Ó Behavioral, Morphological and Histopathological Effects of Sublethal Doses of Quercetin on the Species Polycelis felina (Dalyell)* Nives RAJEVIÆ, Helena MATKOVIÆ, Gordana GREGOROVIÆ, Goran KOVAÈEVIÆ, Lejla KNEZOVIÆ, and Mirjana KALAFATIÆ Quercetin is one of the most commonly used phe- nolic flavonoid compounds. Although absent in algae, flavonoids are one of the largest and most wide- spread groups of secondary plant metabolites (ER- LUND 2002). They exert a wide range of biological effects. These effects are the results of the modu- lating activity of enzymes and nuclear receptors, effects on gene expression and on chelation of metal ions. Quercetin (3,5,7, 3’, 4’-pentahydroxyflavone) is one of the most abundant flavonoids in plant food. Various anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic mechanisms of quercetin in the cell are associated with flavonoid compounds. Numerous mechanisms of quercetin on cell cycle, differentiation and apoptosis are associated with modulating the activity of enzymes, disruption of DNA structure and gene expression. Quercetin can cause programmed cell death, and this effect is connected with the accumulation of tumor sup- pressor protein p53, which may be associated with causing the break up of DNA strands by hydrogen peroxide (YAMASHITA et al. 1990),by topoisomerase (HODEK et al. 2002), inhibition of certain types of protein kinases (FORMICA &REGELSON 1995), and inhibition of expression of HSP (heat shock protein) at elevated temperatures (HOSOKAWA et al. 1992). Quercetin is a very strong antioxidant substance and has a very positive effect on the human body. It is present in numerous plant species (onion, cab- bage, apples, berries). Quercetin shows antioxi- dant, antiallergic, antiviral, and anticancer effects. It interferes with the endocrine system and has a germinative effect. It is effective in various dis- _______________________________________ *Supported by project 119-1193080-1214 “Molecular phylogeny, evolution and symbiosis of freshwater invertebrates” from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia.

Behavioral, Morphological and Histopathological Effects of Sublethal Doses of Quercetin on the Species \u003cI\u003ePolycelis felina\u003c/I\u003e (Dalyell)*

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PL-ISSN 0015-5497 (print), ISSN1734-9168 (online) FoliaBiologica (Kraków), vol. 61 (2013),No 1-2Ó Institute of Systematics andEvolution ofAnimals, PAS,Kraków, 2013 doi:10.3409/fb61_1-2.101

Behavioral, Morphological and Histopathological Effectsof Sublethal Doses of Quercetin on the Species Polycelis felina (Dalyell)*


Accepted November 22, 2012

RAJEVIÆN., MATKOVIÆH., GREGOROVIÆG., KOVAÈEVIÆG., KNEZOVIÆ L., KALAFATIÆM.2013. Behavioral, morphological and histopathological effects of sublethal doses ofquercetin on the species Polycelis felina (Dalyell). Folia Biologica (Kraków) 61: 101-106.The effect of quercetin was studied on the multi-eyed flatworm Polycelis felina (Daly.) inlaboratory conditions. This is a very suitable test-organism available year-round in nature,easily maintained in the laboratory. The results showed that depending on the dose andrecovery period quercetin caused locomotory (behavioral) changes in treated animalsincluding aggregation in groups, resting and unsynchronized movements and twisting ofparticular body parts. Morphological changes in the form of depigmentation of certain bodyparts were the result of damage or deterioration of reticular and parenchymal cells. Numerousbasophilic bodies representing parts of damaged and decomposed cells were determined inthe gastroderm between the third and seventh day after treatment. All histologicalpreparations revealed significant deterioration of cellular material, and therefore a damagingeffect of quercetin on the multi-eyed flatworm Polycelis felina (Daly.). We found anincreased number of neoblasts and reticular cells on the third day after treatment, so weconcluded that quercetin in the applied doses had a stimulating effect on cell division ofneoblasts and reticular cells of treated flatworms.Key words: Quercetin; planarian; depigmentation; deformations; neoblasts, reticular cells.Nives RAJEVIÆ, Helena MATKOVIÆ, Gordana GREGOROVIÆ, Goran KOVAÈEVIÆ, MirjanaKALAFATIÆ, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Division of Biology, Department of Zo-ology, Rooseveltov trg 6, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia.E-mail: [email protected] KNEZOVIÆ, Faculty of Science and Education, University of Mostar, Department of Bi-ology, Matice hrvatske bb, BIH-88 000 Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Quercetin is one of the most commonly used phe-nolic flavonoid compounds. Although absent in algae,flavonoids are one of the largest and most wide-spread groups of secondary plant metabolites (ER-LUND 2002). They exert a wide range of biologicaleffects. These effects are the results of the modu-lating activity of enzymes and nuclear receptors,effects on gene expression and on chelation of metalions. Quercetin (3,5,7, 3’, 4’-pentahydroxyflavone)is one of the most abundant flavonoids in plantfood. Various anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatoryand anticarcinogenic mechanisms of quercetin inthe cell are associated with flavonoid compounds.Numerous mechanisms of quercetin on cell cycle,differentiation and apoptosis are associated withmodulating the activity of enzymes, disruption ofDNA structure and gene expression. Quercetin can

cause programmed cell death, and this effect isconnected with the accumulation of tumor sup-pressor protein p53, which may be associated withcausing the break up of DNA strands by hydrogenperoxide (YAMASHITAetal.1990),by topoisomerase(HODEK et al. 2002), inhibition of certain types ofprotein kinases (FORMICA & REGELSON 1995),and inhibition of expression of HSP (heat shockprotein) at elevated temperatures (HOSOKAWA et al.1992).

Quercetin is a very strong antioxidant substanceand has a very positive effect on the human body. Itis present in numerous plant species (onion, cab-bage, apples, berries). Quercetin shows antioxi-dant, antiallergic, antiviral, and anticancer effects.It interferes with the endocrine system and has agerminative effect. It is effective in various dis-


*Supported by project 119-1193080-1214 “Molecular phylogeny, evolution and symbiosis of freshwater invertebrates” from theMinistry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia.

eases – leukemia, breast, ovary and liver cancer,and in certain doses the positive effect of quercetinis in blocking the growth of malignant cells andDNA synthesis (ERLUND 2002).

However, quercetin may have a mutagenic ef-fect, which depends on experimental conditions,i.e. the presence of oxygen ions (FORMICA &REGELSON 1995).

Flavonoids affect the reproduction of plants andanimals. Rutin, quercetin, red wine and someherbal teas that contain these flavonoids showed aweak genotoxic effect on Drosophila (GRAF et al.1994), but show no effect on segregation of chro-mosomes during meiosis in the same species(SCHRAMM et al. 1998). It accelerates metamor-phosis and causes histopathological changes infatty tissue in larvae (ŠARIÆ et al. 2007). As a ki-nase inhibitor, quercetin has an effect on meiosisof oocitae in the bivalve Spisula solidissima. It in-hibits the phosphorylation of proteins that influ-ence the firing of nuclear membrane during meiosis.

Whether the effect of flavonoids is positive,negative or neutral depends on the temperature andthe presence or absence of chlorogenic acid (STAMP& YANG 1996).

Quercetin at low concentrations can stimulatethe division of cancer cells dependent on estro-genic receptors. Quercetin shows antiproliferativeand cytostatic activity at higher concentrations invitro on various types of cancer cells (FORMICA &REGELSON 1995; HODEK et al. 2002), which giveshope in the treatment of malignant disease.

The multi-eyed flatworm is a very suitable test-organism in similar studies because it is availableyear-round in nature, in the laboratory is easilymaintained and has active mitotic and undifferen-tiated cells – neoblasts that are easily observed un-der a light microscope.

Polycelis felina (Daly.) belongs to the kingdomAnimalia, phylum Platyhelminthes, class Turbel-laria, order Tricladida, family Planariidae. Polyce-lis felina (Daly.) is a wild, free-living flatworm,and is usually found in springs, clean streams andlakes of Europe. It inhabits waters rich in oxygen,at a temperature of 6oC to 15oC, a well toleratedand fast water flow. The planarian’s body is cov-ered with a single-layer epidermis and with realepidermal cells with numerous cilia on the ventraland lateral sides, and with glandular cells, whichproduce rhabdites. Rhabdites are rod formations,followed by ejection from the body, that producemucus whose main function is to protect the ani-mal from predators. Epidermal cells are located atthe basal membrane, followed by a muscular layer.Spaces between muscles and internal organs formthe parenchyma or mesenchyma. Large reticularcells and smaller, spindle-shaped or round neo-

blast cells constitute the parenchyma. Neoblastsare the only cell type in planarians that can dividemitotically (VILLAR & SCHAEFFER 1993). Theybehave like embryonic cells (HANSEN et al. 1993),are totipotent and can differentiate into any of the12-14 specialized planarian cell types (BAGUNA &ROMERO 1981). This is a unique phenomenon inthe animal world and a very useful adaptivemechanism, caused by the constant presence of anumber neoblasts that are in the G2 phase of thecell cycle and after the stimulus immediately entermitosis (BAGUNA 1974; BAGUNA 1975). There isevidence that neoblasts are involved in planarianregeneration. The multi-eyed flatworm Polycelisfelina (Daly.) has another type of specialized pa-renchyma cell called reticular cells that are phago-cytic and are capable of migration. They engulf oldand damaged cells, and in their cytoplasm containnumerousglycogengranules (MORITA &BEST 1984).

The aim of this study was to determine the effectof sublethal doses of quercetin in the planarianspecies Polycelis felina (Daly.), on the behavior,morphology and cytohistological changes underlaboratory conditions.

Material and Methods

Polycelis felina (Daly.) was collected fromGraèani pond in Zagreb, Croatia. Animals were ofcomparable size and developmental stage. Theirlengths varied between 12-15 mm. Four groups ofplanarians were used in the experiment. Eachgroup consisted of 10 individuals. They were keptin a Petri dish of 60 ml volume, dimensions 5.5 cmin diameter and 3.5 cm in height. Animals weretreated with concentrations of 0.2, 0.3, and 0.6 g/lof quercetin (Sigma, Aldrich, Switzerland) for 24hours. These concentrations were determined ex-perimentally as sublethal doses of a potentially le-thal substance. In lower concentrations we did notnotice any changes. Higher concentrations thanthose applied in this experiment were lethal to pla-narians. The first group of planarians served as acontrol and was kept in clean aquarium water.Quercetin was dissolved in a dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO) concentration of 0.1 %. After 24 hourtreatment all planarians were washed out in cleanaquarium water and transferred into clean aquar-ium water afterwards. Over the next 15 days of theexperiment, planarians were kept in a refrigeratorat a temperature of 7°C. Aquarium water waschanged daily.

During the experiment we daily monitored thefollowing parameters: mortality, locomotory (be-havioral) and morphological changes using a mag-nifying glass.

N. RAJEVIÆ et al.102

For histological examination with a magnifyingglass, we selected two visibly damaged planariansfrom each concentration and two from the controlgroup. We analyzed animals on the first, second,third and seventh day during the recovery period.Planarians were fixed in Bouin’s fixative (15 ml ofa saturated solution of picric acid, 5 ml of 36% for-maldehyde and 1 ml of glacial acetic acid) for 24hours. After fixation, planarians were dehydratedin an ethanol series of ascending grades (70%,80%, 96%, 100%), cleared in chloroform, and af-terwards embedded in paraplast. Each tissue blockwas cut with a microtome in 7 micron thick sec-tions and mounted onto glass slides using glyceringelatin.

After deparaffination with xylene, slides wererehydrated in an ethanol series of descendinggrades and then stained with Meyer’s solution andtoluidine blue.

Stained slides were dehydrated in an ethanol se-ries of ascending grades and embedded in Canadabalsam. Microscopic slides were analyzed with aNikon Eclipse E 600 light microscope. Micrographswere recorded with a digital camera (Nikon DXM1200).


Morphological and locomotory (behavioral)changes

On the first day after treatment, mortality wasnot detected in any of the groups of the treated pla-narians. Moreover, mortality was not noticed

throughout the experiment. Morphological or lo-comotory changes were not recorded in the controlgroup; the animals were not depigmented on theouter body parts. They were moderately active inswimming, were not disoriented, and no contrac-tions of the body were noticed. Planarians showedlocomotory (behavioral) changes in all three ap-plied concentrations of quercetin. About 50% ofplanarians treated with 0.2 and 0.3 g/l of quercetinand 80% of planarians treated with 0.6 g/l of quer-cetin did not move as individuals in control groupsdid, but formed groups and stood motionless onthe bottom of the dish (Table 1). Animals twistedthe whole body. About 10% of treated planariansin all concentrations had small wounds, recessesand depigmented areas on the body surface (Table 2).Auricles were damaged in planarians treated with0.3 g/l of quercetin, they were not pointed out, andin some planarians damage was present on the pos-terior parts of the body. Twenty percent of the pla-narians treated with the lowest concentration ofquercetin had their pharynx thrown out. On thesecond day after treatment 50% of planarians with0.6 g/l of quercetin remained motionless on thebottom of the dish. Depigmented areas were stillvisible in 30% of the treated planarians. On thethird day after treatment 20% of the animalsshowed uncoordinated movements and twisting ofthe whole body and 30% of the animals had depig-mented areas. Small wounds were not visible bymeans of a stereomicroscope. On the fourth andfifth day after treatment, planarians moved ontothe walls of the dish as in the control group. Lighterareas were visible on outer body parts. After 15days about 10% of the treated animals had defor-mations on auricles or posterior parts of the body.

Effect of Quercetin on the Planarian Polycelis felina 103

Table 1

Contraction of planarians in the experiment (%)

g/l quercetin

hours of recovery24 48 72 360

0.2 50 30 20 20

0.3 50 30 20 10

0.6 80 50 10 20

Table 2

Depigmentation of planarians in the experiment (%)

g/l quercetin

hours of recovery24 48 72 360

0.2 10 30 40 20

0.3 10 20 30 20

0.6 30 30 30 30

Histopathological changes

All the treated planarians showed similar histo-pathological changes. As in morphological and lo-comotory (behavioral) observations, these changeswere most intensive during the first five days after

the treatment. Animals treated with higher concen-trations showed more intensive changes in com-parison to the control (Fig. 1A).

On the first day after treatment we noted damageto the outer mucous layer and epidermis, as well as

Fig. 1. Longitudinal section of the planarian tissue. Toluidine blue. Bars – 20 microns. A) Control. B) treated with 0.2 g/l ofquercetin and fixed on the second day after the treatment. Damage to the basal membrane (BM), visible empty areas withinparenchyma (*), number of neoblasts (N) and reticular cells (RC) increased. C) treated with 0.6 g/l of quercetin and fixed onthe third day after treatment. Increased number of reticular cells (RC) with large white vacuoles. Numerous neoblasts (N)present. D) treated with 0.2 g/l of quercetin and fixed on the seventh day after treatment. Most reticular cells (RC) containlarge, bright vacuoles. Basophilic bodies (BB) present in parenchyma. E) treated with 0.3 g/l of quercetin and fixed on theseventh day after treatment. Recovering epidermal layer. Increased number of reticular cells (RC). Numerous basophilicbodies (BB) present in parenchyma. Visible empty areas (*) within parenchyma. F) treated with 0.6 g/l of quercetin and fixedon the seventh day after treatment. Numerous basophilic bodies (BB) present in parenchyma. Neoblasts (N). Decreasednumber of reticular cells (RC) with large, white vacuoles.BB – basophilic body, BM – basal membrane, N – neoblast, R – rhabdite, RC – reticular cell, * – empty areas (without cells inparenchyma)

N. RAJEVIÆ et al.104

splitting of ectodermal cells from the basal mem-brane throughout most of the body of the treatedplanarians in all three applied concentrations.Rhabdite damage was obvious in some areas of thetreated planarians. Particular areas of parenchymawere filled with mucous and disintegrated cells.On the second and third day after treatment, theouter mucous layer was completely destroyed andrhabdites were degraded. The basal membranewas also damaged so there was no boundary be-tween the surface and inner layer. Large areaswithout cells were visible within the parenchyma.In the vicinity of these areas neoblasts were pres-ent in higher numbers. Some neoblasts were in theprocess of differentiation. Numerous reticularcells with large and abundant vacuoles were visi-ble; reticular cells in that number were not presentin the control (Fig. 1B, C). Neoblasts showed dif-ferentiation towards the reticular cells in the pa-renchyma. Compared to the control, cells ofweaker contrast were present in the testes of pla-narians treated with 0.2 g/l of quercetin. Changeswere not noticed in egg cells. On the seventh dayafter treatment, regeneration of the epidermallayer occurred and rhabdites in these places werescarce in comparison to the control. The number ofneoblasts was lower compared to the control. Thenumber of reticular cells in lower concentrationsincreased, while their number in the highest con-centration decreased. Most of the reticular cellswere filled with light vacuoles and numerous baso-philic bodies were present in parenchyma as a re-sult of damaged cells. Empty areas without cellswere visible within the parenchyma (Fig. 1D, E, F).


In the conducted experiment quercetin causedlocomotory, morphological and histological changes.Mortality was not detected in any of the groups ofplanarians. Quercetin was dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), the concentration of 0.1% inthe test solution. It was found that DMSO in thisconcentration did not induce toxic or behavioralchanges in planaria (PAGÁN et al. 2006). It has beenestablished that numerous xenobiotics and essen-tial compounds in sublethal doses cause locomo-tory (behavioral), morphological and histologicalchanges, from the cellular to the tissue level, de-pending on the doses and duration of treatment(FRANJEVIÆ et al. 2000; KALAFATIÆ et al. 2004a;KALAFATIÆ et al. 2004b; KOVAÈEVIÆ et al. 2009).

It is known that quercetin in particular doses af-fects the reproduction of plants and animals. Vine-gar flies fed with quercetin have more numerousoffspring and a shortened larval stage, althoughquercetin does not affect chromosome segregation

in this species. Changes in the structure of fattissue in Drosophila were also established in treat-ment with quercetin (ŠARIÆ et al. 2007).

The most intense locomotory (behavioral), mor-phological and cytohistological changes were no-ticed during the first three days after treatment.

On the third day after treatment an increasednumber of neoblasts and reticular cells was de-tected suggesting that quercetin in the applieddoses exerted a stimulating effect on neoblast divi-sion and differentiation in reticular cells. Namely,xenobiotics in certain concentrations exhibit astimulative effect on the division of particular cells(KOVAÈEVIÆ et al. 2009).

All the applied concentrations of quercetincaused locomotory (behavioral) changes but themost pronounced effect was observed with the 0.6g/l dose. Planarians were contracted and remainedmotionless on the bottom of the dish during thefirst days after treatment. The outer mucous layer,the first barrier for toxicants, was damaged in ahigh number of treated planarians. By contractionsof the body, planarians try to prevent the toxicantfrom entering the body. Grouping, lowered loco-motory activity and contraction of the damagedbody parts also represent behaviors that decreasetoxicant entrance into the body (HORVAT et al.2005; KOVAÈEVIÆ et al. 2009).

Histopathological changes occurred in parallelto the pronounced morphological and locomotorychanges. Damaged areas and the deterioration ofthe majority of the cellular material were noticedon the second and third day after treatment. Theseareas were filled with mucous and dead cells. Weassume that exactly these areas observed under thestereomicroscope were visible as depigmented ar-eas on the planarian body. During this period un-differentiated totipotent cells (neoblasts) showedthe highest intensity of differentiation into reticu-lar cells. The number of reticular cells with numer-ous large vacuoles increased on the third day aftertreatment in all analyzed planarians. We suggestthat reticular cells phagocytized the molecules ofquercetin and damaged body parts that led to in-creased vacuolization. For example, accumulationof aluminum in reticular cells may take place(KOVAÈEVIÆ et al. 2009). An increased number ofbasophilic bodies, retained in a certain numberalso on the seventh day after treatment, repre-sented the cellular structures of damaged cells.Permanent deformations were noticed in 10 % oftreated planarians after regeneration of damagedbody parts (KOVAÈEVIÆ et al. 2009) that could bea consequence of mutations by intensive mitoticand differentiative processes, established in treat-ments with other xenobiotics (KALAFATIÆ &TOBORŠAK 1998; KOPJAR et al. 1997).

Effect of Quercetin on the Planarian Polycelis felina 105

The occurrence of permanent deformations afterthe regenerative processes supports the fact thatquercetin in sublethal doses in a smaller number ofindividuals also disturbs normal processes in divi-sion and differentiation of cells. However, we can-not exclude other factors such as starvation.

Since we have shown the damaging effect ofquercetin, our next step is to determine the maxi-mum concentration that does not cause toxicchanges in the activity of enzymes, lipids andDNA molecules in the cell. For this purpose, wewill trace the activity of glucose-6-phosphate de-hydrogenase, then free radical damage to DNA bycomet assay, and protein damage. We plan tomeasure carbonyl activity and lipid peroxidationto show damage in lipid membranes.


The authors would like to thank the technicianMs. Nadica Vincek for collecting the biologicalmaterial and for making histological preparations.


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