Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 11-20-1952 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Giſt of Statesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues is newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1952). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2670. hps://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2670

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Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers


Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-StatesboroEagle)

NotesCondition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition.Originals provided for filming by the publisher.Gift of Statesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society.

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This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. Ithas been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@GeorgiaSouthern. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended Citation"Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1952). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2670.https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2670

. £!GIlTTHURSDAY, NOV. 13, 1952

Social ,


Clubs · Personal MRS. AR'l'HUR TURNER, Edlor H• I I , c.J1

66 East Main St. !,hon� 140-J


Filmed in TechnicolorGregory Peck and Ann Blyth

Also Cartoon and Variety Views.

Night Phone 117


Statesboro, GeOrgia

I Attention Farmers & Tractor DealersTRACTOR and MACHINERY




Anyone Can' Sell Anyone Can BuySELL SOMETHING YOU DON'T NEED.

BUY SOMETHING 'YOU NEED.All Sales are by Cash or Certified Check.

All Sales on Commission.PLACE: Metter Livestock Market.

MeHer Auction Sales Co.

• Purely PersonalPELOT&-BOWMAN .

en Friday afternoon at the recre..tion


STATESBORO SHRINERS "centel'by their mothers. Jamie Sue Members of the No Trump Club

OBSERVE LADIES' NIGHTis the daughter' of Mr.· and Mrg. and a few other friends were de­James' Waters, and Maureen is the lightfuily entertained Saturday after.

IT�e St�te�b:�o, s�r;,ne wlC�b ;11., little <laughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1 noon by Mrs. Zack Smith at her homece e rate Its ales mg t t a In- Maurice Brannen. Twenty smali on Grad'y street. A lovely dried ar­ner-dance an Thursday, Novembe,' 20, guests enjoyed the playground equip- rangement decorated her living room.at 7:00 p. m., at the Fo�t Heights

I ment and were served birthday cake A dessert was served. Mrs. Luke An.

C�untry ,Club. W. E. Sickle, llIus-1 and ice cream. Drums were given as' deroon won a note pad and pencil .at

tr.lOus Potentate; E .. D. Well�, Record., favors. Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Bran- Ifor high score; a miniature vase for Iel, .and members of the, Divan withnen were assisted bY.Mrs. Joe Olliff. low went to Mrs. Josh Lanier for cut;

th."lr ladies' of Alee Temp.e, Savannah,.

• • • •, Mrs. Gene Curry won a cleanser dis.

":111 be present. Nobles from the va·, GEORGIA F�DERATION penser, and the no-trump prize, chat.rlOus Shrine Clubs of Alee Temple 1 OF WOMEN S CLUBS

ter pins, was won by Mrs. Bill Keith.have. also been invited, and a large "Today!s Task, Tomorrow's Need," Others lay1ng were Mrs. Pauldele�ation is expected. Music will be

Iwill be the subject of the adddre8s of Franklin


Jr., Mrs. Inman Foy Jr.,Ifurnlshed by Emma Kelly'S Orchestra. Mrs. Chester Martin, Atlanta, state M!'s. H. P. Jones Jr., Mrs. Al Mc-All Nobles who have not made res- president of the Georgia Federation Cullough, Mrs. G. H. Byrd, Mrs. Don­

ervations are requested to contact of Women's Club, when she c,omes to aid McDougald, Mrs. Bud Tillman andJack Carlton, preSident, or Dr. Hugh, Statesboro on Tuesday, Nov. 20th. Mrs. Ben Turner.


A rundel by the 17th.

I This will be a luncheon meeting, be- ••••

LOVELY BiUDGE PARTIES gin.ning at 1 o'clock at the Fo:e�t MYSTERY CLUB• • Heights Country Club. Mrs. Martin IS Members of the Mystery Club were

Two �ovely bridge parties were given known throughout the .tate for her delightfully entertained with a spend.last Thursday at the home of Mrs. 1 outstanding club work, not only in the-day party Wednesday of last weekJ

..B. Johnson, on C�llcge Boulevard, women's club activities, but in many with Mrs. Inman Fay Sr. hostess at

With Mrs. B. B. Morns and Mrs. E. L. civic organization. She is especially her .country place, Bell-Inn.•An out·Akins associate hostesses with Mrs. I capable and well known for her Gar- door barbe�ue meal was served, after

John�on. T�e home was

beautifUllY, den Club activities. Quite often Mrs. which bridge was played. AttractivedecOiated With chrysanthemums nnd Martin takes her dried arrllngements pr'zes went to Mrs. Roy 'fyson fordahlias, and at e�ch party a

deliCiOUS,to the District Wom�n's 'Club meet- high score, to Mrs. ijruce Olliff cut

sweet course was served. Guests for in in different sections of the state. and to Mr3. Frank Simmons low.ten tables of bridge were entertained �11 memhrs of the Junior Wo'man's • • • •

../in the morning. For high score Mrs. Club, Statesboro Garden Club and BLUE RAY CHAPTER TO

ID. L. Davis won a silk scar!; for cut I Civic Garden Club are invited to join SERVE TURKEY SUPPERIMrs. Leff DeLaach receiv�d an after-I the members of the 5onior Woman's Members of the Eastern Star aredinner c.uP and saucer, and for low

IClub for this luncheon meeting. sponsoring a turkey supper with a

Mrs. Lester Brannen was given ear- • • • • variety of other dishes, which wil! be

'bobs. Similar prizes In the atternoon ON BUYING TRIP served sateteria style, ut 10 centseach serving at the Masonic Hall on

went to Mrs. E. L. Barnes for high 'I Mrs. Sidney Smith, Miss Bets.v Wednesday night, November 19, from8core, to Mra. Roy Tyson for low and Smith, Mrs. Minnie Mikell and Mrs. 7 until 9 p. o'clock. There will be some

to 'Mrs. Bird Daniel for cut. Players I Dewey Cannon are ir, New York this fOI m of .mtertainment durfng the

10r ...ven tables attended the after- week on a buying trip for Minkovitz time. The proceeds of this supperwill go to the Masonic dining room

noon party. 4r. Sons.. in Macon. The public Is Invited.

NOW S'HOWING"Just For You"

Color by TechnlcolorStarring Bing Crolby, Jane Wyman

and Ethel BarrymoreAI1Io Cartoon and Short Subjects


Starring Bobby Driscoll, Robert Pres­ton, Martha Scott, Charley Grapewin


"Red Planet Mars"Peter Graves and Andrea King

Plus Two Cartoon.Quiz Show .tarts at 9 p.m.

Grand Prize '665.


"The World In His Arms"


"Son Of Paleface"




Our work. helps to relleet tl.aplrit which prompts 'OU to erecttbe atnne aa aD act ?l r�ve'-·aDd'devotioD , . , Oar uperle_I. at ,our .ervl...

Filmed in Technicolor '

Starring Bob Hope, Jane Russell,Roy Rogers and Trigger.Also Cartoon and Novelty.

The True Memorial

FORTNIGHTERSMembers of the Fortnighters Club

enjoyed a delightful slipper partyTuesday evening at Bell-Inn withMiss Maxann Fay and W. C. Hodgesas hosts. A ham and spaghetti sup­per was g'erved, and members pres.ent were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bras­well, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brannen,MI'. and Mrs. Joe Robert Tillman, Dr.and Mrs. J. L. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs.H. P. Jones Jr., Dr. Roger Holland,Miss Liz Smith, Mr. and Mrs. BillKeith, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald GrooverMiss Fay and Mr. Hodges.

. ,




10PN H. THAYER, l'ropliMor.11 Weat MIlD S� PHONE 489nallr·tfl


Ours' E,clusively$69.00


See it In color mHARPER'S BAZAAR

See It herelI t


Fabulous Fashions for FallTwo way:> wonderful, th� swing of the seven-eights coat over the sliriJ. stem of a skirtto wear together or go solo. Beautifully detailed, naturally, because it's Swansdownnote particularly the squared.off notch colar, the deep·cuffed bracelet sl�ves. InMiron's nubbly two·tone toO% wool Facada, Fall fabric news. Sizes 8.18.



From Bulloch Tlmea, Nov. 19, 1942Coffee rntioning. begins So'ul'duy,

for tickets issued by the rafioning'after which none will be sold exceptboard. .


Statesboro High School footballteam made a high record for the pastsenscn, scoring a total at' 135 pointsa. against 38 for the opposition.

fl'�;:'v. J�zl����:;i:r��n�o� e:�:pei� -HONORED CITIZEN' , St b W·'

$1 000now professor at Lyola University, ates ft,pO;�� i:�;;i'�� Teachers College M<>n-

PASSES TO' BEYOND I ", ...-. ., _., .....

Ins , .

J. W. Fol'bes, of the Brooklet COIll- ::..

:�����'cr,::�r::;,:s��ht�fo;i!ne��:! Howell Cone Interment In Pro): . .J_SSI·V�'e Ca'mp'a 1·9nhe gathered 2,026 pounds-more than Saturday At Fe!lowship, 11125 bushels per acre. HWilliam M. Rigdon, recently pro-ome Of His Ancestors

mated to rank of warrant officer of . -

. Stetesboro has been named first(From Savannth Evening Press, ST�TESBORO G� I wi G.

I T h Colship'. clerk,' has bee n transferred to Friday, ,November 14th.) ·pr Ie nner in the 8,000 !'.' 20,000 eorg a eac era lelle, which ..Washington, D. C., and is associated , population group In the 1952 Cham- five years under Coach J. B, Scearcewith the President's Naval Aid. Funeral services for Howell Cone,

IN THREE' ENTRIm;pldn Home 'I'own co�test It was an- Ja. has won 116 games and twice ledRobert peLoach, army aviator, 72, cO,lIec�or of customs> here for i bOunced by Charles A. Collier, vice- the nation In "COl'lnll, will have to'Wrecked 480,000 bomber plane three rd ,miles from Statesboro Friday -morn-

many years" who died yeste ay.

• president of the Geol'flla Power Com. entrust Its baasketball furtun.. to auing for want of gas, one and a half (Thursdny) morning after an 1!lnesal WUI Compete With Two pany, This victory carries with It entirely new team this year.hours out from Marianra, Fla., en of .�veral �'nonths, will he held at

I Other Progressive CIties Ij; cuh award of ,1,000 and a bonze The Prole'ssors wll,1 open an am-route to Savan�a�. • •10 a clock tomorrow morning at the

IIn "Home Town" Contest" plaque. The ..e awards �II be made bltlouB 27-game ..chedule Monda, .,

TWENTY YEARS AGO chapel of Sippies' Mortuary, Rites:I A t tal f I ht f , at a dinner to be held 1n Statesboro

I Pledmon College with all five start-will be cond ted b Re Le 0 GOo e g reports' 0 Prollres. I I In d t d fFrom Bulloeh Tlmea, Nov. 17, 1932 ue Y v. r Y ',from towns entered in the 1962 Cham-

ear y n 1958. Leary a'ld.Alma were g men gra ua e rom a quintetCochran football team will 'come to Cleverdon, pastor of the First

Bap-II H T f ththe other two first prize -Inner. in whose 86.4 point average last ,...rS ti t h h B rI wi .

d p on ome own contest rOm e r-

btatsboro tomorrow for a game with IS e urc. u al 11 be U1 Frien -

A dl. . their respective groupll� ettered the national all-time ....Teachers College at 8 o'clock. ship cemetery In Bulldch county. ugusta viston of the Georgia Pow-

I' . .. son .corlng recrod. Their f1rat hom.Pfc. John C. Freeman, C.S.M.e., Pallbearer. will "be Otis St'ubbs, er Compnny was chosen by jud..... n addition to Winning �r.t prize

contest lB' on December 1 with NorUIwrote interesting letter from Marine Jd h C I J G 01' Tto represent this dlvision in the final In tbe 1,000 to 3,000 population group,

D ta hm t Old N I St t· H sep ra gr., eorge rver, '.. Aim '11 I I k' Geol'gla College,e c en, ava a IOn, on-D C k G J h d Judging It was announced by T At a WI a 80 rece ve II, sweepata es

olulu; "arrived Hawaii in January, . 00, eorge 0 nston and Leo el ""."

rd. .

I I Confronted with youth and Ina.'1932." .' C I Gibson, viee-president and division, a\\ a in a specie contest open on y

IMr. and Mrs. George W. Howard °Aeman.. manager. These reports will' com. to first plAce .wlnners in the 1951 and per ence, the Profs, accordlnr to

native of Ivanhoe, ih Bulloch 1952 t t E h t "I Scearce, arc trying to .hlft their em.announce the approaching marriage county, Mr. Cone lived most of hill pete with the best from the five other.

con es s. ac own w I'�- phasis to de!en.lve piny, an art thacon Nov. 21st of their daughter, Mag- life in Stetesboro, havill come to geographical divisions of the com- celVe a bronze plaqu�. and $l,O�O mDISTINGUISHED VISITORgie Lou, to Lorin Paul (Buddie)

S. g.

Ipao), for the $8960 cash prizes of. cash. Alma will receIVe an additional may be hard to revive here.

Mills, of Brooklet. avannah In 19a9 to aSSume the dutIes '

$1000 t k d They will be speedy again aDd.Social, events: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. of collector: fered In the lontest. ' as IIweeps a es awar . BRITISH FOOD EXPERT probably dspeer In reserves. The..Brannen announce the marriage of A Irraduate of Mereer University Avera, GibBon and Davisboro were Statesboro's entry In the contest WILL VISIT IN GEORGIA 'kssets, their projected defenKe and.their daughter, Sara Moore, to Wal- and the University of Georgia law!chosen to represent the under-1,OOO was sponsored. by the city govel'n-

One of Englnnd's top experts on favurable &even-game pre-Chrlltmaater Thomas Sledge, of OhattanQ.oga, school, where he WOD the roommate population gro.up; Wadley and Wren" me. n, Mayor Gllb.ert Calle, with Ke.r- h d I •Tenn.-Ace High Club met Tuesday -

Id h 1000. 3000 t R C h

emerg�ncy feeding for the British sc e u e constitute their hopeI forafternoon with Miss Carrie Lee Davis of Senator George, he was also the

Were name In t e, to, ml . nrr, serving as g�neral c al�- Ministry of Food, who was decor- Improvement sufficient to make th8J1las hostess. - Young ladies of the classmate of a numbe.r of Savannah. population group; and the 3,000 to man. Statt?Sboro won third place III .ted. with the Order of the. British a threat In the Gatclr Bowl toum••Brooklet rural community organized ians, includin , the late Pratt Adams 20,000 popUlation group will be rep· i the 1950 contest, and climbed to sec-' Empil e �or wa.rtlme food sel'Vlce. Ac·

ment with Georgia, Florida I�d"Lucky Wonders Club," with Mi.s Reg;

.' J' resented to Statesboro, Waynesboro ,md pluce in 1951. companYlllg MISS Walker will he Mr•.J Wh't


'd n· mer Denmark, and Edgar ., I Ellen Ruthman, Emergency Feeding Georgln Tech at Jacksonville BeaChone I aKer presl ent. - naptlst Oliver. and Washington. I . The most Impressive thing about Co-ordinator of the Federal Olvll De- D byoung ladies organized G. A.'s Mon- Serving as divisional judges were th . rt f .

bid I f Oft''

ecem er 89.8�, Iday evening with Miss Constance He pra�tlced law In Statesboro and '. e I epo a progress .su m tte by en�e Ice In Waslllngton. Mrs. For the first time dUrinllI Scearee',Cone, president; Miss Nona Thack- was solicitor of city court �here I LOUIS Harris, Augusta; J.' S. H!,rdln, State�boro for this year's judging, �uthma� !s considered the outstand- regime; there iJ the possibility of austan: vice-president; Miss' Mary' Ruth I from 1902 to 1906. He was state

I Leah, and· Douglas Jenkins, Augu1lt�. was that i� reftected an unusually

Img nutritIOnIst III the United States.

opening team manned by Georllian..Lamer, secreta.ry;tr:a!urer. senator from Bulloch county In 1921.' State jud�ng. Is now being held m well I'ounded pl'ogrllm In nll phases �c���t f�ra����iIQ����te�e:�=:eheD:; Captain Bobby Phl1l1pw, Albany for.THIRTY YEARS AGO 22 and 1927-28, and aerv,ed in the 1

Atlanta, and Wlnners In the con�st Iof community development. delighted that these experts In emer- ward or' center, anli Jimmy Harley,From Bulloah Times, Nov. 16, 1922 lower state house In 1929-80. He wl�1 '00 �nnounced on Novem1K;r �O. The recreation program which has gen.cy feeding are in our state, elI- Warner Robin. ruard, .eem to bs thiPostmaster Free ..an Hardisty i.'- waB for a time chairman of the Dem. P."zes Wlll be awarded at a se�les. of won national recognition for States-l peClal!y slnc� they are only clliing only certain lltartera, but BlIIy Pat.su�d announc!men� requIring instal- ocratic executive committee of BUI.'

dmners to be held 'In the wmmng boro and its director, Max LOCkWOod" on thirteen cities In thlll country. iford, Lakeland forward; James Hut.latlon of reSidential mall boxes to loch county anet h Id . � ftowns later In the year. continued to grow and expand this to, Ft. Valley center, and Horace "-I.comply with new delivery system. ,e many elv,c a •

, . SUDDEN DEAm AS....

In Federal Court judgment was is- fices in Statesboro, Innlyding the pres- INSpL'fYI'ION TOURyear. Its budget wal mcreased and

'I' ftower, C.ochran Iluard, also could ..sned against W. H. Goff Co., States. idency of the Chamber of Commerce' rAJ I It opened Ita ..cond recreation cen- first assignments.boro, �or the sum of $7,487 on ac- there, 1 ter this' summer, extending Its pro- RESITlII' OF STROKE :All ar.!! junlol'll, but only Phllll.,.count of sugar 'contract,; suit,insti· Mr. Coni! was an honorary member OF COUNTY FARMS gram,to other sections of the city. Uljl and Pafford are lettermen.tuted by Lomborn & Co .

ITh he vi.I h' h Its It'Savannah KiwaniS Club invited of the Savannah KIwanis Club and e a y emp as. w. IC C. 1-

Employe Of The Excelsior The Prof.. still have a aprlnkllncStategboro Advertising Club to be the directors of the club, meeting in Organized Group To Make zens. have put on touns� facilities

Electric Membership Group of Kantueky boys, head,ed by letter.guests at a luncheon next Mondal' monthly lIession last nlllht"

acloPtedl S,lIteaaatlc Study Of'Tbe ."ontmued td bsar fruit .thls year 8y ,HIIII A Fatal Conpedlon man M.y:vln Vanoy8l', I fO�lrd, �-to. consllier proposl'! fpr 'afflliation .. resolution of deep rellret' tt his Loc:aI �rlcuItural Conditionthe addition �f ftfteen new restaur-. IIOb 'AiI)fd, a ,.lard. An 'I�julj IiUWith .the KiwaniS gro,up., death. "

• ants and the expansion ana Improvo. Geol'fle T. Hooks', 87, of Metter, was side·lIned Bond ulltll after Chri.tmu..Sochlalt e"""ttst:h MWrs;h'IJ· G. MooreHe was !or years Identified with Between now and December 1, ment of Its mil';! tourist homes and electrocuted at nopn last Friday Another 'graduate of Hall Hlllh'was as ess a e I e Away Club

I. .

'1 vi't I Th I IM,mday a!ternoon at her home on South Georgia Teachers College, hav- commumty committeemen Wl I. Sl mote s. e 19 number or rooms, whl1� WOrking on the Excelsior Elec- School at GraY'" Knob, Ky., I. hWlt.South Main street.-Mrs. P. G. Frank. ing served as trulitee for a long pc-each farm In Bulloch county to offer available 'lVDS raised to 343 this' year! tric Memhership CQrporation ,(REA. ling ex-S'ailor William (Crow) Ashe"lin entertained the .Octagon Cluj) on riod, and having worked continuous- tHe farm operator an opportunity to State�boro also helpeed take the lead

,line two miles north' of Stillmore. guard, who lost two teeth but not hi.Wednesday. afternoon at her home on Iy In the Interest of th� college. participate In the 1953 Agricultural

Iin providing tourist accommodations The crew was repla. 11 a pole on tattoos In an early scrlm"'a .....Satvantan!'h d·ve�tuhe.-Mlss Ev!, �anllon He Is survived by his 'wlfe Mrs ponservation Program, M. L. Tay· and restaurant faclities for negro the line, Ilpd the cable used to swing Rounding out the squad are Boben er me I WI a cane gnndtng at ' .

I h.

f h PMA' , "her home Tuesdny evening; music Kate Parker Cone; four daughters, or, c amuan 0 t e county - tOUrists. up the pols had come Into contact Ander""n, a guard, and Gayle Towl".,was rendered by Mi.s Malvina Trus- Mrs. Stephen D. Bowen, Eastman;

Icommittee, has annoulI"eru' The city's long·range program of. with the live wire of the main line a fc>rward, both freshmen of Lex.'sell and "1rs. Bruce Akins. Mls� Constance Cone, &tatesbo)'o,; The "Farm"by-Farm, First-Things- street lighting, water main extension'i when the pole swung arou'ld. HOOks Ington, Ky.; David Harris, junior for.FORTY·YEARs AGO. Mrs. Edward Lay Welsh, Knoxville, First" approach which was ried out street ighting and beautification haR

Ibacked into the truck, tully charged ward of Ball Ground; James Tudor,

From Bulloch, times, Nov . .20, 1912 Tenn., and Mrs. Charles W. Seyle, Sa. I in at least one county in each state made great strides this year. The by the electricity ftowinll through the of Paint Lick, Ky" alld Wesley (Bud•

. St!llmore Star Is name of nejV pub. vannah; three sons, HOlVell Cone Jr.,' this year �as been m�de available to city nursery planted hundreds ofI �ole-boom cable, and wa« electro- dy) Ward, of Harlan, Ky., both fre.h.hcabon established at Stillmore to. Savannah; William H. Cone, San" all farms In all counties for the 1953 ftowers and shrubs In parks, along cuted.

Imen guards, and Chester Wel>b, lonl'promote creation of new county with' Francisco, Calif., and Thomas &1 program. The purpose is' to center streets and highways and in both II Other workers, Ioem'bers of the �reshman center, of J.lberton.StW�hr�it�s e���t��� �:�\Iays off, lit. Cone, Greensboro, N. C.; one qrother, conssrvatlo� efforts o� the .most need- white �nd negro cemeteries.


state highway patrol at. Swainsboro, On Coach J. I. Cle ents Jr.'s "B"tie Interest· is being manifest; Ma),or Edgar Cone, Savannah; two sisters'l ed pl'�ctices on each mdlvld�al form. HouslI�g was. Important thiS year, sn.d. Dr. J. L. Neville, of Metter, ad- team, with a chance of movinll' up,J. A. �eDougald say� he will not be Mrs. W. W. Robertson aod Miss Josie


Chairman T�ylor explams that to�. EightY-SIX. neW homes. were

Immlstered artificial respiration -for are Ernest Ma..ey, Atlanta frellh.a candidate; J. G. Blitch, A .. J. Moo- Cone, both of Stilson. 1 Just as fart;ns dlff�r, so do conserva- bUilt, 137 homes received major re- fOUr hours. Hooks was then taken to man, and Lawayne Anderson, Nevillney and S. J. Crouch. are_ being dis-

,tion problems differ. In the farm- pairs, 309 permits were Issued for the Emanuel Oounty Ho.pital by an junior, at forward..; H. W. Malcolm,eusseCd as IPlosslblJe aJsPlzrantsi for may: LITTLE THEATER HAS by-farm 'effort, the community PMA minor repairs to homes, and 'nInetY-II ambulance. He waS' pl'onounced dead Tampa, Fla., tqeshman, at center','or; ounc men . . etterower anc � . .

�. H. Parrish announce their intell� POPULAR ONE·�CT PLAY �om�lttee.man will assist t�e farmer two "nita of public housing

were,on arrival. Ferrell Sparks, €anton sophomore.'tlOn to retire; E. A. Smith and W. The Statesooro Little Theater en-

m revieWing the conservatIOn prob- aJld'ed. Hooks is survived by his parenta, and Charlss Evans, Savannah fr",I1...H. '�irnm�ns are being discussed as joyed 'an outstanding production of alems on hig farm, and deciding upon Education impro"ements were Im-. Julius and Trudy White Hooks, of man, at guat:ds.possl�lilties for the two vacancies on the conservation practices needed to proved thig year at the cost of $1'-1' Metter' his wife Alma H. Hooks ---------------

counml one1act play entlded "Dark Wind." . .. '. ,

JHors� racing last .week was Int�r. Charasters were portrayed by. threemeet tho... problems. Farm pi",,;" 800.000. The court house ,:"ao como,

!lfetter; two son�, M. J. Hooks and ar of Fancy Honeyesting event, entrants in the various of Its own members, Henry McCor- prepared for the farm by the Soil pletely remodeled and repainted. A Randy H;ooks, both of. Metter; three Le S t T tenees, apread liver three days, were mack, Al SUtherland and Mrs. Wilson,Conservation 'Service· Or other Bgrl· new church was completed, and all daughters, Jeanette, Martha F. and

A Jar ofa;��n s':e�t� the :u��Arthu� DeLoacH, with Tom Tom Out.· cultQrtl agencies will' be considered existlnll churches were Improved both

IGeorgia K. Hooks, al of Metter; fO,urland ....dlnlll: horse owned by Mr. Car. at Its regular meeting on' November whare available, In setting .up the in their physical plants and their brothers Randolph Hooks of Savan- honey which these eyes have ever be­

penter, with AI� Akins riding· B C 16th. Plans are being made for a t' f hi' to th 'ty Th I ' .' .


'held, was that deposited at the Tim"Brannen horse With Jim Moor� d�lv: major production to be produced for conserva Ion program or t e arm services e commom. e c ty s nah; Vlrgtl Hook.· and Ray Hooks, office during the past week bv ouril'g; Hili Simmon's black horse', Frank the public In Jaunary Or February for 1958. c\llturnl progr�m presented- an eX-I both of Metter, and W. C. HOok., of f

P Afte h f d h· un! II t f d fnend M. D. May, ,of the Denmarkarker's black horse; J. T. JoneS"s with a callt of za",layers, the title of r t e armsr an IS comm • ice en season a concerts, rama'l Stillmore; two sisters, Mrs. Ernest80rrel; �ird DeLo.ach's anil beroy the play to be announced later. ty committeeman have agreed on the and locally produced theatrical pro- T. Moxley, Jesup, and .Mrs. LamarKe�nedy s bay; I.....mg was.on South Mem!;er" of the Statesboro Little practices most urgently needed for gramB. \ I WillialM Macon. .M,un street startmg at 0 � ffi Theater have been Invited to Savan- .



••••p s.o ceo

nah by the Little Theater there to protection and Improvement, of t. e Other winners In the under 1,000 Funeral services were held Sun-FIFTY YEARS AGO· attend a pla� tney are producing next farm lands, the farm operator Will popUlation group are Nichols, second dty at 2:30 p. m. at Lake Primitive

From Statesboro News, No". 21, 1902 month and. a social �fter the. p!ay:' be given an opportunity to request prize of �5(), and Menlo,. third prize I Baptist. church, conducted by ElderD. C. McDougald returned last week The Sylvama Woman s Club InVlted the ACP assistance that he and the of $600. The second prize winne.r in IS. M. Claxton of Swainsboro. Burialfromk A.lahDah,?,a anll carried his fam.ily the Lit.tle TIl"ater to give a one·act committeeman consider necellsary for the 1,000 to 3,000 Irroup was Sylves. was in Lake 'cemetery.uac Wlt 1m; was also accompamed play ,at their March meeting. 1:he' d H' .

Iby J. M. Stubbs and family, group enjoye;d a social hour after the those pra�tlce? 'ter, an omerville placed. thlfd. n Pallbearers Were Alex Johnson, lIa MUSICAL STAR TO SINGG. S. Johnston and Miss Em'llI¥e regular busine... with Mrs. Dekle EmphaSIS will be placed on' those the 3,000 to 20,000 populatIOn group, Sutton, Cecil Carroll, Willie Finch, AT TEACHERS COLLEGELee were married at th� residence of Banks, Billy Wells and Joe Neville as practices most needed to eontribute following .Stnteslloro with first prize, Wllbur Dowd and Edenfield Hendrix. 'Dorothy Warenskjold (pronoul)cedMr. �nd Mrs'. J. W. Olliff Thursday hosts and hostess. to more permanent protection and <1l'e Pelham, second prize of $750, and.

Farren-Shold), brilliant young' lyric;;:,�r�I�!; Rev. Whitley Langston of· improvement Of the land. Practices Douglas} third prize of $500.

I ley, Brunswick, C�rtersville, Doug. soprano of concert, radio, opera and� 'k' Kennedy f S .

sb h WAS THIS YOU' selected by the fnrmer and hi. com.' In each population group the judges lasville, Griffin and Manchester television, Is the flr�t artist to be pre.bee� i� town org.:nizi:;I: I��"ge �� Y�� are a young matron �th munity committeeman will be sub- chose, in addition to the top three The first three prize win;ers in'each �o�:�rtbyA���C�!��Sb��rs C;:';,u���Royal AI'''''nu�; has procured W" very dark brown eyes and hair. mitted to the coul1j;y PMA committee prize winners, four towns for hon- group will receive their awards in aprogram will be next Monday evenlnl'members; is a reliable and upright Wednesday mOI'ning you wore a

for approval. , arable mention awards and six for series of dlnMrs' to be' held in the at 8:15 at the College auditorium.ge�leman. 'n( d h two-pi.ce black dress and black Betore the community PMA com- Certificates of Achievement. The winning towns after the first 'of the Miss Warenskjold i. considered the'D"

e are '111 lorme t aDt Mrs. SI. E. suede pumP:'! and carried a green mltteeman visits ·the farms in his <Ii"- honorable mention winners' will re- year.' brightest of the new stars on tha'... anan Wl eaVe on ecember 1st wallet. You have two young sqns.· . . A'.

I Sh.

lor Waynesbof<', where she ha" rent- trlct, he Will have reViewed the con- ceive a bronze plaque and a cash Judges for the contest were Mrs. mellcan muslca scene. e IS oneo If the lady described will call at d of the most admired, most sought.� the Arlinp:ton Hotel, of which, she the Times office she will be given servation problems in his area an award of $100. Doris Lockerman, former columnist after new personality. She appeal'lWill have charge. two tickets to th� picture, "Son of the practices which will be most ef· Honorable mention award. go to for the Atlanta Constitution, Ros- frequently on the "Railroad Hour,"The negro who broke into Fly post. Paleface," showin&:. today and Fri- fectlve III meeting conservation needs. Ellaville, Franklin, Lone Oak, Snell. well; Mrs. A. N. Dykes, president of the "Firestone Hour," and is a perma.office was' given a sentence of five day at the Georgia Theater. Representatives of the Soil Conser- ville, COl'I'elia, Lawrenceville, Ocilla, the Garden Club of Georgia, Colum- nent member of James Melton's tela.>"lars In the iederal court; Judge Afte,r receiving her ticlrets if the· . . .


vision show, "The Ford Festh·al." SheSpeer complimented him as being th lady will call at the Statesborovatlon Service, ExtenSIOn Service, Wadley, Hogansville, Vidalia, Wash- bus; Ben W. Fortson, secretar}' of h j t


d th S F I"greatest 11'lIr" he ever heard swear.e Forest Servl'ce, and other agn'cultural.

d W b as us re-Jome e an ranc scoFloral Shop she will be given a mgton an aynes oro. "'tate of Georgia, Atlanta.; Edward Opera Company for another sterllnllOn last F,riday Govelnor Terrell lovely orchid with compliments of aa'eneies will co-opel'a.te In this re- Winners of Certificates of Achieve- R. Dunning, vice-president of N. W. season aud is currently on a sell-outsent to the .enats the name of Judge the proprietor, Bill Holloway. view. me t are Ball Ground, Comer, Daw· ,Ayer & Son, a<J.yertising agency, New recital tour throughout the natloD.J. F. Brannen as judge of the 'county The lady described last week was

FOR R"ENT-Two four-room upstal'rs sonville, lIa, Powder Springs, Wood. York, and Joe TJenning", superintend- She is a grand-daughter of the famedcourt; he has served six years' in that Mrs. Algie Trapnell, who called for inventor' of the Atlas Diesel ERllin.capacity, and has given general Bat- her tickets and later w!'!?te a note apartments, close in. See lItfEN & bine, Clarksville, Clayton, Hartwell, ent of the Cherokee Indian Agency, and also a direct de ..eondant of Oliveristaetlon. eapr_Binr ·h.r app�l,tl�n. BOYS' STORE, .(23octtf) Lnonla, McDonough, MtRae" Bax· Cherokee, N. C..




StaH.boro Newt, E.tablilhed 1101 CouoUdated Janarr 1', 111'State.,"," Easle, Estahll.hed 1111'1-Cooaolld ..ted Dee...... I, 1110 STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 1952 VOL. 62-NO, 8.

M I'�. George A. Pelote announces

the engagement of her daughter, MissRllye Pelote, to T/Sgt. Harold O.

Mrs. Charles Olliff Jr. lind daugh- BOWDlIIII, son a! Mrs. Grady McCor-iter, Cissy, spent Monday in gnvannah.

Iklc, and the late Andrew Bowman, of

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred DOI'OInn spent Statosboro. The wedding will takea few days last week in Washing- pluce on November 22nd, at 6:30

ton, D. C: ',P' m., in the Clito Baptist church.Zack Smith will attend the Tech- No cards are being issued. All rela-

Alabama football game in Atlanta !lfr. and Mrs. J. M. McElveen Jr., tives and friends are cordially in-

Satul'daY'! of Savannah, announce the birth a!Ivited.



Mrs. J. C. Lane, of Atlnnta, visitedn SOli, J. M. McElveen. Ill, November

jSIXTEENTH inRTHDAYSduring the week with Dr. lind Mrs.

8, lit the Telfair Hosplta1.. Mrs. M�- JOINTLY CELEBRATEDCurtis Lane. Elveen was formerly MISS ManueMiss June Hodges, dll"�hter of'Mr.Mrs. Lester Martin is visiting in

J f st t b0;;" -

Baltimore with Dr. and Mrs. �ulianLou ohnson, � • ::s oro.

and Mrs. f. R. Ross, and Miss Frances

QlIRttiebaum Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins, o!IDenmark, daughter of' Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Grace Edenfield, of Savannah, Chicago, announce the birth of a son,! J. C. Denmark, were honored with a

spent last week end here with ·Mr. Marvin Huckeby, November 1st, at' lovely dance given by their parentsand Mrs. Lester Edenfield. the University of Chicago HOsPita1.! Monday evening at the recreation een­

Mr. and MM;. Walter Groover spent Mrs. WatklOs will be remembered DS ter in celebration of their sixteenth

several days last week in Atlanta as the former Mis" Cathryn Pittman, of I birthdays. The room was beautifullyguests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy. I Statesboro.

. I dec�rated. in a blue, pink and .silverMr. and Mrs. Zack Smith were In

Imotif, which was further used In the

Parrot Tuesday for the funeral of RECENT BRIDE HONORED refreshments consisting of' individual

Mrs. Cook, grandmother of Mr.. Mrs. Dan Lester and Mrs. Allen, cakes, assorted nuts and punch. One

Smith. I Mikell were hostesses at a lovely mls- hundred young guest. danced from 7

J. D. Allen and daughter� Mrs. Wil.! cellaneous shower Saturday afternoon untl] 11 to �he music of .Kelly's Or­

Ham Holzer, spent a few days thisIat the home of JIll'S'. Lester on Park chestra

',At intervals special num�ers

week in Savannah with Mr. and Mrs. Avenue honoring Mrs. Russell White, were g-iven by Paul Waters, KittyJimmy Ellis. , who, before her recent marriage was Kelly, Betty Jean McCall, Sonny

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, nc- Miss Tallulnh Lester. In the living Lightfoot and Gilbert Cone Jr. Mr.I

companied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ,room where thirty-five guests enjoyed and Mrs. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Den- ...""''''''''''''''''....'''''........''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Everett, of Columbia, S. C., lire spend- entertaining contests the decorations mark were' assisted by Mrs. Jack

ing the week in Florida. I I were of arrangements of ,Vhite chl'Ys- Welchel Rnd Mrs. Joe Hodges.Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doi'man were I,anthemums. Mrs. Fred T. Lanier won STATESBORO· GA·RDEN CLl'Bin Abbeville Sunday for the funeral

I �I dainty white handkerchi�I as a prize The Statesboro Garden Club metof his sister-in-law, Mrs. Edgar Dor-I

In the contests. In the dlmngroom nTuesday afternoon with' Mrs. Grady

. man, who died at her home in Rome. color motif of white and g.....n wa�Bland at her home on Park Avenue.

Pvt. Bobby Smith, of Fort Jackson, used. The table was covered with nnwith Mrs. James Bland as co-hostess.

S. C., and Miss Betty Smith, of Wes- exquisite hand-made crocheted cloth

1 The lovely home was decorated withleyan Conservatory, spent last week and centered with a silver bowl filled

chrysanthemums, camellias and driedend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. with white ehrysanthemums and

1 ul'rnngements. Plans for a flowerHorace Smith. greenery. Fi.ve-bra�ched silver can-

show.school to be sponsorelj_ by theCapt. and Mrs. Jesse M. Jones, of delabras holding white burnmg tapers Stutt?Sbol'o Club and the Civic Club

• Lake Village, Ark., have been spend- were placed on each end of the table. ! were discussed Out.of-town instruc­ing the past week here with Mr. and


The hosteslles \Ver� assisted In se�v- tors will be s�cured, and the schoolMrs. H. P. Jones S'r., Mrs. E. Ken- Ipg assorted sandWiches and cookies I wlll'be Feb. 17-19. Mr«. Roy Adamsned� and other relativ.es. 'by Mr•. M. B. Lester and Miss Oath-

of Claxton, gave a helpful talk givingMisses Etta Ann Akms, Jewel H�rt, ryn Lester,' and II1rs: E. C. Ollvar

I instructive information on judging ar­Mary Louise Rimes and Fay Akms! poured tea. Mrs. White was the reo

rangements and living plants. Mem:spent last week end with friends at c1pient of many lovely gifts. Tha� bera carried living plants to thethe Unlveralty of Georgia. They were !from her hostesses was a piece of

meeting, and the blue ribbon wentaccompanied by Mi... Irene Kingery. cry.tal in her chosen pattern. to Mrs. Buford Knight; red to Mrs-.

Miss Shirlely Helmly, UniversityACE HIGH CLUB J. C. Hines, and' white to. Mrs. J. t.

of Georgia student, spent the week . \I h

. ;jllMr. and oMrs. Ray Darley enter-" Bowen. During the socia our �a. "'", end with her parents, Mr. and Mr..

d Ntalned their bridge club delightfully lIuts and coffee were serve. "W-W. E. Helmly, and had as her guest I te dher roommate, Miss Mary Anderson, I.. t Thursday evening at the home of teen members. were n at n ance.,.,of Iowa. Mrs. Darley's parent., Mr. and Mrs. DOUBLE DECK CLUB ,If!

Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Coleman Jr., Ed Preetorlus. Fall decoration� w�re Mrs. H. H. Macon Sr. was hoste ...

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hook and Mr. nttractlvely arranged about the rooms to the members of her bridge clubBnd Mrs. Joe Robert Tillman will and apple pie a'ia-mode was served at a lovely party Tuesday afternoon

spend the week end in Atlanta, and Iwith coffee. Later Coca-Colas, cook- at her home on Savannah Avenue,

�n Saturday attend the Tech-Alabama ie. and candy were sel'Ved. For high which was attractively decorated wi�lIfootball game. score a china hot plate was won by a v.ariety of chrysanthemums and rei\

Mr. and Mrl. Barney Lee Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Rushing; for low ·roses. A salad was served with eof.nedy, of Atlanta, are spending the ·Mr�. Bill OliJr. received a hair j)ruoh, fee. Dried arrangetMnts went toweek here visiting with relatives, and ·iand for'cut. Ben Turner'won a ftash Mrs'. Perry Kennedy for hl�h .co�on Sunday will be present at the fam., light key ring. Present were .Mr. a.nd and to Mrs .. John Striokland for l0'r'ily reunion to ,be held at the home of' Mrs. Rushing, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Olhff, For cut Mrs. Lloyd Brannen receivedMr. and Mrs. E. J. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Turner, Mr. and

a basket bun warmer. Others pIA;t.Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Williams have Mrs. Fred Hodges and Mr. and Mrs. ing were Mrs. Devane Watson, Mrs.

returned from a recent visit in St: Alvin Williams. D. L. Davis, Mrs'. Glenn Jennings,Petersburg, Fla., and were accom- JOINT BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Inman Dekle, Mrs. Jack Carj.pan led home by her mother, Mrs. I. ton, Mrs. Percy Averitt, Mrs. GradyW. Pelote, Who had been spending Jamie Sue Waters and Maureen

Attaway, Mrs. Robert Blnnd an�eometime with her son, Richard Pe- Brannen were honored on their

sec-, Mr J' H y sand birthdays with a joi'lt party giV-

B. 1m a...... .

lote, and family.


Graduation Of Slan 'ToLeave' OpenlngsAs PlsyenOn Their Basketball Outftt

community. Coming, BOme years arofrom tile Liberty county section, theClonts-May pair began raising honeyon the Pembroke highway. They haY.increased in capacity and Improved Inquality since-and are now at ·the topround in excellence.

Mr•. W. D. �nt the week endwith her mother, Mrs. R. R. Walker,.t Hinesville.

Mr. and Mrs. Judson McElveen, of

Savannah, visited relatives here Sun­

day.Mis.. Betty Parrish, of Teachers

College, spent Saturday and Sundaywith her parents here.

Mrs. C. E. Allen, of Atlanta, is

.pending a few days with her par.

ento, Rev. and Mrs'. E. L. Harrfaon.Mrs. Acquilla Warnock \\011 spend

Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. andMr ... James Warnock in Washington,

J:).r.f�. and Mrs. John C. Proctor and

Jackie Proctor visited Mr. and Mrs.

John C. Proctor Jr. Saturday and

Sunday. i •

Miss Anne Akins, who is attendingthe University of Georgia, spent the

week end with her parents, Mr. andMrs. Floyd Akins.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McElveen, OfSavannah, formerly of Brooklet, an­

nounce the birth of a son. He has

!been named J. M. III. IMsis Jimmy Lou Wi1liams', a mem­

ber of the Sanderville school [caulty,.pent the week end with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams.

Friends of Rev. E. L. Harrison are.

Irlad to know he is able to 'be at homeerain a.fter several weeks illness in

Georgia Baptist Hospital in, Atlanta.C. B. Fontaine was called to Ocala,

Fla., this week on account of the.eriou5 illness of Mrs. Fontaine's sis.ter. Mrs. Fontaine ba.s been with herlister for several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs'. J. A. Wynn and Iit­tIe son, Aubry, of Newnan, visitedMr. and Mrs. J. D. Alderman laetweek. Mr. Wynn was called home on

JI��.OWlt of the serious illness of his�

1ather at Portal.Mr. and Mrs.G. D. White entert.un­

ed a large number of Mrs. White'srelatives f'rom Macon, Augusta, Sa·vannah and elsewhere Sunday with a

turkey dinner. Dinner was servedon Ion" tabl... on the lawn. Aboutthlrty.flve enjoyed the happy day.

Mr. and Mrs: J. S. Woodcock had•• their dinner guests Sunday Mr..nd Mrs. Dean Donaldson and !amily,St. Petersburg, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs.Alton Woodcock and family, Mr. andMrs. Floyd Woodcock, Mr. and' Mrs.Durell Donaldson and family, all ofSavannah.


THANKSGIVING SERVICEThe Brooklet and Nevils Methodist

. Youth Fellowship will hav charge of• Thanksgiving service at the Brook­let Methodist church on Thanksgivingmorning at 8 o'clock. The public is in­vited to this meeting. Rev. W. H.Anlley, pastor of the church, will be�he speaker.

• • • •

KIWANIS CLUBThe Brooklet Kiw,nis Club met

Thursday night in the school lunCh .

room and enjoyed a chicken .upper..1. F. Spence presided at the businessmeeting. The speaker of the eV'eningwas Rev. John Wilson, of Tifton, whoconducted a revival meeting at theMethodist churcb here last week.

. . . .

BAPTIST W. M. U. CIRCLESThe Blanche Bradley circle of the

Baptist W. M. U. met Monday after­lIoon with Mrs. D. R. Lee. Mi ... Brad­ley, a returned missionary for whomthe circle was named, was the speak.er of the afternoon.·

The Anna Woodward circle met

IMonday afternoon with Mre. RoyCowart and enjoyed 1\ Royal Serviceprogram.

" . . .

ADULT CLASSThe adult women's class of the Bap.

tilt Sunday school met at...

lJ!e homeo! Mrs. S. R. Kennedy Thursday af­ternoon and enjoyed a program andlOcial hour. Tbe cla.s ..oted to

change the name from Phebean tothe Ella Blackburn'c11l!1£ in honor ofMre. Kennedy'!t motber, who was a

life.long member of the Bapti.tchurch. Tbe hostesses seTTed deli·cious refreshments.



SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSThe Libnah class of the BaptiEt

Sunday school met Monday afternoonat the home of M'rs. Coley Boyd.Thirteen members were present. M1"'8.Lee Holmes Bazemore, vice-president,prelided during the busine ... session.Thc g'roup enjoyed a study of theBook of John dirrlcted by Mrs. W. W.Mann. The next meeting will be a

Christmas party at the home of Mrs.Ben Grady Buie. During the socialhour the hostess served refresh_nts.


The Brooklet cagers split a double.header game Friday night on the local"ourt, where they played the strongNevils teams before a packed house.The Brooklet girls lost 26 to 28, andthe boys won' 43 to


40.Both games were nip and tuck

· fr.om start to finish. Neither side en­

joyed a comfdrto:ble lead ,at any pe­riod of the games.

In the girls' game Brooklet had thevisitor'S trailing 23 to 21 at the haU.In the ,last quarter the Nevils team


overcame the defeat and gained three. extra points.

In the boys' game the Nevils quin.tet took the leall and kept it most ofthe time up to the last. quarter, whenthe team .. were tied. However at the1ast Brooklet was three points ahead.

TOBACCO GROWERS, why not plantan early crop in '53? Step up your

profits $200 to $400 per acre, in ton·age, in quality, and in price; placeyour orders with BILL MIKELL,phone 719, ALTMAN PONTIAC CO.,phone 407, agents for Sunrise PlantCo. Delivery is guaranteed on plantg..ny time id!ter March 16th. (230ct6tp)


COCK'TAIL Z 45�No. 303Canl




No. 303Cen

No. 21Can









1a-LB. ...UE .......E RAVORF1Jl.

MESHBAG .�.,onnaise



'1,7'.*** W"�,� lOUR CtlOItIIN



4's and 5�sCARTON






Bananas 2lbs. 2Sc,


Celery 3's 1De

MilRR!'•• BlCE



·SOUT., SBOBE .:=,










BOVllQ» '1'••0_,.....0.. 0.IIIIi ......




sh••ld .




'18'li�!ri SE�, �:nl 35° Siewia"i, Beel15� POP··CORN'l�. 11°43f. :lic.s Z Pkg..

_ ,011 ° CEiEAI. 1 !��: 313� iC


17° ANGEI.US ���z. ZOo it.ciDjR••,S' 3 J.n 190 iC

iiBE MIX ':��z: 3'70 t!.��i1iCT ':,. 38- !CRUST MIX 9��. 1,0. iC


Lb.. �_ Sou the", Maaor Fnait CUeIa 110 wonderfully freeh aDd ..ai.t •

Lb.(.... lI",t that way by. the double·

guard of • re·uoable eel·

10phlUle bag IUld tin con·

lainer), the slices· may'tend ta ding together.

Simply insert a lmire�t'w..,n them, andthe slie"" win, f a I I

apart into perfect,uniform aervinp.

Lb. 69�l-LB. SitE I 3!-LB. SIZE

'181.99·�1·85caUSI'MIX a·<n.




G.oand ·Beel'49�Lb.







.... PumpkinComplete A,uo,.tm!nt


thel' 100 plet .ere baked be'ore ,hi. ellcellen& recipe ... per­recied. Ii m.ke... rlGb, cream" .p1C1 pie.

1 tea.po;n .Cllnn.moa

"" i4sspoon rlhrel'HI """'POOh powdered cloys

1 No. SOlI can pampkln1 I-Incb Dabaked p.''''' .hell

Beat IlIP .U,bU,.. Md .'.el' Inl1'edlenu: ahr ..ell. Poa .. hato....ry .hell. Bake 1111 hoI ann. 425 de"."•. 11\ min.te•. Red.ceheat t.o lIIoderale, 3M de,rrces, an4 continue bakln, &5 mln.te•or .lIItll • knlle IlIIaerte. 1111 aenter come. out clean. Sene warmwltb wblpp04 crea.... lIakes 1 IHub pie.


rer bOhamaUn, IIIIIormaUoh and recipes write: NancJ Cartu.Dlreelor 0' RODie £ColllomtH, Colonial 8tore' Inc.. P.O. 80S'"358,-AUanta, 0••


DIAl. •

2. :�;." J7e



7����. 2.5e



. Dog Food






12 - '16 East Main' Street •••• Statesboro, Ga.

.-�_;_�--SD_AY-AR-N_i-·�--�';_�_9�_2-1-.----smso=-..:--=N--;NEw;·-�Sf'-1'7JLEE�;�;;;:�D;;a-;;i.�;�siANB-:'ill�:T::::'7��-;°a::R:�';�··:�:�:�N::ow:l�iii!iiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-=:iiiJ�I._iiiiiiiiiiifili.iR�·iiI Require That very ·A


LDRED BROSMr. und M rs, U Ginn and fam- J. I. Newman Is undergoing treat- Mrs. Bruce Pro�set and dnught�r� B s· K B k.


31y visited Mr. and Mrs'. J. H. Ginn ment at the Veterana Hospital in spent Sunday with IIlr. and Mrs. BlOISU ,ne.s. eep 00 S' ,

•SlInday. . 'Dublin. Prosser. "Th. Id•., S"lem" MUll All TnMiss Harriett May, of G.S.C.W.,· Mrs. Hattie Robbins and son, Leslie The 0. A.'s met at the church last and Bu.in... R.,quiremenll QUALITY MEATS AND GROCLRIES'Milledgeville, spent the week. end with are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Johnny King Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. A. The 'Income Tax Law requires and

her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. May. at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. I J. Knight as leader. t�e GoverRl,;,e.nt demands that �very FRESH VEGETABLESMr. and Mrs. H. H. Zettel'ower and 1 The November meeting of the Farm M, r. and Mrs. Fate Baird, of.Bates-linn or indiVIdual engaged in busi- I

F kli N ness keep such perrnenenr books of •••••••••••IIJ!IIII _•..ran In were Friday evening guests. Bureau will be held Wednesday, o·,lburg, S. C., visited relatives here accounts and records of alt businessof Mr. and M rs, Wm. Cromley at vembej- �6th, at the Log Cabin.

I' during the Week end. DlILANY-ALL GREEN'


. transactions BS are necessary to es-rooklet. Large congregations are attending' Mr. and 111; rs, Dubois, of Savannah, tablish the amount of gross incomeMr. and Mre. Gibson Water� left the revival being held here at the

1spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. deductions, credits, net Income and Baby LeiR1a'

5 25cduring the week for an extended visit Pre.b�'terlan church this week. and M ...·. Edgar Joiner. other Information required by an in.with Mr. and Mrs.. Lamar Waters in Mis ..e. Leona Newman and Betty Mr. and Mrs. Oswald -Grooms, of caine tax return, and to produceMemphis, Tenn. Harden, of Teachers College, spent I 01lver� visited his motber, M rs, Rilla such book. and record. for the in-Mr. and M.rs. H. H. Zetterower and -the week end Ilt their homes here. Grooms, Sunday afternoon..' spection of Internal revenue officers.'Mn. Wm. H. Zelterower and Linda 1\lr, �d M.... I.ee Hollingsworth I Mr. and' Mrs. Bob Brannen and Every firm or IndiVIdual engaged invisited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zetter· :spent Sunday with her slster, Mrs. children were visitors' In Nashville, busln_;'a) all; "ith�er the;, have .toower Sunday afternoon. Wiley Parker, and Mr. Parker in SYI-I Tenn., durinr the week end. pay Income tax or not, mu.t I<eep

Mr. and Mrs.. Aubrey Barnhill and ..-anla. Sgt. Addison Minick left Thu ....day such books and, records.family aud .Mrs. CololjI Rushing and I PVt. M. L. Miller Jr., of Fort Jack_I for Porto Rico, where he will b. Bu.....n of Proofdaughter Annette, of Savannah, vis- son, S. C., �pent the week end with stationed. Hi. wife will join him The burden of proof rests with theited Mr. and Mrs. L. H.Hagin Sunday. hi. pa1'1!lnts, Mr. and Mr... M. L. la"'r. . ., firm or .Indivldual who Is required to

Week-end gue.ts· of Mrs. R. T. Sim- Miller: I Franklin Lee, of the University of keep books and records jn conditionmons were Mr. 'and Mn. M. Y. Pen- Mrs. Aar9n McElveen .pen�. the Georgia, Athens" spent the week end for quick audJt by Internal revenue

I', I k d ..tth h d ht M

Iwi h office... and tb prove the amount ofington and Bobby, Johnnie and Itt e wee en' er aug er, rs, t his parents, Mr. end Mrs. Hal'- Ita net Income. Ignorance of the law.dau»hter, Mary Emma, of Savannah. Fred Bohne" and Mr. Bohne in Sa- ry Lee. \ excuses no one. Booka and recordsWistar Denmark and Joe Adams, of vannah.

.Mr. and Mrs. B. f>. Stalcup had ... must be kept fo. at least five yearsEast Point, and T. C. Denmark, of I' Avant Edenfield, of the University guests .Sunday Mis. Blanche Stalcup for inspection. .Atlanta, were guests last week of of Georgia, Athens, spent the week· and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Newman, all Paull I..

Mrs R. T. Simmons and Mr. and Mr.. end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Iof Savannah. The Revenue Act provide. penal-Thomas Simmons. . I Perry Edenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver White and ties up to ,10,000 and imprisonment

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jane .. had as Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lee Jr. spent children, of Stateo'boro, spent Sun· up to five years, together 'wlth costsdinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. the week end in SylVania with his sis- ,day 'with her parents, Mr. 'tnd Mrs. of prosecution, for willful failure toHoyt Griffin' and daughter, Harriett; tel's', Mrs. Audry L. Bland and M rs, G. E. F. Tucker. pay income tax, make a return, keepMr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Zetterower arid F. Hartsfield, and families. -. I Mrs. Leon Tucker and daulrhter, records, supply any Infonnatlon,Linda, and Mr. and IIlra. H. H. Zet- MI'8. Lee HollIngaworth WIll leave Claudette, and Miss' Gloria Brown, of truthfully account for and pay over '.terower and Franklin. Sunday for Plainfield, N. J., where Savannah, were visitors here durinlr any tax required by law or regula-,• •• •

< she will villt her daughter, !"Irs. Hen- the week end. tiona, or for attempting in any man-

HARVILLE W.�.S. ry F. Martin, and Mr. Martin.H K


h B P kner to evade or defeat any tax im·.

The regular meeting of the Har- The November meeting of the' orace n� t, of rewton ar er posed by the Revenue Act. Other

IIville W.M.S.· was held Thursday eve. , P.:T.A was held Wednesday afternoon College, Mt. ernon, visited hi. par- sections of the Revenue Act pro-

ning at the church under the leader. , WIth. the president, Mrs'. M. L. Miller, "nt�, Mr. and Mrs. Ulmer Knight, vidbs additional penalties, ranging• dl ..... hi d d' d' during the week end from 5 % of, and in addition to, theship of the new president, Mrs. M. D .: p.resl ng. r ae t r an semor gra es


tax due" far negligence In making alShort. Mr�. Morgan Waters had I tied for the room prize for having the The R. A.'s observed Focus Weekreturn, failure to make and file a

charge of the program, an "Awakencd, most m.othero !,resent. A social hour �Yldleadinghthe devotional at the Lee-return, or for' any �art of any de­

Nigeria Learn.' of Love" In which the was enjoyed WIth Mrs'. M. ·P. Martin, e. chure last Sunday night, withf'


d t f d with Itt Id' M MEl Mrs. Gordon Cribbs, Mrs. J. H. Cook Charle. Tucker, ambassador-ln-ehief, iciency ue 0 rau'" '

n ent 0members participate: rs. . .

d MAil' D I h in charge evade income tax. Soeial SecurityGinn, Mrs. B. F. Woodward, Mrs. H. an rs, 180n ea ostesses·.'

\ and other tax laws' contain similar:H Zetterower, Mrs. John D,iggers,

' .

Mr. lind M .... N. G. Cowart had as provisions. • IMrs. Wm. H. Zettetrower, Mrs. Mol'- -

NEVILS '1T1mTSguests Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mre·. "THE IDEAL SYSTEM," design.jgan Waters', Mrs. Tom Ruckel' and "j' t�"Bud Bowman, Miss' Frances Deal and ed by a former Government expert,!

Mrs. Sudie Howell. Mrs'. B. F. Wood· Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brown and son, is a complete simplified bookkeeping Iward' will have charge of the pro· all of Statesboro. system and and tax record-all in

Igram in Dec�mber. ,

Mis's Maude White was in Savannah Miss Lucille Prosser, of Savllnnah, one book. It makes perfect book·• • • • Satuday On business visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. keeping a pleasure ... '1leets all fed·

BROTHERHOOD CLASS Miss Penny SIIe Trapnell was din. Bioi. Prosser, lIuring the week end, eral and state tax requirements. iThe following men met at trye: ner guest Sunday of Gloria Young.' and had as her guest Miss Sunl'Y Each record book is designed and·

M d M C.

M It arranged for a s p.e c i fie type of!church Thursday evening under the I .

r. an rs. arrle e on wero Collins, of S'avannah and ColIIlI.. business. On sale at $3.85 each at.-Ileadership of Rev. M. D. Short and .dmner guests -Sunday of ,Mr. and MI'S. The Leefield W.M.S. met at the KENAN'S PRI'NT SHOP I'ornanlzed a Brotherhood class: J. H. Josh Martin. church Monday afternoon witli the 27' Seibald S�. Slat.boro, Ga.Ginn, M. E. Ginn, Tom Rucker, Bill I Mrs. A. A. Waters, of Savannah,

\ president, Mrs. Harry Lee, presiding.-

(Advertisement)Zetterower, H. H. Zetterower, Frank-, was the w�ek.end gust, of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bradley arranged the pro- Ilin Zetterower and Morgan Waters.

IC. H. Martm. j

.' I gram from Royal Service, also led FOR SALi-Qu�ker fuel 011 henterMr. and Mrs. Wiltonf �shm� �ere Ithe devotional. Thirteen ladi ... wcre 'in good condition. MRS. CHAS.DAVIS-ELLIS· I' spend-I.he day guest. o. r. an rs. present, all taking part on the pro. RLAND, Rt. 3, Box 20, Statesboro, IMiss' Vera Mae Davis and Jar.k Hulon Brown Sunday gram.. G (6 v2t) :-

IJI!I•••••••Floyd Ellis were uniteH in marliage 1 Mr. and Mrs Litt Allen, of State ..-a. no p ..

"", "

Nov. 7th at the home of the bride's, boro, were week...,nd gu... ts of Mr. ---------- ...'-------......-----=--'-'''-'''----.----------

mother. Mrs. Ellis is the d'aughter of and M,'•. Wilton Rowe.Mrs. W. H. Davis and the late Mr.1 Mr. and Mrs. J! W. Sikes arid son

Davis', of Brooklet. The double.ring, Joel were Sunday evening. guests .r

ccremony was performed by the.Rev'l Mr. and MrS'. Gordo,\ LeWIS..

John R. Joiner In the presence of the. M,·S. Walton NesmIth and chIldren,family. The bride WOI'e a navy �uit, Judy a�d Mn�ty, and C. J. Martinwith accessories to match. Mr. and

Iwere VIsitors In .Savllnnah FrIday.

Mrs. Ellis will make their home in MI'S. W. D. Sands, of ,Daisy, andStatesboro. Mr. Ellis is the son of

IMrs' John G. Helmuth �ere guests of

Mr. and Mrs. Remer Ellis. _Mr. and Mrs. C, J.<MartlP Sunday.

-�-------------I Little Shel'l'Y Futch, of'Statesboro,Teachel1s College ·T.eam I wlis' the guest of her grandparents,

RI' •

C G--

dIIfr. nnd Mrs. Chancy Futch, Saturday

omps on'. amp or on night.Indications are �hat Georgia Teach.' Master Jan'cs Harry Lewis and Miss

ers College has come .uP with another I Wyndol Blal?ck were sl'end.the.d,,:yd· b k' tb 'II t th P • . guests of MI�s Shelton Jean LeWIS

goo, as e a ,ea� as e rOJ.es- Swuioy.sor quintet· romped to an 81-'69 ex.j ·Mlss Winifred Ruggs and Miss Ma­hibitiotl· victory over a larger onc ;Tie. Melton were guests SU·i.UdY of

more experienced Camp Gordon squad, Mr.. and Mr�. Dewel' Martin and Mrs.

'at Wadley Saturday night. Forward Jame Mal·lIn..

... . ,MI'.• and Mrs. Juhan Hodges, ofBobby PhIllips, \\Oth 20 pomts, led a

Savannah, visited 1'111'. and Mrs. O. H.14-ma!) attack which included 15 .Hodges and Mr. and M,'•. D. B. Ed·points by Guard J·im 11arley imd 10 monds ·Sunday. I

points by Chester Webb substitute Mr. and Mrs..Cohen Laniel' and

t r. TIl Profs took � final 'Iead daughter �immje Lou were, dinnercen e e

. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Mobleyafter 13 minutes and bUIlt up a 10•. in Savannah Sunday.


poirt margin in thc third quarter. i M,'. and Mrs. Waite!' Nesmith an'!

LADIES CIRCL'" SPONSORS . children, Judy and Marty, were spend-

'"AS BAZAAR theCday guests Sunday of Mr: andCHRISTm ' Mrs. H .. W. Nesmith.

The Ladies Circle of the Primitive I The childl'en of Mr. and MI'S. WyleyBaptist Church will hold their annual. Davis hollored her with, a birthdayChristmas bazaar on Thurs.day, Dec. dinner Sunday at h�r home with a

4th, at the 'South Main street entrance large crowd attending. .'

o the Sea Island Bank building. I Mr. and Mrs. ,JImmie Bagwell andCaKes, pie., candy, sandwiches and daughter Suaan, of Savannah, visitedcoffee will be sold, a1so novelties for Mr. and Mrs. O. H, Hodges and Mr.Christmas gifts. Any assistance that '.and· Mrs. 8. H. Hodges' Sunday.the ladies of the church can give in j Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Anderson, offurnis'hlng these item� will be

great-ISavannah, visited their parents, Mr.

Iy appreciated. and M.... H. H. Godbee and Mr. and.. i· - - Mrs. J. L. Anderson du�ing the \reek

I I end.For BeUer Impressions ,Mr. and ·Mrs·. A. E. Mitchell and

son Louis, and Mr. and Mrs. AustinL�wls and sons, Carlton and Dewain,were dinner tuests' Sunday of llir.and M.s. G. A. Lewis.

Mis's Jan Brown, Paul Lane, MissWilla Dean Nesmith and Jack Rush·ing atten'ded the Hank Williams con·'

cert at the Municipal Auditorium inSavannah Sunday evening'.

Mr. and tt1rs AUbrey Stokes anddaughter�, Mrs. Mamie Haygood, of

Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. RudolphFutch, Mr. and Mrs. Harold W,aters,Ed Martin nnd. lilt.. and Mrs. Chancy

. Futch were guests Sunday of Mr. and,Mrs. Billy Futc\l, in Statesboro.

[ . NEVIL-S -THEATER!, .• Starts Saturday ..fterll�on at 5:30,"Six Gun Man," starring' Bdh Steele,Iland 9th chapter of 'IIron Claw."Sta!'ts Sunday ,,{temoon .at 6 o'clock,

I"The Desperados," starring Randolph

I Scott; Emelyn Keyes, Glen Ford and'. I)the",. Also 9th chapter of "De""rt



Marshmallows 19c,'.


Puffin Bis(u·i:ts 1',Qc,NEW WINpSOR (303 cRn)

'SVleet '�eas 25�2 FOR





'INSTANT WHIT�Dt!vils Food S')Vansdown

"CQke Mix 32cKINGHAN'S BREAKF.AS:r (ceUo pack)


49c'RED ROSE-Seml-Bonele88 POUND


. ,

SEE THE NEW INTERIORS) Luxuriousnew uphristery ... distinctive new door panels

Just Arriyed!I,


It's ThriUmgTo Look AI! Sensational.To Drive! Come In And See For ·Y.ourself!SEE THE NEW FRONTI Handsome new

grille ••• huge new one-piece curved wind­shield . . • glamorous new chrome fendermouldingsl Beautiful New Air-Vent Hoodl

: •• beautiful new grained inst;rument paneland garnish mouldings •• , all harmonizin&with body colors.

TERRIFIC ENGINE POWER I De SotoFire Dome V-8 has the mi,hty 160 'hone­power engine • • • newest, mOlt powerfuldesign in America.

SEE THE NEW BACKI New, longer, swept­back fenders ... new, wider, sweep'around one­

piece rear window' ... new, lower, wider rear

deck .•. over 40% more luggage spacel New,�arge combination tail and back-up lights. PLUS E!J.Y..,POWER STI;ERINGI Makes

parking easy as dialing a telephonel Also,Power Brakes for faster, easier stops . • •

Fluid'Torque Drive for Ii,htning pick-up.OUR PRINTI�GHELPS YOl{ TO


Many businessmen can

check off � fist-full of p'rint·ing needs they can use. IIImost instances we are'pre­pared to fill this needquickly, economically andprofessionally. Call on 'u�at any time for assistance ..

Telephone 297-M

The Dome of Good PrlDtlDlrI NOTIOE, ·JURORS.

I GEORGIA-Bulloch County.All jurors' who served at the Octo­

·ber term, 1962, Bulloch Superior'Court and who were not excused, are

hereby notilled to be and appear �orservl�e at the adjourned term which

•...............11' will conyens on Monday morning, N�­

i vem�r 24th,. at 9 o'clock•.

'Por' Better, 101*,,-••.., I ," HATTI'E POWEIJ., Clerk,,


B�� �rl9r Coul'l;,

South Main St. Extension'

Stat••boro, ·Ga.At the reBr of the Rocker

building (Andersonville)B. P. FI'kE DOME V.R and POWERM�Sl'ER

E�er.tt Motor .CompanySEE 160 SIX




ro:..:::..:'U:..;rt�_.;,;:_=_.. ,C'::i.i......r"".n.:;:;;_...N;:.:;-_..;:.-�_r""'......rr""'=_.._.;..__-============B=UL=LOCtl==TlMES AND 8I'ATESBORO NEWS


·Franklin Foss. of Pulaski. is one ofAND the students named to represent Geor-

ST TESHORO NEWS gia Tech in the 1953 puublicutionTHE to. "Who's Who Among Senior. in Amer-ican Mniver ities ar..·j olleges." Heis a graduate of. Statesboro HighSchool. selection !·o "Who's Who"is based on scholarship, leadershipand the promise of usefulness. Mr.Foss. son of Mrs. and Mrs. D. L,Foss, of Pulneki, is mRjorinJr in In.dust.rial Engine.ring.

Veterans Make Gift.

To County HospitalAt a meetinr of lho) Veterans of

Foreign Wars Po t 5&95 Tuesda�·. No.vember I tho a report was mad. 01'Commander J. B. Williams of t,hopresentntion of 11 check for $400 tthe Bulloch Count)' Hospitnl for ex­

pansion of the nursery, Plans for "

Christmas part)' were talkd over and�t·W8.S requested t.h.t R specia! meat­Ing be called for next Tut>sda�- Ilight Ifor the �pecific purpose .of' discussingthe lenstng 01 certain SUitable quar­ters for the \ FW R me. It is do-Isired t.hat nil members be present Ilt!.hilt particular m�ting n"xt Tue.daynight- at the court house 3(. 'i' o'clock.A ,,",mber.hip dr-ive will be I!"'Uingunder ,,"al' the first of Deromber.

FC?R .SALE-Kunln,e n."It",•• unleatndl(�asJ camelBa japonicR nun-

din"". hinese holll' Rnd .11' otherhrubbet;'; sll state illi'p,,,,il'd at my

place. �ms. GR..... DY CH J.JAN.Brooklet, GR. (SOocUtp)FOR RENT-Two lArge un:urnished

rooms, prh'3te bathJ 8ereened ;nporch R.nd private. ent.rnnce; hot wa­

ter. gnrage and garden, adults only.MRS. J. W. HODGES. 110. College

..nou�e�ard. phone 369-M. (150eUte)AVAILABLE AT ON E-Good Raw.

leigh business. Sellisg experiencehelpful but not required. Cal' neces­

sary. \Vrit.e at once for particulars.RAWLEIGR·S. Dept. GAK. 1040-TT,NashVille. Tenn. (20novltp)


tFOR SALE-IOO acres. 80 cultivnted.ANTIQUES-Be different; sentlmen -

good land. six _ room houS<! in fairally culturl'd if yOIj must. but be

condition. 4-1/2 acres tobacco allot.right with a 'fine old piece 01 china,

ment. 11 acres peanut allotment 8W'HAT ABOUT glass. copper Or charming old print miles Statesboro'. price .10.000. jO.

for your next gift. Even if you don't S'f'

BLACKLEG? kno� what you are looking for. youIAH ZETTEROWER. (ltp)

Q: Are all farm animal••ubjolet &e will very likely find it in our recent- STRAYED OR STOLEN - One red

blackl_l. or I",t cattlet II' replenished show rooms. YE hound, dog and two black houndOLDE WAGON WHEEL, Antiques, puppies I1'0m Foy's Ginnery on Zet­U. S. 301. South lIlain Extension. terowel' Avenue. Tuesday. Nov. 11;'Statesboro, Ga. reward for infor.mation leading to re�

FOR SALE-Ten-piece mahogany din. covery of same. I. M. FOY. (20-It)ing room suite. MRS. W. G. GROO- FOR SALE. PIANO-Lovely upright

VER. phone 66S-J. (13novlt piano with bench; will sell for bal­

FOR SALE-Few select young Duroc anoe owing rather than truck back

male hog�. FRED G. BLITCH; Rt. to Athens; if interested in seeing this

4. Statesboro. phone 4030. (13nov_�tp) instrument write P. H. DURDEN.SALE-Allfalldresses greatly Ire' owner. 15& E .. Clayton St .• Athens. Ga .

duced; see me line of dolls and (20novltp) . ,

to� at the CHILDREN'S, SHOP. LOS.T-On the old Prectorin road' to-

Q: Ho", d_ (ISnov2tp) ward Brooklet M<mday. a pursobladd•• aett FOR SALE _ Choice residence lot in containing $15 in currency and small

A: Firat symp. Brooklet on Lane avenue. paved ohange; also small trade tickets fromtom' are dulln_ street. See B. B. NEWMAN. Stilson. Denmark'. store; will pay suitable re-


.... and· J 8 m fa n e... Ga. (200ct2tp)ward to finder. MRS.' D. B. BLAND,

--...... Victims develop FOR SALE-135 ...,res. 65 cultivated.Rt. I. Statesboro. (lip)

a lever. lose appetite, .how d.best grade of land. four-room -res- STRAYED OR-STOLEN - One-red

pression. Swelling. caused by the dla-iden.. ; price $13.&00. JOSIAH ZET- hO)lnd dog and two black hound

eaGe have a crinkling. Ussu ...paper TEROWER. (20nuovltp puppies from Foy's Ginnery on Zet-leellng If they are touched.

NO TURKEY SHOOT-The turkeyterower Av.enue. T!:'esday•.Nov. 11;

Q: Bow _ioUi .. blacl&l.. tshoot as


advertised for Lehman :'ewanl for tnfol'Dlatlon leadtng'to re-

InI�t!:t l:a��al,!;a;a:I •.;�:��::.:: RU1!hing·. store on NoV'. 22. hDJl been covery of same. I. M. �0...!:__<_2�lt)ment .. Karted In time. call1'd ofr. ' (20Jt0vlt.) MAKE $50 AND UP each _ek.

Q: How _ ... d_ be _. FOR SALE-50 acres 3G' cultivated 'I Take orders for Anlerica's largest._\edt live-room house. fi�e miles fro"; lei ling. nationally a�vert,i� LIQUID

A: All calvel In �Iackleg ..... Statesboro" price f5 000. JOSIAH FERTILIZER; no Investment; eom­

should be vaccinated when three or ZETTEROWER.·•

(2Ono.. lt) millions paid daily. Send only $1four months old. In .ome ..._ H-E'LP-WA-NTED _ Experienced (refund� on IIrst order) for fullwhere 'compllcated' blackleg II I; grower to take care of six or eight

sales kIt and sample�. "Na.Churs...hlWlrd. veterinarian. may UIe a com- acres of tobacco. E. R. WARNOCK.

SO C Monroe St .• Mancn. OhiO.olned vaoclne lor best proteetlon. Rt. I. Statesboro. Ga. (13nov2tp) (20noV'ltp) \

Compllc8tfd' ,blackleg I. cauN'Cj by FOR !tENt-Fin-room dwelUng No. --------------...!..----------------------------..,.t",o dillerent germs. 119 Inman street; available about

cu?:� Wh,en I. hla...I•• IlIlel, 10 .. Dec. 1st. Call R..M. Benson. CHAS.

A. Th clan I dur' .E. CONE REALTY CO .• INC. (lip). e foral ger oea&on' .

"W NT F-

. .. ,,,,,". .

II.ng the spring and summer n10ntha A - arm for 19,,3 u, .goOl!' on-

"'h�n cottle are on pasture. Farmen est farmer on 50 ...50 baSIS; tractor

(.lay wrongly blame blackleg 10_ on or mules and cultovator.. CLYDE

19htnlng or poisonous plan 1£ NEELY. Rocky Ford. G

.....Rt. '2. (It

I'Q: Whet .howd be done with ear· TURKEY SHOOT-There will be a

Few people realize how little of ' ....c.' � animal. ,,'hlch have dIed turkey shoot Saturday morning.the food buyer's money stays with rMm hlnel.rcg! Nov. 22nd. at LEHMAN RUSHING'S

Ii\: They should be burned or burled STORE. beginning at 10 o·c1ock.the store as profit. And what is true deeply under lime to prevent the IJI. (13nov2tp)of lood is true. to varying degrees. of roetion rrom spreading. =,,""'A.,..,.N�T=E==D'---=O�"-a-t'e---c-l'O-p-p-e-r-��0-r-I"'9"5"'3all forms of merchandising. The NOTE-Due 10 spaco IImltatlolll. for about 40 acres good lan&·

to-Imodern store, chain and independent, general questions f!Bnnot be hO:'ldled bacco aBotment, peanuts an.d �orn.works on the principle of big volume by this column. J. B. BOWEN. Rt. I. Statesboro. Ga.

and small unit profits. It provides (20nov2tp.")=-=_I ......

"'" with an essential service at anare not on the ball. 1:1 -you are a FOR SALE-75 acreE'. 60 cultivated, I

amazingly modest charge. I dentist, plumlber, harber,. preacher, best grade of land, good house, run-

1-01 what-you are breedmg a scab ning water, five miles of Statesboro;

Here's The Low Down on your very own future when you �,��e $8.750. JOSIAH ZEYs�!�;:iFr H· k

sit idly by as a socialist Govt. drivesFOR SALE-115 acres. 36 ni -cultiva-om IC ory Grove into your town with its' calliope blar-


be . ..tion. good dwcllhtg and' outbuild-

Just en perusin' a piece aboutIIlg and flags wavlOg. There 15 0115- ings; located 1-1/2 miles from Den-

Pennsylvania. and how in that land Iery in the offing for' you if you shrug mark. Call R. M. Benson. CHAS. E.

of line cooks and d'electable dishes it off..' -

CONE REALTY CO .• INC. (Ito)-<Iishes like ponhaus and 100 others Yours with the low d�wn. FOR SALE-239 feet on Bulloch St .•

_¥y- are upsetting the socialist up· JO SERRA. extends 1rom J. B. Ru�ing's fillingpie cart argumenh. Arguments that station to Walnut .trpet; price $'7.-Govt. operated and dominated elec. NOVELTY CLUB MAKES

000. Call R. M. Benson. CRAS. E.

tric "ower is the one and only way

ICONTRIBUTION . CO�E REALT� C:::O.• �NQ;....(20�ovlt)

to k taO bl d fl.

h. FOR RENT-Five-room unfurnishedrna e a s te oom an OUTI' The members of the Novelty Club apartment; reasonable rent; de-like the Biblical green bay tree. gave i'5 to Mrs. W. W. Edge to b" sirable location; available December

Pennsylvanill is flourishing - it is applied on the overseas JUts and the 1. See WALTER JONES. 447 Southamong the lowest of all states in Christmas stockings' for Lawson Gen- College street. �holle 432-R. (1�nvl)public ownership of ita power. It has eral Hospital. FOR SALE-356 ac ..... 45 in cultiva-but a little over one per cent of its tion. beautiful country home. pond;power publicly owned. (1)n the Pu- . Attention, Farmers! located on pa\'ed road two miles fromcillc Northwest where socialist power

Brooklet. Call R. M. Benson. CHAS.Will give you one dairy calf if you E CONE REALTY CO INC ( )practically dominates the picture. the will rai� one for me to three and a ...:._. __

.• _. ltpthreat of power shortage looms-and half months old. Can furnish as many WANTED AT ONCE-Man with car

constantly. as you can handle. If interested. for Rawleigh business in Bullochplease write me for complete details county: no 'capito:! needed. Write

Ilsecurjty is what a district craves. nnd tell me how many you would be immediately to RAWLEIGH·S. Dept.ite best bet is to invite in th", Govt. interested in. GAK. I040-R0M. lIlemphis. Te'nn.With same will come tax eXe'ffipt EARL G. FOI,SOM, (6no\'Stp) ,

dams - bureau boys galore - more I' 701) E. Broward Blvd. FOR S.�LE-Deming shallow watertaxes on your own domicile. . Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. pump' with' .all fittings. ill A-1 con-

Folks who sit around anl pal' Iit-dition 'at a' bargain. See HUGHLON

tl h d thO k' 't' t th' b b ICONTACT dny member of A.A.U.W. BROWN at Hoke BrunSQn. Buick� ee, .m lng.l ,IS no elr a YI if you need a good ironing board placet East Main sheet, S�Rtesb�ro.

this creepmg 1!oclaitst s·courge. they cover. (20novUp) (�Onovlte)

D .. B. TURl'iER. Editor-OWner.

'IUBSCRIPTION 12-0(, PER yEARSales Tax 6c additional

Entered as second-'c1ass matter March 23,1��' ��d!�e t�:st1��ceottc:p�;:::or�iMarob 8. 1879.


A TRUE DEMOCRATWhen I was young. the G.O.P.

Ruled the land of the brave and

free,The poor got skinned. while the rich

got fat- '

It sure was rough for a Democrat.

In Thirty-two times sure were bad.A pot of beans was' all I had;

My belly shrank and my rear grewflat-

That's why today I'm a Democrat.

Pork chops sold for a dime a pound.But in my jeans I never 10un4-


The price of a piece of "old porkfa�"-

They damned ..ar .tan'ed theDemocrat.

Now J don't know. but I've heard tellThat all Republicans go to hell.

While the donkey', friends in the landgrow fat- •

'Cause the Good Lord loves a Dem-ocrat.

My eyes have dimmed and my stepshave slowed, •

My face is wrinkll'd and my backisbowed, .

My hair is' gray and feet., are tlat­But by the Graee of God, l'm still a


A Lesson in EconomicsA GROUP O'F OMAHA ..,hool teach-

ers was recently given an inter­

esti.ng less'on in the economjcs or re·


A chain store s'_J"stem ent.ert..uinedthe teachers as part of " Business­

Industry-Education Day. A shoppln;rbooket full of groceries was collect­ed in advance. Totaling $10 in re­

tail value. the bsaket held a typicill1T0cery order. including so-called

"long profit" items a8 welt ns those

on 'which the margin is unbelie...ably8'mall.

The items were taken from the!lasket one by one. the selling priceof each announced. and the teachers

were asked to job down how much

they thought the compan:,: h09 p<tidthe producer for them: Guesses

ranged from a low of $4,J 5 to a high'9.35. The actual IIgure was ,8.28...hlch gave the store a 2ross prollt of

,1.72.. lThen the cost which had to be de­

ducted 'lIe!ore net profit could befound were detailed. .They includedularies, rents, advertising, a.nd 80

on. f6r a total of $1.595.Thi. left a profit M 12 � cento on

the 'lOonier. When the discount of

t;1Je company receives' :for promptpayment of bills was added. it came

to 17� cents. Out of that. came nineftnu for income taxes, leaving about

eight conts. That. it was explained,W88 the company's actual net profit_.,igth-tenths of one cent on eachdoUar of .·al..... It was the amountavailable to pay dividends to stock­

"olders. to amortize debts. and to

finance expansion.

F_r...er'.Que.tlonCorner �



&.trim ' H..

'If 11111,11..1 ..

A: Principally young cattle b<>o

tween six months and two yp.ars of

age. Goats and .heep are also suscep­tible. but other animals are appar·ently Immune.

Q: What o.au... InA: Blackleg I. caused by a sporp.

lormlng germ which can live In the

ground lor years. 11 may enter an

..nlmal·s body through small cUtl andpunctures In the .1:ln. or throughgrazing.

THURSDAY. NOV. 20, 1952

Popular Eating Place.

Practically Total LossThe' NicNac Grill. popular eating

place on East Main street near the

Times office. operated for many years

by R. C. Webb. was practically de­in Japan and Korea.

RETURNS TO DUTYBilly Olliff. U.S. Navy. left Satur-

day to return to Sa? Francisc? after

pending three weeks with hl� par­

ents. Mr. and Mrs Lester Olliff. Sea­

man Olliff has recently' returned to

the states after two and a half yeara

stroved early this morning by lIameswhich apparently originated in the JUDGE PLAYSkitut .,� The fire depnrtment re-. Mrs. George H. Byrd. Mrs. Jimmyspended, and a large crowd assembled Gunter and Lewell Akins served 88

'by the call. but the blaze had gone judges for the district plays held

_to_0_f_a_r_,_,'_h_en_i_t_w_a_5_d_i_s·c_0_v_e_red_.__..!..M_o_n.:,d_ay:_e_v_e_ning at Odom.

. . . .

N �O T I C·E·!The' home place of the late' R.' F.

Lester has net been sold but will beoffered for sale. on the first Tuesdayin December, 1952.

This November 17, 1952 ..

Mrs.- Leah Lester Mann

BriaN cheese ....elwichts 90.111 with willtel' weather. YOQcin INI* 6 of thlln f'oy only


t� wottI! of eJcctricIty.

Get the big savings ofa smart Studebaker


Best "8:" aDd best �6" io.:"eioal gas mileage· in the

'52 Mobilgas EcODomy RUD!___boker O-dr"'-. 01>....... at ..lro _. woo.....t

Sleek Studebaker styling and low Studebaker upkeep!A 120 h';"'p. Commander... or a ChainpioD in lowest price field!

M _..._ SMIeI>oker _...Drift." O-*M-ancI �I_"'dudn'-.I ,Iaio-ol ••"a ....,

Phone 442-L

Sam' J. Franklin CompanySouth Main Street Statesboro, G".


. .



(By JANICE DEAL) (By JANICE DEAL)Statesboro chapter of the FHA The Statesboro chapter of Future

carried' out numerous' activities duro Home-maker. of America held Ita

ing National FHA Week. November regular meeting November 4th In the2-9. as follows: •.

Grammar School auditorium.FHA posters were placed in the Ju�e Edenfi.eld presided at the

hall and In the home economics de- meetl1�g and Lila Ann Canuette read

partment. Tnese posters consisted

Ithe nunutes. Rev. Frederick Wilson,

of' tlie club pledge the creed and pastor of the Statesboro lIlethodist

others. The club presented a bou- church, �u the gu...t speaker. Inhis talk. Mr. Wil.on stated that "Ofall the professtcns, home-making lathe greatest. I think hou ..ewivesshould be called home executives,"Frances Denmark and Doris Reekersang. "Sometime." and led the groupIn several songS. Mrs. J. E. Parrish,county home economics supervisor,was present.


(By W. TAPP BENNETT. Director •

Agricultural Development Depart- VISIT IN HAZELHURST IDE-HUNNICU'M' GEORGIA THEATREment, Central of Georgia Railway.) Mrs'. Joe McDonald went to Hazel- Cpl. Charle. Hunnicutt. son of Mr. .

Progress of the purebred bee.!' cat-hurst Saturday. where she will spend andMrs. W. C. Hunnicutt. wiio arrived

tie industry in the Southeast has ut-several weeks with her sister; Mrs. Sunday from England. where he hall

tracted the attention not only of ourR. A. Cook. She Will! accompanied 'been stationed for the past two years. NOW S'HOWING

own farmers. business and profes- by her daughter. Mrg. C. B. Mathews, and Mill'S Ba.bara Ide. of Fairford. "Son of Paleface,"sional men. but of those from many

who visited i'or the day with rela- Englud. who arrived here several' Filmed in Teehnicoloj-other sections of the country. We

tives there. weeks ago and' has been the guest ofl Starring Bob Hope, Janes Russell

have proven to ourselves and to oth- EASTERN ST··A'R '00.' MEETCpl. �unnic�tt'" family. will be mar- and Roy Roge.� VISll1NG MINISTER GUEST

t d t takl I Thos is' Bob's Funniest Yet.era that cattle of a quality equal to Blue Ray Cliaptlir 181., Order of the! TIe In a quie ceremon� n,g p aee AT BETHLEHElM' CH.URCIIany can be produced as cheaply as E S


h. I I Sunday at the MethodIst parsonage SATURDAY ONLY Elder C. E. Dority. of Macon. will JAMES PERRY RIGGS 8R.


h ast�l'n tar. Will ave thsIT regu.r with the Rev. Frederick Wilson ofll- be the guest speaker .at t�1. Thapks-anyw ere In t e nation. meeting Tuesday. Nov. 24th. at 7:30. .

t' "PurpleHeart Diary," givinll service at 'Bethleh.\1n churchFuneral services 10r James' P-errf"

_:There has also been a very mark- in the Mnsonic H"n. All Eastern Starcia mg. Starlinll Frances Langford on Thursday at 11 o'clock. Nov. 27th Riggs. 74. who died Sunday. Nov. 15.

ed improvement in quality and typs memobers are' cordially Invited to at- BUFFET 'SU·P·PE·R· '..


'ALSO He �Il at..., preach at the Wednes-in 1\ Savannah hospital following a

f h d f;1 "B W .". long illness. were held Monday ato t e gra eo' cattle in this region tend. . A delightful buffet supper was gi9- rav� arnor, day. night serviCe before Thanks"giv- 3 p. m. in Mlddleground Primitivethrough the ·US�. of good registered .

• � • • en Sunday evening by Mr. 'and' MrS.. Fllme� in Technicolor i_n_g_._Th__e_p_u_b_I_lc_is_i_nvl_ted__

• Baptis. church. near Statesboro.

b�ns. I believe �hat we should now BA�K FROM FLOR'.D.A' , Bernard Morris lit their home onStarring :I:�' ��I!. :�::: Larson

CARD OF THANKSBurial waa in the church cemetery.

give more attention to the enlarge- MI. and Mrs. F��k .Wllh.am� h�vc\ Bulloch street for the members of the Popular' Quiz Show starts at 9·P. m. I wish to talce this method to thankSurvlving.are two s!lna. James P.

ment of present herds and- the

estab-Ireturned from a .Vtllt tn. r.Jlaml. K�y, high school debatillJ' 'team and cast' Grand P,rize ,285. . the nurse. and Dr. Bird Daniel and ��ggs�' ,S:-�:����d' o��b�ih�r�g;!��

llshment of additional herds of com- Wes� and . other intereating pl�ces inof the ene-aet play. A delicious' ham I

. .--' all w�o were. ao knnd and good to me Riggs. Nevils .

mercial cattle for supplying 1eeders Florida. They were accompanied ond hri


ed TIl'SUNDAY and MONDAY .during my recent iIIne"'" and long Pallbear6.fs were J. C .• R. L. and

and slaughter cattle' for OUr ,Ipcal .the trip :by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur


� rlmp su,;:,r wasNserv 'St beblr "Everything I Have Is Yours." stay in the Bulloch County Hospital. Frederick Riggs. Leeland Rlns,,

t f C lb' S Cgues s were I..es ancy U'. S'tarring Marge and Gower Cham May God' rich st bl ItO C d WII W IImarkets. in which there Is a' �otf ere t. 0 0 un: I:•• '.

• Jane Morris. Margaret Ann Dekle pion. Denni. O·Keefe. Monica Lewl; each and seve';'n" .:�: '::re"':o ��.,:: eThe: b�n�:m:�nl'd atl TlIfm:'n Fu- 1-demand. .

110 A'M'END CHEER , Iand Charlotte Birtch. and Harville


and' !?ean MIII�r. and' kind to me. lte1'al Home. Claxton. until time ofFurthermore. there is opportunity LEADERS. C;:LINIC Hendrix, Jimmy. Bland. Jerry Fleteb- Filmed In Techmcolor MRS. OECIL MA�T·IN. .ervlce•.

for commercial breeders in our sec- Misses Lynn Smith. Nancy Stubbs er and Bobby Donaldson.' Plus Cartoon

�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiition to supply the corn belt feed lots . .

d b I • • • • :and Jane ruchanlsP.II. ac.companle I' VISITED IN AUGUSTA TUESDAY and WEDNESDAYwith feedel's. which were formerly d S '''''_,nMrs. Bernard Morrl•• Will S'pen

at-I Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hamilton were ,.,......�et Angel;.".upplied from the range country of d.

A tl t Th n ladle Yvonne DeCarlo and Rock Hudson:the Southwest: The market of these

ur ay In. an a. e you �. sin 'Augusta Monday where they visit· Color by Technicolor

Southwestern producers has nowwill attend a c�eerleaders :ltntC on

ed \\�th hls brother. William C. Ham- Plu. Cartoon and Sports Short

largely gone to feed lots on the West S�turday �orntng. and ";Ith ot�er i1ton. who is a patient In the Uni­

Coast. following the drift of popu-Jllgh �choOi cheerleaders Will part�cl- versity Hospital recov-ering from in-pate In the yells at the Tech·Flonda

J'uries sustained In an automobilelation to that area. Therefore. there at.

he ftis a need .for commercial cattle to

ate game '". t :. ernoon.Miss Nancy Hamilton spent the week

supply our I�cal markets' and the MISS MAY INI'nJATED .

end in Garfielll with her uncle and

Corn Belt feed lots. and the demand Miss Harriet May. student of Geor- aUnt. Mr. and 'Mrs. Clyde Lewis. and_

for such cattle affords an opportuni- gia State College for Women. Mil- \\�th them spent 'Satunlay 'in Au- SPECIAL CALL MEETINGledgeviile. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. t•

ty for farmers in our region to in-lIlarcus D. May. of Pembroke. was

gus a.


i��������ii�ii�����������������ii�Cl'ea&e their income. initiated last week into the oldest MRS. TURNER IMPROVED Every citizen interested in States

Only feeder cattle of high quality 'honor society on the campus of the Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chester and MI'. boro continuing to operate during thecan meet requirements of feed lot college. the Inte.national Relations

and IIlrs. J. H. Williams visited Mr.1953 baseball senson should be at the

buyers. pal'ticularly in the Corn Belt. Club. She was elected $0 m.embersh�p and M-. J. Z. Jones In Savannah SUJ)-",ourt house Tuesday at 7:30 p. m

•• In the club because of ner mterest In • 0 Plans" will be discussed to send twoand the USe of hIgh qllahty. purebred the social science� and her fine acad- day. als'o Mrs. Leslie Turner. who has representatives to the nptionnl basebeef b�lIs in our commercial herds emic records. been a patient in the St. Josephs ball association which meets in Phoe_are nec�ssary to produce the kind' of I ..J·h-· f S· Hospital. Friend. and relatives of nix City Arizona. during Decem'ber

calves needed for ,successful commer-Mrs. Gibson a nston. 0 wal�s- Ladies are especially invited. If you

cial operation. :boro. is spending several days .wlth Mrs. Turn.,. wiil be glad to know that want baseball.. come.

With good bulls available from our

I:her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hmton she is improving aft�r undergoing an

B th operation in the St. Joseph'. Hos'-.

purebred herds. and our many plants 00 .

• • ••.

pita!. She is now at the )tome o! herand combination of plants' adaptable Dr. and Mrs. J. W. McElveen and sister. Mrs. J. Z. Jones.for iJIIpro\'l'd permanent pastures and daughter. Marjorie. of Atlanta. will ••••

temporary grazing. affording year- spend the week end with Mr. and TO RETURN TO KOREAround pasturage. we have many ad- Mrs. Josh T. Nesmith.

•Miss Sadie Maude Moore i. spend-

vantages in the prod'uction of good-

••• - Ing this week with her brother. Dr.feeder calves which we should' not Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Gllm'ore and Carroll 1Il00re. and Mr•. Moore. afteroverlook.. little daughter. CarlY!l. �f Sumter. whjch Bhe will go to Jefferson for a

S., C�, spent last weell. wi'h�Mra. R. visit .with. her sister. Mrs. HowanlS. New and Mr. 8l!d M.s'. A. y. Aber- Dad'ismall> Mis. Moore saU. eaTly innatlly. l o.;cember for Korea. where .he is

returning a. a missionary 'I> thatcountry. i




Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Jone. 8\0. and I'

I Mrs: Ed· Kennocly haY... tumed from' r

Ii week-end ..i.l� at Suwannee. Fla••


with Mr. and Mr•. Jlmpae Jone•• The,

I were accompanied there by Capt. andMrs. Je..e Jones. of Arkanaa•• whohad heen Yisitlng with thenl bere inStateaboro.

quet of red rose. to Supt. S. H. Sher­man. Club membel'l! made red andwhite FHA pins; which �ere wornthe entire week. FHA member. serv­

ed the facuity members colTee andcookies durIng their faculty meeting.

Statesboro, Georgia


Next Saturday, Nov. 15th, is the last day forpayment of 1952 taxes.

THURSDAY and FRIDAY''Big Jim McLain,"Starring John Wayne

(Filmed in Hawaii)Plus News and Cartoon CITY OF STATESBORO

J. G. WATSON, Clerk.



TURKEYS IDenver HollingS'Worth. of ColonialStores. will have Gainesville turkeys ITa.ing from 6 to 22 pounds. andwillJbe glad to take your order. • �-----•••I

J. DOTSONA.Phone 490

., )/

Mak� �oke part of

your holiday greetings�.

FOR-sAIi�LotfoO:TColored;_Jam..,..treet. 'Call R. M. B��on... CHAS.

E. CO�E REALTY' CO .• INC. '(.Up)


.FAMILY DINNERMr. and Mrs. C. P. 011111' Sr. ",ere

hosts at a delightf"l family dinner

Tuesda, at their home on North Mainstreet. Inv!ted were Mr. and M1'II.Ober Warthen and Mr. and Mrs'. Ben­'ton Warthen. of Vidalia; Mr. and Mrs.Olin Smith and Mr. and Mrs. HarryW. Swth..'.

You're dressed

III foshlon wHh this two

plitt 100,," wool knll

.rtss by NASSAU KNITS.

'(ardlgan bloull hal

·,.Ier 'an lollar ... In"lfilling shirred wain ....... ,

can be worn wlt_ .f:w!thoul "II. hrliial

,Ibltttl sltlrt I�GI ,10SIk

wal!l·hnd to OIlUII

...rI�flI.In harmonIous 'com!ll­IIIIIion slladts.

SlIts: 10 " II.

.I. ,


AND MIS£,RABLE...... t•• ..-," fibIiIJs .,....IIIdI .. 1r111


.. �_,.. _,.. H�' eI

HADACDL�� :.:�itr��ent!a: Jricl�:�h!f�h.�min. Db BI, Niacin In.' I)-Oil in your1,llem ••• try HADACOL! Ri_hl now,there's I new, better way fur ),OU 10 Ice

::dl�::!A��Lre���isn:e:��.ehi�d:�deficiencies cha, can ,-"-ute them. Oil'cOYer too, how HADACOL. when Ulkenreaularl,. help. keep lucb. deficiency­caused condidon from comiD: back.

!:�e.::ri:::!:'D:,�����ftb:I:b;.... inll HADACOL �� million. bottle.sold 10 Car! So' gel HADACOL tod.y!Take it (or iUII 7 day•. If ,OU are not

��p��I�::;fi:,�/�h:! fcb��:l/gr�:�.{;:"�AD1�o'�.:�d!��.p;i�ef!�u(���.tomoPowI1 At drulltOie. ne.,...here.

. -HADACO-L I,:.. �-------------..1 ,.1., • .,•. , ••1."'"

$25.00 You can be sure that your guestswill welcome this year-around favorite

!"""8lways in perfect taste.




, I


SIX -,. BULLOCH TIMES AND STATESBORO NEWS THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 19ey2.�----------------------------�----------�--�--------------��------------��

i FARM LEADER IS Conservation News Of MRS. PEARr. o. BOYD,

Funeral services for Mrs. Pearl O.

D TINGFarms In The County Boyd, 55. were held in the First Bap-

AWARDE RA tist church .at 11 o'clock TuesdayFarm ponds have been built recent. morning with ;Rev. Ged,rge Lovell,II

Mu.rphy Has Learned The lyon several t:arms in the county. pastor, conducting the services. Burial(By BYRON DYER)

Art On Saving Soil From Among th�m "81'" Roy Kelly, Clito; was in East Side cemetery. •

The. Farm Bureau chaters at Ogee- F k S' MdlMrs. Boyd died early Sunday in

The Ravages Of 'Veather, ran immons, . J. Bowen an . the Bulloch J)ounty Hospital wherechee, Warnock and Sinkhole will all M. Foy, Adabelle, and the Forest she had been a patient for a shortname their 1953 officers at the De- From Bulloch county high honors

H ig'ht C t CI b St t b tl Sh'.

d b REGISTER H.D. C'LUBnrc being given a man who has done

. el S oun ry u, a es oro. me. . e 15 SUl'VlVe y one son, Citationcember meetings, according to plans

t di.

b' "1 id waterThe Forest Heights Country 'club, Olliff Royd, 5tatesboro; three sisters, Mrs. Sewell Kennedy and Mrs. H. GEORGIA-Bulloch County.

made at regular meetings last week. an OU sta.n mg- JO In .SOI ar. . under the leadershjp �t' 'Sam Strauss. Mrs. H. M. Jones, Miami, Fla.; Mrs. P. Womack entertained the Register Whereas, Mrs. P. 1>1,. McClelland,

C. W. Zetterower, president at eonservutton. Indeed, It IS believed It 1 G. C. Coleman and P. d. Franklin,Josie O. Fox, Atlanta, and Mrs. Mary Home Demonstration Club at the Wilie McClelland and Pernell Mc-


d J R K II' J can be correctly stated that he has 1.

. Lee Carter, Louisville; two brothers- 1I0me of Mrs. Kennedyz with fourteen Clelland Jr. have applied to the courtOgeechee, appointe . . e l, '1 d hood job that no soil :is making great strides in irnprov- Joe Olliff, Statesboro, and Homer Oll- members present, with two visitor. of ordinary for an order. declaringA. Hart and Edgar Miller as a nomi-] one suc


a g .' ing the club property. A pond has iff, Detroit, Mich., and a grandson, M,'ss Maude' Wh,'te an'd M,'ss Miller. dmi..


d k d th t thi and very little water leaves the farm'A hi B d Sta>-b

no a ministration Is necessary u.

nating committee an as e a IS. h ' 11 h 'recently been built for beauty nlll� S ey oy, ...,. oro. Th t' d b I' the estate of Pernell McClelland

committee make a report at the an-. which he opedrdates� He aSe attel

recreation. Tile woodland. is' being Pallbearers wera Tom Smith, P. G. an:! M::. ��V�";r�:�� ga!e "t��'�!�. (Pernnl M. McClelland), deceased,I Chri t party held' in De- open land so en 0 perman n paa-

t d f fi b fiFranklin Jr., B. B. Morris', H. W. yotional. Plans were made to make Therefore, to cite and ad/nonish allnua ns mas

tures and ends are so located as to pro ecte rom re y having re- Smith, L. A. Waters and Lannie F. h' I' I t thcember by the Farm Bureau and p. breaks plowed by county forest fire Simmons. gifts and pack Gilristmas boxes for persons aVlng calms nga ns e es-

t h H t I te ff this th de rI Ii d f ill M' tate of Pernell McClelland (PernalHome Demonstration Club of that ca c wac ear wa r runs 0

protection unit and a complete for. Funeral arrangements were Ine un r-p v ege am es. ISS

M. McClelland) and all other personak d d • Maude White made an appeal forcommunity. Mr. Zetterower as e so,. ..

I estry plan developed by N. E. Sands charge of Smith-Tillman Mortuary. hi' I tl h di hid who may he' concerned or interestedthe committee to also make serving I.

This man �tarted farming rn 1940forestry. spr.ialist of the Soil Con: --------------- E��r��n:ca.w�: i�':..��t!':d fn I ���: in the estate of said Pernell M. Mc-

assignments fo.r next year. .1 rn p�rtnershl� wl.th .the, lat.; J. E'lservatiGn Servic&. P. G.

Franklil1j'D_ A. TANNER Whitehead·s.demonstration on Christ.. Olelland (Pernal M. McCiellaM) to be

k R h d tIll furnllng to part I d t and appear Qefore the ,court of ordl-J. N. Alcins, president at Warnoc, us I.ng, � IS S



;s pushing the forestry end of the Funeral services for--D. A. Tanner, mas ecora Ions.nnry of Bulloch county, Georgia. to

d Arthur Brannen B F Deal ner"hlp WIth Mrs. J. E. Rushing, h,.I' .. 68, who died In the Bulloch County Mrs. J. F.' Oillft' entertained themak•. objections, if ;.ny they have.name

R h' t., 'he' nomi mother-in·law. This farm in 1940 I program. Hospital Monday, were held Tuesday 1 group for a short While. MisS' Milleron or before Decem.ber 1, 1952, whyand Barney us rng � t' I

consisted of 350 acres of land of'G. C. Coleman has obtained thirty afternoon at 3 o'clock from Langston' assisted Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs.

an onler should not be passed declar-nating committee, and als reques -Ih' h 6 11 d i bushels of Tift 57 BemlUda grasS" Chapel Church with Rev J C Varnell Wolt\ack In serving delicioUS' refresh. lng no administration is necessary

ed a report at their annual Christ.! w IC 1 0 �cres W!!s was e away, so-. from the Soil Con...rvation Service conducting assisted by Re�. Frederick ments. REPORTER.

_ upon said estate.mas party. ; called cultIvated land. Most of the: nurSA>ry at Americus to start a plot Wilson and Elder V. F. Agan. Inter- FARM FOR SALE Witness' my hand and official slg-

The SI'nkhole group always elects other was cut·over woodland. Theref dd' th Lr

ment was in the Eas,t Side Cemete�.

nature thilt the 30th .day of October,.d 11" d' or so mg e go course green. .

with floor nominations. I were no terraces,. an go les eep

IThis r88's is ideal for this ur ose.

m Statesboro. I wiil ",,11 liefore the court house 1952.

K 11 k d th ro p to make enough to almost hIde a trnctor were g p p Mr. Tanner, a well known farmer door in Statesboro on the first Tues- F. I. WILLIAMS, Onllnary••


e y as e e g u

'not infre uent Sheet erosion wa's Sam Strauss is president of tho and lumberman, was born in Wash- day in December, 1952, between_ the----------'-----

a speCIal appeal to the state and na-,. q .

I "1 d I t club, and he is taking the lead in Ington county, but had lived In Bul- legal hours of sale, a� public auction, Citationtional Farm Bureau to provide more takrng. a heavy tol of SOl an p an

planning for complete utilization oI loch for the past flfty years. In addl- th.. follwing property to-wit: GEORGiA-Bulloch County.funds for the purpose of telling the, food. from the farm. The water 1 the property. A complete soil con. tio� to his. widow. Mrs. D. A. 'Tanner, tlic. farnl 'of 90 acres, approxl- Chari"" C. Lamb Jr., having ap-f rs' sl'de of the cost of living. leavlQg the property aiter a heavy I t' I did I

he IS survIved by three sorur, Beb, D. mately 55 acres in cultivation' 4 31 piled for goanlianship ot the personarme ,. ..

hserva Ion p an eve ope n co·oper· A J d M k T 11' .' .

L b SM Kiley ointed out that the gen- raID ran almost red, testlfymg to t e. .

h h 0. .' r. an ar anner, a 0, 'acre. tobacco allotment; tobacco and property of Churles C. am r.,r. e


p. t

Igreat need I for soil and water con.

atlon WIt t e geechee R,ver Soil Statesboro; six daughters, Mrs. Lin- barn and cookers' several large pe- notice is' hereby given that said ap-eral publrc thinks farmers are ge -


t" th I d Conservation District calls' for pas· 1ton Aldannan, Mrs. Emmitt Scott and can tre.s and ;"';scollaneous fruit plication will be heard at my office

ting rich these days when as a mat-jserva IOn on e. an .

tures of nahia and serecea in com. Mrs. Alvin Turner, all of Statesboro; trees; good 7-room res'ldence with at 10 o'clock a. m., on the first Mon-ter of fact they are losing money It was not untIl 1946 that the own-

binatl""., Wildlife borrldrs of bi- Mrs. Frank Whaley, S'avannah; Mrs. i hallway lind porehes; running water day in Decembel', 1952.

every year and have been for the past ers became aware of wh�t wos going 1 color lespedeza are also lanned forW. H. Fulmer an� M_rs. Joe Morrl- an� �Iect:lc lights, and hitablc out-. This October 30, 1952.

f Th cost of production on, and to �o·operatlon WIth the Ogee-. ..

p son, both of Grallltevtlle, S. C., and ibulldmgs, also one tenant house. F. I. WILLIAMS, Ordinary..

our .years. e. th chee River Soil Conservation District

I'quaIl and beautIficatIon. 14 grandchildren. Located six miles from Sta:tesboro CI'tatlonIS gOing up all the tIme due to e.

. . . Pallbearers. were Hal Roach, John on the Statesboro-Pembroke hl!lhway. ,

increased cost of transp�rtation, pro· and the So�1 ConservatIon Servl?" be- TO CLEAN CEMETERY Roach" Rufus' and Gus Joyner, George MRS. J. I AYCOCK, Rt. 1: Stotes- GEORGIA-Bulloch County.cessing and retailing, wh,le the prices gan establrshIDg. th� needed SOIl a�d . All persons intrested in Macedonia

IWhaley and John 1'. Allen.


boro, Ga. . 1anov2tp) To All Whom It May Concern:

farmers are receiving nre going down. water conserva�l�n measures" ThiS Church are .asked to come help clenn Funeral, arr�ngement'S were direct..FOR SALE-A good busl'ness no'V I'n

Mrs. Margaret W. Waters having

The farmer I'S caught ',n the middlo man was the dnvlng for.ce behind the the cemebery and put up new fence ed by_. SmIth-TIllman Mortuary. . applied for guradianship of the per--

_ operation l"it\t or without building' son and property of Hugh R. Waters,of a squeeze and yet he is still being actions taken. He bUIlt broad-base ?n the first TuesdaY'Bnd Wednesday FOR SA.LE-75 acres, 50 cultivated, dbing $25,000 or more yearly.: well an incompetent, notice is hereby giv­given credit for the high cost of liv- teraces on the ppen land; established m Dec�mbe_r'h the 2nd and 3rd. A_ny- excellen land, perfect place for ftsh over $14,008 profit; limited competi- en that said application will be heard. ated 1 waterways of serecea and coastal o.ne w ,0 WIS es t9 make � contrrbu- pond, a six-room house with running tio ... ; will take $5,000 cash to handle at my office at 10 o'clock a. m., on109, Mr. Kelley st. .

B d d b 'It t f d Itron toward. th� new fence IS urged to water, fiVe miles' north; price $9,000; deal; seen by appointment onlv; fOl the first Monday in December, 1952.

A building commIttee composed ot ermu n, an UI wo arm pon s. ,do so at thIS tIme. this is a llood farm. JOSIAH ZET. det.ails contact ,JOSIAH ZETTER. This 4th dllY of Novembel·. 1952.W. E. Webb and Grady Lee wa. nam..1 Between the years of 1948 and 19511 BUILDING COMMITTEE. TEROWER. (Gnovlt. ,OWER. Gnovlt) F. I. WILLIAMS, Ordinary.

'�� M� Ak�s � Wam_� �d,�cl�redn�dYUNSof��a�fur ------�.�--------����.����••���.�--�---------��=�--�-� ��__�_were asked to make- or get windows per:nanent pastures. of. f�cu� and

repaired in the 'building. The War-Iladrno clover; establrshed thlfty acres

nock group also voted to meet. N0-I o! kudzu i� con�bination with rescue

vember 19th to clean the grounds and grass'; put rn thIrty-five acres of res­

building. Joe C. Hodges' and J. I. CUe alone for grazing and seed pro­

Wynn were asked to arrange the pro-; duction; fOl'ty acr�s of coa�tal B,er­gram for December, with the requestj muds oversee�ed wl�h I'e eedlll� crlm­

that it be a musical program. Mr.Ison clover; thlrty-.mne ucr� D,f �oas�­

Akins a:::ked the group not to forget 01 Bermuda alonc, twelve nCH,'S ser,l­that the bloodmobile would be back i cen lespedeza; and ten acres of bahla

in Statesboro on December 4, and for I grass.

those that did not report on the last I In 1952 he combined 7.500 poun�strip

to. m.ake donations on this

ViS'it,\I'cseue seed otT five ncres; 1,000 bahlB

R. P. Mikell, COllllty president, at seed off ten acres,. and 1,200 pounds

Ogeechce nnd \Vurnock, gave a report reseeding crimson c�ver �ed. �1Jo�ton the state convention held r�cent- I

100 acres of the .al·m IS stIli m

Iy and the proposed trip to the na- wooded branches.

tiollal cOllvention. Mr. Mikell was I In 1948, after his pasture program

very much concerned over the prO-I was well started, he purchased hiS'

posed $200,000 fund being made uP, first pureb,red black Angus �attle.-.by the enli.users of peanut� to kill � seven helters 10 Atlanta, Includmg

the present price support program the grand' champion and re�rve

on that commodity. 1-10 stated that champion at the annual Angus" As­

the purpose of t.his fund was to re'l sodatio� sale. It is still PI:oducingmove peanuts from the ba'Sic com- t pnze-wlIlnmg unlmals: Thl'S y�nrmodity list and to encoUl'oge farm-' onc of his steers was grand champion

ers to vote against quotas on pea-I of the Bulloch county annual 4-H

nuts. livestock snow. The herd has grown

Mr. Mikell stated that nine mem·, until now it consists of sixty brood

bers or'the Bulloch county Farm Bu- cows with calves, and three herd

reau had made reservations for the bulls.

Ilational convention in Seattle, Wa'Sh, I All this progress could not have

They are Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith' been made, however, without the 85"­

,Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Doy Akins, Miss sistance of Mrs. J. E. Rushing; Mrs.

Henrietta Hall, C. M. 'Cowart, E. L.: Kathleen Rushin'g Murphy, his wife,

Anderson Sr., W. C. Hodges and Mr. their four daughters and last, but not

Mikell. The group will leave here least, the two Statesboro bank•.

November 28 and return some nine-\ It is with great pleasure, there­

teen days later. The trip will take fore, that honor is extended' to th�the group by New Orleans, Houston,' "Man of the Year in Soil Conserva­

Carlsbad Caverns, Grand Canyon,1 tion" from Bulloch county, A. P.

5an Diego Los Angeles, San Fran-IMurphy, better know as "Bish", co­

cisco, and' back by Salt Lake City, owner and operator o'f "JaJalynka"Denver and Chicago. . Farm. And now, on behalf of the

A motion picture on the part re-' bank. of Bulloch county, agriculturalsearch is playing in the business of leaders have been liappy to present

farming, uWaves of Green," was a UBis'h" B certificate of award in rec­

part of all the programs last week. ognition a� appreciation of his ,lovefor the land and outstanding work

Farm BureauActivities

L. E. (LONNIE) DICKERSON in its p�ervation..

Statesboro Young LadyGiven Class Position

Funeral services for L. E. (Lonnie)Dickerson, former Bulloch county cit­izen who died in A thens Sunday, were Iheld Tuesday at 3 p. m. in Atlanta. I Athens, Nov. 17.-ijette Womack,

He was a native of Bulloch county, States'boro cooed at the University of

though he had lived in Atlanta for the Georgia: has been made �reasurer ot

past 35 years, He was the g'on o� the the women's freshman class. ,She W8'3

late Mr. and M,'S. J. I. Dickerson, and named to the office in an eleotionis survived hy his wife, 'Mrs, Ruby climaxing' a w�ek's campaign on the\OVilliams Dickcl'Slo\; five sons, H. H" UniversiWs Oo�Ordinate campus', TheElmo, J. B., Bennie and Charlie Dick- election was the last 'to be held onel'son; three daughters, Ml'o. ,JimmieHead, M,·s. Floyd Smith and Mrs. An- co-ordinate cam.pus be�orc the Navynah Ruth; fiv� hrothers, Frank, \Vi!. takes over thel'e curly next yenl',

lie, B, L, and James Dickers'on, all of Serving with her as other cla'5s' of­

Sbntcsboro, and H, B. Dickerson, of fleers are Carolyn Osteen, Atlunta,Rincon, Ga. : president; Miriam Hopkins, Athens,

I vice-president, Blld Corol Durden, At-For Year's Supporl

Ilanta, secretary.GEORGIA-Rulloch County.' ===============-

Ada McArthur. having made ap- NO TRESPASSINGplicp.tion tor twelve months' support· All peraons are forewarned not toout of the estate of A. A. McArthur, fish, hunt, cut or haul wood or other­and appraiser,s duly appointed to set wise tres'pass upon the lands of theapert the same having filed their re- tllldersigned in the Briarpatch dis­turnS'� all pers'ons are hereby requir- trict. TroS'pll'SSers wiU be proseeuteded to show cauSe before the court under strict term..- of the law.ot ordinary of said county-qn the fil'St I This October 30, 1952.Monday in December, 1952. why said' RACHEL MELDRIM,application should not be gran·ted.! KATHERINE MELDRIM.

F. I. WILLIAMS. Ordina.ry. (300ctAtp)

Lo nF.H.A.


Several F.H.A. HOUBe. for Sale. Already A S DODD JRFinanced. Lo",' .do",n paymentll. Phone518. • •

23 North Main Street, Statelboro.

"SOu•• 4.... IV. ,....... ICW

lIIIIIL "'- IV. .. 'M_ ICW

A••,M. G,...., M_i JI.,..



lOADID OUII1I.Ie lure to ... "'1


�IS revolutionary new GMC Model.1 472-30A gasoline-powered highway

tractor will haul more payload within the'45,000 lb. GCW limit than any other truckever built-by as much as 1,200 extra poundsin some cases!That can mean as much as $1,200 per yearextra profit.Come in and let us tell you the full story of

I GMC engineering advances that make thispossible. You'll find the price the biggest sur­

prise of all. •



Grall Capacity ••• t, ••••• 45,000 pound.Traotor Weight ••• t,'••• t.. 8,000 pound,

(Fueled alld r••dy lor tbe road)

Gaaoline.powered by the len·

..tional,GMC "302" valve· in­

bead enaine-pound for pouDdtbe miabti••t i. truck bi.tor,.,

Standard equipment inclu'de.lull air brakes, and busky rear

axle rated to aooommodat.10:00/20 tire••

W.'ch Ih. TV Foolb.II Go... o/lho WOIk Evory Sol.rdoy on NBC r.I.YiIiOtl.

Woodcock·Motor �ompany108 SAVANNAH AVENUE. TELEPHONE 7.&

Enter Gene.ral Molors $194,000 Better Highways Contest. See your GMC Deoler for Contest Blank and ";ull Information"




EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL' Notice To Owners of condemn-j Notice to Tr.st�1!IS of Con�- INVITATION ;F�O:R;-:B:I�D:S:-iiiiiii�iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii=iiiiiiii;;iiiii':'�1ESTA;rE atl� Proaeedings \ a.tioni Proceedings . The Housing Authority of the City PROMPT AND DEPENDABLEGIDORGIA-Uulloch County, I

' '

of Statesboro, Georgia, will receiveBy virtue 01 an order 01 the ordinary GEORGlA-jJu11och County. GEORGIA-Bulloch County. bids for the. furnishing of all labor;

:!Idlrl!� ��'tWc aonudt'Q�;���'t�:eft�.7'�lu!� To Roxie B. Butler, Vernon B. But- To Vannie Johnson. Ennis Raymond, materials, equipment and services re-

day in Dec, 1952,' at the court house ler, R. R. Butler Jr., Rosier W.' Walter Harris, Jolin McBride .and quired to construct Low Rent Housingdoor In 'Slal ee bore, O.orala, 'between tbe Butler and Levi Butler, of Bulloch I Rev. Isaac McCormick, of Bulloch Projects Nos. GA. U!2·1 and GA.le.al bOUM or aete, to Lhe blgbeet and 132-2 ti.ntil �:OO p. m., EST., Decem-:�be�ld��e:d.rf� SC:l�h, C!��l)!�I���,�t� de- c�mnty, Georgia; Ollie B. Moore, county, Georgia, as. trustees' of ber 18, 1962, at the of fire of the, Hous-

All Ihat cer-tntn lract or parcel 01 land, Southern University, So u the r hI Bethel church: ing Authority of the City of States-

�oa�:;hf�I�ll�nl;'����mj�� ���ooo�· ��t� Branch, Box 9783, Baton Rouge.; You, and each of you, are hereby boro, Georgia, and at this same timecity IIml'" 01 tbe city 01 SlOle.boro, des- Louisiana; Novella B. Moon, P. O. notified that the Housing Authori.ty land place all 'bids will be publiclylpatcd a.s lot No. a, known as the R. F, 1 of the City of Statesboro, Georgia, opened and rend aloud.Lester home Iplace, 'Contatnlng 8,7 acre a, �ox 6R, Montezuma, Georgia; Rox., pursuant to ISection 36-313 of the Pr01ect No. GA. 132-1 consists of���o�o8�n:e:llll��r�:eoat'�r:);ee�;ISsho��:&o,,�i te B: Butler (daughter of tlJe late Code of Georgia, in the exercise of its 11 dwellings (containing 32 dwelling':��t �o, 1�:d�I.�afnc.:v�t ��8 i:��::�tb� R. R, Butler tSr., and Roxie B. But. right of' eminent domain, has elected units) and' a management, mainten-dl.l.nce 01 ::00 'eel, and nortbwee by ler), Kentucky State College, Frank- 'to condemn tor public housing pur- ance and community buildnig, Project101 No.4 a dl.lanc. 'hI 628 feet. fort Kentucky being all of !Jre

Iposes, in fee, the two lot8 of land No. GA. 132-2 consists of 20 dwell-

Also RII tbat ceMaln tract or parcel of. '. ,',

1 described below 10r use in locating inB' Ibuildings (conu.ining 66 dwellingland t ogetber wlt.h tmpeovemente ther&- heIrS at law of R. R. Butler Sr.I Housing Project No. Ga. 132-2, to-IWlits) and a maintenance and corn-

�' ����u!:�reUo�O\c�fJ�' :�doco,:��I:�� deceased" and owners of the lots wit: munity dwelling, Landscaping, site im-nortnen et hy 1" No.9, a ..".Ionce 01 200 of land In said state and county

I All that certain lot or parcel of provements and utilities are included��:t�n��u��c,,"�t r�l: LiI�·���w�:tUI:;aH�kb� hereinafter described: land lying and being in the ,1209th G. lor both., proiects, ns weH as'demoli·way U S. No 80. a dl.l.nce 01 ZOO leel, You, and each of you, are hereby M. district of Bulloch county, Geor- tlon and removal of buildings �romand nqrlhwe.l by lot No.7, • d ...,allce 01

Inotifietl ,that the Housing Authority gia. and in the ,city of Statesboro, the site of Project GA. 132-2.

�1::;e�H lhat certain tr.cl or parcel 01 of the City of Statesboro, Statesboro. and fronting southeaot on Johnson Proposed forms of contract docu­land dc.'«nnt.d a. lot No.9, con,.'n'n« Georgia, purs\lIU1t to Section 26·313 street a distance of 70 feet and run- mentll, .illCluding plans and speciftca-26 acree, I\nd bounded ,nortb by lot No, ru_ tHe Code of Georgia, in the ex; ning back in a northwesterly direc- ttons, are on file at the office of' the�e!�u��e�:�s'b�o��l5ri�r7'B:��ev8�r��dso!��l


crcile of its right of eminent domait.l, tion between paral�el lines a distance Housiag Authoti� of the City ,ofby land. Ih., lormerly belonred,to

tbelltaSelected to condemn for pubhc of 210 feet, and berng a lot owned by

IStatesboro. GeorgIa, and at the 011'1••

:MAI�� :I�nti::t �:����� trllet or parcel of housing PUrpO�es, in fee, the two lo�s African ,M. E. Church parsonage, �d 1of A.breu ..

II.' Robesot:", Incorporated,lalld d..IIP\.'ed al lot No 8 conlalnlnrr of land descrl!rcd below for use Ill, being lot No.3 of a plat of Housmg Architects nnd Engrneers, Atln:nta',26 acrer, and bounded noMh' by aol No. loeating Housing Proje�t No. Ga.; Authority of the City of Statesboro, Georgia.I�t e�!� �,Y a��t:;etI�o�;c�:��� ��:�b fobi-1132.2, whic� was �wned by R. R'I Georgia, Project Ga. 132-2, 'by Jack


�pie8 of the, doouments �ny bemerly belon«cd to Ihe S, B. Lee ..late. 1 Butler S"f. at tbe tIme of hl.s death" D. Welchel, surveyor, dated Febru,- obtarned by depOSIting $50.00 WIth tho

A'so all Ihal certain tra�1 0< parcel 01I and now owned by the partIes notl- ary 25, 1952;" iHousing Authority of the City of

IILnd dcsl«no'.d .s '0' No.6, cont.,nln!<

lfied above as the heirs at law of the I Also all that. cemin lot or par- Statesboro Georgia for each set of'24.6 acre•. and bounded nortb by lb. 'd R R' B tl S d d .

be '. '.

Blale.boro.Ollvor road;' e..� 'by LeIter sal • • u er r., .cease, to-I eel of land, lying and beIng In t documents so obtamed. Such depOSitsBoulevard; south by lot No.7, and we.' ,wit: '. • 1209th G. M. district of Bulloch coun-I will be refund'ed to each pers'on whoI>YAit rOb 6.

b b d d I All .that cemin lot or parcel ofI tv, Georgia, and in the city of; ",turns the plans, specifications and

celB o� I�n� �e��: ��!;���ed a:. :ull:b land lying and being in the 1209thIStatesboro, and fronting sout.ht'85\ on

lotherdooum,ents in good condition

on Ih., cert.ln pial No. B In a .u,b--<llvl'· G. M. district of Bulloch

countY'IJOhnSOnstreet a distance of 70 feet within ien days after bid opening.

�on �lait�:h�'g:'.�e:�;�r�a;�teD����:'1 Georgia, and i.n th,e city of States- a�d running back in a northw.esterly, The H�u6ing Auth�rity of the Citylas7 and recorded In tbe otft-ce of the l'OOro, and frontmg southeast on John- dIrection between parallel hnes a I of Statesboro, Georgia, reserves thecl ..k 01 "Bullooh auperlor court In p'at. son street 55 feet and nrnnlng back, distance of 210 feet, and being a va- '"right to reject any or all bids or to

�::O�d!' r��eie��: ��h���b��d:l�r ���

Ibetw�en�aralJ.e1 lines til a northwest-I cant lot o\\'11�d by African M. E. wave �y in!ormalities. in the bidding.

purpo.e 01 doscrlpllon. All 01 Ibe above ly dIrectIOn a distance of 210 feet. church and berng lot No.4 of a plat No bIds .hall be WIthdrawn for ad..crlbed land. ,beln, localed In lbe and bound northwest by lands of of Housing Authority of the City of period of thirty (30) days subsequent I���'aO' 1M. Dlstrlol 01 Bullocb coun'y. Hunnicutt; northeaat by other lands' Statesboro, Georgia, Project Ga. 132: to the opening of �idB withou.t the

Also all tb.t �erla'n 101 or p.rcel 01 of R. R. Butler estate; s'outheast _by 12, by Jack D. Welchel, sUrYeyor, dated consent of the Housrng AuthorIty of

:�r'k:.e;��na"nt�db�n�:: :o�\:�y ���f N�� t ,said Joh;nson st�eet, and southwest I February 25, 1962, all as provided by the City of Stntesboro, Georgia.19 a d1stance of 1271,(, leel' cu' by lbe by lands of Sam P. M. Rhodes, �nd


e':'tern h.'1 01 lot ,No. 19. � dlolan.ce 01 being lot No.9 of a plat of Housing The undersigned naOles C. A. Sim- OITY OF STATESBORO, GEORGIA,19 leet: .oulb by 101 No. � a

d,s"nCe,.AuthOrity of the City of Statesbora, mons as Its assessor, and give� notice By: George M. Johnston, Atty.�[r�'�': dl���'�c:no� ;ef!.l. y iMul·ber,y Georgia, Project Ga. 132-2, by Jack 'I that the hearing will be had on the Date: Nov. 18, 1952. (20nov4tc)

AI.� tbat certAin lot or parcel of land D. Welchel, surveyor, dated Febru- premises at 10 o'clock a. m. on t,he�e.lgna'ed at 101 No. 10 Ironllnr on

ary 25, 1952, and being a vacant lot 14th day of December, 1952, and you

ror��:t �rOe��d�d ���t n�;t�u�b�::ya�f;e:t� owned by R..If.. Butler estate. are requested to nome you assessor

:l5 te�l; sou'h ,by 101 'No. 13, a

dl.,ance,Also all that certain lot or parcel. and notify the undersigned. such a9-

I 60 leel. nnd west by 10' No. 11. • of land 'lY'!ng and being In the 1209th Isessors to select a thlnl assessor, as

'�I��c�1I0!b��lo�e�t; pllrceii ot land des· G. M. district of Bulloch county, provided by law. In the eyent of yourglided u lot.No 111, ,nd bounded; Georgia, and in the city of Statesboro, failure to name an ases'Sot, the ordi­

i":ert� ���t G;:dl�t s���t 1;: ������aeng: ���IILnd fronting southeast. on Johnson n�ry of s'oid county will name ani as-

1216 teet; loulh by lot No, 13, a dl.tancc l,stree�'100 feet and runmng 'back �e- se.SOr for you,o( 64 lee', and west by lot No: a.

"Itween parallel lines in a northwest.,·. This 15th day of November. 19&2.dlalance rr-�� lee;. I I I or parcel oIly direction a distan�e ot" 212 feet,. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE

la��s�':I�n�t:d ::r,:' nNO�12, and bound'IAnd bound northwest by lands of , CITY OF STATESBORO, GEORGIA,et north by Grady street, a dlttsnce of Hunnicutt; northeast by a 10·foot By Glenn S. Jennings, Chairman,

�:s f�:�i. e:��l�Y bl:tl::oN��'l;, d�s':i�C:n� 'alley; !5outheast by said Johnson I (20Nov1t)of 176 f�t, nod welJi by Central ot ,peor-'" street, and southwest by other lands .:.....:... '- --------

«I .. 'Railroad rlgbt.ol-....y. a dl"an•• 01i of R. R. Butler estate. and beiitg lot -­

l�I!�et�11 tbat certain lot or parcel of !'Jo. 10, of a plat 01 Housing Author­land deSignated at lot No, 88, belne In a Ity of the City of Statesboro, Geor.V-.bape and bounded norlb ,by Grady I gia, Project 'Ga. 182-2, by Jack D.

�t::��1 aOf d��l:��: R�t1';O:d f;f�ht_eo��::,! Welchel, suneY?f, dated Februarya dtstllnoe of J16 teet, and wett 'by old 25, 1962, and bemg the lot whereonS. " S. Railroad .....bt-ol-".y. IL

d,lrtallce1theaald·R "R Butler Sr formerly

of 132 teet, and runnlnc baok ltOuth to resiJ.ed, 'aU' a.' provided by Jaw.a'�Ji�n.i�e lots of land lall wove 4sorlb- The undersiK'ned names �, �. Sim­ed �lnB' numbered and desllnafid. as

m.ons as its asse8sor, find lIi..el' notice

:u�r th� �. cF��at:�b;:tl:::�o�Jl:\):I: � that a heari11g will be had � the'E, Rushlns, lurveyor, In ,December. 193"tk

Ipremises at 10 o·clock a. m. on the

ani! recordedu l:.rl�� c���ce t:f d!!� �l:k 4th day of DeaembeT, 1962, and' you

;'fo,B1��o:n 'p:ge 869,'

are req1;1eeted to name you assessor

Also all tbAt certain lot or parcel of and notify the undersigned, such as·

��:�o������:fe. vr;\�. t�:d Ib':��"�-::��: I aessors to aelect a third aSlessor, as

1109lh G JI DI.lrlct o! BUIlOC� COUDty, provided by law. In the event of yOUrGeorgia 'and In tbe �lty ot 8tateaboro, failure to 1)ame .n�ase8'Bor, the ordi ..

:e�:r�:�:d lua:_dll���i:o�la�. ::da!�d:� Inarybf I'aid county will name an: a8-

belns plat No, 1 of t.be R. )" 'Leeter sea'sor for you .

..."'. land., made by J. Ill. R�blna. This 15th day of November, 1952.

ourve�or' t': ��em:t�'b/��k 0:1 B�: HOpSING AU1:HORITY OF THEf:�e .u;:'rIO� °c'ou� In deed boo;" No. CITY OF STATESBORO, GEORGIA,1Z, on pace 008.•atd lot of land fro:!; tBy Glenn S. ,;renn�ng8, Chairman.Inc eA'It on Mul'berl')'\ .t.reet. a dtat& .

(20N 1t).

of 104 teet, ,boundetl north by �.rry OV,

street a dlltance of lla feet; ea« by ,

JllIl'b�rry 1�\rN� �al,:naCZ:e��e!s� ar'i�: Suit For Divorce '

����: '::1 1.22 leeL a.,.d .eo! "y t�e Cell' GEORGIA-Bulloch Oounty.traJ of Geortria Railroad rlsbt-of-wa)'. F.nnie R. Lanier VI. Foy Lanie�a .:�:ta�� ..c;!1I104cot::rriue from day h' Suit for Diverce, B�noch Superiord'RY !between Lbe .&me' bouf'IJ, UDlll all Court, Janu�r)' Term, 1963.. .

01 said property I••old.1952

To Foy Lamer, defendant m saIdThis the 4th day of Nov'jUN,N' case: " 1

��l!I��JCSTBR: Yo� ...re hereby comJltanded to be,

�A.RLRON SElWoE!LL, and appear at the next term of theExecuto,rs of the Eunice Lea\�r Estate, iuperior court of Bulloch county,

P'RED T. LAlNJER and Georgia, to be held in and fpr saidROBERT s. llLAr::.�a�. county on the �ourth Monday in Jan-

Attorneys or"

uary, 1963, to answer the complaint'

Co. I ers' Sale of r Land lof the plaIntiff mentioned in the cap-

mmlSB on• tion of her Buit against you for di-

GEORGIA-Bulloch Coun�y. ' vorc�. ,

Under authority 0.1 an orde� grant-.

W,tne... �he Hon. J: L. Renfroe.ed by the superior court of saId �aun- Judge of saId court, th,s the. 9th day

ey in the C&8e of Leslie M. DaVIS n. of September, 1952.

Mrs Omie Davis, guardian f�r Wiley...H;ATTIE P<?WELL,


the undersigned, apporn� by Clerk Bulloch Supe.,or' Co�rt.�l;�s�ourt as commissioners, wlil, on GEORGE ,M., 'JOHJ:I�TON, '

the first Tuesday in Decembr, 1952, Attorney for Petltlo.ner. (220ct4t)within the legal. hours of sale, before

the court house door in said c?unty,sell at public outcry to t�e hIghestbidder 10r cash, that cer�atn tract of

la'nd lying and being rn ti}.e 47th

district, Bulloch county, Georgia, j'n:taining forty acres, moTe or ess,

known as the Eli Davis home place,bounded north by lands 01 HughDorsey �'ordham; east by lands o�Burnell Fordham; south by lands dJ. T. Whit1lker. and west by Ian s

of W. A. Hugin •.

Said sule to be mad? for the pur­

pose of making a diviSIon of the pro;ceeds Rm'ong the comm0!l owners. a,.

said land ratably to theIr respectIveshares therein. ,

This' November 3, 1952..



THURSDAY, �OV. 20, 191i2


Ambulance ·ServiceAnywhere - Any Time


467Night Phone


Hines DryCleaners



27 West Vine Street


.. Statesboro, Ga.

OATS! OATSlSEED OATS - Coker's Vietor�rain, $1.40

per bushel.

Purity te"t, 99 per cent.NO'JIICE.

GEORGIA-Bulloch County.By the authority vested in us by the

Georgia Code, we do hereby designateThe Bulloch Herald, a newspaper pub­lished" in Statesboro, Georgia, Bullochcounty, as the official gazette for saidcounty, beginning January 1, 1953.


Clerk, Bulloch SlUIerior Court, Ga.STOTHARD DEAL, Sheriff

(6nov8tp. Bulloch Coul\ty, Ga.

w. ·W. (Bill) JONESRoute 1, Statesboro, Ga.

Wrded' Wrndthi�dJWdw o,oice of ModeklWided- �oice. of DritJ�!

It'llonler,monl.r'or'S2-thtlreattstcar tver built .In the low·prlce R.ld I

'ord'.... stand. out Ilk. Its beauty' New ford Bodl•• or.

blgg.r wtth more Int.rlor comfor1. And......ath Its b.autyand bl.........r.'. w••lrellll"" 'or.thl. only compl.'ely...w car In Ih field hal a long... strong.r cha"'. with a

llurdler K·bar ........

..... ,.,. hal a law·prk.d car off.r.d sa muehl Tak.

'*""" only ford off." sa many body. color and

upholstery _"lrrallonL Tak. "" •••• only 'ord 011."

II dlll.r.... mod.l.. Tak. power', •• only ford 011." a

110....p. hlth_preulon V·. and a 101.h.p. hi.....compreuion, low·frlctlon Sbt , •• only ford off." fordo­

_tic DrI¥e. OYerd"". and Comenllonall

M.olUr. ;....d·.'value by .... adv....... 11

bring' youl'New Au_tic IIICI. ConI<ol

gl... 0 bump.....Unll, hillhway....oglngrid.. New C"".r·'UI fueling d.... awaywtth go. pump "jock.ying." New Pow.r­

Plvol CMch ond Brak. P.dal. or••0 .....

10 op.ra'.. ellmlnaie draftY floor hoi... ·,

For Leave To SellVIctorIa .04.& INn ow."obM wtth y., _yo ,.,...•• lIc, 0,.,4,1 .. , whit.

aW..oI ,..,.. oprionol al

.atra COIf, Iqvlp.....,. ace...

-'" OM trim ,"IM to

dIoftt. wlftloilt ftOtk••

GEORGIA-Bulloch County..

This is to notify all' persons con­

.cemed that C. 114'. Cowart, as admin·istrator of. tbe estat; of Sam Fields,dec_eased, hag filed with me an ap­plication to sell the following landsbelonginll to said estate, 'for the pur­pose 01 distribution to heirs and pay·,in&, debts, and that I will pas's uponsaid application in my office inStatesboro, Georgia at the Decem·ber'term, 1952, of my court.

Description of property to' be '80Id:Ninety (9) acres, more or less, . andbeing in the 1716th G. M. districJ ofBulloch county, Ga., and boundea on

the north 'by lands of Paul Johnson;west by lands of Mr.s. E. A. Smith;south by lands of Sam Fields estate,and esat .by lands of Sam Fields es·

tate and Paul Johnson.,

IThis October 30, 1952.'



.• WILLI�MS, O�dinary.GEORGIA-Bulloch COUllty.applied Notice of DissolutIon

B. H. RII.IDSO;' S;�';\';"�� solemn I Notice is hereby given that the firmas exeeutol fo ;',111 lind testament of Timber Harvesting Company,form o! t�;o JrI.St Ilo,':'lcy Hendricks'., o"\Vned and operated by J:. F. Spires,of Mrs. 11111110. heirs at law of H. E. Cason and W. H. McComb, hasof. said COlN,ty,. th

BCllsle'y Hendricks! this day been dissolveld. All out­said Mrj; ."nnl�cd 1;0 1I1;l1e"r at, the I standing obligations' o! this firm willare hero y d,�qU r r s"iel county 'on be' cl()8ed November 3O-,h, 1952.court of 0" Ill" ry 0

b 1952I This' November 3 1952

the firllt Mo,itlny ill �cem er,r � I J. F. SPIRES,

:next, whell, ""Id npphcutlon for pOI' ' H . .E,.CASQN, �

Ibate ,,:111, be hoa��. November 1952.•

W. H. McCOMB.Thl. i.tll, dW'ILLIIlMS, Ordinary. (,(novStp)


�FOWill, �tt you -fhihkit19.You can pay

ATed- Dri\le,more

but you can't buy hetter.P.D.A.P.

S. W. LEWIS, INC.38 North Main Street ..


THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 195::.------------.--------------------------------------------------�----�--------------------------,---------------------------------------


I Social: Clubs : 'Personal MR.:,:.�';:'::...�?�:..:.,:�w.1�����

�D�r:rJjJP� ITUESDAYBRIDGECLUBU'11&�_I "'177 I en�:,�:i�e:ft:':;�:r:r:f Jhe� b�,�e:�

club and a few other guests at a de­

I Iightful party at her home, which was

decor ated WIth lovely /arrangementsof carnations and chrysanthemums.Miniature arrangements of daintychrysanthemums were u�ed on the ta­

bles where guests were served a chick­en salad course. Mrs. Brett was

assisted by her SIsters, Mrs. HarrySmith and Mrs. Fred Shearouse of

Attention farmers & Tractor Dealers



.f' •






The annual reunion ot' the Brannen Cpl. Cecil Canuette has arrived from

family will be held at Bethlehem Trieste, Italy, where he has been for

Church Sunday, November 30, at 12.30 thirty-four months, and is VIsitingo'clcek, A business session will ,take. !his .parents, Mr. and- MT!I,,,Cecii Oan­

piaceat 1.4'5 o'clock with John Edge uette. Mllls, Canuette is ill In the

us speaker Bulloch County Hospital,

CIVIC GARDEN CLUB'D I '» I The CIVIC Garden Club met No-

• .c ure y .c ersona .vember 13th at the home of MIS ·w

D Andel son WIth Mrs Rage, HollandMrs. E. C. Oliver and Mrs Dan umd Mrs. R L Winburn us co-host­

Lester spent Monday 111 Savannah I csses. The program committee was

D,. Tom LIttle and Aubrey Pafford composed of MIS Cliff Bradley,attended an eduoationul convention

1111 chuirman, Mrs. Aulbert Brannen and

Macon Tuesday Mrs. J P. Foy, DUling the busmese "',;.:.� ...��!!:�..;;;;;_�11111. nnd Mrs E. M. Mount, of session Mrs. Alfred Dalman asked �

Gainesville, are spending several duys those interested m orderlng rose

IMr. and Mrs. Walter H. Mallard

here this week bushes to give their order to h.. by announce the birth of a. Eon, WalterMrs. Dick Brannen, of Savannah, December 1st. Mrs. E. L. Bal nes H. Jr., November 7th, at the Bulloch

'JI " d th week end WIth MI and d I tt f M s Dupree nSk-1County Hospital. Mrs. Mallard was

Wl spen e . rcn a e or rom I T' the former MISS LaRue Tyson.Mrs Lloyd Brannen. IIIg the club to subscribe to Nnttonal ••• _

Jeny Marsh, Univer-sity of Georgra Gurden Magazine, \�'hich the local Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lowe an-

tudent spent the week end WIth his I b voted t do Mrs. Waldo Floyd nounce the birth of a son, Gordons , c u 0

ed Mallory, November 14th, at the Bul-mother, Mrs. H. V. Marsh reported that pansy plants ordor

Iloch, County Hospital. Mrs. Lowe1II1Ss Betty Lovett, of Augusta, was (rom Mrs. Arthur Brannen were at, was formerly Miss Ruth Dowd, ot

wilh her parents, MI and Mrs. Mrs. Floyd's home. M,s Barnes re-I Stutesbcro.Bates Lovett, for the week end. \ ported havmg a letter from L. E.

M d M• J. ·L·C .·tt .s JA h Sh I d b fran rs... II enuen r.,Mr. and Mrs. rt ur pe an Tyson asking fqr a contn ut,on rom! of Attapuigus, announce the birth 0:

chlldren spent Sunday In Savannah the club to be used on the Ifon lung

Ia daughter November 2. She WIll b,:

w,lh Mr and Mrs Jimmy Elhs. fund. Mrs HIm y Blitch made mo- called Cheryl Lynn. Mrs. CrittendonRandy Everett, University of

Geo'-1tlOn that $10 be sent to Mr. Tyson. I

w,lI be rem'I.nbered as Millll Ohallottc

gia, spent the week end WIth hIS pa,- Mrs. Floyd I equested that each mem-Oiement5.

_. _ •

cnts, Mr and Mrs Olliff EVClett. ber bring an arrangement to the De-I Lieut. and II1rs. Thomas Denmark,Mrs. CeCil Brannen has letUlned cember meetllig Pictures WIll be of Marianna, Fla., announce the birth


:from n VISJt WIth Mr and Mrs. Eu- Illude of the arrangements 10f n daughter, Saundra Lynn. Novem.

C I b S C ,ber 16th. Mrs. Denmark was formerlygene DeLoach In 0 urn la, The progl am was on sweetpeasI Miss Patsy Dowling, of Marianna. Lt.

Mr. and Mrs Albert DaVIS and Mr lI1ays spoke on their cult,vat,o". Denmnlk, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Ewellsons, Jlnl and Stephen, spent the MIS. Bradley gave a' package of I T. Denmark, of Mananna, formerly ofweek end In Darlcn With lclatlves. sweetpeas seed to ench member WIth I Statesboro, is at present serving with

Bucky A�ins, Umverslty of Geor- pamphlet o'n Instluction for plantlhg. the U. S. Army in Korea.

gm. student, spent the week end With Members who earned arrangements IhIS pa<ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Ak"�l to the meeting were Mrs. Percy \VILLIAMS--BELL"1 d 'I H nry M s s and Mrs t f k d� The wedding of MISS Thetis Caro-" r. an "rs cae Bland, an all angemen 0 a ra po "'

lyn Wllhams, only daughter of MI'.A. L WalleI' were In Atlanta dUllng bittel sweet and wheat, 1111'S J A. IIlnd Mrs. Jasper Kelly WIlliams, ofthe weel< attending tbe shoe conven- Blanan, chrysanthemum. and holly; lPembl'Oke, to Jack Bell, AOO.:U S.tion. Mrs. Henry Bhtch, flUit and fnll bl\l'- Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee An-

Mrs W A. Byars and Mrs. W M. lIes DUring the socml haUl the drew Bell, of Savannah,_took place In

M f h t d t Atlanta d d t d h til qUiet home ceremony Sunday after-oncllc ave re urne 0 hostesses serve am y snn WIC es,noon, November 9th, at 4 'clock, Wlthnfter a viSIt lVlth Mr and Mrs Hinton b,owmes and coffee. Elder Malhe Jones, ot Statesbolo, oi-

Booth. • • • • fiClatlng. Tall standards filled WIthMrs. Frank Gnmes has ,eturne.! UNIVERSITY WOMEN IN ,Iurge chrysanthemums were used

flam Ocala, Fla, where she spent the AN INTERESTING SESSION agamst a backgrond o.f magnoi!a.

h J d d M L E . IleavC5 to fo"" an unprovlsed altar Inweek w,t u ge an rs. . . The Amellcan ASSOCiatIOn of Unl the livmgloom Larry W,llIams, of WARNOCK CLUB ..Futch. verslty Women met Tuesday of In.t

ISavunnah, sang, "I Love You TlUly" The Warnock Home Demonstration

J,mmy Blitch, Umverslty of Geor- week, November 11, WIth Mrs. Tho •. and "Always." The bnde, given '" Club held the November meeting at

gia student, spent the weeki end \\�th LIttle Serving w,th Mrs LIttle as' marllage by her father, was attract- the home of Mrs. J. L. Kingery on

his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry h t


M R �h B Iton 'I ,veil' attired In a hght blue wool suit Grady stroot, Wlth Mrs. Ivy WinnTHAYER MI)NUMENT COMPANYos esses were ISS U 0

'with which she wore navy accesso- ,and Mrs. Jesse Akins as nssociat2Bhtch Miss Pattie Crouch, MI s. Carl Hug- lIes. She carried a white satm Bible hostessC5. Mrs. Blil Wh,tehead tav.Mr and Mrs. E. L MIkell, of Fior-ginS, MISS Rebecca Parks and MIa, topped w,th white orchIds. Miss Ma- a demOllstration of ,deas for Christ- A Loeal Indultry SbIc, 1822

ence, S. C, spent last week end WIth Maude WhIte. To help in I alSmg I, Ie Pittman, maId of honor lind oniv mas candies. During the soc181 hour JOHN H.. THAYER, l'ropl'l""'r,lus parent., Mr and Mrs. Erastu�

money for a movie projector 10r the attendant, WO'e a grey SUIt with biack' he hostess served open face sand- 411 W.st M.ln Street PHONE 439MIkell I b d' I f accessorIes and corsage of red chrY"- wlches and coffee. All the members


��I�an�I��m���m�R���.i�o�n�����t�e�d���t�h�e��:o�n���n�g�f�U�n�d�._�������������������������������lIIr. and Mrs. E L. Barnes had asthe hospital, the group pianned to vannah, was h,s brother's b05t man, .�

fulr�d���p�W�I��mq��ro�L 1����I�_b�_�fu ••••••M•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••�her sister, Mrs. BI udley Downs, of Mrs. Llttie chairman of the educa, 'brIde, 561 ved as ushel. ,

Cordele. bon comml;tee, mtroduced Clal I< Mrs. Williams, mot�er of the bride,IIIlss Patsy Odom, of the Umversl_ K It f Ge T acher Coi- , was dr.ssed in blue WIth navy a�ces'"

now on, 0 orgla e SSOfles and wore a corsage of whIte

t� of G�orgla, spent the week endlege, as the speaker. Huving lived chrysanthemums. Mrs. Bell, moth.rw,th her parents, Mr and Mrs. Wal-in Brazli, and studIed there, MI.. of the groom,; wore navy WIth black

tCl Odom. Knowlton was well versed In a bacl,- accessories and a corsage of pinkMr. and lIIrs. Eari Allen and SOli round of knowledge and information' carnatIOns Mrs. B J. WlIhams,

DllVld and MrE. Arthur Turl'er spentg grandmother of the bflde, was dressjCon all phases of hfe In th,s largest of

ed in black with a corsageof whit.Sunday In Macon WIth Mr. and Mrs AmerICan countries exceptmg Can_ chrysanthemums. Mrs. J. H. Hughes,C. A. Odom.ada "So many know so little about maternai grandmother of the bride,

Miss Mary lIa Oillff has returnedBrazil, and should know more," stat- wore a navy WIth a white chrysanthe-

to Augmlta after spendmg somet,me K I H 'd f th mum corsageed Mr now ton. e sa, ur er-A lovely re�eption was held follow-'here with her parents, Mr and Mrs.

more thnt Since BraZil IS our great�Lester Olliff. ing the ceremony The home was dec-

est ally m South Anumca, and SlIlce orated Wlth wh,te chryeanthemumsMiss ShIrley Gulledge, UmversltyI both countries learn a great deal flom and fern. The bllde's table was over­

of GeOl gl" student, spent the weekI eocl;! other, It behooves both to st, ive hlld WIth an embrOIdered cut work

cnd with her parents, Com. and Mrs,fa, fllendller, more co-operat,ve at- cloth and centered w,th a three-tiered

.A M G lied wedding cake topped w,th mmiatureu ge. I htudes and apprecIatIOns Braz", be- brIde and groom Small white chrys-Mrs. SIdney Smlth, M,ss BetsycaUSe of its resources and skill of lInthemums and fern completed the

SmIth, Mrs Dewey Cannon and Mrs'l tnhabltants, IS tn a pOSItIOn to be oi table decolatlons. Mrs R. J WII­M Inme MIkell I eturned Saturday fron,

mest,mabie value to us in the fu- hams, of Savannah, pouied punch,a b_usiness trip to New York.

.I ture.

.and serving were MIsses Marie andMr. and Mrs Challes C. Ohver, of, • • • •

Clara Neil Roberts, Shirley Haygood,Au ta h t t Fi d I HEARTS HIGH CLUB Mrs. J. E. Stnckland and Mrs. E. W.

an ,w 0 were enrou e 0 Orl a, •

DeLoach Mrs. James BobbItt dlfect.were week-end guests of her SISter" Members of the Hearts HIgh Club ed to the dimngroom, and the bnde'sMrs. Dan Lester, and Mr. Lester. 'were dehghtfully entertamed Thurs- book was k�pt by M,ss ViVIan Nell

lIIr. and Mrs. Lane Johnston, Un i- day evening with Mr and Mrs. Ch�"lle Nesm,th.

vers,ty of Georgia students, spent the Joe Mathews hosts at the home of her After a weddmg trip to South Caro_hnt, Mr. and Mrs. Beil will reside mweek end WIth thelf mothers, Mrs. parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Harry S'ollth Savannah.

Grady Johmton and Mrs. Virginia Autumn flowers were used about theEvans., 'room., and a de"""rt and coffee were FINESSE CLUB

Mrs. H. M. Teets, Mrs. �. S. Bondu-I served. Coca-Coias and nuts were en- The members of the Fifiesse Bridgerant and Mrs O. M. Lamer were In joyed later tn the evening. For high Olub Were de!lght.�y entertamedSylvania Thtrrsday where they at- scores Frank Hook received a hllnd- Thu,sday evemng by Mrs. E. W.

tended. revival services conducted by I kerohlef and t,e set, and Mrs. 'Julian Bumes at her home on Savannah ave­Rev. Pierce HarriS. Hodges received earnngs. Cut prize nu.. A vanety of fall flowers dec-

Mrs. Grant TIllman, Mrs. �eil went to Mrs. Frank Hook, who won a orated her rooms, and on arrivalWater,s., Mrs. Fred Hodges Jr. and set of wooden mixing !Jpoons, and guests were served a salad courseMISS Shirley TIllman were guests o! P.lOl Sauve, ot M,llen, won Argyle w,th Coca-Colas Ha,d' candles wereMr. and Mrs. LOUIS Blue m Augusta, socks. The floating prize, a set of ash- on the tabies durlng- the games. Aone day durtng the week trays, went to Mrs. Sidney Dodd. plastic hose d, yer for hIgh was wan

Mr and Mrs. Gene Coleman and Guests were Mr and Mrs Hook, Mr., by Mrs Jerry Howar<t for low ahttle daughter ClaIre, of North Au- and Mrs, Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Sauve, noveity bfldge tnstructor for begin­gusta, S C., and M,ss Dot W,lson, of Mr. and Mrs Buford Kmght, Mrs .. ners went to lIIrs. Lmwood Smith,HineSVIlle, spent the week end with Dodd, Miss Grace Gray and Horace I and for cut Mrs BIlly Tllimun won aMr. and Mrs. Hudson WIlson, I McDougald. I box of cockta,l napkinS. Other mem-

Mr and MIS B L Kennedy haveI'

• • • •

bels plesent were Mls H'arold' Ha.retulned to Atlanta after spending KENNEDY FAMILY MEETS

ginS, MIS J. G Altman, Mrs. 'Mellast week hete w,th relat,ves and at- Member of the Kennedy fam,ly Boatman, Mr� Bob Blanchette, MI s.tended a family reunion Sunday at flom out.of.town who wele hele Sun�

Eugene Kennedy, Mrs. Wendel Oliver,the home of Ml. and Mrs. E. J. An- day fat the annual reunIOn held atM,'s. J. M Storey Jr., Mrs. Jack

derson. I the home of Mr and Mrs. I:; J. Ken-R,mes and Mrs. Emerson Brannen.

Dr. and Mrs. Carroll Moore have nedy were Mr. and Mrs. B L Ken�••••

returned from a VISIt In Stockton, N.I nedy, Mrs. Elton AkinS and Mrs Jus HERE FOR FUNERALJ., \vith their son, Dr. BIll Moore, and' Cheek, Atianta, M,' and Mrs.. W A Membels at the famIly here becausefatnily. During the four_weeks they 'I Kennedy, Tampa, Fla ; Mr. and Mrs of the death of Mrs. Pearl Boyd 10-

were away they vis,ted many places CeCIl Kennedy, RaleIgh, N C.; MI cluded MIS. Henry M. Jones, M,a,m;of interest. and Mrs Ralph O'Neal and daughter MIS JosIe Fox, Mrs. J. T. Blight and

Mr, and Mrs. Hoke Brunson and I Alice, Hart,,*,lI; MISS -Mamie' Lou sons, Bobby and Tommy; MIS. Bessiechildre!', Barbara, Hoke Jr and Betty, Andelson, Danen, Mr and M"" Dal Echols and M,s G,ady MIller, At­IIpent la5t'week end with Mrs Blun-i Salter and daugter, Ellen, Fort Went- 'Ianta, Homer Olliff, Detro,t, Micb.;son's parents, Rev. and Mrs L P. worth, Ml and Mrs Elton K nndy, Mr� Mary Lee Carter, Louisvtlle,Glass, in Fairburn Saturday Mr. and Melody and Danny Kennedy, V,daha. Mr and 'Mrs. Paul Anderson, Waynes­Mrs. BrunBon went to Atlanta for the Thlrty-aeven members of the famIly 'boro. and Mr and Mrs. Grady Turner,Tech-Alabama footbali game.

Iwere present Bluffton, S. C.

Savannah Towel sets were given fOI"

high scores, and .were won by MrsC. B. ,Mathews for olub members and

by M�. W. D. Anderson for 'fisitors.For cut, Mrs. A. T. Ansley receiveda box of mints. Mrs. Shearouse, whovisited relatives here for several daysduring the past week, w,,� pres'mtedhose as guest g,ft by Mrs. Brett. Oth­ers piaylnlf were Mrs. Horace Sm,th,Mn. C. P. Ollift', Mrs. 'Alfred Dor-

Anyone Can Sell Anyone Can Buy�ELL SOMETHING YOU DON'T NEED.

BUY SOMETHING YOU NEED.man, Mrs. E. L. Barnell, Mrs. Dan

Lester, Mrs. Harry Smith, IIIrs. BruceOlliff and Mrs. Harvey Brannen.

All Sales are by Cash or Certified Check.

All Sales on Commission.

PLACE: Metter 'Livestock Market.Mrs F,ank Upchurch entertain<>d

membe!s of the Noveity Club at a

dellght!ul party Tuesday afternoon oflust week at her reSIdence on South Metter Aucl ion Sales Co.Zetterower. Fall flowel.. and pyra­cantha berries were combined ill love­

ly arrangements, and sandWlches, pe-can pie topped Wlth whipped Cleam, ������::;:���������������ii����,and coffee Wel'e served. [n a WIse·sal'· 1wgs contest, an attractlye prize was

won by Mrs. Burton Mitchell. Bingowas played and a number of pnze"were won by the guests. Presentwere Mrs. M,tchell, Mrs. Ellis De­

,Loach, Mrs J. A. Hargraves, Mrs. W.E Helmly, Mrs. Geol'ge P. Lee, Mrs.H M. Teets and Mrs. O. M. Lanier.

Day Phone 435, :: Night Phone 117

The True Memorial18 AN UNWRITl'EN BUT BLU­



Our ..ork helps to rellect til,.plrlt ..hich prompts you to eree\*1M! .tnne •• an act 'If rftva�

.nd devotion • • • Our upVlellCeIs .t y"ur .errice.




Day Annua� Pre-Xmas


Thursday, friday, Saturdayand Monday

4 Sensational V�lue �ivin9: �ays<

Just in rime for Xmas!

O't)11arSale Starts Thursday, Nov. 20, 9 O'clock

See Our Big 4.P':'ge Circular�t Your Door!




Fro.. Bulloeh Tim... , Nov. 26, 1942

'Drafte05 delinquent list publishedcomprised four whites and eighteencolored. Whites were Juhan FosterBowen, B. ). Nweman, James Wood­row Stansell and Charlie Anderson.

The share-the-meat program IS to

be the most important matter fo� dis­cussion at the meetmg of the FarmBureau Friday evening in the court

OUP I Smith. Made Direct.or.· I PROMISED ACfION�O�S�\y"�C:.1'�� BI��Ch�;�����:.ent FOREIGN GRBulloch county fa, mers now have

ITrI·State ASSOCiation

IN CITY ELECfION81\ organization of mutual Insurance VISIT IN BULLOCH w. H. Smith Jr. has been electedas per plans of the recently organized

to the board of director s of the Geor-orguniaation created by the morethnn 400 farmers attending the an-

• Brazilians Studying Soil gUt-Flo I ida-Alabama Peanut Associn-nual S05Sl0n of' the Farm Bureau. And Water ColUlel'Vation tlon. This is the 4Irst director of

J. W. Fo�bes, farmer of the Brook- As Locally Employed He.re GFA that has been named from thislet community, �roduced 2,026 pounds area of the peanut belt. Mr. Smith,of potatoes on eighth of an acre, and Hubert Levy Jr. and Sylvio Syl-,won county prize of ,10, Jesse P. vestre Staffl, directors and technl-II

a former county agent, has re�ntly:Jackson, agricul�ural agent of the. Brazil'. SoU Con.servation serve� for some ten years as 11 diree- came as a sort of surprise to those

Central of Georgm Railyay, announc- ctans ofII h t f a

tor ot the Georgia Faem Bureau and not in touch with CIty politics, lasted· this week. Service, are in Bu oc coun Y or

I has been interested in the eff-orts TB II h d ° hursday evening brought an impor-Friends are interested to lea� that two-weeks' study in u oc a� sur-made by GFA and others in behalf

a Statesboro young man, WIlham P. rounding counties. Mr. Statll 's fromf th t


d H B Itant upstir in the placid situation

Brett, was th,s week promoted fromCOl one I Bittencourt, 534 Ponta Gros- I a e peanu m ustry. e IS a u -

promised for next week's electIOn.rank of major to lieutenant colonel,B II d i h' f f the I loch county peanut grower and knows

Prior to that hlst development, twoalld is chrector of training at Gunter aa Parana,.

ra. ,an 8 c Ie a

Mr,'.the problems involved In growing and

Field, Alabama. He and h,s brother, F,fth Agncultural �ctlon. .


marketing peanuts.members of the city council-F. C.

Lieut. Commander J,mmy a Brett, Levy's addr""s 's Avemda Or6z,mbo Parker and I. M. Foy-were unojipo.-a�o of the Air Force, were recent Maia, 243 Campin.s, Sao Paulo, Bra-I GEORGIA HEALTH

ed for re,election W A ("Bill Ab") CLAUSSEN BAKERYVIsitors to his father here, J. H.i nd is head of the Sao Paulo Bowen, whose terms on the councli "Last yea'r two countres In Call-

Brett. ZI, a. I fornia made more cotton tl un • the• • • • SectIOn in -Soil ConservatIOn. has a year to run, had qualified as a

HAS NEW WRAPPERTWENTY YEARS AGO 'rhese llIen arc 'here for about a BOARD ADVANCES candidate for mayor Wlthout opposi- ,"tate of South Oarohna diet tho yearI t· _ "before. And sev.ral other counties!From Bulloeh Time ... Nov. 24, 1932 year's stay 111 the Statcs to earn as ',on.

, heilll h S '1 Con VI I 0 I I -If Th n ted d I t f Freshness of Bread Made.n t Southwest made almoat ••W. B. Moore, al!"'d 67, died yester- much as poss e ow our a' -

gorous y ec ares ts"" e u expec eVe opmen s a ewmuch.day at his home In the Brooks House; servatlOn Districts and SOIl Conser- As "'avorable To Modem' hours-Indeed only moments-before Lasting By New Wrappinghad been Iii s.v.rai months. vatlOn Service operate; how .oil and Processes of Medication the closing of entries cons,sted of the "A multi-million dollar project I.

As result of the recent eiectionwater conservation plans are prepared withdrawal of F. 0 Parker Jr. flom

Which Has Been Adopted \bringing more water tv IIome of tb.,Democrats will have majority of 183

using soil 5urvey maps as a guid., The State Board of Health unani- the race for re-election to the coun- In step with the ,growing trend of area. And water II .11 that milchin House of Repres.ntatives.

and how tbe planned pract,'c"s areI mously vo,ced a re-endors.ment of II d h I th t" i f ad of that dry land Il�edl to make I'D. C. Woods, aged 82, died Sunday e:

I fI id i flitc an 'B entry for the mayora ty e na ,on s progre•• ve 0 mann-

morn1llg at the home of h,s son, Algie applied for maximum result.. They uor at �n 0 wster supp eSb a 2: in opposition to Bowen Accompanied ,�acturers .nd processors toward ne" bring torth Ita plenty.Woods, m Statesboro, as result of m- will delve lOto soil mappmg, land

1semI-annual meeting on Novem er . With that move, came the entry of I and more serviceable packaging ma-

"In the light o� all that, just whereJurtes sustamed In aCCIdent on Portal

capabihtles and soll erosIOn control. The board members expressed com- Rufus Anderson as candidate to suc- tenals for their products, Claussen's ar. we with cotton? Will It event.hIghway Thursday morning.

They w,ll learn as much as possible plete approval of th.e c�rrent dramatic oeed Parker on the council, and at enriched whIte br.ad Is now being ually go?Social evenh. T. E. L. Class 0:

',n order that they may go back to Ihealth measure, wh'ch 's known to reo. th h t f H d,stributed In a new yellow wrapper. "That, no one knows. But theBaptist Sunday school gnve surprise d h d

• same t,m. t • en ry 0 orac.

dinner Sunday for Mrs. I. S. L. Miller BraZIl and solve the tremendous soil uce toot ecay 65 per cent. MAlDougald a. candidate !or council "Made of 'I'yton, a new and ,mproved gileS. of �ome who are In position toin recognition of' her .igthy-second erosion problems in their native land. �t w� pointed out that some 400 In oppositlon to I. M. Foy, who stands wrapper material developed by one

know best It that lIOme cotton wtllbirthday.-Dr. and Mrs. R. J. H. De-

Braz,l, as you know, Is the vast' clt,es m the co�ntry now enjoy the for re-eiection. of America'. leadlnlr manufacturer••tay on our lands belt suited to ItLoach entertained at a loveiy dinner

'and (bigger than the United States) benefit. of flUOridatIOn; among thom Thus has developed a situation of food packaging supplies, the newand where the very latest in mech.n.W.dnesday evening when guests were "

are five In G or i G i ville I I h f h d Ization and know-how .re .pplled,Dr. and Mrs. Guy H. Wells, Mr. and of South Amenca. It spreads from ega - a nes 'which promIses some warmth. If wrapper sea. n teres nMI an

Mra. Howell Cone, Miss Mae Michael, the equator to the south<irn temperate Athens, Rome, ROSSVille and Monroe. Parker .bould win the mayoralty, ftavor and keeps the br.ad freshor But It beghl. to look like the da,. ofMiBs Malvma Trussell, Miss Jardine

I zone. It has all kinds of soll.....red, Members of the board said that Bow.n would stili have a year on the longer," said S. Fred Brown, general the careleBs .nd Inditl'erent cottonand R. L. Winburn.

I bl k b wn white etc It they had be.n surprised to learn that city council. The .Iectlon of And.r- sales and a�vertlsi,,&, manarer o! the grower are rettinr ahort. Unl... heDoubie-barrei election to be h.ld ¥e low, ac, ro , f' Ie' yet sam. people m Georlrla had been mil- 50n to .ueceed Park.r Is assured be- baking firm. can change with the tlm.s, dlvenity,lint Satu.rday in December is at- Is a land.of many races o. peop,

takenly sa in that the board was and Irrow ....me c tto ri ht th _..tractlng mterest; Roger Holland and it has always been a fa,thful friend y g cau.e of the fact that he h.s no op- Markmg the first major wrapper 0 n Ir , e .--.

A. O. Bland are seekmg re-election h USA' stabili�lng forc. In opposed to fluoridation. Chairman po.ition, thus the two can testa of in- cha"", In over seventean years by crop will likely slip from hi. gralp.as counc,lmen; are 0ppoBed by F. W.

of t �he:.wi8C 'he:tic South America. Dr. R. L. Rol!"'rs, of Gain.sville, and terest .rc those between Bowen and the Hl-year-old bakery, the n.w"But there hi hope whera the job

Darby, who seeks one of the places; the. 0

d bu And \hrtvinr.. na- the other memb.rs were satisfied that Parker 'for mayor and McDougald wrapper was a. carefully designed as"r Irrowlnlr cotton I. done rilfht. Clem.

J. L. Renfro. is unoppoBed for may- It ,s to ay a sy",0 harmful .tl'.ells can rasuit from 'and Foy for council. II Paris Is.h,on and 'is the re.uit of son Station .t Blackville hal'lonlfor; for justice of the peace Mrs. D. tion. prop.rly controlled adelitinn of tluor. The I t'

..Frld f t k month. of study, --.rch and test- work.d on It. mech.nlntlon. AndC. Jones olfers to succeed herself, and "I like It v.ry much here," stated ," e ec 'on iii ay 0 nex ..ee 'v_

is opposed by W. F. Key, J. T. Klng- Mr. Levy, "I only wiah we could do ides to a city. water supply. The -Dee<;mber &th. Inlr by the baker)"s executivea, Mr. at HuntBvllie this f.1i 1 s.w a Iarpery and Lester Edenfield.

thing. as you do here. It ",ill take gridouMP ICihted oni• enhamPI., Gbeer�d Rap-

�ARM ONTRBrown Btated. tleld th.t Coker handled merchaniall,

• - - • •

wili be abl. to In the B,. c., a c ty t t bal n tlllor· , 1', " 'CfS The de.imer of the n.w packare cl�ar throulfh. The day I ..as th_THIRTY YEARS AGO time, but we

idatmg for seven y.an ,,-Itb no 111' \i .tl was Robert A. Putman, .�,dlrlcto� thl mechanlca:I,Jllcken were �t.Fro. Bulioch TiBl.s, ·No... ZS, 192a future." •

etl'sete, ' :.:

OWof K....thon CorPOration, Mqqb...... it!H"T.ha, "IN�' ,j

Lawrence Mitchtll, former ....ident The m.n haft been very,bu'lly thea_, 'In -riew bf the- tact' iIiat '.: AYf BEING SIGNED Wis:," m.fluf.cturel'll of bread wrap.ted JOb, and atlttlnlr a bale and •.baltftrft three da,. -- ...tchlnlf heavy


__of Bulioch cO"nty, died '" Savannahbuild B nice dam on Roy cit...n. stlil question ..hIther or not pel'l and other food packaglnlf Slip_ "r .cre. ._ p....m.... WMd �S.turday' molnwg as result of in- equipment

ri f f A P Bufflclent experiments ha... been con- Only Two Weeks Longer pliea. mont and ,ia:tllr 8_ cuI�i...tion hadl�:� ���i:�d � ���e,:nset-_d� Kelly's f.rm; to; �If Farm


Bu;ea�1ducted, the board reiterated that·the For Slgn.Up CoDlpa.lgn Run The predomlnatln&, yellow oolor ..as kept that cotton !'feetly clean and

fense. Mur:,hY; a:�':t:�! tu�: in R.,- 'benefits and wet)' of fluoridat60n are Before Opportunity CI_ chosen because of ita approprt.ten... the pickel'll vJere .ble to do a rooclBulloch county bas full quota o� mee mg an

tcebo d th col- supported by as much sclentltlc e'ri- to the product. The colol BUrreSU job in It. , County arenu will likely«tadento at G. S. C. W., including Iste�; tourinlr Sndta. - Sro a.;:. :hool dence Ali any other preventl... public With lell8 than two more w.eks to sunfhine and wheat. And It portraYI be Placin, more demonstration. InMiue. Gladys CI.rk, Marilou Moore, lere and atte lDlr un Y s h Ith go in the 1953 Agncultural Conser- h the mechaniaed handll"" f e ttonWilma and Maggie Bird, of States- and' church. They will visit many ":!No e;:�:ree�t. are ev.r tlnlshed," vatlon Program s,gn-up campa'gn, tf • hPr°riduchtt as belnlr tWh·rm, soft Th.nd the comi"- y_,.

0 0

borQ', Salhe Rigp, Register and Edna d f In the coun .. - res, g out of e oVen. e.." •

PreetoriuB, Brookiet.more farms an armer. -

laid Dr. J. G. William I, member of tbe county office of the Production Blmpliclty of the ov.rall deB!a'n plul Yea, ,reaponalble !bIke believe thatHllrh school studenta' will present ty,.s well as take In 9rive-in movl••

the board. "If .......It, a ren.ratlon and Marketlnlf 'Administration haa the rtch maroon cellor uied wtth th. ou� state can continul to IrJ'OW .om.black face comedy Friday .veninlr; and viBits In homes. will lIliss the opportunlti.s of fluor- lesued a report of ita progr.88. M. yellow .gIv.s the quality appearance

cotton .s lonlr al the ..orld ...antabesides student" in black face th.re ThiS' is a Irood-nellrhbor as well .1ldatlon." L. Taylor, county PMA chairman, characteristic of the company's prod. cotton. But he mult employ aU lat- ,will be A. J. Mbon.y, Hmton Booth, buslne.s policy for these men to be

A committee ..as dell-Iated to said that by November 15, thirty-six ,uct.. The new wrapp.r marks a eat, m.chani.eif teehnlque In dolqD. C. Smith, Leroy Cowart and AI- I' Id to know and ••

'bert Quattlebaum. h.re. t we cou comeprep.r. suggested health legl.lation community commlttesm.n, mOl t I y notabie step forw.rd In packaeln, It, it we are to IUrrive a. cotton pro-

Social events: Miss Zenie WIl- appreciate the problema of oth.r p.o- for the coming year; another group..orldna p.rt tim., have vlalted ap- I the company'. products and' we feel duce.... Ai,,1 m.)'be lOme Irriptloaliam., of Shawnee, Ga., and Benjam'n piea and they know u. better, WI

wa named to dlacuss with Governor proximately 500 Bulloch county that It will be well rec;ived not onl" too.",B. Bule, of Pulaski, were united 'n would be on the road to permanent T.lmadJre possible future utilizatioha farms since tb. campailrn started on because of Ita rood look. but from Mr. Elea.er, a. I ... It, _pre_ta��:a� ;;. ��·c�il ��:�;;� peace. Oniy Russia .nd her stouge.

of the Alto Hospi.tal property. November 1. a semoe atandp;lnt a. well, Mr. th�. rituation In Ita trUe Illrht. OUrstand In the way of tremendous prog- Of thia' number 485 have filed can- Brown concluded. Alabamll and Geo-'- f.rmers ha..eenlragement of their daulrhter, Hattie, H f f •• �

to Remer H. Smltb, the marriage to res" In this direction. er arm 0

Roger Hagan Joins se""tion pian. .nd requests for as- Increased their production per .crabe-eolemnized December 12th.-Mrs. governm.nt can operate only o,! ig-

'm .Istance under tbe 1953 ACP. aad are now reallzlll&' almost as m'lcflA. F•. Mikell was hostes.. to the Octa- norance and force, an� ��e knows, C1ubsters '1'0 Chicago The ciialr'inan expects that visit. Episcopal Congregation money from th.lr cotton crops from.gon Club Wedn05day morning at her that if ignorance is wiped out, forceRoger Hagan, a Bulloch county 4-H to the remaining 1,46& frams will be To Lay Cornerstone g""atly reduced acreaare as they !lid��mGrio,::.�:� :�� �t=:;-�:v� will lIOt be abl. to protect her from

Club boy, will join a group of some completed by December I, which has when almost twice as much acreareentertained with a rook-bndge party Wlthin. 2& to 30 other ciubsters in Atlanta been estabUshed as a closing date Ground-breaking exerCI.es for the

wAll devoted to the crop. But, withWednesday afternoon at the Golden Saturday afternoon for a week m for doing the job. Mr. Taylor said erectIOn a! the new Epilcopal church competition fro"; Irrow.rs in otherRaad Tea Room.-North SIde Club Hour-Old InfaJ;lt Is Chicago. The group will ieave At- that it is necessary to set that dea�- WIll be held at the church property, sections, w. must now give more

ret with :/is\�orgJa Blitch at herFound In Briarpatch lanta about 6:30 p. m. on a speCial Ime to allow the county committee corner of Lee street and Highway 80, thought to mechanization of the cropQm. on art

•• a�n :treet. train and arrive In Ohicago around 9 time to r.vlew individual farm conser- on Sunday aft.rnoon, November 30, If W. are to continue the proflt.bleFORTY YEARS AGO. m�n£:�:�!st�;r:::C:I�m:l:ren:::: �he my'. ..:i�n���n�0:�:b;;�t���a�h4�� :�t��:I��d:n�o:p::�·f!�:�mount ::1 �h:'c����cre:afnr.��:::�vo::, f:�� _p_r_od_u_c_t_io_n_o_f_it_.__� ....._From Bulloch Ti.l.es, Nov. 26, 1912

an hour old, vias found in a briar- offiCIals and Teachers College have Le d' N PIClub Congr� R th tnp "Exceptions to the requirement that a Ing egroes anT. J. Denmark, bank examiner of patch on the oid tracks of the G.OI- 'os. oger won ebeen inVIted. Episcopalians fromAtlanta, is in Statesboro engaged In

d h tebecause he was the state field crops a farmer make his request tor all

W b S d II S I. For Chamber Commerceauditing the books 0: W. B. Johnson, g18 & FlOrida Railroa m t ewes rn

champion this year. pract,,:es for which he deSires assist- aynes oro, an ersv, s, y vama

city clelk part of Statesbolo early �ednesday The records submitted by Roger for ance before December 1 w,II be per-"nd Savanmlh nre also expected to at-

Mrs. J. 0 Franklin, of Pula5ki, dIed mal ning by a negro coml�g to h,sstate competition \��re also submItted mltted only for Justifiable mdlvidual tend The Reverend James C. Oaiey,

Tuesday at he" home near PulaskI; work In Statesboro pohce. were

Ifor regional and natIOnal contests. hardshIp cases approved by the coun- non-reSIdent pastor of the Statesboro

was the �Ol mer Miss Julia Akms, of bId the h h II be' harge nd 111 beStatesboro. notified and an am u anCe carneThose that are acquainted with Rog- ty committee," Mr Taylor stated. He c urc , WI In caw

Ordinary-elect W. H. Cone was in youngster to the Bulloch County H05-er's worl< through the past eight said .uch Include plolonged Illness, ",slsted by the Reverend T. Bland

the city yesterday making plans fOI pltal, where Its race and sex wereyears as a 4-H ClUb member feei that absence from county during the Slgn- Tucker, rector of Christ Church, Sa­

bls removal to Statesboro on the first made known. Body sctatches ifr�m he has an excellent chance at Nation- up period, or acqUisition of a farm vannah The pubhc is Cbrdlally m·of January. th briar gave the first ImpressIon 't th I d t vlted to this ceremonyThe mercantIle firm of A J Wil-

e s

be h IIIII honors, the best chance any Bul- a. er e c oSlng a e.

son closed"ts doors Thursday of last' that thechild had en.p YSlca y mlS-loch county club member has ever had Farmels are requested by the

week and IS now In the hands of tre)tted At the hospItal the young- at such honors. He was recently PMA chaIrman to co-operate by keep-er�'tors w,th D. F. McCoy making �ter IS reported resting well.

named county junior leadership win- ing any engagements whIch the comJaudit of accounts; had been ,n grocery ttl I hn


I.t mitteemen make WIth them In cohobUSiness about two years. St'l Sid' G' nner, s a e meat an ,rna." ,,!plon a

JamC5 Boyd, liVing two miles north I son 0 ler Iveyear and was d,strlct r,fle Wlnner two nectlOn with the sign-up campaign.

of State.boro, met a hOl'flble death Good Conduct Medal years.When caught in the belting of his gm _

in operatIOn last Monday; Boyd had With the U. S. Forces m Japan.--been living at Roberts Mill tor the The Good Conduct Medal recentlypast twenty years. was awarded to Army Sgt. Frank T.

CIty election to be held Saturday; Beasley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiahso far no announced candIdate ex­

cept E. A. Smith for council; men- H. Beasley Sr., Rt. I, Stilson, Ga.

tioned for may.!'r are A. J. Mooney, Stationed In Saka', Japan, Beasley isS. J. Crouch, Howeli Cone, Brooks a..signed to the 279th General H05-S,mmons and J. W. Wilson. '

pital 'as an x-ray technician. He wasJ. J. Zetterower, J. J. E. Anderson, <cIted for exemplary behavior, efll­

W. H. Kenlledy, A. B. Green, GeorgeDeal, Frank SaBser and W. M. Ha- Clency and fidelity during the pastgins �pent last week huntmg on Os,. three years.8abaw Island as guests of S. S. Sas- Sgt B.asley also has been aw�ed.ar; they had an ei.ment 0: exc!te- th K' n! and United Nations Serv­mont when charged with rrrespalSmg e 0 an

lIT • neiabbor'of the SaasIlr l.ndlll&'. ,l08 ri1»boM,

,I' � .. ' .. "I ' ,

Bulloch Timeo, IllltablWled 1l11li I CoIIIolldated .J_, 1'1 111'1Statelboro N..... , llatab11lbed 1901 •

State,boro Eacla. EstablIlbed 1917-CouoUdated n-Mr II, lIIIOSTATESBORO. GA., THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 1952 VOL. 62--NO. 40

I Distinguish� Visito� I DOES CO'ITON HAVESpeak at Milledgeville,w. H Auden, the dlstingulshed FUTURE PROSPECf!Anglo-Americun poet, e.sayist and •.

playwright, wIll speak at �he Geor- Gloomy 'Outlook For Thegla State College for Women in MII- South With California No:wledgeville, December 2nd at 8 o'clock Assuming The Leadershipin the RIchard B. Russell auditorium.The subject of Mr. Auden's addressWIll b. "The Hero In Modern Poetry."This Is the first of three outstandingprograms that WIll be sponsored dur­ing the y�llr 1952-53 by the GSCW

Collel!'" Government Assooiation. Fol­lowinlr the program the LIteraryGuild WIll give a reception in honorof M,. Auden.

Last-Minute Closing HourFinds Five In Field ForThree Open City Offices

(By W. TAPP BENNETTE, Director,Agricultural Development Depart­ment, Central of Georgia Railway.)


There recently came to my de.k UIartIcle written by, J. M. Eleazer, In.iOl matlon specialist'of the SouthCarolina Extension Service at Clem.son, S. C., which i. 80 thought-pro.voking th.t I want to pas. It aloqto the readers of thi. column. Mr.Eleazer ....Id:

Last-minute developments, whtch

Following months of intensive plan.ning, approx,mately fifty negro busl.neS8 and civIC men, comp-rIsing men

of every voting precinct' of Bulloch

county, met WIth ExecutIve SecretaryRobert R. Reed, a! the Georgia NegroChamber of Oommerce, at the new

Gross Motel dUllllg the past weekand made applIcatIOn for a charterfor a Negro Chamber of Commerceunit at Statesboro. The unit will liecalled the Bulloch County Ne&,!oChamber of Comme,ce. Officer.elected for the ftrst year are; Preri.dent, Willie Wiley; vlc�-president, H.K. Gross; .ecretary, R. W. Camp­b:"; treasurer, Garfield Hall.

The charter !or this group and, In.dividual certificates will be presentedin a pUblic meet'qg on Wedneada,night, Deoember 3, at which tim.

.l>eclal invitations will be tendered toStatesboro'. oftlclals to attenc!. 'nitagroup of lben Is desirous of helplUnegroes in Bulloch county at IJI1&lIto ret in pOlltlon to do thel� part iA

buildln, • bilrrer .nd better Bulloc!hcounty In the moral, dJplrltual ... ,

ci'lie � of litl.


Student Meets DeathIn Highway Accident

You were reared in Statesboro,but now, eSlde in a nelghbormg city.You visit here often with your par­ents. Tuesday you wore a graydress WIth biack belt and black shoes.

You have a son in servIce and a col­

lege daughter.If the lady described will call at

the T,mes olfice .he will be Iriventwo tickets to the picture, "Big Jim

McLain, S'howin, at the Georgiatoday and tomorro...

After recelvlnll her tickets it thelad)l will call at the StatesboroFloral Shop' sh. will be Iriven a

lovely orchid with cOlllpllmenta ofthe propri.tor, Bill Holloway.

The lady d.scribed laBt week was

MrI. John Mooney, who phoned harappriclation •

President'Henderson on

A Visitation Program Harold Cox, sixteen-year-old son of

Dr. ,Z. !'.. Henderson, president of Mr. and Mrs. Needham Cox, of the

Georgia Teachers College. will assist Nevils community, met instant deathtbe chairman of-a committee evalua!- in a highway accident last evening on

Ing the State Teachers Colie!!,e at the ihighway enroute home from

JackBonville, Ala., "On November 30- State"boro. His jugular vein was

Dec. 3, in the inter-v,sitation program severed in the collision. Two otherof the American AS8'ociatlon of Col- youth., Lewis and Denmark, ridill&'I.g.. for Teacher Education. Stalf with him, eleaped ..Ith ollght injur­member� ac mnpanylng him will be I.s. 'lfoltnlr Cox ,was a student at the'Dr. Th�nll18 C. Little, Dr. Fieldinlr NeVils Hilrh School. F�eral 118"-

D.-ali...n and Kia :Viola PerrJ. 1_ ba..a not'been annoWloed.