and failurh.

Our office'" h:l\e t-..'en meelin!;; \\ilh the ,te\\aru, to di..cu~., :lnd prepare con­tract lan!;;uagc. anJ the rank-and-file memOcf\ ha..:: ,uhmilled propo~b.

Thus. we feel that \\,,: lnu\\ whal change, the member' "ant. This inlere~1 and ~ uPJlQrl halle stn:ngtheneu 11'.

We \loulu like 10 hear from other lo­cals Ih31 are llboUl to begin new con· tract negotiallon).

SUL T unt R, R.5.

New Benefits Secured In Negotiations LU. I3U6, IlECAT U H, ILL -Our locul ha, jl"l t'ompJcled cOnlr;lcl l1ej,!()\ialions "ith the lliinoi, Po\\er COtllpan)' 10 arnenu ih contract. Ihe e~piralion date of \\hkh \\;1, .... o\ember hI.

We \\cre ah1e 10 <'ccure anolher holi­.loW. Chri'lrna~ E\e: impro\(.· .. \acaliOn leaH'; anJ an 8.S per cellt \\ age in· crea,<. the implementation of \\hi.:h. of cour..c. V.,I, dependent upon governmcnt .H:lion.

Our rnemhef"\ voted )2.1 10 accept and 5-1 10 rcjeCi the memur:lndum of agree­ment.

It \\," diflkult to ncgoli:.tc ;lfler the frceze had been impo..cd ,lOd \Ihile it \\as ~1it1 in effect.

Gunt O1-':t W. BROOKS, P.S.

Labor· Baded Man Wins; Maintenance Contract Grows L lJ. IJ -IO. i'EWI'OI{1' Nt: WS. VA.­Local union) in our ~t:1lc ,hould be \cry


Old-Timers Honored

Seated. tell 10 "&hl. a.a .at"ees Jolin A. McHuRII and C ••• IVille E. Btack. l ocal 1355, Cam­den. N.J .. who wa~ 1I0nored recenl1y I' Ille local's 16th Annual Old· Timers Retirement Ban· quet. Standmg. ara K. W Sm,tll Ind D. Wen,er. Executive Board membe.s; C. D. Wolle . Vice President: W. P. Kimble. Executive Board: C. R OI.ver. P,esodent; W. H. Piper. Treasu,e,;

and H. A. Pullmln. Rlco,dlng Sec'l ta,y.

happy. J-Ienry l-Io\\e11. backed by labor, has I\un the election for lieutenant ):ov­ernor.

Ho\\cll ha~ a l\\a}· ~ made il I. nu\\n that he v.ould \\ork for labor. I-Ie ,110.0 e\pre:s.'ioC~ his concern for the ullfair I ;l,e~ on food and medicine. \\hich he S3)S hun the \\orkin!;; man. \l r. 1I0"e11 replaces a \eT) good man \\ho dieJ r(­cently. J. Sarllcant Ke}nolds. \\ho al.,o \\a, a man for labor.

No\\ thaI lien!) Uo\\cll i~ in. let e\ery \\or~ing man support him. With him in offi.:e. Virgini:l ha~ a briJ:::ht OUI· looL

Hu~inc\s Manager Slellc Elkin., and Ro} Kell}·. \\ho i, ~uperinlcnuenl for I' & W. the electri~al contractor \\ho hll~

the electrical maintenance "'orl. al NASA. ju~t Ilisileu Wa~hington. I).c., 10 confer \\ilh oflicial_ un lhe progre~~ of Ihe contract. Tfrm, prOllide for a new pa} scale and paid ,acalion, and holi· days.

'1 hi~ maintenance contract i) buiMing into ,omellting really gOOl.l. As a young trec i~ planled. the rOOt, lire ~rn:l ll ; hO\l­ever. they gradually grow Md provide a solid foundation. Thh cOntrafl h the <.arne: il now ha, a j,!ood. ~oliu founda· tion. and \\ith j,!ood v.eather. it ",ill con-tintle 10 sro\\.

EDv.I-': E. COS'lR. P.S.

Brothers Black, McHugh Honored at Banquet L.U. 055. CA \lIJ E"\. N. J .- On No­vemher h\. our loeal held its 16th Annual Old-Timers Relirernenl Illlnquel al Kenne)"~ Sut-IIrh"n lIuu\C. The hon­ored Iluesh ",ere Granviile F . Hlack, \\ho Maneu \\illt the PubJi.: Ser\ice Elfctric ;lOU Ga, Company in 1928 a~ a rnetcrman anJ retired in the <.anle de­panm .. nt \lIlh 4\ )eaf<; of !>en' ice. and John A. McUUl;h. \\ ho 'Iarled ill Ihe Une Ocp.lrlmenl a~ a line helper anti ... nded hi, last fev. year> of \Cnice a) a

line impeClor. 8rolher l\lc Hu!;;h retired wilh a lotal of 49 }c:ar~ of M'rvicc.

T he menu inc1udeu roa~t \irloin and capoll. The hOlloreu guc,,, I\ere pre­stilled \\uh sift~. We \\i~h lhe"... 1"'0 Brolhef"\ man) happ} and health} )ear~ of retirement.

\\ itli,lm A. H,.mple S:I\" the invoca­lion. antl the Sue'l )peal.cr.; \\erc rna\ter of .:eremonie. Llo)tl Ie Hugan. \\ho. \\ith hi, natural sift of humor. had e'­eryoue ,miling: W. H. Piper. Trea)urcr: Dallid Hale'. Divi_iotl ,hop )Ie\\ard. OEE IU; R. G. Dunn. Dh'i)ion \Ieter Engineer: G. R. Schcurich. Financial Secretary: B. T. H}!l1c\, Di\i~ion I inc I'ngineer: II . A. I' ullman. Recording Seeretilr}·: C'. D. Wolfe. Vice Pre,idcnt. W. L. Me}er. A"i)lalll Dhi,iun Super­intendent. and C. R. Olivcr. PresIuell1.

'1 he $pcall.~T\ joineu the memhcrs and friend. in COnl;r:llulatins Ihe honored gue\I •.

Our th~nl.~ to Brolher Piper for a \cry linc affair.

K. W . SMITH, P.S.

Local J 377 Retirement

Rel, .. ng Ifter 30 yelrS 01 seIVIce at Picker Corp. IS LerOy Miller. Local 1377. Cleveland. Ohio. Shown accepting an orange 'rom ' o rmel sleward Oo<:k Ruble. look,ng on is prnent Itew"rd Henry Rebal. The orange is symbolic 01 a lon(l!·awa;ted vacation in Florida for Mr. end M,s Mille •. Also shown are Brothe. members. left 10 "Rht. L Moore. G. Becke •. C. FerenCI~. W. lewis. I. Jacabson. T. Sw; g.rt. O. Raymond. J . Anderson, J. Vasilko •

L Miller, H. Rebol. and O. Ruble.


Area Work Very Slow; Business Manager Resigns L.U. 1J!'1, FonT WAYNI<:, INn._ Work i~ ~ti ll very slow in our are:l. \\ith many of our Il rothen \\orking in other jurhdiction ... Wt:; appre.:i;.atc our ~i\ter lo­cals' pu ll in~ our people 10 \lorl. \lhlle our \lorl. i\ ~Iacl.: I\e hope Ihal, wme d:IY, \Ie \\ ill he able 10 rCllIrn the flll'Or.

Bu\ine~~ Manager 10hn I' ni:elh;aupl resigned in November. and the l\c..:l1-Ihe Bo. .. rd appointed BrOlher '1 erry liar· diner 10 fill Ollt the une.\pired term.

"' r~. GuincI'cre S.hacfcr rc~igllcd U~:I -ccreHlry in the FOri Wuync omc.:: , he h,,~ been .cpl:leed hy M rli. Mary Ann Buhl>. who \liII hc :I"i,tin~ Mrs. \lllr· cclla Vol:r.

We h:II'C opened II hnmch ollke in ')outh I,knd: Ihe l l ddre,~ i\ 20 15 We~ 1

We,tern. Room 3 14: the phol1C numl>cr there h 282·1621. I he offi.e i\ handled 1» As\i\lant Bmine,\ \lanagcr Che,ler Iferrim:'n. a"i,ted hy \I~. I' llt Moli­naro. who '>Cclm to he a I'c ry t'!righl lwd .;apahle IIOIl1:ln. e,,;ept Ihat ,he h:I' a hall habit of l-oad.inS 10,in1; fool ball leam~.

Our Indi:lna-Mi .. hi1;:,n negoti:lliofh are no\\ in prO{.lre,s. !lIl,1 it lo()l~ a~ if things arc going 10 be ilcller nO\l Ihal Ihc cmplo}ee, in tnc llilrcrcnt unih are e~chanl,!ing idea\ and propt)'\ah among the- unih. mther Illan e:tch one bargain­ing !>Cparaldy.

I-laIC )'OU elcr)' hc:m! ..omeonc ,ay. " I-Ie', :1 gtKXl man. hUI he h from Ihe railroad. or from I&l M. or frum can· '!ruction'!" It really ,houlll not mn~e

any lIitrerence from \\hich lIi,i~ ion a memher come,. :" 1011 1; :" he i, :t L1nion memher. We arc ha\ing -.ome ~ro\\inl; pains. but t Ihinl Ih:11 \\C arc going 10 emcrge wilh a lllUl h ,tronb'Cr local 'Ihe o!lker.. need all of the help and encour­agement \Ie can , ho\l Ihcm at thi, limc.

1 hope Ih:11 el«tion re\uit\ tunled out a, \lell e\'crY\lhere el", a, lhe') lin! in Fon Warne. We elected a Democralic m:l}or ami won ei~ht of nine l'otmcil ..ca[s-a compll.'1e rCle ,'~al of the city ~oven1 ment.

Anyone h:"lng anylhing of int~re'l for our " l ocal Line," column (';In gel il to me b) -.cnlling il 10 the union h:llI.

We are al..o in Ihe proce" IIf ..clling up a monthl}' hulletin. 10 he >,tnl It) each one of Ihe memhe ..... Thh \\ill t:t1.c a 101 of worl. from [he o!licer' and olfK:c emplo)ee$. \ Iore ahoul Ih" nc~t month.

That' ~ 10 fOf [hi, monl h: ~ee ) 011 at the union meeling.

Rto., Ihllr-I'. 1'.5.

New Officers Elected; Outgoing Office rs Cited I..U. 1413, Tou: no, OIllO-CongralU­I:uion\ 10 lhe ne\l ollken of our Io.:al. which con~i,ts of :!I true-blue meml>cn "'ho \lorl. in Ihe I'roperly l' rotection Department of Ihe Tolello Elli\Qn Com­pany.


T he new officers :Ire Business Man­ager Da>id T illen. Vice President Ri'll_ arll I'oolman. Financial Seeretary-Trea­urer I'atrirk SteinmelZ. anll Recording Secrel;.ry Richard Chasc. Thc~ men will hold office for the

next three tears. Good lucl lmd con­gratulalions 10 thelll from lhe members of l .oc,,1 I.J 13.

A sincere nOlo! of appreciation to our pa,1 "fficers for doing a .splcndill job \lhile in office. Than1.s 10 01;' lIa",l.in'l. former bu.,ine'~ manager: Rich:lrd Ba)­forll. former ,icc presillenl: Ahin Trim ­hie. former financ;:.l secret"ry lind Irea~· lITer: ami Jo'>Cph Zimmerman. former recording '>Ccrclur),.

I he'" pa\1 ollicers wor~ed hard in their ollices. and Ihe members extend to thcm their heartie,llhanl.s.

P \T Sn:JNM I 17, F.s.

life·Saving Award Presented To Harvey Alton, loU. 1464

LV_ 146·( KANS,\S ern ', 1\10.­Huney Alton. eable-,plicer in lhe Un· c.!crgrounll I)ep:. rtlllcnt. \l hile on >aea­[ion \lilh his fllmily :It Itranson, 1IIi"0Ilri. \las mfonncd of a five-reM­old 00)' ",ho wa~ drol\nin!! in a ~\lim·

ming pool. /lan e) ru~hcd 10 the pool and. find­

in}: no one a~,hlinl,! lhe lifek)~ chilli. :l ppliell moul h-Ia-mouth rC"hcilation. T bi, lno\lledj:.e \Ia~ gainell from safelY programs joinlly conduclell b) our local and the Kan,a~ Cily Po"er and I igllt Company. The chilli reeo\ered in a Springfielll. 1IIi~sollri. hospital.

II rot her Alton. for hi- decll. \Ion the co\'ele([ IIlFW I ife·Savin~ A\\arll. The al\ard \la~ prc"t'nted b) Ihl\ine\s M:ln­ltger I .oui~ C;thill. I I' .. assi~lell h)' Pre~i· Oc:nt C. 1. Yaeger. Brother Alton's \life. Sla\i. a..si,tetJ in Ihe honors by polllng on Ihe lapel pin which Brother Allon abo \Ion. A presenlalion dinner "as held al lhe It:llian Garden\ on October 161h .

Invited gll!.',t, incJII llell ,\ 1,'\. Cahill. M!',. Yae~er. chicf 'tCl'vard :'11" Mr,. Pal loahs. Mrs. Cessna and me. lind Me)er Goldman. publi,her of Ihe h/lll\lJ \ Cit .\' l..tllmr /JI'''eml.

Hecenl l). I hac.! thc privilege of hear· ing [\\0 !>Cnalo ..... ,pcal-~niltor Henry Jad\On of WI"hinglOn alld Scnmor '1 homa~ F. l-'a~leton of \tiWJtJri. The) lefl no douN in III) mind Ihal we. in I"bor. hal'e our ;0 .... CUI aliI for tiS Ihi~ lear. Senator l:Lcl.wn. a m:ln wilh Ih~ ho,:,1 lahar \ollnl1 recorll in Ihe Sem.le. \polc on Ihe Nixon cconomy and iI' ef­fect,. lie alw ,Ialell Ihal. for elcr)' 1\10 people ali\c too:ty. Ihere \lill he Ihrcc in the lear 2000. He ,aid that now i\ Ihe lime 10 ,pen'" Ihe Sl2-hilliol1 Ihal I' re,i­llenl Ni\on h:l ~ frozen. for 1l0mc,lie 'iCniccs. ho>pila"- '>Chooh. "nll chic im· prO>ement~. Ihll' ghing job-. 10 the un­cmplo)'ed.

SemtlOr FlIglclOn lold of Ni.\on·s spenlling millions of dollars for public

Life-Sa ver

ChIef stewa.d Pal J o~bs. "ghl. tonc:'ntu· la le. H •• vey Alton. whO hn ,UM been p,e Hnled w.lh Ihe ISEW Lit e Saving: Awa.d 10' III. rol. In lav,ng II •• hi. ot .. d'own,na live yu.-old AI lhe teft. I. lou" Cahill. Jr .. Busoness I,\&nl>g ... l e><:at 1~64. Kansn C'ly.


M,s . Allon dIM. Ihe 1I0no,. w.lh Ih. I.pel p.n p,esenled 10 eaell l.fe Save, by Ihe


relati(Jn~, h"vin~ IIppeared on pre·empled lele\'i\ion ."4 time\ alone. li e ;"aid Ihal tlte Nixon Allmini,lr.llion i, heing ..oIL! to Ihe Amcrican public lil.e a pad of eigarellC$ or a ne\\ tletergelll. lie '"I;' t-..... lell Ih"l c>er)one rc;td Ihe 1>ool. nil' 'idli"~ <1/ fI l'rt'jidf'II'. 19f18. 5.:nalor I a~lelon :11..0 ,ttuell Ihat Ihe 197:! Dem · ocratic CUlwention \\ ill he Ihe mosl Llcmocn'lic t;oll\entiul1 cl'er hclll. '1 he candidalc ,cleclcll will bc Ihc pcople\ thoicc_ With unil}' :lnd h:lrd \lorl.. he .... id. \\e \IiI[ b'CI Ihlll ~·:tnlli,lme elecled.

1'10\1 i ... thc lime 10 'tlppon r01' 1 "llppoort lOll r C;t ndillale. Supporl ,\nler· ic;l. Be Amcric;m. IJU)' Amcrican.

Kememl>cr. (lnl) )011 can Chlln1. ... Ihe IIa} in \lhi..:h )0'\1 ;ue 1!:o\erncll. Ilc a re'pon,ible (Ililen_ Vole.

Atll'l II . CI.SSlH, R.S.

Wage Review Board Approves Raytheon Pact L U. 1505. W,\I.'I'IIA1\1. \I ,\SS.-A~ \Hile Ihi, !cller. I'h"~ II of I're\ldcnl Nhon'~ Iale \t It'lme plan h upon u,. Our 11l1reemenl \lith Ihe RII)thcon Com· pany ha, , "rll,ed the :>crutiny oflhe Wage Re\'iew 1J0ard anll bas gone mto effeel, :1\ of Novcmber Ijlh. lhe dale III ",hieh I' h,,~ I. Ihe freeze. expired .


The que~tion of rct rolletivity 1m, nOI ),et been re'oOlved , , met the adl1HnI~tra­

tion i ~ oppo.cd 10 ~ueh pa) ment" hut the AFI ..cIO has \'o"'ed 10 ka\e no stone unturned in rh elTorl\ to }>rin, legal and polilkat pn:"ur('\ 10 bellir uj'lOn corporatron, 10 honor their con­Imclnal ot>lig:uion, A long, h,rnl fight on Ihi, i,\u.:: \C,' rn\ n Illl' l)' pln'Ilf',:t, ,md Ih.::r<: c;ln t>c no eert,lilll) u( il\ re~­

olulion, t\Cn h)' tht time Ihi, appear. 111 prm\.

We ... ere gntlificd h)' the flO'II10n lal.ell on Ihe 'Uhjc':l of retroodi~il} h~ Ihe Senale Hanl.ing Comm ittee, \lhi(h ((I\or, p,lymenl of 'lI(h monic, I\h,;,oo­(vcr Ihe Ilage inu'c:I'4: i, not undul), in­con,i,lent llilh Ihc I:!ui (!cline~ of 1111: I' a)' Board 'I h.:: Balll.ing ('onlluiuee feel­Ih:ll. I1I1(C Ihc 1':1)1 BOirnl h", ruled Ihal an inne:I,,' i, rca-onablc: IInder all cir­eUllhlane.::,. rclrua~'lilil\ ,lmulL! Ix' granl.::d . r hh. in our opinion, j, un equi­lable \I<I) "f Icwlving II", 4u'::,lion. l n­forttlnalel)'. f;lirn'::" :Ind .::qull)' are nOI in logtlC in Wa,hiuglon the\C di.)'" al ka'l nOI I\h.:: re \\url.inJ,1 people nrc con­cerncd.

In Augu'l mlr Ic;rden h:1\1 1\-':001-

mended rnlifi.:alitln uf the term, ,If nur contract in the helief Ih;ll Ih~ frctJe \lould he follo ... ell h} ;1 period uf \I;I!:!e conlro". \lilh a pcrccnl,.go: ~uiueline ,ig­nilkantl} It!" Ihi.n Ihc flCrccnta~e in­ere:.\(: \lhkh R:l)lheon h"d ;.Ire<ldy u!!reed lu pa} Wilh the further c~flCela · lion Ihal Ihe go~ern1llent \loulll be IIn­li~e1) lu iml'o'4: \II.:h a limil II!"Jn .:on­lra':l, ... hi.:h ... ere ralified prior I\) Ihe Cllmmem:ement <1 •• le of Ihe (untwl pe­tiOlI. 1ht.'\I,! 1<)\;;11 lea.t~r' I'rclli~lell that Ih.· [rrm, ,If our ,,~rl~rn.:nl lIoul,1 he PCrtllilled tIl 'land lIu,inc\\ \Inlmger Ji l11 1I Iul!uney. I' re,idem ,\rt O,horn. anll Ihe entire NCllullillin1! (nn1l1lillec dc"",r~e credil for having <I,I\'\)(;;uell 111:­

cepUtnc!! al Ih;1I call) u;th:_ '11l<' mel11-he", hal l! carned hiJ:!h I'r;li..c fill h;l\ in)! had Ihe lIi"lol11 to -ee the ad\·:tnla!!e of Ihi, eour,e of ;Iuion.

AI a rccenl meeling. ;t nmliun \I,h pa"ell to thanl lhe ullin'r, :' Ild rcpre­,enlalll'e, f(lr tlwif l'l1mh in \Ccuring \lage Icrm~ \l hkh e\.ecllt!,l lhe ~ ~ per eenl Iluiueline. 1 he llflker. 011\1 Ilile thi, opportunu) 10 lh;ln~ \UU fOI ,mnulnll hchind them unu f<lr ~uur lo)all) ;tnd ,upport fur their allCmph Itl rcpre,enl }our interc,I'.

We hope tlMI HlU ;tnd lOur, hau a plea,anl ;Inu rC \l;lrding (hri,lnl;I' hoh­da~ ;md Ihal the nl:\I )car \I ill bring fulfillmenl uf lour \li,he,.

11 ..... 1<1 \I ,-.;Ct'oll. P.S.

Two Apprentices Graduate; Others Are Laid Off L.U. 160K. FO ltT \\ A .... ' I~ . I ",n.-·I hi~ monlh \li l1 gCI U~ C;uIJ;hl up on ollr graduale" IJoh '1 homjj~ nnd Jim Emrich :Ire the 1:I1C,1 apprenticc, 10 complete Ihe 1r;lining cOUr,(.



Sob Thomas. Loci l 1608. Fort Wayne , Ind , who was r .. c .. ntl~ 1,lId.,8led trom his IP pr .. ntlceshlp I",nlns, Ind who I. 5Undlna ncond hom th.. le ll , aec .. ptl cona.atula \(On5 from Rod Dunham, Aui.lanl Wo.k. Manase. Look,na on. hom li1.e lelt. arl Stan Kessler, IPp,e"IIcl ,n,'ructor: Paul Hu"lthna_ el'nl',,,l !n,m",,· Rna TlflY Kina,

Superintendent 01 Ma'ntenlnc".

Here, I,aduale J Im £mrtch teCllv .. cona,al uJal,on. h om D.ck Medla"d. Manlier 01 £mployee Relal,on,. 0111 .... In Ihe p,clu,e_ Irom til. t,,1t are Mr . Kina. Mr K,,,le' . Mr. HlI"nlihnS .• nd G .. oISe Billantyne. SUP'ltV'

WI. P .. rsonnel DeVllopn.ent and Tr~'ntn._

Me:lnll lllle, Oclober l SI was the la~1 IIvl1. i"S 0.1,1 )1 for 1110 more of our lip pr('nt[ce~. Dale Ca\l1cman and Ray K is\­ner IIcre !;i\Cn their la)·olT notice~ the \leel. heforc. T haI t.rinB~ IhI: lotal on 1.lt-01l 10 tour. nitre are: all I.ind~ of rumol'\. holh good anoJ had. concern in!; Ihi' prohlctn.

\\lc h:II(' nn om: on the 'icl. or in­Jured Ii,\. nOli Ihal Kuger. Leru). and I Hrell ,. re ha,1. 10 \lorl.

In IIl~ opiniun. \Ie hau a (!rcat pkni" hili Ihen, I \la, [,;lrl or II." .. Oollm1l1C~. ;tlong \lith Paul lielml.amp ;lnoJ J im Lmri'h_ \\ e h;ld J:!iX>d \lealher and ;1

I;lrge turnout for Ihe uulin !,! at ('rool.ell Lll~e.

(jenc Tnylur ha, lal.cn uI(:r a\ Ihe ncw apprentice in,lrllclOr, repl;lcin!! 51;111

": e·,·, IH, ]' IlLSS SI CRI rAtn

Manuel Salgueiro Honored At Retirement Dinner L.U. 167J. \\ ()OU IIIU ()GE. ",'. J ...-t\ lImner lIa, held on NOlcmocr ~Ih in honor of Ihe ro:lircmenl of \lanurl S:II­gueiru. \lhl! \la, emplo}ed by lhe Puhli.: Ser> i~'c I le.:lri~ anJ (ia, ('omp;,"~ a, a h(li\1 opcrJIOr ;11 Ihe Se\l arell (jeneral· in!; )I;uion. S.::\laren. NC\I JeflC\

IIwthcr \I ,lIlue! '1;tTlc<1 lIilh I'\lhli ~' wrvi~1: III I'll,). it' " IT.ld.IT ~'r~r.llur in Ihe ' ;lTd Oep;lrlmcnl uf Ihc Ke;lrnl (jcnCnlllnj: ':>1.llilln. Hc \I", tran,fcrrcd 10 \c\la en a, ;I hoi" UflCralor III I'I.HI. lie h:h nlmplrtcd .i~ }ea .... of 'cnice

I he dinncr II," heloJ ;11 I a.:hio.·",i.:/' 1I1I1I In I'crlh Amho~. t'oC\l kl">C) In :lllemJ,111~c. \len: hi, Bl'Olhcr Illcm.wr, lIilh l' I'c,ill":l1l Anlhon y NOlO ii' Ih", 1O:i'll1lil'lcr . • !;1IlI. I'I"C/(I., Ch<lirl11an, h:ulIlicu ill! of Ih", 'Irrang~l1lent'.

!)~'I.:m ('tlund. U-:! Bu,inc" [{cpre· ,elltati\ c I I "ie I leld, !,!alc hi~ (ongr:llu-1.'liOlh anti be,1 \ll,he, 10 IJruther \Ian-

Retirement Party

Mellu,l S,IKUelro, LOCll 1673, Woodbrid.,. NJ .. w" honored It a dlnne' par1y on the oc· clSion 01 h,s ,et" .. menl P"nclpl>ls at the dln""r, '''Ied. 'nc:lude SYStem COllllcil U·2 BU$I­nlS5 R .. presentatlve £rn,e Field •• s .. cond from lell; P,n,dent Anlhony Novo. Ihird 110m lelt; Brother Manual's son •. Ra~mo"d and Robe.. lourih Ind s,dh from the 1,,1t: B,otlle,

Men uel, MIl> !tom I,lti and Cha"m." Frank Pllcz .. k. second from datil.


ud, Brother Manue l's sons. Robert ,Jnll Raymond . prcsc nlell hinl with ~ifts per­t:'l. inin~ to his f" vur ile P;I\ liIllC. fi shing.

J,\M I s R. KAO L\C, R.S.

Work Situation Very Poor; Anniversary Dance Held

L.U. 1739, IIA I~ Rl t: , ONT.- T he \\ork , ilUatiOl1 in OIl! loca l i~ ,"cry poor :'1. 1 Ihe

pre"';)n! time and i~ not eX[lC'etc\1 10 get :lIly i.>elll.'r in the fle:lr (mure.

At prc'oCnl. "C haH (wer 70 tnl.'mt>crs un the olll·of-"or'" li,1. and "ith -.ome project~ coming 10 a do..c !>OOn. there " ill pro"a"l} t>c another 30 members 'Idded to thl.' li~t hy the end of J:lnu:lry.

With a lotal membcr~hip of 160. Ihis II ill pIli the majority of our 10c:11 on Ihe otll -of-Ilork Ihl. It lou"', :1' if it Ili ll he " eokl winler fOi' ,orne uf U'. hUI lIe arc hoping for the IHlI'''' piclure 10 bri);hlen by early wmrner.

On November I3lh. ollr :!Olh Anni­le"'ary l):'I.nce 1\;1, helll at the Sno-Val­Ie} S"'i Resort in Barrie. We all enjo}ed ,I v.omlcrf III II ine·and-~tenk dinner .

We had a tllrnuut uf appru.\imately ~(I couple,. "hidl wa~ ,"cry good. COIl­

,ide ring that mosl of nul' members an:: wor"' ing OUI of Ihe loca l nr ... a.

A~lI"Ios R. TLCI:. 1' .5.

Ne w O ffi cers Installed; Samuel Gingell Mourned L.U. 18 17. nAN Ii URY. CON N.- At uur I..::gll iar munthl y meeting o f OelOber 18 th. IIC in,talled 0111' ncw onicer, :lIld EXeclltile Board.

The meeting ":l~ I\ell :Itlended. and heer and 'iIHld" iehe, "crc ..crlcu a fter­IIard ~.

Intl."'rna tional Rcprc'>Cnlathe John Keil­ty wa~ pre'oCnt at the lllC'l."'ting :lnd expl:lined \0 1I~ th:l! our local :md sev­efa l Olhcrs :Ire to be merged in I-ebru­ary. T he exact de t,li" afe sHIl ", jud of , "'c tchy. bllt v.c expect them 10 be cleared up <tnd c .~plllinedtu m '00011.

Our locill ":1\ s.'\ddcnell b~' the un­timely death of IIrOl hcr Samuel G ingcll. We e>;pre,\ our ~)nlp.'\thie~ to hi~ Ilik anll son.

F. P. DIS~lm.:t). I' .S.

Din ner Party Honors Reti ree Arnold Williams L. U. HIJ3. 1I0~t:II E" J)S. N.Y_­Il rothl.'f Arnold \ViII i:lln~. long·time chairman of the Executive Boaru. was honored at a rCliremC'f\( dinner part y. held recentl} at the Hic"'ory House Res­taurn nt.

Brot her Wi l liam~ wa~ a long-, ... n ·iec Weq inghouo;c em ployee !Ond had SCfl'ed our loca l fai thfu lly in many eap:leit ies oler Ihe }"ears. His retirement concludes the lo ngest. unbro"'en term as chairman of the EJ;ecutive BOilrd in Ihe loc:tl"s hi~tor)' .

IJ rother Will iams many of his fellow

was honored by IIor"'el') :tnd union


Danbur y Officers

InternMIO" (l1 RC I>resentalive J ohn Xe,lIy. lefl. a llm ,n,SIC', Ih~ 08 11, to 11"" new olfi ctlrs o f Loca l \8t7, Oanbu.'y, Conn Fron t row. Irom Ihe lefl. Keilly. Vice Prcsldcn t J GSCph O·Conno., Reco.dlng ~c.ct ary Frenc,s Hur· gIn, FinanclCI Sec.clary Al fred Nutting. and Bus,ness Ma"age r Paul W Barr BaCk row. PresIdent J ames BU'iihoft end Treasurer

Harold Nadeau

The EKecutive Board members are. froni .ow. tell 10 FIght. Rich"d Reynolds , JOhn Russel. Ches ter Bcn"ell, and Me.I,n J 3jer. Back row. Inte,nahonal Rep'nen lat,ve Keilty. J oseph SQul.es. and Michael Anderson .

onkcr~. Ik II:h pre,ell1cd wit h an in­,crihed gold 'latch in tu"'en HI'JlI"eei:ttion uf hi, 1Il:1II}" )'c:ln uf fait hful IU)":ll t ~ to hi, loc~1 union.

BII L 1'1 \SI, V. I"H S.

Johnsto wn, New York , Loca l Enters Vetera ns Day Parade

L. U. 1119 1. JO II NSTOWi\' , l" . \',- On OelOl"It:r 23r<l . ...even uf our IllCI1lI">cr.. j(.ined ol her :H'ea group' pan icipatins in the Annual Velemfl ~ Day ['amlle.

The marchers Ilere Vice I ' re~idcn t I'cler Cinelli. Recording Sceretar} S}bil Wilco\. Fimlncin l Secretary Fme~1 Gra· nen. T re .. ,u rer B,lrh:lfll Vfoll1. I)re~~

Sccret:1ry Cath}' W:lfIler. I' '(eeutil"e Iloard member Jon Wilcox. lind Si-Ier Nanty ~ Ic Kjhl"lt:n. I' re,idenl Cill'l Ana­dio cOllld l1 't 1lt~e part in the p:'1'ade. he­CilU'oC he had to 1101" ....

The oilittr, ue,igned and con,tnJcted a flu<I! a, a tribute tu the \etenlfl~. '\ he float y,n~ a replica of one of the leter­an~ of our craft, lin antique cnnll[e\tic ... telephone.

Retirem ent Party

President lester At kin!;On, l ocal IS33, Horseheads. NY .• lell. pre.<ents an insctlbed gOld walch to ,elo'ee A,nold W.lliams 3t a d'nner party held recently in honor of Brother W,lIillms. Looklns on. are Vice Pres· Idenl W,lIard J . Pease and Ihe new chair· "'an 01 Ihe Execul lve BGard. J o hn Pa ll adino.

Seen al Ihe head 'able. lel\ 10 "ghl. arc P,uident and M,s. Atkinson. ,ellree and Mrs . W,lIiams. and Vice P.es,dent and Mrs


'1 h i~ \In, ollr local", fir,1 enll<-nlor in comll1unity alTa ir,: \Ie plan on continlled :Ietilitle, in the fwure.

SYlIII \VII ('0":, R.S.

Safety G ro up Effective; Annual Dance Held

1..1I. 1971'. ST. l't:nmSIIU RC, FLA . - In our loca l. \\h k h i, a Ill;lIlll f:.elllr­ing lUCid. :" in ,III IlII ih. ,nfCly plny~ ,In import:mt rule. A rCI'iseli Safety Com­]IIitlee ha~ been maling regu lar i n~pec· lion~ :lnd i, Ilor ... ln); elr«lil·cly. insofar '" correcting ha7.ant- :onu I>ringing about generllll}-safer conditions. Safe I\or ... ing condition, :m: :I nliN. :mll a report of f:m lt y equipmC'nt or of a dangl."'rous situ­ation ma y ~:l I e ,I life.

Ou r Ann ual Labol' D'IY Dancc. ~pon' ~ore(t by Ihe Pinell as County Cemral Lahor Union. "a~ helll on September 4th il l the ' I rea\ure hl:.no AuJi torium. T rea,urc Isl:md. I-lorida. E\'ef}'one in :11-tcnll:met hlld :1 wonderful lime. as in preliou5 )cars: howe\·er. our local failed 10 win the :ll1endance :.ward this yellr. Beller h jcJ.. nut lime: l'ighl'.'

The band for the evening broughl many couples 10 the d,l nce floor. ami a Ilonderfill Cl'cning I,a~ cnjoyell hyall.

Many pl"'ople \\or"'ed 10 ma"'e this :\Il'

nual e,'ent :I \ucec,s-LiJli:m Unger, I'resident. I' ine lla, County Central L:tbor Union: John Un~er. T reasurer; Ha7.e1 Bonnrdi. Il u\ine~s Manager of our local: Alice Hilfdenbrook, Vice President


Parade Participants

, Wllco~. tar)' [rnut GfanelZ

member J on

left to flShl around lica of In an"qui V,ce PfI!sidenl Plte, member Jon W,lco •. and Delo$ member of Loclt 1891 and GIO'Iel"$vlli. VFW Po". StotM' commander of the paradl dlYlSlon to which

local 1891 was asslsne<! to march.

Hook'n8 the float uP. If' V,ce Pres ld.nt Ci· nelli and Financ.al Slcrlta.,. Grantz S,ster

McKIbben is in the bacl<8round.

of our local; ;lnd many others, including all of the members and their families, friend ~. and i;ue~ls who e(lme Olll and supported the dance.

Because of the wage-price frC'e1.e. our previously-negotiated increase had 10 lOait until -":o\ember. Sorry about that, ladies and gentlemen. ThanL th(' Ni_on Adminbtr:uion for thai one. '1 (10 bad our wage~ don't increa'>C a~ much as prices.

For quite some lime. contribution~ to Ihe )O/u,wl from our local were quite !imiled. Ha~ing been recently appoimed press !oecretary. I hope III 100rL 10 change [hal. As our ne\\ pm. secremry. I hope to gi,c Local 1978 Ihe anent Ion and recognition it so ",ell de>o('rves. In the coming monlhs. I hope to bring a 101 of information and ncw~ of our loeal \0 Ihese p .. ges.

North Canton Work Up; Edmund Conley Mourned

L.l'. 1985. NOKTII CA~TO:". 01110 -Thi~ i, my first arlicle as Ihe new pre\s .,..!; relary of our loe;t!. and I hope I can juslify the confidence \ho" n by our local pre,ident in appointing mc.

I hope 10 keep Ihi, r;:olumn on Ihe local IClel. rcportin!; on members' hob­biei. ar;:li,ilicos. and sUl·h. H~1. I am happy 10 report that. as

Ihis is being "'rinen in earl)·-l\o\emhcr. worL here h;ls picked up. All laid-OfT members have been rer;::llted, and ~ome

new one~ h:t\e heen added. with !;on.ill· crable overlime being worLed. We hope thaI il i, nOl (til due to Ihe holiday ...:;t-

"'". I fC!;rel to reporl the pa'>!oing of Brother Edmund Conley aher a \horl illness. Brother Conley wa~ 5~. He ";I~ a forme r local union ,icc pre\idenl and lIas our !;lIffenl re~i~tr:lr. I-Ie jo; ~adly

mi~~d by his family. IInion n!'Olher~,

and his community. I'cr..onally. I !;ornmen\1 Brmher Mur­

ray L}Le~. W5NXD. Local 520. Au~tin. Texas. for hi~ effort~ to or!;ani7.c un am­aleur radio nct of I8FW membe:r~. I am unable 10 meet his schedule on Satur­day, but will be: happy to taiL 10 any­one. on weekday morning', on 10, 15, or 40 melers. either CW or SS" . Thc call is K8QNT. Send radiogram on a QSL !; .. rd for sl.ed. 73s.

EO ....... Ru TUOI""iOS, P .S.

Kathy Hanlon Wins Award; Organizing Drive Successful

L.U. 2015. I)Al'nL' I{Y. CO:"K- Kathy Hanlon. d;wghler of John and Helen Hanlon . member, of our loe(tl. re!;ei~ed

Ihe Seventh Annual Schohlrship AWllrd prcsented by OIlr local. International I{epresentative Rober! Dillon of the Sec­ond DiSlricl office staff made Ihe pre'iCn­ta tion.

Kathy. "ho was li~ted in Merit's Who's Who Among American High School Students, was also selected as a

Wins Scholarship

Kathy Hanlon. dauahle, 01 John and Helen Hanlon. members of loca l WIS. Danbury, Conn., receives the local's Seventh Annual ScholarshIp Award from Inte.nat,ona[ Repre· s.nUHl ve Robert Dillon. Second Distric t

offi CI! stall.

Stale of Connecticut &holar and was elected to lhe N;lliomll Honor SocielY. to lisl jllSt a fcw of her awards. She is presently enrolled at We.lern Connccli­r;:111 Slate Colh:£e. Danbury. and is ma­joring in hhlor) .

Kathy wa~ 'iClected by area educa­tional Icader' a~ the recipient of Ollr local's $500 II'" ard.

Our local i~ happ)' to announce Ihal il a,,~hled In[ern;uion;11 Represcntatile Dil­lon in a SlIcces.flll organization driw for lhe empIO)ee5 of the R3pid Electric Comp;my. Inc. The plants are located in BrooLfield. (onne!;licut. and the Bron.,. New YorL . r he N LRH-l'ondtKted cke· lion was held on NOlember 151h and reo ~ulled in 47 'Ole~ for lhe IDEW and 2~ lOtes for no union.

Afler III month~ of re!;c"ion and three monlh\ of opprc~~ion from the \\ hite I-Iouse:, leI liS no" 51an 10 ",orL low:lrd November, 1972.


Local 2021 Pays Tribute To Memory of Hugh Herbert

1.. ( 1. 2021.0"1. ,\110)1'\ CITY, OKI.,\. -On ()(:Iober 251h. the member.. and leader\ of our local joined together to honor the memory and r;:onlribUlion~ of II fellow Brother and leader.

HIIJc!h Herbert. an F;\:ecutil'e I~oa rd

member, died on J une 5th fronl injuries re!;eilcd in a car'mOlorC}cle a!;cidenl. Uugh had been a member of our local 5inec starting 10 worL OIl W('stern Elec~ !ric in OLlahoma Cil)- and hOld been a Steward and officer for sewn }ears.

lie wa~. among other Ihing~. our 10-cal\ wage incenti'e chairman. and he had !>Cned as ;1 dclegale to many con­\'ention\ and labor 'l·hools. I-Ie h;ld been attached to the Intcrnaliomll Office 10 as~i~ 1 in ori;:rnizing 3nd h:rd returned to our loe:11 10 :rid as a negotiator in our 1971 bargaining. It would be impos.sible to ntenlion or 10 thank Hugh for all of h,s conlribmions to organized labor.

One of Hugh Berhera's dreams was 10 see Local 2021 ow n its own o ffi!;e and

Memorial Plaques

~ ~

Mrs. HuSh Herbert dIsplays the ptaQue whl,h was preS<!nted to her in memory 0' her hU$ba"d. a member of loca l 2021. Oklahoma C'ly. Okla .. who dIed hom InjurieS

rKel~ed in a vehicular a,eidenl.

Pres,dent Wa rren Fisher and Ihe memb ... 01 the Exeeut,ve Board presenl another plaQu. 10 Brother He.bert's parents. This plaQu, w,1I be 'nstalled on tl>e ouls;de 01

Ih' local's new office bu,tdins·

meeting hall He saw thh dream come Irue jU~1 prior 10 hi~ death. wilh the completion of our new office and hall in the c;orlier part of 1971.

., he officers and members felt thaI. in honor ing Hugh. there I:ou ld be only onc proper tribme. Thi, lribule was pre­scmcd in Ihe form of IWO plaques and :1

memo, ial fund. One plaque W:I~ ghcn 10 Hugh· ... widow In honor of Hugh' .. !oCT\­

ice 10 the local. The other plaque \\3.5

prewnlcd jointly to Ihe widow. Relx'eea. and 10 lIugh's parents. \l r. and \lr;. Hugh Herbert. Sr.

Now Ih31 Ihe dedication h complete. the -.ccond plaque will be placed on the oulside of our new office bui lding to rc­mind u~ of Il ul1h\ contribution,> and to honor a finc hn-band. ,on, and friend and one of our 'ocar~ fine~t leaders.

1 l'ItS Ro ... s. R.S.

Party Honors Two Local Union Officers L. U. 2060. 1' ,\TERSO;.l' . N. J .-On Sep­tember 14.h. Ihc mcmbeno of our local held a pany al Ihe Friar TucL Inn. hon­oring Prc,iuenl Paul Jacobo\i l1: and H­na ncial ScCr;,'t:H} Daniel \Ioore:. Jr.

eight} mcnd1OC1"!i a uendcd the :Iffair. Other members "ho could nOI allend m~ldc a financial contribution.

A' RO!oC nlh:11 presented a tele ... bion loC t '0 Brother Jacobo ... ilz, and Charles Dy-

Testimonial Dinner

I P'fl.denl Paul JlIcobovitz and flnaneiat Sec· retary Dan,el Moore. Jr .• local 2060, Pale" son, NJ .. were honored recently al a tes!!· monial d,nn.r. Seen at the Iffair. lelt 10 "Ihl. ar~ Dan,et Moor •. Sr .. BrOlher Moo,e. tOllstmaster A. J McCIO$~ey. lind President

and Mrs. J llcooovi lz

\las prc~nteu IJ rother Muorc Ililh Ikcp sea fi~h;ng reels.

/\. J. McCI~~e) wa~ the toastmasier. and Daniel Moore. Sr. 113\ Ihe m;l;n ~peaLer.

\lembers of the committee induued J. lIendcrson. C. Mehlfeluer. L. Miller, and K. Wein~tein.

LYN" J. foo te " I M, R,S.

Retirees Honored

Left. Choppy Kn;ghl. loelll 2067. Reg'na. Suk .. be.ng presented w,th an ISEW relore· men. p,n by [;o tevan Unit Chll"mlln Mart'n NowakOWSki. il l iI re,ent . e".emen. OanQue.

held in Brother Knililhl's honor.

Her.. B'other Nowa~ows~ ; pr.sents an IBEW retirement p in 10 Bob McCI.llry. , e tiring

alter 23 yell~ 01 se .... 'c ••

Negotiations Under Way; Retirees Honored With Pins L.lI. 2067. RI~G I ~,\ . SASK.- With our present conlrl'U exp,ring at .he eml of 197 1. thl." I'\~goli;,tinll ('ommille~ h", been hi") urarting nCI\ propo .. "h. I'\ego­.iation, '>tarred in eMl} I'\o\em~r. 'Inu an carl} 'o('ulcment i, hoped for.

The following member. were recent I} prc..cnteu "ith JIll \\ rctiremcnt pin,. r-.. I'\awo~t;t",>~i. I::! )car.: R. Ro\lcrhon. 13: W. 1- . ("oolllh,. ~6: W. F . Dicbon. 16: O. T \ld'er,ie. 1'.1: J. 1- . I inu­,tTOIII. 29; A \I:II.""'illlo,>h. IS: L. (,. Ireland, 29: I S. lawrence. 16: lI :trr) ... night. :!4: anll \lo\l o\Il-C1c:t'1. :!~.

We "i,h the'>/: member.. hl."alth anu happinc~, in l\lcir corning }ear_ of re· tirement.

On behalf of Ihc I ~ecutile Board of our 10c" l. I e~teml he'l \Ij.;hc\ for II happy holida} '>C;\~n l\lld a pro'rcrOIl, Ne\1 ' c:lr 10 all of our retirees. our nlClnt-oer,. :1nU Iheir f:lmilie,.

(j. BlDI:>OS. P.S.

Shop Stewards' School Held; New Members Sworn In 1..11, 2089. \ ... :,\ IH II. Lt:, I'A,-Our local helu a Soh,)p Ste" aru'" School at ,he AFI ·C IO I :thor 'I cmple in Mead· I illc Ull Octoher 27t h. 211 th. and 29th.

Larry "' elllLn~ gll'e in,lrth:.ion, on the duties of a .,hop ,tc"aru. ~rielance pro­cellure\. and Inan) pT;lclical prohlem~

relating 10 union ~rie\ances. At our re~ul"r c>':lobc-r bu,ine:" meel­

ing. Alberla ')"3\C}. Heu~ S:iPUIO. and \Ia\ine AlliiOn were ,>"orn 10 :1" IlCW

member, of .he 10.::11.

Hrother PCtc CremoneS(': I., Ollt of the hospilal nOlI and \1 ill be returning to "or~ ,oun.

On October 3Uth. a 11:.110\lcen paradc ""., held in dOWIIIO\111 \l c:lul;lIe. AI· though our local did not p;lrlicipale a, a group. Ill:,") of Ihe union mcmber!o al­tendeu in their I:ap:lci.ie .. with \'arious org"ni;w.tion,. I.arr} /'Ioa&,-ccolle. :1' :1 member of Inc J:1}'Cee\. helped to orga­nizc the parade line.

Attend School

These ",embe~ 01 loal Pa.. 'ecentl~ ,"uended • School. lell 10 "lhI. 6,11 HuH. "" .::::;,;:~; Inst ruct or larry Kellar.s. Nancy Emory Slevens. Da~. Thomas. John Chllrtey Wolfe. Ray JeHri,s. DutCh Dine. (unseen) M,ke Sle;n. who wu behind


In Ime September, Ollr Negotiatmg Comrninec traveled to JameStOwn. New York. to mcct with onkials of the inde· pendent union representing Ihe lO.or~en of the Jame\lOlO.n Telephone Company, IO.ho arc on ~tri~e al the pre,ell\. AI· though the} do nOi belon.\l to lhe: IBFW, the..e imlependenl union meml>crs and our union negoliate lO.ilh the ~~rnle com· pany ba,>j~ally. We Ic~,rnetl many In1er· e~ting (al·t) ;tIId arc looking for\\ard to our COnlril>.:1 ncgo\iation .. In \I .m:h.

[ h" memhcrs anti f;Lmilie' of Local 20!:l9 wi\h eleqonc a happ) '\e\\ Ycar.

~ I II,L 5111'. R.S.

Press Secretary Looks At Activities of 1971

U I . 2096, SYI)~EY ;\ 11 "'ES, N.5.-A nelO. year ·the time \\hen mo" people loo~ bac~ to e~ .. llIale thc el'cn" of the pa,t }car a conlcnient time. abo. for the mcmncr, of our local 10 Ijell ob,ectilcl} the OIeli"itie) of the union during the pa~t }eOlT.

B"ing relatilely }oung. Ollr local has eXfl'I!rienced man} gro\\ing pain) O\'er the hl\t dcc;,de. La,1 )enr \\:,~ the turn· in!; poilll for thi) local-the I ran~ilil!ll

from :I wnglomt!r;tlion of indilldual lal· ent) and abililies 10 a )moOlh and efTicicllll}.runnin!; orllani/alion.

Durin,g thi.- past )ear. our memben who IIere b;lIlling for a bellcr contract had the ~mc" hat terrifying and a"'e·in· )piring e.\perien",c of n ... xing Iheir mm· ele, (or Ihe I1l"'1t time in an efrort to "in a beaer \CIlIClllent for ollr)cl~e, ~Ind for future union \\orhen..

Althou~h "e \\erc ~mellh:1I disap· poimed II ilh the oUlcome. it gale U~ ,III

inlli.:allon of our ~Ircngth and provided our Icader~ .... ilh the cAperience n«e,,· sou} 10 en~ure a beller bargain in!; lJO'>i· lion in eontra",1 talb due latcr this }eOlr.

A~ a re)lIlt. ;1 ncw allarcnes, h,l' ari..en IIithin Ihe ranls of our member· ,hip-<I nCI\ '>\!n~ of dircction and pur· po-.efulnc~). A ne\1 ..el of gu idellne~,

no\\ being formulated, IIill en;thlc U) 10 channel our energ~~ and re~ur.:es in a much more prooJIKIl\C manner. Thu\, "e are in ;1 \lluch betler po,ition. in all re,PC"'\). in ,,"hkh to further Ihe ainh and de,ir~ of our member).

We are sorr} 10 reporl the re~ignation of anulher member. apparcntly due to man:,gement', \)\cr,ight in nOI di..c\!\~in{1.

"ith lim Me"eil hi~ imminenl Iran)(er to another 1(X"lllion lO.ithin Ihe !;"ompan). r hus, Brolrn:r Mc:-'e;1 \I:'IS for"'ed 10 reo ~i~n hh .. hllie\ a'> technical "'faflSman "ith EI,tern Telephone. \ \ e undef!otand that he is pre..em l) emplo~cd "ith Mari· lime relephune of Sydney. and \\1.' e .l· tend to him our sinccre best wi,hc~.

Olher tr;lIhfer) include th;l1 of Jim Hu moy fronl Saint John. 1\1.'10. Brun~·

II id. to I' iclou. No\:, -';"·oli ... wherc he "ill bsume the uutie!> formerly helll b) Denni~ Mahahk. "'00 has heen lran~· ferred 10 S)dney \line~. A~ a resull of Brother McNeil's re\ignalion. Barr)' Gorner of the Claren\ iIIe, Nell found · ,.

New Fathers

Thue th.ee membe'" 01 loca. 2Q9t;. Sydney Mines. N S.. ha~e h~d rfl:enl add,loons to the" famIlIes. left 10 "ahl. Ernie P,chon,

Dennis Mahallk. and JIm Humby.

land ..... Ible ,1;lIlon hOi, been Iran\ferred 10 Ihe S"jnt John q:llion.

Althollgh tran,fer, ;lre nOI aliI a), "cl\:omed. Ihey do pro\idc an opportu· nit) for cheer and good fello",hip in the form of a going·all3) part}.

5 .. )(,:;,,] COIII:'~t Ixt\leen m<ln"gement and our ~Iarr h,,~ ulO.indled quile appreei· abl) recentl}. "nd il i~ a 'hame. ~ocial· iztn!l llnUer rel;t~ed l'onditton~ l1oe~ a long" ay In en~in!l Ihe ten.s'ion ;tIId frll~' tration ~ \\hich build during negoti,tlions and .... hi~h linger tOO long afterllard\.

I'f lill r.1t. l Nlct.., 1'.5.

Boyertown Officers

I -I The ne .... office", 01 loul 2118. Boyenown. p". are. teft 10 "8ht, Re.:ord,ng Sec.ela.y Ruth 80'lng. Vice President Ha"y TIm. PresIdent M3.y lOU Acke,man, r,"ancial Secreta.y Gerlfude leh. and T.easu,e. Ge.ald


The E.e<:utlve Board memDe.s. seen he.e WIth Pres,dent Ackerm"n. ale. left 10 "sht. CurtIS Hla$, Plul O·Mar •. Miry Dav,dh.,ur. Presldenl Ackarman. Elellnor r'ltz. and

Ha ..... ey Weidner.

Boyertown Local 21 18 Elects New Officers LU. 21 111, 1I0,.':tHO"N. "A .- The members of our 10..:al re·clt:t:lnl :111 hUI one of their incumbent onicel"l; 10 office. ;although only one fOrlner F\ecuti\e Bo.1rd member "a\ re..elected.

Thc offi",eh arc Pre,ident r.i:lry Lou Aclerman. Vice l're)idcnt H..rr} T im,


Recording Secretary Ruth Boring, Finan· eial Secretary Gertrude Leh, and 1 reas· urer Gerald Schoenly.

The member) of Ihe F\ecuti\e Board are Curlis Haa~. Paul O'Mara, Mary Da\idhei\Cr. Ele'lIIor " rit7~ and l!;lI'\e\ Weid""r. .

Voter turnout II:l~ t":lIer than usual bl.ll ~ho"ell an e\er-pre-cm lad of in· terest on the part of m,tII} mcmber'

R IC"lI\RIl P J! OPI'tS.I'.S.

New 'Mechanical Monster ' Goes Into Operation Ll'. 2142. \IOYrRt-:AL, Ql E.-Line contractor I·_ A Tllder. of \lomreal. ha~ recenlly put " "gira!Tc'" trllcl inlo operation to Jill the elcr·growin!; ft:­quiremcnt of our iml l!>1r}.

It, opcralion i\ hand leu by thrce of Ollr meml>crs. \larcd G"gnon, ludger Le~e,qlle, and Nar"';) ..... Daoust. '1 heS!.' three Brolher~ :,re all c\perh in thcir rleld and ~no", in minute delail. Ihi) special equipmenl and it\ operation and advant'l~cs.

Thi~ "mcchanical mou\ter.·· \leighin!; 24.000 pound~, ha~ been in operation in the Montreal J);\trict ,ince July. Thc equipmenl. moumcd on ~I line Iruc~. ha\ a 55· foot reach in the \erlical pcnilion and a 51·foOi reach in the horilOnl,,1 posilion. It can al~ Carr} a "eight of more Ihan one Ion in Ihal po)it ion.

We all lno" th ... many adlanta!:e. of the giraffe. u~d e"ensh.:Jy h) ,e'era! Irade~ on the North Amcri",an contincnt. e)pecially hy tirc1ighlcrs in their linc of \\ork.

Our member' are \Cry apprecialhe of Ihi~ inno\ation in thcir d;lily "ork. wilh the knOlO.led!;e Ihal Ihe) ",ill be able to benefit from lhoc added securilY mea,ure~ "ith Ihe use of Ihe giralTe. "hich imu· I"IC\ the lO.orlcr, from up to 500,000 VOlh.

Although this b not the Jir~1 c~pcri· ence ror '>C\eral of our member, lO.ith thi> ne .... cquipment. il h the Jir'l time that thc equipment has been u:.cu on the

New Equipment

This GIr,ff. lruck was recenlly put inlo 00-eral,on by • Ime conlr,Clor nSoclated wl lh local 2t42. Mon'real. Que. Her •• ' he Giraffe is al rest. with i!.S operalOIS. lell 10 'Iahl 8rolhers NarciSM Oaousl luda;er le~esque. and Marc.1 Gaa;non. • • la Girat. au .. pos a~ec ses operateurs. membra du loc~1 2142. de gauche i d.Olle. Con l rtres Narcisse Oaousl. ludger Levesque. el Marcel



Quebec Hydro properly network. We hope Ihal Ihis initiative by one of our line COOlraclors is only the beginning of a modernil:alion prognjm in the line \!ont racling equipmenl thai i ~ being used on high.tension circuits. "hleh is highly de~irable b)' all of u~.

La compagnie I-.A. Tuder de \ Iontr;,'al a rfcemment mi~ en sen ice un camoin-"girafc" destine a repondre aux be-.oin~ dn metier ,an~ ce'»e grandissant. Troi~ mcrnbrc~ dc la Section Local ~ 142. ks Confrere\ Marcel Gagnon. .'hd d·cquip!:. Ludgcr Le\,eM\ue. et Nar­\!1\l>C Daou~t. en a~~umenl la rCSpon~3-hi lile el Ie sen lee. Ces hommes connab­,ent JCja ;, fond leur oUlil principal de Irav:,iI. !IOn fonctionneJllcnt, :.c~ capacites c\ <,e, a\':lntages.

Le Illon\t re mfcanique. qui ne .,esc p:b main de 24.000 Ih,. dan~ ,on en-.em­Nc e~t en :.cnicc dans la region de \ Iontrea l el se~ en,iron~ depui~ juillet Jernier. Le carnoin lui·mcme C~I sur­monl': de la girafe h}drolique qui peul atleindre une hauteur de 55 pi«h :\ la \crtica1e. A rhoriwllI:I1e. ce hras gigant­c,que a une porlee de 51 pieds. el tou­jour-. dan~ Ie m':mc ,en" il ,upporler "'n~ broncher une PC\antcur de plu~ ,rUn\' \(Innt."

On connait Jl'ja h:~ nombreu, ,I\an­la!!\" .III .. amom-girafe maimen;ml IItilh": J;m, dlff':rcnts melier-. a Ira'ers lout Ie conlinenl nord-americain. Les pompiers Ol1t ,ilc compri ~ comment une -.emblable mc~;mique pou,iat !cur hiler de nom­!>reu, Il-.qlle~ inUlilc~ dan~ racco!llpli~!>C· ment de leur t;"lche d;ln~cureu\C.

Le\ montcurs de- litlilC du ~ 142. :, n,lIIveau. ~ont en me,"re J'apprecicr cet demerll nOIl'call .1;111' leur rechen;he h.'gitime ,rune :.C~unt~ ,an~ ce,..e ",ccrue au tra\ail. I e\ hommc, de Ia ~ir.tfe 'a\­ent que leur c;1I11ion-olitil a elC COIWU pour le\ prot':gt.'r contre un courant dectrique poU\ant alteindre Ie demi-mil· lion de ' ·olt,.

On notera Cl'p-cn<lanl que no, hommes n·cn -.0111 pa~ a leurs p(enlicre~ armt.'S d:m~ Ie domaine de~ nou,eaute,-. Plu­,kul"'!. <It.' nO!; mcmbres ant dej;I connus h.', :I\a nt :l~es <III camion·giraft.' dans run ou "autre dt.' 'oC\ Il"age~. Dans Ie cas pr':..ent 10lllefoi5. il ~':\i,!il d'lIn precedent plli'que c·t.',t la premiere fois que la rc~ie queoc-cohe H}dro-()u':N:C utilil>C les servict.'s de la girdfe par rentrt.'misc d'un r:OntraCleur.

SouhaiJon~ que !"iniliative nc rt.',tcrn p:l' ~lm~ donner It.' Ion 11 une vagut.' de rnoUcrniS:ltion d,,.I, Ie domaine dll tra\'· :,i l wr k-s lienes Ii moyel1ne ct haule tension. A r:a;;-~ de~ dUl1gen inhcrcm~ :I ceue 'phcre d·aclt. IIL~, Ie renomellement cl la mooemi<;'"ltiun de rnppnreillage -..ont non :.culemenl dC',i\"3bles mai .. es...cntieh.

Roc.tR M~CI~ \U

Inez Weideman Retires: Had O rganized Office I .. U. 217--1, OHLM' I)O, FI.,\ .-\Irs. Inel Weidl'man retired from Ihe Or­lando Armawre Worl.s on June 11th. She was pre~mcd all on:hid cors;li,!e and ".0 lovely gifts b) John H. Boynton,


Jr., Vice President o f the Orlando Ar­mature Works--one [rom the r:ompany and one from Ihe emplo)·ees.

Mrs. Weideman ",II~ born on Febru­ary 27, 1906. in Jermyn. Pennsylvania. She li\,et! there for 10 )Cllrs. afler "hleh lime ~he mo'ed to John..an Ci ty. Ne" Yorl.. "her;:: she HIed for I:! years. She Ila~ employed by the Kell) Coal al1d Sofl Water Company for ,h·e years and by Sears-Rocbud and Company. as an ar:r:ounlanl sLipeni'iOl", for ~i., rear~.

She laler ~pent 12 ~ear\ a~ a m is~ion­

ary on a Navajo Indian reservation. She lived in Lo~ Angcle~ for 1\\0 ~ear-. and in Siher City, New 1\1 t.'1(ico. for one year.

In 1959. M r~. Weideman moved 10 I lorida lind ~Iilrted to ",orl. a! the Or­lando Armllturc Worl.s. She worked for the company for 12 )'ear, ", II cO!;l ana· Iy~t. She and I \\ere instrumental in ~el' ling the union inlo the oOke. The \ote "as tal.en in September. 1969. and \\a5

stilled on February 2. 1970. 'Ve o"e In.'z a greM big '"thanl )0,,"

for all of her help. We \1I'ih her .. nd Herm Ihe best of e,·erything. They cele­hrated their third "edding anni\Cn.ary on Occt.'mber l-lth :,nu nO\1 the in Apopl.a. Florida.

I O!;I'! IRU'>IlIII.r.s.

New Members Welcomed; Brot hers Transfer, Retire I..U. 2227. SAX FRA ' CISCO. C,\I.I F. - Grceting, from 5;111 I·ranci-,co. "ith a I'er)' hig ··hello" from I'rc~idel1l O .. n I' lici llo .. nd J-inanl"i .. 1 Scr:rClary George Capde'ielle 10 the II rolher, the} carne to I.no" in Anchoralle.

Welcome :!board to ne" memt>cr~

Siullilal Bell. IJruno \laTla. Car)' Wil· li am~. James T cvi,. r ih-or Csizd. and l..a"rence Rugland. We hupe you all be· conIC r\'guli,r partkipan" al our meet· mg~.

Off to greent.'r p;l,ture~. go Cal Agui· IlIr and Benjamin Milchdl. transferring 10 the Long Heach N;I\;11 Ship}ard. Uc~1 of IIIcl.. (cllo\\,.

The \lind~ of r:hani,!C are blo\ling for retiring Henry Harri,. one-time ~upef\i­..or \Iho 1\;1' more recenlly "ilh our Technical ~upport Group. and Geoffe!')" Cra,·e. "ho. during hb long and "aded career. lIlIained the ranI. of quarternmn. Vice rresident Janie, McGuire is ;11..0 ca lling il a cara.·r. Rt.'tiree Franl. Brezan ha~ hecn visting Chicago. Ne,," Yorl.. :.nd Florida. Before he kft, Franl. ga,e me an in\aluatoJe gift. an t.lt'(lril'll/ Trt/lthlt' S"o()/ill~ \111111111/. One thing is ccrlain; !-rank i~n'l doing an) trouhle ,hootin,!! on hi~ 1:I':;'lion: I h;1ve the houl.. Hill Sar~eant once commcnted on the fact that hi, entire \lXial lift.' seemed to e\·olle around allending reliremen{ dinner<. for Fr.tnl. IIrela l1.

Did 'au I.noll th;1I thert.' I\a, once an indu,trial tO\\11 in Japan named LSA ;md that ih proJ .. r:t\ m:mllf'1clured for "~IX"t "ere ,tamped. "\1,Jde 111 U~A:'

Did )011 I.now that 5.000 Japanese shipyard worl.ers "ent on stril.c reo cenlly to prote~t the anlicipatt.'d RIF of

3.000 employees :11 the YokO!;uka Navy Ba~? The stri l c lasted 24 hours. lIffer:! ' ing \lork performed on ~hips of t he Sev­ent h Fleet. The RIF b lied to Ihe reduc­tion of naval activilie~ in Ihat ;lrea""";l ,itualion familiar to all of us here. T here's a tOllr:h of iron) in that Silll:'­lion.

A r:erlificatc and a cash a"ard for Lero defect pcrfurmunce \lcre rccentlr a"llTded 10 Shop 51 electrid~1I1 Sal ,\Ial­etc. Not 100 man) ~hop clt.'r:trlei;m, re­ceive lhe-.e lol.en' of di,tinction. and I \\onder "hy.

\lario Madd:.lonc. electrician foreman at the Mart.' bland Ship)ard. rer:ci,ed a Superior Accornplishmt.'nt A\\ard for "~II~tnint.'d superior performance.'" \\hich \la~ long Olerdlle. Congratulations 10 bolh of )'011. It hn·t ca,) for men on ~hips to reeehe rer:ognilion for their cf­fort~.

Too man) slIpcni-.ors don'l recognize yood jobs "hen the) are lool.ing at them or el>e the) don·1 I.now how or don·t I\ant 10 be bothered "riting a It.'t­ter of rccornmt.'n(\lItion.

SIIp-c(l'i~or-. \\ ho don·1 II rite ~uch a letter for tht.'ir mt.'n :lrc remi,s in Iheir dutie, a~ ~upef\"bor\. rhi~ -.on of leller i~ JUSt a~ imporlant ;1 pari of a Mlper,j· -.or·, dUlie~ a\ IOorili"!; a lellt.'r of di..cipli­n"ry aclion I ...

Do ~ou read me. Mr Raggio and Mr. Rlchelli?

J OSII'II S< "O~I. JR .• I'S.

Scranton Utility Local Holds Nominations I_U. lZ-U. SCI( \ "''1'0'' . "A.-Our Ior:al. "ho'>C nlemOer. "orl. on Ihc prop· erl) of the Pennsylvania (;,1\ and" :Iter C"mpan) in $crunlUn. held nomination, for omce~ at a meeling un No\Cmber .~th in the mEW BuilJing.

Nominatt.'d 'Iere Ikrnie Gernl~i ,111.1 Iklrr) Jones. pre~idenl; Ralph Romuno "lid Georee Bo"lcr. \ice prt.',ident; Roy I·ergu;,on. - financial -.ecretar}; I ero) I'h illip~. recording ..c.:ret:tr}; and HIli "arl.in ~. trt.'a~urer.

Angdo Gena~i. O:ln Co,iello, Louh "ahano. Mil.e Vacr:hieno. Joe Gaibrom. 1·larry Lud\\icl.. Angelo I't.'rnll. RLI~1I RO'iar. Robert Kline. John \I )ers. Noel Peter" AI Hurda. I'alll La)burne. and rom Mangon \lcre nominatt.'d 10 !.ene

on the Exer:uli,'c Ho."lr.\. ~\·en \~ill be ~ho-.cn .

f he election "<1\ -.cheduled for Dc· eember 3rd. The rt."IIII-.. Iliter.

I'MI ss SI:CRI.T"R~'

Area Work Picks Up; Scribe Corrects Error I .. U. 2252. 11 01.1." \\ 000 . n .A.­Worl. is picking up for our local. M,m) of )011 mt.'mber, uf the IBFW take thing~ for gr<ll1ted. hul "c. here in Florid;l, I.now from e~perienr:e Ihal our bcl1elil\ h:we all tJ..--en a~h;eH!d Ihrough h3Td .... orl..

It is with a red fa e ... Ihat I ~orr\'Ct an error I made in naming Merit Coil In


my la~t article. 1'.ly apologies to El mer Fn:ezc. slewurd al Ihe COJcI11 UIl C"uble and Wine Company. Brother Freeze also informed me thut. a~ a ~teward, ever)'­time he sce~ someone ~mile because of his help, he is \O,ell re"'arded, and all of the ~Iewards in our locltl agreed on [hltt point. To them. I can only sa) 'Thanls from all of u~:·

Welcol11e back [0 " new llIom. Callie EVan,. Good to sec P:H Brill hack afl~r

her ~tay in the ho,pital. Ruth W:tllace ""cI~u,,,ed her S()11 hu,tle f,uIII hi, h ) "T

of duty in Vietnam. :l1ul Maude Fr.Hll·s wn "'as named foolblill plll)er of [he wt't:l reeenll).

Bowlin!! .o;c<t>llll i, here 1I!!:t;n, anu Ihe members v.ho ~lre representing our 101,:,,1 arc Doris Cryer. Dolure~ Cormier. I I· ViUli Fsopi. Arlene Cool~. lind GeorgL.! I' rincc. Good lu~k. girls! Show them how good you arc.

The holiday sea'on is here. I hope thul you ha~c not forgotten Ihe lonely peo­ple. Ihe old folh. Ihe orph;m~. Ihe men· lall)-iIL :md our \\ar \·eler.JnS.


Donald Pete rs Retires; Negotiations at Standst ill L.U. 2295. I.OS ANGEU:S. CALl F.­On Oclober 18th. our negolialion~ v.i1h Ihe Loclhe{""d California Comp:my "'ere inlCrrupteu early to ha~e cale :Ind {""Illfee and 10 pre"ent :t retiremenl pin 10 Don­ald Peter,. a JO-year emplo)ee of l ock­heed. who ha~ been an III EW member for 27 yC:II·~.

D')ll:tld ha, Ixen devoted 10 uniO'1 ae· [hity a~ chief ,hop ~Ie'\ard for 20 )·(ar_. He v.a~ aJ'>O an Execmjle IJo..1n.l mem· ber for :t number of )C;lr'> v.hen our local v.:t~ anili'lled \lith l ocal II. I.o~

AngelC!-. and h:'l~ '>ene'J :t~ a memh:r of our Executive Boartl

The !l1emhe~ of Loc;d 2195 Ili,h DonaJJ I'ct e r~ many plea,ant year~ of retircment. Good Iud thhing. Don!

Negoliation, wi th all ,ix m;ljOr aero­'pace corl1panie~ :lre litcrllll) at a ~Iand· sliII \I ith Ihc aClion, Ihal rre~ident

Nilon h[l, I:tlen. HOII-e,er. an agree· ment \lilh Ihe Torrance Tuhing Com­pany. a divi~ion of ("ypru~ 1'. l ine~. \Ill' Tel'ently completed . with inlprovemcnt' in health and wclfare benefit-. pen,iun henefits. and our vacation plan: lin addi, tional holidllY: ItOU wage inereu ..... ~ ,lver the next three )'eltr~.

November Klh \\1I<; a proud da)' \I i[h the roll-out of [he l;lIe'l S-JA air.:mfl al Burb;mk. I';rrlicipaling in Ihe occl"ion. v.ere InlernaliOllltl Repre...::nlillil·e, C. 1'. Hugh.;;s and f,lanny Cout~. alo,)!; wllh BlI,inc:ss 1'.1:\Ilager Theodore L. ,. r ex" Agee :rnd llu,ine<.S Reprc,ellHlIive John Crumpton. Congralulation, for the good worlman~hip to all member, of union :tlliliale~ v.ho :telually m:tUe Ihi~ proje(1 ~ucce,>:>fltl.

JOII:-l C. CRUMI>TOt"'. 1'.5.


Local 2295 Hi ghlights

NCSOI,.tlons bet ..... een lo<:~ heed and Local 229~, Los Anletu. were lIalled b"efly lor e I,"e ..... ell pMly for Donald Pele... wh o wlI. ,e!lrina SHn lIe,e. lI.e. ~a.'.d. lett to ,jlltht , Busines,. Rep,esenta t ,lIe John C'ump­ton. B.Othe. Pili'S. and Bu~,ness Manllee r T L Agu. Stllndtng. 1 ,1 members 01 ,h. un'on and company Negotiahng Comm,ttees.

He,., BU5,neu Minas.' Asee p,uents ., .e· toramant pin \0 B,olhlr Pete.s. as J. Canoll Pellote., Lllbo, Relations Manaser. LO~k·

heed. I,ft, looks on.

Nllw tJ So N RV)/ ~"h h"ntp,. Th" I1.M S·3A CII,roer·based IIllCfI!t 's shown liS 1\ WIIS

,0Ued out" Bu.bank, Calif.

Safety Committee Studies Safety and Health Act L.U. 2300. I)E"'IVlo; lt. COLO.- Kel1 Hall ~ and !loh Bllfl'l\. of thc SnfclY ("olllmitle~·. hal'e hcen hIt,), 'tud) Itlg the nell O,,,up;t,ional Safet) and lIe:tl lh Act of 11)71

On Octohcr 1~[h. "en. Chairman of the S,lfct~ Commincc . completed n ll111nth-loll!! ..... rie, of da,,,,, ('om:crninJ; the interpre1ation <If Ihe Occupationltl Sa f~IY and I Ic;lllh A(L

Jhe da\~. \lhidt v.:r, comlueletl hy Art Lenhnn. IOCitl repre,enWtilc of the NllliulI,t1 S.,fcly C.)o" .. il. "a~ "ho al­temJed h)" 2K ('omp:my ,"perd,o",. AI Ihe I:,~t "e"iOll, ;L te~1 v.a~ ~hco. and .... en "a~ Ihe onlt PC"'''O v.ho reeei-ed a perteel wore (.1 IUU I hi, i~ repe'>Cnt:l­live of the caliber of people ir'l\olved in Ihc labor rnOlClIlcm.

Boll recen!!y reHlrned from Ihe Na­tinnal SafelY CO\1l1 ~il Con'cntion in Chka!;o. J Ie \pcnl three Jat' li~tening to ~fl'C:tleh and vie\l in!! ,afety nm, ie~.

One llCj;lIthe 'lX'aler "'lL~ George C. Guenlh.:-r. A~,htllllt Set'retar)' of L1hor, \lho'>C ~pe.:-ch. entitled. "Wh:,\ the Occu· pational Safely and Health Ael Means

10 You," revealed onl y one pertinent point.

The Dcpllflmenl of l.abor refuses !O

accept qualified ~afety pcr;onncl. who"e nmllC' h'lve been womi[t('d oy the AFI-C IO. a~ enforcer; of the Oecup;l­Itunal S;[fet) lind Health Act. Bob ~aid thlil. elen Ihou!;h lhere \lere '>Oflle nega­li\e !lnti·tabor allitude~ al lh.c conven­tion. Ihere v.~rc many other e .~cellent

'[JCuler, :rnd many e~ccllelll ~:,fely mo\,· ic~.

D I."[lI 1-. l·htooLS. Jk .• I'.S.

Poor Attendance C ited ; Locdl 2331 Work Good

L. U. 23.11. ClIKLE\ ILLE, 01 110-One of Ihe topic~ uf tli.,eu~~ion .,t OLlr 11l0~1 recenl re!;ull!r Illonthly meeting \I:r\ the mlllier of poor lL!tendance.

Although thi, la,1 tIIeelin~ \la, at· lentled 0) a few Illore th:," in the pa,t. it is 51 ill far from bcin.!l good enough Wc ClUI ;lIld \liII hale " ~trong local union; one of Ihe 1"0.:,1 \I;r}~ to ,tar! il i, h)' illle'mlinr IInion nll'l'rinc~

Worl h:ts heen gOOo.I in 1ll0" of Ihe dCpMlmel1h. and ,ollie new fa~es arc bein!; ",en. Tu Ihe ncw cmpl\)}ee ... \Ie ~IIY. "Welcome to the IIlFW. By now. }OU have been intrOlluc.:-d 10 your ~hop s[ev.nrtl :lIld to mO'o,t of Ihe l;lriOlh onice",. We urge ~ou 10 feel free 10 ;j~l th an) que'tion~ ",hich you rna} h .. ,e. and v..;; urlle ~ou 10 ~lart lIucndinJ; meet­ings. Only \lith your help. can I\e be­come on~ of the mo.,t prugre~,jl'e IOCill~

v. ithin the labor muver11~nl. We can do thi' hy 'l,pporting Ihe ohje~thc~ for \I hich uur Brolherhood ,I.,nd.,:·

(on\::ralul~tiun~ 10 Ron Ch,'lllbcr am.! Gar) hle~ 1)Il Iheir reeenl nwrriage~~

Gal")' fie" lu EnJ;land 10 he milrried. and af1er a , hon ~Iay there. he returned to the L;niled Stale,. I a,l~d him how hh \I ife me, il here. He !!o<'lid ~he like~

it lin~ :,nJ th:lt ,he rClllly cnjoy~ ~eeing ,nOI\. a, the pMI of Eng!aml frOnl whit-h ,he hail, Juc~n't have nlLH.;h ,111)\1.

I heliele 1"11 ,"l her the ~ame !jue'lion ne\t April.

Brother Bnlee I'ocfr v.;,., pa~,ing OUI cig;tf, recentl). Hi, \Iife prc'>Cnled him with a IO-pound boy_ WO\l!

Welr0l11e had. Mar) Long. \f ary Ila' off for three month~ occall'>C uf II .eri­ous ilUto acident.

Tlwl', it for Ihi., munth. Sec you at the next meeling.

TrRRv E. Su. n~'. I' .S.

Retirees' Association Grows; Group 's Activities Varied L.U. 58 IU-:TIIU-:I-:S' ,\ SSOCIATION, UETI{OIT, ~ IIC I I .-Sitlce la'i 1Il0nlh'~ "ory in the JUllfIIOl, lI,allY "ppli";'liu,,~ for mcmbcr.hip in ollr a"OI:iati(ln h;tve been lurned in 10 Ollr Irea'L1rer. Ye,. \Ie :tre grow in!;, both in numbcr~ and in ~pirit.

Memorial scr,ia:s are very v.ell al­cOIu;,w<,d Oil P/I~" 80


In memORIam l:Jrayer l or Our IJCCC(lscc/ Mem bers

Ollr fint J'at/ tar!. oflhe /lew ye(lr if lite lisfing Ofll(lIl/l'_I- of OM /Jrotlwrs II'ho hm·e "lISSi'" from ollr mid.st. lYe liS!. YOII, ollr Ilf'aI'{'lIly Fmhl'r , to lI't'/cuml' 111('11/ imo r Olir fold (///(If/{!(' ,11(' 111 frolll (,(Irthly etlrn tllld paim-.

Ami, Father , ill' (/llI'lI)''''·. we M!. YOII 10 comjor l , lte jiIllIWi'.I· of Ihe liI'partl'll. lValeh OI'er Ihem lIIl(/ hel,) Ihem ,hrollgh Ih is (IiUiclli( filllt' oj grit'/. Aml'l/.

lIe .·be rt C. lJeck, I_ l l. 1 B", .. AI'''' I(J. 191J~

/"", •• ~d A""I U. /940 /),~d l~,,~ 11. 1911

lIoM!11 D. n\l.·hum. L.U. I Bo," N",~ .. ,bN I~. 19JJ

""".'ed A p,,1 JJ. 19 7 1 0 .. 01 Ay ... " I. 19"

Sormi.1 Grl'j.:or)'. 1..1'. I B"," ,",,,~",be' I~. 19/)9

" "" ... 01 J .. .... 4. 1941 O' cd Jy .. e 19, 1971

Lt·" is F. Groh, L. l l. 1 B .. ," "'~"'~","'" 14. "04

I .. ",.,~J J_ .... , II. 1'4 11 I)'cll ) ... ~ n. 10"

John J. lIarlman. J r .• LI '. 1 Bf"" )"Iy 111. It!!

I .. ", •• ~J ',b ..... , 11. 1947 O.~d A ..... " 4. "~I

Wa rn' n E. JI·III. in):"1i, I .. U. 1 B" ... "'cpu",b~. 11. '.'4

h ..... ~d A ..... " IJ, It!! I)'cJ Ay" .. " 7. "~ I

Lee I';illia n, L.U. I B" ... J..17 II. III"

" ",,.,.01 1."" • .., IJ . 19J:J f),,·d 1 .. " .. 10. 19i 1

Charles I.. Il l'cd. I. .U. I /lo'~ I"'r U . 1911

" "" ... d "'., 14 . "Ji O.~J J .. lr r, I'"

Jarnf's 1\1. Crll "I·U. I..U. Ii , ,,,, ••• ~d 5,p"'nob.·, I(), 19/1

D"J Jllly. 1971

Stanlt·y lI :dl, 1...11 . 17 I""' .'ed J."w." 1~. "~4

/)i.J J ....... 1971

Will ia m lIuffnw),t·r . L. U. Ii 1 .. ,,,.,,-01 Ay~Y" JJ. 111//1.

/) ... .1 .11 .,,10. IQ~I

" "111") Eo 1i:!llIl"ud, I..t". I i /" ...... ·01 /)u<"'~ .. , 17. IPI9

/).~II J"",,. 10-1

lIubf-rl 1(. ;llncArlhllr, 14' U, Ii , ,, ... ,,,.11 A,. .. I 11. 1916

IJ,.J J ....... 1971

""" :II'd C • .\Iud ,l{c. L.L1. I i I ........ J U~lOto.·' II . HIH

1)" • .1 Jy~ ... 197 1

J:IIII\'" F.l!isOIchcr. 1..1I. 17 '"",.,..,} 1 .. 1, 7. 10411

OuJ }y .... 1971

FYI'd G. !'>milh. L.U. Ii ,,,,,,,,,,/ .II., If.. "H IJ .. d A""I. 1¥71

Wi ll iam J. ~1J:ll'lill,l{. L.U. 17 1 .. ", ... 01 A p,,/ II . /jlJ6

/)'eJ Jy,", . "il

W. J. Fielding. L.U. 18 , ,,.,, ... J S., ...... b .. , 11. "J!

D,~d I .. .... 1 4. 1911


'Iarlin I) . .\lcClUII.!t. 1..1 . I ~ 1"''' .... 01 N",,,,,bo I, IU'

0,,01 Jyl, 17. 10~1

WilliaUl B. T hll ll lnll, l.. I' . 18 1"", .,.01 ~,'p ... ", b,·. 10. H~6

O,d lYI~ 7. 19"1

Charles l.ayfi('ld. 1..1'.2 1 O"J h.l, /1. 10"1

.\Iallricc (,,,in. 1..11. 3 1 No", /".b,y.,y JII. 10!4

I~ III.'.d J .. ~. IIJ. I~" 1)1<,1 )Yly ,. 1071

Frt'd _\lIcorl1. IAtl. II /)uJ h.",. 1071

(' la ylOIl J . Schi ll. L. l . II /).~d Jyl,. 10~1

Charll-'" J.. .\I :. r(' k, L.r. i6 8", ,, "' ..... ""bN 11. IU~

,..", .... 11 Ay r . ,'. "4' O.cJ J ..... 10, "-I

II" nr), Ulldi~e r. I..U. 110 II" ... .'I •• ,,, :0. "01

1 .. ", ••• .1 1 .. 1,. "IQ 1),,01 l .. ~e 1 4 , "-I

1I0l:"r C. Su rli,·. 1.. 1' . 110 /I"," o .. ,,,~~. /II. "'II

( ",,, ••• .1 S.r"· ... to~ •• IO~l OuJ ],./, 11. /971

Zi,l{rnollcl l\u\I\ch. I..t". 201 /.I "", / ,,1, I. I~II

I" .. ,.,~d U""b ,· , 12. 10'0 I);.J '"Iy I. /971

Jnnuos E. OdH<I·nhi.·1, L.P, 201 B., ... J.," .... to •• 16. lOll

' ."".uJ f~b, .... , n. 1949 1) ... 01 1"" 11. 19-,

Elmer l', ·l rel l: •. 1..1'. 201 II",~ 1 .. /. 1/), 191'

' " .... ud A~,,/IO. 19 ~ 9 /),,01 J .. " .. 1'. 1011

JuhU Il.(' :O;ladick, I_ l'. 201 II ..... h,", 1'. "':6

',,,, .... 11 I ....... , II. ",. D"J ' .. 10, .... , -. 19~1

rrauk T"h·ra. Lt'. 201 /I." .. J.,"",,~ iI. 19:(1

I"", ••• J 0",,10.·, 14. III~. /}.~J M.y J. 10-,

Willialll W .. h"lcr. IMI ' . 201 II ..... "' .~ 16. 10IJ

h",.uJ .s~""_.,,, t. IUJ 1) , • .1 I .. , .... , 111./9-'

Fn'il W . .\Iinllilll:. 1..1 ' . 2 12 /I ,,,,, M ., .. h I. I~OJ

I~",~"d .\I .~ I. 19J" /) ,.d }yl~ 11. ,,,-I

Edmulld A, Trllll1l1ll'. 1.. 11.2 12 ' ,,"' . ... d J . ..... .., 4 . /9J4

/),, 01 J/ • • ~h 11/. 107/

lIolll'rl W llrn'n. L.l·. 212 h",.,.J O .",b ... II. I~H

I),~d A,."I n, 1971

1I :.rry E. itni,l{f' r. I_ C. 361 11 m" J.N .... ' II. 19011 1",,,., • .1 .II., III. 194'

/),~J h<lr 4, ''''

I) . Q. Sritk n,-,. L.1I. 16:; I"'".,~d J."".,y J7, /9 ~ 1

I), .. d 1~1,. 19~1

II. Jo:' \\' jJ:Ki",., LL". 16'; 1 .. 11/", .. " ,.,., I'. 1041

f), .. 11 h.I,. 1971

CIH. rf,·s \1. Bi ,l{):"t'r!<. I..l-. 558 ' ",,,., .. d AY~" ., F. 191>2

I)"d IIy""" : . 1971

I\I' nnN h T. nro"ll. L. C. 558 I ... " •• ,. A,. .. I 4, "4'

D"d AII ~~" 4. "71

. \ rl hllr W. (; ri llin. 1..1'. ;'.,8 , "", •• ,01 .II."" n. /9~'

I),~d Jwl, '0. 1971

Willillm /':. !.iSler. L.t". 602 1 .. ",., • .1 5""~ ... ~n Jd. ' ''~~

/), .. 01 J .. lr : 7.1971

Juhn :\I. Itolwrll!. 1..1 ' . 96S 1 .. " ... "01 ~~" •• ·."tou H, IY ~ I

Ol~d J yIT. 1971

(;i' III',I{I' II. V (·r/lUn. L. l ' . 11 II I"" ,~.~J A~.~" )H. ''''J

/) ... d } .. 17 1 7. 1971

Louil'< lI t"riwrl Wi Ilk, I..I !. 120;; I .. ,,,.ud O ....... to" o. 19~0

/) .. -J 1 .. 1. /0. 1f1l

1"· lh: O'Xl'ilt, 1..1'. 1219 II m~ A " .. I !~. 11106

I,,,,,.,,J Ay,,, •• 1'. 194' /),, -J 1 .. 1, :~. "' - ,

S:.nrol"d (;o~a . L.I · . 13::i i I) .... J .. /y 11.1971

Juhn luf,·rr('ra. I..lt. 13:;i I)'ell }yl, 17. 19~1

lIuni,'1 !'acheco. I..U. 13;;7 0 •• .1 J .. I, 7. 10·'

1I1'1.' n Kau ffman. 1..1'. 1907 B",,, A .. ~ .. " 111. 1'1111 ''''''.'e. O~ ... "' .... III. 196/

v,~J JW"t ¥. "~I

.Iuck :'I1 :.rliu. 1..11. l!lO"i /I"", (Ja,,/te' 20. 19/0

/"",.,,01 hm< 1 J. 19'4 /)"J Jw~. 6. I"~I

1-:1i",-uh .. lh T lllllj'. L.tt. 1907 1/"", Ap ,,1 H. 19/4

'""','rJ f .b . .... , 1. 10" f), ~d }y", II. / 071


EWBA Death Claims Paid In October, 1971 I. .. ul :O;u.n .. m~ ,\mounl , fl"upt. t:, 1.2>0.00 , lI irllchlicld. f 1,:!:;O.l1O

" I(ub;~on. ... A 1.2:;n.OO n Hunnn. P T 1.2r,o,()(l • U; ~k('uuKhun . J. F. l.tfifU)O

" !I ,,,,, ~. T. F. I.:!!''(I.I)O

" W'lt,·rmlln. It. I.. l.tr,n,hO -" {il·bhIlTt. II " l.t.',II,nO ". :;~ IIrlluhllm. L. , 1.:!:.4I,1)11 :;~ ""on', , " 1.2:;O.I~1

I" i ~~".n~. (' T I.Z:;O.4~1 70 W,n.,n. , 1.2:.I).l~'

" 1.IImb('rl. f'. A 1.2:.fI./HI ,t; "',·nn,·tt. C. II. I.~;.IUM'

77 "'",·rn(' •• A A 1,1'HM'l./HI

'"~ 1!1):,):'femlln. " II l.t;;(I,I~1 (1(1 . 1('41.\"11,,1., W. 1'. 1.:!;,tUlO l!r. llu IT. " II ~,1:!.U It I MUI,· •. J. A 1.:!r,o.HlI 1"-.. , ~kill;t\):', f A 1.,,;.0 I~l It:; Turn(,T. I. I.. l .tr.O.OO 1:!41 T homns. II. r 1.~50.IMI 131 C"n.o~'. J. J 1.2;,Olwl 131 l<lxl(';n. Jr .. J )1. I .HUO'/III )" \Id;o\l·.n. F , 1.~.;n.4~1 ::m:; :-;I"t~. )) II. 1.~ ... n.HO t70 :-;Iiux"n. K. I. . 1.:! ... O.O/J :!!H Arltt,'non. E. II 1.2:;0.0(1 :!!I! ~hl'r"ck. A , 1.2.-,41.1111 ,1()<J \ld:Jnni ~. rt " 1.2:,11.011 3:;!l (''''"I·bell. " 1.2:;n.1'III .11,1 n",·,('n. 1\ t: 1.2:;1),I0Il 31d \\lIoon. II. (; 1.2;;1I.IMI 30n lIarlprn"r. J H. 1.2:;0.1111 ,,(II) ('fll/nl')' , C. ~:, l.t"U.4M) ~ !II lIe('kn(' •• I{. 1,2;,0.00 ~!q (;rIlU"n. A 1.2:,1),111) Ii:U Il l'mpholl. )1. O. l.tf.II.OO r;fi~ 1 11,h('r~"n " I$,o.no "HII Mnju., C:, ~:, l.t;;(l,lIo1 6(1~ I'"n"n ~ . " l.t:,o,nn li7!', I\;"dn·,t. II r 1.2:;1t.(11i 7I1i ~""Hnl.

, I.:!;;U,I'II "H Ilnrt;·. O. I' I.:!:.II.HIJ 7t;~1 Itn"~' T 1;2;,./~1

II:;:, ~:'rlcL " I.:!:;II.I~I

I'IlI lJ"u"'~OIrlen. A, 1.:!,;n.l~1 !l,n I'ryer. n. (' 1.2;;O.l~1

!':;~ \1 ""dl. I:. 1.:!.~O.1I1l !lRr) 1I ",11r'·8. U. I) l.t;)t1.HO !I~19 \tltrt;n. A ). l.t"O.llll 131A 111"".1.,)'. I.. O. I.:!;.O.HO I"H ~",ilh. (' O. I ,~;.Il.1I11 1.,·,., wn.r. A. 1.~i'\O.()U

IKt,' II),:-rl"n. .. " 1.~f,))JKl

Local Lines 1'1",/;1/111'11 frum ~IJi" 7B

lendcLi ... ) our mC'"Ocr\ .1nd the memo he .... of I (11,:>11 ~K. Ihi , leaf. tho: memo­ri.11 \\</, fvr our rl.'lir«". for the' L1c.:e,,-.cJ mcmher, vr L,M..'"I ~1'1. (mJ fOT the J",~;,...cd mcnther, of Ihc,r farwllc'.

I he rcligi'llh 1"'1"1 of Ihe .:crCnlon) "'" ,undudcd ... > ;0 r"l;lhi, :. Pre ''''}­lerian mini'ler. ;)ml a ('atholi, pro.:,!. Prc,idenl Ilenr)" PcrT}. "h" m!llk the arnHlllcmenl'. lCC.,i\eJ nmn) .:ompli­mcn" for ;1 Icn mcanin~ful ;wd he,lIIti­[III .I\llo:t.I of the -.f:rvil.'c,. \flen..arLl~. mVf .. than !l1I1 rcr-on- enjdled .:ofrrc an.1 ,leli .illll' n,,)~ie, h"lo.et.! ;mLl \('r\eJ h) the l'lllll:'

!;lIhcr (kmcnt ,",crn. \t ho hI" lung heen l' .h"mpi tln of or~"nllcJ 1""'Of ami in !,;orli..:uIM. vf I ocal ~K. ,,,iJ, in I"'rl " I :lIn w h:1PPV Ih;11 u Tgllni leLi laoor :,ml I O<.'al ~I! ha. c JVflC "I) much [0 Iry to h'I~ C tht:ir members lil e in di ll­nol ) in (he 1e,,1 )ear~ of Iheir lil'c,. It b


1 ......... 1 SU''''''"!' ,\ m"u nt

1"'11; II ftmm"nd. II II 1.~ioflJKl 1.0. f ~ :.I OI~"rI. (" IZ;O.OO ) O. 1 hi;, 11 ujl:h~. >: ), 1.:!:;II.!lO 1.0. (31)] I Bt;IIIr'· •. II " 1.::;';11.011 I. o. (H"II \\' .,!<'h .. I r .. , :-;. I.~r,o.o()

I . O. I ~SI! , .\1 ur,'in. r:. ". 1.2',U.1l0 ) O. (,,:1';1 :\ <'H I. I,: " 1.2;"1.110 ) O. I~q!rl ~:n!:,Htr"",. E. I I.:!:.II.IIIJ 1.0. 1 IH.:, I ~I~\'t<r",,),. T > 1.:!f,II.!"1 ) O. 1:!/I:,11 , (·h"~I,·n,,·n. II l.t;.O.I~1

1' .. nB. ,I> \I,ll .... II ,. 1.!!:~).'Hl

I'CIIO. ". 111,,1. > E. 1.:!:;111~1

P .. nB. ". I' .. hrll. " ,. 1,2:;UJMI Pcn •. )31 t:,lrrl>,·r,. ,. 1.2:,O.l~1 1'.,,,., (31 FI"nM!:',". \\ , 1.2;;11.1111 ]'''"~, (3) Jub.n. A J 1.~.,o.OO I'('!I~. I~ I lti~hl. " A. l.t:;IJ,OO I'{'!l ft . )31 ~im"n"I'''. " A. 1.2:'11./10 I'~n!. (~ ) R(rr rk. " " 1.2t.1),(J') I'ena. (31 W",in.\I',n. ) 1.:!i>0.1I11 Pe roB. ( ' i) T r.,')·. " 1.2'-;0.1111 ]' .. 11 •• Ill) I.M"'. I) " 1.2:;0.(11) Pens. (111 Snulh. ~:, II 1.2:,o.I,U 1'1"", H~I Ri.·k;n!:' .... E, 1.~;;fl.f){l I'enl. (llil FI'rltu."". T , 1.":;1l1lfl 1"·II~. Ill'i I T h"!II~"n, I) A 1.2:;0.011 l'.'n~. (27) ('~lIn. J ) . 1.2:;0.011 J>~n~. Fit ) 'It'll i n!:"r, ). 1.2"U.II11 ]'~n •. ( ,II)) ( ;o"d"in. T. > 1.2:;11.lIh I'~,,~, !H, \I, Arthur. ~;. > 1.:!r~UHI

I','n~. (~'i , I·I~I'J"·. , 1.:!:~l.IJt!

I't'",. {~., , It"m.tt·"t!, , II I..:!:"UMI Pen •. ,51 '1"I<,,·r. E. 1.2.-,II.IHI /',·ns. ,;. 1, :-;I' ... I·r. , T 1.2.-,11.1111 Pt·n,. I·,,, III1.r; .. ",. >. n I.~~".IHI I'~n ~. {Ii;,. 11,,1 ("rrl, , I) 1.~;'I).HlI

1' .. " .. , .'i. i) h), " T I.~:,n,/){l

I' ~n~. {nJ LJln·nt. ~1. :-;. 1.~'-,(j.1I11

p",,". (k'l) \I ,'MlIl )"", I.. II . 1 .~:,O.lIn

I'en~. (10: 11 lI''''i~. J A 1.:!.iil.l)u I'~n" flU, ~1,'C:"t. " I:, 1.~:;Il-'JIl I'('n,. '1I3, Turr. ' .. , 1.~.'~l.IHI

I'''n", (I"~ , "',·bl·.n,,". , I.~'-,U.(H)

P.'n~ ( 11131 ("uri,')· > I.~.-;O.IH! I'~n_, (l1l3, 'hu·F"rh.n.· " I.IHMIIH) I'('no. o 12~ Il'nhtt. " I.~:~!.I'" /'en •. (I:;.I , All,,), I: J 1,2'-",-,," Pen, •. 11:)1 (:r<,<·nb'·I1:. 'I II. 1.~;;tJ.l'1l 1'.,119. { I~J J""I,,·r. , 1.2~U.IHI

l'cns. (I.' ~ ) ""Iu"'''t)'k. " 1,!!;,U,(l1i Pell •. ( 1.111 l'~ltt'r):''''n. >: 1.:!:;IUIII l'.,n~. 1211\, I'ullnl .. ". " II I,~:;II.()" l' .. ,,~. 121 1) '10.11 II l.t.';O.l!iI I 'en~, (22!1' ",~u."". ) 1.:!;JIl.1111 I'~II9. t2,I'II I)"" ".1. ,. A I.t'-,II,flll

al,u !!uotI h' ""e Ih.,' l'''U Ii".: people h:lIc nOl fdrgu\le n tho-c \111(1 lahorc.1 ,Iurln); thcir lifetime, lu nl:'~c Ihi, Ji )!­mIl' p""ihk. IJ) lOur p,c-cnlc here loLla}. )OU ,m: rnl\ln~ th"1 ~(lll h.ne fe­membereLl"

Our ~n,"L1 "nnll,11 I c.,[hcr I'"r[). helJ Jurin!! ',)\cmN:r. ... 1\ •• ~re,'1 'uo,;­tC" ;md .. ill nJ;l~e II pi.,,,ii>lc lor OUT ;1,,()Ci:O] ion I .. d,) I11l1fe f\lr (Hlr Ie" for-1"""IC !lnd "d 'illtl ,11,ll e"et! m"ll,r..:r~ lind even fur ~('Il1C 111111 Ilr,' n,11 """.:ia­lion mem .... ,' !"

B) the lime ,UII r~,1l1 ehi,. I .!t:'ll ~I!\ COPI Commillce m .• ~ IMle hl'IJ iI, millionaire. p;orl} It, tur"<! fum.!, 10 fUf­the. the ~"u\(' .lnJ III pmnlol" ehe ele.:­li,m of .',mJid,\I", \\h .. a.c rri~n"~ of 1;)hor. Our ~ruU[l pia), " l.trl!e !,;lfl in Itl.: mc<;hank, an,1 !'rtlll"'I;"n uf II..,,,, afLlir"

Trca,ur~r I tn(lt.' 11 .• ni, h'l' h;tt! ,O(ltC in\juiric, r.'l!;o rdin~ (hc P'I) .. ,ihilil~ of forminJi: " 'Uh" .... I!t:i,u;lIn rn I 1(>tII!:I. Ff­forh ... ill he 11lI1\lc: ...,.111 Iu nlil~ e Ihi~


I .. ~a l

I'enl. r27~1 Pens. (2!131 Peu. (:!!,j;) /'en~. ,:10(1) l'e"~. 1 :ljH\) I'~'I~. l:l!'I<) P~" •. (~II:!) I'en~. (~I!!I) I'en~. I~:!I'I) I' .. n,. (~:II'i'

I'~n~. (~"l>' l'.,n~. n;~ P.,,,s. I~l'<:!' I'en~_ {~~I~' 1'('118. (;;311 Pc" •. I ;;1!1o I' en~. 1 ,,;,Ii I P .. "B. (,,1;7 ) !'''no. It.t'!!) Pell~. I ,,!\tl) Pcn,. C .W:. ) Pens. ("I'll' PcnB. (liil:!, I'('n~. 171'" P.'n~. I i:':1 , 1' .. "". (~n, Pcn~. (7~~ 1 Pcn~. !IU7, P .. n ... I~;,:" Pen, .. I~':,' Pen •. (~~~, I'cn~. (~":I, Pcn~ C!t{I:!' 1',,", (tILt., 1"')1> 'i'I!' Pen. nll~' Pc" •. '!";:" Pens. (11) 1:11 Pcn~. (11~71 l'~n",(]I·lll I'en". (I:!:!~' I'cn~. (12~)j,

I'en~. (I:!~'-" I'cn •. II:!"~' I'tn ~. olJI!I' P.'no .• 13;;3, P,'n,'. ,],I1~.

Pen •. (U:'~' P"n~ (I,,:n Pell •. 11~1U' Po:n~. I ~II"':,' P"n~, (~I'-,II,

SUrna" ...

Shnt!. Jr .. J tI. ' Ianll')". A ~ Sm.th. J, (', Frllnk!,". C. It L"I0('<'u,,", J :-;. 1[ "tI!."I'. F I' I','t"'ro ~,,". F :-;"u"i,·. I I. ' I .. ~ ... rl"'. \1 C. 1I,,,,.,,n. J, J H}'rd. I. t-: 111,11. J .. 1I.· ... ~t,,_h. I), II. :-;h,·chKn. " J. l"Iary. E, Kuhn. ~ F :-;lI)llh.:-' I. . n" •• }" .It-., l-' \\, 1'"U,'r. E, \[ (;'H"'·. II \\ II""I'CT. J ~ :-;"n' "1M. It II :-;11.·,,,,.n. 1 \\ It "". (. II !',,' ... n, t.:. II. Jrr"'''''~~d. J J Y"un~. W. L"u.I ... ,,,;!k, I; I"',,,,,~. '\ E IIdil •. ' I Il •.• " II} J II" . (" .\ "Hr. \\ 1I,·"r, II \\ 1'.·11., , 1'1 .. :-;. 1l, Iloull·"""'1. c. Il It"lrn"",. I'. R. J"hn~"II, T \""'io>'1 . .'\ 11!>!'llli. IJ I' Au):,I",,,h,,u!:'h, \\ I rl~, II. c· I' II".·... I II. Andl'''''''. II. r h,u>L \\ A. Statzc" (. t: lI .. n" ... ·lo., J. I .. I'.'nn. ~, \\ l'ut",·II). I .. \ .. I;.uhln. (' ',nl,', c· .J b,!:lur>.1. ]I, A.

,\ mounl

1.~(ilI.IMI 1.2S11.1I11 I.:!:;O,I/Il l.t:;41.(JII l,tW.1)11 1.:.:r,II.I)O 1.~r,I),11I1

1.2:;11.1111 1.2;;'1.1)(1 1.:!;,II.h" 1.:!:,II.I~1

I .2."1.I~' I.~'-.II.I~' 1.:!',I1-'MI 1.2',I).lH) 1,~'-.II.1~1 1.2;,0.nll I,~'-,/I.I!(' l,tt.".!)11 l.tr,IU~1

l,tr"I,IH' l.tt.IUIII l.tr,Il.II" l,t:;U.f)l1 :)1~ .. -,"

I.t'-,II,IIII l.t:,II,(l1l I,:!; .... IJII 1.:!t.h,OIl I.~'''IIIII 1.2:;1l,IHI 1.2t.1I,IHI t.:!;;!I.I"' I.:!:,II,II" I.tt.Il,IHI 1.2;;11,1)11 1.:!:,fU'1i I,:!:,IJ,!III I ,~~Il.llli 1.:2L,II, IHI !.:!r,O./ifl I.:!!',O.IWI 1.~:>lUHI ,. ... ~:. 1.~;;!1.I'" t.~~II.'~1 I.:!-,II.IIII I.:!:,II.IH' 1.:!;iO.1I1I I.:!;;U,(OII l.t:,II,1I1I l ,t:,,,,I'"

TOTAL 1'.\ Y ,\H:\'n'

R('~('nlil. \lC en)")c.1 II ucli~hlful Irip to I rlm~enmuth. \1 1~hi~an. "hcr .. \lC loure,! lhe .: il} "nt! I i,iIC,1 Ihc hrc\lcr, ami lhc Ill,,", 'llla;nl ,hoI'" IIn))her Doul!la, .mtl ~i'lcr I"mih Sh:! .. camc L1o ... n form IIMli\(ln. \ I ll'hi~an, It) h:l\(' dinner \lilh U' :Inti tu rene" tlld ;0,'.

qu;];m"n~c,hip' II \\;1\ ~ooJ 10 .... e them. ''''1.' ,,11 h.,d ;0 Icn ni.:e .I ,,~

In lhe p",e. II h,,, ...... cn d,lhutl[ 10 fintl p.dll;le;orct' (I" .. h,.rl Ilnti1.'c .• nJ It'

nO lif~ mcmh~l ~ 01 ,k~ n~', .. II' c m crJlcn­eie .. , \\ c h:[\c I.,~cn 'ICP' Iu ~urrc~t (he .. itnalion. I hc mem ......... h ip ha .. r..:ell t.!i· ,iLled inltl 111,'UI" .... ilh " ".Iplain ,lOti ~o}-larl.lin. \\ I..,n II,,; m"r,h.11I "hn heaLl, Ihc !'TltJ:r .• m. i, ~"lIeJ. he 1:,,11 .. hI' a.,i'1<1nL fh .. n. N>th ':,111 th", .:;tpl,,;n'. "hu. in !Urn. ",;Ill thc m~Il1t>cr- of lheir group,. I[ \lOI~ .. \CI\ \leli.

A memurial ""r.ilt" ... ,,' helLi 1m O~IO' ber 111h fur I·rill Dicncl, ;lIld morc than I"'U [If'f,nn, tUl'Ol'd u('I .... uh onll one Ja)', notkc.

j ()',1 I'll M<C\I\ fin, ~I t \.


A Lineman 's Prayer

When my ha rd task on earth is done, God, gille me t ime to rest in t he sun, Rest in t he sun on a cool green hill, Where t he breath of freedom lingers

still, lingers still to caress my face, As I climb to the highest place, Highest place where content I' ll stay, Praising the lord lor each grand new


For the care free rest rile neller known, Grant me a lew years to call my own, Call my own and, my sins lorgilling, Strength enough to enjoy there hlling, There lilling enjoy with greater zest, Because I halle worked and earned my

rest, Earned my rest and a place in the sun, PrOViding You lind my work well done.

Hiram W. Johns, Sr. Retired member of local l83 Lexington, Kentucky


Each day passes, and we neller give t hought

To the wonderful r iches we own-The birds and t he trees, the lIowers

and rain, The fr iendship of people we've known, The 10lle of a man, a baby's touch, The freshness of new fallen snow: These things can never be replaced by

all t he riches we know.

Though tragedy strike, and we some· t imes feel cheated,

We get bitter and somet imes explode, We feel we are needlessly punished And are carrying a terr ible load; Then, we lash out at God, not con·

sidering All the blessings that still remain.

There are so many things to be thank· ful lor,

As you're walking down memory's lane; So, cherish what you have, dear friends, And cling to your many rewards; Be thankful and grateful for blessings, And gllle all that thanks to the Lord.

Linda Hill Wife of Lonnie D. Hill local 8 16 Paducah, Kentucky

What Is Love

LOlle IS y<:Iu; Love is me; Love is flowers; Love is t rees; love is heaven and the sky That God creat ed for you and I,

For the chi ldren on the earth, For the woman who gives bi rth, For the man who will provide, For us all who will survive. Yes, that is love. Only God can do these things, For He IS the One who gllles and takes; So, let us love for HIS sake; Let' s not rum the earth and pollute

the alf; God created all 01 It for us to take care; We'll clean up the earth and clean up

the a,,; We' ll clean up the waters so they'll run

free, 'Cause God created all of it just for you

and me. Jal;kie Reynolds Wife of James l . Reynolds Local J53 South Bend, Indiana

Est imat ion When you think of a man, you seldom

thmk 01 the knowledge he has of books; You seldom think of the clothes he

wears, His habits or f aults, or looks; You seldom think 01 the car he drives Or the bonds hiS gold has bought: When you think of a man, you mostly

think Of some kindness he has brought.

You judge him not by hiS block 01 stocks,

Nor hiS power of name and pen; You Judge a man by the place he's

made In the hearts of his feUow men; You judge a man by what he's done, By the way he's faced tile stfl fe, And not the amount of the bank

account He's managed to get in hfe.


You thmk of the friend he's been to moo

And t he good tha t he has done; You judge the sort of man he is By the friends that he has won.

Mary W. Kearns Wife of James A. Kearns Local 379 Charlotte, North Carolina

The Making of Friends

If nobody smiled and nobody cheered and nobody helped us along,

If man looked alter himself and good things went to the st rong,

If nobody cared just a l ittle for you and nobody thougllt about me,

And we all stood alone in the battle of life,

What a dreary old world this world would be.

lile IS sweet just because 01 the fnends we have made

And the things in common we share; We want to lille on, not because of our·

selves, But because of the people who care.

It's glVlllg and doing for somebody else Upon which aU life's splendor depends, And the joy of the world when we have

summed It all up Is found in the makmg of I riends.

Meyer rHenbogen Retired member of Local 3 New Yorlc C,ty


I lille in the midst of selfish men; Their greed abOunds on all sides; Their bellies won't moan of emptiness, And cold can't sat urate their hides.

Their ears grow more deaf to the suf· ferlng world ,

And their consciences in numbness burrow deeper,

As they, III one chorus and whlllmg, chant,

" Am I my brother's keeper7"

0, heed. my Lord, the prayers of those Who beg these frigid hearts awaken, To bask In the warmth 01 chafl!)' given In the name of the One they've for·


And forgive man, Lord, lor failing prey To all that the deVil begot. But, 0, my God. lorgille me first , For I am the worst of the lot.


June Kuhner! Wrfe of Harry Kuhner t Local 1 St . Lou;5