IMPROVING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH SPEAKING BOARD GAME (A Classroom Action Research of the 8 th Grade Students at SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan Academic Year 2017/2018) A “Skripsi” Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S. Pd. (S-1) By TRI HANIFAH AGUSTINA 1111014000076 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2018


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(A Classroom Action Research of the 8th Grade Students at SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan Academic Year 2017/2018)

A “Skripsi”

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S. Pd. (S-1)











Tri Hanifah Agustina. 2018. Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through Speaking Board Game (A Classroom Action Research at 8th Grade Students of SMP

Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year of 2017/2018), “Skripsi”, Departement of English Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta, 2018. Advisor: 1. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

2. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Keywords: Speaking skill, Speaking Board Game

This research is aimed to improve students’ speaking skill through speaking board

game and to know how the implementation of the technique improving students’ skill in English speaking. This research was accomplished at students of grade VIII.9 of SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan in which consisted of 29 students as respondent.

To solve students’ problem in learning English especially in speaking skill, the writer applied Classroom Action Research (CAR) designed by Burns which consisted of four

phases; planning, acting, observing and reflecting, on each cycle. Further, there are two kinds of data gained in this study; qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data is derived from the observation, fieldnote and interview. Meanwhile, the quantitative data can derived

from the pre-test and post-test. The result of this study shows that the implementation of the game to improve

students’ speaking skill is successful. It is proven by the data that were collected from this study. The qualitative data shows improvement of the students’ confident, motivation and interest after the implementation of Speaking Board Game. The students actively participated

to the lesson and confidently speak in English during the game. Furthermore, the result of the test show improvements in students’ speaking scores. In the pre-test, there was only 13%

students who passed the KKM or only 4 out of 29 students which the mean score was only 44.8. Then, in post test I, the percentage of students who passed the KKM improved to 55% or 16 out of 29 students passed the KKM with 71.7 as the mean score. Next, in post-test II,

there were 22 out of 29 students who passed the KKM with 78 as the mean score. The result of the tests shows significant improvement where 75% of the students could achieve the score

above the minimum criterion which is 75. The improvement of the students’ percentage indicate the success of the research which at least 75% of the students pass the KKM. Based on the result above, Speaking Board Game may be concluded successfully improved

students’ speaking skill.



Tri Hanifah Agustina. 2018. Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through Speaking Board

Game (A Classroom Action Research at 8th Grade Students of SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year of 2017/2018), “Skripsi”, Departement of English Education, Faculty of

Educational Sciences, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2018.

Advisor: 1. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. 2. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.

Keywords: Kemampuan Berbicara, Permainan Papan Berbicara

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuang berbicara siswa melalui permainan papan berbicara dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan teknik pengajaran ini mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris siswa. Penelitian ini

diselenggarakan di SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan kelas VIII.9 yang terdiri dari 29 siswa. Untuk memecahkan permasalahan siswa dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris khususnya

dalam kemampuan berbicara, penulis menerapkan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang didesain oleh Burns dimana pada setiap siklusnya terdiri dari empat fase; perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Selanjutnya, ada dua jenis data yang diperoleh dalam

penelitian ini; data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Data kualitatif didapatkan dari pengamatan, catatan lapangan, dan wawancara. Sedangkan, data kuantitatif didapatkan dari pre-test dan

post-test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan permainan ini berhasil dalam

usaha meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan data-data

yang telah dikumpulkan. Data kualitative menunjukkan peningkatan kepercayaan diri, motivasi, dan ketertarikan siswa setelah Permainan Papan Berbicara diterapkan. Siswa secara

aktif turut serta dalam pelajaran dan dengan percaya diri berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris selama permainan berlangsung. Selain itu, hasil tes juga menunjukkan peningkatan pada nilai speaking siswa. Seperti di pre-test, hanya 13% siswa yang melampaui KKM atau hanya 4

dari 29 siswa yang nilai rata-ratanya hanya 44,8. Kemudian, di post-test I, persentase siswa yang melampaui KKM adalah 55% atau 16 dari 29 siswa dengan nilai rata-rata 71,7.

Selanjutnya, di post-test II, ada 22 dari total 29 siswa yang mampu melampaui KKM dengan nilai rata-rata 78. Hasil dari test menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dimana 75% siswa mampu mencapai nilai diatas kriteria minimal (75). Peningkatan persentase siswa menandai

kesuksesan dari penelitian ini dimana minimal 75% siswa melampaui KKM. Dengan hasil diatas, Permainan Papan Berbicara dapat dinyatakan berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan

berbicara siswa.



In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful who blesses me with the

best things in my life. His blessing empowers me to finish this skripsi. Peace be

upon to my prophet Muhammad, the last messenger of the only greatest teaching.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the help and contribution of all lecturers,

institutions, family and friends who have contributed in different ways hence this

skripsi is processed until it becomes a complete writing which will be presented to

the Faculty of Educational Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

the Degree of S, Pd. (S-1).

On this opportunity, the writer would like to express her greatest honor

and deepest gratitude to her beloved parents, Mr. Saing Pramono and Mrs.

Sumarti, who always give their best, materials, prays, and motivation to finish the

writer’s study.

The writer also says deeply grateful to her advisors, Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi,

M.Pd. and Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum., who guide the writer in finishing this

skripsi and also for the great contribution, time, kindness, and patience.

As well as a thank you to:

1. All the lecturer in the Depatment of English Education, for precious

knowledge and wonderful experience during her study at DEE UIN

Syarief Hidayatullah Jakarta.

2. Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M.Pd. and Mrs. Atik Yuliani, MA.TESOL. as the


3. Dr. Alek, M.Pd. The Head of English Department

4. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. The secretary of English Department.

5. The dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya,


6. The headmaster, all the teachers especially Mr. Dwi Widodo, S.Pd. The

English teacher, and all of the students of VIII.9 at SMP Negeri 5

Tangerang Selatan.


7. The writer’s family members and closest friends who always be there for

her and always give their support.

8. All members of EED 2011 for all the togetherness and helping hands.

9. All of people whose name cannot be mentioned for their contribution

towards this research.

Finally, the writer truly realizes that this “skripsi” cannot be considered as a perfect

masterpiece. Therefore, it is very precious thing for her to get suggestion and criticism

which can make this better.

Jakarta, Juni 2018

The Writer



TITLE .................................................................................................................... i

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI .................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................... iii

ENDORSEMENT SHEET.................................................................................. iv

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... v

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xii

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xiv

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1

A. Background of The Study ..................................................................... 1

B. Identification of The Problem ............................................................... 4

C. Limitation of The Problem .................................................................... 5

D. Formulation of The Study ..................................................................... 5

E. Objective of The Study .......................................................................... 5

F. Significant of The Study ........................................................................ 6

CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK .......................................... 7

A. Speaking Skill ....................................................................................... 7

1. The Definition of Speaking ........................................................ 7


2. Elements of Speaking ................................................................. 8

3. Problems in Speaking ............................................................... 11

B. The Teaching of Speaking ................................................................... 12

1. Background to Teaching Speaking .......................................... 12

2. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance ............................ 14

3. The Roles of Teacher ............................................................... 17

4. Assessing Speaking .................................................................. 18

C. Speaking Board Game ......................................................................... 20

1. Definition of Game .................................................................. 20

2. Definition of Speaking Board Game ........................................ 21

3. The Advantages of Speaking Board Game .............................. 22

4. Teaching Speaking Using Speaking Board Game ................... 23

D. Previous Relevant Studies ................................................................... 24

E. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................ 25

F. Action Research Hypothesis ................................................................ 26

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ......................................... 27

A. Method of The Research ..................................................................... 27

B. Subject and Object of The Study.......................................................... 28

C. The Types of Data ............................................................................... 28

D. The Writer’s Role on The Study ......................................................... 29

E. Place and Time of The Study ............................................................... 29

F. Research Design ................................................................................... 29

G. Research Procedure ............................................................................. 31

H. Instruments and Data Collection Technique ....................................... 33


I. Data Analysis Technique ...................................................................... 35

J. Trustworthiness .................................................................................... 37

K. Criterion of The Action Success ......................................................... 38

CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS ........................................................ 39

A. Research Findings ............................................................................... 39

1. Pre-Implementation of the Action ............................................ 39

2. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research ............... 43

3. Post-Implementing of the Action ............................................. 50

B. Research Interpretation ........................................................................ 53

1. Pre-Implementation of the Action ............................................ 53

2. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research ............... 55

3. Post-Implementation of the Action .......................................... 57

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .................................... 59

A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 59

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................... 59

REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 62

APPENDICES .................................................................................................... 64



Table 2.1 The Students’ Oral Language Observation Matrix ............................. 19

Table 3.1 The Schedule of the Study ................................................................... 29

Table 4.1 The Comparison Score of Each Test ................................................... 52



Figure 3.1 Cyclical Action Research ................................................................... 30

Figure 4.1 The Improvement of Students’ Mean Score ...................................... 52



Appendix 1: Syllabus ........................................................................................... 65

Appendix 2: Observation Checklist ..................................................................... 71

Appendix 3: Field Note ....................................................................................... 75

Appendix 4: Interview Guideline ........................................................................ 79

Appendix 5: Interview Transcript ........................................................................ 82

Appendix 6: Pre-Test Instrument ......................................................................... 91

Appendix 7: Post-Test I Instrument ..................................................................... 93

Appendix 8 Post-Test II Instrument ..................................................................... 95

Appendix 9: Sample of Pre-Test, Post-Test I, and Post-Test II Score ................. 97

Appendix 10: Rancangan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran ........................................ 101

Appendix 11: Speaking Board Games ............................................................... 114

Appendix 12: Surat Bukti Pelaksanaan Penelitian ............................................. 119

Appendix 13: Students’ Score ............................................................................ 121

Appendix 14: References Examination Sheet .................................................... 125




A. Background of The Study

Speaking skill of a person is often used as an indicator whether the

person is fluent the language or not. As Nunan states that a person who say

he/she has language skill are assumed to be able to produce the language

orally. It is difficult to see a person’s language proficiency only on the

basis of reading or writing.1 That is the reason of the speaking to be the

prior skill of learning a language.

In addition, speaking could be one of the measurements of the

success language learning. For example, when the teachers want to assess

students’ comprehension from a text, they can ask the students to speak up

the idea of the text. It is strengthened by Alderson and Bachman’s

statement that in language teaching, speaking skills are the prior aspect of

the curriculum and those aspects become one of the ways of language

assessment.2 It means that if the teachers want to see the progress of the

learners, they could assess from the learners’ speaking improvement.

Speaking is productive skill of language learning. It involves

communicative performance, and other important elements, such as,

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, etc. The learners should comprehend

those elements to be able to communicate with the target language. As

Dewi states that in the terms of language importance and to have good

1David Nunan, Teaching English to Speakers of other Language: An Introduction, (New

York: Routlegde, 2015), p.48. 2 J. Charles Alderson and Lyle F. Bachman, (eds.), Assessing Speaking, (United

Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p.1.


communication, an English learners need to have good speaking skills as

the basis of language skills.3

In Indonesia, there are still some problems in teaching speaking.

Based on the writer’s teaching experience in 2016 at SMP Negeri 5

Tangerang Selatan, most of the students still consider English as a difficult

subject, although they have been learning English since elementary school.

Most of the students experience difficulty in speaking English since they

have lack of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and other elements of

speaking. They often struggling in translating words or sentences from

their native language (Bahasa Indonesia) to English. They also often make

mistakes in pronuncing the words. Furthermore, they have lack of time to

practice their English whether inside or outside the classroom, because

most of the teachers prefer to teach other skills in order to fulfill the

curriculum needs toward the national examination. These factors are the

reasons they lack of confident and motivation to speak in English.

However, the problems are not only based on the students. The

teachers also find some difficulties in teaching speaking. Based on the

writer’s teaching experience, it is difficult to get students’ attention. Most

of the teachers hardly give motivation to the students to be more confident

to speak in English, since they have very limited time to practice. The

teachers also find difficulty in choosing the technique to teach speaking.

The teachers realize that they need to provide some attractive technique to

improve students’ interest to learn English especially for young learners.

But, most of the teachers’ techniques are only limited in memorizing,

reading aloud of dialogues, repeating after the teacher, drilling, etc. This

happens mostly because the teachers need to divide the time with other

skills. Meanwhile, the teacher should give more time to the student to

practice their speaking and teach them with some more attractive

3 Ratna Sari Dewi, Ummi Kultsum, Ari Armadi, Using Communicative Games in

Improving Students’ Speaking Skills, Journal of Canadian Center of Science and Education,

Vol.10, 2017, p. 63.


techniques, so that they can improve students’ interest to have more

confident to speak English. The teacher should find appropriate techniques

to help the students to enjoy the learning process. So that, they can

improve their speaking skill.

There are many techniques which can be used by the teacher in

teaching speaking. One of the techniques is by using Speaking Board

Game. Board game is a game which has to be played in a group of people.

Monopoly, Snake and Ladder and Ludo are the examples of popular board

games. As Mayer and Haris state that the main steps to play board game is

rolling the dice and move several steps based on the number that the dice

shown. In the step that the player stopped, there will be some commands

regarding to the game.4 The specific charecteristic of board game is that it

used a dice to control the players’ steps. Besides, there need to be a

counter/pawn picked by each player to be their representator on the board

game. In teaching, board game can be adjusted by the needs of the

teaching. In speaking for example, the teachers can use speaking board

game to train the students do be actively communicate in English.

Speaking board game can help the students to practice their speaking with

their same-level peers. So that, their interest, confident an motivation in

learning English would be improve. Furthermore, the teacher can use

Speaking Board Game with various themes of English material.

As common games, this game has several rules which each player

have to deal with. The students need to go through each step to achieve the

finish column of the game to be the winner. This game can help the

students to develop their sense of competitive in a possitive way. This

game has several advantages toward improving students’ speaking skill.

First, this technique can be an effective way to get students’ interest,

because they would be able to get out of a tedious learning routine.

4 Brian Mayer and Christopher Harris, Libraries Got Game: Aligned Learning through

Modern Board Games, (Chicago: American Library Association, 2010), p. 3.


Second, student can be trained to be more confident to express their ideas

since they play the game with the same-level pair as they are, so that they

can speak up as many as possible words in English rather than usual.

Third, this technique can provoke the students’ sense of competition by

winning the game in a positive way.

Based on the background above, the writer would like to try to

make speaking activities to be more effective for the students by

determining the techniques which are appropriate and effective to teach

speaking. The writer would like to conduct a classroom action research to

improve students’ speaking ability by using Speaking Board Game that

expected to solve the problems faced during speaking activity under the

title, “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through Speaking Board

Game” (A Classroom Action Research at 8th Grade Students of SMP

Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan Academic Year 2017/2018.

B. Identification of Problem

Based on the background of the study above, there are some

problems identified according to the proccess of speaking teaching and


1. Many students have lack of vocabulary, grammar, fluency,

comprehension, and pronunciation which are the basis of good

speaking skill.

2. Many students have lack of confident because they are afraid to

make mistakes in speaking. They also have lack of awareness about

the importance of learning English and this leads to decrease their

motivation in learning speaking. The lack of confident and

motivation caused them to have lack of interest in learning speaking.

3. Many students have lack of time to practice their speaking, because

most of the teachers give more time to other skills in order to fulfill

the curriculum needs of the national examination.


C. Limitation of the Problem

There are many problems found related to speaking skill in

teaching learning process, but it is impossible to solve all the problems.

Therefore, the writer limits the problems. It would be focused on

improving students’ score of their speaking skills, improving their interest,

motivation, and confident to speak in English, and improving students’

time to practice their speaking. The writer believes that by using Speaking

Board Game in teaching and learning process, the students’ speaking skill

will be improved.

The problem that the writer will try to solve is the students’ lack of

speaking skills, because speaking is an important skill of language

learning that the students have to comprehend.

D. Formulation of the Study

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the writer

formulates the study as follows, “How can students’ speaking skill be

improved by using Speaking Board Game in teaching and learning


E. Objective of the Study

The aim of this study is to know how is the implementation and the

effect of using speaking board game in speaking activity for the eighth

grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan. By conducting a

Classroom Action Research, the writer would apply the game for several

cycles and see how the game makes any difference in students’ speaking



F. Significance of the Study

The result of this research is expected to be useful in some ways:

1. For the students

The students can improve their speaking skill by using

speaking board game in teaching and learning process. The

students can solve their problem in learning speaking and have the

ability of communicate in English. The students’ motivation and

interest of learning English will be increased by the using of the

attractive techniques. The students can build their confidence to

speak in English more than they usually do.

2. For the teacher

Teachers can evaluate their teaching. Teachers can

understand the students’ need and know the students’ lack of skill,

especially in speaking, so that they can use appropriate materials,

tasks, methods and techniques to teach the students.

3. For writer

The study can give insights to the writer about what things

which have to be considered in every teaching and learning

process. The technique which is used in this study can also be used

for the writer’s future teaching.




A. Speaking Skill

1. The Definition of Speaking

There are many definition of speaking that have been

proposed by some experts in language learning.

According to Ur, people who say to have a language skill

will primarily judged to the way she/he speak the language,

because speaking includes all other aspects of language and most

of language learners are interested to the speaking of the language

at the beginning of the language learning.1

Luoma in Alderson and Bachman states that in terms of

speaking, each participant acts as the speaker while the other acts

as the listener to convey the messages that they want to share in

order to have successful communication─ it can be done

individually or also in community.2

In addition, Richard states that it is very important to

comprehend speaking skills to the people who learn second or

foreign language.3 Furthermore, speaking skill can be the indicator

of successful language learning. As Richard states, a language

learners frequently evaluate their improvement in the language

learning to the way they speak the target language; the more they

1 Penny Ur, A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory, (New York:

Cambridge University: 1996), p. 120. 2 J. Charles Alderson and Lyle F. Bachman, (ed.), Assessing Speaking, (United Kingdom:

Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 20. 3 Jack Richards, Teaching Listening and Speaking: From Theory to Practice, (New York:

Cambridge University: 2008, p.19.


perceive their speech ability to begin to increase, the more they

master the language.4

In line with Richard’s statement, Brown states that

speaking is a skill which the learner produce that can be assessed

directly and generally.5 According to the statement, speaking is a

skill that the production of the words or sentences which have been

spoken by the speaker is spontanous and can indicate the speakers’

general language comprehension.

Based on some theories above, the writer infers that

speaking is an activity involving two or more people in whom each

participant tries to express their ideas or thoughts orally and

directly─in whom there must be the listener to receive the ideas or

thoughts. Speaking is a productive skill which the product cannot

be erased. Thus, speaking can also be the indicator of assessing

learners’ comprehension. This skill is important because it regards

learners to the measurement of comprehending a language. The

fluency of the learners in conversation is defined as the success of

acquiring the ability of language rather than to write and to read the


2. Elements of Speaking

According to Harmer, speaking skill of a person not only

implies the person’s knowledge of the linguistic element, but also

implies the ability of processing information from the language

spontaneously. 6 Based on the statement, in order to have good

speaking skill, a learner should have knowledge both of language

feature and how to process information directly.

4 Ibid. 5 H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment-Principle and Classroom Practice, p.140,

Retrieved from https://library1.org. 6 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching: Third Edition, (England,

Longman, 2001), p.269.


Harmer proposes four language features that are necessary

for spoken production;

a. Connected speech.

In connected speech, individual sounds of English are not

pronounced in their full forms. They are liable to changes due

to the influence of surrounding sounds, stress patterns and

other aspects of spoken language. Thus, they may be subject to

assimilation, omission, addition of another sounds (in linking),

weakening. In order to sound naturally learners should be

engaged in practice the aspects of connected speech.

b. Expressive devices.

Spoken interaction comprises not only the spoken word

(verbal expression) but also of non-verbal expression (the

“body language”) and paralinguistic aspects (e.g. features such

as stress, intonation or changes in intensity of voice). Speakers

employ these devices in order to help convey the intended

meaning and promoted contact with their interlocutors.

Students should be able to use at least some of these

expression devices.

c. Lexis and grammar

The use of common lexical and grammatical features can be

found in spontaneous speech when performing certain

language functions. These “lexical phrases”, as Harmer refers

to them, perform various communicative functions. Teacher

should consider what phrases could be one of practical use to

their students. Consequently, they can provide students with

the phrases of the particular function suitable for different

context such as expressing opinions, making suggestions,


agreeing, disagreeing, apologizing, talking on the telephone


d. Negotiation of language

The interaction involves negotiation of meaning. In order to

be comprehensible, speakers use various means to check e.g.

by repetition, clarification of meaning, structuring their speech

etc. Listeners participate in the speakers’ effort to be

intelligible by signaling that they do not understand, asking for


In addition, Harmer states concerning with other elements

of speaking that is necessary to be mastered by successful

speaker. Those are: Mental/Social processing and the rapid

processing skill that involves language processing, interaction,

and information processing:

a. Language processing, processing language correctly and

arrange it into right order is something that can be done to

be an effective speaker. The language will not only come

out as comprehensible but also convey the meanings that

are intended.

b. Interaction, one of the speaking’s functions is to interact

with one or more participants. This means that effective

speaking also involves a good deal of listening, an

understanding of how the other participants are feeling, and

a knowledge of how linguistically to take turns or allows

other to do so.

c. Information processing, we need also to be able to process

the information people send us the moment we get it. The

longer it takes to catch the message, the less effective we

7 Ibid.


are as instant communicators. However, it should be

remembered that this instant response is very culture-

specific, and is not prized by speaker in many other

language communities.8

3. Problems in Speaking

According to Brown, there are several difficulties in learning a

spoken language. Those difficulties are as follows.

a) Clustering; in learning speaking, learners need to be

able to cluster the language, not only word by word, but

also as its phrasal.

b) Redundancy; learners usually try to make meaning

clearer through a redundancy of language. However,

redundancy sometimes can be a problem when the

learners ‘put too much’ on it. Therefore, the learner

need to have capability to properly redundance the


c) Reduced Forms; learners need to be able to adjust

themselves to all forms of special problem in speaking,

such as contractions, elisions, reduced vowels, etc.

Unfamiliarize to the special forms of the problems in

speaking can cause stilted bookish quality os speaking.

d) Performance Variables; learners need to be able to

manage their pauses, hesitation, bactracking, and

correction in speaking the language in order to reduce

hesitaion phenomena.

e) Colloquial Language; learners need to be well

acquainted with words, idioms, phrases of colloquial

languages and they need to get practice in producing

these forms.

8 Ibid, p. 271


f) Rate of Delivery; in terms of fluency, learners need to

be able to give acceptable speed when speaking the


g) Stress, Rhythm, and Intonation; learners also need to

aware of the aspects of pronunciation. They need to be

able to do proper stress, rhythm, and intonation when

they are speaking the language.

h) Interaction; a speaker need to have capability in

negotiation of the meaning in order to be a fluent

language speaker.9

B. The Teaching of Speaking

1. Background to Teaching Speaking

Speaking is an important part of foreign language learning

and teaching. However, in earlier view, language teaching has been

focused on the grammatical competence rather than other

competences. Richards states that the comprehension of

grammatical competence is the focus of language learning in

earlier views.10 Meanwhile, the teaching which is focused on the

basis of grammatical competence minimizes probability for the

learners to make mistake. Since the activities of the old language

teaching approach is about memorizing dialogues and performing

drills, the learning success is primarily on the control of the

teachers and not the learners.

In fact, today’s language teaching methods have been

updated into more focused on the students’ skills and abilities. The

new perspective of language learning has been viewed differently

9 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, Second Edition, p. 270-271. Retrieved from https://library1.org. 10 Jack C. Richards , Communicative Language Teaching Today, (New York: Cambridge

University Press, 2006), p. 4.


from the previous views. The language teaching and learning has

become more focused on the learners.

According to Richard’s statement, after the beginning of

Communicative Language Teaching, the focus of the teaching has

been change from the traditional formats. The traditional views

focused the teaching on controlled activties, such as memorization

dialogues and drills while CLT focus on the use of pair work

activities, role plays, group work activities and project work.11

In recent teaching language views, the techniques which the

teacher used are more student-centered rather than teacher-

centered. It also happens in teaching speaking. The students are

seemly can have more motivation, interest and confident to speak

in the target language when they have conversation to the same

level peers. The process of teaching and learning language are

more focused to the students rather than the teacher. The students

would be given more time to practice the language so that they

have to be more active towards the learning. The role of the teacher

is no longer to be the source of all information, yet the teacher

become the facilitator who would give anything that students need

in the process of CLT. The purpose of CLT is to provide

communicative learning situation as many as possible for the

language learners. Therefore, the students have to communicate

and interact each other as many as possible in the classroom.

Harmer states that there are three main reasons for getting

students to speak in the classroom. First is rehearsal. In speaking

activities, there will be a rehearsal which is provided for the

students to practice their skill in the classroom. Second, speaking

tasks provides feedback for both teacher and students since it

fasilitates the students to try to use any languages as much as they

know. It can be the evaluation of the learning process whether the

11 Ibid.


learning is sucessfull or not, or to indicate the problems they are

experiencing. Last, more speaking opportunities can train the

students to activate elements of the language they have in which

can make them familiar to use the elements,so that they can

automatically use words or phrasal without very much consious


There are some effective techniques which can be very

useful related to improve student’ speaking skill, such as role

plays, using music or videos as media, question and answer, using

games etc. Communicative Language Teaching serves best as the

method to master speaking skill. Communicative language

teaching is based on real- life situations that require

communication. By using this method in English Foreign

Language classes (EFL), students will have the opportunity of

communicating with each other in the target language.

In brief, EFL teachers should create a classroom

environment where students have real- life communication,

authentic activities, and meaningful tasks that promote oral


2. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

In a foreign language classroom, what the students do in

speaking technique during the lesson are called as students’

speaking performance. According to Brown, there are five basic

types of speaking performance as follows:

a. Imitative.

This type of speaking performance is the ability to imitate a

word or phrase or possibly a sentence. (e.g., "Excuse me." or

"Can you help me?") to clarity and accuracy.

12 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach English New Edition, (England: Pearson Education

Limited: 2007), p. 123.


b. Intensive.

This second type of speaking frequently employed in

assessments context is in the production of short stretches of

oral language designed to demonstrate competence in a narrow

band of grammatical, phrasal, lexical or phonological


c. Responsive.

This type includes interaction and test comprehension but at

the somewhat limited level of very short conversations,

standard greeting and small talk, simple request and comments

and the like. The stimulus is usually a spoken prompt in order

to preserve authenticity.

d. Transactional (dialogue).

This type of speaking is more extend than responsive

language. The conversation in this type would give more

specific information and the negotiation of the meaning would

be more than in responsive language.

e. Interpersonal (dialogue).

Interaction can take the two forms of transactional

language, which has the purpose of exchanging specific

information, or interpersonal exchanges, which have the

purpose of maintaining social relationships.

f. Extensive.

Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral

presentations, and storytelling, during which the opportunity

for oral interaction from listeners is either highly limited or

ruled out altogether.13

13 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy, Second Edition, p. 271-274. Retrieved from https://library1.org.


In addition, Harmer states that there are some activities of

speaking that can expose students’ speaking skill in the

classroom, those are:

a. Acting from a script

This type of activity allows the teacher to ask the students

to act out scenes from plays, course books or dialogues written

by their own. Sometimes it can be followed by filming the

result. By giving students practice in these things before they

gave their performances, it means that acting out is both learning

and language producing activity. The example of this activities

are playscript; which provide students to play a drama which

directed by the teacher, and acting out a dialogue; which the

teacher facilitate the students to perform in front of the class in

order to build the atmosphere of the teaching and learning


b. Communication games

This type of activity makes use of games which are

designed to provoke communication between students. There

are many games that can be used in the classroom. It frequently

depends on an information gap, so that one student has to talk to

the partner in order to do the required tasks.

c. Discussions

This activity need to be encouraged by the teacher in order

to provide productive speaking in language classes. It can be

achieved by providing activities which force students to reach a

decision as a result of choosing between specific alternatives in

the discussion.

d. Prepared talks

This activity allows a student (or group of students) make a

presentation on a topic of their own choice. The talks are not

designed for informal spontaneous conversation. This activity


represents a defined and useful speaking genre and can be

extremely interesting for both speaker and listener if properly


e. Questionnaries

This type of activity allows the students to design

questionnaires of any appropriate topic. The questioner and

respondent have something to say each other using the natural

use of certain repetitive language patterns and thus are situated

in the middle of our communication continuum. The results

obtained from questionnaire can form the basic of written work,

discussions, or prepared talks.

f. Simulation and role play

This type of activities can be used to encourage the general

oral fluency or to train students for specific situations by

simulating a real- life world. They are suitable for students of

English for Specific Purposes (ESP). It has three distinct

advantages. First, they can be good fun and motivating

activities. Second, it allows hesitant students to be more

confident in speaking since they do not have to take

responsibility for about they are saying. Third, they allow the

students to use a much wide range of language.14

3. The Roles of the Teacher

According to Harmer, in conducting speaking activities,

there are several roles for the teacher. Firstly, as prompter, a

teacher has a rule to help students who are often hesitate of what

they are going to say by offering discrete suggestion. The

teacher has the right to just leave the students in hesitation.

However, by prompting them supportively, the teacher can help

14 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching: Third Edition, (England,

Longman, 2001), p.271-274.


them to go out of frustration. Secondly, as a participant, a

teacher should get along with the speaking activities. Lastly, as a

feedback provider, the respond which the teacher gives to the

students is vital. Mostly, students have curiousity over the result

of what they have done, whether it is a well-done or not.

Therefore, the teacher needs to give the right feedback to their


4. Assessing Speaking.

Speaking is complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of

different ability which often develops at different roles. According

to Nunan, a teacher can assess the students’ speaking by asking

some specific questions in the classroom in which engaging one-

to-one conversation.16 In order to assess students’ speaking skill,

there are several criterion which have to be assessed. The figure

below is The Student Oral Language Observation Matrix which is

consist of speaking assessment criteria that Nunan mentioned :

15 Ibid, p. 275-276. 16 David Nunan, (ed.), Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners, (New

York: McGraw-Hill, 2005), p. 148.


Table 2.1 The Student Oral Language Observation Matrix17

CRITERIA 1 2 3 4 5

A. Comprehension Cannot be said to understand even simple


Has great difficulty following

what is said. Can comprehend only social

conversation spoken slowly and with frequent


Understands most of what is said at slower-then-normal

speed with repetitions.

Understands nearly everything at normal speech.

Although occasional repetition may be necesary.

Understand everyday conversation

and normal classroom discussions.

B. Fluency Speech so halting and fragmentary as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

Usually hesitant; often forced into silence by

language limitations.

Speech in everyday conversation and classroom discussion

frequently disrupted by the student’s search for the correct manner of


Speech in everyday conversation and classroom

discussion generally fluent, with occasional lapses while the

student searches for the correct manner of


Speech in everyday conversation and

classroom discussions fluent and effortless;

approximating that of a native


C. Vocabulary Vocabulary

limitations so extreme as to make

conversation virtually impossible.

Misuse of

words and very limited vocabulary.

Comprehenson quite difficult.

Student frequently

uses wrong words, conversation somewhat limited

because of inedaquate vocabulary.


occasionally use inappropriate terms and/or ust

rephrase ideas because of lexical inadequacies.

Use of

vocabulary and idioms approximate

that of a native speaker.

D. Pronunciation Pronunciation

problems so severe as to make speech virtually


Very hard to

understand because of pronunciation problems.

Must frequently repeat in order to make

him/herself understood.


problems necessitate concentration on the part of the

listener and occasionally lead to misunderstanding.


intelligible, although the listener is conscious of a

definite accent and occasional inappropriate intonation



and intonation approximate that of a

native speaker.

E. Grammar Errors in grammar and word order so

severe as to make speech virtually


Grammar and word order errors make

comprehension difficult. Must often

rephrase and/or restrict him/herself to basic patterns.

Make frequent errors of grammar and word order that

occasionally obscure meaning.

Occasionally makes grammatical

and/or word order errors that do not obscure meaning.

Grammar and word order approximate

that of a native speaker.

17 Ibid, p. 149.


C. Speaking Board Game

1. Definition of Game

According to Sugar, game can be an effective technique of

teaching to present material and to assess that has been learnt in

which includes all of the students’ participation. It can also help the

students to maximalize their learning potencial. 18 In teaching

language, the teachers have limited time to teach each skill based

on the curriculum. Therefore, the teachers need to use techniques

which can be as efficient as possible. The techniques should be

able to be learnt by all the students and their each type of learning.

Games are seemly can provide those efficient-requirements.

It can satisfy all students’ learning type, since it can provide visual

experience for the visual learners, repeated episodes of question-

and-response for the auditory learners, and learning experience

through touch and interaction for the kinesthetic learners. 19

Furthermore, Sugar strengthen the statement that implementing

game in teaching can facilitate both types of learning; internal

learning and external learning.20 There are various outcomes that

the teacher can get through games. It is important to establish a set

of learning objectives, so that the teacher can evaluate how the

game met the teacher’s expectations. As Mayer and Harris state

that a properly selected game can be one of information resources

that can help to fulfill learners’ needs which was uncovered by the

old traditional classroom measures.21 Therefore, the teachers need

to select appropriate games and adjust the content with the material

and the skills that is taught.

18 Steve Sugar and Kim Kostoroski Sugar, Primary Games Experiential Learning

Activities for Teaching Children K-8, (San Fransisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002), p. 4. 19 Ibid., p. 4-5. 20 Ibid, p.5. 21 Brian Mayer and Christopher Harris, Libraries Got Game: Alignes Learning through

Modern Board Games, (Chicago: American Library Association, 2010), p. 25-26.


Through games, there are several skills and abilities which

can be trained all within friendly and competitive game

environment. In addition to understand the classroom material, the

students can also understand the concept of rules, cooperative play

and winning and losing, they can also understand on how to solve

problems and how to strategizing.

2. Definition of Speaking Board Game

Games can help students to learn a English in a relaxe way.

It can give them motivation since the activities are amusing and

interesting. In the classroom activities, game be perform used in

personal, groups, or for the whole class. For this research, the

writer choose to play a game that is performed for groups where

allows students to have communication to other group members.

A board game is a game which is played in group. This

game has a set of rules that each player needs to obey. As Gobet,

Voogt an Retschitzki state that board game is a game which has a

certain rules. It limits the number of the pieces on a board, the

number of the position of the pieces, and the number of number of

the possible moves.22 The goal of this game is to go forward from

the ‘start’ square until the ‘finish’ square as fast as the player can.

It use a dice to control the amount of the players’ steps. The player

should throw the dice to determine how many steps they get based

on the amount of the dice dot. Each player needs to choose a

counter/pawn moved as the representation of the players. The

winner of this game is the one who be the first achieve the ‘finish’

square of the board game.

Speaking board game is a type of a board game in which

the game can expose students’ speaking skill. This game provides

22 Fernand Gobet, Alex de Voogt, and Jean Retschitzki, Moves in Mind: The Psychology

of Board Games, (New York: Psychology Press: 2004), p.2.


as many as opportunities for students to speak in English. Each

member of the group should communicate with other members by

the target language in order to complete the goal of the game based

on the content of the game. The contents of the game are usually

adjusted by the teaching material. Mostly, the contents are

representative of real- life stuation. The real-situation representation

can help the students to be more confident to speak in English. The

students would feel less pressure to be assessed by their teacher,

because they would just feel like playing. However, the students

would automatically produce the target language more than they

usually do in speaking class.

3. The Advantages of Speaking Board Game

Being able to communicate in the target language is one of

the main goal of language teaching. According to Chang and

Cogswell, board game provides an effective, low-anxiety, and fun

way atmosphere in language classroom. It can help the students to

learn practice their skill, and so, can help them build their

communication strategies to be applied to the real world. 23 By

using this game as a teaching technique, the students would

perform a communicative language activities. They would have

more time to practice to speak in English. Board game is flexible.

It can be used in various context of teaching themes. It can be

adjusted to the speaking content which is taught. The other benefit

is that board games can promote language learning through tasks.

23 Shelley Chang and Jenny Cogswell, Using Board Games in the Language Classroom

TESOL, Journal of Monterey Institute of International Studies, 2017, p. 1. (www.rtmsd.org)


D. Teaching Speaking by Using Speaking Board Game

In using game to teach, the students are able to get other

function of games besides mastering speaking skill. Mayer and Harris said

by using games they can get many life skills as follow; authentic

experience, student engagement, social and life skills, and higher-order

thinking as some goals in board games.24

Board game is kind of game that come from American

culture, but there are many board games that are well known by the

students. The examples of board games are snakes and ladder, Sudoku,

Scrabble, Monopoly and so on.

Within the teaching Process, as the treatments, the writer

modified some board games with Monopoly and Snake and Ladders

design adjusted with the material of the lesson. Everyone is familiar with

those kinds of board games. So, it makes easy to explain how to play the

game. This is the list of steps in using board games for teaching speaking;

1. The writer prepares the material to play the games like board,

dice, and counter.

2. The students are devided into groups consists of 4-5 members.

3. The writer lays the board games on the table for each group.

4. Each group should sit around the board game.

5. Each member has one counter to walk over the board game.

6. The students choose the first one to roll the dice.

7. The number in the dice decides how many columns that the

member should walk.

8. Each member takes turn alternately,

9. The students should make a sentence according to the word in

the column. The sentences have to related to the topic of the


24 Brian Mayer and Christopher Harris, Libraries Got Game: Alignes Learning through

Modern Board Games, (Chicago: American Library Association, 2010), p. 12-16.


10. When all the member reach the finish column, all of the

groups’ member should combine the sentences they produced

into one complete story.

11. After the games ended, the students should send a

representator to tell their story in front of the class.

12. The students have to use English during the game.

E. Previous Relevant Studies

There are several studies which have conducted about teaching

speaking and using games as variables. First study was conducted by Fitri

Imas Mufidah from UIN Syarief Hidayatullah Jakarta. She conducted a

classroom action research entitled “Improving students’ speaking skill

through quartet card games” at First Grade Students of Budi Mulia Junior

High School Tangerang. The result of the study shows that the

implementation of quartet card games is successful to improve students’

speaking skill. Her study has several similarities with the writers’ research.

First, the skill which being focused is speaking skill and both research

using communicative game as a technique which is being implemented.

Second, both research collected the data based on qualitative data which is

strengthened by quantitative data.

However, there are also several diffirenciation of both research.

First, the grade of the subject in the research. Fitri implemented the

research for the first grade students, while the writer would implement the

research for the second grade students. Second, the type of game which is

used in the research. Fitri used the Quartet Card Game, while the writer

woul used Speaking Board Game.

The second research is a research from Juniati Nurkasanah of

Universitas Negri Yogyakarta who conducted a research entitled

“Improving the fourth grade students’ speaking skill through board games

at SDN 1 Pandak Bantul”. The similarities of this research and the writer’s


research is in the data collection technique. both research collect the

qualitative data supported by quantitative data. However, the writer does

not use questionnaries in the research as one of the instrument. Moreover,

the writer conducted the research for Junior High School students while

Juniati Nurkasanah conducted the research for Elementary School


The results of the previous study above made the writer’ eager

increased to conduct this research. The writer would try to solve the

problems that occur in the classroom and help the students to improve

their speaking skill through speaking board games.

F. Theoretical Framework

Speaking is an interactive activity between two or more people

which each one has a role whether as the speaker or the listener to express

their ideas and opinions by using language. In teaching speaking, there are

many techniques that can be used to help improving students’ skill. One of

the techniques is by using communicative games.

Speaking board game is one of communicative games that can be

used as a technique in language teaching. Through speaking board games,

the students can explore their ideas and force themselves to use English in

interacting with other people in classroom activities.

By using speaking board games in teaching speaking, the writer

expects that the improvement of students’ speaking skill can be achieved.

Games can be used as a technique in teaching speaking to promote

speaking activities. Through speaking board game students can

communicate each other in English according to the instruction that they

must say. According to the statement of the problem above, this study is

conducted to find out how speaking board game improving students’

speaking skill.


G. Action Research Hypothesis

Action hypothesis which is proposed in this research has a formula

as follows: by using speaking board game in the process of teaching

English lesson can improve students’ speaking skill and students’ interest,

motivation, and confident in speaking English at the eighth grade students

of SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan.




A. Method of the Research

In conducting this research, the writer used Classroom Action

Research as the method. According to Burns, action research can be an

effective way to evaluate our teaching skills and also to evaluate ourselves,

our classroom, and our students.1 Furthermore, Burns states that Acrion

research is a self-reflective, critical, and systematic for a teacher to explore

their teaching contexts.2 According to both definitions, action research is a

process of evaluating teaching and learning process which is conducted

systematically to solve some problems and making some improvements

which is related to the writer’s research.

In this research, the writer collected the qualitative data which is

supported by the quantitative data. The writer collected the qualitative data

through the observation of the teaching speaking process, interviews of

both participants; the English teacher and the students, and field note of all

the process of the implementation of the technique. The observation would

be served in the form of observation checklists which would be fulfilled by

the writer through the pre-observation and by the English teacher through

the process of the technique implementation. The interview would be

served in the form of interview transcript (of both participants; the English

teacher, and the students) of the pre- interview, during treatment, and post-

interview. The field note would be served in the form of description text of

the whole process of the implementation of the technique. In addition, the

1 Anne Burns, Doing Action Research in Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners,

(New York: Routledge, 2010), p. 1. 2 Ibid, p. 2.


writer collected the quantitative data from students’ pre-test and post-test

score to support the qualitative data.

This research would be conducted in some cycles to solve the

problems discovered in the teaching and learning process based on the pre-

observation and pre-interview.

B. Subject and Object of The Study

1. Subject of The Study

The subject of this research was the students at second

semester of 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan

academic year 2017/2018. The writer choose class VIII.9 which

has the lowest score of speaking that is referenced by the English

teacher of SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan.

2. The Object of The Study

The object of this research was the use of Speaking Board

Game in improving students’ speaking skill.

C. The Types of Data

This research has two types of data; qualitative data and

quantitative data.

1. Quantitative Data

The writer collected the quantitative data in the form of students’

score during the pre-test and post-test.

2. Qualitative Data

The writer collected the qualitative data through interview,

observation and field note in the form of interview transcript, observation

checklist and describe the implementation of the action process and the

changes/improvement after implementing the action.


D. The Writer’s Role on The Study

The writer’s role in this research was as the teacher in the action phase

who taught speaking by using Speaking Board Game as a technique. The

English teacher has the role as the observer while the teaching is done by

the writer.

E. Place and Time of The Study

The writer conducted this research in SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang

Selatan. It is located on Jl. Mawar No 59, Komplek Pondok Kacang Prima,

Kelurahan Pondok Kacang Timur, Pondok Aren-Tangerang Selatan

15226. The time to conduct the research would be in the effective time of

teaching and learning in school.

Table 3.1

The Schedule of the Study


Month and Week

March April

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Pre-implementation √

Instrument √

Cycle I √ √

Cycle II √ √

Post-Implementation √

F. Research Design

In Classroom Action Research, there would be some cycles the

writer needs to go through in order to gain significant improvement.

Although it is possible for the cycle to be finished in one try but it rarely

happens. Usually a teacher would discover problems in the lesson plans or


in the data of research subject, such as; there is no significant improvement

in students’ speaking skill. If there still no significant improvement after

the implementation of the technique, the writer have to do the next cycle

until the percetage of the students who achieve the minimum criterion.

The illustration of the cycle of the research could be seen in the

following figure;

Figure 3.1: Cyclical Action Research3

According to Burns, there are several phases of an action research;

1) Planning; in this phase, the researcher identifies problems or issues

existed in the field and develop a plan the action to solve the field

problems, and also expect what potential improvements you think

are possible happen through the action

2) Action; in this phase, the researcher implements the action which

has been planned. The implementation of the actions would be

done in a period of time.

3 Ibid, p. 9.


3) Observation; after implementing the action, the researcher would

observing the effect of the action systematically based on the data

that has been collected during the implementation of the action.

4) Reflection; at this point, the researcher would evaluate the effect of

the action and also describe the effects in order to explain what has

happened during the action, and so to get deeper understanding to

the problems. By doing reflection, the researcher can indicate the

successful of the action, so that the researcher would be able

whether to do further cycles or to stop the action.4

G. Research Procedure

In conducting the research, there are several phases which have to

be done as follows;

1. Pre-Interview and Pre-Observation

This is the first step of conducting this research in which the writer

determined the thematic concern of the research. The writer directly

observed the teaching- learning process in the classroom. Then, the

writer also had some interviews with the participants (the English

teacher and the students) about the existing problems in the teaching-

learning process. Based on the result of the observation and interview,

the writer classified the existing problems. In this phase, the writer

performs the pre-test to know students’ speaking skill before the

implementation of the technique.

2. Action

a. Planning

In this phase, the writer planned all the material and

instruments needed for the research to solve the problems

found in the process of pre- interview, pre-observation and pre-

test. First, the materials which planned to be implemented

were chosen based on the curriculum used in the school. The

4 Ibid, p. 8.


writer designed the game based on those materials. After

finalizing the material, the lesson plan was created to be the

guideline in teaching and implementing the game.

b. Action

After creating the lesson plan, teaching instruments, and

research instrument, the writer performed all of them by

becoming the teacher. In this phase, the implementation of

speaking board game performed by the writer as the technique

of teaching based on the lesson plan which has been discussed

with the real English teacher. After implemented the technique

in the first cycle, the writer performed post-test to get the result

of the implementation of the technique. This result became a

reference to the next phase.

c. Observation

In this phase, the writer and the teacher observed all the

data that had been collected from the previous phases;

interview transcript, observation checklist, field note and

students’ tests score. The writer observed the overall process

of the research based on the instruments which have been


The writer observed the English teachers’ opinion about the

teaching speaking process before and after the implementation

of the technique based on the interview transcript and the

observation checklist. As same as the teacher’ opinion, the

writer also observed the students’ opinion about the learning

speaking process before and after the implementation of the

technique based on the interview transcript and students’ tests

score. The writer also observed the field note which has been

wrote by the writer for the whole process of research.


d. Reflection

Based on the observation which has been done in the

previous phase, the writer evaluates the implementation of the

technique. In this phase, the write evaluate the effect of the

technique’s implementation. The writer and the English

teacher evaluate the whole process of the previous phase of the

research together. It is done to know whether the

implementation of the technique giving some possitive effects

for the students’ speaking skill or not. It can be analyzed based

on the students’ score. The improvement of students’ post-test

scores can be the indicator of the success of the

implementation. However, if there are no significant

improvements in students’ post-test score, the writer needs to

conduct next cycle until the post-test reach the criterion of

successful reasearch.

H. Instruments and Data Collection Technique

There are some techniques in collecting the data to gain both

qualitative and quantitative data in this research. The writer collected the

qualitative data from interview transcript, observation sheet and checklist,

and field note. In addition, the writer collected the quantitave data from

students’ pre-test ad post-test score.

1. Interview

To gain as many as information about the process of speaking

teaching and learning, the writer needs to perform an interview of

both participants; the English teacher and the students. The writer

needs to know participants’ opinion about the speaking teaching

and learning process to get to solve the problems appeared in the

process. Interview was done in un-structured form, it meant the

writer asked everything she needed to know without some


structured order. The teacher was asked about how she usually

taught speaking, what techniques she used and also how was the

achievement of the students. Here, the writer also asked which

class of the eighth grade where the students achieved not so good

result on their speaking test. By then, the writer decided that

particular class would be the subject of this study.

Besides interviewing the teacher, writer needed information

about teaching speaking from students’ point of view as well. Two

students from the chosen class were interviewed. The questions

were about how was the teacher teach daily, whether speaking was

taught consistently and their personal opinion about English and

speaking English. From this interview, the writer collected basic

information which later would be the base to see the improvement

after the game applied.

After the cycles had finished, the writer also did post-

interview to know the reaction from both teacher and students

toward the technique applied in class, and whether they were

interested to continue applying the technique in class or not.

2. Observation

Observation was done in two parts. First is pre-observation

where the writer personally visited the class to observe the

teaching- learning process before the implementation. Here, the

writer observed the situation in the classroom, students’ behavior

towards the lesson and also to make sure what problems existing

during the lesson. Second, the writer observed the same aspect

during the implementation of the technique. Together with acting

phase, the writer (who also acted as teacher) observed students’

behavior towards the new technique and later analyze whether

students acted differently from previous observation and used

English more after the technique applied. The points which the

writer observed is attached on Appendix 2.


3. Field note

Field note is used to record detailed information about the

teaching and learning process. The field note is used to record

information which is not covered by the observation. The observer

notes the students’ participation, the quality of students’

interaction, students’ enthusiasm, and the writer’s teaching during

the acting phase.

4. Test

This research provides three tests. Those tests are pre-test,

post test I and post-test II. Pre-test was conducted before the

implementation of the actions, post-test I was conducted after the

first cycle, and post-test II was conducted after the implementation

of the second cycle. The tests were presented in the form of

performance tests. The data of the pre-test and the post-test were

collected in the form of students’ score. The result of the post-tests

were calculated and compared with the result of the pre-test. The

writer assessed the students speaking performances using speaking

rubric which attached in Table 2.1.

Based on the speaking rubric, the writer converted students’

speaking skill score in order to make the calculation easier. The

formula is as follow;

I. Data Analysis Techniques

In analyzing the data, all of the data that are collected by using

observation, interview and test are analyzed. The steps of analyzing the

data are as follows;

Students’ speaking skill = 𝑺𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔′𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆

(𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑒ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 +𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦+𝑉𝑜𝑐𝑎𝑏+𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑢𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 +𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟 )

𝑻𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒎𝒖𝒎 𝑺𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒆 (𝟐𝟓) X 100


1. Organizing the Data

The qualitative data that has been collected from the

interview and also the observation were presented in the form of

description. The description was written chronologically from

pre-implementation up to post-implementation.

2. Verifying the Data

The quantitative data were gained from both pre-test and

post-test within each cycle. Before the writer started the first

cycle, the writer conducted a speaking test for the students in the

form of paired dialogue. Then, the writer gave scoring to each

student based on the speaking rubric which has been mentioned.

The result became the first quantitative data which later being

compared to the post-test I and post-test II.

After all the scores have been collected, the writer would

find the average of the students’ test result by using formula below;

M = Mean

∑x = Students’ total scores

n = Number of students

After knowing the average score of each test, it can be seen

whether there is some improvement on students’ overall scores.

Then, the writer need to identify the class percentage of

students’ score who pass the criterion minimum of competence

(KKM), so that, the writer can identify how successful is the

implementation of Speaking Board Game. To identify the criterion

minimum of competence, the writer use formula as follows;

P = the class percentage

F = total percentage

M = ∑𝑥


P = 𝐹

𝑁 ˟ 100%


N = Number of students

Then, the writer needs to know the improvement of

students’ score within the pre- implementation and after the

implementation of the research. The formula that is used is as


P = percentage of students improvement

y = Pre-test result

y1 = post test result cycle 1

P = percentage of students improvement

y = Pre-test result

y2 = post test result cycle 2

3. Drawing Conclusion

The last was making the conclusion of research from

overall data gained.

J. Trustworthiness

To sustain the validity of the research result, the writer collects the data

which are derived from several techniques, those are, interview,

observation, and tests. According to Burns, in term of investigating the

validity, triangulation is one of the most used and the most successful

ways. The intention of triangulation is to collect various on the situation

being studied.5 In short, it can be synthesized that triangulation is using

several data collecting techniques to increase the validity of the data.

5Anne Burns, Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers,

(Cambridge University, 1999), p. 163.

P = 𝑦1−𝑦

𝑦 ˟ 100%

P = 𝑦2−𝑦

𝑦 ˟ 100%


K. Criterion of the Action Success

The successful of Classroom Action Research (CAR) is determined

by criteria. In this case, the research will be succeed when there is 75%

numbers of students that can achieve improvement scores from pre-test in

the first cycle up to post-test in the second cycle and/or the students can

pass the target score of the minimal mastery level criterion (KKM). The

KKM is 75 which adapted from the school agreement at SMP Negeri 5

Tangerang Selatan. The action of CAR will be stopped if the criterion of

the action success is achieved. However, if the criterion of the action

success is not achieved yet, the alternative action will be done in the next





A. Research Finding

1. Pre-Implemetation of the Action

In this step, the writer tried clarify the field problems stated by

conducting some activities. First, the writer conducted a direct observation

concerning the English teaching and learning process of class VIII.9 in

SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan. Second, the writer conducted some

interviews from both perspectives of the English teacher and also the

students to find the field problems of the process of teaching and learning

speaking in the classroom. Third, the writer conducted pre-test to know the

basic of students score before the writer give an action through the

teaching and learning process.

a) Observation Result

The writer conducted observation in the classroom to observe the

whole situation of the classroom before implementing the action. The

observation was conducted on March 14th 2018. The description of the

observation can be seen in field note attached on Appendix E. The

writer observed three phases of the teaching and learning process of

both participants. The phases are pre-teaching, whilst teaching, and



At the beginning of the teaching, the teacher greet the

students by saying “Assalamualaikum!”. The students

respond the greeting by saying “Waalaikumussalam!”.

Then, the teacher checked the students’ attendance list.


Afterwards, the teacher directly began the lesson without

giving motivation and explaining the goal of the lesson.

Whilst Teaching

There were three steps at this phase; presentation,

practice, and production that the writer observed. At the

step of presentation, the teacher give a brief explanation

about simple past tense. The teacher wrote down the

material to the whiteboard, so that the students have to copy

the formula of the sentence. The teacher also gave some

examples of the sentences and asked the students student

repeat after him. However, the teacher really lack of using

the media in teaching and learning. The teacher also did not

re-check whether the student understood the presenation or


At the step of practice, the teacher asked the

students to fill the LKS. He asked the students to answer

the question about simple past tense. The teacher gave them

time to finish the LKS about 20 minutes. However, the bell

rang before the students finish the LKS. The teacher also

skipped the third step which is production, so that the

students did not get the opportunities to produce the



The teacher could not summarize the lesson, give

the conclusion of the lesson, and give more motivation to

the students because he does not have enough time.


b) Interview Result

After conducting the observation, the writer conducted interviews

to both the English teacher and some of the students. The interviews were

about the teaching and learning of English lesson in the classroom. The

interview was in the form of discussion with some prepared-questions but

later it escalated to some spontaneous questions.

As for the English teacher, the questions were mostly about how he

teaches speaking in class, what technique he uses, how he adjusts material

with the technique and also the problems he finds during speaking class.

Based on the interview, the writer found some problems related to

the teaching and learning process from the teacher’s point of view. The

teacher told he had an obligation to facilitate and to prepare the students to

pass the national examination. Therefore, he had to teach the materia ls for

national examination since the students were in grade VIII. Consequently,

he rarely taught speaking. He had to prepare everything needed (media,

equipment, etc.), so that it took much more time. In addition, the school

facilities did not support it. He also rarely used media to teach the students

and preferred using materials from books and students’ worksheet. The

teacher also told the problems related to the teaching and learning process

faced by the students. They were less active and still shy. The classroom

activities that the students usually did are practicing a conversation and

discussion. The interview transcript is attached in Appendix B.

Then, the writer also interviewed some students related to the

difficulties in learning English, the activities they usually did in the class

and their preferences in learning English. Based on the interviews, the

writer found that in the speaking activities the students had difficulties in

grammar and vocabulary. The students told that they do not know how to

say something in English correctly. They were shy and not confident to

speak up. They also told that they were seldom asked to make a

conversation and practice it in front of the class. The other classroom

activities were reading a text and answering some questions related to the


text. The students were also asked to repeat some expressions after the

teacher. The student said that the teacher rarely taught speaking and often

left the class, because he had a lot of things to do. The teacher also rarely

used classroom English to teach them. The interview transcript is attached

in Appendix 5.

c) Pre-test Result

After observing the classroom activity and interviewing the

English teacher and some students, the writer conducted the pre-test. The

result of the pre-test was in the form of score which supports the main data

in this study. The students do conversation in pair by the prompt paper

given by the writer. The criteria which were assessed are vocabulary,

pronunciation, grammar, comprehension and fluency. The maximum score

for each criterion was 5 and the minimum score was 1. The detail mean

score of the pre-test of all criteria is attached on Appendices 13. From the

pre-test score, the writer concluded that the students’ scores of each

criterion were low. The mean score of all criteria that the student got in the

pre-test was only 44.8. It was only 4 students from the total 29 students

who passed the KKM score or only 13.7% students who passed the KKM.

There still 25 students or 86.2% student who do not passed the KKM and

still got very low score.

Based on the result of pre-test, Speaking Board Game would be

implemented in form of action research to achieve the research successful

criterion. After the game implemented, students were expected to improve

in both score and their attitude toward English speaking.


2. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research

a. Cycle I

1) Planning

The first phase of Classroom Action Research is planning. The

writer as the teacher made a planning for the action based on the

problems faced by students toward speaking skill. The writer

determined the selected material and exercise into a lesson plan which

is then would be delivered in the impementation of the action. It is

hopes that those plan can help the teacher to achieve the goal.

Besides making the lesson plan, the writer also prepared the post-

test I to gain data to know whether there were significant improvement

of students’ post-test score after the implementation or not.

2) Acting

a) First Meeting

The action of the cycle 1 was begun on March 21st 2018.

The writer implemented the lesson plan that had been made in the

previous phase. In the first cycle, the material of the lesson is about

Recount Text and the topic is My Unforgettable Holiday. Before the

lesson started, the writer greeted the students and asked the student

to pray together. Then, the writer check the students’ attendance list.

Afterwards, the writer tell the students about the purpose of today’s

material. The writer also gave motivation to the students to learn the

material. Then, the writer show them a video related to the material.

The students were excited to watch the video because their English

teacher rarely use the projector whether to show video or song.

After the video stopped, the writer asked the students some

question about the video. Later on, the writer engaged the student to

make an example of a Recoun Text related to the topic. Some of the

students were still confusing and did some mistakes according to

produce the tenses. However, the writer saw improvement in


students’ enthusiasm to the lesson. The class became quite noisy

whenever the writer asked the students some question. It happened

because they were excited to answer the question, eventhough they

still shy and unconfident to speak up one by one.

Later on, the writer asked the student to their own

unforgettable holiday story. The writer let the students to use digital

dictionary in order to help them find a proper vocabularies to their


b) Second Meeting

In the second meeting, the writer implemented Speaking

Board Game as a technique of teaching. At first, the students were

confused by the game because they have not play the game

especially in teaching and learning process. However, some of the

students were familiar with the game and often play the game

outside the classroom. Afterwards, the writer tell the students how to

play the game. Each of the student needed to make a simple past

tense based on the word in the column they stopped. They needed to

speak up the sentences. Afterwards, each group needed to combine

each sentence into one complete Recount Text. later on, the

representator of each group tell their story in front of the classroom.

They were seemed very confuse to play the game for the

first time, they also affraid of making mistakes through the

sentences. However, each of the student were actively participated to

the game. The writer came to each group to observe and also to help


3) Observing

In this phase, the writer observed the students’ participation,

response, achievement and other things in the physical classroom. In the

first meeting, the writer realized that she had to do a lot of effort to


make the students become more active during the teaching and learning

process. Some of the students still unconfident and affraid of making

mistakes when answering the writer’s questions. Therefore, the writer

tried to give appropriate feedback to the student, so that the student

would feel more comfortable to the lesson especially in speaking.

In the second meeting, the writer saw that the students were stil

confused about the Speaking Board Game. Some of the students still

did some mistakes in producing the sentences. However, each of them

actively participated to the game and try to produce the sentence

correctly. The students’ enthusiasm also can be seen by the questions

which they gave to the writer during playing the game. The writer went

back and forth to help the student finishing the game.

After finishing the first cycle, the writer conducted post-test I in

order to know the students’ progress in speaking. Based on the score of

post-test I, there were some improvement of students’ speaking skill.

The detail mean score of each criterion of the post-test I is attached on

Appendice 13.

From the result of post-test I, it can be seen that the students’ mean

score improved significantly from 44.8 in the pre-test to 71.7. However,

the percentage of the student who passed the KKM were still not

achieve 75%. From the total 29 students, only 16 students who passed

the KKM. It was only 55% students who successful achieve the KKM.

So, there was still 45% students or 13 students from the total 29

students who unsuccessful achieve the KKM in first cycle.

4) Reflecting

In this phase, the writer analyze the students’ improvement and

achievement based on their test score. The writer also relfect the result

of the implementation of the modified action and decided whether to do

further action or not. The first cycle showed some progress and

improvement in students’ speaking skill, although the target is not


acomplished yet. In general, most of the studentscould understand the

material but some of them still unconfident to speak up.

Therefore, based on the reflection, it can be concluded to do the next

cycle in order to achieve the target. Thus, the new lesson plan for the

cycle 2 was formulated.

b. Cycle 2

1) Planning

The planning phase of the second cycle was implemented into a

lesson plan. It was aimed to change some parts that need to be revised.

First, the writer modified the Speaking Board Game. In the previous

cycle, there were not all column filled by word. It caused some of the

students do not have the opportunity to produce sentences. Therefore, in

this cycle, all the Speaking Board Game’s column were fully filled by

words, so that all of the students would have the opportunity to produce

sentences. Second, the writer change the metode of choosing the

representator of each group. In the previous cycle, the members of each

group choose the representator by themselves so only the chosen

representator would do more practice to speak up in front of the

classroom. therefore, in this cycle, the representator would be chosen

randomly, so that there is no one knows who would be the representator

of the group. This method made all of the students more practice their

speaking to get ready to tell the story in front of the classroom. Not only

the chosen representator.

The new lesson plan was still related to Recount Text. In this cycle,

the writer would give the students more time to practice their speaking.

The writer would make sure that each of the students confidently speak

up the language in the classroom, so that they will be able to tell the

story in front of the classroom. At the production stage, the writer

would choose the representator of each group randomly, so that each of


the group member need to do more practice to tell the story in front of

the classroom.

2) Acting

a) First Meeting

The action of the cycle 2 was begun on March 29th 2018. In this

cycle, the material is still about Recount Text. However, the topic is My

Happiest Birthday. As in the previous meeting, the writer showed a

video related to the material and the topic of the lesson. The students

excitedly watching the video. Some of them indeed repeat the words

from the video. After watching the video, the writer gave them deeper

explanation about the structure of the text and how to make a Recount

Text. Furthermore, the writer gave a direct example by telling them a

story of the writer’s happiest birthday. It was a good example by telling

them the writer’s own story, because they can directly know how to tell

their story, how to pronunce words, even how to expressing the


b) Second Meeting

In this meeting, the writer use the Speaking Board Game related to

the topic. Because the students played the game in the previous

meeting, they responded more excitedly. They already know the rule of

the game and what to do about the game. However, the writer modified

some of the Speaking Board Game. Each of the column in the Speaking

Board Game were filled by words, so that the student would produce

more sentence and there would be no one missed the word. The

students played the game more seriously, because they need to compete

with other groups. However, it took more time for the students to play

the game and there was no time to call the representator of each group

to tell their story in front of the class.


c) Third Meeting

In this meeting, the writer gave a few minutes for all of the

students to practice their story telling. In the first cycle, the

representators of each group were chosen by the member. However, in

this cycle, the representators of each group were chosen randomly by

the writer. The writer gave number to each of the group member, so that

the writer called the representator by their number not by name. All of

the students needed to do enough practice because no one knows whose

number would be called. Afterwards, the representators of each group

worked hard for their groups. Some of the representator even added

some sentences using their own words. Those improvisation made the

story become more fun. The atmosphere in the classroom became more

comfortable for all of the students.

3) Observing

In this cycle, the students participation improved. In the first

meeting, there were more students who focused while the material was

being explained. The amount of the students who actively answer the

writer’s question also increased. They also actively speak up when the

writer asked them to. They became more confident to speak in English

during the teaching and learning process. As in the second meeting,

they made less mistakes in producing the sentence. The amount of the

students who called the writer to guide them also decreased. It indicates

that they comprehended the lesson. Each of the students actively

participated during the implementation of Speaking Board Game.

In the third meeting, the students did not complaint when the writer

decided to called the representator randomly. They just do more

practice. It indicates that they were confident to tell the story in front of

the classroom.

At the end of the cycle 2, the writer conducted post-test II. The

result of the post-test II showed more significant improvement


according to the students’ speaking skill. The total mean score of the

students improved significantly in the post-test II. It can be seen in

Appendices 13.

Based on the result of post-test II, it can be seen that the students’

mean score improved significantly from post-test I to post-test II. The

students’ mean score in post-test I was 71.7 while students’ mean score

in post-test II was 78.06. The students’ mean score increased 6.34 point

in the cycle 2. The percentage of the successful students also increased

from 55% up to 75%. In other words, the percentage of unsuccessful

students decreased from 45% to 25%.

In post-test II, the number of successful students who passed the

KKM was 22 students of the total 29 students. It means there was

significant improvement from the action in post-test I to post-test II. In

post-test I, the number of successful students was 16 students or 55%.

The number of unsuccessful students also decreased. From 13 students

(45%) in post-test I to 7 students (25%).

4) Reflecting

After getting the result of speaking test, the teacher carried out the

reflection of classroom action research (CAR). In this phase, the writer felt

satisfied that the implementation of Speaking Board Game had shown

significant improvement towards students’ speaking skill. Students’

vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency, and comprehension

improved significantly. It can be proven by the improvement of students’

score of pre-test, post-test I, and post-test II. In addition, the students

interest, motivation, and confident also showed significant improvement.

It can be proven by the post- interview and field note of post-action which

are attached in the appendices.

After reaching the minimum target of successful students’

percentage, the writer decided to stop the classroom action research

because it had shown successful result.


3. Post-Implementation of the Action

a. The Result of Post-Interview

1) Interview with the Teacher

After conducting the Classroom Action Research for about

five meetings, the writer conducted a post- interview to the English

teacher. The question is about the implementation of Speaking

Board Game which had been used as a technique of teaching in the

first and second cycle. The English teacher said that the technique

helped the students to expose their speaking. The technique also

helped improving students’ interest, motivation and confident

towards speaking. Each of the students actively participated in the

game. The classroom became noisy, but it was good since the

students spoke in full English. The teacher said that he had never

see students’ enthusiasm as the when they were taught by the

Speaking Board Game.

The improvement of the score also mesmerized the teacher.

The score proven that the students speaking skill improved after

the implementation of the technique. The teacher hoped that the

students’ enthusiasm would be as well as in the classroom action

research for the future teaching and learning process.

2) Interview with the Students

The second participant that being inteviewed was the

students. The were asked to give their opinion about the Speaking

Board Game. The students said that they really enjoy the game and

they hope the future teaching would be as fun as in the classroom

action research. Some of the students said that the implementation

of the technique had changed their mindset about English lesson.

They thought English as a very difficult lesson to be learnt and the

least subject matter they wanted to learn. However, after the


implementation of Speaking Board Game, they knew that learning

English can also be as fun and comfortable as playing a game.

Some of the students also still remembered the material that was

given in the action research spontaneously without the writer

asked. They loved the technique because it help the improving their

speaking skill. They were also mesmerized when they see they

score in pre-test, post-test I, and post-test II.

b. The Result of Post-Action Test

After finishing the cycle 1 and cycle 2, the post-test result was

calculated. Fisrt, the post-test I was calculated in order to know the

students’ score improvement from the pre-test to post-test I. There are

three steps of calculating the result. Those are calculating the students’

mean score of post-test I, calculating the percentage of students’

improvement score from pre-test to post-test I, and the percentage of

students who pass the KKM.

The students’ mean score of post-test I is 71.7. It proves that there

is significant improvement from the mean score of pre-test. It could be

seen from the mean score of pre-test which is 44.8 to the mean score of

post-test I which is 71,7. The students’ improvement of mean score in

pre-test and post-test. The percentage of the improvement is 60%. The

percentage of successful students who pass the KKM in post-test is

55%. It increased from the percentage of successful students in pre-test

which is 13%. It means, in the pre-test, there were only 4 students who

pass the KKM and 25 students unsuccessfully pass the KKM while in

post-test I, the number of successfull students is 16 and the number of

unsuccessful students is 13.

Furthermore, in cycle 2, the writer also calculated the students

score to know whether is there any improvement in post-test II or not.

The calculation is the same as the previous calculation. The writer need


to calculate the students’ mean score of post-test II, the percentage of

students score improvement, and the percentage of successful students

who pass the KKM. The students’ mean score in post-test II is 78 while

the students’ mean score in post-test I is 71.7. Furthermore, there is

improvement between the students’ mean score in post-test I and post-

test II. The improvement of the mean score of post-test II improved by

8.7% from the post-test I. It can be seen in Appendices 13 that the

percentage of the students who successfully pass the KKM in post-test

II is improved to 75% while the percentage of the successfull students

in post-test I is 55%. The percentage of unsuccessfull students also

decreased from 45% in post-test I to 25% in post-test II. In short, the

result of test can be obviously seen in the table below.

Table 4.1 The Comparison Score of Each Test

Category Pre-test Post-test I Post-test II

Maximum 76 84 88

Minimum 24 56 68

Mean 44,8 71,7 78

Figure 4.1 The Improvement of Students’ Mean Score



Students' Mean Score

Chart Title

Pre-test Post-test I Post-test II


Based on table 4.4 above, it can be seen that the students’ mean score

in pre-test is 44.8. The minimum score in pre-test very low which is 28. The

score is very low because the gap with the KKM score is quite far. The gap

point of the minimum score is 47 at least to achieve the KKM. As well as the

maximum score in pre-test in which 76. However, in post-test I, there is

significant improvement according to students’ mean score, as well as

students’ minimum and maximum score. The students’ mean score in post-

test I is 71.7 which improved 60% from the pre-test mean score. The

students’ minimum score also increased to 56 and the students’ maximum

score increased to 84. In the post-test II, the improvement of students’ mean

score was also shown. The students’ mean score increased to 78 or improved

8.7% from post-test I. The minimum score that the students got in post-test II

also improved to 68 and the students’ maximum score increased to 88.

B. Research Interpretation

1. Pre-Implementation the Action

a. The Result of Pre-Interview

Based on the data gained from the interview of both participants;

the English teacher and the students, it can be concluded that the

students had lack of speaking skill. They had lack of vocabulary,

grammar, pronunciation, fluency and comprehension which is the basic

aspects of speaking. They also have lack of interest, motivation and

confident to speak English in the classroom. Therefore, the writer had

to find and effective teaching technique to solve the students’ problems.

Speaking Board Game is a technique that is applied in the teaching

and learning during the research to solve the students’ problems

because it can expose students’ speaking skill in the classroom.


b. The Result of Pre-Observation

Before implementing the action, the writer observed the process of

teaching and learning in the classroom. the observation result shows

that the students were not given enough chances to practice their

speaking in the classroom. The technique that the teacher used was also

monoton and make the classroom atmosphere seem to be boring. The

technique does not give chances to the students to participated actively

in the process of teaching and learning. Therefore, the writer need to

find an effective technique that could build comfortable classroom

atmosphere as well as provides students to expose their speaking in the

classroom. The writer should find a technique to engage students to be

active in the teaching process.

c. The Result of Pre-Test

Before the writer implement the technique, the writer conducted a

pre-test in order to know the students’ basic speaking skill. There were

29 students of class VIII.9 in SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan. From

the test result, there were only 4 students who pass the KKM which is

75. It means only 13% students who successfully pass the KKM and

there were still 25 students who unsuccessfully pass the KKM or 87%

of the total 29 students. The minimum and the maximum score were

also very low. The students’ minimum score in pre-test was only 28

while the students’ maximum score was 76.

2. The Implementation of Classroom Action Research

a. Cycle 1

The lesson plan for two meetings was made in the planning phases

based on the existing problems found in the pre- interview and pre-

observation. The writer act as the teacher and implemented the

technique based on the prepared lesson plan. In the first meeting, the

writer presented a video about Recount Text. The topic of the meeting is


My Unforgettable Holiday. At the beginning of the lesson, the writer

gave detail explanation about the material. Then, the writer asked the

students some question related to the material that has been taught in

order to make sure that students understand the explanation.

Afterwards, the writer asked the students to produce some sentences

related to the text by their own words and experiences.

In the second meeting of the first cycles, the writer implemented

Speaking Board Game to facilitate the students to be actively speaking

during the classroom. The game were played in group of 4-5 students.

Each of the students picked a pawn/counter as their representative on

the board game. Through the game, the students were trained to expose

their speaking. The students needed to make a sentences orally once

their pawn/counter stop in a column which has a word within. The

sentences were related to the topic of the meeting. After they achieve

the finish column, they needed to combine all sentences they said into

one complete story. One representator of each group have to come tell

the story of their group in front of the classroom. However, there were

only few groups which can tell their story because the time was out.

After implementing the Speaking Board Game in the first cycle, the

writer conducted post-test I to know whether there were improvement

before and after the implementation or not. The result shows less than

75% of the students who pass the KKM, so that, the writer decided to

do further action in the cycle 2.

b. Cycle 2

In this cycle, there were some parts that need to be revised.

The writer modified some parts of the Speaking Board Game

became all of the column was filled by word. The writer modified

the Speaking Board Game in order to make each of the students

actively participated in the game, because in the previous cycle,


there were some students who did not produce sentences since their

pawn did not stop in the filled column. The writer gave more time

for the students to practice their story telling. The wirter also

modified the way of calling the group’ representator.

In the first meeting of cycle 2, the writer showed a video

related to Recount Text. However, the topic in this cycle is My

Happiest Birthday. As in previous cycle, the writer gave detail

explanation about the material and asked some question related to

the video and the material which has been taught. The writer gave

more time for the students to speak up in the classroom. The writer

also gave more feedback, so that, the students would feel

comfortable and be confident to speak up. At the end of the first

meeting in this cycle, the writer asked the students to make a

Recount Text with their own words based on their own experience

related to the topic.

In the second meeting, the writer implement Speaking

Board Game as a teaching technique. The Speaking Board Game

used in this cycle was a bit different from the previous one, because

the writer filled all of the column with word, so there would be no

students who do not produce sentences.

In the third meeting of this cycle, the writer modified the

way of calling the representator of the group. The writer gave each

of the group member a number, so that the writer would call them by

their number randomly. So, no one knows who would be called to

tell the story in front of the class. The writer gave more time to each

of the students to practice. When the writer called the representator

of the group, they did not complaint because they seem ready to tell

the story. Some of the students even did improvisation to the story


and add some funny expression to the build the story. The

atmosphere of the classroom became more comfortable and fun.

3. Post-Implementation of the Action

a. The Result of Post-Interview with the Teacher

After implementing the action in two cycles, the writer interviewed

the English teacher to know his opinion about the action. The teacher was

mesmerized by the students’ improvement of enthusiasm to the lesson.

The teacher satisfied with the result of the research. The teacher said that

he would obviosly used Speaking Board Game in the future whenever he

want to assess students’ speaking skill.

b. The Result of Post-Interview with the Students

The second participant whose being interviewed were the students.

They said that Speaking Board Game changed their mindset about

English lesson. They used to think English as a very difficult subject

matter. However, they now know that learning English could be as fun as

they do in the action. They also said that they would be glad if the

teacher use Speaking Board Game for the future teaching. They also said

that it is easier for them to comprehend the material by using Speaking

Board Game.

c. The Result of Post-test I

The mean score of post-test I is 71.7. It mean that the improvement

from pre-test was 60%. The minimun score of the students in post-test I

is 56 while the maximum score of the students in post-test I is 84. The

percentage of successful students who pass the KKM is 55% or 16

students from the total 29 students. However, the percentage of

successful students were still less than the target which is 75%. There

were still 13 students who unsuccessfully pass the KKM or 45% of the


total students. Therefore, the writer decided to do the next cycle in order

to reach the target.

d. The Result of Post-test II

The mean score of post-test II is 78 while the mean score of post-

test I is 71.7. It proves that the action in first cycle to the second cycle

improved 8.7%. The minimum score of post-test II is 68 while the

maximum score of post-test II is 88. The percentage of the successful

students who pass the KKM also improved to 75%. 22 students of the

total 29 students successfully pass the KKM in post-test II. The

percentage of unsuccessful student also decreased to 25%. It means that

the target of reaching 75% for the percentage of successful students has

been accomplished. The writer decided to stop the research.





The test result that shows the percentage of the students who

passed the minimum score (>75) improved up to 75%. In the pre-test,

there was only 13% students who passed the KKM (only 4 students of the

total 29 students). The persentage improved significantly in the post-test I

to 55% (16 student of the total 29 students). However, it was still not

achieve the minimum percentage to indicate the success of the research. In

the post-test II, the percentage of the students who passed the KKM

improved to 75% (22 students of the total of 29 student). The

improvement of students’ mean score from pre-test to post-test I was 60%

(from 44.8 in pre-test to 71.7 in post-test I). The improvement of students’

mean score from post-test I to post-test II was 8.7% (from 71.7 in post-test

I to 78 in the post-test II).

Furthermore, Speaking Board Game improved students’ speaking

skill by giving the students chance to converse in English by telling their

experiences. The game is also in the form of competition, thus it gives the

students motivation to win and to keep talking in English during the

lesson. Two cycles of CAR with several times playing the game

successfully improved students’ speaking skill.


After conducting the research, the researcher gives several

recommendations for the English teacher, the students, and other



1. For The English Teacher

It is suggested to English teacher, especially in the speaking

activities to build a comfortable atmosphere and encourage the

students to speak English. Teacher also needs to apply activities

which make the students confident to speak English. In the

activities which work on fluency, teacher should let the students

speaking even they have mistakes without any interruption (i.e.

giving feedback or correction). While in the activities which work

on accuracy, teacher may give feedback or correction to the

students’ mistakes directly or indirectly. In the speaking activities

teacher should properly give the students model of the language as

the input, which was in the spoken form. After presenting the

model of language teacher should also provide adequate practices

before going to the production stage. In applying speaking

activities teacher should consider which activities that engage the

students’ participation and give the students more chance to speak.

Communicative games are the example of activities which attract

the students and engage them to speak up.

2. For The Students In English lessons

It is suggested that students should actively participated to

the learning process in the classroom and give positive

contribution, so they can get effective learning. They also need to

be aware of their own needs and find additional materials from any

sources. To be a fluent speaker students should attempt to get more

confidence and do not have to be afraid of making mistakes. On the

other hand, the students also need to pay attention to their

performance, so they can speak more accurately.


3. For Other Researchers

It is suggested for other researchers who will conduct the

similar research to improve and explore other kinds of teaching

speaking techniques. If they would try to use board games to

improve speaking skills, it is suggested to vary the topics and make

the board games in more professional and sophisticated form, for

example making them in 3D version with complicated routes to

make them more attracting and challenging. To conduct research

which focused on other language skills, board games can be

adapted to other English teaching materials (not only language

expressions, but also functional texts or genre texts).



Alderson, J. Charles, and Lyle F. Bachman, (eds.). Assessing Speaking. United

Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. 2004. Brown, H. Douglas. Language Assessment-Principle and Classroom Practice.

Retrieved from https://library1.org.

Brown, H. Douglas. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Second Edition. Retrieved from https://library1.org.

Burns, Anne. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers. Cambridge University. 1999.

Burns, Anne. Doing Action Research in Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners. New York: Routledge. 2010.

Chang, Shelley and Jenny Cogswell. Using Board Games in the Language

Classroom. Journal of Monterey Institute of International Studies. 2017. Retrieved from (www.rtmsd.org)

Dewi, Ratna Sari, et al. Using Communicative Games in Improving Students’ Speaking Skills. Journal of Canadian Center of Science and Education.

Vol.10, 2017. Gobet, Fernand, et al. Moves in Mind: The Psychology of Board Games. New

York: Psychology Press. 2004.

Harmer, Jeremy. How to Teach English New Edition. England: Pearson Education Limited. 2007.

Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching: Third Edition. England: Longman. 2001.

Mayer, Brian and Christopher Harris. Libraries Got Game: Aligned Learning through Modern Board Games. Chicago: American Library Association.


Nunan, David. Teaching English to Speakers of other Language: An Introduction. New York: Routlegde. 2015.

Nunan, David. (ed.). Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2005.


Richards, Jack C. Communicative Language Teaching Today. New York:

Cambridge University Press. 2006. Richards, Jack C. Teaching Listening and Speaking: From Theory to Practice.

New York: Cambridge University. 2008.

Sugar, Steve and Kim Kostoroski Sugar. Primary Games Experiential Learning Activities for Teaching Children K-8. San Fransisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2002.

Ur, Penny. A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. New York:

Cambridge University. 1996.







Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris.

Satuan Pendidikan :

Kelas/Semester : VIII/1

Nama Guru : Dwi Widodo, S.Pd

NIP /NIK : 198207182014111002





Kelas : VIII (Delapan )

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Semester : 2 (Dua)

Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara

1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar







Indikator Pencapaian


Penilaian Alokasi



Belajar Teknik Bentuk




10.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks l isan

fungsional pendek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar

dan berterima untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar

1.Teks fungsional

pendek :

- Notices

- Iklan

2. Tata Bahasa

- Imperatives

- Comparison

3. Kosakata

- Kata terkait tema

dan jenis teks

1. Review kosakata dan ungkapan yang

digunakan dalam teks fungsional pendek terkait


2. Membuat kalimat sederhana


- Memberi



1. Mengungkapkan secara l isan teks fungsional :

- Pengumuman

- Undangan

- Pesan singkat

2. Bertanya dan menjawab secara l isan berbagai

info dalam teks pengumuman, undangan, pesan singkat

Unjuk kerja

Uji petik


1. Give suitable notices based on the


2. Make simple advertisments based on

the pictures

4 x 40 menit

1. Buku teks yang relevan

2. Gambar

terkait materi dan topik

3. Benda sekitar

4. Teks bentuk


- undangan

- pengumuman

- pesan singkat








Indikator Pencapaian


Penilaian Alokasi



Belajar Teknik Bentuk




10.2 Mengungkap kan makna

dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

4. Ungkapan baku

- attention, please

1.Teks monolog

berbentuk recount

dan narrative.

2.Ciri-ciri kebahasaan

- Menarik


membeli /



produk terten-


3. Membahas gambit-gambit

yang sering muncul dalam teks fungsional


4. Membuat secara l isan:

- Notice

- Iklan

1. Review kosakata dan tata bahasa terkait jenis teks recount dan

narrative dngan tema yang dipil ih

2. Membuat kalimat

- Melakukan monolog

pendek sederhana

dalam bentuk

narrative dan recount

Unjuk kerja

Uji Petik


1. Tell us briefly what you did yesterday

2. Retell a story that you know very well.

8 x 40 menit

1.Buku teks

yang relevan

2.Gambar yang


3.Benda sekitar

4. Buku cerita








Indikator Pencapaian


Penilaian Alokasi



Belajar Teknik Bentuk




akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam

teks berbentuk recount dan narrative

teks narrative dan


3.Langkah retorika

teks narrative dan


4. Tata Bahasa

- Simple Past tense

- Past continuous


- temporal


- Connective words

- Adverbs

- Adjectives

5.Kosa kata

- kata terkait tema

dan jenis teks

6.Ungkapan baku

- Really?

sederhana secara l isan terkait ciri -ciri kebahasaan teks

recount dan narrative

- simple past

- past continuous

- temporal


- connective words

- adverbs

- adjectives

3. Melakukan percakapan terkait kegiatan

yang dialami atau cerita populer di

kotanya menggunakan gambit-gambit yang sesuai.

Contoh: Really?

That’s terrible!,

3. Tell a story

based on the

series of a



dalam bahasa









Indikator Pencapaian


Penilaian Alokasi



Belajar Teknik Bentuk




- That’s terrible

- How Then ?

How then?,

First,...., then....,


4. Menceritakan kembali kegiatan /

pengalaman atau teks narative yang pernah didengar



foto atau

Gambar cerita


Karakter siswa yang diharapkan : Dapat dipercaya ( Trustworthines)

Rasa hormat dan perhatian ( respect )

Tekun ( diligence )





Observation Checklist

Students’ Activities in Pre-Observation

Class : VIII.9 Date : March 14th 2018

Observer : Tri Hanifah Agustina (The Writer) Time : 09:40 - 11:00

No Students' Activities Yes No Description

A. Pre – teaching

1. The students respond to the greeting. √

2. The students pay attention to the explanation.

√ There was no explanation

B. Whilst teaching


3. The students are ready to learn. √ Some of the students

still talk to each other

4. The students pay attention on the explanation. √

5. The student are interested in the media which is used.

√ There was no media used.

6. The students understand the presentation. √ the teacher did not check the students’



7. The students practice the language function in pairs.

8. The students ask questions when they do not understand.


9. The students produce the sentences orally √

10. The students speak English during the lesson. √

11. The lesson keeps the students’ interest until

the end.

12. The students who are weaker in English can take part without being frustated.

13. All of the students parcipates in the lesson. √

C. Post-teaching

14. The students reflect the learning √


Observation Checklist

Students’ Activities in the Implementation of Cycle 1 (Meeting 1-2)

Class : VIII.9 Date : March 21st – 22nd 2018

Observer : Tri Hanifah Agustina (The Writer) Time : 09:40 - 11:00

No Students' Activities Yes No Description

A. Pre – teaching

1. The students respond to the greeting. √

2. The students pay attention to the explanation. √

B. Whilst teaching


3. The students are ready to learn. √

4. The students pay attention to the explanation. √

5. The student are interested in the media which is used.

6. The students understand the presentation. √


7. The students do practice in pairs. √

8. The students play the game excitedly - - Some of them still


9. The students understand how to play the game √ Most of them were

familiar with the game

8. The students ask questions when they do not understand.

√ But they used Bahasa Indonesia


9. The students produce the sentences orally √ Some them still unconfident to speak up

10. The students speak English during the lesson. √

11. The game keeps the students’ interest until the


12. The students who are weaker in English can take part without being frustated.

13. All of the students parcipates in the game. √ But some of them did not stop in filled column

C. Post-teaching

14. The students tell their own story in front of the classroom

√ Only the representator of the group

15. The students reflect the learning √


Observation Checklist

Students’ Activities in the Implementation of Cycle 2 (Meeting 3-5)

Class : VIII.9 Date : March 29th - April 5th 2018

Observer : The Writer Time : 09:40 - 11:00

No Students' Activities Yes No Description

A. Pre – teaching

1. The students respond to the greeting. √

2. The students pay attention to the explanation. √

B. Whilst teaching


3. The students are ready to learn. √

4. The students pay attention to the explanation. √

5. The student are interested in the media which is used.

6. The students understand the presentation. √


7. The students do practice in pairs. √ They have more time to practice

8. The students play the game excitedly √

9. The students understand how to play the game √

8. The students ask questions when they do not


√ Some of them speak in



9. The students produce the sentences orally √

10. The students speak English during the lesson. √

11. The game keeps the students’ interest until the end.

12. The students who are weaker in English can take part without being frustated.

13. All of the students parcipates in the game. √ Each of them made sentences toward the

filled column

C. Post-teaching

14. The students tell their own story in front of the classroom

√ Only the representator of the group

15. The students reflect the learning √






Field Note 1


Wednesday, March 14th 2018

W : The Writer

ET : English Teacher

S : Students

At first, W followed ET to come to the classroom. Then, ET introduced W to S and told

them the purpose of W’s coming. Afterwards, ET let W to sit at the corner of the classroom

and observe the process of teaching and learning.

ET then greeted S. He checked S’s attendance list. Later on, the ET asked S to open their

LKS “coba buka LKS kalian halaman 52”. The topic of that meeting was about simple past

tense. The ET said that the topic had been taught in the previous meeting “ada yang masih

inget rumus dari simple past tense?”. Then, some of S answered “lupa pak, hehehe”.

“haduh.. gimana sih kamu ini? Baru minggu kemarin loh dijelasin.” Then, ET explained the

material in brief, so that the S can remember the topic which had been explained. However,

ET only focused on the LKS and did not use any other media besides the whiteboard and the

marker. The ET also gave some examples of the sentences. Then, ET wrote down some verbs

on the whiteboard and called out some S’s name to make examples of simple past tense based

on the words. However, ET did not give opportunities for S to have a try to produce a

sentence orally. The ET only provided the S to produce the sentence in written forms.

Afterwards, ET asked the S to make 20 examples of simple past tenses and gave them about

40 minutes to finish the tasks. Unluckily, the bell rang before the S finished they task. So, ET

gave them more time to collect the task in the next meeting. Then, ET closed the meeting

without summarizing the topic of the meeting.

Field Note 2

Cycle 1 – Meeting 1

Wednesday, March 21st 2018

W : The Writer

ET : English Teacher

S : Students

W came to the class and greeted S. S responded to the greeting with shyness. Then, W

said “eh, kok malu-malu jawabnya? It’s okay to respond in English since we are in English

classroom now.” Then, W repeat the greeting in hope the S would respond the greeting in

English by saying “how are you today?”. The S, then, responded the greeting in English “I

am fine, thank you. And you?”. W responded to S’s greeting, “ I’ve never been better”. Then,

W told the S what topic which would be learnt on that day’s meeting to S. The topic was My

Unforgettable Holiday which is a type of Recount Text. Further, W gave motivation to S by

mentioning the advantages of the topic they would learn and told the purpose of the topic.

Then, W showed a video related to the topic. The S seemed very axcited to watch the

video, because that was the first time they watch video during teaching and learning process.

After watched the video, W asked S some question related to the video. Some of S can

answer the question, eventhough they still used Bahasa Indonesia to answer the question.

Later on, W gave more detail explanation about the Recount Text; the general structure of the

text, the characteristics of the text, function of the text etc. Afterwards, W gave some

example of the text. then, W asked S whether is there any question or not to make sure that S

understood the material given. Then, W asked S to make one complete text based on their



own experiences related to the topic in form of written text. W gave that task in order to make

sure that S understood the material. However, W did not engage S to speak up the story yet,

because it was only the introduction to the topic. W would implemented Speaking Board

Game in the next meeting in order to expose students’ speaking skill.

Field Note 3

Cycle 1 – Meeting 2

Thursday, March 22nd 2018

W : The Writer

ET : English Teacher

S : Students

In the second meeting of the action phase, W implemented speaking board game as the

technique of teaching in order to help the S to train their English speaking. W devided S into

7 groups consisted of 4-5 students. Each group were given a board game related to the topic.

Each board game consisted of a board game itself, a dice, and 4-5 pawn/counter. As common

board games, speaking board game has set of rules which has to be obeyed by the players.

They needed to roll the dice alternately and move based on the number the dice shown. Each

player who stopped in a filled column had to say a sentence (simple past or past continous

tense) based on the word in the column which the sentences would be combined to be one

complete Recount story of the group after each player reach the finish column. Then, each

group had to send their representator to tell the story in front of the classroom. Each player

who reach the finish column first was the winner of each group and got a reward from W.

The enthusiasm of S while playing the game was shown in this meeting. Each of the

group member actively participated to the game. However, since the column of the speaking

board game was not filled by word, not all S got to say a sentence. In addition, the

representator of the group was choosen by the member, so that, most of the representator

were S who had higher English score than other member. It seemed unfair since S with lower

score also need to be able to produce the story orally and train their confident.

Field Note 4

Cycle 2 – Meeting 1

Thursday, March 29th 2018

W : The Writer

ET : English Teacher

S : Students

As in the first meeting of cycle 1, W showed a video related to the type of the text. The

text that learnt of the meeting was still a Recount Text. However, the topic was My Happiest

Birthday. After W showed the video, W asked S to make a conclusion of the video. In this

meeting, S were more active in responding to W’s orders. Some of S showed that they were

more confident to speak up when W asked them questions. However, there were still some

mistakes, but it was still can be received. Later on, W asked S to practice in pairs and tell

their own story to their pairs alternately related to the topic. Then, W called out some

students’ name to tell their story to W. They seemed unconfident at first. However, W tried to

give appropriate feedback, so that they would feel comfortable to tell the story.



Field Note 5

Cycle 2 – Meeting 2

Wednesday, April 4th 2018

W : The Writer

ET : English Teacher

S : Students

In this meeting, W implemented speaking board game as in the previous cycle. However,

W modified the board game. In the previous cycle, there were only few column which was

filled by word. It caused some of the S who did not stop in filled column, could not produce a

sentence. Therefore, in this cycle, W modified the game into fully filled column. So, each of

the S had to produce a sentence. They played the game more excitedly than the previous

cycle, because they already know how to playe the game. The class became noisy with their

speaking. Some of the S even asked some question to W using English. They explored their

vocabularies, because W allowed them to use digital dictionary to help them find suitable

vocabularies to the sentence. At the end of the meeting, W told them that W also modified the

way of choosing the representator of each group. They could not choose their own

representator because W would choose the representator randomly. Therefore, each of the

group member need to practice more to tell their story in front of the classroom.

Field Note 6

Cycle 2 – Meeting 3

Thursday, April 5th 2018

W : The Writer

ET : English Teacher

S : Students

As W had told the S in the previous meeting, each representator of the group had to tell

the story of their group in front of the class. However, in this meeting, the representator was

chosen randomly. W gave number to each of the group member. The number W called would

then be the representator of each group. However, W gave them more time to practice their

story telling and also their confidence. Later on, when W called the representator, they

seemed ready to tell the story. Some of them even did some improvisation to the story that

make the story more interesting. Moreover, some of the representator added appropriate

expresion in expressing the even of the story they shared. After seeing the enthusiasm of the

S, W gave them all reward to apreciate their hard work on the task.






A. Pre-Implementation

Teacher’s Interview

1. Bagaimana proses pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris di kelas VIII SMP

Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan?

2. Apa saja kesulitan yang dihadapi?

3. Skill apa yang paling sulit untuk


4. Bagaimana pembelajaran speaking


5. Metode apa yang digunakan untuk

mengajar speaking?

6. Media apa saja yang digunakan

dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar?

7. Bagaimanakah respon siswa

terhadap pembelajaran bahasa


Students’ Interview

1. Apakah tanggapanmu mengenai

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?

2. Apakah kesulitan yang dihadapi

dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris?

3. Bagaimanakah kegiatan

pembelajaran speaking di kelas?

4. Bagaimanakah proses

pengambilan nilai speaking?

5. Media apa saja yang sering

digunakan guru saat

mengajarkan speaking?

6. Apa harapanmu terhadap

pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris?




Teacher’s Interview

1. Bagaimakah pendapat bapak

mengenai penerapan Speaking

Board Game dalam proses

pembelajaran di kelas VIII.9?

2. Apakah siswa menunjukkan

ketertarikan yang lebih terhadap

pelajaran bahasa Inggris selama

proses penerapan teknik

permainan tersebut?

3. Apakah siswa menunjukkan

peningkatan dalam kemampuan

berbicara bahasa Inggris setelah

diterapkannya Speaking Board

Game sebagai teknik


4. Apakah bapak akan

menggunakan teknik yang sama

dalam proses mengajar dimasa

yang akan datang?

Students’ Interview

1. Bagaimana pendapatmu

mengenai Speaking Board


2. Apakah kamu masih mengalami

kesulitan dalam mempelajari

Bahasa Inggris dikelas setelah

belajar dengan menggunakan

Speaking Board Game?

3. Bagaimanakah pendapatmu

tentang pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

setelah belajar sambil bermain

Speaking Board Game?

4. Apakah kamu setuju jika guru

menggunakan teknik yang sama

dalam pembelajaran dimasa

yang akan datang?





INTERVIEW I: Pre - Interview

Interviewer : Tri Hanifah Agustina

Interviewee : Dwi Widodo, S.Pd. (The English Teacher)

Date : March 13th, 2018

Time : 13:30 – 14:00

Place : Teacher’s Office

ET : English Teacher

W : The Writer

W : Assalamualaikum pak, saya Hani dari UIN Jakarta, tadi saya sudah minta izin sama

bapak kepala sekolah dan Bu Hasti bagian kurikulum untuk penelitian disini pak.

(Assalamualaikum sir, my name is Hani from UIN jakarta, I have asked for

permission before to the headmaster and Bu Hasti from the curriculum division to

conduct a reseach in this school, sir.)

ET : Waalaikumussalam mbak. Iya tadi Bu Hasti sudah kasih info ke saya mbak.

(Waalaikumussalam, Mbak. Yeah, Bu Hasti informed me already about that.)

W : Oh kalau begitu, saya boleh gak pak wawancara bapak sekarang?

(Oh then, may I interview you now?)

ET : Ya, silahkan mbak.

(Yeah, sure, Mbak.)

W : Maaf, bapak namanya siapa ya pak? Saya lupa nanya tadi pak. Hehehe

(Pardon, what is your name, sir? I forgot to ask, sir. (laugh))

ET : Oh iya. Saya Dwi Widodo, Mbak.

(Oh yeah. My name is Dwi Widodo, Mbak.)

W : Kalau boleh tahu, bapak ngajar Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas berapa ya pak?

(May I know in which class do you teach?)


ET : Saya kalau pagi ngajar kelas 8 dan 9, mbak. Tapi kalau siang ngajar kelas 7.

(In the morning, I teach the 8th and 9th grade, Mbak. But in the afternoon I teach the

7th grade.)

W : hmm.. berarti hampir semua kelas ya pak?

(hmm.. so it’s almost all grades, sir?)

ET : Iya, Mbak. Tapi ya nggak semua, paling tiap tingkatan tiga kelas, Mbak.

(Yes, Mbak. But it is not all classes, only 3 classes of each grade, Mbak.)

W : Terus kalau untuk kelas 8, gimana sih pak proses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggrisnya?

(For the 8th grade, how does the process of English teaching?)

ET : Kalau untuk kelas 8 ya mbak? Mmm.. jujur sih paling susah ngajar kelas 8 dibanding

kelas 7 atau kelas 9, Mbak. Anak-anaknya lebih susah diatur dan lebih acuh sama

pelajaran, mbak.

(For the 8th grade? Mmm.. to be honest, it is harder to teach them rather than the 9th

or the 7thgrade, Mbak. The students are more difficult to be managed and theya are

more indifferent to the lessons.)

W : Jadi mereka kayak nggak mau memperhatikan pelajaran gitu ya pak?

(So, it seems like they do not pay attention to the lesson?)

ET : Iya, Mbak. Susah Mbak, soalnya mereka kan kayak nggak tertarik gitu sama

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Menurut sebagian besar murid, Bahasa Inggris itu susah

banget buat dipelajarin. Ya, walaupun masih ada beberapa murid yang suka sama

Bahasa Inggris sih.

(Yes, Mbak. It is difficult, because they seem not interested to English lesson. Most of

the students think that English is very difficult to be learned. Although, there are few

students who still love English)

W : Terus kalau untuk skill yang paling susah buat diajarin itu apa pak?

(Then, what skill which is the most difficult to teach, sir?)

ET : hmm.. ya, kalau skill sih lebih susah ngajarin speaking sama listening. Cuman kalau

listening kan dia penilaiannya kayak nggak langsung gitu ya mbak? Kalau speaking

kan bener-bener berdasarkan kemampuan siswa sendiri kan ya, jadi lebih susah

ngajarinnya. Udah gitu aspect yang harus diperhatikan juga lebih banyak mbak, kayak

grammarnya, pengucapannya, kosakatanya, dll.

(hmm.. the skill that is more difficult to teach are speaking and listening. But,

listening seems to has indirect measurement while speaking is based on the students’

natural skill.)

W : Biasanya gimana sih pak proses pembelajaran speaking di dalam kelas?

(How does the process of teaching speaking in the classroom?)


ET : Ya paling kalau speaking itu dibarengin sama pembelajaran skill yang lain, Mbak.

Jadi kalau saya lagi ngajar materi Simple Present Tense misalnya, ya saya minta

mencontohkan mengucapkan kalimat present tense terus minta mereka menirukan,

gitu Mbak paling sering sih. Cuman beda lagi kalau pas pengambilan nilai speaking


(It is taught at the same time with the other skill, Mbak. So if I am teaching them the

Simple Present Tense material, I will give them example of how to say the Present

Tense, then I will ask them to repeat after me. That is the most common method I use.

But, it is different when it comes the time to have speaking assessment.)

W : Gimana tuh pak proses pengambilan nilai speakingnya?

(How is it, sir?)

ET : Biasanya sih saya kasih mereka dialog, terus mereka bacain di depan kelas secara

berpasangan gitu, Mbak. Jadi saya nggak mencontohkan dulu.

(I usually give them a dialogue, then they will read it in front of the class in pairs,

Mbak. So, I do not give them examples before.)

W : Oh begitu ya pak. Jadi mereka tinggal bacain dari teks aja ya pak?

(So, they only need to read the text?)

ET : Iya Mbak.

(Yes, Mbak)

W : Kalau untuk media pembelajaran speaking gimana pak?

(How about the media which is used in teaching speaking, sir?)

ET : Media? Paling sering sih pake proyektor, Mbak. Buat saya tunjukin Power Point

materi belajar.

(Mostly, I use the projector to teach the material)

W : Kalau kaya bikin kelompok supaya mereka bisa komunikasi satu sama lain dalam

Bahasa Inggris gitu pernah gak pak?

(Do you ever make groups in which they can communicate each other in English,


ET : Belum sempat sih, Mbak. Soalnya kan waktu nya terbatas, Mbak. Saya masih harus

ngajar materi dan skill lain yang buat ulangan.

(Not yet, Mbak. Because, I only have limited time. I still need to teach the material

and the other skills to the exam.)

W : Mmm... soalnya di UAS nggak ada speakingnya sih ya pak? Hehehe

(mmm.. because the is no speaking on the final exam, right sir? (laughing))

ET : Nah.. betul itu Mbak. hahaha


(Nah.. That is correct, Mbak. (laughing))

W : Hmmm... Oke deh pak, segitu dulu deh wawancaranya. Dilanjut lain waktu lagi,

hehehe. Terimakasih banyak ya pak, saya mohon bantuannya.

(Hmmm... Okay then, I think the interview is enough for now. It will be continued next

time (laughing). Thank you very much. I beg for your help, sir.

INTERVIEW 2: Pre - Interview

Interviewer : Tri Hanifah Agustina

Interviewee : Students of classroom VIII.9

Date : March 14th, 2018

Time : 09:40 – 11:00 (During Pre – Observation)

Place : In the Classroom

W : The Writer

S : The Student

W : Hallo.. kamu namanya siapa?

(Hello.. what is your name?)

S1 : Saya Dhea, Bu eh Kak. Hehe

(My name is Dhea, Bu eh Kak. (laughing))

W : Hehehe.. Kakak boleh tanya tanya ya sedikit?

(Can I ask you few questions?)

S1 : Boleh, Kak. Tapi jangan susah susah ya.

(Sure, Kak. But please don’t give difficult questions.)

W : Nggak kok nggak susah. Hehehe. Kalau menurut Dhea, pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu

gimana sih?

(It is not a difficult question. (laugh) What is your opinion about English lesson?)

S1 : Mmm... sebenernya enak sih, Kak. Tapi susah banget pelajarannya.

(Mmm... It is actually fun to be honest, but it is really difficult.)

W : Susahnya apanya nih?


(What does make it difficult?)

S1 : Susah buat terjemahin kata-katanya, soalnya banyak yang aku nggak ngerti.

(It is difficult to translate the words, because I do not understand.)

W : Terus apalagi yang bikin susah?

(Then, what else?)

S1 : Mmm.. apalagi ya? Oh, sama grammar tuh, Kak. Susah banget.

(Mmm.. what else?Oh, the grammar, Kak. Very difficult.

W : Oh, grammar. Terus apalagi?

(Oh, the grammar. What else?)

S1 : Apalagi ya? Kayaknya udah itu aja hehehe

(what else? I think that is all (laughing))

W : Kalau menurut kamu apalagi yang bikin susah? (bertanya kepada murid yang lain)

(In your opinion, what does make it difficult? (asking another student))

S2 : Itu Kak. Cara ngucapinnya susah kak.

(It is difficult to pronounce, Kak.)

W : Oh ngucapin kata-katanya ya?

(Oh, to pronounce the words?)

S2 : Iya, Kak. Takut salah.

(Yes, Kak. Affraid of mistakes.)

W : Berarti speakingnya ya susah?

(It means the speaking is difficult?)

S1 & S2 : Iya Kak susah.

(Yes, Kak. It is difficult.)

S1 : Malu juga Kak kalau maju kedepan kelas.

(I am also shy to speak up in front of the class.)

W : Emang biasanya belajar speakingnya dikelas gimana?

(How does usually the teaching of speaking in the class?)

S2 : Palingan Cuma ngikutin Pak Dwi ngomong, terus kalo ambil nilai cuma baca dari

tulisan doang.

(It is only repeating after Mr. Dwi, then in assessing, we only need to read a writting.)


W : Kalau medianya biasanya pake apa aja?

(What about the media which is used?)

S1 : Media itu maksudnya gimana Kak?

(What do you mean by media?)

W : Media itu kayak alat-alat yang dipake pas pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris gitu.

(Media is like tools which are used in the teaching-learning process.)

S1 : Oh. Biasanya sih cuma pake proyektor aja Kak. Nanti ditunjukin Power Point aja


(Oh. Usually the teacher only use the projector. Then, the teacher shows the Power


W : Kalau misal belajarnya sambil main game, gimana?

(What if we use game in learning the lesson?)

S1 & S2 : Mau. Pasti seru sambil main.

(I want it. It must be fun to play while learning.)

W : hehehe Oke deh, Besok kita belajar sambil main ya.

((laughing) Okay then, we will learn the lesson by using games for tomorrow.)

S1 & S2 : Asiiiiiik!


INTERVIEW 3: Post - Interview

Interviewer : Tri Hanifah Agustina

Interviewee : The Students of classroom VIII.9

Date : April 11th, 2018

Time : 09:40 – 11:00 (After Post – Test II)

Place : In the Classroom

W : The Writer

S : The Student


W : Adek-adek.. Kita kan udah belajar bareng nih selama beberapa minggu ini, menurut

kalian gimana nih proses belajar Bahasa Inggris bareng Kakak?

(All.. We have learned English together for these few weeks. In your opinion, how was

the process of the teaching?)

All S : Seru, Kak!

(It is fun, Kak!)

W : Coba dong satu-satu jawabnya, kakak jangan dikeroyok. Hehehe

(Please one by one to answer, dont be too noisy. (laugh))

S3 : Seru, Kak. Mau main lagi.

(It is fun, kak. I want to play again.)

S4 : Saya jadi ngerti Bahasa Inggris, Kak. Bisa ceritain pengalaman aku pake Bahasa


(I undestand English now, Kak. I can tell my experience in English now.)

(all the students and the writer laugh)

W : Alhamdulillah ya.. jadi tambah suka Bahasa Inggris dong?

(Alhamdulillah. So now do you like English?)

All S : Suka!

(I do!)

S4 : Ternyata Bahasa Inggris gak susah ya hehehe.

(I just realized that English is not a difficult lesson)

INTERVIEW 4: Post – Interview

Interviewer : Tri Hanifah Agustina

Interviewee : Dwi Widodo, S.Pd. (The English Teacher)

Date : April 11th, 2018

Time : 11:00 – 11:30 (After Post – Test II)

Place : Teacher’s Office

W : The Writer

ET : English Teacher


W : Menurut bapak gimana nih pak perkembangan murid-murid setelah diterapin teknik

Speaking Board Game?

(What do you think about the students’ improvement after the implementationof

Speaking Board Game?)

ET : Makin antusias ya Mbak. Sebelumnya saya nggak pernah liat mereka sesemangat ini

buat maju ke depan kelas, ngomongnya pake Bahasa Inggris pula. Nilainya juga

meningkat, Mbak. Jauh dari yang sebelumnya itu.

(They are getting more enthusiastic, Mbak. I have never saw them as enthusiastic as

now to come in front of the classroom, they also talk in English. The score is also

increased away from the previous one.)

W :Berarti penelitian saya berhasil dong ya pak? Hehehe

(It means my research is successful, right sir? (laugh))

ET : Ya kalau dilihat dari peningkatan score sama antusiasmenya sih insya Allah

meningkat Mbak.

W : Kira-kira bapak akan pake teknik ini juga gak pak untuk pembelajaran yang akan


(are you going to use this technique to your future teaching?)

ET : Tertarik sih mba, soalnya seneng liat antusiasme murid-muridnya. Materinya jadi

lebih gampang diserap juga kan mbak.

(I would love to, mbak. It is satisfied to see the students’ enthusiasm. It is easier for

them to comprehend the material also.)






Monologue Test.

(Student A and student B ask each other alternately)

1. What you did last holiday?

What happened?

Who were involved?

When did it happen?

Where did it took place?

What did the people do?

How was it?






Monologue Test.

(Student A and student B ask each other alternately)

1. What you did in your last birthday?

What happened?

Who were involved?

When did it happen?

Where did it took place?

What did the people do?

How was it?






Monologue Test.

(Each student tell their story in front of the classroom)

1. Choose one of the following stories:

a. My First Time in Junior High School d. The Scariest Dream Ever

b. My Unforgettable Holiday e. The Funniest Moment in My Life

c. My Happiest Birthday

2. Tell me the story of the title you have chosen!







pelaksanaan dan





Sekolah : SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII.9/2

Pertemuan : 1-2

Jenis Teks : Recount Text

Topik : My Unforgettable Holiday

Alokasi Waktu : 4 X 40 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

10.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam

bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative.

C. Indikator

1. Siswa mampu menjelaskan secara lisan ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari sebuah recount text.

2. Siswa mampu menjelaskan fungsi dari sebuah recount text.

3. Siswa mampu menjelaskan struktur general dari sebuah recount text.




4. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi informasi-informasi yang ada dalam sebuah recount text.

5. Siswa mampu melakukan monolog pendek sederhana dalam bentuk recount text.

6. Siswa mampu melafalkan tiap-tiap kata dengan benar.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Di akhir pelajaran, siswa mampu menceritakan sebuah recount text dengan bahasa sendiri

berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi siswa dan disesuaikan dengan ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari teks


E. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Teks monolog berbentuk recount text terkait dengan tema ”My Unforgettable Holiday”

2. Struktur general recount text.

Orientation; berisikan latar belakang peristiwa dan berupa pengenalan tokoh, tempat,

waktu dan sebab terjadinya peristiwa.

Events; berisikan rentetan/urutan kejadian. Dalam bagian ini, penggunaan

conjunction sebagai penghubung kalimat sangat sering dilakukan untuk menunjukan

urutan peristiwa.

Holiday at Anyer Beach

Last year, I took refreshing to the beach for my two weeks of holiday. Me

and my family went to Anyer Beach. We was there from Monday to Wednesday.

When we arrived at the hotel, the view of the sea was amazing. Me and my

elder sister swam at the edge of the beach. Then, me and my family got on a board

to go around the Anyer beach. After that, we ate at restaurant which the menu was

full of sea food.

I really enjoyed my holiday at Anyer Beach. That was my unforgettable



Re-Orientation; pendapat pribadi dari pencerita mengenai kejadia yang telah


3. Tata bahasa:

a) Past Tenses

b) Connective words

c) Adverbs

d) Adjectives

4. Kosa kata terkait tema dan jenis teks.

F. Metode dan Pendekatan Pembelajaran

Metode: PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production)

Teknik: Permainan Papan (Speaking Board Game)

G. Langka-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Pre-Teaching

a) Guru memberi salam kepada siswa

b) Berdoa

c) Guru mengecek presensi siswa

d) Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa

e) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Whilst-Teaching

a) Presentation

Guru memberikan contoh kalimat-kalimat sederhana secara lisan tekait

ciri-ciri kebahasaan recount text dalam bentuk video.


Guru menjelaskan unsur-unsur yang ada dalam sebuah recount text; ciri-

ciri kebahasaan, langkah retorika, tata bahasa, kosakata terkait tema dan

jenis teks, dan contoh-contoh monolog recount text dalam bentuk


Guru memberikan contoh kalimat-kalimat sederhana secara lisan tekait

ciri-ciri kebahasaan recount text dalam bentuk video/recording.

Siswa menirukan secara lisan contoh-contoh kalimat yang telah diberikan

oleh guru.

b) Practice

Siswa membuat contoh-contoh kalimat yang menjadi ciri dari recount text.

Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa secara acak dan meminta siswa untuk

menceritakan pengalaman mereka terkait topik kepada guru.

c) Production

Siswa bermain Speaking Board Game yang disesuaikan dengan topik


Prosedur Speaking Board Game

Guru mempersiapkan perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan

Siswa membuat kelompok yang masing-masing kelompok beranggotakan

4-5 orang.

Tiap-tiap anggota kelompok duduk mengelilingi meja.

Guru membagikan Speaking Board Game pada tiap kelompok dan

meletakkannya diatas meja.

Dalam tiap Speaking Board Game, terdiri dari; sebuah permainan papan,

sebuah dadu, dan sebuah bidak.

Tiap-tiap pemain memilih satu bidak untuk bergerak diatas Board Game.

Anggota kelompok memilih pemain pertama yang mengacak dadu.

Angka yang terlihat pada dadu yang diacak adalah jumlah langkah dari

pemain yang mengacak dadu tadi (dimulai dari kolom “Start”).

Tiap pemain mengacak dadu secara bergantian.


Ketika pemain berhenti pada kolom yang terdapat sebuah kata, pemain

tersebut harus membuat sebuah kalimat berdasarkan kata tersebut secara

verbal. (kalimat yang dibuat harus berhubungan dengan topik


Ketika semua pemain telah sampai pada kolom “Finish”, tiap grup harus

menggabungkan kalimat-kalimat yang telah diucapkan tiap anggota

menjadi sebuah cerita Recount.

Setelah permainan berakhir, tiap grup harus mengirimkan satu orang

anggota kelompoknya untuk menceritakan cerita yang telah mereka buat

didepan kelas.

Seluruh siswa harus menggunakan Bahasa Inggris selama permainan


3. Post-teaching

a) Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran

b) Menanyakan pendapat siswa tentang pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan dan

menanyakan kesulitan apa saja yang dihadapi siswa selama proses pembelajaran


c) Berdoa

d) Mengucapkan salam.

H. Media, Sumber Belajar dan Penilaian

1. Media Belajar

a) Projector/OHP

b) Komputer/Laptop

c) Lembar Permainan Papan (Speaking Board Game)

2. Sumber Belajar: Video Youtube, Buku Panduan Siswa “When English rings a Bell”

3. Penilaian


a. Tehnik : Performance Assessment

b. Speaking Rubric

Tangerang, Maret 2018

Guru Pamong, Praktikan,

Dwi Widodo, S.Pd. Tri Hanifah Agustina

NIP. 19820718201411 1 002 NIM. 1111014000076




Sekolah : SMP Negeri 5 Tangerang Selatan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII.9/2

Pertemuan : 3-5

Jenis Teks : Recount Text

Topik : My Happiest Birthday

Alokasi Waktu : 6 X 40 menit

A. Standar Kompetensi

10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana

berbentuk recount, dan narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

10.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam

bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan

sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative

C. Indikator

1. Siswa mampu menjelaskan secara lisan ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari sebuah recount text.

2. Siswa mampu menjelaskan fungsi dari sebuah recount text.

3. Siswa mampu menjelaskan struktur general dari sebuah recount text.




4. Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi informasi-informasi yang ada dalam sebuah recount text.

5. Siswa mampu melakukan monolog pendek sederhana dalam bentuk recount text.

6. Siswa mampu melafalkan tiap-tiap kata dengan benar.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Di akhir pelajaran, siswa mampu menceritakan sebuah recount text dengan bahasa sendiri

berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi siswa dan disesuaikan dengan ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari teks


E. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Teks monolog berbentuk recount text dengan topic “My Happiest Birthday”.

2. Struktur general recount text.

Orientation; berisikan latar belakang peristiwa dan berupa pengenalan tokoh, tempat,

waktu dan sebab terjadinya peristiwa.

Events; berisikan rentetan/urutan kejadian. Dalam bagian ini, penggunaan

conjunction sebagai penghubung kalimat sangat sering dilakukan untuk menunjukan

urutan peristiwa.

My Birthday

Hello, my name is Lusi. I celebrated my thirteen birthday a month ago. My mom

and grandpa made a special birthday party for me.

There should be a storyteller in my party. Mommy invited him to come to my

party. Unluckily, only an hour before his coming, he got an accident. I was so sad

imagining that my party would not be interesting for my friends. I thought they would

be bored in the party. Then, my grandpa came and started to tell his funny stories.

Everyone laughed. Everyone was happy.

That was really the best birthday party I have ever had, and I was the happiest

person that night.


Re-Orientation; pendapat pribadi dari pencerita mengenai kejadia yang telah


3. Tata bahasa:

e) Past Tenses

f) Connective words

g) Adverbs

h) Adjectives

4. Kosa kata terkait tema dan jenis teks.

F. Metode dan Pendekatan Pembelajaran

Metode: PPP (Presentation, Practice, Production)

Teknik: Permainan Papan Berbicara (Speaking Board Game)

G. Langka-langkah Kegiatan Pembelajaran

1. Pre-Teaching

a) Guru memberi salam kepada siswa dan berdoa

c) Guru mengecek presensi siswa

d) Guru memberikan motivasi kepada siswa dan menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran

2. Whilst-Teaching

a) Presentation

Guru menjelaskan unsur-unsur yang ada dalam sebuah recount text; ciri-

ciri kebahasaan, langkah retorika, tata bahasa, kosakata terkait tema dan

jenis teks, dan contoh-contoh monolog recount text dalam bentuk



Guru memberikan contoh kalimat-kalimat sederhana secara lisan tekait

ciri-ciri kebahasaan recount text dalam bentuk video/recording.

Siswa menirukan secara lisan contoh-contoh kalimat yang telah diberikan

oleh guru.

b) Practice

Guru menunjuk beberapa siswa secara acak dan meminta siswa untuk

mengucapkan satu contoh kalimat yang terkait dengan tata bahasa sebuah

recount text.

Siswa berlatih dengan teman sejawat saling bercerita tentang pengalaman

pribadi mereka terkait dengan topik pembelajaran. Siswa menceritakan

pengalaman mereka terkait topik My Happiest Birthday kepada teman

sejawatnya secara bergantian.

Guru memanggil beberapa siswa untuk menceritakan kembali pengalam

dari teman sejawatnya kepada guru.

c) Production

Siswa bermain Speaking Board Game yang disesuaikan dengan topik

pembelajaran. Adapun prosedur Speaking Board Game adalah sebagai


Prosedur Speaking Board Game

Guru mempersiapkan perlengkapan yang dibutuhkan

Siswa membuat kelompok yang masing-masing kelompok beranggotakan

4-5 orang.

Tiap-tiap anggota kelompok duduk mengelilingi meja.

Guru membagikan Speaking Board Game pada tiap kelompok dan

meletakkannya diatas meja.

Dalam tiap Speaking Board Game, terdiri dari; sebuah permainan papan,

sebuah dadu, dan sebuah bidak.

Tiap-tiap pemain memilih satu bidak untuk bergerak diatas Board Game.

Anggota kelompok memilih pemain pertama yang mengacak dadu.


Angka yang terlihat pada dadu yang diacak adalah jumlah langkah dari

pemain yang mengacak dadu tadi (dimulai dari kolom “Start”).

Tiap pemain mengacak dadu secara bergantian.

Ketika pemain berhenti pada kolom yang terdapat sebuah kata, pemain

tersebut harus membuat sebuah kalimat berdasarkan kata tersebut secara

verbal. (kalimat yang dibuat harus berhubungan dengan topik


Ketika semua pemain telah sampai pada kolom “Finish”, tiap grup harus

menggabungkan kalimat-kalimat yang telah diucapkan tiap anggota

menjadi sebuah cerita Recount.

Setelah permainan berakhir, guru akan memilih satu dari tiap anggota grup

secara acak untuk menceritakan cerita recount di depan kelas.

Seluruh siswa harus menggunakan Bahasa Inggris selama permainan


3. Post-Teaching

a) Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran

b) Menanyakan pendapat siswa tentang pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan dan

menanyakan kesulitan apa saja yang dihadapi siswa selama proses pembelajaran


c) Berdoa

d) Mengucapkan salam.

H. Media, Sumber Belajar dan Penilaian

1. Media Belajar



Lembar Permainan Papan (Speaking Board Game)

2. Sumber Belajar : Video Youtube, buku panduan siswa.


3. Penilaian :

Technique : Performance Assessment

Speaking Rubric.

Tangerang, Maret 2018

Guru Pamong, Praktikan,

Dwi Widodo, S.Pd. Tri Hanifah Agustina

NIP. 19820718201411 1 002 NIM. 1111014000076


Speaking board




1. My Unforgettable Holiday

The number of group member : 4-5 students

Time : 1 x 40 minutes

Material : a game board, a dice, counters.

Prosedur Speaking Board Game

The teacher gets all the material ready.

The students devided into groups of 4-5 people.

Each member sit around the table.

The teacher lays the speaking board game on the table of each group.

Each speaking board game consists of a board game, a dice, and a pawn.

Each player pick one pawn to move on the board game.

The group members choose the first player to roll the dice.

The number shown on the rolling dice would be the number of player’s

steps on the board game. (start from “Start” column).

Each player rolls the dice alternately.

When a player stop on a column filled with word, the player have to make

a sentence based on the word verbally. (the sentence should be related to

the topic of the meeting).

After all players reach the “Finish” column, each group have to combine

all the sentences has been spoken up by each player into one complete

recount story.

When the game ended, each group have to send their representator to tell

the story in frnt of the class.



2. My Happiest Birthday

The number of group member : 4-5 students

Time : 2 x 40 minutes

Material : a game board, a dice, counters.

Prosedur Speaking Board Game

The teacher gets all the material ready.

The students devided into groups of 4-5 people.

Each member sit around the table.

The teacher lays the speaking board game on the table of each group.

Each speaking board game consists of a board game, a dice, and a pawn.

Each player pick one pawn to move on the board game.

The group members choose the first player to roll the dice.

The number shown on the rolling dice would be the number of player’s

steps on the board game. (start from “Start” column).

Each player rolls the dice alternately.

When a player stop on a column filled with word, the player have to make

a sentence based on the word verbally. (the sentence should be related to

the topic of the meeting).

After all players reach the “Finish” column, each group have to combine

all the sentences has been spoken up by each player into one complete

recount story.

When the game ended, each group have to send their representator to tell

the story in frnt of the class. (this time, the writer will choose the

representator randomly).





StudentS’ Score



No. Name Criterion Total



Score V G P F C

1. Student 1 3 2 2 2 3 12 48

2. Student 2 2 1 1 1 2 7 28

3. Student 3 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

4. Student 4 1 2 1 2 2 8 32

5. Student 5 2 2 2 2 2 10 40

6. Student 6 2 3 3 2 3 13 52

7. Student 7 2 1 1 1 2 7 28

8. Student 8 2 1 2 2 1 8 32

9. Student 9 1 2 2 1 2 8 32

10. Student 10 2 2 2 1 1 8 32

11. Student 11 1 1 1 1 2 6 24

12. Student 12 3 2 1 1 2 9 36

13. Student 13 2 1 2 2 2 9 36

14. Student 14 2 1 1 1 2 7 28

15. Student 15 3 2 3 2 3 13 52

16. Student 16 2 2 2 2 2 10 40

17. Student 17 2 2 2 2 2 10 40

18. Student 18 3 2 3 2 3 13 52

19. Student 19 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

20. Student 20 3 3 3 3 4 16 64

21. Student 21 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

22. Student 22 3 2 2 2 2 11 44

23. Student 23 3 2 3 3 3 14 56

24. Student 24 2 2 2 2 2 10 40

25. Student 25 2 3 3 2 3 13 52

26. Student 26 3 2 2 2 2 12 48

27. Student 27 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

28. Student 28 4 3 4 4 4 19* 76*

29. Student 29 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

Total 73 64 62 63 74 332 1300

Mean 2,51 2,20 2,13 2,17 2,55 11,4 44,8

(* = students who pass the KKM score / >75)

V = Vocabulary P = Pronunciation C = Comprehension

G = Grammar F = Fluency



No. Name Criterion Total



Score V G P F C

1. Student 1 4 3 4 4 4 19* 76*

2. Student 2 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

3. Student 3 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

4. Student 4 4 4 4 3 4 19* 76*

5. Student 5 3 2 3 3 3 14 56

6. Student 6 4 3 4 4 4 19* 76*

7. Student 7 4 3 3 3 4 17 68

8. Student 8 4 3 3 3 4 17 68

9. Student 9 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

10. Student 10 4 3 2 3 3 15 60

11. Student 11 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

12. Student 12 4 3 3 3 4 17 68

13. Student 13 3 3 3 3 4 16 64

14. Student 14 4 3 4 4 4 19* 76*

15. Student 15 4 3 3 3 4 17 68

16. Student 16 4 4 4 3 4 19* 76*

17. Student 17 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

18. Student 18 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

19. Student 19 4 3 4 3 4 18 72

20. Student 20 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

21. Student 21 5 4 4 4 4 21* 84*

22. Student 22 3 3 3 3 3 15 60

23. Student 23 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

24. Student 24 3 3 4 3 4 17 68

25. Student 25 4 3 3 3 4 17 68

26. Student 26 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

27. Student 27 4 3 4 4 4 19* 76*

28. Student 28 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

29. Student 29 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

Total 111 98 99 101 119 517 2080

Mean 3,82 3,37 3,41 3,48 4,10 17,82 71,72

(* = students who pass the KKM score / >75)

V = Vocabulary P = Pronunciation C = Comprehension

G = Grammar F = Fluency



No. Name Criterion Total



Score V G P F C

1. Student 1 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

2. Student 2 3 4 4 4 5 20* 80*

3. Student 3 4 4 4 4 5 21* 84*

4. Student 4 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

5. Student 5 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

6. Student 6 4 3 4 4 5 20* 80*

7. Student 7 4 3 3 4 4 18 72

8. Student 8 4 4 3 3 4 18 72

9. Student 9 5 4 4 4 4 21* 84*

10. Student 10 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

11. Student 11 4 3 3 4 3 17 68

12. Student 12 4 4 3 4 4 19* 76*

13. Student 13 4 4 3 4 3 18 72

14. Student 14 4 3 4 4 4 19* 76*

15. Student 15 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

16. Student 16 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

17. Student 17 3 3 3 4 4 17 68

18. Student 18 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

19. Student 19 4 3 4 4 4 19* 76*

20. Student 20 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

21. Student 21 5 4 4 4 5 22* 88*

22. Student 22 4 3 3 4 4 18 72

23. Student 23 4 4 5 4 4 21* 84*

24. Student 24 4 3 4 3 4 18 72

25. Student 25 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

26. Student 26 4 4 4 4 3 19* 76*

27. Student 27 5 4 4 4 4 21* 84*

28. Student 28 4 4 4 4 5 21* 84*

29. Student 29 4 4 4 4 4 20* 80*

Total 117 108 109 114 114 566 2264

Mean 4,03 3,72 3,75 3,93 3,93 19,51 78,06

(* = students who pass the KKM score / >75)

V = Vocabulary P = Pronunciation C = Comprehension

G = Grammar F = Fluency