DEPARTAMENTO DE ARQUITECTURA Y TECNOLOGÍA DE SISTEMAS INFORMÁTICOS Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid PhD THESIS A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Author Antonio Gracia Berná MS Advanced Computing MS Computer Graphics PhD Directors Santiago González Tortosa - PhD Computer Science Víctor Robles Forcada - PhD Computer Science 2014

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based

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Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros InformáticosUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid


A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discoverybased on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing

degradation of quality.

AuthorAntonio Gracia Berná

MS Advanced ComputingMS Computer Graphics

PhD DirectorsSantiago González Tortosa - PhD Computer Science

Víctor Robles Forcada - PhD Computer Science


Thesis Committee

Chairman: Luis Pastor Pérez

Member: Ernestina Menasalvas Ruiz

Member: Cristóbal Belda Iniesta

Member: Fazel Famili

Secretary: Manuel Abellanas Oar

Substitute: Fernando Maestú Unturbe

Substitute: Miguel Ángel Otaduy Tristán

Croyez ceux qui cherchent la véritéDoutez de ceux qui la trouvent

Believe those who are seeking the truthDoubt those who find it

Cree a aquellos que buscan la verdadDuda de los que la encuentran

André Gide

Scio me nihil scire

I only know that I know nothing

Sólo sé que no sé nada

Sócrates de Atenas

A mis padres Antonio y Silvia.

Os quiero

AcknowledgmentsMe gustaría escribir una breve sección de agradecimientos, con la que pretendo mostrar mi gratitud hacia las

personas que me han ayudado a finalizar esta tesis doctoral.

Han sido 3 años y medio complicados, motivados en su totalidad por la situación económica actual. Tras

haber pasado por periodos en los cuáles lo más sencillo era abandonar y buscar trabajo fuera de la investigación,

siempre me ha mantenido vivo el deseo de poder dedicarme a lo que realmente me proporciona tan buenos

momentos, y sé que no será de otra forma en el futuro. He pasado también momentos magníficos e irrepetibles.

En primer lugar, mi familia y amigos, sin los cuales gracias a su incondicional apoyo hubiera sido realmente

complicado escribir las palabras que aquí hoy me ocupan. A mis padres y hermana: Silvia, Antonio y Julia, que

siempre me han alentado durante este dedicado proceso, además de proporcionarme todo tipo de facilidades

y comodidades con el objetivo de hacerme más llevadero el viaje. A mis amigos de verdad, que siempre han

tenido palabras buenas hacia mí valorando el esfuerzo que estaba haciendo al terminar la tesis, sin beca y

estando muy lejos físicamente del ambiente de investigación que tanto ayuda a avanzar de forma más efectiva.

Cristina, tú te mereces una mención especial, ya que tu infinita paciencia, apoyo y comprensión han creado

una férrea autovía que me han hecho avanzar sin detenerme ni un sólo segundo, y a una velocidad nada despre-

ciable. Parecía como si supieras y aceptaras, incluso a veces mejor que yo, que mi meta era ésta y has hecho

todo lo que podía esperar de ti (y mucho más) para conseguirla. Sólo puedo darte las gracias por este regalo

emocional, y créeme cuando te digo que es grande...

A mis directores de tesis, Santiago y Víctor. Realmente creo que os costaría llegar a entender la enorme

cantidad de cosas que he aprendido con vosotros durante este periodo, desde que llegué al laboratorio de SSOO

y confiasteis en mí para la tesis, hasta el final de la misma. Me habéis facilitado muchísimo el acceso a proyectos

muy importantes a nivel mundial e increíbles, liderados por gente con conocimientos grandísimos en el mundo

de la investigación. Siempre que acaba una etapa comienza otra diferente, y creo que me habéis proporcionado

más de lo necesario para volar de forma más autónoma de lo que hasta ahora venía haciendo. Gracias a ambos

por hacerme madurar. Santi, muchísimas gracias por tu gran esfuerzo conmigo. Y citando a Víctor: ’¿Ves todo

esto hijo mío?. Algún día será tuyo...’.

Por último quiero agradecer a mis fantásticos compañeros de laboratorio que me han hecho más divertida

la tesis: Elena, Laura, Jorge, Alex, Jacobo, así como profesores de la UPM como Ernestina Menasalvas por su

efectiva forma de trabajar, o de la URJC como Luis Pastor. A este último me gustaría agradecerle personalmente

su humildad, profesionalidad, amabilidad y amplia experiencia en el mundo de la investigación, rasgos que

rápidamente percibí cuando lo conocí, allá en el año 2008. Gracias por su trato exquisito, apoyo y visión

poniéndome en contacto con gente de la UPM para realizar esta tesis.

A todos vosotros, realmente habéis sido de gran ayuda, mucho más de lo que podréis llegar a pensar. Sois


Antonio Gracia Berná

May 13, 2014

AbstractTraditionally, the use of data analysis techniques has been one of the main ways of discovering knowledge

hidden in large amounts of data, collected by experts in different domains. Moreover, visualization techniques

have also been used to enhance and facilitate this process. However, there are serious limitations in the process

of knowledge acquisition, as it is often a slow, tedious and many times fruitless process, due to the difficulty

for human beings to understand large datasets.

Another major drawback, rarely considered by experts that analyze large datasets, is the involuntary degra-

dation to which they subject the data during analysis tasks, prior to obtaining the final conclusions. Degradation

means that data can lose part of their original properties, and it is usually caused by improper data reduction,

thereby altering their original nature and often leading to erroneous interpretations and conclusions that could

have serious implications. Furthermore, this fact gains a trascendental importance when the data belong to med-

ical or biological domain, and the lives of people depends on the final decision-making, which is sometimes

conducted improperly.

This is the motivation of this thesis, which proposes a new visual framework, called MedVir, which com-

bines the power of advanced visualization techniques and data mining to try to solve these major problems

existing in the process of discovery of valid information. Thus, the main objective is to facilitate and to make

more understandable, intuitive and fast the process of knowledge acquisition that experts face when working

with large datasets in different domains. To achieve this, first, a strong reduction in the size of the data is

carried out in order to make the management of the data easier to the expert, while preserving intact, as far

as possible, the original properties of the data. Then, effective visualization techniques are used to represent

the obtained data, allowing the expert to interact easily and intuitively with the data, to carry out different data

analysis tasks, and so visually stimulating their comprehension capacity. Therefore, the underlying objective

is based on abstracting the expert, as far as possible, from the complexity of the original data to present him a

more understandable version, thus facilitating and accelerating the task of knowledge discovery.

MedVir has been succesfully applied to, among others, the field of magnetoencephalography (MEG), which

consists in predicting the rehabilitation of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). The results obtained successfully

demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework to accelerate and facilitate the process of knowledge discovery

on real world datasets.

Keywords: Knowledge Discovery, Dimensionality Reduction, Visualization Techniques, Data Mining,

Quality assessment.

AbstractTradicionalmente, el uso de técnicas de análisis de datos ha sido una de las principales vías para el descubrim-

iento de conocimiento oculto en grandes cantidades de datos, recopilados por expertos en diferentes dominios.

Por otra parte, las técnicas de visualización también se han usado para mejorar y facilitar este proceso. Sin em-

bargo, existen limitaciones serias en la obtención de conocimiento, ya que suele ser un proceso lento, tedioso

y en muchas ocasiones infructífero, debido a la dificultad de las personas para comprender conjuntos de datos

de grandes dimensiones.

Otro gran inconveniente, pocas veces tenido en cuenta por los expertos que analizan grandes conjuntos de

datos, es la degradación involuntaria a la que someten a los datos durante las tareas de análisis, previas a la

obtención final de conclusiones. Por degradación quiere decirse que los datos pueden perder sus propiedades

originales, y suele producirse por una reducción inapropiada de los datos, alterando así su naturaleza original

y llevando en muchos casos a interpretaciones y conclusiones erróneas que podrían tener serias implicaciones.

Además, este hecho adquiere una importancia trascendental cuando los datos pertenecen al dominio médico

o biológico, y la vida de diferentes personas depende de esta toma final de decisiones, en algunas ocasiones

llevada a cabo de forma inapropiada.

Ésta es la motivación de la presente tesis, la cual propone un nuevo framework visual, llamado MedVir,

que combina la potencia de técnicas avanzadas de visualización y minería de datos para tratar de dar solución

a estos grandes inconvenientes existentes en el proceso de descubrimiento de información válida. El objetivo

principal es hacer más fácil, comprensible, intuitivo y rápido el proceso de adquisición de conocimiento al que

se enfrentan los expertos cuando trabajan con grandes conjuntos de datos en diferentes dominios. Para ello,

en primer lugar, se lleva a cabo una fuerte disminución en el tamaño de los datos con el objetivo de facilitar

al experto su manejo, y a la vez preservando intactas, en la medida de lo posible, sus propiedades originales.

Después, se hace uso de efectivas técnicas de visualización para representar los datos obtenidos, permitiendo

al experto interactuar de forma sencilla e intuitiva con los datos, llevar a cabo diferentes tareas de análisis de

datos y así estimular visualmente su capacidad de comprensión. De este modo, el objetivo subyacente se basa

en abstraer al experto, en la medida de lo posible, de la complejidad de sus datos originales para presentarle

una versión más comprensible, que facilite y acelere la tarea final de descubrimiento de conocimiento.

MedVir se ha aplicado satisfactoriamente, entre otros, al campo de la magnetoencefalografía (MEG), que

consiste en la predicción en la rehabilitación de lesiones cerebrales traumáticas (Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

rehabilitation prediction). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la efectividad del framework a la hora de

acelerar y facilitar el proceso de descubrimiento de conocimiento sobre conjuntos de datos reales.

Palabras clave: Descubrimiento de conocimiento, reducción de dimensionalidad, técnicas de visual-

ización, minería de datos, evaluación de calidad.

DeclarationI declare that this PhD Thesis was composed by myself and that the work contained therein is my own, except

where explicitly stated otherwise in the text.

(Antonio Gracia Berná)


Contents i

List of Figures vii

Tables index xiii

Acronyms 1


Chapter 1 Introduction 5

1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2 Hypothesis and objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.3 Document organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


Chapter 2 Data mining 11

2.1 Origins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Multivariate and Multidimensional data problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2.1 Feature subset selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.2.2 Feature subset extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.3.1 Supervised classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.3.2 Unsupervised classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


Chapter 3 Dimensionality reduction 29

3.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2 Classification in DR-FSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2.1 Convex/Non-convex and Full/Sparse spectral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2.2 Distance/Topology preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2.3 Linear/Nonlinear dimensionality reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.3 DR-FSE methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.3.1 Principal Components Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.3.2 Linear Discriminant Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.3.3 Isomap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.3.4 Kernel PCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.3.5 Locally Linear Embedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.3.6 Laplacian Eigenmaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.3.7 Difussion Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3.3.8 t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3.3.9 Sammon Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

3.3.10 Maximum Variance Unfolding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.3.11 Curvilinear Component Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

3.4 Quality assessment criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.4.1 Local-neighborhood-preservation approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Spearman’s Rho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Topological Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Topological Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 König’s Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Trustworthiness & Continuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Local Continuity Meta-Criterion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Agreement Rate/Corrected Agreement Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Mean Relative Rank Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Procrustes Measure/Modified Procrustes Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Co-ranking Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

3.4.2 Global-structure-holding approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Shepard Diagram and Kruskal Stress Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Sammon Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Residual Variance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 The Relative Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

3.4.3 Others . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Classification Error Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Global Measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Normalization independent embedding quality assessment . . . . . . . . . . 52

3.5 Comparison of DR-FSE methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Chapter 4 Multivariate and multidimensional data visualization 57

4.1 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.1.1 Multivariate and Multidimensional data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

4.1.2 Visualization pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 The underlying mapping process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.2 Classification in MMDV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.2.1 E-notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

4.2.2 Classification Scheme by Wong and Bergeron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.2.3 Task by Data Type Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.2.4 Data Visualization Taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.2.5 Classification by Keim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

4.3 MMDV techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

4.3.1 Geometric projection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Scatterplot matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Andrews’ curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Radical coordinates visualization (RadViz) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Star coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

4.3.2 Pixel-Oriented techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Space-filling curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Circle-segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Pixel bar Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.3.3 Hierarchical display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Dimensional stacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Worlds within worlds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Treemap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.3.4 Icon-based techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Chernoff faces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Star glyph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Color icons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.4 Two versus three dimensions in MMDV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77


Chapter 5 Quality degradation quantification in Dimensionality Reduction 81

5.1 Quality Loss Quantifier Curves (QLQC) Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

5.1.1 Dimensional thresholding computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

5.1.2 Quality Loss Quantifier Curves (QLQC) obtaining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

5.1.3 Increasing/Decreasing Stability function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

5.1.4 Quantification analysis of loss of quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

5.2 Application to real world domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

5.2.1 Applying the methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 The relationship between different preservation of geometry measures . . . 91 Comparative study and clustering of DR methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Loss of quality trend analysis from 3 into 2 dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . 98

5.2.2 Computation times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

5.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Chapter 6 On the suitability of the third dimension to visualize data 103

6.1 Benefits and limitations of 3D in MMDV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

6.2 Visual statistical approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

6.2.1 Definition of the visual tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Point classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Distance perception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Outliers identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

6.2.2 Definition of the questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

6.2.3 Results obtained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Visual tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

6.3 Analytical approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

6.3.1 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Quality criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 DR algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

6.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Chapter 7 MedVir. A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery 127

7.1 MedVir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

7.1.1 Data pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

7.1.2 Feature subset selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

7.1.3 Dimensionality reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

7.1.4 Data visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Interaction for knowledge acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

7.2 MedVir applied to TBI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

7.2.1 Data description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

7.2.2 Running of MedVir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Data pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Feature subset selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Dimensionality reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Data visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

7.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141


Chapter 8 Conclusions 145

8.1 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

8.1.1 Development of a methodology for the quantification of the loss of quality in Dimen-

sionality Reduction tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

8.1.2 Demonstration of the superiority of 3D over 2D to visualize multidimensional and mul-

tivariate data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

8.1.3 Establishment and development of a visual framework to accelerate knowledge discov-

ery in large datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

8.2 Future lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

8.2.1 New research lines on the quantification of degradation of quality and its applications . 149

8.2.2 Functionalities to improve the performance of MedVir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

8.2.3 Application to other fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

8.3 Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

8.3.1 Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

8.3.2 Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152


Appendix A Definition of the questions 155

Bibliography 157

List of Figures

2.1 Graphical representation of the CRISP-DM process (adapted from [50]). . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.2 Feature subset selection and Feature subset extraction. In FSS, the final subset of features

(xi1 ,xi2 ,..,xiM ) are selected without modifying their nature. In FSE, a transformation function (f)

is applied to obtain the final subset of features (y1,y2,..,yM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.3 Naïve Bayes algorithm for the weather data (taken from [336]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2.4 Example of a real C4.5 output representation classifying weather data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

2.5 Example of a K-NN classification. The instance to be classified ( the star symbol) is compared

to its neighborhood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.6 SVM algorithm. A: several instances and possible separating hyperplanes. B: linear MMH (red

line); hyperplanes H1 and H2 (blue discontinuous lines) ; and support vectors (black circles).

C: a nonlinear decision boundary (black discontinuous line). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

2.7 Unsupervised classification. A: Original data. B: Different clusters (A and B) are identified,

thus separating the instances according to their attribute values. Cohesion between instances

in the same cluster is shown in discontinuous red lines, whilst separation is represented by the

discontinuous blue lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.1 Process of unfolding. The high-dimensional data are unfolded and the real structure of the data

is revealed in a lower dimensional space (taken from [304]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2 Laurens van der Maaten’s Taxonomy (taken from [304]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.3 This dataset consists of a list of 3-dimensional points. It is, a two-dimensional manifold em-

bedded into a three-dimensional space (taken from [187]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.4 Left: when performing an unfolding process, the appearance of short circuit induced by the

Euclidean distance is likely. Right: the benefits of the geodesic distance. The two points are

not neighbors as they are far away in accordance with the geodesic distance. . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.5 Basic idea of kernel PCA. By means of a nonlinear kernel function κ instead of the standard dot

product, we implicitly perform PCA in a possibly high-dimensional space F which is nonlin-

early related to input space. The dotted lines are contour lines of constant feature value (taken

from [187]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3.6 Co-ranking matrix (reproduced with permission from [188]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48


3.7 Shepard Diagram example. A and B: different types of diagrams (the ideal case is when all the

points lie in the diagonal line. It means that all the distances in the reduced space match the

original distances, so the representation in B is better than in A). C: intuitive explanation of the

SD diagrams; Original distances on a vertical axis, embedded distances on a horizontal axis.

The green color represents projection in a reduced space accounting for a high fraction of vari-

ance (relative positions of points are similar). The red color represents projection accounting

for a small fraction of variance (relative projections of objects are similar). The yellow color

represents projection accounting for a small fraction of variance (but the relative projection of

objects differ in the two spaces). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4.1 Graphical representation of the Houses dataset. Top left: 1-dimensional (price) data are rep-

resented by an histogram. Top right: 2-dimensional (price and area) data are represented by

the 2D-Scatterplot method. Bottom left: 3-dimensional (price, area and bedrooms) data are

represented by the 3D-Scatterplot method. Bottom right: MMDV is used if the data have more

than 3 variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

4.2 Circos is a visualization tool to facilitate the analysis of genomic data. A: Different colors,

shapes and transparencies are used to define the final aspect of the data visualization. B: The

data can be arranged according to different sizes and colors (taken from [180]). . . . . . . . . 59

4.3 The visualization pipeline (adapted from [45]). F represents the visual mapping function, and

F’ its inverse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

4.4 A set of different glyphs and some of their visual properties (adapted from [45]). . . . . . . . 62

4.5 Left: Example of traditional scatterplot technique for bivariate data. Right: A scatterplot matrix

for 4-dimensional data of 400 automobiles (taken from [222]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

4.6 A: Andrews’ curves. An andrews’ plot of the iris data set. The plot evidences that Virginica is

different from the other two (especially from t=2 to t=3), but differentiating between the other

two is less easy (adapted from [97]). B: RadViz data visualization for the lung cancer data set

that uses gene expression information on seven genes. Points represent tissue samples and are

colored with respect to diagnostic class (AD, NL, SMCL, SQ and COID) (taken from [222]). . 69

4.7 Star coordinates. A: Process of obtaining the final position of a data-point for a 8-dimensional

dataset. B: Interacting with the car specs dataset (400 cars manufactured world-wide con-

taining the following attributes: mpg, cylinders, weight, acceleration, displacement, origin,

horsepower, year) by means of the SC algorithm (taken from [152]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.8 Pixel-Oriented visualization of 6-dimensional data (taken from [165]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.9 Data arrangements (adapted from [161]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4.10 Circle-segments. A: Circle-segments with 7 input attributes and 1 class (adapted from [12]). B:

Circle-segments method displaying different data values (taken from [160]). . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.11 Pixel bar chart. A: Ordering. B: Equal-height pixel bar chart. C: Equal-width pixel bar chart

(taken from [164]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

4.12 Dimensional stacking. A: Partition of dimensional stacking. B: An example (taken from [159]). 73

4.13 A: Worlds within worlds. Variate x, y, and z are plotted initially. Variate u, v, and w are plotted

after all previous variates are defined (taken from [339]). B: A real example of treemap (taken

from [1]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4.14 A: A Chernoff face with 11 facial characteristic parameters. B: Chernoff faces in various 2D

positions (taken from [54]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

4.15 A: Construction of a star glyph. The blue line connects the different data value points on each

axis to define the glyph. B: Star glyph representation of an auto dataset with 12 attributes (taken

from [197]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

4.16 A: Square shaped color icon which maps up to six variates. Each variate is mapped to one of

the six thick lines. B: Mapping MMD with one to six variates to color icons. The value is

mapped to the thick line only (taken from [339]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

5.1 Proposed methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

5.2 Example of QLQC plot for a particular dataset, by using a DR algorithm (MVU). . . . . . . . 84

5.3 QLQC containing curves that violate the Increasing/Decreasing Stability criterion. The red and

green dashed lines (that is, the quality curves generated by the QY and SS measures) and black

line (PM) violate the Increasing/Decreasing Stability criterion. These curves do not reach the

minimum threshold to be considered suitable to analyze. The blue and light blue lines (Qk and

RNX measures) present low values of Increasing/Decreasing Stability, and the rest present high

values of Increasing/Decreasing Stability since they are smooth and have a decreasing behavior. 86

5.4 Increasing/Decreasing Stability function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

5.5 Selected experiments (top) versus discarded experiments (bottom). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

5.6 (A) Correlations between pairs of quality measures in all datasets greater than 0.612. (B)

Statistical values of correlation for each pair of measures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

5.7 Mean values of loss of quality from N′D to 2D, for each DR algorithm. A set of key dimensions,

as 2D, 3D, ID and N′D have been selected for the study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

5.8 Farthest First clustering algorithm. Green, blue and red represent the three clusters, while the

orange indicates the outlier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5.9 Number of features versus CPU Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

6.1 Simulation of the loss of quality throughout the entire DR process. Can the degradation of

quality be quantified accurately from 3D to 2D?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

6.2 Basic Information on the users. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

6.3 Methodology used in the visual tests. The order for carrying out the tests is shown by the arrow.

For each user n, the following stages have been implemented. Test 1: Before carrying out the

test, a set of random points (those about to be classified) are selected. The user n carries out the

2D test 1 (using a 2D scatterplot) and obtains two different results, T nPC_2D (time) and In


(error value). After this, the user n carries out the same test in 3D (using a 3D scatterplot) and

obtains another two results, T nPC_3D (time) and In

PC_3D (error value). Note that the points selected

at the beginning of each test will be used both the 2D and 3D test. The explained process is

identical for tests 2 and 3. Thus, by repeating this process for each user, a cross-validation of

the results is achieved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

6.4 2D and 3D scenarios. Each scenario provides the user different views and camera modes, as

well as several sliders for adjusting the DV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

6.5 Point Classification test. Left-hand image: the 2D version. Right-hand image: the 3D version.

The point to be classified is colored white. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

6.6 Distance Perception test. Left-hand image: 2D version, here the yellow line could be perceived

as roughly twice the length of the magenta line, thus the value to be introduced should be

approximately 2.0. Right-hand image: 3D version. Here, the inclusion of an extra dimension

could provide new information about the relation, in terms of distances, between both lines. To

make the performance of the test easier, only the selected points are visualized, as well as the

lines joining those points. The other elements are hidden for clarity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

6.7 Outlier Identification test. The points identified as possible outliers are colored green. . . . . . 114

6.8 Boxplots of the tests results. A) Distribution of the time values obtained for each of the three

tests in both dimensionalities. This boxplot shows clear differences in relation to the time taken

by each of the tests using the 2D and 3D scatterplot. The following points must be highlighted:

less time in the realization of the 2D version of the test Point Classification, with respect to

the 3D version; the time values are considerably smaller in the realization of the 3D version of

the test Distance Perception than the 2D version; the time values are also considerably smaller

in the realization of the 3D version of the test Outlier Identification than the 2D version. B)

Distribution of the error values obtained for the test 2, Distances Perception. It can be clearly

seen that the error values produced in the 3D version are much lower than those in the 2D version.117

6.9 Users’ preferences after carrying out the tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

6.10 Mean loss of quality values in the transition from 3D to 2D (results from Table 6.2). X axis

represents how the different quality criteria quantify the loss of quality, when reducing the data

dimensionality from 3D to 2D using the different DR algorithms on all the datasets. Y axis

shows the mean loss of quality values. The data are presented in a scale 0%-50%. . . . . . . . 122

6.11 Boxplot that shows the distribution of the mean loss of quality values at quality criteria level

(boxplots correspond to columns in Table 6.2). The data are presented in a scale 0%-50%. This

represents to what extent each quality criterion quantifies the loss of quality, for all the DR

algorithms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

6.12 Mean quality values reported by the quality criteria for all the DR algorithms. It is quite clear

that, for almost all the quality criteria, the mean values of loss of quality in the transition from

3D to 2D are high enough to be taken into account. The data are presented in a scale 0%-35%.

The highest loss of quality value is highlighted in bold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

6.13 Boxplot that shows the distribution of the mean loss of quality values at DR algorithm level

(each boxplot corresponds to a row in Table 6.2). The data are presented in a scale 0%-50%. . 124

7.1 MedVir’s concept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

7.2 The MedVir framework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

7.3 Data pre-processing stage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

7.4 FSS stage, supervised version. For each dataset, 80xP (5FilterMethods x 4SearchMethods x 4Classi f icationAlgorithms

x PNumberO f AttributesToBeFiltered) different models are obtained. Note that P can be set according

to the number of attributes contained in the original data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

7.5 The expert can select the model in the ranking that best fits his interests or criterion. . . . . . . 131

7.6 DR stage. Depending on the selected criterion, the expert can select among different algorithms

to carry out the DR process. At the end of this stage, as many vectors as attributes has the dataset

are obtained. To implement the DR algorithms, the Matlab Toolbox for DR has been used [305]. 132

7.7 Data visualization stage. Unity 3D engine has been used to implement the visual representation. 133

7.8 MedVir’s GUI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

7.9 An example of classification and data visualization in MedVir using PCA. A: Model 1. 2D view.

Blue represents the dummy class A, red means the dummy class B and new classified patients

are represented in magenta. The dotted black line indicates the linear decision boundary in

classification tasks. B: Model 2. 3D view. Attributes can be selected (in green) to interact with

them. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

7.10 MEG data obtaining process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

7.11 A: Comparison of computation times, in sequential and using the Magerit supercomputer. B:

Power7 architecture in Magerit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

7.12 An example of the ranking of models obtained after the FSS stage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

7.13 Two models to classify the new patients. A: First model. B: Second model. The discrepancies

between the models when classifying the new patients are indicated in red. . . . . . . . . . . . 140

7.14 Visualization in MedVir using LDA. A: 3D. B: 2D. Blue represents control subjects, red means

TBI patients, new classified patients are represented in magenta, whilst the dotted green line

and green plane depict the linear decision boundary in classification tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . 141

8.1 Adaptation of MedVir to a web platform using the functionalities of CesViMa. . . . . . . . . . 151

Tables index

2.1 Examples of Multivariate Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2 Fisher’s Iris Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.1 Main nomenclature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.2 Most used DR Algorithms in the literature, listed chronologically. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.3 Summary of methods for evaluating the quality of DR algorithms, listed chronologically. . . . 42

4.1 List of entities, E-notation and visualization methods associated for each category (adapted

from [71]). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

4.2 Distribution of several visualization techniques according to Keim’s taxonomy. . . . . . . . . 66

5.1 Real-world datasets used in the experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

5.2 DR algorithms and parameter settings for the experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

5.3 High correlated pairs of measures for all datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

5.4 Results of the Wilcox statistical test, comparing each pair of DR algorithms. The p-values are

shown. The values printed in bold mean that, a particular DR algorithm produces a lower loss

of quality than another algorithm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

5.5 Computation times (in hours) per dataset. Columns PM , PMC, NIEQALOCAL, QY , Rest of mea-

sures and DR methods show the % of the CPU time used, as regards the Total CPU time (hours).

The largest values are printed in bold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

5.6 Computation times (in seconds) per dataset and DR method. The largest values are printed in

bold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

6.1 Mean values of the results obtained in the tests: TPC, IPC, TDP, IDP, TOI and IOI , both for 2 and

3 dimensions. The best values are highlighted in bold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116


6.2 Mean values (in %, each value is the mean of the Q.L.R3D→2D values obtained on each of the

12 datasets) of loss of quality in the transition from 3D to 2D (e.g., SS obtains a value of 28%

when reducing the dimensionality using CCA. This means that the SS measure quantifies a

mean loss of quality value of 28.92% only in the transition from 3D to 2D regarding the total

loss of quality from N′D to 2D). X values represent when there are no computed values on any

of the datasets, due to technical restrictions on the algorithms used in the methodology. . . . . 120

Acronyms and Definitions

DM Data Mining

KDD Knowledge Discovery from Databases

CRISP-DM Cross-industry standard process for data mining

ETL Extract, Transform and Load

FSS Feature Subset Selection

FSE Feature Subset Extraction

LOOCV Leave-one-out Cross Validation

DR Dimensionality Reduction

LDR Linear Dimensionality Reduction

NLDR Non Linear Dimensionality Reduction

DP Distance Preservation

TP Topology Preservation

MRW Markov Random Walk

MMDV Multivariate and Multidimensional Data Visualization

MMD Multivariate and Multidimensional Data

SciVis Scientific Visualization

InfoVis Information Visualization

EDA Exploratory Data Analysis

SC Star Coordinates

QLQC Quality Loss Quantifier Curves

CesVima Supercomputing and Visualization Center of Madrid

TBI Traumatic Brain Injury


Part I


Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation

There are several drawbacks of the traditional methods of data analysis, as the large amount of time that

takes from the initial analysis to the final making decision. This long process is usually tedious, complicated

and in many cases fruitless. Furthermore, the fact of handling huge amounts of data and the access to these

also involves a further difficulty. It may even be the case that if the data have few instances and these have

multidimensional nature, a direct analysis is further complicated due to the human inability to understand data

with these features.

Most of the data collected from the real world are multidimensional [187], which means that many different

properties (sometimes hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands) are needed to unambiguously define an unique

datum. Thus, the human inability to handle large amounts of data, coupled with the time it takes to reach

acceptable solutions, require the use of useful techniques to overcome this difficulty. These are the advanced

visualization and data analysis techniques (as well as the importance of an adequate use of good dimensionality

reduction and feature selection techniques), and the synergistic effect they cause when combined and used


This problem is common in many domains, such as might be in medicine, biology, business and finance,

astronomy, engineering, physics or even internet. In all these fields, the amount of data produced on a daily

basis either in experiments or collected directly from nature seems endless. Not only that, but they have an

exponential reproducibility [336], which makes complicated their storage, processing and direct analysis to

reach comprehensible conclusions.

In this sense, computer technology has made very great progress, automating and speeding up the process-

ing of information to facilitate data access to experts in different fields [336, 220]. In addition, this growing

field has also enabled to make use of a great computational power to design effective and efficient algorithms in

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


the field of Machine Learning and Data Mining, which allow to obtain solutions in increasingly shorter times.

However, sometimes these times are still too high, due to the enormous size of some data to be analyzed, as well

as the reduced power offered by current desktop computers when they work with these sizes. One possible so-

lution to this is the development of approaches which make use of parallel implementations or supercomputers,

but in practise this is rarely feasible for experts from some domains, such as biomedical.

For example, if we focus on an important field of application as cancer genomics in medicine, there are

currently many different approaches that attempt to use visualization and data analysis techniques on large

datasets in order to solve the above problems exposed [261, 234, 48, 115, 308, 291, 255, 90, 267, 56]. These

techniques offer great posibilities, but at the same time they have major shortcomings because: i) they are too

focused on a particular domain, ii) in most cases, the interaction with the visualization is reduced to simple

consultations, iii) they do not usually have into account the importance of an effective process to reduce the

dimensionality of the data, thus preventing the information in them can be largely degraded, and iv) they almost

always use traditional two dimensional representations, rarely allowing the visual stimulus which involves the

use of three dimensional interactive visualizations. Furthermore, the computational power of their data analysis

techniques is very limited by not using parallel processing offered by supercomputers.

It is at this point where the main motivation of this thesis arises, which poses to take into account and to

give the deserved importance to the aforementioned steps to solve them. To achieve this, a complete frame-

work, from the point of view of computer technology, is proposed, which is emerged from a problem in DNA

microarray analysis in order to improve this process, as those kind of analyses are characterized to be very

long in time and subjective. Thus, this approach makes use of different techniques to address the problem of

rapid acquisition of knowledge in large datasets, being able to apply it to many different domains, including the

previously stated. Hence, it is intended that the combined use of visualization techniques, data mining, dimen-

sionality reduction and supercomputing ultimately could enable experts from different fields the knowledge

discovery in a fast, simple, intuitive and reliable way.

Pudiendose aplicar a muchos dominios, incluyendo el enunciado previamente.

1.2 Hypothesis and objectives

Based on the motivation presented above, this research has a main and decomposable hypothesis:

• There is a visual mechanism of multidimensional data analysis that allows the acquisition of new knowl-

edge from large datasets in a fast, easy, and reliable way.

Once the main hypothesis of the research has been defined, each of the objectives to be achieved to demon-

strate the hypothesis are described:

1. Study of the state of the art. An extensive study on the state of the art in multivariate and multidimen-

sional data visualization and data mining techniques is required, focusing on dimensionality reduction. It

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


is very important to know thoroughly the current status in these three fields, paying particular attention to

the different dimensionality reduction algorithms, indices for evaluating the quality of data and different

visualization techniques. These will form the basis for research and development to be carried out at

later stages.

2. To ensure minimal degradation of data quality in the visualization. It is vital to guarantee the expert

that analyzes a large dataset that those data, when visualized on the display, will maintain their original

properties the less degraded as possible. That is, relationships, patterns and trends in the original data

must be preserved in the best way possible after the process of data analysis and dimensionality reduction

to which they will be subjected, before finally being visualized. To achieve this objective, the following

sub-objectives are proposed:

(a) Quantification of the quality degradation in dimensionality reduction processes. Nowadays,

there are some quality indices to measure the degradation suffered by the data, however they do not

cover the whole process of dimensionality reduction, thus making complicated a more complete

study of the degradation of quality. Therefore, it is proposed the development of a methodology that

encompasses the most commonly used quality assessment indices thus allowing the quantification

of the quality degradation suffered by real world data when their dimensionality is reduced, as well

as the comparison of different dimensionality reduction algorithms to select those that produce

less degradation of data quality. To achieve this sub-objective, the demonstration of the following

hypotheses is proposed: i) it is possible to quantify accurately the real loss of quality produced in

the entire DR process, and ii) it is possible to group the different DR methods as regards the loss of

quality they produce when reducing the data dimensionality.

(b) Study of superiority of 3D over 2D. Currently, there are only two ways to visualize data, using 2D

or 3D techniques. Therefore, to ensure the highest quality in the final visualization, there is a need to

demonstrate that the use of 3D spaces for displaying data outperforms the use of 2D spaces. Hence,

a demonstration based on the concept of quality degradation suffered by data when represented in

both spaces is proposed. Finally, the use of the space which best preserves the original properties of

data will be suggested. To achieve this sub-objective, the demonstration of the following hypothesis

is proposed: the transition from three to two dimensions generally involves a considerable loss of


3. Development of a visual framework for knowledge discovery quickly. Once the aforementioned

quality requirements are met, the development of a framework that allows obtaining knowledge from

large datasets is proposed. Unlike many existing methods, this process must be done in a fast and reliable


Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


1.3 Document organization

The rest of this document is divided into the following chapters:

• Chapter 2 analyzes the state of the art in Data Mining: origins, different fields where high-dimensional

data is encountered, types of classification, most used algorithms, validation, etc.

• Chapter 3 presents the state of the art in Dimensionality reduction, covering: formal definition, types of

taxonomies, most used algorithms, quality assessment indices and several comparative studies.

• Chapter 4 analyzes the state of the art in Multivariate and multidimensional data visualization, includ-

ing: origins, formal definition, classification schemes for visualization, most used algorithms and a final

section presenting comparative studies of 2D data visualization techniques versus 3D techniques.

• Chapter 5 presents a new methodology to compare dimensionality reduction algorithms, depending on

the amount of degradation in the quality at which data undergo. This chapter presents the stages of the

methodology, its application to real world data, results and discussion of them.

• Chapter 6 proposes an analytical demonstration that the use of three-dimensional spaces significantly

outperforms the two dimensions when visualizing multivariate and multidimensional data, in terms of

degradation of data quality. This chapter presents the advantages and disadvantages of using 3D to

visualize data, a first stage of the demonstration based on a visual approach, its application to a sample of

users and the results obtained. Next, the chapter presents the second phase of the demonstration based on

a purely analytical approach, its application to real data and the results. Finally all results are discussed.

• Chapter 7 presents a new visual framework, whose base is a strong process of dimensionality reduction,

enabling a fast and intuitive discovering of underlying knowledge in the data. In this chapter, the stages of

the framework, the application to real world data and the results and a discussion of them are presented.

• Chapter 8 extracts the most important conclusions obtained from the achievements of this work and

describes the possible research lines that arise at the end of the thesis development.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

Part II


Chapter 2

Data mining

2.1 Origins

Data Mining (DM) is about identification of patterns, trends and relationships contained in the huge, and

ever-growing, amounts of data that companies, organizations, financial markets, scientific research centers,

hospitals and other institutions store daily. Hence, a deep understanding of the history of those data can help to

predict trends and behaviors in future situations, which should be exploited intelligently to decision making.

Nowadays, we are overwhelmed with data. The amount of data in our lives seems to go on and on increasing

- and there is no end in sight. As a consequence, Ian Witten and Eibe Frank [336, 220] indicated that the amount

of stored data in the world is duplicated every 20 months.

As the volume of data increases, the proportion of it that people understand decreases, alarmingly. There-

fore, to tackle the problem of working with such data to extract valuable conclusions about this high magnitude

of information, the term KDD (Knowledge Discovery from Databases) makes sense. This term was first coined

in the 1990s to reference the nontrivial process to discover valid, novel, potentially useful and interesting infor-

mation hidden in large data sets [86].

One of the most important stages in the KDD process is DM. In fact, this name is currently used to refer the

entire KDD process. This is, therefore, a multidisciplinary field at which different areas come together, such as

artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, machine learning, statistics, data visualization, etc. KDD processes

have been successfully applied to different fields, and they have taken particular importance in business, as

they are used to improve the performance as basis of business inteligence. The result obtained are models

of decision support, allowing decision-making according to data collected by users and their activities in any

field. CRISP-DM (cross-industry standard process for data mining) [335] process is often mixed up with KDD

and DM. The discussion about differences between several data analysis process is out of scope of this thesis,

but based on [13], CRISP-DM can be seen as a mainly-used-in-industry implementation of KDD. DM can be

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


found within CRISP-DM in the "modelling step". The CRISP-DM graphical representation is shown in Figure

2.1, and it is composed of the following stages:

Business Understanding. This stage is focused on the understanding of the objectives of the project, from a

business perspective, to transform this knowledge to the field of DM, as well as setting the DM problems

to be solved, using a preliminary plan.

Data Understanding. This step assumes activities relevant to understanding the nature of the data, identifying

the quality criteria to be set, making the first approaches to data or detecting interesting subsets of data

on which to propose the first work hypotheses.

Data Preparation. Here, the final structure of the dataset, on which the DM algorithms are going to be applied,

is built. This is a task which can consist of multiple steps and be done multiple times, not necessarily in

a predetermined order. Among others, it includes the selection of tables, instances and attributes, as well

as transformation and cleaning (often called ETL processes or Extract, Transform and Load).

Modelling. This stage is commonly known as DM, in which a particular technique is selected and applied,

after a selection process among all possibilities.

Evaluation. This is the process of evaluation and revision of the model and the results obtained in the above

process under the success criteria defined in the business objectives.

Deployment. In the last step, knowledge is presented so that the user can use it in a useful and effective

way. This typically involves the development of a decision making system in which the model and the

knowledge gained are applied.

Figure 2.1: Graphical representation of theCRISP-DM process (adapted from [50]).

DM often has to deal with data which have a high or very

high dimensionality. In these cases, the data needs to be specially

treated. Next, the fields in which this particular feature of the

data is evident are presented, as well as different techniques for

dealing with them effectively.

2.2 Multivariate and Multidimen-sional data problems

There are many different fields of science and technology

where high-dimensional data are encountered. For example, the

processing of sensor arrays includes all applications using a set

of identical sensors. A good example is the arrays of antennas, for

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


example in radiotelescopes. Besides that, several biomedical ap-

plications also belong to this class, such as magnetoencephalog-

raphy or electrocardiogram acquisition. In these devices, several

electrodes record time signals localed at different places on the scalp or the chest. This same configuration

can be also found in seismography or weather forecasting, for which several channels or satellites deliver high-

dimensional data. The geographic positioning using satellites (as in the GPS) may be included within the same

framework. DR has been successfully applied to this field in [314, 7].

Another example is image processing. If a picture is considered as the output of a digital camera, it consist

of hundreds or even thousands of pixels which can be considered as high-dimensional data. In other words,

the data sample is represented by the picture itself, and each of the pixels contained in the image represent its

features. In this field, DR techniques transform the original high-dimensional features into a reduced represen-

tation set of features [228] (also named features vector). Therefore, the features vector will contain the relevant

information from the input data in order to perform the desired task using this reduced representation instead of

the full size input. Image processing is sufficiently important to be considered as a standalone domain, mainly

because vision is a very specific task that holds a privileged place in information sciences.

Multivariate data analysis (MDA) comprises a set of techniques that can be used when several measure-

ments are made on each individual or object in one or more samples. Often, such measures are related to each

other but come from different types of sensors or sources. The measurements are called variables and the

individuals or objects are called units or observations. A good example of MDA can be found in a car, since

the gearbox connecting the engine to the wheels takes into account information from rotation sensors, force

sensors, position sensors, temperature sensors, and so forth. Historically, the core of applications of MDA

have been in the behavioral and biological sciences. Nevertheless, the interest in multivariate methods has now

spread to numerous other fields of investigation [173]. For example, there are multivariate problems in educa-

tion, chemistry, physics, geology, engineering, law, business, literature, religion, public broadcasting, nursing,

mining, linguistics, biology, psychology, and many other fields. Some examples of multivariate observations

are shown in Table 2.1.

Observations Variables1. Students Several exam scores in a single course2. Students Grades in mathematics, history, music, art, physics3. People Height, weight, percentage of body fat, resting heart rate4. Skulls Length, width, cranial capacity5. Companies Expenditures for advertising, labor, raw materials6. Manufactured items Various measurements to check on compliance with specifications7. Applicants for bank loans Income, education level, length of residence, savings account, current debt load8. Segments of literature Sentence length, frequency of usage of certain words and of style characteristics9. Human hairs Composition of various elements10. Birds Lengths of various bones

Table 2.1: Examples of Multivariate Data.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 2.2: Feature subset selection and Feature subset extraction. In FSS, the final subset of features(xi1 ,xi2 ,..,xiM ) are selected without modifying their nature. In FSE, a transformation function (f) is appliedto obtain the final subset of features (y1,y2,..,yM).

It can be observed that in some cases all the variables are measured in the same scale (see 1 and 2 in Table

2.1). In other cases, measurements are in different scales (see 3 in Table 2.1).

However, from a more theoretical point of view, the challenges when dealing with high-dimensional data

are related to the curse of dimensionality and empty space phenomenon. These phenomena refers to when the

data dimensionality grows and the good and well-known properties of the usual 2D and 3D Euclidean spaces

start to behave strangely.

Curse of dimensionality and empty space phenomenon The term curse of dimensionality was firstly pre-

sented by Bellman [25] in relation to the difficulty of optimization by exhaustive enumeration on product

spaces. Bellman gave as an example the fact that when considering a Cartesian grid spaced 1/10 on the unit

cube in 10 dimensions, the number of points equals 1010; for a 20-dimensional cube, it increases to 1020.

Consequently, Bellman interpreted that if the aim consists of optimizing a function over a continuos domain

of a few dozen variables by thoroughly searching discrete search space defined by a crude discretization, one

can be faced with the challenge of making tens of trillions of evaluations of the function. That is to say, the

curse of dimensionality means that, in the absence of simplifying assumptions, the number of data samples

required to estimate a function of several variables grows exponentially with the number of dimensions. This

fact is the responsible for the curse of dimensionality [262], and it is often called the empty space phenomenon.

Unfortunately, these facts become ever worse when the number of instances is not increased together with the

number of features.

The set of techniques that are responsible for dealing with these multidimensional and multivariate data are

called dimensionality reduction (DR) techniques. The DR problem is described in detail in Chapter 3. Gener-

ally, these methods are mainly divided into two different and broad approaches [3]: Feature subset selection

(FSS) and Feature subset extraction (FSE). The former is focused on the selection of a subset of the existing

features without a data transformation [148, 283, 200]. The latter transforms the existing features into a lower

dimensional space [205] (see Figure 2.2).

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


2.2.1 Feature subset selection

It is often desirable to select a reduced subset of features before or during the process of DM. This process

of selection is called Feature subset selection (FSS) and it has been widely studied in DM [33, 203]. In FSS,

several subsets are searched and the best of them is selected according to some criterion. To achieve this, two

steps are carried out: search and evaluation.

As regards the search, if F is the number of available features, the space search needed to find a solution

consists of 2F different possibilities. There are typical search algorithms in graph theory, such as breadth-first

and depth-first, based on exhaustively search for all possible combinations in order to find the best possible

subset of features. However, these methods should not be applied when F is relatively high since the space

search would increase exponentially. This fact can be addressed by the use of Heuristic techniques, that are

often applied to find solutions close to the optimal, and, in some situations, even the optimal itself. Therefore,

Heuristic techniques are divided into:

Stochastic. The ouput of these algorithms varies for each different run, even when the same configuration is

considered. A clear example of this kind of algorithms is Genetic algorithms (GAs) [342, 286]. These

methods are characterized by a search process that evolves a set of good features by using random

perturbations or modifications of a list of candidate subsets.

Deterministic. These methods always obtains the same solution for each run and configuration. Thus, these

algorithms are based on a "greedy" nature, that is, the search is always started from the same point and it

continues until the optimization cannot be further improved. Feature forward selection (FFS) and Feature

backward elimination (BFE) are two of the most common deterministics methods in the literature [170].

FFS starts with no features and one feature is added in each step, until the fitness function no longer

improves. BFE works in reverse order, it starts with all the features and one of them is removed in each

step until the fitness function does not improves when any feature is removed.

The second stage is related to how the evaluation of the subset of features is carried out in each step.

Therefore, an objective, evaluation or fitness function is defined. FSS is tackled from two different approaches


Filter. These methods carry out the feature selection process as a pre-processing step with no induction

algorithm. This model is faster than the wrapper approach and results in a better generalization since it

acts independently of the learning algorithm. The main drawback is that the selected subset of features

often has a high number of features (or even all the features), thus a threshold is required to select an

specific subset of features. Filter methods rank features according to a measure, e.g., RELIEFF [168],

correlation between features [119] or mutual information between features and classes [34].

Wrapper. This approach evaluates the performance of a learning algorithm to identify feature relevance

[171]. Thus, the search evaluation function is the same than evaluating the applied learning algorithm.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Wrapper methods generally outperform filter methods in terms of prediction accuracy, but are generally

computationally more intensive.

In addition to these methods, two different approaches, embedded and hybrid, can also be found in the

literature [204, 341]. The former selects some features as relevant during the classification process, e.g., the

classification tree algorithm C4.5. The latter combines filter and wrapper approaches.

2.2.2 Feature subset extraction

Feature subset extraction (FSE) transforms the original features into a reduced representation set of features,

called features vector. FSE differs from FSS in that the latter does not modify the original nature of the features,

whilst the former creates new features from the original ones. To obtain the final subset of features, FSE

applies a transformation function to the original features that maps them to a lower dimensional space. This

transformation function is specifically designed for each problem, taking into account the criterion to be met

by the created features. For example, PCA [151, 140] is one of the most widely used FSE algorithms, and it is

characterised by obtaining new uncorrelated variables named principal components (PCs), which preserve as

much of the original information as possible. In this case, the optimization criterion is to maximize the data

variance captured. Another example is Isomap [290, 64], which captures the original distances between the

data samples and creates a set of new variables that allow to approximate those distances.

Other applications in FSE include Audio data classification tasks [301, 216], wavelet transforms [61] and

partial least squares [338].

It is worth mentioning that this thesis extends FSE rather than FSS methods, specifically manifold learning

that is an approach to Non-Linear DR algorithms (described in Chapter 3). Though supervised variants exist

[347], the typical manifold learning problem is unsupervised: it learns the high-dimensional structure of the

data from the data itself, without the use of predetermined classifications.

2.3 Classification

At this point, it should be noted that in several stages of the CRISP-DM methodology, as well as in FSE

and FSS, classification methods are often used. These methods are divided into two broad categories [287]:

• Predictive problems. Here, the aim is to predict the value of a particular attribute based on the val-

ues of other attributes. The predicted attribute is commonly referred as target attribute (or dependent

variable), while the attributes used for prediction are known as explanatory attributes (or independent

variables). Methods in this category are called supervised, since they have a training step for obtaining

the knowledge model. In [336], several methods to detect anomalies in predictive tasks are discussed.

• Descriptive problems. The objective is to derive patterns (correlations, trends, groups or clusters, tra-

jectories and anomalies) summarizing the inherent characteristics in the data. Such techniques are ex-

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


ploratory in nature and they require post-processing of the data to validate and explain the results. These

methods are also called clustering, or unsupervised, as they have no training step and they aim to discover

groups and to identify interesting distributions and patterns in the data [309].

Fayyad et al. [87] summarized those methods which are the most used by each of the two types of prob-

lems: classification methods, regression, association, clustering, etc. Below is a summary of both kinds of

classifications, together with a set of algorithms each one.

However, in addition to the aforementioned classification algorithms, there are other algorithms known as

ensembles of classifiers [69]. These systems classify new instances by combining the individual decisions of

the classifiers of which they are composed of. Examples of these algorithms are Boosting [20] and Bagging

[241, 40].

2.3.1 Supervised classification

A supervised classification algorithm is responsible for generating a classifier model which is able to learn,

from a set of pre-labeled samples (also called training data). Once the classifier has gained the knowledge,

it can be used to identify and estimate the correct label for new unlabeled samples (test data). The training

data must be characterized using descriptive features and a class label variable (also called class or label). The

test data, instead, are only composed of descriptive features, without a class, which must be predicted by the

classifier. The way of evaluating a particular classifier can be based on different criteria, such as accuracy,

understandability, or other desirable properties that determine how good it is to carry out a task.

Before continuing, several concepts must be clarified. An instance or sample is a fixed list of attribute

values, which represents the basic entities it works with, like a plant, a patient, a DNA sequence or a company.

By contrast, an attribute or variable describes a specific property of an instance. Attributes are often discrete

or continuous. The former ones are further classified in nominal (e.g., marital status ∈unmarried, married,

divorcee, widower) and ordinal (e.g., time involvement ∈low, medium, great). The latter ones could be, for

example, height ∈ℜ+.

The Iris flower dataset is a well known example of supervised data. Also known as Fisher’s Iris dataset, this

is a multivariate dataset presented by Ronald Fisher [89] as an example of discriminant analysis. The dataset

contains 3 different classes of 50 instances each (where each class refers to a type of iris plant: Iris Setosa, Iris

Versicolour, and Iris Virginica). Each iris plant is characterized using four different attributes: sepal length,

sepal width, petal length and petal width. As regards the last column in Table 2.2, Species, it is the class, that

is, the one which has to be estimated from the remaining attributes.

Formally, let the training set χ = (x(1)),c(1)),. . .,(x(n),c(n)) be a set of instances characterized by a vec-

tor of descriptive attributes in a space of dimension D, that is, x(i) ∈ ℜD, and a label from a class attribute,

c(i) ∈1,. . . ,C, with i ∈1,. . . ,n. The different attributes are represented by X1,X2,. . . ,XD. Then, a super-

vised classification algorithm builds a classification model, learned from χ , which will be used to assign class

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Sepal length Sepal width Petal length Petal width Species5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 I. setosa4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 I. setosa4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 I. setosa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7.0 3.2 4.7 1.4 I. versicolor6.4 3.2 4.5 1.5 I. versicolor6.9 3.1 4.9 1.5 I. versicolor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6.3 3.3 6.0 2.5 I. virginica5.8 2.7 5.1 1.9 I. virginica7.1 3.0 5.9 2.1 I. virginica

Table 2.2: Fisher’s Iris Data.

labels to the new instances contained in the test set ξ = z(n+1),. . . ,z(n+m) (where n is the number of instances

contained in the training set, and m is the number of instances contained in the test set). Thus, the model to

classify a new instance is the function:

τ : z(n+1)→1, . . . ,C (2.1) Methods

There are multitude of supervised classification algorithms in the literature, usually organized according to

the underlying approach used to build the classification model. For example, Kotsiantis et al. [175] carried out

a general division of the different classification approaches into three categories: logic-based, perceptron-based

and statistical learning algorithms. Han and Kamber [120], however, organized the different approaches more


Bayesian classifiers This category includes those algorithms that aim to predict class membership probabili-

ties [72]. Hence, and using prior probabilities according to Bayes’ theorem, the assigned class to each

instance is the most probable a posteriori class: arg maxc p(c|z) = arg maxc p(c)p(z|c). Examples of these

types of algorithms are Naïve Bayes, NBTree, etc.

Classification trees These algorithms build a tree structure where each node is a question related to some

predictive attribute and according to the answer to node questions, new branches connect to other nodes

[39]. Methods belonging to this category can be ID3, C4.5, etc.

Lazzy learning These algorithms are different since they do not generate explicitly a classifier model as in

other approaches. Thus, the learning process is performed only when new unclassified instances must be

classified. K-nearest neighbors (K-NN) algorithm is a typical example of these types of approaches.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Regression models They are mathematical models based on regression theory (e.g., linear, polynomial and

logistic) and considering their different variations.

Neural networks This category [214] includes algorithms that generate non-linear predictive models that learn

through a training stage and resemble the structure of a biological neural network. To do this, different

weights are asigned to connections between input/output units, which are often organized in different

layers. Thus, to adjust the prediction of new instances, the weights are modified appropriately during

the learning stage. Each used unit is known as a "neuron". Examples of such algorithms are the Simple

perceptron, Multi-layer perceptron, etc.

Vectorial Also called SVM (Support Vector Machines), it is based on the creation of D-dimensional hyper-

planes for separating different groups of individuals classified.

Others Furthermore, there are other algorithms that use the following approaches: boosting, bagging, induc-

tion networks, fuzzy, probabilistic models, voting models, etc.

The aim of the state of the art is not deeply describe all supervised classification algorithms, however and

because they are the basis of the study, the following methods are presented: Naïve Bayes, C4.5, K-NN and


Naïve Bayes

The most known and used Bayesian algorithm, Naïve Bayes, is also the simplest one [217]. This algo-

rithm is based on an application of Bayes’ theorem, but with restrictions and starting assumptions. Given a

new instance z, represented by D values, the Naïve Bayes classifier aims to find the most likely hypothesis

describing that instance. Hence, if the new instance (z) consists of the values <z1,z2,...,zD>, the most likely







sunny overcast rainy

















temperature humidity

false true





hot mild cool.238


.429 .333

.385 .231

high normal








Figure 2.3: Naïve Bayes algorithm for theweather data (taken from [336]).

hypothesis will be that which meet: Vmap = argmaxci ∈

Cp(ci|z1, . . . ,zD), that is, the probability that z belongs to

class ci. Then, applying the Bayes’ theorem: Vmap =

argmaxci ∈ Cp(c1, . . . ,cn|ci)p(ci)/p(z1, . . . ,zD) = argmaxci ∈

Cp(z1, . . . ,zD|ci)p(ci), p(ci) can be estimated counting how many

times ci appears in χ , and dividing it by the total number of in-

stances in χ . To calculate the term p(z1, . . . ,zD|ci), that is, the

number of times the values of z appear in each category, χ must

be traversed. This computation is impractical for a large number

of instances, so a simplification of the expression is needed. This

is done by the conditional independence assumption, with the aim

of factorize the probability. Therefore, this hypothesis states: The

values of z j describing an attribute of any instance z are indepen-

dent from each other, once the value of the category to which they

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


belong is known. So, the probability of observing the conjunction

of attributes z j given a category to which they belong, it is just the

product of the probabilities of each value separately: p(z1, . . . ,zD|ci) = Π j p(z j|ci).

In other words, if the Bayes’ theorem is used: p(C|X1, . . . ,XD) =p(C)×p(X1,...,XD|C)

p(X1,...,XD), the numerator is equiv-

alent to a compound probability, therefore: p(C|X1, . . . ,XD) =1Z p(C,X1, . . . ,XD), where Z is a scaling constant

associated to X1,...,XD. Therefore, if conditional probability is applied repeatedly, the conditional distribution

of the classification variable C can be expressed as follows:

p(C|X1, . . . ,XD) =1Z



p(Xi|C) (2.2)

C4.5 algorithm

The most well-know algorithm in the literature for building decision trees is the C4.5 algorithm [242],

developed by Ross Quinlan in 1993. C4.5 is an extension of Quinlan’s earlier ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3)

algorithm [240]. Decision trees generated by this kind of algorithms are used for classification, and for that

reason they are often referenced as supervised classifiers. These trees (called Top Down Induction Trees) are

constructed by using the Hunt’s method.

C4.5 constructs a decision tree from data using recursive partitioning, and by depth-first strategy. To do this,

C4.5 considers all possible options that divide the data and selects that which achieves the best information gain

value (see Figure 2.4). The information gain is the expected reduction in entropy caused by partitioning the

instances according to an attribute: G(X1,C) = E(Xi) - E(Xi,C).


Humidity Windy

= sunny

= overcast

= rainy

>= 75 < 75 = TRUE = FALSE

YES (4.0)

NO (2.0) YES (3.0)YES (2.0) NO (3.0)

Figure 2.4: Example of a real C4.5 outputrepresentation classifying weather data.

The entropy of an attribute is the amount of information

contained in that attribute. So, if an attribute Xi has the val-

ues v1,. . . ,vn, the entropy is: E(Xi) = E(p(v1), . . . , p(vk)) =

∑kt=1−p(vt)× log2 p(vt). Therefore, for each discrete attribute,

a stage with k results is considered, being k = Dom(Xi) the num-

ber of possible values that the aatribute Xi takes. However, for

each continuous attribute a binary stage is carried out over each

of the values that the attribute takes. Thus, in each node, the sys-

tem decides which stage select to divide the data.

As regards the improvements of C4.5 compared to ID3 algorithm, the following points can be highlighted:

management of continuous and discrete attributes, management of training data with missing attribute values,

management of attributes with different costs and C4.5 algorithm converts the tree to a set of rules before

pruning it. More recently, Quinlan has also developed the C5.0 and See5 algorithms (C5.0 for Unix/Linux,

See5 for Windows) for commercial purposes, and they offer a number of improvements over the C4.5 version,

for example: C5.0 is significantly faster than C4.5 (several orders of magnitude), the memory usage is more

efficient in C5.0, the decision trees obtained in C5.0 are much smaller and they produce very similar results,

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


C5.0 provides boosting support for improving trees and gives them a higher accuracy, C5.0 allows weighting

the various cases and types of classification errors, and the "winnowing" option eliminates attributes of little



K-NN (K-nearest neighbors) [58, 218] is one of the most important non-parametric algorithms in DNA

microarray field, and it is also the typical example of lazy classifier. Non-parametric means that it does not

make any assumptions on the underlying data distribution.




Figure 2.5: Example of a K-NN classifica-tion. The instance to be classified ( the starsymbol) is compared to its neighborhood.

This fact is useful, since in the real world, most of the data

does not obey the typical theoretical assumptions made (e.g.,

gaussian mixtures, linearly separable, etc) [166]. Furthermore,

K-NN has been identified as one of the top 10 algorithms among

the most influential DM algorithms in the research community


As mentioned above, K-NN is a lazy algorithm therefore it

does not build a model using the training data, but the estima-

tion process of a new label is done just when classifying the new

instance. This label assignment is carried out depending on the

class that the k nearest instances belong to. To compute the dis-

tances between instances any metric can be used, such as Eu-

clidean, Manhattan, Hamming, Chebyshev, etc.

The procedure carried out by K-NN to classify a new instance is very simple: i) the distances between the

instance to be classified and the remaining instances are calculated. Note that the kind of distance depend on

the version of the K-NN algorithm, usually the Euclidean distance; ii) the distances to the k nearest neighbors

are selected; iii) finally, the class asigned to the new instance is the one that is repeated more times in the k

instances (Figure 2.5).

As regards the drawbacks that K-NN presents, firstly, the choice of the k parameter is not a trivial issue,

since it depends exclusively on the data. Generally, larger values of k reduce the effect of noise on the classi-

fication [82], but make boundaries between classes less distinct. A proper k value can be selected by different

heuristic techniques [236] (e.g., hyperparameter optimization). Secondly, the computational cost of the algo-

rithm is high, since the entire calculation process is done for each of the instances to be classified.


Support Vector Machines (SVM) [37, 307] is a classification algorithm that determines the optimal division

between two sets of attribute vectors. In its most simple form, this division is linear, while an extended form

of SVM using a "kernel function" allows non-linear classification. Generally, SVM carries out a nonlinear

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


mapping to transform the original data into a higher dimension. Once the data are embedded into the new

dimension, SVM searches for the linear optimal separating hyperplane. Therefore, if the data are mapped to a

sufficiently high dimension, data from two classes can be separated by a hyperplane [121]. During the process,

SVM finds the hyperplane using support vectors and margins. Two basic cases can be distinguished: the data

are linearly separable, or the data are linearly inseparable.

• The former one rarely happens in the real world. Considering Figure 2.6A, there are an infinite number

of separating lines (if the data are in 3D, a plane; if the data are in D-dimensions, a hyperplane) that

could be drawn, but we want to find the one that produce the minimum classification error on previously

unseen instances. To find the best hyperplane, SVM searches for the maximum marginal hyperplane

(MMH). A separating hyperplane can be written as: W ·X + b = 0, where W is a weight vector, W =

w1,w2, ...,wD; D is the number of attributes; and b is a scalar or bias. In the case of Figure 2.6A,

training instances are 2-D, that is, X = (X1,X2), where X1 and X2 are the values of both attributes. If b

is considered as an additional weight, w0, the aforementioned separating hyperplane can be rewrited as:

w0 +w1x1 +w2x2 = 0. Therefore, if the classes ci = 1 and ci = −1 are considered and the weights are

adjusted, the hyperplanes defining the "sides" of the margin are:

H1 : w0 +w1x1 +w2x2 ≥ 1 for ci =+1, and (2.3a)

H2 : w0 +w1x1 +w2x2 ≤−1 for ci =−1 (2.3b)

Any instance that falls on or above H1 belongs to class +1 (Figure 2.6B), and any tuple that falls on or

below H2 belongs to class -1. Combining the two inequalities it is obtained:

ci(w0 +w1x1 +w2x2)≥ 1,∀i (2.4)

Those instances which fall on hyperplanes H1 or H2 are called support vectors. To find the MMH and

the support vectors, Equation 2.4 can be rewrited so that it becomes a constrained quadratic optimization

problem, however such mathematical simplifications are beyond the scope of this thesis (the simplifi-

cation of Equation 2.4 can be done using a Lagrangian formulation, and then the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker

(KKT) conditions will solve the solution). Finally, the following equation is used to classify new in-

stances: d(z) = ∑li=1 ciαiχiz+b0, where ci is the class label of support vector χi; z is a test instance; αi

and b0 are numeric parameters obtained by the optimization; and l is the number of support vectors.

• The latter one represents the cases in which no straight line can be found that would separate the classes.

In such cases, nonlinear SVMs are used for the classification of nonlinear data. To achieve this, two main

steps must be carried out: firstly, the original data are transformed into a higher dimensional space using

a nonlinear mapping; secondly, once the data are in the new high-dimensional space, SVM will search

for a linear separating hyperplane in that space. Note that the MMH found in the new space corresponds

to a nonlinear hyperplane in the original space. Several nonlinear mapping or kernel functions can be

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná
















7−= xy

Support vectors

A) B)x1




A nonlinear













Figure 2.6: SVM algorithm. A: several instances and possible separating hyperplanes. B: linear MMH (redline); hyperplanes H1 and H2 (blue discontinuous lines) ; and support vectors (black circles). C: a nonlineardecision boundary (black discontinuous line).

used to transform the input data to a higher dimension (Figure 2.6B), as:

Polynomial kernel of degree h :K(χi,χ j) = (χi ·χ j +1)h (2.5a)

Gaussian radial basis function kernel :e−‖χi−χ j‖2/2σ2


Sigmoid kernel :K(χi,χ j) = tanh(κχi ·χ j−δ ) (2.5c)

Although the computational time of SVM can be very slow, they are highly accurate, since they have a

great ability to produce complex nonlinear decision boundaries. Furthermore, they are much less susceptible

to overfitting than other classification algorithms. Validation

A very important step after the supervised classification process is the validation of the results. This is

responsible for checking and assessing the quality of the model built by a classification algorithm with the

objective of being able to compare it to the efficacy obtained with other different models. This kind of validation

is relatively straightforward and trivial, since the class labels are available, which are considered as the ground


Currently, there are several indicators that are responsible to measure different features of the classifier,

such as discrimination and calibration [211, 250, 17]. An example of these indicators are the accuracy (or hit

ratio), Maximum Log Likehood, area under the curve (AUC), Hosmer-Lemershow, etc. Of these, one of the

most is interpretable is the accuracy, that indicates the percentage of instances that are correctly classified by a


There are different approaches to estimate the aforementioned measures, and most of them differ each other

in how available labeled data are handled. These methods are:

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


• Resubstitution. This validation method is one of the simplest. Here, the same original dataset is used

both for learning and validation steps. Obviously, the results will be too optimistic, since the classifier

error is tipically underestimated, severely so in many cases. These facts make it a not reliable method

when a robust validation of a classifier is needed.

• Hold-out. This method is used when there are a limited amount of data. Here, the data are randomly

partitioned into two datasets, a training set and a test set [336]. Generally, two-thirds of the data are

reserved for training, and one-third for testing. Therefore, the training set is used to build the model,

and the accuracy is obtained using the test set. This method is pessimistic, since not all the data are

used to train the model. Special care should be taken to ensure that each class is represented correctly

in both training set and test set, otherwise the classifier built will be incorrect. This procedure is known

as stratification, specifically stratified holdhout. Furthermore, Random subsampling is a variation of

Hold-out, in which the holdout method is repeated k times.

• K-fold cross-validation. This well known method of validation splits randomly the data into K mutually

exclusive ’folds’, all of them with similar size [281]. Therefore, the training and test steps are carried out

K times, always reserving one different fold for testing, and (K-1) folds for training. The final accuracy

of the model is calculated by dividing the K accuracy values, by the number of instances of the input

data. If stratification is applied to cross-validation (stratified cross-validation), the resulting folds are

stratified so that the class distribution of the instances in each fold is approximately the same as that in

the input data. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the use of stratification improves the results

of the cross-validation [336]. Generally, it is recommended the use of stratified 10-fold cross-validation

for estimating accuracy. The particular case where K equals the number of instances of the input data is

called leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV), that is, one single instance is used for testing, and (K-1)

instances are used for training.

• Bootstrap. The last validation method takes especial importance when the size of the input data is

particularly small, or when they have the curse of dimensionality (that is, the number of instances is very

small relative to the number of attributes [25]), since in these cases it works especially well. There are

many diferent bootstrap methods [76], being 0.632 Bootstrap [77, 78] one of the most used. Thus, the

main idea is to obtain samples of the input data with replacement to build a training set. To do so, a dataset

of N instances is sampled N times, with replacement, to obtain another dataset of N instances. As some

instances of the second dataset will be repeated, there will be several instances of the original dataset that

will not be selected, which will be used to create the test set. The particular name of this method is due

to the probability of an instance of being selected. This probability is 1/N, so that there will be 1-(1/N)

probability of not being selected. So, if this value is multiplied by the N opportunities to be selected,

the probability of eventually not being selected is: (1− 1N )

N ≈ e−1 = 0.368. Therefore, if a data set is

large enough, it will contain 36.8% of test instances and 63.2% of training instances. The estimated error

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


of the training set will be pessimistic because the classifier takes into account only 63% of the original

dataset, which is little compared to 90% of the 10-fold cross-validation. To compensate the error of the

training set, it is combined with the error in the test set as follows: e = (0.368× etrain)+(0.632× etest).

The entire Bootstrap process is repeated several times, and all error estimators are averaged.

2.3.2 Unsupervised classification

Unlike supervised approach, clustering or unsupervised classification is carried out when the class label

of each training instance is not known, and the number or set of classes to be learned may not be known in











A) B)

Figure 2.7: Unsupervised classification. A: Original data. B: Differentclusters (A and B) are identified, thus separating the instances accordingto their attribute values. Cohesion between instances in the same clusteris shown in discontinuous red lines, whilst separation is represented bythe discontinuous blue lines.

As mentioned above, the unsu-

pervised classification aims to dis-

cover underlying groups, distribu-

tions and patterns in the data. These

possible groups hidden in the data

are called ’clusters’, and they group

those instances which have similar

characteristics. That is, the dis-

similarities between instances in the

same cluster tend to be small (cohe-

sion), whilst the dissimilarities be-

tween instances belonging to differ-

ent clusters is greater (separation), as

indicated in Figure 2.7.

Formally, let the training set χ = (x(1)),. . .,(x(n)) be a set of instances characterized by a vector of descrip-

tive attributes in a space of dimension D, that is, x(i) ∈ℜD, ∀i ∈ 1, . . . ,n. The aim is to assign a label c(i) to

each instance in χ , with c(i) ∈1,. . . ,S, using some similarity measure with other instances, and S being the

number of clusters in the data. Methods

Nowadays, there are many different clustering algorithms in the literature. It is not easy to provide an ex-

act categorization of clustering algorithms because many of them are overlapped and they have features from

several categories. However, it is possible to present a relatively organized scheme of clustering algorithms.

Generally, the major clustering methods can be classified into the following categories: partitioning, hierarchi-

cal, density-based and grid-based methods.

Partitioning methods A partitioning method divides the data into p partitions, or clusters, where p ≤ n (n

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


is the number of instances of the data). These methods carry out one-level partitioning on datasets.

Most partitioning methods typically conduct a cluster separation in which each instance must belong to

exactly one group, besides being distance-based. That is, given p, the number of partitions to construct,

a partitioning method creates an initial partitioning. Then, by using an iterative relocation algorithm, the

partitioning is improved by moving instances from one partition to another. In general, the main criterion

of a good partitioning is that instances in the same partition are "close" to each other, whereas instances in

different partitions or clusters are "far apart" or very different to each other. Note that, If there are many

attributes and the data are sparse, partitioning methods can be further extended to carry out subspace

clustering, instead of searching the full data space. The k-means [153], the PAM [158], the CLARA

[158], and the CLARANS [227] algorithms are the typical examples of partitioning methods, and they

work considerably well for finding spherical-shaped clusters in small or medium size data. Nevertheless,

when dealing with very large datasets or clusters with complex shapes must be found, these methods

need to be extended.

Hierarchical methods The main feature of these methods is that they create a hierarchical decomposition of

the data. Depending on the kind of decomposition carried out, a hierarchical method can be agglomer-

ative or divisive. The former, the bottom-up approach, starts by grouping each instance into a separate

cluster. Then, it successively merges the instances or clusters close to one another, until all the clusters

are merged into one, or a termination condition holds. Typical agglomerative methods include AGNES

[158], BIRCH [346], CHAMELEON [157] and CURE [114]. The latter, the top-down approach, does

exactly the opposite. Thus, it starts by grouping all the instances into the same cluster. In each successive

iteration, a cluster is split into smaller clusters, until each instance is in one cluster. The DIANA [158],

DISMEA [280] algorithms are typical divisive methods. The data structure used to represent this clusters

hierarchy is a tree called dendrogram [287]. Hierarchical clustering methods can be distance-based or

density- and continuity based. However, a serious limitation is that these methods suffer from the fact

that once a step is done, it can never be undone.

Density-based methods Methods based on the notion of density have been devised to overcome the limitations

introduced by those methods which present difficulties to discover clusters of arbitrary shapes (since they

are only capable of detecting spherical clusters). Their main idea is to grow a particular cluster as long as

the density of points in the "neighborhood" exceeds a defined threshold. Hence, for each instance within

a given cluster, the neighborhood of a given radius will contain at least a minimum number of instances.

This approach is often used to discover clusters of arbitrary shape, or even to filter out outliers contained

in the data. Typical examples of these methods are the EM [57], the DBSCAN [79], the DENCLUE [131]

and the OPTICS [11] algorithms.

Grid-based methods This approach comprises those methods which attempt to reduce the computational load

using partition, division or reduction methods in which the data space consists of a grid. Each of the

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


individual elements forming the grid are called units. Thus, the use of a grid for spatial division provides

several benefits, such as the study of the effects of clusters locally, which makes it very useful to use

along with partition or density based approaches. Furthermore, the main advantage of these methods

is its fast processing time, which is dependent only on the number of cells in each dimension in the

quantized space, rather than the number of data objects. This approach is often used as an intermediate

step in many algorithms (e.g., CLIQUE or DESCRY). In this category, the most widely known algorithms

are STING [320], WAVECLUSTER [268] and OptiGrid [132].

In addition to these main categories, there are other methods based on combinations of the above, as

CLIQUE [4] and DESCRY [10]. Another approach is graph partitioning [27], where the graphs show a ten-

dency to express similarity that can be used for partitioning a dataset. Finally, coclustering techniques [27] (also

called bli-clustering, block clustering or distributional clustering) carry out a double clustering (individuals and

attributes simultaneously), that is, the attributes are clustered based on the instances.

The detailed description of each of the previously mentioned methods is beyond the scope of this thesis.

However, it is important to briefly describe the most used validation techniques in unsupervised classification. Validation

After the unsupervised classification process, questions as how good is the clustering generated by a

method, and how the clusterings generated by different methods can be compared often arise. However, the

validation process for clustering tasks is much more difficult than for supervised classification, because there

are no class labels and the result of clustering is a completely subjective fact from the point of view of the

expert. To tackle this, there are multitude of clustering quality indices (CQIs) which attempt to assess, from

different approaches, the quality of clustering solutions.

In general, these indices can be categorized into two groups according to whether ground truth is available

[344]: internal and external. Nevertheless, other authors discussed the existence of a third group, called relative

[117, 146]. The first category, internal indices, comprises those methods which measure how well the clusters

fit the dataset. The second category, external indices, include those methods which measure how well the

clusters match the ground truth. Finally, relative indices are based on the score of clusterings allowing the

comparison of two sets of clustering results on the same dataset.

Internal indices When the ground truth of a dataset is not available, internal CQIs are used to evaluate the

clustering quality. These indices assess a clustering by examining how well the clusters are separated

and how compact the clusters are. Many internal CQIs have the advantage of a similarity metric between

objects in the dataset. However, the limitation of this approach is that the results may be biased depending

on how the partition has been built. This is because the final quality may be measured using different

criteria than those used to build the partition, which can cause incorrect validations. The most known

internal CQIs in the literature are Silhouette [251], Calinski [44], C-index [15], Davies-Bouldin (DB)

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


index [62] and Gamma index (a.k.a. Baker and Huberts index) [15].

External indices They are based on the comparison of the results of a clustering process with a reference

data classification. Hence, the ground truth is known and the assessment is conducted based on this

knowledge. However, external validation is not applicable in real world situations since reference classi-

fications are not normally available. In other words, external validation is more accurate but not realistic.

However, this approach becomes more realistic and useful when the comparison of different clustering

partitions, even during the clustering process, is needed. In general, an external index on clustering

quality is effective if it satisfies the following four essential criteria: i) cluster homogeneity, that is, the

more pure the clusters in a clustering are, the better the clustering; ii) cluster completeness, this is the

counterpart of cluster homogeneity; iii) rag bag, there is often a "rag bag" category containing objects

that cannot be merged with other objects; and iv) small cluster preservation, if a small group is split

into small pieces in a clustering, those small pieces may become noise. The most used external CQIs in

the literature are Rand index [244], Adjusted Rand index (ARI) [141], Gamma index [146], Gower [109]

and Russel index [253]. Furthermore, the BCubed precision [14] and the BCubed recall [14] indices also

satisfy all four aforementioned criteria.

Relative indices These indices are based on the comparison of different clustering schemes. In this case, the

same algorithm is run on the dataset while the input parameters are being changed. These comparative

measures are based on features inherent to the clustering achieved (e.g., separation or homogeneity of the

clusters). However, these indices are very computationally complex, sensitive to the presence of noise

[309]. Examples of this kind of indices are the Dunn [75] and the SDbw [116] indices.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

Chapter 3

Dimensionality reduction

Methods of dimensionality reduction (DR) are important and innovative tools in the field of machine learning.

Researchers working in different domains such as engineering, medicine, astronomy, biology, economics and

finances daily face a massive increase in size (number of data samples and attributes) and complexity of the

data every day. To effectively tackle these challenges, DR methods provide a way to understand and interpret

the underlying structure of such complex data. Historically, the main applications of DR have been, amongst

others, the elimination of data redundancy and noise, the reduction in the number of features for minimizing

the computational cost in data pre-processing, the identification of the most discriminative features and the

reduction of features for visualization tasks.

By essence, the world could be considered as multidimensional. A dimension refers to a measurement of a

certain property of an object. DR is the study of methods for reducing the number of dimensions describing the

object. We have only to take a look at human beings, cells, genes, or, in the field of technology, sensor arrays,

digital images, etc [187]. In many cases, if a large number of simple units are combined, a great variety of

complex tasks can be performed. This fact provides a cheaper solution than designing or developing a specific

device and it is also more robust, since the malfunction of a few individual units does not affect the whole

system. This particular property is explained by the fact that units are often partially redundant. Consequently,

erroneous units can be replaced with others that achieve the same task. Redundancy (a more detailed description

of redundancy in information theory is presented in [247]) can be explained by the fact that the features that

characterize the set of various units are not independent from each others. Therefore, this redundancy must be

taken into account in order to an efficient management of all units. The goal of DR is to summarize the large

set of features into a smaller set, with no or less redundancy, in order to produce the same (or almost the same)

analytical results.

Traditionally, the main applications of DR have focused on different tasks in order to make easier the pro-

cess of data analysis. One of this applications is the elimination of data redundancy and noise [60]. This

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


process is very important since in many cases the high-dimensional data contain repeated information that does

not add new properties to the data. Furthermore, there may also be the existence of noise (in the form of

missing or inconsistent values) mainly due to errors in the instruments that perform the measurements for each

observation. A good example in which this cleaning process is needed, is given in obtaining data from DNA

Microarray and Proteomics [245, 143]. Here, the data have a very high-dimensionality (the order of tens or

hundreds of thousands) and the information contained in the variables (represented by genes) is often repeated,

the variables are highly correlated each other and there are inconsistent values that need to be removed. There-

fore, it is crucial to treat properly these elements, since the original nature of the data may be degraded leading

the data analyst to erroneous or biased interpretations.

DR is also widely used to identify those variables that contain more information to better discriminate

between the data samples. This process is known as Feature subset selection (presented in Section 2.2.1), and

consists in selecting a reduced subset of features that best optimizes a cost function, previously defined. This

function could consist, for example, in selecting those variables that best explain the separation of the classes

using supervised data. Consequently, this reduction in the number of features also results in the minimization

of the computational cost in data pre-processing [226]. Thus, working with a set of simplified data reduces

significantly the complexity of the data, as well as the time required for data processing and obtaining results.

A very important application of DR is the visualization of multidimensional data. High-dimensional data,

meaning data that requires more than 3 dimensions to represent, can be difficult to understand and interpret.

This is an inherent characteristic of human nature, as we often move, relate each other and interact in a world

of, at most, 3 spatial dimensions. Therefore, the human ability to understand the features of that object or

unit that does not have this particularity, greatly diminishes. One possible solution to interpret those high-

dimensional data, is try to capture their underlying structure and to extrapolate it to a much more familiar

environment to us, such as 2 or 3 dimensions (see Figure 3.1). In other words, imagine that high-dimensional

data have a set of particular characteristics, then the aim would be to find a way to map those properties to

a more understandable representation, preserving the features as maximum as possible in order to produce a

minimal loss of information. This reduction in the dimensionality of the data to visualize them is often closely

related to a FSE (presented in Section 2.2.2) process.

Once the dimensionality of the data is reduced, there are many different techniques to visualize the resulting

data. These techniques range from geometric projections and transformations of multidimensional data, pixel-

oriented representations (by coloring the pixels according to the multidimensional values), subdivision of the

data space in a hierarchical fashion, to icon-based representations that map each multidimensional data item to

an icon or glyph. An extensive review of these techniques is presented in Chapter 4. Next, a formal definition

of DR is presented.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 3.1: Process of unfolding. The high-dimensional data are unfolded and the real structure of the data isrevealed in a lower dimensional space (taken from [304]).

3.1 Definition

Based on the nomenclature stated in Table 3.1 (which will be also used for the definitions given below),

DR can be defined as follows: X is composed of n datavectors xi(i ∈ 1,2, ...,n) with dimensionality D. The

DR techniques transform X with dimensionality D into a new dataset Y with a target dimensionality d′ (where

d′ < D, often d′ << D), while retaining the original geometric structure of high-dimensional data as much as

possible [319]. The fundamental assumption that justifies the DR is that the original data actually lies, at least

approximately, on a manifold (often nonlinear) of lower dimension than the original data space. The aim of

DR is to find a representation of that manifold (a coordinate system) that will allow X to be projected on it and

obtain Y , that is a low-dimensional and compact representation of the data.

Let d be the intrinsic dimensionality of the dataset. The dimensionality of the data is the minimum num-

ber of free variables needed to represent the data without information loss [94, 187]. Ideally, the reduced

representation Y should have a dimensionality that corresponds to the intrinsic dimensionality of the data.

Formally, a dataset Ω ⊂ ℜD is said to have intrinsic dimensionality equal to d if its elements lie entirely

within an d-dimensional subspace of ℜD [94] (where d < D). There are two different approaches for estimating

d, local and global [187]. The former, tries to estimate the topological dimension [128] of the data manifold.

Therefore, the d value is estimated using the information contained in sample neighborhoods, avoiding the

projection of the data onto a lower-dimensional space. The most popular methods to estimate locally d are the

Fukunaga-Olsen’s algorithm [93], the Near Neighbor Algorithm [235] and the methods based on Topological

Representing Networks (TRN) [210]. The latter (global approach), tries to estimate the d value of a dataset,

unfolding the whole data set in the D-dimensional space. Global methods can be grouped in three families:

Projection techniques [169, 151, 156, 257], Multidimensional Scaling Methods [177, 269, 26, 254] and Fractal-

Based Methods (Box-Counting Dimension [231, 125, 112, 292] and Correlation Dimension [111]).

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Notation DescriptionD Dimensionality of the high-dimensional datad Intrinsic dimensionality of the high-dimensional datan Total number of datapointsM Topological manifold

ℜD D-Dimensional Euclidean space where high-dimensional datapoints lieℜd d-Dimensional Euclidean space (low-dimensional space using d dimensionality)xi the i-th datapoint in ℜD

yi the i-th datapoint in ℜd

X Original dataset in ℜD (X = x1,x2, ...,xn).Y Reduced dataset in ℜd (Y = y1,y2, ...,yn).Dg Pairwise geodesic distance matrix in ℜD

δ Pairwise euclidean distance matrix in ℜD

ζ Pairwise euclidean distance matrix in ℜd

Dgi j Pairwise geodesic distance between xi and x jδi j Pairwise euclidean distance between xi and x jζi j Pairwise euclidean distance between yi and y jk Number of neighbors of a datapoint

Xik Set of k nearest neighbors of xiYik Set of k nearest neighbors of yi

Table 3.1: Main nomenclature.

3.2 Classification in DR-FSE

Different taxonomies or classification of DR techniques, in terms of feature subset extraction (FSE), have

been proposed.

3.2.1 Convex/Non-convex and Full/Sparse spectral

Laurens van der Maaten et al. [304] carried out a thorough comparative review of the front-ranked linear

(LDR) and non-linear (NLDR) DR techniques. They divided the DR techniques into two criteria (Figure 3.2).

The first criterion is the convex and non-convex intrinsic nature of the techniques. Convex techniques

optimize an objective function that does not contain any local optima (i.e., the solution space is convex [38]),

whereas non-convex techniques optimize objective functions that do contain local optima. The second division

criterion is related to full or sparse spectral techniques. The first one carries out an eigendecomposition of a

full matrix that captures the covariance between dimensions or the pairwise similarities between datapoints.

The other case solves a sparse eigenproblem.

3.2.2 Distance/Topology preservation

John A. Lee et al. proposed a different taxonomy of DR-FE techniques [187] in accordance with procedures

that reduce the features or dimensionality of the data by preserving the overall shape of the geometry, or

by preserving the local properties and neighborhood information of the data. Thus, there is a possibility of

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 3.2: Laurens van der Maaten’s Taxonomy (taken from [304]).

distinguishing both the local and global quality. [64].

Distance preservation

Historically, distance preservation (DP) has been the first criterion used to achieve a DR in a nonlinear

way. From the point of view of an ideal case, the preservation of the pairwise distances measured in a dataset

ensures that the low-dimensional embedding inherits the main geometric properties of the data, such as the

overall shape. However, in nonlinear cases distances cannot be perfectly preserved. To explain this, it is

necessary to define a manifold. A topological manifold M is a topological space that is locally Euclidean,

meaning that around every point of M there is a neighborhood that is topologically the same as the open unit

ball in ℜd [196].

DP methods can be divided, as considered by Lee et al.[187], into three groups:

Spatial distances as Euclidean (L = 2) or Manhattan (L = 1), are well known because of the intuitive and

natural way everybody measure distances in a Euclidean space. Algorithms as Multidimensional Scaling

(MDS) [59], Sammon Mapping or Curvilinear Component Analysis use this kind of distances.

Geodesic distances and, specifically graph distances, were conceived to deal with some of the shortcomings

in the spatial metrics (Figure 3.4). The geodesic distance between two points is defined as the distance

along the mathematical manifold where the data points are embedded. It can be partially approximated

by constructing a neighborhood graph, and considering the distances between the points as paths in the

graph (Figure 3.3). Examples of algorithms using this distance are Isomap, Geodesic Nonlinear Mapping

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 3.3: This dataset consists of a list of 3-dimensional points. It is, a two-dimensional manifold embeddedinto a three-dimensional space (taken from [187]).

Figure 3.4: Left: when performing an unfolding process, the appearance of short circuit induced by the Eu-clidean distance is likely. Right: the benefits of the geodesic distance. The two points are not neighbors as theyare far away in accordance with the geodesic distance.

(GNLM) [80, 193, 191] and Curvilinear Distance Analysis (CDA) [186, 191].

Other distances There are also NLDR methods that rely on less geometrically intuitive ideas. These tech-

niques are characterized by the use of other distances. For instance, Kernel PCA [257], which is closely

related to the spectral methods.

Topology preservation

Techniques that reduce the dimensionality of the data by preserving their topology (TP) rather than their

pairwise distances are also called local preservation approaches. These techniques help to overcome the draw-

back of using the DP principle: the manifold could be constrained with distance conditions and, in many

situations, the embedding of a manifold requires some flexibility because some sub-regions must be locally

stretched or shrunk to embed them into other dimensional spaces.

Most of these techniques work with a discrete mapping model, and the topology is also defined in a discrete

way. This discrete representation of the topology is called a lattice [18], i.e., a set of points regularly and homo-

geneously spaced on a graph. Topology preservation (TP) techniques can be divided into two types according

to the kind of topology they use. The first one deals with methods relying on a predefined lattice, i.e., the lattice

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


is fixed in advance and cannot change after the DR process has begun. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM’s) [172]

and Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) [32] are well-known as predefined lattice methods. The second

group contains methods working with a data-driven lattice. This concept means that the shape of the lattice can

be modified or entirely built while the methods are running. Locally linear embedding, Laplacian eigenmaps

and Isotop [190] are in this category. As it will be seen in future sections, maybe working with ranks is the best

and most reliable criterion.

3.2.3 Linear/Nonlinear dimensionality reduction

However, the main distinction between DR techniques is the distinction between linear (Linear Dimen-

sionality Reduction or LDR) and nonlinear (Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction or NLDR) techniques. LDR

handles data containing linear dependencies. However, they are not powerful enough to deal with complex

data. NLDR methods (a.k.a. manifold learning) are supposed to be more powerful than linear ones, since the

procedure to connect the latent variables (a.k.a. intrinsic dimensionality) to the observed ones (the dimension-

ality of the original space) may be much more complex than a simple matrix multiplication operation. In other

words, LDR techniques assume that the data lie on or near a linear subspace of the high-dimensional space,

and NLDR techniques do not rely on the linearity assumption as a result of which more complex embeddings

of the data in the high-dimensional space can be identified. For example, the behavior of many data, such as a

DNA Microarray, cannot be explained by means of LDR because it may contain essential multiple nonlinear

relationships between attributes that cannot simply be interpreted by using linear models. This suggests the

design of other techniques (NLDR methods) in order to highlight the true underlying structure of the data.

These methods assume that data are generated in accordance with a nonlinear model [187].

3.3 DR-FSE methods

This section presents several of the most currently used DR methods in the literature to carry out FSE. Two

of them are based on a LDR approach: PCA and LDA, whilst the rest of the methods are based on NLDR

approaches. Table 3.2 presents each one, with its references in the literature as well as its preservation criterion

(distance preservation (DP), topology preservation (TP) or other).

3.3.1 Principal Components Analysis

Principal Components Analysis (PCA) [151, 140] attempts to build a low dimensional representation of the

data that describes as much of the variance in the data as possible. That is, it finds a linear basis of reduced

dimensionality for the data. After this process, the amount of variance in the data is maximal. Mathematically,

PCA builds a new coordinate system by selecting those d axes a1, ...,ad ∈ℜD, which best explain the variance

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Year DR Algorithm Reference Criterion1901 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [151, 140] Other1969 Sammon Mapping (SM) [254] DP1997 Curvilinear Component Analysis (CCA) [67] DP1998 Kernel PCA (KPCA) [257, 258] DP2000 Isomap [290, 64] DP2000 Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) [252, 256] TP2001 Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) [73, 124, 94] Other2001 Laplacian Eigenmaps (LE) [23, 24] TP2004 Maximum Variance Unfolding (MVU) [329, 327, 328] DP2006 Diffusion Maps (DM) [225, 184] TP2008 t-Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) [306] TP

Table 3.2: Most used DR Algorithms in the literature, listed chronologically.

in the data:

al = argmax‖a‖=1var(Xa) = argmax‖a‖=1aTCa (3.1)

PCA searches a linear mapping a that maximizes the cost function trace (aTCa), where C is the sample

covariance matrix of the data X . It can be shown that this linear mapping is made up of the d principal

eigenvectors of the sample covariance matrix of the zero-mean data. a1, . . . ,ad are chosen in the same way,

but orthogonal to each other (C ∈ ℜDxD denotes the covariance matrix of the data X). Thus, the principal

components pi = Xai explain most of the variance in the data. The covariance matrix grows rapidly for high-

dimensional input data. To overcome this situation, the covariance matrix is substituted by the matrix of squared

Euclidean distances.

DE =1N

XXT (DE ∈ℜDxD) (3.2)

Sometimes, the possible interpretation of the principal components can be difficult. Although principal

components are uncorrelated variables constructed as linear combinations of the original ones, maybe they do

not correspond to meaningful physical quantities. Therefore, in [209] an alternative algorithm to reduce the

dimension of a dataset using PCA is presented.

3.3.2 Linear Discriminant Analysis

Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) [73, 124, 94] is one of the oldest mechanical classification systems

and its nature is linear, as PCA. LDA seeks to reduce dimensionality of the data while preserving as much of

the class discriminatory information as possible. Thus, LDA maximizes the ratio of between-class variance to

the within-class variance in any particular data set thereby guaranteeing maximal separability. The basic idea

of LDA is simple: for each class to be identified, compute a different linear combination of the attributes.

Assume we have a set of D-dimensional samples x1,x2, ...,xN N1 of which belong to class ω1, and N2 to

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


class ω2. It is intended to obtain a scalar y by projecting the samples x onto a line

y = wT x (3.3)

There are some important differences between PCA and LDA approaches: first, PCA attempts to perform a

purely feature separation and LDA reduce the dimensionality of data regarding to improve classification rates.

Second, in PCA, principal components are always orthogonal to each other (it is, they are ’uncorrelated’), while

that is not true for LDA’s linear scores. Finally, LDA algorithm generates exactly as many linear functions as

there are classes in the data, whereas PCA produces as many linear functions as there are original variables.

3.3.3 Isomap

Isomap (Isomap) [290, 64] is one of the simplest NLDR methods that uses the graph distance (based on

geodesic distance). Isomap uses graph distances instead of Euclidean ones in the algebraical procedure of

metric MDS. It is important to remember that the non-linear capabilities of Isomap are exclusively contributed

by the graph distance.

In Isomap, the geodesic distances between the datapoints xi(i = 1,2, ...,n) are calculated by constructing

a neighborhood graph G. Every datapoint xi is connected to its k nearest neighbors xi j in the dataset X . The

shortest path between two points in the graph can be easily computed using Dijkstra’s or Floyd’s algorithm

[70]. The geodesic distances between all datapoints in X are computed, making up a pairwise geodesic distance

matrix. The low-dimensional representations of the original datapoints are computed by applying MDS in the

resulting pairwise geodesic distance matrix.

An significant weakness of the Isomap algorithm is its topological instability [16].

3.3.4 Kernel PCA

Kernel PCA (KPCA) [257, 258] is a non-linear extension of PCA using a technique called the kernel method

(Figure 3.5). It is equivalent to mapping the data onto a very high dimensional space (up to infinite), namely,

Reproducing the Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), and applying the same optimization technique as PCA in the

RKHS. The changes brought about by Isomap to metric MDS were motivated by geometrical consideration,

but KPCA extends the algebraical features of MDS to non-linear manifolds, without regard to their geometrical

meaning. Because of the non-linear mapping process, the DP is not an objective of KPCA, although PCA offers

DP in the RKHS.

The mapping can be done by using a particular kernel function (κ), for example the Gaussian (eq. 3.4) or

Polynomial kernel (eq. 3.5).

κ(xi,x j) = e−|Xi−Xj|2

σ2 (3.4)

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 3.5: Basic idea of kernel PCA. By means of a nonlinear kernel function κ instead of the standard dotproduct, we implicitly perform PCA in a possibly high-dimensional space F which is nonlinearly related toinput space. The dotted lines are contour lines of constant feature value (taken from [187]).

κ(xi,x j) = (xi · x j)2 (3.5)

3.3.5 Locally Linear Embedding

Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) [252, 256] tries to preserve the local properties of the data from a dif-

ferent point of view. In LLE, the local properties of the data manifold (represented as Xi) are constructed by

mapping the datapoints as a linear combination of their k-nearest neighbors (eq. 3.6). In the low-dimensional

representation of the data, LLE attempts to retain the reconstruction weights in the linear combinations as best

as possible.

~Xi =k


Wi j~X j (3.6)

Weights Wi j are computed by minimizing the constrained least-squares problem. The embedding vectors ~Yi

are reconstructed by Wi j, minimizing Eq. 3.8.

E(W ) =N




Wi j~X j



Φ(Y ) =N




Wi j~Yj



Although Wi j and ~Yi are computed by methods in linear algebra, the constraint that points are only recon-

structed from neighbors can result in highly nonlinear embeddings.

3.3.6 Laplacian Eigenmaps

The Laplacian Eigenmaps algorithm (LE) is similar to LLE in the sense that it finds a low-dimensional data

representation by preserving the local properties of the manifold [23, 24]. LE can be included in sparse spectral

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


techniques. This algorithm attempts to compute a low-dimensional representation of the data in which the

distances between a datapoint and its k nearest neighbors are minimized. The distance in the low-dimensional

data representation between a datapoint and its first nearest neighbor contributes more to the cost function

than the distance between the datapoint and its second nearest neighbor. Using spectral graph theory, the

minimization of the cost function is defined (eq. 3.9) as an eigenproblem, where Wi j values are from the

Gaussian kernel function,

E(Y ) = ∑i j


∣∣∣2 Wi j (3.9)

and for neighboring yi, y j (W (i, j) = 0 otherwise), the distances between the low space representations are

minimized and the nearby samples xi,x j are highly weighted, and thus brought closed together.

3.3.7 Difussion Maps

The Diffusion Maps (DM) algorithm [225, 184] is based on diffusion processes for finding meaningful

geometric descriptions of data sets. In this technique, a graph is built from the samples on the manifold where

the diffusion distance describes the connectivity on the graph between every two points. This distance is

characterized by the probability of transition between them. DM captures the intrinsic natural parameters that

generate the data, which usually lie on a lower dimension.

The assumption is that the data lie on a non-linear manifold. The data are transformed using a Gaussian

kernel function (eq. 3.10). This kernel is used for the construction of Markov Random Walk (MRW) matrix.

The diffusion distances in the original space are mapped into Euclidean distances in the new diffusion space.

Because of the diffusion distance between two points is obtained from all of the possible paths in the graph,

DM is robust to noise.

K(xi,x j) = e−|Xi−X j|2

σ2 (3.10)

3.3.8 t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding

t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) algorithm [306] faces the DR problem from a stochas-

tic and probabilistic-based approach. t-SNE algorithm is considered as an improved version in the original SNE,

of Hinton and Rowies [133]. The main idea of SNE is to minimize the difference between conditional prob-

ability distributions that represent similarities in both dimensional spaces. Thus, the conditional probabilities

are computed by SNE as

p j|i =exp(−

∥∥xi− x j∥∥/2σ2

i )

∑k 6=i exp(−‖xi− xk‖/2σ2i )


Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


q j|i =exp(−

∥∥yi− y j∥∥2)

∑k 6=i exp(−‖yi− yk‖2)(3.12)

in high and low dimensional space, respectively, with pi|i and qi|i set to zero. 3.11 and 3.12 represent the

probability that xi (yi) would select x j (y j) as its neighbor. This results in high values for nearby points and

lower values for distantly separated ones. The main assumption in SNE is the following: if the low dimensional

points in Y correctly model the structure of the points in X , then the conditional probabilities will be the

same. In order to evaluate how well qi|i models pi|i, the summed Kullbac-Leibler (KL) divergence is used.

Using gradient descent techniques, SNE minimizes a KL fitness function. To initialize the gradient descent,

an isotropic Gaussian distribution is used. σi represent the variance in the Gaussian distribution centered on

the point xi. Thus, an important step is to properly select the parameter σi, process that can be facilitated by

a property called perplexity. SNE searches the value of σi that produces a Pi (probability) with the specified


t-SNE improves SNE in two aspects: first, symmetrized conditional probabilities are used to simplify the

gradient as well as the fitness function for defining the joint probabilities on P and Q (e.g., pi j = (p j|i +

pi| j)/2n). Second, the Gaussian distribution is changed to a heavier tailed Student’s t distribution with one

degree of freedom. So, q j|i is modified to be

q j|i =(1+

∥∥yi− y j∥∥2)−1

∑k 6=l(1+‖yk− yl‖2)−1(3.13)

and the fitness function for t-SNE is defined by


= 4∑i(pi j−qi j)(yi− y j)(1+

∥∥yi− y j∥∥2)−1 (3.14)

3.3.9 Sammon Mapping

Sammon Mapping (SM) [254] is considered a variant of MDS. SM appeared in order to address several

weakness in MDS, since MDS mainly focuses on retaining large pairwise distances, but not on retaining the

small ones. The small pairwise distances are supposed to be much more important for preserving the geometry

of the data.

SM weights the contribution of each pair of points (i, j) to the cost function by the inverse of their pairwise

distance in the high-dimensional space δi j. Thus, instead of MDS, the fitness function in SM assigns equal

weight to preserving each of the pairwise distances, and therefore preserves the local structure of the data much

better than classical scaling.

SM states a fitness function which is labelled as Sammon’s stress in the literature (as it will be seen below):

ESM =1

∑i< j δi j

∑i< j(δi j−ζi j)2

δi j(3.15)

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


The projection aims to minimize this function and the projection problem can be seen as a function minimiz-

ing problem which can’t be solved in a closed form. It can only be made approximately. The minimization of

the Sammon cost function can be performed using several methods: pseudo-Newton method, gradient descent,

genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, particle swarm optimization and many other heuristic approaches.

3.3.10 Maximum Variance Unfolding

Maximum Variance Unfolding (MVU, formerly known as Semidefinite Embedding) [329, 327, 328] presents

a similar approach to Isomap. MVU attemps to preserve the distances among k-nearest neighbors by means

of a neighborhood graph G. Instead of using geodesic distances, MVU considers squared Euclidean distances

between two neighbored samples. It also maximizes the Euclidean distance between all points yi , y j in the

target space (in order to ’unfold’ the data manifold) while it also preserves the distances in the neighborhood


The optimization problem is the following:

max∑i j

∥∥yi− y j∥∥2 sub ject→

∥∥yi− y j∥∥2

=∥∥xi− x j

∥∥2 f or∀(i, j) ∈ G (3.16)

MVU is based on the same concept than Isomap, so MVU shares some weaknesses with it, such as suffering

from erroneous connections in the main graph.

3.3.11 Curvilinear Component Analysis

The Curvilinear component analysis (CCA) [67] algorithm works as follows: it searches for a properly

configuration of the datapoints in a lower space that preserves original pairwise distance matrix as much as

possible. In contrast to SM, CCA focuses on small distances in the output space instead of focusing on small

distances in the original space. CCA can be considered as an iterative learning algorithm. At the beginning

of the process, it starts focusing on large distances (as the SM algorithm). Then it gradually changes focus to

small distances. At the end of the algorithm, the small distance information will overwrite the large distance


Formally, the quadratic cost function is defined as

ECCA =12




∑j 6=i

(δi j−ζi j)2F(ζi j,λy) (3.17)

The aim is to force to match for each possible pair in δi j and ζi j. A perfect matching is not possible at all

scales when manifold ’unfolding’ is needed to reduce the dimension from D to d. So, a weighting function is

introduced, F(ζi j,λy).

CCA is based on a self-organized neural network carrying out two main tasks: i) vector quantization (VQ)

of the submanifold in the data set (input space), and ii) nonlinear projection of these quantizing vectors toward

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Year Name of the measure Criterion Reference1962 Sheppard Diagram (SD) global [269, 270]1964 Kruskal Stress Measure (S) global [177, 178]1969 Sammon Stress (SS) global [254]1988 Spearman’s Rho (SR) local [276]1992 Topological Product (TPr) local [21]1997 Topological Function (TF ) local [316]2000 Residual Variance (RV ) global [290]2000 König’s Measure (KM) local [174]2001 Trustworthiness & Continuity (T&C) local [311]2003 Classification error rate classification error [256, 329, 310]2006 Local Continuity Meta-Criterion (Qk) local [51, 52]2006 Agreement Rate (AR)/Corrected Agreement Rate (CAR) local [6]2007 Mean Relative Rank Errors (MRRE) local [187, 188, 195]2009 Procrustes Measure (PM)/Modified Procrustes Measure (PMC) local [102]2009 Co-ranking Matrix (Q) local [188, 194]2011 Global Measure (QY ) local & global [215]2011 The Relative Error (RE ) global [122]2012 Normalization independent embedding quality assessment (NIEQA) local &/OR global [345]

Table 3.3: Summary of methods for evaluating the quality of DR algorithms, listed chronologically.

an output space, providing a revealing unfolding of the submanifold.

3.4 Quality assessment criteria

There are many different quality assessment measures for evaluating the performance of the DR algo-

rithms. In other words, these methods measure the inevitable degradation of the quality after a DR process.

Historically, most of the approaches have focused on evaluating the local-neighborhood-preservation and the

overall-structure-holding performance of the DR methods. In this section the most used measures in the litera-

ture are classified (using global or local preservation criteria) and described (see Table 3.3). Firstly, local-based

approaches are presented in 3.4.1. Secondly, global-based approaches are explained in 3.4.2 and finally, several

approaches based on different criteria are described in 3.4.3. All these criteria have been used in this thesis.

Before explaining the different approaches for quality assessment, it is very important to highlight a basic

concept to better understand the following measures.

Multidimensional scaling Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a statistical method for fitting a set of points

in a space so that the distances between points correspond as closely as possible to a given set of dissimilarities

between a set of objects. Developed primarily by psychometricians and statisticians, MDS is widely used in a

variety of disciplines for visualization and DR. The literature on MDS includes books [35, 59, 83] and book

chapters ([81], chapter 5; [179], chapter 5; [209], chapter 14; and [263], Section 5.5). The method devised by

Torgerson [293] and Gower [108], called classical MDS and principal coordinate analysis, could be formulated

as an optimization problem with an objective function whose minimum value is called the stress criterion.

Later, Kruskal [177, 178] defined MDS in terms of the minimization of this stress criterion, which is simply

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


a measure of the lack of fit between dissimilarities δ and fitted distances ζ . In the simplest case, stress is a

residual sum of the squares:

StressD(y1, ...,yn) =


i6= j=1..n(δi j−

∥∥ζi j∥∥)2

) 12


where the outer square root provides greater spread to small values. For a given δ , MDS minimizes Stress over

all different configurations (y1, ...,yn)T , thought of as n×D-dimensional hypervectors of unknown parameters.

The minimization is carried out by gradient descent applied to StressD, viewed as a function on ℜnD.

3.4.1 Local-neighborhood-preservation approaches

This subsection present the methods that evaluate the effectiveness when preserving the local information,

after a DR process. Spearman’s Rho

Siegel and Castellan presented one of the first measures to estimate the topology preservation (TP) after

a DR process, Spearman’s rho (SR) [276]. This measure estimates the correlation of rank order data. That

is, it tries to assess how well the corresponding projection preserves the order of pairwise distances between

data-points in high-dimensional space. In order to compute the SR, the following equation is used

SR = 1− 6∑Ti=1(z(i)− z(i))2

T 3−T(3.19)

where z(i), i = 1,T is the different rank (order numbers) of pairwise distances in the original space, sorted

in ascending order. z(i), i = 1,T is the same for the output space. T is the total number of distances to be

compared (T = n(n− 1)/2). The interval is SR ∈ [−1,1], where 1 means a perfect preservation. SR is often

used for estimating the TP with a view to reducing dimensionality [31, 106, 176, 28]. Karbauskaitÿe et al.

[154] successfully demonstrated that SR can be used to analize the TP when visualizing the data through the

embeddings generated by the LLE algorithm.

In contrast to MDS, that only focuses on fitting the distances from δ to ζ (the order of these distances do

not matter), the SR measure also takes into account the rank of pairwise distances in δ and ζ for the quality

assessment. Topological Product

The following attempts are found in the particular case of SOM. In this sense, Bauer and Pawelzik proposed

the topographic product (TPr) [21]. TPr is one of the oldest measures that quantifies the TP features of the SOM,

and it is a measure for the preservation of distances within the local neighborhoods. Let Q1(i, j) be the distance

between point i in ℜD and its jth nearest neighbour as measured by distance orderings of their images in ℜd ,

divided by the distance between point i in ℜD and its jth nearest neighbour as measured by distance orderings

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


in ℜD. Q2(i, j) gives analogous information where i and j are points in ℜd . The Q′s are then combined to yield

a single number TPr, the topological product, which defines the quality of the mapping:

TPr =1






log(Π fp=1Q1(g, p)Q2(g, p))

12 f (3.20)

The result of the TPr indicates whether the size of the map is appropriate to fit into the dataset. TPr = 0 means a

perfectly order-preserving map. Topological Function

Five years later Villmann et al. presented the topological function (TF , 1997) [315]. The TF was one of the

simplest TP measures in SOM. TF is based in the Delaunay triangulation graph D of the weight vectors. These

vectors wi and w j were defined as being adjacent on the manifold V , if their receptive fields are adjacent. Thus,

the adjacency of these receptive fields can be approximated by computing C (the connectivity matrix) of the

induced Delaunay triangulation graph D:

1. Given a data sample, find its first best matching unit i and second best matching unit j.

2. Create a synaptic link between neurons i and j, i.e. set Ci j=1.

3. Go back to step 1 and repeat for all datasamples.

If the number of weight vectors is "dense" enough on the manifold V , then D represents a perfect TP

mapping of V that also preserves the paths on V . Villmann et al. demonstrated that the TF presents reliable

results only for almost linear datasets [316]. König’s Measure

König. A developed a TP measure, the König’s measure (KM) [174]. KM was used to estimate the local

preservation of the maps, obtained when using self-organizing neural networks. It is also based on the analysis

of rank order in the input and output spaces. The KM is calculated as follows:

KM =1






KMi j (3.21)

KM ∈ [0,1], where 1 means a perfect preservation. KMi j represents the TP between point i and j, and k1 is the

neighborhood value. Trustworthiness & Continuity

Venna and Kaski proposed a method which assesses two different concepts, trustworthiness and continuity

(T&C) [311]. It is based on the exchange of indices of neighboring samples in D and d (by using the pairwise

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Euclidean distances), respectively. The T&C criterion involves two evaluations, the trustworthiness and the

continuity measure, defined, respectively, as:

MT = 1− 2nk(2n−3k−1)




(r(i, j)− k) (3.22)

MC = 1− 2nk(2n−3k−1)




(r(i, j)− k) (3.23)

where k is the size of the neighborhood, r(i, j) and r(i, j) are the rank of x j and y j in the ordering according

to the distance from xi(yi) in the original (representational) space. Uk(i) and Vk(i) are the set of those data

samples that are in k of xi(yi) in the representational (original) space. As regards the meaning of MT and MC,

the first one measures the degree of trustworthiness that data points which were originally farther away enter

the neighborhood of a sample in the embeddings. The latter evaluates the degree of continuity that data points

that are originally in the neighborhood are pushed farther away in data representations. Therefore, the T&C

measure is defined as:

QT = αMT +(1−α)MC (3.24)

where α ∈ [0,1] is the compromise parameter. The trade-off between the two terms, tunable by a parameter

α , governs the trade-off between trustworthiness and continuity. A properly selected α value, can reflect the

consistency between the local neighborhoods of the original data and the corresponding ones in the embed-

dings calculated by the NLDR method. The interval of QT ∈ [0,1] which are the higher values means a good

preservation of trustworthiness and continuity. Local Continuity Meta-Criterion

There are also several methods that assess the performance of the DR algorithms by checking the degree of

overlap between the neighboring sets of a data sample and of their corresponding embedding. This is the case

of the Local Continuity Meta-Criterion (Qk) [51, 52], presented by Chen and Buja. The Qk can be defined as:

Qk = 1− 1nk





yk(i)∣∣∣− k2


where k is the pre-specified size of the neighborhood, Ψxk(i) is the index set of x′is k points and Ψ

yk(i) is the

index set of y′is k points. If the overlap between two k neighboring sets of the original and representational sets

is computing, the Qk gives a general measurement for the local faithfulness of the computed embeddings. The

interval of Qk ∈ [0,1], whose values next to 1 mean a high neighborhood overlap between the two dimensional

spaces, and next to 0 values the opposite.

In contrast to TPr, which attempts to measure the DP between the local neighbors, the Qk measure focuses

on comparing the identities of these local neighbors.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.

46 CHAPTER 3. DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION Agreement Rate/Corrected Agreement Rate

The agreement rate (AR, originally called ’rate of agreement in local structure’) technique was presented by

Akkucuk and Carroll [6]. This measure is very similar to Qk, and RAND or corrected RAND index [243, 142].

AR was originally developed for comparing embeddings of sets of objects in [5]. It works as follows: it takes

two configuration of points X and Y . For each embedding, AR calculates the distances between each pair of

datapoints, this give us δ and ζ . For each datapoint, it calculates its neighborhood in both configurations,

producing Xik and Yik. Finally, it attempts to compute the percentage of overlapping datapoints in the neigh-

borhood of each point, for X and Y . Here, the order is not important. Let’s consider ui as the number of

overlapping points in both Xik and Yik, for datapoint i. Therefore, the AR is

AR =1kn



ui (3.26)

where an AR value equal to 1 means a perfect preservation. The authors also suggested another quality criterion

called the corrected agreement rate (CAR). This method computes an AR, by randomly rearranging the indices

of datapoints in Y . France et al. also proposed a method in [91], where they combined the use of the AR and

RAND index in order to assess DR methods. Mean Relative Rank Errors

Lee and Verleysen developed a quality assessment measure, the mean relative rank errors (MRRE) [187,

188, 195]. It is based on ranks of pairwise Euclidean distances within local neighborhoods. In 2009, Kar-

bauskaite et al. analyzed the efficiency of MRRE when reducing the dimensionality using LLE [155]. The

MRRE criterion is based on a very similar principle to that of the T&C, but it includes two elements defined as

WT = 1− 1Hk




|r(i, j)− r(i, j)|r(i, j)


WC = 1− 1Hk




|r(i, j)− r(i, j)|r(i, j)


where k is the size of the neighborhood and eq. 3.29 is the normalizing factor. The MRRE criterion is eq. 3.30

where β ∈ [0,1] is the compromise parameter. The main difference between the MRRE and the T&C is that the

first one considers all of the k samples in the representational (original) space, and the latter focuses on the k of

the samples in the representational (original) space but not in the original (representational) space. Although

we are talking about subtle differences between them, they are significant enough to be considered. Hk is a

normalizing factor. The interval of QM ∈ [0,1], whose values near to 0 will indicate a small rank error in the

final embedding, are result of the error-based nature of MRRE.

Hk = nk




A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


QM = βWT +(1−β )WC (3.30)

In contrast to SR, which focuses on assesing how well the corresponding low-dimensional projection pre-

serves the order of pairwise distances between the high-dimensional data points converted to ranks, the QM

measure evaluates (using an error value) that the order of Xik and Yik is the same. Procrustes Measure/Modified Procrustes Measure

The Procrustes analysis [274, 275, 264] has been widely used for the study of the distribution of a set of

shapes. Based on this concept, Goldberg and Ritov [102] developed the Procrustes measure (PM). PM allows

the isometric embeddings to be compared. The method can be described as follows: using the procrustes

analysis, the aim is to find a rigid motion (a translation and a rotation), after which Xik best when it coincides

with Yik (for i = 1 to n). Once the transformation has been computed, the local similarity for the i-th element

is calculated as

Lsimilarity(Xik,Yik) =k


∥∥Xi j−∂Yi j−ℑ∥∥2

2 (3.31)

∂ is the selected rotation matrix and ℑ the translation vector (‖..‖2 indicates the L2 norm for a vector). To

finish, the PM value is obtained by

PM = 1/nn


Lsimilarity(Xik,Yik)/‖XikBk‖2F (3.32)

Bk = Ik−1k

qkqTk (3.33)

where Ik represents the identity matrix of size kxk, qk a k dimensional column vector of ones, and ‖..‖F indi-

cates the Frobenius norm for a matrix. A PM close to zero means a perfect preservation. At this point, it is

important to highlight that PM was originally devised for assessing the quality of isometric embeddings, such

as Isomap or MDS. Nevertheless, PM will fail when assessing normalized embeddings (such as LLE, [103]),

as they are known to distort the local neighborhood. To overcome this, in [102] the authors also suggested a

modified version (PMC) that addresses this drawback. This version eliminates the global scaling factor in each

neighborhood, so it is appropriate for conformal embeddings. To summarize, the main difference between the

two versions of the measure is that PM takes into account the stretch/shrink factor, and PMC does not. In the

particular case of different scaling of coordinates in low dimensional embeddings, neither PM nor PMC solves

the problem. Co-ranking Matrix

Many different concepts and quality criteria for DR can be summarized using the Co-ranking framework

(Q), presented by Lee and Verleysen [188, 194]. Several of the aforementioned methods (based on distance

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 3.6: Co-ranking matrix (reproduced with permission from [188]).

ranking in local neighborhoods: Qk, MRRE, T&C), are easily unified into an overall framework. Q works as

follows: let ρi, j be the rank of x j respect to xi in ℜD,

ρi, j =∣∣k |δik < δi j or (δik = δi j and 1≤ k < j ≤ n)

∣∣ (3.34)

and τi, j is the rank of y j in respect to yi in ℜd ,

τi, j =∣∣k |ζik < ζi j or (ζik = ζi j and 1≤ k < j ≤ n)

∣∣ (3.35)

Therefore, Q can be defined as

Qkl =∣∣(i, j) |ρi, j = k and τi, j = l

∣∣ (3.36)

The errors after the DR process are reflected in the non-diagonal entries of Q. So, an intrusion can be defined

as a point j where ρi, j > τi, j (i.e. points entering a neighborhood erroneously). If ρi, j < τi, j it is called

an extrusion (points leaving a neighborhood erroneously). Q provides a framework, in which several existing

evaluation measures can be expressed in an intuitive method for visualizing the differences between Qk, MRRE

and T&C. Basically, these quality criteria correspond to weighted sums of entries Qkl of Q for different regions

as k, l ≤ K and a fixed neighborhood range K (Figure 6.9).

Lee and Verleysen also proposed a new criterion in [188], QNX . QNX is the criterion that summarizes Q in

the very simplest way, without arbitrary choices (weighting schemes, coefficient, scale preference, etc). It is

defined as

QNX (K) =1






Qkl (3.37)

QNX (K) is the same as Qk without the subtraction of the ’random’ baseline. Note that QNX (K), Qk and AR

basically represent the same. Here, the range is QNX (K) ∈ [0,1], where 1 means a perfect embedding. There

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


are two other quality criteria, BNX (K) and RNX (K). The first one subtracts elements of Q that are above or below

the main diagonal: it indicates whether a given embedding tends to favor intrusions or extrusions. The range is

BNX (K) ∈ [−1,1]. The sign depends on the dominating type of errors (BNX (K)> 0 represents intrusions, and

BNX (K)< 0 are extrusions). Zero means an equal number of intrusions and extrusions.

The last one, RNX (K) [192], can be considered a renormalized Qk, allowing us to compare values at dif-

ferent scales. RNX (K) is based on Qk with a baseline subtraction and a normalization: it indicates the relative

improvement in a random embedding. Thus, the main advantage of RNX (K) is straightforward, as two different

embeddings can be compared on different values of K. This is very difficult to achieve and less interpretable

with other criteria. The range is RNX (K) ∈ [0,1], where 1 represents a perfect embedding.

In [189], Lee and Verleysen studied and proposed several solutions to solve the issue of overall scale


3.4.2 Global-structure-holding approaches

This subsection is focused on the methods that assess the effectiveness when preserving the overall shape

of the data, after a DR process. Shepard Diagram and Kruskal Stress Measure

Shepard presented in [269, 270] the Shepard Diagram (SD). The SD is known to be one of the oldest DP

methods. The SD can be formally considered as the diagram obtained by plotting the n(n−1)/2 distances of the

original configuration δ against the approximated distances ζ (Figure 3.7). The SD visualizes the goodness-of-

fit of all sets of distances. It can be useful to detect anisotropic distortions in the representation. Thus, Kruskal

[177, 178] proposed a measure for the deviation from monotonicity between δ and ζ , called the stress function


S =

√∑i j(ζi j−d∗i j)


∑i j ζ 2i j


Note that δ does not appear in this equation. Instead, the discrepancy between ζi j and the target distances

d∗i j are measured. d∗i j can be computed by finding the monotonic regression [177, 178]. In the SD, instead of

showing individual points for d∗i j , they are connected by a solid line. The target distances d∗i j represent the

distances that lead to a perfect monotonic relationship to δ that minimizes S for the given ζi j. S is a ’lack of

fit’ measure: if S equals 0, there is a perfect monotonic relationship between ζi j and δi j.

Note that, the Shepard Diagram and the Kruskal Stress Measure are based on a concept very similar to

MDS, since in fact they originate from it.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 3.7: Shepard Diagram example. A and B: different types of diagrams (the ideal case is when all thepoints lie in the diagonal line. It means that all the distances in the reduced space match the original distances, sothe representation in B is better than in A). C: intuitive explanation of the SD diagrams; Original distances on avertical axis, embedded distances on a horizontal axis. The green color represents projection in a reduced spaceaccounting for a high fraction of variance (relative positions of points are similar). The red color representsprojection accounting for a small fraction of variance (relative projections of objects are similar). The yellowcolor represents projection accounting for a small fraction of variance (but the relative projection of objectsdiffer in the two spaces). Sammon Stress

The Sammon stress (SS,eq.3.40) [254] measure is also used in order to compare the DR algorithms, in terms

of DP. Examples of other error measures frequently used for structure preservation are S stress [285] (eq.3.39)

and Quadratic error [36] (eq.3.41).

S stress =


∑i< j(δ2i j−ζ 2

i j)2

∑i< j δ 4i j


Sammon stress(Ss) =1

∑i< j δi j∑i< j

(δi j−ζi j)2

δi j(3.40)

Quadratic Loss = ∑i< j

(δi j−ζi j)2 (3.41)

The range is SS ∈ [0,+∞), where 0 represents a perfect DP, and the quality decreases as the DP increases in

value. SS must be minimized by carrying out a gradient descent, or by other means, usually involving iterative


A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Tenenbaum and Silva. [290] used the residual variance (RV) for assessing the global quality of an em-

bedding. RV is computed by RV = 1−R2(GX ,ζ ), where R(GX ,ζ ) represents the standard linear correlation

coefficients over all entries of GX and ζ . The term GX is the graph distance matrix [290]. The range is

RV ∈ [0,1], where 0 value represents a perfect quality of the embedding. An RV quality criterion has been also

successfully applied to choose the embedding dimensionality for Isomap [290]. The Relative Error

Handa [122] introduced the Relative error (RE ) to be used with another quality criteria, such as MRRE and

Qk, for evaluating the quality of DR methods. The RE is calculated as

RE =n




∣∣Dgi j−ζi j∣∣

Dgi jn(n+1)/2(3.42)

3.4.3 Others

There are different quality criteria approaches that do not merely focus on evaluating the TP or DP, for

example: Classification error rate, Global Measure and NIEQA. Classification Error Rate

Another approach mentioned in the literature consists of using an indirect accuracy index, such as a classi-

fication error. See [256, 329] and other references in [310]. It can be defined as:

Ce = AccℜD −Accℜd (3.43)

where AccℜD is the classification accuracy in ℜD, and Accℜd represents the same in ℜd . Logically, the classi-

fication error can be used only with labeled data.

The last two quality measures have recently appeared, and they share a particular feature: they combine

both local and global quality measure approaches. Here, the main aim is to provide a global or ’mixture’ value

that assesses the TP and DP capabilities of a DR algorithm. Global Measure

Meng et. al [215] proposed a new quality criteria (QY ) that evaluates the neighborhood-preserving and

global-structure performances when performing manifold learning tasks. To compute QY , the shortest path tree

(SPT) is generated from the k neighborhood graph. After this, the global-structure assessment is calculated

using the Spearman rank order correlation, defined in the rankings of branch lengths (QGB). So, the overall

assessment (QY ) can be defined as a linear combination of the global assessment, QGB, and a local assessment,

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


such as Qk (QM or QT could also be used). Then, QY = µQGB +(1−µ)Qk, where µ ∈ [0,1] and represents a

parameter to balance QGB and Qk in quality assessment. QY is valued between 0 and 1, where 1 represents a

perfect global-structure-preserving.

In contrast to measures, such as SR and QM , QY provides a more sophisticate and complete approach, since

it assesses both local and global quality. However, there is a certain similarity to SR measure, as it uses the

Spearman rank order correlation on the main branches of the SPT in order to evaluate the DP. Normalization independent embedding quality assessment

Zhang et. al [345] presented a normalization independent embedding quality criterion, for manifold learn-

ing purposes (NIEQA). In the paper, they first developed a measure called the anisotropic scaling independent

measure (ASIM), which compares the similarity between two configurations under rigid motion and anisotropic

coordinate scaling. NIEQA is based on ASIM, and consists of three assessments, a local one, a global one and

a linear combination of the two. This thesis is merely focused on the local one. The local measure evaluates

how well local neighborhood information is preserved under anisotropic coordinate scaling and rigid motion.

That is, the local assessment is defined as:




Masim(Xi,Yi) (3.44)

where Masim(Xik,Yik) is the ASIM value for index i. NIEQA is valued between 0 and 1, where 0 represents a

perfect preservation. NIEQA has three characteristics to be highlighted: it can be applied to both normalized

and isometric embeddings, it can provide both local and global assessments, and it can serve as a natural tool

for model selection and evaluation tasks.

3.5 Comparison of DR-FSE methods

Different comparative studies amongst the different DR algorithms and also using several quality assess-

ment criteria are currently being carried out as reported in the literature. In this section the most complete

studies will be described, in chronological order.

Pölzlbauer [237] presented a comparative study in which he described some of the major SOM quality

measuring methods. The aim was to test empirically how well the measures are suited for different map

sizes. Finally, the author highlighted several advantages and disadvantages for each method. In the same year,

Fukumizu et al. [92] proposed a novel DR kernel-based approach, KDR, for supervised learning problems.

KDR provides data visualization capabilities, it can also identify and select important explanatory variables

in regression and it can yield a better classification performance than the performance achieved with the full-

dimensional covariate space.

Vinay et al. worked [317] on a comparison of the DR-FSE techniques for text retrieval. Basically, they

compared four different DR-FSE techniques and assessed their performance in the context of text retrieval.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


They concluded that ICA (Independent component analysis) and PCA offered the best improvements. In the

field of text clustering, Tang et al. presented in [288] a study of the comparison and the combination of DR-

FSE techniques for efficient text clustering. Thus, they compared the performance of six DR algorithms when

applied to text clustering. DR algorithms consisted of three DR-FSE algorithms: ICA, Latent Semantic Index-

ing (LSI), Random Projection (RP); and three DR-FSS algorithms based on Document Frequency (DF), mean

TF-IDF (TI) and Term Frequency Variance (TfV). They observed that for DR-FSE, the ranking (considering

classification accuracy and stability) was: ICA > LSI > RP. However, in the case of DR-FSS methods, DF was

inferior compared to TI and TfV.

Chikhi et al. [55] carried out a comparative review of DR techniques for web structure mining. They used

several DR algorithms (PCA, Non-negative Matrix Factorization - NMF, ICA and RP) in order to extract the

implicit structures hidden in the web hyperlink connectivity. The conclusions were that NMF outperforms

PCA and ICA in terms of stability and interpretability of the discovered structures. In the same year [229],

Ohbuchi et al. experimentally compared six DR algorithms for their efficacy in the context of shape-based

3D model retrieval. They discovered that nonlinear manifold learning algorithms (KPCA, Locality Preserving

Projections - LLP, LLE, LE, Isomap) performed better than the linear one (PCA). Specifically, LE and LLE

algorithms produced significant gains in retrieval performance for different shape features. France and Carroll

introduced in [91] a new metric (AR) for evaluating the performance of DR techniques. Furthermore, they

proposed three potential uses for the measure: comparing DR techniques, tuning parameters, and selecting

solutions in techniques with local optima.

Lacoste-Julien et al. [183] presented a new method, DiscLDA, based on a variation of the LDA algo-

rithm for DR and classification tasks. DiscLDA retains the ability of the LDA approach to find useful low-

dimensional representations of documents, and also to make use of discriminative side information (labels) in

forming these representations. Tsang et al. [299] focused on the attributes reduction with fuzzy rough sets.

They developed an algorithm using a discernibility matrix to compute all the attribute reductions.

Laurens van der Maaten et al. [304] carried out one of the most extensive and complete comparative studies

in the field of DR. They investigated the performances of the NLDR techniques in artificial and natural tasks. To

do so, the authors carried out a comparison between several DR algorithms, by using the T&C quality criteria

on artificial and natural datasets. They concluded that NLDR methods performed well in artificial tasks, but that

this does not necessarily extend to real-world tasks. They also suggested how the performance of the NLDR

techniques may be improved. Karbauskaite and Dzemyda tested the efficacy of several TP measures in [155].

Specifically, they used the KM , MRRE and SR criteria for estimating the TP of a manifold after unfolding it in

a low-dimensional space. The authors pointed out that KM and MRRE produced better results than SR in all

the cases. In the same year, Shuiwang and Jieping [147] studied the role of DR in multi-label classification.

They proposed a new iterative algorithm and showed that when the least squares loss is used in classification,

the joint learning decouples into two separate components.

Venna et al. [312] presented a new DR algorithm, Neighborhood Retrieval Visualizer (NeRV), as well as

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


new measures of visualization quality (mean smoothed precision and mean smoothed recall methods). The per-

formance of NeRV was compared with 11 unsupervised DR-FSE algorithms: PCA, MDS, LLE, LE, Hessian-

based locally linear embedding (HLLE), Isomap, CCA, CDA, MVU, Landmark MVU (LMVU), and local

MDS (LMDS). Two NeRV approaches were developed: one supervised and another unsupervised. To com-

pare the methods, the authors used five pairs of quality measures: mean smoothed precision-mean smoothed

recall, mean precision-mean recall curves, mean rank-based smoothed precision-mean rank-based smoothed

recall, T&C criteria, and the classification error. The tests showed that NeRV outperformed existing DR-FSE

methods. Lee and Verleysen [189] suggested a way of summarizing the quality criteria that are based on ranks

and neighborhoods into a single scalar value. This allows the user to compare DR methods in a straightforward

way. Qian and Davidson [239] studied a novel joint learning framework which carries out optimization for DR

and multi-label inference in semi-supervised setting. The experimental results validated the performance of

their approach, and demonstrated the effectiveness of connecting DR and learning tasks.

With the aim of validating their new quality assessment criterion, Meng et al. [215] compared it to four

quality criteria: T&C, MRRE, SR and Qk, when reducing the dimensionality through different DR algorithms.

In particular, the authors used PCA, MDS, ICA, Isomap, LLE, LE, HLLE, Local Tangent Space Alignment

(LTSA), MVU, Locally Linear Coordination (LLC), Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE), and Lin-

earity Preserving Projection (LPP) for the experiments. Handa [122] also analyzed the effect of DR through

manifold learning for evolutionary learning. He proposed a method for reducing the difficulty in designing the

allocation of sensors. To achieve this, he used Isomap and LLE for DR tasks and compared them by using

RE , MRRE and Qk measures. In the same year, Lespinats and Aupetit [198] proposed the CheckViz method

to evaluate the mapping quality at one single glance. Particularly, they defined a two-dimensional perceptu-

ally uniform colour coding which allows tears and false neighbourhoods to be visualised, the two elementary

and complementary types of geometrical mapping distortions, straight onto the map at the location where they


Recently, Zhang et al. developed a new quality assessment method for manifold learning tasks [345]. In

the paper, they conducted an exhaustive comparison with other quality criteria (PM , PMC, RV and Qk) in order

to test the efficacy of the new method. Empirical tests on synthetic and real data demonstrated the effectiveness

of the proposed method. Chen and Lin [53] presented a novel approach, to Label Space DR (LSDR, is a

paradigm for multi-label classification with many classes) that considers both the label and the feature parts.

The approach is based on minimizing an upper bound of the popular Hamming loss. They demonstrated that

their approach is more effective than existing ones to LSDR across many real-world datasets. Gan et al. [96]

proposed a filter-dominating hybrid SFFS method, aiming at high efficiency and insignificant accuracy sacrifice

for high-dimensional FSS.

Very recently, Mokbel et al. [219] proposed a way of linking the evaluation to point-wise quality measures

which can be used directly to augment the evaluated visualization and highlight erroneous regions. Further-

more, they improved the parameterization of the quality measure to offer more direct control over the evalu-

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


ation’s focus, and thus help the user to investigate more specific characteristics of the visualization. Finally,

Bashir [224] carried out a comparison of `1-regularized logistic regression, PCA, KPCA and ICA for feature

selection in classification tasks. To do so, he assessed the performance of these methods using different statis-

tical measures, e.g: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, the area under receiver operating characteristic

curve and the receiver operating characteristic analysis.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

Chapter 4

Multivariate and multidimensionaldata visualization

Multivariate and multidimensional data visualization (MMDV) is an important subfield of scientific visualiza-

tion and information visualization, and it is often applied to diverse areas ranging from science communities

and engineering design to financial markets. MMDV deals with the visualization and analysis of data with

multiple parameters or variables and it is strongly motivated by the many situations when the experts are trying

to understand the data and the inter-relationships between the variables. The major objective of the visualiza-

tion is to provide insight into the underlying meaning of the data, by representing them in a graphical form.

However, visualization relies heavily on the human’s ability to analyze visual stimuli to convey the information

inherent to the data.

The challenge of finding an effective representation of a high-dimensional object is a hard problem to solve.

The complexity of finding an effective visual representation of the underlying structure of the data increases as

the value of the data dimensionality grows.

The difficulty originates from the incompatibility between the original dimensionality of the data space and

the maximum number of independent variables of the visual space of representation, since the former value is

often greater than the latter one. Consequently, the advantages of using the spatial representation as a method

to map variables from the original data space are constrained by the impossibility of using more than three

spatial dimensions. For example, one-dimensional data (univariate data) consist of only one attribute, such as a

collection of houses characterized by the price. These data can be visualized effectively by traditional graphical

representations like table and histogram. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional data usually use the x-y (or

x-y-z) coordinates of a 2D (3D) space. The Scatterplot method is often used to plot two-dimensional and three-

dimensional data (see Figure 4.1). However, if the data have more than 3 variables then it becomes necessary

to use MMDV.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2

x 1055001000
















Area (m2)




Figure 4.1: Graphical representation of the Houses dataset. Top left: 1-dimensional (price) data are representedby an histogram. Top right: 2-dimensional (price and area) data are represented by the 2D-Scatterplot method.Bottom left: 3-dimensional (price, area and bedrooms) data are represented by the 3D-Scatterplot method.Bottom right: MMDV is used if the data have more than 3 variables.

In this sense, a simple way of mapping the remaining variables of the data space to the final visual space is

to use other variables, such as colours, shapes, sizes, textures, orientation, transparency, etc (see Figure 4.2).

However, there are also many other different and novel visualization approaches to find a suitable mapping,

and most of them have been proposed in the last years [46, 163, 339]. Those approaches have addressed the

problem using different strategies, but, according to Hibbard [129], "each technique reveals some information

but no technique reveals all information".

The goal of MMDV depends on the context of the problem but it usually involves the visual search of

patterns, structure (clusters), trends, behaviour, or correlation among attributes [325, 144, 145, 19].

4.1 Definition

Traditionally visualization approaches can be categorized into two main domains: scientific visualization

(SciVis) and information visualization (InfoVis). This classification is based on the nature of the data to be

visualized. Scientific visualization deals with applications whose data are originated from measurements of

scientific experiments, usually using advanced mathematical models physical experiments [212, 65]. However,

information visualization is focused in applications whose data are defined over abstract spaces that often does

not originate from spatial data [321, 100, 99, 45].

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 4.2: Circos is a visualization tool to facilitate the analysis of genomic data. A: Different colors, shapesand transparencies are used to define the final aspect of the data visualization. B: The data can be arrangedaccording to different sizes and colors (taken from [180]).

The precise definition for both fields and the implications of treating them separately were debated in [248].

Furthermore, Tory and Möller attempted to reduce the ambiguity that the traditional definitions of SciVis and

InfoVis may induce [296]. To do so, the authors suggested the following terminology: continuous model

visualization and discrete model visualization. The former comprises visualizations that deal with continuous

data model (SciVis). The latter includes visualizations that deal with a discrete data model (InfoVis).

4.1.1 Multivariate and Multidimensional data

Words such as ’dimensionality’, ’multidimensional’, and ’multivariate’ are often overused and even mis-

used in the visualization literature. The background of all those definitions is, in fact, the term variable.

An item of data is composed of one or more variables. If that data item is defined by more than one variable

it is called a multivariable data item. Variables can be classified into two different categories: dependent or

independent. Although the definition for both terms varies among engineers, scientists, physicists, etc., two

major definitions are distinguished.

For example, for physicists and statisticians a variable is a physical property of an object, such as mass,

volume, time, etc., whose magnitude can be measured. Here, if a dataset is made up of variables that follow

this definition, the aim is to understand the relationships among the variables. In this dataset, the independent

variables are those manipulated by the experimenter and the dependent variables are directly measured from

the subjects. However, these terms often take a different interpretation in the sense that they are applied in

studies where there is no direct manipulation of independent variables. For example, a statistical experiment

may require one to confirm if males are more inclined to car accidents than females. Here, the independent

variable is the gender and the dependent variables are the statistical data regarding accidents.

Nevertheless, for mathematicians a variable is usually associated with the idea of physical space (a D-

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


dimensional Euclidean space ℜD) in which an ’unit’ or ’entity’ (e.g. a function) of continuous nature is defined.

A range of coordinate system (for example, polar or cartesian) is used to locate the data within this space. Here,

the dependent variables are used to describe the ’entity’ (or function value) while the independent variables

represent the coordinate system that describes the space in which the ’entity’ is defined. If a dataset is made

up of those kind of variables the aim is to understand how the ’entity’ is defined within the D-dimensional

Euclidean space ℜD.

Therefore, those variables meaning measurement of property are called variate, whilst those variables mean-

ing a coordinate system are referred as dimension.

Multivariate dataset. This kind of dataset has many dependent variables and they might be correlated to

each other. This type of dataset is often associated with discrete data models [8].

Multidimensional dataset. This dataset has many independent variables clearly identified, and one or more

dependent variables associated to them. This type of dataset is often associated with continuous data

models [187].

As multivariate and multidimensional data visualization have been referred as MMDV, From here on out

the acronym MMD is going to be used to refer multivariate and multidimensional data. These terms can

be adopted [138], since a set of multivariate data is in high dimensionality and can possibly be regarded as

multidimensional because the key relationships between the attributes are generally unknown in advance [296,


4.1.2 Visualization pipeline

The visualization pipeline is the process of transforming raw information into a visual form so that users

can interact with [45] (see Figure 4.3). Firstly, the raw information is transformed into an organized canonical

data format. The typical format consists of a dataset in which the rows contain the data samples and the

columns represent the different data attribute values. In this step, the use of DM and clustering techniques can

be useful to gain valuable insight into the data. Secondly, the core of the visualization process is the mapping

of the dataset into a visual representation. Thirdly, the visual form is embedded into views, which display the

visual representation on screen, thus allowing the users to interpret the visualization to recover partially the

information contained in the original data. Finally, users can modify any of the previous steps to adjust the

final visualization, and to draw further conclusions. The underlying mapping process

The second step in the visualization pipeline, visual mapping, is the core of the visualization, that must be

designed carefully. They main goal is to convey the information from the computer to a human. Therefore,

the data are mapped into visual form by a function F, which takes the data as input and produces the visual

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 4.3: The visualization pipeline (adapted from [45]). F represents the visual mapping function, and F’its inverse.

representation in the output. When the users perceive the visual representation, they must reverse the visual

mapping, thus inverting F, to decode the information from the visual representation. There are a variety of

models that explain how F−1 is used in the perceptual process [321]. The visual mapping function F must have

four important features:

• Computable: Although there is a broad margin for creativity in the design of F function, the execution

of the functions must be algorithmic.

• Invertible: If it is not possible to use F−1 to reconstruct the data from the visualization and achieve a

good degree of accuracy, the visualization will be ambiguous and misleading. Therefore, F function

must be invertible.

• Communicable: F or F−1 must be known by the user to decode the visual representation.

• Cognizable: F−1 should minimize cognitive load for decoding the visual representation.

The visual mapping process is accomplished by two steps (Figure 4.4, [45]). In the first step, each data

entity is mapped into a glyph. The set of glyphs consists of points (dots, simple shapes), lines (segments,

curves, paths), regions (polygons, areas, volumes), and icons (symbols, pictures). In the second step, different

visual properties are used to represent the attribute values of each data entity, such as: spatial position (x, y,

z, ...), size (area, volume), color (gray scale, intensity), orientation (angle, slope, unit vector), shape, textures,

motion, blink, density, and transparency.

4.2 Classification in MMDV

There is a continuing interest in the design and development of taxonomies and classification schemes

for visualization. A well-organised classification scheme should provide an important structuring of the field,

grouping the diferent visualization techniques into classes according to some criteria.

This section presents an up-to-date overview of the different classification schemes for MMDV. Thus, those

schemes often follow one of several different strategies:

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 4.4: A set of different glyphs and some of their visual properties (adapted from [45]).

Entity-based. This approach establishes its categories from the type of data representing the entity to be

visualized. Together with the data type and an entity, an empirical model associated with it is also

defined. An example of this classification scheme is the E-notation, presented by Brodlie [42, 41].

Display-based. This classification defines the different categories from the attributes in the display of a

method that can be used to differentiate one method from another. The dimensionality of the visual rep-

resentation and the appropriate use of perception issues are examples of such features. A good example

of this kind of strategy was the classification presented by Wong and Bergeron [339].

Goal-based. This approach defines the different categories according to the final purpose of the visualization.

This kind of classification is suitable, for example, to help the specialists in the selection of visualization

techniques that accomplish the objectives listed by the classification. Shneiderman presented the Task

by Data Type Taxonomy (TTT) in [273].

Process-based. In this approach a classification specifies its categories as regards the sequence of steps done

during the entire process of visualization. For example, the Data visualization taxonomy by Buja et al.

[43], and the classification introduced by Keim [162, 163].

4.2.1 E-notation

Brodlie proposed a classification scheme for scientific visualization, the E-notation [42, 41]. This scheme

was based on the need to visualize the entity rather than the data alone. The entity is represented by the data and

an empirical model associated with the entity. Therefore, the author provided a taxonomy of entities expressed

as a multivariate function of several independent variables.

The E-notation is based on two elements: a superscript to indicate the type of dependent variable, and a

subscript to indicate the kind of independent variable. There are four different values to represent the super-

script: S (scalar ), V (vector), T (tensor) and P (set of points). The subscript, however, is a number indicating

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Entity E-notation Visualization technique1D, 2D, 3D multivariate data EP

1 , EP2 , EP

3 ScatterplotsDD multivariate data EP

D Andrews curves, Chernoff facesA set of points sampled over a continuous 1D scalar domain ES

1 Line graphList of values that can be associated to ranges defined over a continuous 1D scalar domain ES

|1| HistogramSet of values sampled over a continuous 2D scalar domain ES

2 Discrete shaded contouring, image display, surface viewTwo separate sets of values sampled over the same continuous 2D scalar domain E2S

2 Coloured height-field plotScalar field sampled over a continuous 3D scalar domain ES

3 Volume rendering, isosurfacing2D vector fields EV2

2 2D arrow plots; 2D vector field topology plot3D vector fields over a 2D plane EV3

2 3D arrows in plane3D vector fields in a volume EV3

3 3D arrow in a volume, 3D streamlines

Table 4.1: List of entities, E-notation and visualization methods associated for each category (adapted from[71]).

the dimensionality of the domain. The subscript can be defined according to the nature of an entity: a) point-

wise over a continuous domain, represented by D, the entity’s dimensionality; b) over a regions of a continuous

domain, represented by [ ] (aggregation); and c) over an enumerated set, represented by .

To clarify the use of this technique, Table 4.1 shows several entities with their corresponding E-notation,

and a suitable visualization method.

The main advantage of this taxonomy is that it represents the underlying field, thus producing a comprehen-

sive mapping of visualization techniques onto different entities. However, the major drawback is that it reduces

the comprehension of the underlying strategies of high-dimensional visualization techniques used to generate

the visual mapping for the different fields.

4.2.2 Classification Scheme by Wong and Bergeron

Wong and Bergeron presented a study focused on high-dimensional visualization throughout history [339].

They studied the visualization techniques in the period before 1976, when most of the developments in the

visualization field were carried out by physicists, mathematicians and astronomers.

As part of the study, the authors described three main periods of work to date. However, their work fo-

cuses primarily on the last two stages of developments, starting in 1987 with the publication of the paper by

McCormick et al [213]. During those last two periods, different methods and systems were developed.

They also reduced the main objectives of the high-dimensional visualization methods to visually summa-

rize the data, and to find trends, patterns and relationship among attributes. However, the authors suggested

the underlying difficulty in establishing a suitable set of criteria to categorize high-dimensional visualization

methods. To overcome this problem, they defined attempted to define several criteria, such as the goal of the

visualization and the type or dimensionality of the data. Furthermore, they grouped the techniques in three


Techniques based on 2-variate displays. This category comprises the methods whose visual representation is

mainly two-dimensional. The main task of these techniques is to show correlation between attributes and

provide an exploratory tool to facilitate the identification of the models that better describe the properties

of the data. A clear example of this kind of methods is scatterplot matrix.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Multivariate displays techniques. The majority of the visualization methods belong to this category, and

their main features are: the generation of coloured and complex images, a high-speed in the output

displays to support effective interaction and the ability to deal with datasets more complex than the ones

tackled by methods in the first category. Furthermore, this category is divided into five sub-categories:

brushing, panel matrix, iconography, hierarchical displays, and non-Cartesian displays.

Animation based techniques. The last category comprises the methods that use animation to enhance the

presentation of the data.

Three major contributions were made by the authors. Firstly, they introduced a classification scheme for

MMDV techniques. Secondly, they compiled a useful description of several techniques, concepts, and software

systems related to the MMDV field. Finally, they conducted a historic overview, showing the evolution of the

field over a 30 year period (1977-1997).

However, three fundamental deficiencies are also highlighted: the first drawback is that the authors do not

distinguish interaction techniques, concepts, tools, visual techniques or software systems. Furthermore, the

brushing sub-category describes only one method. The third shortcoming is that there is a possible overlap

between a category and a sub-category (techniques based on 2-variate displays and non-Cartesian displays,

respectively), since the parallel coordinates technique fits into both definitions.

4.2.3 Task by Data Type Taxonomy

The Task by (Data) Type Taxonomy (TTT) was presented by Shneiderman [273] and motivated by a basic

principle called the Visual Information Seeking Mantra: overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on-demand.

The main feature of this taxonomy is that it considers the different visualization methods under two aspects:

the data type and the task-domain information objects. In this taxonomy, the data is a collection of items with

different types of attributes: 1D, 2D, 3D, temporal, multidimensional, tree, and network data. As regards the

second aspect, although only seven basic tasks are described: overview, zoom, filter, details-on-demand, relate,

history, and extract; Shneiderman suggested that the list should be extended.

This taxonomy presents several advantages and drawbacks. For example, the sub-categories of TTT cover

most of the InfoVis field, making easier the understanding of the area. However, many times this coverage is

not broad enough to include several high-dimensional subfields.

Another drawback of the taxonomy is that it does not distinguish between methods and software systems,

e.g. 3D scatterplot is often classified together with Spotfire.

4.2.4 Data Visualization Taxonomy

Buja en al. presented a process-based taxonomy for data visualization [43]. It is divided into two different

categories: rendering and manipulation. It is worth mentioning that this taxonomy is focused on classifying

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


aspects of a visualization method, instead of classifying the method as a whole. This could lead a technique to

be fitted into several and different subtypes in each category of the taxonomy.

The first category, rendering, provides information and describes the features of a static image. It is divided

into three subtypes:

Traces. The data samples are mapped to functions of a real parameter (e.g. Andrews curves and parallel


Scatterplots. The data samples are mapped to location of data-points in two or three-dimensional spaces (e.g.

2D and 3D Scatterplot).

Glyphs. The data samples are mapped to abstract symbols whose features represent the attributes of the data

samples. (e.g. stars, trees and castles, Chernoff faces and shape coding).

However, the authors gave much consideration to the interaction with the visualization in order to accom-

plish a meaningful data exploration. The use of the visualization enhanced with interaction options to analyze

the data and acquire knowledge comes from a methodology, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), presented by

Tukey [300]. EDA has had a great influence on subsequent methods for visualization and statistical analysis.

The taxonomy introduced by Buja et al. is focused on the manipulation category, that represents the process of

interaction mentioned above. This category is organized in terms of three basic search tasks:

Finding Gestalt. This task usually involves the search for structures in the data and any kind of relation-

ship between attributes. For example, to find local or global linearities and nonlinearities; to identify

discontinuities; or to locate clusters, outliers, and unusual groups.

Posing queries. This second task attempts to make sense out the results (e.g. views) obtained in the first

task (finding Gestalt), using a graphical query posed on these views. For example, the use of brushing in

linked views.

Making comparisons. This stage performs comparisons of several views of the data (e.g. similar plots of

data) produced in the finding Gestalt task. The aim is to make easier meaningful comparisons. This

process is called arranging views. An example of this task is carried out by Scatterplot matrix technique.

One of the advantages of this taxonomy is its innovative character, since it contains three subcategories for

the manipulation category. This allows a high degree of abstraction, as well as the comparison of the different

techniques according to their capabilities when dealing with the three manipulation processes. Furthermore,

The Buja et al. taxonomy uses of the Gestalt theory as the basis to describe the steps of the manipulation

(interaction) part of a visualization.

However, this taxonomy also presents some drawbacks. The rendering category does not have sub-categories

enough to describe precisely several visualization techniques, for instance dimension stacking method or pixel-

oriented methods. Specifically, the scatterplots sub-category has a great limitation, since it merely groups and

describes one method, the scatterplot.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Visualization Techniques

Geometric Scatterplot matrix, Hyberbox, HyperSlice, Parallel coordinates, Andrews’ curves, Radicalcoordinates visualization (RadViz), Star coordinates, Table lens, etc.

Icon-based Chernoff faces, Star glyph, Stick figure, Shape coding, Color icon, Texture, etc.Pixel-oriented Space-filling curves, Recursive pattern, Spiral and axes techniques, Circle-segments, Pixel

bar chart, etc.Hierarchical Hierarchical axis, Dimensional stacking, Worlds within worlds, Treemap, etc.

Interaction Techniques

Mapping AutoVisualProjection Grand TourFiltering Data Visualization, Sliders, Dynamic Queries with Movable FiltersZooming IVEE, Pad++Linking/Brushing XmdvTool

Distortion Techniques (Simple or Complex)

Perspective wall, bifocal lens, table lens, fisheye view, hyperbolic tree, hyperbox

Table 4.2: Distribution of several visualization techniques according to Keim’s taxonomy.

4.2.5 Classification by Keim

Keim presented a taxonomy for high-dimensional visualization methods [162, 163]. His efforts focused on

the formalization of the field to achieve: a) a better classification and understanding of the existing methods;

b) a systematic development of new methods; and c) a formal mechanism to assess them. Keim’s taxonomy is

based on three points: interaction technique, visualization technique, and distortion technique.

At the end, a three-dimensional classification space is achieved by mapping each of the three criteria onto

three orthogonal axes. Therefore, the X axis represents five different enumerated values for interaction tech-

niques: mapping, projection, filtering, link & brushing, and zoom. Another five enumerated values for visu-

alization techniques are represented by the Y axis: hierarchical, pixel-oriented, icon-based, and geometric.

Finally, the Z axis depicts two enumerated values for distortion techniques: simple and complex. Table 4.2

shows different visualization techniques fitted into Keim’s taxonomy.

The positive aspects of this taxonomy can be summarized as follows: a) the formal definition of the design

goals for pixel-oriented techniques as optimization problems; and b) a qualitative and subjective comparison

of some visualization techniques. Keim gave a score to each technique (degree scale: very bad, bad, neutral,

good, very good) based on three different criteria: data, task and visualization characteristics. Although the

evident subjectivity of the assessment, it is a good starting point for a more formal evaluation proposal.

On the other hand, this taxonomy also present the following problems: a) the major contribution of Keim’s

proposal is the distinction between visual representation and interaction techniques, however, the third category

(distortion techniques) seems quite inappropriate. The reason is because distortion techniques could be seen as

an interactive aspect of a visualization technique, rather than a category itself, since it alters the way the data

are visually displayed. To solve this problem, a new version of the taxonomy was proposed [163], in which

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


the interaction category and the distortion category were unified into one single category and a new category

was also introduced (data type to be visualized); b) the absence of a formal definition that describes the main

features of each category. Instead, the author provided several examples of different techniques that could be

classified into a specific category.

4.3 MMDV techniques

This section presents some of the most applied and reviewed MMDV techniques in the literature. To

facilitate the reading and to make more understandable the nature and kind of the techniques, they are presented

by following one of the previous taxonomies.

Specifically, the taxonomy introduced by Keim is used (Section 4.2.5). The main reason is the simplicity

and intuition in which Keim organizes the different visualization techniques, according to the overal approaches

taken to generate resulting visualizations. Thus, in one of his three different ways of classification, Keim

grouped MMDV techniques into five broad categories: geometric, pixel-oriented, hierarchical and icon-based.

4.3.1 Geometric projection

These techniques carry out informative projections and transformations of MMD [165]. Geometric projec-

tion techniques often map the attributes to a Cartesian plane, such as scatterplot or star coordinates, or more

innovatively to an arbitrary space, as parallel coordinates.

This category comprises techniques that are good for detecting outliers and correlation amongst different

attributes. Furthermore, those techniques are also able to handle huge datasets when appropriate interaction

techniques are included [159]. Internally, all attributes are treated equally but, in fact, they may not be perceived

equally [278]. A point to take into account is that the order in which the axes are visualized could affect

our perception [165], therefore an optimum rearrangement must be done or the visual representation will be

biased. Another problem is related to the visual cluttering and the record overlapping [165] produced by the

high dimensionality or the large size of the data. This could, indeed, limit the user’s perception capabilities. Scatterplot matrix

Traditionally, the scatterplot technique has been used for bivariate data in which two attributes are projected

along the x-y axes of the Cartesian coordinates. Scatterplot matrix [123] is an extension for MMD where a

collection of scatterplots is arranged in a matrix simultaneously to provide correlation information among the

different attributes (see Figure 4.5). Formally, given a set of variables L1, L2, ..., LD, the scatterplot matrix

contains all the pairwise scatterplots of the variables on a single page in a matrix format. In other words, if a

dataset have D variables, the scatterplot matrix will have D rows, D columns, and the ith row and jth column

of the matrix is a plot of Li versus L j.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 4.5: Left: Example of traditional scatterplot technique for bivariate data. Right: A scatterplot matrixfor 4-dimensional data of 400 automobiles (taken from [222]).

A scatterplot matrix shows different patterns in the relationships between pairs of attributes, without using

retinal visual elements or interaction techniques. However, there may be important structural patterns in higher

dimensions which may go unnoticed [2]. Another problem is that if the number of data-points is too large, the

visualization becomes chaotic. To solve this, the technique of brushing [22] can be used to color the points of

interest in each scatterplot of the matrix. Andrews’ curves

Andrews [9] defines his curves in 1972, early on in the computing era. The method is a way to visualize

and hence to find structure in high-dimensional data, by plotting each data item as a curved line. Formally,

each data item x = x1,x2, ...,xD defines a finite Fourier series

fx(t) = x1/√

2+ x2sin(t)+ x3cos(t)+ x4sin(2t)+ x5cos(2t)+ ... (4.1)

and fx(t) is then plotted for −Π < t < Π. Therefore, each data item is represented as a curved line between

−Π and Π. If there is underlying structure in the data, the andrews’ curves of the data could make it visible.

Figure 4.6A shows an example of andrews’ curves on the iris dataset. As this dataset is four dimensional, only

the first four terms of Equation 4.1 are used.

Andrews’s curves work in a such way that close points produce similar curves and distant points generate

distinct curves, which is useful for detecting clusters and outliers. Although this method can cope with many

dimensions, it is computationally expensive to visualize large datasets. Andrews’ curves have been used in

fields as semiconductor manufacturing [249], sociology [279] and neurology. Some of their uses includes the

visualization of learning in artificial neural networks [95] and the quality control of products [181].

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 4.6: A: Andrews’ curves. An andrews’ plot of the iris data set. The plot evidences that Virginica isdifferent from the other two (especially from t=2 to t=3), but differentiating between the other two is lesseasy (adapted from [97]). B: RadViz data visualization for the lung cancer data set that uses gene expressioninformation on seven genes. Points represent tissue samples and are colored with respect to diagnostic class(AD, NL, SMCL, SQ and COID) (taken from [222]). Radical coordinates visualization (RadViz)

The RadViz technique [139, 136] represents each D-dimensional data item as a point in a two-dimensional

space. The points are located within a circle whose perimeter is divided into n equal arcs. The equidistant

points on the perimeter are called dimensional anchors [137, 139], and each data attribute is associated with

one dimensional anchor. If the data are D-dimensional, each data-point is connected to n dimensional anchors

through n different springs (see Figure 4.6B). The final position of the data-point is that which produces a

spring force sum of zero.

The values of each data dimension are normalized to the range [0, 1], as if the data are left in the original

range, then the attribute with higher values than others will dominate the visualization. The RadViz technique

has been devised in such a way that if all D coordinates have the same value the data-point lies exactly in the

centre of the circle. Furthermore, if the data-point is a unit vector point, it lies exactly at the fixed point on the

edge of the circle, where the spring for that dimension is fixed [139]. Star coordinates

Star coordinates (SC) is a traditional MMDV technique, proposed by Kandogan [152], which extends cir-

cular parallel coordinates and radviz. SC can also be regarded as an extension of typical 2D and 3D scatterplots

to higher dimensions with normalization. SC algorithm works as follows: first, each attribute is represented as

a vector radiating from the center of a circle to its circumference. Then the coordinate axes are arranged onto

a flat (2-dimensional) surface forming equidistant angles between the axes. The mapping of an D-dimensional

point to a 2-dimensional Cartesian coordinate is computed by means of the sum of all unit vectors on each co-

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 4.7: Star coordinates. A: Process of obtaining the final position of a data-point for a 8-dimensionaldataset. B: Interacting with the car specs dataset (400 cars manufactured world-wide containing the followingattributes: mpg, cylinders, weight, acceleration, displacement, origin, horsepower, year) by means of the SCalgorithm (taken from [152]).

ordinate, multiplied by the data value for that coordinate. Figure 4.7A and Equation 4.2 illustrates an example

of the calculated position for a 8-dimensional data-point:

Pj(x,y) =(

ox +∑Di=1 uxi(d ji −mini),

oy +∑Di=1 uyi(d ji −mini)


where d ji is the j-th data-point with the i-th attribute value, mini is the minimum value of the i-th attribute

computed over all the data-points, uxi and uyi are unit vectors in the direction of each coordinate, and ox, oy are

the coordinates of the origin.

One of the main features of SC is that it provides an interaction method (see Figure 4.7B). For example, it is

possible to apply different and basic transformation operations, such as: scaling transformation to modify the

length of an axis, thus increasing or decreasing the contribution of an attribute; rotation transformations that

change the direction of an axis, thus making an attribute more or less correlated with other attributes; and the

deletion of a particular attribute to observe how the data-points are rearranged when that attribute is not taken

into account in the representation. All these transformation have been found to be useful in gaining insight into

hierarchically clustered datasets.

However, SC presents several drawbacks, e.g. the loss of information due to DR using simple sum of the

vectors is great, some very different data-points may be projected closed together, and the manual configuration

of dimension axes is complex. To address those problems, Yang et al. proposed an enhanced SC, called

advanced star coordinates (SCA) [284].

4.3.2 Pixel-Oriented techniques

This category comprises those techniques that represent an attribute value by a pixel based on some color

scale. If a D-dimensional dataset is considered, then D pixels will be colored to represent one data item, with

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 4.8: Pixel-Oriented visualization of 6-dimensional data (taken from [165]).

Figure 4.9: Data arrangements (adapted from [161]).

the particularity that each attribute values will be placed in separate sub-windows (see Figure 4.8).

This category can be divided into two sub-categories, query-independent and query-dependent. The former

is especially useful for data with a natural ordering according to one attribute (e.g., time series data). The latter

is used if the user is interested in carrying out some query, since there is no natural ordering of the data and the

goal is an interactive exploration of the data. Space-filling curves

Space-filling curves are query-independent that provides a better clustering of closely related data items.

The main idea of these curves is to provide a continuous curve which passes through every point of a regular

spatial region (e.g., a square). Traditionally, space-filling curves techniques were used to study recursion and

to produce beautiful and abstract images. However, four decades ago, the clustering properties of these curves

started to be used for indexing spatial databases [318]. The main idea is to optimize storage and processing of

two-dimensional data by mapping them into one dimension, thus preserving the spatial locality of the original

two-dimensional image.

Some well-known examples are curves developed by Peano and Hilbert [233, 130] (Figure 4.9c) and Morton

[221] (Figure 4.9d). For MMD, curves of particular attributes are visualized in separate windows.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 4.10: Circle-segments. A: Circle-segments with 7 input attributes and 1 class (adapted from [12]). B:Circle-segments method displaying different data values (taken from [160]). Circle-segments

Ankerst et al. proposed the Circle-segments technique [12] to visualize large amounts of data by assigning

attributes on the segments of a circle. The Circle-segments technique comprises three steps: dividing, ordering,

and colouring.

Firstly, in the dividing stage, the circle is divided equally according to the number of data attributes (in-

cluding the class, for supervised data). For instance, if the data consist of 7 input attributes and one additional

attribute for the class (output attribute), then the circle is divided into 8 equal segments, of which one is the

class attribute (Figure 4.10A). Secondly, in the ordering stage, the data items must be sorted according to a

criterion that ensures that all the attributes are placed properly into the space of the circle. For example, since

the data are supervised, the sorting criterion could be based on the correlation between the input attributes and

the class. Therefore, the order of the data items within the circle will be strongly influenced by the priority of

the attributes, according to the class (This is, the first row of data in the sorted matrix is located at the centre of

the circle, while the last row of the data is located at the outside of the circle). Finally, in the colouring stage,

color values are used to indicate the relevance of each data value to the original value based on a color map.

This relevance measure is in the range of 0 to 1. Pixel bar Chart

Pixel bar chart [164], derived from regular bar chart, presents data values directly instead of aggregating

them into a few data values. These bars can be, for example, traditional histogram which plots one particular

attribute against its values (see Figure 4.11B-C), or X-Y diagram that plots two attributes. Thus, a single pixel

is used to represent each data item and it is placed in the bar chart, and each data attribute is encoded to a pixel

color. To sort the pixels within each bar, two attributes are used to separate the data into bars, and then use two

extra attributes to impose an ordering within the bars (see Figure 4.11A for the general idea).

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 4.11: Pixel bar chart. A: Ordering. B: Equal-height pixel bar chart. C: Equal-width pixel bar chart(taken from [164]).

Figure 4.12: Dimensional stacking. A: Partition of dimensional stacking. B: An example (taken from [159]).

For higher-dimensional data, multi-pixel bar charts can also be used.

4.3.3 Hierarchical display

The hierarchical techniques subdivide the D-dimensional space to present the obtained subspaces in a hi-

erarchical way. To do so, they map a subset of attributes into different hierarchical levels. Most of these tech-

niques enable dynamic interactive analysis. Three hierarchical techniques are described: dimensional stacking,

worlds within worlds and treemap. Dimensional stacking

Leblanc et al. presented a technique called dimensional stacking [185], which basically subdivides the D-

dimensional space into 2D-subspaces wich are stacked into each other (see Figure 4.12). The most important

attributes must be chosen for the outer levels of the stack. This method is particularly useful for data with

ordinal attributes of low cardinality. Thus, the algorithm consists in: Firstly, the most important pair of attributes

i and j are selected, and a 2D grid of i versus j is defined. Secondly, a recursive subdivision of each grid cell

using the next important pair of parameters is carried out. Finally, the final grid cells are colored.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 4.13: A: Worlds within worlds. Variate x, y, and z are plotted initially. Variate u, v, and w are plottedafter all previous variates are defined (taken from [339]). B: A real example of treemap (taken from [1]). Worlds within worlds

Worlds within worlds (or n-vision) [88] was proposed by Feiner and Beshers, as a hierarchical technique

that divides the data space into 3-dimensional subspaces. Almost all the aforementioned MMDV visualization

techniques involve the generation of static objects, but worlds within worlds is slightly different. The main idea

is based on the fact that dimensions are nested together using three variates at each level to yield an interactive

hierarchy of displays (see Figure 4.13A).

A position in the space set by those three axes is defined by using a three-dimensional power glove, thus

generating a new set of axes. The glove is able to pick a point in that space, and the process continues until all

variates are defined. At the end of the process, the user can explore the data, which are displayed into a three

dimensional stereo display of virtual worlds. It is worth mentioning that if different variate mappings are used,

different views of the data can be obtained. However, the process is often difficult and tedious, since there are

too many possible combinations of variate mappings. AutoVisual [29, 30] was proposed as a new version of

worlds within worlds, including a rule-based user interface. Treemap

Treemap [150, 272] is a hierarchical technique to visualize MMD. The values of the data attributes are

mapped to the size, position, color, and label of nested rectangles. Thus, the display will be partitioned into

regions with different properties, as shown in Figure 4.13B.

One of the main features of treemap is that it can obtain an overview on large datasets with multiple ordinal

attributes [159], as well as dividing the screen in a space-filling way using the available display space [259].

To summarize, treemap can reveal outliers, distinguish between classes, describe classes, and facilitating the

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 4.14: A: A Chernoff face with 11 facial characteristic parameters. B: Chernoff faces in various 2Dpositions (taken from [54]).

comparison of data items.

4.3.4 Icon-based techniques

This category (also called iconography) comprises visualization techniques that represent each data item

using a glyph or icon. Consequently, different values of the data attribute will involve different visual features

and parameters in the display [63]. Therefore, the aim is to choose a proper mapping of data values to graphical

parameters to produce texture patterns and thus gaining insight into the data. Chernoff faces

Chernoff faces [54], proposed by Chernoff, is probably the most famous technique in iconography, since

it presented the multivariate data as arrays of cartoon faces. The working of the technique is simple: two

attributes (possibly the independent attributes, if such exist) are used to compute the 2D position (see Figure

4.14B) of a face and the remaining attributes define the visual properties of the face, for example, the shape

of the mouth, nose and eyes. Thus, the set of visual parameters form the appearance of the face, as shown in

Figure 4.14A.

As regards the drawbacks of this technique, it is noted that different visual features are not easily comparable

to each other [63]. It is also highlighted that Chernoff faces can only visualize a limited amount of data items

[165], due to the visual space occupied by each of the faces in the display. Furthermore, the semantic relation

to the task has significant impact on the perceptive effectiveness [278].

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 4.15: A: Construction of a star glyph. The blue line connects the different data value points on eachaxis to define the glyph. B: Star glyph representation of an auto dataset with 12 attributes (taken from [197]). Star glyph

Chambers et al. presented one of the most widely used glyphs in the literature, the star glyph technique

[49]. It works as follows: Firstly, if a D-dimensional dataset is considered, D equal angular axes radiating from

the center of a circle [135] are used to represent the attributes or dimensions. Furthermore, the range of values

for each attribute is normalized in the interval [0,1], so that values of data attributes close to 0 lie near the center

of the circle, and values close to 1 will lie near the perimeter. Secondly, a line connecting the data value points

on each axis is drawn. Finally, each data item is represented by one star glyph (see Figure 4.15A).

This way of representing data is especially helpful for multivariate datasets of moderate size, however its

primary drawback is that the visualization becomes confusing when the number of data items increases. Color icons

Levkowitz presented the color icon technique [199], that described a color icon as a graphical form that

merges color, shape, and texture perception for iconographic integration. A color icon is an area on the display

to which color, shape, size, orientation, boundaries, and area subdividers can be mapped by MMD (see Figure


There are two different methods to paint a color icon. The first way requires color shading. Thus, a

particular color is assigned to each thick line according to the value of the mapping attribute. The color of the

color icon can be computed by interpolating the colors assigned to all thick lines. A second approach is to

assign a different color to each pie-shaped sub-area according to the values of the mapping attributes. The first

option provides better parameter blending, while the second one gives better parameter separability [339].

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 4.16: A: Square shaped color icon which maps up to six variates. Each variate is mapped to one of thesix thick lines. B: Mapping MMD with one to six variates to color icons. The value is mapped to the thick lineonly (taken from [339]).

4.4 Two versus three dimensions in MMDV

The following studies compare 2D and 3D visualization in several domains, without focusing on the scat-

terplot technique in DV tasks. Therefore, many different studies have compared the visualization using only

2D and 3D views. For example, Van Orden and Broyles [230] found that 2D displays were as good as 3D dis-

plays for tasks regarding aircraft speed and altitude criteria. Park and Woldstad [232] showed that 2D and 3D

visualizations were equally good for telerobotic positioning tasks. Tory et al. [295] compared 2D displays, 3D

displays, and combined 2D/3D displays for relative position estimation, orientation, and volume of tasks. They

demonstrated that 3D displays can be very effective for approximate navigation and relative positioning when

appropriate cues, such as shadows, are present. However, 3D displays are not effective for precise navigation

and positioning. Tory et al. [297] also compared point-based visualizations to 2D and 3D landscapes, where

a surface has been fitted to the set of underlying points. The results showed that 2D landscapes had a better

performance than 3D landscapes. In this sense, they [298] also demonstrated that the participants’ visual mem-

ory was statistically more accurate when viewing dot displays and 3D landscapes compared to 2D landscapes,

and that 3D landscapes had a better performance than 2D landscapes. Smallman et al. [277] reported that 2D

displays were faster when performing air control traffic tasks.

Next, several studies specifically focused on the comparison of 2D and 3D scatterplots are presented. In

[85] Fabrikant compared two different kinds of display: discrete displays (a.k.a point displays) and continu-

ous displays (a.k.a surface displays). All these displays showed dimensionally reduced data in 2D and 3D.

Basically, her main contribution was to demonstrate that people could understand landscape representations of

non-spatial data, as well as the relationships between 3D landscapes. She also compared point-based displays

(or scatterplots), and therefore she found out that 2D scatterplots were effective mechanisms, but 3D scatter-

plots were more difficult to understand. Wickens [330, 331] concluded that 3D scatterplots are efficient and

useful for carrying out tasks that require the integration of three dimensions. Analogously, those tasks that fo-

cused on working with one or more dimensions benefitted from a 2D scatterplot. In other words, they claimed

that the proximity compatibility principle asserts that there is an advantage of an additional dimension when

displaying the data (e.g. a 3D over two planar 2D displays, or an XY plot over two X plots) when multiple

sources of data must be integrated.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


These conclusions indeed provide a good feedback on the advantages of 3D and 2D scatterplots. However, it

is also important to note that the scatterplots that were used by Wickens et al. [332] in the experiments, showed

just six or eight different points, and thus this number of points is not realistic for high-dimensional datasets,

since they often contain thousands of points. Very recently, Sedlmair et al. [265] conducted an extensive

empirical data study and developed a workflow model to demonstrate whether cluster separation could better

performed using 2D Scatterplots, interactive 3D Scatterplots, or Scatterplot Matrices (SPLOMs). To do so,

the authors analyzed a set of 816 scatterplots (derived from 75 datasets x 4 DR techniques x 3 scatterplot

techniques) to assess the cluster results by using a heatmap approach. They found out that 2D scatterplots are

often ’good enough’, that is, neither SPLOM nor interactive 3D adds notably more cluster separability with a

particular DR technique.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

Part III


Chapter 5

Quality degradation quantificationin Dimensionality Reduction

Despite the advantages and disadvantages outlined in Chapter 3, the use of DR often entails an inherent and

inevitable degradation of the data quality that is likely to affect the understanding of the data. This phenomenon

is considered to be of great importance in the analysis of medical and biological data, among other fields. That

is, patterns discovered and extracted from the reduced data will probably be a small part of the patterns extracted

from the original data. Furthermore, the meaning of these patterns may be partially or completely altered by

this reduction. This degradation in the data quality is also known as loss of quality and it is a concept strongly

linked to the preservation of original data geometry.

This distortion in the original nature of the data can lead to biased interpretations and wrong conclusions

about the data that could cause serious implications. Therefore, it is vitally important to quantify to what extent

the data are being degraded to make an appropriate decision about the data analysis tools to be used.

Each DR algorithm has been created to achieve a specific aim, which defines its specific nature. It is also

true that, depending on its specification, a DR algorithm can give rise to more or less loss of quality at the time

of reducing the data. Therefore, this loss of quality could be determinant when selecting a DR method, because

of the nature of each method.

The first approach in this thesis has been proposed to demonstrate the following hypotheses: it is possible to

quantify accurately the real loss of quality produced in the entire DR process, as well as it is possible to group

the different DR methods as regards the loss of quality they produce when reducing the data dimensionality. To

do so, a methodology [110] that allows different DR methods to be analyzed and compared as regards the loss

of quality produced by them is presented. This approach is called Quality Loss Quantifier Curves Methodology

(QLQC) and the main idea is to identify and to model different patterns in the behaviour of the loss of quality

in order to group the DR methods, as well as drawing conclusions about the magnitude of that loss of quality.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


The chapter continues in the next section with the definition and notation used throughout this chapter,

as well as the details about QLQC. Section 5.2 presents the application of QLQC methodology to real world

domains, which is composed of the description of the environment for carrying out the experiments and the

presentation of the experimental results. Finally, a summary of the proposal and some discussion can be found

in Section 5.3.

5.1 Quality Loss Quantifier Curves (QLQC) Methodology

The goal of QLQC is to compare different DR methods in terms of loss of quality. To achieve this, the loss

of quality is quantified when reducing the dimensionality of the data over a pre-specified dimensional range.

The loss of quality concept is defined as:

Quality Loss = (1−quality value) (5.1)

where 1 represents a perfect preservation of geometry, and the quality value is the value obtained by a particular

quality measure. The domain for quality value is [0,1], where 0 means the worst preservation of geometry and

1 is the best possible result (this is explained better in Section 5.1.2). The loss of quality is the achieved quality

value subtracted from 1. Therefore, the smaller loss of quality value, the better preservation of geometry.

The loss of quality concept could be seen as a simple way of referring to the process of losing the original

data geometry associated with a reduction in the data dimensionality, when using a DR algorithm. The rationale

for using this concept is that the methodology presented here should emphasise the loss of quality that occurs

in a DR process, rather than the value itself obtained by a quality measure.

The methodology is based on the following steps (Figure 5.1): dimensional thresholding computation,

quality loss quantifier curves (a.k.a. QLQC, explained below in Section 5.1.2) obtaining, increasing/decreasing

stability function and quantification analysis of loss of quality.

In the first step, a dimensionality interval (by using the minor and major thresholds) is defined in order to

quantify the loss of quality over the DR process. After this, the quality curves asociated to each assessment

measure are obtained. The increasing/decreasing stability function deals with the selection of those curves that

meet a set of constraints. Finally, an analysis of the loss of quality on the selected curves is carried out.

5.1.1 Dimensional thresholding computation

In order to quantify the loss of quality in a DR process, it is necessary to define a major (N′) and minor (n′)

dimensionality threshold. The minor threshold n′ is considered a fixed value independent of the data and the

DR algorithms. This value is usually the lowest possible dimensionality to be reduced (2 dimensions).

The major threshold N′ is limited by the selected DR algorithms. Theoretically, the methodology presented

here proposes that N′ could correspond to the dimensionality value of the original dataset in order to carry

out a more extensive study of the loss of quality, but in fact there are some cases in which this is not always

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná










Figure 5.1: Proposed methodology

possible due to technical issues. That is, there are several DR algorithms that do not allow us to select a target

dimensionality greater than the number of individuals of the data analyzed in the study. There is a simple

theoretical justification for this: according to linear algebra and vector spans, the intrinsic dimensionality of

a given set of points can never be higher than the number of points. Therefore, some DR methods explicitly

exclude the option to reduce the data dimensionality to any number larger than the number of points.

In this study, the major threshold N′ is usually limited to the number of individuals (instances) of the data.

5.1.2 Quality Loss Quantifier Curves (QLQC) obtaining

In order to quantify the loss of quality when performing a DR task, 11 quality assessment measures have

been selected from Section 3.4 (see Table 3.3). The selection criterion for these measures is closely related to

the number of times they have been cited in the literature, particularly through studies with similar characteris-

tics (see Section 3.5). This fact reinforces the importance of using them. So, for achieving real and significant

values in the loss of quality estimation, the use of widely referenced methods in the literature was absolutely


As regards the inclusion of recently developed measures, such as QY and NIEQALOCAL, they are considered

as an interesting source of analysis. They provide a fresh approach, and have also demonstrated some desirable

properties which the oldest ones lack.

The codification of the SS, QM , MT , MC and Qk measures were implemented by us. The PM and PMC

methods were implemented thanks to the code kindly provided by the original authors (Goldberg and Ritov).

The Co-ranking matrix code belongs to Lee and Verleysen. The QY measure was implemented thanks to the

code provided by the authors (Meng et al). Finally, to implement the NIEQA measure, the original code (Zhang

et al) was used.

Note that, all the quality values produced by a measure have been represented in the same range [0,1],

where 0 is the worst value and 1 is the best possible result (perfect preservation of geometry). In the case

of SS, QM , PM , PMC and NIEQALOCAL measures, these values were modified from the original measure (1 -


Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.
















Figure 5.2: Example of QLQC plot for a particular dataset, by using a DR algorithm (MVU).

Our methodology computes a set of QLQC as the result of evaluating the loss of quality by using the 11

quality measures in all the range of dimensions from N′ to n′ (Figure 5.2). The quality values provided by each

measure can be considered as a single QLQ curve in which the X axis represents the range for dimensionalities

where the data will be embedded, and Y axis the quality value of the measurement.

It is worth noting that, local measures such as QNX , RNX , Qk, MC, MT and QM are usually evaluated

on increasing k values. Therefore each measure yields a curve formed by the quality values obtained using

different values of k. The methodology described here is not intended to carry out a study of the neighborhood,

this is out of the scope of this thesis. As a first approach, there was special interest in studying the loss of

quality over a wide interval of dimensions, by using a prefixed k value. Specifically, in the experiments a value

of k = 7 was used.

The rationale for selecting this value is related to k parameter in some of the DR algorithms that have been

used. Isomap, LE, LLE and MVU also use a k local (also k = 7) parameter for evaluating the neighborhood

before reducing the data dimensionality. Thus, a high uniformity between different methods was needed, in

terms of parameter settings.

5.1.3 Increasing/Decreasing Stability function

One of the main challenges is related to selecting those curves of the plot that could be useful and provide

valid information when quantifying results and drawing conclusions. That is, those curves in which the quality

values are gradual, stable and decrease (analogously, the loss of quality increases) during the DR process were

selected, just as it is started from a N′ dimensionality and progressively reduce it until n′. In other words, a DR

algorithm is used on N′-dimensional data, first to yield an N′-1-dimensional embedding, then a second time to

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


yield N′-2-dimensional data, and so on until the n′-dimension. The input data for the DR algorithm are always

the original data. Thus, it has been reduced is the target dimensionality in which the data will be embedded

(from N′-1 to n′).

The Increasing/Decreasing Stability function (SI/D) arises, firstly, in order to select those curves considered

suitable in order to study the loss of quality. After obtaining the QLQC, some of the curves showed a strange,

unstable and erratic behavior. This behavior largely depends on the DR algorithm used. This irregular behavior

makes the analysis of the loss of quality over a dimensionality interval difficult. By observing experimentally

the behavior of many of these curves, it was observed that a large proportion of them tended to decrease as the

dimension decreased from N′ to n′.

This fact should be considered a natural and intuitive concept, since for dimensionalities close to n′ the

quality values should be considerably smaller than for dimensionalities close to N′. Therefore, those curves

that showed this trend should be selected, since selecting other curves would make the process of extracting

patterns or carrying out a clustering difficult, due to their unexpected and irregular behavior (see Figure 5.3).

After this, the question about how to select those curves that meet this natural and intuitive constraint of

progresive loss of quality was considered. The use a statistical method or technique that exists in the literature

was needed. However, nowadays there is no statistical method in the literature that considers the concepts

of the stability or growth of a curve. For this reason, it has been designed and developed in order to carry

out an analysis of the Increasing/Decreasing Stability of a curve. This technique should be able to model

the curve, that is, to provide us a value detailing the stability of the curve (without peaks). It should also

provide information on its increasing/decreasing behavior. The selection of other techniques in the literature

was considered, statistical or otherwise, but as a method that achieves either of our aims or both of them was

not found, we implemented it.

So, the Increasing/Decreasing Stability function (SI/D) carries out an analysis of the behavior of the curve

in terms of positive or negative growth in a stable way. Thus, SI/D represents how and to what extent a curve

shows an increasing/decreasing behavior and, at the same time, how is the stability of the curve during the

process. A curve can be considered stable by a full analysis of the oscillatory and fluctuating motion or, for

that matter, by checking the existence of peaks in opposite directions. The bigger the oscillations, the smaller

the SI/D final value.

Figure 5.4 illustrates the behavior of the function. Let ∆x′i = x′i+1−x′i and ∆y′i = y′i+1−y′i be the increments

in X and Y axes, respectively. The mean slope Mm is computed in Equation 5.2, and represents the mean of

the slopes in the different sections of the curve. As Mm is not normalized, it was done in order to make future

computations easier, through the following equation (5.3)

Mm =1






Mmn =2arctan(Mm)


Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.
















Figure 5.3: QLQC containing curves that violate the Increasing/Decreasing Stability criterion. The red andgreen dashed lines (that is, the quality curves generated by the QY and SS measures) and black line (PM)violate the Increasing/Decreasing Stability criterion. These curves do not reach the minimum threshold to beconsidered suitable to analyze. The blue and light blue lines (Qk and RNX measures) present low values ofIncreasing/Decreasing Stability, and the rest present high values of Increasing/Decreasing Stability since theyare smooth and have a decreasing behavior.












X axis

Y a


Increasing/Decreasing Stability function (SI/D






Figure 5.4: Increasing/Decreasing Stability function.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


where the interval of Mmn ∈ [−1,1], 1 represents a positive mean slope of 90, 0 is a 0 mean slope, and -1

represents a negative mean slope of −90 in respect to the X axis line. As seen above, this value penalizes the

0 value slope sections of the curve. Finally, SI/D is computed as

SI/D =∑

N−1i=1 Cp


√∆y′2i +∆x′2i


where the denominator calculates the total length of the curve, and the numerator calculates the partial contri-

butions (Cp) in each section of the curve. Thus, Cp is computed by the following conditions

Cp =

√∆y′2i +∆x′2i , if ∆y′i > 0,


∆y′2i +∆x′2i , if ∆y′i < 0,

0, if ∆y′i = 0 and Mmn = 0,


√∆y′2i +∆x′2i , if ∆y′i = 0 and Mmn 6= 0,


SI/D ∈ [−1,1], where 1 represents a perfect increasing stability, 0 absence of increasing/decreasing stability,

and -1 perfect decreasing stability. Basically, SI/D computes the total length of the curve and carries out an

analysis of the contribution of each section of the curve to the total length, according to its positive, null or

negative growth. In the case of 0 slope sections, the total mean slope is analyzed to penalize the value of SI/D

in a way proportional to the curve, that is, according to the general trend of the curve.

It is important to discard those curves from the plot that show a high instability (SI/D values close to 0),

or excessively low quality values. For selecting a proper threshold for SI/D values, the approach analyzes the

boxplot of the absolute values of SI/D obtained for all the curves, and selects a particular minimum threshold.

Thus, those curves in which the SI/D value is less than this threshold will be automatically discarded (see

Section 5.2.1 to see the rationale for the selection of these values).

5.1.4 Quantification analysis of loss of quality

Once the stabilized curves have been selected, the methodology proposes a quantification analysis of them.

These analyses could be from a simple analysis of the loss of quality in a certain interesting dimensionality to

a more complex data analysis. In this way, three different kinds of analysis are proposed as a starting point:

Clustering of methods according to the loss of quality throughout the entire DR process. In order to detect

similar behaviors when reducing the dimensionality of the data, in terms of loss of quality, a clustering

process of the DR algorithms has been carried out.

Relationship between different preservation of geometry measures. The Pearson correlation indicates whether

two different curves are linearly correlated or not. Nevertheless, it cannot detect differences in correlation

when curves having the same proportion but different magnitudes. In this sense, for analyzing the simi-

larity we should take into account both proportions and magnitudes (loss of quality values). Therefore, a

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


new modified version of the Pearson correlation of two different curves i and j is proposed.

Corri j =∣∣Pi j∣∣− (1− cvi

cv j) (5.6)

where Pi j is the Pearson correlation between the curves i and j, and cvi and cv j are the variation co-

efficients (cv = standard deviation/mean) of curves i and j, respectively. Taking into account that the

variation coefficient determines the possible variability in relation to the mean of the population [127],

in this case this determines the possible stability of a curve in relation to the mean of its values.

Note that cv j > cvi for all cases, so the denominator must always be the greatest of the two values. The

equation part (cvi/cv j) ∈ [0,1] represents how similar both curves are in terms of variability, 0 being the

representation of different curves and 1 when the variability of both curves is the same. Thus, in this way,

(1− cvi/cv j) penalizes the Pearson correlation when the proportions and magnitudes of the variabilities

of both curves are different, even if these are correlated.

The interval of Corri j ∈ [−1,1], where 1 represents a perfect correlation and -1 indicates the absence of

it. This equation evaluates the correlation between two distributions of data, considering the coefficient

of variance of both distributions.

Loss of quality trend analysis from M into B dimension. Here the methodology represents the differences in

loss of quality trend when the data is reduced from N′ into M and from N′ into B dimensions, B being

lower than M. With this analysis we can conclude that any DR algorithm is stable or not (its trend is

always the same) in the different dimensionality reductions in terms of loss of quality.

5.2 Application to real world domains

In this thesis, the proposed methodology has been applied to several real-world datasets, collected from

different domains.

12 real-world datasets , where eight of them have been selected from the UCI Machine Learning Repository

(Table 5.1). As regards their nature, 3 of the selected datasets are exclusively of DNA microarray origin

(Leukemia, DLBCL and SRBCT’s), 5 of them belong to other medical nature (Breast Cancer Wiscon-

sin, SPECTF Heart, Prostate, Parkinsons and neurons), and other fields (Connectionist Bench, Glass

Identification and Libras Movement).

Note that, in order to obtain the intrinsic dimensionality for each dataset, Maximum likelihood (MLE) and

Eigenvalue-based estimators [303] were used, by calculating the integer mean value of both estimators.

Once the data domains have been defined, several experiments have been proposed and carried out on each

of the aforementioned datasets. The implementation has been completely carried out in Matlab software, and

the environmental setting is made up of:

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Dataset Instances Features Reference Intrinsic dimensionality (d)Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic, 1995) 569 30 [208] 6

Connectionist Bench (Sonar, Mines vs. Rocks, 1988) 208 60 [107] 9SPECTF Heart (2001) 267 44 [182] 11

Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Prognostic, 1995) 198 33 [282, 208, 337] 5Prostate (2008) 380 9 [266] 6

Glass Identification (1988) 107 9 [84] 5Parkinsons (2007) 195 22 [202, 201] 3Leukemia (1999) 72 5147 [105] 18

Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL, 2002) 77 7070 [271] 15Gardener Classificator (neurons, 2013) 241 368 [66] 12

Small Round Blue Cell Tumors (SRBCT’s, 2001) 83 2308 [167] 10Libras Movement (2009) 330 90 [68] 6

Table 5.1: Real-world datasets used in the experiments.

Method Package Parameter settings ReferencePCA The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction (2012) None (default) [305]LDA The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction None (default) [305]

Isomap Matlab package for Isomap (MIT, 2000) K = 7 [289]

KPCAgaussian The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction κ(xi,x j) = e−|Xi−Xj|2

σ2 [305]KPCApolynomial The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction κ(xi,x j) = (xi · x j)

2 [305]LE The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction K = 7, σ=1.0 (default) [305]

LLE The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction K = 7 [305]DM The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction t = 1.0 (default), σ=1.0 (default) [305]

t-SNE The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction perplexity = 30 (default) [305]SM The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction None (default) [305]

MVU Matlab package for MVU (2012) K = 7 [326]CCA SOM Toolbox 2.0 (2005) epochs = 10 (default) [313]

Table 5.2: DR algorithms and parameter settings for the experiments.

12 DR algorithms (2 linear, 9 nonlinear), also presented in section 3.3. Four main packages have been used

for encoding the different algorithms: The Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction [305], Matlab

package for Isomap (MIT) [289], Matlab package for MVU [326] and SOM Toolbox 2.0 [313]. As

regards the input parameter settings of the methods, in most of the cases the default values (proposed by

the authors) have been used. Generally, these default values have been previously verified empirically to

be suitable for the different experiments (see Table 5.2).

In this methodology, a parameter selection criterion based on default settings has been used, as experimen-

tally recommended by most of the authors of the DR algorithms. We only changed the k value of the DR

algorithms, in order to make them coincide with the number of nearest neighbors in the quality measures. The

rest, such as perplexity (in t-SNE); epochs (in CCA); t and σ (in DM); and some kernel parameters were set as


It must be clarified that, in this first approach, the aim of the methodology is not to experiment with these

parameters, but to provide a methodology able to produce reliable results. We were interested in analyzing the

results derived from a default configuration of the DR algorithms. However, the possibility of experimenting

with different initial configurations has been left opened.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


5.2.1 Applying the methodology

The first step in the methodology is the dimensional thresholding calculation. The minor threshold n′ of all

the experiments has been fixed at 2, that is the lowest dimensionality possible. On the other hand, the major

thresholds N′ have been calculated depending on the original number of dimensions and instances of the data

considered (as stated in Section 5.1.1). So, the major thresholds N′ are: 30 in the Breast Cancer Wisconsin

Diagnostic, 60 in the Connectionist Bench, 44 in SPECTF Heart, 33 in the Breast Cancer Wisconsin Prognostic,

9 in Prostate, 9 in Glass Identification, 22 in Parkinsons, 72 in Leukemia, 77 in DLBCL, 100 in neurons, 83

in SRBCTs and 90 in Libras. Note that, for DNA microarray data (Leukemia, DLBCL and SRBCTs), N′ is

constrained to the number of individuals of each dataset due to the technical limitations of the DR algorithms.

In the neurons dataset, N′ is set to 100 since it has been observed that greater values do not give rise to loss of

qualities, thus these cases are of no interest to the study. For the rest of the datasets, the N′ value is the original

dimensionality of the data.

In order to obtain the QLQC plots, all the curves must be calculated. Based on the 12 DR algorithms and

the 12 datasets, the method calculates 11measures×12algorithms×12datasets = 1,584 curves for studying the loss

of quality resulting from a DR process.

For each curve, the SI/D value is calculated. In order to select the sufficiently stable curves, a minimum

threshold is necessary. To select this threshold, a boxplot of the absolute values of SI/D obtained throughout the

1,584 curves was carried out. When analyzing the distribution of the boxplot, it could make sense to discard

those curves whose stability value is less than the second quartil of the boxplot, that is 0.3005.

Rationale for the SI/D minimum threshold The main values obtained when representing by using the box-

plot technique were: quartile 1 (0.08, Q1), quartile 2 (0.3005, median or Q2) and quartile 3 (0.8, Q3). At first

glance, selecting a threshold value from which a curve meets the decreasing stability constraints was not easy,

thus an empirical study of the behaviour of the curves using Q1, Q2 and Q3 was carried out. To this end, the

curves with SI/D values equal to or greater than the selected quartile have been selected, and they were plotted

using the 2D scatterplot technique. When using Q1 (0.08) as the threshold, it is observed that almost all the

selected curves behaved in a highly unstable and erratic manner and they did not meet the decreasing stability

constraint. Therefore, Q1 was discounted and Q2 was studied. When Q2 (0.3005) was used as a candidate

threshold, almost the 100% of the curves exceeding this threshold showed a strong decreasing stability behav-

ior. Finally, Q2 was selected as the threshold for SI/D values, and roughly one third (474) of the total curves

(1,584) were selected for further analysis. It is important to note that: firstly, when testing Q3 as the threshold

value, many fewer curves were selected, so it was decided to work with Q2. Secondly, for the SI/D threshold,

the first value (and it should be statistically justified) that allowed us to achieve curves that meet the decreasing

stability constraints was selected, and that is why an intermediate value between quartiles was not selected.

Moreover, the curves whose quality values obtained in 2, 3 and intrinsic dimensions were outside a specific

interval were also discounted.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Rationale for the selection of the quality value interval Solely based on normalization criteria, we were

interested in selecting those curves whose quality values in 2, 3 and intrinsic dimensions were in the interval

[0,1], and discarding the rest. By definition, all the quality measures, except SS sometimes, provide quality

values within that range. In its original definition [254], SS ∈ [0,∞). However, as we normalized all the

measures so that 1 is the best quality value (see Section 5.1.2), the new range for this measure was SS ∈ [1,−∞)

(where −∞ is the worst value) and therefore there were still a few curves with quality values of less than 0

(even after filtering by the SI/D threshold). As has already been said, we wanted to study quality values in the

interval [0,1], therefore this constraint discounted the rest of the curves that did not meet this condition. After

discounting the curves outside the [0,1] interval, we also realized that all the curves, in fact, curiously presented

quality values greater than 0.198.

Thus, using two ways of filtering the curves, we ensured that we were selecting decreasing and stable curves

(as the target dimensionality is reduced from N′ to n′), as well as quality values in the [0,1] interval (see Figure

5.5). The aim is to be able to quantify the loss of quality in a DR process.

It is worth mentioning that, after applying the two constraints (quality and stability) imposed on the selected

curves, no DR algorithm fails uniformly. That is, to a greater or lesser degree, all the DR algorithms yield

QT QC enough to accurately quantify the loss of quality through these curves. Specifically, the distribution of

the selected curves for each of the DR algorithms is as follows: PCA (67 curves), MVU (66), KPCApoly (57),

Isomap (57), LE (47), KPCAgauss (42), SM (37), LDA (26), DM (21), t-SNE (21), CCA (18) and LLE (15).

From this distribution we conclude that, from a point of view based on stability and quality criteria, the DR

algorithms that produce more suitable curves for studying the loss of quality are PCA, MVU, KPCApoly and

Isomap, whilst LLE and CCA performed the worst. The relationship between different preservation of geometry measures

One of the quantification analyses made using this methodology is the relationship between the quality

criteria during the DR process, when using the different DR algorithms.

So, firstly the proposed correlation (Section 5.1.4, Equation 5.6) for each pair of measures in the different

datasets was calculated. After analyzing all the values through a boxplot, it was decided to analyze only those

pairs of measures whose correlation was greater than the third quartile (0.612), in order to see the possible real

relationships between the measures.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.













N’ − number of dimensionality for datasets


re fo

r qu




ent c


iaSelected experiments by S

I/D function












N’ − number of dimensionality for datasets


re fo

r qu




ent c



Discarded experiments by SI/D


Figure 5.5: Selected experiments (top) versus discarded experiments (bottom).

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná






































Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Pair of measures Times correlated (%) mean median mean+desv mean-desvPM;QNX 2.916 0.791 0.796 0.892 0.691PM;RNX 2.711 0.793 0.807 0.898 0.688PM;Qk 2.608 0.788 0.800 0.892 0.684MT ;MC 2.402 0.755 0.742 0.857 0.654

SS;NIEQALOCAL 2.230 0.800 0.789 0.900 0.701QM;MC 2.161 0.771 0.783 0.863 0.680PMC;SS 2.059 0.810 0.832 0.919 0.702

..;.. ... ... ... ... ...

Table 5.3: High correlated pairs of measures for all datasets .

Figure 5.6A represents those relationships between pairs of measures that are greater than 0.612 as opposed

to the total number of relationships in all the datasets (as a percentage). So, for example, PMC versus NIEQAlocal

has a correlation greater than 0.612 in 14.2% of cases in all the datasets, while PMC versus SS only has a

correlation greater than the threshold in 2.059% of the cases.

After that, it is also interesting to analyze the correlation values of these pairs of measures when they

are greater than 0.612. So, Figure 5.6B presents the statistic values (mean, median and standard deviation)

calculated from the correlations. For example, the PMC versus NIEQAlocal correlation mean is 0.821 with a

median of 0.829 and a std. deviation of 0.107.

Several conclusions can be extracted from the previous figure. Firstly, the pairs of measures which are

correlated the greatest number of times (presented on the left-hand side of the figure) are those that have the

highest values in correlation (mean values greater than 0.78). However, when the pairs are correlated fewer

times (right-hand side of the figure), the mean values decrease. This makes sense because if a pair of measures

are really correlated, this event will be repeated several times with a high value, although the nature of the data

has changed.

It is worth highlighting the strong correlation between measures with a similar nature, such as QNX , RNX

and Qk, since all of them are based on the ranking of the nearest neighboring concepts. Furthermore, PM , PMC,

and NIEQALOCAL are closely correlated to each other because they work using the procrustes analysis methods.

It is also observed that there is a high correlation between these two groups. Although they work in different

ways, both were originally devised to assess the local TP after a DR process.

There is also another group of measures that present a high correlation between themselves but only in a

few of cases (presented in Table 5.3). Within this group is, for example, SS and NIEQALOCAL, where the first

one evaluates the global preservation, whilst the other one calculates the local preservation. The same happens

with SS and PMC.

Finally, the Qk - MC and RNX - MC correlations have the same value and both without deviation. This is

because the three measures come from the same idea of preservation of geometry and there is only one case of

study that has the correlation greater than 0.612.

At this point, it could be interesting to analyze the correlation between the measures for each dataset. This

may help contrast the previous results and also give details of relationship between measures depending on the

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


nature of the data.

To do this, two figures per dataset were obtained. Only in one of the dataset were there no figures, as there

were no stable curves with correlations outperforming the threshold. Like the previous results (the averaged

way with all the datasets), there is a very strong correlation between the following groups of measures: the

first group consists of 3 measures, QNX , RNX , and Qk. It is noted that, for absolutely all the datasets, the same

pattern is repeated and these 3 measures are highly correlated. Furthermore, the second group showing a very

high degree of correlation is made up of PM , PMC and NIEQALOCAL. This is, by far, the most correlated group

of all datasets, and it is also strongly correlated with the first group. For each one of the datasets, there is always

a large number of correlation cases between the members of the first group, the members of the second group,

and between these two groups. This coincides entirely with the conclusions drawn in the previous section for

all the datasets.

High correlations are often reported between SS and PMC and NIEQALOCAL measures. Furthermore, MT ,

MC and QM also present a large number of correlation cases between themselves. However, the QY criterion

lacks any direct correlation with other criteria (it does not appear in the figures, or with a low degree) because,

as pointed out earlier, of its peculiar nature.

The strong correlation between these measures is confirmed when their mean correlation values are ob-

served. Note that, correlation values in the [0.75,1.0] range can be considered as very high, since the original

Pearson correlation function was modified in order to be stricter.

To sum up, the conclusions presented by separating per dataset confirm the high degree of correlation

between the different groups of quality measures. Comparative study and clustering of DR methods

The analysis of the loss of quality during the DR process from N′D to 2D obtained by each DR algorithm

are presented here. The aim is to compare these results, in order to highlight the ’quality preservation’ skills of

the DR algorithms. Then, we show which type of DR algorithms usually carry out DR tasks while producing

minimum losses of quality. To achieve this, the quality values obtained by the different DR algorithms are

compared in a set of key dimensions, as 2D, 3D, ID (intrinsic dimensionality, d) and N′D.

The Mann-Whitney Wilcoxon signed-rank test [333] is a non-parametric statistical hypothesis test used

when comparing two samples. This can matematically demonstrate whether two samples came from the same

population, or if the distribution of one sample is stochastically greater than the other.

In this study, the Wilcox test was used to compare each pair of DR algorithms (if one algorithm is better

than other, in terms of loss of quality), based on its mean loss of quality values for each DR algorithm. A p-

value (probability) less than or equal than 0.05 affirms the asumption of improvement from one over the other

algorithm. Figure 5.7 shows the mean loss of quality values achieved by the different algorithms.

First of all, note that, in fact, the real input data for the statistical test consist of all the values that produce

these mean values. It can be clearly seen that, for dimensionalities close to N′, the loss of quality produced by

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.














2 3 I N'



y Lo

ss (

% o

f th

e t




Mean values of quality loss from 2D to N'D













Figure 5.7: Mean values of loss of quality from N′D to 2D, for each DR algorithm. A set of key dimensions,as 2D, 3D, ID and N′D have been selected for the study.

CCA DM ISOMAP KPCAgauss KPCApoly LE LDA LLE MVU PCA SM t-SNECCA 1.000 0.813 0.993 0.018 0.830 0.724 0.158 0.631 0.999 0.927 0.985 1.000DM 0.192 1.000 0.900 0.011 0.439 0.458 0.047 0.271 0.926 0.697 0.882 0.997

ISOMAP 0.008 0.103 1.000 0.000 0.076 0.039 0.002 0.035 0.655 0.264 0.497 0.950KPCAgauss 0.983 0.989 1.000 1.000 0.991 0.994 0.655 0.948 1.000 0.994 1.000 1.000KPCApoly 0.174 0.568 0.926 0.009 1.000 0.484 0.039 0.304 0.947 0.725 0.911 0.998

LE 0.282 0.549 0.962 0.006 0.523 1.000 0.047 0.287 0.970 0.736 0.926 0.999LDA 0.846 0.955 0.998 0.351 0.962 0.955 1.000 0.969 1.000 0.993 0.999 1.000LLE 0.376 0.734 0.966 0.053 0.701 0.718 0.032 1.000 0.977 0.814 0.968 0.999

MVU 0.002 0.076 0.351 0.000 0.055 0.031 0.000 0.024 1.000 0.157 0.445 0.888PCA 0.076 0.309 0.741 0.006 0.280 0.269 0.007 0.190 0.847 1.000 0.827 0.988SM 0.015 0.122 0.510 0.000 0.092 0.076 0.001 0.034 0.561 0.177 1.000 0.882

t-SNE 0.000 0.003 0.052 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.115 0.013 0.122 1.000

Table 5.4: Results of the Wilcox statistical test, comparing each pair of DR algorithms. The p-values are shown.The values printed in bold mean that, a particular DR algorithm produces a lower loss of quality than anotheralgorithm.

the DR algorithms is significantly less than for dimensionalities close to 2. The Wilcox statistical test provides

us information as to which DR algorithm produces a lower loss of quality, as regards other algorithms. Thus,

the Wilcox test is carried out on all the different possible pairs of algorithms. Table 5.4 shows the p− values

for each pair.

If the number of times a DR algorithm presents lower loss of quality values than the rest is counted, a

preliminary classification of the DR algorithms is obtained, as regards the loss of quality produced (Table 5.4).

A greater number means that a DR algorithm produces fewer loss of quality values than other DR algo-

rithms more often. This is always positive. The worst results are obtained by KPCAgauss and LDA (0), that

is, they generate the greatest loss of quality values, so they never outperform the remaining algorithms. In the

case of LDA, this fact can be explained as follows: LDA is characterized by reducing the data dimensionality

for improving the classification accuracy, therefore this impacts negatively on the loss of quality, i.e. an im-

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná














2 3 I N'



y Lo

ss (

% o

f th

e t




Farthest First Clustering Algorithm













Figure 5.8: Farthest First clustering algorithm. Green, blue and red represent the three clusters, while theorange indicates the outlier.

provement in classification tasks affects the efficiency when preserving the original geometry of the data. In

addition, LDA is known to have a linear nature and behavior, thus confirming the difficulty in preserving the

quality when using linear approaches. LLE and CCA also indicate high loss of quality values (see [103] for

LLE), compared to the rest of the algorithms (in addition to being very unstable, as mentioned at the end of

Section 5.2.1).

However, the best results are achieved by t-SNE, MVU and ISOMAP. These sophisticated algorithms base

their nature on data embedding by: computation of the conditional probability distributions that represent

similarities in both dimensional spaces (t-SNE), preservation of the distances between the k-nearest neighbors

by means of a neighborhood graph G (ISOMAP and MVU, the former uses geodesic distances and the latter

euclidean distances).

Finally, a density-based clustering algorithm is performed, the Farthest First algorithm [134]. The aim is to

detect different groups of curves in Figure 5.7 in order to highlight common behaviors for the DR algorithms,

during a DR process. By studying the results of the mean loss of quality values for each DR algorithm, the

behavior of the curves can be described, as can the clusters. The results of the clustering algorithm are shown

in Figure 5.8.

Three different clusters and one outlier is observed. The detected outlier is the t-SNE algorithm (in orange).

This clearly coincides with the results of the Wilcox test (ranked as the best algorithm) as, in addition to

obtaining the lowest loss of quality values, the shape of the curve during the DR process is quite different from

the remaining algorithms. The greatest leap in loss of quality is produced in 2D in respect to that produced in

3D, since from 3D to N’D the loss is lower. However, it is quickly realized that, in the 3 clusters, there is a

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


strong similarity between the curves inside a particular cluster. Curves grouped in the same cluster show very

similar transitions during the loss of quality process (from N’D to 2D).

The first cluster, which groups DR algorithms that give rise to the lowest loss of quality, is made up of

by PCA, SM and MVU algorithms. All of them show moderate loss of qualities from N′D to ID. However,

from there to 2D there is a huge leap in loss of quality. The results obtained by SM and MVU coincide with

the Wilcox test, since both algorithms give rise to mild loss of qualities with respect to the rest and occupy a

front-ranked position.

The second cluster groups most of the algorithms together, it is made up of LLE, LE, CCA and KPCApoly.

The behavior of this group is slightly different as, unlike other clusters, there is a clear linearity in the loss of


The last cluster groups the LDA, KPCAgauss and ISOMAP algorithms together. This is the group that

presents higher loss of qualities. The following observations can be made: the first is that the results of LDA

and KPCAgauss coincide with the Wilcox test, since they appear in the lowest positions in the ranking. The

second one is that the bad results of Isomap in the clustering algorithm, does not coincide at all with the Wilcox

test. This can be explained by the fact that the input data for the Wilcox test and the clustering algorithm

are different, in value and quantity. Thereby, the results are different because of variability in the data. The

clusters have been defined according to the average of the data. Thus, any curve varying in [-3*standard.dev,

3*standard.dev] range could be grouped into different clusters. Loss of quality trend analysis from 3 into 2 dimensions

Like the first analysis made using this methodology, a comparative study based on the loss of quality

produced when reducing MMD to two and three dimensions was proposed. This particular case is presented

individually in Chapter 6, since a more detailed study was necessary.

This study demonstrates that, only when switching from 3D to 2D, does it reach maximum values of 48.62%

and mean values of 30.48% of the total loss of quality for many case studies with the presented datasets. These

values can be considered noticeably high and suggest the suitability of the third dimension for reducing and

visualizing MMD.

5.2.2 Computation times

Table 5.5 describes the computation times per dataset (in hours), as well as the % of the CPU time used by

each quality measure, as regards the total CPU time (in hours).

A single column has been used for each of the most computationally high measures, while the rest of the

measures have been grouped together in the Rest of measures column due to their insignificant computation

time as regards the total time.

The quality measures that have required the longest computing times have been NIEQALOCAL, and QY .

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


% of the total CPU time (by quality measures and DR methods)Dataset Instances Features PM PMC NIEQALOCAL QY Rest of measures DR methods Total CPU time (hours)

1. Breast Cancer (Diagnostic) 569 30 0.1 0.09 55.82 43.94 0.03 0.02 41.32. Connectionist Bench 208 60 0.124 0.124 96.96 2.78 0.01 0.002 79.79

3. SPECTF 267 44 0.15 0.14 91.48 8.13 0.08 0.02 43.064. Breast Cancer (Prognostic) 198 33 0.17 0.18 91.23 8.4 0.01 0.01 10.52

5. Prostate 380 9 0.36 0.36 16.39 82.75 0.13 0.01 1.666. Glass Identification 107 9 0.83 0.83 65.21 33.11 0.002 0.018 0.10

7. Parkinsons 195 22 0.32 0.34 84.22 15.04 0.05 0.03 3.848. Leukemia 72 5147 0.19 0.21 74.25 25.32 0.02 0.01 85.039. DLBCL 77 7070 0.15 0.17 82.98 16.68 0.01 0.01 102.22

10. Neurons 241 368 0.2 0.19 75.44 24.14 0.025 0.005 123.0111. SRBCT’s 83 2308 0.17 0.17 89.08 10.57 0.007 0.003 95.26

12. Libras Movement 330 90 0.15 0.15 84.98 14.7 0.015 0.005 107.61Total = 693.41

Table 5.5: Computation times (in hours) per dataset. Columns PM , PMC, NIEQALOCAL, QY , Rest of measuresand DR methods show the % of the CPU time used, as regards the Total CPU time (hours). The largest valuesare printed in bold.

Total CPU time (by DR methods)Dataset PCA LDA Isomap KPCAgauss KPCApoly LE LLE DM t-SNE SM MVU CCA Total CPU time (seconds)

1. Breast Cancer (Diagnostic) 0.02 0.16 71.36 3.74 19.44 2.78 6.42 6.27 681.95 903.97 1225.12 49.55 2970.782. Connectionist Bench 0.004 0.03 11.96 0.58 3.53 0.46 1.16 1.03 123.66 164.06 222.48 9.18 538.134

3. SPECTF 0.03 0.17 74.59 4.9 20.27 2.3 6.69 6.54 719.8 942.27 1271 54.7 3103.264. Breast Cancer (Prognostic) 0.004 0.02 10.07 0.47 2.37 0.34 0.81 0.89 86.56 114.91 165.63 6.42 388.494

5. Prostate 0 0.003 1.35 0.07 0.37 0.04 0.12 0.12 13.19 16.51 23.73 0.77 56.2736. Glass Identification 3.85E-05 0 0.08 0.003 0.02 0.003 0.006 0.007 0.82 1.19 1.48 0.26 3.869

7. Parkinsons 0.004 0.023 9.93 0.52 2.7 0.37 0.89 0.87 94.8 125.85 170.56 7.03 413.5478. Leukemia 0.03 0.17 72.44 3.75 20.01 2.76 6.3 6.45 701.74 933.24 1260.72 51.02 3058.639. DLBCL 0.03 0.2 87.3 4.63 24.06 3.32 7.94 7.76 842.53 1118.47 1515.83 62.54 3674.61

10. Neurons 0.02 0.12 53.23 2.78 14.67 2 4.78 4.67 502 673 912.11 37.61 2206.9911. SRBCT’s 0.01 0.02 24.32 1.29 6.71 0.97 2.21 2.06 234.95 312.9 422.71 17.24 1025.39

12. Libras Movement 0.02 0.11 46.41 2.44 12.36 1.75 4.08 4.08 444.52 584.78 797.96 32.72 1931.23Total CPU time (seconds) 0.17 1.02 463.04 25.17 126.51 17.093 41.406 40.74 4446.52 5891.15 7989.33 329.04 Total = 19371.2

Table 5.6: Computation times (in seconds) per dataset and DR method. The largest values are printed in bold.

This makes sense, as NIEQALOCAL carries out a Procrustes analysis, and this is computationally very demand-

ing. The motivation behind NIEQALOCAL is geometric matching, that is, assessing how similar two sets of

observations are under rigid motion and coordinate scaling (by using operations with matrices). If they match

each other well, then NIEQALOCAL converges quickly. However, if they do not match, the convergence would

be slow, since the iteration process gets stuck in finding an optimal transformation which will never match them

well. For QY , the bottlecneck is in the shortest path tree constructed from the k neighborhood graph.

The estimated total time to complete all the experiments has been approximately 693 hours, equivalent

to 28.8 days of sequential running. For the experiments, 5 desktop computers were used. Therefore, each

computer took roughly 5.76 days to complete its tasks. The features of each computer were as follows: Intel i5

2.8Ghz, 8 GB RAM.

Table 5.6 also shows the computation time of the DR process for each of the DR algorithms. Although the

computation times for the DR methods are very small compared to the total CPU time for the experiments, two

different facts can be highlighted: PCA, LDA, LE and KPCAgaussian methods are computationally very light;

on the other hand, SM, t-SNE and MVU methods are, by far, computationally very demanding.

Finally, Figure 5.9 shows a relationship between the number of features for each dataset versus the CPU

time taken to complete the experiments.

As can be seen in the figure, the computation time for each dataset behaves approximately linearly with

respect to the number of attributes that have been considered for each dataset. This clearly indicates that the

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


0,109 1,668 3,84



















Prostate (9) Parkinsons (22) Breast Cancer -

Diagnostic (30)

Breast Cancer -

Prognostic (33)

SPECTF (44) Connectionist

Bench (60)

Leukemia (72) DLBCL (77) SRBCT's (83) Libras (90) Neurons (100)







Number of features (for each of the 12 datasets)

Computation Times

Please purchase 'docPrint PDF Driver' on http://www.verypdf.com/artprint/index.html to remove this message.

Figure 5.9: Number of features versus CPU Time.

bottleneck for quality measures could be strongly related to the number of attributes, as well as the number of

instances to be evaluated.

5.3 Discussion

This chapter has presented a methodology, called QLQC, that allows the analysis and comparison of differ-

ent DR methods as regards the loss of quality they give rise to when carrying out a DR process.

By using this methodology, it is possible to analyse the curve generated by the loss of quality produced

when reducing the dimensionality of a dataset from its original space, to a lower space. This also gives rise

a study focusing on interesting dimensionalities, such as 2, 3, or intrinsic dimensionality. Particularly, for

scatterplot visualization techniques (usually using 2 and 3 dimensions), it could be very useful to know the

behavior, in terms of loss of quality, of a DR algorithm on a dataset. High loss of quality values could indicate

the suitability of using another DR algorithm or dimensionality space for embedding the data. Other studies in

the literature quantify, in a very superficial way, some loss of quality values for a particular case. However, the

lack of a methodology for analyzing the entire loss of quality process in DR tasks has brought about this study.

It is also worth highlighting that all the selected DR algorithms for our study are unsupervised except LDA

(supervised). The reason for including both supervised and unsupervised DR algorithms is simple: on the one

hand, the aim was to study a wide range of quality assessment measures after a DR process. This included the

large majority that are unsupervised, but we also considered it necessary to mention Ce, that is a supervised

quality indicator. On the other hand, the rationale for including a supervised DR algorithm such as LDA in

our methodology is as follows: to be able to demonstrate by using quality indicators that LDA was originally

devised to reduce the dimensionality of the data in order to improve the classification accuracy. This fact,

indeed, impoverished the results in terms of quality preservation (as confirmed in Section

In order to test the methodology, three different kinds of analysis are proposed. The first one is a new way of

classifying the current DR algorithms, according to their natural preservation of geometry skills on real-world

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


datasets. t-SNE, MVU and Isomap algorithms have been demonstrated in these cases to preserve the original

quality contained in the data, in a more effective way than the remaining algorithms. However, KPCAgauss and

LDA performed worst in the experiments. To select the experiments for studying properly the loss of quality,

the Increasing/Decreasing Stability function (SI/D) is also proposed.

For detecting similar behaviors when reducing the dimensionality of the data, in terms of loss of quality, a

clustering process of the DR algorithms has been carried out. This second analysis reports results that indicate

4 different groups of algorithms. t-SNE indicated a differentiated behavior of the remaining algorithms when

performing DR tasks, and thus achieved the best results. PCA, SM and MVU algorithms reduced the dimen-

sionality of the data in a very similar way. Conversely, LDA, KPCAgauss and ISOMAP algorithms also showed

common features when reducing the dimensionality of the data.

A final analysis is also presented, as regards the correlation between the different quality criteria when

assessing the DR process. There is a very strong correlation between several criteria. For a more accurate

measurement of the correlations, a modification of the original Pearson correlation coefficient is presented.

Therefore, PM , PMC and NIEQALOCAL proved to be strongly correlated. QNX , RNX , and Qk showed high

correlation values. All these criteria and many other have shown strong correlations, independently of the

nature of the dataset. However, the QY criterion lacks direct correlation with other criteria because of its

peculiar nature.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

Chapter 6

On the suitability of the thirddimension to visualize data

A possible solution when a medical expert needs to obtain knowledge from a very large dataset, is through

the use of visualization techniques. Hence, the expert can quickly visualize, in 2 or 3 dimensions, the data to

identify patterns, relationships and trends to obtain the largest possible amount of knowledge. The problem

arises when the expert should select 2 or 3 dimensions to visualize these data, since the conclusions may

vary according to the choice. This chapter seeks to address this problem from the perspective of computer


Traditionally, most visualization techniques used in the large-scale analysis of biological or medical data,

among other fields, have used two, instead of three dimensions, to represent data. The simplicity and intuition

provided by MMDV (Multivariate and multidimensional data visualization) techniques in two-dimensional

(2D) spaces are certainly their keys to success. However, there are other important factors that are not often

taken into account when selecting two or three dimensions (3D) to display data, like the degradation of the

quality of the data produced in both dimensionalities. This degradation is supposed to be greater in two, than

in three dimensions, and consequently simply by using two (instead of three) dimensions to visualize data

could cause significant degradation of the quality that would result in misleading interpretations and wrong


Therefore, it would be very useful to demonstrate whether the transition from three to two dimensions

generally involves a considerable loss of quality, and thus the final choice of three dimensions for MMDV

tasks could, indeed, be better justified (see Figure 6.1).

The chapter continues in the next section with a presentation of the benefits and limitations introduced

by the use of 3 dimensions to visualize MMD. Section 6.2 describes of the environment for carrying out the

visual statistical tests, together with a discussion of the results. Section 6.3 introduces an analytical approach

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.









A (








x 2

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2





x 2


1 −1










1 −1











Figure 6.1: Simulation of the loss of quality throughout the entire DR process. Can the degradation of qualitybe quantified accurately from 3D to 2D?.

to demonstrate the main hypothesis, and presents the results. Finally, a summary of the proposal and some

discussion can be found in Section 6.4.

6.1 Benefits and limitations of 3D in MMDV

Some works highlight the advantages of using 3D for MMDV tasks (see Section 4.4): an additional dimen-

sion in which structures can be separated more clearly, and a reduction in the problem of overplotting. But the

greatest benefit of using 3D is that a 3D view with interactive navigation controls to set the 3D viewpoint will

allow users to construct a useful mental model of a dataset structure more quickly than simply by using several

2D axis-aligned views [149].

However, despite all these aforementioned advantages, one of the main drawbacks of using a third spa-

tial dimension is strongly related to the 3D scene navigation, since the difficulty and constraint imposed by

navigating in 3D scenes have still not been overcome. There are also many other dificulties in visually encod-

ing information with the third spatial dimension, depth, which has significant differences from the two planar

dimensions. These dificulties are:

Line-of-sight ambiguity: this fenomenon was defined by St. John et al [149] and describes that, we can only

get information at one point along the towards-away depth axis for each of the rays traced from our point

of view, as opposed to millions of rays that we can see along these the sideways and up-down axes by

simply moving our eyes. This is because we do not really live in 3D, or even 2 12 D: in fact, we perceive

the world in 2.05D [322].

Occlusion hides information: one of the most powerful depth cues is occlusion. This means that, for the main

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


observer of the scene, a particular object may remain partially or completely hidden due to other objects

located in front of it. It is possible to solve the 3D structure of the occluded elements of the scene by

using an interactive navigation, but it takes time and implies a cognitive load.

Perspective distortion: this is the phenomenon in which distant objects appear smaller and change their planar

position on the image plane. This distorsion is one of the main dangers of depth, since the power of the

plane is completely lost. For instance, if charts are used, it is more difficult to evaluate bar heights in a

3D bar than in multiple horizontally aligned 2D bars.

Text legibility: Another drawback derived from the use of 3D is the quality reduction in text legibility with

most standard graphics packages that use current display technology [113]. Specifically, when a text

label is tilted in the image plane, it often becomes blocky and jaggy.

Inappropriate view scale: If the user is placed at viewpoints too close to or too distant from the 3D scene

representation, important information (e.g. 3D objects) may lie outside the viewing frustum or be so

small that they go unnoticed by the user.

Limited perception of movement: Depending on the user’s viewpoint and the nature of the 3D objects, it may

be difficult to see objects moving toward or away from the user. For example, objects whose position or

attribute change is parallel to the eye vector for the scene.

Nevertheless, these advantages and drawbacks do not univocally specify that the use of 3D is the most

appropriate for MMDV. Going further, the following questions remain unanswered:

• i) When visualizing data, is the 3D representation less degraded and therefore more faithful to the reality

of the data? Would it be possible to quantify this degradation in the final representation? Is it too big?

• ii) When the users interact with the visualization, do they make fewer errors in 3D? Would it be possible

to assess the effectiveness and efficiency when working on both representations (2D and 3D)?

• iii) Therefore, is 3D the most suitable representation to visualize data?

These open questions motivate the research presented in this proposal, in which we face the challenges

behind the selection of a space with the appropriate dimensionality to visualize MMD. To answer these ques-

tions, an approach focusing on loss of quality is proposed. This concept is the key point, since the inevitable

degradation of the data quality when the dimensionality is reduced, as well as a bad choice of the data dimen-

sionality for MMDV could drastically affect to the final interpretation of the data in the process of knowledge


The main hypothesis of the proposal presented here is based on the assertion that the use of the three

dimensions in visualization counteracts the benefits of dealing with traditional 2D visualization. In other

words, the intention is to demonstrate the superiority of 3D over 2D visualization for MMDV tasks.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


From our point of view, the first point to be analyzed is the user’s visual perception and intuition in the 3D

visualization, as well as its comparison with 2D. This will help us to find out whether people prefer the use

of the three dimensions in the representations, regardless of its (dis) advantages. So, a set of visual statistical

tests were designed. These tests aim to highlight many of the significant differences in relation to accuracy and

perception when working with a primary visualization technique such as Scatterplot, used in 3D and 2D spaces.

Specifically, 3 different types of test were designed in both dimensionalities: point classification, distance

perception and outlier identification. For each type, two measures were designed in order to evaluate both user

perception and intuition. Finally, the tests were complemented by different questions as to the suitability of

visualizing MMD using 3D or 2D techniques. The tests were carried out in a random population of 40 users in

an interval ranging from 19 to 65 years old. Summarizing, the results do not allow any significant conclusion

to be obtained, thus it is necessary to propound the analysis problem from another point of view, the loss of

quality produced in the transition from 3D to 2D in the DR process.

Hence, the other approach focuses on quantifying the loss of quality produced when the dimensionality of

the data is reduced from 3D to 2D, which provides an analytical justification to confirm the hypothesis. This

quantification is carried out using the methodology presented in Chapter 5. As far as we know, in the context

of InfoVis, the approximation presented here could be considered one the first attempts to quantify analytically

the real loss of quality in the transition from 3D to 2D.

6.2 Visual statistical approach

Here, the environment of the visual tests carried out on a sample of users is described in detail. These tests

attempt to confirm whether conclusions could be drawn as to the superiority of 3D when visualizing data, by

using only the visual perception of the users.

This section is split into 3 subsections. Section 6.2.1 provides a complete definition of the environment

needed for the carrying out of a set of tests to measure the accuracy when working with 2D and 3D visualization.

Section 6.2.2 defines how the views of the users after carrying out the tests on the first part have been compiled.

Section 6.2.3 presents the results of the tests when applied to a sample of 40 users, as well as a detailed


6.2.1 Definition of the visual tests

In order to draw valuable conclusions on the hypothetical superiority of 3D in respect to 2D when visualiz-

ing data, visualization is, indeed, required. Therefore, 3 different visual tests have been carried out on a group

of users.

Motivation The tests presented here are intended to demonstrate that the 3D visualization improves the re-

sults of the 2D visualization by using the visual perception of the users.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 6.2: Basic Information on the users.

Each of the tests has been devised to yield a set of values in order to measure the accuracy (using an error

value) and efficiency (using a time value) when carrying out several common tasks in DA, using 2D and 3D

visualizations. These tasks are point classification, distance perception and outlier identification and they have

been specifically designed and implemented to be used in these tests. Therefore, the values obtained when

the users work in 2 and 3 dimensions for each of the three tests are compared. Finally, each user is evaluated

through a set of questions that attempt to identify their personal preferences when working with 2D and 3D

visualization techniques, as well as possible suggestions for the improvement of the DV.

Population sampling To perform these tests, we were interested in sampling a set of randomly selected users

from amongst the population, regardless of gender or age range, or previous experience with computers and

visualization techniques. Furthermore, homogeneity in an academic background in a particular field was not a


Before starting the tests, a short series of questions were asked to the users in order to establish some

basic information about them. These questions were about their gender and age range. Thus, the sampling

consisted of a random population of 40 users in an interval ranging from 19 to 65 years old. Figure 6.2 shows

the summary that contains basic information on all the users who carried out the tests.

Some relevant information can be highlighted: there is a clear predominance of one gender (male, 82%)

over the other (female, 18%); the age ranges most repeated are 26-35 years (55%), 19-25 years (22%) and

36-45 years (17%).

Visualization technique Each of the 3 visual tests has been implemented for 2 and 3 dimensions. Specifi-

cally, the scatterplot technique has been selected for the visualization of the data. The rationale for using the

scatterplot as the visualization technique for carrying out the tests is because it is necessary for the conclusions

drawn by each user after doing the tests to be based on a simple and widely well-known visualization technique

in the literature. The academical background of the test’s users could be quite heterogeneous, so the selection

of a visualization technique clear and understandable to all the users was an essential key point. Moreover,

the representation of the data in 3 and 2 dimensions was needed, thus the scatterplot technique unequivocally

provided this feature.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Data As regards the data, one of the most well-known DNA microarray datasets in the literature has been

used, Leukemia data [105], by Golub et al. (1999). This dataset was used for three main reasons. First of all,

the data would have had a supervised nature, since one of the tests (point classification) requires labeled data.

Secondly, the tests should be based on a highly tested and referenced datasets from other studies [74, 343, 223].

Lastly, the data should be one of the datasets used by the methodology in Section 5.2 to quantify the loss of

quality values.

DR algorithm To represent the data selected by the scatterplot visualization technique, first it is necessary to

carry out a DR process, since the data was originally of a multidimensional nature. So, in order to successfully

complete the tests, the data dimensionality is firstly reduced to 3 and 2 dimensions. Later, the 3D and 2D

scatterplot technique respectively, deals with the visualization of the MMD.

The PCA algorithm has been selected for carrying out the DR. The rationale is similar to the points men-

tioned above, as: i) it is important to use a broadly referenced and used DR algorithm in the literature, and the

PCA satisfies this requirement; ii) moreover, according the results obtained in [110], the PCA provides a high

accuracy in the preservation of the intrinsic geometric structure of the data [319], which ensures a good quality

in the final data visualization. Note that the PCA is of an unsupervised nature [151, 140] and the leukemia data

are supervised, thus to reduce the data the original classes have not been taken into account. Subsequently, the

data are coloured in accordance with their labels once they are visualized.

It is also worth highlighting that the selection of the DR algorithm could be a decisive issue for achieving

different results. However, the aim of the tests is to show the perception skills, experience and criteria of the

users when working with 3D and 2D data, obtained by the same method (PCA). Therefore, in this case, the user

is abstracted from this particularity and is presented by a visualization of the data from the previous dataset.

Time measurement Before explaining the details of the tests, it is important to highlight that the time (in

seconds) that each user takes to complete each test is measured. However, the users were not notified that the

time is going to be taken into account, so that nobody modifies their rhythm of work, and thus taking the needed

time to properly complete each test. This will provide a better appreciation of the real time that each user takes

to complete a test, by using either a 2D or 3D scatterplot. Note that the time the users had to perform the tests

was open. As they finished the tests, the time taken was recorded.

Validation of the results Cross-validation is used in order to properly validate the results. For each user, we

followed a specific methodology (see Figure 6.3).

Firstly, a set of random points that are going to be classified are selected. Thus, the user n carries out the

point classification test (2D) and obtains two different results, T nPC_2D (time) and In

PC_2D (error value). After

this, the user n carries out the same test in 3D and obtains another two results, T nPC_3D (time) and In

PC_3D (error


A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 6.3: Methodology used in the visual tests. The order for carrying out the tests is shown by the arrow. Foreach user n, the following stages have been implemented. Test 1: Before carrying out the test, a set of randompoints (those about to be classified) are selected. The user n carries out the 2D test 1 (using a 2D scatterplot)and obtains two different results, T n

PC_2D (time) and InPC_2D (error value). After this, the user n carries out the

same test in 3D (using a 3D scatterplot) and obtains another two results, T nPC_3D (time) and In

PC_3D (error value).Note that the points selected at the beginning of each test will be used both the 2D and 3D test. The explainedprocess is identical for tests 2 and 3. Thus, by repeating this process for each user, a cross-validation of theresults is achieved.

Secondly, the set of random points that are going to be used for distance perception are selected. The user

n carries out the distance perception test (2D) and obtains two different results, T nDP_2D and In

DP_2D. After this,

the user n carries out the same test in 3D and obtains another two results, T nDP_3D and In


Finally, the set of random points that are going to be used for outlier identification are selected. The user

n carries out the outlier identification test (2D) and obtains two different results, T nOI_2D and In

OI_2D. Lastly, the

user n carries out the same test in 3D and obtains another two results, T nOI_3D and In


It is worth mentioning the following points:

• The points selected at the beginning of each test were used in both the 2D and 3D version of the test.

Thus, by selecting random points for each user that carries out the test, a cross-validation of the results

is achieved.

• All the users were shown by the 2D and 3D version of the tests.

• All the users completed all the set of tests.

• The correct solution to the tests was not shown to the users. As the users finished each test, the next test

was shown.

Scene navigation During the carrying out of the visual tests, it is essential for the user to be able to move and

navigate properly through the 2D and 3D scenarios, respectively. For each scenario, either 2D or 3D, a set of

controls that allow this interaction are provided.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 6.4: 2D and 3D scenarios. Each scenario provides the user different views and camera modes, as wellas several sliders for adjusting the DV.

• 2D scenario. In this scenario, a 2D ortographic view has been used. The option of scrolling vertically

and horizontally is provided. Smooth and efficient zooming in and out are also provided, by using the

mouse scroll wheel. Lastly, the user can conduct an automatic and smooth zoom in on particular points.

This allows the view to be automatically moved and focused on those points of interest for the user

(for instance, this is useful when the user is classifying points or calculating distances, see Figure 6.4,

left-hand image).

• 3D scenario. Two different main camera modes have been implemented: Orbit and Navigate. When

using the first one, a point can be selected in order to rotate the camera around that point, by moving the

mouse. The second mode allows navigation through the 3D scene using the keyboard (moving forward,

moving backward, move left and move right), and the mouse (for spinning the camera). Pan (horizontal

movement, left and right) and pedestal (vertical movement, up and down) camera movements have been

also implemented by clicking the scroll wheel button. There is also the possibility of using a third static

camera mode, that shows the tri-dimensional scene from different planes: Z-X, Y-X, Y-Z or perspective.

By default, the camera is presented in perspective. There are some cases in which using the different

perspectives, derived by a third dimension, could make the performance of a specific task easier, such as

the outlier identification or distance perception (see Figure 6.4, right-hand image).

Two sliders have also been included for adjusting the point size, and the scale of the point position. Both

adjustments are achieved by multiplying the default values by the value provided by each slider. Therefore, the

user could adjust the display in order to feel and work more comfortable. The tests have been implemented

by using the Unity3D visualization engine [302]. Finally, before starting the tests, the importance of carefully

reading the navigation controls was also emphasized.

Dissemination of the tests To distribute the tests, the Unity3D web feature has been used. This visualization

engine allows the previously developed applications to be built in web format. A web link containing the

previously uploaded application was sent to each of the users who were to perform the tests. Therefore, the

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 6.5: Point Classification test. Left-hand image: the 2D version. Right-hand image: the 3D version. Thepoint to be classified is colored white.

users performed the study via the Internet.

Others Before carrying out of the tests, the users were provided with a detailed description (and in some

cases definitions) of the working of the test, accompanied by some pictures showing the test to be carried out.

The aim was to completely clarify the task before doing it, so that there was no possible ambiguity.

Furthermore, the users could test and learn the system before carrying out the real tests. Specifically, they

were allowed to test the navigation controls as well as the different views to get familiarized with the interaction

before performing each test. Point classification

The first test is for the user to classify a set of points, which will be shown unlabeled (white). The idea

is that the user says, in his opinion, whether he thinks that the point to be classified belongs to one class or

another. As mentioned above, the data being displayed are related to Leukemia. Red represents ALL Leukemia

(acute lymphoblastic leukemia) and blue AML Leukemia (acute myeloid leukemia). A criterion to determine

whether a white point belongs to one kind of leukemia, could be based on their closeness or proximity to the

blue or red group of points (see Figure 6.5).

Motivation The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness when carrying out the task of classifying points in a

visual way, using a 2D and 3D scatterplot (in order to represent 2D and 3D MMD, respectively). For each user

n that carries out the test, two different numerical values are obtained, T nPC_2D and In

PC_2D. T nPC_2D represents

the time taken to complete the task, and InPC_2D means the % of points that the user has successfully classified

(using the 3D scatterplot technique, the obtained values will be T nPC_3D and In

PC_3D). Note that, the number of

correctly classified points were computed by using the original labels of the data.

Details In this test, 10 points (from the 72 original points in the dataset) are randomly selected and removed

from the visualization. These are the points that the user has to classify. Each point (white) was consecutively

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


presented and visualized and the user was asked to say which color group the point belonged to. Once the point

is classified by the user, regardless of his answer, that point was colored with its real color (according its original

label). Otherwise, the user would use misinformation when classifying the following point. Finally, each label

assigned a point by the user is compared with the original label of that point to obtain a value representing the

number of correctly classified points.

For each user n, InPC_2D and In

PC_3D, the values are computed as follows:

InPC_2D =


TP100; (6.1)

InPC_3D =


TP100; (6.2)

where InPC_2D and In

PC_3D are the % well classified of points in the 2D/3D test, respectively. Thus, WC2D and

WC3D represents the number of well classified points in the 2D/3D test, respectively. TP means the total number

of points to be classified and it has been set to 10. As indicated in Figure 6.3, exactly the same points for the

2D and 3D version of the test have been used. Distance perception

In the second test, the user must calculate the size relationship between two lines of different color and

length. Thus, two lines will be shown, yellow and magenta. The user must calculate about how big or small

the yellow line is in relation to the magenta line (see Figure 6.6).

That is, if the user thinks that the yellow line is longer than the magenta line, for example twice the length,

the value he should say is 2. Thus, if the yellow line is equal to or longer than the magenta line, the value

should be equal to or greater than 1, respectively.

Conversely, if the user thinks that the yellow line is shorter than the magenta line, he should give a value

between [0,1]. For instance, if the yellow line is half that of the magenta line, the value should be 0.5. Finally,

if the yellow line is very small compared to the magenta line, the value could be, for example, 0.2.

Motivation This test attempts to evaluate the error that an user makes when perceiving distances between

points, in 2D and 3D spaces. For each user n carrying out the test, two numerical values are obtained, T nDP_2D

and InDP_2D. T n

DP_2D represents the time taken to complete the test, and InDP_2D is the error made by the user

when calculating the distances between points. This error is computed based on the euclidean distance matrix

(δ ) of the original data.

Details The following steps are taken to obtain the InDP_2D and In

DP_3D errors made by the user:

1. The euclidean distance matrix of the original data is computed (without reducing the dimensionality), δ .

The distance between two points, i and j, is represented by δi j.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 6.6: Distance Perception test. Left-hand image: 2D version, here the yellow line could be perceivedas roughly twice the length of the magenta line, thus the value to be introduced should be approximately 2.0.Right-hand image: 3D version. Here, the inclusion of an extra dimension could provide new information aboutthe relation, in terms of distances, between both lines. To make the performance of the test easier, only theselected points are visualized, as well as the lines joining those points. The other elements are hidden forclarity.

2. Theoretically, to represent two different lines, 4 different points are needed (since a line is represented by

connecting two points). To make it easier for the user to make the comparison between these two lines,

they will share a common point. Therefore, to generate two lines 3 different points are needed, instead

of 4 (that is, among those three points, there is one point which is connected to the remaining two points,

through two different lines). Thus, those 3 points are randomly selected, named i, j and z. The yellow

line will be represented by the line connecting the points i-j, and the magenta line will be represented by

the line connecting the points j-z.

3. The proportion of original distances between the points i, j and z (that is, the ratio of distances calculated

on δ ) is defined as: Pi jz = δi j/δ jz. This value represent the real ratio, in terms of distance, between the

pair of points i-j in relation to j-z, computed on δ matrix.

4. The same relationship computed on the reduced data, that are being visualized in the test, will be named

P′i jz.

5. Therefore, the user should estimate the value of P′i jz by visually observing the relationship between the

yellow and magenta line in the display.

6. The error made by that trio of points is defined as the substraction between Pi jz (real ratio) and P′i jz (ratio

estimated by the user). That is, the closer the value of P′i jz to Pi jz, the smaller the error.

This process is repeated M times, starting from the step 2. In this case, a value of M=10 has been set. Thus,

at the end of the test, the user should have evaluated M randomly selected different trios of points. It is worth

mentioning that for each value of M, the selected points i, j y z will be different.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 6.7: Outlier Identification test. The points identified as possible outliers are colored green.

Therefore, the total error made by the user n during the test, and after evaluating all the trios of points, is

defined as:

InDP_2D =



(Pi jz−P′i jz)2 (6.3)

where InDP_2D ∈ [0,+∞]. A value close to 0 indicates that the error is low, that is, by using the 2D visual-

ization the user has effectively perceived and consequently estimated the real ratio between the distances in the

original data. However, a value that tends toward infinity indicates that the perception of the user, in relation to

those distances in the 2D space, is completely erroneous regarding the real ratio between those distances.

The process to obtain InDP_3D is exactly the same as explained for In

DP_2D, but using the results obtained in

the 3D version of the test. Moreover, as indicated in Figure 6.3, the same points are used for performing both

versions of the test 2D and 3D.

Thus, now the motivation of this test could be formally rewritten to compare InDP_2D and In

DP_3D in order to

conclude which version of the test produces the smallest error. Outliers identification

In the last test, the user should identify, from among all the possible represented points, those highly sus-

ceptible to be considered as outliers (see Figure 6.7).

Motivation The aim is to assess the effectiveness when performing the task of outlier identification in a visual

way, using a 2D and 3D scatterplot. For each user n, two numerical values are obtained, T nOI_2D and In


T nOI_2D is the time taken to complete the test, and In

OI_2D represents the % of points that the user has correctly

identified as outliers (using a 3D scatterplot, the values will be T nOI_3D and In

OI_3D). To obtain the number of

points correctly identified as outliers by the user, the points truly considered outliers in the original data must

be calculated previously. The Weka software has been used for computing the outliers.

Note: before starting the test, each user was provided with an understandable description of the definition

of an outlier, as well as different figures illustrating various examples of outliers.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Details As a preliminary step to the carrying out of the test, the filter ’InterquartileRange’ was used, avalaible

in Weka, for computing the possible outliers in the original data. A total of 13 points have been detected as

potential outliers (points: 9, 10, 11, 14, 17, 20, 30, 31, 38, 39, 66, 70 and 72). Therefore, our calculations are

based on these points.

Next, in the test, the user is asked about which point or points could be considered as outliers, from his

point of view. As the user selected those candidate points as outliers, these points were colored green in order

to distinguish them from the rest. Finally, the set of points that the user has identified as outliers are compared

to those that, in fact, are outliers.

The equations for computing InOI_2D and In

OI_3D are defined as:

InOI_2D =


TO100; (6.4)

InOI_3D =


TO100; (6.5)

where InOI_2D and In

OI_3D are the % of points correctly identified as outliers in the 2D/3D test, respectively.

Therefore, CO2D and CO3D represents the number of points correctly identified as outliers in the 2D/3D test,

respectively. TO is the total number of points identified as outliers in the original data and its value is 13.

6.2.2 Definition of the questions

To complement the results of the visual tests, a set of questions have been also included. The users were

asked these questions once they finished the tests. These questions attempt to assess the visual experience of

each user with each previously performed test. The aim is to reinforce, as far as possible, the results according

to the criteria and preferences of each user.

The definition and description of these questions are shown in detail in Appendix A.

6.2.3 Results obtained

In this subsection, the results obtained after applying the aforementioned experiments to a group of 40 users

are presented. Visual tests

Table 6.1 presents the mean values of the results obtained during the tests, for both dimensions (2 and 3).

Before analyzing these results, several aspects must be considered. Firstly, the results for each test in both

dimensions will be compared. For the tests Point Classification and Outlier Identification, the mean value of

% success rate, computed on all the users, is shown (Mean IPC_2D, IPC_3D, IOI_2D and IOI_3D). However, for the

test Distance Perception, the total error value, computed over all the users, is shown (Total IDP_2D and IDP_3D).

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


2D 3DPoint Classification Distance Perception Outlier Identification Point Classification Distance Perception Outlier Identification

Mean TPC_2D(s) Mean TDP_2D(s) Mean TOI_2D(s) Mean TPC_3D(s) Mean TDP_3D(s) Mean TOI_3D(s)35.322 166.907 42.623 54.432 139.507 33.930

Total TPC_2D(s) Total TDP_2D(s) Total TOI_2D(s) Total TPC_3D(s) Total TDP_3D(s) Total TOI_3D(s)1412.91 6676.3 1704.95 2097.29 5580.28 1357.23

Mean IPC_2D(%) Total IDP_2D Mean IOI_2D(%) Mean IPC_3D(%) Total IDP_3D Mean IOI_3D(%)88.75 685.09 20.65 88 356.54 27.384

Table 6.1: Mean values of the results obtained in the tests: TPC, IPC, TDP, IDP, TOI and IOI , both for 2 and 3dimensions. The best values are highlighted in bold.

This is because a boxplot containing the remaining information is presented below. Moreover, this total value

could be considered as very significative when drawing conclusions, since it represents the total cumulative

error made by all the users during that test. Lastly, the best values obtained in the tests are highlighted in bold,

for the sake of clarity.

As regards the first test, Point Classification, it is noticed that the times taken to complete the 2D and

3D version of the test are quite different. Both the mean and the total times taken to complete the test are

considerably smaller in the 2D version (Mean TPC_2D, 35.32 s; Mean TPC_3D, 54.43 s) than the 3D version

(Total TPC_2D is 1412.91 s; Total TPC_3D is 2097.29 s). From these values it can be highlighted that the users

took, on average, almost 20 seconds less when classifying points using the 2D technique, as compared to the

3D technique (see left-hand boxplot in Figure 6.8 for a better description of the time distribution). However,

it is noted that this fact does not affect the mean classification rate IPC, that remains practically unchanged for

both cases (Mean IPC_2D, 88.75%; Mean IPC_3D, 88%). Therefore, and based solely on the criterion of time

taken to complete the test, the results yielded by this test suggest a slight improvement when using the 2D

technique as compared to the 3D version. Thus, in this first stage, it is impossible to draw any conclusions in

relation to the possible improvement that could introduce the use of a third dimension to perform this task.

In the second test, Distance Perception, the results are radically different. Here, the users should estimate

a set of proportions/rate between distances, by using the 2D and 3D scatterplot. Firstly, the total error value

made when using the 2D version (Total IDP_2D, 685.09) is almost twice (exactly 1.92 times greater) than the 3D

version (Total IDP_3D, 356.54). In other words, the error made by the users when perceiving and estimating the

distances between the points using the 2D scatterplot is significantly greater than the error made when using

the 3D version (see right-hand boxplot in Figure 6.8). As regards the time required to complete the test, a

significant improvement when using the 3D version is also appreciated. The mean time to complete the test is

27.4 seconds less when using the 3D version (Mean TDP_2D, 166.9 s; Mean TDP_3D, 139.5 s). In this case, both

the time taken to complete the test as the error made by the users when using both versions of the test yield

enlightening results. These suggest that the simple fact of the inclusion of a third dimension in the data to be

displayed, significantly improves the perception of the real distances between existing instances of the data,

when visualizing MMD. Moreover, from the point of view of time, the task is performed more efficiently.

The last test, Outlier Identification, shows results that support the conclusions reached in the second test.

When identifying different points as potential outliers using the 3D scatterplot, the users improve, on average,

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 6.8: Boxplots of the tests results. A) Distribution of the time values obtained for each of the three testsin both dimensionalities. This boxplot shows clear differences in relation to the time taken by each of the testsusing the 2D and 3D scatterplot. The following points must be highlighted: less time in the realization of the2D version of the test Point Classification, with respect to the 3D version; the time values are considerablysmaller in the realization of the 3D version of the test Distance Perception than the 2D version; the time valuesare also considerably smaller in the realization of the 3D version of the test Outlier Identification than the 2Dversion. B) Distribution of the error values obtained for the test 2, Distances Perception. It can be clearly seenthat the error values produced in the 3D version are much lower than those in the 2D version.

almost 7% in accuracy compared to the 2D version (Mean IOI_2D(%), 20.65%; Mean IOI_3D(%), 27.384%).

Furthermore, the time taken to detect these outliers is also reduced, on average, nearly 8 seconds (Mean TOI_2D,

42.62 s; Mean TOI_3D, 33.93 s).

The results shown here are not significant enough to draw definitive conclusions as regards the suitability of

visualizing MMD using 3D. Nevertheless, they should be taken into account, since the improvement achieved

by the inclusion of a third dimension in MMD is, in many cases, quite obvious. The results obtained show

that the changes that intrinsically occur in the efficiency and effectiveness (simply by using a visualization

technique in two different versions, 2D and 3D) is, in some cases, notorious such as for tests 2 and 3. However,

at this state in the study no firm conclusions can be drawn. Questions

Finally, the answers to the final questions given to each of the users who carried out the tests are shown

(see Appendix A and Figure 6.9). Firstly, in relation to what kind of scatterplot the user thinks is more useful

in general to perform each of the 3 tests, the great majority of the users (65%) think that the 3D scatterplot has

been more useful for carrying out the tests than the 2D version. Thus, from the users that think the 3D scat-

terplot technique is more useful, some of the most repeated responses that the users answered are highlighted:

when using 3D more information is available, but a good navigation through these 3 dimensions is completely

necessary to be more certain of the outcome; a better appreciation of the distances between points; a greater

comfort when using the different 3D views for the outlier identification test, since you easily realized that 2D

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.






What kind of Scatterplot do you

think is more useful in general to

perform each of the 3 tests?





What kind of Scatterplot do you

think you have been more

successful in the tests, i.e., less






What kind of Scatterplot did you

feel more comfortable, e.g: when

you navigate through the scenes,

move the camera and interact with

the data points?











On a scale of 1 - 5 (being 5 the best score),

could you rate how comfortable you felt

carrying out the tests using 2D Scatterplot?






27% 4




On a scale of 1 - 5 (being 5 the best score), could

you rate how comfortable you felt carrying out

the tests using 3D Scatterplot?

Figure 6.9: Users’ preferences after carrying out the tests.

points that did not seem like outliers were only so by changing the 3D views; through the similarity of 3D

perception with the human eye; because you can choose a different view plane; because it is more intuitive; it

makes the spatial identification of the points easier. However, those users (35%) that think the 2D scatterplot

is more useful also highlight a preference for the 3D version of the distance test, but 2D for other tasks; in 2D

there are no problems because of the perspective or occlusion data; the exploration of the place where the data

are located and the establishment of distances is easier in a 2D environment; 2D interaction is simpler; in 2D

there is less distortion; in 2D it is easier to perform measurements, but less accurate than if three variables are


In relation to what kind of scatterplot the user thinks have been more successful in the tests, the results

indicate that most of the users (63%) think that they have made an smaller error when using the 3D scatterplot.

The most repeated answers to justify this opinion are: if 3D is used, extra information is gained from the data,

thus the error is smaller; the 3 dimensions help to perceive the space better; 3D is more complete in allowing

data to be displayed from multiple points of view and thus it obtains a more accurate perception of them and

make a smaller error; in the distance test, the 3 dimensions can correctly identify the angle between the the

vectors connecting the points, thus facilitating the assessment of their relative distance. However, those users

(37%) who preferred the 2D scatterplot noted that: establishing distances in 3D is very complicated because of

the perspective; the distances are easier to evaluate in 2D, since they do not depend on the position of the view;

in 3D not all points can be seen at the same time; a 2D environment does not suffer from distortion because of

perspective and occlusion data, unlike in 3D.

In relation to what kind of scatterplot the user felt more comfortable with when navigating through the

scenes, moving the camera and interacting with the data points, there is equality in terms of the user prefer-

ences. Half of them (50%) felt more comfortable navigating through the 3D test, while the other half preferred

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


moving through the 2D version. The justification for some of the answers that supported the 3D version are that

it is more helpful in 3D since the navigation is more realistic than in 2D; it gave the impression that in 3D, the

resolution was better and when zooming in and out there was a really noticeable shift in perspective, while the

2D scatterplot did not provide that feeling; a better appreciation of the real distances when navigating through

the 3D scene. While some responses that support the 2D version were: the range of movements in 3D is much

more useful, but it is hard to get used to it and what offers the 2D is desirable; the 3D interaction did not work

as expected. It was hard to interact and it was faster changing the view to Y-Z, X-Y and X-Z to discover the

results; in 2D, the controls were simpler, easier, more comfortable and faster.

It was appropriate to complement the previous answers with several questions related to: rate, on a scale of

1 - 5 (5 being the best score), how comfortable the user felt carrying out the test using the 2D scatterplot and

rate, on a scale of 1 - 5, how comfortable the user felt carrying out the test using the 3D scatterplot (Bottom

figures in Figure 6.9). It appears that the users slightly opted for the carrying out of the tests using the 2D

scatterplot, since the scores are a slightly greater. 70% of the users gave scores of 5 or 4 (30% gave scores of

5, 40% gave scores of 4) the comfort they felt when carrying out the 2D tests, whilst the 53% of the users gave

scores of 5 or 4 (23% gave scores of 5, 30% gave scores of 4) when they used the 3D version.

Finally, some interesting concepts in relation to whether the user had any clue about how to improve the

visualization in 3D or 2D scatterplots are highlighted. Some of the responses were: the inclusion of some kind

of additional display, with shapes, sizes, colors and transparencies; to improve the interface for navigation in

3D; do not use red and green as colors in the same plot, since people with difficulties cannot see these colors.

Maybe, there are much better color schemes available; to add a grid in order to quantify the coordinates of each

point more easily; in 3D, to facilitate the operation of zooming in and out when using the perspective mode.

The results presented here refer to the second part of the users’ preferences of the visual tests. On the one

hand, generally most of the users think that using the 3D version of the scatterplot technique is more useful in

carrying out the tasks assigned, moreover in many cases they think that the error made in the tests is smaller, a

fact that actually happens.

On the other hand, the results also suggest that there is a clear and consensual trend indicating that, the

users felt more comfortable carrying out the tasks when using the 2D scatterplot, mainly due to its direct and

traditional use, as well as the simplicity of the 2D technique. Therefore, the conclusions outlined here highlight

the fact that, there is still a lot of hard work to be done in the conception and design of appropriate, powerful

and intuitive interfaces that allow the interaction in three dimensional environments when visualizing MMD

using 3D visualization techniques.

There are still some clear discrepancies in the opinions of users in this second stage of the visual tests.

Therefore, and similarly to the first part of the visual tests, firm conclusions still cannot be drawn that support

the possible benefits of the inclusion of the third dimension to display MMD.

To summarize, the results of the visual tests carried out on 40 users, do not highlight definitive information

on the superiority of 3D compared to 2D when visualizing MMD. However, certain advantages of using 3D

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


DR algorithms-Quality criteria SS QM MT MC PM Qk QNX RNX QY NIEQALOCAL PMCCCA 28.927 X 3.662 X X 2.922 3.138 3.138 1.553 13.612 8.332DM 30.9818 23.488 30.644 38.356 33.457 10.695 11.803 11.803 X 26.687 17.117

ISOMAP X 9.289 16.482 12.556 X 3.622 3.957 4.167 X 13.805 8.098KPCAgauss 1.913 6.821 9.153 10.294 4.200 3.432 3.791 3.791 X 9.892 6.038KPCApoly X 7.218 16.065 8.010 X 2.456 3.451 3.451 2.062 26.726 10.287

LAPLACIAN X 4.036 4.738 5.924 X 1.876 2.059 2.059 -1.298 6.597 3.067LDA 1.871 1.998 3.592 2.223 X X 3.328 X 3.360 8.744 4.030LLE 17.846 10.887 12.740 8.704 X X 5.162 X X 10.067 4.177

MVU 47.660 29.418 28.910 33.326 38.388 12.625 16.470 18.277 X 45.195 39.688PCA 28.145 34.261 27.871 30.073 40.364 9.567 12.953 12.953 14.285 35.890 48.617SM 46.775 41.070 44.212 42.864 36.002 18.536 24.189 24.189 X 40.649 37.971

t-SNE X 23.420 10.806 16.668 X 4.480 5.4764 5.476 X 19.828 30.560

Table 6.2: Mean values (in %, each value is the mean of the Q.L.R3D→2D values obtained on each of the 12datasets) of loss of quality in the transition from 3D to 2D (e.g., SS obtains a value of 28% when reducing thedimensionality using CCA. This means that the SS measure quantifies a mean loss of quality value of 28.92%only in the transition from 3D to 2D regarding the total loss of quality from N′D to 2D). X values representwhen there are no computed values on any of the datasets, due to technical restrictions on the algorithms usedin the methodology.

visualization have already been outlined and they are worth further study. Therefore, this proposal also provides

an analytical approach that, by means of a strong mathematical background, seeks to provide new information

to confirm the main hypothesis of the proposal. For this reason, the use of a methodology to quantify the

loss of quality produced in DR tasks is proposed. Specifically for this second part, the aim is to demonstrate

analytically that the loss of quality in 2D is significantly higher than in 3D.

6.3 Analytical approach

Here, a quantification of the loss of quality produced in the transition from 3D to 2D on real-world datasets

is carried out. To do so, the methodology proposed in Chapter 5 [110] is used (see Section 5.1 for a complete

definition of the methodology). The environmental setting for the experiments is explained in detail in Section


Specifically, this proposal focuses on a particular case of the last kind of analysis proposed in Section 5.1.4

(Loss of quality trend), where the B and M values have been set to 2 and 3, respectively. In this way, it is possible

to quantify the loss of quality produced in the transition from 3D to 2D. Therefore, the following subsection

presents the results obtained from the experiments, which have been completely performed in Matlab.

6.3.1 Results

Table 6.2 and Figure 6.10 show the mean values of loss of quality reported by each quality criterion, when

reducing from 3D to 2D using a particular DR algorithm. The values are in % and they represent, of the total

amount of loss of quality produced from N′D to 2D, which is the mean percentage of loss of quality generated

only in the transition from 3D to 2D. This mean value is the mean loss of quality computed on all the datasets.

The higher the values, the stronger the loss of quality reported between 3D and 2D spaces.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Particularly, the method for calculating each value in the table is summarized as follows: the mean loss of

qualities from N′D to 2D are computed, that is, loss of quality value in N′D, in (N′−1)D, and so on up to 2D.

After that, the mean of these values is obtained and called total loss of quality. It is an indicator of how is the

transition in the loss of quality throughout the whole DR process. The second step is exactly the same as the

previous one but, instead of 2D, the loss of qualities up to 3D are computed (it is called 3D quality loss). The

final value (in %) is the ratio between both values:

Quality LossRatio (Q.L.R)3D→2D = (1.0− 3D quality losstotal quality loss

)∗100; (6.6)

Rewriting formally what was said above, each value in Table 6.2 represents the mean of the Q.L.R3D→2D

values on all the datasets, when reducing the data using a particular DR method and measuring the loss of

quality through a quality criterion.

As regards the X values in Table 6.2, it means that it has not been possible to obtain results on any of

the datasets, due to the technical issues of the DR algorithms and quality criteria used in the methodology.

However, it is considered that the rest of the results presented here involve enough experimentation on several

datasets to provide firm results in the quantification process.

It is worth mentioning that before analyzing the results of the quantification, Table 6.2 provides interesting

information about the stability (in terms of technical restrictions of the algorithm used) of the quality criteria, as

well as the DR algorithms. If the table is observed at a column level the best quality criteria, in terms of stability

on all the datasets, are MT , QNX , NIEQALOCAL and PMC (No X values in columns, thus they always obtained

results). QM and MC criteria also present good values for stability, since they rarely failed when producing

results. However, PM , SS and QY measures were quite unstable in all the datasets, as they often failed. If the

table at a row level is analyzed, the best DR algorithms are PCA, DM, MVU, SM and KPCAgauss. However,

the worst results are obtained by Isomap, LLE, t-SNE, LDA and CCA.

The following subsections analyze the loss of quality from two different approaches: the first one is a point

of view from the quality criteria, and the other is from the DR algorithms. In both cases, boxplots are used for

making easier the interpretation of the results. Quality criteria

Firstly, according to Figure 6.11, it is worth noting the disparity between distributions of some quality

criteria. According to the different distribution of the quality values reported by each criterion, several groups

could be observed: 1) QY ; 2) Qk, QNX and RNX ; 3) QM , MT , MC, NIEQALOCAL and PMC; 4) SS; 5) PM .

Firstly, the QY criterion reports low and a very different distribution of loss of qualities as regards the rest

of the criteria (around a median value of 1.55% and 3.36% of maximum value). This is due to its unique way

of evaluating the loss of quality, since it is not based on comparable concepts to the rest of the measures and it

involves both local and global concepts. Furthermore, the boxplot indicates outliers (14.29% and -1.3% values)

for the QY criterion, that provide further information about its previously cited unstability.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 6.10: Mean loss of quality values in the transition from 3D to 2D (results from Table 6.2). X axisrepresents how the different quality criteria quantify the loss of quality, when reducing the data dimensionalityfrom 3D to 2D using the different DR algorithms on all the datasets. Y axis shows the mean loss of qualityvalues. The data are presented in a scale 0%-50%.

Figure 6.11: Boxplot that shows the distribution of the mean loss of quality values at quality criteria level(boxplots correspond to columns in Table 6.2). The data are presented in a scale 0%-50%. This represents towhat extent each quality criterion quantifies the loss of quality, for all the DR algorithms.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 6.12: Mean quality values reported by the quality criteria for all the DR algorithms. It is quite clear that,for almost all the quality criteria, the mean values of loss of quality in the transition from 3D to 2D are highenough to be taken into account. The data are presented in a scale 0%-35%. The highest loss of quality valueis highlighted in bold.

The quality criteria in the second group produce median values of around 5%, minimum values of 2%,

and maximum values of around 24% of loss of quality. This fact could be explained by the different nature

of conception of each of those criteria, as they are based on a mechanism for assessing the loss of quality by

locality concepts based on the ranking of nearest neighbors.

The third group, group criteria that quantifies a high loss of quality in the transition from 3D to 2D, varying

from 9.31% in PMC, up to 16.82% in NIEQALOCAL for median values and reaching maximum values of more

than 41.07% for all these criteria, which are, indeed, very high values. In turn, it is worth mentioning that this

group is divided into two subgroups according to the different nature of the quality criteria contained in it: QM ,

MT and MC measures are based on neighborhood overlapping concepts and show a similar behaviour when

capturing the loss of quality; however, NIEQALOCAL and PMC measures use procrustes analysis techniques as

background mechanism.

The SS criterion reported a median value of 28.54%, minimum value of 1.87% and reached a maximum

value of 47.66%, which represent high values indeed. This measure, unlike the rest, is based on global concepts

to quantify the loss of quality.

The last group is represented by the PM criterion, as the distribution of its quality values is quite different

from the rest. It reported a minimum value of 33.46%, a median value of 36% and a maximum value of 40.36%

of loss of quality. As can be seen, these losses of quality are very significant. It is worth highlighting that PM ,

PMC and NIEQALOCAL have very similar concepts of development, since they use procrustes analysis tech-

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 6.13: Boxplot that shows the distribution of the mean loss of quality values at DR algorithm level (eachboxplot corresponds to a row in Table 6.2). The data are presented in a scale 0%-50%.

niques. However, PM and PMC behave slightly differently, as PM was originally meant to assess data generated

by isometric DR algorithms (such as Isomap) and PMC also works with normalized DR algorithms (e.g. PCA).

Taking into account this constraint for PM when assessing normalized embeddings, it might be that some values

are being modified or skewed in a disproportionately way. This fact is corroborated when analyzing the stability

of PM on the datasets, since its unstability when working with normalized embeddings is high. Furthermore,

the boxplot for PM reports outliers (4.2% value). DR algorithms

When analyzing the loss of quality at DR algorithm level (Figure 6.13), the following fact can be observed:

the DR algorithms that generate a greater loss of quality from 3D to 2D are SM, MVU, PCA, DM and t-SNE.

This could be explained by the fact that when reducing the dimensionality from N′D to 3D, the loss of quality

is not very significant, however in the transition from 3D to 2D a substantial increase in the loss of quality

occurs with respect to the loss of quality produced up to 3D. Particularly, of the total amount of loss of quality

generated when reducing from N′D to 2D, a great percentage (median values of 39.31%, 31.37%, 28.15%,

25.09% and 13.74% respectively for SM, MVU, PCA, DM and t-SNE; maximum values of 48.62%, 47.66%,

46.78%, 38.36% and 30.56% respectively for PCA, MVU, SM, DM and t-SNE) only occurs in the switch from

3D to 2D. This could suggest that when using these algorithms for DR purposes, the first three features (or

dimensions) have so far recovered the majority of the original information contained within the initial dataset

and, from there on, the recovery of information is considerably slower. It is also noticed that, for all these

algorithms, the variance in the distribution of the reported values is significantly higher than the rest of the

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná



LDA, LE, CCA and KPCAgauss algorithms score low median values of loss of quality in the transition from

3D to 2D, as well as distributions with low variance. In addition, according to Figure 6.13, CCA and LDA

algorithms show distributions with outliers. This coincides with the unstable behaviours for these aforemen-

tioned algorithms. However, the maximum values of loss of quality achieved by two of these algorithms, CCA

and KPCAgauss, are high (13.61% and 10.29%, respectively).

The rest of the algorithms (Isomap, KPCApoly and LLE) also report high values. Specifically, median values

from 7.22% to 10.07%, and maximum values around 17%.

To sum up, both approaches (Sections and show that the loss of quality in 2D spaces far

exceed that which occurs in 3D spaces. To be more precise, the theoretical results indicate that the loss of

quality, when switching from 3D to 2D, reaches maximum values of 48.62% (see Figures 6.11 and 6.13) and

mean values of 30.483% (see Figure 6.12) of the total loss of quality for many cases, which can be considered

noticeably high.

6.4 Discussion

How to visualize data is an important question, especially for MMD with more than two attributes this seems

to be an open issue in VA, human computer interaction, and computer graphics in general. The simplicity and

intuition provided by DV techniques in 2D spaces is certainly one key to their success. However, the aim of

this proposal is to demonstrate scientifically that the use of three dimensions on the visualization counteracts

the benefits of dealing with traditional 2D. From a point of view based on the loss of quality the results are

conclusive, 3D showed a solid and significant superiority over 2D visualization. In this sense, few times before

this concept had been analized and quantified in this particular way.

To prove the superiority of 3D over 2D when visualizing MMD, first, a battery of tests on a sample of 40

users attempts to demonstrate statistically, by means of visualization, whether conclusions on the improvement

in the accuracy and efficiency produced by the inclusion of a third dimension can be drawn. Secondly, an

analytical quantification of the loss of quality produced when reducing the dimensionality of the data from

3D to 2D is proposed in order to yield new insights into the possible superiority of the third dimension. This

quantification is done by using a recently proposed methodology.

The tests in the visual statistical approach showed that the error made by the users and the time spent

carrying out a set of tasks (such as outlier identification or distance perception) in DV is considerably smaller

when visualizing MMD in 3D. This suggests a greater accuracy and efficiency when working with the data

using 3D visualization. However, at this point no firm conclusions about the superiority of 3D visualization

could be drawn. As regards the suggestions and preferences of the users the results indicated that, and taking

into account the clear improvement and work still needed in the development of 3D displays, working with 3

dimensions may be equally or even more helpful that than traditionally done using 2D DV. But there were some

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


clear discrepancies in the opinions of users and thus firm conclusions still cannot be drawn about the benefits

of 3D to display MMD.

Nevertheless, the results obtained through the analytical approach showed that the average and maximum

loss of qualities obtained only when reducing the data dimensionality from 3 to 2, are 30.483% and 48.62%

(respectively) of the total loss of quality produced throughout the whole DR process (from the original dimen-

sionality of the data to 2D). This means that a high degree of loss of quality occurs just passing from 3D to 2D,

which can make us reconsider whether that 2D reduction is really necessary or not.

These results provide definitive conclusions, as well as a demonstration of the superiority of using a 3D

environment when MMD are visualized. The concept of quality degradation could be crucial when visualizing

data, and it is demonstrated that the loss of quality produced with the inclusion of a third dimension is noticeably

smaller than just using 2 dimensions. This fact strongly suggests the suitability of the third dimension for

embedding and visualizing MMD, as well as for manifold learning tasks where the intrinsic dimensionality of

the dataset is unknown or greater than 2. Therefore, this fact allow the original hypothesis to be confirmed and

it should be taken into account for future developments.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

Chapter 7

MedVir. A visual framework toaccelerate knowledge discovery

The origins for this proposal arise in response to the increasing need for experts to obtains tools for visual

analysis of the data they collect daily. When dealing with multidimensional data, the traditional DM techniques

can be a tedious, complex and limited task, even for the most experienced professionals. To tackle this growing

problem, which is found in many different fields, the use of computer technology is proposed. In this sense,

it is necessary to develop or combine useful visualization and interaction techniques that can complement the

criterion of an expert and, at the same time, visually stimulate to make easier and faster the process of obtaining

knowledge from a large dataset. Consequently, the interpretation and understanding of the data can be greatly


However, multidimensionality is inherent to data, requiring a time-consuming effort to get an useful and

comprehensible outcome. Unfortunately, human beings are not trained in managing more than three dimen-

sions. Hence, an acceptable solution is to try to capture the underlying properties of the data and move them

to a more familiar environment, which can be manipulated and understood in a more direct way, such as 2 and

3 spatial dimensions. Therefore, it is needed a solution to address these limitations in time requirements and

comprehension of high-dimensional data to make easier the knowledge discovery process.

For example, if we focus on the field of cancer genomics, in Medicine, there are many different approaches

that attempt to process and visualize large amounts of MMD, however most of them are focused exclusively

on the visualization of data using two dimensional spaces [261], and almost always by heatmaps [234, 48,

115, 308], genomic coordinates [291, 255, 90], and networks techniques [267, 56]. Furthermore, interactivity

provided by these aproaches is very limited, being in most cases a simple query.

Hence, the last chapter of this thesis has been proposed to analyze if it is possible to obtain knowledge in a

quick and intuitive way, through the integration of DM and visualization into a single framework (see Figure

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 7.1: MedVir’s concept.

7.1). In this way, a new analysis method is presented: MedVir. This is a simple and intuitive analysis mecha-

nism based on the visualization of any kind of MMD in three or two-dimensional spaces allowing interaction

with experts in order to collaborate and enrich this representation. In other words, MedVir makes a powerful

reduction in data dimensionality (from tens of thousands to a few dozens of attributes) in order to represent the

underlying information contained in the original data into a two or three dimensional environment. The aim is

that experts can interact with the data and draw conclusions in a visual and quick way.

The chapter continues in the next section with the definition of MedVir, as well as the description of the

different stages of which it is comprised of. Section 7.2 presents and discusses the experiments and results of

applying MedVir to biological data, specifically in the field of magnetoencephalography. Finally, a summary

of the proposal and some discussion can be found in Section 7.3.

7.1 MedVir

The MedVir framework has been devised to abstract the experts the slow and tedious task of extracting

conclusions about their huge amounts of data. For example, in the case of clinicians, those conclusions could

be related to the knowledge acquisition about treatments and rehabilitation processes when they work with

multidimensional multivariate analysis. The idea is that the expert only has to select the data to work with so

that MedVir carries out an extensive pipeline containing the most important steps of the CRISP-DM process.

As a result, data can be easily visualized in a virtual environment allowing interaction, in order to quickly

obtain valuable conclusions about the expert’s interests. Furthermore, the expert is able to easily incorporate

extra information about the data samples, as their clinical information in the case of a clinician.

The current MedVir state comprises the following stages, as illustrated in Figure 7.2: i) data pre-processing,

in which a set of data transformations and formatting are carried out so that the data can be properly treated

by the following steps; ii) selection of a reduced number of attributes that best describe the original nature

of the dataset. This step is carried out by using an extensive and intensive FSS process, in which five filter

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

7.1. MEDVIR 129

Data pre-processing

Feature subset selection



Dimensionality reduction

Data visualization

















Input Output


1 11 1

11 1 00

00 00


00 000




00 0 01 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

Figure 7.2: The MedVir framework.

methods (information gain, relieff, symmetrical uncert, gain ratio and chi squared) [118, 336], four wrapper

methods (greedy, best first, genetic and linear forward selection (LFS)) [118, 336] and four classification al-

gorithms (C4.5 [242], SVM [37, 307], Bayes Net [217] and K-NN [58, 218]) are used to obtain the models that

perform better in supervised or unsupervised learning tasks; iii) dimensionality data reduction up to 2 or 3 di-

mensions to represent properly the data on the display, with a minimum loss of quality; iv) visualization of the

data facilitating a quick data interpretation. To support the process, the computing power of Supercomputing

and Visualization Center of Madrid (CesViMa) has been used, in which the Magerit supercomputer is located.

Specifically, the Power 7 architecture has been used. This architecture consists of 245 nodes eServer Blade-

Center PS702 each of which has 2 Power7 processors of 8-core each one, at 3’3 GHz (294 GFlops) with 32GB

RAM (Figure 7.11B). The nodes are interconnected with a Infiniband DDR network. SLES11 SP1 operating

system with OpenMPI 1.6.3 over Infiniband for message passing are used. In total, the Power7 architecture

consists of 3920 cores, 7840 GB RAM and 103.50 TFLOPS Rpeak. The main use of these nodes is inten-

sive high performance computing. They provide the best power and allow executions of thousands of parallel


MedVir is characterized by its strong modularity, as it makes use of different ’black boxes’, as shown in the

previous figure, to interconnect the processes and achieve an output in the form of visualization. For example,

for the development different libraries from Weka, Matlab, R, and Unity3D have been included.

Next, the stages of which MedVir is comprised of are described in detail, ranging from the input of raw

data to the final visualization of the data.

7.1.1 Data pre-processing

Real data often have a lot of redundancy, as well as incorrect or missing values, depending on different

factors. Thus, it is usually necessary to perform some techniques in order to clean up and prepare the data.

The algorithms included in this stage allow the deletion of replicated instances, identification and deletion of

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.




correlated features

Handling missing


Deletion of replicated


Identi!cation and

deletion of outliers



Figure 7.3: Data pre-processing stage.



Information Gain

Symmetrical UncertRelie!

Gain RatioChi Squared

5 Filter methods

GreedyBest FirstGenetic


4 Search methods

C4.5SVMBayes NetK-NN

4 Classi!cation



P di"erent numbers

of !ltered attributes,

ej: (500, 1000, 2000...)

Figure 7.4: FSS stage, supervised version. For each dataset, 80xP (5FilterMethods x 4SearchMethods x4Classi f icationAlgorithms x PNumberO f AttributesToBeFiltered) different models are obtained. Note that P can be set ac-cording to the number of attributes contained in the original data.

outliers, handling missing values and handling replicated/high correlated features, as indicated in Figure 7.3.

All of them have been implemented using R Project packages.

Although this stage is responsible for carrying out a data cleaning, providing a set of input data with minimal

redundancy is always very useful, so a manual pre-inspection of the expert is often recommended to identify

and correct possible inconsistencies in the data, as replicated instances. Note that this stage is quite important,

as a proper cleaning process will enable a more direct and better search in the next stage of MedVir, Feature

subset selection.

7.1.2 Feature subset selection

The second stage consists of a FSS process, which is responsible for selecting a reduced subset of attributes,

from a very large number of initial attributes. The aim is to obtain a reduced dataset that retains or improves

efficiency in many different DM tasks. The main advantage of this stage is that the number of data attributes

can be strongly reduced from tens of thousands to a few dozens of attributes, thus reducing the computational

cost and retaining or even improving their accuracy in many different tasks, such as supervised or unsupervised

classification. It is worth mentioning that the study presented in this thesis is limited to supervised classification

tasks. Anyway, because of MedVir’s modularity, it is also possible to include unsupervised FSS to find those

attributes that best describe underlying groups or clusters contained in the data.

Hence, this stage is mainly composed of two sub-stages: filter and wrapper (see Figure 7.4). To implement

the filter approach, five filter methods have been used (information gain, relieff, symmetrical uncert, gain ratio

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

7.1. MEDVIR 131

Model% Accuracy (Original) Accuracy (Filtered) Accuracy (Wrappered) Nº of attributes Time (s)
















... ...




















Figure 7.5: The expert can select the model in the ranking that best fits his interests or criterion.

and chi squared) [118, 336] with the aim of carrying out a first step of filtering of the most discriminative

attributes contained in the data. Each one of these filter methods is executed P times, that is, for the different

numbers of attributes to be filtered (eg, 500, 1000, 2000, ...). Once the filtered dataset is obtained, a wrapper

process is carried out, using four search methods (greedy, best first, genetic and linear forward selection (LFS))

[118, 336] and four classification algorithms (C4.5 [242], SVM [37, 307], Bayes Net [217] and K-NN [58, 218])

to obtain a reduced dataset containing, most of the cases, a few dozens of attributes. The combined use of

wrapper and filter methods (all of them implemented using Weka libraries) will generate 80xP different models

and those that produces the best values, in terms of accuracy, are selected. To validate the results of each model,

two different validation methods have been already implemented to be used according to the particular needs of

the data features: 0.632 Bootstrap and LOOCV methods. Furthermore, if unsupervised classification is used,

several different unsupervised validation methods could be easily included. Note that P can be set according

to the number of attributes contained in the original data (e.g., if the dataset has 5000 attributes, P could be 6:

500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 4500).

The entire FSS process is performed using the Magerit supercomputer. Thus, the carrying out of each of the

80xP models is assigned to 80xP different nodes of the supercomputer and as each node completes the carrying

out of its model, the results are added to the ranking of models.

One of the main features of this stage is that once the ranking of 80xP models has been obtained, the expert

can select interactively which one he wants to apply to the data, in order to they can be visualized in the last

stage of MedVir (see Figure 7.5). For example, it may be that if model A obtains a slightly higher efficacy

than model B, but the latter achieves a much smaller number of attributes than A, the expert could be interested

in sacrificing a few tenths of accuracy by a much smaller number of attributes or biomarkers with which to

work. Thus, the complexity of the data which he would be working is much smaller, entailing practically no

substantial degradation in the final interpretation of the data.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.










DR algorithm

. . .


Dimensionality Reduction




Figure 7.6: DR stage. Depending on the selected criterion, the expert can select among different algorithms tocarry out the DR process. At the end of this stage, as many vectors as attributes has the dataset are obtained.To implement the DR algorithms, the Matlab Toolbox for DR has been used [305].

7.1.3 Dimensionality reduction

The optimal dataset obtained in the previous stage can not still be directly visualized in two or three dimen-

sions, since in many cases these data are supposed to have more than 3 attributes. We say optimal because, at

this point, a dataset with a minimum number of attributes has been obtained, which always preserves or even

improves accuracy when carrying out different tasks. Therefore, the third stage is responsible for obtaining a

set of vector axes (generated by a particular DR algorithm) to be used in the next stage of MedVir’s pipeline,

so that the reduced data are transformed to be visualized properly in 2 or 3 dimensions.

Different DR algorithms can be, indeed, included and used in this stage. For example, for clustering tasks,

one might be interested in using PCA, since due to its great ability to obtain the directions of maximum variance

of data, it produces minimum loss of quality of data [110], thus making more reliable the visualization of the

real structure of data. Instead, LDA could be useful for supervised tasks, because even if the effectiveness in

the preservation of the original geometry data is drastically reduced [110], the spatial directions of maximum

discrimination between classes are easily obtained. This will facilitate the separation of different classes when

the data are displayed.

That is, during the DR process a set of vectors is generated, that linearly applied to data, are responsible for

reducing the dimensionality of those data (see Figure 7.6). The number of generated vectors is the same than

the number of attributes contained in the dataset, and the number of coordinates for each vector will be 2 or

3, for 2D and 3D respectively. Therefore, the aim is that these vectors are used as anchors or axes in the final

representation, allowing interaction with the expert. As explained in the last stage of MedVir, the interaction of

the expert with the data is carried out by changing the properties of those vectors.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

7.1. MEDVIR 133

















KNOWLEDGE ACQUISITION0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,60,2





0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,60,0









0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,60,0



















































Figure 7.7: Data visualization stage. Unity 3D engine has been used to implement the visual representation.

7.1.4 Data visualization

The last stage makes possible the final visualization of the reduced data. The use of star coordinates

(SC) algorithm allows representation of the data and provides interaction with the data in an easy and direct

way. According to the original SC algorithm [152], the data samples or instances are represented by points

using different colors or shapes, whilst the attributes of the data are displayed by a set of anchors or axes.

Theoretically, interaction is carried out by moving the anchors to see the rearrangement of the data points,

according to the new weights given to the attributes. Furthermore, the original definition arranges equidistantly

the axes from each other, a fact that will probably cause significant degradation in the data visualization. So,

this must be solved by a proper distribution of the axes.

The input to the SC algorithm comprises two different elements: the reduced data and the set of vector axes

generated in the previous stage, as indicated in Figure 7.7. Thus, the SC algorithm makes a linear combination

of the data matrix and vector axes to obtain the final position of the data points that will be displayed on screen.

Figure 7.8 shows the visualization interface that is initially presented to the expert.

There are several reasons for using Unity3D as a platform to implement the stage of data visualization,

for example: i) a great graphical power provided by modern graphics libraries that use techniques as complex

shaders, animations and global illumination; ii) it is fully integrated with a complete set of intuitive tools and

rapid workflows to create interactive 3D and 2D content; iii) an easy inclusion of packages of virtual reality, and

devices as leap motion, kinect and tracking hardware; iv) Unity3D provides an easy multiplatform publishing;

v) a simple scripting mechanism using programming languages, such as javascript, C# and boo; and vi) a

knowledge-sharing community. All these characteristics make Unity3D an adequate platform to implement

this stage of MedVir.

Hence, the interface consists of three main windows, two of which are responsible for the visualization (2D

and 3D) and the other allows parameter settings. Next, they are briefly described.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Figure 7.8: MedVir’s GUI.

• Visualization windows. They provide 2D and 3D data visualization, using an orthographic and perspec-

tive view, respectively. Both windows also allow interaction with the elements of the display, as the

selection of instances and anchors, as well as navigation through the space.

• Parameter settings window. This window allows performing two basic tasks: i) to adjust the visual

characteristics of the elements to be represented, using sliders and bars; and ii) to carry out various

data analysis tasks. In the first case, the display can be adjusted to achieve a comfortable interface,

for example, the color, size, shape, transparency, and scale level of the data points can be modified, as

well as the length of the axes. Furthermore, navigation is simple and intuitive. In the second case, data

analysis tasks, the expert can obtain information of the multiple selected elements in the screen, such

as the name of attributes, names of the different instances and the values of their attributes, as well as

extra information (such as clinical information) about the instances. In addition, when working with

supervised data, the expert may carry out a visual classification of new instances, only by entering the

values of the attributes for the new instance. Hence, the expert would observe the area of the display in

which the new instance is represented to draw conclusions comparing the closeness of the new instance

to other instances, in a quick and visual way (the expert may even carry out a supervised classification

using one of the supervised algorithms described in Section 2.3.1). If unsupervised data is used, it is

also possible to carry out several unsupervised classification algorithms to obtain different clustering

solutions. Information about the degradation in the data quality produced by the DR process can be

obtained, using the methodology presented in Section 5. Finally, the results of the FSS process are

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

7.1. MEDVIR 135

Figure 7.9: An example of classification and data visualization in MedVir using PCA. A: Model 1. 2D view.Blue represents the dummy class A, red means the dummy class B and new classified patients are representedin magenta. The dotted black line indicates the linear decision boundary in classification tasks. B: Model 2. 3Dview. Attributes can be selected (in green) to interact with them.

displayed, specifically the accuracy value and model used.

A way to extend the interaction with the data is by using virtual reality and visual analytics. Thus, there is

the possibility of visualizing in a simple, fast and direct way a huge amount of data so that the expert can get

different views, relationships between instances and data clusters through few mouse clicks. For example, in

the field of DNA microarray data, the expert would select and click on a patient to carry out a zoom on that

data point to display a list of numerical values of his complete gene expression profile and clinical information.

This type of interaction allows quickly the comparison of different patients to visually stimulate the knowledge

acquisition of a particular dataset. Another example can be found in the field of magnetoencephalography, since

the relationships between patients with similar brain activation patterns when working with certain stimulus

could be observed, with the aim of modeling and discriminating control patients versus patients with brain

injury in a visual way. Furthermore, the use of virtual reality techniques is allowed, as stereoscopy (e.g.,

anaglyph, side by side, over under, interlace and checkerboard mode), to increase the immersion in the process

of visualization and interaction.

Finally, Figure 7.9 illustrates an example of data visualization in MedVir using PCA algorithm. The black

dotted line (Figure 7.9A) indicates the linear decision boundary in classification tasks. Taking into account

these data visualizations, the experts are able to analyze the resulting work in order to extract the maximum

possible information and draw relevant conclusions. Interaction for knowledge acquisition

MedVir’s visualization and interaction comprise, among many others, the identification of different situa-

tions which may provide us valuable information about the nature of the data. Next, a list of these situations

and possible suggestions about how to interpret them is proposed. It is intended that this list is not closed, but

that the expert could identify and learn from possible future situations on the visualization, enabling him to

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


quickly transform those experiences into valid and useful knowledge about the data.

• Two points of different class (color) are very close or even overlapped in the visualization. This could

strongly suggest that the expert might have made a mistake when originally labelling those instances.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended the revision of the class membership of those instances appearing

overlapped in the visualization, and even a re-labeling process if necessary.

• If an attribute is selected, all the points will be resized based on that attribute’s value. This could represent

the importance or influence of that attribute on a particular class. For example, if an attribute is selected

and the points that belong to class A acquire substantially larger sizes to those points of class B, this

might suggest that this attribute has a great influence to effectively discriminate between the two classes.

• If one or more attributes are selected and their lengths are modified, we would be giving them more or

less weight on the representation, so all the instances will be reorganized based on those new weights.

For example, if we give a greater weight to an attribute and a point with class A approaches another point

with class B, this could suggest that a higher value of that attribute will mean a change in instance status

from class A to B.

• Different attributes can be removed or added from the visualization to decrease, or increase their influ-

ence on the data representation, respectively. The idea is that, after these changes of adding or removing

attributes on the data previously obtained by the FSS process, the DR algorithm is rerun with the new

information and the results are presented in a new visualization.

• Data points and axes can be selected and be relocated to different locations of the visual space. It

is important to highlight that these changes could alter and degrade the original nature of the data.

Although this option is provided to the expert, the possible consequences of these changes should always

be taken into account.

• Extra information about the data samples can be included in the representation. For example, if the

instances represent patients, their clinical information can be visualized quickly and easily for a better

understanding of the visual properties that are being displayed.

• Different visual dispersion among members of the same class and other classes may suggest different

levels of cohesion between different instances.

7.2 MedVir applied to TBI

In this section, MedVir has been applied to a real world case, that is a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) re-

habilitation prediction [47]. The aim is to discriminate patients with brain injuries of those who do not have,

through MEG information.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 7.10: MEG data obtaining process.

7.2.1 Data description

The study was performed by 12 control subjects and 14 patients with brain injury. All patients have com-

pleted a neurorehabilitation program, which was adapted specifically to each individual’s requirements. This

program was conducted in individual sessions attempting to offer an intensive neuropsychological-based reha-

bilitation, provided in 1h sessions for 3/4 days a week. In some cases, cognitive intervention was coupled with

other types of neurorehabilitation therapies according to the patient’s profile. Depending on the severity and

deficit features of each case, strategies of restitution, substitution and/or compensation were applied, as well as

training in daily living activities, external aids or the application of behavioural therapy.

Patients had MEG recordings before and after the neuropsychological rehabilitation program. In this study

control subjects were measured once, assuming that brain networks do not change in their structure in less than

one year, as demonstrated previously in young.

Patients and controls underwent a neuropsychological assessment, in order to establish their cognitive status

in multiple cognitive functions (attention, memory, language, executive functions and visuospatial abilities) as

well as their functioning in daily life.

As regards the measurement process (see Figure 7.10), the Magnetic fields were recorded using a 148-

channel whole-head magnetometer confined in 40 a magnetically shielded room. MEG data were submitted

to an interactive environmental noise reduction procedure. Fields were measured during a no task eyes-open

condition. Time-segments containing eye movements or blinks or other myogenic or mechanical artefacts were

rejected and time windows not containing artefacts were visually selected by experienced investigators, up

to a segment length of 12s. By using a wavelet transformation [207], we perform a time-frequency analysis

of rhythmic components in a MEG signal, and hence estimate the wavelet coherence for a pair of signals, a

normalized measure of association between two time series [294]. Finally, MEG data were digitalized and

transformed into a simple dataset of 26 instances x 10878 attributes, where each instance is a patient and each

attribute is the relationship between each pair of channels.

7.2.2 Running of MedVir

Next, the different stages in MedVir’s pipeline are described in detail when applied to TBI data.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.

























































...8 cores

245 NODESComputation time

34.83 h / 1.45 days

1541 h / 64.2 days




Figure 7.11: A: Comparison of computation times, in sequential and using the Magerit supercomputer. B:Power7 architecture in Magerit. Data pre-processing

The first stage, data pre-processing, was conducted by the team of scientists working at the Laboratory of

Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience (Center for Biomedical Technology). Therefore, in this particular

case, we did not had to perform any specific task of data pre-processing. Feature subset selection

This stage is responsible for selecting, from among the 10.878 original attributes, a set of reduced data

which improve accuracy when classifying new patients, compared to the original data. To classify new patients,

a specific dataset consisting of 14 new instances is used. Thus, the FSS process consists of two parts: the first

one uses filter methods, and the second one uses wrapper methods on the previous filtered attributes.

In total, 480 different models (5 filter methods x 6 number of attributes to be filtered x 4 search methods

x 4 classification algorithms) have been obtained over the two parts, of which those which obtained the best

accuracy values were selected. The aim was to apply those models to the data to eventually visualize them.

Note that the P value, described in Section 7.1.2, has been set to 6, since each filter method is carried out on

the 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 best attributes. Due to the small number of instances of the dataset,

the results have been validated using 0.632 Bootstrap method.


The implementation of these models has been carried out in parallel and using the Magerit supercomputer.

Specifically, 480 cores of the Power7 architecture have been used simultaneously to obtain the results.

At the end of the executions a ranking of the 480 models was obtained, sorted by time spent to carry out

the experiments (see Figure 7.12).

As regards the computation times, if sequential execution would have been used, the total CPU time for the

480 models would be 1541 hours (64.2 days), whilst using the parallel computing power offered by Magerit,

the total CPU time was effectively reduced to 34.83 hours (1.45 days), as indicated in Figure 7.11A. For this

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Model % Accuracy (Original) Accuracy (Filtered) Accuracy (Wrappered) Nº of attributes Time (s)


























Figure 7.12: An example of the ranking of models obtained after the FSS stage.

case, this means roughly 45 times faster than using sequential execution.


The criterion to select the best models is based on the highest accuracy values achieved after the carrying

out of the wrapper methods (fourth column from left in Figure 7.12). Finally, two of them were selected and

applied to the data. The two datasets obtained after applying the two best FSS models are:

• MODEL 1. TBI_Relieff_500_Genetic_KNN (71.16%). The first model has used the relieff filter to

obtain the best 500 attributes. After this, a genetic algorithm carried out an extensive search to select a

subset of the 10 best attributes that best discriminate between the original classes, when classifying the

instances by using the K-NN classification algorithm. The attributes selected are the synchronization pair

of channels: 44_102, 46_103, 101_116, 41_148, 85_90, 101_102, 3_115, 15_140, 107_126 and 6_22.

• MODEL 2. TBI_SymmetricalUncert_5000_Genetic_SVM (72.24 %). The second model has used

the symmetrical uncert filter to rank the best 5000 attributes. Then, a genetic algorithm has selected a

subset of the 65 best attributes that best discriminate between the original classes, when using the SVM

classification algorithm. In this case, the attributes selected are the synchronization pair of channels:

9_35, 7_55, 108_119, 46_110, 16_46, 1_89, 16_96, 74_135, 115_131, 120_127, 11_99, 38_43, 68_93,

14_67, 41_59, 26_106, 27_82, 27_70, 27_143, 39_113, 41_90, 25_48, 24_130, 25_62, 33_123, 33_136,

35_74, 35_68, 37_79, 37_61, 35_131, 30_34, 28_124, 29_56, 29_75, 32_71, 31_147, 31_143, 32_95,

31_68, 9_67, 10_56, 10_11, 2_92, 2_60, 3_89, 1_44, 4_136, 4_141, 5_120, 3_135, 4_51, 4_79, 18_131,

18_134, 18_79, 19_39, 17_136, 18_22, 21_66, 21_59, 22_44, 21_109, 20_64 and 19_132.

Then, using the two reduced datasets, the classification of new patients was carried out. The results of

the classification task are shown in Figure 7.13 (0 represents control subjects and 1 represents TBI patients).

Except for patients 3 and 4 contained in the test dataset, there is a clear unanimity between the classification

carried out by both models.

Next, the use of an effective visualization is proposed to obtain knowledge in a quick way from the datasets

recently obtained. In particular, it is proposed the use of the visualization offered by MedVir, with the aim to

gain an extra knowledge that would help us to draw stronger conclusions about patients 3 and 4, of doubtful


Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


Data reduced by MODEL 1









selected by



Class distribution

0 1





























1.0 5.3E-78

1.0 7.1E-52

3.6E-80 1.0

3.4E-34 1.0

1.0 8.3E-66

1.0 3.6E-124

4.2E-298 1.0

1.0 1.6E-175

0.0 1.0

2.7E-127 1.0

1.0 3.3E-172

0.999 6.6E-8

2.6E-140 1.0

0.0 1.0

Data reduced by MODEL 2









selected by



































0.952 0.047



0.964 0.035

0.035 0.964


0.952 0.047


0.011 0.988

0.047 0.952



Class distribution

0 1






Figure 7.13: Two models to classify the new patients. A: First model. B: Second model. The discrepanciesbetween the models when classifying the new patients are indicated in red. Dimensionality reduction

In this case, the well-known DR algorithm called LDA [73, 124, 94] has been selected for different reasons.

First, the linear nature of LDA facilitates the expert a bidirectional interaction with the data, that is, if the expert

carries out a reconfiguration of the data points or axes on the visualization, those new positions would lead to

obtaining a new data matrix corresponding to the original data matrix, but ’modified’ with new changes. This

feature, however, would not be possible using a nonlinear DR algorithm. Furthermore, as it is needed to carry

out a discrimination task between patients, LDA helps to maximize the discrimination information between

instances of different classes (despite its poor performance in preserving the quality of data, as outlined in

Chapter 5). Data visualization

In the last step, the use of visualization is proposed to obtain further information when discriminating be-

tween real classes of different instances, as patient number 3 and 4. The class or label of these instances, of

uncertain kind, could be clearer identified only by observing the spatial location of that instances in relation

to the rest of the instances, e.g., by visual comparison. It may be that the classification algorithm is failing,

however, a proper and intelligent use of visualization could yield useful information to discern between ’unde-

termined’ instances.

For example, if the information about the class distribution of patients 3 and 4 in the second classification

model is used (see class distribution values in Figure 7.13B), and the data are represented using the DR al-

gorithm known as LDA, the visualization provides a very interesting information. For this demonstration, the

dataset obtained by the Model 2 in FSS is used (26 patients, 65 attributes), as well as the LDA algorithm, which

is responsible for obtaining a distribution of the axes that best separates between instances of different class

(see Figure 7.14), thus helping to classification tasks. This figure shows how LDA is responsible for obtaining

the maximum separation plane (in green) between TBI and control patients, being this separation as clear as

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


Figure 7.14: Visualization in MedVir using LDA. A: 3D. B: 2D. Blue represents control subjects, red meansTBI patients, new classified patients are represented in magenta, whilst the dotted green line and green planedepict the linear decision boundary in classification tasks.

both TBI and control patients are grouped almost at a point (a powerful zoom would be needed to really see

those small variations in the positions between these points). Therefore, it is proposed the use of this model to

enter the attribute values for patients 3 and 4 to see if their spatial positions in the display can give us valuable

information about the veracity of their label, of dubious character.

In relation to patient 3, it has a 0.848 probability of belonging to control class (blue). In fact, if the attributes

values of this patient are introduced in MedVir, the visualization shows that its spatial position is defined within

the control zone. This clearly and quickly suggests that it is likely that this patient, in fact, does belong to the

control group, since the visualization confirms the previously obtained class distribution. However, for patient

4, the opposite situation occurs, as it has a lower probability of belonging to the control class (0.513). As it can

be seen in Figure 7.14, contrary to what was expected, the values of its attributes lead this patient to be spatially

located within the TBI area. This fact together with the low probability that it belongs to the control class,

strongly suggest a revision of its label, as it is quite likely that the class of patient 4 is, actually, TBI instead of

control, as initially diagnosed.

7.3 Discussion

MedVir can visualize massive amounts of MMD in 2D and 3D, allowing conclusions to be obtained in a

more simple, quick and intuitive way. The use of MedVir allows the experts to understand and interact with

the data they collect in many different domains. This is achieved by integrating the use of techniques for data

analysis, visualization and interaction, thus causing synergistic effects that possibly none of these three fields

could obtain separately. Therefore, the main idea is based on visually stimulate the expert’s understanding

through the combined action of those three fields.

Thanks to its strong modularity, MedVir proposes a pipeline ranging from pre-processing the raw data to

the final visualization thereof. This greatly makes easier the inclusion of new modules, as different powerful

DR algorithms, quality assessment indices, classification algorithms (supervised or unsupervised), regression

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


methods, or filters to complete the FSS process. Hence, MedVir could be easily adapted to the needs of the

expert’s application field.

Furthermore, the use of the powerful parallelism offered by the Supercomputing and Visualization Centre

of Madrid (CeSViMa) has allowed the results to be obtained and analyzed in a very reduced time, around 45

times faster than using sequential execution.

As regards the application of MedVir to real-world data, it has been successfully applied to a biological

dataset in the field of magnetoencephalography. MedVir has allowed to discriminate effectively, easily and

quickly between control subjects and TBI patients with a 72% of accuracy. To analize this value it should be,

indeed, beared in mind that Bootstrap validation has been used due to the very low number of instances of the

dataset, so a model that does not overfit the data was needed. In this study, MedVir has been presented as a

quick and easy tool to classify and visualize new subjects included in the TBI study, however other analysis

could be proposed. Thus, visualization and interaction with the data can provide extra useful information to

discern between uncertain class patients, after obtaining the results of a classification process. In addition,

MedVir could even be used to estimate if a TBI patient is in process of rehabilitation or not, so clinicians could

be able to change the treatment or definitely stop it.

However, there will be further research behind this deep work. In terms of TBI data analysis, regression

models and neuropsychological tests are going to be included to estimate the exact situation of a TBI patient

in the recovery process, and how much treatment time he will need to be fully rehabilitated. That is, instead

of discriminating between TBI and control patients, the use of regression techniques applied to different neu-

ropsychological tests could help detect if a patient improves and the amount of this improvement. Some of

these neuropsychological tests could be the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III (WAIS-III; [324]), the Wech-

sler Memory Scale Revised [323], the Brief Test of Attention [260], the Trail Making Test [246], the Stroop

Colour Word Test [104], the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test [126], the Verbal Fluency Test [101], the Tower of

Hanoi [206], the Zoo Map Test (from the Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome; [334]) and the

Patient Competency Rating Scale (PCRS; [238]). This last scale is formed from items related to different daily

living activities (basic and instrumental activities as well as social skills and cognitive and emotional issues)

and the patient’s level of competency on a five-point Likert scale. Another interesting future research point is

the DR of data based on clustering of MEG sensors (e.g., creation of brain regions based on sensors locations

and their relationships).

Concluding, MedVir, as an analysis tool, has successfully served for its purpose, which is to provide the

expert a reliable method to accelerate the discovery of underlying knowledge in large amounts of data. This

has been achieved thanks to a strong reduction in the size of the data while preserving most of their properties,

a complete process of experimentation using DM models, and an effective data visualization that aims to

estimulate and make easier the data interpretation and decision making.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

Part IV


Chapter 8


Each chapter has presented a brief discussion about the achievements in each proposal. However, this chapter

summarizes the most relevant conclusions, emphasizing the most important reached achievements.

The chapter index is as follows, Section 8.1 describes the main contributions made by this thesis. Section

8.2 presents and enumerates some of the most relevant future lines and open issues. Finally, Section 8.3

describes the publications derived from this research.

8.1 Contributions

This research has made a major and very successful commitment, which is the demonstration of the main

hypothesis of this thesis: There is a visual mechanism of multidimensional data analysis that allows the

acquisition of new knowledge from large datasets in a fast, easy, and reliable way.

In this case, satisfactory results have been obtained when applying this research to different real world

domains in the following chapters:

• Chapter 5 and Chapter 6: i) Diseases, such as breast, leukemia, DLBCL cancer and parkinsons; ii)

Biological domains, as neuronal data; and iii) Other data.

• Chapter 7: Magnetoencephalography (MEG) data.

Next, the breakdown of contributions obtained during the demonstration of the main hypothesis is pre-


Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


8.1.1 Development of a methodology for the quantification of the lossof quality in Dimensionality Reduction tasks

When DR techniques are used, it is extremely important to be aware and be able to quantify to what extent

the data quality is being degraded, as this degradation in the original nature of the data can lead to wrong

conclusions about the data causing serious implications.

Nowadays, many different indices have been developed to measure effectively the degradation of data qual-

ity suffered when their dimensionality is reduced for data analysis tasks using a particular DR method. Most

of those indices are based on the study of spatial concepts as distances and nearest neighbors, depending on

the proposed approach. However, these measures are limited to the isolated analysis of the quality degradation

suffered in the data for a fixed dimension value (e.g., dimension 10 or 11), thus omitting the great influence

that might have the quality degradation suffered in other dimensions during the DR process.

In the literature, there is no any procedure to analyze and quantify in a comprehensive manner the loss of

quality suffered throughout the DR process, using different DR algorithms. To address this and to demonstrate

the main hypotheses of this study: i) it is possible to quantify accurately the real loss of quality produced in

the entire DR process and ii) it is possible to group the different DR methods as regards the loss of quality

they produce when reducing the data dimensionality, this thesis proposes a complete methodology (presented

in Chapter 5) that groups several quality assessment indices, and some of the most important DR algorithms

in the literature. The aim is to effectively quantify the loss of quality suffered by a given dataset when a DR

algorithm is applied, to make appropriate decisions about the data analysis tools to be used.

This methodology allows:

• The analysis, comparison and clustering of different DR methods as regards the loss of quality they give

rise to when carrying out a DR process. To quantifying properly the loss of quality, a new statistical

function has been also proposed.

• The study of the correlation between the different quality criteria when quantifying the degradation of

the data in DR processes.

• The analysis of the trend in loss of quality between dimensions. Furthermore, the concept of stability of

a DR algorithm has been also proposed.

This contribution represents an important advance in the field of DR and quality assessment because it

defines a new way of linking simultaneously very important and extensive concepts never combined before in

a methodology. Therefore, the objective "Quantification of the quality degradation in DR processes" has been

fulfilled in Chapter 5.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


8.1.2 Demonstration of the superiority of 3D over 2D to visualize mul-tidimensional and multivariate data

Chapter 6 proposes an innovative solution to solve the controversial discussion of the choice of a suitable

dimensional space to visualize MMD (2D or 3D). This is based on the concept of quality degradation suffered

by the data, and it scientifically demonstrates that the loss of quality produced in 3D spaces is considerably less

than in 2D.

To demonstrate the main hypothesis of this study, which is based on claim that the transition from three to

two dimensions generally involves a considerable loss of quality, this thesis proposes two different approaches:

visual and analytical.

• The first approach presents a set of visual statistical tests using 40 users to demonstrate that the 3D

visualization improves the results of the 2D visualization by using the visual perception of the users.

The results indicated that, although there are certain advantages of using 3D visualization, there is also a

great need to improve the current 3D interfaces. Therefore, a much more deep study is proposed.

• However, the second approach provides the definitive analytical demonstration that the transition from

3D to 2D involves a considerable loss of quality. This quantification of loss of quality has been carried

out using the methodology proposed in Chapter 5.

Finally, the high values of loss of quality produced in 2D strongly suggest the suitability of the third di-

mension to visualize MMD. This is a very important contribution, since this could be considered one the first

attempts to quantify analytically the real loss of quality produced in the transition from 3D to 2D. Thus, the

objective "Study of superiority of 3D over 2D" has been successfully fulfilled in Chapter 6.

8.1.3 Establishment and development of a visual framework to accel-erate knowledge discovery in large datasets

Unlike traditional methods of multidimensional data visualization of genomics nature, this thesis has pro-

posed a novel framework that integrates advanced DM, visualization and interaction techniques. The point of

view of computer technology has been effectively used to accelerate and facilitate the process of knowledge

acquisition from very large datasets in any real world domain, not only in genomics.

To summarize, the expert has been successfully provided with a framework enabling him to introduce his

own dataset (often composed of several thousands of attributes), significantly reduce the size of the data (to a

few tens of attributes) while maintaining their original properties (as far as possible), to finally visualize them in

a simple and quick way. This allows the expert to visually stimulate the knowledge acquisition, while the speed

of interpretation and understanding of the data is greatly enriched. This framework brings together several

major stages of the CRISP-DM process and allows different modular tasks:

• Data pre-processing. Here, different processing tasks are carried out, as: deletion of replicated instances,

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


identification and deletion of outliers, handling missing values and handling replicated/high correlated


• Feature subset selection (FSS). This step makes use of an intensive FSS process, which is responsible for

selecting a few tens of attributes containing most of the important properties of the original data.

• Dimensionality reduction (DR). To visualize the data, it is needed a reduction in the dimensionality of

the data obtained in the previous step to 2 or 3 dimensions. For this, the use of different DR algorithms

is allowed.

• Data visualization. Finally, the reduced data are presented to the expert, allowing interaction.

This infrastructure has been implemented efficiently by using the Magerit supercomputer, thus significantly

reducing the time for obtaining results. Furthermore, in order to demonstrate the effectiveness and usefulness of

the proposed framework, it has been applied to a dataset from the field of magnetoencephalography, providing

useful results that experts are analyzing. Hence, with this last contribution, the objective "Development of a

visual framework for knowledge discovery quickly" has been successfully fulfilled in Chapter 7, leading the

main hypothesis of the research to be demonstrated.

Besides the chapters related to the aforementioned objectives, Chapters 2, 3 and 4 present an extensive

overview of all the visualization, DM and DR topics used throughout this thesis, presenting different ap-

proaches, algorithms and references.

8.2 Future lines

Despite reaching the goals that have been proposed in this research, the deepening into the different areas

involved allows clearly identify a number of open research lines from the solutions provided in this thesis.

These are presented in the following sections:

New research lines on quantification of degradation of quality and applications. Here, new possible lines

of research that arise as a consequence of the contributions made by Chapters 5 and 6 are presented.

Functionalities to improve the performance of MedVir. This section present future new functionalities that

will enhance and optimize the abilities of the current implementation of MedVir.

Application to other fields. Finally, it is presented a brief review about the possible fields of application of


A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


8.2.1 New research lines on the quantification of degradation of qual-ity and its applications

The study presented in this research opens up a wide range of possibilities for carrying out a deeper compar-

ative study of the DR algorithms according their geometry preservation skills, as well as the inclusion of other

metrics or quality criteria for enriching the loss of quality evaluation. Furthermore, the results obtained through

QLQC (Quality Loss Quantifier Curves) Methodology [110] could be extended through the implementation of

a more complex kind of data analysis for studying the behavior of the loss of quality in DR tasks.

Aditionally, we are very interested in studying those quality curves discarded during the quality quantifi-

cation process for not meeting the required stability criteria, as well as to know what the ’unstability’ concept

really means and what could be causing this unstability. In this sense, is also proposed to answer why some

DR algorithms behave more unstable than others during the DR process. Furthermore, it would be helpful to

carry out several statistical and mathematical studies about the quality curves obtained to know whether there

are certain ’key dimensions’, from which a greater and faster degradation in the quality of the data is going to

be produced. This could make the expert reconsider the need to reduce the dimensionality of the data beyond

that threshold. Finally, at this point, there may be a need to respond to an obvious question, as if reducing the

dimensionality of the data to a value beyond the intrinsic dimensionality thereof, may be significantly degrad-

ing the quality of the data. Besides this, another possible future line is to analyze the effects of different values

for the k parameter used in some of the DR algorithms when evaluating the neighborhood before reducing the

data dimensionality.

An useful future application is the use of the QLQC methodology to quantify and to model to what extent

the quality degradation of the data would be influencing the accuracy achieved in supervised learning tasks.

That is, experts often make use of techniques to reduce dimensionality of their data, prior to classification

tasks. It would therefore be of vital importance to be aware of to what extent this first step will degrade the

nature of the data, probably influencing the accuracy obtained in classification tasks.

8.2.2 Functionalities to improve the performance of MedVir

As mentioned above, MedVir is an open framework and it is in continuous development. By open we

mean that it is possible to include future modules that allow the tool to be provided with more functionalities

for data analysis and visualization processes. Thus, the aim is to provide the expert a convenient, easy to

use, and powerful framework that encourages rapid knowledge discovery by integrating DM, visualization and

interaction techniques.

• Improvement of the mechanisms for knowledge acquisition. With the aim to provide the experts

greater possibilities for gaining knowledge about data they work with, the use of different techniques

or even the combination of them is needed. Therefore, a greater experimentation with visualization and

interaction techniques is proposed. Regarding these features, it is worth mentioning that in this research

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


all the possibilities that provides the interaction with the data visualization have not been completely


However, some interesting conclusions about the meaning of certain interactive actions on display have

been already outlined, which must be completed and extended in the future. Thus, the use of the method-

ology oriented to user [98] is proposed, which would improve the reliability of MedVir. This would

certainly validate the conclusions drawn from visualization and interaction with the data. We also want

to considerably enhance the user’s interaction, using IO devices such as Leap Motion (MedVir con-

trolled by gestual movements) and voice recognition (by means of expert orders), as well as studying the

possible improvement effects in the expert’s understanding about the data introduced by the use of stereo-

scopic techniques. Besides all this, a more complete experimentation with visual analytics techniques

will enhance the chances of quick interaction and knowledge acquisition.

• To expand capabilities of MedVir. An improvement in the functionalities that MedVir provides is pro-

posed, in relation to the data analysis tasks that can be performed. To tackle this, new data analysis

modules could be included. For example, if data segmentation tasks (in which the instances do not have

labels) are required, several different algorithms can be incorporated and used. The inclusion of unsu-

pervised filter and wrapper approaches during the FSS process will provide the expert a segmentation

of his data, whilst obtaining a minimal number of attributes. Then, using the visualization provided by

MedVir, the expert would obtain a quick look of the data to identify those possible groups or clusters

to carry out a process of labeling instances. The combination of his experience and criterion about the

data, along with the visual stimulus that provides an effective visualization, will greatly facilitate this

tedious process. Furthermore, just as in supervised learning, the expert would select the most interesting

clustering solution among the final ranking of models obtained, to visualize it. Moreover, the use of

regression techniques will allow to show, using different colors and transparencies, the final predicted

value for a given instance. Such regression techniques could also allow to detect whether a particular

patient is improving or not, for a given treatment. This could mean huge cost savings, because it would

mean that a particular patient is not given further treatment than necessary. Another possible application

is the management of time series data, that could show the evolution (through spatial movement) of a

given instance in a visual way to spatially locate it where appropriate, according to the final value of

its attributes. The results of all these techniques proposed here could be effectively complemented by

the inclusion of extra information about the instances, as could be complete clinical information about

patients when working with medical or biological data.

• To facilitate the dissemination and execution of MedVir. Medvir is intended to be a quick and com-

fortable platform for experts from different domains that allows them, as far as possible, to be abstracted

of costly computational processes underlying in the requested data analysis tasks. This could be achieved

easily by adaptating MedVir to a web platform where experts could upload their datasets and seek en-

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


forcement of various data analysis tasks that require the computing power of Magerit supercomputer.

Theoretically, this is now possible, thanks to the web publishing capabilities that Unity3D currently

offers. Therefore, the expert would only have to select the dataset he wants to work with, the plat-

form would request the services of Magerit, and the results would be sent to the expert through a web

link which would present the visualization obtained in MedVir. Those results could be sent to other

researchers to be compared easily.
























































...8 cores







MedVirData mining Visualization



The expert uploads their data,

de!nes the data analysis tasks

to be carried out and requests

the services of Magerit

Magerit carries out

data analysis tasks and

sends the results to MedVir

MedVir generates the

visualization and sends

it to the expert via

web link

Figure 8.1: Adaptation of MedVir to a web platform using the functionalities of CesViMa.

• Improvement of experts’ feedback. Hard work is still needed to improve the process of communication

and relationship between experts from the same or different domains. The aim is to carry out common

tasks such as data exchanging to enrich the final results, merge different data sources or validate results in

a reliable way. Hence, efforts to bridge the gap between experts could be focused on the creation of a job

portal to make easier and faster a close collaboration between different researchers (e.g., GeneOntology).

8.2.3 Application to other fields

This research has been applied to different real world domains, as: breast, leukemia and DLBCL can-

cer, parkinson’s disease, magnetoencephalography, neuronal data and other. However, MedVir could also be

applied to other interesting domains and fields, in which the number of attributes are too high that makes

impossible a direct data analysis.

For example, a field of direct application is gene expression data, such as mRNA, cDNA, and proteomics.

These huge datasets are characterized by analyzing the order of tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of at-

tributes, making them susceptible to strong DR processes, identifying biomarkers, and the final visualization

that MedVir provides. MedVir could also facilitate the fusion of different medical data sources, more specifi-

cally clinical and neuropsychological information, tests, etc. It is also proposed the application of Medvir to the

feature selection in images stacks of microscopy, generation of typologies of neurons, segmentation of patients

according to their medical information, etc.

Furthermore, due to the possibility of research conducted in parallel with this thesis in the field of astron-

omy, specifically within the GAIA Mission (European Space Agency), certain similarities in the datasets used

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


within this domain have been clearly identified. Thus, MedVir could be applied to these astronomical datasets,

often composed of thousands of attributes, to visualize and interact with multidimensional properties of stars,

planets and other celestial bodies.

Finally, it is also proposed the application in the growing fields of neuroscience and magnetoencephalogra-

phy, in which many experts from different domains are working intensely at the Center for Biomedical Tech-

nology (Technical University of Madrid, Madrid).

8.3 Publications

The publications derived from this research are listed below.

8.3.1 Journals

• A. Gracia, S. González, V. Robles and E. Menasalvas Ruiz. A methodology to compare Dimensionality

Reduction algorithms in terms of loss of quality. Information Sciences, 270(0):1-27, 2014. Current JCR

(2014): 3.643.

• A. Gracia, S. González, V. Robles, E. Menasalvas and T. von Landesberger. New insights into the

suitability of the third dimension for visualizing multivariate/multidimensional data: a study based on

loss of quality quantification. Information Visualization, Accepted with major changes. Current JCR

(2014): 1.0.

8.3.2 Conferences

• S. González, A. Gracia, P. Herrero, N. Castellanos, N. Paul. MedVir: an interactive representation system

of multidimensional medical data applied to Traumatic Brain Injury’s rehabilitation prediction. Madrid,

Spain. Joint Rough Set Symposium, 2014.

• A. Gracia, S. González and V. Robles. MedVir: 3D visual interface applied to gene profile analysis.

Madrid, Spain. HPCS 2012: 693-695.

• A. Gracia, S. González, J. Veiga and V. Robles: VR BioViewer - A new interactive-visual model to repre-

sent medical information. In MSV ’11: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Modeling,

Simulation and Visualization Methods. Las Vegas, NV, USA 2011:40-46.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná

Part V


Appendix A

Definition of the questions

This appendix provides a list of questions asked to users once they finished the carrying out of the visual tests.

The list of questions is as follows:

• Question: From your point of view, what kind of scatterplot (2D or 3D) do you think is more useful in

general to perform each of the 3 tests?. Answer: two options were available: 2 or 3. The user should

select only one option. Answering this question was obligatory.

• Question: Could you tell us why?. Answer: free text answer. Answering this question was obligatory.

• Question: On a scale of 1 - 5 (5 being the best score), could you rate how comfortable you felt carrying

out the test using a 2D scatterplot?. Answer: five options were available: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The user

should select only one option. Answering this question was obligatory.

• Question: On a scale of 1 - 5 (5 being the best score), could you rate how comfortable you felt carrying

out the test using a 3D scatterplot?. Answer: five options were available: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The user

should select only one option. Answering this question was obligatory.

• What kind of scatterplot (2D or 3D) do you think you have been more successful in the tests, i.e., less

error?. Answer: two options were available: 2 or 3. The user should select only one option. Answering

this questions was obligatory.

• Could you tell us why you think so?. Answer: free text answer. This question was not mandatory to


• What kind of scatterplot (2D or 3D) did you feel more comfortable with, e.g: when you navigate through

the scenes, move the camera and interact with the data points?. Answer: two options were available: 2

or 3. The user should select only one option. Answering this question was obligatory.

Antonio Gracia Berná A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality.


• Could you tell us why you think so?. Answer: free text answer. Answering this question was optional.

• Do you have any clue on how to improve the visualization in 3D or 2D scatterplots?. Answer: free text

answer. Answering this question was optional.

• Finally, would you like to make any comments or suggestions about the tests for future improvement?.

Answer: free text answer. Answering this question was optional.

A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná


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A visual framework to accelerate knowledge discovery based on Dimensionality Reduction minimizing degradation of quality. Antonio Gracia Berná