A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Conducted December 2007 to July 2008 Copyright 2015 Disciplinary Wives Club. ”Disciplinary Wives Club,” ”DWC,” and Disciplinary Wives Club’s product names are trademarks of Disciplinary Wives Club (DWC). References to other companies and their products use trademarks owned by the respective companies and are for reference purpose only. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the recipient’s personal use, without the express written permission of the DWC. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The DWC shall not be liable for errors contained herein or consequential damages in connection with furnishing, performance, or use hereof. You certify that you are eighteen (18) years of age or older, you are familiar with all local and federal laws affecting your legal right to access adult-oriented materials, you have the legal right to access adult-oriented materials and the DWC has the legal right to transmit them to you, and you will not share these materials with, make them available to, or make them accessible by, minors or non-consenting adults. This document contains mature adult content, and you may be exposed to content that you find offensive, indecent or objectionable. DWC provides this document for your personal, non-commercial use. This document was generated by the DWC at offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States of America, and the DWC makes no representation that the materials contained herein are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to them from jurisdictions where its content is illegal is prohibited. © 2008 Disciplinary Wives Club – Adult Content (not to be viewed by minors)

DWC Demographic Survey - Disciplinary Wives Club

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Conducted December 2007 to July 2008

Copyright 2015 Disciplinary Wives Club. ”Disciplinary Wives Club,” ”DWC,” and Disciplinary Wives Club’s product names are trademarks of Disciplinary Wives Club (DWC). References to other companies and their products use trademarks owned by the respective companies and are for reference purpose only. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the recipient’s personal use, without the express written permission of the DWC. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The DWC shall not be liable for errors contained herein or consequential damages in connection with furnishing, performance, or use hereof. You certify that you are eighteen (18) years of age or older, you are familiar with all local and federal laws affecting your legal right to access adult-oriented materials, you have the legal right to access adult-oriented materials and the DWC has the legal right to transmit them to you, and you will not share these materials with, make them available to, or make them accessible by, minors or non-consenting adults. This document contains mature adult content, and you may be exposed to content that you find offensive, indecent or objectionable. DWC provides this document for your personal, non-commercial use. This document was generated by the DWC at offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States of America, and the DWC makes no representation that the materials contained herein are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to them from jurisdictions where its content is illegal is prohibited.

© 2008 Disciplinary Wives Club – Adult Content (not to be viewed by minors)

A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Table of Contents The Disciplinary Wives Club 5 The Second Survey 5 Personal 7

Relationships 10

Geographic 14

Politics and Religion 22

Education and Career 27

Family 35

DWC 47

Spanking and Discipline 74

Sexual 87

Just for Fun 99

Your Thoughts 106 Acknowledgements 116

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

The Disciplinary Wives Club The Disciplinary Wives Club (DWC) is an organization that supports couples who are practicing, or are considering practicing, a domestic discipline lifestyle, where the wife or female partner (or designated partner in same-sex couples) is the head of the household (HOH). The DWC also provides support for individuals who would like to find a partner with whom to practice the lifestyle. While each DWC couple practices the lifestyle in their own way, the lifestyle generally involves the wife (or female partner) being in charge of some, or all, aspects of the couple’s relationship. The husband (or male partner) is expected to follow certain behavioral rules set by the wife, and when he does not, he is disciplined by the wife. While that discipline can take a variety of forms, the most common form of discipline is spanking. Unlike spanking-play or BDSM, the discipline administered by the wife in a DWC relationship is not foreplay or directly sexual, but is for behavioral modification. Generally, it is the husband that initiates discussion about adopting the lifestyle, and the men in the lifestyle are the ones who desire to be disciplined. Most men in the lifestyle have what would be considered a spanking fetish, in addition to a need to be disciplined. The organization was started in 1994 by Aunt Kay and her husband Jerry, who, in adopting the lifestyle themselves, discovered there was very little support or material to assist them. Over the last 16 years, they have helped thousands of couples and individuals. Additionally, they have created a library of instructional material, including booklets and videos. The DWC’s website (www.auntkaysdwc.com), provides a wealth of support material, including how-to sections and instructive letters from those actually practicing the lifestyle. Participation in the organization is completely confidential. The lifestyle is usually kept private, and often secret, because non-participants might be uncomfortable with it. The DWC is not about the disciplining or spanking of children. The DWC does not support the use of discipline in any non-consensual or abusive manner. The DWC is about the practice of the lifestyle in a loving and consensual relationship, promoting extensive communication between partners.

The Second Survey This is the second survey of the DWC. The DWC plans to conduct additional surveys in future, building from what has been learned in the first two surveys. The first survey of the DWC focused on three areas: who we are, how we practice the lifestyle, and how we find partners. From the 15,081 question responses, there were 1,648 comments that were provided by the participants to various questions. This, the second survey, was conducted from December 2007 to July 2008 using SurveyMonkey.com (www.surveymonkey.com). The participation in the survey was anonymous, and the results were provided back to the DWC as raw data without analysis. While anyone who found the survey online could take it, participants were solicited by a link prominently posted on the DWC website inviting participation. About 1250 participated in the survey. These results have been categorized and summarized in this report. Additionally, many of the actual comments which were representative, insightful, or just interesting, have been included. These comments may have been edited by the authors of this report to correct spelling and grammatical errors, for length or content, or to remove personal information to protect the identity of the participant.

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club The authors of this report have offered their own analysis and opinions regarding the results of the survey; however, Aunt Kay and Jerry would be delighted to hear your thoughts regarding the results. Please feel free to email Aunt Kay at [email protected] and Jerry at [email protected].

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Personal My current age is between (select one):

18 to 20 1.7% 21 21 to 25 2.8% 34 26 to 30 4.1% 50 31 to 40 14.3% 174 41 to 50 27.4% 333 51 to 60 32.6% 396 61 to 70 13.0% 158 71 to 80 3.8% 46

81 and over 0.3% 4 answered question 1216 skipped question 34

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club The generation I most identify with is (select one):

G.I. Generation (born 1900–1924) 0.2% 3 Greatest Generation (1911–1924) 0.2% 3

Jazz Age (1918-1929) 0.5% 6 Beat Generation (1914–1930) 0.2% 2 Silent Generation (1925–1945) 5.8% 70

Baby Boomers (1940s-1960s) 43.2% 520 Consciousness Revolution (1964–1984) 12.1% 146

Generation X (1960s–1980s) 16.2% 195 MTV Generation (1974–1985) 3.7% 44

Millennium Generation (1976-2001) 2.0% 24 Boomerang Generation (1977–1986) 0.6% 7

Culture Wars (1980s–present) 1.2% 15 Generation Y (1970s–1990s) 3.1% 37

Internet Generation (1980s-1990s) 4.7% 57 New Silent Generation (1990s or 2000s–?) 1.2% 14

other 1.1% 13 none 4.1% 49

answered question 1205 skipped question 45

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club The racial group I most closely identify with is (select one):

Asian 1.5% 18 Black 0.9% 11

Indigenous 0.5% 6 Latino 1.0% 12

Middle Eastern 0.7% 8 White 93.1% 1116

mixed race 1.5% 18 other (list below) 0.8% 10

answered question 1199 skipped question 51

The racial group I most closely identify with is - other (list): 38

answered question 38 skipped question 1212

Cuban Native American Spanish Irish Eastern European Semi

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club My sex is (select one):

female 10.8% 129 male 88.7% 1064

transgender 0.6% 7 answered question 1200 skipped question 50

My sexual orientation is (select one):

straight 91.5% 1102 gay 0.2% 3

bisexual or polysexual 6.6% 80 transgender 0.7% 8

unsure 0.9% 11 answered question 1204 skipped question 46

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Relationships My current relationship status is (select one):

married 69.0% 813 engaged 3.1% 37

partnered (not married) 7.6% 90 single 10.5% 124

dating 3.2% 38 divorced 5.0% 59 widowed 1.5% 18

answered question 1179 skipped question 71

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club I have been in my current relationship (select one):

less than a year 3.2% 37 1 year to 2 years 4.7% 55

2 years to 3 years 4.6% 54 3 years to 5 years 6.7% 79 5 years to 8 years 7.8% 91

8 years to 12 years 8.9% 104 12 years to 20 years 14.6% 171 20 years to 30 years 19.4% 227 30 years to 50 years 16.7% 195 more than 50 years 0.9% 10

not currently in a relationship 12.6% 148 answered question 1171 skipped question 79

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Is your current relationship a DWC relationship (select one)?

yes 43.3% 503 no 41.8% 485

not currently in a relationship 14.9% 173 answered question 1161 skipped question 89

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club The longest time that I have been in any relationship is (select one):

less than a year 2.7% 31 1 year to 2 years 4.2% 49

2 years to 3 years 2.1% 25 3 years to 5 years 6.3% 73 5 years to 8 years 9.4% 109

8 years to 12 years 12.1% 141 12 years to 20 years 20.8% 242 20 years to 30 years 23.6% 275 30 years to 50 years 16.4% 191 more than 50 years 0.9% 10

never had a relationship 1.5% 18 answered question 1164 skipped question 86

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Was your longest relationship a DWC relationship (select one)?

yes 38.0% 438 no 50.1% 578

never had a relationship 11.9% 137 answered question 1153 skipped question 97

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Geographic I principally grew up in (select one):

United States 71.7% 819 Canada 4.9% 56

Latin America 0.2% 2 South America 0.2% 2

United Kingdom 11.3% 129 France 0.2% 2

Germany 1.7% 19 other Western Europe 4.8% 55

Eastern Europe 0.5% 6 Mediterranean 0.3% 4

Middle-East 0.3% 3 Africa 0.6% 7 India 0.6% 7

Japan 0.1% 1 China 0.0% 0 Korea 0.1% 1

other Asia 0.4% 5 Australia 1.0% 11

Polynesia 0.0% 0 other 1.2% 14

answered question 1143 skipped question 107

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club I currently reside in (select one):

United States 73.0% 830 Canada 5.9% 67

Latin America 0.1% 1 South America 0.2% 2

United Kingdom 9.7% 110 France 0.3% 3

Germany 1.3% 15 other Western Europe 5.3% 60

Eastern Europe 0.3% 3 Mediterranean 0.4% 4

Middle-East 0.3% 3 Africa 0.5% 6 India 0.5% 6

Japan 0.1% 1 China 0.1% 1 Korea 0.1% 1

other Asia 0.2% 2 Australia 1.1% 13

Polynesia 0.0% 0 other 0.8% 9

answered question 1137 skipped question 113

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club What state, province, district, etc. do you live in (list)?

664 answered question 664 skipped question 586

Alabama 5 Alaska 2 Alberta 2 Arizona 13 Arkansas 2 Austria 3 Bavaria 1 Belgium 1 Berkshire 4 Berlin 1 Birmingham 1 British Columbia 5 Bucks 1 Cairo Egypt 1 California 49 Cambridge shire 1 Colorado 10 Connecticut 10 Delaware 2 Denmark 4 Dorset 1 Dublin 1 England 1 Essex 1 Florida 37 Gauteng 1 Georgia 13 Gujarat, an and District 1 Hamilton 1 Hawaii 5 Helsinki 1 Waterman Northern Samar 1 Idaho 9 Illinois 22 Indiana 10 Iowa 9 Ireland 3 Kansas 5 Kentucky 6 Lancashire 1 London 3 Louisiana 2 Maine 3 Maryland 14 Massachusetts 15 Michigan 12 Minnesota 9 Mississauga, Ontario 1

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Missouri 13 Montana 1 Nebraska 4 Netherlands 1 Nevada 4 New Brunswick 1 New Jersey 14 New York 47 New Hampshire 1 Fordland 1 North Carolina 9 North Dakota 2 North West England 2 Northern Ireland 1 Israel 1 Norway 1 NSW 3 Ohio 29 Oklahoma 5 Ontario 30 Oregon 10 Paris 1 Pennsylvania 22 Québec City 2 Raipur, Chhattisgarh 1 Romania Banat 1 Saskatchewan 2 Singapore 1 Somerset 1 South Africa Gauteng province 1 South Carolina 6 South Dakota 2 Spain 1 Suffolk 1 Surrey, England 3 Sussex 2 Sweden 4 Switzerland 1 Teesside 1 Tennessee 9 Texas 44 The Netherlands 1 Utah 4 Virginia 18 Vermont 1 Wales 3 Washington 16 West Virginia 4 Wisconsin 11 York 1 Yorkshire 1 I would describe the community where I live as (select one):

rural 20.3% 231

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

suburban 50.2% 571 urban 25.0% 285

inner-city 4.0% 45 Institutional (hospital, assisted care, correctional, etc.) 0.5% 6 answered question 1138 skipped question 112

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club My primary spoken language is (select one):

Mandarin 0.0% 0 English 91.5% 1047

Hindi 0.2% 2 Spanish 0.3% 3 Arabic 0.3% 3 Russian 0.3% 4

Portuguese 0.2% 2 Bengali 0.2% 2

Malay / Indonesian 0.0% 0 French 0.8% 9

Japanese 0.1% 1 German 1.9% 22

Farsi / Persian 0.1% 1 Urdu 0.0% 0

Punjabi 0.0% 0 Vietnamese 0.0% 0

Tamil 0.1% 1 Wu 0.0% 0

Javanese 0.0% 0 Turkish 0.1% 1 Telugu 0.0% 0

Korean 0.2% 2 Marathi 0.0% 0

Italian 0.3% 4 Thai 0.0% 0

Cantonese 0.0% 0 Gujarati 0.0% 0

Polish 0.1% 1 Kannada 0.1% 1 Burmese 0.0% 0

Dutch 0.3% 3 Sign language (any) 0.1% 1

other 3.0% 34 answered question 1144 skipped question 106

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Politics and Religion I would describe my political leaning as (select one):

conservative 32.8% 366 moderate 27.7% 309

liberal 25.8% 288 radical 2.1% 24

not political 8.9% 99 I don’t know 2.8% 31

answered question 1117 skipped question 133

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you live in the United States, what political party are you a member of (select one)?

Republican Party 30.2% 310 Democratic Party 24.8% 254

Green Party 1.1% 11 Libertarian Party 3.2% 33

other political party 0.8% 8 no political party 22.4% 230

I do not live in the United States 17.5% 180 answered question 1026 skipped question 224

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club I would describe my religious upbringing as (select one):

Atheist / Agnostic 5.7% 63 Baptist 8.9% 99

Buddhist 0.1% 1 Episcopal / Anglican 4.7% 52

Evangelical 1.8% 20 Hindu 0.7% 8

Jewish 3.7% 41 LDS / Mormon 0.9% 10

Lutheran 6.1% 68 Methodist 7.5% 84

Muslim 0.5% 6 Pentecostal 1.4% 16 Presbyterian 7.9% 88

Roman Catholic 31.2% 347 other Christian 11.7% 130

other non-Christian 0.4% 5 none 6.7% 75

answered question 1113 skipped question 137

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club I would describe my current religion as (select one):

Atheist / Agnostic 16.1% 179 Baptist 5.0% 56

Buddhist 1.7% 19 Episcopal / Anglican 2.3% 26

Evangelical 2.1% 23 Hindu 0.7% 8

Jewish 2.3% 26 LDS / Mormon 0.5% 6

Lutheran 3.6% 40 Methodist 4.2% 47

Muslim 0.3% 3 Pentecostal 1.2% 13 Presbyterian 4.2% 47

Roman Catholic 18.2% 202 other Christian 17.8% 198

other non-Christian 2.5% 28 none 17.0% 189

answered question 1110 skipped question 140

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club I would describe the current level of my religious activity as (select one):

casual 40.5% 448 regular 19.6% 217 central 3.7% 41

orthodox 1.1% 12 fundamentalist 1.6% 18

not religious 33.4% 369 answered question 1105 skipped question 145

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Education and Career What is your highest level of education (select one)?

grade school 1.3% 14 intermediate 0.6% 7

high school 11.3% 124 some college 22.3% 245

college graduate 28.9% 318 some post-graduate 8.6% 95

post-graduate 19.0% 209 doctorate 6.5% 72

post-doctorate 1.4% 15 no formal education 0.1% 1

answered question 1100 skipped question 150

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Have you served in the military (select one)? as an officer 6.1% 66 as an enlisted soldier 18.3% 200 as a civilian 1.7% 18 did not serve in the military 73.9% 806

answered question 1090 skipped question 160

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club I would best describe my current career as (select one):

arts 2.7% 30 education 5.8% 64

executive / management 17.9% 197 financial 5.4% 59

government 5.1% 56 homemaker 1.7% 19

laborer 2.0% 22 law enforcement 2.2% 24

legal 3.5% 39 manufacturing 5.7% 63

military 0.7% 8 real estate 1.5% 17

retail 4.2% 46 sex industry 0.0% 0

social services 2.6% 29 various 2.5% 28 retired 14.8% 163

student 1.3% 14 unemployed 1.6% 18

other 18.5% 203 answered question 1099 skipped question 151

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club I have had past careers in (select all that apply):

arts 8.2% 81 education 15.3% 152

executive / management 27.0% 268 financial 13.6% 135

government 14.9% 148 homemaker 5.1% 51

laborer 16.1% 160 law enforcement 4.8% 48

legal 3.8% 38 manufacturing 17.1% 170

military 11.7% 116 real estate 5.2% 52

retail 18.1% 180 sex industry 0.7% 7

social services 6.9% 68 various 12.0% 119 retired 4.3% 43

student 14.7% 146 unemployed 4.8% 48

other 20.2% 200 answered question 992 skipped question 258

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club My personal annual income is (or equivalent in US$):

less than $10,000 4.7% 49 US$10,000 to $20,000 4.3% 45 US$20,000 to $30,000 7.8% 81 US$30,000 to $40,000 9.3% 97 US$40,000 to $50,000 10.4% 108 US$50,000 to $70,000 19.7% 205 US$70,000 to $90,000 13.8% 143

US$90,000 to $120,000 11.6% 120 US$120,000 to $150,000 6.5% 67 US$150,000 to $200,000 5.2% 54 US$200,000 to $300,000 3.7% 38 US$300,000 to $500,000 1.5% 16 more than US$500,000 1.4% 15

answered question 1038 skipped question 212

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club My household annual income is (or equivalent in US$):

less than $10,000 2.6% 27 US$10,000 to $20,000 2.7% 28 US$20,000 to $30,000 4.3% 44 US$30,000 to $40,000 6.1% 63 US$40,000 to $50,000 5.6% 58 US$50,000 to $70,000 14.3% 148 US$70,000 to $90,000 15.4% 159

US$90,000 to $120,000 17.9% 185 US$120,000 to $150,000 10.1% 105 US$150,000 to $200,000 9.5% 98 US$200,000 to $300,000 7.1% 73 US$300,000 to $500,000 2.6% 27 more than US$500,000 1.9% 20

answered question 1035 skipped question 215

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Family I was primarily raised by (select one):

my mother and father 83.2% 871 my mother only 10.4% 109

my father only 0.4% 4 my mother and step-father 2.6% 27 my father and step-mother 0.6% 6

my grandparent(s) only 0.9% 9 my aunt and/or uncle only 0.8% 8

one or more siblings 0.0% 0 other relative 0.0% 0

a non-relative 0.0% 0 a foster family 0.3% 3

an adoptive family 0.6% 6 other 0.5% 5

answered question 1047 skipped question 203

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Growing up, my family’s household was generally (select one):

female dominated 36.8% 384 male dominated 27.7% 289

neither 35.6% 372 answered question 1044 skipped question 206

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club When growing up, I was spanked by (select all that apply):

mother 63.2% 664 father 44.0% 462

step-mother 1.6% 17 step-father 1.7% 18

aunt 10.9% 114 uncle 2.9% 30

grandmother 10.5% 110 grandfather 2.5% 26

female cousin 4.2% 44 male cousin 0.6% 6

older sister 5.6% 59 older brother 1.1% 12

younger sister 2.3% 24 younger brother 0.3% 3 older step-sister 1.0% 11

older step-brother 0.2% 2 younger step-sister 0.3% 3

younger step-brother 0.2% 2 other relative 1.2% 13

girlfriend 6.5% 68 boyfriend 0.7% 7

family friend 4.6% 48 other friend 1.7% 18

teacher 18.8% 197 other adult 5.1% 54

other 1.4% 15 never spanked growing up 21.4% 225

answered question 1050 skipped question 200

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club I was raised with (select all that apply):

sister(s) 61.5% 632 brother(s) 58.7% 603

step-sister(s) 2.6% 27 step-brother(s) 1.9% 20

cousin(s) 2.9% 30 other child relative(s) 1.0% 10

other children 1.7% 17 no one 12.2% 125

answered question 1027 skipped question 223

How many siblings do you have (enter number)?

836 answered question 836 skipped question 414

2.35 average

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Among my siblings, I was (select one): the first child 30.8% 311 a middle child 28.8% 291 the last child 31.3% 316 an only child 9.2% 93

answered question 1011 skipped question 239

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you grew up with other children in your household (select all that apply):

I was playfully spanked by one or more of the other children 12.5% 121

I playfully spanked one or more of the other children 10.2% 98 I was spanked for discipline by one or more of the other

children 6.9% 67

I spanked for discipline one or more of the other children 2.6% 25 there was no spanking between me and the other

children in my household 67.8% 654

I did not grow up with other children 10.1% 97 answered question 965 skipped question 285

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Are you a parent (select all that apply)?

biological parent 69.3% 714 step parent 10.8% 111

adoptive parent 3.6% 37 foster parent 0.3% 3 not a parent 25.0% 258

answered question 1030 skipped question 220

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you are a parent, do any of your children currently live in your household (select one)?

only children 18 and younger 23.0% 223 only children over 18 10.1% 98

both children younger and over 18 5.7% 55 none 42.0% 407

not a parent 19.3% 187 answered question 969 skipped question 281

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Does anyone other than you, your partner (if partnered), and children (if any), live in your household (select all that apply)?

grandparent(s) 0.7% 7 my parent(s) 3.0% 29

partner's parent(s) 1.3% 13 my sibling(s) 2.1% 20

partner's sibling(s) 0.9% 9 other relative(s) 1.3% 13

friend(s) 2.5% 24 renter(s) 0.4% 4

other 0.7% 7 no one 75.6% 730

I live alone 14.2% 137 answered question 965 skipped question 285

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you are a parent, do you, or have you spanked your children (select one)?

frequently 3.5% 35 now and then 12.8% 128

rarely 28.2% 281 never 30.7% 306

not a parent 24.9% 248 answered question 997 skipped question 253

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you are a parent and have spanked your children (select all that apply):

I spanked my children before they were teenagers 45.4% 417 I spanked my children when they were teenagers 9.3% 85 I spanked my children when they were adults 1.4% 13 I have not spanked my children 27.1% 249 I do not have children 25.4% 233

answered question 918 skipped question 332

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

DWC If you are currently, or have been, in a DWC relationship (select one):

I am, or was, the head of household (HOH) 19.9% 175 I am, or was, the non-head of household 25.1% 221

we switch(ed) being the head of household 14.1% 124 I have never been in a DWC relationship 40.9% 360

answered question 880 skipped question 370

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club I would describe my DWC relationship status as (select one):

in a DWC relationship 21.8% 193 in sort-of a DWC relationship 29.3% 260

in a non-DWC relationship, but trying to adopt a DWC lifestyle 7.1% 63

in a non-DWC relationship, but want to adopt a DWC lifestyle 18.7% 166

currently looking for a DWC relationship 18.3% 162 not looking for a DWC relationship 4.7% 42

answered question 886 skipped question 364

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club How many DWC relationships have you had (enter number)? 668 answered question 668 skipped question 582

0.873 average

0 213 1 353 2 70 3 23 4 4 5 1

If you are, or have been, in a DWC relationship (select one): I initiated it 38.8% 334

my partner initiated it 10.6% 91 we discovered it together 15.7% 135

I have not been in a DWC relationship 35.0% 301 answered question 861 skipped question 389

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you are, or have been, in a DWC relationship (select one):

it was a DWC relationship from the start 11.4% 97 it became a DWC relationship within the 1st year 16.8% 143

it became a DWC relationship between the 1st and 2nd year 6.7% 57

it became a DWC relationship between the 2nd and 5th year 8.1% 69

it became a DWC relationship between the 5th and 10th year 6.8% 58

it became a DWC relationship between the 10th and 20th year 7.9% 67

it became a DWC relationship after the 20th year 5.2% 44 I have not been in a DWC relationship 37.3% 318

answered question 853 skipped question 397

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you are, or have been, in a DWC relationship (select one):

adopting a DWC lifestyle was critical in forming the relationship 12.1% 103

adopting a DWC lifestyle was an issue in forming the relationship 7.4% 63

adopting a DWC lifestyle was unimportant in forming the relationship 10.0% 85

adopting a DWC lifestyle was only discussed after the relationship was formed 33.3% 283

I have not been in a DWC relationship 37.1% 315 answered question 849 skipped question 401

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you are, or have been, in a DWC relationship, do you believe that adopting the DWC lifestyle (select one):

greatly diminished the relationship 1.3% 11 diminished the relationship 0.7% 6

slightly diminished the relationship 1.3% 11 did not affect the relationship 3.6% 30

slightly improved the relationship 7.0% 59 improved the relationship 20.5% 173

greatly improved the relationship 29.5% 249 I have not been in a DWC relationship 36.2% 306

answered question 845 skipped question 405

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you have been in a DWC relationship that has ended, how did it end (select one)?

my only DWC relationship has not ended 34.3% 260 the DWC lifestyle ended, but the relationship continued 2.8% 21

the relationship ended because of the DWC lifestyle 0.8% 6 the relationship ended, but not because of the DWC

lifestyle 16.9% 128

the relationship ended because of the incapacitation or death of my DWC partner 3.2% 24

I have not been in a DWC relationship 42.1% 319 answered question 758 skipped question 492

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Have you confided about your DWC lifestyle, or desire for a DWC lifestyle, outside the DWC (select all that apply)?

no one – I have not told anyone, including my current partner or past partner(s) 24.8% 211

my current partner 47.6% 405 my past partner(s) 10.4% 88

other family member(s) (list below) 5.4% 46 friend(s) (list below) 14.7% 125 other(s) (list below) 5.6% 48

anyone interested - I am open about it 6.9% 59 I do not have or want a DWC lifestyle 4.5% 38

answered question 850 skipped question 400

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Have you confided about your DWC lifestyle, or desire for a DWC lifestyle, outside the DWC - other family members, friends, others (list)? 316

answered question 316 skipped question 934

“A few female sexual therapists to understand my submissive needs.” “A friend of my wife's, years ago.” “Best friend and sister.” “Blog.” “Brother and many ‘spanko’ friends.” “By blogging(spankedhubby).” “Counselor.” “Couple of likeminded women over the phone and with his mother briefly.” “Cousin and female friend from work.” “Daughter.” “Discussion Groups.” “Dominatrix.” “Email friends.” “Family doctor and my closest (girl)friend.” “Family members, friends.” “Father, mother, sisters, brother, aunts, uncles, most/all friends, coworkers, other members of

dominant wives clubs/organizations.” “Fellow BDSM club members.” “Female cousin who is also DWC.” “Female friend and other females with whom I have intermittent D/s contacts.” “Female friend who is in a DWC relationship, now.” “Female friend who lives with my partner and myself.” “Friend that lives in a different state but even then it was only brought up once because of her re-

action.” “Friend who was a counselor.” “Friend, online contacts, pro domme.” “Friends and other couples in the lifestyle.” “Friends and people on-line.” “Friends I met online.” “Friends in the lifestyle and in kinky meetings.” “Friends of wife and Mother-in-Law.” “Friends who are also interested in, or at least accepting of, the lifestyle. I have also been ordered to

share the pictures of my spanked rear as part of the punishment.” “Friends with common interests.” “Have confided my past and current partner.” “Have told online friends.” “I am open about my needs.” “I had to explain it to in-laws after ex-wife used it as an excuse for breakup. The real reason was that

I refused to be a slave to her grown son who would not support himself.” “I have asked my wife on numerous occasions to take a more dominant role in our marriage, but

she has consistently refused.” “I have been seeing a professional spanker to satisfy my wants and have confided in her.” “I have friends who are currently in or have been in domestic discipline relationships. I think my

family suspects, but no one says anything, lol.” “I have shared past DWC relationship with a few women friends.” “I have talked to my wife but she is quite hesitant.” “I have told a close friend about it and also one female friend.”

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“I like to be spanked that is the only connection to a DWC lifestyle. I enjoy reading the letters of the ladies that spank.”

“I told a woman I trusted who I got to know well in a Unitarian-Universalist Church course for adults on human sexuality (Our Whole Lives, or OWL). I am open about my interest in spanking and a DWC lifestyle with people (mostly women) I have met as part of Femdom and Spanking clubs in which I participate on an infrequent and secretive basis due to my wife's disapproval and anxiety about my spanking fetish, my desire for a power exchange relationship and discipline from a trusted and caring woman to improve my behavior and enhance the intimacy of my relationship with my partner.”

“I'd be horrified if anyone found out. This is highly personal and private.” “Internet contacts and spanking events.” “Its generally known and a source of good natured ribbing (respectfully, and sometimes 'can I talk

to you...from the sincerely curious.” “I've talked about it with my sister.” “Massage Parlor.” “mental health professional.” “Mistresses.” “Mostly people I have met on the internet. One other person I have had an "on again/off again"

relationship with since my divorce.” “Mother in Law.” “Mother, Mother-in-law, sister-in-law.” “Mother, sister, Mother-in-law, sister-in-law.” “Mother.” “My cousin knows, and she is in a DWC relationship. My partner’s adult children knew and so did a

lot of friends. We (especially her) were pretty open about it. Many people, including Kay and Jerry, at spanking parties. (Six years of Shadow Lane, where I got it very publicly.”

“My Mom and Dad.” “My mother knows I am in charge; our pastor also knows as does my best girlfriend.” “My mother, father, sisters, brother, friends, co-workers, boss at work, neighbors, our four children

know about it.” “My mother-in-law and our Pastor.” “My partner has told her sisters and one of them has witnessed me getting a good dose of the

leather strap on my bare behind!” “My partner, friends within the lifestyle, vanilla friends who are open minded.” “My therapist and my fiancé, and wrote an e-mail to Aunt Kay but she never responded. But I come

to this site often.” “My wife is fairly open to all that she is in charge, but only spanking friends about DWC. We suspect

that family and vanilla friends may have overheard.” “My wife is the only person who knows, though I strongly suspect that my two daughters are aware

that I am spanked.” “My wife told her best friends.” “Neighbors.” “New female friends.” “On some Yahoo Groups.” “Online friends with interest in spanking.” “Online with others in the lifestyle. Have met a few other couples in person.” “Parents.” “Possible girl-friend.” “Sister in law.” “Spanked regularly growing up by my mother, older sister, and female cousin. Current partner (wife)

was introduced into this by my mother.” “Step daughter.” “Therapist.” “Wife has two friends who have disciplined me.”

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“Wife told her Mother and Sister also one of my Sisters. A number of her work colleagues know of her dominance.”

“Wife’s friend, with whom my wife has had lesbian encounters with in the past. They have spanked each other.”

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If you have told someone outside the DWC, what reaction did you get (explain)? 248

answered question 248 skipped question 1002

“Cool.” “’I'll spank you too’.” “’In that case let's go and buy a whip darling.’ This is what happened and it turned out to be a

Victorian whale bone whip with a blank silver cartouche on the handle. The antique dealer lady sensed that we were not into horses and suggested a place that would engrave our entwined initials onto the silver cartouche, she also warned that whale bone is very painful and cuts. She knew what she was talking about.”

“A laugh and a smile. He wasn't into it.” “A ton of questions at first then understanding and approval.” “Acceptance with reservations.” “Acceptance.” “accepting.” “All my wife will do to date is playfully spank me if I insist on it. She has a hard time with the concept

of a DWC relationship.” “All of them applauded me.” “Amused.” “Amusement and disgust.” “Approval, since they also support lifestyle.” “At first surprised, but then supportive and sometimes envious!” “Both brother and buddy said fine if I’m happy with it.” “Both the friend and the Sister in law was OK with it.” “Cautious amusement.” “Complete acceptance and encouragement.” “comprehensive and helpful but not really willing to go forward.” “Didn't want to know.” “Disinterest.” “Doctor disapproves, friend is amused by it.” “Encouragement and support.” “Favorable & encouraging.” “Female friend admitted she was in a DWC relationship with her husband and cousin said he would

like to be.” “First initial horror and wanted to break the relationship, then worry, then wait, then accept but still

don't understand. Probably expecting the relationship to end quietly.” “Full support.” “Great! Go chase your fulfillment. Of course it was a woman.” “He said he wouldn't want it for himself but approved of mine.” “He said it sounded interesting.” “He was also interested.” “Horror.” “Humorous and interested.” “I got a very negative reaction, got called weird and saying that is messed up.” “I have been careful who I've shared with. Reactions have been understanding, and favorable. My

wife also shared these things with her women friends.” “I have confided in 3 past partners with limited development in practice. I have asked to be

paddled before sex, or we have discussed paddling during sex.” “I have told a few women, most had no interest, my wife spanks me when I request it, but gets

nothing from it, but she loves me and it is a good marriage.”

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“I only got one negative reaction and we talked that out. It was one of my best friends and it was difficult for her to understand.”

“I was ridiculed for asking questions about it.” “In my mid twenties (over thirty years ago) I told a girlfriend of my desire for her to spank me: she was

repulsed by my admission and we soon broke up. At about the same age, I failed to tell another girlfriend about my spanking interest who actually stripped and submitted to a spanking from me without my even asking after I gave her a few affectionate swats. Her vulnerability and lovely figure got me so excited that I ejaculated unexpectedly when my penis touched her hip accidentally while I was rubbing her backside and back. I was so embarrassed, I never did spank her, much to my later regret. We did not talk about spanking because I clammed up and could not discuss my desires or feelings about spanking with her.”

“Incredulity.” “Indifferent.” “Initially 80% Supportive, 20% Judgmental, after a year; 95% Supportive, 5% Judgmental.” “Interest.” “It varied, from no interest to a lot of questions. With one minor exception nobody was disapproving,

and several thought it was neat.(Is that the word I want?).” “Jaw dropping surprise, even among those I thought very worldly.” “Laughter and interest.” “Like minded friends were encouraging me and his mother just smiled.” “Minor curiosity but no interest, my friend was slightly interested but unavailable and skeptical.” “Mixed.” “Most everyone was not surprised.” “Most people I told understood.” “My friend said it wouldn't be for him, but if that's what we like, that’s fine.” “My Mother and sisters support it. They have spanked me since I can remember. Even now they still

spank me, taking turns at it. My boss at work, who is female supports it. She laughed at the idea at first, and calls my wife to tell her if I was good or bad. My boss sometimes spanks me. My mother brought me and my brother up in this life style. The neighbors and my friends that it was funny, and sometimes watch while my mother, sister, my own 11yo daughter, or wife spanks me.”

“My mother-in-law supports and applauds my wife being in charge in a DWC relationship. Also, she supports and encourages me to submit my wife's rule. Our Pastor is a woman and learned about our DWC through an incident that happened. She encourages my wife to set the rules and me to follow the rules.”

“My partner is receptive, but cautious.” “My partner was reluctant at first to enter into a 'contract' as she preferred to implement discipline

only when she felt like it. In the end, she was persuaded that this freedom on her part would be part of the contract.”

“My partner's girlfriends.” “My sister in-law was absolutely delighted to watch.” “My sister kind of understood.” “My therapist feels that this is very good therapy for me. She feels this website and information is very

good for us.” “No big thing. He spanks his girlfriend, so he was open to it.” “Not surprised - probably does similar in their relationship.” “Not used to it, interested in spanking a little bit.” “Not very much..” “One was shock the other was ok with it.” “Only to those in the know.” “Positive.” “Quite negative, ended that relationship very early.” “Said all men need to be spanked!” “She acted very interested and ended up spanking me!”

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“She adopted DWC also.” “She commended me and thought I should work harder at making her happy.” “She didn't understand the need and broke off the relationship.” “She encouraged me to be a disciplinary wife.” “She is a strict school teacher at a private school and remarked every boy young or old needs

sound spanking.” “She said 'go for it!’” “She seemed open to it.” “She seemed to understand my desires.” “She thought that it was good for her sister’s part and wished she had another that would consider

her being in control.” “She understood.” “She was horrified and thought there was something wrong with me; I must certainly be a pervert,

etc.” “She was interested, but could not see how I enjoyed it.” “She was positive.” “She was supportive and perhaps even envious of my DWC lifestyle with my husband.” “She was surprised and interested.” “She was the one who told me to do this from the start.” “She was understanding and wished me success.” “She was very interested and teases me about it.” “She was very open and understood.” “She's ok with the idea, she could see the improvements in me & how much better it is for her

mother.” “Shock, followed by curiosity.” “Shock.” “Shocked, surprised, some thought it was great.” “Some showed an interest in knowing more others thought it was terrible.” “Some surprise, some interest, curiosity, nothing dramatic.” “Some understood and some were skeptical.” “Somewhat curious.” “Support and encouragement.” “Support.” “Surprise and then admiration.” “Surprise, interest, understanding.” “Surprise, questioning.” “Surprised, but thought it was probably good for me.” “The non DWC friends who have heard comments regarding my wife's dominance and punishment

threats usually smile or laugh knowingly, possibly taking it as a joke. But seriously know she has the last word.”

“Their reaction was that I am weak...terrible, But I know what I feel and believe....” “Therapist was interested to see if it ‘works.’” “They are all usually kink aware and understand dominant/submissive type attitudes.” “They are fine with it.” “They are sometimes surprised... but have been accepting.” “They believe I deserve what she is giving me and applaud her.” “They greatly approved.” “They love it.” “They spank me while wife watches.” “They thought I was nuts to want it.” “They thought I was strange or pervert : (, or said they were DWC type woman only to find that was

not the case and wanted me to be the spanker which is something I could never do.” “They thought it was a great idea.” “They thought it was good for me, would relieve stress and get me to break some bad habits.”

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“They thought it was perverted!! (i love it!!).” “They understood.” “They want the same for themselves.” “They wanted to play.” “They were both quite supportive.” “They were curious as to the dynamics and how it worked and showed respect for my personal

lifestyle choices.” “They were excited and intrigued.” “They were fine with it.” “They were generally supportive and open to it.” “They were like-minded, so they understood.” “They were not very interested. They thought this kind of thing was my own business and not theirs.

A case of ‘too much information.’” “They were skeptical at best, some thought it was crazy.” “They were somewhat intrigued by the idea but not necessarily ready to enter into such a DWC

relationship 'exclusively.’” “They were surprised, but glad for me. and they could see how well it works for us.” “They were understanding, supportive and offered good advice as to how to love and serve my

wife.” “They’re curious and don't really understand it but they love me for who I am and think it's admirable

that Aim willing to search in myself for that woman that my husband needs.” “To this day, my mother older sister, and partner together discipline me regularly.” “Tolerance.” “Totally supportive. She witnesses and/or participates in most disciplinary sessions.” “Twenty years into my marriage (over ten years ago), I told my wife of my spanking interests, but she

is totally turned off by the idea and considered a reason not to trust me.” “Understanding, as DWC relationships were/are practiced by both our families.” “Understanding.” “Understood why I felt the DWC style would be good.” “Varied / mixed. All the way from all for it to total disgust.” “Very interested, she is submissive.” “Very mixed - some thought it was weird and distasteful, others thought it a capital idea, and were

jealous that this actually existed in the U.S.” “Very positive and supportive from Yahoo Groups. My wife does spank me a little for sex play only If

she did this more often and more seriously, it might satisfy my needs.” “Very positive she thinks it would be good for me.” “Very positive.” “Was seen as a very normal thing.” “Was very willing to help me.” “Wife spanks occasionally, but won't initiate or punish. I picked the therapist because she was kink

friendly.” “Wife told her girlfriends.” “Wife’s mother thinks it’s good, her sister has joined in with punishing me and is now also in a DWC

relationship. My wife says her colleagues are intregued-2 ladies in particular.” “Women are generally receptive and understanding, whether or not it is a lifestyle they personally

would want.” “Yes to two friends. The result was a lessening of the friendship.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

If your DWC lifestyle, or desire for a DWC lifestyle, were exposed without your consent it would (select all that apply):

be fine with me 22.3% 188 be socially embarrassing 64.9% 547

be embarrassing to my career 29.2% 246 ruin me socially 8.1% 68 ruin my career 7.8% 66

ruin my life 6.8% 57 answered question 843 skipped question 407

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If your DWC interest has been exposed without your consent, how did it happen and what were the consequences (explain)?

82 answered question 82 skipped question 1168

“By accident to my oldest daughter. She loved it, and encouraged my wife to spank me harder

and more often. To everyone else we were just open about it. I have been spanked in the Detroit airport while 20 of my top clients watched with two flight attendants and they all cheered my wife on. I never lost a client, in fact I think the referrals picked up. I have also been spanked by my biggest female client in front of my wife. That year our income topped $420,000.00.”

“Ex wife told the kids.” “Ex-wife betrayed me.” “Friend showed up at door while I was being spanked.” “I had too much to drink at a party and told another women...she told my wife that when get home

give me a good spanking...which she did.” “I answered an ad in an S&M magazine, turned out to be a fake ad placed by a creep who "outed"

me. I was humiliated.” “I cheeked my WIFE in front of her Mother, so she got her cane and used it on me.” “I had once confided to a woman acquaintance that I sought Female Dominance, and she had

obviously passed this on. One of my friends commented (uncritically) "well, you like having your bottom spanked" in the presence of other women. This did not worry me.”

“I have no consent, I am my wife's slave. She tells anyone she wants about our relationship. Since she is in charge, I have no say so.”

“I was told I was going to get a good whipping when we got home and the waitress had walked up as my wife was telling me but my wife kept telling me I was going to get it and why I was going to get it and how much I was going to get. It is just embarrassing to me that someone outside of my relationship knows and the waitress has even asked if I have been in trouble lately.”

“In a court custody case with my ex-wife, who didn't like my DWC interests. There were no consequences: the judge and evaluators thought that the information was irrelevant. (I have had two previous DWC relationships: my ex-wife (who hated it) and a woman since my ex-wife (who was comfortable with the DWC aspect of our relationship).”

“In my first DWC relationship, my mate’s sister knew she spanked me and teased me about it.” “Loud mouth wife getting drunk and saying it to prove how superior she thinks she is to me.” “My ex exposed our activity to her gf's. They would stop by and seduce me . It was difficult to resist

them, they knew I was submissive and enjoyed the novelty of power that their own men won't allow them to experience.”

“My former partner scolded and smacked my covered bottom in a dept. store like you would a child. I was very embarrassed but excited by the incident.”

“My sister-in-law was staying with us and my behavior warranted immediate discipline. My wife gave me the strap on the bare, left the bedroom door open and who could resist watching a man get his bare behind spanked?”

“My sister tells almost anyone.” “My then wife announced it at a dinner party! I was embarrassed, but the other members of the

party didn't seem to be.” “My wife told her best friend. I'm embarrassed, but that was it.” “My wife told it to her best friend. no consequences as it was quite acceptable to her.” “Once when my partner was leaving on a business trip her manager said something like I would

probably be having lots of wild parties over the weekend. She replied that I had better not or "he will be getting a damn good spanking.” He asked me if she was kidding and I assured him that she was not. I don't remember what he said but it was not negative and he never brought it up

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again. I was a bit surprised and embarrassed when she said it but his reaction made me comfortable. By the time we separated a lot of people knew.”

“One woman who is friend of my wife told her husband who I play golf with was embarrassing but I was open when he asked me.”

“Our new pastor initiated a no smoking, anywhere on church property, rule and a no drinking rule at any event on church property. I broke the no smoking rule and was told not to do that again by the pastor. It happened during a meeting break. The second time it happened, I thought her rule was not fair. I smoked out in my car, admittedly on church property, but in my car. My wife was at that meeting and someone told pastor about the smoking. Pastor did confront me and did so in front of my wife, mentioning the 1st time and being told not to do that again. My wife not only announced I front of pastor that I was going to be spanked when we got home, but that she was assigning me community service hours - cleaning - for a couple of Saturdays. I not only felt embarrassed and humiliated then, but the next three Saturdays I got to do a lot of scrubbing.”

“Overheard it while at our home.” “She shared with some of her friends. No consequences except for teasing.” “We have received mailings that kids opened. Jane has told my mother that I "get punished" but

didn't mention spanking.” “Wife spanked me bare in front of her friends.” “Wife told her girlfriends...no consequences..Wife told me one of her friends would like to spank me,

but it never happened.” “Wife told someone. No consequences.” “Each and every Sun. at 11:0 AM I am disciplined by my mom, older sister, and partner. One will

lower my pants and shorts and read the offenses for the week and determine the amount. The other 2 will provide the discipline. On several occasions a college girlfriend was staying at the house and my partner openly told the girlfriend and invited her to watch and participate. It was to be a learning experience for her, and it was. There were no consequences other than my bottom hurting more than normal as her marriage frustrations were taken out by her on my bottom.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Where did you first learn about the DWC (select one)?

the DWC website 60.9% 527 Another website (list below). 8.5% 74

other internet source, such as chat rooms, forums, message boards (list below) 15.0% 130

partner 6.9% 60 relative 1.0% 9

friend 2.4% 21 stranger 0.5% 4

other (list below) 4.7% 41 answered question 866 skipped question 384

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Where did you first learn about the DWC - another website, other internet source, other (list)?

264 answered question 264 skipped question 986

“Blog link.” “Friend that is now involved in the lifestyle.” “Friends computer.” “Newspaper.” “Search engine.” “alt.sex.spanking.” “Another website.” “Around Her Finger.” “Aunty Agony.” “Books.” “Browsing.” “Chat room.” “Colorado spankers.” “Cuckoldry.com.” “Disciplining Ford.” “Elise Sutton.” “Elise Sutton website.” “Elise Sutton's Guide to Loving Female Authority.” “femalesincontrol.com.” “femalesuperiority.com.” “Ffriend.” “Spanked hubby blog.” “I learned in chat rooms about serious discipline, but my wife had spanked me playfully for years

before.” “I was a bridesmaid for a friend who told me about the 'around her finger' stuff.” “Jennifer Brooks.” “My mom.” “My mother brought me up to spanking her and my sisters, and other female relatives and friends.” “Partner.” “Professional dominatrix.” “WHAP magazine.” “www.femalesuperiority.com.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club What year did you first visit the DWC website (enter a year)?

578 answered question 578 skipped question 672

1994 4 1995 10 1996 9 1997 9 1998 18 1999 32 2000 60 2001 33 2002 39 2003 49 2004 53 2005 59 2006 43 2007 112 2008 31

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club How many times a month do you visit the DWC website (enter a number)?

584 answered question 584 skipped question 666

0 18 1 160 2 98 3 53 4 39 5 43 6 to 10 64 11 to 20 44 21 to 30 16 50 1 What DWC products do you own (select all that apply)?

DWC spanking implements 24.8% 204 DWC booklets 19.1% 157

DWC videos 13.0% 107 none 64.2% 528

answered question 823 skipped question 427

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you own any DWC products, do you have any comments, complaints, or suggestions (explain)?

115 answered question 115 skipped question 1135

“Bath brush is wonderful - I prefer to get the strap - totally naked.” “Better selection of canes.” “Booklets.” “Bould you stress less severe spanking as an option.” “Cock rings: the elastic bands around broccoli in the supermarket; also women's hair elastics.” “Dominator is very intense!” “Don’t change anything. They rock. Bad boys get spanked!” “Enjoyed the books.” “Everything was great.” “Excellent quality.” “Generally good as a starting point for a partner.” “Generally I have found the DWC products to be excellent. My only comment would be that the

actual spanking scenes in the videos are not as "severe" as one would expect based on the description of a spanking outlined in the techniques section, and certainly not as severe as the actual DWC style spankings that I have received from both my former DWC partner and my current DWC partner. Perhaps there is a need for a video for the "advanced" DWC couple.”

“Good quality products and very helpful written material.” “Great and informative.” “Holy terror is very effective.” “Holy terror-wife says needs a longer handle or similar paddle with longer handle. She says cannot

hit as hard as she wants to with it.” “How can I convince my wife that it is Ok to spank me Often and for any reason she sees fit.” “I came here to look for products to buy.” “I like to use them, and I like them for Discipline and training students?” “I own the DWC Special edition Video and while it is informative it was (I thought) just a little too

clinical. I thought it needed to be just a little more romantically slanted in order for me to have my wife watch it with me.”

“I prefer smaller wooded paddles and bristly brushes.” “I recently received the new Caning Book and DVD and though the booklet is very good, I feel DVD

left something to be desired. The video was very amateurish and really should have been produced with much more instruction, and by a more experienced person. Caning is an art and can be an incredible experience if done properly. Too bad that aspect of it wasn't demonstrated fully.”

“I think the video on caning could have been a superior product however, I found the host to be too young and inexperienced to be able to give a proper lesson. The "art" of caning should be more fully developed as it is one of the most effective methods of getting one's point across...”

“I was disappointed in the video. The sub was boring and unattractive.” “I was disappointed when you discontinued the "schoolmarm" paddle.” “I would have ordered quite a few things if you accepted credit cards and not just pay pal or order

form orders.” “It would be nice to have some new products and very vanilla booklets with some cute cartoons or

art and very feminine and domestic oriented.” “Make more! Perhaps more of one on how to start it....what to do when the wife is too tired to

discipline....what to do about men who misbehave on purpose to get spankings...” “Make one single book and package of spanking items with available choices.” “Manuals are quite wordy but otherwise very good.” “More variety of spanking tools would be nice.” “My bottom is red.”

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“My previous spouse destroyed them, and I wish I had another copy to share with my current open minded wife.”

“My wife, mother, sister have riding crops, cat-o-nine tails, leather strap.” “No product complaints unless my Mistress has the products and doesn't use them on me any

longer.” “Presented them to my wife and she refused to read them.” “Satisfied.” “Terrific.” “The booklets did not explain to my wife how to spank me, or how to get over the fear of hurting

me. We have been using the DWC for 6 months and she still not able to let it all go. We do speak about it a lot.”

“The booklets were a bit thin and contained the same info as the site.” “The CP demos in the DVD seem unrealistic and not like real discipline. However the talking by the

wives is very good and helpful.” “The expense with little sampling and description have precluded me from making a booklet or

video purchase. We have considered The Dominator but, again, price has been the issue along with the inability to actually hold the item to check weight and comfort.”

“The ferule is really a painful paddle.” “The lifestyle booklets were very informative and tried to put the DWC lifestyle within the framework

of a caring, committed relationship, which is what I want. I know Claudia and Floyd, and will probably buy Claudia's video after reading about it in the last survey.”

“The materials sometimes focus too much on prurient interest.” “The otk cane hurts like hell.” “The OTK paddle was created half-ass...not very good quality...didn't look like the pic on the

website.” “The paddles and other implements are my wife’s favorites. In the videos the women are great. But

the guys seem too wimpy at times.” “The photos and videos could be much better quality and better promote the DWC lifestyle.” “The scolding is usually bad. They’re not actors.” “They are good. They have certainly got me to thinking over the years.” “They are great!” “They are great. Love the videos. I purchased one of your paddles. One time the wood split while

in use (ouch). You replaced it with no questions and very promptly. I was impressed.” “They are rather effective!” “They have all been excellent.” “They hurt.” “They should be easier to get hold of.” “Think products are very good!” “Very good products --that holy terror is in a class by itself.” “Very informative.” “We got a paddle and it split the first time we use it.” “We have been satisfied.” “Wish I could get my wife to practice them more.” “Wish more were available.” “Yes. The website has some extremely useful information, but that is not immediately obvious. The

site looks old and is somewhat cumbersome to use. It could really use an overhaul. The photos and booklet artwork make the DWC seem more lurid than it is in my life. Some of the videos had good stuff, but some felt icky. I do really like the implements-good quality and effective.”

“You should make some videos with males in the late twenty age bracket.” “Your booklets are complete. Wonderful, well-written.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Are there any products that you would like to see the DWC offer (explain)?

139 answered question 139 skipped question 1111

“A booklet on how to find a partner.” “A brochure or something to introduce outsiders to the lifestyle. Maybe a discussion board or

something to give and get advice anonymously (moderated or password protected to keep out the immature stuff). Training materials that are a bit more academic.”

“A folding padded spanking bench, which could hold a man in position until his paddling is done, but which folds like a trestle table so no-one needs to see it standing around.”

“A good longer paddle made of lexan and a good martinette that will sting for self use since I cannot get wife to do it to me.”

“A good solid wood spanking hairbrush.” “A selection of hairbrushes.” “A traditional hairbrush.” “A video (or tape) featuring a DWC seminar where wives espouse the virtues of the DWC

relationship. Much like a video or audio version of your guestbook. No actual spanking needed.” “A video or pamphlet about creative punishments for a more serious crime. Like my ex and last

DWC partner if she found out I looked at another girl she would make me wear her panties for a little bit then get me over her lap and spank me with them on then pull them down and spank me with the hair brush after a few times with that I never looked at another woman until after the relationship was over.”

“Access to some printed material to help me understand my partner's need to be spanked.” “Advice about the kinds of problems that come up. For example, when he tries to back out; or

when she feels too tired or overwhelmed by being in charge. How to back up the CP with other discipline. How to deal with guilt over causing pain. Etc.”

“Although it seems like your products offered has been reduced, I am currently considering your new caning book/video. I believe it would greatly help my current partner become comfortable in using one.”

“Anything involving young couples.” “Backbone to get over the embarrassment of the initial shock and courage to sleep on the bed I

made.” “Better quality photo galleries and video products.” “Booklet materials in electronic form, or read on CD, MP3 etc. so that they would be accessible for

blind and visually impaired persons.” “Booklet on how to tell her.” “Canes.” “Catoninetails whip.” “Classy how to videos.” “Clothing.” “Cock restraints.” “Coffee Cups.” “Connections with couples that live in our area.” “Downloadable literature.” “Downloads of the videos! Cheaper videos. Many, many, more updates. We'd be willing to pay for

a subscription to this site, if there was weekly updates- even just readers’ letters and guest book entries, which is our favorite.”

“DWC instructions as free PDF file.” “E-cards would be nice...not enough f/m e-cards.” “Enema.” “Hairbrushes! Both wood and plastic like those from my childhood. Oval shaped.” “Hairbrushes, paddles straps and tawses.”

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“I thought your "schoolmarm" paddle was a true classic and was disappointed when it was discontinued.”

“Illustrated booklets, pictures of real spanking couples (doesn't have to include facials).” “Instruction manuals and videos for the wife.” “Intergenerational with witnesses. I’d buy that.” “Internet Forum, a book store.” “Large wooden hairbrush because it is almost impossible to find them. One designed for spanking

lthat is inconspicuous.” “Larger Spencer type paddle.” “Leather straps.” “Long and intense spanking DVDs; group spanking DVDs; large, thick paddles (e.g.:22x3 1/2x1) or

similar, with optional large (1" or larger) sharp-edged holes; same paddles with very coarse sandpaper glued to one side.”

“Male chastity devices. A good method of maintaining control and discipline.” “Male chastity devices.” “Male chastity products, Victorian nightwear, costumes,.” “Man-made non breakable canes.” “Martinet; crop; tawse; leather paddle with holes.” “More about committed marriages that are considering or participate in DWC methods for

marriage.” “More articles and stories.” “More DVD's about the subject.” “More help to persuade my very vanilla and reluctant wife to give DWC a try. She is so much the in

charge person in her relationships with others that she is known as "The General". Maybe she is stressed by her daily exercise of power and wants to give up power in our personal relationship (lol). I've never seen any sign of that, but she has misused our resources to support her work.”

“More instructional videos.” “More paddles & other spanking implements.” “More personal ads.” “More restraints.” “More spanking instruments, more dialog about the lifestyle.” “More strict ladies in the connections listings.” “More video tutorials showing maternal spankings delivered on the seat of the underpants.” “More videos, & implements.” “Movie clips.” “My fiancé wants a good hair brush and various sizes of paddles.” “My wife has mentioned she would like a DWC paddle or the rubber thing for a gift and feels I

should buy it.” “No but I'm disappointed to stumble on this blatant marketing ploy in the midst of what I thought

was a ‘serious" survey!!’ Phblapppppt!!” “Not sure. I just know that anything offered by DWC will be of the highest quality and appropriate to

the DWC lifestyle.” “Other paddles especially rubber type.” “paddles, canes.” “paddles, hairbrushes, tawse.” “Products look great, but my wife would be mortified if the products were unwrapped by local

customs officials, so I don't have any of the products. She will whip my ass very hard, but is sensitive that others would not approve if they know about it. I think many other men right here in our community have their asses whipped often by their wives, and she thinks so too, but thinks they all want it to be a secret too.”

“Professional lady spankers, there obviously are a lot of men in need of spankings and not enough ladies to go around.”

“Quicker update of website.” “Rattan Canes.”

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“Real life videos.” “Remote shock collar.” “Restraint devices.” “Riding crop.” “Rubber sole slippers.” “Shorter and updated lifestyle books.” “Something like the old Lady Susan site. There are quite a few men keeping blogs about this but no

women that I know of. It would be nice to hear the female perspective. The guestbook is way too infrequently updated. If it were an active site I would pay to be a member.”

“Spanking benches.” “Spanking implements and DVD's.” “Spanking implements, stories, pictures.” “Spanking wives.” “Spatulas - solid metal and bright plastic ones.” “Still new to this site, have seen it a few times but have little time for exploring as too busy with

domestic chores. Today is a holiday, and I came across it from a link on another site.” “Straps.” “Sturdy black spanker as seen in Ms. Betty video feminizing maid costume- not outrageous, my

mistress likes cute, not grotesque.” “Sturdy high chair, with perhaps a footrest, so that when the lady takes her naughty boy over her

knee he is completely off the ground.” “The schoolmarm.” “The Scottish Tawse (Lochgelly type) and more leather goods?” “Training videos for the HOH.” “Two suggestions: (1) I think you could get younger models (just my preference, but I understand the

limitations and difficulties in doing so); and (2) I think that there is a market for more sexually explicit DWC-type spankings. For example, I have never seen a DVD / video where the man is forced to release (perhaps while restrained), and then given a hard spanking. I would enjoy this kind of video. The attraction is that I know that the guy would NOT like that spanking. I bet many DWC men would like this too. But maybe that's too sexually explicit for your website. I might even volunteer for such a video, if my face didn't appear in it.”

“Video of wives using strapons on their husbands.” “Way to meet others nearby....married or non-married.” “Well, I would like to know your feeling about American author if remember correctly Dorothy

Spence and her Spencer Spanking Plan. I would only ever spank to meet the specific needs/requests of my partner.”

“Whips.” “Wider variety of disciplinary implements.” “Wooden Bath brush or hairbrush.”

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Spanking and Discipline I have (select all that apply):

a sexually-related interest in being spanked 79.0% 687 a non-sexual interest in being spanked 40.3% 351

a sexually-related interest in being disciplined 59.9% 521 a non-sexual interest in being disciplined 38.3% 333

a sexually-related interest in spanking others 31.7% 276 a non-sexually interest in spanking others 14.0% 122

a sexually-related interest in disciplining others 19.4% 169 a non-sexual interest in disciplining others 11.5% 100

no special interest in spanking or discipline 1.4% 12 no interest – it’s my partner’s interest 1.1% 10

no interest 0.5% 4 answered question 870 skipped question 380

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club The spanking of children in the society where and when I grew up was (select all that apply):

generally acceptable 74.4% 638 generally not acceptable 7.4% 63

acceptable when administered by parents 44.1% 378 not acceptable when administered by parents 1.4% 12

acceptable when administered by other relatives 18.2% 156 not acceptable when administered by other relatives 5.8% 50

acceptable when administered in school 31.0% 266 not acceptable when administered in school 7.0% 60

acceptable when administered in church 5.7% 49 not acceptable when administered in church 8.2% 70

I don’t know 2.8% 24 answered question 857 skipped question 393

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club The spanking of adults where I now live is (select all that apply):

generally acceptable 7.9% 68 not generally acceptable 24.7% 213

publicly spoken about 2.0% 17 privately spoken about 21.8% 188

never spoken about 33.7% 290 viewed as an odd sexual quirk 32.5% 280 viewed as psychological illness 7.0% 60

I don’t know 21.6% 186 answered question 861 skipped question 389

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Domestic discipline where I now live is (select all that apply):

socially acceptable 5.3% 46 not socially acceptable 23.8% 205

spoken about 2.1% 18 privately spoken about 22.3% 192

never spoken about 34.2% 294 viewed as a odd sexual quirk 24.8% 213

viewed as physiological illness 5.6% 48 I don't know 21.6% 186

answered question 860 skipped question 390

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club How does public opinion about domestic discipline / spanking where you now live affect you (explain)?

284 answered question 284 skipped question 966

“Afraid to discuss spanking with others.” “Amuses me to think what co-workers' reactions would be if they knew- but would be embarrassed.” “At home I am subject to spankings but it is private. I hate getting them, but have been

instrumental in getting my wife to use them for my discipline.” “Because of how it is viewed publically I am forced to keep my desires to myself.” “Because of my husband's job we have to be discreet or careful about public opinion. Outside our

area I verbally announce a spanking in public and don't care who hears me.” “Chilling effect.” “Difficult to find opposite partner; Unable to use current residence for sessions.” “Disinclines me from coming out.” “Doesn’t effect me just disappointing when I suggest it and get the above responses.” “Doesn't affect me, as for me DWC is a personal and intimate matter.” “Doesn't affect me. It's too satisfying and good for our marriage to care what others think.” “Domestic discipline should be normal.” “DWC talk doesn't leave the house.” “Exposure in vanilla media-TV has legitimized and generally assisted our relationship.” “Have to keep it quiet!” “Having never heard of adult spanking, outside of the internet, I have to conclude that it is

something not looked on with favor.” “Hiding the positive effects of discipline, all the great results from other's who are so darned closed

minded. well it makes me sad.” “I am cautious for my career.” “I am reluctant to raise the subject with others, which I regret.” “I believe it is extremely important and am sorry that is still "in the closet" regarding most public

opinion. I am convinced that one of the best things that could happen to our sick society are sound domestic spankings.”

“I believe that because of a public taboo, that my current spouse is very cautious about adopting a DWC lifestyle.”

“I believe that children need some form of spanking, etc. to keep them in line when talking isn't enough.”

“I cannot expose.” “I can't openly express myself.” “I do not discuss it with people that I feel I would make uncomfortable by doing so.” “I do not fit in. I am an outcast.” “I don't care what anyone else thinks. I am a private person.” “I don't discuss it, but if it emerged I would be quite happy about admitting my preference for

female authority and discipline.” “I don't know if there IS a public opinion about sexual discipline. I keep it private because I've

assumed that it would be shocking and be judged. People occasionally make innuendos that are sexually suggestive--some make me laugh.”

“I don't know what public opinion and I am too chicken to find out.” “I don't really know what public opinion is about this subject. If it were more out the open than I

would be comfortable with some people knowing or socializing with other known lifestyles. The only affect is that I keep it and my wife (I think she does!) keep it private for fear of people thinking we're weird or something.”

“I don't really know what the public opinion is, but I do tend to shy away from publicly discussing my desire.”

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“I don't talk about it to anyone other than my lovely wife.” “I doubt I am much affected by it, other than it is simply not talked about. I am not sure what I think

of it myself. There is a difference between sex games of "make-believe" discipline and real discipline, and I haven't quite figured out which this site is about yet.”

“I fear that most would disapprove.” “I have largely come to a point where I accept my need for being disciplined. This means I have

overcome a state in which I was constantly wondering if public opinion might be right and there is something wrong with me. Public opinion still influences me however. It keeps me from being open about those needs and makes secrecy necessary and this can be irksome. I also feel that it is not cowardice that keeps me from being open. I just feel that the people around me simply would not be able to understand. (Sorry for my English).”

“I have not heard it discussed.” “I hold several high positions in the community service and charity arenas and DD is not considered

acceptable sine it can be misused. If found out I would be ejected from these positions and since I feel that I do more good than others have in these positions I would not choose to be exposed for believing in DD so I generally avoid the issue.”

“I ignore it as best I can.” “I keep my desires totally hidden.” “I keep my interest private.” “I keep opinion to myself.” “I keep quiet about it.” “I live in a family orientated suburb. I doubt if anyone spanks their children.” “I live in a huge city...opinion is reserved for the few who are into and know the scene, and within, it's

cool.” “I live in an accepting community, so it affects me in a positive way.” “I mind my own business.” “I now live in a small town, so you got to be very discreet.” “I people knew I was spanked I feel they would think less of me.” “I regret the public option, it makes me angry!” “I think it is a private matter within families.” “I think my wife would be more comfortable with it, and use it more freely if she felt it was part of

normal life.” “I think that discretion should be used in that regard.” “I try to be very discrete.” “I try to ignore public opinion which tends to be biased and uninformed.” “I wish I could be more out in the open about my being disciplined by my wife.” “I wish it could be more open.” “I wish it was spoken about more, it would make it easier to live with.” “I wish it were more open and accepted.” “I would like it to be more acceptable and talked about. There are times I get a warning about

getting spanked or told I am going to be spanked and sometimes it is definitely heard by others. Some of our friends would applaud and others are afraid to react in front of us.”

“I would like it to be more acceptable. I think our society would benefit from firm female discipline.” “I would like it to be more accepted.” “I would like to be more open about the fact that I can and do indeed spank my husband.” “I would very much like to be able to talk and meet others here but it is a very conservative State.” “I would want to be discreet about my interest in DD to avoid any social repercussions from others

who don't understand the interest -- but potentially negative public opinion about DD does not deter me from wanting it to be a part (a key, CENTRAL part) of my life!”

“If someone you know discovers you have female disciplinarian or partner who spanks you, it would be very hard to socially interact with these people again. The embarrassment and teasing would greatly affect me. However, if some of her friends I had not previously known were to find out it would be embarrassing but tolerable. Even if she were to tell them and permit them to watch her administer my spanking, it would be very embarrassing, but also a sexual turn-on at the same

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time, but my spanking would be just as hard and long as we are alone. Ohhhh what a delightful fantasy!!”

“I'm not sure, but my work as an Adult Protective Services Investigator might be scrutinized if my interests in spanking and corporal punishment became public knowledge.”

“Inhibiting.” “Isolating.” “It bothers me.” “It disturbs me, because discipline is not bad if its handled properly?” “It does not affect me at all. I do not care about public opinion. My private habits are my own

business.” “It does not affect me at all. I want to be spanked, and if it could happen full time I would be very

happy.” “It does not affect me. I just do not bother to listen to people with no understanding, it is pointless.” “it does not because we keep it private.” “It does not change my feelings about it. I embrace it as a wonderful part of my life. However, I do

not speak of it publicly.” “It doesn’t affect me I do not believe punishment spankings I received growing up did any harm I

do not recall on reflection having not earned the punishment.” “it doesn’t, aside from having to keep it quiet in my apartment.” “It doesn't affect me apart from not being to find the write forum/stage to speak openly about DD.” “It doesn't affect me at all since Idi what I like in my home and bedroom. I don't feel the need to

share this lifestyle.” “It doesn't affect me at all. I keep this to myself, and I don't go looking for others.” “it doesn't affect me save that it cannot be openly spoken about.” “It doesn't affect me. I have my own ideas about it.” “It doesn't change or affect my lifestyle choice.” “It doesn't it's up to the person to chose this life style if it's up to them then great if they don’t like it

don’t judge and just leave it at that.” “It doesn't really affect me - except that I wish that there was more discussion of and recognition of

the DWC lifestyle in public, and that favorable public opinion of this lifestyle was mainstream and taken for granted. In other words that it was not considered particularly remarkable but was fairly normal practice.”

“It doesn't, because I live in the downtown of a city that is rather open.” “It doesn't. I don't care what other people do. I don't want to know what THEY do. What WE do

works for us. Spanking my husband on a regular basis keeps our marriage calm, cool, and collected. And he doesn't actually LIKE to be spanked anymore, but he enjoys the afterglow of it.”

“It doesn't. My wife spanks me because she knows I need it.” “It doesn't. We are private about it.” “It forces us to be secretive about our DWC lifestyle.” “It has a definite affect not to talk about it.” “It has no effect because no one talks about it.” “It has no positive or negative effect.” “It is a private affair and not shared.” “It is never mentioned.” “It is only spoken of in terms with humor: "I have to ask the Boss" or "She's the Boss" or "She rules the

roost" or I better behave or no sex. An apron on a husband is a good sign that he is under good management at home and probably spanked when he misbehaves.”

“It is rarely discussed.” “It is so mild that it really doesn't. Most other married couples think that we are just really playful, but

they know that I am spanked really hard.” “It is very acceptable were we live. The school spanks my sons on a daily bases, the neighbors are

free to spanks the kids in the neighborhood, and our sons have been sparked by the neighbors. Our coven spanks, both adults and children. There is such great support from the public on

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domestic discipline, that me and my wife have seen other kid’s spanks by their parents in public, and my wife as spanked our sons in public.”

“It just isn't discussed.” “It keeps me in the closet. I cannot share my joys with other than my wife.” “It makes it hard to meet partners.” “It makes it harder to find a partner.” “It makes it more difficult in finding a DWC relationship.” “It makes it very difficult for me to convince my significant other to participate with me in any

domestic discipline activities.” “It makes me be discreet and cautious about discovery of my interests.” “It makes me feel that many people - myself included- are missing out by not being able to talk

freely.” “It makes me sad not to be able to share this. My partner feels frustration that she cannot tell her

family.” “It makes my desires look weird, and there is a need to keep them secret from the outside world.” “It probably would not go over well for most people, but who knows!” “It really doesn’t.” “It really doesn't since I don't get out much. I keep quiet (a lurker I guess) about spanking and don't

think anyone but my wife knows about it.” “It really doesn't. I respect other people's choice to live as they wish and feel I have the right to live

as I wish.” “It requires me to keep my interests confidential.” “It requires that I keep my interest concealed.” “It s opposite than mine but I don t care.” “It would be nice to discuss it with someone.” “It would be socially embarrassing, especially for my wife.” “It’s accepted - no one I know disapproves.” “It’s funny really everyone is publicly anti discipline/spanking but when you talk privately it's very very

different thing.” “It's unheard of and not allowed.” “Keep it private because I assume others would be uncomfortable with it.” “Keeps people in the closet.” “Keeps us from being more open with each other about where the relationship is going.” “Looked down upon.” “Makes finding a DWC partner much harder.” “Makes finding a life partner extremely difficult.” “Makes it a secret.” “Makes it better as it is private.” “Makes it difficult to bring up.” “Makes it harder to be open.” “Makes me discreet about it in public.” “Makes me feel like I’m doing something illegal.” “Makes me very careful, wary, private, introverted.” “Makes me want to get spanked more.” “Makes me want to keep it very private. Makes me feel that it is not really socially acceptable.” “Makes us keep our mouth shut about it.” “My guess is others are doing it in some fashion, but nobody talks about it in social activities. I do my

own thinking about what works.” “My interest in spanking and discipline is contain within a private relationship with my wife and

public opinion does not affect that.” “My intimate relationship with my wife is private and consensual, with or without discipline. We are

religious people, and see consensual sexual activity (that isn't harmful) as a private gift with many acceptable expressions. As long as we are satisfied, private, and discrete, public opinion isn't an issue.”

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“My vanilla spouse does not think it is "proper".” “My wife and I keep our domestic relationship to ourselves. I do talk about it to other likeminded

people on the internet.” “No effect. I am my own person.” “No effect. Spanking and discipline are confined to my private relationships and public opinion has

no bearing there.” “No one talks openly about it here, but I think many men allude to it often. I believe many are being

soundly spanked by their wives at least occasionally.” “Not many people know but I am sure they would be shocked.” “Not really. I get spanked by my neighbor if I turn up my music too loud or I am rude. My mum still

spanks me too.” “Not spoken of.” “Odd to be spanked by my wife.” “Only to the extent of keeping it confidential and discreet.” “Only where children are concerned - people resent campaigners using extreme violence towards

children as an excuse to ban any slight spanking by decent parents.” “Our relationship is very private so there is little to no effect.” “Prefer it kept quiet.” “Prevents me from coming forward.” “Public opinion about domestic adult discipline requires that we keep our disciplinary arrangement

as a private matter.” “Public opinion is favorable. Whether it is or is not would not change my interests or needs.” “Represses sharing, discussion, involvement in.” “Seems everyone mentions spanking often, at work, or at gatherings.” “Seen as something kinky or a fetish but not something to be taken seriously.” “Since it is not spoken about, I am uncertain how common it is.” “Somewhat limiting.” “Spanking material( books, videos, instruments etc,) is much more accessible.” “The community where I live is very conservative, so I have to be very careful about what I say and

do related to my desire for a DWC relationship. It's difficult imagining actually telling someone who lives here about what I'm seeking. This is why it would be nice to meet someone through your site, but there's no woman on there that lives anywhere near me.”

“The nature of spanking keeps it behind closed doors. It also makes it difficult to admit the desire to a potential mate. It seems like no one really has interest in it. My guess is that 99% of the responses you will receive will be from men.”

“This area is so conservative that my wife and I do not discuss our lifestyle openly.” “This is not discussed. My personal opinion what is done between a husband/wife

girlfriend/boyfriend should be between them. It is no one else's business.” “We are cautious in who we confide in.” “We are cautious with friends talking about it all.” “We are very careful.” “We do it in private. Definitely don't talk about it, although my wife will joke about it among friends,

much to my embarrassment.” “We do not care what other people think - we live our life.” “We have to be very secretive.” “We have to keep it private, but then it is a private thing.” “We have to keep the shades drawn a lot, but not much otherwise.” “We keep it a secret.” “We keep our lives private.” “We keep the spanking to ourselves with the general public. But Jane is open about being in

charge. Jane does notice many references to F/m spanking in movies & TV and gets a kick out of it.”

“We/I hate having to keep what we see as perfectly natural and healthy a secret.” “Well I still get spanked, so yes it does.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

“Well in Canada, spanking is viewed at the very least as politically incorrect. This bothers me intensely and I feel the rejection of loving spanking is in part to blame for many of the ills of today's society.”

“What goes on in private by consenting adults is their business.” “Whatever floats ones boat and is between consensual adults is their business.” “Would ruin our careers.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club What are your feelings about discipline in general (select one)?

not important 2.6% 22 somewhat important 16.5% 141

important 33.8% 289 very important 23.7% 203

essential to a healthy society 23.4% 200 answered question 855 skipped question 395

© 2015 Disciplinary Wives Club – Adult Content (not to be viewed by minors) Page 84 of 116

A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club What are your feelings about respect for authority in general (select one)?

not important 4.4% 38 somewhat important 15.9% 136

important 32.8% 281 very important 23.5% 201

essential to a healthy society 23.5% 201 answered question 857 skipped question 393

© 2015 Disciplinary Wives Club – Adult Content (not to be viewed by minors) Page 85 of 116

A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Have you been in trouble with law enforcement (select one)?

just driving/parking violations 43.5% 375 just misdemeanor violations 7.5% 65

felony violations 1.0% 9 none 48.0% 414

answered question 863 skipped question 387

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Sexual What sexual fetishes do you have (select all that apply): spanking 94.3% 779 other BDSM 39.6% 327 cross dressing 22.9% 189 voyeurism 13.4% 111 foot / shoe 16.1% 133 infantilism 6.1% 50 rubber / latex 7.4% 61 leather 18.6% 154 coprophilia / urine 5.3% 44 food 1.0% 8 anal 32.3% 267 furries 0.6% 5 bestiality 1.0% 8 exibitionism 12.1% 100 enemas 20.1% 166 piercing / tattooing 5.3% 44 other (list below) 8.2% 68

answered question 826 skipped question 424

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club What sexual fetishes do you have - other (list)?

150 answered question 150 skipped question 1100

“Armpit fetish.” “Ass kissing/worship, face sitting.” “Ass worship, strap on play, wrestling...like woman who do not shave private parts or even arm pits

or legs...” “Ball busting.” “Being dressed as a girl and then punished.” “Being forced to do things, humiliation (private and in front of friends).” “Being sexually teased and denied.” “Being spanked in a barn by a muscular farm woman.” “Being subjected to total control catheterization.” “Belt, dildo.” “body/leg/foot/anal worship, Power exchange, anal training, forced femme.” “Bondage.” “Bondage, lingerie,.” “Bondage, restraints.” “Both of us being spanked by 2 women and then having great sex!” “Buttocks & vulva.” “Cane, whip, bondage, knickers,.” “CBT.” “CBT, tease and denial, orgasm control, bondage.” “Cfnm.” “Chastity.” “Chastity belt.” “Chastity, cuckoldry.” “Circumcision.” “Collar and leash rope bondage.” “Coprophilia / urine.” “Corner time, urtication (nettle stinging).” “Cuckolding.” “Cunnilingus after spanking.” “Discipline.” “Discipline spankings by spouse.” “Enforced chastity.” “Face slapping, CFNM.” “Female domination.” “Female domination, strap-on play,.” “Female superiority.” “Female supremacy.” “Femdom fantasies.” “Foot/leg/butt fetish, body worship, forced femme, anal training.” “Forced chastity.” “Forced feminization.” “Forced feminization, strap-on.” “Fuck my woman in the butt.” “Getting spanked getting enemas dressing like a girl.” “Hairbrush.” “Humiliation.” “Humiliation public.”

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“Humiliation, toys.” “I don’t consider above a fetish, was petticoat punished by female teacher when I was 12, have

been that almost two year old naughty girl ever since.” “I have a desire for D&S.” “I have a humiliation tie. While definitely not into cross-dressing, an apron, panties and fuzzy slippers

to do chores in, adds a bunch of humiliation. Also others knowing about it and supporting it as they do.”

“I have the right to have sex with as many other men as I desire. My husband supports this and suggested that we pursue this.”

“I like face setting.” “I like my wife to dress up in short skirt tights and high heels and give me an OTK spanking with her

hand and homemade paddle.” “I like to be spanked while wearing women's panties (I refer to them as my "punishment panties"),

but I'm not a cross-dresser.” “I love all kinds of tactile stimulation: tickling, massage, cuddling and sexual expression including

mutual masturbation, giving and receiving oral sex, and ass play.” “I love leather belt spankings. Love to see ladies with wide thick belts and tight jeans.” “I want (need?) a strict and firm but fair and loving mother figure in my life. Is that a fetish? I don't

know. Enemas. I do not like getting an enema, but she enjoyed giving them, especially when she learned I did not care for it. It was a true punishment, and I got something out of that. She had a saying: "Nothing takes the macho out of a man like a good three H enema.”.”

“I want to be dominated by a woman and forced to obey her at all time, Forced feminization is a strong possibility.”

“I'm not intense about any one fetish, but open to many in the context of being dominated by my wife.”

“Interracial and cuckolding.” “Just spanking and light restraint.” “Kissing and licking a woman's ass.” “Leather.” “Leg fetish; Panty fetish; Stocking (Full-Fashioned Seamed from 1940's) fetish; Tights fetish; Leotards

fetish.” “Lift & carry, female muscle worship, strap-on, finger fuck.” “Light bondage.” “Love to be put in dress size plastic bags (from the cleaners), with head extending out from top.

There is a slight opening for the coat hanger that can be widened. Then covered up with many blankets; the sweating begins slowly and accelerates. Masturbation follows. Or, with the right girl, after much sweating (1-2 hours in the bag), she tears a hole in the right spot and rides the moose hanger. Usually while wearing a tight swimming cap. Also, anal while both parties wear a gas mask.”

“Male chastity control by dominant lady; bondage by dominant lady.” “Many (but not all) of the above at very low level.” “Medical fetish.” “Medical, bondage.” “Mild bondage.” “Mouth soaping.” “My wife's panties are very erotic as they cover and caress her precious and desired sexual treats.

Being asked to wear an apron or teasing that I wear panties. Teased that if I don't behave I will have to wear a chastity device.”

“Nasty sex as long as I can make her cum.” “No others.” “None that I know, except to admire women.” “Nude male dressed women.” “Orgasm denial.” “Otk spanking.”

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“Panty sniffing.” “Panties.” “Panties ,diapers, plastic pants.” “Panties, aprons, tease and denial, male chastity.” “Panties, corsets, stockings.” “Panties, hot pants, being publicly spanked and humiliated.” “Panties-prefer women in traditional full-cut briefs.” “Panty Girdles, Stockings, Heels. I love how my Girlfriend looks when she wears them. It’s very

empowering when she does and it adds to her power, especially when applying her paddle to me.”

“Pantyhose.” “Pantyhose and cuckold.” “Physical pain, sexual denial (chastity belt), cuckold, humiliation in front of my children, parents,

friends by my wife. Bisexuality.” “Public spanking and bi-spanking.” “Queering, cunnilingus, face-sitting, rimming, analingus.” “Rectal temperature.” “Reverse f/m face sitting and bottom kissing. (Mutual interest) general f/m sexual dominance and

control. Mild age play.” “Ritual, primal submission and power exchange. Strip poker. (Here I’d insert emoticon, were I to do

that sort of thing).” “Shaving of genital area.” “Since childhood I have like wearing panties. My wife was very accepting (fortunately). She usually

had me wear panties for spankings.” “Sissy training.” “Sissy boy, exhibit cock sucking, strap-on entry, gangbang.” “Smoking.” “Smoking fetish, D/S play.” “Smothering, strap-on.” “Some interest in ‘forced feminization.’ (e.g. Being required to wear ‘punishment panties’ at times in

conjunction with being spanked by my female partner). I also am somewhat intrigued with the idea of ‘mouth-soaping’ in conjunction with being disciplined for foul language or speaking disrespectfully about or to my female partner.”

“Spanking.” “Spanking .wearing lingerie.” “Spanking in the hands.” “Stockings.” “Stockings, panties, spanking.” “Strap-on.” “Strap-on discipline.” “Strap-on intercourse with my husband.” “Submission and strap-on.” “The infantilism aspect is just on my husband’s side. He has ‘accidents’ where he wets or messes his

pants and I spank and then diaper him. There is no scat play. He also has a big fetish for seeing me in white nylon (granny?) panties. I always wear them while spanking him, and around the house in general. It keeps him semi-aroused, and when a spanking is in order, he slips into obedient-boy mode quicker, I've found, because of it. His mother spanked him until he was 16, and she also wore these panties around the house. This is where this all came from for him. I'm happy to oblige. I prefer these panties anyway! And I love taking this big strong man and reducing him to a red bottomed boy in the corner – all with a very maternal, caring, attitude on my part.”

“The women’s slipper, and its use on my bottom.” “Thong.” “To be spanked by my wife and her sister.”

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“To spank my mate.” “Vintage ladies underwear.” “Wearing girdles and panties.” “Wearing ladies panties & CB 6000 male chastity device.” “Whipping.” “Whips, canes, humiliation.” “White brief fetish.” “Wife is master.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you own adult-oriented materials, what is the subject matter (select all that apply)?

vanilla male / female 31.2% 184 vanilla female / female 12.9% 76

vanilla male / male 2.4% 14 male / female spanking 69.5% 410

female / female spanking 40.2% 237 male / male spanking 7.5% 44 other fetish (list below) 23.2% 137

answered question 590 skipped question 660

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you own adult-oriented materials, what is the subject matter - other (list)?

194 answered question 194 skipped question 1056

A few where the woman spanks the man.” “Adult babies, panties.” “All F/M spanking.” “Bondage how-to videos.” “BDSM.” “BDSM and femdom.” “BDSM, fetish.” “Bondage applied to male, role exchange, feminization, sexual slavery, forced chastity.” “Books, magazines, DVD’s.” “CBT.” “Cuckolding femdom.” “Cross dressing.” “Cross dressing; female domination.” “Cross dressers/males.” “Diapers, enemas.” “Dominant female with strap-on. Female bondage.” “Dominant female.” “Enema.” “Enema videos, female/male videos.” “Enemas, medical, bondage, BDSM, female domination/male submission, corporal punishments,.” “Enforced cross dressing.” “Erotic/disciplinary enemas, Strap-on play (F/M).” “F/m spanking paddling etc.” “F/M Spanking videos/DVDs.” “F/M spanking/discipline.” “Face sitting/ass worship.” “Face setting and sexually dominate women.” “Face sitting, forced-bi.” “Female / male spanking with me being the spanked and spanker as switch.” “Female / male spanking, other aspects of femdom, e.g. male housework.” “Female /male disciplinary spankings by a true maternal disciplinarian.” “Female domination.” “Female domination and forced cross dressing.” “Female domination, wife domination, enforced male chastity, female-male spanking, strap-on

female.” “Female spanking males, foot/leg fetish.” “Female strap on used on male.” “Female superiority.” “Female/male spanking and BDSM.” “female/male spanking and discipline.” “female/male spanking and strap on discipline.” “Females spanking males. Erotic literature about married couples where they begin to adopt

spanking of the husband and then the wife also takes control of their sex life and his cock becomes her cock and she decides when he will get sexual relief. Masturbation by the male and the wife finding out, finding his adult material, or catching him in the act and then their relationship changes where sex is for her pleasure, and his, but he is not allowed to masturbate any longer as it is a form of cheating and drains him of his energy and desire to please her.”

“Femdom Spanking & Discipline, Male Chastity & 'Forced Feminization'.” “Golden showers.”

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“Hubby has panty pics and videos - full cut nylon brief panties. Some panty or underwear pooping stuff. Nothing too gross. Lots of female/male spanking stuff.”

“I read a number of spanking blogs on line, DWC and belong to a number of yahoo spanking groups.”

“Lady Green's F/m book. (Title eludes me atm.) A couple of photo books with women in fetish wear.”

“Large black breasts.” “Large black dildo for strap on and training hubby.” “Large Natural Breasts, BBW women.” “Lesbian, chastity, dildos.” “Light B&D stuff (handcuffs, spanking toys, etc.) and a small assortment of vibrators.” “M/f and f/f bondage.” “Male anal dildo.” “Many forms of adult spanking. Female dominance.” “Medical equipment, punishment implements, restraints.” “Medical, bestiality, Asian.” “Men spanked by ladies.” “Most of my stuff is female/male spanking. But there is very little good stuff out there.” “Mostly all related to spanking & discipline.” “Mostly spanking and S&M.” “Multiple topics are covered involving committed partners.” “Nudist.” “Pegging and spanking, female spanking male.” “Queening, cunnilingus, face-sitting, analingus.” “She male.” “Shibari.” “Spanking hogtied.” “Spanking, caning.” “Thong, voyeur.” “Toys and videos of bisexuality.” “Vanilla straight, female domination.” “Vibrator.” “Vintage porn.” “What adult materials I own are female/male spanking and female dominant bondage/discipline.” “Women or wives spanking men.” “Women spanking men and women.” “Women spanking men, women strip searching men.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you own, or subscribe to, spanking materials, from which vendors (select all that apply)?

Brooks Applications 30.1% 110 DWC 40.4% 148

Mood Productions 3.3% 12 Nu-West / Leda 44.5% 163

Pacific Force 16.9% 62 Shadow Lane Productions 37.7% 138

Raven Hill Studios 10.7% 39 Kink.com 4.4% 16

other (list below) 18.3% 67 answered question 366 skipped question 884

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you own, or subscribe to, spanking materials, from which vendors - other (list):

91 answered question 91 skipped question 1159

“Adams.” “Alt.com.” “British videos, need a place to rent.” “Cafe Boudoir and Lulu Press from the Internet has good spanking and Wife as disciplinarian in the

marriage, as well as lots of stories on male chastity, female domination.” “California Star.” “Cameo Classics.” “Canes 4 Pain.” “Downloads from various female /male spanking groups.” “Downloaded from web.” “Endart.” “Evergreen.” “Far East Media, London Tanners, paddle and riding crop vendors (can't recall specifics).” “Greenery Press.” “Hotspankings.com.” “How to spank your man by Miss Francy. The Spank Mind also written by Miss Francy.” “I have subscribed to many spanking websites over the years.” “I only want to start getting products from here.” “I usually get stories off the internet for free.” “Internet websites -- Spanking Digest; Spanking blog; Otk Spanking; Spanking Brats; and Far East

Media.” “Janus.” “JT's Stockroom, Blowfish, Mr. S.” “Kelly Payne, Nina birch.” “LBO.” “Local store, internet shop.” “London Tanners, Canes4pain, Adam & Gillians, UK cane suppliers.” “Maam.” “Made or acquired myself (cut bamboo canes growing wild for home).” “Men in pain.” “Movies and whip.” “Mrs. Francy.” “Nina birch.” “Nu-west.” “Ona Zee.” “Own numerous publications, in a variety of formats and topics, from a wide variety of publishers.

Too numerous to list. No paid subscriptions.” “Real Spanking Productions (including women spanking men), Tantrum trainers, Boys Boarding

School, Firm Hand Productions.” “Realspankings.com, women-spanking-men.com.” “RGE.” “Russia Spanking Club.” “RVS, Syren.” “Sardax, WHAP magazine, Leg Show, and a LOT of literature and books by Carmenica Diaz from

Cafe Boudoir.” “Scarlet Hill.” “Scottish tawse.” “Shadow lane.”

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“Spanking Services.” “Spankthis and hotspanking.” “Specialist vendors.” “Tantrumtrainers.com.” “The Spanking Couple.” “Tickleberry.com.” “Wilder Street Publishing.” “Wildfire (canes), Adam & Gillian (switch), ebay (tawse).” “Women-spanking-men.com.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club How many of each type of spanking implements do you own (enter the number of each)?

brushes 82.0% 570 paddles 85.5% 594

straps 76.1% 529 canes 66.0% 459 other 45.9% 319

answered question 695 skipped question 555

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Just for Fun What is your astrological sign (select one)?

Aries (born 21 March-20 April) 9.2% 75 Taurus (21 April-21 May) 7.6% 62

Gemini (22 May-22 June) 9.4% 76 Cancer (23 June-23 July) 8.7% 71

Leo (24 July-23 August) 8.6% 70 Virgo (24 August-23 September) 9.6% 78

Libra (24 September-23 October) 8.3% 67 Scorpio (24 October-22 November) 8.6% 70

Sagittarius (23 November-22 December) 7.4% 60 Capricorn (23 December-19 January) 7.9% 64

Aquarius (20 January-19 February) 7.9% 64 Pisces (20 February-20 March) 6.8% 55

answered question 812 skipped question 438

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club What is your partner's astrological sign (select one)?

Aries (born 21 March-20 April) 8.2% 58 Taurus (21 April-21 May) 7.6% 54

Gemini (22 May-22 June) 11.3% 80 Cancer (23 June-23 July) 7.9% 56

Leo (24 July-23 August) 9.6% 68 Virgo (24 August-23 September) 8.9% 63

Libra (24 September-23 October) 6.9% 49 Scorpio (24 October-22 November) 10.0% 71

Sagittarius (23 November-22 December) 7.7% 55 Capricorn (23 December-19 January) 8.2% 58

Aquarius (20 January-19 February) 8.2% 58 Pisces (20 February-20 March) 5.8% 41

answered question 711 skipped question 539

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club What is your favorite color (select one)?

black 8.2% 67 blue 43.9% 359

brown 0.7% 6 gray 1.2% 10

green 13.0% 106 orange 1.5% 12

pink 4.0% 33 purple 4.8% 39

red 16.2% 132 yellow 3.2% 26 white 1.1% 9 other 2.2% 18

answered question 817 skipped question 433

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club What hobbies do you have (select all that apply):

reading 63.6% 526 TV watching 60.8% 503

spending time with family / kids 40.1% 332 fishing 15.6% 129

gardening 21.0% 174 playing team sports 11.6% 96

going to movies 32.3% 267 swimming 18.3% 151

golf 19.2% 159 socializing with friends / neighbors 36.0% 298

computer activities 55.6% 460 walking 36.0% 298

exercise 37.7% 312 traveling 40.5% 335

listening to music 48.2% 399 renting movies 23.8% 197

boating 16.0% 132 hunting 8.2% 68 relaxing 27.0% 223

sewing / crocheting / knitting 1.9% 16 bicycling 19.2% 159 sleeping 15.6% 129

hiking 18.3% 151 eating out 47.4% 392 shopping 15.4% 127

crafts 7.5% 62 fine arts 13.3% 110 cooking 30.5% 252 dancing 9.2% 76

motorcycling 10.3% 85 watching sports 34.5% 285

photography / videography 21.3% 176 video games 13.1% 108

board / card games 18.7% 155 other 12.6% 104 none 0.2% 2

answered question 827 skipped question 423

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club What do you listen to on the radio (select all that apply)?

alternative 17.7% 143 big band 12.6% 102

blues 17.2% 139 children's 0.9% 7 classical 34.1% 276 country 30.5% 247 dance 7.8% 63

easy listening 28.7% 232 folk 12.6% 102

gospel 5.9% 48 heavy metal 10.9% 88

hip-hop 5.9% 48 jazz 24.2% 196

Latin 4.9% 40 new age 8.5% 69

oldies 35.0% 283 opera 5.7% 46

pop 23.6% 191 punk 5.2% 42

rap 4.6% 37 R&B 15.5% 125

reggae 9.1% 74 rock 41.3% 334 soul 11.1% 90

soundtrack 6.9% 56 talk radio 34.1% 276

techno 4.1% 33 world music 6.9% 56

other 3.3% 27 I don't listen to the radio 4.0% 32

answered question 809 skipped question 441

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

Your Thoughts How did you hear about this DWC demographic survey (select one)?

the DWC website 71.6% 581 received an email invitation 0.6% 5

word of mouth 2.0% 16 found it myself 15.0% 122

other 10.7% 87 answered question 811 skipped question 439

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Did you participate in the previous DWC survey (select one)?

yes 22.3% 179 no 77.7% 624

answered question 803 skipped question 447

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Are you interested in participating in (select all that apply)?

future DWC surveys 77.1% 581 DWC focus groups 33.0% 249

DWC mentoring 27.9% 210 DWC forums 38.5% 290

I am not interested in further participation 15.9% 120 answered question 754 skipped question 496

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club Do you have any comments about this survey (explain)?

138 answered question 138 skipped question 1112

“Anything, including this survey, that promotes domestic discipline and spanking in a good light, and

not a weird kink is a good thing. Thank you for creating it and keeping it up.” “As surveys go, this one seems to be very well done.” “Concerned about maintaining privacy; Incorporate European attitudes.” “Excellent.” “Excited about this survey, very well thought out.” “Few people have just one favorite color. At least I can never choose just one. Several questions

didn't have the answer that best fit me.” “Focus is only on DWC lifestyle, which is understandable. My interests are more towards spanking

and discipline for purposes other than behavior modification. Although the idea is appealing to me, it would be nice to expand my understanding of other practices as well.”

“For those of us who have had more than one DWC relationship, it would have been helpful to specify whether the questions should relate to the current DWC relationship, or the longest lasting DWC relationship, etc.”

“Good job! Can't wait to see the results.” “great survey.” “Great survey. But I would like to have heard more detail about how spankings really work in a

functional sense to make women more aware of the benefits for them.” “Great, quite liberating for me.” “Hello I feel that the DWC is an excellent recourse for those interested in spanking and or discipline. I

am not certain how I would feel if my wife gave me a severe discipline spanking. I desire to feel her loving feminine control and to be almost constantly aroused by her. I love to give her pleasure and wish that we had more time to play and enjoy each other. I feel that couples need to explore spanking and finds what best suits them as a couple. Thanks for recourse and for helping others.”

“Hope it is private.” “How about more info on spanking types, frequencies, and implement comparisons.” “I am in a mutual domestic discipline relationship. We have lists and short term goals. You know...

We also trade Dom weekends.” “I am interested to know that there are other relationships like we have.” “I am interested my wife would have nothing to do with it and would be furious if she knew of this.” “I am really impressed with the extent of this survey and how much it encompasses.” “I could not say what year I first saw the DWC website because I don't remember.” “I don't fit the categories offered. For example my wife spanks me, but there is no assumption of her

superiority or HOH status. It's sort of a "get even" thing, plus it turns me and her on sexually. She doesn't want to be spanked, even though she could use it, in my opinion.”

“I don't have a partner.” “I don’t think it applies to non-DWC people.” “I feel it helps men acknowledge the superiority of women.” “I get spanked all the time, so I know how it feels, but it’s for my own good.” “I had expected the survey to be more focusing on DWC practices.” “I have had some debilitating health problems over the last two years. As a result, some of my

answers differed from what I would have normally given, especially in regards to hobbies and activities.”

“I haven't seen the results of the last one and I am curious.” “I hope it helps people like me to find ways to successfully get a CP style relationship going.” “I like that spanking is taught to women as a dominate method of leading.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club

“I love the idea of you surveying and getting this information and publishing it. I think it helps to know that there are others that are interested in this lifestyle.”

“I read the results of the first survey and found them interesting...letting me know my situation is not unique.”

“I really liked this and it was helpful to me.” “I think it’s useful to encourage communication. Results of the first survey were encouraging in that

they seemed to show that the sort of people interested in this lifestyle seemed to be fairly ordinary, and not particularly extreme or from any particular background.”

“I think the more we learn about our needs the more we benefit from that knowledge.” “I think this was a very good and complete survey.” “I think surveys can help educate.” “I thought that it was good.” “I thought the questions were pretty good.” “I would be interested in more information on what wives want to see from their husbands as a result

of the lifestyle.” “I would like detailed questions about your spankings: duration, frequency, implements, locales,

witnesses, positions, relationships, paid spankers, etc.” “Interesting.” “Interesting range of questions.” “It could ask how spanking started, when first spanked, etc. How often spanked now, for what, etc.” “It did make me think.” “it is very good that you do this work.” “It is well thought out, many pertinent points.” “It seems odd that for something that sounds so specific as DWC, spanking, discipline etc. that it has

been so difficult to find others who are on the "same page" personally. Everyone really does seem to have their own ideas in terms of what it's all about. It's very difficult even to imagine what to expect. I wonder if I might be as lucky in finding somebody in the grocery store versus an actual concerted effort through a web site dedicated to such.”

“It was interesting.” “It was nice.” “It was the best survey I have every taken!” “It was very interesting and I enjoyed the open questions.” “It’s good to get the public’s opinions on a regular basis.” “It's just great.” “Just being able to fill out this form is an unburdening of what society would snigger at and regard

as a dirty little secret. Thanks for giving me the opportunity for half an hour of relief I am so terribly grateful to you that it has brought tears to my eyes xxx.”

“Just wish I had a relationship that would get me spanked on a regular basis.” “Keep up the good work!” “Long.” “Many questions did not cover my particular situation therefore some answers could not be given

accurately.” “More communication is needed about the spanking/discipline lifestyle.” “More questions should be asked about how many times you are spanked, either by your wife,

mother, sister, friends, children and so on.” “Nice survey - my compliments!” “Nicely done. I am a retired shrink. Perhaps some people would like reassurance from a shrink-

spanko.” “Not enough questions about getting spanked.” “Not very interesting. Filled out the entire survey waiting for something interesting that never came

up. Don't know why anyone would really care about any of this.” “Please consider a traveling seminar for couples to get more information.” “Probably should have had "engineering" as a career choice (I have been told that many people in

engineering have an interest).”

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“Seems fine to me.” “Seems to go a bit off track at the end.” “Should provide meaningful profiles.” “Some interesting questions.” “Some of the questions didn't have adequate response choice, or was too restrictive about what

could be entered - year of finding DWC for example.” “Some of the questions I could not answer as there was no option that matched exactly. For

example, am trained in complementary medicine, time-line therapy, and with time I have become more and more interested in druid beliefs and shamanism, and while I am ok with all religions. For myself I would describe myself is not specifically religious but devoutly spiritual. (I also respect Wicca as belief system.)”

“Some of the questions seem to have little or no relevance to the big question (in my mind) - why give control to someone. When no sexuality is there, what is the motivation to give up some freedom?”

“Surveys, such as these, help me to get in touch with my own desires, as much as they give you information, so I find them useful and beneficial. It would be nice if somehow they could be useful in finding a partner.”

“Thank you for attempting to find out what makes a person who needs a spanking tick.” “Thank you for taking the time and effort to produce this survey.” “Thank you for the opportunity.” “Thank you for the opportunity to express my deepest feelings.” “Thank You.” “Thanks for letting me participate.” “The last one was amazing. I read the report and I was truly impressed.” “There's nothing about scolding.” “This is a bit too much spanking orientated!” “This is awesome, thank you so much.” “Thoughtful.” “Thorough, if nothing else, but I enjoyed it.” “Time will tell but this type of survey can only help.” “Too new for me.” “Very good survey and exhaustive.” “Very good. I think you should do a soft / intro one for people who have never heard about it that

members could email to friends and family.” “Very important. Thank you!” “Very informative.” “Very interesting, looking forward to reading results, when compiled.” “Very interesting.” “Very professionally orchestrated.” “Very thorough.” “Very thorough- should produce accurate profiles.” “Very well constructed, well thought out.” “Very well done.” “Very well written and presented! Easy to complete.” “What a great survey. Kudu’s to you.” “Wish I had seen it earlier, and hope that it remains up so that I can publicize it for a while longer.” “Would be interested in online chat room sponsorship, either constantly or for the focus group.” “Would like to hear more from others in comment sections.” “Would like to see results of the "other" fetishes. I am impressed by your codeword idea. (My wife

only tolerates spanking me. She would not participate in the survey if I were to beg her.).” “Would like to take the first survey! I'm curious how many other women find this to be a maternally-

based spanking situation. My husband wants to relive childhood spankings and punishments. Curious if others are like this. Also curious about other childhood punishments that might be employed - time out, grounding, force to wear just underwear all day, diapers, etc.”

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A Demographic Survey of the Disciplinary Wives Club If you could ask a question in a DWC survey, what would it be (provide question)? 138

answered question 138 skipped question 1112

“(Ask women) Do you employ corner time?” “Are maintenance spankings important to your DWC relationship?” “Are there non-spanking punishments given and list or explain.” “Are there reasonable ways to participate in a DWC lifestyle if your spouse will not cooperate but is

fully aware of how you feel?” “Are you a genetic male? If you are, are you, in any way, ashamed of your submissive desires? If so

why (explain)?” “Are you happy in your DWC relation?” “Are you interested in strictly DWC or also switching disciplinary roles with your partner?” “As a DWC member, would you be willing to discipline a deceased former members spouse when

needed?” “Ask for female/male when asking what type of spanking material one is interested in. The choices

were male/female, female/female and male/male.” “Ask the women how they felt when first approached by their partner.” “Assuming some of the men are like me, just having a need to be spanked, why do you deem it

necessary for him to give up being HOH?” “At this point, after devoting this much time to the survey, I'm out of time. Provide an address to send

questions to.” “At what age did you realize you needed to be spanked by a woman?” “At what age in your life did you take an interest in domestic spanking/discipline?” “Could I get back to you on that one? I think I might have several I would like to suggest!” “Could I review the results?” “Did your parents have a DWC relationship?” “Do DWC women have a strong desire for spanking a man who has a nice round, firm, bottom?

Does an attractive bottom become a high priority?” “Do men in the DWC relationships deliberately misbehave to provoke punishment?” “Do wives believe that secret male masturbation is a form of cheating? Should a male only be

allowed to masturbate with permission from his spouse? Should wives control when and if their husband should ejaculate? Is a sexually frustrated husband a more obedient husband?”

“Do you feel that being disciplined by multiple women in the same session will improve your behavior? (It has mine.)”

“Do you feel your partner is open to the DWC lifestyle? Are you comfortable discussing your desire for the DWC with your partner?”

“Do you get sexual satisfaction when disciplining.” “Do you have sex after spanking.” “Do you like to be spanked in front of others?” “Do you offer local mix/mingle meetings?” “Do you receive pleasure from the pain during the punishments?” “Do you want to be spanked OTK or told to bend over and grab your ankles?” “Do you wear panties to receive a spanking?” “Do you wish to communicate confidentially with other individuals either interested in or engaged in

the DWC lifestyle? I'd be very interested in some candid conversation, socializing, and familiarity.”

“Do you wish to meet other DWC couples or couples interested in establishing a DWC relationship that live in your area?”

“Does corner time or underwear punishment come into play in some relationships?” “Does your DWC partner have you dress in panties or other female clothing?” “Finding that special lady, but you asked that in the relationship question.” “Frequency and intensity of discipline.”

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“Getting your wife to differentiate between your desire to be spanked for sexual reasons, and disciplinary spankings.”

“Have you ever had an orgasm while being spanked? If so, how often?” “Have you ever resented a punishment? Have you ever regretted giving a punishment? Do you find

you get fed up of being in charge? Do you feel like his mother? Has your man become more childish or more mature as a result of this lifestyle?”

“Hmmm, I don't know. Just thanks again for creating it and good luck.” “How active is your sex life? Daily, twice a week, three times a week, weekly, twice a month,

monthly, less than once a month. Also, does your DWC relationship carry into the bedroom, or are you equals there?”

“How can I convince my wife to take part in this lifestyle?” “How can I find more info?” “How can I help promote the DWC lifestyle?” “How can I meet a devoted, loving, monogamous woman who is interested in spanking?” “How can one (male) find partners or groups related to the subject of spanking?” “How common is it for the partner in charge to require her sub to shave his intimate areas as a sign

of submission.” “How could I best proceed to find a dominant partner?” “How could you delicately make young women more aware of the benefits of a DWC type

relationship and let them know how many quality men would be available marriage prospects if they only knew?”

“How did you first know that you found spanking a sexual turn on?” “How did you meet your most recent DWC partner (list of options plus "other")?” “How did your DWC relationship come about? How effective is it? What problems have occurred, if

any, in the relationship?” “How do I approach my wife about the lifestyle, and how do I get her interested?” “How do i get my partner to actively use discipline to make our relationship better?” “How do I get my partner to take part in this lifestyle?” “How do I get my wife to get into it?” “How do you develop a DWC relationship with a mostly vanilla wife with severe arthritis pain in the

hands, arms and shoulders?” “How do you find a good woman who will spank just because she enjoys it.” “How do you get a spouse interested in becoming the significant other in a spanking environment?” “How do you get your wife to be okay with this?” “How do you get your wife to enter into a DWC relationship when you have talked to her about it

and she is not interested? What are the options when this happens? (This is my situation.)” “How do you persuade a spouse, who will not even talk about the subject, that you need to be

spanked periodically?” “How does a DWC male deal with extreme feeling of shame and embarrassment about his need for

f/m discipline, etc? How does a DWC male know if his wife/partner's view of him has changed because of his special need?”

“How does one find a partner just for a spanking relationship?” “How does the discipline mesh with female superiority and domination in your life?” “How does your wife spank you?” “How hard do you need to be spanked before erection disappears?” “How long have men wanted to be dominated by their wives. Is it a new concept or has it been

around forever?” “How many men actually cry during a spanking? I try not to cry when my girlfriend spanks me but if

she is very angry and gives me a really hard, long spanking I can't help crying, and it is so embarrassing.”

“How many swats with a Spencer paddle do most wives give for a punishment paddling?” “How many use maintenance spankings to reduce the number of discipline spankings needed?” “How many women actually enjoy giving spankings?”

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“How many women spank until their partner actually cries? How many women have assumed control of other things such as household money matters?”

“How often are you spanked.” “How often do you need or like to be spanked or give a spanking?” “How often do you receive discipline. Is DWC full time or just selected times?” “How to find more women who like to spank.” “How to get started.” “How to meet or introduce a partner to the lifestyle.” “I find it hard to truly chat with others about it and when I do I get chastised for wanting others to

comment on my questions and thoughts. You need more structure for new members to learn from older members and help with the problems that may arise.”

“I think it would be good to ask what DWC wives find difficult when living in the lifestyle.” “I think there should be an ‘active couples’ only survey. Questions like, how long have you been

doing this, how has it made your life better, how often do you spank, how hard, tears, who decides when a spanking will happen, do children/parents/siblings know, other than when a spanking is taking place how does your family life differ from a non-spanking couple etc. I think that it would provide some good info to curious couples.”

“I would just like help as my fiancé and I develop this relationship.” “I'd like more questions about the spankings themselves, ie: how hard, is it important to be made to

wail uncontrollably, safe words or not etc.” “If you are interested in DWC relationship, but your partner is not, Why not?” “If you are married, do you bring up your children in this lifestyle. Explain why or why not. If you are

married, how many times does your wife spank you? Do your family members spank you? How often and by whom?”

“If you are not in a DWC relationship, do you really know how to find one?” “If you aren't in a DWC lifestyle and would like to be, why not?” “If you role-play in your DWC spanking, are a mommy, aunt, wife, female boss, policewoman,

other?” “If your wife/girlfriend experienced abuse as a child and was initially against DWC but came around

- what can you tell us about how that changed for her?” “I'll think about that one after I read your other survey and email in later.” “Is corner time (a) an essential part, (b) an incidental part, (c) not part of your DWC relationship?” “IS DD a secret society in the UK?” “Is receiving discipline or submission to your partner more important to you? Or conversely, is

delivering discipline or dominating your partner more important to you?” “Is your partner a good scolder? How does the scolding affect you? Does it hurt as much as the

spanking? Is your face ever slapped? Is your mouth ever washed out with soap?” “It would be a question in view of clarifying the relationship that entails a mix of female and male

led components.” “I've sometimes wondered if there is particular "what you should do next" guidance/suggestions for

a wife considering embarking on this. Perhaps its dealt with in the Disciplinary Wife's Handbook, I wouldn’t' know, but am wondering if there might be a question alluding to how best to access personal advice to women who wish to get this going in their home, or possibly networking for people who wish to meet others in their own geographic area. Perhaps I'm being naive? (Not quite sure what form such a question might take.)”

“More about the identities of witnesses. I’m into that as a concept.” “More knowledge about why I want fetish spanking, as opposed to disciplinary.” “My question is: if both partners agree on following the DWC, and later the man rebels, can the

marriage continue?” “Once experiencing a female lead relationship with all of the improvements made within a

relationship, why has it taken so long to evolve the lifestyle?” “Perhaps asking how discipline is determined.” “Question for males: Do you desire to be dominated and controlled sexually by a female, at least

some of the time? For females: If your male partner had a desire to be dominated and

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controlled sexually by a female, at least some of the time. Would you indulge his fantasy? Would you make it a reality on yours or his terms?”

“Reasons you spank: punishment, fun, maintenance, warning, sexual stimulation, tension release, mood elevation, special occasions (birthday, anniversary, holiday, etc.) entertainment of friends, instruction of other spankers, taking pictures (still/moving), maintain relationship or hierarchy, general reminder, no reason at all (whim), keep regular schedule, etc.”

“Should I let my neighbors, and landlord, spank me? They take me across their knee and pull my jeans down if I am naughty or cheeky. Do I deserve it?”

“The question I ask myself - why can't I do things right without punishment waiting in the wings? Why do consequences of this type work to keep me from procrastination? The ‘OTK to PhD” video may tell.”

“To women: what is an average session like? How do you know when you're done?” “Well, I would want series of questions that determine how many couples are unable to become

involved in spanking as one or the other partner is totally vanilla. In terms of general population, would love to know some statistics on how common/prevalent DWC lifestyle is.”

“Were you spanked as a child and by whom; did it have an impact on you?” “What is this survey to be used for?” “What are the general frequency of spankings; one a day, one a week, one a month, etc? Also,

how sound are they and what are the implements usually used? I was very taken with your concluding sentence in your old ‘tips and methods" that when he is let up his bottom should be blistered, and you do mean blistered.”

“What implement do you prefer for spanking?” “What is the most common reason your wife has for administering a disciplinary spanking?” “What is your attitude about whether males or females are most qualified to be HOH?

Collaboration between the two with no HOH?” “What is your favorite spanking implement?” “What was the primary motivation that got you into a DWC-style relationship?” “What was your parents’ sexual orientation?” “What do you look for in a DWC relationship?” “What, to you, is the most important aspect of a spanking?” “Where do you meet singles that are interested in the lifestyle?” “When did you first receive a spanking from your wife? How does she spank you now? What

implements are used? Does she spank you if she knows you have masturbated? Are you allowed to masturbate without her permission? Are you allowed to view adult-oriented materials without her permission?”

“When did you know that a spanking wasn't just a punishment?” “When did you understand fully that you are interested in DWC lifestyle?” “When spanked, have you ever been brought to tears?” “Where could I find a partner to discipline me?” “Where can a 40's years old female to start?” “Why are more men interested in being spanked, than there are women to spank them.” “Why do you partake in a DWC relationship: fun, discipline, punishment, sexual interest, have no

choice, it's expected?” “Why do you think some people have this kink?” “Would you be interested in contacting a similar minded person on this site?” “You seem to have thought of everything.”

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Acknowledgements First and foremost, the authors wish to extend their appreciation to the survey participants. We appreciate your efforts responding to the survey and your patience in waiting for the results. The sheer number of responses was overwhelming. The time many participants took in writing comments was a testament to peoples’ desire to share their thoughts with others, on a topic that they generally cannot discuss publicly. Because of the large volume of material generated by the survey, the authors felt that it would make the results more accessible to use representative responses, rather than try to include them all. If you participated in the survey and your comments were not included in this report, please know that the authors read and valued all comments, and had to make some very difficult decisions about what to include. Copyright 2015 Disciplinary Wives Club. ”Disciplinary Wives Club,” ”DWC,” and Disciplinary Wives Club’s product names are trademarks of Disciplinary Wives Club (DWC). References to other companies and their products use trademarks owned by the respective companies and are for reference purpose only. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the recipient’s personal use, without the express written permission of the DWC. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The DWC shall not be liable for errors contained herein or consequential damages in connection with furnishing, performance, or use hereof. You certify that you are eighteen (18) years of age or older, you are familiar with all local and federal laws affecting your legal right to access adult-oriented materials, you have the legal right to access adult-oriented materials and the DWC has the legal right to transmit them to you, and you will not share these materials with, make them available to, or make them accessible by, minors or non-consenting adults. This document contains mature adult content, and you may be exposed to content that you find offensive, indecent or objectionable. DWC provides this document for your personal, non-commercial use. This document was generated by the DWC at offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States of America, and the DWC makes no representation that the materials contained herein are appropriate or available for use in other locations, and access to them from jurisdictions where its content is illegal is prohibited. © 2015 Disciplinary Wives Club – Adult Content (not to be viewed by minors) Page 116 of 116