“…God of Jews…God of Gentiles” Romans 3:29 Israel… “the days are coming” Jeremiah 23:5 ―And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great…and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.‖ Genesis 12:2,3 ―desolations are determined.‖ Daniel 9:26 ―Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them. For the ways of the LORD are right, and the righteous will walk in them…‖ Hosea 14:9 allan n. sherwood jr.

“…God of Jews…God of Gentiles” Romans 3:29 - God Messiah

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“…God of Jews…God of Gentiles” Romans 3:29

Israel… “the days are coming” Jeremiah 23:5

―And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great…and

in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.‖ Genesis 12:2,3

―desolations are determined.‖ Daniel 9:26

―Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know

them. For the ways of the LORD are right, and the righteous will walk in them…‖ Hosea 14:9

allan n. sherwood jr.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


To all the folks who have helped…thank you.

To the LORD and also to my wife, Lucy…My love.

God Messiah

God Messiah proclaims to Jews and to Gentiles (non-Jews) the Truth about our LORD God and Savior, and, also, explains

some of the prophetic events, which will take place in the last days.

God Messiah© Copyright 2006 by Allan N. Sherwood Jr.

God Messiah is not to be sold. Text and diagrams are not to be changed in form or content.

This PDF book may be downloaded, printed, and copied for individual use.

To prevent file corruption download directly from GodMessiah.org.. 10 Digit ISBN: 0-9779229-0-1 13 Digit ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1

Library of Congress

Control Number: 2006901967

―Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, © Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman

Foundation. Used by permission.‖ (www.lockman. org)

References briefly quoted:

M. G. Easton, Easton‘s Bible Dictionary, NAS Electronic Bible Library, Foundation Publications, Inc, Anaheim, CA, 1999,

References within God Messiah pages: 11, 20. Used by permission.

Josh Mc Dowell, Evidence That Demands A Verdict, Volume 1, Here‘s Life Publishers, Inc, San Bernardino, CA, 1979.

References within God Messiah pages: 12, 16, 77, 78, 81, 120. Used by permission.

Merrill C. Tenney, Pictorial Bible Dictionary, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1963

References within God Messiah pages: 12, 74. Used by permission.

New American Standard Bible, The Open Bible, Expanded Addition, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1985

Reference within God Messiah page: 119. Used by permission.

Cruden‘s Complete Concordance, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1967,

Reference within God Messiah page: 41. Use by permission.

Use this chart to cross reference book name abbreviation and the full name.


# Abrv

Book Name Bk

# Abrv

Book Name Bk

# Abrv

Book Name

1 Gn Genesis 23 Is Isaiah 45 Ro Romans

2 Ex Exodus 24 Jer Jeremiah 46 1Cor 1 Corinthians

3 Lv Leviticus 25 La Lamentations 47 2Cor 2 Corinthians

4 Nu Numbers 26 Ezk Ezekiel 48 Ga Galatians

5 Dt Deuteronomy 27 Da Daniel 49 Eph Ephesians

6 Jos Joshua 28 Ho Hosea 50 Php Philippians

7 Jdg Judges 29 Joel Joel 51 Co Colossians

8 Ruth Ruth 30 Am Amos 52 1Th 1 Thessalonians

9 1Sa 1 Samuel 31 Ob Obadiah 53 2Th 2 Thessalonians

10 2Sa 2 Samuel 32 Jon Jonah 54 1Tim 1 Timothy

11 1Ki 1 Kings 33 Mi Micah 55 2Tim 2 Timothy

12 2Ki 2 Kings 34 Na Nahum 56 Titus Titus

13 1Chr 1 Chronicles 35 Hab Habakkuk 57 Phi Philemon

14 2Chr 2 Chronicles 36 Zeph Zephaniah 58 Heb Hebrews

15 Ezra Ezra 37 Hag Haggai 59 Jas James

16 Ne Nehamiah 38 Zec Zechariah 60 1Pe 1 Peter

17 Es Esther 39 Ma Malachi 61 2Pe 2 Peter

18 Job Job 40 Mt Matthew 62 1Jn 1 John

19 Ps Psalms 41 Mk Mark 63 2Jn 2 John

20 Pr Proverbs 42 Lk Luke 64 3Jn 3 John

21 Ec Ecclesiastes 43 Jn John 65 Jude Jude

22 Ss Song of Solomon 44 Ac Acts 66 Rev Revelation

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org




Introduction 4

Preface 6

Chapter 1 Why Learn About Prophecy? 8

Chapter 2 Sudden Insight 15

Chapter 3 Symbols of Prophecy 24

Chapter 4 Prophecy and the Exodus 43

Chapter 5 Prophetic Parables of History Part 1 49

Chapter 6 Prophetic Parables of History Part 2 63

Chapter 7 The Law, God‘s Calendar, Time Lines and

Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls 74

Chapter 8 The Law Fulfilled in Real Time 87

Chapter 9 Beasts, Great Day of Wrath, God‘s Peace 101

Chapter 10 Four Generations and God‘s Perfect Timing 111

Chapter 11 The Message 122

Chapter 12 God Within Each Life 135

Prophecy Check List Introduction 143

Prophecy Check List 144

Format Changes

The original God Messiah PDF format on the Internet was changed in July 2010; however, no changes were

made either in the text or diagrams that would affect the copyright of God Messiah, © 2006. Chapters 1 through 10

now have specific titles needed for this Table of Contents. Most Scripture addresses that were originally mixed within the sentence were moved to the end of the sentence to help maintain the flow of thought. All of the reference

helps such as ―See page …‖ or ―(page …)‖ etc. were converted to the new page numbers. To reduce the number of

pages, the font size was made smaller; and the original Table of Contents, supporting Scriptures, and the

Appendices were removed, which were already considered as being separate from the original text of God Messiah. The purpose for including the Scripture was for convenience so that you could read the Scripture immediately, if

you chose to do so. The New American Standard Bible is now available on the Internet so that Scripture references

can still be read if you do not own a copy. The explanations about the page layout and the quoted Scripture, in the Introduction, became obsolete because the Scripture was removed. Instead of 591 sheets of paper needed to print on

one side the original God Messiah PDF, a person now has the option of printing a hard copy with as few as 74

sheets of paper using both sides. The Boldface subtitles within the chapter were converted to Italicize print and

placed in the center of the column. During the interim years since God Messiah was first written and published, my own understanding continues to be refined. Of note, the appointed times of the Sabbath (pages 68 and 69) and the

year of the Jubilee (pages 84, 85) are now included with the original 8 appointed times of the Law, making for a

total of ten; but they remain, in this format, as they were written and explained originally.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org



After nine years of study I began writing God

Messiah in late March of 1999. Publishing began after seven more years in March of 2006. With His

Holy Spirit guiding me, scriptural support for this

book has been the central consideration. This means the Scripture determined when a thought or concept

was adequately supported. At no time was there any

desire to meet a certain number of biblical references. Throughout God Messiah many principles are

repeated which accomplishes two objectives: It

reinforces key biblical principles, and it provides a

certain amount of flexibility for the reader. A person is able to gain a complete thought beginning from a

subtitle without having to read previous pages.

While God Messiah was being written, Scripture verse addresses were immediately included with each

thought. God Messiah was placed into book format

by April of 2004. Scripture was then copied and

pasted into the book by November of 2004. For copyright purposes, the Lockman Foundation

requested to know the number of individual verses.

To satisfy the Lockman Foundation‘s request, Scripture addresses were copied and pasted into a

spreadsheet by November 2004. The spreadsheet was

set up so each verse number would have its own row. Then the verse addresses were sorted, page locations

combined, and individual verses counted. Throughout

this process, accuracy has been the primary goal.

The known statistics are as follows: Of the 31400+ verses in the Bible, the actual number of

individual Bible verses quoted within God Messiah

equals 9448. This means 30% of the Bible is quoted at least one time. A partial verse was counted as one

full verse. Of the 9448 quoted verses, 4756 verses

were used only one time, 1904 verses were quoted twice, 1023 verses were quoted three times, and 628

verses were quoted four times. These total 8311

quoted verses of the 9448. The remaining 1137

individual verses were used five or more times. Daniel 9:27 is quoted 32 times. The 9448 individual

verses within God Messiah were quoted for a

combined total of 22708 times. Of the 1189 chapters in the Bible, 966 or 81% have at least one verse

quoted within God Messiah.

God‘s Word, the Bible, is the true focus of

discovery of Christ Jesus Messiah rather than this book of God Messiah. The text of God Messiah

begins at the top of the left page of two facing pages

with the quoted Word of God from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ® (NASB) below

and/or on the facing page. Doing so provides you

with an immediate reference. The Scripture is placed in the same order as the verse address is arranged

within the text of the book. Sometimes a Scripture

address is repeated within the same page. If this happens, the Scripture from the NASB usually is

printed two or more times, but due to available page

space, occasionally may appear just once, making it necessary to look above to reread the verse. Italicized

words within the NASB scripture are not from the

original Hebrew, Greek, or Arabic text and were

added by the Lockman Foundation to aid in readability. Skipping over the italicized words helps

to gain a sense of the original biblical text. You will

see within the verse capitalized first letters of words. This is due to original spacing and indent format of

the NASB. The spacing was deleted to compress the

text to fit into a smaller space for this book.

Without the quoted Scripture, God Messiah is 287 pages in length. However, the quoted Scripture is

vital and verifies the intent of this book. Without

Scripture the message of God Messiah would be wholly ―opinion‖ rather than a voice pointing you

towards God Son Holy Spirit. Along with symbolic

or prophetic support, Scripture gives additional information not written in God Messiah that is

essential for clearer understanding. The order of

Scripture gives insight into the sequence of how His

Holy Spirit guided the writing of this book. For continuity of thought, strings of verse addresses are

arranged in consecutive order to be read left to right

to gain a central message or thought. Example: Dt6:4-7; Is7:14; 9:6; 11:1-5; Jn1:1-5,9-14; 14:26;


Finally, underlined words are either for emphasis, identify additional resources used, highlight specific

words in Scripture, and/or help find the reference on

a specific page from the Checklist (page 144).

Knowing it is the Holy Spirit/Scripture that opens the eyes of the heart, gives understanding, reveals

truth, and convicts each person to take action, I have

attempted to arrange the verses logically so a person is more easily able to ―connect the dots.‖

Occasionally verses from several addresses may need

to be studied and reflected upon to make the

connection. It is also important to think of the words of God Messiah as descriptive headings used to

highlight, explain, illustrate, or combine quoted


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


The addresses and the Scripture have been

reduced in font size to aid in the printing of this book. The number of words on a page(s) of God Messiah

was determined by how much page space was needed

for the supporting Scripture that followed. With

regards to importance, the Holy Scripture should have been printed in font size 12 (or larger); but

practicality took precedence, otherwise the number of

pages for God Messiah would have been about 1940 pages or an additional 808 pages from its present

size. The Scripture constitutes approximately 85% of

the book. Generally the quoted Scripture font size is 8, or 8.5 but occasionally ranges from 7.5 to 9. Please

remember though the font size varies, each verse is

equally valued. In the process of preparing God

Messiah for publishing, I have learned the Scripture should have been added after the book was edited.

Doing so would have helped maintain the # 8 font

size and would have reduced the total number of pages.

God‘s Word, the Bible, is written for all peoples

everywhere. When God is directly speaking to Israel, Judah, or Gentiles who are dead in their sin, He is

speaking to all lost peoples everywhere, for His Word

is inclusive. When He speaks to His faithful saved

people He is speaking to all saved people. Many times prophetic statements towards Judah also apply

to the followers of Jesus. Example: ―…Judah will

walk with the house of Israel…‖ Jer3:18. This means

both the faithful of Jesus today and all Jews will be united, for they will one day worship God through


As God Messiah is read it is important to have a

sincere, God-seeking heart. With any other heart

attitude, this work would be considered folly. One suggestion for continuity: Read a book sub-

section first and then reread it again along with the


Whether you are just beginning to seek God or are

a long time believer and scholar of Scripture, it is

good to read each Scripture quote as it applies to the context of this book. Doing so sets the tone, recalls

the mind, refreshes the spirit, and provides the

opportunity for the Holy Spirit to reveal new understandings.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org



Let us pray.

Dear heavenly Father, may this message be an

encouragement to all who hear within their hearts the

testimony of Your glory, faithfulness, wisdom, and power. By sincerely seeking You, may each reader or

person who hears and takes these words to heart

come to know and appreciate that the Bible has been written to reveal: You, God, Your Son, Your Holy

Spirit, Your love, and Your desire to be intimately

involved in every part of each person‘s life. May You

show the way each person is to live according to Your precepts and illustrate to each person that the

historical account of the First (Old) Testament

includes word pictures and symbols describing the two appearances of Christ Messiah…Your Son. May

each person understand more clearly that both the

First and Second (New) Testaments are finely and seamlessly woven together; and for each person to

know only You, God, are able to tell about future

events hundreds, even thousands of years, before they

appear. Amen Is44:6,7,9,17,20.

To All Peoples, Jews And Gentiles

The sons and daughters of Israel continue to

experience affliction, but draw near to the time when

they will proclaim to the world the good news of God Messiah; Gn12:1,2; 15:4-6,18; 17:7,16Ps105:6-11;

Ex9:16; Is65:8; 66:19. Today instead of teaching

their children about Christ, Jews, without

investigation, teach them not to believe in Jesus. However, God‘s Servant, Immanuel, King, Prince of

Peace, Mighty Counselor, Savior, and our Passover

Lamb will be proclaimed; and Israel one day, will proclaim Him, our Holy One, to the nations of the

world, and all the families will be blessed; Is7:14;

Is9:6,7; Ex12:3,11-13,23 Is53:7; 63:1;

Rev1:1a;Ps16:1-11; Gn12:3; Is11:10; 49:6,9; 51:4; 62:1-3; 66:10,14; Zec8:23.

*Seek God Through His Word

―They read from the book, from the law of God,

translating to give sense so that they understood the reading…‖ Ne8:8 Ne8:18; 9:2,6,11,15,32;

Is34:16,17. There is no other way to secure true

wisdom; Pr1:2-7. Only with the heart, by reading or

hearing God‘s Word, does a person gain sight, otherwise there is blindness; Jn9:7; Ac13:26; 8:28-


*Note: Please read about underlined words in the Introduction.

To the Jew, who reads or hears only the Law,

there is a veil covering understanding; 2Cor3:15-17;

Lv26:44,45. However, to all peoples (Jew or Gentile) who truly seek God Messiah, He allows them to find

Him; Dt4:29,30; 1Ki8:53; Ro15:4. ―(The)…LORD

has been pleased to make a people for Himself.‖ 1Sa12:22. ―Only fear the LORD and serve Him in

truth....‖ 1Sa12:24. ―The LORD will raise up… a

prophet… from among your countrymen…you shall

listen to him‖ Dt18:15 Dt18:18; Gn49:10; Mi5:2-4; Lk1:76,77; 4:16-21; Mt21:11; Lk7:16; Lk9:35; 15:1;

21:38; Ezk37:19. The LORD said, ―I permitted Myself

to be sought by those who did not ask; I permitted Myself to be found by those who did not seek Me. I

said, ‗Here am I, here am I,‘ to a nation which did not

call on My name‖ Is65:1 Is9:1,2.

The Testimony

―This is the message we have heard from Him, and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him

there is no darkness at all‖ 1Jn1:5 (Darkness means

rebellion/sin against God.).

Prophecy Will Be Fulfilled

Prophecy is the foretelling of future events. God

initiates prophecy through the words and/or actions

of people whom God chooses.

―So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a

lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and

the morning star arises in your hearts. But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter

of one‘s own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever

made by an act of human will, but men moved by the

Holy Spirit spoke from God‖ 2Pe1:19-21.

God’s Prophetic Challenge

Isaiah 43: 9-13 ―All the nations have gathered

together so that the peoples may be assembled. Who

among them can declare this and proclaim to us the former things? Let them present their witnesses that

they may be justified, or let them hear and say, ‗It is

true.‘ ‗You are My witnesses,‘ declares the LORD,

and My servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe Me and understand that I am He.

Before Me there was no God formed, and there will

be none after Me. I, even I, am the LORD, and there is

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


no savior besides Me. It is I who has declared and

saved and proclaimed, and there was no strange god among you; so you are My witnesses, declares the

LORD, and I am God. Even from eternity I am He,

and there is none who can deliver out of My hand; I

act and who can reverse it?‖ Psalm 121: 4-8 ―Behold, He who keeps Israel

Will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your

keeper; The LORD is your shade on your right hand. The sun will not smite you by day, Nor the moon by

night. The LORD will protect you from all evil; He

will keep your soul. The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and


This book and biblical reference testify: the Expected One, the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of

God, and the Son of Man are the names of One

Person… Jesus. God‘s plan for the last days of this

generation reveals this truth.

But The Question Is

―Who has believed our message? And to whom has

the arm of the LORD been revealed?‖ Is53:1 Ma3:7;

Jn3:4,5; Lk21:7

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 1

Why Learn About Prophecy?


If you are not, or are unsure whether or not you

are reconciled with God, then please, turn to Chapter 11, titled, ―The Message,‖ to learn what being

reconciled means. Be reconciled with God. Allow

God to teach you (as much as you are able to understand) the things described of this world and the

things of the Spirit/spirit. May the LORD bless each


Reasons To Know

If you love, obey, and live a holy life according to the LORD…there is no personal need to learn about

His appearing; Lk9:24. If you love, obey, and live a

holy life according to the LORD, God is mindful of

you, and you will be saved; Ps103:14; 115:12,13. God has written your name into His book of life, and

one day you will see His face; Jn14:23; Rev22:4. If

you were to die today, if you love Him, and if you have lived according to His commandments, then you

abide in Him and He in you, so that your joy will be

made full even though you know nothing about His coming; Jn15:10,11; Ps39:4-7; Ho6:3Da9:25,27;

Is51:11; 61:7; Jer24:7.

If, therefore, we do not need to hear and be given

understanding about the last days of this generation, His coming, and the beginning of the next generation

because we already do what He said to do, then the

question comes to mind: What is the value of knowing about the coming of Christ?

Why Is It Good To Know?

As servants, the first reason is that we are to be

ready; Is40:3-5; Lk12:37. We are to be attuned to the

events of the day. We are to be educated sufficiently in God‘s Word, the Bible, and able to compare the

Truth with the worldly news. It is not necessary to be

an expert, but we need to be knowledgeable enough to recognize when something is not right according to

God and then take the necessary action as the time

draws near; Mt25:7. Daily we are to read and study

Scripture; Jos1:8. This prevents us from solely depending upon others.

Knowing information has been written in the Holy

Scripture for several thousand years about the establishment of the kingdom of Jesus on Earth gives

us the opportunity to praise God. By learning the events before they happen, we realize firsthand

through the revelation of His Holy Spirit that the

words penned by the writers of the Bible were truly inspired by God. By comparing what we have and

know today with what was written long ago, we

realize only God could plan this. Only He knew from the beginning what would take place. It is too

complex for the human mind to invent or even to

absorb completely. We gain the insight, that at the

time those people who wrote prophetic Scripture could not have imagined the entire meaning. In fact,

they wrote of things that seemed to be impossible in

human terms. As we look at biblical history we realize God is

near, and God has never been far away; Ac17:24-31.

We also realize that mankind is once again repeating

the evil which abounded in the days of Noah, until God‘s wrath began; Mt24:37,38; Gn6:5. By learning

about the events of the future, we realize the words of

the Holy Scripture are truly living. This means they are Spirit, have life, and transcend the ages; Jn6:63;

Titus 1:2,3. It is when we learn of the events that will

happen, we realize our God is the only God; and He is very much in control; 2Chr17:1-5: Jehoshaphat

meaning God is judge. Please read vs.3-5. Realize

this is referring to Messiah.

To have the desire to learn of the events leading to the setup of the kingdom of Jesus on earth honors

God and honors His name. This same concept is true

when one person desires to learn from another person. The word heart is used 726 times within the

NASB Bible. It is used to describe an awareness or

attitude within the person‘s spirit. It is the spirit place in the bosom of a person where a thought is

conceived a moment before it becomes conscious

within the mind.

Sometimes without thought of the consequence, what is conceived in the heart goes directly to the

mouth for everyone to hear…a matter difficult to

experience; Mt12:34; Jas3:8. The heart also is referred to as a vessel filled either with temporary and

dead things or with the eternal Holy Spirit that leads

to life; Is45:9; 1Th4:4; Eph1:17-23; 2Tim2:21,22.

When we learn the meaning of prophecy, we mature in our faith. Through the Word of God and

the revelation of truth by the Holy Spirit working

within our heart and soul, the faith we first had is strengthened. This is the reason why Paul was able to

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


say, ―…to live is Christ, to die is gain‖ Php1:21. He

truly did not care for his mortal life because while he lived on earth, his energy was used to teach others to

live according to the words Jesus spoke. ―He who has

found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life

for My sake will find it‖ Mt10:39. Paul even went so far as to say he would forsake the promise of eternal

life if his separation could bring those people who are

lost into salvation; Ro9:1-3. Another reason to learn about the Second Coming

is ―…LORD, I do believe, help my unbelief‖ Mk9:24.

The more understanding one has about the events which lead to the kingdom of Jesus on earth, the less

the mystery there is in Scripture, and the more one‘s

unbelief is removed. Through study, biblical words

gain great depth of meaning, and people are able to picture in their minds and grasp concepts that were

once too symbolic.

Through the sincere desire to hear and study God‘s Word, a person begins to take on a heavenly

sorrow for all people who do not love or obey God. It

is through study and prayer that the Holy Spirit gives an awareness of the condition lost human spirits will

experience in the eternal lake of fire; Mt13:49,50;

Rev20:15. Those of us who are active believers are

like a people who are standing in a safe zone, watching a catastrophe unfold, involving multitudes

of men, women, and children. This awareness jolts

the adrenaline and demands we get out of our comfort zone, and with all our strength, try to yell to

the ones in peril, ―Run over here to safety!‖ It causes

us to shift from being spectators and puts us into the

arena of leadership to tell others about the love of God and Jesus our Savior; Rev1:3; 1Cor14:24,25.

In fact, a person who has been given insight to the

future events through the Holy Spirit shifts from an initial inward curiosity to a serious outward attitude

of discipleship. He changes from seeking to learn

facts to save his soul… to having the mindset of not being concerned for his own safety and desiring the

opportunity to tell others. As the signs of the last

days of this generation become more apparent to the

children of God, the greater the urgency will be to speak out; Da11:33. Having a serious attitude of

discipleship removes the possibility for the LORD to

say, ―…I never knew you, depart from Me...‖ Mt7:23.

Being able to see that Scripture has harmony with

itself and is not just a collection of disjointed words written by mere man refreshes the mind of the

believer. It renews the spirit of faith; it causes us to

become confident, not in our own confidence, but in

our confidence of God; 2Cor3:5. When this confidence is displayed in a spirit of humility, yet

with the boldness of the gospel, others will see; and

people may open their hearts to give the LORD opportunity to draw them closer to Him; Ac2:14-41.

If the Word of God is not preached in the world, then

the day the ―…stones will cry out…‖ is upon us

Lk19:40. Another reason to learn about His coming is, as

the prophetic signs appear, we are able to anticipate

and prepare for what is to happen next. We will not know everything, but many will see enough evidence

to know with certainty that Messiah is near and that

we are not orphans caused by the delusion of this world; Jn14:18; Jer10:2,3.

As the events play out in the last days, people

with holy insight will tell unbelievers what will soon

happen; and it will be like the multitudes that witnessed Jesus performing miracles. Jesus said to

them, ―…though you do not believe Me, believe the

works, so that you may understand the Father is in Me and I in the Father‖ Jn10:38.

Through the terrible events of the final days of

this generation, more people will accept Jesus Christ as their Savior than the combined total since He

began His ministry; Mt23:34-36; Rev7:9. The gospel

will be preached as a testimony to all the nations

before the end, but God tells us that additional multitudes will have rejected His offer; Mt24:14;

Mt7:13,14; Rev16:13,14.

Order Upon Order

I do not know when all this will happen, but we

are two thousand years nearer to the day the LORD returns. The indicators are the following: Our

technology has advanced to be able to fulfill those

things written symbolically in Scripture. The signs of pollution can be found everywhere; Jer23:15;

Is24:5,6. Yet we are not to profane anything God

created, for when God created it, He said it is good; Gn1:4,10,12,21,25,31. If it is good, it is clean, and it

is holy; Gn7:2; Ro14:20. The forces of man‘s evil

heart are becoming dominant, as in the days of Noah;

Gn6:5. Israel is a recognized nation; Ezk38:8c,d. The number of people is increasing who turn away from

the unchanging love of God and also are against

Israel; Mi7:18; Dt4:35,39; Is45:22 Ezk38:11. There is a sequential order of events written in the

Bible. There is also enough biblical evidence to list

many of the events. As these events appear, a person could check them on a list (See page 144.). As the

events of the last days unfold (if we are still on earth)

you and I will understand the time is drawing near.

This insight alone tells me that God is in control, and He will strengthen His people; Is45:5-7. For some

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


events, there is a clear prophetic sequence of ―this,

then that,‖ and we can plan on the sequence; Mt24:29-31. However, there are several events that

may happen at the same time or close to the same

time, making it difficult to put them in a specific

sequential order; Rev13:5,10,17. God is sovereign; 1Tim6:14,15. All things are

possible in Him; Mt19:26. Truly, the end-times

process is from God and will follow what He said in Scripture. God is the architect of everything;

Heb11:10. Therefore, He arranges the outcome of

every event of life; Jer32:17-20. He directs the steps of each person; Pr16:9. The individual thoughts and

actions of every person help determine the role each

person plays in the fulfillment of the Law and the

prophets; Lk18:31. This means that everything you and I think, say, and do plays a part in the plan of

God; Mt15:11. The same principle applies as to what

comes from the mouth of God, but the difference is that God‘s word is final; Mt4:4. It is for us to obey

Him and not men; Rev21:6-8.

Because God has set the outcomes of our present events, He also arranged ahead of time the results of

past events. God had significant moments of those

historical events recorded in Scripture. Truly, the

Scripture is inspired; 2Tim3:16. The Scripture is also protected from loss and corruption and has been

preserved through the ages; Is45:20,21; Mt5:18;

Lk24:44; Rev17:17. The historical events recorded in Scripture are

special, for they demonstrate an often-repeated

sequential pattern. Though some of the elements of

the pattern may not be included or follow exactly from one historical event to another, there are

sufficient numbers of elements included in a

particular Scripture that unmistakably describe prophecy because they clearly parallel biblical

prophecy. Many times recorded biblical events can

give a clearer description of the prophetic word. Several times each of these points will be illustrated

below, as well as in the following chapters.

An example of historic prophecy is the word

―cleft.‖ It is a separation or fissure in a rock. In a cleft of a rock with the hand of God covering him, Moses

was saved from God‘s glory; Ex33:18,20,22. Thomas

put his hand in the side (cleft) of the risen Christ Jesus; Jn19:34; 20:27. After sinking in the water,

Peter was saved by the hand of Jesus, symbolizing

Jesus as our rock and cleft of salvation; Mt14:30,31; 2Sa22:2-4. At the moment of death, the hand of Jesus

is extended to all who are His and they are alive

within the cleft of the Rock; Is66:12; Ac4:29-31;

Ps145:16; Jn11:26; Lk23:43; Jn6:39; Mt24:31;

1Cor15:55. The living then are separated from the

dead; Jdg15:8; Mt25:32; Is59:2. As believers in God Jesus Holy Spirit, we know

there is no coincidence, only God-incidence; Da2:20-

23; Ec1:9. We have the advantage of looking back in

history. People who have studied the Scripture, with the Holy Spirit guiding, know that there are

numerous verses in the First Testament that were not

clear prophecy. Rather, they were accounts of actual historical life events, but specifically refer to the time

of Jesus‘ life and ministry, including His crucifixion

and His resurrection. Here are a few examples: the seed, the Passover lamb, and the love story; Gn3:15;

Ex12:6,13,27; Ru4:13-15. God does not change;

Jer4:28. He has purposed to have Israel‘s recorded

history include elements that give insight about the establishment of the kingdom of Jesus/Peace on


Jesus spoke of the events that will take place in the last days. There are parables He spoke, literal

words He spoke, miracles He performed, and actions

He did that include the same elements found in the prophetic Scripture and within Israel‘s history that

refer to the events of the future. Here are a few

examples: Just prior to His triumphal entry, but after

He left Zaccheus, Jesus led the way from the east to Jerusalem; Lk19:28. This is what Jesus will do when

His glory is seen coming from the east; Mt24:30.

Jesus also spoke of the Scripture writings through Jonah, David, Moses, and Daniel, as they refer to the

establishment of the kingdom of God; Lk11:30;

20:42; 24:44; Mt24:15.

Who Can Learn?

Any child of God can read Scripture and learn facts about Jesus‘ return. This is a promise of God;

Jn16:13. The Holy Spirit reveals truth and gives a

depth of understanding of that truth to whom God chooses it to be revealed; Ro12:6. But Truth is

always revealed. The truth revealed remains

consistent from one believer to the next and from one

age to the next; Jn3:21; 4:23,24; 8:31,32; 14:6,17; 16:13-15; 1Cor12:6-11. Once the events leading to

Jesus‘ return are understood, are we obligated to tell

others? ABSOLUTELY…………not, but we are

commanded to go into the world, preaching the

gospel to make disciples of all nations; Mt28:19. The people of the congregations that were established

because Paul preached the gospel to them generally

stayed close to home while witnessing to the locals.

This means we should not remain silent. As God presents the opportunity within our lives, we are first

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


to offer the practical love of Christ to the people

through the things we do and say; Jn2:7. As Paul said, (he) planted, Apollos watered, and God did the

growing; 1Cor3:6. We may not be able to turn water

into wine, but by the service we provide in Christ, we

will give the best we have in everything we do to everyone with whom we come in contact.

Knowing about the order of events to establish the

kingdom of Jesus does not change His commandment to make disciples of nations. We who have insight

must take note when we see specific and major

indicators that initiate the seven-year time period; Mk14:38; Mt24:32,33. This fact is no different from

the wise men arriving from the east to worship the

baby Jesus, the prophecy of Simeon, or the thanks of

Anna, when Jesus was dedicated after being born; Mt2:1,2,11,12; Lk2:25-38. Jesus will have the Holy

Spirit reveal truth at the times truth needs to be

revealed; Jn15:26. Our task is to be able to recognize it and be ready to do what is necessary; Lk19:13.

As children of God, our task is to be sensitive to

the Holy Spirit at all times and not return to our former ways; Heb3:12-15. We are to act, according

to Scripture, on the urgings of God through the Holy

Spirit. There is a reward when we do this. First, we

know we are doing the task God has sent us to do; and second, there is holy joy in this knowledge. Until

the day of the LORD, we will know we have stayed

the course, run the race, and set our mind on the goal; 2Tim4:7; 1Cor9:24; Lk13:32.

If I fall short, not of willful neglect of what God

expects me to do; for in my heart I want to do all that

is right; Ga5:17,18; Ro7:14-25. I know God understands. I know He knows my heart; 1Sam16:7. I

know He knows my weaknesses; 2Cor12:9. Our most

merciful God has recorded for our benefit how the people like Elijah, Jonah, and Peter acted in the flesh,

rather than in the Spirit; yet God was kind and

merciful to them, for each returned to Him with a humble and contrite heart, as each of us is to do;

Ro15:4; Ro8:39; Lk6:35,36; Is66:2; Rev3:3. We are

always to keep watching and praying not to come

into temptation for all of us are able to pray, and to us (who call upon His name) He gives the greatest hope

because when we are faithless (meaning ―…of little

faith‖), God remains faithful; Mk14:38; Dt7:9; 2Tim2:13. When there is true hope, there is life, and

with false hope, death; Ps62:5-8; Ro15:12; 1Th1:3;

4:13; 5:8; 1Tim1:1; 4:10; Titus 1:2; Job8:11-13.

A Process

I ask that we agree on one principle: that the entire Word of God, the Bible, is true; Jn3:33-36; Nu11:23;

Is55:11; Rev3:7,8. I have earnestly tried not to quote

out of context or pervert Scripture. I desire nothing for myself but to speak God‘s truth; Jer23:28. Listen

with your heart to what is being said regarding the

events of the last days. Allow God‘s Holy Spirit to

minister to you. Please understand that it would take weeks, or perhaps years, to explain and give

Scriptural support for the events leading to the

appearing of Messiah. I have tried to place Scriptural listings in a

specific order for continuity and insight. I

recommend reading the specific part of the book, skipping over the scripture reference, and then

returning to study God‘s word. In reality, the words

or phrases of this book are actually short explanations

that are further explained through the Scripture references. The real learning is not through what I

have written, but by allowing His Holy Spirit to

reveal Truth through the Bible. The LORD has guided me to organize common biblical qualities. By no

means are the Scripture verses comprehensive, but it

is hoped that sufficient scriptural references have been provided to initiate confidence in God. Of the

many truths that have been revealed, there are many

more to be revealed. I believe it would take a few

lifetimes to record and explain all that is in God‘s Word pertaining to the reappearance of His Son.

The world may already have entered into the years

immediately preceding the last prophetic week, what Jesus called having ―birth pangs,‖ because we have

heard of the wars, rumors of wars, famines, and

earthquakes; Mt24:6-8. But, I cannot say

definitively if this point of prophecy has arrived. It is because of our ability for mass communication that

we know of these things, and it is because of our

technological ability that the world now has the means to complete what has been written in Scripture

regarding the transgression. (Note: Many times the

words ―end of the transgression‖ are used in this book. The words refer to the time beginning from the

sin of Adam and continue to the day of God‘s wrath,

which ends the transgression against Him and begins

the kingdom of Messiah on Earth.) The NASB (New American Standard Bible) by

the Lockman Foundation has been used. The aim of

the Lockman Foundation is that the NASB ―…shall be true to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek;

…shall be grammatically correct; …shall be

understandable; (and) …shall give the LORD Jesus Christ the proper place, the place the Word gives


Word definitions were obtained through the M.G.

Easton Biblical Dictionary and Scripture, and verse reference locations were found with the help of the

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Search engine of the NASB Electronic Bible Library.

The Pictorial Bible Dictionary by Tenney was used as an additional historical reference. Josh

McDowell‘s Evidence That Demands A Verdict was

used seven times as noted on page 2.

Godly Mindset

The Bible clearly announces the coming of Messiah; Lk24:13-35. Israel has been commissioned

to proclaim the good news, making disciples of all

the nations, the same as believers in Christ; Ga4:4,5; 3:8-14; Mt28:19,20; Is40:8,9.

By his example, Paul showed us the necessity of

studying the Scripture so the Good News can be

proclaimed; Ga1:1,13-16,23; Eph1:17,18. The Good News proclaimed today is mostly through grafted

sons and daughters, but the number of the broken

branches (Jews) being re-grafted to the rich root of the olive tree continues to increase; Ro11:17;

Ro11:23; Ro11:16-36. It is important to remember

that at one time more Jews than Gentiles worshiped our Messiah the Son of God; Ac6:7.

Unless we are eyewitnesses, then it is by faith we

(Jew and Gentile) trust in the written word of God;

Heb11:1-3. However, we are eyewitnesses of the unique workings of God within our individual lives;

Ac14:16,17; Ro1:17-19. We are His children and

recognize many of His workings; and we glorify, praise, and give thanks to Him; Mt11:27. He has led

us to understand the true knowledge of God the

Father, God the Son, Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit;

Dt6:4-7; Is7:14; 9:6; 11:1-5;Jn1:1-5,9-14; Jn14:26; 1Pe1:2,10-12. Immanuel/Jesus is God, who came to

us through a virgin birth, to atone for our

unrighteousness sin, first to the Jew and equally to the Gentile; Hab2:4c; Ac13:22-41; 11:17,18. One

day He will return to put all things in order, and until

that day, those who believe by faith are to live according to His precepts; Ps8:1-9; Php4:6-9.

God’s Word

In order to study prophecy, it is vital to use a

Bible that is recognized as an exact translation of the

original text while having minimal added words for clarification. God has guided many biblical scholars

to provide excellent detailed explanations about

words, their original order, and the context in which they were first recorded; 1Cor12:11-20. It is

important to be in a mindset ready to feed upon His

Word; Ps85:11; Lk1:17; 14:17. Above everything,

God, through Jesus, must be earnestly and prayerfully asked to have His Holy Spirit reveal truth about His

Scriptur Lk11:13b; Php4:6. As we learn and apply

His truth, we are to put His Light on top of the lampstand to guide others; Lk8:16.

Focusing on one word is profitable; 1Tim4:4-6.

Use a concordance to investigate how the word is

used elsewhere in Scripture, being careful not to become like some; Pr2:2-12; Jn5:39,40; 2Tim3:7. In

doing so, the Holy Spirit opens your eyes to

understanding, sometimes powerfully; Jn15:26; 16:13. Allow God to direct your attention, and do not

be impulsive; Lk2:26; Ac8:26; Ec5:2. The Holy

Spirit usually reveals things, a little here and a little there; Is28:9,10. Time is not to be a concern;

Ga2:1,2. There will be moments as you seek God

when the revelation is overflowing; Ps45:1;

Job26:13,14; 42:3-5. This is how His Scripture becomes active, and the depth of God begins to be

visible; Heb4:12; Mt11:25.

Truly, when we earnestly seek God, we will find Him and when we share the treasure with others God

is pleased; Jer29:13; Mt7:8; Lk15:8-10; 1Chr16:23-

25; Heb13:15,16. We are worshiping and praising our Creator when the knowledge and joy gained from the

work He has done is shared with someone; Jn15:11;

Ro14:7; 1Jn1:3. God is also pleased when we listen

to His Holy Spirit; Dt31:12,13; Jn5:30; 10:3,16; Mt3:17; Lk9:35; Lk10:21; 11:13; 12:10; Jn14:26;


The Holy Spirit Reveals

We know the way to learn is either by firsthand

experience, or by being taught facts based upon findings through the experiences of others; Gn32:20;

45:13; Ex13:14; Jos23:3; Lk2:30; 5:26; 1Jn1:1;

Pr22:6; Dt17:19,20; Ps145:1-13. (The latter is less costly.) However, the Holy Spirit always does the

revealing of Truth of the natural environment and the

spiritual realm of God‘s Scripture; Ps25:4,5; 119:66; 1Cor2:12,13; 3:6,7. God, through the Son, reveals

truth to whomever He decides, giving varying

amounts of understanding at a particular time in

history He selects. Examples: Mt. Sinai (Ex24:9,10), Balaam (Nu22:7-12,20,38; 24:1-3), Rahab (Jos2:1,9-

11), Elijah and the widow (1Ki17:9,12-16), the

servant (2Ki6:17), Gideon (Jdg6:11-14), Nebuchadnezzar (Da2:21-23; 4:37), the disciples and

crowds of people (Ac2:2-11,29-32), and the

Ethiopian (Ac8:27-39). God remembers His covenants (promises) and

does what is necessary to bring His Word to

fulfillment; Gn7:1; Ex3:9; Is38:5,6; 57:18; Jer7:11;

Mt21:13; 5:18. God determines whether or not this understanding and knowledge are learned from one

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


generation to the next. If His truth becomes

unknown, He determines when His Word will reappear at another time; Ne2:5; 8:2,4,6,13-18. When

understanding and knowledge are gained, each

person is to be humble and give thanks, honor, and

praise to God, who is our great Teacher; Da4:34,35; 2Sa22:50; Ps7:17; Mt11:29; 15:36; 23:8. Truly, God

directs the way of man; Pr16:9.

Trust: His children are to trust God‘s Scripture, though complete understanding is not given in this

life; Heb11:39,40; 12:1-3. His children are to trust

the urgings of the Holy Spirit, but accompany these with prayer and thorough investigation of the

Scripture; Php4:6; 1Jn4:1-3. Fear God. Know that He

tests all people; Ps11:5; Job1:8,9,12,20,21; Pr17:3-5.

When there is nothing in Scripture to support an idea, be careful; hold certain thoughts within your

heart; Gn20:11; 31:31; 38:15; Dt15:9; 1Sa1:13;

18:11. They may not be of God, but of this world; 1Jn4:1. Satan hides himself as the quiet whisperer of

a person‘s thoughts; Is8:19; Job20:12-16; Pr26:22-

28; Rev12:9. Also, Satan reveals to people things in the spirit of darkness; Job5:14. Many people are

deceived, and seek things of this world, in turn, they

become deceivers; Dt13:1-5; Job15:26-29,31-35;

2Jn7-11; Mt7:15-23. Satan is pleased when people pervert the truth of God and take credit for their

knowledge in the name of themselves, use it to create

a false image, and have worldly gain; Ps50:16-20; Jas5:5; Job1:11; 5:5; Ex23:2,6; Job34:12; Pr17:23;

Ezk7:20; Mk7:21-23; 2Pe2:12-15. There is no love in

Satan, and his pleasure is his own; Job41:34; Ps10:2-

4,6-11; 2Th2:12; 1Tim5:6; 2Tim3:1-4. Satan is the father of lies, and an accuser against the

righteousness of God; Jn8:44; Job34:17; Pr6:16-19;

Dt7:10; Jn7:7; Rev12:10. Even in this writing, the reader is expected to check the given references

wholeheartedly and allow God‘s Holy Spirit to

minister understanding; Dt13:14a; Job5:17-27.


In the day when ―the plan‖ is devised fulfilling prophecy, some will discern the time; Ezk38:10;

Jer49:30; Heb5:14. When that time arrives, as in the

day of Jeremiah, trouble will be caused for those publicly announcing that a certain person is the one

to whom the Scripture is referring; Na1:7; Mt6:34;

Jn15:18. The masses of people will move into the snare and call good evil and evil good; 1Sa8:18,19;

Ec9:12; Is5:18-21; 8:13-18,21,22. When we use only

our own thoughts, we do not and cannot think as

God; Pr3:5-7; Is55:8. For now, what we know to be true for future events is dependent upon what God

has told us in Scripture; Is8:20; 1Cor2:2-7. Later (as

in the time of Moses and Aaron) as events unfold, more details will be revealed by the two witnesses of

God; Jos24:7,17; Rev11:3.

Word Power

When the Word was spoken, even when it was

directed to the Pharisees, most assuredly it was the Word Jesus spoke which condemned their heart and

motives, for He spoke with a stammering tongue;

Lk11:37-54; Heb4:12; Is29:11-13; 28:11. Jesus came to bring salvation to all through believing in Him;

Jn3:16. When Jesus told them they were hypocrites

and His appearance was such that He did not draw

attention to His person, He looked intently at them and merely spoke; Mt15:7-9; Is53:2; Mt15:11. It was

His Word that convicted them to agree and

understand or become hardened; Mt15:18. It was always the Word He spoke that had power, and not

theatrics of speech; Mt15:18; 1Cor1:18; Heb1:3. All

who hear the Word either receive or reject Him. This was true while Jesus was in the flesh and is true today

when the Scripture is read or the Gospel is heard;

Lk4:14,17-19,22,28,29; 7:28-30; 10:8-11; 24:44. The

Word of God stands firm; Pr30:5; Jn1:1; Ps72:18.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


God…Final Word

There is finality in God‘s Word (Ex3:14a,16d,17;

Jn8:54,55,58; 18:56). All words are spirit and eternal

(Jn6:63; Mt10:26; Mk4:22; Lk8:17,18a; 12:2,3). Though it is ancient in our terms, Scripture is as alive

and active as in the day when it was first written;

Ac15:21; Heb4:12. The promises God gave to Abraham and to all nations will be fulfilled;

Gn18:18; Is55:11. Just as the boundaries of Israel

will be established long before the end of the age, the qualities of godliness remain constant for each person

to attain; Gn15:18; Lk16:16,17; 24:44; Mt13:49;

1Tim2:1-15; 3:1-13; 4:6-10. Any Scripture verse that

describes a particular transgression or sin is still regarded as sin today; Ex20:3; 32:8; 1Tim4:1-5; 6:3-

5; 2Tim2:16,17a,22,23; 3:13; 4:3,4. God has not

changed. Until the great day of the LORD (when the

transgression ends), people will continue to

transgress; Da8:12-14; Ezk7:4-17. Whatever was sin

and an abomination to God (when He purposed to

have Moses and the prophets write His words) remains sin and an abomination today; Dt25:16;

Ezk18:11-13; Jn8:21,34. Every person has sinned

except Jesus; Ro3:23; Jn8:46; Heb4:15; 2Cor5:21;

Titus2:11-14. A person‘s sin remains unless it is forgiven; Lk1:77-79; Is59:12,13. When a person

rejects Jesus, this is sin on top of sin; Jn15:22.

Because of sin, wars will continue; Mt24:6-8. As Jesus said, the last man-made war is Satan‘s wrath

through man; Mt24:9; Rev13:2,4,5.

The Law and the prophecy must be fulfilled; and God, not man, will fulfill all; Mt5:17,18; Jn10:30.

Great are the works of healing Jesus did through the

Father, but greater are His works the Father had Him

sent to do, in that He became the living Word of the Law; Jn9:3,7; Jn5:36,39b,43a,46; Jn1:1,4,12-

14,17,18; Rev19:13. In Himself, the true Tent of

Meeting, is the offer of eternal life to whoever believes in Him, enters into Him, and abides in Him;

Ex25:8,9; Heb8:5-13; 9:24; 1Pe1:23; 1Jn3:23;

Jn17:3,11; 1Jn3:24. Amen. Jn6:29,38-40

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 2

Sudden Insight

Part 1: Revelation

Common Elements Revealed

When I was twelve, God planted within me a seed of desire to understand prophecy, but it remained

dormant and even forgotten. Then in the warmth of a

morning walk about thirty years later, God caused that seed to begin to grow and put upon my heart the

desire to explain prophecy, especially to the people of

Abraham, even though my understanding was almost

nothing; Mt9:12,13; Ro2:28; 9:24. I mentioned this desire to no one, and the LORD remained silent. Then

after about three and a half years of prayerful inquiry

and attempting to understand through the Bible and other sources, I had a significant revelation come to

me one evening late in December 1989. As my wife

prepared dinner, I was sitting on the kitchen floor

deep in thought about: the nation of Israel, the purpose for the temple wall of, the curse of seven

times, separation, the prophecy of Daniel 9:27, and

the knowledge that God truly has kept His Word by not destroying Israel, though He has scattered Jews

throughout the world; Jer16:15; Zec2:4; Ezk42:15;

43:7,8; Lv26:18,21,24,28; Lv26:44,45; Dt28:65-68.

Suddenly the Holy Spirit filled me! (1Cor2:10-13)

It came as a huge rush, like bumping the nerve at the

end of my elbow, but all over my body. The entire revelation was instantaneous and had several parts.

First Insight

Things yet to be are already described in part

through the recorded historical events of the Bible (Zec14:5). These biblical records provide a glimpse

of the future. The details of the historical events in

Scripture complement unfulfilled biblical prophecy.

The people, things, places, and circumstances of historical details change in name, but their symbolic

concept remains constant.

These recorded historical descriptions serve God‘s higher purpose of righteousness and justice;

Is46:9,10. Biblical scholars have identified several

different names for our Christ Messiah Redeemer.

Those names are details that symbolically represent Jesus before and after the great day of the LORD;

Zeph1:14. Example: Son of God, Son of man, Lamb,

Lion, and Savior; Gn49:9; Is53:7; 31:4; Ho5:14; Is19:20; Lk2:11; Jn4:42. Though the words may be

different, their individual qualities provide pieces of

God‘s plan, making it easier for a person to visualize and understand; Jer16:16; Mt4:18,19; 24:8. Together

the qualities of the words become common elements,

living and spiritually knitted, in the same way as His people are to God; 1Sa18:1; Co2:2; Heb4:12;


Prior to the day of the risen Word, it was commonly recognized by Jews and others that God

gave understanding; Jn1:1,14; 20:20-22; Jos2:9-12;

Da2:21,22. After His resurrection, the depth of

understanding is given if Jesus wills it; Lk10:22; Jn14:16. Without faith in the Son, Scripture remains

obscure or beyond reach for the Jew or Gentile,

unless God (through Jesus) sees the earnestness of one‘s heart to seek Him; Is29:10; Is6:9,10; Mk4:12;

1Sa16:7. ―Now faith is the assurance of things hoped

for, the conviction of things not seen‖ Heb11:1.

When a person seeks God through Jesus, the Holy Spirit provides truth; Jn15:23-26. One day all truth

will be understood by those illumined by God; but

until then, only partial understanding is given to those on earth who have faith; Is12:4; Mt10:26-28;

1Cor13:9,10; Lk11:36; 12:2; Rev22:3-7. Like Moses

atop Mt. Nebo, we see from a distance; Dt32:49,50.

Second Insight

Revealed in that moment while I was sitting on the kitchen floor was a deep sense that: though

Biblical historical events are symbols used to explain

and illustrate, God’s plan is literal. Often within a few verses, even within a single

verse, are several prophetic statements without

reference to the sequential order or the time span of their appearance. This is because God is, was, and

will be forever; and His Word is fact, even though it

is yet to be fulfilled; Is42:16. In a few verses God

reveals centuries of time; Is9:6,7; 7:14. We are to trust and obey, though we see dimly; Is42:3;

1Cor13:12. As time continues, more evidences will

be revealed; and as prophecy unfolds, this, too, is prophecy being fulfilled; Mt13:14; 24:33.

Third Insight

Often one verse is connected to another verse if

both have the same symbolic meaning (even though

each was written at a different time and may have

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


had different writers recording seemingly dissimilar

historic events).

Example: Nu13:23; Jn19:17,18

Nu13:23 ―Then they came to the valley of Eshcol

and from there cut down a branch with a single cluster of grapes; and they carried it on a pole

between two men, with some of the pomegranates

and the figs.‖ NASB Jn19:17,18 ―They took Jesus, therefore, and He

went out, bearing His own cross, to the place called

the Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha. There they crucified Him, and with Him

two other men, one on either side, and Jesus in

between.‖ NASB

In the Book of Numbers, twelve men of Israel were sent into the land promised by God to bring

back evidence of their findings. Eschol is translated,

grapes, and the verse says the grapes were cut down. The grapes represent the Passover Jesus who was cut

down, meaning His life on earth was cut short;

Mt26:4. Then the grapes were hung on a pole, representing Jesus being hung on a cross, crucified.

Both the pole and cross were made from the wood of

a tree. God‘s Word says, ―…for he who is hanged (on

a tree) is accursed of God...‖ Dt21:23. We now understand Jesus was cursed with our sin. The grapes

from the valley of Eschol were hung between two

men, and Jesus was placed between two other crucified men; Jn19:18. All the fruit on the pole

represents the fruit of the Spirit; Ga5:22-25. The

pomegranates represent a ―nation who did not call on

My name‖ Is65:1, and the figs represent Israel because Israel did not recognize the day of His

coming; Ho9:10; Mt21:19. Notice the order of the

fruit. The grapes are hung first on the pole, then the Pomegranates, and finally the figs; 1Cor15:20. This

fact signifies that the pomegranates (both believing

Jews and Gentiles) are first crucified with Christ Jesus, and the figs (the nation of Israel) will be

crucified in Christ at another time; Ga2:20; Ro6:6;

1Cor1:23. Today we remain in the time of the fruit of

the pomegranates because God‘s grace is the free gift of salvation in Christ, offered anytime to anyone (Jew

or Gentile) if he or she so believes; Ro1:16,17. After

the end of the transgression, which is the fulfillment of the prophetic day of the figs, Israel will be

crucified with Christ; and all nations will know the

LORD; 1Cor15:23; Is62:1-4.

Fourth Insight

The number of Scripture verses specifically devoted to His first appearance appears to be small

when compared to the number of verses devoted to

the return of the Holy One Christ Messiah. This difference extends to the total number of people who

actually did or will witness His power and glory.

Also, the amount of the natural things Jesus caused

to happen (the wind to stop, etc.) during His ministry affected a tiny portion of earth; but upon His return,

the earth’s entire surface will change.

God purposed to announce the Lamb of God first to Israel, and this foretelling was not announced to

the rest of the nations. As compared to the rest of the

physical world, during His ministry Jesus traveled over a small area of land explaining God to only a

few of the world‘s population; Lk4:43,44. Since that

time, we have learned that within the First Testament

there are 61 major prophecies and 332 other prophecies that reveal the first coming of Jesus. (Josh

McDowell‘s Evidence That Demands A Verdict, Vol.

1, 1979 pages 166 para. 2B and 175 para. 4A.) We also know the Second Testament explains some of

the prophecy and symbols used in the First Testament

to describe the first appearance of Jesus Christ Messiah; Lk24:27. Both Testaments include future


Consider this thought: The process for the return

of Jesus will impact billions of people and all the lands of the world. Every person alive on earth will

perceive His glory and power when He, our Messiah,

appears again; Is66:18; Mt24:14,30. If God foretold His Son‘s first arrival in about 300+ Biblical

references to fulfill a promise to one man, Abraham,

then He most certainly has revealed far more biblical

information about the establishment of His Son‘s kingdom of peace on earth, for He has promised this

to all nations; Gn15:4; Is7:14, 9:6,7; Is2:2.

There are vast numbers of prophecies and symbols in the First and Second Testaments. These

prophecies and symbols describe the end of the

transgression, establish His kingdom of peace, and give insight to the spirit realm. To whoever will

believe, our unchangeable God has given prophecy

that is absolutely true, as though it has already

happened, but is yet to be; Ps104:24; 111:7-10. Since He does not change, then we can be confident that

much of the unfulfilled prophecy is symbolically

represented in the recorded events within His Word, though a person may not perceive or fully understand

them; 1Ki10:1,13; Lk11:31; Ps106:7,8; Jn12:16.

One widely recognized example of prophecy is Daniel‘s explanation of the statue; Da2:45. Another

one is the blessing the women bestowed upon Obed;

Ru4:14. There is nothing new under the sun/Son, for

Jesus is the beginning of creation; Ec1:9; Lk1:78; Jn8:58; 17:24. Truly, God is in control, all-knowing,

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


all-powerful, and everywhere past, present, and

future, all the time and beyond time…eternal; Dt33:27a,b; Is9:6. Everyday God alone is actively

and supernaturally involved in the unfolding of

events. It is impossible to separate God‘s presence

from the natural environs. Unlike man‘s learning about the genetic

foundation, the true DNA (Divine natural

association) is throughout the living and inanimate natural environs; Jn1:1-3. Not only is God able to

give sight to the blind, heal the leper, and raise the

dead, He is able to direct the natural environs, thoughts, actions, and lives, individually and in

concert; having words said and things accomplished

to insure His will be done; Mt11:5,6; Mt19:26b;

Jn11:50,51; Pr16:9-11. This may seem like everything is predestined, even robotic, marching

according to an unalterable plan. However, God has

given man a free will; and we choose to live according to self or Him. We have a merciful God

who will change His mind towards anyone who

earnestly repents and asks His forgiveness through Jesus; Ex32:9-14,31-34; Ezk18:32; Ps130:4;

Mt26:28; Ac2:38; 5:31; 10:43; 26:16-18. He will

forgive that person (peoples); 1Jn1:9; 2Chr7:14. As

long as the universe remains, this Divine natural association will continue each day until the end of

the age; Lk16:17. God has provided surety through

His Son Jesus that we can be boldly confident in His Word, and He has sent us into the world to speak His

Word fully; Heb3:14; Is55:11; Eph3:11,12. At the

proper time, God‘s Holy Spirit will open the eyes of

His children; and these references will become clearer.

Studying God’s Word

First in the summer and then in October of 1990,

(See page 139.) my attention was devoted to reading the entire Bible, and only the Bible, for the purpose

of seeking the truth of His second appearance.

Immediately His Holy Spirit began to teach; and it

was obvious from the beginning, this new insight had to be recorded; Is30:8,9; Es8:8; Hab2:2,3; Israel

Lk15:22; Is62:4,5. Because I am unskilled (not

formally educated in theology), it was clear to me the things written could not be speculation, but had to be

wholly supported by quoting Scripture and not

adulterating it; 1Tim1:3-5; 2Cor4:2. Since then, I have realized that in the span of one

lifetime, it is not possible for a person to learn and

explain all of God‘s purposes written in Scripture;

Jn21:25; 15:10,11; Ec8:16,17. Truly, God is all-knowing, and His works are awesome; Da2:20-22;

Ps66:2-12. As if He were planting and watering, God

reveals to His children understanding and experience that build upon the work of other disciples, while

God (through Jesus) richly supplies the resources of

His Holy Spirit and His Scripture; Ro12:4,5,16;

Job12:13,22; Am3:7,8; 1Cor3:6,9-20; Is48:5-11; Mt11:25-27.

Part 2:

Common Elements

God has put into His Word many common

elements; and like the order of everything natural, the

common elements found in Scripture have a specific

order; Da9:27; 11:28,31,44,45; 12:1-3,7,12,13; Mt24:7-13,15-22,29-31. God is Creator and Initiator

of order upon order and line upon line; Job12:7-10;

1Cor14:33. God alone is able to combine the natural environs with His glory, and part of His glory is His

prophecy for His children; Is28:9-13. The breath of

God sustains or removes life; Job34:14,15; 4:9; 33:4-6; Jn20:22. Whether or not a person understands His

prophecy is also dependent upon God;

Job28:17,23,28; 32:8; 36:5,10; Ps119:104,125; Pr2:6.

Those who reject God or doubt His word become especially futile in their speculations; Ro1:21,22;


To understand the significance of the words in Scripture as they relate to God‘s plan, a person must

perceive certain common elements;

Jn4:19,25,26,40,41. This must be done prayerfully,

seeking to understand through the heart, for the purpose of glorifying and praising God through

Jesus; Ps119:2-4,18; Ps30:1-4; Jn21:19; Ro15:9;

Lk10:22. According to God‘s choice, it is His Holy Spirit who opens the eyes to true perceiving, to

recognize that which was not perceived initially,

though it was present in the natural environs, written within Scripture, or given by holy insight and/or

instruction; Gn41:16,38,39; Ex31:3; 1Cor2:10-16;

12:11; Nu22:9,10; 2Chr35:21,22.

In the Word of God, prophecy is the announcement of God‘s plan in which the common

element supports prophecy by providing detail.

Example: On the last day of the transgression, the raised children of God will see the spirit realm, just

as Jesus saw the seventy disciples cast out demons;

Da8:14; Lk10:17,18; Rev19:14. A common element may be a single word or group of words, but has a

characteristic or quality found in seemingly unrelated

things. Example: Symbols of God‘s Son: Gn4:4;

Ex17:6; Dt32:15; Jn18:22; 4:10; Ps118:22; 81:13,16;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Gn22:7,8,13; 15:1; Jn1:1,29; 19:15,19,30; Heb3:14;

1Cor15:20. The gift from God is that a person is able to

perceive a common element when it is present within

Scripture, though not apparent; Mt13:11. Like most

everything, gain is obtained through effort; Pr8:17-21. In all walks of life and professions, people

investigate things and processes, recording and

comparing data to identify common elements; Ec7:25,29. People do this to gain knowledge for

greater understanding, which is used to refine the

process or system for the goal of attempting to achieve perfection; Ec12:12,13. The same is to be

done by the children of God because God has

commanded this to be done; Mt6:33; Jn15:13,14;

Jos1:8; Ps119:15; 1Th5:19-23. Listed are some of the common elements written

in Scripture for the return of Jesus that symbolically

represent Himself, His glory, or His power: standard (Is11:12), sheaf (Gen37:7, Lv23:10), rod (Ps2:9

23:4), sword (Is49:2-7; 66:16,18), rock (Dt32:4,5;

Is26:4; 32:2), stone (Gn28:18,22; Is8:14,15), mountain (Is30:29,30), and scepter (Gn49:10;


Though each word is different, together they have

related qualities that become illustrators of the common element, which, in this case, is our Messiah.

The common element then becomes a visual word

picture of one piece of the plan of God; Is14:24-27. For these specific words, the qualities of the common

element include His awesome glory, strength, and

decisive visible leadership; Lk19:28; Rev19:11-15.

Complex Common Element

A complex common element of God‘s Word uses a set of instructions, an historical event, or a parable

that contains several single common elements.

Certain recorded historical events become special parables of God through the actual recorded lives of

the people in Scripture because several common

elements are contained. Together they provide

sequential or related details of prophetic symbols; Zec3:8: Heb9:7-9,23,24; 2Pe2:4-9; 1Cor10:6,11.

The Passover and Jesus‘ speaking to His followers

are examples of instructions; *Ex12:1-28; Jn15:7-11. David and Goliath, David and Absalom, and the

woman and Abimelech are examples of God‘s

special historic, but parable-type events; *1Sa17:20-58; *2Sa14:28-2Sa19; Jdg9:1-6,51-56; Rev18:20,21.

A parable is God‘s way of illustrating His heavenly

purpose; Lk13:18,19. Its revelation and

understanding go to those people God selects; Lk8:10. If a parable is correctly understood, then God

has additionally blessed the person with that

understanding; Mt13:14-17. *Note: Due to the large number of verses, please

refer directly to your Bible.

There are several special parables in Scripture, and many were spoken by Jesus; Ps78:1-7.

Examples: the riddle (*Ezk17:1-10), the sword

(*Ezk21:1-17), the boiling pot (*Ezk24:3-14), the seeds (*Mt13:3-23), the lost son (*Lk15:11-32), and

the inheritance (Mt21:33-41). As the Scriptures are

studied, a person gains the knowledge that there is no idle word within the Word of God; Dt32:46,47;

Heb4:12,13. Each word in Scripture is finely woven

to another and holds fast to God; Pr30;5; Jos22:5;

Lk8:15; Ex28:31,32; Jn19:23,24; 1Th5:19-21; Rev2:25; 3:11.

*Note: Those with asterisks are explained in

Chapters 5 and 6.

Common Phrases

Three examples of common elements that are

groups of words are the following: ―in that day,‖

―then you will know,‖ and ―then they will know.‖ In

the New American Standard Bible (‘95), there are ninety-two verses of the first phrase, twenty-one of

the second, and eighteen of the third. Of these verses,

many are visible prophecy of things to come; but some of them are hidden prophecy of things to come.

Plainly written verses (verses easily perceived) are

visible prophecy. Hidden prophecy is when the

information of one or more verses is combined with other verses to reveal prophecy. A person must study

to discern the prophecy that is otherwise not

apparent. Here are a few briefly explained examples:

―In that day‖ Visible: Is2:11,17,21; Jn14:20;

Isaiah 2: God announces the proud and lofty will

be abased.

John 14: After that day the wicked are abased,

everyone in the world will fear and know the LORD, and they will know they are in Him and He is them.

Ezk28:25; They will only need to be taught how to

live in Christ Messiah and not who is Christ Messiah. Zec2:8; Jer31:34;

―In that day‖ Hidden: Nu32:10,11,13-15; 1Sa3:11,12; Jer19:3-6;

Numbers 32: In the eyes of God if Israel does evil

again, she will experience the burning of God‘s

anger.1 Samuel 3: God‘s Word will be fulfilled and evil destroyed.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Jeremiah 19: What God had Jeremiah write

pertains to the days of wrath that end the transgression.

Since the day of Jesus‘ crucifixion, not only Israel

as a nation, but the entire world has hardened its heart

through unbelief and in doing evil against God. When the sins of the world pile as high as heaven, God‘s

wrath will come; and the valley will be called by the

people, ―the Valley of Slaughter‖ Jer7:32; Rev18:5. Except for the two people (Joshua and Caleb), all

Israel of of that evil generation died during the forty

years in the wilderness. It will be another forty years after the day of God‘s wrath until all who have done

evil are destroyed.

―Then you will know‖ Visible: Ezk20:44; Mt7:19,20;

Ezekiel 20: Since the beginning God has remained faithful. He will continue through the last days of the

transgression and forever. God will remain faithful

for His namesake. God will maintain His Perfect Holiness, never faltering or wavering from His Word.

God‘s namesake includes His Son Christ Jesus

Messiah. All that Israel and world nations will have

done to bring about peace will have failed. Nothing man can do will bring about Holy Peace on earth.

Only God will accomplish all that Scripture has

stated. In that day the historical account will be a visible testament of God‘s Truth.

Matthew 7: Jesus plainly states every person who

hasn‘t lived by faith according to God‘s

commandments will be cast into the fire. Just prior to being cast into the fire, each person who was ever

conceived will know the type of ―fruit‖ produced

during his/her life. Nothing will remain hidden (Lk8:17).

―Then you will know‖ Hidden: 1Sa12:17; Mk4:26,29; Rev14:16;

1 Samuel 12: This was written in the days of

Samuel centuries before Jesus‘ appearance. In that

day it applied to Israel because the people continued to ask for a king instead of looking to God to supply

all their needs. Had they sought God alone, Israel

would have made God known to the world. The significant and hidden prophecy is that the harvest

applies to a day still in the future. This is the moment

of transfiguration. 1Th4:17; Prior to that day, the world will have agreed to have one man be

responsible to oversee the peace accord, and if

necessary, support him with military strength to

enforce the peace. He betrays both Israel and the world. The wheat represents the harvested children of

God, raised up in one day. Then the LORD will send

thunder and rain, meaning the day of His wrath. Mark 4: Jesus repeats and affirms the prophecy of

1 Samuel. The seed is planted. Those people who

hear the Word, (seed) and live by faith according to

the LORD, grow to maturity. The sickle is put in because the harvest has come.

Revelation 14: Though this day is yet to be, this

description is the moment in history for the raising up of God‘s people. The earth is ripe. The growing

season would be about over for all people. Everyone

will have been given the opportunity to seek and love God. The time will have come to reap. On the day

God raises His people they will know this truth. Who

is ―they‖? ―They‖ are the people who remain on

earth, those who were raised up, the entire heavenly Host, and all the spirits of darkness.

―Then they will know‖ Visible: Ezk5:13; 30:26; 34:27,28;

Ezekiel 5: God‘s wrath will be unlike anything mankind could ever imagine. It will be beyond

human comprehension. Though God has given some

description, experiencing the actual day of His wrath

is beyond the point of utter terror. On that day, they will know; and they will know in generations after.

Ezekiel 30: Then after God‘s wrath, the people of

Egypt will be scattered into the surrounding lands. God will use the persons called the ―antichrist‖ and

the ―false prophet‖ to drive Egyptians out.

Ezekiel 34: After God‘s wrath, the people of

Israel will be secure. The land of Israel will not only be fertile, but Israel will produce abundant fruit of the

spirit and joyously proclaim God Messiah to the


―Then they will know‖ Hidden: Ezk28:20-24; Joel

3:4,12-17; Lk6:17 Ezekiel 28:20 This passage begins with ―Son of

man.‖ At the time of the prophecy, it was thought the

LORD was only speaking to Ezekiel; but the phrase

was actually referring to Christ Jesus Messiah, when Sidon will never be a threat to Israel again; because

the LORD will execute judgments in Sidon; Lk21:26.

Joel 3: During the years before God ends the transgression, arrogant words, even threats, will come

out of Sidon against God. God will cause the proud,

arrogant, strong, and evil to gather against Israel in the valley of Jehoshaphat called the ―…valley of

decision.‖ Bodies will rot there after the day of God‘s

wrath. Jerusalem will be holy because God will have

purged evil from it. Then the people from other nations who walk the streets of Jerusalem will not be

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


strangers, for they will have come to worship Christ

Jesus Messiah God. Luke 6: Truly, Jesus will once again come down.

This time He will lead His armies of disciples with

great power on His day of wrath. Later, in the day of

His peace, He will heal the people of Judea, Jerusalem, Tyre, Sidon, and also the land; Rev19:14.

The Word Of God

There are two testaments of Scripture containing

all that we need to know and do, and both were penned through the writers by one unchangeable

God; Dt29:29; Jn12:38; Ro1:16,17; Ps110:4-7;

Jer4:28; Heb6:17,18. The number of times a

prophetic statement or common element appears in the Bible has no influence on its potency; Mt5:18.

There may only be one verse in Scripture stating a

truth; but the power and urgency remain the same, as if they had been written in several verses; Zec14:7.

Many times within Scripture, God has had

individual persons display certain, but not all the qualities of His Son. Moses and David are easily

identified as having attributes of our Deliverer

Redeemer; Moses Ex7:1; Heb3:2,3,5,6; David

2Sa2:4; Ps17:1-6; Mt1:17; 12:1-4; Redeemer Ps18:2; 19:14; Job19:25; Is41:14; Jer50:34; Lk2:30-32;

Ac7:35,36; Ro11:26,27; Ga4:4-6; Titus2:11-14;

Lk24:21,25,26. God has also given descriptions of Satan. The description of Tyre illustrates who the

spirit of Satan is. It also describes the one who is

called the antichrist into whom Satan enters, just as

he did with Judas Iscariot; Ezk27:3; 28:2-6,9; Rev13:2-4; Is14:5,6,13-17,20; Lk22:3; Ps41:9;


Words And Understanding

Wherever God directs your attention, look for similarities of descriptions given in other verses;

Pr22:2; 29:13; Da2:43,44: Ro9:21-24; 1Cor12:7-14;

2Cor6:14-18; Rev17:17. Many times a common

element is a word or words that are used to describe an action taken by both the LORD and the

unrighteous. The word sword used in Scripture is one

example, and Rod or rod of iron is another; Rev13:10; Ezk21:8-10,14-17. If the topic in the verse

has not yet happened or is yet incomplete, it is future

prophecy, such as describing the characteristics of our chosen One; Is9:6; 42:1; Lk9:35; 23:35; Is54:5.

There is not a single verse in Scripture written merely

to be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal; 1Cor13:1.

God wrote His Word with His love so that all may come to seek Him and be saved; Is48:9; Jn3:17.

Introduction To The Exodus: Common Elements

The entire record of Moses, Israel, the Passover,

the Exodus, the forty years, and entering into the

promised land is the prophetic foundation of common elements that lead to the first and second coming, the

end of the transgression against God, the kingdom of

peace on earth, and God‘s eternal truth Ex12:26-28; 1Cor10:1-11. Chapters 3 and 4 attempt to reveal

many of them.

Chapter 3 explains the connection between the God-ordained process of the first Passover and the

symbolic description of His Son Christ Jesus Messiah

as the Passover Lamb. Chapter 4 describes how the

different names listed in the Book of Exodus during the flight from Egypt parallel the events leading up to

the great day of the LORD.

Labor Pains Leading To The Exodus

Hidden Understanding

During ancient times, given names were

commonly used to describe the features and/or

circumstances of an event; Job28:20-28. Isaac means,

laughter and Esau is translated, red; Gn17:17,19; Gn25:25. Much information is missed by the person

studying if a name in the Scripture is not translated.

Moses (named by Pharaoh‘s daughter) is translated, drawn out of water. His name not only described the

actual event, but God intended his name to be a

prophetic statement and purposed Pharaoh‘s daughter

to name him as she did because Israel would be drawn out of troubled waters of bondage when they

passed through the sea Ex2:10; Jer23:20; Ex14:22.

This will happen again; but this last time, Israel will pass through the troubled waters of intense evil;

Is8:7; 17:12-14; 57:20,21; 43:2,5-7; Da12:1.

Mt. Horeb/Sinai Location

After Moses had killed the Egyptian he fled

Pharaoh; Ex2:12,15. He lived in Midian and married a daughter of the shepherd and priest named

Ruel/Jethro; Ex2:16a-18a,20,21. During Moses‘ time

the land of Midian was the west side of the Arabian wilderness, which is southwest of its neighbor, Moab;

Nu22:4. The west edge of Midian borders the

northeastern Gulf of Aqabah (Easton‘s Bible Dictionary). As a shepherd, Moses knew the area

very well and was tending his father-in-law‘s sheep

on the mountain of Horeb/Sinai the day God spoke to

him; Ex2:15,16; 3:1-4; Ac7:29,30. At the time of Moses, Mount Sinai represents God‘s Mount Moriah

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


in Jerusalem. Mount Moriah will become the highest

mountain in the area at the end of the transgression; Is2:2. After the day of God‘s wrath, envoys from all

nations will be sent annually to worship during the

days of the Feast of Tabernacles; Is27:13. See the

map of the Exodus in Chapter 4.

Moses Esteemed

During the event of the burning bush, God tells

Moses that people would think of him as God;

Ex4:16; 7:1. Moses was the most humble of all people; however, people still regarded him as God;

Nu12:3. Aaron often spoke for Moses because Moses

had difficulty with speech; Ex4:10,15. Aaron was the

visual initiator of a few of the plagues, though we understand God caused them to happen; Ex7:19,20;

8:5,6,16,17; 9:8,9. To the people, Aaron became the

prophet of Moses, though Moses thought of him only as his brother; Ex7:1; Ex4:14,15; Dt32:50.

Moses and Aaron represent the two witnesses

during the years preceding the end of the transgression. The two witnesses will be thought of in

a similar way as the Egyptians and Israelites

considered Moses and Aaron. They are God‘s

lampstands, preaching in the same way as John the Baptist; but in addition, they will initiate plagues;

Rev11:4; Rev11:6.

The Petition

Upon returning to Egypt, Moses first went to the

elders of Israel; and God performed miracles through him. The elders believed; but more importantly, they

realized the nearness of God; Ex4:30,31. However,

when Moses and Aaron initially spoke before him, Pharaoh saw only two old men requesting an absurd

petition. Pharaoh had no fear of God; Ex7:7; 5:1-4;

Ro1:28. During the days of the two witnesses, many will believe in God‘s Son; but they (the two

witnesses) will cause great difficulty for the antichrist

and false prophet.

Seasons Of Hardships

God does not tell how many days it was between the first day Moses and Aaron met at Mt. Horeb to

the last day when the Israelites went out in martial

array; Ex4:27,28; 13:18. Scripture compresses the time lapse; Ex1:6-10; 12:41. When serious thought is

given, it becomes evident that considerable time

passed during a small part of a single event described

in one verse; Ex4:27. It took time to assemble the elders, to walk and speak before Pharaoh, and for

God to perform the miracle. Then more time was

necessary for the Egyptians to experience each plague physically and emotionally and clean up after

the plague. Time also was needed for Moses to

instruct Israel, for Israel to apply the instructions

from God, and for God (in His own time) to send Moses back to Pharaoh. Only when the Nile turned to

blood were the days mentioned; Ex7:25. There had to

be many days of time separating two of the plagues. One plague killed the livestock in Egypt, but later

Moses instructed the people to bring livestock inside

to be protected from the hail; Ex9:3; Ex9:18,19. Egypt must have re-supplied their livestock in the

interim to do this.

We can be confident the ten plagues were

performed over many months, including the passing of seasons; Ex7:17,25; 8:6,17,22-24; 9:3,4,9,18,

25,26,31; 10:4,12,21-23; 11:4. Also, we are to realize

the hardships for Israel began many years earlier; Ex1:16,22; 2:2,3,10; 7:7.

After Moses and Aaron became known,

conditions worsened; and Israel endured terrible times lasting many months, possibly beyond a year;

Ex5:6,7. All the while, the Israelites were forced to

make bricks; Ex5:14. Many Jews were beaten and

died; Ex5:16,21-23. God‘s Word says Israel scattered throughout all the land to gather straw used to bind

the clay for the making of bricks; Ex5:12. To do this

they walked, taking much time and even days to gather the stalks of the harvested wheat and rye. Then

the supply of straw ran out, but the same brick

production was demanded; Ex5:16; Ex5:6-9. It was

after this the elders sought relief from Pharaoh, but he ordered the bricks to be made without straw;

Ex5:18. It seems at least a second growing season

had begun when the hail of the seventh plague stripped everything. The wheat and spelt (a kind of

wheat, rye) were not ruined because the time was

early in their growing season; Ex9:32.

Continued Hardship

Many days had passed from the day Moses first went before Pharaoh to the day of the first plague.

After Pharaoh‘s demand had been enforced,

―…Moses returned to the LORD‖ Ex5:22. Moses may have returned to Mt. Horeb, for it was there that God

first appeared to him. The conversation between God

and Moses seems to indicate that he had returned to Mt. Horeb because God says, ―…I will bring you

out…‖ as if Moses was outside of Egypt when God

spoke to him; Ex6:6; Nu12:8. When Moses returned

and tried to speak with the sons of Israel, they did not listen; Ex6:9. Though the Israelites cried out, God did

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


not stop their burden; Ex5:14. They continued to

work under Pharaoh‘s demands during the rest of the plagues. All the times Moses approached Pharaoh,

not once did Moses ask Pharaoh to stop his demands

but only said, ―Let my people go…‖ However, when

Pharaoh sought relief from the plagues through Moses, Pharaoh received God‘s mercy; Ex8:1,8,28;

9:27,28; 10:16,17. Finally, Pharaoh told Moses he

would kill him if he saw him again; Ex10:28. By this threat, Pharaoh cut himself off from the mercy of

God, setting his own destiny of death; Ex11:1;

14:17,28. The events of the last days of the transgression are

similar to the things Israel and Pharaoh experienced,

but more wicked; and the hardships involve the entire

world population. Prior to the end, the beast will be successful in the murder of the two witnesse


Leadership And Justice

Like Pharaoh, all leaders are accountable to God, whether or not they acknowledge God, for they have

the law of justice written upon their hearts;

Ro1:20,21. God requires all people to follow these

same qualities of justice; Is30:18; 1:17; Gn18:19; Is61:8; Mt23:23; Ro13:1; Lv19:15. Justice is a

practical quality of love; Lv19:17,18. First is love,

and then there is justice with truth; 1Cor13:1-13; Mt5:44-46. The ungodly love their own self-interests

and practice injustice; Ho10:13. People employing

justice with impartiality display love for everyone;

Dt1:17; 2Chr19:7. God/Son/Holy Spirit is above everything, and His

grace abounds to those who fear Him; Ezra9:8;

Ro3:24; Jn1:3,16,17; Ro10:12,13; Dt6:2. Acting unjustly is an abomination to God; Dt25:16. Like

Pharaoh, any leader is justly judged according to the

standard of justice God has set; whether or not the leader is aware of God‘s standard; Ex5:2; Jn5:30;

Mt7:1,2; 1Cor6:1-11. If the peoples of that land agree

with the decisions of their leader, they corporately are

subject to the same judgment of their thoughts as the leader is; Ex5:14; 7:17,18,24; Jer16:11,12. Because

of their corporate decision, the consequence is life

changing; 2Pe2:15; Is47:4-6,9. If people within that nation do not follow the decree that is against God,

then God understands and makes a distinction

spiritually between that nation and the people who follow God; Ex9:20.

Rejecting God

When injustice is continually employed in one‘s

heart (which is the same as rejecting God), that person cuts himself off from the mercy of God;

2Chr19:6; Mt7:1; Is11:3-5; Lk7:29,30; Mt5:22.

People are right to speak God‘s Word, pointing out

sin in a person, community, or nation. When God‘s Word is spoken, His Word judges; Jn7:24. This kind

of judging will bring division and even rage; Ex8:23;

Lk12:51; Lk4:27,28. The rage will be against the people who spoke God‘s Word, for the masses of

people will not recognize God. Jesus said, ―…allow

the dead to bury their own dead‖ Mt8:22. Though people are alive in the flesh, God is not the most

important part of their lives; 1Cor7:32-35. Their

hearts are cold and dead to God; Mt12:31,32;

Ro9:14,15,30-33. Having an unrepentant heart prevents a person from receiving God‘s forgiveness;

Mt12:32; Ezk18:27,32.

Pharaoh had acknowledged God when he entreated Moses to make supplication to the LORD to

forgive his sin; Ex8:8,13,28-32; 9:27-30. When he

threatened to kill Moses, Pharaoh‘s heart put Moses to death; and by doing so, Pharaoh fully rejected God

and reached a point of no return; Job21:11-15;

Jn12:48. Pharaoh‘s threat of death to Moses (the man

of God) determined that Pharaoh and Egypt would experience the LORD‘s recompense; Ps28:4-6.

The same thing will be true in the days near the

end of the transgression. The murder of the two witnesses initiates the final wicked days of the

transgression, ending with the wrath of God. Israel

and all the nations on earth will experience the power

of the outstretched arm of God; Ex6:6; Ps96:10; Is34:1,2; Jer27:5; 32:17,18; Ezk20:33-38; 12:16;


In the spirit realm, a just recompense for the fallen demons and unrepentant people is not being

permitted to experience the glory, power, and

merciful hand of God; Heb4:1-16; Mt13:41-43.


A covenant is a special promise having certain requirements. The first covenant was between Noah,

who represents mankind, and God; Gn6:18; 8:20,21;

9:9,15; Heb9:16. When God states He will accomplish something, there is no one who can stop

it. When God made the statement, ―…I have come

down to deliver them‖ Ex3:8. He made a promise with Moses, the Israelites, and the Egyptians. A

promise and a covenant can be made obsolete, but

not broken. Through a covenant, God informs us of

something new and better than the former way. Its purpose is to bring people nearer to Him.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


A covenant cannot be initiated from man to God;

Jn3:13; Lk22:20. Man is only able to confess or to deny Him who initiated it; Mt10:31,32. God is

faithful to His covenants, for the LORD cannot deny

Himself; 2Tim2:13. Some people are not faithful to

the covenant of communion, and they return to the pit (being unforgiven); God‘s Holy Spirit reveals this;

Heb6:4-8; Jn12:46-48. The Passover is a sign of a

covenant between God, Israel, and all the nations of the world; Dt7:19. Since Noah, it has been only

through the line of Abraham that God‘s covenants are

revealed and fulfilled; Gn18:17-19. A covenant between God and man must be sealed with blood to

be secure; that is, there must be the shedding of blood

for the covenant to be sealed; Gn15:5,9,10,17,18;

Heb9:18,24-28. God doesn‘t directly explain why this is so, but only that the shedding of blood is

required. Blood represents life. The greatest gift is to

give one‘s life for another.

In order for a covenant to extend beyond the time

span of the natural universe, Scripture explains that God required the covenant to be sealed by blood.

That blood had to originate from a place higher than

a life conceived from animals or humans; for every

person is born in sin and commits sin; Php3:9,10; Heb9:14,15; Eph4:10; Ps51:5; Job25:4,5; Ro3:23.

God revealed through Isaiah that He would

provide His Redeemer to the world through a virgin‘s birth of a son; Is7:14; Ga4:4,5; 1Jn3:9. Through His

Redeemer, God would then dwell among

us…Immanuel. However, God purposed to wait centuries of time to reveal His Wonderful Counselor;

Is9:6. Jesus, conceived (not in sin) by the Spirit of

God, became God in flesh; and He remained without

sin, making the new covenant eternally secure by offering Himself as our Passover Lamb; Lk1:31-

33,35; Jn1:14; Heb4:15; Is29:16; Heb6:19,20;


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 3

Symbols of Prophecy


Not only did God have Moses record the exodus,

but God also had Moses foretell and symbolically

explain Christ Jesus Messiah; Ex12:3; 14:2; Dt17:14,15a,b.

The Initiated Plan

When Moses went from Pharaoh, God informed

Moses that Israel would be leaving after the next

plague; and the Israelites were to ask their Egyptian neighbors for articles of gold and silver, giving the

wealth of the land to them; Ex11:1; Ex11:2. The

Egyptians willingly gave partly because the citizens of Egypt (even Pharaoh‘s servants) greatly esteemed

Moses and because they had experienced some of the

glory and power of the LORD; Ex12:35,36; Ex11:3;

Ex10:21-23; Ps78:42-50. During the days leading to the end of the

transgression, there will be gold and silver in the land

of Israel. The antichrist will bring the wealth from conquered nations into Israel; Da11:38,43,45. After

Messiah establishes world peace, nations willingly

honor Israel with wealth; but in those days, Israel will look only to God as being rich in Him; Is9:7; Dt26:19;

Zeph3:12,13; Zec2:11.

Israel had seen the plagues with their own eyes,

and they understood God was with them. They feared God through Moses because all that Moses and Aaron

had said had come true prior to the Passover. Then on

the first day of the first month, God had Moses instruct Israel about the Passover; Ex12:1-13. Having

Israel observe the Passover, God initiated His plan to

reveal how He would save those who lived according to His Word; Ex12:28; Ex11:1; 12:13; Ps119:154-

157; 1Cor5:7. By faithfully obeying His

commandments, each person is safe and will be led

out from under the bondage of man into the liberty of the LORD God tests the heart, and it is through trust

and obedience that each person reveals faith; Dt5:29;

Ro6:4-6; Jn14:3; Ps11:5; 17:3; Ex19:5; Ps9:5; Zec6:15; Jn3:36; Ps14:1; 11:5.

A Higher Purpose

After the fall of Adam, God purposed to make

Himself known to anyone who would humbly desired

to seek Him; Gn4:4; Mt23:35; Gn5:24; 6:8,9; Lv16:31; Is66:2. God intended His instructions for the

Passover to serve His higher purpose, as well as to

have people remember His outstretched arm; Is55:9; Ex6:6; Is55:8; Jer4:28; Zec1:16; 8:13-16; Eph1:7-14.

Simply stated, the Passover was to serve as a real-life

prophetic symbol and forerunner of the eternal covenant from God to man; Dt32:4.

For people who believe and trust God, these

prophetic symbols may be difficult to perceive Job33:23-30; Eph1:18-21; 2Pe3:14-18; Dt34:1-4.

Even more difficult to perceive is when a person is an

eyewitness to the unfolding event but has not been

taught what to expect or do as it unfolds; Gn37:18; 50:20; Lk18:34; Jn20:8,9. Jews who do not

understand who Messiah is, or peoples who do not

believe in Messiah, or believers who do not desire to mature in Christ through the Holy Scripture will also

experience much difficulty; Ro15:2-5. As in the days

of Noah, most people will go on with life unaware of

the events to come, of the great struggle the world will experience, and of the salvation offered to all from

now until the end of the transgression; Is54:8;


The Passover Symbols

The Lamb, Blood, Hyssop Branch, Doorposts,

Door, Unleavened Bread, and the Herbs of the first

Passover symbolically represent the unblemished

Lamb God selected and offered to protect all who might believe in Christ Jesus Messiah, the Son of

God; Ps89:27,28.

The Passover Lamb

The unblemished Passover lamb represented rebirth/new life (Gn22:8,16-18; Ro6:4), purity

(Pr22:11; Ps18:26), innocence (Ps26:6,7; 1Jn3:3),

trust (Ps4:5), dependency (Ro9:15-17; Ex9:16),

tenderness (Is53:2a; Eph4:32), the ability to be led and shaped (Lk2:51,52; 2Ki22:19; Is64:8; Mt11:29;

Jn10:27,28), and everything good about being alive

(Is63:7-9). God commanded that the first Passover lamb be

slain by the hand of the head of the house; Ex12:3,6.

Later, upon giving of the Law, Aaron and his sons (as

priests) represent the head of the house of Israel; Ex28:1. To perform the proper offering of a lamb

according to the Law, God requires that the lamb be

slain by the priest; Lv3:5-7. This is significant because, in the day of Jesus‘ ministry, the high priest

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


had to initiate the slaying of God‘s Passover Lamb,

our Redeemer Jesus, to fulfill the requirements for eternal protection; Jn18:13,14,19-24; Mt26:3,4,63-67.

In the death of God‘s Lamb Jesus (who is His Son

and the Son of man) the requirements of the Law for

the forgiveness of sin (Ex20:20; Mt9:6), guilt (Lv4:3; Lk23:14,15,21-23), first fruits (Ex23:19;

1Cor15:20,23; Jas1:18), firstborn (Nu3:13; Lk2:7,23;

Ro8:9; Co1:15,18; Heb1:3-6), peace (Ex20:24; Lk1:79; Jn14:27), dedication (Ex32:29; Nu7:10;

Lk2:21-23,28-32,38; Jn10:22-30; Nu6:2-8; Mt26:29),

and all offerings required by the Law for cleansing are fulfilled; Nu19:18,19; Jn13:10,12-15; Mt26:56.

People who believe in Jesus and abide by the

commandments of God are of the new covenant He

established; Jn15:10; Lk22:20; Heb9:6-12,18-28; 10:14. By His example, Jesus explained this holy

spiritual cleansing by saying that one is clean though

only the feet are washed; Jn13:10. Jesus suffered, died, and arose from the dead,

fulfilling prophecies of the Passover and the Prophets

through His earthly life and resurrection, having been sent by the Father as an atonement for sin. Every

person who would believe (by faith upon His name)

and obey His Word would be led from death into life;

Mt20:18,19; 26:56; Jn16:28; Ga4:4,5; Heb5:8,9; Is25:8,9; Jn19:7,30,33,34; 17:1-8,21;

14:11,17,23;Ezk18:4; Mt10:28; 6:14; 18:35; Jn15:11.

When Jesus (our Lamb of God) gave His life, sealing the covenant of redemption for eternal life,

everyone who remained obedient to God by faith

throughout history is, was, and will be clothed in fine

linen; Ps32:1; Ro4:7,8; Heb9:26; Rev3:4. God is not limited to the present time. He exists through all

eternity; Is44:6; Rev1:17,18. Time is not a factor to

God; those saved include all the people since Adam (like Abel Gn4:4;) who lived according to the law

God placed within them by their obedience and

humble hearts; Ro1:19,20. The multitude also includes those like Joshua, who

by faith have lived by God‘s Law that Moses

presented to Israel, as recorded in the book of

Leviticus; Jos14:7-9; Ex35:1; Hab2:4; Ga3:11,17,19,24; 1Tim1:9,10. Eternal life is granted

to each person found worthy since Adam to the end of

this age; Mt13:37-43,49,50;. Lk20:25; Rev3:2-4; 19:7-9.

The Passover Blood Of The Lamb

The blood of the Passover Lamb represents four

significant qualities of our Christ Jesus Messiah:

Holiness, Suffering, Redemption, and Glory.

The Passover Blood Of Holiness

God has taught that there is life in blood, and it is

precious in His sight; Lv17:11,14; Ps72:14. Israel

understood there was an unseen spirit side of this life

even in the days of Egypt. They may not have used a word meaning spirit, but Israel believed there was

more to this life than what meets the eye; Ex4:30,31.

At that time people did not know the science of blood but only that blood carried with it qualities of life; and

without it, there was death.

During the night of the Passover, the blood of the lamb on the door was a sign to protect the life of the

firstborn son of people within each home; Ex12:13. It

was a visible seal so the destroyer could not enter;

Ex12:23. Though the blood covered only a small part of the door frame, the entire house was protected, for

God does the unusual and the unexpected; Ex12:22;

Is55:8; Ro11:33. In our small effort, God supplies abundantly;

Is55:7. The Israelite was to brush some blood on the

posts and the lintel; yet God (in His Holiness), seeing the obedience of the head of the home, supplied His

power, strength, and glory so the house became holy

and protected from the spirit of death; Eph3:20. In

obedience, the people also became sanctified, holy, and set apart, for they willingly followed God‘s

command; 1Cor2:12-16. In the same way, the blood

of Christ Jesus Messiah is Holy; and His Holiness is above the holiness of natural things. This is because

Jesus was with God and is God before the day God

created the natural environs; Gn1:26. God sent Jesus,

meaning God sent Himself; Jn4:34. He descended from His Holy Habitation to say and do those things

the Father required of Him; Ps8:5; Jn8:42; 10:18;

12:49,50; Php2:6-11. The lamb of the first Passover was an instrument God made as an example of what it

means to give one‘s life as a sacrifice. Like the lamb,

God required His Passover Lamb/Instrument to be sent to testify of (Mt3:13; Jn17:3): the Father (Jn5:30-

32; 8:28; 17:4), eternal life (Jn3:15,16), obedience

(Mt19:17; 22:37-40; Jn14:21), understanding

(Mt15:16-20; Jn8:47; 10:38), death (Jn5:24; 8:51; Mt13:42,43), and things of the spirit realm (Mt10:20;

12:28,43; 22:43-45; Jn15:26; Mt28:19,20). In doing

so, God gave His glory and authority over all peoples to His Son, Christ Jesus Messiah; Jn17:1,2,7,8,22;


Similar to the lamb‘s blood applied to the doorpost and lintel (but higher, eternally higher), Jesus‘ Holy

natural blood that was shed for the forgiveness of our

sin became the highest seal of the Spirit, acceptable to

God; Heb9:12,14,15. When a person humbly repents and asks His forgiveness in Jesus‘ name, the Holy

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Spiritual blood of Jesus is brushed upon the spiritual

door of a person‘s heart, which God sees; Rev3:20); Jn3:33-36; 6:27,29. With this holy Seal of protection,

the destroyer/death has no power; and the person

lives; Rev20:6; Jn6:57,58.

There is a warning, however; Ezk3:21. By the end of two years after leaving Egypt, many Israelites (who

were spared the night of the Passover) had profaned

God; and they were cut off from God‘s protection which they once had; Nu14:11,22,23,29,35; 26:10;

Dt4:25,26; Ro11:16-24. The principle is clear:

Though we have a merciful and loving God, it is the responsibility of the person (his free will) to continue

to seek God and mature in holy understanding;

1Cor14:20; Eph4:13; Heb5:14.

On the night of the first Passover (it is important to remember), the blood protected the firstborn son; but

for Egypt, God struck down both man and beast;

Ex12:12. The firstborn of a household is significant because in that day, the firstborn received the

birthright of inheritance; Gn25:33. The beast in verse

12 not only meant the livestock of Egypt, but also is prophecy referring to the symbol of the beast during

the times at the end of the transgression; Rev15:2.

The Blood of Holiness has the same purpose for

each person to the end of the age. After the great day of the LORD, nations continue to have the same

covenant of eternal hope; but in that day, obedience to

God is made more secure, for God will be known and evident to them, and nations will honor Him; Ps2:9-

12; Rev19:15; Ex12:25; Is2:2,3; 4:2,3; 10:20; 11:10;

25:3; 60:12; Da7:27; Zec2:11; 3:9,10; 8:21,22;

Jn16:23,25; Lk8:17; Ro1:19; Jn5:23,24; 2Tim2:21; 1Pe1:7-9.

The Passover Blood Of Suffering

The Passover was not a covenant. Through the

Passover, God required Israel to remember how He mightily led them away from their bondage and that

they were once slaves in a foreign land; Ex12:27;

13:3. As a result of their bondage in Egypt, one of the

commands of the Law was to love their neighbor; Lv19:18; 25:35. The same applies today.

There was a minimum of eighty years (during the

lives of at least two Pharaohs) Israel suffered in the land of Egypt; Ex1:8,13,22; 2:2,3,10,15,23; 3:10; 7:7.

The suffering of their forefathers; beatings, hard labor,

and death, is represented by the selection (set apart) and sacrificed life of the Passover lamb; Ex1:11,14;

2:11; Ex12:3,5.

Because of the Israelites‘ suffering in Egypt and

then later, the struggles they had with surrounding nations, Israel wanted a king. The person they desired

was to be a mighty leader, feared and respected

among their neighbors so that they could live securely. This king was required to be fair and rule with

righteous justice; God requires each person to be just;

Ex23:2; Dt16:19,20. Israel wanted God to be a man

because God had said He would walk with them; Dt10:17,18; Lv26:11-13. In reality their thinking was

correct, but at the same time Israel was unwilling to

seek only God and continued to do evil for several hundred years; Dt4:29; Is9:13; 30:1. During those

years, oppressive kings of other nations did evil

against Israel, and as Scripture records, Israel then demanded that God provide a deliverer; Jdg3:8,12;

9:6; 21:25; 1Sa8:19. Then God provided them with

kings, (most did evil), and Israel continued to harden

her heart and remain stiff-necked; Dt10:16; Ac7:48-52.

When the time of their visitation arrived (birth of

Jesus), many Jews did not recognize their opportunity. (When a person‘s heart is hardened, his eyes are also

blind and unable to discern; Lk19:44;

Dt32:17,18,20,28,29.) Other than Jesus at that time, not one person made the connection that the original

Passover lamb was actually the symbol of God‘s

higher purpose as to how Israel‘s King would appear;

Mk9:31,32; Lk9:43-45; Jn12:15,16; 20:9; Job42:2; Pr16:4; Mt16:2-4; Lk12:56,57; Jn7:24; Php2:8. No

one understood that God would send Himself in His

Son to become the Passover Lamb to save people from going to hell, if only they would believe in Him;

Is7:14; Ex13:14,15; 17:5-7; Dt32:3,4; Ps31:3-5;

Pr30:4,5; Jn3:13; 8:42,47a; 10:17; 12:49,50; 16:28;

20:17; Rev5:6,9; Mt10:28; 5:22; 23:15,33; Jas3:6; Jer39:17; Jn12:47-50; 3:18.

Israel‘s suffering in Egypt is one reason why God

required His Passover Lamb (Israel‘s King) to suffer; but it is for everyone‘s benefit He suffered; Jn16:7.

God required that He would suffer at the hands of men

so we would have an Advocate; Is53:4-6. It is by His example we know that He understands our sufferings;

Is50:5-8; 1Jn2:1; Heb9:15,18,23,27,28; 2:10,18;

1Pe1:10,11. Because of His obedience to the Father,

He did not resist in anyway; Mt5:39; Jas5:6. He experienced great suffering; more than any man He

was marred; Jn8:28,29; Is52:14. His suffering was for

us (because He had no sin), and He was beaten and crucified so that we would not experience eternal

agony; Heb4:15; Is42:3,4. In truth, like David against

Goliath, Jesus willingly put His life into the hands of Satan/man; Gn3:15; Is49:7; Jer2:21; Jn8:44; 10:15,17.

By willingly giving up His temporary natural life,

He brought about a great deliverance through His

resurrected eternal life for the purpose that all might receive eternal life; Lk13:32; 24:46; Jn10:18; Jn4:36;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


6:40; 17:2,3. Like Saul against David, Jesus was hated

without cause; 1Sa19:5; Is52:4-8; 53:9,10; Jn15:25; 18:23. Through His suffering, death, and resurrection,

all of the covenants of God were sealed and perfected

in His perfection; Ro1:3,4; Da12:2,3; Heb10:14,18;

Jn15:23; 15:10; 16:27; 17:23. In our trials and sufferings, we are to draw near to

God through Jesus; Heb4:16; 1Pe5:8,9;

Ac7:55,56,59,60; 9:16; Ga5:24,25. Through suffering there is refinement and cleansing; Is48:10; Da12:10;

Jn15:2-4. Our focus is to be on the LORD and not on

the things of the world; Ro8:18; 1Pe1:10-19; 2Cor4:18; Php2:4. Jesus did not need refinement, for

He is perfect; Ps19:7; Heb2:10-14; 5:9. Through His

suffering we (as believers) are made perfect and will

come into His glory and see His glory; Jn17:23,24. As various trials and sufferings are experienced in His

name, we, too, are being refined; Mt5:44,48; Da11:35;

Ro12:2; Php1:6; 1Cor13:10; Co3:14-17; Rev3:18. When believers are not being persecuted, then God

has given a bit of comfort. They are to pray for the

persecuted body of Christ and be mindful of their own comfort and especially God‘s mercy; Eph6:17,18;

2Cor1:3-7. Believers are to be an encouragement to

those who suffer and a witness to those who are lost;

2Cor8:1-5; Mt28:19,20. The eternal is always more important than the temporary; 2Cor4:18. Today Israel

(nationally) continues to be without Messiah (meaning

Israel as a nation does not recognize her Savior Christ Jesus), and because of her missed opportunity,

catastrophe and suffering will once again be

experienced; Lk19:41-44. The prophecy of Jotham on

Mt. Gerizim (referring to Abimelech) will be revealed again one day with devastating consequences; Jdg9:7-

15. The prophecy applies to the last years prior to the

end of the transgression but specifically the antichrist/beast. The olive tree represents Christ Jesus

with the Father; Ro11:17; Jn16:5; 3:13,14; 20:17;

Ac2:34,35; Eph4:8-10; Lk22:69; Ro8:34; Heb1:3; Jn15:1. The bramble is the chosen antichrist (rather

than God), and the fire will come forth from him to

consume many people like stubble; Ezk15:1-8;

20:47,48; Jas5:1-6; Ex12:5; Job41:1,28-30; Is5:1,24; Na1:10-15.

God sent Himself in His Son to save the world

from eternal separation from Him; Is59:2; Jn3:17. He did not come as a mighty warrior the first time, but as

the Lamb of God; Jn1:29. Peace for the soul was

offered the first time; Jn14:27; 1Th5:23,24. The second time God sends His Son, He will return mighty

in glory and power as the King of kings to subdue the

world and establish His peace; Mt24:30; 1Tim6:15;

Is14:5,6; Is9:7; Zec8:12. The Scripture cannot be broken; He will come a second time; Jn10:35;

Mt17:22,23; Gn22:15-18; 41:52; Is11:11-13; Jn16:16.

Before His return, the world population will experience great suffering; Lk21:21-24; Rev9:18. In

those days, like Pharaoh‘s servants, some of the

people will see more clearly as events unfold and

wholly believe in Jesus, the Son of God; Ex11:3; Jer23:20; 1Ki8:60,61; Lk11:36; Rev7:9,14,15. Most

people do not repent, and woe to the ones who forsake

their opportunity; Rev9:20,21; Is3:9,11; 5:18,20-22; 10:1; 24:16,17; 29:15; Lk6:25; Rev14:11; Jn7:6;

1Cor3:5; Lk21:13.

The Passover Blood Of Redemption

Redemption is the restoration or purchase of

someone/thing that has been sentenced, condemned, missing or lacking, in exchange for another one/thing;

Ru4:6-15; Is41:14; 44:6; 59:20; 7:14; Lk24:21,26;

Ga4:4,5; Mt1:19-25; Jn19:23-25; 20:1,8,16,17; 21:1,24,25. Examples of redemption would be when a

ransom is paid (Ex21:30; Mt20:28; 1Tim2:6), a debt is

forgiven (Mt18:27), a mistake is countered with a right action/word (1Sa26:21-25), a slave is set free

(Jn8:34-36), or a person formerly banned is allowed to

enter… redeemed; Eph2:2-22. God is in the repair

business; Is61:3,4; Jer17:14; Mk5:34. People redeemed by God are renewed, able to continue life

with liberty, having former sins erased; 2Cor4:16;

Is61:1; 2Cor3:17; Ga2:4b. The intent of the Passover is not about natural

things but about the Spirit of God and spirit of man;

2Cor4:18. God required the lifeblood of the lamb to

be placed on the lintel and doorposts to redeem the life of each firstborn son within the house; Ex12:23.

In blood there is life and spirit because God sustains

life; Gn4:10; 9:3-6; Lv17:10,11,14; Gn7:22; Jn6:63; Job33:4; 1Jn5:6-9,11,12. Through His Son Jesus the

life/soul of each forgiven believer is eternally

sustained; Heb9:14,15; Ro8:2,11; Is28:16; Jn3:15. The spirit of a person supplies obedience to God,

but man alone cannot secure eternal protection within

the Tree of Life solely by rote/works to accomplish

the assigned task; Pr20:27; Zec12:1; 2Pe1:5-8; Gn3:22-24; Rev22:14,19; Dt12:6-8; Is43:24;

Mk12:33; Heb6:1,2; 9:14. As God looks into the heart

of each person, He either credits that person as righteous by faith or separated by rote/works;

1Sa16:7; Ro4:6-13; Is59:2. It is important to God for

each person to live by faith (not works) according to God‘s commandments; Is1:13,16,17,27.

Moses understood the spirit of obedience is by

faith and doing what is expected with a willing heart;

Dt32:51; Ro6:16-18. The person who lives by faith according to God‘s commandments makes the things

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


he does holy within the Spirit of God; Lv11:45. God

sees his invisible motive (Pr16:2), intent (1Chr28:9), willingness (Ex35:5), and attitude of heart

(Jer12:3a,b). Throughout the book of Hebrews, God

gives the purpose of the Passover, the Law, the

miracles of Jesus, and everything that is identified as holy; and they serve as a copy of the things to come;

Heb8:5. They represent the eternal things God desires

to show us while we live on earth, including the things God commands us to do; Dt4:35; 29:6; Ps78:5-7;

Is41:26a; Jn14:21; 15:17; 17:3; 16:28; 17:22,23.

The original Passover required the head of the house to take the life of an unblemished lamb;

Ex12:1,5. God symbolized obedience unto death

without resistance from the lamb; Ps22:6-10;

Mt5:39,40; 27:35; Jas5:6. Simply, God deemed the lamb‘s blood sufficient payment through obedience to

keep the family‘s firstborn son alive. The result of

obedience to God‘s requirement was the lamb‘s blood on the lintel and doorposts.

With the blood on the lintel and doorposts, God

honored the family with three actions: He placed His seal of protection, the people were set apart and holy,

and He prevented the destroyer from entering; Is4:6;

Jn6:27; Lv22:32; 1Cor7:14; 1Tim4:4; Ex12:13. (The

destroyer is the curse of death, which is the spirit of death; Ex12:23; Ro8:2,6,13; Rev6:8.)

Today eternal salvation is near to every person;

Is55:6; Jer23:23; Ro10:8,9. Salvation is through the life-blood of the sinless, unblemished Lamb of God;

Heb4:15; 9:8,14,28; Jn1:36. Jesus‘ obedience unto

death to God‘s command fulfilled God‘s requirement

in order to redeem the souls of people; Mt20:28. Jesus willingly placed Himself into the hands of men, while

His life was purchased for thirty pieces of silver;

Jn10:14-18; Ps54:6; Mt26:2; Lk18:32,33; Eph2:15-18; Zec11:12; Mt26:14,15. In His death, He became the

ransom for our souls; Ex21:30; Ho13:14.

In the Spirit of God, the shed blood of the Lamb of God (Jesus) cleanses the sin from all who by faith

believe, ask for forgiveness, trust, and obey God

through His Son, Christ Jesus; Ac5:31; 10:33;

13:38,39; Eph1:7; Heb10:18; Php4:6;Jn1:29; Mt26:27,28; Lk22:20; Jn3:36; Eph1:7,13; 1Cor1:9;

Heb9:28; Ac5:29-32; Heb5:9. The purchased blood of

God‘s Lamb Jesus (slain for our transgressions) paid sin‘s price and reconciles our soul and spirit with God;

and we are redeemed eternally; Ps74:2; Rev5:6,9;

Mt27:9; 1Cor6:20; Ac26:16-18; Co1:19-23a,b; Ga3:13; 1Pe1:18,19; Heb9:12,24. Stated simply, God

protects the souls of His people from death; Dt28:1-

14; Ps41:1,2; Ezk18:4; Jn14:23; Heb10:17-25. The

spirit of death has no power upon any person who has God‘s invisible seal of Christ, the Spirit blood of the

Lamb; Ex28:36,37; Rev9:4; Jn3:33-36; 6:29;

2Tim2:19; Rev20:6. The spiritual door of the person‘s house/tent is the

heart; Mk13:29; Lk12:36; Rev3:20; Mt6:6. When the

Lamb‘s blood (spiritually speaking) is applied to the

doorposts and lintel of the heart of the forgiven person, his house/tent (temple) is holy. (When a

person is forgiven, then his house/tent becomes a

temple; 1Cor3:16.) At that same moment of forgiveness, God (through His firstborn Son;

Co1:15,18) accepts the person as also His firstborn;

Ex22:29; Lk2:23; Heb12:22-24. Truly, the person is born again; Jn3:3,5,6. Then God sends Himself in His

Holy Spirit to dwell in the temple of the person;

Jn14:17; 1Cor6:19.

Having His Holy Spirit dwell within a person fulfills God‘s promise of walking with us;

Lv26:11,12. Being accepted as a child of God allows a

person to enter through the door into the inner court of the house and throne of God, the Holy of Holies;

Heb9:3,7,11,12,14,15; Rev21:3. The door to the inner

tabernacle court is Jesus Lamb of God; Rev5:1,5,6,9,10. Only those forgiven… redeemed

priests of God may go through, able to stand in the

presence of God Jn10:7; Lk13:24; Rev22:3,4.

In the days while God‘s people are alive on this earth, there are other benefits for being redeemed and

born again. God‘s children have access to eternal

understanding; something unforgiven people cannot perceive; Jn14:16,26; 1Cor1:18-21. Through hearing

and reading His Word, God‘s people who seek to

learn begin to understand things of the Spirit through

the work of His Holy Spirit; 1Th5:19; Ps12:6; 19:8; Jn6:63; Lk24:27; Jn1:18; Ps111:10; 119:130; Pr3:5;

4:1,2; Jn14:26; 15:26; 16:25. In this life complete

understanding is not given; 1Cor13:9,10,12. Another benefit is that God may grant to those having His seal

the Spiritual sight to recognize others having His seal

(not that the seal is seen). They rejoice to know another sister or brother in Christ; 2Cor13:11;


It is the person‘s heart attitude God sees;

2Chr6:30,31. If that person having God‘s seal turns away from God Jesus (though he once was spared), he

again is in peril; 1Sa20:15; Ps34:16; 37:9,28; Is18:5;

Jn15:2,6; 2Cor11:3; 2Cor1:9,10; Heb10:26,27. Remember the heart of the person is the temple of the

living God; 1Cor3:16. Allowing things of the world to

enter into the heart profanes what is holy; Ezk44:6-9; 1Cor3:17. Trust God alone; Ps4:5; 9:10. Turning away

from God is much different from learning to live

according to His will God (knowing all things) will

not contend forever with a capricious person, and those who once knew Christ will be worse off than if

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


they had not had His fellowship; 1Jn5:16,17; 3:18-20;

Ps139:4; Is3:4; Jas1:7,8; Mt12:45. He allows those who deny Him to remain in the futility of their ways;

Is57:15,16; Ro1:23,24,28. Upon mortal death there is

no redemption for those not redeemed; Jn12:48;

Mt7:2; Jn8:16. During His ministry, Jesus quoted Scripture when He said, ―…sons of God,‖ for unless

God sustains their spirits and souls, they are spiritually

dead during their earthly life; Lk20:35,36; Jn10:34-38; Ps82:6; Ro8:14; Lk9:60; Rev3:1.

The specific time in history when the actual act of

redemption occurred is not a factor, anymore than the point of time a person lives on earth; 1Cor15:22. The

fact that our redemption was historically secured

through Jesus long ago is a blessing; Mt13:16,17.

Today through God‘s Word and His Holy Spirit, we are able to grasp (if we so seek) the magnificent glory

of God a little more than our forefathers; Jn16:7-11;

Dt4:29; Ps19:1-11; Co1:26,27; 2Pe1:4-11. Just as God gave insight years before the time leading up to Jesus‘

crucifixion, He has also forewarned us of the coming

days; Zec11:13; Rev12:17. God has informed Israel that Babylon the Great

will rule for a while, but it will not last; Da2:43;

Rev17:5. In the book of Micah, Israel as a nation is

told she will be redeemed; Mi4:10. Israel, the bride of Messiah, is represented by the female lamb in the

book of Leviticus; Is62:4; Lv4:32. Israel first and then

all peoples on earth as God‘s children represent the female lamb as part of the bride of the LORD (the

Lamb of God). Today when sin/worm is forgiven,

people are to give their life willingly in service to God

through Christ Messiah; Job25:5,6; 1Th1:9; Rev21:1,2. Fat represents sin. Jesus, our High Priest,

removes our spiritual fat from His presence when we

accept the gift of God‘s grace; being forgiven; Lv4:35. Also, through His wrath and Judgment, He will cut off

the fat when people who are lost are separated from

Him; Is66:24; Rev20:15.

The Passover Blood Of Glory

The shed blood of the lamb became a symbol of life, so the Israelites would glory in God because He

had protected them from death; Ex12:30,33,34. After

Jesus died and was buried, the true Passover blood of glory happened on the morning of the third day when

He rose from the grave; Mt20:19; Lk24:1-3,6;

Ac10:40,41. Having come from His heavenly realm through birth, Jesus was not bound in death because

God gave Him the authority to return to the Father in

glory; Jn3:13; Jn10:18; 16:19,20; Ro6:4; Lv26:10,11;

Eph4:22-24; Ro8:18; 11:36.

In His appearance on earth, Jesus and the Father

are glorified; but God alone will glorify Himself; Jn13:31,32; 17:1-5; Is42:8; Ezk39:13; Jn12:28,30.

One day the nations will have God‘s glory in His Son

set among the nations; Ezk39:21. Glory in the mind of

mankind and also the heavenly host means to behold God with fear, awe, and great wonder; Ps22:23;

86:9,10; Rev15:4. Today (like the assembling

Israelites on the morning after the first Passover; Ex12:27) children of God praise, glorify, and worship

the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Gn29:35; Ps7:17;

Mt11:25-27. There is one glory less visible in which God is

greatly glorified, (Please take note. The beast will

appear, and God will change the surface of the earth.)

and this glory is when prophecy is fulfilled; Dt29:29; Da9:27; Eph5:13; Is5:20; 45:7; 40:4,5; Ro8:18;

1Cor2:10-13. Fulfilled prophecy is the hidden Word

revealed, for the letter (written words) of the Word glorifies God; Eph3:5,6,9-12; Co3:4; Mt5:18;

Jn16:14. Another hidden glory is God opening a

person‘s eyes to understand and see His works through the intricacies and harmony of His Word;

Mt14:31-33; Eph1:17,18; Ps119:104; Mt6:32,33. Here

is an example: Jesus, our High Priest, wore a seamless

robe/tunic; Ex28:31,32; Jn19:23,24b. God purposely wrote about the tunic in the Law so people in later

generations (who seek Him) could grasp the wonder

of His Word through His Son; Jn4:22,24; 11:40; Is6:9,10; Jn12:40,41. On the day of His crucifixion,

the seamless robe was not torn; Jn19:23,24. The

explanation of the prophecy is that the work (His

kingdom) of the LORD will never be ripped away from Him. It is seamless/continuous and will fulfill all

prophecy; Mt5:17,18.

Everyday during normal life, prophecy is unfolding so that what was once hidden is being

revealed; Mt13:14,16,17; 26:54; Lk21:22; 22:37a;

24:44. Recognizing that a specific word in Scripture is prophetic (even though the person may not have

complete understanding) is sharing in His Spirit and in

His glory; Is40:4; Ac22:9; 1Tim3:16. Even angels do

not know all things, nor did Jesus when He was flesh. Jesus only knew what the Father commanded to be

revealed through Him; Mt24:36; Jn5:30; 17:1-4.

However, Jesus did have access to all things and knowledge, but He only did what He saw the Father

do; Jn5:19.

Another prophetic example to behold God‘s glory is the verse in Genesis 4:24. God has not revealed

what this verse means, but know for certain there are

only words of purpose in Scripture; Dt32:46,47;

Mt13:45,46; 2Tim3:16. Those who benefit from His fulfilled Word are to praise, worship, and give Him

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


their love in mind, strength, and soul; Ro6:22;

Ps145:21; Lk10:27,28. Through their giving to God, they honor Him because they are humble and have a

contrite heart; Mt5:16; Jn14:21; Is66:2. God hears His

children, and He is mindful of them Ps145:15-20;

Ps103:14. The prophets who were put to death for speaking

the Word of God were exceedingly blessed; Mt23:31;

Gn17:6; 30:43; Ezk37:10; Mt13:12; 5:11,12; Da10:19; Ma3:16,17; Is30:18; 56:1,2; Jer17:7. Many

of them spoke words that they understood in part (or

not at all) and used words that were beyond the vision of many; Mt13:17,35,43; 2Pe1:19-21; Rev1:19,20;

Mt15:37. If the prophets did not fully understand, how

much more difficult is it for people who are lost

(unsaved)? Prophecy is preposterous for the mind of man who does not earnestly seek God, and many

times prophecy is difficult to comprehend even for

His faithful people; Jn8:38,44; 10:26; Ro8:14; 1Cor1:18-31; 14:22; Mt5:17,18; Jn6:60; 2Pe3:16-18.

However, if the church congregation speaks of God‘s

prophecy to the unbelievers or the ungifted, they will be convicted; 1Cor14:25.

Another example of fulfilled prophecy (to glorify

God) is the glory of and the sprinkling of blood by the

priest according to the Law; Lv17:6. When Jesus was condemned by the council of priests and then beaten

and whipped, His blood was sprinkled, dripped, and

splattered at the base of the altar, which is Mt. Moriah (Mt. Zion) in Jerusalem. His blood was also sprinkled

outside the temple; tent of meeting; Mt26:59-68;

Ex29:16; Lv8:11; Mt26:28; Gn22:2; 2Chr3:1;

2Ki19:31; Ps2:6; Ex29:41-46; Lv1:5; 3:7,8; Heb13:12-14. Jesus is Israel‘s High Priest; and when

He sprinkled His own blood, He consecrated (made

holy) and sealed the covenant (according to the duties of the priests of the Law) for the atonement and

forgiveness of sins of those who by faith, believe,

trust, and obey God Almighty; Heb3:1; Lk22:19,20; Lv17:11. Through His Son, God is wondrously

glorified in the blood of Jesus; but the greatest glory

and fulfillment of prophecy is the day Jesus was raised

from the dead; Jn15:5,6,8,10; Ro4:7-11,13; Jn10:18; 12:23; 16:33; 17:1-5,22-24; 1Cor15:55. His

resurrection is greater than the glory displayed when

Lazarus was raised because Jesus raised Himself, and God our Father is greatly glorified in heaven and on

earth; Jn12:28. His raising of Himself proved (though

His body died) His Spirit/Soul remained alive, continuous, and seamless. His resurrection also

proved Jesus retained His power in His earthly death;

Jn11:25,26; 7:33; 14:12.

This is what it means for Jesus to be raised up; Jn11:23,24. The glory of Jesus is Light to behold and

touch, having properties beyond nature. These

qualities allow Him to move to and from the natural environs and His heavenly realm; Jn20:19-27; 14:3;

8:12; 16:22. The glory of Jesus (meaning He is the

Light) is given to His people. The Light He has is

from God, and He is the Light of God; 1Jn1:5. Jesus illumines the body, mind, and soul of those who are

forgiven in His name; Is33:24; Mt9:2,5; Lk7:48;

24:46,47; Co1:13-15; 2Cor4:6,13,14; Rev22:5. Those forgiven people in Christ Jesus have His Light within

them, though they cannot presently see that Light

unless God grants this kind of sight to them; Mt5:16. His people will never emit their own holy light; they

can only shine the light of the Father Son Holy Spirit.

Any other light is false. As Jesus lives, those who are

His people also live; Ro8:1. Though their mortal bodies die, they will never die a spiritual death

because they continued to live according to the LORD

and will be raised up with Him; Jn11:25,26; Co1:22,23; 1Cor6:14; Eph2:6; Co2:12; 3:1. God is the

Father of the living; Mt22:32; Lk20:38. Glory to His

name! (Mt21:9; Lk2:19,20; Jn17:1-5; 12:28) During the time Jesus walked among men, God‘s

Holy Spirit and Light were revealed in flesh; Gn1:1-3;

Jn1:1,2,14,15,5; 4:24. However, though the Father,

Son, and Holy Spirit are separate people, together they are One; Jn16:13-15; 17:21. Pure, clean water

represents His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit (spiritually

speaking) is everlasting water; Jn4:14. If a person drinks of this water, that is, believes in Jesus through

whom the Holy Spirit is sent, the open hand (meaning

life) of God is extended to the one who drinks; and the

Holy Spirit will dwell within that person; Jn16:7; Ac10:44-47; 4:30; Ezra7:27,28; Jn14:17. When Jesus

became flesh the eternal Holy Spirit became blood,

and the symbol of the lamb of the first Passover became ―…God with us.‖ Is7:14 His shed blood

represents the new and better covenant from God to

man; Lk22:20. Keeping a humble and contrite heart and drinking the symbol for His shed blood

(communion), a person shares in His resurrection;

Is66:2; Lk22:17; Co1:12; 1Cor6:14. Glory be to the

Father! Life is given (not with the act of drinking a

symbol) when a person humbles himself and earnestly

worships God in faith and obedience through Jesus; 2Cor3:5,6. The day Jesus changed the water into wine

was a symbol of His descending from heaven and

becoming flesh to begin His ministry; Jn2:1,10,11; Jn3:13; Ps8:4-6. Changing the water into wine is also

a glory for all His children. They become the symbol

of the best wine in preparation for the wedding of the

King/Bridegroom; Rev14:15,16; 19:6,7.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Then the spear opened His side, and blood and

water ran out separated; they became the physical symbol/sign Jesus had returned to the Spirit realm;

Jn13:19; 14:3; 16:4; 19:1-5,17-19,34,35. In His

ministry and crucifixion, the symbol of the water

(Holy Spirit) that was changed to wine became the blood (mankind‘s sin) of bitter water Ex15:23,25.

When Jesus was raised, He became the pure, sweet

water of the Spirit for anyone who might believe, drink, and be satisfied… another glory from God!

(Is53:11; Jn18:11; Heb10:11,12; Mt5:6; 14:20; 15:37;

Is63:11,12; Lk24:27,31); When a person drinks the symbol of His blood shed for the forgiveness of sin (a

humble recommitment), the person‘s spirit and soul

are reconfirmed as holy and cleansed as a dwelling

place for the pure water of the Holy Spirit… eternal life; Jn7:37,38; 15:3. People who hear or read His

Word and do not believe commit sin upon sin; Jn16:9;

Is30:1. It was a great day for all peoples when Lazarus

was raised after having been dead four days;

Jn11:4,17,18,42-45. Great will be the day when the world sees the raising up of God‘s two witnesses in

Jerusalem during the fourth day after their murder;

Rev11:8,9,11,12. Many people will believe on that

day. Also, great will be the day His first fruits are harvested; Ro8:23; 1Cor15:23; Rev14:15. Greater

than the day of the first resurrection is the great day of

the LORD soon to follow; Zeph1:14-18. Greater still will be the day Israel will no longer be called

forsaken; Is62:12. However, the greatest day of all

days is the day Christ Jesus Messiah raised Himself

from the tomb and appeared to His people; Jn18:11; 20:14-17; Rev5:5-10; Lk24:24; Jn21:1,14; Ac1:3;

Ro3:21,22. Glory be to God!

The Passover Branch Of Hyssop

The branch was used as a tool by the head of the house to extend his reach and apply the blood of the

lamb to the doorposts and lintel (crosspiece) of his

home; Ex12:22. The branch of hyssop represents

Immanuel. God (the Head of His house) sent His Son to extend reconciliation to us so that Adam‘s sin

within each person and the sin of each person could be

removed; Ro5:11-17; Is4:2; 2Cor5:18-21; Ps14:7; Heb9:28; 2:10-14. Christ Jesus Messiah is God‘s

Branch written within the book of Isaiah; Is7:14; 11:1-

5. He is the true hyssop Branch; Ps51:7. He is the bruised reed; Is42:3. He is God‘s extended arm, sent

to offer eternal protection and salvation; Is41:10;

52:10; 53:1; 59:16; Jn12:37,38,47. Like Moses with

instructions from God explaining what Israel was to do to protect each firstborn from death, Jesus carried

the Word of God and explained God; Is48:14-17;

Jn1:18; 12:50; Lk24:27. Those who believe in His name become His brothers, sisters, and heirs of God,

having their sins washed away and cleansed as white

as snow; Mt12:50; Ro8:16,17; Ps51:7.

The Passover branch of hyssop was a natural resource for the Israelites in a time of need; Ex12:22.

In the same way, Christ Jesus Messiah made Himself

naturally available to the people as God‘s Servant, healing and teaching them; Is42:1,2; 49:3; 52:13;

Mt12:18-21; 20:28; 4:23; 15:32. For the original

Passover, it was a simple act for the hyssop branch to be pulled, stripped, and torn from its main plant; but

as for Jesus, His tearing away was so much more

severe; Mt16:21; Jn7:33,34. At first, after His arrest

Jesus remained silent; but later when He spoke, His accusers tore chunks of His beard from His face;

Mk14:61,65; Is50:6. The Passover hyssop branch was

brushed back and forth to apply the lamb‘s blood. God‘s Passover Branch gave His back to His accusers,

and they scourged Him; and by His stripes we are

eternally healed; Is50:6; Dt25:3; Is53:5; Mt26:67; 27:30. Just as the Passover branch was lifted, Jesus

was lifted onto a cross/tree for our sin; Jn12:32;

Dt21:22,23; Jer11:19,20; Mt27:28; Jn19:5; 3:14;

Ro5:8-17; Jn19:31,33,36,37; Ro6:6-10. By this act of love, God‘s Son became our Branch of salvation;

Lk1:68-72,77; 1Th5:9; 2Tim3:15; Is4:2; 11:1;

Titus2:11. Moments before Jesus committed His spirit to the

Father, a hyssop branch was extended to Him,

offering a drink of gall; Ps69:17-33; Mt27:34;

Mk15:23; Jn19:29,30. Gall represents the drug of bitterness and the numbing cruelty of man to man;

Dt12:31; Jn3:20. Like the branch raised, each person

must earnestly take the initiative to believe and apply the (Branch) blood of the Lamb to the door of his

heart; Jn18:34; Rev12:11. Applying His blood lifts up

a prayer of supplication of repentance to God, asking His forgiveness and seeking the LORD‘s mercy to

spare his or her life; Ps30:8,9; 119:170; 142:1-7;

Is30:15a-c; Lk5:32; 15:7; 24:47; Ro2:4; Php4:6,7;

Ac17:30,31; Nu14:19; Dt21:8; Ps32:1; Mt26:28; Ac8:22,23; Ex12:13; Ps130:4; Rev3:20-22; Zec12:10.

After tasting the gall, Jesus rejected it saying, ―It is

finished.‖ Then He gave up His spirit; Jn19:29,30. This was said not only to the Father, but to everyone,

signifying that Jesus had fulfilled the words written in

the Law, the Psalms, and of the prophets about God‘s Word becoming flesh; Is7:14; Jn1:1,14; Mt5:17,18.

Before Jesus is seen again, the nation of Israel will be

completely forsaken by ungodly men; and the land of

Israel will seem forsaken by God; Is27:10-13; 49:14-19; Is62:4a,b. The gall also represents the bitter

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


numbing days before the end of the transgression;

Is24:7-12. However, in the morning there will be great joy (for those who overcome) on the day they are

raised up with Jesus; Ps30:5; Jn16:33; Rev3:21;

12:11; Ac1:11; Rev7:10.

After His day of wrath, Israel is made new with His Spirit. The old Israel is dead; Is33:20-24; 34:1,2;

49:18; 61:10; 62:5; 54:5-7; Rev5:5-10. Truly, new

wine will be in a new wine skin; Jews [Israel] on earth will know and love their Messiah; Mt9:17; Ezk37:14;

Lv26:10,11; Eph4:22-24. Israel will reject her former

ways and follow her Branch of salvation forever; Ezk36:31; Heb9:28.

The Passover Door

The observance of the original Passover is an

example of God‘s love for Israel (and for the world).

As stated before, the brushed blood of the first Passover lamb onto the two doorposts and lintel was

the sign of protection to the destroyer; Ex12:13. Once

the blood was applied, no one was to go outside the door until morning; Ex12:22,23. Though each Israelite

had the free will to disregard God‘s command,

Scripture records only the death of firstborn

Egyptians; Ex12:29,30. In His love the two wooden upright doorposts

represent the two pillars of God‘s righteousness and

justice (Gn18:19), the two appearances of the Son of God (Jn13:31,33,36; 14:3), the two resurrections

(Jn5:25,28), and the two holy ways to be pierced

(Mt4:19; Ac2:23; Mk8:34; Ro6:5-11). The lintel

represents the power/strength of Jesus to uphold the Father‘s righteousness and justice (Dt32:4; Jn1:18;

Is9:7), the span of time that connects the first and

second resurrection (Rev20:6-8), the separation between life and death (Jn3:16,36; Lk16:26; Jn5:24),

and the span of time of one Life (Jesus) taking the

gospel to the unsaved; Mt4:23; 11:5; Mk1:15; 16:15; Mt28:20; Mt16:24. The doorposts and lintel are the

framework of the door and represent the Law and the

prophecy; Mt5:17,18; Lk24:44. Together with the

door they represent two spiritual entryways; Mt7:13; Jn10:7,9; Lk13:24; Rev3:20; Mt24:33. One entryway

is open to all the members of the loving home and

family of God; the other entryway is the heart of each person; Rev3:8; Jn10:7. Who, what, and how long a

desire enters and stays are controlled by the free will

of the person; Rev3:20; Mt6:24; Ps10:3; 38:9; 51:6; 52:7,8.

Righteousness And Justice

The Two Doorposts represent God‘s

Righteousness and Justice. Trust is a form of love and

is the highest value one person is able to have for

another. There is another value higher than trust, a value of the highest kind. It is a special kind of love. It

is when a person would never willingly or knowingly

do anything that would betray the trust of another person. It is a sacrificial love; It is an unselfish love. It

is a love of an unwavering commitment, steadfast in

guiding those who are loved to do the right things according to God. By sending His Son Jesus, God

gave us His example of this kind of love; Jn3:16.

Along with others in Scripture, Ruth and Ezekiel also

displayed this kind of love; Ru1:16,17; Ezk24:16,18. For a person to have this kind of love, he/she must

live according to God and allow Him to be LORD of

his or her life; Jer39:18; Jn6:68,69. Righteousness and justice are securely fastened to

God‘s perfect love. Like the perfect balance of a large,

strong door fastened with two hinges and able to swing with a gentle touch of a finger, everything (all

the world and nations, the heavens of the universe,

and the heavenly host in the presence of God) is

fastened to the upright, unchanging, and unbreakable hinges of His righteousness and justice; and the door

of God‘s house will be shut to the unrighteous by the

finger of God; Ps71:6; 55:22;Dt9:10; Ex8:19; Lk11:20.

God‘s righteousness is truth (Ps31:5; Jn1:14;

Jn14:6), compassion (Ps25:6,8; Mt20:34), mercy

(Ps86:15; Mk5:19; Mt9:27-29), faithfulness (Is49:7; 1Cor1:9), provision (Gn22:14; Heb11:40; 12:1-3),

teaching (Ex4:12; Mt5:2), and serving (Ps33:20;

Mt20:28), which also describe our Deliverer/Savior; 2Sa2:22; Ho13:4; Lk2:11; Ac13:22,23.

Justice is made sure (secure) because of God‘s

righteousness. Each decision of the LORD is just, true, and final… as a door is aligned, true, and upright to

the doorpost; Da4:37; Jn5:30. At God‘s Judgment the

door will be either opened or closed, and it will

remain that way; Rev20:12-15; Is22:22. Nothing is hidden from Him; Ec12:14; Da2:22; Mt10:26;

Heb4:13. God desires all people to live according to

His righteousness; Ps15:2; 51:6; Mt5:6. With trust in God, each person is to demonstrate His kind of justice

with love in daily life; Is56:1; 1Cor13:13; Dt16:20;

Heb11:16. His people are commanded to investigate thoroughly (Dt13:14), to be honest (Dt25:15;

Rev14:5), to seek God‘s wisdom (Ec1:13; Ps37:30;

Ps111:10; Pr2:6), and to be impartial in every

situation; as Christ is just; Lv19:15; Dt16:19;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Mt22:16; Dt32:4; Is58:2; Ezk45:9; Ro3:25,26;

Titus1:8,9; Heb2:2-4; 1Pe3:18.

Two Appearances

Several prophetic symbols are represented by the two doorposts. They represent two appearances of

Messiah. One doorpost represents Jesus when He

appeared as the Son of man Son of God, gentle and humble; Lk2:7; Jn3:10,18; Mt11:28,29. Instead of

delivering the children of Abraham from mankind‘s

wickedness, as they desired, God our Father, delivered His Son Jesus over to the hands of men to be

crucified; Ps18:2,3; Is19:20; Ro11:26; Ac2:22-24;

Jn19:18. Though He was scourged, He continued in

His authority over heaven and earth; and through His earthly death and resurrection, He showed the world

that through Him spiritual death has no power; Is53:5;

Mt28:18; Jn10:18; Ac3:15; 10:39-41; Jn16:33; 1Jn5:4,5; Jn5:24; 8:51; Ro5:10-19; Rev20:6. Anyone

who will believe in Him has life; Jn20:31. Understand

that through His death and resurrection, Jesus is our Deliverer. Since the time of His ministry, His

government is established by faith within each person

who willingly allows Him to be King and LORD;

Ps73:24; Is33:22. The other doorpost represents the next time Jesus

will appear on earth as Savior Mighty King, when His

government is established on earth; Is7:14; Mk4:38-41; Mt14:33; Rev19:15,16; Jer3:18; 31:9; Is9:6. On

that great day, Jesus has foretold us, there will be

silence; then the stones will cry out, and the sea will

roar; Is46:10; Jn14:29; Rev8:1; 7:1; Is41:1; Ps47:5; 65:7,13; 66:1; 89:12; Is44:23; 49:13; 52:9,10;

Jer25:30,31; 50:46; Ps126:6; Lk19:40; Ps46:1-3;

96:10-13; 98:7-9. From the day of His wrath, His government will rule the world; Rev2:27; Ps47:2,3.

Two Resurrections

The doorposts represent the two resurrections. To

be resurrected is taking a person from the earth into

the realm of the LORD; Jn18:36. Each person will either receive life with God or be condemned forever,

separated from God. The first resurrection includes

only the people of God who receive life. Within the first resurrection there are two groups of people who

become (have become) one in Him, wearing wedding

garments of white; Jn5:25; Jn17:23;Rev3:5,18,19. By God‘s grace each person within both groups of the

first resurrection will receive eternal life. That eternal

life started while on earth when he or she first

accepted Jesus as Savior and upon earthly death will continue immediately in the presence of the LORD;

Ps56:13; Ex3:6; Mt22:32; Jn11:26. One group

reckoned as righteous by God includes all people who have trusted, obeyed, and had fellowship with God by

faith since the time of Adam; Gn18:1-5; Heb11:1-4;

Ps50:1-6; Gn4:4. These people looked ahead to a life

with Him; Mt13:17. Others waited for the appearance of the Bridegroom but did not know of the gospel of

Jesus; Ex4:25; Is61:10; Mt22:2,3a; Ho2:15; Ex15:2-7;

2Chr7:1-3; Ps110:3-6; Is12:4-6. The other group within the first resurrection has

trusted/obeyed (by faith) God through His Son Jesus.

It is through this group the gospel of Christ Jesus will be taken to the world up to a few days before the

transgression ends; Heb12:1-3; Jn5:25; 10:16;

Rev20:6; Mt22:4-6; Zec2:10-13; 1Th5:23,24. Shortly

before the first resurrection, faithful ones in heaven will be given white garments; Rev6:11; 1Th4:16.

Then God‘s children still alive on earth will be raised

up, and both groups will serve the LORD; 1Th4:17; Rev20:6.

A little over a thousand years (could be earth years

or God‘s years) after the great day of the LORD at the end of the age when the earth passes away, the second

resurrection occurs; (Mt5:18; 13:40-43; 24:34;

2Pe3:7-14; Jn12:48;Jn5:28,29; Rev20:7-9,13. There

are two groups of people within the second resurrection. One will be saved and remain in the

presence of God along with those of the first

resurrection. These saved souls of the first and second resurrections will then fulfill the prophetic symbol of

the bread of Presence before the Altar, for they are in

Christ the Bread of Life; Ex25:30; Jn6:33,35.

The group of unforgiven people of the second resurrection will be sent to the lake of fire; like Jacob

separating the sheep; Rev20:14; Gn30:40; Mt25:32.

Since the time of Adam, people who have forsaken their opportunity die in their sin; Jn7:5,6;

Rev20:11,12. Jesus made mention of this fact in the

parable of the wedding; Mt22:10-13. Not having their name in the book of life, the dead in their sin go to the

second death; Rev20:5,15.

Two Ways To Be Pierced

A doorpost was used with the two holy ways a

person could be pierced. God had Moses write the procedure in the Law for bringing a servant

permanently into the household. By his or her free

will, this person (as a proclamation of love) would choose to serve his or her master forever. This historic

practice is prophetic. First the person would be

brought to God, then the lobe of his or her ear would

be placed onto the doorpost/door, and the master would pierce it with an awl; Ex21:5,6; Dt15:16,17.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


The pierced ear was a sign for others to see that he/she

was his master‘s servant. God loves each person, and He desires for all

people to spend eternity with Him; Jn3:16. However,

since Adam mankind has been conceived in sin;

Gn3:11; Ps51:5. Sin cannot be in the presence of God; for sin means death, and God is life; Jas1:15; Dt32:29;

Jn3:16; Ro6:23. In His infinite wisdom, God provided

a way to bring the people who love Him into His house as members of His family; Mt12:50. From the

beginning, God established that those people whose

sin He forgave would be allowed to enter into eternal life; Mt19:29. The promise of forgiveness is offered

unconditionally to everyone; Ro2:11; 10:12,13.

In order for sin to be forgiven, by faith each person

(in his free will) is to seek God and desire to serve Him; Ro4:9,11,13; Mt6:33; Lk16:13. He is to repent

for selfishly and prideful wrong doing and ask God to

forgive his sin; Mk1:15; Lk13:3; Mt6:14,15; 18:35; 9:22; Lk11:4. Then he is to live according to His Son,

serving Him with a humble and contrite heart;

Ro8:3,4; Eph5:1; Dt10:20; Mt20:28; Co3:24; Heb9:14; Rev7:14 Ex35:29; Ps119:108; Is66:2.

Jesus is pierced: The Son of God has always had

all the glory and perfection of the Father; Mt5:48;

Heb5:9. There was no requirement for Jesus to be brought into the house of God, for He is of God and is

God; and by His free will (Jesus has a free will, too.)

He permanently serves His Father; Jn1:1,2; 3:13; 6:46; 10:30; Jn8:29.

However, it was from the beginning that God

required His Son to be pierced. When He tested

Abraham to take Isaac to offer him as a sacrifice, He also prophetically announced to mankind the

requirement He had established for His Son;

Gn22:9,10; Heb11:17-19. God knew the people He created needed to see and understand Him at their

level; Ex33:18,20; Ga3:19.

In His good time, God would send Himself as a living example in His Son Jesus; 1Tim2:6; 6:14,15;

Is7:14; Jn1:18; 5:37; 12:44. Jesus was/is humble and

contrite of heart and said and did the things He saw

the Father do; Mt11:29; Jn5:19. Instead of delivering the world from wickedness, God required His Son to

be delivered into the hands of men. Through His

sacrifice, Jesus delivered the souls from death eternal of those people who truly believe/d in Him by faith;

Jn11:26. In His crucifixion, Jesus (God‘s Servant) was

pierced by the Father, using the hand of wickedness; Is53:5. His piercing became a visual sign for mankind

and a Spiritual sign, fulfilling the requirement God

had set; Ac2:23; Ac15:15-18; 17:24-31; Heb9:28;

Lk24:27; Ac4:28,29; 1Cor2:7-13. When Christ Jesus (who was without sin) was crucified, the sin of all

who would believe in His name was cancelled;

Php2:8;, Heb4:15; Co2:13,14; Jn1:12,13. Believers are spiritually pierced: By their free will

and faith, people who offer gifts of service and do the

things Jesus commanded are reckoned by God as

being pierced. These faithful, loving servants are allowed to enter into eternal life with their Father in

heaven; Jn17:3. Because Jesus was pierced, all

peoples (throughout the ages) who have obey/ed and love/d Him (and did not return to their former ways)

are pierced and receive life; Co2:14; Co1:19-23;

Jn14:21; Mt16:24.

God’s Power And Authority

The lintel represents several prophetic symbols. It represents the power and authority of Jesus to uphold

the Word of God. It also is the bridge that crosses the

span of an entryway and connects the two doorposts. Its purpose is to hold the weight of the structure

located above the door. The material used for the

lintel must be strong enough to bear the constant weight for the life of the structure. Jesus eternally

upholds righteousness and justice; Is9:7; Mt28:18.

The blood applied to the lintel of the first Passover

represents the blood of Christ on the crosspiece of His cross. With His arms stretched wide, His body

brushed His own blood onto the wood. It was fitting

for Jesus to die for sinners with His arms open, as a reminder of the loving arms of God, ready to embrace

anyone who would believe; Jn3:17,18; Ps91:4;


Throughout His ministry, Jesus spoke the Word of the Father as He heard Him; and He steadfastly quoted

God‘s word within Scripture; Jn12:49,50; 14:24;

Lk24:27,44; Ac26:22,23; Mt4:4,7,10; Lk4:21; Mt12:39; 13:14,31,43; 15:2,7-9; 16:27. Like the

bloodstained lintel of the first Passover, Christ Jesus is

our Strength, Stronghold, and Support, Who spans the chasm between death and eternal life; Ex12:7;

Ps9:9,10; 16:5; 18:2; 41:12; Lk16:22,23,26; Jn5:24.

As long as we remain in Him and serve through Him,

eternal life is certain; Ro6:11,23; 8:1,2; 1Cor1:5; 2Cor3:4; 5:18; Eph1:19,20; 6:10,11; 1Tim3:15,16.

The Span Of Time

The lintel represents a prophetic span of time. The

span of time is from the beginning of creation to the end of the age; Gn1:31;Mt13:40-43. One day all

peoples will know the Father Son Holy Spirit (though

not all peoples will be saved) as the Architect, Author,

and Sustainer; Mt28:19,20; Is11:9; Co2:2; Is45:23; Php2:10; Heb11:10; Heb12:2; Ro1:20; Ps54:4.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


The times of prophetic fulfillment are within the

time of the natural environs; (Ec3:1; Eph1:9-11; Lk21:24; 22:16; Rev17:17. As the lintel spans the

distance across the entryway, so Christ Jesus spans the

time of the ages; Ro16:25-27; Eph3:8-10. That time

includes His kingdom and the years between the first and second resurrection; 1Cor15:22-26,45; Heb9:19-

28; Rev22:3-6. The time of His kingdom begins with

the moment a person believes in Him by faith and desires to live according to His word; Heb11:13,16.

There will be a day in the future when all peoples

on earth will know the LORD and live at peace. People who (by their free will and love) serve the LORD

before the first resurrection will receive a greater

blessing; Rev20:6. The Judgment will pass over

(Passover) them. The lintel represents the span of time of a human

life and whether or not the person publicly proclaims

the LORD as Savior; Ps90:10; Ac13:36-41. The lintel also represents the chasm between the outer darkness

(the place of death and gnashing teeth) and heaven,

where there is life and joy with God; Lk16:26. The dead (people whose souls are dead) exist in their

spirit, eternally separated from God; Mt10:28; Gn1:4;

Lv15:31; Is59:2; Mt8:12. Apparently the spirit eyes of

the dead will be able to look across the span; Lk16:23. People who receive life with God will have their tears

dried and all sorrow removed; Is25:8; Rev21:4. Great

is the span between death and life, perhaps not so much as a measured distance, but in the difference

between the agony and the joy of those within each

realm; Lk16:24: Jn17:13.

The Framework

The lintel and the doorposts together are the framework for the door and the entryway of the home.

Together they represent the framework of the Law and

Prophecy upon which everything will be fulfilled; Lk24:44.

Two Different Doors

There are two different types of doors. Sometimes

in Scripture a door is called a gate, like the gate to a

city; Ne3:15. A door is usually an entryway to a single dwelling. A gate usually leads to something larger

(like a city), allowing more to pass through at the

same time. The first door: Whether a door or gate, Jesus,

through His blood shed for our sin, has opened the

door/gate of life for all peoples, if they should so

believe and become God‘s children; Zec9:11; Rev3:8; Rev3:20; Mt12:50. Jesus is the only door of the house

of God; Jn10:9. He is our door of salvation, and His

people will enter into the inner holy court of God through Him, for they also are priests of God; Jn10:7.

The second death has no power over them; Ezk45:19;

Jn14:6; Heb9:24; 10:19; Rev22:3,4,14; 20:6. People

who are members of the body of Christ Jesus (all who are reckoned as righteous by God) are saved by the

grace of God in Christ; Jn17:23. They are also

members of the door into God‘s house; Lk13:24; Jn17:21. Only through Jesus (the narrow gate) is there

safety; Ps4:8.

Do you know if you are saved? Simply, in faith you must believe in His name; Jn1:12,13. Believing in

Jesus means to believe God is the only God, that you

have no fleshly intent but desire to dwell with God

though Jesus; Dt6:13; 1Cor3:3; 2Cor1:12; Ga5:16,17; 2Th2:11,12; 2Tim3:12;. Mt6:21; Ro6:5. You must

truly repent; Mt4:17; Mk1:15. This means each person

is to acknowledge that he or she is a sinner and then desire to be forgiven; Ro3:23; 6:23; Mt6:12; Ac8:22;

Ro4:7. It is vital to keep a repentant heart attitude

throughout life and to say, ―Dear God, I have sinned. Please forgive me;‖ Is1:27; Ro10:9-11.

Understand and recall that receiving forgiveness is

a gift from God and the beginning of a new lifestyle

that takes effort to live; Jn3:3; 4:10; Ac2:37; La3:20,21; Ro6:4; Co3:10; 1Cor3:13-16. Sincerely

say from your heart, ―I believe that You, God, sent

Yourself through Your Son, Jesus, to die for my sins and were raised up to life;‖ Jn7:18. Earnestly believe

Jesus is your Savior; maintain a humble spirit, and

have an attitude of appreciation towards God;

Jer2:21a; Ac13:22,23; Jn15:1; 2Tim1:10; Lk12:27; Ro1:19,20; Dt10:21; Ps7:17. Live each day according

to God‘s word in the Bible; Ro8:12,13; 1Pe4:7-11.

Continue to seek God fully, Mt6:33; learn, and apply what He expects; Jas1:22a,25,27; 2Pe3:18. Continue

in prayerful fellowship with Him and with other

believers through Jesus; Ro12:6-21; 2Pe1:5-8; Php2:3-5. Make it a priority to keep in constant

communication with the LORD; Lk24:53; Ac1:14;

2:42; 10:2; Heb13:15.

If you have done each of these things with a repentant heart, then you are forgiven and are part of

the Door (Jesus) into God‘s house; Jn17:20,21. You

are a member of His family, have your name written in His book of life, and His Holy Spirit has been sent

to dwell within you; Eph2:19; Ma3:16; Php4:3;

Rev3:5; Jn14:26; 2Tim1:13. By faith then, you are saved; and through God you can be confident; Lk7:50;

Eph2:8; Heb4:16. As Jesus said, ―Go. (and)…sin no

more‖ and you shall have life abundantly; Jn8:11;


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


The second door: The first Passover door also

represents the entryway of one‘s heart and soul; Ex24:8; Dt4:9,29; 6:5,6; 10:12; 11:18; 26:16;

Rev3:20; Jn17:21; Dt5:29. The head of the house of

the first Passover may not have understood why the

blood of the lamb had to be applied; but he was obedient to the words of God given through Moses.

By applying the blood, life was spared for everyone in

the home. Jesus, being who He is, remains on the outside of one‘s spiritual door (heart/soul) until the

person humbly confesses Him as Savior; Mt11:29;

Rev3:20; Rol0:8-13. Once a person prayerfully invites Jesus in as Savior, Jesus sends Himself through His

Holy Spirit to abide and live within; Jn14:17. If the

person seeks to learn and mature spiritually and

practically, the Holy Spirit will disclose the Truth of God to the person; Jn16:13; Jn16:14. The Holy Spirit

convicts when conviction is necessary; Jn16:8. He

also delivers the peace of God and comforts when directed; Jn14:16; 20:21,22. However, God, as our

loving Father, will discipline His children; Dt8:5;

Heb12:6. There is another purpose for the door of our heart.

It opens the way that leads to our desires of sin,

independence, material things, and rebellion against

God; Ezk33:31; Gn4:7;Pr1:31; 21:2; 29:15; Pr1:13; 18:11; Ps5:10; 78:17. In our rebellion (since Adam)

we are deluded to think and believe we have the

authority for our personal safety and the control of our individual destiny; Gn3:6; 2Pe2:18,19; Gn3:1,4,5;

Is65:11. This is a lie from Satan that multitudes of

people believe; Mt7:26. Each person thinks there is

safety when there is no safety; Pr14:7; Is47:10,11; Jer10:3,4,8-10; Dt32:29.

So strong is this delusion that people struggle to

discern truth and doubt the true Word of God in the Bible; Jn18:38; Is29:9-12; Mt16:3; Ps119:160; Jn8:32.

Having this kind of belief in themselves is like the

blind trying to find their way; Dt28:58,59,66; Titus1:1-3; Mt14:31; 2Cor4:3-6. Those who doubt the

true Word of God do not realize that every part of His

Spirit, including His Word, must be true to be true and

is true; Gn6:3; Is30:1; 42:1; 44:3; 59:21; Ezk36:27; 37:14; 39:29; Joel 2:28,29; Hag2:5; Zec4:6; Mt12:18;

Lk23:46; Ac2:17,18; Jn3:34; 6:63,64.

By the disobedience of Adam, all except One became disobedient; Ro5:14; 1Cor15:22; Jn8:28,42;

12:49; 14:10. Like the head of the home applying the

blood of the first Passover, each person who obeys (though faith and trust) has allowed Jesus to sprinkle

His Spiritual blood upon his/her heart. Eternal life is

granted to these people, and the curse of death has no

power; Heb9:19-21; 12:24; 1Pe1:2-5; Ex12:23; Rev22:3. Those who do not have Jesus‘ blood applied

remain unforgiven and go to the lake of fire. Jesus will

shut the open door that leads to destruction, and no one from within will open it; Is22:22. Wide is the way

to the pit; Is38:18; Mt7:13; Is24:17,18.

By denying Jesus entry into their hearts, people

cannot receive the peace of God or have life after mortal death; Jn1:1; 20:19; Mt18:7,8; 25:41,45,46;

Ezk18:4,9; Jn12:48. The simple task is to trust and

obey faithfully the Word of God; Co2:4,8-14; Ac5:29; Jn3:36. Anyone who is a friend of Jesus (our High

Priest) has His blood spiritually sprinkled on the door

of his heart/soul/house; 1Cor3:16,17; Heb2:17; 4:14; 5:9,10; 8:1; 9:11,14,24; 10:22; 13:11-14. As His

friend, he truly and simply believes He is the Son of

God Christ Messiah; Mk8:29; Lk9:20.

God‘s Spirit sees His Son‘s sprinkled blood on each person‘s soul; the dimension that is unseen by

humans; 1Sa16:7; Heb11:1-4. Because He sees the

condition of our souls having His Son‘s blood, He grants us life as long as we continue to live and obey

according to His standards; Dt30:10-14; Jn15:1-6.

People who live holy lives will hear His voice when He calls Jn10:27,28; Ps141:3. During this life on

earth, they also are given the gentle teachings of the

Holy Spirit Jn14:16,17. Through one‘s faith, the LORD

becomes a provider (Gn22:8,14) of: strength (Is11:2,3; 12:2-4; 40:28,29,31; 45:24)… through

prayer (Mt6:6,7; Jn12:47-50; Lk13:24), hope

(Ps38:15; 39:7; Ro4:18), safety (Pr18:10), peace (Ps4:8; Jn14:27), and truth (Ps31:5; Zec8:8; Lk4:25a;

Jn1:17; 14:6; 17:17). He is also our guide (Ps25:5-10),

comforter (Is51:12), and leader; Is40:11; Ga3:24;

Mt4:19; 10:38; 16:24. Before the first appearance of Jesus, there are

many accounts when people, having humble and

contrite hearts, believed in God; Gn4:4; Is66:2. They were also obedient to the law God has written upon all

hearts, and they sought to live in every way according

to that law; Ps15:1-5; Ro1:16,17,20. By this, Abraham and our forefathers were reckoned as righteous in the

eyes of God; Gn15:6. We are to remember Abraham

believed God before the Law was given to the

Israelites. Paul writes that doers of the Law/law will be justified because they show the works of the

Law/law written upon their hearts; Ro2:12-16. John

also attests to this fact when God wrote through him about the righteousness of Abel; 1Jn3:12. Those

people lived according to the law written upon their

hearts and also praised and honored our Creator God during their lifetimes. This means they acknowledged

our Creator God and worshiped Him not only with

their voices but also with works. Those people whom

God reckoned as righteous before hearing the gospel of our Servant/Branch are also covered by the blood

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Jesus shed. Jesus has passed over the sins previously

committed; Is42:1-4; Zec6:12,13. After God‘s wrath, this same principle of forgiveness will apply to those

who put their faith in Jesus; though they went through

His wrath and lived to tell about it; Ro3:25,26. This

fact will also apply to all later generations who trust and obey Jesus by faith. Truly, when a person trusts

and lives according to the precepts of God, that person

puts his or her hope in the promise of eternal life and being able to live in the heavenly city God has

prepared...even within the house of God as heirs of

God; Heb11:13,16. Since the time when Jesus explained the Father and

gave us the new covenant, all peoples are to seek first

the Father through belief in Jesus; Jn1:18; Lk22:20;

Is52:7; Dt4:29; 12:5; 1Sa2:35; 2Sa7:12,13,24-29. One way to seek God is to read the Scripture with a sincere

desire to learn from Him. In time, you will understand

that the many descriptions of Jesus (such as ―standard,‖ ―sent,‖ and ―Branch‖) have been written

throughout the First Testament; Is57:14,15; 62:10-12;

66:1; Zec6:12,13,15. When He appeared, He became the living Word. This means Jesus, in flesh, displayed

the qualities explained in the Second Testament;

Jn2:19,21,22; Ac7:47-50. Believing in Jesus also

means you have to be born again (spiritually saved) in order to be protected from spiritual death;

1Cor6:19,20; Ro3:23; 6:23; Jn3:3; 14:6; Mt5:8;

Ro10:9-13; Rev3:20,21; Jn14:18. Like the Israelites on that first Passover night, the

blessing of being saved by the blood of Jesus remains

as long as the person stays inside the house of God;

Ex12:22; Ga5:24,25. Those who turn away and do not live according to His commands are like people who

no longer desire the company of their LORD;

Heb10:26,28-31. By their own thoughts, these no longer have the protection of the blood of Christ; and

they again take in the plague and curse of everlasting

death; Ps5:10; 81:12; Pr1:31-33; Ec7:29; Ro2:15; Mt13:22; Jn3:5; 14:21; 15:6; Mt12:43-45; 1Tim4:1;

Jn15:5,6. It is not that the children of God, though

imperfect, are to fear death; (;Jn16:33. God knows the

intent of our hearts. We are to keep an attitude of appreciation for God‘s blessings and at the same time

be repentant; (Pr15:33; Zeph2:3; Eph4:2,3; Php2:3-8;

Mt3:8. We are to remain humble in spirit, knowing that in our imperfection we are perfected in Christ as

we work towards perfection; Mt5:3; 2Cor12:9;

Heb10:14; 1Jn2:5; Jas2:17,22; Heb5:9. When we use the knowledge of our imperfection as an excuse to sin,

the grace God has given to us is profaned (soiled);

Ezk22:8; Ma2:10; Ro2:1; 2Cor6:1-3; Heb12:15-17;

1Jn2:10,11; 3:4.

When we have sinned, there is nothing else to do

other than to repent, ask again for His forgiveness, and humbly worship the Father through Jesus; Ps32:5;

Ac8:20-22; Rev2:5. When false doctrine becomes the

guide rather than the Word of God, those people who

follow that doctrine return to the way they were before they knew Christ; Mt15:14; 2Pe2:1,4; 2Pe2:9. These

people need to search their hearts while there is still

time; Jn5:39-45; Mt5:8; 6:21. Everyone who is not of Jesus enters through the wide gate that leads to

destruction; Mt7:13,14; Ps118:19,20. It does not

matter whether or not a person is good, kind, or openly evil. Any person who values his or her own

wisdom above God‘s Word is rebellious to God and is

not of the Father but is a son or daughter (maybe

unknowingly) of the evil one, the devil; Gn3:6; 1Cor3:18-20; Ex23:21-23a; Jn8:44-47.

The Sprinkled Blood

The blood of the lamb of the first Passover was

placed in a basin. As the hyssop branch was dipped and brushed, it is reasonable to think that some drops

of blood fell to the ground; Ex12:22,23,28. The blood

of the lamb that fell to the ground also represents the

blood of Jesus after His scourging. Again, it is reasonable to think His holy blood dripped onto

various places in and around the Temple Mount and in

Jerusalem as His captors led Him; Mt26:57; 27:2,30,31. We understand that because of His shed

blood, the sins of those who believe in Him are

cleansed. In the same way, through the sprinkling of

His blood onto the floor, pavement, and ground, the entire city is cleansed and holy; Mt26:58,67;

27:11,25,27,33; Lk22:44.

However, to this day, nations of peoples who are not known by God gather in the streets; 1Cor8:3. In

time, Jerusalem truly will be a city of peace, and the

people will worship Messiah there; Is27:13; Zec14:16; Ezk36:25-27; Lk24:46,47. For this we wait, not only

for that day but also for the true city to come. There

we will worship face-to-face with our Jesus Husband

Lamb of God…Father; Mt14:33; Heb9:21,23; 13:11-14; Rev5:8,9; 21:2,7.

So important is the sprinkling of blood, God had

Moses write into the Law several duties for himself and the high priest to perform. The first mention of the

sprinkling of blood was around the altar at the foot of

the mountain of God; Ex24:6. It was the blood from bulls. Then Moses sprinkled the blood on the people,

sealing the covenant; Ex24:8. In another passage, a

ram was slaughtered, and the blood was sprinkled on

the altar and garments of the high priest; Ex29:20,21. People who obey Jesus are a holy priesthood;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Heb7:24; 1Pe2:5. The ram represents Jesus the Son of

God who was slain; Heb10:22; 1Pe1:2. We know this because God provided a ram for Abraham; Gn22:13;

1Pe1:18,19. Also, the altar (we now understand)

represents Jesus who is the right hand of God; Is6:6,7;

56:7,8; Mt9:6; Ps48:10; Is41:10; Lk22:69; Ac2:33; 5:31.

It was His own Holy blood from His Holy body

that bled onto His Holy body, our Altar Jesus (covering our sin and nakedness); Ps32:1,2; 85:2;

Gn3:21; Is61:10; Rev3:4,18; 6:11. When the centurion

put the spear into His side, blood and water ran out; Jn19:34. We now understand the water represents

being cleansed from our sin with forgiveness; Nu8:7;

Jn13:5,8b,10. The water also represents God‘s Holy

Spirit (through Jesus) that dwells within His children; Ro8:9-11. The Holy Spirit, given to people on earth, is

the same Holy Spirit as in heaven; Ps51:11; 1Cor12:3-

7. As the Holy Spirit is given to all who believe and obey the Son of God, the Holy Spirit will be poured

out to those after the great day of the LORD; Joel 2:28.

The metaphor of the hen gathering and protecting her chicks is what Jesus has done; Ps91:4; Mt23:37. Jesus

(Jn14:6) is our only Advocate (1Jn2:1) so that the

children of God (slain in His Spirit Rev6:9) may stand

clothed in glory (Ex28:3,43) and without fear in the presence of Almighty God; 1Th3:13; Ro14:10;


Moses, who is a likeness of Christ Messiah leading his people, sprinkled the blood of the bull around the

altar, mountain, and people; Ex7:1. This symbolic

sprinkling specifically refers to the day of wrath;

Ex24:6; Lv1:5. The armies (raging bulls) that surround and walk through Israel will be gathered to

the slaughter; Ps22:12,13; 68:30; Is34:7,8; 30:25;

13:4; Zec12:3. God takes no pleasure in the death of any soul; but

in the last days, death is rampant. Unless the LORD

intervenes, no life on earth will survive; (s1:11; Ezk18:32; Mt24:22. The spirit garments of Messiah

will have the sprinkled blood of the ―bulls‖ on them.

This is because all people are children in the sight of

God, and the LORD mourns for those who go their separate ways; 2Sa19:1; Ex29:21; Is53:6; Mt18:12-14;

Rev19:13. It was prophetic that Moses sprinkled the

blood of the bull around the altar at the foot of God‘s mountain (Mt. Horeb/Sinai). On the day of God‘s

wrath, at the base of His holy mountain in Jerusalem

(where the people will come and worship Him), the blood of the bulls/armies will flow through the brook

of Kidron; Is2:2; Mi4:2; Jer31:38,40; Rev14:20;


In the final days of the transgression, God will have an earthly sequence leading to His peace.

Already a partial revealing has happened; Mt5:17;

Lk21:22,24; Rev1:19. Within that sequence, certain things will take place at the same time, each having its

own impact according to God; Ezk18:30; 2Th1:6-10.

It will be like the day when Babylon destroyed the

temple, only the next time, it will directly involve certain nations; Ezra5:12. However, all the nations of

the world will be against Israel; Zec12:3. These

certain nations, rather than having specific geographical boundaries, will form an alliance

politically; Da2:43; Rev17:12. They are called in the

Bible, ―Babylon the Great‖ Rev17:5. Before the transgression ends, they will attempt to break down

the temple of God within believers and fling truth to

the ground; Da8:12; Mt24:9; 1Cor3:17; Da11:33;

Rev17:13. They will overrun and profane Jerusalem, the

temple, and the altar; yet God will delay His wrath to

defend Jerusalem; Is48:9; Mk13:14,29; Ps79:1; Ezk7:21-27; Joel 2:17; Jer4:9,10,15,19,20; Is31:5;

63:1-5; Lk23:28-30; Am9:1-6; Zec9:14-16; Jer4:23-

28. Doing so will allow as many people to believe in His Son as possible and will fulfill the time of the

Gentiles; 2Pe3:9; Lk21:24. Then truth will be

vindicated; Dt32:36; Ezk36:23; Lk7:35; 1Tim3:16;

Is4:2-6; 40:2,10,11. My friend, if you have not done so, do not delay.

Offer yourself as a living sacrifice while there is still

time and opportunity; Ezk43:26,27; Ro12:1; Eph5:2; Heb13:15; Rev3:12; 16:7.

After the great day, Satan is bound. God will pour

out His Spirit upon the people not because the people

changed from their stubbornness, but because the LORD crushed the wickedness in the world; Dt4:30;

Is29:13,14; Rev20:2; Dt30:1-6; Dt9:5; Da2:44. It is by

His grace a few people are spared; Is13:12. Those who survive will have experienced great fear and

terror caused by the awesome power and glory of

God; this terror will be far greater than the horror of the final days of the beast; Is2:10; Heb10:31; Da7:19;

Rev12:12,13; 13:4.

The Unleavened Bread

The first Passover Unleavened Bread, made from

wheat, represents God Son Holy Spirit; Ex29:2; Jn6:31-33,35,48; Heb4:15; 1Cor5:7,8;

Jn14:11,16,17,26; 16:7,13; 10:30. Like the Trinity,

though there is one Passover unleavened bread, three pieces come from it, representing three different

symbols; Ex12:8; Jn6:51,53. The symbol of the first

piece of unleavened bread represents the evidence of

the Word of God as the Light of the world, placed within the heart of every person; Ec12:1. Moses and

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


the Prophets have announced this fact, and the writers

of the Second Testament have explained it; Lk24:44; Jn1:45; Ac26:22; Jn1:18; 21:25. However, multitudes

of people continue to love the darkness. This is

because a person identifies with something by saying,

―It‘s mine,‖ rather than acknowledging not even one‘s life is his own, but is a gift from God. By thinking this

way, each person denies the evidence of his Creator;

Ex19:5,6; Da4:30; Ro1:19,20; Gn6:5; Jn3:19; 1:5; Mt15:19,20; 26:63,64.

The middle symbol of God‘s Passover unleavened

bread represents Israel‘s Savior Christ Jesus Messiah. Christ Messiah was originally unseen, but expected;

Is9:6; 2Cor3:15,16; Co1:26-28. He appeared for a

little while and was broken. His body was wrapped,

hidden from sight in a tomb, and then He ascended; Jn1:1,4,5,11,12,14,17; 4:25; 7:33; Is53:5; Lk22:19;

Mt27:26; Is45:15; Jn16:28; Ac17:3; 1:9,11.

One day when all the children of Israel realize Jesus is their Savior, they will seek and find Him;

2Sa22:3; Is63:10,19; Dt4:29; Jer29:13,14. Like the

found middle unleavened bread, He will reappear as Messiah Jesus Prince of Peace; Is10:25-27; Mt11:27;

Jn14:3; Heb10:37; Is9:7.

Jesus is God‘s true Unleavened Bread of the

Passover; Jn6:54-58. He was born from the seed (of Abraham); Gn15:5; 49:10; Mt1:2,3,6,16,17. He first

came from heaven by the Spirit of God; Jn3:13;

Lk1:35. He is the wheat and first fruit of God; Ezk44:30; 1Cor15:20-23. He offered Himself as a

living sacrifice; Jn10:15-18. He was the crushed seed

between the upper and lower mill stone made into fine

flour; Is53:5. He was beaten, mixed with oil, baked in the fire of suffering, and became the sweet aroma

ascending to heave; Ex29:2; Eph5:2. Note: The upper

mill stone represents evil/Satan (Dt24:6; Jn8:44; Mt5:34-37; 12:14), while the lower stone is man‘s

unrighteous pride; Job41:24; Mt26:3,4.

Jesus (the Wheat) is the righteousness of God binding into One the Passover tradition of the first and

third unleavened bread pieces; Is1:27; 5:16; 9:7;

10:22; 26:9; 32:16-18; 45:24; 61:1-5; Ps147:3;

Ho1:11; Mi5:2; Heb2:1-18; Jn10:16. He is our Redeemer who was, is presently, and is everlasting;

Is26:4; 41:14; Lk24:21; Ga4:4,5; Jn6:14; Rev1:4. All

people who humble themselves and believe Jesus is Christ Messiah are unleavened bread. As unleavened

bread, they are to keep a repentant heart and live

sinless lives; Is1:27; Mt5:48; 16:9-11; 1Cor5:6-8. The third piece of Passover bread represents the

remnant of Israel (Is28:5), the peace of God on earth

(Is54:10), Messiah Jesus Word of God Redeemer

appearing to Israel (Is5:16; 12:4-6; Lk19:11,13,15; Ac1:11), and all peoples who, thereafter, seek God

through Jesus; who is the Light of the world; Is17:7;

Jn14:19-21; Jer31:31-34. This is revealed to people who are awake in Christ Jesus Messiah; Rev3:3;


The Passover Bitter Herbs

To the Israelites the bitter herbs represented the

bondage of slavery that God was about to remove from them; Ex1:14; Ex2:23-25; 6:6; Dt5:6. Being free

from bondage means to have an Advocate (Job16:19;

1Jn2:1), to have peace or rest (Is9:6,7; Jn14:27), to work and live under the protection of a strong,

merciful Leader (Is55:1-6; Mt11:29,30), and to enjoy

liberty; Ps119:45; Is61:1,2; 2Cor3:17; Jn4:10,14;

1Cor8:9; Heb2:11-18. Great is the hardship when man is cruel to man,

and greater still is the bondage man has caused for

himself when he has turned away from God; Ex6:9; Pr12:10; Mt10:17; Gn2:17; 3:6,16-17; Dt11:16,17;

28:15-26; Is13:9. According to God, mankind will

work and toil until the earth passes away; Gn3:17-19. When the first deception in the garden was

completed, everything changed; Gn3:7. As it often is,

the deception flowed like honey, having all the

appearances of innocence; Ps64:5,6; Pr5:3,4; 14:5,12,15; 2Jn7-9; Jn8:44; 2Cor11:3. Many times it

is initiated by someone most trusted; Ps55:12-15. The

words seemed to be safe, and the thought of their consequence was not considered or understood;

Gn3:6; 1Th5:3; Ps49:11-13; Pr18:2-5; 21:16,17;

Is56:11; 57:11-13; 40:21-26; 1Cor2:7,8.

Great is the power of the devil to deceive man into thinking his own thoughts are wise because they seem

to make sense to himself, but oppose the truth of God;

Pr9:12; Ro1:25; Ps35:12; Heb10:38. Thoughts and spoken words are of the spirit (either as good fruit or

bad). No word is neutral, for the attitude of the heart

determines its purpose; Mt7:15-21; 12:33,35,36; Pr10:19-21; Dt23:23; Mt6:21. Words deeply

influence, especially when they are spoken in

confidence; Ps41:9; Mt26:48-50; 27:3,5. Though

man‘s words can defy or edify, the Word of God is above all and will never fail; Ps81:15,16; Pr12:6,7;

16:24,27; Mt12:37; Jn1:1-5; 3:31,33-35; Mt24:35.

God knows the thoughts of the person before the person does; Mt6:4,8,18. Each person outside of

God‘s house will eternally bear the weight of his or

her own words or thoughts; Mt5:28; Jn12:47-50. Words of bad fruit will never go away or be forgotten

by the person who said, thought, or wrote them; unless

they are forgiven by God through His Son; Mt7:24,26;

12:37; Lk1:77; Co1:13,14. In hell, the unforgiven will remember their words forever, while the tears of a

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


forgiven person will be wiped away; Ec9:5,6;

Jer20:11; 23:40; Mt5:22; Jas3:6; Lk16:25; Is65:16; Ps18:30; Jn6:63; Ps119:57-64; Jn8:51; Rev7:17; 21:4.

Prayers, words, and thoughts will continue forever

like our spirit; Rev5:8. Those who are separated from

God will remember the unrighteous things they thought, said, and did. In the pit, they will remember

them in their torment… forever; Ec12:5; Mt25:46;

Ps78:66. People who call on the LORD will be/are comforted, but those who do not love God better make

friends; Ps143:7; Is38:16,17; Lk16:9; Jn3:36; 2Th1:9.

Man must have a living soul in order for his spirit to be in the presence of God. Most people do not

understand God owns each person‘s soul, and the

person‘s spirit must have a soul to be a child of God.

When a person does not live according to God‘s commandments through Jesus, that person‘s soul is

dead; but it can be born again; Ezk18:4,9; Mt10:28.

During the time on earth God gives each person, there is opportunity for repentance, reconciliation, and

living according to God‘s precepts. It is eternally vital

to make the best of your opportunity; but if you do not repent, God will sharpen His sword; Ac26:18;

2Cor6:2; Ps7:12. People who are sincere in their

desire to accept Jesus must also continue to mature in

Him by thinking, saying, and doing right things from their hearts, rather than by rote; Mk1:5; Lk3:13;

Eph2:14-18; 2Cor5:18; Ga6:10. Truly, just hearing

about Jesus is not enough. A person must intentionally seek God through Jesus; Lk16:30,31.

Satan hates God; and because of his pride, Satan

was banished from the presence of God; Job34:16,17;

Jn3:20; 15:23; Dt7:9,10; Pr16:5; Is13:11; 47:8,10-15; Ezk28:2,12-19; Rev12:7-9. The LORD Christ Jesus

Messiah is the One who presides over issues with

Satan; Job1:6,8; Jn12:26; Job42:10; Zec3:2; Mt4:1-11; 16:23. Satan hates everything, for God made

everything; Ps50:16,17; Pr16:4. There is no love in

Satan, and his rebellious house will not stand against the LORD. Literally, demons will fall in front of the

great I AM; Jn8:44; Job8:22; Ps1:5,6; 21:8,9:

Lk11:17; Heb2:14,15; Jn8:58; 18:6; 1Cor14:25. Satan

will go directly to the lake of fire; but for now, God has permitted Satan to retain some power over the

earth; Rev20:10,11; Jn14:30. Satan‘s craft cannot

triumph; Mt13:38,39; Is8:10. All heaven and earth will see the glory of God and His Son; Is42:13;

Is42:8; 49:3; 66:18; Ezk39:21; Mt28:18; Jn17:24.

As Satan hates God, he and all those who are rebellious also hate the covenants of God; Is33:8;

Gn9:9; 15:18; Jer11:3,8,10; 31:31; Lk22:20. They do

everything in their power to cause chaos; Is9:16,17;

24:4-12; 59:4-8; Ec8:8,9. Even though Satan has great power, he is nothing and will go to nothingness;

Is38:17; 54:16. The curse of spiritual death has no

power over people who put their trust in God through Jesus; Ho13:14; 1Cor15:55-57; Ex12:23; Is33:1;

Rev22:3; Zec3:2. Satan uses the power that God

allows him to have to deceive the deceived, so they

purposefully and spiritually turn their backs towards their Creator; the One who made them in His image;

Gn3:13; 2Chr29:6; Jer17:13; Ho7:13-16; Gn1:27.

Turning one‘s back towards God (denying God) is the ultimate insult Satan is able to have man do

against God; 2Chr32:17; Mt10:33. Everyone he is

able to keep from God becomes one of his accusers (mouthpieces); and one day they, too, will be cut off;

Ps109:1-4; Is54:17; Mt5:44; Ps109:15-20; Rev12:10.

After God formed woman, Adam and Eve became one

flesh, married Satan knew that to complete his deception in the garden both the man and the woman

had to be unfaithful to God; Mk10:6-9; Mt19:4-6;

1Cor7:14. Adam‘s wife was the first deceived; then at the moment of accepting his wife‘s offer, Adam‘s

heart disobeyed God‘s command; Gn2:24,25; 3:3,4;

Gn3:6; Gn2:17. Sin was conceived and exposed at this same moment, and both Adam and Eve understood

there was change Gn3:7; 4:7; Ps14:1; Job13:9-12;

Jer9:5,6; Mt5:28; Ga6:3-8. Each one changed from

having eternal life in the presence of God, to being empty in spiritual death, separated from God;

Mt19:29; Gn3:23,24; Dt29:18-20; Jer2:5; 51:17,18;

Eph5:6. Up to the time of this change, Adam and Eve were

not ashamed and enjoyed their fellowship with God;

Gn2:25. Afterwards they saw their nakedness (sin),

were afraid, and hid from God; Gn3:8. It was through one deception that all mankind inherited the sin of

Adam. Rebellious people continue to add sin upon sin;

Is30:1; Ex23:20,21. Sin is anything a person does that is contrary to the truth (Gn4:7; Ps25:5), righteousness

(Is45:21-25), and justice of God; Ps89:14. By his act

of disobedience to God, Adam instantly built the wormwood rotting house for mankind on the sand of

this earth; Am5:7; Dt29:18; Ezk33:10; Mt7:24-27.

However, those who (by faith in God) become

forgiven sons of God will dwell in His eternal house built on the Rock; Dt32:4.

For those who dwell in God‘s house, there is Truth

(Jn8:32), fellowship (1Cor1:9), safety (Ps4:8), abundant blessings (2Pe1:10,11), life eternal

(Jn10:10), light (Jn8:12), and love (Jn17:26), through

Christ Jesus; Ps15:2-5; Jn14:6. No matter how much a man tries to be righteous, he cannot be pure on his

own behalf; but by faith, he is clean by the grace of

God through His Son Jesus; Titus1:15,16;


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


From that day of Adam‘s sin, man has been

unrighteous and evil; Gn4:5,8; 1Cor6:9,10; Mt7:11a. Since Adam‘s rebellion, man has struggled to find

purpose, like a blind person walking along an

unknown path; Is44:9-11,19,20; 42:16,17. Being

without true knowledge, man has tried to delay death by attempting to improve his own condition through

inventions; 2Chr26:14-16; Ec7:15,29; Ma3:14-16.

Inventing is not wrong, but when man seeks his own thanks, honor, glory, and praise instead of giving these

to God, his effort to invent and his wisdom to answer

become futile; Job15:31-35; Ro1:21,25,28-32. It is pride when men seek honor from their own,

rather than seek and praise God; Mt6:2,6; Lk6:24. In

attempting to make this life more convenient (which is

not wrong), man has forsaken the benefit of others and polluted his own environment; Ps106:38,39; Is24:5,6;

Jer16:18. In doing so, man justifies his actions by

saying that it is ―…on the behalf of the people‖ Jn18:14.

One translation for ―sin‖ is clay, (Cruden‘s

Concordance 1967, page 802, a Zondervan publication) and so true is the question when the clay

said to the potter, ―What are you doing?‖ Is45:9; Can

mankind tell God what is right? Since Adam, man has

forgotten that he is mere dust and has thought of himself to be more than he is except One; Gn3:19;

Lk18:14; Jas1:26; Jn10:30,36; Is53:4. Because of

Adam‘s sin, each person is conceived in sin in the house of Adam… except One; Ro3:23; Heb4:15. For

the only way man is able to be part of the house of

God is to be without sin, and this is impossible since

each person has been, is, and will be conceived in sin; Ro6:23. With this knowledge, it would be wise for a

person to seek God and practice what He has

commanded, but for many, foolishness prevails; Am5:14,15; Ho14:9; Mt7:24; Pr14:16; Mt7:13.

Messiah (the One who saves) is of the Holy Spirit

of God and born of woman; Lk9:56; Lk1:35; Gn3:15; Is7:14; Lk1:34. Messiah is Holy, yet also from the line

of Judah through David, Mary, and supposedly

Joseph; Is41:14; 43:15; Gn49:10,11; Lk3:23,31;

Mt1:1,2,1,17. Christ Jesus Messiah is the bitter herb of bondage and the bruised reed for the benefit of all;

Ex12:8; Is53:2,5; Ro7:14,23,24; Is42:3; Gn37:7; 45:5;

Ro6:21,22. Though He greatly suffered while flesh, He was never alone; Heb2:18; Jn8:29. His suffering

was throughout His life; Is53:3.

To symbolize and foretell of the wonderful plan God had from the beginning for His Son Jesus, He

used the life of Joseph to be sold by His own people;

Gn37:27,28; Mt12:14; 26:15. The way Jesus lived was

just and right. God directed Him in all His ways; Jn8:28,42; 10:17,18; 12:49; 14:10; 5:30; 16:13. He did

not follow His peers (though He had the choice), but

led them; Mt4:19; 19:21; 20:29; Jn21:22. He honored His earthly mother and father, for He was obedient to

them and also to His heavenly Father; Lk2:51,52. He

lived fully according to the Law and was tempted in

all things, but remained without sin; Heb4:15. He is the only flesh not born of sin and did not sin;

2Cor5:21; Ps39:1,2; Mt26:63,64,67; 1Pe2:22; 1Jn3:5.

In His humanity His struggles of life were recorded for our benefit, so that we would know He

understands our toil; Jn20:31; Heb2:18. His struggles

were not for His understanding, for He is God, our Advocate; Dt32:2-5; Is53:4; Job16:19; 1Jn2:1,2. On

earth, Jesus was gentle and humble; Mt11:29. He only

did things according to the Father; Jn5:30,36;

Mt20:28. He suffered with the peoples‘ suffering, and He wept for them; Jn11:33,35. He wept for all peoples

of all time because of their hardened hearts;

Lk19:41,42. Today they do not realize the ruler of this world (Satan) will cause mankind to labor in agony;

Mt23:37-39; Lk23:28-30; Jn14:30; Is26:17-21. In His

suffering, Jesus continued to love His enemies; Mt5:44,48; 1Pe2:21; Lk23:34.

Jesus saw the sinful acts of others and spoke of

their hypocrisy to their faces. They hated Him, though

without cause; Gn37:4; Lk4:29; Is49:7. In their hatred they crucified Him, but in love He prayed for them;

Lk23:24,34. His suffering represents the bitter herb of

the Passover, torn from its tender root; Is53:2. Though His Spirit left His earthly body, He remained One

with God; and because of His suffering and His

obedience, He is the Hope of His people; Jn19:30;

14:2,3; Ps31:24; Ro8:25; 15:4. Through Him, His people live in this life with hope and have hope of

their eternal life in the presence of God; Rev22:4,5.

This One (Is10:17; Mk1:24), the Son of God (Jn3:18), Son of man (Mt12:8), born of a virgin

(Mt1:18,25), named by God (Mt1:20-23), announced

by angels (Lk1:26-35; 2:8-15), and prophets (Dt32:4; Ru4:15; Is9:6,7), was worshiped by those who were

with Him (Mt14:31-33). He is the Seed who will

crush Satan; Gn3:15. He is the Bread of life (Jn6:35)

and the Meal that removes the poison of our sin (2Ki4:38-41). He is the unchangeable Bridegroom

(Heb 6:17-20; Joel 2:16) of the changeable bride;

Gn24:40,42-46; 27:6,7,18,19,27-29; Is62:4; 1Cor15:50-57; Rev19:7,9. He is the Expected One

(Mt11:3-6; Lk7:19-23), Immanuel (Is7:14), Christ

Jesus (Mt16:16,17), Messiah/Shiloh; Da9:26; Mt1:1; Gn49:10.

Anyone who truly seeks God first and does not

follow man‘s tradition and man‘s wisdom will know

the Truth (Mt6:33; Mt15:6; Pr26:12;Jn8:31,32); for by His grace, God has promised this (Is29:24;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Mt7:7,8,11; Ezra9:8; Ps84:11; Zec12:10; Lk2:40;

Jn1:14; Ro4:16-25). The truth is this: ―God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that

whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have

eternal life.‖ Jn3:16 Amen.

The Staff

The Passover was to be eaten with a staff in hand; Ex12:11. A staff is used as a tool and also served as a

symbol of authority; 2Sa7:8-16; Ex4:2-5. To this day,

the symbol of the staff is spiritually used by the LORD to accomplish His good work; Gn49:10; Ex4:17,20;

Ne2:18. A staff assists the one doing the work, though

it is not the staff, but ultimately God who renders the

outcome; Ex14:16; 17:9; Dt32:41. The LORD saw fit for Jesus to be His staff: to guide and direct (Ps23:4;

Rev3:19), to separate one from the other

(Mt25:31,32), to offer protection (Ps121:7), to determine holiness (Lv27:32; Ezk20:37), to be a rod

of discipline (Ps2:8,9; 89:32-36; Pr13:24; 22:15), and

to be a rod of offense; Is10:24-27. Just as Jesus, our staff of Bread, suffered and was

crucified, there will be two kinds of famine during the

last days; Lk22:19; 23:33. The first is literal, meaning

the lack of bread, while the other is spiritual, when evil and wickedness try to eradicate God and His

faithful ones; Lv26:26; Ps105:16; Ezk4:16; 5:16;

Lk9:3; Rev13:17. As God‘s Staff, Jesus is our guide (Ps31:3),

protection (Is27:5-7), strength (Ps18:1), and hope

(Ps38:15). Jesus is the seed of woman and the son of

Abraham; Gn3:15; Gn15:1,4. He was/is also used to reach all people with a new and better covenant;

Zec11:10-13; Mt5:17; Lk22:20; Heb7:14-17,22. As in

the day of Pharaoh, because of the hardened hearts of the people, God‘s staff of righteousness, represented

by the staff of Moses, led a people of two nations,

namely, Israel and Judah; Ac13:27,28; Ex4:20; Zec11:14; Mt19:1; Lk19:1; Mt20:26; Gn32:10. Today

Israel remains a nation of the Law with its traditions

(Mk7:3-8; Jn8:23,24; 9:39,41; 5:45; Ro4:14,15), while

Judah represents those who are united by faith, being born again in the Son of David; Is37:31; Ro9:24,30-

33; Jn3:3; Mt1:1,2,16,17,20,21. Judah is the First

Testament nation of the people from whom God‘s

Scepter (staff) leads His people to victory; Gn49:10; 1Chr29:11; Ps98:1; Mt12:20; 1Cor15:54-57; 1Jn5:4;

Jn6:37,44; Ro8:16,17; Ga3:29.

In the last days, both nations of people will be chastened to near destruction; Jer30:11; Is66:4;

Da11:35; 12:1,7; Mt24:21; Rev6:10. Both nations will

seek the one true God: one through the Law (Dt4:44,45; 31:26; Ro3:19; 4:15a; Heb10:1), and the

other through Jesus; Ac13:38,39. They will be

persecuted because the unbelievers (whose souls are

dead) will hate God and His people; Jn10:30; 15:17,18; 16:1-4; Ro12:9-21. Then the end of the

transgression will come quickly; Mt10:5-15,34-39;

24:27-29. After God‘s wrath, Israel and Judah will be united as one nation in the LORD Jesus Messiah;

Is37:32; Ezk37:19. Israel will carry God‘s Staff and

Rod… Jesus (Gn17:16; 48:2; 49:1; Heb11:21), for comfort (Is49:13; 52:9,10; Ps23:4), and to comfort

and bless the nations (Dt28:12; Ps72:1-8,12-20;

Jer4:2; Php1:6; Co1:10-12).

Obedience Is Applied Faith

At the time of the tenth plague, the night of the destroyer, it was faith (trusting and obeying) in the

promise of the protection of life that led to safety, not

solely the duty to follow God‘s command; Ex12:12;

Ex12:7,13. The faith of the Israelites was also based on having seen the various wonders God worked on

their behalf. In their elementary way of thinking, they

understood that failure to do what was required would lead to death; Ex11:6,10; 12:27,29. However, this

kind of faith must become mature faith to be

sustained; otherwise, when adversity appears and faith is tested, people fall away more easily; Ex15:24;

17:3,7; 19:5,6.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 4

Prophecy and the Exodus

A detailed explanation is given below under the heading of “Flight from Pharaoh and Bondage,”.

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Click into: ID: Type in: STS040-152-180 (photo ID)

Press: Enter Key or Click> Go (A thumbnail image

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Note: This procedure may change. Use the search engine at the JSC (Johnson Space Center). Type in

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God Messiah From Rameses To His Mountain

In the next several sections, more detail is given

that parallels Israel‘s flight from Egypt with the events as they relate to the return of the LORD.


The name Israel was given to Jacob when he

wrestled with the LORD. Israel is translated, striven

with God and with men and have prevailed; Gn32:28; Ho12:3-6. Jacob is translated, on the heels of or

scheming; Gn25:23,26,31. The name Israel can be

divided into three parts, each revealing God‘s truth.

The Is of Israel is a testimony that God is timeless; Ps46:1; Mt22:32. The Is also represents the

present time of a person while alive on earth, though

his/her individual time on earth is like a shadow; Ps102:11; Co2:17. This understanding, that the Is in

Israel is referring to the present time, is taken from

how Is is used in other words found in the Bible. Many of the proper names beginning with Is in the

Scripture refer either to an activity man must

participate in while alive on earth or in his

relationship with God. Examples: Isaac means, laughter; Gn17:17,19. Isaiah means, the salvation of

Jehovah; Jehovah is Hebrew for God eternal;

Is12:2,3; Jn4:14; Lk19:9,10. Ishi is translated, married; Ho2:16. Being spiritually alive, we become

the bride of Christ, our Husband; Is54:5; Eph2:4,5;

Rev19:7. Until the end of the age, the name of Israel

will remain on earth; Am9:14,15; Da12:13; 2Pe3:7; Mt13:40-43,49; 28:20; Rev20:12,13; 22:4,5.

The Ra of Israel represents not only Israel‘s

worship of foreign gods, but all mankind‘s worship of foreign gods; Dt32:5; Gn31:30; 35:2; Dt4:27,28;

8:19; Jer5:19; Ac19:26. Ra, as it is understood, was

one of the gods of Egypt; Ex12:12; Jos24:14; Jdg10:6. From the time of Abram and even to today,

Egypt has been and will be part of Israel‘s history;

Gn12:10; Is30:2; 30:1-30. In spite of Israel‘s worship

of foreign gods, God will not forsake Israel; Dt31:8; Is41:17. Ra, located in the middle of Israel, also

reminds us that man (Is) is separated by sin (Ra) from

God… El; Gn6:5; 13:13; Nu32:14,15. We are to remember…sin is always near; Ps10:4-11; Mk8:38.

Also, while alive on earth, each forgiven person will

wrestle and strive with his/her own evil nature; Ro7:14-25.

The El of Israel is the Hebrew word used to

identify our ageless indescribable God and the hope

we have through His Son, our Redeemer; Job9:2-12; Ro11:33-36; 2Cor9:15; Ro3:21-23; 8:3-11;Ru4:14;

2Th2:16,17. If the El would be eliminated from the

name Israel, Israel as a nation, as well as the people, would cease to be; Gn32:26,28; Ps46:10;

Dt32:5,9,10; Jer31:33,36; Eph2:12c,d. God must

dwell within each person if that person is to have

eternal life; Jn3:34-36. People with whom God has regard are bonded with Him through Jesus in peace,

marriage, and unity; Gn4:4; Rev7:9; 21:24; Jn17:23;

Co3:14. Upon the return of Jesus, the glory of God is revealed to the nations. The people will be given






40 y








To K






7 days

By way of Mt. Seir from Mt. Sinai it is an 11-day journey to Kadesh-Barnea. Dt1:1,2;



; Mt. Seir Gn32:3; Dt2:1;

Tiran Strait (10-13 miles across)

the strait

Red Sea (Sea of Egypt)

Gulf o

f A





d o

f M



Arrived at Mt. Horeb/Sinai in the land of Midian Ex3:1; in Arabia 60 days to the day (3rd month) Ex19:1,2; Ga 4:25; after leaving Rameses. Ex18:5,6; G

ulf o

f Suez

Tongue of Sea of Egypt

Is11:15; Sinai Peninsula

Mediterranean Sea or Great Sea Jordan River

Dead Sea

Rameses Gn47:11; Ex12:37; Nu33:3-8;

Nile River and Delta




Migdol Ex14:16-29




s to


The Exodus, Parting of the Red Sea, and Wilderness

Biblical Account

The land outline is the Tongue of the Sea of Egypt (Sinai Peninsula).

The outline was traced from a photograph that was taken from the

Space Shuttle. All site locations are approximate.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


understanding through the Holy Spirit; Is44:3-5.

They will praise God when they understand the historic and prophetic significance when Jehovah-

Jireh God, the God of Israel, changed Jacob‘s name

to Israel; Gn22:14-18; Gn33:20; Gn28:13-15;

Zec14:20. Amen.

Flight From Pharaoh And Bondage

The map at the beginning of this chapter

approximates the site locations as supported by the

Biblical record. The map outline of the area is drawn from an actual photograph taken from space. The

picture can be seen on the Internet. There are several

pictures at the website that clearly detail the interior

mountainous terrain of the Sinai Peninsula. It is evident that the Israelites had to stay parallel to the


Final seven days

Following the Passover are the days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, beginning on the fifteenth day

of the first month; Ex12:15; Lv23:6. In the final days

of Israel‘s exodus from Egypt, God arranged all the

participants to do everything necessary in order to bring about His miraculous conclusion; Ex15:1-13. It

was the seventh day of the Unleavened Bread that

Israel passed safely through the sea while Pharaoh‘s army was crushed and drowned; Ex14:28,29; 15:4.

During those seven days, the Israelites understood

only the need to hurry; Ex12:11. In their flight from

Pharaoh, they had enough time to bake and eat unleavened bread, rest a short while, and then

continue walking; Ex12:33,34,39.

Israel Embarks

Immediately after the Passover, but still on the fourteenth day, the Israelites departed from their

homes and assembled as one nation under God;

Gn35:11-13; 46:2-4; Ex12:51. Recorded in the book

of Exodus are these proper names: Israel (Ex7:5; 13:5,6), Goshen (Ex8:22), Rameses, Succoth

(Ex12:37), Etham (Ex13:20), Migdol (Ex14:2), and

Mount Sinai (Ex19:1,2,11). Aside from the contemporary understanding when Moses wrote

them, the names are significant because each has a

higher Spiritual meaning. God purposed to have these names serve Him to explain His truth, justice, love,

and kingdom; Ps25:8-14; Eph1:2-14; Mt5:3-10.


Goshen translated means, to draw near;

Gn45:3,10. The land area was part of the delta on the

east side of the Nile River. It had flowing waters, was

fertile, and had the best grazing land; Gn45:17,18. Jacob‘s household, as herdsmen, was allowed to live

there to graze the herds; Gn45:20,21. It was because

shepherding was loathsome to the Egyptians that Jacob‘s location was separate from the main part of

Egypt; Gn46:34. From the beginning when Jacob and

his house entered Egypt, it was God‘s plan to make Israel a distinction from other nations so God‘s glory

would be displayed through Abraham‘s seed;

Ex9:4,26; Is43:5-7. Joseph‘s appearing to Jacob‘s

household a second time represents the day our Brother (Jesus) appears a second time to draw Israel

spiritually near to Him, so Israel will proclaim Him

and bless nations through Him; Ac7:13; Zec10:6; Mt12:50; Gn15:13,14; Gn18:17-19.

Through the ages it has been evident to Israel that

God has provided their basic needs of His food, shelter, safety, and love; Gn47:12,27; Ex15:2; 16:31;

Dt8:4; 7:7-9; Heb11:37-40. After God ends the

transgression, Israel will enter the land God

promised; and He will draw Jacob/Israel near to Him; Gn15:18; 28:15; Ex32:13,14; 1Ki2:4; Hag2:5-9;

Jer31:2-9; Jn6:44; 12:32; Eph2:13. The land will be

completely changed, and nations will help to rebuild; Is61:4-7. Goshen is where the Passover took place;

Ex12:22. The area of Goshen where many of the

Israelites had their homes was in the land of

Rameses; Gn47:11,12,27.


Rameses translated means, the land of. For

Jacob‘s household, Rameses and Goshen were

common words at that time. They mean the land to draw near to Joseph; Gn47:11. After Jacob died

Joseph asked his brothers, ―…for am I in God‘s

place?‖ Gn50:19 Though he was not God, it was God

who had him deliver his family in the likeness of Messiah; Gn50:20,21; Jn12:47; Ro5:14. Then over

the next four hundred years, the words that at first

were a blessing became a place that meant suffering at the hands of men; Gn15:13; Ex2:23. Before God

would bring forth a nation, there needed to be the

fulfillment of time, and the people had to believe He was with them; Gn15:16; Ex2:24; 4:5,31.

The hardship was great and seemed to be without

end; Ex5:21. What was perceived as evil, God

intended for good, and crisis afforded opportunity; Gn50:20; Ex6:5; Gn4:7; Rev2:7. Jesus said when

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


great sin is forgiven, much more is appreciated by the

one who is cleansed; Lk7:47. In the same way, before world peace will be experienced and maintained,

much loss will have been experienced; Mt24:21. This

loss to Jacob‘s household will happen in the latter

days. It will be similar to the time of Nebuchadnezzar (Hag2:6,7; Heb12:26-28; Da4:30-32), or when God

had Israel perform the Passover (for protection) on

the fourteenth of the first holy month (Ex12:12,13), or when Jesus reached out His hand to Peter;

Mt14:30-33. At that time (in the mind of the

unbeliever) Jesus will seem to have withdrawn (as if He does not exist anymore), but prophecy and the

Law must be fulfilled; Ex12:2,11; Gn4:4; 7:1,4a;

Is25:8,9; Lk9:9,10; Lv23:24,27,34; Lk24:44. A few

days prior to the end of the transgression, God will raise up His people in Jesus. That day will be in the

seventh holy month. Truly, after His people are

raised up, the arm of God Messiah will strike the enemy, then Israel will never return by the same way;

Ps89:8-28; 1Ki 13:8-10; Dt17:14-16.

God will remove the veil from Israel and place a new Spirit within the people; Is25:7-9; Ezk11:17-20.

That Spirit for the Jew includes loathing sin,

remembering the results of evil, living in the land

(Rameses) God promised, daily drawing near (Goshen) to God with a humble and contrite heart,

proclaiming the name of the LORD to the world, and

forever living in His peace; Ezk6:9; Ezk20:5,6; Heb7:19,25; Is66:2; Ex9:16b; Is66:19; Is32:17;

Ezk37:26; Lk1:30-32; Jn6:51,58; Ro6:5. In that day

the world will know salvation has no distinction for

either Jew or Greek; Ac15:9; Ro3:22. On the fifteenth day of the first month, Israel boldly started

out from Rameses to assemble in Succoth and

camped in temporary shelters; Ex12:6,14,16,18,19,37-39.


Succoth is translated, booths; Gn33:17. Israel had

built their homes in Egypt four hundred years on the

land near Joseph in Rameses; Gn15:13; Ac7:6. Their homes were constructed more substantially than the

booths or shelters assembled (for shade and

protection) for the animals. On the fifteenth of the first holy month, Israel started out from Rameses,

assembled at a place not far from Goshen, and

constructed temporary shelters for themselves; Nu33:3,5; Ex12:2. They baked unleavened bread and

named the place Succoth. It was the first night;

Ex12:37,39; Lv23:6-8.

The next seven days were difficult for Israel to observe the first Feast of the Unleavened Bread

because Israel carried all their belongings and moved

livestock in haste; Ex10:26; Dt16:3. On the seventh day (The Israelites thought death was imminent.)

God parted the Red Sea, gave them safe passage, and

struck Pharaoh‘s army; Ex14:10,11,13,21,22,27,28.

Then Israel believed in the LORD and rejoiced after God had saved them; Ex14:31; 15:1,2. Note: In

Scripture, from that day, except for referring to bread,

the word ―rain‖ was not mentioned again in the history of Israel‘s wanderings until Israel was about

to cross the Jordan River; Ex16:4,14,15; Nu11:9;

Dt11:11. From the tent of meeting at Mount Sinai, God

gave the Law to Israel through Moses; Ex24:12;

Lv1:1. One of the appointed times (a holy

convocation for all the generations of Israel to worship the Father) is the Feast of

Booths/Tabernacles; Lv23:2,41. It occurs in the

seventh holy month, beginning on the fifteenth day. Like the Feast of Unleavened Bread (beginning with

a day of rest), the Feast of Booths observance is for

seven days but has an added day of rest…the eighth day; Lv23:39. When God led Israel out of Egypt, He

purposely tied the two convocations together. The

Feast of Booths serves as a reminder to Israel of the

seven days when they carried only what they could (including unleavened bread) and lived in booths or

temporary shelters… Succoth; Lv23:42,43. The Feast

of Booths is the last convocation of the Holy calendar; Lv23:40. This is also the time for Israel to

remember His blessings of the harvest or Ingathering,

when the crop had been gathered; Dt16:12,13.

The Feast of Booths is also unfulfilled prophecy. The people (during the time of Jesus‘ kingdom of

peace) will remember the day the LORD raised His

people and will also remember the day of His wrath; Ps78:5-7; Da12:1; Rev14:14-16; Rev14:17-19;

Is10:20. After the great tribulation and during the

appointed time of the Feast of Booths, God will end the transgression of the world; Da8:14,26. Like the

confusion of Pharaoh‘s army, or on the day of the

tightly shut city of Jericho, the people (who remain

on earth during the final seven days of the Feast of Booths) will try to hide from the terror of the

Almighty; Ex14:24; Jos6:1,13-16,20; Is2:10,18,21;

Ho10:8; Is17:14. That shelter (Succoth) for most people will become the place of their burial;

Rev6:16,17. Finally after God‘s wrath, God‘s peace

will be established; Ho2:18-23; Jn20:26,29. Succoth spiritually represents the final eternal

place where each spirit/person will stay. The books

will be opened at the Judgment. The second

resurrection will have raised up both the living and the dead. It will be like the time the Israelites

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


departed from Egypt, taking a mixed multitude with

them; Ex12:38a. Anyone whose name is in the book of life shall

live forever in the rich land of (Rameses) the garden

of heaven in the house (Succoth) of God, drawing

near (Goshen) God; Ezk17:22-24; Mk4:31,32; Rev20:12,13; 22:3-6. Anyone whose name is not in

the book of life is a dead branch in a parched land

that is burned in the lake of fire along with Satan; Rev20:15; Ezk31:3-18; Jn15:6.


The Israelites departed from Succoth in martial

array. They followed the pillars of fire and cloud in

the direction towards the Red Sea, away from the known travel route to the land of the Philistines;

Ex13:17-22. God wanted Pharaoh to think Israel was

wandering aimlessly. When night came they stopped to camp and called the place Etham. Etham is

translated, to turn. God did not intend for Israel to

take the shortest route because ―The people might change their minds...‖ That fact is the same today.

God intends for people to turn from the known paths

of the world and follow Him exclusively; Ps23:3;

Mt16:24. At this point, it is important for us to have some

understanding about the geography of the land. On

the east side of the Nile River mouth the ancient city of Zoan is located near the Mediterranean Sea, in the

northern part of what we call today the Sinai

Peninsula. Moses refers to Zoan as being part of

Egypt when he described the city of Hebron; Nu13:22. When you look at a map, you can see the

land of the Sinai Peninsula resembles the shape of a

tongue. It is bordered by both the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqabah of the Red Sea. The Sinai interior

is mountainous. Pharaoh knew that if the Israelites

kept walking along the western coastline of the Sinai, they would be boxed-in near the tip of the tongue of

the peninsula; Ex14:2,3.

The next day from Etham, the Israelites began to

head south along the west side of the Sinai, parallel to the Gulf of Suez and away from the mainland of

Egypt; Ex13:18. Pharaoh reasoned in his heart that

his army would destroy Israel and set out to overtake them; Ex14:5-8. He knew there was no place for

Israel to hide or go; Ex14:9. The pillar of fire at night

that gave Israel light was also a location beacon clearly visible to the Egyptian army; Ex13:21; 14:2.

According to God, a new day begins at evening;

Lv23:32. By the seventh day after leaving Succoth,

the Israelites traveled about two hundred twenty miles. They walked mostly along the western

coastline (The Sinai‘s rough [mountainous or

cavernous] interior prevented them from going elsewhere.) to the southeastern tip of the Sinai

Peninsula, opposite Arabia on the Gulf of Aqabah of

the Red Sea; Ex13:17,18,20,21. Walking at the slow

pace of two miles per hour for about eighteen hours a day for six days enabled Israel to travel this distance.

Then they camped because the terrain prevented them

from going further; Ex14:9. Israel named the place Migdol; Ex14:2.


The LORD had Israel ―…turn back and camp

before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea; you

shall camp in front of Baal-zephon opposite it, by the sea.‖ Ex14:2 Seeing the Israelites circle back

hardened Pharaoh, and hatred towards Israel

motivated his army; Ex14:8,9; Ps25:19; 140:2-5. Israel appeared to have no escape, even though God

had told Moses to bring Israel to His mountain.

Mount Horeb/Sinai is located on the west edge of the wilderness of Arabia; Ex3:1,2,12c; Ga4:24,25.

Perceived doom was in the hearts of the Israeliltes.

They knew they could not cross the Tiran Strait at the

entrance of the Gulf of Aqabah; Ex13:18a. The Tiran Strait is the narrow distance of water

that separates the Gulf of Aqabah from the main body

of the Red Sea. From the east shore of the peninsula strait, Arabia is about 12 miles away and clearly

visible. Migdol defined, is tower and may have

referred to the mountains north of Israel‘s camp. The

two words of Pi-hahiroth are translated, mouth of caverns. There, at the east edge of the tip of the Sinai

Peninsula, the Israelites could not escape. They were

boxed-in between the sea, gulf, peninsula caverns, and Pharaoh‘s approaching army; Ex14:2,9. It was

still night, and the pillar of fire illumined the land

around Israel‘s camp when Pharaoh‘s army first appeared; Ex13:21; 14:10,19,20.

As the army closed in, Israel became terrified;

Ex14:10. Israel understood many would die or be

returned to forced labor; Ex14:11,12. It was then God positioned His angel between Pharaoh‘s army and

Israel, possibly near the family of Zephon; Ex14:19.

For the first time the pillar of cloud of day and fire of night joined together between Pharaoh and Israel;

Ex13:21; Ex14:19,20. Like the ninth plague, the

army had darkness, and Israel had light; Ex10:22; Ex10:23; 14:20. In the same way, those who are not

reconciled with God remain in darkness, and God‘s

people walk by His Light; 1Th5:2,3; 1Th5:1,4,5.

Baal-zephon is a combined word separated by a space or hyphen; Ex14:9. Its translation refers to

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


God‘s miraculous plan. The space between the two

words is like the chasm separating the dead from the living; Ex14:13; Lk16:26. Baal is translated, master

or ruler, referring to Egypt over Israel. Zephon is a

family of the tribe of Gad; Nu26:15. The translation

of Zephon means to pass over or pass through. Pharaoh and his army were like wolves about to enter

the sheepfold, and Israel was ready to be slaughtered;

Jn10:12,14. Pharaoh had Israel cornered at the entrance of the gulf; but the wicked are blind because

of sin, and with a hook the LORD draws them into His

snare; Ex14:9; Ps91:3; 2Ki 19:28; Jer50:24.

The Seventh Day

There was a night sky the final day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread when God told Moses to lift his

staff. As Moses lifted his staff, God parted the

waters, and the east wind dried the land. Then with walls of water on each side, Israel passed safely

through to the shoreline of Arabia; Ex14:16,21,22;

Ga4:25a. It is commonly known through biblical scholars that Israel numbered over two million people

when they walked from death on the peninsula to life

on the other side as they drove their livestock and

carried their possessions. When Pharaoh‘s army was allowed to take up the

pursuit, they were brought into confusion in the

morning light in the valley between the walls of water on either side; Ex14:23-25. The efficient

machine of the army came apart, and each man

attempted to flee for his life; Pr22:8; Ec1:2; Is10:3.

Then the water closed over the top, destroying Pharaoh‘s entire army; Ex14:26. It was during the

seventh day when the hunter became the hunted;

Ex14:27,28; 13:6-9. Death was hidden until it was too late; Ex14:29-31; 15:1-12; Ezk13:21.

The Final Day

At the end of the transgression on the last day, the

same kind of confusion and terror will fill the armies

in and around Israel and throughout the world; Is2:19. They will be (are) destroyed though that day

is in the future; Job15:20-25; Is10:23-25; 22:5;

Ec9:12; Is24:17-20. On that day God will part the Red Sea using a

mountain to end disobedience, wickedness, evil, lust,

and immorality; Is25:7; Mt21:21; Rev6:13,14. It is a stone uncut by human hands; Da2:35,43-45. Like a

millstone it will crush the fruit of evil and

unrighteousness; Rev18:21; Jdg9:53; 2Sa11:21;

Jer49:21. Messiah is Who will cast the stone to end the transgression; 1Pe2:22; Jn8:7. The

mountain/stone is aimed like the arrow Jehu shot;

2Ki9:24. It will appear in the eastern sky as a flashing sword before it smashes into the sea; Dt32:41-43.

Then it enters into the heart of the earth never to be

found; Ps2:10-12; 46:2; Is11:4; 24:19,20; 30:12-14;

Jer25:30,31; Zec9:15; Rev18:21c; 19:15. The sea will be blasted high into the atmosphere,

and it will freeze into hailstones; Is10:26. Falling

precisely, the hailstones will crush the armies located in the valley; Ex15:5,6,8-10; Is10:26,27; 30:30,31;

Jer7:32; Joel 3:2,12-17. There will be darkness,

hailstones, and fire on the great day of the LORD (Ps18:7-15; Ezk13:13; 38:20-23; Rev16:20,21); and

worldwide, every constructed tower and corner tower

will fall; Is2:12,14,15; 30:25; Zeph1:14-17; 3:6,7.

On His great day the mountains will be made low; Is40:4; 41:15; 42:16. The shaken earth‘s crust will

become like liquid so nothing can stand; Mi1:4;

Ps145:15-18; Pr27:4; Jer49:19d,e; Na1:1-6; Ma3:2. In the book of Isaiah on the great day of God‘s wrath,

the tongue of the Sea of Egypt (Sinai Peninsula) will

be utterly destroyed; Is11:15a.

Mount Sinai

After crossing through the Red Sea (Nu33:2-9), Israel camped in Shur, Marah (Ex15:21,22), Elim (by

the Red Sea), Dophkah, Alush, and Rephidim

(Nu33:10-15). Then in the third month (60 days) after leaving Rameses, Israel arrived at the base of the

mountain of God, called Mt. Horeb or Mt. Sinai;

Ex19:1-3,11; Dt4:10-13; 5:2; 1Ki8:9; Ac7:30,36-38.

Moses recorded that Mt. Horeb/Sinai is near the Red Sea, on the western edge of the wilderness, in

the land of Midian in Arabia; Ex2:15; Nu14:25b;

Ga4:25. According to a typical map legend, the maximum straight line distance from the Tiran Strait

(where Israel entered Arabia) to Mt. Horeb/Sinai is

about one hundred miles or less, which is about the length of the Gulf of Aqabah (Red Sea). Jethro/Ruel,

the Midian priest, needed to travel only a short

distance to see Moses, his son-in-law because Mt.

Horeb/Sinai was in the area where his flock grazed; Ex2:18a; Ex18:1-12; Ex3:1,2,12. Moses notes the

location of Mt. Horeb/Sinai is an eleven-day travel to

Kadesh-Barnea by way of Mt. Sier from Mt. Horeb/Sinai; Dt1:2. Biblical maps today locate

Kadesh-Barnea approximately west of Mt. Sier,

halfway to Gaza on the Great Sea (Mediterranean) to the west; Jos10:41; 15:47. From Israel a person does

not have to travel to Egypt or to the Sinai Peninsula

to see Mount Horeb/Sinai because it is located in

Arabia; Ga4:25. Scripture records that both Elijah and Paul knew where Mount Horeb/Sinai is located;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Ex3:1; 19:11; Ga4:25. Elijah went there to seek God,

and also Paul may have; but it was Moses and all Israel who experienced the awesome power of God at

the mountain; 1Ki19:7-9; Ga1:17;Dt10:21.

Kingdom Of Peace

After the great day of the LORD, God alone will

gather Israel and all nations to His mountain in Jerusalem to worship; Ex15:17,18; Dt30:4; Is56:7a,8;

Joel 3:16,17; Ps86:7-10; Is27:13. God has told us His

mountain will be the chief mountain (highest) in the area of Jerusalem; Is2:2,3; 11:9,10. Like Israel at

Horeb, the nations at that time will not want to

experience again the great fire of God; Dt4:36-40;

5:24-26; 18:15-19; Jn5:30; 8:28,42; 14:11. When the LORD‘s kingdom does reign on earth,

and there is true peace, Satan and his host will be

bound for a thousand years; Na1:15; Hag2:9; Ex23:30,31a,b; Ezk36:23; Rev20:2. However,

mankind will continue to toil with his natural world,

and there will be difficult times in life until the end of the age; Gn2:17; 3:17; Da12:13;

Mt13:21,39,40,49,50; 1Cor15:26; Lk8:15;

Rev22:2,3; Mt26:11; 28:19,20. Since sin has been

forgiven once for all when a person believes in Him, there will be no mention of sin by Christ Jesus

Messiah when He appears; Ro6:10,11; Zec12:10;

Heb9:28. After the great day of the LORD, the testimony of

the survivors will never be forgotten by the

generations to come; Ezk20:42-44; 36:31-38; Ps78:4-

8. Peoples of all nations will know the LORD, and they will seek His way His Spirit will be poured out

on them; Jer29:11-13;Is4:2-4; 44:3; Zec8:2,23;

14:20,21; Joel 2:26-29. They will seek God through

Jesus Messiah, for they will acknowledge God; and Israel will lead in glorifying God; Is32:1-5;

Ezk36:36; Zec12:10-14; 14:16,20,21; Ezk39:7;

Ne8:1,5,6. Like Ezra, Israel will understand anew what David wrote; Ps18:2-18. Ezra translated means,

help, representing ―the LORD is my help.‖ In that day,

if any people reject the Word, the LORD will not delay recompense; Lk10:16; Ezk11:21; Zec14:17-19.

Simply Stated

God‘s Son, and our Passover Lamb, is the One

who gives His people safe passage through the waters

of evil; and they will never thirst again; Ex12:2-13,42-51; Ezk45:21,25; Rev5:5-10; Is17:12-14; 43:1-

7; Is41:17; 58:11. They will be satisfied with the pure

water of His Holy Spirit from the true Rock; Ex17:6; Is48:21; Ga4:26a; Is30:29; 49:10; Jn4:14; 6:35;

14:14,26; 16:13,14. Our Guide Jesus leads us to the

mountain of God… the true Jerusalem in heaven;

Lk1:79; Rev7:17; Rev21:10,11a; Rev21:2. This is God‘s promise on which we can be confident and

depend; 1Ki8:56; Hag2:5-7; Lk24:48; Ac2:33,39;

13:23; Ro4:13; 9:8; Ga3:22,29; Heb9:15; 2Pe3:9,13; 1Jn2:25,28. Amen.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 5

Prophetic Parables of History Part 1

Historic Parallels Part 1

The Sequence Is Repeated

Before nations experience lasting peace, there will

be hardships, plagues, tribulation, the great tribulation, and finally, the great day of the LORD. In

the previous chapters, examples have been given to

illustrate the connection of God‘s prophetic Word

(regarding the sequence leading to His kingdom of Peace and eternal matters) as they parallel the history

of Israel. The recorded exodus of the Israelites from

Egypt, including the forty years in the wilderness, is one example; Nu14:22,23,34,35; Mi7:10-20;

Ezk29:11-16. There are many other biblical records

that parallel the major events leading to, during, and

after the transgression ends against God. Scripture records the lives of several people in Israel‘s history

that provide insight to the characteristics of the end

times participants. However, like the sin of Adam, the sin of Israel as a nation is the apathy and hardness

of heart in the rejection of the proofs that God

revealed through Christ Jesus Messiah; Gn3:6; Dt5:32,33; 11:16; Ac26:18; Mt21:42; 2Cor3:18.

These are examples: He was born of a virgin

(Dt17:15a; 18:15-19; Is7:14; 1Sa2:35; Is49:6-8;

Jer23:5-8), crucified as the atonement, and then was resurrected; Ro3:3-6,10-26; Jn11:25,26; 20:27-29;

1Pe1:3; Jn8:24-47; 12:16. After the wrath of God, the

kingdom of Christ Jesus Messiah will be established on earth for a thousand years. Abraham‘s remnant

will believe in Jesus; and as God has promised, will

become the caretakers of the land of milk and honey. The rest of the nations will also share in His peace

and care for the world; Dt11:11-15. They will

understand that this earth is our temporary Booth and

Tabernacle; and as God cares for us, we are to care for the earth and for each other; 1Ki6:37,38;

Ezk20:5,6; Is61:1-3; Zec8:11-15,21,22; Nu1:50;

Gn50:24; 1Pe5:6,7;1Cor12:25.


The remainder of this chapter is devoted to describing some of the events and people recorded in

Scripture as they parallel the prophecy to be fulfilled

during and after the last days of the transgression against God.

Legalized Murder Of Infants

Fear caused Pharaoh to act against Israel. Israel (an unwanted nation) was living in the best land of

Egypt; Ex1:1; Gn47:6,27; Ex1:7. The population of

the Hebrews was considered a threat, prompting Pharaoh to become hostile towards Israel; Ex1:9.

Soon after, public policy changed for Israel from

living in harmony to that of oppression; Ex1:8,10.

Taskmasters had already been appointed, and they subjected the Hebrews to hard labor at a time before

Moses was born; Ex1:11-14. Then Pharaoh made it

legal and mandatory to murder male Hebrew babies; Ex1:15-22.

It was during those days God arranged the birth of

Moses, who then became a symbol of Deliverer

Messiah; Ex2:1-10; Ex18:8; 2Sa22:2; Ac7:35. When Moses returned to the elders, the severe working and

living conditions had continued at least eighty years;

Ex7:7; 4:29-31; 5:1,2. During all the years while Israel was in bondage, Hebrew voices cried out to

God; Ex2:23; Ex3:7. (Today people are to continue to

pray for the peace of Israel.) Once again, Jewish voices cried out to God when

Israel was governed by the Romans. At the birth of

Jesus (Ruler), Herod the Great (out of fear) made it

legal to murder male Hebrew babies; Mt2:13,16-18. Rome was still governing Israel about thirty years

later when Jesus performed the miracle in Cana by

changing the water into wine; Lk3:23; Jn2:1-11. Today like the ancient empires of Egypt and

Rome, people/nations do not know the One true God,

and they call for the elimination of God and of Israel; Ps79:6; Da2:47; 4:37; Jer10:7,10; Jn17:3; 1Jn5:20;

Rev22:6. God has identified the people/nations

against Israel as Babylon the Great; Da2:33,43,45;

4:30; Rev17:5. For the third time in mankind‘s history, many have decreed to make legal (a civil

decree) the abomination of the murdering of babies

as a matter of convenience in the form of necessity; Ex20:13; Dt25:16; Ps139:13-16; Ac7:18-21.


Like the plague of frogs that covered the land of

Egypt and were later piled high, frogs (demons) will

go out to the all nations during the last days (year); Ex8:3,4,14. Even many of those who believe in Jesus

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


will become like Pharaoh; Ex8:15. The days will be

difficult, and many peoples will harden their hearts against Jesus, his followers, Jews, and one another;

Mt24:10; Jn1:11; 12:37-41; Is26:11. Then the nations

will be gathered together (piled high) because their

hearts will be severely hardened, and the land will become foul (death from war); Rev16:13,14,16.

Jerusalem, Jews, Jesus, Justified

Though the number of Jews (Abraham‘s seed) is

small in comparison to the Gentiles (world population), (like the historic times) Jews to this day

continue to have a significant influence in local,

regional, and international arenas; Gn34:30; Dt4:27;

Gn41:41; 1Ki2:11,12; Da1:18; 2:47-49; Jn1:36,12; 2Pe1:1; Ro1:1-6; Rev1:1-3. This fact will continue

up to the final days; Dt4:27,30-32. In many areas of

life Jews have worked hard to excel, and that effort has revealed new knowledge that benefits the life

quality for mankind; Dt4:31,32; 7:9,10; 28:64-67;

29:14-18,27-29; Jer5:19. However, the world does not live for our Creator God; and as a result, to this

day and without cause, people revile the Jew; Dt4:31;

Is2:5-8: 44:9-20; Ec12:1; Ro1:25; Ps25:3; 35:7,19;

69:4; 109:3; Is52:5; Ps74:18-20. With all the good things Jews have done for

humanity, they continue (through the generations) to

be a people within a people, and a nation within nations, refusing to blend into the cultures in which

they live; Dt4:34,35; 7:3,4. They purposely design

relationships within a nation, according to their

limited vision, holding firm to their traditions and eternal desires, that of one day being a nation at

peace in the persons of God Redeemer Holy Spirit;

Dt7:2,6,7; Jos9:1-6,13-16,27; Es9:27,28; Is29:13; Mt15:2,3,9; Mk7:9; Co2:8;Gn12:2; 18:18; Ps4:8;

29:11; 34:14; 120:6,7; Jn14:27; Ps51:11-13. As

gifted as the Jews are, most struggle to understand the prophetic fulfillment between the Law, Prophets,

and the reality of Christ Jesus; Jn3:1-21; 5:46;

Ex33:22; Dt32:3,4,15,18.

One example to illustrate this Truth today is Israel‘s powerful military strength. Peace and

security are the objective, yet does Israel perceive

that this is fulfilling God‘s prophecy through Ezekiel when other nations express hatred? Perhaps;

Ps120:6,7; Ezk23:29; 21:29-32; Da8:19. Also, do

Jews around the world not perceive that their Redeemer Savior (Christ Messiah, Son of David, Son

of God, Jesus) has appeared and will come again?

Yes! (Heb2:9-18; Heb9:28)

However, many Jews do accept Jesus as their Redeemer and do perceive the Truth; but many more

hold back because of fear; Jn8:45; 4:24; 3:21. They

fear in a similar way as the spies did… without understanding and faith; Nu13:26-28; Dt32:28-33;

Pr25:19; Ho10:2. At one time in history, there were

more Jews in Jerusalem who believed in Jesus Son of

God than there were Gentiles in the world who believed; Ac2:41; Jas1:1. At first only the Jew was

commissioned to ―Go;‖ Mt28:19,20. Another reason

why Jews struggle to believe is their desire to remain under the Law, for Truth will be found if one seeks

only God; Ro3:19,20; Jer5:1; Jn1:14,17; 3:21;

4:23,24; 8:32; 14:6; 15:26; 17:17; Dt4:29. Until that desire to remain under the Law is removed, they will

have a spiritual veil that separates them from the

Truth; 2Cor3:12-15. In this book Jesus is the

Anointed One, born of a virgin through the line of Judah (Shiloh is translated, the peaceful One,

understood as Messiah.) and the Son of David;

Is28:9-13; Is61:1-3; Is7:14; Gn49:10; Lk3:23,31,33,38. He was sent by God to offer

Himself as the atonement for the transgressions of all

so the world may be saved and be given eternal life (upon belief in His name); Ro6:10; Ga4:4,5; Jn1:12;

Lk1:25-35. Jews must break through their own

stubbornness towards God and the Word of God

(which was written by God through the inspired hand of Jews) to see that God did reveal Messiah, God‘s

Son, long ago, fulfilling many prophecies;

Dt29:14,15,19; Ps81:11,12; Mk2:14; Mt9:9; 4:18,21,22; 10:2-4; Co4:14; Ac12:12; 21:39; Jas1:1;

Jude1; 2Tim3:16;Mt3:8-17; Lk4:17-21; Jn6:14; 7:40;

12:38; Ac2:29-32.

Christ Jesus is in the book of Jonah, if one would accept it. He is represented as the appointed plant to

provide shade; Jn13:20; Jon4:6; Mk4:32. At that

moment Jonah was extremely happy, as are all people who are in the shade of the LORD; Lk2:10; 24:41;

Jn15:11. Jesus took our sin when He was crucified

and died, just as the worm (sin) consumed the plant; Ps22:6; Jon4:7. Then Jonah was angry (as are all

people who do not value the time of opportunity our

compassionate God has provided); Jon4:8; Mt26:16;

Jn7:6; Jon4:11; Ga3:5-14. Nevertheless, the people of Nineveh did believe, and through the centuries

multitudes of people around the world have been

saved; Jon3:8,10; Ac5:14; Rev7:9. However, to this day, Jews find it difficult to share the heritage of their

history with Gentiles, for Jews are proud in much the

same way as Jonah; Jon1:1-3; 3:1. Remember, Jonah served God only after being swallowed by a whale

(3days = 1 year); Jon2:9. Israel one day will serve

God after nearly being swallowed by a beast that

comes out of the sea; Dt30:3; Is14:1; Zec10:10-12,6,7; Rev13:1. The message of Jesus is for all

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


peoples; (s53:1,11,12. In that day, Israel will heartily

proclaim Messiah Jesus and will have passed through the sea; Is57:15,16; Ezk11:19,20; Co3:23;

Zec10:11a. By their faith Jews will have true joy in

Jesus in a similar way but much better than the

Israelites when they had joy in their liberty; Heb9:28; Jn15:11; Ex14:29; 2Chr4:6b. Because Israel will

have symbolically bathed in the sea, they will be

priests consecrated forever; 2Chr7:3; Ezk36:27. Today when a Jew does investigate the Scripture

and accepts Jesus as Savior, many times he/she is

excommunicated by his/her own family. This also happened in the time of Jesus‘ ministry; Mt15:3-9;

Jn7:13; 9:26-39. In fact, Jews who receive Jesus as

their Messiah by faith are more correct (because they

investigated and by faith believed) than those who do not receive Him; Ro2:29; Ga3:7. Jews who hear the

message and reject Jesus invalidate the Word of God;

Mt15:13. Many seed of Abraham humbly seek the Father with a contrite heart; and when Christ Jesus is

presented to them, they believe; Is66:2; Jn8:34-36.

Stubbornness is the root of disbelief if Jews search the Scripture but remain unwilling to accept and be

forgiven; Jn5:39-47; 8:37-44; 12:43. They do not

follow Solomon‘s example to study, understand, and

investigate the Holy Scripture or petition God; Pr1:1-7; Ec7:25; 1Sa1:11,17,18. They do not discern within

their hearts the true temple of God on earth; Ex25:8;

2Cor6:16,17. They do not identify what it is they desire in their Messiah and whether or not what is

known about Jesus is true; Jer11:6-8; Lk22:20;

1Cor11:23-26; 2Cor3:6; Heb8:8,13; 9:15; 12:24.

Jesus and His written Word are not far from any individual who seeks Him; Ex24:7; Jos1:8; Is29:13;

46:13; Mk12:34; Ac17:27. As God promised, when

Jews or Gentiles truly seek God, they will find Him through Jesus and have great joy; Dt4:29; Mt6:33;

7:7,8; Jn15:11. There are Jews who sincerely love

God and meditate on His Word, adhering to the Law by faith, but have not had Jesus explained to them.

These few remain pure in their faith. They are

unenlightened, and they wait the same as David

waited; Ezra9:8; Ps13:3-6; Mt13:8; Jn1:4; 15:22. However, Christ Jesus is being preached to the

corners of the earth; Mt28:19; Jn8:12. Most Jews

have heard of the name of Jesus and His offering of salvation, but all Jews and Gentiles who love the

darkness remain in darkness; Lk9:56; Jn1:5; 3:19;

Mt6:23; Ro6:23; Mt12:37; 2Jn7. Good came before bad. Good builds up, Gn1:1; while bad tears down;

Jer24:2-10. Holiness is before evil, and there is

victory in holiness; Jer2:3; Lk11:13; Ps98:1. As long

as Israel stays under the Law and does not live for Christ Jesus, Israel subjects herself to the letter of the

Law and remains a slave to sin; Mt5:18; Dt27:26;

Ga4:25-31. The intent of the Law is to identify sin; but through Christ, liberty came; Ro3:20; 1Cor8:1-9;

2Cor3:12-18; Jas1:25; 2:8-13; 1Cor9:19-27.

If a person lives by the Law/law, then not only

Jews, but the rest of the world is subject to all unfulfilled prophecy God has spoken; Is14:27. For

the Gentiles know the law because God has placed

the law within each person; Ro2:14,15. It is evident God has placed His law within each person because

the people instinctively say, ―Oh, God!‖ or ―Oh, my

God!‖ as an automatic response during an unexpected event or sudden terror in which that person is a

witness/participant; Lv18:21; 19:12. The soul is

aware of its Creator God, for it desires to live forever;

Ps139:14; 11:5,6; 22:29; 89:47,48; Is45:20-23; Ps6:2-5; 130:5; 121:5-7; 2Cor13:7-9; 2Th1:11,12.

However, the collective state of mind of the world

is greatly increasing in lawlessness, for the prince of the world, the devil, would make God a liar if he

could destroy all mankind; Jn14:30; Eph2:2;

Rev12:9; Jn8:54,55; 14:6; Gn9:14-17; Titus 1:2; Is24:17; Mt24:22. So lawlessness is evil, and it

profanes the law God placed within people,

subjecting everyone to the consequences of breaking

God‘s law; Mt7:23-28; 23:28; 24:12; Ro6:19-23; 2Cor6:14-18; 2Th2:3,4. All prophecy must be

fulfilled, and the prophecy clearly states, ―…your

house will be left desolate‖ Is1:7; Is5:9; 6:11; 33:1,8; Dt32:24,25,28,29,31-39; Mt23:29-33; Lk13:24-28;

Jn9:40,41; Mt5:18; Jer22:5.

The words desolate and house refer to Israel and

also to the entire world; Ps137:1-9; Ezk36:25. In the day of evil, the prophecy in the book of Jeremiah is

revisited, but with immeasurable consequences this

time; Pr16:4; Eph6:13; Jer8:3-5,15-22; Is17:12-14. In a quiet day after this evil, Jews are justified,

Jerusalem will be restored, and peace will be for all

nations; Is45:25; Is54:1-4; Zec8:15-17; Is62:1,4; Is42:9; Jn14:27; Is65:24. This is the time when Jews

and nations take their eternal first fruits of the spirit

and give them to Jesus, our High Priest, to place them

before the altar of God; Ro2:25-29; Ga5:22,23; Dt26:1-4.

Children Of God

Christ Jesus has appeared; and as mentioned

earlier, those Jews desiring to keep their traditions and study only God‘s Word through Moses have a

veil of misunderstanding covering their hearts;

2Cor3:15. Israel (as a nation) will desire to remain

under the Law into the latter days Mk7:6-9; Dt28:15,45,63,66; 4:30,31. Gentiles who do not seek

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


God also cannot perceive His truth and experience

the same curses for disobedience; Is6:9,10; 26:10; Ro1:20-25; Dt28:20. Like the people described in the

seven churches (book of Revelation), many believers

in Christ have become dull because they live

according to man‘s doctrine, rather than the Word of God; Heb5:11,12; Rev1:11; 2:14,20,24; 3:15,16;

2Tim4:14. These people have lost their saltiness and

do not recognize the darkness within their hearts; Mt5:13; Is5:20; 2Pe2:1-11,17-22.

Great is the sin when so-called followers of Christ

turn from the Word and persecute Jews and other people or deceive and lie thereby heaping the wrath

of God upon their own heads; 1Cor8:9-12;

Ezk22:30,31. These so-called followers are stumbling

stones; and by the character of their lives, demonstrate that they are not of His fold; Ro14:13-

19; 1Jn2:6,11,18,19; Jn10:1,10.

A believer in Christ Jesus is to be a witness through the lifestyle he or she lives; Mt28:19;

Ga5:22-26; Php2:1-5. The LORD has already put into

effect the new covenant, removing the veil from those who sincerely believe; Lk22:20; 1Cor3:16;

Php1:9-11. People who deny Christ Jesus judge

themselves and call God a liar; Jn8:37-44,55-59;

Ro3:9-20; 1Jn1:10; 2:4,22. God takes action (His wrath) when man‘s hatred and sin pile as high as

heaven, and the conditions on earth would cause no

person to survive; Rev18:4,5; Mt24:22. Through glory and power upon His return, people (like Adam

and Eve) will have their eyes opened to His majesty;

Gn3:6,7; Mt24:30. In that day, so hardened will be

the hearts of the people (like moles), rather than asking God to be delivered, they will (like Adam and

Eve; Gn3:8) attempt to hide from the terror of God;

1Sa6:6; Heb3:8; Mk6:52; 8:17; Jn12:40,41; Ro11:7; Joel 2:32; Is2:20,21; Ho10:8; Lk23:30; Rev6:16.

God desires all to live; but the devil deceives, so

that all may die; Gn1:24-28; Ezk18:32; Jn1:12; 12:47; Mt22:32; Rev12:9; 1Ki22:21,22; Gn3:1-5;

Jn8:44; Ro8:33-39; Rev16:13,14. The specific days

God has decided to have His people pass through the

waters of evil are in the future and beyond our precise understanding; Ps78:13; 136:13,14;

Is17:12,13; Rev12:15; 2:10; 1Cor13:12. Even the

Son of Man did not know before His crucifixion, but God has given to us in Scripture many examples of

the conditions when He took action against the

enemies of Israel; Mt24:36,37; Gn14:20; 22:17; Ex23:22,27.

God is unchanging; therefore, the great day of the

LORD will be similar to other historic salvations of

Israel, as recorded in God‘s Word; Lv26:44,45; Nu10:9; Is29:1,5-7; 42:13. Specifically, God

displayed His glory after the strength of His people

(Israel) was gone, when all they had was their faith and trust; Dt32:34-36; Ex2:23-25; 14:10,13; Dt26:7-

9; Jdg3:9,15; 4:3,14; 6:6,11. God answered Israel‘s

prayers when He heard their cries; 1Chr5:20;

2Chr13:14,15; 18:31; 32:20-22; Ne9:27,28; Es4:16; 7:3-6,10; Ps31:22; Mt26:38,39; Jn19:30; Ps40:17;

Jn4:14; 20:19,20; Hag2:4-6. As we understand,

followers of Jesus are of the house of Abraham, either natural or grafted; therefore (with regards to

experiencing the wrath of man), they are subject to

the same conditions as Israel; Heb11:8-10; Ro8:15,16; Ro11:7,12,24,26-31. They will also wait

upon the LORD until their strength is gone; 2Pe3:9;

Gn49:17,18; Rev6:10; Ro11:25.

Examples of waiting on the LORD occurred with Paul, and many others; 2Cor1:8-10; 4:8-14; 12:7-9;

Peter, Ac12:6,7,11; 1Pe4:7-19; Ac1:3,7-9,15,16a,b.

God will not leave us; Jn14:18; Eph2:12-22. When our mortal life ends, in the moment of our greatest

weakness, when each of us passes between this life

and the next, Jesus takes our hand and saves us; Jn11:26; 2Cor12:9; Mt14:31. Our gain is immediate

in being with Him; Php1:21; Lk23:43. Each of His

people has been touched with the Coal of Christ

removing his/her iniquity and is able to stand before God; Is6:6,7.

As it has been from the beginning and will

continue through the final years of transgression, people who remain in Christ today become a

smoldering wick within the world as they declare the

nearness of salvation; Gn3:14a,15; Is42:3; Mt12:20;

Is26:20,21; Lk23:42; Is6:8-13; Jon2:7-10; 3:1-5; Mt5:14; 10:23 Jn1:9; 3:19; 8:12; 11:9-11; Jude20-25.

In doing so, His people will be persecuted, even to

death; yet in Christ they live by His Spirit; Rev7:14; 12:17; Rev2:25; 12:11,14; Zec4:6; Mt27:54. He will

once more demonstrate His strength, power, and

glory not only to His children, but to the entire world; Jn18:20; Jer27:5; Mt17:5; Jer32:17; Na1:3; Mt24:30;

Rev6:10; Mt24:39. God‘s few children still alive on

earth, who are the remaining coals of His fire, will

have their natural body changed to that of the risen body of Christ; 1Th4:15; Zec3:2-4; Mt3:11; Ac2:3;

2Cor13:4; 1Th4:17.

God will change evil into good, and He will change the sin of the world against Christ, and His

followers into a blessing; Gn50:20; Jn11:49-51;

Jn3:19,20; 15:24,25; 19:12; Mt26:65-68; Israel, Ezk16:27-33,37,38,42; Is60:15; Mt10:22; Jn15:18;

Rev13:8-10; Lk20:34-38; Gn12:3. Let it be

understood, though the persecution of His people

continues, Christ Jesus will not be struck a second time and leave no remnant! (Ac16:22,23; 22:4,7;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Gn3:15; Is27:7-9; Nu20:8-12; Is8:14; Ezra9:14;

Zec8:6) Israel will proclaim Jesus Messiah to the world; Is10:20; Is27:6; Ps22:27,28; Is55:11.

After the great day of the LORD, Israel, Judah, and

Jerusalem will be clean; Zeph1:14; Jer33:7-11. Israel

will live to conceive children of the promise who love the LORD their God with all their minds, souls,

and hearts; Nu5:28; Heb11:11; Ga4:26-28; Dt6:5;

Mt22:37-40. In that day Israel will follow her Savior/Husband; Is43:3; 54:5; Ho1:10;


Adulteress Israel

God describes Israel/Jerusalem as a harlot who

rides on the beast of Babylon the Great; Rev17:5,18; 11:8. God has also said the practices of many Jews

are not much different from the practices of the

world; Ezk11:7-12; 36:19,20. An example is the entertainment industry. Many Jews, rather than doing

the will of God, attain success accommodating the

desires of the world; Dt4:28; 27:15-26; 31:16-18; Jer8:5-7; Jas4:4. From the beginning, God set Israel

apart from the nations, not to boast, but to be an

example of holiness for nations to follow; Lv20:26;

Ex9:16; Lv19:2; 1Pe1:14-16. Israel is the woman who is brought before the

High Priest (Jesus) and because of her unfaithfulness

is given the water of bitterness to drink; Heb2:17,18; 7:6; Nu5:18. Truly, before the end of the

transgression, Israel will have swollen from her

reliance on and defilement from the nations; Is31:1-3;

36:5,6. The son she bears from her harlotries in the latter times will be regarded by the nations as a man-

made messiah; Zec11:17; Pr17:25; Ezk43:7;

Gn49:17; Jer4:15,16; Mt24:5,9; Rev17:8-11. This son will lead Israel to destruction; Zec11:15-17;

Rev13:14; Is30:1; Jer8:16; 25:32; Ezk38:8-12;

Jer11:7-11; 14:16-18; 15:1-4a, 16:3-6; Da12:1b; Mt24:19-21; Lk21:23,24. After the transgression

ends (the symbolic issue from her body ends), the

curse is healed Spiritually; Rev17:1,17,18; 14:20;

Ezk16:2,36-39; Lk8:43,47,48. It is the end of adultery and bondage; Jos24:17; Is29:14,22-24. Israel

is Messiah‘s chosen bride, and He will not forsake

her; Gn18:19; Ex19:3-6; Dt7:6; Is49:16,18; Jn3:29; Is41:17.

Adulteress Judah

Judah is Jacob‘s fourth offspring and Israel‘s

separated sibling; Gn29:32-35; 1Ki11:30-32; Is5:5-7.

Judah represents the people who are disciples by faith (fishermen) of Christ Messiah Jesus, sent to Israel

and to the world as a witness; Jer16:16; Mt28:19.

Judah translated means, ―this time I will praise the LORD.” Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born

in the line of Judah and in the lineage of David;

Lk1:35; 3:23; Mt1:1,16.

There is a prophetic warning to Judah; Heb8:8. Within the devoted followers of Jesus (but spiritually

apart from them) are people, who for convenience,

alter or ignore God‘s Word. These spiritually separated people have become more adulterous than

Israel; 1Ki12:27-30; Jer3:7,8,11. The prophecy

against Israel is the sister in spirit of those separated who claim to be one of Jesus‘; 1Cor11:19. Jesus

reinforces this prophetic word of the First Testament

when He stated that many will fall away in the last

days; Mt24:9-11. Both sisters, Israel and Judah, are adulterous in regards to scheming with the nations;

Ho11:12; Is31:1; Jer5:11; 23:14,15;

Ezk23:25,11,36,38. Through disobedience to God, both sisters are in bondage with regards to

committing sin; Dt13:4; Jn8:19-24; 9:39. God will

purge the adulterous ones and then join both Israel and Judah together. In that day, they will be one with

God through Jesus; Is42:24; 27:9; Mt24:30;

Is41:14,15; Jer3:17,18; Zec14:9.

Adulteress Jerusalem

God has said that Jerusalem is the center of the world; 1Ki11:32,36; Ezk5:5; Is8:9,13,14,21,22.

Already God has made Jerusalem the center with

regards to world attention, both spiritually and

politically; Zec12:2,3; Rev11:8; 17:18. Jerusalem is God‘s holy city and spiritual symbol; 1Chr28:1-4;

Ps110:1-3; Mt5:34,35. Jerusalem is to be a place of

rest and worship; Rev21:2,3. In the future, this prophecy of peace will be fulfilled on earth for a

thousand years and forever in heaven; Rev20:6;

Rev21:4; 22:3-5. Though the city is holy, many peoples who visit or reside in Jerusalem do not know,

love, or live according to God and His Son (who is

the Husband of the forgiven); Is1:2-4,8; 1:19-24;

Is53:3,6,10,12; 5:3; Jn15:5,6; Is5:4-7; 8:14; Rev11:18; Is54:5. They do not follow His way or

think in the way of His People; Mt5:1-12; Rev12:17;

Lk20:9-16; Mt24:44,45. Wide is the way of profanity; Lv19:12,29; Mt7:13,14.


Benjamin is translated, son of the right hand; and

Simeon is translated, hearing. (A point worth noting

after entering into the promised land is that the tribe of Benjamin was the only tribe, other than Judah, to

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


border on Jerusalem; and the tribe of Simeon was

located within the midst of Judah; Jos18:11,14; Jos19:1. It is interesting that Benjamin was separated

from Israel along with Judah; 1Ki12:19-24. Scripture

records the time when Asa translated, physician,

gathered Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon to remove the idols and restore the altar of

the LORD; 2Chr15:8-15. This record is an indication

(in the Spirit) of the plan of God. The name Benjamin is Spiritually connected to Judah and represents how

Israel‘s Messiah will return to abase His foes;

Gn49:27; Is13:11.


Levi is translated, adhesion, meaning by faith a person will live glued to God. According to the Law,

the tribe of Levi was scattered throughout the land; a

forerunner to the day Israel will take the gospel to the world; Nu1:49,50; Dt10:8,9; 18:2; Jos21:19. The

Levitical priests represent all God‘s people who by

faith have been commissioned to go into all the world, baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit; Ex9:16; Mt28:19,20. Like the Levitical

priests, God‘s people have no inheritance in this land,

but only serve in God‘s house in heaven; Nu1:50; Heb8:1,2; 9:11; 13:14-17; Rev7:15-17; 22:3. Before

the day of God‘s wrath, many Jews and Gentiles will

have joined themselves to Jesus and will be raised up before the day of slaughter; Ho1:11; Jn17:23. After

the LORD returns, Israel and Judah are united,

meaning there will be no difference between Israel

and the followers of Christ Jesus; and they will live according to Him; Ezk37:16-19; Jer16:14,16; Mi5:1-


Christ Jesus Messiah has shed His blood, once for all, cleansing sin through the breaking of the

unleavened bread of His body and through the glory

of His resurrection; now hidden from Israel‘s view; Ro6:10; Heb10:10; Ex12:6; Mt26:28; Lk22:19,20;

Mt26:26; Jn6:57,58; Jn19:23; Lk24:30; 2Cor3:13-16.

After His wrath, His children of the Passover will

seek and find in their heart the wrapped hidden piece of the broken, unleavened Passover Bread; Lk2:7;

Mt27:58,59; Ho5:15; Jn16:7; Ex12:8; Is53:3-5;

1Cor10:15-17; Gn14:18. They will know He all along has been Messiah; Is49:2-7; Jn20:4-8. They

will rejoice in Him, knowing their purity is restored

and their guilt removed; Is25:1,9; Jn11:24-26; Ro8:35-39; Is53:10.


Four centuries before the Law, Lot recognized the

LORD through the two angels. He washed their feet

and he served them a feast along with unleavened

bread; Gn19:2,3. This event that took place long ago in Sodom parallels the last days, including when

wicked men try to profane things of the LORD;

Gn19:5; Rev13:6. The men are blinded and later destroyed; Gn19:11; Rev12:17; Gn19:24,25;


Oholah And Oholibah

Just as God lives, Israel will live; Jn14:19.

Samaria and Jerusalem are represented in a parable about two sisters. The older and the younger were

political harlots; Ezk23:2-5,11; Is51:1,2. The parable

represents Israel politically, before her Messiah appears. God states in the book of Isaiah, Israel will

be faithful following God‘s wrath; Da8:14; Is1:26;

49:8; 34:16,17; 59:21; Ac15:16; Jas5:15. However, before that day, Israel will have suffered through a

birth of defilement due to her unfaithfulness and will

have drunk the spiritual waters of bitterness; Is66:7-

9; Jer4:31; Nu5:19,24,27; Jer23:15. Jesus foretold this prophecy during His suffering; Lk23:28-31;

Jer30:6,7. After suffering, Israel (like David) will

receive the water of the Holy Spirit because she has been bought by her Husband and is forgiven;

2Sa12:19,20; Nu5:28; Is35:10; 44:3-7; Ho3:1-5;

Mk10:45; 1Tim2:6; Jer31:11,34; Is10:20; 27:5,6;

Mt11:29,30; Jn8:3-11; Ezk16:60-63; Lk7:47,48,50. Then Israel will be a kingdom of priests, a holy

nation, and will remain faithful to the end of the age

when at that time the other nations will rebel against God, but not Israel; Ex19:6; Ps51:7-13;

Ezk34:16,17,23,24,30,31; Rev5:10; Rev20:7-9.

Elijah And Elisha

Elijah (a great prophet of Israel) is translated,

whose God is Jehovah. Elisha, another prophet, came after Elijah; 1Ki17:1. The works they performed

were not their own, but the LORD‘S; 1Ki17:24. The

works of Elijah and Elisha in Scripture represent the first and second appearances of Christ Jesus Messiah.

Elisha is translated, God his salvation. The word

Elijah truly denotes that GodJesus are inseparable and refer to the first appearance of Immanuel/Jesus.

The word Elisha is prophetic meaning God is the

salvation of Israel and the world upon the return of

Jesus; Mt24:22. Both appearances of Christ and Messiah are represented when Elijah traveled to Mt.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Horeb/Sinai, the mountain of God; 1Ki19:10-17. In

the cave, Elijah heard the voice of God in the gentle blowing of the wind. Elijah tells God he has been

zealous for the LORD (in the likeness of Jesus, who at

that time had yet to appear); Jn2:16,17. God spoke to

Elijah and had him return to anoint Elisha (in the likeness of the last days prior to Jesus‘ return) and

also to anoint two kings, Jehu in Israel and Hazael in

Aram. These two kings represent the antichrist and false prophet. Elisha will put to death whoever

escapes from either of the kings. During the last days,

the antichrist and false prophet are put into authority, and they will devastate the world; Rev17:17. Finally

Christ Jesus Messiah will return and put an end to the

transgression; Mk13:26.

Immanuel Jesus Prophet appeared as our true Elijah (God is Jehovah) for He is God, and the works

He did gave testimony to His deity; Ma4:5; Mt12:6-

8; Jn20:16,17; Jn10:38. Jesus (sent from heaven by the Father) became like us, a little lower then the

angels; yet He maintained His deity in heaven and on

earth; Heb2:7-9; Mt28:18; Jn5:26,27; Co2:9,10; Jn13:1,3. In His crucifixion, Jesus (God in His

Servant/Son) bore our transgressions and died;

Is42:1; Is52:14; 53:5,6; Mt17:12; Jn3:19-21; Ga1:4;

Lk23:33. Like the time Elijah was in the cave, Jesus‘ body was placed in a tomb; but He took it up Himself

and was raised on the third day; 1Ki19:9a; Mt27:58-

60; Jn10:18; Lk24:1,6,7; Mk16:6; Jn20:19. The first time Jesus appeared, He was humble; but Israel did

not recognize Him; Mt11:29; Jn1:14; Lk2:1-7,25-32;

Jn1:11. The second time He will appear in power,

and Israel will worship Him. Israel had lost her sovereignty before Jesus

appeared the first time. Before Jesus returns, Israel

again will have lost her sovereignty; Lk1:5; 3:1. However, this next time and unlike anything that has

happened before, Israel will experience near total

destruction from the judgment of man; Is57:8,9; Ezk36:20; Ro2:24; Ps78:32,33; Is42:24,25; Lk19:44.

Then Jesus (represented by Elijah) will return to

restore all things as the true Elisha…―God his

salvation.‖ Jesus will put to death all who transgress against the LORD; Heb9:28; Mt17:11; Jos23:16;

2Chr24:20; Ezk20:36-38. In that day, He will be

greatly exalted in the world; but for now, Jesus extends His hand to all people to open the doors of

their hearts and receive Him as Savior; Is52:13;

Rev3:20; Lk12:36. When they do, His blood is spiritually placed upon the doorposts of their hearts

to protect them from death eternal; Ezk45:19-25;

Mt24:31-33. Those alive on earth without His blood

of forgiveness when He returns will experience His awesome power and be filled with terror; Mt25:10.

After the bonds that tightly hold Israel are broken,

Jerusalem will truly be the city of His peace; Is52:2; Ezk43:7-9. Then the word his in the translation

(Elisha) ―God his salvation‖ is referring to Abraham

and his seed, Israel; Gn12:2; Is44:2.

Witnesses Of Christ Jesus Messiah

The first time Jesus appeared He was preceded by a ―voice in the wilderness.‖ The next time Jesus

appears, He also will be preceded by a voice in the

wilderness. The first voice was John, announcing the Light of

God was sent to save; Mt11:14; 17:12,13; Jn1:6-13;

8:12; 9:5. Before Jesus finished all that He was sent

to do, John was beheaded; Mk6:25,27. John, being man, had the Holy Spirit of God within him;

Lk1:15,41. The words he spoke were God‘s words

through him; Lk3:2. John‘s main quality was that he fully dedicated his life (through his free will) to God

through service, doing the work of God; something

each believer is to do; Lk3:18; Mk12:30; Pr16:3; Ro12:1; Pr16:4a,9; Ps139:16; Mt21:32; Jn6:29; 9:35-

39; 14:21.

The second voice begins about three and one half

years before the end of the transgression and probably before the temple sacrifice is cut off;

Ma4:5; Rev11:1,2; Da8:14,26; Ps29:8. The second

voice is one of the two witnesses, like Moses and Aaron. This man (the second voice) like John testifies

about the Light of Jesus; Mt17:4,11. The testimony

of these two witnesses will be 1260 days or 42

months, commencing just before the evil days of the antichrist; Rev11:3. They are the lampstands, but one

is a watchman; Rev11:4; Ezk33:7. Like Moses and

Aaron or Paul and Barnabas, the two witnesses will reveal more information while God performs

miracles through them; Ac14:3; Rev11:6. These

miracles cause much difficulty for the beasts of the antichrist and the false prophet; Rev13:1-4; 16:13. As

the world watches events unfold, many people are

drawn to God; Rev11:7a; Da11:32,33; Jn6:44,45.

During the days of the two witnesses (actually since the time of Abraham) water has been an issue

for the house of Israel. In the last days, Israel receives

no rain for about 3 years; Is51:17-19; Rev11:6; Is5:3,5-10; Ezk14:13; Lk4:25-28. The famine will be

great in food, the spirit of Truth, and the land;

Am8:11; Rev16:12. John was murdered before Christ was crucified;

Mk6:27,31; Jn19:30. The two witnesses will also be

murdered in Jerusalem before the transgression is

finished; Rev11:7,8,14. Multitudes around the world will watch and celebrate as their two bodies lie on the

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


street under guard; Rev11:9; Rev11:10. Like Pilate,

the beast is aware of prophecy, and like Lazarus, the two witnesses are raised up during the fourth day;

Mt27:62-66; Jn11:41-44. God (His Holy Spirit) will

breathe life into their bodies as He did with Adam

and as Jesus breathed on the disciples in the upper room; Gn2:7; Jn20:22. They will stand for the world

to see and then rise into a cloud; Rev11:11,12.

Shortly after, Jerusalem will experience an earthquake killing 7000 people. God will be (is)

glorified; Rev11:13. Like Pharaoh, the hearts of the

wicked will be hardened; and the nations will be enraged against God, Israel, and humanity; Ex14:8;



Nebuchadnezzar represents mankind and the

antichrist (beast) of the world. The interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar‘s dreams applies to Babylon the

Great (Chapters 14, 16, 17, and 18 of the book of

Revelation) during the last days; Da2:1,28,34,35,44,45; 4:19-27. All the nations,

including Israel, are part of Babylon the Great.

Because of his pride, Nebuchadnezzar became a

beast and ate grass for seven periods of time. Mankind (in the final years of the transgression) will

experience the same insanity of the beast; Jer27:5-8;

Rev17:13,16,17; 13:16,17. During those seven periods of time, the beast of Babylon the Great will

be full of pride. The beast will establish himself as

god, who not only controls the destiny of the world,

but causes the world to suffer greatly; Rev13:2,5-8. After the end of the transgression when Messiah

returns, like Nebuchadnezzar, the world worships

God; Jer25:30-33; Da4:30-37; Joel 3:17.

The Riddle


v3. The first eagle is God. His multicolored

plumage represents all peoples and nations of the

world who draw near to Him; Heb4:16. The top cedar represents the wood used for the house of God where

God dwelt above the mercy seat; 1Ki5:3,5,6;

Ex40:20,34; 2Chr5:6,13. The Temple has always served as a copy of the things to come; Heb8:5. The

true, top cedar branch is the Son of God who was

with God and is God before creation; Is4:2; Ezk17:22-24

v4. Of the entire tree of humanity since Adam, the

twigs represent those few people who are the grafted

children of God. These people live/d in obedience to God by faith; Mt7:14. The city of the riddle is

Jerusalem, and it is the marketplace of the world;

Ezk5:5,6; Mt11:16-19. The market represents all good and bad things treasured by man; Mt6:20,21.

v5. The seed first represents the word of God

through the Law; Lk8:11. Second, the seed represents

Jesus the Anointed One…Christ; Lk24:44. The source of the abundant waters is from God, and

represents the infinite flow of the Holy Spirit, given

freely to people who believe in His Son; Is44:3; Ps78:15; Mt3:11; Ac1:5.

v6. The vine also represents the Son of God Christ

Jesus who lowered Himself to a position below the angels to become the Son of man; Ps8:5; Heb2:7,9;

Mt9:6; Jn15:1,2. The root is the source of life for all

who are attached to the vine of Christ; Jn14:6; Is11:1-

5; Ro11:16; Pr12:12. The root also represents Jesus being faithful to the Father, doing all the Father

required Him to do Jn5:30; until His purpose on earth

was finished; Jn8:29. Then He was crucified on a tree, perhaps made with cedar wood; Jn19:30. On the

third day He was raised up and appeared many times

for forty days; Mt20:19; Lk24:46; Jn20:1,2; Ac1:3,4. It was during the forty days Jesus gave the

commandment to ―Go... and make disciples of all

nations…in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy

Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you...‖ Mt28:19,20

v7. The second eagle represents the

devil/dragon/Satan who has been allowed to retain some power, but always is in subjection to the LORD

Christ; Jn19:11; Ro13:1; 1Cor15:27; Job1:6,7. The

power he has is born of evil, for there is no goodness

in Satan; Jn8:44; Pr16:4; 2Th2:9. The plumage which has no color represents demons and mankind who

know only rebellion; Rev16:14; Is57:4; Da7:4. The

vine represents all wickedness, and specifically, the one who is to be the false christ (beast), in the day of

evil; 1Jn2:18; 4:3; Rev17:3,17. Like a harlot, the vine

is planted in the bed of perversity; Pr2:14-17; Is5:24. Many will worship the false christ; Rev13:15. The

antichrist will not desire women and have no

children; Da11:37; Job18:5-19. Satan becomes the

mouth of the beast to water the world with hatred; Rev12:9; Rev13:1,4; Ps36:1-4; Rev12:15. The waters

of this hatred are immense and raging; Is57:20;

Da9:26; Mt24:38; Da12:1b. They form walls of hatred around Israel, looming

over it in an attempt to wash away everything good;

Is17:12,13. They will not succeed; Nu14:41; Ps21:11; Is34:2-4. Once again, God will bring Israel

through the waters; but before He does, masses of

people (including many Jews) will (do) not

acknowledge their Creator, and will desire a man to lead them; Is43:1-3a; 1Sa8:4-6; Da11:39.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


v8. Like Judas Iscariot, a Jew becomes the beast,

false christ, and a worthless shepherd; Mt26:14,15; Lk22:3; 1Jn2:22; Zec11:16,17. He desires to be the

splendid vine of men (Dt32:32,33; Is5:2; Mt7:21-23;

Lk16:15; Jn12:43; Jer2:14,21) v9. but in the future,

he will be utterly forgotten He will be cast out from those cast out; Is65:17; Is14:19,20; Rev19:20. As the

east wind dried the land (Ex14:21) for the Israelites

to pass over to the other side, v10. the dry east wind (in the riddle) occurs during the last year of the seven

years; Rev9:13-16; 16:12. The east wind represents

the nations from the east. The false prophet and these nations (with hearts of stone) will gather and then die

near Israel when the transgression against God ends;

Ps83:1-5; Rev16:12; Da11:45; Rev14:19.

The Sword

Ezk21:1-17The prophetic Word spoken against Israel begins with the statement about a sword being

drawn from its sheath. v3. Like Peter cutting off the

ear of the high priest‘s servant (Jn18:10) (though he was rebuked for it), one day soon the sword will be

drawn to cut off the righteous and wicked; Mt26:52-

54. The Son of God will draw and wield the sword;

Is41:2. First, the righteous will be cut off, but not in the same way as the wicked, for the righteous speak

the Word of God which is a two-edged sword;

Ps149:5,6; Heb4:12. This means God‘s Word cuts both ways. His Word today is prophetic for all

people; 2Pe1:19-21. There is prophecy for Israel,

prophecy for the disciples of Jesus, and prophecy

concerning the world, each working together to fulfill all that is written; Lk18:31; 21:22; 24:44. There will

come a day on earth when no voice will be heard

witnessing about Jesus; 1Th4:17,18. Truly, the Word of God spoken by the children of God will be cut off

from the rest of the world; Rev18:4,5. Like the

servant‘s ear instantly removed, God will make a physical separation of His children from the rest of

the world. Just prior to the time God‘s children are

raised, not a single lost person will want to hear the

message about Jesus or desire to have life with God eternally; Is30:10,11; Mt24:12. (Their opportunity is

forsaken.) The day God surgically separates His

righteous ones will be during a time of great spiritual famine and evil on earth; Jn5:25; Is14:30.

v4. The witness of God Jesus will be spoken

throughout the earth until just a short time before the wicked are cut off in much the same way as the

moment when Peter cut off the servant‘s ear. (God‘s

people are represented by the ear because they

received the Word.) It is important to understand that faith is through hearing the Word of God; but when a

person does not listen (taking God‘s Word to heart),

he is doing the same as if he did not have an ear. The people along with the cohort (no longer desiring to

hear the Truth) came to arrest Jesus, but Jesus

(mankind‘s Physician) immediately healed the

servant and removed his intense pain; Jn18:3; Jn14:6. The miracle could not be denied by those who

witnessed it. This entire concept will be repeated on a

huge scale during the last days of the transgression against God. The people will experience great

distress, greater than the world has ever had or will

ever have again; Da12:1b. The sky will be darkened, the world will mourn, and then the righteous will be

removed; Mt24:29-31. God‘s wrath will soon follow,

and His sword will be used for that day of slaughter;

Da7:13,14; Mt26:64; Mk13:26; Rev1:7; Ezk21:15-17; Rev19:15. Afterwards the people who remain on

earth will be spiritually healed and will desire to hear

the word of God; Zec8:3,21-23. Malchus was the name of the servant whose ear

was cut off. His name translated means, reigning.

After God‘s wrath, Christ Jesus Messiah will reign on earth politically, socially, and spiritually. Israel and

the nations of the world will truly be the ―healed

servant‖ of the High Priest Jesus; Is66:21; Is57:19;

Heb2:17; 3:1; 4:14; 5:5,6; 7:26; 8:1. They will desire to hear, speak, and live His Word; Zec8:23.

v5. Once Jesus draws out His sword, it will never

be returned to the sheath; Rev19:15. It will be at the ready to defend His righteousness and justice;

1Sa17:40; 2Ki19:31,34; Pr31:9; Is1:17; 37:35;

Zec12:8. The peoples in that day will not want to

experience God‘s wrath again; and they will work with diligence to live according to the Word of God,

their Maker; Ex20:20; Pr4:23; Ro12:6-21; Ps95:6,7;

Is17:7; 54:5. vs6,7. Prior to the return of our LORD in the day

of distress, the people will groan with bitter grief; and

their hearts will melt with fear; Da12:1b; Rev6:8; 8:13; Jer30:5-7.

vs12,13. All the nations will be against Israel;

Zec12:3. This is the last time Israel will wrestle with

mankind. The prophesy of Jacob‘s thigh (representing peace) is fulfilled through Jesus;

Gn32:25. For as Abraham‘s seed has sojourned, to

this day the years of peace have been few; Joel 2:1-6; Rev9:18.

vs9-11. When Jesus draws His polished sword

from its sheath, the remaining population of the whole world will witness the awesome power and

strength of the LORD. A little while, or perhaps

moments before the earth‘s surface is physically

changed, there will be a massive display of lightning around the entire earth; Job37:3.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


vs14-17. Jesus (our great One who was slain

Rev5:9) and His sword are ready for the day of slaughter on the day of God‘s wrath; Is30:25;



Translated his name means, of the sun. Like our

sun brightly shining giving life to the earth, Jesus is the bright morning star, giving life eternal to anyone

who might believe in Him; Rev22:16,17; Jn1:12. The

lifetime of Samson as a deliverer was early within Israel‘s history. God purposed Samson to be a

deliverer in his day; Jdg13:5,7. His life was a

prophetic example, a real life parable of the nation of

Israel and Israel‘s future. The angel of God first went to the woman to announce the future birth of Samson;

Jdg13:3. In a similar way, the angel Gabriel appeared

to Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus; Lk1:26,27,31,34,35. Then our resurrected LORD first

appeared to the women near the tomb; Mt28:1,9. The

women represent the bride of Christ (men and women) who conceive the thought within their heart

and believe in the Son of God Son of man…Jesus;

Is6:10b; Mt13:15,16; Jn20:29,31. Because they

believe individually (instead of bearing a child), they become born again; Jn3:3,15. From the day the angel

spoke to the woman, the child Samson was dedicated

to the LORD as a Nazirite; Jdg13:3; Jdg13:5. A Nazirite is a person who makes a holy living offering

unto God for a specific time period; Nu6:2. As a

Nazirite, a person would make a special vow as an

act of worship to God. During the allotted time, he or she was not to be defiled in any way according to the

Law; Nu6:8. The Law stated the person would

neither have a razor cut his hair, nor would he drink the fruit of the vine; Nu6:5; Nu6:3. (The One who

was/is to be Messiah, Israel‘s Deliverer, was to be

from Nazareth; Mt2:23; 21:11; Mk1:24; Lk1:26,27.) God had informed Israel, through Isaiah, that He

would make Galilee of the Gentiles glorious; Is9:1,2.

It was from there Jesus was raised in Nazareth;

Jn19:19. Near the beginning of His teaching when He was in Nazareth, He fulfilled the prophecy written in

the book of Isaiah; Lk4:16-21. At the end of His

ministry during His Passover supper before He was crucified, Jesus said He would not eat the bread or

drink of the vine until the kingdom of God came;

Lk22:15-18; Mt24:30. At this moment Jesus was a Nazirite, fully dedicated to God; Jn8:29. While Jesus

stood before the high priest (in order to satisfy the

letter of the Law), He spoke of the period of time of

His dedication; Mt26:63,64. In doing so, He gave us assurance He would continue as a Nazirite, according

to the Law; 2Cor6:16-18. During this time of His

separation, no razor will touch His hair. To this day and forever, He is Holy; Lv11:45; Rev5:12. Amen.

Manoah, Samson‘s father, sacrificed a goat with a

grain offering on a rock; Jdg13:19; Nu15:3,4. Then

the angel ascended in the flame toward heaven above the altar; Jdg13:20. The sacrificed goat represents the

shedding of Jesus‘ blood for the forgiveness of our

sin; Lv4:23; Lk22:20; Heb4:15; 10:10. The grain represents the bread of eternal life through Jesus;

Ex29:41; Jn6:33-35; Ezk45:17.

The rock served as an altar and represents Jesus Son of God who is our Rock and Altar; Dt27:6; 32:4;

Is6:6,7; Ps43:3,4; Jn8:12; Is56:7,8; Rev9:13. The

chosen rock was on the ground, that is, not raised up

and having steps and represents Jesus who humbled Himself, being fully man; Ex20:26; Php2:6-8;

Heb2:9. Like Jesus, the altar occurred naturally,

meaning it was in the form God had made; Jdg13:9-11. Also, the rock/altar was uncut, meaning no iron

tool was to used to shape it; Jos8:31. Jesus was

conceived by God‘s Holy Spirit, and He is who He is… God; Lk1:35; Mk14:62; Jn8:58. The things Jesus

did and the words He spoke were from God; Jn5:30.

Nothing (no tool) of man or of spirit could control,

oppress, or influence Him to change course from His purpose; Mt4:10; Lk4:43. Though He had a free will

and was tempted in all things, He sought God alone;

Jn12:27; Heb2:18; 4:15. He willingly gave Himself over to man; Jn10:18. From the beginning, Jesus was

the chosen stone, placed on earth to save; Is28:16;

1Pe2:4; Lk9:56; Jn12:47. As the rock was in the

midst of the field, Jesus also is in the midst of whoever humbly calls upon His name; and after

God‘s wrath, Jesus will be in the midst of Israel;

Mt18:20; Lk17:21b; Jn20:19,26; Hag2:5; Ps85:5-7; Is55:6; Ps105:1; Ezk37:28. The selected rock had to

be large enough to handle the wood for the fire and

the sacrifice. Jesus (though delivered over into the hands of men) is our Champion, large enough to

handle the wood of the cross, being nailed and bound

to take away the sin of the world; Mt27:26; Is19:20;

Mk15:32; Jn19:17; Ps118:27; Ac2:23; Jn1:29; 1:12,13. The fire represents the fire of His suffering;

Is53:4; Mt16:21; 27:26,29,30; Ac10:4.

The ascending angel represents our resurrected Lord Jesus, who covered our sin (nakedness) by

shedding His own blood and ascending to heaven;

(Jn6:62; 3:13; 20:1,17; Ac2:34-36; 1:3,9; Heb9:22,24,28; Jn6:62-64; Eph4:9,10; Ro4:16,24,25.

Because He was raised up, those who believe in Jesus

by faith are raised up with Him; Lk20:35,36; Eph5:5;

Is60:7c,8; Ro6:5; Co1:12; 3:24; Heb9:15; 1Pe1:4-13; Rev6:9. Through our faith in Him, the things of this

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


life done in His name are treasures in heaven and

become an offering of sacrifice; Mt23:20-23; Mt6:20; 7:20; Jn4:35-38. In a similar way as Jesus suffered

during His ministry, many people have also suffered;

Jn15:18,19; Gn4:4,10; Ps5:2; 9:12; 18:6,7; 2Th1:5;

2Tim1:8; 1Pe5:8,9. Truly, He will present us as an acceptable offering to our Father; Nu6:13; Heb10:18;

Rev3:5,21. Manoah and his wife were not killed

because they saw God through the angel; Jdg13:22,23. The people who saw Jesus during His

ministry also did not die, and the people who are an

acceptable offering will not die when they see the face of God; Jn14:9; Rev22:4.

There is one more point. On the day the angel

appeared to the man and woman, they received

understanding; Jdg13:8,9. The same principle is true for those who by faith believe in Jesus; Dt4:29;

Lk8:10; Jn14:26.

Samson was dedicated from that day of the angel, and the LORD blessed him; Jdg13:5; Jdg13:24.

Though Jesus is God, like Jesus, Samson was given

power from the Spirit of God; Lk4:14; Jdg14:6,19; 15:14. Since the time of Abraham, God has blessed

Israel; Gn12:2,3; Dt33:29; Am3:2a; Is25:8,9; 63:7-9;

7:14; 9:7; Lk2:25-32; Zec8:13; Is19:23-25. Israel was

to be and will be a kingdom of priests, holy unto God, to proclaim Him throughout the world; Is61:6;

Ex19:6; 34:14-16; Zec9:16; 14:9; Is4:2; Heb7:12-

16,24-26. Those Jews and Gentiles who presently believe in the Son are of the same kingdom of priests,

holy unto God; Rev1:6; 1Pe2:5.

Samson was from the tribe of Dan; Jdg13:2.

Translated Dan means, judge. Samson judged Israel for twenty years; Jdg16:31. In the latter times, the

one who is called the antichrist beast will also be

from the tribe of Dan; Gn49:17; 2Jn7; Rev17:17. This person becomes a beast against God and

humanity. He may not know from what tribe he has

descended, but God knows, just as He knows who the 144000 sealed Jews are; Rev7:3-8. None of the

sealed 144000 are from the tribe of Dan, for Dan will

judge his people; Gn49:16. The 144000 are not from

the half tribe of Ephraim because of the wicked bad fruit Ephraim bore against God; Ho9:11-16; Mt7:17;

12:33-37. Ephraim translated means, double

fruitfulness; and after Jesus returns, Israel will receive a double portion of blessing; Gn41:52;

Is61:7. Ephraim was the second son born to Joseph;

Gn41:52. His birth order represents the return of Jesus for the second time to establish world peace;


Samson and the lion: This is the first example of

Samson‘s several real-life parables that parallel the first and second coming of Jesus; Jdg14:5-9,14,18a.

The young lion represents two prophecies.

Supporting information: Satan and the person or nations who become(s) the antichrist beast will roar

against Israel and God; Jer4:7,9; Job41:1,34: Ps10:9-

11; Is17:12; Da7:8,20,24,25; 11:36; Rev13:2; 17:8-

13. The antichrist is the worthless shepherd; Jer11:16; Zec11:17. The antichrist will make an

alliance with the false prophet, who perhaps is from

Egypt; Ho10:4; Is5:2-7; Is31:1. They, along with many nations, will align and have much military

strength. Together they form another beast;

Rev17:15-17. From this appointment many people will be killed; Rev9:18. Samson mightily tore apart

the lion because the Spirit of God had come upon

him. Samson‘s killing the lion represents (1) our

resurrected Jesus defeating Satan (death) and (2) the day when the LORD tears apart the beast of nations

who are against God; Is17:13,14; Rev18:2,3; 19:19-

21. After the beast was killed, Samson did not tell his parents about the lion. His mother and father

represent humble Jews who have not heard,

understood, and believed the gospel of Jesus (Remember, a person hears through his heart.).

Samson later returned to the carcass and found

honey, representing Israel after God‘s wrath.

Abraham‘s seed will be gathered from afar to the land of milk and honey; Dt30:3-6; Ezk34:24-26;

39:27-29; Ex3:8; Jer11:4,5. From the carcass of death

Israel will be rebuilt, and the people will be healed; Ps81:10-12; Is58:11,12; Dt32:39; Is19:22; 57:18,19.

Like the honey, out of calamity will come joy in the

land of Israel; Dt32:35,36; Is29:19,20; 65:22,23.

There will be sweet joy, for the salvation of Israel is from the LORD; Is12:5,6; 35:10; 44:23; 51:3. In that

day, honey will flow from the rock, meaning the

people will spiritually taste the sweetness of Jesus; Ps81:16; Jer3:17.

The foxes: Jdg15:4 It was late in the season. The

sheaves of wheat stood tall, and it was the time for the harvest; Jdg15:1a. The wheat represents people

who have Jesus within their midst and hearts,

growing in Christ within a world of transgressors;

Mt12:1. Along with the symbol of the wheat grain are the fruit of the vine and the olive grove; Jdg15:5.

The wheat, grape, and olive represent the children of

God through Jesus; Mt13:30; Jn15:4,5; Ro11:24; Rev11:4; 1Jn2:20. Because of the terrible things

happening on earth during the last three and a half

years of the seven years, the world will attempt to silence the gospel; Da9:27; Jn4:35; Is30:10,11;

2Cor4:3,4; Rev9:14-18; 17:14. Many believers will

be announcing the end times; and the Word of God

will be like a torch, causing rage and hatred to burn within the lost; Mt4:17; 13:25-28; Zec12:6. The

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


example of their faith, like Jesus, (for many will be

put to death by the beasts) will be a strong testimony; and many people will come to the true knowledge of

Christ during this time; Da11:33,35; 2Cor2:14-17;

Ro8:35-39; 6:5; Heb10:36-39; 2Cor2:15-17;

2Cor13:4,5; Ac7:59; 8:1; Rev17:17; 1Cor2:3,4; 2Tim1:8; Heb11:37-40; Rev12:10; 2Cor2:14-17; 4:5-

18; Rev20:4; 1:3. Great will be the persecution

against Israel and the believers of Jesus; prophecy will be fulfilled when they cannot openly speak of

Jesus. During the final year, persecution will be

especially difficult; Ezk34:6-10; Rev7:9,14; Ex23:11. Truly, the foxes will attempt to burn the wheat, but

they will not prevail; Jer15:20,21. It is also during

this time, nations of armies will be gathered together

for the great day of the LORD; Is13:4; 43:8-13; Joel 2:11,31; Zeph1:14-18. Jesus spoke of this in His

parable; Mt13:29,30; Am5:13.

The foxes represent all leaders who use their own devices to impose their will on the people; Jdg15:4;

Lk9:58a; Am5:10-12. Like a sly, cunning fox the

antichrist will be recognized as the one who uses smooth words to influence, control, and destroy;

Da11:32; Is33:1; Ezk13:4-10. Jesus refers to Herod

in the same way; Lk13:32. Truly, the Lord will crush

foxes such as these as they hide in holes; Jer17:17,18; Lk23:30; Rev6:16; Is2:19. Samson tied the tails of

300 foxes together in pairs and with torches. Israel

(especially Jerusalem) will be the symbolic cord (representing sin) used to bind the nations of the

world together; Ezk16:37; Ezk5:5; Rev17:1,6,18;

11:8; Pr5:22,23; Is45:20; Rev9:16. The elimination

of Israel is their common purpose; Is5:19-21; Rev17:17. During this time, the antichrist beast will

have no regard for his own nation Israel; Jdg15:6;

Ps41:9; Is33:7-9. Those in Judea must flee to the mountains; Mt24:16. In that day, Israel will have

been run through; Jer6:1-4; Zec2:7; Lk21:24. Many

people in the world will die, even those who do not love Jesus; Jdg15:8; Mt24:12,21; Rev9:4,5,10. The

torches of fire the foxes dragged through the fields,

vineyards, and groves represent the days around the

world when the beast will cause the fire of hatred, the fire of destruction, and the fire of death to consume

nonbelievers, Jews, and followers of Jesus; Jdg15:5;

Is24:6; Jn15:18-21; Rev13:7; Mt24:9. (Not a hair on the head of believers will be lost, and they will not

smell of smoke; Jer10:2; Da3:27; 11:33; Mt13:30;

Rev3:5; Is43:2. Though the persecution will be great before the end, the gospel will have been preached

throughout the world as a testimony, so there will be

no excuse; Mt24:14. People will either accept or

reject Jesus.

The rock, cleft, and jawbone: After destroying

many of his enemies, Samson is alone, hidden in the cleft of the rock; Jdg15:8; Ex33:21; Lv26:44;

Ezk16:60,62,63. The cleft in the rock is in Etam

within Judah. Samson, hidden, represents Israel

today, hidden and unaware of God‘s presence in the Rock Son of God Son of man…Jesus; Is17:10;

Lv26:45; Ex33:22; Dt32:4; Ps18:2; 1Cor10:4. In this

verse, Judah represents the people who worship and live according to the Father Son Holy Spirit and are

eternally protected from man; Ps56:13. Like the

Philistines with Samson, mankind will try to bind permanently those hidden in the Rock Jdg15;13,14. It

is when God‘s faithful are tightly bound that Jesus

will become the Rock of offense Ro9:33. In the day

Israel and Judah are surrounded / bound, God will not forsake them; Ezk5:4-6,14,15; Hab1:4; Lk19:43;

Rev12:17; Dt31:6. Though he was tightly bound,

Samson broke free; Jdg15:13,15. For centuries, Israel has been tightly bound while being scattered and

controlled within the nations of the world; Dt28:64.

Then in 1947, (pages 73 and 85) the fetters for many Jews were broken; and they returned to the land of

Abraham to establish their own nation; Dt30:5;

Is10:20,21. Please understand, God is Who decreed

Israel would be in that land; and any person who denies Israel to be a sovereign nation also rebels

against God!

Then in 1967, Jerusalem became the capital (Jerusalem is the daughter of the first Israel;

Ezk16:44; Zec2:4. (In the book of Zechariah, Chapter

2, verse 4, the cattle represent people who worship

foreign gods; Ex32:4; Is46:1. Today, like Samson, Israel and Jerusalem strive to cohabit with people

who have no true love; Ezk23:4,11,17,19;

Rev17:16,18. Israel has had and will have several unsuccessful relationships that eventually will lead to

being surrounded and ravaged; Ps22:12,13; Jer30:14;

La1:2; Ezk16:37-41; 23:22,24; 38:8-12; Is17:10,11; Ps35:17,18.

After Samson broke free, he used a fresh donkey

jawbone and killed a thousand men; Jdg15:15. In the

latter times, the fresh jawbone represents Israel‘s alignment with the person who is to be the false

prophet; Gn16:12; Ezk13:9,10. The ―fresh‖ jawbone

represents the latter times when this false prophet seems to be a new light in the process for peace;

Is5:20-23. Initially he will be thought of as a

peacekeeper whose strength will be a deterrent against aggressors; Rev13:16,17.

The false prophet is spiritually dead and honors

the god of death/destruction through military

strength; Da11:38; Rev13:12,15. He will be as a wild donkey; Job11:12; Ho8:9. His spirit (having a soul

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


that is dead) remains wild; and instead of peace, he

brings death, not only to his own people but to a third of mankind; Da11:40-43; Rev9:17,18. After Samson

killed a thousand with the jawbone, he became

thirsty. God poured water from a rock;

Jdg15:16,18,19. Following the end of the transgression against God, when His wrath crushes

those who hate Him, Israel will thirst for the water of

the Holy Spirit. His Holy Spirit will abundantly flow from the Rock of Jesus; Da2:45; Ps18:2; Is44:3-6;

Zec12:10,11; 1Cor10:4. In the same way Samson

threw away the jawbone, Israel will rely on the LORD forever; Is10:20.

Samson‘s hair: Written in the book of Judges,

Chapter 16:13,17, Samson reveals that from the day

of his birth, his hair had never been cut. Because of its length, it was put into seven locks. His hair length

and locks represent Israel‘s long intertwined

relationship with God; Dt32:9; Ac3:19-23. (The number 7 means to be complete in God.)

From the beginning of all the nations, Israel

(Jews) is the only enduring nation that remains a nation of our Creator God, even if Israel is scattered

or gathered…God is mindful of Jacob (all Jews);

Gn12:2,3; Ps124:1-7; 129:1-5; Is63:16; Dt30:4-6;

Ps135:4; 103:14-17. Though many Jews do not know which tribe they are from, God knows; Ezra2:62;

Rev7:3,4. In the same way, God will never allow

Israel to be blended into the world‘s ethnic nations or be consumed to the point of total destruction;

Ex31:16,17; 32:13; Jer31:35-37; Lv26:44,45;

Ezk20:17. (In reality, the wilderness of verse 17 is

anywhere beyond the borders of Israel.) His hair length was not the reason for his strength,

but God provided His Spirit for Samson‘s strength;

Gn22:8,14; Jdg14:6; 2Cor12:9. His hair became his false sense of security; and Samson used his intellect

to devise riddles to control the very people who hated

him, rather than rely on God; Jdg14:12. In the same way during the latter days, Israel will have a national

policy (words and agreements) and will trust in its

own military to ensure peace. At the same time, Israel

will not have a national policy based on faith to call upon or proclaim God; Dt29:4.

Israel‘s national desire to secure its own

sovereignty will prove nearly fatal; Zec2:2,7; Rev11:8b; 17:4,15,17,18; Ezk38:10; Rev17:12-14.

The results of Israel‘s foreign policies will have the

same effect as the day when Samson‘s hair was cut while he was sleeping by those who hated him;

Jer7:29; Jdg16:19,23. The results (not the cause) of

Israel‘s policies also represent the latter years when

all the nations are against Israel and God; Zec12:3. When the leaders of Israel had Jesus crucified with

the help of Roman soldiers, the thinking was that His

death benefited the masses; Jn11:50. With the same mindset, it will be perceived by the world that the end

of Israel will benefit everyone else; Ezk5:5,14-17;

22:2-5; 16:37-41; 38:8-12,14-18; Jer46:28. Instead of

peace, those days will be more difficult than the struggle of birth; Is21:1-4.

Though Samson had been dedicated to the LORD

from before birth, he (from his heart) did not dedicate his heart fully to God until just before the end of his

life; Jdg13:3,4; Jdg16:28. This is the way it has been

and will be for Jews/Israel. Historically, in the hour (not literal) of Israel‘s greatest need is when Israel‘s

national heart calls out to God. Instead of allowing

his eyes to feast upon sensual beauty, Samson‘s

physical blindness allowed him to perceive God clearly in his heart. In the last days of the

transgression, Israel will begin to gain new strength

and understanding from the Lord God Almighty; Is35:3-5. The spiritual eyes of Israel will begin to be

opened on the day the beast stops the sacrifice at the

temple that is yet to be built; Da11:31; Rev11:1,2. Remember, God will not forsake the needy who look

to Him; Is41:17.

Samson‘s rebellion: From the womb, Samson was

dedicated as a Nazirite to God; yet he did not live a godly life; Jdg16:1. His eyes saw only skin deep; and

though he was a man, his relationship with his

parents was like that of a young boy; Jdg14:1-3,7. From the beginning, Israel was dedicated to God, but

the now aged Israel continues to desire worldly

things rather than being obedient to God; Ex19:6;

Dt7:25; Is63:10; Jn14:23,24. Like a child, Israel remains attached to the elementary things of the Law,

rather than being mature in Jesus Messiah; Co2:8,20-

23. It was not until Samson‘s forced labor, blindness, and the wicked musing over his condition, that he

called out to God with all earnestness; and God heard

his prayer; Jdg16:21; Jdg16:25; Jdg16:28; 1Cor13:11.

The period of time of Samson‘s spiritual

blindness, which was nearly all his life, represents

Israel to this day, being blind to the fact of who Jesus is; Eph4:22; Is29:9-11; Mt13:35; Jn8:12,14,27,28,30-

47; Mt21:19. Samson‘s physical blindness represents

Israel today. Israel will fall asleep on the knees of those who are without God and then will be made

blind just prior to the end of the transgression;

Jdg16:19-21; Ps106:21. As Abraham (See page 63.) raised his eyes and

saw that God provided the ram in the thicket (a

prophetic announcement of the day Jesus was

crucified), so Israel (Isaac no longer to be the offering) will raise her eyes and begin to believe that

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


the prophecy of her Husband Messiah Jesus has been

fulfilled and is about to be fulfilled again; Gn22:13; Gn22:14; Jn19:15-20; Lk24:25-27; Da7:13; Mt24:30.

In that day, Israel will earnestly petition God;

Is29:18; Jer4:31; Is33:2; Ps17:7.

As in earlier times, God will hear Israel‘s cry; Ne9:9; Ps18:5,6; 40:1,2; 106:43-46; Is33:4-10. Those

difficult days will begin when the temple is profaned;

and Satan, through the false Christ, will erect an image on the temple mount for all peoples to worship

the beast; Da11:31; 12:11; Mt24:15; Rev11:1,2;

13:3,4,15,18. Until that day when Christ Jesus Messiah is recognized as Savior, Israel will remain

attached to the old ways in thought, word, and deed;

Is19:20; Mt9:17; 1Cor5:7; Co3:17; Heb6:13-20.

Before the end of the transgression, in the same way as Samson, Israel will be politically bound and

ravaged; and nations of wicked people will muse

over her plight; Jdg16:20,21; Jer5:17; 8:13; Joel 1:6-8; 2:17; Ma2:17.

While Samson was in prison as a grinder, his hair

began to grow; Jdg16:22. As we know, hair length

changes slowly, a little at a time. This represents the

awakening of Israel; Is51:17-23; Jn11:11; Ro13:11; Rev3:2,3; Eph4:23,24. Like the Philistines tightly

gathered together in one place worshiping their god,

Dagon, the armies of nations (who worship the

dragon through the beast) will be tightly encamped before the end; Jdg16:23; Rev13:2-4; Is45:20;

Jer49:14,15; Rev16:13-16. It was God, whose Spirit

mightily came upon Samson to vindicate him; and God will do the same thing for Israel in the day of

His wrath; Jdg16:28; Dt32:35-37; Jn3:36; Rev19:15.

Then Israel will freely volunteer service in the day of Jesus Messiah and finally become the nation of

priests Ex19:6; as God has earnestly desired;

Ps110:1-3; Dt8:7,8; Zec3:10; Ma4:4,5; Jn15:1.

Finally, as the stone structure came down killing the Philistines, so it will be when the uncut stone, the

size of a mountain, will come down and destroy the

wicked; Da2:45; Jdg16:29,30; Rev18:21; Na1:6-8; Rev16:18-21; Mt17:20.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 6

Prophetic Parables of History Part 2

Historic Parallels Part 2 The Seed/seed

The first clear indication of God‘s plan is the account in Chapter three of the book of Genesis. The

Seed (Messiah) of the woman (meaning actually

conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of woman) and the seed of the serpent Satan (meaning all who

remain born in sin) have enmity against each other;

Gn3:15. The seed of the serpent/Satan bruised the

heel of the Seed of the woman; Jn13:27. This means a wound inflicted to the Seed (Jesus Messiah) killed

His body, but did not threaten life eternal; Mt10:28.

However, the Seed of the woman will inflict a wound to the head of the seed of the serpent Satan; and the

wound is death eternal; Jn12:31; 14:30; Rev20:10.

The person who is to be the antichrist beast will

survive a fatal wound to the head. Healing that wound will be Satan‘s attempt to mimic the

resurrection; but the antichrist, already eternally

dead, will never be written in the book of life; Zec11:17; Rev13:3; 17:8. Satan gives false light like

the moon; Dt4:19. Like the son of perdition, Judas

Iscariot, Satan (dragon; Rev12:9) enters into the beast; Rev13:2-6. Like the time of Jesus when the

seed of Abraham sentenced Him to death, the

antichrist/beast (a seed of Abraham) will be justified

by the world to sentence Israel to death; but Israel‘s death is impossible; Mt26:66; Ezk16:37; Mt24:15;

Jer50:34; Ezk14:22. After Satan‘s attempt to kill all

Jews, the remnant of Abraham will inherit the land God has promised; Is28:5.

Marvelous Word

God has had His Word written in a marvelous

way; 1Chr16:12,16. Written in Scripture are forty-

five entries of the words the ―third day.‖ The Word is Spirit, and the third day is a common element;

Jn6:63. In Genesis Chapter 22, Abraham went to

make a sacrifice with Isaac; Gn17:19. The recorded event is a collection of common elements. (See

Chapter 2, page 15.) The historical account represents

God‘s plan for the death and resurrection of His Son.

Abraham is translated, father of nations; and Isaac is translated, laughter. On the third day, Abraham

raised his eyes and saw the place from a distance;

Gn22:4. Abraham may have seen only the mount, but God had Moses write, so we can reflect and see that

God continues toward the fulfillment of His promise to Abraham; Gn12:2. Abraham believed and trusted

God; Gn22:7,8. It is imperative we do the same;

Gn15:5,6; Jn3:5,21,36. On the third day, Abraham tells his servants (who represent God‘s faithful

people) he and his son will worship and return;

Gn22:5. This verse has the elements of God‘s promises for the resurrection and the return of

Messiah to save Israel through His Son Jesus;

Is42:1,6-8; Mt17:23; Is41:8-10; Is2:4; 10:20; 62:8-

12; Jn20:22. Abraham had Isaac carry the wood which

symbolizes Jesus‘ carrying the cross to be crucified

by His own people; Gn22:5,6. Abraham tells Isaac, ―God will provide…‖ for the offering, again

symbolizing Jesus is the Lamb of God; Gn22:8;

Jn1:29,36. Then Isaac was bound and laid upon the

wood, symbolizing Jesus on the cross; Gn22:9. Only after this point did God say not to harm the boy. Then

Abraham and Isaac sacrificed the ram God had

provided; Lv5:18. Later they returned to the servants. The ram represents Jesus‘ sacrifice; Jn19:17-20. The

servants represent nations who desire the Lord after

God‘s wrath; Is61:11; 62:1-4.

The Third Day

There are three days affecting all mankind. One day has been completed, and two days have been

foretold and are still in the future. Mankind‘s

wickedness was and will be rampant near the end of each day, and each day was and will be ended by the

hand of God; Gn6:5,11,12; Joel 3:13,14; Rev20:7-9.

The first day included the generations from Adam to Noah; Gn6:6,7,13. The second day started with Noah

and ends with the great day of the LORD; Ma4:5. The

third day begins with the kingdom of Peace and ends

when the earth passes away; Is9:6; Ps75:1-5; 2Pe3:10,12.

Through all time, God provides Salvation to those

whom He reckons as righteous by their faith in Him; Gn6:8; 7:1; 15:6; Jn5:25,28,29. We are now living in

the second day which continues up to the time of

God‘s wrath ending the day; Zeph1:14. The parable

of the lost son describes the history of Israel during the second day; Lk15:7,10-18. After the great day of

the LORD, the third day of mankind begins. This is

the day when Israel (the parable of the lost son)

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


returns home to the Father; Gn15:17,18; Mt24:29;

Lk15:18-24. During the third day and forever after, which is a

little over a thousand years in length, Israel is the

LORD‘s; Rev20:6; Is59:20,21; 65:18,19,24. Within

those thousand years, the nations of the world will desire to be taught of the LORD and become one in

the LORD; Zec8:22,23; Ne8:1-3; Jn17:21. Jesus told

His disciples He would be physically raised up on the third day; but, truly, on the third day the peoples will

spiritually raise Him as the King of their hearts and

proclaim Him through all the earth; Mt17:23; Is33:10; 52:13; Mt27:11; Lk13:32,35. When

Abraham and Sarah were old, Isaac was born and

brought laughter to their hearts; Gn17:17,19; 21:5,6.

In the third day of mankind, God/Jesus and Israel will have sweet fellowship with each other. The aged

daughter of Zion will laugh. as will the nations of the

world; Zec9:9,10; Is61:7; Jn15:11; Ac10:40-48; Lk24:41-47. The day when Israel and Esau had peace

represents the third day; Gn33:3,4,10,11,17; Is9:7;


Stone Of Offense

Ro9:33; 1Pe2:8 To repeat from Chapter 2, a complex common element is when two or more

common elements are found in an historical event.

These common elements help to illustrate one or more prophecies. An example is the time during a

battle in the city of Thebez when a woman went to

the top of a strong tower and threw down an upper

millstone, crushing the head of Abimelech. Severely wounded, Abimelech was then pierced through with

the sword, ending his days of transgression against

God; Jdg9:50-56. Thebez is translated, brightness. The woman represents God‘s children (raised up

bride of Jesus Christ), who will return with Him to

crush the enemy on the great day of the LORD; Is40:31; Rev19:7,14; Rev18:21.

The same order of common elements of this

prophetic sequence is stated in the book of Daniel,

but he used different symbols to refer to the last days; Da2:34,35,45. Jesus explained the same process in

the parable of the slave; Lk17:7-10. The slave in the

field represents His disciples, having the commission to ―Go‖ as a witness, baptizing all who believe;

Mt28:19. Then the slave comes in from the field,

representing the day of the first resurrection for all God‘s children; Rev18:4. The slave then will be

clothed in proper garments, meaning those who are

raised up will be given garments of white, covering

their sin; Lk17:8b; Rev3:18. Immediately following, the slave serves his master, representing the great day

of the LORD or the feast of the LORD; Lk17:8c;

Lv23:39; Jdg21:19; Ezk32:3-8; 45:21; Ho9:5; Rev19:21. This feast is when He and His army will

return to earth to end the transgression against God;


Jesus goes on to say the slave is not thanked for doing what was commanded; Lk17:9. The same is

true for those who are in the first resurrection. The

slave in the parable understands he is unworthy; and without his master, he would have nothing; Lk17:10.

Those of the first resurrection will return (whether

visible or invisible is not known) to the earth to serve Jesus during His kingdom of peace; Rev5:10. Please

note: After Abimelech was dead, the people went to

their own homes; Jdg9:55. It is after the day of God‘s

wrath, all Israel will return in peace to be stewards of the land God has promised them; Mi6:6-8; Mi5:4,5a;

Hag2:9; Is61:4,6,7; Is51:11. All of God‘s people are

to be humble and have a contrite heart, intelligently using the gifts God has given them to serve one

another in Him; Eph2:8-10; Mt11:29; Is66:2;

Php3:21; Ro12:5,6a.

Scarlet Thread

There is another example of a common element historical event. It is the day the scarlet thread was

placed in the upper window of the house of Rahab in

Jericho; Jos2:18; 6:22,23. The thread represents the line of Judah from which the promised One would

come to rule with power and peace; Mt1:2; Gn49:10.

From Judah the line began with the twins of Tamar;

Gn38:28-30. The names of the twins are Zerah meaning, sunrise or light and Perez meaning, breach

or rule breaker. Perez was born first though his

brother should have been. (The significance of their names is explained on page 65.) Zerah is the one who

had the scarlet thread tied to his wrist. Boaz is the son

of Rahab the harlot through the marriage of Salmon (Salma); Mt1:5; 1Chr2:11. Salmon is translated,

garment. It is through their line the Redeemer is born.

Jesus is the Son of Man Son of Light; Jn8:21-32;

Jn8:12. With today‘s medical understanding of the thread

of DNA, the association of the scarlet thread placed

in the window is more clearly understood; Ac17:29; Ro1:20. It represents the genetic thread/seed God

created for the lineage of the Son of Man Word of

God; Gn1:27; 3:15; 22:18; Lk8:11; Jn1:1. All things were/are created by the Word of God; Jn1:3. The

scarlet color of the thread represents the blood Jesus

shed when He was slain for our sins; 1Cor15:3;

Rev5:6,9. The scarlet thread represents the magnificent glory that clothes Jesus our High Priest,

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


who intercedes for us to the Father; Ex28:4-8;

36:35,37; Heb5:5,6,9; Ro8:34. The scarlet thread represents our cord of safety through Jesus,

protecting His faithful ones from death; and it

represents mankind‘s third day when He brings peace

to Israel; Gn38:18; Jos2:15,18,19; Ps4:8; Jer33:16; Job5:11; Mt10:28; 25:46; Jer32:37.

Zerah And Perez

The scarlet thread represents a sign (Jesus) in the

window of the house of God to those who believe in Jesus that they will dwell in the Father‘s house;

Jos2:21; Ps101:6; Jn14:2,3. The scarlet thread tied on

Zerah represents Jesus when He first appeared as the

right hand of God and the Light of the world; but He was born through Perez and was considered by His

contemporaries as a breach of humanity, even

forsaken; Gn38:28; Is48:12-17; Jn1:1; Mt26:64; Is42:6; Jn12:35,36; Mt1:3; Is53:3. (Jesus

altered/broke natural and cultural laws/rules to draw

all peoples to Him; Jn2:11; Mt23:13. We know He will appear again as the Light (Zerah) of the world

and will set up His kingdom of peace on earth;

Is49:6; Jn3:18-21; Is9:6,7; 49:22; Ho2:18,19;

Lk18:7,8. Though Perez and Zerah were two people, they were conceived together; and together their

names represent Jesus the Son of Man the Son of

God; Jn1:51; 3:18. Perez and Zerah are the only two siblings named in the lineage of Jesus, written in the

book of Matthew. The tied scarlet thread in the

window represents those people/things tied to the

Spirit of God; Jos2:18,19; Jn18:9.


(God spiritually tied the elements of the Law to

Jesus.) Once the priest determined that a person was

healed from leprosy, the person was to make an offering before the LORD; Lv14:2-11. This procedure

is prophetic to Israel and to the world. It is directly

tied to the latter days and to the kingdom of peace

through Christ Jesus Messiah. Unless God opens the eyes of a person, these prophetic elements go

unnoticed or are not understood; Da2:21; Am3:7;

Co1:9. The following account is a mere summary of the overall prophetic statement.

vs2,3. From antiquity, the custom has been to

separate a person suffering from leprosy from the mainstream of community life. When a person was

leprous he or she was cast out. If the person was

healed from leprosy, the priest would go outside the

camp and verify that he or she was healed. Leprosy represents sin within a person‘s life. Sin separates a

person from God; Ro3:23. Jesus is our High Priest,

and He is the only way a person can be determined to be clean; Heb3:1,2; Jn14:6;Lk5:12-14. A person must

have a change of heart (repent), believe by faith, and

ask for forgiveness from Jesus to be made clean;

Ro10:9-13; 6:23. Once a person sincerely confesses in Jesus‘ name, the sin that once covered and filled

the body is removed. Truly, the person is Spiritually

clean; Heb9:11,14; 10:18. (If you have not done so, humbly confess, for Jesus came to save

you…including Israel; Jn3:16. When Jesus returns,

no mention to the world of sin will be made; Heb9:28. In that day, all will know the Lord and will

either worship Him in faith and truth or be destroyed;

Jer31:34; Dt31:10: Mt24:9; Zec14:16,17.

No mention of sin will be made in the sense that Jesus has already been proclaimed, and the awareness

of sin will be acknowledged within every heart. After

the day of God‘s wrath, understanding who Jesus is and why a person must be forgiven will still need to

be taught; Na1:2. For as long as mankind walks on

earth, people will be born into sin; Ps51:5. A person‘s individual reconciliation will continue to be

required for him to become a child of God; Co1:20;

2Cor5:19,20; Ro8:16. There is one difference in that

day. For a thousand years, Satan will no longer influence people to rebel against God; and they will

truly seek understanding from the LORD; Eph2:2-6;

Zec8:21-23. vs4,5. The priest uses a scarlet thread, cedar

wood, and two live, clean birds. The scarlet thread

and the cedar wood represent Christ Jesus throughout

the Scripture. Also, God made a distinction between clean and unclean birds in the Law of Moses;

Lv20:25. The two clean birds represent the two

appearances of His Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus Messiah… God in the same Person twice. One bird

was slain in an earthenware vessel over running

water. This represents the day Jesus was crucified when His blood and water flowed from His side and

when He was placed in a tomb in the earth;

Jn19:18,34,41. The shedding of blood represents the

forgiveness of sin; Heb9:22. The running water represents the life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit;

Jn4:14. (Demons are in waterless places. People who

are mortally dead in soul and spirit are also there, meaning they exist separated from God without His

Holy Spirit; Mt12:43. Jesus gave His life and hung

on a cross allowing the people to cause His blood to flow; Jn10:18. When a person believes in Jesus, the

water of His Holy Spirit washes away that person‘s

scarlet sin; and his or her spirit/soul is alive and

clean; Is1:18-20.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


v6. Then the live bird was dipped in the blood of

the bird that was slain. This represents that when Jesus returns no mention of sin will be made, for He

already gave His mortal life once for the forgiveness

of sin; Mt26:28. It also explains to the nation of Israel

why God would not remember her sin after the day of wrath when His Holy Spirit is poured out; Jer31:34.

On the day of Jesus‘ return, His Spiritual clothing

will be dipped in the blood of those destroyed; Is63:3,4.

v7. The person who was healed of leprosy still

had to be cleansed. Cleansing represents that Jesus has already led the way for anyone who might draw

near to God, believe, and be saved in Him; Jn12:26;

Heb7:25. The following paragraphs explain the

priest‘s duties for the cleansing process. Israel, as a nation, does not recognize her Savior and remains

unclean (leprous); Zeph3:1,2. Therefore, for over

seven years Israel and the world will go through the wrath of the devil and the wrath of God; Mt23:37-39;

Rev12:12; Ma3:2. Satan desires to annihilate

everyone; Da11:44; Mt24:22. God, for His namesake, will take strong action to preserve the people and His

covenants; Is48:11; Ezk16:60. When those difficult

days appear, many will be healed and cleansed before

God‘s wrath; 2Tim3:1; Rev7:9. Like today, the moment a person acknowledges his or her sin,

humbly repents, and seeks God through Jesus, he or

she is healed; Ro6:16; Mi6:8; Mt4:10; Lk13:3; Jn14:6.

The priest sprinkles the person to be cleansed

seven times with the blood. This represents being

washed in the blood of Jesus. The seven times refers to the last seven years of the transgression. Israel and

the world (to be Spiritually clean) will go through the

sprinkling (pouring) of blood over a period of seven years; Rev13:4-7. The words ―time‖ Da12:7; and

―day‖ Da9:27; are designated as a year. It is after

God‘s wrath that Israel and the world will have been cleansed from transgression and evil and (are) will be

pronounced clean from that day; Ezk36:25. ―Time‖

and ―day‖ are also designated as a literal day. The

period of time for the wrath of God will be for seven literal days during the Feast of Booths with the

seventh day being the great day of the LORD;

Ezk36:22,23; Dt31:10; Zeph1:14. Once the healed person was pronounced clean, the

priest let the live bird go free. When the kingdom of

Peace on earth is established, Christ Jesus Messiah will freely reign; Ho14:4-7. The nations of peoples

and leaders of nations will truly seek Him and His

way in that day; Is32:1. Allowing the bird to be set

free also represents the day of Jesus‘ resurrection; His resurrection means death is overcome, as well as

the world; 1Cor15:55,56; Jn16:33. The bird in flight

represents the fluidness and power of His Holy Spirit, always watching and going to and fro; Mk1:8;

Lk1:35; 3:22; 4:1; 11:13; Jn14:26; Ac2:3,4;

2Chr16:9; Rev5:6. After the day of God‘s wrath, the

desire of each person will be to seek God freely, learn of God, and obey Him through Jesus; Zec8:21-23;

Ac5:32. In that new day, His Holy Spirit will be

poured out to Israel and to the peoples on earth; Pr1:23; Is44:3; Joel 2:28,29; Ac15:8,9; Ro5:5; 14:17;

1Cor6:19; Eph1:13; 1Th4:8.

v8. Upon being sprinkled, the cleansed person was to bathe, shave, and put on washed clothes. Each

of these actions represents removing the old and

putting on the new; 1Cor5:7. This is what a person

does spiritually when he or she earnestly accepts Jesus/Savior. From the time a person accepts Jesus as

Savior, he or she is to continue to mature through

purposeful living according to God; and he or she (now in the family and house of God) is forgiven;

2Cor5:17-19; Jn1:12,13; Lk7:48,50; Jn8:11.

According to the Law, the cleansed person was allowed to enter the camp/city. This means he or she

was no longer cast out, but was permitted to live

freely with the people who were without leprosy. The

cleansed person continued to dwell with them unless leprosy reappeared. This same fact applies spiritually.

Being forgiven is the beginning of life in the presence

of God; Mt26:28; Ac26:18. A person who believes in Jesus, (Be careful…so do demons, the fallen sons of

God is to live a holy and Godly life until God calls

him home; Job1:6. A person‘s life, whether rich or

poor, intelligent or limited, healthy or in sickness, does not matter, but only to live holy according to

God. He or she is to desire to learn and to change his

or her lifestyle to conform to the holiness of God; Heb6:1. In doing so, that person remains within the

family of God; 2Pe1:10,11. God understands our

humanness; Mt26:41. He created each of us. It is our earnestness and the motive of our heart that God sees,

rather than our human perfection (imperfection) of

the task/s we do; 1Sa16:7. He will not reject us, but it

is our free will if we walk with Him or if we walk away from Him; Lv26:11. Because we are believers,

His Holy Spirit and Christ Jesus intercede for us;

Ro8:26,27,34. These truths also apply after the day of God‘s wrath; Ro2:11.

Once inside the camp, the spiritually cleansed

person had to remain outside his or her tent for seven days. Having to stay outside for seven days may

seem strange; but this, too, is prophecy... Before the

great day of the LORD, God‘s children will have been

raised up; Jn5:25. (See Chapter 8 Harvest Ingathering.) Then during the seventh day of the

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Feast of Booths, Jesus and the raised children of God

will return to earth to destroy evil mightily; Lv23:29,30,34-36.

v9. On the seventh day, the cleansed person was

to bathe, completely shave all hair, and wash his

clothes. This represents how Jesus and His army will return on that great day. The land of Israel and much

of the earth will be bathed in water and in blood;

Ps18:15; Is30:25,30; Rev16:20,21; 1Jn5:6; Is22:5; 40:4,5; 34:3,7,8; Rev14:20; Is63:6. The enemies of

God will be shaved, meaning they will be cut off

from life; Is7:20; Ps68:1,2; Joel 3:14; Na1:2; Zeph1:17. At the same time, the entire earth‘s surface

will be changed; Is40:4,5. From that day, natural and

spiritual life will spring forth abundantly; Is42:9;

28:4,5; 43:19; 61:11; 51:3; Jer31:14. vs10,11. On the eighth day, the cleansed person

was to make an offering to the LORD. From the day

Jesus entered Jerusalem to the day of His resurrection spanned eight days; Jn12:1,12; Jn20:1,17. Also, the

Feast of Booths ends on the eighth day with a day of

rest; Lv23:39. The great day of the Lord will be on the seventh day of the Feast of Booths; Zeph1:14.

The next day (the eighth day) is the day of rest,

meaning the transgression against God has ended;

Da9:24. God created the heavens and earth, and on the

seventh day He rested; Gn2:2. The eighth day after

His wrath is a day of rest for the people on earth. Israel will then return to the land; Ex33:14; Dt3:20;

Mt11:28. It will be the beginning of peace for a

thousand years; Rev20:6.

During the thousand years on earth, Jerusalem and the mountain of God will be holy; Is2:2,3. Israel and

the nations of the world will come to worship there

during the Feast of Booths; Zec14:16. After the leprous person was cleansed and returned home

according to the Law, the priest presented the person

before the tent of meeting (the house of the LORD) on the eighth day. This procedure of the priest

presenting the person before the LORD represents the

end of the age. After the second resurrection when

the universe passes away, Jesus will present all His forgiven faithful ones to God; Jn5:29; Rev3:5,12,21.

At their presentation, they will see the face of God;

and He will illumine them; Rev20:11; 21:2,3; 22:3,4.


Written in 2 Kings 4:38-41 is a short historical

account that illustrates prophecy. (This Scripture is

quoted on page 67.) This event supports the

chronological sequence that must take place leading to the return of the LORD. The people, place, and

things within the account represent prophetic details.

Written below is the prophecy and explained next (page 67) is the historical account.

Prophecy. The Spirit of God will primarily come

upon one of the two witnesses. He is the voice in the

wilderness preparing the way for the LORD; Zec4:11,14; Is40:3; Ma3:1-6; Mt17:11; Rev11:3.

However, the Spirit of God is first and fully upon His

Son Jesus Messiah; Jn1:32,33; 5:36. Political nations of the world will enter this end time unaware of what

is sure to take place; Is29:9,10; Lk11:44; Mt24:38,39.

Many will believe that one person should mediate over events, primarily in the Middle East; Rev17:12.

This person becomes the antichrist; Da11:31,32;

Rev17:13. The antichrist is the agent whose

scheming and violence cause world armies to gather ultimately in and around Israel; Ezk38:10-12; Is8:7;

43:8,9; 66:18; Rev13:7; 16:14; 9:16. There will be

many wars compressed into a few years; Da11:40-45; Mt24:6,7. Then the world will experience the great

tribulation; Da12:1; Mt24:21; Rev2:10. If it were to

continue, all flesh on earth would end; Mt24:22. Then Messiah crushes evil, changes the earth‘s

surface, and establishes His peace; Da2:34,35; Joel

2:11,12; Rev6:17; 18:2,20; Is32:17-19. On the great

day of the LORD, a mountain rolls (tumbles) through the sky, smashing into the earth, causing its surface to

roll; Is42:15,16; Heb1:10-12; Rev18:21.

Verses: The passage that supports all of the above prophecy is found in 2 Kings 4:38-41.

Explanation: V38. Elisha returned represents

Jesus, who has God‘s Spirit upon Him; Mt3:16.

Gilgal translated means, rolling. There are two representations: 1. The planned events of the times

prior to, during, and after God saves Israel from her

bondage by ―rolling‖ away her reproach; Is14:24; Ezk22:4; Is45:20-25; Da9:16; Joel 2:17,19. 2. The

rolling of the stone covering our Savior‘s tomb;

Mt28:2. The famine is weather related, as well as spiritual evil/darkness in Israel; Lk23:31; Is5:4-

7,10,20; 60:2; Rev9:20,21; 11:6; Lk11:34,35;

Jn3:19,20. The sons of the prophets are the social and

political nations, including the people who love the LORD, those who are unsaved, and the wicked;

Da11:33,34; Da11:40,44. The large pot primarily

represents Jerusalem but also the earth because all the earth is involved; Ezk11:7. The stew represents the

political boiling mix of the nations. V39. Many

varieties are gathered, including the wild vine, representing the devil and antichrist; Is17:10-12. The

gourds from the wild vine are the nations that align

with the antichrist; Da7:24-27; Rev17:12; Ps83:3-5.

V40. When the stew is poured, it represents wars and the great tribulation; for there is death in the pot.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


V41. The meal represents Jesus, crushed for our

iniquities; Is53:3; Jn12:24-26; Lk2:43-46; Rev3:12. The meal is thrown into the pot so people may eat

and live; Joel 2:19. The meal represents the great day

of the LORD, ending the poison of evil and

transgression, when there is no harm in the world; Da8:14,26; Is25:9; Zec14:21.


The time Goliath taunted Israel for forty days

represents Israel during the last days (specifically, the great tribulation; 1Sa17:4-10,16). David, which

means beloved, was chosen by God to be a prophet

and warrior. Even though David sinned, His life

represents Israel‘s Messiah/Deliverer; 1Sa16:1,12. David shot the stone that sank deep into the head

of Goliath, killing him; 1Sa17:49. One day an uncut

stone from God‘s beloved Son Messiah Jesus will sink deep into the earth and destroy Babylon the

Great to end the transgression; Da2:45; 1Sa17:51-53;

Rev18:21. Afterward Israel will return to the land; Gn17:8. Then Jews (nationally) will put on the

breastplate of Messiah to serve God forever through

their beloved Jesus, Root of David; Is59:17; Is11:10;

Rev5:5. In that day, Israel will rejoice, and the number of Sabbaths (years) for the land to be

desolate will have been completed so Israel can live

in peace and worship Messiah; Dt30:1-9; Is9:2-5. ―Desolate‖ means the years of Israel‘s disobedience

were multiplied seven times; Lv26:27,28,32,34,35.


The day Moses struck the rock twice and along

with Aaron did not give God the glory is an example of a prophetic, real-life parable; Ex17:6;

Nu20:10,11,23; Dt4:21,22. This event represents the

time when the leaders of Israel and Rome (Gentiles) struck the Rock/Jesus; Mt26:67; 27:30; Jn19:1.

For each incident, water flowed (via God‘s

supernatural power) from the rock/Rock…natural

water and the water of the Holy Spirit; Dt32:18; Ro9:33; Jn4:13,14; 16:7; Ac2:1-4. Once more the

invisible glory of God will intervene and become the

visible Rock of offense; Dt32:3-5,40-43. After His day of wrath from the chief Rock/Mountain, both

natural water and the water of the Holy Spirit will

flow for the ―living‖ to drink; Is2:2; Ezk47:1-12; Zec14:8; Is42:1-13; Mi4:1,2; Jn4:13,14. Also, there

will be two rocks/mountains; one will be buried, and

One will be raised up. The one to be buried and never

to be found represents death and destruction; Rev18:21; Is30:12-14; Rev20:10; 1Cor15:26. The

One to be raised up (Jesus) represents life, faith,

hope, and eternal blessing; Is2:2; Lk9:22; Ac2:24; 1Th5:8,9.


While Simon carried the cross, Jesus told the

women that if they crucify Him when the ―tree is

green,‖ greater still will be the wickedness against the people ―when it is dry;‖ Lk23:26,31; Jer25:32.

During the final seven years of the transgression,

there is/will be a parallel spiritual war in heaven between Satan and the heavenly Host; Rev12:7.

Since Satan and his demons do not have enough

strength, they will be cast out of heaven and thrown

down to earth; Rev12:8; Mt12:43; Rev12:9. Demons will enter into masses of people; Rev16:13,14. Satan

will enter into the beast/antichrist. The antichrist will

put an end to the animal sacrifice in the reconstructed Jewish temple in Jerusalem; Da11:31; Am9:11;

Rev11:1. From that time, evil will greatly increase

throughout the world; Rev12:13. There will be much war, and many nations will fall; Mt24:7; Rev13:10.

Social and economic conditions will become

difficult, and everyone will be against his brother.

Love will grow cold; 2Tim3:1; Mt10:21; 24:9-12.


God stood the waters of the Jordan River into a

heap during the flood season; Jos3:14-16. At two

different times and places, the Lord held back the

waters and dried the land so the Israelites could cross; Ex14:21; Jos5:1. During the last seven years of the

transgression, God will literally dry a sea; Job14:11;

Is19:5; 44:27; 50:2; Jer51:36; Na1:4,5; Hag2:6,7. At the same time, there will be a spiritual sea made from

evil that will rage against God‘s righteousness, His

faithful ones, and the entire world. God will also dry this sea of distress; Zec10:11. This means that the

troubled waters of hatred and war will end when the

armies are slaughtered; Is17:12,13; Ezk21:14-17.

Then Israel will ―Pass over‖ from the old way of the Law into the way of Christ Jesus Messiah; Lv26:10-

12; Mt9:17; Mk2:22; Lk5:39; 1Cor5:7,8; 2Cor5:17-

21. God will also gather Israel from the corners of the earth, and they will walk on dry land to the land

promised so long ago; Is11:12; 43:4-7; Hag2:6-9;

Is11:16; 19:23; 35:8. Once again a circumcision will have been

performed before entering the land God gave to

them; Jos5:2-7. Only this time it is the true

circumcision of the heart; Ro2:29; 4:10-13. The time of the circumcision is when a person accepts Jesus as

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Savior. This time has been ongoing since John the

Baptist, but the number of people who will believe Jesus is our Christ greatly increases during the last

seven years; Jn1:6,7,36,37. People will have heard

about the prophecy and will become eyewitnesses of

the transgression; Is34:4,5; Mt24:33,34. Multitudes believe, especially from the day the antichrist stops

the sacrifice and profanes the temple; Da11:31;

Mt9:29-31. This incident will be like the day Hagar saw the water in the dry land; Gn21:19a. Jews and

peoples around the world will fill their hearts with the

pure holy water of God; Jn4:10,14. The hearts of the people of the land melted when

they heard God had dried the waters of the Jordan;

Jos5:1. The expression, the ―heart melted,‖ means a

person is filled with terror; Jos2:9. A second time but worldwide the hearts of people will melt just prior to

the day of the wrath of God; Ps112:10; Is13:7,8;

Ezk21:7. As the world has/will make Israel cower, so the world will cower during those days. There will be

no spirit within the people, and the terror of God will

be upon them; Ps31:13; La3:14-17; Gn12:3; Jer45:4,5; Is2:10,19,21; 17:14; 24:17; 33:18; Ps75:3.

In Psalm 75, verse 3, the pillars represent God‘s

justice and righteousness; Is1:27. God‘s justice and

righteousness determine the exact wage each person has earned before, during, and after His wrath;

Ro6:23. Following His wrath, these pillars will

uphold godly justice and righteousness for the world‘s social and judicial structure; Ps20:5; 41:12;

119:117. Also, there are other pillars: integrity

(Ps7:8), honesty (Gn30:33a), diligence (Pr4:23),

perseverance (Lk8:15), trust (Ps4:5), and love; Ro12:9. As love for God and neighbor is the

foundation for the Law and prophets, God‘s justice

and righteousness compose the foundation for all other pillars; Mt22:40; Is1:27; 9:7; 16:5; 28:6a.

Joshua named the place Gilgal where Israel had

camped near Jericho. Remember from the passage of the Stew (page 67), Gilgal means rolling, for God

told Joshua the reproach of Egypt had been rolled

away from Israel; Jos5:9,10. On the day Jesus

mightily returns, the reproach of the world against Israel will be rolled away forever; and the land will

skip like a calf; Is25:8-10; Ps29:6-9. In fact, the

entire earth‘s surface will have been changed; Is41:15; 66:14-16. Everything will be made new;

Ps90:4,5; Is58:11,12. It will be like the day the angel

rolled the stone from the tomb as a visible sign that death had been conquered; Mk16:3,4; Mt28:2. Life

will spring forth in Israel, both natural and spiritual,

after the day of His return; Is51:3; 61:1-7. People will

make fires from the weapons for seven years, and

they will truly live on the Bread of Life from heaven;

Ezk39:9,10; Jos5:10-12; Jn6:31-35. Joshua translated means, Jehovah is his help.

Jehovah is one name for our God. Since Abraham,

God has been/is Jacob‘s help, even when Israel

would go astray and not worship God; but there are consequences for sin. People who sin are cast out,

and because of the sin of their fathers, descendants

also experience hardship; Ex2:24; Dt31:16,17; 1Ki9:7,9; Ps137:1-6; Da9:4,5,19. During this time of

hardship, God continues to be Jacob‘s help as He

watches and directs, for God remembers His covenant; and He will complete what He started;

2Sa14:14; Lv26:42; Is46:11. In a wonderful way,

‗God is Jacob‘s help‘ when Israel worships, obeys,

and loves Him because He will fight for them and protect them; Ps103:17,18; Jos1:5-8; Ps111:5; 30:2;

46:1; 79:9. However, Israel did not continue to

experience rest on all sides and eventually lost the land; Jos23:1; 2Chr20:30. This is because Israel had

disobeyed the covenant God had established and did

not care for the Law or the land; Jos24:16-21; Jdg2:20; Ho8:1; 1Chr29:11; Gn12:1. In those days,

Israel was like Shebna, the prideful steward; and

because of disobedience the land would remain

dormant, meaning not inhabited by the nation of Israel; Is22:15-19; Da9:2. The length of time the land

would be abandoned depends upon the number of

Sabbaths Israel did not worship God…times seven; Lv26:18,21,24,28,43; Ezk20:11-16; Lk12:42,43.

Before Jesus returns to establish His peace in the

world (He has offered His peace to anyone who by

faith would believe.), the number of Sabbaths times seven must be completed; Ezk45:17; Jn14:27;

Gn26:4; Ps72:17-19; Is61:9; Ma3:12; Ga3:7-14. God

knows the exact number of Sabbaths and the very day; Ex12:41; Joel 2:11,12; Zec14:4.

The LORD appeared with a sword to Joshua to tell

him of the fall of Jericho and the tasks Israel was to perform. Israel‘s men of war were to circle the city

one time for six days; Jos5:13,14; Jos6:2. Along with

them seven priests were to blow seven rams‘ horn

trumpets before the ark; Jos6:7,8. On the seventh day, they were to march around the city seven times;

Jos6:4. For each of the prior six days the priests were

to blow the trumpets, but the men of war were to remain silent; Jos6:10. On the seventh day, at the

appointed moment after the seventh time, Joshua

gave the command for the priests to blow a long blast; and at the same time the men of war shouted;

Jos6:5,16. The very moment they shouted the LORD

caused the walls to fall; Jos6:20. Only Rahab and her

family within her house were spared; Jos6:23.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


When the LORD returns, the entire world will

experience similar but greater things than the people of Jericho. During the first six days of the holy

observance for the Feast of Booths, like Jericho, the

world will watch and experience terror; Jos6:1;

Is2:10. The LORD and His army will encircle the earth, and the heavens will tremble; Rev19:11,14,15;

Ex10:22,23; Is5:30; 60:2; Joel 2:2,31;Is13:13;

Mt24:29. Like the times of Daniel or Saul, the people on earth will only see and hear the natural

phenomena, but they will understand it is God;

Da10:7; Ac22:6-9; Ex15:16; Is19:16,17. Then on the seventh day, a great trumpet blast will sound, and

man-made walls around the world will tumble down;

and the heavenly host will go straight ahead;

Is27:13a; Is24:19; Jos6:20; Is22:5; 25:12; Ezk1:12-14.

After that day, like Rahab, the people who survive

and the generations who follow, will serve the Lord and be blessed; Jos6:25; Mt1:5a; Is30:18; 56:2;

Ps72:17-19. No longer fearing other nations, Israel

will regard gold and silver as nothing and will desire only to serve the King of kings and God of hosts;

Is61:2-5; Jos6:24; Is61:6,7; Rev19:16; Ho12:5;


The Boiling Pot

Ezk24:3-14 The explanation of this prophetic real-life parable has several parts (pages 70-71).

There is a key verse in this parable. Though the

message was written long ago, it continues to apply.

In verse 13, God informs Israel that her filth will cause Him to judge, bringing His wrath upon Israel

and ultimately, the world. Though Israel remains

scattered throughout the world, in the eyes of God, Israel remains one nation under God; Dt30:1-5.

Those Jews who willfully profane God‘s

commandments become filth. This fact of willful disobedience also applies to all peoples and nations

who sin and deny God, for the evidence of God is

within them; Ro1:19; Eph4:17-19; Ro2:14,15. Unless

a person seeks God by living according to God‘s Word (the Bible) through Jesus, a person sins against

God; Jn14:21; 1Jn5:17a. Because Israel has

witnessed the miracles God has performed, God will judge Israel more severely; Ps78:11,12; Mt11:21,23;

Lk9:23. Today and throughout Israel‘s history, many

secular Jews deny God because they live and work according to the prince of the world and seek the

world‘s manna, rather than seek God; Eph2:2;

Is51:7,8; Mt6:19-21,24; Lk16:13; Jn6:31-33.

The end of the filth will come when God puts an end to it; Dt31:29; Mi5:13-15; Ps137:8. In that day,

all Israel will seek God, never to profane His

commandments again; Is59:20,21; Ezk37:13,14; Ho2:20. However, during the end times, mankind

will severely judge Israel; but after those days, God

will take action; Dt32:36; Da9:19; Is33:10,11. Israel

and God are bound by a covenant that cannot be broken; Gn17:7; Is54:10. Simply put, Israel and God

are married; Is54:5; Ho2:16. The life of Hosea is an

example of how God is with Israel; Ho1:2. No man is to come between the wife and the husband; but

Israel, seeking peace, will again enter into a

relationship/covenant with other nations, rather than seeking God, her Husband; Ro7:3a; Da9:27. This last

man-made peace agreement will be devastating;

Is6:11; Na2:2. Those days will be more disastrous

than the time Moses asked Pharaoh if Israel could worship God, and Pharaoh increased the severity of

Israel‘s bondage; Ex5:1,2; Ex5:9. This next time of

Israel‘s bondage the entire world will experience man‘s inhumanity against man; Rev8:13; 9:6.

Because Israel plays the harlot, the armies of the

world will go into her; and she will be torn; Dt28:63; Jer5:4-6; Rev9:16.

Jerusalem is God‘s city and the center of the

world; Ps79:1; Is40:9,10; Ezk5:5. The roads of the

world lead to Jerusalem; and by force nations will enter the city, grossly profaning Mount Zion and the

temple; Lk21:20; Zec12:3; La1:4-10; Da9:27; 11:36;

Rev11:11,12; 13:5; Ob7-14. Then about four years later, God will purge the city from its filth. Jerusalem

will no longer have strangers passing through God‘s

city, for they all will worship the LORD; Joel 3:17;

Is2:3. vs3-6. The parable of the boiling pot is a warning

in which the pot represents Jerusalem, the bloody

city; Is32:9-13; Ezk24:2; Ezk24:6,9. The recipe begins by putting water into the pot; Ezk24:3. The

water represents the fluidness of the unseen spiritual

realm of good and evil. Good (God) was before evil (Satan) appeared; Ps34:7; Job1:7; Lk8:30,33;

Rev16:13,14; Ps35:5,6; Ps90:2; Jn8:44; Ezk28:14-19;

Mt19:17. The water also represents words of truth

and deception; Is24:16,17; Ezk38:10,11; Ro16:17,18. Then other ingredients were added. The

good is represented with the thigh, shoulder, and the

choicest from the flock; Ezk24:4,5. The good pieces stand for the faithful children of Israel, God‘s family;

Ac13:26. All of it is brought to a boil; Is17:13a. Evil

is represented by the rus; Ezk24:6. In this prophecy rust has no good value. If it is allowed to continue, it

will eventually take the useful life from the metal,

making the whole pot worthless; Dt13:13; 2Sa23:6,7.

All the people who do not live according to God our

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Creator are rust and live by the present ruler of the

world; Jn5:44; Is27:11,12; Jn14:30. Throughout Israel‘s history there have been Jews

who have chosen to be rebellious, and people from

other nations have mixed their gods and culture with

Israel. God intended for Israel to proclaim Him to the world so He could lead the way Hebrews should go,

if not willingly, then through affliction (by many

Pharaohs); Ex9:16; Dt1:32; Ps32:8; Is48:17,20; Mt23:37,38. Then God had the pot emptied, which

represents the time when Israel was removed from

Jerusalem because of the iniquity of the fathers; Ezk24:6; Da9:4-7; Ex34:7; Jer14:20,21. The empty

pot represents all the days Israel has been dispersed

throughout the world; Lv26:33,34; Ps106:27; Jn7:35.

Then God placed the uncovered blood on the bare rock, representing all peoples, nations, and tongues

who die in their shame; Ezk24:8; Is42:17; 47:3.

Before the end, countless numbers of people will die in their shame. Then the end of the transgression will

come with a slaughter; Da9:27; Is30:25; 63:3,4;

Jer46:10; Jas5:5,6; Jer31:40. Being uncovered means that nothing is done in secret, and everything will be

exposed to the light where their nakedness is

revealed; Dt27:15; Mk4:22; Is47:3; Rev3:18.

v7. Jesus was physically naked when He was crucified, but His glory covered Him for He had no

sin. The rock represents Jesus presiding over the

Judgment, when the dead (unforgiven) stand in their nakedness (No sin is hidden.) and then go to the

second death; 2Sa22:3; Is53:3,4; Ps22:1; Mt27:46;

Ps89:26,27; Is28:17; Rev20:11,12; Lv20:18;

Ezk13:14; Heb4:13,14; Is17:10,11; Rev20:14,15. vs8-10. Then God instructed Ezekiel to kindle the

fire using a large amount of wood and place the pot

of ingredients within the coals; Ezk24:10. Like the time of Paul, the pile of wood represents a huge

supply of political and religious fuel; Ac19:26-29.

The fire represents the intense heat of a society in conflict being stoked by the Spirit/spirit realm. The

focus of this political and religious attention is

Jerusalem and the peoples within Jerusalem. When

this parable was written, Babylon had laid siege against Jerusalem; Ezk24:2.

vs10-14. The second part of the parable refers to

the latter days when God brings all the ingredients together, and Babylon the Great controls the city;

Rev17:5. Israel will be, as it is today, inhabited as a

Jewish nation; Is10:21,22. God has begun to fulfill the prophecy of gathering Jews/Israel, but they will

be cramped within the available land area;

Is49:19,20; Jer31:3-7. God has also initiated religious

and political nations to gather in the land; Rev17:16-18. The pot and its contents are placed on the roaring

fire to boil, including the spices, until the bones are

burned; Ezk24:10,11. The spices represent the nations from the east; Rev16:12. Because of the

turmoil, God will use a hook to gather nations of

armies into a tight area around Israel; Job41:1,2;

Is37:28,29;Ezk24:9; Zeph3:8; Rev9:14. The area is where Moab, Chaldea, Babylon, Ammon, and the

wilderness east of the Jordan are described in the

First Testament; Is25:10; Zeph2:8,9; Jer51:24,33-36; Is11:14.

From Jerusalem, the evil and wickedness of the

nations will kill, murder, and destroy people such as has never happened before or will again; Is1:21-26;

Mt24:21,22. This death and destruction is Satan‘s

attempt to use fire and words of evil, starting from

Jerusalem and going into all the world; Job41:1,19; Rev13:1,6. Satan‘s fire and words are a mockery of

the Gospel and of the Holy Spirit‘s fire; Ps73:8,9;

Mt20:19; Jn15:21; Lk24:47;Ex3:2; Lv6:13; Mt3:11; Ac2:3. The burning bones in the parable describe the

vision of the latter days when wars intensify and

finally escalate to the time of the great tribulation; Ezk24:10; Ps69:2,3; Pr16:27; Mk13:19; Jn16:33. The

vision of the burning bones occurs during the second

half of the prophetic seven years; Da9:27; Rev11:2.

Again the pot is emptied; Ezk24:11. This means that before the end, there will be very few people in

Jerusalem. The pot continues to be heated in the fire

to the point that the iron of the pot will glow like bronze. In the process, the rust is destroyed;

Ezk24:12; 2Sa23:7; Is30:27,28. The heating of the

pot represents God‘s wrath and His Holy Spirit of

fire; Is33:14; Ps140:9,10; Is9:4,5; Rev4:5. After God‘s wrath, which is the return of Messiah, there

will be no more rust (evil) within Israel; Is10:15-19.

Not until Jerusalem has experienced God‘s wrath will it be cleansed; Ezk24:13,14; Is4:2-6.

After God‘s wrath, all Jews will have their home

in the land God gave to Abraham, the land of God‘s promise; Gn15:18; Is27:12; 43:5-7; 14:3,4; 11:12. In

that day, Jews will travel throughout the world,

teaching the gospel, but their home will be in Israel;

Is66:19; Rev7:3; 14:1,3,5. Though evil will be bound, after a thousand years, evil (Satan) will be allowed to

roam again until the end of the age, when fire will

devour earth and the universe; Rev20:2; Job1:7; Rev20:7; Da7:11,12; Rev20:9-11.

The Lost Son

In the presence of His Jewish followers, sinners,

tax collectors, and Pharisees, Jesus told the parable of

the lost son. (Note: Key verses are quoted from Lk15:11-32. Better understanding may be gained if

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


you first read the parable in your Bible.) The parable

describes what believers who remain in God‘s house are to say and do when people (who were once within

God‘s household) return with a repentant heart. God,

our Father, desires all His wayward sons and

daughters to return to Him; Jn3:16. Who can dispute God‘s plan? (Job11:10,11;

Is14:26,27; 43:13) Jesus was sent to the house of

Jacob first, and then His message went out to the world; Mt15:24; Mt28:19; Ro1:8,16. Jesus explained

God by what He said, including parables, and by the

things He did. He went to the Jews first, but received Gentiles because of their faith; Jn1:17,18;

Lk1:31,32,54,55; Mt4:23; Ro1:17. The message was

given in Israel, but it was heard and believed by

Gentiles; Mt8:5-13. Because of the faith of both Jews and Gentiles, Jesus healed them; Mt15:22-28;


Like the ―Lost Son‖ parable, God loves Israel, as he does all peoples; but with Israel He made a

covenant. Throughout history, Israel has had two

symbolic sons. The older son represents all Jews, starting with Abraham, who have remain/ed faithful

to the Father while the lost son represents all peoples

who desire/d the things of the world; Gn15:6. Since

the time of Adam and Eve, all peoples, except Jesus, have fallen short of the glory of God; Heb4:14,15;

Ro3:23. Even in the simplest of terms, each mortal

person experiences loss through some kind of vanity; and vanity is unrighteousness; Ec1:14; 2Pe2:18;

Ec2:23; 1Jn5:17; 1:9. Faithful people know they are

saved by grace, and they are to maintain a heart

attitude of humility, contrition, and thanks; Is66:2; Ps97:12; 105:1; 118:1; Mt15:36; Eph5:20. Being

humble and contrite is to be as a child…putting one‘s

trust and safety fully into the hands of God; Mt18:4. By his free will, the lost son came to his senses,

did not deny his father, acknowledged his sin, and

committed to live a righteous life, not caring about his future circumstances; Lk15:18; Lk15:19,21.

Thanks be to God that by our free will, we have come

to know the saving grace of God! (Ps119:108;

1Jn2:3,5) We have chosen not to harden our hearts, but have listened to the gentle urgings of the Lord,

choosing life in Jesus Christ, rather than death

through the law of sin; 1Ki19:12,13; Ps95:7,8; Is40:11; Heb5:1,2,7-10; Mt10:26,27; Jn14:26;

Heb3:7,8; Dt30:19,20; Ro6:23; 8:2.

Other people, who are lost, continue to harden their hearts against God (Shiloah represents Christ

while Rezin represents Satan.) and seek their own

glory in futility; Dt30:15-18; Job15:11-16;

Is8:6;Ps78:32,33; Ec2:1; 6:4,6; Ro1:21; Is50:11; Jer16:19. In the last days, many Jews will come to

their senses and truly return to God. They will have

their King through Jesus and will keep a godly servant mindset forever; Ho3:1-5. The ―last days‖

began over two thousand years ago with the Passover

feast in the upper room; Lk22:13-16. They will

continue until the fullness of the Gentiles; Ro11:25,26. The final day of the Gentiles will end

with a feast that the Lord and His army will prepare;

Rev19:21; Is18:6. The father of the lost son represents God, and the

lost son represents Israel; Ps34:8,9; Is53:6. When the

son leaves, he soon squanders everything in loose living; Lk15:13. The estate that was divided

represents the bountiful gifts God has freely given to

Israel; Mt5:45. The older son is faithful, while the

younger son is foolish; Ps37:11; Ps106:7; Dt32:6; Ezk16:47. The length of time the lost son had money

represents the dispersion of Israel up to this present

day; 2Ki17:6,7; Lk12:56; 2Cor3:15,16. After the money runs out, the significance of the loss is

realized through hunger; Ps84:2; 119:130,131; 137:3-

5. So, the son hires himself out to the citizens of the world and is employed feeding the master‘s swine;

Lk15:15,16. The citizens represent all peoples who

have forsaken God; Gn6:5,11; Jer1:16. The

agreement of the son to work for the citizens represents the agreement for peace Israel makes with

the nations; Da9:27. The master represents Satan, and

the swine represent detestable things and abominations; but especially the swine represent the

beast/antichrist against God and the Word of God;

Is66:3,16,17b; Rev13:3.

During the time when the son fed the swine, there was little comfort, representing Jews who (through

the centuries) have made a living according to

worldly gain; Lk15:16. Through hunger the son then comes to his senses, representing the time in the latter

days when the temple is profaned; and the sacrifice is

stopped; Lk15:17; Da9:27; 11:31,36. God will begin to gather the nations, and Jews will be exiled from

Jerusalem; (;Zec14:2; Mt24:15,16. When the

antichrist stands in the holy place, the eyes of Israel

will begin to open to the Truth, representing the lost son coming to his senses; Da11:33; Jn14:6. For the

next three and a half years, wickedness will abound;

2Th2:9,10. When the son returns, the father, who has waited

for his son, sees him from a distance and goes to

receive him! (Lk15:20) God truly sees all that is happening everywhere; 2Chr16:9a; Pr15:3. As a

person accepts Jesus as Savior with a repentant heart,

God quickly receives him; Ps6:9. Through His

crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus has run to us; and He knocks at the door of each person‘s heart, waiting

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


for the person, like a lost son, to desire to be home

with Him; Rev3:20. The older brother became upset, but Jesus is our

example: We are to go (with His righteousness,

justice, and gentleness; Is56:1) to a brother/sister who

has sinned; Mt18:15. Unlike the older son, we are to receive repentant ones joyfully; and if possible, be at

peace with all people; Lk15:28; Mt18:13;

Lk15:31,32; Ro12:18. Today because Jews are proud and either hold

onto the Law or reject God, they represent the lost

son; 2Cor3:14,15; Lv26:15-17. As a result of either lifestyle, the last days will be devastating for Israel

much more than the parable of the lost son, as he

worked for an unprincipled man, feeding the swine;

Mk13:19; 2Pe2:7; Lk15:15. However, a remnant of Jews will survive; God will not destroy Jacob during

the last days; Is6:13; Lv26:11,44; Jer33:25,26;


Prophetic Revealing Continues

Today the Word of prophecy is mostly invisible to

nations, but prophecy will be continually fulfilled to

the end of the age; Is29:9-11; Ro11:25-27; Da12:13;

Mt13:39-43; Lk24:44. An excellent example is in 1947 when the prophetic Word dramatically became

visible. With God‘s leading, Jews reclaimed some of

their homeland and later in 1967, Jerusalem; Is10:21,22a. (pages 60, and 85).

Though Israel is internationally recognized as her

own nation in the land Abraham sojourned, she is

politically, socially, and religiously set apart by God, as are all people who worship Him; Lv20:24,26;

Is23:18. Before the end, a destruction is decreed;

Ezk38:8-12; Is10:22b,23. There is no event described in Scripture marking the exact beginning for the last

seven years of the transgression; Lk21:32-36. Many

of the scattered sons of Israel will have again gathered in Jerusalem; Ezk22:15,19,20; 38:8,12c,d,e.

Also, the Temple on Mount Zion will have been

built, if not before those days, then, at least during the

first year or so of the last seven years of the transgression; Rev11:1,2; 2Ki19:31. The times when

the woman and the girl were healed represent the

events leading to the end of the transgression; Mt9:20-22; Mk5:25-29; Mk5:39-42. Significant

events begin about twelve years before the great day

of the LORD. The years before the last 1335 days Da12:12; (similar to Pharaoh (Ex1:8-14) or Babylon

(2Ki20:17) deciding to control Israel), the world

powers, meaning Babylon the Great, will convene to

set up an alliance with Israel; Is56:9-12; Rev17:5,9; Is57:8,9; Da11:23. These nations will appoint

overseers within Israel and the adjacent lands;

Jer6:14,15; Ezk44:8. During these days God will begin to make His presence known to His people who

have insight; Da11:33; Jer10:2,3; Ne9:27.

Remember, no man will separate the marriage

covenant between God and Israel; Gn12:3; Is54:5,6; Jer31:32; Ma2:16; Ho2:7; 3:1; Mk10:6-9;


The prophetic Word reveals God will visit Tyre after seventy years (360 days per year); Is23:15-17. It

is not known whether this prophecy refers to the

present time, another time, or if Tyre refers to the city of today or symbolically represents Jerusalem as the

harlot sitting on the beast; Rev11:8; 17:5,6,18. Also,

it is not known by what means He will visit because

God is already present; 2Chr16:9a. God may visit through an angel, a prophet, a disciple, or like He did

when He visited Abraham before striking Sodom;

Gn18:16-21. How He visits remains to be revealed, if it will be revealed; Is55:8,9. Knowing this prophecy

does not matter. What does matter is for people to

draw near to Him by faith and live according to His commandments; Jer38:20; Jn15:10,11; 16:1-4,33. As

the body of Christ Jesus, believers are to go to all

nations and make disciples in the name of the Father

Son Holy Spirit; Ro12:5-21; Mt28:19. Since the time of Jesus, the fields are most ripe for a spiritual

harvest (Jn4:35-38) when there is conflict (Php1:27-

30), strife (Ro1:28-32), persecution (Ro8:35,36), oppression (Da7:3-7; Ps10:3-11), and when hope for

the world seems to be afar; Is10:3,4; Eph2:12,13;

1Th4:13,14. The days of trouble will be our greatest

opportunity to be a witness; Ps60:3; 86:7-9; 1Th2:9; 2Tim2:3,9; 4:5; Mt24:9,21. The end of the growing

season (when a person could have been saved and

then be part of the harvest…the first resurrection) will be but a moment of time, Jerusalem time, on the

Day of Atonement; Lv23:27-30. Unlike the time

before Sodom, this moment affects the population worldwide; Gn18:22-33. This moment is when no

additional person on earth desires to believe and

accept Jesus as Savior; Eph4:12; Php1:6; 2:30;

Is24:3-13. In the same way as Esther fully comprehended the

moment, believers who are still alive on earth will

know that God will raise them up shortly after the Day of Atonement; Es4:16; 5:1,2; Is24:14-16a. Until

that day (presently known only to God), the Word is

to be spoken. Then His people will arise (like Jehoiachin; 2Ki25:29) but truly with Jesus; Is60:1,2;

Rev18:3-5; Rev17:14; 3:20. Then His wrath will

come, and the old Israel will be no more; Is24:16b,-

23; Jos1:2,3; Is30:20-22; Ga1:13-16a; Eph4:22-25.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 7

The Law, God‘s Calendar, Time Lines and

Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls

The Expected One

Mt11:3-6 The first and second appearances of

Christ Jesus Messiah are tightly woven together,

impossible to tear.

The Law and Holy Convocations

God will not change, yet He is compassionate to the person who seeks Him; Jer4:28; Ma3:6; Ps25:6-

11. There are seven appointed times and holy

observances God directed Israel to celebrate annually; Lv23:2. In Chapter 23 of Leviticus, God

ordained these seven appointed times. Of the seven

required, the first four appointed times and holy convocations of the Law were permanently fulfilled

by God, sequentially and in real time through His

Son Jesus; Lv23:3-6,10,11,16,17; Ex12:6,11,15,17.

The fulfillment of the Law for the four appointed times began in Bethany.


The name of Bethany means house of dates and

represents good fruit, shade under the tree of life, and

eternal water springing up from the well, Christ Jesus; Mt7:17a; Mk4:32; Rev2:7; 22:2,14; Jn4:14;

Ex15:27. In the city of Bethany there was holy love;

Jn11:1,2,5,25-27. Jesus was resting there on the seventh day of the week (Saturday) at the home of

Simon the leper who had been made clean; Lv23:3;

Mt26:6-8. Being a cleansed (cured) leper represents all people, Jew or Gentile, who by faith are reckoned

as righteous by God. In other words, they are

forgiven through Christ Jesus; Mt11:5; Is43:25.

For the Jew, righteousness has been by faith in the promise, living according to God‘s righteousness,

which they did for the glory of God; Ac2:39;

Ro4:13,16,20-22; Dt6:25; 1Ki2:3,4; Ac26:6,7a,b; Heb11:39,40; Ga3:14. By faith Jews and Gentiles

who believe that Jesus is the Son of God have their

sin forgiven and are clean; Ac13:22,23,32-35; Ro4:23-25; Jn1:12; Ro9:6-8. Lazarus, who was

raised from the dead, was present at the dinner with

Jesus; Jn12:1. Lazarus represents all the born again,

forgiven people of God who are changed; Jn3:3; 1Th4:14-17; Jn11:40-45. At the house of Simon in

Bethany, Jesus was anointed by the woman;

Mt26:7,12. The anointing in the presence of His

―family‖ represents that they recognized and

proclaimed Jesus as the Son of God and King of kings; Mt12:50; 1Sa16:13; 1Tim6:15. There was no

coincidence. Jesus purposed to be in Simon‘s home

on the Sabbath, for He is the LORD of the Sabbath; and He ministered first to leprous Israel; Mk2:28.


The next day was the first day of the week

(Sunday; Jn12:12). This is the day of the triumphal

entry of Jesus. His entry began in Bethphage which is a small village near the Mount of Olives, not far from

Bethany. Jesus sent His disciples for a colt; Gn49:11;

Zec9:9; Jn12:13,14. The owner permitted the colt to be taken from the village.

The name Bethphage is significant because it is

translated (Pictorial Bible Dictionary by Tenney),

house of unripe figs. The nation of Israel is spiritually and specifically the house of unripe figs because she

corporately did not believe Jesus was/is her Son;

Mk11:12-14,20-23; Is7:14; Lk1:26-35; Mt1:6,16; Job21:14; Is49:15,16; Jn14:18; Lk3:23,31; Mi7:8.

This is true to this day. Israel does not seek God

through Jesus, but through the letter of the Law;

Is6:10,11; Rev1:8,17,18; Ro2:27-29; 2Cor3:15,16. The sin of Israel, as well as all the nations of the

world, is national disbelief in God‘s Son and

disobedience to His commands; 2Cor4:4-6; Mt17:17; Mk6:6; Ro3:3-6; Jn20:27.

From a national perspective, until Israel is able to

see the Light, the days ahead are filled with darkness; Mi3:5; Mt11:29; Mi7:1,9; Mi3:6; Mt6:33,34. As a

nation, Israel will have to wait until after the fire

comes down to prostrate her heart to worship Him

when Messiah returns; Lk9:53-56; Ps18:8,9; Mt24:30; 2Chr7:3; Zec13:9. The colt represents the

pure, true, and innocent holy peace of Jesus; Jn14:27;

Mt21:5. When the colt (Peace) was taken out of Bethphage, it means that Israel will not have peace

until Messiah comes; Lk19:29,30; Lk19:41-44.

As a sign of their love, it was fitting for the people to offer the best they had to their King. So they

placed their garments on the colt for Him to sit upon

and covered the road, as a holy pavement ahead of

Him; Mt21:7; Lk19:35; Ex24:10; Mt21:8; Lk19:36; Mk12:44; 1Tim6:14,15. This act of love with their

coats, like the woman and her offering, fulfilled the

requirement of the Law when the priesthood would

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


spread a cloth over the ark of the testimony;

Mk12:43; Ex25:16; Nu4:5-9. For Christ Jesus is the Ark (Ps132:8,9; Rev11:19a,b) of the Testimony

(Jn3:11-13; 5:36), the Bread (Jn6:35) of the Presence

(Mt1:23; Jn6:44-46), and the Light of the lampstand;

Jn8:12. The people who were there on that day believed Jesus is God with us; Is7:14. These people

began the lineage of the new holy priesthood;

1Pe2:4,9. They represent the entire priesthood who live by faith according to the commands of the Father

and the Son; Jn14:21. The Law was changed on that

very day because Jesus is of the order of Melchizedek from the tribe of Judah; Heb7:14-24. The high priest

no longer was required to be from the sons of Aaron,

but officially changed to Jesus, God‘s High Priest.

The change in the law also meant the priesthood was removed from the sons of Aaron and transferred to

any person who lives for Jesus; Heb7:11,12.

First Fruit

According to the Law on the day after the Sabbath, the high priest was to wave the sheaf of

grain (representing the first fruit of the harvest) for

the offering of the First Fruits before the LORD;

Lv23:11,12; Lv23:10. Jesus is the first of the first fruits, but Israel failed to recognize her Savior in the

day of His appearance; 1Cor15:20; Is53:1-6; Jn4:42;

3:19; Mt16:3,16; Ac26:16-18. Those faithful believers selected their Lamb and

First Fruits by waving palm branches for Jesus, the

Unleavened Bread of life, (Unleavened means

―without sin‖ Heb4:15) during His triumphal entry; Ex12:3; Ro15:16; Rev1:6; Jn12:13; Jn6:51; Jn12:12;

Rev7:9. As in the times of Hezekiah and Ezra, they

gave thanks for God‘s blessing, as Jesus proceeded from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem;

2Chr30:21,22; Ezra3:11-13; Lk19:37,38. So, the holy

throng of people cheered Jesus from Bethphage; and as Jesus sat upon the colt, He was proclaimed King

Deliverer Hosanna; Ps35:18; Mk11:1-6; Lk19:38,41;


During the time the crowd welcomed their King, the religious leaders of Israel condemned the

outpouring of love and ordered Jesus to stop the

celebration; Lk19:39. Jesus responded by telling the spiritually blind leaders that the stones would ―…cry

out‖ if the people became silent; Lk19:40. Truly, on

the day of His wrath, the stones will cry out because the people who love the Lord will have been silenced

on earth; Is42:13,16; 27:9; Jn5:25-27. Along with the

stones, the people who remain on earth will cry out;

Is65:14,15; Jer25:30,31.

Later in the same week of the triumphal entry,

Jesus was dishonored before Pilate when He was forced to stand on unholy pavement; Jn19:13. Jesus

was undeservingly stripped naked before His

unrighteous accusers; Mt27:27-31. These things had

to take place to fulfill God‘s prophecy; Is53:10,11. Like the day Jesus was judged, prophecy includes the

day of Judgment for all who do not repent, as well as

those who condemned Him on that day; Rev16:15. They will stand naked in the shame of their sin on the

pavement before the Righteous LORD Jesus; Is47:3,4.

Also included are people who are supposedly good, gentle, law-abiding, decent people. They can be

found within every culture and society. These ―good‖

people just want/ed to live in peace and harmony,

however they simply do/did not accept God Jesus Holy Spirit as Creator. For having that mindset, those

people will/have condemn/ed themselves to eternal

separation from God. Truly, ―good‖ people have scoffed at the thought that there is a God and/or they

themselves are sinners; Rev3:17; 20:11; Ezk40:17.

Holding onto that philosophy will not change the fact that Jesus is Lord, King, Redeemer, Savior, and the

right hand of God; He will preside on the day of

Judgment; Jn10:11; Mt25:31-34.

According to the Law, the waving of the sheaf by the priests gives thanks to God. It was understood

that the grain and fruit must first die in order to

produce more fruit; Lv23:10,11; Jn12:24-26; Lv2:13; Mt5:13a Mt13:23,37-39. On the Friday of the same

week, as Jesus was lifted towards heaven on the cross

(God‘s Holy High Priest), He waved Himself as the

offering of the first fruits; Jn19:17. In the same way, by carrying the cross of Jesus, all who are His people

are first fruits of the resurrection; Lk9:23; Jn14:19-

21; Mt21:31,32; 22:31,32; Ro8:23; 1Cor15:23.

The First Four Holy Observances In Real Time

Jesus has fulfilled the first four of the seven of

God‘s holy observances of the Law and the prophets;

Mt5:17. Amen. (The fifth, sixth, and seventh holy

observances are briefly explained on page 79 and in much more detail in Chapter 8.) On the Thursday of

the same week in which He had triumphantly entered

Jerusalem, Jesus celebrated the Passover dinner; Mk11:9,10. This is the first of the first four appointed

times; Lv23:5. Then on the same evening, He began

the second appointed time called the Feast of the

Unleavened Bread; Lv23:6; Lk22:7. It is during this

evening Jesus God gave us His new covenant, now

called Holy Communion; Jn14:11; Lk22:19,20;


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Abraham and Isaac represent God the Father and

Jesus; Gn22:2. The next day on Friday once for all (Ro6:10), Jesus willingly became our offering

(Lv1:3,4; Ezk45:17; Mt26:39), sacrifice (Lv3:6-8),

and atonement (Dt32:43) by laying down His life.

Through His offering, He became our Passover Lamb (Is53:10-12), Unleavened Bread (1Cor5:7,8), and

Prince…crucified (Jn18:18-24; Lv23:5; Php2:7,8).

Jesus, our Ark, did not ride (2Sa16:3,7,13), but carried His own cross (Jn19:17)… tree (Ga3:13)…

pole (Ex25:14) and was securely nailed to it;

Ex25:16; Co2:14. His cross became our Peg; Is22:23,25; Ezra9:8. It was solidly set in place for

any person who might look upon Him and believe;

Jn3:14,15. Jesus is our unblemished Lamb, for He

had no sin, meaning He is also our Bread of life; Jn6:35; 1Cor5:7. He became surety for His people

and for His return; Gn43:9; Jn14:3. He is a ransom

for each person‘s sin, so each believer could be numbered as a child of God without fear of the

plague of death; Mk10:45; Ex21:30; 30:12;

Rev2:11b. Then Jesus became/is our First Fruits, the third of the first four holy observances; Lv23:10;


Jesus is our King of kings, whose scepter shall not

depart from His kingdom; 1Tim6:15; Rev17:14; Gn49:8,10; Zec9:10; Jn18:36,37. The scepter

represents the Son of God and the direct genetic line

from Judah to Mary; Jn8:58; Lk3:23-33. This messianic line ended when Jesus was conceived by

the Holy Spirit; Mk11:13,14; Lk1:31,35; 4:18,19.

However, the Spirit/spirit lineage continues when a

person accepts Jesus as Savior. The fire of His beatings and crucifixion was the searing pain He

experienced as Jesus bore our sin; Is53:3,8,9;

Lk22:63; Jn19:19,20; Dt29:18; Ps22:6; Job25:6; Is53:4-6; 2Cor5:21. Through His crucifixion, He

sealed the new covenant with His blood and fulfilled

God‘s requirement; Heb9:18-28; 12:24; 13:20; Mt26:28.

His body was taken from the cross and was placed

in a tomb, but then He arose; Mt27:59,60; Jn20:1.

Jesus is alive! This is the fulfillment of the third required observance, the raising up of the First

Fruits: 1Cor15:20; Lv23:11. On the morning after

the Sabbath on the third day (Sunday), Jesus was raised up (resurrected) and appeared before

witnesses; Lk23:33; Jn11:25; 19:19,23,30;

20:9,17,19,22; Jn20:14,19,26; Lk24:13-15,21-23,26,31; Jn20:25; 21:14. To this day anyone by faith

who repents and believes in His name will spiritually

―Passover‖ from death (caused by sin) to a

resurrected life with Jesus; Ro6:5; 1Cor15:23.

Eight days later, on the first day of the week, He

visited His disciples again in the upper room; Jn20:26,27. This time Thomas was there. Thomas

represents Israel when Israel knows/sees her King

beginning from the eighth day of the Feast of Booths,

after the great day of the LORD; Is44:6-8; Lv23:36; Zeph1:14. The word sees is not only figurative, but

literal. Jesus Messiah will appear in His perfect time,

the same as He did with His disciples. (On pages 106 and 108, more information can be found. One key

prophetic verse is Zec12:10.)

The fourth appointed holy day is called Pentecost: Lv23:16 This day occurred according to

the Law on the fiftieth day after the

worship/observance of the First Fruits; Ac2:1.

Pentecost is the day after the Sabbath (Saturday) on the first day of the week (Sunday). On this day of

Pentecost while the disciples were in Jerusalem, God

sent His Holy Spirit; Jn14:23,26; Ac2:2-4; Mt5:17. From that day forward, His Holy Spirit is sent

through Jesus to all who believe in the Son; Jn16:7;

Ro5:5. By faith all are to continue to 1ove (Mt22:37-39), trust (2Cor1:9), and obey the Son; Jn14:15. The

Holy Spirit dwells within every believer who accepts

Jesus as his or her Savior; Ro8:9,11; 1Cor3:16. By

sending His Holy Spirit, God also fulfilled the prophecy that the Good News would go forth from

Jerusalem and be proclaimed to the world; Ps18:1,2;

Is2:3,4; Joel 3:16; Zec1:14-17; Lk1:31-33,46-55,68-80.

There are three groups of people who are saved;

Zec13:7-9. The first group consists of people who

worshiped the only God/Creator of heaven and earth before their eyes were opened to the glory of Christ

Jesus; Dt32:39; Gn4:4; Heb11:39; Mt13:17. The

second group consists of people who were once blind, but now see and live to worship God through

Christ Jesus; Mt13:16; Jn14:21. Just as Jesus was cut

off, the second group will also be cut off in the latter days; Da9:26a; Zec13:8; Mt26:31; 24:9,13. A few

people of the second group will not taste mortal

death, but are changed; Mt16:28; 1Th4:15. The

people of the first two groups are given a greater glory in heaven, for they believed by faith; Rev20:4-

6. The people in the third group will know the LORD,

for the Spirit of God will be poured out upon them; Ho2:18-20; Is44:3; Ezk39:28,29. The third group will

be people who live on earth and worship Jesus after

His return; Mk8:38; 13:26; Is61:9; Gn18:18. During this time, God will especially bless Israel among the

nations; Ma3:12; Is61:7. After the Judgment, all the

people of the first, second, and third groups will see

the face of God; Rev22:4. The event will be like the time of Joseph and Benjamin when they were at the

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


dinner table and then later embraced and cried for

joy; Gn43:34; Gn45:13,14. This is the way it will be for those who are saved; Rev22:5. Amen.

Seven Prophetic Years

As much as possible, we are to try to understand

God‘s perfect timing; Dt32:4a; Is25:1. Israel was

exiled nearly 2700 years ago, and during that time God chose Daniel to reveal a portion of His holy

calendar regarding the latter days of the

transgression. These days are still in our future; Da9:24-27. To gain this holy knowledge, we need to

read and perceive scriptural basics. Above all, we are

to be wary of people or religious organizations who

have a specific ―holy‖ calendar (based on man‘s calendar) of apocalyptic (unveiling) events.

There are some specific basics to know, but only

God knows the day and time of everything; Ec3:1. Sometimes a little knowledge is not a good thing

because it can cause some people to have tunnel

vision; 2Ki20:16-19. These thoughts also apply to this writing; Mt24:4. The things written here do not

draw a conclusion or set a specific date. The closest

thing this work provides is an awareness of God‘s

perfect timing. Throughout this work no specific calendar date has been set according to man‘s

calendar. God has a holy calendar, and Jesus did

command us to be alert to the events and recognize the time is near; Mt24:42. To illustrate this, Jesus

used the parable of the ten virgins; Mt25:1,2. There

will come a time for His people to perceive the day is

drawing near. This can be accomplished if God‘s children are accurately taught what His Holy Word,

the undiluted, unadulterated, and unabridged Bible

reveals; Jn12:37-41; 2Cor4:2,3. Perhaps a person could use easily worded Bibles to gain a

contemporary understanding; but for accuracy, it is

best to depend upon an original word translation Bible.

God‘s people must not make the same kind of

mistake as the temple leaders by putting their self-

interests ahead of recognizing that Jesus is the Son of God; Mt26:63-66. We must do the acceptable thing

in the eyes of God; Ro12:1. As children of God, we

must be educated in the Truth; Is65:16; Jn3:21. That Truth is recorded in God‘s Word, the Bible, including

information about the latter days of the transgression;

Heb4:12; Is49:2; Ro11:25. It has always been vital to train up our children in the way of the LORD; Pr22:6.

The ruler (Satan) of the world is active; Jn14:30. We,

as well as our children, must first be taught to fear

God and remember what He has given to us; Pr1:7; Eph6:17. We are to stand ready, always watching for

the signs God has revealed to us in advance, while we

continue to do the work of Christ through Godly living; Eph6:18,19; Ro12:2; Ne4:17; Mt5:48; Php1:6;

3:12,15. We are to be mindful of the world, but not

be of the world while God protects our souls;

Jn15:19; 17:14-17; Ps121:7,8.

God’s Calendar Explained 30-Day Month

In the time of Noah the rain began, and the flood

gates opened in the second month; Gn7:11. Then the rain stopped, and the flood gates were closed in the

seventh month (Gn8:4). Scripture specifically states,

―one hundred and fifty days;‖ Gn8:3. From the second month to the seventh month were five

months. There are thirty days in a month when the

number of days (150) is divided by the number of months (5).

360-Day 12-Month Year

God‘s year is 12 months long and has 360 days.

There are no references in the Bible specifically

stating there are twelve months in God‘s year. However, the time of Esther‘s beautification of six

months and six months is the only reference that

states a total of twelve months; but this does not tie the time with God‘s year; Es2:12. Unlike learning

about the thirty days per month, it takes a little more

ciphering in the scripture to determine the number of

days in God‘s twelve-month year for our Earth. The prophetic week, given in the book of Daniel,

is seven years long. Each day of the prophetic week

is one year. In the second half of the prophetic week abominations are decreed; Da9:27. Jesus gave us a

warning about the abomination of desolation. People

in Judea are to flee to the mountains when they see

the person who will set up the abomination; Mt24:15. The length of the biblical year is determined by

multiplying 30 days times 12 months and that equals

360 days. In order to determine the length of the prophetic week the 360 days are multiplied by 7

years. The total would be 2520 days. Also some

prophetic Scripture mentions half of the prophetic week in months of time. Multiplying 7 years by 12

annual months would equal 84 months. Further

reference is available in Evidence That Demands a

Verdict, Josh McDowell, 1979, pages 170-175. The beast, who is called the antichrist, will cut off

the temple sacrifice in the middle of the prophetic

week (Rev11:2; Da9:27) or forty-two months (one-half of 84, Rev13:1,5). The antichrist beast will

attempt to rule the world during the second half of

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


the seventh prophetic week for 1260 days (one-half

of the 2520). The antichrist beast will be aligned with another beast called the false prophet; Rev16:13;

13:11,12; 19:20. When the length of time for the

beast, which is half of the 7 prophetic years or 1260

days, is subtracted from the total of the 2520 days (84 months), the remaining number of days for the first

half of the prophetic week also is 1260 days.

God‘s two witnesses (His lampstands) have their ministry for twelve hundred sixty days during the

prophetic week; but no specific start date for them is

given; Rev11:3. Like Moses and Aaron with Pharaoh, or Jesus with the temple leaders, the two witnesses

will be steadfast in their determination to do the work

of God. At the end of their ministry/service the

antichrist and false prophet will be allowed to put

them put to death in Jerusalem; Rev11:7,8. Another example of the length of time is the

prophecy about Israel, represented by the woman in

the book of Revelation. The woman/Jews/Israel will

be protected for 1260 days, perhaps like the days many Jews were hidden during World War Two;


Prophetic 7-Year Timeline

The end of the transgression is 7 years…plus 75 days… plus 7 more days of God‘s terror (ending with

God‘s wrath), and then there is 1 day of rest.

7 Prophetic years + 75 days + 8 days:

There is a total of seventy prophetic weeks

Da9:24a; before the end of the transgression to make

atonement for iniquity, to bring everlasting righteousness to the holy city, and to anoint the most

holy place. Sixty-nine weeks of that prophecy have

been fulfilled with the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus (Da9:25,26), as explained in the

book authored by Josh McDowell, Evidence That

Demands a Verdict, 1979, pages 172, 173;

paragraphs 4D and 5D. So, there is one more

prophetic week to fulfill of the prophetic seventy

weeks; Da9:24. The time of the Gentiles is fulfilled at the end of

that prophetic week; Lk21:24. For a thousand years

after the return of Christ Jesus Messiah, people on earth will worship Him in Spirit/spirit; Jn4:23,24.

The full prophetic week begins with an agreement of

peace; Da9:27a. Sometime either before or after the peace accord, the Jewish Temple on Mount Zion will

be constructed. Due to the nearness of the land of the

Gentiles and the available space to build, the outer

Temple court will not be built; but a wall is raised

t l 7yrs d5 pub 8


The Abomination of Desolation is set up during 1290 days. Da12:11; 11:31d;

To do this, 30 more days are required after the last 1260 days of the seven years.

Tribulation and Great Tribulation. Mt24:21; 40 days

The Great Tribulation is Satan‘s wrath. Da12:1; Rv12:12;

During the last 10 of 40 days Rv2:10; are the holy days of

Trumpets, Lv23:24,25; and the Day of Atonement. Lv23:27,32;

Five days between the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Booths.

God‘s glory displayed; Terror for nations; Mt24:29,30; Sun/moon are darkened;

God‘s people raised; Lv23:37,38; Hos2:6; Mt24:31; Rv18:4; Blessed reach 1335 days; Da12:12;

Feast of Booths Lv23:39,42; God‘s Wrath 7 days; Nu29:12-35;

Great day of the Lord on the 7th Day; Rv19:11-21; Rv18:1,2,8;

One day of rest on the 8th day; Lv23:39;

The beginning of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus and the thousand years of peace on earth. Rv20:2,6;






1 2 3 4 5 6

2520 days


Firm Covenant

Begins False Peace Da9:27a;

301 days

Beginning of Radical Political

Change against Israel Da8:9;


2300 days Da8:14; End of God‘s Wrath;

End of Transgression Da8:26;

75 + 8




* Note: The 2 witnesses could be revealed at a slightly different time than the stopping of the temple sacrifice. Their murder would then be 1260 days later.

7 yrs.

1260 days

Temple sacrifice stopped


1260 days Da9:27b;

* 2 Witnesses 1260 days;

murdered in Jerusalem, nations

rejoice, raised up after 3 1/2 days.


Begin ? End ?

Persecution of Jews. Then: Born Again Believers of Jesus


10 days

5 days

8 days


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


between the holy and the profane; Rev11:1,2;

Ezk43:8. The agreement is a false peace that will last less

than a year in length (as explained on page 80) when

Israel will be run through by a military machine from

the northern border; Zec2:6,7; Jer4:6. As the prophetic week approaches the halfway point, an

appointed official (antichrist/beast) will put an end to

the grain and sacrifice offering at the temple; Da9:27b; 11:31. At that time, the one called the

―false prophet‖ will become vividly evident;

Rev13:12; Rev16:13. He will tell all peoples on earth to make an image of the antichrist/beast; Rev13:14.

He, himself, will be another beast; Rev13:11. Both

will go to destruction; Rev17:8; Rev19:20. The end

of the last prophetic week of the seventy weeks after the temple is profaned will be forty-two months;

Rev11:2. During this time, not only for Israel but for

most of the world, social and economic conditions will erode; Rev13:17; 6:6. Within those three and a

half years there will be many wars, especially in the

region of the Middle East and northern Africa coastline nations; Rev6:4,8. Also, little to no rain will

fall for about three years in Israel and in the

surrounding nations; Is19:5; 42:14,15. A sea and the

Euphrates River will dry; Is44:27; 50:2,3; Hab2:6,7; Rev16:12. The drought will be spiritual as well;

Ps68:6; Is5:13; 28:8-10; Mt5:6. In the last year of the

prophetic week, terrible plagues will be experienced; Rev16:9. Nations from the Far East will march to the

Middle East. Troops, numbering over two hundred

million will amass in the area around Israel; Rev9:16.

The abomination of desolation will be set up (meaning everything is ready) when the nations of

armies have been gathered in a tight geographical

area, and social and economic conditions will be a disaster worldwide; Da11:31; Mt24:15; Is45:20;

Zec14:2; Rev6:5. The time needed to complete the

setup for the abomination of desolation will be after the prophetic seventh year. When the Temple

sacrifice is abolished, there will be forty-two more

months (1260 days) of the prophetic week still to be

completed; Da9:27. According to Scripture, the setup of the abomination of desolation will be complete 30

days after the end of the seventh prophetic year;

Da12:11. Subtracting 1260 from 1290 equals a 30-day difference.

The abomination of desolation is a 40-day event

after the extra 30 days (see above). Combined, they total 70 days. No Scripture verse specifically states

40 days, but God has informed us of this fact through

several historic events within the Bible; Gn7:4,12,17;

50:3; Ex24:18; Nu13:25; Dt9:11; 1Sa17:16; 1Ki19:8; Jon3:4; Mt4:2,3; Mk1:13; Ac1:3. From the day the

sacrifice and grain offering will be stopped to the day

that there will be a blessing is 1335 days; Da12:12. This means there will be an additional 75 days

beyond the 1260 days needed to complete the seventh

prophetic week. Subtracting 1260 days from 1335

days leaves 75 days; and subtracting 1290 days from 1335 days leaves 45 days. After the 40 days of the

abomination of desolation, there will be 5 more days

that remain before the blessing is attained. The abomination of desolation is the great

tribulation, lasting 40 days; Da12:1; Mt24:21. If the

great tribulation were to continue, no person would live; but God will shake the heavens and cause man

to stop his insanity; Mt24:22,29. In real time,

beginning on the 30th day of the 40 days, the last

three of the seven required convocations and appointed times of the Law will be fulfilled. The last

three required times of the Law are the Blowing of

Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of


In real time the first four of the seven required

appointed times were fulfilled through Jesus, and the last three also will be fulfilled in real time through

Jesus. Jesus informed us of this fact; Mt5:17. The

fifth observance is the Blowing of Trumpets on the

30th day of the abomination of desolation; Lv23:2,24.

It is a holy day and the first day of the seventh holy

month. God caused a trumpet to be blown at Mt.

Sinai, and He may do this again at that time; Ex19:16,19. Because it is written in Scripture, there

will be a great trumpet blast for all the peoples to

hear; Is27:13; Mt24:31. Then the sixth observance is

the holy Day of Atonement on the tenth of the seventh holy month, which is also the last day of the

abomination of desolation (the 40th day); Lv23:27.

The Day of Atonement is the day of decision; Joel 3:14. Either accept Jesus as Savior by that day, or die

in everlasting disgrace; Jer20:11; Mt8:12.

The total number of days remaining before our Prince of Peace will rule the world is 13; Is9:6;

16:1,5. After the 40 days, there will be 5 days

remaining of the 75 days. Then there will be 8 days

more to fulfill the seventh and last required convocation of the Law, the Feast of Booths. The

remaining 13 days include the raising up of God‘s

faithful people (Jn5:25), the wrath of God (bringing an end to man‘s transgression), and one day of rest,

commencing God Messiah‘s holy peace; Da9:24.

God has promised His people will not experience His wrath; Ro5:9. The Feast of Booths (according to the

Law) is to commence on the fifteenth day of the

seventh holy month after the crops have been

harvested; Lv23:39. The crops represent the wheat (people in Christ) that will be brought into the barn,

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


while the chaff (unsaved people) will be burned up;

Mt3:12; 13:30. God has stated there will be a distress first, then everyone who is in the book of life will be

rescued after the time of distress; Da12:1. Then there

will be a blessing on the 1335th day, five days after

the Day of Atonement; Da12:12. The harvest will be before the commencement of the Feast of Booths

after the Day of Atonement. The raising up of God‘s

children most likely will be on or before the 1335th

day and will complete the 75 days; Ho6:2; Mt24:31.

There will be 8 days remaining.

The Final 8 Days

The 7th day of the Feast of Booths is the final day

of the terror of God; Lv23:39; Jer49:5; Is2:10. This day Jesus Messiah will mightily return; Ro11:26. He

will put an end to the transgression against God, and

He will properly restore the holy place (the mountain of the LORD in Jerusalem); Da8:14. The day Jesus

overturned the money changer booths was a prelude

to this day. The 8th day of the Feast of Booths will be

a day of rest. The ruler of the world (the devil), the

wicked, and the lost (who have no part in Christ

Jesus) will be cut off from humanity at that time;

Jn12:31; 14:30; Rev20:2. After this day the hearts of the people will be circumcised, and they will never

again learn war; Gn17:3,4,12; Ro2:29; Gn2:2-

4,7,8,15; Is42:9-12; Ezk36:35; 37:14; 39:26-29; Is2:4; 44:3; 14:7.

False Peace

To calculate the approximate length of the false

peace (omitted from page 79) we need to know that:

The holy place will be properly restored on the 2300th

day which is the same day as the seventh day of the

Feast of Booths; Da8:13,14. The seven prophetic

years amount to 2520 days; Da9:27. Half of the seven years equals 1260 days. The day the temple sacrifice

is stopped is halfway through the 7 years and is the

key day to calculate the remaining days. As stated,

there will be a blessing on the 1335th day, which is 75

days beyond the end of the 7th prophetic year;

Da12:12. The Feast of Booths is 8 days long and

begins immediately after the 1335th day; Lv23:39.

The Math: 2520 + 75 + 7 days = 2601 days.

Subtracting 2300 days from the 2601 days = 301 days

for the approximate length of the false peace.

The Third And Fourth Generations

God has revealed He will visit the iniquity of the fathers in the third and fourth generations; Ex20:5.

There are four generations of mankind. Three

generations are of the flesh, and the fourth is of the Spirit. The generation of the Spirit includes the

people within all three generations who have or will

have worshiped God by faith; Jer10:10; Jn17:3;

1Th1:9; 1Jn5:20. God has made covenants with each generation of the flesh.

Adam is the father of sinful mankind, the first

generation; Gn3:6; 4:1; Ro3:23. He was created before Eve; Gn2:7; Gn2:22. Then Cain was born, a

manchild with whom God spoke; Gn4:1; Gn4:6,7.

Abel was born next; and by faith he was righteous in Spirit, but hated and murdered by his brother, Cain;

Gn4:4; Heb11:4; Gn4:8,9.

Noah was faithful to God, but is also the father of

the second generation of sinful mankind; Gn9:1; Heb11:7; Gn6:8. Gentiles remain in the second

generation (Gn10:1,32) unless they have received the

saving grace of God through Jesus (the fourth), and then they are of the third generation (grafted).

Abram/Abraham is the father of the third

generation (through Isaac) of sinful mankind. By his faith God reckoned him as righteous (Gn15:6;

Heb11:8); and the Reconciliation was offered

through his seed, so the world might be reconciled to

God; Gn12:2,3; Dt7:6; Heb11:8,9; Ro5:11; 2Cor5:18,19. God chose the people of Abraham

because of his faith; Dt7:6; Dt7:8,9.

God has always shown favor to any person who worships Him by faith. There is a long biblical list of

faithful people who were not descendants of

Abraham, but God chose to make a covenant with

Abraham; Gn4:4; Gn17:7. Most certainly it will be fulfilled.

Jesus is the fourth generation of mankind. He was

without sin, yet He took our sin on our behalf; Heb4:15; 2Cor5:21. He is the Bridge between the

flesh of mankind and the Spirit of God; Heb2:17.

Salvation has come to anyone who believes in Him as the Son of God; 1Pe1:8,9. Through the holy birth of

Jesus, God visited mankind within the third

generation; Is7:14; Lk2:7,11; Mt24:34. Jesus, ―the

Man‖ (Jn19:5) was conceived by God‘s Holy Spirit, (Lk1:35), and Jesus, God‘s Son, is of the Spirit;

Lk3:22; Jn3:13. Jesus is the Spirit Father of the

fourth generation because He and the Father are One; Rev1:17; 22:12,13; Is22:21,22; Rev21:6,7; Jn10:30.

All peoples who by faith have either waited for the

promises (Heb11:13) or have accepted Jesus as Savior are heirs of the fourth generation of the Spirit;

and they will be saved from eternal destruction;

Jn14:6; Jn14:15; Ga3:29; Eph3:5,6; Jn4:23,24;

14:16,17; 2Th1:9,10. Their sin is forgiven, and they live according to His commandments.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Jesus, the fourth generation, is the One who will

return to mankind to purge the transgression of mankind and lead the nations in His Holy peace;

Ezk20:36-42; Lv26:12; Mk13:26;Is65:16,19-24;

Jn14:27. Like any person who believes, the fourth

generation of people on earth at that time will worship the LORD in Spirit; Jn4:23. After Jesus

returns in glory and wrath, God will pour out His

Spirit onto all mankind, for they will know the LORD and desire to learn and live according to His

commandments; Lk21:27; Jer31:34; Jer31:33.

The seventy prophetic weeks the LORD decreed are equal to 490 years, as each day represents a year

of time; Da9:24; Ezk4:6. The prophecy specifically

states 7 weeks, 62 weeks (Da9:25), and 1 week

(Da9:27) are to be completed to end the transgression. There were/are segments of time

(years) not counted between the prophetic weeks.

Sixty-nine weeks were completed the day Jesus was crucified, as per Evidence That Demands a Verdict,

Josh McDowell, 1979, pages 172, 173; paragraphs

4D and 5D. Even after two thousand years, the final 7-day prophetic week is yet to be fulfilled. We are

informed there will be wars and days of distress, even

to the end; Da9:26; Mt24:6,7.

God revealed to Abraham that his descendants would be enslaved and oppressed four hundred years,

then the fourth generation would return; Gn15:13;

Gn15:16. Isaac, the second generation in the natural line of

Abraham, was commanded not to go to Egypt and

sojourned within the land; Gn26:1-3. Jacob was the

third generation in the natural line of Abraham. He left the land of Canaan to take a wife from the

daughters of Laban; Gn28:2,3. He worked for his

father-in-law for twenty years, having his wages changed ten times before he returned; Gn31:41,42;

Gn31:13. Then Joseph was of the fourth generation in

the natural line of Abraham. Joseph was a shepherd, and the Lord was with him; Gn39:2. His brothers

hated him, and they sold him into slavery; Gn37:4;

Gn37:28. He was taken from the land his father

sojourned to the land of Egypt, where he eventually became second to Pharaoh in command; Gn37:36;

Gn41:40. Joseph was a type of savior for Israel;

Gn50:19,20. Before Joseph died, he commanded the people to take his bones with them when Israel left

Egypt; Gn50:24,25.

Some of the similarities of the life of Joseph and Jesus are as follows: Joseph was loved by his father;

Gn37:4. Jesus is loved by His Father; Jn15:9. Joseph

was a prophet; Gn37:7,9; Gn40:39,40. Jesus is a

prophet; Jn5:19,20; Mt13:57. Joseph was hated by his

brothers; Gn37:5. Jesus was hated by his brothers,

both in his family and by other Jews; Jn7:5; Jn7:7. Joseph was sold; Gn37:28. Jesus was sold;

Mt26:15. Joseph was put into a pit and raised up;

Gn37:28. Jesus was put into a tomb and raised up;

Jn19:40,41; Jn2:22; Jn20:19. Joseph was arrested; Gn39:20. Jesus was arrested, beaten by soldiers, and

sentenced to be crucified; Mt26:55,56,67; Mt27:27;

Mk15:15. Joseph was raised up and became second only to Pharaoh; Gn41:41. Jesus was raised up from

the tomb and sits at the right hand of God; Mt28:1,6;

Mt22:44; Mk16:19. Joseph saved his people; Gn50:20. Jesus came to save the world; Jn3:16.

Joseph, the fourth generation of Abraham, returned to

the land given to him; Gn50:25; 15:16 Ex13:19.

Jesus, being the fourth generation of the Spirit, will return to His homeland; Mt24:30.

Moses records that Israel went out from the land

of Egypt four hundred thirty years to the very day; Ex12:41. We know the Israelites were in the

wilderness forty years when Joseph‘s bones (the

fourth generation) were carried on dry land from the east across the Jordan River; Jos5:6; Jos4:18. The 20,

430, and 40 years from the time Jacob/Israel fled the

land God had promised total 490 years, the same

number as the prophecy of seventy weeks; Da9:24. After Jesus returns in power and glory, God will

gather Israel; Is11:12. Israel, at that time, will be of

the Fourth Generation of the Spirit of Christ Jesus Messiah, as all nations will be; Zec14:9,16; Is25:7.

(Additional information on the fourth generation is

covered in Chapter 10.)


God Jesus, through the apostle John, has given us a glimpse of several prophetic events/plagues that

will appear between the time of the false peace

agreement and the eighth day of the Feast of Booths; Rev1:1. Recorded in the Bible is information about a

book having seven seals. Jesus is the only One able to

take the book from the hand of God and break its

seals; Rev5:1,9. Each seal describes a worsening progression of the conditions on earth. At

approximately the same time frame for the breaking

of each seal, angels will sound trumpets as an alarm for war. Except for the seventh trumpet, each blast

will announce various plagues initiated by man,

through the power given by Satan; Rev8:2; Rev13:2. Many events/plagues will happen during similar time

periods. Their impact may not be experienced by the

same people or within the same geographical area.

Then there will be seven more plagues through the pouring of bowls; Rev15:1. Like the plagues initiated

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


by Moses and Aaron, six of the bowls may be

revealed through the two witnesses: Rev11:6. Then the seventh seal will be broken, and shortly thereafter

the seventh trumpet will sound on earth, announcing

the reign of the kingdom of Jesus; Rev8:1; Rev11:15.

Then the seventh bowl will be poured upon heaven and earth, making the previous six seals, trumpets,

and bowls seem insignificant in comparison;

Rev16:17; Rev16:19. On this day, Jesus will return with the wrath of God; Rev19:15.

Two timelines are given. The first timeline is an

overall view of the entire seven prophetic years. The second timeline on page 83 details the final prophetic

year and the days immediately following. There is a

total of 21 prophecies: 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and 7 Bowls. Each seal, trumpet, or bowl has an assigned

number from 1 to 21. These numbers are arranged to

approximate when the event will take place during

the prophetic timeline. Numbers 1 through 9 are in the first timeline. Numbers 10 through 21 are in the

second timeline. The 17th number has four parts

(a,b,c,d). Finally, the 7th seal (#19), 7

th trumpet (#20),

and 7th bowl (#21) occur in rapid succession on the

great day of the LORD; Zeph1:14. This is when the

earth will be laid low in one day; Is32:19; 27:1; Zec3:9; Rev18:8; Da9:27.

First timeline: Seals and Trumpets

Seals and Trumpets That Occur Before The 7th Year

#s 1 through 9

#1. 1st Seal. (Rev6:1,2) White horse: The person

called the antichrist by God‘s faithful ones will be

appointed to lead the peace initiative with military

support; Rev17:8,11. He will be the beast throughout

the seven years, but in the end he will go to destruction; Da11:38,39.

#2. 2nd

Seal. (Rev6:3,4) Red horse: The beast

called the false prophet will control great military strength; Rev13:12. He will progressively take peace

from the world; Rev13:13. Near the end of the

transgression, he will go forth with great wrath and annihilate many; Da11:44. He will continue until his

destruction; Da11:45; Rev19:20.

#3. 3rd

Seal. Black horse: Except for the initial

time of false peace, famine and the economy will become grave during the next six years; Rev6:5.

After the temple is desecrated, the economy of the

industrial nations will collapse. The cost of a single loaf of bread will become great; Rev6:6.

#4. 4th Seal. Ashen horse: After the temple

sacrifice is stopped, wars will become progressively more severe; Rev6:7,8. Similar to the day of

Jeremiah, God has purposed their hearts to carry out

their wickedness; La1:17; Rev17:17. (This is a key

point!) A fourth of the earth will become involved. Jews will be severely persecuted. When the two

witnesses become known, then followers of Jesus

will be severely persecuted; Rev11:3; Rev12:17; 13:10.

#5. 1st Trumpet: The inhumanity of war will

greatly escalate; hail (man-made devices), fire, blood,

(death) and a third of the earth will be burned;

Rev8:7. Several nations will fall; Da11:40-43.

#6. 2nd

Trumpet: A man-made device will look like a mountain as it is thrown into a sea. A third of

the creatures will die, and a third of the ships will be

destroyed; Rev8:8,9. #7. 3

rd Trumpet: There will be a man-made

device, called wormwood. It will look like a falling

star, and it will cause rivers and springs to become poison; Rev8:10,11. Wormwood is the description

given for something that appears to be solid, like a

piece of wood, but is rotten to its core and has no life;

Dt29:18; Jer9:15. Wormwood represents Satan, demons, and the wicked who denounce their Creator

God; Rev16:13,14.

#8. 4th Trumpet: One-third of the sun, moon, and

earth will be smitten, caused by man‘s destructive

action; Rev8:12. This means war at that time is not

global, but will affect a third of the earth. When God prepares for the day of His wrath, the entire earth will

be darkened; Mt24:29; Ec12:1-3.

#9. 5th Trumpet: There will be five months of war,

but this is not the great tribulation; Rev9:1,2. Like locusts, there will be massive armies using devices

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

See Timeline Below


False Peace Enforced

# 1

#s 2 and 3

#s 4 and 5

#‘s 6, 7, 8, 9

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


that do not hurt the foliage. These devices cause

agony but not death to societies who worship god/s;


Second Timeline

Final Seals, Trumpets, and Bowls

Seals, Trumpets, Bowls During and After The Last Prophetic Year

#s 10 through 21

Summary: These prophecies mostly occur in a

certain geographic area on earth between the 6th and

the 7th year. For 42 months, God, through His two

witnesses, will initiate plagues against His enemies;

Rev11:3; Rev11:6. These plagues apparently will

take place in smaller geographical areas, rather than

encompassing the entire world. Bowls 1 through 6 will prepare the way for the end; Rev15:5-8. The 7


bowl will be poured out upon the entire world on the

great day of the LORD. After the last day, the former sins will be forgotten by the LORD; Rev16:17,18;


#10. 1st Bowl: The plague will be similar to the

day in Egypt, but this next time will be more severe; Ex9:9,10. God will cause malignant sores to form on

those who worship the beast; Rev16:1,2. Since the

temple desecration, Jews and born again believers in Christ Jesus Messiah will have been greatly

persecuted; Rev2:7,10.

#11. 2nd

Bowl: Once again, like the days in Egypt, God will cause a sea to turn red like blood;

Ex7:17,18. Everything in it dies; Rev16:3.

#12. 3rd Bowl: In the same way as Aaron stretched

out the staff in Egypt, the rivers and springs will turn red like blood; Ex7:19; Rev16:4. The blood of saints

will also be poured out by the wicked; Rev16:5,6.

#13. 4th Bowl: Like the seven years of famine in

Egypt during the days of Joseph, the people who

reject God will be scorched with fierce heat from the

sun; Gn41:27,28; Rev16:8,9. The prophecy written by Moses will be fulfilled in that day; Dt29:22-27.

#14. 5th Bowl: The kingdom of the beast will be

darkened, and his people will experience great pain;

Rev16:10,11. The darkness may be similar to the days when no one moved in the land of Egypt except

the people in Goshen; Gn45:9,10. The darkness was

like death, but the Israelites had light within their dwellings; Ex10:21-23. This light was supernatural

(not from oil lamps), otherwise there would have

been no purpose for Moses to have mentioned this fact in the Scripture. The darkness that engulfs the

beast and his kingdom will be of the spirit, meaning

without the light of God. It will be evil, and it will be a glimpse of eternal hell; Mt5:22. The reality of the

pain felt on earth by those who hate God will be

incomparable to the pain they will feel in the lake of

fire; Mt5:22; 8:12. Truly, people who go to the second death will feel the darkness; Ex10:21d;

Rev20:14,15. When the 5th bowl is poured, the beast

will blaspheme God. Shortly afterward he will commit himself to mankind‘s destruction; Da11:44.

Ending the human race (Satan‘s wrath), would

prevent God from remaining true to His covenant to

establish peace on earth; Rev12;12; Zec6:12,13; 8:11,12; Ma3:1,2. During the time of Moses, God

sent frogs throughout the land; Ex8:5,13,14. Demons,

represented by frogs, will go out to the nations at this time. Like the frogs in Egypt, armies will be gathered

together around Israel, and after God‘s wrath, their

bodies will be foul; Rev16:13,14. #15. 6

th Bowl: A short time following the 5


bowl, the Euphrates River will have dried, conditions

in the Middle East will become grave, and the

populous nations from the East will send multitudes of troops because it will seem right for the leaders to

send them; Rev16:12; Pr14:12. Remember, demons

will have gone out to the leaders of nations; Rev16:14. Then the angels (demons) who have been

bound will be released to arrange for and cause a

third of mankind to be killed; Rev9:14; Rev9:15. Literally, God will draw the armies, so they march to

the Middle East. The assembly of these armies, in

addtion to the nations of armies already there, will

take about six months of time; Rev9:16; 16:16. Nations will experience spiritual darkness and have

17 c, d

7 yr. 6 yr.

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 17 a

18, 19, 20




God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


no hope, but people who remain faithful will be

sustained through the Light of Jesus; Jn8:12; 12:35,36,46,48. He will give them strength in times

of great weakness; Rev2:25; 3:5,12,21; 2Cor12:9. For

the present, the ―light of Jesus‖ represents the Holy

Spirit, giving insight to the times and the knowledge of eternal salvation to those who earnestly seek Jesus

by faith; Da11:33; 2Pe3:18. One day His light will

illumine all His people; Rev22:5. #16. 5

th Seal: (Rev6:9) The Lamb Jesus will break

the seal. When Jesus was crucified, He became the

offering, slain for our sin once for all; Lv6:25; Rev13:8; Ro6:10; Heb9:11,12; 10:10. The people

who are reckoned as righteous by God (because of

their faith) will also be ―slain.‖ The word of God is

what truly slays a person. Then God draws that person to life; Ho6:5,6.

The word ―slain‖ means God provides the Spirit

of understanding to a person, who by faith willfully opens his mind and prepares his heart to believe in

the Son; Ex31:3; 2Chr26:5; 1Jn5:20; Eph4:17,18;

Jn8:47a. Those people ―who had been slain because of the word of God‖ includes all who have died and

remained faithful to God, and not just those who

were physically slain; Rev18:24. Jesus is also the

Altar in the house of God; Is56:7. The souls under the altar cry out, ―How long…,‖ which means they are

alive and able to observe the events on earth;

Rev6:10. They have a sense of urgency, and they can see the suffering. It is during this time they will be

given white robes to cover their nakedness (sin) and

make them presentable to God; Rev6:11; Ex20:26;

Rev3:18. When the 5th seal is opened, the day is

drawing near when the Lord will take action; Da9:19;


#17. 6th Trumpet: (Rev9:13-21) When the 6


trumpet is sounded, we know several events will have

taken place between the 6th and 7

th trumpet.

17a. The last 6 months 200 million will have gathered for war near and around Israel; Rev9:16.

After the 1260 days, an additional 30 days will be

needed for the false prophet to set up the abomination

of desolation; Da12:11. About this same time, the two witnesses will be murdered in Jerusalem; and

after 3 ½ days, God will raise them, enraging the

nations; Rev11:9,11,14. 17b. Immediately following the 30 days needed

for the abomination setup, Satan‘s wrath will

commence; Rev12:12. It is called the abomination of desolation or the great tribulation. It is 40 days in

length, as mentioned earlier in this chapter. This will

be Satan‘s attempt, through man, to annihilate

mankind; Da11:44.

17c. The holy day for the Blowing of Trumpets

will be on the 30th day of the 40 days of the

desolation/great tribulation, in the seventh holy

month of the holy appointed times; Lv23:24. The

trumpet was used to assemble either the leaders or the

congregation; Nu10:2-4. It was also used to sound an alarm for war and ―…be remembered before the

LORD;‖ Nu10:9. This is the when God will literally

begin to darken the earth; Mt 24:29. The darkened earth will cause Satan‘s wrath to cease; Mt24:21,22;

Heb12:26. God said, ―…all the earth is Mine‖

Ex19:5. Neither Satan, the beast, nor mankind is able to change what God has purposed to do; Jer4:28.

Truly, like God revealed to the Israelites, we are all

aliens upon this earth, and with fear, respect, and love

for God and for our neighbor, we are to be good stewards of the the earth; Lv25:23; Dt10:19;

1Cor4:1,2; 1Pe4:10; Lk4:8.

17d. The 40th day will be the last day of the

abomination of desolation, and it is the tenth day of

the seventh holy month. Just like the day Jesus

celebrated and fulfilled the last Passover with His disciples, this day will also be the last Day of

Atonement; Lk22:15; Lv23:27; Heb8:13. The priest

would blow a ram‘s horn for the Day of Atonement.

The blowing of a ram‘s horn meant the event was God ordained; Lv25:9. Since it was first commanded

by God, this last Day of Atonement will be the last

convocation for Israel to observe in the wilderness of the world. After this day, only the Feast of Booths

will be observed by all nations of the world. This is

because the Law will have been fulfilled through

Jesus; Zec14:16. It will be the last Day of Atonement because, for those who go through the wrath of God,

redemption (by faith) has come (atoned); and their

sin will be forgotten; Dt32:43; Is65:17-19. There will be no further need for a Day of Atonement. Jesus is

our atonement and our Holy offering, so that we

become reconciled or seen as being favorable (propitiation) with God; Ro3:24,25; Heb2:17; 1Jn2:2.

This last Day of Atonement is significant because

God has revealed if a person does not worship Him

on that day, that person will be cut off from the people; Lv23:29. During the last days of the

transgression, those people who have not been

forgiven and do not have Jesus as their Savior will be cut off and will die in their sin; Jn8:21.

Another significant point to mention is the year of

the Jubilee. This is the next year, after 49 years of observing the Day of Atonement annually;

Lv25:8,10. During the year of the Jubilee, the land

would go fallow; it would have its time of rest, yet

the people would have enough to eat; Lv25:11; Lv25:19. The year of the Jubilee is prophetic. It

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


means that the year following the day of God‘s

wrath, which will be during the Feast of Booths, the land of Israel will not be sown, but the Jews who are

still alive will have enough food.

The year of the Jubilee may be 50 years from

some historical event that the nation of Israel experienced. Note, just a thought: The year of Jubilee

may be the following year after the prophetic 70

years when the transgression against God will end; Is23:17. However, this will be for the historians to

determine… but if 1947 is the starting date, then the

transgression would end at the 70th year (each year

having 360 days). The Jubilee would begin because

50 years had passed since Israel reclaimed Jerusalem

in 1967 (pages 60, and 73). Only God knows. The

Apostles Peter, Paul, and John thought Jesus would return soon, and that was two thousand years ago;

Ac2:14-21; Ro16:20; Rev1:1; 22:20. Remember,

God‘s faithful ones are to worship Him and ―be alert,‖ not fearing events or dates; Mt10:28;


It was in the third month (60 days) when the Israelites reached the mountain; Ex19:1,2. God told

Moses He would come to the people in a thick cloud;

Ex19:9. This will be repeated for all the world on the

day God darkens the earth with a cloud. The earth will be so dark that no light from the sun or moon

will reach the earth; Is13:13a; 60:2. The whole world

will be involved because all the people (not just Israel) who survive will know God. Moses also

warned the people that whoever approached the

mountain would be put to death; Ex19:12.

Then God had Moses tell the people to wash their garments, consecrate themselves, and be ready for the

third day; Ex19:10,11. Today those who are clean

Spiritually read the Bible daily, listen to the Word, deny themselves, seek God, and allow Him to teach

and change them to become more like Chirst;

Lk9:23; Heb10:22; Mt11:28. This is a continual process for the rest of their lives. It is the Word of

God that cleans and gives rest; Jn15:3; Mt11:29. A

person consecrates himself by having the right heart

attitude, being humble and contrite, and continually reflecting upon God‘s Word; Is66:2; Jos1:8; Ps4:4,5.

The time during this last Day of Atonement will

parallel the day Moses instructed the people to wash and put on clean clothes. At this time, God‘s people

will not have been raised up. Jesus told us ―the

heavens will be shaken‖ before the angels are sent to gather His people; Mt24:29; Mk13:24-27. Also, there

are two events happening at the same time. The first

is that those people who do not have Jesus as their

Savior will be full of terror when the heavens are shaken; Is33:18. They will know they are in great

peril. The second point is that those who love Jesus

will be raised up in a few days, and their joy of anticipation will be magnificent; Jn15:11.

The Israelites were assembled at the base of Mt.

Sinai on the third day. God was the One who sounded

the ram‘s horn calling the congregation together; Ex19:13,16,17. (According to the Law, in the forty-

ninth year prior to the year of Jubilee on the Day of

Atonement, a ram‘s horn was to be blown throughout the land; Lv25:9. It was the announcement that all of

Israel has been redeemed, and the people were to

return to the land of their fathers, remembering the land is God‘s; Lv25:13; Lv25:23. Like Israel at the

mountain, God will sound the ram‘s horn to call His

forgiven faithful ones together to meet Jesus in the

clouds; Rev7:9,14,15; Ac1:11. This will happen shortly after the last Day of Atonement, perhaps by

the fifteenth day of the seventh holy month which is

the 1335th day, just prior to the beginning of the Feast

of Booths; Da12:12.

The first resurrection is the Ingathering of the

crops; Jn5:25; Ex23:16. The saved will perceive the sound of the ram‘s horn and be changed; Ex20:18;


Then after the first resurrection, during the Feast

of Booths on the seventh day, the people remaining on earth will experience the destroying mountain.

That mountain is cursed and will never have a tool

put to it; Jer51:25,26. It represents the sword of the LORD and a stone of offense; Rev19:15; Is8:14;

Ro9:33. It is cursed because it is used to crush rather

than heal; Nu24:8,9; Dt32:39-43.

#18. 6th Seal: (Rev6:12a) The 6

th seal will be

either just before or just after the last Day of

Atonement. There will be an earthquake, and the sky

will be darkened when the seal is broken; Mt24:29,30. Satan‘s wrath will be stopped for the

sake of the elect (God‘s people); Mt24:22. The elect

includes: all who are still alive on earth at that time who are faithful in Jesus and the seed of Abraham,

who faithfully kept the Law with a humble and

contrite heart; Jn17:6-10; Heb11:13; 2Cor3:14-17.

The elect also includes the sealed one hundred forty-four thousand (See Chapter 8.) of the twelve

tribes, who are of the first resurrection but will

remain on earth as part of the remnant; Rev7:3,4; Zeph3:13-17. In the day of God‘s wrath, no harm will

come to them; Rev14:1,3-5. They will be priests of

the LORD and will serve to explain Him; Is66:19. #19. 7

th Seal: (Rev8:1) The seventh Seal, seventh

Trumpet, and seventh Bowl occur in one day;

Rev18:8. The day will be the twenty-first day of the

seventh holy month; Lv23:37-39. When Jesus said, ―It is finished‖ Jn19:30 He was saying all that He

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


was sent to do had been completed. Pentecost is

when His Holy Spirit was given, completing the first four appointed times, feasts, and holy days. In the

same way, the wrath of God will complete the final

one of the last three of the seven holy appointed days

and convocations of the Law; Ac2:1-4; Rev10:6,7. #20. 7

th Trumpet: (Rev11:15,18) The 7th trumpet

is also the same as the announcement God declared

(in the book of Genesis) that the LORD will crush the head of the serpent; Gn3:15c. For His sake, the LORD

will take necessary, bold, visible, and conclusive

action; Is48:10,11. Similar to Mt. Sinai, on God‘s day of wrath, a great and very loud trumpet blast will be

heard on earth; Ex19:18,19; 20:18-23;

Dt4:12,19,24,33; Jer 49:2; Is30:27,28. Then the earth

will shake back and forth; Is24:20,21.

#21. 7th Bowl: The 7th bowl will be poured out in

one day on the 7th

day of the Feast of Booths; Rev16:17-21; Lv23:34,39; Rev18:21. The 7th bowl

affects the entire world for the next thousand years;

Rev20:2. We are told there will be a ―shout‖ on that

great day, like the time when Israel shouted, and the wall of the city fell flat; then every man went straight

ahead into Jericho; Jer50:46; Jos6:20. On the day of

His wrath, every wall will come down, and Jesus will lead His host straight ahead for the day of slaughter;

Is2:12-21; Rev19:14-16;Is30:25. From that day forth

former sins will be forgotten, and the people around the world will know God through Jesus; Is65:16;

Heb9:28; Mi4:1,2.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 8

The Law Fulfilled in Real Time

In The 7th Holy Month The Transgression End

There are more details in addition to the Seals,

Trumpets, and Bowls.

The Fifth, Sixth, And Seventh Holy Observances Of

The Law In Real Time Ps19:14

Just as Jesus accomplished the first four appointed

holy observances in real time (See Chapter 7.), God

Jesus will establish His kingdom of Peace on earth,

completing the process of the final three appointed holy observances of the Law that remain in effect;

Is9:6; Ezk45:17; Mt5:18; Lk16:17. God‘s judgments

are true; Rev19:2. God chose Israel from all the nations; Dt10:15. Unlike a clay pot, all peoples have

been given a free will by God; Dt10:16. The thoughts

of the people, either good or bad, determine what the

future will be for them, but God directs the steps of all men; Jer18:4-10; Pr16:9. This truth applies first to

Israel as a nation and then to the world nations;

Ezk11:12. The final three holy observances will be fulfilled by God Messiah; Mt5:17,18. Each person is

either to believe and live according to the Word of

God, or reject God‘s Word and bear the wrath to come; Ro2:5-13. The one who rejects God is like a

person who does not know about or ignores the signs

of an impending disaster; either way, that person will

experience the consequences; Mt10:34-39; Jn5:46,47. Those who trust and believe God will have a

better understanding of what is to come and will take

appropriate action; Jn16:2-4; Mt24:44-46. The time is always opportune to repent and be saved;

Ac17:30,31; Eph3:20,21.

Life is given according to the Spirit of the Law, but wrath according to the letter of the Law; Ro8:3-

17. God has stated: ―The LORD‘s appointed times

which you shall proclaim as holy convocations—My

appointed times are these… Lv23:2 …in the seventh month on the first of the month… Lv23:24 On

exactly the tenth day of this seventh month…On

exactly the fifteenth day of the seventh month…for seven days, with a rest on the first day, and the eighth

day… Lv23:39 You shall thus celebrate…a perpetual

statue.‖ Lv23:41

God Jesus fulfilled the first four appointed times, and God Jesus will also fulfill these commands.

Therefore, an amazing thing will unfold in the last

days. Like the Israelites, people are saved according to the Spirit; but people living according to the

Law/law experience wrath; Ex6:6; Titus3:5; Ro1:18-

20. Both will happen at the same time; Ro5:9,16,20,21. The Law/law remains in effect for

Jews and the Gentiles who do not know the Son;

Ro2:14-16; Ro3:10-20. In real time, counting from the day the sacrifice is stopped in Jerusalem, the

1335th day is to bring a blessing; Da9:27; Da12:12.

As stated previously, (page 79) the period of time it will take for the abomination of desolation (Da11:31)

to be readied is 1290 days (Da12:11), or 30 days

more than 3 ½ years (Da7:21-27; Rev17:12,13),

counting from the day the temple sacrifice ends. These days will be the final days of the transgression

against the LORD and humanity; Da11:36,44. During

these days the dragon and the beast will attempt to eliminate both Israel and the followers of Jesus from

the face of the earth; Rev12:14,15,17.

The days of grace and understanding have been

since the day of Jesus‘ resurrection; Jn1:16; Co1:6-14; 2:2. These days will take us to the holy days yet

to be fulfilled, which are the solemn day of the

Blowing of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and (once the Spiritual harvest is completed) may include

the Feast of Booths; Lv23:24,27,34.

In the book of Numbers (Chapter 29) during the course of the three holy observances according to the

Law, in the first twenty-two days of the seventh holy

month, a feast of grain and many bulls, goats, and

lambs is offered to the LORD. These animal offerings are a prelude to the last seven days when much blood

of mankind will be shed; Ps22:12,13; Ezk45:22-25;

Is34:7,8. On the day His mountain will be established (Is2:2; 11:9; Joel 3:17); like the day of the dedication

for the temple that Solomon built (2Chr7:1-10), our

Lord will cause the blood of the beast to cover the ground; Rev16:13; Ezk39:2-8; Rev14:20. Also, like

the day Isaac was weaned, Abraham had a great

feast; Gn21:8. Being weaned represents Israel‘s

removal from the duties of the Law, to become mature with the solid food of Christ Jesus Messiah;

Heb5:12-14; 6:1,2. Truly, after the slaughter in that

day, there will be laughter; Ex29:11; Is65:11,12; Gn21:5,6; Lk6:21.

The completion of the fifth, sixth, and seventh

holy appointed observances in real time will bring an

end to the transgression against God; Is46:10-13; Mt24:22. Like the time of Jesus‘ ministry, many Jews

will believe before the day of wrath that He is

Messiah; Rev7:9; Jn12:11. Prior to the fifth appointed holy observance, the world will have

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


experienced much bloodshed, the economy for the

industrial nations will be in shambles, an alliance of nations will have formed as another beast, spiritual

darkness will flood the world, and the peoples‘ love

will have grown cold; Rev9:15; Rev6:5; 13:7;

Rev17:12; Rev17:15; Mt24:12. Also, Satan (the dragon) will have entered into the person called the

antichrist/beast; Rev13:2,4. Satan, through the

antichrist, will initiate the great tribulation; Rev6:8. Mankind in general will have turned from God;


God has revealed there will be no man who will worship Him according to the Law after His wrath;

Zec14:9. Nevertheless, the Law must be fulfilled;

Mt5:17,18. Praise God that He remains faithful, for

He cannot deny Himself; 2Tim2:13. God is the One who will fulfill all that is written just as He did in the

day of Joshua, but not through worldly man, for man

is corrupt; Is2:11-17; Jer25:13; Nu32:21,22; Da8:25; Gn6:11. God is the Perfecter and Author of His

Word, and He alone will surely bring it to pass;

Heb2:10; 12:2,3; Is46:11. God in Spirit is the One who fulfills, and God will have His Servant Jesus

bring forth justice to the nations; Zec4:6,7; Is42:1;


The Fifth Appointed Holy Observance In Real Time

Is CalledThe Blowing of Trumpets

Listen to the gentle leading of the Spirit;

Ps143:10; 1Ki19:12,13. Wholeheartedly work not to

quench the Spirit; 1Th5:18-22. The first day of the

seventh holy month, according to the Law, is the day of the Blowing of Trumpets; Lv23:24. Before the

Blowing of Trumpets, God with a hook, will have

caused men and nations to gather; Is37:28-32. He will not turn back; Is45:23. In Leviticus 23:24, God

tells Israel the blowing of trumpets is a reminder. A

reminder of what? It is a reminder not only to the eyewitnesses at that time but to their children‘s

children of the great and awesome miracles

experienced when they were removed from their

bondage; Dt10:21; Dt31:13; Ex13:3,14. During this last celebration of the Blowing of

Trumpets, the entire world will experience the great

and awesome power of the Lord; Joel 2:11,15. The Blowing of Trumpets is to be celebrated humbly with

a sacrifice of fire to the LORD, but this last time the

Lord will offer a sacrifice by fire; Lv23:25; Ps21:8-11; Is29:6.

Satan‘s terrible tribulation begins from the 1290th

day, after the abomination of desolation has been set

up; Da12:11. The tribulation quickly escalates and has a forty-day duration to the time just before the

LORD enters into the wrath against those on earth

who hate the Almighty; Dt32:41; Is3:14; Jn15:1,4,5; Is4:4; 34:5; 61:8; 66:16,18; Rev16:21d. Though

wicked, the forty days of tribulation are to prepare

God‘s children to ready themselves to be saved;

Gn7:17,23; 1Sa17:16,50; Jon3:4,5,10. As stated in Chapter 7, the time of the Blowing of Trumpets is the

30th day of the forty days of the great tribulation;

Lv23:24; Nu29:1-6; 10:8-10; Da12:1; Mt24:21. The great tribulation, like heavy labor, is man‘s

judgment against human kind; Is21:2-4; Is53:8a;

Jer4:31; Ezk23:24,25; Ho5:11; 10:4; Zec14:12,13; Rev17:17; Is54:17. The great tribulation will be the

evidence of Satan using mankind to pervert God‘s

justice and the Law; Gn3:1; Ex23:1,2; Pr17:23;

Hab1:4; Jn8:44; Ps58:3,4. Satan will provide for himself his own great sacrifice of fire through man,

his craft, and the wickedness of mankind‘s heart;

Rev13:13; 17:16; Ps5:10; Is44:11; Ex8:4; Rev16:13,14; Lk21:20; Rev9:14-16. However, Satan

alone cannot perform the great tribulation; Ezk28:14-

18. Satan is impotent and unable to bring his wrath through himself, and he is unable to finish his wrath;

Rev12:12,13; Mt24:21. Only God is able to put an

end to mankind‘s insanity; Is34:2; Ex8:14. The future

existence of humanity is protected because of God‘s love; Mt24:22; Dt23:5; Ro5:8. Unlike Satan, without

the aid of human agency, our God Jesus alone will

stop the tribulation and end the transgression; Da8:25,26; Is37:20; 63:3,4; Da2:34,44; Is24:18-20. If

the LORD would not intercede, Satan and the

wickedness of man would end human life;

Ro8:26,27,34; Gn6:5; Rev9:20,21; Mt24:21; Rev18:1-3,5; Ro3:4-6; Mt13:39-43; Rev20:11. God

alone is able to do all things to His glory; Is2:11,17;

34:2,3; 37:16,20; 42:8,9,13. Truly, the LORD is the first and the last; and He

will bind the strong man, Satan; Ex4:8; Gen2:4; 1:31;

Rev5:13; 22:13; Job34:16-30. Like Israel within Egypt, He will give the plunder to Israel; Lk11:21-

23; Rev20:2; Ex12:36; Ezk39:9,10. On that same day

God ends the transgression, the host of Satan, ―sons

of God‖ (demons; Job1:6,7 including Satan) will be bound for a thousand years; Is24:21,22; Rev20:2,7-

15. From the day of God‘s wrath, the people will beat

the swords into plowshares; Is2:4. Then the LORD will be made known to the nations through Israel;

Ps41:13; 90:2; Is40:28,29.

God’s Displayed Glory

The hatred and wrath of nations against Israel, the

followers of Jesus, Jesus, and God will cause God to take strong action; Da11:44;Ezk23:28-30; Da8:24;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Rev13:2d; Da11:28; Da8:11,25; 11:37; Jn15:18,19;

Rev12:12 Da9:18,19. God will display His glory and power at the end of the forty days; Mt24:30. In a

flood of wickedness, man would destroy all people

and end the covenants God has with Israel and

mankind; Rev12:15; 17:15; Dt9:5; Mt24:21; Gn15:18; Is9:4-7;Gn9:11. God will send recompense

upon the nations to end the transgression through

Christ Jesus Messiah; Is59:18-20; 66:6; Da2:44,45; Is14:25-27; Jer31:28-31; Da8:14,26; Rev19:11-16.

No human being or demon will destroy the

covenants God has established; Is46:10; 59:21; Da9:4; Jer1:10; Jn15:10,11. Only God is able to

establish new covenants, making the old covenants

obsolete; Lk22:20; Heb8:13; 9:1,11,15. One covenant

which will be fulfilled after the end of the transgression is the union (in His Spirit) of the Jews

as a nation with the members of the body of Messiah

Jesus (Judah) and the rest of the; world Jer31:31-34.

The Sixth Appointed Observance In Real Time Is

Called The Day of Atonement:

The Day of Atonement is the fortieth day of the

great tribulation and the tenth day of the seventh holy month; Lv23:27; Rev2:10. The Day of Atonement is

the second of the final three required observances of

the Law. According to God, the Day of Atonement is most holy to the LORD; Lv23:27; Ex30:10. It is the

day once a year when the high priest makes a blood

offering, appealing to God to forgive the sin of the

people; Lv16:34; Nu29:7-11; Lv16:17. Otherwise, their sin would remain, and each man would be cut

off from among his people; Lv17:3-5. The elements

of worship (in the process of the priestly duties of the Law) represent things that are prophetic and of the

Spirit in God‘s holy dwelling; 2Pe1:19; Lk24:44;

Jn3:34; 6:63; 1Cor2:13; 2Chr30:27; Heb8:5,6. According to the Law on the Day of Atonement,

two goats were selected, representing sin; Lv16:7.

Jesus fulfills the purpose of both goats in that He who

is without sin took our sin and like a proclamation, nailed sin to the cross with His own body; 2Cor5:21;

Lv23:21; Co2:14. According to the Law, the priests

were to cast lots to determine how each goat was to be used; Lv16:8. After the lots were cast, one goat

was sacrificed, while the scapegoat was let go into

the wilderness; Lv16:9; Mt27:35; Lv16:10. At the time of the last Day of Atonement, the temple

worship under the old covenant will have been

stopped by the antichrist; Da9:27; 11:31. Jesus is our

High Priest, and being our High Priest, He has already fulfilled the process for the forgiveness of

sin, not as a copy, but in Spirit and directly to the

Father; Heb3:1-19; Heb4:14,15; 5:5-10; 6:17-20; Heb7:17-28. This fact may now be understood by the

Jew or Gentile, if he or she so seeks to understand

God through Jesus; Dt4:29; Mt24:32-34; Eph2:13-21.

This principle will soon be understood when God changes the heart of all Jews at the time of the return

of His Son; Ezk36:26,27. However, for either Jew or

Gentile, it is better to be known by God and worship God today through Jesus than to wait and be cast out;

Ac4:10-12; Eph3:9-12,15-21; Heb4:12; Is65:1; 66:2;

1Tim2:3-6; Lv23:29,30; Mt7:22,23; 8:11,12; Is45:23; Php2:11.

The scapegoat (the goat that was allowed to run in

the wilderness) represents the sin of error of faithful

Jews, and all who by faith love and obey the Father but have erred (sinned) without knowledge;

Lv4:13,14; 1Jn5:16,17; Ac3:17-26. Also, to all on

earth who love Him and live according to His Word, Jesus is in the presence of the Father; Jn14:23. To

this day He intercedes as Savior, so that all who

humbly love, obey, and ask forgiveness are able to stand in the presence of God, where no mention of

sin will be made; Jas5:15; Ro8:34; Job16:19; Jn17:5;

1Jn2:1,2; 2Sa22:2-7; Lk2:11; Ac5:31; 13:23;

Php3:20,21; 2Cor5:21; Jn14:15; Rev22:3,4; Ro6:6-11,22. Though sin is committed, Jesus‘ crucifixion

has covered the sin (the scapegoat) for Israel and for

all who repent; Heb10:17,18; Ro11:26,27. According to the Law, the sacrificed bull of the

priestly duties for the Day of Atonement is slain by

the high priest; Lv16:27. This duty represents the

beast slain by the arm of the High Priest Jesus; Is34:6-8; 43:3,4; Rev16:13,14; 17:3; 19:19,20;

Heb3:1; 4:14; 6:20. In the priestly work of the Law,

the bull is offered for a sin offering for the priest and his household; Lv16:11. As we understand, each

person who confesses Jesus as his Savior is also a

priest of God; Jn3:18; 9:36-39; Lk20:35,36; Ro8:14; Ga3:26; Rev1:6; Ro15:16.

David wrote of the bulls, symbolically referring to

a people against God, Jesus, Israel, and believers of

Christ Jesus; Ps22:12,13. In the process of the Law, the person who burned the bull then bathed and

entered the camp; Lv16:28. This former duty of

bathing is represented as being baptized in the Spirit and being spiritually clean; Lv8:2,3,6; Mt3:16;

Mk1:8; 16:16; Ac1:5; 2:38; 8:38; Jn13:10.

A person is regarded as righteous by God through faith and through obedience to the commandments of

God; 1Pe1:7-9; Ezk18:22,28,32; 1Pe1:14-21. Faith,

trust, and obedience to God are what God sees in the

heart of each person; 1Sa16:7; Mt5:8; 6:4; 1Pe1:22,23. When there are no more people on earth

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


who will believe in Jesus as Savior, at the time of the

old Law‘s last Day of Atonement, the arm of God will be raised, preparing to slay the beast, for it (any

unsaved person) will be cut off from the people who

have life; Is40:10; 52:10; Dt32:34-36; Da9:19;

Is43:13; 48:11; 65:8; Rev10:7; 15:1,8; 16:17; 21:6-8; Is10:16-19; 26:11; Ps118:12; Rev2:7.

Jesus is the Cornerstone to Jews and Gentiles who

love Him before the last Day of Atonement; 1Pe2:6. They are members of the Spirit temple of God. They

are living stones of the church of Christ, and they will

not be moved in the Judgment; 1Pe2:5; Rev20:6. These living stones are perfect uncut stones, that is,

stones shaped by the hand of God (not man) and

fitted together; Mt5:48; Eph2:20-22; 4:14-16;

1Cor3:6. Jesus said to Peter, ―Upon this Rock/rock I will build My church‖ Mt16:18. Peter is one precious

stone, as each person is who loves and obeys God (in

the foundation of Jesus‘ church). Jesus is the Rock upon which the church is built; Is44:8; 43:1-7. He is

also the Cornerstone and the Altar; Is28:16; Rev16:7.

All people who believe in Jesus by faith remain faithful in His strength; though, like Israel within

Egypt, the days ahead are/will be difficult; Dt26:6,7;

Is54:11-14; 1Cor3:12-21; 1Pe1:6-21; Lk8:8,15;

Mt7:24,25. We are to remember as Peter cried out and even since Abel, all believers by their faith,

blood, and testimony are heard and vindicated by

God; Ac2:14; Gn4:8,10; Rev6:9,10; Heb11:13; Jn4:23; Lk7:35; 1Tim3:16; Dt32:36; Ps43:1;


According to the Law, it was the blood shed that

made atonement for one‘s soul; Lv17:11. The one

who eats of the flesh was to wash, signifying the removal of guilt; Lv17:15,16. When a census was

taken (for a spiritual census will be taken on the last

Day of Atonement) the people who were numbered among their own were to provide a ransom; Ex30:12.

In the same manner, Jesus our High Priest offered

His own blood to God the Father; Jn10:18; Ga4:4,5.

Through His acceptable offering, He permanently atoned for our sin, took away the guilt, and paid the

ransom for anyone who would sincerely believe upon

His name…that He is the Son of God; Jn1:12,29; 3:18; 20:31.

The person who truly repents and asks God to

forgive his sin in the name of Jesus will be forgiven by God; Lk11:9,10; Ac2:38-40; 1Pe1:17-21. That

person also becomes numbered in the book of life

and is allowed to enter into the family of God;

Php4:3; Rev3:5; 13:8; Gn7:1; 1Pe2:10. The ransom Jesus paid remains paid for the person; Mt20:28;

Job33:19-29; Is35:4-6. He or she is to continue to

seek God earnestly and grow in maturity and service for the rest of his/her mortal life and not fall back to

the old nature which brings death; 1Pe2:1-3; Ga4:1-

11; Heb6:1-8; 1Pe2:11,12. People whose names are

not written in the book of life are akin to Satan, though perhaps unknowingly.

The Law was fulfilled in Christ Jesus, and the

symbols of the eating of the flesh (bread) and drinking of the new covenant are an outward sign of

the inner heart; Jn6:51,53,63; Lk22:19,20. The eating

and drinking signify a person loves Jesus and desires to obey His commandments; Jn14:15. Life is assured

for all who believe in Him. As priests of the living

God, they are numbered within His house because

Jesus was resurrected from the dead and broke the curse of death; 1Pe2:9; Rev1:6; Ro4:24,25; 6:4,5;

Dt30:19,20; Ho13:14; Ro1:4; 6:5;

1Cor15:21,42,55,56; 1Pe1:22,23; Ro6:9,10. In the same way as the night of the first Passover,

a distinction will be made on the last Day of

Atonement Ex11:4,5,7,9; Rev14:14-16. A holy census will determine who will be and who will not

be raised in the first resurrection on the last day, just

prior to the time of God‘s wrath; Jn5:25; Jn11:4,24-

26; 6:39,40,44; Mt24:29-31. According to the Law, the Passover lamb was to

be selected on the tenth of the first holy month;

Ex12:3. Then on the fourteenth day at twilight the lamb was slain, the blood was brushed on the

doorposts and lintel, and the lamb was prepared and

eaten; Ex12:6-8. By doing so Israel was Passed Over

by the destroyer; Ex12:23. The last Day of Atonement on the tenth of the seventh holy month is

the last day for this present time of grace; Ro4:16;

Heb4:16. If a person desires to be included as a child of God for the first resurrection, he or she must have

by faith humbly called (selected the Lamb) upon the

name of the LORD and not have turned from God to covet; Rev20:5; Joel 2:32; Ex20:17,18; Dt7:25,26;


This last Day of Atonement completes the process

of God‘s spiritual growing season for all people who love and obey Him; 1Cor3:6; Ex20:6; Heb11:1-

3,13,14,39,40. The last Day of Atonement closes the

door of opportunity for the world to love the Light before the call of the first resurrection; Is22:22;

Jn3:19,21; 8:12. This first resurrection occurs in a

―twinkling‖ sometime during a ten-day span just after the last Day of Atonement and just before the great

day of the LORD on the 7th day of the Feast of

Booths/Tabernacles; Lv23:28-30; Is13:9; Ezk7:2-9;

Zeph1:14-17; Ac2:19-21; Joel 2:31,32; Lv23:34.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


However, for the present time until the LORD

gives more understanding, the day of being ―raised up‖ is known only by the LORD; Ac1:7. Plainly

stated, after this last Day of Atonement, people who

do not love Jesus will miss their opportunity to be

part of the first resurrection; Lv23:29; Mt5:25; 24:22; Jn5:25; Rev20:6. As the Israelites were to do for the

first Passover, all peoples this time (Jews and

Gentiles) are to believe and select the Lamb of God Jesus by faith as their Savior; Jn1:29; 2Sa22:2-7.

God‘s chosen people of the first resurrection will

be spared from the destroyer and are Passed Over at Judgment; 1Cor15:55,56; 10:9-11; Rev2:11; 20:14.

Their faith has been reckoned by God as righteous,

and each is approved to enter the house of God;

Jer4:4; Ezk44:9a; Mt7:1; Jn3:18; 5:22-24. In faith the humble demonstrate their hearts are in One man by

believing in Jesus Christ and being obedient to God;

Is66:2; Jn14:23; Ro5:15; Jn17:20,21; Eph2:14-18. God sees the true intent of every person‘s heart;

1Chr28:9. His faithful children will take part in His

Ingathering harvest of the first resurrection, soon to follow this last Day of Atonement; Lv23:10;

Ex23:16; Ro8:23-25; Php3:20,21.

After this last Day of Atonement, Israel will

nationally recognize her Messiah Jesus; Is29:9,10; Lv23:27-29. It is the final time or period of grace

before the entire world consciously knows God;

Is18:5; Mt7:17; Ezra9:8; Pr3:34; Jn1:14,17; Lk2:40; Lk17:30. People who love God through Jesus receive

life; and those who hate Him will receive His wrath;

Ac11:23; 15:11; 20:24,32; Ro1:4-6; 3:24; 4:16-25;

5:2; Rev22:21; Zec2:8-10. From that day on, God‘s grace will be offered to

anyone who repents and truly believes Jesus is

Savior. These people will experience the return of Jesus and will be of the second resurrection; Jn1:41;

4:25,26; 15:1-8; Ro11:20-24; Jas1:25,27; Jn5:28,29;

Rev20:11,13. The door of opportunity remains closed to all who do not live according to the

commandments of God; Lk13:27,28; Rev15:8;

Rev20:15; Dt29:20. People on earth who live

according to Jesus will receive a blessing; but those who rebel against God after this last Day of

Atonement, will soon receive recompense from God;

Is18:4-6; Rev15:4; Ps28:4,5; 62:12; Is60:12; Jer17:5-8; Ma3:4,5; Rev2:27; Zec14:17-20. This condition of

recompense will continue to the end of the age;

Mt13:39,40. This last Day of Atonement for Israel also separates the old Israel from the new Israel;

Lv26:9-12; Ro7:6. Within a few days, God will arise

on behalf of Israel; Is33:7-17; 60:1,2. He will do this

because Israel‘s strength will be gone; Dt32:36; Is58:5-12; Zec9:13-16. After God‘s wrath, Israel

(Jews) will be humble and will turn to her Husband

and will never leave Him; Is54:5-7; Is2:4; 10:20; 59:20,21; Ezk37:25-28; 43:7; Zeph3:11-17;

Zec10:12. Israel‘s spiritual blindness, like the blind

man, is healed in a single day; Jn9:6,7,30-39;

Dt28:28; Is29:9,10; 58:13,14; Ho2:14-20; Is10:17; 21:9; Rev14:7,8. Like the tomb being opened as a

testimony, the remnant who survive the great day of

the LORD will become a testimony of the days of wickedness, wrath, and salvation; Jn20:1-9;

Ezk36:22-25; Is6:12,13; Jer16:14,15; 32:39,40;

Ezk12:16; 36:15; Mi7:18-20; Zeph3:13; Is66:19. God‘s glory will become visible especially during the

time of the last of the difficult days of the great

tribulation; Lk23:28-31; 2Tim3:1; Ps99:1-5; Is3:13-

15; 30:27,28; Zec2:12,13. Then He will shake the heavens, causing peoples and nations to look up!

(Lv23:27-30; Da12:1; Hag2:5,6; Heb12:26-29;

Zeph2:11; Mk13:24; Rev6:12,13; 15:8; 7:1-3; Is8:19-21; 51:5-8; Joel 2:30,31; Mt16:3)

Children of God, do not be dismayed! (Jer10:2b,c)

The last Day of Atonement will initiate these final few days when His Branch Jesus ends mankind‘s

transgression; Mt24:29; Zec9:10-14; Is4:2;

Mt26:28,29; Rev19:11; Da8:14; Rev12:12; 19:20,21.

These days will be as it was during the time of the ninth plague in Egypt or in the day Jesus was

crucified in Jerusalem when the sky became very

dark; Ex10:22; Mt27:45. As in the day Abram fell into a deep sleep, the heavens will be shaken, and the

entire world population will experience intense

darkness and fear; Gn15:12,17; Is13:10,11; Joel

2:10,11; Am8:9,10. Though the earth will be spiritually and naturally dark, God‘s children who are

alive on earth during this time will have His Light

within them; Mi3:6,7; Jn9:3-5; Ex10:23c; Jn8:12; 12:35,36,46; Lk11:35,36. They are to keep praying as

in the day of His first visitation because the LORD

will once again fulfill the prophecy of old; and the people will soon see His marvelous glory; Mt26:41;

1Th5:5,9; Mt5:16; Mk13:33; Lk1:68-79; Ps71:6-11;

31:21,22; Jn5:20; Mt27:51-53; Ps118:23-27a;

Mt21:42; 1Pe2:9,10; 1Th4:17; Is29:14-16; Rev15:1.

144000 Sealed

When Jesus said, ―…upon this rock I will build

My church…‖ He was symbolically speaking of

Himself; Mt16:18; Is26:4; 30:29; 44:8; Mt7:24,25. His disciples understood that they would help build

His church in some way; Ac14:17. After His wrath,

Jesus will leave the nations with a testimony;

Jn14:18. One hundred forty-four thousand Jews will be sealed and remain on earth; Rev7:3. They will

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


have His peace though they will witness His wrath;

Rev14:1; Ro8:6b. They are numbered 12000 from each designated tribe; Rev7:4-8. In His Spirit, they

also are of Judah and Israel in one Man; Zec8:13;

Ezra3:1; Eph2:15-22. No priests will be taken from

the tribe of Dan, for it will be from Dan that the beast will come to judge his own people. No mention of

this tribe is made in the Second (New) Testament;

Gn49:16,17; Jer4:15,16; 8:16,17; Am8:14; Rev7:3-8. The sealed 144000 also are not from the half tribe of

Ephraim because of the wicked fruit it bore against

God; Ho9:11-16; Mt7:17; 12:33-37. The 144000 Messianic Jews are a testimony / witness from the

days of Christ Jesus to the days of the Jesus Messiah

Prince of Peace; Is66:19a.

Prepare, For The Day Is Coming:

Know that when all these things appear, the time is near; Christ is at the door; Mt24:33; Rev3:20,21.

Be alert! (Mt24:42,44-46; Jn7:6-8,10) Be sure! Just

as Jesus went to Jerusalem to partake in the feast in secret, so will be the day He returns for the harvest of

God‘s children who are still alive on earth; Jn7:10;

Ex23:16; 1Cor15:20,23; Ro8:23; Rev14:14-16. His

harvest will be completed in a twinkling during one day between the last Day of Atonement on the 10


day, (Jesus, with the fire of the Holy Spirit, will

present His people as an offering to our Father.), and before the 21

st day of the 7

th holy month ―…when

you have gathered in the crops of the land‖ Lv23:39;

Lv23:27,29; Lk13:32; Mt24:29; Ho6:2; Mt24:30,31;

Is56:7; Ro12:1; 15:16; Co1:22,23. The crops, including wheat, represent His faithful ones;

Dt8:8,9a; Jn12:24-26. The harvest is at the end of the

season, which in this case is the seven-year prophetic week; Gn41:36; 45:7; Gn29:20,27,28; Da9:27. God‘s

harvest is called the Ingathering, and it is the time

when those who are God‘s children are changed and given garments of white; Ex23:16b; 34:22; Mt14:20;

15:37; Zec9:16,17; Rev3:4.

The Harvest Ingathering

(Jn14:3) The observance of the First Fruits is on

the day after the Passover Sabbath on the first day of the week; Lv23:10; Ex34:26a; Ro8:23. Jesus, the

Father‘s dedicated firstborn, is the first of the First

Fruits; Ex13:2; Lk1:31,32,35; 2:6,7; 1Cor15:20,23. He was raised on the first day of the week after the

Passover Sabbath; Jn13:1; 20:1,9. The next day after

the seventh Sabbath (the fiftieth day), the Feast of

Weeks (known as Pentecost) also occurred on the first day of the week; Dt16:10; Ex23:16-20; 34:22;

Lv23:15,16; Ac2:1. According to the Law, the Feast

of Weeks was to be celebrated by baking two loaves of leavened holy bread. Then the high priest

presented them to the LORD; Lv23:17.

The leavened bread represents faithful servants

who have not yet ascended, for their service on earth is unfinished; Lv2:11,12; 7:13; Jn17:11; Ro2:12,13.

Like bread, these servants are perishable but have the

promise within them; 1Cor15:42; Ro9:8; Ga3:14; 1Tim4:8-11; Heb9:15. Also, they struggle with their

old selves (the flesh), though they are in Christ Jesus

(holy), either of the first or second resurrection; 1Cor5:7,8; Jn5:25,28,29. The Ingathering harvest is

celebrated at the end of the growing season before the

Feast of Booths; Ex34:22; Lv23:39,42; Dt16:13,14;

Rev14:15; Lv23:39c. God expects both the Ingathering and the Feast of Booths to be

remembered; Dt16:16,17; Ex23:14-19.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread is significant because the symbol of the unleavened bread

spiritually and symbolically represents Jesus, who is

the Bread of life; Jn6:35. It also represents His people who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit

with their sin forgiven; Ro5:5,6; Ro4:7,8; Eph4:32;

1Cor5:7,8. The unleavened bread is holy, just as His

forgiven children are holy; Lv23:20; Mt5:48; Jn8:10,11; Jas1:17,18. By their faith, His children are

members in the stronghold of God; Jer16:19-21.

These children include the faithful servants since Abel to this present time of grace; Gn4:4; Ro4:16,17.

They are the bride of the Bridegroom and servants (in

their generation) tending to the preparation of the

wedding ceremony as they go out into the streets inviting all to attend; Is49:18; Rev19:7,8; Heb4:1a-

c,10; Ac13:36; Rev21:3,6,22; 22:3-6; Mt22:2,3,6;

7:20. The Israelites had witnessed the great power of

the LORD against Pharaoh and obediently observed

the Passover and the Feast of the Unleavened Bread; Ex12:27,28,30,33,34,39,42. In the last days (like

Zaccheus wanting to see Jesus just before the His

triumphal entry into Jerusalem the children of God

will have witnessed the unfolding of prophecy through many convincing proofs while waiting for

His return; Lk19:4,5,9,10; Lk19:28,35-38; Rev11:3;

Da9:27; Ac1:3; 1Pe1:6-9. His people in those times will clearly understand that they will have carried His

cross, for the days will be ominous; Mt10:38; 16:24;

27:32; Lk23:28-31; Heb2:13-18. They will have seen that people who are not known by God will rejoice in

the sufferings of His children; 1Cor8:3; Ga4:9a;


The Holy Spirit will reveal (because of fulfilled prophecy in the Scriptures) to His children that the

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


time to be called has drawn near; Jn8:31,32; 14:16-

18; Rev11:6,9. There are many examples: The good and bad figs represent Judah (believers in Christ) and

Israel (non-believing Jews); Jer24:3,5-10; Mt7:16,17;

24:32,33; Rev19:5-7; Hab3:17-19. The world is no

different in the last days than in the day of the fall; Gn3:7,8. Israel grumbling against Moses and God

represents all the years Israel has been without peace

in the land God promised; Nu20:5,6. Israel is represented by the fig tree in the parable;

Jdg9:10,11,14,15. The other trees represent the

nations who choose the bramble, representing the antichrist/beast. The king of Assyria represents the

false prophet, who attempts to woo Israel; but God

sends an angel (a prophetic warning to the world

during the last days); 2Ki18:31,32; 2Ki19:25-31,35. There are symbols in the book of Job,

representing the beast/antichrist and Babylon the

Great; Job15:32-34. By the time God will darken the earth, and God‘s children will have witnessed and

experienced severe persecution of the Jews and of

themselves, as God revealed through Joel; Joel 1:6,7,12. They will have experienced the hatred of

man against man with the brutality of war; Mi7:1,2.

Believers will understand Israel‘s sin (of not

recognizing her Savior at the time of His first visitation, represented by the withered fig tree) has

caused her to experience the devastation of the latter

days; Mk11:20-22. Those who are enlightened at that time will understand the day of the LORD‘s

vengeance is near; Is34:4-9. The withered grape and

fig will pass away, meaning the old Israel under the

duties of the Law will end on the day the stars fall from the sky; Jer8:12,13; Mk11:13,14; Joel 1:11,12;

Rev6:13. His faithful ones, represented by Judah, will

know their raising up (transfiguration) will be soon; Ho2:9; 6:11; Rev14:14-16; Mk9:2. They will know

the LORD will soon revive and sustain them because

they have survived the difficult days more than three years; and the day Jesus said, ―…they might faint on

the way…‖ Jer51:46-50 (for He had compassion on

people when they had fasted three days) may have

been a prophetic statement if a day equals a year; Mk8:3; Mt15:32,37. To be sure, His people who

remain alive on earth will arise and will return with

Him on that great and awesome day; Ezk21:7-10; Rev19:14,15.

Another indication His people will know (after the

last Day of Atonement) the day of their rising up is near is because it will be similar to the number of

days (8) beginning with the dinner of believers and

ending with the day Jesus was resurrected; Jn12:1,2;

Mk14:1a; Jn20:1a. We know for sure those alive in Christ on earth will be raised before His wrath, and

the advent of God raising them will be like the end of

the forty days when the one hundred-twenty heard Jesus say, ―…not many days from now…you will

receive power‖ Ac1:5,8; 1Th5:9; Ezk7:19; Ac1:3;

Ac1:15. The disciples waiting forty days is a glimpse

of the forty days of the great tribulation; Rev18:4. Even though the disciples of Jesus were threatened

and hid, they prayed together during those days. Then

they boldly went public when God sent His Holy Spirit; Ac2:1-4. During those final difficult days, the

faithful ones around the world will pray together; and

they will expectantly wait for His voice; Jn10:3,4,27,28. The time of their raising up is also

like the forty-day warning to Nineveh when the

people repented, and God removed them from His

wrath or when John was told to ―Come‖ and was taken up in the Spirit; Jon1:2; 3:4; Rev4:1,2. Those in

Christ around the world who have not soiled their

garments and have endured the imprisonment of the great tribulation (perhaps not literally in prison) will

be called up! (Rev3:4; Mt10:22; Rev2:10; Rev7:14-

17) Friend, Jesus is the expected One! (Is7:14; 9:6,7;

Mt11:3-6) On the day God raises His children, Jesus

will no longer be hidden; Mt27:59,60; Jn20:1,5-8,29.

He will be perceived, just as in the breaking, wrapping, hiding, and revealing of the Passover

unleavened bread; Pr30:4; Is6:9; Mt11:25;

Mt26:63,64; Ps8:4-6. Jesus, having raised Himself, is the Passover Lamb for the forgiveness of our

transgressions; Jn10:17,18; Lk24:12; Is53:10-12;

2Cor5:21. He is our broken Bread and our

Unleavened Bread, who hung on a tree for our sins; Mt26:26; Lk22:19; Jn6:33-35; Dt21:22,23;

Lk23:53,54. Jesus is the Cup and the juice of the

Grape, poured out for us. He is the Cluster on a pole between two men; and in His resurrected life, all who

believe in Him also have life; Lk22:20; Lk22:17,18;

Nu6:3,4; Nu13:23; Lk23:33; Lk24:5-7; Jn20:31. The blood and water were separate when the soldier

pierced Him and represent Jesus as the Water of

eternal life that separates His people from the sin of

this world; Jn1:33; 4:14; Jn14:6; Jn19:34; Ro5:12,18; Jn8:23,24. Truly, His water sustains all who by faith

trust in Him; Ps3:5; Heb2:11-15; Mt14:28,29. Even

when our faith is not strong, He is faithful; Mt14:30; Lk22:31,32,60-62; 2Tim2:13; 1Th5:24; 2Th3:3. One

day His people will truly stand on the sea of glass;

Rev15:2. During the last days, God‘s people who are alive

on earth and wait for Jesus Messiah, like Daniel, will

truly feed on the Bread of Life, the Word of God, and

the Lamb of the Son of God; and in their hearts they will be comforted; Da1:9,12-16; Mt5:3-12;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


1Th5:17,24; Jn6:32,33,50,51,58; Ps34:8,9;

1Cor10:15-17; Jn1:1,2;Gn3:15; Lk8:11; Jn1:1,29; 3:18; Mt5:4. They will have determination to remain

faithful to God in the same way as Jesus did when He

left Jericho and led His followers on the road rising

to Jerusalem; Mi2:13; Jn11:55; Lk19:28; Mt20:17-19,29-34; Mk10:32-34. Just ahead on the spiritual

road will be Jerusalem when God will have His Son

Jesus call His people into heaven… the first resurrection; Heb11:8-10; Is27:12; Mk13:27;

Ac3:20,21; Jn5:25. Truly, we will rise to Jerusalem

with Him and in Him; Rev3:12; 21:2. Oh, Holy God, Your Word is wonderful! Amen.

Look Up! Do Not Turn Right Or Left

As it has been said, God knows the heart of every

person, all the time; 1Sa16:7. Though Lot‘s wife had

fled, she disobeyed; Gn19:15-17,26. If, after hearing the voice of Jesus (and being a witness to the sea of

evil in the latter times), a person desires to stay on

earth, then that person will remain until the second resurrection; Jn10:27; Rev18:4; Joel 3:13; Ps95:7-9;

Lk17:30-35; Mt22:2,3,8; Heb3:7-9. When those few

alive on earth hear the voice of Jesus, they must

continue to look to God, as we are instructed, just as Jesus gave His example; Nu20:17; Lk9:51; Php3:14;


The Raising Up

Christ has overcome the world! (Jn16:33;

Rev19:7-9) People who are born again by faith are His offspring… children; Jn3:3,5; 1Pe1:7-9;

Is53:10d; Jn1:12. Those who have died in Christ are

already in paradise; Lk23:43; 1Th4:16; Ezk37:13,14; Mt27:52,53. Do not be misinformed, as God said

through Paul; Mt22:31; 1Th4:15; 1Tim3:16. Since

Adam, those who have died, reckoned by God as being righteous before the day of resurrection

(redemption), are alive in spirit in Christ; Is26:19;

35:6a,b; Lk21:28; Ro8:23; Heb11:13,16; Mt22:32;

Ro8:10,11; Jn1:12; 11:26. They are alive because they served His purpose in his or her own generation;

Ac13:36. These people are under the Altar of the

LORD; Rev6:9. Upon the opening of the fifth seal, the people

under the Altar (Christ) will be changed first and

will put on wedding garments of white to cover their nakedness, allowing them to stand with the Altar of

God; 1Th4:15Rev3:5,18; 6:10,11; Lk23:43; Rev2:7;

Ex20:26; Rev16:7. They will hunger and thirst no

longer; Rev7:16,17.

Then the people still alive on earth who are in

Christ with the blood of Jesus protecting them, (They did not take the mark; Rev2:7 during the final days of

the transgression.) will be saved; Rev7:9,10,14;

Rev14:11-13; 1Th4:17. As long as a person earnestly

seeks God with a repentant heart, though all stumble, God is merciful; Is1:27; Ac3:19; Jas3:2. Each

repentant person will be saved; Lk6:36; 18:13,14;

Heb2:17,18; 8:12. Moses in the cleft of the rock and Thomas with his hand in Jesus‘ side (the true cleft of

the Rock) represent all the faithful people in Christ

Jesus because they continued to believe Jesus is their Savior, Rock, and Cleft; (Ex33:22; Jn20:27-29. They

are His forgiven ones; Da12:1; Ma3:16-18; Lk12:37;


These forgiven people in Christ will have overcome this world, which will be especially

difficult during those days; Rev3:5; Is26:20,21;

2Tim4:17,18; 1Cor10:3; Ps18:2. His faithful servants who have not soiled (sinned) their garments and have

not looked back are raised up; Heb4:6,7; Rev3:4.

That day when the glory of the Son appears will be more awesome than the day at Mount

Horeb/Sinai; Mt24:30,31; Mk13:26; Lk21:27,28;

Rev19:15; Ex19:16,17. Both Jew and Gentile will

hear a trumpet; Ex19:19; 20:18; Is18:3. God knows the day His glory will be displayed. God‘s people (all

peoples) must be alert to the times to prevent being

rebuked like the Pharisees for understanding the weather but missing their opportunity to become a

testimony for Christ; Mt24:42-44; 1Pe5:8; Rev22:6;

Ps6:10; Is1:28-31; Mt16:2,3,12; Jn7:3-8; Lk21:13;

1Cor3:5; 1Cor16:13; Ga6:10; Co4:5. The day God‘s glory appears on earth will be like

the day when an unsaved person dies never to return.

Masses of unrighteous, lost, unsaved people (together with the evil and the wicked people) will die in their

sin and will be forgotten by God. There will be no

turning back. There will be no second chances. There will be no mercy. There will be no opportunity to

seek God through Christ Jesus once those people die

on that great day; Mk8:38; Ro1:16-19. If they were

ashamed of the Gospel before they died, then they will be cast out forever on the day of God‘s wrath.

They will be eternally tormented because of their

own choices while they lived on earth. Part of their torment is never being in the presence of God,

forever remembering their own sin, and realizing

they missed their opportunity because of worldly choices; Lk16:22-31; Da12:12.

There are ten days between the Day of Atonement

and the seventh day of the Feast of Booths of the

seventh holy month; Lv23:27; Lv23:39. As stated earlier, the first resurrection is prior to the great day

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


of the LORD; 1Th5:9; Rev18:8; Is66:8. The great day

of the Lord is literally one day in length, but during the ten+ days before His great day, God displays

terrifying wonders in the heavens; Mt24:29,30. Truly,

God will bring forth a nation in one day. He will

change the face of the earth in one day. Most certainly the children of God still alive on earth prior

to that great day will perceive that the day of their

transfiguration is very near; 1Th1:10; 1Cor15:42-44; Mk9:2,3; Mt24:33,34.

The day of the first resurrection may occur shortly

after the Day of Atonement within the days between the tenth and the fifteenth of the seventh holy month;

Ho6:2. Hosea 6:2 is a direct referral to the day Jesus

was resurrected on the third day, for it means that

death had been conquered; Ho13:14; 1Cor15:54-58. The prophecy of Isaiah 9:6 was partially fulfilled

when Jesus appeared the first time. Again, it will be

partially fulfilled when world peace is established under Jesus Mighty God. Only after the day of

Judgment will this prophecy be completely fulfilled;

Ps1:5,6. Hosea 6:2 may have two prophetic purposes, the

second one being the literal raising up of God‘s

faithful ones. Scriptural support: God commanded the

Feast of Booths to be observed after the crops have been harvested; Lv23:39b,c. The ―crops‖ represent

―good fruit‖ Mt7:19. Starting from the fifteenth of the

seventh holy month, signs and wonders will become more violent. God commanded that the Feast of

Booths is to be observed for seven days with an

offering of fire; Lv23:36a; Rev3:10. The fifteenth

day of the month is also the 1335th day since the end

of the temple sacrifice; Da12:12. There is no greater

blessing than to be present with Jesus; Jn15:11. The

fifteenth day is also the 45th day since the prophetic

1290th day when the abomination of desolation was

set up; Da12:11.

Additional supporting prophecy: After forty days, Satan tested God to turn the stones into bread;

Mt4:2,3. Satan didn’t understand he spoke prophecy

just like Caiaphas; Jn11:51. Truly, the children of

God are living stones; 1Pe2:5. God will turn these living stones into bread; Jn6:33,35,48,51. His faithful

children are the ―showbread‖ placed before the Holy

of Holies; 1Chr23:29,30 Ex25:30. Jesus will raise them up to stand clothed before the Father;


Paul encouraged the people to take bread and eat on the fourteenth day of the storm, for they would be

saved; Ac27:22,23,33-36,43,44. God‘s people still

alive on earth during the storm of the last days will be

encouraged because they will have taken (prayed, read the Bible, etc.) from the Bread of Life. God told

Noah to enter the ark, for in seven days He ―…will

send rain…‖ Gn7:1,4; Mt24:38,39. The day of the first resurrection is like the day the Israelites boldly

assembled, and seven days later Pharaoh‘s army was

no more; Ex12:15-17; 13:6,8,15,18-20; Ex14:28. The

day of their raising up will be similar to Joshua first assembling Israel to march around Jericho, and then

on the seventh day the walls came down; Jos6:1,3-

5,13-16,20. The day God raises His children will be similar to the day a few weeks earlier when God

raised His two witnesses on the fourth day; Is60:1,2;

Rev11:11,13. Lazarus was raised from the dead on the fourth day and represents the day of the first

resurrection, though he was brought back to mortal

life; Jn11:3,6,14,17,23-27,43,44.

On that day, God will literally call His children to ―Come out…‖ Rev18:4; Ps33:18. The outcry of

wickedness on earth will be great; Gn18:2,16-20;

19:16. God will remove His people from the fire for all the world to witness; Da3:27,28; 6:22; Jn11:39,40;

Zec2:8. Jesus had the wrappings and fetters of death

removed from Lazarus, and He will free His people from their bondage on the day He raises them;

Jn11:44; Job36:7-14; Jn16:33; Ho13:14c,d;

1Cor15:54-57. By their fruits these faithful people

are/will be brought into His house as Jesus testified; Lk6:44,45,47,48; Jn15:4,5,8,16. He is the Passover

and the Feast of Unleavened Bread; Mt26:2; 1Cor5:7;

Jn6:35; Jn5:25-29; Ma3:10; 1Cor5:8; Rev19:9; Lv23:39.

On that day, the mystery is revealed; Is66:7-9;

1Cor15:51; Rev10:7. Jesus spoke no careless word;

Dt32:46,47; Mt12:36,3. The raising of His children will be like the resurrection of Jesus; Jn20:1. Early in

the morning hours of the second or third watch

(Jerusalem time), the day begins with a shout; Lk12:38; Ezk5:5; 1Th4:16. Possibly this shout will

be heard only by the children of God. Those who

hear His voice will shout for joy; Da12:1,3; Jn5:25; 1Ki19:12,13; Pr15:1a; Mt11:29; Php4:5; 1Pe3:4;

Ps71:23; 81:1; 105:43; Is35:6b; 55:12; Lk6:23a,b;

Ezra3:12,13. At the same time, the host in heaven

and the earth will shout for joy; Ps65:8; 100:1; Is44:23; 49:13; Lk19:40. In the same manner as

Jesus, God‘s children will be transfigured and raised;

Mt17:2; Rev18:4; 1Cor15:50-58; Rev7:14. This is our Hope; Ro8:22,25. Those resurrected on that day

will rise up the same way as Jesus; Ac1:9-11. People

will fix their hearts toward the Light of God to join the multitudes already gathering for the wedding

dinner; Ac1:9-11; Mt24:44,46; Rev6:9; 7:9: 19:7,8.

And, this moment of the raising of God‘s people

as God had His Holy Spirit signify to Paul is in a ―…twinkling.‖ 1Cor15:52-58; 1Cor13:9,10;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Eph4:11-16; Mt25:6. In that moment the perishable

of the earthly body is removed, and the imperishable of the heavenly body is put on. That moment will be

wonderful to experience for each person of God, but

for the observer there is confusion and fear; 1Th4:16-

18; Gn5:24; 2Ki2:11,12; Mt27:29-31; 28:1-7; Jn20:19-22; Lk17:34-36. For those still alive on

earth, the moment of transfiguration will be like

holding one‘s breath… the breath of God, while ascending from under the deep, troubled waters of

evil, into the fresh air of eternal life. God‘s children

will actually feel their perishable body change to be imperishable; Gn2:7; Jn20:22. As a person steps out

of a pool, being changed will feel like the water

shedding off his or her body, but also from within.

Then as the Scripture states, they will walk on the water; Jon2:5-7; Mt14:24-33; Rev15:2. Being

transfigured is the completion of baptism, of dying to

the old self and being raised up a new person; Ac8:36-39. It is being first born of flesh in this

present life and then being born again in the Spirit;

Jn3:3,4; Jn3:5. This first resurrection is the world‘s undeniable evidence of the truth of Jesus‘ testimony

when His people come out of the harlot woman

Babylon; Jn5:34; Rev17:4,5.

Acceptable Offering

Jesus is our Nazirite, for upon His last Passover supper He dedicated Himself to God; Nu6:2-8;

Lk22:15-18. The completion of His days as a Nazirite

is when the kingdom of God comes to those who wait

upon the LORD; Ps69:6-9; Jn2:13-17; Ps27:14; 37:9,10; 1Cor4:5; Php3:20. This is the day He will

bring His offering to the tent of meeting, which is the

house of God in heaven; Nu6:13-15; Co1:22. The offering consists of people who are part of the first

resurrection through their freewill offering of

imperishable treasures/jewels stored in heaven; Ex35:29; Mt6:20; Is61:10. However, this offering

could be as simple as merely believing upon the

name of Jesus; Jn1:12,13; 3:18. Either way they are

found acceptable in Christ; Is56:7,8; Ro12:1,2. In the old Law, the lamb represents the sacrifice,

commitment, devotion, and obedience to the LORD of

God‘s children; Nu6:14; Dt6:5; Hab2:4c; 1Tim1:5; Heb10:22,23; 1Pe1:22,23. The harvested grain milled

into fine flour, made into bread, broken into pieces,

and then placed in a basket also represents God‘s people; Nu6:15; Mt21:43,44; Mk8:19,20. Their faith

and sacrifice are part of the most holy showbread;

Ex25:30; 29:37,40; Lv8:26,27; 1Chr23:28-30;


Though the children of God (the first fruits) will

have been raised up to the inner holy court of God, there is service to be performed; Ezk40:44-46;

44:17,20,23,26-28,30. Not only will they rejoice, but

they will prepare for the day of wrath; Is9:3;

Ezk43:5-8; Gn49:10; Rev5:5,12. On the day of wrath, the LORD will appear to Israel and to the

world; Zeph1:14; Is9:4-7. He will surely enter from

the east on that day; Ezk46:1. That day the mountain of God is established, and the land all around will be

holy; Ezk43:12. After the day of His wrath, those of

the first resurrection will continue serving Him a thousand years; Rev20:6. The 144000 sealed from

each tribe will teach the people on earth, fulfilling

prophecy; Rev14:3; Ezk44:23; Is66:19. God knows

whether or not the rest of His raised up people will be seen on earth, but they will be working in the realm

of the Spirit on earth during the generations after the

great day of the LORD; Heb9:14,15; Lk19:16-19. These first fruits will continue until the Scripture is

fulfilled with the marriage of the bride and

Bridegroom at the end of the age; Mt22:7,9,10,13,14; Rev22:3-6; Mt5:22; Rev22:15.

Those Who Remain

The people who remain on earth and have not

accepted Jesus become a witness to the moment of

the first resurrection; Jn10:37,38. The people who remain will know the resurrection is true;

Mt24:40,41. Their expression of awe will become a

witness to the future generations until the end of the

age; Zeph3:8-11; Joel 2:2; Ezk14:22,23; Pr1:2-7; Mt13:47-50; Ma3:18. On that day of the first

resurrection, many will wail deeply, like the people

of Egypt when they mourned for the death of their firstborn; Ex12:12,30; Is13:6,7; 29:6,7; Ps60:8;

Is2:10,11; 16:7; 59:9-12; 65:14.

Their witness is a record of the evidence of the first resurrection to assure and remind future

generations so there is no excuse; Is46:8; Jn15:22;

Ro1:20; 2:1. At that time, the world is very near to

the visible appearance of our God Emmanuel Jesus King of kings Messiah; Is13:8,9; Mt24:30,31;

Gn19:16,17. Then the transgression against God will

end when the Lion of Judah roars; Rev18:6-8; Jer31:15,17,23,24,31-34; Rev5:5; Jer25:30,31;

Is30:30; 24:20,21. The Lamb and the Lion are


Prelude To Wrath

The day of His wrath follows after His raised people have once again reclined with Him at the

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


table; Ps18:16-21; Rev18:4,20; Jn12:1; Lk22:16;

Rev3:20c; 19:7-9. The great storm (wrath) also begins after God‘s people are safe inside the Ark

(Jesus); Rev18:4,5; Ps132:7-12; Rev11:18,19;

Mt24:38-41; Lk17:27-32; Rev19:7,8. God will close

the door (of salvation); Gn7:16; Is6:3,4; 30:27; Rev15:8; Lk13:24. Then His people are readied to

return to Jerusalem with Jesus Messiah Zec9:11-14;

Is5:27-30. For Israel, the day of the raising up will be reminiscent of the day Elijah was taken; 2Ki2:11,12.

Jews (but not the 144000) who remain will rend their

spiritual clothes, knowing the Word they had heard was true. Represented by the lads, Jews will

understand that it is because of their unbelief that

they will have experienced the wrath of nations. In

the name of the LORD, Elisha cursed the lads who mocked him; and the bears were sent; 2Ki2:23,24.

Going to Mt. Carmel, Elisha represents Christ Jesus

being resurrected to heaven. Mt. Carmel represents heaven with God‘s rich olive grove and vineyard.

Then Elisha helps the woman (a real-life parable);

2Ki2:25; 2Ki4:1-7. Christ Messiah is Elisha, Satan/sin is the creditor, Israel is the woman (the

bride of Christ), God‘s faithful children are the two

sons, people seeking God are the empty jars; and the

Holy Spirit is the oil. (Jesus was sold and paid the debt so we could have life.). The oil stops

temporarily (between jars) on the last Day of

Atonement and permanently at the end of the age. Mt. Carmel also represents God‘s staging area in

heaven; Ac1:11,13; 2:2-4.

The first resurrection will be similar to the time

Israel gathered together following the destroyer; Ex12:37. Also, it will be like the day the disciples

saw Jesus in a storm-tossed sea and then worshiped

Him; Mt14:24-27,32,33. On the day of the first resurrection, Jesus will meet the assembly of His

church (bride), and the people will worship Him;

Rev5:13. Then they will prepare to drive out the demons and crush evil in God‘s holy wrath, as in the

day Jesus drove the demons into the swine; Mt8:28-

32. Shortly after He meets with them, God‘s children

will follow Jesus; Rev19:2,11. They will be like Israel and will soon return in full martial array in His

Spirit; Ex13:18; Joel 2:1-11; Rev19:13,14. On the

day they return, our Man of God, our true Elijah, will redeem the life of Israel, His son… and lost sheep;

2Ki4:20-22,25,27,32,33,35; Lk15:6,21,22; Zec9:12.

After that day, Israel, as a nation, will understand that Jesus and His faithful ones did bend Judah as His

bow when they spoke of the gospel; and they

returned to restore and not to smite; Zec9:13-15;


In preparation for the second appearance of Jesus

during the final days of the transgression against God, God will arrange all the nations to do

everything necessary to bring about His miraculous

conclusion; Ps79:9-13; Is37:23-29; Ro15:3; Rev13:4-

6; Is45:20-22; 13:4-13; 24:21,23; 43:9-13; Ezk7:14. The day of God‘s wrath will be like the day of Elijah

on Mt. Carmel; 1Ki18:20-22,30-32,36-41.

It will be the day God removes Israel from the bondage of the world. (In Israel‘s exodus, Egypt

represents the world; Ex2:23,24; 3:12.) Truly, for a

thousand years, the nations will worship God at His mountain; Zec14:16. The day of His wrath is the day

God will judge those nations where Jews have lived

and suffered; Gn15:14. Afterwards Israel will be

blessed and will follow God Messiah forever Ezk36:30; Ac7:7. (Moses represents Messiah; Ex4:2-

9; Is59:20,21; Rev14:20; Ezk36:24.) The next day

after His wrath is the eighth day (One might say this is the eighth day of creation.) of the Feast of Booths;

Lv23:39. Israel will return to the land promised and,

as a nation, will see Christ Jesus Messiah in her heart; Is43:5-7; 2Cor3:7-9,18; Heb9:28. Israel will then go

forth out of Jerusalem in the name of Jesus,

proclaiming His glory; Jer51:10; 2Ki19:31; Dt9:4,5;

Ac2:38; Jer4:2; Joel 2:23-27. We are alive because of His mercy and not from

anything we do; Is63:9; Jer33:25,26; Mt5:7; Ro9:15;

2Pe3:9. Therefore, seek the one true God, and pray in His Son‘s name for your hearts to be softened and

your eyes to be opened! (Dt4:39; Is45:5-7; Jn1:12;

Ps119:18-24; Is42:6-8; 6:9,10; Mt13:14-16;

Jn9:24,25,35-41) Know for sure that when you see these things unfold, the day of His coming draws

near; Mt24:32,33.

Some common elements of God‘s Word (See page 15.) are written as opposites (having different

meanings, purposes, or results). They come in pairs.

Example: (wheat vs. tares) When God‘s children (wheat) gather in His presence, the nations against

God (tares) will have been bundled together; Mt3:12;

13:30; Is43:9-13; Ezk5:15,16. Many of these point to

either life or death; Ro5:17. A person either: 1. believes in Jesus, God‘s Son, and lives a holy life;

Lv11:44; 1Pe1:16; or 2. rejects Jesus and is dead,

though he or she is alive on earth; Mt23:27. Rejection also includes the people who know about

Jesus and do the things of His church, but have not

given their hearts to God; Mt7:23; Rev3:1. Simply put, a person has the free will to choose either

direction; 1Chr25:6a-d; Ne2:13.

The Seventh Appointed Holy Observance In Real Time Is Called

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


The Feast Of Booths Or Tabernacles:

The final seven days begin on the fifteenth day of

the seventh holy month of the holy calendar year

(that God alone knows) according to the fullness of

His time; Lv23:34; Mt24:36; Dt31:10; Zec14:1-3,7,9,11,13,16; Ro11:25. They are the final seven

days of the transgression after the final prophetic

week and are called the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles; Da8:12,14; Da9:24,26,27; Lv23:39.

During these days the terror of the LORD will grip the

inhabitants of the earth; Is13:7,8; Ho10:8; Lk23:30; Rev6:16. According to the Law, Israel is to worship

God for seven days with much sacrifice and grain

offerings daily; Nu29:12-16,17a,39.

During the last few months of the transgression, nearly the entire world population is filled with

hatred and great evil. God will have started to take

action; Mt24:22. The elect are God‘s people (including the 144000 Rev 7:3,4) who will be among

the survivors and become a testimony; Ex16:33;

Nu9:15; Ps78:5-7; Is8:16,18; Jer50:20,23; Ezk6:8-10; Jn3:11a,b; Rev15:5,8. There will be a slaughter on

the 21st day of the seventh holy month which is the

great day of the LORD and the seventh day of the

Feast of Booths; Rev14:17-19; Is34:2,3; Lv23:36. The seventh bowl will be poured out on that day of

slaughter, and God will establish His mountain in

Jerusalem (just as He did for the Israelites when they arrived at Mt. Sinai Ex3:12;); Rev16:17; Is30:25;

Zeph1:15-17. From that time forward, all nations will

know He dwells with them; Ex25:8; 40:38; Is2:4;

Ezk20:40,41; Zeph3:8-11.

The Wall

On the day of His wrath (as in the day the wall

was completed around Jerusalem), the host of heaven

and His returning army will complete on earth a spiritual wall around Jerusalem lasting a thousand

years, and also around the New Jerusalem lasting

through eternity; Ne6:15; Rev19:13,14; Is54:12-14;

Jer15:20a,21; Rev20:6; Rev21:10-12. That wall will separate the holy from the profane, never again to be

breached; Ezk42:20; Ezk43:7,8; Rev20:7-10.

We know the Scripture serves as a copy of heavenly things; Heb8:5; 9:23,24. Fifty-two days

were needed from the day Nehemiah called the

people until the wall was completed around Jerusalem; Ne2:17,18; Ne6:15. Nehemiah represents

Jesus, and those standing with him represent the

faithful ones in God; Ne2:20. During those days,

Nehemiah was mocked by Sanballatt, Tobiah, Geshem, and others; Ne2:19; Ne4:7,8. Sanballat

represents the dragon/Satan, who attempts to

annihilate the faithful Jews and the followers of Jesus; Ne4:1; Rev12:9; Rev12:15,17. Tobiah

represents the antichrist/beast whom the devil enters,

and Geshem represents the false prophet/beast;

Rev13:1,2; Rev13:11,12; 16:13,14. The ―others‖ represent all the nations who conspire against the

LORD, mocking Him in the final days; Rev12:3;

17:15,16; 2Chr36:15,16; Rev13:5,6; 17:14. During the reconstruction of the wall, there were many

attempts to cause fear and defeat the efforts of

Nehemiah and those working with him Instead of physical labor and weapons in the final days, God‘s

faithful ones will have the work of presenting the

Gospel; and they will carry His Word as the sword of

protection; Ne6:17-19; Ne4:16-19; Mt28:19,20; Heb4:12. As noted within the Scripture, the fifty-two

days (needed to complete the wall) are significant. Of

the 2300 days in the final years, it is in the last fifty-two days that the transgression against God will end;

Da8;14. The math: The 1290th day the abomination of

desolation is set up; Da12:11. There are 40 more days for the great tribulation and 5 more days to receive

the blessing; Mt24:21; Da12:12. Then there are 7

days of the Feast of Booths (the seventh day being

the great day of the LORD); Lv23:34,36. Together they (40 + 5 + 7) total fifty-two. Truly, the Lord

alone, and not hands of the flesh, will fulfill the

required observances of the Law; Is63:3,4. On the night Jesus was born, the shepherds were

greatly frightened; and on the day the world is

changed (born again), the nations will be filled with

terror; Lk2:9,13,14; Ps78:33,34; Is2:19. On that day the earth will shake to and fro; Is24:20.

God‘s wrath is His victory for righteousness when

Truth is vindicated, evil is crushed, and His glory and power are displayed to the peoples; Ps98:1,2;

Lk7:35;Mt26:42; Is54:17;. Is62:1,2. Instead of a colt

of peace, Jesus will ride a spiritual white horse of war; Lk19:35; Rev19:11. His people with Him will

also ride horses straight ahead into Jerusalem;

through the darkened sky; Rev19:14; Ps18:11-15;

Mt24:29. Instead of the veil being torn, the Mount of Olives will be split in two; and on the day of His

wrath, water will run in torrents; Lk23:45; Zec14:4;

Is30:25. As Jesus‘ blood ran from the valley of His wound, the blood of the armies will run in the valley;

Jn19:34; Rev14:18,19; Joel 3:14-17; Rev14:20.

Great Feast

Once there was an occasion when the sacrifice

was great at the house of the Lord; 1Ki8:63,64. On the day of God‘s wrath, instead of the lambs, goats,

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


bulls, etc., transgressors will be slain; Is27:7;

Ezk39:17-22. That day will fulfill a promised feast dedicated to the animals and birds; Is18:4-6;


That first occasion for the great sacrifice was the

dedication of the house for God that Solomon built on the mount; 1Ki6:7; 1Ki8:59-61. Earlier God had

promised David that his son would build the house of

the LORD; 1Ki5:5; 8:19. Solomon is translated, peace, and there was peace in Israel most of his days;

1Chr22:9-13. It took seven years to build the temple;

1Ki6:38. It was dedicated at the feast in the seventh holy month of Ethanim/Tisri (meaning, gifts);

1Ki8:2. On the day the ark was placed in the inner

sanctuary, a cloud of the glory of God filled the

house of the Lord; 1Ki8:10,11. The dedication took seven days, but then Solomon extended the

dedication another seven days, and then on the eighth

day, the people returned to their homes rejoicing; 1Ki8:65; 1Ki8:66. (Do you see parallels?). God told

Solomon He would dwell in His house in Jerusalem

all the days, unless the people turned from Him and worshiped idols; 1Ki9:3-5.

The significance of the first house of the LORD is

the prophecy within the recorded event. The place for

the Lord will be built again on His mountain, but no man will strike a tool to it. God Himself will lift up

His mountain in Jerusalem; Is2:2,3. Truly, the Son of

David, Jesus, will build it; Is2:4,5. It will have its ―moat,‖ for there will be a fresh water river from its

base, flowing to the sea; Ezk47:1,7-12. On the day it

is built, the glory of God will come to the inhabitants

in a cloud; Is4:5. He will build it on the seventh day of the Feast of Booths.

Then on the eighth day, the Jews will be gathered

from wherever they are to return, rejoicing to their home in the land of Israel; Jer23:3-8; Is41:9,10;

Ac1:8. Solomon extended the dedication another

seven days. This, too, is an example of historical prophecy; 1Ki8:65. The second week of seven days

represents the return of Christ Jesus Messiah, when

Israel will have true peace (Solomon); Zec8:12. Then

the people will dedicate their lives and offer sacrifices of service, rather than animals, etc. to the

LORD; Ezk43:26,27; Mt4:10.

Another prophecy within this historical account is the marriage alliance of Solomon and Pharaoh‘s

daughter; 1Ki3:1. Pharaoh had come into the land of

Israel and captured Gezer, which was north of Jerusalem. Pharaoh used the Canaanites as a dowry

for the marriage of his daughter, and Solomon had a

beautiful home built for her; 1Ki9:15; 1Ki7:8-12. In

the latter days, Israel and Egypt will be part of another alliance which will lead to the last seven

years. For Israel, this diplomatic relationship may

lead to the construction of the third house of God on Mount Moriah; 2Chr3:1; Rev11:1,2. However, God

has clearly stated Israel was never to rely on Egypt

again; Dt17:15,16; 1Ki11:1,2; Jer42:19. Starting

from the day of God‘s wrath, Israel will never again have an alliance with Egypt; Is10:20; 31:1-5;

Jer16:14; 46:25; Ezk29:3-6,16. After that day, Egypt

will be a lowly people until the end of the age, and it will be forty years after God‘s day of wrath that few

people will live in the land of Egypt; Ezk29:13,15.

However, even though Egypt‘s future appears bleak, God will bless the people of Egypt in that day;


There are several indications that the time of the

Gentiles continues to be fulfilled; Lk21:24; Ro11:25,26. Here are a few indicators. Part of the

physical Jewish temple remains in place. Heb9:8,9.

There are unenlightened Jews who continue to cling to the Law, waiting for the first appearance of God‘s

Anointed One; Is44:18; 1Sa2:35,36; Is61:1-5;

Eph1:17-23. There are Jews who refuse to believe after the Gospel is presented to them; Jn1:1; Ac6:9-

11; 13:45; 14:2; 17:1-5; 18:12; 19:8,9. The Law has

not disappeared, meaning both faithful and secular

Jews are subject to the Law; Heb8:13. Only through Jesus will the Law be fulfilled.

This second time our King descends to earth in

His glory and power, He will vindicate the twelve tribes of Israel and rebuke the nations on His great

day; Heb9:28; Ps8:1; 60:1-12; 2Ki21:12; Dt31:10,13;

Ho1:11; Mt21:44; Is2:10; 5:24; 17:13; 25:12; 29:5;

40:15 Zph1:14-18a; Is24:20,21. The earth will be full of God‘s righteous judgment, and He will arrange for

the great feast; Is2:4; 3:13; Ezk7:3-19; Is18:5,6;

Ho2:17,18; Rev19:21; Ezk39:17-22.

The Seventh Day

The seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread

Israel passed safely through the sea, but Pharaoh‘s

army was crushed; Ex14:28,29. As stated,

unleavened bread is the symbol for the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Booths;

Ex34:22-25. Jesus, our true Unleavened Bread (now

unseen) will come again in power and glory; Jn6:55-58; Jn20:29; Lk21:27. The lost world will not see

Him, but they will experience His supernatural

phenomena. Jesus will cause things of the natural environs to be shaken at precisely the right moment.

On the seventh day of the Feast of Booths, the

prophecy of the seventh seal, seventh trumpet, and

seventh bowl will be fulfilled; Rev8:1; 7:1; 11:15; 16:14,17,19. Jesus will open the seventh seal. There

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


will be silence for a half hour; Rev8:2-5. Then, like

Joshua at Jericho, the seventh trumpet will be sounded, and the seventh bowl will be poured;

Jos6:15,16,20; Rev11:15,18,19; Rev16:18,20,21;

3:10,11; 14:7,8; 18:8,21. That day of the LORD will

be greater than the seventh day when the Israelites circled Jericho because all the walls and towers of the

world will tumble, the earth will shout, all peoples on

earth will know the Lord, and the transgression against God will end; Jos6:1,3-5; Ezk38:20;

Is52:9,10; Hab2:11; Lk19:40; Rev14:17-19;

Mt3:11,12; Zec14:16-19; Da9:24. Then the iniquity of Israel will be forgiven, and the veil will be

removed from eyes of Jews who had remained

faithful to the Law; Is27:9; Ezk36:25-27; Is25:7. That

day the LORD will fulfill the High Priest‘s duties of Law. Israel will never return to offering the blood of

animals to God, for Jesus offered Himself once for all

mankind; Ex34:25; Is1:11-14,16,17; Mt26:28. That great day of the LORD is not the Judgment at

the end of the age, but it is the day of vengeance;

Da12:13; Mt12:36,41; 13:39,40; Ro2:3-8; Rev20:11; Dt32:35,36; Ga4:25-28; Is34:8; 61:2; 63:4-6.

Returning, Jesus will lead His heavenly host, His

faithful ones who were under the altar, and those who

were martyred or raised in the first resurrection who came out the great tribulation; Rev19:14-16;

Rev6:9,10; Rev7:14. (Remember, the great

tribulation [Satan‘s wrath] would have continued had

God/Jesus not intervened.) That day His bared right arm will come down to

end the transgression, to crush evil and wickedness,

to bind the demons, and to establish His kingdom of

peace on earth. On that day, like the seventh day around Jericho, the living stones in heaven will shout;

and every man will go straight ahead; Ps48:10;

Dt4:34; Is40:10,11; 51:5; 52:10; Jer32:17-20; Ezk20:33; Is44:23; 13:13; 42:13; Rev18:6-8; Nu24:8;

Mt2:15; Da2:44,45; Ro16:20; Rev20:2;Rev11:15;

Nu23:19-21; Is42:13; 52:8; 65:14; Jer25:30,31; 50:46; Zeph3:14,15; Jos6:5.

On that great day, the Cornerstone of redemption

will become the Rock and Mountain of offense;

Is28:16; Is28:17; Ro9:33; 1Pe2:8; Rev18:21; Mk11:23. The two-edged Sword will bring about

justice and righteousness to the nations; Ps149:5-9;

Jn1:1; Heb4:12; Rev1:16; 19:15; Is42:1,6. Jesus‘ sword will never be sheathed again, and those who

are His from the first resurrection will protect

Jerusalem; Ezk21:5; Ps2:9; Rev2:27; Is31:5. When David picked up five stones, 1Sa17:40;

God was forewarning that if need be, He will use

additional natural rocks/mountains of offense if

mankind should ever return by the way it once came (rebellion); Ga5:21; 1Pe2:8; Gn6:5; 1Ki13:7-


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 9

Beasts, Great Day of Wrath, God‘s Peace

Participants And Prophecy

The Dragon

Satan, the devil, the accuser against the people of God, will attempt through the beast to change times

and the law during the final three and a half years of

the transgression; Zec3:1; Is54:17; Da7:25,26; Ps109:6,7. However, it is not man‘s law and time, but

the Holy appointed time and law of God that cannot

be altered; nor can the unfolding events leading to the

end of the transgression be changed; Da12:11,12; Ro2:12-16; Is22:21,22; 29:3-6; 49:22; 54:1; Jer15:11;

Da8:14. The day the abomination stands in the Holy

place may not be the same day the temple sacrifice ends; Mt24:15.

By the time the abomination of desolation is set

up, the economy will have collapsed, and the

Euphrates River will have dried; Rev6:6; Rev9:14; 16:12; Ezk38:4-12. Nations will have rejected both

Jews and the people who believe in Christ Jesus;

Jer29:17-19; Ps44:22; 118:10-14; Rev13:7; Da11:33; Is66:5; Ho8:8; Rev12:17. Jews and the followers of

Jesus will have experienced terrible conditions in

order to be refined and purged; Da11:35. The LORD has ordained this to take place; Is48:10; Jer9:7;

Zec13:9; Ma3:3,4; Is4:4-6; Rev3:18; 7:14; Mk13:19-

27. Massive numbers of troops will have gathered

near and around Israel; and, except for the children of God, love for other people will have grown cold;

Mt13:30; Rev9:16; Ps88:14-18; 27:6; Jn13:34;

1Cor13:12,13; Mt24:12; Rev9:20,21. Like the time Rachel wept, but worldwide this

time, especially difficult will be the days following

the raising up of the two witnesses; Jer31:15; Mt2:16-18; Rev12:17; 2Tim3:1; Rev11:12,14,18a;

Mt24:13; Lk23:28-31. Their raising up will precede

the time all the conditions for the abomination of

desolation are in place; Da12:11; Da11:31; Mt24:15; Rev1:3.

After the 1290 days (counting from the day the

sacrifice was stopped), there are forty-five days remaining to the 1335

th day; Da12:12. When the two

witnesses are raised, like cornered, snarling dogs, the

antichrist and false prophet (who initiate the

abomination of desolation); will greatly pursue ruthlessness, for their hearts will be as stone;

Lk16:31; Is56:9-12; Mt7:6; Php3:2;

Rev22:15;Mt24:15Job30:14-16;Job15:25-35; Is13:11; 1Sa25:37,38; Job41:24. These two will go to

destruction because God has created them (like

Pharaoh) for this purpose, in order to bring the LORD‘s peace, reconcile nations with Him, and fulfill

His Word; Rev17:8; 19:20d; Ex9:16; Jn13:18;

Rev17:17; Is9:7; Co1:20; Ps145:19; Jer29:10; 33:14-17; Mt3:15; 5:17; 26:56.

The last forty-five days before the Feast of

Booths, the terrible days of the great tribulation occur; Job39:19-25; Rev6:8; 9:18-21; 17:15-17;

Mt24:21; Rev2:10. There will be no way for escape.

People who love Jesus will feed on His Word, and

those who do not understand God‘s Word will be terrified; Da1:12,15; Gn27:28; Ps63:5-11;

Jn6:33,50,51,53; Jer6:25; 8:15,16; 30:5-7. During

those last several days, many prophecies will be fulfilled, including the end of the transgression

against God and the start of the kingdom of peace on

earth; Ma2:3-7; Ro14:17; Jn16:26,27. However, for

both the Jew and Gentile before mortal death, now is the time to trust and obey in Jesus by faith; for while

there is time, there is opportunity; Jn16:28-33. When

the final three holy appointed times of the Law are fulfilled (the Blowing of Trumpets, the Day of

Atonement, and the Feast of Booths) through the

glory of Christ Jesus Messiah, the heart of the Jew will also be changed, and the Truth will be

understood (meaning Jesus is recognized as Savior

and King) by Israel and the nations of the world‘

Mt24:29-31; Rev14:1; Jer3:15; Ezk36:26; Jn14:16,17; Ezk34:27-31; Jn8:36; Ga4:28,31;

Ro11:7,15,22,25,32. Otherwise, why would God

need to change their hearts? (Ezk36:27-38)

The Worthless Shepherd

The days of the last seven years will begin

silently, in a time of good economy for many nations;

Da2:41-43; Jer6:14,15; Ezk13:10-14; Da11:21.

During the time while Israel seems to be in control of her destiny (which could be prior to the final seven

prophetic years), the temple is built again on the

temple mount in Jerusalem; Ezk5:5; 40:5; 42:20; 44:5-9; Rev11:1,2. There will be a wall of separation

between the Holy and the profane; Ezk43:7,8. Once

the temple is complete, then the inner court of the

Holy of Holies must be seen by dignitaries; Ex26:33,34; Heb9:3-7; Da11:24a; Ezk44:7-9;

Ps55:12-14. None of the dignitaries are from the high

Levitical Priesthood.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Like the time with Hezekiah, the person who is

the antichrist/beast (yet to be revealed and who is already judged, similar to Judas Iscariot) will go to

destruction; Is39:2-4; 1Jn2:22; Rev17:8; Ps41:9;

55:14,15; Jn16:11; Jn17:12; Mt26:50; Rev17:11;

Is28:22. He will be (is) a secular Jew, having an uncircumcised heart and will be a descendant from

the tribe of Dan; Gn49:16-18; Dt33:22; Jer4:15,16;

8:16,17. He will be at that time, or a time soon to appear from that day, a figurehead of an international

committee; Da11:21,24b,c; Rev17:11-13. Israel will

incorrectly think of this apostate Jew as the shepherd who will lead the nation to green pastures; 2Ki20:12-

19; Mi2:3,4,10,11; Ho5:4-7; Zec11:16,17; Dt17:15.

From this alliance, Israel will have assumed she has a

long term peace agreement or covenant, but instead terror will be born; Ps55:20,21; Jer4:10; 8:11,15; 9:8;

14:13,14,19; 30:5-7.

This man, this worthless shepherd, like Judas Iscariot, will be evil from within; and before the end,

Satan will actually enter into him; Jn6:64; 17:12;

2Th2:1-14; Lk22:3; Jn13:7; Rev12:9; 13:2-4; Ezk28:16-19; 38:9-12. This secular Jew beast (the

antichrist) is a wolf in sheep‘s clothing, and he will

blaspheme God from within the rebuilt temple;

1Jn2:18; Rev13:1,5; 17:8,11-13,16,17; Jer5:6; Mt7:15; Jn10:12; 2Th2:3,4.

False Prophet

Along with the antichrist/beast, there will be

another man (a descendant from Ishmael); Am8:14.

The angel of the LORD spoke to Hagar and said, ―He will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be

against everyone, and everyone‘s hand will be

against him; and he will live east of his brothers‖ Gn16:1,11,12,15; 21:14,18,21; 25:12-18. This

descendant from Ishmael will become the false

prophet and the abomination; Job11:12; Rev13:11,12; 16:13,14; Ho8:8-10; Eph2:2; Da11:31;

Mt24:15. He will be/is another beast, and his god will

be the fortress of the military; Da11:38; Is21:2a,3-7;


Two Beasts

Remember Jesus, with peace in His heart, rode on

a donkey on the way to Jerusalem; Zec9:9; Is1:3;

9:6,7; Jn12:14,15; 14:27; Mt21:1-10; However, the antichrist will ride on a symbolic wild donkey of the

false prophet. Together they will rampage against

Jerusalem with great evil. The heart of each beast

will be stone; Job11:11,12; 41:1,18-26; Is59:8; 33:1,7,8; Da11:21; Jer4:6-9; 46:20; 50:3,4,41;

Ezk38:15-17. Political harlotry (Is1:21-28). sin

(Ho4:6-11; Jn8:21,23,24), and the treachery of deception (Job15:34; Is28:14,15; Co2:8-10;

2Tim3:13), (This is insight!) will be what conceives

evil during the last seven years; Ps7:14-16; Da7:23;

9:27a. Both beasts, like two adjacent forms of false deity, will be destined to bring together the

relationship of many nations, including Israel;

Ps10:3-11; Jer17:5,6; 22:21-23. Both men will speak for the serpent devil dragon Satan; Da11:27;

Rev12:9; 13:4,5; Jer2:23-26; Rev13:1,10. With

deceit, they will oversee the false peace for Israel; Is59:6-9. The antichrist and false prophet will cause

powerful military forces to mobilize and engage;

Da11:27; Is3:4,12; Ezk5:14-17; 14:13-23;

Rev13:7,15; 9:16-18. As in the days of old when the LORD gave Israel

over to the nations (due to their sin), the beasts (men)

and three demons from Satan will serve God‘s purpose to bring about His peace; Ezk23:46;

Rev16:13,14,16; Rev12:13,17; Jer30:4-9;

Rev13:13,14,16-18; Jer4:15-17,27-29; Rev17:17; Ho5:14,15. As previously stated, halfway through the

seven years the regular Jewish temple sacrifice will

be stopped; Da9:27; Da11:31; 8:11,12; 12:11. In the

latter days, the very presence of the temple is sin against God because Israel as a nation refuses to

recognize her son Jesus as Messiah; Ezk7:20-22;

Jn9:39-41; Ezk36:17,18. Until the end of the age when evil is released for a short while, these will be

the last times/years for the wicked; Mt13:49,50;

Rev20:8,9; Da12:7; Rev12:6,14; 11:2; 13:5. Then,

God‘s peace (His Light), will come through a world of darkness after the wrath of the LORD; Gn1:2,3;

Jer4:24-26; Is9:2; Ezk36:2-4,6-12,22-28,38.

Do Not Take The Mark

Like a person jumping from a burning building, many people, during the days of evil, will attempt to

save their mortal lives or the lives of their children,

and will choose to have a mark placed on either their

right hands or foreheads, in order to conduct business and purchase food/services Mt6:27; Rev13:15-17;

Lv14:44. People with the mark are not forgiven;

Rev16:2. No one can remain alive in Christ after the mark is accepted; Ro6:4,11; Rev14:9-11. Many will

forsake their faith, (for the days are evil) and they

return dead in spirit, worse than if they had not believed at all; Mt24:10; Dt31:29; Eph5:16; 2Tim3:1;

Mt12:45. Beware, sin crouches at the door; Gn4:7.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Labor Pangs

The pangs of labor of the last days will begin

years before the day the transgression ends; Jer13:20-

22; Rev17:6,8; Da9:13,14; Ezk24:13. There will be a

total of 2300 days before the holy mountain in Jerusalem is cleansed and restored; Da8:14; Is66:20;

Zec3:8-10; Da12:11,12. God‘s Word tells us that

Jews will be nourished in the wilderness for 1260 days (time, times, and half a time). The 1260 days

equal forty-two months (each month with 30 days)

and total three and a half years; Rev12:14,16. (Chapter 7, pages 77-81)

Sometime during the first half of those seven

years, armies will rampage through Israel from the

north; Is8:7-9; 14:31; 1Th5:3; Am8:11-14; Ezk38:6,9-16. The political and social conditions in

Israel will erode quickly; Jer5:1,2; Ho3:3,4; Dt29:22-

28. The Temple sacrifice will be stopped at the end of the first half of the seven years; Da8:12; 11:28,30,31;

Da9:27; Rev13:5. This will be the time Jesus warned

people to flee; Mt24:15-20. During the next three and a half years, the

arrogant antichrist will exalt himself above God,

heaven, God‘s people on earth, and all gods;

2Th2:3,4; Rev13:5,6; 17:14. For people who are physically and spiritually alive in the LORD, this will

be the time of the sour wine, as in the day of Jesus‘

trial and crucifixion; Is24:11; Jn15:18,21; 16:2-4; Lk23:36; Jn19:29,30; Mt27:34; Rev6:2,4,6,8,10;

12:17; 13:7,10; 14:12,13. From the day the temple

sacrifice is stopped, there will be 1335 difficult days;

then the blessing will come; Da12:12; Jn16:21,22; 2Tim3:1; Ezk34:26.


The beast/antichrist, the false prophet/beast, and

the nations of the beasts will join together to become another beast; Dt29:19-21; Rev13:11; Rev17:12,13.

During this time, the love for other people will grow

cold; brother will deliver up brother; Mt24:9-12. The

persecution of Jews and believers of Jesus Christ will be severe. Truth will be thrown down; Da8:9-12;

11:35; Jer50:33,34.

This huge beast (all the nations) will launch a tirade against Jews, believers in Jesus, and anyone

who gets in the way Jer16:16,17; Rev17:14. Many

will fall; Ps79:1-7; Da7:25; 11:33; Mt24:13,14; Rev13:10. The world, including Jews and the

witnesses of Jesus, will experience the wrath of Satan

through the beast; yet there will be a Jewish remnant

who will survive, as well as other people; Rev12:12; Is11:11; 28:5; Rev12:15-17. It is vital that the

children of God will gain their strength in knowing

Jesus understands. They who stay true to their first love (remain solid in their faith in Jesus) will

overcome. Remember, Jesus has overcome the world,

so stay strong in Him. He who remains in the LORD

will be blessed; 1Cor3:14; Rev3:5.

The Great Tribulation

A torrent of raging waters will gush from the

beast; Jer47:2. Those waters will consist of evil

words and deeds; Da9:26. They will be Satan‘s great flood of blasphemies, mocking, and wickedness;

Rev12:15; 17:15. They will even attempt to carry on

life as if it were normal. Unenlightened people will

try to go on making the best of life, even though millions are dying; Mt24:38,39; Ps69:14,15. Armies

will destroy and be destroyed, and the wealth of

nations will be taken to Jerusalem; Zec14:14b; Hab1:7-11; Da11:36-39,41-45. As in the day Jesus

died to save all (The evidence of God‘s power was

witnessed.), people will again beat their breasts when they experience the horror of Satan‘s great evil, as he

will attempt to have all peoples, nations, and tongues

die; Lk23:47,48; Mt24:22. In the final days, man

against man will cause more pain and suffering than the world has ever experienced since Adam. It will

never happen again; Da12:1b; Mt24:21; Rev9:18.

Before the LORD returns, at least one-fourth of the geographic earth will have experienced major human,

economic, social loss, and/or material destruction;

Rev6:8. A third of mankind will be killed by the

beast; Rev9:18. Most people will blaspheme God and will forsake their deliverance when they cry out to

the mountains, ―Fall on us!‖ Ho10:8; Rev9:20,21;

Joel 2:32; Lk23:29,30; Rev6:15,16.

The LORD’s Wrath

For the seven days during the Feast of Booths, the

terror of the LORD will be all around; Lv23:39,42;

Zec12:9; Is24:17,18; In one hour of time, a complete

destruction of a major seaport will be decreed; Rev18:10,17. However, this may have occurred at an

earlier time by man‘s wickedness, rather than God‘s

wrath; the Scripture is not clear. The LORD‘s wrath will be short in duration;

Is29:5; Jer18:17. Just as the people knew Jesus was

approaching Jerusalem the first time, the people of that day will know the second time that He is on His

way (prior to the great day); Jn12:12; Heb9:28;

Is33:17,18; Is5:26-30; 63:2-4; Rev19:15; 22:20;

Ezk21:5-7; Rev10:6,7. Just before that day He returns, many of the wicked will have crawled into

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


the earth to escape the awesome glory and power of

Jesus victorious; Is2:10,19-21; Lk23:30; Zeph3:17; Is17:14; Jer25:33.

Then on that great day for a short while just

before the earth is struck, all flesh will be silent;

Is10:17; Is10:14; Zec2:13; Rev8:1. Even the wind will stop; Rev7:1. God again will send His Son to

save the world but this time from its own total self-

destruction; Jn7:2,37,38; Mt24:22. Truly, God has hidden Israel‘s mighty Savior in His quiver; Is49:2,3.

That great day will begin with the earth very dark;

Is13:10,11; Ezk34:12; Joel 2:10,11; Zec14:6; Rev6:12,13. The heavenly host and the people on

earth will hear a trumpet blast. Jer49:2-6; Ps47:5-9;

Is18:3; 27:13; Joel 2:15,16; Rev19:11-16; In Israel

there will be a full moon, if it could be seen; Ps81:3-10. The land of Israel will be parched, and the sea

will have dried; Ps68:6; 1Ki17:1; Lk4:25; Jas5:17;

Lk23:31; Is19:1,5; 44:26; 50:2,3; Jer51:36-40. A short time before the end of the transgression,

the earth will be brightly illumined; Is30:26;

Rev18:1. The heat will be intense, and some people will physically melt; Rev6:14; 18:8; Is24:6;

Ezk22:20-22; Ma4:1. Snow covered mountains and

high hill streams will melt and become swollen

torrents; Is30:25. The intense destruction and slaughter of God‘s wrath will be perhaps only an

hour in length; Rev14:7. His wrath will be

experienced by all peoples worldwide; Rev14:19; Is10:23-27; 28:22; Ezk7:4-19; Rev18:21-24.

The beast, who has Satan within, will be the

crushed seed/reed who has a heart of stone;

Rev13:1,2; Gn3:15; Is36:6; Job41:24,34. While he is eating, he will be destroyed by the LORD (Israel‘s

Bridegroom), for he will have touched, even walked

on, the holy mountain of God; Da11:36,45; Ezk21:24,25; Job20:6,7,15,23,24; Ezk36:26b;

32:11,32; Joel 2:16; Rev17:14; 19:16-21; Dt13:5;

Mi5:4; Ps55:13,14; Ex19:12,13; Heb12:20. The great day for Jesus and for the world was the

day Jesus died on the cross. For three hours it was

dark while Jesus suffered; Mt27:45. At the moment

Jesus died on the cross, the Temple veil was split from the top down (violating the laws of science);

Mt27:51. The torn veil is God‘s physical evidence,

stating He was no longer hidden; and people could now enter into His Spirit realm through His Son

Jesus; Heb10:19,20; 6:19,20;.In the spirit realm, the

veil that covers the eyes towards true understanding was removed for those who first seek God through

Jesus; 2Cor3:13-18; Heb10:21-31; Is27:7.

The great day for Israel will be the day God

exchanges the life of Jacob for others; Is43:4. God will also destroy the spiritual veil that prevents

understanding now covering the Jew and Gentile;

Is8:16-18; 25:7; 2Cor3:14ab; 4:3; Is32:3; 21:9,10; 41:17,20; Ro11:26,27. On the LORD‘S great day, the

earth will flow with the wine from transgression;

Rev14:18-20; Ps75:8. This is the day the bitter water

of Israel‘s unfaithfulness will be changed by our Branch into the fresh water of the Holy Spirit;

Ex15:23,25; Nu5:29; Is54:5; Is4:2; Ac1:5,6. In

Jerusalem in the evening of this great day, there will be light; and the weather will have been summer, as

well as winter; Zec14:7-9; Ps68:14. This great day

begins Messiah‘s peace for future generations; Is32:1-4; 1:25,26; 11:11.

The Stones Cry Out

The night the LORD struck Egypt during the first

Passover, the parting of the Red Sea, and Pharaoh‘s

army in the valley are a prelude to the next time God‘s unique glory and power will be seen on earth;

Ex12:27; Ex14:16,17; Ex14:23,26-28; Mt24:30;

Ps145:11. The day will be like the time in the valley of Elah, when an uncut stone (not cut by human

hands) precisely hit the forehead of the Philistine,

killing him; 1Sa17:2; 1Sa17:40; 1Sa17:49. With the

Philistine‘s sword, David then cut off Goliath‘s head; 1Sa17:51. The day will also be like the time when the

woman hurled the upper millstone from the top of the

tower, crushing Abimelech‘s head. Then he was thrust through with his own sword; Jdg9:53,54.

However, when God‘s power is seen, it will be of a

much greater magnitude. On that great day, the LORD

will hurl an uncut stone to earth, crushing Babylon the Great, ending wickedness and transgression;

Rev18:21; Da2:34,35; Rev18:2; 17:18; 11:8;

Is57:3,6a,13a,b; Jer51:63,64; Ezk23:46-49; 11:19; 36:26.

On this day the stones of earth (both natural;

Hab2:11 and of the human spirit; Mi1:6,7) will cry out deep from within; Lk19:40. For the human spirit

stones will be crushed by the Rock of God, and the

natural stones will be violently moved by an uncut

stone; Ro9:33; Ps2:6,9; Is49:2,3; Da2:44,45. The uncut stone will be/is an iron mountain, shot like an

arrow from what appears to be like a bronze bow in

the sky; Ps64:7; 2Sa22:32-34,35,36-43; Zec9:13. East of Jerusalem the clouds will split apart like a

scroll, displaying huge, powerful fingers of lightning;

Is27:12; Is34:4; Rev6:14; Job37:2-7; Zec9:14. As the rod/arrow/stone/mountain speeds through the air, it

will leave a fiery trail and appear like a flashing

sword; Dt32:41; Ezk21:5-10. As it smashes into the

sea, it will cause a great blast of wind; Is10:26,27; Jer49:21,22; Rev18:21a; Is27:8; Ezk13:13; Rev6:13.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


The mountain will hit with so much force it will

penetrate the earth‘s crust, never to be found, and at the same time, will cause the entire earth to quake

violently, shifting the continental plates; Ps2:10-12;

Is11:4; 30:12-14; Zec9:15; Rev18:21c; 19:15. Truly,

the stones of earth will cry out loudly announcing the LORD has returned; Ps98:7-9; Is10:33; Zeph1:10;

Jer4:28; Mt24:30; Jn19:38,40; Rev1:7. Remember,

the LORD desires only that all lives be saved, but the hardness of the peoples‘ hearts will bring them down;

Ezk18:21-23; Eph4:17-19; Jer8:12; Zec10:11;

Lk1:52. The sins of the world will have piled as high as heaven, causing the LORD to take action; Rev18:5-

8. The destroying rock/mountain/stone is cursed, for

it will take the life of many; Jer51:25,26.

(Jesus was cursed because He bore our sins, and He was crushed for our iniquity. Like the cursed

mountain that will never be found, sin will not be

mentioned when the transgressors are crushed.) The roar of the blast will carry around the world at

the speed of sound, but many will never hear it;

Job4:9; 2Sa22:16-19; Jer49:2; Heb12:15-17,20,21. The blast will snap branches from trees and tear away

the unripe figs of transgression; Is10:33a,b,34; 55:12;

Job15:30,33; Rev6:13. Though it will be dark, if the

sun could be seen, it would set at noon in Jerusalem. For just as a spinning toy top wobbles, the earth will

shake to and fro. Jos10:12,13; Am8:9: Zec14:6,7;

Is13:13; 24:19,20; 30:27,28; Ezk38:20-23. Like the day the shadow on the steps reversed direction, so the

earth will move; 2Ki20:8-11; Is38:8. All at once the

earth‘s surface will be completely changed; Ps104:7-

9; Is2:12-18; 24:1; 41:14,15; 42:16; 55:12; Lk19:40. Mountains will be made low and plains made into

mountains; Is40:4,5; Lk3:5,6; Hab3:6. The night of

His arrest, Jesus said, ―I AM…‖ and the cohort fell to the ground. They were knocked down because they

had boldly come to confront Him/God. Again, on the

day of His wrath because of the hardened hearts of the people, no person will be able to stand. Jn18:3,6;

Ezk21:5-12; 7:14-19; Rev6:17. (His children are the

living stones; 1Pe2:5 of His church, the true Temple;

Jn2:19,21.) Jesus spoke in the Spirit, referring to the physical temple on Mt. Moriah and said, ―…not one

stone…‖ Mt24:2,3; Mk13:2,4. This signifies God

will be the only One to tear down the Temple in Jerusalem completely; 1Chr17:9; Ps46:4,5; Is27:9.

Just as He tore the veil, the destruction of the Temple

will symbolize the end of the old Israel to the world; Mt27:51; Dt33:27-29; Is48:5-16; Ezk36:23; 37:28;

38:20-23. This will be the day the parable of the new

wine is fulfilled. All Israel will seek God through

Jesus, and the old Temple will be no more; Mt9:17. The original foundation stones of the temple

Solomon built remain today; 1Ki5:17,18; 6:37,38;

2Chr3:3; Ezra2:68; 3:3-6,10-13. (I am not sure where/when I learned this fact.)

On the great day of the LORD, every stone of the

Temple will be moved from its place; Is10:23-27;

27:9c; 62:10,11. Because the foundation stones of the Temple remain to this day, a complete destruction

has not happened. We know in the latter days the

Jewish Temple will have been built a third time over those foundation stones; Am9:8-11; Rev11:1,2. Then

that Temple will be defiled by the antichrist leaving

his mark on it; Lv14:44-46; Da11:31; Rev13:6,15,16; 14:9-11.

On the great day of the LORD, Jesus alone will

completely destroy all the religious altars of the

world, including the profaned Jewish altar and Temple on His holy mountain in Jerusalem; Is27:9;

Mt24:1-3; Lk21:5-9; Is25:7,8; Ezk25:3; La2:6. On

the east side of Mount Moriah, the Mount of Olives will be split in two; Zec14:4.

Like the day our Potsherd, our broken clay Vessel,

was abruptly lifted on Calvary, the Temple Mount will suddenly become the Mountain of God; Ro9:21;

Ps22:15; 31:11-14; Jn19:17-19; Jer19:2,3; Ps22:27;

Is2:2,3; 11:9-11; 27:13; Jer26:18; Joel 2:30,31;

Ro9:28. Mount Moriah will literally be raised/pushed up to form the highest mountain in the region. There

will be people in Jerusalem who will hear the roar of

the LORD and live to be witnesses Jer25:30. From that day their ears will tingle (tinnitus); 1Sa3:11,12;

2Ki21:12. Also, at least two people (perhaps more)

will ride up on God‘s Holy Mountain while it is

being transformed and will live to tell about their experience; Joel 2:32; 2Ki19:31. Those in Jerusalem

not having God‘s spiritual seal on their foreheads will

be destroyed, starting from the temple mount; Rev7:3; Ezk9:1-11. Apparently Mount Zion will be a

volcano, spreading ash; 1Ki13:3,5; Jer31:40; Joel

2:30-32; Ma4:3. For a thousand years, its smoke will be a constant reminder of His presence and His great

day; Is4:4-6; Rev19:3; 20:6; Ex29:41-43,46. The

smoke also reminds future generations of the torment

the lost people who received the mark of the beast will suffer in the lake of fire; Rev14:10,11.

The wall separating the temple from the profane

and every man-made wall and tower worldwide (both physical and spiritual) will be brought down; Is2:9-

13; 10:33; 13:11; 30:25b; Ezk38:20g; Eph2:13-16.

Every island on earth will shift and be covered with water; Rev6:14; 16:20. Hailstones weighing one

hundred pounds will crush armies stationed around

Israel; Rev16:21; Is10:26. Truly, God will strike the

armies with a great slaughter; Is30:25.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Few troops on earth, under the sea, or in the sky

will survive; Ex14:28; Is27:1; 43:16,17; Ezk17:12,19-21; Am9:2,3a,b. In the valley, the blood

will be as deep as a horse‘s bridle; Jer7:32; Joel

3:2,13,14; Rev14:20. The righteous will see Jesus

wash His feet in the blood of the wicked; Ps58:10,11; Rev19:14,21. It will take months to bury the dead in

the land of Israel; Ezk39:11-16. The stench of rotting

flesh will be worldwide; Is34:2,3; Joel 2:20. Truly, the LORD Jesus, our precious stone, our altar, will cut

off the flesh of the armies and give a feast to the birds

and creatures; Zec3:8e,9; Rev5:6; Mt5:23,24; 1Cor9:13,14; Is6:6,7; 56:7; Mt21:13; Am9:1. In the

day of Joshua the LORD pursued the enemy, and He

will again destroy the masses of troops on the day of

His wrath. That day there will be a reverse sacrifice. For centuries the priests of the Law offered animal

sacrifices to God, but God will provide a feast to the

birds. (No person will chase them away.) The bodies of the fallen will become a great sacrifice from the

Lord; Jos8:31; 10:10,11; Jer7:33; Ezk39:17. In that

day, He will defend His people; Zec9:15; Rev19:21. The antichrist/beast and the false prophet/beast

instantly will go from this life into the lake of fire of

eternal death, skipping the Judgment; Rev19:20;

20:11,12. Each year after the great day of the LORD, the

nations will be required to celebrate and worship at

the mountain of God in Jerusalem in remembrance of the Feast of Booths; Is27:13; Jn4:23,24; Zec14:16-

19; Is66:20. After His great day, Jesus will lead Israel

and all the nations in His peace; Is6:13; 48:17;

Mi2:13; Zec3:8-10. Jerusalem will be called the city of Truth; but

until that day, do not fear; Zec8:3-22; Jn14:27;

1Cor15:25,26; Rev22:3,4. Then the seed of Abraham will know only their Jesus Messiah; Jer3:16-19;

Zec12:10; Ezk34:23. Truly, every word of God is

tested; Pr30:4,5.

The Eighth Day

From the eighth day of the Feast of Booths, which is the 22

nd day of the seventh holy month, there will

be rest and holy peace; Ex23:20-23; Lv23:34-36,39.

Like Thomas seeing Jesus on the eighth day, not only Israel, but all the nations will know of the power and

glory of their LORD God; Jn20:26,28; Ezk36:33-36.

The peoples‘ hearts will have become circumcised; Gn17:12; Jn7:22-24; Ro2:29. There will come a day

that Israel will not think of the ark of the covenant;

Jer3:16,17; Heb10:18. Survivors will be as scarce as

gold around the world; Is13:12. Famine and disease will consume many people in their shame; Ezk6:12;

7:15,16. Forty years will be necessary for some

people to have acceptable living conditions; Ezk4:6; 7:17-19; 29:12. The accounts of survivors who have

experienced the glory and power of the LORD will not

be forgotten; Ps9:14-16; 79:13; 96:3; 118:17,18;

Ezk16:62,63. What will be forgotten by the LORD is the transgression against Him; Is65:16c; Heb10:14-

17. The potential for people to sin will remain; but

Jesus will not mention sin when He returns, for His salvation has already come; Heb9:28. In that day, the

land will have been cleansed from its filth; and Israel

will forever draw near to her Savior God, as will other nations; Jn16:7-11; Lv14:51,52; Ezk36:23-25;

Is4:4; Gn28:19-21; Dt30:1-3,6; Ps1:1-3; Jer31:8,9;

Is43:16-21; Is4:2; 10:20; 12:4; Is11:10; 17:7.

Like Paul as a minister of His Word, from the eighth day of the Feast of Booths forward, the

covenant of the land actually will become a reality;

and the covenant of circumcision in Spirit will be fulfilled by Almighty God in all the seed of

Abraham; Php3:3-11; Ac26:16; Eph3:7-12;

Gn17:7,8,12; Is44:2-6. Understand that Abraham believed by faith before God made the covenant of

circumcision with him; and because of his faith, God

promised that the nations would be blessed; Gn15:6;

Gn17:5; Ro9:8,22-24.

The Kingdom Of Peace Fulfilled On Earth

Everything Has Changed

Though the earth‘s land surface will have

changed, it will heal; Is10:23; 24:1,3; 2Chr7:14. The

land between the Nile and the Euphrates Rivers will be known as the nation of Israel; Gn15:18; Ps60:2-8.

By the hand of God, Israel‘s land will be beautiful

and fertile. It will produce abundantly (like the garden of Eden), and livestock will flourish; Is41:18-

20; 35:1,2,6b,7; Is51:3; Ezk36:30,35; Is30:23;

Ezk34:26,27; Is5:17; Jer50:19,20. Also, God will make a land highway to Jerusalem, and people from

around the world will travel to worship at His holy

mountain; Is35:8-10. His mountain will be in the

same place as the present temple location; Nu20:17; Pr16:17; Is11:16; 19:23-25. When the people arrive,

they will worship God though Jesus, having been

brought near to God (though He is always near); Is40:3; 62:10; Jer31:21; Is2:3; Eph2:13-19.

As God makes His Spirit dwelling in the heart of

the believer, in that day, all peoples will know God; Ac15:8,9; 1Cor14:24,25; 3:16,17; Jer31:34. His holy

mountain will have been made without human hands;

Is2:2,3; 11:9.10; Am9:11,12. The wicked will no

longer afflict Israel, and God will give Israel rest on all sides; 2Sa7:1,2,10,11; Heb8:1,2,10,11; 9:11;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Jer3:15; 23:5-8. He will also give rest to all the

nations who are faithful in Jesus Messiah; Mt11:28. God‘s holy mountain will be the highest in the area

and will have a forest one day; Zec14:10,16;

Jer26:18; Mi3:12.

As mentioned before, Jews will not remember the original ark of the covenant, for they will call

Jerusalem, ―The Throne of the LORD.‖ Jer3:16,17

Holy Communion will have been fulfilled because Jesus will have returned; Lk22:16,18. In that day,

people will not have esteem for the work of their

hands to build altars/idols; Is17:7,8. In whatever vocation people choose, they will be careful to seek

their Maker, rather than approval from men; and they

will work with the attitude of excellence for the

LORD; Jn12:43; Zeph3:9-11; Php4:8,9. During the kingdom of Peace, there will be a fresh

water river starting from the mountain of God. It will

have an abundance of many varieties of fish. The river will begin at the base of God‘s holy mountain,

then flow to the eastern sea; Ezk47:1-7,11. There will

be another river flowing from Jerusalem; Zec14:8. Unlike the Dead Sea, one sea will become fresh

water. The other river will flow to the Great Sea on

the west; Ezk47:8-10. Spiritually speaking, the river

at the base of God‘s holy mountain represents God Jesus Holy Spirit as our source of life from heaven;

and as the one river branches into two rivers, they

represent God‘s justice and righteousness; Am5:24; Is61:11. The varieties of fish represent the future

peoples of the world, hearing and believing on the

name of Jesus; Mt4:19; As in the riddle, Ezk17:2-

10,21,22. the trees along the banks represent the people of that day who take nourishment from the

good soil of the Word, light and warmth from the

Son, drink the water of understanding from the Holy Spirit, and bear abundant good fruit of service;

Mt13:23; 2Sa23:3-5; Is60:1-3; Jn8:12; Jn4:14,23,24;

Ezk47:12; Is4:2; 37:31,32; 45:8; Mk4:20; Ga5:22-26. The leaves of the trees represent the cool shade of

healing for the nations; Is4:6; Ezk17:23; Mk4:32;

Jer33:6; Mt13:15g; Rev22:2. People will live beyond

one hundred years and wear out their possessions; Gn6:3; Is65:20-22.

In that day, the symbols of the rivers, trees, fish,

people, etc., as it has been said, will come to pass. People will see it and glorify God in that day. Amen.



Unlike the flood of Noah‘s time, there will be

more than eight survivors; Gn7:21; Gn7:13; 9:11; Is1:9; 54:8,9. Though their numbers worldwide will

be more scarce than pure gold, there will be more

than the sealed 144000 priests of God; Is13:12; Rev7:3-8; 14:1-4. There will be Jews and Gentiles

who become witnesses after having survived His

wrath; Is66:19-21; Is13:7,8; Ezk14:22,23; Is4:2,3. At

that time they will know the LORD, and they will know that the things of this world cannot save;

Zec2:11; Ho2:19-23; Mt6:19,20.

Note: Even after witnessing the hate of Pharaoh and the power of God, the Israelites from Egypt

hardened their hearts. Though they will have lived

through the severe forty days of the tribulation (when the world experienced the wrath of Satan) and the

great day of the LORD (which begins the kingdom of

Peace), there will be some of the mixed multitude of

survivors whose hearts will remain hardened; Gn7:4; 50:2,3a; Ex24:18; 1Sa17:16; 1Ki19:8; Jon3:4;

Mt4:2,3; Da12:1; Mt24:21; Rev12:9,12; Rev16:21;

Nu14:26-28;Is9:7; Ro14:17; Ex12:38; Is13:12; Mk6:52; Jn12:40; Ac19:9,10. They will die, blotted

from the book of life within forty years; Ps69:26-28;

Ezk29:9-15; Jude5-10; Nu14:33,34; 32:13; Dt8:2; Is14:22,30.

Even those who in their hearts depended upon

Egypt to bring peace will die until the hearts of all the

children are circumcised; Jer42:17-22; Jos5:6,7; Ro2:29; 4:9,11,22-25; Is2:4; Na1:15.

Sealed Priests Of Jesus

The 144000, who are of the first resurrection, will

remain on earth through God‘s wrath; Rev14:4d.

These sealed faithful Jews are believers of Jesus and are of the Ingathering harvest. They will fulfill the

prophecy of the old Law which states ―…you shall

not reap to the very corners of your field…‖ Lv19:9,10; Is17:5-7; Rev14:4d; meaning the corners

of God‘s earth (His footstool); Mt21:33,34,40-44;

1Chr28:2-4; Ps110:1-6; Is66:1. Like the apostles, these 144000 will go into the

world after His wrath and tell of the greatness of

Jesus; Mt28:19; Is37:31,32; 66:19; Rev14:3,4c,5.

This is the time the prophecy of Israel is fulfilled; Gn48:21. It represents the day when all Israel will

join with Judah (meaning they believe in Jesus), and

together they will become one Man; Ne8:1; Ezra3:1; Ezk37:19; Ac17:24-31; Ro5:15-21. Each of the

144000 (like Joshua; Jos14:7) will stay on earth until

His ministry is finished, perhaps even to forty years; Nu14:33,34; Is46:3,4; Ps95:8-11; Ezk29:11-13,16.

Then others, as well as Israel, will continue the

Testimony of Christ Jesus Messiah; Is66:20-22;

Ex16:34; 25:16,22; 26:34; Rev19:10d.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Israel Forgiven

There will be no mention of sin when the LORD

returns because all the works that needed to be

finished were finished. Heb9:28; Lk1:29-35; Jn19:30;

Heb4:10. The accusers will be bound after the day of His wrath, and no one will strike Israel again; Is27:6-

9; 43:25; Ho1:2; 3:2-5; 1:10. Truly, the finger of the

LORD will write once more on stone (He also wrote on the ground.) when the earth‘s surface is changed;

Jn8:4-12. From that time on, Israel will live for the

LORD, never again to leave God Messiah Jesus Holy Spirit…even to the end of the age; Ps98:1-4;

Ezk39:28,29; Is10:20; 62:8,9; Eph2:14-22; Dt28:1-

14; Da12:13; Rev20:9.

Like Daniel, Jews will earnestly pray; and the remnant of Jews will begin to travel to their promised

land of milk and honey; Da9:4-9; Ex3:8; Jer32:27,38;

Is21:9; Ezk37:14; Is7:18,21,22; Zec8:8. In that day, the world will know God has blessed

Israel through His Son Jesus; Ezk28:25; 37:28; 39:7;

37:19. Nations will truly desire to honor Israel; Zec8:7-13; 14:16. They will know God remained

faithful to His covenant with Abraham; Lv26:44,45;

Gn15:6,18. All the good Christ Jesus Messiah will

bring to Israel will cause nations to tremble; Is49:7; Jer33:6-9. Shouts of joy will fill the ears of people;

Is12:6; 24:13-16a; Zec2:10,11. As the woman

stretched out her hand to touch the garment of Jesus, people will grasp the garment of a Jew to learn about

God Almighty; Lk8:42-48; Is62:12; Zec8:20-23;

Lk6:19; Jer31:14,31-34; Mi4:2; Ezk36:24-38.

Jerusalem at last will become the city of Peace; Is60:3,4,14,15. Though Israel will have gold, silver,

food, and safety, Jews will only know they are rich in

the love God has for them; Jos6:19; Zec14:14b; Jer31:16,22,25,26; 32:37-44; Jn3:16,17. Jews will

heartily give their love to God Jesus/Messiah Holy

Spirit. They will also work so that other nations share in the wealth of the LORD; Is35:5,6c; 45:2-6; 51:11;

60:5-9; Hag2:7-9. All nations will worship our One

true God; Ps86:9,10; Is32:2-4. Nevertheless, even in

this time, though their former sin is not remembered by God, all flesh will continue to fall short of the

glory of God; Is43:25; Zec8:15-17; 2Chr6:36a;

Ec7:20; Zec12:7b. Jesus remains above all and all; Ps8:5,6; 21:5,6; Mt28:18; Ps45:3,4; 68:34,35.

Remember What The LORD Said

Through the remembrance and the teaching of the

LORD‘s wrath, people for a thousand years of

generations will guard themselves from being sinful against God in every form of all that He created;

Ps22:27-31; Ezk12:16; Lk12;15; 17:3. All peoples

will know God by the evidence of His power; Jer16:15-21; Mt24:30; Heb8:11. Just as God has

placed the law within the heart of every person, God

will place fear within every heart; Ro1:19; Is59:18-

21. This fear is the beginning of true understanding; Pr1:3-7; Is2:3.

Righteous principles will be taught; 2Chr19:7,9;

Ma2:5-7; Jn7:18. People will understand that God has created and sustains the unique characteristics for

all species of the natural environs; Job12:9,10;

34:14,15; Ac17:24-28. The natural environs will be studied with awe and praise for God‘s magnificence;

Ps105:1-7; 147:4; Eph4:6. When history is studied,

the ugliness and inhumanity of war will become

reminders of our sin against God and man; Is2:4. Nations will never again learn war. Though Satan and

his host will be bound and unable to roam, people

will loathe the evil part of the human spirit that each person has retained; Rev20:4; Job2:2,4; Dt1:35;

Zec7:9; Is30:9; 65:2; Mk8:38; 1Tim1:8-11;

Ezk36:31,32. They will keep a constant vigil to prevent pride; Ezk6:9,10; 20:43; Is2:17; Hab2:1;

Mk7:21-23. Truly, through Jesus, peoples/nations

will love God with all their hearts, minds, and souls;

and they will love their neighbors; Mt22:37,38; Dt6:5; Lv19:18.

The Holy Scripture will become the primary

reading source for all peoples to learn how to live according to God‘s Word; Dt17:19,20; Is34:16;

Ps119:15,16. In the fullness of time, Jesus will appear

in person; Is30:8,20-23; Zec1:16,17; 12:10;

Lk24:39,44-47; Jn1:12-18. He will speak plainly; Dt18:15; Jn16:25,29; Lk13:35. He will set His

standard before Israel and all the nations in the order

of Melchizedek; Is60:2,3; 11:12; Gn14:18; Ps110:4-7; Heb5:7-10. He will (has) firmly establish(ed) His

covenant; Heb7:15-22. Israel and the world‘s nations

will serve Him. Until the end of the age, the people will continue to need to learn the way of the LORD;

Ezk37:24-28; Mi5:4; Mt9:36-38; Jn10:11,16; 1Pe5:2-

4; Jn14:3; Is30:19-23; Jer31:23-25.

Justice Prevails

The fleshly desire for power to control the weak will be kept in check; Dt27:19; Ps82:3; Ac20:35.

Leaders will love God; Heb12:11-16. To the best of

their God-given gifts, they will govern and manage with justice, righteousness, compassion, and mercy;

Is32:1,15-17; Zec8:17; Lv19:15; 24:17; Ac20:28;

Heb13:20,21; Ho2:19-23; Jer32:37-41.

In every aspect of daily life, the heart of each person will give attention to God through Christ

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Jesus Messiah. With prayer and petition, each person

will work to make decisions according to His standard of justice; Php4:6; Is49:22; Jn14:21. In these

matters, they will mature through the renewing of

their minds in Christ Jesus Messiah; Jn5:30.

The teachings recorded in the First and Second Testaments are the foundation for conducting a

righteous life presently and during the thousand years

of peace; Lv19:16-18; 24:16; Ezk18:19. There will be no oppression throughout the earth; Is54:14;

Ps72:4; Is14:4,5; 51:13e-16; Zec9:8. Truly, the meek

will inherit the earth; Jer4:2; Mt5:5. If a nation turns from God and does not serve Him, it will soon

receive God‘s recompense; Ps28:4,5; 37:22; 62:12;

Is45:22-25; 60:12; Jer17:5-8; Ma2:2a-d; 3:4,5. Jesus

will most certainly rule; Rev2:27; Zec14:17-21.

Business And Living Practices In The Name Of The


Money will be used to conduct fair business

practices; Is32:1-4,8,18. It will not be used for personal gain; Jer32:44; Lv19:13; Ru2:12,13;

Jer22:13; Lk12:22,23. The price of services and

products will be sufficient to cover the overhead;

Pr16:11. Wages will be justly paid. There will be contentedness in the earnings; Lk3:14; Jn4:36. Work

will be accomplished with zeal in the name of Christ,

our Anointed One, rather than with a false desire created out of the want for money; Ec9:10a,b;

Ga5:22-2. Christ is King! (Is9:7; Ezra7:23;

2Cor9:2,6-8; Ps90:16,17; Mt6:24)

Like Job‘s example, if there is a small profit, it will be used for the benefit of mankind, the environs,

and/or to do the LORD‘s work because there will

always be the needy; Ps9:18; Is29:19; Mt26:11; Job29:12-15. Israel will not borrow, but lend;

Dt28:12. People will understand money is a tool and

limited in its usefulness. Like any tool, money must be properly handled; Ma3:10-12; Lk6:35a.

Interest will not be charged, for all peoples in that

day will be in Jesus; Lv25:36,37; Dt23:19,20; Ps15:5.

In the spirit of Jesus, true lasting wealth will be cheerfully given from the heart through service;

Ro12:3-21. The fruits of this kind of service are

stored in heaven; Mt6:21; 13:52; 1Tim6:17-19; 1Cor2:15,16. People will humbly serve others in

Christ; Mt20:28; Jn13:15. Service is the true tithe

spoken of in Malachi; Ma3:10b. (On the great day, the Lord will have brought His first fruits into the

house of God. Then He will destroy the wicked, so

the devourer does not destroy the fruit remaining on

the ground; Ma3:11)

Last Things

The transgression of spirit began when Satan and

his host were sent out from the presence of God

before God created man; Ezk28:13-19. Today the

transgression will continue until Satan and his host are bound; Rev20:2. Then after the end of the age,

they will be sent to the lake of fire. Blessed are the

ones of the first resurrection, for God will clothe them to cover their sin, and they serve the LORD;

Gn3:21; Lk24:49. Those of the first resurrection are

not judged at the great white throne, and the second death will have no power over them; Rev20:6,11;

Jn3:18; Rev20:4. However, anything each person

accomplished not bearing the fruit of the LORD will

be consumed/burned; 1Cor3:12-15. This then is God‘s righteous judgment. This fact also applies to

those at the end of the age; Mt13:38-43. After the

great day of the LORD, those who have believed in the Son are saved, for they will have lived with a

repentant, humble, and contrite heart; and they will

have loved God with all their minds, strength, and souls; Zeph1:14; Is66:2; Dt6:5; Ro10:13; Zeph3:9.

The dead (Their names are not written in the book of

life.) who did not hear the voice of the LORD for the

first resurrection will be raised at the second resurrection; Lk17:34,35; Rev20:5.

Second Resurrection

When the transgression has ended, the kingdom of

Messiah‘s peace for all the earth begins; Mt22:7;

Jer7:33,34; Rev15:6,7; Jos4:23,24; Jdg5:31; 1Chr28:9; Ezk37:25-28. Israel will be at peace with

the LORD, and there will be peace on earth for 1000

years. Is62:1-4; Rev20:6. God‘s covenant with Abraham will be fulfilled at

that time; Gn12:2,7; 15:18; 17:2,4,8. After the

thousand years, the bindings that hold Satan will be cut, and he and his host will return to earth with

vengeance. Satan knows, in short order, all the

unrighteous and evil ones will go to the lake of fire

and the place of torment; Mt8:29; Rev20:7,8,10. Terrible wickedness once again will be spawned on

earth; Rev20:7-9. As God has informed us, many will

turn away from the LORD; Rev20:8. On earth, Jerusalem will be surrounded again; but God‘s Holy

mountain will not be profaned; Ps125:1-5; Is11:9;

Rev20:8,9; Is65:11-16. Then the sky will turn red, and a moment prior to the second resurrection, the

dead and the living will hear the voice of the LORD

and be raised. Then the earth is burned up; Is51:6;

Jn5:28; 2Pe3:7,10. After the second resurrection all the living and dead will be stand before the LORD;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


and all will say, ―Only in the LORD are righteousness

and strength‖ Is45:23,24; Jn5:28; Mt22:8-14; 1Cor15:24; Rev20:13.

These of the second resurrection will stand before

Him and be judged by their words, according to the

righteousness of God through His Son Jesus; Jn8:16; Jn5:27,29 Is52:15; Rev14:7; 20:11. People whose

names are found in the book of life, will receive life;

La3:20-23; 1Th2:9-12; Mt5:18; 28:20. Only people who have believed upon the name of the LORD in

their lifetime will be saved; Ps22:5; 23:6. Both those

saved of the first and second resurrections will be gathered as one (in unity) in ―one basket‖ by our

LORD Immanuel Christ Jesus Messiah; Ex29:1a,2,3a;

Ps133:1; Ezk37:19; Jn17:23; Eph4:13;

Mt1:1,18a,22,23,25b. These saved souls will enter into the Holy of Holies, and there will be no curse of

death; Heb9:3,7-9,11,12; Gn3:17-19; Rev7:15;

22:3,4; 1Cor15:25,26. The lost will go forever to the second death, also

known as the outer darkness; Rev20:15; Jude5-8;

Mt8:11,12; 13:49. Satan and his host will not go to judgment but straight to the lake of fire; Rev20:10.

There is no reconciliation offered to those cast out;


The Marriage

As in the preparation for a wedding, the marriage of the Lamb and His bride has two parts; Rev19:7.

Not until after the second resurrection will the entire

marriage ceremony be complete for our King and His

bride; Lk24:44; Jn5:28-30; Mt13:40,49,50; 28:19,20. The first part of the wedding will be the raising of

those in the first resurrection, of whom Jesus is the

first; 1Cor15:20,23. The second part of the wedding ceremony will

include those saved from both resurrections who are

One in the LORD; Rev19:7-9; 20:12,13. They will be

taken into the Holy of Holies and presented to God; Dt30:19; Jn5:24; 17:22; Heb9:3,7,8,12,14,15. Then

the marriage of the Lamb and His bride will be

complete when all His people see the face of God,

and He illumines them; Ho1:11; Rev22:3-6. The Word of God is forever; Ps119:89; Is40:8; 1Pe1:25.



These examples are some of the common prophetic elements. Most are written plainly in

Scripture without the need for the interpretation of

symbols; 1Cor1:17. In the next chapter, as well as the

rest of your life, seek to understand, believe, and follow the righteousness of God through Jesus Christ

our LORD; 1Cor1:24; The first step to understanding

is to fear the LORD; Pr1:7. The second step is to believe sincerely the true words of the Bible;

2Tim3:16. The third step is to apply them; Jas2:21-

24. The natural laws of physics remain true whether

or not a person uses them for advantage or

experiences the effects when things happen that are

not expected; Lk13:4. The same concept applies with God‘s Word, for God directs the steps of mankind;

Jer10:23. Whether or not a person believes in Him

does not change God‘s Word; Jer4:28. Every environ/realm (human and spirit) is subject to His

Word; Heb4:12; All prophecy in Scripture will be

fulfilled; Lk24:44. This fact is itself a testimony of

Truth; Lk13:5. What the angel told Daniel applies to anyone who

believes and lives by His Word: ―But as for you, go

your way to the end; then you will enter into rest and rise again for your allotted portion at the end of the

age‖ Da12:13; Mt6:34.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 10

Four Generations and God‘s Perfect Timing

Generation Timeline

Learning the historical times and events of the past helps a person understand about future events leading to the

kingdom of peace. A four-generation timeline was developed starting with Abraham.. Three timelines: the Overall

Timeline below begins when Abram leaves Haran and ends when Joseph dies. It includes the note about the Israelites.

“I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting

the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the

third and fourth generations of those who hate me,” Ex20:5;













Isaac 60 Jacob, Esau born


Abram 75 yrs.To have descendants Gn15: 5,13,16,18; Abram 86 yrs.

Ishmael born Gn16:3,16;

Abram 99 Promise of a son. Gn17:1,5,16,21; 18:10;

Abraham 100 Isaac born Gn21:5; Isaac 40 yrs.

marries Rebekah Gn25:20;

Esau marries 40 yrs.


Isaac 135 years Jacob 75-76 yrs. receives blessing

from Isaac. Gn27:27-29; Jacob flees Esau


Jacob 107 yrs. Joseph 17 yrs. sold Gn37:2;

Jacob 120 yrs.

Jacob 147 dies Gn47:28;

Joseph 57 yrs.

Joseph 30 yrs. old 2nd to Pharaoh


Joseph 110 yrs. dies Gn50:26;

Jacob 130 yrs. enters Egypt Gn47:9;

Isaac 180 yrs. dies Gn 35:28;

Jacob 90 yrs. Joseph born Gn30:22-24;

Abraham dies 175 yrs.


Isaac 75 yrs. Jacob 15 Esau 15





0 yrs

Jacob 100 yrs. Benjamin born Gn35:16-19;

5yr incrm.


Moses and the sons of

Israel leave Egypt after 430 years counting from the

birth of Benjamin. Ex12:40,41;

Or 400 years from when Jacob entered Egypt.

Gn15:13; They took the bones of

Joseph. Ex13:19; Gn15:16; 615 years after God first

spoke with Abram.

430 yrs

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Initially the Overall Timeline, Timeline A, and

Timeline B were on one sheet of paper, but had to be separated into three sheets due to the size of the book

page. Isaac‘s death at 180 years of age was also when

Jacob was 120 years old. That same year Joseph was

placed second in command in Egypt, at 30 years of age. Jacob was 100 years old when Benjamin was

born. Sufficient information is available to explain

the difference between the date of the 430 years and the prophecy of the 400 years God had said to

Abraham; Ex12:41; Gn15:13.

There are several biblical recorded times that provide the foundation for backdating. This study

made it possible to compute the ages of people during

specific events and related times between the four

generations. Once the scripture was learned, it was a matter of backdating known times to set up the

timeline. The zero year of the timeline begins when

Abram/Abraham was seventy-five years old as he departed from Haran; Gn12:4. The timeline includes

when Israel was in Egypt and up to the time the

Israelites crossed the Jordan River. There was a total of 615 years between the time Abram departed from

Haran to the time when the fourth generation of

Joseph‘s bones returned to the land Abraham

sojourned. God commanded Israel to maintain the land properly, as well as to be holy (as He expects

peoples of all nations to do, for God Almighty owns

the earth). The prophetic statements God made to Israel

prompted this study. They are the following: 1. The

fourth generation would return to the land of

Abraham‘s sojourning; Gn15:16. 2. God will visit the third and fourth generations of those who hate Him;

Ex20:5. 3. Israel will return to the land God promised

when the transgression against Him ends, and the holy place is properly restored; Da8:14.

There are 4 generations of mankind: (Chapter 7,

pages 80 – 81, and Part 2 of this chapter) 1. Adam, the beginning of mankind 2. Noah, the beginning of

mankind after the flood 3. Abraham, the patriarch of

the faithful ones to God and 4. Jesus, through the

virgin birth sent to save all peoples if they so believed; Jn3:16. God Himself, in Jesus, visited

mankind in the third generation of Abraham. Jesus,

Himself the fourth generation, will return to the land Abraham sojourned. When He does return, He will

put an end to the difficult times. According to the

Bible, those times are likened to a woman experiencing intense labor.

The fourth generation of Jesus is of the Spirit

(being before Adam; Jn1:1 and continuing forever).

Through Him there is everlasting life to those who believe and live according to His way; Jn17:3. When

Jesus returns in person, (unlike Joseph‘s bones) to the

land promised to Abraham, He will bring world peace, establish His kingdom on earth, and gather

Abraham‘s descendants from around the world;

Hab3:6; Is9:6,7.

Timeline A is a seventy-five-year span marking events in the lives of Jacob and Joseph. Timeline B

(page 113) covers a time span of a little over four

years, beginning from the time Jacob left Laban. From page 113, the chapter is devoted to explaining

these timelines and how they relate to the end times.

Timeline A covers about 75 years from the time

when Jacob went to Haran and worked for 20 years

for Laban, his father-in-law, to the time of his death

in Egypt.

4 yrs.

Jacob leaves Laban after 20 years Gn31:3,36,38,41; Joseph 6 years old

2 yrs famine Gn45:6;






Jacob 76 yrs. old, begins to work for Laban.

11 sons, 1 daughter are born in the next 14 years.

Gn29:18,27; Gn31:6,36,41;

Joseph Born, Jacob 90 yrs. asks Laban permission to return home

Gn30:22-34; New agreement.

Joseph 17 yrs. sold Gn37:2;

Joseph 30 yrs. set over Egypt. Gn41:46;

Jacob 147 dies; Gn47:28; Joseph 57 years old












7 years of plenty: Gn41:45,47,50; 2 sons Ephraim, Manasseh

Joseph 38 yrs.

30 yrs.

Jacob 130 yrs. Gn47:9; enters Egypt. Joseph 40 yrs. Benjamin 30 yrs. old

Then 5 more years to famine end.


14 years

13 yrs. Joseph worked & prison

17 years Jacob lives in Egypt Gn46:26,27; 47:28

1 yr incrm.







7 yrs.

6 yrs.

7 yrs.

Ben-oni/Benjamin born between Bethel and Ephrath (Bethlehem) Gn35:16-

19; Of the 4th generation Rachel‘s only and last son born in Canaan.

Joseph 10 yrs old.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Timeline B is 4+ years in length. Jacob was called to return to the land of his fathers in Canaan. After

arriving, Benjamin was born.


In addition to the Timelines, there are three more parts to this chapter.

Part 1 explains in real time the progression

starting from Abraham‘s departure from Haran and ending with the Exodus of the Israelites.

Part 2 describes several foundational prophetic


Part 3 includes examples of prophecy and God‘s perfect timing.

Part 1

The information is in the birth order of the four

generations: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph/Benjamin.

Each table has three columns. Example:

TL SI Date

O 2c


Isaac was 60 years when Jacob

and Esau were born; Gn25:21,26.

Isaac was 75 years at the time Abraham died.

See 1e.

The left column (TL) has a capital letter at the start of the row. The letter identifies the Timeline (O,

A, B) where the information described can be seen as

it relates to its historical place in time.

O = Overall Timeline, A = Timeline A, B =

Timeline B The middle column (SI) has a number and letter.

(example: 2c.) It is used to locate supporting


The right column (Date) states the date on the timeline. It may provide the math used to compute

the specific time of the event or have the supporting

scripture address. To reduce repetition, a note may be given to provide supporting information. (example:

See 1e.)

Scripture quotes, like in previous chapters, are provided on the facing page(s).

Abram, along with his wife Sarai, went with his

father out of Ur toward, but not into the land of Canaan. Terah, the father, named the place Haran

after his son who had died. From Haran, God told

Abram to ―Go forth…‖ Gn12:1; At another time, the Lord changed Abram‘s name to Abraham, meaning

he will be, and already is, the father of all peoples

who by faith believe and live according to our Creator God Almighty; Gn17:1. Abram‘s name was

changed to Abraham the year before Isaac was born.

Ishmael was 13 years old at Isaac‘s birth.

TL SI Date

ABRAHAM is translated, Father of

nations; Gn17:5.

O 1a. Abraham was 75 when he learned he would have descendants; Gn12:1-3;


O 1b. Abraham was 86 when Ishmael was born; Gn16:3,16.

O 1c.

Abram/Abraham was 99 years when

he learned he would have a son

within a year; Gn17:1,5,16,21; 18:10.

O 1d. Abraham was 100 when Isaac was

born; Gn21:5.

O 1e.

Abraham died at 175 years; Gn25:7,8. Isaac was 75 years old.

Jacob and Esau were 15 years old.

The math: 175-100 = 75 years. Then 75-60 = 15 years; Gn25:21,26.

The aged Abraham had no son from Sarah, who

herself was beyond childbearing years; Gn18:11. This fact represents the aged Israel (Abram) who still

to this day does not recognize that Christ Jesus has

appeared. God changed Abram‘s name to Abraham just before Sarah conceived (see above); Gn16:3,4;

Gn20:2. Like the son of Hagar, in the latter days

Israel (Abram) will conceive a son called the

4+ Y



181 Leaving Laban near Haran and traveled south and west.

Laban: Gn31:47,53; Jabbok (Emptying) River: Gn32:22; Jacob/Israel wrestles the Lord Gn32:24-30; Leaves Penuel: Gn32:31,32; travels to Succoth (―Builds house‖) Gn33:17; then to Shechem and bought land. Gn33:19; then to El-Elohe Gn33:20; Then Jacob‘s daughterDinah is defiled Gn34:1,2; then traveled to Bethel; lived and built an altar. Gn35:1,15; Then traveled to just outside of Ephrath (Bethlehem) and Rachel gave birth to a son she called Ben-oni, ―Son of my sorrows‖ but Jacob called him Benjamin. ―Son of the Right Hand‖ Gn35:16-19; Prophetically referring to end of the transgression. Rachel died and was buried near Bethlehem. Jacob traveled to Eder Gn35:21; and sojourned in Canaan the land of Israel.


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


―worthless shepherd‖ and through diplomacy another

son called the ―false prophet.‖ (See page 59.) These two will lead the world to near destruction;


Because of their abominations, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah represent the names of these

two beasts (sons); Rev6:8. During the year before

Messiah appears, the world will experience terrible destruction and death (caused by man) that also leads

to the great tribulation; Mt24:21. Then God will rain

down fire and brimstone onto their masses, just as He did with Sodom and Gomorrah; Ezk38:18-20,22,23;

39:4-7; Gn19:24. This then is the time of Christ Jesus

Messiah‘s appearance; Rev19:15. Like Sarah, Israel

as a nation will laugh (Isaac), not in disbelief as Sarah did, but with great joy, for they will know

nothing is too difficult for the LORD; Gn18:12;

Gn18:14; Jer32:17-20; Mt2:10; Lk24:52; Jude 24,25; Ezk39:22.

TL SI Date

ISAAC is translated, Laughter; Gn21:3,6.

O 2a. When Isaac was born, Abraham was

100 years; Gn21:5.

O 2b. Isaac was 40 years when he married Rebekah; Gn25:20.

O 2c.

Isaac was 60 years when Jacob and

Esau were born; Gn25:21,26. Isaac was 75 years at the time Abraham

died. See 1e.

O 2d. Isaac was 100 years when Esau, then

40, married; Gn26:34.

O 2e.

Isaac was 135 years old when Jacob

received Isaac‘s blessing. 60 + 75 =

135 years. See 3c.

O 2f.

Isaac had grieved 35 years (because of Esau‘s wives) at the time of

Jacob‘s blessing; Gn26:34; 27:46;


O 2g.

Isaac was 180 years old at his death. Jacob and Esau were 120 years. The

math: Isaac died at 180 years - Isaac

60 years at Jacob‘s and Esau‘s birth = 120 years; Gn25:21,26; –

Gn35:28,29. Also: Isaac 180 years –

135 years for Jacob‘s blessing = 45 years earlier; Gn35:28. See 2e. and

3c. Jacob was 75 years at the

blessing + 45 years at Isaac‘s death

= 120 years. Joseph was 30 years old at his appointment and when

Isaac died; Gn41:46. At Isaac‘s

death, See 3d. and 4f. Benjamin was

20 years.

The detailed timeline for Jacob was developed

starting from his death and backdating from known

dates of his life and family. Initially, the timelines were set up the same way. However, for the purposes

of this writing, each timeline was changed to normal

chronological order.

TL SI Date

JACOB / ISRAEL are translated,

Deceiver / Prevailed with God and man.

O 3a. Jacob born: Isaac 60 years;


O 3b. Jacob was 15 when Abraham was buried. See 1e.


A 3c.

Jacob was 75/76 when he received

Isaac‘s blessing, ran from Esau, and

traveled to his Uncle Laban in Haran (for a wife);

Gn27:27,29,30,41,42,43,46; 28:1-5.

The math: 96-20 = 76 See 3d. Jacob worked for Laban 20 years;

Gn31:38. See 3e. This means Jacob

was outside of the land Abraham

sojourned. In that time his wages were changed 10 times; Gn31:41.

A 3d.

Jacob was 90 years when Joseph

was born. It was near the end of the 14-year agreement Jacob had

worked for Laban; Gn29:18,27;

30:22-25,27. The math: 107-17 = 90

years. Jacob 120 years – 30 years at Joseph‘s appointment = 90 years;

Gn41:46. See 2e.

A 3e.

Jacob was 75/76 when his work of 20 yrs. started for Laban. See 3c. 20

yrs.-14 yrs. = 6 yrs. Or 76+20=96.

Jacob was 96 years when the LORD

told Jacob to return to the land of Abraham; Gn30:26-34; Gn31:2-

7,13-18,38. Jacob 90 + 6 more years

= 96 years old. Jacob had worked for Laban 20 years; Gn31:38. See


A,B 3f. Jacob was 100 years when Benjamin

was born. See 5a.

O,A 3g.

Jacob was 107 years when Joseph

was sold. The math: 147-40 See 4e.

= 107 years. See 4d.

O 3h. Jacob was 120 when Isaac died. See 2g. The same year when Joseph

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


became second to Pharaoh.

A 3i. Jacob sent his sons to Egypt, for the

famine was severe; Gn42:2,3.

A 3j. Jacob delayed sending Benjamin;


O,A 3k.

Jacob was 130 years when he and

his sons entered Egypt; Gn47:9. Prophecy: God‘s time for the seed of

Abraham‘s descendants to be

strangers in a land 400 years started when Jacob‘s household entered

Egypt to live.

O,A 3l. Jacob lived in Egypt 17 years;

Gn47:28. 147-130=17 years.

O,A 3m. Jacob was 147 years when he died in

Egypt; Gn47:28.

Joseph has been given several Christ-like characteristics and represents our Savior Jesus.

Examples: Faithful to God; Gn39:9; 40:8; 41:16;

50:20. He had the gift of prophecy; Gn37:7; 40:13,19. He

also experienced similar real-life parallels as Jesus

did, .i.e. Joseph was wrongly accused, arrested, and convicted; Gn37:19,27; Gn39:19,20. He suffered and

was restored to life. Gn41:39,40. Later he became the

salvation of Israel; Gn45:7. Even his name foretells

the second coming of Jesus.

TL SI Date

O,A JOSEPH ―May the LORD give me another son;‖ Gn30:24.

O,A 4a.

Joseph born near Haran; the fourth

generation. Jacob is 90 years. See


A 4b.

Joseph was 6+ years old when Jacob

took his family back to the land of

his fathers, after working for Laban

20 years; Gn31:3,36,38,41.

O,A 4c.

Joseph was 10 when Benjamin was

born. See 5a. God fulfills Rachel‘s

petition; Gn30:24. Joseph displayed several Christ Messiah-like

attributes; Is9:6,7; Lk2:7,11,27,32.

O,A 4d.

Joseph was 17 years when he was

sold; Gn37:2,36; Benjamin was 7 years. See 4a. and 5a.

A 4e.

Joseph had lived in Egypt 13 years

(working for Potiphar or in prison);

Gn39:20. The math: See 4f. 30yrs – 17 yrs.= 13 years. See 4d.

A 4f. Joseph was 30 years when he

became second to Pharaoh;

Gn41:46. It was the same year as

Isaac‘s death. See 2g.

A 4g.

Joseph by age 38 had married, had two sons, and oversaw the collection

of grain during the 7 years of plenty;

Gn41:47,50,53. The exact date and season are unknown when Joseph

was appointed second to Pharaoh.

Also unknown are the exact dates of

the months following the first harvest during the years of plenty,

Joseph‘s birth, and when Jacob

entered Egypt. However, the season for the first year of harvest either

had not yet started, or was not far

enough along to have its abundance foreseen. The harvest had to be after

the interpretation of the dream and

Joseph‘s appointment. The math: 17

+ 13 + 7 + unknown days/weeks (1?) = 38 years.

A 4h.

Joseph saw Benjamin; Gn43:29-34.

Joseph and Benjamin wept; Gn45:12,14.

O,A 4i.

Joseph sent for his father. The

famine was in the land 2 years;


A 4j. The famine had five more years;


A 4k.

Joseph 40 years, when Jacob

entered. The math: 38+ 2 = 40 years. See sections 4g. + 4i. = 40 years.

A 4l.

Joseph was 57 at the time of Jacob‘s

death. The math: 40 + 17 (See 3l.) =

57 years. See 3m.

O 4m.

Joseph died at 110 and was placed in

a coffin but was not buried;


O 4n.

Joseph (the fourth generation) after

400 years departed from Egypt to

return to Canaan with Moses when

the Israelites took his bones; Ex13:19.

Just before her death, the labor of Benjamin‘s

birth caused Rachel to name him Ben-oni, which is translated, son of my suffering; Gn35:18. This name

is prophetic. Christ Jesus suffered. Prior to the day

her Son (Messiah) appears, Israel (Jews) and nations of peoples will suffer and die; Rev9:18. But Jacob

named him Benjamin, which is translated, Son of my

right hand; Gn35:18. This also is prophetic: Benjamin describes who Messiah Jesus is, i.e., the

Son of God, God‘s right hand of justice; Mk16:19.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Before Jacob dies, he again speaks prophetically

saying that Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; Gn49:27. In great wrath, Jesus will return; Zec7:12; Rev6:17;

Zec14:3. On that great day, the slaughter will be

great; and in the evening from Jerusalem, Jesus will

begin His kingdom of peace for all nations while Israel begins to divide the spoil; Is30:25; Zec14:11;

Lk2:14; Zec14:9; Zec14:1.

In a much lesser way (than what God experiences), Jacob experienced the suffering of

Rachel his wife whom he loved, mourned her death,

and rejoiced in the birth of his son, all at the same time; Gn35:16-20. This is insight as to why Jesus

wept in Jerusalem, not only for Jews, but for all

peoples. God loves all people, for Jesus knew and

knows that due to disbelief in Him, Israel would experience the wrath of nations from that day

forward; Lk19:41-44; Dt23:5; 2Cor13:11; Mk6:6;

Ro3:3,4; Heb3:19. The wrath of nations will conclude in the judgment of man by man during the

great tribulation; Mk13:19. God foretold and

predestined this when He said the seed of Eve would crush the seed of Satan; Gn3:15. Let it be known,

aside from natural phenomena, the tragedy and

suffering of all the days of mankind, especially the

latter days, was/is caused by all mankind‘s hardness of heart, disbelief, and wickedness‘ Gn6:5; Ps140:2;

Pr6:14,15; Eph4:18,19. This suffering is the true pain

of childbirth that God foretold; Gn3:16. Then Jesus King of kings Mighty God returns, and the peoples

praise His name with fear and awe; Is10:21,22;

Ps22:23. This is when Israel will forever desire her

Husband; and He, in lovingkindness and compassion, will rule over her; Is10:20; 54:5; Ho2:16; Is16:5;

Is54:10; 63:7,8. She (Israel) will teach her children

and the nations the truths/precepts of God; Is2:3. Truly, the fourth generation, represented by

Joseph and Benjamin, is in one man, Christ Jesus

Messiah; Gn42:11; Jn11:50; Ro5:15; Ezra3:1; Zec14:16.

TL SI Date

BENJAMIN, ―Son of the Right Hand‖ Gn35:18.





Benjamin was born in the land of his

fathers near Ephrath, which is

Bethlehem; Gn35:16-19. Benjamin is the only son of the fourth

generation to be born in Canaan, the

land Abraham sojourned; Gn17:8. Jacob was 100 years. Joseph was 10

years. The math: 130-30 = 100

years. See 3k.

A 5b. Benjamin was 30 years when he

entered Egypt with Jacob and his

father‘s household; Gn47:9;\.

A 5c.

Moses must have counted from the day Benjamin was born to the day

the Israelites departed from Rameses

on the fourteenth day of the first month: 430 years to the very day;


From the day Jacob departed from Isaac and fled Esau to the day Israel crossed the Jordan was 490

years; Gn31:38: Ex12:40; Jos5:6. This is the same

length of time to complete the prophetic real time seventy weeks of seven days. Da9:24; Each day of

each prophetic week is equivalent to a year of time or

490 years total. The end of the seventy weeks will

end the transgression on the day Jesus Messiah appears from the east and crosses the Jordan; Is41:2-

4; Ezk46:12; 39:18-22; Mt24:27,28; Zec14:3,4.

From the beginning, God planned for Israel to be caretakers and return to the land promised; Gn50:24;

Lv25:23. Much of prophecy is fulfilled when His

kingdom of Peace reigns on earth through His Son Jesus. The following three statements will come

about: ―Then the fourth generation will return here...‖

Gn15:16; ―…I, the LORD your God, am a jealous

God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and fourth generations of those

who hate me,‖ Ex20:5,6; and ―…then the holy place

will be properly restored.‖ Da8:14; Jn14:3. These three verses provide us with the assurance

that God will bring about His wonderful plan for

Israel and for the entire world. He has beautifully orchestrated the details, and there is a blessing for

anyone whose eyes He opens to understanding (if the

person first seeks Him). However, in gaining the

knowledge of His truth, there is the sober reality of the difficult days ahead; Rev10:10,11. God truly has

told us the end from the beginning; Is46:10. He is

faithful, He is unchanging, and with His glory and power, He alone will visibly bring about His Word;

Dt7:9; Mi7:18; Ps145:11; Mk13:26.

Part 2

History, His story, Prophecy, And Multiply By Seven

The start of four hundred years began from the

day Jacob‘s household entered Egypt; Gn15:13;

Gn46:27. Nevertheless, in God‘s infinite wisdom, Benjamin‘s birth (being the only son of Israel/Jacob;

Gn32:28, born in Canaan just outside of what is now

Bethlehem) would account for Moses‘ time span of

four hundred thirty years, rather than the four

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


hundred years; Gn35:17; Gn35:19; Ex12:41. When

Rachel named him Ben-oni, ―Son of my sorrows,‖ she foretold the conditions under which Israel would

exist in the land of Egypt; Ex1:13,14; 3:7. Rachel, the

one Jacob loved, represents the love God has towards

all peoples who by faith trust and obey Him; Gn29:18,30,31; Is54:1,5,6; Ps4:4,5; Jer7:23.

By naming her son Ben-oni, Rachel prophesied

the life of the Man of sorrows, Jesus, and also the latter days which will be a time of great sorrow for

Israel and for the world before the holy place is

properly restored; Is53:3; Ezk23:30,33; Rev6:8; Da8:14. When Daniel initially saw the vision of the

horror of the last days, he was sick for days; Da8:27.

When Jacob changed his son‘s name from Ben-

oni to Benjamin, meaning ―Son of the Right Hand,‖ Gn35:18 he, as the Spirit rested on him, properly

foretold of his Son, Jesus Messiah; Nu11:25;

Lk22:69. When Christ Messiah Jesus was born, He was born in Bethlehem; but Ben-oni/Benjamin, the

second son, was born on the way near Ephrath

Bethlehem; Mi5:2; Mt2:1; Gn35:19. Ben-oni represents the son of sorrows, not quite having

reached the kingdom of Peace on earth. Prior to the

time when Jesus returns, there will be much

tribulation; Mt24:9; Mk13:19. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and peace on earth

will be realized through Him after He returns;

Mt10:34; Is9:6,7; Lk2:14. Immediately after the tribulation but just before He returns, the entire earth

will be very dark and probably cold, for the sun will

be covered, preventing its life-giving light from

reaching earth; Mt24:29. This cosmic shaking is the key miracle of the imminent return of Jesus;

Mt24:30. Bethlehem is translated, house of bread,

and Ephrath is translated, abundant fruit, both representing Jesus; Jn6:32,35; Mt21:43a,c. The first

name of that city, Ephrath, represents the first

appearance of Jesus, for Jesus is most fruitful. He and God are one in Spirit and abound in goodness;

Jn10:30; Ex33:19; 34:6. The name of Bethlehem

represents Jesus, for He is the Farmer of the wheat,

the rye, and of all the finely ground grain of His faithful ones; Is28:24-26,28a. They are the grains

used in making the showbread offering of service,

placed in one basket on the table before God by our High Priest; Heb3:1; Lv24:5-8; 1Chr23:29,30;

Heb13:15. The name Bethlehem is prophetic. It

represents all the good fruit produced since Abel and continues through the thousand years of the kingdom

of Peace to the end of the age; Gn4:4; Rev20:6;

Da12:13; Mt13:49.

Christ Jesus Messiah is the fourth generation of mankind, which is of the Spirit; Lk1:35. Jesus had the

supposed father of Joseph and grandfather Jacob/Eli

and fulfilled and reaffirmed Rachel‘s prophecy from ancient times naming her first son Joseph (meaning

God would add another son.); Mt1:16; Lk3:23. Of all

the descendants of Judah in the lineage of Messiah,

God reminds us of Jacob and Joseph at the birth of His Son. Also, Jacob was called Eli which means

ascent or to raise up, referring to the resurrection of

life, forever in the presence of God; Jn6:51,54,62; 17:17; Rev22:3,4. The record of 430 years establishes

a timeline of God‘s prophecy to Abraham; Ex12:40;

Gn15:16. The prophecy establishes a historical timeline for the iniquity of Israel which is determined

by and through the curse of times seven, explained

later in Part 3 of this chapter; Lv26:14,18; Dt28:45-

47. (See page 118.) God gave to Jacob, Joseph, and Benjamin some

recognizable qualities of Immanuel Jesus Messiah;

Is7:14; Mt1:21-23; Lk1:33. Jacob had twelve sons; Gn35:23-26. Jesus chose twelve sons; Mt10:1-4.

Joseph was betrayed, stripped and sold;

Gn37:18,23,24,27. Jesus was betrayed, sold, and stripped; Mt26:4,14-16; 27:28. God through Joseph

saved many; Gn47:1,6; 50:20. God through Jesus

saves anyone who believes in Him and lives

according to His commands; Jn14:12. Rachel, who represents Israel, experienced great suffering before

Ben-oni was born; Gn35:18. Before Jesus appears a

second time, God‘s faithful ones will experience great suffering, even death; Lk23:28-31; Rev12:17.

Benjamin also represents Messiah. Jesus is the

Son of God and sits at the right hand of God;

Dt18:18; Jn5:30; 12:49,50; Lk1:35; Mk16:19; Ac2:33-36. The Father loves every soul and takes no

pleasure in anyone‘s spiritual death; Ezk18:32. The

great day for the children of God, is the day He draws them near to His Son in heaven; Rev6:11; 7:14.

However, before that day, people having hardened

hearts will try to abort all God‘s people; Is5:20; Jn16:20-24; This revelation from God is a glory to

understand; and at the same time, it is true and

solemn because it will take place; Rev10:9-11;

Abraham experienced a small example of the day of darkness and terror that will one day take place

leading up to the great day of the LORD for the

nations on earth; Gn15:10-12,17; Rev1:7; 18:8. The prophecy God had Jacob say of Benjamin will be

fulfilled through Christ Jesus Messiah when He

returns with power and glory; Dt32:35,41; Rev19:1. He will be like a ravenous wolf; Gn49:18,27. When

Jesus Messiah returns there will be great sorrow for

those who hate Him and great joy for those who love

Him; Mt8:12; Rev19:7,15. After that day, people will be scarcer than gold, but, like Joseph, Israel and the

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


nations will be saved from annihilation; Is13:12;

Gn45:5; Mt24:22. The peace of Jesus will be given to them; Is2:4.

As God informed Abraham, the prophecy of the

fourth generation returning to the land was fulfilled;

Gn15:13. There are also four sons of generations of mankind: Adam (Gn2:7,22; Gn1:28), Noah (Gn9:1),

Abraham (Gn12:1-3; 15:4,5), and Jesus; Jn8:58. As

stated, the fourth generation of Jesus is of the Spirit; Jn1:1,2,13; 14:17,18. He appeared in the third

generation as the Son of man and in the Spirit of

God; Lk1:30-35; Jn10:30; Mt3:15-17. His words and works testify of this; Jn8:16,29;

16:32,33; 10:25. When He appeared in the third

generation, fully as God and fully as Man, He knew

no sin; Is7:14; Heb4:15,16. For if Jesus was not fully man, why would Satan have tried to tempt Him?

(Mt4:1) Since all men sin, Jesus, fully God/man

without sin, had to be tempted; otherwise, He could not be our Advocate to the Father; Job15:15,16;

Ro3:23; 1Jn2:1-3. Jesus also fulfilled all the tasks

God sent Him to do; Dt18:18; Jn5:30; 8:28,29,42; 10:18; 12:49,50; 14:10,11; 17:4,6-8,24-26; 19:30.

God through Jesus, like the Israelites in the land of

their forefathers, will gather His children; and they

will be brought to the promise of God; Jos5:7,10-12; Rev2:7.

It is God, through His Son, who will return again;

Ps68:1; Rev17:16,17. He will grant peace to the people who love Him, both in heaven and on earth;

and at the same time He will separate the people who

have not (by faith) believed and lived according to

His way; Jn1:12; Ro11:36; Eph2:18; Co1:19,20; Heb7:25; 1Pe1:21-25; Mt6:10; Jn14:27; Gn30:35,36;

Mt25:32-34,41,45,46. They will go to the place of

burning fire and gnash their teeth; Da7:11. Apparently from where they are, they will be able to

see the children of God; Lk13:28.

Many people have said that Jesus could return anytime, which is true. God is sovereign, and nothing

is too difficult for Him; 1Tim6:15; Jer32:17. They

think of what Jesus said, that no man (not even the

Son while He was walking with us) knew what day or hour, but the Father alone; Mt24:36. However, the

entire Scripture has proven that God is purposeful in

everything He does; Jer4:28. In the same way as the administering of the Law, God has established the

process by which He will bring about His return (He

is already present in Spirit.) through His Son Jesus Messiah, just as He did when Jesus walked with us;

Ex24:7; Pr5:21; Ezk43:2; Ac3:18-21; God has given

us numerous examples with similar common

elements of how He delivered Israel throughout the centuries; Ps106:43; 1Chr16:29-36. God has spoken

plainly through the prophets and His Son, yet people

continue in their struggle to understand; Da9:10; Mk4:13. People often use the excuse that Scripture is

a matter of interpretation when the evidence is clear;

Ac17:3. By making excuses, they prevent themselves

from seeking wisdom from the LORD; Job28:28.The plan of God will be fulfilled just as He has said;

Ezk39:8. God has taken action for Israel when Israel

had no strength, and He will do this again; Dt32:36; Da9:19; Is48:11; 2Cor12:9. As long as Israel depends

upon military strength and the negotiating strength of

her leaders, God will wait; 2Pe3:9. Israel will be brought to her knees in prayer because of the nations;

Ps81:12-16. Then God will arise; Is33:10; 60:1,2;

When He stands, it will be like nothing He has done

before on earth; Ps109:30; Rev5:5-10; Na1:6. The magnitude of the day of His wrath will involve the

entire earth and population (including all forms of

life) as He delivers Israel; Ezk38:19,20; Ezk39:9. The knowledge of God‘s past actions provides insight as

to what He will do in the future. The story of Esther

is an excellent example of His perfect timing and orchestration of the participants involved; Es4:14;

Dt32:4; Ps19:7; Is25:1; Mt5:48; Ps32:6; Ec3:1;


We understand that all things are subject to Christ Jesus Messiah; 1Cor15:27,28; Eph1:22; Heb2:8. Just

as Jesus appeared to His disciples after His

crucifixion, He will also return in person to Israel after the day of the valley of slaughter; Jn20:29-31;

Jer19:6; Ho3:5. His return is the fulfillment of the

offering of the second lamb, according to the

offerings of the priest; Ex29:41-43. When He returns, Israel and all peoples must not go after futile things;

1Sa12:21-24. Jesus will give Israel the command to

go and bless the nations; Ps32:8; Is66:19; Jer50:4,5; Ezk37:14,16,19. He will also gather them, and they

will be united; Ezk37:21-24. This is when Israel will

be blessed in Christ Jesus Messiah and become a blessing to the nations; Ho2:14-16,18,19; Zec8:13;

Is30:8,20-23; Zec1:16,17. God will pour out His

Spirit on the house of Israel (also to Gentiles), and

their minds will be opened and have understanding; Ezk39:25-29; Lk24:39,44-47; Jn1:12-18.

Part 3

Prophecy And God’s Perfect Timing

The bondage of Israel in Egypt was 430 years;

Ex12:40. From the time Joseph entered Egypt,

several generations had come and gone before God

mightily removed Israel from their bondage. Then it was another forty years before Joseph (the fourth

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


generation) was buried with his father; Jos24:32. A

similar prophetic element is unfolding today. Jesus, the fourth generation (which is Spirit), has not

returned since He ascended; Ac1:9,11. From the day

of His ascension, like the days Israel was in Egypt,

many generations have been like a vapor; Jas4:14. God forewarned Israel that the time of spiritual

cleansing for disobedience would be multiplied seven

times; Ro8:3-6; Lv4;13,14; Lv26:14,18; Nu14:33-35. Later in Israel‘s history Israel did go into exile

because of sin; Ezk36:17,19. During the time Ezekiel

was held captive, he prophesied God‘s plan; Ezk4:5-7. Ezekiel was bound, and his captors laid him on his

left side for 390 days. Then they put him on his right

side another 40 days. Each day represented a year.

Add 390 days/years + 40 days/years (430), then multiply by 7 = 3010 years.

On May 14, 1948, Israel was internationally

recognized as a nation. Subtract the 3010 years to complete Israel‘s iniquity, and it dates back to the

reign of King David when Israel was united;

2Sa5:10-12. David and Solomon, with peace all around, represent our Savior Jesus Messiah;

1Ki4:24,25; 1Chr22:7-9; Mt22:42-45; Is9:7.

The 390 + 40 (430) prophetic years provide an

exact timeline, while the judgment of the nations who hate Israel continues (Actually they hate God.);

Ex12:40; Ezk23:24,25. Truly, there is spiritual

darkness today; for masses of people stand behind their convictions. They make good evil and evil

good, Is5:20; living according to their false

knowledge, false prophets, and lies; 1Tim6:20;

2Pe2:1; 1Tim1:10. David is translated, blessed dear; specifically and

prophetically his name refers to God‘s Son, Jesus. As

it is commonly understood, God gave King David many qualities of Christ Jesus Messiah. God also

spiritually connected the throne of David with the

kingdom of Jesus, not only in heaven but also on earth; Is9:7; 16:5; Lk1:30-35; Mt6:10. The eyes of

Jews will begin to open to understand what God has

said when the third temple in Jerusalem is desecrated

by the beast; Rev11:1,2; Da9:27; 11:31. When the temple is desecrated, many Jews and

Gentiles (having been made aware of the times

before they happen) will acknowledge Jesus is the Son of God and will accept Jesus as their Savior;

Da11:33; Mt16:15-17; Ho3:5;

According to information within the New American Standard Bible, The Open Bible, NASB,

printed by the Lockman Foundation, 1977, on page

292 of Introduction to Second Samuel within the

paragraph having the subtitle, ―THE TIME OF SECOND SAMUEL,‖ the dates for King David‘s 40-

year reign were between 1011 and 971 B.C. The

Math: 1011-971 = 40 years. The span of time between the start of David‘s

reign 1011 B.C. and the start of Israel in May 1948 is

2959 years. 1948 A.D. + 1011 B.C. = 2959 years.

This seemingly contradicts the above statement of 3010 years, but God‘s year on earth is 360 days;

Gn7:11,24; 8:3,4. The Math: 150 days / 5 months =

30 days a month. (For more details, see Chapter 7, God‘s Calendar Explained page 77.) Daniel 9:27

states the sacrifice will be stopped in the middle of

the prophetic week. The time the holy city Jerusalem will be tread underfoot is 42 months, and the two

witnesses who are God‘s lampstands will prophesy

for 1260 days; Rev11:2,3.

A quick review: The prophetic week Da9:27; is 7 years or 84 months; Gn29:18,27. The sacrifice will

be stopped halfway through the prophetic week or 42

months. This means 3½ years will have been completed. At about the same time frame, the two

witnesses for God will prophesy for 1260 days or 42

months; Rev11:3. The year God has established is 12 months, having 30 days per month, or a total of 360

days a year.

There were leap years during the 2959 years from

the time of David to the reestablishment of Israel as a nation. We know leap years occur every four years;

but on century anniversaries that cannot be divided

by 400 years, the extra day is dropped. Divide 2959 years by 4 to learn the total leap year days to add to

the 2959 years. From that number, subtract the few

century anniversaries of leap year days not counted.

The Math: 2959 years / 4 years = 739.75 overall leap year days.

The backdating begins with 1900 A.D. because

Israel once again became a nation in that century. Leap year days without the 400-year century

anniversaries are marked with an ―X‖: A.D.1900,

1800, 1700, x, 1500, 1400, 1300, x, 1100, 1000, 900, x, 700, 600, 500, x, 300, 200, 100, x, B.C. 100, 200,

300, x, 500, 600, 700, x, 900, = 7 xs or dropped leap

year days.

From the 739.75 leap year days, subtract the 7

uncounted century leap year days, and the difference

equals 732.75 leap year days. For convenient purposes the .75 day is cancelled. Then multiply the

2959 years times 365 days, and add the 732 leap year

days. The Math: 2959 years x 365 days =1080035 days

+ 732 leap year days = 1080767 days.

The total days between the reign of David and the

establishment of Israel in 1948 is 1080767 days.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


God‘s year of 360 days can be divided into that

number of total days. The Math: 1080767 days / 360 days per year =

3002.13 years, or 3002 years and 46.98 days.

This is not exactly 3010 years, but it is common

knowledge that our current calendar is not precise. This simple calculation is also slightly off because

the first year A.D. and the last year B.C. is a shared

year. However, the establishment of Israel is within 8 or 9 years of man‘s calendar. Man‘s understanding is

limited in establishing the exact timings because past

societies did not share a common starting point for their calendars. Nevertheless, the establishment of

today‘s Israel is of God and is not coincidence. The

3002 years for Israel‘s iniquity are uniquely close to

the prophecy of the curse of seven times written by Moses.

God is patient and His timing flawless, though we

do not fully comprehend it; 2Pe3:9; Is44:24-27. According to the Lockman Foundation, NASB 1977,

on page 51 of the introduction to Exodus within the

paragraph having the subtitle, ―THE TIME OF EXODUS,‖ the Exodus of Israel from Egypt to the

crossing of the Jordan River occurred between 1445

and 1405 B.C. During the forty years Israel was in

the wilderness, Moses recorded the time of 430 years to the very day Israel departed; Ex12:41. He also

wrote the prophecy of the curse of seven times;

Lv26:18,21,24. Biblical scholars calculate Ezekiel prophesied between 592 and 570 B.C. (Evidence that

Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell, 1989, page 271,

2C.) During the days of Ezekiel, which were about

850 years after Moses had written the book of Leviticus, God revealed another time totaling 430

years. Initially the prophecy was due to Israel‘s

disobedience; but it also refers to the the restoration of modern day Israel, beginning from King David.

The restoration of modern day Israel is not the

restoration of Israel in the Spirit which surely follows after the wrath of God; Ezk38:8-12; Ezk20:33-38;


In that day, the land of Israel will have an

abundance of water for the people, both natural and from God‘s Holy Spirit; Is44:3-6. The cities will be

rebuilt. Israel, Jews, and the land will no longer be

forsaken; Is61:4-7; 62:4,11,12. God‘s plan is perfect; Mt5:48. There is no

coincidence, only God-incidence. Truly, God is the

perfect timekeeper. He revealed the prophetic 70-year timeline as Daniel studied the book of Jeremiah in the

same manner as God inspired Moses to write

(regarding the prophecy to Abraham for the Exodus);

Da9:2; Jer25:11; 29:10-14; Gn15:13. The prophecy of 70 years (after the days of King David) was for

Israel to return to the holy land from Babylon;

1Ki11:12,13. It is most important that people put their faith in God through Jesus, rather than in dates

and timelines. However, being aware of these

recorded times helps to confirm and build

understanding that all peoples are to put their trust in God through Jesus. Ps31:14; Jn14:6. Jesus

encouraged all peoples when He said, ―…when you

see all these things…‖ know the time is near for His return; Mt24:33. Satan knows this, too; and he is the

great deceiver and the demon of confusion;

Jn8:43,44. Satan will cause the beast to attempt to make a change in the ―times (calendar) and in (the)

law‖ Da7:25; Rev13:2. Any religion that bases the

foundation of its beliefs on a calendar rather than

Christ Jesus is not of God. Yet God has given specific numbers of days from the time the sacrifice

is stopped, and they will not change; Da9:27;

Da12:11,12. There is another prophecy from our LORD found

in the book of Isaiah. It is about the city of Tyre,

located on the coastline of Lebanon. The prophecy refers to the latter days, including the end of the

transgression and the return of Jesus; Is23:8,9,12,15-

18. The 70-year span does not have a starting date,

(v15) so it will be for the future historians (after the day Jesus returns) to backdate and determine when

the 70 years began.

As scholars have written, the 70 prophetic years prophesied by Jeremiah not only referred to Israel‘s

captivity; but, as the angel Gabriel revealed to

Daniel, they stand for weeks of years, regarding the

revelation of Jesus and His return; Da9:21,24. (Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell,

1989, pages 166-175.) The prophecy of 70 weeks of

years (Each day of the week is equal to a year.) in the book of Daniel equals 490 years before the

transgression ends; Da9:24.

Jacob spent 20 years outside the land Abraham sojourned; Gn31:38. From the day of Benjamin‘s

birth (See Part 1, 5.a-c. of this chapter page 116.) to

the day Israel departed was 430 years; Ex12:41. Then

Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness before they reached the Jordan River from the east; Jos5:6. These

combined years (20+430+40) total 490 years.

Biblical scholars have calculated that there is one more prophetic week of the seventy weeks to be

completed. Jesus was crucified at the end of the

seven and sixty-two weeks, which totals sixty-nine completed weeks; Da9:25,26. (Evidence that

Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell, 1989, pages


Biblical scholars also have put the time of Israel within Egypt from 1875 B.C. to 1445 B.C. when the

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


tabernacle was built (page 51, NASB, 1977, under

the heading of ―THE TIME OF THE EXODUS.‖) Using today‘s calendar alone, excluding leap years to

backdate, a rough calculation of the prophecies of

Daniel and Ezekiel of 490 years times 7 for Israel‘s

iniquity equals 3430 years. Subtract the 3430 years from the establishment of Israel in 1948, and it dates

back to the latter days of Israel‘s bondage to Egypt.

Since the days of David, the Spirit connection has

continued to this present time. As the scripture states, His kingdom ―will have no end.‖ Lk1:33 This means

the present restoration of Israel is of God, and not

through man‘s devices; Pr16:9. It is from the

establishment of Israel today that God has uniquely begun to move in visible ways that will lead to the

end of man‘s transgression and hatred toward his


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 11

The Message

God loves you, and He has a wonderful purpose

for your life; Jn3:16,17; Eph2:10. All people have sinned (except Jesus) and fall short of the glory of

God; therefore, at conception we are spiritually

separated from God; 2Cor5:21; Ro3:23; 6:23; Eph2:12. Believing in the resurrected Jesus is the

only way a person is set free from the bondage of his

flesh into the liberty of His Spirit; Jn14:6; 1:12; Ro7:14; Ga4:3,4,6,7; 2Cor3:17. Each person by faith,

Jew or Gentile, must ask God, in the name of Jesus,

to be forgiven for sins committed, receive Jesus into

his life, and trust and obey Him; Ac15:9; 26:18; Mt26:28; Lk1:77; Ac2:38,39; 10:43; Heb5:9.

Prayer Of Salvation

Dear Heavenly Father, You have opened my eyes,

and I know I am a sinner. I ask You to forgive me of

my sins. I truly believe You sent Yourself through Your Son Jesus, who died for my sin and then was

resurrected to life. I accept Him as my Savior. I ask

You to dwell within my heart for the rest of my life; and I will earnestly seek, trust, and obey You. I ask

this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Being baptized is not a requirement, but it is a

public testimony of one‘s faith in Jesus, in the same

way as Jesus testified of the Father; Lk23:33,42,43;

Mt10:33; Jn17:6-8. Baptism in water represents dying to self, as Jesus was crucified, buried, and then

raised up to life eternal. By being baptized in Christ

Jesus, we are publicly confessing our death, resurrection, and belief in Him; Ro6:4,11. The water

represents the cleansing of the old self and the

indwelling of God‘s Holy Spirit (One‘s soul is alive in Jesus.); Ex29:4; Ro6:6,12,13; Ro6:22;

1Cor6:19,20. After being taught of Jesus, a person is

baptized of his or her free will and with sincerity of

heart; Ac8:31,34,35; 8:36-38.

Spirit, spirit, Soul, Sin, Separation, Salvation

The natural environ is temporary and is regulated

by God; Mt6:19; 1Chr29:11. This includes

everything in the physical universe and phyla that we

understand as natural or naturally living; 1Chr29:12,13. Because He sustains the natural

environs (Job12:7-10; Ps47:2; 145:16; Ac17:25),

God sees the whereabouts of everything in the universe (Job28:24-28), even naming every star;

Ps147:4; Mt10:30. He also sees everything in the

realm of spirit; Mk4:22; 1Sa16:7; 1Jn3:20; Rev5:6. The heavenly host of God do only what God assigns

them to do; Ps103:19-22; 1Chr21:15; Da3:28; 6:22;

Lk1:19,26; Ac12:11. What is of spirit remains spirit; Jn3:6. If God

permits, that which is Spirit/spirit may also change

the qualities of the natural, affecting the characteristic, action, and result of the natural;

Gn32:24,25,28; Mt3:16; Jn5:30; Mk5:2-9;

Mt9:29,30; Lk22:3,22,31. However, the natural is

always temporary, while the spirit is always permanent; Jn3:6; 2Cor4:18.

Upon conception, the spirit of a person is fully

woven within one‘s natural state, as the people in the body of Christ are fully knitted into the Spirit of God;

Gn2:7; 7:22; Ps139:14,15; Co2:2,3; Jn17:21; Ro8:10;

12:4,5. The Spirit of God directs and sustains all the

living; Gn7:21-23; Mt10:28; Co1:17. God knows the moment a sparrow falls or when a deer calves;

Mt10:29; Ps29:9. The animals do what He alone

created each to do, and each accepts that given set of characteristics; Gn1:24,25. In doing so, all plants and

creatures honor God; Nu22:25-30; Ps145:10;

148:10,13. Through study/research, we understand the

uniqueness of form and function for each organism is

but a small example of the awesome works of our

Creator; Ps72:18,19; 73:28; 145:6-9. This is also true of the natural laws and the creations of the universe

give God glory; Gn1:1-10; Job9:7-10; Ps50:6.

Since the fall of Adam and Eve, the birth of each person is of the flesh… sin; Gn3:7; Ps51:5; Ro7:18;

8:8. The spirit (which is eternal) placed within a

person upon conception is from that moment separated from God; Gn3:5-7,23; Is59:2. God is

separated from man because the Holy and the profane

cannot exist together in the same place; Lv10:10;

Ezk42:20; 44:23. Though the spirit began in the presence of God, it is the spirit that is separated from

God because of the sin of the flesh; Job35:12;

Ps10:2-4; Jer6:29,30; 2Sa14:14; Ro7:17-25. Also, at conception, God gives each person a soul in His

image, along with the spirit; Lv26:11; Gn35:18;

Lv26:15,16. The person‘s spirit must have a living

soul in order to be in the presence of God after the earthly body dies; Is26:9; 1Cor15:45; 1Th5:23;

Rev3:5; 22:4; Mt10:28; Jn5:24. Also, the soul must

have the presence of God to remain eternally alive; Dt6:5; Ezk18:4,9; Ro8:5. If the soul does not have

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


God‘s Spirit, the person‘s soul remains dead once the

earthly body is dead; and the spirit of the person goes to the place for the dead; Mt8:22; 23:27,28;

Ps22:29c; Lk9:60; Ps115:17; Pr21:16;

Lk16:26,28,30; 1Pe3:18,19.

The only way a person can be set free from the bondage of the flesh is believing by faith in Jesus

Christ, who raises the dead while they are yet mortal;

Jn8:34,36; 14:6; Mt11:15. It is through Jesus, God‘s Spirit is given to people who believe in and obey

Jesus; Is42:1; Ac5:31,32; His Spirit then dwells

within them so that their souls are sealed with life; Ro8:9-11; Jn6:27,29; 8:29,31,32,36,51; Mk8:36-38;

Lk12:21; Rev9:4; Ezk9:4. As long as the spirit of

man remains within the natural body assigned by

God, the body is alive in natural terms; and the person has the opportunity to save his or her soul;

1Cor2:14; Ps146:1-5; Jas5:20. First, the person must

sincerely seek God; Jn4:24. Through Jesus, God is able to change the state of a person‘s soul from being

dead to being alive… born again; Jn8:24; 11:26,40;

12:36,44-46; 14:1; 20:31; Jn3:3.


Today people who do not believe Jesus is the Son of God Son of man remain in their sin and do not

have God‘s Spirit within them; Jn14:17. A Jew or

Gentile must truly and prayerfully seek to learn from God about Jesus and earnestly desire to repent;

Is66:2. God will grant understanding, for He will not

reject any such person; Da10:11,12; Mk8:17,18;

Mt15:15-20; Lv26:40-45; Dt4:29,30; 2Chr7:14; Mk12:28-37.

Someone sins when he or she has announced his

faith in Him but later turns away. It is the same as rejecting Christ Jesus Messiah; Lv26:15-17; Mk8:31;

Lk9:22-26. If a person rejects Jesus from the outset

(without investigating), it is sin because of the hardness of his heart; Dt19:18-20; Ec7:25,26;

Eph4:17-19; Jude14-16. If a person says he knows

Him, but denies Him by doing the things contrary to

His commands, then that person lies; 1Jn1:6; 2:3,4. The great sin of Israel is unbelief in Immanuel Jesus,

Son of man, Son of God; Is7:14; 9:6,7; Mt1:25;

23:37-39; 17:17; Jn20:27,28.

Israel’s Unbelief

God had Moses tell Pharaoh that he (Pharaoh)

kept his authority so the name of God could be

proclaimed; Ex9:13; Ex9:16. However, it was Israel,

not Pharaoh, who was given the responsibility to proclaim God‘s name around the world. It was God

who made a distinction between Israel and the world;

Lv10:10,11. Israel was commanded to be an example of holiness, set apart from the world, to proclaim God

Almighty; Lv11:45; 1Chr16:22,24. The concept was

that Israel would, by their living example, take the

initiative and proclaim God, His promises, blessings, wonders, future King, and kingdom of peace; but

Israel has misunderstood her sanctification; Ex8:23.

Through the centuries, Israel by faith did not purposefully proclaim God to anyone outside its

tribes. Just as it is today, God did send someone to

the Gentiles; Da6:10; 1Ki17:14; 2Ki5:14,15. Strangely, many Gentiles who experience the

wonders of God openly proclaim God without

hesitation; Da6:25-27; Jon3:5-8. From the beginning,

the saints were sanctified by faith and set apart by God to proclaim the wonders of God to the world;

Dt10:8; Ps16:3; 34:9; Da7:18,27; Ro8:27; Eph2:19-

22; 4:12; Heb6:10-12; 1Pe2:5. Who are the saints of today? A saint is anyone who by faith believes and

obeys God Almighty through Jesus; Gn4:4; Jn14:15;

Like Daniel‘s faith and obedience while living within an unfamiliar land, Israel also was to teach the world

what it meant to be holy; Da1:8. If Israel had

remained faithful like the example of Daniel‘s life,

God would have safely led them throughout the world, protecting them when protection was

warranted; but to this day, in the mind of Israel, she is

still without her King; Gn12:3; Jdg21:24,25. In 1 Kings Chapter 13, there is a Biblical record

that is also a parable. It illustrates Israel‘s leadership

as a disobedient nation; consequently, Israel missed

her opportunity to believe in Jesus; Mt26:3,4. The Parable: A lion stood over the carcass of the prophet

of God; 1Ki13:28; 1Ki13:1. This prophet represents

Israel, who had been taught right from wrong, according to the Law; Dt27:10.

Today the prophet also represents the old Israel

who did not believe in Jesus. Rev22:15,16; Gn49:9; Ho5:14,15; Rev5:5. In the latter days, Israel will

align herself with the man who becomes the

antichrist and beast; Jer6:14; Ezk13:10. In this

parable, the antichrist is the second prophet, a Jew, who lied and spoke for the angel representing Satan;

Da11:23; 1Ki13:11,18; Jer31:27-30; Rev13:4;

1Ki13:18. Like Israel disobeying God, the first prophet disobeyed and returned to the city; 1Ki13:9;

1Ki13:19. He had been commanded to go a different

way, but returned by the way forbidden by God; 1Ki13:21. After leaving the city, he was killed by a

lion. 1Ki13:24; The lion represents the antichrist

beast, the old Israel, and the duties of the Law (but

not the intent of the Law); Ezk4:7; Ga3:21-28. Like the prophet, the old Israel will surely die from the

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


judgment of the beast; Ezk16:39,40; 20:37,38. The

unharmed donkey standing alongside represents peace. This means that Jesus, our Lamb of God who

rode on the donkey, has already redeemed the

firstborn Israel through His own crucifixion; Jn1:29;

Mt21:5-7; Is41:14; Mt27:35-37. After He returns with God‘s wrath, He alone will set the standard for

His peace; Rev19:15;Is9:7. Then one day all Jews

will desire to live and obey their King; Is35:9,10. While there are Jews who do not live according to

their King, prophecy is not yet fulfilled because God

says that Israel (as a nation) will know Him; Ezk34:30; 20:42-44; 13:21; 11:12. Also, today there

are secular unfaithful Jews who have committed great

sin by the way they have led the world away from

God; Ezk16:46-48,58,59; Rev17:5,6,17,18. What they have attempted to do is seek ungodly mammon

with regard to business practices; Mt6:19. They

attempt to blend into the world, so there is no distinction; Ex11:7; Jer17:5; Ezk43:7-9; Is66:5. In

doing so, these Jews reject God through the way they

live, profaning what God has commanded them to do; Dt28:36-48; Ezk20:13,15,16; 22:26; 36:16-28.

Whether they are living within the land promised

or are scattered around the world, the nation of Israel

today has the same destiny as in the ancient days when they were without a King; Jdg17:6. Israel is

attempting to gain peace and acceptance from all

peoples without proclaiming God and Christ Jesus Messiah. However, this effort will end with the world

hardening its heart and hating Israel all the more;

Ezk23:11,22,24,28,29,38,47; 38:8-12. From that

hatred, Israel will literally be driven to her knees; Ezk17:14-17; Jer2:20-22; Ezk7:24; Is65:12-15. Then

all Jews will truly seek God through His precious

Cornerstone, whom they once rejected; Ps118:22; Is28:16; Lk20:17; Ezk7:4; 35:4; 37:13.

Free Will

God did not make us like animals, for He has

given each of us a free will. This is the ability to

choose whatever we think, say, and do. This free will may or may not be used for our survival or to do

things that are beneficial to ourselves or others. Our

free will allows us to function with or without worshiping God; Gn3:6. As the Word of God remains

forever and as God is the One who directs the ways

of man, each person has the free will either to serve or reject our Creator; Is40:8; Jer10:23; Pr2:20-22;

Ps23:1-3; Ex35:29; Is40:28-31; Lk16:13; 4:8. Satan

and Jesus both have had the same free will;

Ezk28:14-16; Is14:12-15; Jn5:19; 8:29; 10:18. God directs all the heavenly hosts; Job1:6,12; 2:6; Jn5:30;

Ne9:6. This free will is initiated in the spirit/heart of

each person. The attitude of one‘s heart, even the smallest almost imperceptible (to the person) notion,

is what God sees; and the outcome is immediately

adjusted according to the intent of the person; Pr16:9.

Since Adam, the free will of each person (which is of the spirit) has been dominant over the evidences of

God; Gn3:8-10; 1Ki19:12c,13; Jer18:12; Ro1:19,20.

To acknowledge God though one‘s spirit, a person must direct his/her free will to seek God; Ex35:21;

Dt32:1-4,29,46; Pr1:2-7. To do this, a person must be

humble and contrite in heart; Is66:2. Then the person must acknowledge his/her own weakness; 2Cor12:9.

When the good news of Jesus is presented, the

opportunity is given for the person either to abide in

or reject Jesus; Jn15:4,5; Dt8:3; Is8:13-15; Ro1:21-24; Mt7:26; Jn6:61-64. When a person hears and

believes, he or she must work and pray to become

mature in Christ and overcome temptation that beckons the return to the former life of sin; Ex23:33;

34:12; Heb5:14; Mt26:40,41; 13:19-23; Jn5:14;



Life seems to be a matter of protecting our possessions, both external and internal. In some

degree, no matter what our thoughts, beliefs,

circumstances, or education, each of us will continue to be affected by our body/tent, a small worldly

possession; 2Cor5:4. This is the fleshly part of our

being; Ro7:14,15,17,25. The sincere thought of

having possessions, owning something, or thinking it is mine…is of the flesh. Thinking this way does not

separate a person from God anymore than pride does.

The heart attitude of a person determines the purpose of each thought and where he or she stands in regard

to God; Ec10:2; Mt25:33. Possession and pride are

either righteous qualities while serving the LORD, or they are of the world and cause a person to be further

separated from God; Ps36:11; 2Chr17:6; Is4:2;

1Cor1:31; Mt10:39;Job35:12; Ps10:2; 31:18; 73:6;

Pr8:13. People who serve the LORD with faith and trust truly remain His possession; Ex19:5.

However, people do think the most significant

possession is self; Eph4:22,24. Since the fall, any person is deceived if he thinks he possesses things;

Gn3:23,24a; Eph2:12; Gn3:4; Ro16:18;

1Cor3:18;Da4:28,30; Dt27:15; 31:29; Is2:8; 5:12. This means the person could be a child of God and

still be deceived! The unbelieving Jew or Gentile has

learned to be proud and self-seeking, greatly

separating himself from the knowledge of God; Is59:1-3; 2Cor10:12,18; Eph4:17-19.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


In reality, no person owns anything; but God has

entrusted everything to us, including our lives/souls and the lives of others; Gn1:29,30. When a person is

entrusted with something, there is a responsibility to

care for it fully and with honesty; 1Ki9:4; Job8:20;

Ps15:2-5. In doing so, the entrusted person respects and honors God; Lk19:13; 2Tim2:2; 1Pe4:19. All

peoples are commissioned to (my quote) ―leave the

camp in better shape than what it was found;‖ but quite the opposite has happened; Gn1:28,31a;

Mt28:19; Is24:5. The words entrust and responsible

are inseparable in the mind of God; Gn39:22,23; Lk16:11,12. Without God, through Jesus dwelling

within our spirit when we die, all the accumulated

stuff, words, thoughts, and actions will come to an

end; Ec2:18. It is vanity; 2Ki17:15. The physical things of mankind‘s history become like the skeletons

in museums; and perhaps for a while, the thoughts,

words, and results of a person‘s life are occasionally brought to mind by those who remain;

Is46:7,8;.Nevertheless, it is the Word of God that

remains forever; Is40:8. When a person becomes a student of the Word

and applies God‘s precepts to daily life, this earthly

life no longer becomes vain, but purposeful; Ps2:1;

127:1; Ac13:36a; Lk4:43. Being committed to Jesus, a person is to give conflict to the Lord prayerfully;

Ga6:1; Php2:13-16a. Two or more believers are to

live, work, and worship shoulder-to-shoulder, in caring, Christ-like relationships, bearing each other‘s

burdens; Zeph3:9; 1Cor13:4-7; Ga6:2. At the same

time, they are not to allow self to get in the way;

Ga6:4-6,9,10. Each person is to apply this precept: ―The only person I am able to control is myself‖

Pr16:32; 1Cor9:25-27; Ga5:22,23. In our weakness

and humility, we are to trust in God, individually and collectively with other believers. We are to allow His

strength, through Jesus, to strengthen us so that we

are able to bear the weaknesses of others and do all God/good things in His name; 1Chr29:12; Ps10:17;

119:28; Is35:3,4; 2Th2:16,17; 3:2,3; Ro15:1,2;

Mt6:4. Amen. Php4:13

If self is put first, then one reaps bitterness (Pr14:10a; Ac8:23), frustration (2Sa13:2a), and

anxiety (Ps38:18; Pr12:25a); and the soul is eaten

away with contempt; Ps31:18; Mk9:12; Lk18:9. When one‘s self attempts to control others, there is

lack of understanding and personal discipline;

Pr23:6,7a; 28:16; Ps50:17; Pr13:18a; 15:32a. The self always attempts to control or manipulate others;

Ps10:7-11; Pr7:5b; 11:22; Is1:23; 1Tim6:4-7. This

controlling nature begins early, even before birth,

when a baby attempts to control his environment; Gn25:22. Because each person is born in sin, self

interferes with holy living; Ps51:1-15; Eph6:12,13.

The desire for money is one of the greatest obstacles to holy living; Lk12:20,21.

Personal discipline of the spirit, rather than of the

body, has the greatest importance. Godly personal

discipline is the action part of a worthy process or goal, and it involves doing something to its

completion; 1Cor9:27; 1Tim4:7b. Personal

discipline is a decision, and it is developed; Pr22:6. Mature personal discipline is a moment to moment

mindset to think, say, and do that which is right in

God; Dt12:28; 1Pe4:19. Personal discipline is of our spirit and is initiated through the free will God has

placed within us. God has the highest personal

discipline, and this is why we trust Him, for He is

faithful; Dt11:2; 1Cor1:9. Another aspect associated with discipline is the

reason (spirit) that motivates a person to be

disciplined enough to complete what was started; Lv25:17; Ac20:24; 2Cor8:10; 1Cor9:24. The best

source for doing what is right is initiated from within

the person. The best motivator is from the heart of the person to discipline him/herself to do what is right;

1Cor12:31a; 14:1. The best way a person can learn

and practice is from a good role model; Php3:17;

Pr22:6; 31:26,27. The best role model from which to learn is God. He has shown Himself through Jesus, as

an example for each person to follow; Mt11:29;

Mt16:24; Jn12:26; Titus2:7,8. We know children do not understand higher

thinking concepts but observe their parents or other

people. They think, say, and do what they are taught;

Ex18:20; Dt4:10. Most things of life are learned through observation rather than from what is formally

taught; Dt4:9. Putting this another way, things are

caught more than they are taught. So, a parent is to guide and teach the child the way of the LORD by

living in the way of the LORD; Ps127:3; Ex25:9;

Eph1:22,23; 1Cor6:19. Children must learn the benefits of personal discipline early in life. Parents

are to use love, understanding, firmness, consistency,

steadfastness, and many other attributes of God when

training up their child. Because every child is different, parents are to use various amounts of these

qualities, depending on the child‘s age (infant, youth,

adolescent, young adult, and adult), motivation, and ability. Parenting is lifelong. A child honors the

parents by living the rest of his or her life according

to the things of God… even if the parents did not live godly lives; Ex20:12; Mt5:39,44,45,48.

When one‘s desire is to seek God humbly, then

God will draw that person near; Ps10:17; 25:9; 37:11;

69:32; Jn6:44. There are many who know that Jesus is the Son. Satan and the demons do; Mk5:2,7.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


People who continue to live life in a way they think is

of their own making are truly deceived; Is29:16; Ro9:20; Jer23:36; Gn3:13; Is44:20; Jer49:16;

1Cor6:9-11; Titus3:3. These people are not humble

and contrite servants, but have hearts of selfish pride;

Is66:2; Mi6:8; Lk22:26; Lv26:18,19; Is2:17. They seek approval from their peers, take refuge in false

protection, and hold meaningless traditions and fads

in high value; Jn12:43; Ps10:2-11; Pr6:13-15; 18:1,2; Mk7:20-23; Is29:13,14; Mk7:8,9,13. The LORD does

not know these people; Is50:10; Mt25:12.

Eternal Separation

2Th1:9 Wide is the chasm between the dead and

those alive in Christ; Job1:6; Rev12:9; Jn8:44; 2Th1:10. Hell is the place for the spirit of the person

whose soul is dead; Mt5:22; Mt10:28;.Hell is the

outer darkness, also called the lake of fire, where the lost will forever be contained; Mt8:12; 22:12,13;

25:29,30; Rev20:15; 21:7,8. Hell is a pit where the

person is alone, suffering individually, yet with multitudes all around; Ezk26:20; Mt15:14; Rev9:1,2;

Job33:19-22; Is5:14,15; Mt13:42,49,50. For the spirit

of a person, Hell is being away from the blessings of

God, consumed by the burning shame of even one sin not forgiven; Is38:18; Ho9:4; Mt24:50,51; Lk13:28;

Ro3:23; Ezk18:24.

People who reject Jesus are dead in their sin; Ro6:16,20,21,23. Each person who goes to the outer

darkness is forgotten by God; Is26:14; Jer23:39. Each

person/spirit in hell apparently will be able to see

across the chasm and look upon the children of God; Lk16:23. It is called the outer darkness because God

illumines only His children; Mt13:40-43; Rev22:5.

Hell will be like being buried with an alert spirit, yet unable to get out forever…a terrifying thing;

Zeph1:18; Heb10:26,27. One lost person/spirit is able

spiritually to see another lost person/spirit, but not because there is light in hell; Job18:5; Is50:11. The

people/spirits in the outer darkness are so far

removed from God, even God‘s name is not

mentioned; Ps6:5; They remain in their torment forever; Lk16:28-31; The torment is this: Each is cast

out, utterly alone in a dry place but without a soul,

separated from the refreshing, living, holy water of God; Gn27:34,39; Ex22:20; Lv13:45,46; Dt29:18-20;

32:32,33; Jn4:14; Jn7:38. Each cast out person has

only the burning memory of his/her own dark, poisonous, bitter sin; Jer2:19; 20:11; Ec7:26;

Ezk18:4; Is66:24; Mt10:28; Jn12:24,25. Hell is like

being in a large valley packed with people, yet

feeling utterly alone because no one cares. Hell is an eternal nightmare; 1Sa16:14; Da2:1.

The sons of God, called demons, are also

separated from God; Lv17:7; Job1:6; Gn3:1; Rev12:9. God drove Satan and his demons out from

His heavenly host because of ungodly pride; Mk7:21-

23; Ezk31:3-11; 28:12-19. The LORD Jesus is the

One who presides over matters with Satan; Job1:6-12.

Jesus described the place as ―waterless‖ where

these separated spirits dwell for the present time until the Judgment; Mt12:43. Waterless means without the

Spirit of God; Jn4:10,14; 7:37,38. For now, demons

have limited freedom to move about; but they always are in subjection to God; Lk8:31-33. One day all

demons will go to the lake of fire, the same as all the

lost people/spirits; Is14:9-15; Rev21:8. This place is

where Satan, his demons, and all lost people remain together in their agony for eternity; 2Pe2:4-22;

Rev20:10,15; Lk16:8,9; Lk16:24-26. The lake of fire

can be seen in the mind‘s eye as myriads of lost spirits, contained within the shores of separation;

Rev19:20; Da7:10,11. So terrible is the outer

darkness that demons dread their eventual end; Lk8:30,31. Unlike people alive on earth who have an

opportunity for salvation but are dead in their sin,

demons and Satan have no opportunity for

reconciliation; Is9:16,17; Mt8:3; Jn7:6; 2Sa14:14; Mk5:7.

Many people are frivolous, casual, and even

disbelieving about eternity and never consider tomorrow. Wide is the way that leads to destruction,

and many are the temptations; Mt7:13; Mt26:41.

Each lost person will receive what he or she

wants…to be far away from God; Dt29:18,20. People/spirits who go to the outer darkness will

receive their own kind, just as they did on earth.

There is no comfort for them because each lost person remains subject to Satan, demons, and the

hands of men (spirits)…forever; Lk16:8,9; Da7:11;

Rev12:9; 20:7,10; Mt25:41; Jer39:16-18; Ezk21:31,32. This means demon spirits and ruthless

people (of mankind‘s history) will additionally cause

agony and torment to each other because there is no

justice in the lake of fire; Job19:7-11; Is59:8. There is one in the outer darkness who will not

receive his own or be received by his own. This

person is the antichrist/beast, and he will be cast out from the cast out. His agony is indescribable;

Is14:19,20. Alone.

God desires only that every soul be saved, but in the hardness of a person‘s heart, he or she chooses

not to seek God‘s truth; Ezk18:23; Mt9:13; Jn17:24;

Mk16:14; Eph4:17-19; Ac19:8,9; Heb3:13,14. Upon

mortal death, those who remain in their sin have no opportunity to seek the forgiveness of God; Ps24:3-6;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Is26:14; Jn5:29; Mt21:43,44; 12:32. No one else can

pray their dead souls into salvation; Heb10:38,39. Unlike the little ones (whose souls are alive) having a

parent who obeys God, children having parents with

hardened hearts remain in their sin; 1Cor7:14;

Ps51:5; Dt11:16. At the Judgment, the saved are separated from the lost; and all will bow and confess

Jesus as LORD; Is62:8,9; Gn30:40; Lv20:24;

Rev20:12-15; Is45:23; Mt10:32,33. The people who believed, trusted, and obeyed God/Jesus will stand to

His right; Is53:5; Mt19:28,29. Jesus will then look to

His left upon the lost who forsook their opportunity (for their heart was as stone), and they will go to their

eternal punishment; Mt25:33; Jn7:6; Job41:24;

Mt25:46. At that moment, those who are at His right

are not to gloat or rejoice, for the Lord has commanded this; Ob12-15.

Opportune Time

All peoples are commanded to love God with all

their minds, hearts, strength, and souls; and they are also to love their neighbors; Dt6:5,6; Lv19:18;

Mk12:30,31; Dt4:9. God has not given mankind a

choice; but in the hardness of his deceived heart, man

seeks his own destiny; Is65:11,12. Though a person can obey or disobey God, the purpose of God will be

accomplished either way; Dt28:2,15; Is9:7; Hab2:3.

God knows the heart of man is slow to believe and quick to forget; Lk24:25; Ps78:32. In His divine

purpose, God gives many opportunities for people to

seek Him; Dt4:29,30; Is46:12,13; Ps78:38,39,56;

Ezk18:5,9,20-24; Mt23:37. With righteousness and justice, God determines when that opportunity ends

for each person; Job34:21-28,33; Is1:27,28; 55:6-9;

Lk12:16-21. When that end arrives, people who have forsaken their opportunity will have judged

themselves by their own words‘ and hearts‘ intent;

Job14:1-5; 1Cor3:5; Ga6:10; Co4:5; Ac17:24-31; Mt7:20-23; Ro3:4; Mt12:37; 1Pe4:17,18. The death

of a person not reconciled with God is, in a small

way, the end of a transgression against God;

2Chr24:20; Ezk20:38; Mt15:3; Ps36:1; Heb9:27.

First Be Reconciled

When there is reconciliation, there is no more

separation; Ro5:11; Gn3:22-24. Adam‘s separation

also placed a spiritual veil within all peoples. This veil restricts or prevents understanding of Truth, and

the person‘s mind is dull to the things of the Spirit;

Dt28:29; Is29:9,10. The simple truth of God‘s Word

is hard to comprehend or even absurd to the person

who trusts in the mind of man; Is6:10; Is30:12,15;

2Pe3:16; Jas1:5. God removes the veil when a person sincerely

desires to seek Him through Jesus; Mt27:51;

2Cor3:16. Then the person will begin to gain

understanding; Pr1:2,7; Da2:47; Mt11:27; Co2:2,3; 1Jn5:20.

God will bring that person to Himself as long as

the person believes in His Son; Ps65:4. Today the only way a person is able to be reconciled with God

is by drawing near to Him through faith, believing

God has already sent His Messiah Son, namely Jesus, who was crucified as our ransom for our sin and

resurrected to life; Heb4:16; 10:22; Jas4:8;

Ro4:13,16; Heb11:1; Jn4:34; 5:24; Mt20:28; Jn6:44;

12:32. When a person believes Jesus is Savior and asks His forgiveness, God sends Himself through

Jesus in His Holy Spirit to dwell within the person,

giving life to his soul (being born again); Jn14:26. Because Jesus was resurrected, those people who are

His also have life in His resurrection; Jn17:9,22;

Jn17:24; Dt32:43; Ac4:10-12; 2Cor13:4; Jn11:25. The LORD has said, ―Those who love and obey Me…

hear My voice…‖ He will bring them into His

Father‘s house, and they will dwell there forever;

Is66:2; Jn14:21; 2Cor6:16-18; Jn10:27-30; 1:11; Ps23:6; Ps65:4; Jn17:21; Jn14:1-3,6; Ro3:29-31;


Like wearing a garment, the intent of each person‘s heart is to put on the righteousness of God

through faith. When that person does this, God

reckons him/her as righteous; Mt6:21. Because of

God‘s grace, He forgives the sin of those who live (put on the garment) according to His righteousness;

Ro5:20,21. A person‘s intent is spirit; Gn6:5;

Dt31:21; 1Chr28:9; Jer30:24. Being spirit, the intent of one‘s heart cannot be hidden from the eyes of

God; 1Sa16:7; 1Pe3:4; Mt10:26.

When the spirit of a person is in God, he or she has been reconciled with Him; Co1:19,20;

2Cor5:18,19. The initial responsibility for

reconciliation is upon the person to believe first by

faith in Jesus; Jn12:44,50; Mt9:2. At anytime while alive on earth and under any circumstance, a person

can turn to God through Jesus by faith and earnestly

seek Him; and he will be reconciled with Him; Jn3:15; Mk5:6,18-20; Lk22:32; Ro5:10. Then at that

moment, God unconditionally forgives the person

who earnestly believes, repents, and asks His forgiveness in Jesus‘ name; Jn8:11.

That moment of reconciliation is like the

germination of an acorn 2Tim2:13; Mk3:28,29. This

reconciliation is a tender time of being born again as a new person; 2Cor5:17; Eph4:24. Like an oak

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


growing to maturity, it takes a lifetime of years and

seasons to mature in Christ Jesus, though we will never fully attain maturity; Jn12:24; Dt4:9,29 ;

Is61:3. To grow, each person must continually seek

the Light of the Son and the Water of the Holy Spirit.

1Jn1:7; Jn4:14. In the course of life on earth, there are many things that could prevent a person from

growing into maturity; Mt26:41; Is1:30; Lk8:11-15.

When a thought conceived in the heart is contrary to Christ, loss occurs; Gn4:7; Dt13:3,4; Ro7:25. For sin

not to be counted as sin, each person must constantly

seek God through Jesus; 2Tim2:12; 1Jn5:17. Holiness is not just a lifestyle, it is life; Mt16:25.

Through hardness of heart, a person can once

again return to the former state of separation; Ezk33:11-16; Mt12:43-45; Lk8:11-14; Ro8:12-17;

1Th5:21-23. This is what Jesus meant when He said,

―…cut it off…‖ Mt18:8 because when a person stumbles (causing oneself to be cut off from the body

of Christ), the loss is great; Eph4:30; Ezk18:23,32.

The eternal loss (in the person‘s spiritual agony and gnashing of teeth) would be greater than the pain of

the loss of one‘s hand; Mt13:50. We have a merciful

God, and He is patient; Ps86:15; 2Pe3:9. Unless the

backslider repents from his sin and has a lifestyle change, that person will cut himself off from the

blessing of God, both in this life and forever

spiritually; Pr14:14; Ps59:12; Jer18:23. When a person does repent, then someone who was once lost

is now found; and the heavenly host is joyful;

Mt10:39; Lk15:7.

A person in whom the Spirit of God dwells has

life; Jn5:26; 17:21. The time of history when a person

dies is not important. People who have died but were reckoned by God as righteous before Jesus was

resurrected are of the Spirit of God and have never

died; Jn11:26. This is why Moses was told that God is the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They are

alive in Him; Ex3:6; Mt22:32. Today people who

hear the message about Jesus, believe in Him, and do

not soil their garments (sin) are in the Spirit, for God sees their faith and has made them spiritually well;

Gn4:4; 15:6; Mt9:22; Mk10:52;


All peoples are commanded to seek first the

kingdom of God and to seek understanding in His wisdom; Mt6:33. God has promised it shall be given;

Pr1:7; Is34:16; Mt7:7. In this struggle of life, each

person is to remain humble in spirit, worshipfully

seek God daily, and live according to His righteousness (justice and truth) in the name of Jesus;

Dt8:3; Mt6:11; Jn6:35a; Ps89:14; 111:7; Jer4:2;

Jn8:24. Each person must also acknowledge the truth of the Word of God; Ps111:7-10; 119:160; Zec8:3,8;

Jn1:1; 8:31,32; 14:6; 15:26; 17:11,17.

Intrinsic law: Unlike the animal kingdom, people know right from wrong. There is discernment and an

ability built into every person to make a comparison

from what is to what should be. This discernment ability is a permanent law within (intrinsic) the

human character. Even a young child has been heard

to say, ―It isn‘t fair.‖ As older folks know, determining what is fair is at times difficult; but God

has placed this law upon the hearts of all peoples,

giving them the ability to compare good and evil and

right and wrong; Ro1:19,20; 1Jn3:10; Ro3:20. However, what is good or right to one person may

not be the same to another person. Who is to say

what is right and what is wrong? Only our Creator God! He put the law within every soul, and He has

commanded us to follow Him when determining true

justice with righteousness; Gn18:19; Is56:1. God Almighty Jesus Jn1:1; is the standard of

measurement; Lv24:22; Nu21:9; Is49:22; Mt7:2;

2:Tim1:13,14. Allowing anyone to say or do anything

as a given freedom apart from the Father is no freedom at all. Chaos is born; Is24:10a; Mt12:25.

Unless there is a Standard of measurement that is

sure, the house will fall; 2Chr3:3; Ps127:1; Mk3:25. By having no standard, this very law within the

soul is exchanged for the ever-changing self;

2Tim3:2-7,13; Eph4:17-27. Unless this mindset is

bridled and seeks the wisdom of Jesus, the intrinsic law God placed within the person is easily, willfully,

and knowingly profaned by doing whatever is right

in one‘s own eyes; Pr8:35,36; Jas1:26; Dt12:8. This inward, unrighteous mindset becomes lawlessness,

further driving a person away from God; Ro1:20,21;

Jer50:6; Mt10:39; Ezk34:16; Mt7:23. Self inhibits or prevents each person from learning Truth; Pr9:4-

6,16-18. Through Paul, God explained to us those

things of the self that profane the law; 1Cor6:16-18;

Eph5:3-5; 1Tim1:8-10. Because man has profaned this law of His righteousness, history has been mostly

brutal. Unless people believe and change through

Jesus, mankind will become more evil until He returns. Is5:7; Is9:7; 16:5; 28:17.

According to Scripture since Adam, of all the

multitudes who have profaned His law, a few people have lived by God‘s law within their hearts; Ro2:14-

16; 4:6-11,16; Jas1:25. Though all peoples have

sinned and fall short of the glory of God, these few

did what was right in the righteousness of God, for

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


they feared God and were humble; Ro3:23; Gn4:4;

15:6; Ga3:6; Ps10:17; Is66:2. Another example showing God has placed His

law within all people is that children consciously

know and struggle to do what is expected of them.

They hear and see what people who are close to them say and do. Children who do wrong according to

what they have been taught, have difficulty lifting

their eyes due to the shame they bear. This feeling of shame can be lost as the heart becomes hardened;

Ro1:24. When difficult times come, if people have

been taught the way of the Lord, their hearts are more likely not to stray; Ps73:12-24; Dt4:10; Ps31:17;

36:7; 78:4-7; 102:28; Heb3:3. As parents, we are to

be merciful as God is merciful, (not confusing mercy

with permissiveness) because one day God will say to each of His children, ―It is I, do not be afraid‖

Ps86:15; Mt5:7; Heb8:12; Gn50:17-21; Is6:5,7;

Mt28:10; Lk12:31,32; Jn6:20,21; 20:21,26. People who have profaned His law, rejected God, and hated

His children (They actually hate God.) will be put to

shame; Jn15:18,19; 17:14; Gn12:3a; Job8:22; Ps44:7.

God’s Law

Inspired by God and written by Moses, the Law is

the set of precepts identifying sin

(lawlessness/rebellion); Ro3:20; 1Jn3:4; Gn3:6. Example: If a person is using a tool

improperly/unsafely, and the teacher comes along

and teaches that person how to use the tool correctly,

the ―Law‖ has identified the ―sin.‖ The person using the tool has the free will to follow the ―Law‖ or

―sin.‖ The Law provides a means for God‘s people to

demonstrate their faith through obedience; Ro2:11-13; 5:20. Since the Law was established, many Jews

have sincerely lived by faith, according to the Law,

and did not reject Jesus because He had not yet dwelt among them; 1Ki19:18; Ga3:19; Lk9:22a. Due to

ignorance because Christ Jesus was never offered

(never presented as Messiah), a Jew who lives/d with

a humble and contrite heart by faith according to the Law continues/d to wait for the promise of Christ;

Ac3:17-26; 17:30,31; Heb9:7,11; Is65:16; Is66:2;

Ro3:19,20,23,28; Ro2:6-16; Heb10:28; Is25:9. Because of his sincerity of faith and obedience, he

will receive mercy; Mt5:7,8. God is righteous and

just; He knows the hearts of Jews. He will not forsake these.

This is not to say Jews are to continue to live by

the Law and reject Jesus. By no means! The very fact

that Jesus is presented to them, via the media, people witnessing on the streets, or by whatever method,

they sin by rejecting Him, no different than when a

Gentile rejects Christ Jesus; Jn15:22;.However, the sin of the Jew is greater because the Law and the

prophets spoke of Immanuel Jesus; Is7:14; Lk18:31-

33. The Jew, being a student of the Law while

seeking God, is commanded to investigate the testimony of the Scripture as compared to the

testimony of the witness, for the veil will be removed

if the person desires to understand; 2Cor3:15,16. Therefore, the Jew who rejects Jesus is held in higher

account for rejecting Him; Lk24:25; Jn1:11; 19:11;

8:45-47. Sin is sin. The magnitude of sin does not matter. With hardened hearts, the Jew and Gentile

who reject Jesus will remain eternally separated from

God and never come to receive the grace of God

through Jesus. Lk13:28; Eph4:17,18; Ro5:15. As the Scripture records, those whose hearts are hardened

reject even their own family members who believe in

the Son; Mi7:6; Mt10:35,36. The intent of one‘s heart (living according to the

Law), provided the means for a person by faith to be

reconciled with God; Hab2:4; Mk11:22; Ro3:28,31; 5:21; Eph2:14-18. The intent of God was that the

person‘s heart by faith would remain humble and

willingly do the things He ordained in the Law;

Is66:2. Faith is important and not the performance because every person is imperfect in performance and

errors (sins), though perhaps not intentionally;

Ezk18:20,21; Ro3:23. Even though the Law is of the Spirit, it was

written for the flesh which is sin; Zec7:12; Ro7:14. In

working according to the Law, each Jew remains in

bondage to the Law because man‘s labor is of the flesh and not of the Spirit; Ro 7:5; Ro8:2-4. Through

faith and believing in Jesus, a person is no longer

subject to the duties of the law/Law; rather, he or she is acceptable before God by faith in Christ Jesus.

Nu3:7; Ro7:6; Jn1:12,13. The sincerity of the

person‘s faith is supported by the lifestyle he or she lives; Jas2:20. This lifestyle is a form of worship and

respect for God; Ro12:1,2; Heb12:28; 1Pe2:5.

Worshiping God, caring for neighbors, using just

balances (literally and figuratively), and all the precepts of God‘s Word are the substance of

holiness; Lv19:18; Lv19:35; Ps103:17,18; 1Cor7:19.

This substance involves spiritual and eternal sacrifices on the part of the person; Mk12:33;

Mt6:20,21. The heart of each person determines the

desire to accomplish them. These are the actions God desires; Mt5:8; Ps51:6; Is1:11,16,17.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org



A perplexing thought…How is it, that Jews who

read Scripture do not see/understand Christ Jesus,

when believers in Jesus who read the same scripture

are able to see/understand Jesus? This applies to all peoples who do not believe in Jesus; 1Cor1:18. The

answer: When God did not destroy the Israelites

before He had given the Law, He demonstrated His grace to them; Ex32:10,33,34; Jer31:2; Ezra9:8. God

continues to demonstrate His grace to all generations

because He has not taken man‘s breath away; Job12:10. His grace through His Son is what gives

the person the ability to see/understand Jesus; Ps45:2;

1Tim2:4-6. Because of God‘s abounding grace, He

gives of His Spirit and opens the eyes and ears of a person to see/hear and understand what otherwise

was/is hidden; 1Tim1:14; 2Ki6:17; Mt13:16,17.

Through the centuries many Jews did understand who is King (Ps45:1,3,4; Zec12:10), Immanuel (Is7:14),

Rock of Salvation (2Sa22:47), and (when He returns)

the Lion of Judah; Ps45:5-7; Ho5:14,15. Here is an amazing thing: The receiver of God‘s grace does not

have to be seeking Him but only receives His grace;

Ex33:19. As an example, the Israelites were totally

unaware they had received His grace and mercy when He commuted their sentence and did not

destroy them; Ex32:10,34. When a person is able to

understand the most simple precept of God, this is grace upon grace; Jn1:16. That person is able to glory

in God‘s glory; Jn1:14; 2Cor3:18. God‘s grace has

been given to all peoples, even to those who hate

Him; Gn1:29,30; 2Sa23:3-7. God, by His grace, provides the sun, rain, and

everyday materials for living; Mt5:44,45. This is why

we are not to withhold goodness (as the fool does) to the less fortunate, whom God has put in our path;

Lk6:29; Is32:6. Providing goodness demonstrates to

others God‘s grace through us, even though they may not perceive Him; Dt32:28,29; Ps32:9-11.

When a person willingly accepts by faith the truth

of Jesus within his or her heart, God sees; and His

grace is given abundantly, so he or she is able to receive spiritual understanding; Heb4:16; 1Sa16:7;

Heb4:13; Ac10:22,43,44; Jn14:26; Co1:9; 2:2,3;

1Jn5:20. Faith is the assurance of things not seen, Heb11:1; and faith must first be supplied by the

person.; Gn22:15-18; Mt9:22; Mk2:5. Until the time

a person accepts His Son, God is always providing opportunity for people to come to the knowledge and

grace of Jesus Christ; Jn7:3,6; 2Cor2:14; 2Pe3:18.

Grace is unmerited or unearned favor (Israel

deserved to be destroyed.); Ex32:7. By His grace, Abram was called, and by faith Abram believed;

Gn12:1,2; Gn15:6. Today ―…many are called, but

few are chosen‖ Mt22:14. This is because they stumble along the way, and they place a higher value

upon the things of this world than their value of

Jesus; 1Cor1:23; Mk4:19; Lk12:30; 16:13; 2Pe1:10.

God‘s grace is uniquely given to any person who believes Jesus is the Son of God and seeks to learn

from Him; Jer29:13; Mt7:7,8. This unique grace is

the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit opens the eyes of the believer to understand that God sent His Son in our

stead to be our atonement and ransom through His

crucifixion; Ex21:30; Mt20:28; Mt26:2; Lk22:15-20; 24:7. God‘s grace, through His Holy Spirit, teaches

that Jesus is our High Priest before the throne of God;

Ex29:30; Heb8:1-3,6. He also teaches that Jesus

came to reconcile all peoples (if they so choose), not by their works, but by their faith, through the

forgiveness of their sin; 2Cor5:18,19; Eph2:16-22.

He came so they may be freed from their bondage of sin, given liberty through Him, saved, and not

destroyed; Jn3:16; 1:12-14. God will unconditionally

and abundantly give His grace to any person who seeks Him; Ro1:16; Ro10:12; Dt4:29,35,39; Mt6:32.

God richly supplies understanding to His people but

in varying amounts… to some little and to others

much; Ga3:21-24; Ex16:17,18; However, God‘s blessing is given to all believers; 1Cor12:1,5,7-11.

The amount of one‘s faith is not a factor in receiving

understanding; Nu22:20; God Job9:10; Ro11:33; Eph3:8. determines the amount of and to whom

understanding is given; Nu22:21. Each believer is to

accomplish what God has set before him or her,

rather than look right or left and risk being led astray by what others are doing; Jdg6:27; Jn21:22,23.

God adjusts the outcome for each person to match

the intent of that person‘s heart; Pr16:9; Ec10:12; Mt6:1,4. Therefore, a Jew who does not believe in

Jesus and a Jew who does can read the same

Scripture and receive two different understandings. In the Spirit, the believing Jew is able to see Christ

Jesus, for the Holy Spirit dwells within his heart,

giving his mind understanding and his soul life;

2Cor3:14-16; Ro8:9-11. The Jew without Christ has only God‘s Spirit as a guide (which is much different

from having the indwelling of His Holy Spirit);

Ex23:20. The loss is greater for Gentiles who do not seek God or follow the Scripture (though it is

available to them). The Scripture is foolishness to

them; Mk7:21-23; 1Cor1:18; 3:19; 2Cor4:3. An example: If a child has been taught the precepts of

God (ex. Do not oppress, Ex22:21 but care for the

alien, etc. Dt10:19,20), the likelihood is increased

that he will be bullied and humiliated by the children who have been taught the way of the streets/world;

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Jn16:33. This mindset of the Gentile will continue

until Messiah comes, and worldly people are abased; Is2:11; 1Cor1:27-31.

By God‘s grace, Jews who remained obedient

(though they did not know Christ) will be saved in

Christ because God saw their faith; Mt7:14; 22:14; Lk13:23,24; Heb11:3-7; Ro9:8,16; Ga3:9,14. He

remembers the souls of all His children, and He

remains faithful to His covenants with the fathers; Mt7:24,25; Ps9:12; Jn18:9; Dt4:31. All who believe

in the name of Jesus and obey Him by faith are

saved, and all who are saved are in One body; Jn13:14,15; Jn15:14; Ro3:21-31; 10:3-13,17; Co3:1-

6; Ga3:29; Ro12:5. As Jesus is alive, those who are

saved are also alive in Him; Jn14:19.

God makes no distinction between Jew and Gentile with regard to salvation; Ro10:12. However,

Jews are without God when they reject the evidences

of Christ within God‘s Word and substitute them with their traditions; Lk24:25-27,44; Is29:13;

Mt15:6,7. The spirits of all Jews and Gentiles who

hear the message of Jesus but reject it will greatly feel the agony of their eternal separation;

Mt13:42,43; 24:51; Jude 10,11.

Inheritance For Jew Or Gentile

Like the child taught of God, a Jew is set apart

from the world, and even more so are Jews who follow Jesus; 1Ki8:53; Jn17:16. God has placed the

desire to return to the land of their fathers upon the

hearts of Jews; Gn31:30; Jer22:27; Da9:5,6,19. In

reality, this desire is merely temporary…a copy; Heb11:14,16; 12:28. To the secular Jew, this copy is

a real internal drive but is not accompanied with

understanding as to why the drive is present, except perhaps, other than to live in peace. To the Jew who

is faithful to the Law, ultimately the desire is to be

with God. By faith the Jew earnestly desires the day when true peace will be established for Israel; Is49:6;

Is49:10-13. In that day a Jew will no longer be

considered forsaken by the world, but blessed;

Is60:15; Zec8:3-5; Is62:11,12. Jesus is the first of creation; and after all was

completed, He desired to return to the Father;

Jn1:1,2; Lk1:31-33,35; 2:7; Jn17:4,5; Jn17:13,22,24. This desire will be the same for the faithful Jew

through Jesus; Ps23:6; Php1:21; Heb11:16. When a

person (Jew or Gentile) accepts the knowledge that Jesus is the Son of God, believes in His name,

repents, and asks for God‘s forgiveness, that person

becomes reborn in the Spirit; Jn3:5,6. He or she

becomes a dedicated firstborn child in the house of God, meaning God recognizes His own children;

Ex13:12a; Eph2:19-22; Ro8:14-16; Ga4:9a,b. As a

child of God, that person is entitled to the inheritance God promised, which is eternal life; Ga3:18,22; 6:8;

Co1:12. After the Judgment, the holy marriage is

complete; Is60:18-21; Rev22:4,5. If a person like

Esau willfully forsakes his birthright (denies God by not following His commandments), that person casts

himself out from the family of God; Gn25:32,33;

Mt19:17; 12:37; Jn15:6. During his time on earth, a born again person is an instrument of God; Ac9:15.

That person‘s soul becomes a holy, clean dwelling

(namely a temple), consecrated for the Holy Spirit; 1Cor3:16,17; 2Chr29:17,19; 30:18-20; 31:21;

Jn14:16,17. Although physically alive on earth, the

person has passed spiritually from death into life but

not because the Holy Spirit resides there; Jn5:24. This temple (heart/soul) inside the person has a

spiritual door that God sees. Jesus has applied a

spiritual seal with His own blood to the person‘s spiritual door; Jn6:27; Mt26:28; Ex24:8;

Heb8:6,7,13. The cleansing blood of Jesus protects

the person‘s soul from eternal death as long as the person stays within His protection; Heb9:11,14,15;

10:19-25; Lv10:7; Jn3:21; Ro8:10-17; 2Pe1:4-11;

1Jn1:7,9; Rev3:19. God‘s promise is unconditional. If

a person keeps the commandments of Jesus, the person also abides in Him; Mt5:17,18; Jn15:10.

(Truly, each person determines his or her own eternal

residence; Is59:13,14; Mt15:18; Ro6:17-19; Lk6:45; Mt6:20.)

The Word of God does not change, and the Word

will judge; Jer4:28; Ma3:6; Ezk39:7,8; Mt8:11,12;

Jn12:48. The Holy Spirit within a believer never rests and is ready to teach Truth if the person seeks to

learn. Ps121:4; Is62:7; Mt8:20; Jn16:7; Jn14:17,26;

15:26; Ro8:18-27. As long as each person stays within the protection of the blood of Jesus, he or she

remains an heir within the household of God;

Ga4:6,7; 2Cor1:20-22; 1Tim3:15. The flesh is dead in sin, but the spirit is alive in Christ; Ro6:11-13;

8:10,11. This fact applies to all people on earth for all

time until the end of the age; Da12:13; Mt13:39-43.

Forgiven And Sealed

Those who are forgiven have life. They are sealed by the blood of Jesus because they have trusted and

obeyed Him through faith; Eph1:13,14. A few

seconds prior to death, if a person earnestly asks God to forgive his sin and truly believes that Jesus was

crucified for his/her sin/transgressions, rose again,

and is God‘s Son, that person is unconditionally

forgiven through the mercy and grace of God; Eph2:8.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


That same person is given immediate, eternal,

spiritual life in heaven with Jesus a moment later at the end of mortal life; Jn20:31; Lk23:42,43. Life is

given because the person trusted by faith in the

promise of God and for that moment prior to mortal

death, remained obedient to God; Ac2:39. Because God saw his/her sincere heart, that person received

life with Him. Eternal life was sealed at the moment

of believing within the person and not upon death; Heb11:16; Jn3:18.

Note: At the moment a person dies (is

permanently and mortally dead), whether born again or not, the day of the LORD has arrived for that

person! (1Th5:2,4; Rev3:3) Until a person accepts

Jesus as Savior, he or she forsakes all of God‘s

promises of liberty and fellowship; Is61:1; Ps119:45-48; 2Cor3:17,18; Jas1:25; 1Cor1:9; Php2:1-5;

Dt6:16; Mt4:7. (Do not be arrogant and test God!)

The day God requires a person‘s soul comes like a thief; Lk12:16-22; Ps105:4; Lk21:34; Pr28:25. If a

person accepts Jesus during childhood and lives by

faith to be more than a hundred years old (obeying God throughout life), then that person receives

eternal life; Heb11:6; Ac15:8-11; 26:18.

Jesus explained this principle in the parable of the

workers in the vineyard; Mt20:1-15. The parable came with a warning: do not grumble. What is it to

any person the length of one‘s mortal life (while

following Jesus), as long as he or she followed Jesus; Jn21:22. Each one receives life eternal, and that is

better than anything the human mind on earth is able

to comprehend; Ps63:3; 84:10; Is56:5; Jn1:5;

2Cor4:17; Eph3:14-21. However, the longer the time a person follows

Jesus on earth, the more the person understands the

wonder of God; Ro14:17-19; Ps145:1-7. The mystery of God is revealed a little here and little there to a

believing person but never entirely; Is28:10;

Gn3:22,23; Mk4:11; Ro16:25; 1Cor2:7; Eph1:9; 3:3,4; Rev10:7. This revealing is refreshing to the

mind and encouraging to the soul; Ro12:2; Ac3:19;

Ro15:4; Ps62:5.

To His people He gives eternal hope and peace that others who are without Jesus cannot know;

Ps31:24; Ro5:1-6; Eph2:11-14; Php4:7. God takes

note of the treasures each person stores in heaven, and there is a great reward waiting to be given;

Mt13:52; Heb10:35-38. Jesus explained this in the

parable of the servants and the minas; Lk19:12-27; Heb10:39.


Through the centuries, Jews (faithful or

unfaithful) rarely have experienced long term peace;

but the nations and peoples who take that peace away

will/have/had tribulation; Lv26:33,40-42; Rev5:8; Ro2:9. Many of faith have experienced terrible

persecution; and in the name of God, the prayers

(incense) of faithful Jews of the Law and followers of Jesus have risen to the altar of God; Heb11:32-40;

Lv16:12,13; Rev5:8.

As censers, these faithful ones have been and are being hammered together into One piece as a

witness; Nu16:38. They have experienced the coals

of suffering from being wrought, and they have

shared in the experience of living in temporary shelters and booths of this life; Dt30:4,7-9; Jn15:20-

22; 1Pe1:6,7; Ps137:1-6; Ac26:6,7. At the same time,

they continue to pursue the promise of being home one day; Eph2:11-22; Dt30:6; Heb9:15; Jn16:33.

One reason why Jews have had very little peace is

the unfolding of the curse for their disobedience and the unbelief of their fathers; but the believers who

love Christ are hated/persecuted in the same way as

Jesus was hated; Dt4:27-31; 28:15; Mt13:57,58;

23:37-39; 2Tim3:12. Until He gathers the remnant of Israel, haters will continue to cause unrest; Zeph2:8;

Dt4:30,31; Zeph2:9,10; Is49:8-10; Dt28:32,33,37;

Ps22:2; Jer45:3-5; La1:3,6-8; 2Tim3:1-7; Rev12:17. He grants eternal life to the people who believe in

His Son and obey His commandments; Jn6:27; 14:1-

3,23; 17:1-3. These people are friends of the

Bridegroom, and they will be taken away before the day of God‘s wrath; Is8:18; Jn6:37-40; 10:27-30;

18:9; Jn3:29; Rev18:23; Mt25:1,6-10. When they are

removed from this earth, His people of the first resurrection will serve Him in heaven for a thousand

years; Rev20:6. Though we are not told what those

duties will be, Jesus said in His parable that those who are faithful in a few things will be given much;

Mt25:19-23,29; Lk19:15-19,26,27.

In Everything, Live For God

Dt4:29 Seek and be filled with God; Ps119:2;

71:8; 107:9; Lk1:53; Ps119:15,16; Jn6:45. Earnestly seek oneness in Spirit; Jer29:13; 1Jn1:1,3; 1Pe1:10-

13. Paul and Silas gave us their example while in

prison; Ac16:25. Take time often to be with God, even moment by moment; Lk5:16. In your heart, all

day long, talk with Him; Ps35:28. Give praise often;

Ps9:11. Sing, hum, or whistle hymns, if not aloud,

then through the heart; Ps47:6-8; 100:2. Be in a worshipful mindset continually. Tell Him your

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


frustrations as they arise, and rejoice with Him at the

same time; Ps86:3-8; 9:13,14; 31:7. Pray, ―I don‘t understand; but I trust You, LORD;‖ Job42:2,3;


Rejoice always and pray without ceasing,

knowing God is with you; 1Th4:11; 5:16,17; Heb13:15; Jn14:18. Realize God demonstrates He is

present, hears, and responds because things happen or

do not happen that only He could have arranged; Gn22:11-14; Es2:4,7,8,17. In everything be thankful

to Him; Php4:6. As God leads you, He will give you

a ministry; Ac20:24. Accept that ministry and be diligent.

Live For God’s Kingdom Today

Since the new covenant, putting one‘s complete

faith and trust in Jesus is right, for He is the better

covenant than the law and the Law; Jer31:31; Lk22:17-20; 2Cor3:5,6; Heb8:7-13; 9:15,16; 12:24;

Heb7:22; 8:6; Ro2:12-16. People demonstrate their

faith when they are obedient to Him, and they are reckoned as righteous by God through their faith;

Jas2:17; Ga3:6-9,14,15; Heb11:1.

As in the first Passover, the children of the

household are carried along with their parents to the LORD‘s safety; 1Cor7:14; Mt18:3-6,14. In this

earthly life, God hears the prayers lifted up by a

believing husband or wife; Ps34:17; 69:33; 116:1; Pr15:29; Gn7:1. In the moment of decision, each is

accountable for the things said and done, both for the

believer and the nonbeliever; 1Cor15:52; 1Cor3:11-

20; Is1:15-17; Jn5:24; Mt24:38-41; Ga6:5-7. As God‘s Word is sure, God alone will provide; Ps19:7;

111:7; Is2:11,17-22. No person or host is able to

change this. God alone will provide; Is14:27; 37:16; 43:13. God alone will save His people, and God

Messiah alone will sprinkle the blood of the wicked;

Is37:20; Mt14:23; 17:8; 24:36; Zec8:7,8; Is63:3-6; Rev19:17,21.

Unless one lives a life that honors the Father, that

person denies Christ; Ma1:6; Mt25:41-46; Jn5:22-24;

15:6,9,10; 1Jn1:6-10. In the latter days before the great day of the LORD, many will be deluded. Others

will be given understanding, for they will see death;

and they will seek Truth with faith with all their hearts; Ps10:9-11; 2Th2:8-17; Da11:33a; Heb10:23-

25; Jer23:19,20. When Jesus returns, the wicked will

be no more, and those who survive will be witnesses to the awesome power of God; Ps37:38; Is37:32;

66:19. People will live holy lives from that day but

not from fear alone. God will pour His Spirit out.

Like children, the people will want to please their Father; Is44:3-6; Zec13:9. Until the day Jesus calls,

His followers are to be ready for the LORD and wait

upon the LORD; Mt24:44; Lk12:37; Ru4:14; Jn21:7.


Quietly pray for others and openly encourage them; Mt5:44; Eph1:18; Is35:3; 1Th5:11. Seek God,

study, and become proficient in thought and deed

according to God‘s Word; Ru2:12; Ps22:26; Ezra7:10; Is34:16. Learn to recognize even the

simplest form of deceit, and remove it from your

character; Jn1:47. As the new replaces the old, God will continue to reveal His Truth and give

discernment of the words others speak; 1Cor5:7;

Pr1:2-7; Co2:8,9,18. Take from others what is right

in the eyes of God, and reject what is false; Pr8:6-14; Prevent unrighteous words from leaving your tongue

(heart); Ec5:2; Co3:8; Jas1:26; 3:6,9,10. Know Jesus

is the only person who did not allow His words to stray but spoke only that which God had Him speak;

Jn8:26,28; 12:49,50. When unrighteous words are

spoken, do not take comfort that all have fallen short and will fall short of God‘s glory; but prayerfully

reject your own folly; Ro3:23; 1Cor4:4;Pr9:6; Ga6:3.

If necessary, when your transgression involves

another person, go to that person to reconcile, seek forgiveness, and together continue to love, learn, and

live in God through Christ Jesus; Lk15:18,19; Ro6:9-


Do Not Return By The Same Way

If a firstborn Israelite had been outside the house the night of the first Passover, that person would have

died; Ex12:22; Anyone desiring to return to the past

forsakes obedience, and rejects/nullifies the gift of salvation received from God through our Passover

Christ; 1Ki13:17,21,22a,24; Lk9:62; Lv26:14-16;

Ga5:1-6; 2Pe2:1-22. This truth of not returning by the same way was clearly presented in the record of the

magi; Mt2:1-3,7,8,11,12.

God informs us that He did not spare the natural

branches of the Jews, nor will He spare those who are grafted branches (adopted); Jn15:2; Ro11:20-26.

When believers stumble (rebellion/sin), the Holy

Spirit is grieved; and they must repent; Ex23:20,21; Gn2:18; Jn14:16; Eph4:30; Ezk14:6; 18:32; Mt4:17.

There is unintentional sin, due to the person‘s old

nature; 1Jn5:17. God is merciful when He sees the person remaining humble, contrite, and being grateful

for the things Jesus has done. There are times when

His Holy Spirit convicts the person of having sinned

either directly or indirectly against fellow brothers and sisters in Christ; 2Tim4:1,2. When this happens,

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


acknowledge the sin, repent, and make lasting

corrections. Jesus said, ―…seek first His kingdom…‖

Mt6:25,32,33 If a person knows the way of God, but

willfully chooses to do things contrary to God, he or

she is not worthy to enter into the house of God; Lv10:9; Ga4:9; Ro8:13; 16:17-20. This eternal truth

applies to those alive on earth, as well as spirit

entities in the spirit realm; Ezk28:14-19. God has bestowed a special blessing upon people on earth. If a

person desires to return to Him, God will forgive,

except for the sin against His Holy Spirit; Ezk18:4,28,32; Mt12:31,32.


While there still is time, believe. Have your heart

seek the one true God through His Son Jesus, so His

wrath does not consume you, either in this age or the age to come; Is55:5,6; Dt9:7; 29:22-29; Is33:11;

43:10,11; Jer10:10; Mt4:17; Jn17:3; 1Jn5:20. By

having faith in Jesus with sincerity, humility, gentleness, truth, diligence, perseverance, obedience,

and trust, you are to follow God‘s Word; Ex19:5;

Hab2:4c; Ga3:11. You are is to turn from sin and

follow the LORD; Is59:20; Jn10:27-30. Once you believe that Jesus is Savior, your responsibility is to

learn, obey, and apply your life as God Jesus Holy

Spirit instructs, through the listening to and the

reading of His Word; Dt27:10; Lk8:25; Jn14:15; 16:13,14; Is1:18,19; 1Jn2:5. By doing this, you will

be led to safety; 2Tim4:18; 1Th4:14-17.

Until the end of the transgression (unless all

peoples by faith and their free will were to turn from their wicked ways and seek God through Jesus),

destruction is sure; 2Chr7:14; Gn4:12; 5:2; 6:3,5;

Dt32:5; Ho4:12; Mk13:22; Is3:12; 1Th5:3; Is10:22-26; Mt24:21; Zeph1:14-18; Rev20:15;

Prayer Of Salvation

Dear Heavenly Father, You have opened my eyes,

and I know I am a sinner. I ask You to forgive me of

my sins. I truly believe You sent Yourself through Your Son Jesus, who died for my sin and then was

resurrected to life. I accept Him as my Savior. I ask

You to dwell within my heart for the rest of my life; and I will earnestly seek, trust, and obey You. I ask

this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Hosea 14:9 ―Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know

them. For the ways of the LORD are right, And the righteous will walk in them, But transgressors will

stumble in them.‖

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Chapter 12

God Within Each Life

Dear Heavenly Father,

Have these words be an encouragement. Guide

our hearts in all areas of our lives to desire to do Your will each day, glorify Your name, and allow

Your Holy Spirit to be included within our decisions.

This we ask in the name of Jesus our Savior. Amen

Common Gifts

We do not have to search very far to find folks with gifts being used to serve the LORD. In fact, all

peoples have several wonderful gifts, but not all

people serve the LORD. A gift is any ability/skill used to perform a task by one person for the common good

of other people. The person‘s heart determines if it is

for the LORD or for reasons that satisfy the self. (It

feels good. It‘s the ―right‖ thing to do. etc.) The person could use the gift(s) to benefit another person

within any aspect of the human experience. Gifts that

kids and adults can do to help people (or the environment) make the quality of this life better

include feeding, providing care, doing chores,

mowing lawns, running errands, cooking, offering transportation, playing music, building or repairing

things, planning, organizing, managing, etc.

We may think these gifts are just part of who we

are and something we have learned to do; but it is my thinking that any gift used for the ―common good‖ is


―Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the

same LORD. And there are varieties of effects, but the

same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation (meaning to

become visible) of the Spirit for the common good.‖

1Cor12:4-7 ―Scripture quotations taken from the

NASB‖ The common gifts are built-in at conception

because these seeds were planned and planted by

God in the garden of our spirit before we are born; Ps139:13-16; 1Cor15:38. We have many seeds that

comprise our skills and talents. Each person is

unique. We know some seeds in the plant kingdom

germinate and mature early, while other seeds remain dormant for another season. The same concept

applies to the gifts/abilities/skills God has planted

within our spirit/character; 1Cor15:35,42-44. As life unfolds, each person is to provide the fertile soil of

the heart for God to do the growing. The fertile soil is having faith in God through Christ Jesus and

continuing to mature in His word with works of faith.

Within each seed/gift, God includes two spirit characteristics we call curiosity and interest.

Curiosity is the initial spirit-electrical spark that

jump-starts our attention or catches our eye in order to gain information; Mt6:22,23. Interest is like an

electrical generator. It supplies us with the sustained

desire to continue to learn, understand, and further

develop skills. Like electricity, there are various degrees or

intensities of both. Our free will determines the

intensity of our curiosity and interest as each is applied to any specific thing that catches our

attention; Mt6:24.

Spiritual Gifts

There is a difference between a gift (something

done for the common good) and a Spiritual gift. For any gift to be a Spiritual gift, God is to be given the

glory. The size or magnitude of the Spiritual gift

(meaning the freewill offering) is unimportant; Mk12:42,43. Understand, the Spiritual gift is by faith

through Jesus and is perfected in God. The Spiritual

gift used to accomplish a task does not originate from

one‘s own strength and mind; Jn17:23; 2Cor12:9; Jas2:22.

1 Peter 4:11 ―Whoever speaks, is to do so as one

who is speaking the utterance of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the

strength which God supplies; so that in all things God

may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever.

Amen.‖ ―Scripture quotations taken from the


There is a glory in the gifts God gives to each person, but there is another kind of glory when we

use those gifts to serve God purposefully; Eph2:10.

As our Scripture announces, the presence of the stars and all that is contained in the earth give glory to

God; Ps96:6-8; 1Cor15:41. If we take credit for the

work of our hands or credit for the knowledge gained

from our studies, it becomes vanity and pride leading to death; and we do not glorify God; 2Cor3:9.

Paul describes people two ways. There are people

who love Jesus and live according to His directions ―written on their hearts,‖ Ro2:15 and there are people

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


who live according to the thoughts and writings of

man. Man‘s writings symbolically represent people taking credit for their own success. This means many

people do good things, but do not receive life; and

they will spend eternity in hell because they do not

honor God or even believe in Him or the Son; Mt5: 44-48.

A person who has a personal relationship with

Jesus is described in this way: 2Cor3:2-6 ―You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by

all men; being manifested that you are a letter of

Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone

but on tablets of human hearts. Such confidence we

have through Christ toward God. Not that we are

adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God, who

also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant,

not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.‖


From childhood I have been fascinated with the

world around me. I am convinced God put curiosity

within me. As a boy, I can remember being totally involved in exploring my environment. My bike took

me to places where I caught toads, frogs, and turtles.

There were many bird nests to look into and trees to climb.

Also, I am convinced God put the spirit of interest

in me; Ro1:19. Even from my earliest recollection, I

have been driven to discover how things work; Ro1:20. My dad taught me basic repair. He used to

say, ―Try to fix something as good as or better than

new.‖ Once a year during the springtime, my hometown

had ―junk day.‖ Everyone in the community was

allowed to put lawn mowers, bikes, tables, etc. on the curb. When I was seven years old, I would go out to

look at the curbside treasures. I would get up at about

4 A.M. with a flashlight and set out exploring on my

bike. It may have given folks an opportunity to clean, but it gave to me the opportunity to feed an insatiable

appetite to see how things work and try to fix them.

The beauty of this arrangement was if I accidentally broke something, it would not cost my parents

money; I would just put it onto the curb to be picked

up. A person may have negative thoughts about junk

picking, but in this community many well-to-do

people would stop their cars and take a newfound

treasure from the curb. Once after school, as I looked through a stack of boxes, a lady got out of her late

model Cadillac to rummage right alongside of me. It

was like a ―community garage sale,‖ and everything was free. The one unwritten rule was to leave the pile

neat and orderly.

Through curiosity and interest, one person‘s junk

became my treasure. All I had to do was devise a way to get the treasure home. Picture a kid going down

the street before sunrise carrying a TV on the

handlebars of his bike or pulling a lawnmower tied to the post of the bike seat. There was a year I had

eleven working bicycles.

During my growing years, it was through this hands-on experience I learned many things, though I

was unable to express them verbally until later. I

learned it was important to stay on task and

understand that systems are organized, frustrations are part of anything we do, the solution is discovered

after the process is learned, usually ―the fix‖ is

simple, it takes effort only I could supply, there is a wonderful sense of discovery, and there is a purpose

that goes along with the effort. Over the years, I

would fix thousands of things, mostly for other people. I also learned firsthand to see things as they

could be, rather than the way they were. Where

people saw useless stuff, I saw opportunity and value.

I believe God sees all people as valuable; and if they would allow Him, He would give them new purpose

in this life.

God Is Near

God is the One who gives indelible life moments

in which we are participants but have no control. Throughout most of my life, I have had a sense that

God is near. As a young child, the earliest

recollection was at bedtime when my mother would sing to me. I distinctly remember her voice singing,

―Away In a Manger.‖ I actually felt and

comprehended baby Jesus in the manger. Another time as a kindergartener in a little country church, I

remember listening to my teacher; and I accepted

Jesus as my friend. By the time I was about nine, I

knew in my heart Jesus was my Savior; but from ignorance, I greatly fell short of living a holy life;

1Pe1:15,16. My mother continued to make sure I

went to church during my entire childhood. Though my dad did not attend church, he said nothing to

discourage me.

When I was twelve, I was given my first Bible, a King James Version. Shortly after that day while in

my bedroom, I distinctly remember turning the pages

and reading in the book of Revelation. I actually tried

to make sense of it! Though I did not realize it at that time, God placed a curiosity in my heart. I can

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


remember thinking matter-of-factly, ―Someday I will

understand what this means.‖ At that same moment, my dad came in and asked,

―What are you doing?‖

I answered, ―Just reading.‖

He looked at the Bible and said, ―Read it. It‘s a good book.‖

After that day, I remember looking at the pictures

occasionally, but I did not read the Bible. During the next twenty-four years I would talk secretly with the

LORD, mostly about being thankful and appreciative

for things within my life; but I rarely spoke publicly about Jesus. Even though God tugged on my heart to

grow in my understanding of Him, the only time I

would read the Bible was at church.

Nevertheless with many sons, I had the inner desire to be like my dad. He had been in scouting, so

I actively participated in scouts. Scouting gave me

the opportunity to: learn a practical and an honorable code of life, make things, hike, cook over a fire, and

camp. The example of my parents, the scouting

experience, and attending church gave me the foundation needed to make a positive contribution to


Though scouting presented many challenges, I

especially enjoyed the times of feeling close to God. During one summer camp, this feeling was quite

evident. It happened during an early morning church

service. The sanctuary was the side of a hill overlooking the lake. Parallel rows of logs were the

pews, and the music was in the scratchy harmony of

our voices. One favorite hymn for scouts to sing was

―Holy, Holy, Holy.‖ While being surrounded by columns of trees, having the blue sky for the roof of

our cathedral, and singing ―God in three persons,

blessed trinity,‖ I deeply felt the presence of God. Another quality of my parents was their overall

respect for Jewish people, as well as for all people.

As a child, I was taught of the hardships during WWII Jews experienced and of their unique gift to be

associated with key businesses or organizations.

There were several times in my growing years when I

enjoyed Jewish friendships, mostly through scouting. Once after summer camp, I visited the home of a

Jewish scout in a town close to where I lived. His

mother and father had fled during the war. I remember his mother asking several protective type

questions about my family and myself. Also, in my

boyhood church, I had learned I was in some way connected to Abraham. My folks even took me to a

Jewish pediatrician. Since those early childhood

years, I have lived in a small Midwestern community;

and I thought the opportunity for a Jewish friendship had eluded me. Nevertheless, I have gained a heart

for all people to believe in the saving grace of

Messiah Jesus. The respect my parents had for Jewish people

continued to be evident years later. Due to his heart,

my dad made an appointment to see a specialist.

After arriving he was admitted into Deborah Heart and Lung Center in New Jersey; Gn35:8. That night

the LORD called him. Then a few years later, during

the memorial service for my mother held at the senior center, Sam, a soft spoken Jewish man, stood and

gave a beautiful testimony of the friendship he had

had with her. My first forty-two years I had lived two lives. I

wanted to be accepted by my peers, so I said and did

many of the things worldly people do. However,

because of my inner faith in God (I was clueless what it really meant to be a believer in Jesus.), I had a limit

to the extent of what I would say and do. Though my

outward life in many ways was contrary to the life God wanted me to have, I now understand God was

always faithful to me. Today though I live for Jesus

the best I am able, in a similar way as Paul wrote of himself, I now also say, ―Wretched man that I am.‖


God Is Everywhere

My dad had taken tourist pictures during his

merchant marine years in the 1930s. Like my dad, I, too, wanted to visit Rome and Athens. As a kid, I saw

the movie, ―The Ten Commandments,‖ and also

desired to travel to see the Sinai. I had already signed

up to serve in the U.S. Navy when there was an unusual encounter during the final week of high

school prior to graduation. I was having a

conversation with a foreign exchange student. I said, ―Maybe I‘ll get over there to visit you.‖ I was sincere

when I spoke to this girl, but I had no clue as to the

improbability. However, within two and a half years, I had

visited Athens, met my friend in Pakistan, and visited

Rome on the return trip to the Mediterranean.

Nevertheless, on the first trip through the Suez Canal, my hope to see the Sinai where Moses had walked

was not possible because we had sailed the Gulf of

Suez at night. I can remember being on deck with the stars shining and feeling the presence of God like I

had experienced at scout camp, only much more

intense. The feeling surrounded me and was so thick I felt I could touch Him.

For the next two months, I wondered what would

happen on the return trip through the Red Sea. When

that day came, it was late afternoon, and for reasons unknown to me, we had sailed north at only a few

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


knots an hour. All day long I was in the mindset that I

would get to see the west side of the Sinai peninsula. The day was quickly slipping towards evening, and

my hope was beginning to change to disappointment.

I had not revealed my desire to anyone. For that

matter, during my entire navy tour, even though I had been invited, I had never attended a single church

service on board ship. My outward demeanor of

doing quality work, being positive-minded, and giving more than what was expected was tainted by

my profanity, something my dad never used. When

trying to live two lifestyles, one holy and one profane, how could I say to anyone that I truly

wanted to see the Sinai and that I could feel the

presence of God?

Off and on all day, I had been going to the ship‘s Chart Room inquiring of our location on the Red Sea.

It was now a beautiful, warm December evening. The

slow forward motion of the ship created a slight breeze. The sun was about to set, and I was standing

alone on deck of the ship‘s stern looking at the pink

mountains off in the distance on the starboard (right) side. At the time I did not know where we were, so I

walked about 300 feet to the bow on the port side in

the sun‘s warmth. There ahead of me near the anchor

chain was a chief petty officer. He had both of his arms outstretched, holding a map and facing those

pink mountains. He looked intently to the northeast.

Only the two of us were there. He was fully involved studying the map and land. I didn‘t think he knew I

was standing twenty feet behind him.

All of a sudden he dropped the right side of the

map, pointed toward the mountains, and excitedly announced, ―There it is! There it is!‖

I went up to him and said, ―What?‖

He said, ―Mt. Sinai.‖ I was shocked! Even though I could not

distinguish one pink mountain from another, I knew

this was the peninsula where Moses had walked. I stood there amazed. Though I had never prayed, as a

prayer, I fully understood God had arranged this

encounter. I absolutely understood God was with me,

and I felt great joy. I stayed a little while longer until the darkness overtook the mountains.


Through the years there have been many unique

experiences. When unusual things happen to many people, they call them coincidences; but I have

considered them of God. Unusual things appeared so

many times in my earlier years that I looked for them

as a kind of security. I would know this is where I was supposed to be at that time. Not until after I was

forty years old was I able to internalize that God

knows the heart‘s intent of each person. God continues to do unusual things in my life that only He

could arrange. This is not to say God has treated me

differently than what He would do for someone else,

but only that I have taken note that He was involved when an out of the ordinary encounter happened;



Even though my life has been terribly flawed, it is clear to me that the perception people have had of me

would be different from what they had for other

people because of my relationship with God through

Jesus. God causes all people who appreciatively think of

Him to be set apart from other people; Dt10:8;

1Sa16:7; Ps4:3; Ac13:2. With regard to the time when Jesus returns, I know what is written within this

book is not my own invention, but is the work of the

Holy Spirit dwelling within and revealing Truth in the form of thoughts and knowledge; Jn16:13,14.

That Truth is explained in the Word of God, our

Bible. Truth is given depth of understanding when

the things God does for a person are seen through the unfolding events within his or her life or within the

world; Ro11:30-33; 1Cor1:4-8; 1Cor12:7-14.

In September of 1980, my wife gave me a Bible. Until this time, my life was ordinary, but full. I was a

husband, a dad of three, and a high school shop

teacher. In about the third week of November 1980

during the night, the LORD severely altered my thoughts towards the spirit realm. In fact, since that

night I have spoken privately of this event just a few

times; and this is the first time this account has been written, for it is powerful and difficult for me to re-


Sometime after midnight this vision took place. I saw the face of a woman, gray-haired and perhaps in

her sixties. In the moment as I looked, her face

suddenly changed to that of a most evil, grotesque

face. It was Godless. I was struck with absolute horror. I instantly knew it was Satan. How I knew

this, I do not know; but I knew I was looking at

Satan. His face was about eighteen inches away from mine. Then, for a split second, Satan thrust his fist

and forearm down my throat; and then just as fast, he

withdrew. In that moment, I felt the power of his muscles. Instantly I was awake! I was terrified and

confused. I felt physically dead. I tried to move; but

my arms were extremely heavy, like they were made

of lead. With great effort I reached to awaken my wife, but she was not alongside of me.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


Full of horror of what I had just experienced, I

had to find her. I managed to roll out of bed and fell to the floor. My breathing was terribly labored. I truly

thought I was dead, but living. I could only crawl

slowly on my hands and knees. I shuffled myself

along. With much difficulty I went about twenty feet around the bed and across the hallway into our young

son‘s bedroom where my wife was asleep. I was so

weak that my voice was a choked whisper as I said, ―Lucy!‖ I could hardly raise my hand to shake her. I

struggled to shake her arm, but she would not

awaken. Normally she would have been up in an instant. Then I reached over her and tried to wake my

five-year-old, but this effort also failed. I felt I was

completely alone and without strength.

Turning, I crawled back to our bedroom. I struggled as I reached into my dresser for my Bible. I

somehow crawled onto our bed. There on my side,

legs to my chest, full of horror, exhausted and struggling to make sense, I closed my eyes and

hugged my Bible. Over and over I silently called to

Jesus, ―Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus…‖ After several minutes, the vision continued. Jesus

stood near me. He was surrounded in an extremely

bright light. He said nothing but ministered to me. I

felt His peace. My heart, mind, and body calmed. Within a few minutes I fell asleep until morning…

No longer was the spirit realm the same, for in

one night, I had experienced Jesus the Son of God and the devil; Mt4:3,4; Job1:6. Even now, thinking

about this vision and actually writing these words,

my heart greatly pumps, my body trembles, and my

muscles are weak. Seeing Satan was horrific, and I could not comprehend the purpose of this encounter.

However, I absolutely and fully saw my Savior, and

He quieted my spirit. From that time on, all the things I heard of the spirit realm while attending worship

services became truly real. This firsthand experience

made me an active participant in the knowledge of the spirit realm and also that an unseen spiritual battle

is continually being waged.

Before this awakening, I had believed the Word

about spirits; but afterwards I no longer thought of the spirit realm as being something abstract. I

comprehended the importance of living according to

God‘s commands through Jesus. I could no longer deny that the spirit realm actively affects the reality

of this life. I have had many years to consider the

meaning of this vision. To this day I am not sure why my LORD gave permission to Satan to terrify and

show his strength to me. Not too long after this

vision, I learned to say and have said many times,

―The LORD rebuke you, Satan.‖ Zec3:2 Each time God has provided His protection. Since that day, I

have learned the importance of understanding and

applying the precepts of God to my life. I take to heart what Jesus said: ―If anyone loves Me, he will

keep My word.‖ Jn14:23 For me, this way of life is a

continual growing and maturing process.


In January of 1986, late one night in my bedroom, I knelt and dedicated my life to Jesus. That summer

on a beautiful sun-shining morning, while Lucy and I

walked home from church, once again God moved within my spirit. The desire He placed within my

heart when I was twelve began to grow quite

unexpectedly. I took notice of it and sought to

understand God‘s Word about the coming again of Jesus. For the next three years, I never said anything

of this matter to anyone but continued to learn and

walk in the way of Jesus. Late in the summer of 1989, I finally asked God,

―If you want me to do anything about the second

coming, then you are going to have to show me what to do.‖ Again silence…Then in November of 1989

before Sunday school class, a friend said to me quite

boldly, ―Al, I have a book for you to read about the

second coming.‖ I remember standing there surprised, yet immediately thinking God was

involved. Then another unusual thing happened two

months later. My pastor, thinking that I might be interested, handed me a book about Jesus‘ return.

In the following months, I tried to document

within the Bible what each author had written. I

found it difficult to locate scriptural support and put their work aside. (Their work may be correct; I do not

know.) By late spring 1990, I knew in my heart God

wanted me to seek His Word exclusively. The very day I prayed for Him to guide my study as it applied

to the return of Christ Jesus Messiah, the LORD

opened my eyes to see His Word. In August of 1990, my dad suddenly died. While

grieving I could not study until October. When I

returned to study, God‘s Holy Spirit revealed truth in

an overflowing way. Bible verses relating to the events of the last days of the transgression came

clearly into view.

Then seven months later in March of 1991, I visited my mother. We were having dinner as I sat in

my dad‘s chair. I was completely involved in the

conversation. About half way through the meal, I instantly took note that some thing started from my

right elbow and moved through me (5 to 8 seconds),

taking the same space as my body. I could actually

feel its substance move into and through me. I had never known of anything like this before, but when

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


this demon spirit attempted to align itself and copy

my movements of chewing and blinking, I was shocked. Without saying a word, I quickly stood up

and went into the hallway. As I moved, I sensed its

slight out of synch action to my body, but the spirit

would not leave me. Very frightened and with a desperate whispered prayer, I called out, ―Jesus!‖

Immediately, almost instantly, the spirit pulled away

from me. I felt its rush departing. Confused and relieved, I returned to the table to finish the meal but

never said anything to my mother.

Upon returning home, I told my wife about the incident. Then after a few days, the demon spirit

came. This time it only took a moment to move in

and align itself with my body. Again I was shocked.

Again I whispered, ―Jesus!‖ and it immediately left me. Then a day or so later the demon came once

more, and I said, ―Jesus!‖ and it left me; but I

perceived the spirit made a slight hesitation to leave after I had said, ―Jesus.‖ Over the next few weeks,

this event was repeated several times. Because of its

frequency, my original shock and dismay turned to annoyance. I wondered how long this spiritual battle

would continue. Then one evening in my bedroom

while I was preparing to go to bed, the demon spirit

moved in. I prayed, ―Jesus!‖ It did not move. Again, I prayed with much intensity, ―Jesus!! ‖ It did not

budge, and I perceived defiance on its part. Again,

most earnestly I prayed ―Jesus!!‖ but the spirit stayed. I became greatly concerned and ran into the

bathroom in an attempt to separate myself from it,

but it copied my every movement. I became almost

frightened. Under no circumstance did I want this thing to stay. Then as I stood near the sink, I recalled

Scripture and prayed with resolve, ―The LORD rebuke

you, Satan!‖ It instantly left me, and to this day, has never returned. Through Jesus, God had intervened.

In all the following years, I have been given

blessing upon blessing. I have never heard the audible voice of the LORD (God willing, one day I

will.); but I rejoice when the LORD suddenly puts into

my thoughts a specific word that I needed to describe

a concept. This has happened thousands of times. These God-given words also have been the exact

words I needed to locate scriptural support. Probably

ninety-nine percent of this work was written through the guidance of His Holy Spirit…before I was aware

there was scriptural support in the Word of God

(NASB). Rarely have I been given new insight while

researching biblical support on my own. (But even in

this, God directs my steps.) Throughout this work, I

have maintained my original belief that I am unskilled (not formally educated according to

standards of men). Only the Holy Spirit has been my

guide, and what I have written must have Scriptural support.

One example of how I have been guided was

during my study before the writing of this book. On

August 29, 1997, while taking notes, I was looking for a verse to support ―heavenly host‖ but did not

know where it was located in the Bible. I

remembered the story about a prophet praying to have his servant‘s eyes opened to see God‘s army. At

that time, I used a printed concordance rather than an

electronic one. I first looked up the word ―host.‖ There were a few references, so I turned to First

Kings and checked the verse. Then I turned to

Second Kings, but I had misread my concordance. I

should have opened the Bible to Second Kings 17:16; but I opened it to Second Kings 6:17, the very verse I

needed. Here is the amazing thing. I first saw and

read verse 17, rather than verse 16. Also, I did not realize I had opened the Bible to the incorrect

chapter. Only later, while referring again to the

concordance, I discovered I should have been in chapter 17, reading verse 16. Then even more

unusual, at a later time, I realized that the word

―host‖ was not part of the verse I was searching to

find. The miracle is that through my errors, God had physically directed me to the exact Bible verse I

needed. (NASB) I was so amazed, I wrote down the

incident. Another reason why this work is a different kind

of blessing is that I have a small, but powerful

understanding of what John experienced when the

angel had him eat the little book; Rev10:9,10. This journey has been and will continue to be (for the rest

of my days) a serious matter. In one way, being in

fellowship with God through His Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus is an absolutely wonderful ―mountain

top‖ experience. Of all that has been revealed, the

greatest personal blessing is that I know I am known by God. On the other hand, I also know the Word of

God will not be altered, will come to pass, and is

powerful beyond human comprehension.

Though I had taken notes for several years, I also had prayed to be given the means to write a book

using a reader-friendly format. The process is very

complex, and it was beyond me to know how I should proceed. Out of bewilderment in March of

1999, I prayed these words: ―If You want me to get

this written, then You will have to show me how to do this.‖ There was no answer…for two weeks. Quite

unexpectedly one day, I was asked to give a message

in June at a small country church. This request was

unusual because the first and last time I had given a message had been years earlier. I inquired as to what

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


topic. The reply was, ―Talk on how you got started

learning about the Second Coming.‖ Immediately I suspected God had given me the answer. I accepted

the invitation and began to develop the message.

However, I needed more information if this truly was

God‘s leading (kind of like Gideon and the fleece); Jdg6:37-40.

Then before the end of May, I was invited to give

a second message at the same church for a Sunday in July, also on the same topic. I accepted. In June, my

own pastor asked me to do a message about the

―Second Coming‖ for an August Sunday. It may seem like many people knew about my study, but this

is not true. At that time, I estimate there were less

than twenty people who did know.

I wholeheartedly prepared. Public speaking is not one of my desires, even though I was a teacher. It

was important I provide the written message to each

pastor before the Sunday I was scheduled to speak. As it turned out, I only gave the first message in

June; but in writing these messages, God confirmed

His answer and provided the means to initiate this work.

Two months later in August of 1999, during the

night while at home sleeping, I had another vision. A

young man with jet-black hair and very white teeth appeared to me. This man came close and whispered

in my left ear, ―The work you are doing has no

value.‖ Immediately, I knew it was Satan. I do not know

how I knew this; but in a calm matter-of-fact voice I

said to him, ―The LORD rebuke you, Satan!‖

Immediately God intervened, and Satan left me. A moment later in this vision, Jesus came and stood by

me. I continued to sleep. This was the only other

encounter of this type since November of 1980. The sixteenth anniversary of this work came in

November of 2005. During these years, I have had

about a half dozen fellow believers in Jesus who have been an encouragement to me through their prayers

and words. For the most part, we had our friendship

years prior to my study and have truly enjoyed

praying and sharing together in the LORD. In the course of these friendships, there is an account

illustrating that God knows our hearts. I have known

a brother in Christ for over thirty years, and on occasion our family has worshiped at the same

church with his family. He and I have attended a

national event, several local events, and have shared meals at eateries in our town, all in the name of Jesus.

However, only in the last few years have I learned of

his heritage from another friend. Prior to this time,

this brother in Christ thought I knew about his heritage and was surprised I had just learned. During

a lunch, I explained about my childhood friendships

and that amazingly the LORD had arranged a Jewish brother in Christ through most of my adult years.

Several weeks later during another lunch, he

shared with me how his father and grandparents

bought their freedom and fled Nazi Germany, taking a ship to Hong Kong. After several years, they were

allowed to settle in the United States. So terrible was

the experience of hatred, the father changed his last name to prevent people from knowing he was a Jew.

Before God called him home, my friend‘s father had

received Jesus as his Savior. Amen.


Since June of 1990, only the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and the other resources mentioned on page 2

have guided me to understand truths about the

Second Coming of our Savior Jesus. I have tried to listen to the gentle guiding of the Holy Spirit. This

work has been like studying a machine having many

intricate parts. It has been important for me to take all the time necessary to learn how those parts relate to

each other.

I know the events of Jesus‘ first appearance are

seamlessly linked together with Israel‘s history and prophecy of the First Testament. We know this to be

true because of the account of the two men on their

way to Emmaus when Jesus explained the Scripture to them. Lk24:27 ―And beginning with Moses and

with all the prophets, He explained to them the things

concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.‖ ―Scripture

quotations taken from the NASB‖ This linking of the history of Israel with prophecy

provides the example for us today to understand in

part the events leading to His return. Unlike those who by faith lived prior to the indwelling of the Holy

Spirit, today we who are born again can be led in His

truth if we allow Him. Even though the people of old did not have the Holy Spirit in the same way we do,

Jesus admonished them. They should have

understood, taken note, been alert for His coming,

and gladly embraced Him; Mt16:3; Jn8:36-43. It is important we do not make the same mistake as His

return approaches, for though sin is sin, we will be

held in account more greatly for the sin of missing our opportunity to witness; Mt13:37; Jn8:45-47. We

must pray, stay alert, seek discernment from God

through Jesus, read Scripture, hear messages about the Word of God, observe the times, and apply His

precepts in our lives. When our life is intentionally

given to serve God, we become a freewill offering to

Him, knowing we will experience various trials. For

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org


in His perfection, we are perfected according to His

plan. Amen. Love: During my life, I have renewed my mind

by randomly reading through the Bible, as well as

reading it from cover to cover. The words tell me I

am important, I have purpose, I have value, I have a home, I have a wonderful future, and I am loved,

even though I have sinned and continue to make

mistakes. The Bible explains in great detail about that

source of love. Since I truly desire to seek and know

this love, in my study I have been given insight which would otherwise have be beyond my

comprehension. This means without the Bible, I

could not gain this understanding by reading any

other book that has been written, for the Bible explains that this love is beyond the human realm.

Nevertheless, words alone cannot show that I am

loved. Because of my humanness, there must be repeated proof of this love. (I believe we are all ―high

maintenance,‖ regarding the need to feel loved.) The

Bible, being full of words, cannot love me. It is only a book, though special; and I cannot imaginatively

invent this love about which the Bible tells me.

For me, love must be felt, love must be known,

love must be continuous, love must come from a source other than from myself, and I must

comprehend and acknowledge this love.

If the Bible were written only by the human mind, then it, too, would have its limitations like any other

book. In fact, the Bible does not lose its power

because the God of this love is living, is real, knows

my heart, and has caused things to happen in my life that are beyond happenstance. This love that the

Bible explains (that each person truly desires) is

available to each person throughout the world who has a humble and contrite heart. Like children not

having an appreciation or understanding of the things

their parents do for them, people do not take note (for a myriad of excuses) that God has a wonderful

purpose for them. Because they are unaware of these

things, they do not understand or feel His love.

Truly, the fields are ripe, but the workers are few. Truly, the children of God are the bride, and Jesus is

the bridegroom; 3Jn4. We rejoice in Him; Ss1:4cd.

May His grace be with you; Phi25. Amen.

Who Is Jesus

When people teach about Jesus while He was flesh, it is important to speak of the things He said

and the works He did to show His authority as God.

To aid people with their understanding, a person witnessing can use common knowledge, symbols, or

metaphors as a bridge to connect the things of the

Spirit/spirit with the things of this life. Intentionally teaching that Jesus was of a particular race is of the

flesh…worldly and unrighteous. Doing so, people

perceive Him as only human and not as God; and

holy insight is replaced with an unholy agenda. Of the works He did, we are to remember that

Jesus greatly smelled of human sweat…His own

sweat mixed with the sweat of those who beat Him. In our mind‘s eye, if we focus clearly, we can see His

matted hair and globs of peoples‘ spit clinging to his

flesh. We can see that someone had yanked hard enough to pull out parts of His beard, and from those

who struck Him, His mouth and face were terribly

swollen. We can barely recognize Him. From His

scourging, the flesh on His back was cut to ribbons, and dirt was caked onto His skin. Also, we can see

Him physically struggle to carry the weight of His

cross. As we continue to look, and if we happen to think about the color of His skin, we are to remember

only the color…red. It is the red of His own blood

He shed for you and me so that each of us would be

forgiven and saved, if we so believe. If we dwell on these thoughts alone, then we have

come short of the significance of His purpose. We are

to realize that our hope in Him is made sure not only by His life on earth or His crucifixion. Our hope is

especially and truly through His resurrection. He is

alive today and forever; and we who believe, trust, and obey Him are also alive in Him and He in us:

One Body. The world, no…all humanity past,

present, and future one day will know this to be true.

Pray for the peace of Israel


God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org



God is most highly organized. Like the natural environs, the things He has planned are intricate. What may seem

random to some people is most assuredly not. Like a production assembly line, unless a person is intimately aware of the details, he or she cannot know all the planning and steps that make up a simple product, much less a

computer or an automobile.

This checklist identifies some of the key events that lead up to the end of the transgression against God. The

order is not exact, but enough information is given within the Holy Bible to provide a list. Doing so takes some of

the mystery out of prophecy. As events unfold, it is expected they will appear in a somewhat different order; but enough evidence has been given to arrange them in an approximate list. It is like an engineer developing a new

product; based upon known things, the product is designed. Until the product is actually made, its performance

cannot be accurately evaluated. One day future historians will place the list in the exact order. Providing a checklist

now gives a tool for believers of Christ Jesus Messiah so they are able to ―be…alert‖ as Jesus commanded.

How to use the checklist: The underlined word/s listed for a specific event is/are the same words found on the

page(s) within God Messiah. Page numbers are listed in ascending order. If the underlined word is not found, then go to the next underlined word within that event. Sometimes the next underlined word is evident because the next

page number is smaller then the previous number. Example: 112, 134, 140, 12, 46. Note: Generally, there are

more references in God Messiah than listed. A few times support for the event is given only through the Scripture

reference. The specific Scripture address is given on the Checklist. The page number referring to the Scripture has an asterisk *.

God Messiah, © 2006, by Allan N. Sherwood Jr. ISBN: 978-0-9779229-0-1 www.GodMessiah.org



Persecution of Jews and the followers of Jesus is severe.

60, 103


st Trumpet. Gold/riches of nations are taken to

Jerusalem. 82, 24

4th Seal. Pg 82 Military forces (another beast pg 59)

crush several north Africa nations, pg 79. Many wars in

a few years time, pg 67.

Lawlessness greatly increases, pgs 51, 128. Evil is called

good, pg 119

The antichrist pavilion is set between the seas and the

Holy Mountain. Read Daniel 11:45

Antichrist image is setup for people to worship, pgs 62,


No rain falls in Israel for about 3 years, pg 55. Israel

petitions God, pg 62.

The land of Israel is ravaged, even totally destroyed, pg

60, 62.

The temple is desecrated, pg 119.

Flee to the mountains, pgs 60, 103. Many Jews are

protected for 1260 days, pg 78. Many become the

remnant, pgs 49, 73. Many Jews begin to accept Christ

Jesus, pgs 54, 87, 119

Antichrist stops the temple sacrifice. 3.5 yrs completed

of the 7 years, pgs 61, 69, 79, 103.

The two witnesses begin to become known, pgs 13, 21,

55, 67, 78, 82

Hatred pgs 50, 56, 124; and persecution of Jews

worldwide, pg 60.

Israel pg 119; loses sovereignty, pgs 55, 61. Begins to

seek God. 2nd

year begins of final 7 years. pg 6, 12.


rd Seal, pg 82. Military forces rampage through Israel,

pgs 102, 103.

People believe the end of Israel will benefit the world, pg


Hatred against Jews and Israel escalates. All nations

politically are against Israel, pgs 9, 38, 57, 59.


nd Seal, pg 82. The antichrist pgs 19, 55; aligns with the

false prophet, pg 59.

Multitudes (pgs 9, 55) of people (pgs 39, 95) including

Jews, do not (pg 56) acknowledge their Creator.

Capricious children cause chaos/rule, pg 29, Read Is3:4.

Overseers (pg 73) or peacekeepers are placed within

Israel, pg 60

Israel makes a peace agreement with the surrounding

nations, pgs 19, 60, 70, 102

Begin 1

st year of 7 years to end transgression, pgs 59, 66,

73, 77.

Israel‘s wisdom w/o King (pg 37) attempts to control

destiny (pgs101,124) backed by her military strength, pg


Jews accept this appointed son, pg 53. He becomes the

worthless shepherd… the antichrist, pgs 57, 59, 101.


st Seal, pg 82. A leader from seven nations becomes the

antichrist. Read Rev17:8-11.

The antichrist will have survived a fatal wound, pg 63.

One eye blind, one hand withered. Read Zec11:17.

Person who will be the antichrist walks in the Holy of

Holies, pg 101.

Jerusalem is the center of world attention, spiritually,

politically pg 53. Jews are cramped, pg 71.

The 3rd

temple is built, pgs 61,73,101,105. There is a

wall of separation between the holy and the profane, pg

15, 78,101,105.

?? Earthquakes, wars, famines, pg 11.

√ Legalized murder of babies… abortion, pg 49.

√ Technology can fulfill prophecy for the great tribulation,

pg 9.

START HERE Approximate checklist. * = Reference only in the


No additional person (pgs 57,73) accepts Jesus as

Savior. 13 days remain before the day of rest, pg 79.

6th Seal, pg 85. The last Day of Atonement of the Law

on the 10th of the seventh holy month ends the great

tribulation of Satan, pgs 73, 79, 84, 85.

The heavens are shaken, pg 85. The earth is darkened.

The hearts of people melt with terror, pgs 57, 69.

No voice is heard proclaiming Christ Jesus. 57

The Blowing of Trumpets on the 1st of the seventh

holy month. The last 21 days. The entire world will

begin to experience God‘s awesome power, pgs 79,

84, 88, 101.

The great tribulation begins during the 40 days. No

person on earth would live unless God intervenes, pgs

67, 79, 88, 101, 103.

40 days. the abomination of desolation will begin, pgs

79, 84.

The antichrist, false prophet, and Satan attempt to

annihilate the entire world population, pgs 66, 82, 84.

Two witnesses murdered, pgs 55, 84.


th Seal, pg 84. God‘s people under the Altar are

clothed (pgs 25,38, 95) in white garments, pg 84.

6th Trumpet, pg 84. 1260

th day: the setup (pg 79) for

abomination of desolation begins. The abomination of

desolation is set up, 1290th day, pgs 84, 101.

Prophetic week of 7 years ends. 75 days more before

the transgression ends, pgs 78, 79, 80,


th Trumpet, pg 84. An evil plan is devised. Read



th Trumpet, pg 84. 200 million armed troops come

together, pgs 79, 84.


th Bowl, pg 83. Nations from East march to the area

around Israel, pgs 57, 71, 83.


th Trumpet, pg 84. Around Israel (pgs 71, 79) armies

march, pg 83.

1/3 of mankind dies, pgs 61, 83, 103.

Multitudes of people accept Jesus as their Savior, pgs

9, 95

Troubled waters (pgs 20,68,103) of evil flood the

earth, pg 89.

Nations conspire, pg 98. The leaders are the foxes sent

throughout the lands causing death for Jews and

followers of Jesus pgs 59. 60.

The antichrist beast and people blaspheme God, pgs

83, 102, 103.

Satan is the mouth of the antichrist beast, pg 20,56,63.

Frogs (demons) go out to the world leaders, pgs 83,


The Euphrates River dries. Rev16:12; *83


th Bowl, pg 83. Deep spiritual darkness on earth, pgs

57,83,88. The beast and his people experience pain.

A sea will dry, pgs 68, 79, 104.

4th Bowl. The sun scorches men, pg 83.


Bowl. Rivers streams turn red, pg 83.


Bowl. The sea turns red, pg 83.


st Bowl. Approximate end of 6

th year. Malignant

sores. Persecution, pg 83.

The antichrist attempts to change the times (calendar)

and in law, pgs 101, 120.

A loaf of bread is very expensive, pg 82.


th Trumpet. Economy collapses. 5 months of

intensive war, pg 82.

4th Trumpet. War1/3 of the earth, pg 82

The witness of Jesus increases throughout the world

(pg 57) along with persecution, pgs 60, 103


Trumpet. Poisoned Water, pg 82.

Many believers fall away, pgs 42, 53. Love for others

grows cold, pg 103.


nd Trumpet. Destroyed are 1/3 of creatures and ships

in one sea, pg 82.

The mark of the antichrist is required, pg 94, 102, 105



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TO THE END OF THE AGE, pgs 14, 43, 48, 108,


Forty years needed to restore some peoples‘ living

conditions, pgs 19, 99, 106. There will always be the


Nations of the world worship at God‘s mountain

annually, during the Feast of Booths, pgs 37, 65, 67,


Jerusalem has only worshipers of God Jesus Messiah

on her streets, pg 19.

People and nations who turn from God will be

quickly recompensed, pgs 48, 91.

Jews are blessed pg 118. The land of Israel is like

the garden of Eden, pg 106.

Nations will not learn war, pgs 80, 108. World

peace, pgs 16, 19, 24, 49, 59, 101, 106, 112. Swords

into plowshares, pg 88.

Jesus returns and Israel will look upon Him whom

they pierced, pg 34, 58, 108, 129. Those of the 1st

resurrection serve Jesus, pgs 33, 132.

144000 Jews witness, pgs 91, 96, 107. People

practice God‘s justice and righteousness, pg 69.

Israel is clean (pgs 65, 103, 106) is a nation of

priests, God sends His Spirit Holy, laughter is heard

in the land God promised, pgs 20, 64, 114.

Israel is spiritually healed (pgs 53, 57, 59) and

desires her husband Jesus Messiah, pgs 43, 53, 54.

Her reproach is rolled away, pgs 67, 69.

Israel makes fires (pg 69) from weapons for 7 years.

Buries dead for 7 months, pg 106.

One day of rest. 8th day, pgs 67, 78.

Jesus King of kings, pgs 27, 76, 116.

The antichrist and false prophet go directly to the

lake of fire, pg 106.

Satan and his host are bound for 1000 years, pgs 48,


Jesus‘ sword will never again be sheathed (57,100).

God‘s wrath ends the transgression (pg 47) against

God. It is a day of slaughter, pgs 54, 98, 105. World

population is scarce, pgs 106, 107, 117.

The entire earth‘s surface is changed, pgs 16, 57, 69,

105, 108. God‘s Holy mountain is established, pgs

67, 68, 99.

The stones cry out, pgs 104, 105. Every wall comes

down, pg 86.

Earth is shaken to and fro, pgs 98, 105.

The mountain stone hits the earth and is never found.

Jesus will not mention sin, pgs 47, 68, 105.

There will be a great trumpet blast, pgs 70, 104.

The 7th Seal, 7

th Trumpet, 7

th Bowl, pgs 75,76. On

the 21st day (pg 98) of the 7

th holy month also the 7th

day of the Feast of Booths is the great day of the

LORD, pgs 86, 95.

People hide, crawl into holes like moles, pgs 45, 52.

Fall on us, pg 103.

God‘s terror is on the entire world, pgs 19, 38, 55,

69, 78. The last 7 days: transgression ends, pg 11.

Feast of Booths begins, 15th of the 7th holy month,

pgs 45, 66, 70, 76, 79, 98, 99, 103.

The 1335th day a blessing, pgs 73, 79, 80, 85, 87, 95,

101, 103.

The Ingathering, pgs 45, 85, 91, 92. God‘s people

are raised up, pg 66. Look up! Pg 94.

The days immediately before the Feast of Booths

begins, pgs 79, 80, 95.

From now on, people who accept Jesus are of the 2


resurrection, pgs 33, 91, 110.

The time of the Gentiles has been fulfilled, pgs 38,

72, 78, 99.

LAST, HERE © 2006

God Messiah by Allan N Sherwood Jr.