ANALYSIS OF DEMOCRACY AND DEMOCRATIC PRACTISE IN NIGERIA FOURTH REPUBLIC Ajayi, Amos Kenny, Department of Political Science, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. [email protected], 08060936374, 08078896889 The model of democracy that is popular in this age of globalization is liberal democracy, democracy is a descriptive term that is synonymous with majority rule, it associated with democratic consolidation and good governance. However, in Nigeria, effort to attained the high level of democratic consolidation and good governance have been made but not yet to be crowned with much success. The literal meaning of "democracy" comes from a combination of two Greek words, demos (people) and kratos (rule), and at its core, “Democracy is a form of government in which the people rule”. The term originated in Athens and was a part of the standard classification of regime forms that distinguished rule by one (monarchy), several (aristocracy), and the many (democracy). However, beyond the literal meaning of democracy, there has been considerable debate over the criteria that distinguish democracies from non democracies. It can be argued that, democracy is a system of government where the opportunity to participate in an authoritative 1


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Ajayi, Amos Kenny, Department of Political Science,

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.

[email protected], 08060936374, 08078896889

The model of democracy that is popular in this age of

globalization is liberal democracy, democracy is a descriptive

term that is synonymous with majority rule, it associated with

democratic consolidation and good governance. However, in

Nigeria, effort to attained the high level of democratic

consolidation and good governance have been made but not yet

to be crowned with much success.

The literal meaning of "democracy" comes from a combination of

two Greek words, demos (people) and kratos (rule), and at its

core, “Democracy is a form of government in which the people

rule”. The term originated in Athens and was a part of the

standard classification of regime forms that distinguished

rule by one (monarchy), several (aristocracy), and the many

(democracy). However, beyond the literal meaning of democracy,

there has been considerable debate over the criteria that

distinguish democracies from non democracies.

It can be argued that, democracy is a system of government

where the opportunity to participate in an authoritative


decision making is opened to all who are willing and

interested to share. However, it is a system of government

that recognized individual rights, a system of representation

and electoral system based on the principle of one man one

vote and one vote one value.

Political Scholars see Democracy as a system of government in

which large member of the community participate or may

participate directly in making decision which affect them

all, so, Political thinkers link it with the system of

government in which rulers are hold accountable for their

actions in public realm by citizen acting indirectly through

competitive and co-operations of their elected


Political Analysts argued that the ‘democratic’ element in

liberal democracy is the idea of popular consent, expressed in

practice through the act of voting. Liberal democracy is thus

a form of electoral democracy, in that popular election is

seen as the only legitimate source of political authority.

Such elections must, however, respect the principle of

political equality; they must be based upon universal suffrage

and the idea of ‘one person one vote’.

The Black's Law Dictionary defined Democracy as ‘‘a form of

government in which the sovereign power resides in and is

exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or

indirectly through a system of representation, as2

distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy’’.

With this, it could therefore be seen that the concept of

elections or the vote and the processes associated with it are

seen to lie at the heart of a system of representative


The Nigerian state assumed a new governance status in 1999

following the demise of authoritarian regime in the country.

Military dictatorship was replaced by representative democracy

with the hopes and aspirations of good governance much higher

than what the seemingly collapsible democratic institutions

could fulfil. The source and nature of transition in 1999 was

later found to constitute threat to the foundation of

democracy and obliterates the current efforts at consolidating


Since restoration of democratic rule in the country,

change of government has been orderly while elections

have been periodic. Between 1999 and 2015 four

different civilian administrations have emerged and there

have been four successive transitions from civilian

government to another (Obasanjo Administration, 1999-2007,

Yar’adua/Jonathan Administration, 2007-2011, Jonathan

Administration, 2011-2015) and incoming administration Buhari

Administration 2015. This also applicable to the

legislature. Since 1999, the country has successfully

passed through five legislative houses both at the

centre and the component units. Elections in the


Fourth Republic have been characterized by monumental

irregularities and malpractices which magnitude increases

with every election.

Despite the fact that Nigeria has experienced about sixteen

years of uninterrupted democracy practice the are various

challenges confronting democratic consolidation and good

governance in the Nigeria.

Corruption constitutes one of the greatest challenges

and threats to the democrat consolidation in Nigeria

Fourth Republic. The incidence of corruption in the

country reached a crescendo in 2004 when a German

based non-governmental organisation called Transparency

International in its 2004 Corruption Perception

Index(CPI), report projected Nigeria as the 2nd most

corrupt country in the world(132nd out of 133 countries


Since the emergency of the fourth republic, Election and

democratic practice in Nigeria has been more of a force than a

serious fact. Admittedly, Nigeria registered and voted at the

elections that brought the ruling class into power, the

candidate presented to them for selection were chosen not by

them but by the political elites. Voting as observed became

for Nigerians a matter of ritual performances than discharge

of bounden duty.


It can be argued that elections and democratic practice in

fourth republic characterized by electoral malpractices,

political intolerance, economic mismanagement, using political

office as gateway to personal enrichment, political thuggery,

lack of intra party democracy, insecurity, manipulation of

religion and ethnicity to achieve selfish political ambitions

and other countless misdemeanors were order of the day

Poverty is another factor that constitutes grave

challenges to democratic consolidation and good governance

in the country. Nigeria is blessed with abundant human

and natural resources and yet its people are poor.

The nation is rank among the world’s poorest country.

According to United Nations Development Programme

(2009), in Nigeria hunger exhibits its ugly face in

most homes where the average citizen contends with a

life of abject poverty. Thus, about 70% of Nigeria

population are poor, the average Nigerian is alienated

from himself as he lacks the wherewithal to afford

the basic necessities of life such as education,

medical facilities.

The consequence of this is that the poor masses are

easily brainwashed and their right of choice terribly

manipulated making an objective choice seldom to

consideration. Besides, various forms of inducements and5

gratification which provide temporary relief from the

scourge of poverty are given central attention in

making democratic choices. However, many Nigerians see the

election period as an opportunity to demand of the office

seeker a slice of their wealth. Thus, their participation in

the election process was only influenced by how much they

could attract the contestants rather than by deliberate

decision based on preventing issues and national interest

One of the daunting challenges confronting the present

democratic dispensation is insecurity. Since the return

of democracy, the country has experienced ethno-

religious crises, sectarian mayhem, etc., questioning and

shaking the survival of the country. Some of these

crises include: Yoruba/Hausa-Fulani disturbance in

Shagamu, Ogun State; Aguleri, Umuleri and Umuoba Anam

of Anambra State; Ijaw/Itsekiri crisis over the location

of Local Government headquarter; the Jukun, Chamba

and Kuteb power struggle over who control Takum;

incessant turbulence in Jos; the 2011 post-election

violence in the northern part of the country as well

as the constant sectarian crisis exemplified by the

activities of the Boko Haram. The analysis of the

above upheaval will reveal that our democracy is under

siege prompting Dauda and Avidime (2007 to argue that

the current security situation in the country is a

major obstacle to the consolidation of democracy.


For Nigeria democracy to move toward democratic consolidation

and good governance in fourth republic, we urge incoming

administration to follow the following prospects

In another development, corruption is one of the basic

challenges confronting democracy, Democratic consolidation and

good governance in Nigeria's fourth republic, however, we urge

incoming president as he has pledged to tackle corruption and

be the country anti corruption champion. For any nation to be

consolidated, the level of corruption will be reduce to the

minimal, some developing countries have succeed by reducing

the corruption and their president serves as anti-corruption

champion e.g Botswana in Africa and Singapore in Asia.

Having a president who is the head of government as the anti-

corruption champion is important because, as the saying goes,

the fish rots from the head. Effective from May 29, 2015, all

Nigerians, non-nationals who live in Nigeria, and all those

within and outside Nigeria who do business with the country,

will have to begin to adjust to the reality that Nigeria has a

president who will strictly enforce the commitment he has made

to his country men and women: “corruption will not be

tolerated by this administration”.

Strikingly, Buhari’s commitment is no more than announcing his

determination to uphold Section 15 (5) of the 1999

Constitution amended. “The State shall abolish all corrupt

practices and abuse of power”. If his predecessors had taken7

their oath to uphold the Constitution seriously with

particular reference to the provision on anti-corruption,

Buhari’s commitment would not appear as a radical new


The war on corruption must be pursued with vigour.

Put differently, it must be pushed beyond political

propaganda, intimidation and witch-hunting of political

opponents. Government must muster the political will to

punish any corrupt public officer irrespective of his

or her status in the society. In addition, legislation

should be enacted by the National Assembly making

capital punishment a penalty for corruption related


Democracy does not thrive on an empty stomach and

democracy cannot be consolidated when majority of the

people live in abject poverty. To be more pro active,

governments at all levels need to be serious or pay

more attention to problem of poverty. The socio-cultural

factor such as family system that appears to be

reinforcing poverty has to be addressed. Governments at

all levels must pursue vigorously programmes that can

alleviate poverty. Such programmes must address the

roots cause of poverty. Besides, our educational sector

should be overhauled. The curriculum should be such

that addresses the present reality.


In reality, Nigerians need political education in order to

improve in their electoral system and democratic practice in

fourth republic, the people should learn to abhor tribalism,

factionalism, election malpractice in order not to mortgage

the rights and future. Here a political scientists have the

role to play in conjunction with National Orientation Agency

(NOA), Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC),

Nigerian Security Agents and Religions Organization, however,

they have a responsibility to cultivate the political

awareness at the grassroots through the well planned programme

of political education. By embarking on political Evangelism,

it will make people to be well political active and oriented

during the election period.

Political scientists should be more pro-active in providing a

search light for dialogue about what must be done to elevate

the level of political consciousness and activism of the

Nigeria masses. They cannot remain quiescent in the extremely

desperate state of democratization in which politicians are

most likely to engage in undemocratic practices when there is

low risk to be prosecuted punished or to lose their seat in

parliament as a consequence of voters dissent with a

politician’s conduct.

National Orientation Agency (NOA) has a lot to do, well co-

ordinated strategies for the awareness of the people rights

effectively utilized to promote democracy in Nigeria. However,

since the present political scenario in Nigeria is such that


political parties because of their lack of focus on the masses

has not been able to effectively perform the functions of

political socialization, interest articulation, interest

aggregation and political communication.

To be more pro-active political parties have a lot to do in

Nigeria's democratic settings, By this, political parties will

publicize and promote their programmes, they should provide

voters with substantial information about current political

issues, citizen democratic right, contribute to voter’s

education and human development. Religion leaders should play

a prominent role during election, by this religions

organization need to engage in orientating their worshippers

i.e. election is not do or die affairs, because some political

violence in Nigeria was rooted from religion perspective and


The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), the body

saddled with the responsibility of supervising the entire

electoral process. Obviously, the formation of this body was

also faulty, mainly because its members were chosen not

necessarily on merit but, most probably, based on political

connections or expediencies. Appointment of the chairman

Independent National Electoral Commission must based on merit

and such person must have foundation and in-dept knowledge in

Political Science and Law. Because, INEC in Nigeria was

expected to achieve this feat but has failed woefully due to

the non-autonomous nature of the commission.


The Independent National Electoral Commission and security

agents were to be non partisan and also expected to be

impartial in their operations due to their major roles in

election and democratic practice in Nigeria. INEC is expected

to discharged their duties. Electoral Commission should be

restructure in a way that they will have absolute autonomous

and separate from the control of Organs of government,

Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, so that they will be

able to discharged their duty such as, registration of voters,

provision of electoral materials, conducting of free, fair and

credible election and announcing the election result without

external affairs.

The establishment of an Electoral Crime Commission in

conjunction with Judicial Body that will serve as a watchdog

of the electoral commission, the political parties and

contesting candidates in ensuring that political campaigns and

elections are conducted according to the rules of the game.

The Electoral Crime Commission should also be charged with the

powers to prosecute those caught in the act of electoral

violence, thuggery, snatching of ballot boxes and other

electoral ills in the Court of law.

Judiciary cannot be left out in election and democratic

practice in Nigeria, Nigeria judicial system should also be

strengthened and reorganized in a way that the judiciary will

have autonomous to discharged their duty, judicial system


should non partisan, this will give the opposition the

opportunity of wining the election and it will serve as last

hope for opposition parties and the politicians.

In conclusion, in order to advance and enduring democracy and

democratic practice in Nigeria, Nigerian should follow the

general pattern found in advanced democratic states and

properly blended with indigenous peculiarities. This way an

enviable political culture sustained by rule of law.