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Programa 1- Gramática elementar

1.1- Introdução á língua inglesa (surgimento, desenvolvimento e expressões


1.2- Alfabeto (pronuncia e artigos)..................................................................06

1.3- Numerais (cardinais e ordinais)................................................................07

1.4- Artistic and cultural focus- Letra de música (All toghether now- The Beatles)


1.5- focus- Texto literário e Biografia ( …and you dare to call me coloured- Malcom


1.6- Descrição física e psicológica..................................................................12

1.7- Gostos e necessidades..............................................................................13

1.8- Revisão geral............................................................................................14

Programa 2- Verbo To Be

2.1- Verbo To Be (importância e utilização)................................................17

2.2- Verbo To Be (presente simples)...........................................................17

2.3- Verbo To Be (passado simples)............................................................20

2.4- Verbo To Be (futuro)............................................................................22

2.5- Artistic and cultural focus -Letra de música (Billy jean- Michael Jackson)


2.6- Cultural focus - Texto e biografia ( Steven Biko).................................26

2.7- Artistic focus -Trecho de filme (Bambloozed- Spike Lee)…………...27

2.8- Revisão geral.........................................................................................28

Programa 3- Pronomes

3.1- Pronomes pessoais...................................................................................32

3.2- Pronomes e adjetivos possessivos...........................................................32

3.3- Pronomes reflexivos e indefinidos...........................................................33

3.4- Pronomes demonstrativos........................................................ ..............33


3.5- Artistic and cultural focus -Letra de música (Remdemption song- Bob


3.6- Exercício conjunto (infidelity exercice)................................................36

3.7- Artistic and cultural focus - texto e biografia (Mahatma


3.8- Revisão geral.........................................................................................38

Programa 4- Tempo

4.1- Dias da semana e termos do dia.............................................................40

4.2- Advérbios de tempo...............................................................................40

4.3- Meses (notação de datas, estações e datas especificas)..........................41

4.4- Que horas são?…………………………………………...........………42

4.5- Artistic focus Letra de música ( Friday, i´m in love- The Cure)


4.6- Preposições- In, on e at……………………………………………..…45

4.7- Cultural focus- Trecho de filme ( de volta ao futuro Robert


4.8- Revisão geral..........................................................................................47

Programa 5- Adjetivos e substantivos

5.1- Plural dos substantivos (regras)……………………………………….50

5.2- Masculino/feminino……………………………………………………51

5.3- Adjetivos (regras e exemplos)……………………………………..…..52

5.4- Grau comparativo e superlativo dos adjetivos…………….…………..53.

5.5- Caso genitivo…………………………………………………..........…55

5.6- Artistic a focus- Letra de música ( Stupid girl- Jagger and Richards)...56

5.7- Cultural focus ( Brave new world- Aldous Huxley)………………..…58

5.8- General review.......................................................................................59

Programa 6- Verbos auxiliares

6.1- Verbo To Be (tempo continuo e condicional)....................................62

6.2- Verbo To Do ( Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do passado e do



6.3- Verbo To Have (Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do passado e do


6.4- Verbo modal Can (Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do passado e do


6.5- Verbos modais (Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do passado e do


6.6- Artistic and cultural focus Letra de música ( The sheriff- Emerson, Lake and


6.7- Cultural focus- texto ( Brief history about candomblé)……….…71

6.8- Revisão geral..................................................................................76

Programa 7- Verbos regulares e irregulares

7.1- Verbos regulares (presente e passado)..............................................80

7.2- Verbos irregulares (presente e passado)............................................80

7.3- Futuro regulares e irregulares............................................................82

7.4- Tempo perfeito (presente).................................................................83

7.5- Tempo perfeito (passado e futuro)....................................................84

7.6- Artistic focus Letra de música (Mistreated- Deep Purple)…........…85

7.7- Cultural focus Trecho de livro e biografia (1984- George


7.8- Revisão geral......................................................................................88


De acordo com dados recentes do IBGE referentes ao ano de 2004, cerca de 30%

da população economicamente ativa está desempregada em Salvador. Entretanto esta

porcentagem é muito maior se considerarmos também como não empregados aqueles

que estão subempregados, os que vivem na informalidade e os autônomos. A população

negra e pobre é a que mais sofre com a falta de vagas e postos de trabalho. Muito disso

deve-se a má qualidade do ensino público que não gabarita ninguém a pleitear

seguramente uma vaga no mercado de trabalho, ainda mais tendo esses que competir

com integrantes de extratos sociais mais abastados, que possuem a condição de investir

pesadamente em educação. Os empregos subalternos e aqueles que não requerem maior

qualificação são os que acabam sobrando para o povo negro e pobre, e mesmo estes

acabam por ser disputados como se fossem oportunidades únicas na vida dos

concorrentes: até para trabalhos menos desejáveis a demanda é muito maior que a

oferta, vide as imensas filas formadas quando do surgimento de vagas, inclusive tendo

dentre seus integrantes pessoas com qualificações acima da mínima exigida. O trabalho

é uma das características inerentes ao ser humano e aqueles que não o possuem não têm

condições de se realizarem plenamente, como tal.

Aproveitando que a exigência de uma língua, além da nativa, é uma das

constantes na seleção daqueles que desejam inserir-se no mercado de trabalho e em

áreas acadêmicas específicas, sendo o inglês a mais solicitada, e que a arte, cultura e o

turismo são elementos indissociáveis da estrutura social soteropolitana, o projeto

Língua inglesa com arte e cultura (LIAC) busca auxiliar na capacitação de jovens

que não tenham condições de investir num curso regular de inglês, para que aprendam

essa língua e possam utilizá-la não só para reforçarem seus currículos, mas também suas

vidas. Além de servir como elemento motivador e lúdico a utilização de material para-

didático artístico e cultural servirá também para possibilitar uma chance para que

aqueles que tenham alguma inclinação dessa ordem capacitem-se não só no

conhecimento da língua inglesa, mas também da Arte e Cultura globais, e para que os

que não a tenham, ou não a identifiquem, desenvolvam e descubram os efeitos positivos

da pesquisa e deleite das obras artísticas e culturais e sua combinação com o estudo de

um idioma, se transformando assim em cidadãos cosmopolitas, contribuindo não só para


sua qualificação, mas também para a transformação da sociedade num ambiente mais

tolerante e plural.

Marcelo Nascimento – Coordenador do LIAC

Programa 1- Gramática elementar

1.1- Introdução á língua inglesa e expressões corriqueiras

A língua inglesa surgiu em meados do começo do primeiro século da era cristã, sendo de origem anglo-saxônica. Inicialmente falada nas regiões que hoje compreendem a Inglaterra, Escócia e Irlanda, hoje em dia é falada oficialmente também nos E.U.A, Canadá, Antigua e Barbuda, África do sul, Austrália, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Botsuana, Camarões, Republica Dominicana, Gâmbia, Granada, Gana, Guiana, Ilhas Marshall, Ilhas Salomão, Jamaica, Índia, Libéria, Lesoto, Macau, Malta, Ilhas Mauricio,Micronésia, Nigéria, Namíbia, Papua nova guiné, Nova Zelândia, Samoa Ocidental, SãoVicente e Granadinas, São Cristóvão e Neves e Santa Lúcia.Hoje em dia o Inglês é a língua mais difundida no mundo. Sua expansão deveu-se a vários motivos, mas o fato de a sua gramática ser elementar e descomplicada facilitou a sua disseminação.

What is your name? My name is (name)______________________________________How old are you? I am (age)_______________________________________________Where are you from? I am from (place of birth)________________________________Where do you live? I live in (address)________________________________________How are you? I am (fine/so so/ not so bad/ not so fine/ bad)_______________________Good morning (afternoon/ evening/ night)_____________________________________Thank you/ Thanks/ Thank you very much/ ___________________________________Please/ sorry/ not at all____________________________________________________See you later/ See you soon________________________________________________

Exercício 1-Preencha as lacunas respondendo as perguntas

_______________________________________. ______________________________

(What is your name?) (How old are you?)

_______________________________________._______________________________ (Where are you from?) (Where do you live?)

1.2- Alfabeto e artigos


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh IiJj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy ZzExercício 2- Escreva e soletre o seu nome

My name is________________________

Na língua inglesa existem apenas três artigos: The (artigo definido) e a/an (artigo indefinido). No caso do artigo definido, ele terá a mesma forma para qualquer substantivo masculino, feminino, singular e plural.

Ex. The girls are here The girl is mine The boy is sick The boys are free

O artigo indefinido é utilizado somente no singular, sem alteração quanto ao sexo, porém a variação que ocorre no mesmo é relativa ao substantivo que é indicado pelo artigo. Aqueles que se iniciam com som de consoante serão precedidos pelo artigo a , enquanto que os que se iniciam com som de vogal,serão precedidos pelo artigo an.

Ex. She is a good girl you are an old friend

Exercício 3- Preencha os campos com o artigo correto

a) I have___automobile. b) Yesterday was___hot day.c) She was here___hour ago. d) We study in ___ university.e) You need____help. f) I am reading___book.

1.3- Numerais-

Os numerais são classificados de duas formas: cardinais e ordinais

Números cardinais e ordinais (até 20)

1- One/ First2- Two/ second3- Three/ Third


4- Four/ Fourth5- Five/ Fifth6- Six/ Sixth7- Seven/ Seventh8- Eight/ Eighth9- Nine/ Nineth10- Ten/ Tenth11- Eleven/ eleventh12- Twelve/ twelveth13- Thirteen/ Thirteenth14- Fourteen/ Fourteenth15- Fifteen/ fifteenth16- Sixteen/ sixteenth17- Seventeen/ seventeenth18- Eighteen/ Eighteenth19- Nineteen/ nineteenth20- Twenty/ twentieth

As dezenas inteiras seguintes serão:

30- Thirty/ thirtieth40- Forty/ fortieth50- Fifty/ fiftieth60- Sixty/ sixtieth70- Seventy/ seventieth80- Eighty/ eightieth90- Ninety/ ninetieth

Para se formar uma dezena cardinal fracionada basta acrescentar, separado por um traço, o número complementar á mesma.Ex

33- thirty-three57- fifty-seven81- eight-one25- twenty-five79- seventy-nine99- ninety-nine

No caso das dezenas ordinais fracionadas elas são formadas pela dezena cardinal acrescida do numero complementar na forma ordinal.Ex

27th - twenty- seventh71st- seventy- first32nd- thirty-second63rd-sixty-third55th- fifty- fifth47th-fourty-sevent


Como se deve ter notado, a nomenclatura dos números ordinais é seguida das duas ultimas letras, elevadas ao numero, que indicam a situação de ordenação numérica. Os três primeiros números, e suas formas tem formas especificas, porém para todos os outros acrescenta-se as letras th.

Outros numerais cardinais e ordinais

100- one hundred200- two hundred300- three hundred….900- nine hundred1000- one thousand2000- two thousand9000- nine thousand15.000- fifteen thousand300.000- three hundred thousand1.000.000- one million

100th- one hundredth200th – two hundredth300th – three hundredth900th- nine hundredth1000th –one thousandth2000th- two thousandth9000th- nine thousandth15000th- fifteen thousandth300.000th-three hundred thousandth1.000.000th - one millionth

Exercício 4- Escreva por extenso os seguintes números:

a) 145-

b) 13.346-

c) 5.756.950-

d) 36th-

e) 170th-

f) 1.459th-


1.4 – Artistic focus- All together now (Lennon and McCartney)

The Beatles is the greatest pop band in the world. It was formed by John Lennon and George Harrison, guitar and vocals, Paul McCartney, bass and vocals, and Ringo Star, Drums. The band's name is a mix of the word beat, because of their music and beetle, because of their hair style. They began to work in the end of the fifties. They made their first record in 1962, “Please, please me”.In 1964 they got their first number one world hit single “I wanna hold you hand”. Fromthat time on Beatlemania took the whole world.In 1967, despite all the success they got playing their usual basic rock, they changed deeply their musical direction. The record “Sergeant Peppers lonely heart club band” was the most ambitious LP they made, until that time. They mixed Rock, Baroque music, Psychedelic, Indian music and everything come out from their heads. Surprisingly this was one of the most sold records from them.After it, they kept their musical freedom, despite all the relationship problems inside theband, principally between John and Paul, the main songwriters from the band, and George, the sporadic, but also good, songwriter.In 1969 they made their last records (“ Let it be”, released in 1970 and “Abbey Road”, released in that year) and one year later Paul announced: “The dream is over!”. The Beatles was split up.In 2000 the three reminiscent from the band (Paul, George who died a bit later, and Ringo) recorded a song based on a tape from John Lennon acoustic sessions. “Free as abird was” the last song made by The Beatles.Jonh Lennon died in1981, murdered by a “Fan” and George Harrison died in 2001 by cancer but The fab four, how they were called, will never die.

This song is from the album “Yellow Submarine”. It is a childish song but it is perfect to the first contact with English language.

All together now (Lennon and McCartney)


One, two, three, four Can I have a little more? five, six, seven eight nine ten I love you.

A, B, C, D Can I bring my friend to tea? E, F, G H I J I love you.

Sail the ship, Chop the tree, Skip the rope, Look at me

All together now....

Black, white, green, red Can I take my friend to bed?

Pink, brown, yellow orange blue I love you All together now....

Sail the ship, Jump the tree Skip the rope, Look at me All together now....

1.5- Descrição física e psicológica

Existem duas expressões interrogativas no inglês que indicam a descrição física e psicológica de uma pessoa:What (do/does) (sujeito) look like? ( descrição fisica) What (to be) (sujeito) like? (descrição psicológica) Ex:What do you look like? What are you like?

Para descrever a aparência das pessoas podemos usar alguns desses adjetivos:

Aparência: beautiful, pretty, good-looking, nothing special, ugly.

Altura: tall, average height, short (no inglês a medida utilizada para altura se chama feet. Para saber a sua altura em pés basta multiplicar sua altura em metros por 3.3. Caso se queira fazer o processo inverso, basta multiplicar a altura em feet por 30 e achar o correlato em centímetros)

Peso: fat, thin, slim, athletic, skinny (no inglês a medida utilizada se chama Pound. Para saber o seu peso em libras, basta multiplicar o seu peso em quilos por 2.2 e caso se queira fazer o processo inverso, basta multiplicar o peso em libras por 0.45 para achar o equivalente em kilos)

Estilo e cor de cabelo (hair): blonde, brunette, in trances, straight, wavy, short, long.

Estilo e cor dos olhos (eyes): small, big, round, almond-like, blue, green, light/dark brown, black.

Outras cores- white, grey, pink, red, yellow, orange.

Para descrever a personalidade das pessoas podemos usar alguns desses adjetivos:Loyal, shy, stubborn, honest, reliable, intelligent, happy, funny, friendly, generous, jealous, romantic, hard-working, lazy.


Exercicio 5- Responda as duas questões:

What do you look like?

What are you like?

1.6- Cultural focus- …and you dare to call me coloured? (Malcom X)

Malcom Little was born in May 19th , 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska, seventh son of Earl Little and Louise Little. His grandmother, from mother branch, was raped by a white man and because of it she was biracial: half-black, half-white. His father, Earl Little was a Marcus Garvey´s ( a black American africanist) “back to Africa movement” follower. He, since his early years was educated that white people is one thing and black people another.When he got adult, after had had family problems because of his father death and his changing to live with a white people´s family, he became a gangster. He dealt about prostituition, drugs, games and forbidden things. He got a lot of money and power at that time but one day he was caught by police; in 1945 he was arrested and sentenced upto ten years., at Norfolk rehab prision.In the jail he got, as he even said, the best experience in his life. He, getting an influencefrom a jail partner, heard from the first time about the real feeling to be black, the great difference between white and black people, and about Islamism, especially about Nationof Islam led by Elijah Muhammad . He held this religion with all his strength and after all this, as his own words, he got the enlightment. From this time on he became the Malcom X we know today, the reference of the black movement. The first thing he made was to change his name. He couldn't accept his name because it was not his real name but your slave name, the name that the landlord, from who belonged the slaves, gave him. He used the X to represents an incognito; no one slave descendant knows his real name.He began to make preaches, public apparitions and speeches always enlightening the qualities from the black people and defects of white people. He was contemporaneous from Martin Luther King but the difference between them was that this one was recognized as a pacifist and non-racist black movement leader while Malcom was considered the aggressive and racist leader. This difference didn’t make they became enemies but each one follow his own way to do, thinking it was the best.


In this meantime, after he left the prison, he was a disciplined follower of Elijah Mohammad but after some time he was kicked out from Nation of Islam because of his thoughts and controversial public apparitions, he profited that was without work to make the obligatory travel to any Muslim who can do it; he went to Mecca, one of the most important holy city for them. There he got another enlightment. He saw Muslim persons of various colors, races and places. This experience changed his mind about non-black people; he couldn´t judge more a person for its skin color.

When he got back to USA, everybody saw that Malcom, who was completely against white people, who was aggressive and explosive became in a comprehensive and easy-going Malcom, who kept on fight for the black people´s rights but without the racist andsectary mentality. He created the Organization of afro-american Unity to keep on helping black needy people. He was murdered on February, 21, 1965 in Audubon ballroom in harlem while speakingabout the OAAU, by a group of Black Muslims. Nobody knows if they were really Muslins or CIA or FBI disguised agents.

During his lifetime Malcom X has transformed himself into a deeply moral, spiritual person and lifted himself out of drug addiction, self hatred and poverty. He restored a sense of pride to millions of black people, inside and outside USA. He can be considered one of the greatest black leaders in the whole world.

Malcom x

And you dare to call me coloured...

"When I'm born I'm Black, when I grow up I'm Black, when I'm in the cold I'm Black, when I'm in the sun I'm Black, when I'm sick I'm Black, when I die I'm Black. And you... When you're born you're Pink, when you grow up you're White, when you're in the cold you're Blue, when you're in the sun Red, when you're sick you're Green, when you die you're Purple. And you dare to call ME coloured ?....".

1.7- Gostos e necessidades

Alguns verbos podem auxiliar na formação de frases que indiquem gosto, necessidade ou vontade.

To like To haveTo wantTo needTo hateTo dislikeTo love

Ex:I like to watch TV at nightYou have to work tomorrow


He wants to play marbles todayWe need to get together in the officeThey hate soap operasYou love to swim in that poolI dislike the noise in the Carnaval

Exercício 6- Elabore frases sobre seus gostos, necessidades e vontades com o auxilio dos verbos seguintes

a) To like- b) To have- c) To want- d) To need-e) To hatef) To dislikeg) To love

1.8- Revisão geral

a) Introducing to English language and current expressions

English language appear in the beginning of the first century after ano domini, being from Anglo-Saxon source.Nowadays English is the language most spoken around the world. Your expansion owe to to several reasons but the fact of your grammar be elementary and uncomplicated made easy its spreading.

_______________________________ ________________________________ (What is your name?) (How old are you?)

Say the name of five countries where English language is official-

b) Alphabet and articles

Write and spell your name

My name is________________________

In the English language there is three articles: The (defined article) and a/an (undefined article).

Complete with the right article.

a) ____ teacher has___automobile b) ____ old man is here


c) you are____ judge at the court d) She is ___good girl .

c) Numerals-

the numbers are classified in two ways: cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Write the numbers in full:

a) 188-

b) 15.906-

c) 76.656.450-

d) 87th-

e) 66th-

d) Artistic focus- All togheter now (Lennon and McCartney)

Answer the questions

1- Who were the main songwriters from The Beatles?

2- Say the name of three Beatles’ records.

3- How did they record their last song “together”?

e) Physical and psychological description

There is two interrogative expressions in English which indicate the Physical and the psychological description:What (do/does) (sujeito) look like? (Physical description) What (to be) (sujeito) like? (psychological description)

Answer the questions

What do you look like?

What are you like?


f) Cultural focus- …and you dare to call me coloured? (Malcom X)

Answer the questions

1- What did he make before become Malcom x?

2- Where and when did he get the first contact with Islamism?

3- Which were the differences between him and Martin luther king?

4- How and why was he killed?

g) tastes and needs

Some verbs can help in the making of sentences which indicates taste, need and will.

Make sentences with these verbs:

1- to have-

2- to need-

3- to love-

4- to hate-


Programa 2- Verbo to be

2.1- importância e utilização

O verbo To be tem uma importância singular na língua inglesa. Além da dupla significância (ser e estar), ele também auxilia na formação dos tempos contínuos ( passado, presente e futuro) e no futuro geral dos verbos ( partícula will)

ex: I am sick today (estar)They are intelligent (ser )She is learning English ( presente continuo)They were singing in the band (passado continuo)You will be drinking at night ( futuro continuo)He will play soccer with us ( futuro do verbo play)


A dupla significância do verbo to be pode causar confusão na hora da tradução, principalmente quando associada a um pronome invariável no gênero.


You are beautiful

Esta frase tem oito traduções diferentes:

Você é bonita (indicando condição/ segunda pessoa singular/ adjetivo feminino)Você é bonito (indicando condição/ segunda pessoa singular/ adjetivo masculino)Você está bonita ( indicando situação/ segunda pessoa singular/ adjetivo feminino)Você está bonito ( indicando situação/ segunda pessoa singular/ adjetivo masculino)Vocês são bonitas ( indicando condição/ segunda pessoa plural/ adjetivo feminino)Vocês são bonitos ( indicando condição/ segunda pessoa plural / adjetivo masculino)Vocês estão bonitas (indicando situação/ segunda pessoa plural/ adjetivo feminino)Vocês estão bonitos (indicando situação/ segunda pessoa plural/ adjetivo masculino)


Convém informar que os adjetivos não sofrem variação de gênero e número e as indicações deles em parênteses são referentes ás variações sofridas na língua portuguesa.

2.2 verbo To be no presente simples

o verbo To be no presente (simple present) simples se apresenta, precedido dos pronomes pessoais, assim:


I amYou areHe isShe isIt isWe areYou are they are

Afirmativa contraída

I’m You’reHe’sShe’s It’s We’ reYou’reThey’re

Nota-se que no presente simples o verbo To be surge em três formas: am ( primeira pessoa singular), is ( terceira pessoa singular) e are ( plurais e segunda pessoa singular), e que a forma contraída é formada pela junção do pronome pessoal e do verbo to be, sendo que corta-se a letra inicial deste.

Ex:You are my best friendWe are the best group hereYou´re so beautifulIt’s a big problem

Negativa I am notYou are notHe is notShe is notIt is notWe are notYou are not


they are not

Negativa contraídaI ain’t You aren’tHe isn’tShe isn’tIt is isn’tWe aren’tYou aren’tthey aren’tNota-se que a negativa é formada pela inclusão da partícula not após o verbo to be. A sua forma contraída, com exceção da primeira pessoa do singular que tem uma forma especifica, é formada pela junção do verbo to be com a partícula negativa, retirando-se aletra do meio da mesma.

You are not my best friendWe are not the best group hereYou aren’t so beautifulIt isn’t a big problem


Am I?Are you?Is He?Is She?Is It?Are We?Are You? Are they?

Note que para formar a interrogativa do verbo To be no presente simples basta que se troque de lugar o verbo com o sujeito.

Are You my best friend?Are We the best group here?Are You so beautiful?Is It a big problem?

Exercicio- 1- Coloque as frases em todas as formas do verbo To be no presente simples

a) I am the best student

b) you are the sunshine of my life


c) he is waiting the bus

d) it is a great idea

e) we are champions again

f) they are the fireman

2.3- verbo To be passado simples (simple past)

o verbo To be no passado simples (simple past) se apresenta, precedido dos pronomes pessoais, assim:

Afirmativa I wasYou wereHe wasShe wasIt wasWe wereYou were they were

nota-se que o verbo To be no passado simples surge de duas formas: was, utilizado nos singulares, - com exceção do you - , e were , que é utilizado para os plurais e da Segunda pessoa do singular.

Ex:You were my best friendWe were the best group hereYou were so beautifulIt was a big problem


I was notYou were notHe was notShe was notIt was notWe were notYou were not


they were not

Negativa contraída

I wasn’tYou weren’tHe wasn’tShe wasn’tIt wasn’t We weren’t you weren’tthey weren’t

note que a mesma regra do verbo To be na negativa para o presente é utilizada para o passado.Ex:You were not my best friendWe weren’t the best group hereYou were not so beautifulIt wasn’t a big problem


Was I?Were you?Was he?Was she?Was it?Were we?Were you?Were they?

Note que a mesma regra do verbo to be para o presente é aplicada para o passado.

Ex:were you my best friend?were we the best group here?were you so beautiful?was it a big problem ?

Exercicio- 2- Coloque as frases em todas formas do verbo To be no passado simples.

a) I was the best student

b) you were the sunshine of my life


c) he was waiting the bus

d) it was a great idea

e) we were champions again

f) they were the fireman2.4 – verbo To be no futuro simples (simple future)

o verbo To be no futuro se apresenta, precedido pelo pronome pessoal, assimAfirmativa

I will beyou will behe will be she will beit will bewe will beyou will bethey will be

Afirmativa contraída

I’ ll beYou’ll beHe’ll beShe’ll beIt’ll beWe’ll beYou’ll beThey’ll be

Note que o verbo To be no futuro é formado pela partícula will seguida do verbo no infinitivo e a forma contraída é formada pela junção do pronome com essa partícula, eliminando as suas duas letras iniciais.

Ex:You will be my best friendWe will be the best group hereYou will be so beautifulIt will be a big problem



I will notyou will nothe will notshe will notit will notwe will notyou will notthey will not

Negativa contraída

I won’tyou won’the won’tshe won’tit won’twe won’tyou won’tthey won’t

note que a negativa segue a regra das outras, enquanto que a negativa contraída tem a forma específica won’t.

Ex:You will not be my best friendWe won’t be the best group hereYou will not be so beautifulIt won’t be a big problem


Will I be?Will you be?Will he be?Will she be?Will it be?Will we be?Will you be?Will they be?

Note que para formar a interrogativa do futuro simples basta trocar o lugar do sujeito com a particular will.

Ex:Will you be my best friend?Will we be the best group here?Will you be so beautiful?


Will it be a big problem?

Exercicio- 3- Coloque as frases em todas as formas do verbo To be no futuro simples

a) I will be the best student

b) you will be the sunshine of my life

c) he will be waiting the bus

2.5 – Artistic focus - Billy Jean (Michael Jackson)

Born: 29-Aug-1958 , Gary, Indiana

As part of the Jackson 5, a group made up of his brothers, Michael Jackson was among the most popular singing stars of the '70s. On his own, he was the biggest pop star of the '80s. Jackson was always the visual and vocal focus of the Jackson 5, who broke through to national success on the Motown label in 1970, when he was 11, with the first of four straight #1 hits, "I Want You Back." Jackson was also promoted as a solo artist, and he scored his first hit, "Got to Be There," in 1971 from the single with the same name. Subsequent hits included his remake of "Rockin' Robin" and "Ben" in 1972. Michael Jackson's and the Jackson 5's fortunes declined somewhat after the early '70s, so Motown label finish their contract and the group moved to Epic at mid-decade, with Michael temporarily abandoning his solo career and subsuming his group leadership to other members of what was now called the Jacksons. The group gradually built back its popularity by writing its own material. Jackson returned to solo work in 1979 with Off the Wall, a mature combination of driving dance songs ("Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough") and feelingly sung ballads ("She's Out of My Life") that outsold any previous group or solo effort, and spawned four Top Ten hits. Jackson again recorded and toured with the Jacksons, but his next album, Thriller (1982), became a musical phenomenon. It was the biggest-selling album of all time, moving 20 million copies in the U.S. alone and including seven Top Ten hits. Clearly Jackson had grown beyond his brothers, but he stayed with them for one more album and tour in 1984.


His follow-up album, Bad (1987), accompanied by a solo world tour, sold six million copies domestically. Only six of its seven singles hit the Top Ten, but five in a row hit #1. In late 1991, Jackson returned with Dangerous, which, by mid-1992, had sold four million copies and spawned the hits "Black and White," "Remember the Time," "In the Closet," and "Jam." Jackson's second world tour, launched in Europe in June 1992, continued into 1993. Although numerous rumors had circled around Jackson throughout his career, his reputation remained clean. It wasn't until 1993 that he suffered serious damage to his image. Jackson was accused of child abuse by a teenage friend, sparking a major media frenzy. Through it all, Jackson vehemently denied the accusations. The civil case was settled out of court in early 1994. Jackson began working on HIStory soon after the settlement. HIStory contained one disc of Jackson's greatest hits and one disc of new material. It was released on June 20, 1995.

Billy Jean (Jackson)

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie sceneI said don't mind, but what do you mean I am the oneWho will dance on the floor in the roundShe said I am the one who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was Billie Jean, as she caused a sceneThen every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the oneWho will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you doAnd don't go around breaking young girls' hearts

And mother always told me be careful of who you loveAnd be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth

Billie Jean is not my loverShe's just a girl who claims that I am the oneBut the kid is not my sonShe says I am the one, but the kid is not my son

For forty days and forty nightsThe law was on her sideBut who can stand when she's in demandHer schemes and plans'Cause we danced on the floor in the roundSo take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice(Do think twice)

She told my baby that’s a threatAs she looked at meThen showed a photo of a baby criesEyes would like mineGo on dance on the floor in the round, baby


People always told me be careful of what you doAnd don't go around breaking young girls' heartsShe came and stood right by meThen the smell of sweet perfumeThis happened much too soonShe called me to her room

Billie Jean is not my loverShe's just a girl who claims that I am the oneBut the kid is not my sonBillie Jean is not my loverShe's just a girl who claims that I am the oneBut the kid is not my son

She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son2.6 – Cultural focus- Steven Biko Biography

Steven Banthu was born at December, 18, 1946 in King Willian’s eastern cape town, South Africa. Since when he was quite young he was involved in students movement and anti-establishment actions. When he got older he went to university of Natal medical school. There he became involved with the National Union of South Africa (NUSAS) but this group was led by white liberals and because of it he decided to create the South African Students Organization (SAO), which provided legal aid and medical clinics, and helping to develop cottage industries for black communities.

In 1972 he was one of the founder members of Black Peoples convention (BPC) working in social projects in the city of Durban South Africa. Because of his behavior Steven Banthu, who added to your name the word Biko, was banned by the apartheid government of South Africa at that time. He was restricted to just move inside his hometown but even with this restriction he kept on helping BPC, trough his friends and relatives.Between 1975 and 1977 he was detained and interrogated four times. There he suffered several violences but didn´t cooperate with racism government, which wanted that he gave names of black leaders and places of their reunions. In September, 12 , 1977 he couldn’t resist to the wounds and died. The official racist press said that he just committed "suicide" inside Pretoria prison cell. It's hard to believein it but even dead he got inside the history as one of the greatest symbols of black resistance.

“ Despite the inquest finding no person responsible for his death, the Commission finds that, in view of the fact that Biko died in the custody of law enforcement officials, the probabilities are that he died as a result of injuries sustained during his detention."


South-African healthy commission report, 1977

2.7 - Cultural focus- Bambloozed’s Spike Lee dialogue

Spike Lee is one of the greatest directors in USA. Most of their movies talks about black people’s life. He is pretty ironic in his dialogues, criticizing theway of act from any strange character, without give importance to the color of this one. The movie “Bambloozed” is full of irony and critics, as you can see in this dialogue.


One by one, the team enters the office and sits down on thesofa.

DUNWITTYDelacroix, I'm glad you got yourmind right.


DELACROIXIt's right and tight. Good morning,let me introduce you to everybody.You know my assistant, Sloan.


DELACROIXThis is Cheeba.

CHEEBANice to meet you.

DELACROIXAnd this is Manray.

MANRAYHow do you do?

DUNWITTYGood. I like the names. Verytheatrical.

DELACROIXWe're all happy to be here and I'mgoing to paint a picture for you.

DUNWITTYI'm wid it.

DELACROIXI've done a lot of soul searchingand once again you are right. Inmy previous work it's been allsurface, superficial. I have neverreally dug deep. Not anymore. AsMark Twain fully understood satireis the way. Race has always been ahot button in this country'shistory and it needs to be pushedharder. If we are ever to liveside by side in peace and harmony.It's about promoting racial healing.

DUNWITTYGo on. Good so far.


DELACROIXI know you're familiar with minstrelshows. They came about at the turnof the 19th century. It was avariety show in which the talentwas in blackface - singing, dancing,telling jokes, doing skits.Dunwitty, I ask you when was thelast time there was a good varietyshow on the air. Carol Burnett?


2.8 – Revisão Geral

a) importance and utilization

Verb To be has a single importance in English language. Besides its double

meaning , it also helps in the formation of continuous tense (past, present and future)

and in the verbs general future (will).

b) Verb To be in the simple present

Put the sentences in all the other present forms.

a) Billy jean is not my lover

b) The kid is not my son

c) Spike Lee is one of the greatest directors in USA

d) We're all happy to be here


c) Verb To be in the simple past

Put the sentences in other past forms.

a) he was the biggest pop star of the '80s

b) he was involved in students movement

c) The law was on her side

d) They were too much famous

d) Verb To be in the simple future

Put the sentences in all the other future forms.

a) She will dance on the floor in the round

b) You will be help them

c) They will be at the club

d) I will be a singer

e) Artistic focus- Billy jean (Michael Jackson)


Answer the questions

a) Was Michael Jackson an important element from his first group? Why?

b) Which was his first solo record?

c) What did happen to Jackson 5 to leave Motown records?

d) Which is the most important record in Michael Jackson’s Career? Why?

f) Cultural focus- Steven Biko Biography Answer the questions

a) Why Steven Biko decided to create his own students group?

b) What the racist government made to him after 1972?

c) What happen to him between 1975 and 1977? Why?

d) Which one was the first justice sentence about his death? And the true one?

g) Cultural focus- Bambloozed’s Spike Lee dialogue

Answer the questions

a) Say some features about Spike lee’s movies


b) What is Delacroix’s idea about promote racial healing?

c) Which is his project?

d) Do you agree with Delacroix’s attitudes and thoughts? Why?

Programa 3 – Pronomes

3.1- Pronomes pessoais (sujeito e objeto)

Os pronomes pessoais do caso do sujeito, que vocês já conhecem do assunto anterior, ocorrem geralmente nos começos das frases enquanto que no caso do objeto ocorrem após o verbo, ou no final da frase.


She loves youYou have to help themHe doesn’t need usI am like a father for her

Exercício 1- Coloque os pronomes corretos

a) ___want to merry____(Eu/Ela)b) ___are better than____(Nós/Vocês)c) ____need to teach____(Eles/ Ele)d) ____sings for____(Ela/Eu)

3.2 – Pronomes e adjetivos possessivos

Os pronomes e adjetivos possessivos são utilizados para indicar posse.







Os adjetivos possessivos modificam substantivos, portanto aparecem sempre acompanhados deles. Os pronomes possessivos substituem os substantivos portanto não aparecem acompanhados deles. Os pronomes possessivos ocorrem com maior freqüência nos finais da frase, enquanto que os adjetivos ocorrem no inicio e no meio.

Exercício 2-Coloque corretamente os adjetivos ou pronomes possessivos.

a) ____car is red. (meu)b) ____husband is older than _____(dela/seu)c) She is ____mother and ___. (sua/ dele)d) You are ____ boss. (deles)

3.3- Pronomes reflexivos

Os pronomes reflexivos apresentam-se da seguinte forma


Eles são utilizados como reforço para o pronome pessoal.


He himself says so I hurt myself We ourselves are the best


3.4 – Pronomes demosntrativos

Na língua inglesa existem quatro pronomes demonstrativos

No singular: This e That

No plural: These e Those

This e These indicam proximidade ou inserção:Ex:

This is my carI live in this streetThese are their sonsShe works among these buildings

That e Those indicam tanto afastamento médio quanto longo. Ex:

That is the teacherWe drink in that barThose are the JacksonsI love all those persons.

Exercício 3 - Coloque os pronomes demonstrativos adequados:

a) _____is my new watch. ( This/These)

b) I work in_____ place. (That/Those)

c) ____is the best for_____ persons.(Those/ This) (This/Those)

d) _____ boys are the right ones for_____job. ( This/ These) (That/Those)

3.5 – Infidelity exercise

Este exercício serve para fixar a utilização dos pronomes de forma prática e lúdica. Nesse exercício teremos um personagem (Jonh) que tem uma namorada (Sarah). Eles, como todo e qualquer casal, tem uma vida cheia de sobressaltos: eles terminam, voltam,dão um tempo, se envolvem com outras pessoas (Jim ,Mary, Michael, Suzy) etc. Caberáa você identificar a situação do casal utilizando os pronomes corretos para indicar a cena apresentada. Então, vamos lá!


1º Lacuna- Pronome demonstrativo/ 2º Lacuna- Verbo to be/ 3º Lacuna- Adjetivo possessivo/ 4º Lacuna- Pronome pessoal/ 5º Lacuna- Pronome pessoal


3.6- Artistic focus- Redemption song (Bob Marley)

If Jamaica now is known all over the world it dues principally thisto one artist: Bob Marley. This song is the last recording from Bob Marley. As if he was sure about his death coming, the lyrics of this song are about freedom and hope. Look how he uses “ in a wrong way” the personal pronouns. It might have been because of Jamaican English, which has its own way to talk and write or the author wanted to represent a slave talkingabout his capture. It up to us to decide which one is more likely.

Redemption song (Bob Marley)

Old pirates yes they rob ISold I to the merchant shipsMinutes after they took I From the bottomless pitBut my hand was made strongBy the hand of the almighty

We forward in this generationTriumphantlyAll I ever had, is songs of freedomWon't you help to sing, these songs of freedomCause all I ever had, redemption songsRedemption songs


Emancipate yourselves from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindsHave no fear for atomic energyCause none of them can stop the time How long shall they kill our prophetsWhile we stand aside and lookSome say it's just a part of itWe've got to fullfill the book

Won't you help to sing, these songs of freedomCause all I ever had, redemption songsRedemption songs, redemption songs

Emancipate yourselves from mental slaveryNone but ourselves can free our mindsHave no fear for atomic energyCause none of them can stop the time How long shall they kill our prophetsWhile we stand aside and lookYes some say it's just a part of itWe've got to fullfill the book

Won't you help to sing, these songs of freedomCause all I ever had, redemption songsAll I ever had, redemption songsThese songs of freedom, songs of freedom


3.7- Cultural focus- Mohandas K. Gandhi

Mohandas K. Gandhi was born in 1869 to Hindu parents in the state of Gujarat in Western India. He entered an arranged marriage with Kasturbai Makanji when both were 13 years old. His family later sent him to London to study law, and in 1891 he was admitted to the Inner Temple, and called to the bar. In Southern Africa he worked ceaselessly to improve the rights of Indian immigrants. It was there that he developed his creed of passive resistance against injustice, satyagraha, meaning truth force, and was frequently jailed as a result of the protests that he led. Before he returnedto India with his wife and children in 1915, he had radically changed the lives of Indiansliving in Southern Africa. Back in India, it was not long before he was taking the lead in the long struggle for independence from Britain. He never wavered in his unshakable belief in nonviolent protest and religious tolerance. When Muslim and Hindu compatriots committed acts of violence, whether against the British who ruled India, or against each other, he fasted until the fighting ceased. Independence, when it came in 1947, was not a military victory, but a triumph of human will. To Gandhi's despair, however, the country was partitioned into Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan. The last two months of his life were spent trying to end the appalling violence which ensued, leading him to fast to the brink of death, an act which finally quelled the riots. In January 1948, at the age of 79, he waskilled by an assassin as he walked through a crowed garden in New Delhi to take evening prayers.

Gandhi speech

"In my tour last year in Mysore [State], I met many poor villagers, and I found upon inquiry that they did not know who ruled Mysore. They simply said some God ruled it. If the knowledge of these poor people was so limited about their ruler, I, who am infinitely lesser in respect to God than they to their ruler need not be surprised if I do


not realize the presence of God, the King of Kings. Nevertheless I do feel as the poor villagers felt about Mysore, that there is orderliness in the universe."

3.8- Revisão geral

a) Personal pronouns ( subject and object )

Personal pronouns in the subject case, which you know from the previous topic, appear often in the beginning of the sentences while in the object case they appear after the verb or in the end of the sentence.

b) Possessive pronouns and adjectives

Possessive adjectives modify nouns, therefore appear in their company. Possessive pronouns replace nouns because of it don’t appear in their company. Possessive pronouns appear frequently in the end of the sentences, while the adjectives appear in the beginning and in the middle.

c) Reflexive pronouns

They can also serve to substitute personal pronoun in the subject and object case.

d) Demonstrative pronouns

This and These indicate proximity and insertion. That and Those indicate also half and long distance.

e) Infidelity exercise

f) Artistic focus- Redemption song (Bob Marley)

1- Why did Bob Marley use wrongly the personal pronouns?

2- What do the lyrics speak about?

3- Identify the pronouns in the lyrics.

g) cultural focus- Mohandas K. Gandhi

1- Who was Gandhi?


2- Which was his first work as a social agitator?

3- What did he Say in the analyzed speech?

Programa 4- Tempo

4.1- Advérbios de tempo

Os advérbios de tempo são utilizados para indicar um momento especifico da ação. Dentre os mais usados estão:

Períodos do dia-

DayMorningAfternoonEveningNight DawnNoonMidnight



I have breakfast in the morningShe works in the afternoon


Today we have footballI will travel to London next yearThey left the house last month

4.2- Dias das semanas e meses do ano

Dias da semana MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday

Meses do ano

JanuaryFebruaryMarch AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Ex:

Not even God worked on Sunday.I meet you on Friday.December is the month of Christmas. You will graduate in June.

4.3- Datas especificas e datações

A datação dos dias dos meses segue uma ordem diferente na língua inglesa. Ao invés dese colocar o dia, coloca-se o mês primeiro.


04/01/03 = April, the first, two thousand three12/25/03= December, the twenty-fifth, two thousand three

A seguir algumas datas especificas e estações do ano em inglês.


Christmas- Easter- Thanksgiving- Summer- Spring- Winter- FallAutumn-

Exercício 1- Escreva por extenso as seguintes datas

a) 07/22/77-

b) 12/17/15-

c) 01/11/54-

d) 10/05/99-

4.4- Que horas são?

A notação das horas em inglês tem formas particulares e especificas. Para as horas exatas utiliza-se o termo o’clock, para as horas fracionadas, até a primeira metade invertem-se os minutos e as horas e utiliza-se a partícula past, quanto as da segunda metade utilizam-se os minutos que faltam para completar a hora subseqüente e a partícula to. No caso das horas referentes aos períodos do dia (tarde, noite), utilizam-se dois termos: AM, para as horas compreendidas entre a meia-noite e o meio dia, e PM, para as horas compreendidas entre o meio-dia e a meia-noite.


6:00- six o’clock6:10- ten past six6:15- fifteen past six/ a quarter past six6:30- half past six6:45- fifteen to seven/ a quarter to seven6:50- ten to seven7:00- seven o’clock8:00 PM = 20:0010:00 AM= 10:003:00 PM= 17:00

Exercício 2- Escreva as horas por extenso.

a)7:45-b)3:17 PM- c)17:20- d)22:30- e)1:55 AM-



4.5- Artistical focus- Friday I am in love (Robert Smith)

The cure was formed in 1976 in Sussex, England with Robert smith(guitar/ vocals), and his schoolmates Michael Dempsey (bass), Lol Tolhurst (drums) and local guitar hero Porl Thompson.Their second record Three Imaginary Boys' have the famous song ‘ Boys don’t cry”. The Cure was Classified as a Gothic Rock, a label used to indicate other famous bands of that time like Bauhaus, Siouxie and the banshees and Joy division. Their principal feature was the melancholy, the nihilism and the sadness found in their lyrics, their dressing and even in their way of life. The song we are using is from the album ‘Wish’ released in 1992 which was a success because of this song and ‘ A letter to Elise’ In 1999 the band complete the recording of a new album 'Bloodflowers'. It is their last record released.The band had a lot of different formations but the only original member and leader Robert Smith, with the help of the new members, keep on working to show The cure to the world.

Friday I'm In Love (Smith)

I don't care if Monday's blueTuesday's grey and Wednesday tooThursday I don't care about youIt's Friday I'm in love

Monday you can fall apartTuesday Wednesday break my heartThursday doesn't even start


It's Friday I'm in love

Saturday waitAnd Sunday always comes too lateBut Friday never hesitate...

I don't care if Mondays blackTuesday Wednesday heart attackThursday never looking backIt's Friday I'm in love

Monday you can hold your headTuesday Wednesday stay in bedOr Thursday watch the walls insteadIt's Friday I'm in love

Saturday waitAnd Sunday always comes too lateBut Friday never hesitate...

Dressed up to the eyesIt's a wonderful surpriseTo see your shoes and your spirits riseThrowing out your frownAnd just smiling at the soundAnd as sleek as a shriekSpinning round and roundAlways take a big biteIt's such a gorgeous sightTo see you eat in the middle of the nightYou can never get enoughEnough of this stuffIt's FridayI'm in love


4.6- Artistical focus- Back to the future

Back to the future was a great success when was released. It is a movie which deals about time travel. It is a history of one guy who, with the help of a crazy scientist, got back to the past and end up creating a problem there that affects all his present (future). The movie had two other parts and is considered one of the most innovative movies from the 20th century. MARTYI thought that power converter thing operated on solar energy. There's no sun.

PROFESSOR EMMETT BROWNSolar energy would have worked just fine...if I could have placed the converter about a mile from the surface of the sun. Instead, I've created similar conditions in this reactor here. The higher I raise the cadmium rods, the more energy I release from the plutonium core, and the further through time I can send an object.

MARTYThe plutonium! That's what I came over here for! Professor, where did you get that stuff?



MartyI just got stopped in the street by federal agents checking me for radiation! I figure they're after your plutonium!

PROFESSOR EMMETT BROWNTen seconds! PROFESSOR EMMETT BROWNBrace yourself for a sudden displacement of air!


PROFESSOR EMMETT BROWNExactly two minutes difference... and it's still ticking!

4.7- Preposições (in, on e at)

As preposições in, on e at tem o mesmo significado em português: em, no e na. O que variará de uma para outra é a sua utilização na frase, seja em relação a tempo ou a lugar.

In- Tempo- Século- in the 20th centuryDécada- in the 60’sAno- in 1987Estação do ano- in springMês- in MayPeriodos do dia com exceção de night- in the afternoonLugar- Continente- in South AmericaPais- in BrasilEstado- in SeattleCidade- in SalvadorBairro- in LeblonRua- in the street

On Tempo- Dia do mês- on October 13thDia da semana- on SundayData especifica- on Christmas dayLugar- Nome de rua- on das rosas streetAvenida- on contorno avenuePraça- on Tereza batista square


At- Tempo- Hora- at six o’clockData especifica sem o termo day- at EasterAt nightLugar- Rua com o numero- at 43 Luis de camões streetLocal específico- at school, at church

Outras preposições-

Above-Under- Below- In front of-Behind-By side-Between- Among-

Exercício 3 - Coloque a preposição correta-

a) My sister is___home.b) They are___233 oceanica avenue.c) Shirley is studying___London.d) The new school is____Djalma Dutra street.e) Michael is going to Asia ___Friday.

4.8- Revisão Geral

a) Adverbs of time

Adverbs of time are used to indicate an specific moment of action. Exercise- Say five Adverbs of time

b) Days of the week and months of the year

Complete the sequence

Days of the week





Months of the year



November December c) Specific dates and writing of dates

The writing of the days of the months follow a different order in English language. Instead of put the day, put the month first.Exercise- Write in full the dates-

a) 11/09 - b) 05/25 - c) 01/17 -d) 08/04 -

d) What time is it?

The writing of the hours in English has particular and specific ways. For the exact hoursuse the term o’clock. To the fractioned hours, up to the first half, invert the minutes and the hours and use the word past, and about the minutes from the second half use the minutes that lack to complete the coming hour and the word to. In the case of the hours belonged to the periods of the day ( morning, afternoon, evening and night), use two terms: Am, to the hours between midnight and noon, and Pm, to the hours between noon and midnight.

Exercise- Write for in full the hours-

a) 7:50- b) 12:23-

c) 4:19 PM- d) 5:07- AM- e) 17:15-


E) Artistical focus- Friday I am in love (Robert Smith)

1- What do the lyrics talk about?

2- From which movement was The Cure from? Say some features.

3- What are the adverbs of time largely used in the song?

f) Artistic focus- Back to the future

1- What energy is Professor Brown using in his time machine?

2- Why is Marty worry about in this dialogue?

3- Do you believe in time travel? Why?

g) Prepositions (in, on e at)

The prepositions in, on and at has the same meaning in Portuguese: what will change from one to other is the utilization in the sentences, in relation to the time and place.Exercise-

Complete with the right preposition-

a) Her birthday is___May.b) Independence of Bahia was___July.c) There was a big artistic meeting___1966___Brasil.d) I work ___the mall___the afternnon.


Programa 5- Substantivos e adjetivos

5.1- Plural dos substantivos

A regra geral do inglês para os plurais dos substantivos é idêntica á do português: acrescenta-

se S ao final da palavra

This is my car/ These are my cars

Aldous wrote a book/ Aldous wrote many books

Em inglês, porém, existem algumas regras especificas para a formação dos plurais dos


Naqueles terminados em S, SS, SH, CH, X, Z e O acrescenta-se ES


I ordered five boxes

She gave me many kisses

Salvador has a lot of beaches

naqueles terminados em Y e precedidos de consoante troca-se o Y por i, e acrescenta-se ES.


This is the ladies' room

You teach in the school of babies

E ainda temos os plurais irregulares, que não se enquadram em nenhuma regra pré-



Man/ men

Tooth/ teeth

Sheep/ sheep

You/ you


He/ they

Nota: os substantivos terminados em Y precedidos de vogal seguem a regra geral

Ex: yesterday I saw many plays at the theater

Nota 2: o artigo indefinido (a/an) não é utilizado no plural

Ex: I bought a car/ I bought cars

Exercício 1 - Coloque todos os termos possíveis no plural

a) I read the book/

b) She paints her hair/

c) You bought a new wristwatch/

d) The woman give me a kiss/

5.2- masculino e feminino

Em inglês não existe regra específica para definir o masculino e o feminino dos substantivos,

no caso das pessoas

Man/ woman

Boy/ girl

He/ she

Father/ mother

Husband/ wife

No caso dos animais pode-se utilizar o termo especifico ou nos casos em que não há

discriminação entre fêmea e macho no termo, utiliza-se o termo she para indicar o feminino e

he para indicar o masculino do mesmo

Ox/ cow

Dog/ bitch

Horse/ mare

Tiger/ tigress

He- Wolf/ she-wolf

He-monkey/ she-monkey

No caso de profissões e ocupações o termo não sofre variação, a não ser quando ele é

formado por alguma palavra que sofra a variação de gênero. Caso se deseje identificar o

gênero, acrescenta-se os termos male e female.

(Male) teacher/ (Female) teacher


(Male) student/ (female) student

Policeman/ policewoman

Schoolboy/ schoolgirl

Exercício 2- Coloque as frases no feminino

A) he is her husband

B) his son is a fireman

C) the dog bite the boy

D) your father is a teacher

5.3 Adjectives (rules and examples)

características gerais

os adjetivos em inglês têm uma só forma para o masculino, feminino, singular e plural

good boy/ good boys/ good girl/ good girls

quando usado a um substantive, o adjetivo vem antes dele

a tall boy/ a special girl/ the beautiful sea

entretanto o adjetivo vem depois do verbo to be, como complemento dele, em uso predicativo

the boy is tall/ that girl is special/ that sea is beautiful

em inglês pode-se usar mais de um adjetivo em seqüência sem a conjunção e (and) entre eles

she is an intelligent beautiful girl

alguns adjetivos e seus respectivos antônimos

beautiful/ awful

cheap/ expensive

dangerous/ safe

empty/ full


fat/ thin

good/ bad

happy/ sad

right/ left

slow/ fast

tall/ short

young/ old

Exercício 3- responda as questões

a) Are you tall or short?

b) Are you young or old?

c) Are you good or bad?

d) Are you fat or thin?

5.4- Adjetivos comparativos e superlativos

Na língua inglesa os adjetivos também podem ser encontrados em suas formas comparativas

e superlativas, sendo elas seis ao todo.


Comparativo de igualdade- uma qualidade compartilhada entre dois elementos

As (adjetivo) as

Daniela Mercury is as beautyful as Ivete Sangalo

Comparativo de igualdade negativa- uma mesma qualidade compartilhada entre dois

elementos, sendo que um desses tem menos que o outro.

Not so (adjetivo) as

Lula is not so rich as Silvio Santos

Comparative de superioridade- uma mesma qualidade compartilhada entre dois elementos,

sendo que um a possui mais que o outro.


(Adjetivo) + er than ( adjetivos monossílabos e dissílabos)

More (adjetivo) than (adjetivos trissílabos e polissílabos)

A lacoste t-shirt is more expensive than a hering

My girlfriend is prettier than yours

Nota: os adjetivos terminados em y e precedidos de consoante, quando apresentados em suas

formas comparativos e superlativos, desde que monossílabos e dissílabos, troca-se o Y por I e

acrescenta-se er ou est. No caso daqueles formados por consoante- vogal- consoante, a ultima

letra dobra

Comparativo de inferioridade- quando dois elementos têm a mesma qualidade sendo que

um tem menos que o outro

A football match is less bothering than a soap-opera


Superlativo de superioridade- quando um elemento tem uma qualidade incomparavelmente


The (adjective)+est

The most (adjective)

Pelé was the greatest football player in the history

Superlativo de inferioridade- quando um elemento tem uma qualidade incomparavelmente


The least (adjective)

Rio de Janeiro is the least safe city in Brazil

Nota: alguns adjetivos têm comparativos e superlativos próprios e que não seguem ás regras


Good/ better/ the best

Bad/ worse/ the worst

Far/ further/ furthest

Old/ elder/ eldest

Exercício 4- Faça frases comparativas de igualdade, superioridade e inferioridade com

os seguintes elementos

a) Lula/ Bush


b) Salvador/ Tokyo

c) Gilberto Gil/ Faustão

d) Gisele Bündchen/ Suzana Vieira

Faça frases superlativas com os elementos

a) Wale

b) The Beatles

c) U.S.A

d) Soap opera

5.5- Caso genitivo

O caso genitivo é utilizado para indicar a posse de determinado elemento

My brother's home

The student's book

No caso possessivo as frases aparecem da seguinte forma

The home of my brother

The book of the student

No caso dos possuidores que forem plurais e terminem em S, o apostrofo ficará após a letra.

Your friends' cars/ the cars of your friends

Rivers' water/ the water of the rivers

Para tornar um caso possessivo em genitivo basta seguir os seguintes passos

a) inverter as posições da posse e do possuidor

b) eliminar o artigo e a preposição of

c) colocar apostrofo S no possuidor

Exercício 5- coloque as frases que estão no caso possessivo no genitivo e vice e versa

a) The sucess of Caetano Veloso


b) The great knowledge of the lost people

c) Mariah Carey's new record

d) Salvador's new mayor

e) The house of the children's pets

5.6- Artistic a focus- Letra de música ( Stupid girl- Jagger and


The Rolling stones is one of the greatest rock bands in the

world. They began in the early 60's and up to now keep on making records and concerts. In

the beginning of their career, they were considered the Beatles' opposite. While the fab four

was clean, happy and sympathetic, The Rolling Stones were dirty, serious and antipathetic.

Actually, the members of the two groups were friends and usually they made collaborations

to each other. The Rolling Stones' manager at that time (Andrew Goldman) created the

slogan: " would you let your daughter merry a Rolling Stone?" to remark that lifestyle he

wanted to sell.

The first and classical mark of the band was Mick Jagger (Vocals), Keith Richards ( Guitar),

Brian Jones ( guitar, citar, synthesizer, etc), Bill Wyman ( Bass) and Charlie Watts ( drums).

Despite of Brian Jones be the band's leader, Mick and Keith were the main songwriters and

when Brian died in 1969, they got the leadership too.

Hardly they smiled in their records' covers and at public apparitions. They were not always

cranky, but this image helped to sell million records all around the world, after all there's

some people who like bad boys and support the villain instead of the hero. The rolling Stones

were these anti-heroes.


The Rolling Stones keep on rolling after 40 years of Rock'n'Roll. The band now is Mick

Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie watts and Ron Wood (guitar) who replaced Mick Taylor, that

one who replaced Brian Jones before. Bill Wyman left the band in 1991.

Stupid Girl is from the record Aftermath released in 1966. While the other rock bands just

made songs praising and worshiping girls, the Rolling Stones made this one, as a critic to

some kind of girls. The title explains itself.

Stupid Girl (M. Jagger/K. Richards)

I'm not talking about the kind of clothes she wearsLook at that stupid girlI'm not talking about the way she combs her hairLook at that stupid girlThe way she powders her noseHer vanity shows and it showsShe's the worst thing in this worldWell, look at that stupid girlI'm not talking about the way she digs for goldLook at that stupid girlWell, I'm talking about the way she grabs and holdsLook at that stupid girlThe way she talks about someone elseThat she don't even know herselfShe's the sickest thing in this worldWell, look at that stupid girlWell, I'm sick and tiredAnd I really have my doubtsI've tried and triedBut it never really works outLike a lady in waiting to a virgin queenLook at that stupid girlShe bitches 'bout things that she's never seenLook at that stupid girlIt doesn't matter if she dyes her hairOr the color of the shoes she wearsShe's the worst thing in this worldWell, look at that stupid girlShut-up, shut-up, shut-up, shut-up, shut-upShut-up, shut-up, shut-up, shut-up, shut-upShut-up, shut-up, shut-upLike a lady in waiting to a virgin queenLook at that stupid girlShe bitches 'bout things that she's never seenLook at that stupid girlShe purrs like a pussycatThen she turns 'round and hisses back


She's the sickest thing in this worldLook at that stupid girl

5.7- Cultural focus ( Brave new world- Aldous Huxley)

The English novelist and essayist Aldous Leonard Huxley, b. July 26,

1894, d. Nov. 22, 1963, a member of a distinguished scientific and literary family,

intended to study medicine, but was prevented by an eye ailment that almost blinded

him at the age of 16. He then turned to literature, publishing two volumes of poetry

while still a student at Oxford. His reputation was firmly established by his first novel,

Crome Yellow (1921), a witty satire on the intellectual pretensions of his time.

Huxley's early comic novels, which include Antic Hay (1923), Those Barren Leaves

(1925), and Point Counter Point (1928), demonstrate his ability to dramatize intellectual

debate in fiction; he discussed philosophical and social topics in a volume of essays,

Proper Studies (1927). In both fiction and nonfiction Huxley became increasingly

critical of Western civilization in the 1930s. Brave New World (1932), his most

celebrated work, is a bitterly satiric account of an inhumane society controlled by

technology, in which art and religion have been abolished and human beings reproduce

by artificial fertilization. Huxley's distress at what he regarded as the spiritual

bankruptcy of the modern world led him toward mysticism and the use of hallucinatory

drugs. The novel Eyeless in Gaza (1936) portrays its central character's conversion from

selfish isolation to transcendental mysticism; and in The Doors of Perception (1954)


and Heaven and Hell (1956) he describes the use of mescaline to induce visionary states

of mind.

Huxley, who moved to southern California in 1947, was primarily a moral philosopher

who used fiction during his early career as a vehicle for ideas; in his later writing, which

consists largely of essays, he adopts an overtly didactic tone. Like his contemporaries D.

H. Lawrence and George Orwell, Huxley abhorred conformity and denounced the

orthodox attitudes of his time. The enormous range of his intellect and the pungency of

his writing make him one of the most significant voices of the early 20th century.

Brave new word dialogue between the savage and Mustapha Mond, the controller.

"But I like the inconveniences."

"We don't," said the Controller. "We prefer to do things comfortably."

"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin."

"In fact," said Mustapha Mond, "you're claiming the right to be unhappy."

"All right then," said the Savage defiantly, "I'm claiming the right to be unhappy."

"Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphillis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen tomorrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind." There was a long silence.

"I claim them all," said the Savage at last.

Mustapha Mond shrugged his shoulders. "You're welcome," he said.

5.8- Revisão Geral

a) Plural of the nouns(rules)

The general rule in English for the noun's plural is equal to the Portuguese: add S to the end

of the word.


In English, moreover, there are some specific rules to the plural's formation of the nouns.

On those finished in S, SS, SH, CH, X, Z e O Add ES

On those finished in Y and preceded by consonant exchange the Y for I and add ES.

And still we have the irregular plurals, which don't fit in none pre-determined rule

.Nouns finished in Y and preceded by vowel follow the general rule

b) Male / female

In English there's no specific rule to define the nouns' male and female in the case of persons.

In the case of animals we can use the specific term or in the cases which there isn't

discrimination between male and female, we use the word she to indicate the female and he

to indicate the male.

In the case of professions and occupations the term doesn't have any variation, unless when it

is made by some word which has genre variation. If we want to identify the genre, we add the

words male and female.

c) Adjectives- general features

adjectives in English have just one form for m ale, female, single and plural

when it is used with a noun, the adjective come before it

however adjective comes after the verb to be, as its complement, in predicative using.

in English we can use more than one adjective without the conjunction and between them

d) Comparative and superlative adjectives

In English language adjectives can also be found in their comparative and superlative forms,

being six all of them.


Comparative of equality- A quality shared between two elements

Comparative of negative equality- A same quality shared between two elements, being that

one of those has less than the other.

Comparative of superiority- A same quality shared between two elements, being that one of

those has more than the other.

Note: adjectives finished in Y and preceded by consonant, when shown in their comparative

and superlative forms, since they have one syllable or two, exchange the y for I and add ER

or EST. in the case of those made by consonant-vowel-consonant, the last letter double.


Comparative of inferiority- A same quality shared between two elements, being that one of

those has less than the other.


Superlative of superiority- When a element has a quality incomparably superior

Superlative of inferiority- When a element has a quality incomparably inferior

Note: some adjectives have their own comparative and superlative and don't follow the rules


e) genitive case

Genitive case is used to indicate the possession of a certain element

In possessive case the sentences appear with the possession first and the owner after,

separated by preposition

In the case of owners which are plural and finish in S, the apostrophe stays after this letter

To make a possessive case into a genitive it just necessary do the following steps

a) exchange the possession's and owner's positions

b) eliminate the article and the preposition of

c) put apostrophe and S in the owner.

f) Artistic focus- Letra de música ( Stupid girl- Jagger and Richards)

Answer the questions

a) When did Rolling Stones begin their career?

b) What were the differences between The Rolling Stones and The Beatles?

c) Who were the main songwriters of The Rolling Stones?

d) What was the difference of "Stupid Girl" to the others songs from the time?

g) Cultural focus ( Brave new world- Aldous Huxley)


a) What did he intent to study? Why didn't he study it?

b) What is his most celebrated book? Why?

c) What does "The doors of perception" and "heaven and hell" describe?

d) What is the main question on the dialogue from "Brave new world"?

Programa 6- Verbos auxiliares

6.1- Verbo To Be

O verbo to be além de ser utilizado nos tempos simples serve, também, como auxiliar para a

formação dos tempos contínuos que são, á principio, três: Presente continuo, passado

continuo e futuro continuo.

Presente contínuo

O presente contínuo é formado pelo verbo to be no presente mais o verbo principal no



She is studying music

We are waiting for the doctor

I am trying to do my best

You are running

Nota: o verbo principal no gerúndio recebe ING como regra geral

Passado contínuo

Passado contínuo é formado pelo verbo to be no passado mais o verbo principal no gerúndio


She was studying music

We were waiting for the doctor

I was trying to do my best


You were running

Futuro contínuo

O futuro contínuo é formado pelo verbo to be no futuro mais o verbo principal no gerúndio

She will be studying music

We will be waiting for the doctor

I will be trying to do my best

You will be running

Exercício1- Coloque as frases nos três tempos contínuos

a) I play football

b) They need money

c) Maria drives too fast

d) You make me a good cake

e) This dog wants food

6.2 Verbo To Do ( Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do passado e do


O verbo to do como auxiliar não tem tradução. Ele serve para ajudar na formação das

negativas e interrogativas dos verbos principais nos tempos simples.

Afirmativa do presente simples

Na afirmativa ele pode ou não ser utilizado, sem prejuízo para a compreensão da frase, dando

apenas uma idéia de reforço da afirmação feita.


They sing a good song

They do sing a good song

Negativa do presente simples

As negativas do presente simples são compostas pelo verbo auxiliar do na forma negativa (do

not), o verbo principal no infinitivo, mas também são utilizados na forma contraída (don't)


They do not sing a good song

They don't sing a good song

Nota: no caso das terceiras pessoas do singular ao invés de do not e don't , utiliza-se does not

e doesn't

He doesn't sing a good song

Interrogativa do presente simples

A interrogativa do presente simples é formada pelo verbo to do no presente invertendo

posição com o sujeito, sendo que o verbo principal continua no infinitivo.

Do they sing a good song?

Afirmativa do passado simples

A afirmativa do passado simples é formada pelo verbo principal em sua forma do passado,

sem auxilio do verbo auxiliar do

They sang a good song

Negativa do passado simples

A negativa do passado simples é formada pelo passado do verbo auxiliar to do (did) na

negativa (did not e didn't) e pelo verbo principal no infinitivo.

They did not sing a good song

They didn't sing a good song

Interrogativa do passado simples

A interrogativa do passado simples é formada pelo verbo to do no passado (did) invertendo

posição com o sujeito, sendo que o verbo principal mantém-se no infinitivo.

Nota: o futuro de qualquer verbo é formado pela partícula will mais o verbo no infinitivo. A

sua forma negativa é will not ou won't. a interrogativa segue a regra anteriormente citada.

He will sing a good song

He won't sing a good song

Will he sing a good song

Nota: o verbo to do pode aparecer como auxiliar, mas também como verbo principal. Neste

ultimo caso ele será traduzido como o verbo fazer.

I do my homework everyday

Exercício 2- Coloque as frases na negativa e interrogativa

a) John plays the guitar

b) We love them


c) You eat a lot

d) He holds the bag

e) It shines as gold

6.3- Verbo To Have (Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do passado e

do presente)

O verbo to have é utilizado como auxiliar na formação dos tempos perfeitos: presente

perfeito, passado perfeito e futuro perfeito. Em todos esses tempos o verbo principal

aparecerá no particípio passado.

Presente perfeito

Tempo verbal que indica uma ação que aconteceu no passado, mas ainda continua ou uma

ação que ocorre com freqüência.

Afirmativa é formada pelo verbo auxiliar to have no presente.

You have studied/ you've studied

A negativa é formada pelo verbo auxiliar to have na forma negativa ( have not e haven't)

You haven't studied

A interrogativa é formada pelo verbo auxiliar em posição invertida com o sujeito

Have you studied?

Nota: nas terceiras pessoas do singular a forma do verbo to have é has.

She has studied

She hasn't studied

Has she studied

Passado perfeito

Tempo verbal que indica uma ação que aconteceu no passado antes de outra.

A afirmativa é formada pelo verbo auxiliar to have no passado (had)

You had studied

A negativa é formada pelo auxiliar to have na forma negativa do passado ( had not e hadn't)

You hadn't studied


A interrogativa é formada pelo verbo auxiliar to have no passado (had) m posição invertida

com o sujeito

Had you studied

Futuro perfeito

Tempo verbal que indica uma ação que será finalizada no futuro

A afirmativa é formada pelo verbo auxiliar to have no futuro (will have)

You will have studied

A negativa é formada pelo auxiliar to have no infinitivo e pela forma negativo doa particular

will (will not ou won't)

You won't have studied

A interrogativa é formada pelo verbo to have no infinitivo mais a partícula will invertendo

posição com o sujeito

Will you have studied?

Nota: quando o verbo to have estiver no tempo simples seguirá as normas comuns aos outros


You have a lot of money

You don't have a lot of money

Do you have a lot of money?

Exercício 3- Coloque as frases nas outras formas dos tempos perfeitos indicados

a) manoel has played basketball

b) they had watched TV

c) you have worked too much

d) she will have cried easyly

e) I had helped the poor girl


6.4- Verbo modal Can (Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do

passado e do presente)

O verbo modal can é utilizado somente no presente para dar uma idéia de possibilidade,

capacidade e permissão, juntamente com um verbo principal no infinitivo

I can save money

A negativa do verbo modal can no presente é can not e can't.

I can't save money

A interrogativa do presente é formada com a inversão do verbo to can com o sujeito.

Can i save money?

Exercício 4- Coloque as frases na negativa e interrogativa

a) kids can get fun

b) We can work on it

c) I can live abroad

d) She can paint a canva

e) women can lead the world

6.5- Verbos auxiliares modais (Afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa do

passado e do presente)


Could- indica capacidade e é usado no passado e no futuro do pretérito

Ex: when i was young i could do many things

She couldn't dance and sing at the same time

Could you help me please?

Would- indica a condicional do verbo principal


He would come tomorrow

She wouldn't travel to US

Would you like a drink?

Should- indica conselho, dever, necessidade e obrigação no passado e futuro do pretérito

I know i should study more

You shouldn't scream to the kids

Should I stay or should I go?

Anômalos (conjugados no presente)

May- indica poder e permissão

It may rain today

I may not walk so fast

May I sit here, mister?

Might- indica possibilidade remota

It might rain today. Who knows?

They might not lift her up

Might you read this letter?

Must- indica dever, ter quase certeza de

Klaus must be german

She mustn't smoke cigarretes

Must you pay your taxes?

Exercício 5- Traduza as frases

a) Eu poderia jogar futebol hoje

b) Ela viajaria se tivesse dinheiro

c) Nós deveríamos visitá-lo mais vezes

d) Pode fazer sol hoje á tarde. Quem sabe?

e) Ele pode cantar pois estudou para isso


6.6- Artistic and cultural focus Letra de música ( The sherif- Emerson,

Lake and Palmer)

Emerson, lake and Palmer is one of the main bands from

a movement called progressive rock. These bands, which had worked during the late 60's and

got big success in the 70's, used to mix rock music with folk music, classical, Jazz and other

styles, and were the first to use the image as an important element for their music.

ELP was formed by Keith Emerson (keyboards), Greg Lake ( bass and vocals) and Carl

palmer (drums). Different from other power trios, such as Jimi Hendrix experience, Cream

and Rush, they didn't use an electric guitar. The guitar role was made by the keyboards.

They had a lot of success in the 70's and tried to get back some times but the music scene

wasn't so receptive to the music they made. At least, they got on the history of music as one

of the most innovative bands ever.


The song "The sheriff" is from the record "Trilogy" released in 1972. At that time they were

already considered as a great band but it was with this record that they consolidate their

names not just into the progressive rock but into the music history as all.

The sheriff (Emerson - lake)

Wicked Josie rode away

In the sunset covered sky

A lynching mob had strung his friend up

Right before his eyes

He didn’t know what they’d both done

He sure as hell would end up one

A hot tin notch on the sheriff’s gun

If he didn’t move on

Get out of here

The sheriff followed Josie’s journey

from Kansas in the west

He said he’d put a bullet right

Through poor old Josie’s chest

But Josie wasn’t like the rest

He don’t like bullet holes in his vest

In fact he’d do his very best

Don’t want any arrest

Don’t want to be the guest

Of the sheriff

The nights got so damned cold

He couldn’t stand the pace

He looked again for sheriff’s men

But couldn’t see the chase

Josie found a nice warm place

But then the sheriff solved the case

Hoped to find Josie’s face


And said lookie here...

Sheriff rode him into town

With Josie look inside

He didn’t know about the six-gun

Wicked Josie had

Then Josie drew his gun real fast

Gave the sheriff one big blast

And Josie was a song at last

A legend from the past

Nobody ever messed with the sheriff

6.7- Cultural focus- texto ( Brief history about Candomblé)

Candomblé and other traditional afro-Brazilian religions were formed in different areas from Brazil with different rites and local names came from diverse African traditions: Candomblé in Bahia, Xangô in Pernambuco and Alagoas, Tambor de mina in Maranhãoand Pará, Batuque in Rio Grande do Sul and Macumba in Rio de Janeiro.

Until the end of the 19th century, such religions were consolidated, but kept to be ethnicreligions from black groups slaves' descendents, being even a case of policy. In the early last century, in Rio de Janeiro, the contact of Candomblé with Kardecist spiritism brought from France was important in the springing of another afro-Brazilian religion: Umbanda, which has been identified as being the Brazilian religion for excellence, because, born in Brazil, it results of African, spiritualistic and catholic traditions encounter.

Since the beginning afro-Brazilian religions were formed in syncretism with Catholicism and in a low degree with native religions. Catholic cult to the saints, in a polytheist popular dimension, fitted as a glove to the African pantheons' cult. From 1930 on, Umbanda spread itself for all regions of the country, without limits of class, race, color, in an way that all the country began to know, at least the names, divinities such as Iemanjá, Ogum, Oxalá, etc.

During the 60's, with the large migration from northeast in searching of the big industrialized cities in the southeast, Candomblé began to invade the well-placed Umbanda territory and old umbandists began to be initiated in Candomblé, many of them getting rid of the Umbanda rites to establish as fathers and mothers of saints in the more traditional modalities of Orixas' cult. In this movement, Umbanda is associated again to Candomblé, its old and "true" original root, considered by new followers as


being more mysterious, stronger, more powerful than its modern and whitened descendent, Umbanda.

Candomblé found social, economical and cultural conditions very favorable to its rebirth in a new territory. In the new Orixas' terreiros could be found people from all ethnic and racial origin. They began to get interested in Candomble and made this religion become a part of Brazilian people features.

Some Orixás

Name: Bará E Exú (batuque), Exú (candomblé);

Week day (both): mondayColors: red, red and black and black (depending on the nation).Domain: ways, crossroads, gates, etc.Axé (emanated force):, linking between material and spiritual communication, fecundation, opening of ways to the businesstools and symbols: key, trident, erected penis.

offerings: (bará) toasted corn, 07 small potatoes roasted with skin, pop corn and palm oil and Padë de exú (manioc flour and palm oil).


Name- Ogum :

week day: Tuesday (candomblé) thursday (batuque).

Colors: dark blue (candomblé), green or red and green (batuque).

salution:Ogunhê. (candomblé and batuque).

Domain:. every links established in different places, railroads, ways, etc

Axé (emanated forces): lord of the defenses, of the battles, of the iron, etc

tools and symbols:. Sword and things made by iron.

offerings: roasted inhame

Name Oyá/ yansãSalution: Epa hey oya (candomblé /nação);Colors: brown and redAxé(emanated forces) protection against eguns.Week day: Tuesday (batuque) Wednesday (candomblé);Tools and symbols:, metal sword in copper, iruexim ;Domain: winds, storms, egunsOfferings: acarajé;


Name- Xangô

salution kawo-kabiesile

Colors: (candomblé and batuque) red and white or brown

week day: Tuesday (batuque) Wednesday (candomblé)

Domain: quarries, rays, thunder, fire

tools and symbols:: oxé, double axe with two lateral cuts, made and carved in wood

Axé (emanated force): justice

Offerings: Amalá.

Nome- Ode/ oxossi

Week day: Thursday (candomblé) Wednesday and Friday (batuque)

Tools and symbols: OFÁ (arrow and bow)

Color: turquoise blue (candomblé). Sea blue (batuque).

Salution candomblé:. Okê arô

Salution batuque: okê ebamo

Domain: forests, where there is prey .

Axé (emanated forces):: plenty fullness.


Name- Oxum

salution: ora yeyë o!tools and symbols: abebe, a fan in golden brass Indé (bracelet)Domain: .fresh waters, fountains and waterfallsColor: yellow, gold yellow week day: Saturday Axé (emanated forces fecundity, goddess of richness and love . offerings: omolocum (yellow cooked canjica and eggs)

Yemanjá salution: omi ö odo iya ; eruiáColor: light blue and crystaltools and symbols:: abebe,;Domain ocean, bay, salt waterAxé (emanated forces) purification, family and mental healthyweek day Saturday (candomblé), Friday (batuque)offerings: dish, white corn, etc.



Name: oxaguian (New), oxalufan (old);

Color oxalufan white,, ivory, pearl, lead.

Color oxaguian: white and light blue

salution: Epa babá-epa ö

Domain:;air, sky (orun), rives, mountains

Week day: Friday (candomblé) Sunday (batuque);

Tools and symbols oxalufan: opaxorô, silver cajado, lead Or white metal,

Tools and symbols oxaguian: sword E "stamper hand " also in white metal

Axé (emanated forces oxalufan): purification, wisdom, creation, tranquility

Axé (emanated forces oxaguian):

father of clarity, lord of decisions and conquest

offerings: acaçá, cooked white canjica; inhame

6.8Revisão geral

a) Verb To Be

Verb to be, besides being used in the simple tenses also serves as an auxiliary in the

continuous tenses' formations, which are three: present continuous, past continuous and

future continuous

Present continuous

Present continuous is made by verb to be in the present and the main verb in the gerund

Note: the main verb in the gerund receives ING as a general rule.

Past continuous


Past continuous is made by verb to be in the past and the main verb in the gerund

Future continuous

Future continuous is made by verb to be in the future and the main verb in the gerund.

b) Verb To Do ( simple present and past Affirmative, negative and


Verb to do as auxiliary doesn't have translation. It helps in the formation of simple tenses'

negative and interrogative of the main verbs.

Simple present afirmative

In the affirmative it can be use or not, without problem to the comprehension, giving only a

remarking idea to the affirmation done.

Simple present negative

The simple present's negative forms are made by the auxiliary in the negative form and the

main verb in the infinitive, but also are used in the contracted form.

Note: in the singular third persons' case we use does and doesn't instead of do and don't.

Simple present interrogative

The simple present interrogative is made by verb to do in the presenting exchanging position

with the subject, while the main verb keeps on infinitive form.

Simple past affirmative

Simple past affirmative is made by the main verb in its past form, without help from auxiliary

verb to do.

Simple past negative

Simple past negative is made by the past of the auxiliary verb in negative form and by the

main verb in the infinitive.

Simple past interrogative

Simple past interrogative is made by verb to do in the past changing position with the subject,

while the main verb keeps on the infinitive.

Nota: o futuro de qualquer verbo é formado pela partícula will mais o verbo no infinitivo. A

sua forma negativa é will not ou won't. a interrogativa segue a regra anteriormente citada.

Note: the future of any verb is made by the word will and the verb in the infinitive. Its

negative form is will not (won't). Interrogative form follows the rule previously cited.


Note: verb to do can appear as auxiliary but also as the main verb. Is this case it will be

translated as fazer.

c) Verb To Have ( present and past perfect Affirmative, negative and


Verb to have is used as auxiliary in the perfect tenses' formation: present perfect, past perfect,

future perfect. In all those tenses the main verb will appear in the past participle.

Present perfect

Tense which indicates an action that happened in the past, but keeps on the present or an

action that happen frequently.

Affirmative is made by auxiliary verb to have in the present.

Negative is made by auxiliary verb to have in the negative form.

Interrogative is made by auxiliary verb exchanging position with the subject.

Note in the singular third persons the form of verb to have is has.

Past perfect

Tense which indicates an action that happened in the past before another.

Affirmative is made by auxiliary verb to have in the past.

Negative is made by auxiliary verb to have in the negative form of the past.

Interrogative is made by auxiliary verb to have in the past exchanging position with the


Future perfect

Tense which indicates an action that will be finished in the future.

Affirmative is made by the auxiliary verb in the future form.

Negative is made by the auxiliary verb to have in the infinitive and the negative form of the

word will.

Interrogative is made by the verb to have in the infinitive and the word will exchanging

position with the subject.

Note: when verb to have is in the simple tense will follow the ordinary rules.

d) verb To Can ( simple present and future Affirmative, negative and


Verb to can is used only in the present and in the future to give an idea of possibility, capacity

and permission, together with a main verb in the infinitive.

Negative of verb to can in the simple present is can not and can't. in the future the negative is

made in the word will.


Interrogative of simple present is made with the inversion between verb to can and the

subject. In the future this inversion is made between the word will and the subject.

e) Modal auxiliary verbs (Affirmative, negative e interrogative)


Could- Indicates capacity and is used in the past and in the future of the past.

Would- indicate the conditional of the main verb.

Should- indicate advice, obligation, necessity

Anomalous (used in the present)

May- indicates capacity and permission

Might- indicates remote possibility

Must- indica dever, ter quase certeza de. Indicates obligation, have an almost certainly

f) Artistic and cultural focus song lyrics (The sheriff- Emerson, Lake and


a) From which movement did ELP belong to?

b) Which are the features of this movement?

c) What was the difference between ELP and other power trios?

d) What is the song "The sheriff" about?

g) Cultural focus- Brief history of Candomblé

a) What are the different names and places of afro-Brazilian religions?

b) What is Umbanda?

c) According to the text, which one is considered the afro-Brazilian religions' original root? Why?


e) Say the features of three Orixás.

Programa 7- verbos regulares e irregulares

7.1- presente simples dos verbos regulares e irregulares

Os verbos na língua inglesa podem ser divididos em regulares, irregulares e anômalos, sendo que esses últimos já foram mostrados no programa anterior. Os regulares são aqueles que seguem uma regra na formação dos tempos passados e do particípio passado. Os irregulares são aqueles que não seguem uma regra especifica na formação do seu tempo passado e do particípio passado.O presente simples dos verbos regulares e irregulares é formado pelo verbo na sua forma infinitiva sem a partícula to.

You work too muchThe Beatles sing great songsThey need this chair

As formas negativas e interrogativas são formados com o acréscimo do verbo auxiliar do, don't, does doesn't (vide programa 6)You don't work too muchDo the Beatles sing great songs?He doesn’t need this car


Nota: na terceira pessoa do singular acrescenta-se s ao final do verbo como regra geral. Nos verbos terminados em s,ss, sh,ch,x,z e o acrescenta-se es. Nos verbos terminados em y precedidos de consoante, troca-se essa letra por i e acrescenta-se es.

ExercícioCrie cinco frases no presente simples

7.2- infinitivo, tempo passado e particípio passado dos verbos regularesos verbos são identificados com o regulares ou irregulares de acordo com a formação dos seu tempo passado e do particípio passado. No caso dos verbos regulares os dois tempos são formados pelo acréscimo de ed no final do verbo.

You worked too muchThe Beatles played great songsThey needed this chair

Nota: A negativa e a interrogativa dos verbos regulares no passado são formadas com o verbo auxiliar did e sua forma negativa, didn't(vide programa 6). os verbos terminados em y precedidos de consoante tem a última letra trocada por i, acrescido de ed. Os verbos regulares (monossílabos e dissílabos com última sílaba tônica) formados por consoante- vogal –consoante têm a última letra dobrada, acrescido de ed. Os verbos regulares terminados em e, acrescenta-se apenas d.

Me and my friend studied a lotThe government tried to help the victimsThe rain wetted her t-shirtMy granny loved classical music

Na seqüência uma lista com alguns verbos regulares

Infinitivo Passado Particípio passadoTo like liked likedTo want wanted wantedTo need needed neededTo miss missed missedTo start started startedTo greet greeted greetedTo travel traveled traveledTo stop stopped stoppedTo fit fitted fittedTo plan planned plannedTo cry cried cried


To play played playedTo admit admited AdmitedTo control controlled controlledTo prefer preferred preferredTo permit permitted permittedTo love loved lovedTo hate hated hatedTo try tried tried

Exercício 1- Coloque as frases nas três formas do passado simples

a) Mauricio travels to UK

b) Your sister and me help poor people

c) Brazilian people love arts and culture

d) Joanna hates soap-opera

e) The TV program starts very early

7.3- infinitivo, tempo passado e particípio passado dos verbosirregularesOs verbos irregulares são aqueles que não seguem nenhuma regra especifica e possuem,na maioria dos casos, diferenciações entre o tempo passado e o particípio passado.

Pitty sang a good songIt's a great song to be sungMy wife gave me a lovely giftA lovely gift was given by my wife to me

Nota: a negativa e a interrogativa é feita da mesma forma que os verbos regulares (did e didn't, com o verbo principal no infinitivo)

Pitty didn't sing a good songDid my wife give me a lovely gift


Na seqüência uma lista com alguns verbos irregulares

Infinitivo Passado Participio passadoTo be Was/ were beenTo begin began begunTo catch caught caughtTo come came comeTo cut cut cutTo drink drank drunkTo eat ate eatenTo find found foundTo fly flew flownTo give gave givenTo go went goneTo have had hadTo hit hit hitTo meet met metTo spend spent spentTo tell told toldTo think thought thoughtTo understand understood understoodTo write wrote written

Exercício 2 -Coloque as frases nas três formas do passado simples

a) She is the best in Mathematics

b) It shines like gold

c) The students don't understand what the teacher said

d) Do you make the exercise?

7.4- futuro simples dos verbos regulares e irregulares

O futuro simples dos verbos regulares e irregulares é formado com a partícula will ou e o verbo principal no infinitivo. A negativa é formada pela partícula won't (will+not) e a interrogativa é feita com a inversão do sujeito e da partícula will. (programa 6)

Will Pitty sing a good song?My wife won't give me a lovely gift


Nota: existe também na língua inglesa o futuro imediato, que é formado pelo verbo to be no presente, o verbo to go no gerúndio e o verbo principal no infinitivo. Esse tempo verbal serve para indicar ações que acontecerão num futuro próximo.

Pitty is going to make a new recordMy kids are going to give me a gift

Exercício 2- Coloque as frases nas três formas do futuro simples

a) The students don't understand what the teacher said

b) Brazilian people love arts and culture

c) Joana hates soap-opera

d) It shines like gold

7.5- principais tempos verbais da língua inglesa.

Tempo verbal afirmativa negativa interrogativaPresente simples She loves you she doesn't love you Does she love you?

Passado simples She loved you She didn't love you Did she love you?

Futuro simples She will love you She won't love you Will she love you?

Presente continuo She is loving you She isn't loving you Is she loving you?

Passado continuo She was loving you She wasn't loving you Was she loving you?

Futuro continuo She will be loving you

She won't be loving you Will she loving you?

Presente perfeito She has loved you She hasn't loved you Has she loved you?

Passado perfeito She had loved you She hadn't loved you Had she love you?

Futuro perfeito She will have loved you

She won't have loved you

Will she have loved you?

Futuro imediato She is going to love you

She isn't going to love you

Is she going to love you?

Condicional She would love you She wouldn't love you Would she love you?

Exercício 4- Coloque as frases nas três formas dos tempos verbais indicados.


a) The movie begins too late ( Simple present, Past continuous and future perfect)

b) We want the world ( Simple past, future continuous and past perfect)

7.6- artistic focus- Mistreated (deep purple)

Deep purple is one of the best rock bands in the world. They bean their career in 1969 with the record named "Shades of Deep Purple", which has some Beatles' covers and their first hit "Hush". In 1970 the singer Rod evans and the bass player Nick Simper left the band and two other members joined to guitar player Ritchie Blackmore, keyboardist Jon Lord and drummer Ian Paice. With Ian Gillan and Roger glover replacing respectively Rod and Nick, they start to become famous. So, the group worked in an ambitious project named "concert for group and Orchestra", composed by Jon Lord, which mixed classical music and rock and after this,surprising everyone, they released "In rock" a classic rock record, considered one of the indispensable rock records, for those who like the style.

In 1972 they released "Machine Head" and the success, that was restrict to their homeland England, became wider, getting other places such as U.S, Japan and south America (including Brazil). " Smoke on the water" guitar riff is one of the most


important in the rock history. This song was written based on a fire at Frank Zappa's ( a jazz-rock songwriter and guitar player) studio. The studio, for whom watched it from some distance, seemed like the sea was on fire. This is why it has this title.

In 1974 Gillan and Glover left the band and were replaced by David Coverdale and Glen Hughes respectively, and the band got elements from soul music, principally because of Hughes' presence, who was a grooving bassist and a souls singer (David wasthe lead singer but Glen used to make background vocals, divide some vocals and even sing few songs alone).

In 1976, after Ritchies' departure, who was replaced by American guitar player Tommy Bolin, they recorded "Come taste the band" and split up. Bolin died in the following year by a heart attack. In 1985 the second mark (Blackmore, Gillan, Glover, Lord and Paice) returned with a new release " Nobody's perfect" and kept together up to 1989 when Gillan left again to be replaced by Joe Lyn tuner. Two years later Gillan got back but in 1996 Ritchie left the band and the very known guitar hero Steve Morse (who played in Kansas and Steve Morse band) joined to the group in his place.In 2002 Deep Purple was preparing to make a new record when Jon Lord decided to leave the band. To his place was called Don Ayre, who had played with Ritchie and Roger at Rainbow.

One year later they released "Bananas" and began their world tour in Brazil, as a kind of acknowledgment to Brazilian fans , who ever were faithful to the band.

Some people say, now, they are old, tired and have to stop but those who say this have to listen to their new album. They will see, actually hear, that Deep Purple is like wine: the older the better! The song " Mistreated" is from the album "Burn" released in 1974. It is a classic hard blues, so the musical features as the lyrics theme. It is about a man who lost his girl and complains about it. Since Robert Johnson (American acoustic guitar player from the 30's) the blues uses twelve compasses and cries about emotional problems the same way as this song composed by Ritche Blackmore (song) and David Coverdale (lyrics)


Mistreated (Blackmore/Coverdale)

I've been mistreated, I've been abused.

I've been struck downhearted, baby, I've been confused

'cause I know, yes, I know I've been mistreated.

Since my baby left me I've been losing my mind, you know I have.

I've been lonely, I've been cold.

I've been looking for a woman to have and hold

'cause I know, yes, I know I've been mistreated.

Since my baby left me I've been losing, I've been losing,

I've been losing my mind, baby baby babe.

I've been mistreated, I've been abused.

I've been looking for a woman, yeh, I've been confused

'cause I know, yes, I know I've been mistreated, ooh o-o-oh.

Since my baby left me I've been losing, losing,

I've been losing my mind, baby baby babe.

Oh oh oh, oh woman, oh woman, oh woman.

I've been losing my mind.

7.7- cultural focus- George Orwell- 1984

"If On each landing, opposite the lift shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall. It was one of those pictures which are so contrived that the eyes follow you about when you move. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU, the caption beneathit ran.


If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever."

--from Nineteen Eighty-Four

The British author George Orwell, pen name of Eric Arthur Blair, b. Motihari, India, June 25, 1903, d. London, Jan. 21, 1950, achieved prominence in the late 1940s as the author of two brilliant satires attacking totalitarianism. Familiarity withthe novels, documentaries, essays, and criticism he wrote during the 1930s and later has since established him as one of the most important and influential voices of the century.

Orwell's parents were members of the Indian Civil Service, and, after an education at Eton College in England, Orwell joined (1922) the Indian Imperial Police in Burma, an experience that later found expression in the novel Burmese Days (1934). His first book,Down and Out in Paris and London (1933), was a nonfictional account--moving and comic at the same time--of several years of self-imposed poverty he had experienced after leaving Burma. He published three other novels in the 1930s: A Clergyman's Daughter (1935), Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936), and Coming Up for Air (1939). His major works of the period were two documentaries: The Road to Wigan Pier (1937), a detailed, sympathetic, and yet objective study of the lives of nearly impoverished miners in the Lancashire town of Wigan; and Homage to Catalonia (1938), which recounts his experiences fighting for the Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War. Orwell was wounded, and, when the Communists attempted to eliminate their allies on the far left, fought against them and was forced to flee for his life.

Orwell's two best-known books reflect his lifelong distrust of autocratic government, whether of the left or right: Animal Farm (1945), a modern beast-fable attacking Stalinism, and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), a dystopian novel setting forth his fears of an intrusively bureaucratized state of the future. The pair of novels brought him his first fame and almost his only remuneration as a writer. His wartime work for the BBC (published in the collections George Orwell: The Lost Writings, and The War Commentaries) gave him a solid taste of bureaucratic hypocrisy and may have provided the inspiration for his invention of "newspeak," the truth-denying language of Big Brother's rule in Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Orwell's reputation rests not only on his political shrewdness and his sharp satires but also on his marvelously clear style and on his superb essays, which rank with the best ever written. "Politics and the English Language" (1950), which links authoritarianism with linguistic decay, has been widely influential. The four-volume Collected Essays, Journalism, and Letters of George Orwell was published in 1968

7.8- Revisão Geral


a) regular and irregular verbs ( simple present).Verbs in English language can be shared in regular, irregular and anomalous, and the last ones where already shown in the previous program. Regular verbs are those which follows a rule in the past tense's and past participle's tenses. Irregular verbs are those which don't follow any specific rule in the past tense's and past participle's formations. Regular and irregular verbs' simple present is made by the verb in its infinitive form, without the word to. Negative and interrogative forms are made with the help of auxiliary verb do ( don't, does, doesn't)

Note: in the singular third person add S at the end of the verb as a general rule. In the verbs finished in s,ss,sh,ch,x,z e o add es. In the verbs finished y and preceded by consonant, exchange y for I and add es.

b) Regular verbs (infinitive, past tense e past participle).Verbs are identified as regular or irregular according to its past tense's and past participle's formation. In the regular verbs' case both of tenses are made by adding ed at the end of the verb.

note: regular verbs negative and interrogative in the past are made with the auxiliar did and its negative form, didn't. verbs finished in y preceded by consonant have the last letter changed to I, adding ed. Regular verbs made by consonant-vowel-consonant have the last letter doubled, adding ed. Regular verbs finished in e, just necessary add d.

c) irregular verbs (infinitive, past tense e past participle)

Irregular verbs are those which don't follow any rule and have, in most cases, differences between past tense and past participle.

Note: negative and interrogative are made the same way as regular verbs.

d) simple future of irregular and regular verbs

Regular and irregular verbs' simple future is made by adding Will and the main verb in the infinitive. Negative is made by adding won't and interrogative is made with the exchanging between the subject and the term will.

Note: there is also in English language the future immediate tense, which is made by theverb to be in the present, the verb to go in the gerund and the main verb in the infinitive.This tense is used to indicate actions that will happen in a near future.



tense afirmative negative interrogativesimple PresentSimple past

Simple future

Present continuous

Past continuous

Future continuous

Present perfect

Past perfect

Future perfect

Imediate future


f) Answer the questions

a) Which song is considered their great hit? What was the inspiration to do it?

b) How many marks did Deep Purple have?

c) Which is the only permanent band's member?

d) What was the reason that made Deep Purple begin their last tour in Brazil?

g) Cultural focus- George Orwell's 1984 Answer the questions

a) What were the two most important books in George Orwell's career. Why?


b) What was his political ideas?

c) Did he have contact with the war? How was it like?

d) Where did rest Orwell's reputation?