Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 27 (1991) 105-123 North-Holland 105 Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution for exponentially ergodic Markov chains Spiridon Penev * Institute of Applied Mathematics & Informatics, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Received 4 April 1989; revised manuscript received 21 September 1989 Recommended by J. Pfanzagl Abstract: In a classical paper by Dvoretsky, Kiefer and Wolfowitz the asymptotic minimaxity of the em- pirical distribution function in case of i.i.d. observations X1,X,, . . ..X. of the random variable X has been shown. If X,,X,, . . . ,X,,, . . . is only a stationary sequence we still could use the empirical distribu- tion function as an estimator of the (continuous) stationary distribution F. But the question of its asymp- totic efficiency arises in this case. Under some additional assumptions (stationary homogeneous exponentially ergodic Markov sequence) we show that the empirical distribution function is an efficient estimator in a local asymptotic minimax sense. Using the bounded subconvex loss function g(sup, fi IF,,(t)-F(t)J) with g-bounded, increasing, the local asymptotic minimax bound equals Eg(sup IY(t)l) w h ere Y(t) is a certain Gaussian process. AMS Subject Classification: Primary 62G20, 62M05; secondary 62605, 62G30. Key words and phrases: Local asymptotic minimaxity; empirical distribution function; Markov sequences; stability. 1. Introduction The problem of asymptotic minimaxity of the empirical distribution function (EDF) has attracted the attention of many statisticians. In a pioneering paper of Dvoretsky, Kiefer and Wolfowitz (1956) it was shown that in case of i.i.d. observa- tions the EDF is asymptotically minimax among the collection of all continuous distributions. As Millar (1979) notes, “This paper has stood for over 20 years as one of the pivotal achievements of nonparametric decision theory”. One direction for generalizing this result was to show the asymptotic minimax character of the EDF in case i.i.d. among smaller classes of DF’s (such as the class of the concave distributions, the distributions having a decreasing density with respect to Lebesgue measure, the IFR-distributions and so on). * Research partially supported by the Ministry of Culture, Science and Education in Bulgaria; Con- tract 1035. 0378-3758/91/$03.50 0 1991-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution for exponentially ergodic Markov chains

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Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 27 (1991) 105-123



Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution for exponentially ergodic Markov chains

Spiridon Penev *

Institute of Applied Mathematics & Informatics, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Received 4 April 1989; revised manuscript received 21 September 1989

Recommended by J. Pfanzagl

Abstract: In a classical paper by Dvoretsky, Kiefer and Wolfowitz the asymptotic minimaxity of the em-

pirical distribution function in case of i.i.d. observations X1,X,, . . ..X. of the random variable X has

been shown. If X,,X,, . . . ,X,,, . . . is only a stationary sequence we still could use the empirical distribu-

tion function as an estimator of the (continuous) stationary distribution F. But the question of its asymp-

totic efficiency arises in this case. Under some additional assumptions (stationary homogeneous

exponentially ergodic Markov sequence) we show that the empirical distribution function is an efficient

estimator in a local asymptotic minimax sense.

Using the bounded subconvex loss function g(sup, fi IF,,(t)-F(t)J) with g-bounded, increasing, the

local asymptotic minimax bound equals Eg(sup IY(t)l) w h ere Y(t) is a certain Gaussian process.

AMS Subject Classification: Primary 62G20, 62M05; secondary 62605, 62G30.

Key words and phrases: Local asymptotic minimaxity; empirical distribution function; Markov

sequences; stability.

1. Introduction

The problem of asymptotic minimaxity of the empirical distribution function

(EDF) has attracted the attention of many statisticians. In a pioneering paper of

Dvoretsky, Kiefer and Wolfowitz (1956) it was shown that in case of i.i.d. observa-

tions the EDF is asymptotically minimax among the collection of all continuous

distributions. As Millar (1979) notes, “This paper has stood for over 20 years as one

of the pivotal achievements of nonparametric decision theory”.

One direction for generalizing this result was to show the asymptotic minimax

character of the EDF in case i.i.d. among smaller classes of DF’s (such as the class

of the concave distributions, the distributions having a decreasing density with

respect to Lebesgue measure, the IFR-distributions and so on).

* Research partially supported by the Ministry of Culture, Science and Education in Bulgaria; Con-

tract 1035.

0378-3758/91/$03.50 0 1991-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

106 S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution

Kiefer and Wolfowitz (1976) proved the asymptotic minimaxity of the EDF in the

class of all concave distributions. In the papers Millar (1979, 1983), using the

modern technique of convergence of experiments and the general formulation of the

asymptotic minimax theorem of Le Cam (1972), the asymptotic minimaxity of the

EDF among each of the above mentioned (and also other) classes was shown.

On the other hand it was natural to try to generalize the results of Dvoretsky,

Kiefer and Wolfowitz in another direction - namely to avoid the i.i.d. assumption.

Indeed this makes the problem harder, but there exists a result of Billingsley (1968)

in the literature, showing the existence of a limit distribution for the EDF of a sta-

tionary q-mixing sequence of observations. This bolstered our feeling that it could

be done similarly for weakly dependent observations. Also there was the book of

Roussas (1972), showing the possibility to prove local asymptotic minimax optimali-

ty of estimators and tests in parametric situations also in case of observations arising

from stationary ergodic Markov sequences. As far as we know, not much has been

done in applying this in nonparametric situations.

Our contribution here is, using the theory of convergence of experiments, to show

that the (piecewise linear and continuous version of the) EDF for a special class of

stationary ergodic Markov sequences possesses a local asymptotic minimax (LAM)

optimality property.

We do not strive for the utmost generality in the assumptions because this would

make the proofs more involved. Also the discussion will be heuristic in some part.

Let us start with a concise outline of the probabilistic setting we deal with.

We consider a homogeneous Markov chain X= (Xn)nkO taking values in (E, %).

Here E = [0, l] and YI3 its Bore1 a-field. The chain has a regular transition probability

kernel P(x,A),xe [0, l],A E % and (to begin with) arbitrary initial distribution

g(xo). We assume that the following condition holds:

Condition (A). Existence of bounded density, i.e. a bounded function p(y 1 x) on

the unit square such that

P(x,A) = i

P(Y 1 xl dy A

for all A E S& VXE [0, 11 and, moreover, inf, p(y 1 x)26>0 for all Y in a set S with

positive Lebesgue measure h(s) > 0.

This condition has important consequences:

(i) Doeblin’s condition holds.

(ii) There is a uniquely defined invariant probability measure rr for P( . , . ) and

moreover exponential convergence holds, i.e. there exist qe (0, l),a>O such that

;trr ;;g IP”(x,B)--rc(B)I 5aqn for all n.

S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution 107

(Loeve (1960, Chapter VII, 27.3), Doob (1956, p. 197)). Here P”(. , .) denotes the

n-step transition probability kernel.

(iii) If 9(X0) := n then the sequence X= (X,,)nZo is stationary and v-mixing with

v(n) =aq”. Here we use the definition of p-mixing sequence given in Billingsley

(1968, Chapter 20, 20.2).

(iv) 7reA lE. Th’ f 11 is o ows easily from the equality n=nP and the fact that

p( . , . ) is bounded.

Additionally to Condition (A) we assume:

Condition (B). Z- 2 lE.

After these probabilistic preliminaries let us introduce the statistical model we

consider. Suppose we have weakly dependent observations x0, xi, x2, . . . ,x, from a

stationary Markov chain X with (unknown) transition probability kernel P( . , - ) and initial law 9(X0)= 71 satisfying Conditions (A) and (B). The problem is to

estimate the stationary distribution function F. Of course we still could use the EDF

as we would certainly do (relying on the result of Dvoretsky, Kiefer and Wolfowitz)

if the observations were i.i.d. But now the question of the asymptotic efficiency of

this estimator arises. We shall see (Theorem 5.1 and Corollary 5.1) that the

(piecewise linear and continuous version of the) EDF preserves its optimality in a

local asymptotic minimax sense.

2. Perturbations and stability

Now we would like to discuss the difficulties which arise when we try to describe

LAM lower bounds in non-i.i.d. situations. The complexity here is of qualitative

nature. Let us explain it in some words. In order to describe LAM lower bounds

one has to consider perturbations of a given probability structure in a neighborhood of this structure. Now in the i.i.d. case describing such neighborhoods is an easy

job because once perturbed the density for one observation, one has already per-

turbed the whole (product-density) structure. In case of dependency there are much

more possibilities for perturbance. But they also can not be too much because one

has to preserve the main properties of the structure (e.g. stationarity, ergodicity)

after the perturbation. That means that the structure has to possess some kind of


To describe this property we have first to define the perturbations of the chain

in a suitable form.

Let H be the set of all measurable functions h(x,y) on the unit square with

E h2(Xo,X,)< 03, E(h(X,,X,) 1 X0) = 0 almost surely. H is a Hilbert space with

respect to the scalar product

(hi,&) = Eh,Wo,X,MXo,X,).

108 S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution

Let p( . ) denote the density of n with respect to A IE.

We denote the corresponding norm by

llhll ?f = jj h2(x>y)p(_v 1 x)&4 dy h.

Let HO be the subset of all bounded (sup-norm) h E H. Then H, is dense in H

which follows for example from Strasser (1985, Lemma 75.5). For h E HO and suf-

ficiently large n define the (perturbed) transition kernel P,,,\ii; by:

ph/di (XT A ) = c P(Y I-9(1 + W,Wfi) dy = s Ph,dY 1 X> dy. A A

Now we shall see that under small perturbations of the kernel P( . , a) of the form

prescribed the chain X remains geometrically ergodic with invariant probability

=h/di - Tt.

It is obvious that Condition (A) remains valid under small perturbations using

kernels Ph/fi if h E HO and n is large enough for it will exist a positive constant

6, I 6 such that

infph/fi(y 1 x)>dl>o if inf& ) x)z6>0. x x

For n large enough we get transition probability kernels Ph,\i;2(. , . ) satisfying

Condition (A) for all h E H,,. Hence (cf. (ii)- after Condition (A)), a unique in-

variant probability zh,,&, (. ) for Ph/fi(. , . ) exists with nh/j, 4 il for all h E HO.

The following lemma is true:

Lemma 2.1. For n large enough, under the Conditions (A) and (B) it holds

7th/fi -A IEfor all hEHo.

This lemma shows that also Condition (B) remains valid under the small perturba-

tions we consider.

Corollary 2.1. For n large enough, zh/\i;; - rc for all h E HO.

Our next step is to see that not only remain Conditions (A) and (B) valid for the

small perturbations described, but also a kind of stability property is true. To

describe it let us denote by m the set of finite signed measures on [0, l] endowed with

the variation norm 11 . I/ (which makes it a Banach space). The kernel P( . , -) defines

a linear mapping m + m by fiP( .) = 1 p(dx)P(x, . ) for p E m. The norm II . 11 defines

in a natural way a norm in the space of linear bounded operators B : m + m by

IIBII =sup( IIiuBII: lliull% 1). Let us fix some arbitrary d>O. Denote

Kd = h EH: sup lh(x,y)j cd .


S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution 109

The stability property means that for all h E Kd and all n 1 n,(d) a constant C(P)

exists such that

/I n- =h/\in 11 i c(p> 11 ph/\l;l - p 11. (2.1)

In a more general framework and for general norms such stability requirements

are studied in Kartashov (1981) and Kartashov (1984) who considers the so-called

strongly stable Markov chains. For the variation norm we consider it was shown in

Neveu (1964, Chapter V.3.2) (cf. also Kartashov (1981)) that strong stability and in

particular (2.1) is ensured by Doeblin’s condition. Hence (cf. (i) after Condition

(A)), (2.1) holds in our case.

For a given h EH~ and n large enough nh,,,$ --71. Write the density (dn(h,\i,)/

drc)(x) in the form l+&(x). If SUP~,~ lh(x,y))~C, and sup,,,p(y/x)~C,, C=

C, . C,, then: supll~~l c 1 11 pPh,& - P)ll4 I?&%. Hence:

IIPh,fi - PI/ i c/hi. (2.2)

Finally using (2.1) we get:

fill 7r - nh/vs 11 = V%Z " ~h_(x)~(x)~ dKdic(P)lIPh,vi;-P 11 Ice.

1 (2.3)


Write P#,x for the law of X0, Xi,. . . ,X,, under Ph/\ii2( . ) and 9(X0) = nh/&. Denote

by pi;,( .) the density with respect to A lE of the measure ?rh&.

Lemma 2.2. Under conditions (A) and (B) it holds

loi3 dP/$& - (X0, x, 3 . . . >

dP,j”’ X,) =&h-i llhll~+o~,y(l)

where An,h s N(0, I( hll$) under PF’.

3. The construction of the mapping z

Now we want to introduce the main steps in finding the LAM bound for the

estimators or the stationary distribution of the chain. We are going to follow Millar

(1983, Chapter VIII).

Fix some h E Ho. Write v, for zh/“;l and Q,( . , . ) for Ph,dx(. , . ).

Let us consider F J&(u) = 10” pg,(X) dX. It holds:

-iI F,,du) = Fe(u) +

I h-WPW dx.

I; 0

Here, of course, F,(u) = F(u) = jt p(x) d_x = x([O, u]). We have:

&(F,,~(u) -F(U)) = fi [” h-,(x)p(x) ti = G(~, - rr)[~, 4. -0


110 S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution

Crucial in the sequel is the following presentation given in Kartashov (1981) and

Kartashov (1984):

v, = rt(Z- (Q, - P)R)-’ (valid for large n).

Here R = (Z- P+ZZ-' =ZZ+ CT=*=, (P'-ZZ) and ZZ= 1 on is the stationary projector

of the transition kernel P, i.e. ZZ(x, dy) = n[O, 11. rr(dy). By Z we denote the identity

mapping I: m + m and by QP: QP(x,A) = j Q(x, dy)P(y,A). The operator R is

bounded because of the strong stability property (Kartashov (1981, Theorem 1)).

For large n we can present v, as a convergent sum:

v,= ~[Z+(Q,-P)R+((Q,-P)R)2+~~~]

= n(Z+(Q,-P)R)+o(IIQ,-PII)=n(Z+(Q,-P)R)+o(l/fi)

For the last equality (2.2) has also been used.


fi(v, - n)

=&T(Q~-P)R+o(I)=&(Q,-P) ZZ+[!~(P~-n)]+o(l). L

In view of the obvious equality (Q, - P)Zi'= 0 we have:

fi(P,,&-F(u)) =\/;;n(Q,-P,.~~~(P’-n)lo,u)+o(l). (3.2)

Let us denote by #)(y 1 x) the k-step transition density. Then (3.2) may be writ-

ten in the form

fi(Ph,fi(~) -P(u))

111 1 =

I .I’ W, Y)P(Y 1 X)P(X) dx dy

0 0




I ZG,Y)P(Y 1 x)~(x)P’% 1~) kdydz+o(l).

0.0 0

This gives rise to the following definition of the mapping tl : H+B (B - the

Banach space of continuous functions x in [0, 11,x(O) =x(l) = 0, endowed with the

supremum norm):

U 1

rlh(z.4) =

s I h(x,y)P(y 1 X)P(X) tidy

0 0

+ j,

” 1



Z&Y)P(Y I x)P(x)P(% I u) dx dy dz. (3.3) 0 0 0

This mapping could be used for construction of an abstract Wiener space (Millar

(1983)). But at this point we have to overcome some additional difficulties. The

S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution 111

problem is that the mapping ~1: H -+ B lacks the desirable one-to-one property

(many kernel densities ph(y 1 x) with essentially different functions h will yield the

same stationary density pb(x)). In order to make the mapping one-to-one, we

decompose the space H in a direct sum of ker ~~ and its orthogonal complement


Now if hi, h2 E H and hl = hiker + hlkerl, h2 = hzker + hzkerl are their corresponding

decompositions, then rlhl = s,h, iff h, - h2 E ker rl almost surely and this means

h Iker~ = hzkerL almost surely.

Hence if we consider the rather narrower parametrization, using only the

subspace HI instead of the space H, then the mapping T : Hl -+ B (T - restriction of

T, on the space H,) will be one-to-one.

4. The dual mapping T* : B* --+ H:

The closure of TH, in sup-norm gives the space B. The dual space B* coincides

with the set of finite signed measures on [0, 11. Denote by ( . , 1 jB the duality rela-

tion between the elements of B* and B. For a finite signed measure m on [0, l] and

for arbitrary h E Hl we can write

(m, ThjB = (T*m, h) = s*m(s, i’)h(s, t)p(t 1 @p(s) dt ds. (4.1)

Now we remember that the functions h EH satisfy the property

E(h(&,X,) ( X0) = 0 almost surely. Hence for any functions c(s), c~(s)~>~ not

depending on t we can write:

(m, r&n

- c(s)Ms, OP@ j S)P(S) dt b m(du)

U,, u,(d - ~dW+~‘(r ] t) drl

. m(du)W, OPU 1 @P(S) dt h 1 -1

= 1 i1 m[t,l]--E(s)+ f

CO .o s


(m [r, 11 - P&)p(@(r ( t) dr k=l o 1

. h(s, t)p(f 1 S)P(S) dt ds (4.2)

112 S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution

We have denoted by E(s), Sk(s)kzl the results of the integration with respect to m of

c(s), C!&)k> 1.

The functions S(s) and ?&) should be chosen so that r*m(s, t) EH~ cH, i.e.

j 7*m(s, f)p(t ) s) dt = 0 for all s.

This will be true if E(s) = j F(b 1 s)m(db) and

&(s) = F@+‘)(b 1 s)m(db), k = 1,2, . . .


Fck)(t ) s) = .i ’ p’“‘(b ) s) db 0

(here we have used Fubini’s theorem and the integration-by-parts formula). Com-

paring (4.1) and (4.2) we get:

T*m(s, C) = m [t, l] - d

’ l F(b



1 si m [r, 0

s)m W

]_ 1f7(k+I) s (a ( s)m(da) 0 1

pCk)(r 1 t) dr

s)m(db)+ E 1

(F’k’(r 1 t) -Fck+ ‘)(r 1 s))m(dr) k=l s 0

(again we have used Fubini and integration by parts). Hence

~,o,.,(t) -F(u 1s) + kgl (Fck)(u j t) -Fck+‘)(u j s))] m(du).

Now we have to prove that not only T*m(s, t) E H, but even T*m(s, t) EH~. At

first we note that if Qn,h, =(I +hi/v%)p(y 1 x), i= 1,2, then r,h, -T~Iz~=O means

in view of (3.2) that fi~(Q,,~,- Qn,JR =O. Because of the one-to-one property

of the mapping I-P+I7=R-‘:m -+m (Kartashov (1981)) it follows then that

rQ,,h, = nQ,,tzz. Hence if h E ker TV, then essentially # h(s, t)p(t 1 s)p(s) ds=O for

all t E [0, l] and 1: h(s, t)p(t I s) dt = 0 for all SE [0, l] hold. In view of these

equalities one can easily see that the equality

1 1

r i T*m(.s, t)h(s, t)p(t 1 s)p(s) ds dt = 0

LO .o

holds, which means s*m E H,.

Proposition 4.1. It holds

Il7*ll?f= [I !” { E(Y(u)Y(o)))m(du)m(du), -0 0

where Y(t), t E [0, l] is the ‘Billingsfeyprocess’ (Biflingsley (1968, Theorem 22. l)), i.e.

S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution 113

the Gaussian stochastic process with a.s. continuous paths, E Y(u) = 0, P(Y(O)= Y(l)=O)=l,

E{ Y(u)Y(u)} = F(min(u, u))-P’(u)F(o)

+ j, 1.i’ 1

zp, u)w-% I 0 @To - Wu)F(u) 0 I

$1 ii’ 1 Z[O, o)(t)F’k’(U I 0 two - F(u)F(u) I * (4.3)


Remark 4.1. Formula (4.3) is just another version of the formula 22.12 for the

covariance function in Billingsley (1968).

5. The local asymptotic information hound

Assume the chain satisfies the Conditions (A) and (B). The expansion of

log(dP&/dP&@) in Lemma 2.2 and the first lemma of Le Cam (1972) show that

the measures Pi;k and P,$“’ are contiguous. Denote by

A n,h = & :$i h(xi*xi+ 1).

The Cramer-Wold device, combined with Theorem 20.1 of Billingsley (1968), shows

that the vector dn,h,,dn,h *,..., dn,hk converges to multivariate normal with mean

vector zero and covariance matrix

z= (oc)i,i=r,2 ,_,_, k, oi,j= (hi,hj).

If & is the canonical normal cylinder measure on HI, then its characteristic func-

tion is Q(h) = exp( - + llhll;) for all h E HI”= H,. The crucial fact is that the image

R of this cylinder measure by the mapping r has characteristic function (Millar

(1983, Chapter V.l, (1.7))):

1 1

exp{ -9 IIr*mll’,} = exp -3 L i’.r

E[Y(u)Y(u)]m(du)m(du) . 0 0 I

i.e. R (on C[O, 11) is the law of the process Y of Proposition 4.1.

The process Y(t), te [0, l] possesses continuous trajectories a.s. and R is a

a-additive measure on the space B. Denote by Kid (d>O) the set Kid =

{h EHI 1 SUP~,~ (h(x,y)/ <d). Ho, = IJ,,, K,, is dense in HI.

All the above mentioned ensures for every fixed d>O the convergence of the ex-

periments {Pi;k : h eKld} to the limit experiment t%, the Gaussian shift for the

abstract Wiener space (r,H,,B) (see also Millar (1983, Chapters 11.2.3, V.2)). We

have proved also that fi(Ph,,&(u) --F(u)) = th(u) + o(l). Hence

&(y-F/& = fi(y-F,)+fi(F,-F,,& =y’-sh+o(l).

114 S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution

Here Y’ = fi(Y -F,) will be considered as an estimator of the ‘local parameter’

rh if Y is an estimator of the ‘global parameter’ Fe.

Let g be a bounded increasing function defined on [O,oo) and I(x) =

g(sup, Ix(t)]), where x is a real continuous function on [0, 11. If F is the continuous distribution function of X0 then the loss when estimating

F by the function x will be defined to be equal to l(fi(x-F)). Then the same

arguments as in Millar (1983, Theorem 1.10.(a)) or in Strasser (1985, Chapter 83)

lead to the following theorem:

Theorem 5.1. Denote by b any Markov kernel in the decision space. Then under the Conditions (A) and (B) it holds

lim lim inf inf sup d-m b hcK,d 13

1(~(Y_Fh,J;;))b(x,dY)~~~(dx)2E ~(Y,,(P,). “+L=

Here Y,,(,, denotes the ‘Billingsley process’ with F= F,, Fck)(u 1 t) = Pk(t, [0, v)), FO(t) = n [0, t).

Note that in Millar’s theorem the inf is taken over the so-called generalized pro-

cedures (which are a little bit more than the Markov kernels). But taking inf only

over the Markov kernels we preserve, of course, the sign of the inequality.

Corollary 5.1. Let now Kd= {h EH ) SUP~,~ 1 h(x, y) I< d}. Then under Conditions (A) and (B) it holds

lim lim inf inf sup d’03

I(~(Y-F,,~))b(x,dY)P~,;~(dx)lEz(Y,,(,,). n-03 b hcKd

This is of course true, because we have enlarged the set over which the supremum

has to be taken.

6. The asymptotic efficiency of the EDF

Now we want to show that the lower bound in Corollary 5.1 can actually be

attained and that the efficient estimator attaining it is the (piecewise linear and con-

tinuous version of the) EDF (see e.g. Billingsley (1968, Chapter 11.13)). In fact we

would like to have the ‘standard’ EDF

but there is a problem because it does not belong to the class of decision functions

we consider. Note however that asymptotically it does not matter if we take the

‘standard’ EDF or its continuous version. Abusing notation we shall denote both

S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution 115

of them in the same way. Alternatively one could try to extend Millar’s results for

the case of D-spaces instead of separable Banach spaces but we do not make such

an effort here.

We have to show


Our loss function 1 is bounded. The discussion in Millar (1984) shows then that

in order to show (6.1) it suffices to show that for every fixed d>O under I’$&,

9 fi@-Ft,,/d - yFo,(P)

for an arbitrary sequence hr, h,, . . . , h,, . . . in Kd.

So we have to prove a uniform (in shrinking neighbourhoods) variant of Theorem

22.1 of Billingsley (1968). The whole proof is tedious. We skip the details and

illustrate only some steps in the proof.

To make a start, we introduce the following notations: Eh,,,x( .) will denote the

expected value under Pr>h; n

e(u) = EoUI,o,.,Wo) -FoW)U,o,,,(&)-Fo(u))l;

&,~,/d~) = Ewd(~,o,u~(Xo) -Fh,/,~(u))(I[o,u)(xk) -Fh,,/fi(@)b

02w = @o(u) + 2 E @k,O@). k=l

We have already seen that the v-mixing property, the uniqueness of the stationary

distribution and the exponential speed of convergence remain valid for small pertur-

bations of the transition kernel. Now we want to show some uniformity of this

validity when h := h,/fi, h, E I&d>0 fixed. First of all, we show the following


Lemma 6.1. Under the Conditions (A) and (B):

hsz; suP sip IP;Jvrn(X,A) - %,J,dA)l 5 4” n d x

for sufficiently large n (here P&G denotes the n-step transition probability corre- sponding to the kernel Ph,/&(x, A) = jA ph,/fi(y 1 x) dy and nh”,,& iS the stationary probability distribution, corresponding to the same kernel; q E (0,1)).

Corollary 6.1. For large n it holds:

hs~g f i2v5GXl<w n d i=l

dzere vh,/di) = suPx sup,4 jp&,,&,A) - n,,,,&(A)\.

116 S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution

Lemma 6.2.

uniformly in 1.4 and in h,eKd.

Analogous tedious calculations like in the proof of Lemma 6.2 show that corre-

sponding uniform (in shrinking neighbourhoods) variants of Lemma 4 (Chapter 20),

Theorem 20.1 and Lemma 1 (Chapter 22) in Billingsley (1968) hold. This shows the

convergence of the finite dimensional distributions in Theorem 22.1 (Billingsley

(1968)) is uniform. Now it remains to show that for large n, for all E > 0, q > 0 and

6 E (0,l) and for all h, E Kd the inequality

P~~~~(W(r,,h,/\,6)r&)rSrl (6.2)

holds, where

Y n, h,/&i = fi@n - Fh,/d ~(x.6)=,t~~P6 IW-W)l.

lnequalrty (6.2) means some kind of ‘uniform tightness’ for all h, E Kd. This can

be proved in analogous way as in the proof of Theorem 22.1, using on the corre-

sponding places the uniform variants of Lemma 4 (Chapter 20) and Lemma 1

(Chapter 22).

Remark 6.1. The condition of boundedness of the loss function 1 can easily be

weakened. The most trivial way to do this is to replace 1 by min(a, 1) and then to

let a--+00. Also other loss functions like I,,F(~) =g(n{ (x(t) - F(t))2F(dt) with g

bounded, increasing and uniformly continuous could alternatively be used.

Remark 6.2. We consider in this paper the state space E= [0, 11. In fact this is not

a severe restriction. It is not difficult to see that Theorem 22.1 of Billingsley can be

reformulated for the case that the state space is R’ by conveniently defining the

function gt(o) there. Correspondingly our optimality result can be reformulated to

cover this case.

7. Appendix

This appendix contains the proofs of the main statements in the paper.

Proof of Lemma 2.1. For large n the kernels ph/fi(. , .) satisfy Condition (A) if

h E HO and hence (cf. (iv)) zh/fi 9A for n large enough. In view of Condition (B)

it suffices to show that n Q rr,,,\i;; for n large enough. We shall see even more. In-

stead of ‘shrinking’ functions h/fi +O let us consider ‘fixed’ functions h but in

suitably small neighbourhood (sup-norm) of 0. Of course if h E HO then h/fi will

S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution 117

belong to any fixed neighbourhood of 0 for n large enough. Denote by Kd=

{~EH: su~x,~ lh(x,y)l <d} f or some d> 0. We shall see that there exists 6 E (0,l)

such that if h E K8 then n + nh. At first note that under Condition (A) there exist

r~(0, 1) and 6’>0 such that

for n large enough (cf. Loke (1960, p. 369) or study carefully the proof of Lemma

6.1 below). Now take 6 E (0, min(d’, 1 -r)). Assume there exists A E!J~ such that

n(A) > 0 but r&I) = 0 for some h E K6. Then

r”zP,“(x,A)r (

1 -sup lh(x,y)I ‘PN(x,A)Z(l -6)“n(A)/2 &Y >

for all n large enough. Hence (1 - d)n/rn 5 2/r&4). But (l-&)/r> 1 and we get

contradiction if n is large enough.

Proof of Lemma 2.2. It holds:

for a realization x0, x1, . . . , x,, of the random variables X0(o), X,(o), . . . ,X,(o).

Here pr;,( . ) denotes the density with respect to A lE of the invariant measure nh,&.

Let us denote

then l;lo,yll,...,v,,... is p-mixing with p(n) = 2a. q” ~ ‘, a> 0, q E (0,l). This is a con-

sequence of the exponential convergence (cf. (ii) and (iii) after Condition (A) or

rbragimov and Linnik (1965, Chapter XIX)). Then it holds: C,“=, n’j/$($<m. Moreover E Iii = 0 and under P$‘),

(Theorem 20.1 of Billingsley (1968)). But using the definition of 17i, we have easily

Eqol;lk=O for k= 1,2, . . . . Hence under Pp),

Because of the stationarity it holds also


118 S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution

Proof of Proposition 4.1. Using Fubini’s theorem, we get the following expression

for llr*m1];:

. ( z,o,“)(t)-F(v Is)+ i (F’k’(v ( t)-F(k+‘) k=l

. F(dt 1 s)F(ds) 1 m(du)m(do)

Let US fix some natural number N. Then

s 0 1 i 0 1 (ILO, u,(f) - F(u 1 d)(Jo, u,(t) - F(u 1 s))F(dt 1 s)F(ds)

= F(min(u, 0)) - s

’ F(v I s)F(u 1 s)F(ds), 0

Z,o,U~(t)[F(k)(v 1 t)-Fck+‘)(v 1 s)]F(dt 1 s)F(ds)


Z,o,U)(f)F(k)(v I t)F(dt) - F(u)F(v) I + NF(u)F(o)

_ F(u I s)Fck+ ‘)(v I s)F(ds). (7.2)

(7.3) -analogous to (7.2) with ‘exchanged roles’ of u and v.

Using the equality


! Fck)(u 1 t)p(t 1 S) dt = Ftk+ l)(u / s),


we get:

1 to i

‘1 i 0

F(u 1 s). ; (F(‘)(o 1 t) - Fck+‘)(u 1 s))F(dt 1 s)F(ds) = 0, (7.4) k=l


.I’ I ‘1

F(o 1 S) . f (Fck’(u 1 t) - Fck+ ‘)(u 1 s))F(dt 1 s)F(ds) = 0. (7.5) 0 0 k=l

It is easy to check the following equality:


LO i


5 0 (F’k’(~ 1 t) - Fck+ ‘) (u 1 s))(F(‘)(o 1 t) - F(‘+ ‘)(v ) s)) . F(dt 1 s)F(dt)

‘1 1

= F’k’(~ 1 t)F(‘)(o 1 t)F(dt) - Fck+ “(u / s)F(‘+ ‘)(v 1 s)F(ds). 0 0

S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution 119

Using this result, one has:

j, j, i; 1: (F’@(u 1 t) -Fck+ ‘)(u / s))(F(‘)(u ) t) -F”+ ‘)(u 1 s))F(dt 1 s)F(ds)

1 1

= F(u 1 t). f F(‘)(u 1 t)F(dt) 0

1 t)F(u 1 t)F(dt) + s F(u 0 I=2

+ s ’ F(u I t). f F(k)(~ I i’)F(dt) +


I FcN+ “(u 1 s)FcN+ “(u 1 s)F(ds)

0 k=2 0





FcN+ ‘)(u ) s) . ,fl F(‘+ ‘)(u 1 s)F(ds)





FcN+ ‘)(u 1 s) . ki, Fck+ ‘)(u 1 s)F(ds).

Using (7.1)-(7.5) and the last equality, we deduce:

1 1

AN= i i[ 0 0

Z,o,Uj(t) - F(u 1 s) + ,E, (F’k’(~ 1 t) -Fck+ ‘) (u I s))]

Zro,,,(t)-F(u 1 s)+ 2 (Fck’(u 1 t)-Ftk+‘) k=l

(u ( s))] . F(dt j s)F(ds)

= F(min(u, u)) + : ii

ILo, uj(OF(k)(u / OF(W - F(u)F(u) k=l 1

+k!, Ir;

Zlo,uj(W(k)(u ) W(W - F(u)F(o)


+ F(N+ l)(u 1 s)~(N+ 1) (u 1 s)F(ds) -

s F(u 1 t)FcN+ ‘)(u 1 t)F(dt)

_ s F(u 1 t)FcN+ ‘)(u ) t)F(dt) I

+ (u I s) . ,;, F”+ “(u 1 s)F(ds) 1

+ NF(u)F(o) - FcN+ ‘)(u 1 s). f Fck+ ‘)(u 1 s)F(ds) . k=l 1

Because of the uniform and exponentially fast convergence, the expression in the

third brackets on the right side tends uniformly in u and u to -F(u)F(u) as N+ m.

Due to the same reason:

NF(u)F(u) - i ’ FcN+ ‘) (u 1 s) . ,!I F”+ ‘)(u 1 s)F(ds)

I IF(u) - FcN+ ‘) (u 1 s) I . ,il F(‘+ ‘)(u 1 GF(ds)

120 S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution

sNeaoqN+‘-+O as N--*03

uniformly in u and v. Hence

lim A,-,, = F(min(u, v)) -F(u)F(v) N-CC

+ j, 1s 1

Jo, u)w~(k)(v 0

+ k!, is 1 Z[O, V)Wk)(U



I 0 fl(O - F(u)F(v) I I 0 fl(O -F(uF(v) I *

IIT*di = 1; 1; (E(Y(u)Y(v)))m(du)m(do).

Proof of Lemma 6.1. Denote by


A h,/di = sup sup {P~,/\~;;(x~,A)-P~,,\~;;(x*,A)). XI,XZ A

A h&i = SUP SUP XI,XZ A 1

{P(Y I Xl) A

. (I+ n-“2h,(x~,~))-~(~ 1 x2)(1 + n-1’2Mx2,~HI dy

5sup sup s

(P(Y j XI)-P(Y j~2W~+2C2d/fi xl,xz A A

(we used that p( y 1 x) is bounded and h, E K,J.

But the condition (A) ensures that

sup sup s

(P(YI~,)-P(YI~~))~YI~-~ XI,XZ A A

(consult for this inequality Loeve (1960, Chapter VII.27.3)).

Hence there exists (for large n) a constant q< 1 such that independently of

h, E Kd the inequality Ah,,&< q holds.

Now using Loke (1960, Chapter VII.27.3.B) we have

Proof of Lemma 6.2. Obviously


= Eh,/fi(z[O, u)(~O) - Fh,/6i(@)2

+ 2 i (l - (k/n))E,“,~~{(z,O,u)(XO) -Fh,,du)) k=l

’ cz[O, .)(xk) - Fh,/vd~)))~

S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution 121

We want to evaluate from above the difference

lb204 -e?,,dmElw -4?“/d~))1*1

5 leow-eo,h,/d~)l +zkEn l@,(U)1

n-1 n-1 n-1

+ 2 kg, @k(U) - k;, @k,h,/dK@) + E, Wn)Qk,hn/\lJ2@) . (7.6)

Now we use Corollary 7.1 of Ibragimov and Linnik (1965, Chapter XIX) and in- equality (20.35) of Billingsley (1968) to verify that the series I,“=, ek and C,“=, Q~,~,/G are absolutely convergent uniformly in h, E Kd, u E [0, 11. Hence

,tn l&r +O as n-+oo, (7.7)

; 1:; ,r; I@k,h,/dK +o as n-too (7.8)

and the convergence is uniform in h, E K,,, u E [0, 11. But from (7.6) it follows:


5 I@&+@0,h,/fi04 +g le,(u)l

n-1 co n-l + WEE Fi l@/&/d~)I +2 k;, k+r(~) -ek,h,/dA~)) *

Apparently, in order to complete the proof, we have only to show the uniform convergence of Cil: (ek(u)-@k,h,,~(z.4)) to zero. It is easy to see that

122 S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution

+ s

I ~ro,u,W~~ki;;c~ 1s) -Ft,,,\l;;@) -F(% 14 +F@WXW.


Here h;, denotes the density of the stationary distribution, corresponding to the


P/,,\l;;(x, -4) = s PLY 1 x)(1 +W%Lw9) dy. A

As in (2.3) we have


1 s

~~o,u~W[F&x(~ 14 -F/,,,d~)l . ~(42;,(4 dads 5 G . yk/fi 0 0

with some constants Ct > 0 and y E (0, l), independent of h, E Kd.

Apparently then (l/fi)Ciii yk+O as n+oc.

Now consider



I[o, .,CW&z@ 19 - F/z,,,\l;;@) - Fck)@ ) 4 + F@W’(W. 0

On the one hand there exist constants Cz> 0, /3~ (0,l) such that


I ~,o,u,(W&i@ 14 - F/zn/fi@M’W 5 G. Bk,




~[o,&)[F(~)(~ 1s) -F(u)lF(W 5 C2. Pk


because of the uniform exponential convergence. On the other hand there exists a

constant C,>O, such that

(for the last inequality we have used the comment in Theorem 6 of Kartashov

(1984) which states that for minor norms I/Q-P 11 also the inequality

sup, 11 Qk - Pk 11 I C IIQ - P I( with some positive constant C is valid).

Hence both the inequalities

IS 1

~~o,u~W~%d~ 14 -4z,,d~)-F(~)(~ 1 ~)+F(u)lF(ds) r2C2pk, 0

hold for large n and k. For a given n we choose for example m(n) = [n1’3] (where

[. ] denotes the integer part). Then

S. Penev / Efficient estimation of the stationary distribution 123

The expression on the right side of the last inequality can be made arbitrarily

small for large n. This completes the proof.


The author is indebted to the referee for critical reading of earlier version leading

to substantial improvement of both the style and presentation of this article.


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