IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING 1 Content adaptive enhancement of multi-view depth maps for free viewpoint video Erhan Ekmekcioglu, Vladan Velisavljevi´ c, Member, IEEE, and Stewart T. Worrall, Member, IEEE Abstract—Depth map estimation is an important part of the multi-view video coding and virtual view synthesis within the free viewpoint video applications. However, computing an accurate depth map is a computationally complex process, which makes real-time implementation challenging. Alternatively, a simple estimation, though quick and promising for real-time processing, might result in inconsistent multi-view depth map sequences. To exploit this simplicity and to improve the quality of depth map estimation, we propose a novel content adaptive enhancement technique applied to the previously estimated multi-view depth map sequences. The enhancement method is locally adapted to edges, motion and depth-range of the scene to avoid blurring the synthesized views and to reduce the computational complexity. At the same time, and very importantly, the method enforces con- sistency across the spatial, temporal and inter-view dimensions of the depth maps so that both the coding efficiency and the quality of the synthesized views are improved. We demonstrate these improvements in the experiments, where the enhancement method is applied to several multi-view test sequences and the obtained synthesized views are compared to the views synthesized using other methods in terms of both numerical and perceived visual quality. Index Terms—Depth estimation, Free viewpoint video, Multi- view coding, Multi-view depth map. I. I NTRODUCTION In recent years, the development of the 3D video technology brought into focus a new scene representation technique called multiple view video (MVV). In this technique, a scene is captured by a set of synchronized cameras located at different spatial locations (viewpoints) [1]. The generated signal is represented as a set of video sequences captured at each camera. This technique is often referred to as sampling of light field or plenoptic function [2]. One of the most popular applications within the MVV framework is Free Viewpoint Video (FVV) [3], [4]. In this application, the user freely chooses a viewpoint in the scene, which does not have necessarily to coincide with the camera viewpoints. One of the major challenges in the FVV is how to encode and transmit the large amount of data required to synthesize realistic videos at the chosen viewpoints with an acceptable quality [5]. The current commercial broadcasting systems are not capa- ble of processing and transmitting the signals recorded at all possible viewpoints. Furthermore, the synthesis (rendering) of the views at the receiver side is computationally inefficient. For E. Ekmekciouglu and S. T. Worrall are with the Centre for Comm. Systems Research, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, e-mail: {E.Ekmekcioglu, S.Worrall}@surrey.ac.uk V. Velisavljevi´ c is with Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin, Germany, e-mail: [email protected]. that reason, several different coding and rendering approaches have recently been proposed to improve this efficiency. In mesh-based FVV coding [6], the underlying 3D geometry of the scene, also called mesh sequences, is encoded and sent to the user along with the corresponding photometric properties. This information is then used to synthesize videos at arbitrary viewpoints. Similarly, in [7], the wavelet transform is applied to the mesh sequences in both spatial and temporal dimensions and the resulting subbands are entropy-coded. These methods significantly reduce the amount of data needed for transmission, but they also require a precise knowledge of the 3D geometry in the scene, which is still challenging to acquire in a general case. Furthermore, the latter condition implies the use of many cameras resulting in a high system cost and complex camera calibration. By contrast, in image-based rendering (IBR) [8]–[10], the captured MVV signal is encoded as a set of color texture video sequences and the intermediate views are synthesized using only this information. As a result, the synthesized views are more photorealistic. Moreover, even complex objects in the scene can be reconstructed without additional effort or geometrical knowledge. However, the required transmission bandwidth is significantly higher than that of the mesh-based coding. This usually causes difficulties in broadcast system design, raises costs and imposes processing power limitations. The FVV coding based on depth maps [11], [12] is a balanced solution between the mesh-based coding and IBR. It provides a local approximation of the light-field function at the chosen viewpoints. This approximation allows for a reduced number of camera viewpoints, while the quality of synthesized views is still preserved. A similar approach has been adopted within the standardization group of the Joint Video Team (JVT), where the Multi-View Coding (MVC) tools are used for the compression of both the MVV color texture sequences and associated per-pixel depth map sequences [13], [14]. These two types of sequences are encoded separately using the MVC method based on the hierarchical B-prediction and H.264/AVC, which exploits the intra-frame spatial, inter-frame temporal and inter-view correlation in the multi-view video [5], [15], [16]. However, the depth map sequences differ from the color texture sequences, having large regions of smoothly changing or even constant gray levels. Thus, applying the same MVC method to both types of sequences might result in a sub- optimal coding performance. In some recent work, this shortcoming has been addressed and the depth maps have been encoded using modified meth- ods based on wedgelets and platelets [17]. The corresponding coding performance has been shown to perform better than

Content Adaptive Enhancement of Multi-View Depth Maps for Free Viewpoint Video

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Content adaptive enhancement of multi-view depthmaps for free viewpoint video

Erhan Ekmekcioglu, Vladan Velisavljevic, Member, IEEE, and Stewart T. Worrall,Member, IEEE

Abstract—Depth map estimation is an important part of themulti-view video coding and virtual view synthesis within the freeviewpoint video applications. However, computing an accuratedepth map is a computationally complex process, which makesreal-time implementation challenging. Alternatively, a simpleestimation, though quick and promising for real-time processing,might result in inconsistent multi-view depth map sequences. Toexploit this simplicity and to improve the quality of depth mapestimation, we propose a novel content adaptive enhancementtechnique applied to the previously estimated multi-view depthmap sequences. The enhancement method is locally adapted toedges, motion and depth-range of the scene to avoid blurring thesynthesized views and to reduce the computational complexity.At the same time, and very importantly, the method enforces con-sistency across the spatial, temporal and inter-view dimensionsof the depth maps so that both the coding efficiency and thequality of the synthesized views are improved. We demonstratethese improvements in the experiments, where the enhancementmethod is applied to several multi-view test sequences and theobtained synthesized views are compared to the views synthesizedusing other methods in terms of both numerical and perceivedvisual quality.

Index Terms—Depth estimation, Free viewpoint video, Multi-view coding, Multi-view depth map.


In recent years, the development of the 3D video technologybrought into focus a new scene representation technique calledmultiple view video(MVV). In this technique, a scene iscaptured by a set of synchronized cameras located at differentspatial locations (viewpoints) [1]. The generated signal isrepresented as a set of video sequences captured at eachcamera. This technique is often referred to as sampling oflight field or plenoptic function[2].

One of the most popular applications within the MVVframework is Free Viewpoint Video(FVV) [3], [4]. In thisapplication, the user freely chooses a viewpoint in the scene,which does not have necessarily to coincide with the cameraviewpoints. One of the major challenges in the FVV is howto encode and transmit the large amount of data required tosynthesize realistic videos at the chosen viewpoints with anacceptable quality [5].

The current commercial broadcasting systems are not capa-ble of processing and transmitting the signals recorded at allpossible viewpoints. Furthermore, the synthesis (rendering) ofthe views at the receiver side is computationally inefficient. For

E. Ekmekciouglu and S. T. Worrall are with the Centre for Comm. SystemsResearch, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, e-mail:{E.Ekmekcioglu,S.Worrall}@surrey.ac.uk

V. Velisavljevic is with Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin, Germany,e-mail: [email protected].

that reason, several different coding and rendering approacheshave recently been proposed to improve this efficiency. Inmesh-based FVV coding [6], the underlying 3D geometryof the scene, also called mesh sequences, is encoded andsent to the user along with the corresponding photometricproperties. This information is then used to synthesize videosat arbitrary viewpoints. Similarly, in [7], the wavelet transformis applied to the mesh sequences in both spatial and temporaldimensions and the resulting subbands are entropy-coded.These methods significantly reduce the amount of data neededfor transmission, but they also require a precise knowledge ofthe 3D geometry in the scene, which is still challenging toacquire in a general case. Furthermore, the latter conditionimplies the use of many cameras resulting in a high systemcost and complex camera calibration.

By contrast, in image-based rendering (IBR) [8]–[10], thecaptured MVV signal is encoded as a set of color texturevideo sequences and the intermediate views are synthesizedusing only this information. As a result, the synthesized viewsare more photorealistic. Moreover, even complex objects inthe scene can be reconstructed without additional effort orgeometrical knowledge. However, the required transmissionbandwidth is significantly higher than that of the mesh-basedcoding. This usually causes difficulties in broadcast systemdesign, raises costs and imposes processing power limitations.

The FVV coding based on depth maps [11], [12] is abalanced solution between the mesh-based coding and IBR. Itprovides a local approximation of the light-field function at thechosen viewpoints. This approximation allows for a reducednumber of camera viewpoints, while the quality of synthesizedviews is still preserved. A similar approach has been adoptedwithin the standardization group of the Joint Video Team(JVT), where the Multi-View Coding (MVC) tools are usedfor the compression of both the MVV color texture sequencesand associated per-pixel depth map sequences [13], [14].These two types of sequences are encoded separately usingthe MVC method based on the hierarchical B-prediction andH.264/AVC, which exploits the intra-frame spatial, inter-frametemporal and inter-view correlation in the multi-view video[5], [15], [16]. However, the depth map sequences differ fromthe color texture sequences, having large regions of smoothlychanging or even constant gray levels. Thus, applying the sameMVC method to both types of sequences might result in a sub-optimal coding performance.

In some recent work, this shortcoming has been addressedand the depth maps have been encoded using modified meth-ods based on wedgelets and platelets [17]. The correspondingcoding performance has been shown to perform better than


the one achieved by H.264/AVC [18], in terms of the viewsynthesis quality. Another reported depth map coding schemehas been based on shape-adaptive wavelets [19], where thecorrelation between location of edges in the depth map andthe MVV color texture sequences has been exploited. A hybridview synthesis technique proposed in [20] has reduced therequired number of cameras using a simple interpolation stepbetween the captured views. View interpolation has also beenanalyzed in [21], whereas the MVV coding performance hasbeen improved using the Wyner-Ziv coding in [22]. Depth mapinformation has been coded using a multi-layer representationin [23], whereas an enhancement technique has been applied tothe captured MVV sequences in [24]. Finally, in [25], a codingartifact reduction method has been introduced to improve thequality of the synthesized views.

Our goal is to efficiently post-process the estimated multi-view depth maps so that both the resulting coding efficiencyand the quality of view synthesis at decoder are improvedwithout significant additional complexity. We propose a novelcontent adaptive enhancement method based on median filter-ing of the depth maps to enforce coherence across the spatial,temporal and inter-view dimensions. The median filtering isadapted to the presence of edges and motion in the MVVsignal to preserve the sharpness of these features, which isimportant for the visual quality of the synthesized videos.Furthermore, the resolution of the filtering is adapted to thedistance of objects in the scene so that the processing ofthe closer objects (foreground) is finer than the processing ofthe farther objects (background). This adaptation reduces theoverall computational complexity, while preserving the samevisual quality.

The proposed enhancement method allows even a simpleand less accurate initial depth estimation to achieve efficientcoding and good view rendering at the decoder in terms of bothobjective and visual quality of the synthesized views. Sinceour method carries a low computational complexity, it is apromising technique for future real-time implementations. Weshow that the enhanced depth maps lead to a gain in the codingand rendering performance for several MVV test sequences.We also show an improvement of the visual quality perceivedby test subjects for those test videos.

Notice that in our previous work [26], we analyzed thedepth map enhancement based on only edge and motionadaptation. In the follow-up [27], we also explained theadaptation to the distance of objects in the scene. However,this work exploited hard-thresholding as the core technique,which involved heuristic methods to determine the values ofthe thresholds. That motivated us to continue this work and topropose a fully adaptive method without empirically chosenparameters.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we reviewthe state of the art of depth map estimation. Then, in Sec-tion III, we explain the principles of the novel content adaptiveenhancement method. We present the numerical results of ourmethod and also the assessment of the perceived quality bysubjects in Section IV. Finally, we conclude the paper inSection V.


Recently, depth map estimation attracted a lot of attentionand resulted in a number of methods with different accuracyand complexity. In [28], the depth maps were estimated bya multi-stage segmentation method. A color texture-basedsegmentation was followed by a coarse disparity assignmentobtained by exploiting the inter-view correlation and, finally,the resulting disparity space was smoothed to improve thequality of view synthesis. In [29], the authors estimated depthmaps by a stereo matching method and, then, regularized themin a filtering step. In [30], the coarse depth maps obtained bysegmentation were refined using belief propagation. Moreover,belief propagation and camera optical flow were used in [31],where depth maps were denoised. Even though these methodsprovide an accurate representation of the scene geometry, theyare computationally complex and make a real-time implemen-tation very difficult.

Another depth estimation method proposed in [32] and alsoused as a reference approach in the FVV standardization [33]in MPEG is based on stereo matching. The method uses agraph cuts algorithm for energy minimization during a bi-directional disparity search1 and applies regularization to aspatial neighborhood of pixels. The resulting computationalcomplexity is low, as compared to the previous depth mapestimation methods. However, the generated depth maps canbe inconsistent across viewpoints and time, since the inter-view and temporal coherence is not fully exploited (see Fig. 1).The lack of inter-view coherence is caused by the estimationusing the color texture frames taken only at two neighborviewpoints. Similarly, the lack of the temporal coherence iscaused by the independent generation of each depth map frameacross time using only the color texture frames taken at thesame time instants. As a consequence, the depth maps can belocally erroneous with spot noise in some regions. This reducesboth the coding performance and quality of view synthesisbecause of the lower prediction efficiency in the encoder,visually annoying distorted object edges and jitter in time.An improvement of the temporal coherence proposed in [34]included a temporal regularization factor in the energy functiondefinition dependent on the depth difference of the temporalneighbor pixels. However, this approach is not adaptive tothe local motion activity in the scene and, thus, the temporalconsistency can not be improved in case of pixels that areoccluded at some time instants.

Owing to the low computational complexity of this depthestimation algorithm and its use within the MPEG, we ex-ploit it in the enhancement method, despite the explainedpotential inconsistencies. The proposed enhancement providesa solution to the shortcomings by post-processing the depthmaps using an efficient content adaptive median filtering. Thefiltering is applied within the multi-dimensional windows thatare iteratively resized to achieve the best adaptation to thecontent of the signal. The novel method results in an improvedcoding performance and the quality of view synthesis, whilethe overall computational complexity is retained low.

1At the left and right directions across the neighbor viewpoints.






Fig. 1. Inconsistency of the estimated multi-view depth maps using themethod from [32]. The method is used because of its computational simplicity.After enhancement, it can achieve a similar estimation results as other morecomplicated methods. The resulting depth maps are shown for 4 test MVVsequences: Akko, Rena, Lovebird and Newspapers. The most representativeinconsistent areas are marked in red.


Our novel enhancement method of the initially estimatedmulti-view depth maps consists of three stages: 1) warpingall viewpoints to the central viewpoint, 2) application of theadaptive progressive block segmentation median filtering tothe warped viewpoints to produce consistent depth maps and3) inverse view warping of the filtered depth map to all initialviewpoints. We explain each stage in the sequel. Notice thata part of this method has been also presented in our previouswork [26], [27]. However, here, more systematic methods havereplaced the empirical thresholding used in those articles.

A. View warping

The multi-view per-pixel depth map sequences estimatedusing [32] are denoted asd(k, l, t, n), where (k, l) is thespatial coordinate,t time instant andn = 1, . . . , N cameraviewpoints, respectively. Since the goal of our method is toenforce the spatial, temporal and inter-view coherence in thedepth map sequences, they have to be warped to the sameviewpoint to ensure spatial alignment.

First, assumingd(k, l, t, n) is normalized, that is,0 ≤d(k, l, t, n) ≤ 255, the depth maps are transformed to thereal-world depthsD(k, l, t, n) by

D(k, l, t, n) =(


· d(k, l, t, n)·



− 1zfar




, (1)

whereznear and zfar are the smallest and the largest depthsin the scene, respectively.

Then, these depths are used to obtain the correspondingthree-dimensional coordinates as

(u, v, w)T = R(n) ·A−1(n) · (k, l, 1)T ·D(k, l, t, n) + T (n),

where the square matricesA(n) and R(n) represent theintrinsic camera parameters and rotation at thenth viewpoint,respectively, whereas the column-vectorT (n) is the corre-sponding translation. The three-dimensional coordinates arefurther warped to the samen0th viewpoint using

(u′, v′, w′)T = A(n0) ·R−1(n0) · {(u, v, w)T − T (n0)}to ensure spatial alignment of the depth maps estimated atdifferent viewpoints. Finally, the warped coordinates(k′, l′)are expressed in a homogenous two-dimensional form ask′ =u′/w′ and l′ = v′/w′. The corresponding warped depth mapis obtained as

dn0(k, l, t, n) = d(k′, l′, t, n). (2)

Notice that, due to the limitation of the stereo-matchingmethod used in [32], the initially estimated depth mapsd(k, l, t, n) are erroneous. Consequently, this error is prop-agated to the warped versionsdn0(k, l, t, n). However, sucherrors are incoherent across viewpoints and, thus, they can beefficiently removed by the following adaptive median filtering.


B. Adaptive median filtering

To apply the adaptive median filtering, the depth mapsd(k, l, t, n) are first warped to the central viewpointn0 =dN/2e using (2). Then, the warped depth map valuesdn0(k, l, t, n) are transformed to the real-world depthsDn0(k, l, t, n) at the viewpointn0, as in (1).

Median filtering is applied toDn0(k, l, t, n) locally toenforce the four-dimensional spatial, temporal and inter-viewcoherence. The filtering is adaptive to edges, motion anddepth-range in the MVV sequences to prevent visually an-noying distortions in synthesized views.

This adaptation is based on three parameters that locallymeasure the depth-range, the presence of edges and the motionactivity. The parameters are denoted as (1) local meanmd ofthe depth values, (2) local variancevd of the depth valuesand (3) local meanmc of the absolute difference between theluminance components in the two consecutive color textureframes. The first two parameters,md and vd, are computedfrom the depth map sequences and they scale the size ofthe local spatial window denoted asSt, whereas the thirdparametermc is calculated from the color texture sequencesand it determines the weight factor for the depth map pixels atthe previous time instant(t− 1). All the parameters are com-puted in a square2m×2m spatial neighborhoodNt,n0,m(i, j)that consists of the integer pixel coordinates(k, l), such thati− 1

22m ≤ k < i + 122m and j − 1

22m ≤ l < j + 122m, taken

at the time instantt and viewpointn0. The scaling integerm takes values from the interval1 ≤ m ≤ M , where thechoice of M does not affect significantly the enhancementperformance (in the experiments in Section IV,M = 6). Wenext explain the computation of the three parameters and theirinfluence on the median filtering process in detail. Notice that,for a convenient notation, we drop the index(i, j) wheneverpossible.

1) Parametermd: The parametermd represents the localaverage depth-range in the scene and it is obtained as

md(t,m) = mean[Dn0(Nt,n0,m)

]. (3)

This parameter is used to separate the background and fore-ground areas in the scene and to scale appropriately the sizeof the spatial windowSt. In the background areas, adaptationto edges and motion is less important for the visual qualityof the rendered views than the same in the foreground areasbecause of the larger distance from the camera, that is, thesmaller disparity. For that reason, the spatial partition imposedby the spatial windowSt is coarser in the background areasand the window remains larger. Then, the median filtering isapplied jointly to larger sets of pixels and the computationalcomplexity is reduced without affecting the visual quality.

To determine the background area, the parametermd ishard-thresholded with the thresholdTd and a pixel is consid-ered as background ifmd > Td. The thresholdTd is computedas the minimal depth such that the disparity shift between twoneighbor pixels after warping is quantized to zero. That is,assume thatD1 = D(k, l, t, n) and D2 = D(k + 1, l, t, n)are the real-world distances of two neighbor pixels at theviewpoint n and at the coordinates(k, l) and (k + 1, l),

Fig. 2. Median filtering is applied to all the viewpointsn = 1, . . . , N withinthe spatial neighborhoodSt computed after an iterative block partition. Theparametersvd andmd influence the shape and size of the neighborhoodSt,whereas the parametermc determines the impact of the neighborhoodSt−1

taken at the previous time instant(t− 1) on the set of coefficientsP. Theseparameters and the setP are recomputed in each iteration. In this way, thespatial, temporal and inter-view coherence is exploited without distortions inthe synthesized views around edges or motion.

respectively. The disparity shift between these two pixels afterwarping to the viewpointn0 is given by

p = a · |Dn0(k, l, t, n)− Dn0(k + 1, l, t, n)|Dn0(k, l, t, n) · Dn0(k + 1, l, t, n)


wherea is derived from the rotational, translational and affineparameters of the source viewpointn and target viewpointn0


[a, a1, a2]T = A(n0) ·R−1(n0) · (T (n0)− T (n)) .

Assume |D1 − D2| is equal to the minimally quantizeddifference (depth resolution). Then, the thresholdTd is thedistancemin(D1, D2) such thatbpc = 0. Hence, all theneighbor points with smoothly changing real-world distanceslarger thanTd retain their relative positions after warping tothe viewpointn0.

2) Parametervd: The second parametervd is computedfrom the transformed depth valuesDn0(k, l, t, n0) as

vd(t,m) = var[Dn0(Nt,n0,m)

], (4)

which measures the local changes in the depth map frames. Todetect the presence of edges in the sequences, the parametervd

is compared to the thresholdTv.2 If no edge is detected, that is,if vd ≤ Tv, then the spatial coherence is fully exploited and thespatial windowSt = ∪N

n=1Nt,n,m includes the entire2m×2m

neighborhood across all viewpoints. Otherwise, forvd > Tv,a finer segmentation is applied to avoid smoothing the edgeand reducing the visual quality of the reconstructed view. Thefiner segmentation is obtained by iterative spatial partition of

2Recall that edges can be efficiently detected using a number of edgedetectors, but, due to the conceptual and computational simplicity of ourmethod, we exploit and process the already computed and warped depth mappixels instead of using another edge detection.


the neighborhood into 4 equalNt,n0,m−1 neighborhoods ofthe size2m−1× 2m−1. Then,vd is recomputed in each of thenew neighborhoods using (4).

Following the adaptation to the depth-range explained inSection III-B1 and to preserve bigger neighborhoods in thebackground areas, the thresholdTv should have smaller valuesin the background and larger values in the foreground. Thus,Tv is constrained to be an increasing function ofmd. For thereasons of conceptual simplicity, it is defined as a piecewiselinear function, that is,

Tv(md) =


Tmin, md ≤ Td − 12Tδ

md − Td + (Tmax + Tmin)/2, |md − Td| ≤ 12Tδ

Tmax, md ≥ Td + 12Tδ


whereTd is computed as in Section III-B1 andTδ = Tmax −Tmin. The choice of the values forTmax andTmin does notaffect significantly the performance of the method as long asthey are close to the maximal and minimal possible values ofvd, respectively.

3) Parametermc: Finally, the third parameter is computedfrom the luminance componentsc of the color texture se-quences at two consecutive time instants(t − 1) and t takenat then0th viewpoint as

mc(t,m) = mean[∣∣c (Nt,n0,m)− c (Nt−1,n0,m)

∣∣]. (5)

This parameter captures the motion across the consecutiveframes in a local neighborhood by a simple difference operator.If the motion is detected, then the correlation of the depthmaps across the time dimension is reduced and the impactof the pixels from the previous time instant(t − 1) on themedian filtering is attenuated. This impact is modeled by alinear combination of the pixels at the subsequent time instantst and (t− 1) as

P = αc · Dn0(St) + (1− αc) · Dn0(St−1), (6)

where0 ≤ αc ≤ 1 is a normalized version of the parametermc. Note that the length of the filtering in (6) is limitedonly to two consecutive time instants. A longer filtering withmotion compensation might result in a better enhancement ofthe depth maps, but with a cost of a significant additionalcomputational and conceptual complexity and processing de-lay. Since our goal is to retain the low overall complexity, weuse only the simple temporal filtering, as shown in (6). Thecomputations in (5) and (6) are also updated in each iterationof refining the neighborhoodNt,n0,m in Section III-B2.

The resulting depth values are obtained by applying themedian filtering to the values inP, that is,

Dn0(Nt,n,m) = median[P]

, (7)

for all n = 1, . . . , N . The described process is illustrated inFig. 2.

Notice that the resulting real-world depth values are usedfor each viewpointn = 1, . . . , N to exploit the inter-view co-herence. Notice also that the iterative processing within square

Fig. 3. An example of the effect of median filtering on the depth maps. Fourframes of Akko are shown for two successive viewpoints and time instants.Notice the improvement of the spatial, temporal and inter-view coherence inthe processed depth maps.

neighborhoods might lead to a blocking effect. However, in theexperiments, this effect is not observable due to the non-linearmedian filtering (as also shown in Section IV).

C. Inverse view warping

The obtained enhanced values ofDn0(k, l, t, n) are warpedback to the original viewpoints. First, the resulting depth mapsequence is transformed todn0(k, l, t, n) using the inversionof (1) and, then, these values are inverse-warped to theoriginal viewpoints. This inversion is implemented followingthe opposite order of steps from Section III-A.

D. Occluded pixels

Notice that the corresponding depth values for the pixelsvisible in one of the viewpoints, but occluded in the centralviewpoint dN/2e, cannot be computed during the medianfiltering. To improve also the consistency of these values,the three previously explained stages are iterated for thesespatial pixel coordinates with the target warping viewpointn0 = dN/2e± 1, dN/2e± 2, . . . instead ofdN/2e. This itera-tion continues until either all depth values are processed or allpossible target viewpointsn0 are exhausted. Notice also thatthis additional procedure does not carry a significant overheadcomplexity because the occluded regions have typically smallsize.

Fig. 3 shows an example of depth maps processed by me-dian filtering. The four frames are sampled at two successiveviewpoints and time instants and processed by the proposedalgorithm. The spatial, temporal and inter-view coherence isapparently improved after filtering.


A common FVV scenario comprises a depth map estimationstep from the input signal and two MVC steps applied toboth the multi-view depth map and color texture sequences,as shown in Fig. 4. The novel proposed enhancement methodis integrated in this scenario as a post-processing of theestimated multi-view depth maps. Both sequences are encodedusing the Joint multi-view Video Model (JMVM), version 6.0,developed within the JVT, which exploits the hierarchical B-prediction across time and viewpoint. The temporal Group ofPictures (GOP) size is set to 8. The MVC blocks are tuned in


Fig. 4. A common FVV scenario: the input MVV color texture sequencesare used for depth map estimation and, then, both signals are encoded usingMVC and sent to the receiver. Our enhancement method is implemented asa post-processing of the estimated depth maps.

such a way that the depth map overhead consumes between20% and 40% of the total bit-rate sent to the receiver.

The experiments are made with four multi-view test videos,where the first two have been also used in [32]: 1) Akkowith 5 consecutive viewpoints (#26− #30), 2) Rena with7 consecutive viewpoints (#41− #47), 3) Lovebird with 11consecutive viewpoints (#0− #10) and 4) Newspapers with 9consecutive viewpoints (#0− #8). The cameras are arrangedon a line and the sequences are rectified, which removesthe effect of any possible offset in the image positions. Theencoding is performed at 4 different quantization points forboth the multi-view color texture and multi-view depth mapsequences.

The depth maps are initially estimated using the algorithmproposed in [32] and then post-processed using the novelenhancement algorithm. The parameterM is set to 6, thatis, the coarsest spatial window has the size64 × 64. Tocompare the quality of the view synthesis using the originaland enhanced depth maps for the four test MVV sequences,we synthesize the color texture sequences at the viewpoints#28 for Akko, #44 and #46 for Rena, #5 and #8 for Lovebirdand #1 and #5 for Newspapers using the neighbor color textureand depth map sequences. The view synthesis is implementedusing the reference View Synthesis Software developed underthe MPEG FTV research group [35], which retains the depthvalues and applies a visual improvement to the synthesizedframes to remove the artifacts produced by the occluded pixels.The synthesized views are compared in terms of PSNR to theoriginal views captured by the cameras at the same viewpoints.The PSNR values are plotted in Fig. 5 for the specified sevenviewpoints and for a wide interval of total coding bit-rates. Theresulting graphs are obtained for four cases of encoding andrendering: 1) with original depth maps (no enhancement), 2)with enhanced depth maps adapted only to edges and motion(no depth-range adaptation; as also presented in [26]), 3) withfully adaptive enhancement achieved by an empirical hard-thresholding (as presented in [27]) and 4) the novel adaptiveenhancement presented in this paper.

We emphasize few achievements noticeable in Fig. 5. First,all the enhancement schemes result in a significant improve-ment of the quality of the synthesized views as compared tothe views synthesized using the non-enhanced depth maps.Furthermore, the schemes with the depth-range adaptationreduce the required computational time, while they retain acomparable quality as the method without depth-range adap-

tation [26].3 Finally, the novel method provides similar resultsas the method in [27], but with an advantage of not usinghard-thresholding with empirical thresholds.

In addition, the visual quality of the views synthesized usingthe enhanced depth maps is also noticeably better than thesame obtained using the original non-enhanced depth maps.Fig. 6-8 illustrate three examples of the view synthesis forthe sequences Akko, Rena and Newspapers, respectively. Thesynthesized sequences show an improved consistency acrossspace and time. Moreover, the visually annoying artifactsthat are especially visible around edges and occluded pixelsare suppressed. This improvement is emphasized and shownseparately and magnified in those three figures.

To obtain a more relevant comparison of the visual quality,the resulting synthesized videos are tested using an adjec-tival categorical judgement method for assessment of thesubjective quality of television pictures, as suggested in theITU-R recommendation BT.500-11 [36]. Three versions ofthe synthesized views for the sequences Akko, Lovebirdand Newspapers are generated using the methods 1) withoutdepth map enhancement, 2) with enhanced depth maps, butwithout depth-range adaptation and 3) the novel method witha full adaptation. For comparison, these versions are showedpairwise and simultaneously (side-by-side) to 20 non-expertsubjects on a 32-inches screen. A snapshot of the experimentsetup in shown in Fig. 9. In each test cycle, which takes around6-10 seconds, the subjects are asked to compare the shownvideo at the left-hand side to the counterpart reference videoat the right-hand side using a qualitative comparison scale.

The results of these comparisons are shown in Fig. 10. Thecomparison is performed at high and low bitrate transmission,which correspond to 2.6 Mbps and 400 Kbps for Akko, 6.0Mbps and 750 Kbps for Lovebird and 5.5 Mbps and 700 Kbpsfor Newspapers, respectively. For each example, encoding ofthe depth maps is tuned to spend between 25% and 40% ofthe total bit-rate, whereas the sequences are recorded at therate of 25 frames per second. The results shown in the graphsin Fig. 10 represent the normalized differential mean opinionscores between the two compared videos with 95%-confidenceintervals. The normalization scales the scores to the interval(−1, 1). The smaller the absolute value of the score is, thesmaller the perceived differences between the two videos are.

The presented scores coincide well with the numericalcomparisons in Fig. 5. The comparison indicates that theproposed enhancement methods provide a better quality thanthe approach without any enhancement. The visual differenceis even more noticeable at high bit-rates. Furthermore, theenhancement with depth-range adaption achieves a comparableperformance as the other method, while it reduces the com-putational time.


We propose a novel and computationally efficient enhance-ment method for the multi-view depth map sequences based

3Note that even though the current computational time does not indeedallow for a real-time implementation of the entire method, there is a largepotential for parallel processing (e.g. forward/inverse warping of the viewsand the median filtering applied in separated spatial windows).


Legend Akko, viewpoint #28

Rena, viewpoint #44 Rena, viewpoint #46

Lovebird, viewpoint #5 Lovebird, viewpoint #8

Newspapers, viewpoint #1 Newspapers, viewpoint #5

Fig. 5. The view synthesis is performed at 7 viewpoints: #28 of Akko, #44 and #46 of Rena, #5 and #8 of Lovebird and #1 and #5 of Newspapers. Thesynthesized views are compared in terms of PSNR to the videos captured at the same viewpoints. Four encoding and rendering algorithms are used in thecomparison: 1) with original depth maps (no enhancement), 2) with enhanced depth maps adapted only to edges and motion (no depth-range adaptation)[26], 3) with fully adaptive enhancement obtained using hard-thresholding [27] and 4) the novel method with fully adaptive enhancement that avoids heuristicthresholding. The enhanced depth maps improve significantly the quality of the view synthesis. We emphasize several important results: a) all enhancementmethods strongly outperform the method without depth map enhancement; b) depth-range adaptation reduces the computational complexity and elapsed time,while retaining a similar quality of the synthesized views; c) the novel method results in a comparable quality, while avoiding the heuristic thresholding usedin our previous work in [27].

on locally content adaptive median filtering. The filtering isadapted to edges, motion and depth-range to preserve thesharpness of the reconstructed (synthesized) views and to re-duce the overall computational complexity. The enhancementscheme increases the consistency across the spatial, temporaland inter-view dimensions in the depth maps, which leads toan improved coding and rendering performance. The methodallows for a quick and less accurate depth map estimation usedin a common FVV scenario to achieve a comparable quality ofthe synthesized views at virtual viewpoints as more complexestimation algorithms. We present the improvements of thisquality in terms of both the numerical PSNR factor and per-ceived visual quality as compared to the same obtained withoutthe enhancement. Furthermore, we compare the elapsed time-per-frame in case of different enhancement methods and we

show that the depth-range adaptation is capable of significantlyreducing the computational complexity because of the jointprocessing of large background blocks in the depth maps,while preserving a similar quality.


This work was in part developed within VISNET II, aEuropean Network of Excellence, funded under the EuropeanCommission IST FP6 programme.


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Erhan Ekmekcioglu received his B.Sc. degree inElectrical and Electronics engineering from MiddleEast Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 2006and his Ph.D. degree from University of Surrey,Guildford, UK, in 2010. Currently, he is a researchfellow in I-LAB Multimedia Communications Groupin University of Surrey, UK. His research interestsinclude 3D/ multi-view video and depth map coding,scalable video coding, free-viewpoint TV (FTV) and3D video quality assessment. He has a number ofpublications in the related areas.

Vladan Velisavljevic received the B.S. and M.S.degree from the School of Electrical Engineering,University of Belgrade, Serbia, in 1998 and 2000,respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from EPFL, Lau-sanne, Switzerland, in 2005. From 1999 to 2000,he was a member of academic staff at the Univer-sity of Belgrade. In 2000, he joined EPFL, wherehe was working on his Ph.D. degree in the fieldof image processing with the Audiovisual Com-munications Laboratory, School of Computer andCommunication Sciences. Since 2006, he is with

Deutsche Telekom Laboratories - Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany. Hisresearch interests include image, video and multiview video processing andcompression, wavelet theory, multi-resolution signal processing, distributedimage/video processing.

Stewart Worrall received MEng Electronic Engi-neering degree from the University of Nottinghamin 1998. He joined the CCSR, at the Universityof Surrey, UK, in 1998 as a research student, andobtained his PhD in 2001. From 2001-2003, hecontinued to work within CCSR as a research fellow,and was appointed as a lecturer in multimedia com-munications in 2003. His research interests includeerror robust video coding, multiple description cod-ing, video compression, transmission of video overwireless networks, and multi-view video coding.