Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Nur-Sultan ... - Kemlu

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Determination of the main countries-competitors of the

Indonesian goods in the market of Kazakhstan

“Suggestions and recommendations for increasing” import of

Indonesian goods

Nur-Sultan, September 2017

Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia

in Nur-Sultan

Center for Trade Policy Development



Kata Pengantar//.…………………………………………………………………….. 4

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 5

Section 1. Cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Republic of

Indonesia .......................................................................................................... 8

Political and diplomatic cooperation ........................................................................ 8

Trading cooperation ................................................................................................... 9

The economic situation of Kazakhstan and Indonesia ............................................. 13

Indonesia .................................................................................................................. 13

Kazakhstan ............................................................................................................... 14

Southern macroregion ........................................................................................... 16

Western macroregion ............................................................................................ 16

Central Eastern macroregion ................................................................................. 17

Northern macroregion ........................................................................................... 17

Section 2. Non-Tariff Regulation ................................................................................... 17

Rules for determining the country of origin of goods .............................................. 18

Customs procedures ................................................................................................. 19

Sanitary and phytosanitary measures ...................................................................... 21

Phytosanitary measures ........................................................................................... 24

Veterinary and sanitary measures ........................................................................... 25

Technical regulation ................................................................................................ 26

Section 3. Tariff Regulation............................................................................................. 30

Tariff quotas ............................................................................................................. 31

Tariff privileges ........................................................................................................ 31

Tariff preferences ..................................................................................................... 32

Section 4. Trade between Kazakhstan and Indonesia ............................................... 32

Mutual trade ............................................................................................................. 32

Analysis of the main imported Indonesian goods to Kazakhstan ............................ 33

Section 5. Potential export from Indonesia to Kazakhstan ...................................... 41

I. COFFEE, TEA AND COCOA ....................................................................... 43

II. VEGETABLE OILS ....................................................................................... 51

III. FOOD PRODUCTS ........................................................................................ 58

IV. FISH ................................................................................................................ 69

V. CHEMICAL PRODUCTS AND MEDICINES ............................................. 76

VI. PETROCHEMICAL PRODUCTS ................................................................. 93


VIII. CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR, FABRICS .............................................. 120

IX. GOLD AND JEWELRY ............................................................................... 153

X. METAL PRODUCTS ................................................................................... 156

XI. PRODUCTS OF MACHINERY MANUFACTURING .............................. 168


XIII. TRANSPORT AND PASSENGER CARS .................................................. 211

XIV. PARTS FOR VEHICLES ............................................................................. 217


XV. FURNITURE, TOYS AND TOOLS ............................................................ 225

Section 6. Conducting expert interviews of Kazakhstan companies cooperating

with Indonesian companies ...................................................................... 230

Section 7. Free Trade Agreements ............................................................................... 231

Section 8. Exhibitions ...................................................................................................... 233

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 235

Annex 1 ................................................................................................................ 238


Kata Pengantar

Trend perdagangan Indonesia dengan Kazakhstan dari tahun ke tahun menunjukan

adanya peningkatan yang cukup signifikan. Hal ini menunjukan peluang produk-

produk Indonesia memasuki pasar Kazakhstan masih terbuka lebar khususnya produk-

produk non migas.

Buku ini disusun dalam rangka menginformasikan potensi produk-produk Indonesia di

Kazakhstan bagi para pemangku kepentingan di Indonesia baik itu

Kementerian/Lembaga di Indonesia dan kalangan pengusaha Indonesia, sehingga

dapat menjadi salah satu bahan pengambilan keputusan bagi pelaku usaha/dunia usaha

Indonesia untuk berbisnis di Kazakhstan di kemudian hari.

Penyusunan buku ini dilakukan KBRI Nur-Sultan bekerja sama dengan JSC “Center

for Trade and Development” sehingga diharapkan dapat memberikan data cukup

obyektif untuk dapat mendorong peningkatan perdagangan dan kerjasama ekonomi

antara pengusaha Indonesia dan Kazakhstan.

Kami menyadari penyusunan buku ini masih terdapat kekurangan sehingga segala

masukan untuk penyempurnaannya kami terima dengan senang hati.

Rahmat Pramono

Duta Besar RI untuk Kazakhstan dan Tajikistan



The Republic of Kazakhstan is a unitary country with a presidential form of

government, located in Central Asia, in the depths of the Eurasian mainland.

Kazakhstan gained independence on December 16, 1991. The capital is Astana

city. In 2019, the name of the capital is changed into Nur-Sultan.

The highest representative body of Kazakhstan, exercising legislative functions,

is the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Parliament consists of two

chambers, acting on a permanent basis - the Senate and the Majilis.

The Government of Kazakhstan heads the system of executive bodies and

manages their activities.

The administrative-territorial structure of the country includes 14 regions and 2

cities of republican significance.

The population of Kazakhstan exceeds 18 million people.

Occupying a territory of 2 million 724.9 thousand square kilometers, the country

is on the ninth place in the world in terms of area. In the North and West, the republic

has common border with Russia - 7,591 km (the longest continuous land border in the

world), in the East with China - 1,783 km, in the South with Kyrgyzstan - 1,242 km,

Uzbekistan - 2,351 km and Turkmenistan - 426 km. The total length of land borders is

13,200 km.

Kazakhstan is the largest country in the world, which has no direct access to the

World Ocean. Remoteness from the oceans determines the sharply continental climate

of the country.

The country's mineral resource base consists of more than 5,000 deposits, the

estimated value of which is tens of trillions dollars. The republic ranks first in the world

on the explored reserves of zinc, tungsten and barite, the second - on silver, lead and

chromite, the third - on copper and fluorite, the fourth - on molybdenum, the sixth - on


Kazakhstan also has significant oil and gas resources, which are concentrated in

the western regions. In addition, the republic ranks 8th in terms of coal reserves and

2nd in uranium reserves.

Kazakhstan is one of the world's top ten grain exporters and is one of the leading

exporters of flour. 70% of agricultural land in the North is occupied by grain and

technical crops - wheat, barley, millet. In the South rice, cotton, and tobacco are grown.

Kazakhstan is also famous for its gardens, vineyards and cucurbits crop. One of the

leading areas of agriculture is livestock.

The main export products are mining, fuel and energy products, products of

metallurgical and chemical industries, as well as the grain industry. The main trade

partners of the republic are Russia, China, the European and the CIS countries.

To diversify the economy, Kazakhstan implements successfully the Program of

Industrial and Innovative Development, in accordance with which the old enterprises

are being modernized and new ones are being opened.

The main priorities of the State Program for Accelerated Industrial and

Innovative Development of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014 were the creation of new

export-oriented high-tech industries, the development and strengthening of the national


innovation system, the strengthening of the role of small and medium-sized businesses

in the industrialization process, and the increase of labor productivity.

The implementation of this state program is already bearing fruit. Within the

framework of the industrialization map for 2010-2011, 389 projects were launched for

a total of KZT 1.8 trillion and created more than 90 thousand jobs.

The role of special economic zones, formed with the purpose of attracting

investments, creating new industries and services, is growing in the republic. Thus, the

main purpose of creating a special economic zone: "Aktau Sea Port" is development of

the chemical, petrochemical and metallurgical industries; "Ontustik" - development of

the textile industry; "Astana is a new city" - machine building, development of

metallurgical, food industry and creation of modern infrastructure; "National Industrial

Petrochemical Technopark" - creation of petrochemical industries and technologies for

cleaning, deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials; "Burabay" - development of

tourism, tourism infrastructure, a variety of tourist services; "Information Technology

Park" - creation of technologies in the field of telecommunications, communications,

oil and gas production, transportation and processing, development of electronics and

instrumentation; "Saryarka" - development of metallurgy and metal processing,

chemical industry; "Khorgos-Eastern Gate" - development of auxiliary transport

activities, warehousing, chemical, light industry; "Pavlodar" - development of the

chemical and petrochemical industry.

In addition, Kazakhstan is implementing a large-scale project "New Silk Road",

which should revive the historical role of the country as the main connecting link of

the continent and turn it into the largest business and transit hub of the region - a kind

of bridge between Europe and Asia. By 2020, the volume of transit traffic through the

republic should almost double.

In 2014, the President announced the program of large-scale infrastructure

construction "Nurly Jol", designed to connect the main routes of the regions of

Kazakhstan, modernize the logistics, social and industrial infrastructure.

Kazakhstan has embarked on the implementation of the "Plan of the Nation -

100 concrete steps", which provides for radical changes in order to implement the Five

National Reforms: formation of a professional state apparatus, ensuring the rule of law,

industrialization and economic growth, identity and unity, formation of an accountable


Large-scale social modernization of the country is under way - new schools,

professional colleges and universities are being built, modern medical clinics and

hospitals are being opened, the system of social support of the population is being


Currently, representatives of 130 ethnic groups reside in the republic, the

consultative and advisory body for the harmonization of interethnic relations - the

Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan - is operating successfully. Congresses of

leaders of world and traditional religions are held on a regular basis in Nur-Sultan.

Being a leader in Central Asia, the republic makes a significant contribution to

strengthening the stability of the region. The country achieved great success in the

world arena. This is evidenced by Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the OSCE and the


holding of this prestigious international organization in Nur-Sultan in December 2010.

A significant initiative of the country was the launch and development of the

Conference on Interaction and Cooperation in Central Asia (CICA) project - the Asian

counterpart of the OSCE. The productive work of Kazakhstan as the chairman of the

leading organization of Islamic world - Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC),

received a positive feedback. The country is also a recognized leader in the global anti-

nuclear movement.

Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Stable growth of all sectors of the economy, international recognition, political

stability became the basis for the prosperity of Kazakhstan society. Kazakhstan is a

country, looking to the future, which preserves its cultural traditions and realizes

successfully the great creative potential in today's dynamic world.


Section 1. Cooperation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the Republic of


Political and diplomatic cooperation

Cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Indonesia

began with the recognition of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the

Republic of Indonesia on December 28, 1991.

Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of

Indonesia were established on June 2, 1993.

An important period in the history of Kazakh Indonesian relations is April 1995,

when the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. M. Suharto, paid a state visit to

Kazakhstan. The reciprocal state visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan,

Mr. N.A. Nazarbayev to Indonesia was held in June of the same year.

State visits of the President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to Indonesia in

April 2012 and President of Indonesia S.B. Yudoyono to Kazakhstan in September

2013 brought relations of Kazakhstan and Indonesia to a higher level of development

and gave a new impetus to their further activation.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, a number of visits by high

ranking government officials have taken place, which have developed and strengthened

mutual relations. The most important were the following:

- From 7 to 9 June 2011, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Budiono

visited Astana to participate in the VII World Islamic Economic Conference on "World

Economic Development: Attitude, Competition, Cooperation".

- From 28 to 30 June 2011, Indonesian Foreign Minister M. Natalegawa took

part in the 38th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of

Islamic Cooperation in Kazakhstan.

- On September 12, 2012, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia

visited Astana to participate in the 4th meeting of the Conference on Interaction and

Confidence-building Measures in Asia.

- From 28 to 31 August, 2014, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, E.

Idrisov, paid a state visit to Indonesia. Within the framework of the visit, bilateral talks

were held with the President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of

Indonesia. As a result of the mitings, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed

between the Governments of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Indonesia

on holding bilateral consultations between the foreign ministries of the two countries.

From 28 to 31 August 2014 E. Idrisov took part in the 6th Global Forum of the UN

Alliance of Civilization, which was held on Bali island.

- On March 14, 2016, the Vice Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan E.

Kosherbaev visited Jakarta, where he held talks with the First Deputy Minister of

Agriculture of Indonesia Hari Priono and the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of

Indonesia, A.M. Fahri on the accession of the Republic of Indonesia to the Islamic

Organization for Food Security with its headquarters in Nur-Sultan.

- On April 15, 2016, the Commissioner of EXPO 2017, R. Zhoshybaev, during

his visit to Jakarta, met the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia S.

Said, the Commissioner of Indonesia R. Mualina, the Director General (Deputy


Minister) for Public Diplomacy of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry E. Andani. He also

participated in a round table with the participation of the business community of the

Republic of Indonesia, which resulted in the signing of a contract on the participation

of Indonesia at Expo 2017.

- From 26 to 28 April 2016, M. Suikur, Advisor to the Minister (Deputy

Minister) of Agriculture for Innovation and Technology of Indonesia, took part in the

meeting of the General Assembly of the Islamic Organization for Food Security and

the 7th Conference of the Ministers on Agriculture of the member countries of the

Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

- On October 19, 2016, Dadan Kusdian, Secretary of the Directorate General for

New and Renewable Sources of Energy of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral

Resources of Indonesia, paid a working visit to Astana to discuss the participation of

Indonesia at Expo 2017.

- From 10 to 11 September 2017 within the framework of the Summit of the

Organization of Islamic Cooperation that was held in Astana, there was a meeting of

the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and Vice President

of the Republic of Indonesia Yusuf Kalla.

Moreover, cooperation in the sphere of parliamentary relations between the two

countries is growing.

In addition, lately cooperation and exchange of support between Kazakhstan and

Indonesia in the framework of international organizations has intensified. In particular,

the Indonesian side supported the candidacy of Astana for the International Exposition

Expo 2017, as well as the candidacy of Kazakhstan for the UNESCO World Heritage

Committee in elections held in Paris in 2013. The Indonesian side also supported the

candidacy of Kazakhstan to join the Asian-European Forum (ASEM) as a full member

in the elections that took place in October 2014. The Indonesian side in general

supports the initiative of Kazakhstan to join the ASEAN Regional Forum. The

Indonesian side also supported the idea of establishing an Islamic food security

organization with headquarters in Nur-Sultan. In turn, Kazakhstan supported the

candidacies of Indonesia in ICAO, the International Fund for Agricultural

Development and the International Postal Union and other organizations.

It should be noted that both countries attach great importance to bilateral

cooperation in the development of democracy. Since 2012, Kazakh delegations have

participated in the annual Bali Democratic Forum.

Indonesia, taking an active part in the work of the Conference on Interaction and

Confidence-building Measures in Asia as an observer, is considering the possibility of

raising its status to a full member of this organization.

Trading cooperation

Since the establishment of bilateral relations, in order to strengthen trade

cooperation between the two countries there were meetings held.

In October 2011, a delegation of the representatives of Indonesia's big business

led by the representative of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in the


Republic of Kazakhstan, A. Vijayan, visited Astana in order to explore the

opportunities for establishing business contacts.

From 7 to 13 March 2012, the Indonesian delegation headed by the Deputy

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia M. Suprapton and the Deputy Coordinating

Minister for Economic Affairs of Indonesia A. Lukman visited Kazakhstan to discuss

issues of development of trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.

From 21 to 23 May 2012 Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of

Indonesia H. Rajas and Minister of Industry of Indonesia M. Hidayat visited Astana to

participate in the V Astana Economic Forum. Within the framework of the Forum, the

Kazakhstani Indonesian business forum was held by the Ministry of Industry and New

Technologies of Kazakhstan jointly with the National Agency for Export and

Investment "KAZNEX INVEST". Within the framework of the forum, memorandums

of understanding were signed between KAZNEX INVEST and the Indonesian

Investment Chamber, as well as between the companies of Kazmunaigas and PT


From 22 to 24 May 2013, the delegation headed by Deputy Coordinating

Minister for Economic Affairs of Indonesia R. Lukman took part in the VI Astana

Economic Forum and the World Anti-Crisis Conference.

From 21 to 22 August 2013 in Jakarta, under the co-chairmanship of the Minister

of Economy and Budget Planning of Kazakhstan, E. Dosayev and the Coordinating

Minister for Economic Affairs of Indonesia H. Rajas, the first meeting of the

Intergovernmental Joint Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic

of Indonesia on economic cooperation was held. Following the meeting, the parties

agreed on cooperation in five areas (trade and investment; industry, agriculture and

infrastructure; oil, gas and energy; transport and logistics; banking, Islamic finance and


From 28 to 30 April 2014 in Bandung, the second round of negotiations was held

on the draft Convention on avoidance of double taxation between representatives of

State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan

and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.

From 4 to 6 May 2014, a business delegation from the South Kazakhstan region

visited Jakarta in order to establish business ties with the regions of Indonesia. During

the visit to the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Kazakh Indonesian

business forum was held. Also, an official meeting was held with the Deputy Governor

of Jakarta.

From 8 to 10 September 2015 in Astana, another round of negotiations was held

to discuss the draft Convention on avoidance of double taxation between

representatives of the Ministries of Finance of Kazakhstan and Indonesia.

From 29 to 30 October 2015 representatives of the leadership of the Indonesian

company "PT. WidyaKaryaPersada" at the Ministry of Defense of Indonesia visited

Astana to participate in the VI International Investment Forum. During the visit, the

delegation of Indonesia held meetings with the leadership of the Ministry of Defense

of Kazakhstan and the National Company "Kaz Engineering" to discuss issues of


cooperation in promoting military technical products of Kazakhstan to the Indonesian


From 3 to 4 November 2015 the delegation headed by the First Vice Minister of

National Economy of Kazakhstan visited Jakarta to participate in the 8th meeting of

the negotiators on the establishment of the Asian Bank for Infrastructure Investments.

On April 13, 2016, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Indonesia

held a meeting with the Minister of Transport of Indonesia. The main purpose of the

meeting was to discuss the possibilities for use by the Indonesian side of the Iranian

port of Bander Abbas, as well as the Kazakhstan terminal in the Chinese port of

Lianyungang and the Free Economic Zone of Khorgos as alternative transport and

logistics messages between Kazakhstan and Indonesia. As a result, on May 10, with

the support of “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” JSC, the Director General of the Kazakhstan

China International Logistics Company in Lianyungang and his deputy held a

presentation in Jakarta on the basis of an agreement between the Ambassador and the

Minister for the presentation of the Kazakhstan terminal in the Chinese port of


From 25 to 27 May 2016, the Indonesian company “PT. Mayora Group Tbk. "

took part in the 18th Kazakhstan International Exhibition of Food Industry "Interfood".

From 3 to 11 September 2016, the delegation of Kazakhstan including the

representatives of the Ministry for Investments and Development, the National

Chamber of Entrepreneurs Atameken, the Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan, the

Association of Tourist Agencies of Kazakhstan and the regions of Kazakhstan visited

Jakarta. Within the framework of the visit, the delegation took part in the International

Tourism Exhibition "PataTravelMart 2016". On the fields of the exhibition the meeting

of the President of the Association of Tourist Agencies of Kazakhstan "ATAK" with

the President of the Association of Tourist Agencies of Indonesia "ASITA" was held,

which resulted in the signing of a Memorandum on cooperation between associations

in the field of tourism.

On September 29, 2016, the Manager of the International Financial Center

"Astana" visited Jakarta to participate in the presentation ceremony of the International

Prize for Islamic Finance (GIFA 2016) in Jakarta. During the visit, he met the Deputy

Minister of Finance, the Chairman of the Agency for Fiscal Policy of Indonesia, the

President of Bank Syariah Mandiri and the Chairman of the Financial Services

Authority of Indonesia (OJK). As a result of the meeting, a Memorandum of

Understanding was signed that will allow the parties to exchange experience and

information on the development of the legal framework and regulation of financial


On October 21, 2016, a delegation led by the Head of the Center for Artificial

Insemination of the Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia made a working trip to

Astana. Within the framework of the visit, a meeting was held with the Chairman of

the Board of JSC "Asyl Tulik", during which issues of cooperation in agriculture were



From 1 to 3 November 2016, the representative of the special group for oil and

gas "SKK MIGAS" of Indonesia visited Astana to participate in the 3rd annual Caspian

Conference and Exhibition (CTCE) of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE).

On November 2, 2016, representatives of the Indonesian business community in

the field of pharmaceuticals, headed by the chairman of the Indonesian National

Agency for the Control of Medicines and Food, visited Almaty, where they met the

Director General of the RSE “National Center for Expertise of Medicines, Medical

Products and medical equipment”. Following the meeting, an agreement on

cooperation was signed.

The main foreign economic partners of Indonesia in 2016, according to national

trade statistics, remained the countries of Asia and the Asia Pacific region (APR):

China, Singapore, Japan, the United States, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, India,

Thailand, Australia. Within this period, Kazakhstan was only 127th in terms of trade

with Indonesia.

In recent years, there has been a positive development of bilateral trade and

economic cooperation. So, if by the results of 2014 the trade turnover was 39.1 million

US dollars (including the Kazakhstan export - 4.1 million US dollars, import - 35

million US dollars), then by the end of 2015 the trade turnover has already made up

49.9 million US dollars (including Kazakhstan's exports - 18.9, imports - 31 million

US dollars).

However, due to the slowdown in the growth of the world economy because of

the crisis in 2016, the volume of trade between Kazakhstan and Indonesia decreased

by 61.2%, amounting to 19.3 million US dollars. In particular, Kazakhstan's exports

formed at the level of 1.1 million US dollars, which is 93.9% less compared to the

same period previous year, while imports decreased by 41.4%, reaching only 18.2

million US dollars. The decline in trade in such a large amount was due to a significant

decline in export-import transactions between countries. It may happen that the state

programs on import substitution, implemented in the Republic of Kazakhstan, affected

the reduction of Kazakhstan's imports.

In addition, the main deterrent to the development of bilateral trade and

economic cooperation is the lack of established transport and logistics routes.

By the end of 2016, almost all of Kazakhstan's exports to Indonesia accounted

for semi-finished products. The largest share in it was the supply of semi-finished

products of iron or non-alloy steel (83.6%), other products from metals (6.5%) and

weaving machines (5.2%). The rest of exports in 2016 accounted for 4.7%.

The largest items of Kazakhstani import in 2016 were: plastic pipes (13.3%),

tin (7.5%), tea (6.1%), cargo ships (4.1%), palm oil (3.6%), soap (3.2%), coconut oil


Below are the data characterizing the volume of Kazakh Indonesian trade over

the past five years (in millions of US dollars):

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Goods turnover 57,4 170,9 39,1 49,9 19,3


Export of Kazakhstan

to Indonesia

19,9 130,3 4,1 18,9 1,2

Import of Kazakhstan

from Indonesia

37,4 40,6 35,1 31,0 18,2

Source: State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance RK

It should be noted that the sharp increase in Kazakhstan's exports to Indonesia

in 2013 is justified with the supply of crude oil, the volume of which amounted to 127.9

million US dollars.

In addition to diplomatic and trade relations, Kazakhstan and Indonesia are

developing military technical and cultural humanitarian, as well as scientific and

technical cooperation.

The economic situation of Kazakhstan and Indonesia

Kazakhstan and Indonesia have much in common. Both countries have a large

number of natural resources, which makes it possible to generate significant revenues.

Both countries have a moderate Muslim majority, a harmonious diversity of cultures

and a commitment to human rights, the rule of law and democracy.

All this despite the large differences in the population. Thus, the population of

Kazakhstan is only 7 percent of Indonesia's population of 261 million people.

Despite the fact that much has been done to take advantage of the opportunities

that are available for mutual benefit of the two countries, there is still a lot of work to

be done to further improve the positive results of bilateral relations.


The Republic of Indonesia is among the 20 largest economies in the world. In

terms of population and reserves of natural resources, Indonesia is far ahead of the

neighboring countries of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Advantages of Indonesia:

Large population. According to this indicator, Indonesia occupies the 4th

place in the world after China, India and the USA. Domestic consumption is one of the

key factors for Indonesia's sustainable economic growth, which in recent years has

consistently been 5-6%. The rapidly developing middle class also contributes to the

active growth of the consumer goods market.

Strategic location. Indonesia occupies a strategic position on trade routes

between Europe and the Middle East on the one hand and East Asia and other countries

of the Asia Pacific region on the other. Through the Strait of Malacca, which Indonesia

controls in conjunction with Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, about 40% of the world

trade flows and 50% of the world's oil and gas deliveries go mainly from the Middle

East to the APR countries.

Rich natural resources. The wet equatorial climate contributes to the

development of rural and plantation economy. Indonesia occupies the first place in the

world for the production of palm oil and is one of the leading producers of cocoa, coffee

and spices. The island location allows Indonesia to actively develop fisheries. Inside


the belly of Indonesia vast deposits of minerals are hidden: oil, natural gas, coal, tin,

copper, ore, nickel, gold, silver, diamonds and other mineral resources.

Small and medium enterprises. More than 40 million small and medium sized

entrepreneurs produce about 90% of Indonesia's GDP. A huge potential lies in the

modernization of small and medium sized production, which often uses traditional

methods and equipment.

An open and liberal market economy. In 2015, the countries of South East

Asia joined the ASEAN Economic Community, which means the final abolition of a

large number of trade barriers between the countries of the region. As part of ASEAN,

Indonesia concluded free trade agreement with Australia and New Zealand, India,

China, the Republic of Korea and Japan, has a bilateral free trade agreement with Japan

and an agreement on preferential trade with Pakistan. The Government of Indonesia is

constantly improving and simplifying the rules of trade and business, creating a single

window service and providing benefits, which is designed to make the Indonesian

market more open to foreign investors.

Indonesia's GDP in 2016 amounted to $ 932.5 billion US dollars.

In 2016, inflation in the country was 2.5%. According to the annual World Bank

"Doing Business" rating in 2016, Indonesia was 91st in terms of ease of doing business.

The population of Indonesia in 2016 was 261.1 million people.


The Republic of Kazakhstan has rich mineral resources, extensive agricultural

lands, qualified personnel, and significant industrial potential.

The area of Kazakhstan is comparable to the territory of Western Europe, while

the population density in the country is one of the lowest in the world. Strategically,

Kazakhstan is the link between the large and fast growing markets of China and South

Asia and the markets of Russia and Western Europe, providing road, rail and sea links

across the Caspian Sea.

Kazakhstan moved from the category of countries with lower than average

income to the category of countries with an income above the average level in less than

two decades. The country was included in the group of countries with higher than

average income in 2006.

If in 2000 the GDP was $ 18.3 billion, then in 2016 it reached $ 133.7 billion.

The main source of economic growth is the exploitation of the country's raw

material potential.

Over the past years, Kazakhstan has implemented two Concepts of regional

policy aimed at leveling the levels of social and economic development of the regions.

In addition, the implementation of rural development programs for 2004-2010, the

development of small towns for 2004-2006, and the Territorial Development Strategy

for the country until 2015 were implemented. A number of policy documents are also

currently in force, including state and governmental programs in the sphere of social,

industrial, innovative, agro-industrial development and others, which touch on certain

aspects of regional development in regulated areas.


Currently, there is a new Program for the Development of Regions until 2020,

approved by Decree No. 728 of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June

28, 2014. According to this Program, a balanced development strategy is proposed as

the basic ideology of regional policy based on a rational balance of priority

development of economic growth centers, concentration and managed urbanization, as

well as macro-regional development based on hub and radial principles. Meanwhile,

the Program contains tools for state support for the development of regions according

to the priorities of the centers of economic growth, both within individual regions and

the country as a whole.

The program is aimed at improving the quality of life of the population

(development of infrastructure for life support - energy and heat sources, systems of

gas-, heat-, electricity-, water supply and sanitation), development of economic

potential of regions, and development of regions in accordance with their functional

typology and economic potential, defines measures of an administrative, legal and

economic nature that facilitate their transition to internal consolidation, self-

organization and self-development on a market basis.

At the present stage, the regional policy of Kazakhstan is designed to ensure the

formation of a rational territorial organization that includes the stimulation of

urbanization processes and the regulated development of agglomerations, which are

the most important points of economic growth of the national economy, development

and support of promising settlements with economic and demographic potentials.

The level of urbanization in Kazakhstan is about 56.7%, which is the largest ratio

for the countries of Central Asia, but lags far behind the developed countries. Growing

cities, increasing mobility of the population and increasing specialization of production

are integral companions of development. The urbanization rates of such countries as

Australia, Canada and the USA are in the range of 75-80%.

In Kazakhstan, the location of industry is tied to mineral deposits, large cities

and water resources. Thus, in the North, grain farming, extraction of iron ore and coal,

machine building, production of petroleum products and ferroalloys, and energy are

developed. Nonferrous metallurgy, power engineering, machine building and forestry

prevail in Eastern Kazakhstan. West Kazakhstan is the largest oil and gas producing

region not only in Kazakhstan, but also in the CIS. The main branches of the economy

of Central Kazakhstan are ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, machine building,

livestock. In Southern Kazakhstan, cotton, rice, wool, grain, fruits, vegetables, grapes

are produced; Nonferrous metallurgy, instrument making, light and food industry, fish

and forestry are developed.

According to the Program for the Development of Regions until 2020 in

Kazakhstan, the regions, based on similar economic, natural and socio demographic

characteristics, are grouped into four macroregions: the Northern (Akmola, Kostanay,

North Kazakhstan regions), the Central Eastern (East Kazakhstan, Karaganda,

Pavlodar region), Southern (Almaty, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan regions)

and Western (Aktobe, Atyrau, Western Kazakhstan, Mangistau regions). Due to the

socio economic indicators and special status that are comparable to the macroregions,

the city hubs Astana and Almaty are also allocated.


Macroregions of Kazakhstan have different potentials and make different

contributions to the economic development of the country.

Brief description of the macroregions of the Republic of Kazakhstan is presented

in the table.

Macroregion Share in GDP,%

Share of the population

in the total population of

the Republic of


Level of


Central Eastern 18,3 20,0 69,7

Northern 8,6 12,4 48,6

Southern 17 37,7 38,0

West 23,8 15,2 52,9

Almaty city 21,2 9,6 100,0

Astana city 11,2 4,9 100,0

Thus, the Western Petroleum Macroregion, with a share of the country's

population of 15.2%, is the leader in the contribution to the national economy (23.8%).

Meanwhile, the agrarian Southern macroregion with a share of the country's population

of 37.7% (excluding the city of Almaty) produces only 17.0% of the country's gross

domestic product (hereinafter GDP).

Southern macroregion

The population is 6.7 million people (excluding Almaty).

The level of urbanization is 37.7%.

In the macroregion, there are two hub cities - Almaty and Shymkent, as well as

4 cities of the “second level”, 20 cities of the “third level”, 71 supporting rural

settlements (SRS).

The predominant specialization is agriculture. Meanwhile, certain types of

industry are developed: mining in the Kyzylorda region, uranium and chemicals in the

South Kazakhstan region, production of phosphorous products in the Zhambyl region.

Macroregion is characterized by high population density, but low level of

urbanization. In this regard, urbanization processes are inevitable, the rural population

is actively migrating to the cities.

Macroregion is the most integrated among others thanks to the implemented

project “Western Europe Western China” (Khorgos-Almaty-Taraz-Shymkent-


Western macroregion

The population is 2.7 million people.

The level of urbanization is 52.9%.

In the macroregion, there is one city hub - Aktobe, as well as 3 cities of the

“second level”, 11 cities of the “third level”, 62 supporting SRS.

The macro region is relatively poorly urbanized. Most of the GRP is created by

the oil and gas production sector. The manufacturing industry and agriculture are


developed in the Aktyubinsk and West Kazakhstan regions. Two of these regions are

partially a food base for the macroregion.

On the territory of the macroregion there are the only sea gates of the country

the seaport of Aktau.

There is a problem of overpopulation in the Mangistau region (Zhanaozen),

where, due to natural and climatic conditions, the possibility of creating new jobs is


Central Eastern macroregion

The population is 3.5 million people.

The level of urbanization is 69.7%.

In the macroregion, there is one city hub - Ust Kamenogorsk, as well as 3 cities

of the “second level”, 20 cities of the “third level”, 81 supporting SRS.

In the macroregion, there is a high level of urbanization, a relatively developed

industry, which requires the development of high conversion. The major cities of the

macroregion are Karaganda, Pavlodar, Ust Kamenogorsk, Semey.

The macro region is closely connected with the city hub of Astana and the

Northern macro region. In particular, the Karaganda agglomeration system of

populated areas (with the cities of Temirtau, Saran, Abay, Shakhtinsk) is connected

with the Astana agglomeration. Meanwhile, two macroregions mutually complement

each other according to the sectoral structure: the agrarian specialization of the

Northern macroregion and the industrial specialization of the Central Eastern


Considering the large area of the territory, it is critical for the macroregion to

ensure high speed transport accessibility, in particular from the supporting cities to the

territories with tourist potential (Bayanauyl, Karkaraly, Altai and others).

Northern macroregion

The population is 2.2 million people.

The level of urbanization is 48.6%.

The city hub for the macroregion is Astana.

In the macroregion there are 3 cities of the “second level”, 17 cities of the “third

level”, 99 supporting SRS. The macroregion is poorly urbanized, and there is an

outflow of population.

The main specialization is the production of grain. In the regions, certain types

of industry are developed (the Petropavlovsk Heavy Machinery Plant in the North

Kazakhstan Region, the Sokolovsko-Sarbaiskoye Mining and Processing Enterprise

and the Agromashholding in the Kostanay Region, the KamAZ Engineering and the

uranium ore mining in the Akmola region), that is the cities of Kostanay,

Petropavlovsk, Kokshetau, Stepnogorsk are relatively diversified.

The macroregion has a certain tourist potential (Shchuchinsk Borovo resort

zone, Zerenda, Sandyktau, Bulanda and others).

Section 2. Non-Tariff Regulation


Since January 1, 2010, the practical implementation of the Customs Union of the

Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation has

begun. The main condition for the Customs Union is the application of a single trade

policy towards third countries, one of which is a unified non-tariff policy.

On May 29, 2014, the Presidents of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan signed the

Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU Treaty), which entered into force on

January 1, 2015. This Treaty served as the beginning of the formation of the Eurasian

Economic Union on the basis of the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus

and the Common Economic Space. In 2015, the Republic of Armenia (since January

2, 2015) and the Kyrgyz Republic (since August 12, 2015) joined them.

Within the framework of the Union, the freedom of movement of goods,

services, capital and labor, and a coordinated or unified policy in key sectors of the

economy are ensured.

In accordance with the EAEU Treaty, most of the issues of trade regulation are

transferred to a supranational level, and therefore there is a single regulation operating

in the territories of all five EAEU member-states.

According to the Article 25 of the EAEU Treaty within the Union:

- an internal market for goods shall be in place;

- a common trade regime shall be applied to relations with third parties;

- a Common customs regulation shall be applied;

- a Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union and other

common measures regulating foreign trade with third parties shall be applied.

Rules for determining the country of origin of goods

In accordance with Article 37 of the EAEU Treaty the rules for determining the

origin of goods imported into the customs territory of the Union (non-preferential rules

for determining the origin of goods) are established by the Eurasian Economic

Commission. To date, non-preferential rules of origin have not yet been approved, and

on the basis of paragraph 4 of Article 102 of the EAEU Treaty, non-preferential rules

are used, defined by the Agreement on Uniform Rules for Determining the Country of

Origin of Goods dated January 25, 2008. In the current version, non-preferential rules

for the whole commodity nomenclature a uniform criterion of sufficient processing is

applied a change in the commodity classification of the goods at the level of at least

one of the first four digits of the HS Code of EAEU.

Thanks to the creation of an economic union, a certificate of origin is not

required in the framework of mutual trade between the EAEU member-states. Within

the framework of the EAEU, preferential certificates of origin are issued by the

Chambers of Commerce of the Republic of Armenia, the Russian Federation, the

Republic of Belarus and the Kyrgyz Republic. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the

National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" has the right to issue preferential

certificates of origin.

A declaration of origin is an application made by the manufacturer, seller or

exporter on a commercial or other document related to the exported goods.


Customs procedures

Customs regulation of the EAEU member-states is a legal regulation related to

the movement of goods across the customs border of the EAEU, their transportation in

the single customs territory of the EAEU under the customs control, temporary storage

of goods, release and use in accordance with customs procedures, customs declaration,

customs control , payment of customs duties, as well as cooperation between customs

authorities and subjects exercising ownership, use and rights ordinances in respect of


The EAEU member-states apply the Unified Customs Tariff of the Eurasian

Economic Union a legal document containing the schedule of import customs duties.

The unified customs regulation in accordance with the Treaty on the Eurasian

Economic Union, the Customs Code of the Customs Union (the Customs Code of the

EAEU will come into force on January 1, 2018) and the customs treaties governing

international relations and acts constituting the Union's right are implemented in the

Unified Energy System. In accordance with Article 1 of the Customs Code, the customs

regulation in the part not regulated by the legislation of the Union, before the

establishment of the relevant legal relations is carried out in accordance with the

national legislation of the EAEU member-states.

The competence of the EAEU Commission in the field of customs regulation


Creation of a unified system for identification of participants in foreign

economic activity on the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (ESITS);

Maintenance of classifiers used for filling customs documents, as well as

structures and formats of electronic copies of customs documents;

Harmonization and unification of the rules for electronic declaration of goods in

force in the member-states of the Customs Union;

Conducting monitoring of observance by the EAEU member-states of the

provisions of international treaties, decisions and orders adopted by the Supreme

Eurasian Economic Council, Eurasian Intergovernmental Council and Eurasian

Economic Commission in the field of customs regulation;

Maintenance and publication of registers of participants in foreign economic

activities and persons engaged in activities in the field of customs.

The scope of the exclusive competence of the customs authorities of the EAEU

member-states within the framework of national legislation in the field of customs

regulation in accordance with the Customs Code:

- Establishment of rates of export customs duties, as well as the procedure for

their calculation and payment in a part not regulated by the customs legislation of the

Customs Union;

- Control over the enforcement of customs legislation of the Customs Union;

- Establishment, introduction and application of excises and VAT;

- Establishment of types and rates of customs duties;

- Control of the customs value of goods.

The Customs Code of the Customs Union was formed in accordance with the

standards of the Kyoto Convention of May 18, 1973.


The following customs procedures are established with respect to goods for the

purposes of customs regulation:

1) release for domestic consumption;

2) export;

3) customs transit;

4) customs warehouse;

5) processing in the customs territory;

6) processing of goods outside the customs territory;

7) processing for domestic consumption;

8) temporary importation (admission);

9) temporary export;

10) re import;

11) re export:

12) duty free trade;

13) destruction;

14) refusal in favor of the state;

The goods are issued by the customs authority within 1 working day after the

date of registration of the customs declaration, unless otherwise stipulated by the

Customs Code of the Customs Union.

Goods that are not subject to export duties or placed under the customs procedure

for export or temporary export, the list of which is determined by the Commission of

the customs union, are released from the customs authority within 4 hours after

registration of the declaration for such goods. However, if the application is registered

4 hours before the end of the working hours of the customs authority or less, such goods

are released within 4 hours after the commencement of the work of such a customs

authority. These terms include the duration of customs control.

The term for the release of goods may be extended for the time necessary for the

performance or completion of customs control operations, subject to the written

consent of the head or the authorized deputy head of the customs authority or their

deputies, and does not exceed 10 working days from the date of registration of the

customs declaration.

The Commission and/or the national legislation of the EAEU member-states can

set a shorter time for the release of the goods.

Customs payments imposed by customs authorities include:

1) import customs duty;

2) export customs duty;

3) the value added tax levied on the import of goods into the customs territory

of the customs union;

4) excise levied when importing goods into the customs territory of the customs


5) customs fees (customs fees for customs operations, for customs escort, as well

as for storage).

Defensive, anti-dumping or countervailing duties are established in accordance

with the provisions of the EAEU Treaty and must be collected in the manner prescribed


by the Customs Code of the Customs Union for the collection of customs duties.

The basis for calculating customs duties, depending on the type of goods and the

types of rates used, is the customs value of goods and (or) their physical characteristics

in physical terms (quantity, weight, taking into account its primary packaging, which

is inseparable from the goods before consumption and in which the goods are presented

for retail sale, volume or other characteristics).

Sanitary and phytosanitary measures The basic principles of the application of SPS measures in the EAEU are

enshrined in the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union in section XI and Appendix

No. 12. In accordance with the provisions of the Treaty, the powers to apply SPS

measures in the Union are divided between the supranational bodies of the EAEU and

the member-states. The Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) is empowered to enact

acts binding on the entire territory of the EAEU, in the application of sanitary and

phytosanitary regulation measures. In particular, EEC:

Approves uniform lists of products (facilities) subject to state sanitary and

epidemiological supervision, veterinary control, a list of quarantine products and a

single list of quarantine facilities of the EAEU;

Establishes uniform sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for

products (goods), veterinary (veterinary and sanitary), quarantine phytosanitary


Approves the procedure for interaction of the authorized bodies of the EAEU

member-states with the introduction of temporary sanitary, veterinary and sanitary and

quarantine phytosanitary measures;

Approves the procedure for conducting state sanitary epidemiological,

veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary surveillance at the customs border of the EAEU

and on the customs territory of the EAEU;

Establishes requirements for material and technical equipment and arrangement

of sanitary quarantine, veterinary, quarantine points;

Approves uniform forms of veterinary certificates, etc.

Meanwhile, EEC does not have the competence to enforce these measures within

the Union. In other words, EEC has no right to impose restrictions or prohibitions on

the import of goods in order to protect life, health of people, animals, plants, the

environment. EEC also does not have the authority to exercise supervisory functions

in the area of applying SPS measures, to introduce quarantines or temporary SPS

measures. This right belongs to the EAEU member-states.

In accordance with the provisions of the EAEU Treaty, the EAEU member-states

reserve the right to introduce additional SPS requirements and procedures, which

follows from Article 53 of the EAEU Treaty. In other words, member states have the

right to develop and adopt regulations that introduce additional requirements and

conformity assessment procedures with respect to agricultural products and food



Separate powers in the area of SPS regulation remain attached to the national

governments of the EAEU member-states.

Table: National authorities of the EAEU member-states in the field of the

application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures

Phytosanitary measures Veterinary measures Sanitary measures

Adoption of national


requirements applied

before the entry into force

of the unified


requirements of the


Establishment of the

procedure for issuing

permission for import

(export) and transit of

products subject to

veterinary control and

registration of veterinary


Introduction of temporary

sanitary measures in the

territory of their country

with respect to controlled

products from third

countries or other

countries of the EAEU

Introduction of temporary

phytosanitary measures

for quarantine products

from third countries and

the countries of the EAEU

Establishment of the

procedure for conducting

veterinary and sanitary

examination of

unprocessed food

products of animal origin

Sanitary control of the

controlled products at the

checkpoints of the

countries of the EAEU

located on the customs

border and on the customs

territory of the EAEU

Phytosanitary control

when moving quarantine


Audit of official foreign

veterinary surveillance


from the territory of one

country of the EAEU to

the territory of another

Issuance of permits for the

importation of controlled

goods from third countries

or their transit

Border veterinary control

of goods transported

across the customs border

of the EAEU at


Veterinary control when

moving the controlled

products from the territory

of one EAEU country to

the territory of another

Issuance of veterinary

certificates for products

supplied to other countries

of the EAEU and to third



Source: EEC data.

Sanitary measures

The main regulatory and legal documents regulating the application of sanitary

measures in the Unified Energy System are:

The agreement on the EAEU (section XI and Appendix No. 12);

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of 28.05.2010 № 299 "On

the application of sanitary measures in the Eurasian Economic Union".

Article 57 of the EAEU Treaty establishes that the application of sanitary

measures in the EAEU must be carried out only to persons, vehicles and goods included

in a single list of controlled products. In accordance with the EAEU Treaty, the

responsibility for developing and approving such a list is assigned to the EEC. In

addition, according to the Agreement on the EAEU, sanitary and epidemiological and

hygienic requirements for listed facilities must be uniform for all EAEU member-states

and be developed and approved by EEC acts. The contract also grants the right of the

state authorized bodies to conduct sanitary and epidemiological surveillance on the

basis of the norms of national legislation.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of May 28, 2010 No. 299

"On the application of sanitary measures in the Eurasian Economic Union" states:

A single list of products subject to state sanitary and epidemiological supervision

(control) at the customs border and the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic


Uniform sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for products

subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control);

The uniform form of the document confirming safety of production;

Regulations on the procedure for the implementation of state sanitary and

epidemiological supervision (control) for persons and vehicles crossing the customs

border of the EAEU, controlled by products transported across the customs border of

the EAEU and on the customs territory of the EAEU.

In addition to the list of goods falling under sanitary and epidemiological control,

the Single List approves the list of goods subject to state registration, as well as goods

for which state registration is not required.

The goods, in relation to which sanitary and epidemiological surveillance is

required, mainly includes food products, products for children, cosmetics, household

products, tobacco products and a number of others.

Products requiring state registration include:

Baby food products of group 03 of the HS Code foreign trade activities;

Disinfectants, disinsection and deratization tools (for use in everyday life,

in medical prophylactic establishments and at other objects (except for those used in

veterinary medicine));

Production of household chemical goods;

Potentially hazardous chemical and biological substances and

preparations based on them, representing a potential hazard to humans (other than


medicinal products), individual substances (compounds) of natural or artificial origin,

capable of production, use, transportation, processing, as well as in household

conditions have an adverse effect on human health and the environment.

Materials, equipment, devices and other technical means of water treatment,

intended for use in household and drinking water supply systems.

Personal hygiene items for adults.

Products intended for contact with food (except dishes, cutlery, processing

equipment and packaging (closures)).

Unified sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements for products

subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision contain specific requirements for

23 groups of goods, the implementation of which is necessary to obtain the possibility

of the goods crossing the border of the EAEU and circulation to the territory of the

EAEU. So, with respect to food products, such requirements, in particular, include the

maximum levels of individual substances for each product group. Unified sanitary and

epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods for which the technical

regulations of the EAEU are developed are included in the technical regulations of the

Union in accordance with the EEC acts.

Import of goods included in the list of products subject to state registration to the

customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union must be accompanied by a

document confirming the safety of goods. This document is issued based on the results

of laboratory tests (tests) conducted in accredited laboratories of authorized state

bodies included in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Test Laboratories

of the Eurasian Union.

Recognition of certificates confirming the safety of goods imported into the

territory of the EAEU, issued by one of the EAEU member-states and issued under the

Uniform Form of Certificate of State Registration, is made without re registration to

the documents of the country of destination and without the need for repeated

laboratory studies.

Phytosanitary measures

The main legal documents regulating the application of phytosanitary

measures in the Eurasian Economic Union are:

The EAEU Treaty (section XI and Appendix No. 12);

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of June 18, 2010. No. 318;

Decision of the Council of EEC of 14 October 2015 No. 92;

Decision of the Collegium of EEC of 10 May 2016 No. 42;

Decision of the Council of EEC of 30 November 2016 No. 157;

Decision of the Council of EEC of 30 November 2016 No. 158;

Decision of the Council of EEC of 30 November 2016 No. 159.

In accordance with the EAEU Treaty, phytosanitary measures can only be

applied to goods and facilities included in a single list of regulated products and a single

list of quarantine and regulated articles. The development and approval of appropriate

lists, as well as uniform quarantine phytosanitary requirements, is carried out by the

EEC. Prior to the entry into force of unified phytosanitary requirements, member-states


apply national phytosanitary requirements contained in national legislation on

phytosanitary control.

The Treaty grants the member-states the right to introduce temporary quarantine

measures, in some cases. Such cases include:

- deterioration of the quarantine phytosanitary situation in the territory of the

EAEU member-state;

- receipt of information from relevant international organizations, member-

states and/or third countries on quarantine phytosanitary measures;

- the situation when the relevant scientific justification for the use of quarantine

phytosanitary measures is insufficient or can not be submitted within the required time;

- systematic detection of quarantine objects in quarantine products imported

from third countries.

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of June 18, 2010. No. 318

"On Ensuring Plant Quarantine in the Eurasian Economic Union" states:

- The list of quarantineable products subject to quarantine phytosanitary control

(supervision) at the customs border of the EAEU and the customs territory of the


- Regulations on the procedure for the implementation of quarantine

phytosanitary control (supervision) at the customs border of the EAEU;

- Regulations on the procedure for the implementation of quarantine

phytosanitary control (supervision) in the customs territory of the Customs Union.

The list of regulated products distinguishes goods with high and low

phytosanitary risk. Goods with high phytosanitary risk when imported into the customs

territory of the EAEU and within the Union must be accompanied by a phytosanitary

certificate. The form of the export (re export) phytosanitary certificate is approved by

the International Plant Protection Convention, re issuance of certificates is not required.

Phytosanitary control at the border of the EAEU is carried out with the import

into the customs territory of the EAEU of quarantine products and the export of the

corresponding products from the territory of the EAEU. Phytosanitary control in the

customs territory of the EAEU is carried out when moving the controlled products from

the territory of one state of the EAEU to the territory of another if the product is not

placed under the customs procedure for customs transit or under the customs procedure

providing for the export of goods from the customs territory of the EAEU. In the event

that the movement of regulated products through the territory of the EAEU occurs

within the same country, phytosanitary control is carried out on the basis of the national

legislation of the country.

Veterinary and sanitary measures

The main regulatory legal acts regulating the use of veterinary and sanitary

measures in the EAEU are:

- The EAEU Treaty (section XI and Appendix No. 12);

- Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of June 18, 2010 No. 317;

- Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of April 7, 2011 No. 624;

- Decision of the Council of EEC of 9 October 2014 No. 94.


In accordance with the EAEU Treaty, veterinary and sanitary measures are

applied only for those goods that are included in a single list of goods subject to

veterinary control. Uniform veterinary requirements apply to such products. A single

list of controlled goods and uniform requirements for the corresponding goods are

approved by the EEC. The EAEU Treaty allows the member-states to introduce

temporary veterinary measures unilaterally.

The decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of June 18, 2010 No. 317


- A single list of goods subject to veterinary control;

- Regulations on the uniform procedure for the implementation of veterinary

control at the customs border of the customs union and on the customs territory of the

customs union;

- Unified veterinary (veterinary and sanitary) requirements for goods subject

to veterinary control;

- Uniform forms of veterinary certificates.

When importing goods into the customs territory of the EAEU, each

consignment of controlled products must comply with uniform veterinary and

veterinary sanitary requirements, and be accompanied by a permit for its importation

and movement through the territory of the EAEU and a veterinary certificate.

Veterinary certificates issued by the authorized bodies of the EAEU member-states in

a uniform manner are mutually recognized by all EAEU member-states.

Veterinary control during the movement of controlled goods in the customs

territory of the EAEU is carried out by the authorized bodies of the member-states

during their manufacture and loading.

Technical regulation

Technical regulations.

Key provisions that form the basic principles of the functioning of the system of

technical regulation in the EAE area are set out in Section X of the EAEU Treaty, as

well as Annexes 9, 10 and 11 to it. In addition to the EAEU Treaty, there are also a

number of separate regulatory and legal acts that provide the legal basis for the

technical regulation of the Union. Among the most important of them are the following


- A single list of products in respect of which mandatory requirements are

established within the framework of the Customs Union;

- A single list of products subject to mandatory assessment (confirmation) of

compliance within the Customs Union with the issuance of uniform documents;

- Regulations on the procedure for developing, adopting, amending and

abolishing the technical regulations of the customs union;

- Recommendations on the content and model structure of the technical

regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union;

- Methodological recommendations for the metrological examination of the

draft technical regulations of the Customs Union;


- Regulations on the procedure for importing goods (goods) into the customs

territory of the Customs Union, in respect of which mandatory requirements are

established within the framework of the Customs Union;

- Regulations on the uniform mark of circulation of products on the market of

the member-states of the Customs Union;

- Regulations on the procedure for the application of standard schemes for

assessing (confirming) compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations

of the Customs Union.

Technical regulations of the EAEU (Customs Union) establish mandatory

requirements for products, as well as the process of its production, installation,

operation, storage, transportation and disposal. They can also contain rules for

terminology, packaging and labeling of products.

The development, adoption, as well as the introduction of changes to the

technical regulations of the EAEU (including the current regulations of the Customs

Union) are carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for the

development, adoption, modification and abolition of the technical regulations of the

Customs Union, and in accordance with the Development Plan and amending the

technical regulations.

Technical regulations of the EAEU are developed only for goods included

in the Unified List of Products for which mandatory requirements are established

within the Union. However, it is important to consider that for today only 34 products

from 66 that are included in the Unified List are subject to the technical regulations of

the Union. In this case, according to the Appendix No. 9 to the EAEU Treaty, for the

remaining 32 objects of technical regulation, in respect of which the technical

regulations of the Union have not entered into force, internal regulations of the

legislation of the member-states or acts of the Commission are in force.

The products for which the national technical regulations of the EAEU

member-states are currently applied include:

high-voltage equipment;

attractions, equipment of children's playgrounds;


rolling stock of the subway;

light rail transport, trams;

objects of sea transport

inland waterway transport facilities;

buildings and structures;

building materials and products;

metro infrastructure;

means for ensuring fire safety;

fire extinguishing media;

medical products;

sanitary ware;

chemical products;


synthetic detergents;

household chemical goods;

paint and varnish materials and solvents;


means of plant protection

devices and systems for accounting for water, gas, heat energy, electrical


instruments and systems for accounting for oil, products of its processing;

alcoholic beverages;

hunting and sports weapons, ammunition to it;

telecommunication facilities;

coal and its processing products;

liquefied hydrocarbon gases for use as fuel;

materials in contact with the skin of a person;

products intended for civil defense and protection from emergency

situations of natural and man made nature;

oil prepared for transportation and (or) use;

combustible natural gas, prepared for transportation and (or) use;

trunk pipelines for transportation of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons.

In the absence of technical regulations of the Union in relation to certain types

of products included in the Unified List, it is allowed to be circulated in the EAEU area

only if the same mandatory requirements are applied to it by the countries of the EAEU

member-states, the forms and schemes of conformity assessment, research methods

(testing), as well as it has passed the established procedures for compliance in the

territory of the EAEU member-state with a number of conditions:

certification of the product and its testing were carried out by the

conformity assessment body and the laboratory, which are included in the Unified

Register of Conformity Assessment Units of the EAEU;

the certificate of conformity and the declaration of conformity were drawn

up in a uniform form.

For the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, which joined the

EAEU in 2015, there are transitional periods for adaptation to the technical regulations

of the Union. Until the end, products from the Unified List that meet the requirements

of their national legislations are issued only in domestic markets. The transition period

for the Republic of Armenia will be 2 years, starting from January 1, 2016, for some

types of products more (for furniture products, the transition period will be 3 years, for

cars - 6 years). For the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the end of the transition period will

come in 2019.


In accordance with the Protocol on Technical Regulation within the framework

of the EAEU, international, regional standards, and in case of their absence (before the


adoption of regional standards), the national standards of the Parties are applied for the

following purposes:

to meet the requirements of technical regulations of the Union. The

Commission approves the list of standards that, when applied on a voluntary basis,

ensure compliance with the technical regulations of the Union;

carrying out of tests and measurements at realization of an estimation of

conformity of production to requirements of technical regulations of the Union,

to confirm compliance with the technical regulations of the Union.

In addition, the standards can be used as a basis for the development of technical

regulations of the Union.

In order to ensure a smooth transition to the new technical regulations in the

EAEU, it was decided to establish a transition period to use the standards included by

the Commission in the approved lists. This mechanism operates as follows: at the initial

stage, two standards (old and new versions) operate simultaneously, then the old

version is canceled, and only the new version of the standard remains. This allows

manufacturers to better orient themselves and gradually prepare for a new standard,

since they know in advance the timing of the new standard's entry into force and its

product requirements.

Assessment of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations

According to Appendix No. 9 to the EAEU Agreement, the conformity

assessment of technical regulation facilities is carried out in the forms of registration,

testing, conformity assessment, examination and/or in another form.

The goods included in the Unified List of Products subject to mandatory

conformity assessment (confirmation) of conformity within the framework of the

EAEU are subject to mandatory assessment. After the evaluation, the applicant is given

a declaration or a certificate of conformity at the choice of the applicant.

The conformity assessment is carried out by organizations included in the

Unified Register of Conformity Bodies of the EAEU. This register is formed from

organizations that have passed accreditation, which is carried out by the authorized

bodies of each EAEU member-state. According to Appendix No. 11 to the EAEU

Treaty, the countries of the Union carry out mutual recognition of the results of works

on the accreditation of bodies, assessing the conformity of member-states.

Unified forms of documents on conformity assessment and rules for their

execution, as well as Unified registers of issued or accepted documents on conformity

assessment are approved by the Eurasian Economic Commission.

According to the EAEU Treaty, in order to ensure comparability of the results

of measurements and the results of the conformity assessment of products with the

requirements of the technical regulations of the Union, the EAEU countries carry out

a coordinated policy in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements by

harmonizing the legislation of member states in this field.

The basis for accepting the declaration of conformity of the unified form of the

EAEU is the testing of goods exclusively in laboratories included in the Unified


Register of Conformity Assessment Bodies of the Unified Energy System, which is

formed only from legal entities of the EAEU member-states.

Section 3. Tariff Regulation

Customs and tariff regulation within the framework of the EAEU is conducted

in accordance with the EAEU Treaty of May 29, 2014.

According to the Article 25 of EAEU Treaty within the Union, the Common

Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union (CCT of the EAEU) and other

common measures regulating foreign trade with third parties shall be applied.

The basis of customs and tariff regulation is the Common Customs Tariff of

EAEU (CCT of the EAEU), which is applied in accordance with Article 42 of the

Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union of the EAEU Treaty.

Decision-making on the issues of establishing and adjusting the rates of import

customs duties at the CCT of the EAEU is within the competence of the EEC.

The rates of import customs duties are approved by the Decision of the Council

of EEC of July 16, 2012 No. 54 "On Approval of the Unified Commodity

Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activities of the EAEU and the Common

Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union", unless otherwise established by the

Customs Code of the Customs Union and (or) international treaties of the EAEU


In accordance with the Protocol on Accession of the Republic of Kazakhstan to

the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization of April 15,

1994, ratified by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 9, 2015, the

Republic of Kazakhstan applies the rates of import customs duties for certain types of

commodity, with the rates of fees of CCT of the EAEU.

In order to implement the tariff obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan into

the EAEU regulatory framework adopted the EEC Council Decision of October 14,

2015 No. 59 "On the list of commodity in respect of which the Republic of Kazakhstan,

in accordance with the obligations accepted as a condition for accession to the World

Trade Organization, applies rates of import customs duties lower than the rates of

duties of the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union, and the sizes

of such rates of duties”.

At the same time, in accordance with the tariff obligations of the Republic of

Kazakhstan, the WTO provides for an annual reduction in the amount of import

customs duties for certain types of commodity during the transition period.

It should be noted that the Treaty on the Functioning of the Customs Union

within the framework of the multilateral trading system of May 19, 2011 provides,

prior to the adoption of the necessary decisions by the EAEU bodies to implement the

tariff obligations of the parties, that the obligations of the WTO parties shall take

precedence over the relevant provisions of the international treaties concluded within

the framework of the EAEU.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan, proposals on establishing and changing the rates

of import customs duties are developed by the Interdepartmental Commission on Trade


Policy and Participation in International Economic Organizations under the

Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter “the IDC”), which includes

representatives of state bodies.

From the Kazakh side, the authorized body, which makes proposals on adjusting

the rates of import customs duties for consideration by the IDC, is the Ministry of

National Economy.

Tariff quotas

In accordance with clause 1 of Article 44 of the EAEU Treaty, certain types of

agricultural products originating from third countries and imported into the customs

territory of EAEU are allowed to establish tariff quotas if similar commodity are

produced in the customs territory of EAEU. The establishment of tariff quotas and their

volumes belongs to supranational competence and conducted by EEC.

For the Republic of Kazakhstan, the volume of commodity quotas for certain

types of agricultural commodity is established in accordance with Kazakhstan's

binding rate to the WTO.

The conditions and mechanism for the application of tariff quotas are regulated

in accordance with Annex 6 to the EAEU Treaty.

In addition, within the framework of the national legislation, the Rules for the

distribution of the volume of tariff quotas between participants in foreign economic

activities for the import of certain types of meat into the Republic of Kazakhstan,

approved by the order of the Minister of National Economy of January 20, 2015 № 30.

Tariff privileges

In accordance with Article 43 of the EAEU Treaty, in respect of commodity

being imported (having been imported) into the customs territory of EAEU, tariff

privileges may be applied in the form of exemption from payment of import customs

duties or reduction of the rate of import customs duty. Granting of tariff privileges is

conducted according to the appendix 6 to the Contract on EAEU. The commodity, for

which tariff benefits are granted, are approved by Clause 7 of Decision of the Customs

Union Commission of November 27, 2009 No. 130 "On Common Customs Tariff


9.2%9.6% 9.9%







11.5%11.9% 12.2%


9.5% 9.2%

7.8%7.2% 7.0%

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


The average level of import duties of Kazakhstan

Weighted average level Arithmetic mean


Regulation of the Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of

Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation".

Also, within the framework of the national legislation of the Republic of

Kazakhstan, there is an order of the Minister of National Economy of March 30, 2015,

No. 279 "On Approval of the Rules for Granting Tariff Benefits and the List of Goods

Subject to Tariff Benefits."

Tariff preferences

In accordance with Article 36 of the EAEU Treaty, to promote the economic

development of the developing and least developed countries, unified EAEU offers

tariff preferences. The procedure for obtaining tariff preferences, as well as the

conditions for their provision, are approved by the EEC Council Decision of April 6,

2016 No. 47 and are unified in all EAEU member-states.

The lists of countries that are users of the system of tariff preferences were

approved by Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 130 of November 27,

2009. The preferential list of commodity originating in developing countries or from

least developed countries for which tariff preferences are granted to the customs

territory of EAEU is approved by the EEC Council Decision from January 13, 2017

No. 8.

With respect to commodity originating from developing countries, a tariff

preference may be granted in the form of a 25% discount from the current import

customs duty rate. In respect of commodity originating in the least developed countries,

the tariff preferences will be the application of the zero rate of import customs duty.

Section 4. Trade between Kazakhstan and Indonesia

Mutual trade

According to the data of the State Revenues Committee of the Ministry of

Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the trade turnover between Kazakhstan and

Indonesia for 2016 amounted to $ 19.3 million which is 66.3% lower than in 2012

($ 57.4 million).

Mutual trade between Kazakhstan and Indonesia

$ million 2012 2016 Growth for


Goods turnover 57.4 19.3 -66.3%

Export 19.9 1.2 -94.2%

Import 37.4 18.2 -51.4%

Trade balance -17.5 -17.0

Source: Calculations of CTPD according to the data of the SRC MF RK

Exports from Kazakhstan to Indonesia in 2016 compared to 2012 decreased

by 94.2% and amounted to $ 1.2 million (Reference: through reducing the supply of goods

such as other flat products of iron or non-alloy steel with a width of 600 mm or more, not clad, in

rolls, without further processing other than hot rolling, with thickness of 4.75 mm or more, but not

more than 10 mm by $ 6.8 million. - from $ 6.8 to 0 million, other flat products, of iron or non-alloy


steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, not clad in rolls, without further processing other than hot

rolling, 3 mm or more thick, but not less than by $ 6,3 million - from $ 6.3 to 0 million, other flat

rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, of a thickness of less than 3

mm, by $ 5.4 million - from $ 5.4 to 0 million, flat rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a

width of 600 mm or more, in rolls, without further processing, other than hot rolling, of a thickness

exceeding 10 mm, by $ 1.2 million - from $ 1.2 to 0 million).

The main exports from Kazakhstan to Indonesia in 2016:

semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight

0.25% or more of carbon - $ 1 million (83,6%),

other articles of ferrous metals - $ 0.1 million (6,5%),

weaving machines, shuttleless, for the manufacture of fabrics with a width

of more than 30 cm - $ 0.1 million (5,2%).

Import to Kazakhstan from Indonesia for 2016 decreased by 51.4% and

amounted to $ 18.2 million (Reference: through reducing the supply of goods such as other

video recording or video reproducing equipment, combined or not combined with the video tuner:

DVD-players for $ 4,7 million - from $ 4.7 to 0 million, cars with a volume of more than 1500 cm3,

but not more than 3000 cm3 by $ 4.2 million - from $ 4.3 to 0 million, other palm oil and its fractions,

unrefined or refined, but without changing their chemical composition by $ 3.8 million - from $ 4.5

to 0.7 million, combined with sound recording or sound reproducing equipment for $ 1.3 million -

from $ 1.3 to 0 million, pneumatic, rubber, new for cars tiers by $ 0,7 million - from $ 0.7 to 0 million,

other parts and accessories of printing machines, printers, copiers and fax machines, combined or

uncombined by $ 0.6 million - from $ 0.8 to 0.2 million, part of the equipment for sorting, washing,

grinding, mixing soil, stone, ores and other minerals in the solid state by $ 0.6 million - from $ 1 to

0.4 million).

Major imports from Indonesia in 2016:

pipes and hoses, rigid of other plastics - $ 2.4 million 13,3%),

tin, raw and unalloyed - $ 1.4 million (7,5%),

other black tea - $ 1.1 million (6,1%),

other freight and cargo-passenger vessels - $ 0.8 million (4,1%),

other equipment that can connect to a computer or a network - $ 0.7

million (3,8%),

other palm oil and its fractions, unrefined or refined, but without changing

their chemical composition - $ 0.7 million (3,6%),

soap in other forms - $ 0.6 million (3,2%),

other coconut oil (copra) and its fractions - $ 0.5 million (2,7%).

Analysis of the main imported Indonesian goods to Kazakhstan

In total, 24 goods that Kazakhstan imports from Indonesia were selected.

The export of Indonesian goods to the world in 2016 amounted to 17.3 billion

US dollars, while Kazakhstan's imports from the world of these goods in 2016

amounted to 590.6 million US dollars including import from Indonesia amounted only

to 13.4 million US dollars (2.3%). The import of other countries of the Eurasian


Economic Union in 2016 was $ 6.8 billion from third countries (Indonesia's share was

$ 721.9 million or 10.6%).

The List of selected goods (24) consist of: tea, palm and coconut oil, tobacco,

ink, cosmetics, soap, plastic pipes, footwear (2 codes), kitchenware, tin, refrigerators,

fax machines, equipment for filtering oil or fuel in engines, cash till, other engineering

products (6 codes), lenses, keyboard instruments, toys on wheels.

1. Black tea (090240 HS CODE)

According to the UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported

the above-described commodity to the world market on an average of 95.2 million

USD. At the same time, in 2016, exports amounted to 37 873.0 tons for 68.6 million

USD (1.81 $/kg).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is - 0% and

final obligations in the WTO - 0%.

At the same time, according to the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of

Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry

of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan

imported goods on the average amounting to 99.1 million USD. At the same time, in

2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 25,414.5 tons worth 87.8

million USD (3.45 $/kg). Import from Indonesia - 368.8 tons worth 1.1 million USD

(3.03 $/kg).

2. Palm oil and its fractions, unrefined or refined, but without changing

their chemical composition (151190 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $ 11,420.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 17,475,351.1 tons worth $ 11059.8 million

(0.63 $/kg).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final liabilities in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 18.5 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 37,896.3 tons worth

34.4 $ million (0.91 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 904.7 tons to the amount of $ 657.0

thousand (0.73 $/kg).

3. Coconut oil (Copra) and its fractions (151319 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $ 343.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 299 324.6 tons worth 425.1 $ million (1.42


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 1,7% and

final liabilities in the WTO are 0%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 2.2 million. Meanwhile, in

2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 805.5 tons for $ 1.5

million (1.84 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 259.4 tons worth $ 489.1 thousand (1.89


4. Tobacco with partially or completely separated middle vein (code

240120 HS)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average worth $95.0 million. At the

same time, in 2016, the export was 15,299.7 tonnes worth $78.5 million (5.13 $/kg).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 4.7% and

final binding rate in the WTO - 4.7%.

At the same time, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance of the

Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported the commodity in

question worth $40.4 million. At the same time, in 2016, the import of the Republic of

Kazakhstan was 5 508.7 tons worth $32.8 million (5.95 $/kg). Import from Indonesia

- 65.4 tons worth $264.3 thousand (4.04 $/kg).

5. Other inks (code 321590 HS)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average worth $3.1 million. At the

same time, in 2016, the export was 137.8 tons worth $379.5 thousand (2.75 $/kg).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 5% on average and the

final binding rate in the WTO is 5%.

At the same time, according to KGD MF RK, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan

imported the commodity in question worth $1.8 million. At the same time, in 2016, the

import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 256.0 tons worth $1.6 million (6.31 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia - 2.5 tons worth $137.3 thousand (53.9 $/kg).

6. Cosmetic or make-up products and skin care products (330499 HS


According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $ 110.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 22 238.7 tons worth 114 $ million (5,13


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 6.5% and

final liabilities in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 78.6 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 7,660.8 tons worth 54.1

$ million (7.06 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 37.4 tons worth $ 249.0 thousand (6.65



7. Soap in other forms (340120 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $ 162.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 301 656.3 tons worth 208.4 $ million (0.69


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8.2% and

final obligations in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 6.4 million. Meanwhile, in

2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 4,373.6 tons worth $ 4.7

million (1.08 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 640.0 tons to the amount of 576.5 $

thousand (0.90 $/kg).

8. Pipes, tubes and hoses, rigid of other plastics (code 391729 HS)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average worth $9.3 million. At the

same time, in 2016, the export was 2 511.2 tons worth $9.6 million (3.82 $/kg).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 2% on average and the

final binding rate in the WTO is 0%.

At the same time, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance of the

Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National

Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported the

commodity in question worth $14.1 million. At the same time, in 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1 606.1 tons worth $8.5 million (5.31 $/kg). Import

from Indonesia - 430.5 tons worth $2.4 million (5.62 $/kg).

9. Other footwear on the sole of rubber, polymeric material, natural or

composite leather, with leather upper, covering the ankle (640391 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $ 134.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 4,505,050 pairs worth $ 145 million (32.2


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 12.1% and

final liabilities in the WTO are 12.1%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 45.6 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 722,638 pairs for $

19.1 million (26.4 $/pair). Imports from Indonesia 10 908 pairs worth $ 272.1 thousand

(24.9 /$pair).

10. Footwear on the sole of rubber, plastic, natural or composite leather

(640399 HS CODE)


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $ 732.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 33,664,134 pairs valued at $ 917.1 million

(27.2 $/pair).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 17,1% and

final liabilities in the WTO 17,1%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 54.8 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 4,714,055 pairs worth

35.3 $ million (7.49 $/pair). Import from Indonesia 12,490 pairs worth $ 338.3

thousand (27.1 $/pair).

11. Tableware and kitchenware from porcelain (code 691110 HS)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average worth94.2 million. At the

same time, in 2016, the export was 20,964.6 tons worth $92.1 million (4.39 $/kg).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 13.6% and

the final binding rate in the WTO is 10%.

At the same time, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance of the

Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National

Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported the

commodity in question worth $10.7 million. At the same time, in 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1 450.0 tons worth $6.5 million (4.51 $/kg). Import

from Indonesia - 17.8 tons worth $413.2 thousand (23.3 $/kg).

12. Tin unsteined unalloyed (800110 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $ 1,571.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 61 874.9 tons worth 1119.9 $ million (18.1


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 1.38% and

final liabilities in the WTO are 1.38%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 13.0 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 1 557.1 tons worth 12.1

$ million (7.77 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 80.1 tons worth 1.4 million dollars (16.9


13. Combined refrigerators freezers with separate external doors (841810


According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $ 257.7 million.


Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 786,138 pieces worth $ 210.6 million (267.9


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8.3% and

final liabilities in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 93.7 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 200,025 pieces worth

$ 49.8 million (248.9 $/piece). Import from Indonesia 614 pieces for $ 313.5 thousand

(510.6 $/piece).

14. Machines that perform two or more functions, such as printing,

copying or facsimile transmission, which are able to connect to a computer or

network (844331 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $ 1,138.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to $ 1,027.5 million.

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final liabilities in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 24.0 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 93,746 pieces worth $

13.5 million (43.6 $/piece). Imports from Indonesia 786 pieces worth 197.7 $ thousand

(251.5 $/piece).

15. Other, having the possibility of connecting to a computer or to a

network (844332 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $ 138.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 135.5 $ million.

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 0.625%

and final liabilities in the WTO are 0.625%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 21.8 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 79,631 pieces for $ 11

million (137.5 $/piece). Import from Indonesia 2,285 pieces worth $ 695.0 thousand

(304.1 $/piece).

16. Equipment for filtering oil or fuel in internal combustion engines

(code 842123 HS)


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average worth $93.5 million. At the

same time, in 2016, the export was $90.5 million.

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and the

final binding rate in the WTO is 0%.

At the same time, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance of the

Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National

Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported the

commodity in question worth $32.9 million. At the same time, in 2016 the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 16 698 580 pieces worth $32.9 million (1.97 $/piece).

Imports from Indonesia - 102,807 pieces worth $190.8 thousand (1.86 $/piece).

17. Cash devices (code 847050 HS)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average worth $29.4 million. At the

same time, in 2016, the export was 123 343 pieces worth $28.2 million (228.6 $/piece).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and the

final binding rate in the WTO is 0%.

At the same time, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance of the

Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National

Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported the

commodity in question worth $10.3 million. At the same time, in 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 84,275 pieces worth $13.9 million (164.4 $/piece).

Imports from Indonesia - 61 pieces worth $112.4 thousand dollars (1 842.6 $/piece).

18. Parts of the equipment for sorting, washing, grinding, grinding,

mixing or mixing soil, stone, ores and other minerals in the solid state (code

847490 HS)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average worth $99.2 million. At the

same time, in 2016, the export was 40 124.6 tons worth $104 million (2.59 $/kg).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and the

final binding rate in the WTO is 0%.

However, according to the data of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Committee on Statistics of the Ministry

of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the years 2012-2016

Kazakhstan average imported items considered worth $63,7 million. At the same time,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 8 267.9 tons worth $42.4 million

(5.13 $/kg). Import from Indonesia - 112.6 tons worth $424.1 thousand (3.77 $/kg).

19. Not intended for inclusion in its composition of video display or screen

(852871 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth 618.6 $ million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 20,825,437 pieces worth 682.9 $ million

(32.8 $/piece).


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 7.8125%

and final liabilities in the WTO are 7.8125%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 8.1 million. Meanwhile, in

2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 820,231 pieces worth 5.5

million dollars (6.69 $/piece). Import from Indonesia 10 100 pieces worth 232.3

thousand dollars (23.0 $/piece).

20. Other parts and accessories of printing machines, printers, copiers

and fax machines, combined or ununited (844399 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $ 158.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 2,520.9 tons worth $ 67.9 million (27 $/kg).

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final liabilities in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 35.7 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 2 002.4 tons worth 24.5

$ million (12.2 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 2.1 tons to the amount of $ 168.4 thousand

(80.6 $/kg).

21. Parts and accessories of machines of commodity item 8471 (847330


According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $ 188.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 5,714.3 tons worth 245.2 $ million (42.9


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final liabilities in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 32.8 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 585.8 tons worth $ 24

million (40.9 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 0.3 tons to the amount of 310.6 $ thousand

(904.8 $/kg).

22. Contact lenses (code 900130 HS)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $91.2 million. At the

same time, in 2016, the export was 75.1 million.

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 5% on average and the

final binding rate in the WTO is 5%.


At the same time, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance of the

Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National

Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported the

commodity in question worth $4.3 million. At the same time, in 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2 731 911 pieces worth $2.9 million (1.07 $/piece).

Import from Indonesia - 15,306 pieces worth $153.7 thousand (10.0 $/piece).

23. Keyboard instruments, except accordions (920710 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $ 144.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to $ 156.6 million.

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 10% and

final obligations in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee On Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 1.4 million. Meanwhile, in

2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 5,938 pieces worth $

785.1 thousand (132.2 $/piece). Import from Indonesia 959 pieces for $ 238.9 thousand

(249.1 $/piece).

24. Toys on wheels; dolls; model in a reduced amount (950300 HS CODE)

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $ 359.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports amounted to 22,602.1 tons worth $ 282.3 million (12.5


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8.4% and

final obligations in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to $ 78.4 million. Meanwhile,

in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 19,279.5 tons worth

71.2 $ million (3.69 $/kg). Imports from Indonesia 6.1 tons worth $ 184.6 thousand

(30.4 $/kg).

Section 5. Potential export from Indonesia to Kazakhstan

In order to increase the export of Indonesian goods to Kazakhstan, the export

capabilities of Indonesia and the import requirements of both the Republic of

Kazakhstan and the other EAEU member-states were compared.

Based on the results of the comparative analysis, we propose to consider the

possibility of increasing the supply of 182 goods on 6 digits of HS Code to the market

of Kazakhstan or other countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, among which there

are already imported goods from Indonesia, and whose imports from Indonesia

for the period 2012-2016 was not observed.


The given goods have the greatest export potential for an emergence on the

market of the EAEU countries. It should be noted that this analysis does not take into

account transport-logistical and other unforeseen costs when delivering goods to the

territory of the EAEU countries.

So, some general results for the selected 182 products:

28 goods are related to agricultural products, while the remaining 154 are

manufactured goods;

average annual export from Indonesia to the world for selected goods for

2012-2016 amounted to $ 81.1 billion (or 48% of the total annual average exports);

the average annual import of Kazakhstan of these goods amounted to $

8.1 billion (or 21% of the total annual import);

the average annual imports of the rest of the EAEU countries (excluding

mutual trade) from third countries - $ 59.8 billion (or 23% of the total annual import).

182 selected goods were conditionally divided into 15 groups:

No. Group of goods

The number

of goods in

the report on

6 digits


average annual

exports to the



Average annual

import of



Average annual

imports of the rest

of the EAEU



The overall result 182 81,140.0 8,085.9 59,841.8

I Tea, coffee, cocoa 9 3,015.1 152.3 1,860.0

II Vegetable oils 7 19,036.0 73.7 1,007.9

III Food products 11 3,886.1 541.2 1,602.3

IV Fish 7 2,532.2 5.9 471.9

V Chemical products and

medicines 17 3,281.0 1,180.9 9,576.8

VI Petrochemical products 13 8,958.4 351.4 2,781.5

VII Wood and articles thereof,

paper and cardboard 13 7,170.4 175.6 330.4

VIII Clothing and footwear,

fabrics 32 9,629.9 520.0 6,082.3

IX Gold and jewelry 3 3,238.7 58.0 423.1

X Metal products 12 4,565.0 1,707.1 2,397.9

XI Products of mechanical

engineering 27 7,345.8 1,071.6 8,327.2

XII Parts of products of

mechanical engineering 14 2,464.2 542.8 7,091.2

XIII Transport and passenger

cars 6 2,594.8 1,223.0 10,435.2

XIV Parts for vehicles 7 1,763.6 206.5 5,649.1

XV Furniture, toys and tools 5 1,658.7 275.9 1,804.9

The list under consideration is presented to this report with the following

indicators for each product:


- volume of average annual export from Indonesia to the world for 2012-2016 in

value terms;

- volume of average annual export from Indonesia to the world for 2012-2016 in

physical volume (according to available information);

- conditional export price of Indonesian goods for 2016;

- a list of the main consumers of Indonesian goods for each product, indicating

the value and physical volumes of imports, as well as the conditional import price to

the countries in question;

- volume of average annual import of RK from the world for 2012-2016 in value


- volume of average annual import of RK from the world for 2012-2016 in

physical volumes;

- conditional import price of foreign goods in the RK from the world;

- geography of suppliers to Kazakhstan, indicating the value and volume of

imports, as well as the conditional import price from the countries in question;

- volume of production of selected goods in Kazakhstan for 2016.

In addition to this, the import requirements of the remaining EAEU countries

were studied, indicating the volumes of imports and import prices.

Next, we analyze each selected 182 goods separately, broken down by the

product groups shown above.


1. Coffee not roasted with caffeine (code 090111 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market, on average, worth $1,126.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 412,370.3 tons worth $1,000.6 million (2.43 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 67,309.2 tons worth $269.9 million (4.01 $/kg);

Germany 42 628.3 tons worth $90.2 million (2.12 $/kg);

Japan 35,351.9 tons worth $86.5 million (2.45 $/kg);

Malaysia 39,049.0 tons worth $67.4 million (1.72 $/kg);

Italy 35,804.6 tons worth $66.4 million (1.85 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of the State Revenue Committee of the

Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of

the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.4 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 536.1 tons worth 629.0 thousand (1.17

$/kg). Import from Indonesia is only 1.0 tons worth 4.2 thousand (4.35 $/kg).


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 478.3 tons worth $437.0 thousand (0.91 $/kg);

Brazil 29.3 tons worth $78.2 thousand (2.67 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$389.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Vietnam 71 720.9 tons worth $136.9 million (1.91 $/kg);

Brazil 30 783.6 tons worth $89.7 million (2.91 $/kg);

Indonesia 30 114.9 tons worth $62.6 million (2.08 $/kg);

Colombia 6 199.3 tons worth $23.1 million (3.73 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 163 142.6 tons worth $392.8 million (2.41 $/kg), while from Indonesia 30 114.9

tons worth $62.6 million (2.08 $/kg).

2. Green tea (unfermented), in primary packings with a net content of

not more than 3 kg (090210 HS CODE)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to the UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported

the above-described commodity to the world market on an average of $34.4 million.

At the same time, in 2016, exports amounted to 11,072.1 tons for $38 million (3.44


The main consumers in 2016 are the following countries:

Australia - 1,528.5 tons worth 8.5 million USD (5.59 $/kg);

Germany - 2,695.2 tons worth 5 million USD (1.85 $/kg);

Poland - 1 220.9 tons for the amount of 3.4 million USD (2.74 $/kg);

Malaysia - 471.7 tons worth 2.8 million USD (5.85 $/kg);

Singapore - 445.4 tons worth 2.7 million USD (6.02 $/kg);

Vietnam - 403.4 tons worth 2.5 million USD (6.30 $/kg);

Other countries in Asia - 526.3 tons worth 2.1 million USD (4.07 $/kg);

New Zealand - 452.7 tons worth 2.1 million USD (4.54 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 9% and

final obligations in the WTO are 5%. At the same time, according to the State Revenue

Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the

Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of

Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the average amounting to

$3.7 million. In 2016, Kazakhstan's imports amounted to 550.7 tons worth 2.7 million

USD (4.96 $/kg). At the same time, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are the

following countries:

Russia - 311.3 tons worth 2.1 million USD (6.79 $/kg);

The United Arab Emirates - 91.4 tons worth $413.9 thousand (4.53 $/kg).

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

products under the name 'Green tea (unfermented), black tea (fermented) and partly

fermented tea, in packages of not more than 3 kg' were produced in volume of 33,040


Import needs of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016

amounted to $18.7 million.

The geography of imports of the above-described product into the countries of

EAEU as of the end of 2016 is as follows:

Sri Lanka - 762.8 tons worth 3.8 million USD (5.04 $/kg);

The UAE - 234.2 tons worth 1.4 million USD (6.03 $/kg);

China - 232.7 tons worth 1.2 million USD (5.15 $/kg);

Germany - 60.3 tons worth $736.7 thousand (12.2 $/kg);

India - 40.5 tons worth $473.2 thousand (11.7 $/kg).

At the same time, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in

2016 amounted to 1 505.5 tons for 9.2 million USD (6.11 $/kg), while from Indonesia

this product was not imported.

3. Other black tea (090240 HS CODE)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to the UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported

the above-described commodity to the world market on an average of 95.2 million

USD. At the same time, in 2016, exports amounted to 37 873.0 tons for 68.6 million

USD (1.81 $/kg).

The main consumers in 2016 are the following countries:

Russia - 9 432.7 tons worth 16.6 million USD (1.76 $/kg);

Malaysia - 7 564.3 tons worth 11.1 million USD (1.47 $/kg);

Pakistan - 3,201.0 tons worth 8.1 million USD (2.53 $/kg);

The USA - 3 611.5 tons worth 6 million USD (1.66 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is - 0% and

final obligations in the WTO - 0%.

At the same time, according to the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of

Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the Ministry

of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan

imported goods on the average amounting to 99.1 million USD. At the same time, in


2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 25,414.5 tons worth 87.8

million USD (3.45 $/kg). Import from Indonesia - 368.8 tons worth 1.1 million USD

(3.03 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are the

following countries:

Kenya - 12,552.4 tons worth 45.5 million USD (3.63 $/kg);

India - 10,833.2 tons worth 37.4 million USD (3.45 $/kg)

Import needs of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016

amounted to 471.4 million USD.

The geography of imports of the above-described product into the countries of

EAEU as of the end of 2016 is as follows:

India - 49,892.7 tons worth 140.6 million USD (2.82 $/kg);

Sri Lanka - 30 146.9 tons worth 126.7 million USD (4.20 $/kg);

Kenya – 21.792.8 tons worth 78.6 million USD (3.61 $/kg);

Vietnam – 16.428.3 tons worth 29.1 million USD (1.77 $/kg);

Indonesia - 9 318.1 tons worth 24.1 million USD (2.59 $/kg).

At the same time, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in

2016 amounted to 141 562.6 tons for 447.4 million USD (3.16 $/kg), while from

Indonesia - 9 318.1 tons for 24.1 million USD (2.59 $/kg).

4. Pepper of the genus piper, unbroken and unmilled (code 090411 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $402.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 51,758.7 tons worth 416.6 million (8.05 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Vietnam 19,102.9 tons worth $121 million (6.34 $/kg);

US 8 535.9 tons worth $78.6 million (9.20 $/kg);

India 6 458.7 tons worth $48.1 million (7.45 $/kg);

Singapore 3,224.2 tons worth $34.6 million (10.7 $/kg);

The Netherlands 2 357.9 tons worth $22.1 million (9.38 $/kg);

Germany 2,220.8 tons worth $21.2 million (9.53 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 3% on average and the

final binding rate in the WTO are 3%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.2 million. In 2016, Kazakhstan's


imports was 574.6 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (2.73 $/kg). Meanwhile, imports

from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Vietnam 394.5 tons worth $1.1 million dollars (2.81 $/kg);

Russia 26.6 tons worth $297.7 thousand (11.2 $/kg);

Sri Lanka 44.0 tons worth $110.3 thousand (2.51 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$21.6 million. The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the

countries of the Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Vietnam 5 521.3 tons worth $18.2 million (3.30 $/kg);

India 572.1 tons worth $2.1 million dollars (3.60 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 7,304.2 tons worth $24 million (3.28 $/kg), while from Indonesia 204.3 tons worth

$349.2 thousand (1,71 $/kg).

5. Cocoa beans, whole or crushed, raw or fried (code 180100 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market, on average, worth $245.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 28,329.4 tons worth $84 million (2.96 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Malaysia 19,127.7 tons worth $56.6 million (2.96 $/kg);

Singapore 7 414.0 tons worth $20.7 million (2.79 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $22.3 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 7,786.2 tons worth $28.5 million dollars (3.66 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Ghana 6,993.5 tons worth $26 million (3.72 $/kg);

Cote d'Ivoire 699.5 tons worth $2.2 million (3.10 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$206.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Côte d'Ivoire 41 912.2 tons worth $138.4 million (3.30 $/kg);

Ghana 9 732.7 tons worth $34.5 million (3.55 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 55,670.2 tons worth $186.9 million dollars (3.36 $/kg), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

6. Cocoa butter, cocoa fat (code 180400 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $535.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 109 503.9 tons worth $697.9 million (6.37 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 32 894.4 tons worth $217.5 million (6.61 $/kg);

Germany 15 113.2 tons worth $91.2 million (6.03 $/kg);

Canada 7,005.5 tons worth $44.3 million (6.32 $/kg);

The Netherlands 6 099.3 tons worth $38.1 million (6.24 $/kg);

Japan 5 861.1 tons worth $37.8 million (6.45 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 19.7 tons worth 161.6 thousand (8.21 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 7.4 tons worth $74.9 thousand (10.1 $/kg);

Cote d'Ivoire 10.0 tons worth $67.2 thousand (6.72 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Cocoa butter, cocoa fat', with a volume of 13 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$195.6 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 10 596.4 tons worth $72.4 million (6.83 $/kg);

Malaysia 5 725.6 tons worth $38.1 million (6.66 $/kg);

The Netherlands 3 205.5 tons worth $23.7 million (7.40 $/kg);

Côte d'Ivoire 3 229.4 tons worth $23.6 million (7.31 $/kg);

Singapore 3 180.0 tons worth $19.3 million (6.08 $/kg);

China 1,458.7 tons worth $11.4 million dollars (7.82 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 29,547.4 tons worth $205 million (6.94 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 10,596.4 tons

worth $72.4 million 6.83 $/kg).

7. Cocoa powder without added sugar or other sweetening matter (code

180500 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $133.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 74,414.9 tons worth $163.9 million (2.20 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Malaysia 13,396.7 tons worth $28.5 million (2.13 $/kg);

China 7 962.8 tons worth $17.8 million (2.23 $/kg);

Philippines 7 395.8 tons worth $15.9 million (2.15 $/kg);

Thailand 5 015.7 tons worth $10.6 million (2.12 $/kg);

India 5 018.5 tons worth $10.5 million (2.09 $/kg);

US 2,877.1 tons worth $9.1 million (3.17 $/kg)

Import Requirements of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1,200.1 tons worth $2.8 million dollars

(2.30 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 26.0 tons worth $63.5 thousand (2.44 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 370.1 tons worth $899.3 thousand (2.43 $/kg);

Cote d'Ivoire 145.1 tons worth $396.7 thousand (2.73 $/kg);

Serbia 121.5 tons worth $289.6 thousand (2.38 $/kg);

China 191.2 tons worth $245.6 thousand (1.28 $/kg);

Malaysia 104.8 tons worth $244.6 thousand (2.33 $/kg);

Ghana 62.4 tons worth $163.8 thousand (2.63 $/kg);

Germany 52.7 tons worth $146.2 thousand (2.78 $/kg)


It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

made products under the name 'Cocoa powder, not containing additives of sugar or

substances sweetening others' of 147 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$112.0 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 11 146,9 tons worth $28,1 million (2,53 $/kg);

Malaysia 10,036.4 tons worth $22.7 million (2.26 $/kg);

The Netherlands 5 270.9 tons worth $14.8 million (2.80 $/kg);

Indonesia 5 410.0 tons worth $12.3 million (2.27 $/kg);

Spain 5,285.2 tons worth $12.2 million (2.32 $/kg);

Ghana 2,790.8 tons worth $7.7 million (2.77 $/kg);

China 2 432.6 tons worth $6.5 million dollars (2.69 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 47 460.8 tons worth $117.5 million (2.48 $/kg), while from Indonesia 5 410.0 tons

worth $12.3 million (2.27 $/kg).

8. Extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee (code 210111 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $322.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 136 865.6 tons worth $406.6 million (2.97 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Philippines 107,641.3 tons worth $289.1 million (2.69 $/kg);

Malaysia 8 692.8 tons worth $31.2 million (3.59 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

14.4219816607235% and final binding rate in the WTO are 14.4219816607235%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $21.4 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,454.5 tons worth $16.7 million (6.81 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 2,166.8 tons worth $15.2 million (7.01 $/kg)


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries According to UN

Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the countries of EAEU

(excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was $420.9 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic EAEU in 2016 looks as follows:

Brazil 12,202.3 tons worth $90 million (7.38 $/kg);

India 11 209.3 tons worth $75.9 million (6.77 $/kg);

Germany 8 896.8 tons worth $74.9 million (8.42 $/kg);

Ecuador 5 855.3 tons worth $49.7 million (8.49 $/kg);

Switzerland 2,892.3 tons worth $20.9 million dollars (7.22 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 54,541.4 tons worth 409.7 million (7.51 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.0 tons worth

$0.0 thousand (1.03 $/kg).


9. Palm oil crude (code 151110 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $4,711.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 5,283,953.4 tons worth $3305.6 million (0.63 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

India 2,948,983.7 tons worth $1,688.5 million (0.63 $/kg);

The Netherlands 680,073.3 tons worth $424.6 million (0.62 $/kg);

Singapore 580 471.9 tons worth $359.9 million (0.62 $/kg)

Import requirements of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 5,338.8 tons worth $4.4 million dollars (0.82 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 5,279.8 tons worth $4.3 million (0.82 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$3.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic EAEU in 2016 looks as follows:


Malaysia 208.0 tons worth $308.7 thousand (1.48 $/kg);

Iran 539.1 tons worth $222.2 thousand (0.41 $/kg);

The Netherlands 111.1 tons worth $88.8 thousand (0.80 $/kg);

UAE 59.1 tons worth $34.3 thousand (0.58 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 919.7 tons worth 662.8 thousand (0.72 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

10. Other palm oil and its fractions, unrefined or refined, but without

changing their chemical composition (code 151190 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $11,420.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 17,475,351.1 tons worth $11059.8 million (0.63


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 2,650,865.1 tons worth $1,632.5 million (0.62 $/kg);

India 2 465 492.4 tons worth $1570.1 million (0.64 $/kg);

Pakistan 2 096 001.4 tons worth $1289.4 million (0.62 $/kg);

Egypt 977 554.9 tons worth $627.6 million (0.64 $/kg);

Bangladesh 925 264.8 tons worth $575.4 million (0.62 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $18.5 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 37,896.3 tons worth $34.4 million (0.91

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 904.7 tons worth $657.0 thousand (0.73 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 26 143.0 tons worth $22.4 million (0.86 $/kg);

Malaysia 10 460.9 tons worth $11 million (1.05 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Palm oil refined and its fractions, but without

changing the chemical composition' of 5,502 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

679.1 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 737 013.7 tons worth $514.3 million (0.70 $/kg);

The Netherlands 78,707.2 tons worth $69 million (0.88 $/kg);

Malaysia 58 143.5 tons worth $46.8 million (0.80 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 889 477.0 tons worth $651.1 million (0.73 $/kg), while from Indonesia 737 013.7

tons worth $514.3 million (0.70 $/kg).

11. Coconut crude oil (code 151311 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on the average worth $465.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 302,993.1 tons worth $391.1 million (1.29 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

United States 108 390.0 tons worth $138.4 million (1.28 $/kg);

The Netherlands 87,060.7 tons worth $109.5 million (1.26 $/kg);

Malaysia 78 065.3 tons worth $104.9 million (1.34 $/kg)

Import requirements of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 1.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.3 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 113.3 tons worth $204.6 thousand (1.81 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Malaysia 102.0 tons worth $153.0 thousand (1.50 $/kg);

Ukraine 2.2 tons worth $20.8 thousand (9.43 $/kg);

Papua New Guinea 3,4 tons worth $18,7 thousand (5,56 $/kg);

Russia 5.7 tons worth $12.0 thousand (2.12 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$4.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Sri Lanka 49,6 tons worth $205,0 thousand (4,13 $/kg);

India 17.2 tons worth $75.7 thousand (4.40 $/kg);

France 9.2 tons worth $69.3 thousand (7.52 $/kg);


Thailand 10.9 tons worth $26.7 thousand (2.45 $/kg);

Lithuania 5.5 tons worth $26.3 thousand (4.74 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 112.3 tons for $498.5 thousand (4.44 $/kg), while from Indonesia 1.9 tons

worth $4.0 thousand 2.10 $/kg).

12. Other coconut oil (Copra) and its fractions (code 151319 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $343.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 299 324.6 tons worth $425.1 million (1.42 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 103,900.0 tons worth $144.7 million (1.39 $/kg);

US 57 005.8 tons worth $79.6 million (1.40 $/kg);

South Korea 52 121.0 tons worth $74.2 million (1.42 $/kg);

Russia 22 948.5 tons worth $34.6 million (1.51 $/kg);

Singapore 21,194.2 tons worth $29.5 million (1.39 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 1,7% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.2 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 805.5 tons for $1.5 million (1.84 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia 259.4 tons worth $489.1 thousand (1.89 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Malaysia 316.2 tons worth $556.1 thousand (1.76 $/kg);

Indonesia 259.4 tons worth $489.1 thousand (1.89 $/kg);

Russia 228.1 tons worth $417.9 thousand (1.83 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Coconut oil refined and its fractions, but without a

change in the chemical composition' of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$53.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 25 633.3 tons worth $38.9 million (1.52 $/kg);


Malaysia 10 594.1 tons worth $17.1 million (1.61 $/kg);

The Netherlands 2 457.1 tons worth $4 million (1.62 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 39,919.9 tons worth 62.4 million (1.56 $/kg), while from Indonesia 25,633.3 tons

worth $38.9 million (1.52 $/kg).

13. Other palm kernel oil, babassu oil and their fractions (code 151329 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $1,122.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,306,696.9 tons worth $1601.2 million (1.23 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 446,934.0 tons worth $548.6 million (1.23 $/kg);

The USA 202 016,9 tons for the sum 240,8 million (1,19 $/kg);

Brazil 170 259.2 tons worth $204.4 million (1.20 $/kg);

The Netherlands 135 411.0 tons worth $175.8 million (1.30 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 1.9% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods worth $2.3 million on average. Meanwhile, in 2016, the

import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 588.3 tons worth $727.0 thousand (1.24

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 2.0 tons for $2.5 thousand (1.27 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Malaysia 586.3 tons worth $724.3 thousand (1.24 $/kg)

It is worth noting that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Other oil and its fractions, refined, but without

changing the chemical composition; mixed vegetable oils and vegetable oils (other than

corn oil) and their fractions, refined, but not chemically modified, with a volume of

8,996 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$63.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 47 016.1 tons worth $64.6 million (1.37 $/kg);

The Netherlands 3,621.3 tons worth $5.2 million dollars (1.42 $/kg).


Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 52,174.3 tons worth $71.8 million (1.38 $/kg), while from Indonesia 47 016.1

tons worth $64.6 million (1.37 $/kg).

14. Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions (code 151620 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $344.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 305,780.0 tons worth $312.5 million (1.02 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 101 859.7 tons worth $108.3 million (1.06 $/kg);

Italy 87,206.2 tons worth $49.4 million (0.57 $/kg);

Thailand 36 258.9 tons worth $37.2 million (1.03 $/kg);

The USA 4 556,4 tons worth $18,6 million (4,08 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan averages 12.9% and final

binding rate in the WTO 8.1%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $19.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 8,822.3 tons worth $11.9 million (1.35 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 4 627.8 tons worth $5.4 million dollars (1.16 $/kg);

Malaysia 2,727.4 tons worth $3.8 million (1.40 $/kg);

Singapore 551.7 tons worth $1.1 million dollars (1.95 $/kg);

Turkey 414.4 tons worth $636.8 thousand (1.54 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Fats and oils of animals and vegetable and their

fractions hydrogenated and esterified, but without further processing' of 24,273 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$100.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 20 928.1 tons worth $28.9 million (1.38 $/kg);


Malaysia 15,485.4 tons worth $25.5 million (1.65 $/kg);

The Netherlands 7 245.6 tons worth $11.6 million (1.60 $/kg);

Sweden 4 025.9 tons worth $6.9 million (1.71 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 52,728.3 tons worth $82 million (1.55 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 20 928.1 tons

worth $28.9 million 1.38 $/kg).

15. Other food mixtures and finished products from animal or vegetable

fats or oils or their fractions, classified in this group, other than those specified in

com. position n 1516 (code 151790 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $628.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 762 689.2 tons worth $618.5 million (0.81 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 300 457.0 tons worth $228.9 million (0.76 $/kg);

Egypt 50,150.7 tons worth $42.5 million (0.85 $/kg);

Russia 31,202.6 tons worth $35.8 million (1.15 $/kg);

Algeria 42,765.8 tons worth $31.2 million (0.73 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 15% on average and

the final binding rate in the WTO are 15%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $27.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 21,086.2 tons worth $24.9 million dollars (1.18 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 16,637.9 tons worth $17 million (1.02 $/kg);

Ukraine 3 013.5 tons worth $6.1 million dollars (2.03 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Margarine and similar products' with a volume of

128,098 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$102.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:


Sweden 15 591.6 tons worth $35.6 million (2.29 $/kg);

Belgium 4 318.4 tons worth $12.3 million (2.85 $/kg);

Italy 5,366.6 tons worth $9.8 million (1.83 $/kg);

Malaysia 1,122.9 tons worth $3.7 million (3.31 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 33,082.2 tons worth 74.1 million (2.24 $/kg), while from Indonesia 1,115.5 tons

worth $1.9 million (1.70 $/kg).


16. Confectionery products from sugar, not containing cocoa (code 170490


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market, on average, worth $123.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 45 888.8 tons worth $119.7 million (2.61 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Philippines 10 585.9 tons worth $26.3 million (2.48 $/kg);

Vietnam 7 099.6 tons worth $16.8 million (2.36 $/kg);

Thailand 5,285.2 tons worth $13.7 million (2.59 $/kg);

US 2,940.9 tons worth $10.7 million (3.65 $/kg);

Malaysia 2,886.1 tons worth $7 million (2.41 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

12.9276293446433% and final binding rate in the WTO 12.9276293446433%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $70.4 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 31,391.1 tons worth $56.2 million (1.79 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 13,949.6 tons worth $29.6 million (2.12 $/kg);

Ukraine 12 984.4 tons worth $18.7 million (1.44 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Confectionery products from sugar, including

chocolate white, not containing cocoa', with a volume of 179,029 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$200.4 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 6 281.8 tons worth $25.7 million (4.09 $/kg);

Ukraine 11 945.2 tons worth $17.4 million (1.46 $/kg);

China 5,728.4 tons worth $11.5 million (2.00 $/kg);

Belgium 3 587.1 tons worth $11.3 million (3.14 $/kg);

Turkey 4 424.1 tons worth $9.6 million (2.17 per kg);

Hungary 4 012.6 tons worth $9.2 million (2.28 $/kg);

Italy 2 502.8 tons worth $7.3 million dollars (2.91 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 56,425.9 tons worth $143.9 million dollars (2.55 $/kg), while from Indonesia

82.7 tons worth 236.9 thousand (2.86 $/kg).

17. Other pasta (code 190230 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $190.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 119 264.1 tons worth $181 million (1.52 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Malaysia 50 697.2 tons worth $70 million (1.38 $/kg);

Australia 7 915.9 tons worth $15.5 million (1.96 $/kg);

East Timor 7,573.4 tons worth $10.1 million (1.34 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 13% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 11.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $38.3 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 23,446.6 tons worth $33.1 million (1.41 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 22,102.6 tons worth $31.3 million (1.42 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Products and semi-finished products based on

macaroni products' of 26,733 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$27.4 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Ukraine 3,097.8 tons worth $4.4 million dollars (1.42 $/kg);

South Korea 1 328.8 tons worth $3.4 million (2.53 $/kg);

China 1 355.5 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (1.20 $/kg);

Vietnam 725.2 tons worth $985.1 thousand (1.36 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 7,193.1 tons worth $11.7 million (1.63 $/kg), while from Indonesia 8.0 tons worth

$31.6 thousand (3.93 $/kg).

18. Sweet dry biscuits (code 190531 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $193.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 82,154.5 tons worth $233.2 million (2.84 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 19,817.3 tons worth $79 million (3.99 $/kg);

Vietnam 11 881.6 tons worth $47.4 million (3.99 $/kg);

Thailand 10 461.6 tons worth $19.3 million (1.85 $/kg);

Malaysia 6 442.2 tons worth $12.9 million (2.00 $/kg);

Australia 6,908.8 tons worth $12 million (1.73 $/kg);

Philippines 6 369.4 tons worth $11.8 million (1.86 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

8.99909878503273% and final binding rate in the WTO are 8.99909878503273%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $61.6 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 29,684.4 tons worth $38.5 million (1.30 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 21,167.8 tons worth $27.4 million (1.30 $/kg);

Ukraine 6 536.4 tons worth $7.4 million (1.13 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Carpets, gingerbread and similar products; sweet

cookies; wafers' in volume of 248 339 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$93.3 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Ukraine 5 940.3 tons worth $7.7 million (1.29 $/kg);

Italy 2,371.6 tons worth $7.6 million (3.20 $/kg);

Poland 1,927.5 tons worth $5.2 million dollars (2.71 $/kg);

China 1 355.0 tons worth $2.6 million dollars (1.89 $/kg);

Germany 720.3 tons worth $2.5 million (3.47 $/kg);

Great Britain 840.0 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (2.71 $/kg);

Netherlands 707.6 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (3.20 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 19,603.0 tons worth $44.1 million (2.25 $/kg), while from Indonesia 4.4 tons

worth 19.5 thousand (4.43 $/kg).

19. Wafers and waffle wafers: (code 190532 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $152.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 80,648.0 tons worth $244.4 million (3.03 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 30 410.7 tons worth $94.2 million (3.10 $/kg);

Vietnam 10 500.1 tons worth $27.5 million (2.62 $/kg);

Philippines 7 790.1 tons worth $23.4 million (3.01 $/kg);

Thailand 7 409.2 tons worth $22.9 million (3.10 $/kg);

The USA 4 089,8 tons worth $16,1 million (3,93 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5,4% and

final binding rate in the WTO 5,4%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $26.8 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 11,333.5 tons worth $20.6 million dollars (1.82 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 9 556.6 tons worth $17.6 million (1.84 $/kg);

Ukraine 1 335.2 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (1.37 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016


produced products under the name 'Carpets, gingerbread and similar products; sweet

cookies; wafers' in volume of 248 339 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$40.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Poland 2 248.5 tons worth $10.2 million (4.54 $/kg);

Ukraine 3 258.7 tons worth $5.8 million (1.77 $/kg);

Germany 736.9 tons worth $5.6 million dollars (7.63 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 7,755.0 tons worth $26.5 million (3.42 $/kg), while from Indonesia 3.4 tons worth

15.3 thousand (4.50 $/kg).

20. Pineapples prepared or otherwise preserved (code 200820 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $158.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 123,484.6 tons worth $152.5 million (1.23 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 35 586.8 tons worth $43.2 million (1.21 $/kg);

The Netherlands 14,169.3 tons worth $17.2 million (1.22 $/kg);

Spain 12 571.7 tons worth $16.8 million (1.34 $/kg);

Singapore 9,330.1 tons worth $9.5 million (1.02 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 6% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 6%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,399.1 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (0.59 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Thailand 446.3 tons worth $489.4 thousand (1.10 $/kg);

Russia 1 256.1 tons worth $432.0 thousand (0.34 $/kg);

Vietnam 545.6 tons worth $400.7 thousand (0.73 $/kg);

China 150.3 tons worth $81.3 thousand (0.54 $/kg)


It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Fruits ready or canned other' in volume of 138 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$53.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Thailand 27 985.8 tons worth $30 million (1.07 $/kg);

Vietnam 14,242.9 tons worth $10.8 million (0.76 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 44,349.7 tons worth $43.7 million (0.99 $/kg), while from Indonesia 1,106.6 tons

worth 1.6 million (1.43 $/kg).

21. Other products for preparation of sauces and ready sauces, flavoring

and seasoning mixed (code 210390 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $101.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 31,908.2 tons worth $112.6 million dollars (3.53


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Saudi Arabia 11,056.9 tons worth $54.2 million (4.90 $/kg);

Nigeria 5 268.2 tons worth $27.7 million (5.27 $/kg);

Malaysia 4,813.6 tons worth $6.2 million dollars (1.30 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 6.75%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $54.5 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 35 582.8 tons worth $45.5 million (1.28 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 28,837.0 tons worth $34.3 million (1.19 $/kg);

China 5,066.2 tons worth $4.1 million (0.82 $/kg);

Austria 379.5 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (6.12 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016


produced products under the name 'Sauces; seasonings and spices are mixed; flour and

mustard powder; mustard ready 'volume of 82,615 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$164.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 13 044.8 tons worth $34.2 million (2.62 $/kg);

Austria 6 644.9 tons worth $33.5 million (5.04 $/kg);

Poland 3 578.3 tons worth $10.7 million (2.98 $/kg);

Estonia 2,260.0 tons worth $9.2 million (4.06 $/kg);

China 5 221.2 tons worth $8 million (1.53 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 52,361.1 tons worth $145.8 million (2.78 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.0 tons

worth 0.1 thousand (2.57 $/kg).

22. Other food products not elsewhere included (code 210690 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $294.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 147 962.1 tons worth $361.2 million (2.44 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 48 514.3 tons worth $79.7 million (1.64 $/kg);

Malaysia 19,711.8 tons worth $54.3 million (2.76 $/kg);

Philippines 21 896.8 tons worth $52.3 million (2.39 $/kg);

Vietnam 9,167.5 tons worth $37.9 million (4.13 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 9,025% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 8,91666666666667%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $155.5 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 15,943.3 tons worth $94.8 million (5.94

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0.9 tons worth 133.3 thousand (148.2 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 9 825.3 tons worth $43.7 million (4.45 $/kg);

Germany 1 106.8 tons worth $8.2 million dollars (7.44 $/kg);

United States 464.6 tons worth $7.1 million (15.3 $/kg);

China 167.6 tons worth $5.4 million (32.1 $/kg);


Italy 389.1 tons worth $4.8 million (12.3 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Food products not included in other groupings' of

6,666 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$815.4 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 26,651.3 tons worth $146 million dollars (5,48 $/kg);

The USA 3 104,6 tons worth $74 million (23,8 $/kg);

Austria 5 326.7 tons worth $33.1 million (6.22 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 110,677.8 tons worth $543 million (4.91 $/kg), while from Indonesia 139.1 tons

worth 774.8 thousand (5, 57 $/kg).

23. Cigarettes (code 240220 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $696.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 77,482.4 tons worth $738.3 million (9.53 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Cambodia 39,060.7 tons worth $278.8 million (7.14 $/kg);

Malaysia 12,354.4 tons worth $200.3 million (16.2 $/kg);

Singapore 6 854.3 tons worth $85.5 million (12.5 $/kg);

Vietnam 3 356.1 tons worth $40.9 million (12.2 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 20.7% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 20.7%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $131.4 million. In 2016, the import

of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 13,206.0 tons worth $142 million (10.8 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 12 492.9 tons worth $128.3 million (10.3 $/kg);

Korea, the Republic of 547.2 tons worth $10.9 million (19.9 $/kg)


It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'cigars, cheats (cheroots with cigars), cigarettes,

cigarettes, cigarettes from tobacco or its substitutes' pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$141.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 5 745.1 tons worth $77.3 million (13.5 $/kg);

Ukraine 2 330.5 tons worth $22.5 million (9.65 $/kg);

South Korea 1 146.3 tons worth $21.9 million (19.1 $/kg);

Switzerland 695.2 tons worth $21.3 million (30.6 $/kg);

Poland 1 015.1 tons worth $14.4 million (14.2 $/kg);

Serbia 1,393.9 tons worth $10.2 million (7.34 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 13,671.9 tons worth 180.1 million (13.2 $/kg), while from Indonesia 5.9 tons

worth 52.9 thousand (8.99 $/kg).

24. Industrial stearic acid (code 382311 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $407.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 464,938.2 tons worth 355.1 million (0.76 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 172,640.5 tons worth $142.5 million (0.83 $/kg);

South Korea 63 761.1 tons worth $44.7 million (0.70 $/kg);

The Netherlands 43 482.0 tons worth $29.6 million (0.68 $/kg);

other Asian countries 33 666.9 tons worth $24.4 million (0.72 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods worth $0.2 million on average. Meanwhile, in 2016, the

import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 135.7 tons worth $177.1 thousand (1.30

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 27.1 tons worth $24.5 thousand (0.91 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 87.3 tons worth $121.3 thousand (1.39 $/kg);


Indonesia 27.1 tons worth $24.5 thousand (0.91 $/kg);

Turkey 10.1 tons worth $17.2 thousand (1.71 $/kg);

China 9.6 tons worth $11.9 thousand (1.24 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$15.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 12 118.6 tons worth $9.7 million (0.80 $/kg);

Sweden 3 649.7 tons worth $3.5 million dollars (0.96 $/kg);

Malaysia 1,472.6 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (0.93 $/kg);

Germany 1,364.2 tons worth $1.3 million (0.96 $/kg);

Belgium 1 234.4 tons worth $1.2 million (0.99 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 21,478.3 tons worth $18.7 million (0.87 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 12 118.6

tons worth $9.7 million (0.80 $/kg).

25. Other industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; acid oils after refining

(code 382319 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $1,182.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,946,298.6 tons worth $1,420.1 million (0.73 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Malaysia 330 232.7 tons worth $362.9 million (1.10 $/kg);

China 387,939.4 tons worth $281.7 million (0.73 $/kg);

The Netherlands 257 119.3 tons worth $172.8 million (0.67 $/kg);

Singapore 308 703.4 tons worth $169.3 million (0.55 $/kg);

India 197 824.0 tons worth $146.9 million (0.74 $/kg);

Spain 134 520.9 tons worth $78.1 million (0.58 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.6 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,086.9 tons worth $954.6 thousand (0.46 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:


Russia 962.8 tons worth $493.9 thousand (0.51 $/kg);

Turkmenistan 1,000,000 tons worth $354.6 thousand (0.35 $/kg);

Ukraine 117.7 tons worth $60.5 thousand (0.51 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$7.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

India 3 231.0 tons worth $3.7 million (1.15 $/kg);

Germany 1 273.3 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (1.43 $/kg);

The Netherlands 924.9 tons worth $861.6 thousand (0.93 $/kg);

Malaysia 770.6 tons worth $824.3 thousand (1.07 $/kg);

Italy 237.9 tons worth $649.0 thousand (2.73 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 6,933.5 tons worth $8.6 million (1.24 $/kg), while from Indonesia 123.0 tons worth

$122.4 thousand (1.00 $/kg).

26. Industrial fatty alcohols (code 382370 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $386.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 332 495.0 tons worth $515.9 million dollars (1.55


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 129,954.9 tons worth $198.1 million (1.52 $/kg);

United States 41,393.0 tons worth $61.1 million (1.48 $/kg);

Singapore 29 862.6 tons worth $53.1 million (1.78 $/kg);

The Netherlands 25 856.3 tons worth $35 million (1.35 $/kg);

South Korea 21,206.2 tons worth $32.3 million (1.52 $/kg);

Germany 15 567,9 tons worth $29 million (1,86 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 4.3 tons worth $8.7 thousand (2.01 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:


United States of 0.2 tons worth $5.1 thousand (23.1 $/kg);

Belarus 1,1 tons worth $1,8 thousand (1,73 $/kg);

Russia 3.0 tons worth $0.9 thousand (0.29 $/kg);

Germany 0,0 tons worth 0,8 thousand (32,5 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$41.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 8,455.8 tons worth $15.5 million (1.83 $/kg);

Germany 5 110.4 tons worth $9.2 million (1.79 $/kg);

The Netherlands 4 161.6 tons worth $7.7 million (1.85 $/kg);

Malaysia 3 580.9 tons worth $5.9 million (1.66 $/kg);

India 2,399.1 tons worth $3.4 million (1.40 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 25,250.4 tons worth 44.2 million (1.75 $/kg), while from Indonesia 8,455.8 tons

worth $15.5 million (1.83 $/kg).


27. Other frozen fish (code 030389 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $181.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 129 316.9 tons worth $215.3 million (1.66 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Vietnam 41,834.6 tons worth $67.1 million dollars (1.61 $/kg);

China 42 173.1 tons worth $62.9 million dollars (1.49 $/kg);

Thailand 8,912.3 tons worth $15.4 million (1.73 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 10 089.6 tons worth $14.4 million (1.43 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 6.9% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1 206.9 tons worth $2.1 million (1.78 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 545.4 tons worth $1.3 million (2.47 $/kg);


Iceland 429.5 tons worth $338.5 thousand (0.79 $/kg);

Turkey 32.3 tons worth $180.1 thousand (5.57 $/kg);

Norway 159.0 tons worth $121.1 thousand (0.76 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Frozen Fish' with a volume of 18,999 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$136.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 31 666.3 tons worth $47.4 million (1.50 $/kg);

Greenland 5 311.9 tons worth $8.1 million dollars (1.53 $/kg);

Faroe Islands 5,690.5 tons worth $7.6 million (1.33 $/kg);

Ecuador 3,693.3 tons worth $7 million (1.88 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 65,754.4 tons worth 100.3 million (1.53 $/kg), while from Indonesia 527.6 tons

worth 1.8 million (3.33 $/kg).

28. Name of the product Fish fillets and other fish meat (including minced

meat), fresh, chilled or frozen: (code 030499 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $143.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 43,517.5 tons worth $154.9 million dollars (3.56


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 4 073,6 tons for the sum 32,7 million (8,03 $/kg);

Japan 8 483.9 tons worth $30 million (3.54 $/kg);

Malaysia 8 107.2 tons worth $19.7 million (2.43 $/kg);

Vietnam 1 913.8 tons worth $12.4 million (6.48 $/kg);

South Korea 6 476.7 tons worth $12.2 million (1.88 $/kg);

Australia 1,074.0 tons worth $7.9 million (7.39 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 3.25% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.3 million. In 2016, the import of


the Republic of Kazakhstan was 56.9 tons worth $93.7 thousand (1.65 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Norway 55.2 tons worth $87.5 thousand (1.59 $/kg);

Russia 1.7 tons worth $6.2 thousand (3.55 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Fish meat (whether or not it is finished), frozen in

the volume of 969 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$101.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

India 10 019.1 tons worth $24.5 million (2.44 $/kg);

Vietnam 8,899.0 tons worth $19.9 million dollars (2.24 $/kg);

Thailand 2,708.1 tons worth $7.9 million (2.90 $/kg);

Greenland 2 118.5 tons worth $4.6 million (2.16 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 26 501.1 tons worth $62.2 million (2.35 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

29. Shrimp and peeled shrimp other frozen (code 030617 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $1,215.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 134,496.4 tons worth $1260.3 million (9.37 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 89,959.1 tons worth $846.6 million (9.41 $/kg);

Japan 23,260.3 tons worth $263.1 million (11.3 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 0.83% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 292.3 tons worth $2 million (6.89 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

India 134,0 tons worth $981,8 thousand (7,33 $/kg);

Russia 74.3 tons worth $458.5 thousand (6.17 $/kg);

Germany 20.9 tons worth $317.4 thousand (15.2 $/kg);

China 63.1 tons worth $254.8 thousand (4.04 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Crustaceans, cooked or otherwise preserved;

mollusks and aquatic invertebrates other, prepared or otherwise preserved in volume

of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$175.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 8,203.2 tons worth $45.8 million (5.59 $/kg);

India 6 563.0 tons worth $45.1 million (6.88 $/kg);

Vietnam 1,955.5 tons worth $22.5 million (11.5 $/kg);

Ecuador 3,248.7 tons worth $21.6 million (6.66 $/kg);

Bangladesh 1 662.8 tons worth $14.6 million (8.77 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 23,944.4 tons worth $165 million (6.89 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 127.1 tons

worth $935.4 thousand (7, 36 $/kg).

30. Other cuttlefish and squid (code 030749 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $140.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 106 388.9 tons worth $277.4 million (2.61 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 52 424.5 tons worth $121.2 million (2.31 $/kg);

Vietnam 23 544.6 tons worth $56.7 million (2.41 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 10 869.7 tons worth $24.6 million (2.26 $/kg);

Thailand 5 572.4 tons worth $23.2 million (4.16 $/kg);

Italy 4,502.5 tons worth $18.7 million (4.15 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan averages 7,1% and final

binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the


Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 121.2 tons worth $255.4 thousand (2.11 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 74.1 tons worth $165.7 thousand (2.24 $/kg);

China 42.9 tons worth $75.2 thousand (1.75 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Crustaceans, cooked or otherwise preserved;

mollusks and aquatic invertebrates other, prepared or otherwise preserved in volume

of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$30.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 7 493.6 tons worth $28.4 million (3.79 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 7 785.6 tons worth $29.5 million (3.79 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

31. Tuna, skipjack and pelameda (sarda spp.) In whole or in pieces, but not

stuffed (code 160414 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $322.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 68,549.0 tons worth $279 million (4.07 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Saudi Arabia 13 124.4 tons worth $56.6 million (4.32 $/kg);

US 10 815.9 tons worth $43.5 million (4.03 $/kg);

Japan 7 636.8 tons worth $42.4 million (5.55 $/kg);

Italy 4,950.0 tons worth $23.7 million (4.80 $/kg);

United Kingdom 5 867.0 tons worth $20.3 million (3.47 $/kg);

Thailand 5,455.3 tons worth $20.3 million (3.72 $/kg);

Australia 3 891.3 tons worth $18.6 million (4.77 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 12% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 312.8 tons worth $703.6 thousand (2.25 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 214.6 tons worth $420.8 thousand (1.96 $/kg);

Thailand 56.2 tons worth $183.1 thousand (3.26 $/kg);

Seychelles 39.5 tons worth $80.8 thousand (2.05 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Fish, cooked or canned in a different way, except

dishes ready-made from fish' with a volume of 8,191 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$18.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Thailand 5 049.7 tons worth $13.1 million (2.59 $/kg);

China 677.8 tons worth $1.9 million (2.88 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 5,976.6 tons worth $16.2 million (2.71 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

32. Ready or canned crabs (code 160510 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $220.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 17,039.2 tons worth $257.1 million (15.1 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 13 284.3 tons worth $214.8 million (16.2 $/kg);

Japan 1 693.0 tons worth $20.6 million (12.1 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 16% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.0 million. In 2016, the import of


the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2.1 tons worth $9.6 thousand (4.54 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 2.1 tons worth $9.6 thousand (4.54 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Crustaceans, cooked or otherwise preserved;

mollusks and aquatic invertebrates other, prepared or otherwise preserved in volume

of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$0.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Norway 39.2 tons worth $248.6 thousand (6.35 $/kg);

Canada 9.2 tons worth $67.0 thousand (7.25 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 48.8 tons for $322.5 thousand (6.60 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product was

not imported.

33. Ready or canned prawns and sawed prawns in leaking packaging (code

160521 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $307.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 39 041.2 tons worth $309.5 million (7.93 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 18,447.7 tons worth $174.5 million (9.46 $/kg);

Japan 5 079.6 tons worth $44 million (8.66 $/kg);

Great Britain 2,442.0 tons worth $25 million (10.3 $/kg);

Netherlands 2,339.4 tons worth $22.5 million (9.60 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

7.04172950669154% and final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.3 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 33.4 tons worth $183.6 thousand (5.50 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 33.2 tons worth $182.2 thousand (5.49 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Crustaceans, cooked or otherwise preserved;

mollusks and aquatic invertebrates other, prepared or otherwise preserved in volume

of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$10.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 313.1 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (7.38 $/kg);

Vietnam 209.8 tons worth $2 million (9.59 $/kg);

Bangladesh 232.5 tons worth $1.5 million (6.62 $/kg);

Indonesia 67,8 tons worth $444,0 thousand (6,55 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 847.3 tons worth $6.5 million dollars (7.62 $/kg), while from Indonesia 67.8 tons

worth 444.0 thousand (6,55 $/kg).


34. Ammonia anhydrous (code 281410 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $389.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1 114 467.8 tons worth $330.7 million (0.30 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

South Korea 379,067.7 tons worth $110.8 million (0.29 $/kg);

China 216 357.3 tons worth $62.6 million (0.29 $/kg);

Japan 176 577.6 tons worth $54.7 million (0.31 $/kg);

Thailand 130 027.4 tons worth $37.4 million (0.29 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 78 121.1 tons worth $24.6 million (0.32 $/kg);

Vietnam 72 962.4 tons worth $21.5 million (0.29 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $5.8 million. In 2016, the import of


the Republic of Kazakhstan was 23,027.5 tons worth $4.8 million (0.21 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Uzbekistan 22 370.8 tons worth $4.7 million (0.21 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Nitric acid; sulphonitric acid; ammonia 'volume of

702 828 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$2.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

US 0.1 tons worth $13.9 thousand (273.2 $/kg);

Georgia 10.5 tons worth $8.7 thousand (0.83 $/kg);

Belgium 0.5 tons worth $6.0 thousand (12.0 $/kg);

France 0.3 tons worth $3.7 thousand (14.7 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 11.6 tons for $33.3 thousand (2.86 $/kg), whereas from Indonesia this product was

not imported.

35. Buta 1,3 diene and isoprene unsaturated (code 290124 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $101.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 83,809.8 tons worth $72.3 million (0.86 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

South Korea 41 102.4 tons worth $37.3 million (0.91 $/kg);

China 19,870.3 tons worth $18.2 million (0.92 $/kg);

Singapore 8 849.7 tons worth $8.3 million dollars (0.94 $/kg);

Japan 7 985.5 tons worth $4.1 million (0.52 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 1.5% on average and

the final binding rate in the WTO are 1.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 0.0 tons worth $0.0 thousand (99.6 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

United States 0.0 tons worth $0.0 thousand (99.6 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Acyclic Hydrocarbons' with a volume of 2,299 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$14.4 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Hungary 7,222.1 tons worth $5.6 million dollars (0.77 $/kg);

Finland 1 221.8 tons worth $872.5 thousand (0.71 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 8,508.1 tons worth $6.5 million dollars (0.76 $/kg), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

36. Methanol (methyl alcohol) (code 290511 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $101.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 384,933.7 tons worth $51.7 million (0.13 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 107 672.1 tons worth $14.6 million (0.14 $/kg);

Thailand 74 815.7 tons worth $9.5 million (0.13 $/kg);

Philippines 47,022.9 tons worth $7 million (0.15 $/kg);

Malaysia 46 782.9 tons worth $6.3 million dollars (0.13 $/kg);

Singapore 36 567.3 tons worth $5.1 million (0.14 $/kg);

Vietnam 34,739.5 tons worth $4.6 million (0.13 $/kg);

Australia 25,912.7 tons worth $3.1 million (0.12 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 3% on average and the

final binding rate in the WTO are 3%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $10.5 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 20,054.7 tons worth $6.9 million (0.34 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:


Russia 19,420.1 tons worth $6.5 million (0.33 $/kg);

Uzbekistan 631.4 tons worth $343.4 thousand (0.54 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$0.2 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Estonia 692.0 tons worth $159.0 thousand (0.23 $/kg);

Netherlands 8.1 tons worth $37.9 thousand (4.66 $/kg);

France 4.3 tons worth $37.3 thousand (8.65 $/kg);

Great Britain 7.3 tons worth $35.1 thousand (4.83 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 736.0 tons worth $300.3 thousand (0.41 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

37. Glycerin synthetic from propylene (code 290545 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $148.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 261,020.1 tons worth $122.9 million (0.47 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 58,448.5 tons worth $27.8 million (0.48 $/kg);

United States 41,134.0 tons worth $19.5 million (0.47 $/kg);

India 29,851.4 tons worth $14 million (0.47 $/kg);

Malaysia 29 823.6 tons worth $10.9 million (0.37 $/kg);

Japan 17 687.6 tons worth $10.4 million (0.59 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.4 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 391.4 tons worth $389.5 thousand (1.00 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 208.9 tons worth $177.3 thousand (0.85 $/kg);

Germany 106.5 tons worth $109.8 thousand (1.03 $/kg);

France 6.3 tons worth $28.3 thousand (4.47 $/kg);

Turkey 22.3 tons worth $20.9 thousand (0.94 $/kg)


It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Glycols (dihydric alcohols: diols), polyhydric

alcohols, cyclic alcohols and their derivatives' of 24 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Glycols (dihydric alcohols: diols), polyhydric

alcohols, cyclic alcohols and their derivatives' of 24 tons.

Germany 16,808.1 tons worth $11.1 million (0.66 $/kg);

Netherlands 24 570.7 tons worth $11 million (0.45 $/kg);

Ukraine 26 533.5 tons worth $10.8 million (0.41 $/kg);

Brazil 22,250.5 tons worth $10.5 million (0.47 $/kg);

Poland 7 171.2 tons worth $3.4 million (0.47 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 115,868.2 tons worth $57.7 million (0.50 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 593.3

tons worth $381.5 thousand (0.64 $/kg).

38. Other acids acyclic monocarboxylic saturated and their anhydrides,

halides, peroxides and peroxy acids; halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or

nitrosated derivatives (HS code 291590)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $222.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 263 901.7 tons worth $409.6 million (1.55 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Netherlands 137,346.9 tons worth $206.5 million (1.50 $/kg);

China 47,155.8 tons worth $64.1 million (1.36 $/kg);

India 28 564.7 tons worth $37 million (1.30 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.3 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 11.0 tons worth $107.6 thousand (9.76 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 9.8 tons worth $88.3 thousand (9.00 $/kg);

Germany 0.1 tons worth $10.0 thousand (74.5 $/kg)


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$15.4 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 2 435.9 tons worth $5.8 million (2.37 $/kg);

Belgium 717.7 tons worth $3.5 million dollars (4.93 $/kg);

Malaysia 911.5 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (1.99 $/kg);

China 212.9 tons worth $1.3 million dollars (6.12 $/kg);

Switzerland 107.2 tons worth $1.1 million dollars (9.85 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 6,423.8 tons worth 18.4 million (2.87 $/kg), while from Indonesia 229.0 tons worth

401.4 thousand (1.75 $/kg).

39. Lysine and its esters; salts of these compounds (code 292241 of CNVED)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $288.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 273,104.5 tons worth $252.9 million (0.93 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Netherlands 39 318.0 tons worth $29.4 million (0.75 $/kg);

Spain 33 310.4 tons worth $23 million (0.69 $/kg);

Germany 23 642.7 tons worth $20.2 million (0.86 $/kg);

India 18,393.7 tons worth $19.2 million dollars (1.05 $/kg);

Vietnam 12 861.6 tons worth $15.9 million (1.23 $/kg);

Italy 17 440.9 tons worth $14.6 million (0.84 $/kg);

Denmark 18,916.5 tons worth $14 million (0.74 $/kg);

Japan 9 938.0 tons worth $13.6 million (1.37 $/kg);

Thailand 10 782.5 tons worth $13.3 million (1.24 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of the KGD of State Revenue Committee of

the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics

of the MES of RK, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth

$5.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was

10,791.3 tons worth $6.4 million dollars (0.59 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 39.0 tons

worth $66.7 thousand (1.71 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 9,607.5 tons worth $4.7 million (0.49 $/kg);


Russia 819.2 tons worth $1.2 million (1.43 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Lysine, glutamic acid and their salts; quaternary

salts and ammonium hydroxides; phosphoaminolipids; amides, their derivatives and

salts' in volume of 1 771 kg.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$118.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 87,239.3 tons worth $89.7 million (1.03 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 95,304.1 tons worth 98.9 million (1.04 $/kg), while from Indonesia 4 205.6 tons

worth 4.2 million (1.00 $/kg).

40. Glutamic acid and its salts (code 292242 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $216.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 132,762.8 tons worth $187.7 million (1.41 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 34 786.2 tons worth $51.7 million (1.49 $/kg);

Malaysia 21 322.4 tons worth $31.8 million (1.49 $/kg);

South Korea 20,032.0 tons worth $25.9 million (1.29 $/kg);

Philippines 10,229.3 tons worth $15 million (1.47 $/kg);

Vietnam 8 088.0 tons worth $10.1 million (1.25 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods worth $0.2 million on average. In 2016, the import of the

Republic of Kazakhstan was 319.6 tons worth $222.7 thousand (0.70 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 318.2 tons worth $219.2 thousand (0.69 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016


produced products under the name 'Lysine, glutamic acid and their salts; quaternary

salts and ammonium hydroxides; phosphoaminolipids; amides, their derivatives and

salts' in volume of 1 771 kg.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

13.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 9,883.3 tons worth $12.4 million (1.26 $/kg);

Brazil 800.0 tons worth $1.1 million (1.37 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 10 965.8 tons worth $14.2 million (1.29 $/kg), while from Indonesia 157.7 tons

worth 289.5 thousand (1.84 $/kg).

41. Other nucleic acids and their salts, whether or not chemically defined;

other heterocyclic compounds (code 293499 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $105.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 10,621.0 tons worth $94.2 million (8.87 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 1 572.6 tons worth $17.7 million (11.2 $/kg);

South Korea 1 785.7 tons worth $15 million (8.39 $/kg);

Singapore 623.1 tons worth $9.8 million (15.7 $/kg);

United States 1,192.4 tons worth $7.7 million (6.49 $/kg);

Vietnam 845.6 tons worth $6.6 million dollars (7.75 $/kg);

Nigeria 911.8 tons worth $5.8 million (6.38 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 2.67% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 2.67%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $5.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 129.7 tons worth $4.8 million (37.3 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 85.5 tons worth $2.5 million dollars (29.6 $/kg);

China 40.9 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (38.2 $/kg);

India 3.2 tons worth 661.7 thousand (205.1 $/kg)


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$104.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 1 964.2 tons worth $45.3 million (23.1 $/kg);

Italy 33.1 tons worth $18.3 million (553.2 $/kg);

France 19.7 tons worth $12.1 million (614.7 $/kg);

Switzerland 261.0 tons worth $11.8 million (45.4 $/kg);

Slovenia 3.5 tons worth $10.6 million (3055.3 $/kg);

India 20.6 tons worth $8.7 million (422.2 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 3,030.2 tons worth 117.8 million (38.9 $/kg), while from Indonesia 62.9 tons

worth 438.0 thousand (6.96 $/kg).

42. Vaccines for people (code 300220 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $102.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 246.7 tons worth $93.7 million (379.8 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

India 18.2 tons worth $44.3 million (2429.6 $/kg);

Thailand 27.3 tons worth $17.4 million (636.7 $/kg);

Nigeria 69.6 tons worth $10.9 million (157.2 $/kg);

Egypt 23.0 tons worth $4.7 million (204.5 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 2% on average and the

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $76.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 103.1 tons worth $77.7 million (753.5 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Ireland 14.5 tons worth $32.8 million (2269.3 $/kg);

France 25.6 tons worth $23 million (899.3 $/kg);

Belgium 22.1 tons worth $17.3 million (783.9 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016


produced products under the name 'Whey and immune vaccines' with a volume of 91

874 thousand tenge.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$143.6 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Ireland 20.3 tons worth $43.7 million (2153.6 $/kg);

France 106.6 tons worth $39.4 million (369.8 $/kg);

US 19.2 tons worth $22.6 million (1174 $/kg);

Belgium 21.5 tons worth $12.7 million (587.3 $/kg);

The Netherlands 11.0 tons worth $9.9 million (900.6 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 200.6 tons worth $132.4 million (660 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.6 tons worth

90.7 thousand (148, 7 $/kg).

43. Drugs used for therapeutic and preventive purposes (code 300490 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $221.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 13,009.0 tons worth $293.4 million (22.6 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 1 596.8 tons worth $61.8 million (38.7 $/kg);

South Korea 191.3 tons worth $39.5 million (206.3 $/kg);

Thailand 2,973.4 tons worth $35.5 million (12 $/kg);

Philippines 3,089.3 tons worth $34.5 million (11.2 $/kg);

Australia 122.5 tons worth $24.5 million (200.1 $/kg);

Malaysia 506.7 tons worth $22.6 million (44.5 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 3.8% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $767.3 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 15,677.9 tons worth $505.4 million (32.2

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0.4 tons worth $45.0 thousand (117.3 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Germany 1 665.5 tons worth $92 million (55.3 $/kg);

Russia 6 608.8 tons worth $57 million (8.62 $/kg);


India 1 259.1 tons worth $43.2 million (34.3 $/kg);

France 627.2 tons worth $40 million (63.7 $/kg);

Hungary 188.4 tons worth $30.8 million (163.6 $/kg);

Italy 153.2 tons worth $30.8 million (201.3 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$7,195.5 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 27 105.9 tons worth $1210.3 million (44.7 $/kg);

France 10 212.1 tons worth $551.7 million (54 $/kg);

The USA 865,7 tons for the sum 391,6 million (452,4 $/kg);

Italy 4 695.3 tons worth $377.5 million (80.4 $/kg);

India 8 449.8 tons worth $345.2 million (40.9 $/kg);

Switzerland 3,075.6 tons worth $305.8 million (99.4 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 103,169.4 tons worth 5,520.2 million (53.5 $/kg), while from Indonesia 1.0

tons worth 106.5 thousand (103.6 $/kg).

44. Urea, including in aqueous solution (code 310210 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $370.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,264,219.9 tons worth $270.1 million (0.21 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Vietnam 301 489.4 tons worth $62.5 million (0.21 $/kg);

Philippines 288 411.4 tons worth $62.3 million (0.22 $/kg);

Australia 215 240.8 tons worth $46.9 million (0.22 $/kg);

The USA 127 653,6 tons worth $28,4 million (0,22 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 6.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 6.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth 5.2 million dollars. In 2016, the

import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 21,572.7 tons worth $4.5 million dollars

(0.21 $/kg). Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Uzbekistan 16,619.0 tons worth $3.2 million (0.19 $/kg);

Russia 4 614,8 tons worth $951,0 thousand (0,21 $/kg)


It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Urea' with a volume of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$13.4 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Uzbekistan 14,665.1 tons worth $4.6 million (0.32 $/kg);

Turkmenistan 4 998.8 tons worth $1.1 million (0.21 $/kg);

Germany 856.0 tons worth $800.6 thousand (0.94 $/kg);

Poland 4 472.4 tons worth $729.2 thousand (0.16 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 29,981.5 tons worth $8.8 million (0.29 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

45. Perfume and toilet water (code 330300 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $103.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 7,062.6 tons worth $109.1 million (15.5 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 1 055.7 tons worth $85.4 million (80.9 $/kg);

United Arab Emirates 1 835.4 tons worth $6.3 million dollars (3.41 $/kg);

Malaysia 1,409.3 tons worth $6.2 million dollars (4.43 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 6.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 6.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $47.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 4,194.2 tons worth $35.9 million dollars (8.56 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

France 261.7 tons worth $11.8 million (44.9 $/kg);

Russia 1,429.5 tons worth $11.4 million (7.97 $/kg);

United States 148.8 tons worth $3.2 million (21.6 $/kg)


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$605.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

France 6 333.9 tons worth $246.1 million (38.9 $/kg);

Great Britain 1 203.8 tons worth $55.8 million (46.3 $/kg);

Italy 1 323.1 tons worth $48.6 million (36.7 $/kg);

Spain 1,854.0 tons worth $31.5 million (17 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 15 793.6 tons worth $458.2 million (29 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.0 tons worth

$0.6 thousand (142, 0 $/kg).

46. Cosmetic or make-up products and skin care products (code 330499 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $110.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 22 238.7 tons worth $114 million (5,13 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Thailand 5 595.1 tons worth $31.3 million (5.59 $/kg);

Singapore 2,692.6 tons worth $28.4 million (10.5 $/kg);

Malaysia 2,012.5 tons worth $7.9 million (3.92 $/kg);

Philippines 2 356.8 tons worth $6.6 million (2.79 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 6.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $78.6 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 7,660.8 tons worth $54.1 million (7.06

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 37.4 tons worth $249.0 thousand (6.65 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 4 569.5 tons worth $25.4 million (5.55 $/kg);

Poland 1,304.1 tons worth $6.3 million (4.83 $/kg);

France 217.4 tons worth $6.2 million dollars (28.5 $/kg);

United States 193.3 tons worth $3.7 million (19.3 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

manufactured products under the name 'Cosmetic or skin care products (except


medicinal products), including anti-tanning or tanning products, except for make-up

for lips and eyes, manicure and a pedicure, powder 'in volume of 36 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$688.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

France 7 641.0 tons worth $191.3 million (25 $/kg);

Poland 12 138.5 tons worth $59.3 million (4.89 $/kg);

Germany 8 211.7 tons worth $50.1 million (6.10 $/kg);

United States 1,973.9 tons worth $49.4 million (25 $/kg);

Italy 2,288.9 tons worth $34.7 million (15.1 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 44,263.5 tons worth $565.3 million (12.8 $/kg), while from Indonesia 2.5 tons

worth 37.6 thousand (15.3 $/kg).

47. Toilet soap (including soap containing medicinal products) (code 340111


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $356.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 318 751.8 tons worth 284.4 million (0.89 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Malaysia 27 826.2 tons worth $36.1 million (1.30 $/kg);

Pakistan 13 547.4 tons worth $15.3 million (1.13 $/kg);

Singapore 9 922.3 tons worth $14.3 million (1.44 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

6.40309754568706% and final binding rate in the WTO are 6.40309754568706%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth 25.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 14,153.4 tons worth $21.1 million (1.49

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 460.3 tons worth $289.6 thousand (0.63 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 7,749.4 tons worth $10 million (1.29 $/kg);

Ukraine 2 160.9 tons worth $4 million (1.86 $/kg);

Turkey 1 610.2 tons worth $2.6 million dollars (1.61 $/kg)


It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Shaving aids; deodorants and sweat remedies; bath

preparations; perfumery, cosmetic and toilet preparations, not included in other

groups', of a volume of 3 748 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$102.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Turkey 11 443.8 tons worth $19.6 million (1.71 $/kg);

Germany 9,389.5 tons worth $18.2 million (1.93 $/kg);

Poland 4,459.7 tons worth $10.7 million (2.40 $/kg);

Malaysia 7,127.2 tons worth $9.3 million (1.30 $/kg);

Ukraine 3,671.1 tons worth $6.2 million dollars (1.69 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 44,582.1 tons worth 82.1 million (1.84 $/kg), while from Indonesia 25.8 tons worth

26.2 thousand (1.01 $/kg).

48. Soap in other forms (code 340120 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $162.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 301 656.3 tons worth $208.4 million (0.69 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 47,189.4 tons worth $33 million (0.70 $/kg);

UAE 37 322.0 tons worth $24.3 million (0.65 $/kg);

Thailand 26 855.0 tons worth $18.5 million (0.69 $/kg);

Djibouti 28 370.0 tons worth $17.9 million (0.63 $/kg);

Nigeria 24,040.0 tons worth $15.6 million (0.65 $/kg);

Philippines 16 552.9 tons worth $12.8 million (0.77 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8.2% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $6.4 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 4,373.6 tons worth $4.7 million (1.08

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 640.0 tons worth 576.5 thousand (0.90 $/kg).


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 2,664.5 tons worth $2.9 million (1.09 $/kg);

Indonesia 640.0 tons worth $576.5 thousand (0.90 $/kg);

Turkey 372.6 tons worth $503.0 thousand (1.35 $/kg);

The United Arab Emirates produced 320.7 tons worth $247.3 thousand

(0.77 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Soap and surface active organic substances and

preparations for use as soap; paper, cotton wadding, felt, felt and nonwoven materials,

impregnated or covered with soap and detergents' volume of 20 234 tons.

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Italy 2,262.0 tons worth $2.9 million (1.27 $/kg);

Sweden 1 260.7 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (1.79 $/kg);

Turkey 1,247.2 tons worth $2.1 million dollars (1.72 $/kg);

Germany 557.1 tons worth $1.9 million (3.39 $/kg);

Great Britain 265.2 tons worth $1.1 million (4.20 $/kg);

Poland 704.3 tons worth $934.3 thousand (1.33 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 9,887.2 tons worth $16.3 million (1.65 $/kg), while from Indonesia 226.7 tons

worth $111.9 thousand (0.49 $/kg).

49. Surface active agents, detergents, cleaning (code 340220 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $145.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 173 175.4 tons worth $154.8 million (0.89 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Malaysia 35,839.6 tons worth $24.7 million (0.69 $/kg);

Australia 15 592.7 tons worth $17.8 million (1.14 $/kg);

Angola 12 595.0 tons worth $12.1 million (0.96 $/kg);

Philippines 12 315.0 tons worth $8.5 million dollars (0.69 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8.2% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 6.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the


Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $128.3 million. Meanwhile, in 2016

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 89,360.8 tons worth $88.4 million (0.99

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0,0 tons worth $0,0 thousand (62,2 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 78,227.4 tons worth $77.5 million (0.99 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Detergents' with a volume of 9,276 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$332.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

France 15,794.3 tons worth $32.9 million (2.09 $/kg);

Germany 16 803.7 tons worth $26.9 million (1.60 $/kg);

Poland 17 215.7 tons worth $23.6 million (1.37 $/kg);

United States 7,201.0 tons worth $20.1 million (2.79 $/kg);

Belgium 9 615.1 tons worth $17.3 million (1.80 $/kg);

Hungary 4 967.3 tons worth $13.3 million (2.68 $/kg);

Netherlands 11 636.7 tons worth $11.4 million (0.98 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 131 102.2 tons worth 216.1 million (1.65 $/kg), while from Indonesia 607.9

tons worth 591.1 thousand (0.97 $/kg).

50. Insecticides (code 380891 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $132.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 59,163.3 tons worth $151.5 million (2.56 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Philippines 16,635.9 tons worth $29.3 million (1.76 $/kg);

Thailand 4 287.1 tons worth $25.5 million (5.95 $/kg);

Vietnam 1 519.3 tons worth $17 million (11.2 $/kg);

Malaysia 3,027.5 tons worth $12.1 million (4.01 $/kg);

Japan 4 021.2 tons worth $11.3 million (2.80 $/kg);

Mexico 6 545.7 tons worth $7.9 million (1.20 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 4.6% and

final binding rate in the WTO 4.6%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $16.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2 551.2 tons worth $12.6 million (4.94

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 11.0 tons worth 28.2 thousand (2.56 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1 474.0 tons worth $4.5 million dollars (3.02 $/kg);

China 444.5 tons worth $2 million (4.42 $/kg);

France 130.7 tons worth $1.9 million (14.9 $/kg);

Denmark 255,3 tons worth $1,1 million (4,16 $/kg);

Germany 28.7 tons worth $671.7 thousand (23.4 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Insecticides packaged in forms or packets for retail

trade or represented as finished preparations or products' of a volume of 0 usl. tons.

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$128.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

France 1 348.6 tons worth $39.7 million (29.4 $/kg);

China 4 744.6 tons worth $20.4 million (4.30 $/kg);

Spain 799.2 tons worth $18 million (22.5 $/kg);

Germany 637.3 tons worth $13.2 million (20.7 $/kg);

Switzerland 185.3 tons worth $8.7 million (47.1 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 12 741.8 tons worth $142.6 million (11.2 $/kg), while from Indonesia 165.0

tons worth $258.2 thousand (1.57 $/kg).


51. Biodiesel and its mixtures that do not contain or contain less than 70%

by weight of oil or petroleum products obtained from bituminous rocks (code

382600 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $882.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 418 691.0 tons worth $287.2 million (0.69 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 372 021,5 tons worth $255,6 million (0,69 $/kg);

Spain 22 999.9 tons worth $16.5 million (0.72 $/kg)


Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to. Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not

carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Other chemical products not included in other

groups' with a volume of 110,366 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$4.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Netherlands 2,813.3 tons worth $3.8 million (1.34 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 2,824.4 tons worth $3.8 million (1.36 $/kg), whereas from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

52. Polyvinyl chloride (code 390410 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $100.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 213 629.1 tons worth $164.8 million (0.77 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Malaysia 47,144.1 tons worth $37 million (0.78 $/kg);

Australia 40 402.5 tons worth $31.6 million (0.78 $/kg);

China 28,715.5 tons worth $21.9 million (0.76 $/kg);

Bangladesh 26,229.5 tons worth $19.8 million (0.76 $/kg);

Singapore 24 786.2 tons worth $19.1 million (0.77 $/kg);

Philippines 19 884.0 tons worth $15.3 million (0.77 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 2.2% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 2.2%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016,

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $41.4 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 52,461.4 tons worth $39 million (0.74 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 50,405.7 tons worth $37.1 million (0.74 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016,

products were produced under the name 'Polymers of vinyl chloride or olefins of

halogenated others in primary forms' with a volume of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$467.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 85,992.0 tons worth $102.6 million (1.19 $/kg);

China 115,680.0 tons worth $84.1 million (0.73 $/kg);

US 24,901.5 tons worth $20.9 million (0.84 $/kg);

Sweden 15,669.9 tons worth $18.6 million (1.19 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 259,491.6 tons worth 246.1 million (0.95 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

53. Other acrylic polymers in primary forms (code 390690 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $138.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 96,291.8 tons worth $117.6 million (1.22 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

India 11 430.8 tons worth $18 million (1.57 $/kg);

Vietnam 12 343.9 tons worth $16.2 million (1.31 $/kg);

Australia 17,635.7 tons worth $15.7 million (0.89 $/kg);

Russia 5 740.0 tons worth $9.3 million (1.61 $/kg);

Thailand 8 551.8 tons worth $9.2 million (1.08 $/kg);

China 9,659.3 tons worth $9.1 million (0.94 $/kg);

Philippines 6 910.9 tons worth $7.6 million (1.10 $/kg);

South Africa 3 786.1 tons worth $6 million (1.60 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5.6875%

and final binding rate in the WTO are 5.6875%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $26.8 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 11,926.9 tons worth $22.9 million (1.92

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0.6 tons worth 1.3 thousand (2.24 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 3,838.6 tons worth $6.2 million dollars (1.63 $/kg);

China 1,048.7 tons worth $3.5 million dollars (3.35 $/kg);

Germany 2,867.3 tons worth $3 million (1.06 $/kg);

United Kingdom of 1 010.9 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (2.29 $/kg);

Austria 585.2 tons worth $1.9 million (3.22 $/kg);

South Africa 341.7 tons worth $1.2 million (3.55 $/kg);

France 411.0 tons worth $1.2 million (2.91 $/kg);

Turkey 869.6 tons worth $1.2 million (1.37 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$385.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 40,079.1 tons worth $71.6 million dollars (1.79 $/kg);

China 27,994.5 tons worth $46 million (1.64 $/kg);

France 26 638.9 tons worth $42.1 million (1.58 $/kg);

Japan 25,083.6 tons worth $36.6 million (1.46 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total imports of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 183 532.9 tons worth $321.6 million (1.75 $/kg), while from Indonesia 6

260.8 tons worth $10.9 million (1.74 $/kg).

54. Polyethylene terephthalate (code 390760 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $326.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 328,899.4 tons worth $276.9 million (0.84 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Italy 75,660.1 tons worth $66.6 million (0.88 $/kg);

Japan 50 421,6 tons worth $48 million (0,95 $/kg);

United States 41,995.0 tons worth $40 million (0.95 $/kg);

Vietnam 35,932.2 tons worth $29.7 million (0.83 $/kg);

China 37,116.6 tons worth $21.1 million (0.57 $/kg);


Bangladesh 18 303.2 tons worth $14.8 million (0.81 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 4% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 4%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $78.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 43,901.8 tons worth $45.5 million (1.04 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 34,495.1 tons worth $35.7 million (1.04 $/kg);

Russia 4,227.6 tons worth $4.6 million (1.09 $/kg);

Korea, Republic of 1961 tons worth $3.3 million (1.03 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Polyacetals, polyesters of other alcohols and epoxy

resins in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl ethers and other

polyesters in primary forms' in volume of 2 775 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$232.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 93,777.6 tons worth $91 million dollars (0.97 $/kg);

South Korea 14 744.4 tons worth $14.4 million (0.97 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 133 795.8 tons for $129 million (0.96 $/kg), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

55. Waste, scrap, scrap of other plastics (code 391590 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $113.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 181,078.6 tons worth $81.6 million dollars (0.45


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 167 543.8 tons worth $75.7 million (0.45 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods worth $0.2 million on average. In 2016, the import of the

Republic of Kazakhstan was 130.5 tons worth $70.9 thousand (0.54 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 130.4 tons worth $69.1 thousand (0.53 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$10.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Turkey 2 645.4 tons worth $4.1 million (1.55 $/kg);

UAE 1 621.8 tons worth $2.7 million dollars (1.64 $/kg);

Ukraine 2,936.0 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (0.63 $/kg);

Germany 1,197.7 tons worth $1.3 million (1.05 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 10,309.8 tons worth 11.4 million (1.11 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

56. Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip or strip of other polymers of propylene

(code 392020 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016 Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $173.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 77,604.5 tons for $168 million (2.17 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Thailand 12 228.8 tons worth $21.3 million (1.74 $/kg);

Australia 6,747.8 tons worth $15 million (2.23 $/kg);

Philippines 7 405.5 tons worth $14.7 million (1.99 $/kg);

Japan 4,492.6 tons worth $12 million (2.67 $/kg);

The USA 5 237,8 tons for the sum 11,4 million (2,18 $/kg);

South Korea 4,194.6 tons worth $10.1 million (2.41 $/kg);

Malaysia 4,472.5 tons worth $9.8 million (2.19 $/kg);

Vietnam 4,487.9 tons worth $8.9 million (1.97 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 4.875% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 4.875%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $13.2 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 3 123.6 tons worth $8.9 million (2.86 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1,357.2 tons worth $3.4 million (2.53 $/kg);

Turkey 552.7 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (3.28 $/kg);

Belgium 306.8 tons worth $1.1 million dollars (3.60 $/kg);

China 458.7 tons worth $970.0 thousand (2.11 $/kg);

France 85.4 tons worth $477.7 thousand (5.60 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of plastics,

unreinforced or uncombined with other materials' of 52,052,580 kg.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$194.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 5 139.5 tons worth $23.9 million (4.65 $/kg);

Poland 5 007.1 tons worth $22.1 million (4.41 $/kg);

Belgium 4 260.2 tons worth $14.3 million (3.35 $/kg);

Latvia 2 307.8 tons worth $11.9 million (5.14 $/kg);

China 5,126.2 tons worth $10.9 million (2.13 $/kg);

Italy 2 760.7 tons worth $8.9 million (3.23 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 38 871.6 tons worth 141.1 million (3.63 $/kg), while from Indonesia 345.5 tons

worth 887.7 thousand (2.57 $/kg).

57. Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip or strip of polyethylene terephthalate

(code 392062 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $104.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 33 082.1 tons worth $87.5 million (2.64 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 14,020.4 tons worth $44.8 million (3.20 $/kg);

Malaysia 4,797.8 tons worth $12.6 million (2.63 $/kg);


China 3,152.9 tons worth $7.4 million (2.35 $/kg);

South Korea 2 565.3 tons worth $5.9 million (2.30 $/kg);

other Asian countries 2,030.6 tons worth $5.8 million (2.87 $/kg);

Philippines 2 457.0 tons worth $5.3 million (2.16 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

4.33333333333333% and final binding rate in the WTO are 6.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.8 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 641.0 tons worth $1.9 million dollars (2.94 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 285.2 tons worth $975.6 thousand (3.42 $/kg);

China 117.6 tons worth $243.0 thousand (2.07 $/kg);

Germany 34,8 tons worth $155,0 thousand (4,45 $/kg);

India 43.1 tons worth $145.3 thousand (3.37 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip of plastics,

unreinforced or uncombined with other materials' of 52,052,580 kg.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$59.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

United Arab Emirates 9 510.8 tons worth $15.8 million (1.66 $/kg);

Germany 1 920.9 tons worth $7.6 million (3.96 $/kg);

Poland 3 536.4 tons worth $7.3 million (2.05 $/kg);

India 4 319.7 tons worth $6.8 million (1.57 $/kg);

China 1,998.7 tons worth $5.2 million dollars (2.63 $/kg);

Lithuania 1,906.4 tons worth $2.9 million (1.53 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 26,473.3 tons worth $55.9 million (2.11 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.2 tons

worth $1.5 thousand (7.24 $/kg).

58. Bags and bags (incl. Conical) of ethylene polymers (code 392321 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $153.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 92,937.8 tons worth $140 million (1.51 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 73 923.4 tons worth $105.6 million (1.43 $/kg);

United Kingdom 5 999.7 tons worth $9.1 million (1.51 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 9.2% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 6.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $35.1 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 25,801.6 tons worth $29.9 million (1.16 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 22,435.9 tons worth $20.7 million (0.92 $/kg);

Russia 2 428.8 tons worth $6 million (2.49 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Sacks and bags (including conical) made of

polyethylene' with a volume of 9,777,559 kg.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$118.8 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 14 001.6 tons worth $19.1 million (1.37 $/kg);

Poland 4 113.1 tons worth $14.6 million (3.54 $/kg);

Sweden 4,362.8 tons worth $12.9 million (2.96 $/kg);

Ukraine 2,272.1 tons worth $5.3 million (2.35 $/kg);

Turkey 1,175.2 tons worth $4.7 million (3.98 $/kg);

Germany 876.1 tons worth $4.4 million dollars (5.07 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 33,419.2 tons worth 86 million dollars (2.57 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.0 tons

worth 0.1 thousand (2, 02 $/kg).

59. The name of the product Smoked shits (brand of natural rubber) (code

400121 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $158.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 78,437.4 tons worth $119.2 million (1.52 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

India 20 841.3 tons worth $31.5 million (1.51 $/kg);

Japan 8 662.0 tons worth $13.7 million (1.58 $/kg);

China 8 522.3 tons worth $12.7 million (1.50 $/kg);

The USA 8 044,1 tons worth $12,7 million (1,57 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 5 610.9 tons worth $8.7 million (1.56 $/kg);

Turkey 3 904.3 tons worth $6.1 million dollars (1.55 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1.7 tons worth $5.1 thousand (2.91 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1.6 tons worth $4.8 thousand (3.01 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$15.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Vietnam 1,734.9 tons worth $3 million (1.73 $/kg);

Indonesia 1 544.8 tons worth $2.9 million (1.85 $/kg);

Thailand 456.9 tons worth $775.2 thousand (1.70 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 3,736.7 tons worth $6.6 million dollars (1.77 $/kg), while from Indonesia 1,544.8

tons worth $2.9 million (1.85 $/kg).

60. Natural rubber, technically specified (tsnr) (code 400122 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016 Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $5,147.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 2,493,659.3 tons worth 3242.2 million (1.30 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 568 375.9 tons worth $729.2 million (1.28 $/kg);


Japan 412,625.8 tons worth $537.6 million (1.30 $/kg);

China 293 385.9 tons worth $387.3 million (1.32 $/kg);

India 209 979.7 tons worth $274.8 million (1.31 $/kg);

South Korea 179 127.1 tons worth $232 million dollars (1.30 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of Education and Science, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the

average worth $0.1 million. In 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was

11.7 tons worth $10.3 thousand (0.89 $/kg). Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were

not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 11.7 tons worth $10.3 thousand (0.89 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$230.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 62,180.2 tons worth $97.9 million (1.57 $/kg);

Malaysia 22,033.6 tons worth $33.6 million (1.53 $/kg);

Thailand 15,719.8 tons worth $24.6 million (1.57 $/kg);

Vietnam 8,555.0 tons worth $13.9 million (1.63 $/kg);

Cote d'Ivoire 8 423.1 tons worth $13.4 million (1.59 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 120,667.7 tons worth $189.6 million dollars (1.57 $/kg), while from Indonesia

62,180.2 tons worth $97.9 million (1.57 $/kg).

61. Tires pneumatic rubber new for cars (code 401110 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $1,317.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 31,105,757 pieces worth $1378.4 million (44.3 /pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 16,436,057 pieces worth $728.3 million (44.3 $/pcs);

Japan 2,304,553 pieces worth $102.1 million (44.3 / pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 12% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $141.2 million. In 2016, the import

of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 3,087,657 pieces worth 88.7 million (28.7 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 2,029,007 pieces worth $62 million (30.5 $/pcs);

China 380 009 pieces worth $11.4 million (30.1 $/pcs);

Belarus 363 872 pieces worth $6.6 million (18.1 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Rubber pneumatic tires new' with a volume of 0

thousand pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$929.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Japan 2,890,622 pieces worth $105.6 million (36.5 $/pcs);

South Korea 2,272,398 pieces worth $77.5 million (34.1 $/pcs);

China 1,993,681 pieces worth $54.8 million (27.5 $/pcs);

Germany 861 665 pieces worth $48.8 million (56.6 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 12,777,454 pieces worth $471.1 million (36.9 $/pcs), while from Indonesia,

262,512 pieces worth $6.6 million (25, $1 $/pcs).

62. Tires and tires pneumatic rubber new, for bicycles (code 401150 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $103.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016 exports was 28,051,518 pieces worth $77.3 million dollars (2.76


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Germany 16,370,032 pieces worth $45.1 million (2.76 $/pcs);

The Netherlands 2 433 591 pieces worth $6.7 million (2.76 $/pcs) Import needs

of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.9 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 937,528 pieces for $1.1 million (1.17

$/pcs). Import from Indonesia 39 pieces for $1.0 thousand (26.2 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 813,808 pieces worth $908.3 thousand (1.12 $/pcs);

Russia 39 667 pieces worth $86.2 thousand (2.17 $/pcs);

India 80 621 pieces worth $79.5 thousand (0.99 $/pcs) Import requirements of

the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$13.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 4,783,077 pieces worth $8.3 million dollars (1.73 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 5,351,485 pieces for $9.6 million (1.79 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 11,173 pieces

worth $37.6 thousand (3, $36 $/pcs).

63. Other gloves, mittens and mitts (code 401519 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $239.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 53,378.0 tons worth $231.4 million (4.34 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 24 496.4 tons worth $116.2 million (4.74 $/kg);

Japan 3,393.9 tons worth $17.1 million (5.04 $/kg);

Italy 4 420.9 tons worth $17 million dollars (3.84 $/kg);

Germany 2 928.2 tons worth $12.8 million (4.39 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 10% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 8%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $11.8 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 3,491.1 tons worth $9.7 million (2.78

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0.9 tons worth 8.5 thousand (9.81 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:


Malaysia 1,366.3 tons worth $4.1 million (2.99 $/kg);

China 1,810.1 tons worth $3.8 million (2.10 $/kg);

Russia 155.4 tons worth $1.1 million (7.11 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Articles of clothing and its accessories made of rubber,

except ebonite', with a volume of 44,439,629 thousand tenge.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$119.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Malaysia 15 629.6 tons worth $70.6 million (4.52 $/kg);

China 5 492.7 tons worth $21.2 million (3.86 $/kg);

Thailand 1 860.5 tons worth $9.9 million (5.30 $/kg);

Germany 1 508.1 tons worth $7.2 million dollars (4.75 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 25,869.8 tons worth $117.3 million dollars (4.53 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 59.3

tons worth $319.3 thousand (5.39 $/kg).


64. Other wood charcoal (code 440290 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $147.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 359,760.9 tons worth $187.1 million (0.52 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Saudi Arabia 46,634.5 tons worth $28.1 million (0.60 $/kg);

South Korea 51 022.6 tons worth $27.8 million (0.55 $/kg);

Japan 29,219.7 tons worth $16 million (0.55 $/kg);

Iraq 13 135.3 tons worth $10.8 million (0.82 $/kg);

Turkey 19 255.4 tons worth $10.1 million (0.53 $/kg);

Germany 10 509.3 tons worth $9.7 million (0.92 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.9 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,


the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 10,505.9 tons worth $3.8 million (0.36

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 170.9 tons worth $122.3 thousand (0.72 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 10 262.3 tons worth $3.6 million (0.35 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Wood charcoal, including agglomerated' with a

volume of 1,070 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$4.2 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 7 592.2 tons worth $5.4 million dollars (0.71 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 8,971.6 tons worth $6.6 million dollars (0.73 $/kg), while from Indonesia 7,592.2

tons worth $5.4 million (0.71 $/kg).

65. Lumber (including slats and frieze for parquet flooring unclarified) in

the form of profiled molded logs (code 440929 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $565.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 591 148.3 tons worth $606 million (1.03 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 227,630.6 tons worth $168.1 million (0.74 $/kg);

Australia 78,340.6 tons worth $99.5 million (1.27 $/kg);

India 84 761.9 tons worth $53.4 million (0.63 $/kg);

Japan 32,951.8 tons worth $52.5 million (1.59 $/kg);

The Netherlands 26 935.8 tons worth $41.2 million (1.53 $/kg);

Germany 29 686.0 tons worth $37.7 million (1.27 $/kg);

South Korea 31 726.6 tons worth $34.8 million (1.10 $/kg);

US 17,916.4 tons worth $32.3 million (1.80 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 8%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $5.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016


import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 4 417.1 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (0.52

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 17.9 tons worth 69.4 thousand (3.87 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Belarus 367.7 tons worth $887.6 thousand (2.41 $/kg);

Russia 3,717.4 tons worth $676.6 thousand (0.18 $/kg);

Italy 25.8 tons worth $136.5 thousand (5.30 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Wood, profiled along the edge or on plastics

(including laths and friezes for unassembled parquet, kale and baguette)' of 203 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$18.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 2,023.2 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (0.78 $/kg);

Italy 382.8 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (4.09 $/kg);

The USA is 193.8 tons worth $974.0 thousand (5.02 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 4,394.9 tons worth $7.7 million (1.75 $/kg), while from Indonesia 181.8 tons for

$228.3 thousand (1.26 $/kg).

66. Having at least one outer layer of tropical wood specified in the footnote

to subheadings 1 of this group (HS code 441231)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $1,024.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,489,200 cubic meters worth $981.1 million dollars

(658.8 $/ m3).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 583,229 m3 worth $384.2 million (658.8 $/ m3);

US 253 438 m3 worth $167 million (658.8 $/ m3);

South Korea 180,723 m3 worth $119.1 million (658.8 $/ m3);

Other countries in Asia 89 139 m3 worth $58.7 million (658.8 $/ m3)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 9% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the


Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.8 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 7,126 m3 worth $1.7 million (240.5 / m3). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 6,267 m3 worth $1.7 million (272.9 / m3)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Panels veneered and laminated similar wood

materials' of 9 thousand cubic meters.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$0.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Netherlands 74 m3 worth $103.4 thousand (1 397.3 $/ m3);

Poland 34 m3 worth $47.5 thousand (1 396.4 $/ m3);

Lithuania 25 m3 worth $33.5 thousand (1 341.4 $/ m3);

Italy 15 m3 worth $25.2 thousand (1 676.9 $/ m3);

Austria 11 m3 worth $12.7 thousand (1 159.0 $/ m3).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 168 m3 for $227.5 thousand (1,354.3 / m3), whereas from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

67. The name of the product Other plywood, veneered panels and similar

materials from laminated wood (code 441239 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $188.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 356 967 m3 worth $130.3 million (365.2 $/ m3).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Saudi Arabia 75 848 m3 worth $27.7 million (365.2 $/ m3);

Oman 60 045 m3 worth $21.9 million (365.2 $/ m3);

UAE 47 263 m3 worth $17.3 million (365.2 $/ m3);

Japan 44,772 m3 worth $16.3 million (365.2 $/ m3);

Belgium 28 781 m3 worth $10.5 million (365.2 $/ m3)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 10% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $8.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 26,557 m3 worth $3.1 million dollars (115.3 $/ m3).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 13,618 m3 worth $2.8 million dollars (202.3 $/ m3);

China 12 935 m3 worth $305.0 thousand (23.6 $/ m3)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Panels veneered and laminated similar wood

materials' of 9 thousand cubic meters.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$3.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 3,088 m3 worth $841.4 thousand (272.5 $/ m3);

Finland 1,332 m3 worth $188.6 thousand (141.6 $/ m3);

US 86 m3 worth $80.7 thousand (938.9 $/ m3).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 4 802 m3 for $1.3 million (265.3 / m3), while from Indonesia this product was not


68. Block, multi-layer and rack plate carpentry (code 441294 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $386.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 352 042.1 tons worth $388.2 million (1.10 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 79,954.6 tons worth $109.9 million (1.37 $/kg);

South Korea 39,995.1 tons worth $38.4 million (0.96 $/kg);

Jordan 34 929.2 tons worth $33.5 million (0.96 $/kg);

Saudi Arabia 32,938.2 tons worth $30.7 million (0.93 $/kg);

Germany 15 589.6 tons worth $27.2 million (1.75 $/kg);

Netherlands 12 690.9 tons worth $23.3 million (1.83 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 7% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average of $0.4 million. In 2016, the import of the

Republic of Kazakhstan was 281.6 tons worth $121.0 thousand (0.43 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 274.0 tons worth $103.7 thousand (0.38 $/kg);

Italy 2,3 tons worth $9,8 thousand (4,27 $/kg);

Germany 5.3 tons worth $7.5 thousand (1.41 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Panels veneered and laminated similar wood

materials' of 9 thousand cubic meters.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$1.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Poland 246.9 tons worth $297.7 thousand (1.21 $/kg);

Romania 88.5 tons worth $106.2 thousand (1.20 $/kg);

Ukraine 59.4 tons worth $73.8 thousand (1.24 $/kg);

The Netherlands is 22.8 tons worth $50.0 thousand (2.19 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 491.4 tons worth 618.1 thousand (1.26 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

69. Other plywood glued, wood veneered panels and similar materials from

laminated wood (code 441299 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $610.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016 exports was 827,035.5 tons worth $646.4 million (0.78 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 650,245.2 tons worth $498.1 million (0.77 $/kg);

Other countries in Asia 102,662.8 tons worth $74.9 million (0.73 $/kg);

Japan 65 423.6 tons worth $65.4 million (1.00 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

9.28571428571429% and final binding rate in the WTO are 5.71428571428571%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.6 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 996.4 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (1.58 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Korea, Republic 105.4 tons worth $761.0 thousand (7.22 $/kg);

China 555.3 tons worth $443.9 thousand (0.80 $/kg);

Italy 8.1 tons worth $156.6 thousand (19.2 $/kg);

Russia 305.1 tons worth $133.3 thousand (0.44 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Panels veneered and laminated similar wood

materials' of 9 thousand cubic meters.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$9.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

The Netherlands 1 321.5 tons worth $1.3 million (0.99 $/kg);

Poland 423,9 tons worth $961,0 thousand (2,27 $/kg);

Austria 463.6 tons worth $538.9 thousand (1.16 $/kg);

Germany 319.8 tons worth $538.3 thousand (1.68 $/kg);

China 745.5 tons worth $519.2 thousand (0.70 $/kg);

Italy 130.9 tons worth $509.6 thousand (3.89 $/kg);

Bosnia and Herzegovina 106.3 tons worth $298.9 thousand (2.81 $/kg);

Belgium 267.2 tons worth $297.2 thousand (1.11 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 4,002.8 tons worth $5.5 million dollars (1.36 $/kg), while from Indonesia 22.1 tons

worth 39.3 thousand (1.78 $/kg).

70. Doors and their frames and thresholds (code 441820 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on the average worth $164.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 83,054.5 tons worth $182.8 million dollars (2.20


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Great Britain 37,130.0 tons worth $82 million (2.21 $/kg);

The Netherlands 8 521.3 tons worth $21.7 million (2.55 $/kg);


US 5,610.7 tons worth $20.8 million dollars (3.71 $/kg);

Japan 6,039.5 tons worth $15.5 million (2.56 $/kg);

Australia 4 237.0 tons worth $11 million (2.60 $/kg);

South Africa 8 018.6 tons worth $9.9 million (1.24 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 11.2% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $71.9 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 25,450.3 tons worth $42.7 million (1.68

$/kg). Imports from Indonesia 0.1 tons worth $1.7 thousand (11.6 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 18,240.2 tons worth $26.2 million (1.44 $/kg);

Ukraine 4 675.8 tons worth $6.3 million dollars (1.34 $/kg);

Belarus 1,890.1 tons worth $5.1 million (2.67 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Windows and their frames, glazed doors and their

frames, doors and their frames and thresholds, wooden' with a volume of 1,453

thousand square meters. m.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$51.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Italy 1 154.8 tons worth $5.4 million dollars (4.67 $/kg);

Ukraine 3,161.1 tons worth $4.9 million (1.56 $/kg);

Finland 678.7 tons worth $2.5 million (3.65 $/kg);

Germany 164,7 tons worth $2,2 million (13,2 $/kg);

China 1,093.6 tons worth $2 million (1.81 $/kg);

Turkey 233.8 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (7.04 $/kg);

Poland 377.6 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (3.79 $/kg);

Serbia 177.3 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (7.90 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the cumulative imports of the EAEU countries from other countries

in 2016 was 7,598.9 tons worth $23.2 million (3.06 $/kg), while from Indonesia 1.7

tons worth 6.6 thousand (3.89 $/kg).


71. Cellulose wood, soda or sulphate, except for soluble varieties, semi-

bleached or bleached from hardwood (code 470329 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $1 678.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 3,531,959.2 tons worth $1560.6 million dollars (0.44


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 2 172 974.6 tons worth $969.2 million (0.45 $/kg);

South Korea 365 474.5 tons worth $157.3 million (0.43 $/kg);

Bangladesh 313 450.4 tons worth $136.3 million (0.43 $/kg);

India 230,206.5 tons worth $102.9 million (0.45 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 7.75% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $3.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 8,954.4 tons worth $4.3 million (0.48 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 8 954.4 tons worth $4.3 million (0.48 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$26.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Brazil 12 006.9 tons worth $7 million (0.58 $/kg);

Sweden 5,457.9 tons worth $2.8 million dollars (0.51 $/kg);

Chile 4,978.9 tons worth $2.8 million dollars (0.56 $/kg);

Finland 3,628.0 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (0.50 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 28,876.5 tons worth $16.1 million (0.56 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

72. Paper and cardboard other with a mass of 1 m2 40 g or more but not

more than 150 grams in rolls (code 480255 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $255.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 371 192.4 tons worth 248.6 million (0.67 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 144 696.1 tons worth $92.7 million (0.64 $/kg);

Philippines 41 666.0 tons worth $28.1 million (0.68 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $12.3 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 6,603.1 tons worth $7.8 million (1.18 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 5 225.0 tons worth $4.3 million dollars (0.81 $/kg);

Finland 1,069.0 tons worth $2.4 million dollars (2.25 $/kg);

United Kingdom of 145.3 tons worth $712.3 thousand (4.90 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced goods under the name 'Paper and cardboard uncoated for graphic purposes

other' with a volume of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Finland 6 268.7 tons worth $4.8 million (0.76 $/kg);

Poland 1,924.6 tons worth $2.9 million (1.52 $/kg);

Czech Republic 1,035.8 tons worth $1.2 million dollars (1.17 $/kg);

Portugal 1,053.4 tons worth $1.1 million (1.09 $/kg);

Germany 407.5 tons worth $834.3 thousand (2.05 $/kg);

South Korea 395.5 tons worth $715.1 thousand (1.81 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 11 838.7 tons worth $12.5 million (1.06 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.0 tons

worth $0.0 thousand (1.00 $/kg).


73. Paper and cardboard other, with a mass of 1 m2 from 40 to 150 grams

in sheets with the size of one side is not more than 435 mm, and the other is not

more than 297 mm in expanded form (code 480256 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $1,060.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1 323 821.5 tons worth $1038.1 million (0.78 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 285 923.5 tons worth $264.5 million (0.93 $/kg);

Malaysia 86,496.0 tons worth $68.4 million (0.79 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $34.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 34,239.1 tons worth $31.7 million (0.93

$/kg). The import from Indonesia was 35.0 tons worth $56.3 thousand (1.61 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 32 988.3 tons worth $30.5 million (0.93 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Paper and cardboard uncoated for graphic purposes

other' with a volume of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$93.9 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Finland 25,895.9 tons worth $20 million (0.77 $/kg);

Austria 4,830.2 tons worth $6.9 million (1.42 $/kg);

Portugal 3,152.9 tons worth $3.1 million dollars (0.99 $/kg);

Indonesia 3 521.7 tons worth $3 million (0.84 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 45,709.5 tons worth $40.9 million (0.90 $/kg), while from Indonesia 3 521.7 tons

worth $3 million 0,84 $/kg).

74. Other paper and cardboard with a mass of 1 m. from 40 to 150 g.,

containing no fibers obtained by mechanical or chemical mechanical means, or


with the content of such fibers no more than 10% of the total mass (code 480257


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $483.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 664 440.7 tons worth 436.2 million (0.66 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Philippines 76 170.1 tons worth $46.1 million (0.61 $/kg);

Malaysia 73,259.7 tons worth $45 million (0.61 $/kg);

India 52 531.2 tons worth $32.4 million (0.62 $/kg);

Japan 38,989.7 tons worth $28.7 million (0.74 $/kg);

Iran 42,402.4 tons worth $28.1 million (0.66 $/kg);

Myanmar 39,583.3 tons worth $25.5 million (0.64 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $17.8 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 5,786.3 tons worth $7.3 million (1.26

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0.4 tons worth $0.6 thousand (1.41 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 5 577.8 tons worth $4.2 million dollars (0.75 $/kg);

Germany 68.3 tons worth $2.4 million (34.7 $/kg);

France 16.4 tons worth $425.1 thousand (25.9 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Paper and cardboard uncoated for graphic purposes

other' with a volume of 0 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$6.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Czech Republic 646.1 tons worth $927.6 thousand (1.44 $/kg);

Germany 505.0 tons worth $508.7 thousand (1.01 $/kg);

Austria 362.2 tons worth $477.5 thousand (1.32 $/kg);

Poland 342.6 tons worth $375.8 thousand (1.10 $/kg);

Great Britain 168,5 tons worth $336,3 thousand (2,00 $/kg);


China 231.9 tons worth $224.5 thousand (0.97 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 2,836.3 tons for $3.7 million (1.29 $/kg), while from Indonesia 54.5 tons worth

$94.2 thousand (1.73 $/kg).

75. Paper toilet paper towels, tablecloths and other household or sanitary

hygienic paper (code 480300 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $400.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 496 492.2 tons worth $503.5 million (1.01 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 112,332.0 tons worth $118.6 million dollars (1.06 $/kg);

Australia 44,734.5 tons worth $47.4 million (1.06 $/kg);

other Asian countries 45,980.1 tons worth $44.4 million (0.97 $/kg);

South Korea 37,029.8 tons worth $34.9 million (0.94 $/kg);

Malaysia 30 667.6 tons worth $30.5 million (1.00 $/kg);

Thailand 23,982.5 tons worth $25.6 million (1.07 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 6% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $9.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 7,063.1 tons worth $8.2 million dollars (1.15 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 5 437.6 tons worth $5.8 million (1.07 $/kg);

Turkey 1,498.2 tons worth $2.1 million dollars (1.42 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products called "Toilet paper or hygienic paper, paper towels or napkins,

cellulose wadding, cellulose fibers" in volume 485 319 kg.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$26.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 625.8 tons worth $1.3 million dollars (2.12 $/kg);


Germany 431,5 tons worth $1,1 million (2,50 $/kg);

Great Britain 303.4 tons worth $833.3 thousand (2.75 $/kg);

Poland 1 106.6 tons worth $665.5 thousand (0.60 $/kg);

Italy 224.5 tons worth $630.3 thousand (2.81 $/kg);

Switzerland 380.0 tons worth $583.3 thousand (1.54 $/kg);

US 126.9 tons worth $486.6 thousand (3.84 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 5,017.8 tons worth $8.5 million dollars (1.70 $/kg), while from Indonesia 214.0

tons worth $269.0 thousand (1.26 $/kg).

76. Other paper and cardboard for writing, printing or other graphic

purposes (code 481029 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $205.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 195,274.9 tons worth $141.4 million (0.72 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Vietnam 31 384.6 tons worth $23.8 million (0.76 $/kg);

Pakistan 20,366.7 tons worth $13.7 million (0.67 $/kg);

India 18 566.7 tons worth $12.4 million (0.67 $/kg);

Malaysia 12,353.7 tons worth $9.1 million (0.74 $/kg);

Nigeria 11 643.2 tons worth $7.5 million (0.65 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 7.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $3.2 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 4 159.1 tons worth $4 million (0.97 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 2,374.9 tons worth $2.1 million dollars (0.90 $/kg);

Finland 1,028.8 tons worth $1.2 million (1.19 per kg);

Russia 418.1 tons worth $368.1 thousand (0.88 $/kg);

Korea, the Republic of 277.1 tons worth $221.0 thousand (0.80 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$64.4 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 49 139.8 tons worth $36 million (0.73 $/kg);

Finland 15,131.0 tons worth $10.6 million (0.70 $/kg);

South Korea 6 232.2 tons worth $4.8 million (0.78 $/kg);

Germany 1 823.3 tons worth $3.3 million (1.81 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 74,407.3 tons worth 57.2 million (0.77 $/kg), while from Indonesia 825.2 tons

worth 821.0 thousand (0.99 $/kg).


77. Yarn cotton, contains cotton 85% or more, not put up for retail. sale

single-filament of non-combed fibers, linear density less than 714.29, but not less

than 232.56 dtex (code 520512 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $119.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 62,514.8 tons worth $152 million dollars (2.43 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 46,759.8 tons worth $114.7 million (2.45 $/kg);

Japan 8 522.3 tons worth $20.5 million (2.40 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.7 million. In 2016, imports of the

Republic of Kazakhstan was 441.4 tons worth $918.6 thousand (2.08 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Uzbekistan 325.5 tons worth $727.4 thousand (2.23 $/kg);

Turkey 68.6 tons worth $117.2 thousand (1.71 $/kg);

China 44.4 tons worth $69.7 thousand (1.57 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Cotton yarn made from fibers of combed and non-

peeled (not sewn), not put up or put up for retail sale' of 12 948 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$101.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Uzbekistan 39 701.3 tons worth $71 million dollars (1.79 $/kg);

Turkmenistan 16 708.1 tons worth $27.5 million (1.65 $/kg);

Azerbaijan 4 911.7 tons worth $8.1 million dollars (1.64 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 62,087.2 tons worth 108.3 million (1.74 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

78. Textured yarn polyester (code 540233 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $174.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 88 669.0 tons worth $133.5 million (1.51 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Turkey 28,471.0 tons worth $41.3 million (1.45 $/kg);

Japan 5 601.7 tons worth $11.4 million (2.03 $/kg);

Vietnam 8 908.0 tons worth $11.1 million (1.24 $/kg);

Italy 5 393.1 tons worth $8.1 million dollars (1.51 $/kg);

Argentina 4 769.7 tons worth $8.1 million dollars (1.69 $/kg);

The USA 4 645,5 tons for the sum 7,1 million (1,54 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.6 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 283.6 tons worth $484.3 thousand (1.71 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Uzbekistan 163.0 tons worth $281.4 thousand (1.73 $/kg);

India 72.0 tons worth $106.3 thousand (1.48 $/kg);

China 31.2 tons worth $43.8 thousand (1.41 $/kg);

Russia 10.4 tons worth $40.0 thousand (3.85 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

made products under the name 'Filamentary synthetic filamentary other threads, single'

with a volume of 2 952 tons.


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$22.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

India 9 415.7 tons worth $12.2 million (1.30 $/kg);

China 3 130.2 tons worth $6.3 million dollars (2.00 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 13,413.5 tons worth $20.4 million dollars (1.52 $/kg), while from Indonesia 418.4

tons worth $593.7 thousand (1.42 $/kg).

79. Fabrics made from high strength threads (code 540710 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $178.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 18,660.2 tons worth $156.1 million (8.37 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

UAE 7 896.8 tons worth $66.7 million (8.45 $/kg);

Turkey 4,126.2 tons worth $30.8 million (7.45 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 10% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods worth $1.2 million on average. In 2016, the import of the

Republic of Kazakhstan was 159.5 tons worth $1.2 million dollars (7.60 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

The Netherlands 88.9 tons worth $473.2 thousand (5.32 $/kg);

China 19.0 tons worth $445.7 thousand (23.5 $/kg);

Russia 34.7 tons worth $177.6 thousand (5.11 $/kg);

Slovakia 12.0 tons worth $65.3 thousand (5.43 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Fabrics made of synthetic and artificial complex

threads', with a volume of 29,616 thousand square meters.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$8.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Italy 371.6 tons worth $14.7 million (39.7 $/kg);

other Asian countries 80.2 tons worth $1.2 million (14.8 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 891.4 tons worth 20.4 million (22.8 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product was

not imported.

80. Fabrics containing more than 85% textured polyester yarn by weight,

colored (code 540752 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $171.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 16 100.4 tons worth $107.7 million (6.69 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Turkey 7 334.8 tons worth $42.6 million (5.81 $/kg);

UAE 5 237.5 tons worth $39.2 million (7.49 $/kg);

Malaysia 1,184.1 tons worth $8.1 million dollars (6.88 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 7% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 7%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of the KGD of State Revenue Committee of

the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics

of the MES of RK, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth

$2.1 million. In 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 259.5 tons worth

$906.0 thousand (3.49 $/kg). Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 225,5 tons worth $748,4 thousand (3,32 $/kg);

Turkey 26.6 tons worth $84.1 thousand (3.16 $/kg);

Russia 5.9 tons worth $51.4 thousand (8.70 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Fabrics made of synthetic and artificial complex

threads', with a volume of 29,616 thousand square meters.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$12.8 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 2 585.8 tons worth $8.4 million (3.27 $/kg);

France 33.7 tons worth $606.6 thousand (18.0 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 3,047.4 tons worth $11.8 million (3.87 $/kg), while from Indonesia 10.8 tons worth

$56.6 thousand (5.25 $/kg).

81. Polyester fibers, not carded or combed or otherwise prepared for

spinning (code 550320 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $142.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 145 386.2 tons worth $150.4 million (1.03 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Bangladesh 23 761.2 tons worth $22.5 million (0.95 $/kg);

US 18,720.5 tons worth $22.5 million (1.20 $/kg);

Vietnam 17 948.8 tons worth $16.9 million (0.94 $/kg);

Thailand 12 921.2 tons worth $15.3 million (1.19 $/kg);

Great Britain 12 007.3 tons worth $10.7 million (0.89 $/kg);

Japan 7 703.2 tons worth $9.3 million (1.21 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,572.8 tons worth $2.8 million dollars (1.09 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1 517,9 tons worth $1,8 million (1,17 $/kg);

Uzbekistan 731.3 tons worth $651.2 thousand (0.89 $/kg);

China 282.1 tons worth $317.4 thousand (1.12 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$125.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 31,655.3 tons worth $35.1 million (1.11 $/kg);


South Korea 19 101.0 tons worth $23.9 million (1.25 $/kg);

Uzbekistan 7 980.6 tons worth $7.4 million dollars (0.92 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 5 044.4 tons worth $6.5 million (1.30 $/kg);

Ukraine 6 243.4 tons worth $5.9 million (0.95 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 71 929.8 tons worth $81.6 million (1.13 $/kg), while from Indonesia 5.4 tons

worth 18.2 thousand (3.37 $/kg).

82. Viscose fibers, not carded and combed or otherwise prepared for

spinning (code 550410 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market, on average, worth $325.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 159,839.6 tons worth $251.1 million (1.57 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Turkey 39 557.8 tons worth $64.6 million (1.63 $/kg);

Pakistan 30 781.2 tons worth $48.7 million (1.58 $/kg);

India 21 738.4 tons worth $32.3 million (1.49 $/kg);

China 13 825.5 tons worth $26.1 million (1.89 $/kg);

Bangladesh 10 508.8 tons worth $17.1 million (1.63 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 11 131.0 tons worth $13.7 million (1.23 $/kg);

Japan 8,358.8 tons worth $12.8 million (1.53 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 0,0 tons worth $0.1 thousand (36.0 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 0,0 tons worth $0.1 thousand (36,0 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$25.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Austria 7 646.1 tons worth $16 million (2.09 $/kg);

India 3,151.3 tons worth $6.6 million (2.11 $/kg);


China 2,680.6 tons worth $6.1 million dollars (2.28 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 13,814.4 tons worth 29.5 million (2.14 $/kg), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

83. Yarn of synthetic fibers (other than sewing thread), single-piece,

containing 85% by weight or more of polyester fibers, not put up for retail sale

(code 550921 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $302.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 148,093.5 tons worth 254.9 million (1.72 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Turkey 32 486.8 tons worth $56.8 million (1.75 $/kg);

Brazil 15 293.8 tons worth $24.2 million (1.58 $/kg);

South Korea 13 488.4 tons worth $23.2 million (1.72 $/kg);

Pakistan 8 574.2 tons worth $13.5 million (1.58 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods worth $0.2 million on average. In 2016, the import of the

Republic of Kazakhstan was 22.0 tons worth $37.8 thousand (1.72 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 22.0 tons worth $37.8 thousand (1.71 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

manufactured products under the name 'Yarn from synthetic staple fibers, other than

sewing yarns, containing not less than 85% by weight of such fibers' of 0 ton.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$1.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 409.2 tons worth $890.2 thousand (2.18 $/kg);

India 157.7 tons worth $389.2 thousand (2.47 $/kg);

China 95.7 tons worth $229.2 thousand (2.39 $/kg).


Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 670.2 tons for $1.5 million (2.31 $/kg), while from Indonesia 409.2 tons worth

$890.2 thousand (2.18 $/kg).

84. Yarn of synthetic fibers, multicircular (twisted) or one-woven,

containing 85% by weight or more of acrylic or modacrylic fibers, bulk for retail

sale (code 550932 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $114.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 35 977.5 tons worth $106.7 million (2.97 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

South Korea 11 067.0 tons worth $31 million (2.80 $/kg);

Kenya 3,211.0 tonnes worth $8.9 million (2.76 $/kg);

Ethiopia 3,539.6 tons worth $8.5 million dollars (2.40 $/kg);

China 2,489.3 tons worth $7.9 million (3.18 $/kg);

Japan 1 961.7 tons worth $6.6 million (3.37 $/kg);

Brazil 1,760.3 tons worth $6.4 million dollars (3.62 $/kg);

Pakistan 1,919.1 tons worth $6.1 million dollars (3.20 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 26.0 tons worth $91.9 thousand (3.53 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Uzbekistan 13.5 tons worth $48.5 thousand (3.60 $/kg);

China 7.5 tons worth $22.4 thousand (3.00 $/kg);

Turkey 4.9 tons worth $19.9 thousand (4.06 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Yarn from synthetic staple fibers, other than sewing

yarns, containing not less than 85% by weight of such fibers' of 0 ton.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$16.8 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Turkey 5,382.3 tons worth $6.4 million dollars (1.19 $/kg);

Lithuania 352.2 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (4.47 $/kg);

Ukraine 180,0 tons worth $683,0 thousand (3,79 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 6,690.2 tons worth $9.7 million (1.45 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product was

not imported.

85. Yarn other made of polyester fibers (other than sewing thread), not put

up for retail sale, mixed mainly or exclusively with man-made fibers (code 550951


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $210.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 99,039.2 tons worth $212.3 million dollars (2.14


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Turkey 19 124.5 tons worth $43.9 million (2.30 $/kg);

Brazil 20 691.5 tons worth $39.6 million (1.92 $/kg);

South Korea 17,206.9 tons worth 37.2 million (2.16 $/kg);

Pakistan 10 005.0 tons worth $20.1 million (2.00 $/kg);

The USA 5 577,1 tons worth $13,1 million (2,35 $/kg);

Japan 4 872.7 tons worth $12 million (2.46 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of Education and Science, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the

average worth $0.1 million. In 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan

amounted to. Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$2.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 769.0 tons worth $2 million (2.58 $/kg);

India 464.7 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (3.86 $/kg);


China 428.5 tons worth $1.3 million dollars (3.10 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,723.7 tons worth $5.3 million dollars (3.10 $/kg), while from Indonesia 769.0

tons worth $2 million (2, 58 $/kg).

86. Yarn other made of polyester fibers (other than sewing thread), mixed

mainly or exclusively with cotton, not put up for retail sale (code 550953 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market, on average, worth $115.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 45,272.5 tons worth $102.8 million dollars (2.27


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 4,157.9 tons worth $12.9 million (3.11 $/kg);

Egypt 6 486.8 tons worth $12 million (1.84 $/kg);

Colombia 4 401.7 tons worth $9.8 million (2.23 $/kg);

Turkey 4 120.3 tons worth $7.4 million (1.80 $/kg);

Philippines 3,269.3 tons worth $7.3 million (2.24 $/kg);

Bangladesh 2,946.5 tons worth $7.2 million (2.43 $/kg);

Spain 3,072.4 tons worth $7.1 million (2.30 $/kg);

Belgium 2,637.9 tons worth $5.8 million (2.19 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average of $0.4 million. Meanwhile, in 2016, the

import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 241.7 tons worth 422.2 thousand (1.75 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia 23.0 tons worth 46.0 thousand (2.00 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

India 92.0 tons worth $202.9 thousand (2.21 $/kg);

Turkey 77.4 tons worth $131.2 thousand (1.69 $/kg);

Indonesia 23.0 tons worth $46.0 thousand (2.00 $/kg);

China 49.3 tons worth $42.1 thousand (0.85 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$13.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:


India 2,234.5 tons worth $7.4 million (3.30 $/kg);

Uzbekistan 622.8 tons worth $2.5 million dollars (3.97 $/kg);

China 1,450.6 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (1.60 $/kg);

Turkey 818.5 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (2.22 $/kg);

Indonesia 1 195.4 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (1.21 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 6,930.4 tons worth $16.2 million (2.34 $/kg), while from Indonesia 1,195.4 tons

worth $1.4 million (1.21 $/kg).

87. Yarn single-filament made of man-made fibers (other than sewing

cloths), not put up for retail sale, containing 85% by weight or more of man-made

fibers (code 551011 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $406.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 175,090.4 tons worth $452 million (2.58 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Brazil 39,653.6 tons worth $96.6 million dollars (2.44 $/kg);

Egypt 26 548.7 tons worth $66.8 million (2.51 $/kg);

Turkey 22 580.7 tons worth $61.5 million (2.72 $/kg);

South Korea 17,802.8 tons worth $47.3 million (2.65 $/kg);

Vietnam 9,805.1 tons worth $24.2 million (2.47 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to. Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not

carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$1.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Poland 82.6 tons worth $506.0 thousand (6.13 $/kg);

Indonesia 133.6 tons worth $457.2 thousand (3.42 $/kg);

India 27.3 tons worth $111.8 thousand (4.10 $/kg).


Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 286.4 tons worth $1.3 million dollars (4.51 $/kg), while from Indonesia 133.6 tons

worth 457.2 thousand (3.42 $/kg).

88. Pants, overalls with bibs and straps, breeches and shorts knitted or

crocheted, female or for girls, of cotton yarn (code 610462 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $170.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 29,624,463 pieces worth $159.4 million (5.38 /pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $20,340,963 pieces worth $109.4 million (5.38 $/pcs);

Japan 1,507,734 pieces worth $8.1 million (5.38 / pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 15% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 15%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $5.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1,961,252 pieces worth $5.2 million

dollars (2.68 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 1,090 pieces worth $11.4 thousand (10.4


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 492,828 pieces worth $1.8 million (3.61 $/pcs);

Russia 153,775 pieces worth $1.1 million (7.43 $/pcs);

China 136 228 pieces worth $544.2 thousand (4 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 104,799 pieces worth $507.6 thousand (4.84 $/pcs);

Uzbekistan 924,474 pieces worth $336.3 thousand (0.36 / pcs)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Suits, sets, jackets, blazers, dresses, skirts, pants-

skirts, trousers, overalls with bibs and straps, breeches and shorts (except bathing suits),

knitted, female or for girls' in volume of 33 774 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$86.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 5,264,813 pieces worth $23.1 million (4.38 $/pcs);


Uzbekistan 7,647,768 pieces worth $14.2 million (1.85 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 3,876,860 pieces worth $12.8 million (3.31 $/pcs);

India 1,436,900 pieces worth $5.1 million (3.55 $/pcs);

Cambodia 646 867 pieces worth $5 million (7.69 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 22,080,974 pieces worth $76.5 million (3.46 $/pcs), while from Indonesia,

214,496 pieces worth $1.3 million dollars (6,07 $/pcs).

89. T-shirts, sweatshirts with hoses and other underwear, knitted or

crocheted, of cotton yarn, machine or hand crocheted (code 610910 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

goods in question to the world market on average worth $258.5 million. Meanwhile, in

2016, exports was 52,851,646 pieces worth $222 million (4.20 /pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The United States 28 293 818 pieces worth $118.8 million (4.20 $/pcs);

South Korea 4,633,972 pieces worth $19.5 million (4.20 $/pcs);

Australia 2,938,688 pieces worth $12.3 million (4.20 $/pcs);

Japan 2,797,600 pieces worth $11.8 million (4.20 / pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 13.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO 13.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $36.5 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 42,556,202 pieces worth $31.2 million

(0.73 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia was 5 271 pieces worth $31.8 thousand (6.04


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 3,410,542 pieces worth $10.9 million (3.18 $/pcs);

Uzbekistan 36,022,602 pieces worth $9 million (0.25 $/pcs);

Russia 914 396 pieces worth $4.3 million dollars (4.69 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 1,099,297 pieces worth $3.1 million (2.82 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name "Polo shirts, sleeveless vests with shorts, sweatshirts

and similar items with a capacity of 65 thousand pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$393.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Bangladesh 42,531,223 pieces worth $96 million (2.26 $/pcs);

Uzbekistan 56,702,745 pieces worth $67.8 million (1.19 $/pcs);

China 13,837,619 pieces worth $37.1 million (2.68 $/pcs);

India 8,134,233 pieces worth $22.2 million (2.73 $/pcs);

Turkey 11,178,007 pieces worth $21 million (1.88 $/pcs);

Vietnam 13,650,617 pieces worth $19.7 million (1.45 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 156,609,084 pieces for $318.3 million (2.03 / pcs), while from Indonesia, 211,212

pieces worth $1 million (4.88 $/pcs).

90. T-shirts, sweatshirts with sleeves and other underwear, knitted or

crocheted, of other textile materials (code 610990 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $214.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 48,232,646 pieces worth $267.8 million (5.55 /pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 13,358,624 pieces worth $74.2 million (5.55 $/pcs);

United States 8,419,882 pieces worth $46.7 million (5.55 $/pcs);

Germany 3,558,514 pieces worth $19.8 million (5.55 $/pcs);

United Arab Emirates 2 415 879 pieces worth $13.4 million (5.55 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 7,1% and

final binding rate in the WTO 7,1%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $9.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,229,329 pieces worth $10.3 million

(4.64 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 2 011 pieces worth $15.1 thousand (7.51 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 1,507,865 pieces worth $5.1 million (3.41 $/pcs);

Russia 312,389 pieces worth $2.8 million (9.05 $/pcs);

China 118,690 pieces worth $560.3 thousand (4.72 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016


produced products under the name "T-shirts, T-shirts with shorts, sweatshirts and

similar items with a capacity of 65 thousand pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$148.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 9,106,951 pieces worth $32.7 million (3.59 $/pcs);

Portugal 1 012 445 pieces worth $12.3 million (12.1 $/pcs);

Turkey 3,194,687 pieces worth $10 million (3.13 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 2,965,380 pieces worth $9.9 million (3.34 $/pcs);

Vietnam 1,751,890 pieces worth $7.8 million (4.47 $/pcs);

Cambodia 1 237 784 pieces worth $7.3 million (5.90 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 25,919,235 pieces worth $122.6 million (4.73 $/pcs), while from Indonesia

372,860 pieces worth $2 million (5.32 $/pcs).

91. Sweaters, slipovers, jumpers, waistcoats and similar products, knitted

or crocheted from cotton yarn (code 611020 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market, on average, worth $465.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 35,864,156 pieces worth $383.8 million (10.7 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 24,334,096 pieces worth $260.4 million (10.7 $/pcs);

Japan 3,289,557 pieces worth $35.2 million (10.7 $/pcs);

Germany 1,796,928 pieces worth $19.2 million (10.7 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

14.9490115591731% and final binding rate in the WTO are 14.9490115591731%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $26.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 5,692,247 pieces worth $19.1 million

(3.36 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 3 541 pieces worth $22.3 thousand (6.28 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 867,908 pieces worth $6.7 million (7.68 $/pcs);

Russia 338,732 pieces worth $3.3 million (9.71 $/pcs);

China 364,094 pieces worth $3 million (8.17 $/pcs);


Bangladesh 389 221 pieces worth $2.5 million (6.51 $/pcs);

Uzbekistan 3,527,164 items worth $1.3 million (0.38 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Sweaters, jumpers, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats

and similar knitted or crocheted knitted garments' of 120,506 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$377.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 18,859,962 pieces worth $121.1 million (6.42 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 11,742,792 pieces worth $55.8 million (4.75 $/pcs);

Turkey 3,311,670 pieces worth $16.9 million (5.11 $/pcs);

Uzbekistan 7,876,245 pieces worth $16.4 million (2.08 $/pcs);

India 3,427,155 pieces worth $15.7 million (4.57 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 51,778,793 pieces worth $290.5 million (5.61 $/pcs), while from Indonesia,

278,789 pieces worth $2.5 million (8, 83 $/piece).

92. Sweaters, half-wigs, jumpers, waistcoats and similar items, knitted or

crocheted from chemical threads (code 611030 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $237.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 21,185,416 pieces worth $206 million (9.72 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $14,127,660 worth $137.4 million (9.72 $/pcs);

Japan 2,746,909 pieces worth $26.7 million (9.72 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 13% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 13%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $22.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,464,619 pieces worth $19.4 million

(7.88 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 3,932 pieces worth $26.6 thousand (6.77 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 1,186,860 pieces worth $8.1 million (6.87 $/pcs);


Russia 408,796 pieces worth $4.2 million (10.2 $/pcs);

China 360 750 pieces worth $3 million (8.39 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 331,149 pieces worth $2.2 million (6.63 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Sweaters, jumpers, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats

and similar knitted or crocheted knitted garments' of 120,506 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$365.4 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 24,780,459 pieces worth $159.1 million (6.42 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 6,302,660 pieces worth $39.5 million (6.27 $/pcs);

Turkey 2,869,107 pieces worth $20.5 million (7.13 /pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 40,350,024 pieces worth $283 million (7.01 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 223,047

pieces worth $2.3 million (10.5 $/pcs).

93. Coats, short coats, capes, raincoats and the like, male or for boys, other

than those of heading 6203, of other textile materials (code 620119 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $128.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 3,302,753 pieces worth $121.2 million (36.7 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 941 189 pieces worth $34,5 million (36,7 $/pcs);

Belgium 533 128 pieces worth $19.6 million (36.7 $/pcs);

Japan 308 227 pieces worth $11.3 million (36.7 $/pcs);

China 295,376 pieces worth $10.8 million (36.7 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 14.9% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 14.9%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 6,464 pieces worth $395.5 thousand (61.2 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:


Italy 202 pieces worth $239.1 thousand (1,183.9 $/pcs);

China 4,172 pieces worth $76.1 thousand (18.2 $/pcs);

Turkey 332 pieces worth $34.8 thousand (104.9 $/pcs);

Russia 1 526 pieces worth $24.2 thousand (15.9 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the RK in 2016 produced products

called "Coats, raincoats, raincoats with hoods, warm jackets (including ski jackets),

windbreakers, windshields and similar items, except for knitwear, for men or boys"

volume of 120 976 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$1.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Turkey 14 674 pieces worth $481.4 thousand (32.8 $/pcs);

Italy 987 pieces worth $301.9 thousand (305.9 $/pcs);

China 9,992 pieces worth $163.9 thousand (16.4 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 32,465 pieces for $1 million (31.6 $/pcs), while from Indonesia this product was

not imported.

94. Other jackets (including ski jackets), windbreakers, man's windshields

or for boys, of chemical threads, other than those of heading 6203 (code 620193


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $160.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 6,174,717 pieces worth $174.9 million (28.3 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

United States 3,664,994 pieces worth $103.8 million (28.3 $/pcs);

South Korea 580,198 pieces worth $16.4 million (28.3 $/pcs);

Belgium 356,408 pieces worth $10.1 million (28.3 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 16,3% and

final binding rate in the WTO 16,3%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $27.3 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 585,916 pieces worth $14.6 million (24.9

$/pcs). Import from Indonesia 4 976 pieces worth $107.2 thousand (21.5 $/pcs).


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 190 961 pieces worth $5.9 million (31 $/pcs);

China 227,456 pieces worth $4.9 million (21.7 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 91 570 pieces worth $1.3 million (13.7 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the RK in 2016 produced products

called "Coats, raincoats, raincoats with hoods, warm jackets (including ski jackets),

windbreakers, windshields and similar items, except for knitwear, for men or boys"

volume of 120 976 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$335.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 8,580,016 pieces worth $170.4 million (19.9 $/pcs);

Vietnam 1 544 034 pieces worth $41.5 million (26.9 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 602 743 pieces worth $12.7 million (21 /pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 11,415,268 pieces for $253.1 million (22.2 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 219,315

pieces for $7 million (31.7 $/pcs).

95. Pants, overalls with bibs and straps, breeches and shorts for men or boys

from cotton yarn (code 620342 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $293.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 18,368,830 pieces worth $265.2 million (14.4 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $8,845,725 worth $127.7 million (14.4 $/pcs);

Japan 2,094,201 pieces worth $30.2 million (14.4 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 15.3% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 14.4%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $34.8 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,275,175 pieces worth $25.5 million

(11.2 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 2,643 pieces worth $36.7 thousand (13.9 $/pcs).


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 940,975 pieces worth $9.4 million (10 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 526,839 pieces worth $4.3 million (8.09 $/pcs);

China 242 287 pieces worth $3.2 million (13.4 $/pcs);

Russia 158,989 pieces worth $2.1 million (13.4 $/pcs);

Egypt 149 826 pieces worth $1.7 million (11.3 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Pants, overalls with bibs and straps, workmen's

breeches, men's or boys', 148,394 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$353.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Bangladesh 11,760,775 pieces worth $86.2 million (7.33 $/pcs);

China 8,408,324 pieces worth $69.8 million (8.30 $/pcs);

Pakistan 2,176,722 pieces worth $25.4 million (11.7 $/pcs);

Turkey 2 563 749 pieces worth $24.9 million (9.70 $/pcs);

India 2,096,943 pieces worth $18.7 million (8.90 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 32,137,514 pieces for $314 million (9.77 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 104,924

pieces worth $1.5 million (13.9 $/pcs).

96. Pants, overalls with bibs and straps, men's or men's shorts and shorts

for synthetic threads (code 620343 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market, on average, worth $147.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 13,435,568 pieces worth $178.8 million (13.3 /pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $5,384,822 pieces worth $71.6 million (13.3 $/pcs);

South Korea 1,996,775 pieces worth $26.6 million (13.3 $/pcs);

Japan 1,032,712 pieces worth $13.7 million (13.3 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 17.3% and

final binding rate in the WTO 16.3%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016


Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $13.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 336 262 pieces worth $6.1 million

dollars (18 /pcs). Import from Indonesia 894 pieces for $9.8 thousand (10.9 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 143,913 pieces worth $2.2 million (15.3 $/pcs);

China 63 696 pieces worth $1.1 million (16.8 $/pcs);

UAE 9 328 pieces worth $805.5 thousand (86.4 $/pcs);

Mexico 5,809 pieces worth $679.9 thousand (117.0 $/pcs);

Turkey 40,478 pieces worth $516.4 thousand (12.8 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Pants, overalls with bibs and straps, workmen's

breeches, men's or boys', 148,394 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$102.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 4,571,666 pieces worth $34.3 million (7.49 $/pcs);

Vietnam 1,114,389 pieces worth $10.9 million (9.82 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 520 621 pcs for $5.2 million (10 $/pcs);

Cambodia 452 165 pieces worth $4.5 million (9.92 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 7,619,229 pieces worth $66.7 million (8.76 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 134,135

pieces worth $1.5 million (11, 2 $/pcs).

97. Pants, overalls with bibs and straps, breeches and shorts for women or

girls for cotton yarn (code 620462 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market, on average, worth $345.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 22,925,019 pieces worth $304.9 million (13.3 /pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $15,635,737 worth $207.9 million (13.3 $/pcs);

Japan 2 422 447 pieces worth $32.2 million (13.3 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 14.7% and

final binding rate in the WTO 13%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the


Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $27.3 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,061,504 pieces worth $18.4 million

(8.92 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 2,977 pieces worth $39.0 thousand (13.1 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 666,213 pieces worth $6.1 million (9.21 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 520,948 pieces worth $3.7 million (7.17 $/pcs);

Russia 193 484 pieces worth $2.3 million (11.9 $/pcs);

China 227,324 pieces worth $1.9 million (8.30 $/pcs);

Egypt 131,813 pieces worth $1.3 million (9.84 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name "Trousers, overalls with bibs and straps, workers ',

women's or girls' breeches" in volume of 6 430 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$351.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 13,145,154 items worth $99.3 million (7.56 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 11,040,179 pieces worth $77.7 million (7.04 $/pcs);

Turkey 2,111,345 pieces worth $21.5 million (10.2 $/pcs);

Pakistan 1,937,877 pieces worth $20.6 million (10.6 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 34 904 269 pieces for $313 million (8.97 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 133 107

pieces worth $1 million (7.56 / PC).

98. Shirts for men or for boys from cotton yarn (code 620520 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $380.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 33,396,281 pieces worth $359.5 million (10.8 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $20 753,198 worth $223.4 million (10.8 $/pcs);

Germany 4,420,890 pieces worth $47.6 million (10.8 $/pcs);

Japan 2,495,176 pieces worth $26.9 million (10.8 $/pcs) Import needs of


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

19.1496809533808% and final binding rate in the WTO are 19.1496809533808%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the


Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $17.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1,484,407 pieces worth $11.8 million

(7.97 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 5 557 pieces worth $62.2 thousand (11.2 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 477 326 pieces worth $4.3 million (8.94 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 570 258 pieces worth $3.5 million (6.11 $/pcs);

Russia 125,785 pieces worth $1.3 million (9.94 $/pcs);

China 168 777 pieces worth $959.2 thousand (5.68 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Shirts and shirts, except for knitwear, men's or boys'

with a volume of 198 thousand pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$165.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 8,339,204 pieces worth $44.4 million (5.32 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 4,915,186 items worth $28.5 million (5.81 $/pcs);

India 1,477,301 pieces worth $12.2 million (8.25 $/pcs);

Turkey 2,035,793 pieces worth $10.3 million (5.07 $/pcs);

Italy 163,664 pieces worth $9 million (55.3 /pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 18,819,346 pieces worth $130.9 million dollars (6.96 $/pcs), while from Indonesia

169,752 pieces worth $1.5 million (8, $88 $/pcs).

99. Blouses, blouses and blousons for women or girls for cotton yarn (code

620630 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $159.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 14,917,475 pieces worth $137.8 million (9.24 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $8,439,998 pieces worth $77.9 million (9.24 $/pcs);

Germany 1,916,416 pieces worth $17.7 million (9.24 $/pcs);

Japan 1,394,003 pieces worth $12.9 million (9.24 $/pcs) Import needs of


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

13.9258855822877% and final binding rate in the WTO are 13.9258855822877%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $7.5 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 710,107 pieces worth $5.4 million (7.66

$/pcs). Import from Indonesia 1,409 pieces worth $16.2 thousand (11.5 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 272,729 pieces worth $1.8 million (6.57 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 160,417 pieces worth $948.2 thousand (5.91 $/pcs);

Russia 82 299 pieces worth $789.5 thousand (9.59 $/pcs);

India 52,707 pieces worth $435.3 thousand (8.26 $/pcs);

China 52,654 pieces worth $398.5 thousand (7.57 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the information provided by

the Committee on Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of

Kazakhstan in 2016 produced the products under the name 'Blouses, shirts and batniki,

except knitted, women's or girls' of 25 thousand pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$97.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 4,990,626 pieces worth $23.5 million (4.70 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 2,737,148 pieces worth $14.7 million (5.37 $/pcs);

India 1,845,368 pieces worth $12.5 million (6.78 $/pcs);

Turkey 1 631 912 pieces worth $4.4 million dollars (2.72 $/pcs);

Morocco 367,896 pieces worth $4.4 million (11.9 $/pcs);

Italy 78 274 pieces worth $4.1 million (52.2 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 12,856,522 pieces at $78 million (6.06 $/ pcs), while from Indonesia 94,649 pieces

worth $815.9 thousand (8.62 $/pcs).

100. Blouses, blouses and blousons for women or girls for chemical threads

(code 620640 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $319.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 35,154,363 pieces worth $312.5 million (8.89 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $22,148,244 worth $196.9 million (8.89 $/pcs);

Germany 2,788,135 pieces worth $24.8 million (8.89 $/pcs)


Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

8.80343810839928% and final binding rate in the WTO are 8.80343810839928%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of the KGD of State Revenue Committee of

the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $15.2 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 881 481 pieces worth $6.7 million (7.58

/pcs). Import from Indonesia 5 158 pieces for $30.4 thousand (5.9 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Turkey 354,607 pieces worth $2.3 million (6.47 $/pcs);

Russia 178 918 pieces worth $1.7 million (9.48 $/pcs);

China 84,408 pieces worth $729.0 thousand(8.64 $/pcs);

Bangladesh 105,359 pieces worth $505.2 thousand (4.8 $/pcs);

India 52 953 pieces worth $424.8 thousand (8.02 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the information provided by

the Committee on Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of

Kazakhstan in 2016 produced the products under the name 'Blouses, shirts and batniki,

except knitted, women's or girls' of 25 thousand pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$125.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 11 513 099 pieces worth $61.7 million (5.36 $/pcs);

India 2,394,164 items worth $14.1 million (5.90 $/pcs);

Morocco 539 420 pieces worth $6.5 million (12 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 18,632,063 pieces for $119.3 million (6.40 / pcs), while from Indonesia, 596,566

pieces worth $3.7 million (6, $26 $/pcs).

101. Brassieres (code 621210 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $302.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 7,949.7 tons for $302.3 million (38 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 3 914,0 tons for the sum 148,3 million (37,9 $/kg);

Germany 1,192.1 tons worth $40.3 million (33.8 $/kg);

Australia 398.8 tons worth $20.7 million (51.8 $/kg);

South Korea 397.8 tons worth $15.3 million (38.5 $/kg);


United Kingdom 422.3 tons worth $15.2 million (35.9 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 15.7% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 15.7%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $10.9 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 289.7 tons worth $5.7 million (19.6

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0,01 tons worth $2,6 thousand (132,5 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 213.0 tons worth $2.1 million dollars (9.72 $/kg);

Belarus 26.9 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (68.7 $/kg);

Russia 36.3 tons worth $1.1 million (30.9 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Brassieres, corsets, belts, suspenders, garters and

similar articles, or knitted or not, women's or girls', with a volume of 10,000 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$120.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 7 141.4 tons worth $72 million (10.1 $/kg);

Sri Lanka 218.6 tons worth $20.5 million (93.9 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 7,790.2 tons worth $120 million (15.4 $/kg), while from Indonesia 29.0 tons worth

$1.5 million (53, 1 $/kg).

102. Other sports shoes with sole and with top of rubber or plastic (code

640219 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $384.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 18,549,013 pairs worth $286.3 million (15.4 $/pair).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 5,534,277 worth $85.4 million (15.4 $/pair);

Belgium 2 476 287 pairs worth $38.2 million (15.4 $/pair);

China 2,029,053 pairs worth $31.3 million (15.4 $/pair);

Japan 1,410,592 pairs worth $21.8 million (15.4 $/pair)


Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 9,1% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 9,1%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $17.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 7,609,895 pairs worth $24.1 million

(3.17 $/pair). Import from Indonesia 329 pairs worth $13.6 thousand (41.4 $/pair).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 7,540,991 pairs worth $23.6 million (3.12 $/pair)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Sport footwear other than ski boots and skates' with

a volume of 1 thousand pairs.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$21.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 10,626,841 pairs for $38.2 million (3.59 $/pair).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 10 889 626 pairs worth $43.7 million (4.02 $/pair), while from Indonesia 74 628

pairs worth $1.6 million (21, $4 $/pair).

103. Footwear on the sole and with the top of rubber or polymeric material

(code 640299 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $140.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 22,611,378 pairs worth $178.5 million (7.89 $/pair).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 6,230,397 pairs worth $49.2 million (7.89 $/pair);

Japan 3,197,146 pairs worth $25.2 million (7.89 $/pair);

The Netherlands 1 305 354 pairs worth $10.3 million (7.89 $/pair);

Germany 1,170,663 pairs worth $9.2 million (7.89 $/pair);

South Korea 1,136,473 pairs worth $9 million (7.89 $/pair)

Import needs of Kazakhstan


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 9.6% and

the final binding rate in the WTO are 9.6%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $99.9 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 9,290,995 pairs worth $30.4 million

(3.28 $/pair). Imports from Indonesia 3,377 pairs worth $79.6 thousand (23.6 $/pair).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 5,490,798 couples worth $14.1 million (2.57 $/pair);

Russia 2,800,607 pairs worth $12 million (4.27 $/pair);

Turkey 267 654 pairs worth $2 million (7.30 $/pair)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name "Shoes with a protective metal toe cap" of 16

thousand pairs.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$652.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 101,275,927 pairs worth $387.7 million (3.83 $/pair);

Vietnam 3,055,837 pairs worth $35.9 million (11.8 $/pair).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 109,461,666 pairs worth $463.3 million dollars (4.23 $/pair), while from

Indonesia, 456,260 pairs worth $7.2 million dollars (15, $9 $/pair).

104. Other sports shoes on the sole of rubber, plastics, natural or

composite leather and with top of natural leather (code 640319 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $1,225.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 41,028,203 pairs worth $1055.7 million (25.7 $/pair).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 11 727 165 pairs worth $301.8 million (25.7 $/pair);

Belgium 5 414 917 pairs worth $139.3 million (25.7 $/pair);

Germany 4 413 858 pairs worth $113.6 million (25.7 $/pair);

China 3 080 414 pairs worth $79.3 million (25.7 $/pair);

Japan 2,446,944 pairs worth $63 million (25.7 $/pair);

United Kingdom 2,232,429 pairs worth $57.4 million (25.7 $/pair)


Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 3.6% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 3.6%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 122,249 pairs worth $1.6 million dollars

(12.8 $/pair). Imports from Indonesia 1,150 pairs worth $44.3 thousand (38.5 $/pair).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Italy 5 233 pairs worth $667.8 thousand (127.6 $/pair);

China 73,839 pairs worth $360.6 thousand (4.88 $/pair);

Russia 30,723 pairs worth $163.0 thousand (5.31 $/pair);

Spain 2,184 pairs worth $124.8 thousand (57.1 $/pair);

Vietnam 3,941 pairs for $105.0 thousand (26.6 $/pair)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Sport footwear other than ski boots and skates' with

a volume of 1 thousand pairs.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$5.2 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Vietnam 45,832 pairs worth $1.2 million (26.4 $/pair);

China 43,828 pairs worth $597.1 thousand (13.6 $/pair);

Italy 5 399 pairs worth $288.3 thousand (53.4 $/pair).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 141 503 pairs for $2.9 million (20.4 $/pair), while from Indonesia, 3,281 pairs for

$116.5 thousand (35, $5 $/pair).

105. Other footwear on the sole of rubber, polymeric material, natural or

composite leather, with leather upper, covering the ankle (code 640391 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $134.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 4,505,050 pairs worth $145 million (32.2 $/pair).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 802 920 pairs worth $25.8 million (32.2 $/pair);

Italy 540 118 pairs worth $17.4 million (32.2 $/pair);

Denmark 523 699 pairs worth $16.9 million (32.2 $/pair);


Great Britain 487 807 pairs worth $15.7 million (32.2 $/pair);

Germany 457,039 pairs worth $14.7 million (32.2 $/pair);

Poland 281,337 pairs worth $9.1 million (32.2 $/pair);

Russia 253,330 pairs worth $8.2 million dollars (32.2 $/pair);

China 246,227 pairs worth $7.9 million (32.2 $/pair)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 12.1% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 12.1%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $45.6 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 722,638 pairs for $19.1 million (26.4

$/pair). Imports from Indonesia 10 908 pairs worth $272.1 thousand (24.9 $/pair).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 308 387 pairs worth $6.9 million (22.2 $/pair);

China 139 877 pairs worth $3.6 million (25.7 $/pair);

Italy 30,004 pairs for $1.8 million (60.7 $/pair);

Vietnam 26,927 pairs worth $1.1 million (41 $/pair);

Turkey 40,107 pairs worth $1 million (25.4 $/pair)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Shoes with the top of leather, except for sports

shoes, shoes with a protective metal toe and various special shoes' volume of 1 815

thousand pairs.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$648.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 7,869,116 pairs worth $173.1 million (22 $/pair);

Italy 693 966 couples worth $66.2 million (95.4 $/pair);

Vietnam 1,107,258 pairs worth $33.8 million (30.5 $/pair).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 13 990 277 pairs worth $419.3 million (30 $/pair), while from Indonesia 406 012

pairs worth $15.7 million (38.6 $/pairs).

106. Footwear on the sole of rubber, plastic, natural or composite leather

(code 640399 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $732.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 33,664,134 pairs worth $917.1 million (27.2 $/pair).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 8 805 488 pairs worth $239.9 million (27.2 $/pair);

Germany 3 445 654 pairs worth $93.9 million (27.2 $/pair);

China 3,138,453 pairs worth $85.5 million (27.2 $/pair);

Japan 2,146,374 pairs worth $58.5 million (27.2 $/pair);

United Kingdom 2,130,479 pairs worth $58 million (27.2 $/pair)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 17,1% and

final binding rate in the WTO 17,1%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $54.8 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 4,714,055 pairs worth $35.3 million

(7.49 $/pair). Import from Indonesia 12,490 pairs worth $338.3 thousand (27.1 $/pair).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 3,862,495 pairs worth $12 million (3.11 $/pair);

Russia 311,750 pairs worth $8.9 million (28.7 $/pair);

Italy 85,216 pairs worth $3.9 million (45.7 $/pair);

Turkey 123,290 pairs worth $3.1 million (25.4 $/pair)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Shoes with the top of leather, except for sports

shoes, shoes with a protective metal toe and various special shoes' volume of 1 815

thousand pairs.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$864.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 10 257 963 pairs worth $181.9 million (17.7 $/pair);

Italy 1,208,510 pairs worth $100.1 million (82.8 $/pair);

Vietnam 3 225 880 pairs worth $70.6 million (21.9 $/pair);

Indonesia 1 660 691 pairs worth $37.1 million (22.3 $/pair).


Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 25,727,578 pairs worth $608.3 million (23.6 $/pair), while from Indonesia,

1,660,691 pairs worth $37.1 million $22.3 $/pair).

107. Footwear on the sole of rubber or plastic, sportswear, for tennis,

basketball, gymnastics, training and similar footwear with top of textile materials

(code 640411 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $658.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 52,943,723 pairs worth $1129 million (21.3 $/pair).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 16,185,575 pairs for $345.2 million (21.3 $/pair);

China 5,112,890 pairs worth $109 million (21.3 $/pair);

Belgium 4,486,509 pairs worth $95.7 million (21.3 $/pair);

Japan 3,716,726 pairs worth $79.3 million (21.3 $/pair);

Netherlands 3 058 553 pairs worth $65.2 million (21.3 $/pair)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 12,2% and

final binding rate in the WTO 12,2%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $8.9 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 327,732 pairs worth $3.2 million (9.78

$/pair). Import from Indonesia 4 385 pairs for $149.0 thousand (34.0 $/pair).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 119,618 pairs worth $994.0 thousand (8.31 $/pair);

Turkey 155 586 pairs worth $947.2 thousand (6.09 $/pair);

Vietnam 12 187 pairs worth $420.3 thousand (34.5 $/pair);

Russia 14,617 pairs worth $336.1 thousand (23.0 $/pair);

Italy 1,367 pairs worth $217.1 thousand (158.8 $/pair)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Footwear for tennis, basketball, gymnastics,

training and similar' with a volume of 1 thousand pairs.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$12.7 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Vietnam 287 316 pairs worth $8.4 million (29.2 $/pair);

China 726,459 pairs worth $5.1 million (7.06 $/pair);

Indonesia 176 705 pairs worth $4.6 million (25.9 $/pair);

Cambodia 166,643 pairs worth $3.2 million (18.9 $/pair).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,458,728 pairs for $22 million (15.1 $/pair), while from Indonesia 176,705 pairs

worth $4.6 million (25.9 $/pairs).

108. Other footwear on the sole of rubber or plastic (code 640419 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $505.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 68,203,166 pairs worth $577.8 million (8.47 $/pair).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 23,284,677 pairs worth $197.3 million dollars (8.47 $/pair);

China 8,120,599 pairs worth $68.8 million (8.47 $/pair);

Japan 5,604,180 pairs worth $47.5 million (8.47$/pair);

Belgium 3,923,693 pairs worth $33.2 million (8.47 $/pair)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

18.2135115190567% and final binding rate in the WTO are 18.2135115190567%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $27.5 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 3 536 518 pairs worth $20.6 million

(5.83 $/pair). Imports from Indonesia 1 868 pairs worth $39.6 thousand (21.2 $/pair).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 600,731 pairs worth $9.9 million (16.5 $/pair);

China 415,387 pairs worth $3.5 million (8.48 $/pair);

Turkey 564,783 pairs worth $3 million (5.23 $/pair);

Uzbekistan 1,667,187 pairs worth $1.6 million dollars (0.97 $/pair)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name "Footwear with top of textile materials, except for

sports shoes" of 37 thousand pairs.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$521.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 37,676,050 pairs worth $282.9 million (7.51 $/pair);

Vietnam 5 927 579 pairs worth $101.8 million (17.2 $/pair);

Indonesia 1 593 628 pairs worth $30.2 million (19 $/pair).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 50,924,419 pairs worth $483.8 million (9.50 $/pair), while from Indonesia 1 593

628 pairs worth $30.2 million $19 $/pair).


109. Gold in unprocessed forms (code 710812 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $1 295.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 29.4 tons worth $1187 million (40335.8 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 23.8 tons worth $957.1 million (40172.5 $/kg);

Hong Kong 3.3 tons worth $137.7 million (41408.6 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 13.6% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 12%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $4.2 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 0.5 tons worth $19.7 million (37567.1 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 0.4 tons worth $15.7 million (39238.6 $/kg);

United Arab Emirates 0.1 tons worth $4.1 million (32255.4 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016,

products were produced under the name 'Unprocessed gold and semi-processed or in

powder form' with a volume of 149,252 kg.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$56.7 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Switzerland 0,2 tons worth $9,2 million (40866,9 $/kg);

UAE 0,2 tons worth $6,7 million (39362,6 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the cumulative imports of the EAEU countries from other countries

in 2016 was 0.4 tons worth $15.8 million (40217.9 $/kg), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

110. Jewelry and parts thereof of silver, whether or not plated, clad or

non-clad with other precious metals (code 711311 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $165.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 132.2 tons worth 57.5 million (435.3 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

USA 52,2 tons worth $21 million (403 $/kg);

Singapore 28.0 tons worth $12.1 million (431.7 $/kg);

Germany 6.8 tons worth $5.6 million (835.1 $/kg);

Hong Kong 9.3 tons worth $4.5 million dollars (484.1 $/kg);

Thailand 17.8 tons worth $3.4 million (191.9 $/kg);

Netherlands 3.3 tons worth $3.2 million (960.2 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 12% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $4.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 18.6 tons worth $5.9 million (319.1 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 17.9 tons worth $4.1 million (228 $/kg);

Thailand 0.4 tons worth $1.2 million dollars (2958.8 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Jewelry from precious metals and their parts', with a

volume of 259,438 thousand tenge.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$114.0 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Thailand 14.8 tons worth $37.2 million (2508.2 $/kg);

China 12.7 tons worth $12.6 million (990.4 $/kg);

Italy 7.4 tons worth $7.3 million dollars (983.3 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 44.9 tons worth $68.2 million (1519.8 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.0 tons worth

46.1 thousand (9 223.0 $/kg).

111. Jewelry and parts thereof from other precious metals (code 711319


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $1,778.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 111.7 tons worth 4009.7 million (35904.3 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Switzerland 52.4 tons worth $2065.7 million (39394 $/kg);

Singapore 24.9 tons worth $930.2 million (37310.5 $/kg);

Hong Kong 14.0 tons worth $452 million (32185 $/kg);

United Arab Emirates 6.8 tons worth $223.9 million (32947.2 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 7.5% on average and

the final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $49.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 0.8 tons worth 27.9 million (33382.9 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 0.8 tons worth $18.7 million (24662.6 $/kg);

Italy 0,0 tons worth $3 million (116803,1 $/kg);

United Kingdom of 0.0 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (848083.5 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Jewelry from precious metals and their parts', with a

volume of 259,438 thousand tenge.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$252.4 million.


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Italy 0.7 tons worth 28.5 million (38,408.5 $/kg);

Other European countries 2.9 tons worth $17.9 million (6173.9 $/kg);

US 0.1 tons worth $16.5 million (269845.2 $/kg);

France 0,3 tons worth $14,8 million (48283,3 $/kg);

China 0.4 tons worth $14.5 million (32518.9 $/kg);

Switzerland 1.0 tons worth $11.5 million (11463.1 $/kg);

Great Britain 0,0 tons worth $9,8 million (1404126,4 $/kg);

Thailand 0.1 tons worth $7.5 million dollars (52090.5 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 6.1 tons worth 132.3 million (21639.8 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.


112. Pipes for oil or gas pipelines (code 730419 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $134.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 12,034.0 tons worth $25.3 million (2.10 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 8 775.0 tons worth $12.5 million (1.42 $/kg);

UAE 775.1 tons worth $4.6 million (5.99 $/kg);

Thailand 238.9 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (7.59 $/kg);

Pakistan 330.0 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (4.99 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 6.11% and

final binding rate in the WTO 5.56%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $78.3 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 30,426.2 tons worth $63 million dollars (2.07 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 15,307.1 tons worth $24.8 million (1.62 $/kg);

Italy 6,797.0 tons worth $23 million (3.38 $/kg);

Germany 2,246.2 tons worth $7.8 million (3.47 $/kg);

Russia 4,620.1 tons worth $3.7 million (0.81 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016


produced products under the name 'Pipes for oil and gas seamless steel pipes' of 20 062


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$27.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 2,229.0 tons worth $2.6 million (1.19 $/kg);

Italy 920.2 tons worth $743.7 thousand (0.81 $/kg);

Netherlands 308.6 tons worth $502.9 thousand (1.63 $/kg);

United States 47,3 tons worth $410,3 thousand (8,68 $/kg);

Czech Republic 267.2 tons worth $373.3 thousand (1.40 $/kg);

Poland 226.3 tons worth $339.1 thousand (1.50 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 4,932.0 tons worth $6.4 million dollars (1.30 $/kg), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

113. Other pipes casing, pump compressor and drilling for drilling oil

wells, from ferrous metals (code 730429 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $217.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 44,867.5 tons worth $104.5 million (2.33 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Thailand 22,912.9 tons worth $29.4 million (1.28 $/kg);

United Arab Emirates 2,959.2 tons worth $25.8 million (8.71 $/kg);

Brunei 2 750.0 tons worth $20 million (7.29 $/kg);

Singapore 5 663.3 tons worth $9.4 million (1.67 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $269.6 million. In 2016, the import

of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 75,951.1 tons worth $87.6 million (1.15 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 48,800.1 tons worth $34 million (0.70 $/kg);

Mexico 4 525.0 tons worth $18.3 million (4.05 $/kg);


China 11 535.4 tons worth $16.2 million (1.40 $/kg);

Italy 2,365.5 tons worth $8.1 million dollars (3.42 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Casing and drilling pipes for drilling oil and gas

wells, seamless, steel' with a volume of 141,920 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$280.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Ukraine 34,081.6 tons worth $19.5 million (0.57 $/kg);

China 15 569.9 tons worth $12.5 million (0.80 $/kg);

Mexico 2,509.6 tons worth $6.8 million (2.73 $/kg);

Japan 3 514.1 tons worth $6 million (1.71 $/kg);

Austria 5 236.1 tons worth $5.8 million (1.11 $/kg);

Germany 774.8 tons worth $4.5 million dollars (5.84 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 64,563.0 tons worth $62 million (0.96 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 57.5 tons worth

$161.1 thousand (2, 80 $/kg).

114. Pipes for oil and gas pipelines, longitudinal welded, manufactured by

submerged arc welding (code 730511 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market, on average, worth $241.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 44,034.6 tons worth $45.5 million (1.03 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 42 949.8 tons worth $44.1 million (1.03 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 4.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO 4%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $714.2 million. In 2016, the import

of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 91,607.2 tons worth $451.9 million dollars (4.93

$/kg). Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Japan 41 578.1 tons worth $251.1 million (6.04 $/kg);


Germany 24 446.6 tons worth $168.8 million (6.90 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Pipes for oil and gas pipelines welded, with an outer

diameter of more than 406.4 mm, steel' with a volume of 13,728 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$22.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 5 185.6 tons worth $8.4 million (1.63 $/kg);

Japan 2,876.6 tons worth $5.5 million dollars (1.91 $/kg);

Ukraine 3,756.2 tons worth $2.7 million (0.72 $/kg);

China 2,511.2 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (0.72 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 14,814.1 tons worth $19.9 million (1.34 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

115. Towers and lattice masts (code 730820 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $124.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 70 412.6 tons worth $110.5 million (1.57 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 60 523.9 tons worth $85.6 million (1.41 $/kg);

Singapore 1 029.3 tons worth $14.1 million (13.7 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 10% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $11.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 8,909.0 tons worth $11.8 million (1.33 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 8 664.4 tons worth $10.1 million (1.16 per kg);

United States 19.5 tons worth $1 million (53.7 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016


produced products under the name 'Towers and masts made of ferrous metals' with a

volume of 13 314 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$51.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 8 668.1 tons worth $23.7 million (2.73 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 9,505.6 tons worth $25.8 million (2.72 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

116. Other metal structures from ferrous metals and their parts (code

730890 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $301.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 84,974.5 tons worth $517.1 million dollars (6.09


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Australia 61 729.6 tons worth $435.5 million (7.06 $/kg);

Russia 2,745.0 tons worth $30.7 million (11.2 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 7.375% and

final binding rate in the WTO 7.375%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $293.9 million. In 2016, the import

of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 90,135.2 tons worth $217.8 million (2.42 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 27,760.3 tons worth $65.2 million (2.35 $/kg);

Russia 38 284.8 tons worth $50.4 million (1.32 $/kg);

United States 1,095.6 tons worth $24.2 million (22.1 $/kg);

Slovenia 9 435.9 tons worth $19.6 million (2.07 $/kg);

United Arab Emirates2 331.3 tons worth $11 million (4.71 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products


were produced under the name 'Sandwich panels of coated steel sheet' with a volume

of 20 758 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$682.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 18,554.0 tons worth $69.3 million dollars (3.73 $/kg);

China 29 328.0 tons worth $62.8 million (2.14 $/kg);

Italy 9 695.6 tons worth $36.1 million (3.72 $/kg);

Poland 16,908.6 tons worth $30.4 million dollars (1.80 $/kg);

Ukraine 9 126,9 tons worth $21,2 million (2,32 $/kg);

United States 1,127.3 tons worth $20.5 million (18.2 $/kg);

The Netherlands 4 976.9 tons worth $19.3 million (3.88 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 128,368.1 tons worth $382.7 million (2.98 $/kg), while from Indonesia 1.8 tons

worth $34.1 thousand (19.3 $/kg).

117. Other products from ferrous metals (code 732690 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $110.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 17,786.2 tons worth $51.9 million (2.92 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Australia 3 796.7 tons worth $15.6 million (4.10 $/kg);

Japan 5,666.2 tons worth $13.6 million (2.40 $/kg);

Singapore 2,955.0 tons worth $6.7 million (2.27 $/kg);

Turkmenistan 546.0 tons worth $2.7 million dollars (4.96 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 7.25% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 6.89%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $312.5 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 37,360.7 tons worth $256.9 million

dollars (6.88 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 0.4 tons worth 23.6 thousand (56.9 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 15 367.5 tons worth $51.5 million (3.35 $/kg);

United States 803.0 tons worth $34.6 million (43.1 $/kg);


Russia 10 506.3 tons worth $30.2 million (2.88 $/kg);

Italy 751.2 tons worth $28.1 million (37.4 $/kg);

Germany 1,006.2 tons worth $19.3 million (19.1 $/kg);

United Kingdom of 1 360.7 tons worth $19.1 million (14.1 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Metal products from metals of base (non-precious),

not included in other groups', with a volume of 10 059 737 thousand tenge.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$1,136.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 14,235.1 tons worth $160.5 million (11.3 $/kg);

China 34,621.5 tons worth $117.3 million dollars (3.39 $/kg);

US 2,725.3 tons worth $99.4 million (36.5 $/kg);

Italy 9,344.8 tons worth $68.7 million (7.36 $/kg);

Ukraine 9 097.9 tons worth $45 million (4.94 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 104,855.3 tons worth 830.4 million (7.92 $/kg), while from Indonesia 15.9 tons

worth 819.8 thousand (51.6 $/kg).

118. Bars and profiles of refined copper (code 740710 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $103.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 15 529.3 tons worth $79.3 million (5.11 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Australia 6,584.0 tons worth $33.9 million (5.15 $/kg);

China 2,625.1 tons worth $13.5 million (5.14 $/kg);

New Zealand 1 649.0 tons worth $8.4 million (5.08 $/kg);

Bangladesh 1,470.0 tons worth $7.5 million (5.11 $/kg);

Philippines 1 316.0 tons worth $6.6 million (4.98 $/kg);

Singapore 1 239.2 tons worth $6.2 million dollars (5.01 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of the KGD of State Revenue Committee of

the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics

of the MES of RK, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth


$2.1 million. In 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 148.2 tons worth

$944.1 thousand (6.37 $/kg). Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 92.5 tons worth $558.5 thousand (6.04 $/kg);

Germany 23,5 tons worth $158,0 thousand (6,74 $/kg);

Thailand 14.3 tons worth 97.3 thousand (6.82 $/kg);

Korea, the Republic of 12.3 tons worth $60.0 thousand (4.87 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Rods, rods and profiles of copper, in addition to

rods and rods obtained by casting or sintering billets for wire production' of 12 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$26.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 217.3 tons worth $3.1 million dollars (14.2 $/kg);

Finland 334.5 tons worth $2.9 million (8.65 $/kg);

Serbia 233.6 tons worth $1.5 million (6.23 $/kg);

Austria 89.8 tons worth $560.2 thousand (6.24 $/kg);

Germany 71.3 tons worth $533.7 thousand (7.49 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,064.1 tons worth 9.4 million (8.87 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product was

not imported.

119. Refined copper wire with a maximum cross-sectional dimension

exceeding 6 mm (code 740811 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $420.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 50,047.6 tons worth $258.9 million (5.17 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

India 13,602.6 tons worth $72.1 million (5.30 $/kg);

Malaysia 12 102.3 tons worth $62.3 million (5.15 $/kg);

Thailand 11,999.4 tons worth $60.9 million (5.07 $/kg);

Philippines 4 302.2 tons worth $22.1 million (5.13 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1.5 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 151.0 tons worth $866.4 thousand (5.74 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 83.9 tons worth $416.1 thousand (4.96 $/kg);

China 49.5 tons worth $363.5 thousand (7.34 $/kg);

Uzbekistan 17.5 tons worth $86.0 thousand (4.91 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Copper wire' with a volume of 17,363 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$20.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Ukraine 1,369.2 tons worth $6.8 million (4.98 $/kg);

Turkey 946.5 tons worth $4.9 million (5.15 $/kg);

Poland 441.7 tons worth $2.4 million dollars (5.37 $/kg);

Uzbekistan 432.3 tons worth $2.1 million dollars (4.81 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 3,247.7 tons worth $16.5 million (5.08 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

120. Other wire from refined copper (code 740819 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $310.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 46,315.9 tons worth $237.1 million (5.12 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

China 19 787.8 tons worth $101.8 million (5.15 $/kg);

Vietnam 11,023.6 tons worth $56.3 million (5.11 $/kg);

India 9 092.2 tons worth $46.5 million (5.12 $/kg);

Malaysia 4 081.6 tons worth $20.8 million (5.10 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.


Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.6 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 29.9 tons worth $172.3 thousand (5.77 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 17.5 tons worth $65.9 thousand (3.77 $/kg);

Moldova, Republic 7.6 tons worth $52.4 thousand (6.89 $/kg);

United States 0.7 tons worth $29.7 thousand (39.7 $/kg);

Germany 3.1 tons worth $22.3 thousand (7.25 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Copper wire' with a volume of 17,363 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$13.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Ukraine 479.3 tons worth $2.5 million (5.16 $/kg);

Uzbekistan 230,7 tons worth $1,2 million (5,23 $/kg);

Turkey 136.6 tons worth $691.3 thousand (5.06 $/kg);

Germany 112,3 tons worth $673,7 thousand (6,00 $/kg);

Poland 62.1 tons worth $327.6 thousand (5.27 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,094.4 tons worth 6.2 million dollars (5.65 $/kg), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

121. Matte nickel (code 750110 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $863.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 98,530.6 tons worth $584.1 million (5.93 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 98 530.6 tons worth $584.1 million (5.93 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the


Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 0.2 tons worth $2.9 thousand (12.8 $/kg). Meanwhile,

imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 0,2 tons worth $2,9 thousand (12,7 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$71.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:


Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

amounted to, while from Indonesia this product was not imported.

122. Plates, sheets, strips or ribbons rectangular (including square) of

aluminum, not alloyed, with a thickness of more than 0.2 mm (code 760611 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $165.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 49,190.3 tons worth $105.2 million dollars (2.14


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 37 696,7 tons worth $79,9 million (2,12 $/kg);

South Korea 3 474.9 tons worth $7.7 million (2.21 $/kg);

Belgium 3 172.3 tons worth $6.7 million (2.11 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 12.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $9.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 3,213.0 tons worth $9.9 million (3.09 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1,393.5 tons worth $4.1 million (2.95 $/kg);

China 1,174.4 tons worth $3.4 million (2.88 $/kg);

Hungary 210.0 tons worth $771.9 thousand (3.68 $/kg)


It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name "Plates, sheets, strips and tape made of aluminum

with a thickness of more than 0.2 mm" with a volume of 1 404 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$31.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 2,377.3 tons worth $5.5 million dollars (2.33 $/kg);

Italy 620.6 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (3.78 $/kg);

Azerbaijan 897,8 tons worth $1,9 million (2,13 $/kg);

Germany 170.2 tons worth $1.3 million dollars (7.43 $/kg);

Serbia 431.2 tons worth $1.2 million (2.81 $/kg);

Hungary 344.4 tons worth $1.1 million (3.26 $/kg);

Turkey 335.6 tons worth $1.1 million dollars (3.34 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 5 480.4 tons worth 16.3 million (2.97 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product was

not imported.

123. Tin unsteined unalloyed (code 800110 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $1,571.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 61 874.9 tons worth $1119.9 million (18.1 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 27 306.2 tons worth $491.2 million (18 $/kg);

The Netherlands 7 188.9 tons worth $132.8 million (18.5 $/kg);

Japan 5 565.6 tons worth $104.3 million (18.7 $/kg);

South Korea 5 196.7 tons worth $95.3 million (18.3 $/kg);

India 4 736.3 tons worth $83.9 million (17.7 $/kg);

The USA 4 089,6 tons worth $74,8 million (18,3 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 3,976.6 tons worth $72.6 million (18.3 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is

1.37851324649352% and final binding rate in the WTO are 1.37851324649352%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $13.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,


the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1 557.1 tons worth $12.1 million (7.77

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 80.1 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (16.9 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Poland 220.0 tons worth $4.1 million (18.5 $/kg);

Russia 1,066.7 tons worth $3.4 million dollars (3.22 $/kg);

Indonesia 80.1 tons worth $1.4 million (16.9 $/kg);

Belgium 60.0 tons for $1 million (17.4 $/kg);

Netherlands 60.0 tons for $1 million (17.2 $/kg);

Malaysia 50.0 tons worth $821.5 thousand (16.4 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Tin unprocessed' with a volume of 8 tons.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$35.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Indonesia 518.0 tons worth $8.6 million (16.5 $/kg);

China 367.3 tons worth $7.5 million (20.5 $/kg);

Bolivia 181.9 tons worth $3.4 million (18.8 $/kg);

Belgium 155.0 tons worth $2.5 million dollars (16.3 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,246.4 tons worth 22.5 million (18 $/kg), while from Indonesia 518.0 tons worth

$8.6 million (16, 5 $/kg).


124. Other pumps air or vacuum, air or gas compressors (code 841480 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $124.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 34.2 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore $16.1 million; Japan $6.5 million;

US $4.1 million;

Malaysia $2.5 million; South Korea 2.1 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the


Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $136.2 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1 256 432 pieces for $259 million (206.1

/pcs). Import from Indonesia 20 pieces worth $128.6 thousand (6,427.6 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Netherlands 38 pieces worth $57.1 million (1503275.7 $/pcs);

Germany 1 628 pieces worth $41.5 million (25506.6 $/pcs);

United States 5 368 pieces worth $35.2 million (6559.3 $/pcs);

France 44 pieces worth $34 million (771986.5 $/pcs);

Russia 313 508 pieces worth $33.5 million (107 $/pcs);

Italy 335 pieces worth $25.2 million (75270.1 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Turbocompressors' in the volume of 0 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$878.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

South Korea 7 291 pieces worth $140.6 million (19286.9 $/pcs);

Germany 56 563 pieces worth $77.1 million (1363.6 $/pcs);

China 3,109,820 pieces worth $76.9 million (24.7 $/pcs);

Japan 19,938 pieces worth $50.5 million (2,535.1 $/pcs);

Czech Republic 41 308 pieces worth $33.4 million (809.1 $/pcs);

US 11,331 pieces worth $32.6 million (2,880.7 $/pcs);

Italy 18 501 pieces worth $30.1 million (1625.9 /pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 3,488,090 pieces worth $580.3 million (166.4 $/pcs), while from Indonesia,

12,936 pieces worth $999.4 thousand (77, $3 $/pcs).

125. Combined refrigerators freezers with separate external doors (code

841810 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $257.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 786,138 pieces worth $210.6 million (267.9 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

South Korea 159 528 pieces worth $42.7 million (267.9 $/pcs);

Japan 87,478 pieces worth $23.4 million (267.9 $/pcs);

Vietnam 70,754 pieces worth $19 million (267.9 $/pcs);

Philippines 69 436 pieces for $18.6 million (267.9 $/pcs);


Other Asian countries 41 313 pieces worth $11.1 million (267.9 $/ pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8.3% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $93.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 200,025 pieces worth $49.8 million

(248.9 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 614 pieces for $313.5 thousand (510.6 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 137,386 pieces worth $33 million (240 $/pcs);

Poland 19 044 pieces worth $4.1 million (216 $/pcs);

Belarus 21,351 pieces worth $3.9 million (180.8 $/pcs);

Korea, Republic of 5 783 pieces worth $2.6 million (457.2 $/pcs);

Thailand 5 994 pieces worth $2.6 million (436.6 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Household refrigerators and freezers' with a

capacity of 0 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$299.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 129,563 pieces worth $30.2 million (232.9 $/pcs);

Poland 98,023 pieces worth $28.1 million (286.4 $/pcs);

Germany 43,458 pieces worth $23.2 million (533.5 $/pcs);

Thailand 30,409 pieces worth $14.7 million (482 $/pcs);

Bulgaria 43,334 pieces worth $12.6 million (291 $/pcs);

South Korea 24,963 pieces worth $10.2 million (407.8 $/pcs);

Italy 27,585 pieces worth $9.6 million (349.7 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of the EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 458,111 pieces worth $150.2 million (327.9 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 2,875

pieces worth $1.3 million (450, 9 $/pcs).

126. Full-turn machines (code 842952 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $138.3 million.


Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,937 pieces worth $125.9 million dollars (65006.7


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Thailand 591 pieces worth $38.4 million (64977.6 $/pcs);

Malaysia 542 pieces worth $35.2 million (65001.8 $/pcs);

Singapore 191 pieces worth $12.4 million (65026.5 $/pcs);

Turkey 173 pieces worth $11.3 million (65030.7 $/pcs);

Australia 158 pieces worth $10.3 million (64879.4 $/pcs) Import needs of


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 4% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $131.8 million. In 2016, the import

of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 155 pieces worth $48.2 million (311268.1 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Japan 27 pieces worth $15.9 million (589906.8 $/pcs);

Russia 44 pieces worth $15.7 million (357239.4 $/pcs);

Italy 12 pieces worth $4.6 million (384,437.8 $/pcs);

China 28 pieces worth $4.3 million (152,952.4 $/pcs);

Belgium 6 pieces worth $2.5 million (419906 / pcs)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Single-bucket mechanical self-propelled

excavators and bucket loaders with 360-degree cockpit rotation (full-turn cars) (except

for one-bucket front loaders)' of 1 piece.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$758.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Japan 813 pieces worth $99.5 million (122380.8 $/pcs);

South Korea 478 pieces worth $53.5 million (111942.3 $/pcs);

Germany 59 pieces worth $33.5 million (567378.2 $/pcs);

China 254 pieces worth $30.7 million (121052.5 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,753 pieces worth $235.8 million (134534.5 $/pcs), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.


127. Machines that perform two or more functions, such as printing,

copying or facsimile transmission, which are able to connect to a computer or

network (code 844331 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $1,138.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was $1,027.5 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $379.2 million;

Germany $246.3 million;

Japan $224.7 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $24.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 93,746 pieces worth $13.5 million (143.6

/pcs). Imports from Indonesia 786 pieces worth $197.7 thousand (251.5 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 18 510 pieces worth $3.7 million (199.5 $/pcs);

Korea, Republic of 30,378 pieces worth $3.2 million (104.1 $/pcs);

The Netherlands 12,027 pieces worth $1.9 million (155 $/pcs);

Vietnam 10,186 pieces worth $1.4 million (139.9 $/pcs);

Philippines 8 368 pieces worth $1.3 million (152 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name "Devices that perform two or more functions:

printing, scanning, copying, faxing" with a volume of 0 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$343.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 848,149 pieces worth $127.9 million (150.8 $/pcs);

Vietnam 317 275 pieces worth $33.5 million (105.6 $/pcs);

Philippines 109 673 pieces worth $17.1 million (156.3 $/pcs);

Thailand 204 846 pieces worth $13 million (63.6 $/pcs).


Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,620,328 pieces for $213.5 million (131.8 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 21,283

pieces worth $2.7 million (127, $4 $/pcs).

128. Other, having the possibility of connecting to a computer or to a

network (code 844332 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $138.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 135.5 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 64.7 million; US $17.3 million;

India $14.8 million; China $8.8 million;

Japan $7.1 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 0.625% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0.625%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $21.8 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 79,631 pieces for $11 million (137.5

$/pcs). Import from Indonesia 2,285 pieces worth $695.0 thousand (304.1 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 28,748 pieces worth $2.7 million (94 $/pcs);

Philippines 12,362 pieces worth $1.8 million (141.8 $/pcs);

Russia 6 303 pieces worth $1.4 million (228.6 $/pcs);

Vietnam 18,999 pieces worth $1.4 million (79 $/pcs);

The Netherlands 7 159 pieces worth $1.3 million (177.2 $/pcs);

Indonesia 2,285 pieces worth $695.0 thousand (304.1 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name "Input-Output Devices Not Included in Other

Groupings" of 41,297.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$272.4 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 723 438 pieces worth $62.3 million (86.1 $/pcs);


Vietnam 375 563 pieces worth $26.1 million (69.4 $/pcs);

Philippines 99,692 pieces worth $12.1 million (120.9 $/pcs);

Japan 21 207 pieces worth $11.2 million (529.6 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,521,710 pieces worth $160.1 million (105.2 $/pcs), while from Indonesia,

19,282 pieces worth $4.9 million (256, $6 $/pcs).

129. Other computers and their pieces, magnetic or optical readers,

machines for transferring data to media, information in coded form and machines

for processing such information (code 847190 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $180.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was $150.6 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore $98.0 million;

US $22.3 million;

Ireland $13.7 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $10.6 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 63 210 pieces worth $7 million (110.9 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 30,615 pieces worth $973.8 thousand (31.8 $/pcs);

China 22 240 pieces worth $935.7 thousand (42.1 $/pcs);

France 271 pieces worth $873.6 thousand (3 223.4 $/pcs);

United States 534 pieces worth $716.1 thousand (1,341.1 $/pcs);

Austria 161 pieces worth $532.4 thousand (3,066.6 $/pcs);

Mexico 327 pieces worth $491.2 thousand (1 502.1 $/pcs);

Hungary 424 pieces worth $481.0 thousand (1 134.5 $/pcs);

Germany 256 pcs worth351.7 thousand (1 373.7 $/ pcs)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Other devices for automated processing of

information; machines for information processing, not included in other groupings' of

volume 0 pieces.


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$69.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 857 470 pieces worth $40.5 million (47.2 $/pcs);

Malaysia 191 594 pieces worth $12.2 million (63.6 $/pcs);

South Korea 25,957 pieces worth $8.4 million (324 $/pcs);

Mexico 27,857 pieces worth $7 million (251.3 $/pcs);

Vietnam 45,591 pieces worth $6.8 million (148.9 $/pcs);

Germany 3 594 pieces worth $6.2 million dollars (1721.2 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,271,804 pieces for 101.1 million (79.5 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 24 pieces

worth $3.4 thousand (141, $8 $/pcs).

130. Ball bearings (code 848210 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $146.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 146.7 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore $105.3 million;

Netherlands $23.4 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 4.28% and

final binding rate in the WTO 4.28%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $20.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 13,324,757 pieces worth $13.9 million

(1.05 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 749 pieces for $1.3 thousand (1.69 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1,162,514 pieces worth $4.9 million (4.22 $/pcs);

Malaysia 8 294 291 pieces worth $2.2 million (0.27 $/pcs);

Germany 592,319 pieces worth $1.8 million (3.07 $/pcs);

United States 9,602 pieces worth $1.2 million (122.2 $/pcs);

China 1,582,261 pieces worth $1.1 million (0.68 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016


produced products under the name 'Ball or roller bearings' with a volume of 23,992


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$144.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Malaysia 24,930,290 pieces worth $16.6 million (0.66 $/pcs);

Germany 1 360 509 pieces worth $15.5 million (11.4 $/pcs);

Japan 2,934,769 pieces worth $15.2 million (5.18 $/pcs);

France 2 028 692 pieces worth $14.4 million (7.12 $/pcs);

China 17,741,667 pieces worth $12.9 million (0.73 $/pcs);

Italy 2,277,981 pieces worth $7.2 million (3.18 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 70,438,556 pieces worth $128.9 million (1.83 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 174

671 pieces worth $179.4 thousand (1, 03 $/pcs).

131. Static converters (code 850440 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $290.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was $275.3 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

France $67.9 million;

Singapore $47.5 million;

Japan $33.6 million;

Malaysia $31.3 million;

China $29.3 million;

US $18.2 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $113.2 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 16,893,612 pieces for a total of $61

million (3.61 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 175 pieces for $28.7 thousand (164.0


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:


China 15,775,931 pieces worth $21.1 million (1.34 $/pcs);

Russia 267,745 pieces worth $7.2 million (26.7 $/pcs);

France 308 pieces worth $5.4 million dollars (17451.7 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the RK in 2016 produced products

under the name "Ballast resistances for tubes or tubes of gas-discharge; static

converters; other inductors' volume of 753 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$828.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 55,169,330 pieces worth $287.7 million (5.21 $/pcs);

Philippines 633,053 pieces worth $90.9 million (143.5 $/pcs);

Germany 146,397 pieces worth $51.7 million (353.3 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the cumulative imports of EAEU countries from other countries in

2016 was 62,760,395 pieces worth 692.1 million (11 $/ pcs), while from Indonesia,

55,121 pieces worth $8.4 million (152.9 $/pcs).

132. Manganese primary elements and primary batteries (code 850610 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $173.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was $156.6 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $42.5 million;

Papua New Guinea $9.7 million;

Sudan $9.3 million;

United Arab Emirates $9.1 million;

Japan $8.9 million;

Poland $8.1 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 8%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $6.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 22,014,829 pieces worth $4.7 million

(0.21 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 680 pieces worth $0.4 thousand (0.58 $/pcs).


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 13,984,891 pieces worth $1.5 million (0.11 $/pcs);

Belgium 1,940,148 pieces worth $1.2 million (0.60 $/pcs);

Germany 1,004,704 pieces worth $744.2 thousand (0.74 $/pcs);

Russia 3,357,068 pieces worth $567.4 thousand (0.17 $/pcs);

Poland 1,357,440 pieces worth $404.3 thousand (0.3 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Elements of primary and batteries of primary

elements' of 0 thousand pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$130.3 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 720 657 928 pieces worth $49.9 million (0.07 $/pcs);

Belgium 124,517,845 pieces worth $19.4 million (0.16 $/pcs);

Singapore 71,352,589 pieces worth $8.2 million (0.11 $/pcs);

The USA 43,142,666 pieces worth $7.8 million (0.18 /pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 1,048,495,335 pieces worth $94.4 million (0.09 $/ pcs), while from Indonesia

28,510,370 pieces worth $2.3 million (0.08 $/pcs).

133. Lithium primary cells and primary batteries (code 850650 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $169.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was $190.8 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan $39.3 million;

Hong Kong $39.2 million;

US $23.2 million;

Netherlands $21.1 million;

China $19.6 million;

Singapore $11.1 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 8%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of the KGD of State Revenue Committee of

the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics


of the MES of RK, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth

$2.1 million. Meanwhile, in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was

3,503,428 pieces worth $1.6 million dollars (0.46 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 277

494 pieces worth $49.4 thousand (0.18 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 2,873,339 pieces worth $361.7 thousand (0.13 $/pcs);

United Kingdom of 513 pieces worth $340.4 thousand (663.6 $/pcs);

France 1 119 pieces worth $292.0 thousand. (261.0 $/pcs);

Russia 106 101 pieces worth $137.1 thousand (1.29 $/pcs);

United States 2,456 pieces worth $127.7 thousand (52.0 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Elements of primary and batteries of primary

elements' of 0 thousand pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$25.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

The United States 822 649 pieces worth $8.1 million dollars (9.88 $/pcs);

China 33,723,789 pieces worth $6.4 million (0.19 $/pcs);

Canada 49,447 pieces worth $4.2 million (85.9 $/pcs);

France 642,214 pieces worth $2.9 million (4.50 $/pcs);

Indonesia 7 516 787 pieces worth $1.6 million (0.22 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 49,727,119 pieces worth $27.6 million (0.56 $/pcs), while from Indonesia,

7,516,787 pieces worth $1.6 million 0,22 $/pcs).

134. Lead accumulators (code 850710 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on the average worth $186.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 4,785,284 pieces worth $199 million (41.6 /pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

United Kingdom 1,015,395 pieces worth $42.2 million (41.6 $/pcs);

Malaysia 945,340 pieces worth $39.3 million (41.6 $/pcs);

United Arab Emirates 340,403 pieces worth $14.2 million (41.6 $/pcs);

Saudi Arabia 297,192 pieces worth $12.4 million (41.6 $/pcs);

Philippines 265,991 pieces worth $11.1 million (41.6 $/pcs) Import needs of



The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 9.2% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 6.7%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $34.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 478,912 pieces worth $20.9 million (43.7 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 332,660 pieces worth $13.4 million (40.2 $/pcs);

Czech Republic 36,364 pieces worth $1.6 million (45.2 $/pcs);

Turkey 22,104 items worth $1.2 million (52.5 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Electric Lead Acid Batteries for Starting Piston

Engines' with a volume of 1,871,376 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$298.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

South Korea 1 360 081 pieces worth $48.6 million (35.7 $/pcs);

Czech Republic 888 691 pieces worth $43.6 million (49 $/pcs);

Poland 585,441 pieces worth $23.8 million (40.6 $/pcs);

Germany 161,164 items worth $13.8 million (85.6 $/pcs);

Slovenia 332 963 pieces worth $13.6 million (40.9 $/pcs);

Ukraine 285,799 pieces worth $11.8 million (41.3 $/pcs);

Turkey 245,965 pieces worth $10.9 million (44.3 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 4,955,354 pieces for $214.2 million (43.2 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 3,693

pieces for $144,800 (39, 2 $/pcs).

135. Electric irons (code 851640 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $192.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 12,479,730 pieces worth $149.6 million (12 /pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The Netherlands 3 030 792 pieces worth $36.3 million (12 $/pcs);

France 2,135,603 pieces worth $25.6 million (12 $/pcs);

Hungary 1 372 545 pieces worth $16.5 million (12 $/pcs);


United Arab Emirates 1,014,127 pieces worth $12.2 million (12 $/pcs);

Turkey 934 998 pieces worth $11.2 million (12 $/pcs);

Russia 807 487 pieces worth $9.7 million (12 $/pcs);

Malaysia 748,524 pieces worth $9 million (12 $/pcs);

Singapore 650 330 pieces worth $7.8 million (12 $/pcs) Import needs of


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 10% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of the KGD of State Revenue Committee of

the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics

of the MES of RK, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth

$10.2 million. Meanwhile, in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was

419,239 pieces worth $7.9 million (18.9 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia is 14 pcs worth

$0.0 thousand (0.92 /pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 133 483 pieces worth $5 million (37.6 $/pcs);

China 279,550 pieces worth $2.3 million (8.14 / pcs)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$119.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 4,275,195 items worth $36.3 million (8.49 $/pcs);

Indonesia 368 641 pieces worth $16.5 million (44.7 $/pcs);

France 374 553 pieces worth $12.6 million (33.5 $/pcs);

Spain 95 162 pieces worth $5.4 million (57.1 $/pcs);

Hungary 167,721 pieces worth $4.8 million (28.7 $/pcs);

Germany 42 915 pieces worth $4.6 million (107.5 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 5,401,002 pieces for $83 million (15.4 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 368 641 pieces

worth $16.5 million (44.7 $/pcs).

136. Telephone devices, including telephone sets for cellular

communication networks or other wireless networks, other (code 851770 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $107.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,142.2 tons worth $84.3 million (73.8 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Hong Kong 420.4 tons worth $49.5 million (117.7 $/kg);

Mexico 84.6 tons worth $17.7 million (209.8 $/kg);


Japan 26.0 tons worth $9.4 million (361.3 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $69.4 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 392.5 tons worth $37.4 million (95.3

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0,0 tons worth $0.1 thousand (832,0 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 263.5 tons worth $16.5 million (62.6 $/kg);

Malaysia 3.0 tons worth $4.9 million (1630.4 $/kg);

Thailand 1.2 tons worth $2.7 million dollars (2249.4 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Antennas and reflectors of all kinds and their parts;

parts of radio and television transmitters, television cameras with a volume of 0

thousand tenge.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$597.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 3 593.9 tons worth $334.9 million (93.2 $/kg);

Poland 174.7 tons worth $80 million (457.8 $/kg);

Estonia 303.8 tons worth $35.9 million (118.3 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 5,305.6 tons worth 685.2 million (129.1 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.1 tons

worth 75.2 thousand (826.7 $/kg).

137. Other video recording or video reproducing equipment, combined or

not combined with a video tuner: DVD players (code 852190 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $523.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 382.6 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $144.5 million;

South Korea $64.9 million;


Slovakia $26.0 million;

France $19.8 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 6.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 6.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $15.1 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 237,547 pieces worth $8.2 million (34.5

$/pcs). Import from Indonesia 1 piece for $0.1 thousand (54.3 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 214,519 pieces worth $2.9 million (13.7 $/pcs);

Russia 21,405 pieces worth $1.8 million (84.7 $/pcs);

United States 54 pieces worth $673.4 thousand (12,470.5 $/pcs);

United Kingdom of 856 pieces worth $579.3 thousand (676.8 $/pcs);

Poland 103 pieces worth $495.3 thousand (4 808.9 $/pcs);

Mexico 28 pieces worth $491.5 thousand (17,553.6 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Camcorders recording and video recording or video

reproducing equipment' of a volume of 0 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$185.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 798,987 pieces worth $28.3 million (35.4 $/pcs);

The USA 532 pieces worth $3 million (5559,1 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 878 046 pieces worth $40.5 million (46.2 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 43 075

pieces worth $1.7 million (39, $7 $/pcs).

138. Television cameras, digital cameras and recording video cameras (code

852580 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $301.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was $157.0 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:


Japan $34.5 million;

US $31.1 million;

Netherlands $24.4 million;

Hong Kong $21.8 million;

Germany $8.5 million;

China $8.1 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 3.28% and

final binding rate in the WTO 1.14%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $50.1 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 726 891 pieces worth $33.2 million (45.7

$/pcs). Import from Indonesia 20 pieces worth $3.9 thousand (194.3 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 641,673 pieces worth $11 million (17.2 $/pcs);

Russia 66 537 pieces worth $7.2 million dollars (108.1 $/pcs);

Taiwan (China) 7 348 pieces worth $2.4 million (323.2 $/pcs);

Turkey 161 pieces worth $2.2 million (13,893.9 $/pcs);

Japan 1,083 pieces worth $1.8 million (1640 $/pcs)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$850.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 5,735,750 pieces worth $197.3 million (34.4 $/pcs);

Thailand 90 895 pieces worth $34.8 million (382.9 $/pcs);

other countries in Asia 130,615 pieces worth $25.5 million (195.4 $/pcs);

France 703 pieces worth $24.1 million (34310.7 $/pcs);

Japan 71 789 pieces worth $21.8 million (303.6 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 6,301,215 pieces for $371.2 million (58.9 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 6,483

pieces for $1.5 million (237, $5 $/pcs).

139. Broadcast radios, capable of operating only from an external power

source, combined with a device for recording or reproducing sound (code 852721


Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $185.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,524,303 pieces worth $132.5 million (86.9 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 522 787 pieces worth $45,4 million (86,9 $/pcs);

Belgium 383,457 pieces worth $33.3 million (86.9 $/pcs);

Singapore 103,995 pieces worth $9 million (86.9 $/pcs);

UAE 100 825 pieces worth $8.8 million (86.9 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 4.44% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 4,44%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.8 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 105,724 pieces worth $560.3 thousand (5.3 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 13,174 items worth $201.6 thousand (15.3 $/pcs);

China 90 214 pieces worth $192.6 thousand (2.13 $/pcs);

Germany 390 pieces worth $37.9 thousand (97.3 $/pcs);

Japan 56 pieces worth $37.6 thousand (671.4 $/pcs);

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$198.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 1 233 375 pieces worth $35.5 million (28.8 $/pcs);

South Korea 221 488 pieces worth $22.3 million (100.5 $/pcs);

Germany 37 490 pieces worth $13.7 million (364.8 $/pcs);

Thailand 207,045 pieces worth $9.8 million (47.3 $/pcs);

Indonesia 356 547 pieces worth $9.1 million (25.6 $/pcs);

Spain 25 420 pieces worth $8.7 million (341.2 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of the EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 2,238,661 pieces worth $114.8 million (51.3 $/ pcs), while from Indonesia,

356,547 pieces worth $9.1 million (25, $6 $/pcs).

140. Not intended for inclusion in its composition of video display or screen

(code 852871 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $618.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 20,825,437 pieces worth $682.9 million (32.8 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

United States 8,725,273 pieces worth $286.1 million (32.8 $/pcs);

The Netherlands 3,230,997 pieces worth $106 million (32.8 $/pcs);

United Kingdom 1,387,087 pieces worth $45.5 million (32.8 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 7.8125%

and final binding rate in the WTO are 7.8125%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $8.1 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 820,231 pieces worth $5.5 million

dollars (6.69 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 10 100 pieces worth $232.3 thousand (23.0


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 746 780 pieces worth $4.5 million (6.02 $/pcs);

Russia 11 462 pieces worth $371.5 thousand (32.4 $/pcs);

It is worth noting that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'TV receivers, combined or not with receivers of

broadcasting or sound or video recording or reproducing equipment' of 148 966 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$171.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 8,570,910 pieces worth $80.9 million (9.44 $/pcs);

Indonesia 1,510,814 pieces worth $5.6 million (3.68 $/pcs);

South Korea 588,769 pieces worth $4.8 million (8.10 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 11,220,572 pieces worth 94.8 million dollars (8.45 $/pcs), while from Indonesia

1,510,814 pieces worth $5.6 million dollars $3.68 $/pcs).

141. Monitors of color image (code 852872 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $376.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 887 540 pieces worth $192.8 million (217.3 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Malaysia 229,060 pieces worth $49.8 million (217.2 $/pcs);

Australia 187,309 pieces worth $40.7 million (217.3 $/pcs);

Thailand 182 218 pieces worth $39.6 million (217.2 $/pcs);

Singapore 70 921 pieces worth $15.4 million (217.2 $/pcs);

Philippines 63,056 pieces worth $13.7 million (217.3 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 14.11% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 9.9%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $146.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 315,774 pieces worth $83.7 million

(264.9 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 1 piece for $0.3 thousand (284.8 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 251,953 pieces worth $75.2 million (298.4 $/pcs);

China 56,763 pieces worth $6.1 million (107.9 $/pcs);

It is worth noting that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'TV receivers, combined or not with receivers of

broadcasting or sound or video recording or reproducing equipment' of 148 966 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$363.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Malaysia 387,564 pieces worth $88.6 million (228.6 $/pcs);

Slovakia 127 631 pieces worth $63.5 million (497.7 $/pcs);

China 125 016 pieces worth $15.7 million (125.5 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 703 790 pieces worth $190.3 million (270.4 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 160

pieces worth $35.1 thousand (219.5 $/pcs).

142. Condensers of constant capacity aluminum electrolytic (code 853222


Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $189.5 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 7,616.0 tons worth $176.8 million (23.2 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 5 041.7 tons worth $114.4 million (22.7 $/kg);

Germany 903.1 tons worth $18.9 million (20.9 $/kg);

China 392.2 tons worth $11.2 million (28.5 $/kg);

Hong Kong 435.0 tons worth $10.5 million (24.3 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of Education and Science, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the

average worth $0.1 million. In 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 5.1

tons worth $182.6 thousand (36.1 $/kg). Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not

carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 2.0 tons worth $84.4 thousand (41.3 $/kg);

Hungary 0.8 tons worth $41.4 thousand (55.2 $/kg);

Slovakia 0,9 tons worth $25,7 thousand (28,1 $/kg);

China 1.1 tons worth $11.6 thousand (10.2 $/kg);

Germany 0,0 tons worth $10,3 thousand (420,7 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Condensers of constant capacity electric' in volume

of 13 954 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$14.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 276.7 tons worth $6.4 million dollars (23 $/kg);

Hungary 51.1 tons worth $1.7 million (33.2 $/kg);

Japan 18.9 tons worth $1.2 million (63 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 42.2 tons worth $1.1 million (26.9 $/kg);

South Korea 34.2 tons worth $1.1 million (31.5 $/kg);

Italy 37.4 tons worth 976.3 thousand (26.1 $/kg).


Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 499.6 tons worth $14.5 million (29 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.4 tons worth

$15.8 thousand (37, 7 $/kg).

143. Other capacitors of constant capacity (code 853229 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $162.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 730.1 tons worth $88.9 million (121.8 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 321.9 tons worth $74.7 million (232.2 $/kg);

Hong Kong 119.3 tons worth $5.3 million (44.7 $/kg);

Czech Republic 122.1 tons worth $5.1 million (41.4 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods worth $2.3 million on average. Meanwhile, in 2016 import

of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 33.8 tons worth $727.8 thousand (21.5 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia 0.0 tons worth $1.0 thousand (52.0 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 7.5 tons worth $175.8 thousand (23.4 $/kg);

Italy 1.1 tons worth $120.6 thousand (107.9 $/kg);

China 14.4 tons worth $112.2 thousand (7.80 $/kg);

Bulgaria 7.2 tons worth $78.5 thousand (10.9 $/kg);

Korea, Republic of 0.8 tons worth $76.6 thousand (91.2 $/kg);

United Kingdom of 0.5 tons worth $58.7 thousand (117.4 $/kg);

Germany 0.8 tons worth 44.1 thousand (57.4 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Condensers of constant capacity electric' in volume

of 13 954 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$3.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 37.5 tons worth $923.3 thousand (24.6 $/kg);


Finland 71.8 tons worth $864.8 thousand (12.1 $/kg);

France 1.3 tons worth $459.9 thousand (357.9 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 0.8 tons worth $385.2 thousand (461.3 $/kg);

US 2,2 tons worth $229,7 thousand (106,4 $/kg);

Japan 0.8 tons worth $217.3 thousand (285.6 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 130.8 tons worth 3.7 million dollars (28.4 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.0

tons worth 2.8 thousand (59.9 $/kg).

144. Schemes printed (code 853400 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

goods in question to the world market on an average of $150.3 million. Meanwhile, in

2016, exports was 1,506.4 tons worth $71.6 million (47.5 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 497.9 tons worth $45.6 million (91.5 $/kg);

Malaysia 91.8 tons worth $5.5 million dollars (60.1 $/kg);

Thailand 307.0 tons worth $4.9 million (15.8 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $4.4 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 93.8 tons for $3.5 million (36.9 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia $0.01 thousand.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 76.6 tons worth $812.7 thousand (10.6 $/kg);

United States 0.3 tons worth $704.2 thousand (2,305.4 $/kg);

Russia 14.3 tons worth $641.1 thousand (44.8 $/kg);

Taiwan (China) 1.2 tons worth 367.6 thousand (312.5 $/kg);

Italy 0,2 tons worth $202,3 thousand (965,8 $/kg);

Germany 0.2 tons worth $177.6 thousand (940.3 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Electronic loading panels' with a capacity of 6


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$126.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 2,644.0 tons worth $90.9 million (34.4 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 182.8 tons worth $5.6 million (30.9 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 3,030.2 tons worth $112.1 million (37 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 0.0 tons worth

$11.7 thousand (1 173.9 $/kg).

145. Other switches for voltage not more than 1000 V (code 853650 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $121.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 3,734.7 tons worth $131.6 million dollars (35.2 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 1,058.3 tons worth $33.9 million (32.1 $/kg);

Singapore 314.0 tons worth $20.5 million (65.4 $/kg);

China 316.8 tons worth $16.2 million (51.1 $/kg);

Thailand 461.7 tons worth $14.5 million (31.4 $/kg);

France 328.6 tons worth $11.2 million (34.1 $/kg);

Japan 159.3 tons worth $9.1 million (57.2 $/kg);

South Korea 441.3 tons worth $8.3 million dollars (18.9 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 1.2% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $14.9 million. Meanwhile, in 2016

import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1,075.9 tons worth $10.7 million (9.95 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia 0.2 tons worth 26.5 thousand (162.7 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 655.7 tons worth $4 million (6.17 $/kg);

China 278.5 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (5.62 $/kg);

Germany 9.9 tons worth $857.3 thousand (86.8 $/kg);

United States 2,2 tons worth $839.8 thousand (377.0 $/kg);

France 5.2 tons worth $629.6 thousand (120.8 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016


produced products under the name 'Switches not included in other groups, for a voltage

of not more than 1000 V (low-voltage)' volume of 3 161 073 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$218.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 3 001.6 tons worth $31.8 million (10.6 $/kg);

Germany 244.0 tons worth $23.2 million (95.2 $/kg);

South Korea 454.5 tons worth $9.9 million (21.8 $/kg);

Japan 117.5 tons worth $9.5 million (80.8 $/kg);

France 111.4 tons worth $9 million (80.5 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 6,451.5 tons worth $174 million (27 $/kg), while from Indonesia 16.6 tons worth

$1.1 million (67.1 $/kg).

146. Other electrical devices for switching or protecting electrical circuits

or for connections to electrical circuits or in electrical circuits for a voltage not

exceeding 1000 V (code 853690 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $273.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 4,786.0 tons worth $221.2 million (46.2 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 1 463.7 tons worth $91.3 million (62.4 $/kg);

Japan 826.7 tons worth $40.4 million (48.9 $/kg);

Hong Kong 919.0 tons worth $38.7 million (42.1 $/kg);

France 425.5 tons worth $16 million (37.6 $/kg);

China 246.9 tons worth $13.2 million (53.3 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 0.825% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $31.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1,221.3 tons worth $22 million (18 $/kg).

Imports from Indonesia 0.1 tons worth $10.7 thousand (157.2 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 603.9 tons worth $6.4 million dollars (10.6 $/kg);


China 232.0 tons worth $4.8 million (20.6 $/kg);

Turkey 228.4 tons worth $2.5 million (10.8 $/kg);

United Kingdom of 50.8 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (30.8 $/kg);

Germany 17.2 tons worth $1.2 million (72.3 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products called plugs and sockets and other equipment for switching off,

switching or protecting electric circuits not included in other groupings with a volume

of 66 885 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$282.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 1 208.1 tons worth $45 million (37.2 $/kg);

China 4,771.5 tons worth $44 million (9.22 $/kg);

US 152.1 tons worth $20 million (131.3 $/kg);

France 443.1 tons worth $15.9 million (35.9 $/kg);

Italy 646.2 tons worth $11.9 million (18.4 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 9 650.9 tons worth $207.9 million (21.5 $/kg), while from Indonesia 2.2 tons worth

482.4 thousand (214.8 $/kg).

147. Boards, panels, consoles more than 1000 V (code 853720 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $132.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 7,669.0 tons worth $121.1 million dollars (15.8 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 4 620.7 tons worth $73.2 million (15.8 $/kg);

Vietnam 823.6 tons worth $11.4 million (13.8 $/kg);

Thailand 452.4 tons worth $7.4 million (16.3 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $74.4 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 3 018.4 tons worth $51.6 million (17.1 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1 541.6 tons worth $15.2 million (9.84 $/kg);

China 594.1 tons worth $13.5 million (22.7 $/kg);

United Kingdom of 280.4 tons worth $6.9 million (24.6 $/kg);

Romania 105.0 tons worth $3.5 million dollars (33.2 $/kg);

Germany 52.5 tons worth $2.9 million (54.4 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name of 'Distribution boards and other panels equipped

with equipment for switching off, switching or protecting electric circuits for voltages

exceeding 1000 V' in the volume of 2,909 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$367.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 1,805.1 tons worth $52.3 million (28.9 $/kg);

China 1 225.4 tons worth $28.7 million (23.4 $/kg);

Switzerland 349.3 tons worth $16.9 million (48.5 $/kg);

South Korea 644.3 tons worth $14.8 million (23 $/kg);

Czech Republic 686.8 tons worth $13.2 million (19.3 $/kg);

The USA 199,0 tons worth $12,6 million (63,3 $/kg);

Poland 1,847.0 tons worth $9.9 million (5.37 $/kg);

France 145.3 tons worth $9.9 million (68 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 8,627.8 tons worth 189.3 million (21.9 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

148. Processors and controllers combined or not combined with storage

devices, converters, logic circuits, amplifiers, synchronizers or other circuits (code

854231 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market for an average of $136.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 94.5 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore $39.6 million; Hong Kong $16.4 million;

Germany $11.0 million; Japan 6.2 million;

Philippines $5.0 million; China 4.8 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $28.3 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,374,642 pieces worth $15.6 million

(6.55 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 10 pieces worth $0.3 thousand (27.8 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

France 1,985,998 pieces worth $8 million (4.01 $/pcs);

Vietnam 18 943 pieces worth $1.7 million (88.7 $/pcs);

Czech Republic 3,063 pieces worth $1.6 million (518.5 $/pcs);

China 49 272 pieces worth $1.4 million (28.7 $/pcs);

Malaysia 7,034 pieces worth $1 million (148.5 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Integrated Circuits' with a volume of 28 pieces.

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$411.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Vietnam 1 642 829 pieces worth $151.8 million dollars (92.4 $/pcs);

Malaysia 3,658,367 pieces worth $92.7 million (25.3 $/pcs);

other Asian countries 34,558,207 pieces worth $54.7 million (1.58 $/pcs);

China 87,924,456 pieces worth $41.4 million (0.47 /pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 268 822 226 pieces worth $435.7 million (1.62 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 13

911 pieces worth $38.3 thousand (2, $76 $/pcs).

149. Electronic integrated circuits (code 854239 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia according to UN Comtrade, for the period

2012-2016, Indonesia exported the commodity in question to the world market on an

average of $244.3 million. Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 219.2 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore $204.0 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the


Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $15.4 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 9,526,786 pieces worth $11.5 million

(1.21 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 2 pieces for $0.0 thousand (20.5 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 7,452,129 items worth $5.7 million (0.76 $/pcs);

Korea, Republic 1 486 921 pieces worth $1.6 million (1.09 $/pcs);

Taiwan (China) 204,864 pieces worth $876.9 thousand (4.28 $/pcs);

United States 1,606 pieces worth $772.8 thousand (481.2 $/pcs);

Russia 167,905 pieces worth $637.8 thousand (3.8 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Integrated Circuits' with a volume of 28 pieces.

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$170.4 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Malaysia 65,248,319 pieces worth $83.7 million (1.28 $/pcs);

other countries in Asia 34,064,618 pieces worth $58.9 million (1.73


China 115,987,336 pieces worth $36.1 million (0.31 $/pcs);

United States 3,630,365 pieces worth $26.3 million (7.25 $/pcs);

South Korea 25,975,556 pieces worth $23.9 million (0.92 $/pcs);

Philippines 23 749 105 pieces worth $19.8 million (0.83 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 359 309 743 pieces worth $290.7 million (0.81 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 225

559 pieces worth $424.3 thousand (1.88 $/pcs).

150. Other sets of wires for spark plugs and cable kits used in cars, airplanes

or ships (code 854430 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $685.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 42,018.2 tons worth $793.5 million (18.9 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 27,247.5 tons worth $533.6 million (19.6 $/kg);

US 6 544,9 tons worth $114 million (17,4 $/kg);

Singapore 4 064.0 tons worth $64.4 million (15.8 $/kg);

Thailand 2,231.3 tons worth $39.9 million (17.9 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 3.825% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 2%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $4.3 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 398.6 tons worth $4.8 million (12 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia of 0.0 tons worth 1.4 thousand (151.8 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 244.2 tons worth $2 million (8.11 $/kg);

South Africa 7.3 tonnes for $1.2 million (165 $/kg);

United States 1.7 tons worth $451.3 thousand (269.9 $/kg);

China 107.0 tons worth $255.6 thousand (2.39 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$196.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Japan 599.5 tons worth $17.3 million (28.8 $/kg);

Ukraine 771.6 tons worth $14.4 million (18.7 $/kg);

The USA 544,7 tons for the sum 13,5 million (24,9 $/kg);

Germany 623.3 tons worth $11.3 million (18.2 $/kg);

Romania 356.9 tons worth $10.4 million (29.1 $/kg);

China 1 119.4 tons worth $8.6 million (7.70 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 6 098.3 tons worth $118.5 million (19.4 $/kg), while from Indonesia 2.0 tons worth

125.6 thousand (64.4 $/kg).


151. Motors with reciprocating piston movement, used on vehicles of group

87, with an engine displacement of more than 1000 cm3 (code 840734 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average at a cost of $100.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 98,209 pieces worth $164.8 million (1678.2 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Vietnam 21 512 pieces worth $36.1 million (1678.2 $/pcs);

other countries in Asia 19,361 pieces worth $32.5 million (1678.2 $/pcs);

Thailand 15 779 pieces worth $26.5 million (1678.2 $/pcs);

Philippines 14,732 pieces worth $24.7 million (1678.2 $/pcs);

Malaysia 13 297 pieces worth $22.3 million (1678.2 $/pcs);


Argentina 6 458 pieces worth $10.8 million (1678.3 $/pcs);

South Africa 4 950 pieces worth $8.3 million dollars (1678 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5,625% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5,625%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $41.9 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 48,206 pieces worth $13.2 million (274.4

$/pcs). Import from Indonesia 30 pieces worth $55.0 thousand (1,834.3 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 6 128 pieces worth $5.8 million (952.6 $/pcs);

Belarus 4 564 pieces worth $1.6 million (350.3 $/pcs);

Korea, Republic of 1,770 pieces worth $1.2 million (671.4 $/pcs);

Germany 15 499 pieces worth $1.2 million (75 $/pcs);

Japan 7,472 pieces worth $1.1 million (145.3 $/pcs)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was $1

686.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 269,979 pieces worth $380.4 million (1,409.1 $/pcs);

Japan 137 168 pieces worth $98.8 million (720.2 $/pcs);

United Kingdom 45 492 pieces worth $64.4 million (1415 $/pcs);

France 42 492 pieces worth $59.1 million (1389.7 $/pcs);

Germany 33 688 pieces worth $53.9 million (1600 $/pcs);

South Korea 38 250 pieces worth $42.9 million (1120.3 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 713,349 pieces worth $849.9 million (1191.4 $/pcs), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

152. Parts intended solely or principally for reciprocating internal

combustion piston internal combustion engines of heading 8407 or 8408 (code

840991 CNDED)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $236.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 13,937.2 tons worth 178.5 million (12.8 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:


Thailand 9,352.4 tons worth $93.5 million (10 $/kg);

Japan 1 405.1 tons worth $31.5 million (22.4 $/kg);

Brazil 561.4 tons worth $10.6 million (18.9 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 1.5% and

the final binding rate in the WTO are 1.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $22.1 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,617.5 tons worth $17 million (6.49

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0.2 tons worth $0.8 thousand (4.25 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1,353.7 tons worth $7.9 million (5.84 $/kg);

Poland 144.9 tons worth $3.4 million (23.4 $/kg);

Italy 66.4 tons worth $2 million (29.5 $/kg);

China 691.3 tons worth $1.9 million (2.80 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$188.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 2,666.4 tons worth $45.6 million (17.1 $/kg);

China 4,157.6 tons worth $39.7 million (9.55 $/kg);

Japan 1,834.2 tons worth $24.4 million (13.3 $/kg);

Romania 2 647.2 tons worth $20.1 million (7.61 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 16,072.1 tons for $193.1 million (12 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 51.3 tons worth

$142.9 thousand (2, 79 $/kg).

153. Other parts intended exclusively or mainly for engines of commodity

item 8407 or 8408 (code 840999 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $117.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 29,061.1 tons worth $137.2 million (4.72 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Thailand 15 151.6 tons worth $68.6 million (4.53 $/kg);

Japan 10 727.6 tons worth $47.8 million (4.45 $/kg)


Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 2.5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 2.5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $48.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 4,740.9 tons worth $44.7 million (9.44

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0.2 tons worth $2.1 thousand (12.1 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

United States 636.1 tons worth $19.7 million (31 $/kg);

Russia 2 135.1 tons worth $11.7 million (5.47 $/kg);

China 1,305.9 tons worth $2.9 million (2.21 $/kg);

Austria 13.2 tons worth $2.3 million dollars (174.7 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Parts for diesel internal combustion engines' of 0

thousand tenge.

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$320.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 7 089.3 tons worth $94.8 million (13.4 $/kg);

US 990.9 tons worth $38.1 million (38.5 $/kg);

China 5 155.2 tons worth $30.7 million (5.96 $/kg);

Ukraine 12 565.0 tons worth $22.9 million (1.82 $/kg);

Japan 395.0 tons worth $18.9 million (47.8 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 31,673.8 tons worth 301.1 million (9.51 $/kg), while from Indonesia 5.3 tons worth

13.5 thousand (2.55 $/kg).

154. Other parts of machines or mechanisms of commodity item 8426, 8429

or 8430 (code 843149 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $223.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 39,134.0 tons worth $160.1 million (4.09 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 1 522.3 tons worth $44.9 million (29.5 $/kg);

Japan 11 628.8 tons worth $31.4 million (2.70 $/kg);


Thailand 5 640.1 tons worth $14.6 million (2.59 $/kg);

US 2,873.0 tons worth $11.7 million (4.07 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth 41.2 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 6,129.3 tons worth 28.7 million (4.69 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 2 426.4 tons worth $10.6 million (4.38 $/kg);

China 1,679.7 tons worth $3.8 million (2.26 $/kg);

United States 256.4 tons worth $2.4 million (9.46 $/kg);

Germany 254.9 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (7.05 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Parts of drilling or tunneling machines or

excavating machines; parts of the cranes' worth $10 910 644 thousand tenge.

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$375.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 37 953.4 tons worth $89 million (2.34 $/kg);

Italy 15 482.4 tons worth $52.2 million (3.37 $/kg);

US 2,795.7 tons worth $26.2 million (9.38 $/kg);

Germany 3,229.1 tons worth $25.8 million (7.99 $/kg);

South Korea 6,171.4 tons worth $19 million (3.07 $/kg);

Japan 3 579.1 tons worth $16.8 million (4.70 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 84,771.3 tons for $309.8 million (3.65 $/kg), while from Indonesia, 3,037.6 tons

worth $10.7 million (3.54 $/kg).

155. Parts and accessories of printing machines used for printing by means

of ohm plates, cylinders and other printed forms of heading 8442 (code 844391


Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $119.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,756.9 tons worth $121.2 million (69 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Philippines 199.2 tons worth $56 million (281.1 $/kg);

Thailand 499.8 tons worth $30.4 million (60.8 $/kg);

Japan 424.8 tons worth $12.5 million (29.4 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1.1 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 13.2 tons worth $817.3 thousand (62.0 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Germany 4.0 tons worth 484.3 thousand (122.4 $/kg);

Russia 5.3 tons worth $134.1 thousand (25.4 $/kg);

Switzerland 0.1 tons worth $58.9 thousand (952.7 $/kg)

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$16.5 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 132.6 tons worth $6 million (45.1 $/kg);

Other European countries 2.3 tons worth $1.3 million dollars (583.1 $/kg);

Austria 3.1 tons worth $1.2 million dollars (381.4 $/kg);

Lithuania 130.5 tons worth $1.1 million (8.12 $/kg);

The Netherlands 5.8 tons worth $922.0 thousand (157.9 $/kg);

Italy 13.6 tons worth $769.0 thousand (56.5 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 370.6 tons worth $14.8 million (39.8 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.0 tons worth

$0.0 thousand (20.0 $/kg).

156. Other parts and accessories of printing machines, printers, copiers and

fax machines, combined or ununited (code 844399 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $158.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 2,520.9 tons worth $67.9 million (27 $/kg).


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 897.4 tons worth $26.6 million (29.7 $/kg);

US 621.3 tons worth $18 million (29 $/kg);

Great Britain 203.6 tons worth $5.7 million (27.9 $/kg);

Philippines 171.5 tons worth $4.4 million dollars (25.7 $/kg);

Japan 190.4 tons worth $4.1 million (21.4 $/kg);

Hong Kong 149.1 tons worth $3.6 million (24.2 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $35.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2 002.4 tons worth $24.5 million (12.2

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 2.1 tons worth $168.4 thousand (80.6 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 1 535.4 tons worth $10.5 million (6.83 $/kg);

The Netherlands 53.3 tons worth $4.3 million dollars (80.8 $/kg);

Japan 67.4 tons worth $3.6 million (53.4 $/kg);

Russia 255.8 tons worth $2.5 million dollars (9.89 $/kg)

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$586.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 11 017.1 tons worth $148.1 million dollars (13.4 $/kg);

Japan 1 355.0 tons worth $110.8 million (81.8 $/kg);

Malaysia 197.4 tons worth $24.3 million (123 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 13,446.1 tons worth 337.3 million (25.1 $/kg), while from Indonesia 6.2 tons worth

882.8 thousand (142.1 $/kg).

157. Parts and accessories of machines of commodity item 8471 (code

847330 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $188.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 5,714.3 tons worth $245.2 million (42.9 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 5 302.4 tons worth $225.7 million (42.6 $/kg)


Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $32.8 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 585.8 tons worth $24 million (40.9 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia 0.3 tons worth 310.6 thousand (904.8 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 512.0 tons worth $8.4 million (16.3 $/kg);

Czech Republic 6.2 tons worth $6.9 million (1118 $/kg);

Vietnam 16.0 tons worth $2.5 million (157.3 $/kg);

Malaysia 0.6 tons worth $1.3 million dollars (2274.7 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Parts and accessories of computers and other machines

for information processing' worth $4 032 thousand tenge.

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$767.4 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 11 083.4 tons worth $385.7 million (34.8 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 1 982.0 tons worth $81.1 million (40.9 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 13,943.4 tons worth 548.4 million (39.3 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.6 tons worth

447.3 thousand (811.7 $/kg).

158. Engines with a power not exceeding 37.5 W (code 850110 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $249.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was $215.4 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA $56.3 million;

Thailand $46.4 million;

Japan $27.2 million;

India $18.9 million;

China $17.3 million;

Germany $11.0 million.


Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 4%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $10.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 323,233 pieces worth $5.8 million (18

/pcs). Import from Indonesia 132 pieces worth $0.3 thousand (2.32 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 19 025 pieces worth $1.9 million (100.5 $/pcs);

China 252,474 pieces worth $967.0 thousand (3.83 $/pcs);

Switzerland 7 987 pieces worth $582.1 thousand (72.9 $/pcs);

Slovenia 1,609 pieces worth $378.1 thousand (235.0 $/pcs);

Japan 5 901 pieces worth $369.0 thousand (62.5 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Electric motors with a power not exceeding 37.5

W; other DC electric motors; generators of a direct current 'in volume of 124 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$114.0 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 8,043,388 pieces worth $23.3 million (2.90 $/pcs);

Switzerland 1,811,549 pieces worth $21.6 million (12 $/pcs);

Germany 1,107,852 pieces worth $12.8 million (11.5 $/pcs);

Slovenia 200 061 pieces worth $6.5 million (32.5 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 15,462,804 pieces worth $94.7 million (6.13 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 7,745

pieces worth $62.5 thousand (8, $07 $/pcs).

159. Other parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with

the apparatus of headings 8519 8521 (code 852290 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $207.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 3 031.2 tons worth $63.9 million (21.1 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 168.7 tons worth $17.8 million (105.5 $/kg);


The USA 1 015,5 tons for the sum 16,8 million (16,5 $/kg);

China 556.4 tons worth $9.8 million (17.5 $/kg);

South Korea 437.9 tons worth $6.7 million (15.4 $/kg);

United Kingdom 194.2 tons worth $3.5 million dollars (18.2 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 0% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $0.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 3.4 tons worth $135.9 thousand (40.4 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 2.2 tons worth $58.2 thousand (26.8 $/kg);

Russia 1.1 tons worth $52.5 thousand (46.5 $/kg);

United Kingdom of 0,0 tons worth $14,5 thousand (1 187,0 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$2.4 million dollars.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 5.5 tons worth $434.2 thousand (79.5 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 1.4 tons worth $326.6 thousand (237.8 $/kg);

Japan 1.7 tons worth $113.6 thousand (65.3 $/kg);

Germany 0.1 tons worth $96.8 thousand (1 729.2 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 9.2 tons for $1.1 million (119.5 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.1 tons worth $2.2

thousand 26,4 $/kg).

160. Other parts intended solely or principally for the apparatus of

commodity items 8525 8528 (code 852990 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $383.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 5 031.0 tons worth $248.2 million (49.3 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

South Korea 825.9 tons worth $68.7 million (83.2 $/kg);

US 820.5 tons worth $30.1 million (36.7 $/kg);

Poland 277.5 tons worth $26.5 million (95.4 $/kg);


China 410.8 tons worth $24.6 million (59.8 $/kg);

Singapore 104.5 tons worth $15.1 million (144.7 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 0.5% on average and

the final binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of the KGD of State Revenue Committee of

the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics

of the MES of RK, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth

$68.7 million. Meanwhile, in 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was

814.1 tons worth $25.3 million (31.1 $/kg). Import from Indonesia 0,0 tons worth $0.1

thousand (217.3 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 625.8 tons worth $13.5 million (21.6 $/kg);

United States 6.2 tons worth $5.9 million (952.2 $/kg);

Korea, Republic of 94.1 tons worth $4 million (42.4 $/kg)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was $2

040.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 25,274.1 tons worth $678.9 million (26.9 $/kg);

Slovakia 6 865.0 tons worth $163.2 million (23.8 $/kg);

Poland 2 903.9 tons worth $64.2 million (22.1 $/kg);

Hungary 2,185.9 tons worth $59.3 million (27.1 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 40,361.7 tons worth 1102.5 million (27.3 $/kg), while from Indonesia 147.4 tons

worth 6.7 million (45.4 $/kg).

161. Other parts intended exclusively or mainly for the equipment of

commodity item 8535, 8536 or 8537 (code 853890 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $103.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,369.1 tons worth $70.2 million (51.3 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 418.0 tons worth $28.9 million (69.1 $/kg);

US 170.4 tons worth $17.4 million (102 $/kg);

France 93.3 tons worth $5.9 million (63.7 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 4% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 4%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $26.3 million. Meanwhile, in 2016

import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 803.7 tons worth $19.6 million (24.4 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia 0,0 tons worth $13,5 thousand (377,3 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 596.7 tons worth $5.5 million dollars (9.15 $/kg);

Germany 13.3 tons worth $3.4 million dollars (256.7 $/kg);

United States 2.9 tons worth $1.9 million (652.7 $/kg);

China 44.7 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (39.4 $/kg);

France 7.1 tons worth $1 million (143.5 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Parts for electricity distribution and regulating

equipment' with a volume of 628 980 thousand tenge.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$252.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 1,800.8 tons worth $62.3 million (34.6 $/kg);

China 2,747.0 tons worth $35.1 million (12.8 $/kg);

France 1 298.1 tons worth $16.8 million (12.9 $/kg);

US 42.4 tons worth $15.5 million (364.9 $/kg);

Italy 1 104.4 tons worth $12.1 million (10.9 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 10,048.1 tons worth $219.1 million (21.8 $/kg), while from Indonesia 5.7 tons

worth $2.2 million (383.2 $/kg).

162. Copper wires winding (code 854411 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $122.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 14 486.9 tons worth $83.8 million (5.78 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

United States 8 777.3 tons worth $45.3 million (5.16 $/kg);

Singapore 1,857.4 tons worth $15.2 million (8.18 $/kg);

Philippines 2 033.2 tons worth $13 million (6.38 $/kg)


Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 10% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $8.4 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 930.4 tons worth $4.4 million dollars (4.78 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 721.6 tons worth $3.5 million dollars (4.91 $/kg);

China 94.4 tons worth $707.8 thousand (7.50 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Insulated winding wires' with a volume of 212,816

thousand m.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$17.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Austria 418.8 tons worth $2.9 million (7.04 $/kg);

Germany 265.6 tons worth $2.2 million dollars (8.12 $/kg);

Netherlands 96.1 tons worth $704.4 thousand (7.33 $/kg);

China 54.4 tons worth $531.6 thousand (9.76 $/kg);

The Republic of Moldova 34.5 tons worth $408.9 thousand (11.8 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 992.9 tons worth $7.7 million (7.71 $/kg), while from Indonesia this product was

not imported.

163. Equipped with connecting devices (code 854442 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $103.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 4,885.0 tons worth $69.5 million (14.2 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 1,449.2 tons worth $19.4 million (13.4 $/kg);

South Korea 1,071.1 tons worth $16.3 million (15.2 $/kg);

Poland 667.8 tons worth $7.6 million (11.4 $/kg);

Japan 126.7 tons worth $5.1 million (39.9 $/kg);


Hong Kong 216.4 tons worth $4.5 million dollars (20.8 $/kg);

India 184.4 tons worth $4.1 million (22.3 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan averages 1.65% and final

binding rate in the WTO are 0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $25.1 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 3,054.4 tons worth $21 million (6.87

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 2.0 tons worth $35.6 thousand (18.1 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 2,050.1 tons worth $9.1 million (4.46 $/kg);

Russia 440.2 tons worth $2.4 million dollars (5.55 $/kg);

United States 22.6 tons worth $1.5 million (67.4 $/kg);

United Arab Emirates227.7 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (6.24 $/kg);

Turkey 156.5 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (8.92 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Wires and electric cables rated for voltage not more

than 1000 V (low-voltage)' with a volume of 336,995 thousand m.

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$255.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 10 746.7 tons worth $93.5 million (8.70 $/kg);

US 113.4 tons worth $20 million (176.9 $/kg);

Germany 316.1 tons worth $14.3 million (45.1 $/kg);

other Asian countries 305.7 tons worth $10.7 million (35 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 14,739.5 tons worth $207.7 million (14.1 $/kg), while from Indonesia 19.4

tons worth 600.3 thousand (30.9 $/kg).

164. Electrical conductors for voltage not exceeding 80 V (code 854449 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $150.8 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 25,123.8 tons worth $128.5 million (5.11 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 10 713.3 tons worth $53.2 million (4.97 $/kg);


Turkey 4 016.1 tons worth $19.9 million (4.95 $/kg);

China 3 603.1 tons worth $16 million (4.43 $/kg);

Singapore 1,438.9 tons worth $9.6 million (6.65 $/kg);

Philippines 1 437.6 tons worth $8.4 million (5.82 $/kg);

Thailand 1,340.6 tons worth $7.7 million (5.78 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan averages 3.99% and final

binding rate in the WTO are 3%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $179.4 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 26,408.1 tons worth 168.2 million (6.37

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 0,0 tons worth $0.5 thousand (261.8 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 15 381,9 tons worth $86,7 million (5,64 $/kg);

China 3,930.2 tons worth $31.7 million (8.06 $/kg);

Turkey 2 171.1 tons worth $12.6 million (5.80 $/kg);

Italy 1 390.0 tons worth $10.3 million (7.43 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Wires and electric cables rated for voltage not more

than 1000 V (low-voltage)' with a volume of 336,995 thousand m.

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$467.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 14 088.8 tons worth $59.8 million (4.25 $/kg);

Germany 3 338.1 tons worth $29.1 million (8.71 $/kg);

Ukraine 3,314.9 tons worth $24.3 million (7.33 $/kg);

South Korea 1 641.7 tons worth 14.4 million (8.75 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 37,898.0 tons worth 235 million (6.20 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.2 tons worth

23.7 thousand (130, 4 $/kg).


165. Cars with engine capacity of more than 1000 cm3, but not more than

1500 cm3 (code 870322 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $982.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 119 285 pieces worth $1134.5 million (9,510.5


The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Philippines 37 685 pieces worth $358.4 million (9510.5 $/pcs);

Saudi Arabia 23 312 pieces worth $221.7 million (9,510.6 $/pcs);

Japan 12 011 pieces worth $114.2 million (9510.6 $/pcs);

Malaysia 9,723 pieces worth $92.5 million (9,510.6 $/pcs);

Mexico 8,700 pieces worth $82.7 million (9511.1 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 13.83% and

final binding rate in the WTO 11.46%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $103.6 million. In 2016, the import

of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1,507 pieces worth $11.9 million (7880.7 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 448 pieces worth $4.3 million (9644.6 $/pcs);

Russia 380 pieces worth $3.8 million (9891.9 $/pcs);

Uzbekistan 576 pieces worth $2.6 million dollars (4548.3 $/pcs);

Turkey 72 pieces worth $657.6 thousand (9,133.4 $/pcs)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$772.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 4,471 pieces worth $59.9 million (13,397.2 $/pcs);

Uzbekistan 4 618 pieces worth $23.5 million (5096.6 $/pcs);

Hungary 1 782 pieces worth $22.5 million (12637.8 $/pcs);

China 1,290 pieces worth $17 million (13201.9 $/pcs);

Japan 4,925 pieces worth $14.8 million (3013.3 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 20 437 pieces worth $172.4 million (8434 $/pcs), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

166. Vehicles with a volume exceeding 1500 cm3, but not more than 3000

cm3 (code 870323 HS)


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $806.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 33,295 pieces worth $529.4 million (15,899.6 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Saudi Arabia 14,189 pieces worth $225.6 million (15899.6 $/pcs);

United Arab Emirates 2 598 pieces worth $41.3 million (15898.7 $/pcs);

Kuwait 2 353 pieces worth $37.4 million (15897.9 $/pcs);

Philippines 2,266 pieces worth $36 million (15,897.7 $/pcs);

Vietnam 1,917 pieces worth $30.5 million (15899.4 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 16.69% and

final binding rate in the WTO 12.9%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1,008.0 million. Meanwhile, in

2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 17,591 pieces worth $266.4

million (15142.3 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 2 pieces for $44.0 thousand (22,000.0


The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 12,730 pieces worth $168.9 million (13265.5 $/pcs);

Japan 2 316 pieces worth $48.5 million (20938.7 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Cars new with a carburetor internal combustion

engine, with a cylinder capacity of more than 1500 cu. cm.' volume of 8 190 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$6,460.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Japan 59,931 pieces worth $820.6 million (13692.7 $/pcs);

Germany 26 889 pieces worth $643.5 million (23930.7 $/pcs);

The USA 4 704 pieces worth $181.4 million (38570.9 $/pcs);

United Kingdom 5 566 pieces worth $162.8 million (29241.5 $/pcs);

Czech Republic 9 602 pieces worth $118.5 million (12346.2 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 128,655 pieces worth $2228.1 million (17,318.4 $/pcs), while from

Indonesia this product was not imported.


167. Other cars with an engine capacity of more than 1500 cm3, but not

more than 2500 cm3 (code 870332 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $215.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,023 pieces worth $19.5 million (19102.4 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Vietnam 604 pieces worth $11.5 million (19073.9 $/pcs);

Thailand 391 pieces worth $7.5 million (19081.8 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is on average 13% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10.72%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $9.6 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 172 pieces worth $3.2 million (18575.2 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 160 pieces worth $2.9 million (18069.3 $/pcs)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was $1

109.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 6 244 pieces worth $118.7 million (19009 $/pcs);

Spain 2,010 pieces worth $70.9 million (35267.3 $/pcs);

Sweden 2 400 pieces worth $67.4 million (28093.7 $/pcs);

United Kingdom 2,648 pieces worth $57.8 million (21,815.1 $/pcs);

South Korea 2,916 pieces worth $53 million (18,188.4 $/pcs);

Belgium 2,716 pieces worth $51.3 million (18889.6 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 22,435 pieces worth $473.9 million (21122.1 $/pcs), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

168. Other vehicles with an internal combustion engine with compression

ignition (diesel or semi-diesel) with an engine displacement of more than 2500 cm3

(code 870333 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia


According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $241.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 23,040 pieces worth $870.4 million (37,777.5 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Philippines 17 916 pieces worth $676.8 million (37774.3 $/pcs);

Thailand 2,435 pieces worth $92 million (37,771.5 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 13% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10.71%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of Education and Science, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the

average worth $12.7 million. In 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was

59 pieces worth $3 million (51,359.5 $/pcs). Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were

not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 50 pieces worth $2.5 million (50,996 $/pcs);

Germany 2 pieces worth $200.5 thousand (100 226.5 $/pcs);

Japan 4 pieces worth $170.9 thousand (42,720.0 $/pcs)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was $1

989.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Japan 25,972 pieces worth 866.7 million (33368.9 $/pcs);

The USA 7,239 worth USD 311.4 million (USD 43,013.9 $/pcs);

Germany 4 686 pieces worth $225.9 million (48204.4 $/pcs);

United Kingdom 4 524 pieces worth $198.5 million (43867.5 $/pcs);

Slovakia 3 580 pieces worth $137.4 million (38383.7 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 46,387 pieces for $1760.6 million (37,954.7 $/pcs), while from Indonesia this

product was not imported.

169. Other trucks with a total mass of not more than 5 tons (code 870431


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $116.4 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 3,856 pieces worth $39.7 million (10288.2 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:


Japan 3,291 pieces worth $33.9 million (2,090.5 $/pcs);

Malaysia 562 pieces worth $5.8 million (10285 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 12.86% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $86.4 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 1,996 pieces worth $26.8 million (13,442.9 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1,402 pieces worth $14 million (9,998.9 $/pcs);

Thailand 568 pieces worth $12.3 million (21715.9 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Trucks new with carburetor internal combustion

engines' of a volume of 0 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$57.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Poland 264 pieces worth $2.5 million (9625.4 $/pcs);

Germany 84 pieces worth $1.4 million (16,272.9 $/pcs);

Spain 233 pieces worth $1 million (4388.1 $/pcs);

United States 26 pieces worth $736.1 thousand (28 310.5 $/pcs);

China 283 pieces worth $566.2 thousand (2,000.6 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 993 pieces worth $6.7 million (6,787.9 $/pcs), while from Indonesia this product

was not imported.

170. Motorcycles (including mopeds) and bicycles with installed auxiliary

internal combustion engine with crank mechanism and engine working capacity

of more than 50 cm3, but not more than 250 cm (code 871120 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $233.2 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 458 441 pieces worth $392.2 million (855.5 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:


Philippines 201 604 pieces worth $172.5 million (855.5 $/pcs);

Thailand 75 495 pieces worth $64.6 million (855.5 $/pcs);

Japan 40,757 pieces worth $34.9 million (855.5 $/pcs);

Vietnam 34,418 pieces worth $29.4 million (855.5 $/pcs) Import needs of


The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 15.2% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 14%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $2.7 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 962 pieces worth $565.0 thousand (587.3 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 637 pieces worth $409.3 thousand (642.6 $/pcs);

China 284 pieces worth $120.6 thousand (424.6 $/pcs)

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$45.6 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 4 868 pieces worth $3.3 million (678.3 $/pcs);

Austria 228 pieces worth $952.2 thousand (4 176.4 $/pcs);

Japan 1,667 pieces worth $922.4 thousand (553.4 $/pcs);

India 841 pieces worth $900.5 thousand (1 070.8 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 7,896 pieces worth $6.6 million (841.4 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 111 pieces

worth $214.5 thousand (1,932, 4 $/pcs).


171. Other parts and accessories of bodies (including cabs) (code 870829


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016 Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $174.1 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 37,744.9 tons worth $251.3 million (6.66 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Thailand 12 808.6 tons worth $93 million dollars (7.26 $/kg);

Malaysia 5 426.3 tons worth $54.6 million (10.1 $/kg);

Philippines 7 678.2 tons worth $38.1 million (4.96 $/kg);

Vietnam 5,811.2 tons worth $28.8 million (4.95 $/kg);


Japan 1,906.7 tons worth $13.1 million (6.88 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 1.67% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 1.67%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $24.3 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 4 022.6 tons worth $15 million (3.72 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 873.6 tons worth $6.3 million dollars (7.24 $/kg);

South Africa 58.7 tons worth $2.22 million (37.8 $/kg);

Korea, Republic of 564.1 tons worth $1.8 million dollars (3.12 $/kg);

China 478.9 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (2.90 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Parts and accessories to car bodies' worth $4,456

thousand tenge.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$1,875.4 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Japan 32 989.1 tons worth $163.1 million (4.94 $/kg);

South Korea 31,449.0 tons worth $146.2 million (4.65 $/kg);

Germany 28 928.5 tons worth $143.2 million (4.95 $/kg);

China 20 464.8 tons worth $115.5 million (5.64 $/kg);

US 6,018.2 tons worth $92.4 million (15.4 $/kg);

Romania 19 598.8 tons worth $65.4 million (3.34 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 203,362.0 tons worth $1088.1 million (5.35 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.2 tons

worth 3.1 thousand (14.9 $/kg).

172. Transmission (code 870840 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $557.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 50,664.0 tons for $730.5 million (14.4 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:


Thailand 17,502.9 tons worth $216.1 million (12.3 $/kg);

Mexico 8 867.8 tons worth $148.5 million (16.7 $/kg);

Brazil 6 607.1 tons worth $106.3 million (16.1 $/kg);

Malaysia 6,379.7 tons worth $86.6 million (13.6 $/kg);

China 1 619.3 tons worth $39.3 million (24.3 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 1,875% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 1,875%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $28.0 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 2,212.0 tons worth $12.1 million (5.48 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 639.5 tons worth $4.3 million dollars (6.79 $/kg);

United States 45.4 tons worth $1.7 million (38.2 $/kg);

Belarus 349.0 tons worth $1.4 million dollars (4.00 $/kg);

China 247.3 tons worth $865.0 thousand (3.50 $/kg);

Germany 292.5 tons worth $790.1 thousand (2.70 $/kg);

South Africa 11.3 tons worth $708.9 thousand (62.9 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Automobile parts and accessories' worth KZT

350,615 thousand.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was $1

322.1 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 12 132.8 tons worth $185.8 million (15.3 $/kg);

South Korea 12,334.8 tons worth $115.9 million (9.40 $/kg);

Japan 8,658.5 tons worth $114.6 million (13.2 $/kg);

Romania 7 524.9 tons worth $83.3 million (11.1 $/kg);

France 4 931.9 tons worth $74.1 million (15 $/kg);

Czech Republic 6 528.5 tons worth $71.8 million (11 $/kg);

Mexico 3 966.8 tons worth $58.8 million (14.8 $/kg);

China 6 522.8 tons worth $50.6 million (7.76 $/kg).


Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 70,273.5 tons worth 883.8 million (12.6 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.0 tons worth

0.1 thousand (38.5 $/kg).

173. Axles leading with differential in the assembly or separately from other

transmission elements (code 870850 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $107.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 10 709.1 tons worth $112.4 million (10.5 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 2 510,1 tons for the sum 46,1 million (18,4 $/kg);

Great Britain 850,4 tons worth $15,7 million (18,4 $/kg);

Philippines 2 326.6 tons worth $13.9 million (5.98 $/kg);

Thailand 2,079.9 tons worth $13.3 million (6.41 $/kg);

China 450.9 tons worth $8.2 million dollars (18.3 $/kg);

Vietnam 1,048.0 tons worth $7 million (6.66 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 2.4% on average and

the final binding rate in the WTO are 2%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $23.9 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 4 534.8 tons worth $18.1 million (4.00 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 1,378.4 tons worth $5.9 million (4.26 $/kg);

China 828.4 tons worth $2.4 million dollars (2.87 $/kg);

United States 58.5 tons worth $1.8 million (30.3 $/kg);

Korea, Republic of 357.1 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (4.42 $/kg);

Belarus 208.5 tons worth $1.3 million dollars (6.13 $/kg);

Germany 951.9 tons worth $1.3 million dollars (1.31 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Automobile parts and accessories' worth KZT

350,615 thousand.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was



The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Germany 15 753.7 tons worth $106.9 million (6.79 $/kg);

China 10 086.1 tons worth $33.9 million (3.36 $/kg);

US 3,265.1 tons worth $32.5 million (9.95 $/kg);

Slovakia 6 225.0 tons worth $21 million (3.37 $/kg);

Japan 5 429.9 tons worth $20.2 million (3.72 $/kg);

South Korea 2 892.6 tons worth $19.6 million (6.79 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 55,209.6 tons worth 304.1 million (5.51 $/kg), while from Indonesia 0.1 tons worth

6.1 thousand (56.1 $/kg).

174. Horizontal wheels, parts and accessories (code 870870 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $277.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 61,621.7 tons worth $252.1 million (4.09 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan 37 789.8 tons worth $153.1 million dollars (4.05 $/kg);

Germany 5 941.8 tons worth $27.3 million (4.60 $/kg);

Thailand 7 658.2 tons worth $22.1 million (2.88 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 2.14% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 2.14%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $42.5 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 10,621.9 tons worth $22.2 million (2.09

$/kg). Import from Indonesia 1.5 tons worth $26.6 thousand (18.0 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 2,725.1 tons worth $8 million (2.93 $/kg);

China 2,700.7 tons worth $4.8 million (1.77 $/kg);

Germany 2,894.3 tons worth $2.2 million (0.75 $/kg);

Korea, the Republic of 193.1 tons worth $1.6 million dollars (8.42 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Automobile parts and accessories' worth KZT

350,615 thousand.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was


The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 88,199.7 tons worth $217.7 million (2.47 $/kg);

Germany 14 712.0 tons worth $85.6 million (5.82 $/kg);

Japan 24,494.3 tons worth $75.1 million (3.07 $/kg);

Slovakia 2 517.0 tons worth $31.4 million (12.5 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 164,977.3 tons worth 572.4 million (3.47 $/kg), while from Indonesia 68.9 tons

worth 619.1 thousand (8.98 $/kg).

175. Other parts of vehicles of inventory 8701-8705 (code 870899 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $271.3 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 52,200.4 tons worth $347.4 million (6.65 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Malaysia 18 138.8 tons worth $117.2 million (6.46 $/kg);

Thailand 15 568.9 tons worth $93.1 million (5.98 $/kg);

Japan 5 396.0 tons worth $31.6 million (5.85 $/kg);

Philippines 3 775.1 tons worth $25.8 million (6.82 $/kg);

India 2 218.6 tons worth $21.5 million (9.71 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 2% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 2%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $86.6 million. In 2016, the import of

the Republic of Kazakhstan was 17,871.3 tons worth $64.2 million (3.59 $/kg).

Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 14,144.8 tons worth $52.3 million (3.70 $/kg);

Belarus 1 246.1 tons worth $5.3 million (4.24 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Automobile parts and accessories' worth KZT

350,615 thousand.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$906.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Japan 35 519.1 tons worth $148.8 million (4.19 $/kg);

China 16,493.0 tons worth $67.8 million (4.11 $/kg);

Germany 9 605.2 tons worth $64.9 million (6.75 $/kg);

Romania 8 048.6 tons worth $55.3 million (6.87 $/kg);

The USA 3 491,8 tons for the sum 48,6 million (13,9 $/kg);

France 4 220.2 tons worth $46.1 million (10.9 $/kg);

South Korea 6 768.0 tons worth $42.1 million (6.22 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 112,044.3 tons worth 660million (5.89 $/kg), while from Indonesia 19.8 tons

worth 144.6 thousand (7, $30 $/kg).

176. Parts and accessories of motorcycles (including mopeds) (code 871410


Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $229.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 35,690.4 tons worth $331.9 million (9.30 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Philippines 14,870.5 tons worth $98 million (6.59 $/kg);

Malaysia 5 202.5 tons worth $54.9 million (10.6 $/kg);

Thailand 3,795.8 tons worth $36.3 million (9.56 $/kg);

Vietnam 1 977.5 tons worth $26.2 million (13.2 $/kg);

Brazil 2,377.9 tons worth $23.6 million (9.92 $/kg);

Singapore 161.4 tons worth $19 million (117.7 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 7.5% on average and

the final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of Education and Science, in 2012-2016 Kazakhstan imported goods on the

average worth $0.1 million. In 2016, the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was

35.8 tons worth $125.6 thousand (3.51 $/kg). Meanwhile, imports from Indonesia were

not carried out.

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 30.8 tons worth $68.4 thousand (2.22 $/kg);

Russia 1.9 tons worth $32.4 thousand (17.4 $/kg);

United States 2.5 tons worth $16.4 thousand (6.59 $/kg)


Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$16.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 727.7 tons worth $3.1 million dollars (4.27 $/kg);

Italy 39.5 tons worth $1 million (26.3 $/kg);

The USA 9,9 tons for the sum 587,3 thousand (59,3 $/kg);

other countries in Asia 59.7 tons worth $551.3 thousand (9.24 $/kg);

Japan 11.3 tons worth $538.6 thousand (47.6 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 883.1 tons worth $7.3 million dollars (8.27 $/kg), while from Indonesia 1.6 tons

worth 11.0 thousand ($7.01 $/kg).

177. Other parts and accessories to vehicles of headings 8711 8713 (code

871499 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on an average of $146.9 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 12,553.8 tons worth $90.3 million (7.19 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Singapore 11,027.0 tons worth $85.7 million (7.77 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 5% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1.0 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 281.8 tons for $1.1 million (3.82 $/kg).

Import from Indonesia 0.5 tons worth $3.3 thousand (6.84 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 246.3 tons worth $512.2 thousand (2.08 $/kg);

Russia 26.5 tons worth $470.1 thousand (17.7 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Parts and accessories of bicycles without engines

and wheelchairs' with a volume of 0 thousand tenge.


According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$31.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 5,613.6 tons worth $17.6 million (3.13 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total imports of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 5,929.9 tons worth $20.8 million (3.50 $/kg), while from Indonesia 57.1 tons

worth $800.1 thousand (14.0 $/kg).


178. Keyboard instruments, except accordions (code 920710 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $144.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was $156.6 million.

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

Japan $38.6 million;

Germany $31.1 million;

US $22.5 million;

China $12.3 million;

France $10.5 million

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 10% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 10%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $1.4 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 5,938 pieces worth $785.1 thousand

(132.2 $/pcs). Import from Indonesia 959 pieces for $238.9 thousand (249.1 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 4 540 pieces worth $400.7 thousand (88.3 $/pcs);

Indonesia 959 pieces worth $238.9 thousand (249.1 $/pcs);

Russia 156 pieces worth $70.1 thousand (449.5 $/pcs);

Korea, Republic of 218 pieces worth $55.8 thousand (255.8 / pcs)

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$32.8 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:


China 119 698 pieces worth $15.6 million (130.2 $/pcs);

Indonesia 6 704 pieces worth $4.4 million dollars (649.9 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 131,267 pieces worth $22 million (167.6 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 6 704

pieces worth $4.4 million (649.9) /PC).

179. Other furniture for sitting with wooden frame (code 940169 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average worth $214.6 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 12,249,034 pieces worth $286.3 million (23.4 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 5,015,608 pieces worth $117.2 million (23.4 $/pcs);

Germany 865 659 pieces worth $20.2 million (23.4 $/pcs);

Japan 623,700 pieces worth $14.6 million (23.4 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan is 15% on average and

the final binding rate in the WTO are 12.9405814237578%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $5.1 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 77,607 pieces worth $3 million (38.7

$/pcs). Import from Indonesia 2 564 pieces worth $15.9 thousand (6.21 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 45 566 pieces worth $1.7 million (36.6 $/pcs);

China 10 779 pieces worth $529.1 thousand (49.1 $/pcs);

Malaysia 8 895 pieces worth $189.9 thousand (21.3 $/pcs);

Turkey 2,242 pieces worth $189.5 thousand (84.5 $/pcs);

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Furniture made of wood, not included in other

groups' of 67,844 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$40.9 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 277,686 pieces worth $4.6 million (16.7 $/pcs);

Vietnam 90,153 pieces for $2.5 million (27.7 $/pcs);


Bulgaria 100 779 pieces worth $2.1 million (21.1 $/pcs);

Malaysia 58,900 pieces worth $1.7 million (29.6 $/pcs);

Ukraine 166 141 pieces worth $1.3 million dollars (8.12 $/pcs);

Italy 42 018 pieces worth $1.3 million (30.6 /pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 927 531 pieces for $17.9 million (19.3 $/pcs), while from Indonesia 39 726 pieces

worth $589.0 thousand (14, $8 $/pcs).

180. Wooden furniture type of bedroom (code 940350 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period of 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $156.0 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 1,639,886 pieces for $155 million (94.5 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

The USA 1 111 753 pieces for the sum 105,1 million (94,5 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 14.15% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 14.0%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $70.5 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 483,950 pieces worth $35 million (72.3

/pcs). Import from Indonesia 10 pieces for $3.22 thousand (318.0 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 376 640 pieces worth $16.5 million (43.9 $/pcs);

Belarus 34,166 pieces worth $7.4 million (216.7 $/pcs);

Ukraine 24,452 pieces worth $3.1 million (128.7 $/pcs);

China 7,724 pieces for $2.1 million (274.2 $/pcs);

Italy 5,084 pieces worth $2 million (389.3 $/pcs);

It is worth noting that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Wooden furniture for bedroom, dining room and living

room' with a volume of 411,146 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$138.7 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Italy 39 678 pieces worth $13.1 million (330.2 $/pcs);


China 47,396 pieces worth $10.3 million (216.6 $/pcs);

Poland 173,165 pieces worth $10.2 million (58.8 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 407 411 pieces worth $49.2 million (120.8 $/pcs), while from Indonesia, 2,087

pieces worth $338.9 thousand (162, 4 $/pcs).

181. Other wooden furniture (code 940360 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market at an average of $783.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 11,002,331 pieces worth $745.1 million (67.7 $/pcs).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US 4,225,519 pieces for $286.2 million (67.7 $/pcs);

Japan 1,439,435 pieces worth $97.5 million (67.7 $/pcs);

France 676,068 pieces worth $45.8 million (67.7 $/pcs)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan averages 14,2% and final

binding rate in the WTO 12,7%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $120.5 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 704 487 pieces worth $62.4 million (88.5

$/pcs). Import from Indonesia 394 pieces worth 84.8 thousand (215.3 $/pcs).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

Russia 452 471 pieces worth $25.5 million (56.3 $/pcs);

Belarus 81 569 pieces worth $7.7 million (94 $/pcs);

Italy 8,398 pieces worth $6.9 million (823.7 $/pcs);

China 35,140 pieces for $5.4 million (153.9 $/pcs);

Ukraine 60 862 pieces worth $5.3 million (87.2 $/pcs);

It is worth noting that in Kazakhstan, according to the Committee on Statistics

of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2016, products

were produced under the name 'Wooden furniture for bedroom, dining room and living

room' with a volume of 411,146 pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was

$438.3 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

Italy 311,182 pieces worth $48.9 million (157.3 $/pcs);


China 415,260 pieces worth $32.8 million (79 $/pcs);

Poland 366 296 pieces worth $18.6 million (50.7 $/pcs);

Germany 49,611 pieces for $11.9 million (239.8 $/pcs);

Spain 21 564 pieces worth $9.2 million (428.8 $/pcs).

Meanwhile, the total imports of the countries of EAEU from other countries in

2016 was 1,751,004 pieces for $181.2 million (103.5 $/pcs), while from Indonesia,

15,730 pieces worth $2.2 million (137, $6 $/pcs).

182. Toys on wheels; dolls; model in a reduced amount (code 950300 HS)

Export opportunities in Indonesia

According to UN Comtrade, for the period 2012-2016, Indonesia exported the

commodity in question to the world market on average for a total of $359.7 million.

Meanwhile, in 2016, exports was 22,602.1 tons worth $282.3 million (12.5 $/kg).

The following countries are the main consumers in 2016:

US $8,702.9 tons worth $100.4 million (11.5 $/kg);

Singapore 779.5 tons worth $40.7 million (52.2 $/kg);

United Kingdom 2,264.1 tons worth $23.2 million (10.3 $/kg);

Germany 982.7 tons worth $16 million (16.2 $/kg)

Import needs of Kazakhstan

The current import duty on this product in Kazakhstan on average is 8.4% and

final binding rate in the WTO are 5%.

Meanwhile, according to the data of State Revenue Committee of the Ministry

of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Statistics of the

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in 2012-2016

Kazakhstan imported goods on the average worth $78.4 million. Meanwhile, in 2016,

the import of the Republic of Kazakhstan was 19,279.5 tons worth $71.2 million (3.69

$/kg). Imports from Indonesia 6.1 tons worth $184.6 thousand (30.4 $/kg).

The main suppliers to the market of Kazakhstan of this product in 2016 are such

countries as:

China 15,406.1 tons worth $36.9 million (2.40 $/kg);

Russia 3 316.1 tons worth $30.8 million (9.28 $/kg)

It should be noted that in Kazakhstan, according to the data of the Committee on

Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2016

produced products under the name 'Toys on wheels intended for children's riding;

strollers for dolls' volume of 86 thousand pieces.

Import requirements of the rest of the EAEU countries

According to UN Comtrade, the average annual import of this product to the

countries of EAEU (excluding RK and mutual trade) for the period 2012-2016 was $1

154.2 million.

The geography of imports of the commodity in question into the countries of the

Eurasian Economic Union in 2016 looks as follows:

China 96,779.9 tons worth $748.1 million (7.73 $/kg);


Czech Republic 2 162.4 tons worth $60.7 million (28.1 $/kg).

Meanwhile, the total import of EAEU countries from other countries in 2016

was 114,761.7 tons worth 983 million (8.57 $/kg), while from Indonesia 755.3 tons

worth $13.5 million (17, 9 $/kg).

Section 6. Conducting expert interviews of Kazakhstan companies

cooperating with Indonesian companies

In order to obtain data on the current practice of importing Indonesian goods to

the Kazakhstan market, including identifying existing barriers, faced by entrepreneurs,

a survey was conducted.

The survey was conducted in the form of an interview by phone. The survey was

carried out by those companies, that import the products of greatest interest and the

largest imports in Kazakhstan. Companies, that have been interviewed, as well as their

products are listed in Annex 1.

As a result of the survey, it can be noted that all the companies surveyed import

Indonesian products to the territory of Kazakhstan from the Russian Federation. At the

same time, according to the information available to them, there are no obstacles or

barriers for companies from the side of Indonesia.

Given that Kazakhstan does not have access to the ocean, this means that trade

actors depend on the transport infrastructure of neighboring countries when carrying

out trade with Indonesia. The most important transit countries for the companies

surveyed are the Russian Federation and China.

The most preferred mode of transport for companies is rail transport; followed

by the automobile transport. Air transport is not used for delivery of goods. None of

the companies reported, that they use port facilities for transportation through Russia

and China.

One of the problems with the import of the company's products was the need to

prepare and submit additional documents, in addition to the quantity, that is necessary

for customs clearance. Companies reported that a large number of documents for the

purposes of customs clearance of cargo has a negative impact on costs (temporary and

financial). The number of documents varies depending on the nature of the goods.

Companies have also identified certain procedures, that require a large amount

of time. In particular, trade entities importing products, subject to quarantine control,

complained of a lengthy procedure for meeting the requirements for imported food.

According to this procedure, the trade entity must submit phytosanitary certificates to

the Ministry of Agriculture, issued by the official state organizations of the exporting

country, dealing with quarantine or plant protection issues. This process takes 1-2

weeks. In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture may request additional documents,

describing the production process, i.e. what kind of processing, where and by whom

did the goods pass.

Companies also stated, that they encountered significant delays in the process of

customs clearance of goods due to lack of documents or incorrectness of their filling.

In addition, companies state that delays are inevitable when the declaration of


compliance, issued by the exporting country, is not recognized. In such cases, the

subject of trade must obtain a declaration of conformity (or a certificate of conformity)

with the accredited conformity assessment body; this declaration is issued after the

procedure, which can take up to 30 working days.

As a result, it can be noted that in order to simplify trade procedures, as well as

remove existing barriers to trade, it is necessary to improve the infrastructure of land

transport, that is, railways and highways. Companies reported a number of obstacles,

that can be addressed through: (i) accelerating the pace of liberalization of the transport

sector in public-private partnerships; (ii) further development of infrastructure, with

particular emphasis on improving the capacity of railways at key border crossings with

China. It is also important to increase the capacity of storage facilities in cities, that are

located at major railway junctions, as well as to increase the number and volume of

rolling stock supply.

Consideration should be given to reducing the documentation requirements.

Despite the fact, that Kazakhstan has come a long way in modernizing customs

administration, there is still a need for additional efforts to reduce the requirements for

documentation. This will also require a rethinking of the information management

system, so that traders provide information only once, in order to avoid the re-entry of

the same data, or at least to reduce duplication to a minimum.

It is necessary to improve border control and especially coordination between

border agencies, it is necessary to strengthen inter-agency coordination at the borders,

as well as to simplify, streamline and standardize border crossing procedures.

There is also a need for further development of the system of standardization,

technical regulation and quality control. The need for further harmonization of existing

conformity assessment procedures and technical regulations, in particular in the field

of safety requirements.

Section 7. Free Trade Agreements

A free trade area is a theoretical concept of creation of the trade bloc, member-

states of which signed a free trade agreement that eliminates tariffs, import quotas and

preferences on most (if not all) of goods and services traded between the countries.

Classical international free trade agreements presuppose the elimination of tariff

and non-tariff, primarily quantitative, barriers in the mutual trade of goods, while each

of the member-state maintains its own system of trade regulation with third countries.

Through free trade areas, the access to strategic markets is addressed, so the

geographical proximity of partners is often unnecessary. In contrast to more complex

forms of international integration, which in principle imply the existence of common


Unlike the customs union, members of the free trade area do not have a common

external tariff, that is, they have different quotas and traditions, as well as different

policies for countries that are not members of the FTA. In order to avoid tariff evasion

(through reverse exportation), countries use the system of certification of origin of

goods, mostly named "rules of origin", where indicated the need for a minimum degree

of local material costs and local transformations to add value to the goods. Only goods


that meet these minimum requirements are eligible for special treatment provided for

in the free trade area.

Arrangements under the GATT/WTO form a multilateral system of basic

requirements for the formation and functioning of free trade areas. Firstly, the WTO

allows the creation of such area as an exception to the most-favored-nation treatment

(along with the creation of customs unions, cross-border trade, trade preferences for

less developed countries). In these cases, the participating countries have more

favorable conditions for the development of mutual trade in comparison with the

conditions for third countries.

Secondly, the transition to free trade should stimulate trade between these

countries and not create additional barriers for third countries.

Thirdly, free trade of goods shall be mutual and cover the bulk of trade between

the parties, including the main sectors of economic activity.

Free trade areas differ among themselves on a number of essential parameters,

namely: 1) the number of participating countries, 2) the comparative size of national

economies of countries, 3) the different levels of economic development, 4) the sectoral

and commodity coverage of the regime, 5) the nature of the impact on the national

economy, 6) the duration of the period of transition to free trade, 7) the degree of real

economic interdependence of countries, 8) the role of the political factor, 9) traditions,

values, norms of the regional integration process.

World economic practice confirms, overall, the positive nature of the influence

of free trade on the socio-economic development of the participating countries. At the

same time, the mutually beneficial transition to a new model of cooperation does not

necessarily imply the same benefits. The volumes and ratios of the static and dynamic

effects that arise for individual countries differ, which is due to differences in

production structures and mutual trade, the efficiency of resource use, the ability of the

producers of countries to adapt to the new terms of trade.

Nowadays, Kazakhstan is party to eight Free Trade Agreements with countries

such as Armenia, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Serbia, CIS countries,

and Vietnam.

It should be noted that unlike other agreements, the agreement with Vietnam was

concluded by Kazakhstan as part of the Eurasian Economic Union. Thus, the

participants in this agreement are Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Armenia and

Kyrgyzstan on the one side, and Vietnam, on the other.

In addition, at present Kazakhstan participates in negotiations on the conclusion

of free trade agreements with such states as Iran, Singapore, Israel, Serbia, India and

Egypt. All these agreements at different stages are negotiated within the framework of

the EAEU and its member-states on the one side, and other countries, on the second


At the same time, taking into account that within the framework of the EAEU

the Common Customs Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union and other common

measures regulating foreign trade with third parties, a common trade regime to

relations with third parties; Common customs regulations are applied, as well as free

movement of goods between the territories of the member-states is ensured without the


use of customs declarations and state control (transport, sanitary, veterinary-sanitary,

phytosanitary quarantine), the Union have the right to engage in international

cooperation with states, international organizations, and international integration

associations and independently or jointly with the member-states conclude

international treaties.

In accordance with the Article 35 “Free Trade Regime” of the EAEU Treaty,

The free trade regime within the meaning of GATT 1994 shall be applied to trade with

a third party on the basis of an international treaty of the Union with such third party

subject to the provisions of Article 102 of this Treaty, where it says that the member-

states may unilaterally grant preferences in trade with a third party on the basis of an

international treaty concluded by the respective member-state with such a third party

before 1 January 2015 or an international treaty to which all the member-states are


Thus, today the conclusion of bilateral free trade agreements between

Kazakhstan and a third country is impossible.

Section 8. Exhibitions

Kazakhstan is attractive for foreign companies that develop their business, due

to the convenient geographical location, strong economy and favorable investment


Exhibitions held in Kazakhstan are an excellent platform where you can present

the most advanced products and the best services of our time, as well as get acquainted

with the products of local and world producers. Annually, from the beginning of March

to the end of November, a large number of international exhibitions are held in

Kazakhstan, in which companies from all over the world take part, thereby setting the

export and import and improve production and service.

So, the list of the main exhibitions held in Kazakhstan includes:

- Kazakhstan International Building and Interior Exhibition

"KazBuild/WorldBuild Almaty";

- International Exhibition of Household and Industrial Equipment for Heating,

Water Supply, Sanitary Ware, Conditioning and Ventilation "Aquatherm Almaty";

- Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Technologies and Equipment for

Metalworking" "MetalTech";

- Central Asian International Exhibition and Forum "Mining Equipment, Mining

and Enrichment of Ores and Minerals" "MiningWorld Central Asia";

- Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Road and Industrial Construction,

Communal Engineering" Kazcomak;

- Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition "AstanaLeisure";

- International Exhibition and Conference "Oil and Gas" "KIOGE Kazakhstan";

- International Exhibition of Food and Processing Industry "KazFood";

- Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Power Engineering, Electrical

Engineering and Power Machine Building" "Power Kazakhstan";


- Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Renewable Energy Sources, Energy

Saving, Energy Efficiency and Resource Saving" "ReEnergy Kazakhstan";

- Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Lighting, Lighting Technology and LED

Technologies" "Lighting Kazakhstan";

- International exhibitions of agriculture "KazAgro/KazFarm";

- Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Transport and Logistics"


- Central Asian International Exhibition "Cold Storage, Transportation and

Service for Cold Logistics" "ColdChain Kazakhstan";

- Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Cleaning and cleaning products,

equipment for dry cleaners and laundries, cleaning equipment" "CleanExpo


- Central Asian International Exhibition "Everything for Hotels, Restaurants,

Supermarkets" "HOREX";

- Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Packaging, Tare, Label and Printing"

"KazUpack Kazakhstan";

- Central Asian International Exhibition "Agriculture" "AgroWorld


- Central-Asian International Exhibition "Food Industry" "WorldFood


- Kazakhstan International Industrial Exhibition "Machine Building, Machine-

Tool Building and Automation" "MachExpo";

- Kazakhstan International Exhibition and Conference "Nuclear Power and

Industry" "KazAtomExpo".



As a result of the conducted analytical work, it can be noted that excellent

relations have been established between Kazakhstan and Indonesia both politically and

diplomatically, both in trade and economic terms. This is confirmed by official visits

of representatives of both states since Kazakhstan gained independence.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, a number of visits by high-

ranking government officials have taken place, which have developed and strengthened

mutual relations.

In addition, interaction and support between Kazakhstan and Indonesia is carried

out within the framework of international organizations such as EXPO, UNESCO,

ASEM, ICAO, International Fund for Agricultural Development, etc.

At the same time, in order to strengthen and develop trade relations, the meetings

of authorized bodies of the two countries, as well as representatives of business, were

held, within which business dialogues were established.

If we consider bilateral trade relations between Kazakhstan and Indonesia, first

of all it should be noted that by the end of 2016 Kazakhstan took 127th position in

terms of trade turnover among the other countries with which Indonesia carries out

trade operations.

Despite this, in recent years there has been a positive development of bilateral

trade and economic cooperation. So, the commodity turnover in the end of 2015

increased by 27.6% compared to 2014. However, according to the results of 2016, the

turnover decreased by 61.2%.

The largest items of Kazakhstan's import in 2016 were: plastic pipes and tubes,

tin, tea, cargo ships, palm oil, soap and coconut oil.

In addition, the trade in goods, in addition to non-tariff regulation, is heavily

influenced by customs duties, levied on imported products.

Taking into account that Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic

Union, most of the issues of trade regulation are transferred to a supranational level, in

connection with which there is a single regulation, operating in the territories of all five

member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union.

In addition, within the framework of the Union, freedom of movement of goods,

services, capital and labor is ensured, as well as a coordinated or unified policy in key

sectors of the economy.

Customs and tariff regulation within the framework of EAEU is carried out in

accordance with the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union, the basis of which is the

Common Customs Tariff of the EAEU.

The rates of import customs duties were approved by the EEC Council Decision

dated July 16, 2012 No.54 "On Approval of the Single Commodity Nomenclature for

Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union and the Unified Customs

Tariff of the Eurasian Economic Union".

At the same time, in accordance with the Protocol on Kazakhstan's accession to

the WTO, the Republic of Kazakhstan applies the rates of import customs duties for

some types of goods, which are lower in comparison with the rates of the CCT of the



In addition, in accordance with the tariff obligations of the Republic of

Kazakhstan, the WTO provides for an annual reduction in the amount of import

customs duties for certain types of goods during the transition period.

In addition, Kazakhstan applies tariff quotas, tariff benefits and tariff


The main measures of non-tariff regulation are the application of rules for

determining the origin of goods, customs procedures, sanitary, veterinary and

quarantine phytosanitary measures, as well as technical regulation measures.

In addition, during the analysis, in order to determine the export of Indonesian

goods to Kazakhstan, the export opportunities of Indonesia and the import

requirements of both the Republic of Kazakhstan and other member-states of the

Eurasian Economic Union were compared.

In the course of the comparative analysis, the possibility of increasing supplies

of 182 goods on 6 digits of HS codes on the market of Kazakhstan or other countries of

the Eurasian Economic Union was considered, among which there are both already

imported goods from Indonesia, and goods, the import of which from Indonesia was

not observed during the period of 2012-2016.

It should be noted that these goods have the greatest export potential for entering

the market of the EAEU countries.

In order to develop trade, Kazakhstan is working on creating of logistics centers.

These centers will be distributed throughout the country, including special economic

zones, airports and transport stations. An example of the centers, that will be created

in special economic zones, can be the center located in the special economic zone

"Khorgos - Eastern Gate" in the eastern part of Almaty region on the border with China.

The logistics center will be a so-called dry port for temporary storage of semi-finished

products for the purposes of further production or sale in the domestic market and

regional markets.

In addition, one of the options for increasing the export of Indonesian products

to the Kazakhstan market is the possibility of replacing similar products, imported by

Kazakhstan from other countries. But given the geographical remoteness of Indonesia

from Kazakhstan, transportation and logistics costs will play an important role in

reducing the cost of production.

In order to reduce such costs, it is advisable to consider the possibility of using

the Iranian port of Bander Abbas, as well as the Kazakhstan terminal in the Chinese

port of Lianyungang and the Khorgos Free Economic Zone as alternative transport and

logistics messages between Kazakhstan and Indonesia.

Another option for increasing trade between countries is the possibility of

concluding a free trade agreement, within the framework of which provision is made

for eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers in the mutual trade of goods.

However, due to the fact, that Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Economic

Union, which has a Common Customs Tariff and Unified Non-Tariff Regulation,

operating in the territories of all EAEU member-states, negotiations on a free trade

agreement will need to be conducted with the Union and its member-states. But if it is


concluded, Indonesian companies will have access to a huge market with a population

of over 180 million people.

Furthermore, in August 09, 2017 Minister for investment and macroeconomy of

the Eurasian Economic Commission Tatyana Valovaya and the Minister of Trade of

the Republic of Indonesia Enggartiasto Lukita supported the idea on signing the

Memorandum on Mutual Understanding between the EEC and the Government of


“Development of relations with Indonesia responds to interests of all participants

of the process, and I completely support it. We are ready to development of cooperation

both in bilateral format with the Indonesian government, and multilateral format of the

EAEU - ASEAN”, Tatyana Valovaya informed.

Annex 1

Companies that were interviewed and their products

No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity


1 Battery for urinal (bidet) of the wash-

hand basin CR-P2 AP LTD LLP

Almaty, Toraigyrov st., 19a,

Residential Complex "Tole

bi Tau", entrance 6, office

340, tel: +77272240846,

web-site: apltd.satu.kz



2 Battery 2016 Auto shop and

Automation for gates

Almaty, Gagarin st., 215a,

tel: +77273292269, web-site:




3 Rechargeable battery KNB29N for

Kenwood radio station Asia Steel LLP

Almaty, Kopernik st., 124g,

3rd floor, office 3, tel:

+77279834626, web-site:




4 Lithium battery Energizer, CR2032,

blister, 2 pcs. (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/



5 Alkaline battery Sony, AAA, LR03,

blister, 12 pcs. Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/



6 Engine cooling radiator Pajero V-3.5 V6





Astana, Bogenbai avenue,

house 56 VP-13, tel:

+77172442294, web-site:


auto parts

7 Transmission filter Elvent - auto parts

8 Air filter Pajero 2, 4D56




Astana, Bogenbai avenue,

house 56 VP-13, tel:

+77172442294, web-site:


auto parts

9 Cabin filter Suzuki Grand Vitara H25A





Astana, Bogenbai avenue,

house 56 VP-13, tel:

+77172442294, web-site:


auto parts

10 Air filter Elvent - auto parts

11 Cabin filter Pajero 4




Astana, Bogenbai avenue,

house 56 VP-13, tel:

+77172442294, web-site:


auto parts

12 Air filter Elvent - auto parts

13 Fuel filter Pajero Junior H57A




Astana, Bogenbai avenue,

house 56 VP-13, tel:

+77172442294, web-site:


auto parts

14 Generator belt OUTLANDER XL





Astana, Bogenbai avenue,

house 56 VP-13, tel:

+77172442294, web-site:


auto parts

15 Air filter GALANT DJ1A




Astana, Bogenbai avenue,

house 56 VP-13, tel:

+77172442294, web-site:


auto parts

16 Hydraulic filter Elvent - auto parts

17 Air filter PAJERO 3




Astana, Bogenbai avenue,

house 56 VP-13, tel:

+77172442294, web-site:


auto parts

18 Rear drum brake pads HIACE RZH114




Astana, Bogenbai avenue,

house 56 VP-13, tel:

+77172442294, web-site:


auto parts

19 auto parts LLP

"AUTOCAPITAL" Almaty, Stasova, 102 auto parts

20 Wicker basket LK 13 C Vista Rattan IE tel: +77714527533, web-site:

rattan.satu.kz basket


No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity



Back bush Shimano RM35, 36 ot, 8/9sk,

under the disc C.Lock, QR (eccentric),

color black

Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bicycle


22 Chain Shimano NX10, 114 links, 1

speed, 1/2x1/8 Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/



23 Pedals Shimano M530, SPD, with spikes,

color white Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/



24 Brake disc Shimano RT20, 160 mm,

C.Lock, only for seam decks Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/



25 Calipers mechanical Shimano BR-M375,

front/rear, plastic pads, color black Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/



26 Cassette Shimano HG31, 8sk, 11-32T Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bicycle


27 Brake pads Shimano, for a disk t., B01S,

plate for BRT615 Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/




Shimano Altus system, M311, square,

170 mm, 42/32 / 22T, with protection,

silver color

Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bicycle


29 Switch rear Shimano Altus M310, 7/8sk,

color black Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/




Shifter with brake lever Shimano

Tourney EF41, 3x7sk, cable+braiding,

black color

Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bicycle


31 Necklace A white bud (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

32 Necklace Mother of pearl (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

33 Necklace Cosmo red (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

34 Necklace Blue bud (set of 3 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

35 Necklace Pink bud (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

36 Necklace Blueness (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

37 Necklace Pink (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

38 Necklace Cosmo orange (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

39 Necklace Cosmo green (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

40 Necklace Cosmo blue (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

41 Necklace Bud (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ bijouterie

42 Candle "Rattan Round" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



43 The set of candles "Damask Red" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



44 Candle "Twine 10 Wood" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



45 Wall clock "Daniel" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



46 Sneakers for women Saucony Kinvara 8 OK Sport LLP Almaty, Abay avenue, house

159/2, tel: +77772799389



47 Sneakers for men Saucony Kinvara 8 OK Sport LLP Almaty, Abay avenue, house

159/2, tel: +77772799389



48 Sneakers for men Saucony Guide 10 OK Sport LLP Almaty, Abay avenue, house

159/2, tel: +77772799389




Boxers High-Top Competition Everlast

(527 8.5 WH, 1 200, 41, Indonesia,


OK Sport LLP Almaty, Abay avenue, house

159/2, tel: +77772799389




Boxers Low-Top Competition Everlast

(501 10 WH, 1 200, 42.5, Indonesia,


OK Sport LLP Almaty, Abay avenue, house

159/2, tel: +77772799389




No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity



Boxers Low-Top Competition Everlast

(501 10.5 BK, 1 200, 43, Indonesia,


OK Sport LLP Almaty, Abay avenue, house

159/2, tel: +77772799389




Boxers High-Top Competition Everlast

(527 10 BK, 1 200, 42.5, Indonesia,


OK Sport LLP Almaty, Abay avenue, house

159/2, tel: +77772799389



53 Hook-face keds Converse All-Star black

size 37, 38, 39, 40 Youmarket.kz

Almaty, district Koktem 3,

house 17, tel:





54 Sneakers Nike Air Max Internet shop of sport

goods Looqsports.com

Almaty, cross section of

Gagarin-Berezovskogo st.s,

tel: +77712064671, web-site:




55 Sneakers Adidas Superstar "Tripple


CLUB100 - Sneakers

of Almaty.


Almaty, Abay avenue, house

4, Trading House

"SimPhony", tel:

+77273454022, web-site:




56 Football shields PUMA with ankle Internet shop of sport

goods Sportsatu.kz

Almaty, Dosmukhamedova

st., 13, tel: +77273671262,

web-site: Sportsatu.kz



57 Adidas ZX700 B24842 i-mag tel: +77071553355 clothing,


58 Sneakers Nike Cortez red size 45


sneakers in stock and

on order in Almaty

Almaty, district Koktem 3,

house 17, tel:





59 Nike Sneakers for men Internet shop of sport

goods Looqsports.com

Almaty, cross section of

Gagarin-Berezovskogo st.s,

tel: +77712064671, web-site:




60 Keds Nike Black freestyle1.kz sneakers

in Almaty

Almaty, Zhandosov st.,

34/106, tel: +77074043469,

web-site: freestyle1.kz



61 Sneakers Adidas ZX 750 suede in stock

39 -40 Youmarket.kz

Almaty, district Koktem 3,

house 17, tel:





62 Football shields PUMA Internet shop of sport

goods Sportsatu.kz

Almaty, Dosmukhamedova

st., 13, tel: +77273671262,

web-site: Sportsatu.kz



63 Adidas ZX700 B24839 i-mag tel: +77071553355 clothing,


64 Keds Converse Low red high size 42 Youmarket.kz

Almaty, district Koktem 3,

house 17, tel:





65 Sneakers Nike Free Inneva Woven


CLUB100 - Sneakers

of Almaty.


Almaty, Abay avenue, house

4, Trading House

"SimPhony", tel:

+77273454022, web-site:




66 diaper Sweety Pantz Gold S36 (3-6kg) Internet shop My

lovely baby

Almaty, Saina st., 52b, tel:

+77006060806, web-site:





No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity


67 Sneakers Adidas Ultra Boost white 42-43


sneakers in stock and

on order in Almaty

Almaty, district Koktem 3,

house 17, tel:





68 T-short Atletico Madrid for children Internet shop of sport

goods ForSport

Almaty, tel: +77078282840,

web-site: forsport.kz



69 Centipede adidas Predator Absolado

Instinct TF 2014

Sport goods store


Astana, Seifulin st., 41, tel:

+77172996921, web-site:




70 Adidas beckenbauer i-mag tel: +77071553355 clothing,


71 Sneakers New Balance 574

CLUB100 - Sneakers

of Almaty.


Almaty, Abay avenue, house

4, Trading House

"SimPhony", tel:

+77273454022, web-site:




72 Diapers Sweety Comfort Gold L 44 (8-


Internet shop My

lovely baby

Almaty, Saina st., 52b, tel:

+77006060806, web-site:




73 T-short Paris(blue) for kids Internet shop of sport

goods ForSport

Almaty, tel: +77078282840,

web-site: forsport.kz



74 Ski boots XC Comfort Pro Silver, size 37 Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ clothing,


75 Mini handbag from python leather Pythonomania

Astana, Beibitshilik st., 64A,

tel: +77019108870, web-site:




76 Items made of genuine python leather. A

wide range of colors. Pythonomania

Astana, Beibitshilik st., 64A,

tel: +77019108870, web-site:




77 Wallet made of genuine python leather Pythonomania

Astana, Beibitshilik st., 64A,

tel: +77019108870, web-site:




78 Coffee Copi Luvak Indonesia




Almaty, Nauryzbay Batyr

avenue, 108, office 104/10,

tel: +77273453452, web-site:



cocoa, tea

79 Coffee Robusta Indonesia Flores




Almaty, Nauryzbay Batyr

avenue, 108, office 104/10,

tel: +77273453452, web-site:



cocoa, tea

80 Cocoa powder alkalized GR76 "Сargill"

Indonesia (25 kg)

Supermarket for



Almaty, Raimbek st 214/1,

tel: +77077510157; web-site:



cocoa, tea

81 Cocoa powder 8% "Sweet Stories" LLP

Astana, Orlykol st., 10a,

Technopark, shop №4,

Zhanibek Kerei st., 22,

Residential Complex "Olimp

Palace 2", tel:

+77084250837, web-site:



cocoa, tea

82 Coconut-Ginger Drink Nuitva 250 g Nutiva

Almaty, Shevchenko st.,

165b, office 218, tel:

+77086909313, web-site:



cocoa, tea

83 Mosaic from a natural stone Stone Age of Almaty


Almaty, Gogol st., 180/2, tel:




84 Shampoo Henna With Conditioner

(Black TANCHO, 200ml, Indonesia)

Internet shop "The

world of purchases" - cosmetics


No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity


85 Natural deodorant - crystal Alunite


"TVBOOM" World of

Useful Goods

Almaty, district Orbita 3,

Mustafina st., house 5b,

Trading House "Nur",

botique №13, tel:

+77074137082, web-site:



86 Shining Shampoo Black Emeron for dark

hair, 1l Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ cosmetics

87 Accumulators BL-5 Dream Market

Almaty, Saptayev st., 88A/1,

office 26, tel:

+77082401040, web-site:




88 Audio unit JVC KW-V230BT CarLand tel: +77714009555 electrical


89 Cartridge C13T596100 Stylus Pro

7900/9900/7700/9700 (Black) 350ml Alianza.kz

Almaty, Abylai Khan st.,

house 58 A/1, tel:

+77122950195, web-

site: Alianza.kz



90 Wireless keyboard Lenovo, Almaty Store "Computer and


Almaty, Dzhandosov st., 17,

shop "Computer I ya";

market "Rahat", line 6,

botique 125, tel:

+77272750877, web-site:




91 Set with interactive set-top- box VA1020

NTV plus GloboTechProm OOO

Russia, Chelyabinsk, M.

Raskovoi st., house 6, tel:

+79085811417, web-site:




92 Audio unit JVC KW-V620BTM CarLand tel: +77714009555 electrical



Cartridge C13T596300 Stylus Pro

7900/9900/7700/9700 (Vivid Magenta)



Almaty, Abylai khan avenue,

58А/1, tel: +77273505024,






CONVERTER ATV212 7.5 kW 480V


Firm WGM LLP tel: +77272210126 electrical


95 Cartridge C13T596500 Stylus Pro

7900/9900 (Light Cyan) 350ml Alianza.kz

Almaty, Abylai khan avenue,

58А/1, tel: +77273505024,




96 Audio unit JVC KD-X40 Kolesnikov IE

Almaty, Tole bi st., 278, tel:

+77014999966, web-site:




97 Cartridge C13T596600 Stylus Pro

7900/9900 (Vivid Light Magenta) 350ml Alianza.kz

Almaty, Abylai khan avenue,

58А/1, tel: +77273505024,





ATV312H075N4 Frequency converter

Altivar 312, power 0.75 kW, 3-phase

voltage 380-500 V

Firm WGM LLP tel: +77272210126 electrical


99 Cartridge C13T636400 Stylus Pro

7900/9900/7700/9700 (Yellow) 700ml Alianza.kz

Almaty, Abylai khan avenue,

58А/1, tel: +77273505024,




100 Bass combo GregBennett SBA30 Department Internet

shop DM-Market

Almaty, Makatayev st., 129,

office 22



101 YAMAHA MG166CX-USB Musical instruments

store artmusical

Almaty, Zhibek Zholy

avenue, 70, Trading House

"Passage", 1st floor, botique

101/2, tel: +77029804111,

web-site: artmusical.kz




No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity



DC CURRENT Firm WGM LLP tel: +77272210126



103 Kenwood DDX615WBTM Internet shop of goods

for car. tel: +77089698935 electronics

104 Fabrics for the floors Micro, with natural

bamboo and cotton fiber, 420x580 mm Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ fabrics

105 Octopus with head, whole, raw peeled

Morocco SeaFood Group LLP

Almaty, Suyunbay avenue,

461; Astana, Beisekbayeva

st., 32, tel: +77762164606,

web-site: seafood-group.kz


106 Tuna fillet AAA (800 g) SeaFood Group LLP

Almaty, Suyunbay avenue,

461; Astana, Beisekbayeva

st., 32, tel: +77762164606,

web-site: seafood-group.kz


107 Tuna fillet (Eloufin) AAA SeaFood Group LLP

Almaty, Suyunbay avenue,

461; Astana, Beisekbayeva

st., 32, tel: +77762164606,

web-site: seafood-group.kz


108 Tuna fillet (Eloufin) AA SeaFood Group LLP

Almaty, Suyunbay avenue,

461; Astana, Beisekbayeva

st., 32, tel: +77762164606,

web-site: seafood-group.kz


109 Octopus Baby with head peeled 41/60 SeaFood Group LLP

Almaty, Suyunbay avenue,

461; Astana, Beisekbayeva

st., 32, tel: +77762164606,

web-site: seafood-group.kz


110 Cinnamon sticks, 20 g, Indonesia

Supermarket for



Almaty, Raimbek st 214/1,

tel: +77077510157; web-site:




111 Cinnamon ground Indonesia

Supermarket for



Almaty, Raimbek st 214/1,

tel: +77077510157; web-site:




112 Nutmeg Indonesia Meridyan tel: +77017510355, web-site:




113 Dessicated coconut "Fine" and

"Medium" produced in Indonesia LEGIO CHOCO

Karaganda, Serova st., house

72, tel: +77017848113, web-

site: legio-choco.satu.kz



114 Dessicated coconut - Medium

Supermarket for



Almaty, Raimbek st 214/1,

tel: +77077510157; web-site:




115 Dessicated coconut fine Medium 25kg

Supermarket for



Almaty, Raimbek st 214/1,

tel: +77077510157; web-site:




116 Coconut sugar Nutiva 250 g Nutiva

Almaty, Shevchenko st.,

165b, office 218, tel:

+77086909313, web-site:




117 Onions fried dry, Indonesia ADIKA

Almaty, Iliiskii trakt st., 37a,

tel: +77273513745, web-site:




118 Coconut flour Nutiva 500 g Nutiva

Almaty, Shevchenko st.,

165b, office 218, tel:

+77086909313, web-site:




119 Living room Sparta natural rattan arman-siti.kz

Astana, Dzhangildina st., 30,

tel: +77172320538, web-site:




No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity


120 Lourdos chair (weaving from rattan) arman-siti.kz

Astana, Dzhangildina st., 30,

tel: +77172320538, web-site:



121 Residential wicker set living Ascona Vista Rattan IE tel: +77714527533, web-site:

rattan.satu.kz furniture

122 Coffee table "Root 80" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



123 Sofa Renza (in the hallway) (weaving of

rattan) arman-siti.kz

Astana, Dzhangildina st., 30,

tel: +77172320538, web-site:



124 Wicker dining set Tara 80 cm+New

Selangor Vista Rattan IE

tel: +77714527533, web-site:

rattan.satu.kz furniture

125 Rocking chair Volley made of natural

rattan arman-siti.kz

Astana, Dzhangildina st., 30,

tel: +77172320538, web-site:



126 Cabinet "Block 160" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



127 Living room Athens (weaving of rattan) arman-siti.kz

Astana, Dzhangildina st., 30,

tel: +77172320538, web-site:



128 Manila sofa (weaving of rattan) arman-siti.kz

Astana, Dzhangildina st., 30,

tel: +77172320538, web-site:



129 Rocking chair Papasan of natural rattan arman-siti.kz

Astana, Dzhangildina st., 30,

tel: +77172320538, web-site:



130 Work desk "Ferum" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



131 Wicker chair Candy Almaty Vista Rattan IE tel: +77714527533, web-site:

rattan.satu.kz furniture

132 Set Lourdos (weaving from natural

rattan) arman-siti.kz

Astana, Dzhangildina st., 30,

tel: +77172320538, web-site:



133 Nadinus chair from natural rattan arman-siti.kz

Astana, Dzhangildina st., 30,

tel: +77172320538, web-site:



134 Shelving "Babylon" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



135 Round table TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



136 Chest of drawers with wicker boxes TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



137 Armchair "Mamasan" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



138 Bed "Twist Single" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



139 Mirror "Dekalb" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,




No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity


140 Bedside table "Macon" (left) TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



141 Bedside table "Baker" (right) TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



142 Teak sink "Ella" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



143 Work desk "Fulton" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



144 Cabinet/stool "Gandhi" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



145 Sofa "Orinoco Brown" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



146 Bed "Priuli Queen" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



147 Outboard chair "Easy Black BS" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



148 Cabinet under the sink "Miles" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



149 Cabinet under TV "Leky" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



150 Wall mirror "Damon" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



151 Corner showcase TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



152 Wine box "Vespucci" TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



153 Stool-staircase TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



154 Magazine basket TheFurnish.kz

Almaty, Navoi st., 310, tel:

+7 727 335 76 36,



155 furniture LLP "АЛЬФА


Almaty, Suinbai avenue,

157/3 furniture

156 STEAM IRON Internet shop Holmart http://holmart.ru/ household


157 STEAM IRON Internet shop Holmart http://holmart.ru/ household



Air freshener Glade AromaCrystal Ocean

oasis, replacement block, 8 g (set of 24


Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ household



Concentrated gel for washing dishes and

baby accessories MAMA LEMON Green

tea 1000 ml

Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ household



No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity



Concentrated gel for washing dishes and

baby accessories Mama Lemon Gold,

spare, 600 ml (set of 2 pcs.)

Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ household


161 Adelaide Bordeaux mug, 350 ml Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ housewares

162 Salad bowl Adelaide Bordeaux, 14.5 cm Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ housewares

163 Deep dish Adelaide Bordeaux, 23.5 cm Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ housewares

164 Dessert dish Adelaide Bordeaux, 22 cm Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ housewares

165 Set of dessert bowls 150 ml Lucy, 10x8.5

cm, 6 pcs. Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ housewares

166 Set of glasses 240 ml Sunset, 6 pieces Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ housewares

167 Bottle for feeding Classic +, 260 ml,

from 1 month, color pink Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ housewares


Ink Epson T6643 Magenta for Epson


70ml (C13T66434A)

Zuyev A. A. IE

Almaty, Zharokova st., 126,

Abay st. corner, tel: -, web-

site: sbsgroup.satu.kz


169 Container with ink Epson C13T67324A

L800 Cyan ink bottle 70ml

Master Ink LLP


Almaty, Masanchi st., 78a,

office 1, tel: +77272674079,

web-site: Lomond.kz



Ink Epson T6644 Yellow for Epson


70ml (C13T66444A)

Zuyev A. A. IE

Almaty, Zharokova st., 126,

Abay st. corner, tel: -, web-

site: sbsgroup.satu.kz


171 Ink Epson T6731 Black for Epson L800,

70ml (C13T67314A) Zuyev A. A. IE

Almaty, Zharokova st., 126,

Abay st. corner, tel: -, web-

site: sbsgroup.satu.kz


172 Tonometer Nissei Ds-500 Automatic on

the shoulder




Karbysheva st., 24, tel:

+77057957515, web-site:




173 "Good Sleep" - a remedy for insomnia

from Indonesia


The best world trend


- medicines

174 Samuin Van for weight gain (Indonesia) SADIM

Astana, Beibitshilik st., 16,

tel: +77785062216, web-site:








Internet shop of

Chinese Medical

Cosmetics China-


Kostanay, Tarana st., 87, tel:

+77770379686, web-site:



176 "Good Sleep" - a remedy for insomnia

from Indonesia Hit goods store

tel: +77273493394, web-site:

hittovar.kz medicines

177 Capsules for weight gain "samyun wan"

(Indonesia) Samyun Wan

Astana, tel: +77024499599,

web-site: samyunwan.kz medicines

178 Samyun Wan for weight loss (Indonesia) M I L A N A S H O P Astana, tel: +77788866167,

web-site: milanashop.kz medicines

179 Super Leopard (Indonesia) M I L A N A S H O P Astana, tel: +77788866167,

web-site: milanashop.kz medicines

180 Slimming capsules P-57 "Hoodia" Internet shop

Women's beauty

Almaty, Zhibek Zholy

avenue, 50, office 157, tel:

+77078168381, web-site:



181 Musical instrument Drum Jembe 9x9x9

cm Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/



182 Musical instrument Marakas 27h5h5 cm Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ musical


183 Musical instrument Marakas 14x7x7 cm Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ musical


184 Drum Jembe clear blow Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ musical



No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity


185 Acoustic Guitar Madina M022C Music Room - musical

instruments store

Almaty, district Koktem 3,

17, tel: +77273945338, web-

site: music-room.kz



186 Acoustic Guitar Caravan Music 3912 Musical instruments

store artmusical

Almaty, Zhibek Zholy

avenue, 70, Trading House

"Passage", 1st floor, botique

101/2, tel: +77029804111,

web-site: artmusical.kz



187 Guitar Acoustic GregBennett ASDR Department Internet

shop DM-Market

Almaty, Makatayev st., 129,

office 22



188 Acoustic Guitar Takamine Jasmine

JD37-Nat MJSound

Aktau, district 14, house 87,

tel: +77782285816, web-site:




189 Acoustic guitar TAKAMINE JASMINE

S35 Music store 2030

Petropavlovsk, Mira st., 123,

tel: +77052559696, web-site:




190 Guitar Acoustic TAKAMINE JASMINE

JD-37 Music store 2030

Petropavlovsk, Mira st., 123,

tel: +77052559696, web-site:




191 Maracas with balls and plates

Zerek bala. Toys and

goods for children

wholesale and retail

Shymkent, Ryskulova st.,

market "Samal", 2nd floor,

tel: +77014670740, web-site:




192 Mixing console DAUS Musical instruments

store artmusical

Almaty, Zhibek Zholy

avenue, 70, Trading House

"Passage", 1st floor, botique

101/2, tel: +77029804111,

web-site: artmusical.kz



193 Flute Musical instruments

store artmusical

Almaty, Zhibek Zholy

avenue, 70, Trading House

"Passage", 1st floor, botique

101/2, tel: +77029804111,

web-site: artmusical.kz




Pencils watercolor 24 colors Faber-

Castell 1144 hexagonal body with a


Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ office


195 Felt-tip 10tsv Faber-Castell with a clip

(instruction inside) in the box 155510 Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/



196 Coconut oil Nutiva 500 ml Nutiva

Almaty, Shevchenko st.,

165b, office 218, tel:

+77086909313, web-site:



197 palm oil




Almaty, Raimbek avenue

496-А, office 422 palm oil

198 smoking accessories for hookah COCO


Internet shop of sport

goods Sportsatu.kz

Almaty, Dosmukhamedova

st., 13, tel: +77273671262,

web-site: Sportsatu.kz



199 smoking accessories for hookah


Internet shop of sport

goods Sportsatu.kz

Almaty, Dosmukhamedova

st., 13, tel: +77273671262,

web-site: Sportsatu.kz



200 Souvenir bronze The fatty Yoga 7х8,5х5

cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

201 Mask tree Aboriginal 50 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

202 Souvenir tree Cat in a tie from a mosaic

of 60х12х6 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

203 Souvenir tree Elephant with a flower on

the back 60х15х7 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs


No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity


204 The souvenir tree The yellow owl

24х14х8 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

205 The souvenir tree Kakadu Inca 57х10х9

cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

206 Souvenir Boomerang black with pattern

MIX (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

207 Mask Palma tree 40x3x14 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

208 Wooden calendar with cubes Giraffe

MIX (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

209 Set of giraffes Spotted giraffes, 3 pcs. Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

210 Souvenir The pair of infinity dark Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

211 Souvenir Gecko tree colorful 50 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

212 The souvenir Aist tree 100xx14x8 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

213 The souvenir Flamingo tree 100х14х9

cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

214 The souvenir Garuda tree 42х15х30 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

215 Souvenir Lion tree 30х8х16 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

216 Souvenir Tukan tree 55х19х8 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

217 Souvenir Parrot tree 10х12х50 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

218 Souvenir Heron tree 50х12х8 cm Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ souvenirs

219 Souvenir Bow with arrows of bamboo Internet shop


Almaty, Baitilenova st., 28,

tel: +77019050090, web-site:



220 Volleyball ball Mikasa MVA380 K, size

5 Internet shop Flap https://flap.satu.kz/ sport Good

221 Studded tires 215/55R17 CHMP ICPR


Almaty, Tole bi st., 305,

office 25, tel:

+77028770707, web-site:


tires, rubber

222 Summer tire 255/70R15 Bridgestone

Ecopia EP850

Internet shop of tiers


Almaty, automarket Zhibek

Zholy, line 1, container 17,

tel: +77772548656, web-site:


tires, rubber

223 Winter tires 185/65R15 ICPR GT

Champiro NURiK IE

Almaty, Tole bi st., 305,

office 25, tel:

+77028770707, web-site:


tires, rubber

224 Summer tire 31x10.5R15 Bridgestone

Dueler A/T 697

Internet shop of tiers


Almaty, automarket Zhibek

Zholy, line 1, container 17,

tel: +77772548656, web-site:


tires, rubber

225 Doll Frankie Stein-Treadarella Amazing

Tales of the School of Monsters Toys "Di-Di".

Almaty, district 2, Trading

House "Mir" 28a, 1st floor,

tel: +77273275576, web-site:



226 Monster High 13 Wishes - Haunt the

Casbah Doll Abbey Bominablenable Toy store "Pumba"

Almaty, Aiteke bi st., 78, tel:

+77272796494, web-site:



227 EggStars 84412 Egg-Transformer Olaf Internet shop of baby

goods «Babyk»

Almaty, Kunayev st., 1,

office 206a, tel:

+77073247917, web-site:




Doll Apple White Ever After High

"Heritage Day" School "Happily ever


Toys "Di-Di".

Almaty, district 2, Trading

House "Mir" 28a, 1st floor,

tel: +77273275576, web-site:




No. Name of good (full) Seller Address and contact details Commodity


229 Monster high "Boo York, Boo York"-

Luna Motthews Toy store "Pumba"

Almaty, Aiteke bi st., 78, tel:

+77272796494, web-site:




Doll Raven Queen Ever After High

"Heritage Day" School "Happily ever


Toys "Di-Di".

Almaty, district 2, Trading

House "Mir" 28a, 1st floor,

tel: +77273275576, web-site:



231 POP: Play set of children's decorative

cosmetics, for lips and nails 902593 MELOMAN

Almaty, tel: +77273383800,

web-site: meloman.satu.kz toys

232 Doll Frankie Stein-Treadarella Amazing

Tales of the School of Monsters Toys "Di-Di".

Almaty, district 2, Trading

House "Mir" 28a, 1st floor,

tel: +77273275576, web-site:



233 Soft musical toy "Dog Sharik" Internet shop Olivka

Karaganda, Buhar-Zhyrau

avenue, 1, office 5, tel:

+77785818699, web-site:



234 Dressing table Raven Queen Ever After

High Toys "Di-Di".

Almaty, district 2, Trading

House "Mir" 28a, 1st floor,

tel: +77273275576, web-site:



235 Soft toy "Bear" Internet shop Olivka

Karaganda, Buhar-Zhyrau

avenue, 1, office 5, tel:

+77785818699, web-site:



236 Family of Octopus (set of 2 pcs.) Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ toys

237 Egg-transformer Star Wars Darth Vader Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ toys

238 Collection figurine "Pony", MIX Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ toys

239 Doll "The dancing ballerina", MIX Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ toys

240 Designer Supersonic fighter, 1151 pieces Internet shop Flap.kz https://flap.satu.kz/ toys