PV\833877EN.doc PE450.653v01-00 EN United in diversity EN EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 2009 - 2014 Committee on Budgetary Control CONT_PV(2010) 0927 MINUTES Meeting of 27 September 2010, from 15.00 to 18.00, and 28 September 2010, from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 18.30 BRUSSELS The meeting opened at 15h02 on Monday 27 September 2010, with Luigi de Magistris (Chair) in the chair. * ** 1. Adoption of agenda CONT_OJ (2010)0927v01 The agenda was adopted in the order appearing in these minutes. 2. Approval of minutes of the meeting of: 22 June 2010 PE 445.636v01-00 1 July 2010 PE 445.717v01-00 12-13 July 2010 PE 440.062v02-00 The minutes were approved. 3. Chairman's announcements The Chairman drew attention to the announcements in COCOBU Info 4. The Interinstitutional Agreement on cooperation in budgetary matters CONT/7/02929 2010/2073(INI) Draftsman: Luigi De Magistris (ALDE) PA – PE445.654v01-00 DT – PE445.653v01-00 Responsible: BUDG – Reimer Böge (PPE)

CONT_PV(2010) 0927 MINUTES Meeting of 27 September 2010

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EN United in diversity EN


Committee on Budgetary Control

CONT_PV(2010) 0927

MINUTESMeeting of 27 September 2010, from 15.00 to 18.00,

and 28 September 2010, from 9.00 to 12.30 and from 15.00 to 18.30BRUSSELS

The meeting opened at 15h02 on Monday 27 September 2010, with Luigi de Magistris (Chair) in the chair.


1. Adoption of agenda CONT_OJ (2010)0927v01The agenda was adopted in the order appearing in these minutes.

2. Approval of minutes of the meeting of:22 June 2010 PE 445.636v01-001 July 2010 PE 445.717v01-0012-13 July 2010 PE 440.062v02-00

The minutes were approved.

3. Chairman's announcements

The Chairman drew attention to the announcements in COCOBU Info

4. The Interinstitutional Agreement on cooperation in budgetary matters

CONT/7/02929 2010/2073(INI)Draftsman: Luigi De Magistris (ALDE) PA – PE445.654v01-00

DT – PE445.653v01-00Responsible: BUDG – Reimer Böge (PPE)

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Adoption of draft opinion

There were no amendments. The Committee adopted the draft opinion by 17 votes in favour, none against and 1 abstention

5. Draft amending budget No 6/2010: Section II - European Council and Council; Section III - Commission; Section X - European External Action Service

CONT/7/03253 2010/2094(BUD)Draftsman: Zigmantas Balčytis (S&D) AM – PE445.824v01-00Responsible: BUDG – Roberto Gualtieri (S&D)

László Surján (PPE)

Adoption of draft opinion

The Committee adopted the draft opinion. The results of the votes as follows :

Amendments adopted : 1,3Amendments withdrawn 2

The draft opinion as amended was adopted by 21 votes in favour, 1 against with 1 abstention

6. Amendment of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities and the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of those Communities

CONT/7/03162 2010/0171(COD) COM(2010)0309 – C7-0146/2010


Edit Herczog (S&D) PA – PE443.042v01-00

Responsible: JURI – Bernhard Rapkay (S&D) PR – PE443.026v02-00

Adoption of draft opinion

The Committee adopted the draft opinion. The result of the votes were as follows :

Amendments adopted : 1-10, 13Amendments withdrawn 11, 12

The draft opinion, as amended, was adopted by 25 votes in favour, with 2 against and no abstentions.

7. Parliament's position on the 2011 Draft Budget as modified by the Council - all sections


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2010/2001(BUD) 12699/2010 – C7-0202/2010

Draftsman: Bogusław Liberadzki (S&D) PA – PE445.830v01-00Responsible: BUDG – Sidonia Elżbieta Jędrzejewska

(PPE)Helga Trüpel (Verts/ALE)

DT – PE445.756v01-00DT – PE439.387v01-00DT – PE443.001v01-00DT – PE439.064v01-00DT – PE440.041v01-00DT – PE439.848v02-00

Adoption of draft opinion

The Committee adopted the draft opinion. The results of the votes were as follows :

Amendments adopted : 3-4-5-6 Amendments rejected : 1-2The draft opinion, as amended, was adopted by 25 votes in favour, with 1 against and 1 abstention.

8. 2008 discharge: European Police CollegeCONT/7/02988 2009/2127(DEC) SEC(2009)1089[27] – C7-0198/2009

Rapporteur: Véronique Mathieu (PPE) PR – PE443.079v01-00Responsible: CONT –

Adoption of draft report

The results of the vote were as follows:

Vote on the proposal for a decision refusing discharge: 26 votes in favour, none against, one abstention.

Vote that a proposal to close the accounts of the European Police College for the financial year 2008 shall be submitted at a subsequent plenary part-session: 26 votes in favour, none against, one abstention.

Motion for a resolution:

The Committee agreed to Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy's request for amendment 5 to be voted as an addition to the original text.

Amendments adopted: 1, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 8 and 11Amendments rejected: 2, 7 and 10Technical amendment: 9

The motion for a resolution, as amended, was adopted with 26 votes in favour, none against and no abstentions.

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9. Annual report 2010 of the European Anti-Fraud Office (tenth activity report for the period 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2009)

Presentation by the Director-General (acting) of the European Anti-Fraud Office, Nicholas Ilett, and exchange of views

Nicholas Ilett , acting Director of OLAF, introduced the 2010 annual report.

The following spoke : Zigmantas Balčytis, Søren Bo Søndergaard, Ingeborg Gräßle, Jens Geier, Tamás Deutsch, Jean-Pierre Audy.

10. European Court of Auditors' Special Report N° 1/2010 - "Are simplified customs procedures for imports effectively controlled"

CONT/7/02601 Rapporteur: Bart Staes (Verts/ALE)

Exchange of views and consideration of a working document, in the presence of the Member of the Court responsible, Juan Ramallo Massanet

Bart Staes presented his working document. Juan Ramallo Massanet, Member of the European Court of Auditors, introduced the special report

The following spoke : Cătălin Sorin Ivan, Jean-Pierre Audy, Max de Graaf (Commission), Antti Suortti (Commission)

11. Hearing of Lazaros Stavrou Lazarou candidate nominated by the Cypriot authorities

CONT/7/03479 2010/0818(NLE) N7-0034/2010 – C7-0188/2010Rapporteur: Inés Ayala Sender (S&D) PR – PE445.832v02-00Responsible: CONT –

Mr Lazarou made an opening statement and then answered questions from Members.

The following spoke : Inés Ayala Sender (rapporteur), Zigmantas Balčytis, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Tamás Deutsch, Jean-Pierre Audy.


The Committee subsequently held an in camera evaluation of the hearing and adopted the draft report expressing a favourable opinion on Mr Lazarou's candidacy by 19 votes, unanimously.

12. Hearing of Gijs de Vries candidate nominated by the Dutch authorities

CONT/7/03478 2010/0819(NLE) N7-0035/2010 – C7-0191/2010Rapporteur: Inés Ayala Sender (S&D) PR – PE445.833v01-00

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Responsible: CONT –

Mr Gijs de Vries made an opening statement and then answered questions from Members.

The following spoke : Inés Ayala Sender (rapporteur), Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Tamás Deutsch, Derk Jan Eppink, Ingeborg Gräßle, Jens Geier, Monika Hohlmeier.


The Committee subsequently held an in camera evaluation of the hearing and adopted the draft report expressing a favourable opinion on Mr Gijs de Vries's candidacy with 19 votes, unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned at 18h25 and resumed the following morning at 10h00.


13. Commission report to the European Parliament and to the Council: Protection of the European Union's financial interests-Fight against fraud - Annual Report 2009 (COM(2010)0382 - SEC(2010)0897 - SEC(2010)0898)

Presentation by Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud, and exchange of views

Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud presented the 2009 annual report on the fight against fraud.

The following spoke : Cătălin Sorin Ivan, Zigmantas Balčytis, Ingeborg Gräßle, Jean-Pierre Audy.

14. 2009 Discharge - synthesis report : EU general budget, section III, Commission

CONT/7/00000 2010/0000(DEC)Rapporteur: Jorgo ChatzimarkakisResponsible: CONT –

Presentation by Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud of:

the 2009 Synthesis Report on the Annual Activity Reports submitted by the Commission's Directorates-General (COM(2010)0281)

the 2009 Annual Report to the Discharge Authority on internal audits (Article 86-4 of the Financial Regulation), in the presence of the Commission's

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Internal Auditor, Brian Gray ((COM(2010)0000) and (SEC(2010)0000))

Algirdas Šemeta, Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union, Audit and Anti-Fraud presented the Commission's 2009 synthesis report. Brian Gray, the Commission's Internal Auditor, answered Member's questions.

The following spoke : Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Cătălin Sorin Ivan, Ingeborg Gräßle, Inés Ayala Sender.

15. Granting an EU guarantee to the EIB against losses under loans and guarantees for projects outside the EU CONT/7/03214***I 2010/0101(COD) COM(2010)0174 – C7-0110/2010

Draftsman: Tamás Deutsch (PPE)Responsible: BUDG – Ivailo Kalfin (S&D)

Consideration of draft opinion

Tamás Deutsch presented his draft opinion. The deadline for amendments was set at midday on 4 October 2010.

16. European Court of Auditors' Special Report N° 3/2010 "Impact Assessments in the EU institutions: do they support decision making?"CONT/7/02603 Rapporteur: Jan Olbrycht (PPE)

Exchange of views and consideration of a working document, in the presence of the Member of the Court responsible, Henri Grethen

Jan Olbrycht introduced his working document. Henri Grethen, Member of the European Court of Auditors presented the Court's special report.

The following spoke : Andrea Češková, Monica Hohlmeier, John Watson (Commission).

17. Report on delegation to Greece 27-29 April 2010

CONT/7/02596 Chairman: Luigi De Magistris (ALDE)

Presentation of the report on the delegation

The Chairman outlined the main conclusions of the Committee's delegation to Greece. The following spoke : Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Ingeborg Gräßle, De Winne (Commission).

18. European Court of Auditors' Special Report N° 2/2010 "The effectiveness of the Design Studies and Construction of New Infrastructures support schemes under the Sixth Framework Programme for Research" CONT/7/02602

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Rapporteur: Theodoros Skylakakis (PPE)

Exchange of views and consideration of a working document, in the presence of the Member of the Court of Auditors responsible, Ovidiu Ispir

Ovidiu Ispir , Member of the European Court of Auditors, presented the Court's special report.

The following spoke : Hervé Péro (Commission) , Theodoros Skylakakis.

The meeting adjourned at 12h22.


A joint meeting of CONT and BUDG pursuant to Rule 51 of the Rules of Procedure took place from 15h00 to 15h35 (see separate minutes)


19. Adoption of coordinator's recommendationsThe coordinators' recommendations following their meetings on 7 September and morning of 28 September 2010 were adopted as follows :

A. Decisions on referrals since the last meeting (Annex I)

On the basis of the coordinators' recommendations at their meeting of 7 September 2010, the Committee noted the documents appearing in Annex I

B. Annual visit to the Court of Auditors

The Committee approved the agenda and programme of the visit to Luxembourg scheduled for 5 October 2010

C. Hearing on "How to continue with important legislative dossiers blocked in Council"

The Committee approved the draft programme for the hearing on 28 September 2010

D. 2009 discharge to the Commission

The Committee approved the proposal by the rapporteur, Mr Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, for an exchange of views at a future CONT meeting concerning Commission communication (COM(2010) 261) on "More or less controls?"

E. Appointment of new OLAF Director

It was decided not to send a CONT representative to the interviews arranged by the Commission's consultative committee on appointments. However, the Commission would be asked to supply the evaluations of the candidates on a confidential basis

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under the terms of the Framework Agreement.

F. Proposal for a special report by the Court of Auditors

A proposal by the S+D Group calling for a Court of Auditors special report on the use of EU funds in the civil protection sector 2000-2010 was approved and the chairman was instructed to write a letter to the Court accordingly.

G. Delegations and Hearings for 2011

1. Delegations

The Committee agreed on the following CONT delegation visits in 2011 :

Hungary - Implementation of EU funds Kosovo and FYROM - pre-accession funds France - ITER Cadarache

A delegation to Italy (follow up to Calabria and Lombardy) could take place in 2012.

2. Hearings

The Committee agreed to hold hearings in 2011 on :

Possible reform of the European Court of Auditors and improvements in the cooperation between the ECA and national audit institutions (proposals from PPE + S&D)

Discharge to decentralised agencies: governance and operational effectiveness (proposal from S&D)

Efficiency and effectiveness of EU funding : who are the true beneficiaries? (proposals from ALDE + Greens) including a case studying on renewable energy in Italy

Presentation of the study on corruption, conflict of interest in the European institutions : the effectiveness of whistleblowers" (EFD)

H. Internal procedure to be followed for the hearing of candidates for the post of Director for the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)

The Committee adopted the internal procedure (Annex II) based on an assumption of 5 candidates and 40 minutes per candidate with the allocation of speaking time reflecting the 2005 precedent as follows :

EPP AND S+D 3 questions each (=6)

ALDE, GREENSECR 1 question each (=3)

GUE, EFD 2 questions (=2)NI (collectively)

It was understood that in the event of the number of candidates exceeding 5, the

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Chairman would make the necessary practical adaptations, as regards the list of speakers.

I. Ordinary legislative procedure FinReg for EEAS (COM(2010)0085) joint report BUDG/CONT Rule 51 procedure

The Committee confirmed the mandate of the two co-rapporteurs, Mrs Ingeborg Gräßle and Mr Crescenzio Rivellini, to negotiate with the Council on the basis of the amendments adopted in the joint CONT/BUDG meeting on 28 September 2010.

J. 2009 Discharge draft timetable

The Committee approved the draft timetable (Annex III) subject to the addition of Andris Piebalgs, Commissioner responsible for Development.

K. 2009 discharge to the European Parliament

The Committee agreed to invite Klaus Welle, Secretary-General, to the coordinators' meeting on 25-26 October 2010 for the follow up to the 2008 discharge and to the CONT meeting of 13 January 2011 for the 2009 discharge.

L. Proposed INI report on Afghanistan

The Committee agreed that it would have no objection to an opinion by DEVE to the proposed CONT own-initiative report on the use of EU funds in Afghanistan. However, CONT did not support DEVE's request for application of Rule 50 of the Rules of Procedure (enhanced cooperation).

M. Delegation to Italy

The Committee approved the revised programme for the delegation to Italy (26-28 October 2010).

N. Opinion of the Supervisory Committee of OLAF on the Commission's reflexion paper on OLAF reform

The Committee endorsed the coordinator's view that rather than having a discussion on this paper in CONT, it would be more appropriate for the Commission to pursue the pending legislative procedure on the basis of Parliament's amendments at first reading.

O. Member's Voluntary Pension Fund

The Committee noted the coordinators' decision to invite Mr Richard Balfe, the fund's chairman, to the coordinators' meeting on 9 November 2010

20. European Court of Auditors' Special Report 15/2009 "EU assistance implemented through United Nations organisations: decision-making and monitoring"

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CONT/7/00522: Rapporteur : Ingeborg Gräßle (PPE) DT – PE440.002v01-00

Exchange of views and consideration of a working document, in the presence of the Member of the Court responsible, Karel Pinxten

Ingeborg Gräßle introduced her working document. Karel Pinxten , Member of the European Court of Auditors, presented the Court's special report

The following spoke : Jens Geier, Koos Richelle (Commission).

21. Hearing on legislative dossiers on protection of EU financial interest blocked in Council

CONT/7/02594 Rapporteur :Tamás Deutsch (PPE)

Tamás Deutsch, outlined the current state of play with regard to

a) COD/2001/115 proposal for a directive on criminal law protection of the EU's financial interests

b) COD/2004/172 proposal for a regulation on mutual assistance for the protection of the financial interests of the EU.

The following spoke :

Kestutis Sadauskas, Head of Cabinet of the Commissioner Šemeta, Taxation and Customs Union, Discharge Audit and Anti-Fraud

Lothar Kuhl, OLAF Head of Unit, D IV Corporate Planning and Policy

Prof. Ákos Farkas, Director of the Institute of Criminal Law and Sciences, University of Miskolc, Hungary

Prof. Rosaria Sicurella, Faculty of Law, University of Catania, Italy.

22. Any other business None

23. Date and place of next meeting

Brussels, Monday 25 October 15h-18h30Tuesday 26 October 9h00-12h30


The meeting ended at 17h34

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Бюро/Mesa/Předsednictvo/Formandskabet/Vorstand/Juhatus/Προεδρείο/Bureau/Ufficio di presidenza/Prezidijs/Biuras/Elnökség/ Prezydium/Birou/Predsedníctvo/Predsedstvo/Puheenjohtajisto/Presidiet (*)

Luigi de Magistris (CM), Bart Staes , Jean-Pierre Audy, Tamás Deutsch

Членове/Diputados/Poslanci/Medlemmer/Mitglieder/Parlamendiliikmed/Μέλη/Members/Députés/Deputati/Deputāti/Nariai/Képviselõk/ Membri/Leden/Posłowie/Deputados/Deputaţi/Jäsenet/Ledamöter

Ingeborg Gräßle, Ville Itälä (1), Iliana Ivanova, Elisabeth Köstinger (2), Monica Luisa Macovei (2), Jan Olbrycht, Aldo Patriciello, Crescenzio Rivellini, Theodoros Skylakakis, Inés Ayala Sender, Zigmantas Balčytis, Andrea Cozzolino, Jens Geier, Cătălin Sorin Ivan, Christel Schaldemose, Georgios Stavrakakis, Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Bart Staes, Ryszard Czarnecki (1), Andrea Češková, Søren Bo Søndergaard, Marta Andreasen, Martin Ehrenhauser,

Заместници/Suplentes/Náhradníci/Stedfortrædere/Stellvertreter/Asendusliikmed/Αναπληρωτές/Substitutes/Suppléants/Supplenti/ Aizstājēji/Pavaduojantys nariai/Póttagok/Sostituti/Plaatsvervangers/Zastępcy/Membros suplentes/Supleanţi/Náhradníci/Namestniki/ Varajäsenet/Suppleanter

Giovanni Collino (2), Christofer Fjellner, Monika Hohlmeier, Sidonia Elżbieta Jędrzejewska (2), Marian-Jean Marinescu, Véronique Mathieu (1), Markus Pieper (2), Zuzana Brzobohatá (2), Edit Herczog (1), Ivailo Kalfin (1), Derk Jan Eppink,

187 (2)

193 (3)

49 (6) (Точка от дневния ред/Punto del orden del día/Bod pořadu jednání (OJ)/Punkt på dagsordenen/Tagesordnungspunkt/Päevakorra punkt/Ημερήσια Διάταξη Σημείο/Agenda item/Point OJ/Punto all'ordine del giorno/Darba kārtības punkts/Darbotvarkės punktas/ Napirendi pont/Punt fuq l-aġenda/Agendapunt/Punkt porządku dziennego/Ponto OD/Punct de pe ordinea de zi/Bod programu schôdze/ Točka UL/Esityslistan kohta/Föredragningslista punkt)

Наблюдатели/Observadores/Pozorovatelé/Observatører/Beobachter/Vaatlejad/Παρατηρητές/Observers/Observateurs/Osservatori/ Novērotāji/Stebėtojai/Megfigyelők/Osservaturi/Waarnemers/Obserwatorzy/Observadores/Observatori/Pozorovatelia/Opazovalci/ Tarkkailijat/Observatörer

(1) 27.9.2010(2) 28.9.2010

По покана на председателя/Por invitación del presidente/Na pozvání předsedy/Efter indbydelse fra formanden/Auf Einladung des Vorsitzenden/Esimehe kutsel/Με πρόσκληση του Προέδρου/At the invitation of the Chair(wo)man/Sur l'invitation du président/ Su invito del presidente/Pēc priekšsēdētāja uzaicinājuma/Pirmininkui pakvietus/Az elnök meghívására/Fuq stedina tal-President/ Op uitnodiging van de voorzitter/Na zaproszenie Przewodniczącego/A convite do Presidente/La invitaţia preşedintelui/Na pozvanie predsedu/Na povabilo predsednika/Puheenjohtajan kutsusta/På ordförandens inbjudan

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Съвет/Consejo/Rada/Rådet/Rat/Nõukogu/Συμβούλιο/Council/Conseil/Consiglio/Padome/Taryba/Tanács/Kunsill/Raad/Conselho/ Consiliu/Svet/Neuvosto/Rådet (*)

Комисия/Comisión/Komise/Kommissionen/Kommission/Euroopa Komisjon/Επιτροπή/Commission/Commissione/Komisija/Bizottság/ Kummissjoni/Commissie/Komisja/Comissão/Comisie/Komisia/Komissio/Kommissionen (*)

Algirdas Šemeta, Kestutis Sadauskas, Brian Gray, Philippe Taverne, Richelle, Hervé Péro, Antti Suortti, Max De Graaf , John Watson

Други институции/Otras instituciones/Ostatní orgány a instituce/Andre institutioner/Andere Organe/Muud institutsioonid/ Άλλα θεσμικά όργανα/Other institutions/Autres institutions/Altre istituzioni/Citas iestādes/Kitos institucijos/Más intézmények/ Istituzzjonijiet oħra/Andere instellingen/Inne instytucje/Outras Instituições/Alte instituţii/Iné inštitúcie/Druge institucije/Muut toimielimet/Andra institutioner/organ

European Court of Auditors (ECA)

Henri Grethen, Ovidiu Ispir, Lazaros Stavrou Lazarou, Gijs de Vries, Juan Ramallo Massanet, Karel Pinxten

OLAF Nicholas Ilett, Lothar Kuhl

Други участници/Otros participantes/Ostatní účastníci/Endvidere deltog/Andere Teilnehmer/Muud osalejad/Επίσης Παρόντες/Other participants/Autres participants/Altri partecipanti/Citi klātesošie/Kiti dalyviai/Más résztvevők/Parteċipanti oħra/Andere aanwezigen/ Inni uczestnicy/Outros participantes/Alţi participanţi/Iní účastníci/Drugi udeleženci/Muut osallistujat/Övriga deltagare

Ferenc Banfi (Director, European Police College, Cepol), Ákos Farkas (Director of the Institute of Criminal Law and Sciences, University of Miskolc, Hungary), Rosaria Sicurella (Faculty of Law, University of Catania, Italy)

Секретариат на политическите групи/Secretaría de los Grupos políticos/Sekretariát politických skupin/Gruppernes sekretariat/ Sekretariat der Fraktionen/Fraktsioonide sekretariaat/Γραμματεία των Πολιτικών Ομάδων/Secretariats of political groups/Secrétariat des groupes politiques/Segreteria gruppi politici/Politisko grupu sekretariāts/Frakcijų sekretoriai/Képviselőcsoportok titkársága/Segretarjat gruppi politiċi/Fractiesecretariaten/Sekretariat Grup Politycznych/Secr. dos grupos políticos/Secretariate grupuri politice/Sekretariát politických skupín/Sekretariat političnih skupin/Poliittisten ryhmien sihteeristöt/Gruppernas sekretariat









Balazs Szechy, Jonas Kraft

Maggie Coulthard

Dominykas Mordas

Stephen Woodard

Hendrik Prummel

Mette Tonsberg

Ries Baeten

Кабинет на председателя/Gabinete del Presidente/Kancelář předsedy/Formandens Kabinet/Kabinett des Präsidenten/Presidendi kantselei/Γραφείο Προέδρου/President's Office/Cabinet du Président/Gabinetto del Presidente/Priekšsēdētāja kabinets/Pirmininko kabinetas/Elnöki hivatal/Kabinett tal-President/Kabinet van de Voorzitter/Gabinet Przewodniczącego/Gabinete do Presidente/ Cabinet Preşedinte/Kancelária predsedu/Urad predsednika/Puhemiehen kabinetti/Talmannens kansli

Кабинет на генералния секретар/Gabinete del Secretario General/Kancelář generálního tajemníka/Generalsekretærens Kabinet/ Kabinett des Generalsekretärs/Peasekretäri büroo/Γραφείο Γενικού Γραμματέα/Secretary-General's Office/Cabinet du Secrétaire général/Gabinetto del Segretario generale/Ģenerālsekretāra kabinets/Generalinio sekretoriaus kabinetas/Főtitkári hivatal/Kabinett tas-Segretarju Ġenerali/Kabinet van de secretaris-generaal/Gabinet Sekretarza Generalnego/Gabinete do Secretário-Geral/Cabinet Secretar General/Kancelária generálneho tajomníka/Urad generalnega sekretarja/Pääsihteerin kabinetti/Generalsekreterarens kansli

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Генерална дирекция/Dirección General/Generální ředitelství/Generaldirektorat/Generaldirektion/Peadirektoraat/Γενική Διεύθυνση/ Directorate-General/Direction générale/Direzione generale/Ģenerāldirektorāts/Generalinis direktoratas/Főigazgatóság/Direttorat Ġenerali/Directoraten-generaal/Dyrekcja Generalna/Direcção-Geral/Direcţii Generale/Generálne riaditeľstvo/Generalni direktorat/ Pääosasto/Generaldirektorat











Monica Medeleanu

Christian Ehlers, Jeanette Bell

Ronnie Johannes Korver

Elitsa Stoilova

Maria Missenard-Horvathova, Julia Bischof

Правна служба/Servicio Jurídico/Právní služba/Juridisk Tjeneste/Juristischer Dienst/Õigusteenistus/Νομική Υπηρεσία/Legal Service/ Service juridique/Servizio giuridico/Juridiskais dienests/Teisės tarnyba/Jogi szolgálat/Servizz legali/Juridische Dienst/Wydział prawny/ Serviço Jurídico/Serviciu Juridic/Právny servis/Pravna služba/Oikeudellinen yksikkö/Rättstjänsten

Angelina Gros-Tchorbodijyska

Секретариат на комисията/Secretaría de la comisión/Sekretariát výboru/Udvalgssekretariatet/Ausschusssekretariat/Komisjoni sekretariaat/Γραμματεία επιτροπής/Committee secretariat/Secrétariat de la commission/Segreteria della commissione/Komitejas sekretariāts/Komiteto sekretoriatas/A bizottság titkársága/Segretarjat tal-kumitat/Commissiesecretariaat/Sekretariat komisji/ Secretariado da comissão/Secretariat comisie/Sekretariat odbora/Valiokunnan sihteeristö/Utskottssekretariatet

Carmen Castillo, Roger Brawn, Bent Adamsen, Jozsef Blaszauer, Elena Mainardi, Rudolfs Verdins, Urszula Moijkowska

Сътрудник/Asistente/Asistent/Assistent/Assistenz/Βοηθός/Assistant/Assistente/Palīgs/Padėjėjas/Asszisztens/Asystent/Pomočnik/ Avustaja/Assistenter

Cinti Torrens Bermo

* (P) = Председател/Presidente/Předseda/Formand/Vorsitzender/Esimees/Πρόεδρος/Chair(wo)man/Président/Priekšsēdētājs/Pirmininkas/ Elnök/President/Voorzitter/Przewodniczący/Preşedinte/Predseda/Predsednik/Puheenjohtaja/Ordförande

(VP) = Заместник-председател/Vicepresidente/Místopředseda/Næstformand/Stellvertretender Vorsitzender/Aseesimees/Αντιπρόεδρος/ Vice-Chair(wo)man/Vice-Président/Priekšsēdētāja vietnieks/Pirmininko pavaduotojas/Alelnök/Viċi President/Ondervoorzitter/ Wiceprzewodniczący/Vice-Presidente/Vicepreşedinte/Podpredseda/Podpredsednik/Varapuheenjohtaja/Vice ordförande

(M) = Член/Miembro/Člen/Medlem./Mitglied/Parlamendiliige/Μέλος/Member/Membre/Membro/Deputāts/Narys/Képviselő/ Membru/Lid/Członek/Membro/Membru/Člen/Poslanec/Jäsen/Ledamot

(F) = Длъжностно лице/Funcionario/Úředník/Tjenestemand/Beamter/Ametnik/Υπάλληλος/Official/Fonctionnaire/Funzionario/ Ierēdnis/Pareigūnas/Tisztviselő/Uffiċjal/Ambtenaar/Urzędnik/Funcionário/Funcţionar/Úradník/Uradnik/Virkamies/Tjänsteman

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Committee on Budgetary Control


ANNEX TO THE DRAFT AGENDACoordinators' meeting

Tuesday 07 September 2010, 16.30 – 17.30 Room: SDM-S5



1. Documents received relating to the 2008 discharge

1.1. Opinion in letter from the Court of Auditors (ECA) on the establishment of the European Police College's (CEPOL)

This document will be taken into consideration in the 2008 discharge to the Agencies - Rapporteur: Véronique Mathieu Administrator responsible: Elena Mainardi

2. Documents received relating to the 2009 discharge

2.1. Annual accounts of the European Communities and of the European Commission - Financial Year 2009

2.2. Rapport de la Commission au Parlement européen et au Conseil : rapport annuel à

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l'Autorité de décharge concernant les audits internes réalisés en 2009 (Article 86, paragraphe 4 du règlement financier) (COM (2010) 447)

2.3. Report on budgetary and financial management accompanying the Community accounts - Financial year 2009

2.4. Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the Court of Auditors - Synthesis of the Commission's management achievements in 2009 (COM(2010) 281 final)

2.5. Directorate-General and Services Annual Activity Reports 2009 (Commission)

2.6. Quarterly report on financial corrections at 30th June 2010 cohesion policy

2.7. Budgetary Implementation of the Structural and Cohesion Funds in 2009

2.8. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on Progress in Bulgaria under the Co-operation and Verification Mechanism (SEC(2010)948)

2.9. Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on Progress in Romania under the Co-operation and Verification Mechanism (COM(2010)400 final) (SEC(2010)949)

2.10. Final Accounts 2009 of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

2.11.Final Accounts with reports on Budget Implementation, Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI)

2.12. Final Accounts, Final Statements and Budgetary Reports, Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC)

2.13. Final Accounts 2009 with Report on budgetary and financial management, Trans-European Transport Network Executive Agency (TEN-T EA)

2.14.Final Annual Accounts and Budgetary and financial management report of the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA)

2.15.Final Accounts, Financial year 2009 including a report on budgetary and financial management, Research Executive Agency (REA)

2.16.Report from the European Commission on the working of Committees during 2009SEC(2010)806)

2.17.Rapport de la Commission au Parlement européen et au Conseil relatinf aux dépenses du FEAGA - système d'alerte précoce n° 4-6/2010 (COM(2010)438 final)

2.1 to 2.17 These documents will be taken into consideration in the 2009 discharge to the Commission - Rapporteur: Jorgo Chatzimarkakis Administrator responsible: Bent Adamsen

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2.18.Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the Court of Auditors : final accounts of the 8th, 9th and 10th European Development Funds - Financial Year 2009 (COM(2010)0402

This document will be taken into consideration in the 2009 discharge to the European Development Funds - Rapporteur: Bart Staes Administrator responsible: Jean-Jacques Gay

2.19.Annual Activity Reports for 2009, European Parliament

2.20.Report on compliance with payment time limits in 2009 (Article 106(6) of the detailed rules for the implementation of the Financial Regulation) from the European Parliament

2.21.Annual report on the contracts awarded by the European Parliament in 2009

2.19 to 2.21 These documents will be taken into consideration in the 2009 discharge to the European Parliament - Rapporteur: Ville Itälä Administrator responsible: József Blaszauer

2.22.Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2009, European Court of Auditors

2.23.Annual Activity Report 2009 of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

2.24.Revision of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Member's financial statute - estimated financial impact

2.22 to 2.24 These documents will be taken into consideration in the 2009 discharge to the European Other Institutions - Rapporteur: Crescenzio Rivellini Administrator responsible: Rudolfs Verdins

2.25.Comptes Annuels pour l'Exercice 2009 du Centre de Traduction (CdT) (CT/CA-006/2010/01)

2.26.Report of the Director of the Translation Centre for the bodies of the European Union (CdT) on internal Audits conducted by the Internal Audit Service of the Commission in 2009

2.27.Annual Activity Report 2009 of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop)

2.28.Annual Accounts 2009 of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), Opinion of the Governing Board on the Accounts for the Financial Year 2009

2.29.Transmission of the final accounts 2009 of the European Police College (CEPOL)

2.30.Final Annual Accounts for the financial year 2009 of the Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA)

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2.31.Annual Accounts 2009 of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

2.32.Final Annual Accounts of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)

2.33.General Report 2009 of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

2.34.Final Annual Accounts 2009 of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

2.35.Annual activity report of the European Environment Agency for 2009 (EEA)

2.36.Annual Accounts for the European Environment Agency (EEA)

2.37. European Food Safety Authority - Final Accounts 2009 (EFSA)

2.38.Multiannual Staff policy plan 2011-2013 of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

2.39.Final Annual Accounts 2009 of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

2.40. Annual Report on Internal Audit Activities 2009 of European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA)

2.41.European Maritime Safety Agency - Financial Statement and Budget Implementation and Report on Budgetary and Financial Management 2009 (EMSA)

2.42.Final Annual Accounts 2009 of the European Network and Information Security Agency and Report on Budgetary and Financial Management (ENISA)

2.43.Final accounts 2009 of the European Railway Agency (ERA)

2.44.Annual Activity Report 2009 and Analysis and Assessment, Status of internal Audit Service recommendations issued in 2009 in the European Training Foundation Annual Internal Audit report for 2009 (ETF)

2.45.European Training Foundation Annual Financial Statements 2009 (ETF)

2.46.European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Annual Report on Audit Activities 2009-2010 (EU-OSHA)

2.47.European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Annual Accounts 2009 (EU-OSHA)

2.48.Comptes Annuels de l'Agence d'Approvisionnement d'Euratom - Exercice 2009 (EURATOM)

2.49.Annual Activity Report of the Authorising Officer 2009 of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND)

2.50.Analysis and Assessment by the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union Frontex Management Board based on FRONTEX ANNUAL

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2.51.General Report 2009 of the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX)

2.52.Annual Accounts 2009 of the European GNSS Supervisory Authority (GSA)

2.53.Final accounts of Fusion for Energy for 2009, The European Joint Undertaking for ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy

2.54.Final Annual Accounts for the financial year 2009, SESAR Joint Undertaking

2.55.Decision of the Government Board of the ENIAC Joint Undertaking amending the Joint Undertaking's Annual Implementation Plan and the Annual Budget Plan for Year 2010, Decision of the Governing Board adopting the Multi-Annual Staff Policy Plan 2011-2013

2.25 to 2.55 These documents will be taken into consideration in the 2009 discharge to the Agencies - Rapporteur: Georgios Stavrakakis Administrators responsible: Elena Mainardi

3. Appointment of rapporteurs - decision on procedures

3.1. Appointment of the Cypriot Member of the European Court of Auditors NLE/2010/0818 Responsible : CONT

3.2. Appointment of the Dutch Member of the European Court of AuditorsNLE/2010/0819 Responsible : CONT

3.1 to 3.2 Rapporteur: Ines Ayala SenderAdministrator responsible: József Blaszauer

3.3. Cohesion policy : Strategic Report 2010 on the implementation of the programmes 2007-2013 (COM (2010) 0110)2010/2139(INI) - Responsible: REGI - Opinion: CONT, TRAN, PECH, ITRE, IMCO, FEMM,ENVI, EMPL, ECON, CULT, BUDG

This document will be taken into consideration in the 2009 discharge to the Commission - Rapporteur: Jorgo Chatzimarkakis Administrator responsible: Bent Adamsen

4. Documents received for information

4.1. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the Protection of the European Union's financial interest-Fight against fraud-Annual Report (2009(COM(2010) 382 final) - (SEC (2010)897) - (SEC (2010)898)

Rapporteur: Cătălin Sorin IvanAdministrator responsible: Urszula Mojkowska

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4.2. Commission Decision on Commission Consent to a proposal for a Council Decision establishing the organisation and functioning of the European External Action Service-(C(2010) 4999 final)

Draftsman: Ivailo KalfinAdministrator responsible: József Blaszauer

4.3. European Court of Auditors special report 2/2010 : The effectiveness of the Design Studies and Construction of New Infrastructures support schemes under the Sixth Framework Programme for Research

Rapporteur: Theodoros SkylakakisAdministrator responsible: Jean-Jacques Gay

4.4. Portugal - Avis portant sur la création d'une agence pour la gestion opérationnelle des systèmes d'information à grande échelle dans le domaine de la liberté, de la sécurité -(COM(2010)93)

4.5. Avis du Parlement national (ES) relatif à la proposition modifiée de règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil portant création d'une agence pour la gestion opérationnelle des systèmes d'information à grande échelle dans le domaine de la liberté, de la sécurité et de la justice (COM(2010)93 final)

4.4 to 4.5 Draftsman: Marian-Jean MarinescuAdministrator responsible: Elena Mainardi

4.6. Reflection paper on the Reform on the European anti-fraud office (OLAF) (SEC (2010) 859)

Letter sent by Jerzy Buzek to the Commission (Mr Semeta)

4.7. Rapport de la Cour des comptes européenne sur l'Audit de l'efficience de la gestion de la Banque Centrale européenne pour l'exercice 2008


4.8. Tableaux mis à jour présentant l'état actuel des ratifications sur la convention relative au dédouanement centralisé, concernant l'attribution des frais de perception nationaux qui sont conservés lorsque les ressources propres traditionnelles sont mises à la disposition du budget de l'Union européenne, signé le 10/03/2009


4.9. Tableaux mis à jour présentant l'état actuel des ratifications sur la convention relative au dédouanement centralisé, concernant l'attribution des frais de perception nationaux qui sont conservés lorsque les ressources propres traditionnelles sont mises à la disposition du budget de l'Union européenne, signé le 10/03/2009

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Annex II

Internal CONT procedure for the nomination of the OLAF Director 2010

1) The committee will hold hearings with all candidates on the list of suitably qualified candidates formally forwarded to Parliament by the Commission.

2) The candidates will be invited to appear before the committee, in alphabetical order, for a hearing lasting up to 40 minutes.

3) The hearing will be in public.

4) The candidates will make a statement of not more than five minutes.

5) In their statements the candidates will report on the salient aspects of the most important inquiry they have led, and outline their point of view on the main priorities for the Director of OLAF.

6) Candidates will answer Members' questions, if possible in a language other than their mother tongue. The questions of full Members shall be given priority.

7) After the hearings, the Committee on Budgetary Control will discuss them in a closed session, lasting no longer than one hour, with only Members present.

8) The Members of the Committee on Budgetary Control will then establish by an informal vote a rank-ordered list of two candidates.

9) This will be done by secret ballot in two rounds of votes.

10) In the first round, Members will allocate two votes to their preferred candidate and one vote to their second choice.

11) In the second round, Members will only vote on the two candidates best placed in the first round. Members will allocate a single vote to their preferred candidate.

12) The chairman and the rapporteur are mandated to inform the President of Parliament of the results of the hearings.

13) The CONT Bureau and rapporteur, as Parliament's representatives in the High-Level-Group (Parliament, Council, and Commission) responsible for preparing the nomination of the OLAF Director, will undertake negotiations with the other institutions involved with a view to arriving at a common position.

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DRAFT TIMETABLEfor the discharge procedure for the financial year 2009

as of 13 October 2010


Presentation of ECA Annual Report before CONT 9 November am (Bxl)

Presentation of ECA Annual Report before the Plenary 11 November am (Bxl)

Hearings with Commissioners

Commissioners Lászlo Andor - Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, and Johannes Hahn - Regional Policy

Deadline for forwarding qs, if any, to rapporteur1:17/11/10Deadline for forwarding qs to Commission: 19/11/10

30 November pm

Commissioner Dacian Ciolos - Agriculture and Rural Development

Deadline for forwarding qs, if any, to rapporteur:17/11/10Deadline for forwarding qs to Commission: 19/11/10

1 December am

(1December pm)2


Hearings with Commissioners

Commissioner Andris Pielbags - Development

Deadline for forwarding qs, if any, to rapporteur: 14/12/10Deadline for forwarding qs to Commission: 16/12/10

13 January am

Secretary-General of the Commission Catherine Day

Deadline for forwarding qs, if any, to rapporteur: 11/01/11Deadline for forwarding qs to Commission: 13/01/11

25 January am

Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn - Research, Innovation and Science

Deadline for forwarding qs, if any, to rapporteur: 11/01/11Deadline for forwarding qs to Commission: 13/01/11

25 January pm

1 Bearing in mind that a hearing by definition is an oral procedure it is recalled that written questions for written reply in principle should be limited to technical and complex issues to which an oral explanation would be too time-consuming.2 Meeting in the Budget Committee

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Deadline for sending draft reports to translation

Parliament + Other Institutions 19 January

Commission + EDF + Agencies 7 February

Discussion of draft reports in committee

Parliament + Other Institutions 10 February am

Commission + EDF (+ Presentation Council' Recommendations) 28 February pm

Agencies 3 March am

Deadline for amendments

Parliament + Other Institutions 17 February

Commission + EDF + Agencies 7 March

Adoption in committee

Parliament + Other Institutions 22 March

Commission + Agencies + EDF 28 March pm

Fallback meeting in case of problems with adoption or vote 31 March am

Deadline for tabling discharge reports 8 April

Adoption in plenary (Strasbourg) 9-12 May (week 19)1

1 Article 145 of the Financial Regulation: "The European Parliament, upon a recommendation from the Council acting by a qualified majority, shall, before 15 May of year n+2 give a discharge to the Commission in respect of the implementation of the budget for year n".