ISLAM AND THE SO-CALLED WAR ON GLOBAL TERRORISM By Sheikh Abdallah A. Kheri Kenyatta University Imam & Lecturer Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Conference on Islam, Terrorism and African Development University of Ibadan Nigeria

Islam and the so called Global Terrorism

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By Sheikh Abdallah A. Kheri

Kenyatta University Imam &Lecturer

Department of Philosophy andReligious Studies

Conference on Islam,Terrorism and African

Development University of Ibadan


8th - 10th February 2006.

Major sub-topics: -


Definitions of the Key words:



The Difference Between Resistance and


The Concept of Terrorism in the Qur’an

Misconceptions about Islam and Terrorism

Kenyan Experience on war against Terrorism

Weapons of Mass Destruction: Islamic View


Islam and the Martyrdom Operation (the so-

called Suicide Bombers)

Who are Terrorists?


The Way Forward



Objectives of the study:-

At the end of this presentation you should be

able to:-

a)Define Terrorism and who a Terrorist is.

b)Differentiate between resistance and


c)Appreciate the concept of Terrorism in

the Qur’an.

d)Explain the misconception about Islam

and Terrorism.

e)Identify the Islamic perspective of

weapons of Mass Destruction and the

Martyrdom Operations (the so-called

Suicide bombers).

م ب��سم ال�له ال�رح�من� ال�رح�ي�ISLAM AND THE SO-CALLED GLOBAL TERRORISM

0.1 Introduction


All praises are due to Allah, we praise Him, and we seek His help, and we seek His forgiveness. Weseek refuge with Allah from the evils of our souls, and the wrongdoings of our actions. Whoever Allah guides, there is no one to lead himastray, and whomever He leads astray, there is noone to guide him. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, who alone has no partner, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

I am greatly honoured and highly privileged to beinvited as one of the guest speakers to address this noble gathering of elites on one of the wideand controversial topic today “Global Terrorism”.Much has been said all over the world especially,after September 11th 2001 on how to punish the so-called terrorists. But there has been very little effort to define what terrorism is, and what its causes are. As a result the term terrorism has created a lot of controversies and misconceptions. It is not enough therefore to discuss how to punish criminals without also addressing the major causes of crime. Among the main causes of the so-called terrorism against the West are, the U.S.A. support of Israel against the Palestinian people, and the American occupation of some Muslim countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar etc. The U.S.A. is not only using its policy to fight against Palestinians, but is alsousing American troops, weapons and billions of dollars to strengthen Israel’s military


capability to occupy and suppress, not only the Muslims in Palestine, but the whole of Middle East.

As we all know, Islam and Muslims all over the world are in more danger today than ever before. The enemies of Islam have been working through their mass media to sabotage Islam, and create enmity and hatred towards the Muslim Ummah.

This paper therefore is an attempt to examine andcorrect the misconceptions about Islam and the so-called global terrorism. The paper also intends to expose the blame that has not been placed where it really belongs.

2.0 Definition of the Key words

It is necessary to first deal with the key words before embarking on the main topic.

2.1 Islam:

The word Islam is an Arabic word derived from theword ‘silm’, meaning peace or reconciliation. Islam therefore means peace and not violence. On the

other hand, “ال�سلام” As-Salaam is one of the names ofthe Almighty Allah, which means Allah (SW) Himself is “Peace” and the source of peace. The

Islamic greeting is also peace “ ال�له �كم ورح�مه ال�سلام ع�لي�ه � meaning “May the Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be ”وب��رك�ات%


with you”. Even Paradise, which will be the last destination for all true Muslims, is referred to

in the Qur’an as “دار ال�ّسلام” meaning the “House of Peace”. Islam is therefore a religion that calls for peace, justice, mercy and universal brotherhood. Moreover, Islam encourages peace with Allah and his prophet, peace with Muslims and non-Muslims, peace with human beings and evenanimals etc.1

Islam also means submission to Allah (SW). It is a universal religion, which brings peace to mankind when man commits himself to God and submits himself to His will.

Say: "Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds. He has no partner and on this I am commanded, and I am the first of those who bow to His Will.”2

Various areas of human interaction are dealt within Islam, including personal, social, economic contracts, political leadership which should govern all humankind. Therefore, Islam is a complete way of life whose purpose is to promote the well being of the peoples of the world. Islamis the only true religion propagated by all

1 Swaleh, 2002.P.32

2 Qur’an 6: 162 – 163.


Prophets, from Adam (AS) to the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW). All Prophets of God, who guided humanity to the right path, preached the same basic message. The uniqueness of this religion starts from its name. Every religion of the world has been named either after the name of its founder or after thecommunity and nation in which that religion took its birth. For instance, Christianity takes its title from the name of Prophet Jesus Christ, Buddhism from it founder Gautama Buddha, Zoroastrianism from its founder Zoroaster and Judaism from the name of the tribe Judah wherein it took its birth. The word Islam does not conveysuch a relationship, because it does not belong to a particular person, people, or country. Islamas a matter of fact, is an attributive title. Whosoever possesses this attribute, regardless ofhis/her race, community, country, or clan, is a Muslim.1

This is the meaning of Islam, and those who subscribe to the principles of good living as prescribed by Islam are called Muslims and those who do not, quite simply, are non-Muslims

2.2 Terrorism:

Although there are more than 109 definitions of this term, it has been said that “it is very easy to describe the term terrorism, but very difficult to define it.”

1 Madudi, 1997.P. (which book and page number)


In this presentation we shall only quote two maindefinitions. The first definition is from the 16th

Islamic Fiqh Council, and the second from the academic American Encyclopaedia. According to the16th Islamic Fiqh Council held on 5th –10th January 2002 in Saudi Arabia, Terrorism is defined as follows:

“Terrorism is a horrible attack carried out either by individuals, groupsor states against the human being (his religion, life, intellect, property and honour).It includes all forms of intimidation, harm, threatening, killing without just cause and everything connected with any form of armed robbery, hence making path ways insecure, banditry, every act of violence or threat intended to fulfil a criminal scheme individually orcollectively, so as to terrify and horrify people by hurting them or by exposing their lives, liberty, security or conditions to danger.”1

The council cited the following verses to supportthis definition:

“But seek, with that (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on you, the home of the Hereafter, and forget not your portion of lawful enjoyment in this world and do good as Allah has been good to you, and seek not mischief in the land. Verily, Allah likes not the Mufsiduun (those who commit great crimes and sins, oppressors, tyrants etc).”2

1 MWL Journal, Vol. 30. 2002. P.9

2 Qur’an 28: 77


“Say the things that my Lord has indeed forbidden are Al-Fawahish (great evil sins) whether committed openly or secretly, sins, unrighteous oppression, joining partners (in worship) with Allah for which He has given no authority, and saying things about Allah of which you have no knowledge.”1

According to the Academic American Encyclopaedia:

“Terrorism is the calculated use of violent acts or the threat of violent acts including murder, kidnapping and bombing to frighten people into submission, usually for the purpose of achieving political objectives. When used by a government, or conquering forces, terrorism is a means of stifling dissent, liquidating resistance, promoting obedience and ensuring the survival and authority of those in power.”2

From the above two definitions, we derive the following important points:

1.That terrorism was first initiated by those dictatorial governments even before individuals or the so-called terrorist organizations.

2.That there are so many countries in the world present and past, which used terrorismto intimidate their political opponents.

1 Qur’an 7: 332 Al-Salumi, 1423 AH. P. 110, Quoted from: Academic AmericanEncyclopedia 1981 – Princeton, New Jersey


3.According to the Islamic Fiqh Council definition, those people who are fighting for there independence or against occupationare not at all considered among terrorists because they are fighting for a just cause.

As far as the above analysis is concerned, terrorism is a form of warfare committed either by governments, opponents of governments or radical movements. It is not necessarily the purpose of the so-called terrorists to destroy society. Most of the so-called terrorist organizations seem to want their rights which aredenied in the existing political order. Thus, theultimate purpose is not to destroy ‘civilization’or democratic values but to participate as legitimate participants in the international system.1

3.0 The Difference between Resistance and Terrorism

After September 11, almost all Islamic revivalistand resistance movements have been labelled terrorists, whether they are of extremist or moderate groups. The term terrorism has become acatcall term representing all those Muslims one does not like. Muslims who strive to follow theirreligion and fight against oppression and social injustice quite often are given names that would evoke hatred against them. These names include: Muslim militants, Muslim fundamentalists, Muslim 1 Mazrui, A. 1990 p. 228


fanatics, Muslim radicals, Muslim terrorists, Islamists etc.

Today, in matters of terrorism and counter-terrorism it is very difficult to be objective. One person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter. A president or prime minister may be a terrorist in his actions as much as any guerrilla or hijacker. For example, Israel Prime ministers: Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Rabin were once revolutionary guerrilla terrorists against British rule in Palestine before they became ‘state terrorists’ in control of the Israel armedforces.

However, resistance is not terrorism. Thus, much violence today in Muslim countries and Middle East cannot be considered as terrorism. It is rather revolutionary resistance and conflict whose main cause is, the Israel occupation of Palestine and the lack of any other means other than resistance for the Palestinians and Muslims to present their case and draw the attention of the world. The major Western countries and their citizens who seem to be the frequent targets of the Middle East revolutionary resistance are USA and UK. The reason is that Muslims believe that these two Western countries contribute a lot to the existence of Israel in the Middle East. And that the anti-Western slogan can lead to the Westand especially America putting pressure on Israelto grant Palestinians their freedom.


There is, however, an important difference between terrorism and resistance. For example, a woman who faces an attack by a rapist tries to defend herself and resist with all possible means, if however she kills the rapist, she simply acts in self-defence and she is not to be blamed for killing him. And if he kills her, she is a martyr. Similarly, the war carried out by Hamas and other Islamic resistance movements in Palestine, Iraq, Kashmir, Chechnya and else wherein the world is a war of self-defence. It will bereally unfair to list these Islamic movements under terrorist movements. These resistance and revivalism in the history of Islam are continuingprocess of de-colonization and persistent reaction against foreign domination and intervention be it political, military, economic or cultural.

Any possible means used to resist harassment by an enemy against oneself, property, dignity and country is blessed and encouraged in Islam. The Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said:

د هي� هو ش�6 ه ف�: "م�ن� م�ات� دون� ع�رض: "“One who dies in defence of his/her dignity is a martyr”. (Reference)

4.0 The Concept of Terrorism in the Qur’an

Fingers of accusation are pointed to the Qur’an that it promotes and propagates terrorism. Some have reached an extent of quoting and misinterpreting its verses to prove their claims.


There is no meeting point between Qur’an and terrorism. Terrorism involves the indiscriminateuse of force to achieve certain objectives. In the Qur’an, the use of force is allowed only in special situations, particularly when the Muslim community is threatened by hostile forces. Then again, the use of force in a campaign of Jihaad is determined by the leader of the Muslim community in a very orderly way. Such force against imperialism is never considered terrorism.

In the Qur’an, which is the main source of Islam,Allah (SW) in several occasions has condemned global terrorism and referred to it, as:

“ رض: Eي� الا ساد ف: :Al-Fasadu fil Ardhi. Allah says ”ال�ف:

“And when he turns away (from you O Muhammad), his effort in the land is to make mischief therein and to destroy the crops and the cattle, and Allah likes not mischief.”1

1 Qur’an 2: 205


“Because of that we ordained for the Children of Israel that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or to spread mischief in the land – it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.”1

“Every time they kindled the fire of war, Allah extinguished it and they (ever) strive to make mischief on the earth. And Allah does not like the Mufsiduun (mischief-makers).”2

“And those who disbelieve are allies of one another, and if you (Muslims of the whole world collectively) do not do so (under one Khalifa) there will be fitnah (wars, battles) and oppression on the earth, and a great mischief and corruption.”3

1 Qur’an 5: 322 Qur’an 5: 643 Qur’an 8: 73


“And seek not (occasions for) terrorism in the land: for Allah loves notthose who do mischief.”1

In the above verses, Allah (SW) strongly condemnsall acts of terrorism. Consequently, He has proscribed severe punishments to any one involvedin such an act. Allah says:

“The reward of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief (terrorism) in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off from opposite sides, or be exiled from the land that is their disgrace in this world, and a great punishment is theirs in the hereafter.”2

5.0 Misconceptions about Islam and Terrorism

Many Western countries in particular and non-Muslims in general, have a lot of misconceptions on Islam. Most of them believe that Muslims are involved in violence and terrorism. However, there are three major factors which contribute tosuch misconceptions:

1.The natural difference in understanding between cultures and beliefs of others. It is something usual for human beings to grow up regarding their own society and its beliefs and culture as

1 Qur’an 28: 77 2 Qur’an 5: 33


normal and reasonable. But the beliefs and culture of others seem strange, abnormal andunreasonable. For example to a non-Muslim, the wearing of Hijaab by women seems strange and burdensome. Whereas Muslims who are usedto seeing women in Hijaab feel shocked to seenon-Muslims going around half naked exposingtheir bodies in a way they find immodest. Itis therefore very necessary to be objective in dealing with people’s beliefs and culture.

2.Through the words or behaviour of some Muslims. Thereare Muslims who have themselves misunderstood or disobeyed the teachings of Islam, such Muslims can cause misconceptions. Some of them have confused Islam with their culture and beliefs. While others have themselves misunderstood and misapplied the Islamic teachings. It is therefore necessary to distinguish between the true teachings of Islam and the behaviour of some Muslims.

3.Deliberate distortion, misrepresentation, misinterpretation and invention of falsehood about Islam. This is being done by those people who oppose Muslims for religious, ideological or political reasons.

Distortion of the truth about Islam began during the life time of the Prophet. Then during the European Middle Ages, and when Islam spread and the Islamic world expanded from the 7th Century onwards across North Africa, Asia, and Europe


through Spain and Turkey, the enemies of Islam mobilized armies to go to Palestine on Crusades to fight Islam and the Muslims. In order to arouse the people’s hatred and fear of Islam and Muslims, they invented false stories such as, Muslims are pagans (idol worshippers) and that Allah (SW) is one of their idols. They made Prophet Muhammad (SAW) a devil with which to frighten children.

Later during the European scramble for colonial power in Asia and Africa, most of the Muslim countries fell under direct or indirect European rule. It then became the policy of the colonial governments, supported by the churches, to portray Muslims as barbarians, and tried to destroy Islamic institutions and practices. In addition, the influence of the Jewish Zionists inthe prejudiced Western Mass media plays a big role on misinformation about Islam. The Zionists regard the Muslims as enemies and use every meansin their control to convince the West that Muslims are barbarians, terrorists, violent and backward people. Thus, Islam is being portrayed as the major cause of global terrorism. The following are some of the misconceptions about Islam and the so-called terrorism. 5.1 Irhab

Many people, both Muslims and non-Muslims alike,

misconceive the Arabic term " ره�ات� Lالا"“Irhab” in the


Qur’an to mean the so-called terrorism. Allah says:

“And, prepare against them with all you have of power, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles, artillery) to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others besides whom, you may not know but whom Allah does know. And whatever you shall spend in the Cause of Allah shall be repaid unto you, and you shall not be treated unjustly.”1

According to Sheikh M.A. Swaabun, preparation against an enemy includes all types of strength i.e., materially, spiritually, psychologically aswell as physically. To threaten and resist against an enemy and the enemy of Allah (SW) mentioned in the above verse, is not considered terrorism in Islam. It is rather safeguarding andprotecting of religion, the Ummah and its dignity etc. It is therefore not appropriate to refer to the resistance of Muslims in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and Kashmir, as global terrorism.2 Allah says:

1 Qur’an 8: 602 Swaabun, vol. 1.p. 481


“Allah does not like the evil to be uttered in public except by him who has been wronged. And Allah is ever All-Hearer, All-Knower.”3

Immediately after September 11, Islam has been associated with terrorism. The basis for this kind of judgment is not fair, because a religion is not to be judged on the bases of actions of a few followers who may disobey or by its enemy whomay be ignorant of its teachings. It should be judged by the actual teachings of its scripture. The same principle should be applied in evaluating any other religion for that matter. Otherwise, Christians for example, fought each other in the First World War where 18 million people were killed. And in the Second World War, about 32 million were killed. They also carried out the nuclear (atomic not nuclear) bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in 1945 killing thousands of innocent civilians and affecting 200,000 others without forgetting that they were the descendants of the same people who for centuries organized the Crusades, the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade from Africa to America, the colonization and exploitation of Africa and Asiancountries etc.

In our own time we have witnessed bombings and killings between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, why are they not labelled Christian fundamentalists? Why the Mafia criminal organizations of Italy and America, are not identified as Christian terrorists? The Colombia drug wars, the murder and rape of the Bosnian

3 Qur’an 4: 148


Muslims and currently Iraq Muslims, the killings of Muslims in Palestine are all crimes committed by Christians. Would we be right to conclude thatthese violences by some Christians are reflectionof some of the teachings of Christianity? The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) of Uganda is anothergood example. Although the LRA is fighting Museveni’s government to rule Uganda according tothe Ten Commandments in the Bible, there has never been an incident in the Media where it was referred to as Christian terrorist Organisation. Like any other religion or way of life therefore,Islam is not to be judged by what America or any other country claims, when it is clear that they themselves are doing injustice even to their own people.

5.2 Jihaad

Another misconception is on the term Jihaad. This term has totally been misunderstood, abused, confused and deliberately distorted, especially so in the West. Many people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike translate the word Jihaad as Holy war. Both Allah (SW) and his Messenger (SAW) never referred to the word Jihaad as “Holy war”. The meaning of Jihaad in Arabic is to “strive” or to “straggle”. Jihaad in Islam basically refers to the constant effort an individual must make towards self-improvement and self-purification. It also refers to the duty of Muslims both at theindividual and collective level to struggle against all forms of evil, corruption, injustice,tyranny and oppression whether this injustice is


committed against Muslims or non-Muslims. In thiscontext it may include peaceful struggle or if necessary armed struggle.

After September 11, it has become a taboo for many Muslims world over to mention the word, let alone to call people for Jihaad. Some Sheikhs wouldbe very good at quoting “ام كم ال�صي� fasting is prescribed) ” ك�ت�ب� ع�لي�upon you. 2: 183).

But very scared of quoting "ال �ي �كم ال�ف Fighting is) "ك�ت�ب� ع�لي�prescribed upon you. 2: 246 – it is 216 not 246).

Although Islam is a religion of peace, it does not allow oppression, colonization, discrimination and terrorism to be applied to anyhuman being regardless of his religion, tribe or nationality. Thus, Jihaad was prescribed to Muslimsto engage in war against all forms of terrorism and to defend the homeland against occupation andcolonization. This is what the Muslims are fighting for in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Kashmir and else where.

In order to eradicate oppression, slavery, corruption, injustice, colonization and terrorismon earth, both the Qur’an and the Bible allows people to fight. In the Holy Qur’an Allah says:


“And fight in the way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not limits. Truly, Allah likes not the transgressors.”1

This is the first verse to be revealed on the concept of Jihaad in Islam, followed by:

“…And fight against the Mushrikun (the enemies, pagans & idol-worshipers) collectively as they fight against you collectively. But know that Allah is with those who are Al-Muttaquun (the pious ones).”2

On the same, Allah says,

“And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-fitnah is worse than killing. And fight not with them at Al-Masjid Al-Haraam unless they fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers. But if they cease (stop killing you) then Allah is oft-Forgiving, most Merciful. And fight them until there is no more fitnah (disbelief) and worship is for Allah. But if they cease, let be no transgression except against the wrong-doers”3

1 Qur’an 2: 1902 Qur’an 9: 363 Qur’an 2: 191-193


If engaging in fighting or resisting evil by force is considered terrorism, during the Second World War, allied forces used the same to fight Hitler’s evils. Is that too terrorism? Even in the Bible people like Abraham, Moses, Joshua and David engaged in fighting battles and wars. For example, Moses allowed his people to fight. The Bible says: “And Moses said to the people, arm men from among you for the war, that they may go against Median, to execute the Lord’s Vengeance on Median. You shall send a thousand from each of the tribes of Israel to the war.”1

Another verse says:

“When the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine…”2

See also Abraham in (Hebrews 7: 1-3), Joshua in (Joshua 11:6-12) and even Jesus in (John 2:13-15) resisted evil by force.

But the vital questions in Islam are: when do we fight? Whom are we not allowed to fight? Whom dowe fight? To answer these questions let us go back to the teachings of Allah (SW) and his Messenger (SAW).

5.3 When do we fight?

Many people assume that Islam encourages its followers to kill any one who is not among them.

1 Bible (Numbers 31: 3)2 Bible (1 Samuel 17: 48 - 51)


The most important thing we need to understand isthat, although fighting is halaal in Islam, it must be for a just cause. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:

“To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight), because they are wronged; and verily, Allah is Most Powerful for their aid;( (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right, (for no cause) except that they say, "Our Lord is Allah."Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another there would surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause); for verily Allah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His Will). ”1

Based on the above verse, Muslims are allowed to fight when they are oppressed, victimized, persecuted and colonized.

5.4 Whom are we not allowed to fight?

Allah says,

1 Qur’an 22: 39


“Allah does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those whofought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of yourhomes. Verily, Allah loves those who deal with equity.”1

“But if they incline to peace, you also incline to it, and (put your) trust inAllah. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-knower.”2

5.5 Whom do we fight?

Allah says:

“It is only as regards to those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allah forbids you to befriend them. And whosever will befriend them, then such are the dhaalimuun (oppressors).”3

6.0 Kenyan Experience on war against


1 Qur’an 60 : 82 Qur’an 8: 613 Qur’an 60: 9


6.1 Islam and Muslims in Kenya before and After BombBlast

Islam has been associated with Kenya formore than a millennium. There has never beena dispute on its long existence. Accordingto a prominent Kenyan Muslim historian Prof.Ahmad Idha Salim of University of Nairobi,Islam arrived along the Kenyan Coast asearly as the days of the second Caliph ‘Umaribn al-Khattaab in 7th century C.E. Anotherevidence of long existence of Islam in Kenyais archaeological evidence of Muslim townsalong the Kenyan Coast established by Arabs,and Shirazi on the island of Lamu, Manda,Pate and Mombasa during the 10th Century C.E.These long contacts with the outside worldled to the rise of many Muslim city stateson the Coast, whose inhabitants wereethnically mixed from the outset Arab,African, Shirazi (Persian), Somali etc.These communities became known as Waswahili(Coastal people). The most recent historicalevidence about Islam’s long existence inKenya came from the Oxford archaeologist Dr.Mark Horton’s findings at Shanga on PateIsland near Lamu which confirms the 8th

Century to be the period when Islam began tomake its appearance on the Kenyan Coast.Based on the above researches, there are allindications that Muslims were the firstpeople to get settled there. However, itwould be preposterous to assume these peoplewere Kenyans, because by then the colonialboundaries had not been drawn. It is


therefore clear that Muslims in Kenya wereamong the first followers of organizedreligions in this country. The Muslimcommunity in Kenya has impacted Kenyansociety at the linguistic, political,economic and social level long before thedawn of European colonization. Today Muslimsrepresent about 35% of the population ofKenya.1

This long existence of Islam and Muslims inKenya can be divided into four majorperiods:

The colonial period (1895-1963) The post-colonial period (Kenyatta era

1963-1978) The post–colonial period (Moi era 1978-

2002) The era of Kibaki regime (2003-2007)

Through these four major periods, Kenya hassuffered three terrorist attacks in whichmany lives were lost. The first attack wasagainst the Norfolk Hotel in Nairobi 1980.The second attack was against the US Embassyin Nairobi on 7th August 1998, and the thirdattack was on 22nd November 2002 againstParadise Hotel in Mombasa and an IsraeliAirplane taking off from Moi internationalAirport Mombasa on the same day.2

1 Bakari, M. and Saad S. Yahya (1995) Islam in Kenya. MEWA publications.p. ix -xi 2 A paper presented by The Kenya Church Task Force on “Kadhti’sCourts and Islamic Agenda” on 24th March 2004


Between the three attacks, it was the secondand the third attacks that really changedthe history of Islam and Muslims in Kenya.In this paper, we shall only focus on thebefore and aftermath of 7th August 1998 and22nd November 2002 attacks in Kenya.

6.2 Colonial Period

The image created by the Christian colonialadministration and their missionarycounterpart was that Islam was really anArab affair and at best confinedtraditionally to the Coast only. The Britishcolonial systems in Kenya succeeded on itspolicy of divide and rule. While thecolonial administrators were carrying on thebusiness of government, the missionarieswere given free control in the educationalfield. Within the context of the colonialstate, Muslims were gradually pushed to theside-line and eventually marginalized. Itwas during this time when a number ofMuslims were involved in the struggle forindependence. The Kenya African Union(K.A.U.) the earliest African attempt atmass mobilization had in its ranks Muslimsympathizers and members. The most notableamong these was Abdalla Tairara whosupported the party both financially andmorally. Other African political partiesformed to advocate for independence wereKenya African National Union (K.A.N.U.) andKenya African Democratic Union (K.A.D.U.).


One of the most active members of (K.A.N.U.)in 1950s was a prominent Muslim Qur’anicteacher Maalim Juma bin Muhamad (1904-1974).Maalim Juma was a student of the KenyaMuslim reformer of the 1920s/1930s, SheikhAl-Amin bin Ali Mazrui a father to theprominent international scholar Prof. Ali A.Mazrui.1 Although Muslims were in thefrontline in fighting colonization, therewas a deliberate attempt to down play therole of certain Muslim personalities in thenation’s political history. Thus, allwritings on Muslims participation in thestruggle for independence have been treatedas second class citizens, or a historicalfragment, frozen in time or as a passingphenomenon of no future importance.2

6.3 Jomo Kenyatta Era

Despite the fact that Kenyatta was aChristian, had a vision of a united Kenya.With his policy of “Let us forgive, but not forget”,people assumed that Kenyatta will leadKenyans to a more humane, democratic,equality of opportunity and freedom ofworship. Muslim institutions weresafeguarded and assured. Kenyatta nominated

1 Currently the Director Institute of Global Cultural Studies andVice Chancellor Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture andTechnology.2 Bakari, M. and Saad S. Yahya (1995) Islam in Kenya. MEWA publications.p.236-237


Muslim Members of Parliament and gave thempositions as assistant ministers. Theseincluded Sheikh Salim Balala, who was madeassistant minister for finance, Mr.Jahmohamed, assistant minister for Tourismand Kassim Bakari Mwamzandi assistantminister for foreign affairs. Theseappointments gave a great confidence to theMuslim community in Kenya. The Muslimpoliticians held those portfolios for agreater part of Kenyatta’s fifteen yearsautocratic rule. Muslims never realized thatthese positions were given as a deceptionfor them to sacrifice more than what theywere offered.

Before Kenyatta invented his famousstereotype describing (Coastal people[Muslims] as lazy and allergic to work),social, political and economic equality wasa dream for many Muslims in Kenya. The majoraim of Kenyatta’s stereotype was to preparethe country psychologically to accept theresettlement of his largely landless Kikuyutribesmen in the midst of the mostpredominate Muslim districts of Lamu, TanaRiver and Kwale. Kenyatta used foreign aidgiven to Kenya to provide buildingmaterials, food, heavy agriculturalequipment and land for agriculturalpurposes. Even after Kenyatta’s death thesettlers are not abandoned. Now, bothNational Christian Council of Kenya(N.C.C.K.) and the Germany missionary


organization (G.T.Z.) are still active inproviding financial and moral support totheir Christians in the midst of helplessMuslims full of poverty in the Lamudistrict. It has been estimated that abouttwo million Kenyan Shillings is repatriatedannually to the Central Province where thesettlers originally came from.1

Muslims thereafter, had to organizethemselves for purposes of self-improvement.Thus, in early 1970s, the oil-rich Muslimcountries were ready to fund and promoteMuslim activities in the country. Muslimorganizations and activists used thisopportunity to lobby these states to supportthem. Many Muslim NGOs both local andforeign were established. The salary ofMadrasa teachers, preachers and Imams waspaid by these NGOs. Many constructions ofMadrasas, Mosques and other Islamicinstitution took place during this period.The government of the time never interferedwith any of the above Muslim self-improvement programmes.

6.4 Arap Moi Era

Despite the fact that Daniel Arap Moi wasfrom a minority Tugen tribe, he was thelongest serving member of the NationalAssembly who had gone there since 1955. As aVice President, he maintained a low profile

1 Ibid, p.239. Currently US $ 1 is equivalent to Ksh 72.00.


and established national contacts throughout the country. The abortive attempted coupof 1982 to overthrow him by a section of theKenya Air Force helped him to maintain agrip on the country and thus consolidate hisposition. One of the most important peoplewho played a key role on aborting the 1982coup was a Muslim, called General MahmoudMuhammad. General Muhammad’s single act ofcourage and loyalty brought Muslims closerto the government as ever. Immediately afterthis event and for the first time in Kenya’stwo decades of independence a Muslim wasappointed to a cabinet post. The new MuslimMinister was Mr. Hussein Maalim Mohammad,the General’s younger brother.

Although the constitution granted equalrights to Muslims as other Kenyans, therehad been acts of discrimination andmarginalization of Muslims in the country.These discriminations included, denyingMuslim student admission into governmentschools on account of their names. There hasalso been a tug of war and harassment beforeidentity cards or passports are issued toMuslims of all ethnic backgrounds. Theresult has been that Muslim politicians havehad to spend almost all parliamentary livesgetting these documents for theirconstituents instead of concentrating ondeveloping their areas. Muslims have learnedto live with discrimination in institutionsof learning, employment and even at social


level. And now as if to cap that all is thewar on terror. A dangerous perception is increasing allover that a Muslim is either a terrorist ora potential terrorist. 1

6.5 The Anti-Terror War and its impact on Muslims

On Friday 7th August 1998 a vehicle thatapparently contained a bomb exploded at theU.S. Embassy in Nairobi. This incidentchanged the history of the world in generaland of Kenya in particular. Many people werekilled and others injured. The U.S. responseto this attack was in two levels; militarilyand economically. Kenya got affectedeconomically, especially when PresidentClinton signed Executive order 13099 onAugust 20, 1998 that prohibited transactionwith terrorists. Following that order, manyMuslim NGOs and relief organizations inKenya such as Al-Harameyn, Al-Ibrahim Al-Ibrahim,Wakalatu Rahma, Munadhamatid Da’wah, HaiatulIghatha etc were closed down by the Kenyangovernment. The close down of the named NGOsled to the decline of development of IslamicDa’wah in Kenya. These Muslim NGOs had playeda major role in improving the Da’wah andsocial/ community based activities in Kenya.These activities included construction ofMosques, Islamic schools, clinics and health

1 Ibid, p.244


centres and digging of bow holes amongothers. They also provided salaries forImams, Madrasa teachers, preachers and evenmedical doctors. These Muslim NGOs had alsogiven job opportunities to many Kenyans whowere jobless both Muslims and non-Muslims.They supported Muslim students by payingfees to pursue their further studies. Another U.S. response to the so-called waragainst terrorism in Kenya and elsewhere inAfrica was through their famous policy of“divide and rule”. They divided Muslims into four major groups:Fundamentalists: Are hostile to the west,reject democratic values and cotemporarywestern culture. They want an authoritarianstate that will implement their extreme viewof Islamic law and morality.Traditionalists: Want a conservativesociety. They are suspicious of modernity,innovation and change. However, they can beused against the fundamentalists. Whereappropriate, educate and train thetraditionalists to equip them better fordebates against fundamentalists. Modernists: Are close to the West, they wantthe Islamic world to become part of globalmodernity. They want to modernize andreform Islam to bring it into line with theWestern concept of modern age.Secularists: They are also close to theWest; they want the Islamic world to accepta division of Church and state in the manner


of Western industrial democracies, withreligion relegated to the private sphere.1

The following are some of the proposedU.S.A. strategies to deal with the abovefour groups of Muslims, in fighting terrorthreats in Africa:

Help break the fundamentalist andtraditionalist monopoly on defining,explaining, and interpreting Islam.

Identify appropriate modernist scholarsto manage a web site that answersquestions related to daily conduct andoffers modernist Islamic legal opinions.

Encourage modernist scholars to writetextbooks and develop curricula.

Publish introductory books at subsidizedrates to make them as available as thetractates of fundamentalist authors.

Use popular regional media, such asradio, to introduce the thoughts andpractice of modernist Muslims to broadenthe international view of what Islammeans and can mean.2

Currently, some of the above proposed U.S.A.counter terrorism strategies are beingimplemented in Kenya. Several Madrasateachers and Imams in Nairobi especiallyfrom the so-called traditionalists3 have been

1 Benard, Cheryl (2003), Civil Democratic Islam Partners, Resourcesand Strategies. RAND, USA National Security Research Division. p.x 2 Ibid,p.48 3 Known in Kenya as Ahlut-Twariqah.


offered English and computer trainings byAmerican Embassy. The purpose for theseprogrammes is to indoctrinate and preparethem for the Great War against thefundamentalists. These poor teachers andimams have several times been invited to theUS Embassy in Nairobi to discuss issuesconcerning Islam and Muslims in Kenya.Conferences, seminars, and workshops havebeen conducted to train them on the dangerof fundamentalists who are claimed to beterrorists. They have also been promisedthrough exchange programme (to beintroduced); that they will be taken toAmerica. Because of their inferioritycomplex and being isolated by the MuslimUmmah, they consider this chance as anopportunity for them to have economicprosperity. Most of the Madrasa teachers andImams in Kenya are lowly paid, and livebelow poverty line. This situation hasworsened especial after the introduction ofwar on Terror. In this regards therefore webelieve that the so-called war on terrorismhas brought more harm than good not only tothe Muslim community but to the entireKenya.

In the name of war against terror, theKenyan government on the other handestablished anti-terrorist police unit thatturned into a tool to intimidate and oppressmembers of the Muslim community. Muslims inKenya under crackdown on “terror suspects”


are no longer respected or protected. Thereis very little condemnation even from theadvocates of human rights themselves.Muslims are being terrorised everyday in thename of fighting terrorism. Without anyevidence, the anti-terrorist police arrestMuslims, subject them to harassment andtorture and later release them withoutcharges. It came to be discovered that allthose arrested on terrorist allegations haveturned out to be innocent people. Forexample Brother Muhammad Ahmed Surur aMombasa charcoal dealer who was arrested inMombasa, driven to Nairobi1 in a car boot andlater subjected to electric shocks at thehand of foreign agents believed to be fromthe American (FBI) and Israeli Securityagency (Mossad). When they discovered he wasinnocent, he was dumped from a movingvehicle and left by himself. Another resentexample is the case of a British MuslimBrother Ismail Rufai who was also torturedby the anti-terrorist police then deportedhim to Britain.2 Another incident was that offour Muslims who spent more than two yearsbehind bars on alleged terror activities andlater freed after the Nairobi High courtJudge John Osiemo found them not guilty ofthe 15 counts of murder. These four wereaccused of bombing the Israel-owned paradisehotel in Mombasa on 28, November 2002. In

1 Mombasa to Nairobi is six hours drive. 2 The Friday Bulletin the Muslim News update. Rajab 8,1427/ August 4,2006, issue no:171.p.1


his ruling, Justice Osiemo disputed theprosecution position that the four weremembers of the Al-Qaeda network. He said thestate failed to provide evidence that theywere part of the group which is blamed forthe bomb that left the hotel in ruins. TheJudge said the phone link evidence whichformed the core of the prosecution case wasin itself insufficient.1

6.6 Mwai Kibaki Regime

In this regime there was no muchimprovement, rather the situation becameworse. Muslim leaders told President Kibakito take a firm stand to see that thediscrimination of Muslims in all governmentdepartments is done away with. Additionallythey called on the president to ensure thatthe suppression of terrorism Bill is notapproved and used to harass Muslims.

It was during the same regime when acontroversial new proposed draftconstitution of Kenya came to being. Somesenior government officials and Christianevangelists Churches opposed the retention

1 The Friday Bulletin the Muslim News update. Jamad al Awwal 03, 1426/ June 10, 2005, issue no: 111. p.1-2.


of Kadhi’s Courts2 in the Constitution. Someof their arguments were that:

Islam has been given very specialtreatment in the draft constitution.

Kadhi’s Courts shall make Kenya likeNigerian state of Zamfara where allbusiness must be closed in the fivedaily Muslim prayers.

Muslim community will become untouchableif Kadhi’s Courts remain in theconstitution.

Muslims want to establish a FederalIslamic Republic of Kenya etc.1

Hence, on 24th March 2004, over 30 Churchleaders in Kenya issued a harsh warning onthe named draft constitution by saying:

“If Kadhi’s courts are not removed from the Draftconstitution, we will mobilize Christians to rejectthe entire draft however good it may be”.2

By this statement, the government of Kenyawent and amended the Draft constitution toanswer to the demand of the Churches. On theother hand Muslims with opposition partiesmobilized Kenyans to reject the Draft during

2 These are Muslims religious Courts which existed along the EastAfrican Coast long before the coming of British Colonialists tothe country. An agreement was executed by the Prime Ministers ofKenya and Zanzibar, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and M.Shamte respectively on5th October 1963 and the independence Constitution then provided forthe establishment of Kadhi’s Courts and the Powers.1 The Eagle News paper, July, 2004.p.4 2 “Kadhi’s Courts and Islamic Agenda” A paper presented by The Kenya ChurchTask Force


the referendum. Consequently, the new Draftconstitution was rejected by the entireKenyans, and the government got a totaldefeat in the referendum.1

6.7 Muslims and the Terrorist Bill in Kenya

Two major incidents in Kenya duringPresident Kibaki’s period have made theMuslim community united. The first one isthe proposed Terrorist Bill while the secondwas the attempt to remove the Kadhi’s Courtsfrom the Draft constitution. These twoevents proved that Islam is an elasticsystem. The more it is oppressed the fasterit expands and gain more power andstability. It is worthy mentioning here that despitethe fact that Muslims in Kenya are beingintimidated by war on terror, Kenya has beenthe only country within the East Africancommunity that Muslims have managed toreject the terrorist bill. Muslims in Kenyawith a support of Human Right Organizationsand Muslim Human Rights Forum have been veryfirm to reject and campaigned against thebill. In both East African counties Tanzaniaand Uganda, the Bill has already been passedwithout any opposition from the civilsocieties and other stakeholders.

1 For more details see proposed constitution of Kenya 22nd August 2005.p.107


6.8 Why Muslims Rejected the Bill?

Many Muslims in Kenya rejected thesuppression of Terrorism Bill because theyconsidered it to be against Islam andMuslims. According to John Woods, aprofessor of Middle Eastern Studies atChicago University judged that:

“Almost immediately after the collapse ofCommunism, Islam emerged as the new evil force” inthe imagination of the American government (NewYork Times, August 28, 1995).1

Thus, for several years Israel useddifferent ways of terrorist activities thatwere also international in scale. The listof pre-9-11 incidents of terrorism that canbe described as international, in otherwords, is quite long. But because themajority of the victims of these terroristattacks were non-Americans and non-Israelis,the world community as a whole did not findit necessary to create any international,organizational and legislative structuresagainst the crime.

It is important that the Kenyan governmentassesses the issue of terrorism in terms of

1 Mazrui, Alamin (2006) Why Kenyans Must Reject the Anti-Terrorism Bill. A paper presented at Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, May 22, 2006. Sponsored by the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. Mazrui Al-Amin is a Prof. at Ohio State University U.S.


its own security interests. We all rememberthat Kenya has been a target of repeatedanti-American and anti-Israeli attacksbecause of the perception that it has aspecial relationship with the USA andIsrael, nations that have oppressivelegacies to one degree or another. Let usalso remember that both Spain and Britainbecame targets of terrorism attacks onlybecause the two agreed to be part of amilitary coalition of the willing headed bythe USA. The push for anti-terroristlegislation world-wide and for a counter-terrorism convention is part of an attemptto forge a political coalition of thewilling (which, no doubt, has militaryconsequences). The danger of being a memberof such a coalition is that Kenya may betransformed from an indirect target ofterrorism (aimed at America and Israel) to adirect target (aimed at its own people andinstitutions). Is Kenya willing to pay thisprice and endanger, more directly, the livesof its citizens just to protect Americaagainst terrorism? Hence, the Muslimsdecided to reject the Bill.

Another reason why Muslims rejected the sameis on the specific offences and thepunishments. In part II of the bill entitled“Terrorist Offences” Section 5 it reads:


“A person who directs, at any level, the activities of anorganization, which is concerned in the commissions of acts ofterrorism, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable onconviction to imprisonment for life”.

What is the implication of this article? In 1998 after the bomb blast of the US Embassy,even before the dust of the blast settled down,even before any investigation was done the Kenyangovernment with impunity decided to close down allthe Muslim NGO’s which were giving very goodservices to the Kenyans. As for America they didnot wait for any investigation to ascertain theculprits, but they decided to attack both Sudanand Afghanistan and we are seeing the same trendin Kenya, even before this bill is passed in theKenyan parliament we are seeing many Muslimsalready imprisoned for being suspect without anyevidence so far.


If this is the case how about if this bill ispassed in parliament then there will be no singleMuslim NGO that will be allowed to run becausemany of the NGO’s purportedly carry out roles andduties and acts of terrorism according to thesubjective definition of terrorist’s acts by thebill and C.I.A. So all those working with theMuslim NGO’s will be liable on conviction to lifeimprisonment because they will be guilty ofcarrying out or supporting acts of terrorism.

Section 6In part II, section 6 (I) the bill reads:

“A person who posses an article in circumstances which giverise to reasonable suspicion that his possession is for apurpose connected with the commission, preparation orinstigation of an act of terrorism shall be guilty of an offenceand shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for a termnot exceeding ten years or to a fine or both”.

The implication is that any Muslim who posses anyIslamic literature talking about Jihaad, Zakah,Siyam Hajj, brotherhood, Shari’ah and establishmentof an Islamic state and we know very well thatmany aspects of Islam as a complete way of lifegoes against the western culture and way of life.E.g. if you have an article or an Islamic lecturecontaining for example an Ayah and Hadithsupporting Jihaad then you are guilty of terrorism.

The following are some of the quotationsfrom the bill that lead Muslims to rejectit:


In this Act, “terrorism” meant the use or threat of actionwhere-

(a) the action used or threatened-I. involves serious violence against a person;

II. involves serious damage to property;III. endangers the life of any person other than the

person committing the action;IV. creates a serious risk to the health or safety of

the public or a section of the public; or V. is designed seriously to interfere with or

seriously to disrupt an electronic system; (b) The use of threat is designed to influence thegovernment to intimidate the public or a section of thepublic; and

(c) The use or threat of action which involves the useof-

VI. firearms of explosives;VII. chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear

weapons; or VIII. Weapons of mass destruction in any form shall

be deemed to constitute terrorism whether ornot paragraph (b) is satisfied.1

“A member of the police force may arrest a personwithout a warrant if he has reasonable grounds tosuspect that the person is guilty of an offence underthis section.”2

1 Wako, S.A. (Attorney-General) The Suppression of Terrorism Bill, 2003.p.448. Under part IV Terrorist Property.

2 Wako, S.A. (Attorney-General) The Suppression of Terrorism Bill, 2003.p.455. Under part III Declared Terrorist Organizations (Uniforms).


“A person who addresses a meeting shall be guilty ofan offence if the purpose of his address is toencourage support for a declared terroristorganisation or to further its activities.”1

“Where any person is arrested under reasonablesuspicion of having committed any offence under anyof the provisions of Parts II, III and IV of this act, apolice officer of or above the rank of inspector may,subject to this section, direct that the person arrestedbe detained in police custody for a period notexceeding thirty-six hours from his arrest, withouthaving access to any person other than a police officerof or above the rank of inspector or a governmentmedical officer and, in any such case, that person shallbe detained accordingly.”2

6.9 Muslims State Relations Today

Forty three year after independence fromcolonialists and eight years after theNairobi bomb blast, the relationship betweenMuslims and the Kenyan Government isconditioned by two realities:

1)The influence of the Church on theState and the Leaders-the majorityof whom are dedicated “Christians”or beneficiaries of missionarysponsored education.

1 Ibid, p.4552 Ibid,p. 471. Under the Detention for offences related to terrorism.


2)The Global representation of Islamand the misconception of Islam withterrorism.

Based on these two major facts, Muslims havesurvived in Kenya by ignoring most of theirrights and appearing to always dance to thetune of the ruling elite. This has made itpossible for the government to play onesection of the community against another. Inaddition to that the international dimensionof terrorism, with which only Islam amongthe many religions of the world isassociated with, this has also kept Muslimsin a highly susceptible position. Thus, whena Bomb destroyed American Embassy in Kenyaon August 7th 1998, the international Mediaimmediately accused Islamic“Fundamentalists” of having planted thebomb. Many so-called eyewitnesses claimed tohave seen Arab-looking people numberinganything from three to six within thesurrounding area of the Embassy insuspicious circumstances. To many Kenyansall Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims aresworn to International Terrorism. While thecommon folk did not openly accuse theMuslims, then one begins to see what theKenyan Muslims, especially those with somecommunity responsibility, must have gonethrough as a result of the bomb blast.Worse, the scenario above has clearlydemonstrated that the community is notadequately equipped to respond to disaster


such as was then faced. The Media can accuseMuslims of anything and go scot-free.Muslims may be arrested by FBI or CIA andMosaad and kept incommunicado without ourraising a finger-all because the onethousand year old community is still in itsinfancy.

However, the relation between Muslimcommunity and Kenyan government deteriorateddue to the following:

The 1998 Nairobi bomb blast when Muslimswere implicated.

Arresting and torturing of innocentMuslims.

The introduction of Terrorist Bill. Closure of Muslim NGOs. The attempt to remove the Kadhi’s Courts

in the Draft Constitution. The opposition stand of Muslims on the

new Draft Constitution duringreferendum.

These are the basic ingredients that fuel conflict between Muslims and the Kenya government. The government often forget these facts, but Muslims never do. Forty years after independence from colonialists, the relationship between the Muslims and the Kenyan Government is conditioned by two realities:

1)The influence of the Church on the State andthe Leaders whom are passionate “Christians”


or beneficiaries of Missionary sponsored education.

2)The Global representation of Islam and the confusion of Islam with terrorism.

Based on the above factors, Muslims have survivedin Kenya by overlooking most of their rights and appearing to always play according to the tune ofthe ruling Elites. However, Muslims attempted togain political influence through the ruling partyor opposition, but they were denied such opportunities. The most important of these experiments perhaps, is the formation of Islamic Party of Kenya (IPK) in 1991, which was denied registration by former President Daniel Moi.1 Theapproach by Muslims in all these endeavours has remained devoid of Islamic structures and thus deprived of full communal support. This has madeit possible for the Government to play one section of the community against another.

The International dimension of global terrorism, with which only Islam among the many religions ofthe world is associated with, has also kept Muslims in Kenya in a highly defenceless position.

Nevertheless, the simultaneous attacks that destroyed American Embassy in Downtown Nairobi, and Dar-es-Salam, on August 7th 1998, plus the September 11th 2001 when several attacks took place in various cities in the USA killing thousand of people and shocked the whole world, 1 Hansen, Holger B. and M. Twaddle.1995.p.213


the international media immediately accused Islamic “fundamentalists” of having planted the bomb and use the American flight to attack. Many so-called eyewitnesses in Kenya claimed to have seen Arab-looking people numbering anything from three to six within the vicinity of the Embassy in suspicious circumstances. To many Kenyans all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are sworn to international terrorism. While the common folk did not openly accuse the Muslims, the local electronic and print media had a filed (not clear) day in defaming Islam. If one adds these happenings to the fact that the majority of thosecalled in for questioning are Muslims, then one begins to see what the Kenyan Muslims, especiallythose with some community responsibility, must have gone through as a result of war against Terrorism. Worse, the scenario above has clearly demonstrated that the Muslim community in Kenya is not adequately equipped to respond to disastersuch as the one faced. The Media can accuse us ofanything and go scot-free. Muslims may be arrested by FBI or CIA and kept in prison withoutany charges. A good example of Muslim terrorism suspects in Kenya is the case of four prominent Muslims, Mr. Mohamed Kubwa, Sheikh Aboud Rogo, Mr. Omar Said Omar and Sheikh Said Saggar. Thesefour people were arrested in Mombasa soon after the bombing that claimed 12 Kenyans and three Israelis. It took six months for them to be charged in court. They were freed last year June,2005 after unsuccessful charge of murdering 15


people at Paradise Hotel, Kikambala, on November 28, 2002.1

While in Kamiti maximum prison, the suspects werein solitary confinement and treated like death row prisoners. They were denied even treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital. The Kenyan government was under pressure from then USA Ambassador Johnie Carson. The envoy criticized official laxity to arrest and prosecutes terrorists. Within months of the Kikambala bombing, hundreds of people were arrested as suspects. On August 5, 2003, two Oman brothers visiting the Coastal area of Kenya, Usama Amor and Hussein Abdulla, were seized from a Lamu bound bus and held over alleged involvement in the Kikambala bombings. They were released 10 days later. On August 15, 2003 Ali Abdi Sheikh Bamusa, who had earlier been implicated in the bombing was freed after High Court Judge Alex Etyang ordered that he be produced in court. He had been arrested alongside his brother, Musa Abdi Sheikh Bamusa. They are brothers of terror suspect Fazul Abdallah, who has a million dollar bounty on his head.2

On August 18, police said they had arrested one of the masterminds of the bombings. They said Omar Said Omar had helped transport missiles and explosives from Lamu to Mombasa and facilitated Fazul’s escape. More people were arrested in

1 Daily Nation/ Monday, June 13, 2005.p.14. Kikambala is in Kilifi district, North of Mombasa the second city of Kenya. 2 Daily Nation /Monday, June 13, 2005.p. 12-14


August and September. The case finally started onJanuary 7, 2004, but was adjourned after three weeks for lack of sufficient assessors. Close to 100 prosecution witnesses testified. The case came to an end in June 2005.

In releasing the suspect, High Court Judge John Osiemo said the only thread of evidence linking the suspects to Al-Qaeda terrorists were records of telephone calls exchanged with one of it members.1

Apart from the arrests of Muslims withoutcharges, Muslims in Kenya suffered a lot underthe war on terrorism. Many Muslim NGOs have beenclosed down. Madrassa teachers and Imams are nolonger paid salaries by Muslim foreign NGOs.Scholarships from Muslim countries to Muslimstudents in the country are no longer there. Evenvisa and passport to such students has become atag of war.

The impact of war against terror on the Muslimcommunity in Kenya is a visible phenomenon. Themajor role Kenyan Muslims took part in, was tocampaign against the suppression bill onterrorism which the government wanted to make ita law. It is very much interesting to note herethat, the mentioned suppression bill has alreadybeen made a law in both neighbouring East Africancountries, Uganda and Tanzania.

1 Daily Nation/Monday, June 13, 2005.p. 12-14


Through US counterterrorism efforts, Muslims in Kenya faced a lot of challenges. For example, during the simultaneous attacks against a commercial airliner and a tourist hotel in Kikambala, Kenya in November 2002, the US government in conjunction with Kenyan government took steps to freeze the assets of both individuals and NGOs. By freezing assets of individuals and entities designated by the US many Muslims not only in Kenya but all over Africa got affected.

7.0 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Islamic view point

It is always important to define the key wordsbefore embarking on the main discussion. Havingknown the meaning of Islam, it will be moreappropriate to at least define the term weaponsof Mass destruction before looking at it from theIslamic point of view.

Although it is difficult to define the term “Weapons of Mass Destruction”, according to the UN, these weapons normally refer to three categories namely, Nuclear, chemical and biological weapons. If someone uses the above weapons and kills one thousand people, he shall be considered to have violated international law by using illegal weapons. If the same person usesheavy bombs of eight or ten tons each, he shall be regarded as having used legal weapons even if it kills three thousand people or more. It seems


therefore, the main aim of declaring these weapons illegal is to threaten others and protecttheir own selves. Hence, America once threatened to use the same weapons against Iraq if it attempted to attack Israel.

The question that arises is: If the use of the above weapons is declared illegal by the UN, thenwhat is the Islamic point of view about using such weapons?

Under such circumstances, in Islam the Law-giver (Al-Mushar’i) is Allah (SW) and none but Him, no human being on earth has the right to declare something lawful or unlawful except Him, the Almighty. Thus, Allah says:

“And say not concerning that which your tongues put forth falsely this islawful and this is forbidden, so as to invent lies against Allah. Verily, those who invent lies against Allah will never prosper.” 1

In his commentary on the above verse, Ibn Kathir is reported to have said: “Allah (SW) has forbidden following the foot-steps of the polytheists (Mushrikin) those who declared as lawful and unlawful merely on what they prescribed and named according to their opinions.”2

1 Qur’an 16: 1162 Tafsir ibn Kathir in CD The Wise Book


And as an example, what is in the Kufar laws, that something is unlawful according to international laws, or is in conflict with international laws or in breach of human right and the Geneva Accord. All these terminologies have no value in Islamic law as Allah (SW) alone is the Law-giver.

Allah says:

“If not him, you worship nothing but names which you have named, you and your fathers, for which Allah has sent down no authority, the command is for none but Allah, He has commanded that you worship none but Him, that is the straight religion, but most people know not.”1

“Or do they have partners with Allah (false gods) who have established for them a religion which Allah has not commanded?”2

In Islam any lawful and unlawful act must be derived from the Qur’an, Sunnah and views of Muslim scholars. In this regard, I wish to clarify two important issues:

1.By weapons of mass destruction, the UN and Western counties refer to nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

1 Qur’an 12: 402 Qur’an 42:21


According to them, any use of the above weapons is a violation of international law. If a country attacked another, usingtons of ordinary bombs and killed tens ofthousands of people, indeed it will be internationally considered that it has used legal weapons. If on the other hand,another country decides to use a small quantity of the so-called weapons of massdestruction and killed hundreds of peopleit shall be considered as having used illegal weapons. It is therefore clear that these terms are not intended to protect humanity as they claim, but instead they are intended to protect their own selfish interest.

2.All those who are in the forefront fighting the spread of weapons of mass destruction, (America and Britain) were the first people to use them. For example, Britain used chemical weapons against Iraq during the First World War. America used nuclear weapons against Japan in the Second World War.1

Islam on its part does not prohibit the possession or use of the so-called weapons of mass destruction especially when the enemies of an Islamic state are in a place which is difficult to drive them away, and there is no other option except the use of the so-called weapons of mass destruction. For instance, if the1 Al-Fahdi, N. 1424 AH.p.4


leaders of a Muslim army agree upon using such weapons for the benefit of an Islamic state, notwithstanding that such weapons shall kill innocent people such as women and children, destroy buildings and land of the enemies etc there is no objection in Islam whatsoever.

The following are some of the Islamic evidences to prove the legality of using and obtaining suchweapons in Islam. The evidences are divided into two categories:

1. Specific evidences, for a specific period and for a specific enemy (e.g. USA, Israel, Britain, India).

Based on the current affairs in the world, the use of such weapons against any of the above is inevitable and lawful. Thus, Allah says in the Qur’an:

“And if you punish (your enemy), then punish them with the like of that with which you were afflicted. But if you stand patiently, verily, it is better for the patient.”1

1 Qur’an 16:126


“The sacred month is for the sacred month, and for the prohibited things, there is the Law of Equality (Qisas). Then whoever transgresses the prohibition against you, you transgress likewise against him.”1

“The recompense for an evil is an evil like thereof, but whoever forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is with Allah. Verily Allah likes not the oppressors.”2

For a couple of decades, the hostility and oppression of America against Islam, Muslims andtheir countries is enough to justify the lawfulness of using such weapons against her. It is reported that the number of Muslims killed by American weapons directly or indirectly has reached 10 million. While their land and propertydestroyed by USA bombs and explosions is innumerable.3

2. General evidences that permit the absolute use of such weapons when Jihad becomes a necessity.

These are in three categories;

(i) Those that allow the ambush of polytheist enemy not withstanding that their innocentrelatives may be harmed.

Among them are the following Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH);1 Qur’an 2:1942 Qur’an 42:403 Al-Fahdi, N. 1424 AH.p.8


ل Eي �TTلم س �TTه وس �TTه ع�ليTTلي ال�ل �TTي ص ب� ن� ال�ن: Eه ا يال�له ع�ي: امه� رض�: ث6 ن� ح�� ن� ع�ن� ال�صعب� ب�� ي ال�صححي� ها م�ا ف: وم�ن: . هم ه�م م�ن: ال: �ق هم ؟ ف�: �rي هم و درار Eساي� صات� م�ن� ب�: ي� ن� ف�: رك�ي� ون� م�ن� ال�مش6 �ت ن{ ي� ه�ل ال�دار ي�{ Eا �ع�ن" "

It is reported in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim, “Once the Prophet (PBUH) was asked about the legality of fighting the polytheists’ enemies and in the event, cause harm to their women and children? He replied: “They are amongst them.”1

ه :TTه ع�يTTي ال�ل :TTر رضTTك ا ب�� ��TTب Eا ا :TTي لم ع�لن� �TTه وس �TTه ع�ليTTلي ال�ل �TTه صTTول ال�ل �TTا رس :�TTمرب Eا ال: ��TTوع ق �TTك Eالا �ن لمه� ب�� �TTس �ع�ن"

�لت �ي �ف : ف�: �لمه �TTال س ��TTق �م�ب Eا �م�ب Eا: ا عارب�: 6�TTس �ان �TTلهم وك �ي �ف اه�م ن�: :TTي ن� ي� ب� ن� ق�: رك�ي� 6TTال�مش �اس م�ن :TTال�ي �ون ر: :TTغ ف�:ن� رك�ي� من� ال�مش6 �ات� ي� ي%: Eه�ل ا Eا �عه س�ب� �له للك� ال�لي� �دي�ي ي� "ي��

Reported by Salamah bin Al-Akwa’ saying: “Once the Prophet (PBUH) appointed Abu Bakar as a commander in our army to fight the polytheists’ enemy at night. We spent the whole night fighting under the slogan ‘kill’ ‘kill’. Ipersonally, in that very night killed with my hands seven people.”2

Whereas there is no doubt that the Prophet (SAW) has explicitly prohibited the killing of childrenand women, it is evident from the foregoing narrations that the prohibition is when the womenand children are specifically targeted. But if they are harmed inevitably as a consequence of not being able to distinguish them, then this is not prohibited. Hence, jihaad cannot be hindered by the presence of women and children of the infidels.1 Bukhari Hadith No: 3790 in CD Mausu’a Al-Hadith Sharif, book of Jihad and Siyar. Anawawiy, 676 AH, Vol:12 p. 2762 Abu Daud Hadith No: 2268 CD Mausu’a Al-Hadith Sharif, book of Jihad


According to Al-Baihaqi in his book As-Sunnan al-Kubra after citing the above Hadith, he quoted the comments of Imam Shafi on the Hadith where he said: “According to us, and Allah is the most knowledgeable thekilling of women and children during Jihaad is prohibited only when it is done intentionally especially when it is possible to distinguish them from the armed men. And the words; ‘they are amongst them’ refer to two facts; i.e. on one hand they lack Iman which protects the spilling of their blood, and on the other hand they are not in ‘dar al iman’ that protects them from being attacked.” 1

Imam Atw-Twahawi also referred the Hadith that prohibits the killing of women and children, thenquotes the Hadith of Musw‘ab in Bukhari that permits. And he then commented: Why the Prophet (SAW) did not prohibit them when they were harming women and children? It was evident that the reason for the prohibition in the first Hadith was different from the reason for not prohibiting in the latter one. In the second Hadith, he allowed it because the intention of the army was to attack the enemy and not specifically women and children. (ii)-Those that allow the burning down of the enemy state. Among the evidences are:

What is in Bukhari and Muslim, narrated by Ibn Umar that the Prophet (SAW) burnt and cut down the palms of Bani Nadhir. In this regard, Allah (SW) revealed; 1 Vol:9p.78


“Whether you cut down (o ye Muslims!), the palm trees (of the enemy), or you left them standing on their roots, it was by leave of Allah, and in order that He might cover with shame the rebellious transgressors.”1

The above Hadith is evidence that it is allowed to burn down the property of the enemy. Thus Bukhari has written a chapter on “burning of buildings and crops of the enemy.’’

It is important to note that whereas the Prophet (SAW) has explicitly prohibited the destruction of crops in another narration, it is clear from reading the two texts together that the reason for prohibiting in one text, i.e. when they are specifically targeted, is different from the reason for not prohibiting in the other text i.e.when they are not specifically targeted.

This is the view of the majority of Scholars in allowing such destruction of enemy state when it becomes inevitably necessary in Jihaad.

(iii) Views of different scholars in this matter.- According to Hanafi Jurists, among them; Assarkhsiyy in Sharhe Assiyar Alkabir,2 and Alkaasany in BadaaiSanai.3 And others have agreed that it is allowed for Muslims to burn down the forts of the 1 Qur’an 59:52 Assarkhsiyy, M.A. vol:4 (5th Century A.H.) p.14673 Alkaasany, A. Masoud vol: 9, 587 A.H. p. 393-394


polytheist enemy, or flood them with water, or destroy them with cannons.

- According to Maliki Jurists, there are two views. Ibn Al Arab in Ahkaamul Quraan vol:4 pg 176, said that there is a difference of opinion in the destruction of the buildings of enemies. The first is that it is allowed; while the second opinion only allows it if the Muslims are convinced that they cannot subdue the enemy without causing such destruction. This is evidentfrom the act of the Prophet (saw) when he allowedthe cutting down of the crops of Bani Nadhir, whichhe considered in the prevailing circumstances to be in the best interest of the Muslims. This is also supported by Ibn Farhoon in Tabsiratil Hukaam vol: 2 pg 95 and Alkharshi in Sharhe Khalil vol: 3 pg 113, and others.

- According to Shafi Jurists, Imam Shafi himself in Al-Umm says “If the enemies are hiding in mountains or in forts, then it is allowed to hit them with cannons or fire or any other destructive weapon.”1 And Ibn Hajar al-Asqalany in Fathul Baary supports the view.2 Ibn Hajar al Haitamy in Tuhfatul Muhtaaj vol: 9 pg 242 also supports the view and similarly Assutty in Asnaa Almatwaalib vol: 4 pg191.

- According to Hambali Jurists, Ibn Qudaamah in his book Al-Mughniy has said that there is consensus that destruction is allowed if the enemy cannot be subdued without causing such 1 Shafie, M.I. vol: 9, 204 A.H. p. 3472 Al-Asqalany, A. A. vol:7, 852 A.H. p.590


destruction. This evident from the action of Khalifa Abu Bakar (RA) when he ordered Khalid Ibn Alwalid to destroy the apostates with fire and Khalid complied and implemented.1 This view has been supported by other jurists among them; Ibn Hazmy in Al-Muhalla vol:5 pg 342, Assan’any in Assubula Assalaamy.2 Ashaukany in Naylil Autwar.3

8.0 Islam and Martyrdom (the so-called Suicide Bombers)

One of the most commonly asked questions today iswhat Islam says about martyrdom which has been wrongly referred to as “suicide bombing’’. But before even attempting to look at what Muslim Scholars have said about Martyrdom, it is important first to clear the misconception aboutthe so called ‘’suicide bombing’’. According to the teachings of Islam, suicide is strongly prohibited. It is considered as one of the most evil crimes and any Muslim who commits it is punishable by eternal hell-fire. Allah says;

“And kill (or destroy) yourselves: for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful”.4

Based on the above evidence and many others, it is therefore unacceptable for anyone to link 1 Ibn Qudaamah, M.A. vol: 10, 620 A.H. p. 80 2 Assan’any, M.I.vol:4, 1182 A.H. p.513 Ashaukani, M.A. vol: 7, 1255 A.H. p. 245-2514 Qur’an 4:29


Islam with suicide. It is also equally important to draw a distinction between martyrdom, which isa noble and accepted act, on one hand, and suicide, a strongly prohibited crime, on the other hand.

The martyr in Islam is one who sacrifices his life in the cause of Allah and for the Faith of Islam in the Qur’anic sense. He sacrifices his life knowing well that he does so while acting inor fighting in the cause of Allah. The purpose, for which he gives his life, being in the cause of Islam and therefore of Allah, is that which makes him a martyr, as opposed to merely any belief, any principle or any cause.1

Following are some evidences from the sources of Islam that Martyrdom operation is a religious actwhich is allowed;

In the Holy Qur’an, Allah (SAW) says;

“And there is the type of man who gives his life to earn the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is full of kindness to (his) devotees”.2

1 Augustine, Archie 2003 p.52 Qur’an 2:207


“Think not of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead, nay, they are alive, with their Lord, and they have provision.”1

According to an authentic tradition of the Holy Prophet (SAW) collected by Muslim in the incidence of the of the boy and the people of al-Ukhdood as in Chapter 85 (al-Buruuj) of the Qur’an,where the boy ordered his own killing for the sake of the true religion of one God.2

A similar incident happened in Chapter 18 (al-Kahf) of the Holy Qur’an, when Khidr killed a boy in order to protect the faith (iman) of his parents.

“Then they both proceeded, till they met a boy, and he (Khidr) killed him.Musa said: have you killed an innocent person who had killed none? Verily, you have committed a great evil.”3

In the same chapter verse 80, Khidr explained to Musa the reason as for why he killed the boy. Allah says,

“As for the boy, his parents were believers, and we feared lest he should oppress them by rebellion and disbelief.”4

1 Qur’an 3: 1692 Shaukani, A.M. 1250 A.H. Vol:5.p.548 - 5503 Qur’an 18: 744 Qur’an 18:80


In another tradition the Prophet (SAW) is reported to have said, “Verily deeds are judged according to one’s intention”.

Ibn Taimiyyah has said that on these bases, all the four Imams have agreed that it is allowed fora Muslim to invade the enemy even if the Muslim has no doubt (check the statement) that he will be killed, if in so doing, he will be serving theinterest of Muslims.1 This is found in Al-Fatawa vol.28, pg 540.

In an incident reported in relation to the battleof Al-Yamama, one of the companions al-Baraa bin Malik, was thrown into the enemy camp, and there was no doubt that he would be killed. However, hefought and was able to open the gate of the enemies and enabled the Muslim army to enter. This is to be found in Sunan al-Bayhaqiy, vol. 9, pg 44 and in the Tafseer of Al-Qurtubiy, vol-2, pg 364 and in Usudul Ghaaba vol. 1, pg 206.

9.0 Who are Terrorists?

9.1 Those who Apply Organized Violence

Having gone through the definition of terrorism and proved that Islam is totally against it, we can therefore maintain that terrorism has no safeabode in Islam. Now who are the terrorists? To answer this question I would directly quote

1 For more details visit www.alkhoder.com/nnn/sections.php?


Samuel P. Huntington in his book The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order:

“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values orreligion (to which few members of other civilizations were converted) but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact, non-westerners never do.”1

Still on who is the real terrorist, note the words of Bill Hughes in his book The Secret Terrorists:

“William Jefferson Clinton, who attended Georgetown University, whichis the Jesuit College in Washington, D.C. pushed Congress to pass the anti-terrorism bill that was to be direct attack on the liberties thatwe enjoy as Americans. The Oklahoma City bombing was planned, carried out, and fully known by the Jesuits, the government of the United States, and by the president. The secret players behind them all who have wanted to destroy the liberties of this great Republic for the last 200 plus years are the Jesuits of the Roman Catholic Church. They have wanted to put to an end to the laws…. In order to bring that about, they carried out the greatest terrorist bombing on U.S. soil, and in U.S. history before the World Trade Centre, when they did it again.”2

In the same book Huntington argues:

“The purpose of the Oklahoma City bombing was to get Congress to pass the anti-terrorism bill without debate.”3

In the same book the author stipulates that:

“The destruction of the World Trade Centre and the destruction of the Murrah building in Oklahoma City were planned events for the specific

1 Huntington, 1996. p. 512 Hughes, 2002. p. 1213 Ibid, p. 117


purpose of creating terror in America as the Americans, in fear, would give away their constitutional liberties and freedoms”.1

9.2 Those who Developed the HIV virus

Terrorist are those people who were involved in the development of the HIV virus. Dr. Patrick Dixon (the founder of the National and International AIDS Agency AIDS Care Education andTraining U.K). In his book The Truth about AIDS is of the opinion that:

“U.S.A. government made HIV as part of a deliberate plot to reduce theworld population by 75% by 1996. The mafia and C.I.A. are said to be deeply involved.”2

9.3 Join or Die

“Join or Die” is a motto on the first page of theUSA constitution. On top of it is a picture of a snake cut into pieces. The message derived from such a picture is that, you either join the American policy, or be killed. Thus, Bush said, “You are either with us or against us.”3

9.4 Those who Developed Flesh-Eating Fly

According to [email protected] of August 7, 1998said, “U.S.A. government waged war against Iraq using Flesh-Eating Fly as biological warfare of mass destruction, this fly is designed to kill animals as well as humans.” The main aim ofdeveloping the fly was to achieve the Israel-American objective that was not achieved during 1 Ibid, p. 1352 Dixon, p. 1994. P. 343 The Constitution of USA with Explanatory notes, p.1


the second Gulf war when the armies from 28 nations were deployed in the region. According tobriefs in papers compiled by U.N. food and agricultural organization, the outbreak of the flesh-eating fly, has spread to 12 out of the 18 Iraqi provinces since December 1999, and has already reached epidemic proportions.

The insect, which attacks wounds, scars and cuts navels of newborn babies, and bites both warm-blooded animals and humans, and causes stinking discharges, has already resulted in the death of 40 people in the year 2000.

9.5 The Kluklax Klan

Prof. Sendaro A. Mohamed in his book: Who supported Slavery and Slave Trade: Muslims or Christians? Notes that:

“In the USA, there is an army called KLUKLAX KLAN whose soldiers are White Americans and their uniforms are white with a cross. Their task is to murder blacks especially those who demand equality with whites, and who refuse to be discriminated against and to be treated as low class citizens.”1

Thus, in the whole history of Western civilization, no time was there a President in America or a Prime Minister in Britain who is of black origin. Even in the Vatican, there has never been a black Pope. There are many illustrations of this racism in the West.

1 Sendaro, M. 1997. P. 27


9.6 Those who fight against Islam

Many Muslims if not all, believe that war againstterrorism is war against Islam. In his speech after the September 11, when American troops werepreparing to wage war against Afghanistan, a Muslim country, George W. Bush is quoted saying:

“My administration is readying a crusade against terrorism.”1

To many Muslims, the word crusade rekindles very bitter memories. The crusade wars were Christian holy wars fought during the dark ages against Muslims who refused to surrender Jerusalem to thepope. What did George Bush mean by preparing crusade against Afghanistan, if not Islam?

Samuel P. Huntington in his book, The Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of World Order, has exposed the motives of Bush in attacking Afghanistan which is undoubtedly to fight Islam, he argues that:

“The underlying problem for the west is not Islamic fundamentalism.It is Islam, different civilizations whose people are convinced of thesuperiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of theirpower. The problem for Islam is not the C.I.A. or the US department ofdefence.It is the West, a different civilization whose people areconvinced of the universality of their culture and believe that theirsuperior, if declining, power imposes on them the obligation to extendthat culture throughout the world. These are the basic ingredients thatfuel conflict between Islam and the West.”2

1The USA Today (of September 17, 2001)2 Huntington, 1996.P. 217


Concerning the Usama bin Laden saga, so many things have been said by both Muslims and non-Muslims. In The Secret Terrorists the author supports the idea that:

“Usama is being used as the instrument to keep the blame away from where it really belongs.”1

In an interview conducted by Dan Rather on September 12, 2001 on Mr. Milt Bearden an ex-C.I.A. Afghanistan operations director and bin Laden’s intelligence advisor, wanted Bearden to state that bin Laden was responsible for the WorldTrade Centre disaster. But Mr. Milt Bearden stated that

“If they didn’t have any Usama bin Laden, they would invent one.”2

Dr. Koryagina the economic advisor to President Vladimir Putin of Russia in an interview on 6th December 2001 discussed about secret societies, criminal and religious organizations that are controlling the world, is of the opinion that:

“Everybody knows about organized crime and the mafia. Also people have known for a long time about secret societies and so forth. During my research, I started to notice that those structures can be put together and can be joined. And I realized that right now, we have a criminal monster, a hybrid of organized crime, mafia and secret societies that have merged together. When the American people wake up to what is happening to them, and who did it, they will be in a state of shock.”3

1 Hughes, 2002.P. 1362 Ibid3 Hughes, 2002. P. 137


9.7 Those who kill Innocents People for Oil

People all over the world do believe that war against Iraq is for oil and not because of weapons of mass destruction as it was claimed by the USA and its allies. When Thomas L. Friedman was asked, is war that the Bush team is preparing to launch in Iraq a war for oil? He replied, and I quote:

“My short answer is yes. Any war we launch in Iraq will certainly be – in part - about oil. To deny that is laughable … I say this possible Iraq war is partly about oil because it is impossible to explain the Bush team’s behaviour otherwise. Why are they going after Saddam Husseinwith the 82nd Airborne and North Korea with diplomatic kid gloves - when North Korea already has nuclear weapons, the missiles to deliverthem, a record of selling dangerous weapons to anyone with cash 100,000 US troops in its missile range and a leader who is even crueler to his people than Saddam?”1

10.0 The way forward

1. Among the long term solutions against the global terrorism is to tackle some of the injustices which encourage the so-called terrorism world wide. As Louis Rene Bares recently put it:

“To protect itself against terrorism, the USA will have to return to its own best traditions, reaffirming that human rights are valuable everywhere and that they are valuable in themselves.”2

1 Ali, Tariq 2002.p.xiv. Thomas L. Friedman is a US media’s top running-dog.2 Mazrui, A. 1990 .p. 236


2. Another solution to the current terrorism menace is that, America should stop supporting state terrorism. For example, in Latin America for several decades the United States has contributed to the conflicts and terrorism in that region rather than help reduce them. In Israel, state terrorism plays a big role under the support of USA. In El-Salvador the Reagan administration has backed government forces in what Archbishop Oscar Romero described as a war of extermination and genocide against a defenceless population.”1 In Iraq today, the government through the support of America is intimidating all her opponents under the ‘war against terrorism’.

3. There is a need to open certain avenues to Islam for those seekers of truth. It is thereforeupon Muslims generally and American Muslims specifically, who have profound knowledge of Islam to write about the true Islam in a languagewhich the Western reader can understand easily. By so doing we shall help to reduce the impact ofmisconception about Islam.

4. There is no need for the apologetic literatureto respond to the questions on terrorism, fundamentalism, fanatics, jihaad and other related issues. All what is needed is a scholarlycommunication on these issues by well-qualified Muslims in a language which contemporary Westerners can understand.

1 Mazrui, 1990.p.234


5. There is an urgent need to establish institutions both in the West and in the Muslim countries, which have religious scholars, naturaland social scientists, to train people in different fields including specialists’ in humanities, architects, computer scientists, information technologists, religion, culture etc.Such institutions will produce a generation of scholars who will be able to address issues whichare likely to cause clashes between Muslims and the West.1 11.0 Conclusion

Since terrorism is a crime committed againsthumanity, terror has no place in Islam. Thewestern concept of associating terror with Islamis a contradictory nature. Islam being areligion of peace, there can never be a meetingpoint between Islam and terrorism. AssociatingIslam with terror as described by the West“Islamic terror” is like associating Tsunami orKatrina with peace and say: “peaceful Tsunami” or“peaceful Katrina.” Even the Qur’an which is themajor source of Islam, not only condemnedterrorism, but it has prescribed a saviourpunishment on terrorists as well.

The Main cause of the current revolutionaryresistance (so-called terrorism) in Muslimcountry is the USA support of Israel against thePalestinian people and American occupation ofsome Muslim countries. It is a fact that, for the1 Ansari and Esposito, 2004. p. 273


last few centuries, Muslims in all corners of theMuslim world have been subjected to violence byWestern forces and their allies. The colonialistEuropean states, local oppressive regimes orcolonialist backed by the west (e.g. Israel) havecaused great suffering to Muslims at large.

The solution to combat the revolutionaryresistance (so-called terrorism) in thosecountries and else where should not be compulsorysecularisation of its people. Such policy willincite more reaction and resistance from themasses. The best solution is the propagation oftrue Islam and Qur’anic values such as highmorality, spirituality, dialog and reasoning.

Ignorance is another factor contributing to theso-called terrorism, the solution of which iseducation. In this regard, there is a need for avital education campaign to be launched worldover.

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