Author's Accepted Manuscript Cardiovascular Effects Of Boophone Disticha Aqueous Ethanolic Extract On Early Mater- nally Separated Balb/C Mice Pote William, Tagwireyi Dexter, Chinyanga HerbertM. , Musara Collin, Nyandoro George, Chifamba Jephat, Nkomozepi Pilani PII: S0378-8741(13)00142-6 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2013.03.001 Reference: JEP7964 To appear in: Journal of Ethnopharmacology Received date: 11 December 2012 Revised date: 12 February 2013 Accepted date: 1 March 2013 Cite this article as: Pote William, Tagwireyi Dexter, Chinyanga HerbertM. , Musara Collin, Nyandoro George, Chifamba Jephat, Nkomozepi Pilani, Cardiovascular Effects Of Boophone Disticha Aqueous Ethanolic Extract On Early Maternally Separated Balb/C Mice, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, http://dx. doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2013.03.001 This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting galley proof before it is published in its final citable form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. www.elsevier.com/locate/jep

Cardiovascular effects of Boophone disticha aqueous ethanolic extract on early maternally separated BALB/C mice

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Author's Accepted Manuscript

Cardiovascular Effects Of Boophone DistichaAqueous Ethanolic Extract On Early Mater-nally Separated Balb/C Mice

Pote William, Tagwireyi Dexter, ChinyangaHerbertM. , Musara Collin, Nyandoro George,Chifamba Jephat, Nkomozepi Pilani

PII: S0378-8741(13)00142-6DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2013.03.001Reference: JEP7964

To appear in: Journal of Ethnopharmacology

Received date: 11 December 2012Revised date: 12 February 2013Accepted date: 1 March 2013

Cite this article as: Pote William, Tagwireyi Dexter, Chinyanga HerbertM. ,Musara Collin, Nyandoro George, Chifamba Jephat, Nkomozepi Pilani,Cardiovascular Effects Of Boophone Disticha Aqueous Ethanolic Extract OnEarly Maternally Separated Balb/C Mice, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jep.2013.03.001

This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted forpublication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version ofthe manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, andreview of the resulting galley proof before it is published in its final citable form.Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered whichcould affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journalpertain.





a,*Pote William., bTagwireyi Dexter., cChinyanga Herbert. M., aMusara Collin., aNyandoro

George., cChifamba Jephat., and dNkomozepi Pilani.

aDepartment of Preclinical Veterinary Studies; bDrug and Toxicology Information Service-

School of Pharmacy and c Department of Physiology, University of Zimbabwe P O Box MP167,

Mount Pleasant Harare Zimbabwe and dDepartment of Neuroscience, University of

Witwatersrand, South Africa.

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +263773234621/+263736566176 Fax: +2634333678

E-mail address [email protected]/[email protected] (W. Pote)


Ethnopharmacological relevance: There are a number of reports from traditional medical

practice in Zimbabwe and neighboring countries and few in-vitro studies suggesting an effect

with extracts of Boophone disticha in some forms of anxiety disorders.

Aim of the study: In order to validate the use of B. disticha in treatment of anxiety, this study was

set to determine the effects of the plant extracts on blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) in

adult BALB/c mice subjected to repeated early maternal separation (MS) stress.

Materials and Methods: To test whether early life stress increases anxiety in mice, non-invasive

tail cuff method was used to examine the autonomic nervous system activity by assessing

cardiovascular reactivity and response to acute mixing stress (AMS) and restraint stress (RS) in

adult mice subjected to early postnatal stress as compared to control. AMS-induced


cardiovascular response was then evaluated in adult MS mice treated with B. disticha as

compared to vehicle and diazepam.

Results: Comparisons of the BP and HR measurements indicated that MS significantly reduced

AMS-induced HR responses in BALB/c mice when compared with control. B. disticha treatment

significantly reduced AMS-induced BP response in BALB/c MS as compared to vehicle and

diazepam treatments.

Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate for the first time that postnatal stress can induce short-

term changes in the sensitivity of the cardiovascular system to subsequent stress which can be

reduced by treatment with a frieze dried aqueous ethanolic extract of B. disticha.

Keywords: Boophone disticha; maternal separation, anxiety disorders, blood pressure, heart rate.

Abbreviations: AMS, acute mixing stress; ANS, autonomic nervous system; BP, blood pressure;

DBP, diastolic BP; HR, heart rate; MAP, mean arterial pressure; MS, maternal separation; PND,

postnatal day; RS, restraint stress; SSRI, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; SBP, Systolic

BP; TLC, thin layer chromatography.

1. Introduction

Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric illnesses encountered in clinical practice.

Often, they are chronic conditions, associated with substantial cardiovascular-related morbidity

and mortality for sufferers, as well as considerable costs to society (Schwartz and Nihalani,

2006). Research has shown that individuals displaying symptoms of anxiety or depression are at

higher risk for cardiovascular-related morbidity and mortality (Larsen and Christenfeld, 2009).

However, treatment of anxiety disorders is still limited since current drugs are effective only in a


certain proportion of patients hence the need to develop effective treatment options (Schwartz

and Nihalani, 2006). Nonetheless, efforts are continuously being made to identify and develop

new and improved herbal remedies and lead compounds for drug discovery.

One of the psychoactive plants that have been widely used in herbal medicine is Boophone

disticha (L.f.) Herb. belonging to the Amaryllidaceae family. B. disticha, commonly known as

munzepete in Shona or Ingcoto in Isindebele, has been used systemically in herbal medical

practice in Zimbabwe and neighbouring countries for the management of various central nervous

system conditions including anxiety and depression (de Smet, 1996; du Plooy et al. 2001;

Gadaga et al. 2011; Gelfand et al. 1985; Perderson et al. 2008; Stafford et al. 2008). There is,

however, limited literature, most of it is unpublished, that have demonstrated in vitro and in vivo

effects in managing depression and anxiety, (Chingombe et al. 2010, Chuma et al. 2010;

Mungadzi et al. 2008; Musarira et al. 2011; Neergaard et al. 2009; Pederson et al. 2008;

Sandager et al. 2005). Crude extracts of the leaves have affinity to the selective serotonin

reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) site on the serotonin transporter in a radio-ligand binding assay

(Nielsen et al. 2004; Sandager et al. 2005). Several alkaloids from this plant have been isolated

and identified (Adewusi et al. 2012; Cheesman et al. 2012; de Smet, 1996; Hautch and

Stauffacher, 1961; Neergaard et al. 2009; Steenkamp, 2005).

Maternal separation (MS) is one animal model that has been studied extensively to characterize

the long-term effects of early life experience on subsequent behavior in adulthood and the

development of psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression (Daniels et al. 2009; Faure

et al. 2006; Plotsky and Meaney, 1993; Pryce and Feldon, 2003). Repeated early maternal


separation stress have demonstrated an altered cardiovascular response which may be mediated

by changes in the adjustment of the tone in the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system

and glucocorticoid effects in limbic structures in rodents (Grillison et al. 2007; Igosheva et al.

2004; Volkmar et al. 2005). Previous studies have focused on the short-term and long-term

effects of maternal separation, including changes in neurobehavior and neurophysiology but

lacked evidence of possible interventions to curb or reverse associated dysfunctions.

Given the extensive illicit and medicinal use of B. disticha as well as its potential as a source of

psychoactive pharmacological therapies, it is important to accurately validate its possible

anxiolytic short term and long term pharmacological effects. B. disticha extract may be a useful

addition to currently available drugs for anxiety; however, the data from limited in vitro studies

remain to be confirmed in controlled in vivo preclinical and clinical investigations. Since there is

little scientific evidence on the in vivo effects of B. disticha in treatment of anxiety disorders in

animals or humans the present study was set to validate the use of B. disticha in treatment of

anxiety and cardiovascular comorbid disorders. It was hypothesized that mice subjected to

maternal separation develop cardiovascular changes which may be reversed by treating the

underlying anxiety disorders with a freeze dried aqueous ethanolic extract of B. disticha.

2. Materials and methods

The experimental protocols, care and handling of animals used in this study were in accordance

with international guidelines and Zimbabwean legislation on the use and care of laboratory

animals and were approved by the Division of Veterinary Services, Zimbabwe.

2.1.Plant materials and extraction


2.1.1. Plant material and preparation of the crude extract

Bulbs of Boophone disticha were harvested at Melford plains close to Marondera in December

2010. The plant sample was authenticated by a taxonomist from the Botanical Gardens and

National Herbarium and a voucher specimen (reference number D.BUZPP4P 07-2011) was

retained and refrigerated in the department of Clinical Pharmacology, College of Health Sciences

University of Zimbabwe. The crude aqueous ethanolic (70% v/v) extract was prepared as

previously described by Gadaga et al. (2011).

2.1.2. Qualitative analysis of alkaloids

The data and results on extraction, purification and chromatographic analysis (thin layer

chromatograph (TLC) and column chromatograph) of alkaloids in the freeze dried aqueous

ethanolic extract of B. disticha obtained above have been described elsewhere by Zulu et al.

(2011) and therefore the detailed procedure and results were not included in this report.

2.2.Animals and housing conditions

Twenty-two pregnant dams of BALB/c mice were purchased from the Central Veterinary

Laboratory Breeding Unit in The Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Irrigation Development,

Zimbabwe. Study animals were kept in the Animal House facility at University of Zimbabwe

throughout the experiments. Each pregnant dam was separated and kept in an individual cage

under standard conditions. Close to delivery, pregnant mice were carefully monitored to

determine the exact day of birth. Birth was designated as postnatal day 0 (PND0). At birth, dams

were assigned randomly into two groups: Unseparated control group (Group A) and repeated

early maternal separation (MS) group (Group B) and enriched with 5-6 pups each to standardize

conditions and ensure an adequate milk supply until weaning age. Plexiglas cages with wood


shavings as bedding were used. Temperature was maintained between 20 and 24°C; light/dark

cycle was constant (12/12, light on from 06.00 h to 18.00 h); humidity was maintained between

52 and 60%; and, food and water were available ad libitum for the full duration of the


2.3.Experimental protocols

2.3.1. Postnatal stress

The protocol for maternal separation was previously described in detail by Faure et al. (2005)

and Loria et al. (2010). Briefly, the offsprings were left undisturbed on the day of birth (PND0)

and day 1 after birth (PND1). Maternal separation occurred daily from PND2 until PND14 for

180 minutes between 0930 hours and 1500 hours (Faure et al. 2006). Maternal separation

involved removal of the dam from the home cage containing the pups. This was done in a

dedicated room in which the room temperature was maintained between 30�C and 33oC. The

dam was returned to the colony housing room during the deprivation period. After the 3 h

maternal deprivation period, the dam was placed back with the pups and returned to the colony

housing room. Control pups were not subjected to maternal deprivation between postnatal days 2

and 14. Pups were weaned at PND 21 by removing the dams from test cage and placing them in

separate cages. Male and female offsprings were separated on PND28, housed with 3-4 pups per

cage at 5 weeks and 2–3 mice per cage at 8 weeks of age.

2.3.2. Grouping and drug administration

On PND60, six mice (3males and 3 females) were randomly selected from un-separated litter,

Group A (control) and thirty (15 males and 15 females) were randomly selected from offs MS

litter, Group B; and were randomly assigned to five treatment groups, Group B, C, D, E, and F,


(n=6 each; 3males and 3 females). Mice with body weight between 20 and 30g were included in

this study. Males and females were housed in separate cages and handled daily for one week

before starting the experimental protocol. From PND71 to PND 76 all mice were given the

following doses by oral gavage. Group A (Control+NS) received normal saline; Group B

(MS+NS) received normal saline; Group C (MS+LDBD) received 10mg/kg body weight (BW)

low dose of B. disticha; Group D (MS+MDBD) received 25mg/kg BW medium dose of B.

disticha; Group E (MS+HDBD) received 40mg/kg BW high dose of B. disticha; Group F

(MS+DZP) received 1mg/kg BW diazepam (positive control).

2.3.3. Acute mixing stress and cardiovascular parameters

A model of acute mixing stress (AMS) that combines mixing with unfamiliar cage mates of the

same sex followed subsequently by restraint stress was developed. On PND 78 (day 2 post-

treatment), test mice were  transferred  to  the  testing  room  1  hour  before  testing  for 

acclimatization and then subjected to adulthood acute stress in the form of 30 minutes of mixing,

acute mixing stress (AMS). Briefly, a single mouse from each cage (Group A, B, C, D, E and F)

was tail marked for identification and mixed in a single cage with five other unfamiliar mice

from different cages of the same sex for 30 minutes (AMS). AMS was followed by placing the 

mixed mice  in a heating chamber  for  thirty minutes  to warm  them  to 32°C and a 10 minutes

restraint stress (RS) during blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) recording. All mice were

acclimatized to the restrainer tube prior to actual experimentation to minimize trauma associated

with entry into the tubular plexiglas restrainers.

Hemodynamic parameters; blood pressure and heart rate, were monitored by non-invasive tail

cuff methods using BIOPAC NIBP200A system following manufacture’s guidelines (BIOPAC


System Inc, CA). Systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic BP (DBP), mean arterial pressure

(MAP), and heart rate (HR), were recorded for 10 minutes between 09.00 and 15.00 h. using the

NIBP200A MP36 Acquisition program (BIOPAC Systems, Inc., CA). Animals were returned to

the UZ Animal holding unit after the experiments.

2.4.Statistical analysis

All data are expressed as mean ± standard error of mean (S.E.M) with a significance level of p<

0.05. Hemodynamic parameters were analysed using SPSS version 16.0 and Minitab version

15.0. Unpaired t-test and 2-way ANOVA was performed for each of the cardiovascular

parameters and comparisons of the means of SBP, DBP, MAP and HR, between groups.

3. Results

3.1.The effects of Boophone disticha on hemodynamic response to MS in adulthood

To study the effects of repeated early maternal separation on the cardiovascular parameters in

response to acute stressors during adulthood, the means of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate

(HR) of MS mice(Group B) was compared to control mice (Group A). The dose dependent

effects of a aqueous ethanolic extract of B. disticha on mean BP and HR of MS mice were then

determined following six daily oral administration of low (LDBD, Group C), medium (MDBD,

Group D) and high (HDBD, Group E) doses (10, 25 and 40mg/kgBW/day) and the results were

compared to vehicle (0.9% normal saline, Group B) and diazepam (1mg/kgBW/day, group F) on

PND 78. Figure 1 to Figure 4 below shows the measurements of blood pressure (BP) and heart

rate (HR) across experimental groups described above.

3.1.1. Systolic blood pressure in response to acute mixing stress and in control, MS and MS

treated BALB/c mice


Maternal separation significantly increased SBP as compared to control response in adulthood

(133.8±1.9 and 129.51±1.2mmHg respectively, p<0.05). Mice treated with low dose B. disticha

B. (LDBD; Group C) exhibited significantly decreased SBP (127.9±1.4mmHg) as compared to

both vehicle and diazepam (133.8±1.9 and 132.3±0.3mmHg respectively, p<0.05; Figure 1).

Although medium and high doses of B. disticha did not affect acute SBP stress responses, both

treatments seams to decrease SBP two day post treatment recovery period when challenged with

acute stressors (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Graph illustrating how Boophone disticha treatment in BALB/c mice after maternal

separation affected systolic blood pressure (SBP) as compared to control vehicle and diazepam.

3.1.2. Diastolic blood pressure responses to acute stress and recovery in control and

MS+treatment BALB/c mice

Changes of DBP in control and MS+treatment mice following mixing stress recorded two days

post treatment recovery period are presented in Figure 2. MS stress had no significant effect on








Systolic Blood

 Pressure (m


Experimental Groups


the DBP response. Medium (MDBD) and high (HDBD) doses of B. disticha had similar DBP

results (94.3±0.51 and 93.2±1.8mmHg respectively) when compared to the vehicle (95.6±3.0,

but, significantly lower when compared to diazepam (97.7±0.5mmHg, p<0.05). No significant

effect was observed on DBP of MS mice treated with either B. disticha or diazepam when

compared to vehicle. A dose dependent trend was observed on DBP with increasing doses of B.

disticha significantly decreasing DBP. Low and medium doses of B. disticha had significantly

lower DBP than high dose B. disticha (p<0.05; Figure 2).

Figure 2. Graph illustrating how Boophone disticha treatment in BALB/c mice after maternal

separation affected diastolic blood pressure (DBP) as compared to control vehicle and diazepam.

3.1.3. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) responses in control and MS treated BALB/c mice

Figure 3 shows changes in mean arterial pressure during restraint stress and following acute

mixing stress on PND78, two days post-treatment recovery period, in control and MS and MS +

treated (with B. disticha and diazepam) mice. MAP was neither affected by repeated early life

stress (MS) nor with six daily treatments with B. disticha or diazepam when compared to












Diastolic Blood

 Pressure (m


Experimental groups


vehicle. However, low and high doses of B. disticha were found to significantly decrease MAP

(109.7±1.3 and 111.3±0.3mmHg, respectively) as compared to diazepam (113.8±0.35, p<0.05

and 0.001 respectively; Figure 3).

Figure 3. Changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) in control and postnatally repeated MS

stressed BALB/c mice. The graph also shows how Boophone disticha treatment affected Mean

arterial pressure measurements in BALB/c mice after maternal separation as compared to control

vehicle and diazepam.

3.1.4. Heart rate responses to acute mixing and restraint stress and recovery in control and

MS mice receiving vehicle, B. disticha and diazepam

The mean HR response to acute mixing stress and restraint stress on post-treatment day 2 is

shown in Figure 4. HR results were significantly lower in MS Group B, 480.5±16, as compared

to control, Group A, 568.9±27; (p<0.03). HR response was similar in magnitude in MS mice

treated with B. disticha, diazepam and vehicle. ANOVAs for HR stress values also revealed no

differences between doses of B. disticha.











Mean arterial Pressure (m


Experimental groups


Figure 4. Diagram showing Changes in heart rate (HR) in control and repeated MS stressed

BALB/c mice. Also shown are effects of Boophone disticha treatment after maternal separation

as compared to control vehicle and diazepam.

4. Discussion

4.1.The cardiovascular response to repeated early maternal separation in adulthood

Blood pressure and heart rate response to B. disticha treatment was tested in a mouse model of

early life stress during adulthood. The present results indicate that maternal separation

significantly raised systolic blood pressure and markedly lowered heart rate when MS and

control mice were compared following acute stress (Figure 1 and 4). However, mean BP (DBP

and MAP parameters) was similar in MS and control animals (Figure 2 and 3). There is large

body of epidemiological evidence in humans showing that early social experiences can promote

phenotypic changes that persist in adult life (Loria et al. 2010). In humans, child abuse is a risk

factor for subsequent onset of mental disorders such as depression and post-traumatic stress


Heart rate (beats per m


Experimental groups


disorder whilst in animals, different forms of early life stress resulted in altered behavior

(Daniels et al. 2004 and 2009; Faure et al. 2006; Marais et al. 2008).

As in previous studies, a maternal separation paradigm was used as a model for studying the

consequences of early adversity (Daniels et al. 2004 and 2009; Faure et al. 2007; Ladd et al.

2000; Slotten et al. 2006). This protocol was chosen because it has been used in many previous

studies and shown to significantly affect neuro-endocrine and neuro-behavioural stress reactivity

in offspring producing permanent alterations in brain neurotransmitter systems which are

involved in cardiovascular response to stress (Daniels et al. 2009; Faure et al. 2006; Ladd et al.

1996; Loria et al. 2010; Plotsky and Meaney, 1993; Pryce and Feldon, 2003).

Alterations in cardiovascular function of MS mice were evident when the animals were

challenged by acute mixing and subsequent restraint stress. The changes in HR observed in the

present study in MS mice may be similar to behavioral changes observed in previous

investigations in animals and humans which have shown that early adversity results in altered

behavior and neurophysiology (Daniels et al. 2004 and 2009; Faure et al. 2007; Ladd et al. 2000;

Slotten et al. 2006). This study has also shown that exposure to stress early in development can

have long-term effects on cardiovascular stress responses in adulthood. Reduced HR MS mice

values in response to acute stress as compared to control may indicate changes in autonomic

activity associated with abnormalities in heart rate variability (Cohen and Benjamin, 2006) and

anxiety in anxiety-like behavior (Loria et al. 2010). On the other hand, raised systolic BP may be

indicative of abnormal blood pressure variability (Cohen and Benjamin, 2006) and anxiety-like

disorders observed in previously studies (Faure et al. 2006). Furthermore, various cardiovascular


diseases have been shown to be associated with alterations in ANS function (Cohen and

Benjamin, 2006). Maternal separation has been observed previously that it leads to anxious-like

behavior and hyperactivity (Daniels et al. 2004 and 2009; Slotten et al. 2006). It was suggested

previously that elevated corticosterone levels are indicative of the disturbed function of the HPA

axis in separated animals (Daniels et al. 2009; Ladd et al. 2000; Kalinichev et al. 2002). These

findings and ours therefore support the hypothesis that stress leads to allostatic load and in order

to counter this, heart rate is decreased and blood pressure elevated. Decreased HR and raised BP

in MS mice may also be an indication of compensatory mechanisms that attempt to maintain

cardiac output and to combat the long-term deleterious effects of maternal separation associated

with increased neurotrophin levels and corticosterone release (Daniels et al. 2009; Faure et al.


4.2.The effects of Boophone disticha on hemodynamic response to MS in adulthood

The major hypothesis of this study that maternally separated mice treated with B. disticha would

show reduced autonomic reactivity and cardiovascular response shortly after acute mixing stress

during adulthood, was confirmed for the first time in the present mouse model. Our results

demonstrated that low dose B. disticha treated MS mice had the lowest SBP (Figure 1) but

showed no effect on DBP responses. On the other hand, high dose had the lowest DBP and MAP

(Figure 2). These changes may be indicative of increased recovery from anxiety in these animals

associated with Boophone treatment. The current results confirm findings from previous studies

in our laboratory with various mouse models of anxiety developed using open field test, elevated

plus maze and souk test that showed that the aquous ethanolic extract of B. disticha had

anxiolytic-like activity in these specific tests for anxiety (Chuma et al. 2010; Musarira et al. 2011

Unpublished results). These findings and current observation in an early life stress model that B.


disticha decrease the raised systolic and diastolic BP of MS mice with anxiety-like disorder at

when compared to a vehicle or diazepam may indicate the anxiolytic-like activity of the plant

extract through reduction of autonomic reactivity to acute stress. The current study, therefore,

demonstrated that blood pressure changes following early adverse events in the form of repeated

maternal separation are reversed or reduced by a freeze dried aqueous ethanolic extract of B.

disticha (Figure 1, 2 and 3). Neither B. disticha nor diazepam treatment had a significant effect

on mean HR (Figure 4) in MS subjected to adulthood acute stressors when compared to the

vehicle. Furthermore, diazepam did not show an effect on all BP parameters measured (SBP,

DBP and MAP) when compared to the vehicle (Figure1, 2 and 3).

The hypotensive-like effects of B. disticha treatment on the cardiovascular function in adulthood

may be due to alkaloids which are present in the crude extract. B. disticha extract was therefore

found to significantly decrease systolic BP and diastolic BP at 10 and 40 mg/kg respectively

which is likely to be a therapeutic anxiolytic-like activity of the extract investigated. These

effects are in contrast to previously reported hallucinogenic effects of the bulb in a poisoning

case that presented with tachycardia, raised BP, dilated pupil, pyrexia and laboured respiration

(du Plooy, 2001). The contradicting effects might be due to doses used in this study which were

below toxic levels of 50mg/kg BW found in previous study (Gadaga, et al. 2011). The present

findings effects may be direct effects on the heart or indirect effects to the autonomic nervous

system regulation of the cardiovascular system. Some studies in our laboratory have also shown

that the same extract would exert anxiolitic-like activity in a mouse model of anxiety of open

field test, elevated plus maze and souk test (Musarira et al. and Chuma et al. unpublished

results). Similar studies done by Pederson et al. 2008 on in a mouse and rat model of depression


of tail suspension test and forced swim stress used higher doses than ours and found

antidepressant-like dose dependent effects of B. disticha ethanolic extract at doses of 250 and

500mg/kg body which were higher than doses used in the present study. The Amaryllidaceae

alkaloids represent a still expanding group of isoquinoline alkaloids, which are found exclusively

in plants belonging to this family (Viladomat et al. 1997). Some alkaloids of this series, such as

Dubiusine, homolycorine, 8-O-demethylhomolycorine, lycorenine, Tazettine, haemanthamine or

papyramine may have a hypotensive effects which may be mediated by stimulation of β-

adrenergic receptors. For instance, lycorine shows antiarrhythmic action, appreciable inhibitory

activity against acetylcholinesterase, relaxant effects on arteries and positive ionotropic and

chronotropic effects on the heart. On the other hand, lycorenine has a vasodepressor action by

blocking α-adrenergic receptors, and produces bradycardia by modifying vagal activity (Bastida

et al. 2011).

The present study was to investigate the anxiolitic-like activity of B. disticha on the autonomic

response of the cardiovascular system by assessing BP and HR changes known to be associated

with anxiety-like disorders in animal models of anxiety. It was found that in the maternal

separation model, systolic BP was raised and HR decreased significantly. Previous studies had

shown that maternal separation is associated with increased anxiety-like behaviour in an animal

model. Several other studies done both in humans and animals have shown that early maternal

deprivation is associated with increased BP and decrease heart rate variability. These findings

may be indicative of increased risk to anxiety disorders in adulthood in face of acute social stress

like acute mixing and restraint stress administered to the current model. Such a pattern of

hemodynamic responses to stress following B. disticha treatment would have significant


consequences for adult cardiovascular health since in clinical studies, delayed blood pressure

(Floras and Senn, 1991) and heart rate (Cole et al. 1999; Watanabe et al. 2001) recovery to basal

levels after stress has been shown to correlate highly with increased cardiovascular morbidity

and mortality. Furthermore, augmented blood pressure variability is found in patients with

hypertension as well as anxiety disorders and it may play a pathophysiololgical role in the

development of end-organ damage (Mancia and Parati, 2003). Given that restraint stress has

been reported to increase blood pressure largely due to sympathoadrenal system activation (Chen

and Herbert, 1995) and the stress-induced increase in blood pressure variability is mediated by

sympathetic excitation (Blanc et al. 1991; Gaudet et.al. 1996), it is possible that the decreased BP

responses associated with Boophone treatment seen in MS mice under stressful conditions is due

to reduced activation of the sympathetic nervous system. It seems likely that B. disticha may

alter the sensitivity and/or density of cardiac adrenergic receptors rather than vascular adrenergic

receptors in MS mice, since the magnitude of HR stress responses differ between MS and control

animals (Igosheva et al. 2004). The findings might also indicate a decreased peripheral

resistance, a resetting of the spontaneous baroreflex or altered baroreflex sensitivity following B.

disticha treatment.

A second major mechanism by which B. disticha treatment of postnatally stressed mice would

exert their effects may be through programmed subsequent enhanced blood pressure

responsiveness to stress by causing direct alteration in the HPA axis (Igosheva et al. 2004). The

present results suggest that B. disticha may have possible associated anxiolytic-like activity

which may alter pathophysiological changes in behavior and endocrine system associated with

repeated early MS previously described as increased plasma corticosterone release and elevated


NGF levels in the hippocampus which can affect the development and maturation of specific

organs related to blood pressure control and maintenance, such as heart, vasculature, kidney and

brain (Daniels et al. 2009; Igosheva et al. 2004). Glucocorticoids can directly regulate blood

pressure, increasing sodium and calcium uptake by vascular smooth muscle (Kornel, 1993) and

increasing vascular responsiveness to angiotensin II (Provencher et al. 1995) and noradrenaline

(Walker and Williams, 1992). These glucocorticoid-induced changes in both central and effector

sites of the cardiovascular control may be reflected in enhanced cardiovascular responses to

acute stress seen here in MS mice and seem to be decreased by treatment with B. disticha freeze

dried aqueous ethanolic crude extract. However, further investigations are required for

clarification of changes in the central or local control of the cardiovascular system to understand

the mechanisms mediating hypotensive-like activity underlying B. disticha treatment.

5. Conclusions

The present study, confirmed that maternal separation during early life can lead to changes in

hemodynamic parameters. The disruptions in maternal care during the separation period

significantly increase systolic blood pressure, whilst heart rate was markedly decreased in

adulthood. MS mice treated with low dose Boophone disticha had a lowest systolic blood

pressure and MS mice treated with high dose B. disticha had the lowest diastolic blood pressure

and mean arterial pressure following acute stress in adulthood than control and diazepam treated

MS animals. Future studies should focus on cardiovascular effects of B. disticha and also

simultaneously investigate autonomic and behavioural anxiolytic-like effects of B. disticha


6. Acknowledgments


This study was supported by IFS and the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) Research Grants. Many

thanks to the UZ Preclinical Veterinary Studies and Physiology Department, UZ School of

Pharmacy and Animal House (UZ) staff for advice, technical support, animal facilities and

equipment. We are also very grateful to Mr Louis L. Gadaga and Mr Zulu Daniel for solvent

extraction and characterisation of the freeze dried aqueous ethanolic B. disticha extract used in

this study and Mr Harmony Kwitiri for animal care.

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CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS OF BOOPHONE DISTICHA HYDROETHANOLIC EXTRACT ON EARLY MATERNALLY SEPARATED BALB/c MICE. a,*Pote William., bTagwireyi Dexter., cChinyanga Herbert. M., aMusara Collin., aNyandoro George., cChifamba Jephat., and dNkomozepi Pilani. aDepartment of Preclinical Veterinary Studies; bDrug and Toxicology Information Service-School of Pharmacy and c Department of Physiology, University of Zimbabwe P O Box MP167, Mount Pleasant Harare Zimbabwe and dDepartment of Neuroscience, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.

Aim of the study: In order to validate the use of Boophone disticha in treatment of anxiety, this study was set to determine the effects of the plant extracts on blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) in adult BALB/c mice subjected to repeated early maternal separation (MS) stress. Results: Comparisons of the BP and HR measurements indicated that MS significantly reduced the acute AMS-induced HR responses and increased SBP response in BALB/c mice when compared with control. B. disticha treatment significantly reduced the AMS-induced BP response in BALB/c MS as compared to vehicle and diazepam treatments (Table 1). Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate for the first time that postnatal stress can induce short-term, changes in the sensitivity of the cardiovascular system to subsequent stress which can be reduced by treatment with a frieze dried hydroethanolic extract of B. disticha. Table 1. Effect of Boophone disticha hydroethanolic extract on blood pressure and heart rate measurements  in BALB/c mice after maternal separation as compared  to control vehicle and diazepam.  Group   SBP   DBP   MAP   HR  A   129.51±1.2 a   99.5±0.7   113.34±0.64   568.9±27 ª  B   133.84±1.9  a  � 

�  95.62±3   115.39±3.1 �  480.5±16 ª, �  

C   127.85±1.4  �  �  �  

95.62±3   109.69±1.3 �   514.5±10 �  

D   130.93±0.5  �  �  94.3±0.51 �   111.317±0.3 �   504.9±4.9  E   130.76±1.1   93.16±1.8 �   108±2.7 � �  516.9±9.4 �  F   132.291±0.25 �    97.72±0.5 �   113.8±0.35 � �   500±9.9  

NB:  ª  show  significant  difference  of  the Group  B  (MS+NS)  as  compared  to  control Group  A p<0.05. 

� Significant difference between group C as compared to group B p<0.05 

� significant difference between Groups C, D, or E as compared to Group F p<0.05 

� indicates that there in insignificant tendency of difference between group A and B 0.05<p<0.1  

� Insignificant tendency of a difference occurring between Groups C,D, or E; and Group B or  

� Group F (0.05<p<0.1)  



Figure 1.Diagram showing changes in systolic blood pressure (SBP) on PND 78, following 30

min period of mixing followed by 30 min warming period and subsequent restraint during

recording period in control, and MS mice treated with six oral doses of vehicle, Boophone or









Systolic Blood

 Pressure (m


Experimental Groups


Figure 2. Graph illustrating how Boophonedisticha treatment in BALB/c mice after maternal

separation affected diastolic blood pressure (DBP) as compared to control vehicle and diazepam.











104Diastolic Blood

 Pressure (m


Experimental groups











Mean arterial Pressure (m


Experimental groups


Figure 3.Changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) in control and postnatally repeated MS

stressed BALB/c mice. The graph also shows how Boophonedisticha treatment affected Mean

arterial pressure measurements in BALB/c mice after maternal separation as compared to control

vehicle and diazepam.

Figure 4.Diagram showing Changes in heart rate (HR) in control and repeated MS stressed

BALB/c mice. Also shown are effects of Boophonedisticha treatment after maternal separation

as compared to control vehicle and diazepam.



Heart rate (beats per m


Experimental groups

CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS OF BOOPHONE DISTICHA AQUEOUS ETHANOLIC EXTRACT ON EARLY MATERNALLY SEPARATED BALB/c MICE a,*Pote William., bTagwireyi Dexter., cChinyanga Herbert. M., aMusara Collin., aNyandoro George., cChifamba Jephat., and dNkomozepi Pilani. aDepartment of Preclinical Veterinary Studies; bDrug and Toxicology Information Service-School of Pharmacy and c Department of Physiology, University of Zimbabwe P O Box MP167, Mount Pleasant Harare Zimbabwe and dDepartment of Neuroscience, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.

Figure 1: Diagram showing changes in a) systolic blood pressure (SBP), b) diastolic blood pressure (DBP), c) mean arterial pressure (MAP) and d) heart rate (HR) in BALB/c mice after maternal separation Group B (MS+NS) affected as compared to control Group A (C+NS) two days (postnatal day 78) after receiving six daily doses of normal saline (NS, vehicle). Maternally separated mice were also treated with either Boophone disticha (BD) aqueous ethanolic extract Group C (MS + LDBD), D MS+MDBD) and E (HDBD) receiving low, medium and high doses (10, 25 and 40mg/kg body weight (BW) respectively or 1mg/kg BW diazepam (Group F (MS+DZP)).








Systolic Blood



Experimental Groupsa)



Diastolic Blood



Experimental groupsb)


Mean arterial Pressure (m


Experimental groupsc)


Heart rate (beats per m


Experimental groupsd)