Treasury and Trade Solutions CitiDirect BE SM Reports User Guide September 2014

CitiDirect BESM Reports

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Treasury and Trade Solutions

CitiDirect BESM ReportsUser Guide

September 2014


Table of Contents

Reports & Analytics .............................................................................3

Overview .................................................................................................3

Reporting Basics ..................................................................................3

Generate a New Report ..............................................................3

Edit a Report ............................................................................... 18

Run a Report .............................................................................. 30

Delete a Report ......................................................................... 36

View a Report ............................................................................ 43

Brazil Reports.....................................................................................49

Brazil Account Information Reports ....................................49

Canada Reports ................................................................................. 53

Canada ACH Reports ............................................................... 53

Canada Lockbox Reports ........................................................ 57

Cash Reports ....................................................................................... 61

Cash Balances Reports ............................................................. 61

Cash Statements Reports .......................................................65

Cash Transaction Initiation Reports ....................................69

Collection Reports ............................................................................ 73

Collections — Direct Debits Reports ..................................... 73

Collections — Latin America Receivables Reports ................................................................ 77

Lockbox Reports ........................................................................ 81

Japan Reports....................................................................................86

Bank of Japan Report ..............................................................86

Korea Reports ....................................................................................90

Korea Reports ............................................................................90

Liquidity Reports ...............................................................................94

Liquidity Reports ......................................................................94

Mexico Reports ................................................................................ 100

Mexico Reports ........................................................................ 100

Netting Reports ............................................................................... 104

Netting — IATA Manager Reports ........................................ 104

Netting — IATA Participant Reports ................................... 108

Netting — Internal User Reports............................................ 112

Netting — Manager Reports....................................................116

Netting — Participant Reports ..............................................120

Netting — Reconciliation Reports ........................................125

Netting — Sub-Center Reports ..............................................129

Operations Reports ......................................................................... 133

Access Management Reports ............................................... 133

Audit Reports ............................................................................ 137

Automated File and Report Delivery Reports ...................141

Client Definition Reports .......................................................145

Continuity of Business Contact Information Reports ................................................................149

Map Governance Reports ......................................................153

Operations Reports .................................................................157

CitiDirect BE Reports | Table of Contents


Payment Reports .............................................................................162

Bank Statements — US Reports ............................................162

Payments — Asia Reports ......................................................166

Payments — CEEMEA Reports ..............................................170

Payments — Europe Reports ................................................. 174

Payments — Japan Reports ...................................................178

Payments — Latin America Reports ....................................182

SDR Reports ..............................................................................187

Taiwan Digital Signature Reports — Payments ..................191

Trade Reports ...................................................................................195

Taiwan Digital Signature — Trade Reports .........................195

Trade Services — FI Reports ..................................................199

Trade Services — Guarantee Reports ................................203

Trade Services — Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Reports ........................................................207

Trade Services — Payable Reports .......................................211

Trade Services — Receivable Reports .................................215

Trade Services — Standby Letter of Credit Reports ........................................................220

US Reports ........................................................................................224

US Disbursement Reports ....................................................224

US EDI Reports ........................................................................228

WorldLink® Reports ........................................................................233

WorldLink® Reports ................................................................233

CitiDirect BE Reports | Table of Contents


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reports & Analytics/Overview/Reporting Basics

Reports & AnalyticsOverview

CitiDirect BE Reports provide you with real-time information to support your decision-making processes. When a report is printed, the end result is a formal document that includes all of the information you need. All reports can be printed in their entirety, on a page-by-page basis, or as a range of pages. In addition to printing a report, you can elect to send it to a secure server location using an HTTPS internet connection or to an e-mail address using encrypted e-mail.

CitiDirect BE Reporting functionality enables you to:

• Select from a variety of customizable reports and view real-time information.

• Customize reports to retrieve the information you need.

• Save your customized reports to run as often as needed.

• View your reports in a separate browser window in a format you specify.

• Print report output and save the output file on your system.

• Deliver reports to a secure server location via a secure HTTPS internet connection.

• Deliver reports to an e-mail address via encrypted e-mail.

• Use Automated File and Report Delivery (AFRD) to save time and improve efficiency.

CitiDirect BE Inquiry functionality enables you to:

• Gain immediate access to information for a specific point in time.

• View information displayed on your screen while you are signed on to CitiDirect BE.

• Print inquiry results, which are less detailed than report printouts.

This user guide describes how to run reports on your accounts and transactions. All account and transaction-related information needed for reports is available through CitiDirect BE. The reports that are available to you and the information you can access are determined by the entitlements in your access profile.

Online Help

For general questions while working in CitiDirect BE, you can use Online Help, a comprehensive self-service capability which contains detailed information and descriptions of terms for all functionality and services offered through CitiDirect.

You can access Online Help by Clicking the HELP link on the top right corner of your CitiDirect BE Reports screen.

Reporting Basics

Generate a New Report

CitiDirect BE provides you with an easy way to generate reports that will provide you with needed information. There are two types of reports in CitiDirect BE: base reports and derived reports. Base reports are report templates with pre-defined criteria. You can create reports using existing base reports. Derived reports are reports you create using the base reports. The reports you can generate are based on your entitlements.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

The procedure for selecting and running reports is consistent across all reports.

To generate a new report, follow the steps below:

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Cash Statements Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. The Generate Reports tab displays all the base and derived reports with the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

5. Select the desired report option. In this example, click the Account Statement Details Report link.

Step Action

6. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

7. Click in the Derived Report Name field.

Step Action

8. Enter the desired information into the Derived Report Name field. Enter “Account Statement Details”.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

9. Click the Format button.

Step Action

10. Select the desired format option. In this example, click Adobe PDF.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

11. The Share options determine if the report will be available to all users (Public) or available only to you (Private).

Step Action

12. The Favorite checkbox allows you to designate a report as a favorite.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

13. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

14. The Function button allows you to specify the search options when searching for data.

Click the Function button.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

15. The selected option will be applied in conjunction with the text entered in the corresponding field.

Step Action

16. Select the desired Statement Date option. In this example, click Last 30 Days.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

17. Click the scrollbar.

Step Action

18. The Run button allows you to run the report without saving it. For Base Reports, the report name will be “Unsaved + Base Report Name.”


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

19. The Save button allows you to save the entered report criteria. You will receive a confirmation message that the report was saved.

Step Action

20. The Schedule button takes you to the AFRD application where you can schedule the report using the functionality.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

21. The Reset to Defaults button resets the form to the original default settings without saving the changes.

Step Action

22. The Return to Reports Listing button takes you back to the Generate Reports tab on the Reports Landing page.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

23. Click the Save & Run button.

Step Action

24. Click the OK button.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

25. The View Available Reports tab allows you to view the status of reports that you have run in the last 36 hours. The data in the grid will refresh automatically to reflect the most current status of the reports.

Step Action

26. Click the Report Output icon to view the generated report.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

27. Click the Open button.

Step Action

28. The report displays in a new window in the format specified in the report criteria.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

29. This concludes the Generate a New Report topic.

End of Procedure.

Edit a Report

CitiDirect BE allows you to save report criteria to make running reports easier. Once saved, you can edit the criteria as needed.

To edit a report, follow the steps below:

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

2. Click the Cash Statements Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

4. The Generate Reports tab displays all the base and derived reports for the selected report service class.

Step Action

5. Select the desired report name. In this example, click the Account Statement Details Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

6. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

7. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

8. Enter the desired report criteria. In this example, the following fields have been entered for you: Derived Report Name, Branch, Account Number and Statement Date.

Step Action

9. The Function button allows you to specify the search options when searching for data.

Click the Function button.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

10. The selected option will be applied in conjunction with the text entered in the corresponding field.

Step Action

11. Click the scrollbar.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

12. The Run button allows you to run the report without saving changes.

Step Action

13. The Save button allows you to save the entered report criteria. You will receive a confirmation message that the report was saved.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

14. The Schedule button takes you to the AFRD application where you can schedule the report using that functionality.

Step Action

15. The Reset to Defaults button resets the form to the original default settings without saving the changes.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

16. The Return to Reports Listing button takes you back to the Generate Reports tab on the Reports Landing page.

Step Action

17. Click the Save & Run button.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

18. Click the OK button.

Step Action

19. The View Available Reports tab allows you to view the status of the reports you have run in the last 36 hours. The data in the grid will refresh automatically to reflect the most current status of the reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

20. Click the Report Output icon to view the edited report.

Step Action

21. Click the Open button.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

22. The report displays in a new window in the format specified in the report criteria.

Step Action

23. This concludes the Edit a Report topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Run a Report

CitiDirect BE allows you to save report criteria to meet your information needs. Once saved, a report can be quickly run to get the latest information.

The procedure for running a report is the same across all reports.

To run a report, follow the steps below:

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Cash Statements Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. The Generate Reports tab displays all the base and derived reports for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

5. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Account Statement Details Report option.

Step Action

6. Click the scrollbar.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

7. Click the Run button.

Step Action

8. The View Available Reports tab allows you to view the status of reports you have run in the last 36 hours. The data in the grid will refresh automatically to reflect the most current status of the report.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

9. Select the desired report icon. In this example, click the Account Statement Details Report icon.

Step Action

10. Click the Open button.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

11. The report displays in a new window in the format specified in the report criteria.

Step Action

12. This concludes the Run a Report topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Delete a Report

CitiDirect BE allows you to delete the reports and report outputs you have created and saved.

You cannot delete base reports or reports created by other users.


To delete a report and a report output instance, follow the steps below:

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Cash Statements Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. The Generate Reports tab displays all the base and derived reports with the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

5. From the Generate Reports tab, you can delete Derived reports. You cannot delete Base reports.

Step Action

6. Select the desired report option. In this example, click the Unsaved Account Statement Details Report option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

7. Click the Delete button.

Step Action

8. Click the YES button.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

9. Click the View Available Reports tab.

Step Action

10. The View Available Reports tab allows you to view the status of reports you have run in the last 36 hours.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

11. From the Available Reports tab, you can delete any report output. Deleting the output will not delete the report.

Step Action

12. Select the desired report name option. In this example, select the Account Statement Report option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

13. Click the Delete button.

Step Action

14. Click the YES button.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

15. This concludes the Delete a Report topic.

End of Procedure.

View a Report

CitiDirect BE stores all the reports you have run in the past 36 hours. You can view the output of reports with an Available status only. Once successfully run, the report output appears in a separate browser window in the format specified by the report criteria.

The procedure for viewing a report is consistent across all reports and output types.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics


To view a report that has already been generated, follow the steps below:

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the My Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

3. Click the Report Category button.

Step Action

4. Click the Cash Statements Reports list item.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

5. Click the Search button.

Step Action

6. The View Available Reports tab allows you to view the status of reports you have run in the last 36 hours.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

7. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Account Statement Details Report.

Step Action

8. Click the Open button.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Reporting Basics

Step Action

9. The report displays in a new window in the format specified in the report criteria.

Step Action

10. This concludes the View a Report topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Brazil Reports

Brazil Reports

Brazil Account Information Reports

The Brazil Account Information Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Account Statement Report — Brazil

• Account Additional Information Report — Brazil

• Balance Summary Report — Brazil

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Brazil Account Information Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Brazil Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Brazil Account Information menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Brazil Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Account Additional Information link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Brazil Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Brazil Account Information Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Canada Reports

Canada Reports

Canada ACH Reports

The Canada ACH Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• ACH Acknowledgement Report

• ACH Active Recurring Schedule Report

• ACH Auto Resubmitted Items Report

• ACH Processed Items Report

• ACH Reject Items Report

• ACH Return Items Report

• ACH Schedule Acknowledgement Report

• ACH Schedule Self Service Reports

• ACH Self Service Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Canada ACH Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Canada Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Canada ACH Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Canada Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the ACH Acknowledgement Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Canada Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Canada ACH Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Canada Reports

Canada Lockbox Reports

The Canada Lockbox Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Lockbox Detail Report

• Lockbox Account and Box Summary Report

• Lockbox Account Summary Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Canada Lockbox Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Canada Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Collections — Canada Lockbox Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Canada Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Lockbox Account and Box Summary Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Canada Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Canada Lockbox Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Cash Reports

Cash Balances Reports

The Cash Balances Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Balance Summary Report

• Consolidated Balance Summary Report

• Customer Position Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Cash Balances Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Cash Balances Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Balance Summary Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Cash Balances Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Cash Statements Reports

The Cash Statements Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Account Statement Details — ASIA

• Account Statement Details Report

• Account Statement Details Report — Condensed

• Account Statement Report

• Back Value Position Report

• Back Value Summary Report

• Back Value Transaction Detail Advice Report

• Back Value Transaction Detail Advice Report — Condensed

• Extended Remittance Details Report

• Incremental Account Statement Details Report

• Incremental Account Statement Details Report — Condensed

• Incremental Account Statement Report

• Statement Delivery Status Report

• Transaction Detail Advice Report

• Transaction Detail Advice Report — Condensed

• Transaction Float Summary Report

• Transaction Summary Report

• US ACH Transaction Details Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Cash Statements Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Cash Statements Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Account Statement Details Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Cash Statements Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

Cash Transaction Initiation Reports

The Cash Transaction Initiation Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• CitiConnect File Summary Report

• CitiConnect Enhanced File Summary Report

• Electronic Statutory Payment Details Report

• File Import Transaction Initiation Summary Report

• File Import Transaction Initiation Summary Report with Filename

• Payments Transaction Audit Report

• Preformat Library Detail Report (Global)

• Preformat Library Summary Report (Global)

• Reject/Return Transaction Detail Report

• Standing Instruction Transaction Summary Report

• Transaction Initiation Detail Report

• Transaction Initiation Detail Report by Subsidiary Identifier

• Transaction Initiation Payment Details Report

• Transaction Initiation Summary Report

• Transaction Initiation Summary Report by Subsidiary Identifier

• US — Preformat Library Summary Report

• US — Preformat Library Detail Report


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Cash Transaction Initiation Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Cash Transaction Initiation Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the CitiConnect — File Summary Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Cash Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. This concludes the Cash Transaction Initiation Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Collection Reports

Collections — Direct Debits Reports

The Collections — Direct Debit Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Asia Direct Debit Authorization Initiation Detail Report

• Asia Direct Debit Mandate Initiation Detail Report

• Asia Direct Debit Mandate Initiation Summary Report

• Asia Direct Debit Mandates Detail Report

• Asia Direct Debit Mandates Summary Report

• Asia Direct Debit Summary Report

• Asia Direct Debit Transaction Initiation Detail Report

• Asia Direct Debit Transaction Initiation Summary Report

• Debtor Mandates Detail Report

• Direct Debit Detail Report

• Direct Debit Failed Collection Report

• Direct Debit Mandates Detail Report

• Direct Debit Mandates Summary Report

• Direct Debit Transaction Initiation Detail Report

• Direct Debit Transaction Initiation Summary Czech/Slovakia Report

• Direct Debit Transaction Initiation Summary Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Collections — Direct Debit Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Collections — Direct Debits Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Asia Direct Debit Authorization Initiation Detail Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Collections — Direct Debits Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

Collections — Latin America Receivables Reports

The Collections — Latin America Receivables Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• CNAB Import Summary Report

• Collection Items Report

• Collection Items Transaction Initiation Details Report

• Collection Items Transaction Initiation Summary Report

• Consolidated Position Report

• Drawee Position Report

• Managed Collections Report

• Payments Position Report

• Product Position Report

• Protest Status Report

• Receivables Payments Report

• Receivables Statement Report

• Settlement Position Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Collections — Latin America Receivables Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Collections — Latin America Receivables Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the CNAB Import Summary Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Collections — Latin America Receivables Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

Lockbox Reports

The Lockbox Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Lockbox Account and Box Summary Report

• Lockbox Account Summary Report

• Lockbox Detail Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Lockbox Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Lockbox Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Lockbox Account and Box Summary Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Collection Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Lockbox Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Japan Reports

Japan Reports

Bank of Japan Report

The Bank of Japan Report service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Bank of Japan Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Bank of Japan Report service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Japan Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Bank of Japan menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Japan Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Bank of Japan Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Japan Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Bank of Japan Report topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Korea Reports

Korea Reports

Korea Reports

The Korea Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Cash Management Service/Giro Report

• Electronic Funds Transfer Incoming Transactions Report

• Electronic Funds Transfer Outgoing Transactions Report

• Post-Dated Cheque Outstanding Report

• Consolidated Sweeping Report

• Post-Dated Cheque Deposit Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Korea Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Korea Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Korea Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Korea Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Cash Management Service/GIRO Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Korea Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Korea Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Liquidity Reports

Liquidity Reports

Liquidity Reports

The Liquidity Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Citibank Interest Optimization — Account Level Benefit Report

• Citibank Interest Optimization — Daily Portfolio Balance and Interest Rate Report

• Citibank Interest Optimization — Monthly Portfolio Interest Report

• Citibank Interest Optimization — Portfolio Interest Tier Management Report

• Concentration — Account Detail Report

• Concentration — Account Prior Period Adjustments Report

• Concentration — Account Summary Report

• Concentration — Daily Interest Accrual Detail Report

• Concentration — Global Interest Reallocation Detail Report

• Concentration — Global Interest Reallocation (Prior Period Adjustment) Report

• Concentration — Global Interest Reallocation Summary Report

• Concentration — Interest Reallocation Detail Report

• Concentration — Interest Reallocation Summary Report

• Concentration — Japan Header Interest Reallocation Summary Report

• Concentration Structures — Active Report

• GBNP — Back Value Transactions Detail Report

• GBNP — Balance Analysis Detail Report

• GBNP — Balance Analysis Summary Report

• GBNP — Global Allocation Summary Report

• GBNP — Global Pooling Balance Summary Report

• GBNP — Monthly Global Analysis Detail Report

• GBNP — Monthly Global Analysis Summary (Prior Period Adjustments) Report

• GBNP — Monthly Global Analysis Summary Report

• Global Concentration Structures — Active Report

• Global Intraday Report

• Interest Statement Report

• MCP — Balance Summary Report

• MCP — FX Rate Reconciliation Report

• MCP — Participant and Balance Report

• MCP — Pooling Detail (Prior Period Adjustment) Report

• MCP — Pooling Detail Report


CitiDirect BE Reports | Liquidity Reports

• MCP — Pooling Summary Report

• Money Market Deposit Accounts Interest Statement Details Report

• Money Market Deposit Accounts Prior Period Interest Adjustments Report

• Overnight Investment Sweep — Back Value Adjustments Report

• Overnight Investment Sweep — Daily Activity Report

• Overnight Investment Sweep — Relationship Interest Summary Report

• Pooling — Account Balance Summary Report

• Pooling — Asia Benefit Report

• Pooling — Asia Header Account Summary Report

• Pooling — Asia Sub-Account Detail Report

• Pooling — Europe Benefit Report

• Pooling — Europe Header Account Summary Report

• Pooling — Europe Sub-Account Detail Report

• Pooling — Header Account Summary (Prior Period Adjustments) Report

• Pooling — Interest Reallocation Summary Report

• Pooling — North America Header — Sub Net Back Value Detail Report

• Pooling — North America Header Account Summary Report

• Pooling — North America Header Account Sweep Detail (for Back Valued Adjustments) Report

• Pooling — North America Sub-Account Detail Report

• Pooling — Sub-Account Detail (Prior Period Adjustments) Report

• Pooling Benefit Redistribution — Detail Report

• Pooling Benefit Redistribution — Summary Report

• Pooling Benefit Redistribution (Prior Period Adjustment) — Detail Report

• Pooling Structures — Active Report

• Prior Period Interest Adjustment Report

• Sweep — FI Activity Report

• Sweep — Investment Consolidated Report

• Sweep — Investment Detail Report

• Sweep — Month To Date Investment/Redemption Report

• Western Europe Account — Interest Statement Report

• Western Europe Account — Prior Period Adjustments Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Liquidity Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Liquidity Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu.

Step Action

2. Click the Liquidity Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Liquidity Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Citibank Interest Optimization — Account Level Benefit Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Liquidity Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Liquidity Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Liquidity Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Mexico Reports

Mexico Reports

Mexico Reports

The Mexico Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Mexico Tax Payment Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Mexico Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Mexico Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Mexico Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Mexico Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Mexico Tax Payment Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Mexico Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Mexico Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Netting Reports

Netting — IATA Manager Reports

The Netting — IATA Manager Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• 120/31A IATA Cashbook Report — Approximate

• 121/31F IATA Cashbook Report — Final

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Netting — IATA Manager Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Netting — IATA Manager Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the 120/31A IATA Cashbook Report — Approximate link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Netting — IATA Manager Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Netting — IATA Participant Reports

The Netting — IATA Participant Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• 118/30A IATA Participant Report — Approximate

• 119/30F IATA Participant Report — Final

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Netting — IATA Participant Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Netting — IATA Participant Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the 118/30A IATA Participant Report — Approximate link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Netting — IATA Participant Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Netting — Internal User Reports

The Netting — Internal User Reports service class contains the following report. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• 185 Geographic Location Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Netting — Internal User Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Netting — Internal User Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the 185 Geographic Location Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Netting — Internal User Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Netting — Manager Reports

The Netting — Manager Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• 161 Citi Netting System Participants

• 151 FX Rates Report

• 169 FX Rates Report — Summary

• 153 FX Spreads Report

• 117/13X Managed Treasury — Profitability by Company

• 116/13 Managed Treasury — Profitability by Currency

• 174 Netting Account Reconciliation Report

• 155 Netting Anomalies Report

• 129 Netting Centre Currency Positions Breakdown Report

• 200 Netting Center Currency Positions Data Export Report

• 112/11A Netting Centre Currency Positions Report Approximate

• 113/11F Netting Centre Currency Positions Report Final

• 166 Netting Centre Transaction Overview Report

• 167 Netting Efficiency MIS Report

• 199 Netting Participant Control Information Report

• 158 Participant Basic Information

• 159 Participants Which Can Input On Behalf Of Others

• 160 Participants Who May Receive Reports For Others

• 162 Participants by Settlement Currency Report

• 163 Participants With a Settlement Option Other Than One

• 152 Payments Report

• 171 Payments Report — Summary Including Currency Centres

• 184 Preformat Report — Detail

• 183 Preformat Report — Summary

• 156 Transaction Activity Report

• 157 Zero Transactions Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Netting — Manager Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Netting — Manager Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the 112/11A Netting Centre Currency Positions Report — Approximate link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Netting — Manager Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

Netting — Participant Reports

The Netting — Participant Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• 130/09A Consolidated Netting Report — Approximate

• 131/09F Consolidated Netting Report — Final

• 108/08A Consolidated Netting with Base Currency Equivalent Report — Approximate

• 109/08F Consolidated Netting with Base Currency Equivalent Report — Final

• 114/12A Currency Centre Report — Approximate

• 115/12F Currency Centre Report — Final

• 165 Data Export Report

• 100/01A Invoice level Netting report — Transaction Inflows and Outflows — Approximate

• 101/01F Invoice level Netting report — Transaction Inflows and Outflows — Final

• 102/03A Invoice Level Netting Report — Transaction Totals by Counterparty and Currency — Approximate

• 103/03F Invoice Level Netting Report — Transaction Totals by Counterparty and Currency — Final

• 106/05A Invoice Level Netting Report — Transaction Totals by Counterparty with Local Currency — Approximate


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

• 107/05F Invoice Level Netting Report — Transaction Totals by Counterparty with Local Currency — Final

• 104/04A Invoice Level Netting Report — Transaction Totals with Local Currency Equivalent — Approximate

• 105/04F Invoice Level Netting Report — Transaction Totals with Local Currency Equivalent — Final

• 154 Netting Calendar Report

• 168 Netting Calendar Report — Summary

• 150 Netting Centre Bank Details Report

• 170 Netting Centre Bank Details Report — Summary

• 110/10A Participant Balance Report — Approximate

• 111/10F Participant Balance Report — Final

• 173 Transaction Dispute Status Report

• 172 Transaction Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Netting — Participant Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Netting — Participant Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the 100/01A Invoice level netting report — Transaction Inflows and Outflows — Approximate link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Netting — Participant Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Netting — Reconciliation Reports

The Netting — Reconciliation Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• 125/14 Current and Future Unreconciled Receivables

• 126/15 Current and Future Unreconciled Payables

• 127/16 Reconciled Transactions (Current Period)

• 128/17 Reconciled Transactions (Future Period)

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Netting — Reconciliation Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Netting — Reconciliation Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the 125/14 Current and Future Unreconciled Receivables link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Netting — Reconciliation Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Netting — Sub-Center Reports

The Netting — Sub-Center Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• 165 Data Export

• 151 FX Rates Report

• 169 FX Rates Report — Summary

• 112/11A Netting Centre Currency Positions Report for Sub Centre — Approximate

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Netting — Sub-Center Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Netting — Sub-Center Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the 112/11A Netting Centre Currency Positions Report for Sub Centre — Approximate link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Netting Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Netting — Sub-Center Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Operations Reports

Access Management Reports

The Access Management Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Access Profile Detail Report

• Access Profile Summary Report

• Account Management Summary Report

• AML User Audit Report

• AML User by Client Report

• Logon Activity Report

• User Activity — Report and Inquiry — Detail Report

• User Activity — Report and Inquiry — Summary Report

• User Profile and Entitlements Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Access Management Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Access Management Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the AML User Audit Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Access Management Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Audit Reports

The Audit Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Audit Log Detail Report

• Audit Log Summary Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Audit Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Audit Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Audit Log Detail Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Audit Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Automated File and Report Delivery Reports

The Automated File and Report Delivery Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Automated File and Report Delivery Exception Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Automated File and Report Delivery Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Automated File and Report Delivery Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Automated File and Report Delivery Exception Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected

Step Action

7. This concludes the Automated File and Report Delivery Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Client Definition Reports

The Client Definition Reports service class contains the following report. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Client Definition Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Client Definition Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Client Definition Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Client Definition Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Client Definition Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Continuity of Business Contact Information Reports

The Continuity of Business Contact Information Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• COB Contact Information Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Continuity of Business Contact Information Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Continuity of Business Contact Information menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the COB Contact Information Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

6. If applicable, the Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Continuity of Business Contact Information Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Map Governance Reports

The Map Governance Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Map Change Impact Report

• Map Use Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Map Governance Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Map Governance Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Map Change Impact Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Map Governance Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Operations Reports

The Operations Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Activity and Maintenance Report

• Beneficiary Advices Report

• Central Bank Reporting — Spain Report

• CitiDirect BE Users Audit Report

• CitiDirect BE User Profile Expiry Report

• Currency Control Transaction Audit Report

• High Value Transaction Audit Report

• Kazakhstan FX Summary Report

• Migration Audit Report

• OFAC Rejected Transactions Summary Report

• Online Account Balance Reconciliation Status Report

• Payment Transactions Status Summary Report

• Payments Cut-Off Times Flow Validation Report

• Payments Transactions Pending Backend Acknowledgement Report

• Poland AML User Report

• Pre-notification of Tax Payments Report

• Taiwan Digital Signature Payment Transactions Verification Report

• Taiwan Digital Signature Trade Transactions Verification Report

• WorldLink® Rate Presentation Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Operations Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Operations Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Beneficiary Advices Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Operations Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Operations Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Payment Reports

Bank Statements — US Reports

The Bank Statements — US Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Bank Statements — US Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Bank Statements — US Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Bank Statements — US Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Bank Statements — US Reports link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Bank Statements — US Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Payments — Asia Reports

The Payments — Asia Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• ACH/GIRO Disbursements Instruction Confirmation Report

• ACH/GIRO Stop Payment Confirmation Report

• Billing Advice Report

• Funding Notification Report

• Issuance Confirmation Report

• Notification Of Stop Payment Report

• Outstanding Items Report

• Paid Items Report

• Post Dated Cheques Issuance Confirmation Report

• Refund Advice Report

• Replacement Advice Report

• Stale Cheques Report

• Stop Reversal Confirmation Report

• Tax Disbursements Report — India

• WorldLink® Factory Check — Issuance Confirmation Report

• WorldLink® Factory Check -— Notification Of Stop Payment Report

• WorldLink® Factory Check — Outstanding Items Report

• WorldLink® Factory Check — Paid Items Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Payments — Asia Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Payments — Asia Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the ACH/GIRO Disbursements Instruction Confirmation Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Payments — Asia Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

Payments — CEEMEA Reports

The Payments — CEEMEA Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• CEEMEA Transaction Initiation Summary Report

• Central Bank of Russia Transaction Initiation Report

• Disbursement Summary Report

• National Bank of Ukraine Transaction Initiation Report

• Payment orders in NBK format

• Poland — DFTB Transaction Initiation Detail Report

• Poland — DFTB Transaction Initiation Summary Report

• Poland Transaction Advice Report

• Transaction Initiation Summary Report CZ/SK

• Wages Protection System Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Payments — CEEMEA Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Payments — CEEMEA Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report link. In this example, click the CEEMEA Transaction Initiation Summary Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Payments — CEEMEA Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

Payments — Europe Reports

The Payments — Europe Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Accrued Interest Report

• Disbursement Summary Report

• Summary of Clearing Items Report

• Summary of Incoming Cheques

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Payments — Europe Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Payments — Europe Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Accrued Interest Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Payments — Europe Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

Payments — Japan Reports

The Payments — Japan Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Disbursement Instructions Report

• Monthly Billing Advice Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Payments — Japan Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the Payments — Japan Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Disbursement Instructions Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Payments — Japan Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

Payments — Latin America Reports

The Payments — Latin America Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements:

• Account Status Report

• ACH Details Report

• ACH Returned Transactions Detail Report

• ACH Returned Transactions Summary Report

• Cheques Detail Report

• Cheques Summary Report

• Consolidated Position Summary Report

• Deposits Received Report

• Individual Payment Statement Detail Report

• Individual Payment Statement Summary Report

• Latin America Lockbox Summary Report

• Match Pay Report

• Payment Statement Summary By Type Report

• Payment Summary Report — Brazil

• Returned Cheques Report


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

• Stop Payment Detail Report

• Stop Payment Summary Report

• Tesouraria Brazil Investment and Hedges Detail Report

• Tesouraria Brazil Investment and Hedges Summary Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Payments — Latin America Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Payments — Latin America Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Payment Summary Report — Brazil link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Payments — Latin America Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

SDR Reports

The SDR Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements:

• Daily Clears Report

• Funding Due Report

• Imprest Detail Funding Report

• Paid Check Listing Report

• SDR Reports

• Sub Account and Imprest Details Report

• Stop Loss Report

• Stop Loss Adjustment Report

• Stop Loss Monthly Transaction Report

• Stop Loss Daily Transaction Report

• Outstanding Check Listing Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the SDR Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

2. Click the SDR Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Outstanding Check Listing Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the SDR Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Taiwan Digital Signature Reports — Payments

The Taiwan Digital Signature Reports — Payments service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements:

• Digital Signature Payment Transactions Acknowledgement Report

• Taiwan CBR TI Detail Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Taiwan Digital Signature Reports — Payments service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Taiwan Digital Signature Reports — Payments menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Taiwan CBR TI Detail Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Payment Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Taiwan Digital Signature Reports — Payments topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Trade Reports

Taiwan Digital Signature — Trade Reports

The Taiwan Digital Signature — Trade Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Digital Signature Trade Transactions Acknowledgement Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Taiwan Digital Signature — Trade Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Taiwan Digital Signatures Reports — Trade menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Digital Signature Trade Transactions Acknowledgement Report link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Taiwan Digital Signature — Trade Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Trade Services — FI Reports

The Trade Services — FI Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements:

• FI Import Bill Details

• FI Import Bills

• FI Import Letter of Credit Details

• FI Import Letter of Credit Text

• FI Import Letters of Credit

• FI Outstanding Import Bills

• FI Outstanding Import Letters of Credit

• FI Settled Import Bills

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Trade Services — FI Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Trade Services — FI Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the FI Import Bill Details link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Trade Services — FI Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Trade Services — Guarantee Reports

The Trade Services — Guarantee Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements:

• Guarantee Text

• Guarantees — Charge Detail

• Guarantees — Charge Summary

• Guarantees Volume

• Outstanding Guarantees

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Trade Services — Guarantee Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Trade Services — Guarantee Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Guarantee Text link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Trade Services — Guarantee Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Trade Services — Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Reports

The Trade Services — Guarantee/ Standby Letter of Credit Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Amendments to Guarantees / Standby Letters of Credit Pending Approval

• Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Details

• Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Text

• Guarantees Standby Letters of Credit — Charge Detail

• Guarantees Standby Letters of Credit — Charge Summary

• Guarantees/Standby Letters of Credit Volume

• Outstanding Guarantees/Standby Letters of Credit

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Trade Services — Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Trade Services — Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Guarantees/Standby Letters of Credit — Charge Summary link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Trade Services — Guarantee/Standby Letter of Credit Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Trade Services — Payable Reports

The Trade Services — Payable Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• Amendments to Import Letters of Credit Pending Approval

• Amendments to Import Purchase Orders

• Amount Amendments to Import Letters of Credit Report

• Cancelled Import Purchase Orders

• Discrepant Import Bills

• Funding Statement

• FX Contract Details — India

• Import Bill Details

• Import Bills

• Import Bills — Charge Summary

• Import Bills- Charge Detail

• Import Bills Discrepancy Analysis

• Import Bills Settlement Analysis and Funding Report

• Import Invoice Details

• Import Invoice Summary Report

• Import Letter of Credit Details Report

• Import Letter of Credit Payment Details

• Import Letter of Credit Text

• Import Letters of Credit

• Import Letters of Credit — Charge Detail

• Import Letters of Credit — Charge Summary

• Import Purchase Order Details Report

• Import Purchase Order Summary

• Import Transactions with Charges

• Invoice Payment Details

• Outstanding Import Acceptances by Product Type Report

• Outstanding Import Invoices

• Outstanding Import Letters of Credit Report

• Outstanding Import Letters of Credit Summary

• Outstanding Import of Bills Report

• Outstanding Import Purchase Orders

• Outstanding Import Transactions

• Settled Bill Summary Report

• Settled Import Bills

• Settled Import Invoices


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Trade Services — Payable Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu.

Step Action

2. Click the Trade Services — Payable Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Amendments to Import Letters of Credit Pending Approval link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the Trade Services — Payable Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

Trade Services — Receivable Reports

The Trade Services — Receivables Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements:

• Amendments to Export Letters of Credit Pending Approval

• Amount Amendments to Export letters of Credit

• Discounted Bills by Transaction Reference Number

• Discrepant Export Bills

• Export Bill Details

• Export Bills

• Export Bills — Charge Detail

• Export Bills — Charge Summary

• Export Bills Discrepancy Analysis

• Export Bills Financed by Product Type

• Export Bills Paid Outside Bank

• Export Bills Pending Acceptance by Product Type

• Export Invoice Details

• Export Letter of Credit Details

• Export Letter of Credit Payment Details


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

• Export Letter of Credit Text

• Export Letters of Credit

• Export Letters of Credit — Charge Detail

• Export Letters of Credit — Charge Summary

• Export Purchase Order Details

• Export Purchase Order Summary

• Export Transaction Charges Detail

• Export Transactions with Charges

• Outstanding Export Acceptances by Product Type

• Outstanding Export Bills

• Outstanding Export Invoices

• Outstanding Export Letters of Credit Report

• Outstanding Export Transactions

• Outstanding Transfer Letters of Credit

• Settled Export Bills

• Settled Export Invoices

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Trade Services — Receivables Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Trade Services — Receivable Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Export Bills link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Trade Services — Receivables Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Trade Services — Standby Letter of Credit Reports

The Trade Services — Standby Letter of Credit Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements:

• Outstanding Standby Letters of Credit

• Standby Letter of Credit Text

• Standby Letters of Credit – Charge Detail Report

• Standby Letters of Credit – Charge Summary Report

• Standby Letters of Credit Volume Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the Trade Services — Standby Letter of Credit Reports service class.

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

2. Click the Trade Services — Standby Letter of Credit Reports menu option.

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Standby Letter of Credit Text link.

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.


CitiDirect BE Reports | Trade Reports

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.

Step Action

7. This concludes the Trade Services — Standby Letter of Credit Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | US Reports

US Reports

US Disbursement Reports

The US Disbursement Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements:

• Check Print Pull Report

• Controlled Disbursement Funding Presentment Recap Report

• Controlled Disbursement Funding Report

• Controlled Disbursement Funding Report BAI

• Daily Funding Adjustment Report

• High Order Prefix Report

• Issuance File Verification Report

• Match Pay Report

• Outstanding Issuance Report

• Paid Check Listing Report

• Paid Without Issuance Report

• Reverse Match Pay Report

• Stop Report

• Today’s Item’s Report

• Todays Items High Order Prefix Report

• Void Issuance Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the US Disbursements Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | US Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the US Disbursement Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | US Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Stop Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | US Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | US Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the US Disbursement Reports topic.

End of Procedure.

US EDI Reports

The US EDI Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports are available to you are dependent on your entitlements.

• US Electronic Data Interchange Detail Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the US EDI Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | US Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the US EDI Reports menu option


CitiDirect BE Reports | US Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the US Electronic Data Interchange Detail Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | US Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | US Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the US EDI Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | WorldLink Reports

WorldLink® Reports

WorldLink® Reports

The WorldLink® Reports service class contains the following reports. The reports that are available to you are dependent on your entitlements:

• Adjustment Activity Report

• Available Balance Report

• Cheque Document Report

• Cheque Register Report

• Contract Release Report

• FI Contract Release Report

• FI Funding Detail Report

• FI Funding Summary Report

• FI Transaction Release Report

• Funding Detail Report

• Funding Summary Report

• FX Contract Allocation Report

• Ordering Party Library Report

• Payments by Beneficiary Name Report

• Payments by Currency Report

• Payments By Customer Reference Number Report

• Payments by Ordering Party Report

• Payments By Preformat Code Report

• Payments by Status Report

• Transaction Audit Report

• Transaction Release Report

• WorldLink® Customer CBR Germany Report

• WorldLink® Preformat Library Detail Report

• WorldLink® Preformat Library Summary Report

This topic provides an overview of the reports and criteria that can be found in the WorldLink® Reports service class.


CitiDirect BE Reports | WorldLink Reports

Step Action

1. Point to the Reports & Analytics menu heading.

Step Action

2. Click the WorldLink® Reports menu option.


CitiDirect BE Reports | WorldLink Reports

Step Action

3. When you select a specific service class from the menu, you are taken to the Reports Landing page for that service class. The Search Criteria for the landing page is pre-filtered for the selected report service class.

Step Action

4. Select the desired report. In this example, click the Adjustment Activity Report link.


CitiDirect BE Reports | WorldLink Reports

Step Action

5. The Common Criteria section contains criteria that are consistent across all reports.

Step Action

6. The Report Specific Field Details section allows you to specify what information you want to appear in your report. The specifics of this section differ depending on the report selected.


CitiDirect BE Reports | WorldLink Reports

Step Action

7. This concludes the WorldLink® Reports topic.

End of Procedure.


CitiDirect BE Reports | WorldLink Reports

Treasury and Trade Solutions citi.com/treasuryandtradesolutions

© 2014 Citibank, N.A. All rights reserved. Citi and Arc Design and WorldLink are registered service marks of Citigroup Inc. CitiDirect BE is a service mark of Citigroup Inc.WorldLink® Payment Services is owned and operated by Citibank Europe plc, a Dublin (Head Office) based and incorporated subsidiary of Citigroup Inc.

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