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Dermatophagoides siboney sp.n. (Acarina - inra

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Previous volumes (2010-2020): 250 € / year (4 issues)Acarologia, CBGP, CS 30016, 34988 MONTFERRIER-sur-LEZ Cedex, France

ISSN 0044-586X (print), ISSN 2107-7207 (electronic)


A quarterly journal of acarology, since 1959Publishing on all aspects of the Acari

All information: http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/acarologia/

[email protected]

Acarologia is under free license and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons-BY

The digitalization of Acarologia papers prior to 2000 was supported by Agropolis Fondation under the reference ID 1500-024 through the « Investissements d’avenir » programme

(Labex Agro: ANR-10-LABX-0001-01)








ABSTRACT : A female and male of the new species Dermatophagoides siboney from Cuba are described. The mites were found in ali six samples of mattress dust examined from Havana and peninsula Zapata, constituting 3.2-40.1 rifo of total dust mite fauna .



RÉSUMÉ : Dans le travail présenté on décrit la femelle et le mâle d' une nouvelle espèce Dermatophagoides siboney de Cuba. On a trouvé des acariens dans chacun des six échantillons de la poussière des matelas provenant de Habana et de la péninsule de Zapata, où cette espèce formait de 3.2 jusqu'à 40.1 UJo de la faune entière des acariens de la poussière.

At beginning of studies on the acarofauna of the bouse dust in Cuba a new species of the genus Dermatophagoides was found in the bouse dust from mattresses. This mite occurred in ali six samples examined from Havana and peninsula Zapata, constituting 3.2-40.1 OJo of ali mites found in these samples. In ali cases the new species was found occurring together with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart, 1897), which predomi­nate in ali cases, and Hirstia domicola Fain, Oshima and Bronswijk, 1974, and in four cases also with Malayoglyphus intermedius Fain, Cun­nington and Spieksma, 1969 and Suidasia ponti­jica Oudemans, 1905. We present here the des­cription of this new species :

Dermatophagoides siboney sp. n. (Figs . 1-4)

• FEMALE. - Idiosoma oval, 311 long in holotype (251-298 in four paratypes), 215 (187-218) wide. Ali dimensions in J.tm.

DORSUM (Fig. 1). - Striation of cuticle very fine, similar to that of Dermatophagoides jarinae Hughes, 1961 ; between d 2 and d 3 setae the striae run transversely. The number of striae bet­ween sc e and d 1 setae reach 33 (28-37) and bet­ween the orifice of oil glands and d 3 setae 38 (38-44). Propodosomal plate of elongated shape with straight anterior margin, slightly enlarged in the central part and narrowed and rounded poste-

* lnstitute of Parasitology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Flemingovo nàm. 2, 166 32 Prague 6, Czechoslovakia. ** Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of Cuba, Calle 214, Reparto Atabey, Havana, Cuba.

ri orly· The surface of the plate is very finely punctated. Its length is about 98 (86-110), maxi­mal width 59 (46-65). Scapular setae situated on uncovered integument, not on small platelets. A pair of greater and a pair of smaller supra~oxal platelets are situated laterally to the propodoso­mal shield. Dorsal setae normally developed, their length is apparent from table 1. Setae d 4 and 14 measure 10-l3.

VENTER (Fig. 2). - Bursa copulatrix similar to that of Dermatophagoides farinae, the external opening leads to the funnel-shaped vestibule 8 (8-11) long and 6 (5-8) wid~. Thin-walled duct is slightly enlarged near the internai opening (Fig. 4).


The internai opening with narrow sclerotized ring and lateral hair-like structure. The spermateca not visible. The distance g p-g p setae is about 34 (32-34), the distance between the posterior­internal angle of the genital apodeme and base of g p is 13 (12-15). The ratio of these two distan­ces is about 1 : 2.3-2.8. Epimera I-IV normally developed, epimerites developed only in legs III and IV. Epimerites III joined with epimera IV, epimerites IV free.

LEGS (Fig. 4). - Legs I and II subequal in length and width, tarsus I somewhat shorter than tarsus II. Postero-apical process on tarsus I weil develoned. on tarsus II distinctly shorter. Legs III

... 1 • • • •


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FIG. 1 : ·nermatophagoides siboney sp. n. A . - Female dorsum. B. - Male dorsum.

only slightly shorter or of the same length as legs IV, the ratio is about 1 : 0.97-1. Tarsus III clearly shorter than tarsus IV. Tibial solenidion on legs l-Ill very long (65-90), more than twice


longer then tarsi ; solenidion on tibia IV short (14-20) and thin. Solenidion sigma on legs II very short and fine. The basal measurements of legs and tarsi are apparent from table 1.

TABLE 1. - Differences in the main characteristics and measurements in females of D. siboney sp. n ., D. neotropicalis and D. farinae . Ail measurements are given in ,m.


Idiosoma length width

Propodosomal plate maximal length maximal width

Length of legs III IV

Katio of leg III : IV Length of tarsus I


Length of sc e h d5 15 gp

Ill IV

External orifice of bursa copulatrix

D. siboney

258-311 187-218

86-110 46-65

111-139 115-139

0.97-1 24-31 30-38 35-43 42-52 91-131 65-78

100-161 218-262

25-36 with funnell-shaped


1. Measurements after Fain and Bronswijk (1973). 2. Measurements of five specimens from Czechoslovakia.

• MALE. - Idiosoma oval, 233 long in aliotype (199-245 in four paratypes), 155 (147-169) wide. Ali measurements in JLm.

DORSUM (Fig. 1). - Propodosomal shield with fine punctation, of elongated shape, with straight anterior and moderately rounded posterior mar­gins, slightly enlarged in the middle part, nar­rowed immediately before the posterior margin. The posterior edges of the shield are sharply drawn-out lateraliy but not connected with smali triangular platelets bearing scapular setae. The shield is 69 (69-80) long, 52 (43-46) wide in the median part, 45 (39-52) wide on its anterior mar­gin. Only supracoxal 1 platelets are developed. Hysterosomal shield only slightly sclerotized, finely punctated, of the irregular aval form with inapparent borders, covered by striated integu­ment in its lateral part. The shield is 84 (78-98) long and 115 (90-119) wide. Striation of cuticle between d 2 and · d 3 setae transverse. The num-

D . neotropicalis '

318 205

170 105 240 270 60

on rounded papilla

D. farinae 2

358-427 258-314

105-115 68-86

170-190 177-202

0.94-0.97 39-41 51-57 65-70 75-85

157-187 105-117 173-179 285-320 57-66

with funnel-shaped vestibule

ber of striae between sc e and d 1 is about 27. Oil gland opening situated 42-46 from the 1 3 setae. Dorsal setae normaliy developed, setae d 2 lie out­side of hysterosomal shield, setae d 3, d 4 and 1 3 situated on the shield. Setae d 4 measure 11-12.

VENTER (Fig. 3). - Epimera 1-IV free (in one paratype the epimera 1 are fused into a V), epime­rites 1 and II absent, epimerites III and IV poorly developed. Ali coxal fields, similarly as the late­ral portion of opisthosoma covered by slightly sclerotized punctated shields. Diameter of adana! suckers 11-12. The gp e setae measure 24-26, gp i about 6.

LEGS (Fig. 4). - Legs 1 normaliy developed, only slightly thicker than legs ·II, but not compres­sed lateraliy and thickened as in Dermatophagoi­des jarinae. Legs III slightly longer than legs IV, but the ratio is about 1 : 1.14-1.29 only. Tar­sus 1 and II with terminal spur as in female. Sub­apical furcate spine on tarsus III developed.


FIG. 2 : Dermatophagoides siboney sp. n., female venter.

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Femur I without rounded fine thorn ventro-late­raily. Solenidion sigma 1 on legs I long and thick (often broken), sigma 2 short and thin.


Tibial solenidion IV not reaching the base of the pulvillus. The length of legs and tarsi is apparent from the table 2.

TABLE 2. - Differences in the main characteristics and measurements in males of D. siboney sp. n. , D. neotropica/is and D. farinae. Ali measurements in l'm.

Variable D. siboney

Idiosoma length 199-245 width 147-169

Propodosomal plate maximal length 69-80 maximal width 43-52

Hysterosomal plate wider than long maximal length 78-98 maximal width 90-119

Form of legs 1 normal, thin Length of legs Ill 102-131

IV 92-108 Ratio of legs Ill : IV 1.14-1.29 Length of tarsus 1 20-25

Il 26-31 Ill 31-33 IV 25-28

Length of sc e 94-98 h 75 d5 112 15 193-211 ae 19-30

Opisthosomal sclerites weil developed

1. Measurements after Fain and Bronswijk (1973). 2. Measurements of five specimens from Czechoslovakia. 3. Only genu, tibia and tarsus measured.

TYPES SERIES. - Female (holotype), male (ailo­type) and numerous females, males and develop­mental stages (paratypes) from the dust of mat­tress coiiected in a house of a patient w~th asthma in Reparto Atabey, Marianao, Havana, Cuba, November 3, 1979, lgt. NAOMI CUERVO. Addi­tional specimens (females, males and developmen­tal stages) has been coiiected in Cuba from the dust of mattresses in the foiiowing other cases : Reparto Atabey, Marianao, Havana, October 4, 1979 and October 15, 1979 ; Maniadero, Cienaga de Zapata, November 8, 1979 ; Playa Larga, Cie­naga de Zapata, November 11, 1979; Santo Tomas, Cienaga de Zapata, November 11, 1979, ail lgt. N. CUERVO and R. ABREU.

• DEPOSITION OF TYPES. - Female holotype, male aiiotype and numerous paratypes (males, females and developmental stages) are deposited

D. neotropicalis homeomorphic form 1

240-270 171-186


longer than wide

normal, thin


120-150 100-120

150 190-210 50-70

poorly developed

D. farinae 2

260-339 182-214

91-114 58-71

wider than long 105-140 148-174

thickened 169-192 121-144

1.31-1.39 42-58 47-59 47-58 35-42

142-162 95-122

175-205 260-295 30-40

weil developed

m the coiiection of the Institute of Zoology, Academy of Sciences of Cuba, Havana. Three males, four · females and 1 tritonymph, paratypes, are deposited in the coiiection of the Institute of Parasitology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague.

• DISCUSSION. - Dermatophagoicjes siboney sp. n. is very closely related to Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes, 1961 and D. microceras Griffiths and Cunnington, 1971, from which it differs mostly in the markedly smaller dimensions of body and setae (Tab. 1 and 2). In female the ratio of the distance between the posterior-internal angle of the genital apodeme and base of g p setae to the distance between the base of g p setae is about 1 : 2.3-2.8 in D. siboney sp. n. and never less than 1 : 1.3, usualy near 1 : 1.4 in D. micro­ceras. Legs I in male of the new species are nor-


FIG. 3 : Dermatophagoides siboney sp. n., male venter.

E =t

0 0 -

- 61-



FIG. 4 : Dermatophagoides siboney sp. n. A. - Tarsus I of female. B. - Tarsus II of female. C. - Tarsus III of male. D. - Tarsus IV of male. E. - Bursa copulatrix.

mally developed, i. e. not laterally compressed and thickened, as it is characteristic of D. jarinae and D. microceras. Legs IV of D.· siboney sp. n. are relatively longer in relation to legs III than in remaining two species, as visible from the ratio of legs III : IV in table 2.

In the description of Dermatophagoides neotro­picalis Fain and Bronswijk, 1973 producing homeomorphic and heteromorphie males, the authors also discussed the tendency of D. jarinae to produce heteromorphism in males. These con­siderations are based on the existence of males of this species with epimera I completely separated together with males with these epimera fused into a V or a Y. As another characteristic of hetero­morphism the modification of legs I in males can be considered, as it is apparent in the case of D. neotropicalis, D. jarinae or D. halterophilus (Fain and Feinberg, 1970) (see also FAIN and BRONSWIJK, 1973). On the basis of presence of '' homeomorphic characteristics '' in male of the new species; it could be presumed, that D. sibo­ney sp. n. is a homeomorphic form of D. jarinae, but the occurrence of males of D. siboney sp. n. with epimera I separated or fused in a V and the existence of considerable morphological differen­ces in females of these two species made such consideration impossible.

The male of D. siboney sp. n. differs from the homeomorphic male of D. netropicalis mainly in the much smaller body size, in much shorter setae sc e, d 5, h and a e (but not 1 5 or gp e) and in different form of hysterosomal plate, which is narrower and longer, extending anteriorly un til 10 JLm in front of d 2 in D. neotropicalis. Apart from these characters the male sclerites in lateral part of opisthosoma ventrally are very poorly


developed in D. neotropicalis and the legs III rela­tively longer compared with iegs IV (ratio 1 : 1.4). In D. siboney sp. n. this ratio is about 1 : 1.2 (1.14-1.29).

Female of D. siboney sp. n. differs from D. neotropicalis also in smaller body length and shor­ter setae sc e, d 5, h and g p (but not 1 5). The striation of dorsal part of body between d 2 ancj. d 3 is more conspicuously transverse in D. siboney (the transversely striated area is larger), similar as in D. farinae. Also the funnel-shaped vestibule of bursa copulatrix in D. siboney sp. n., simil~r

that of D. farinae, appears to be a good character for differentiation of females of D. sibonéy sp. n and D. neotropicalis.


FAIN (A.), 1967. - Le genre Dermatophagoides Bogdanov 1864. - Son importance dans les aller­gies respiratoires et cutanées chez l'homme (Pso­roptidae : Sarcoptiformes). - Acarologia, 9 : 179-225.

FAIN (A.) & BRONSWIJK VAN (J. E. M. H.), 1973. -On a new species of Dermatophagoides (D. neo­tropicalis) from house dust, producing both normal and heteromorphie males (Sarcoptiformes : Pyroglyphidae). - Acarologia, 15 : 181-187.

FAIN (A.) & FEINBERG (J. G.), 1970. - Un nouvel acarien provenant des poussières d'une maison à Singapour (Sarcoptiformes : Pyroglyphidae). Acarologia, 12 : 164-167.

ÜRIFFITHS (D. A.) & CUNNINGTON (A. M.), 1971. Dermatophagoides microceras sp. n. : A description and comparison with its sibling species, D. farinae Hughes, 1961. - J. stored Prod. Res., 7 : 1-14.

. HUGHES (A. M.), 1961. - The mites of stored food. - Ministry of Agric., Fish. and Food. Techn. Bull., 9 : 1-287.

Paru en avril 1982.