Adjectives A happy face [article+ adjective + noun]

A happy face - [article+ adjective + noun] - Kaizenadda

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Adjectives A happy face [article+ adjective + noun]

An Adjective is a word which adds some more meaning to a Noun or a Pronoun.

Adjectives are describing words 1. He is an ordinary man.

2 wDS sO


It is an excellent idea.

3 You are a good teacher.

4. The Earth is round.

5. His brother was a foolish man.

67/ Read the following sentences 1. Sita is a clever girl. (Girl of what kind?) 2. I don't like that boy. (Which boy ?) 3. He gave me five mangoes. (How many mangoes ?)

He gave me five mangoes

4. There is little time for preparation. (How much time ?) In sentence 1, clever shows what kind of girl Sita is; or, in other words, 'clever' describes the girl Sita.

In sentence 2, "that points out which boy is meant.

In sentence 3, 'five' shows how many mangoes he gave

In sentence 4, little' shows how much time there is for preparation. A word used with a noun to describe or point out, the person, animal, place or thing which the noun names arto

tell the number or quantity, is called an Adjective. to



A Icome

(Kinds of Adjectives) 2. Adjective of Quality

Interrogative Adjective 1. Adjective of Quantity

Adjective of Number

Demonstrative AdjectiveExclamatory Adjective

4. 3. Possessive Adjective

8 6. 5.

Emphatic Adjective7.

EmphatiC Possessive




Quality Interrogative


Adjective of Quality An Adjective which shows the quality, merit, demerit, etc. of a Noun or a Pronoun is called an Adjective of Quality. 1. 1. My grandfather has a black dog. 2. My daughter loves a Japanese dol. 3. The language is difficult. 4. The ground is muddy. 5. Phillips is a careless captain of our team. 6. Akbar was a wise king.

(Adjective of Quantity

A word that shows the quantity of anything is called an Adjective of Quantity.

Example: Sufficient, all, insufficient, whole, much, little, some, enough, any, etc.

1. I have little money to spend. She has much patience to bear the loss. He does not have enough time to study.


2 3.

She is a lady of great courage. 5 I have done enough hard work.

4 Adjective of number An Adjective that shows how many persons or things are meant or in what order a person or thing stands.

It is of two types:


(i) Definite

(ii) Indefinite

(i) Definite- Definite denotes an exact number.

Eg Five boys, fifth row.

(ii) Indefinite: Indefinite does not denote an exact number.

E.g Few girls, several boys. Definite numbers like one, two, three, four are Cardinal Cardinal Adjective

adjectives. E.g


E.g: He has four pens.

Ordinal Adjectives - Definite order like first, second, last are Ordinal adjectives. (b) She has two books.

The first chapter of this book is on verb. E.g e. Article 'the' is used before Ordinal and not before Cardinal

8Lesson one is on verbs.

2. When both Ordinal and Cardinal adjectives come together in a sentence, they are in the order 'OC'. This means first 'Ordinal' and then 'Cardinaf.

The first chapter of this book is on verbs.

E.g: We will revise the lessons in the last two classes.

Interrogative Adjective An Adjective, which is used to ask question, is called an Interrogative Adjective.e.g. whose, which , what, etc.

book is lost. [After Wh word + Noun / Noun phrase etc. ] 1. Whose T Intro. Adj. îNoun

2. Which T Intro.Adj

bungalow do you like ?


3. Whose T Intro.Ad

purse has been picked ?


The same Adjective may be classed as of Quantity or Number, according to its use. Adjectives of Quantity Adjectives of Number I ate some rice. Some boys are clever. He has lost all his wealth. All men must die.

There are no pictures in this book. Are there any mango-trees in this garden There are not enough spoons.

You have no sense.

He did not eat any rice. I have enough sugar.

Demonstrative Adjective

An Adjective which points out a Noun or a Pronoun is called a Demonstrative

Adjective. e.g. This, that, these, those, such, your, etc.

1. Thesse

TDemo Ad/



books are very helpful to us.


2. I like such flowers. TNoun TDemo. Adj

3. Such

TDemo. Adj people have been very useful to them. T Noun

4. Those students were not trying to solve the problem. TDemo. Ad/ TNoun

Possessive Adjective An Adjective which shows possession is called a Possessive Adjective. e.g. his, her, your, my, its, our, their, etc.

Noun 1. Your bungalow has been sold.

Possessive Adj.

UNoun 2. My friend had been to London. 2.

Possessive Possessive Adj.

UNoun Their ideas are impractical. 3.


Possessive Adj. Their My UNoun

4. Her husband is a doctor. Your Her

Possessive Adj.

Emphatic Adjectives m Adjective which emphasizes the idea, statement, etc is called an Emphatic Adjective.

Noun . It was your own idea.

Emphatic Adj. Noun

2. That is the very place where | met him.

Emphatic Adj.

Exclamatory Adjective An Adjective which shows surprise is called an Exclamatory Adjective.

Noun 1. What a mistake!

Exclamatory Adj


A 2. What a |lady she is!

Exclamatory Adj Noun

3. What a snowfall!


Pick out all the Adjectives in the following sentences, and say to which class each of them belongs:

The ship sustained heavy damage.

** *sssnmsns********************************************ssereswss******9s** ******** ****************** ***

2 I have called several times.

3 Every dog has his day.

es aoaasaasasse **nsasa* aassessesesesn********************************************

A live ass is better than a dead lion.

****sesssssasss*n*S****************** R R************ *********************************************** ************ *************************

5 Every man has his duties.

******************* ********

6 Say the same thing twice over

******************. *********************************************** * ******

Several persons were present at the time.

************e***** ********#**R

8He is a man of few words.

*******s*** ssssnrrawamuunssssssesse**ssesmn

Neither party is quite in the right.

****** ******auuunMAanmuuunuauunuuuauunumuuunnuu uSROKGusauuma***s**n***********************s*"**************R*aununauuuausmununun s

What time is it ?

******" s*nauuBssauunsessua*a*************************

Which pen do you prefer? **ss**a*** **************************************

12 The way was long, the wind was cold, the minstrel was infirm and old


**uuRNW s***********************

* **********"***********

13 He comes here every day *** sxsne usanuununuuuamusummuu##uueunawRaunu************************************w*a*********** asaNBmaumungausweareuV

* uRauuuuume RResanss* ******

1Thave not seen him for several days. as**n**s***s****58a****a****************i*********a******s*a"


*******"**********eseumaur *ruauuumusuuaueua**oaw******************

15 There should not be much talk and tittle work.

16 Abdul won the second prize.

17 The child fell down from the great height.

18 He was absent last week.

19 He died a glorious death.

20 A small leak may sink a great ship.