IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, VOL. 37. NO. 2. FEBRUARY 1990 455 GaAs/Ge Tandem-Cell Space Concentrator Development STEVEN J. WOJTCZUK, MEMBER, IEEE, STEPHEN P. TOBIN, MEMBER, IEEE, CHRISTOPHER J. KEAVNEY, CLARA BAJGAR, MICHAEL M. SANFACON, LEO M. GEOFFROY, TODD M. DIXON, STANLEY M. VERNON, JAMES D. SCOFIELD, AND DOUGLAS S. RUBY Abstract-GaAslGe monolithic tandem two-junction concentrators are being developed by optimizing separate one-junction GaAs and Ge cells that simulate the GaAs top cell and Ge bottom cell of the tandem. Separation allows easier analysis of the tandem's top and bottom cells than if these two junctions were in series. The best GaAs top cell has an independently measured AM1.5D efficiency of 28.7 percent at 200 suns and 25°C (24.5-percent AM0 at 170 suns), a record for a mono- lithic cell without a prismatic cover. The Ge bottom cells studied have a GaAs optical filter (but no GaAs junction) to replicate the spectrum that the Ge cell sees when incorporated into a tandem. The best Ge- under-GaAs bottom cell efficiency is 4.6-percent AM0 at 103 suns. Evi- dence is presented that the 900-1800-nm response seen from the Ge bottom cell is due to a p-n junction in the Ge and not a GaAs/Ge het- erojunction. I. INTRODUCTION aAs/Ge monolithic tandem cells present a unique G blend of characteristics desirable for high-efficiency space cells. First, the bandgaps of GaAs and Ge (1.42 and 0.67 eV) are such that a large amount (theoretically 36 percent) of the power in the solar spectrum can be utilized by the tandem [ 11. Secondly, the theoretical photocur- rents generated by a GaAs cell and a Ge-under-GaAs cell under AM0 are almost matched, allowing efficient use of simpler two-terminal tandems. Thirdly, GaAs and Ge technology are relatively well developed. GaAs technol- ogy is widely used in space applications because of its radiation hardness as compared to silicon, while Ge tech- nology was developed during the infancy of semiconduc- tors. Finally, Ge substrates have many desirable proper- ties for tandem-cell space applications [2]. The lattice constants and thermal expansion coefficients of Ge and GaAs are closely matched, allowing problem-free growth of monolithic tandems. Ge substrates are less expensive, better thermal conductors, and stronger mechanically than Manuscript received June 20, 1989; revised September 20, 1989. This work was supported by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base under Contract S. J. Wojtczuk, S. P. Tobin, C. J. Keavney, C. Bajgar, M. M. Sanfa- con, L. M. Geoffroy, T. M. Dixon, and S. M. Vernon are with the Spire Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730. J. D. Scofield is with Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433. D. S. Ruby is with Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM IEEE Log Number 8932661. F336 15-88-C-2844. 87185. GaAs substrates. This allows the use of thinner and lighter wafers, a critical factor in 1-sun space applications. These desirable properties spurred recent efforts to de- velop GaAs/Ge tandems (e.g., [1]-[5]). However, de- velopment is hampered by difficulties in measuring tan- dem efficiency accurately [6], [7]. Tandems require a more accurate solar simulator spectrum than one-junction cells, since the source spectrum determines which of the two junctions limits cell efficiency. Most reliable AM0 results are currently from aircraft-flown GaAs/Ge cells [8]. Part of our motivation for the separation of the monolithic two-junction tandem into single-junction GaAs top cells and single-junction Ge bottom cells is to perform accurate measurements with current test equipment until our tandem-cell test equipment is developed. Difficulties in extracting top and bottom cell parameters from tandem data provide the remaining motivation. Analyzing and op- timizing single-junction top and bottom cells is a more tractable problem than analyzing a tandem, where the number of unknown parameters is about doubled. 11. DEVICE STRUCTURES AND FABRICATION All of the cell structures were grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using a commercial Spire SPI-MO CVD 450 atmospheric pressure epitaxial reactor. Reactants were TMGa, TMAl, and ASH,. Do- pants were SiH,(N) and DMZn (P). The growth temper- ature for all layers was 740°C except for the GaAs cap (700°C). The V/III ratio was 15: 1. Growth rates were about 4 pm/h.. Two-inch Sb-doped n-type Ge substrates from Eagle- Picher, Hoboken, and Cominco were used, with resistiv- ities from 18 to 50 ma-cm. All Ge wafers were about 450 pm thick. Both the Hitachi GaAs and the Ge wafers used were oriented 2" off (100) to aid in better crystal growth. The back sides of the Ge substrates were coated with GaAs prior to growth of the cells in Fig. 1 to prevent any pos- sible autodoping effects. GaAs caps on the Ge wafer back sides were removed after growth. Fig. l(a) illustrates a typical Spire tandem cell, while Fig. l(b) and (c) shows the GaAs top cell and Ge bottom cells used in the optimization and development. Two dif- ferent structures were used in experiments to discern 0018-9383/90/0200-0455$01 .OO O 1990 IEEE T

GaAs/Ge tandem-cell space concentrator development

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GaAs/Ge Tandem-Cell Space Concentrator Development



Abstract-GaAslGe monolithic tandem two-junction concentrators are being developed by optimizing separate one-junction GaAs and Ge cells that simulate the GaAs top cell and Ge bottom cell of the tandem. Separation allows easier analysis of the tandem's top and bottom cells than if these two junctions were in series. The best GaAs top cell has an independently measured AM1.5D efficiency of 28.7 percent at 200 suns and 25°C (24.5-percent AM0 at 170 suns), a record for a mono- lithic cell without a prismatic cover. The Ge bottom cells studied have a GaAs optical filter (but no GaAs junction) to replicate the spectrum that the Ge cell sees when incorporated into a tandem. The best Ge- under-GaAs bottom cell efficiency is 4.6-percent AM0 at 103 suns. Evi- dence is presented that the 900-1800-nm response seen from the Ge bottom cell is due to a p-n junction in the Ge and not a GaAs/Ge het- erojunction.

I. INTRODUCTION aAs/Ge monolithic tandem cells present a unique G blend of characteristics desirable for high-efficiency

space cells. First, the bandgaps of GaAs and Ge (1.42 and 0.67 eV) are such that a large amount (theoretically 36 percent) of the power in the solar spectrum can be utilized by the tandem [ 11. Secondly, the theoretical photocur- rents generated by a GaAs cell and a Ge-under-GaAs cell under AM0 are almost matched, allowing efficient use of simpler two-terminal tandems. Thirdly, GaAs and Ge technology are relatively well developed. GaAs technol- ogy is widely used in space applications because of its radiation hardness as compared to silicon, while Ge tech- nology was developed during the infancy of semiconduc- tors. Finally, Ge substrates have many desirable proper- ties for tandem-cell space applications [2]. The lattice constants and thermal expansion coefficients of Ge and GaAs are closely matched, allowing problem-free growth of monolithic tandems. Ge substrates are less expensive, better thermal conductors, and stronger mechanically than

Manuscript received June 20, 1989; revised September 20, 1989. This work was supported by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base under Contract

S. J. Wojtczuk, S. P. Tobin, C. J. Keavney, C. Bajgar, M. M. Sanfa- con, L. M. Geoffroy, T. M. Dixon, and S. M. Vernon are with the Spire Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730.

J. D. Scofield is with Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433. D. S. Ruby is with Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM

IEEE Log Number 8932661.

F336 15-88-C-2844.


GaAs substrates. This allows the use of thinner and lighter wafers, a critical factor in 1-sun space applications.

These desirable properties spurred recent efforts to de- velop GaAs/Ge tandems (e.g., [1]-[5]). However, de- velopment is hampered by difficulties in measuring tan- dem efficiency accurately [6], [7]. Tandems require a more accurate solar simulator spectrum than one-junction cells, since the source spectrum determines which of the two junctions limits cell efficiency. Most reliable AM0 results are currently from aircraft-flown GaAs/Ge cells [8]. Part of our motivation for the separation of the monolithic two-junction tandem into single-junction GaAs top cells and single-junction Ge bottom cells is to perform accurate measurements with current test equipment until our tandem-cell test equipment is developed. Difficulties in extracting top and bottom cell parameters from tandem data provide the remaining motivation. Analyzing and op- timizing single-junction top and bottom cells is a more tractable problem than analyzing a tandem, where the number of unknown parameters is about doubled.

11. DEVICE STRUCTURES AND FABRICATION All of the cell structures were grown by metalorganic

chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using a commercial Spire SPI-MO CVD 450 atmospheric pressure epitaxial reactor. Reactants were TMGa, TMAl, and ASH,. Do- pants were SiH,(N) and DMZn (P). The growth temper- ature for all layers was 740°C except for the GaAs cap (700°C). The V/III ratio was 15: 1. Growth rates were about 4 pm/h..

Two-inch Sb-doped n-type Ge substrates from Eagle- Picher, Hoboken, and Cominco were used, with resistiv- ities from 18 to 50 ma-cm. All Ge wafers were about 450 pm thick. Both the Hitachi GaAs and the Ge wafers used were oriented 2" off (100) to aid in better crystal growth. The back sides of the Ge substrates were coated with GaAs prior to growth of the cells in Fig. 1 to prevent any pos- sible autodoping effects. GaAs caps on the Ge wafer back sides were removed after growth.

Fig. l(a) illustrates a typical Spire tandem cell, while Fig. l(b) and (c) shows the GaAs top cell and Ge bottom cells used in the optimization and development. Two dif- ferent structures were used in experiments to discern

0018-9383/90/0200-0455$01 .OO O 1990 IEEE



Thickness (rml - Front Contact

Contact Layer

AR Coating

Window P Ala8Gao.2As 1X10w/cm3 0.03 p GaAs Emitter

n GaAs 2x 1 ~ ' ~ / c r n ~

n AIO3GaO7As 1X10w/cm3

Buffer - n+GaAs 2X10w/cm3

P + +Ge



1.0 -

, R , GaAs

1 Substrate

Back Contact


( c ) Fig. 1. Evolution of (b) GaAs top cell and ( c ) Ge-under-GaAs bottom cell from (a) a monolithic tandem cell

whether the photoresponse from the bottom cell is due to a p-n Ge junction or a GaAs/Ge heterojunction, which is a subject of current research debate. This experiment is discussed in Section IV, but the important result was evi- dence indicating the 900- 1800-nm response of our GaAs/Ge tandems is due to a Ge p-n junction and not a heterojunction.

This p-n junction in the Ge is created by diffusion of Ga and As into the Ge during the GaAs cell growth. At the growth temperature, Ga has a higher solid solubility limit ( 5 X 102'/cm3) than As ( 2 X 102'/cm3) [9]. Also, Ga has a much lower diffusion coefficient at 740°C (about

cm2/s) [lo]. Therefore, the p-type dopant Ga diffuses into the Ge for a shorter distance during the 90-min growth, compensat- ing the diffusing As from the GaAs and already present Sb in the Ge wafer, both of which are n-type dopants. The result is a shallow p-n Ge junction just below the GaAs epilayer. We suspect not all diffusing dopant atoms are electrically active; the spreading resistance [ 11, [5] data indicate both electron and hole concentrations of about

The theoretical diffusion length for the Ga in Ge using the above numbers is ( D t ) 1 / 2 or 0.073 pm. The As dif- fusion length is 1.6 pm and the As background is much

cm2/s) than As (about 5 X

1 0 1 9 / ~ ~ 3 .

greater than the Sb dopant in the Ge for several microm- eters. Assuming a constant surface concentration of Ga from the GaAs at the GaAs/Ge interface, and that the Ge doping is due to diffusing As, the junction depth calcu- lated from a complementary error function curve is 0.1 pm. Actual junctions depths have been measured for 700°C growths by spreading resistance measurements (0.1 pm) [ l ] and for 740°C growths by electron-beam- induced current (EBIC) (0.4 pm) [ 111. This rough agree- ment is all we believe can be expected since the diffusion constants at the Ge/GaAs interface are probably some- what different than the published values. Another indi- cation of the Ge junction is the higher V,, of our GaAs/Ge cells, typically 1.2 V [ l ] , [5], compared to about 1 V for typical GaAs cells.

Solar cells were fabricated as follows. First, wafer fronts were protected with a SiOz coat. Wafer backs wete etched for seyeral micrometers and then either 2500-4 AuGe/2500-A Au (GaAs top cell wafer) or 1000-A Au/5000-A Ag (Ge bottom cell wafers) was thermally evaporated on the backs. Wafers were then sintered at 450°C for 5 min (GaAs) or 375°C for 5 min (Ge). Next, the grid pattern was photolithographically defined on the fronts using an image-reversal process to obtain a resist profile suitable for liftoff, and the oxide was etched in the



grid. Then either 400-A Cr/3-pm Au (GaAs top cell) or 1000-A A~Ge/3 -~pm Ag (N_GaAs on Ge bottom cell, Fig. l(c)) or 500-A Cr/SOO-A Au/3-pm Ag (P-GaAs on Ge bottom cell, Fig. l(c)) was e-beam evaporated onto the fronts. Excess metal was lifted off in acetone, and then the contacts were sintered. Next, mesas were defined pho- tolithographically around the cell, developed, and etched. The oxide and the GaAs cap layer between the front grid fingets was then etcbed away. Finally, an AR coating 9f 500-A ZnS61000-A MgF2 (GaAs top cells) or 900-A ZnS/1500-A MgF2 (Ge bottom cells) was thermally evaporated. One of the Ge bottom cell runs (#5209) dis- cussed in Section IV received the wrong AR coating and so has somewhat lower JSr’s and efficiencies than the other bottom cells.

111. GaAs TOP CELL

GaAs concentrator cells were fabricated which are the most efficient reported to date at AM1.5D without pris- matic covers (28.7-percent AMl.5D, 24.5-percent AMO). Fig. 2 depicts the GaAs top cell, whose cross section is shown in Fig. 1. The busbar and cell junction area are coincident squares with 5-mm sides. The cell diameter is set by the space system considerations to 4 mm (photoac- tive area of 0.126 cm2). Dopings and thicknesses in Fig. 1 are similar to Spire’s standard GaAs high-efficiency one- sun cells [ I ] , [ 5 ] , [12]. Two rectangular patterns in the upper left comer by each cell in Fig. 2 are contact trans- mission line test patterns. Monitoring these structures at selected steps during cell processing allows measurement of GaAs cap sheet resistance, contact resistivity, and GaAs emitter sheet resistance across the wafer. Each cell also has a small diode visible at its upper right in Fig. 2 for C-V measurement of the GaAs base doping.

Best cell efficiencies measured by Sandia National Lab- oratories are shown in Fig. 3. It was assumed in setting the concentration ratio that the short-circuit current den- sity ( J,,) was linear with intensity, which is valid for most high-efficiency GaAs cells. The 1-sun AM1.5D Jsc’s were measured with a Si reference cell using a spectral mis- match correction. The AM0 25°C J,, was measured with a GaAs reference cell. The AM0 80°C J,v, was calculated using temperature coefficients measured by the Solar En- ergy Research Institute on similar cells. Sandia measured a higher 1-sun AMl.5D J,, than Spire (see Table I), and therefore a higher efficiency at AM1 S D . However, AM0 measurements are in good agreement. Since Sandia serves as the U.S. national standards lab for concentrator mea- surements, we are emphasizing their measurements. However, we will discuss the discrepancy.

Sandia used a NASA-calibrated Si reference cell to set the intensity of a Spectrolab XT-10 simulator. A spectral mismatch correction of 0.977 gives a 1-sun J,, of 28.75 mA/cm2. Spire used a JPL-calibrated Si reference and a Spectrolab X-25 simulator with a spectral mismatch of 1.035, giving a 1-sun .Isc of 25.72 mA/cm2. The 12-per- cent difference is much larger than expected from refer-

Fig. 2. GaAs top cell concentrator. Busbar and junction are coincident squares 5 mm on a side. Photoactive area is 0.126 cm2 (4-mm diameter). Shadow is 4.2 percent.






x ; 23 .- .: 21 iz

1 10 100 1000

Concentration (suns)

Fig. 3 . Solar efficiency of best Spire GaAs cell as measured by Sandia.


Spire Sandia Spectrum Cell Simulator Spectral Simulator Soectral

# ReSDOnSe Response

33.61 33.42

AM1.5D 10 25.72 26.79 28.75 26.16

AM0 10 32.92 33.22

ence cell calibration errors. Convolving the absolute spectral response curves measured by Sandia and Spire with the reference AM1.5 direct spectrum [13] gave Jsc’s of 26.16 and 26.79 mA/cm2, respectively, intermediate between the simulator values. It is therefore not clear which is the true efficiency under AM1.5 conditions. However, Sandia’s reference cell has been used to mea- sure other high-efficiency concentrator cells [ 141, [ 151, and so should give a good relative comparison to those results. Sandia also finds that its calibration agrees with outdoor efficiency measurements in Albuquerque, NM.

Since the cells had such high efficiencies, we will dis- cuss the grid design briefly. Grid finger width, number of current-sharing rings, and the finger reduction factor be- tween zones are set to convenient near-optimum values.



20 4 0 60 00 100 120 1 4 0

* of Grid Fingers in Outermost Zone

Fig. 4. Total theoretical loss from shadow, grid metal resistance, and emitter sheet resistance as a function of number of fingers in outermost ring of GaAs concentrator.


Parameters v max 0 W

A t d T

Re R,

1.05 3.4 3


3 285 0.5

0.0 15 3 ~ 1 0 - ~


A/cm2 um


um wn um

ohm-cm ohm-cm

Voltage at maximum power point 1 OOX AM0 Photogenerated carrier density Metal grid finger width

Additional shadow Metal grid finger thickness Innermost ring radius: Middle Ring at 3 d 7d= Cell radius Thickness of P GaAs emitter layer Sheet resistivity of P GaAs emitter Sheet resistivity of Au grid mota

Optimized Variable is Number of Grid Fingers (NI Optimum N is 66 n used was 7 2 N/2 fingers in rniddk zone

N wkl fingers in outennost zone

N I4 lingers in innermost zone


plow A a v a Available Power (Pave):

Shadow Loss : VQ( W * A)d (8r+ 5.25 NI 20.5 mW 4.6%

VQ T (7dJ2= 446mW

Grid Loss:

Emitter Loss:

Total loss (1OOX AMO): 6.8%

33659 (R, 0' d5)/(N w t ) 3.4 mW 0.8%

13715 (Re 02d4)/(N2T) 6.1 mW 1.4%

All grid lines are 3 pm wide, our current photolitho- graphic limit. The number of current-sharing rings is set to three [ 161. The number of grid fingers is doubled mov- ing from an inner to an outer zone (the optimum factor [17] is about 1.7). Ring radii are set by letting the differ- ence between ring radii double. The innermost ring radius is 285 pm; the middle ring is at 3 X 285 pm. The last ring at 7 X 285 pm coincides with the circular inner rim of the cell busbar. With these parameters fixed, the num- ber of grid fingers in the outermost zone is numerically optimized assuming uniform 100 X AM0 illumination. The optimum was 66, but 72 fingers were used because of mask lay-out considerations. This change makes little difference, as Fig. 4 indicates. Theoretical total loss from shadow, grid metal resistance, and emitter sheet resis- tance is about 6.8 percent. Computation of these losses is roughly similar in outline to Basore [ 161. Grid design pa- rameters and formulas are given in Table 11.


In this section, we will first describe two experiments to determine whether the long-wavelength photoresponse

seen from the Ge bottom cell is due to a p-n junction in the Ge or a heterojunction at the GaAs/Ge interface. Then we will describe average 1OOX AM0 cell data from Ge cells under heavily doped P-GaAs identical in appearance to the top cell in Fig. 2. The cross sections for these cells are given in Fig. l(c). These cells mimic the bottom cell of a tandem, as explained in Section I . We found evidence that a Ge junction is formed when a GaAs layer is grown on the Ge, as discussed in Section 11.

One question that arises in analyzing the behavior of the bottom cell of the tandem is whether a p-n junction in the n-type Ge substrate causes the photoresponse seen at long wavelengths, or whether this response is due to a heterojunction at the GaAs/Ge interface. Most early work on GaAs/Ge interfaces assumed that observed rectifica- tion was due solely to a heterojunction. If, as is quite likely, Ga and As from the GaAs diffuse into Ge during growth, there is a possibility of p-n Ge junction formation since Ga is a p-dopant and As is an n-dopant in Ge. For example, in the pioneering GaAs/Ge paper by Anderson [ 191, all effects are attributed to heterojunctions, even though Ga and As diffusion is likely at typical Ge growth


temperatures (700°C). Because Anderson's growth con- ditions (Ge was grown on GaAs, not GaAs on Ge) and surfaces are unlike those in this and similar work [ 11, [5], we suggest comparisons are of limited use since hetero- junction characteristics depend greatly on the interface states, which are almost certainly different. However, from the comparison of (P)GaAs/Ge and (N)GaAs/Ge cells discussed below and previous spreading resistance and EBIC measurements [ 11, [ 111 indicating a p-n junc- tion in the Ge, we believe that in our present process a Ge p-n junction is mainly responsible for rectifying effects and photovoltage.

To help resolve this issue, we decided to compare re- sults from N-GaAs on Ge with P-GaAs on Ge. There are two possibilities for the heterojunction theory. If Ga dif- fusion into Ge from the GaAs growth creates p-Ge near the surface through compensation, the N-p anisotype het- erojunction of the N-GaAs/Ge cells should presumably have a higher barrier height than the P-p isotype hetero- junction of the P-GaAs/Ge cells. The I - I / curves and photoresponse should then be markedly different. The second possibility, which we feel is unlikely, is if the Ga diffusion into Ge is either electrically inactive or insuffi- cient to compensate the n-Ge. However, even in this case, the N-n isotype heterojunction of the N-GaAs/Ge cells and the P-n anisotype heterojunction of the P-GaAs/Ge cells should again have different I-V curves and photo- response.

In the p-n junction theory, which we strongly support, if a p-n Ge junction is dominant, the I - V s and photore- sponse should be similar for both the P- and N-GaAs-on- Ge cells. The Ge junction formation depends on diffusing Ga and As, but not on the GaAs dopant atoms, whose concentrations are four orders of magnitude less than the Ga and As atoms from the GaAs. The theory of Ge p-n junction formation has already been described in Section 11. The p-n junction theory requires an ohmic interface between the N-GaAs and p-Ge. We believe a tunnel junc- tion occurs since the N-GaAs is heavily doped ( 2 X

10"/cm') in excess of the effective density of states of N-GaAs (4.7 x 101'/cm3)), as is the p-Ge (about lOI9/cm3 from spreading resistance [ I ] , [5]) above its effective den- sity of states ( 10'9/cm'), so that both are degeneratively doped, while the heavy doping on both sides of the inter- face cause a small depletion region allowing tunneling. Other groups have extensively characterized similar tun- nel junctions [20]. As seen in Fig. 5, the Ge p-n junction does not show tunneling behavior; we believe this is be- cause the junction is not as degenerate as the GaAs/Ge heterojunction.

Note that GaAs/Ge heterojunctions exist in both theo- ries; the question is whether the heterojunction barrier height is large enough to affect or dominate the I-V and photoresponse of the bottom cell or whether a Ge p-n junction is responsible.

In the first experiment, heavily doped GaAs P (#5209- 1599) and N (#5209-1600) layers (with no GaAs p-n junc- tion) were grown on Eagle-Picher n-type Ge substrates.

(b) Fig. 5 . I-V curves. Origin at center. Uppermost curie is dark I-V. l obe r

curves with varying amounts of light from a microscope illuminator. ( a ) I-V curve of p-GaAs on Ge structure: (b) I-V cume of n-GaAs on Ge structure.

The GaAs was doped as heavily as was possible in both cases to minimize any front contact effects. The 1-sun 0.25-cm' cells we fabricated from these waters received a suboptimal AR coating of about 670-A ZnS and 930-A MgF2. This lowered the J,,,'s for these cells com- pared to the concentrator cells reported later in this sec- tion. However, the inferior AR coating was applied to both cell wafers in the experiment and does not influence the question of whether a heterojunction or a p-n junction is responsible for photodetection. I-V traces of the two cell types are shown in Fig. 5(a) (P-GaAs on Ge) and Fig. 5(b) (N-GaAs on Ge). Both show a built-in voltage of about 250 mV, consistent with Ge junctions, and a low soft breakdown in the reverse direction of about 300 mV. also consistent with heavily doped junctions. The I-V curves for both of the structures from Fig. I(c) depicted in Fig. 5 are nearly identical. Cell efficiency data were taken with a Spectrolab X-25 simulator and a SERI-cali- brated GaAs/Ge reference cell from the same process lot (Table 111). Typical quantum efficiency curves for the two cell types are shown in Fig. 6(a) (P-GaAs on Ge) and 6(b) (N-GaAs on Ge), along with the J , ( ' s from the integrated quantum etficiency.

The I - V s and cell characteristics are quite similar for the P-GaAs on Ge and the N-GaAs on Ge cells, which would be expected if a p-n Ge junction was responsible


0 C

.- a,



800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Wavelength (nm)

(a) x 1 . 0 , , , , I , I 1 1 ,


k t 5209-1 600-26 .- .- i U 0.8 (N)GaAs-on-Ge

Nd: 2x10" cmP3

0 . 6 1 1 X AM0 Jsc: 21.9 rnA/crnZ 1 Y C

!! c 0.2 0.4 I i Points: ~& Line: Spire \ i

a, X .,-

0.0 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

Wavelength (nm)

(b) Fig. 6. Quantum efficiency data. J,,'s obtained by integrating quantum ef-

ficiency curve with AM0 spectrum. (a) p-GaAs on Ge structure; (b) n-GaAs on Ge structure. AR coating is not optimum for cells.


Voc. JSC Fill Factor Efficiency Wafer (v) (mA/cm2) % %

.214 19.29 56.6 1.71 P GaAs on n Ge 5209- 1599AR C6 cell4

21.42 48.4 1.55 N GaAs on n Ge

14 cells1 .205 5209-1600AR

for photodetection, but not if a heterojunction was domi- nant. There is a 11 percent higher Jsc for the N-GaAs on Ge cell. This difference is mostly due to the better red response in Fig. 6 of the N-GaAs on Ge cell, which we attribute to free-camer absorption in the heavily doped P-GaAs. The doping is 20X higher in the P-GaAs than the N-GaAs. The absorption coefficient for N-GaAs be- low bandgap varies with photon energy, but for a good part of the spectrum is about 10/cm for 2 X 1018/cm3 N- GaAs and 300/cm for 5 X 10'9/cm3 P-GaAs [18]. About 17 percent fewer photons are available after traversing 6 pm of the P-GaAs than exist after 6 pm of the N-GaAs. Because of the similarities in the I-V curves and photore- sponse of the P- and N-GaAs-on-Ge cells, we believe that the response from the bottom cell must be due to a p-n junction in the Ge and not to a heterojunction, which should have given different results for the two different structures. This agrees with our previous spreading resis-

tance and cross-sectional EBIC measurements indicating the presence of a Ge p-n junction [ 11, [5], [ 1 13. We would like to emphasize that the characteristics of the p-n junc- tion are sensitive to the conditions of the GaAs growth. There have been reports [21] of MOCVD growth temper- atures being lowered during the beginning of GaAs growth on Ge in order to make the bottom cell inactive; this is predictable in the p-n junction theory since no significant Ga diffusion would occur at low temperatures.

In a second experiment, GaAs was selectively etched off of one Ge wafer with a room-temperature 1-percent Br in methanol etch (etch rate of 1 pm/min at 28°C). This etch of the GaAs removes any possibility of a GaAs/Ge heterojunction. We experimentally confirmed that this etch does not attack Ge, and we etched long enough (15 min) to remove all possible GaAs residue. The re- moval of the GaAs layers is easily visible as there is a color difference between Ge and GaAs. Concentrator cells were fabricated and tested in the same manner as those described in the third experiment below. As expected, these cells still have photoresponse, which can now only be due to a Ge p-n junction since no GaAs remains. A quantum efficiency of an AR-coated Ge cell is shown in Fig. 7. The dip at 500 nm is due to reflectance. The com- plete removal of the GaAs was confirmed by Auger anal- ysis. Within its detection limits of about 3 a t%, no As or Ga was detected. Also as expected, these cells have a higher efficiency and Jsc than Ge-under-GaAs cells since the Ge junction is now not filtered by the GaAs. The re- sponse of these cells is reported in Table IV. Since re- moval of the GaAs should remove any possibility of a heterojunction, this experiment provides definitive proof that the photoresponse of the bottom cell is not from a heterojunction.

In a third experiment, P-GaAs was grown on Ge sub- strates from several vendors, and concentrator cells (#5224) were made. We wished to see how substrates from different vendors (and therefore presumably with different minority-carrier lifetimes) affect the lifetime and diffusion lengths of these camers, and therefore the bottom cell ef- ficiency. The P-GaAs on Ge structure was selected for this experiment to avoid any tunnel resistance effect! from N-GaAs/p;Ge junctions. The AR coating of 900 A ZnS and 1500-A MgF2 was designed to maximize the photo- current from the Ge cell and match photocurrents from the top and bottom cells of a tandem. Another difference from the 1-sun #5209 cells in Table I11 was that most of the p-GaAs layer was doped to 5 x 1017/cm3 to reduce free- carrier absorption, with thin heavily doped layers at the front surface and Ge interface to assure low-resistance contacts.

Results from testing with a SERI-calibrated GaAs/Ge reference and a Spectrolab X-25 simulator are in Table IV. The test block temperature was 25"C, but the cell surface was probably 10-13 "C hotter at concentration. The simulator intensity was set so that the 1-sun current from the GaAs/Ge reference cell matched its AM0 value. The concentrators were then measured at 1 sun, and the


Fig. 7 . Comparison of quantum efficiency of a Ge cell without GaAs op- tical filter to a p-GaAs on Ge cell.


VOC Jsc Fill Efficiency # (V) (mA/cm2) % % Tested

P GaAs on Ge 0.318 2843.8 62.3 4.12 17 Vondor 1 2.6x10’?crn3

P GaAs on Ge 0.3 18 2688.8 59.6 3.87 11 vanda 2 6 x io‘s/cm3

P GaAs on Ge 0.315 2853.1 59.1 3.88 10




Ref: AMO 137.2rn~/crn‘

No GaAsonGe 0.311 4389.2 59.1 5.84 4


simulator intensity was increased with a Fresnel lens to achieve 100 X the 1-sun J,,. The J,, was assumed to be linear with light intensity. The best P-GaAs-on-Ge cells were 4.6-percent efficient at lOOx AMO. The 1-sun Jsc’s obtained by integrating the quantum efficiency with the AM0 spectrum range from 26.1 to 31 .O mA/cm2 for the (P)GaAs/Ge concentrators, and from 37.4 to 41.9 mA/cm2 for the Ge concentrators without GaAs, in rea- sonable agreement with the simulator-measured Jsc’s.

As shown in Table IV, there is a small difference in efficiency among different Ge substrate vendors, which may be due either to material quality or differences in doping. Within several micrometers of the Ge p-n junc- tion, the n-type base doping is dominated by As diffusing from the GaAs and the substrate doping is small compared to the diffused As, so the substrate doping plays litde part in the area adjacent to the Ge p-n junction. However, the absorption length of 1550-1850 nm light in Ge is fairly long, 10 to 500 pm, so that most of the photons should be absorbed away from the As diffusion tail caused during GaAs growth. This tail is harmful since it creates a po- tential gradient that pushes minority carriers away from the junction. Photogenerated electron-hole pairs from longer wavelength photons must diffuse back to the junc- tion against this tail in order to be collected. Their success in accomplishing this is related to their lifetime, which depends on the substrate doping and quality.

A quantum efficiency from one of these concentrators

(#5224-7-14B) is shown in Fig. 7. The tail extending from 300 to 850 nm in the plot was unexpected but is real. Almost all the photons in this spectral range are absorbed in the GaAs. One possible theory is that some of the car- riers generated in the GaAs are able to diffuse through the GaAs and be collected in the Ge junction. The GaAs in these #5224 concentrator cells were more lightly doped than in the #5209 1-sun cells of Fig. 6 ( 5 X 10”/cm3 versus 5 x 1019/cm3 1.

V. CONCLUSIONS Good performance improvement of the top and bottom

cells of a GaAs/Ge tandem cell space concentrator have been made through the method of separating the two-junc- tion tandem into GaAs top and Ge-under-GaAs bottom one-junction cells. Testing and analysis of these single- junction cells is much simpler than optimizing these cells when in a two-junction series tandem. The best GaAs top cell exhibits an AM0 efficiency of 24.5 percent at 170 suns and 25”C, and the best Ge-under-GaAs cell exhibits 4.6-percent efficiency at 103 suns. Although optimized for AM0 conditions, measurements performed by Sandia indicate our best GaAs cell is 28.7-percent efficient at 200 suns, a record for A M l S D without prismatic covers. Also, the IV‘s and photoresponse of (P)GaAs/Ge and (N)GaAs/Ge cells fabricated and tested in an identical manner were found to be quite similar, which would be expected if a p-n Ge junction was dominant in the bottom cell, but not if a GaAs/Ge heterojunction was dominant. This was confirmed by stripping the GaAs from a Ge sub- strate, removing the possibility of a GaAs/Ge hetero- junction, and still observing photoresponse.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ‘The authors wish to thank K. Emery of SERI for his

aid in GaAs/Ge cell calibrations, and, from Spire, V. Ha- ven for supervision of MOCVD growths, L. Mitzman for data acquisition, and D. Josephson, M. Jeanson, and W. Jarrett for their processing efforts.

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K. I. Chang, Y. C. M. Yeh, P. A. Iles, J . M. Tracy, and R. K. Morris, “Heterostmcture GaAs/Ge solar cells,” in Conf. Rec. 19th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., 1987, pp. 273-279. L. D. Partain, H . F. MacMillan, G. F. Virshup, and N. R. Kaminar, “Quantum yield spectra and I-Vproperties of a GaAs solar cell grown on a Ge substrate,” in Conf. Rec. 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conf., 1988, pp. 759-763. B. T. Cavicchi, D . R. Lillington, G. F. J . Garlick, G. S. Glenn, and S. P. Tobin, “GaAs on Ge cell and panel technology for advanced space flight application,” in Conf. Rec. 20th IEEE Photovoltaic Spe- cialists Conf., 1988, pp. 918-923. S. P. Tobin et al., “High efficiency GaAs/Ge monolithic tandem solar cells,” IEEE Electron Device Lett . , vol. 9 , pp. 256-258, 1988. K. Emery and C. Ostenvald, “AM0 efficiency measurements,” NASA SPRAT, pp. 352-353, Apr. 1988. K . Emery, C. Ostenvald, T. Glatfelter, J . Burdick, and G. Virshup, “A comparison of the errors in determining the conversion efficiency of multijunction solar cells by various methods,” Solar Cells, vol.

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Steven J. Wojtczuk (S’84-M’87) received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering with highest honors from Rutgers University in May 1980 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Cornell University in May 1987 for research on high-speed GaAs/AIGaAs photodetectors and monolithically integrated photoreceivers. He held an RCA fellowship (1980) and was an Eastman Kodak Fellow (1981-1984) while at Cornell.

He has worked at Honeywell’s Electro-Optics

Christopher J. Keavney received the B.S. de- gree in materials science from Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute in 1980 and the M.S. degree in materials science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983.

He has been involved in a variety of photovol- taic-related projects since joining the staff of Spire Corporation in 1983. Crystalline silicon and in- dium phosphide are his principal research inter- ests, although he has also contributed to Spire’s advances in GaAs and other materials. His areas

of experience include device design, modeling, and design of fabrication processes. Since 1987, he has directed Spire’s InP solar cell research, which involves the use of InP-on-Si films as well as homoepitaxial structures. He has also made contributions to a photovoltaic project used for teaching pur- poses at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua.


Clara Bajgar received the M.S. degree in physics from Komensky University in Bratislava, Czech- oslovakia, in 1967.

She worked as a Physicist for New England Nuclear Corporation before joining Spire Corpo- ration as a Staff Scientist in 1977. Her activities and interests include device fabrication in GaAs and Ge and high-temperature metallization of GaAs solar cells.


Michael M. Sanfacon received the A.Eng. de- gree in nuclear engineering technology from Wentworth Institute of Technology in 1978 and the B.S. degree in applied mathematics from the University of Lowell in 1985, where he is cur- rently working toward the M.S. in applied math- ematics.

Since joining Spire Corporation in 1978, he has been a Staff Scientist in the Electronic Materials Division, where he has been responsible for the activities of the Solar Cell Measurements Labo-

ratory. He has been involved in the development of high-efficiency silicon and GaAs solar cells His main interest has been in the testing and numer-

Division on HgCdTe long-wavelength infrared ar- rays and high-speed pototodiodes for coherent detection. In 1988, he joined Spire Corporation, where he is investigating GaAs/Ge tandem solar cells and AlGaAs superlattice long-wavelength detectors.

ical modeling of devices and the application of thin-film optics to the anal- ysis of semiconductor structures.

Mr. Sanfacon is a member of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the Optical Society of America.

Dr. Wqjtczuk is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi.

* *

efficiency of epitaxial substrates.

Stephen P. Tobin (S’78-M’79) received the S . B . and S.M. degrees in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1979.

From 1975 to 1980, he was involved in the de- velopment of HgCdTe photovoltaic infrared de- tectors at the Honeywell Electro-Optics Center. He joined Spire Corporation in 1980 where he is presently a Staff Scientist. His research group has developed a wide variety of high-efficiency solar cells in silicon and 111-V materials systems. His present interests include improving the conversion

GaAs solar cells on GaAs, silicon, and germanium

Leo M. Geoffroy (M’89) received the B.S. de- gree in physics from the University of Lowell in 1981.

He has worked at MA-COM as a process en- gineer in the Photovoltaic Group where he was re- sponsible for process development on silicon con- centrator solar cells. In 1984, he joined Spire Corporation as a Member of the Technical Staff where he is responsible for process development on various programs, including large-area high- efficiency module cells, silicon concentrator cells,

GaAs one sun and concentrator cells. as well as GaAs laser diodes.


Todd M. Dixon received the B.S. degree in phys- ics from Rutgers University in May 1984.

He has worked with Spire Corporation in RF sputtering of thin-film metals, insulators, and semiconductors for applications in electronics and wear-resistance improvement. In 1986, he began work on an ion-beam enhanced deposition system for the research of thin-film cubic boron nitride coatings for wear resistance. In June of 1986, he transferred to the Electronic Materials group at Soire where he worked on metalorganic chemical

vapor deposition of GaAs, GaAs-on-silicon, and GaAs-on-Ge for solar cells and other devices. Of special interest was research in the growth of GaAs- on-silicon to improve crystal quality through the use of superlattices and thermal cycle growth techniques to reduce dislocation density. In May of 1989, he began work on the development of a metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) reactor for the research of thin-film superconductors and ferroelectric thin films.



Stanley M. Vernon received the B.S. degree in physics from Boston College in 1972 and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1976 from Rut- gers University where his thesis work involved the study of Schottky-barrier solar cells.

From 1976 to 1981, he was employed at IBM’s Thomas J . Watson Research Center where he per- formed research on metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) of GaAs for solar cell and transistor applications. Since 1981, he has worked at Spire Corporation where he is now Manager of

MOCVD Research. In this capacity he directs numerous programs con- cerning the growth of thin-film semiconductor structures. His special areas of expertise involve heteroepitaxial and high-efficiency-photovoltaic ma- terials; many of his current research activities are in the realm of depositing compound semiconductors onto Si substrates. He also established Spire’s MOCVD Equipment and 111-V Epitaxial Materials business units; he cur- rently advises those groups on technical issues.

James D. Scofield received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Michigan State Uni- versity in 1985. He is currently working toward the M.S. degree in electrical engineering at the University of Dayton.

Since 1986 he has been with the United States Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory at Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, where he is currently investigating novel high-efficiency single- and multijunction solar cell configurations for utiliza- tion on U.S. Department of Defense satellites.


Douglas S. Ruby received the B.S. degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology in 1978 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Illinois at Ur- bana-Champaign in 1980 and 1985, respectively. His dissertation research dealt with the material and defect characterization of GaAs grown by vapor-phase epitaxy.

He is currently a Member of the Technical Staff in the Photovoltaic Cell Research Division at San- dia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM.

His research interests include the design, fabrication, and testing of crys- talline silicon and compound semiconductor solar cells for terrestrial power generation.