i Mar'll: Holcomb constTUttlOD of esthetic and 1nf,.:::t,,-trn, f"rn ~onH ....... l ........ -.l"\"""'"' Alon.g WIth the 'lmprove- me~lt~ the CIty want .. to make ;,urt; the Village IS properly mamtalned and kl'pt clean. CIty offiCials plan to schedule a meetlJ'2" WIth mf'mberb of the Village busilles~ commuruty to outl1Oe waVb tu keep the shop- pmg dIstnct free of htter and abandoned shoppmg carts ~ws Mark Holcomb Home: Grosse Pomtt' Woods Age: 17 OccupatioI': Studpnt at Kendall Collpge of Art and Deslg-n Family: Parents, D:>rothy and ,Tohn Holcomb, brothfT, Scott, 22 QuotP: "r neVI'T ht'ard of (The Contmenta;~) before But 1t ":rouJJJeu plt~"'L.Y r,ln] to) go all over thE' world to <:lnEr ~ St>e story, page 4A r",fcren"e" and ..... as ~atll>fied w ,Ll... ,n.fu~'TI.ttlnn hp Ipl'll n..<l from oth"r muruclpal'tle, that hd.v~ hlrt!<! the firm, mdudmg Farrnmgt.)[l Hills, PlymOuth and Ann Arbor "The lDveStlgahor generated good Tp<:pn" ..I'S " hE' bald Now that the declblon has bt<en rr.ade, V,'heeler saId the Clty wants to "fast trclck" the proJect, wluch WIll mclude the Woods council approves lot split By Jim Stickford lern of cr-o";dmg and traffic Staff Writer Wltrun thf- CIty The questIon orlot sphts IS a "By allowmg the lot spht, the problem that'll been recently counCIl encourages people to addressed 10 several other purchase corner lots and spbt Grosse Pomtes Monday mght them," saJd Swanson. "Tlus It was the Woods' turn. The area 10 the Woods IS known for council approved a request to its large yards Property values spilt the lot at 1377 will go down Ifthts lot 15 split, SUDIllngdale, though the the family will find thelI house lM-w.... u wal> uu~ wiWULit COUtfOo now cramped and wtll move versy. . They should let a family who Attorney Donn Fresard apprecxates the lot hve there" spoke on behalf x lot owners Paul BourgeoIS lives dJrectly Marshall and Lilm Flf.mitm J.J~ behind t.~e proposed split lut said that the lot lS the second and 8a1d that those who spoke largest in Grosse Pointe Woods out in favor of the spltt didn't and that it was increased in bve nearby or had lot split pro- SIze 10 the 19506 when the city posals of their own He satd turned a boulevard into a that those who live closest to smaller-6lZed street, mcreasing the FJenuons' property oppose the size of the lot considerably the spilt He 8a1d that he Fresard s.r.id that tht' Jot is bought his house becaulIf' there expensive and dlffieult to was no house behInd It. If the maintam and that the family spht goes through that would was willmg to change the size lead to a house being bwlt near of the new lot being created tus. wtuch 16 sometlung he Originally the proposal was to opposed have been 90 feet Wiele by 152 COUDCllman AI Dickmson feet ~. The new proposal slUd that the Flenuons' current would make the lot 100 feet lot SiZe of 40,000 square feet WltJe by 152 feet deep was excessive for the neIghbor" Tlua would create 8 larger hood and that a split made lot. mort' in line With thi! neigh. sense The n~w lot would st-JJ ! borhccd F'te.saro al;o teJk~ Le l"'l"K~r (han severa; ints on about any deed rest.ri.cbons He the block and that he could not said that the reauest was for a see how It would lead to lot spilt and that the f'lsw .... Wi "Ci\i"~. want to sell the lot, not butld Ihckmson made the monon nn it Anv building rE'Stnrtllms to grant the sph~ Cmm~t!"'&11 would be the problem of people Ene Stemer seconded the who bought the lot motIon "The lot IS certll.JlJ) big CounCilwoman Patty enough for a house," stud Kukula-Chyhl18ki i>81d that ft'resard. "A w.w bVUl~ un that she opposed the mOtl0D lot would not detract from the because she had concerns neighborhood and it would about the eff{.cts of lot sphts. lmprcwe CIty revenues. The Citing recently split lots on F1enuOQ8 don't want to move Vermer, fhe slUd she bars heard He doesn't want to do anythmg comments from th.:l pubhc that would hurt the city or the questtomng what the councll neIghborhood m which he was thmkmg when It allowed lives .. the constructIon of densely A number of supporters got packed condomImums along up and spoke m favor of the lot Venuer spht MJ.chaelCrane of the City Kukula-ChylmskJ also sald of Grol>se POinte saId that as that she warned that the caun- a.. '} assessor the split made ell WOuld not have any control sense He added that pl<Ople over what would De bUlit on the said It WIll ("hange the nelgh- lot and that appTOVlng the spIlt borhood. but over tlrne thmgs would set a bad precedent chcUlge Mayor Robert NOVltke Bald But for every person Vi ho that whlle ht' hated to see large spoke 1D favor of the split lots dtmrmshed m the CIty, the someone got up and spoke 111 parttcuiar lot In question was .. opposItion Penny Swanson, very bIg one who hves near the lot, Said that Wtth the exceptIon of she ODDO!'.ed thp ..r,ht r..-rlln"p It Knlml"-C'hy1msk!, the counc:.! fl'agffients the neIghborhood voted to approve Dlckmson's and further mcreases the prof>- motIon Phet<> b' Brad bodbcrj( See GUILTY. page 2A The firm \1\ ab chosen from a r.H):l Jffo~: CO;npaLieS t..~at hJ.d Dtlen consIdered tor tpe project City Ma) vi SUSaJ.l \\-'b':!elt'r and Chnstllle B!"'?mer, aSS11>' tant Cltv manager. spent the bet;te.r part of a ddy labt week mtervlewmg representatIves of Me SmIth at the compan}'~ headquarters m East Grand Raplds Kretl8bach c.IleI.:ked Smtth.s satd that he expects to bear frum t....~eir ;:tr~e)': :shc~Jj. "I hope that thIs plea will reaffirm the law and send the message that this kind of b..:~d.•• ~~~ i.; ";;';uii-g.- n~~;1icuJ.. "I hope that Granger's public admIssion of Ius actions shows that these charges wt:ren't made up llIod that the wcidentc d.escrihed by the three Vletuns actually happened. Thts case, which has shocked Grosse POinte, bc:-.gan when a photograph of Granger expos- mg hunself got mto the North HIgh Scllool yea.rbook A school investigation mtv .a (~O n\\1"1 un it Y 1'''J C> h"S/-J . ~)/J('l- "Voi'~ \"'.l:,t to. ~""llpletc d~~lgn ~nd engu~"p.!"!!~~ pl'1n ... Hl tH~~ lOr maamg to l>t~rt .. nth can: ir<lctor", :n tne spr.ng Con"trudlVn VI-ul follow qUick. ly, he saId The COUll ell agreed WIth Kre&$~ ach and gave Clt ... admml!nrators d $20 000 spendmg cap to negotiate mth M l, &mlth and Assoclatf'~ to de!>lgn plans for the upgrade long thE' actual sentence v'l11 be, sa1d Baki'T Hi,; office will seek the maxImum sentence, SIX months, under the plea agreement Judge Kenny Wlil m:tkp hi!<ln,l;n.,. on W."nn .. ,,,in, Oct. 14, ~ - - ". "In additIon to the sentence, Damel Granger may be placed on probatIon," Ball:er saId. "That's also up to the judge Granger admitted ill court that he agreed With othel"ll to supply alcohol to and had sexual peDe- tTabon WIth the three V1ctlIDS." Baker s31d that Granger will not be required to tesnfy agaInst the three other defen- dants In the cas.:: A plea bar. gam has been offert'd to the other defendants and Baker . . ~' - ~ ... . ; ;, iI j :: t' "<;~.', II; "" -4 ..' . ,- .~~ .. 1/' '. ..,It j I'~:' ; \ t . oT" ""., 1.,,,. .. .' ~. ; , Final curtain ~ of the Wooda Theatel' In GnJfte PobIte WoocI8 11M JM:taD. 11Ie tJJa.tc, • -- of cIJ'euBaI lor geaentioDe of Ck-.e PoIaten, .... cIoeed late ... yell!' by tJw AIle .... tlMiater cIada lNIcaaM it eoaId DOt C01BpIete wttIl tile 26«:aeea ........ tbiIt ezpen. IlOW Yie'W .. the f1It'&1nI of tile ch em- PIa.ns for the Village take another step forward Ready, set, go More than 525 ru~"lers were off .:r.d ,unnJ.r..g at t~e s1..rt ot th~ 20th Annual Groue Palate Sunrise Rota" Club race on Lakeshore ~c Gresse Pointe Farms lut weekend. The event ralaed Diore than $25,000 for local charities. plus $1.000 col- lege eeholarships for high IK'hool graduates fTom Grosse Pointe North and South Mgh schools. By Brad Lindberg St::ttf Wn1er 1m, \Jru~l>t.' t"UIOl.e '--'It) C:UUll. cil authunz(>d ':11) admmlsira. torI> ~o begm llt;gotJatlOns WIth a deSIgn tirm .t::gardlng the recently anDouuced VIllage shOPPing area wlprovement prOject "We want to get the ball rolimg" on thiS proJect, said Tom Kressbach, city manager Granger pleads guilty in rape case By JJm Stlcldord Staff Writer In a plea barlam agreement, Grosse POInte Wood!. resident Dlluud Gr<Ult:er pleaded gwity to oonspuacv to contribute to ~ dt<hnquency of a mmor, a lD.lSdemellln- punishable by up to a year mjal!. The plea was entt>~"ed before C.rcwt Court Judge Tlmothy Kenny on Tuesday, Sept 22. Uudt:r Olt: krms of tht: ll"r~ ment Granger will not have to regISter as a sex offender The agreement calls for tum to sJ}end between three and six months 10 jall, illUd Wayne County asslStant prosecutmg atWrney Doug Baker. It IS up to Judge Kenny how Saturda~ Sept. 26 The tiDited - Servlce& Aasoaation for Health Care IS holding it!! annual 5-mile fun walk for Sudden Infant ~ath Syndrome. The w8lk begins at 10 a.m. at St. Paul CatbolH: Chu.rc:h 10 Gro&ae Pointe Farms For more infurmatlon, call (810) 739-6196 Thursday, Sept. 24 The desIgns of famous landsr-..ape arc}utect Ellen Biddle Slupman will be on dlsplay at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House, 1100 Lakeshore In Grosse Pomte ~~ons. The show features more t~~~ 70 nf Sh~~~'s pho- tograghs, drawings and plans. includmg those of old Gr".>8l'!e Pointe propertlf'll The show runs through Nov. 29 TIckets are $5 for adults, k fl.'!" semors and $8 for chil. dren Call (313) B84-t222 fu!' more mformation. Monday, Sept. 28 The Grosse Pomte Park city coW!CIl meets at 7 p.m In the Park CIty hall, 15115 East Jefferson WFE1\AHEAD I I:~~~kl I TouT beglns at noon and runs I until 5 p.m. I Those taking the tour will see five dtfferent kitchens I d.o::.:';'ii,kU 1n Ii v&nety oi f styles. 'li<:kPts may be -pur- I chased lit thl< CvtWtge' HospItal gtft shcp. Cluidren under 8 will not be permItted to attend For more mforma- tIon, call (313) 821-4035. I The board of trustt.es of •the Grosse Pomte Public Library meets at 7 p m at the NeIghborhood Club, 17150 Waterl..>o m the CIty of Grosse Pomte f (•. j , II I f.

I:~~~kl - Local History Archives

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Mar'll: Holcomb

constTUttlOD of esthetic and1nf,.:::t,,-trn, f"rn ~onH .......l........-.l"\"""'"'

Alon.g WIth the 'lmprove-me~lt~ the CIty want .. to make;,urt; the Village IS properlymamtalned and kl'pt clean.CIty offiCials plan to schedule ameetlJ'2" WIth mf'mberb of theVillage busilles~ commuruty tooutl1Oe waVb tu keep the shop-pmg dIstnct free of htter andabandoned shoppmg carts


•Mark Holcomb

Home: Grosse Pomtt' Woods

Age: 17

OccupatioI': Studpnt atKendall Collpge of Art andDeslg-n

Family: Parents, D:>rothyand ,Tohn Holcomb, brothfT,Scott, 22

QuotP: "r neVI'T ht'ard of(The Contmenta;~) beforeBut 1t ":rouJJJeu plt~"'L.Yr,ln] to) go all over thE' worldto <:lnEr ~

St>e story, page 4A

r",fcren"e" and .....as ~atll>fiedw ,Ll... ,n.fu~'TI.ttlnn hp Ipl'll n ..<lfrom oth"r muruclpal'tle, thathd.v~ hlrt!<! the firm, mdudmgFarrnmgt.)[l Hills, PlymOuthand Ann Arbor

"The lDveStlgahor generatedgood Tp<:pn" ..I'S " hE' bald

Now that the declblon hasbt<en rr.ade, V,'heeler saId theClty wants to "fast trclck" theproJect, wluch WIll mclude the

Woods councilapproves lot splitBy Jim Stickford lern of cr-o";dmg and trafficStaff Writer Wltrun thf- CIty

The questIon orlot sphts IS a "By allowmg the lot spht, theproblem that'll been recently counCIl encourages people toaddressed 10 several other purchase corner lots and spbtGrosse Pomtes Monday mght them," saJd Swanson. "TlusIt was the Woods' turn. The area 10 the Woods IS known forcouncil approved a request to its large yards Property valuesspilt the lot at 1377 will go down Ifthts lot 15 split,SUDIllngdale, though the the family will find thelI houselM-w....u wal> uu~ wiWULit COUtfOo now cramped and wtll moveversy. . They should let a family who

Attorney Donn Fresard apprecxates the lot hve there"spoke on behalf x lot owners Paul BourgeoIS lives dJrectlyMarshall and Lilm Flf.mitm J.J~ behind t.~e proposed split lutsaid that the lot lS the second and 8a1d that those who spokelargest in Grosse Pointe Woods out in favor of the spltt didn'tand that it was increased in bve nearby or had lot split pro-SIze 10 the 19506 when the city posals of their own He satdturned a boulevard into a that those who live closest tosmaller-6lZed street, mcreasing the FJenuons' property opposethe size of the lot considerably the spilt He 8a1d that he

Fresard s.r.id that tht' Jot is bought his house becaulIf' thereexpensive and dlffieult to was no house behInd It. If themaintam and that the family spht goes through that wouldwas willmg to change the size lead to a house being bwlt nearof the new lot being created tus. wtuch 16 sometlung heOriginally the proposal was to opposedhave been 90 feet Wiele by 152 COUDCllman AI Dickmsonfeet ~. The new proposal slUd that the Flenuons' currentwould make the lot 100 feet lot SiZe of 40,000 square feetWltJe by 152 feet deep was excessive for the neIghbor"

Tlua would create 8 larger hood and that a split madelot. mort' in line With thi! neigh. sense The n~w lot would st-JJ! borhccd F'te.saro al;o teJk~ Le l"'l"K~r (han severa; ints onabout any deed rest.ri.cbons He the block and that he could notsaid that the reauest was for a see how It would lead tolot spilt and that the f'lsw....Wi "Ci\i"~.want to sell the lot, not butld Ihckmson made the mononnn it Anv building rE'Stnrtllms to grant the sph~ Cmm~t!"'&11would be the problem of people Ene Stemer seconded thewho bought the lot motIon

"The lot IS certll.JlJ) big CounCilwoman Pattyenough for a house," stud Kukula-Chyhl18ki i>81d thatft'resard. "A w.w bVUl~ un that she opposed the mOtl0Dlot would not detract from the because she had concernsneighborhood and it would about the eff{.cts of lot sphts.lmprcwe CIty revenues. The Citing recently split lots onF1enuOQ8 don't want to move Vermer, fhe slUd she bars heardHe doesn't want to do anythmg comments from th.:l pubhcthat would hurt the city or the questtomng what the councllneIghborhood m which he was thmkmg when It allowedlives .. the constructIon of densely

A number of supporters got packed condomImums alongup and spoke m favor of the lot Venuerspht MJ.chaelCrane of the City Kukula-ChylmskJ also saldof Grol>se POinte saId that as that she warned that the caun-a ..'} assessor the split made ell WOuld not have any controlsense He added that pl<Ople over what would De bUlit on thesaid It WIll ("hange the nelgh- lot and that appTOVlng the spIltborhood. but over tlrne thmgs would set a bad precedentchcUlge Mayor Robert NOVltke Bald

But for every person Vi ho that whlle ht' hated to see largespoke 1D favor of the split lots dtmrmshed m the CIty, thesomeone got up and spoke 111 parttcuiar lot In question was ..opposItion Penny Swanson, very bIg onewho hves near the lot, Said that Wtth the exceptIon ofshe ODDO!'.ed thp ..r,ht r..-rlln"p It Knlml"-C'hy1msk!, the counc:.!fl'agffients the neIghborhood voted to approve Dlckmson'sand further mcreases the prof>- motIon

Phet<> b' Brad bodbcrj(

See GUILTY. page 2A

The firm \1\ ab chosen from ar.H):l Jffo~: CO;npaLieS t..~at hJ.dDtlen consIdered tor tpe project

City Ma) vi SUSaJ.l \\-'b':!elt'rand Chnstllle B!"'?mer, aSS11>'tant Cltv manager. spent thebet;te.r part of a ddy labt weekmtervlewmg representatIves ofMe SmIth at the compan}'~headquarters m East GrandRaplds

Kretl8bach c.IleI.:ked Smtth.s

satd that he expects to bearfrum t....~eir;:tr~e)': :shc~Jj.

"I hope that thIs plea willreaffirm the law and send themessage that this kind ofb..:~d.••~~~ i.; ";;';uii-g.- n~~;1icuJ.."I hope that Granger's publicadmIssion of Ius actions showsthat these charges wt:ren'tmade up llIod that the wcidentcd.escrihed by the three Vletunsactually happened. •

Thts case, which has shockedGrosse POinte, bc:-.gan when aphotograph of Granger expos-mg hunself got mto the NorthHIgh Scllool yea.rbook

A school investigation mtv

.a(~O n \\1"1un itY 1'''J C> h"S/-J .


"Voi'~ \"'.l:,t to. ~""llpletc d~~lgn~nd engu~"p.!"!!~~pl'1n ...Hl tH~~

lOr maamg to l>t~rt ..nth can:ir<lctor", :n tne spr.ngCon"trudlVn VI-ul follow qUick.ly, he saId

The COUllell agreed WIthKre&$~ach and gave Clt ...admml!nrators d $20 000spendmg cap to negotiate mthM l, &mlth and Assoclatf'~ tode!>lgn plans for the upgrade

long thE' actual sentence v'l11be, sa1d Baki'T Hi,; office willseek the maxImum sentence,SIX months, under the pleaagreement Judge Kenny Wlilm:tkp hi!<ln,l;n.,. on W."nn .. ,,,in,Oct. 14, ~ - - ".

"In additIon to the sentence,Damel Granger may be placedon probatIon," Ball:er saId."That's also up to the judgeGranger admitted ill court thathe agreed With othel"ll to supplyalcohol to and had sexual peDe-tTabon WIth the three V1ctlIDS."

Baker s31d that Granger willnot be required to tesnfyagaInst the three other defen-dants In the cas.:: A plea bar.gam has been offert'd to theother defendants and Baker

. . ~' - ~ ... .; ;, iI j :: t' "<;~.',

II; "" -4..' . ,- .~~ .. 1/' '. ..,It j I'~:' ;

\ t . oT" ""., 1.,,,... .' ~. ;


Final curtain~ of the Wooda Theatel' In GnJfte PobIte WoocI8 11M JM:taD. 11Ie tJJa.tc,

• -- of cIJ'euBaI lor geaentioDe of Ck-.e PoIaten, .... cIoeed late ... yell!' bytJw AIle .... tlMiater cIada lNIcaaM it eoaId DOt C01BpIete wttIl tile 26«:aeea........ tbiIt ezpen. IlOW Yie'W .. the f1It'&1nI of tile ch em-

PIa.ns for the Village take another step forward

Ready, set, goMore than 525 ru~"lers were off .:r.d ,unnJ.r..g at t~e s1..rt ot th~ 20th Annual

Groue Palate Sunrise Rota" Club race on Lakeshore ~c Gresse Pointe Farms lutweekend. The event ralaed Diore than $25,000 for local charities. plus $1.000 col-lege eeholarships for high IK'hoolgraduates fTom Grosse Pointe North and SouthMgh schools.

By Brad LindbergSt::ttf Wn1er

1m, \Jru~l>t.' t"UIOl.e '--'It) C:UUll.

cil authunz(>d ':11) admmlsira.torI> ~o begm llt;gotJatlOns WItha deSIgn tirm .t::gardlng therecently anDouuced VIllageshOPPing area wlprovementprOject

"We want to get the ballrolimg" on thiS proJect, saidTom Kressbach, city manager

Granger pleads guilty in rape caseBy JJm StlcldordStaff Writer

In a plea barlam agreement,Grosse POInte Wood!. residentDlluud Gr<Ult:er pleaded gwityto oonspuacv to contribute to~ dt<hnquency of a mmor, alD.lSdemellln- punishable by upto a year mjal!.

The plea was entt>~"ed beforeC.rcwt Court Judge TlmothyKenny on Tuesday, Sept 22.Uudt:r Olt: krms of tht: ll"r~ment Granger will not have toregISter as a sex offender Theagreement calls for tum tosJ}end between three and sixmonths 10 jall, illUd WayneCounty asslStant prosecutmgatWrney Doug Baker.

It IS up to Judge Kenny how

Saturda~ Sept. 26The tiDited - Servlce&

Aasoaation for Health CareIS holding it!! annual 5-milefun walk for Sudden Infant~ath Syndrome.

The w8lk begins at 10 a.m.at St. Paul CatbolH: Chu.rc:h10 Gro&ae Pointe Farms Formore infurmatlon, call (810)739-6196

Thursday, Sept. 24The desIgns of famous

landsr-..ape arc}utect EllenBiddle Slupman will be ondlsplay at the Edsel &Eleanor Ford House, 1100Lakeshore In Grosse Pomte~~ons.

The show features moret~~~ 70 nf Sh~~~'s pho-tograghs, drawings andplans. includmg those of oldGr".>8l'!e Pointe propertlf'llThe show runs through Nov.29

TIckets are $5 for adults,k fl.'!" semors and $8 for chil.dren Call (313) B84-t222 fu!'more mformation.

Monday, Sept. 28The Grosse Pomte Park

city coW!CIl meets at 7 p.mIn the Park CIty hall, 15115East Jefferson


II:~~~klITouT beglns at noon and runsI until 5 p.m.

I Those taking the tour willsee five dtfferent kitchens

Id.o::.:';'ii,kU 1n Ii v&nety oi fstyles. 'li<:kPts may be -pur-

I chased lit thl< CvtWtge'HospItal gtft shcp. Cluidrenunder 8 will not be permIttedto attend For more mforma-tIon, call (313) 821-4035.

•I The board of trustt.es of• the Grosse Pomte Public

Library meets at 7 p m atthe NeIghborhood Club,17150 Waterl..>o m the CIty ofGrosse Pomte







.. I


-Brad Lmdberg

Sef)~crnbcr 24 1998Grosse Pointe News

re~:dcnt and CEO of' Cvt~eHo<:n,t.,l

"'V,le \\ere very eXC1ted aboutthe t"f'form opportumty: add{JdGlenn Wes~lmar.n, head ofStJohn HospItal and 1\.lf:r:lJcalCenter

l?h'e years ago this week

Let there be lightsThe first DJaht football game held at Grosse Pointe

South High School drew more than 2.000 fan, lut Fri-day. But the :uHi Iou to Romeo didn't dampeD thesptrlts of Blue Devil fans, (Photo by Rosh SiUan. Fromthe sept. 30. 1993 G1"OS6e Pointe News.}

cautIOUS optlml"m-1 thought he dld a great lob

\~ll.h thE' speech." said HenryDeVnes, preSident and CEO ofBon Secours Hospital"Unfortunately, he dId not gomte an) sJX"Clfics"

~I agree With the basIcs ofthe plan: b<lld Gregory Vasse,

nOl d.lh oller~ help to the deled., IT <; "

gGe~ dlrecth, to people IIJ need So )Ou~ g.11

th('re lar(', You

rernln,!er th,tl ~Oll1('OI1c ,>om, \\ h.'I" o'it

\\lIh ')22 millIOn Th,s \C,lr the 'weJ tor !'.lp "

c\cn glcdtcr for C\Cn dolldr don<ued 90 ("en"

C}UJ It r"QI-> Jn~n " I-Iho!r-dd'" ..llt. PI'HJ tu fiht j.-JdL,' II' th<

........tl• \(".£I)~I r::1..{i.".~ .. tr.dL l o,J.~""'I

It.U:'l\L h..~ ;j.......r puttc nn')( {) Tht 0 d .. po ll1'1t.r. "")J.::..J.n

.\J<.'l< l' c,'JJt'd the dcWmp}l_n

....II-.fl .. ...!1\{~Om(

five years ago thisweek

• -\1)"'"111 t ' ....tr J l rC r()., ...., f; llntt" ~h( II ~ re ~l nt ~1..."'puJ "':'las to ..J ... u-\( \ "'ug~_l- .. tt- d il-,of" -- .... l-::! '-- ... .l:i..L.:-

~ 1"'\ ~"':""'&bVC ....t ..........'1C'1,,1

1 tll bU,lr! ng h3. ....::-tooa Jdrg"l-" ur,J,pa j01 near;\ 40 ,ear," ,J we \llJdge cour:ul dffld,..d." ~"LIler IOedb tram thf:' com-mun,t). ,n tr.€ form vf d mall-Ill....ur\ t:"\ tc- ~ee hv.', ;'1::\ p Ie ~T,j tlJt:'Shore" felt "bou! the oid SChOlllbUIldmg

Of tht:' 316 reg-",tereJ ~olerspartiopatlllg 1Il tlH~ ;;Ul"\t) 199r"rommC'nded tear!ng do ....nthe structure, 91:! ....anted tos...,,, ," dntl 104 ga\€ other su!"-gestlons. sllch as mOHng thetu!ldmg to another site ordonating It to Gre~nfi£'ldVillage.

• In the first mght footballgame IIi the history of GrossePOlllte Soutn High ::..chool,morp th~n 2~QQO fan::; sa;,., tl.n;Biue Devil" lose to Homeo 28-6

• The country lna} hayetreated PreSIdent Clmt.oll'sspeech about health care v,lthSkeptlClsm, but local healthcare proViders lTIewe<! It "]~~

~.l \

• ~ f'JL.l:=-tr{('t J't.

( jV~""t' 10 rl"t.. Pd~"'" I j '''\.In

d b~tt:. (<J' of -..111.- .. .l) ~ rJ tt.!.11g ..'1.htt's--hp"h".r .r

Ll.h"r t., \\ t l I ..I H.. C.

:Tl ....1: \...:1~t.... ) '~(' t ....

\'.;:l\bun "pd 'Lr\"IlO~L.l; ..l.l.lt:'r dl i 11' ,s,rOIl: 01

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.21a. "j.Lvu.:-Ll:"" \ .... "114'" ~d ..l.dllt:'r

"'j can. t,11\t-' 'Jl: 21 • 1l...J~~

bpr;; bccau:t. Cr1f /- ..... don UD

and do ....... 1'1 'lLT' _",., i_i.,._\1uf'lJ('r «'1 ad"I"nJ-tr3',' e,,"SlSW,nt tor the Park -bu~ thelights ltd' ~ at'iirllteJ, ddd.:d "-deterrent tu crJm", and hs\ elmpro\c'd the nE-lghborhoods "

• A ,tatt; LJqu"r ("nrru!lrJmITllSSlOn l:teann,4' f],,~ bt:>enscheduled to conSIder alleged\ IOlatlOns filed agaw",t :heCracKe:- Ja" mghtdub b) theG:-osse Pomte Farms depart-ml;nt of publlc safet}

ThE' seSSIOn WIll occur Justseven da"" before thf' Farmscouncil IS scheduled to hold apublic heanng concerwng therevocat!~'Jj uf tile Dar S Clty-ISSUed buslIless heen"E' .

• Jenm Bunn. a 12-vear-o!dfrom Gr~"se Pumte' Farms,,",on a biue nbbon In the eques-trIan cla" .. at the MkhlganState Fair

...fhe elderl_\ hi!\ C '0 much to offer Tllt'I' '\ ISJ('T11

• >

and kno\\ ledge <tr(" tr('a~ureb thd! bhouJdn ! be forgur-

kn .\nd \\ lth., our help the.1 \\ 00 t !.>e

25) ears ago this week• -Tnl'" 1'" t t. h1r ....' (J

,f t ~I( \, •.d ....d (.. '\ l ......t:'

PU1'ltt :,L\Ul J ,I'j K r tu dn

...~t ll..ltt:'d 611 't"''"',l l'" v.h,J

rer~J""P\I.i \

\fu-.t Jr ~L' J. t..uph: In atter!dd'1Ce 1\c'l ( \ n€r. rJf t'o ..-. .....

JUb >\ co 1;(ed repaIr Cl.,t,tY>let" .1- .-,gh a" hom~u\l\ners

r.. p., t"tn,I~3 bv ..-uut"o on ooth-,dc- ~\ other resldences

• The Fanns Clt, counc>!a,,'l"t'eC to dl"CU<;s pr~lHPITJan"ce plans for the d".~]opmt'ntof the Rose Terrac(' eH J' e ofthe late Anna Thomson Dodge.

en) offiCIals planne<t t.o meetWIth developers the planmngconUUlSSlOn and engmeerlngC'On.sultants to diSCUSS thelSSU€,.

10years ago this week• Grosse Pomte public

school officlAis {-"pr"<;,-,,,ri (.1.1.:appointment regardmg theWoods counCil.." recent decrslOnpreventJnj1; the Children'sHome of Detn>lt from esial>-hshmg an outpatIent dIme for

~T _l"~V"S2A

xesterday's headlines50 ypars aO'o this week thr"t:" thlld p-' '", i( r 'H\(' \ LIth -~b-'"rCt .t'U"l (CLl;1

eo arran:!!'').'' '''- "'_ t ]', C, "l I~ IG• Chief Tom Trombh of 1M ,. ".LroS3t:' P~,..ntc L Jt\ pOlHe 11... <It \\. r I I'" "'t \,. ...., ~ j

tn lre fer g-n.:'l"\ \ ( ......1 ~ hi(~...d~partmenl requested an brcurrh' 1" • ",. " ..:" L ... 'ampll ~m€"ntt{. the c~t) .5 t-a,ff:r..ordmance. or a ne\'. nn(- II r.e(-~"sar~...... hle!"> "Ill gJ, .. theptJJa f' fr:..>re CCH~tr.J 0\0 t"r yl L J..dt:rJdHlg blC\ c~e~ and PH...t( r,.uoters

frombl) 5dld the l€.k:l:'$"u. 3.~ f .....mc r~...;:;ple pc:dal d.t:'l1 .....~ t. -t :t""j ... I.. l;

mact.une'i qrouI'd tr)V. ri y ...,,~• ..,+ ..... d..

becommg a major safet) prob-lem

• Tnt' Urosse Pomte l'lt\\-U<J.1KIl \-otea to roa"e a\al1dOl"an adaltlOnal 70 fe<:t 0:parkmgat'pa at Ll".lerear of the- iJr0P't'rt ..,on the southeast corner ofKercheval and St Clair andalso permit a pubhe pat klnf;"Jot"n Wakrloo across fn.m theXelghborhood Club

• Mrs B T !>fornl~ ofGll~ PVlme ,",on ;to pnre, <it

the Mldugan State Falr Shetook ti.~t place for heT raspber-ry Jatn, apple pie. cherry pIe,tom bread and chilI sauce.

She ,",on secoca place fortomato JUlre pmeapple pIe andmavonn;\,.St: Sbl; ali.v plCked1Jp two serond place ribbons forher needl""ull.. Wliilits and

Guilty_From fHlKe lA

the matter resulted in Jnforma-tion about several incidentSlast December and Januaryinvolving sex between Granger,Daniel Patnck Raymond,Robert Cooper and JamesRaymnnd and three then-freshmen gL-is

When the parents oftne girlswere Infonned, the GrossePomte Woods pubhc saft" ydepartment was contacted1'htri.r mvesbgatIon resulted mall four defendants beingcharged WIth t.nn:unal sexualconduct m the tJurd degree, afelony punishable by up to 15years in pnsou

By pleading g-..uJty to a lessercharge, Granger avoids alengthy pnson :!entenc:e andthe three VlCtlms avoid ha\-utgto go through the rIgOrs of 8tnal

-I dJSCUR.~ the ple~ ~:ththe parents of the girls," saIdBakt'r 'Ttley .....ere all of oneIOlnd ahQut accellt:llUZ aJttee-ment and they 6a.1(! sO mcourt ~

~c a =:1&1 :5')'

I~~II(~_ ,...............__ ..._J __ 9 __

~-:~~~~h~~~-;b7celoratO' It Ie VoIuDucrs of&aocnaDonaWl& plr. fast • D4 eo..,Your pit quah./i _ deduenblrCObUdKanou If__

volmoteen of AzDcriu __soo,~ Y.d>:;;=, :oud} Th~REW'.uD IS Jv-.mg your vthJclnf'und. help UR !or oeedy fa:n.:.es,=b.rs wuh ckldrell ""dws:uh'3JlQged eIdoerly

~TowmgAmw,le, CalI

(800) 552-:1515(248) 373-9000

91Volunteers'9: of America

'" lK!l.1'J'BEA!r!CC!l!G.tt.'tSince ,,896

IGrossePoint~ News(USPS 230-4000)

I 51-€ IIPHONE: 882-6900 I"

Penod,cals Posta~ D2>d at Derm" III M ch'gan and addlltO~al mathng! offices

I"u""""pllon Hales $Jl per year via Jmall $38 OU1~""'~'e

POSTMASTER sene addreo;s cha''9"S• 10 Grosse POlnle News 0".

~ercneval Grosse POtrrteFarms '-'II~The C!eadilne lor roews copy IS Monday

noon to II'l:$IJf8 :r1So(!"bOn

Adver1JSlng copy for SectIOn "8" mustbe K' !tte a<iYer1>sln9 department I>y11 00 a m OIl Monday The deadlinelor ""'erliGll1Si copy lor 5ectJons A &(.. ~ 1030 a m Tuesday

COflRECTIONS ANO AOJUSWENTSResponSibility lor d,splav anadassdie<l 8O'-::11SKlg erro< I~ hmrtedto 8'lhef cancellal""', ot the charge MICS "5J2 109-ror Or 1I re-r<Jn oI1he portIOn III error

I r.Ol1focatlOt1must ~ grven ,n ~me for~ {..Qrr~1 In 1.'18 'o."-"MnQ 1SSlJ(' I"le!!: assumoil no res;x)r,slb.I,ly 01 Ihe

I same afte' the IllS< InMrtmThe Gro5&e P",nte News '!!Ger{as lie

nght not to ace.pf an advert,se, s

I o'tIe. G'oss. Po,nte Newsadve nisI ng ,eprllser.1al've S he c "J

aulhonty to bmd 'hIS new:;paper anacnly pl,b IUlbOtlor 3n adv"rtlse~)erl ,....... ....:; ... " .....Ie:- """. t:U..1,..t:'''''II1II~t: U j~

ijj fhE- 3dv&rli$llr 5 order~b



r['i( r 1 :1L .... to prv\ i:;tj;; z"t :t:'a....tpd,t,,,1 [Jov."r tu n,<,JenbII "t ftu. [c-> ..dt- HI diP, I1ghb'f pal t. llf a h()U~L n.lt ?j€'tttug:

I'" i1t. ..JJ tu<J.~ ). ..11-'P~J'''',( ...!.t-it:' Ldl~vn

'-;- - -0 ...r.: ~It d \:h..;&t c.J .. -=(n~t-?r ..d .. ) h,J"'- an Intt.rra t

t .;...... th:1t ' ..:" !...C .... .:J tu1 )t1f: tht:' (.,J:11pan~ abuutfJ()\\ ", ,..r Jb!em- Sf-verall:'! thed. ......jl'-'~(t.: r'l'f,.: {jll'" tIlat 1f a~ ,U 'C ,j'x-f1 t h,,\ (. pu,,", t:r. how, ,.. _ •• I-'\.. -',tJ'\" u.~!".. "J..t..., J.luUJ\. I".V.l ~.

pcltu - He ,,,.d that the ....ebrag-ce '- lu-t another tool rerrJf,tlfi.dt.o'j dnd If a resldentran t u,,-(: h.b C0ffillUter It doe,,-n t n.t"~r: thdl c1t, b..al! cae't,LUtdl.t tne c'Jmpany ",a COI"l.

putf'fOr.e "'.-:-'denr 3::ked ,"hy the

comp,my couldn t r....Oy~ the,"V'H.J ,llle- unaergroundChn", fE'ph('d Df'trolt Edison\\ auld be r.app:l' to If reSIdentsy, ere'll 11Img to pa) th" fee

Heenan <;a,d that it wouldprobabh cost about $10,000per hou"-ehold to plaCE: the Imesunderground As far as heknew, most Park homeowners1IoereunWlJllDg to pay that <:osi

~1wa."'lt to thank Mr Chm:fe;,r comIng." said H<>enan "It'snot ~Iv.ays pleasant, but I feltIt ~a" Important that the resI-dent:. I ea'IVed an answer wtheir complamts Hopefully 'vecan \"orlt out any problems anda"Old further trvubles "


FREE BOOKLET'r ~ , os .vrrJt -0 100 I for In C 'p"TI0del no carr-pony 1$C Iley~ \ CJr re-roc", 0<; s.c\ E'>S S'op tClr yeLl I ""E' book Non

\\ ~Cr- Y ;ljJ repc"o ,"O,A, \I>. hp-"' C'v'y ng 0 0!:?oN r;lr::~pnwe J we ~(""",:;:o \:" ...... ~r

. t!' t.... !-_Jl'" r ~\

\.: e'C?c ::,f-o~;j ..c.'V~ 01 ~o ,"'c d.'1p,o.;e ......2" CU ........~~I €Uj ~'\.n~n '<Iv€,

< 1e , we "o~,d 1)€' e1o ..or n9 a new/I porcho~d o,oe rOf"1eOJ' search encec Whp,1 ...e "T1e' Rolfoel" 'f' ~ISpas, IOJghret"'1jl, "':11 C""C ('e.). ::: df:'C5 \\f~ ':; ....'10 r~cftOf'lj ot1'e~"'C'''' ro

der.: II 01C creo', ry 1-05 ~~ e~ce,lenr The work c eNS we'e",P10'1 help vi of'd c'eon\lie ho>e hud roye reviews 110"71our 'am II and r '1::"105 01 meoecut \! c"'ld exrers lie """'1p.ovef"1€ln~croc c""orges tc O •..rf f'or!",?

r! _ 'T~J.; l~'" U ..~.. \...- I.-tor

d'1.J!j f 1 1..-.;11 I YO}f.; r!.. I \. Ji~ .. ..,\ • I,. _. r

~)\t. It b.l. q .f ",' "L.h.

\\11 lar i\ ...... rr-.'j ........n)~r

Dt P" It dlt.. l. n[.. 111\ -'l\t ~ nr-~llt," r}, ldr'r!t-~Jrr~ .... '\on}.

')J~ }-o{)\'I., r If (Hi ~ f.tTlrt. ~.Jh)lk

1'''1''': ,\,...r ~rld ...." (IV (;~r~.... It ,..Jl ....!n~ '....nlflau"', -rk3.: ....t

J ~ ....

''J~(;'!t 3.r j'>';I)U r.unl:-; .. r ...t).,a' '~'Jd( fib .1') c.dll dJr.n.!<....U<...tl f1il OU"aJ!L J h.- ...t<itE"rr'entlJ U"'"(l !TO..lIl\ Ifl the audit-pee tomal,,, r "mmt r,l, The;. ,dlJdla, ll.", tr.LJ tv L,r.tdc.LDetrult Ed,~rJlI b'JI \I .,re unabletn " .... ';'1"'(, 'V"

Chn~" Ildmlttl d that the(rrp~T.~ }-1d prl' b!~=~ .I.~~r. .It ..

1 el00 prO\ Id('" rrL.ent!}. buttho '>1" problems "houJd \-0(:"'orked Out He ::11"0 ~u~gestedthat If rb.df:Lib can't getthrough to the company the)lOntact elt \ offiCial.,

Thp Park aumlOl;;.tratlUnshould h:.l\ e 11 ,>pecH ..1 tde-phone contact num~r, Chn'>S:>aId But try contactmJ;[ thecompany dmO'<:tl) before con-tactmg Clt\ hall It's fa!>ter and"ave~ a step

The Park 1:> P.lrt of EdJS()n'~urban Po\\ er ;0:0 stem, saidChriSS That means when onelme 15 do\\ n, there d.re stili

(onrradors come and gal'_ Mas; perform os promlSE'd-

bur many do nor thiS canleave you With unexpecteddelays uncompieted work,o"'d add,r'':)tjo' e.:.penses

ChOOSing me nght com-pany to comD:ete your :::>ro

1 Jeer successfully may be iIlemcsr dittICl..!t decls'on you

r10y face we urge you to do your romework andIfwe srigore the companies you are consloerlng Wemln~ your research will lead you to usl

Lisren 10 \ilhor Vince and 50lly G/occobe ofWQ.'/"Jll1g'C(1 TOW0S"'F hod ro soy

I tt-I...1' _

1 1 ,

Our custom butterfly pinfeatures pave' set diamonds

Iedmund t. AHEE jewelersII20139 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Woods I11 313.88b-4600 I




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({lit. ,fj- If' ,ut thl ',l"J'GUhdljJ ....r d~ IJt..~!,.T F l ,(~rj r ...tn l '1 d JI r.g ib ...t • ~f prpllJ"m

~ rn..lj.)r t"1lt r In I nT"I~ 1-

lng trt .In:. pI.JJ)lcrr ..... If r''J\\LJ

.... ~l.,. ......ptlGr..., "'uj"J Chnh" ;..,r ..1 l~" -.... .l. :1ti l.....1Lt\. ..... do.

Iq't- or puhhc !lbrarw" ~tEL I"

a great p<llrlt to "tart om: <;

e ...pJuratlOn (,f the wurld of elcc-trOPIC and P etworkE'd mformallun lWcau"e It IS eas\ to u"e,<:arefull) sd~ted and- evaluat.ed, aJ'Id frpe "

~ta."1~ user.:; vf :~IEL havehad lImlteQ !?xpenence Withlibranes, but th"'t soonchange", accordmg to Stacyt-narlestlVlS, an Adult andYoullg Adult S""vlcesLIOranan at the SouthfieldPubl~c and FarmmgtonCommuruty hbranes

NWe use MEL to sahsf\requests for access to interna-tIOnal newspapers 1 heserequests come from recentimmIgrants or reSIdent alienswho are pleased to be able toread the new!>paper WIth whichthe) are most famIlIar andt..'aey usuall)' tUI n inw regularlIbrary u~ers "

Another hbranan reportedthat a patron, lookmg for achart "hu1loing the properamount of MIchIgan sales tax,tncd a number of sourcesbefore sllc-::essfull) .....:t.lu6

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Park council, public chastise EdisonBy Jim StlckfordS'?r' Wr1e-

C 1.11 lld. ..,.... ...1\ t j tl'" r) trL""',..> I, (....... "".0 PQ!ltol-: er()"" ~ P nf hf) I 1. 1 r".I. a J H ...~)l J..,J. Ull.1 J.ltt • .teUl

tt", 1. 1k\ J L't !I 01: Ldl ....(Jn r, r!. ...It-a! rpandgPf \f~(rL:::t{-1 ( r...r'~'"'l 'Gr

,'P~~d 'jl1i{ Lr'!(Jf~ tile llt\ ,J ~1,.. 11" t...dh ,:1t;uut r.h(-' rt..a...,)!b

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t-'l--( l !.I~ Brd.d L''''~JJt-rgA man aDd woman pWhing two stroUen; cOutainlng

three children. nm into harms. way jie...- me corner ofGroue Pointe Blvd. aDd Moross 0.0 Saturday. Sept, 19, at8:30 a.m. Moments ~fore. the couple were runnIng 0.0the other side of the sueet. side.by-side. their backsagll..iDst tnlfflc. outside of a row of parked cars.

Resident wants babycarts out of the street

"'ant tv r<>ad a FmrJl,hne\o\ "paper, find Vut how milchthe pnmary cdndldate~ arespenamg or the populatIOn (,fPa.gu F":l~V It." d.. tOt-re, lU'itwaltmg to ~ discovered In the:'\.{ich,gan Eit'Llrunl(. L'Dl <ir)(~fEL), a ~ervlc~ of theUntverslt) cf~1.ldllgan Libraryand funded by the 1.lbrary ofM.lcrugan through the ft-deralLibrary Services andT~hno!ogy Act

MEL offtrs access to mor€than 20.000 Internet SItes InfTJore than 14 subject cate-gones, such as bUSIness. €CO-Il{lmlCS and labor. cluldren and

By Br8d Lindberg ly when It'~ done on narroVl. young adults, health mfcrma.Staff Writers "treets hon re'\Ource~ recreatIOn and

Vymg for t'O:.l.G "pace \\'1th "The people who sta) near lel&uTe. and social ISSUes andRoller Blading- parents who the curb arE' easier t.o accept," SOCIalseJ'Vlcesmterfere Wlth traffic whIle h d Access to everv Internet-e "Ill "Hilt thO' "a!Tl~ guy" •pusmng baby carnages down acceSSIble hbrarv, catalog mwho ha"e to be told agam andthe t-treet IS begmnmg to frus- MIcrugan .18 also pro\'.lded. alltrate Gro'lse POtnte Farms res- aga.m not to run four abreast In at httpJlmel hb ml usIdent John Wayne the mlCtdle of a lane of traffic The re<'lplent of a number of

"The children are totally are gOIDj;[ to get a talklT'g In World WIde Web a ....anb, MEL,lIlnocent VlctIms of their par- and maybe receIVe sometiung established In 1992, was thi:'ents' declbWU tv eXl'rCl:,e In the In wntmg: lIke a ticket first Y1rtuai hbrary on the"treet,~ SaId Wayne "I'm really Acl:.'ldents betwE-en cars and Internet and now serves morewncemed about the cmldren lOJ!1i.:"~r..,arE' minimal 111 th", than 2.5.000 U'l~r" a dw from-'They are completely under the POIntes. he saId more than 100 countne~control of their IrresponSIble ~Wlth I)\.r 11Imted !"eScur~cs, Mlclugan's Stqt.e L1brananparents. '.' -' 'd George Needham <;ays, "MELWP WO'HU n.eQ'u :0 spena all ay,

Three day!\ In a row last glV€'S :\flctugaruan!' a chance toevery day chasing Joggers andweek, Wayne was forced to see and use what's nght aboutplay dodge 'em WIth adult In- RoUer Bladers," said Jensen the Internet and the Worldhne skaters who w~re wander- "Rathl'r than punish peoole Wide \Vebmg along traffic lanes pw.hmg by wnhng tickets, we pr~fe; to By drav.,ng on the profes-strollers One mCldent took p.ducate CItIzens about the SlO:lal sklll~ of the lIbranansplace on FuJl'.er Road across potential danger of rolhng up who selett the resource.,;,MEr.from South $dlum dunug a and dO "Tl the street" offer;,; the ",ame WIde va net) offontbaU game .."I'm worned about the l'hll- •

~~~~~~~r:r~na~~h~~~~'DAon RacqUeth" wuuhl iu:ver have put hu,I .~1 ~\'wU - ~~~~=-l~ d8~ger by pUi>hl~g ..~~ ...", • .Q... 1oA .......... dI:VUUU. \"U'nU lit LldUH ...

lanesOther m ..ldl"mc.. oc(.urt"l'<l 'm ~~ ~e

Cha rI1'1101 x n"'l'Ir FI"".,r. th.v ~",.; __ ... __ ... ~".tA.\fl;

I ....I!t:'U IU 1;.--Field l.t1 the City, where tW('~\.omcn tra\ cLing .,..de-bj-;:,ide"'1th stlollrrs command..ered AiLT l\1"EW'1\,fiil\/lIlL"DSH- I~. 'Ur,CZO OFF_~'n.n entIrE: lan(> of tr'lffi(' W"vn<> L " ll'~I'WJJft1J II iJ .. IIhl'ld to stop!us C'i!' and WaIt fur. a (Offer extended to 9/28/98) ~vU<.UlIIlrlg traffic LO pa~.:; tlelore ~ ~

pr~lr:;rOt~ut::~~~~:~~~;n. ~,_,'\ , \ _ADULTB~GINNER CLINICS. $45.00 ~~ ", ,,'__'.McKinley, only thiS time It was . ..:.:"'. 'I.JJI" _~~"ore adult and cart <' .~~ ;~ .. y ••~

In all cases, the adults weretravelmg Wlth thm backs to Clinics begin the week of September 28the traffic, Rc('()rdmg to Wa) ne Free Nursery Care AvaiUzble

"Who knows what I'll seetomorrow: he Said

Unless parents \"Ise up,probably m0re of the >ame

"'Ib s(;>e someone pushmg achild down the "treet I" :l vervhard pili to swaiJuw: "a,d LtDan Jensen, a <;hlft ('omman-der Wlth the Fanns deparo-ment of public saret., "t><;Df'('lill-

C""' __ .. _..-L... .... rjA ir\("Ir'),..ie"'LOt'I...,\';1 L..-" I .J~U

Grosse Pointe News





September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News


R,gr.t now I'm lookmg for..lard to four yf'urs of colleget:- t are ahead Ihope to find apart tome Job wlule I'm there,to:l In 10 years or:>o fd lIke toDe a <,uccessful graphiC deSign.er ltvmg In a LIg cIty lIkeChlcaeO or Hr-o,t.on Or Detrclt "


CRO~SE POINTE FARMS(313) 886-9201(313) 881.2480

f'atrlC~ i..otd\lln ..'O~ 1i>r.'on C Thttt oos0lIR e-~Ir. -~.'J~~wlCBS . t;' -$0.-,

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Tymon C. Totte, DDS, FAGD. MAeDPatnck G. Latcl1am, D1)S, FAGD

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Proudly cnnou.~ce the opening of theirle!!din{j c:!g~ - stflte of tlie fir( offil,'ft

located at18342 Mack Avenue

Grosse Pomte FJ.rJTlS

1ft n ":,.6-_"- ~ - _- ...._.'r

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Ik~ • 1 ~


gIrls and 11 boys between theages of 16 and 28; Greg Gibson.the direct.or, twu aSSIstants,and a bus dnver

"Our first concert was InTrenton, Mo Sometimes wedJd up to four concerts on oneday. Then we went off toSwitzerland and Italy We hada little tIme fot" SIghtseeingwluJE" we were tl-tere too - aday at Interlochen In

S'iJI'itzerland, and a day InMilan We were hume again byAUf! 24

"1:he best part was staymg athost homes," he saId"'Me!!!bers ~om the ",hun ..hwould ask to house a certamnllmber of Contmen~ls. Eachmgbt was a whole ne\\< adven-ture, espeC1ally m SWltZf'rland

"My first famuy ~--"i.eu I.nat

Mark Holcomb and Brownie are seated 1Dhot of aframed poster Holcomb created last year for the DetroitAuto Show. It received an honorable mention. He had Itframed. and ga:ve it to his father laRt year for Father'sDay,

take part in th" tourThe Contmentals al.,o

worked this VPSlr for theAmerican Lep;o~y MISSIOns,whORe goai IS to cure everyonpof leprosy by the year 2005After concerts, members of theauchence would donate moneyfor the mISSIons

~Leprosy IS curable now,"Holcomb saId "And It onlycosts $200 to cure a duld ~ -

The selected smgers beganreh:!arsals on July 17, InKansa!> City

"We had no frf'e nme formore than a week We sangfrom 9 a.m. to 9 p.rn every rl$lJWe worked on choreography;practiced SIngIng: and got ourl.'Ost'..lnles "Ve bt,gan our touron July 25: he sa1(l.

Tne group cr:n~l..;ted of 16

prel*>ntatlOn about the group'supcommg trIp to Portugal

'inose 8ttendmg \lIo'lU havethe opportumty to g'!t theIrblood pressure checked by vol-un~rs from Bon SecoursH()SPltal.

VISItors are InVited toattend Call l-IoW'l.rd Winter :It\J13) 881-7209 for mfonnl:1t!onregardmg nll"mberslup

The Superior: Performance Fund



There WI.llalso be a brief film

Pointe teen finds singing at home~ abroad 'pretty cool'By Marg;e Reins Smith \\1111e at ~ orth !l,. \I a, ..I I',e pJ,n t(){)~ebdll heto' e ~!l'mg ad\ entul e :md "aLd he mtenJ"ASSistant EQltor m"mbt'r of the Concert Chull • • • • TO tWQ It" .:\ bLg tlung ,ner m ,<> kl:'t'p 11. tmnh ~~ldt many uf

If ~l<Hk Holcomb gte(- one of ;:md POInte Chorale He dl"o l.u!uPC \\l:' t.'r.ctcCl "p l.;Olng- to them 0) 2-mdll He 01.1:'0 Pickedth,h.. "\\ t.::l' I D)J Last 1\a" pr<'''luent of oSt udents bed. car" In the lllur!Uug 11 p ,(Jme !pglOnaJ AmeTlcd"SUmml:'1 d»»'l;"nn,f'IHs frum Agalrlst Dr.IIPg Drunk dUlllI1! :11\ ~euml1 h,h! fdIIll" ... ...1mp"lu~ 'olk; :ll- ,'11dl. Ellg:I"h hIS JU'1,or ano. "Plllor ".~'" S''''7edapc..l d,dPt "pPilk a -If \oure from.LGwl'lana,", ...<te!.er ill' lld" a ulHque 131.


to :llld 11.1;' a mt-nd)e r uf th.. II '1d of Engll,h Ow:, night 1\ t' he "ald "and \ ou "d\ 'I'm flxln

tell \f"('''"1b .!l..lc,:: Cc;,L",,, u;' JlQn't ha\(' :l "'II l"1 ...0 I\~ ro l..Jt on tP., 1'\, It n"'an,, turr-Each d.. I \' a- d \\ hOlE' nt''', Studt n. Actl\ 1ne, Cv'1lDlI '!Oil Jl "dc'c! : l Jv _. < t h. nl' '[ on e I tJltad\entclr, - r..' -,lld Jbout hi, a gTO'lP 01 mOfE' th:m 100 "tll- be.lut- ...j~[,ng d'uunJ ,1 tlbic In C~dlorrlld, You'reJoume) tnrough t'1~ht 'tate_ den" \\ hd ger tugether ,mce a ,1";-,,,.; ",[ «.cL l tl.t:~ ;in.. 'h.' : II (.'.\1>.:1." llH.'J.,,~ ) Ull re Irea)<mand t\lf E'lrop ..."n countr>e- 1'1.:nth t~ ('A"hange 'i,-a~ "lJl'Ul m;:; tfuc'l,prIl'111-En-:,.)j,h dlet'o 'LJI~l1th a !!rc

1up 01 \ our g ~tnlser~ icadcr,hlp '":. nal \ We II ('l,t mmldtul C' g')lf And onl) In !\hd.lgan do ....l"

HU;~JmD ,\ a." a mE'mber of \\lull" at !'.'orth he \\a" cne "U1-.. !l"g- La;l eal bon:ned bcvprage5thp {r.r'Ji""nt,l,- :::~hv,; ffi"d" 01 the fuundpb of Youth ., "Eulvl-''''''' nt'mature !5 ,If '" porup pf I')\J~;:: jH"".)I-'I" irum If> dll- inlL 1\ t'lltwn Perlonnpr" a 1I1U<..1IUlllt:1 t'f1l In~Jl _"\.IIlCllC<ill He I l m~ • I--.lrel'ts are Juhnf"r""t •• '>0' T .. , .;; <1,-2.v &'e"tJ v; "'UUt:II~' LIlaL 'IrOLe .A r It'" pla)ed 01' a -llLh "ulfau, and U0ru,Ih Holcomb ofK,U1< a < :'Ill-s,.u Cl L 11..1 dUJ p, V~LJc. d pl.a~~ about tne""- ..r~ , <lnd tht' hOle" aTe much more Gru,se j;oll.te Wvod~ He ha" a.\.hnne-ota \"'l'''On~lIl hazard" of smok'ng thell pIP. -- ch:.111pngmg For ('ne hu'e th" brothH, Scott, 22, who atl.end~!r1l1Jall,\. llllli<ll~ ~llthlgan :md ;,ented tf}~rn to mIddle school. golfer had to dm e the ball the Lnn er~lty of MlchJgan,Oluo :l~ well a ... Switzerland er~ Hf: also partlc'p.Hpd ,n a from a tLrE' sticking out of the and a <;hepherd hound namedand Itah, pre,entlng 35 con. P!"t'f reslstenC1' grour that ga' e ground to a green at lE'a"t 10 to HI 0\1nI"certs wntun a month programb for fifth graders 1'i-feet a\\ a) _ ,,11with a put.

The mlS"-lOn of the non-prof- about ho\\ to sav ~o ter"Lt, tnter.denOnllllatlOnal d~OIr "Last year tht> peer reslS- HoJ<'omb sa,d tht' ....vr.;:t partIS to :.hare the messa5e of tan~ group had about 30 or 40 of the tour was the man) time>Jes<1.SChnH througn mUSIC members from North HIgh ::heIr bu~ broke down "On the

Holcomb, who sings bass In School," he sald, ~and we went last day, our bus went t.o theseveral local chOJrs, heard the to ail the elementary schools In Junkyard We got a new, char-Contmentals perform when Grosse Pomte

tered bl.ls," he Saidthe\' vIsIted Grosse Pomte Holcomb heard the Holcomb made a lot ofBaptist Church ContInentals perfonn at hIS

mends while on hiS summpr"'The chOIr duector gavp TI'e church in the- spnng of 1997

an appbe.:ttlon form,' Holcc.mb His church chOIr tl.!re<:tor g:l\'C........1 ~l ne\'er heard of (The hJ.m an appllcabon form, butContinentals; before that But he put off filhng It out becauseIt sounded pretty cool to go all he wanted to finish hU:J seworUl<tOl lhe world to sing" year at North

Holcomb has IJVed In the "When I finally applied, Isame house In Grosse Pomte needed three recommendabonsWoods all !'i )eCU's of h:.s hfe. - om." from a chOIr t.>arher, oneHe attended Ferry Elementary from the youth dJrector at mySchool, Parcells Middle School church, and one from my pas.and Grosse POinte North High tor," he said "I also had to sendSchool a tape of myself smging a solo.

He IS a 1~8 North graduate I had never sung .0. solo before"and has just begun hu; fresh- He was invited to jom theman year at Keriliall CoHege of ContInentals. The choir memoArt and DeSIgn In Grand bers are not paid, They're con-Raplds He wants to earn a sidered short-term misSlonar-degree m V1Sual c-cmmumca- ies and are funded ay o.ffenngstions. t:l..ke-:l at ;;:onceru" sa.ies of

"l'm most mteresW In recorderl musIc and paymentsgrapluc art lllvolvmg adveItls. by participants.mg," Holcomb SaId "Visu~1 Holcomb would have to raisecommu.1JCatlOns Includes more than $4,000 to pay hisadvertising, illustrating, pack. way Mf'mbers of Grasse POinteage design, web page deSIgn Rsttist Church donat<:d a pvr-and mOTe." bon of the money he needed to

Working dayto earn higher

Grosse Pointe AARP Local 2151meets Sept. 28 at Memorial Church

Gros'!e Pomte AARP chapterNo 2151 meets on Monday,~pt 2-8, at 1 ~.m in GrVii~Pomte Memonal Church, 16La keshorl:" , In Grohse POinteFarms

Tunothy QUInn Wlil be ther~~ured spea.ker He Will talkabout motivatIon and g-oals forsen.:.crs

, ..

September 24, 1:;98Grosse Pointe News 5A


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OpinionDetroit Newsoffers travestyof journalismWhat a contradI(.ton and hVP'l-

critical ne\~ spaper The DetroitNe~s ha", become

At the bottun, of It", :Sunda,\front page ed,tor and p1.lblu:,he1 .\LrkSllverm::tn slgr,ed a per"on",l letter to r hI:"p'lpt>r',- reade!" prOmlSl!lg th,1t ,t . \"cu.ld

not pubhsr purtlOI1S of the q1lt..:;(dt!On",

made b~ .:\folHca LeWlP1>ky" 111tl:e spec'alpro.~e('utor's release regardmg her _ltT:J..fwIth PreSIdent ('lInton

1-'ortlO115 ot that materIal COl1td'nexplICIt, vulgar and crudf' langu3ge thatmany reader::. \\'111find offen::'1\ e, ~ the Ift-tel' went un, "The DetroIt News will notpubhsh portIOns of the material that fallbeyond the bounds of gem:l ull) d.l.A.t:l!~Utaste "

A mct' gt'",tt;re -urnE: reader" md; SayBelt LJth"r" \\ ,:I lo"k. at thE' ieft-hand

"ICt ot pol ~unJ 1\ to find tl~e lir,,: pdrt ofa th~f:'raJt ""'11e,, Jh\lIt I\h.-'t it terms.~P11bb: £t-:.1MC ':. ~ PAl'" .lte '=::u.blJ1 b."n'edl1lng, uf L,),ll~f', the Grc;s~e Powtes

T\h~ first of !h~t t...er1es on the Grr-q,~eP,l!lltes lS n"plLlt' \\ Ith ....ords thdL are asexphut \ Ul~.I1 ,llld crudf" ,1S an, thai

haH' apPE:'~1rt'd nn th£> t.ape!> releast'd~onda\ mOI'I11Il~ about thl' "c-lrdal In\\a;,hmgton

SJI\'erman's lettE-r \\em 01' co add thiSPOint about the pllper's cvwrage of tht''.I.,~~....t.iugtvfi ~tor~

"Indeed, the (I'UA of specIal prosecutor

Kenneth Starr:;, dll~gatl()n", "£",'I1I1<;t t lwrrE's1(iE'n~ mvnl, e (,J ",t "I'''' lruthlU 1m "'-'hI5 fbpert to! the ludll:I",! procf''<" ,v1d hbcorrt:"p0ndmg lithe"" to hold GffilC UmII \ erage ~ IiI foeu" un t'w"e ls::>ue"

Yet the star) about the Gros-,' P"mthIS SI=e-::.:.::;.;l..r a.tuu:' ....~A u.~ ~;UJ l}l ~;It5:1Sch,lo] 10 \\ hlch fOUl ) oung men of 18 ,)riq no,,"' f"':fr'~ ~t=I" ,1 ,..h,.,.. 'flh .. 1r>' .....l, .r"'\,.....,. ~_- ....fre8hmen glrls of 14

So The DetroIt ~PVl'" 1-- g0mg tt' p"r,tpctIts readers from stones nbout se\. m hIghplaces 10 Washmgton, but play up stonesabout sex m\'olnng students and formerstudents of a Grosse Pomte ~lr,h school

What a travesty of g00d Jou.rnah1>m

Will polls backcensure afternevI reports?

Will Amcn<'.:l11 ruohe OpInIOn, a"e'(pre~~"'d HI a dozpn or more publiC opm.10" poll",. deude VIhethpr PresIdentl"lnt'll1 '" llnpf>,H 111:'0or gl\cn a Ie;;..,,,!;rJ\.J nl'"n nwnt )

The' ht pll tllCl" (ong' ('~" of c')ursc,ha~ thl:' 1e::-.l..h)f}Slt ~ll\ uf Jel...ldlllJ:; \\'hdt

pum"Lment ,'" dedIt to l~Lnton hilt onl;..,ft",,. ,t "tn,h"o the <hfl' <ti'S filed 1') theIeport or specl,'; pI osecu tor KennethStdn

But th,> po!;s ,o,dd be Important In

rcl1ectm'" public 0tJJrllon no\\ that thepUblICh;" been able to see on TV screensthe presIdent's Videotaped testimony to agrand Jun <18 \\ ell :'IS allegatIOns made by~l:omca LewlOdky ahout her affaIr W1ththe presIdent

See POLLS, p.D.fle 7A






· f


John MillsTrustee

Grosse Pointe Board ofEducation

~hc wn.,;cqu~ucC';:, ui •.ht::"ul,.lct!ons'"

"Everyone does It" or "boyswill be boys~ doesn't fly"Ev~ryone does It'" IS especiallyrepulSIve to the maJonty of us.....ho decide to live by the rules,exercIse :;elf control andrp.fra!n from USln.g POSitJOns ofpower for self gratIficatiOn Todrag our whole. s0CIety down toa lower standau1 as a methodof excu~mg Immoral behaVIOrIS egregIOUS Is any onp ebeapproachmg outrag-~? I know 1am -Misery loves company"mIght be better expressed as~Immorahty loves cumpan) "

I hope the pam and anguishthe wldel) reported aCtIOnSn;;lYe cau<;e-a to famihes, our,"VUHUUIlI...; ana the natIon Wlllproduce a realizatIon that "If Itfeels good, do It" doesn't work0Ut stror.g chdracter doe,,' '


Sn.awnMuterrr.>dU<'11..m ".lna~T

~herT} Emard,o\...."~'l.tl\.t.J...la~~r

1<.1\0 Papa>Corhss Ertln.tIt

nCH 'KAL OPfkATIO"~'ole"" End.eff

Ma.n.;oo;:;e.r I 4.cttmmsrr.1t{' ...343-557,

~ .....__ _ _ _ L _ _ ""

vUUJlY l,;i1cHaCter

To the Editor:A few ye"rs ago sc"eral

trustee!> admlDistrators,teachers, parents, studentsand commurnty members par-tIcipatl'd In a threc.duJ seSSIOIlto develop a Flve YearStrateglc Plan for the GrossePomte School Distract

On the first mght. our excel-lent faclhtator outhned theagenda for the next thrpc da',~He descnbed our rc"pon~lbih-ties and suggested we beglnour sesSion WIth reV1ewmg theco!'€' behefs of aUf cOll1mumrj'f},"'<:e hehefs would help ,dentlfy the ml;;"Ion of the GrosseP0!~!C S,-,hw: DIo~(nct ana tormour Strategic Plan

Mer re\1ewmg tht: hst ofbi'hef~ descnbed b} the preVI-ous strategIc planmng ~roun Jsuggebted we add one morebehE"f I offered the follo'Wmg"Students are respoo'>lble forthe consequences of thenactions"

The hour heated debatp ~which followd amaZfl.d m(, Letter~ !Sever"ll n:::.rt1f"':,""rL ...' ,oc.~ t"galn"t m\ T('commendat\On welcome Iobjected to 1'f'ldmr, "'tudf'l1t"> toa firm ~tand.lrd and -.uggested Thf' Grosse Pomte NI'Vlsthat th ....re arE" often r,rcum- \~ekomes your Letter:; to Io;tanc{'s ""hlCh w')lild e)(cu~e a the EdItor All letters..,tudent fron') unplea,atit con- "hould be tYPpd, dOUble-I>;lqUE"nCe" Corn,en"<l'- wa" ~paced ,lgneJ and limitedfin.llly reached \Ve all agn'pn t" ?l:"n n', .,. T _ "

I - ...,..\..lo'" .-vUe.l...J lCL-

to thp tol 0\'0 mg ~oft('ned com- ter, wll! be cd] tt'd forP~Cl'j,'l- bell, f ,tctl'ment hmgth and all let-Pfo; aff''Indl\ Idl.tal~ :1fl" fr,r ,1",1 I. (" ..rill' (hol Cf 0 I hp\ m >kp" ">1 'f ..ll;JPct to erl.ltlllK for ron-the' C"l1'pllllOU, <In,pne!' "f the tent lnc[ud(' a tl:'lytlmf'\\ 1 d \.-0 L" t q u~rlt (' I P~ 111. nund)( 1 for vflnfica

I dldn t tP,d171' how prlJph!'t tll,n ur qU<:"tlOn!'Ie .nlr dl'lu"l'l/' il'1d rl"'(;llJ Thl" deadlme fOl lettf'r~tlOn .... nlllcl :-r", LL thrLl " 'l P 111 :VIonda\"('JI ~ Lll"l II"J'I Hlua], "", I'd 1r t"r'- t~ ~'rht(\\~'hl"th. r th,", be pr, -.1'1(nl r f (~r",,-( P()l'ltt. Xcw" gooll,r cr""t") 01 the j.JH"Il!Pnl Ill' l<.rr+" I f'_ n,

I . "'1'"",I...-.L I!ljll( II, (,11 'L" '"i'l" 'l 'l 'P(d,- f 1rm>;, ~rlc~ 4R2 -If; nr hx f...d ....lt fOf th,. r h l( .. tilt ~ ilL lkl

I, tl,,'m to I ~,;) Htl2-15H5 I-tnd m'l-t ,ll"pt 31d \I\l \\Ith ...J

OISI'LA'r ADYEJl.TISI"C&&2.)';00

Rogerl ~b Ad.t"rt1 I~Mli1J~~rKU~l '\.[ ~uLl',n~ ~K.lo As.. L r,.m: 04) tfu.

Ad,r.rt1 ..m",'.A:il:y\lfl.,.

p.ter J 811imK,Ad" ~rn"mg Rc-pn.'<OI:'nt.:otn.l:"

L::'"~s...,; Kik.~IC"tAd, E!'I't15tnS Rer~nt-ll], e

J<athlH'n \{ St~v<enoliOnAd\~n~ RE'f'~nt,)U\t

.\I;;,rv£Il"" V.nOu_Ad' E'rJl\.l ....IS RI:T'''\'<.onu!"'~t"

J,,1>. R "utlon,Ad\.C'rt.1:!mr ~Pl'f"S("TltJ.ti.\otl'

.iant" t_. BrownGro<;',e POlllf(' Woods

ClASSIFIED 8ll:!-6'K1I1Bub ......~ V<thKk~


rTUV~i..ar ..... ,A..~ar. \.UT,;as;--

I"" ....-KlIlly f1etn ••"Ut

0.."'" Hql\e$Mobnk \!ahOMY

J"t", 1'01>11>ClKCULATION • 143-55"71"'b<n:Ih 511ft ... 1\1.""/=

'ILuy Ann Sf.1I6tIda no ....

Th!2nLr \In 1 I .. ,.. ~I' I ."""111'\. 1'-'\.4 ~v C4.

Good SamaritanTo the Editor:

Two weeks ago, while I wasat work In the Grosse PomteWoods publIc safety depart-ment, I received a telephonecall

The female caller Informedme that my SOD Andrew had abIcycle aCCIdent Ilmme<hatelyleft for the SCi!neat Amti'l andGoethe. When I arrived, Icalled for an ambulance

Than: ' to tre qUIck actIOn"of the Wood.' pubhc safety offi.cers and EMTs, Andrew was_ransported to CottageHOSpItal Andr.Jw, who was notweanng a helmet, sufferedrl"'ultlplp ahr::'l"'l()n~, nm!le~~~and a COnCUSSIOn He was hos-pltahzed for tv.o days and)"l'll'ased

Fortunatel .... I had ac;ked thl'I.>dy who called me for her tele-phone number She was theonly eyewltness and aSSistedAndrew along Wlth a neighbor-n')()d noy .....ho hrought "'''t tcw-els and baTldages

I w(lulci like t~ thank ~hc pc':>-......... ,U ,.. ... .., ~ ........ u..li"t) .,;1,.., ,.\-,'Il d--'

Marv Solomon of ClmtonT,;vmshlp She had Juot hap-pened to be dnvmg JC\\ n Amtaand took t/'>" 11me to stop :mdcall m,' frllm her cI'1Iu lar tclcphone I would al>-o I1ke totll ':I"k P.:1'd S~urbiolL \~L~ w,i.,

out pla"mf:: at the time of thraCCident and cam(' to my -.on'"1.rl

t~o()d ~amdnmn ... like 1\1arv

",lClCty Th" world h a hE'ttt'1placp for kW\\lnl; tnolm

"-" for AlldTf'\', h" h dl mgfin(' and will hp v.p'lTln(' I lI( 1n,'l ,n lhC' f"l'lT"

JudIciaryin Nixon's


"ob,&'" Rein. S'''It>1A.s.."'lc:,~o1.nt Edltm FN!1:tL~ EdUct

:<l-.. S,9oIO>.,k K1onk. ~ J:dnot,343-';;9'\

W,lbur ll ........ Eoh'on.ol ~\ntet ~"-55'PG«>~ I' Ulbcop Copy L.,htor

Brod t"~~'ll- St.!! Vlrua. >t....,"" I''''''" \t StKkfotd <'",11Wnlot '-!... <;"'l2

&ftty S .... -... f'roo{read..,.

P'lIIblt!lbed ~kJr bo......_P.bh.l"''''Ot.lI.~ .. lA.YrG.rn1lIe f'C;U1"'ob' FMIa~ '\tl "ilC'~

CommIttee's row over the release ofChnton's tapes, filed a protest with theGOP chairman, Henry Hyde, over the lat.ter's request for the Paula Jones tapewithout consultmg Democrats.

"I have 8€nous concern regardmg thepropnety of your seeking the release of avldeompc-d depOSItion 10 a private civilcase that now has been dismissed,"Conyers said.

It was true that the GOP majoritv wentahead any",ay on tht' grt)llnds that thepublic was entitl~ to know the details ofwhat Chnton had been charged WIth.Afterward, Conyers said "We DemocTatsgot rolled,'"

C~mton was al&o defended by Rep.Barney Frank, Massachusetts Democrat,aL<:oa Judlclart) C.Jmmitt.ee member, whocalled for the comDuttee's meeting to beopen to the publi{'"

V¥nen the motIon was rejected, [<'rankcommented "The RepublIcans haw' dpcict-ed that the appropnate way to fight open-ness IS by a c!QSed meetmg "

\ et It ~3 t.ru.~ that Rep Charles P~n~el,.Ne York DemoclRt, bdU::\I~l: COllye~ isthe best person for the JVu ~Ube he'slJeen tested betore In thIS kind of SItua-tIOn.

member of thi currentComlmttee who partmpatedImpeachment heanngs,

among the natIon's publlc uO!ver&ltles,BIll Curnow, WSU eXclutlve dIrector of

Pre'5S1t madl:! these Improved ratmgs slmply

by l.Oopentmg Wlto the maganne'srequest,,, for mfOlmatlOl' Former pre!';l-dent DaVId Adamany had refused to coop-erate 011 the ground .. the rankll1g put tA)()much \\-E'lgl1t on re>puwtlOn and dl",fa.on>d urban UI1l\pr"ltles

Among ran kings of oth('r '\1lchlganschooj" In the IT S Ne~s & World RPi"''il..i, ;'g~ VIIrr-r rln.adl~J.b \. eUL.T di ..:vllcnlgan"'u1n t hf-") l"!11Vprr:::'t, ('\f ~!~chlgn.n I)C'd.r~orn.1" amon!5 t~e Of>st publK U!'llverHtlE'S 11'\thi' 'vlld\\ "<;, I f'glon

All Inail, t ht' NYIchlg"n rolJf'gc~ and un1.\er"ltH ~ duJ WE'll In ,he r",nklT1£'-' and the(redlt "honld go no[ onh to thC',r ri1C1l1tlP~

admll1l-tr<ltlon- and ..,tl.1dt'nts but to thE'lr~llfJfJlI, III ~ <lliU OIV" Ipr- VI t'1r, h<>lp l<l'eptr<>m In thf lrl,.;h r<lnklng.,

John Mmnu;Ed,to, ~nd G.!nera,

\1ana~er/313 \ 343-5:'90

RODert G. EdgarPubhsher

Robert B, EdgarFounder and ruohsher


Vol 59, No. 39, SeptembP.r 24, 1998, Page 6A

Conyers Clinton's weak reedR ep John Conyers, the Michigan

Democrat who IS his party's rank-ing membEor of the HouseJudiciary Committee, is regard-

ed by some Washington observers as thepresIdent's "weak reed."

The New York Times, for example, hassaid ttlat Conyers has bmlt 8 record as ~a-dependable, collegial Democrat," but thenwent on to 9.dd:

"However, he has never shovm much8.D:loltion to be a top leader LTl the Houseand bas never ranked among its grandlegISlatIve formulators or schemers "

The Detroit News recently quoted RepGeorge Gekas. Pennsylvama Republican,who also serves on the JudICIaryCommittee, as describing Conyers as "'pre-dictably unpredict...a.ble."

But Robert Drinan, t. fVrm.."Massachusetts Democr3trc congressmanand nevI a Gn....or-getonn UmVeLS.lt" lHWprofessor, offers a different VIew'

"Conyers is unpredIctable In a good wayHe stand on moral pnnclple He Will notbe blindly for thp nr"'J';"r1'>nt HI>'11hP mn.,.oendent;' •• As most Grosse Pomters know, Conypr~i""fu.t:Mlnl.S chlet1y his DeUiUL.l aLH. <.."u-stltuents m Detroit, Highland Park andDearborn Heights but two of theRepuollcan Pomtes fall In the 14thThstnct: Grosse Pomte Woods and GrossePointe Shores, as well M Harper Woods.

Conyers, dunng the Judiciary

Another Humphrey arrivesHubert H Humphrey III and hIS health laWSUIt he brought ae"mcst tobacco

competitors for the Democratlc- compame~ that ended In a $6 1 billion set-Farmer-Labor nominatIOn for tlernent for the state.governor of MInnesota 10 last Humphrey, 56, shares the general pop-

week's pnmary made it seem hke old uhst poSitIOns of hIS late father, who wastimes m the Gopher state called the Happy Wamor, but observers

The Democratic nomineee, SOn of the agree he IS not as ImpassIOned or enthusl-late V1ee president and D.S senawr of the astlc an orator as hIS father VIoassame name, emerged Vlctonous over a Humphrey WIll face the Republicanfield of well-known candIdates Party':. nommee, Mayor Norm Coleman

They mcluded Ted Mondale. son of for- of St Pall!, who has won attentIOn for hISmer Vice PreSIdent Walter Mondale, Mlke efforts to reVItalize hIS CltyP"eo:.'maT1, <:on I)f fonner Gov OrVIlle Ever: .r; vICt0-':. l-,v;n"'-.ci", thc,,,, w","" l:'\U!.

F'reeman, and Mark Dayton, an heli' to n..~ for Humphrey. HlS mother, Munel,the Dayton Hudson department store CGn- 86, who had briefly taken her husband'sglom orate Senat~ seat after hiS death, dIed Sunday

As the state's atrorn"v O'eT1(>l'"l 2fte~ 3.ttCr1dl:~g l-.C1 "V!I'll ~1L:lUryceleora-Hu.mphrey benefited from - the'" p~hl;~ tlOn last \\eeK

U-M tops state, 25th in U.S.T......

t should have come as no surprisethat tr-e Unrverslty of .:\flchigan,.,.,,,,, "g"m hll~hPeo ratpn No 1 In

the state, In the top 25 of all U SUniVersItIes, and tIed for lourth arnc.ngpubhc UI.Iversltles

MIchIgan State was r::tn kprj ~i)t h 8'1GMIchlgin TechnologIcal Umversltyco:'~t'a 40th urr;o~b pubL<. unn ersltleSnatIOnally

The rankmg comps from an annual U S~ews and World Report magazllle stud)of 1,400 four-year accredIted colleges d ndUIJ i veC"-JltlPs OaSP(l on pnl., I ... rf .. .1 I,,::,'

1 G ca leg-onesThose categones Include rE'put-lt!<'n,

graduatlOn rates, facultv. '>tudent te'stscore" and rla",; rankll1g, and finance"

'Wp note here that the football ~ti111d-.ngs Clnd ratmgs ha'd> no place m thl~rankI.1g, at least not thl" )'E'ar I

V,1"~jrh....3t;::te earnp,", P1nre p,'11n!t; ..In.:::maoc a huge Jump, trom WUth La 40th

Although! can't ~a) fOf '>ure,I thmk he would bl:' wI~e toundertake a cours" 01 psy'ho-analY~ls and appropnate med-l,atlOn, whIch might help lumaVOId wappropnate sexualbeh:n lOr m the future Inorder LO gel L.Qull:>",hng, hewould have to resign

Here too UllconfCIOU~ gulltfeelings led to dIscovery, self.pUnlshment and self-defeatHe needed to stop lumst:'lfPerhaps he has su..x:eeded Hehas tleen h.s own worst enemy,he played hiS versIOn ofRUSSian roulette one chambertoo long

Tli", Oval Offiee belong!> tous, not him It IS the preSidentwho should move on, not us

E~lcn parent t~ a symb .....hr:role model <IOU In a P0!:>ltj(;{\ tJErfldt r('~pon"lblht) Everl•dllid I,. a pOlf'ntHlI \ ,ctlm andit 3rn~ ...alu(~ and rr..')ral .. vTlth1:1 thE' fdffilh BIll Cbnton !-jd'l

w"lea bra.I" hkt: dn (1uulc"L.t:lI~lur n, ..ny year'> now It IS timefor him to gro ....up, not for u::' to

W"I dl), lIut fully <.11-countabLor obJectlv<> 10 Bill Chnton\\Ith a ckan mental revJrd,accountable rjr ObJl.'<:tIV/'?

I hope this expenence lead"the Amencan pt:ople to be moreuptn dbollt mental p"'()clems"od take t<irE' of them beforethev bccc.mt. '" ur!:>€' r"peclallywht.n the) are m a pOSitIOn ofgreat re"prms) Ol!lty snd a :>ym-bohe Iole IT.odel

,,'Ie'a,(', rnLn ..In' prone d> rr,en-tlOn the Lorcl\ n"mn

In1agme that ferhng b€'mgmultlplwd tpn 0r d hundredflild'

II Ell! Chnton II,( re nut ".)Intelligent and ,rnb'tlOu, hccould ha\ e made sexual pur.!:>wt 'I fulltlme Job But Chnton.",ant<'d It all

Clmcon h,,~ been de :>lI.Lt'ua, talkmg Im.e~~antl), hemg 'Jpat ou!ht ...Ith phone calls ....ome0[ LTl<'Hl pilul'" "c,Y dllU na\ JIll;

Irrc,pre""l!)h> dnd I)n~olng t.orl-gy Thl'-, I'> I-dlled 'mnf'...l"\hnlo'l '" u<;uRli" tn ated "IthLithIUm (If Depakote "\'hr,t 1'1~:".}:;.~{, ~f th~t tl;.e Med.:;:a!Itq.)Ult 1"'::'L..~U. OellJH; CluILlJu'"'!I.1,t elect.on c"mp<.1lgn a~ If tor"a~'-,urp the' voter<; "aid thattheri' ",a" .1'j ",gnlf!cant phj"-cuI tlln~.,,,, and tl,ut the pr(,sl.dent JIt"vt"r Ilee ..lt.d tu :>«;:t::a p"y-duatnst

When I read It I wondl'redabout tim, gratultuus additIOn~t!"er? \\~hy not? HI" hadproblems, he had a rcck~ marnage He had been .mf.uthful~vng befole v.'f,\ "hun't h<.seek help?

The answer IS ob,,'lou!:>,VlhlthI proVided m my colum~ called'"The Last Taboo"

"The Last Taboo" says thatmost candIdates for publicoffice beheve t~at :ee'ng a P9J-ch1atnst IS the politlC1an's kISSof death That IS. lilt becomesknown If a candidate has eH,~seen a psycluatnst, he IS con.sidered unrehable, un trust-

tra- trtnt-4 .....\.'wC uid. I-"'\..Jr. Tit .. ~:il,hut IP~U'ad thl'v mdlcted hIm

It wa" a da~'ilc E'xdlTlPle ofunCOIlSUQU::. guilt !f-a(!lng to"ell.destructlOn 0nh now ha"the uulk of hl, t..ipp"."wred forrJ .. ,."rl,., 'n ",rrhl' p~ ueenrelea;,ed to the general pubhLand by h"u-nmg t::J them It \~a"l.h....lr n.! ''''d.':-' ~U!K~I.ag !u..t=;, ..tuu

h"rd for a L(l~€'rUl)

In the same Wd), Chnton ." a~Ick man HaVing nt'ver exam.ined the man I car.'t sa; fo.-~ure what IS hll> dlagnosl!>

Similar hl;,u,nes l..ad to thediagnOSIs of !>I'xual addictIOnC'\ ~n mun:c de-p""'e'O:st:tn ~fn(,tof us know sexual stimulationis very pJea",Ulable, but In aperson With wldelv sluftmgmoods, espeCIally mama, sexu-al feelmg~ are mort, mtensethan mamhnmg c>JCalne orherolD. The euphona IS sol:'Alreme, and everyday hfe :>Udull 10 companson. that thereIS a urnque craVIng for seA-Ualexpenence The orglasbc feel-mg IS conSidered heavenly, andIn the throes of mvoluntary

---.------------------1ISay I

t If \1

Dr. Victor Bloom ~~ _._ ', ,I11.1 H ~ UfP atl. l't-e, "",1\)( n,fwulti nut ha\ e !>"en tn\ e"L-g....tl.d 1'1 the !ir~l jJLlce

There dre many teli"l\ (.Itl-7eno, v.ho can wE;ntllv \~Ith thepi e_ldl nt !II hd'dng- '1.\ ell-kq.t~('J.':.",,( .. t~ a!'Q 3 pnv~"'p l1fp thtl~dun\ want mdde publlt

Tho,,~ supporting Starr,work du ,lOt neCt',:>dr I,~ (, I\"-W.

er them'.ld",'!:> tu Lt parI uf ava!:>t ..,ght wmg (,oll~pmK'Y Itnab taken S,,,rr four )rear!:>and$40 rllillion to makp a c.u!>('agaInst a clever and sl;pperydefendant wrlf; has succl' ..."fuli"lied lus wa) vut of trouble dur-mg hiS entlre career

''''''hen lilt: uH.lelJ€"i1d~nt Cj~nsel ""a'l first e"tab!lshed toInvestigate the Wh.tew:::tcrquestIOns, hE.' was !'USpICIOUS ofthe Clmtons bemg III the clear,Just as the nation was SUSpi-

CiOUS ofNuwn'l> contention thathe knew nothmg of the'~'al.tlq~<lt'" u,e ..k-m, ll'";'IHtethe fact that there were lead"to the White HouseUltimately, Nuon admitted totapes which recorded all theconversatlOns He SaId that

lund COVl'r Im'lgmp the :mtp-I ( om oe' the 0\ .11('mce ....1th the>d....o!" "light!} ajarI say thl' WIth tr.t" d ..<,ump-

tlOll that mall;' of my rrader ...hav~ Inwflwt acn",~ It mU'itbe a landmark Event that D. cr400 pag!'<; of the repurt replt.teI\lth footnote-, I\Prl' d"",n.loaded Ul W..i::.hmgton and werellnmewale:y ,lV'llIaDle td Iheu"lme Am!:l H..an pcuple At the~Rmp tlmp ('on\ ......ntio>l... 11lcp

hmko ....c:re prmtlng c. ... ple" <ind~dl.llg thl'fT\ for $14 P....ople\~ere ll:llng up w gel lnem and~.> Tll.~l:td.lj \,-rlC'~ 'l ........fC' .."1.:1.11'lb!c at book'ltore- Thl" it0C:,bf';rmu the medld iren7\> of thE'tnal ot OJ blmpbull (,j the. !ta~-.c death of Pnnce~, Diana

.,..'-~ __~.~~ I.,"lons 01 rl'act ...m to the rep"rt~he Pl'c,ldent'::. la\~) cr, Dav,dKendall, !Dblsts tho' repurt I'"full of unlouDstantldted aliegd-tlCJns He <;a)", the prt':Hd<>nthas adnlltted mappropnate "exand 1<;sort')' By Ylrtue of cleverlegahsms, he demes hiS cilent'"}.Jt.rjury a.nd ~bt'tructl0n nf JUq-

nee. Clmton says he IS gOing tofight Impeachment, and sothere IS a danger of a protract-ed Impeachment process

Chroton supporters l\~y In

effect tklat t'le hac; sufferedPTIough and that we should aUdo what the lJrebldent hasadmonIshed us to do, wagginghIS fmger, as If we were the cul-pnts, to "move on" HIs sup-porter!> lnSlst that the presi-dent't> sexual behaVior IS WIth-

per"lstPllt and 1elcNlr." anduse the- IDO:>t ad\ dnced prose-cutonal method., In "' !uc-h ht!would obtam c0l10boratl In ofevent::. :lId, !,all'enC'd In thE;'#111 t.e House

tb ! have wntten befor" fbl'hcyc the intense mediaattenth.lll a.m.l ';' w,T ",1 Il:U:'n:stIS because of the nOITor andfascmatlon of a forbiddentheme, the Incest tabooAlthough Clinton IS notLewmskJ"~ father, In theunconscIOus ormost peoole. thf:!preSident 18 a father figure andMom..... IS a daUl!hter fucureTl:us underlymg Oec:Itpai, Inces.tuous theme IS the baSiS ofhIgh drama and low soapopera PublicatIOll of Starr'sreport could well mclude a

Starr Report'srepercussions

I am not surpn::.ed b) thehl1g~ rt'~pon"t' t'l the StarrReport I had antIcipated fromlhe mam m. dlil )Pak::., wh<lt\\ d~ 1lI It I ,hd i1r)t be he\'(. thatStarr \\a'i the Grar.dInqUl'iltor, but he l'vH1entl) f<>l!tilt' l'o.>ed tCJ .leI 0 In 01, Cl:nton'sl,",~~ h1-=:t0r\ c: In I~t~,..,f po\\~prand CkVI'T t viblUn., of mvE':>-tlgatl\ e pfl(,n~ LIke :\v.on,Clmton I'...b Sufi ounded I'ollh

l",..... lhHld1.::: \o .. L") .';''l;"( rl'!'", cl ....sca!:>"-rJlldlr., '"I1,d he ",as "UpO"<"edh c1ecln d" a VI rll"Ue

It lu"t dldn t make "en:>eThe only v, 3)' that Starr \-Quld\ l ~ r I ...... l--.."........ ~........... - ..... -




D!._i _Show House "'flus IS the biggest house Jacobson of Bloomfield Hills

we've done,ft saId Ann Baxter, Other Pomte deSigners areis biggest yet who is Show House co-charr Brian Killian; Linda

wJth Elaine Yates. It's also the Williamson of Wildflower"People ask how long It takes first one where the owner Antiques, hallways by Jane

to tour the house," sald volun- wanted a complete renovation, Shook, Sandra Baer ofteer Pat Marcus 8[ tell them not Just. a cosmetic makeover. Sandra Baer DeSIgnyou can run through It in an "We had to replace 400 wmdow AsSOCIates, Joan and Michaelhour - or take aU afternoon ............ Q~",. ..... ..~"...-l,,"; ..hH, !{!'21mf'r of Kr!lTl'er's Bed,and really eIlJoy yourself," the ~;;~~~;~~-~-~h~it;; Bath and Wmdow Fash1on.,.,

Tht. occa- _- __ -_ old ones," Ann '>rod. "But the Linda Axe of L V.LSlon was :t'IjiF.: I new panes are a lot clearer" Enterpn:"p,s, SWJie &yn"! of~~ ... ~,1 .. ,,'< ~ .., '", ~ T ......-gr-;~d'-o-p~n: 1-:" .~. _, Getting It au Wl;;t::tUt::1 un un, U1L.LY LdL.d.U ,-ustom

.~ tIme was a challenge, said PaInting, Amy Glendening of

f:~icf\~iI ~:1I1~~~:u:;:~~l:uw:~:;~~:~~t::~:'i:8:2::~;:3Des ig I!e r s' ~~ saId.. 'You're never e-Oll'l! to Dull Kathleen McGovern Studio ofShow House, ~ it off'" - - InterIOr Desllm' hr'vsta, ofa 14,000 "Then' are so many wonder- K..-ysta's In The Park, Richardsqu!!re.foot ~ fulfeaturesmsidethl1t~ouJt!.St De Fauw, or De Fauw Decor,Win d m 1 11 have to stop frofl'\ time to tUTJ.e J.W. Morris Kitchen & Bath,P<.rlOteDnve GeoTgl3n ReVIval and soak It m," s81d Park coun- Pamela Evans, of Pamelam:ilno. WIth T..olk.t-" St Clau' off 1 ...1..... _-=_ .... .....r... ...... k _~ 1.."+6_,,,..- r\~u:n.~. QT\,1Lac.k d YlnUULaJ.J • !CaA1I[7.l &1II;i "'.I10"".a.a.a, ",,""....... ,A...II.. • ..... _ ... _... _ ..... _ .. :0-, _ .......Its yar served as a show house chalr 10 Tnt: Hili' .. KenneUY &: Co.

"Ttns ill Grosse Pomte ParK'S the past "I tlunk thiS 15 the And there's a bit of subtlehidden secret: said Park beostone yet.n "Gml.t_~ Pomten humor, m theMayor Palmer Heenan, With The deSigners' tt'f'atments of first-floor Mommg Room treat-some Justlfiable pnde. uWe're each room are all different, ment by deSigners Markthe only ones who have these With themes fallmg into three Manardo and Dan Clancy.man:uons right on the water" mam categcnes. English, echomg the theme set by the

Some other statistics. So Afncan and Art De::c Show House's four-footed next-many rooms, 1t's easy to lose a What's the Grosse-PomtIest door neighbor" Lucretia andfew The tour mvoh'es 40 of room? "The Children's Semantha, the firual!:> on thethem, all dJfferent, there are 13 Playroom," Wendy saId Wlth- ends of the curtam rods arefireplaces, an estImated 15,000 out a hitch Sure enough, you'll large golden ram's headshours of worI...went mto spruc- recognize that famous G P p:nk Got an FYI tip? Call Kenmg the place up for the show, and green feeling In the room Eatherly at (313)822-4091,the vol"" eers ;V1l! work over by the f'omte sown Jan or Email him at2,000 shIfts before It'S over Purdy Hulme, with Michelle [email protected] 18.

Image has stayed negativein all of the polling complet-ed after hls report was sub-mItted t.o Congress Hisfavorable support hasunproved to 23 percent, buthIS unfavorable ratmg hasremamed at 43 percent,WIth 34 percent undecided

Of the respondents to thepoll, 55 percent stIll con- U. -t ,-."-cludE'd.~~at the md:pend~~t nl vers 1 y ,.~....'c..., -,' - "'''~ .... ..,'-'''':: ......-. .. _-",- v

tvu. .. ",,,,,:> Hlvt:"'"ld~<1~ILJdh Ua'" of Phoenl-X I Cl'/j~been mostly con ucte as a .' ~partisan investIgation todamage Bill Chnton Just offers classes tA CHARLES r A Dl\. TIER ~32 percent regarded it as an It, ~ "'I 1lV'7Ji "

Um"er~lt\' of Ph()(>n1'i' th... l~ -lmpartlal 1m estlgatlOn I• ....ARlS • 'Ination's largest accredited pn- - &~ r,' •These figures still war- vate UniversIty, Will offelrant the departure of both undergraduate and graduatethp nrE'sldE'nt and hiS nt-mp- .I !SJ8, Starr, as v.e have recom- A~~~~PtlonP~~1~~~f Cent~; I .-~(;2J'. Imended begmmng m late October -. A

Tho r ,.,aon"" ....'t",,...o Ult'll 1'; rl!ill~C:::p~ ff'\1'" 11 __...1....... ;"1" ~rl"lt ::..,.~ ~~::al~~e~~~~:~~~~~-~~ltn~~~~:t~~:n~~o:e~~~~'~..1~gh;;:i ~.~ ~ o-~-:-the govprnmpnt and" lit the FlOanClal alCl. l'l a\itl1ablc to all f •

sam~ time d permIt the peo- quahfied student" and IS not -h ba"ed on Income or needs IpIe to rpsume t elr nO;-:11a1

ac.tlvltw" aS~~~:~~~;nnatlOnal prE:senta.' 6.... _ ......: ,And that, too, seems to be tlons b)r enrollment counselor'> '

wh'lt thp pllhl'c wants. even WIll he ....ffPTPrj 11lP<;day S"pt ~ I (':-'\tho11gh an mcrcattng num- 2Cl ~t 6 P ~ ~t A",,,, Impt ()~ \ t '

ber of bIg d,llly new<;paper~ C'~I;~r31 "CP~tc~«l 21~OU 1- ~,.~ ~SKaroto::~;Inals :~"" _ ,-1I1I0W favor the preslClent.'!> ~J,HtN, For further mform<l- ~Lt:"""l1hlhiL.t\Jll 1..H }u':' :~ ...p~:.ch to 'no ~nr1 rp,"f}.r" .At1rfn.::: ,...~n

me.el~'~~~a~O~.=~~~~s~a~nd~V~i:"~;;~~~_2~~~a~t's~th!!!:!!!e~ 1/ pat SC0(f;i5> jewelers

II Grosse Pointe News I

The Op-Ed Page

Chnton dld obstruct JustIC'e.thE- rE'8pondents are dIVidedabout what should happen

Ju~t 22 percent said heshould ddmlt what hI' haddone dnd apologIze, 80 per-cent thought he should:C~l~J 1~ ~£rr"e~t c:~~~('ongres,,; should begn.Impeachment oroceedmgs,and 26 percent thought thematter SI10Ul(:l oe ur()P?I~d

But prosecuto!" Starr'"

&l C'ongrpl'ls will have itsown problem in interpretingthese poll findings and theothers that have been takensince the release of the addi-tlOflai eVldenl;e,

ThE" que~tion .S whetherCongress, and especially theRepubhcans, vnIl go aheadWIth a heanng on Clinton'spossible Impeachment, E'venIf the polls contmue to show.... .a p••".,1 t:UCl;j lU! <l (llUre 11111U.

erate pUnishment for thepresident.

As one observer, aRepublIcan who is a retu-edrestaurant owner, told the'I'lmes, "ThIS country seemsto be domg very well, and Idon't seE' that Ii npr"f'ln~1problem has anythl"ng to dowlth runmng the country .,

!f 'hnur!," C='_ :t l:' ~l8~l" t~~"

bON'" WOkkY ~ I'M 'JU$lDo rN6 A L..ITTLS TOOC H -uP lNt)R1C.

nosr ..,£ I'LL 8E J:aRE'lT'!'R. 1'HANEVETt. 2!'l:ORF;

questIOn. 5R pC'rccnt saId Itwas not nece~sary to holdlmpeachmE'nt heanng .. atall whlle ,~b p~rc.ent "aH:1ITwas

From page6ABefore the release of this

testimony. however, thepolls had sho'wn a Sl!rpris-ingly split opinIOn about thepreSIdent's Job T3ting af> aresult of hIS pl'rtl('lpR.hOn mthe MarCia LeWInsky scun-dal.

DespIte the publiCItyabout the affalr, the presI-dent's Job approval ratIngl~::,... V'I eBk st-v.:.d. (it; C'; p-crcent, "an ImpreSSive recordby any reckomng," tha NewYork '11m('s said

Yet 66 percent ofAmencans salJ that Clintondld not share their moralvalues, while 29 perc€'ntsaId he dId

In ;,tl11 another vanam ofpubhc OpInIOn, 57 percent oft~~ .,..,:lltO::pnr.r1pntc: ~;::Ilt1

l'ongTl.."'is should vote to cen-sure- Clmton. whIle 32 pel'-cent opposed censure

But more than 6 of 10Amencans felt that the bestthll,g for t he country was forChnton t,) fim~h out hiS

~i Grosse Pointe ~ws, '"ttSeptember 24, 1998, Page 7Aof_ ?....r .......h:- "'~ ~ "!:><..';' .-j

3ttt~Jt....,t(gtErii=£t sa .....'€""' ..rt !t...~ t~ ~t"'" j1;- 1 l ff~

i IIII II I.!: I'1r~l .....,..









I .1f II II




Seotemoer £4, 1998Grosse Pointe News



FREE LECTIJREJuint ReplaceTnent

Meet orthopedic surgeon,Andrew Shinar, M.D.


This orthopedIC edu<:ation progrnm is deslg.ned tokeep our community steppmg lhely by sharing mfor.mauun aooul the latest tecbrriques and tnmds injoim rt!jJlacemenl su~ery a~ailable throUgh the

8orI- SoPCQur.or Orlbopedk: SpecUmy C.eNln-Preregb1:er and marlc your calendars no~:

Saturday, October 3, 1998,1 p.lO. - :5 p.lO.Bon Secours Hospital, Connelly Auditorium

468 Cadieux, G~M;: Pointe.Call Bon Sa:ours Community Health Educationat (810) 779-79«W between 9 a.m. and 4 p-m.,Monday - Fridav to rqdster.

proVIde more mformation.They includl;: Luren Manzei

(who tIaiuw MagIC' at 186 VanCortlandt Park Ave., Yonkers.N.Y 10705: Phone (914) 963-7190; Independence Dogs lncat 146 State Lme RnllnChadds Ford, PA 19317 Phone(610) 358.2723, and GreatPlainS AssH'tance DogsFoundatlOn, P.O Box 513, Jud,ND 58454, Phone' (701) 685-2242 BeSIdes bemg helpfl1i,dogs are great to have around

Don't miss our Paldde of c.:O:;{uli1tJ,) dl 2 00 pm

(excluding Madame Alexander & Brio)

the hazard of the steep firesteps

MagIc knows hov. to .....eAvehu;, way through crutches,wheelcha1rs and "anes, anddoesn't pamc at the SIght at'dsounds of people or screaminJ!

For anyone mterested mlearnmg more about how dogstna) be helpful ill dealmg wnhAlzheImer's pati':I1t.;" or peopleWith deb1htatmg dIseases,mcludmg stroke, the artIcleates several sources that can


lh\!r:;d~\" Octo~i:lr 1 - ~l\LrdQy, OctobtJr 3Ri:lCtJlVtJ~ frtJi:I t~ff'tI tlcktlt wltb tlVtltr p\{tchQ~tJ

..... - ..._- .. - .--~,_. YDI~ KAI-..Lt CiiIV~ AWA.



j H,AjwWlEfN HOOPi-AI(!/ / 10% off all Halloween~ c costumes

Saturdav. OCt. 3

care coordmator, came up Withan mterestmg Idea' H-ve a dDgbrought In whH'h Wa& .::;;::~iall.}'tr<llned to ger:.tl)' nudge o:r dis-tra<:t pecple away from theeXIt

After the usual senes vf sup-port, doubts an":' questionsended. In August. 1~7, MsgJ.c,a 5-year old golden retns\-er,jomed the staff and smce then,patIents no longer wandt>r ofTthrough tht' eXlt dovr or ;ace

MOlldQ", ~tlpt. 28 = Wt;drltl~dQf' -5tJpt. 3010% OFF EVERYTHING IN STORE


8A SeniorsLife is a struggle from its beginning to the very end

\~ho de~el()p arthrltls can CVlBy Marian Trainor I " The re~ard .. are Inerr'Ollt'" 01 pt"ople h,ne Jlthlltl' to lead plOdu(.t1"e !I\e~' •Spec



Wnter eJ, v..hdt halo been dl-compP"Ill'd Ahho,l"h It dOl" ,tllke the tWele _.. '" f I' tf)ev see a ('oetor Soon dfll'/, hab\ "tl J!!i;l,,, t, l.><: bUl n hnop) t,me" \\ lth famlhe" and wung thL llldJO'I!) () t .0"£ h r

h I 1.. rt:' 1 I...J n(,t1cln2' t ~ Wdrnln~ ~U!nq, .'\OncE' en' th" l ) .d <!' uggles I • r""'I,d- .~ndtht ,ut,of.:,t.0,. vf ",.<- c... :;-c G". r 'h t atrr ent and k

T< ,,,,,,,, •• L - - ,-.. I 11 b f ' 1:1 • 1 t t~> l'itlOfl- Iv\'. t elr re" eeo d"'................ ~.. ......... ~~Vrll .......L" llUI. ! ~ .... st elng pal .. l) t lC. \\.01 ~c.. <an l.uT 'nt \ j h' .1.;)ok on ll~- ~

p'rn - '~' p"cp!p tb. «,Id the )'p' T' ....\ "hIe 10 pattlCll'ate In ,t number one U Ippling dhhi:;e pO"II"" dUll " eh ....... U t'- >"; InlJllUn r01 tlw-", '"no t,ave le1rne(lhe,}t I e l1u' ,1'_ the fuod thdt rl m P' '1me~ I j Ill' pncl.' tag dillel' \'-lth ... 01 e ,""n oJ , 'I _ "nUJ.l"r.,>- h , hu!, \pd '0 It I ' mdl\ Id,l&]" for "omeone \'I h" Amt'!'IC<Hl, ..ufTer f: om m h'n t.;nt ":~~~: one Oug "",ne" a:eoc~ con ...tant ..tcant(lhon .(), ha:- luot L\ nU:'tOd.na 01 \\lftJ n. Ll" d.UJU~L.IU'-1 "'--

r)('11e'pt'r1ence .. SomE' of them II" ..........'" -. In"'\ l){;' lund:eilr ..,,,,, "The term .i(.luall;. refer" t(, Tht adJu~tment to Il!n.,dIe gOlld, 'lornI' l:>ad some For those on a llm!ted more 'n ll1 100 d'<ease, and agJ~g I~ dlr;~u~t, but nu,fnght€-DlI •..,{,om" r",a~,unng I By Marian Trainor :n,ornE' It ma, be a CUI t 111- 1)1 nmpt 'lfId COn'ln1Jlng treat- lmpUS~1 IC It ',\: " uC j<.l", on,

-\- the \ Nil , Frogr..,,, It -" . 4 ment ofa !lfes!\'lr FOI other, It menr t.:ll. blm!'; mam forms of "-nore change In tne puttern ofr ......... ~i I.... - ~" ............ ..1... _... n1a.\ be poor ht.-a1th the a ...,t"Ci~eUI1cer '- ...t .... , lue• 01.1-, !lIt. It b (lll:ll Ldt .it 11"'" purple- a orgallge" ()f morech'1PP't ....hould CIlP"1t. ~;1 ... f'r '{et Tht' fir~I. L\\O. lu::.~\)f a ~l)ou:::,e iil'- ~c..",.id nt->~s 1.=,...~""" tJ~vt-':L,W ll<Cg'll d/<d,rj r,n J l't" \<'r. l'f.'ctlc H'ar- arL ml""lll~ but <as "eonle !!re.I\, oldf-r It -,E'pm< ".on For .lltr.ougn the old ..er- the piece l' shot through \'11th or curtailment of Income. doto be hard to accept "Ion h.-\" bee. n rent a"under th(' "ome ,:.el!ol"" dud gr~n" to not affect all Jilcople

Mudl a" people dllunge a mam tbeme which held It "ho\~ thdt the er'1pty nest doe" Ullfortunate)\ due to theroom "0 It '5 comfortable and tOll'l.ther remams glmt \\lth fun agll'\g process, most old"r J't!'lC02). 3. refuge from stres,>, so do The farml) that compnsed BU1>lcally the pat! 1 I" 'let pie \'I III not enJo,,1 the 'lamethe) Nork tOll.ard a pattern of the .\Oof and th .......drf arf.' stIll but ttme ....prl..". wav.. qualltv of hedlth that hlp~~cilwmg t~e' treasurE> and dmg rhe """aIPstu:, The) h""", nOt Grdauall" thl! p'C1l.1re 'It'gms tu theIr ,:.oungt"r )earsto gUT.€' The} have Just moved O.Jt faae agdm"t dS th" dust 01 hfe ~ Wlule we are hVlnl'!' longer,

We see th15 In fanuhes A of the p1cture C~IS:S ....orks Its wa~ mto the v.e art' also experiencing mor~routme I'; bU1lt around the The task no'\l, IS to pIck up fabnc deb1htatmg health problem.;,need and ac tlvmtOWles of the the threads and weave a new ChIldren move too far .lY<a, so much S{) that the SItuatIOnchlldrl'l1 ma~terplcce, (.ne that wllJ con- for frequent I'lSlts as they go W has ~pawned a ....hele new

Conversahons around the vey the new life of Mom and other locahons for Job advance- medIcal. SOCIOlOgIcaland psy-dll\ner table-, schoul .a..:tl\ltlel:-, Dad. one that Will hf. 8" £at'''- ment,fnenas move c.n .;) s'-lnny choloelt'"l are!! <;>1mt:>dlcmesports the chtldren partlc1pate fymg and pleasm~ in the h2"ht clImates to Tetl! e and thp hotly known under the umbrellam. tnps wgether, all are part of of the mterests they have 3S a begms to age in ways that tenn of "gerontology," thethe fabnc of farmly 1Ife that has twosome dram p.nergy ~nd limIt aet1\'1ty. study of how to help those whobeen carefully wo"en over It IS not an pasv tasK Too Suntle changes, none of them must rope w1th negatlwyear> of shared e":penences much tImE: and eff~rt wag put major enough to warrant a aspects of the agmg process

It is such a preciOUS tapestry mto the ongL.TJalto forget how complete rede~.gn of one's 11ft: "Copmg" IS the key wordthat it IS almost impossible to bright and lx>autlful1t \\as, but pattern but rather an adapta. because whl1ea cure m manybelIeve that one day it WIll surprrsmgly, as they begin to tlOn to the ul1avOldable, a cases 15 Dot posSIble. learnmg-gro\'l thm and finally unravel work on It. they begm w lIke reworkIng of ones' attitudes, how to deal with a disease oras each member moves out of the new creation occurs problem can make the roffer-the pIcture to create theIr own The matenals chosen art' It mvolvP'" ~ IDL"'(ture of ena- hPtweep maintaI.ning aconcept of hfe's p<:>rtralt more restft.] and qUIet, the courage and acceptance that normal !lfe and a non-particl-

For parents left bchm~ ~1.t...1.;. blues and gray:; and Uiau.VC~ vf Iv~~\"t..\' hdb i-..s rewards hut }Jdliu~ 1JU~..the danghng threads of a once settled )ears Th.e reds and also cames a pnce tug For Instance, many older

Pets can keep you young in your older yearsBy Matilda CharlesKing Features Synd~te

In an article by SylVIa Woodm the spring 1998 iS5U~ ofAmmal Watch. published bythe ASPCA, the author notes aremarkable change for the bet-wr for AlzheImer 5 paI;lcnts atthe Jewish Home and HosPltalill the Bronx, N Y PatIent'swould often wander offthroul;;han unlocked fire eXIt whIchopened aD a steep ..tau'well

Mary Shelkey. the climcal





i:." September 24. 1998it, Grosse Pointe News~...;..

News 9A



FETZER SUNDIAL VEA' FOR $799(HA~[)Or-."AY no \o1l. $5.99 SCALLAPINI..... l8

Gl-ORGES DU BO[UF $19,rlA"D(l ...... A~ -,n "l .....• $5.99 BOI'loE-11\ 9BENTON lANE I CHUCK ROAST. . . lB,a-" ..... (11 .....1.\1 .. , ....0 1l. u •• $13.99 ------'IMI o.S) 8'clI. 4l;32q('"R)( .'-J' \Y ,to '" .... $11.99 RiBs ... '. .. •.•••.• iB

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Phu ..c.. bl, [i',J.(j Lll doc 7

Thi .. ;8n't how to swin~ a golf club. Matt Bodde. thet.-aching profef;sionai at the Country Club of Detroit,shows how a club can be used to help stretch and limberup before a round of golf.



Small (W Lvge C Lltd 16 o.

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gulf (j lib h kf> a hoc,'ej ,tIckdnd 11..'lkL d l.d(.k~\, lng n1.1}tHHl

lJ h.l.. '" uu r,= aL0u.t tu L'I kl (.0 ~L.\.p

"nJt Y(lt .. Ii Ie!>] yOU' ~houldelD,U"UI:''' ,t reLlD ".liO buod!\~no tp,;H.P!..... go!"" dUl1ng th~

... 'r t\ I

\\l!l!.I.-I d. Lxl(),:,~t:' rvtJll,.(". 1 j'"11",~

Thorrphl.L~ Lentlt.Lllne .. BHm n .1 '!olfi'1£ -p",.

cldl!'>t at B,l'd'-lan "llla,;e un~1d..:k,Said r..t: "tUl 1'> btrekhmbft.t home bel0re lea ..'ng (01 tht.~'l1 r rtJl' .. ;~ Br ••11(l whu pld) ~

\. .. \..) ...-A I~ -.~

Cr<J,,;':'Pu;',t~ \\~ud" ",l,d h'5l"'-, he" h\" back dnd ....,Inn"UD 1\ " "'1.1"t b) holdmg a gul fclub bl'hmd hlm pal allel to theground He P05ltlcns the clubIn hi'> curlf'ct a'm" where themn"l to, e<llm meet" tIle uppprarm

"TwIst back and f(\rth,~ hesaId, -btnng careful not tolOtdte tw far vr 100 fa"t "ntl!you feel warmed up "

-;:e stretches hiS loy"er backand L~eback "r hlS thlgb bj<touchmg hiS toes To stretchhiS qUddnreps. Brown grabshis nght foot W\th hIS nghthand and pulls Do the oppo-Site for the left leg

In golf. fleXIbIlity IS moreImportant than strength"Look at Fred Couples He'srot big by any means. but he'scne of the longest hltterQ nn

the tour,~ saId BrownBodde cited Sam Snead,

whc remains extremely Gexl-ble as a member of the semor


wurAside from general phy'ncal

fitness, Brown srod the onlyresistance trammg golfersmight need IS squeezing a rub-ber ball to strengthen theirgnp

Flcx;blhty also helps reduce

Itne cnance vf a goU{;!r bemgSIdelined due to mjury.

Cheryl)"Illl Pellegnno. a per.sonal traIner in the P",mtes.SltId. "In addItIon to proVIdinga greater range of motion.bemg flexlhlp n>du<'es the nskofpullmg a musc!.e_~


"'One ",H\ t J I",t.rc.tc..r wcurOPPOSite sh~ulder l" to h;ld a

,>Ilnliler, 't fif' pr"1ct,( t ,.,.,I'lg"whIle 110!dlllg t ....o of) Oell h",IV

ll:,t <-tub:, '" IH"- "'a.I~He ,,1,,0 "tlt",,€-d trt .mpor

tante 01 "tretcnonb ,nOUI(ll r". Right brmdca ,.;uif~I' f1t'~d

to ,>tl eteh tJ1ell lelt ,I,uuJOel.h" "",.:I :.idtur.J.ll) :h, Jr;,.,o"ltCl,......h.~ tro I,ft;p ...

"Huv~ng a relax€'d ,mov.dtmpd up 1,,!t ,,!'vlilder help"Ilg}' hdnded g011"r", a,hw ..egooo. ",xtenslOn with ~hell balk

, Zip-----

Name' _

Clty Phone-----


GIn a gift subscription 10 I I

yaar lrisads or family. W~

provide aD altIaetin gift '"card to III88t aDY special

occasiGD anDOIIDciag JCU asthe giver. low you dan'l

have to worry aboutsbopplng for a bard to find

g~lorlhalspecUdperson to enjoy!!

Local golf expert" "aj golfillgI~ a gam" (If skIll In \\ hlen He'\(.Ibillt) IS mOl e Importdnt thanstlength

Matt Hudd€' the tf'dthmgplo!e~'lrn:ll ,,-t tIlt' C'~..lntT)L1ub PI :Jell .lIt .,d.d Plgh;:,\.-It[t'~ 1.;1 Lhe filbt fc~ ,£101-=;:,th r;.Pg ..i :,.~no1 "'f g If --In.. .;;l

dd"",C bIg;> that a pldyer has-n t ....armed up properly

. A "l'l1pl" "'''~ tor gL'lf"r~ Inwarm up ;, t~ tdkc pr.Uttlce.:,nl.Ll~" "...j,t"u .... """" Vu.14\,..L UVU~'"

~h~ped Ae~ght ~:...ppt'J t.-\~! the-end of the club.~ hp ~ald Even


Photo by Bt"lld Lmdberg

Shores councii digs improved parkTnlsteea of oms.e Pohlte Shores ualte in breaking grotmd for the new acttYi.

ties buildmC at OsIu Park. VIllage President Job BuettemaD m. far left. saidthe year-roUD4 strucbm!: Is u.other ezample of the park'. renahsaDC'e. LeDdiDg ahaald. from left. an: tnuItee& Rose Garland Thornton. WiIUua O'Keefe, BIIrbuaWWett, Patricia Lowly. C8meroa Pigott IUIdDr. RicJuud lIatz J.c.

Flexibility is the key to a good golf galneBy Brad LindbergStaff W'llpr

\,(." \ e Oft n pi .'jl'lg f,olt all"., ",n "nd \ 1U re "tll! 10...':;\

You h ...ell \ f) ,t !1(~J d{J\\ nl(lf 1 HI "It I dl;!lll -"1lid tr .. t(.) '01-iv tEl"'.!";" hut the Dd!11 :1 Lh .,(}\" ,,11'" !tel<.

V'~rH..1 l!. (~v .. " ')11 CJr'l t 1.:nc.'\\\ bu. It '" d: . land Huo!,.:"she ..." r.lln makel" \\ or'll-b .... I\.:' ..~hJ.n Yr u '"E:' out of(\ ntl (,I ",pulall) for the fil bt11'1.: t.J. ::Jl\. U It""'l H.Lh"'l.,~':' u. .../

~,"L.....h~ "0''''' :-c a ~t1tf, lItCf<l1



1GA~.. .. .UOltuarles September 24, 1998

Grosse Pointe News



l!l IJ 1

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a future

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St'nddy 1010"


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UNITED _iiiODiiT----

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~,1t, \Vl.ltr.,,\, 9G. ""'" U(Jrr'n \J'1"O.> J.nd v.a- 'in 'ltl\(\olU"l-I'l .n (Ommllllt\ ser\ ,ll" In thp \'aIIOUS litH,;, '>fltI,\ld .n Jnclt,d'rg GriJ-,,<Pc !Hi: lhrrr" l'g ham dlld

I , .." ...

,\1, \\ h,L c. h "\.on l\ cd b\htl dill \1tl P t II l !\ l ..J()

..... 1 j I'".... 1 I. \ ..... 1) L t ..t. ...f- t .....~ ( J\ l

!1,... ... ')1IJd trl .H~ .. L;~(''::-~ h\\ l'll! l \

Fum'ra] an 1Jngements ',\erlo'nandl",tj tl\ th( l)t;!clne) /5.:"";-"..I'bell FUller,II}]J nt' 10 E...,t~\ rdC'u~e':\:enlon"i ,--"r:',b<ltlorh IDd.\

be mdde L(I 1he AmPflcan(' 1'lU,,1' :::OClt't~ 7145 HennC13) Bhd LIverpool, NY16(j~H

11(. It I\1 ,

'L ....' ~~ ....In't.~rd"" Vd..H.

b\ 1Ill' CL ."f\.ll~r,! HJffiL 1.1

Thoma:: Atkinson

L, 10:-.u,' J.. J ',~ter. M",nC:lbl1dt ..tud three gr..l"Hl(1.d~o.rf 1

} ....I)l' 1

fJ..:1nd!t".J" t....' r..t \ dr. Ii~

I (~ 1'" I r () 1 ..., I ....

\tl .. 1~ { II )1~ (\, ,..1(11 .. "1

"'\.r, \1')GI{ lr-td1.. ""'tpt ~~)....t 1 ....I) ...l. ~11 lJ.l tu1JlH..f (\t. vi

"IOS",( POll\tf- rc"" del'! 111(']1la~~\tk'~ ro.: h" de:: .;: Cv!"..,lc:.nr,T 0 .. to...I'" ,.......\'r.'I"'\rl?~ :;;;:I'.):,t14 l~q"

.:'Ii r A1Ld~()n 1:'], J~ ~un 1\ edIJ~ tll () dJugr.tcr~ P,itrlUaDeYoung and Kell;> Thomas.twu ~unb Tm.oth\ ilnd Dame~ath.mson, and s.ix gr.tnddl>l-dren

In 'leu of f10\\ e! 5 mem()!1alCOnlnbutlOns ma\ bf made tothe St \locent DePaul Socu~t)'>)' the Amencan Car.cE'rSoc'1ety

Yearly Dance Revue 1999- "'June-

,\or'n 01 .!1 1,1IIr'Rnadb l/) .:P,f,- ,()~)

r:r~:lt r:::Jr'/on ",111m'S.....:. '- ........ ~ .... II ... ""' •• i}.u".

3 for $15 or $5.99 ea

Marml' 'l'er'TIlndJ :n.a t!HProp.;.lJer Club of tl,e t' S POI tiJf DetrOIt

Mf'nt [Dr,,:! d. \','ho" \\ r." . '1i.m~' ....l." Mr G,lOllde ......:1" ..\

1'1t"mber of the St,Lt", Dl'..lrd of.......£ ....::.l H .....

" II e]) ,," !l('.nb pre",d,-nt u!tl'~ Fj.d,J IJ j~l( 1)"J .1l'.lbd, L In " \ ii. I" ~ll \ l a


Ollr Ship from Hollandhas come in!

Shop In the largest selection ofSpring Fiowering Bulbs In rhe area.40 pack bags of Daffodils & Tulips

Your Chc1ce $8.99 eJch

Take 200/0 OffOur Entire Stock of Trees

Potted & Balled & BurlappedChoose from ANY trees In stock.

RetaIl Yard Only

WE2IM/'$, ... - NURSSRV

on the board of trustees forUmveTSity LIggett School andwas a fellow in the AmenamBar Associatwn. In 1991 herecetved the University ofDetroit Law Schoor.s distin-guished alumnus award andbelonged to the Soaety of h'ishA.t.a.erican Lawyers and theAmerican Legion.

Mr. Gilbride is survived bvhls we, Helen PosseliusGilbride; a son, Wl!liam


Greenview@ Winter GreenFill/lawn fertilizer

Greens lawns (.~dcvelops deep root:>.5,000 sq ft 57 9910,000 sq. fl. $74.9975,OOOsq. Tt $1999

!~(JL ., kwr f{, I'/.m!.. I<rJ\:af orrJl, J ~~v'n J-,/{)

John Chariot•

Thomas Atkinson

Elizabeth Baehmann

Mrs. Arthur Star.sell Bush

Obituaries - SepL 24, 1998

Side-oJ-the- WeekGREEK PASTA






Oxford lAmlzngAUSTRALIAN


V.'illiam D. Gilbrid.e

(. I' k 1d.! ep anu t \\ C grt I.1.t-gra!lUcL.tluu n

A fIIOl') <11M,' ~~ ......1 wId) ..~1-,".1 ,'\ ':>t P..l..:l CJ'ht,!Jl Ch ..ll,h...1) G-ru""! ....t,.-> P\)lntp FBrTr ... nnJU,'''Ud\ ::"fjt .'_ for J:<-{rrll~

I' 'I I""t \\ '1 '111 1) Clib"lde" p , ~, ,IU,,"

l ....ll... II....

p:l"t l'lel'lb{,f d the L:r{J~~{'Pomt0 Yacht Club flnd d me!'1

1)c,.r 01 tr\€ ul O~""t~ POU1Ul. ~1"

SO<.lN\ He \\ ab dhJ ..l<:tl\ e 111

tI'e ::'"r'>I"1" CI>~IJ" 01 RdJ1 I'dI.:"" utl\'--' ~C()!\EI ..l'ld \\:\. dmunber o' Il,,, ~"~,, '"~ ...'""u( ..H. c~n L' .-\.0 \ t 1 ~1.... l' g]:\1;.1 utl\t::- r-.H \\..\. ... i'l 1\1(1

1)( \\ lL'.. I" L l\}' J \\ I'

Most of the time our customers

hava had an unfortunate

(.) , It 1

)'IJ l.'b 1 LOt ,~ ~,l'\ 1\' Cl J\

111 .... "~re ...\rJ.~ g-n:,E. t d ~uj J( ~\f

l II,U lot 1\\ 0 'lcp.d..lu.;h'er ..K"ren Co ton and :'11011 \ B<'th~Yr!. ...:... tt ...r ............I~W .. "-.L.:-T l"'"1 P"" ...I' t ..~~ r:'CtJTC'el.l ane: (.JIJ.~ g! <lpd( I I 1

lie \\.:1" P' edece"'>C'd I» 111;, ti"""'.\ lfe ,Te""e

Intellnent is at Mount 011\.erCemE'tt'r) Fuoer;;.! <it ran<:;e-ments l\ere handled by the('}1"j,"; T\""I,nhe\cl\n F~t1fr~j

Hom.: 1'1 GlOSS!' POlr:.t" Park


Mrs. Arthur StansellBush William D. Gilbride

Funeral SEc'r\'lces were held •In F10nda on Tueo.day, Sept 8, Ellen G. Whitneyfor fonn~r Grosse POinte Grave-SIde SerylCes will be~ .. ", ", n~...'id T__H__l_tn_f_:p<_r .!F. J h Id t 1 te d" a tne!':::~r ~"(::'i'nt -'" ~ ...~•.t.HUI -- -- .ut! a !l a r l!..., tStansell Bush, who dIed In • Forest Lawn Cemetery m\v ....t..,,. Park He-s;:nt .. l .. , I I J:l,utla!o for former GrosseU7,~.~~ t>~~l. l:'1~ ~- 'L"'_-l~.. --- - I P<.ointeFarms resldt+nt Ellen US~;t4,i99S' ~<u U<_ ... ~a), I l!dlen 6. Whitney WhItney, who died on Sunday,

Mrs Bush, 89. Was born m Sept, 20, in the IroqU<IlSDetroit and "as a graduate of NursU1~ Heme m EastthE' Academy of the Sacred -------------------___ Syral'USE, NY.Heart and ~rRetown HOSpItal lD the CIty of GrosseViSItation J.e A hoxnemaker, Pomte on Fnday, Sept 18,she was an active volunteer in 1998.the origrual Re-d Ft'ather ageD- Mr. Gilbnde, 74. was bom inCles and the Sacred Heart Detroit and reoeived his lawA...s~w,Y She loved ptaylIlg degree from the Umverslty ofgolfand bridge and manage-d to Detrolt m 1950. He was aremain actJve In these endeav- member of the law f.nn thatars until lust a few months would ev~nhw.l1v b<, ~ asbefore her death. F'tldew, Hinks, GHbnde, Miller

Mrs Bur;h is SUI'Vlved by two & Todd from 1951-1991 Hedaughters, Jnlie V Watl?rfall l:'ta..rted l-Js own priWl.'t~ ~_..Lid M<lJ)' DUl.l\.i:l.Il, ll. son, tlce In JJetrOlt m 1992. H1sCharles T. Bush; rune grand- clients included ~ Detroit

StonehedgeMERlOT, CABEl<NH



I .4ndiamo '5


$399111 GAL $499

]6 oz

FreSh :JqueezedORANGE

.11:':...ca .. ~ ~.,.;~,~fll; •... lYJ.::J cJY1~.ru~ i .-

Of'! THE CAMPUS Fax 882-0220355 FISHER RD. WE DEUVEA 882-5100


F tums' Marinated Lean & Meaty onekss SkinlessFLANk BABY BACK CHICKENSTEAK SPARERIBS BREAST

429LS. $399

lB. ~$299LB.Oven Ready BO.4R~'HEAD


$299l8. $599



II expeflence WJth theIr vehicle.

IWe feel that a little conSiderationI and compassion goes a long way.

I I We offer pICk up and delJvely servICe---~----

Elizabeth Bachm.mn

David r. Hunter Jr.}....OImt?f elL\ Of'.....ll~'\ ....~(. POltlh)

leSldellt Da\\Q T Hunter JldH?d (Ir1 .s ...ll J ..l\ Stl~'! ~ :99~In tu" h')'ll< III De.ral f ,;1

:-'lr Hunt"l 6:) ~radu"tl'c"'I tl "'1

.... ~ .. ..., r... ;., "- I....... ,J..J. ~~

::--,)1(1"\ ,1".,1 !'t'l,u"a \\d~r.,'1 lJ,\Pl t\ Ht \\, kui ,'b I

I d n I ji f \. ! t ,.... ~ Ll t ...( n7 1 t:

'I.,.: r Il .1 It n ...,tl 't.. J. u.lI.-tl\

..1: u ,'.,..).... 1 I ~...J. j 'I \\ ht'J n S, ~ r"' 1 • 1 ~"-:.."I' \ "" \ ~ ..1

Cllll.\11 HUlltel I~ "Ur\ I'. "0 b\ t1:~

"Jle C!;]1{' 11 d,\ugh'.,,..K.t l\::l..cU -:-~ :~:LC...u!~n d ~on.

:".,..l\H" '7 :~",lol...\ J.;~. ,,\ ~1:'L,.t'!

Trl.nrt Cr ..tr"11:r and 1vl.lr gr3.rw"chilalen

Fun..)~d.t ..t"'rangt:"mpnt~ \.\t;Jrf'handled b\ the Joseph Rubtn;\:lemonal Chapelu' Del! J~

Memorial ben lce~ \" IiJ Oilheld at a lat"r date for former

Ellzabeth Bachmann, v.ho dIedIn Albuquerqut!, 11: M, onTuesda~ Sept 15. 1998

Mrs Bachmann, 95, IS 6ur-vlved bu her daughtc:"'Ehzabdh Maxon, four grand-chIldren, and four ereat-grand-~h.'..:l~~"..... u..a'-4 ..... 1-},

StuffedFLOUNDERau.- famous Lemon Rice





1R- .

Funeral arrangements werehandled by the I"renchMQrtuary of Albuquerqut>

John ChariotA funeral Mass was celebrat-

ed In Our Lady Star of the SeaCatholu:: Church In GrossePointe Woods for Woods rem-~t .J"'hn rl.......'\i- ~.l._ ~:_..1 __St Joh;;-H~;;~l-~'n;;;t;;Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1998,

Mr. Chanot, 82, was bom inDetrort and was regional salesmanager for the GeneralElf'ctric c:ontract sales division.

community. Mr Chariot was a



$1099 $799






Septembe~24 1998Grosse Pointe News 11A

:'Rookie skipper gets that sinkingfeeling near freighter channel



KROGER X,ress,IJ{? II~,::,-a=~


.. I1 .. Si .. ~ll .. .,),~ ~. r.... JVi~

(,n.-'l' ('111111(' f,j ••~"I ,II i, 7 i/ I r • /" n 1"\ 1/ I

t ..rmlrI0lIo,1/111/,I:iql 71i M~ i

f. ejghter cl->annel Jt Vi III ne\ erbe found," S3.1Q Leon St:) uh::mf)f (-;~~ PflJntp S~ ..rt..., ~::expenenced member of theGros..«e Pomte mar" r•.? re;,tuedlVC ted111 "There's only a footor two of clearance on the bot-tvrrJ of thE: cbanne] Th~t ixtdtWIll bf' ground to bIts "

The OVi;ner sa.d. 1 learned aton of lessons from thIS,"mcludlog

• Store hfe preservers ondeck, not below

• Have a workmg radlo andhorn.

In adchtlon, sald the Guard's~eler, let people know your"float Dlan." or "where von'regomg ~d when you pian toreturn.~

A manne surveynT fromGroSSE' Porote Woods adnsedprospective ixlat owners wmspeet a used boat before buy-mg John Trost, of TrostAssocIates, said surveylTlg 8.itJ.f(lloA woocien boat takes upto fOUT hou."S and Involvesdeternunmg thf' hull's mOIS-ture content.

"T'ni" $10 or $12 rost per footto lnbpect a boat ean saveS(Jnloone &om makmg a badpurcha.se.~he saul

The Coast Guard dIdn'trerelVe "a Single addlbonalphcne e.t.H in rt'spoose to theflares. If the cr,anceys hadn'tbeen there, we'd be looking foran overdue." S8Jd Meier

"The Chanct!Ys - '" ha tgreat people," &aid tile slup-wreeked wpper. "I was 6uperlucky."

"Jam,,*, and 1 ¥tent to Lucy'safterward to 'l\o"lnd down," SlUdJohn

"., ,

Riollmlif'id HllhI.!~HI 2'" -j(ltJ

(,rr",. "II/HI,. f ..rm,11111Iifi:!I~IIO. \l1r. I



"I SdlC1 to Janlee, We'rethrou.eh sunll:T"6 for the day,mSaid John -I rJ~adf'd tr, th ...cruIser whIle JamE'e <".<\Jll'<l forhelp on the cell phone"

~l had never eallEld 9-1-1before,~ sa..d Jamee She \\8S!><li.LI,,,J lluVLAgll 1", till" Cu.;..:,tGuard.

.V.7e got the C<iil at j 45pm," S3.ld DeIter Meler, opera-tion" chief petty officer at theCoast Guard statlon in StClazr Shores The Guard dlll-patched a 21 foot ridged-hulledmflatabie boat capable of mon>than 35 mph. A 41-foot utlhtymotorboat followed

The Chance~ nestled theirvessel l.lP to the smkmg ~tand helped the castawaysaboard.

Poh..,., U"ill St Clan Shores:.000 amved JZi a BostonWhaler that b.f.:Id heen on JetSlu duty. said Jamee Fiveminutes lati!r the two CoastGuard boats came

'.('he srnklng boat wallowedUl the take, lts bow polo.ngabove the water

"I've ne ..."''1' ocen a boat godown' said Jamee '"It'sdepressing to watch .a I1fe nngfloat alone on the water ~

The Loat owner paid ...$3,000 cash advance fOT &

manne contractor to sa1vllgPthe boat, but Ii three-daysearch on, abovt' &.l1.d tM>lowthewater by tugboat. airplane andscuba divers cbda't find thE'~ -

There were no SlgDB of addl'tional debn.s nor an 011 Elhckfrom the ~ gJ.llon.s of fuel onboard

~Tf that "'reck falls mto the

otDeers &om the St. CllIit Shores marine division,rigbt. responded to a dis ....ress ea1l after a 3O-foot cabincmiaer started sinking in Lake St. Clair to.bout 1 1/4miles off of the Grosse Pointe Fums Pier Park.



l'Jarket4 ........... 1



~ .._---~17';iiiiiili;;;iiiiiii_====FDiC 1, •••••••••

I) 1ST I \ t 'f I \ J-:. - .. -1-: R S (.. \ \ I . I~ \ , 1\ I '- (; .

,." ..t"L _

dIJIUI. v.fUUH ..t::l" ~ l.U.M1l.J.l'tJOU

,vas qUle&.eT than he hadhoped. ~l was fislung fer wall-eye bllt only caught two smalJperch." he said Jorrnee wassunning herself or> the deck oftherr 35-foot speed boat, -FastChanre," when they saw thedlstress sIgnals

jlfone.r on WallStreet?We've got a safer address.

g-; UIG ... t-1ln. ..... """::1

Staff Wnter~ ~rs.-'lm" boat ownlr and

n:~ l-'d ....:::ot"'ng~r w,j;"..ore re""_u.t'Q. tHr. Gr{/-~L P(,>ntf< coupl'" ""he'li ,,~!.- ... J:- d("qulfed (,J.bm (rUl-

er ~&.nh. II ldF~ ;:,L,.:: dUl ...fl5 JI. ....

rn;:.;aen \ L \ ag< on Ldt~ 8tClall"

MH;\.\I':i\! "hT"O't1p"tl d ",t.1'1hf\

do,," n cr~lIse uPder ts 1,E-Wownt>T a u~t.'d l~/() jll-tOvt"nlute Trojan Skj Sk,tl v.lth d

V>lx ..dtm h'.dl ....eakened b~ SU.S

pt'cted d" rot ..,alil,.m 16 k.,tof v. atDT ab0ut 1 1/4 ml1f SdlTecth (.if lhf' F,ulns PIerPark o~ Sept 11

Thett' v. t!re no lDJUTle'-.'\.Ithough the (;Odst Guard.

attachea a marker to th(' unln-s'J.red boat whlk It fOl.lndt'rednear the freIghter chanu",l, thesunken vessel hasn't beenrecovered and could ~merge a,<;a ~azard to navlgatlon If notrPi"n,,'p.r~

At about 3.30 pill, John andJ:::1::~C Ch:l.t.-r:~),'Of tbe ~s....r-m~,were on theIr !>oat enJoyu,g aresplw ~rom parentmg whIlethelT th..reoe children att~Ddedschool

"It was qUIet, so we wentfishmg," Bald John

"lmtead of going to ourusual spot on the sandbarhPtwe€Il Ford's. Cllve and theGrm-se Pomte Yacht Club, weanchored strcught Qut from theFarms Pier ne..aTthe channel,"said Jamee "We were lookJngior something dii'ierem.. "

They found It in the form ofa 32-year-old man fromRoseville who was linng <lis-T~ n~~ d.b ~ IJ.a>t.L.~ ~tsettled deepec by the stern.

The man had recent1ybought the 38-year-old vesselfrom a retu't!d couple who keptIt dJek.€-d Oll the Clmtoo RIverand u8ed It as Ii floating cot-tage. "I had just put repstra.non stsdters 00 the boat themorning It sank," saId then>a."\.

The !l{>W sJoppel' and hiSfnsnd were In the mIddle of II

pleasure CTUlse when the boatSPI1mg a leak

Thl< fn!!Dd had WAtched the.'mwiic- earlier in roe week.When he sa'\o\water ankle dt<epm the cabm, be 8llld, "Wto regomgdowD."

Because t..'Jeboat dIdn't havea norn or woril:mg radlo, andbecause all but one hie pre-server ~as stortd In a torewordcabin blocked by nsing water.the s.0C'~ to be sh:,p'o\l.~r~ked..,0",," ..._ewo1 o~~nJ1~JU' t,.. ~lprt

;'~Y ~t"l1> 0)' ;"ll.u...!'i andwavmg a whIte towel No onenoticed unW the flares wentoff.







12A News September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News










Washington - blah, blah, blahTake away my remote control put pdt,hes on my e~es and

find me some good ea' plug::. I'm drOWnJlg In dr.vel' E ...enthe book storE'S a"sault us .~llh \'ano ...~ ...erSlOns 01 the late::.tscandal m Washmgton I Notice I ",-on't put thel1' names 111

I pnnt one more time \ .. _.,. ". , . ,"'_~l'he --.np!O!=lon in t.t...- '.,.aT ill:.e JiO'u.~1C ...0:'1 !JV ..........~.......6 t:~ a..l.~ £i":lo

mvaSlve as '" tlDY canLer c'\:'!l: ...rkmg :m,d II :utmg tc \. reak It;,havoc. on our "ntl!"e s" ...t ..m But t.here" ,'1 dllferenre I

Wf' ca.'! prey"ut th; ::.pr.,admg of tms JJ"",aSt' tl) I:uttmg It_tr ~~, u,~ >U'i~ l.",t' LV l.l\..~ tll~ t.,"-('5 and rna."lU-1

I 'H' d.L l....o= y~ lh U • • • .- thscnpts Wf!' don't have ,to W~f~":Ll~_t~(' ~r£nch~ With e

I \O}ta ..a.l~ and COvt=f uuro.:: ...",~~ \'W'1.WJ l,. .. jt::'H l1HHA ISome may choo:,'e to \'l!,W the tapes :>nd read tht> tran-I senpts for vanous reasons. ranmm!' from cunoslty or perver-

," ,mm w legtwnll.~ I~ga.l "~UU) IMy Dl8JDquarrells how we process thl$ mformatlon \Vhat

);q. ("'"ut" Qn~ fhb ........oA,c.~~ .-.o. ..,nf\".c: ..h.htv? (h!r ,~~rhn-n~ 11\ thQIOl"D

d~;~is '~-..;~;;e-~t-dealabou"t us. rlow Vlould you tJ.keto be a eurrt;,nt events teacher In an eleml;>ntarj' school these~~? .

The reality 10we are no longer wnsldered the perfect j.odtn-ats Qr even among the most beloved aDd rt:spe<-te<t peop~¥ 14t.'le world. E.'el')on.e has a dlfferent reasor. or person to bear""c blame Thi- -- ">- - - e-1 want to ;e= ;;'o':d~ftills country I <ldmit to crying atthe singmg of the naaona! anthem and we regularly fl). ourfJag. I will always be grateful to call myself an American, buta pert of me 18 be<:ommg embarrassed and disgusted with theactions and lack of respoDsibllity of a segment of our popula-tion.

I For me media weontinuc PICkmg at scabs only perpetuatesthe ~uction of a su;,.ie",,:;'tr.id.t ci.~pE:iU & tv rw..-e ~uot i"tii fu...u.tt.All of us have been tarnIshed by what IS takIng place in ourcapl.tal. Punishment? Disgrace?

There has been plenty of both How much further do wehave to carry this detour from more urgent matters thatshould demand Our leaders' attention?

Come on Mr. ~denL You profess to !o\e this e<>untry andto have farth in Its people. You have the power to aet. Do theright. thing for all of us and help thIS to fade away

- ii'rom tlw. LoP

,t\ 50-year-old Detroit 1II!lll.n a3 ~.LTt:stt:d fur <lrunken dn-vmg- In Gros*" Pomte ShoresUII 'ru.t;"cl.",)', &'pt 15, at U 10am

TIle man regIstered at 12jA'4 ..~Il\, \.hU\JO ,uconOl content.Jfter bel::lg stopped ont~""e(.,hure near ¥':!!:e~::': He

--Brad Lindberg

the 18700 block of Mack WaSbroken mto and the foliowmgstolen :-;oloa cell phone, atelt'phore recharger cablE' anda white purst: contammg a wal-let

had been dnvmg 63 mph

Speeding drunk

Garage entered

Phone takenOn Fnday, Sept 18, at 4

pm, a resident of McKinleyreported that hIS cell phoneWll$ stolen from lus car w!u1eparked In the Village.

An unknown ~.petratorpntprM a ::loced bet w.J('::kedgarage m the 200 block ofFJsher lD the Farms and stole a$200 Schwmn Humcanemountain bike during the dayon Thesday, Sept. 15.

park ..d III the 17600 block of:\Iack The \\ ltne:.:- t-a,d thePdlr fled .11 d :al~ moa~1 olu""General Motors \ eracle

A.t the :iatriC' tJ[Uor;- pohcer~cel\ed a report. that .:l. cd!u.lar tdepholle and ffi5.n" ....alletv.er .. .,tolen fronl a Ford 1<'0

p,;rked and loc.Ked In tne bl)lJblock of L'm\ erslty The \"all("t\\as I:Her recC'\'ered, leg" cash,un Wdshlngtc.n

At 4 210m, anutht'r \'lctlml"t:"poned thdt her cell phone\\ as sto.en from her locked carp~th..~d ~~ rhr LQOOO ~~V\..1. ufMack al 4 21 pm

Motorcycle crashA .17-year.old man from

Clinton Township who sald, "rw'lsn't able to sU;(,r: 10'lt "....!'-t£l)l of hIS Harley DaVidsonmotorcycle and crashed onLakeshore near Blaumoor mGrosse Pomte Shores onSaturday, Sept 19, at 4'52 p.m.

"1 don't know what hap-pened," the man SlUd wh.I.lereBtlll2: on the me<han WIthseveral b,rstanders aroundbun

He was taken to Bon SecoursHospItal for evaluation.

Car broken intoOn Friday, Sept 18, a car

parked in front of a bu..-uness m

... I .,.,...

J r} FOR"-'" ~----


two nationally recognized health syst~ms.and reinforces the long-

standing traditions of Bon Secours Hospital and Cottage Hospital,

This special partnership marks the beginning of a stronger, healthier

Back to Sept 14.12 pm .. 1'. v.'i.""'ld~w was brG-

ken in a car parke<1 ill the alleybehind the 18100 block cfMack Nothing was taken norwas any damage done to carinterior.

12:05 p_m. The same sus-pecb; WPT(' des;:ribed by anott,-er victim whose cellular tele-phone was stolen from a car

Duo wanted incar break-ins

PellCt' are lookmg l"lf a pairof -.u"pects In a stnng oi larce-mes along :\!ad .. A\ enue tdst\\ eek m the CIty of Gro"sePomte

Dunng the da\ of :>londav.Sept 14

At 821 pm, a man reportedh,.:; W;lH~t Ii;,f(\l:Ptl t"rt n'\ )..I~ ...-::1 .....

v. h.de 1t was parked In the alleybenmd RIvard andWas4.",gtoO

Later that week, onThursda;,>, Sept 17 at 9 42am, thieves uymg to steal aradIo from the samt: car parkedlD the same place ran a .....avwhen spotted by WItnesses, butnot before they broke th vem-de's wmdow Witness desl. LJ.the suspects as two blackmales, one in his 20s and heavyset, the oth,'r WI and thin


Running awayA Grosse POinte Park publlc

safety officer, while on patrol atabout 12 30 a m unWednesda;,> Sept 16, notice<! a1991 Ford Te'llpo \n:r, a flattire travehng at a high rate ofspeed on Mack .0\\ ard DetroIt.

The OftlCH attempted tG pullthe car 0\ er at Tht' Inter!W'CtlOnr;;f ~~aryland and :tIac!., Out the'I ehlclc turned onto :\1a01andand from there turned ontoCharlevoIx &tlll headmg iOIDeL"l:llt

At Charle\olX and khland...~...,,;. ,., ....., ':'U.lU~ ""II lH,,~l U.OL.H.t:U

that both the dn,er and pas-senger front doors VIele openThe dnver was able to jumpout of the car out when thepassenger atkmpt.E:d to leapout, he \l\>al'unable to make Itbefore the car hit a uWlty pole

~~ "':cb.;.clc ccnt.Luu.cd forano:her 10 f.e~t befor€ i'lstt.uI.S ii

pillar and commg to a stop. Thepassenger \l\>asdragged for thf'last few feet of the car's JOur-ney

A Park ambulance wascalled and the passenger wastaken to CAJttage Hospital andtreated for minor inJurif'S

The dnver was eventuallyidenbfied. Park pohcp. learnedthat both occupants are Juve-niles and were reported ID.ll'S-

ing on Sept 12. The car wasreported stolen m Dearborn.

The two SUSpectS have beenturnP.d over to county juvenileauthorities_

Park break-insGro88e Pointe Park public

safety officers investigated acouple ofbreak.ins last week.

The first i!1cic!enT; took placeat about 5 a m. on Friday,Sept. 1ft. Sooneone used a lad-der toO 18m ac:c:et>I:l to thekitcben window of a home in~ 1000 block of Maryland.

'The thief or thieves took thebrdevil!l.ion, the VCR and thecable decoder box. They leftthrough the back door.

The second inCIdent tookpiaCf' 1)0 Sunday, Sept :ro,between midnight tUld 9 a.m.

A thief or thieves entered ahowle in the 1000 block ofBalfolU' via an unlockedki.tc:ben ckloI'. A wallet contain-iD2 125 In cash and several~t ~rd!. alc-ng with ~woman's wnst watch wastaken from t~ lritp!o",'lcounter.

cued in WoodsGrosse POInte Woods pubhc

safety officers were called to ahome In the 600 block ofvnorri at about 5 p.m. onSaturday, Sept. 19, lU

~5e to a report of a fire.When officers arnved on the

scene, they found the gaJ"'igeand a 1993 GMC sports utilityon fire.

After the blaze was extm-guished, firefighters dlSCOv-ered that the fire started asthe result of a propane gasgrill malfunctioning.

No mjuries were reported,but there was severe damageto the velucle and garage

- Jlm Stu:kford

Police catch afleeing driver

A man was arrested onffllJt"!"y eb~.g~s f~!' !~3.=:::~police on a foot chase afterhPm~ ~tn!l~ci whIle dnvmg II

stolen velncle m the CIty ofGrosse Pomte

The 29-year-old suspectfrom Detroit was initialstopped for a traffic offense at7 p.m on Wednesday, Sept. 16,~t ~!~t.:::-~w Wj,:: Lv" a.UJ.C;;. :'U:J d.

pohee officer apprvached thedriver's 1994 Dodge Dakotapick.up truck the suspect putthe vehicle 10 gear and spedaway unly to bat! out ana startrunnmg In the area ofWaterloo and St ClaIr

Pollee from tha Park andFarms JOined the cha"c andhelped catch the :lu;,~d a" heheaded In the dlrectlOn ofDetrOIt through ballk yardsalong St Clalr.

The Stl"p~;"t ""as ch.'lrgedWIth possessIOn of stolen prop-prtv linn pv ..n1n17 ""Il "llln",,,,pol;ce He was~ sent to th;Wayne Count:. JaIl

: (iV1a'rc II;)


810 .-779~7911Bon Serours & Hem]J Ford Health Systems Workin,g Together

September L4, l'j~tIGrosse Pointe News Automotive 13A,


General Motors to retire a couple of classic car models


appro; ('0 tLto ' •.It U"I,tl(; boattall1m a: de-wn that hadr: t beennn tt' E' "'~ut()!",'l\'~\ C scene :;.~n'Ce-tn" 193C

), kl. :.!:l.; s ...as thegeneral m...ndger ~f the dlVl.-IOn at that [1m" ACC0rcmg to"The BUick, A CompleteRISto!")," t>j Terry Dunham andLarry Gustm ~1,,~s pubhclypr31»eJ the ldd.cai body st) It:"A CIa"'~IC ne ....deSign that ll" atnurnph ofautomotl\'e :.tylmg."he wab UL<oted a'" $aymg

The 71 ~ cor,trO\€f!>lal "boat.tall" real el'\d de<ugn ha" madeIt a .en de~lrable collector car,but It was a bIt too radlcal fOT:".Jwrs then And for OM man-ag~ment, mclud:ng Olds bossMays

Apparently. the GeneralMotors VP actuaHy dtshkenthe new Rlv mtensely. audspent the rest of rus tenure as


".en 'Uad .. b) .":ed ~lc'kle"most famou" as the on}.,'1nlilOrIlf fl"J".k ~ ""non} nIp.:::" ~l'\rt 91~()tr.€ d"..,lgner of the first BUl\.khardtops

The RIVlerd got Its firstmajor re- tilIng Just three\ears later. for 1966 new~Ile. longer hood, more :;lop-mg wmdsrlleld, fastback ivolar:.d re~r rlt~k St!l1 !10 front" ...wheel dnve, VIhleh Its firstcous:n, the Olds Toronado ..had

In 1%8 a pew generatIOnRWlera shared body shell!>I'<lth Cadlliac Eldorado andOldsmobIle ToronadQ Englneskept gettmg more powe. ~uland in 1970 RJ.Vleras were pow-ered by a 455-cublc-mch V-8that churned out 370 horse-po.....er But that was t~e tW1"hght of the hIgh-compressIOnenglne, a5 unleaded-fuel capa-bIlity was mandated for 1971

For 1971, the dlvl"lon

One of the most controversial Rivieras was this '72 ~Boattal1ft model

Ita rl.a.uug' aC5:6'U .Itl,,!~dcdfrl.'mele;,..~ ....Uldows And therewere no front vent WIndows -another danng move, mdeedLeather bucket seats and con-sole were standard BUick bwlt40,000 first-year Rl~,era8 Thepnce was $4,333

BIll Mitchell, then GeneralMotors stylmg chief, had thE'origmal idea for the '63Ri\1era, a V1sion m~plred, hesaid, when he saw the eleganthnes of a Rolls-Royce softenedby a London fog

The car's ongmal sketches

Im<ige without the oother of()wmng a ragt.l)fl

BUIck made the R1Vlera aseparate Lar hne for the 196.3!!lodel year, a resp01i!.e to For'Moter Co's !>porty and hIghlysuccessful Thunderl}lrd

.::on\ crtlbleIt had great apped \ to bu:- er:,

u hI" u'':'l~ted ~ 'Lon' e....!~)I~

100Q T ~ AIlO III .I.J JU .LJkJ "'''U I$699*MO I


\\nt<'l Gen')ral ~l(Jtor;, "ltro-duced Its H"dra-matlt dfl\e 1f)

the latt '30~, the' Iir~t l' utomat-1(. that really ~',Orkcd, It oITeredIt first on Old~m(1bll('Olasmublle, along ....:thCaddlac, was first to gt:t thel't'villubonary hlgh-compre,.-,1On Kptt"rITIl:!' V 8 fo" '4QWhe.1 OM m~ved to front-wheel dnve In the '60s, It wasOldsmobile wruch mtroduced ItIII the Toronado

No ....the Oids 88 "bra.:...d" ....'illbe dropped and the dlVlSlOn.... 11 sell. cars ..."th names likt</l.uror;;., Intri5y, ~::d .\1...rc.,brand names that sound morehke C'alvm Klem ~ents thanautomobIles.

The name "f{IVlera" t1~tappeared m 19..9 on Buick'snew "hardtop convertible"model, a OXlpular styhngapproach of that post-war erawhich ehmmated the centerSIde "B" pillars and the framesaround door glass to Simulatethe Jaunty appearance of the

car Y011 did :lOt b.he to t<xplamtl' a neighbor or fll~pd "tJj .rOll

h"cl p..Irchased dn OJd~111OmleOld"rnl,bde pAl tll ularh the

~b had a solid Ilnai;t 1"01d.Claat!~ ,tl ;},J,"'l oet"!l 'lilt";,.1me gen<!ral mark,' a~ 13.Ild,but the) ;\ere dl,';lnlt BUI(!-~.. b d tr adl! Ic>rl IlJ I I> ur, Cdl

. c rt of d Jun.or (' -dl ldl

Old<;moblle v. as al,o up",- ...lebut :-ounger. more aoventufou, It ....a, Genc"ul ::\lut(,r"~('lJttmg pdge" hlgh-\,t-('h dr\ I-

,r $3AA.)'1 mv feme

rrl due at s'gmng $3149 1'1~Plus t.u & plaus •

The ftnt B1dck Rlrien. ... .epuate CU' 1Iae wu tile '83 modal.

r II II " •• , I.1~Autos "II By Richard Wright I

('n>n .. rlil 1\10tOf<; Will reoort. ?ioduet,vn capJ..ll' Will beedl} retlH' the !:SUleK Kn lerL! Ubell lor ne"" \C'r"lOll" 01 rmm,and Oldsmobile &:l, a (uncus papIllal seaans, "uch as th~.d..;:.~:vpm('ilt for do ccrpc:,,:.t:~:n Et:.:::l~L:::S~b.:-e 3:"d 0!dsmoln!ewhIch has ~n puttmg so Auroramuch stress recently on The Olds 88 has a legendary-brand name" marketIng past, begmnmg m particular

1 admIt I am not really dear With Ute 1949 Rocket 88 Withon what GM means by that, GM's new hlgh-compresslOn V-but I a!wa)s iliought thdt tho: 8 t!lll!\>ue Oh..b.lI,obl1e rode thevalue of ~ uranu UdUIt; d.~.llv~d Rocket 88, .whiCh entered ~~cfrom Its rer..ognitlOn and rela- language as a synonym fertlon to good value!> speed, to No ~ POSltlOll In

Two of GM's strongest brl:U\d salesnames, two names that evoke A few yean; ago an ad earn-strong product rec.ogmtlon and Palgn by Oldsmobile .... th tl,esenouslv sohd cars are theme "ThIS IS not your-RIVIera; and "Olds 88.." Sales father's Oldsmoblle~ ev.okedof bOth haV'e cteajnM in rec..-ent denSlOn from car DUY~rs whoyears as the reput.itloD of first remembered the great Olds 88sDetroit m general and then of the rast and agreed thatjust GM have also declmed today's O!dsmobllc IS a pale

GM's Orion TownshIp assem- ghost of that earlier carbly plant IS to roll out the last I have al",ays been partial toRIviera on Nov 25, GM thE' 01d'l Eighty Eight everannouDced, and the final Olds since It burst on the automo-88 is to be built Dec. 23 bye scene shortly before I did

Ending production of the two vn.th Its legendary high-com-ca1"5 will wst 1,400 workers pression Rccl'.et V-8.their jobs for an undetenmned Through most of my lIfe,length of time. The freed-up Oldsmobile has been a proper









September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News

1998 JUne Features 8ynd., Inc

ihd. \ (IJ, na' ~ llt:::~g)/:)gctt ng0(1 the !\t't last '" eek or thlb\1 eel... .,

If \ ou hau probi"lll", 0['.. 1) • ,.,......

U.t..L~\I~. "'" I") 61... .,

Gro;",,,, puU1te cable operatorand mqulre about theIr.Cornea ...t ~ Home services I

If .ou'rE' connected on thewb1e' perrn<illently, mght anddolo), there c';[n be no delay get-tlI1g alward, 'cause you'realre~dy (In'

More, nt'xt week

J~tep~ lv!e.!gden ,..:0 rl':.:ui£ntofth£ Clty of Grosse Pomte and!<lrru.r chatrman of First ofMl.chlgan

Internet update

Women at WorkBy Matilda Charles

Much of the responSibility for canng tor tins country's elderlyand chromcally ill famlly members mvanably falls to the womenIn the farruly

Indeed, some 73 percent of all C3reg1vers are women, and thet"plcal caregrver IS a 46-year-<lld employed woman who spendsabout 18 he-UES a week ("'aJ"11lg for a pan:nt

AccordIng to the edltors of Facts of LIfe, whIch IS published bythe Center for the Advancement of Health, many oftoose women_ who also had to care for other family members as well as workoutslde the home - developed phYSIcal and mental problemscaused by stress

Perhaps the flen Important issue to take up with our pohtt-clans is how we can help ease the burden on th~ caregivers sothat they can have some much needed help dunng these stre1>lS-ful penods

When you consIder how much t..'lerr home care saves the coun-try m medrcal CORts, It seems only nght to ilelp them help them.selves.

One helpful measure would be to brU1g m out51de help to takeov~ f.1T the earegtVUlg so that the pnDClpal caregn'ec ccw findUm~f\;;i" herself

On another note. Despite the recent stock market fluctua-tlOIUl, the economy relDallU1 good. and the outlook for employ-ment remams lugh, espe~:.llilly for managers Currently, demandlS hJghest In the West where over 62 percent of empioyen saythey IDtend to raise hinng far the rest "f the year. '[be ti'p It} mdusmes seeking to hut! manag.m! ll_~l..J.;. fet;ultradf" , prtntlog, ~:!cc~mmUn1t.Ht.lvn&, con:;t..-~tl!:!l~ In!h:'''!!labontelhnology, funllture and fbd;ures, financial 8erv:aces. pharma-ceuucals and tllectromc products.

wlUTE iT THE RIGHT wi\-i. A.'lother press relea~ hdS come&n.....way n,th an~:~J~cr ~~ple o~ la..n.gt.J.ag€ abuse, !.Q ".,,,t. TheJudgt;" Ellflted "('~ra 1 "'l"f'FI as precedent for his deClSlon .1 neJudA'E'ma) have goo:l eye!Olght, but tile word should ha"'! beenCited.

If you h",v .. ~mrlp" of Ismguage ahuse. send them on. Writeme c/o KlOg features Weekly ServIce, 2J5 East 4b Street, NewYork, NY 10017.

mnJ1d ~gf~C\ ..... orrparj:. thp nottoln

un". lnt"J I'ltere"t PdJO rUl

Prop,,::,,1 (1) Vt1th the I.J 4t"')Jn~~ ,,,itb t}H~ Tt tal 1ntt:'re~tt'<l,d for Proposal (2) \'lth n!JVlll."

~ub~r ,It th~ lr.tel ebt P':lId onP, Uf'""X '1 i trom the lugherIntRrht Pa~d on Proposal ~,J.nu compare to the dull.aramount oj tne POUlts 'II

PropoballNote that the d1fl'eren(.e Hl

1n ~rebL f'o.Jd lr gr,..ater t~anthe OQlots. It's because of thepres~nt value ofthe iuture pay-ments, to\' lltTICUlt tn descnbehere.

Tht> <>avmgs efiicJeJlc) ofrefi.nancmg should not be confl.lSed

I N T ROD U C I N G...

to .l llC\\::,old


"THURSDA Y NITE LIVE" at Leon's.~ Odober 20. Leou'll wiD stay open UDt1l1 0 p.rn. 00. Thunday evetJi+ Your

I favonte etyll.b will be oo-hand to ~orir thear maClr in our feative -alter :5:0(>'I ...........-. c.-l~ to. r.....".1 wLiJ. Y~'ft "= old """' J"" .".I_a. d_.t..lCaD fer your appointmeut 884~393. jam WI for OW" lUelt-JI party OIl Oetober 29!

--l-.. lA-ou'. J IairJreu('1'8 t 1 2 Kerc:heval Groue Pc;nte F arme

St€warl L Tubbs £s lka.n 0Tthe Coilege of B..tbWf1»b,

Eastern M.dugan Umven.uyand author 0; -A 8ysremsAppr()(I.Ch to Small GroUl)lnteractwn'" (New YorkMcGraw-Hill 1995

ciating humor.When he showed up for hts

first congress1onal COmmltteemeeu.ng ae a new cun~-man, h-a S8ld that. theyremarked that they hoped. hewas Just there to dehver 11pizza..

Humor 18 sometimes called asocial lubncant SlDC-a It easesthe normal fnctl.ons oetWE'enpeople

Humor appeals to th~ clnldIn each of UIl, somethllIg Wf' allhave In common

So if you would h.ke to galD do

ht~le eI\e~r', t...,,:\, a httle htltL.O'

~:l\'cstor, tr ..a'l' meal. ... tP..lt J

C0nlJ:n~'::l::-llJU l,lnu f :~ n1U~t.. ue

oald b\ ;,omt"On~Sml'f> t1w 1'1.(....t"r do,'" n"t

normally p.:l) lOIlJnll,,,l\lr.,,,, , , p

'-J,a.a,.", J.U,~oloA"'It'" "' "'.) "" '\0..1 ..

of tlw m"rtgagc: t>1u t P'~) .111~ 1 d.U::-d1... tlUH (..u~~, one ~."u) .....:ranother

.Cme ',llaY or anotl-wr" meansVOll can pay It In c.asr. wnw a,. .....~~kl '-'1 ),-iU C,,=,~lpa., ..t IU th£form of "polllt..," deduc.ted frvrr,~our mongage pn.K.t:eJ", 'lL"same as cash. really I, or )OUcan "buy down" the mortgagE'mtere'" ) equrll a" zero pomts"basls, b)' llIarklllg up, ormcreasmg th" mort.g<l.ge mter-est rate \ancl month!) pay-'u",nts) for the lifp of the mort.gage

If yQl,'rf> r",,,,lly mto the"points" !>Cene. Just ask for t,,'Omortgage offers 1) an lllterestrate, wlth, say, 1.314 pomts,and 2) another thtgher':') lilter.est rate, \1\"1th no points I

Youll get the two offers, buthow do you compare the applesand oranges? Simple, ask forthe print-out of the "mortgageamlJl"tuaUon t.abloes" for bothprop<>sals The bottom lme ofboth tables wl1! hst: a) thetotal amortization of pnncipalIthe mortgage amount); b) thetotal intert'st paul; and c) thetotal cash pmd for a) and b).over the life of the mortgages.

O!l~ wayLikp the Btory that Netscape

was gomg to buy Yahoo andmove their headquarters toT~ .. l .. .,.:I eh"ngp t,hPlr nam ..t...N"t "nil v".."" (l'J..bonV:<oh" l-- Or- the "d;flmtwn Qf !1~ "'ptl-ImSt as "an alX:Ordwn playerwith a beeper"

The late Stlnny Bono waswell known fo!' hL!l self.depre-


_:,.':-''f -- :• ..-.j~ .~~~':-'

~~ .~_ _~~,,~'~i -~~ __ =: 4.::,' -..~ ~ ......

already 1Il the air)Humor can also be used to

stImulate creativity.One Iltud.v was conducted

that correlat.ed peoples' senseof humor to t.he1r mnovatIonand erea.tivity.

There was a posItive c:orrela-tion Glnce you have to be fleD-bie m your thmking to even get.;.'- 'lr..,.-... Jv ..~~

Those wha have t.-cuh!e get~Ung the JOke orten have a moreinflexible or rigld way oftJunk-Jig

They can't see how words orideea- C!L~ t.....I~i ~nmore t..~~

Are you refinancingyour mortgage?

What W1th 'l'reasury Bondstradmg at ref'ord pnces, the30-year T-Bond now YIelds Gilly5 14 uer", ..t .... ";<';VI\.~ Iv.. fOfthe past 30 years'

Just hke the nght rail fol-lows thE' left Hill (.f a railroadtrack around the bend, or is ItVlce versa?

Treasury bond YIelds and."'sldenhal mortgage ratestrace a parallel pattnn, WIthmortgages 100 to 150 baSISpoints (a baSIS point IS 11100 of1J>E!rcent) OVl.'r TreasunES

If your existing home mort-gage is 7 -112 percent, or higher,you should look into refinanc-rr.g with a new mortgage attoday's rates'

Smce your new mortgage

If) ou ~t'n!l '. \\ .-lnt t() kH'J:- up..... th ..,tuck "T'arko nf'WS, vousnouJd be "tlb""nbmg to on, (l\

""""r ... " ...,1.1". ThE' Nev. YorkTlI!'0.... l!l\E:>"''I'or{; BU~l)'I:'''''';;:DlUh thp \Vall Str<'et Journal,u! l. ",'.n J.Uua ..~ I "'1U..l. ~u\. nt;:II;'l\.;"lB.l~:)n'~

If the aUlh I\\ p<'Kiy " ........11.market n. \I S str::l1nS vour bud.get you might cOflSll:ler dump.mg 'me o. mOI'e or all) our she kcopy rr,vn~~llH::l~l.....,LJ\ ..h ~\,. , .....1(>f d<ite when received and onlytell tale;., of pe-!'sonahnes•

Brams, ambItIon, and hard work may hf'lp bUI'\ines!l managersget ahead, but they wor.'t necel>saflly get them to the top

Tho:>e who make It to semor executive status hayc other qua).ltles as weli - traIts that d1stmgulsh upper from mlddle man-agement - and cn.reer success comes most often to those mdl-VldLlals whose behavlOrs <>et them apart from tIe rest of the com-pany's :!mployees

"There seems to be certain mtanopb!es that are necessary forentry mto !lemor managerr,er.t," ~ald Dr Terry R Seamons,managmg dIrector of .hE:' DetrOit area otflce or RHRInternatIOnal "Some leadershIp qualities are mherent. otherscan be acqt1lred, but people either have them or the:; d:::-:'t "

Although the quahtll's that make a gooci leader are not as easyto quanti!) as the one, that charactenze an cffiClent worker thej.I~ych::.loglsts at RHR Internatrona! have Isolated and Identifiedcertain atht"nf>c; 'Hln hPhl\.,Or'i that leaders se£m to hove IIIcommon

. Executl ve InSIghts, thE' company s quarterly purJllL3uon,descnbes a recent stUd) conQuctea by RHR at tWOvery :hITeremcompame<; In which top management .lll !>t,)fed lllgh 1'1 da: ful.]ow.1"'g areas

• Self. management The ablhty to aVOld dlstraetlOns andunneLes>-arv detalls aliows top l':J.ecutlveb to spend their time onthe tasks most relevant t(1 then goals

• Under1>t.andmg opportum1le<, and re,ource~ A long.termstraU>gJc "dream With a goal" as \\1'11 a~ the ab11,ty to set mean-mgful deadlines offer~ the best chance to <;C1ze opportumtlebO€fol'e they dl<;appear A fleXIble approach gJve~ manag<.rs thechance t.o correct errors along the Nay

• Broad orgdnlzatlOnal aw?rt'ne~s Top buc;mes<; le~der ... putth" total co.I,pal,)' ,;, "t, tJefOl e any pE'rsooa! or paroclnal go ..l1sThev evaluate and ;mhclpate the Impact of their Intendedact)\}n~ T.J.ponr.ther part<; of the compa 11)

• Effpct!ve politIcal c;k1ll<; thf> abIlity t,) pf>r<;uade oth .. r<; to(1IHJgf-" dlt:ll IJlr1llll'1: .;1

1III) "'ll rl~,,()r. t~lnh lrIC('rt:'I1n ~~1.j~

1<>an Importdnt lcadl.'r"h,p charf<ttf>r:"tlcSenIOr mao:Jg'er, a<; a g'oup h3\1' greater mterpprsonal ~kill.,

tlJ ...n mid lc,(l llldrldgcr.,

What does it reallytake to reacll the top?

~ helpr~.;.lobee on aupls.nes how

flight attendants will some-tImes use humor to get us topay attention to tlo..A ~tIIT~t~___ ... __ ... _ ).~,",'" rr.:a l..~.P6 hOIlJl .......I.....J."'~_ ~ _-_ ..........--so mQny t"Jncs before.

I once heard an attendantsay that anyone not payingattention would be asked toleave the plane (we were

one hunter said to the other,'"Do you know where we are?"

The other one answered,•About the same pLace wecrashed lItlrt. year ~

What a great lesson m whywe can't cont.mue to do bUSI-ness as usual if we want ourorganiza.tlons to thnve

Rosabeth Moss Kantoc at theHarvard B~j~ &..hool cMi\rc-cateS ~lUg ow..... to makppotnt6 more memorable.

Given the barrage of infor-mation we all receIVe. anyth.mgthat can help make pomt~~QI"e n~t:.eed ~d. remem-~

So 'Yo here do YOu get yourmarket Info"

LTS has been readmg thesheets and rug" for over 49years You an't posSIbly readth ..m all, and still -....ateh CNBCon Channel 38 of Grosse PomteCabie

It seems to L1'S that themagazme rags tend to wnwmostly about personalitIes,people stones, not about cvr-rent market condrtions andtrends.

LTS has often ment10ned ourpress deadline for a weeklycommumty newspaper .. it'sM"'nriDy mormng pnor LO

Thursday deliveryLTS's media fnends tell me

that the press deadline for amonthly magazine is 6-to-8weeks! No wonder they featurepeople articles and computer-ized mutual fund statlstics.

September~ ",mCt H'50 t->:- ana\ erc1ge of 1 P'=' V-'lt

But mar"b pt:'lformanc( ha:.D-t-11 .)tr th< ndJ K 1'1 tnoseS€'ptembpr-, \1 h,CD Lllo\\ edbitd Augu~t,.

in seH'n of the) eelr" "j'Wl1930 the nldl KH tJnKed 0) 7pt>fcent 0" llll.lrl.' II ..~ugu~.\\ OUla ~ ou Ot?'l!t' \ t' LHJ.L ul f.\ I.-

C'f thost> "e, .. n ) ".1r;." th""f'p'<>1l1bf>r d(chr''' tolio\\Jnf'the August d.ec1l1le J \1\ as ana.erall'" 5 9 pen.f'lL Just forthe record, !:lst month s(August) ded,ne \\as 145 per.cent

What now, bro\\n CO\\? HvldOF) to your umbrella'



•By JoaephMeagden

The lest of the people mImegot angry and sald, "Hey, howcOTTle )'nu gpt m;>dlOcre <>er>'1ce?You should be gettmg LOUSY5el'Vlce hke the rest of us'"

When we teach about orgam-zatlonal change we sometlrne1:>tell the story about the hunterswho shot several deer andwanted to carry them backWIth them m a smali pnvatenl"'n:>

The pIlot complamed thatthey weighed too much

The hunter~ explamed thatthev had done It that same waylast year

So the pllot reluctantly wokoff

They got a few mdes off theend of the nmway and thencr,jshE'd When they got out the

meeu.ng.~ .. else suggested tha~

they needed a pre- pre-meetmgto plan for the pre-meeting

I luv~ the storj that BobHu~ ut:n~ "'';-lCii ire ~k hi.;baggAii:: up to th-a t:icketcounter and asked the agent tosend one bag to New York, oneto Chicago and one to SanFrancisco

The clerk responded, .Wecan't do that!" Hope responded,"Well you drd last time."

Of course workplace hum'Jrcan &!.so remind us of theimportance of good customerserVll:e.

Management guru TomPeters tells the stoIY of a groupof people w81t.ing in lme m theserVlce department of a dealer-shlp

The person at the front of thelme was gettmg medlOcre ser-


Humor in the workplace can be productiveBy StIIlw.-t L Tubbs

Isn\ it interesting that oneof the most pop'1Iar topiCS fortraining programs Ul humor inthe workp!2ce?

h it any wonder that theDilbert books are 80 popular?

They take a gram of truthand t-..vist it in Just Il novelenough way so that It offers 8surpnse that catches us offguard.

Like the one C'artoon mwhich the employet:s wereargwng that they couldn't havea mcetine: w:.thout a pre-meet-Ing to plrm fc:'" the upccmmg

\Ias up '00, dS\\ a:. theRussell 2000And nO onese.:ms to careIf theAmetlcan~'n('k F:"rr.angt> P\ er eXlsf.<>d1

Ear!> tillS ""eek, ~Sl"'lmf'r"affinal1y cloSE'd and "fall"began If you had been at theequator, bunnse ::lDd bunsetwould have been exactly 12hOurb apaft

In northt>rn latltudes, hkewe are, the hour:. uf bUD.hghtwill contlllue to dimimsh untilDec. 2'~, the ~shortest day'" ofthe j.e.ar. That'.; called. tb:{'".....inter solstice," when the sunhterally stops in iUs southerlymotlon, and re,,-erses drre<:tlon.

Some say the new season ISC3l1ed "fall,~ beeause of the fallof leaves, whIch has alreadybegun

LTS hopes that the fall sea-son does not mtroduce anotherresumptlon 1Il the fall ofstocks' But, accordlng to theWall Street C-ompa.mon, a N.Y-based market newsletter, asreported in The New YorkTimes (Sept. 20, 1998). the DJIhas fallen ~ 30 of the 47

Last II .'e k \\.1, 11Tl at ~~r up",el"K

The DJ! ended the II t-ekendLo1 Fr,dfl\ '.ll 10)'p fJllmbw do"e ",t ~ 885 bt>

Th. S&.P50v \\as UPl~ 03 POlnt!>

c!"""u,g at102009 l'ne!".I>,SDAQ( .....I"\'n"\T\O-:::ltP

September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News





hUll b) n."rKH r.nang<-~ .vr.lch:=.E:-'l 7 n~ ciifiUt::pt o\:'r ....o;;nd] <"vUpf;bt1\.(.r,:o, n""l..)\ jr:ag fp,,)rt?, "1nd rnurE..to \Hdl-eqUlPlJ"d ulJd lu ,<Jl',OU,t-'~(kJ.t tr-..trk::: .:..r..1 ~P()r1.1t Illt~

, ehIclt'~

313-526-1432Garv Sikorski..




...,... ... L. "' ....... IT' (T C~.i"I.. . t-'t' r-

Onl;, 16 41S Rl\ler.-i~ ",,,,n"old In 1997 a \Ulll'''''' unllkel~" l.... r~lat(~t.d thl~ ""-t."\r

H" ...1'"":''' ~'l.' y ....qr ¥rd~ ]qR5\o\J'''=.l Vi .}.,J~ ,,",C'I t.. .;,\..1. ......

Tndt (,~1 r':ougmLl"'" the\ alUf; uf !lie Rl\ l.~r3 nULY'le ~ssno'" n In thf fad that th", 'In".!2 ('00 RIVWi.l- prcduted thl,\e"r .J.r" tu bf 1"911 models -ind".>110 ar" to b. pamt('Q slh prand dl'.lgnat"d Siher Arro....".expec"~rl to "pppal to collec.tors

The Rl\'1era v.a<:;apparently

,', tLl; I ~L{ NJ, a"d so \H.ft'

tnLlf ,.lIe' cota!~ r"' ef "'lih\t t'Jr , d. () ,cr"tn .n-it ...PI( 'It

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The Rilnera ""as downsIZedafter those cla~bll. models ro.d

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/,1 T sbil d~m'f

From pag .. 13A



Ir" I


call for detailsFREE! Hull inspection after naui out.

Cal/ for special pricingon end of season maintenance.

:J I :1-1124 - I f)112Located at Kean~sMarina100 Meado\vbrook, Detroit

.J & .J )ll'llINI~~ SI~ll'TI(jl~~



TIle '49 Oldsmobile Rocket 88 was a legendary car and radical departure.



"Used in conjunction with ESI;Y Gird SpecialOffer eXOlres Oct. 23, 1998

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MembershIp In Nomads CObts $400 for a sm', 1 1 .....,.".......... • ~ __ ..

I':.t: au ......... ~OV') ll)r do Ul<lrnCn ~ouple I nere "no char2"e for chIldren under age 22 whenmduded W1th a f..lmily mcmb.:rship Annual rlll.,., Ill'!' ~12n p""adult and there's no oblIgatIOn togo on a mimmum number oftnps LikeWIse, members cantake a" many nftl)e dub's 60tnps each year as they hke

Members travel 10 the club'sBuemg 727-200 Advanced Super27 "Clubhouse m the Sky'

Th~ a;rcrwt IS decorated WIththe flags of ti.lu:r~ ~hdU 7.'3 (..uuu.tr.t:" viblteO by Nomads T'ne JetcruiseS at 525 moh at 35,000feet Some 7278 carry close to 200~ple. but Lhe Clubhouse IS out-fitted for only 146 passengers and seven crewmembers The extra seats have been sacnficedfor passeIlj;l'er comfort andmcreased leg room. "The extraleg room is wonderful. Youcan get up Wlthout chsturbmgyour neighbor,' sald Khber.

"Tlus IS one ofthe npwestand nicest 727s rve flown,"said Captain Al DeRiemacker,of Clucago, a former AmencanAIrlines pilot who also hastIes to the Pomtes. All mem-bers of the flIght crew andmamtenance staff "comply""th f'very FedC'ral AVIationAdministration requiM'ment,"he saId

The Jet has new enginesthat were mstalled to mei.'tantiCIpated FAA soundrequirements In advance ofi...gIelatlOil, said Deroemacker,whose father was VIce presi-dent of the Grosse PomteBank pnor to It mergmg withthe National Bank of Detroit

"Trip costs are compahblewith ether travel gI'O'.lps," said Willett, whoalong WIth her husband, Howard, has travelednearly 45,000 mlies on NOnlacUl tnps toAustralia, ScandInavia and E~t.

Members can take fught-only tnps, or SIgnup for hotel accommodations and tours.

!'romnd~ tJ'lur ...3:_.:;..:~~:,"::; ~L ;-cwu~kJ flOW ..her.lemberslup but "aren't babysitters," SaldKhber. "Just because members go to a destma-tlon together doesn't mean that we're lockedlnt.o dOJng ~\.r ...rythlng toget...~er as e ;;:uup,"

Travelers are free to "1m thp;r mom WAV" "A,rlBarbara Willett However. members fr~~e~tiymeet for dinner "The group IS not cliquey,' sheBald

Tnps are announced In the group's newslet-ter and range from Fnday-to-Monday sallIes toaL upcommg 28-day round the world tour

The Khbers dre opting Out or'thf' world::IiP~ 1'I~t'.~ like uuing uue count-I) at a t1me,~Joked Kliber "My husband is often busy run.nmg ms CPA finn, so he hkes the fle:oblhty ofschedulmg short tnps."

Last year, the Willetts took a lO-day crUISedown the NIle. They showed theIr spm.t hyattending a costume party dressed asCleopatra and a pharaoh. In 199J, the coupleVISIted Queenstcwn, New Zealand, whereHoward Willett earned hIS wmgs as a para.sallor.

He put on the Satl and "ran toward the edgeof Bob's Peak, whu ..h IS several thousand feetup the mountam I hfted off the ground and~Iled far uut over' Lake Wakatlpu I landed ina schoolyard full of chlldren It was an exhlla-ratmg feelmg to soar as a blrd,~ he said

SId and VirgIma Hirshfield of Grosse Pomte\Voods, were "lookmg for occaSIOnal opportum-ties to travel at mInImal mconvemence,~ saIdSid They Jomed the Nomads

Last }ear, the couple accompanIed fr.eKhbers on a Nomads Jaunt to New York CItythat mcluded rooms at the fielmsly Park Plazaand tIcket.'l to RadIO City MUSIC Hal!.

The Hlrshfields prefer short tnp:., hke anupccm;ng extended \\~cekend ..tnBermuda"When we get ready to come back home, we'llput our bags outSIde the hotel room and notsee them agam untIl we amve back at the ter-mmal In DetroIt,' saId SId

Kozma saId short tnps are popular WIth theclub's younger members "Some of our youngernlt.u1L~I ~ hd\ t.- rdnllhf-l~ and can L a:70rd L.i.i~tIme or cost of long tnps,' he l>3Id Tnps to~Nalt Disney World and Yellowstone NatlOnalPark are 'lcheduled dunn~ school vacatlOos foryounger members W1th famlhps

Flo Khber gets d kick out of mystt'I)' tnps"On a myst~") tnp last ~rarch, ",e ",ound up

m San Carlos, MeXICO, In a l;)~;::ut.f.ll resortW1th a 10Vf')Y room - exqulslte," she saId

When m"mbers SIgn lip for mystery tr.ps,whIch are offered at least tWIce each )par,"we'rp only told enough bO we can pack thenght clothmg Onc(' we're on the plane they 11Ifh, hlOts ahout \\ here ",c're romg," shp saId

A nn71'. u"'lally a box of cand)' or a bottle of

~e NOMADS, pagt> 3B

Travel-happy Nomads flyin their own clubhouseBy Brad LindbergStaff Wnter

Stnke, schmlkeTt rl,nn't Cln,..l!" the t:-~,,~pc1pluns cf Ed u.ud p~v

Kltl>t.f whm PilOts lrom North,yest AJrhneswalked off the Job last month

The couple from Grosse Pomte Park knewth~y ('ould hop on a Jet whenever they got thebug to bust out of town

'The Khbers are members of the DetrOlt-based Nomads travel club, the onlv travelgroup In the country that owns Its- own atr-plane

About 90 percent of the orgamzatlOn's 12,OlJOmembers live In the Detroit area, and "Tlany"n> from th" Pmntes

-rile club h::!.etntcgntj"l''' ~d FIo K11~r'The group's emph'lSlS 1S on }ugh quality at Ii

good price," added Barbara Willett of GrossePomte Shores,

While commel"Cl.al airline travelers ofit:n flil.ea three-ringed circus of canceled fughts, over-booked airplanes and cramped Qverhead stor-age compartments, what used to be halt thefun of getting mere 18 now often an aggravat-ing assortment of screw-ups that sometimesmake tnps memorable for all the wrong rea-sons. Long-planned vacahons are easdy rwnedwhen they "'lccumb to the nether world ofdelayed flights, nussed connt.'Ctions and lostluggage

Not with the Nomads, said KhberShe and her husband, Ed, have racked up 40

tnps during their 20-year tenure with the club.W'nether spenmng a weekend m Manhattan ora few weeks m Europe, the KlJbers' Nomadsvaeanon! have been free from the frustratiOn=.that often SOUT the memories of commercialaIrline t:Ustomers.

Unhke the aunless habits of their namesake,Nomads know exactly where they're gomg, andwhen

A Nomads vacation starts at the club's pn.vate parking lot ..d.!.i':;;iit :.....; .... I.t:rwiudl onMlddlebelt Road at the edge of MetropolitanAirport. Nomads don't hassle for a parlongspot They don't worry about their ear beingmonkeyed WIth by vandals, thIeves or parkIngattendants

The Nomads' facility is about as far away asit am be from the hullabaloo of Metro's pubhctennmals and still be on wrport property,

Unlike C'Ommemal passengers, Nomad~don't have to deal with the harum-'SCanlmworld of parkmg restrictIOns punctuated byMetro's :menagerie of tt" !Be SIgns

-Shon-term parlong, long-term parkIng,mtermedIate parkIng, IOllg.term deck parkIng,"alet parlung, tow away parkmg, expressshort-term parkIn£. anwals. departures long-term economy parking, gJ-een lot. blue lot,buses only, shuttle drop off only, shuttle pl("kup, shuttle bus pIck up, one-hour parking,express short-term parkmg, $24 per day park-mg, authonzed vehicles only, do not enter, towaway zone, no stopping, no standIng, no park-ing, parkm~ lot full •

For Nomads, hfe IS E:unple: "Parkmg.'Cul'L~OCt,;.Ull rJ.C'et hJ;lJkJ, rt:u\"~".w f.'i1(k...w.~.When the Kllbers emi-ark from club head-

quarters for a Nomads get-away, they don'tworry about their luggage beIng routed, IIllS-takenly or as a pawn in someone else's labordispute, to places unknown

"From thl" nmp I tl1'Op (,ff my luggasp at theNomads terminal, I don't see my bags untilthey're laid out m my t}otel room upon amvalThe only exceptIon IS If we have to go throughforeign customs,. said Khber

Upon landIng In Detroit from abroad. "thecustoms agents come to our buildIng. We don'thave to belther WIth the congMhon ofMptro's.lnternativfJa.1 terminal_" she .5aJd

That's not all Returnmg from a wmtE'r vaca-tion, "our ear Wlll be waltmg for us with all thesnow cleanPd off," she saId

A pnvate Jet, safe parkmg, mtact luggage,personahzed customs \\7hat gIves?

The K.1lbers are "part of a travel groupwhose members want to go on vacatIOns W1thbke-rmnded p~ople and who don't want frus-tratwns Int<;rfenng ....lth theIr It:lsure tllTle,.sald Jack Kozma, preSident of Nomads

Kozma IS an f'aslly approachable retired",n,."tn"h<;t who 10,,1"'nth!' ,.lnh m lqf;6because he wanted to tour In comfort W1th pt'O-pie who share a common Interest and attItudeabout travel

"Jack IS a sweetheart He deserves a bIg paton the back for the way he and the mE'mbers ofthe bodrd of dIrectors run the c1ubt saId FloKhher

"The club takes care of ll"," she contmued"One Wlnter we were vacatlomng In MeXICO.Thc tnp was almost over and we wpre down 00the beach gettmg our last rays When we werewId that landmg conditiOns back home wereIcy and unsar£> The Nomad" put us up for anextra mght m MeXICO at no <lddltlOnal charge.

"We oper<lte the club for the bt'nefit of thpmembers," 8a1<1Kozma "Our success showsthat the club has better value becau:;;e of thec()nven:'.nce and tama'"adl:'ne "

When the NOmddl> wcre founded m DetrOltIII Augu"t 1~6;, LLt:, llod 204 !'l1(n1b('r'1 m.d nDouglas Dr -i'B propellel [lIrpJane Thpv were',. ....'" l' ~ t ~r '7("10"" h .....l1r .....l ...-111h~ n~t'()n ...v~.'-' UJ d;1J\) \,.4 " .. ~



Weddings September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News




•II 1



Kenneb, ....nh.port MallieThey 11\e III Grosse Pomte


t'~nk.l ArgUNd, daugh~cr ofAngr!m.l Lopez of Guatemala("1\ GUdle'nl.l!iI, apd JOi>e A" • .." I'" to, , "I.,.._

.. 1.1hU~ l"" ...• J1 u.... I\.. "" ".)1.1\. \ ......-1 .....)')

marnca J t.ifre~ HartwlckConnol. son of J\,!r and JlltrsLaurpn"e D ('Oil nor of Gr01>seP01T11p ~I..-ltm~ ('1"'" .\lH1' 11)

199~ 1'" [\c!.'rtie!d, MassThl' Rev (;Pflrgp C Anastos

offi l.iLf>d at the 5 p m ceremo-n), WhlLh was followed by areception

l.i.it JUdH...i Vi hUBO: \'\ d~ i"\..IDyC...-{)ldfn~b of ~1cy.,~Yvrk L.l(Y

Flowerglrls were Emil)Worster, C'mdv. Sldnt.>y "ndG!sci Argueta, ar.:! C:lll:lhChase

The best man was Mather PZlckel of Hastings-on-Hudson,NY.

Reader was the Rev JuddBlam of Deerfield.

The newlvweds traveled tnBanff and the Cana<!Ian nllrtb.west. They bve in Deerfield.

Groso;e POInte NeN~ & The (onnC'ct,nn96 KerchevalGro~e.Poln~e Farms. MIChIgan 48236t',ttentlof, Kim Koz'f)ws~l. DI~playAdvertiSing

engmeenng from LOUISiana'lhhnoluglC<l1 Umvelslty and .1

ma"tm of "c:ence degrC'<! In

elpltrlcal englllcermg fromOakland T.:mv€1 "It v He ll:> ai>oftlVfi!'e engmeer' WIth theWllldward Group m LOb Gatos.Calif

'fl:t n,-nlJw~J", ru,ut..ymooned In the Greek lblandsand Athens Thc\ h\e n 8an.fose, CalIf .



-----------------~.-- ....._--- -_ ....~-


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r.. l

Ii ~.'.A ....~- ......LW "6

Mr. aDd Ifn. PeterA:uthur Demeaak

Colleen Marie Taylor, daugh-ter of Julle and Steve Taylor ofPerrysburg, OhIO, formerly ofGresse POinte Farms, mamedPeter Aurthur Demczuk, son ofSophie Demczuk of Warren,formerly of Grosse PointeShores: and the late PeterDemczuk, on Aug. 22, 1998, atSt. Paul Ca..holie Church.

The 3 p.m. ceremony was fol-lowed by a reception at theGrosse Pointe War Memonal.

The bride earned a bacheloror ar... degree from HollinsCollege and works atl)uY"")uehelle Art Gallenes.

'!'he groom earned a jurisdoctc;r degree from WayneState Urovenllty. He IS anattorney.

The newlyweds trav ..1P<1 t.n

Send photo and$l 0.00 to:(Twins S r 5 00 ple<lse sendone photo of each Child)

- --._-- _.--~----- - ~-- ------ __ EXiJ D?otf' __ __ _

cf JuneThe bnde w')re an IVOry silk

s:.eath that fE'atured laceappliques and satm rosettesand a tram She wore her "IS-ter's vell and camed a naturalbouquet of burgundy, pmk andlYory roses and Queen Anne'slacE'

Matron~ of ronor were thebnde'" ~lster, Margery Mlll!:'fBuchanan of Oakland, Calif,and Chns'ly WIseman ofChesterfield TownshlO

Bndesmulds wel e • SUJ'anneQumlan of FraseJ. Kelly Greenof Rocklin, Cahf, Gabnella7<J,~d."'~1Ul CdJ.uLJ~i!. \""dH.i..1 d.UU

J\my Dowme 01 KalamazooTht' flnwergIrl was Audrey

MoylanAttendants wore burgundy

crece A-hne floor-lpnlYth tl~5'''-es.

TLe be,,. man wa" r<ltnckMoylan of AntIoch, Callt

Ushers were DI'IV'" Racl{us ofSterhng heIghts, EdwardBuchanan of Oakland, MikeMayer of Atlanta, John Greenof Rocklin, Cahf Bill SchmIttof Redwood CIty, Calif., and thehri(lp'" hrnther, Dr J:m~eeMiller III of Washington.

Rmgbearc:o ~"a3 Andrew"Miller. Alexander MIller dts-tributed programs.

'I'he mother of the bride worea tea-length ivory lace gown.

The In'OOm'S mother wore afull-length pink silk gown

Musicians were the RichardLawrence Trio and MODIcaDaVIS, a string quartet, key-boardist Adam Wegener andtrumpeter Rick Leder. Singerswel e the groom's mother,Susan Livmgston; and Chrissyand Mark WISeman accompa-nied by Karen Russell. Readel'liwere Jennifer BurkliArmstrong Of Royal Oak andJames Miller of Washington.

The bride earned a bachelorof SCIence degree in nuningfrom the UniversIty ofMichigan. She is a registerednurse 3t Lucillo P«eksrd.Cluldren's Hotipital in PaloAlto, Calif.

The groom earned a bachelor(If science clegree In eloctrical

N M, Warren Creamer ofChICagO, Bnan ,'otter of 1.03Angeles, anQ Walter Gunn ofLong Meadow. Mass

The bnde earned a bachelorof arb degree from WillIamsCollege and a MD degree fromthe University of ~hnnesotaMedlcal School Sht. IS a oedlJ.-tnclan

The i,'room earned a bachelorof ~rts degrel:' fromWestmm"ter College He I" aself employed carl>Cnter

The couple tr.w('led toFrl'nch Polvnel:>la They !lv(' 10Orono, Mllin .

NEWAwvALS OF 1998Grosse POinte News and The Connection l'll!Wtpapers an- planningtherr 4th annual speCIal edItIon featurIng the babies of the past yearWe hope you land the little one) wIn partICipate by supplying us witha photograph of your child 10nJv '998 babies. please I for PUbhcatlornIn thIS section

Inls tablord Will be publfshed JanwlUY 28, 1999 Your chlld~pIcture, along wl!h other '998 area baOles, Will be the mainattractlonl News and advertlsmg about clo. -:; feeding PdIH:..>tlng

and canng for your child Will also be mcluded It w,lI be veryInformatIve as well dS a lommemoratrve edition for you I

Please send a cute. clear ohara ~color or hl~rle ;;. ...,hlte. hOrne !:Y

studIO produced, preferably sm.ilHer than d 5x7) to Grosse PomteNews & The Connection. 96 Kercheval Grosse POInte Farms MIChigan.497'" A..t-::--~.'.:.' ..... :f - !(.:-~!o.:..s:' . O:s.P',,::, .I~'~.""H.':UII~ Compfete tneinformation SliP WIth your childs full name. delte of bIrth and hospItaland return It WIth your photo Please pnnt your name on the bacK ofthe photo so you can pICk It up at our offIce after prmtIng •

9~ Kerchevai, Grosse POinte Farms, Michigan 48236Attention: Kim Ko~'owski, Display Advertising

(3131 882.3500 FAX 882-1585


Your pIcture must be receIved In our offIce no later than TuesdayDE'cemb",r 22"1d. earlier wo~.rd <3SSlstour productlo'l schedule (LateNovember and December birth photos may be submitted untilJanuary 8. 1999 )

We look forward to prodUCing our <lr"nual .Siley EdItion" and C'reSLAreyou want your little one Included .A, limited number of extra coores ~WI!! be avaIlable for purch<lse to gllte to tamlly and fnend~ I\n'IE GfC'SSC POinte News & The CunneetIon reaWfP ;I ~ I/) on f~e to I \oove, pmduet,on 00S!' P, .... ,n<lud' "ch"" ;"on,y ~"''' 0' '''d'' Icard numller wltn your photo

Call or Drop by the

Gros~ Pointe News~

III r w .. " • , I I S

Marlisa Jane Miller of SanJose/Calif., daughter of Jamesand Marlene Miller of GrossePointe Woods, married StuartBryan Slack, son of SusanLivingston of Sacramento,Calif., and Bruce Slack ufPIneville, La., on June 6,1998,at the Churchdl Mano(' inNapa, Cahf

Dr. Mark Goodman-Morrisand the Rev. Chervl Goodman-Morris of Portola ValleyPresbytenan Church officiawdat the 3 p m. ceremony, whichwas followed by a reception atthe same location. AnotherreceptIon was held at theDetroit Yacht Club at the end


n.,.:m~ yuu en ,U Pll-Cl~t' fe,,,ill I" iait." tl1t1r1 Dcu:mbe'r 21nd 1998. December birth photos .1(cepted..;,:.ntll January 8 1999,

Parents Ni'lme (First & Ldstl _

Vh<:1:atMe. # __ _ _

Date of Birth - ---- HOSpltClI -- __ ~Phoroe . _

~!gnaj u'e . _. . . . . .. ._ . _

Tk8().J;~o!1998Please Pnnt

Childs Name /First &. l.clst) .__

the late James Darro\'.Standish III, un June 5, 1998,at the Cathedral Church of 8t:o.1arK In Mmneapohs

The Rev Joel GIbson offiCIal.t',i at the 6 p m ceremony.'Whlch was followed by II rece.,-twn at the Laflij-ette Club

The matron of honor was thebride 5 bl",ter, KIm Whltnc):"ess

Bnde"nllHds \'.ere Evel} nDouglas of Mornstov.n, N J ,Amanda Shipley of Andover,Mall" , LeSley Otto of Portland,Ore, .luhe .Johns ofMmnc:lpohs, and the groom'sIliZU:lt~"'Q l(~",,1"11 n ~...........-::\...:fC~.::-:;: ~:-,=D'UJ.Ju. ~ SLd.J.l.ul;:,lt

of SeattleThc flOVi erl',.rl WaS Isabel

Ciark SelXas of Seattle.The best man was the

groom s brother, James Clark~t.'l."dISh of the City of GrossePOInte

Groomsml'n were '\,\ilhamalii ll""" , Gr ..g Lemweobr,Wl1ham Gilbnde, ChadMatthews and Jay Standlsh,all of Groase Pointe; and thebnde's brother, DaVld Whitneyof San FrancISCo. Ushers wereJames Brooks of Santa Fe,


PatnCla Camazzola andCharli:tt GudUbhiKII uf GrosseP(lIDte Woods are the parentsof a daughter, StephameCll.mazzola Godoshian, bornAug. 21, 1998. Maternal grand-parents are Elsa M. Camazzolaof Grosse Pomte Woods and thelate John Camazzola, Paternalgrandparer>u are Rose andGeorge Godoshian of WestBloomfield'lbwnship.

The Coffee GrinderSl.ari Wlt"ezak - RollClY & Co.

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TJ\ n" .;-1-0« .. ,. ...r " , ....1-,..(;..y-Standish

LuCy ~1cDor.alJ Wtutu",)'.daughter of .1 KunballWhitney and Helen WintonWhitney of Wayzata, Minn,mamed CTalg Stroh StandIsh,son of Karla Behr Stamllsh ofthe CLt,y vf Gro~ Pointe and

Babies15evanJames ~ong Cor~nKnstle and Adam DeJo~ of O'Meara

Grosse Pointe Fanus are the" CorL-tt Qnrl r.ll.tL~l';lleparents ot a son, Devan Jameli> ue a ~ ~ :..u~.

DeJong, born June 30, 1998 O'Meara of the CIty of GrosseMaternal grandparents are Pointe are the parents ofa son,Michael and Marian Proffitt of Corbett J~ohn O'Me~, bornGrosse Pointe Farms, Paternal Aug. 13, 1:>&8.MatelTia.i grand-grandparents Rtl' Cheryl parents are Patty Cappy ofChnstenson and Larry Tulsa, Okla., and WallaceDeJong, both of Muskegon. Harper of Grosse POlDteGreat-grandparents are James Woods. Paternal grand~~and Kay Proffitt of Sarasota are Pelltl10pe Kruse of YpsilantiFla, Norma Tazalarra or and J~hnOJrbett O'Me~ ofMuskegon; Bertha Leroux of the CIty of Grosse POinte.Naples, Fla.; and Gustaf Great-grandmother. ISDeJong ofAlberquerque, N.M. ~~de Duffy of Hilton Head,

Surufay, Seytem6er 27, 1998from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.:M.

Cfiamyagne, Coffee & Dessert wifebeserved:.

Eleanor Wendell LiedlLt. and Mrs Damel Mark

LJedl of Fort Bragg, N.C., arethe parents of a daughter,Eleanor Wendell Liedl, bornAug. 18, 1998. Maternal grand.-a.W"n_4"" _ ...._..J "'6 __,,_ .. _ .... -.. _ .. '" QlI.&\.I ....... 0.

Edward H. Jewett III of theCIty of Grosse Pointe Paternalgrandparents are Marie Lit'dlof MlllslOn, Texas, and JeffreyA. Lledl of Rochester, MinnGreat grandparents are MrsEdward H. Jewett II of BocaGrande, Fla. Donald Lledl ofFlorence, Anz., and MrsClaudIUS C Gage of New..""_t _V',lIl:'IUns

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Kiska JewlliersThe League ShopCOllnotly Travel

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'?If-.,.....,.,...,rl-~~ ..e.,1''' r~......n c."", .. ..- ..?,,,....,;,, I:..m ... e-r-'U"''Lr'~''","" &WJr~rv, u ...'""'ya.c. ....1.:- &oJ L.i. to"'&,. .....

Please resycmd' earfy.

Wno sfwuWattend'? j\n'\fone irrvofved in yfan-ll'f.ng a wetfj;(trlfJ: 1Jrufes, ~ro(.o;;'., :Motner-oJ tne'B? u[e, .'Motfil'r-oftJie-<groom, etc.

Presentecf fry:

Intend to stop," saId Kliber.Soon, the Willetts WIll have

traveled ~more than 72,000miles as Noml'lrl!'l ~mrl hP quail-fled to jom the group'sCU"CUmnavigator Club. Butthere are many more me~~who have logged more miles -one couple has more than900.000," said Barbara Willett.

"So, Howard and I havemore mdes to go before weslet;p," she said

"Psychology of Aging - 8

KounC1tab!e UI8CUSS10'l" IS afroe commumty prognam pre-sented by the Mental HealthServices department ofCottage HospItal, a member ofBon Secours Cottage HealthService.; AOlvonp ""ho III Ulte-r-ested in the aging process iswe-1.:-ui'ii.c "u c::twuc.l .Reservatiuns aro not necessary.For more mformat1on, caliKeiler at (313) 640-222i

Tempted to}Om but wen tsure ~ BeC017U! an CISSOC'UJtemeii.Wr [or $30 and ieamabout thl?cluh dunng 8~lalsocud e!!ent8. Call (734) 4213011.

--- , -~---

..~- ~ - -~ ----

. .

and the Amencan Southwest.They've played golf m StMartins and toured m~"1;ofthe Caribbean "We likeislands,~she said She particu-larly enjoyed the eastern fla-vor of MadeIra, a PortugueseIsland group Ul th6 Atlantic offthP. coaat of Morocco that wasonce on the trade route to theOrient, and thereby reflects amixture of European, Afncanand Astan cultures.

Like a group of vacatlOnmgMusketeers, the Nomads areall for one and all for fun.

"My husba.'"ld nnd : didn't goon many trips wlten our kIdswere m school, but now thatwe've gotten started, we don't


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Oglst; Janet McKenZIe, geri.llrne nurse praetJ.t1oner, andCathy DonaIs, genatnc SOCIal

worker. These profeSSionalswill address Issues related tosuccessful aging The)' Will

examme what 18 normal vs.probiematic agmg in reiatlonto n.edical and medicatton.: .......~ ...... ..1 ... __ .......... ..: .... J _....;:l'" ...c:~,UlW}o'I 'Ci.,~lVL1 AU"- 1.J..l'CUJUt.;y

decline, avaIlable services forthe older adult, anC1 satety andmdependence Issues.

Faces & H_I_a_c_e_s 38

From page 18champagne, is awarded to thefirst person who guesses thecorrect destination. But thechampagne celebration w111hav~ to walt until theClubhouse lands. There's nodnnking OD the pla..'le.

That's not the only rule TheNomads regard travel as aspecial event and dressaccordmgly wlnle en route.

"Out of respect for our-selv~, the poopie and loeatJonwe're visiting, we don't allowpeople to wear tank tops, cutoffs Spandex or RWlmsuits onth{>Airnlane." said Kliber

The khbers have takenNomads vacations to Europe




Psychology of Aging discussion slatedCottage HospItal will host a

roumitabie WScu5sIon on thePsychology of AgIng from 7 to8:30 p.rn on Wednesday, Sept.30 The program WIll be held 1D

the lower level boardrooms ofthe hospital, 159 Kercheval mGrosSE' roir.te Farms.

Particlpatmg In the round-t~b!c d:.~.::t:.GG::.cn ........... Dr.Antoun C Mangoanllb, geriatncpsycnlatnst; Suzanne L.Kt'lij~r, Ph D., ~erldLnl.ptlychul ..

Rumpus for babies. and a grand rumpus was had by all attending the first llDDual Bumpers for

Bables/Wings for Klda Black Tie Gala at the Grosse Pointe War Memorlallut Fri-day.

011band to enjoy !hie revels with an "EveniDg in Paris" theme were, from left.B1Ln"~nI ~'It.h'!!!.." D!- "A4:M'k.1~hn!M)!l. hi; wf1~D!" Chr..!!ttnoe J~rpba1r, and !lI'an~,.and Jack ReDick.

The 1:=11 !::!f::!!:~ ~ff • weekend ~!!t thAt ended In • clauie eJkr ahow at the WarMemorial, au to benefit patients In the prenatal lJUl'gery program at Hutzel 1108.pita!.

Nomads------------ Margre &ms Sm/,th

ored Chrir.tian Keelean orGro'lse Pomte Park for her1,.1l ....t~ta.HdJ.ng \'viu.i1t€l.,..r ':LL

Vl(.es Kt'elean wal'l pI eSt'ntedWIth the Honor Pm

Kedean 1'1 a leader for'1'r"on No l.'N', and 1'1 her:treais nelgh~r~ond servlceumt rurector Additionally,Keelean assists the entireMichigan Metro GIrl &outl.,ounCli memoel "mp D} "tlrv.mg as the lOuntll S l'alendarand nut sale roordInator

Keelean credits hel daugh-ters Bndget, Alhson and,......... .. 't

...u..c,;;rta.u ...U ....! O}J-Ui. n.u..lb J,!t::J.

mterest m Glri Scouting .,hebecame a troop leader whenher gIrls Jomed the GIrl Scoutsbtlv<,n yedrb <igu

When a~ked why her volun.teer work IS Important,Keeh~an responded, "I feel 1am a posItIve mfluence m theglfls' hves. Through Girl~'llItm .. J eRn hpln lmorO\lpthe co~unity." - •

~1.u.JugaJJ. ~~etroGlrl ScoutCouncIl is the fourth largestGirl Scout council In thenation and proVIdes leadershipand cultural developmentopportunities for more than40,000 girls In most of Wayneand Oakland counties.

Dn-ections in BostonHybels earned a bachelor of

arts degree from Franklin andMarshall College and a mas-ter's degree in businese admlU-istration from Boston CollegE:Carroll School of ManagementH~ is a computer assuranceconsultant with PriceWaterhouse Coopers In Boston.

John F and Mary JoYoungblood of Grosse PomtePark have announced tileengagement ot theIr daughter,I{j;isten Anne Youngblood" tvRIchard DaVId Walker, son ofJohn M. and Kathy Walker ofScItuate, Mass. An Augustweddmg is planned

Youngblood earned a bache-lor of a......s degree In economicsfrom Boston College. She is anaccount executlve WIthBronner Slobberg HumphreyInc, an advertismg firm mBoston

Walker graduated from theCarroll Schoc,l of Managementat Boston College W1th a bach-elor of science degree He ISgeneral manager of SurfSIdeRealty Trust, a commerc1s.1R(al Estate company In






Honor: Mlchlgan MetroCU"~ S~cut C~'Y...lJ.c:dhas hGii"

tIclpate In "penal organ' zedwarm up ('xelClses Clown~,.i. .... _I. _ -#- l 11 _ 11Ln~L JJ41HU..llI6 ullU .)d.jJUU ..l~ ....JH

be avaliable for children'1 here will be a PICTIlC on thela ....n beside Lake St ClaIrafter th .. w,l]k

Cl,,3Jr~an of the r'£}'lefit 1<::

Dr. Lavell Courtnl"y. Co-ch'urman IS .Jeff Cothran.

For more mformatlon call~!leAmencau tie-in.r\bsOclatlOn at' buG) tltlo.l. 7~:l,e::t 328

Prather of the City ofGrosse Pomte. A May weddingis planned.

Quilter earned a bachelor ofbusiness adminIstrationdegree in finance- fromVillanova Universtty. She is aoommerc:cl loan office.t." n'1.thFirst Clncago NED Corp

Prather earned a bachelnr ofbusmess admlDlstratlOndegree m accountmg fromBoston College. He IS an~ccountn....'1t '\"V1th Pl~nu: &;

InICT>'I'ul dnJ qU1'll1ed rerl. rl Olav m1t..e apph,alwn If' become a r~g'''('red,,,tet 'I the ( "1 (,Ier~ I Oll"c Mond?y \)- rough fnday hel"'een Ihe ~ourl c!• 1" J m If' , ,~)r m ,. anI l\l"hlgan ')('crClary (,t 'italc ()ff'ce The la\1 d1)to reg,'ter lor Ibe "'ovemh<'r \ I<)'IX(,ellenl IlcClIon wll1l1c I nd y October '.ILJlJK k. Y01l llr", unable to ,,-orne 11 toe J.~()"C: tIme, ()r IT YOU arc In t!OllOf ~"tothe Itaw' of VOIlrrel:",rallon pi '3'" call ,4, 2) \0

1\OTlCE:. I'; t'loREBY GIVEi'. toat all r",.dent, or the Cll~ 01 Harper Woo<h,\ hJ M;-o;t the tnlt \ I"'g 'l_:lI.tCJtrnr"l, b) Oct "'b--"'r .:; IQlJS "~11f hoP "'IVlfl-:-d to ~reg-I,tered a, an eleelr,r In the preelnet If' ....hleh he or ,he re'lde, f'~tlhe GeprealFIe~llOn '>Chcdllied f"r ""ovcmhcr' 1998

n Pill fl he ('onn,',1 on 1)9'2-1198&. 10101/98PO" fl- [) 'iLpte'l'l>c! ~ I'll'

O<;hall hc" CI'l/ln of the United "'<lle'°<;h"ll >,e dt ka,t 18 year<; ,~fage",hall he a fe, ,dent of Ih,' '>tate''>h~11 be ,I rC<Jdent of Harper ~ood, for "I kaq 30 da)"

HybelsMr. and Mrs Barry B.

Holmes of Avon, Conn, former-ly of Grosse Pointe Park, haveannounced the engagement oftheir daughter, CarolmeHelmes, to David HickoxHybels, son of Dr. and MrsRoger L Hybels oi Wellesleyand Glocester, Ma:>~ A Junewedding is planned

Holmes earned n bachelor ofSCIence degree frt')m 'RradleyDnn-crs1ty and a master'sdegree In SOCial wo:k fromBoston CollE:'ge She IS a chm-Clan WIth Work Famll)

HI'11+noS-_ •••• lLoo

Chrl8tJan Keelean



The Grosse Pomte dJ",lslOnof the Amencan HeartAo~u\'!dtHlj,l Wf.U ~.l.vlJ lt~ ~tl.

\,nd American Hf'art Walkfrom 1 to 4 p m. Sunday. Oct4, at thl' GroBbe Pomte W.. ,Ml'morJal ::12LllkeshoreF..egIstrat!')n U.ll! beWn atnom'

I. The event WIll bp a famlly\f ~walk~ to focus attentlOn on~ Amenl.a S ."0. L Killer - car-~ dlovascular dllrea&e and

stroke Two routes will bt>t available 4 2-mlles and a ~ I-t miles1M- ~,(J Y~Q"'~ !O'/ifC'l"l"lt,~ d ....1!-=~..t ed to the memory of Grosse

Pomters Jerry Valente andJack VanderMo.II'. It wIll begmand "nd at the War Memonaland take walkers on a l.rossePomte route that mcludes astretch on Lakeshore Dogs onleashes are welcome.

OrglUllzers hope to attract700 or :rnorp wl'll<prQ Ann rA,qp$50,000 at the second HearlWalk to be heid in GrossePomte.

The afternoon Wlll Includeopportunities to learn how toreduce risks for heart diseaseand stroke, a chance to get ablood pressure screening, tosample some heart healthysnacks, to hsten to live musicby Skin the GQat and to par.

Susan Brady Quflterand Ke:ulcth Eul

Prather Jr.


\ofr and Mr~ TJ,(lm"l~ RQUllte, 111 of Grosse POinteFarm., have anl1lJUncE'd thE'etlUiH!r>ment of thr>iT (l.r,,,,htpr

.. Su:a'~ Firady QU1lter. toKennl'th I<~arlPrather ,Tl', ~O1"(If' Mr ':md Mrs Kcnnf'th F

Seph:~mbel 2,1, 1998Grosse Pointe News

Heart Association presentsGrosse Pointe Heart Walk

Lynn Brocklehurst of St.Clair Shorf's formerlv ofGrosse Pointe Park, and Henryand M-!!.TV Ehmn..th 'R.>1l nfKalamaz~, have announCl"d

if the engagement of their daugh-;: Ler, Kirsten Ehzabeth Bell. to

Gregg Andrew Kubert, son ofCharles and Josephme Kubert...~ u~---. ......_ tf'...........-._L.:_ A_UL .l. ...OLL • .,U.u ....u'"&.4.CI,u ...l-". ~

Cktober \\-eddmg is plann.,dBell earned a bachelor of sci-

ence degree In mtormatl0n sys-temR managpment from WayneState Ulllversity. She IS a com-puter f'ngmeer W1th HewlettPackard Co

Kubert eamed a bachelor ofarts degree m English litera-ture dnd creatIve wntmg fromWayne State Umverslty. He ISa doorman Wlth R1tz-CarltoaHotel Co






September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News

from Atwater MIcrobrewt'ryand Cuo-a-Cmo, musIc 'Vlll beby the Al Aloub AsSOCIatlOn

Ilckets are $20 and WIll beaH8.l1ablc th~t c","crungAdvance tickets are avaIlablef" JUl St A..TLbr\J~~ P~n:oh 'J! c1.Uy

of the partIcIpatmg restau-rants F'or more information,('all (31.3) 82.2-.2/l14 or e-rnElIl tostarnbrose~home corn

~"'CrouS... lheastern MIfIlIC" ell.pIer

St. JamesLutheran plansrummage sale

The WOIr.en of St JamesLutheran Church, 170McMIllan m Grosse PointeFarms. '9,1];] hold their fall nlm.mage sale from 10 8.m to 2p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26, at thel"hurch.

Featured "''Ill be a FrenchRoom with "extra fine items"for sale Other items willii-elude household goods, cloth-inJ:t. books and toys.



~.• ,,-d* '''0'8 '~trr.h ,I SlJar.:es~ __ ._..

170 McMillIn Rd" near KercheYaIGrosse Pointe Farms, 884-0511

Grosse Pointe., ....- ....Vnlli11U11I

REV. OR. V. BRUCE RIGDON, preaching

9 (X) & ]1.00 Wor~hlp Scr, lce~1000- Church School tor Children & Youth

8 45 . 12 15 - Cnoffoddler Care

7 30 il ,11 . ECLH'1cmcal Men" h,day Breakfa<;t


,0:00 A M CHURCH SCHooLRev E A Bray, Pastor

n..J' ...... n... ....'1:: ('I' (:.t .....ol'I' ~ 11 ......~.c.no t...........lS'-JJ ,;:)L\;J.. _ ........ " • .l.l.l. .l.u. ...O"" .I.U.l.lU

for St. Ambrose Academy

The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church

Grosse Pointe Baptist ChurchA Christ Centered, Carmg Church

Committed to lIouth and CommunitySunday School - 9:45 AM

Sunday Wonhip -1l:OO <\M21336 Mack Av{'nu(' Grosse Pointe Woods

Phone: (313)8813343",,"'W.gpbc.org

The nmth annual 8tA:nbrose Oyster Fest, a nelgh-borhoori event to falSe moneyfor St Ambrose Academy, WIllbe held flom 5 tv 10 P Ii'lMonday, Sept 28, undel a tent...... 'A' 1 _, ..... _ 1 ... 't -""1 /"'HeAl, '"'u ~"J.,-ut'.1 0 ,j.u.~J .r..t;ll"., J...JL .1'-'Kercheval In Grosse PomtePark

A number of local restaura-teur"! Will pro'.lde their SIgna-ture ent-rees at the bt>netit -the Blue Pointe restaurant WIll

~ I ( 1v ......"' .. 1.iW,J t'I"""':=lX.I. J..ua..l...I. ....w,i (.4, "' •• '"

Blue Bay FIsh and SeafoodMarket ~l prepare Marylandcrab cakes; Sparky Herbert'schef Ken leFevre "''Ill prllBeJlthiS seafood chowder, Martha'sK1tchE>o'lat Muller's Wlll can'coct a cajun red beans and neeIt:\.Jpe, nL.lS(..eml~s will offer lJotcorn bread; Gntmpy's specialtypizzas will be avwlable; SIerraStatIon will offer Its salsa andtaC;) chlps; SunriselSunset WlUt"nAW£20"t-lliIl"'h,!,. NnJQ.n't2 'Pn.h.,...;noffer-~h'-p~ia~-~ad- andbarbecued ribs. Sindbad's willprepUA.-eclam chowder; theSprout Heuse will oEpI' freshvegetables; and desserts will befeatured from Cache Cafe,DIsh and Union Street.

Beverages will be available


16 L8k~hore Drive, (;ro~~ Pointr Fllrm~ ml2.r;330

~.__ .7~

~600,m HoIyLllur~~

~10"lOal'l Ho'YL'IJ';I'r~!!!l:nHAQI ~

RelllllM Ea~1OO '01 All Ages

!'lfN t JemPTfl'rS~'R.. F, Gonmm"", MWn>sR-v Fr L~ Copac .. Jr

+~'.- m._Ild-SlCl* ....<) (810)77Nl11

SIIaII Jo,tuuy the ::llrIsllanFailll. Tra4lhon and WOrItIlp"'_11 &.-1-.. _ r ..... _ ....

Worship Services

Sundays ae 9:15 a.m. and 11:15 a,m.

10:20 a.m. ChrUd.lD Education for,11 AptNllJ'MI'l' ca... frovldecf

SII"''' 1842

Tht' Rc\. Rkhard W [ngall.,Rector

KenMlh J S.. eelman,Organl~lllnd CbOlrma~ler


THURSDAY12 '0 p.., H,,11 Com.,.," on


!"1eIIlt Again" tlIf'\-

10"30 a.m. S8Mce & Churc:h~ ~ 730 lUll. Maw .171~:n \~p"@.J91lOam. :U:SdJoeI

I .~_Nlursea l~ry.mAliailabl~l!el:""_'E~",,-'!:! I- • - - ~ - .......... URA.C£ UNITEDSeaday I «eaeemer Umted Ifil CHURCH OF CHRIST

l~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ IM~!~~~!_~~'!£~~~~ _Ken:nmJ al Lakeoomle,e 3U i1.tn Coonu EucnanSl_ IJ+--~~" 'H~~,u~r2ft3S.L~"':;-'" .-""" urossc FomlC Pan: H:.l.j/slJ I AI.!. Pr'l1 G .... _1w"""", Sunday - WOtsillp 10-30 a.~ .W!Ylr.LCCIl£II ..." " ..".

(NImCl'V AV1Ilablcl Tuesdav . Thrift Shoo 10.30. 3.30 _ _

IL~ ~ Wednesda'l. ~&f ~ Semon; Christ the KingIS1 10.30 a.m Worship 'I~ Lutheran Church

The mernbel> of FntEnglishEV.LultInlCluch ~~ II "f __•._•• __L_

First C~ur. ch .of Christ, I Venner Rd. oll Wedgewood Dr. f._~.~j "'-S84-5090'lVVI- • Grosse POlDlC Woods !.,_~enUst l 884-5040 ~~4" g is &. Hr'lS a.m wOl'SlUJl Semce

282 Chalfonte Ave. <; 30a.m. worsillp It.PIIUIIv. Lutheran 93Oa.m. ~::~=I &Grosse Pointe Fanus, 730 p.rn Thursday WMlup 3711.otbnlD 8t Ch8Ifoat. SupernsedNursery Prov:ded

Dr Waller A Schmid!, Pastor uf...-ro::::rdlJlllyin..i;e yOu LO I ~'M 9:00 & 11:15 a.m. Worship RlDdys. &eIter, ......

JOID us at our ~~.(tl ,~ Urosse Pocnte 10:10 a.m. Educatlon for all illllOthyA. HoIzerIalld,Assc.PaswSunday Services 1ll'30 a m !WI WOODS Non&yAVllllab!e Grosse PointeSunday SChool For Students I L .~ PRESBYTERIAN Ilew.FredIril:lriIlns,PlIItllr UNITED

up to the age of 20 10.30 a.m 1M. ClIrislllpIier ffp, PIatol'Wednesda)o Services 8 00 p.rn 19950 Mack (belweeI1 Morass & Vermer) , METHODIST

9:00 & 11:00 a,m. WOl"5hip GROSSE. CHURCH10:00 a m. Education Hour Po IN T ENurse:y Services AVailable UN [TED A F!len;:t A~~~rch for

GO~ A~1\1 .. c . 211 MorOSs Rd.vvu-hJV LU H U RC H . Grosse Pointe Farms

E-'nll QP\vpcoJlJl1O com AmuATED Wffii TlfE UCC AI\IDABC240 OtAlFONTE AT LOTHROP 9 00 & II 15 a m \\OC'ihlp

884-3075 lO15 a.m. Sunday £Chaol

wn., pll1'llliJ i!fflap~"

Manners' on Hare Phrza tn Ine Tunn,1Frtt S.cured Parklllg. Ford ('raI'(Jpt

1:..1" aJ iT"""",w" <I< JtLurson

A HOuSE Of i'Ro,YER FOR Al..LPtOYLh IThe I~28 Bom. o! ( ommon Praver I

SUNDAY830 am. holy (.OIrmurlcn I10 I ~ "m "'dulL B'ble SLudyLi OGd fn • nOl) Communion

Sunda~ Sch"ol & Nu,,",!)


I ~istnricj, JllI{a:riu£rs •. (£:frurdy

At /,l~I ~ ..

'.1,-",...-- PIwto by Larry PepbnMike Muller. .t tb.~ leIt. 1IWc1DIUl Fieps:wWllKi hIUlg a

banDer for the ninth lUlDual St. Ambrose Oyster Fest. tobe held from 5 to 10 p.m. MCJDday, Sel1t. 28, nen to Muli-er's Market. 15215 K~rchevalln Cro$3~PoiDte Park.

Woods Presbyterian Churchto hold annual rummage sale

The .Presbytenan Women of 'fuesday and Wednesdaythe Grosse Pointe Woods evenIngs of that week, forPrPRhyt.prian Church will hold items too large to ~ brought t.otheir annual rummage sale on the churrh For l'il'lmf'. "fill th",Fnday, Oct. 2 and Saturday, church office at (313) 884-4301.Oct. 3, at the church, 19950 Chairman of the sale 1SMack in Grosse Pointe Woods. Shirley Goolsby. Laura Hmck.sHours are 9 a m. to 6 p.m. and Tht'rese. !-.mold are ro-Fnday; 9 a.m. to noOIl chairmen. Committee chaIr-Saturday. men are June Gill, Ada Dlckie,

Rum.ma~e will be collect...edm uns Johns. Alice Glen. A\ld~yRauth Hall beginning on Marr, Al Goolsby, Bob Hinck.s,Monday, Sept. 28, from 9 a.m. Bob Ebersole. Bill lUunm,

I to 9 p.m. and each day tht:t s~na Tew, Jean Campbell,vreek until 4 p.m. Thursday, Carolyn Clark, Ruth Moore,Oct. 1. Shirley Patterson, Mary

The sale is unable to include Dykstra, Shir~eySlDlth. Estherlarge appliances, large OT over. Chase. Dot BU!!hy, &tty Kirk,stuffed furniture or TV sets Ruth Dornbrook, Kathy Dale,that do not work. Pickup ser- Peal] Halbert and Harrietvice will be available Monday, KamIn.

i I

ChurchesYont Kippur -The Day of AtonementBy Roger SkullyLay Cantor

Yum KJpUUI I::' a -;olemn day of :r.trospect!On andself-appraIsal Durmg thls tIme, self-exammatwnand pemtence are the themes as ",ell as the deSireto do Of'tter In the commg year

TLt. Buu~ VI LJr~~ !~ l.Ju~t:d dL ",ill'" ~uuui I '!It" Uf:1Y,bilt guod jt'~ds and true contntlOn can alter a badde('ree 1 he SIlent ccr.fes:"lOn 1.1the pray('rbook, the"Gatt's of Repentance" otfers an essenre of tillS""1"~._ ,.l ,.................................. ,,/

"1"1mj ~:1dl.{.ldu3.ht;j, !turn to 'toe. 0 C-od) andseek Your help For You care for each of Your chil-dren Y0U al'e my God, and my Redeemer Therefore,....hII.: ,.. Uc.HJ lIle uthers thmk tnE'lr own thoughts, 1thmk rome, and .as each one of them seeks to expen.ence Your presence. so do I

~Ea('h person's abilItIes ar~ hmlted by nature andby the CIrcumstances we have had to face. Whetherr"ha"e donE' better or worse with my capacIties thanothers with theirs, I cannot judge

"But I do know that I have failed In many ways tohve up to my potent!Sllit:!es and Your-de!nanas !'Jetthat You expect the impossIble. You do not ask me.'Why have you not been great as Moses?' You do ask.me: 'Why have you not been yourself? Why have younot been true to the best in you?'

"I will not lay the blame on others, though theymay have wronged me, nor on circumsbwces,though they may have been difficult. The fault liesmamly in myself .

"I have been weak 1 have not lo,,'ed enough, noteven thoose c!('sest f,O me .. ,And do I not share someresponsibility for the social evils which I see, hearabout, and read about daily? Have I always used myuPPOI'hlili.~jt:lS as a citIZen to relJ.eve sdfering, tospeak out against inJustice, to promote hannony inthe life of my city, my CQuntry, and the nations ofthp world?

"Help me then, 0 God; help me always, but espe-cially now, on this sacred Day of Atonement; helpme to banish from myself whatever is mean, ugly,callous, cruel, stubbom or otherwise unworthy or abeing created in Your image. Purify me, revive me,uplift me. Forgive my past, a.:ld lead me into thefuture, resolved to be Your servant."

Inscnbe us, our friends, neighbors and loved ones(even those not-$O-loyed-ones) in the Book of Life foranother year of life and health.

A ••l"Ulltlll, ':UlQ ~en.


II _

IIRummage, Boutique Saleat. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church will hold lta UUlaal

Rnmmage and Boutique NIe on Friday IUld 6atmday.: I" Vet. ~ an!! 3. Funds raised fRlm the Ale wiD Apport: the chareh's Christian outreach prognuu. Sale h01U8: axe 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday; from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sat.- iii'day,• The boutique will feature better quaBty clothing.

8Jltiqu.es. and nearly Dew items. The mmmage salewill Include cloth1D& for aD ages, _porting gOCKU.toys, jewelry. linens, small appliances, recorda, booband fumiture.

On the a:eeand day, items will be IlUll'ked down to$5 per brown bag: half price for anUques aDd betterclothing.

Chairmen of the sale are Pun JlUlkiewicz and SeaGrenzke. Boutique coordinator is Sandy BroWD..Fromleft, are VOlunteers Marie Zener. SUAD Kvale, GraceSchiessler IUld Karen 8eDdoue.

The cburch is located at 37ii Lothrou In GrossePointe Fa..~. "

For more information, call the church office at(313) 881-6670.

I Read.....o5ay ~GOrd\;ye :To YourOldt'ar?J

Put Somet'Good" In the Goodbyell)on~le you, sed car '0 ne NotIOnal Kldnt!y found Ilion K,dnev CarsPTognm The fi<;1t!1 can help 'ave IIV~ We II arrange a pickup art! youmlgn' Qu.ll~ for a ,~~ decl'JC',on'~

, .. "",,,.. is;. ~- ~'lJAI Call:.",,,,(,,,,,.l\,.,(~a I-SOO-J,SS-c'ARSL III4FNational k;dney Foundatlon-!

September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News Communit 58



PrOVidence Hospital on thewestsIde, All weekly sessionsrun from 6 to 10 p.rn.

Deadhne for required train-ing _lVU f,lC'll-egi&txtltWD isFriday, Sept. 25, for the east-SIde and Fnday, Oct, 2 for thewest81de. To register or formore infunnatloD, UllI (313)868-8420.

ommends ,lmplY avolChngthem .lltog 'her to preventproblems

'Olestra can have another,much-publlcu:ed effect on peo-ple gastrolntestmal d!8tre~s,"'1;1 ..... -1 "0 __ 1.......... }....n hauJlCl,.L UbUI~ o.JUI.... ~ "'1"'....... ~ ....eaten a lot of these food!:> haverep0rted abdommal <-rampmgand dIarrhea That happens\ .. 1 {"\1 __ l,..,~ -cule IS too large \.0 be absorbedor hrokpn down hy the diges-tive enzymes, so It goes rightthrough your system 1'"118.t'8what cause" problems for somepeople .,

Fagan noted that there's yetanother slgmficant side effectfrom Olestra a possible reduc-tion In the effectIveness of cer-tam orally L.dmmlsteredhpoth.thc drugs that reqUire fatfor proper absorption - melud-ing mazetam, norethindrone,propanolol, and ethmyl etltl'a-thol, whIch IS found m birthcont,rol pIlls.

"The bottom !me IS, we sim-ply don't recommend productsW1th Ole5tra to our patient8,"Fagan said "They may taste somuch hke the regular productsthat you can't tell the differ-ence, but until we know moreabout what harm they may doto our systems, we recommendavoiding them altogether."

YOUi~Skinby Lisa A. Manz-Dulac, MD

l\Ild untl!. the sore is healed.HSV sores can reappear aft.er

only 5everal weeks, or severalyears many transplre betweenoutbreakS L'ldmduals wrth fre-quent or severe oudJrealu, tn3yneed to col1Slder oral IIIltt-vml1medIcatIOns to help controlmfecttons

'Ib learn more about herpesSIITIplex, contact yottr dermatolo-gist, or call us at EutskteDermatology, Dr. Lisa A.MaltZ-Dulac:: and AS8IlCiates(318\ 8&tr338O-


Please Jom us for a free educatlOnai forum on"Vagus Nerve Stimulation"

a N£ W optlOn for the Trearmem of Epl iep~ y

Tuec;;day. Septen.ber 29, 1998Bon Secours HospitalConnelly Auditorium

UctrOll, MI7:00-9:00 p,m.

L~adJng Neurologist, Dr 80m Lehetawll1 be pre~ent to an~wer questions

regardmg Vagu'\ Nerve StimulatIOn TherapyImlll Idual, \:11 "/<0 ,hare rhelr real-life 'umes ~ Jlh epr/epsy and

their pa'onal etpeflPnce I,ah \la~u, Ven!! Sllm .. lalloll

Pleac;e call (810) 779-7900, Bon Secours Community HealthEo II' aLioll 101 Il:i>t:ndtiult, and flee liifurmation

*\!nr l '.:11 h H n.rr

Herpes SIm-

plex VIrUS (}is'llcauses sores orbhsters wluch canappear almostanywhere on t1lebody~lHSV

(commonly called cold sores} mostnfl:f'Tl~ffPM. th .. 1m... mOllth f1(\.~ orsurroundmg areas of the face Type 2HSV affects the gerutaha.

Generally preceded by a sense oftlnghng, bumlT.g, ltcl'.mg or tender-n,-,ss m the affned area, HSV mfec-bons are contagious from thtll pomt

InwviJulili. iu",~b~ ill \'01-unteering to help fightDetroit's high infant mortalityrate can participate m trainingSessIOns to become d Parent.-Infant Partner and provideguidance and support forexpectant parents from preg-nancy and d~hvery through thebahv'l'I first v"'ar. The traminJ;(proiram 81~ offers an opportu:nity to help parents learn to One of every 50 babies borni~. In Detroit mes bcf~ the

A free six-week tnuning &ell-> infant's first bIrthday. Poormon beglns Tuesday, Sept, 29, nutntJon, lack of education .mdat Butzel Family Center on the prenatal care, teen r-regnancyeaststde and Il four-week seg- and drug dependency aU con-sion starts Thursday, Oct. 8, at tributl> to this tragedy.U ...4- L,.". '-1-1. ,ro,. ...n~~_rr~ n#o'fl'od~~c::; , ... ,.~ ......... , .. ~ .... , &.- ... ' .... '.0....vJJ ..., .......

Bon Secours HOSPltal offers 9:30 a.m. Thursdays, Oct. 1,monthly heart-health screen- Nov. 5 and Dee. 3 in the Bonmgs that include assessments Brae Center, 22300 Bon Braeof total chvle'lterol, HDL (good m St. Clair Shores. The al6t is....hnlo.o::Jtornn .....;cr1Vl'iP.,.,~1KZ .Anri t9E\ ~ lV"'rAnngh~;;;~-l~;~l;-I~;i~g-th~-li~d. .profil"! cheek :md the Hee..rt Th schadule Rn .. ;'~.!:.t:::.=t.,Test nsk questionnaire. call Bon Secours CommunityResults are available WItlun Health Education at (810) 779-mmutes, and a health promo- 7900 between 9 a.m. and 4: p.m.."," ~.--.....I;d ..,;11 l- "v,,;l ..hlp wPf'kdavs (For accurate testf~-~~~;:ci~ns~-- results: a 12-hour fast is neces-

The next heart-health evalu- sary ~ water and black coffeeatlOns will be offered from 8 to are allowed.)

'>0The malO problem WIth

products that CO:1tamOle!>tra,01 fake fat, IS that the Olestramay <-ause you to lose yourablhty to abborb the fat solubleVItamins, whIch are A, D, Fand K.," said Con Fagan, dreg-lstered dJebtlan

"The product IS so new thatwe Just don't know how muchof It you can eat befor" youdeplete your natural stores ofvItamInS But a study pub-hshed. 10 the Amencan Journalof Clu!1cal Nutnhnn ,mggeflt.PtlWH1,~."Ulng;t.SL 20 grams a dayof Olestra reduced serum vita-min D levels by 19 percent.That's a slgmficant amount.'

Cmcinnau-based Procter &Gamble, whIch holds thepat~nt for Olean (the campa-oY'1>brand !lawe for Ole"tra)has recogmzed this potentIalproblem and plans to fortxfythe s1l8<-kproducts with fat sol-uble vitarcins. But Fagan rec-

For further question., call the offic(' of Dr. 80ris Lebeta(Sj 0) 771-7 .wo

Volunteers fight infant mortality

B} llUI'. )UU."L 1J1lJbatl\ seena number of fat-free "narks onV0ur -.upenildrkllt shl'hesThey md) ~l;'m like a temptmgIPVn3t10n to mdulge In foodsyou'd gl\en up forevt'r

..... 1 ..J....... ... ...llUL. 1.-..' Ho' a. ,hVUU ,I,."'~GI. ,",'\,.I

mdulge y'lUr cravmg:> for the,esalty snack f')ods) A ftutntlOn-I~t at St John HospItal and... ....... ., I' "'

.......... I~ ....... A ..... '-''- .... .1. ..

Fake fat is itfabulous or foolhardy?

1ne u-rosse J:'omte ::>10 tAubwlll hold lts annual BarbecueDinner and square dancebeginn;ng- at 6.30 p.m Sunday,Sept. 27, at the Grosse PointeWar Memorial Tickets are $17.For mo,'e luformatlOn, callJack Cotahng at ',313) 886-5972.

The dub meets at 7 30 p mthe first WE:J!lesday of themonth from October throughApnl

dent Richard L. Rogers, presI-dent of the Center for CreatlVeSloudies, wiii speak Il.bou~ loheImpact of a recent $20 millionglft from Josephme Ford to theschool.

The Grosse Pomte RotaryFou~datlOn recently presented8 check fill' $1,000 to DrWIlham Chase to be used fordental needs of the poor InBrazIl ChasE' IS a past dlStnctgovernor of RotaryIntematlOoal Since 1992, heha! bee~ ~ V~ll1nt..pPT miT~is1.f1T.mg to the dental needs of theless fortunate populatlOos ofThlfd World countnes.

G.P. Ski Club

Rotary ClubThe Grosse POtntt! Rotary

Club will meet at 12:15 p.m.Monday, Sept. 28, in the ball-room of the Grosse Pointe WarMemorIal

j"-' kl- [ ....;, ~ .:,la{i:~~~((;~,;:,:d ~1'"~~' ~~t" ~ # t!;~;{ ~

Cinema leagueThe Gross~ Pomte Cmema

League W111meet at 8 p.mMonday, Sept 28, at theGrosse Pl1mte War Memorial.Tilt:: l-'J.V61Q..lJ.J. w.3.l b.e: ;;.~~t th~Everglades National Park, pre-sented by Gordon Lome, dtree-tor of the Sterling HelghtsNaturE' Ctmter.

.,., ~~'}<.,.~,( ....~L) ..._1j,... ...

pat sco~ jewelers


Pettipomte Questers No 243Will meet on Thursday, Oct, 1at the home of Carolyn Fortler.There WIll be a French P1CnIC

and a program on pressed glassby Fortier

19495Mock' Grosa.. P~nl. Woods. 313 atl 5M2 /~..h-'Io"'C"I" lI, ~

\'" ---

League ofWomen Voters

The League ofW<>menVoterswill sponsor a town meeting,Do -Y'ie SLili !,~U evu;,!l.-

Schools?" at 7:30 p.rn TUesday,Oct.. 6, at the Gl"OSSP POInteUnitarian Church, 17150Maumee in the Clty of GrossePointe

A four-member panl;) willdi!K:uSS pI'OpCBa.<l concerningcharter schools and \T()uchers.

Keynote speaker will beJoseph Stroud of the DetrOltFr~ Press. Panel members areDan Cassidy, director of educa-tional DOllev at the MaclonacCenter' for Pubhc Policy,Mlchael Flanallan. count vsupenntendent of the WayneCounty Regicnal EducatlonalService Agency; anJ BarbaraMarkle, director of the K.12Outreach Program for theMichIgan State UniversityC",llt:t;t: uf ~du.~tiuu rui" ru.ui"i:information. call (3l3l 882-4295.

Camera clubThe Grosse Pomte Camera

Club wlll meet at " p m.1'Jesday) Sept 29, 8t Brtn,l.rncllM1.ddle School, 260 Chalfontein Grosse Poin~ Farms for amonochrome and color pnntcompetition and pictonal andnature suae competitiOn, \.,.8U

(313) 824-9064 or (313) 822-7080

AAUW presidentThe American Assoc.-tation of Univeraity Women.

Grone Pointe branch. kieked off its ran &euon with• champagne evening sept. 18, as CrlstlDa Staatstook over .. the organization's new president.

At the left and right, lUe EDen Chapin and carolyn

IIBarth" p...t ~M'\.trWpre=h!~::t=.!:l the center is Staatl9.For more information about the AAUW,call member-

, 1..._Bhi_P_vi_ce_P_resi_den__ t_M'ary__ McN__ air_a_t _(~_1_S)_886-__ 4_3_3_9_._

Breaking the cycleof domestic violence

Nallcy De/:roo1e L~ corporrzlc dIrector o{ Commw"t)Health (or .'It JoJ.n Health Sjstem

By Nancy DegrooteSpecial Wnter

DOIl1t:~ol_ 'Wlt'lH c OJ pal ,11t-1 '101t'.Il.-t' ,:> d ",glllfil.-ar,the<1hlr II"\.;. for many wornf'n Up to four mllhon VI omenare battered every year In the Umted States - oneevery five <.econds

AccordlIlg to th", Ndtlor.al Centl:r vf ContmumgEdLlcatlOl1,dom::-stlc VIOlence1", so common that It ISnow the leadmg caU1>eof lllJUry to Amencan women,accountmg to morl:"ho~pI' dl "mergency room VlblL~

than auto acc:dents,mugging-: and rape" com-bmE'd

Domestic yiolence canhappen t.oanyonE'. Ittouchel' the hve'! (If peo-plp of all races, reh61ons,ages, backgrounds andeconorruc status Menand chlldren, as VI ell aswomen, are VIctIms ofthis aooalJuu;( crime, butby far, more women areabused every year.

Worse vet. unrelentme:battcrini m women fre -quently leads to hoIW-tide. The shockIng reali-tv is that more than halfof all women murderedin the United States are

Nancy Degroote killed by a current or for-mer partner.

DomestIc violence actually L'l a two-fold danger to oursociety. It not only causes injury or death to scores ofwomen every year; it also erodes the family, the veryfut'.!ldat!!!~ ')!! ..,hl .. h mlr r.:oMptv 11'1based.

That's because children learn what they see, andthose who WItness domestic violence may becomeabusers themselves. If they are victims of abuse, theywill make others victims. Our prisons are full of criml-nals who were ViCtims or who observed their mothersbeing battered. The family becomes part of a tragic,Vlcious cycle.

The most obvious form of domestic \iolence is phyelc~abuse. But th.re.ats, intunidation and control are alsoforms of this insidious problem, all of which usuallyescalate over time in both frequency and severity.

'OomPRticviolence can be t~ered by numerous fac-t.l)r~,\lltf." A1Nlh()lll.nd!ordrug abuse. stressful Situations(such dS fuUlli~aJ dIfficulties), personaM}' dIsorders,j~O"'-:sy, or e.."ri.!d..l:.ood e~pen!!n~.E ~f !!.bu~@oor lTiolpnr.P

None of i.htllle tlu~1S justify aousive behaVlor, ofcourse; it is a crime no matter what t.ht"trigger may be,

People who have never been battered often have ahard time understandmg why a woman would re;nain man sbusive relationship, particularly when the safety ofher childretl also may be at stake.

But someone who has been battered often has been8.IDJected to ongomg mental abuse and made to feelworthless. The battering partner may have so under-mined her confiden;;c in herself wer time so that shemay actually belIeve she's getting what she deserves; ortmnll that she's not good enuugh i.u hi.1vS a 1~feapa.-tfrom the abuser.

She may feel embarrassed or ashamed to admit she'shf>il'\~ hPaten She may be afraId hpr abuser will hurther If she tries to leave Or she may believe her partnerwhen be apologizes for the abuse and pledges to changeills behavior.

Furthermore, the woman may find it hard or Impossi-ble to leave an a',uslve partner who is providing shelter,food and other support. And because abusers often cuttheir partners off from family members and friends, bat-tered women may feel af; though they have no recoursebut to suffer 10 silence.

Sadly, statistics show that It takes between seven andllmcidents of being battered so severely that emer-gency room treatment is necessary before these womenfind the co~ to leave an abusive relationship.

Often, they're galvanized into action when therr chll-dren also become victims of abuse, such as when thekirto: ~TP l'::lught m the crossfire when the woman's part-ner throws objects dunng an assault

If domestic violence IS happenmg to you, you shouldseek help immediately, You also should have an eXItplan ready in case It'S necessary w leave qUlckly in anemergency situatIOn. Ifyou don't have a fnend or fromlymember you can count on to "helter you and y'lUr kids,locate the address of a nearby shelter hke My Sister'sPlace or Cathohc Social Services that can prOVide assIs-tance and support You'll find these and other shelterslisted m the Yellow Pages

You also can find mformatIon about shelters in theoffices of phys1Clans affiliated WIth St. John HealthSystem and at Eastwood Climes.

Next, assemble an emergency bag In It, you'll wantto plac~ c!othlTlg qnn t011ptry items for both yourself andyour chlldren, Soclal Secunty cards; cash, checkbookand saVIngs account numbers, financIal pape1'l'l;lIlsur.n_ nn ._~n_' _L,,.,,,, ,rl",.,hF."",t>tm n::n ,pro: mrludlTH!' bIrth~~;t~fi~~t~;:d';~~~;;l;~;~;;;;nd'l~mlgration and natu-ralization papers, and a book or toy for eaeh chIld Use ap!dJP paper bag and c,tallh It 10 the botwm of your closetto aVOIdcallmg any attention to lt

Flndllv !~Ju~luLt:::l G1at ~.,..ou're not alone Thcr::; o:lfCpeople a';d places ready t~ help you when yOU make thedeCISIon to leave

Rememher, too. that ('very woman has \ fight to a MeWIthout vIOlence

So please taKf' the fir!'t step - Just walk ?way froman abucnve relatIOnshIP and reclmm the life you and)our children deserve

81. John Health System I" sponsonr.g a domestIc VIO-lenLe confelcnce on WE'dlleRday,Od 28 There 1') nor;harge to atter.d For mfonnatlOn or to reg1su,r, call(313) 343-2943






oS Seotemoer 24. I&~t:SGrosse Poi~te News


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(formerly Hallolark Eastown) \\19849 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods U

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I p.m

1 i5pm.

215 pm.



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of Mack. betweenMo'I"s 3nrl (<lO,,"LJX

It 9 7G 5 2A 4.. '09 6 ~



8 ~N


4' 4• A 873• KQ.Je82• 95<

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our • FordoCHere we have the reverse situation An opportumty for South

to successfullv saCrifice <11fi,e dwnonds down only two as thecMtis are (-300 ootlble) Wesl then would also make a fomngp&~ a'Jd.E.!.~ would double But o. er Sooth'. forcm g pass NfJrthmus! take ~ome awon Agam It'S oh-so.c1ose bUI North hasdefenSive cards an.d lIke<; hIS chaoces of doubling \\dth honors .nthe unbld SUIt and what looks 10 be a sure spaJe winner

Note that a diamond lead gl\es EIW their conlraCl North'sbean kmg !>eeIIlS ddICvoyant, but I'm ,ure m)' readers wouldnmke the Sdllle pidy

'There are at lew.t two other forcmg pas. ;lluallOns. but enoughfor one d..--y.

Performances that promise to dehghtPleasant Moment Vintage Dancers -Eleg,mt ballroom danCingWhat-'e l,..c.I'I. _ IINrftinn .........IC ..... - ~ -,.....:;;:r -- ....WIth vocals, gUitar and pe'cu:>slonRaisin PIcker's String 8and -SWln2.~le to the sound of BluegrassAI Winters Swing Street -DIXIeland and BIg Band musIcOperaLite-An <lHdY of (dvorlh! Broaoway show tun",~

Tour our spacious centerTake a closer lOOk at our ReSidential. ASSisted LIVing andSkilled NurSing (Me areas. which pi oVlde a $pectrum ofCare to elder adults VISI. our Glh Shop. &eauty Snop. lIorary.chapel dining Meas activity rooms and soac'ous gro\l~d~The Senior Community IS a collaborative effort of the~Isters of St Joseph and the Sisters of Bon Secour,

Celebrate good times A Iat the fifth annual ) •

MusicFest1- 4 p.m. ~~

join In celebrating 10 years of excellence ~.,;'Be our guest for a fun-filled afternoon that IncludesfrP.e entertain'Tlent. refreshmer>t~.tours and moreRSVP (313) 343-8931

51 JGI'ln.Bon Secours senior CommunitJ-\:TJOHN ....... HrJ"~fl..OL.R5..J 1 ~ H["LTHC .... RE

H.illh S'II...... _ c;"~TFM llo,K"

''''''f~-o. A wde of (fiend, 0 <pecr,un of carl!'..... ,,'1;,Il

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~ *:HAVE A PLEASANT TRY AT PERfECTIONtlnlr\r r. D\J UJr\f'l.rw Rf'\yn • V ...1I:.uru1J\JL U I n VVLJ 1 UV - I.J ... , , ~ .:11


the for~ n, P.:I'" h\ Jo.l~t .•me oj th'N: V.hdt.h,una( .JIll" thdt hd' I'e\erl,.ovcJI :,~ih::d .....ut :.., JlC.~\.I;.wjA~ I 1\.. >~ v" .u .... ,"""::t. l,.,l.J;". i \.!.ml'\..LUUi.d 'I'd:t 'I

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When properl) ImpJem~1teJ It l' d Pd~~ thai (ol1Ipel~ p..rIner 1O !..litefuMtr 4l.110n L ..uali .. 1l1"1f',okcd b) ;he vpeillng bldJ.:r or l:r;, v,er-

LAi: IcMt: Hl i"u jJ.t.S.~ ~"'liJ.U; aAo .... \)jhyet'tj "e ~'"'t,-,~n",\.L)~.f'5:' lrww AI Ulmf" f3x::tmplelii.





"',.... '7 _ If 'f .......'I' ...._.1_ JL _'-''w I.. , - .... ...-..", .....l1I'CWIBY PHONE' COlIt. On. houT bfIfol't .ItOW»lIIe and be

(248) IS45 ..6 6 6 6 part of 1M L."tICm It..olor OlllTqeo1Q

_':L-.- __I••• ~ __ ,___ ~

--;;.,;R~~~~~;;.;...~.~ .AJtIIIID..IU.......INFO \3BI983.6606 whel'll'(OlIllt't to ct"WlUI'O\lM a"d act

with tll. pTllITG'ROUPS (313) 965 3395 nR wmt YOUR P.\JO ADMISSIONI


~GIM THEATRE~o~JU ..... -.. DctrcIM, • UIU

~ (J13) '63.'801 I g Pi I

CIIIIlIIa!* ~ ~ ~!! ~ _ (ltl~-...wtJ I 124II"~


Night, b.ing ~ to blackwagle and witchc:raft.

Millhauser explains: "Someday that the girls. gather incovens to pnu:t1ee the art ofwitc:hetaft; under the guidanceof older girls; there is talk ofspells, potions, a goat-hairedfigure, wild seiTures andabandons."

"'i'he New AutomatonTheater" is a spooky renditionof a town's pride m Its newtheater, and as one of thetownspeople expresses It:"Althuugh the origin of.ourart ill obscure, and the prt!Cl6elmes of lts development chffi-cult to unravel, there 18 nodoubt concerning the tenden-ey of the art dunng the longcourse of its dlstmgw.aed hIS-tory. That tendeney is towardQ1'\ ever-mcre&sir.g mastery ofthe 1I1USlOD of life." F\l:'Ures ofammals, mmiatunzed peopletrot through their paces,bnnging astonishment tothe\r audlences.

"ParadIse Park" IS yetanother unwolldly scene-th~o t,ni.e an amu&am~nt arcs.filled W1th Incredlhle SIghtsall due to the creatIve genJolSOl: a showman det.ermmed tostop at 'lothmg to create hismQ~mficent showpIece Allthe other stones Llu.t makeup Uns umque collectIon ofweird stones involVing<;trangl' "haraeters and unbe-l'l'vable nlot,q III 8 tpRtlmnnvIII the eerie wntmg skIlls o-rt~e author

Steven Millhauser hasr~ached for ~he n~oon a.nd,therefore, he has come very Ldose m Accompllshmg thISdeed. HIt'! wntmg IS filled",.,Ih unfoTP'!'ttabl!' ImRP'!''!Ilnd colorflil 8E'ttmbs thRtreaders are bound to 1)(>thnlled, mystIfied, andpiqued from the first to thelast tale Read and enJo)

evolved mto a "'l.'l ot prohlemsana ml"' ....nd~r=.~ndmgbetween th~ <ouplt: wnlch waseventually resolved amIcablya;, t..l.;.ey ......tnest.ed the dlsma.'1- IIthn~ of ccmmun!..:~ ,. ....

"Tomb WltJl a VIl'W IS a IItonl.!Ue-m-cheek oortraval of

~~.e\~~~r~u~~~~~~~~g,o!_~.~". II_._. __ ....... ,_ ........ _,., ......... _ • .,J IIWIdowed compatnot: "It hadbeen a bad mommg" when IDbsecretary entered ha office."I~,~~~~..=~~~II


Mi 8 F'1eamarsh had come m afew daye befllTe. Her husbandkg'" ""'.'''''It •.i'~1nM ra' .-1-. .... 1" nAir)"",

~n -the tram to Sahllbury:UUBsed. the cathednil. col-lap3ed on the bus, aDd d1'ed atStonehenge. She insuted onbaving bun creznat.ed so that&he could alZ'!'Y him m ~rbandbeg. Is there a more pre-eumptuous statement than'He would've wanted It tIn8way.' Aceompanying l!'.S ootrmback. to Baltimore would havemeant her missing the tour <>fthe Lake District, andStratford waa tomorrow. Mrs.Fleamanh gave me to under-stand that whole unburnedadult human corpee WlIB a ter-ribly inMnvement thing. "Hebowled t' Jot: she eaid, IUI itthiJ Wall all tbe explanation Ineeded. And even moreobeeurely, 'He always bad oneof those shiny blue jack.eta.-

Pulitzer Priz.e.winningauthor Steven Millhauser hasa new book or very unusualehort stories, '-rile KnifeThrower," which deals withmapane and imaginativeentrepreneurll who set upamazing 8boWti to atu.n agullible public. Tbeee dozenta1efl explore differing facetaof this world - of magic,make-believe, and other.worldly phenomenon

The title story concerns almife.thrower, Hensch. whomakes a danprout art out ofhiJ lmife.thruwing skilla, edg.me ever clmIer and clatter tothe ultimate eoige - deet.~

Aa. the nanator points outat t1Ie ClDDClwriOl1: '"But whenall we said and done, whenthe pT08 aDd cons wereweighed and ~very issue care-fully considered, we couldn'thelp (ee~ that tho knife--thmwp" hlld I!'rmptnn f",,"

Ano+..her p~cr-st!V! Wedeals Wlth young girlii, mem.~ ,.~ rJ"i,. c:: "'M J_.." v -.".Io:lI ,~ VII

bew1wbed by her pcculia.rb!:auty, which W88 the beaut,.of certam tree. he had beenadmuing all afternoon in thednve from the Btu1ka ofCateragglo. She was abm. likeall those treu, and unhke anywoml'ln he had _n on thi8island. He Imew tb:n tb.t hewould not leave Corte Wltbouth('f. She was t1'.:: embodune::tof everytbmg he loved inConuca The Idea that. bewould take her with him wasdefimte. There was no doubt10 his mind; It was rash andnecess.ary. And WNre he founda seat !U1d ordered a drinkand then chose at randomfrom the menu, hp. hadalready deeded on his courseof action. It only remained forhlm to begin .•

Another tale 15 of a frustrat-mg encounter between atounst a:.,d 3 small beggar:F1ed H~L.:l~, 1111 Americantraveler in Russia, .8 confront-ed by a small boy in Mo"lCOwwho WIshes to swap Fred'sParker pl"n for some souvemrof rus own, a small enamel pinstam~d ¥lith the gold head ofLenm and the dates 1917.1967 The swao dont". Fredreturns to hIS room "at theMetropole Hotel. 10 a roomheated to a skm-cnnkhng 80,Frea flIcked on the fake chan-delier ana exammed the pmHe knew, WIth that certaIntythat comes qUIckly to travel-\:;rs, ~"at he had l'mcn onJ.n ..died He llJ'ound It mto thesquares of shrunken p&rquetWlth hIS heel, and then spat."

In "APohtica1 ROIl"aTl!:e,"Moms Rosetree, a researcher,recalled how he always Cd.lmrdhIS Wlfe after a quarrel byrecalhng how they had firstmet In tne NatlOnai LIbrary InPrague, how he asked her.'Excuse me mIss could you tellme v. here the readtng roomIS?' and how she replIed, 'Youarc e.M,:ubcoU i~J~ 10 L.n,s vl<..ln'"ty' Al~hough l'E' :lad be~nworkIng for hiS doctoraldl'gree on tpe hiStory of the('71' ...hoq:ov~k'" ("llmmllll1<lT

P,utj. j.101T;S ilO(Jn hrE'd "f hiSlOt(.ll2ctuallabors and becamem"rp m"'llv~rl WIth r...,pqknKanek .• mrl tPPy pventuallyn,:u T1( d 'T'lUq. of cour.,C',

'Iberoux P088efl$etI a fine~~ w.....:" i..u. l.U.i colorfuldescriptions of personalitiesand BCeneB which marvelouslymake his c:haractera liveamidst foreign c:uJtures with abit of sang-froid.

In one of biB early stories,Th~roux tells of an eveningwith guests, an odd aesort-ment of unmatched charac-ten, at his London ~nt;"This' my chaise, <m whichMias Byward was sitting; mybnts8 Benares ashtray with asmoldenng t.!:-.:m~le shape ofSir Charles's pipe tobacco init; my tumbling tradescancia;my gate-leaecl dining table onwhu:h one of Ronalcf. dentsW8JJ stiU visible: mv footstoolwith its brocade cUshion; mycrystal 8Ugl1l' bowl; the wineg11U18 Miu Byward WIUI hold-ing; the pdlow Tanya was bug-gir.g; co.y basketwork fruitholder; me."

Ayoung traveler in ItalybecoDlelS bnotted with a beau-

'"The Collectro Stories"H. P.,.JI Thf'~ol.v.V;k,"lg 660 pai5el> $29 95

"ThE' Knife Thrower andOther ~torl~"

By ;:;te~en Mdi.'ULI.,&ercrow,•. 256 pages $22SlXty.elght bn1hant bhort

.................... io." •• 0 ......1 f"l"l~ ........."" ..~ ....... '"• ~~~~ _'" a __ a ......... .. _ ...

gathered together m one vol.U.me, "The C.'ollected Stones,~whlch contalD hiS work fromfive preVioWl bookls. H.1s &to-"''''$1 .... nVP wltlpl" from rJ>tl-

mopohb.'n Lc;:}~n to ~ exot-ic localell of Southeast AB1a.

Stories will amaze,mystify, deiight

September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News


• •. - e .....EntertalnmenL September 24, 1998Grossp. Pointe News





News coo oppeor oneday <¥ld be goo" theneXT Our !he papernews IS pnnred on conand should Irve Of)

Lasryear more 'ho(;one rtllrd of all U S Inewspnnr v.as r€C)<!eoAtld Ii lOt ilUmoo IS I I

I grow~l~ 'ftIS me one .. ~ Iway we CQI'I ....

all giVe some- ~L IItung back n-~!


Free lectureon interurbanto be presented

Rain or Shinefrom 5 to 10 P m

In me tent at15215 K3rcheva'

,n Gro>;se POInte Park.next to Muller s Marketbetween Beac()nsf;eid

ana LaKepolnte

The nl"wll<.<ii OOUtly of SlClaIr Shore~ and the' Gr,)S'fPOinte Hlsto',cd.l Society "Jll~DOI'<or q l€'rturl' "Tp" "'WI"Line Interurban IUO YU'lr~Sen mg Grosse POint"" StC idlr ;'1101"':;; an(1 IHoumClemens. Wilham Hen!1lllg" apTf>fe~~or Rt MacomhCommumty College, Wlll prE'-~ ..~.,...,t .... ",hrtn n.,.. "'TI"'''lo'-'' ",to 'i ....~

Thursday, Oct ~1, at B1os'somHt'alh Inn, 24800 Je1TersflllThe evenL marks the lOOthann:ver..al) of mterurban ral!'::';c:-..£cc iAl~i""b L.:;.ke rt C1.:Au

Also Oll the program WIll h<.-Jack Schramm, a locai hlston-an. \\ho vnll present hiS exhtb-It of rnterurbao models r;tndmemorabilia.

The program IS free and thepublic IS IDVlted For reserva.tions, call (810) 77I-<J020


~ND 4W.A--RDWI1'l'l'I!~GB.B.Q RIBS


.J '*" , > ;' ,

OU,:l SI-\EL.L. . ~S

RUNNET~ OVSr;c:1< 11"" / '/ __ --9PII1J!!II "

/' ,/ ... - -' ;' '-

T Icl<etsare $20 per person and are avalhbleat tt'e tent entrance, Qr In advance from 5tAmbrose Pansh For morRlnformallOO call5t Ambrose at 822-2814, or E Mal! us atstamorose@home com

~~ ~(f:7,~I~J~t."~f' --~ 1~X\£~

u }F~V' : or

.~\j.--.Familu Avvle Ha~es; I

The Oro";' Poillt~ ~tor1Ca1 Society will sponsor a IFamily Apple Harvest from 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday. Oct.4. at ita headqurters ill the Pl'oveneal.wett Houe.376 B:en:heval ill Groue Pointe Fanna.

ActlviUes wiJIlDclade a POIl:yparade, a pie eatiDIcontest. bobbiDC for apples and musical entertain.IDeIlt. Anclre'w Luben met Star, ODe of the particl-pa:Us in tha ~:ilY pa..-ade.

The priee is $20 a famny. ~~ti~ by Tuesday,sept. 29 are suggested. can (313) ~7011).1 _

Bon Secours plans workshopabout how to set boundaries

h~"~+O""n ... 1t'oda .'l~""'Jl. ....f"'''''-M I'Ir-PrI"H,I-l,.,1A(. Y~flOfl

1 RO()-/\H A-U5 A 1

A'vll ilK",,, lil.ARTil.c.,c,..)('1 A TIC),\

\1~ \!Ol<I I'L" 1<] RH\LJ1b

To Reserve Dlsoisy AdvertImg SpaceB~2 00 P m FrIday

Bon &cours Hospital is ipants should accept resporull-offenng a four-session bound- bility for their own problems,ariea workshop aimed at teach. not everyone else'smg participants bow tQ differ- The program wJl take placeentiate between "helping'" pea- from 7 to 9 p.rn. Thursdays,pIe and "rescwng" them. Oct_ 1, 8, 15 and 21

Facilitated by Dayre Horton, <Wednesday), in the Pnvatethe program helps indi"'1duals Dming Room (lower level) atfocus on developmg hound. Bon &cours Hospital ThP costanes, recogDlzmg boundary is $40 a person.Vlolations and setting limits In For more uUOT'Tllltion or torelationships, preregister, call bun Secours

~arn bow to "draw the line" ('cmmumty Hea1t.'l Ech.cationwith family, friends and co- at (810) 779-7900 anytimeworkers, In the program, between 9 a m and 4 p m.Horton will dtacuss how partie- weekdays.

I' Your ticket II to ~ secure l~

111- r~tl_r~m~n~._11r i\~

I/Ii 11 ~~

Iii IIr"..._,~-r~'!,.?!.!:~:I>',",''''FREE VALE1' PARKING

11-- -~I~-rec~;~~me~~:--I" LlV~~~~~~~~~~ ~ II ~'Mv.~~I:MT\O~~:n~~~.~,I ot current rale mtonnatloo. call 'II J~ ,~ fIil.....-.:.. "I

1-800.4US BOND f"i!ii~ ;; ......"""=='==r; .-. - - - - -, - , l II 1.800-487.2663 II ni m F.iF.1 nmr.;rW:t 26 7 JU~""'l'tJ \AMI 1\ J

! \w.". I '. ~'7' .;,.-;' l;-;~ .,.', I :-'UVTU OF E. JEFFERSO'\ jI~~~~.I (313) 259-999J1

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882-3500 ~) .fer~" Educatielt

~~ It's a lot more than Oysters ....

It's lots of ger>erous people, fine neighborhood restaurants. and cool Jazz al\coming together for the sake of a great sct'ooI, St Ambrose Academy wtHehhas served the chllClren ot DetrOIt/Grosse POInte ParK since 19 \8

tainment.Not to leave Jus audience

dramed by Uns emotionaltnp, the Maestro proVIdedan after dIDner mint UI theform of a Dvorak SlavonicDance for An encore its bve-ly VItahty sent everyonehome in a happy mood.

This week's claAlcal ct.D-..e. ts tltan tomoITOW morn.ing with repeptlO tomorrowand Saturday evenings fea-tunng piamst Emanuel Axin music by Strauss,HmdeIillth and Mozart

For tickets and mforma-bon, call (313) 576-5111 Formformatlon about Vio!uu"tJulian RH\,hli'lllt PrQMuslca, call (313) 886-7207

Harbor Cove

Resort Homes

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lakeSide Club

~C d " & U • H ~ Hideaway ValleyI \.,OOuommlwn vacallon orneRentals Tannery Cre.-!..

and Property Management r Windward

Trout Creek

Detroit concert stages are tnilestonesf- f 1 + ., .. -I-to Jame Jor t lese "WO V10"ltllS,S

It \\as a lc ....g tn~ th:it [10m Gl'r,,!l\\ ,n'" 'PUll':> and ually exploH's <irchl\E'~ andrwught \iollnlSt .losh:':3 Bel! Bes;:- that IH'T( 0'] sale stores .'1dt "eil v.a re.ufQt,. the DSO s opcnm~ con- there lrHrS )

certs last weekend but It \\es Doe" this k'TJd of h!~t('r., Frolll <''1 lIltrodu"twn \Ilthv.orth the eiron anc1 the \\alt wmpldt h ongm t1 '1l'dfor all con,'erned :-'0\\ a mtere"tmgil deyelooedmature 31, Bell JCllled t1leo'Es, t,) a rousmgN~~c Jur-n ~~d t~. ~:?:; ...:~ dll d.ugt'illtH1L uf tne rtntnert1an av. esom::: performance of the piece stirred the patnot,cthe Mende1:lsohn \'Iolm con- hearts of evenolle Theyeer-certo that bn'ught the audl' L3ml; sang lu~tlly III theence to Its feet checnn&! ", H'l".,,,,,., t.pM..,,,,,, ~f,ha

He earnl'd l:'verv shouted clnthe'll Itself \\'hat a perfe--tbravo, and more Wlth cr)'s- \~ay to open the season andtal ,.aBLy and eioqu.ent a\\dk€'n IX.pular a\\arenessphraSillg, he enraptured the uf AmeTlcan composeraudlPnr.P Wlth lI,fpnnpl"""hn'" n.,,ll,,~ !3.".\rda71hng wo,.k From the RvuI,d.n5 "l'l d 6I:n"."u"start, thoi! phrasing was sIlky concert program J,U"l1 dehv-!'Imooth and hIghly expres. repeat It!.e1fl It mat ered a omdunous oelfor-Slve, revealIng a fully devel- Th.!s fa!!, on Oct 23 the ffia.JCC of Mahle,'" "'!lIeoped musiclS.It with a person- Pro Mus:ca Society wIll pre- Symphon) No 5. He did notal style as distmct1ve 85 hiS sent \'1ohmst Juhan RaC'hlm mIss a stroke of tht;>drama,expressIve movements ~he!l In hiS DetroIt debut recItal humor, adventure, romancehe plays The fast passages at the DIA. In thIS case, and wlumsy oftlus Gothichad fire and the pIanISSimos however, Rachlm appeare<l nO\ltll of a symphony IiinspIred the a.udlence to hold last year With the DSO, sub- could, in fact, have stoodits breath as the fraglle shtutmg for an whng VIohn- 'llone as an evenmg's entRr-soWld reverberated. famt but 1St ill the Brahmsclear, ill the rich a.:oustJcs of concerto. Though heOrchestra Hall. t'ndured a flight

Displa)wg obvious gre.:1t from Vienna the d.ayrapport, J8I'Vl modulated the ofm .. concert, heorchestra perfectly to sup- dehvered an elegan'port and never to cover Bell's performance, caughtexquiSIte playing The aceel- the ears of DetroIteration at the end of the first mUSlC fans andmovement seemed almost received Promll'8cu1ous, the unity was so MUSlca'S invitationperfect. It was a performance For 1998 In EUMpeto remember. he has been named

But there .....as much more MusiC18Il of theto remember. Ben made his Year. He ImpressedDetroit recital debut 12 Maestro Jarvi asyears ago with Pro Musl(~aat well. and was subse-the Detroit Institute of Arts quently booked toThat p.-esti.gi.oua corn:ert SOCl- play the Slbe!.IUSety brings artIsts who are roncerto Wltb theJust emergmg as performers DSO next Marchto keel' . eye on, All of which puts

DetroIt solidly on theroad these youngviohmsts are following toWIn their fame and glory. Forthose who attend Ute con-certs, t..l:Iere IS a thnll to WIt-nessing artIstIC growth andachievement

That thrill could noteclIpse a soul-satHlfjoing totalconcert exl)erience last week-end, however Jan.; can becounted on to proVIde iusov,,-ntreat.; .and ourprUies

The pIece openmg the ron-ee1't was defimttlly an thatcategory

"Festival Overture on theAw~rican Nat.iona.i A.lr ~TheStar Spangled Banner)" tookeveryone by surpr.se andralst'd the questlCn :is to~hc~ th;: r.1ocstro diH'S undelights hke thl!. (He~habit-

Aa:1&lmed as a prodtgy,Bell was gaming expenenceand reputation and bwldmghlS career. Still a teenagerthen, he already hadacquired a brilltant tech.roque m his stuehes withJosef Ginpld at the indianaUmverslty llttIool ot mUSIC,Those who heard him andkept an eye on lum at 8Ubse-quent appearances W1th theDSO lock bacl.. ".th, f::.s,"'n::t10n at the impressi-.re devel.cpm:::t vf ii i"i""t Americanviohmst.

T..ast weekend all had to~""'ICIC !:e h.ai:J, rc.a.lly u.usdt: lotWhen he appeared in thelobby at Jntt'rmissi'.:ln, theykept him busy autographmghi!! latest ~rrt...lnge, l.~eh:dm.g a new SUlt.P of=}I..mes




September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News Metro calendar 98

~t the OIAThe Im'lslble Made ViSible .

An17pl~ from thp V~tl",.n Anexfu.blhon of more than 100:w('rks of art and :u1:lfads frc~ .the VatIcan, IS on dIsplay at theDetr01t InstItute of Arts.through Sunday, Oct 18 The~ho\\' \\Ill! hf' ooon Wednesdayand Thursd~y from 11 d.nI. ll' 4 .pm, Fnday from 11 a m to 10p.m. and Saturdgy and Sunday.from 11 a m to 6:30 p.rn:Tickets are $15 for adults and:$10 for chIldren or $5 for DIA:members of ull ages From:Peaks "'1' ImmortalIty to Wor~ds.of Men WInged 'Bc.ngs m:.>\sIan Art, featUring works:irom the pennanent collectIOn,:runs through Sunday, Dec. 6 :Tour the nf:',;,ly remstalled'Modern and Contemporary:g-al1enes, begInnmg, Thursday,Oct t. Opemng Sunda), Sept27 find runnmg throughSuuday, Feb 7, IS the exhlbI'tlOn Pnl1ts B) Terry Wmters ARetrospectIve From theCo!lectiol1 of Robert and S'lsanS0:;!!!~k

The words of ~Lhon.:;ParadIse Lost come to hfe m'the exhIbItIOn Fallen Stage::.Dra\\nngs, Pages and Chaptersfrom Account :..fe Puppet.through Sunday. Oct 11Museum hours are \Vednesdavti'rough Fnday, frcTl'l 11 a m to10 p:n and Saturday andSunda\ from 11 a 'J1 to 5 p mRecommpnded admlC;SIO'1 IS ~4for adults and 81 for childrenana swaents Call ,.3131 8.'13.796J

Architecture lectureInternatIonally acclaImed

archItect Glsue Harm wIlloffer a trt:e lecture entItledSeven Houses, Thursday. Oct1, at 7 3C pm. In the LawrenceTechnologlcal t'mvenntyCollege ()f ArchItecture andDeSign, 21000 W T~n l\ohle In

tlouthficld Call (248) ~04-2878

Goodwin creationsTrash transformed Into cre-

ative treasures WIll go on theblock dunng Gallimaufry atthe Gallery, a s,lept "l.uctionbenefiting Goodwill Ind!JstnesufDetnl!t. Thw"d~y, ~l. 1, at6 pm., in the Lawrence StreetGallery, 6 N Sagmaw In

PontIac. The exhibItion andsale ".lIlill fe~tu!"e inspiredworks created by area artIstsfrom TYlatenals found atDetrOIt Goodwtll Stores.TIckets are $35 and mcludehors d'oeuvres and dmnerReservatIOns are reqwred Call(313) Q64-39llO, cAt :ns

Exhibitions& ShowsBotanical benefit

The lobby of the FisherBUlldmg, ~O11 \\' GrandBoulevard 10 Detrolt, IS bloom-ml{ WIth Flora Botamca, anexhibitIOn of pamtmg>;, draw-Ings, photographs and pnntsby 21 area artIsts, throughSatnrd"y. n"t 10 Prnrpprl"benefit Belle Isle's BotamcalSociety and the Anna ScnppsWhItcomb ConservatoryReceptIon tickets are $10 Call(313) 852-4064

En ..~rnbl(' "'ll' ',pUl It-, lY'ib199!.l.,cd..,)n II Ith d T",w( fe~tSUI,dolY, .~( pt 27, <It 1 J '1 mTLI.' llenorm,!Il! ,. "" rw:!-] ;Ld

fU:':..... : IT r-...r f1r r...f thf

Wl"tern ,JdU ,<u.lrlt-l tJ!l doutl.t.' 0- "''''':'', rt'J IUy' [tpO Jd.ll dllU

<..1:1. ........1rrd U'l.lltaTl')t (,eT'lf'

Bt. ~1)!ld I anu 1'< tlf ;Y "" P 0'1

hd ~dn dlon,;; ....I! [1 (lclnler'''fluru ule ~larUU~'" Ucl.l'-'{.

~1 ...dlO 'h III be orlered 10 then( \0\:'" L.Jrlt "}JJ'Ult~G. Gem'1 IlC •.tt:-,' -l ...3 :-'1"dbon •f.n..trml Tl' !.<pf - <1rt' $25 for thewncel"t and brunch, $18 for the.:omert alone, or $1'5 fursenIor" Call r 248) ,357.1111




Reservations & Question:'>'? Can _Contact Person

•••want to be in the metro calendar?

Then fill out thiS form send It to 96 Kercheval. Grosse POH,leFarns 48236, or fax 10 (313) 882-1585 by 3 pm Fnday

Event _ - ------ -- --- - - ----_D:lte ------- -----~---- ----Timf' __ -- -- --- ----- -----Place _!',.""t

Iern~IC tgngosThe Lync

Detroit danceThe DetrOIt Dance Collectl\ e

WIll premIere UnknownSequence, th .. late:st In a senesof COllaboratIve efforts b) co.artl::.tIc directors PaulaKramer and Barbara Sehngel',Fnday, Sept 25 aM Saturday,Sept 26, at 8 p m The showWIll take place In Wayne> StatePmverSIty's MaggiE'; ABe-seeStudIO Theatre, m the Old~fa.r. nc.lld.ll~ at WarrPll andCa~.3 In D~t!.Olt T1ckcts 1re

Lt-ag-u.: VP~Ja~ it.:; seasot'.L at th~Grosse Pomte War Memonal,Monday, Sept 28, at 8 p.m.,WIth a showmg of the 35 mmshde pres€'ntahon EvergladesRIver of Grail, by GordonLome T1.ckets are $4 for non.members. Call (313) 881.7511

Super cinemaThe Grosse Pointe

Royal performanceF"""npnrP th .. rovRI Ll"f'st-

ment dunng the ('om~and per-formance fOl' Her SereneHIghness Pnncess CarolIne ofMonaco which WIll opel' theLes Ballets' de Monte-Celrlo'snm of Romeo et Juh"tte at then..rrmt Onprn Hnn.,,' 1!>?f'Broadway r In DetrOIt,'rh11r<Ui"" 'l,,"+ ?A At A n mAddltlOIi:al performanceS' ofRomeo et ,luhette will heoffered nn Fndav. Sept 25 at 8pm, Saturday, Sept 26J ~t ?and l:l p m. and &unday, Sept27, at 2 p.m Tickets rangefrom $17 to $95. Call (313) 874-7850.

Stage & ScreenDSO notes

The DetrOIt SymphonyOrchestra contlm.es Its 1998-1999 Classical Sea::lon In

Orchestra Hall, 3711Woodward In DetroIt, Fnday.Oct. 2, at 8 p.m.; Saturday. Oct.3, at 8.30 p.m. and Sunday,Oct. 4, at 3 p.m , when plamstI~or Zhukov JOIn'l Conductor~eesne JarVI In performancesof Scrlabm and StraussTickets raD2:e from $18 to $60Call (313) 576.5111.

by Madeleine Sociaprec, nt'> I \ .lrJ[' Y of ult"rtam.'rig d.lld mf(,rm"1tl\£: oro_ .....an, ...ExpPrlcn« the d,,\cJ()pn'f-n~ ofthe PdPd' ulV thnh ..~jhto( fn:Lvldc~, pr .. h ..:1:.. .. ~.. ~.. !~~..:.~~.lr,lt...the t'Opl - Lhurr n dnd F,mplr~thn,u,,!, \\t<,jre,fla) C;[-V ;uIn "'r1f-o Prf'nt ..,('rurt ~('''''f cnlnr

HOi~'T Crf'dlt dfl lr;g' hcm. ,ed.rnedla ~culptur<. luringrl in:E. o\ngel- and OWer\\mged BeIng" Droo-In''''orJ<''hop. :-;'at1.Jrrl<l), Sq.lt 26,fl (.om noon to ':J P m H"ar fail'S,.,f \VlI'HTP,-i ("r. 'lfHr..:.l... troTl"l

AJa"ka to Ind.a, dunng d freeSt01")telhng sehman, Saturday,Sept 26 and Sunday. Sept 27,at ~ p m Ol,>cover th", relatlOn.ship t.etween tra<lltLonalPe,u''1an mUSIc o.lnd c(, ltemporary Latln.Amencan rhythmsWIth the VIdeo Mountdln :\1uslcfrom Peru, runmng contmu.ously, ThUI sda"i', Oct 1 throughSaturday, Oct :31, In thePrenti:. Court Screcmng RoomMake a miraculous miniaturedunng a free Mllagros Drop-InWorkshop, ThUNday, Oct. 1,from noon to 3 D.ro. IanJenkhls, as!>lstant keeper mthe Depanmem of Greek andRoman AntiquIties at theBrItish Museum, Will offer thefree lecture Tlresla'l and theParthenon Fneze, Thursday,Oct 1, at 8 p tn On that samedate, from 12 30 to 2 30 pm,expl'l'ld your talents WIth aDrawing Class for adults Thefee is $50 or $40 for DIA mem-bers. Prereglstratlon ISre<luired for some programsCail (313) 833-4249

• Bon Secour::. Ho<;pltal 468Cadieux m the City of GrossE'POinte, each Monda)' [tom 1 to3 p m In th.e MaIn Lobby

• Bon Secours HomeMedical 21571 Ke1l7 mEfI!>tpo,nte trom l:i to 11 a m onthe ,ec0nd and fourthWednesdays of the month

For m()rl.' lntormrltlOn, callBon ~(cours CommunItyHt'alth EducatIOn at (810) 779-7qno h<>twp<>n Q ,,'" '1"rl 1 ;")f"".

Monda7 thrOUGh Fnd,,"i'


Art of learning $15 or $10 for student" andThe DetrOIt Instltute of Arts semors Call (3131 965-3544

Historic guidesHelp VISItors and students

take a tnp b3("K m time as avolunteer guIde at the Dt")trCltHIstorical Museum, 5401Wood"'ard In DetrOIt RecruItSmust complete a ten-weektram'ng program, Monda)- s,fr:lffi 10 a m to 1 pm., begm-nlng on Oct 5. Call (31.3) 833-1475

Artsy angelsJom the AllgC! Corps of vol-

unteer docents at the DetrOltInstltute of Arts, 5200Woodward In DetrOlt, when theMuseum'b VolunteerCommittee husts its semlannu.ai onentabon, Sunday, Sept27, at 1230 pm, m the DL>\'sPrentl$ Court Call (313) 833-0247

Art Deco architecturePreservatlon Wayne inVItes

you to e",plore Downto""nDetroIt's Art Deco Skyscrapersdunng an After Work Tour,WednesdaY. Seot. 30. at 5'30p.m The tour ~Il begm m thelobby of the Buhl BUlldmlo'(, atthe ~omer of E. Congress andGT1Rwoldm downtown DetroIt.proceed to the GuardianBuildIng and end ato!> thePenobscot EuIldmg TIcketsare $10 fOI' non-members and$8 for PW membersReservatIons are required. Call(313) 577-3559.

Historic strollThe DetrOIt HIstoncaJ

Society's Sunday strons pro-gram WIll explore the homesand canals of Detroit'sCreekSIde Commuruty, Sunday,Sept. 27, at 2 p.m un Sunds.y,Oct. 4, at 2 p.m., the DHS WlIlet.nduct a tour of DetrOIt'S hIS-tone Indlan Village neIghbor-hood, Tickets. avaIlable Inadvance only. are $18 or $15 forDHS members. PreregIstrationis required Call f313) 833.1805

senior programsSt. Clair Shores semors can

sharpen their skIlls on the roadand U\ the kitchen with a prorof progra.ns sponsored by the8t Cl:ur Shores SemorActlvitles Center, 20000Stephens in St. Cla1r ShoresLearn new strategIes for safednvIDg durmg a Mature DriverWorkshop, Wednesday, Sept30 and Thursday, Oct I, fromnoon to 4 p.m. An optIOnal on.road evaln&tiM will be offere.don Friday, 'Jet. 2 The fee IS$20. A free, five-part series onNutrition for Seniors, offeredthrough the MIchigan StateUniVE>rslty EA"tension Set\ilce,will be held on Thursdays, Oct.15 through Nov. 12, from 1 to 3p,m. Prereglstratton 15requi.red Call (810) 445-5350

Fwd thE' an<;,,"cl toth' C]lll'~tlOn E'if rngen 1<; Itnight For You'>, Wednesda7,Oct 7, from 7 to b p m The lee1::'1 $7 (itt blca~ Bru't'Yn B",~Lunch Ideas, \VE'dn e::.d"'7' Oct7, from 7 to t\ P ill 1he lel' I'tc;~ J ....hn (~1 lnn rrrr"tH1lJPI;;:; h ....

prevIew of the Mlthlgan Opt'raTheatre's seoiSOll \~Ith a. lee ureon l\.Iranaot, 1 llUrSaay, l)ct 0,from 'i to 8 15 p m Tne f...e b

$10 ::.tart the autumn out on ahigh note WHh VtlId~ Le""onsfAr ,,,'h, l~TPn ~-nrl 1~11It,

Wednesdays, Oct 7 to Dec 16,r.ptwl.>en 1 and 7 p m orFridays, Oct 9 to Dec 18,bet .....een 10 a m and 3 p mTne fee IS $2vv for elgm 43-mmute leshonsPreregIstratIOn IS rE'qlllr'ed formost programs Call (313) 381.7511

Blood pressure screeningsare offered at several locations

Live & LeamCOurses 3t adventures

Enhance your mind, bot:iyand ;;pIr.t by partaking m thecourses and adventures offeredby the Grosse Pomte WarMemonal. Mtchae1 Farrellexpands hiS exploratIon ofureat CUltUral Capitals WIth alect..ure Oll p"d.! .~, F LJ.Ud.)'t Oct. i:,from 1.30 to 3 p.m. The fee IS$15. Begm to beautify yourworld WIth a Stained GlassBeginner course, Thursdays,Oct. 1 to No....5, from noon to2 30 P m. The fee is $40. Addcolor to your yard by makingMosaic Garden StepPlDgStones. Thursdays, Oct 1 andOct 8, from 6 30 to 9 p.m Thefee IS $25 Learn to turnstamed glass mto a mosaICwall plaque WIth a SunflowerWall S~or.c class, Saturday,Oct 3, from 10 a m. to 3 pmThe fee IS $20 MUSIC CritiCJohn Guinn will preVIew theJmlhard Quartet's perfor-mance With the ChamberMU'>IC SocIety of DetrOIt,MOT"~"" Ol't fi from 7 to 8'15pm The fee IS $10 DIscoverWhat You Need To KnowBefore Choosmg a NurSIngHome, Tuesday, Oct 6, from1 30 to 2 30 p m The fee IS $8.Protect your good health WIth aFlu Shot from the VI!>ltlJ1g"''f" "I l".L"lIi U ...~c~ n~:,u\...lc::t\ •.IUU Ul

Southeastern MichIgsn,Wednt"sday, Oct 7, frem 10a m to noon The fee IS $10.

Sunday, Oct. 4Heart walk

Put your best foot forwardduring the second annualGrosse Puint.e AmerielU\ HeartWaik., benefiulll!: the AmericanHeart Association, Sunday,Oct. 4, at noon. Walkers wdlleave from the Grone Pomtew",.. "'~:"... n..,n! :l2! ."kPRh"r(l1n Gros~ Pointe Fanns Can 1-(800) 968-1793

Saturday, OCt. 3DHS Showt,ouse

The DetrOIt HlstoncalSocIety and the Miclugan chap-ter of the American Societv ofInterior Designers will opentheir premier DesignerShowhouse, Saturday, Oct. 3,m DetroIt's historic Boston-Edison distnct. The exquisiteItalIan Revival home, at 150 W.Boston m DetroIt, wasdp.mgnf'd by Albert Kahn andbuilt in 1913. Tickets for theshow. whIch runs throughSunday, Oct. 25, are $15 or $11for DHS or ASlD members.Call (313) 833-0481

.~... , ...... ..... ...... ..... .... .... .,. ~ .. ~senIors and students Call(313) 371-2096

Skiers' square danceGrab your partner and do-sl.

do at the GroSSE' Pomte SkIClub's MembershIp Round-Up'=".,~ , ,..,...~..1 ~O" ~1""\+......"1- ...., ) .. -- _-J, --r-'"

27. at 6 30 pm, m the GrossePointe War Memonal, 32Lakeshore In Grosse PointeFarms. 'lkkets l&I"1." $17. TheCluh plans tnp" to Vall andSnowmass, Colorado andZt!rmat1., SWIuerlaf'd Ski Chilimeruh.:. silips al e $21 for sm-lrles or $30 for counles Call(313) 886-5972. .

Band boostersTroer" Will be a \VholL lot

more than 76 trornoone::. In thebig paradl:" when ,he HarperV.oud" .band .bposter!> present ad07en marthlng band" durmgBand.Q Rarno.l ha1f-tJme:=.:-:~ ~ c_ ....~....t\. Q""rt :?" C "f'~

WIll open at 11 a m lOd:2 30p m The s~ows Will be held atnoon and 3 ;;0 p !I' , on the fieldof Harper Woods HIgh Schonl,20225 Be ..Lonsfield m Ha:per',wod<; l1ckl't-, dre $5 for faP'll',,..,,.., ~t) +'... .) .l ......, ........A 4-, 4:' ........

...a ...T • co T

La Rt: ....E Alol'llA


I I • P "T"ltE !E It 1110 i.EaIIU ~~ "AO


EGO all'SIC: OAL seA ..."YilN o EAT"I"OL&FO IE 1'0 A'" AE £ II I A A J! T All!.

Jazz lam'Ibp area artists, incluJing

Marcus 3d grave, TeddyHarnll, Jr and Harold:m:cN.IW~Yr WIll JUJU u.u ,.:n,uau.ti.Y,Sept. 27, ill the DetrOIt YachtCh ...b, ;:;... BeUe Isle In DetroIt,during the third annual JazzfOk LIteracy concert. FestiVItiesbegm at 4 pm, WIth a galareceptIOn. The con\..ert will

... ..... _.... t!' ~'" _ _ D _

bWU" CU.. v.o,.)U P Ju. ...\Oc ... O::: .lUU

tickets are $100 Concert tick-.....,......... , 1 r4-

ew are ;p~.a~ rLVLe~~ lJCucut.the program" uf LiteracyVolunteers of Ampx.ca-Detrmt,",_II (""1<')\ C-'7Q 7"1Q(\""" ..... 1.1. \,-,,,oJ/ \,~ •• ,. ""'...,

Sunday, sept. 27Kitchen designs

See five delIghtfully decorat-ed kJtehe01l dUl"lIUr the HenryFord Cottage HospItalAwuilary II KItch.en Tour,Sunday, Sepl 27, from noon to5 p.m. Tickets are a"allablethrough: Cottage Hospital GutShop, 159 Kercheval in GrossePomte Farms; MutschlerKitchens, lnc, 20227 Mack III

Grosse Ptlinte Woo(ls;Riverside Custom Design &Remodehng, 20956 Mack inGrosse Pointe Woods; ThePomt~ l'edlar, 88 Kl.>rcheval inGrosse Pomte Farms andHurst ApplIances, 23210 Mackm St. Clair Shores. Tickets canalso be 'Purchased on the day oftfte tours at the homes: 831 SOxford in Grosse PointeWoods; 11 Alger PlsCtl and 329R1vard m Grosse Pointe, 878Moran III Grosse Pomte Farmsand 869 Edgemont in GrossePointe Park No chIldren underth€' age of eIght Wlll be admIt-ted. Proceeds benefit the hospi-tal's operating room comp...t-ers Call (313) 821-4035

Saturday,Sept. 26SIDS walie

Make stndes In the fit,:htag.unst Sudden Infant Death....." , " ,.. ~....) .~Uj, ,.......,1..0 ..... 10£ ... U"b ......n... _ U.l.""'-'w

SerVIce!> AsSOCIatIOn for HealthCare's annual Five-l\-hle FunWalk For sms, Saturday,Sept 26, at 10 a m The v.alkWill leave trum ~t. t'aul'sCathohc Church, 157Lakesbore In Grosse POInteF"rm" Pn."" W11lhP ~w:nodPdfor top pledge earners Call(8101 739.6196

a 3tompHlg of the Gmpt's ben-efiting the GmopohsKdrmdnflf, PedIallll_ CancerResearch Endowmpn' atLhlldrl'Il::. !10"pltal 1'lL/wts furthe Internatlonal Tastmg are$30 Call '877) 47.3.3586

Last week'spuzzle solved

Friday, Sept. 25Greek harvest fest

Jom In hononng the Greekgod of the harv<>st, D:onyf;us,WIth hve em.enaJnmen~,artIsts an Internatbnal WmeTastmg and more Qunng tJ::leGr~~w~tl I-fal\lt"'ilt I'\e:;llvalFnday, Sept 25, from 6 to 10

1 ...~ , 1""11 ...p.m., dlOng !¥.lun~ ""LW""," ..,.Auwuu~ aLid nlt:Q.IoI~~~" iuDetrOIt. This event will include

Volumes of bargainsFind volumes of bargains

during the 36th AnnualAmerican Association ofUniversIty Women's Ulled BookSale, through Saturday, Sept.26, in the Grosse Pointe WoodsCommumty Center, 20025Mack III Grn,!'(' Points> WoodsThe sale Will be upeu Thursdayand Fnday, froJ't. 9 30 a.m. to 9p.m. and 6eturoay irom 9.30a.m. to 3 p.m. Books will behaif-pnce on FndllY and $4 perbag on Saturday. Proceeds ben-£'fit women's scholarshIps Call(810) 296.«49

JLD Show HouseExplore the lDSplratlons of

more than <to area desJgnersdunng the 1998 JUllior Leagueof Detroit Designers' ShowHouse. 15520 Wmdnull Pointem Grosse Pomte Park, throughSunddY, Oct. 18 The house W1l1be open Saturday throughTuesday, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.and Wedn~sday throughFriday, from 11 a.m to 8 p mTick.ets are $15. ~ds bene-fit the JLD's CornerstoneSchools Partnership proJect.Call (313) 881-0040

Thursday,Sept. 24Great gardens

Tne llie and. e!l-S gns ot Olllo' 01

Amenca's most re"pected land...(ape :l 'chltecb I.. tIll' ::.ubJ~ctoj lI,p pvh,hltlon t::"lpn B,rJd1e,

Shipman l~b9.1959 on dIsplayat the Ed"el & Eleallor FurdHouse, HUll LaKeShore mGrosse POInte Shore::., throughSund.,y, No. 29 The sho ....fca.tures more than 7u of~h,n ..........." C' nh.-,tf'\ 'T'"' .........J...c- ~.,....,,'Hmg~ d.na pl~ns, nj'cl~dmg thosepertammg to several Gro!>sePomte properties EntJ;' to theexhlb,tlOn IS ':::.>mphmentary

... 1.. .. \. L r 'I

WH . .lA L,Ut. }JUt \,.U..-l.:)1t: Vi ~ Jt;l;Uid.J

Ford Hausp tour ticket,ground" tour tickets or annualnass Tours are availableTuesday through Saturrlay,from iO a m to 6 p.m andSunday, from noon to 6 p mAdmiSSIon IS $5 for adults, $4for seniors and $3 tor childrenages 12 and under Call (g13)884-4222




ACll.OSSt P=oI4NaYlp-

U<ld .....,7L~V:sce10 Scbroe.






1. 1.l, _" I

19Mclne5~""1 I • t '~ ~~


"j 2ORoper~l 2: =. 3 neo:I can:',f;. metIl won! 40 NllI'CS' 8 Prove! 2S $ought As part of an ongoing com-: '> 23 S~ O<!: dunbk office

1"2STllIIdl 41 Moreover 9VacllJ.m 21>Y<e"come 'l'un,ty health program Bon

, lqend DOWN 10Lind&uom 2ll Ja<..k Secours HospItal offer" fteeJIIlI I Bridge. ()I' Zadon 29 Bewll. blood prE'~sure .:;creenmgs at

26 BIoU crosslnl! 12 Sol'lhd clered2; Abby's SIS mo 141nU> tile 30 Dldn't two locatIOns Staff and tramed2li Gold unll 2 "Rule. S~"'Ut: collapse volunteer~ "'Ill be available to~O " W Bnlannla" 15 Sample 31 Secreatry- :>W :us cherk commlJn,ty membPrf' fot

I I UUllals comlJOScr the • ~33 S If lie's ~ood Sa.Jt~5 32 rilerrucaJ undctedE;c\ caces of hyperten-

'. lB1l,-o. .. Ill' f1i10. ~Ie- ~'::.... 1 "c:::nr>- 34 :~.o:.;~>IC .Jon, prov,de nationally accept-

I I 36 Aduii'"~e 4 Ywgar 20 <;mad abb< ed gUIdelInE''' for follow-up W1th37 Hallet langu_ge 21 C'ho!l'chJy 3~ A,ny a health care profeSSIOnal, and38 COIUHUC 5 P1Sll.lpart cO~llCll rillnule furnIsh adaltIOnal s, reemng

:, ll"~ , ...11", ..,., ('nr"W'l nnwfl.". I ~.;;' onglda 2' !'hob'" I .mo h('alth edur.lt IOn mformll-II'; 7 Sallooat's 24 ihhbll tlOn

• IBlonn prf"""llrc .cn'pnInt'''________________________ J ,'I t' offerrd a' thE'; follOWIng




108 Family features by Madeleme SOCIa September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe I'Ie-ws





~r.j;dlt:i1, ages 3 to 17Adnll""I.'II tJ tt,e I~1AX DomecThtatre ," an addltlonal $4('all 1313) 577 8400Detroit's past

StruB Old DetrOit,Remember Dov. ntov.1lHudson sand dn.(:over ACommur:.ll) Bet\H:en Two'i~'orlds Arab Am"lIcan~ in

Greater DetrOlt at the DetrollIrJ~lur H,(..l ~\~l.4.~<..,"",u .. , S-::~\1Woodward Let your Imaglna-tlon run "'lId thlOugh mIcrocosms 01 i.1l"l.h!tect",re \\,th Thl..

r- T"""o .~ T'"

... <;1u\,.a,:,." .'UI" ..... V..L J.,....IUU ......vu~~,

an exhlbltwn m tHe Kr.:sgeGallery through Sunday, Jan31, 1999 'The Museum IS openWe-inesday through Fnday,from 9 30 a m to 5 p m andSaturday and Sunday. from 10a m to .5 p m Suggested

..3 ~ .... ~ _ 1 11.............. 01. ... ~ ......... 0&. "... .,;;..., a v... I..I. ......... I. ... .;:I~

$1.50 fOI semors Call (313)833-1805

"Watch thiS column for morc.,howhouse event.,.


The Junior Leagueof Detroit, Inc.

1998 Designersf Show HouseSPECIAL EVENTS

All events are located m the SpecialEvents Tent m the backyard of the

1998 DeSIgners Show House, at1;')520Wmdmlll Pomte Dnve In

Gro,,:,;€, Pointe Park For m0reinformation call JUnIor League of

DetrOlt,Ir..c (313) 881-0040

YOUR COOKING STORESunday, September 27th Bridal

Preview ... Call the store to register(313) 885-4028.

New to 'Pointe l?edlar is deliciouslow-fat fresh-baked breads in severalvaneties all at a reasonable price.

4028 ...at 88 Kercheval on-the-Hill.

• Pewabic Pottery Friday,September 25, 1:30-2.30 Apresentation on Detroit's historicPewabic Pottf'ry wIll b€' given byExecutive DitectorJ Theresa Irels:;d.

• Faux Painting - Tuesday andThursday, September 29 and October1, 1:30-2:30. Presentations anddemonstrations by Show Houseartic:;tc:;. Michael Pawlovrski, JanHulme, Lisa Ficarra, RichardDeFauw, and Jennifer Gushen.

• Food S3.mplings - Wednesday,September 30, Tuesday, October 6;and Thursday, October 15; 11:00-4:00in the Boutique. Herbs and dipsfrom Country Horr.e Creations vnllbe avaIlable for tastings.

Monday. October 5 from 6;30 -8:30 p.m.

"Elegant l"east - Part I" WIth chefAnthony Angelbrandt from Sparky IHerbert's.

MondaY. October 12 from 6;30 •8i3Qp.m.

"Early American Room SampleMenu" with chef Orlm Marcus fromDearborn Inn.

All recipes, llupplies and tastingsI are lOcluded .. For registration, prices

I':]""~ ....,.." n ~"" ....-..-....I-.:,,_ ...n11 (")10\ .QO~"""",a...L"'" ......... v \", V..LJ. ..... ur..:a.u ....1 \,Q.I..l \u ....r.JJ uut..J-

The DetrOit SCience Ctntcr,5020 John R, ofiel s entP-l"t.llllmg and educatIOnal family funThe Cyberspace S at".!I I Exld>ltLao fe",tures nands-on eXmi)lhlfitegr!:ltcd WIth more tn,1Il 4lInternet.connEcted computersOther eX\:ltmg e~hlblt" Includetho: Smg1llg Bowl, ~lagnt:tltTornado, Jumo.ng Rmg, BIkeWheel Gjl{J",.ope, Ja. ..ob',L~dcle!' ~!'-d ~ .,e~1'" w~\)~_t::'uu-{p.

Nnw showmg J'l th" Center'sIM..>\.'{ Dume Theatl e, :Vlondaythrough Saturday, frem 11 a m+-no 10( ~(\ '" ~ ""'0"'1'" ............ "lIf ..,...,.

hourly b~SIS, are the excItlllgfilms Everest, SpecIal Eflectsand TrOpICal Ramforest Thecenter IS open Monday throughFnday from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m~!'~ S~tn"'-:!e.~ and Sund!l)from 12.30 to 5 p m AdmiSSionfA" thf> pxhihihnn .. rl..ml\ncot,. ...bans and laser show IS $3 foradults and $2 for seniors and



• Ms. V Focus Day. Thursday,September 24, from 10 am to 4 pm.CoHection Sportswear.

Saturdays, at ::! p ru, In theArm'n("an Ru"slar. PuppetArtThe.ater, 25 E Grand RIver mDetroit, oue of Amenca's fewtneakrs deSIgned for puppet"llliW~ Ad1111S81O'1I" $5 for cml-drel1, $6 50 for adults CallIS13J 961-7777History alive

The Hpnrv Ford Museumarid Greenfield VIllage, 20900(\ ....'l- ...u .J _ T"l. \.. I~ _r'"_- -_ _ _ ...,::::..t.. ~.:: _..., Ul.iUg:,

hIStory to lIfe Vmtage tramcars and ]OC()ffiotnes, d hobocamp and a rallruaa,'r's lunCh,..,_~. .. I" r "t 1 ~, 1

........ - ,J -_ .. - ........... - .. ~ .. -"' .. e.........."f:l,,, ..."-'="

of RaIlroad Days, Saturday,Sept 26 and Sunday, Sept 27The Museum and Village areopen Sunday throughSaturday, from 9 a.m. 1.) 5 P ill

Aduu~JUU I.b $12 ':;0 rUI -tluw";:'t$ll.:iO for &ewcrs and $6 25 for,..l\11~""bn cUW'''''''' ~....... ....... 1t) "' ...1'1(313-) 271 ..i620.. - -- ~ -....

SCience fun

• Hart Schaffner &;Marx/Johnston &; MurphyCollection Show. Thursday,September 24, from 4 to 8 pm. Askabout our $25 shoe promotlOn.Men's.

• Castleberry Collection Show.W\th VP of Merchandlsing JuneFitzgnaia. Friday, September 25,fr:.:!!: ~9 am t~ 4. pm. Fcrmul f:l~hicnshow. 2:30 pm. Dress Salon.

• Red/Green Collection Show.With representative Bohbie Bent,Friday, September 25, from 10 am to4 pm. Sportswear.

• Clinique Gift With ~hase.Thursday, September 24 to Saturday,October 10. Receive a gift valued at$45 wlth any $16.50 Chniquepurchase. Cosme-tics.

• Godiva Gift With Purchase.Receive a s1eeve of G..Jdiva's newChocolate Creame Delicate BiscuitsWIth flny $30 or more Godivapurcha&e. Fnday, September 25 toFriday, October 30. Fancy Foods.

• Meet Madeline. Saturday,September 26, from 1 to 3 pm.Children's,

• Meet Robert Rothschild ofRotl.schild Rp1"l"Y Farm. Fnday, 'October 2, from noon to 3 pm. Mr.Rothf:Jchl1d WIll demonstrat~ hlSprod ilcts rt.ld f>lgn flUl dld.i:lt:U l.UlJH;>"of hIS cookbook. Fancy Foods.

• St. John Focus Day. Featunng5t. johrl apparel, acce5SVJa:5 <ulIl"hoes. Fnday, October 2, from 10 amto 4 plY1 St ,John Salon.

T'1 (' h ,~ 11(11.. ..liCI'n IOi-!:'12 :~.tL(jn...announce'> late hours. Thur.,day

mght we WIll he takmg' appol1lltm'llt ...'tll 9 p.m. for all servIces Includmgfaclal<; and mamcures 117Kercheval, (313) 881.6833

Ed MaliszewskiCarpeting

( ")r"t;~11.11el,(!O 1-- 5f\LOf'r-

Full body wax hall' removal Includ.mg blkml, leg. under al m, etc nowhpmg donp at Frdnce;,w's dt 1(1)1)7 IKercheval In the-VIllagc, (:313> 882- I

I 2550---------- --------------------


PreregistratIOn IS r!?'qu, red('aU (3131833.4249Literary adventures

Readmg ill the Park. 15J29Kerc.he.,al In Grosse POInte.ParI\., ()lrl:'r~ free LOurses g'.:ar-clnteed to keep your httle read.~..::~ t>IJ.l.~:rt..Hnt'J S~:...d~-:::t::>l ;::g1'ade" 1 through 5, can findne\\ tWISts to the old game otJump rJpe dunng an Amentann,...1 \l.' _l,-~h...,,_ w ...1_".. ...~_u_..... t-", .f J. ~ """'.),

Sept 30, from 3 to 3 45 P mYoungster~, ares 3 to 5, canhe",r h~hy tales and crE'ntet}..j3,,. n,.'ro (::'fi.'l.H ......... l.. ... _ ....11 ...._ ...

dl'nng Prt!school Story Hu~;;;,Tuesday, Sept 29 orWt>dnesday, Sept 3D, from10 30 to 11 30 a.mPrereglstratlon IS reroromend.t::d. C~1 {31J) S2~-1559

AerobICS & then some!!1st dabti at 6:00 a.m.

4 YEARS. As a consistent, solid,great place to workout. (313) 885-3600


Needlepoint Trunk Show"'Beau Geste" th:rough September 30.

These canvas. designs range fromwhimSical to pl"'e::mt for holidays or

every day at 397 Fisher Road,Gro~se Pointe. (313) 882-9110

Looking for th~t special rug anddon't know where to start ...hurry inand see our new selection of Wiltonfloral rugs and hooked rugs all atgreat prices too ...at 21435 MackAvenue. (810) 776-5510


-The most economIcal film

developing department around ..Check out THE NOTRE DAl\.1EPHAR?v1ACY ror your nc.xt foll of ;:]mto be developed. You'll get 24 doubieprmts (3 1/2 x 5) for only $3.~9 Best

I pnce In town at ... 16926 Kerchevalm-thc-Vlllagc (313,885-2154

faml:\, H",senl'tlOlls du(' bySept 29 (,,,111 .:l13' &\4.7010Fun & Games

~..hd\\ay games, a glant slide,a Yeuth Sv.ap Shop, and hI:.tont Alger House IOUb dre Ju"ta few of the excltmg otrenngst1."t " ...d.l. .> uu ~ t th~ Gm"" ePOI'lt.: War Memor al s treeFamIly Fun Da}, Sur-da,:" Sept27 ''rom noon to 4 pm Call1<1 <I x'l1-75!lAspiring artists

A"pmng artIst':> age ... Ih P tot'lght accompamed by an.....~ If- ..... _ ~1 , '"' ~ .1 1

- .J"'~ & - ~ ..

shnne for stonng theIr speoalkeepsakes dunng a RehquanesYouth Workshop Saturday,Sept 26, from 9.30 to It 30am, ill the DetrOlt InstItute ofArts, 5~U() Woodward. In

DetroIt. The fee IS$10 per child:l\1rt ~ ~)" ~d'..llt ~..!, $~ !~!"[\!..A..ID!?'mber duldren and $6 forDIA member adults


BOX SALEColonial Candle of Cape Cod

September SpeCIal - 20% OFFEACH BOX. Choose From A large,rari~ty Of Color,; & Slza:; a.L.~72Kercheval on-the-Hlll, Grosse PomteFarms, (313\ 882-6880

Toadv~rtis$ in this column cal!(,j13) 882.3500 by 2:00 p.m. Fridays


The Grosse POlllte WarMemona!, 3L Lakeshore InGros:.e Pomte Famls offer" d

full ,>thed",le of educationaland socIal ad\'entures for chII.drcr.. StL.Ldej.t~ dgt.. 12 dndup, t \1" explore The -\rt ofBeautIful Bas!.eb, ~1ondav:::lept 28 and Wednesday, ~ept.~f) f~\l"'" -1 "' ...... ;::; ;o ....l .... ~ I ......t ............

IS $20, plu~- $6- fo~ '~at;~~ls-PrereglstratlOD IS requIredCaU (313) 881.7511H=arv ...~. +i .......

A pony parade, pu" eatmgcontest, gan'Jes and rfluo,lcalmernment arp lUSt a few of theattractlUllS of the GlOssePomte Hlstoncal SocIety'sFanuly Apple Han'es~ at theProvencal.Welr Huuse. 376Kerchp\'R I In n.l"'n~~&l P01:lteFarms:, Sunday, Oct 4, from 1to 4 p.m. The fee IS $20 per

! Strands!- -1

Strands has a new manICUrIst andsome e,'Tcat deal:, Come In and meetCryf:,t~J for an $8.00 mamcure and a$20 00 pedIcure. or both for $25.00.Good througt> Octc,ber at 17854!'1:~,,:L-, Gr"~"t: Pomte Woods, (313)885-2461)

~@~~~~ I N!US~!~!:.~..I

I & Furs I arrived ...We have a large selection of Iof Grosse Pointe beautiful Seiko, Pulsar and Swiss I

............-........ Designer ReSale made '1'18ot watches m men's and IBoutique ladies designs in a wide vanety to I

. . choose from, all with a price range to ICustome~tll..reclation j suit y,?ur taste ...at 63 Kercheval on- I IIt;lagine extra spending money and

o da cl the-Hill, (313) 885-5755. I a discount too! Jacobson's is nowne "y 0 y- FOUR I hiring full- and part-time sales

Sat~rday, Sep~mber 26 I Associates and gift wrapping10.00 a.m. - ~.OO p.m. ! BEt.. _"" p~ positions for the holidays. Apply in

50% OFF Jewelry ~. am Human Resources today!save 30% to 70% OFF I t Jr.' th . .. . , .on to d' I bel Bo n new a osel S is e most oellClous 4

r..;o...,.;n p ,\..:...Sal~erH_~__.~. D;:"'~' berry pie with cinnamon streuseL. • Bruno Magli Collection Show...... 'bW .cum nI, YC1!t::J1t.UI.O, nn~, I I nlth representative Gladys Cutler.Emanuel 8.."1dFeragamo. Bags by I JOSEF'S Thursday. September 24. from 11 amGucci, Dooney & Bourke, Coach. I to 4 pm, Women's Shoe Salonlsonga Vemta and much more! Save I f HI ,t.U fI'\S'rtUJ::Son men's top labels Gianni Versace, IMarc Buchanan. alligator shoes and a I ...21150 Mack, Grosse Pointelot more. Layaway available. at I Woods, (313) 881~571O.21027 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe ra~..L ~~ tJ ~Woods, (313) 886-5043. I ,,-

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TRESS....ES H':IJ'f StUdl'O III Salon Rielle would like to introduce..~ _ TIFFANY HA...~T.the newest addition'1'...""", .. ", U.,;.. C!t-"ri;r '''M.l.J 1:1. _ ~_ I to o.ur styli"1g.. ~~..: Make. y')ur

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J OPI NaIl Poltshes. We are alsoI mtloducing the Artificial Gel Nails.I A lasting approach to artulClal nalls,

Ifills are every three weeks, acrylicnails are filled every two. Throughthe month of October we will bevffer=Ulg 50~ vff a full 3.st cf C~l ~J~i1oor fill-ins. This offer is availablewith Gel Naiis/fill-ms only onMondays and Tuesdays, byappointment Call (313) 881-4500 ...at 16914 Kercheval Avenue. in-the-Village, Grosse Pointe.

North finds its ground attack• .. ~.... ~ A ~~ ...,..& ""t'".... . ...,.In rout ot IVIAL VVhite rl\lal

See NORTH, IJd.l:ie3C

::';:011df'gJ :lpd Ca .... Lv,dacetacJde~ j (J( l.:l lie'> dnO .\llkcKd51UQ! Or>.! .J.nd tlg-ht end!>Br 'tn Bl;;h.i1ll and Tony"tTlC" ,and

SLomb .. r I ul)'~ldeJ(=d Oe\ eralOPt101,;; m ImPlO', mg the run.nmg game mtludmg movmg-t,11 '11,'; '.ju'1rterback Scott,/,,\.\ <- ~ o-lt..J. ..u.J 1),.\"1\., Ui..l.l U~L!U-

t.d J;:;.?ln:::t t.1J.t

Classified Index ••........ :page 6

CNlS$ country ....m.:........;.p;tgc 5- .

IJ If 'it L, • ...;...

tLr t r'l~\\~e.... .....ur.q~){ I ~,tJ..apra13ln;; tl l. \\ (/1 k If CLn'elJohn ':"rupldno, g-uarcls Lal n

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eacl1 gdme g,I\'. (hl :\()r~('merJ().- \l<t,m,,~

8y Ct'uck Kk.nke:::>Dur1::' ::CI (.or

Gl(}' ........~ p~~I ..t;;~lJtl.,fo~l-odd tt-' lID I Hied Jt"- 11H,q n~S!aPh."1 la ....t !" rid l\ "-0 the:\'..,--enlLn Cld 1 t h 1\ e to reI)t)!l at t.. 13 II 1. " 1.....leg tp '\ J [1

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':, I' r l ll" Frct,J,SllrnLt.. a litel toe '\orseluer' ~

IIJn o,er L':\n.,e Creu:;e

II Making the saveI G~osse Pointe South goalkeeper Alan ..l\Jbrecht goes up to make a save during lastI week's 3.0 victory over Grosse Pointe South in boys soccer, The shutout was the~rst at the varsity level for the junior goalkeeper.

See ULS, page 3C

Lutheran North"And 1 remember Duff)

Daugherty saymg so often (k.(a tle IS hke kl~<ing )lJUI' <;l.t~1

1 made up my mind thu] tr'1t I""auld Jlways try to I\:n <l foo(ball gamE' Thl- \\ ,I- tlll lil-ttIme I\e Ll:cn f,l~('d ""t h ,l'ldeclslOll and 1 t 1\ "-n t .>" I

deCISIon I d go 101 tll ') pO" ' ,

CWOSK Point~ ~ws


country and now that Hills IScoachmg UIHverslty LiggettSchu\J~~sfnn"b~~.l!teetH!. ~Jt/~~l.ln

bemg mfluenced by that contu;t of morc, than 3u years ago

~\Notre D<ime cO[lcn lAraPar;;ec:hI311 n'"\t~r 11\ cd dO",ll~Oll!g 1m a tl( IIdb .,:IHI afltrd t\\ O-P0Int ronvCl SUlll attRrnptf1l11ed late Il1 the fourth 'I,IMlerr'l'lday and ULS '!'ullerecl a 1413 Metro Conference lOSt> to

Knights are getting closer tonotching their first victory

!'bolo b} KP &layaUniversity Liggett SChool quarterback A.J. StachecJd h.aDds off to numlDg back Nick

Maithmd durlDg last week's Metro CoDfereD« footbaU game with Luthenua North.

By Chuck KlonkeSports Editor

The 1966 -'Game of theCcntury~ IW1;\een :\l!ch'g-anState and Notre Da.me rPadeqUite an Impre:'blOn on ..l .v0ung'HIllsdale footi'dll pl.l~ ernamed Garv thil.

HIUs has nr.ver fm ;;ntwll theIUlor Qvel the 10-10 tIebet\~f\fln the;-"'o 1 •.md 010 ~college football team~ m lhe


2CSeptember 24, 1998

Grosse Pointe News




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-Our offel'~l~e Lne playedf;tnt~ ....tJ{' \.1rLLood :-::~:.i,;! ...!) JTott) came lfi ....hen Brlt.n:'1101re;l ....a" hurt and Qlt1a niceJob"

Frast'r <;cored on a 75-yardrur. on II:; "t!cond p:ay fromscr.mmage, but South cameback WIth an 80-yard sconngtime that was capped by a 15.:' arQ toutnaown oass rr omKabeht" to EDt Dur.Jap

Dunlap had a fine game,catchlllg eight pas!*s

Andrew Hendne, VI ho did a'I' ... I to ",\,.guuu JUU U. d.1l iJ1U..".,,, u. w.t:

klckmg game, added the extrapomt

Another 75-yard touchdown,.un p';>l th" l<.awbipr<l baCk 10the lead and forcE'd South tochange 1ts defens1ve gameplan

"We ran a hiltz and theymade a good block to put theirJ:r1y m the clear,~ McLeod satd"When you bhtz, you take achance by lecl.,.mg yourselfshort a lmebacker, but we werevery con(;emed W1th the1r paes-1!1i game an.d felt we had to putpressure on the quarterback.But we were leaVIng ourselvesvulnerable agamst the run."

Fr~r made It 21-7 WIth a4o.yard touchdown pass byquarterback JIm Sorgl, whohas made a-verbal commitmenttn W1Rt'nnl'lin

South came back Wlth a 6G-yard mardt that "as capped byGriesbl:lum'tt<tbree-yard run.

The Blue De.vils drove to theFt'IlSer four on therr next p0s-session but had aD mterceptlonkill the drive -'

Fraser added" it touchdowneach in the third and fourthquarteTS to wrap up the soor~l.Dg

IDSId~ hm:bacKers Shan~SanU.s and Adam ~lalOuf "hadgreat game,;," Mc1,eQd saidLorence also played well defen-sively, iJettmg an l'ltercepbon.

"They had 306 yards agamstus but if you take away thosetwo 75-vard plays, we did apretty good Job defenSiVely,"McLeod said.

fu!ortsBlue Devils hit hardbut bow to RamblersBy Chuck Klonke<:;'r'()rt" Frl~tm

Grocse P(I\l'te ~outh footb,dlcoath :'I-hkp McL-eod thvugntthe hItting wa" \leu d In thegame \, nh cro~sto ....n n, alvros~e POIr,te !<lorth - and It

Red Barons swe~p.&.

Zacl-i Schrmtt, Austm McClung,Dan Sheppard and DaveW.. tROn o..fpn"lVP lIt.andonb.were Tommy Peltz. EddIeBarclay and Ryan Walsh.

'The Red Barons freshmenonened witr. !l 35-6 victorv

- Malt Yankley returned theopening luckoff 65 yards for atoucl:lliown ami on ~ne fIrstplay trom scnmmage, MikeKal',t-r ran 45 yaTds for a score

Yankle~ and Kalscr E'ach fin-ished WIth two touchdownsKaJ.aer ran for two extra pointsand Brad Herman pickP.d upolle Danny Walsh and MikeDallaIre aha scorc!d extrapoints

Jon Sax played well offen-SiVely and Jake Bloomhuf ledthe defenSIve effort, MarkLapansie, KeVIn BedZlIlsk1 andBen WJlson played well m thfi:defe!''5!'U~ hf'e for thp F~dBarons.

N1Ck Durham returned anmterceptlOn 20 yards and MarcReno had three open-field tack-les


But he v.a~ eve!' y'!'Jorelmprf'ssed WIth the way hbtlll.le l)~\ ll~ ana 1'13:--er Wt.-ot atIt 1&;;: y,eek In a Macomb AreaC'onferel'ce WhIte Dl\ ISlOn

eame- ~There was some trcmen-o.ou" ill '~lllg - enm h..nJelthaI' the ~ e>Tth game' McleodSaid atter Fraser tamE' awayWIth a 35-13 VICtory, leavmg1~1t! Ra:uJ.Llu .... lln}~dl""r '7"} rh~

The Grosse Pomte RedBarons opened the season With8 l;\WItPp n.'"th.. St.prhng Hf'lghtARed.slons m the East Suburb:lnFootball League_

The Red Barons' varsityPOSted ll. 39-24 victorY as itamassed 364 total - yards,mcludmg 243 on the ground.

mlll.C ,""uners nm lor 0,)

ya."'ds. whIle Chns Dempseyhad 44 yards, mcludmg threeextra points and two touch-downs Angelo 'Ibcco ran for 43yards and was in on 19 tackles

Mike Moms had 75 yards mwtal offense, scored a touch-down and was 11\ on 21 tackles.Kyle Haclas passed for 121yards and made 17 tacklesPete SmIth ran for 57 yard'!and !>Cored three touchdownsl"nd Mike Monaghan had 13yards

The JU!1.l0r '~~~ty ".'0:1 g9 0John Vanhth, Zach Hac18s,Brad Dempsey, Mute Pem andVinme Pamzzi ran well for theRed Barons behmd the strongoffenSIve lin-:l or-Max Schmidt,

MAC Wlute "Our Iuds ne\erqUit"

South fell to 0-2 In dlViSlOOplay and 1.2 overall

~e have to play the re~t ofthe way hke It's a ore-gameseason," McLeod saJd. "If wehave any chance to reach ourgoals of Wltlnmg the leaguechamplonsb1p and maklllg thestate playoffs we have to playevery game hke It'S the lastgame of the year."

The Blue DevIls play atL'Anse Cr" ..se ~orth Fn:1d) at7pm.

South held Its own agamst aSUODg Fraser squad.

"Mv d~f"'''''!l'vP coordinatorsaid they were a top 25 offen-sive team," McLeod sa1d. "Theyhave an outstanding quarter-back. some good bIg receIvers,a solid running back andagainst us theIr offensive lineplayed a great game."

The Blue DeVlls' offense alsomoved the ball against theRamblers'defense

South had 332 yards m totaloffense, including 113::: on the-- ~ - ~t)I.VUJ.IU

-Josh Lorence. who seems tobe gettIng better every week,had 84 yards, Dan Griesbaumran for 60 and (MIkel Kasehuaveraged five yards peT carryon the optlOn," McLeod S8ld

Kaseht2: also completed 14of?3 passes for 152 yards.


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dard In \one 200 medley reiayMIller, Jane Kopf, Comilheand Piper had a st.ate cut in the200 freestyle ,-clay and Kopf,Reck, Plper and MIner dId thesame- m the 400 freestyle relay

(}i..-....... Pomte North's g:trlss....'mming team dropped a 100-86 decls1un to FarmmgtonHJIls Mercy last week but theNc:-"'~men gut. some C"vnsola."bon by postmg 10 itate qUAil.l)-mg times

North came mw the meetTanke!! fif'J: It: tl:e state inClass A, whde MeTcy wasranked No 2

The state cuts came trom'::arly Piper, who won the 200-yard freestyle and was secondlD the 500 freestyle, KammyMiller. who won the 50freestylE' and wa~ second m thelOOj Mary Corml1Je, second Inthe 50 freestyle; Mil.Tcla Keat,thIrd m the 100 backstroke,and Stephame Leaman, thirdIn the 500 freestyle

North also achIeved quahfy-mg tImes III three relays. Keat,Lmdsay Knost. Jenmfer Ret-kand Comllhe reached the stan-

Huron came in second andtlurd doubles

Two. ta.le state championPort Huron Northern beat theBlue Devils 8-0 m a MAC Redmatch. but Sobleralskl was!Jleased WIth South's perfor-mance.

"Northern is better than weare from top to bottom, but Ithmk they gamed some respectfor us." Sob1eralskl said "Ithink. we showed that we canbeat them if we play at ourbest. And we played reaDyweU"

South's first three doublesteams had outstanding match-es and Meryl Pankhlln,tdrop~d ::. 6 3. 7 5 dcc:s~cn a.tNo. 1 Singles to one of the topplay'?"' In th", stat.!!

North gets10 state cutsin dual meet




South's only wms d.gainst

Carter had c;eVI'n tAckll'''..md Sea" Fr,t<lllulld. DaVidHlrt and ('ar!0 Cardam wereIn on "lX "top" nplCrc

The NO!semen ho! t POI tHurrm Fnday at 7 pm

Osborn sco:.red on a la-yardrun for LCN. but North cameback With "i 20-\ ard LOuth-do....n run by BnanVandenb.!rgne and a four ~ardrun by Jeff Sterr Stprr's touchd" .."n "ii~ c;~..,t ~p tJ a fUli"IL1tr0('overy by Alt>x Thoma<;

Rick Pesta lpd North Oll

def .. n<>c v. ,th O1n(" hits, .nclud-mg three <;010 tacklc":,Stnckhnd had 'wv("n tacklec;,lncludmg rhr("(' ~nlo:-- HI' 311'0h"ld th,ct' tacklE'S tor lossec;..md a ql:d.TtCrlJRrK sack

Another four-play dn\e thenext time North had the ballresulted In a 22-yard touch-down ron by Koerber LCN rantwo plays and fumbled. Cartermade the recovery and fourplajs latH, Koerber hIt JeffHermann W1th a 35-ySId bCOr-

mg stnke to gwe the ~Norsemen a 33-6 halftimeadvantage

Sumbera substItuted freelyi:l the second half but It didn't.,low nOWl' thf' '\)nr .. ",.,,"....&yct scored on a i5-)ard ru" I-I.on the fir<>tplay of the secondhalf. II

LeN scored on a SIX-yardpass from Enc Osborn toRobert SchImmel, but. It tookNorth only four plays to getback Into the end zone

A 37 -yard pass from Koerberto BIgham took the NorsemE'nto the LeN 35 and on the nextplay, Boyd broke free for a 35-i41J.d tvuchdo",u rl1n

Dl\iSion i"i.,"~!E~~nhc\\ter, butth~n dropped the non-leaguematch to Huron.

"It was rainmg and we werestuck 10 traffic for 20 mmutesan{;~ Vfe got t~ Ann _"-roor~"Soblcral~kl swd "We JU&tweren't ready to pia) After 1saw bow tr.:ngs were gOlDg, 1W8." praY'ng for min, but that

~ ......... ""....--. ~_"'" ~... ""'v ....,~ ....lL la_'ll "''''''u...... """..........._ ... ~ ....'"'., '*6

three-getter agamst Carman-A'n ..worth ('~V~TJ<"l1gh ~r\(tDaw50n were tlallmj{ 3-0 mthe final set, then made 8(:omeback and won the tle-breal.er 7-0.

South began the week's pla~With an 8.0 VIctory agamstMacomb Area ConferenCt' Red

ablE' to be used so other match-es had to be moved to theUu1 ..ersItJ' Tenms Center.

"We had one court over therethat we called 'the comebackCOUrt.'" Sobleralskl S8ld "Weplayed three matches on thatcourt and came from behmd towin all three of them."

Both of South's doubles winscame In three-set matchesagwnst PIOneer

The Blue Denis' No.2 dou-bles team of CarolineCavanaugh and Brody Dawsonalso reached the finallil dgamstPioneer but had 10 default dur-mg the first set ...hen DawsontWISted hE'r ankle.

Week ends well for South netters


20 Mlkl' LU71 ph kl'd up 11yard., on a reve-rse 011 the firstplace of the dnyl' "nn ValPrlclacappprl It ....!th :l t\~o'Yf\rd run

Baratta added the first of hisfive f'xtra pOlntl'1 tan .I' entonadded the con' I'r"(1n "ff"'" theti,,;:: 1 N' '--t'- :.uuchd"wn

The NM"eml'n mAd.. It 14-0With 2 43 I('ft. In the first 'luar-tel' Wh(;n l\.~'rt,cr went In lroma yard out to clo'>e 'lUt a ~pVl'n.

play, 41.)ard dnve

Photo by K.P BaIayn.A trio of Univenity IJggett Scl100l players. including Ryan Lewis (4) and Anthony

Legree. briDg down a Luthenm. North receiver during last Il'rlclay'. 14-13 Iou to theM1IlItaDgs.

the wE'ek shouldn't hurt themfor seedmg purposes at thestate meet," Sobleralslu S8.ld.

Beca'..1Se of the Unive.."Slty ofMll~lug£h1 luuttall game, uiJ:»two of PIoneer's courts were

From page IeInstead, he used all the run-

mug backs at ros dJ.sposal andpu.ked up 359 yards on theground.

"We really mixed it up andran a lot of boches out there attallback," Sumbera saId. "Weused a lot of backs -- nobodyearned more than SIXtImes ~and they all ran hard •

Adl.lan Boyd, who hadtollchdoWT, runs of 35 and 75yards, was the leadmg rusherWIth 138 yards m four Carries

"He got outs1de and Justexploded," Sumbera saId

MIke Sorgeloos had 38 yardsIn SIX carnes and fullback PaulV...;encut pIcked up 34 y:1rds mSlX attempt<;

Koerber also pld)'E'd a stronggame at quarterback, complet..ng three of fh e passes for 82

1 ..l I _ _ ..n .Jp".a.J.U>:l> o..J1U }/1 .....,.. ...u6 ....,p "1ltJ ya.l.\...o

In four rushlrg plays"Scott also ran the option

'l"'o",.1h, ".011" ~".mk.orc. ~Q,,-t:ffi,--~an th~'tl';~w-E'il -;'nd h~tso:ne big pal'~es "

It didn't take long for Northto e~tabhsh Its superlOrJt}agamst the Crusaders

Tr\lp'ano sacked th!' LeN,.,. 'rTprl-,'l' lr M\ t)o",.rll1"''l' "'"~~;i)~-~ke;'S~~~'C;rt";rm~d~the first of hiS two fumble

By Chuck KlonkeSports Editor

Tilt! Wl:'t!k dldll't !Start outvery well for Grosse PointeSouth's tenms team, but itended on a hIgh note

"Tt WA" ...... " ... Ann down sortof week," sma Blue DeVIlscoach Mark Sob1er8.1slu "'Wec:bdn't play well against AnnArbor Huron (in a 5-2 105S),butwe played wen against PortHuron Northern and bad agood tournament Saturday at(AnnAmor) Pl.oneer_"

Sruth fiulsh.ed secondbehind the host Pioneers at thetournament that featuredseven Divilolon I sthO<llsriur.~e:; f.llhShed ~ ;th 2~p<lUlts. whlle South and FlintCer'llan-Am.!!'Y'.l!.LI" each had15. The Blue DevUs won thetie-breaker by havltlg the n10fitPOUlts in the mam draw.

'P.nn....,. won ,,;y ihvh~ whileSouth won first doubles behindLauren Pankhurst and EileenPulls and. No.4 doubles WIthth~ U:lua of Brenna M"'I»fi.,,:dand Katie Reagan

~()ur hTSt doubles team beatPioneer for the second timetrus year, wroch means thatth~l~ Ie:;:; to Huron earner 1."l

From page lC

There were several outstand.ing md1vidual pertonnancesfor the Knights. FreshmanAndrew Cntchell had a finegame at defensive end and thefive-man rotation at nose tack-le - Karthiek Narala, PaulBrenWL"I, C T. Charlton, RossLeWickI and Danus Clark -also earned the coach's PralSe

Ryan Lewis had a good gamerunmng the football, pIckmgup 27 yards in only four car-ries.

"Ryan has really made hun-self into a fine football player,"Hills saId

Wood was the Knights' play-er of the game find StacheckireceIved the bone award for thehardest hlt

ULS hopes tc :lotch lis firstVictOry Fnday at Ll:.theranEast

'We weren't qU1te r.:ady towm Vfot hilt w(,''No ,,"pttlnl! clos-er,' "HIlls S81d ~Nowwe Justhave to continue to bmld off ofthIS."

It keepsmoretl1anmemones


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September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe- News

.,g,VAry t1P'lP '"

A J Stacheckl's one-yard runon fourth and one W1th dboutfour mmutE's left. In the gamebrought the K.lllghts to wlthllla pomt of the Mu;.tang1i N.,kMattland rar: thf' bd.1l and '0'1 a&"topped pst "hort of the goalllne

""''ben we wef" on the 40and 1 knew we'd sCOre, I toldTracy (offensive coordInatortracy ~ ....eIIJ to get illS besttwo-pumt play ready," HIllssmd. "I'd made the decIsIOneven before we scored r wc..r...tto beat y,-u A tie is somethmgyou gt.,t irom your aunt forChnstmas"

Aft.er the mll,sed conv(:T!liontry. Hills hoped to get the ballbaek for one last drive, but :l

couple of costly defenSIvepenalties on third down plaj'~allowed Lutheran North tokf*'p the football and run outthe clock,

"We were movmg the ballwell; Hills S8Jd. '"Our touch.down dnve was 65 yards ineight plays. It was one of ourbest drives all yeaT We ronover the left slde of the linewhere Anthony Legree andMike Elanges were dOing agJ"ep..tjoh ofblndnng"

Even though ULS wentdown to its third stra1ghtdefeat 1n the MetroConference, Hills was encour-aged by the performance.

"We played four solid quar-ters for the first time," he said."We hIt them. A.J. Stachecloand Jimmy Wood played thebest games fve ever seen themplay and they almost got a winout of it. We just made a fewrookie mistakes at ke)" times.

-But we're getting great playout of these young kids. 'Whenyou first look at them yout"mlk they shouicin'; evec beout there, but when you look asecond tame, .;uu nota: t",~a.tthey're domg a P!'l!tty good JobThey're gOIng to be wmnersagain:

Lutheran North opened theseonng early In the secondquarter on a 47 -yard touch-down pass, but ULS held a 7-6hal1bme lead after a four-yardrun bv Stachecki and DnawNoecker's extra point midwaythrough the second quarter

Most of the s.,;,cond half waslike a chess match Wlth neItherteam able to mount much of adnve, but a short punt gave theMustangs the ball on the ULS30 and they caFlta.llzed With afive-yard sconng pass NorthaJsc sro~d on the tv."opomtoonvenrion attempt to lead 14-7.







I. I

Vldulld Hill" collected "IX

pUlnt" dnd eight rebounds

It v. at- d good !ll~h sthoolhAo~VI.."loth.),ll H"ll"'np" A T"u.-ln(. .... IH'~

'1<;';~~-";;- ,;ooJ- d~f;n-~~~:1I,t .. I'"lt:- ,10 lluth ~lJe" I don'tthInk tl,en 1I1IS ever mOl etnan ::l lour-pOint dlHeren(.e

ULS played three strongql.o.arter, In ItS 4R':~3 loss toCrllnbrook Kmgswood

'It wou1a hd\'l' been <l h'lgew,n f"r "' ht'CIl1J~P " l"ok" 10k"Lutheran We~t:and, ('fdr,brookand Lutncran North are thethrtp favonte" In the league"

Bandos said

"We had to pressure them Inthe founh quarter and we hadsC'mc brcu.~c.dn....'n'> en defense;"'

The Cranes If''d 17-14 at half.tIme and expanded the lead to29-21 after three quarters

Hllls had an outstandlY!ggame W1th 10 pomts and 10rebounds Meltl Bracken andKelJ Bonner scored sevenpomts a.plece, whIle Brown hadfive points and three steals.

ULS, 1-4 overall and 1-2 Inthe Metro Conference. begins astnng of four road gamestomght, Sept. 24, atHa..~tr~~cl;..

yard box hu.t t.l:Ie goal was ros-allonoo 011 Cl LU.uw.uv~n;iW off-side penalty. Then a yellowC"Ird put the Mustangs on thedefeDlllve.

Two five-mmute overtimepenods were also sco, eless,settmg up a five-kick shootoutround

The firEot Mustaug penaltykIck caromed off the post,whJle several others were JusthIgh or Wide. Dalby fought oft'the L~htU1Jlg'S kIcks withleaping and dIving savesFennell finally hammeredhome a narri snot on tnf' IDEllai'jiUst tv ....CUI ~ tlu: ii.nn Kutlt

Dalby then made a spectac-ular fingert.p deflectlUil 011

John:.burg's final shot to pre-::!t"~'e the 1 0 \'lC""'...orj"

Dalby was named the tour-na.nent's most valuable player,edgmg out Gray aDd sconngleader Ridg-w,,'y.

. Moo -Tues -Thurs .•Fn 8'30 a m to 430 p_m.Wed 8 JO a,m to 6 W p,m. and on October 5, 8 30 a m to 4'30 pm

Mon -Tues -ThUT'i-Fn 8 30 a m to 4 30 p.m.U/~d iI 30;) m to 600 pm and Oil Cktobc:r 5, 8 30 a.m to 4 30 p m

Knights lose twicein Metro ConferenceBy Chuck Klonke

;3ocrt" Ed,tor

l-1l1H'r"'lt:, LIggett Schoul'"~lrl~ t>(hl-.eLoall Ledm "UfH,.rl.'dIhrough d to\<gh \' ~Ch a" theKIll!!!)!::, drol,pt'd a p ..llr of:Vletru Confer"nct' gam( s

-\\'e I,t't'd tu "d'l a do:," gdmcto bmld our confidence" "Iud1.l C; '<1;1' h T"h" f.h"rl",- "\1,'"I:layed SC\ pn good Cj lIarten 01oasketball last week and wehave nothll1.g to !.ho\\ for It "

J he tlrst g<lme of the IIeek a25.24 10<;, to L'ltht'HInWestland, \\ as a heartbreake"ULS was lEadIng by a pomtwhen the Warnors Anna RolfhIt a three.pamt basket to giveher team a 25.23 If>Hn

The KllIghts worked the bailaround for a fif'al shot andSherma Bro ....n was fouled Wlthseven St"conds left She madethe fIrst free throw but the sec-ond hlt the nm, bounced awayand Westl?nd got the rebou.ild

"It wasn't one ml'lSed shot atthe end that cost us the game,"Bar-dos saId. "It ....aJ> a combi-natIOn of thmgs from the startof the game - a mISsed shotearly, a pass we dIdn't make,tJungs like that"

Brown led m.8 W1th sevenpoints :mn f>.ght steals, ""!'...:!c

attackers WIth her relentlessdefense Midfic!dcr:J Jo::=:-Abell and Humphry anddeft'nders Payne, Ft::nnell a...,dGray turned an fine perfor-mances,

In the champlonsblp game,the Mustangs controlled therl~ti:" }u)td~ng JuLughu.=b "'~H.he-ut a shot :ra the firs4:. halfGrosse POInte pepJlE!red theLightnmg goalkeeper with f;CV-

eral shots.

Seven tunes the Must:mgshIt the post or t.....ossbar withshots by Ridgway, Mengel,Kosuuk, Amhrozy, KammsKi,J.J' .. ~~~~. n~.;z Dn •• I_... _ ..; ""' c.a" "'II;,.~

,Johnsburg r-alhed .n the sec-ond half, but D:llby made someacrobatIC saves t" k., ..p tIlt'

LI(!hLmnv 'Iff tlw ho..~With J;;&t a few mmutes left

In regulatIon, Rldg~,ay beattne Johnsburg goalIe on Ii freebel{ frorn the ~dge of the 18-



For thc abo,c purpo~~ ell] OfficeS will be open dunng office hours Ie> follows

NO nCE IS HEREBY GIVEN ch,t! all qualIfied electors of lhe City of Grosse Pomte Park.. City of GrossePomte and City of Gco'i;e Pomte Fann<;, Cily of Grosse Pointe Woods, Grosse POinte Townsh.p and LakeTo",n~hlp. who are nOI duly reglstereJ and who desrre to vote ~n the Pnmary Elecuon on Tuesday, Novembet'4, 1~'98 lUU>l l<.~"ter wI,h .he e.l;, Cbk un o. befort: MONDAY, OITOBF;R. 5,1998 \HIICH IS THELA~T DAY UPON \.liI'-:W REGISTRATION OR TRANSFER OF REGISTRATIONS MAY BEMADE.

Cln' OF GROSSE POINTE FARMS, .90 Kerby Road885-'l600

CITI' OF GROSSE POINTE17147 Maul'lce885-5800

and Sleeman NatahcHumphry, AleXIS Pavle andKamInski proVIded strong sup-port at mldfielJ. while for-warde Stepha"'lf~ KOSt1Uk andMengel put on constant pres-sure

Grosse POInte reached thechD..1.~Pl0nsh1p 2'3me \\1th a f-OVlM.nrv ovpr H,;'hl"nn P.....lr

The" \'.'mm~gg~~i'~,a"s-~redlust mmutes Into the game ona hard. low "hot by attackmgnudfie-lde-r Kaminski off adeflected crossmg pass from achargmg Kostluk.

RIdgway scored off a center-U1g VlS~ i'rlJJll Meugl:i. AllusonAmhr07V nJ"'4=lln to tho hiah naQ...

post offa m~e~e;;te:;;;i~~from Kostmk Ridgway com-plpted the sconng WIth anasslst by Mengel

Dalby dnd Sleeman com-bmed for the sh'ltcut Altho'Jghshe ",as weakened hy a v.ralmfeulUn ,>topper Mue Hornefrust"at(.rj Hlghl.<mn PArk

Photo i» Rosh Sll!anGrONe Pointe North 5 Michelle Champine is SUttOuud

ed by Mount Clemens playel'8 as she goes up for a shotdurlDg last week's ~comb Area Conference White Divi-sion game.

Mustangs '89 win Illinois soccer tournamentThe Pomte Guls SQCccr

AssOCIatIon MustanjlS '87 WOIlthe under-I2 champlOnshlp atthe ] 3th annual WheelJnl!'InV1tatwnul '3occer Cld,>Mc, ~

The Mustangs were Just ashot as the 9O-degn..>e,te~~~:turc3 as the.:;. steiCWULne Iall5:eason wit;' a major t('tl~ament Vlctorv. facml! ton team ...from thp Ch;(.'lIgr-, and Kor.:hemIlhnois areas

Grosse Pomte (.'apped thetournament w,th a 1-0shootout \'lctorv over theJohnsburg Whlte-Ltghtnmg

"I'm very proud of the dedicaL'.In and Quod l:)lJ'U! t~Hh:HH:.~.1!lJ

that our team exhlbltPrlthroughout thIS tournament,"S8.ld coach Karen RidgwAY

The Mustangs started <;Iowlym theIr openmg game .uth theAlgonquin Stann and fimshedfunousiy, but coula only man-age a scoreless he

lCat.l.>-u G.ldy turneu Iii l.hpfirst of several .mtc;t"nrhn<!performances at sv,.eeper.Alexa Kammskl plaYed anexcelient game at mIdfield,v,.hIle Anne Dalhy and M..hssaSleeman shared the shutout mgoal

The Mustang.,' ofTen<>egotuntracked agamst the tal{.nt-t<d ChIcago 96ers FoCttballClub W1th a solId 2-0 V1ctorv

T n., 1'" 1LoLl;fiiUl;;Wd) I1~~uea In Ille

game-wmnmg goal off a hlgharchmg pass to the far postfrom forward C C MengelRidgway later scored theInsurance goal OIl a ~rt:3;h.::n, ay ~N:th,:)me" e that left the.:Ch'cago goalkeeper on theground

Daioy rl?Corded ller secondshutout wlth outstandmgdden"lve help from KellyPan,e. Allison Fenne!l Gray

,t~al- Sdr"h SPHth and J:.mwF"1nCl, !!otb d.d .1 ::::o0d Jol) onth,' b<'lllh Smith hdd "eH'11POUlts ~lnj FI3ih.l~ "'11~\) ,vL-t nb .n, d \dth hu ba.llL..l.,":lil1i;and d .. I"",,,

She !DI e" u" inoth'l goodb,lllhdlldlN 3.:ld gl\€'S u., a lift01\ deten~", .tS"pnett ~dld

-\\ .. h,\\ l' SIX p( nmt'trl peo-ple "hu (M' ~et after the othE'rIl'1'n dnd I (.'11 make "ub"ltu-tF"In~~()f"\ Pl\ hll(h ~t..-iV~ trp.-::h .,

~ortb (.pened dl\ ISlon pl<l:-"Ith <l 56-37 V.1Il O\t'f M. "1.t

Clemen" In ",hllh the Non,men.n,,~T'('~m~ ~ l-)_nf"llnt ilr,;;:t n'I~'~., .,tcr dt."ficlt

"It was a lot do"er than thefinal score," Bennett saId "rth'nk I' e ,"ore thpm down atthe end Our bench play hasmade a dIfference In our lastthl"'€,€, g~1'Tle5 \'\-'1'e'!l use rn-r.cplayers e_er.>- game and It's notalways tr.e same mne, denend-mg on the sItuatIOns It was areal tf>am effort, not Just two orthree players,"

~orth, wluch trailed 18-17 athalftime outscored MountClemens 17-9 III the thIrdquarter and 22-10 In the finaleIght nun utes

Toe Bathers' effort was hurtby the loss of one of their topplavers 6-foot-4 Crystal Whltp

Hawluns led North W1th 16pomts and also collected foursteals and three assistsMIchelle Champme had 11;:~:=.~:, f:;~:-- =~~:..~o it."j,~ ~ ...co::

rebounds. while SIlllth came offthe bench to score 10 points.

CllUre KotW1Ck and Potthoffeach soored six points, whileBramos turned In a sohd defen-SIve effort

"We've shown flashes ofbemg a pretty good tearn," saIdBer.nett, whose squad plays atFraser Thursday

I, 7-5, and Chnstma Oney a.'ldKane M".Iuer defeated KellyDornbrook and ('ourtlleyMcCaughnn 6-2 6-2 for thl>ULS wins •

I~onh's only wm came m No4 double'j where EhxabethHanlon and Ahcla Barbieribeat Nadme Hank and ShreeVellkat 7-5,3-6, 7-6

Thp fHlh_nlAi'"6 f;nH:'l, ~ .. ~ft ......

Grand Rap;d;-;'~~-'~~;th;;~uf a dlsaollOl'1tmpnt for ET ~q

"We w~ted to be m the topfour, said Wnght -We playedwell but Simply lost some close.J!UUt,!I .......

Everyone on the KnIghtssquad won at least one match

Ealba had two WlDS ai No. 3smgles, while the No 3 doublesteam of Oney and Mauer wontwo rvunds before losmg toEast Grand Rapids m a toughthrt'P-~tt.pr

In t.he semifinals, Oney andMauer fought ofr SIX mat(.npomts while Wlnnmg 2-6, 7-6,6-1 against Forest HlllsNorthern

East Grand Rapids won thetournament Cranbrook wassecond, followed by ForestHill" Central and Fore,,+ HlllsNorthern

ULS hosts 'DetrOIt Count~Day today, Sept 24

Q.........,....-4- rc Se::,~ember2&, 19984C ~ l!.UL "'..e.. .G.r.o.s.se_pO.i.".te.N.e.W_S

Norsemeil are toughin the fourth quarter

ULS beats North,takes fifth in tourney

By Chuck KlonkeSports Editor

Tt'3ms had lx>tte! nut Ildlt

..:J,l9Ctd j f(or (i10::-:::--(; POI n tl\:"rth, g>rl, b,!-LC'thl! t,anto fold dOlI n the ",tretch

It I_n t gomg te' happen-V.e seem to be finloh'ng

.:-o(rOf'g LOdL[l Gdr) Bt"nnctl";:lld alter tnc XOI ",emenlmpro\ ed to 3-2 01 c-fall an"(,,;pl"\cd tl-jp Ma(uml' Are ..Conf~rt:'n('e \',"}ut£ ;J~~"""In I:;,.P(l.

son ....lth a palf of 11ctones Ol't'f~fount Clemens and St Clalf

"In our last fO'lr games ~e\escored at least 1/ [)(Oint" 111 th<>fNlrth quarter n." g1r1s .in"'orkmg hard III practice and~h.1tha~ p':ud vff t-

In North s 56.45 \lctorv ow'r5t Clalf, the Xorsemenoutscoreo the Samts 34-24 In

thE' ~ond J,'1lf lM1ll(hng fin18-12 advantage In the fil"\alpt"noo

"St ClaIr did a mce lob andv.orkt.d hard but we matched,heIr mtensIty,~ Bennett sald.,,\\-'e passed well and kept theball mOl mg w.thout havmg todrIbble It"

Bennett ~ as also pleasedWIth the performance of postplayers Lauren Bramo& andNatahe Potthoff Bramos had13 paints and seven leoounds,~hlle Potthoff collected 11poInts and SIX rebounds_

.We've really Improv'l'd ourpost play in the last twoa~",g." ""Ronnot .. c::'!:nrl

:> "PI~~g on the V~lty 15 awhole new expenence forNatahe and she had tv adjustto the way the game IS playedat tins level. Our defense was a.:haUenge for her, too, but she'sgettmg a lot more comfortableWIth It"

Lindsav Ha'''kt.'1s SCored 111pomts fo~ North and had s..x

t:'wverslty Liggett Scnool'sglflg t.enms team defeatedCI"038Ulwn rival Grosse PomteNorth, then finished fifth atthe tough East Grand RapidstJ..&iiam€nt.

"We're m the dog days of the""!!!ron," sa!d VI c;: coach ChuckWr-:ght ~\V~~~~Just kU1J. ufWIl.ltU.g for the reg'lo~al tocome un And thl'll.': thp tlmp of&or: year when the kIds areInvolved WIth choosmg col-leges'

Tnt< Krughts won tt,.e SInglesmatches In convincing fashIOn::....-:.d '".,;"'vu.th.e fir~t t}lI t"'t:"' l]u~J:.l ...../'o

flights on the way tn a 7-1 V1C-

tory over North"The Norsemen have really

improved," Wright S3ld. "TheypIa) hard and competeextremely well. We are pleasedto beat them "

In the sInl'tles matches. JuhpMegier defeated EmilyKingsley 6-2, 6-3, KimWattnck beat Kathryn Barlow6-0, 6-1, Lauren Lalha defeat-ed Alesla Watson 6-1 6-1, anaSeJal ParIkh topped CarolynWhistler 6-0, 6-1.

In doublE'S, AllIson RICCI andNllvla KaZZI defeated EnnDIMaggJ.o :lnd Anne Evola 7 6,4-6, 6-4 Amy Sllverston andMelIssa Berger beat BrettCrawford and Ahson Wynne 6-


MICHAEL KENYONActlrg Deruty Cierk

TOl<rshlp of Gro%e POinteLake To,," n,hip


Cit) of Gro~se Pomte Farm~

Mon through Fn 8 30 a m to 5 00 P m and onOctober 5, g 30 a m 10 5 00 p m

Mon through Fn 8,30 a m to 5.00 pm and onOctober 5, 8 30 a m to '; 00 P m

\fon through fn 8 00 a m to 4 30 pm, and onOctober 5, 8 00 a m to 4 30 P m

CITY OF GROSSE POP.\"Th WOODS2002'; "fad.. Plazl'J.1>-244"1

lAKE TOWNo;;HIP795 Lake Shore

GROS'iE Por'\o'TE TOW~SHIP795 La~e Shore~H4-023~

CITY or (JP O~SF POI~TE PA RK1511" F J~rf~f'(r.822-6200

LOtUS:: iVAR:~KEell] (kr~CIty or Gro'~e POlnt~ l,.I,ood,

THOMAS KRESSBACHC<t) Mdn~g('r-Clt) ClerkLily or (,r\l~~C POlr.tC


(j p", 0')/241'1'-\ &. i010 II9R

The Pointe Girls Soccer AslOCiatioD Mustangs '87 won tbe under-12 division at therecent Wheelin~ Invitation.u Soccer Classic. In front. frc.m left, are AleXIS Pavle, Melis-sa SleemlUl, Anne Dalby. Allison Fennell and Jennifer Ab,.11 In the middle row, fromleft, are ~,(,;. Mengel, UZ Klc1gWay. Alexa Kemb19ki. Kelly Payne and Stephanie IKostiuk. In back, from left, arc Allison Ambrozy, Natalie Humphry, Katie Home, Kat- Ilyn Gray and coach Karen Ridgway, I


Seotember 24. 1998Grosse Pointe News s orts sc

ULS soccer team relies OIl defense again

~It's a goo<1 Sign that sopno-D...tort::::saUdJW1 ..0r ale ln the filAtlus .)ear We'U probably seesome new leaders In the futureas Ben Visger and Mllte Alvmare also eying the top po8lt10n."

.Our semors last seasonswttched lead POSlt.Ons at theend of the year," Wise satd.

Earllel El~nhower pushedIts first four runners across thelme before the first South run~ner hmshed and the J!:eglesv.,'on 15 39 Ford II then r:~edout the Blue DeVIls 25-31

Pat Daptler~ate VI sger. Chns Van Hof,

Davtd Ma.Jeslu and .Mlke Chuhad strong JV fimshes

South has had Pope, aJunior,and Galac, a sophomore,sWltchmg the lead roles thlSseason. Each has led In tworaces.

Nick Carter quahlied tor avarstty pos!tlon wlth a fine per-formance at De La Salle EdKeogh was the fifth runner tofimsh for South. followed byBill Crawford and freshman

EVIdence of that came In theDc La S<>ll~ "teet :H StonvCreek Metropark when Nu:kGalac, Fred Pope, Mike AlVInand Ben Visger fimshed wtUuni5 seconds of each uther

~J.~ LvJo arc L.r.ushj-g t..~C.LI"'

rac€; ."eG c1v3i: tGgcthCi;~ VtlSCs3..1d.."We see our team develop-mg SiX or seven runners thatWlll have very close tImes.

South makes progressAlthough Grn"sf> Pomte

South dropped It" t1rst twodual meets and place!! 10th atthe De La Salle !nY}tatlOnallast ~eekeIid. coaches TomWtse and Mlk£: l"ovak are see-mg SlgnS that the "grand plan"IS startmg to be achIeved.

Race champion Beth Auty of Grosse Pointe South Ie••the pack at last weekend's De La salle Invitational crossr:ountl'y meet at Stony Creek Metropark. Also visible areAuty's teammates Elizabeth Osburn (back ieft) and Heidicrowley (right).

iJLS has a metro Conferem.eg&me today, Sept 21, ~tLutheran Northwest, thenplays a non-league home gameWIth Southfield ChnstlanFnday at 4 30 p m

tng play from the defense corpsthat Includes K:sh, SOUdlKaZZl, NIck Clark. and MaceMcDonald

"They've all been reallysohd,. Backhurst SaId

ULS closed out the weekwlth a I-I) non-league Vlcwryover Ann Arbor Greenhlils

"That's a tough field to playon," Backhurst SaId "It's nar-row and it's crowned. so itseems like you're spendmg thewhole game retnevmg the bellwhen It goes out of bound~.-

ULS scored the game's onlygoal eIght mmutes mto thecontest

¥....!sh gent .:! P3.QS t,.. rp-r,tpr ..

mH~fi<>lrtPT Rnr Kr.m"R \110 hopulled the Greenhllls goalIeand volleyed the ball over illshead.

T'ha U"'........".,.}..+o },,~.r1 .,. 7 I.::: r.~""l">- _... .-- 0 ..........._ ........ '-I ....-0 ....

In shots, but managed only onem the second half.

"It was a tough, physicalgame," Backhurst s~l1d."Mostof the play was at midfield -or out of bounds"

KlunS(l,~th, cleptf) ,d,o Pdld oft

e,lr!Jer In the weeh. WllUl thlllJut' DL'db Opf ned the dUo.IIm,: f t "'(~ l-..on .......It h q 24--.1'; h n0\ er F(Jrd II .md a 13~50~1l1l~O\lt ,0/ .r~I~Lnh')\q r

Ford pa~ tl' 0 "f thl fint "tnmner, In thl: ~tdte 'Illd the}placl'd fil -,t :.nd third but ourtt. ...lP'" L()4"i.;, ::; ...... fL: ~ nftpu "C1pn~n~pu"llwn, to "In tnt meetZardnel< saId "

EISenh",\pr \',db nt, m[..ttn .1

South took the tup "evenpldU';,

The B1I.I<.. De'\'ll" ....ere led b)Auty Crowley, Ritter O;,burn,Kraft, Sca1Ier., !",rl.-enstaedtand Mary Gtbson




- _._---.----~-- ----- ~~ ~~~.' ~~~-----~------'~ ~~ ''". .' • '-r

was d World Cup type of goal.l:LS, whtch came out flat at

the "tart of the game, plckedup the mtenslty later, butcouldn't score

~1 was ,rate after the gameand the players knew It,"Backhurst saId "We had tomake some mental adJust-ments and we dtd "

That was apparent from thebeginning of ULS' gameagamst Cranbrook Kmgwood

Although the KnIghts dldn'tscore m the ilrst half, theyplcked up a pair of goals m thesecond for a 2-0 Vlctory.

"We t'ame out fired up,"B.:.ckhurzt ::.~d. "':.~"'eh~d. ~:::~~good fjpportu..'11ti~u;;., hut It wac;still scoreless at halftune "

The scoreless deadlock wasbroken mldway through the"P<'oTlfl h"lf wh..n El, B'!""'''~Cooley '5et up Anthony Petersfor a goal

Four mmutes later, ULSpIcked up an msurance goalFemn made a Sil:..e, then punt.ed the ball some 60 yardswhere tt was plckea up oy leftW1U~ &...Jtt \"allet:: "tla.llt::€ put amove on a Cranbrook defellderand k1cked the>ball,nt... the roetofT the outsllte of hiS nght foot

The game featured out stand-

Other medahst" were. Cn::.tmBrophy, MeredIth ZielkE',Rachel WaltC'~s, P..e::, ~ Baxter,Dana Gallllato and Ltbb)

The fir~t ,e, en r,"!ll."r~ wert.frow South :Yltgl}dn Robbon'" dS fir",t, foil 01'> cd ~) \':ctcn_E.d ....ard!>, ChnsL:-"l Anc.er"on,~1aureen HOl?hn Kat~ Day,Erlll Smlalck ,md Amand:lA,"H.1rade

felt ....,th OUI depth w,- umld duLhdt At thL l "leI JI the race v.ehad tahn 1~) o! the t<Jp 15f'1t d ,] P I!'Lf'_ ,md :;R (,i thi> top20 It ....dS a gn:<lt d'j f0r our(;ntlre team and a tremendou"u'splay of OUI depth ~

"She Isn't usually one of ourvarsIty runners but she hasdone a nice Job with our ,TVrunners, ma.n.mgsure they'reorgamzed whllE' I'm Wlth thevarSIty klds," Cooper said"She's kind of hke a big Slsterto t:'leJ'['l "

problems and Isn't in top fonnyet.

F olioWlng "Ojortn s top lOurrunners were ;>ephomores JohnLucldo and Pat Kennv

4'hey're Lulh l>Ohd'"l>.th andseventh runners who'd be goodNo 5s on a lot of teams,"Wilson said

The onl,)' ~orth runner topost a personal record m themeet was ~at.:! PMsh

The ~orsemen WIll competeIn the Shamrock InvltatlOnalSa.tUt da)' i:"t Cct ...... Ft::HLuh Pt"2! k.near Dearborn

~, ....... ""' .... ':..1llJ\ WIt: Va.l"U.,., ",""VV¥C'"l DQJ"W

"She worked h~ml all summer'Cooper also Ctted the work of

tri c.J.pt:uns Huehner, _A-nd..eaVeryser a..'ld~llen Safran

"They"' •.,..c dG""1c ::. gC"{)d Job ofkeepmg the team together andtIttlCS 1wyurtliut whell )'UUhave 75 peopie on ~he team,Mhe s.ud "They've made sureeveryone's inciuded and theftlareo"i. .H.Hy I.ju.J.u~~."

Safran has taken the cap-tain's role a step farther thannormal.

North also had good effol tsfrom Annee Miller, who wonthe JunIOr varsIty race by near-ly two In.mutetl and had North'sfifth-best bme overall, AleeneHang, Sharon Thomas andSarah Schultz.

1ms was Saran'l> firdt tUIlt!

Laura, a freshman."There's some good, healthy

competll.ton between the t", Q (,rthP!"'," CoopE'f Said "They're

, 1.L'- L ...... _~ _._UU:t..l'U.ll~ t=a.\..u VUIt::l LJta ..t.t;;a 1 \.Ll."-


"Ktsh I" one d tpe be::.tsweepers 10 the state andFl:!lr111 ranks nght up there asa goalkeeper,. Backhurst sald

The week dldn t start wellfor the Knlghts a;, theydropped a 1.0 declsion toHamtramck, desplte outs hoot-mg the Cosmos 19.4

"When you get as manyopportumtles as that, you haveto bun ..them.' Backhur;,~ ""ld

Ha~tramck scored nmemmutes into the game on afree ktck that saIled pastFemn into the upper nght cor.ner of the net.

"He d1dn't have a chATlce on....1.. _.. _ "n_ 1 1.. __ .......... ,..3 54T+-\/1.6oa. .. U'.&..I~, uQ....-A.&.iY..J..~"" ~ .. _. .a.. ...

HeIdI Crow~e)Autv';; tllne ur 20 27 ....<l'" ~he

fourth fast.'st In thf' 12-) ,'a rhistory or Ihe nJ,,(~t on thetough Stony Crf'e.k LOur::.eSemor nn;,tm Ritter wasfourth In 21 39 follo\'! d b\~oph(jmore Eh7dbeth O..,burn,y,ho Il.a", fotlh In n 46

Kate Fmken"taedt \nmthl,Kal.) Kraft (13tlt' und Bi ldgct.::lcallf n (15th) (0," 11leQ uutSouth'5 ...arslty (OntH.gent Aseven South Llnnu <> earnedmt'dals In the 77-runner field

~Flve ."ears ago we pla"ed 11glrls In the tvp 15 In the Jun.orvarstty race," said ~oach SteveZcranf'k "OJ.r bvu.1 th~ '3 .) r...arwas to break that record We

I # _


North has solid effortBy Chuck KlonkeSports E?ltor. _

i\ WOr.lUI1anUKe penonnancewas what Grosse Pumte Northboys cross conntry co::.ch PatW;l~o!l W:l~ looking for whenhlS team met Cousmo andChippewa Valley last week,and that's exactly what he got.

"'We raced well at Algonac(on Sept 12) and came backand raced well agalr,: Wlisonsatd after the NorsePlcn splttthe doubie dual meet "We weredu~ to LIle tllll~b n., },ad atAlgonac and thiS was on atongher course It showed wecan handle ~ack-t()-baclt meetsagain~r tough competltlon ft

Cousmc IS cne of the topteams ,n the sUite ill DIVlsion11 thIS year and the Patriotsrolled to a 21-34 V1Ctory over~orth The Norsemen b~atChIppewa Valley 22-35

Matt Mlkula, who was fifthoverall, ~as Narth's first run-ner He ~as followed bv MarkChasteen, w~o was slxth Qver-all Scott Senlla and BillyFarmer completed theNorsemen's top fot:~

~Our first four runner~ dld anIce Joh stnj; ng together,'Wilson said "Now weJu~t havel (\ 1<4'l'\'1 tlwm hl'A 11 hv Ann !f>tWoody (l"Jovd I catch 110 tothem ~ .

Floyd hM had 'lome inJury

By Ct!ucf( KionkeSports Editor

Grosse Pointe North's ,prIscros8 country team dLsposed ofone of its toughes~ MacombA1~d Cvnferenci: Wh~tcDtVlSion opponents llbt weekand this week It hoped to dothe same With the other

"We flgUted Cousino andWarren-Matt would be our twotcugh<!st league matches, butIt's unusual for both of them to~'OI1lethIS t>8rly In tile se880n,-sal<i coach 5cou Cooper.

North beat COUSInO 20-43 inone half of Its double-dualrutreL, th"u iinut uut Cluppe~avalley 1l).f>(J10 the seconti nalfNOIU .. l~ ..u ~ga.1..ust r,,1ott tlusweek

COWiUW Louk fin5t 111a.ct:: 'Lutthe Norsemen grabbed thenext 11 ,>pots.

~mlly Borushi~oied the wayfor North, foliowed by TracySecord. Laura Secord, BetsyHuebner, Andrea Veryser,Renee Brynk Kathryn Veryserand Katle Walton.

"Eml1y IS runnlDg two tothree mmutes fester than shewas nmning at thIs point mthe season a ye::l'" ago,' Coopersald. MAna Traev sPr:ord '" T::'C'-

109 better than 'ever"Tracy, a jUnIor, has some stiff'

competition from her sister

By Chuck Klo.,keSports Editor

It luuiu. hke Lile '>dme ~wryUm ..'erslt) Liggett School's soc-cer team has been wnhng forseveral years - plenty ofdefense and not very muchoff'pn""

"The good news IS we havethree shutouts 10 our last fourgames," said ULS coach DaVIdBackhurst "The bad news ISwe've only scored five goalsourselves."

Goalie Dan Fernn andsweeper Jonathan K1sn havebeen two of the biggest. reasonsfor ULS' outstanding play on

N rth · 1 ·__..0 glr Swin11 ..... •Key QIVlSlOn meet

Gro!>sc Pomte South's b'1rlsCl'OSS country team competed'n It" ~e(ond major mVll,tt.onalmeet last weekend dnQ postedo:1othcr \"Vn\1nClnb 'rictOl)

The Blul' D.:!vlls nao. 21pomts to 66 for runner-upSterhn!, Height;, In the 11-LeUrtl Dt; La Sdlle Invltatlona\at Stc.n) Creek ~letrop"rk

WatT;;II~Mvtt ....~'" Curd ....ltll1003 pomt~, followed byElsenhower 125 andl:hnmngham Gro>les 1::l6

South dominated both thevarsity ana JlLnlOr varsityI,lces The Blue Devils tOUI{four of the top Iive placE's In the'"'.::;rs.:; -..,.~-= .:::' ":~~;-b r.. 1 2fiwsh by JUniors Beth Auty and

South girls dominate at De La Salle meet



Thursday, September 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News I The Connection





I• I




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opportunity lor a part- brnoCustomer BewIce

Representativefor 28 !'our or less. days orai'iernoon SI'1Ilts DutIes 10-c1ude providing SElnnces tocustomers! re,,:Hlers suc::has mformatlOn on sto'es,adJvJtH3s and mall promo-

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estate Industryl 8end 01 fax (313-885- (ever-lings)Ca/! sandra ~!eIson 'lOW at 8533} a resume With _

313-88&-5040 for a cover lener and salary COUNTER help, part bme,personal IntetVlew requirements to Pansn dePf'ndable, re~a!>le

ACCOUNTANTS. Grosse Manager. St CIaJ'e of GroSse Pomte FishPOInte CPA firm hmng Mont~falco ParISh. 1401 313-885-3884all I I IA I Whrttler Road, Grosse -------

eve s, entry ""ve POinte Park, MI 48?30 CREATIVE people want-stan, senl<Jr staff. man- ad DE:slgn & assembleagers. Strong computel BOOKKEEPER! Office gIft baskets Part bmes!l1!!s reqUIred Salary, Manager, CPA lirm FleXible hours 313-884-health, & profIt sharing opening Grosse Pomle 4140Send resume to Box office Strong organp"a- _06030, cio Grosse tlOnal. computer ,.kliis EARN up to $500 week.lyPOinte N~ws & CO;1roc. iequ:;oo s<;!a;"r. ":s<:'t~, as~embli"g rroducts attlOl't. 96 Kercheval, proM shaf1ng Please horne No experienceGrosse Pointe Farms, send resume to to Gox IntormatlOn 1-504-646-MI ~23S Or Fax 313- 06029 CiO Grosse 1700 department! MI961-2577 POinte News & Connec- 2436

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APPLICATIONS accepted CASHIER, dell and pro.for fuliJ part time cash. ~ ,I'<> .. , mn""t",p "'""lars stOCK. ~II ana -- -- -. r "

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web Sit!' dE-Sign~r()"c;.p Po ,tp n~f(':lrfl'P(,(,,';

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PRAYER to tho Holy SPiritHoly Splnt, you who IT'ake

me see everythl~ andwho shows me the way10 reaell my Ideal vouIlono gives me the diVine91ft 10 forgl~e and forgettile wrong that 1<; done tome and you who are Indo:! instanCes of r"ly lifewith me I In thiS shortdialogue. want to thankYO'..o tor everything andcontlrm once more that Inever want to De sepa-rated lrom VOU, no mat-ter how great the rraten-al desires may be Iwant to be With yO..J andmy loved ones In yourperpetual glory AmenTt1ank you for yom loveIf"JWi1r(j~ rl1t;. dTIU IIIV

loved ones Pray thISpra~'er three consecutive

-days Without aSKing yourWish Will be granted nomatter ....,0\0\1 d.fTlCult ItrNly be Then promiseto publish Ih,., prayer asSOO" as your Tailor hasbPer granted Thankyou lor lavors ieC(llvedGLD

ntANKS to Sl Jude arrdSt The,,,:;e for prayersanswered !:l M



M'I'Ml.'!I/TS~I" rec:1Ilted We

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INVITATION$- announce-ments- statlonary- la-~l;; ~5Qt off er"'!''''e or

..CAPITAL neOOed lo pu;. RE payments HOME computer repaIl' & HAV1NG a party? Then I t

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e Suburban Classified Ad- occaSl()I'l Solo. duo. trio, and have a d1edong ac-t 1 vertl5ing Network (SCAN) qwl'ltet, gultar, Wl"Ids. count 1-800-250-8551I ~, at3'2~-$10 VOICe 248-661-2241 _NetwiiI ~-JJd .------ DINKY ThA C'.Jnwo\- Faal A.~ e' p~~!!. J-J.~ paIFlbng. baUoons and Lou The ChlWffeuf 313- _


e ~ I::~~~~of =.an a~-:-~ ~ ~~r 24 rn.u~*~..: Jesus be adored, gIon- (313)521-7416,_. c..... ed _.. rDoor, ~"tO-Door:& service!1Papa Romano's bu a'....... IoV at... pre- MAGIC of J q McAtee

great ~~ in served throughout the Votea"Best of Detroit"I-=~~ASJ ~~.:~!E,=-~"Y","",lT~'Forfurther mformatiOi!.. of ,TIlractes pray 'or us '81 0J445.()37 3

St Jude, helper of thehope!eS&. pray for UlIo.

Sav this prayer 9 bmes aday By the 8th day,your prayer Will De an-swered It has ne..erbeen known to fall. nev-er PublICation must be\JrorolseO Thdfli\s. SI.Juae for prayers an-swered SpeaaI th311k.sto our Mother Of Perpet-ual Help. J.A S



Thursday, September 24,1998Grosse Pointe- News I The Connection

203 HElP WAHT[D{) NUL MlOlo.l



~2(,=l t"



- 207 MEt' WANl-Eo.SALfS

.::n UCHJ,ore roDll'OlhJ.o £:mn,,~n 111"':1-- J -- - ......- -- .. -- --

iie-ad of e ...peneraeedCooks, NannIeS. Ma.ds,I-fousekeepers, Garoen-ers, Butlers, Couples,

Nurse's AIdes, Cornpan-IOOS arc uay wcrxers lOr

pnvate homes18514 Mack Avenue

Grosse POinte Farms

Are You SeriOUl> About Acareer In Real Estate?

We are seno.:s abot.tyour SUCC6&SI

'Free Pre-'Icenslngclasses

'Exclu.slve Success., Syr.tcm;> !'rogramsv"""'y 0, '-'0 lImlss'on

PlansJOIn The No 1

Coldwe" Banker alf11,ateIf1 the Mldwestl

(",.11 ("....... ra .. c,m,,' .. !!!313-886-4200

Coldwell BankerSChwertzerHealE~are

MF.DfCAL r!?Cepl Ol",st, fulla"1d part lime fer busyeasLside allergy officE'Needs computer tele-phone and people sk,lIsInc;,;rance Knowi<30geand some DIU'ng expen-ence o'eferred MEDICa pius E.xcellent bene-fits package R>r consid-eration, fax rasume to810-447-4209, attn Hu.man Resources

MEDICAl.. 0'11(.;; Stat!New ea!,tsloe oj)t''llngsfor OntCe manage.~ 110

"55K) B,llerS and ReceptlO'l,sts Fax r~s"meto Louarp 3' ....arper As-socIates fax (248)93212'4 Pho'le (248)932.'204

MEDICAL Biller ~ollp('-tlons per:,c,n f"leede ..j 'vous)' t:aSIS ae (' I,"rgypracII,:-e 2 vears m,'l"mum exper e'lee '0qUi red I"ro/lledceaDlew'm tlCtiS d.flO ,.,FODPO~~ ~le:: [a'f' <1'10

comme'Cld In~Ura'1(..e

c'alr' slal;s posllngand €lleel'o' l 'r",10"1I":>SIO" P"I er' At., cr I ectlOf1 exper~€"..,c(. reqwed ~AEDIC d plUS

Exce, en: Der 'J!lb packlolyt: FVI ,,",i.,I~J::'~W~ ~11"'"

A_ ,., ~r;, "1 ...


202 HEll' WANTfl) ClERICAl

""~"'''''- Cool!'oct: nS3'"

201lfHP \'IANUI> CURI\Al'

PART ll'i"e secreta"Y C<:LIa"tEJr BOO ;:J In

(~131885 5754

RECEPTIONIS-r--ne-e-d-ealor busy Easlslde can~"uctlOn aff'c-e K'lowl-eoge 01 MS offiCE: rea~ reo i-ax reSU'lle toAdministrator 810445-1137

RECEPTIONIST/Secretar"t Penect to S~Uat:nl

Marddy 'tlto.Jgn Friday2 to 6 Grosse POlr,te 10

SECRETARY fOr ~vh-town De"oot lItle campa

0"'" _ 11 n ..",,, ...., .." v ,,~ \J

'la' QQOO commu'),ca-tlon skills Must be deI'-endable sr>d able towork well wrth others5al arv and benefitscomme1surale w,th exper,e"ce Se"ld resumeto BOl< 02042 C/oGrosse Pom~e News &CO....nectlo 1, 96 Kercheval Grosse POJnteFarms, Ml 48236



WORKING mom sef'ks alter school care giver for2 preteens MUSI dnve4 days! 8 hours perweek Musf ha"e refer-ences 313-882-3211 af-ter5pm.

SITTER In my Gross"POtn,b home 9 a rr 3p I"'l 2 days per w'gek\T"05OO/ & day Of your('hOlOS) for 10 month & 4yea Old Must be very'Oll1l1g energetic & crea-tive t\io couch potatoe:.",ease Ca, 1-~9a4890

RESPONSIBLE, lOVing ,n.d Vidua, leeded Iv larefor 3 year & 17 man!'1.010 ,n our ho~ Iv! 0'1'f)dy .,Io';t:;\.!.! U::t~jc:1f b .......,&1\1<; 111fl8<;1758

CHILD Care providerne8ol:d In our homo O'vows M"nday. Ff"ldaylor 1 year old c<U-88213 1:><;

PART' n." s'ter '1eed':':to ~ar3 'D' rry 2 etllldre'1 afternOO'1s If' myGro%e POINe harpej:; ?v tlVUf:J j.JtH I('ft-"t.-r

Plea~e ca I Beltl 2483:;1 3980

•••.••_.,• .,..".....,.=•.•;•••' ••-"n--f't'"

Hiring Managers win be hofdingon-site interviews!


• Boolcselle!'5 " MlIsl~selle!'5 • (de Su.ff

We !'lave U~ folklw ",l ml'nfod,a.teOop('nln~ (N O\Jr ~~ .tore nGn>.oe Pol ... ", HI

Deelcatlon tltlCm a.,d e)C;prHlenCp,: ue a.11part of :.helam; y at Borders If YOU are UI able to ilt'end 0'-11' Careerrillr please- m.!lll you r re~u 1'(0 to Borde~ So, I"c •Att~ Chn.t'" H"'kco" </0 Bla,r l'l'Komb, I00 PhnoIn'"Drive. Ann Arbor. HI ~810a Fox (734) 477.1556Fo" mforMl211'l.ofl on c~ portun "'Ies ;H 0 "eo" ~"C:lltjOM <'.:11(800) 999.READ Eq".1 Orponu",y EmplQyor-M fiLl 'vMll10r "les encour~i:t'd to apply

COMbeca.J.J:e H.s: ~Ot off r:~pt<:$$6 IIMYIen B«IIa.MISIC, MIll Ql/I) IS ....

a( Lhe world oS f"j.cSl mno ..otIVt: retal'ers Ou su,cess /$

SeeendorY ~ur growth" I'Ic",d bleaking AAd"""'" l"'" re on.loti rev re on g rJ" We "e headed (or evoen grM~r S4.1((t'$$

add "lg ever1 rtJt>r~ store-! to C,JT e.m',ne 200 m 1998 As far Q3:

If#' It cOl"e~ fO" '" J",t (o<.nd • new ~ for 'fO'I' u-.queGbfbtfll:S &.It dor> ( ta.k.e 0Vf wow {Yf' .......;e 00 (jow 0-4 ~~our n<l'edMe ombI ... l« """ bell<ft> fot you"."


2Q(l HEl!' WAt/TEO GEt/fill!

Sumlund yo<r.;elf IMth theworIlfs greatest pllOllIe theempl~ of Hlcllory FBrmSand our custlYT".ers' \'Ve h,r.P

an eJC1t>ng and ~~ torJOU III be theUrot Manager fur one 01 OIJI'

ge8$Of'le! g.lt ~ IooatedIfl one of tne \'oIowlng .".

l.aI<eSlde £;enter Mall~MaIIM8c0rnb MallEastland Mali

We <Ire the natIOn s ~operator 01 58aSQI'Ial food goft

centers In ~ rnaIIl; Weotrer II good salary rompI"8'-

hanS'IIi! ll"lllMI{! PI ofae6o'81~. great CQoWCfkeni!,

and all the tQOIs you need tobe $l.teeeSSfulllf II'I!et'eSted"'- call Calie5:> at 313-

885-2057 ECE




WANTEDI i'1el,ab,e, regiS-tered ,lurse, age 25 to.45 Must live Wllh,' ~miles of 8 Mile' MackCall Ph,l Snyder, 810772.1718

WAITSTAFF. Apply o'Jtthl"Bluepolnttl Restaurant,17131 E Warren cornerof CadleJx

WANTED: someol"e fo'yard wor1<, tnm, fertilize.m"ich weed !Jays 313-964-2322. evenmgs313-881.1342

WAf't:iESS£S app)' Q

Gt\.,---:v s 2 So o"w'\

15016 MaCK 313'8~4.

WAIT I'lt:SSI nO"ic~S rullpart t,01e ::Iex,ble r Out~Gros"e Pain'", ros'aurarl 3138t14b81C' a~",fo' Franl<

VALFT Parking Attendants ",gl" \OIUnll; 'do,l

pacer' positlors avallabe Must be able todn e ~tlck S'111t Must ~18 Apply at F,shbo'le S91 Jef1erscn Valet bOCJth

DENTAL llSSIStant neededfor busy dental practiceFull lll"'le, with benefttsNo Saturdays, expen-ence requIred Please

BOOKKEEPER wanted call81()..773-9660with computer expen- DENTAL asSistant rieededence. 20 to 25 hours for Grosse POinte g<;!il<lf-~. fleXible hours al pracbcf! Must be ---------$6 to $8 per hour Call hlghl motIV2tad & e NURSES needed tor ex-8S1 1525 Y xpe- PanO'nQ dermatology of-

nenced We slress qual- lice c'all 313-884-3380BOOKKEEPER! adMIn,s. Ity anet CE Approxt- or send resume to'

Irawe aSSIstant Tenffic mately 20- 25 hours 20030 Mack Avenueopportunlt) wrtI1 estab- Benefits & retlrement Grosse p";nte Woods'hshed company Co<n- plan aV8!fab\e 313-884- 48236 Fax 313-8l3iputer, and strong gram- 4010 9756mar skills a plus Down. DENTAl. ASSistant need- _town Detroit ofhce Park- ed In Periodontal j)l'aC' OPHTHALMOLOGY,tJg, neaJtn Reply In ltee. Cxpenence prefer Surgrca.1 COOfoonator torconfidence POBox red. Full! part time No large eastside practice31--0842, DetrOIt, MI ever1ll'lQS or weekends Techrucal and organlZa-4823HI842 (313)882-5600 tIonal skills and "''1OwI-

BOOKKEEPING clerk, DENTAl. Hecepuomst. we ~ nf ,n""r->nr.P pm.Grosse POinte office. are seeklng a self motr cedures reqUIred Fullpart time, hours to $J1t vated, outgoing person I1meposttJort. excellenl

who saIaI'y and 1:ienefitS. Fax(3131884-E'14O has dtontal <;:nmput- resume to Admmstralor,

--------~ er knowledge. front 01-LEGAL secretary wanted lice skills, such as biIf- 313--885-1595

for 1 man office down- lng, scheduliog. lflSUr- r----~----..town Detroit. 3 years ex. ance processmg and aI- .~.pnence requrred Fax re- so has chaJ"Slde ass-st- ~sume to 1-313-965- log expeneoce Call • ~ire.d81SO (313)884-0040 and well< NI.RSING IIICON'OUTED

PART bme CIencal Work- full time. 00 eYefungs m ,,01/ ~ IWit)8'", Cily of Grosse Polnte a modem. $Ingle Mn!!~ LOOKING Ii'ORWoods, lyplng 30- 40 quality onented practICe oR.l','s. L.P.l\.'sw.p m Computer skills located on VemIElr Road 'NURSES AIDES

_ .......... 4 OA t: ....~ltortt "":10,/ ~ -~~~~3~~40 ':~ _ ;;ber;rlts~-"u,,,,,- I 'ALLHuLt"~

application EOE:J ADA) ~PERIENCED RoD HFLSA CompllElClCe Pleasant office, oart

PART time offlce help Orne Call for appllcallonwanted for slTlall east (313)881-1231 iII--sn:!<> Cntl5fn_lf'!tr>., ",vn: HLJUAN ~""""Irr.A l.'...n.r.:.1 "'hii6LGWIfl!llloany Phones.' firing! Office Manager fo' :3S"general office dlotec;. side general surgeryMMday. Friday 9- 1p-n gtoup FaIT'lilanly \WIth

$8 per hour (810/77,- medICal offICe JOO p0&-1516 bons reqUired Please

send resume to: Lloyd &3ocx:a.c:cao~ MU, PC,2.2101 Moross, SlJlte

roe; J ~ 334, St. John Hospital,~ DetrOIt. d8236. Ann Dr

, EDUCATION REPORTER ~=~~_............v-,

. EDIfORlAL ASSL~TANT ~...... ..~.""'"busy Ea.."1~)(lIrite office.

AW<lrd-w'lllllng eastsloe '1e\~.;paper (810)775.0')20IS Iookmg 10r an <.:\pcnent ed

educatlo' I reporter & ("(Ulandl aSSlstanl jUEDlCAL aSSIstant forl..'l"Ir~;"Pr(;s~ '">Nib dlt:' d jJiu: ..' busy ne ..m::logy j:;raet1ce ~~=

St"nd resume and clips ro at St. John professlonal HOUSEKEEPER needed,lo11n \ilnmS building. AeXJble hours 12 16 haUiS per week,

l)6 KerCI1e\<'l1 with no evemngs or Sat- for ch",rch 81()..776-(,ro,>"e F'olllte r dml!> \1I 48236 urdays Some e.<oen 9455ence ~Ipfu, but WIll

Ira,.,. &>nd reSUMe toMICt>lgan Neurology As.SOC1ates,22201 Morass,SUlle 356. Detroit MI,48236, Ann Rene

MEDICAL ASSistant need-ed Grosse POinte ,,!flOe,313-885-5070

MEOICAL assistant or re-ceptionISt ;,art or nllltime Good pay 313-681-4199

MEDICAL biller expen.enced WIth computtlr'Sfor expardlng 05';71<:\01ogy office Call 313-B84'~':l~0 ".:'''~8'''d "es' ..""e toEastslce Dermatology20030 Mack Avenue BAKl:RV sales personGrosse Pow.te Woodf., pan limel full time Ret'r-48236 Or fax 313-684. ees welcome Benefits9756 App'y after noon Josefs

RECEPTlQij!sTfor dD"Z Pastry Shop. 21150tor s office Fax resume Mack (Closed ~on.,13.527.5660 day's1

II~=~~~~~~~o!:~~~~~SI, . Exc~1 • Pov.erpolnl • Pagernaker • Lotus 1,2,3


I \"';;;~M;UI m TE,o.,\PORAr..v SERVICE oNe



200 flELP ViAt;TtP GENERAl

200 IIElP W.lNItO GtHtllAl


,00 tlHP WANHD GENRf>t

Payroll Customer ServicesRepresentative

Opportu.w.~)'w shan In challenge and gro'lrih ofpayroll ~ rtnn ~ 111 .mall bllSUle$lleS.Idll&1 ... nd"' ... must ba".. l-~ ,..... CU8t<>mer lIlIZ"V><:e

uperitmce, exceUeat ft1'bal. and written $kfIh<Computer literacy required Payroll expet'J9nC6ll.1ld

knowledge of tedere.1 and a1ate tu. law helptull'u't-tlme Mothers hours <>OOSld.erocl.

Call 313.331-0500~.Ift1 ".A'/ftU~a'ft~J I:i


TAX PREPARERINDIVIDUAL TAX RETURNPREPARATION both full and part-time for upcoming tax season.

• Previous CPA or accounting firmexperience or with recognized taxpreparation services required.

eExperience on Pro System FX aplus or with Turbo Tax, Fast Tax, orother hIgh profile tax software.

Reply to:Ji>rry Hawkins


21420 Greater Mark Ave.St. Clair Shores, Mi. 48080

........... ,. ... I 'I 'I. / ....._"1 ~ _ .......

L-iVJc1l1. It!1 Y.lla ""1'111 , ......,~uu.~VUJ IFAX: (810)772-6715


100 HHl' WANTED G(NHlJ.t'

or tax apph ..atlOn orrc~um.. to (313) 884.7956

~A Prem'er Pro" atL (}.JIJ

the'Grosse Pointe Yacht Club

'1JS C'.CCII(,'li oppnrllln,lle<; for ('mplo\mCnfIn Ih<' aredS uf

*Ala Carte Servers'" (mu<tbe 1S ~edt< of age)

.Bus Staff'"Grt>c:ll pO,>IIIOI1<; for college <;tudenrs'

*Harhor Attt:ndants.Great dre,l 'or r('lITee~

'.AI'''1 'K' n,\;;'JlIrlhlf' !n w,)rk 1,\( ,,"erasevcrur.j.l3 $< holl(3) S \JIlI' !I(''(lble

S,11Cl111Iir !4 .1\ ,1 IrlbleB<'ne!'t" rornp<,tl'I"C' 'vagC' ... iln<1cnJo~ dl)l(' workH1~ em ,ronmentAppll( Clllnil-' clr(' ,,"<1liillJI,' ,H ,~w

:Er91lJ~ • 788 lakE' Shore Rd.,r- n_.~.~ "1.~.~< M1 4~7,,.,...., I. 'J~~'" .... -...... -

1t::ldJ~ e....jJ't:Iltw.':.K..o~ rUB

benellis, qOl~ q~anenyb.ln\lsl" Fa" r,,"urna toAmtmCclll l'1CluSlnai



ELECTRONIC -Re~alrT~cr ExpcrC'''':cc::: Tectlfor growing cofT1panylvIust be Illm,llar Withorlves & other 'nOu,,:rlale,ectroniCS MInimum 3

DOG walker needed InGrosse POinte CltV lorp.Jppy (313)682 5757

EASY WORK- rel'reR pt6'erred HandymanSmall yard! home Owntr(lr1SportatIOn 313-839-1;)55

LITTLE Italy's Pizza nee<ls NAlL Teen, experienced SALES Clerk- full vr par:phone person pizza Guarantee. plus com t,'Tle poslltOn available'ndkers, del'very dnvers miSSion Vtlnlo s hair Exceller,t wages ApplfCall (313)526.0300, 5a1o'l. J00 "ler Cen :rI perscn ur serd re-(8101469 29~ Apply 11'1 pe'son 313 sume Not'e Da'T1E:'

-- LOOKING fora- -- 2591490 Pham'dcy 'u92b Ke'new C"l!Ir!@f'? N-A-IL--T-e--C-H-S-. _:.f)O\-~~ G~~"~c Po nte

\.,a,l and see t you o.Jailly Wealth for Vourself' SALES MANAG ER10 eam $50.000 We tlave Esta....shed na I al

- "'" I S on IS PHONE SALESthe "yslpm~ llnn thi> see!'".'1~ '~::"'\'3!ed 'lad

s~hoollng to mal(e you' tech for boo!!) re'1:al 30 year 010 b~tabll":>l\eCJdreams come true (810)778-SSn (Eastsl::le) manufacture' of

Call Rlcnard Landuyl elt - -- plOle:.1lve and 'l.ppearance:';13-885-5800 NEW CAR - -- c'lenlU'< :;uattngs, needs

('"Ir:!"'~lll:I~".e' SALESPERSON an eve'llng supervlsc.rlSc'lWClt2:cr Car cl(p~nence manager ,Monday thru

G,ossa Pomle FarrT'S '"\0\ neces5a"Y Thursdav :l30pm-930pm----________ ~es exoenence a mLsrr .:.n"" "(t\Jra;.,y ~~m_ ...o(~{"r.ll.OOll.lNG tor a sales a&. 5 day wcl1l. week We sell (factory Olrecl) to

~ .'Q' , """Y"V "", 'v 4U,I' rneolcaJ oenetlls new/useO car anO truCk ' , ..EXPER.ENCED -~;-c1erk, open a (;,rosse POinte Crummy Oldsmobile bu}'~rs <;up,,,t> pro<111('t~

Grosse POInte area fac,lIty for a National In SaIes~, at "fire sale" pnces MustStartng poly lip to $6 50 vestment f1lm l:xceHent (810) 772-2200 be shdrp, aggressive d.ndper f'our Mr C s Dell, COM~un.cat~s & or. ---------- expenenced 11 h,ong,

galllla"~--1 k II PART time medICal recap-313-88;2.:::592 Tom ""'lG S I S a training motlvat'ng and__________ ._ mus. F t bon 1St fe;,r bU5'l' St elMEXPER C ' ax resumes a working With our slaff

IeN EO pamters Pal, 248-433-8372. or Shores office Computer <'_Ineeded- Grosse 00lnte call Pat 24a-433-8363 expene'lce 20- 25 ~ary. benefits,area, year roond POSI- ---~------ hoors per week send Incentlves -negobablettons. lTanspol1a\lOl1 LOOKING for an A class resume I" 23501 E Jef. Mr. Bruce. 313-886-1763helpful. 313-aa~.7300 licensed drIVer with fiat- farson, St C'aJr Shores, SALES person needer tor

FALL clean-up, snow re- bedoetrortexpenenceC

jln 3tile MI 48080 Attn. Debbie spectalty food store 10-area a I 13- -------~~-- cated"on the HJ!r III

moval, ga.-denlng, pamt- 933-2900 PART TaME OR G',osse 0,o:~••e "~rrn"109 & roofing help neeo- --------- SE ...... -ed 313-882-3676 MAINTENANCE Meehan. MI RETIRED Excellent wurkH1g enVt.

--.----~~_ !CS Mech.arucal So C!ec Ha.~r Woods Fa.PTb1"j ..onment and opportt.':ltyFOOD sel'lllCe posrtlons tncaI troubleshootl"9 BusIl"leSS (Est 1968) to leam about the gour-

aYallable Harper Woods expenence WIth auto- 5eekJng dependable per- met food bUS41leSSHIgh School Call, mated food JIlleS helpful sons wrlh good phone Please call 313-884-(313)371-2090, Pau. Exoetlent pay & benefits skills. OverseeourOltfer 5637, Tuesday- Satur-leIIe. 313-875-7246 Ext. 240 dept 5p m. 10.30 p m daJ. day

HAlFtSlYL.sT wanted for Or send resume teI~Met- tyl 9a m ...3 P m Saturday -se-EKI-NG--~entt>us----I8-sbcJoseph 01 Grosse ropolltan Balang Co Very generous pay planPOinte. Booth rental Of 8579 Lumplon, Ham- Leave message- person to JOInsales staffcommlSSlOfl (313)882- t-amck, M. 48212 Mr Roy 313-886-1763 of downtown DetrOl1 of-________ flee supply store Retail

2239 MAlIA Rosa's ?,zzena PART tJmo sales assJS- elCpenenoe helpful butHAlRSTYLIST- busy shop needs phone help, lams needed In Village not necessary Some

m St ClaIr Shores. flex- cooks. wa-il.slaff, plZZa woman's boutique 3- 4 heavy lifting reqUITedtble hours. Jaclue, rnak!lfs & dellVSry peo- full days per week Gen- Full Of part tlme posrl'on(810)77'J-4750 pie Apply after 4p.m I)(QU$ In- $lore dis- available. Easy com.

tfOSTES!r P rt 15134 Mack counts. Contact manag- mute from the east SIdenmgs. A,..~ = MANAGERS, Closefs, er (313)886-8386 CaJl John HarTllllon orL Bow Room, 20000 p~. TypISts & PART- tlme Bookkeeper Deana McDonald atHarper_ (313)884-162"2 P.aceptlorasl for T:1le '~"t:nt needeo :n m'1 (313l962-7983

HOSTESSES & Walt- Company. Posmons home, D&trott Errands, STATION attendant and

resses, bussers Full ~t ~ = bal'llong & phOnes 313- mect1anlc helper W1th1lme days eYeI'lmQS' , 882-:'~76 light mamtena'1Ce 00-L _. .'. • Shelby Township & Tay PAltry Pl;:;,-.-,ars, ~uv;:!; lies Flln hmP 1:200-=:. I'IWYp~ lor send resumes to 7'00 P m 5- 1/2 day~"1I"- ......-.. 26800 Haq:ler St. CIaJ nalors. hosts, \Wanted toHouse, 20273 Mack Shores MI 48081 r pIarr, supeMSe, host tea week Village Marathon,AYMlle. between 7 and ,. parttes for all ooca5lOOS. CadIeux at Kerc.heval.8 mile, METROCEU- Mict1Igans Wlll train Flexible hoors see Ph~

IIIMEDIA largest comrntJTllCatlons Pay commensurate WIth j-EA-CHE--RS-a/de--fof-2-1-/2-.TE openmgs for provider IS klokJr.g lor pe..'N11l"la1i1:.e cau lor 3 112year old class Full~~:~t:full or part time saJes appoiI'ltment (313)417- t1m8, 6am- 2pm Elcpen.

and WICkershop III HIS' peiSQnS for our Grosse. 9667 ence requwed BABY care !or newbomlone Ealstem Market ~~"ex=RECEPTIONIST for 00<:- \313l884-2560. dally. 8 am to 6 pm ?p.Perfect fof dependable, ~ & benefits ~o(s offioe. Fax resume THE Poster Gallery IS or expenence and refer-outgoing IndMdUals. No aWllable Please con- 313-527.se6Q looking tor a lull tlme eoces required 313-nlgtrts or Sundays Flex- tact Tracey Dettmer at saleb person to sell art 796-7041ibIe hours. Will tram (810)790-5900 to sched- RESTAURANT and deslgn customgreat for college st\l. ute an 1I1teMeW. Coo1<. WBltstaff & Portllr fram,nn Ma~t BABYSITTER needed 2dents and .moms. Appb- .-. I Y FuUtJr Part Time Apply pote~~. ~m.;"w-;rt~ da,s .. "~k~,, 8 00- 2 ~Ocabon6 being accepted ~~ needs team 50uD Krtehen S8.1oon or fax The Poster Gal- for newborn and toddler~/.on<Says, ~ndays. ~ da' no ~~ (t=rankl.n at 0r\Mn$) Ierv, 110 FISher BUIld- iu-i llJf ell ;IUI M:l(.ui~= ~rMtSt~ ~ ~ dental 313: Between 2:()()" 4'00 mg, DetrOlt,48202 Fax ~u:nt:1e:'e=S:~troll (313)567-1173 884-1444 RIDE needed tel from 313-a75-a647 own transportation re-

JOB hunting? VISIt lt1e Vil- MOTHERS l!. o~ Wol1< ~~: J~~RP~~~~ ::..~~~~~~~~ qUlred /313)885-0457!age websrte jOb post- rrom nome t:arn up 10 "',-;.- ~.~.- ~--- ----------IOQS at ~~ $6,000. mon!.h. rl8la) W~I pay gomg rate Be s protesSlOn&.I nanny! CHILD CARE and lightgegD.com .(810~7-211 1 (~13)882-7897 Top salalY & benefits houseIceeptng, beforeJ

_____ ~ - - R08USTO'S CIGAR BAR after schoof and ev..-LANPSCAPEI lawn cutter MR. C'S DEU Now h1nngt:OOIPlIM staff MONTESSORI NANNY nll1QS Vanous tlmJrs

for Grosse Pomte crew No exoenence necessarv Full and Part tlme, dd."s 313-259-6700248-398-9226. after CashMll'S, cooks, cJerlG: =vi ...-unnc:' TRAINING PftOGRAM7-30 P m stock help Must be al. APPiY -11l-perS.;n \~ ... it>', :;",-,i... ~ .... i

LAUNDRESS 'needed for :;t~~':'~ 19271 Mack Avenue A NANNY NETWORK. INC

Grosse POInte farr.lly, 1 ence Apply at Mr. G's Groaae PoInte Woods (810)739-2100day weekly. (313-796- Dell. 18660 Mack, Grosse TEACHER esstStants. WAITRESSES. part & full7041) Pointe Farms, Mack at E. substtWWli needecI. van. time Wdl tr8lO ExceI1ent

MANtCURtST and recap- Warren, 881.7392. ask for OU$ ')ours Montesson pay Apply m person,bontst needed for busy ~O~=eJ=: school envtronment Ex- Insh Coffee Bar & Grill.Grosse POInte salon. between 8 & 9 MIle perl<M1C8 with children 18666 Mack Ave.(313)1384-8080 8&4-3880, ask for Donna nee\led 313-881-5079 Grosse Pomte Farms

r THE BEACH GRILL1NQW Hirip~i~i~p~~'Po:.luuu. I

On the Spot intervIews between9:00 a.m.. 11:00 a.m.& 2:00 to 5:00 p.rn.

New Stale of !he Art !I.,IChen, Au: Cood.tJonN ,uoks hnesAre you a professional woo enJOYs WOl'klllg on the lIne?

Lookm\': foJ' promotoon and recognlllon'

~Unh!y Sill£{"P 109.00 ;m hour Wllb rs:fers;nce>• Lead C<>oJ..s • Broiler and SaUle Coo:...• Pantry Poo.ltJonS • P", ... Cooks

fAX (810) 773.8572Phone: (810) 771-4455

CHEF'SLINE: (810) 773,5192



~ I


1001<. FOR TtiE R \l'WOW' ((,0 GREEN"I>ooEXTW£E" R!VARf'

2032 NORWOOD, GROSSF POTNT£ WOODS(Turn off Mack Of &ston Matkdl

Sal\lrday. $eptemt.,r 26th (9.00.4,00)

WHOLt:.HOUSE SALE "EKfUR!NG "bh"l:2ny dt'Op-leafoc.. Iloble and coffee ,.!>Ie. u!,hol.te~ furml\l...,. ;: H,tchcock

(ha1nio, ttt1t ~r')"tilll chzna aM gla'Sw;;rf'~ ('~bl K('If)(,e,;,

chi .... CUI'" ~ ..... «.. ~"K"'g .. alnul bod.""", 'tt IIg11lch<,m do',bk hedtOO'n '.L (Kling). ma"l N.ncy Ann" dolb.I"r\1.pl'" d~""k Toto P')wt"t m ...1¥',.t, .sn()ooblowrr knchC'n 1fem,.,

(.,;,,;Iumt & g:ood Jewdr" 10" nu:t.~1 arm ~y,. tool~,n,y' hook(";lll.t~ and muth, much more

NLTMFlH,~ 7:30AM. Sar."da\!'!••••••



• Son and Pa,k• UXJfOlnatC 1\-1:)''1\:

- lJnpack & Orgamzc

HOUSEHOlD SAlESr.. ~ w.......-... "- 2~ How -.. 313.885- 1A I0


Organize UnlimitedAnn Mullen _ .Joan Vismara



:- XfrtheriJU Ylmoftf and associatt.s -:

::~(:~~~;~~:r.,~~ I'~r!I''',",'IL, ~

'\..t:jt ft tlt.-t...' - _


305 S!f .. A110NS ~~ANT tv.JJOtJ~t m~~'~G --

40b EST.t,n SAlES. ---........- - -- .

.w6 (STAT{ SAtES

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( ..fo ~A~

" .... 1" "-~'':~~'L~ :.t'::L,;TJ:~




must show tf1etrC1Jneot ilcense to your

~ representative¥Itlen placlrIg youl' ads


Grosse Pointe Sales, Inc.Complete. E.,.tale. Housrhold Liquidation Ser~1ceMary Ann Boll Ren~1' A. Nixon313.88.2.1498 3.82~.l445

Thursday,$eptetnber'4,1998Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

Illl.1 _~ ,.. , _................. 'Vl1hC ,.,.>1 "''''./ ~ -~ r...INDA S l, ea1JnQ Service MAHOGANYtate o.ftce 100001r.g or POINTE CA,ItE SERVICES 1""'0 i:'SI JeD':!ndab'e a' ...,.: ...~. 1012 Beaconsf'eld- Satur- ~'1 ~eaupre, \.>rosse

sales agents wrth mlnl- Full ':.a::,J;~!gir~,ve-m l%able We do It your Th.. !<n"l.., _... ,l\ ~ // /" IN"TE~IORS day. 8 (l(). 300 Beanie POlnlP Farms Glgantlclmut1 3 years expellence Comp"-lIon&n,p' IV"" Re~ --pnt al ("'o~ .w , ....,..,."., "' ......, ."'" 'M1~//(J(/{'/trftt; tl:h(ll FurnIture Babies. retJroo and cur. Saturday, 900- 300

G P • - '-' , -, .0 ~lno "-'I """., &. A r S.. -) renl LI dro flgunnes Loads of furnrture gift'(1 rosse! olnte mal- 1~~i8~BO= '11ercal l' 3138' .4534 u,. ot! I (Lbo tIo • ...a..) n Ique "up . d ,Io-el Ask or Ph,l 313 Circue Po,nl~."l<lenl ------1 u- ~ , .. _. TWO PRlCfD 506 S Washington boys toys anchor mls- wale ~lems. antiques.&Sb-8/10 I 885-6944 MAR;- ::,,, 1"~()U~t\tH'l:- I"::: ::':"'.."::::"'-="'"""7_ '11 >l0l'SE ~..tE" Royal oak, Ml cellaneou$ household qU:ll.ty cJoth<>s Sliver.

ng Ma'lv rele'ences L_ -,- n._ . $6.5 Clt ..SfRU DR. I t5 blockll North of 1111 La~::!pcwlte Sa""d"" cologne Scl'""PIl:l~,ou,,,:!,,SALES person needed 10r dS;Jendab'e ,edS'~ll~ - -- ---___ Br00\IFll:.LlJ HILL> 696 Freeway al 10Mile 9/269- 4 Alley access lr Nan" II- It 5 herll

aa specIalty GOffipary ble <31:) 7&0 8496 I ~ I W OFTELl-GR.>I'HI Take Woodward! ---------- 32010 Jefferson 8t ClairGreat commISSion beFla (~"(I1C~';~'e.-:~ ... \ -- I ~"',.............. I II ~Ulr~llr.l'(l J..... r.i.:.1UiSneeteXit/' 171~C S~OV)\I off Cadc""x, " I POLISH F --- '" F d Sa "'A 9 4 Srores Fnd<:y, 1200-e I(S ,,9'10 resJlmo to ",,". '" ,t, ~w I",.,r,por L '>0, I ~ ....:r.!IoV I ~ 'I<J1>Al ",PlI "~'J<" 0" n all lurV<1Y'

I" 0 Bol( 02129 Detro t ,~I~'le~ r0LoS!-'C eo.'1 rq HOW~bfA.IUIY.l f >All RDAYH.PH.\ISlR.. '0 ~ Banqu~, mahogany. din- 1826- -B-;umer;;ouU;~ -F~,- 4 W. Saturday. 900-MI48202 E:..p" lenced e"<'lhle SOU' T.................. If'S room t3bles Trad,- da SUnOa 9- '3 rion ~~ _

--- 31.3306 8408 Da. ':""U/i"...,A._":~ "P,,,,,,,,,,,,, of Sarah >,{'.nu>on t,onal size dining room y- y, - 363 Belanger. GlOSsaTFt FUARICETI~ -:::~.d:: I £- _Y1.=-~":.."'i1 J II.fl;... ..-.~.. tab:~s. Twm to 1'.:-0" "'I.... da 750 furniture, to?ls

-- - -- ----- ~J' "",nng'"n ",'n "'uu< ~ '" ~ ~~ t d POinte Farms, Sat'Jrdaysales! custornel care T.L C C.e,31',ng reslden ~~ • 1, S 2310 M 1../ Down,o..." mahogany, 4 politer COfTlpU er. ;yom ress g. 4 only' PhotDg'aPhersrprrp<a>n:at!\es Corn- l.a~ bus"""" cor ,'1'(;( ~, '. Ann Azt,at' >,t .. n Sr. Wan' l"eds Large mahogan~ elp",n" r;lng~ lJortabla trays. classiC & ch,l-casl Ca.ble IS o.~ of .~ (;,..., (;Cf'\S:IUC~Of'\ (afte' ScmdJWdCir':i7t;LJ_-' Huron !,_Vtt Dr l';C I mile breakfronts by Baker (al~ dishwasher microwave dren 5 books. games.:argesl~blecompanys .....~::r:;.~~e~...., fire c~ean UIJ) Releren-' 26000~_ fRlD~\S<fIH'BUl~l"' so IargeantlqueEngll::h etc tewehv luoaaoe ski'1g' r~;-'~~"o' va"'nou"'''''sQA'y CARU'AGll ID . . ,- "w", ..~ "",' .1~ t,.IT>MiIe ' 1 ~ .. n,IW'Y.~ r~'iUd.l. ~o, I Dre8IUrOnl). 1"81ror no!>! '1:I1:l~ vvuoomuril. rwrper I'lnlho: blkA'l l::Iw'1mow

- ..~ - - If" ra.ls $5 off I,.,sured (l,.,(l96 I. fOI<LNfQ j' .... Hm J C~lrs. Mahogany Chip- Woods :>alUrday. l:l 10 er. spreaderoutbound saJ~ projects (I'l-home & cenlers) bonded (810\776-1514 ~ J'~ J~ 'I;~""'''''''''''-'__''''=-'''r ptlr'ldale full and twin 5 No early blrdsl Cloth- _

~~~:. r;::Ii:a:l~ cu:~~~::~:e~:~our~~:age (3131752.45361

~- I'-B--O--O--KS---J ~~.::=,:~of ~~: exerCiseequ'pmen', ~t~='~ =.team player Excel ....nt advpr"Js,1'g representative - I mah"""'r." dl FumrturA smAil fr~l~ •.., THE HOUSE-K~-TEERS -.. Buo.'gh- tot Sul<t I -.,,-.J nlng roo>n 1;n 8ecluiQJI (3 OIOCKS 5opportunity w.lh a grow- wnen p'3Ctng your aas CLEANING SERV ....e ~ e" f LIBRARY BOOKSTOREj' Chairs {up to 12 pel' kt} of 8 MIle! off Mact<;'/. Sat- hOusMold ItemsIng compar.y Hours THANK YOU ...., " Frer:ch b'Jreauptal. me-~"'onday- Thursclay 5pn'- CHILO CA-RE -- Bonde'.j and Insured ,- " 248-545 -4300 hnftlllftyservars buffets urday vnly B- 3 Fl.'m. 5 family yard sale. 272

ll'ams ~ 1111_.. a.,p.,~ and-'O:;.:..... --' ture. clothes. anttque Marlboro, off JeffersonS~andSaturdaY9am- ALTERNATIVE R<>""rl"r' ",I ('"mmt>N'-'" q!P • ,,$e1QPllRer ...............rd$(Krtteng- stolle MISe Ileme Saturday, 26th 9am.1rrr> Salary IS $8 per International Au PairS ;:.:. - - - - - ===..........===..... er 6aiIer LinuIaJ ana ,,~ ,..,."... ng "- ..__IlOCr plus cotnmISSlOn Lrve In help rehable. "",",<IC'ngSlnce 1981 otttW.~abhogaoyexec 19816 saliSbury (between "l"'''' ..."",,,1 • ''''''''''''""Located at Mound at 16 313--582-4445 -- BUY BOOK. utIve ck.u with ,__ ... _: BI 9 mile. j_ 941 Bea' hold. 1988 Volkswagenscreel'ed. ex~'1enCed E AND L........ III. _..... JettaMIle Road Benefits 1'1' Eng!l$l"lSDe8l<lng -maJl .JOHN KING tops(3'XS',4'X6jseae- consfteld) Fnda)'. 9i)(}- _duoe free caDle serv- Legal govl:mlmeflt mlghtygreek@ 3"13-90'" -0&22 tary desP and student 400, Saturday. 900- S25 RIvard- Great .m.dfICe. paid holidays! vaca- approved program amentecn net ~'s l.2rgeslllookstore desks. Game tabSH, ~.oo KId's games. !li'l!, Clothes. party dres2s.tJons Pnor 6aIell expen. Under $220 per wee!<: www hOlJseketeers. com • c~ ~~"-.... camelback St"f8s and clothes, new sdfa aaa housewares. rT1lS09IIa-eme preferred. If you 313-886-9035 WOMAN available to 2 slaves, air OOI"IdJtJlYl8r. kwe eeate. oil paintings toveseat and lots mote: neous. saturday. 8'30-enJOY a challenge and 800-AU..f>AJRS clean. cool<. wash, and can for delalls. 313-881- chandeliers, IamfM- 3 tarl'lllies vombmed. 11amare motivated b) sales LlCEN$CO day care 1- 4 lro., 1 or 2 days wec:ld'/ 1525 TO!!' ""uch to list! 13966 & 19973 East Emo- 5S67---Harv.--a-rd-,-belween---worIo:. please can 810- CPR TlC (313)365-0743 =-__------ VIsa Master card ry Court. Grosse Polnte Chandler Park and War-978-3552 years.. ELECTRIC stove $50 FREE deltwty Free stack- Amerk:an Express W_________ meais iu.,. coa'ts a-l,ZI Gas sto $100 c_fr lng Free Klndl $6Q( oads, off Torrey Road ren saturda~ Sunooy

WANT TO REACH Harper (810)771.2899 ve .,.., tg-. IflQ (248\CAC_A110 saturday, 9 to 3. fuml' 10 to 4 HCkoty aan_~~~______ erator $120 Washer face cotd. EverlIOg caHs ,.,-..-. lure, krtchen Items. StQI'. toveseal, $100 Sleeper

~? lICENSED Detrort clay EXPERIENt! nurses $110. Dryer $95 DelIY- welcome. 313-882-1069 eo speakers. hoosehoId sofa, $75 Zenrth colorcare. 6 1/2 weelcsI older aide good references ery.810-293-2749 OAK "'-I. ....... ....,..,..5 Items, Princess DIana TV. $150. Microwave.lQ!1 can pIacP yc-u'::d r U~ '.e: """

,n more than Crafl1>. n.eats. Cfn nill I). ptl.'1 ume. 81l.'- (313)885-2010 hecmte Q.aO, $50. or best otlers600Syt!urba!1 Newsoapers ;~ (;all Deborah 755-4913 ANT1QUE walnut chtna 2 Netghbor sale Fumrture, PacMan ma<:hme, many

.......-". rJ'IOn! than 1 7144 EXPERIENCED- Excellent MUl. n Media cabtnet, buffet, table OAK tfintng table, 4 chairs. household n._....... household Items 885-8~~tJousehoIds Grosse Pomte referen. stal1mg ~, ~. with leaf, chairs. $100 ~. Dressing table, Fnday. s.;tu.~7';-~' 4922around North America. ces. Pat or CIndy, Grosse PoInte Compllt. 313-881..s859 mllmr & benet:. $150 30146 Baossom lane. -586--U-r'IIVefSI---ty-,-muftj--'-famj-iIy-

~ call & low cost ratesl LOOKIHG for Private FIg- (810)777-2598 or 810- er,313-J81-eoMP ANTIQUE Willett wild- 313-885-5248 Warren (Common! East sale Toys. Idd's cklthes.Fordetlllls caI BaI1:IanI at ute skaIIng lessons? 771-1588 wood, cheny. bedroom PAllO set Oval 1able of Schoenherr) Beanies. lot of rmsceIIa-

Gros»e Pointe News & _1 ---------- ~...... fl _ ' neous ~ sat"""."""' recreation- HOME care aide. com- ;>UKV orass , ,_ white. gI8Sli top, .. arm 2G43i Roseoommon, ,- -The Connecbon. at Please call Jenmler plele management for ESTATE SALE 4D $500. (810)268-6366 chairs. mesh l>8ats. lJke Ha-per Woods. Fnday- urday, 9- 3p.m Rain day

~3-882-6900or 313-881.7195 pa1lent and home. Rea- GroII8IePolntePa'k BEDROOIIdresser enter. new, $200. 2 armless. Sunday, 9.00- 5'30. _S_unday__ . _vertIstng ~~) POlISH couple seeking sonable. 20 years eJt:Pe- at 704 BeIfour, tainrYlent amlef.' exer. fabne COYef'ed c:haJrs. Rain dates OCtober 1st. 61 Radnor Circle, Sl1tur-

at 312 644-6610 work wrth ll\le III House- nence 810-412-4996 gepIembet 26th. 27th, cise bike, XL glider jeWel tones. 2 years old. 3n:l. day 5eptember 26h 9-KeepIng, COOIO!1g. gar. NURSE ide Ioolong for 9- '! &.ems. B::.~.;:" (8H,'}774 1748 $150. (313)885-5075 2!..1@38 ~Lrf!!!t- F~_ 1 Men & Wornens de-denlOg. all year round. .._~ a En- Sletff. furniture, appIJan- BEDROOM $lJI1e, 5":"'-' SOFA and Ioveseat lracli- saturday, 9.00- 1:00. sigI'ef SUIts. Tons d(81 O)971HU 41 ,""' ... care for the eIder- oes and mucn more. ...-... 'Anttque fulI- twin beds. ctothtng HO'.JSShOkl

!y. Good ref8l'8nCeS Fun Call 810-566-0353 for atlT'lOlr8, tnple 1resser, tiona! style, exc:etIent dresS8r Adult ana boy goods toys .EI$ctronic~ daiS preferred detailed recon:ftng of flight stand. rnmor, condIttofl, $400. 9x 12 ~...... ick equl~ Iot~(313)527-7781 con....~- Irm_ '-dOOatd, sese ca~-et. $150. (~13}S85- -, ~is. n - _ .......:..Don't .'

'VIno (313}881-SSn 9010 knacks. framed art " , .......,...... rmssA8SOLUTEl.Y Clean NURSES AIde- -----____ --------- It!

Honest, dapendable. ex- IfI home ESTATE Sale, Thorsday. -'-CREAM---oo-!cn-ec:j--diNlg-- TtlOMASVtlLE french 20855 SUnnydale, St. ClaIr --------penenced woman WlU eategJV6 Great Grosse Fnday. Salurday, 9- 6 set 4 hlghbacl< eMirs. D...... "" ~ Shores (soutt1I11 mile, 794 NoIre Dame, SsM-

Potnte references Days ,.v.'lnCl3. - ..... room easli i.rttIe Mack) SaltJr- do;. 9- 2. M-uIt;- ~iIyclean }'OIJf home 810- I'nIdmghls 31~ 37875 Villa Mar (south mltTOr table top, Iigf1tad set (ChtnP cablnet. day. Suoaay 9- 5. 0uaIt- bargains Kid's c10thhgn8-3402 2-6& • of 16. east of Jefferson). chlna cabtnet, $450. seMit. table ....1ltl Iy Items (0- 4) toyS women'

ANHA clean I New lumiture, 1'TllSCeIIa- (313)884-7755 leaves. 6 d1atTs) beaut- household ' s,tlOUSe.~n ~~ neoos Items Q;NJNG. beautiful Ctllp- tut Like new- $2.900 21158 Van-/( (End of . _bon. Call (313)874- SEPTEMBER 25 9am- pendaIe mahogany ta- Antlque baby grand 1JIIt- South Brys oft Mol1l1rJg- 875 N Brys. Fnday, Satur-

ACCCUn"ANT.3() years 4610. ~ 15~~ SpIn; 8ept~ 26. ble. 2 leaves. and 8 no. black, $500 SIde) Saturday- Sunday, day. 9- 3. rays clothes •.=.~-.. An iax.es C' ..... ~~;;- ~lrOl1lna""""""'--.r::~- ~ ~'~~~~ iam .. .jplr' 4bcb LOde-- cr~~t :42'JC. cn-~,- (010)773-27416 ~-oo S.OO Fuliiit"'ie. S ~ D-edrOtIi xtl

~, •

.......... -- ~ ~ _~""~ .......... v-~ •• -. da!elow~.pe:rof~ --------- wlOdow ~tments. glassware. lead WIn-WiD COOSlder related ;"JefICEldI referenCes Call ;oor office ~ ro wyck (Macl<I Warren hogany comer cabtnets. r".~...I......di.1 clothI, ng Don t mJSS this dowsWOI1c reqwnng mattl apb- Ju:te at" 313-925-8860 FullY area). AntIques. 42 tnetl 'X r: ~III!;I" one ---------IU08 ::.t&lemenfs IRS- Yea... exuenence_ :;q .. a.u .:.a:.. ~ ft,;;, ;; 4 ~ ~ I'" ... -..... :!~ --' --- 915 Parle I atIQ ~ll.!n::!e~CAF'3205-33OB7R DO you war,1 your hor>e _8<1 810778-3101 leaves. an oak serpen- desk Also 10' confer. , 21351 PrestwIck. Fnday. 9:03. WICke. jHC8S,a1:J.682~ cIelmed? Star1lng- $50 tllle front gentlemeos enr:e table French Ro-' HARPER Saturday. Sunday 8- 4. clothing. lots & lots of~-,.e~~ \"ana. ,. dresser and large mirror coco kItlg SIZe ted, J GALU~RIES Clothes galore, lots of household QOOds .No

'~l 1'1 ~..........t, ltot C.-..-...h _ .. .-... ---- .a; tlln.ar. ., I ~ u-.. ......-II ........ 1 -,'-' -, ,,-,v - 8kASS .WIl'I bee:! made :n- &nd matctang ce,nmode .. __ .. _ •• ~ ........... ". I' Eapy thIS W...kmd: ~ -_... - --- ••~ 1""~

EURO _._- cIea to long ..-----rd \Wtl towel bar , set of 8 chrppendale I Y> __ ..oL'''--'- , hold Items. bike. snow- A&rW"Ift>.~ ... , - liA lady ... I r "vu::>c: n. I:iIze IIt:<IU.JUiS • •.. ~ '- chaJrs (claw and ball) .it a ..... utmU ~~e.. bIowet. ,,--- tool ",,,.rrvuso=.- LJ , ik. es._~ _ IV ~ _~ Illtl ~vnAnencea excel. $,5G! 00,.( (31;;'.<:Ar~ finls,': and r.arow-..re ~ I........ t bulid eriaIs"""""1 '" ",,"""'" lent ';;i;ences L & J 8557 ~ VICtOnd!1 tOOlSlOOl, ~ u,tTQr. gold fT>~. I. Vl.;r "" .. Ma"..mn of .. box for truck. Manv oth- .;;)',/5; _ ~~ ma _. -'~" bat!}1f\9. CIeanr'1o SeMCe ~1:l. painted bucket l:te."lCh, and much more I' 0V':r 30 rooms ~ rt er Items IN:lIU1'td'''. rll .....y- ,-'~snop- _ FURNiTIiRE reiinlshea. Vi (2,wj321.5002 1'* • --------- day 9- 3 851 WARNntJ-t""'Q. tra....,,~~. etc. _871-7559 _~..... ~ __-' __ :='~~UlU~r~~ __ • __ •• • • _... "21~ ~~~ (be- ton .. - . .~............, ""'t't""', ''''1 -~ '---.-.-_'~ UU.1'I\ooAn I"nyJe 1* pieCe 1& -Antiques ~_t1 I~ 1.:1 OIl narpell ---------24 hours If needed At. EXPeCT THE BEST typo> of ~ng S:'ee~. ~nd Cw:W, & ruul~, U,IU01g room set, -Sit oeal1teS. caM ana can- BEAD Sale, 1000'!: oflorCIabie & dependable European Style I.louse- bmates 313-345-6258. hump top trunk. .. Nazl (810)n3-1747 '& vcr dy supplIeS, furniture glass beads. old & new(313)36&-8883 cleanmg ProfessIOnal 248-661-5520 items sports ~ -------- ,.Traditiooal Fnday- Saturday, 9'00- Great pnces Plus 400

-------- laundly & IfOllITlg. Super- ------.-- Ia V.dooan oak SWN'9l ITAlIAN marble d!nmg U_L~_ 5:00 coIocs, seed beads andCARE For '(OU Home ~~.sed.!ll:,.."Crlsr.ced, h3-d- IN your saarch 01 afforda- desk ct1aI; walnut 6k:1e- room table S,x cream .. 4Y..-uupu,y . - charms 1 day only Fn-

Care. 24 hour SSMCe work'no Fx~""" "',.",... bIe anbQ~s yOur best L' ~ "~tered, Fur-..ir.u'~ , 22007 !::dg.owooc. Bab''I ":~.Y .1'........... 6;00 """'>A- SInce 19'"'" • - p"'''~ - -- uoaro, anuque linens _~. ($9001"1-" ,"'... ~, u UV" • • , ........tlOOOIlO. ,g. 1985m The Grosse Pomte shopptng expeneoce anc!' IlllSCeIIaneous hoIi- '"' .... rs best). -Walnut. Cheny and kids clothes, toys lJttIe Mack.(810)453-5116 area Known for reuabllJ'y WIll be at Town Hall An- da deconitlons J Ugh! betge chetlllle sofa ~ -Carpets «blkes. ffi1SCelIaneous.

COMPETENT efflClerlCy 9Ild dependal:>1. tJques. Fitly of MICh,- ~rn coIlecttb1e deca~~ and club ctlaJr ($3001 Saturday, Sund'ly 5ep- BeAHIE Baby sale, n~HOME rty Bonded & Insured gan's finest antique en; and tobacco bns best).313'882-4089 • *Be..troom Pieces tember 26 27.10- 5pm and retired, saturday

CARE SERVICE Please caJ: dealers featunng the F'ull Bee Hummels' LAWN fulTUture. table. • and much more! 22833 Donald. Easqxxnte- 9am. lpm. 462 Moran.TLC Elderly (313)1184-On1 larg~ seIectIo<1 of qual- Quantity of garden tools. chairs. umbreUa $850. FnClay- ~tday Anti. "'ALVIN East ChurctJ,

Hourly. OV&ITllght rates EXPERIENCED house- Ity anllques under "2" old lawn decoralJons.. Assoi1ed other chalrs ,. THE OLD STONE ques, Westem )eWel/Y, Rummage & Bake sale.Expenenced In the ~nrng soap scum roofs Open 362 days a blrd bath, WItches ball and tables, $a5O 313- f' MANSION Clocks, cockoo, mantel, 6125 Cadieux, DetroIt.

Grosse POIfIle area baseboards, cobwebs: Yl8ea10''7""~54oa22m- 6~5 ana more Dinnerware. 884-7023 iHuton<o 1lldlan Village wan. Hummels, fum.1ure Fnc.Jay & Saturday Sep-, .__ ..... & <> __ -'__ ' "'" '''''' • L ~ I , --------- tember 25 & 26 Q. 3LJ<.<:n-=U o;>UI"""" wtndows Behind tum.- North MalO, downtown ,u.c,;e;: .,ems; genera. UViNG room- 6 prsce sec. i'1 oujeiicnon • 3 Fa'rllly- Saturday. 10.00- HoosehokI

1:bck.5aJly810-772-0035 tt're etc 810-447-4728 HlstoncRomeo ho~d. Also m!SC8l- tIonal. neutral colors, • 15ligbtspostAllerRd. 200 21664. 21674. .~ _.~~,._ktdsEstablIShed Slnce'1984 References Ianeous hand tool$ gently usetl $400 Wed thro Sat 10till 6 21702 PrestwlCk (Off clctf' ... g. J" """ , .......

--------- ---------.- MAJOLICA, blrds nest Numbe<s Win be gIVen (313)521 0266' . I Sun 12<><>oc I Mack near Morass) CHILDREN'S Sale, 3 taml-EXPERIENCED womat'l 10 ~ESH- N- Up- We totke pttcher. extraordinary out starling at 8303m - L hes cnbs ts

care for elderly Eve- pnde In our qualrty resl' on Friday momltv'! MAHOGANY cus10m later- q 10.000"'I' it. 4 309 Kerby Ad, Friday. • • car sea fV ~."hl den"~1 c1ea giaze $600 313-824- ..,. fi'- , • <>~. _-,_ .~ A ,, __ ,_, S\\Ilngs. ete Tons o.

nlngs ery .....""., .........e '... nlng seMoe 7262 MelfX>d of payment 81..,caDmet.Olfllngset. , .....' ..'~1, 'V-" """","" clothes & shoes Pncedreferences Calt 313- References avaJiabie .____ cash and checks WIth pads, ooffet. chU1a cab!- ~men s; l!ifant clothing. to sell. September 25th.i:1.?~-44t>O Call lJsa \4,'tnf> MARINE CITY MIChigan 10 only Sale nel 313-886-9368 knick knacks. 2 stoves 26th 27th 10- 5 2016

GENTLE Careglverl Cor; (810)942-3350 Antique War.!house oonducted by Wuximlll MOVING- 3 IMng room 515 Uncoln Road. Grosse Countryclub. Grosse,Delmonwnn compassK>n HOMEI office clea'1I1'9 105 N Fairbanks (M 29) POlnle Company, 1-810- sets, Oak dtnll'\g re.:;:;. 2 Pomte Q~ Saturday. Pomte Woods. No pre-for elder1y or InfJrmed Pro~esslonal service (610)765-1119 7527259 Dedroom sets. Entertaln. $3 bag day. All tne cloth- S 30.100 salesKeep your loved one at WIth a personal tcuch Mondal' saturda~. ------ ---- ment center, pool table. lng. shoes. housew:ues

Bonded. ,nsured Chns- 10am 5pm WARREN. 31719 Brett, Washerl dryer "'"'- yOtJ can cram In a bag.home WIthout worrying 13/ Va~Dy"'e E lJ V""",Ex tal (313)331-1429 313- Surlday 12.5pm "" n re fumlture SO'TIe &Iltl- $200 10 am 102 pmpenenced & depE>nd- 62'J-7441 ------__ home, like new Items q'ss All I. Wadnesdall Sf!otl'llT'her

able Cooking. house- VISIT the Lonjon gallery- Cherrywood 01ftce, .for-" a.m(",s, r.l"W 30th G P U IIc;eepmq batl'ur'IQ & med. Hn::c:e "1",,,1'1'''''''' '''nr. "'?,31 M''''>' "'__ at 3 I d I excellent COIldrbon resse omte 01--" on ",,' "'Iy~ __ 11'9. ,n,"g 1':'0 .... app I- Name bra ds (810)296 t.. .,an ("'1urch Maumeel;;alJons Available 24 ougn reliable, reasona. Mile 15 Qllalrty dealers ancas, furniture. garden 7085 n - & 5t Clairhours Would be W1:hng ble Please call Wednesday- Sur-day and 8..10 I~cjs. Septem-to travel 810-n6-6214 (810)755-3371 11- 6 0 m De'Jler show- ber 25. 26. 27 1Oam- I

HOME ca~ ~ICX b1c uOt,'S=!,~~n~ ....!~ ~ case soace aVR11Rhfp ""'''''' le10}9?9- '7AO'e

nours Canng, rel'able outdoor WOrk Expe,.,- 313.882.4716 dL.nng weekoays20 yeaTS expenence enced FulV part llmePlease call 810.447- ReferaOUlS (3131521-4728 1210

BST.A'1'B AND JlIOVDl1'G SALEConducted by JB41'f FORTON

,r. I 313-8&8-3174t.

Thursday, September 24,1998Grosse Pointe News I The Connection



248-223-84R28481 Telegraph Raul


1~! '....f ,...t C?"" .-1: rl""I""1'"

I04ded SJnroof 'l7Kblack $6 5C)()/b(';t P,10771 G861

1988 Hondd CIVIC LX 4oo:-r Manual. OnE' ow,'er, '04 000 miles Goo"COl"dltlvn $2,400('313\881'\ 5090

19as Ho,da CIV-;:-2dO~hatchback 4 speedc"c" >1\) rJO(1 mill'S\l,c"l ,',ape $1 750"313824.6266

IMPORTS1995 Landro\~ ~

PORSCHElq", "'"'lC T~1W.low.,;ln

OOMESTICS1993 CachI1a.. AlIont<1gn Fun! G.-J T.........

CORVETIE1980 'Y.. MI~ On~ M,1eo197 3 ~l, ...., C<>ur<, 60,.000 om.

1969 Coupe 421 ... opec:..f

JAGl-AR199 3 XJ6 :>edon Lthr 5"""",,11993 XJ& Coo ... Lthr/~.t 991 Xl S Coo". v Il.-Cloon<

MERCEDES BENZ199Z 300 SE .",'1> .... : Olon"

1989 ~OOSE S<dan1988 190E ~ Ii l.!b'/Sunnool"198. 501JSL"""""'''bI<~T _

1996 I\UOI A4. 2.8L. oneowner. excellent CO!Y.lI-l:o~., :caded 810-7918453

•• , ""A ....UIt1I,.,A. ::to 0 11to~IUIC:U.

$10,0001 be..t. (a10}n8'5972

1974 'M Super Beal1ecc-nva11b'e ~s re-&toratlon _In~ra~~e~tareJ ~, Vllt:'l


1959 Cadillac, 4 door,

CLASSIC VEHICLEBMWi\19<; S 401 "dan T,.",OO r.cntrol1995 ,Z51 Sc<lan L,a<h<t""..-t995 'vB Lour<"' ~

GREA1' student lrails;:x>r-tabOO. 1991 Geo Storm.5 speed. ellcellerlt con-dillon Great M P G. On-ly 66,000 miles $4,000313-885-3148

DONATE you!" cars. boats,R V Loucks. Pt~ roM,<;slng Children ProJ-(A,"1.. iur do iCIJILUurldlNU

(313}884-9324aM id••v.",.,')

TAX (~CdJI1:; e dvndtlJOS

aJln boat ele Spec a'o vrnp.cs' WPrlz WarnD'S 1 877.3E ,3-2831

CAPS '_r SH 'J $5OC PoI CP 'T'pou~ds repostax selZJres Sold 'ocalljth,!. mor h I.,.ports do""'C~'IC'i ~v4" mo'oreycles Cor~fJuters stereo:,& more Ca I po,.,> ,800 2"10226:' xt.987(SCA Network)

SElL-ED C=:t(::> l.eur l S t i'~POlsc'1es Gad I "'-':5r.hpvy<; RMW ., Cor•:lttes .<\1<') je~ps4WG,> ',ur Ar"a To Il- ree 1 dUll-. 1tl 9C0CJE:Xl A-::'::l\J.j '("f ,-u' enlII~tll dS

MON'fE Carlo 1996 LS,0 N rn'leage le"merCD AllOy w',eels u'1de'wdrrdi'.~ $13900, bestDa"s 313 962-4700e,en n.lS 313881-6115




601 AUTOMOnVE~~~~-- -

~~'l,.o .... \~ _ ~

123,000 m'les(3131884 1834

'Hio:) Nit..,. ......UI 't \~lanU ~.•narqUis $14~6 bel"(313 )8'36- 7234

1983~sta-na:, ° T.topExcellent Sf'aoe' Be"toff"r 1313)823.4124------_._- - --

1989 Pm.)€; LX Wlle scar16000 miles automaticalul'T'l!1w'Il w'1el'ls:>4 4tl:, CXCelle"l1cunol!Ion 313-882-6270

1989 Probe, 4 cylinder 5speed hlqhway m lesHuns QOOd $1,49-'31 3.822:Bo26

1993 T ~Ird LX Loadedmint 64 000 -nIles$6 775 (313)886-3941alter 6pm

1994 TallruS SHO Leath-er, moon. roof. 5 speedCD 1..1I<.ene", $9 seo(~113)882'8301

1988 ~ercury Tracer, 5

1991 Mercury Tracer Se-aan "Me 114K Somenew parts Runs well,~1 :,()u .31'3885-9035



UVU GOllt:" ;::-tH ~1'd'1l",..~Se

prO<;lr:lm while ."ouwork (,all for details313-70Cl.2150

LOST. black Sneppardllab mix 9 me.nth" old 1f oppy ear Tattoo fromHumane ~oc sty (>'1 n noquarters Answers toCopper 1.313}540.1706

• IS WANTED TO IUY.(313}8e52Q'0

414 OH.la/lll~I/l1SS~-~

SECRETARIAL cha," I kehl.o <t7()

PEST.Il.UAANTJ RAkprvlIce Cream eqUipmentPnced 10 sell' Good con.d'llon LeXington area1~101359 8439 pleas€:call OOlore 11d" oratt':l' 'pm

table saw $150 lightbluc leather rec 'ner~OO Ethan Arlen ClrIHlgset b piece S4<in 4ple(.(' antique while bedroOM set ~:il;{) Uarvmaple bedroom selQueen 5 plece. 1,'16nstnccuded $1 700' bestoffer 313886-4036

412 MISCEllANEOUS'- --- UTJ(m--~

409 GARAGE/VAIl!')/- ummn sm- ---SAL.t, oI".ft::'d't:"'U VUL ,""vi:

taqE' must <;ell furn turerad'nl saw mOL.mal"brKes kltcnenware Jew.elry lovS, ~(;o,"" tflp"''5Lac.'es e'olr,es e 18r-,,'ueh rnor~ 27t. Merrrwtlalh" :,;:;tU'ddJ 9 5

409 GAUGE/YARD/ .U5UUNT SA1.f" "

\.;oHO::.~t:. ~'o,nre wooos1357 Falrholme Lamp!chand"lrer tool<; P'ltIOchaise desk chair deskgla5;, "N gauge trael(Loco Mot10r units a'1dmora t-',daf SdturddY\-)00 400

409 GA-IlAGE/YAIlDI, - USEMUlr SAIf-_ -

A GRAND GARAGE SALEA,r <O'Tlpre""r, antlQU~ mahOl:"n, bed,

Beanie fl..b,e' (Pnnce, D, al,d Enn) ChnVlll.-Item_. drc • ...,r .I"lhu. plClur~" ~",.kcr.,

CD pli)Cr, GI:. m,cruwav~, ,mall TV, ~.iawnmnWI'T' I IIlJ(("Tth1c'io, Rock~t'n ~,d l)\'in~\ I


Friday, 9anl - 4pmSaturday, 9am - 2pm

\l204 Gros~cPointe Blvd.» l__

~09 GAIlAl)E/VAlItlr~ ~nlIr- .-:

ESATe sale- - Sat~'daY9am. tprn r-l<!"flE'rWoods 20581 BaliooJrWasher dl)'sr sllvtlrlea coliM S6. ;. rNn",coalS Fumilu,Ej ~tufJ

GROSSE Po,~.'es 2-d S;ATUPD~Y .),,1\, 9 3G'E'<i'e"t l>arage ;'dle ...ot s (t buoy ~'uh ju r I

453 80L.rr1c-roJth Glr. ture 'lISC ,,0709 M~x(,,, jFalms) C"ha'jO'1lel .nE' (.'llne of Harp'" DOORS, Ger..Arr t:>L.i1tIf'B...vl1pmc ''1 Road ST ~::..,-e,,-'-CF;rw 170 ,-onvect,()l' oven a~(J mi'Saturday 8 00 4 00 cro,,~vo 3 Ch rd'e~ s b BUYING

Mc\' at (,Dsse Pomtl') J t W t h(.)'cles (2 alrt bl~es I I!we ry, acesHUGE qarage sale tons of F..r"ls S'ltdrcJay Sep. 10 ~eo). wicker lrun- Diamonds. Gold. 1994 ChryslE'r New York.

k.lds stuN Crrbs toys tf"nber 26th "000- die bed Wllr>rMl1reS5es Sliver, Platinum. Ct:lms er 45 DCiO mile:" ongl~.alclothes b.kes Sofa _2 ~o__ canvas tent and otrer The Gold Shoppe owner leather, fully

......._'" ,un,,"-,- jl,.l I I} Jl.A. '-"~'" YGlHIrr-'lll~ ~\JI,,,,,III'V1 l;' 2'2'21 Grrstlot ...............,.(I,,) !:'rrdd)' 8 ~ S<ltur- ",aiel Women, c.lo:hlng Ping 'Pa"a taoles EastDQlnte MI, 48021 sunrcof 16" tounngd.ly 9 2 size 4 throuGr 14 baby (313)885.3190 _~10)n4-o%6 _ tires, grea' C-'.lrpnced to

HUGE - ga73g; 5;-;; 700 clothes 'lous€,t1old flJA- f'ULL LENGTH BUVING old tWll'u'e seil $11.000 CLintunblx,", ot Washl;,qto,"l Items d.nd mo's 20026 glass\'Jare china i'I'ld Township, (810}791-

Snady Lane Sou III CI ~ MiNK CC~... ~:>72Road SaturddV Sep ~.We v..cs' 01 Harpe' (Side 10.12). Purchased ~~~~ ~r;~:~1~5~~emsterT'ber 26, gar." lpm 5ep'ember :>5th through from Hud&olls Ap- __ ~~ 1991 Chrysl'3r Eagle Pre.

F.YERYTHING,i;:ist-g; No p'esaJes 27t) 9 to 4 prlased at 57,000, ask- mler 69000 ,nilE'S \/6.sale' Thursday Sa m INFANT/I<.Idsi adult cloth ---------.-- lng $1,500. Beautiful, CASH PAID 3oJto 4 door Socn fed12 noon 1566 loch. b THREE family garage and In time for the hoI- lor fully loatiOO Greal con-

B".... G In~ tla y Items, toys, sale baby fllrnlturel .moor ''''''. rosse s""anJms. housel-old, ldays! 31 3047 VECTREX dltlOO Cruise bit, etc

P nte W _....."~ clothes houser-ola V....~ G 5 t G k pt k -'~01 o~ mr;ceililneous Fnd1:j' LARGE 'NT"';'';! 'l'<Y\ KIte'!. """'-' ame ys em arage e no I...._____ .____ __ "'. da 9 tv-. Items, Bear ..es 21528 -~.. 313-885-6133 $4 500 (810)n2-6194,EXTENSIVE collectIOn of ~lur y vv- 5 00 Stephens St Clair en 00Cr:h, seals 8 com-206 I'; C I CI b f $ sea alter 6pm or weekendsCtmstmas decoratlOl'ls OU'1 ry 1.1 Sho'es Fr,oay, Satur- ortably, 250 . I'S _~ ~ __ ----~-----

Vintage $an/as trees Harper Woods Between day 9 4 cargo car top camer COLLECTOR pays casn 1993 Dodge Dynasty LE,snowrntIn, omarnents Harper & Beaconsheid --------- $25 313-371.9683. af. lor 1960's Barble's & fully loaded. 70.000hoots toys 22318 Ra' ---~---- THREE fall' 'y garage ter 6p m .,,.,-"""" miles Clean' $6.450_ , y. MOM to MOfTl resale, Sap- saki Lots of old sluff acCElssores ".r""",,"mood. between 12 & 13 lemoer 26, Sl Margar. REFRIGERATOR $75 4392 313-343-09nn'IlIe, east of Harper !!In':! collectables 21526 'I --------- 1997 BUlCk Skylark. al

als, 21201, 13 mile, PrcslwlCk comer of Fun canopy bed, (cream DIAMONDS 1976 Ford LTD, Bi.Gente- most new. 7,000 miles.September 25th. 26th. loam.2pm CraIg Fnoay 9 to 3, & gold). with dresser Estale, Antique Jewelry nLaI mint condition Michelin bres. an::>y9am- 5pm. MOM t M""--'s I SaluroaV 9101:2 $200 ROWIng mactllne & COIns Texas 0W"lfJ(1 $3 5001 y,.heels (313}B84-3362

FREE to t>onaflde 501;;3 0 om y appoln - I' (best offer) Calt 810- best! (313)874-3328 be- ---~~~~~nonprofit WIlling to pICk ment O'llyl Lot~ of gIrl <;WINTER, s..:mmer. chll- n8.3924 Looking 10buy tween 12- 6pm, beeper, 1993 Buick Centul'j limit.

Side- by Ide In clothing, toys Lisa dren. adults Something --- ~----- Gemolllg!Slon slat! (313}275-1838 betweer ed, !'l8ded. excellentUP't _-, 2' s<>t!: ~? (810)n8-3924 tor everyonel Very rea REMINGTON 870 Express PoJnte Jewelryera or a.~.. ~ _ L...".,I<. ~ __ ~__ _, ~ "l8 'i i ~ SCO"'" :>n100 M::ct: 2nd tloor 3 and 7pm condtt1on, 84,000 mIles.she!',es (313)882-3310 MOVING salel 1541)loch- son!Wle. r-IiUdY. ;;)siul- !il ""', W'UI - ,.-, Grosse POInleWoods ---------- Must see (31'3)8-95-

_ ~ .___ day, Sunday. 9am- 5pm. new. never fired, $2751 1995 Neon SpOlt, 4 door, 4906FRIDAY. Saturday and =rda ea;t. of LoMack 21803 Colony (9/ HaJp- best offer Also hstllng Sterling Bank BuddlOg Ioaaed, sunroof. excel. ---------

Sunday frOm 9am- 3pm t '/, .04 ts 01 er) tackle 810-778-3675 between 7 & B Mile lent eoo<fr1loo. Non- 1997 C&ddlac Eldorado,Clothes, comouters, good stuffl jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiii SlEEt buildings, new, (313)884-3325 smoker 313-882-5263 8,900 miles! TOloringrmscellaneous. 21220 MOVING sale' Now b11 GiANT must sell 3Ox4OX12was F1NE ctllr'a dinnerware 1991 p .............th Acclaim ~I ~~,Ger1tanrnal. St Clair september 30th BG's GARAGE SALE' $10,200 now $6,990. '1"~'" ~..ro;ne wheels. '""",ledShoreS South 01 11 Fashion Finds, 17330 E 681lbwtlwro. An-o>""12 was $16 """ and sterfll1g Sliver flat- LX,92K. aIr, an power. seats, lea1her, perfect,

01 Ha• 6th -.vA""A • ,"lVV ware Can Jan or Herb automatic Runs great! Save thousands I

west rper =e01 Nl.ro'J & resale ~.....~~ ooonl'l now $9,990 5{)Y100lt'i6 (810)731-81'39 $..1,2501 best (313)331. $32.500 Rinke CadiUac

GAMEs, books, CD's. Ing. fashion acces. TOYS.('~.ETc.. w""" $27,590 now PL.AYM081t? Daughter 7301. (B10)757-3700cassettes, some fu!olI- sones, store fiXWi&:; • .. 111 $19,990 60x200x16 --------- ------~--tUTe lots at Miss Open Tuesday thru Sat- ~_________ was $58 760 now wants Vlctorl8f1 dol! ~=:Plymouth RelJant- 4 1997 Cad!Nac seville SLS,~ and ~ urdery/11.5 CaUforinfo •• 'OIlA .IU $39,990 '1-800-406- house for Chnstmas. door, 65,000 miles, au- 9.000 miles' Chrome~:~-'~:'_-=1_" " •• 313-417-9867 UIIIIU J 5126 Help' (313)886-3773 to, cold air, stereo cas. Wheels. leather, save~~ \';1 ..nv.5v , ... ;un "" • le_. Tn _~____ - SHCTGUt.:s, :1fI~. cld sette~ Showroom condr thousands' Bose CO;........=.,...". _~, 26tt1, "".",00 salc>- 91 25 91 872 ~ TROY- BUill leaf vac And Parker, tlOOl ~.500 (313)839- cassette Perfect'8- 2. 22972 Rosedale, 26; 9am- 1pt1' 2127 ...... chipper Cost new 101 ~=:.Winchester, 4482.372-1003. $31.900 Rinke Cadillac,

~ ~~r~ 3: ~~~:vw~ ra: w:::r-_.- ~eas::9. J~ tu~:Colt, Luger, others CoI- 1991 SUndance, ~rver (610)757-3700east 01Mack). ICeboat, tires, dinlflg la. .... .. 1... - ~ 'l:?'50 C'!II Weeltd3.:/s lector. (248)478-3437 91,000 miles Brand 1992 CIlddIac Brougham

GARAGE saIil 22771 lm- ble, four cham; ~""' __ IIl1S="",",_' 9 00- 11'00 a.m and at. WANTED- table saw new brakes & 6Jd'Iau£t Elegante. moonroof A.lglIlTIaOO South of 9 1I0V1:-IG sal Saturda HALLOWEEN tar 3.00 pm Sunday at- Please calt 313-371- $1,750 313-882-2376 coodtllon. A f¥t Sj:.e•• _....' e- y, ~ARAGI' SALE ter 300 0 m. (313)881- 9683 1....... V "'....--.I!I~1 $11 900 810-778-6882Mile East of Mack.. r-n- vur:day, 9 to 5 Many IvrosSf'I'Olnt .. Tneater 9280 -~--~~~---- ~ oyagcr. ~........... •~9125 9- 3. Kids Ilellll>, must 5e,; Z02~2 31" ~l~her __ ~ r +~A~A.A.::.~.•;:;'''''~ conditlOn(313,,,a£.JJl.'>':t:t mileS 1~~ma, ro35',OOOblue.shamlles'P."""'''''', toys Maternity Kingsville. near Moross! -(ostuml!S.U'1.Iforms TWIN bed. complete. large • WANlB) .' ~_______ -...~clothes 194 -Hats-Stage Props decoratlve mirror. wasll- • • '. GRANDMAS cQr_ 23K $13.5001 best or lease

_______________ . ~~_ .Fabm:oVmtage erl dryer combo stereo '. G.Jrtors Mandotu'lS,' n G I bu...."'...... (810)771-6861GARAGE salet Saturday, MOVING sale Must sell October3rd9<lO-2-OO ~ condltl~ 810-'. BanjOS Ukeleles • ~ ongma ray 'IF'~7 -.~--------

~_ 3 S~y, 10- 2 2194() Ck.:alcn St O.:aor OCTober4th 9 ()(). 12.:00 __ ~ _"_,, . " pocket .....atcl'1es • ~ cloItl. 1983 Ptymouth 1975 Chevrolet GOl'\lette,~V, VCR, bices, '8~ Shores. Between 8- 9 I IJU) !S!So-ls~J1 I t~ •... ~-~ 'I Old Toys ToylrQU"lS I 9cS::. ...~ 2 ~ •• $'.=':-0 :::~":::,::.~,:- :::y.;, "'ecn1yt"OrltI8C tlUOO. lOtS or 10.1'16oft .,arper. 5atur. , rl WECOI."fG gown. SIze 0,1 • • S:'O'ds '. 313-886-9005 repalnted Very nicebElrgalns. 11983 Rossrt- day. Sundav 9- 5 Ram ,.Q... 10 Attached tram, veil '. Old Wnst watches '. clean car, only $6,g.<"..,{)/91'. between Kellyl 1-94, 01'shine. C!1:5 ;.;,tyt'" u: '::ii><l5 ~:c;.::r:. A:,~ ~Ae"'0",=,t><:1I) '. best offer Rinke Ponllacnear Moross MOVING- 22016 Hoffman- wom $1,2001 best .1. LOCALCOUECTiIl I' .. '-99D--eon--tmen--ta-I-, lliidarkiiiiii c.:.MC, oiii-4S7.7~~

GARAGE sale, 20854 (Harper, 1 block South CRAFTS for sale- Pottery. (8~o)n8-3457 '. AAYlNGTOPCA$H .: redI red Interior, 80.000 1988 Chevy capnce Clas-K~~ro E;;.s~ode Of!- vf 131 r...rmt...:'S. r.cu$c Halloween and Chnst. • • 313-886-4522 • miles $51001 best offer. SIC, V8, 4 doof, very94 Fu

~..... mas cIecorabOnS tilra- ~ ~ . • ...,...,..,.,,.,,mlture, '-"" •..,., hold Items Thumday, >....~.............-............~ 313-839-7661 y<.U<.J CO! "llJUlI, 'l"",""""Saturday only 8-4 F sa rda holl~es, hand sewn and .. ~.""'''.am.-:.l -----.----- oesl lC iOfi7CH3681

________ 5ndaY. tu y, 9am- ::l:?pllqt..!:! iteMS Sta.!'l<>Q 1~PiBnosUnder$1.000. UI3,E5!)W(ijiititiil& 1992 Escort GT ..:000- --------QAP.AGE "ele. melt>- 'aml- pm Qiass Saturday. Sap- Iso moving,1U1l1ng. root, cassette, atr. ~=(:v,.ette. w•.;.,sr.:.::::c

rJ chddren s clothlOO ~JLTt ro.."'n~i 2!e. ~!.!.m.. tember~. 10a."n. 4pm rGf;i"i~!:t;t rebu!!d!ng. ~NSWJCK nllOl table I 57 ~ m:!ns. !!xce!!en! auto 73Kt good condl~19718 E KtngS Court. ture. name brand KIds 1810 Hunllngtoo E&1Imat8lt, lIppfiiiMls. ..- conomon $5 250 tlon, runs greal Only::.aturaayl:l-4',iO toys, hotJselloId nems. G,u;i,;;.. i'v.011;:;WO=: 1II~\S4&-~Co., =~~:,,~.e~~ (313}881'3287 ' $11.500 (810}4Eh:l-1742

GARAGE sale. Salurday. ete 91 25, 9i 26; 1Oam- comer:lOUSe Call anytime! All extras trouded. 1995 Ford Taurus SHO. ;;95 6dulcodv Nufih.iii>"8- 4p m Baby Items, 4pm. 858 Lakepomte, AB8E't' pIAu.>'> CO-.- $22826,4001 Dest 313-343- E...ceIIent condrnon leather. loaded, CD,much more, 1756 Hun- Grossa POInte Park. uonv 62,000 miles $1 !.5001 37.800 miles, warrantytlngIOO. Grosse Pomte NEIGHBORHOOD garage ESTATE pteC:e, 1920's ROYALOAK24t-S4H1116 best 810-826-63171 $21,3001 best 810-323-Woods. sale. Fnday and 8atur- Dufl'lOl.lChelle's bnlhant USEO PIANOS day;. _7_093 _

GARAGE sale. sectional, day, 9'30- 4pm 256 cornflower blue sapphire Used Spinels- Consoles TREASURES under $25 1995 Ford Aspire. 431<. 1992 OLDS Achleva. 4and SOf'le fumrture. plus Clover1y, Grosse POInte with C1Iamoods, platinum Upnghts & Grands P'ace your ad here for man lal Blr stereo, 2 door, dependable.sIZe clothing mell's Farms. Kids ~thmg settlng.313-886-9388 PIANOS WANTED only $5 001 Details. 313- door. $:3.300 (313)881- clean, garaged. 83,000c1athlng and mlSCellane- and toys. fumm:re, TO::>CASI1 PAtD 882-b900 U4&) ":' les $",200 8i00-825- -1~-~---\b---M-V-/-5-.-'-0-"~5-S-,,I)U~ 4074 Herefora Fn- :'":::.",,:;c, geM d:.lb~~ $"(:',&1 3 _ - ----~---- i.S•• ''''''. -~----~--- 6358 ~i~:.I.: :'::.:t.. 1I_~-:_::~1~day. saturday. 9- 5 blower, and lots Of other APARTMENT Slze refng- 8~~~Lba~~: 1~:~"dfu~r=~4:: 1991 Oldsmobile 98 Re. i1k.anew Stored winterS!

GARAGE sale- Friday, householo Items and eratol HooIIed 01'1 phon- 3' Circa 19i2 Com- GROSSE POUlte Ammal ce!lent condrtlon gency Elite Good condl' records $"59001 hrmsaturday, &- 5 Sunday clothing ICS Fisher Pnce doli pletely restored Adopbon SocIety- Pup- $8.900.313-417-9905 boo 93,000 miles Page '-8CO-650 0'36412- 4 ExerCise !'qUill- QUAUTY antIQues. furnl- house a!Y.l fum.shlngs 9 (3131822-6588 p.es, Kittens, Dogs. --------- $4 500 (810)n5-4535 1994 BMW sl~..er stationmenl bikes, household ture, COOkboo!(s, Jewel. pair, new, che<..k",ciJ G"ITARS b nd Cats, Ferrets ,3"13)504- 1~1 Ford Crown Vtctona 1S80 FinK womac. Fleel- "d~UI ,vade.. d"ai

ry. appliances, more chefs pants. size 30J 30 v ,ar;Jos a 1551 LX, leather. fully loaded.Ilems, clothes. Iu~get Septerl'ber 26th, 9- 5 (313)881-855C e.e- mandolins, ukes want- $8.900 81o-n8-1914, wood Runs great, 87K, sunroof CD cl)anqE.~.custom sheers, Is 0 22006 Centennial, 51 mngs ed Collector 313-886- GROSSE POInte Animal Pagei-313-829.0802 $1,300 Musl sell! leather all Sel'\l':"8 re-mlsce!laneo.S 460 Alter Cl S ~_______ .4!i22 CliniC 2 beagle m,xes, ---~---~-- \oiOI774-. >42 ';O'::!.; 1'51< $18,500Ad. DetrOIt air 1l01'es ATTORNEYS leather ~___ male & female Tan 1992 Fo'O Explorer Eddie -------~-- (31';'CC5 1~':;~

_____ ----~-- b f I k ~ASON & Hamlin grand. Ba 4 doo 4 4 1~7 Pontiac Crand A~...lGARAGE sale- Saturday. REFRiGERATOR. slove. n" .;;;j"e ,e new, A 5' a "11'2' Amencan Shep r-lIX female u\hee' 7" r, IX. SE 10 to cnoosp 2 cr 4 -1-99-5-C'-a-m'-ry~L--X-g-o-ld-p-ac-.k--

Sep.-- .....r """',930 fo.,lmrture, mtC'owaves, (313}886-1615 (312\322.• 5707 lea r £,000 m'es"""""" """ and other stuff! 1404 ---------- walnut. IVOry keys to.,e gooo condition $9950 doer, auto. oS", ba'.:l!'ce age LO""€d Very lowa.m MICrowave, eleclnc 'Vo...._..IrP.' CharleVOIx BATHRooM- whrte cI1lntz & construebon surpass Rinke POfltlac GMC' of facto')' warranty mile, Non-smoker, Onerange, cl'llid furniture, '"",,,'" shower curtain, valance, <>l,,"nway Beautlful con. 810-497.7699 Rinke o....ned s,nce MW, OW'ler $169001 basttoys, antique trunks SaturdaV, 'lam- 3pm, Window, rods Dove gray dlbon ~48-541-6334 AKC 0 c:hsh d- ----~--- only $10950 Rinke 181O}296-7085lIghl 1Utures, Beanie only' rugs, r.hrome basket. tlS- .____ a - un mmLa- 1990 Ford Tempo, well Po"tlac GMC 810-497BabIes, Lrttle Tykes 80 ~~--~----- (3 3)881 SUZUKI -VlO1~n, 3/4 hke ture PUPS Home raised • eel $2650 7699 19n :=arian, 308GT4gUMMAGE Sale. Grns'le sue soap, 1 - N be d $300. $350 610.792 main ,am Besl rr ,,'Idwasl 25,000Moross, near Kercheval POInte '.'/oods Pr~sby- 0920 new ew YI an 1040 (3'3)885-9139ill bl I .. ---~~- case $350 best 313- -~-------~~- 1997 PO'ltlac Sun/Ire, au' miles Records

_"__o_e_a_'1Y~_ra_s_"_____ lenan Church Mack ~t BEAUTIFUL tJrass cnan- 884-5553 -~~-~--~--- 1990 core Crown V.ctona to air, several to choose wwwflashnetl-kcna,GIGANTIC end of Suml"ler Torrey Re" Friday OC. deller 8 arro -Mth NEAPOl.ITAN. bull mat- lS Loaded. leattl~r, from Rinke owned since emall ~cna@f1ash net

Sale \lew't.se<:! Items tober 2nd 9a r.1' 6p m snades 1S"X 23" high. SISS";. AKC 7 rnooths- 2 127K Excellent mamte- nel'l. balartCe of faClvl)- 313-881-8471Tools, household, Satul'ddy, October 3rd, $350 (313)8861924 years Blue, black. and n;:m....P onp nwnpr Ford ry Y h --~--~--~- --9- noon ~~ __ ~_ tawny (313)884.03M warr«n r, Jr e olce 1995 honda Accord EXclothes, baby Items TV, FURS- Empress Chlnchll- CUSTOM office fumlture. ~~_~~~_ retiree. non-smoker $9950 Rinke Pontiac loadeo leather poweran<i more 1471 Oxiol'd SALE OF THE YEAR la, Beige Mink jacket,:2 d&Slts and chairS Must POODl.E pups & Poodlf' S3 600; best (313)884- GMC. 810 497-769& I CDSdIUlUdY, 0 w- .. CC Collectibles, Vlptage dolls rox StallS HeaSO'1aOle ~enl ~'0-~!!2.7Z!!,j mlx!'<; 'lhots worrrad 3078 ,-~~ ~ -. ~-n--.--~-- :,~ad 'T1~~~.,~.. a'.~,5d_

_ ._~ __ ~_____ & Sue \'810)445.2643 vOice mail 810-772.2110 -19-88~-F-d-----W--- """" rUIUld'- ..,...,"CJ"'C r- -- "--,,GROSSE PDmte Farms toys c'1tna antlq..:es or Iaurus ago'1 SSE good cond tlon owner EXC'lIlf'nt cono'.

34 Beverly l:load Sdtur FrIday only 9 00- 2 00 go.x1 \Vork lransporta $3 900 (810)776'0121 Iton $11.500 313824-day "~teMbt'r 26th 1626 Anita lion $750 (810)777- ---------- 8849"""" 1990 Ponltac BonneVille10- 3pm A little brt Of Grol>se POinte Woods I FOUND! Alaskan Hu:;ky 03'4 --- --PSI SSE qood con<:llt1On,1991 Honda A='ct 5everything Sorry 1'0 ra- a e<; I'" and Jefferson 0'1 5al- '-987 Ford-Taurus station $3 900 (810)776-0121 speed dark cray. high

urclay September 19th wage". high m les, runs ~ m I s $2900 (31"} .... 'Call810.295.7998 good $800 313-821- 198~ Pont,ac 6000 SlE 2~:0' " <><J"+.

GROSSE POinte Animal 1946 stat on \. agen RunsCliniC male b,ue & white ----------- very well Air Power

1997 MercUlY Villager LS WIndows i_iCks seatsparak€'6t Fem21e bea- Mint ::ond'tlon leather New brakes newergle p.nk COllar Male $19,900 Chuck 313- hear. cylinder $2.4001tanl white puppy skin 343 0049 b t (313)822 66'34C0101l10:1 Male beagle e_s _",,>. brown. ...,,,1e 1995 Mercvry SCibie "S 1993 Reg?1 35 Loadec','."\' 3\f\?? <;707 SOrry ....hlta loaded Ilk€' ne..... leather 99K sroam burwe can onlv take stray 5ilK, $7,700 lOCK Ford gundy, 4 door $' aooanrm<llS ,rnpouMoo by ."a"a"ty ava'sb'e 910 (8'0'29'."\ ')441

_P_OI~"_"",_"'-':"__ 415 09_5__6~ 199it-"H'l-J-19<)5~C-a-dlliaeL.uS'i'. " C't1 IO'VC1 ~:;~:; • ~ ~A 'I 'v'~ "".. .J S..... :.. 's""S ....., .....

Woo1s Lhasa .-'00 loaded Sun roof excel ch005C fWI..,' Mil'" arBuff color 113 527 lent con dillon ~4r< olfer' Rinke Cildrllac6047 $11000 81077",;,.7603 ,810)7'57.3700


cd.l)lnE"lS gdfdQfJ 'lourf.nds 3;:'" fo./""v1,lIli'1n f-rday S :; SaluiGoy 9 3

COLLECTOR'S --~it.~clean ng sa,e' Seple-nber 26th 2711'1 9 54471 BIshop Glass.ware. pottery lurnlture..., ,..k """1"'1..-0

~L.~NEu me awe ga,rage. and cottage Antique oak.. cnrna brac;sarlr"1al mOI,Jf1t" bf;arrugs toys, clothes dndmuch morE' Fnday Saturaa" ::I Ull 4 lili S4~McMillan No Pre;,a e;,'





Thursday, september 24, 1998Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

• 1>05 AtIIOMOTl VE. 10ll~ -

b05.wT0Io10TlliE. WRUGN




- - , ~651 80m AND MOTORS

- - --- -65,1 ~OAT STORAGE (DOCKING





b~S ~,\MPERS


CALl 31 3-882-6900

~ 1binw News..\:{?£'ItiWO


- .- bS7 MOIOll{YWS

ABERGiLASS 16 M~' 115Horsepower JohnsonOutboard, FlsMnder &

..ft".,. (:'.I~..-..,,~ ')"), .....,..- - - --,aW'llrOg, redecorated StClwr Shores Leavemesoage. 61o--293-a0s30' 610.759-' 72f!

looks good Make rea.sonable offer. 313.372.S;%, diltJl :; IJ in

WIN rt.R storage. co ...ereaor ope", lor DOats up to26 wJtf"l s....,r'J~ 0' onyour trailer Botlemwast>lng al"d winten2:ingalso ava»aole. (313)882-9268

A.1 Hardwood Floor C0m-pany Install8llon and re-finishing 81 G-<.02-41 05

A.' Hantwood FloO;:a-KINLEY & CO

Grosse POinte's flllest.Quality ••nd !ow p~:;

F ~ce ~st:'"'1.'3~C~31~



(MST SIIVICII313 ••• 6-....stNCI1t6S


BOBTOMALIceneed -..

Electrical eomra.-UiI'.313-885-9595

Re880nllbIe RatMF.. E.8tIrMtes

:ommerc18l ReeidentIaINew, Rep8InI, ~UOM, Code V1Oletion8.

Service Upgrade

';30:' LtCfr;:c ~' S?f;" ,t;;_._- ~---COLvlU.E

ELECTRIC CO.P.anges, Dryer.s, seMces,



81o.n4-9110ELEC11IICAL, CCIdB vIoIlt-

tions. lJ8Mce 'WfIIde.all eIecfricaI servlc:es.Native Grosse F"oInter,313-886-5678


810-776-1007ErnMge!1CY SeMel

YIoIIItJoM, RenovaIIoMn..-... ....-u... 0_ n...-""Lot'\.IwI...-_•• --»-1 _.~ ,.__SMtIor ctHIl1n DIecount

No servIC8 aUI cJ!arge

934 fENCES

.1 __ II.. _

IIw)LGJIGuvr" n~l;:'

'Sef'uor Otscount822.3000 800-305-9859

iwiuui:i1N Fi:NCEWhrte Cedar Sp.aelal.s-.s

5ervmg the GrossePOIlltes &WlCe 1955

"Automallc Gate Openers"29" gO C~not, R~~".ua


GrIffin Fence Compeny

•All Types Of Fllt\CIng.SaIes

Fl nnR'""7;nr4,""" AnN f"'_I&hmg Free "estimatesTprry Yeo1te, (810}n'23116

9-291>flYWAU :

6:>3 POAT5 ?~RH Mi"S{RVI(E

~- ... ~-~-9150Fm7PATIOS'.. ~- - -- ~-


ULTRA DECKSAdditions, etc.

Designed & Builtlicensed


MARINE WOODWORKCustom designed & built

cabinetry RIIpllIrs, dry.rot23Yearsbq)enence

Have PortfolIO& References(248~

TAX deducl1ble donations .au o. boat et::: Special'JtymplCSl Wertt Warn.ers 1-en.366-2831

iU"DI~ ,... 1 '" A I ,,01311""'\61'1""_'''' '0 I , ..........,m.J~r coler ~l, no tro..ler, $1 5001 best~~13)882.5427

CHIIItEV REPAIRReo buUl, Tuck PoIntin;,

WUhCllpa,SpIIrk ArretItois,

Step Cuootel ~;oiUcensed. InauNd




CherTlOe)ls rep8lI'ed •rebuilt, re-~ned

Gas flues re-Nned.Cleaning Glass Block .

Certrfied, Insu red(810)795-1711R.R, CODOENS

ChllT<neys rebu'lt,rep&lred or tuck pOlObng.

Flues. caps repatredChimneys cleaned.


RUsseLL'S Home Re-pair Tuckpol!"l!i"9 cl>tm.r'1eyS and porches ~e-built & rep8Jrs. Code VIa-laf1Qi~ S,"""'~I ;('0 spe-Cl811ty Free estlmate810-n2-5320

-7~':' :L.:"c\.\~~'" \'.~ttl.1.~~

.. - ~- .

ABOVE QUillrtyl lOW costComplete drywall servoICe, framing, hanging,f"'';lshlng Soe<:.ehzlng In"'''\AI custom sofflt<; wallunits, dome ceilingsAny 'ihape any <;IZ6

Complete rSP<llr servICetneludlng :Jalnll"QknockdOwn, p{)OC('mtextures (31J/822-SOOO


P~Bnck Wol1<

Basement WaterproofingSteps

Tuck.PombngNo jOb to smalll'Free EatlmatH




313-884.7139VITO'S Ceme'lt work,

porches, dnveways, pa-!los, bock and blockwork. tuck polnt Insur-ed bonded, lICenSed('313)527-8935

p r n " I II r r~.IIUII"~d L II , I b L d

- -~~_.911 PLASTERING

.J' - • _ _

b5 r B(;OI!S'A'9 ~\[)TO~~



- ... ---

(It r~Jl~(" ''1r. Rt.;?Cr;[~l),z:., _----.i....-_ ~

All lunk cars w<lnlcdSeN,no Grosse POinte.Harper Woods, ::.t ClalfShores & Det'e t's East-~ 810-n9-87'37

1995 Voyager LE 24Kmiles Loaded Servicer~ol"(}S a,vg le~l.e$13500 (313)8Sf;-S510

beam I twu" 5's, t.cvlhours Overall qtlOd con- 2:.FT TrOjan Center Con-ditIOn, $9,500 313-884. SOle, like new ReplIJrlI-

AUTO Insurance- low 5205 ad 8/ 97 Gutty cabin, ,down payl"let'lt, $125 -.-------- 200hp Johnson Tmller 1996 HarIe~ DavidsonDoesn't mailer what 36 Trojan. ~, F'36, $9,900 Must sell I SportstEll' 1200, bl8cl<.your dmllng reoorrl's Com\'. T- 454 s, air, out- (313)909-3009 law, Iovo miles, 2 seats,hke Partners IflSUI811C8 ngs, fully eqUipped, ex heated WInter storage.810-n4-9955 celIent condtbon. owner DONAl e your cars, boats, $9,0001 best. (313)343-

transferrdd $79900 0 \I .".~I..""""""'....I.... 9891(313)271-4302 M~~g--Chlldr-;-'Proj-

43' WeHcrait Portaliro, ect. fer a tax donation.1987, T-454 Mere's, Ie- (313)884-9324modeled inSIde and outExcellent condition. Saleby owner, $95,000(810)665-8701

LARSON, 1989, 20' WJtt1cucIdy, II 0 Mere 205,witt> 1raJIer, great boatPaId winter storage$8,900. (313)881-7038

.~--"AUTO ftlSlilMNU

1990 PlyrrY.luth VOyb.ger 4 ~O' Aqua Sport, center RENKEN- 19' 1982- 120cylinder good condition co.,~ 200 Mtlrcury Mer Cruiser, low hours,91 000 miles $3,750 outboard fish depth Must see Extra prep,3'1:J ee~55~e ga ....gf\ radlC's. ..ai)' .,",inter ~o.cr. bc ...-. co ....er.

Mean trailer, $8,500 SUr" top, Include::. trailerLeave ".,essage 313. $3 200 (313)886.7389882.4504

1986 Four Winds- 26',sleeps 6, mlnlmai hours,nP'9'n aft 3;I'ea su'tabl-efor entertalnln~ flshongCustom bUilt trailer In.C.luotKi Must lOeei$"0,900 Jert 313.')."11.7909

1996 Seadoo XP, lowhours with ~hor<'llllndPr C:I:A_PAV ",t """'I 1",,,,,..trailer $4.500 313-885. cov~., excellent cond,"U1::1,) ,dter 6pm bon, hardly used

19n Slickrraft. 25' 9 112' $5,500 \313}BOO--2483

1991 SGalilf 350 Soo-dancer, loaded. twin 7 4.radar. auto pJot, chartplotter. GPS. 350 hours.$102.500.31~1~

ANDY SqUires Plastenng& Drywall Stucco repairS.?'~y~;:t;:~Ceilings\0 IVr,.,) •.r..::u~

AFFORDABLE plastenng25 years expenence,guaranteed work freeestlmaies, Lou Black.well a'O-n$-8S87,PaQl"I313-796.964::>

PLASTER .& C"fVt~1I repUlrand oalr'lna Gr0<;c;pPOinte ref<;)rence~ ColliCnarles 'Chlp' Gibson313-664.5764

KMB ConsIrucboo, Inc.- CEIUNG nIplIIrs: WBt8rKitchen and besement dBmage, aacks. p&lRt- SAFE FLUE~8nd =i ~~~ CHIMNEYSElMCEmamtenanc:e. Lanaedl smoolh. licensed con- : Chlm~ clean~ng...00..,,0. (313)SS6-2725 ~~. Jce. 313 as1-


TRIANGl.E Gerleral em- ,....-. in5tJ11ed

traetors- Spec:iaUzlng In: Pt.ASTEA repairs. petm'l. t,\(J(\M andRootIng. T&aI'Offs. te- tng Cheapl No job 100 ~~ptacement windows. .. emaIIt Cell 1ftYtime. In- • Ammal RPmO\oalI1lIflUm tnm & 8l\Jng. ~ sured. (810)174-2827 Certtrll!d/I'\lI$teI Sweep

dittons, doI'mers, ~, SEAVER'S Home Malllte- 10M IIEfUJI.

:::: ~ ~ ~4 rence Plater. drywall. 882~S169. _. _._"'_"'.,= t8ldureS. painting. 16noura, 'lllV'"~. )'81U!I1n GrosSfl PoInte.

I~~~~I 313-&82-0000, ~c_~" Balbo CHIMNEY SWEEP CO'-~ InIuml • StHl~

197"".>5~ Onft CONCRETE constluctIonr 51<;4tlarpoo' Woods. MI Tuclcpoint, chIMney. Oirmll)s CItJI:rltIdto:u'" 1Ilil4-41.'l2 ~ l\'-'II ...""'.... ""- .._ .._-. - -........ -~--.... ~-~

Lay patio t:Iat8. Cement /nsIBIIBd'I \ I , 1 stepS. 810-779-7619 MIm8/ FtIImr1tRIII ....~... GRAZIO COf'-SU'..lCtlon, me. CenJIIt1tJ a

If 0 r war d (810}n4-3020 In8uteI1.. IIESIG'" BUILl> COKPAN\ IHISTORIC restoration. Ex-

e_N_O' ....<!R~ ,....,.-t ,.".,.""", ............ ..".

IIiiiISIO_:zi75S00I ChunneyS:- 'nre- snci- Doctor Richard Pnce.

LJeensed. 882-3804PULCINf ConstruetJon-

GARAGE You receNe honest,STRAIGHTENING quality workmanship AllAnd Rebuilding cement work, walei'-

RepIaIcct Rotten Wood p:oof. Commel'Cla!l rl;O$l-Crack .. Cement Repeir dentJal. Free estImales-

To Pass CIty Code (810)173-3310Guaranteed QUAUTY brick work....= Free ~~ Tucl<polntlng M0110rJohn Price bnted to match. sea-

(313)882-0746 vers. (313)882-0000

PROFESSIONAL carpen- R.Lter 30 years expen- STREMERSCHenee. Roofing doors, CEMENT CONTRACTORWIndows decks. porct--es Reasonable IiItesCall Roger anytime,B10-779-7619

n ~U I

(3' 3)640-3972

912 flUtlDlNG /REMODHiNG



8rJd(, FIagstQne Walks&Pai106

Pufc::.",p~"tPre-Cast ~"t8pSTIJd<-PoIntlngCement Worlt

8IIsement Wa1«prooIing~ InIunIcI


1990 Dodge Grand Cara.van ~t:. 1181\ highway.excellent cononloo <IIIf'''''''''' $4 4(.0'313)885-4526

1989 ChevY Astro 8 pas.spnger 84K onglr.alowner loaded, oxcsllent...,..."'..1.""'... ~ ... (\/'\"\... '" ..... ........ ..; _,""'vv

~ o-:! SR1~f.i '~,O(r '"I(H'!I--. - --~. .

__________ ~MI\o.I,I'" MtlLd.l> ULlyll"d

1993 Mercury Villager van Junk carlO and scrap me'-(GS wagon), air. 'ull als Free, prompt pICk,power cassette. lug- up 810-493-9074",a~ c:c.1UV\ tj;1'1 Q.Q">tt""1:; "" - .,. -... ,,-


...Ift'"'" ,...,__ ...I __ _ ~rt,;;rv., V~Qli\,.l V,aIGV(lli "">40.,

V-f, Air, 147000 milesWell "1a.ntalne<l. verycledn, $2,5001 offer313.823.5529

PRESENT!. Y WOrKing forcement company. Chlm.ney repairs, porches, alltuc..pu,nt.-.g. P;~tsteps Glass block Win-do\\'$. Smali jObs wel.come La"'Y 81 D-415-9333

SEMI-RETIREO bock lay-er/ 45 years expenenee10 masonry trade Roe.-sonable Licensed! in-

sured 810-712-3223

B_.LD! ••_ •._.. n .... ~~)

Free on site estJ.11ates ~; Jlrcensed builder Com- -tlrell:kii & Cus1\:.,"1 i6Si"delltlal Great rates for GARY'S f"~...... SeElxlenors, krtchens & ""'" 1"" rvte:ebat",s Expener-ced Ins1anatton. restretchlngGrosse Pomter Refer- Repall"l; Carpet & padeneas, Insured "wadable 8lo-n4-7828(" I"}Cl<! .t-t>2.3J

Expen Tuckpocnlmg& Bnck RepeJrMortar TextufEI

& Color MatchingO'!ep C~"'C"rl CLd _':Writ!for Strength & Long LIfe.

We11 ;roal.<; ,wr b,"iCk'ftoI1.;lOOK liKe newl

~.:ied ll'1BurtidJohn Price (313)882.Q746



Brick. bIoc:k and stoneWIl&. and e!I types

orr~Brick & Flagstone PatiOS

& Walks, Porches,Chl~'S, Tuck-POI1'lu'19,

Pa1chingV lOlatJorls Corrected

Speaa/iZ1ng In Small JobsFree EsturlatesILJeensed

. 313-882.0717


~C7 a~SfMP,";"W~ftRPRC~LNC .



MOS 76U.-ofMblue,'3.loK :>11or,aLnal ex, el-lent 57000 (313)2714.':\02

1979 Tnul'1pn Spitfire COrl.ve't.ble oocd condition4 speed- manual 810-755.4301


---<lie ~{)Af IHf'tl<t~: _~ '~~Altm~lAtt(£

COMPLETE Marine serv-ICeS l'l<' CarpElntry, fi.berglass repair, nggmgand bottom wol1<. I.J..censedi Insured.


':::7 ~:"::UlP~l' _',. :...7 ~ ~ ~ !-\ ~ G;: j?,~ u



DIDtrTnuvU I II L b I U II I

1985 \101\"0 24",DL DeW ALL J~f1l( cars & truckslerl biJE' stICk, excellent wanted Any ddy anyconditIOn, $4,500 ~13. condition 313.369.1579:><;Cl-4Q40


;50tgg0ng Method PUlA _' *1eAll New Dram lite it~ Wetght 10,0, I t:x=Uence ::n Islag stone & bacldil1 n Waterproofing

H Falllllv iiuslne&5~Ci&:YIUP U SloctI924 i

-WaiJs Sua;grrtened & H. f)'!:8 ,n!! M,..,hot,BIiIced 01' Replaeed I.f'eastone Backfill

""",_ ..nda .....~~ Unde~l~ned • Walls Stralghtet'led-rvu Il'.llIo::t ,.,nu ., ...~~t" .. D.r- ......nt

-Brn:k & Concrete Work • 25 y, GU3r;ullee

-:20 Years Exper.ence Licensed & Insured

-10 Year TransferableGuarantee

e[)ralnag8 SystemsInstalled

LJcensed & InsuredA.1 QuaIi~


St. Clair Shores, MI






• BASEMENT ANDY'S Mz.sory, c:hlmneyWATERPflOOFING repair. Bnc:k. all tuck

• WAL.l.S STRAlGHTENED pointing, concrete. Lt-

ANI) Rt:PlACED ~ ceosed, Insured..10 YEAR ~ (313}881-0505

GUARANTEE ~ ff"I----..\Yi") j BRICK repwr. ctumneysFamily ~ porcnes, t'ICk pomtlOg,BuSIness minor cemsr't work A HLICENSED Masonry (313)417-1942INSUREDTONY BRICK repairs porches,885-0612 steps, tuckpomtm9,

_!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!ii~!!!!!!i! small jObs welcomeKeVin (610)779-6226

BRICK Work- ExcellenceIn bnck work Small JObs

I ~~O;-3~~~~~cd-,EXPERT Bock Repalr

Tuekoolntlng, chimneysporches steps Special.IZ.ng In mortar, texturelcolor matchmq TheBnck Doctor "RIChardP"'~e Licensed 11 '=1-

1990 Volvo 760 turbO$12,500. Gray, exc:ellentcondition, fun)' loaded,leather, CO tliayef, sun-roof, new bres, brakes,susperlSlon. 313-417.2844

1988 Toyota Corolla. red.124K, runs perfect,$96C.313-881-9W7

199\ foro Explorer, EOQltj

Bvwe,. 1501< hlghw.d)Very well ma,ntalrled$5000 (313}885-4321')

1994 Jeep CherokeeSport 4x4 6 cylinder

1976 Porsche 9115 Targa, auto Red gra¥ Goodred exteoor prem'um AI. cond.t.)'1 One o",nerpme A~FM <:-0 stereo $.9 600 Call eveningssys!e'n RUI's great, (31~i8S5.386.Sboth Intenorl 8Xlenor In ----------excellent condltJon 1991 Jeep W,angler,$12,100 best 313-884- loaded Excellent condl-S405 tlOO Pnced ught 313.


1983 F"orsche 944, powerwindows al', cleanestone In town ExCf'llentcondition, I'leW totel1'",..., l"b br<-n7e ('('lor

$8,500 firm (3131884-6449

1991. Chevy $10 !lICk-UPExtended black Newtires, brakes, Tonnocover Vb autom..tlc,

1991 Saab 900, convertl- 1991 Jeep Wrangler. 5 79,000 miles Very goodble, low miles, must see, speed, Immaculate ne", C.VIIU.U<.H' $3 <NC .-------- ----$8,950 (248}852.2432 powertratn, 3 tops (313)882 1976 313- 1993 Plymouln Grand

$8 000 (3'3)884-6282 'Voyager SE, dal1< green,1994 Suz~ SIdek!ck 2 " 417-0883 13K, exceilent condition,

wf1eeI drrve, 5 speed 1988 Jeep Cherokee $6,800 (313~cassette stereu Very 133,000 miles New 1996 Ford F150 va ex.good condItJoo. $3,7501 brakElS & tires, good tended cab. Black. 4)(4 1993 Plymouth Voyager,best (3~3)~-9027 ~n $' S(1Q 3013. CD 34 ('lQ(l "lIIeS M''1t- ,,'K, ~,e.at l.:ondmon.

88&-4769 $17,500,' bes1 (810)n4- runs like new •.1996 Subul'batl Sl T load- 4735 (313}886-8862 1989 2801300 Searay Sun-

ed (4x 4) leather, CD,---FO-R-O----- --------- dancer. T. 260's,230all options. Only 10,000 1995 Splash, ex- 1991 Plymouth Voyager hours. GPS, very clean.hlghMrt rndes No nICks tended cab, loaded, V6. 901<, power WIn- holsted. $46,500 810-or dents, black With Qrav 81,000 mdes $11,000 dews. AMI'FM stereo, n3-4950leather. Pns£ne- 248-545-1735 Speed" c:ontro!, ete. New$2B,OOOI hrm Days, brakes, mufller, trailer810-n5-8060. EventngS 1994 N'ssan 2WD, long hitch, good tires IUns& weekends. 313-881- bed, V-6, pICk-up 481<, like new. $3,000. <:.:an2516 car 810.295-2230 standard, $7,5001 best 00 seen at 1008 Loch-(leave message). (313)640-0380 moor.

1992 Ja!:juar )."J6 S,~,erlleather Inte'lOr lown111eS, very deanf8101679-0035



AND COHSTRUC'nOlol24 Veers experienee

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Quality Workn canshtp1u ,;:1. GuAnAAIEESENIOR DtSCO'JNT

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Some~are reqund by law to

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: ... ~ :.or:, ..... ~ .. ;:,\ l,~~

ii,-':,:F, .

- -, --•• I 1... ~~ , .... ,... ~ -. .

Thursday, September 24,1998Grcssc Pointe ftJe\"JsI The Connection

9 3'b flOOR ~ANDlNG I




. ,960 ROOFING 5£1V1CE






Great rates, references.insured {3131823-6233

q71 WAll WAShiNG


WlachlnnJ t"'"::iIIrn..'=lot l""'ll::li~n-;~g313-884-4300 - .-GEORGE OLMIN



810-791-0070(established 1944)

MAC'S Window and Gut-ler Cleaning 8eNleeReferences Insuredfrea eStlmates. 313886-6447. John

MADAR Mall'ltenanceHand wash W1'ldOwsand walls Free dS!1mates & references313-8~ 1-2984

FAUOUS i'ilsintena,""rCOseMng Grosse PomteSince 1943 L.tce'lSed,

MADAR MaintenanceI-tand waJ Washing andwindows Free estl-mates & reterence'i.'311--e'21.?CIR4

ALL types 0f ceramic t.lelr'1sta"alor 30 ye:lrs ex.oem;nce Free est,-mdles' 81CJ..771.4343

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Can Be,Found

in The


" -


~ ..~



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886 ..0520

Some ctusiftcltltons.. required by IlIw to

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1-~laI-1I ~t~~ I



RUSSELL OS Home Re-pair, New roofs, tearoffs, f8?liIrs. Specsakt-''19 In 'UQi ~;',y !!'''l''11jObS Free estlm8te810-772-5320

ALL PRO ROOFINGProfessional 'ools gutters

sidIng new repairedReasonable Reliable24 years expenence

L1CENSED/INS'J~E.DJohn Williams313-885-5813

MtCON Roofing, Siding &Gutters, 25 year wan-at!-ty Tear. offs. recovers,expert repal rs LIcensed!Insured Free est'"~.3tes,810-447-2236

CERAMIC, 1/'(1)'1 \lIe Regrouting Frp.e esti-mates Licensed •• naured Nortneastem 1mproveMenfs, Illc 313-372<?414

COMPLETE bal",nnmand kitchen remodelmg,

RESHINGL.E, repair. all specialIZing In t1le andtypes FlaShing, tuck. marble. Mike. (810)498.pombng Free estimates 9868LJcensed, lilsured ---------No!lheastem Improve- OLD World Irle, marble,ments, Inc, 313-372- cel'3JTllC hie Small or2414 large lobs -fflrtm

Grosse POInter 313-ROOFING-- 886-5678

~iIIIIIlCiII_eo.rnc. ROYAL Tile Art- CeramicT... all&, Reo roots, tile, marble and gramta

!!:~!.'~~ Installation Full renova-ElIp8l't Repelrs bOn of custom JODS l.all

LIcenaed a 1nsuNd Jerzy, (248)577-{)289(313)884-1512 TILE by Shen- Bathroom

ROOFING repaJl'S,~ ~, ttIe Ioofs,'glmg ehtmney screens back-Splastlos. Small~ leaks ..........; JObs w8lcomed. Flee esQ.ll'

• ..--- I'I1ldesI .... i3""~ '':,...,"repaIfS. Hanl:Iyt'NIr. _ \'""~""1"-- -, J

worr-~ Insured Seaver's, T1lE: free on site eSII-(313)882-0000 mates. LJcensed builder

Commemal & lllSlden-tlaI. Complela seMCeS"Vinyl, !aMinate. PewablC,marble !. granite Expe.nern::cd G~se PC1'-'1:et'


960 ROOFING SER'll<1 _

521-0726"'Free Estimates

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All Repairs FreeEstlmatesl Reasonablel


313-705-7568 peger


MARTIN VERTREGTlicensed Masler Plumoer

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5mce 1949BU 1W"~Jl PUJMBERS TONY


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code VIOlatIons.All WQI'k guaranteed.


Repairs, remode/Ing, codeWOfi(. fixtures.

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Intenr.lfl exlenot' palnting,wallpapenng and removal

ceramIC tile. Powerwashing, Free esttmates.




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*Extenorl* Interior,Residential & CommerCIal

PdIfltlng.Pl8SIenng & Drywall

repairs ,cracks,peeling oatnt

Wtndow glaZIng, caulking*Washing & Pamtmg old

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All WOrk oS MatenalGuaranteed

Fully Licensed & InsuredFree E!>hmates-

Mike 810-268-0727

C:Y Pamtlng. Plasteongand Drywall High quah.ty results, reasonable:pnces, (313)917-5629

9~b h:':':llNG- .

10 year wOf,ma"shlp wdrranty25 yedf or 'onQE'r malenal warral'\ty

SpCCIaI'llr'lg ,n TEA~.()FFS--.--.;ooed


Sperlal,ztng In lI'lle(Kl1'iEl:lenor Piilnt"Q We ol'o'(the bast 'n preparat.on te:o(e paml,"g :l~d use only ltoc

f,nest matendls fa, :he 1000ge.~tla~I,r9 "esJ~~Gre>tlWestern people afe ql.al'1y mlnde-:l and cour"eou~




AnyItltngPHiliF WASSi:rtAAR




RenaIssance HeIIItngBoBer SpeciaItats

Hot water or &teamTune ups, cleaning, re-

pairs " replacements.We also do rBdlant heat


'I' J & J RUO~lNG411~.(~~~2.~~:~~~~~t~~-.~?:~~?..

~"I 1" 11"" "". I ",n.,"L.J .... ,'" ,,,,,,J" It _1"'(" v.... I

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313 e-9<' '1 e07



Quailry ServiceCa" Tc~ 910 ""76 ~A29

HANDYMAN, (810)775-0700 All Jobs welcomebig or small I

HAriDYMANI Gem;"",-Painting, wall washingsnow re,noval Josept'l313-823-1436 or 313,521-1210

SUE': Iiiil!:&.155':': t11l11


Pia8*" & LJrywaU RepairSWA~RunovaI

GIaZ.~ CaulklngLocal & HI:I1IdPainted S~

Long Distance Best matenels & proles-ALL your home fix- up Agent for SQIl8J 'tt'Ori< guaranteed.

needs WIth one phone GIobaJ_ ~Van Unes Inal.ndc::.~ eest ...!!..~ II I Jim 1313)886-7067sernve In The Village ~ _ r'

r.all Village FIX' It 5efv- IIHTERtOR. eXlenor. ECR PAIN ~~ I _ ".,........,.. Spacldtng, wallpaper 1 <; y,.,. .... 'F""",-;...,I''' 1

I ...,.,).Y;".,. I"r. hJ' 1=.- r ,1313-881-9000 __ =-" ': I ":. ~ i;I;a;:::~.....' ~ ft Quality WorkJ---1822 ... 0°1 """"',;a ...... ~.~. n' k '3IJ)8M5-7~Z~ ....1Cl-tAELI-l.AGGEflTYCAI=tPENTRY, plumbing, --- sured NOI1fleastem 1m- ' \ Lie. Master Plumber~ Roofing, -royI .lnrnAond5molJJobs Drovements, lnc 313- J'..;~ensed~l~t' ---------siding Paultmg. power • p~ (our speoalty} 372-2414 ...-eo, I' - - ..W"'"waSt-ling, Code VIOlation • App!ioneesrepatrS. Free esbmates. ~...J-. c:.. ....I-.licensed, Insured ........... ....,.. ~"-'UT

NortIltld:.l.ern llOj)fo"e- 5ervv::emenls, Inc 313-372- • SenIOr Otscounls2414. 0wPed & Operated

DAD & Daughters Heme By John SteiningerRepair DfYWall. plaster- 11850 E. ~Ing. plumDlr-:,j, decks. MPSC-L 19675porches, pa' nttng, krtch- licensed - Insureden, bath & basement re-modeling. Martin(313)884-5821

DEPENDABLE, ~trve Home rep8trs,painting, drywall. plas-ter.ng, cJean1flg, plumb-Ing Retsrences. Gall313-882-6995


t-li9~\Cst Q :ddy PAINTINGr:~";::".",1 h~ U ,1I (",.., ~rln:?c:

1"-TEf"IOR/Pl \qm RfPAwS'~\ nRI()~~~n.IIl~ r;m'\e P()/l1f, ~"'''f 'Y~l/J )011 ha( (h,p )01." paIM~' "

l:tt31884-5784L'ccn<cd & In,"re<!. rully WM. ~",e<l


INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALL TYPESSpon"lns. RlAAI'1~ Spa("~le, Dragging CarflE'ntryDrywall plaster Repair K"chens Ratt's Basement~emOOellnp ~e\v Wlndows/Docfl, Detk~ FencesPord'cs DCI (,n



I can Restore YourWClQdwl)l1( to itsC.yr.al D.aaut;FRANK Dt.JFJ:

Q~j tA~~D)(~.tEi(~. _ t'~KOPt~1'\S'

--.... ........... """ ........rr:J:d-l~t '-ll~j 0 IV"'


Wood floors only;113-8£15 ()?"i7

Floors of dlst'nctlonsince 1964

Bob GrabowskiFoun<Jtu I PIt.:~IUtHlt

Llcense-d, Insuredmember of Th&

Bett&f Bu:.".",:.:. SlJltJdLi

FItN eSimlaleliWe supply, Instal', sand

stain and finish woodrlCOrs new &. 010

Specla!lzlng 'nGlilsa hmsh

tl1 0- { (~-LUtIU

Visa, Discover &Mastercard ~epted


-Staining Experts-50 years expenence'Llcensed"nsured'

'References'313-535- ?256

~~B tnm:=d & m.rooved Gut'.srs cleanedFaD clean- up HaultngC8Il81Q-566-0243


Trimming( stumpremoval.!> chippingSIvub trimming, &

lICUIptingTop 5011grading.19th year-lnsured.

George Sperry810-778-4331


Lanc*:ape Design &:Maintenance.

SOd Installation, Sill'lband T,.. Trimming.'RemOval, Clean-ups,FertJllzation, Gutter

Cleaning,Top Soil, Mulch &: Slone

dellwrles.FREE ESTIMATESueensed &: Insured


• :;18 r ....?~~iUli'r~;rl'~ ~t-::t4=. JP:;D~~r~~H';G

BLOOM & Zoom land-scapng. 0ffMng c1ean-up spec;l8II:. T reel snr...omlTllTung! removal, etc.Free QSbmates 810-

""--,.. ....."'~ -..:.._",-,",,1"'_-Phone 810-239-7265

Paint'F1OistlRemoval & Restoration

Grosse Pointe References

FURNITURE refimshed,repaired, stripped, arrytype of CllOlllQ. Free es-tlmates. 313-~248-661-5520


32 YlNIUI eApef;.,nwCall Dominic81~



prompt. Efftclent ServlceINSTALlATIONS

810-783-58&1W~~OO=F=TREE removal, Gordon &servICeS, 22725 Greater Sons Tree Care. 11-Mack. Call 1-800-606- ceosed and Insured1515 (800)626-3493

TURF a Timber landscap-Ing Tree! shrub tnm-rmng & removal. Insur-ed Paul, (313)885-9292

RJRHITURE I1l!firnsher- FAMOUS MaIntenance.stnp and refiolsh Stnp Window & guUer clean-

chairs, chests, end ta- ~~1~bIes, coflee tables, n.-ght 884-4300l;tands, dr8SSer.i. Palnt _or v!f'!"lell P\ck' up e"li (JIJT .... AS- InStI'tlletl rflo

deI!vefy available. (;all palred, cleaned.{313)S84-5e79 ~~, PC"wr I~"

lng Free estimates. lI-oensed, InStlred. North-eastern Improvements.

CM:ATrVE ReIIectionS. Inc 313-372-2414,e..-om mlfTOItI, shower SEAVER'S Home MBinte-docn, b1- fdda. Drywall, ~1Ce. Gulters replaced.painting & flrIi8hed car- repaired, cIeanad, roofpenuy. 81(~ rep8lfll, ~l~.ouoo.



September 24, 1998Grosse Point~ NewlS

C'nvrntrv;; Anienal"Goalo f:tef"r. pfaehler 4. Chad

Flsrer (ro,entTj \ H"ben Be)a 'j

"lIehael B':l2off (ArS<'nal \AssISt« Pfaehler FI~her AJcx~I'eira

M"rntt. Kurt Tech 2 (Co"entrylComments Chr:stopher 'Il"cMl1l."

and K) Ie Stemer played well ,n g<-31forCo..,mtry Ar~naJ" CurtJ~ F1&her h,tthe goal post ""th a ShOt l,harheFlSner wa. strong em dt-fense forArsenal

Shem""h~ WedD"",day 3,Leeds 2

Goals Alys~a Carr. PatnckLe",andoW8k, 21Sheffidd Wednesday\.Eh Thomas. Jonethou Jacoby (Leeds)

Comments Alex S,ko....1u andR"b"rt. Declercq p1a.."ed well forSheffi€ld Wednesday NIck Hlmburgplaved a strong game fo' Leed.s

('ov"ntry 3 Southampton 0(r{'Iul:.- Kurt l.t'(::t). ) .." I' ... I rldl.l1i.tr

Lo\entrvA, ••st. Kar. Te-;h Chat I,e I weh

l)lcter Teen (Cov.nt>"")v ...........Q ....."'""( ...... 1 V~ ~ '-l

g~- l(a'Tle at Inldr.eld 'and defersewhll'" 'T.A\ lor DuJ,;;,on wAS stron ... d('"fcn••\ el)

UNDER.I0Ml1lwalJ 3, Aston Villa 2

Goals Joev CasteHl Sam

Blackburn Rove ....4,Llverpoo12

Goals Grant Wither. 2 K,lhanDaVIS Alex Marshall (fllackburn\ -\lexHunt 2 tLl\erpool.

AsSIsts AI... J""e", Tom W,theT>'(Blacl!.burnl

Comments The Rovers had finedefens,ve pIa,s from Enc Hughes,Jones and Austm Hook

BlaekbUI"D Rovers 4,Manebester UnitaU"

G"ala Grant Withers 3, K1lhanDalll~ (Blackburnl, MIke Doak 2.Conner SchmIdt. Jerry McDonnellIManchester)

AssISt 'l'om W,thers (Blackburn)Comments The Rovers abo got fine

ofTen.uve play from Alex JOIlel\, wrote

- ... .. ,1.Jo.UtJll..uLo..iJ.~, ........t..A L.'d11j!.~VU ~•• u .......

J'lC Lam""r., MIchael C'yud" (A.>tonV.n3'

ComlH"ntll l'>hllwrll srored tneeeot.ralght gcab to ovueoroe a 2 0 d"fio t

1'<adeau And, Farlev Ene Pl"" Chn,~ayn()rd (Laker< I

Commt r.~:;, l ourtll( \. :Man ...rdturn,:..d av.a) .,e,eral ~l,;vts In thefourth quarwt W g1V" the Lak.r, .helr~Ofld shulOut m t\\O gtmu: S:;ottBr" ....'. ar6 \\ uham l'errard had o~t.tandlllg ~a1l'e. l(>r tr.c Rockers

:.1.cnael Bello\ 'ch p Q)cd e'<e,,!lentd"f"n$t' Tre\ or <; .. tklmu~r and R J\ ..ndenbru"k ......re Ot t,tandll'g ofTen...,L\€,r; for tht Hurnldnt's bond LAr~Hamre ha" a finp Jelen"l,e game

Eal.>1es t, Wolvt'lrJneli 1(",,,h \ >nee Brennan \1ark Balk

-\..:i.a"" \I)tl1)C'n H"'~ln R"r"-.t>- ,''''ade,,;)J.H!'''. l'faneY \wolvenn~sJ

Co'nments Ja\ Cree,'" ha': t\\ a~ots an 1':0,1 [01' the Ea~l"•.• , Il,I.

Mevel'l Herron o.,d Andre ...."'~d:J.15U~.t~~l Ild.U ~IH.H ..:- l.ul L..11l;.

"'.,henlles The Eag'es Balle pla} ..dfl.;" (',\(::ltlng ft:'Yt m nutr:h '\\1.thvllt a. shoeand managed tQ fend Q{l' a ~rll1gopportun,ty Patnck M}ers also made....;' ~:"L~o.~~:r:'" h. 4..._ d ~ E;:;;l::."~

Plst0111l 2. f1llen 0G...al. "hehae' r..o,k- Be.. &o.rfone

(P,stons\A..sISto Bret. Rel'rdon ,PIstol!>'ConUllents M,C;'l\('! Lane Kabe Bill

ana Petpr Duman l'\ayt"t! well GiT"n-slVely for the PIstons III a g'llme thatfeatured excellent pass.ng Reardonmade some good Sll'eSlr. goal and EncO~ar pla,yt.*d w~H U~rt"14ly~IJ

PiAons 2, Rockers 1Goals S~phen Van Beek Brett

Reardon (PIstons' Max Hu!'t(Rockers)

Asslst Be\l Scarfone IP,ston~ iComments Chns Bill, Enc Oscar

MIchael Koski and &arfone made gooddefens.lvtl pla)"S for the P1l\l.On$

Lakers 7. Rockers 0G<>ala Patnck Deters 3. K)le

l"NDER.l.'lSpartan. 4. Cuyotes 1

Goal .. [)"\nlif'l (;.('10\\ Pepl \lllk'"i\.c\lH 1,lllh P"",I V.. rl"IY.iIbJ,ldrtdn., udl. 'tUUL.,J1,.l L",nll"..~\.

Cn\cLt.'sA"'~l ...t ~l:l< t \'"erL:s.lk..1. TunJ I"'",

Halpm 2aeh",", (lQltz rSpar ....no>Comment~ Tl-j,f' Spartc1n;:, S:~ ""lnd

1..41t-t" tIt t:- ~r tho;- fH~:rth q..l.3.-...c" :'vtn-Ilk op.>n a clo.<egame The Coyotlsth,p"tened y{,tn rood ru.s.....~ .'l11d good,c"n~l: .halle"" b\ Gut'<t and Gt!Qr~Berger Gaod r,oal' endmg D) botht<>am. kept the game close

Lake .... 6, Coyotes 0Goals C"ns Maynord 3 Andy

Far,e} 2, M~tt Lengel (Lakers)CGmmento Jot Dempse), Megan

Z)'tlutslu I<.nc Pioc llnd ('"I", Bnyelwe re perfect In goal for the l'..llk .. TS TheentlrE Coyot>,team played rani III thegame

BurriClUle8 1. Red W'1J:lP 0Goal Chns Hancock (HurTl<:anes'As<.,st hnn Mos'tehult

(Humeanes)C-omments Ryan Bt-rg was out.

standrng III ~l ftlT the Red Wmgs.while leammatl!S A1..x Dowzalslu and.

era} ...hot.....on goOd I to" Brctl d .J.nd R\ dn

G l h l.ei unt JOJo Sr~1'orndk mace ty",u".1\.(:;., I1nd. -\ndrl.?\\ P(dt. tl ... m .10... ("1t

Par'1gu;:ij ...,effort "" 1:=It'd b, BrandonS..."en~op.. ag-gl r>.., ....n.e fi( Id. pl.n\1b.cK€,IlZlt' :::"lam -tn C.L1L<i S.t~H'n!X'ner, de!e',d"d the g'<Jal~ pll .h tne\\.r ..... T .,. "J"''"l~ 1 ,('\...r.,l ...t '.... F,..;.l, I

Chue 1. PlIUa;zuay 0wal A...,dre\\ 15,11, \(,;h,'eCQmment.::. ~d.lh""n Moh...] l F"':ed,

w..be' and Vina~ Gud\'gum13 \\ereaggres~lv~ at forward for ChIleN,ckolas Roman,'lh nearly sccr<-d agoal on II setup from M>cha"J,1 Bar""Alexander MalIk and Mleltael o,P.ezzl ..pla\'ed well defens"ely and Patncl!.0,,,,, and MIchael Dz\Uba wmbmro forthe shutout MacKenZle Seaman near.ly IlCOreO for Paraguay, '" hlle goaheBrandon S.....nSOll made a kev sa"", 1Uthe third (lUaTtt'r and Alma MtC arty'UIlde three Important sa......

Panguay O. Branl 0Ccmmenls Clark Hughe~ had !leV'

an<1 Thpher Bamford cle"rLd .,,\ eral~ ..tack ....v,,'1th ~b boorrlln?}...{''''....

Franc .. S, It ..l) (j

L<.~l. J,..I l ,IT :>13r.. Ha'l) ,Io'lnBlan2\ F"'a'1Cl

Comlilil'nb ~orJ Be ern {ltt.... ant!ElIle :rarher p\~ 'J ""d \\t"!t fl.)r Fl: an<:'"l"lo\l-,~\. ~.. 10. ~ ::;t ...,.......l Y"' .... - ..... \.r I~

H~.\l~11 G.onlu~~ $cern and 'l'-e\orCh~h~)le-\o\"lK;l

"'01"\\ &\ I, Bra~1l 0Crl)al CanKrlln Oall' .'I<.,.,.,a\Larnments John 1'.11 .ra dua

Robert SmIth tum.-.a ,n ,<rong offen.ClII,t" bame~ 10r !'=orv-a\ ""hi l: R\anMIchael Bo!rns plajed "ell defensl\OljBrAzil had some strollg .hut.;. on l'(Oal~rOtn ..AndrE'\\- POletl~ ana AuJ.u.\frMall" ",Inle Jam,e .hm!..,.." r1 andDa'e G".hee turned 1Il fi"c all H-('.undgames


V"toOppLd ~"L."a:. :.u~ _-=- ~~ .,..; .J ~\~:....by the Netherland. .0.0$'''' w'\g In t.!'edefel1lll"" effon: were Pamck Lanp and,lonal.holl A.ndrt'ws

Cameroon 1, D..nmark 0Goal Vanny Brennan (Cameroon'A&&su M,el}..el S..rg Andrt-w

Uedertl8cll «( ameroon IComments Denmark plaved an

hCeUellt defelUl'H game(;Amo!rOOII. 3, !\ethcrl .... d. 0

Goals Oann\ Brennan, JeiTre\Bla.wff2 (Cameroon

Aasulu Cla"" Be"",r EII..n Bro" n.Dougie lad" ('ht,.to!'h .. r Smith(Camerovn)

Comments Netherla.nClS playE<d anBJtUilleIlt defens:."" game, led bj CorbetConroy, Ene Manhall lI11J AndreaManhaIl

Mexico 2, Croatia 1Goa18. Alexander Carabulea,

J_than Andrew-. (MeXlM>' JO$ephm- cCraatla)Commenta. Anna Bu.rghsrdt and

M1cNlel Janes played out.stand:mgcieIeIaee foe .M:eDCO. whIle Jos" uaGocIot.bIu bad a fine game In goalCIwotla had excellent goaltelltbng fromSiddbarlh Sh3rma, Zlldlary Wilkenshad _ good IICOnDgopportunl~s

UNDER~NetherllU>d. 8. Mc:uco 0

Goal» Amanda GS\(Nethcrl"nds I

AssIsts Scatt Hende ....ol' \\w Ce",kJaoob CaroL..r. ,K .th,'r!and.

Commt'..tl~ Mo, ••,'s ~lll" J'.lm,,~

_12C SportsGPSA house league results, highlights

Alex :llar,hall ~,annon Cunn"llj :-;gand 1"m V"ther, made go,xl d"fensl\ e.,Ia" Fletcher Sharp flail' Jon"and GlIffm &,lha" ol!iy.d ...,,11j '1 g,>~l1I1drlrheHer Vn ted go, gwd goaltendmg from DOdl<


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